Business and Labor

Economic Development
World Trade and Tourism
Small Business
Labor Relations
Workers' Compensation
Unemployment Insurance
Financial Institutions

Economic Development

Go to Index

SB 9 (Lowenthal-D) Trade corridor improvement
Establishes a process by which the California Transportation Commission selects and funds projects using the $2 billion of Proposition 1B transportation bonds earmarked for projects that reduce congestion and air pollution along trade corridors in California.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 262 (Runner-R) Transportation: trade corridors improvement
Requires the California Transportation Commission to consider the potential of infrastructure projects at inland ports to relieve congestion at or near the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 302 (Ducheny-D) California Workforce Investment Act
Provides additional guidance to the California Workforce Investment Board, and to the local boards that deliver workforce training and related services, regarding the development of a strategic workforce plan.
Chapter 376, Statutes of 2008

SB 359* (Runner-R) Sales and use taxes: income and corporation taxes
Exempts, from 1/1/08 until 12/31/17, from those state taxes gross receipts in excess of 1.66 per gallon derived from the sale in this state of, and the storage, use, or other consumption in this state of, fuel and petroleum products sold to or purchased by an air common carrier on a domestic flight, as specified. Allows for taxable years beginning on or after 1/1/07, a taxpayer that is a member of the apportioning trade or business to elect, by contracting with the Franchise Tax Board, as provided, to apportion its business income to this state by utilizing one of the revised apportionment formulas, as specified.
(Died in Senate and Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 677 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Economic development: California Film Commission
Renames the California Film Commission the California Film and Entertainment Commission.
(Died at Assembly Desk)

SB 740* (Calderon-D) Motion picture production: tax credit
Allows a qualified taxpayer a tax credit for qualified motion picture production equal to 100% of the direct tax revenues attributable to the production, or 125% of the revenues if the motion picture is a television series that relocated to California, or an independent film, as defined.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 763 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Business, Transportation and Housing Agency
Defines various terms for purposes of various types of economic development programs implemented by the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency. Declares the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation providing that all economic development programs implemented by the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency should, at the discretion of the Secretary, adopt specified objectives.
(Died in Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee)

SB 765 (Ridley-Thomas-D) California Partnership for Urban Communities: pilot project
Creates the California Partnership for Urban Communities for the purpose of coordinating economic improvement efforts in at-risk urban communities.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

SB 928* (Harman-R) Research and development: tax credit
Increases the amount of California's research expense credit from 15% to 20% and increases the amount of California's alternative incremental credit from current state rates (2.65%, 3.2%, and 3.75%) to the recently increased federal rates (3%, 4%, and 5%). Enacts a new credit for personal income and corporate taxpayers equal to 25% of the aggregate amount up to $500,000 of qualified donations to a qualified cancer research institution, which is defined to be any center, company, foundation, organization, program, or university located in this state that allocates at least 20% of its resources to cancer research.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 1194* (Battin-R) Clean Technology Commerce Zone
Creates, beginning 1/1/08 and sunsetting on 12/1/14, the Clean Technology Commerce Zone within the Coachella Valley.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 1200 (Ducheny-D) Indian tribes: economic development
Creates the Native American Business Revolving and Guarantee Loan Program for the purpose of promoting the long-term economic viability of tribal communities by providing capital to create or retain jobs, offer business development and employment training, and provide general education to tribal members.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 1484* (Alquist-D) Income and corporation taxes: oil producers
Repeals the deductions and credits allowed to oil producers and creates a new credit for clean energy technology.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 121* (Maze-R) Enterprise zones: tax credit: foster youth hiring
Expands the definition of "qualified employee" to include qualified former foster care recipients for purposes of the hiring credit available to employers located in an enterprise zone. Defines a "qualified former foster care recipient" as an individual certified by the local designated agency as having attained 17 years of age but not 25 years of age on the hiring date and having, before attaining 18 years of age, been either a recipient of foster care maintenance payments under a state plan approved under 42 United States Code Section 301, or in foster care under the responsibility of a state.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 133 (Garcia-R) Economic development capital investment incentive programs
Includes within the types of businesses that operate a qualified manufacturing facility a business engaged in the operation of a powerplant used for the production of electricity from one or more specified energy sources in the capital investment incentive program.
(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 135* (Houston-R) Income and corporation taxes: net operating losses
Extends the carryover period for all net operating losses to each of the 20 taxable years following the taxable year of loss.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 232 (Price-D) Economic Opportunity Initiative Program
Enacts, until 1/1/13, the Economic Opportunity Initiative Act of 2007 to require the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to establish a pilot project to be known as the Economic Opportunity Initiative Program. Requires the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to enter into technical and partnership assistance agreements with economic development corporations meeting specified criteria, and requires the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to conduct a study on the impact of the program and report the results of the study to the Governor and the Legislature on or before 12/31/12.
(Died in Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee)

AB 579 (Swanson-D) Military base recovery areas
Makes changes to the operation of the Local Agency Military Base Recovery Area (LAMBRA) program. Removes the condition that a business located in a LAMBRA must provide a net increase in jobs within the LAMBRA within the first two years of the business' operation in order to claim the sales and use tax credits, requires the governing body of each LAMBRA to update its economic development plan on or before 1/1/10, and outlines specific minimal requirements that must be included in each economic development plan.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 751* (Lieu-D) Income/corporation tax credit: research and development
Increases the existing tax credit for increasing research expenses to 20%. Conforms to federal rules for calculation of the alternative incremental credit. Applies to taxable years beginning 1/1/07.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1012* (Charles Calderon-D) Corporation tax law: water's edge
Conforms specified provisions relating to, among other things, the water's edge election to specified federal income tax laws relating to the taxation of certain shareholders of controlled foreign corporations.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1116 (Nava-D) Labor market needs: career technical education
Requires the Department of Education to work with the Employment Development Department to provide school districts and local agencies with job forecasting information from the Labor Market Information Division of the Employment Development Department to enable development of career technical education.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1147* (Mullin-D) Corporation taxes: net operating losses
Allows certain corporations to sell unused net operating losses. Permits qualified sellers to sell unused net operating losses to qualified buyers and permits qualified buyers to use such purchased net operating losses.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1152* (Niello-R) Sales and use tax: manufacturing equipment
Provides a state sales and use tax exemption for purchases of qualifying tangible personal property by qualified persons engaged in manufacturing, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1206* (Smyth-R) Research and development: sales tax
Exempts from state sales and use taxes the sale or use of machinery, equipment, and replacement parts used directly in research and development relating to inventions, products, or technologies.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1272 (Arambula-D) General obligation bonds: administration and oversight
Requires the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank to create a local assistance program to provide technical assistance to small urban and rural communities in the state in obtaining financing for local infrastructure projects from general obligation bond funding. Requires the Bureau of State Audits to conduct periodic audits to ensure that the proceeds from the bonds are being used in accordance with the Bond Act.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1285* (Parra-D) Research and development: tax deduction
Provides complete conformity to the research credit and the alternative incremental credit allowed by federal income tax laws, but only for the amount paid or incurred by a taxpayer in connection with the qualified research, as specified, to develop technologies that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as defined.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1370* (Lieber-D) Net operating losses: tax deductions
Allows certain personal income taxpayers and corporate taxpayers to have a longer period to deduct net operating losses incurred from certain biopharmaceutical and other biotechnology (bioscience) business activities.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1389* (Assembly Budget Committee) 2008 General Gov't Budget Trailer Bill: econ. development
Enacts the 2008 General Government Budget Trailer Bill which, among other provisions, makes the necessary statutory changes relating to economic development, as follows: (1) Deletes provisions in statute that establish the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency as the lead agency for statewide economic development programs, and (2) institutes new reporting requirements on the Economic Development Bank at the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency on their annual activities.
Chapter 751, Statutes of 2008

AB 1398* (Arambula-D) Targeted economic development areas: tax credits
Beginning 1/1/08, authorizes one hiring credit under the respective laws for qualified taxpayers who hire qualified employees, as defined, within a geographically targeted economic development area, as defined.
(Died in Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee)

AB 1527* (Arambula-D) California Cleantech Advantage Act of 2008
Creates a credit for certain expenses related to cleantech research and a structure for the subsequent sale of such credits by a qualified taxpayer.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1566 (Niello-R) Economic development: rest areas
Mandates that highway improvement projects, particularly interchange projects that are near an area identified by the Department of Transportation and the California Transportation Commission as being a priority area for joint economic development of a rest stop, be planned and designed by the Department of Transportation to facilitate rest area development.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1620 (Arambula-D) California Clean Technology Services Unit
Establishes the California Clean Technology Services Unit within the Business, Transportation, and Housing Agency to promote the development of environmentally-friendly technologies, to help businesses bring clean technology to California, and to work in coordination with other state agencies to maximize the state's efforts to maintain an innovative and entrepreneurial environment that supports the achievement of the state's environmental goals and standards. Sunsets on 1/1/13.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

AB 1681* (Houston-R) Manufacturing equipment: sales tax exemption
Provides, for calendar years beginning on or after 1/1/08, a state sales and use tax exemption for purchases of qualifying tangible personal property by qualified persons primarily engaged in manufacturing, telecommunications, and electrical generation activities, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1696* (Bass-D) California Film Commission: financial assistance
Establishes a financial assistance program, within the California Film Commission, to encourage filming motion pictures and commercials in California, and requires the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to report on the economic impact created by this program to the Legislature by 12/11/11.
(Failed passage on Senate Floor)
A similar bill was AB 832 (Bass) which died in Assembly Appropriations Committee

AB 1720 (Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee) Enterprise zones: reports
Deletes an obsolete reference to an economic development areas annual work plan, makes other technical corrections, and updates the code relating to the Department of Housing and Community Development's report to the Legislature on enterprise zones.

AB 1916 (Portantino-D) Economic development
Enacts the California Innovation, Technology and Science Policy Act. Changes the membership of the California Economic Strategy Panel and the requirements of the California Economic Development Strategic Plan to include a global competitiveness focus.

AB 1982 (Solorio-D) Employment development: California YouthBuild Program
Updates eligibility provisions relating to the California YouthBuild Program that makes reference to the correct federal agency responsible for its administration.

AB 2006 (Hayashi-D) CA Community Colleges Economic & Workforce Development
Establishes a Center of Innovation for Green Technology-to be located at a community college district in the San Francisco Bay region-within the California Community Colleges' Economic and Workforce Development Program.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2114 (Villines-R) Corporation tax: study
Requires the Department of Finance, the Franchise Tax Board, and the Legislative Analyst's Office to conduct a study to determine the impact of a change in current law, addressing the apportionment of increase in computing the income taxes of trades or businesses that modifies the sales factor in a manner best suited to retaining and attracting businesses to, and existing new jobs, in California.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

AB 2147 (Swanson-D) Worker training programs
Establishes the Green Jobs Corps Act of 2008 to provide financial assistance to energy efficiency and renewable energy worker training targeted at individuals, including at-risk youth and formerly incarcerated individuals, who are seeking employment pathways out of poverty and into economic self-sufficiency. Requires the Labor and Workforce Development Agency to establish the grant program, and report biennially to the Governor and Legislature on the result of the program.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2178* (Garrick-R) Minimum franchise tax
Reduces the amount of annual minimum franchise tax from $800 to $200.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
A similar bill was AB 27 (Parra) which died in Assembly Appropriation Committee.

AB 2342 (Parra-D) California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley
Creates, until 1/1/20, the California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley. Specifies that the purpose of the California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley is to coordinate and improve state and federal efforts in conjunction with local efforts to increase the living standards and economic performance of the San Joaquin Valley. Designates the membership of the California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley board of directors, which consists of up to 44 appointed members, and includes all elected Members of the Legislature and Congress who represent part of the Valley as ex officio nonvoting members. Specifies that the duties of the board of directors include the implementation of the San Joaquin Valley Strategic Action Plan, and requires the board of directors to annually report to the Governor and Legislature on the implementation of that plan.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 2488* (Houston-R) Depreciation tax deduction
Allows a taxpayer to take an alternative depreciation deduction for the costs of acquiring machines and equipment that reduce greenhouse gas emissions or produce, generate, or store renewable energy from specified sources.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 2491* (Gaines-R) Economic development: tax depreciation
Allows a qualified taxpayer, in modified conformity with the federal Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, to claim a depreciation deduction for 50% of the cost of the qualified property and increases the expensing allowance for depreciable business assets to $250,000 and the maximum investment phase-out threshold for such expensing allowance to $800,000.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 2622 (Hayashi-D) Unemployment insurance: Employment Training Panel
Requires the Employment Training Panel, as part of its three-year strategic funding plan, to include the identification of specific industries, with consideration of new and emerging industries such as clean technology.

AB 2636 (Arambula-D) Emerging domestic market data consortium
Authorizes the Business, Transportation, and Housing Agency to establish a public/private consortium for the creation and maintenance of a comprehensive database of financial and other related information on emerging domestic markets.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2711 (Portantino-D) Economic development
Requires the Secretary of Business, Transportation, and Housing Agency to develop a comprehensive state technology and innovation plan.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 3018 (Nunez-D) California Green Collar Jobs Act of 2008: green jobs
Establishes the Green Collar Jobs Council to perform specified tasks related to addressing the workforce needs that accompany California's growing green economy.
Chapter 312, Statutes of 2008

AB 3045 (Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee) Economic development
Adds definitions of "emerging domestic market," "financial intermediary," "community development intermediary," "triple bottom line," "small businesses," "community development," "financial institution capital," and "California Council on Science and Technology" to the statutes relating to the states economic development programs

ACR 101 (Swanson-D) Safe Jobs for Youth Month
Recognizes May 2008 as Safe Jobs for Youth Month in California in order to raise awareness about issues relating to the health and safety of young people in the workforce.
Resolution Chapter 29, Statutes of 2008

AJR 32 (Karnette-D) C-17 Aircraft production
Implores the Congress and the President of the United States to more quickly make available the funding necessary to ensure the continued vitality of the C-17 Globemaster III Transport Jet production program.
Resolution Chapter 152, Statutes of 2007

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World Trade and Tourism

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SB 9 (Lowenthal-D) Trade corridor improvement: transportation project selection
Establishes a process by which the California Transportation Commission selects and funds projects using the $2 billion of Proposition 1B transportation bonds earmarked for projects that reduce congestion and air pollution along trade corridors in California.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SJR 29 (Ackerman-R) U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement
States the California Legislature's recognition of and support for the United States-Columbia Trade Promotion Agreement.
(Died in Senate Business and Professions Committee)

AB 1722 (Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee) California International Trade and Investment Act
Requires the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to provide the Legislature with a copy of the international trade and investment policy it developed pursuant to existing law.

AB 2311 (Tran-R) International trade offices
Requires, regardless of existing statutory prohibitions, the Secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to establish international trade and investment offices.
(Died in Assembly Jobs, Economic Development and the Economy Committee)

AB 2312 (Tran-R) International trade: economic development
Establishes the position of the State Trade Representative, whose duties include promoting investment and trade between California and the country in which the State Trade Representative is assigned.
(Died in Assembly Jobs, Economic Development and the Economy Committee)

AB 3046 (Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee) California Office of Trade and Investment
Allows the Secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to establish the California Office of Trade and Investment to carry out its duties in supporting foreign trade and investment.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AJR 55 (Villines-R) U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement
Expresses the Legislature's recognition of and support for the United States-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement.
(Refused adoption in Assembly Jobs, Economic Development and the Economy Committee)

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Small Business

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SB 159 (Wyland-R) Disabled veteran business enterprises
Expands the definition of small businesses in the California Prompt Payment Act to include disabled veteran business enterprises. Allows disabled veteran business enterprises to be paid the higher level of penalty payment if the state fails to pay them any required payments in a timely manner.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 446 (Yee-D) Employment Training Panel: entrepreneurs and microenterprise
Requires the person assigned to each regional office of the Employment Training Panel to have experience in meeting the needs of microenterprises, as specified, and requires the assistant director, who oversees the employment training services for small businesses, to also ensure that employment training services are available to entrepreneurs, as defined.
(Died in Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)

SB 876 (Calderon-D) Small businesses: heavy-duty vehicles
Requires the Air Resources Board to consider the economic impacts on small business owners of vehicle replacement and retrofit requirements when establishing in-use emission standards and regulations for heavy-duty motor vehicles in private fleets.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 1397 (Negrete McLeod-D) Prison Industry Authority: procurement
Requires the Prison Industry Authority, when procuring raw materials, component parts and goods and services, to comply with certain provisions of law that give preference to small businesses and disabled veteran business enterprises in awarding contracts.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)

AB 655 (Swanson-D) Public contracts: infrastructure bonds
Allows small businesses, microbusinesses, and other businesses that subcontract, using small businesses, to receive a 5% preference on their bid for projects funded by the Infrastructure Bond Act of 2006, if they commit to hiring at least 20% of their employee workforce from California residents.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 799 (Smyth-R) Small employers: health care
Provides that requirements imposed on health care service plans and health insurers do not apply to a program of services and incentives offered to a small employer, separate and apart from a contract or policy for health care benefits designed to promote wellness and healthy employees.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)

AB 816 (Carter-D) Microenterprise development
Requires the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to implement a new 36-month program that is administered under a contract with a nonprofit intermediary to provide grants to microenterprise development organizations that fund capacity projects to benefit microenterprise.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 955* (Plescia-R) Small business: tax credit
Creates a tax credit for investing in a qualified small business, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1418 (Arambula-D) Community development: banks and credit unions
Requires the Commissioner of the Department of Financial institutions to develop a Credit Union Membership Investment Model to identify best practices for credit unions relating to community development, small business and micro enterprise financing and investments of credit union capital.

AB 1431 (Arambula-D) California small business financial development corporations
Establishes the Early Stage Investment Guarantee Program, administered by the California Small Business Loan Guarantee Program, to help small businesses attract private investors during the early years of the businesses' growth.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1695* (Bass-D) Small businesses: surety bond guarantees
Requires the Director of the California Small Business Financial Development Corporation (CSBEF) to establish and administer a surety bond guarantee account within the CSBEF to assist small contractors with obtaining the necessary bond and liability guarantees they need to compete for state infrastructure projects. Appropriates $40 million from the State Highway Account for the guarantee account and continuously appropriates the revenues until 2013. Requires the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to return the $40 million plus interest to the State Highway Account by 3/1/13. Requires the Director of the CSBEF to report annually on the number of bond guarantees provided.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1942 (Ruskin-D) Small businesses & disabled veteran business enterprise
Increases and conforms penalties for persons who engage in fraudulent activities relating to the Small Business Procurement and Contract Act, including small businesses, microbusinesses, and disabled veteran-owned business enterprises.

AB 2127 (Benoit-R) Small business alternative workweek schedules
Authorizes individual employees, with the approval of their employer, to work up to 10 hours per day within a 40-hour workweek without overtime pay, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 2206 (Price-D) Economic development: small business development centers
Establishes the Small Business Development Center Program, coordinated through the System Office of the California Community Colleges, for the purpose of providing a variety of services to small businesses.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2376 (Price-D) Small and Emerging Contractors Technical Assistance Program
Authorizes the establishment, until 1/1/13, of the Small and Emerging Contractors Technical Assistance Program, administered by the Department of Transportation, for the purpose of providing small and emerging contractors with the technical assistance necessary to obtain surety bond guarantees offered by the federal Small Business Administration.
Chapter 458, Statutes of 2008

AB 2416 (Fuentes-D) Small Business: financial precedent
Expands the role of the California Small Business Board (CSBB) to require them to examine and advise on new "innovative" financial products. Requires the CSBB to examine such financial products as the aggregation and sale of loan guarantees, requires the CSBB to engage foundations, nonprofits, public policy, finance, and investment communities in the examination of these innovative products, and requires the CSBB to prepare a written report by 10/1/09, and make the report available to the public.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2773 (Price-D) Small Business Procurement & Contract Act
Increases the maximum amount of a contract for goods, services, or information technology that may be awarded to a certified small business, including a micro business and a disabled veteran business enterprise without complying with specified competitive bidding requirements, from $100,000 to $250,000. Requires the contractor to report the actual percentage of small business or disabled veteran business enterprise participation that was achieved. Increases the minimum threshold for projects covered under the State Contract Act from $100,000 to $250,000.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 2778 (Mendoza-D) Small business and procurement
Modifies the definition of manufacturer under the Small Business Procurement and Contract Act by deleting references to the outdated "Standard Industrial Classification Manual" and replacing them with references to the newly devised "North American Industry Classification System" codes.
Chapter 102, Statutes of 2008

AB 2797 (De La Torre-D) State contracting: small business preference
Increases the maximum bid preference provided to state-certified small businesses or non-small businesses that utilize small businesses as subcontractors on state contracts from 5% to 10% of the contract amount when the contract is made on the basis of either one of the following: (1) when the award is made to the lowest responsible bidder who meets all of the specifications, or (2) when the award is made to the highest scored bidder based on specified evaluation factors in addition to price.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2854 (Mendoza-D) California Small Business Advocate: Internet Web site
Requires, upon available funding, the Office of the Small Business Advocate to create a one-stop web site for small business-related announcements and funding opportunities offered by state agencies.

AB 2998 (Carter-D) Microenterprises: economic development
Requires the California Workforce Investment Board to assist the Governor by recommending policies and providing technical assistance on entrepreneurial training opportunities that could be made available through local workforce investment board program. Requires the California Workforce Investment Board, by 1/1/10, to develop and distribute guidelines, or provide other assistance to, local workforce investment board to help them implement entrepreneurial and self employment training programs.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

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Labor Relations

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SB 189 (Harman-R) Employment: hiring practices: immigration status
Requires the Department of Personnel Administration to verify the legal status or authorization to work in the United States of every employee of the state and agencies that contract with the state prior to the hiring of that employee in accordance with the Basic Pilot Program, as specified. Requires an employer to verify the legal status or authorization to work in the United States of every employee, as specified.
(Died in Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

SB 191 (Padilla-D) Public works: State Public Works Enforcement Fund
Establishes an alternative mechanism to fund enforcement of prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements on specified public works projects.

SB 529 (Cedillo-D) Private employment: meal periods
Establishes various exemptions from the meal period requirements of current law.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

SB 569 (Steinberg-D) Public works: prevailing wage payments
Makes numerous changes to provisions of law related to the enforcement of prevailing wage payments on public works projects.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 570 (Steinberg-D) Occupational safety and health: working conditions
Requires the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board, by 7/1/08, to adopt a standard, as specified, to protect workers from being exposed to excessive heat indoors.
(Died in Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)

SB 935 (Perata-D) Public works: prevailing wage protection
Revises the definition of "public works" relative to prevailing wage protection concerning utility workers.
(Died in Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
A similar bill was SB 1719 (Perata-D) which died in Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee.

SB 940 (Yee-D) Temporary services employees: wages
Requires that temporary services employers, with certain exceptions, pay their employees weekly, regardless of when the assignment ends, unless the employee is discharged, quits, is assigned to work for a client on a day-to-day basis, or if the employee is assigned to work for a client engaged in a labor dispute.
Chapter 169, Statutes of 2008
A similar bill was AB 1902 (Dymally-D) which died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee.

SB 1151 (Perata-D) Hospitals: lift teams
Requires acute care hospitals to establish a patient protection and health care worker back injury prevention plan that shall include a safe patient handling policy.

SB 1192 (Margett-R) Employment: meal and rest periods
Extends the time period where an employee can take a meal period, redefines the employer's responsibility for providing his/her employees a meal period, and decreases the statute of limitations for failing to provide a meal period.
(Died in Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)

SB 1244 (Alquist-D) Employment retaliation
Prohibits an employer from discriminating against an employee or applicant for employment because a co-worker or immediate family member has (1) filed a claim with or instituted a proceeding before the Labor Commissioner, (2) testified or is going to testify in a proceeding before the Labor Commissioner, or (3) exercised rights afforded to employees or applicants by the Labor Code.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1283 (Harman-R) Employment: wages: discharged employee
Extends the time an employer could pay a discharged employee.
(Failed passage in Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)

SB 1352 (Wyland-R) Public works: prevailing wage rates: assessments
Allows contractors and/or subcontractors who have received a wage and penalty assessment under public works law, as an alternative to becoming automatically liable for liquidated damages in specified circumstances, to deposit the full amount of the assessment for the Department of Industrial Relations to hold in escrow, pending review and distribution.
Chapter 402, Statutes of 2008

SB 1489 (Kuehl-D) Workplace protections
Requires the Department of Industrial Relations to make and provide to employers a poster regarding employee rights when faced with domestic violence or sexual assault. Requires employers to put the department-produced poster at their worksites.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1490 (Padilla-D) Employment: independent contractors
Requires California employers and the Employment Development Department to take specified actions to decrease the incidence of misclassification of workers as independent contractors. Establishes a procedure for verifying the status of those classified as independent contractors.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1547 (Correa-D) Wages: payment upon discharge: health care providers
Codifies existing payroll protocols for temporary health care services providers and clarifies that the end of an assignment is not a discharge.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

SB 1583 (Corbett-D) Employment: independent contractors
Provides that a person who, for money or other valuable consideration, knowingly advises an employer to treat an individual as an independent contractor to avoid employee status for the worker shall be jointly and severally liable with the employer, as specified, if the worker is not found to be an independent contractor.

SB 1631 (Ackerman-R) Public works: environmental complaints: fines and penalty
Provides that, in the case of a public works project that is to be performed on real property owned or leased by the state or a political subdivision, any person that files or threatens to file, or to fund, any environmental complaint or protest regarding any permit, map, or other entitlement related to the use or development of that land, where the purpose or objective is to obtain or extract money or other thing of value from the person seeking such permit, map, or entitlement, is guilty of a misdemeanor, as specified.
(Failed passage in Senate Governmental Organization Committee)

SB 4X (Dutton-R) Health insurance: employers' incentives
States the intent of the Legislature to provide incentives to employers who offer health insurance, flex-time work schedules, and other benefits agreed upon by employers and employees.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

SCR 102 (Kehoe-D) Justice for Janitors Day
Declares 7/15/08 as Justice for Janitors Day in California, supports janitors in their fight for family health care coverage and improved wages and benefits, and makes several findings and declarations about janitors.
Resolution Chapter 59, Statutes of 2008

AB 10* (Assembly Budget Committee) Software employee: overtime pay
Extends the exemption from the overtime pay requirement to computer professionals, as specified under existing law, if the employee is paid on a salary basis, earns not less than $75,000 per year for full-time employment, and is paid at least once per month in an amount not less than $6,250 per month.
Chapter 753, Statutes of 2008

AB 306 (Eng-D) Public works: labor compliance programs: high speed rail
Advances the date on which voter approval of a specified bond act triggers requirements for associated labor compliance programs.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 396 (Hernandez-D) Public contracts: bid preferences: employee health care
Requires a public entity awarding a public works contract to provide a 2.5% bid preference to a bidder whose employee health care expenditures, and those of its subcontractors, are at least 6.5% of the aggregate social security wages paid to its employees in California.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 408 (Levine-D) Gratuities: airline baggage handlers
Specifies that any amounts paid directly to airport baggage handlers by airline passengers shall be deemed a gratuity (tip).
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 437 (Jones-D) Employment discrimination practices
Clarifies and preserves existing law regarding when an unlawful act occurs for the purpose of triggering the limitations period. Establishes that the Legislature rejects the interpretation given to federal law by the United States Supreme Court in Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company which had the effect of limiting worker's abilities to bring pay discrimination claims.

AB 465 (Houston-R) Personal services contracts
Establishes a specified professional sports exemption to the provision of existing law that generally limits personal service contracts to seven years.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 510 (Benoit-R) Employment: working hours
Authorizes individual employees, with the approval of their employer, to work up to 10 hours per day within a 40-hour work week without overtime pay, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 514 (Lieber-D) Workplace safety and health
Requires the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board to, among other things, adopt standards establishing permissible exposure limits for toxic materials in the workplace.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
A similar bill was AB 515 (Lieber-D) which died in Senate Rules Committee.

AB 592* (Dymally-D) Payment of wages
Exempts temporary employees employed by temporary employment agencies from any requirement of immediate payment, so long as wages are paid weekly.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 613 (Tran-R) Workplace postings
Requires every regulation and notice to be written in plain language that is easily understood by employers and employees and states that the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement shall convene a working group to review all employment-related postings required in California.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 628 (Price-D) Meal and rest periods: pool lifeguards
Extends current law governing meal and rest periods to pool lifeguards employed in the local public sector.

AB 652 (Maze-R) Employment rights
Limits an employer's ability to discipline an employee for lawfully storing a firearm in their vehicle at the workplace.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 689 (DeVore-R) Employment verification: social security numbers
Creates a system of fines and tax credits to encourage employers to verify social security numbers for newly hired employees.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 734 (Evans-D) Apprenticeship oversight
Amends various provisions of law related to the approval of apprenticeship programs in the building and construction industry.

AB 735 (Keene-R) Employment: work permits
Requires persons who are not United States citizens to pay a fee and obtain a California work permit in order to be legally employed by the state.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 947 (Niello-R) Apprenticeship programs
Eliminates a specified "needs requirement" under the existing law related to approval of apprenticeship programs.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 1034 (Keene-R) Employment: meal periods
Provides flexibility with respect to meal period requirements for commercial drivers covered by collective bargaining agreements. Permits employees in California to take their meal break before conclusion of their sixth hour of work, as well as empowers the Department of Industrial Relations to create regulations on what circumstances qualify an employee for an on-duty meal period.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 1076 (Houston-R) Prevailing wage rates: wage and penalty assessments
Revises the administrative procedure concerning the assessment of liquidated damages in cases arising from wage claims on public works projects.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1201 (Leno-D) Collective bargaining: direct care registered nurses
Authorizes "direct care registered nurses" employed by non-public health facilities to organize for purposes of collective bargaining.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1247 (Adams-R) Employment: commission-based employees
Requires the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement to study the applicability of overtime exemptions related to employees whose compensation includes commissions.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1389* (Assembly Budget Committee) 2008 General Gov't Budget Trailer Bill: Industrial Relations
Enacts the 2008 General Government Budget Trailer Bill which, among other provisions, make the necessary statutory changes to implement the budget relative to labor relation issues as follows: (1) Extends the sunset for the Department of Industrial Relations Return-to-Work program from 1/1/09 to 1/1/10. (2) Creates the Occupational Safety and Health Fund to address a deficit in the Target Inspection and Consultation Fund (TICF) which had covered the costs for Occupational Safety and Health. The new fund would be supported by revenue of approximately $18.9 million annually from a new assessment on workers' compensation premiums. With the creation of the fund, the Department of Industrial Relations will also be authorized to revise the TICF fee structure to increase revenue by approximately $3.9 million to help pay off a $13 million loan taken in the 2007-08 fiscal year to address a revenue shortfall in the fund. (3) Reinstates authorization for the Franchise Tax Board to collect delinquent assessments and penalties that are levied against employers for violation of specified labor laws and specified occupational safety and health laws.
Chapter 751, Statutes of 2008

AB 1425 (Davis-D) Payment of wages
Provides that for an employee of a temporary services employer, as defined, payment is due at the next payday if the employee's assignment ends but the employee remains ready for reassignment. Specifies that payment is due within 24 hours, excluding weekends and holidays, if the employee is unconditionally terminated.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 1439* (Levine-D) Employee fitness
Authorizes a credit against taxes for each taxable year, beginning 1/1/09, in an amount equal to 10% of the amount paid or incurred by a qualified taxpayer, as defined, during the taxable year for qualified fitness expenditures, as defined, for the taxpayer's employees performing services in this state.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1469 (Sharon Runner-R) Alternative workweek
Authorizes the adoption of an alternative workweek schedule, not to exceed 12 hours within a 40-hour workweek, by a 55% vote of the employees.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 1666 (Price-D) Meal and rest periods: stage assistants
Extends current law governing meal and rest periods to stage assistants employed in the local public sector.

AB 1711 (Levine-D) Employment: wages and hours
Stipulates when an on-duty meal period may occur, as well as when a lunch period must be completed. Allows individual employees to be exempted from meal period laws and regulations if they are covered by a collective bargaining agreement that expressly stipulates wages, working hours and conditions, and meal periods.
(Died in Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)

AB 1988 (Swanson-D) Employee safety
Strengthens the ability of the Department of Occupational Safety and Health to police worksites, revises and restates the mission of the Occupational Safety and Health Appeals Board, and strengthens appellate abatement procedures for department citations.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1989 (Swanson-D) Employment
Requires that, notice be given to employees if an employer reduces 50 or more employees at a covered establishment during any 30-day period. Employers would be required to provide employees with information regarding benefits and services. Requires the Labor and Workforce Development Agency to maintain a guide of benefits and services that could be used to avert mass layoffs or relocations of workforce employees and to transmit the guide to an employer who gives notice of an impending layoff, and to post the guide on the Agency's web site. Increases the civil penalties for the violation of these provisions and directs up to 10% of the penalty revenue to the Agency to fund its duties under the bill.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 2002 (De Leon-D) Public works: payments
Increases the penalties, fines, and the interest accrual rate as provided and determined by the Labor Commissioner when a contractor or subcontractor violates the public works and prevailing wage laws. Subjects a contractor to a penalty assessment only when a contractor had knowledge or should have had knowledge of its subcontractor's noncompliance.

AB 2037 (Portantino-D) Prevailing wage law study: California State University
Requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to complete a study of the compliance by the California State University with prevailing wage laws by 7/1/09.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2075 (Fuentes-D) Wages: execution of release of claim or right
Prohibits employers from executing false statements of hours worked by an employee.
Chapter 224, Statutes of 2008

AB 2076 (Fuentes-D) Employment: hiring practices: electronic verification
Prohibits any state, city, county or special district from requiring any employer to use E-Verify, as specified.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

AB 2078 (Fuentes-D) Work-based learning
Provides that work-based learning opportunities for pupils may be delivered through specified existing career technical education programs.

AB 2127 (Benoit-R) Employment: alternative workweek schedules
Authorizes an employer with 25 or fewer employees to approve a written request of an employee to work an alternative workweek schedule for no longer than 10 hours per day within a 40-hour workweek without the payment of overtime, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 2134 (Swanson-D) Employment discrimination: family and medical leave
Conforms the types of family leave available under state law to the revised federal law and expands the eligibility for the military service-related leave provisions to include an employer who is the grandparent, grandchild, or sibling of the service member.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 2177 (Bass-D) Public works: Compliance Group Representatives
Requires, until 1/1/13, the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, within the Department of Industrial Relations, to establish minimum qualifications and train qualified professionals, known as the Compliance Group Representatives, to interview workers on state public works projects and to report to the Legislature. Authorizes the Division to establish standards for the conduct of representatives and to suspend or revoke a representative's authorization to interview workers, but would not assume responsibility for conduct of a representative.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 2184 (De Leon-D) Firefighters: protective clothing and equipment
Requires the Division of Occupational Safety and health to adopt higher standards for firefighters' protective clothing and equipment.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2279 (Leno-D) Employment discrimination: medical marijuana
Prohibits employers from discriminating against an employee on the basis that the employee is a qualified medical marijuana patient.

AB 2369 (Fuentes-D) Apprenticeship programs: prevailing wage enforcement
Authorizes an awarding body to assist the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations in the enforcement of prevailing wage laws that apply to apprenticeships, through the operation of the awarding body's approved labor compliance program.

AB 2386 (Nunez-D) Collective bargaining: agricultural employees
Authorizes agricultural employees to select collective bargaining through a new "medicated election" process.

AB 2421 (Huff-R) Employment of unauthorized aliens
Requires the Attorney General, county counsel, or district attorney of a county in which the board of supervisors has not appointed a county counsel, to investigate a complaint alleging that an employer has intentionally employed an unauthorized alien.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 2530 (Duvall-R) Private employment: meal periods: transportation workers
Provides that the meal period requirements of current law do not apply to employees whose hours are regulated by either federal or state laws regulating the hours of service of drivers.
(Failed passage in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 2537 (Furutani-D) Public works: volunteers
Extends, from 1/1/09 to 1/1/12, the sunset date on the exclusion from the application of the law governing "public works," any work performed by volunteers or by members of the California Conservation Corps or of local conservation corps. Requires the Director of Industrial Relations to submit a written report containing information regarding volunteers on public works projects, as specified, to the Legislature by 1/1/11. Costs incurred in the preparation of this report would be funded by moneys in the Environmental License Plate Fund.
Chapter 678, Statutes of 2008
Similar legislation was SB 1345 (Ashburn-R) which failed passage in Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee, AB 2364 (Walters-R) which died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee, and AB 26XXX (Jefferies-R) which died in the Assembly being unassigned to a committee.

AB 2629 (Evans-D) Safety of conveyances: exclusions
Makes changes to existing law relating to the construction, maintenance, and inspection of conveyances.

AB 2672 (Walters-R) Employment: overtime exemptions
Revises an existing exemption for "outside salespersons" in the broadcasting industry. Specifies that, for purposes of the broadcasting industry, the exemption for "outside salespersons" means either of the following: (1) a person 18 years of age or older who customarily and regularly works more than one-half of his or her working time away from the employer's place of business selling a tangible or intangible item or obtaining an order or contract for a product, a service, or the use of a facility, and (2) a salesperson 18 years of age or older whose earnings exceed one and one-half times the state minimum wage and whose commission earnings represent more than one-half of his or her compensation.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 2689 (Tran-R) Vietnamese Nail Worker Information and Training Act
Establishes the Vietnamese Nail Worker Information and Training Act, which requires manufacturers and other entities selling "professional use only" nail care products to salons to translate and provide currently required material safety data sheets in the Vietnamese language. The provisions take effect on 1/1/10.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2716 (Ma-D) Employment: paid sick days
Provides that an employee is entitled to paid sick days which shall be accrued at a rate of no less than one hour for every 30 hours worked. Employers will be required to provide paid sick days, upon request, for diagnosis, care, or treatment of health conditions of the employee or an employee's family member, or for leave related to domestic violence or sexual abuse. Requires employers to satisfy specific posting and notice and recordkeeping requirements.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 2719 (Jeffries-R) Employees: meal periods
Exempts employees performing surveillance operations as part of a workers' compensation fraud investigation from existing law requiring an employer to grant meal breaks to his/her employees at specified intervals.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 2874 (Lieber-D) Employment: civil rights: damages
Deletes the $150,000 limitation on actual damages that may be assessed by the Fair Employment and Housing Commission against a respondent who violates the "hate crime" provision of the California Civil Rights Act of 2005.

AB 2879 (Leno-D) Employee wages and working hours: violators
Requires the Labor Commissioner or his/her designee from the Labor and Workforce Development Agency, in consultation with the Franchise Tax Board and the Economic and Employment Enforcement Coalition to develop and implement standards that, if met by an employer, would trigger a recommendation for an audit or investigation by appropriate tax authorities of employers in violation of statutes relating to employee wages, hours and working conditions.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 2918 (Lieber-D) Employment: usage of consumer credit reports
Specifies when a credit report can be pulled for employment purposes.

AB 3018 (Nunez-D) California Green Collar Jobs Act of 2008: green jobs
Establishes the Green Collar Jobs Council to perform specified tasks related to addressing the workforce needs that accompany California's growing green economy.
Chapter 312, Statutes of 2008

AB 3059 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Economic and Employment Enforcement Coalition
Requires the Labor and Workforce Development Agency to annually submit a report to the Legislature describing the overall effectiveness of the Economic and Employment Enforcement Coalition.

AB 3060 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Contractors: license enforcement
Deletes a section of obsolete code thereby clarifying the use of the monies funding the enforcement of laws prohibiting illegal practices by unlicensed contractors.
Chapter 55, Statutes of 2008

AB 3061 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Employees: indemnification
Amends existing law related to employer reimbursement of employee expenses. Specifies that the federal Internal Revenue Service standard mileage rate is presumed to be a reasonable per mile rate for reimbursement of the usage of a personally provided vehicle for work purposes for miles driven during the effective period of the rate. Clarifies that for purposes of existing law, "indemnify" includes reimbursing an employee for all expenditures incurred by the employee in the course and performance of his/her employment.
(Died in Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)

AB 3062 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Employment: termination: garnishment of wages
Amends the prohibition for employer termination of an employee due to wage garnishment to include when an employee's wages have been subjected to garnishment for the payment of one or more judgments.

AB 3063 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Employment: criminal history
Prohibits employers from utilizing specified information for employment purposes, except as otherwise provided by law.

ACR 101 (Swanson-D) Safe Jobs for Youth Month
Recognizes May 2008 as Safe Jobs for Youth Month in California in order to raise awareness about issues relating to the health and safety of young people in the workforce.
Resolution Chapter 29, Statutes of 2008

ACR 103 (Plescia-R) Take Your Dog to Work Day
Designates 6/20/08 as Take Your Dog to Work Day, and encourages employers to make their workplaces pet friendly.
(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)

AJR 28 (Leno-D) Union representation
Requests the President of the United States and the United States Congress to enact the Re-Empowerment of Skilled and Professional Employees and Construction Tradesworkers (RESPECT) Act, S. 969 and H.R. 1644, to reverse a decision by the National Labor Relations Board that effectively limits the rights of millions of workers to join unions merely because they sometimes assign tasks to coworkers.
Resolution Chapter 151, Statutes of 2008

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Workers' Compensation

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SB 154 (Cedillo-D) Workers' compensation: public safety personnel
Deletes the two year limit on the payment of temporary disability to volunteer and paid law enforcement and firefighting employees who suffer from specified injuries and conditions.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 352 (Padilla-D) Workers' compensation: medical treatment
Exempts employees engaged in fire protection and public safety, as specified, from limits on visits to a health care practitioner for physical medical services.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 420* (Negrete McLeod-D) Workers' compensation group: corporation taxes: deduction
Authorizes a workers' compensation self-insured group to elect to take a deduction for all of a contribution or assessment accrued or received during the taxable year for purposes of payment on subsequent years of its members' workers' compensation liabilities or contributions, as required under specified laws.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 452 (Cogdill-R) Workers' compensation: employment: family-owned farms
Excludes from the definition of "employee" any person who provides services on a family-owned farm, as defined, and is employed without financial compensation by his/her parent, spouse, child, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or first or second cousin. Requires the Department of Industrial Relations to prescribe a form to be filed by a family-owned farm for purposes of claiming an exemption from the provisions of the workers' compensation system.
(Died in Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)

SB 723 (Yee-D) State Compensation Insurance Fund
Allows the State Compensation Insurance Fund to participate in a 24-hour care pilot project to be developed and implemented pursuant to statute and by regulations adopted by the Administrative Director of the Division of Workers' Compensation for a period of six years, commencing with the adoption of the regulations. During the pilot project, the fund would have the authority to contract with health care service plans or health insurers to be the exclusive providers of medical, surgical, and hospital treatment for both occupational and nonoccupational injuries and illnesses of employees of employers who purchase coverage from the fund, and who elect to purchase joint occupational and nonoccupational health care coverage.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

SB 726 (Alquist-D) Workers' compensation: blood-borne infection presumption
Establishes a one-county, one-year filing period for a retroactive blood-borne infection presumption for specified public safety professionals for the purposes of workers' compensation eligibility.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 1005 (Florez-D) Workers' compensation: claim files: disclosure
Requires a third-party administrator responsible for administering an employer's workers' compensation claims to discuss all elements of the claim file that affect the employer's premium with the employer, and to supply copies of the documents that affect the premium, at the employer's expense.
(Died in Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)

SB 1103 (Cedillo-D) Workers' Compensation: permanent disability benefits
Provides, for injuries occurring on or after 1/1/09, for a supplemental job displacement benefit in the form of a voucher for up to $6,000 to cover various reeducation and skill enhancement expenses, which would expire two years after the date the voucher is furnished to the employee or five years after the date of injury, whichever is later. Exempts employers who make an offer of reemployment or continued employment, from providing vouchers. Requires the administrative director of the Division of Workers' Compensation to adopt regulations implementing the program.
(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)

SB 1115 (Migden-D) Workers' compensation: permanent disability apportionment
Prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, age, gender, marital status, sex or genetic predisposition in the process of apportioning medical causation for purposes of determining an employer's liability for the permanent disability of an employee injured on the job.

SB 1145* (Machado-D) State Compensation Insurance Fund
Restructures the governance of the State Compensation Insurance Fund. Allows the board to appoint six additional exempt positions in addition to the president, with salaries to be set by the board of directors. Applies the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act to meetings of the board. Applies the Milton Marks Postgovernment Employment Restrictions Act to members of the board of directors and other executive level employees, as specified.
Chapter 344, Statutes of 2008

SB 1189 (Cedillo-D) Workers' compensation: job displacement benefits
Limits delays in the provision of training/retraining services to permanently injured workers who do not receive a timely offer to return to work by their employer and ensures that determinations of eligibility are related to a workers' permanent disability status.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1271 (Cedillo-D) Workers' compensation: cancer presumption
Gives specified federal firefighter contractors and state Office of Emergency Services fire and rescue services coordinators, the right to the workers' compensation "cancer presumption" for which certain California public sector firefighters are eligible.
Chapter 747, Statutes of 2008

SB 1309 (Calderon-D) Workers' compensation: implantable medical devices
Makes it easier for workers' compensation carriers/payors to pay surgical implant providers directly for approved implantable devices and allows medical facilities to opt out of maintaining inventory or performing billing with respect to these devices.
(Died in Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)

SB 1338 (Migden-D) Workers' compensation: medical treatment
Deletes the sunset date on the law that authorizes a worker to predesignate his/her personal treating physician as the treating physician in the event of a workplace injury, and deletes the requirement that the Division of Workers' Compensation prepare a report evaluating the predesignation program.

SB 1717 (Perata-D) Workers' compensation: permanent partial disability benefits
Increases the number of weeks that permanent disability benefits are paid, thereby increasing the amount of money received for each percent of disability.

AB 166 (Bass-D) Workers' compensation claims: public safety personnel: MRSA
Adds methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureaus (MRSA) or Staph/MRSA skin infection to the list of disputable presumptions for workers' compensation claims for public safety personnel.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 213 (Fuentes-D) Workers' compensation: claim adjudication: venue sites
Prohibits employers from objecting to a certain filing venue choice made by specified injured workers when those workers file a request for adjudication for their workers' compensation claims.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 326 (Benoit-R) State Compensation Insurance Fund
Reforms the internal audit function of the State Compensation Insurance Fund.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance, and Insurance Committee)

AB 419 (Lieber-D) Workers' compensation: public employees: leaves of absence
Expands the scope of the law that provides that specified safety officers (police and firefighters) are entitled to full pay, tax free, for up to one year after an on-the-job injury ("4850 time") in lieu of temporary disability benefits.

AB 507 (De La Torre-D) Workers' compensation: rating organizations
Requires the Workers' Compensation Rating Bureau, a private entity that is designated by the Insurance Commissioner as the "statistical agent" to carry out specified statutory functions, to make available to the public on its web site information about whether or not an employer has workers' compensation insurance.

AB 807 (Hancock-D) Workers' compensation: medical treatment
Specifies that the limits provided under workers' compensation for chiropractic treatment, occupational therapy treatment, and physical therapy will not apply when prescribed as follow-up care after surgery with evidence-based medical treatment guidelines generally recognized by the national medical community.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 1341 (Benoit-R) Workers' compensation: temporary disability
Extends the period during which an injured workers can collect up to 104 weeks of temporary disability benefits from two years from the date temporary disability benefits commenced to a period of four years from the date of injury.
(Failed passage in Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 1619 (Benoit-R) Workers' compensation: insurer licensing
Allows any insurer admitted to transact health insurance or workers' compensation insurance, or a health care service plan licensed pursuant to the Knox-Keene Health Care Service Plan Act, to make written application to the Insurance Commissioner for a license to offer a single policy that provides health care services and workers' compensation benefits.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 1624 (Niello-R) Workers' compensation: public employees: retirement
Authorizes an employer, insurer, or third-party administrator to disclose medical information to an investigator of the California Highway Patrol for purposes of a workers' compensation fraud investigation. Allows the Board of the Public Employees' Retirement System to convert a patrol employee's disability retirement to a service retirement under specified circumstances. Provides that the supplemental job displacement benefit is not payable to a peace officer who is eligible for the maximum service retirement benefit.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 1682 (Benoit-R) State Compensation Insurance Fund
States findings and declarations regarding the governance of the State Compensation Insurance Fund. Declares the Legislature shall consider the number of members necessary for adequate oversight, the appointing authority of board members, and the type and level of experience required for board members. Specifies that the Fund is subject to the Political Reform Act of 1974.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1874 (Coto-D) State Compensation Insurance Fund
Reforms the structure of the Board of Directors of the State Compensation Insurance Fund. Expands the Board of Directors to 11 members, adds legislative appointments, repeals the requirement that directors be policyholders, specifies compensation for the directors, and establishes qualifications for the directors.
Chapter 322, Statutes of 2008

AB 2081 (Coto-D) Workers' compensation
Prohibits kickbacks from a utilization review company to a third party administrator as an inducement for the third party administrator to refer a workers' compensation claim for utilization review, and clarifies the law that authorizes a private corporation that has all of its shareholders working for the company to exclude these officer/shareholders from workers' compensation coverage.

AB 2091 (Fuentes-D) Workers' compensation: pharmacy services annual study
Requires that the administrative director of the Division of Workers Compensation contract with an independent consulting firm to study if there is adequate access for injured workers to pharmacy services and prescription drugs and, if necessary, adjust the reimbursement rate under the Medi-Cal fee schedule.
Chapter 193, Statutes of 2008

AB 2103 (Plescia-R) Workers' compensation: horse racing: thoroughbred racing
Extends the sunset date, from 1/1/09 to 1/1/14, on a deduction from parimutuel wagering on thoroughbred horse racing in order to defray the costs of pay or workers' compensation insurance.
Chapter 443, Statutes of 2008

AB 2181 (Ruskin-D) Workers' compensation: occupational injury or illness
Eliminates duplicative requirements for insurers and employers in the reporting of on-the-job injuries.
Chapter 740, Statutes of 2008

AB 2351 (Garrick-R) Workers' compensation: medical treatment utilization reviews
Eliminates the requirement that insurers and employers provide notices approving treatment that has already been provided, and extends the time for them to provide retrospective notices delaying, denying, or modifying treatment from 30 calendar days to 30 working days.
(Failed passage in Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 2692 (Hernandez-D) Workers' compensation
Authorizes the Insurance Commissioner to regulate workers' compensation insurance rates.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 2969 (Lieber-D) Workers' compensation: medical treatment utilization reviews
Requires a workers' compensation utilization review physician to be licensed in California.

AB 2987 (Benoit-R) Workers' compensation: job displacement benefits
Changes the timeline by which the supplemental job displacement benefit becomes available to an injured worker.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

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Unemployment Insurance

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SB 115 (Florez-D) Employment service program costs
States the intent of the Legislature to appropriate $2 million from the General Fund for support of the Employment Development Department employment service programs and related administrative costs attributable to the freezing weather conditions of January 2007.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

SB 1173 (Scott-D) Unemployment insurance: employers: motion picture industry
Extends, from 30 days to 45 days, the time period within which a motion picture payroll services company must notify the production companies and allied motion picture service companies of its intent to quit business. Authorizes a motion picture payroll services company to extend a current voluntary plan for disability benefits to workers of affiliated professional entities.
Chapter 391, Statutes of 2008

SB 1661 (Kuehl-D) Unemployment compensation: family leave: good cause
Allows individuals who leave employment to take paid family leave to become potentially eligible for unemployment insurance benefits in the future, provided these individuals meet all of the other unemployment insurance requirements.

AB 651 (Sharon Runner-R) Unemployment compensation: gross misconduct
Disqualifies an individual for unemployment compensation benefits, if the Director of the Department of Employment Development determines that the individual has been discharged for gross misconduct connected with the most recent work.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 1107* (Arambula-D) Unemployment compensation benefits: drought-related
Increases the allowable maximum earnings from $25 (or 25% of wages) to $200 per week that a person eligible for unemployment compensation may keep as a result of a loss of work from the 2008 drought.

AB 2407 (Tran-R) Unemployment compensation: disability benefits: payment
Deletes the requirement to include a specified imprinted statement on payment of unemployment compensation and disability benefits. Makes technical, nonsubstantive changes to those provisions.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 2570 (Silva-R) Unemployment insurance: Employment Training Panel
Makes several changes to statutes of the Employment Training Panel to address the funding requirements, restrictions, and authority of the panel.
Chapter 497, Statutes of 2008

AB 3056 (Assembly Insurance Committee) Unemployment compensation: eligibility: retraining benefits
Extends, from 1/1/10 to 1/1/15, the sunset date on an existing state program that allows eligible unemployment insurance claimants who lack competitive job skills to receive unemployment insurance compensation while attending retraining programs approved by the Employment Development Department.
Chapter 507, Statutes of 2008

AB 3066 (Assembly Veterans Affairs Committee) Unemployment insurance: Employment Training Panel: veterans
Expands the number of those specified projects that qualify for priority funding from the Employment Training Panel to include projects that support veterans and members of the California National Guard, especially those individuals who have become disabled as a result of military service. Requires the Employment Training Panel to include in its three-year plan, goals, objectives, and strategies to support target populations, including veterans.

AJR 56 (Swanson-D) Unemployment benefits
Encourages the federal government to expand the length of time an employed worker may collect unemployment benefits.
Resolution Chapter 83, Statutes of 2008

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Financial Institutions

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SB 638 (Romero-D) Credit union services
Authorizes a credit union to sell to persons in the field of membership negotiable checks, money orders, and other similar money transfer instruments. Authorizes a credit union, for a fee, to cash checks and money orders and receive international and domestic electronic fund transfers for persons in the field of membership.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance, and Insurance Committee)

SB 926* (Perata-D) Residential mortgage loans: foreclosure procedures
Enacts a comprehensive package of foreclosure reforms designed to prevent unnecessary residential foreclosures from further worsening the state and local economy and housing markets. Requires a notice to be sent to borrowers prior to any projected change in mortgage payment, and requires lenders to contact borrowers to arrange an in-person meeting and provide the borrower a list of HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) certified counselors before filing a Notice of Default on a residential property in default.
(Died on Senate Floor)

SB 1007 (Machado-D) Exchange facilitators
Requires a person engaging in business as an exchange facilitator, as defined, to comply with certain bonding and insurance requirements, and to notify existing exchange clients whose relinquished or replacement property is located in this state of any change in control of the exchange facilitator. Requires a person engaging in business as an exchange facilitator to, among other things, act as a custodian for all exchange funds and to invest those funds in investments that meet a prudent investor standard, as specified.
Chapter 708, Statutes of 2008

SB 1137* (Perata-D) Residential mortgage loans: foreclosure procedures
Enacts several changes to the procedures that must be followed before the holder of a mortgage may issue a notice of default or notice of trustee sale, requires the holder of a mortgage to mail a specified notice to the tenant(s) of a property on which foreclosures proceedings have begun, and imposes penalties on property owners who fail to adequately maintain foreclosed properties, as specified.
Chapter 69, Statutes of 2008

SB 1242* (Runner-R) Residential mortgages
Requires a person or entity that arranges financing in connection with a sale, lease, or exchange of real property and acts as an agent with respect to that property to make a written disclosure of those roles and his or her compensation, within 24 hours, to all parties to the sale, lease, or exchange and any related loan transaction.
(Died In Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 1311 (Simitian-D) California Pollution Control Financing Authority: loans
Allows the California Pollution Control Financing Authority to reduce loan loss reserve contributions for small business loans financed under the California Capital Access Program.
Chapter 401, Statutes of 2008

SB 1551 (Correa-D) Deferred deposit transactions
Enacts a number of the regulatory recommendations from the Department of Corporations' March 2008 report on the payday loan law, including those that relate to advertising, recordkeeping, disclosure of fees and other charges, and repayment plans.
(Failed passage in Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 1604 (Machado-D) Escrow Agents' Fidelity Corporation
Requires that any private insurance policy maintained by an escrow agent be applied as primary coverage, in the event of a loss covered by both the private insurance and the Escrow Agents' Fidelity Corporation.
Chapter 285, Statutes of 2008

A similar bill was SB 1286 (Machado) which failed passage in Assembly Banking and Finance Committee).

SB 1678 (Florez-D) Debt management and settlement
Enacts the Debt Settlement Services Act, effective 1/1/10, for the purpose of licensing debt settlement service providers.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)
A similar bill was AB 2611 (Lieu-D) which died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee.

AB 69 (Lieu-D) Mortgage lending: reporting
Requires mortgage loan servicers to report information regarding loan loss mitigation efforts to the Department of Corporations.
Chapter 277, Statutes of 2008

AB 180 (Bass-D) Mortgages: foreclosure consultants
Amends existing law relative to foreclosure consultants to (1) prohibit a foreclosure consultant from entering specified pre-foreclosure agreements with a homeowner, (2) allow a homeowner to cancel within five days of signing a contract with a foreclosure consultant, and (3) require the foreclosure consultant to maintain a surety bond, as specified.
Chapter 278, Statutes of 2008

AB 512 (Lieber-D) Contracts: translation
Requires supervised financial organizations, as defined, who negotiate any material term of a contract or agreement, in one of five listed foreign languages, to provide either an approved disclosure form or a translated copy of the contract or agreement to the borrower, as specified. Subjects violators of this section to specified penalties for failure to comply. Gives aggrieved borrowers certain rights to rescind contracts.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

AB 529 (Torrico-D) Mortgages: adjustable interest rates: notification
Requires borrowers to receive notice if their loan is scheduled to switch from an initial fixed rate to an adjustable rate, or set to reset to a fully amortizing loan.

AB 786 (Lieu-D) Financial institutions: greenhouse gas emissions
States that banks providing financial incentives to assist other entities in reducing greenhouse gasses prior to 1/1/12 may receive an appropriate credit under the greenhouse gas emissions reduction program adopted by the Air Resources Board.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1301 (Gaines-R) Financial institutions
Updates, organizes, and rearranges the California Banking Law to improve the ability of the Department of Financial Institutions to administer the law, and to ease both understanding of, and compliance with, the law by licensees.
Chapter 125, Statutes of 2008

AB 1418 (Arambula-D) Credit Union Membership Investment Model
Requires the Credit Union Advisory Committee to develop a Credit Union Membership Investment Model that identifies best practices relating to community development, small business and microenterprise financing, and investments of credit union capital, as specified.

AB 1534 (Nunez-D) Deferred deposit transactions
Expands upon existing law which requires the Department of Corporations to report to the Governor and Legislature, by 12/1/07, on its implementation of the California Deferred Deposit Transaction Law, the payday loan lending law. Augments the required report, and requires it to be sent to the Governor and Legislature on or before 3/1/08.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

AB 1830 (Lieu-D) Lending: real estate
Enacts the Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Law, effective 7/1/09, as specified, codifies a fiduciary duty for mortgage brokers, effective 1/1/09, and authorizes California's mortgage regulators to apply specified federal mortgage lending laws and regulations to their licensees, effective 1/1/09.

AB 1837 (Garcia-R) Consumer loans: subprime and nontraditional loans
Imposes certain limitations and prohibitions on licensed persons, including real estate brokers, finance lenders, residential mortgage lenders, and financial institutions, with respect to consumer loans and covered loans.
(Died in Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)

AB 2123 (Lieu-D) California Financial Literacy Initiative
Establishes the California Financial Literacy Initiative for the purpose of improving financial literacy by providing resources and instruction to Californians.

AB 2161 (Swanson-D) Loans: consumer complaints
Requires the Department of Real Estate, the Department of Financial Institutions, and the Department of Corporations to report to the Legislature on consumer complaints related to nontraditional loans.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 2187 (Caballero-D) Mortgages: foreclosure
Imposes certain requirements on mortgage lenders that are foreclosing on property.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2249 (Niello-R) Financial institutions: accounts
Provides for specific circumstances in which a government entity may access account information of a customer's account at a bank, credit union or savings association.
Chapter 234, Statutes of 2008

AB 2323 (Huff-R) Escrow agents
Expands the Escrow Law to include federal summary criminal history information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Chapter 262, Statutes of 2008

AB 2359 (Jones-D) Loans
Provides that an originator, beneficiary, trustee or assignee shall not require as a condition of an agreement regarding a covered loan, subprime loan, or non-traditional loan that the applicant waive any duties, remedies, or forums of California law with respect to a residential mortgage or mortgage foreclosure.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

AB 2509 (Galgiani-D) Homeownership preservation
Establishes the Homeownership Preservation Mortgage Guarantee Program, as specified, administered by the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, using federal funding made available through the Neighborhood Stabilization Act of 2008 (HR 5818).
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

AB 2594 (Mullin-D) Redevelopment: affordable housing
Allows a redevelopment agency, until 2013, to use its non-housing tax increment revenues to address the mortgage crisis.

AB 2606 (Emmerson-R) Bad check diversion program
Increases the fees for district attorney bad check diversion programs.
Chapter 264, Statutes of 2008

AB 2733 (Brownley-D) Real property disclosures
Requires a seller of real property that is located within 1/4 mile of an environmental hazard site to disclose that information to potential buyers, and requires a similar disclosure be made by a person filing a public report with the Department of Real Estate for the purpose of offering subdivided land for sale or lease.

AB 2740 (Brownley-D) Home loans: servicing
Imposes specified duties on mortgage loan servicers and establishes additional civil liability for servicers who violate the provisions of the bill.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

AB 2749 (Gaines-R) Financial institutions: disclosure & reporting requirements
Reorganizes sections of the Financial Code relating to the powers of the Commissioner of the Department of Financial Institutions and makes other technical changes intended to ease administration of the law by the department.
Chapter 501, Statutes of 2008

AB 2751 (Strickland-R) Mortgages: residential property
Requires every person or financial institution that makes loans upon the security of real property containing only a one- to four-family residence and that is located in this state, or purchases obligations secured by that property, that receives money for payment of settlement proceeds, as defined, to place that money in an interest bearing account.
(Died in Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)

ACR 113 (Niello-R) Financial literacy education
Declares the month of April 2008 as Financial Literacy Month.
Resolution Chapter 32, Statutes of 2008

AJR 45 (Coto-D) Mortgage loans: federal conforming/FHA mortgage loan limits
Memorializes the Congress of the Untied States to enact, and the President of the United States to sign, a permanent increase in the conforming mortgage loan limit and the Federal Housing Administration limit, to the levels to which these limits were increased in the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008.
Resolution Chapter 81, Statutes of 2008

AJR 59 (Solorio-D) California subprime mortgage foreclosures
Urges the President and the Congress of the United States to require more oversight of mortgage lenders and loan servicers and increase disclosures and enforcement of mortgage laws.
(Died in Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)

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SB 49 (Migden-D) Sports franchises: local government: nonassistance
Prohibits a city, county, city and county, or redevelopment agency from providing any financial assistance, as defined, to a sports stadium project, as specified.
(Died in Senate Local Government Committee)

SB 237 (Dutton-R) Contractors: mechanics' liens
Requires a contractor who records a lien claim, as specified, and who fails to perform specified acts within 90 days of recording the claim, to execute and record a release of the lien within 15 days of the date the lien became null and void.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 294 (Ackerman-R) Corporations: disclosure statements
Requires corporations to disclose whether the corporation is publicly traded and, if so, the corporation's Central Index Key, as defined. Requires the Secretary of State to include on its Internet web site instructions on how one may use a publicly traded corporation's Central Index Key to obtain information about that corporation from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 329 (Dutton-R) Business plans: business plans
Requires the Office of Emergency Services, in consultation with the Department of Toxic Substances Control, to adopt regulations to authorize an administering agency to allow a business to submit a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan to the administering agency in lieu of submitting a business plan, under certain conditions.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 355 (Margett-R) Contractors: consultants
Includes, within the definition of "contractor," a person who schedules subcontractors or who provides a service to complete a project for a work of improvement that is covered by a licensed contractor classification.
(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

SB 377 (Aanestad-R) Information signs: highways businesses
Requires the Department of Transportation to adopt rules and regulations governing the placement and standards for signs relative to "attractions" and "24-hour pharmacies."
Chapter 378, Statutes of 2008

SB 447 (Maldonado-R) Junk dealers
Requires a junk dealer or recycler to report information about each sale or purchase of junk to the chief of police of the city or the sheriff of the county in which the junk dealer or recycler purchased the junk, in the same manner as required by a second hand dealer or coin dealer, as specified.
Chapter 732, Statutes of 2008

SB 563 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Outdoor advertising
Provides that an advertising display whose height, orientation, or size is modified after erection in a manner that causes it to become illegal is not a lawfully erected display. Deletes the provisions enabling an advertising display to be deemed lawfully erected if it is subsequently brought into full compliance with state laws and local ordinances, and the provisions establishing the rebuttable presumption regarding an advertising display in existence for a period of five years or longer. Authorizes advertising displays that are subsequently altered in violation of the terms of a building permit to be removed without compensation.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

SB 571 (Yee-D) Organized retail crime
Requires the California Research Bureau of the California State Library, by 9/30/08, to report to the Legislature on the economic losses caused by organized retail crime, makes legislative declarations and findings regarding the problems caused by organized retail crime, and states the Legislature's intent to define the crime and provide law enforcement with the necessary tools to investigate and prosecute the crime.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

SB 580 (Wiggins-D) Pawnbrokers
Provides for a minimum charge of no more than $3 a month on any pawn loan, and prohibits the pawn loan setup fee from exceeding $5 or two percent, whichever is greater, not to exceed $10.
Chapter 340, Statutes of 2008

SB 596 (Harman-R) Computerized payment systems: antisniffer protection
Requires a computerized payment system sold as new in this state to include antisniffer protection, as defined, that protects data traveling through the system and any directions necessary for use of the antisniffer protection.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 654 (Denham-R) Accountants: licensing examination
Allows for an applicant for admission to the examination for a certified public accountant license to have graduated from an unaccredited degree-granting institution, as long as the institution is a candidate for accreditation and is accredited within five years subsequent to the application for accreditation.
(Died in Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee)

SB 691* (Calderon-D) Junk dealers and recyclers: nonferrous material
Requires junk dealers and recyclers to comply with additional recordkeeping requirements and new payment restrictions when purchasing nonferrous materials (i.e., copper, copper alloys, stainless steel, and aluminum, excluding beverage containers).
Chapter 730, Statutes of 2008

SB 700* (Ducheny-D) Destination management company
Provides that a qualified destination management company, as defined, shall be deemed to be a consumer, and not a retailer, of tangible personal property it provides to its clients, on and after 1/1/01, pursuant to a qualified contract for destination management services, as defined.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 738 (Calderon-D) Works of improvement
Requires, under both the Contractors State License Law, as applicable to public works of improvement only, and the State Contract Act, a contractor, prime contractor, or subcontractor, when paying for work performed by the subcontractor, to pay those amounts to the subcontractor not later than seven, rather than 10, days of receipt of each progress payment. Deletes provisions of existing law authorizing a claimant to enforce a claim by giving written notice to the surety and the bond principal within 15 days after recordation of a notice of completion and extending the time for giving written notice to the surety and bond principal to 75 days after completion of the work of improvement if a notice of completion has not been recorded.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 749* (Oropeza-D) Limited liability companies: annual fees
Provides, for taxable years beginning on or after 1/1/01, that "total income from all sources reportable to this state" means gross income plus the cost of goods sold derived from or attributable to this state within the meaning of specified provisions of the Corporation Tax Law relating to apportionment and allocation, as provided. Makes legislative findings and declarations regarding the necessity for the equitable treatment of limited liability companies.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 797* (Ridley-Thomas-D) Professions and vocations
Authorizes the Department of Consumer Affairs to create advisory committees to the Dental Board of California, the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board, the Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians, and the Barbering and Cosmetology Board. Allows the Board of Behavioral Sciences to take disciplinary action against licensees after the current statute of limitation has expired in specified circumstances, and makes other changes to boards and programs under the Department of Consumer Affairs.
Chapter 33, Statutes of 2008

SB 804 (Hollingsworth-R) Business: trespass
Defines a new form of misdemeanor trespass that will be committed where the defendant enters or remains in a place of business open to the public after previously having interfered with the business, at which time the person was asked to leave and was issued a written warning or request directing him or her not to return for six months, as specified.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)

SB 963 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Department of Consumer Affairs: regulatory boards
Extends the sunset date on the Board of Psychology, the Acupuncture Board, the Board of Behavior Sciences, the Contractors' State License Board, the Board of Geologists and Geophysicists, the Court Reporters Board, and the State Athletic Commission until 1/1/11, and establishes a sunset date of 1/1/13, for the Bureau for Private and Postsecondary Education.
Chapter 385, Statutes of 2008

SB 986 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Pet stores
Revises the guidelines by which a pet store operator or employee may euthanize rodents and rabbits intended as food for another animal, as specified.

SB 1135 (Ducheny-D) Cemeteries: endowment trust funds
Increases the minimum amounts an endowment care cemetery is required to have deposited in its endowment care fund.
Chapter 545, Statutes of 2008

SB 1206 (Calderon-D) Structural pest control
Authorizes a pest control company registered in Branch 2 or Branch 3 to advertise fumigation or any and all encompassing treatment, as specified.
Chapter 46, Statutes of 2008

SB 1209 (Maldonado-R) Private security services
Requires the Department of Consumer Affairs, in consultation with the Office of Emergency Services, to study the impact of specified declared emergencies on the supply and demand for security guards in this state. If significant shortages are found to exist, the Department of Consumer Affairs and the Office of Emergency Services are to recommend legislation ensuring that adequate numbers of security guards are available to protect life and property during emergencies.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 1215 (Harman-R) Professional fiduciaries
Redefines a professional fiduciary by clarifying that a conservator or guardian who may qualify as a professional fiduciary includes a conservator of the person or estate, a conservator of the person and estate, and a guardian of the estate of two or more persons at the same time who are not related by blood, adoption, marriage, or registered domestic partnership, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Judiciary Committee)

SB 1225 (Harman-R) Private cemeteries: limited liability companies
Allows a limited liability company (LLC) to operate as a cemetery authority and provide various cemetery and funeral-related services, by employing persons licensed for these services, if the LLC maintains a specified minimum amount of insurance and/or assets. Prohibits a person licensed to provide any cemetery or funeral-related service from having any ownership interest as a member of an LLC designated as a cemetery authority.
Chapter 114, Statutes of 2008

SB 1282 (Margett-R) Private investigators: continuing education
Requires, beginning 1/1/12, licensed private investigators as a condition of license renewal to complete 12 hours of continuing education in privacy rights, professional ethics, recent legal developments relating to private investigators, and other subjects related to private investigators. Requires any individual licensed private investigator whose license is subject to renewal between 1/1/11, and 1/1/12, to complete six hours of continuing education, as specified.

SB 1312 (Yee-D) Registered interior designers
Creates, within the California Architects Board, the Registered Interior Design Committee for the registration of registered interior designers. The Registered Interior Design Committee will review the qualifications of candidates for examination as a registered interior designer. Makes it unlawful for a person to hold him or herself out to the public or solicit business as a registered interior designer without holding a certificate of registration, unless the person is exempt, as specified.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

SB 1329 (Harman-R) Charitable institutions: fund management: dissolution
Repeals the Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act (UMIFA) and enacts the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act, which revises and reenacts the provisions contained in UMIFA. Requires an institution, when managing and investing an institutional fund, to consider the charitable purposes, as defined, of the institution and the purposes of the fund, to act in good faith and with the care of an ordinarily prudent person, to incur only reasonable and appropriate costs, and to take specified factors into consideration. Establishes procedures for the modification of restrictions on the use of institutional funds and authorizes a charitable institution to modify a restriction on the use of institutional funds not exceeding $100,000 and older then 20 years by making a filing with the Attorney General rather than seeking court relief.
Chapter 715, Statutes of 2008

SB 1337 (Correa-D) Contractors: limited liability companies
Allows a limited liability company to render contractor's services that are "professional services" prohibited by the Beverly-Killea Limited Liability Company, by authorizing the issuance of a contractor's license to a limited liability company under the Business and Professions Code.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 1359 (Runner-R) Retail food facilities
Makes a number of technical and clarifying changes to food and safety laws governing retail food facilities regulated under the California Retail Food Code.

SB 1362 (Margett-R) Electrician certification
Authorizes specified disciplinary action for failure to comply with existing law related to the certification of electricians.
Chapter 716, Statutes of 2008

SB 1400 (Simitian-D) Sweepstakes
Recasts California's sweepstakes law by requiring additional disclosures and consumer protections. Prohibits all sweepstakes solicitations from representing that a person has been specially selected, as defined, unless that representation is true, and prohibits sweepstakes solicitations from making various other misleading or false representations. Requires the official rules for a sweepstakes to disclose information about the date the final winner will be determined, and prohibits a sweepstakes sponsor, as defined, from charging a fee as a condition of receiving a monetary distribution or obtaining information about a prize or sweepstakes.
Chapter 749, Statutes of 2008

SB 1409* (Ackerman-R) Corporations: annual reports
Authorizes certain California corporations to follow a recently-issued Securities and Exchange Commission rule allowing proxy materials to be provided over the Internet.
Chapter 177, Statutes of 2008

SB 1420 (Padilla-D) Food facilities: nutritional information
Requires, by 1/1/11, every food facility in this state that operates under common ownership or control, with at least 19 other food facilities with the same name, that sell substantially the same menu items, or operates as a franchised outlet of a parent company with at least 19 other franchises, with the same name, that sell substantially the same menu items, to disclose to consumers specified nutritional information for all standard menu items.
Chapter 600, Statutes of 2008

SB 1432 (Margett-R) Contractors
Clarifies that a home or property owner no longer has to provide that a license law violation by a contractor was willful and deliberate when filing for a claim on their bond. Expands and clarifies the time period for consumers to file a claim against a bond when the license of a contractor was inactivated, cancelled, or revoked, and increases the portion of the bond that is available in a small claims action for a person (claimant) against the contractor's bond from $4,000 to $6,500.
Chapter 157, Statutes of 2008

SB 1449 (Calderon-D) Works of improvement: liens
Requires each subcontractor or material supplier entitled to a payment bond claim or stop notice on a public work of improvement in an amount greater than $400 to provide specified information regarding other subcontractors or material suppliers with which that person contracts that are entitled to file a claim on the surety bond on that work of improvement. Requires that the information be provided, within 14 days of commencing work on the work of improvement, to the original contractor for that work of improvement.
(Died in Assembly Judiciary Committee)

SB 1450* (Dutton-R) Thrift stores: sales and use taxes: exemptions
Provides a sales and use tax exemption for property sold by thrift stores operated by the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society. The exemption sunsets on 1/1/13.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 1463 (Maldonado-R) Corporation taxes: charitable contributions
Provides a deduction equal to 200% of any charitable contribution donated to the state parks trust, in addition to the deduction the current law allows. The money can be used only to supplement, not supplant, California park operations, maintenance, and other expenditures typically provided by the state. Further, the combined aggregate deduction an individual or corporation may claim cannot exceed $35 million.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 1469 (Calderon-D) Collateral recovery: tow vehicles
Allows the impoundment of tangible property used to violate the Collateral Recovery Act. Requires law enforcement agencies that impound vehicles to remain open, without the necessity of making an appointment, and to issue a release to the registered owner or legal owner of a vehicle whenever the agency is open to serve the public. Requires specified facilities where impounded vehicles are stored to accept valid credit cards, and makes various revisions to the Collateral Recovery Act concerning tow vehicles.

SB 1550 (Florez-D) Corporations: climate change disclosure
Requires the State Controller to develop a voluntary, investor-based standard for use by listed corporations doing business in California that address climate change risks in order to help investors make better informed decisions.
(Died on Senate Unfinished Business)

SB 1581 (Aanestad-R) Contractors
Exempts a contractor furnishing a performance and payment bond from including, as part of the contract, a notice stating that the owner or tenant has the right to require the contractor to have a performance and payment bond, as well as from minimum typeface point size requirements for specified notices and statements.
(Failed passage in Assembly Judiciary Committee)

SB 1691 (Lowenthal-D) Mechanics liens
Reorganizes and restates statutory mechanics liens law, making non-substantive and technical changes.

SB 1698 (Romero-D) Contractors: public works
Requires licensed contractors and subcontractors, in order to perform work on state public works projects after 1/1/11, to obtain a public works certification from the Contractors State License Board prior to performing public works projects.

SB 1765 (Kuehl-D) Motion picture, television, and radio contracts
Prohibits the holder of rights in a motion picture, television program or series, or radio program to sell or license those rights to an affiliated entity for less than their fair market value where a third party or health and welfare or pension trust fund, is entitled to receive payment based on the proceeds from the sale or license. Defines "fair market value" and "affiliated entity", and sets forth guidelines where an action is brought to enforce the provisions of this bill.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

SB 1779 (Senate Business, Professions And Economic Development Committee) Professions and vocations
Makes several non-controversial, minor, nonsubstantive or technical changes to various miscellaneous provisions pertaining to the health-related regulatory boards of the Department of Consumer Affairs.

SB 1780 (Senate Business, Professions And Economic Development Committee) Professions and vocations
Makes various non-controversial, minor, non-substantive and technical changes to provisions of law pertaining to regulatory boards of the Department of Consumer Affairs and professions regulated under the Business and Professions Code.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

SB 26X (McClintock-R) Multiple employer welfare arrangements
Allows an association, as defined, that satisfies specified criteria to apply to the Department of Insurance for a certificate of compliance for a self-funded or partially self-funded Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement, as defined, established by the association on or after 1/1/08.
(Died in Senate Health Committee)

SCR 24 (Ackerman-R) United Parcel Service of America, Inc.
Recognizes the centennial of the United Parcel Service of America, Inc. and its contributions to the citizens of the State of California.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

SCR 104 (Scott-D) Construction Career Awareness Day
Recognizes 4/17/08 as the 8th annual Construction Career Awareness Day in northern California.
(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)

SR 19 (Padilla-D) Relative to National Engineers Week
Recognizes the week of 2/17/08, to 2/23/08, inclusive, as National Engineers Week and acknowledges the services bestowed upon the citizens of California by engineers.
Adopted by the Senate

AB 97 (Mendoza-D) Food facilities: trans fats
Prohibits food facilities from storing, distributing, using in food preparation, or serving food containing artificial trans fat, as specified.
Chapter 207, Statutes of 2008

AB 251 (DeSaulnier-D) Corporations: distributions
Provides, if a shareholder receives a prohibited distribution, the shareholder is liable to the corporation for an amount equal to the distribution, and specifies that a board member of a corporation that receives a prohibited distribution, with or without knowledge of the facts, indicating its impropriety, is subject to the same liability as a shareholder who has knowledge of the prohibited distribution.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

AB 264 (Mendoza-D) Secondhand dealers and coin dealers
Allows pawnbrokers and coin dealers, as specified, to accept valid government identification cards or documents, such as a military identification card or a United States visa issued to a Mexican citizen, if the identification document is designed to not include a signature.

AB 429 (Evans-D) Lodging: privacy
Provides that an innkeeper shall not be required to produce information from a guest registry, except upon the request of a peace officer investigating a criminal offense who has a reasonable suspicion that the registry contains the identity of a person relevant to the investigation, and permits a peace officer to seize a guest registry only if there is probable cause for the peace officer to believe that the registry contains the identity of a person relevant to the investigation.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)

AB 455 (Cook-R) Contractors State License Board
Requires an affirmative vote of a majority of the members currently serving on the Contractors State License Board in order to take an action or make a decision.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

AB 456 (Cook-R) Construction Management Education Account
Provides for the continuous appropriation of funds in the Construction Management Education Account for purposes of the Construction Management Education Sponsorship Act of 1991.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 498 (Hernandez-D) Business activities in Sudan
Prohibits a scrutinized company, as defined, that is involved in specified activities in Sudan, from entering into a contract with a state agency for goods or services. Also requires a prospective bidder for those state contracts that currently or within the previous three years has had business activities or other operations outside of the United States, to certify that the company is not a scrutinized company and imposes civil penalties, as specified, for a company that provides a false certification. Allows the Director of the Department of General Services, under specified conditions, to permit a scrutinized company to enter into state contracts for goods and services.
Chapter 272, Statutes of 2008

AB 501 (Swanson-D) Pharmaceutical manufacturers
Requires pharmaceutical manufacturers, upon request, to arrange to provide consumers who are prescribed pre-filled syringes, pre-filled pens, or other pre-filled injection devices, with a postage prepaid mail-back sharps container, or other approved sharps container. Requires such manufacturers to also provide information on safe disposal alternatives and options for medical sharps, and to provide notice that California law prohibits their disposal in conventional waste streams, as specified. Prohibits such manufacturers from using or disclosing personal information that they receive for purposes unrelated to fulfilling their requirements under the bill.

AB 518 (Mendoza-D) Barbering and cosmetology: threading
Deletes the 7/1/09 sunset date of the provision that exempted the practice of hair threading from regulation by the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology, and provides for a permanent exemption for the practice of hair threading.
Chapter 187, Statutes of 2008

AB 611 (Nakanishi-R) Contractors: arbitration procedures
Increases the monetary cap on cases that may be referred to a voluntary arbitration program by the Contractors State License Board, from its current maximum of $50,000, to a maximum of $100,000 and excludes attorney's fees from the costs that may be awarded by the arbitrator.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

AB 624 (Coto-D) Private foundations: diversity
Requires private, corporate or public operating foundations with assets over $250 million to collect race and gender related data related to their governance structure and domestic grantmaking and post this information on their Internet web sites.
(Died in Senate Business and Professions Committee)

AB 697 (Hancock-D) Relocation of retailers
Prohibits a local agency, on or after 10/1/08, from entering into any form of agreement with a retailer that would involve the shifting of any amount of Bradley-Burns local tax proceeds if the agreement results in a reduction in the amount of revenue that is received by another local agency from the same retailer if it is located within that other local agency, and continues to maintain a physical presence and location there.

AB 726* (DeVore-R) Charitable services: income tax credit: mileage
Provides an income tax audit for travel costs incurred in providing charitable and voluntary in-person services.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 844* (Berryhill-R) Junk dealers and recyclers: nonferrous material
Requires junk dealers and recyclers to comply with additional recordkeeping requirements and new payment restrictions when purchasing nonferrous materials (i.e., copper, copper alloys, stainless steel, and aluminum, excluding beverage containers).
Chapter 731, Statutes of 2008

AB 1005 (Maze-R) Corporation taxes: involuntary conversions
Clarifies existing law with respect to the approval required for property transferred via involuntary conversion.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1006 (Maze-R) Pawnbrokers and dealers
Clarifies provisions of law where property has been found in the possession of a secondhand dealer, pawnbroker, or coin dealer that has been the subject of a criminal investigation. Clarifies the original claimant's rights to the property.
(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

AB 1179* (Garrick-R) Limited liability partnerships: taxation
Reduces the amount of the annual minimum franchise tax from $800 to $100. Applies to all taxable years beginning on or after 1/1/07. Reduces the annual tax for limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, and limited liability companies consistent with the reduction in corporate franchise tax. Reduces the annual tax for regulated investment companies, real estate investment trusts, real estate mortgage investment conduits, and financial asset securitization investment trusts consistent with the reduction in corporate franchise tax.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1185 (Hayashi-D) Accountants: peer review program
Accelerates the date by which the Board of Accountancy is required to review and evaluate whether to implement a "peer review" program for the evaluation of accounting firms that provide "attest services" (audits and financial reviews), from 9/1/11 to 9/1/08.
(Died in Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee)

AB 1284 (Eng-D) Geologists and geophysicists
Increases the cap on the examination fee for a license as a professional geologist and deletes the written examination exemption for applicants with a certification from another state, as specified.
Chapter 488, Statutes of 2008

AB 1290 (Mendoza-D) Fictitious business name statements
Allows a county clerk, in the event that the notice of pending expiration of a fictitious business license is returned to the clerk by United States Postal Service as undeliverable, to dispose of the returned notice without delay.

AB 1506 (Arambula-D) Businesses: greenhouse gas emissions
Requires the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to conduct a study of the most effective ways for the state to provide incentives to businesses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase California's energy independence and to report its findings and recommendations to the Legislature on or before 1/1/09.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1516 (Maze-R) Commissioner of Corporations
Authorizes the Commissioner of Corporations to develop, recommend, and implement guidelines to achieve greater efficiency and cost-effective services in connection with certification or licensure, examination, investigation, enforcement, and other responsibilities.
(Died in Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)

AB 1519 (Ma-D) Human remains: commercial display
Requires that each exhibitor of a commercial display of human remains must post signage at the entrance to the exhibit site and ticket sales office, and make declarations in all advertising, as specified, until 1/1/10. Provides, that beginning 1/1/10, any commercial display of human remains is prohibited unless the exhibitor files a specified form with the Department of Justice, and requires the exhibitor to maintain two catalogs of consent forms, as specified, for each body or specimen listed on the form.

AB 1546 (Charles Calderon-D) Limited liability companies: income taxes
Corrects changes to the limited liability companies (LLCs) tax payment requirement by (1) advancing the deadline for LLCs tax payments, (2) assessing and detailing penalty for tax underpayment, and (3) repealing and adding requirements that LLC taxes must be collected and refunded in the same manner as personal income taxes.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1583 (Maze-R) Investment advisers
Expands on the liability of brokers and investment advisers and expands the definition of a security to include a fractional or proportional interest in a life insurance policy benefit, including a viatical settlement contract and a life settlement contract.
(Died in Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)

AB 1588 (Soto-D) Raffles: gross receipts
Decreases the percentage of gross receipts from charitable raffles required to go to beneficial or charitable purposes from 90% to 50% for a 50/50 cash raffle, as defined, and from 90% to 60% for a dream home raffle, as defined. Places certain restrictions on any noncash prize purchased in connection with a dream home raffle.
(Died in Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

AB 1591* (Ma-D) The Corporation Tax Law: allocation and apportionment
Authorizes, beginning on or after 1/1/08, and before 1/1/22, a taxpayer that is a member of an apportioning trade or business to elect, by contracting with the Franchise Tax Board, as provided, to apportion its business income to this state by utilizing one of the revised apportionment formulas, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1608 (Solorio-D) Fast food restaurants: billboard advertising
Prohibits advertising of any fast food product on any outdoor billboard within 1,500 feet of any public or private elementary school, middle school, high school, or public playground.
(Died in Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

AB 1677 (Charles Calderon-D) Internet transactions: banking and financial services
Requires a business that provides banking and other financial services over the Internet to implement policies and procedures for authenticating the legitimacy of Internet transactions.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

AB 1778 (Ma-D) Junk dealers and recyclers
Prohibits a junk dealer or recycler from providing payment for newspaper or California redemption value containers unless certain requirements are met.
Chapter 733, Statutes of 2008

AB 1816* (Galgiani-D) Cemeteries: temporary manager
Authorizes a court of competent jurisdiction to appoint a temporary manager to manage the property and service the prepaid interments of a private cemetery if the court finds that a cemetery manager has ceased to perform his or her duties, as specified, and permits the court to authorize reasonable compensation to the temporary manger to be made from the cemetery's endowment care fund.

AB 1840 (Charles Calderon-D) Retailers: sales tax
Defines a "retailer engaged in business in this state" as any retailer that has substantial nexus with this state for purposes of the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution and any retailer upon whom federal law permits this state to impose a use tax collection duty.
(Died on Assembly Floor)
A similar bill was AB 2XXX (Calderon-D) which died in the Assembly being unassigned to a committee.

AB 1846 (Adams-R) Inedible kitchen grease haulers
Exempts individuals collecting and hauling inedible kitchen grease for use in their personal vehicles from paying 75% of the $300 transporter fee, as specified.
Chapter 321, Statutes of 2008

AB 1866 (Mendoza-D) Retailers: service contracts
Requires a retailer that sells a service contract to maintain the service contract information and make the contract available to the purchaser upon request, as specified.

AB 1870 (De Leon-D) Secondhand dealers and coin dealers
Provides that a Matricula Consular, in addition to another item of identification bearing an address, can be a document which can verify the identification of a seller or pledger of property to a secondhand dealer or a coin dealer.

AB 1907 (Ruskin-D) Point-of-sale systems: price accuracy verification
Extends the sunset date on provisions of law governing inspections of point-of-sale systems' accuracy from 1/1/09 to 1/1/14.
Chapter 434, Statutes of 2008

AB 1911 (Galgiani-D) Funeral establishments
Requires a managing funeral director, cemetery manager, crematory manager, or cemetery broker to notify the Cemetery and Funeral Bureau if an employee or prospective employee has had a license or registration from the Bureau revoked or suspended, as specified, and provides a civil penalty of $2,500 to $25,000 for knowingly making a false statement to the Bureau regarding a transfer of cemetery ownership.
Chapter 490, Statutes of 2008

AB 1925 (Eng-D) Occupational and professional licenses: tax liability
Allows the Franchise Tax Board to suspend occupational and professional licenses due to unpaid income tax liabilities.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1952 (Berg-D) Business licensing: exemptions: veterans
Exempts honorably discharged veterans who are California residents from paying city, county and state license fees.
Chapter 435, Statutes of 2008

AB 1994* (Gaines-R) Economic crimes: sentencing
Reinstates provisions of the Economic Crime Act of 1992 - that apply to persons convicted of theft in excess of $50,000 in a single occurrence - which expired 1/1/08.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)

AB 2071 (Karnette-D) Plastic bags: plastic food and beverage containers
Establishes penalties for failure to comply with labeling requirements for compostable and biodegradable plastic bags and plastic food and beverage containers sold in California.
Chapter 570, Statutes of 2008

AB 2130 (Hayashi-D) Health studios: automated external defibrillators
Creates a specified training exemption in the law pertaining to the use of automated external defibrillators for those health studios generally known as "24-hour card key clubs" that do not maintain personnel on site and are available for use by their members 24 hours a day, commencing 1/1/09.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)

AB 2149 (Berg-D) Broker-dealers and investment advisers
Prohibits an investment advisor or broker-dealer from using specific credentials or professional designations in such a way as to mislead any person.
Chapter 476, Statutes of 2008

AB 2169 (Cook-R) Business licenses: ice cream truck operation
Prohibits a city or county from issuing a license to operate an ice cream truck to any person required to register as a sex offender due to a conviction for a crime against a person under age 16.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2223 (Horton-R) Structural Fumigation Enforcement Program
Includes San Diego County in the existing Structural Fumigation Enforcement Program and extends the sunset date on that program to 1/1/11.
Chapter 450, Statutes of 2008

AB 2336 (Nakanishi-R) Contractors: arbitration procedures
Allows a licensee to have a project that is the subject of an arbitration proceeding inspected by an expert, and requires the complainant to allow for that inspection prior to the hearing date.
(Died in Assembly Judiciary Committee)

AB 2383 (Ruskin-D) Retail business: social security numbers use
Prohibits a retail business or landlord from soliciting, requiring, or using an individual's social security number for any purpose unless that number is necessary for that business's normal course of business and there is a specific use for that number for which no other number may be used. Requires that a retail business meet certain requirements with respect to any requested social security number.
(Died in Assembly Judiciary Committee)

AB 2412 (Eng-D) Unlicensed contractors
Increases the maximum criminal fines for unlicensed contractors, requires a mandatory jail sentence for a third or subsequent conviction for unlicensed contracting, and clarifies that a person who utilizes an unlicensed contractor, who is convicted of acting as a contractor without a valid license, shall be considered a victim of crime, thereby requiring the court to order the unlicensed contractor to make restitution.

AB 2423 (Bass-D) Professions and vocations: licensure
Authorizes specified boards and bureaus under the Department of Consumer Affairs when considering the issuance of a probationary license or registration to request an applicant with a prior criminal history to provide proof of dismissal. Requires boards to develop standard terms of probation, authorizes these boards to revoke, suspend, or deny at any time any required license or registration, and requires these boards to provide a specified statement of reasons for the denial and, if applicable, a copy of the applicant's criminal history record.
Chapter 675, Statutes of 2008

AB 2473 (Niello-R) Accountancy: licensure
Eliminates the experience-based pathway for qualification to take the certified public accountant examination (CPA), and the requirement that out-of-state and foreign CPAs hold a practice privilege from the California Board of Accountancy prior to practicing public accountancy in California.
(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

AB 2540* (Mendoza-D) Mobile food facilities
Establishes single operating site mobile food facility as a new category of mobile food facilities regulated under the California Retail Food Code, and imposes various requirements on these facilities. Revises various standards applicable to mobile food facilities and satellite food facilities, with respect to water storage, contamination prevention, and construction standards.

AB 2572 (Parra-D) Food facilities: nutrition information
Requires a covered food facility to disclose nutrition information in accordance with specified requirements, and provides that after 1/1/10, a covered food facility that violates these provisions is guilty of an infraction and specifically provides that a violation of these provisions is not a misdemeanor.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 2592 (Ma-D) Locksmiths
Makes various changes to the statutes governing the licensure and regulation of locksmiths, and revises and recasts the provisions relating to unlicensed activity relating to the locksmith business.
Chapter 679, Statutes of 2008

AB 2677 (Krekorian-D) Genocide: investments: profiting from genocide
Requires the State Treasurer's Office to annually publish a report listing businesses that are profiting from genocide.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2690 (Krekorian-D) Product liability actions
Declares that a manufacturer of a prescription pharmaceutical product that advertises directly to consumers shall not be relieved of a duty to warn customers of risks and side effects of the product solely because the product was prescribed to a patient by a physician.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

AB 2735 (Smyth-R) Internet service providers: recordkeeping
Requires an Internet service provider, as defined, engaged in or transacting business in California to keep records for two years following allocation of an IP (Internet Protocol) address under its control, as specified, and to make those records reasonably available, upon request, to federal or state law enforcement or the Attorney General.
(Died in Assembly Jobs, Economic Development and the Economy Committee)

AB 2750 (Krekorian-D) Music piracy: restitution
Provides (1) that in a music or audio-visual piracy case restitution shall be paid to the owner, lawful producer, or trade association acting on behalf of the owner or producer; (2) provides for the calculation of restitution for music and audio-visual piracy, and (3) provides that restitution includes the reasonable costs incurred by the owner, producer, or trade association acting on behalf of the owner or producer, to investigate the piracy.
Chapter 468, Statutes of 2008

AB 2793 (Blakeslee-R) Professional engineers: disclosures
Authorizes an engineer, as defined, to disclose to any governmental official information regarding a building or structure that the engineer believes in good faith may pose a danger to the public health or safety. Prohibits a contract between an engineer and a building owner, as defined, from containing any provision that would limit or interfere with the engineer's right to provide that disclosure and also prohibits a building owner from threatening, or initiating or maintaining legal action against, or otherwise retaliating against an engineer due to that disclosure or the engineer's ability to make that disclosure.
(Died in Senate Business and Professions Committee)

AB 2796 (Nava-D) Businesses: donations during disasters
Adds two new sections to the California Emergency Services Act to authorize the Office of Emergency Services to establish a statewide registry of private businesses and nonprofit organizations that are interested in making donations, at no cost to the state, to prepare the state for emergencies and disasters, and imposes certain duties on these entities in this regard. Relieves a private business or nonprofit organization included on the statewide registry from criminal or civil liability for a death, injury, illness, or other damage to a person or property caused by its donation, except for liability caused by its grossly negligent act or omission, or willful or wanton misconduct.
Chapter 363, Statutes of 2008

AB 2829 (Davis-D) Plastic carryout bags: recycling
Requires stores to charge a fee of 25 cents per plastic carryout bag distributed to customers and creates the California Plastic Carryout Bag Impact Fund. Also requires that all plastic bags include an environmental awareness message in addition to the words "PLEASE RETURN TO A PARTICIPATING STORE FOR RECYCLING."
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 2880 (Wolk-D) Mortgage brokers
Requires a mortgage broker to post a surety bond of $100,000 to $500,000, depending on the volume of business. The bond could be used for the recovery of expenses, fines, and fees levied by the Department of Real Estate for losses and damages incurred by consumers because of a broker's non-compliance with the provisions of this bill. Prohibits mortgage brokers from steering customers toward loans that are more costly than that for which the borrower qualifies, and places limits on compensation that brokers may receive from the issuance of a conventional loan.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2888 (La Malfa-R) Businesses: services for minors
Requires any person, entity, group, or organization, operating as a nonprofit or for-profit business, to require any person hired as an employee, independent contractor, or have volunteers that work directly and in an unaccompanied setting with minor children to have a criminal background check.
(Failed passage in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

AB 2919 (Garcia-R) Business: advertising requirements
Imposes advertising requirements on businesses that offer to assist individuals in dealing with a governmental agency, as specified.
Chapter 256, Statutes of 2008

AB 2944 (Leno-D) Corporations: director's duties
Specifies that, in considering the best interests of a corporation, the board of directors, committees of the board, and individual directors of a domestic corporation may consider specified factors, including, among others, the effect the corporation's actions would have on the prospects for potential growth and on the economy of the state and nation, and enacts related provisions relative to the consideration of these factors and the duties of the board of directors, committees of the board, and individual directors of a domestic corporation. The provisions of the bill sunset on 1/1/15.

AB 2976 (Keene-R) Vehicles: manufacturers and distributors
Prohibits a manufacturer, manufacturer branch, distributor, or distributor branch from unfairly discriminating in favor of a dealer when acting as a manufacturer, manufacturer branch, distributor, or distributor branch of motorsports vehicles, as defined.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

AB 3024 (Duvall-R) Payment bonds: public works
Increases, from $5,000 to $25,000, the contract cost limit over which contractors on state public works projects must obtain a payment bond.
Chapter 79, Statutes of 2008

ACR 106 (Nava-D) Internet: violence prevention
Urges user-generated content web sites to do the following: work with the Internet Safety Technical Task Force to create and develop tools to enhance a safer online experience for children and the public, immediately remove actively violent and criminal content from their Internet web sites, proactively enforce their terms of use, and work with law enforcement to deter, investigate, and prosecute those who utilize their services in the commission of criminal behavior.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

ACR 120 (Silva-R) USA Entrepreneurship Week
Declares the Legislature's support for the goal of USA Entrepreneurship Week from 11/17/08 to 11/23/08, inclusive, and encourages schools and other organizations to hold events promoting entrepreneurship during that week.
Resolution Chapter 135, Statutes of 2008

ACR 124 (Mendoza-D) Automotive Career Month
Designates April 2008 as Automotive Career Month.
Resolution Chapter 36, Statutes of 2008

ACR 157 (Levine-D) Information and communications technologies digital literacy
Requests the Governor to create the California Information and Communications Technologies Digital Literacy Leadership Council to provide leadership regarding the California Information and Communications digital literacy, defined as using digital technology, communications tools, or networks, or any combination thereof, to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create, and communicate information in order to function in a knowledge-based economy and society.
(Died in Assembly being unassigned to a committee)

Top Index (in Bill Order)

BillAuthor and Bill TitleReference Links
Index (in bill order)
SB 9Lowenthal-D
Trade corridor improvement
Economic Development
World Trade and Tourism
SB 49Migden-D
Sports franchises: local government: nonassistance
SB 115Florez-D
Employment service program costs
Unemployment Insurance
SB 154Cedillo-D
Workers' compensation: public safety personnel
Workers' Compensation
SB 159Wyland-R
Disabled veteran business enterprises
Small Business
SB 189Harman-R
Employment: hiring practices: immigration status
Labor Relations
SB 191Padilla-D
Public works: State Public Works Enforcement Fund
Labor Relations
SB 237Dutton-R
Contractors: mechanics' liens
SB 262Runner-R
Transportation: trade corridors improvement
Economic Development
SB 294Ackerman-R
Corporations: disclosure statements
SB 302Ducheny-D
California Workforce Investment Act
Economic Development
SB 329Dutton-R
Business plans: business plans
SB 352Padilla-D
Workers' compensation: medical treatment
Workers' Compensation
SB 355Margett-R
Contractors: consultants
SB 359*Runner-R
Sales and use taxes: income and corporation taxes
Economic Development
SB 377Aanestad-R
Information signs: highways businesses
SB 420*Negrete McLeod-D
Workers' compensation group: corporation taxes: deduction
Workers' Compensation
SB 446Yee-D
Employment Training Panel: entrepreneurs and microenterprise
Small Business
SB 447Maldonado-R
Junk dealers
SB 452Cogdill-R
Workers' compensation: employment: family-owned farms
Workers' Compensation
SB 529Cedillo-D
Private employment: meal periods
Labor Relations
SB 563Ridley-Thomas-D
Outdoor advertising
SB 569Steinberg-D
Public works: prevailing wage payments
Labor Relations
SB 570Steinberg-D
Occupational safety and health: working conditions
Labor Relations
SB 571Yee-D
Organized retail crime
SB 580Wiggins-D
SB 596Harman-R
Computerized payment systems: antisniffer protection
SB 638Romero-D
Credit union services
Financial Institutions
SB 654Denham-R
Accountants: licensing examination
SB 677Ridley-Thomas-D
Economic development: California Film Commission
Economic Development
SB 691*Calderon-D
Junk dealers and recyclers: nonferrous material
SB 700*Ducheny-D
Destination management company
SB 723Yee-D
State Compensation Insurance Fund
Workers' Compensation
SB 726Alquist-D
Workers' compensation: blood-borne infection presumption
Workers' Compensation
SB 738Calderon-D
Works of improvement
SB 740*Calderon-D
Motion picture production: tax credit
Economic Development
SB 749*Oropeza-D
Limited liability companies: annual fees
SB 763Ridley-Thomas-D
Business, Transportation and Housing Agency
Economic Development
SB 765Ridley-Thomas-D
California Partnership for Urban Communities: pilot project
Economic Development
SB 797*Ridley-Thomas-D
Professions and vocations
SB 804Hollingsworth-R
Business: trespass
SB 876Calderon-D
Small businesses: heavy-duty vehicles
Small Business
SB 926*Perata-D
Residential mortgage loans: foreclosure procedures
Financial Institutions
SB 928*Harman-R
Research and development: tax credit
Economic Development
SB 935Perata-D
Public works: prevailing wage protection
Labor Relations
SB 940Yee-D
Temporary services employees: wages
Labor Relations
SB 963Ridley-Thomas-D
Department of Consumer Affairs: regulatory boards
SB 986Ridley-Thomas-D
Pet stores
SB 1005Florez-D
Workers' compensation: claim files: disclosure
Workers' Compensation
SB 1007Machado-D
Exchange facilitators
Financial Institutions
SB 1103Cedillo-D
Workers' Compensation: permanent disability benefits
Workers' Compensation
SB 1115Migden-D
Workers' compensation: permanent disability apportionment
Workers' Compensation
SB 1135Ducheny-D
Cemeteries: endowment trust funds
SB 1137*Perata-D
Residential mortgage loans: foreclosure procedures
Financial Institutions
SB 1145*Machado-D
State Compensation Insurance Fund
Workers' Compensation
SB 1151Perata-D
Hospitals: lift teams
Labor Relations
SB 1173Scott-D
Unemployment insurance: employers: motion picture industry
Unemployment Insurance
SB 1189Cedillo-D
Workers' compensation: job displacement benefits
Workers' Compensation
SB 1192Margett-R
Employment: meal and rest periods
Labor Relations
SB 1194*Battin-R
Clean Technology Commerce Zone
Economic Development
SB 1200Ducheny-D
Indian tribes: economic development
Economic Development
SB 1206Calderon-D
Structural pest control
SB 1209Maldonado-R
Private security services
SB 1215Harman-R
Professional fiduciaries
SB 1225Harman-R
Private cemeteries: limited liability companies
SB 1242*Runner-R
Residential mortgages
Financial Institutions
SB 1244Alquist-D
Employment retaliation
Labor Relations
SB 1271Cedillo-D
Workers' compensation: cancer presumption
Workers' Compensation
SB 1282Margett-R
Private investigators: continuing education
SB 1283Harman-R
Employment: wages: discharged employee
Labor Relations
SB 1309Calderon-D
Workers' compensation: implantable medical devices
Workers' Compensation
SB 1311Simitian-D
California Pollution Control Financing Authority: loans
Financial Institutions
SB 1312Yee-D
Registered interior designers
SB 1329Harman-R
Charitable institutions: fund management: dissolution
SB 1337Correa-D
Contractors: limited liability companies
SB 1338Migden-D
Workers' compensation: medical treatment
Workers' Compensation
SB 1352Wyland-R
Public works: prevailing wage rates: assessments
Labor Relations
SB 1359Runner-R
Retail food facilities
SB 1362Margett-R
Electrician certification
SB 1397Negrete McLeod-D
Prison Industry Authority: procurement
Small Business
SB 1400Simitian-D
SB 1409*Ackerman-R
Corporations: annual reports
SB 1420Padilla-D
Food facilities: nutritional information
SB 1432Margett-R
SB 1449Calderon-D
Works of improvement: liens
SB 1450*Dutton-R
Thrift stores: sales and use taxes: exemptions
SB 1463Maldonado-R
Corporation taxes: charitable contributions
SB 1469Calderon-D
Collateral recovery: tow vehicles
SB 1484*Alquist-D
Income and corporation taxes: oil producers
Economic Development
SB 1489Kuehl-D
Workplace protections
Labor Relations
SB 1490Padilla-D
Employment: independent contractors
Labor Relations
SB 1547Correa-D
Wages: payment upon discharge: health care providers
Labor Relations
SB 1550Florez-D
Corporations: climate change disclosure
SB 1551Correa-D
Deferred deposit transactions
Financial Institutions
SB 1581Aanestad-R
SB 1583Corbett-D
Employment: independent contractors
Labor Relations
SB 1604Machado-D
Escrow Agents' Fidelity Corporation
Financial Institutions
SB 1631Ackerman-R
Public works: environmental complaints: fines and penalty
Labor Relations
SB 1661Kuehl-D
Unemployment compensation: family leave: good cause
Unemployment Insurance
SB 1678Florez-D
Debt management and settlement
Financial Institutions
SB 1691Lowenthal-D
Mechanics liens
SB 1698Romero-D
Contractors: public works
SB 1717Perata-D
Workers' compensation: permanent partial disability benefits
Workers' Compensation
SB 1765Kuehl-D
Motion picture, television, and radio contracts
SB 1779Senate Business, Professions And Economic Development Committee
Professions and vocations
SB 1780Senate Business, Professions And Economic Development Committee
Professions and vocations
SCR 24Ackerman-R
United Parcel Service of America, Inc.
SCR 102Kehoe-D
Justice for Janitors Day
Labor Relations
SCR 104Scott-D
Construction Career Awareness Day
SJR 29Ackerman-R
U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement
World Trade and Tourism
SR 19Padilla-D
Relative to National Engineers Week
SB 4XDutton-R
Health insurance: employers' incentives
Labor Relations
SB 26XMcClintock-R
Multiple employer welfare arrangements
AB 10*Assembly Budget Committee
Software employee: overtime pay
Labor Relations
AB 69Lieu-D
Mortgage lending: reporting
Financial Institutions
AB 97Mendoza-D
Food facilities: trans fats
AB 121*Maze-R
Enterprise zones: tax credit: foster youth hiring
Economic Development
AB 133Garcia-R
Economic development capital investment incentive programs
Economic Development
AB 135*Houston-R
Income and corporation taxes: net operating losses
Economic Development
AB 166Bass-D
Workers' compensation claims: public safety personnel: MRSA
Workers' Compensation
AB 180Bass-D
Mortgages: foreclosure consultants
Financial Institutions
AB 213Fuentes-D
Workers' compensation: claim adjudication: venue sites
Workers' Compensation
AB 232Price-D
Economic Opportunity Initiative Program
Economic Development
AB 251DeSaulnier-D
Corporations: distributions
AB 264Mendoza-D
Secondhand dealers and coin dealers
AB 306Eng-D
Public works: labor compliance programs: high speed rail
Labor Relations
AB 326Benoit-R
State Compensation Insurance Fund
Workers' Compensation
AB 396Hernandez-D
Public contracts: bid preferences: employee health care
Labor Relations
AB 408Levine-D
Gratuities: airline baggage handlers
Labor Relations
AB 419Lieber-D
Workers' compensation: public employees: leaves of absence
Workers' Compensation
AB 429Evans-D
Lodging: privacy
AB 437Jones-D
Employment discrimination practices
Labor Relations
AB 455Cook-R
Contractors State License Board
AB 456Cook-R
Construction Management Education Account
AB 465Houston-R
Personal services contracts
Labor Relations
AB 498Hernandez-D
Business activities in Sudan
AB 501Swanson-D
Pharmaceutical manufacturers
AB 507De La Torre-D
Workers' compensation: rating organizations
Workers' Compensation
AB 510Benoit-R
Employment: working hours
Labor Relations
AB 512Lieber-D
Contracts: translation
Financial Institutions
AB 514Lieber-D
Workplace safety and health
Labor Relations
AB 518Mendoza-D
Barbering and cosmetology: threading
AB 529Torrico-D
Mortgages: adjustable interest rates: notification
Financial Institutions
AB 579Swanson-D
Military base recovery areas
Economic Development
AB 592*Dymally-D
Payment of wages
Labor Relations
AB 611Nakanishi-R
Contractors: arbitration procedures
AB 613Tran-R
Workplace postings
Labor Relations
AB 624Coto-D
Private foundations: diversity
AB 628Price-D
Meal and rest periods: pool lifeguards
Labor Relations
AB 651Sharon Runner-R
Unemployment compensation: gross misconduct
Unemployment Insurance
AB 652Maze-R
Employment rights
Labor Relations
AB 655Swanson-D
Public contracts: infrastructure bonds
Small Business
AB 689DeVore-R
Employment verification: social security numbers
Labor Relations
AB 697Hancock-D
Relocation of retailers
AB 726*DeVore-R
Charitable services: income tax credit: mileage
AB 734Evans-D
Apprenticeship oversight
Labor Relations
AB 735Keene-R
Employment: work permits
Labor Relations
AB 751*Lieu-D
Income/corporation tax credit: research and development
Economic Development
AB 786Lieu-D
Financial institutions: greenhouse gas emissions
Financial Institutions
AB 799Smyth-R
Small employers: health care
Small Business
AB 807Hancock-D
Workers' compensation: medical treatment
Workers' Compensation
AB 816Carter-D
Microenterprise development
Small Business
AB 844*Berryhill-R
Junk dealers and recyclers: nonferrous material
AB 947Niello-R
Apprenticeship programs
Labor Relations
AB 955*Plescia-R
Small business: tax credit
Small Business
AB 1005Maze-R
Corporation taxes: involuntary conversions
AB 1006Maze-R
Pawnbrokers and dealers
AB 1012*Charles Calderon-D
Corporation tax law: water's edge
Economic Development
AB 1034Keene-R
Employment: meal periods
Labor Relations
AB 1076Houston-R
Prevailing wage rates: wage and penalty assessments
Labor Relations
AB 1107*Arambula-D
Unemployment compensation benefits: drought-related
Unemployment Insurance
AB 1116Nava-D
Labor market needs: career technical education
Economic Development
AB 1147*Mullin-D
Corporation taxes: net operating losses
Economic Development
AB 1152*Niello-R
Sales and use tax: manufacturing equipment
Economic Development
AB 1179*Garrick-R
Limited liability partnerships: taxation
AB 1185Hayashi-D
Accountants: peer review program
AB 1201Leno-D
Collective bargaining: direct care registered nurses
Labor Relations
AB 1206*Smyth-R
Research and development: sales tax
Economic Development
AB 1247Adams-R
Employment: commission-based employees
Labor Relations
AB 1272Arambula-D
General obligation bonds: administration and oversight
Economic Development
AB 1284Eng-D
Geologists and geophysicists
AB 1285*Parra-D
Research and development: tax deduction
Economic Development
AB 1290Mendoza-D
Fictitious business name statements
AB 1301Gaines-R
Financial institutions
Financial Institutions
AB 1341Benoit-R
Workers' compensation: temporary disability
Workers' Compensation
AB 1370*Lieber-D
Net operating losses: tax deductions
Economic Development
AB 1389*Assembly Budget Committee
2008 General Gov't Budget Trailer Bill: econ. development
Economic Development
Labor Relations
AB 1398*Arambula-D
Targeted economic development areas: tax credits
Economic Development
AB 1418Arambula-D
Community development: banks and credit unions
Small Business
Financial Institutions
AB 1425Davis-D
Payment of wages
Labor Relations
AB 1431Arambula-D
California small business financial development corporations
Small Business
AB 1439*Levine-D
Employee fitness
Labor Relations
AB 1469Sharon Runner-R
Alternative workweek
Labor Relations
AB 1506Arambula-D
Businesses: greenhouse gas emissions
AB 1516Maze-R
Commissioner of Corporations
AB 1519Ma-D
Human remains: commercial display
AB 1527*Arambula-D
California Cleantech Advantage Act of 2008
Economic Development
AB 1534Nunez-D
Deferred deposit transactions
Financial Institutions
AB 1546Charles Calderon-D
Limited liability companies: income taxes
AB 1566Niello-R
Economic development: rest areas
Economic Development
AB 1583Maze-R
Investment advisers
AB 1588Soto-D
Raffles: gross receipts
AB 1591*Ma-D
The Corporation Tax Law: allocation and apportionment
AB 1608Solorio-D
Fast food restaurants: billboard advertising
AB 1619Benoit-R
Workers' compensation: insurer licensing
Workers' Compensation
AB 1620Arambula-D
California Clean Technology Services Unit
Economic Development
AB 1624Niello-R
Workers' compensation: public employees: retirement
Workers' Compensation
AB 1666Price-D
Meal and rest periods: stage assistants
Labor Relations
AB 1677Charles Calderon-D
Internet transactions: banking and financial services
AB 1681*Houston-R
Manufacturing equipment: sales tax exemption
Economic Development
AB 1682Benoit-R
State Compensation Insurance Fund
Workers' Compensation
AB 1695*Bass-D
Small businesses: surety bond guarantees
Small Business
AB 1696*Bass-D
California Film Commission: financial assistance
Economic Development
AB 1711Levine-D
Employment: wages and hours
Labor Relations
AB 1720Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee
Enterprise zones: reports
Economic Development
AB 1722Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee
California International Trade and Investment Act
World Trade and Tourism
AB 1778Ma-D
Junk dealers and recyclers
AB 1816*Galgiani-D
Cemeteries: temporary manager
AB 1830Lieu-D
Lending: real estate
Financial Institutions
AB 1837Garcia-R
Consumer loans: subprime and nontraditional loans
Financial Institutions
AB 1840Charles Calderon-D
Retailers: sales tax
AB 1846Adams-R
Inedible kitchen grease haulers
AB 1866Mendoza-D
Retailers: service contracts
AB 1870De Leon-D
Secondhand dealers and coin dealers
AB 1874Coto-D
State Compensation Insurance Fund
Workers' Compensation
AB 1907Ruskin-D
Point-of-sale systems: price accuracy verification
AB 1911Galgiani-D
Funeral establishments
AB 1916Portantino-D
Economic development
Economic Development
AB 1925Eng-D
Occupational and professional licenses: tax liability
AB 1942Ruskin-D
Small businesses & disabled veteran business enterprise
Small Business
AB 1952Berg-D
Business licensing: exemptions: veterans
AB 1982Solorio-D
Employment development: California YouthBuild Program
Economic Development
AB 1988Swanson-D
Employee safety
Labor Relations
AB 1989Swanson-D
Labor Relations
AB 1994*Gaines-R
Economic crimes: sentencing
AB 2002De Leon-D
Public works: payments
Labor Relations
AB 2006Hayashi-D
CA Community Colleges Economic & Workforce Development
Economic Development
AB 2037Portantino-D
Prevailing wage law study: California State University
Labor Relations
AB 2071Karnette-D
Plastic bags: plastic food and beverage containers
AB 2075Fuentes-D
Wages: execution of release of claim or right
Labor Relations
AB 2076Fuentes-D
Employment: hiring practices: electronic verification
Labor Relations
AB 2078Fuentes-D
Work-based learning
Labor Relations
AB 2081Coto-D
Workers' compensation
Workers' Compensation
AB 2091Fuentes-D
Workers' compensation: pharmacy services annual study
Workers' Compensation
AB 2103Plescia-R
Workers' compensation: horse racing: thoroughbred racing
Workers' Compensation
AB 2114Villines-R
Corporation tax: study
Economic Development
AB 2123Lieu-D
California Financial Literacy Initiative
Financial Institutions
AB 2127Benoit-R
Small business alternative workweek schedules
Small Business
Labor Relations
AB 2130Hayashi-D
Health studios: automated external defibrillators
AB 2134Swanson-D
Employment discrimination: family and medical leave
Labor Relations
AB 2147Swanson-D
Worker training programs
Economic Development
AB 2149Berg-D
Broker-dealers and investment advisers
AB 2161Swanson-D
Loans: consumer complaints
Financial Institutions
AB 2169Cook-R
Business licenses: ice cream truck operation
AB 2177Bass-D
Public works: Compliance Group Representatives
Labor Relations
AB 2178*Garrick-R
Minimum franchise tax
Economic Development
AB 2181Ruskin-D
Workers' compensation: occupational injury or illness
Workers' Compensation
AB 2184De Leon-D
Firefighters: protective clothing and equipment
Labor Relations
AB 2187Caballero-D
Mortgages: foreclosure
Financial Institutions
AB 2206Price-D
Economic development: small business development centers
Small Business
AB 2223Horton-R
Structural Fumigation Enforcement Program
AB 2249Niello-R
Financial institutions: accounts
Financial Institutions
AB 2279Leno-D
Employment discrimination: medical marijuana
Labor Relations
AB 2311Tran-R
International trade offices
World Trade and Tourism
AB 2312Tran-R
International trade: economic development
World Trade and Tourism
AB 2323Huff-R
Escrow agents
Financial Institutions
AB 2336Nakanishi-R
Contractors: arbitration procedures
AB 2342Parra-D
California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley
Economic Development
AB 2351Garrick-R
Workers' compensation: medical treatment utilization reviews
Workers' Compensation
AB 2359Jones-D
Financial Institutions
AB 2369Fuentes-D
Apprenticeship programs: prevailing wage enforcement
Labor Relations
AB 2376Price-D
Small and Emerging Contractors Technical Assistance Program
Small Business
AB 2383Ruskin-D
Retail business: social security numbers use
AB 2386Nunez-D
Collective bargaining: agricultural employees
Labor Relations
AB 2407Tran-R
Unemployment compensation: disability benefits: payment
Unemployment Insurance
AB 2412Eng-D
Unlicensed contractors
AB 2416Fuentes-D
Small Business: financial precedent
Small Business
AB 2421Huff-R
Employment of unauthorized aliens
Labor Relations
AB 2423Bass-D
Professions and vocations: licensure
AB 2473Niello-R
Accountancy: licensure
AB 2488*Houston-R
Depreciation tax deduction
Economic Development
AB 2491*Gaines-R
Economic development: tax depreciation
Economic Development
AB 2509Galgiani-D
Homeownership preservation
Financial Institutions
AB 2530Duvall-R
Private employment: meal periods: transportation workers
Labor Relations
AB 2537Furutani-D
Public works: volunteers
Labor Relations
AB 2540*Mendoza-D
Mobile food facilities
AB 2570Silva-R
Unemployment insurance: Employment Training Panel
Unemployment Insurance
AB 2572Parra-D
Food facilities: nutrition information
AB 2592Ma-D
AB 2594Mullin-D
Redevelopment: affordable housing
Financial Institutions
AB 2606Emmerson-R
Bad check diversion program
Financial Institutions
AB 2622Hayashi-D
Unemployment insurance: Employment Training Panel
Economic Development
AB 2629Evans-D
Safety of conveyances: exclusions
Labor Relations
AB 2636Arambula-D
Emerging domestic market data consortium
Economic Development
AB 2672Walters-R
Employment: overtime exemptions
Labor Relations
AB 2677Krekorian-D
Genocide: investments: profiting from genocide
AB 2689Tran-R
Vietnamese Nail Worker Information and Training Act
Labor Relations
AB 2690Krekorian-D
Product liability actions
AB 2692Hernandez-D
Workers' compensation
Workers' Compensation
AB 2711Portantino-D
Economic development
Economic Development
AB 2716Ma-D
Employment: paid sick days
Labor Relations
AB 2719Jeffries-R
Employees: meal periods
Labor Relations
AB 2733Brownley-D
Real property disclosures
Financial Institutions
AB 2735Smyth-R
Internet service providers: recordkeeping
AB 2740Brownley-D
Home loans: servicing
Financial Institutions
AB 2749Gaines-R
Financial institutions: disclosure & reporting requirements
Financial Institutions
AB 2750Krekorian-D
Music piracy: restitution
AB 2751Strickland-R
Mortgages: residential property
Financial Institutions
AB 2773Price-D
Small Business Procurement & Contract Act
Small Business
AB 2778Mendoza-D
Small business and procurement
Small Business
AB 2793Blakeslee-R
Professional engineers: disclosures
AB 2796Nava-D
Businesses: donations during disasters
AB 2797De La Torre-D
State contracting: small business preference
Small Business
AB 2829Davis-D
Plastic carryout bags: recycling
AB 2854Mendoza-D
California Small Business Advocate: Internet Web site
Small Business
AB 2874Lieber-D
Employment: civil rights: damages
Labor Relations
AB 2879Leno-D
Employee wages and working hours: violators
Labor Relations
AB 2880Wolk-D
Mortgage brokers
AB 2888La Malfa-R
Businesses: services for minors
AB 2918Lieber-D
Employment: usage of consumer credit reports
Labor Relations
AB 2919Garcia-R
Business: advertising requirements
AB 2944Leno-D
Corporations: director's duties
AB 2969Lieber-D
Workers' compensation: medical treatment utilization reviews
Workers' Compensation
AB 2976Keene-R
Vehicles: manufacturers and distributors
AB 2987Benoit-R
Workers' compensation: job displacement benefits
Workers' Compensation
AB 2998Carter-D
Microenterprises: economic development
Small Business
AB 3018Nunez-D
California Green Collar Jobs Act of 2008: green jobs
Economic Development
Labor Relations
AB 3024Duvall-R
Payment bonds: public works
AB 3045Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee
Economic development
Economic Development
AB 3046Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee
California Office of Trade and Investment
World Trade and Tourism
AB 3056Assembly Insurance Committee
Unemployment compensation: eligibility: retraining benefits
Unemployment Insurance
AB 3059Assembly Labor And Employment Committee
Economic and Employment Enforcement Coalition
Labor Relations
AB 3060Assembly Labor And Employment Committee
Contractors: license enforcement
Labor Relations
AB 3061Assembly Labor And Employment Committee
Employees: indemnification
Labor Relations
AB 3062Assembly Labor And Employment Committee
Employment: termination: garnishment of wages
Labor Relations
AB 3063Assembly Labor And Employment Committee
Employment: criminal history
Labor Relations
AB 3066Assembly Veterans Affairs Committee
Unemployment insurance: Employment Training Panel: veterans
Unemployment Insurance
ACR 101Swanson-D
Safe Jobs for Youth Month
Economic Development
Labor Relations
ACR 103Plescia-R
Take Your Dog to Work Day
Labor Relations
ACR 106Nava-D
Internet: violence prevention
ACR 113Niello-R
Financial literacy education
Financial Institutions
ACR 120Silva-R
USA Entrepreneurship Week
ACR 124Mendoza-D
Automotive Career Month
ACR 157Levine-D
Information and communications technologies digital literacy
AJR 28Leno-D
Union representation
Labor Relations
AJR 32Karnette-D
C-17 Aircraft production
Economic Development
AJR 45Coto-D
Mortgage loans: federal conforming/FHA mortgage loan limits
Financial Institutions
AJR 55Villines-R
U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement
World Trade and Tourism
AJR 56Swanson-D
Unemployment benefits
Unemployment Insurance
AJR 59Solorio-D
California subprime mortgage foreclosures
Financial Institutions

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