SB 110 (Peace-D) Energy conservation: power facility and site certification
Amends the California Energy Commission's (CEC) powerplant siting process to eliminate the "integrated assessment of need" requirement and expands the exemption of natural gas powerplants from the site evaluation process. Requires CEC to provide reports to the Governor and the Legislature concerning improvements to the powerplant siting process, data collection in the restructured electricity market and environmental performance of electric generation facilities.
Chapter 581, Statutes of 1999
SB 133* (Kelley-R) California investment incentive program
Specifies that mineral-recovery geothermal businesses are eligible under the California Investment Incentive Program. Expands the list of eligible businesses to include a business engaged in the recovery of minerals from geothermal resources, including a proportionate amount of the geothermal electrical generating plant that is integral to the minerals' recovery process.
Chapter 24, Statutes of 1999
SB 202* (Peace-D) Energy resources: federal oil overcharge funds
Appropriates, to the extent permitted by federal law, appropriates $14,000,000 of funds in the Petroleum Violation Escrow Account, without regard to fiscal year, to the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission, for expenditure for energy conservation projects and programs for disbursement by the Controller subject to approval by the Director of Finance as to which court judgment or federal agency order is the proper source of the funds.
(In Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 280 (Bowen-D) State buildings and publicly funded schools: standards
Requires all new public buildings and state office buildings to exceed current energy efficiency standards and to be constructed and/or removed to utilize some form of cost-effective "green" building methods.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SB 655 (Peace-D) California Energy Commission: solar energy systems
Establishes a grant program to increase consumer investment in solar and low-pollution distributed generation systems.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1298 (Senate Energy, Utilities, And Communications Committee) Energy resources: federal oil overcharge funds
Provides $14 million from the Petroleum Violation Escrow Account to the California Energy Commission for energy conservation projects, including grants to reduce the cost of zero-emission vehicles and infrastructure purchased by local air quality management districts, cities, counties, the State Department of General Services, the Senate Rules Committee, and the Assembly Rules Committee, and for a regional bicycle project.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SR 14 (Sher-D) Clean Power Month
Designates the month of June 1999 as Clean Power Month.
Adopted by the Senate
AB 104 (Leonard-R) Energy resources
Appropriates an unspecified amount of money from the Petroleum Violation Escrow Account to the California Energy Commission for allocation for unspecified energy conservation programs and projects.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1105* (Jackson-D) State administration
Is a Budget trailer bill that makes changes in the law concerning (1) State Department of Consumer Affairs' participation in the performance budgeting pilot program; (2) Teale Data Center billing process; (3) National Guard emergency shelter program; (4) Disaster Response - Emergency Operations Account; (5) establishment of centers for complex program; (6) establishment of an Alternative Dispute Resolution Process Pilot Program in four courts; (7) changes in vehicle inspection program; (8) prohibiting the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) from requiring that facilities be located within a particular area or geographic proximity in determining qualified bidders or awarding a contract; (9) continuing the performance contract for the State Department of General Services for an additional fiscal year; (10) requires the State Energy Commission to prepare a transition plan report on the transfer of energy efficiency programs from the PUC to the Energy Commission; and (11) various housing programs.
Chapter 67, Statutes of 1999
AB 1551 (Pescetti-R) School facility construction: energy efficiency
Authorizes school districts, in applications for state school construction funds, to certify that an energy analysis and report has been prepared that shows the utility savings that would be achieved if energy efficient technologies were used in the project.
Chapter 981, Statutes of 1999
AB 1598 (Battin-R) Geothermal resources
Authorizes the State Department of Conservation's State Oil and Gas Supervisor to issue specific formal or emergency orders or undertake actions that the supervisor determines are necessary to protect life, health, property, or natural resources when an emergency situation arises during the operation of a geothermal well.
Chapter 223, Statutes of 1999
AB 1641* (Assembly Agriculture Committee) Biomass conversion
Provides a tax credit of $30 per ton for the cost of transporting agricultural prunings to a biomass conversion facility. The credit would take effect beginning in tax year 1999 and would sunset at the end of the 2008 tax year. Excess credit amounts could be carried forward for up to 10 years.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1649 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Energy resources
Appropriates an unspecified amount of funds from the Petroleum Violation Escrow Account to an unspecified list of projects.
(In Senate Energy, Utilities and Commerce Committee)
AB 1663 (Assembly Utilities And Commerce Committee) Energy conservation assistance
Extends the sunsets on a number of energy conservation-related assistance and subsidy programs.
Vetoed by the Governor

SB 33 (Peace-D) Public Utilities Commission: president: advisers
Transfers authority from the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to the Governor to designate a president of the PUC and requires the president to direct the staff of the PUC. Authorizes the Governor, until January 1, 2003, to appoint up to two advisers for each member of the PUC, and prohibits the total number of advisers exempt from civil service from exceeding 10.
Chapter 509, Statutes of 1999
SB 96 (Peace-D) Electrical restructuring
Declares legislative intent, and revises specific provisions relating to the governing structures of the Independent System Operator and the Power Exchange, and the duties of the Electricity Oversight Board to reflect a settlement between the state and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
Chapter 510, Statutes of 1999
SB 177 (Peace-D) Public utilities: eminent domain: San Francisco Bay
Pertains to eminent domain powers for privately owned public utilities. Among other things, (1) limits the privilege of condemnation when used for the purpose of competing with another entity; and (2) prohibits a telephone corporation from condemning property on specified airports. Narrows the condemnation portion of the bill to the San Francisco International Airport.
Chapter 774, Statutes of 1999
SB 282 (Kelley-R) Utility service rates: rural areas
Requires the California Energy Commission to report on various activities related to reducing energy costs and improving competitive opportunities for California agriculture and other rural energy customers. Requires the Public Utilities Commission to include specified related information in its annual work plan.
Chapter 322, Statutes of 1999
SB 310 (Peace-D) Public Utilities Commission: corporations
Prohibits the Public Utilities Commission from enacting or implementing any decision, order, or rule that interferes with the rights and obligations of the directors of a corporation, including a utility holding company, to efficiently and effectively discharge their fiduciary obligations to the corporation's shareholders.
(In Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 418 (Polanco-D) Public utilities: transition property
Authorizes the Public Utilities Commission to order a fair and reasonable credit to ratepayers of any excess rate reduction bond proceeds.
Chapter 683, Statutes of 1999
SB 427 (Peace-D) Electrical corporations: tree trimming
Establishes an optional program to govern electric utilities' tree maintenance activities. Provides that utilities who participate in the program will be eligible to recover the full cost of tree trimming and removal work from ratepayers.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 438 (Rainey-R) Property taxation: electric facilities
Provides that county assessors assess all electric generation facilities other than those that are rate regulated and operating pursuant to a certificate of public convenience and necessity.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 531 (Baca-D) Public Utilities Commission: complaints
Requires the Public Utilities Commission to establish a procedure to permit filing of informal complaints via electronic means, including the Internet. Allows for development of industry specific forms. Specifies that the electronic filing procedure would only be used if the dollar amount in controversy does not exceed the jurisdictional amount of small claims court (currently $5,000).
Chapter 327, Statutes of 1999
SB 669 (Polanco-D) Local emergency telephone systems
Adds a representative from a city and a county to the list of entities with which the State Department of General Services must consult when considering the state's 911 program. Codifies the advisory boards for six telecommunications programs administered by the Public Utilities Commission.
Chapter 677, Statutes of 1999
SB 811 (Brulte-R) Electrical restructuring
Authorizes the Public Utilities Commission to "amortize, calculate, limit, adjust and allocate" the uneconomic costs associated with electrical deregulation that are recovered through a nonbypassable charge.
(In Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 913 (Baca-D) Gas utility service: rates
Requires the Public Utilities Commission, with a specified exception, to allocate all costs associated with service provided by gas corporations between core and noncore customer classes using the cost allocation principles reflected in gas utility rates in effect on December 31, 1998.
(In Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 932 (Bowen-D) Telecommunications
Establishes several new consumer protection provisions for telephone customers, and prohibits the disonnection of local telephone service for non-payment of long-distance charges.
(In Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SB 983 (Bowen-D) Telecommunications: commercial mobile radio
Updates the law relating to commercial mobile radio service to reflect current terminology and federal law.
(In Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SB 988 (Figueroa-D) Unsolicited and unwanted telephone solicitations
Requires the Attorney General (AG) to establish a "do not call" list (updated quarterly) consisting of the telephone numbers of telephone subscribers who do not wish to receive unsolicited telephone solicitations. Allows the AG to charge a fee of up to $10 for the first year and $5 for each subsequent year to telephone subscribers who request placement on the list. Creates the Special Telephonic Solicitors Fund.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1063 (Bowen-D) Electric restructuring
Establishes a general framework to govern the disposition and future operation of hydroelectric facilities.
(In Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 1066 (Bowen-D) Telecommunications: line sharing
States legislative intent that the Public Utilities Commission open a proceeding to implement a process for the sharing of telephone lines.
(In Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SB 1095 (Bowen-D) Electrical restructuring
Establishes that utility-owned generation assets shall be subject to Public Utilities Commission (PUC) regulation until their disposition has been reviewed and approved by PUC.
(In Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SB 1153 (Brulte-R) Gas utility programs
Requires the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to determine the most efficient and cost-effective way to provide natural gas public purpose programs, and to develop and implement their findings and recommendations on or before July 1, 2001. Permits PUC to conduct compliance and financial audits to ensure compliance with PUC orders or resolutions relating to the implementation of these programs.
(In Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SB 1159 (Sher-D) Electrical restructuring
Deletes the requirement for third-party verification via telephone inquiry if a residential customer switches electric service providers using the Internet or with a written transaction. States the verification would instead use the same medium (Internet or in writing) as used to obtain the switching of service.
Chapter 214, Statutes of 1999
SB 1183 (Leslie-R) Disposal of utility property
Grants a "right of first refusal" for the acquisition of a utility-owned hydroelectric facility to the local agency that holds a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license for the facility, or if there is no such agency, to the county in which the facility is located.
(In Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 1194 (Sher-D) Electrical restructuring: public benefit programs
Requires the Public Utilities Commission to study the feasibility of administering specified energy efficiency and conservation activities through a non-profit public benefit corporation.
(In Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SB 1209 (Costa-D) Electrical and gas corporations: rulemaking
Requires the Public Utilities Commission to exclude from rate recovery those costs incurred by the electrical or gas corporation directly or indirectly as the result of new construction of any addition to, or extension of, electric or gas facilities by the customers of the electrical or gas corporation.
(In Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 1217 (Alarcon-D) Internet broadband access
Requires a wireline broadband Internet access transport provider to provide any other requesting Internet service provider access to the broadbank Internet access transport services of that transport provider.
(In Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SB 1299 (Senate Energy, Utilities, And Communications Committee) Low income weatherization report
Eliminates the requirements that publicly-owned utilities report to the California Energy Commission, and that the California Energy Commission in turn report to the Legislature, regarding low-income weatherization programs.
(In Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SCR 28 (Burton-D) 9-1-1 for Kids Week
Designates the week of May 16, 1999 to May 22, 1999, inclusive, as "9-1-1 for Kids Week" in recognition of the valuable work of the 9-1-1 for Kids program.
Resolution Chapter 34, Statutes of 1999
SR 18 (Bowen-D) Area codes
Urges the Federal Communications Commission to grant the Public Utilities Commission's request for more authority to deal with the allocation of telephone numbers and to control the unnecessary proliferation of area codes.
Adopted by the Senate
AB 301 (Wright-D) Public Utilities Commission: petition
Requires the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to modify its rules to expand access to its rulemaking process and permits all interested persons to petition the PUC to adopt, amend, or repeal a regulation.
Chapter 568, Statutes of 1999
AB 365 (Wright-D) Telephone services: Internet
Requires the Public Utilities Commission to make local and long-distance telephone companies submit information on their residential phone services and prices and provide this information on the Internet after July 1, 2001.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 406* (Knox-D) New area codes
Requires the Public Utilities Commission to develop and implement any available measures to efficiently allocate telephone numbers to California's citizens.
Chapter 809, Statutes of 1999
AB 535 (Reyes-D) Telecommunications: services
Prohibits local exchange carriers that automatically provide custom calling services on a pay-per-use basis from providing such service to a subscriber unless the subscriber agreed to sign up for the service by returning a prepaid postcard to the carrier.
Chapter 384, Statutes of 1999
AB 616 (Oller-R) Municipal utility districts' contracts
Requires municipal utility districts to contract with the lowest responsible bidder for the purchase of vehicles that cost an excess of $50,000, and terminates the authority on January 1, 2003.
Chapter 55, Statutes of 1999
AB 617 (Campbell-R) Telephone corporations
Extends existing immunity protections for disclosure of information by telephone companies, when acting in good faith with law enforcement, to also include companies that provide one-way paging service.
Chapter 256, Statutes of 1999
AB 650 (Wright-D) Electrical restructuring: programs: funding
Requires specified electrical corporations to allow customers to make voluntary contributions to support programs established for cost-effective energy efficiency and conservation activities. Requires the Public Utilities Commission to order certain electrical corporations to collect a specified fee to support cost-effective energy efficiency and conservation activities.
(In Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
AB 651 (Wright-D) Telecommunications: private property
Requires building owners to give telecommunications providers access to buildings, subject to specific conditions, in order to provide telecommunications services to all tenants and occupants.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 811 (Keeley-D) Electrical restructuring
Requires the Public Utilities Commission to establish a Power Exchange energy credit based on actual energy usage.
Chapter 408, Statutes of 1999
AB 818* (Knox-D) New area codes
Requires the Public Utilities Commission to develop and implement available measures to efficiently allocate telephone numbers and to address the proliferation of telephone area codes.
(Conference Committee completed)
AB 941 (House-R) Charter-party carriers
Authorizes the police to impound a limousine operated without proper Public Utilities Commission (PUC) permits and to impose fines for failure to hold valid PUC permits.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 957 (Scott-D) Vehicles: motor carriers of property
Authorizes the suspension of a motor carrier for the failure to pay required fees under the Biennial Inspection of Terminals Program.
Chapter 1006, Statutes of 1999
AB 991 (Papan-D) Internet access: line sharing
States legislative intent and requires the Public Utilities Commission to monitor and participate in the Federal Communication Commission's proceeding examining line sharing, and to implement rules.
Chapter 714, Statutes of 1999
AB 994 (Wright-D) Electrical restructuring
Prohibits a local publicly owned electric utility from providing electric service to a retail customer unless the governing body of the local publicly owned electric utility finds that any cost benefits derived through public financing will be directly passed on to those retail customers that receive electrical service from the local publicly owned electric utility. Prohibits the cost benefits from being transferred to any private entity.
(In Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
AB 995 (Wright-D) Electric restructuring: transmission grid
Requires the Independent System Operator to coordinate the implementation of legislative policy, making an efficient and reliable transmission grid a key consideration with regard to planning, siting, and permitting processes and enhancements and additions to the grid.
(In Senate Energy, Utilities and Commerce Committee)
AB 1002 (Wright-D) Natural gas: consumption surcharge
Imposes a surcharge on all natural gas consumed in California to fund specified low income, energy efficiency, conservation and public interest research programs.
(In Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
AB 1003 (Wright-D) Electrical restructuring
Revises specified provisions relating to the creation of the governing boards of the Independent System Operator and the Power Exchange, and to the duties of the Oversight Board.
(In Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
AB 1082 (Calderon-D) Public Utilities Commission: electric restructuring
Establishes that the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) be required to allow employee related transition costs made pursuant to Section 375 of the Public Utilities Code if PUC finds those costs to be reasonable.
(In Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
AB 1149 (Aroner-D) Underground electric and communications
Requires the Public Utilities Commission to conduct a study and submit a report to the Legislature, by January 1, 2001 on existing regulations relating to underground electric and communications.
Chapter 844, Statutes of 1999
AB 1263 (Thomson-D) Telecommunications: "911" calls
Creates the California Wireless 911 Task Force to recommend appropriate statutory changes to local emergency telephone services for wireless telecommunications users. Specifies that the task force consists of representatives of the telecommunication industry, the Highway Patrol, the State Department of General Services, and operators of local public safety answering points.
(In Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
AB 1375 (House-R) Advertising: telephone directory
Prohibits providers or vendors of floral or ornamental products or services, as defined, from misrepresenting the geographic location of their business.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1393 (Wright-D) Low income electric and gas customers
Provides for continued utility administration of energy efficiency programs targeted to low income gas and electricity customers, and specifies quality of service factors to be used as bidding criteria for contracts funded under these programs.
Chapter 700, Statutes of 1999
AB 1398 (Papan-D) San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: water rates
Requires the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to prescribe rates for the sale of water at wholesale that reflect the proportional cost of delivering water to retail water suppliers.
In Senate Utilities and Commerce Committee)
AB 1421 (Wright-D) Gas and electric service
Establishes the incumbent utilities as the mandatory provider of "default" bundled gas service and prohibits the Public Utilities Commission from unbundling distribution-related gas and electric services, such as metering and billing, for most customers.
Chapter 909, Statutes of 1999
AB 1657 (Assembly Utilities And Commerce Committee) Capital facilities fees
Establishes a procedure for notification by municipal electric utilities to specified public agencies, of the imposition of a new capital facilities fee or the increase of an existing capital facilities fee, and imposes a 120-day statute of limitations for initiating a judicial challenge to these fees.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1658 (Assembly Utilities And Commerce Committee) Public utilities
Makes legislative findings that the intent is to eliminate obsolete provisions of the Public Utilities Code, and with two exceptions, makes no policy changes.
Chapter 1005, Statutes of 1999
ACR 6 (Reyes-D) Agriculture: frost damage
Requests that the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) cooperate with public utilities to establish payment deferral programs for citrus growers. Further requests that the PUC authorize utilities to recover (from ratepayers) the programs' administrative costs and uncollected deferred payments.
Resolution Chapter 9, Statutes of 1999
AJR 2 (Machado-D) Discounted cable TV service
Memorializes the President and the Congress of the United States to enact legislation to require the Federal Communications Commission to establish a discounted tier of cable television service for qualified low income citizens.
(In Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 33 | Peace-D Public Utilities Commission: president: advisers | |
SB 96 | Peace-D Electrical restructuring | |
SB 110 | Peace-D Energy conservation: power facility and site certification | |
SB 133* | Kelley-R California investment incentive program | |
SB 177 | Peace-D Public utilities: eminent domain: San Francisco Bay | |
SB 202* | Peace-D Energy resources: federal oil overcharge funds | |
SB 280 | Bowen-D State buildings and publicly funded schools: standards | |
SB 282 | Kelley-R Utility service rates: rural areas | |
SB 310 | Peace-D Public Utilities Commission: corporations | |
SB 418 | Polanco-D Public utilities: transition property | |
SB 427 | Peace-D Electrical corporations: tree trimming | |
SB 438 | Rainey-R Property taxation: electric facilities | |
SB 531 | Baca-D Public Utilities Commission: complaints | |
SB 655 | Peace-D California Energy Commission: solar energy systems | |
SB 669 | Polanco-D Local emergency telephone systems | |
SB 811 | Brulte-R Electrical restructuring | |
SB 913 | Baca-D Gas utility service: rates | |
SB 932 | Bowen-D Telecommunications | |
SB 983 | Bowen-D Telecommunications: commercial mobile radio | |
SB 988 | Figueroa-D Unsolicited and unwanted telephone solicitations | |
SB 1063 | Bowen-D Electric restructuring | |
SB 1066 | Bowen-D Telecommunications: line sharing | |
SB 1095 | Bowen-D Electrical restructuring | |
SB 1153 | Brulte-R Gas utility programs | |
SB 1159 | Sher-D Electrical restructuring | |
SB 1183 | Leslie-R Disposal of utility property | |
SB 1194 | Sher-D Electrical restructuring: public benefit programs | |
SB 1209 | Costa-D Electrical and gas corporations: rulemaking | |
SB 1217 | Alarcon-D Internet broadband access | |
SB 1298 | Senate Energy, Utilities, And Communications Committee Energy resources: federal oil overcharge funds | |
SB 1299 | Senate Energy, Utilities, And Communications Committee Low income weatherization report | |
SCR 28 | Burton-D 9-1-1 for Kids Week | |
SR 14 | Sher-D Clean Power Month | |
SR 18 | Bowen-D Area codes | |
AB 104 | Leonard-R Energy resources | |
AB 301 | Wright-D Public Utilities Commission: petition | |
AB 365 | Wright-D Telephone services: Internet | |
AB 406* | Knox-D New area codes | |
AB 535 | Reyes-D Telecommunications: services | |
AB 616 | Oller-R Municipal utility districts' contracts | |
AB 617 | Campbell-R Telephone corporations | |
AB 650 | Wright-D Electrical restructuring: programs: funding | |
AB 651 | Wright-D Telecommunications: private property | |
AB 811 | Keeley-D Electrical restructuring | |
AB 818* | Knox-D New area codes | |
AB 941 | House-R Charter-party carriers | |
AB 957 | Scott-D Vehicles: motor carriers of property | |
AB 991 | Papan-D Internet access: line sharing | |
AB 994 | Wright-D Electrical restructuring | |
AB 995 | Wright-D Electric restructuring: transmission grid | |
AB 1002 | Wright-D Natural gas: consumption surcharge | |
AB 1003 | Wright-D Electrical restructuring | |
AB 1082 | Calderon-D Public Utilities Commission: electric restructuring | |
AB 1105* | Jackson-D State administration | |
AB 1149 | Aroner-D Underground electric and communications | |
AB 1263 | Thomson-D Telecommunications: "911" calls | |
AB 1375 | House-R Advertising: telephone directory | |
AB 1393 | Wright-D Low income electric and gas customers | |
AB 1398 | Papan-D San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: water rates | |
AB 1421 | Wright-D Gas and electric service | |
AB 1551 | Pescetti-R School facility construction: energy efficiency | |
AB 1598 | Battin-R Geothermal resources | |
AB 1641* | Assembly Agriculture Committee Biomass conversion | |
AB 1649 | Assembly Transportation Committee Energy resources | |
AB 1657 | Assembly Utilities And Commerce Committee Capital facilities fees | |
AB 1658 | Assembly Utilities And Commerce Committee Public utilities | |
AB 1663 | Assembly Utilities And Commerce Committee Energy conservation assistance | |
ACR 6 | Reyes-D Agriculture: frost damage | |
AJR 2 | Machado-D Discounted cable TV service |