Note: * Denotes Urgency or Tax Levy Legislation.
Air Quality
SB 11* (Pavley-D) Alternative fuel and vehicle technologies
Extends from 2016 until 2024, various temporary, vehicle-related fees to fund vehicle-related air quality, greenhouse gas and related programs administered by the California Energy Commission, the Air Resources Board and the Bureau of Automotive Repair.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
This bill is similar to AB 8 (Perea-D), Chapter 401, Statutes of 2013.
SB 34* (Calderon-D) Greenhouse gas: carbon capture and storage
Requires the Air Resources Board to adopt a quantification methodology for carbon capture and storage projects for geologic sequestration. Requires the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources within the Department of Conservation to regulate the injection of carbon dioxide at an enhanced oil recovery project.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 64 (Corbett-D) Clean Technology Investment Account
Creates the Clean Technology Investment Account within the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Requires the Legislature to annually appropriate monies from the Fund or other funds to the Account in the Budget Act.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
A similar bill is AB 1375 (Chau-D) which is in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
SB 359 (Corbett-D) Zero-emission and hybrid vehicles
Provides money for the Air Resources Board projects and programs aimed at encouraging the deployment of zero-emission and hybrid vehicles.
Chapter 415, Statutes of 2013
SB 389 (Wright-D) South Coast Air Quality Management District
Prohibits the South Coast Air Quality Management District from charging a fee for the transfer of an emissions offset from the District's internal emissions offset account in order to offset any emissions increase from the replacement of electric utility steam boilers at electric generating facilities pursuant to the District's Rule 1304.
(Failed passage in Senate Environmental Quality Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 497 (Walters-R) Greenhouse gas allowances
Requires the Air Resources Board to freely allocate greenhouse gas allowances to the California State University, the University of California, and private colleges and universities, for any market-based compliance mechanism adopted by the Board.
(Failed passage in Senate Environmental Quality Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 511 (Lieu-D) Climate change: grants
Requires the Natural Resources Agency, in coordination with the Air Resources Board, to develop guidelines for awarding grants for projects that enhance greenhouse gas emissions avoidance and sequestration associated with natural resources.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 605 (Lara-D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006
Appropriates up to $125 million in cap and trade auction revenue for programs in disadvantaged communities, and limits the use of offsets to programs located in California. Revises AB 32 (Nunez-D, Chapter 488, Statutes of 2006) implementation by requiring the Air Resources Board to include additional information in AB 32 scoping plans.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 691 (Hancock-D) Nonvehicular air pollution control: penalties
Authorizes a civil penalty of up to $100,000 (currently $10,000) against a person who emits a discharge from a Title V source if the discharge results in a severe disruption to the community, the discharge contains one or more toxic air contaminants, and 100 or more people are exposed. States that the higher penalty will not apply to air contaminant releases that are only nuisance odors.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 736 (Wright-D) Electrical generation facility: upgrades: permit fees
Prohibits a district from assessing a permit modification fee on the operator or owner of an electrical generation facility that participates in a specified emission offset transfer, when a modification of the electrical generation facility results in increased thermal efficiency for the electrical generating units and does not increase the gross generating capacity.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 8* (Perea-D) Alternative fuel and vehicle technologies
Extends, until 2024, various temporary, vehicle-related, state and local fees and surcharges to fund vehicle-related air quality, greenhouse gas and related programs administered by the California Energy Commission, the Air Resources Board, local air districts and the Bureau of Automotive Repair.
Chapter 401, Statutes of 2013
This bill is similar to SB 11 (Pavley-D) which is in Assembly Transportation Committee.
AB 26 (Bonilla-D) Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund
Enacts various provisions related to the payment of wages for projects funded from the Greenhouse Gas Reductions Fund.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
AB 147 (V. Manuel Pérez-D) Salton Sea: dust mitigation
Requires the Air Resources Board to evaluate and make recommendations regarding Salton Sea dust mitigation planning completed by the Quantification Settlement Agreement Joint Powers Authority.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee)
AB 153 (Bonilla-D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: offsets
Requires the Air Resources Board, on or before 1/1/15, to adopt a process for the review and consideration of new offset protocols for compliance with the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 278 (Gatto-D) Low Carbon Fuel Standard
Directs the Air Resources Board to consider the impact on food supply of its low-carbon fuel regulations and to adopt policies that favor fuels with the highest possible sustainability.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 284 (Quirk-D) Road to 2050 Board: global warming impacts
Requires the Air Resources Board to convene a Road to 2050 Board consisting of various state agencies and commissions required to submit a report to the Governor and the Legislature every two years, beginning in 2016, on the impacts of global warming on public health and natural resources.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 304 (Williams-D) Pesticides: toxic air contaminant
Sets a two-year deadline for the Director of the Department of Pesticide Regulation to adopt control measures for pesticides listed as a "toxic air contaminant" or Hazardous Air Pollutant Toxic Air Contaminants, to protect human health.
Chapter 584, Statutes of 2013
AB 416 (Gordon-D) Local Emission Reduction Program
Requires the Air Resources Board to establish the Local Emission Reduction Program to provide grants and other financial assistance to eligible local government recipients for the purpose of developing and implementing local greenhouse gas emissions reduction projects.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 453 (Mullin-D) Sustainable communities
Makes local agency formation commissions eligible for financial assistance from Proposition 84 for planning purposes and requires the commissions to consider greenhouse gas emissions associated with development when reviewing proposals for a change of organization.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 527 (Beth Gaines-R) Western Climate Initiative, Incorporated
Repeals the exemption from the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act enacted in 2012 for the Western Climate Initiative, Incorporated and provides that a contract between the state and the Initiative may be subject to audit by the State Auditor.
AB 572 (Atkins-D) Market-based compliance mechanisms
Requires, for purposes of determining the viability of incentivizing greenhouse gas emissions reductions through increased energy efficiency, the Public Utilities Commission, in consultation with the Air Resources Board and the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission, to develop one or more protocols, as specified, to enable third-party intermediaries to document, aggregate, and trade or sell on behalf of specified entities, the greenhouse gas emissions reductions value of energy efficient measures that are more stringent than applicable building code standards.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 574 (Lowenthal-D) Sustainable Communities Infrastructure Program
Creates the Sustainable Communities Infrastructure Program to fund sustainable communities strategies and equivalent greenhouse gas reducing strategies using cap-and-trade auction revenues.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 671 (Logue-R) State Air Resources Board: regulations: data sets
Requires the Air Resources Board (ARB) to make available to the public "data sets" upon which ARB relies in its research and adoption of a regulation. Requires ARB to adopt and enforce regulations to reduce air pollution and to meet state and federal ambient air quality standards.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 818 (Blumenfield-D) Air pollution control: penalties
Requires any city attorney of a city having a population in excess of 750,000, any city attorney of a city and county, or a city prosecutor in any city with a full-time city prosecutor, with the consent of the district attorney, to recover specified civil penalties in a civil action for specified air pollution violations.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1023 (Eggman-D) Air resources: greenhouse gas emissions
Establishes the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Through Recycling, Composting, and Recycled Content Manufacturing Program.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1056 (Jones-R) Air Resources: market-based compliance mechanism
Requires the Air Resources Board, if the Board adopts a market-based compliance mechanism that provides for the auctioning of greenhouse gas allowances, to provide quarterly reports to certain committees of the Legislature regarding the auction.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1102 (Allen-R) Beach burning
Prohibits the South Coast Air Quality Management District from enacting a rule that prohibits a person from engaging in a beach burning for a recreational, ceremonial, or open burning conducted in a public coastal area marked by an accumulation of sand.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1191 (Patterson-R) Energy: assessments and forecasts
Requires the California Energy Commission to conduct the transportation forecasting and assessment activities of the Integrated Energy Policy Report annually beginning until 2020. Requires the Commission to include an evaluation of the availability, cost and source of credits issued under the Air Resources Board's Low Carbon Fuel Standard in the assessment.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1330 (John A. Pérez-D) Environmental justice
Creates new funding sources to be spent specifically on projects in environmental justice communities by requiring double the maximum fines assessed against hazardous waste, air district or solid waste permit holders for emission or discharge violations that exceed permitted emission or discharge levels in environmental justice communities and by requiring the California Environmental Protection Agency, the Natural Resources Agency, and the agencies' boards, departments, commissions and offices, or the Strategic Growth Council to prioritize all grants and funding they provide in environmental justice communities.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1375 (Chau-D) Clean Technology Investment Account
Creates the Clean Technology Investment Account within the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and requires the Legislature to annually appropriate monies from the Account. Makes those monies available to the Air Resources Board for the purposes of accelerating the development, demonstration, and deployment of clean technologies that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and foster job creation in the state.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
A similar bill is SB 64 (Corbett-D) which is in Assembly Natural Resources Committee.
California Environmental Quality Act
SB 525 (Galgiani-D) Altamont Commuter Expressway: exemptions
Provides that a project by the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission and the High-Speed Rail Authority to improve the existing tracks, structure, bridges, signaling systems, and associated appurtenances located on the existing railroad right-of-way used by the Altamont Commuter Expressway service qualifies for the California Environmental Quality Act exemption.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 617 (Evans-D) California Environmental Quality Act: Assessments
Requires assessments under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to consider the exposure of people to natural hazards or adverse environmental conditions; makes various changes to CEQA reporting requirements; requires the Office of Planning and Research to make CEQA notices publically available on an online database; and repeals obsolete exemptions.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SB 633 (Pavley-D) California Environmental Quality Act: Categorical exemption
Authorizes the Office of Planning and Research, by 7/7/15, to draft and transmit to the Secretary of the Natural Resources Agency, revisions to the guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, to include as a categorical exemption, projects involving minor temporary uses of land and public gatherings that have been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 731 (Steinberg-D) California Environmental Quality Act
Enacts the "California Environmental Quality Act Modernization Act of 2013," making various clarifications and revisions to the Act, including updating the standard for analyzing transportation impacts of projects near existing or planned transit stops.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
SB 743 (Steinberg-D) Entertainment and sports center in the City of Sacramento
Establishes special administrative and judicial review procedures under the California Environmental Quality Act for the City of Sacramento's proposed entertainment and sports center project (i.e., Sacramento Kings arena) intended to decrease potential impediments to construction of the project.
Chapter 386, Statutes of 2013
SB 754 (Evans-D) California Environmental Quality Act: documents
Requires California Environmental Quality Act documents to be prepared either by the lead agency; or consultants under the direct contract and supervision of the lead agency; removes the cap on the costs of mitigation measures related to archaeological resources; prohibits the tiering-off of an environmental impact report more than seven years old; and creates a new private right of action.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 787 (Berryhill-R) Sustainable Environmental Protection Act
Creates the Sustainable Environmental Protection Act. Requires an environmental document prepared under the California Environmental Quality Act to disclose all applicable environmental laws.
(Failed passage in Senate Environmental Quality Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 788 (Senate Transportation And Housing Committee) California Environmental Quality Act: Transportation
Makes non-controversial changes to sections of law relating to transportation.
Chapter 523, Statutes of 2013
SB 811 (Lara-D) State Highway Route 710
Requires the Department of Transportation, or another agency if it agrees to assume responsibility as the lead agency for State Highway Route 710 corridor project, to consider alternatives to address air quality, public health, and mobility impacts the project will have on neighboring communities. Requires the final environmental document for the State Highway Route 710 corridor project to include an investment in mitigation measures, where there are impacts, for the affected communities and the Los Angeles River.
AB 52 (Gatto-D) Tribal cultural resource: environmental effect
Specifies that a project having a potential to cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a tribal resource, as defined, to be a project that may have a significant effect on the environment. Requires the implementation, if feasible, of specified mitigation measures if the lead agency determines that a project will have a substantial adverse change on a tribal cultural resource.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 380 (Dickinson-D) California Environmental Quality Act: notice requirements
Establishes uniform procedures for electronic posting of California Environmental Quality Act documents by county clerks and the Office of Planning and Research.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 417 (Frazier-D) Bicycle transportation plan
Exempts from the California Environmental Quality Act, until 1/1/18, a bicycle transportation plan prepared for an urbanized area for restriping of streets and highways, bicycle parking and storage, signal timing to improve street and highway intersection operations, and related signage for bicycles, pedestrians, and vehicles.
Chapter 613, Statutes of 2013
AB 515 (Dickinson-D) California Environmental Quality Act: judicial review
Establishes a California Environmental Quality Act compliance division of the superior court in a county in which the Attorney General maintains an office and vests the division with original jurisdiction over actions of proceedings brought pursuant to the Act and joined matters related to land use and environmental laws.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 543 (Campos-D) California Environmental Quality Act: translation
Requires a lead agency to translate certain notices and summaries of a negative declaration, mitigated negative declaration, or environmental impact report required under the California Environmental Quality Act when a group of non-English-speaking people comprises at least 25% of the population within a lead agency's jurisdiction.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 794 (Gorell-R) Use of landfill and organic waste: exemption
Exempts from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, a project that takes landfill materials or organic waste and converts them into renewable green energy if the lead agency finds that the project will result in a net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions or support sustainable agriculture.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 823 (Eggman-D) Environment: California Farmland Protection Act
Enacts the California Farmland Protection Act, which requires that a lead agency reviewing a development project, as defined, require that all feasible mitigation of the identified significant environmental impacts associated with the conversion of agricultural lands be completed by the project applicant, as prescribed. Requires the lead agency to consider the permanent protection or replacement of agricultural land as feasible mitigation for identified significant effects on agricultural land caused by a development project.
(In Assembly Agriculture Committee)
AB 852 (Dickinson-D) Environmental quality: exemption
Clarifies the application of a new California Environmental Quality Act exemption for residential, mixed-use, and employment center projects added by SB 743 (Steinberg, Chapter 386, Statutes of 2003).
(Failed passage on Assembly Floor)
AB 930 (Hall-D) Enterprise zones: energy management plans
Amends the Enterprise Zone Act to authorize a city, county, or city and county to develop energy management plans with an electrical corporation, gas corporation, local publicly owned electric utility, or rural electric cooperative, serving an enterprise zone other than an enterprise zone within a harbor or port district formed pursuant to specified law, in order to reduce air emissions, to promote economic development, increase new business, and retain existing businesses in that enterprise zone.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 953 (Ammiano-D) Environmental impact reports
Requires a lead agency preparing an environmental impact report pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, to analyze significant environmental effects resulting from locating a proposed project near, or attracting people to, areas with substantial existing or reasonably foreseeable natural hazards or adverse environmental conditions.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials
SB 54 (Hancock-D) Hazardous materials management
Enacts provisions related to contract work performed at specified stationary sources required to submit a risk management plan. Requires an owner or operator of specified stationary sources (petroleum refineries and petrochemical manufacturing facilities), when contracting for the performance of construction, maintenance and related work, to require that its contractors and any subcontractors use a "skilled and trained workforce" to perform all onsite work within an apprenticeable occupation in the building and construction trades.
Chapter 795, Statutes of 2013
SB 245 (Correa-D) Recycling: mattresses
Requires a qualified industry association, or a successor organization, to establish a mattress recycling organization by 11/1/14, and requires each manufacturer and retailer to register with the mattress recycling organization by 2/1/15.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 254 (Hancock-D) Solid waste: used mattresses
Establishes the Used Mattress Recovery and Recycling Act, which requires mattress manufacturers and retailers to develop a mattress stewardships program to increase the recovery and recycling of used mattresses to reduce illegal dumping.
Chapter 388, Statutes of 2013
SB 395 (Jackson-D) Hazardous waste: wells
Authorizes the Department of Toxic Substances Control to regulate fluids injected into Class II wells, and prohibits the injection of state defined hazardous waste into Class II wells.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SB 405 (Padilla-D) Solid waste: single-use carryout bags
Prohibits grocery stores and large retailers from providing single-use bags to customers beginning 1/1/15. The ban on single-use bags expands to convenience food stores, foodmarts, and certain other specified stores, on 7/1/16.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SB 483 (Jackson-D) Hazardous materials: business and area plans
Revises and recasts the hazardous waste and hazardous materials area and business plan requirements in existing law, which authorizes a unified program agency to implement and enforce specified provisions. Requires that business plan information be submitted in an electronic format to the California Environmental Reporting System.
Chapter 419, Statutes 2013
SB 498 (Lara-D) Hazardous materials: green chemistry
Excludes from the definition of consumer products, a motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of less than 14,000 pounds, and that motor vehicle's component or replacement parts.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 529 (Leno-D) Recycling: fast food facilities
Requires fast food facilities to only distribute food in recyclable or compostable packaging beginning on 7/1/14.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 727 (Jackson-D) Medical waste
Creates the Drug Abuse Prevention and Safe Disposal Program stewardship program. Requires a producer of a pharmaceutical sold in this state, individually or through a stewardship organization, to submit a plan to the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery by 1/1/15.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 804 (Lara-D) Integrated Waste Management: biomass
Specifies that conversion technologies that use specified biomass feedstock are included in the definition of "biomass conversion" for purposes of the Integrated Waste Management Act.
SB 812 (De León-D) Hazardous waste: facilities permitting
Increases to 60 days the time in which the Department of Toxic Substances Control is required to notify an applicant for a hazardous waste facilities permit, whether the application is complete.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 120 (Assembly Environmental Safety And Toxic Materials Committee) Underground storage tanks: school districts
Allows school districts to apply for reimbursement from the School Districts Account within the Underground Storage Tank Clean-up Fund without meeting the underground storage tank permit requirements.
Chapter 632, Statutes of 2013
AB 158 (Levine-D) Solid waste: single-use carryout bags
Prohibits retail stores from providing single-use bags to customers, and requires retail stores to provide only reusable grocery bags.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 215 (Chesbro-D) Solid waste recycling
Updates definitions within the Rigid Plastic Packaging Container law to be consistent with current regulations and to ensure equitable treatment of similar containers.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 221 (Quirk-Silva-D) Recycled concrete
Updates legislative findings and declarations to state the benefits of recycling concrete and updates the definition of recycled concrete to reference compliance with the California Green Building Standards Code.
Chapter 154, Statutes of 2013
AB 282 (Wieckowski-D) Underground storage tanks: petroleum: charges
Extends the sunset date of the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Program from 2016 until 2018, and extends the sunset of a $0.006 surcharge on petroleum stored in an Underground Storage Tank from 2014 until 2016.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 323 (Chesbro-D) Solid waste: recycling: diversion: green materials
Requires the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery to phase-out recycling credits for green waste used in the operation of a landfill.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 324 (Bloom-D) Glass beads: lead and arsenic
Extends the sunset date from 1/1/15 to 1/1/20, on the prohibition of the manufacture or sale of glass beads containing hazardous heavy metals if the beads will be used with blasting equipment and makes technical changes to make this program consistent with other enforcement programs.
Chapter 230, Statutes of 2013
AB 333 (Wieckowski-D) Medical waste
Makes technical and conforming changes to the Medical Waste Management Act. Requires a solid waste transporter who discovers that he/she has unknowingly hauled untreated medical waste to a landfill or materials recovery facility to contact the originating generator of the medical waste to respond to the landfill or recovery facility to provide ultimate proper disposal of the medical waste.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 358 (Holden-D) Lead hazard evaluation
Authorizes the Department of Public Health to update the regulations on lead hazard evaluation methods in order to incorporate the Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing, as published in 2012 by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the recommendations of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for paint test kits for renovation projects, as specified.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 403 (Stone-D) Solid waste: home-generated sharps
Requires businesses that sell devices intended for the self-injection of medication (medial sharps) to establish a product stewardship plan for home-generated medical waste.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 425 (Atkins-D) Pesticides: copper-based antifouling paint
Requires, no later than 2/1/14, the Department of Pesticide Regulation to determine a leach rate for copper-based antifouling paint used on recreational vessels and make recommendations for appropriate mitigation measures to address the protection of aquatic environments from the effects of exposure to that paint.
Chapter 587, Statutes of 2013
AB 440 (Gatto-D) Hazardous materials: releases: local agency cleanup
Authorizes local governments to investigate and cleanup a release of hazardous materials on a blighted property, as determined by the local agency, and provides immunity from further liability to the local agency and any person who enters into an agreement with that local agency to develop the property as well as future property owners.
Chapter 588, Statutes of 2013
AB 452 (Brown-D) Radioactive materials: federal regulation
Provides that with certain exceptions the regulations, adopted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in effect on 1/1/14, are deemed to be the regulations of California and adopted pursuant to the Radiation Control Law, if the regulations, among other things, are required by federal law or regulation to be adopted by an agreement state in an essentially identical manner.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 467* (Stone-D) Prescription drugs: collection and distribution program
Requires the California State Board of Pharmacy to license a surplus medication collection and distribution intermediary, as defined, established for the purpose of facilitating the connection of eligible and participating entities under the unused medication repository and distribution program, as described.
(In Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee)
AB 488 (Williams-D) Recycling: household batteries
Establishes a product stewardship program for household batteries and requires each producer or organization to submit a product stewardship plan with specified requirements and recycling rates to the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery by 1/1/15.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 513 (Frazier-D) Tire recycling program: rubberized asphalt
Establishes the Rubberized Asphalt Concrete Market Development Act, which codifies the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery Rubberized Asphalt Concrete grant program for local public works projects.
Chapter 499, Statutes of 2013
AB 521 (Stone-D) Recycling: marine plastic pollution
Establishes a product stewardship program for plastic products that pose a significant risk to the marine environment.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 597 (Dahle-R) Hazardous materials: chemicals of concern
Prohibits the Department of Toxic Substances Control from taking a regulatory response until an unspecified number of days after the date that the Department submits a notice to the consumer product manufacturer, the consumer product distributor, and the consumer product retailer of the proposed action.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 665 (Alejo-D) Beverage containers: redemption payments
Extends the date by which a distributor is required to pay the redemption payment to the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery to 60 days following the sale.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 686 (Quirk-D) Hazardous waste: pharmaceutical facilities
Requires the Department of Toxic Substance Control to develop recommendations for standards and guidelines for the operation of on-site hazardous waste management and recycling pharmaceutical manufacturing and processing facilities.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 764 (Linder-R) Human remains
Establishes a pilot program that authorizes the Cemetery and Funeral Bureau to offer a limited crematory license to no more than five alkaline hydrolysis facilities as specified, and repeals that authority on 1/1/20.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 997 (Chesbro-D) Solid waste: enforcement agencies
Specifies that a local enforcement agency that has been designated by the local governing body and certified by the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery has the authority provided, and duties required, under specified provisions of the Integrated Waste Management Act.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1001* (Gordon-D) Hazardous materials: packaging: exemptions: metals
Extends the current exemption, from 1/1/10, to 1/1/17, for a package or packaging component that contains no intentionally introduced regulated metals, but exceeds the applicable maximum concentration level, as specified. Requires, no later than 7/1/14, a manufacturer or supplier of packaging exercising the exemption under this provision to coordinate with the Department of Toxic Substances Control to develop a specified study or studies measuring the content and leaching of regulated metals from the packaging seeking the exemption, and requires the manufacturer or supplier, no later than 7/1/15, to provide to the Department a specified report documenting the results of the study or studies.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1022 (Eggman-D) Electronic waste: cathode ray tube glass
Authorizes the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery to make up to $10 million in market development payments for the processing of cathode ray tube glass or manufacturing of a new product with recycled cathode ray tube glass until 1/1/20.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1026 (Quirk-D) Toxic chemicals: listing
Specifies that the substances included in the list of chemicals that are identified as hazardous for purposes of the occupational safety and health laws may only be included if there is sufficient evidence that the referenced substance is known to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1126 (Gordon-D) Solid waste: engineered municipal solid waste conversion
Establishes regulatory standards for facilities that convert engineered municipal solid waste.
Chapter 411, Statutes of 2013
AB 1190 (Bloom-D) Hazardous waste: transportation: wastewater
Exempts up to 5,000 gallons of wastewater transported by public utilities in a single shipment from a remote site to a consolidation site from hazardous waste transport requirements in specified emergency situations.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1329 (V. Manuel Pérez-D) Hazardous waste: environmental justice
Makes specified findings regarding the importance of environmental justice and requires the Department of Toxic Substances Control to prioritize enforcement activities in environmental justice communities as identified by the California Environmental Protection Agency.
Chapter 598, Statutes of 2013
AB 1330 (John A. Pérez-D) Environmental justice: violations
Creates new funding sources to be spent specifically on projects in environmental justice communities by requiring double the maximum fines assessed against hazardous waste, air district or solid waste permit holders for emission or discharge violations that exceed permitted emission or discharge levels in environmental justice communities and by requiring the California Environmental Protection Agency, the Natural Resources Agency, and the agencies’ boards, departments, commissions and offices, or the Strategic Growth Council to prioritize all grants and funding they provide in environmental justice communities.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1337 (Allen-R) Solid waste: plastic bag: recycling
Pre-empts any local government from enacting or enforcing any rule prohibiting the distribution of plastic single-use carryout bags or imposing a fee on the distribution of non-plastic single-use carryout bags (i.e., paper).
(Failed passage in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1370 (Patterson-R) Recycling: beverage containers
Repeals existing law, which expends up to $5,000,000 for a statewide public education and information campaign, and exempts the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery from convening a specified advisory committee to expend those funds.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1383 (Roger Hernández-D) Hazardous waste: permitting: facilities
Defines the term "significant noncomplier" and requires the Department of Toxic Substances Control to develop and maintain a searchable database that contains certain information regarding hazardous waste facilities permits, including information regarding significant noncompliers, for certain hazardous waste facilities.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1398 (Assembly Natural Resources Committee) Solid waste: recycling: enforcement agencies
Specifies that a local enforcement agency that has been designated by the local governing body and certified by the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery has the authority provided, and duties required, under specified provisions of the Integrated Waste Management Act.
Chapter 509, Statutes of 2013
AJR 30 (Stone-D) Federal Chemical Safety Improvement Act
Memorializes the Congress and the President of the U.S. to respect the rights of states to protect the health of their citizens, and to not enact the federal Chemical Safety Improvement Act in its current form containing provisions that preempt a state's authority to protect the public from toxic or harmful chemicals.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SB 193 (Monning-D) Hazard evaluation system and information service
Requires, except as specified, when there is new scientific or medical information and the Chief of Hazard Evaluation System and Information Service (HESIS), in consultation with the Chief of the Division of Environmental and Occupational Disease Control in the Department of Public Health, makes a specified determination, chemical manufacturers, formulators, suppliers, distributors, importers, and their agents to provide to HESIS the names and addresses of their customers who have purchased specified chemicals or commercial products containing those chemicals, and certain other information related to those shipments, upon written request of HESIS, for every product the final destination of which may be a place of employment in California.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 267 (Pavley-D) Clean Energy onsite generation
Requires the Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission to develop and administer a financial assistance program to assist the California Community Colleges, the California State University, and the University of California with energy efficiency and clean energy onsite generation projects.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
SB 399 (Wright-D) California Prompt Payment Act: toxic substances
Includes a contractor performing emergency work or remedial measures related to the accidental or unplanned release of toxic substances within the list of entities entitled to the late payment penalty of 10% above the U.S. Prime Rate. Specifies that contracts for emergency work or remedial measures are subject to the California Prompt Payment Act.
SB 659 (Hancock-D) Archaeological resources: qualifications
Requires the Office of Planning and Research to recommend changes to the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines that will establish standards for proper archaeological evaluation conducted pursuant to the Act.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 293 (Allen-R) California Clean Energy Jobs Act: implementation
Requires the California Energy Commission to develop a program to award funding for the purposes of the Clean Energy Jobs Act (Prop 39).
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 341 (Dickinson-D) Green building standards
Requires the Building Standards Commission to incorporate future green building standards directly into the relevant portions of the California Building Code and makes other changes to the process for developing green building standards.
Chapter 585, Statutes of 2013
AB 716 (Quirk-Silva-D) Infrastructure: state planning and funding
Directs the Strategic Growth Council to hold a public hearing on the infrastructure plan before it is released by the governor. Directs the Council to submit its comments on the plan to the Legislature and in particular to identify how the plan improves air and water quality, improves natural resource protection, increases the availability of affordable housing, improves transportation, meets the goals of AB 32 (Nunez-D, Chapter 488, Statutes of 2006), encourages sustainable land use planning, and revitalizes urban and community centers in a sustainable manner.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 963 (Levine-D) State contracts: environmentally preferable purchasing
Provides a 3% bid preference on certain state contracts for bidders having a record of "environmentally preferable purchasing," as currently defined in state law.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1092 (Levine-D) Electric vehicle charging infrastructure
Requires the Building Standards Commission, as part of the next building code adoption cycle, to include mandatory building standards for the installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in multifamily dwellings and non-residential development.
Chapter 410, Statutes of 2013
AB 1302 (Hagman-R) Sustainable Environmental Protection Act
Establishes the Sustainable Environmental Protection Act, which allows an environmental document prepared under the California Environmental Quality Act to use standards provided by existing state or federal environmental protection laws as the exclusive means of evaluating and mitigating environmental impacts. Limits the causes of action upon which parties may file suit to enforce the Act.
(Failed passage in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AJR 21 (Olsen-R) Renewable Fuel Standard program: reform
Urges Congress to reform the Renewable Fuel Standard program, or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to use all available authority, to expeditiously transition away from biofuel sources that compete with food production, as well as implement aggressive mechanisms to promote the development of advanced, sustainable noncrop-based fuels, including, but not limited to, cellulosic ethanol.
Resolution Chapter 155, Statutes of 2013
Index (in Measure Order)
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Note: * Denotes Urgency or Tax Levy Legislation.
Measure and Reference | Author | Measure Title |
SB 11* - Air Quality | Pavley-D | Alternative fuel and vehicle technologies |
SB 34* - Air Quality | Calderon-D | Greenhouse gas: carbon capture and storage |
SB 54 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Hancock-D | Hazardous materials management |
SB 64 - Air Quality | Corbett-D | Clean Technology Investment Account |
SB 193 - Miscellaneous | Monning-D | Hazard evaluation system and information service |
SB 245 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Correa-D | Recycling: mattresses |
SB 254 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Hancock-D | Solid waste: used mattresses |
SB 267 - Miscellaneous | Pavley-D | Clean Energy onsite generation |
SB 359 - Air Quality | Corbett-D | Zero-emission and hybrid vehicles |
SB 389 - Air Quality | Wright-D | South Coast Air Quality Management District |
SB 395 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Jackson-D | Hazardous waste: wells |
SB 399 - Miscellaneous | Wright-D | California Prompt Payment Act: toxic substances |
SB 405 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Padilla-D | Solid waste: single-use carryout bags |
SB 483 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Jackson-D | Hazardous materials: business and area plans |
SB 497 - Air Quality | Walters-R | Greenhouse gas allowances |
SB 498 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Lara-D | Hazardous materials: green chemistry |
SB 511 - Air Quality | Lieu-D | Climate change: grants |
SB 525 - California Environmental Quality Act | Galgiani-D | Altamont Commuter Expressway: exemptions |
SB 529 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Leno-D | Recycling: fast food facilities |
SB 605 - Air Quality | Lara-D | California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 |
SB 617 - California Environmental Quality Act | Evans-D | California Environmental Quality Act: Assessments |
SB 633 - California Environmental Quality Act | Pavley-D | California Environmental Quality Act: Categorical exemption |
SB 659 - Miscellaneous | Hancock-D | Archaeological resources: qualifications |
SB 691 - Air Quality | Hancock-D | Nonvehicular air pollution control: penalties |
SB 727 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Jackson-D | Medical waste |
SB 731 - California Environmental Quality Act | Steinberg-D | California Environmental Quality Act |
SB 736 - Air Quality | Wright-D | Electrical generation facility: upgrades: permit fees |
SB 743 - California Environmental Quality Act | Steinberg-D | Entertainment and sports center in the City of Sacramento |
SB 754 - California Environmental Quality Act | Evans-D | California Environmental Quality Act: documents |
SB 787 - California Environmental Quality Act | Berryhill-R | Sustainable Environmental Protection Act |
SB 788 - California Environmental Quality Act | Senate Transportation And Housing Committee | California Environmental Quality Act: Transportation |
SB 804 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Lara-D | Integrated Waste Management: biomass |
SB 811 - California Environmental Quality Act | Lara-D | State Highway Route 710 |
SB 812 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | De León-D | Hazardous waste: facilities permitting |
AB 8* - Air Quality | Perea-D | Alternative fuel and vehicle technologies |
AB 26 - Air Quality | Bonilla-D | Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund |
AB 52 - California Environmental Quality Act | Gatto-D | Tribal cultural resource: environmental effect |
AB 120 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Assembly Environmental Safety And Toxic Materials Committee | Underground storage tanks: school districts |
AB 147 - Air Quality | V. Manuel Pérez-D | Salton Sea: dust mitigation |
AB 153 - Air Quality | Bonilla-D | California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: offsets |
AB 158 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Levine-D | Solid waste: single-use carryout bags |
AB 215 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Chesbro-D | Solid waste recycling |
AB 221 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Quirk-Silva-D | Recycled concrete |
AB 278 - Air Quality | Gatto-D | Low Carbon Fuel Standard |
AB 282 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Wieckowski-D | Underground storage tanks: petroleum: charges |
AB 284 - Air Quality | Quirk-D | Road to 2050 Board: global warming impacts |
AB 293 - Miscellaneous | Allen-R | California Clean Energy Jobs Act: implementation |
AB 304 - Air Quality | Williams-D | Pesticides: toxic air contaminant |
AB 323 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Chesbro-D | Solid waste: recycling: diversion: green materials |
AB 324 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Bloom-D | Glass beads: lead and arsenic |
AB 333 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Wieckowski-D | Medical waste |
AB 341 - Miscellaneous | Dickinson-D | Green building standards |
AB 358 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Holden-D | Lead hazard evaluation |
AB 380 - California Environmental Quality Act | Dickinson-D | California Environmental Quality Act: notice requirements |
AB 403 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Stone-D | Solid waste: home-generated sharps |
AB 416 - Air Quality | Gordon-D | Local Emission Reduction Program |
AB 417 - California Environmental Quality Act | Frazier-D | Bicycle transportation plan |
AB 425 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Atkins-D | Pesticides: copper-based antifouling paint |
AB 440 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Gatto-D | Hazardous materials: releases: local agency cleanup |
AB 452 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Brown-D | Radioactive materials: federal regulation |
AB 453 - Air Quality | Mullin-D | Sustainable communities |
AB 467* - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Stone-D | Prescription drugs: collection and distribution program |
AB 488 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Williams-D | Recycling: household batteries |
AB 513 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Frazier-D | Tire recycling program: rubberized asphalt |
AB 515 - California Environmental Quality Act | Dickinson-D | California Environmental Quality Act: judicial review |
AB 521 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Stone-D | Recycling: marine plastic pollution |
AB 527 - Air Quality | Beth Gaines-R | Western Climate Initiative, Incorporated |
AB 543 - California Environmental Quality Act | Campos-D | California Environmental Quality Act: translation |
AB 572 - Air Quality | Atkins-D | Market-based compliance mechanisms |
AB 574 - Air Quality | Lowenthal-D | Sustainable Communities Infrastructure Program |
AB 597 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Dahle-R | Hazardous materials: chemicals of concern |
AB 665 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Alejo-D | Beverage containers: redemption payments |
AB 671 - Air Quality | Logue-R | State Air Resources Board: regulations: data sets |
AB 686 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Quirk-D | Hazardous waste: pharmaceutical facilities |
AB 716 - Miscellaneous | Quirk-Silva-D | Infrastructure: state planning and funding |
AB 764 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Linder-R | Human remains |
AB 794 - California Environmental Quality Act | Gorell-R | Use of landfill and organic waste: exemption |
AB 818 - Air Quality | Blumenfield-D | Air pollution control: penalties |
AB 823 - California Environmental Quality Act | Eggman-D | Environment: California Farmland Protection Act |
AB 852 - California Environmental Quality Act | Dickinson-D | Environmental quality: exemption |
AB 930 - California Environmental Quality Act | Hall-D | Enterprise zones: energy management plans |
AB 953 - California Environmental Quality Act | Ammiano-D | Environmental impact reports |
AB 963 - Miscellaneous | Levine-D | State contracts: environmentally preferable purchasing |
AB 997 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Chesbro-D | Solid waste: enforcement agencies |
AB 1001* - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Gordon-D | Hazardous materials: packaging: exemptions: metals |
AB 1022 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Eggman-D | Electronic waste: cathode ray tube glass |
AB 1023 - Air Quality | Eggman-D | Air resources: greenhouse gas emissions |
AB 1026 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Quirk-D | Toxic chemicals: listing |
AB 1056 - Air Quality | Jones-R | Air Resources: market-based compliance mechanism |
AB 1092 - Miscellaneous | Levine-D | Electric vehicle charging infrastructure |
AB 1102 - Air Quality | Allen-R | Beach burning |
AB 1126 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Gordon-D | Solid waste: engineered municipal solid waste conversion |
AB 1190 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Bloom-D | Hazardous waste: transportation: wastewater |
AB 1191 - Air Quality | Patterson-R | Energy: assessments and forecasts |
AB 1302 - Miscellaneous | Hagman-R | Sustainable Environmental Protection Act |
AB 1329 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | V. Manuel Pérez-D | Hazardous waste: environmental justice |
AB 1330 - Air Quality | John A. Pérez-D | Environmental justice |
AB 1330 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | John A. Pérez-D | Environmental justice: violations |
AB 1337 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Allen-R | Solid waste: plastic bag: recycling |
AB 1370 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Patterson-R | Recycling: beverage containers |
AB 1375 - Air Quality | Chau-D | Clean Technology Investment Account |
AB 1383 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Roger Hernández-D | Hazardous waste: permitting: facilities |
AB 1398 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Assembly Natural Resources Committee | Solid waste: recycling: enforcement agencies |
AJR 21 - Miscellaneous | Olsen-R | Renewable Fuel Standard program: reform |
AJR 30 - Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials | Stone-D | Federal Chemical Safety Improvement Act |