Alcoholic Beverage Control
Other Gaming Legislation
Year 2000 Problems
Public Employees
Other State Government
Local Government
Immigration Issues
Federal Issues
In the 1998 General Election, California elected a new Governor, Gray Davis (D), a new Lt. Governor, Cruz Bustamante, a new Attorney General, William Lockyer, and a new State Treasurer, Phil Angelides.
In the State Senate races, incumbent Senator Rob Hurtt (R) lost to Joseph L. Dunn (D). The State Senate has a membership of 25 Democrats and 15 Republicans. The new Senate members who replaced term-limited Senators were as follows:
New Senators | Replaced Senators |
Richard Alarcon (D) | Herschel Rosenthal (D) |
Joe Baca (D) | Reuben Ayala (D) |
Debra Bowen (D) | Ralph Dills (D) |
Wesley Chesbro (D) | Mike Thompson (D) |
Martha Escutia (D) | Charles Calderon (D) |
Liz Figueroa (D) | William Lockyer (D) |
William Morrow (R) | William Craven (R) |
Kevin Murray (D) | Diane Watson (D) |
Deborah Ortiz (D) | Leroy Greene (D) |
Charles Poochigian (R) | Kenneth Maddy (R) |
Jackie Speier (D) | Quentin Kopp (I) |
Term-limited Senator Mike Thompson was successful in his bid for U.S. Congress and term-limited Senator William Lockyer was successful in his bid for State Attorney General. Senator Tim Leslie was unsuccessful in his bid for Lt. Governor. Assemblyman Don Perata was successful in the Special Election to replace Barbara Lee who was elected to U.S. Congress. As relates to leadership changes, new member Richard Alarcon was made the Majority Whip replacing Betty Karnette and Senator Baca was placed on the Senate Rules Committee to take the place of term-limited out Senator Reuben Ayala.
The following Senate Members will be termed out in 2000:
Tom Hayden (D) |
Teresa Hughes (D) |
Patrick Johnston (D) |
David Kelley (R) will be running for the State Assembly |
Tim Leslie (R) will be running for the State Assembly |
John R. Lewis (R) |
Richard Mountjoy (R) |
Cathie Wright (R) |
The Assembly now has 47 Democrats, 31 Republicans, and one Green Party member. Audie Bock became the first member of the Green Party to be elected to the Assembly at a Special Election to fill the vacancy left by Don Perata, who was elected to the State Senate. Two incumbents lost in the General Election: Robert Prenter (R) lost to Dean Florez (D) and Jim Morrissey (R) lost to Lou Correa (D). The following 1998 Assembly members won Senate seats.
Joe Baca |
Debra Bowen |
Martha Escutia |
Liz Figueroa |
Bill Morrow |
Kevin Murray |
Deborah Ortiz |
Charles Poochigian |
In the 1998 General Election, Assemblymember Diane Martinez lost her bid for State Insurance Commissioner and Curt Pringle lost his bid for State Treasurer. Assemblymembers Grace Napolitano, Steven Kuykendall, and Gary Miller were successful in their races for U.S. Congress, while Tom Bordonaro lost his bid for U.S. Congress.
The following are new Assemblymembers elected in 1998:
New Members | Replaced Members |
Sam Aanestad (R) | Bernie Richter (R) |
Patricia Bates (R) | William Morrow (R) |
Mike Briggs (R) | Charles Poochigian (R) |
Thomas M. Calderon (D) | Grace Napolitano (D) |
Ellen M. Corbett (D) | Michael Sweeney (D) |
Lou Correa (D) | Jim Morrisey (R) |
Dave Cox (R) | Barbara Alby (R) |
Richard Dickerson (R) | Tom Woods (R) |
John Dutra (D) | Liz Figueroa (D) |
Mario Firebaugh (R) | Martha Escutia (D) |
Dean Florez (D) | Robert Prenter (R) |
Hannah-Beth Jackson (D) | Brooks Firestone (R) |
John Longville (D) | Joe Baca (D) |
Alan Lowenthal (D) | Steven Kuykendall (D) |
Ken Maddox (R) | Curt Pringle (R) |
Abel Maldonado (R) | Tom Bordonaro (D) |
George Nakano (D) | Debra Bowen (D) |
Robert Pacheco (R) | Gary G. Miller (D) |
Anthony Pescetti (D) | Larry Bowler (R) |
Sarah Reyes (D) | Cruz Bustamante (D) |
Gloria Romero (D) | Diane Martinez (D) |
Nell Soto (D) | Fred Aguiar (R) |
Darrell Steinberg (D) | Deborah Ortiz (D) |
Tony Strickland (R) | Nao Takasugi (R) |
Herb Wesson (D) | Ken Murray (D) |
Patricia Wiggins (D) | Valerie Brown (D) |
Charlene Zettel (R) | Jan Goldsmith (R) |
The following Assemblymembers of the 1999-2000 Legislative Session will be termed-out in 2000:
Dick Ackerman (R) | George House (R) |
Scott Baugh (R) | Howard Kaloogian (R) |
James Battin (R) | Wally Knox (D) |
Marilyn Brewer (R) | Sheila James Kuehl (D) |
James F. Cunneen (R) | Michael Machado (D) |
Susan Davis (D) | Bob Margett (R) |
Denise Ducheney (D) | Kerry Mazzoni (D) |
Peter Frusetta (R) | Keith Olberg (R) |
Martin Gallegos (D) | Bruce Thompson (R) |
Brett Granlund (R) | Antonio Villaraigosa (D) |
The Speaker of the Assembly, Antonio Villaraigosa, has announced his intention to run for Mayor of Los Angeles. Leadership changes in the Assembly for the Democrats include making Fred Keeley as Speaker Pro Tempore, Gilbert Cedillo as Assistant Majority Leader, Tony Cardenas as Caucus Chair, and Gloria Romero as Majority Whip. The Republicans, in April of 1999, replaced Rod Pacheco as Minority Floor Leader with Scott Baugh. Other leadership positions for the Republicans are as follows: Brett Granlund (Assistant Floor Leader), Charlene Zettel (Caucus Chair), Patricia Bates (Assistant Caucus Chair), Mike Briggs, Dave Cox, Robert Pacheco, and Tony Strickland (Minority Whips), and Bill Leonard (Vice Chair of the Assembly Rules Committee).
An Initiative Constitutional Amendment has qualified for the March 2000 Primary Election which reduces legislators' salary to $75,000. It also provides for $75.00 per day for per diem, for up to 120 days annually while the Legislature is in session. It allows legislative adjustments to state officers' salaries and benefits when approved by voters. Requires forfeiture of legislators' compensation if the State Budget is not passed by June 15 of each year. Allows payment of forfeited compensation if the Legislature passes and voters approve payment at the next regular session. Provides for the Supreme Court to reapportion legislative and the State Board of Equalization boundaries, subject to voters' approval.
SB 301 (Senate Rules Committee) Secretary of Senate and Chief Clerk of Assembly
Authorizes the Secretary of the Senate and the Chief Clerk of the Assembly to act as a notary public.
Chapter 20, Statutes of 1999
SCR 37 (Costa-D) California's Legislators Go Back to School Week
Proclaims the third week in September as the annual week for California's Legislators to Go Back to School Week.
Resolution Chapter 74, Statutes of 1999
SR 1 (Johnston-D) Holdover Senators
States that the holdover Senators take his or her seats, and each Senator-elect proceed to the Bar of the Senate and take his or her oath of office on the certificate furnished by the Secretary of State.
Adopted by the Senate
SR 2 (Polanco-D) Election of officers
Elects John L. Burton as President pro Tempore of the Senate, Gregory P. Schmidt as Secretary of the Senate; and Tony Beard, Jr., as elected Sergeant at Arms of the Senate.
Adopted by the Senate
SR 3 (Burton-D) Election of members of the Senate Committee on Rules
Elects the following members to the Senate Committee on Rules: Senator Baca, Senator Hughes, Senator Knight, and Senator Lewis.
Adopted by the Senate
SR 4 (Lewis-R) Standing Rules of the Senate
Prescribes the Standing Rules of the Senate for the 1999-2000 Regular Session.
Adopted by the Senate
SR 5 (Johnson-R) Notifying the Governor of the organization of the Senate
States that the President pro Tempore of the Senate appoint a Special Committee to wait upon his Excellency, the Governor, and inform him that the Senate is duly organized for the 1999-2000 Regular Session and is now ready to receive any communication he may have to make to this House.
Adopted by the Senate
SR 6 (Bowen-D) Notifying the Assembly of the organization of the Senate
States that the President pro Tempore of the Senate appoint a Special Committee to notify the Assembly that the Senate is duly organized for the 1999-2000 Regular Session and is ready to proceed with the business of the state.
Adopted by the Senate
SR 9 (Burton-D) Senate Rule 12 of the Standing Rules of the Senate 1999-2000
Prescribes the standing committees of the Senate, the number of members, and subjects to be referred to each committee.
Adopted by the Senate
AB 817 (Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee) Legislative retirement
Changes the state's contribution rate to the Legislators' Retirement System from 18.81 percent to an actuarially recommended contribution rate.
Chapter 897, Statutes of 1999
AB 843 (Papan-D) Members of the Legislature
Prohibits elections officials from failing or refusing to perform official acts solely on the basis that a candidate for Assembly or state Senate lacks constitutional qualifications for the office.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
ACA 2 (Papan-D) Legislative terms
Provides that, commencing in 2002, the terms of Members of the Senate are six years in duration and that the terms of members of the Assembly are four years in duration. Also provides that no Senator may serve more than two consecutive terms and that no Member of the Assembly may serve more than three consecutive terms in that office.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
ACA 4 (Papan-D) Budget Bill: passage: vote requirement
Requires that a statute enacting a Budget Bill become effective immediately upon its enactment. Provides that Budget bill appropriations will be subject only to a majority vote of each House instead of a two-thirds vote.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
ACA 7 (Granlund-R) Legislature: term limits: retirement
Increases the number of years that legislators may serve, commencing with the November 2002 election. For members of the Assembly, from six to twelve years (from three two-year terms to three four-year terms). For members of the Senate, from eight to twelve years (from two four-year terms to two six-year terms). Specifies the counting of prior terms toward the term limitations and provides for staggered elections of Assembly terms. Allows legislators elected after December 2, 2002 to participate in the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and to count vested retirement credit earned under any other state or local retirement plan as credit in PERS.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
ACA 12 (Papan-D) Legislature: retirement
Authorizes members of the Legislature elected or serving after November 1, 1990 to elect to participate in the Public Employees' Retirement System.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
ACA 15 (Leach-R) Legislature: sessions: two-year budget
Deletes the current provision requiring the Legislature to convene at noon on the first Monday in December of each even-numbered year and instead requires the Legislature to convene in regular session at noon on the first Monday of January of each odd-numbered year and each house to immediately organize. Also requires that each session of the Legislature shall adjourn sine die by operation of the Constitution at midnight on December 15 of that year instead of at midnight on November 30 of the following even-numbered year.. Provides that no bill may be passed by either house on or after November 1 of each legislative session unless the bill was vetoed by the Governor. Requires, in each odd-numbered calendar year, commencing in 2001, that the Governor submit to the Legislature a budget for the two-year period commencing July 1, and that the Budget Bill passed by the Legislature also encompass that two-year period. Makes various conforming changes, including provision for the calculation of the state school-funding obligation on a two-year basis.
(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Government Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
ACA 18 (Papan-D) Legislature: terms: retirement
Requires a periodic election in each Senate and Assembly District to determine whether legislative term limits shall apply in that district for the succeeding two Senate terms or three Assembly terms. Permits legislators to join the Public Employees' Retirement System.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
ACR 75 (Thompson-R) Report on the Legislature
Provides, commencing with the 2000 calendar year, and every five years thereafter, that the President pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the Assembly report on the condition or state of the Legislature at a joint session of the Senate and Assembly convened immediately prior to adjournment of the Legislature for the July 4th holiday.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
HR 2 (Shelley-D) Chief Clerk of the Assembly
Designates E. Dotson Wilson as Chief Clerk of the Assembly for the 1999-2000 Regular Session.
Read and adopted
HR 3 (Villaraigosa-D) Chaplain of the Assembly
Elects Rabbi Mona Alfi as Chaplain Father and Constantine C. Pappademos as Alternate Chaplain for the 1999-2000 Regular Session.
Read and adopted
HR 4 (Hertzberg-D) Organization of the Assembly
Provides that (1) the Chief Clerk or the Sergeant at Arms is authorized to receive from the State Controller all warrants for the payment of Members, officers, and attaches of the Assembly, and (2) the Chief Clerk shall provide copies of the Assembly Weekly Histories to the Legislative Counsel, Governor, Attorney General, and accredited newspaper representatives.
Read and adopted
HR 5 (Hertzberg-D) Relative to the placing of bills on the Desk
Provides that, during the organizational recess, no bill shall be placed on the Assembly Desk for introduction except by a person designated by the author in writing. The designation shall be filed with the Chief Clerk.
Read and adopted
HR 6 (Hertzberg-D) Standing Rules of the Assembly
Prescribes the Standing Rules of the Assembly for the 1999-2000 Regular Session.
Adopted by the Assembly
Similar legislation was HR 1 (Hertzberg).
HR 7 (Papan-D) Assembly Rules 22.5 and 69.1
Creates the Assembly Legislative Ethics Committee and provides for membership and policy for the committee.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
HR 39 (Thompson-R) Relative to commending Doris Allen
Commends the former Speaker of the Assembly for her outstanding record and dedicated service to the people of California.
Read and adopted

Alcoholic Beverage Control
SB 340 (Baca-D) Alcoholic beverages: minors: license revocations
Requires 72-hour notice to licensees as to the results of or citation from minor decoy programs, clarifies that penalty determinations cannot be made until violations are final, and authorizes nonprofit organizations and licensees to obtain training materials from the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, as specified.
Chapter 786, Statutes of 1999
SB 587 (Burton-D) Alcoholic beverages
Makes void and unenforceable a forum selection clause in a contract between a beer manufacturer and a beer wholesaler for the sale and distribution of beer in this state, which restricts venue to a forum outside this state, with respect to any claim arising under or relating to the agreement.
Chapter 860, Statutes of 1999
SB 607 (Chesbro-D) Alcoholic beverages: tied-house restrictions
Creates a winegrower-cafe license, with designated fees required for the license, and permits a licensee who meets specified conditions to sell beer and wine at a bona fide eating place, as defined.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 671 (Chesbro-D) Alcoholic beverages: advertising restrictions
Permits any winegrower or brandy manufacturer or importer, on or off its licensed premises, to provide to the public, factual information that includes the name, address, telephone number, and other pertinent information about on-sale or off-sale licensed retailers who sell the particular licensee's wines or brandy as well as the name of the licensee's wines or brandy being sold by the retailer, along with descriptions of the products.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 791 (Perata-D) Wine safety fund
States legislative intent to appropriate $55,330 in equal amounts over five years from the Wine Safety Fund to the State Department of Health Services for the purpose of implementing a statistically valid testing program to ensure that levels of lead in wine sold in this state meet applicable laws and regulations.
Chapter 288, Statutes of 1999
SB 810* (Costa-D) Alcoholic beverages: advertising restrictions
Allows a licensed beer manufacturer or winemaker to purchase advertising from, or on behalf of (1) a Kern County on-sale licensee meeting specific stadium and arena seating capacities, (2) a theme or amusement park in the adjacent retail, dining, and entertainment area located in Orange County, and (3) an exposition park located in a county of the fourth class meeting specified stadium and arena seating capacities.
Chapter 937, Statutes of 1999
SB 1232 (Chesbro-D) Alcoholic beverages: tied-house restrictions
Permits wine sold under the existing exemption to be purchased from California winegrowers as well as from California wholesale licensees, and provides that direct sales may not involve more than two on-sale licenses in which the winegrower or any person holding an interest in the winegrower holds any interest, directly or indirectly, either individually or in combination or together with each other in the aggregate.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 1233 (Chesbro-D) Alcoholic beverages: tied-house restrictions
Allows for the limited dissemination of information regarding the off-sale availability of alcohol beverages, as specified.
Chapter 666, Statutes of 1999
AB 216 (Wesson-D) Alcoholic Beverage Control Spec. Enforcement & Training Fund
Eliminates the current transfers of specified fines from the Alcohol Beverage Control fund to the General Fund, and instead provides for deposit of those funds into a new Alcoholic Beverage Control Special Enforcement and Training Fund created by this bill. Specifies that 75% of this new fund's annual appropriation will go into grants to local law enforcement agencies, and the remainder to the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for remedial licensee training and administration of the grant program.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 220 (Washington-D) Community-based alcohol education programs
Creates a new account in the Alcohol Beverage Control Fund to finance local grants of up to $300,000 for community-based alcohol education programs for youth. Preference for awarding grants will go to cities and counties with more than 700 retail liquor licenses within their boundaries.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 377 (Wesson-D) Alcoholic beverages: licensees
Prohibits the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control from adopting a rule or regulation that permits a licensee to offer any premium, gift, or free goods to a consumer in such a way that will encourage the purchase or consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors and that is conditioned on the purchase of an alcoholic beverage.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 749 (Wesson-D) Alcoholic beverage control: minors: penalties
Increases penalties for crimes associated with the purchase of alcohol by a minor, regulates the display of videos in retail alcohol outlets, and authorizes the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to directly obtain a court order to destroy controlled substances and drug paraphernalia, as specified.
Chapter 787, Statutes of 1999
AB 772 (Wesson-D) Alcoholic beverages: beer
Deletes ale, porter, brown, stout, lager beer, small beer, and strong beer from the definition of "beer".
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1092 (Lowenthal-D) Alcoholic beverages: licenses
Allows the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to impose conditions on off-sale retail licenses at the time of license transfer, if requested by the respective local governing body, as specified.
Chapter 499, Statutes of 1999
AB 1223 (Cox-R) Alcoholic beverages: tied-house restrictions
Revises provisions of existing law to, among other things, permit the removal of brands of alcoholic beverages that are owned or sold by the licensee from any place belonging to an off-sale retailer for the purpose of replacing alcoholic beverages on or restocking shelves or refrigerated boxes.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1407 (Wesson-D) Alcoholic beverage licenses: tied-house restrictions
Allows a retail off-sale alcoholic beverage licensee with annual wine auction sales revenues of at least $5 million, to sell and deliver consigned wine, whether or not the auctioned wine is "vintage wine", as specified. Makes other technical and conforming changes.
Chapter 699, Statutes of 1999
AB 1525 (Lempert-D) Alcoholic beverages: licenses: beer manufacturers
Creates a Brewer-Restaurant alcoholic beverage license, as specified.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1604 (Hertzberg-D) Alcoholic beverage licensees: fixtures and supplies
Extends, from six weeks to three months, the time period in which equipment, fixtures, or supplies, other than alcoholic beverages, may be given or loaned by a beer manufacturer or wholesaler to retailers whose premises are located in an area proclaimed to be in a state of disaster by the Governor.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
ACR 56 (Wiggins-D) Winemaking Families and Grape Growers Appreciation Day
Commends the family vinters and grape growers of this state and designates the day of May 17, 1999, as California Winemaking Families and Grape Growers Appreciation Day.
Resolution Chapter 30, Statutes of 1999
AJR 13 (Wiggins-D) Wine: excise tax: labels
Memorializes Congress to support the public's right to become informed regarding the health effects of wine consumption based on the latest scientific findings as approved by the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and to oppose a tripling of the excise tax on wine as being unwarranted, harming the California wine industry, and unnecessarily eroding the industry's ability to compete with foreign producers in the global and domestic marketplace.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

SB 239 (Perata-D) Workers' compensation: jockeys
Authorizes the establishment of a nonprofit public benefit corporation to be known as the California Jockey Injury Compensation Fund, which will be responsible for securing workers' compensation insurance coverage on a blanket basis on behalf of all licensed trainers for the benefit of all jockeys, apprentice jockeys, exercise riders, and pony riders licensed by the California Horse Racing Board and performing services at a facility recognized and approved by the California Horse Racing Board. Requires the fund to make this insurance coverage available and in effect by January 1, 2001, as specified.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
SB 263* (Perata-D) Horse racing: imported races
Increases from 20 to 23 the number of imported race simulcasts that thoroughbred racing associations and fairs may distribute and accept wagers on, with specified exemptions.
Chapter 219, Statutes of 1999
Similar legislation is AB 270 (Floyd-D), Chapter 28, Statutes of 1999.
SB 336 (Karnette-D) Horse racing: lottery
Requires the chairperson of the California Horse Racing Board to meet at least semiannually with the chairperson of the California State Lottery Commission and the executive director of the California State Lottery to determine how the California State Lottery and the horse racing industry may work to further the goals of the Horse Racing Law, and declares the intent of the Legislature in enacting this provision.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 346 (Johnson-R) Horse racing: imported races
Allows any thoroughbred racing association to contract with a quarter horse racing association that conducts thoroughbred races in the southern zone to distribute the signal of and accept wagers on out-of-state and international races after 7:00 p.m. each day irrespective of the limitations on the number of races that may be imported under current law.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 354 (Perata-D) Horse racing: imported races
Modifies the definition of what constitutes a "California-bred standardbred horse". Authorizes a harness racing association that is conducting a live race meeting to accept wagers on races conducted by the racing association that conduct the Breeders Crown Stakes, the Meadowlands Pace or the North American Cup on the days that these events take place.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 474 (Johnson-R) Horse racing: allocation of funds
Adds the term "maintenance" and "live racing facilities" to existing priorities for the allocation of specified funding from the Satellite Wagering Account (SWA), in the Fair and Expositions Fund which are continuously appropriated to the State Department of Food and Agriculture under present law. Requires that an amount not less than $2.5 million be allocated annually from the SWA for the payment of expenses incurred in establishing, maintaining, and operating satellite wagering and live racing facilities at fairs.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 517 (Johnson-R) Horse racing: charity days distributions
Allows, upon approval by the California Horse Racing Board, a racing association to act as its own distributing agent for distribution of Charity Day proceeds, as long as existing law (no more than 20% distributed to charities associated with horseracing) is adhered to.
Chapter 170, Statutes of 1999
SB 592* (Morrow-R) Possessory interest tax offset: San Diego County
Appropriates an unspecified amount of money from the General Fund to the Controller in order to reimburse cities in San Diego County for revenues lost by the city due to 1995 legislation (AB 304 Tucker, Chapter 959, Statutes of 1995), that reduced the city's share of horseracing revenues. Specifies that the amount of reimbursement will be equal to the total amount of possessory interest tax reimbursement for which valid claims are submitted.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 912 (Knight-R) Horse racing
Authorizes the California Horse Racing Board to adopt regulations that disqualify any horse in a race that tests positive for a prohibited drug substance upon a finding that the prohibited drug substance had the potential to significantly affect the horse's performance during the race. Requires any owner, trainer, or stable employee opposing a disqualification on that basis to bear the burden to establish by a preponderance of the evidence that the drug substance was insufficient to have significantly affected the horse's performance during the race.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 270* (Floyd-D) Horse racing
Allows the California Horse Racing Board to authorize a harness or quarter horse racing association to accept wagers on the results of the out-of-state and international harness or quarter horse races with approval of the California Horse Racing Board and the concurrence of the horsemen/women's organization contracting with the association, and other imported races, if the association conducts at least seven live races and imports not more than six other than the present four races, on those days during a race meeting when live races are being run as specified. Provides that if only one of these two breeds is conducting live racing on a given day, the association conducting live racing may import those races which could not otherwise be simulcasted by the association that is not racing, provided that the total number of races imported does not exceed the number of night races imported in 1998 after 5:30 p.m. Purses from these additional races after the usual deductions, will be distributed equally between harness and quarter horse horsemen. Deletes the current $100,000 purse threshold for any such imported race.
Chapter 28, Statutes of 1999
Similar legislation is SB 263(Perata-D), Chapter 219, Statutes of 1999.
AB 315* (Wright-D) Horse racing: proposition wagers
Broadens the definition of "propositional wagering" to include wagers on propositions approved by the California Horse Racing Board that are based on the results of all live horse races, instead of just quarter horse races.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 493 (Floyd-D) Horse racing
Exempts quarter horse associations from the 8% state license fee imposed on associations for wagering on specified interstate simulcasting. Provides for funding of a marketing program through a 1% purse deduction and requires quarter horse or fair racing associations conducting barrel racing, show jumping racing, or steeplechase racing to pay three percent of the purse amounts to the quarter horsemen's organization.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 618 (Margett-R) Horse racing: promotional payments
Deletes a current prohibition and allows promotional contests or sponsorship contributions to be distributed by a harness racing association in the northern racing zone of California, as payment in addition to purses.
Chapter 127, Statutes of 1999
AB 721 (Briggs-R) 21st District Agricultural Association
Forgives the repayment of any outstanding loans made to the 21st District Agricultural Association (the Big Fresno Fair) by the State of California to finance fairgrounds improvement.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1317 (Cardoza-D) Horse racing: out-of-state races
Clarifies that racing associations may form a partnership, joint venture, or any other affiliation with other entities licensed by the California Horse Racing Board to accept out-of-state wagers on horse races conducted in California.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1405 (Wesson-D) Horse racing: advance deposit wagering
Authorizes any racing association or fair to accept advance deposit wagers, or to allow these wagers through a betting system or multi-jurisdictional wagering hub, during the calendar period of its live racing meeting upon approval by the California Horse Racing Board, and to form partnerships, joint ventures, or any other affiliation to further this purpose, as specified.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1406* (Assembly Governmental Organization Committee) Horse racing
Allows the California Horse Racing Board to authorize any racing association licensed to conduct a live quarter horse racing meeting, to also conduct rule racing under certain conditions. Provides that the Cal Western Appaloosa Racing Association shall approve Appaloosa horse registrations rather than the Appaloosa Horse Club.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1416 (Wesson-D) Horse racing: satellite wagering facilities
Authorizes county fairs and district agricultural associations to operate additional satellite wagering facilities off the fair grounds but within the boundaries of the respective fair or district agricultural association, contingent upon the approval of the State Department of Food and Agriculture, the California Horse Racing Board, and the local government where the facility is proposed to be located.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1486 (Maldonado-R) Horse racing: racing dates
Requires the California Horse Racing Board or its subcommittees, to take public testimony and make all determinations on the allocation of racing dates during a public hearing.
Chapter 218, Statutes of 1999

Other Gaming Legislation
SB 416 (Perata-D) Gambling: establishments
Allows certain racing associations to operate two card clubs, under specified conditions.
Vetoed by the Governor
Similar legislation is SB 228 (Perata-D) which is in the Assembly Governmental Organization Committee.
SB 829* (Figueroa-D) Gambling establishments: provisional licenses
Authorizes the Division of Gambling Control, within the State Department of Justice, to extend a provisional license if certain requirements are met. Requires a license applicant under this act to submit two sets of fingerprints on forms provided by the Division of Gambling Control to submit one fingerprint card to the Federal Bureau of Investigation to obtain federal criminal history information.
Chapter 351, Statutes of 1999
SB 1207 (Polanco-D) Gambling: slot machines
Provides that it would be lawful to transport or possess a slot machine or device in California, if the machine cannot be used to gamble, as specified. Also contains a provision specifically exempting it from federal law prohibiting interstate transportation of gambling devices.
Chapter 642, Statutes of 1999
SCA 4 (McPherson-R) Lotteries: charitable raffles
Provides that, notwithstanding the general constitutional prohibition against lotteries, the Legislature may authorize private nonprofit organizations to conduct raffles as a funding mechanism to provide support for their own or others' beneficial charitable works, provided that at least 90% of the gross receipts of the raffle go directly to beneficial or charitable purposes in California, and any person who receives compensation in connection with the operation of a raffle is an employee of the private nonprofit organization that is conducting the raffle. Also states findings and declarations of the Legislature, as specified.
Similar legislation is SB 639 (McPherson-D) which is in the Assembly Governmental Organization Committee.
Resolution Chapter 123, Statutes of 1999
SCA 7 (Polanco-D) Tribal-state gaming compacts
Exempts gaming conducted pursuant to its terms from provisions of the California Constitution prohibiting lotteries and casinos, and substantially re-enacts the provisions of Proposition 5 as the California Indian Gaming and Economic Self Sufficiency Act of 2000, as specified.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
SCA 11 (Burton-D) Gambling
Provides that, notwithstanding the provisions of the California Constitution prohibiting lotteries and casinos of the type operating in Nevada and New Jersey, the Governor is authorized to negotiate and conclude compacts, subject to ratification by the Legislature, for the operation of slot machines and for the conduct of lottery games and banking and percentage card games by federally recognized Indian tribes on Indian lands in California in accordance with federal law. Also expressly permits slot machines, lottery games, and banking and percentage card games to be conducted and operated on tribal lands subject to these compacts.
Resolution Chapter 142, Statutes of 1999
SCA 12 (Perata-D) Gambling
Provides that, notwithstanding existing prohibitions regarding lotteries and casinos, the Legislature may authorize licensed gambling establishments to operate and offer for play player-pool banked card games, provided that no licensed gambling establishment participates or otherwise shares in any of the proceeds of the player-pool bank.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
SJR 23 (Polanco-D) Indian gaming
Requests the U.S. Attorney General and the U.S. Attorneys for California not to try and stop the tribal gaming operations approved in Proposition 5 until after the March 7, 2000, primary election and requests the President to issue an executive order permitting the tribes to continue their gaming operations until appropriate legislation is enacted.
(At the Assembly Desk)
AB 317 (Floyd-D) Gambling Control Act: gambling establishments
Authorizes the player-pool banked 21 in licensed California card clubs. Allows card clubs to play other controlled games (i.e., Pai Gown, Pan, Super Pan 9) as either player-pool banked or player banked, as specified.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 621 (Floyd-D) Casino: definition
Defines "casino" to mean a place where gambling or wagering is conducted and the players' wager against the house, with the house collecting losing bets and paying winning bets.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 714 (Firebaugh-D) California Gambling Control Commission
Makes specified changes to the Gambling Control Act relating to the Gambling Control Commission and the Gaming Policy Advisory Committee and makes other changes to the Gaming Control Act.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1066 (Cardenas-D) Gambling: slot machines
Authorizes a person to transport and possess any inoperable slot machine or device for display at a trade show, conference, or convention held in California.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1099 (Shelley-D) Indian gaming compacts: elections: ballots
Provides that notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of State shall designate SCA 11 (Burton-D) which authorizes the Governor to negotiate and conclude compacts, subject to ratification by the Legislature, as specified, to appear as Proposition 1A on the ballot that is submitted to the voters at the March 7, 2000, statewide primary election.
Chapter 843, Statutes of 1999
AB 1385 (Battin-R) Indian tribes: tribal-state gaming compacts
Designates the Governor as the state officer responsible for negotiating and executing compacts between the State and federally recognized Indian tribes located in the State, as specified.
Chapter 874, Statutes of 1999
AB 1408 (Assembly Governmental Organization Committee) California State Lottery
Authorizes the California State Lottery Commission to allow winners of less than $25 to claim the prize from any lottery game retailer.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1409* (Assembly Governmental Organization Committee) Gambling
Authorizes gambling establishments to operate controlled games using a player-dealer position, as specified. Also prohibits a licensed owner of a gambling establishment from operating any house-banked game, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1417* (Wesson-D) Gambling establishments
Defines a "banking game" as any wagering game where the house or gambling establishment is (1) a participant in the game with an interest in the outcome of any wager, and (2) covers all bets made in the game, paying all winners and collecting from all losers. Specifies that a game is not a banking game merely because the rules of the game allow a player who does not represent the interests of the house to act as a bank, provided that this position is offered to all the players at the table after every five hands. Further finds and declares that this provision is intended to modify the recent holdings of Oliver v. County of Los Angeles and David Kelley v. First Astri Corporation, et al, as to what constitutes a banking game with respect to controlled games conducted in licensed card clubs.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1429 (Floyd-D) Gambling establishments
Clarifies that a corporation applying for or holding a card club owner's license must purchase the security held by an individual owner denied a license by the Gambling Control Commission (GCC) for book value in cash and not in an amount greater than fair market value, within 30 calendar days after the date of the offer. If the fair market value or book value exceeds $1 million, the GCC may allow the issuing corporation a period of time not to exceed 90 days in which to complete the purchase. Deletes from the findings and declarations section of the Gambling Control Act the statement that "the longstanding public policy of this state disfavors the business of gambling."
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1517 (Firebaugh-D) Gambling: progressive pot games
Provides that a progressive pot game played in a gambling establishment licensed by the Gambling Control Commission is not unlawful if the game contains elements of skill. Requires the commission to adopt regulations as specified, relating to the collection, accounting, and disbursal of all funds held for progressive pot payouts. Provides that the commission, by regulation, shall authorize a gambling establishment to make a monthly deduction from the funds in the progressive pot for specified expenses, would allow the local government entity in which the establishment is located to require the gambling establishment to make a monthly deduction of up to 5% of the funds in the progressive pot, to be paid to that local government entity as a licensing fee or for administrative costs, and would provide that after these deductions the remaining funds shall be irrevocably dedicated to augment or otherwise fund the winnings of players. Enacts other related provisions.
Vetoed by the Governor
ACR 92 (Papan-D) Gambling prevalence survey
Expresses legislative support to conduct a gambling prevalence survey.
Resolution Chapter 121, Statutes of 1999

Year 2000 Problems
SB 317 (Leslie-R) Financial institutions: consumers: Year 2000 Problem
Creates the California Consumers Y2K Financial Protection Act which requires financial institutions to reimburse California consumers for any charges imposed on them as a result of Year 2000 Problems experienced by financial institutions.
Chapter 513, Statutes of 1999
SB 1093 (Johnston-D) Department of General Services: Stephen P. Teale Data Center
Authorizes the Director of the State Department of General Services to exercise the option to purchase 137,275 of net usable square feet of data center, office space, and appurtenances set forth in the lease for 3101 Gold Camp Drive in Rancho Cordova, California, for a price not to exceed $47,000,000 for use by the Stephen P. Teale Data Center. Authorizes the State Public Works Board to issue revenue bonds, negotiable notes, or negotiable bond anticipation notes to finance the acquisition of the facilities by exercise of the option to purchase. Specifies that funds derived from the interim and permanent financing or refinancing of these facilities are continuously appropriated for the purposes of this bill.
Chapter 293, Statutes of 1999
AB 579* (Honda-D) Income and bank and corporation taxes: Y2K
Allows business taxpayers a deduction of up to $20,000 for the purchase or modification of computer software or hardware to make a computer system Y2K compliant.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 724* (Dutra-D) Year 2000 Problem Good Government Omnibus Act of 1999
Declares Year 2000 Problem remediation to the top information technology priority for all state agencies and makes various changes and additions to current practice and policy in anticipation of potential Year 2000 Problem impacts on state governmental operations, as specified.
Chapter 784, Statutes of 1999
AB 874 (Alquist-D) Computers: liability: Year 2000 Problem
Provides that in any action based on a commercial cause of action arising out of a Year 2000 processing failure, as defined, no consequential or punitive damages may be awarded unless the plaintiff first provided the defendant with an opportunity to cure the failure and attempted to resolve the complaint through alternative dispute resolution, as specified. Provides that a party to a Year 2000 action may recover consequential damages only in specified circumstances. Provides immunity from liability in Year 2000 actions to state agencies, departments, and political subdivisions.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 999 (Briggs-R) Computer failures: liability
Specifies that any action, including one to recover damages, resulting from a Year 2000 computer date failure, as defined, will be deemed to be based solely in contract when certain conditions apply, as specified. Provides for a 90-day cure period before the action is commenced, requires that liability be several and apportioned among multiple defendants, limits class actions, as specified, specifies standards for pleading, and requires that discovery be stayed pending a demurrer or motion to dismiss. Contains a corresponding statement of legislative intent.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 1024* (Dutra-D) Disasters: computer dates
Applies the state's anti-profiteering law, imposed for 30 days after a declared disaster, to the six-month period beginning October 1, 1999 and ending April 1, 2000, in contemplation of potential or perceived Y2K-related disruptions in the supply of particular consumer items and goods and services.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1281 (Bates-R) Computers: liability: Year 2000 Problem
Prohibits consequential or punitive damages to persons who make gratuitous disclosures of information regarding the Year 2000 Problem, involving computer date calculations, or potential solutions to a computer problem unless the claimant has first attempted to resolve the complaint through alternative dispute resolution.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 1476 (Dutra-D) Year 2000 liability
Prohibits state agencies from imposing fines, penalties, or late fees on small businesses for violating any noncriminal statute, role or regulation as a result of a Y2K problem experienced by the business, as specified. Requires every state agency to establish a point of contact within the agency to act as liaison between the agency and small businesses regarding Y2K problems and compliance issues. Makes other related changes.
Chapter 698, Statutes of 1999
AB 1569 (Ackerman-R) Computers: liability for damages: Y2K Problem
Provides immunity from any noncontract claim, subject to certain exceptions, to suppliers of computer products arising form the failure or malfunction of those products due to the Year 2000 Problem, if the supplier satisfies certain requirements relating to repair, replacement, or refund of the computer products by a specified date. Also makes related legislative findings and declarations.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
ACR 70 (Washington-D) Y2K price stabilization
Requests business owners and essential service providers in the state to refrain from raising prices of goods, services, and public utilities beyond acceptable levels as a result of the Y2K computer conversion.
(In Assembly Information Technology Committee)

Public Employees
SB 36 (Baca-D) Veterans' preference: local agencies
Requires any city or county that has established a civil service system, to implement a veterans' preference system by January 1,2002, or adopt a resolution identifying reasons that the local agency does not do so.
Chapter 201, Statutes of 1999
SB 105 (Burton-D) State retirement systems: Northern Ireland
Requires the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) and the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) to annually (1) compile a list of domestic and international corporations that do business in Northern Ireland, and in which PERS and STRS assets are invested, (2) monitor the extent to which U.S. and international corporations operating in Northern Ireland adhere to the non-discrimination MacBride Principles, and (3) support, whenever feasible, shareholder resolutions to encourage corporations to pursue affirmative action in Northern Ireland. Requires STRS and PERS to report to the Legislature on or before March 1 of each year.
Chapter 341, Statutes of 1999
SB 108* (Ortiz-D) State employees: memoranda of understanding
Ratifies the memorandum of understanding between the State and State Bargaining Unit 10 represented by the California Association of Professional Scientists, and Bargaining Units 1, 3, 4, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20 and 21 represented by the California State Employees Association, including a 5.5% pay raise effective April 1, 1999, and an additional employer contribution to cover recent increases in employee health coverage, retroactive to January 1, 1999.
Chapter 11, Statutes of 1999
SB 138* (O'Connell-D) California Highway Patrol: memorandum of understanding
Ratifies the memorandum of understanding between the State and State Bargaining Unit 5 represented by the California Association of Highway Patrolmen (approximately 5,609 full-time employees), including a 5% pay raise retroactive to July 1, 1998, and an additional 2% pay raise retroactive to November 1, 1998.
Chapter 3, Statutes of 1999
SB 172 (Escutia-D) Employees: inspection of personnel records by employees
Deletes existing law exempting the state, school districts and public employers from having to provide access to personnel files to employees, as specified. Also requires employers to permit their employees to inspect their personnel files or a copy, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 234 (Hughes-D) Public Employees' Retirement System: benefits
Enacts the Senator Teresa Hughes Purchasing Power Protection Act. Guarantees that allowances of local contracting agency members of the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) will be maintained at 80% of their original purchasing power and that allowances of state, university, and school members of the PERS will be maintained at 75% of their original purchasing power. Gives additional four years of service and an additional four years of age credit to any state member who serves for 20 or more years as a civil executive officer under the PERS when they retire and grants up to five years of service credit under the PERS, during which a member is granted an approved leave of absence for service with a university, college, governmental agency, or nonprofit organization.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 258 (Ortiz-D) Firefighters: employment by cities and counties
Extends the hiring authorization to civilian federal firefighters who lost their jobs because of downsizing or realignment of federal military installations. Limits this eligibility to "permanent career civilian federal firefighters," and authorizes the California Firefighter Joint Apprenticeship Program to prepare and circulate the list of eligibility.
Chapter 305, Statutes of 1999
SB 311 (Perata-D) Public Employees' Retirement System: benefits
Raises the annual cost of living adjustment for retired state members of the Public Employees' Retirement System from a maximum of 2% to a flat 3%, compounded annually.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 321 (Baca-D) State employees: managers and supervisors
Requires the State Department of Personnel Administration to conduct a study, and report its findings to the Legislature by March 1, 2000, that identifies the classifications in which state supervisors and managers are paid a salary that is less than 10% higher than the maximum step of the highest paid employee over which the supervisor or manager has authority. Also declares the intent of the Legislature to recognize the importance of state managers and supervisors and to ensure they appropriate compensation.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 325 (Brulte-R) State employees
Authorizes certain appointees of the Governor, who elect not to participate in the Public Employees' Retirement System, the option of participating in the State Peace Officers' and Firefighters' Defined Contribution Plan. Establishes the employer contribution rate for appointees choosing this option at 7% of the appointee's compensation, and the employee contribution rate at 5% of compensation.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 339 (Burton-D) State employees: compensation
Appropriates $601,220,000 for expenditure in the 1999-2000 fiscal year in augmentation and for the purposes of state employee compensation and the state employer's health benefit costs as provided in Items 9800-001-0001, 9800-001-0494, and 9800-011-0988 of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 1999 (Chapter 50, Statutes of 1999).
Chapter 776, Statutes of 1999
SB 373 (Rainey-R) County employee retirement benefits
Provides that certain Contra Costa County animal control officers receive "safety" retirement benefits (instead of "general" or "miscellaneous" retirement) if they retire after this bill becomes effective. Specifies that affected animal control officers will also drop out of the federal Social Security System.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 377 (Polanco-D) Criminal conduct of state employees
Expands the scope and increases the penalty for the crime of sexual activity in a public detention facility between staff and a person detained in the facility, and provides for a minimum 30-day suspension for any employee of the State Youth and Adult Correctional Agency who engages in acts of retaliation against another employee.
Chapter 806, Statutes of 1999
SB 396 (Ortiz-D) PERS: deferred retirement option plan
Authorizes the Public Employees' Retirement System Board of Administration to establish a deferred retirement option plan, as specified.
(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)
SB 397 (Ortiz-D) Public Employees' Retirement System: benefits
Allows the Public Employees' Retirement System local contracting public agencies to amend their contract to offer up to two years of additional service credit (Golden Handshake) to retiring employees who meet the established minimum eligibility requirements (at least five years of service, and age 50) and retire within the applicable window period. Requires those contracting agencies to provide public disclosure prior to making that election.
Chapter 684, Statutes of 1999
SB 399* (Ortiz-D) State employees: State Bargaining Units 1, 3, 4, 11, and 15
Ratifies the memorandum of understanding between the State and the following California State Employees Association State Bargaining Units (BU): (1) BU 1, Administrative, Financial and Staff Services (approximately 33,060 employees), (2)BU 3, Education and Library (approximately 2,375 employees), (3)BU 4, Office and Allied (approximately 29,777 employees), (4)BU 11, Engineering and Scientific Technician (approximately 2,672 employees).
Chapter 630, Statutes of 1999
SB 400 (Ortiz-D) Public Employees' Retirement System: benefits
Establishes a new level of survivor benefits for state and school employee participants in the 1959 Survivor Benefit Program, effective January 1, 2000 until January 1, 2010, increasing the benefit level to more closely achieve comparability with Social Security, and makes various improvements in the benefits provided to state and school members of the Public Employee's Retirement.
Chapter 555, Statutes of 1999
SB 401 (Ortiz-D) State employees
Ratifies the collective bargaining agreements between the state and Bargaining Units 2, 9, 10, 12, and 13 and makes statutory changes.
Chapter 457, Statutes of 1999
SB 402 (Burton-D) Law enforcement officers and firefighters
Provides final and binding arbitration of any matter in dispute (within the scope of bargaining under the various existing state and local acts) between any public employer in California (including the state) and employee organizations representing its firefighters or law enforcement employees.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 412* (Burton-D) State employees: memoranda of understanding
Ratifies the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the state and State Bargaining Unit (BU) 7 (i.e., approximately 5,532 full-time employees), represented by the California Union of Safety Employees. The MOU expires June 30, 1999.
Chapter 4, Statutes of 1999
SB 451 (Schiff-D) Criminal conduct by public employees: investigations
Requires that upon the occurrence or discovery of either a major incident as defined, or other criminal misconduct, committed by an employee or agent of the State Department of Corrections (DOC) in a department facility, a specified party at the scene immediately notify DOC's Office of Internal Affairs. That office is then required to immediately notify the Attorney General and authorize the Attorney General, upon receiving notice of a major incident within a department facility, to initiate an investigation to determine whether an employee or agent of the department may have engaged in or participated in a major incident, as specified.
(In Assembly Public Safety Committee)
SB 477* (Brulte-R) State employees: excluded employees: pay increase
Provides 32,000 state supervisors and managers (who are excluded from representation by an employee organization in collective bargaining) with a 4% salary increase retroactive to July 1, 1999, and an additional 4% increase as of July 1, 2000.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 498 (Schiff-D) Public employees retirement
Increases the retirement benefit limit for local safety members from 75% to 90% of final compensation for members who retire on and after January 1, 2000.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 522 (Wright-R) State employee benefits
Repeals provisions of existing law relating to the Supplemental Contributions Program (SCP) and establishes a separate supplemental contributions program for eligible employees. Creates the SCP Fund and continuously appropriates all moneys in that fund to the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System to carry out for purposes of the program.
Chapter 307, Statutes of 1999
SB 558 (Baca-D) County employee retirement benefits
Provides that counties operating retirement systems under the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 will grant a service connected disability retirement (provided for job-related injuries) when a safety member, firefighter, or certain "active law enforcement" employees develop cancer, as specified.
Chapter 160, Statutes of 1999
SB 583 (Baca-D) Public Employees' Retirement System
Authorizes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) to establish "risk pools" for contracting local agencies and school districts, and allows PERS members to participate in employer-sponsored supplemental defined benefit plans.
Chapter 474, Statutes of 1999
SB 609* (Burton-D) State employees: memoranda of understanding
Ratifies the memorandum of understanding between the State and State Bargaining Units 12 (Craft and Maintenance) and 13 (Stationary Engineers), represented by the International Union of Operating Engineers, including a four percent pay raise effective March 1, 1999, and an additional employer contribution to cover recent increases in employee health coverage retroactive to January 1, 1999.
Chapter 5, Statutes of 1999
SB 615* (Burton-D) State employees: State Bargaining Units 5 and 6
Ratifies the memoranda of understanding (MOU) between the State and State Bargaining Unit (BU) 5, California Association of Highway Patrolmen (approximately 5,573 employees) and BU 6, California Correctional Peace Officers Association (approximately 25,071 employees). The MOUs will expire on July 2, 2001.
Chapter 778, Statutes of 1999
SB 670 (Rainey-R) County employees retirement: death benefits
Makes the optional County Employees Retirement Act of 1937 survivor provisions operative by majority vote of the county board of retirement, instead of the county board of supervisors.
Chapter 161, Statutes of 1999
SB 683 (Perata-D) Employment relations: state
Requires state employers to abide by the provisions of expired collective bargaining agreements, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 739 (Solis-D) Local public employees
Authorizes an agency shop arrangement without a negotiated agreement upon a signed petition by thirty percent of the employees in the applicable bargaining unit requesting an agency shop agreement and majority approval of the employees voting on the issue, as specified. Authorizes either the public agency or recognized employee organization to request mediation if neither side can reach an agreement, in which case the parties are to agree to the appointment of a mediator or request a mediator from the Division of Conciliation of the State Department of Industrial Relations, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 763 (Sher-D) Public employee liability
Provides, generally, that public defenders have the same immunity from malpractice suits provided public prosecutors under current law. Provides that a legal malpractice action arising from the representation by a public defender of a client in a case that resulted in the conviction of that client of a crime will not be precluded on grounds of immunity if, prior to filing the action, either of the following has occurred:
- A court has determined that the client is factually innocent of the underlying offense or offenses that gave rise to the representation by the public defender.
- The client has been acquitted of all charges in relation to which the public defender provided the representation.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 800 (Dunn-D) Public Employees' Retirement System: local safety members
Increases the retirement benefit limit for local safety members of the Public Employees' Retirement System from 75% to 85% of final compensation for members who retire on and after January 1, 2000. Also contains language to prevent "chaptering out" problems with SB 400 (Ortiz) and AB 813 (Assembly Public Employment, Retirement and Social Security Committee).
Chapter 633, Statutes of 1999
SB 951 (Hayden-D) State employees: disclosure of improper activities
Renames the existing statute providing protections to state employees who report improper governmental activities and enhance those statutory protections, aligns these statutes with federal "whistleblower" statutes, and makes related legislative findings and declarations.
Chapter 673, Statutes of 1999
SB 972 (Baca-D) State employees: compensation increase
Provides that state employees not covered by a memorandum of understanding be given a salary increase every July 1 by an amount equal to changes in the California Consumer Price Index.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1073 (Senate Public Employment And Retirement Committee) State employees
This bill is an omnibus bill designed to make a variety of adjustments to clarify the State Civil Service Act and related laws.
Chapter 310, Statutes of 1999
SB 1257 (Burton-D) State employees: compensation
Appropriates $35.8 million for expenditure in fiscal year 1998/99 for usual and current expenses resulting from state employee compensation and state employer's health benefit costs incurred by the ratification of numerous memorandums of understanding between the state and various bargaining units for general salary increases.
Chapter 12, Statutes of 1999
SB 1273* (Burton-D) State employees: memoranda of understanding
Ratifies the memorandum of understanding between the State and State Bargaining Unit 2, represented by the Association of California State Attorneys, and State Bargaining Unit 9, represented by the Professional Engineers in California Government, including a 5.5% pay raise effective April 1, 1999, and an additional employer contribution to cover recent increases in employee health coverage, retroactive to January 1, 1999.
Chapter 13, Statutes of 1999
SB 1312 (Baca-D) Deferred Retirement Option Program
Establishes the Deferred Retirement Option Program as a supplemental benefit program in the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) for those state and school members and for those local members whose employing agency elects to be subject to the program, as specified. Directs the PERS Board of Administration to implement the program no later than January 1, 2001, as specified.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SCR 15 (Ortiz-D) State employee merit awards
Requests that additional merit award payments, authorized by the State Department of Personnel Administration, be made to specified individuals whose proposals have resulted in annual savings and net revenue gain to the state.
Resolution Chapter 85, Statutes of 1999
AB 99 (Cedillo-D) Public Employees' Retirement System: benefits
Establishes a new contract option for Public Employees' Retirement System local contracting agencies, allowing them to contract for a new 1959 Survivor Benefit program (Level 5), and closes several existing 1959 Survivor Benefit program options on a prospective basis for new contracts and new contract amendments.
Chapter 801, Statutes of 1999
AB 107 (Knox-D) Public employees' health benefits: domestic partners
Authorizes state and local employers to elect to include domestic partners within the definition of "family members" for the purpose of providing health benefits under the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Act.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 139* (Havice-D) State employees: State Bargaining Unit 7
Ratifies the memorandum of understanding between the State Department of Personnel Administration and Bargaining Unit 7 (California Union of Safety Employees).
Chapter 761, Statutes of 1999
AB 227 (Wildman-D) Public Employees Retirement System: benefits
Provides a general ad hoc increase in amounts ranging from one percent to five percent of the monthly allowances of state members of the State Public Employees' Retirement System who retired or died between January 1, 1981 and December 31, 1989.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 230 (Baldwin-R) State employer expenses
Requires that statements of earnings and deductions accompanying payroll warrants (a.k.a. pay stubs) include specified information and amounts considered "Employer Payroll Allocation Costs".
(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 232 (Alquist-D) Public employees retirement
Requires local employers which contract with the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) to continue survivor allowances upon the remarriage of the surviving spouses of any deceased active or retired PERS members. Provides clean-up provisions to SB 400 (Ortiz).
Chapter 800, Statutes of 1999
AB 240 (Honda-D) Public employees: agency shop
Makes an agency shop agreement applicable to the management, confidential and supervisory employees of local public agencies.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 266 (Longville-D) County employee retirement: contributions
Provides that members of the San Bernardino County Employees' Retirement Association with credit for 30 years of continuous service will not have retirement contributions deducted from their salaries, if approved by the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors.
Chapter 27, Statutes of 1999
AB 288* (Wesson-D) County employee retirement: benefits
Authorizes the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to elect to exclude specified cafeteria or flexible benefit plan contributions from the definition of "compensation" and "compensation earnable" for purposes of calculating retirement benefits for Los Angeles County employees, pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement (memorandum of understanding).
Chapter 7, Statutes of 1999
AB 316 (Machado-D) County retirement: benefits: cost-of-living adjustments
Provides an optional alternative mechanism for pre-funding cost-of-living adjustments for retirees of the 20 counties that participate in the County Employees Retirement Act of 1937.
Chapter 39, Statutes of 1999
AB 334* (Pescetti-R) State employees
Appropriates to the State Controller a sum sufficient to provide all state employees a salary increase of 5% retroactive to July 1, 1998, and an additional salary increase of 5% as of April 1, 1999, from the General Fund, unallocated special funds, federal funds, and any other fund from which state employees are compensated.
(In Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
AB 345 (Vincent-D) California Workforce Investment and Economic Development Act
Creates the California Workforce Investment and Economic Development Act of 1999, to enact the provisions of the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998. Establishes a new state department to act as a local agency and a new state council to implement the provisions of this act.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 350 (House-R) State employees: compensation increase
Appropriates a sum from the General Fund, unallocated special funds, federal funds, and any other fund from which state employees are compensated that is sufficient to provide all state employees with a salary increase of 10%.
(In Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
AB 366 (Scott-D) State employees: health benefits
Permits annuitants who separated from employment when not enrolled in the Public Employees' Retirement System health benefits to enroll for the purposes of retirement health benefits either at the time of retirement or during the annual open enrollment period. Also extends this provision enrollment opportunity to a surviving spouse of a retiree.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 379 (Cardoza-D) State employees: longevity pay
Provides that on January 1, 2000, employees who are exempt from collective bargaining under the Ralph C. Dills Act will receive longevity pay equal to a percentage of the employee's gross monthly salary based on the employee's length of time in state service, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 419 (Firebaugh-D) Public Employees' Retirement System: benefits
Allows the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) to establish a retroactive disability retirement date, up to nine months from the date of discontinuance of state service, for members who were continuously disabled but failed to file a timely application for disability retirement benefits, due to being physically or mentally incapacitated. Also provides that, for PERS members retiring on or after January 1, 2000, any retirement contributions remaining at the time of their deaths, or their survivors' deaths, will be paid to the members' beneficiaries or estates rather than reverting back to the Public Employees' Retirement Fund.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 428 (Correa-D) Retirement
Increases the lump-sum death benefit available to retired state members of the Public Employees' Retirement System from $2,000 to $5,000.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 448 (Floyd-D) Public employee retirement
Repeals the current limit on the industrial disability retirement allowance paid to members of Public Employees' Retirement System and provides that the allowance be 50% of final compensation. Provides that allowances previously limited will not be paid retroactively, but the allowance will be recalculated effective January 1, 2000.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 455 (Ashburn-R) County employees' retirement
Allows Kern County employees who become members of the county retirement system on or after January 1, 1994 and who retired on or after January 1, 1994 to apply a retirement enhancement that had been agreed to in negotiations between the county and employee groups.
Chapter 42, Statutes of 1999
AB 553 (Strom-Martin-D) Child protective services workers
Permits counties to extend safety retirement to child protective services workers employed by the county who provide protective services to children who are victims of criminal neglect or abandonment. Also requires counties to develop before September 1, 2000 a written plan to provide safe and secure working conditions for county child protective services workers. The plan must be reviewed every three years.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 596 (Honda-D) Retirement: service credits
Authorizes members of the Public Employees' Retirement System to purchase up to three additional years of service credit for time served as a volunteer in the Peace Corps or Vista.
Chapter 834, Statutes of 1999
AB 638 (Thompson-R) State employees: holidays
Designates September 9, 2000 as "Admission Day," an observable state holiday for non-elected state employees in lieu of the second Monday in October (Columbus Day) for the Year 2000, provided that all recognized employee organizations agree to observe the holiday. Specifies that because September 9, 2000 falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be the holiday in lieu of the day observed.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 649 (Floyd-D) State employee pay
Requires state agency employers to make payment of overtime wages no later than the payday for the next regular payroll period.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 688 (Steinberg-D) Personal services contracts: State Personnel Board review
Changes the review requirements, and the dispute provisions, for certain personal services contracts entered into by state agencies.
(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)
AB 731 (Wesson-D) County employee retirement: fund transfers: securities
Allows county retirement systems and county treasurers to do business with banks and trust companies not within the State.
Chapter 771, Statutes of 1999
AB 738* (Davis-D) State employees
Ratifies the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the State Department of Personnel Administration (DPA) and Bargaining Unit 20 (approximately 1,481 members) and 21 (California State Employees Association,-approximately 504 members). The terms of both agreements is July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2001. The provisions of the MOU include: (1) 4% salary increase effective July 1, 1999, (2) 4% salary increase effective September 1, 2000, (3) increase in employer contributions for health benefits, (4) increased retirement formula of 2% at age 55, and (5) opens Tier 1 to new and existing employees. Appropriates $500,000 from the General Fund to the Work and Family Fund, which the bill creates, to be administered by DPA. The fund is to be used to establish and maintain work and family programs for state employees including financial assistance for development of nonprofit child care centers and employee assistance program service.
Chapter 770, Statutes of 1999
AB 743* (Keeley-D) State employment: supervisors
Provides that supervisors of state employees represented by State Bargaining Unit (BU) 5, 6, or 8 will receive salary and benefits changes that are at least generally the economic equivalent to the salary and benefits granted to employees they supervise. Requires that the determination of the specific benefits that supervisors of state employees represented by BU 5, 6, or 8 will be made through a meet and confer process.
Chapter 792, Statutes of 1999
AB 773 (Leach-R) Firefighter safety clothing and equipment: reimbursement
Appropriates $5,000,000 from the General Fund to the Commission on State Mandates to reimburse state-mandated costs for structural and wildland firefighter's safety clothing and equipment, as specified.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 799 (Keeley-D) County peace officers: retirement: Monterey County
Authorizes Monterey County until December 31, 2001, to provide enhanced pension Public Employees Retirement System benefits to specified sworn personnel in the sheriff's and district attorney's offices that are different from the Public Employees Retirement System benefits provided to other county peace officers in Monterey County.
Chapter 259, Statutes of 1999
AB 813 (Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee) Public Employees' and Judges' Retirement Systems
Makes a variety of minor and technical changes to the laws the Public Employees' Retirement System is charged with administering. Double-joined with SB 400 (Ortiz-D) and SB 800(Dunn-D).
Chapter 785, Statutes of 1999
AB 814 (Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee) Service credit for uncompensated leave
Allows a terminally ill member covered under the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 who is on an uncompensated leave of absence, to purchase, under specified conditions, up to 12 months of service credit without returning to active employment.
Chapter 271, Statutes of 1999
AB 821 (Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee) Retirement
Changes the definition of "final compensation" for members of State Teachers' Retirement System and school employees of the Public Employees' Retirement System from the highest average annual compensation earnable by a member during any period of three consecutive school years to any period of 12 consecutive months.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 839* (Maldonado-R) State employees: memorandum of understanding
Ratifies the memorandum of understanding between the state and State Bargaining Unit 18, represented by the California Association of Psychiatric Technicians, including a 5.5% pay raise effective April 1, 1999, and an additional employer contribution to cover recent increases in employee health coverage, retroactive to January 1, 1999.
Chapter 14, Statutes of 1999
AB 865 (Honda-D) CA Highway Patrol: Dept. of Personnel Administration
Authorizes the State Department of Personnel Administration to consider the compensation of communications operators in comparable positions within the police departments in the cities of Los Angeles, Oakland, San Diego, San Jose and the City and County of San Francisco when determining the compensation for communications operators within the California Highway Patrol.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 947 (Lempert-D) County employees: retirement: benefits
Authorizes the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors to adopt a resolution requiring that retirement benefits of county probation officers be calculated using the member's 12-month highest average salary.
Chapter 116, Statutes of 1999
AB 1009 (Correa-D) County employee retirement system: benefits
Provides that after January 1, 2000, in Orange County, any person employed as a Senior Court Services Officer, Court Services Officer, Deputy Coroner, Senior Deputy Coroner, or Supervising Deputy Coroner will be entitled to the 2% at age 50 "safety" retirement formula.
(On Senate Third Reading File)
AB 1013* (Scott-D) State employees: memorandum of understanding
Ratifies the memorandum of understandings (MOU's) between the State Department of Personnel Administration and Bargaining Units 16 (Physicians and Dentists), Unit 17 (CSEA), Unit 18 (Psychiatric Technicians), and Unit 19 (AFSCME). Also restores Units 16 and 19 on an equal status as it relates to disciplinary procedures with other bargaining units.
Chapter 446, Statutes of 1999
AB 1295 (Firebaugh-D) State Department of Personnel Administration
Exempts the State Department of Personnel Administration, except as specified, from the regulation and rulemaking provisions of Administrative Procedure Act with respect to regulations that apply to (1) state employees who are excluded from the Ralph C. Dills Act and (2) state employees for whom a memorandum of understanding has been agreed to by the state employer and the recognized employee organization, as specified.
(In Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
AB 1323 (Floyd-D) Public employees' retirement: calculation of benefits
Provides that the retirement allowances of former legislative employees who took early retirement in January, February, or March 1991 will be recalculated based on their highest 12-month average salary.
Chapter 296, Statutes of 1999
AB 1333 (Bates-R) County employee retirement systems: governing board
Revises the number, qualifications, and terms of members of the San Diego County employees retirement board. Becomes operative on January 1, 2001, only if ratified by a majority vote of the electors of San Diego County on or before that date, and will be repealed on January 1, 2001, if the electors do not ratify the changes.
(In Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
AB 1335 (Havice-D) State employer-employee relations: fact-finding
Provides that if a mediator is unable to effect settlement of a dispute within 15 days of his or her appointment and declares that fact-finding is appropriate to resolve the impasse, either party may request that the issues at impasse be submitted to a fact-finding panel, as specified.
(In Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
AB 1387 (Florez-D) Public employee disability benefits
Extends the leave-of-absence in lieu of temporary disability benefits for injured public safety employees to injured probation safety employees. Double-joined to AB 224 (Knox-D).
Chapter 970, Statutes of 1999
AB 1399 (Wayne-D) State civil service: demonstration projects
Requires that before a personnel management demonstration project involving supervisory employees may be implemented, there must be a written agreement between the affected state agency and all verified supervisory employee organizations that represent supervisory employees covered by the demonstration project.
Chapter 357, Statutes of 1999
AB 1411 (Longville-D) Firefighters Procedural Bill of Rights Act
Establishes the Firefighters Procedural Bill of Rights which will permit firefighters to engage in political activity in the same manner and requires the same procedures and conditions for the investigation and interrogation of a firefighter that could lead to punitive action. Defines firefighter to include a firefighter, paramedic, or emergency medical technician.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1412 (Wildman-D) Public employees
Prohibits any state or local governmental employee from interfering with the right of any person to disclose an improper governmental activity to an investigating committee of the Legislature.
Chapter 156, Statutes of 1999
AB 1436 (Briggs-R) Public employment: Selective Service Act
Prohibits a male who is 18 to 26 years of age, inclusive, from being employed by a state agency unless he has complied with the Selective Service Act.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1483 (Granlund-R) Public employees: peace officers: employee organizations
Allows welfare fraud investigators and inspectors in San Bernardino County to be represented by a group composed entirely of other peace officers.
Chapter 157, Statutes of 1999
AB 1488* (Machado-D) State employees: State Bargaining Units 14 and 15
Ratifies the memorandums of understanding between the State Department of Personnel Administration and Bargaining Units 14 (approximately 537 members) and 15 (approximately 3,432 members, California State Employees Association). The provisions include (1) a 4% salary increase for all employees effective July 1, 1999, (2) a 4% salary increase for all employees effective September 1, 2000, (3) for Unit 14, five new classification series, (4) increased employer contributions for health benefits, (5) increased retirement formula of 2% at age 55, (6) increased safety retirement formula to 2.5% at age 55, and (7) an increase in bilingual pay from $60 per month to $100 per month.
Chapter 912, Statutes of 1999
AB 1528* (Strom-Martin-D) State employee benefits
Increases the amount a state agency can spend for a memento for employees completing 25 or more years of state service and makes minor technical and clarifying changes to other provisions governing state employee benefits.
Chapter 272, Statutes of 1999
AB 1639* (Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee) State employees: State Bargaining Unit 8
Ratifies the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the State Department of Personnel Administration and Bargaining Unit 8 (approximately 3,249 members). The provisions of the MOU include (1) a 4% salary increase effective July 1, 1999 for all members except Firefighter I, (2) increases the salary range of the Firefighter I classification 5% above the minimum and expands the range four additional steps at 5% increments effective June 30, 1999, (3) a 4% salary increase for all members effective September 1, 2000, (4) increases employer contribution for health benefits, (5) increases the retirement formula to 3% at age 55, (6) support for a rural subsidy program, (7) an increase in uniform reimbursement. The term of the MOU is July 1, 1999 to July 2, 2001.
Chapter 926, Statutes of 1999
ACR 19 (Knox-D) Public Service Recognition Week
Designates the first Monday of May to the following Sunday of May each year as "Public Service Recognition Week".
Resolution Chapter 22, Statutes of 1999
AJR 9 (Correa-D) Social Security: mandatory coverage
Urges the President and Congress not to include mandatory Social Security coverage on non-covered state and local government employees.
Resolution Chapter 40, Statutes of 1999

Other State Government
SB 3* (Rainey-R) Public library construction and renovation
Enacts the California Reading and Literacy Improvement and Public Library and Construction and Renovation Bond Act of 2000 to provide $350 million in general obligation bonds for public library construction and renovation, to be submitted to the voters at the March 7, 2000 General Election.
Chapter 726, Statutes of 1999
SB 27* (Burton-D) State finances
Transfers oversight and administrative responsibilities pertaining to the "discharge from accountability" program from the State Controller's Office to the State Board of Control. Also requires the State Controller to transfer certain funds to the General Fund to satisfy a 10-year loan repayment.
Chapter 95, Statutes of 1999
SB 44 (Polanco-D) Civil rights: outreach
Clarifies that consistent with Article I of the California Constitution, as modified by Proposition 209, government agencies may engage in public sector outreach programs, including focused outreach and recruitment of minority groups and women. Also declares the Legislature's intention to affirm the goal of increased diversity in public education and employment.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 48 (Sher-D) Public records: disclosure
Establishes a procedure in the California Public Records Act for appealing a public agency's denial of a written request for disclosure of public records.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 73 (Murray-D) State contracts: participation goals
Authorizes substantial increases in the award of state contracts for professional bond services to small businesses and to businesses owned by disabled veterans. Also authorizes local agencies to establish incentive programs to encourage participation of small business enterprises in local contracts.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 134 (Kelley-R) State government
Revises and recasts provisions of existing law to replace the California Archives Foundation with the Golden State Museum Public Benefit Corporation, which will be required to operate the Golden State Museum under an operating agreement with the Secretary of State, as specified. Allows the Golden State Museum Store, located in the Rotunda of the restored State Capitol Building, to use the Great Seal of the State for commercial purposes.
Chapter 416, Statutes of 1999
SB 154* (Polanco-D) Allocation to Los Angeles River Center
Reallocates $750,000, appropriated by the current year Budget Act, from the El Pueblo De Los Angeles Historic Monument to the Los Angeles River Center.
Chapter 602, Statutes of 1999
SB 182 (Peace-D) Public contracts: conflict of interest
Makes a legislative declaration about the need for prohibition of conflicts of interest in the state procurement process. Provides that provisions of the State Contract Act relating to conflict of interest by specified individuals or entities will apply to all individuals, companies, corporations, or other entities that bid on or awarded electronic data processing and telecommunications goods and services contracts with specified exceptions.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 220 (Peace-D) Appropriations: reversions: exemptions
Requires the Office of State Audits and Evaluations, within the State Department of Finance, to complete and submit to the Governor and the Legislature, during the 1999-2000 fiscal year, a study that (1) evaluates the extent of use and impact of cooperative work exemptions, and (2) determines the best way to address those exemptions on a statewide basis. Requires the State Controller, until legislation addressing the issued raised by the study is enacted and becomes operative, or until June 30, 2001, whichever occurs first, to rely upon the representations of individual departments and agencies of the state with respect to funds appropriated to those departments and agencies for cooperative work.
(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
SB 238 (Baca-D) Public libraries: Internet: pornography
Requires public libraries, with Internet access available to persons under 18 years of age, to purchase and use filtering software which will deny access to obscene material and to limit the access of children to the Internet, if such software is not used by the library.
(Failed passage in Senate Public Safety Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 253 (Schiff-D) California Arts Council
States legislative intent to increase the budget of the California Arts Council at least $1 per capita in the arts in the 2000-2001 fiscal year and every year thereafter, when the state has achieved a prudent reserve, as determined by the Director of the State Department of Finance.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 266 (Chesbro-D) Public contracts: bids
Requires public agencies in California, other than the University of California, to include in the bid notice the time, date and location of any mandatory pre-bid site meetings. Before the date of the site visit, the project documents must be physically available to any interested bidders and provided to construction trade journals, which are often published by local builders' exchanges. At least five calendar days must elapse between the time the notice is published and the pre-bid site meeting is held.
(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
SB 280 (Bowen-D) State buildings and publicly-funded schools: standards
Requires all new public buildings and state office buildings to exceed current energy efficiency standards and to be constructed and/or renovated to utilize some form of cost-effective "green" building methods, as specified.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SB 284 (Kelley-R) Secretary of State
Makes several changes to existing law and streamlines and consolidates various procedures used by the Secretary of State for business registration and licensing.
Chapter 1000, Statutes of 1999
SB 298 (Leslie-R) Expo 2000 Hanover
Appropriates $500,000 from the General Fund to the State Trade and Commerce Agency to fund, contingent upon the state receiving a match of at least this amount from the private sector, California's participation in the "World's Fair Expo 2000 Hanover" in Germany.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 300 (Poochigian-R) Governmental liability: permits
Provides that a state agency is liable to a private property owner for a temporary taking of the owner's real property if the state agency is responsible for a delay in the issuance of a development permit affecting the use of the real property, and the delay is the result of a final decision, as defined, of the state agency that is later determined by a court to be legally erroneous. Provides that a delay that occurs as a result of the normal development approval process or as a result of litigation challenging a final decision by a state agency constitutes a temporary taking under those provisions if the final decision of the state agency is later determined by a court to be legally erroneous. Also declares that it is intended to supersede the holding of the California Supreme Court in Landgate, Inc. v. California Coastal Commission, 17 Cal. 4th 1006, with regard to any claim arising on or after its effective date.
(Failed passage in Senate Judiciary Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 375 (Perata-D) Board of Port Commissioners of Oakland
Requires the Governor to appoint two additional members to the Board of Port Commissioners of Oakland, and requires the Mayor of Oakland to be an additional member of the board. Also states a legislative finding and declaration that, due to the unique circumstances concerning the Board of Port Commissioners of Oakland, a special statute is necessary and a general law cannot be made applicable within the meaning of specified provisions of the California Constitution.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 388 (Peace-D) State fiscal analysis
Continues the existing requirement that the State Legislative Analyst's Office prepares dynamic revenue estimates, and deletes requirements that the State Department of Finance continue its current dynamic revenue-estimating model.
(In Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee)
SB 408 (Alpert-D) Secretary of State: fees
Allows the Secretary of State to institute special handling fees in different amounts not to exceed $1,000 for pre-clearance and expedited handling of documents, as specified.
Chapter 999, Statutes of 1999
SB 431* (Alarcon-D) 51st District Agricultural Association
Allows the 51st District Agricultural Association to use sale proceeds to lease land on a long-term basis for the new site of the Valley Fair, and to make improvements to the leased site.
Chapter 174, Statutes of 1999
SB 463* (Assembly Appropriations Committee) Claims against the state: appropriation
Appropriates $1,255,178.62 from various funds to the State Board of Control's Executive Office to pay claims accepted by the State Board of Control in accordance with a schedule that identifies various funds and accounts from which the payments are made.
Chapter 25, Statutes of 1999
SB 465* (Senate Appropriations Committee) Claims against the state: appropriation
Approves payment of $1,787,253 for settlements in the case of Kwasi Opuku-Boateng v. State of California, et al, and Mary Shaver v. State, et al.
Chapter 933, Statutes of 1999
SB 483 (Baca-D) Surplus state property
Requires the State Department of General Services (DGS) to lease 110 new acres to the City of Chino for 55 years without consideration. Stipulates that the State Department of Corrections will receive 50 percent of any rents received by the city on the land. Requires DGS to sell 210 acres to Chino Redevelopment Agency.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 565 (Costa-D) State facilities: Department of Transportation: study
Requires the Director of the State Department of General Services (DGS) to study the purchase, exchange, or acquisition of real property and the construction of facilities in the County of Fresno for use by the State Department of Transportation and other state agencies. Requires DGS to study the options of a lease purchase, or a lease with an option to purchase the facilities. Requires DGS to consider the placement of the facility on a site that permits future expansion of the facility, as specified. Requires the Director of DGS to submit the study to the Legislature by July 1, 2000. Sunsets January 1, 2001.
Chapter 951, Statutes of 1999
SB 644* (Chesbro-D) Armories: homeless shelters: adult education
Extends for two years, until July 1, 2000, the reporting deadline for counties participating in the Armory Temporary Emergency Shelter Program.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 675 (Sher-D) Report: state capital outlay and infrastructure projects
Makes various clarifying and technical changes with respect to certain provisions of law that require the Director of the State Department of Finance to annually prepare a report projecting the state's potential need for the financing of major capital outlay projects.
(At Assembly Desk)
SB 676 (Sher-D) Recycled paper products: state purchasing
Requires at least 50% of the total dollar amount of paper products and at least 25% of the total fine writing and printing paper products purchased or procured by state agencies to be a recycled paper product. Extends these provisions indefinitely by deleting the January 1, 2001 sunset date.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 678 (Polanco-D) State property: access: telecommunications
Authorizes the Director of the State Department of General Services (DGS) to grant and convey rights-of-way for telecommunications and information technology in the interest of the state. Requires the Director of DGS to establish, no later than July 1, 2000, an interagency committee on state owned property with a prescribed membership for the purpose of evaluating the property for telecommunications and information technology services by private parties and also requires the committee to report to the Legislature and the Governor on the activities of the committee on or before January 1, 2004. Requires the Director of the State Department of Transportation to negotiate in the name of the state, access to state-owned "highway" rights-of-way, as specified.
Chapter 676, Statutes of 1999
SB 742 (Brulte-R) Secretary of State: Local Government Records Program
Requires the Secretary of State to establish the Local Government Records program, to be administered by the State Archives, for the purpose of establishing guidelines for local government records retention and providing archival support to local agencies in this state, as specified. Appropriates $40,000 to the Secretary of State's Office to carry out this program.
Chapter 360, Statutes of 1999
SB 751 (Hayden-D) California Commission on Community Service
Requires the California Commission on Improving Life through Service to adopt an operating plan for the California Commission on Community Service, which replaces the current commission effective June 30, 2000.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 784 (Baca-D) Surplus state property: state hospitals: Indian tribes
Requires the Director of the State Department of General Services, in the event that a state hospital is permanently closed or taken out of service, to give the same priority provided to local governmental agencies to acquire surplus state land, to any federally recognized Indian tribe located within seven miles of the facility, under terms that are no less favorable, if any, than those available to any city or county government under state law.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 794 (Speier-D) State government: employees: contract provisions
Provides that a state employment contract cannot provide for a severance payment to an employee, on contract termination, of an amount greater than four weeks of compensation, as specified. Requires the State Department of Corrections or the State Department of Transportation, when using operating budget funds to pay a legal settlement or judgment in excess of $10,000 in an employee-related matter, to provide specified information in a report to be filed with the State Department of Finance and the budget committee of each house of the Legislature.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 808 (Peace-D) California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank
Revises the definition of "communication" facilities, for purposes of the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank Act, to include electrical and gas facilities. Double-joined with AB 779 (Torlakson-D).
Chapter 936, Statutes of 1999
SB 827 (Sher-D) Recycled materials
Clarifies that the State Procurement Officer shall make contracts available for items that utilize recycled materials in pavement material unless the Director of the State Department of Transportation determines that uses of the recycled materials is not cost effective. Stipulates that "durability" and "maintenance cost" shall be factors in determining the cost effectiveness of using recycled materials in road pavement.
Chapter 816, Statutes of 1999
SB 843 (Polanco-D) Information technology management
Changes the name of the State Department of Information Technology to the Information Technology Agency and the name of the Director to the Information Technology Agency Secretary and Chief Information Officer. Continues the operation of the agency until July 1, 2005. Enacts the Information Technology Management Act of 1999, which establishes practices to enable state agencies to improve the management of their information technology systems, including state policy with respect to information technology management. Prescribes other related matters.
Similar legislation is AB 1686 (Assembly Information and Technology Committee), Chapter 873, Statutes of 1999.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 844 (Schiff-D) California Public Broadcasting Act of 1975
Revises the criteria for appointment of certain members to the California Public Broadcasting Commission, and states the intent of the Legislature that funds be made available through the annual Budget Act to the commission for allocation for specified grants and projects according to specified criteria, and requires the commission to perform certain duties in regard to the disbursement of those funds. Authorizes state agencies to provide assistance and services to the commission to the extent resources permit. Makes it a misdemeanor for any person or organization to file false information in an attempt to secure funding under these provisions.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 875 (Escutia-D) Trade and Commerce Agency: Office of Intellectual Property
Creates the Office of Intellectual Property (OIP) in the Trade and Commerce Agency which will be responsible for identifying all intellectual property owned by the state, licensing and marketing the intellectual property, and enforcing its legal use. Creates the California Intellectual Property Fund in which all moneys received by the OIP from royalties and licensing fees -- e.g., patent royalties from University of California research will be deposited in the fund and continuously appropriated for administration of the office. Appropriates $500,000 to the fund and states that after two years, the office will be self-funded from the revenues it collects.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 927 (McPherson-R) California Newspaper Project: State Librarian
State legislative intent to appropriate $300,000 in the Budget Act of 2000, from the General Fund to the California State Library, as a match for federal funds, for the purposes of sustaining the California Newspaper Project, an effort to identify and preserve the state's history as reflected in its newspapers.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 981* (Polanco-D) Public construction projects
Repeals and recasts existing provisions of law that authorize "local" agencies to use owner-controlled or wrap-up insurance programs for public works projects for which the total cost exceeds $50 million if the agency meets certain conditions and certifies that it has made certain determinations, as specified.
Chapter 521, Statutes of 1999
SB 984 (Polanco-D) State holidays: Cesar Chavez Day
Provides that March 31, known as "Cesar Chavez Day", could be either the Monday or Friday following or preceding that date, and will become a judicial holiday, and a required paid holiday for school (K-12), community colleges and state employees as specified.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 997 (Brulte-R) State general obligation bonds
Authorizes the issuance of "variable" rate general obligation bonds, as long as no more than 20% of the aggregate principal amount of all outstanding bonds bear a variable interest rate. Authorizes the State Treasurer to sell general obligation refunding bonds on a "negotiated sale" basis.
Chapter 522, Statutes of 1999
SB 1028* (Speier-D) State Budget: nonprofit vendors
Appropriates funds in the amount necessary to compensate nonprofit vendors who contract with the state for goods delivered or services rendered for any portion of the fiscal year 1999/200 until enactment of the 1999 Budget Act.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1065 (Bowen-D) Public records: electronic format
Requires a public agency that keeps a record in an electronic format to make that information available in an electronic format, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1091* (Ortiz-D) Governor's residence
Creates the Governor's Permanent Residence Commission with a specified membership to consider the needs, design criteria, site selection, and funding of a suitable residence for the Governor. Requires the Governor's Permanent Residence Commission to consult with the State Department of the California Highway Patrol and various leaders, members, staff, and others and to make preliminary recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature by January 1, 2000, and final recommendations by June 30, 2000. Also creates the Governor's Residence Account in the General Fund and transfers any existing funds in the Governor's Mansion Account to that account. Sunsets the provisions governing the commission inoperative as of June 30, 2000, and repeals these provisions as of January 1, 2003.
Chapter 732, Statutes of 1999
SB 1093 (Johnston-D) Dept. of General Services: Stephen P. Teale Data Center
Authorizes the Director of the State Department of General Services to exercise the option to purchase 137,275 of net usable square feet of data center, office space, and appurtenances set forth in the lease for 3101 Gold Camp Drive in Rancho Cordova, California, for a price not to exceed $47 million for use by the Stephen P. Teale Data Center. The State Public Works Board will be authorized to issue revenue bonds, negotiable notes, or negotiable bond anticipation notes to finance the acquisition of the facilities by exercise of the option to purchase, as specified.
Chapter 293, Statutes of 1999
SB 1108 (Perata-D) State funds: appropriations
Appropriates $6,970,000 from the General Fund for various science centers, youth programs, museums, cultural and historical resources, and requires the State Legislative Analyst to review the use of the funds and prepare and submit a report to the Legislature by January 10, 2000 on its findings.
Chapter 986, Statutes of 1999
SB 1109 (Burton-D) Vessels: bar pilots
Requires a vessel owner and its operators to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless, a bar pilot from any liability and expenses in connection any civil claim suit as action arising out of the pilot's performance of the pilotage services, except for acts of willful misconduct, as specified. Does not apply in administrative licensing actions before the State Board of Pilot Commissioners or the United States Coast Guard.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
SB 1221 (Schiff-D) Historical resources: Historic Property Maintenance Fund
Requires 50% of the deposit of rental receipts into a special fund from historical properties located within a freeway corridor and the use of such funds for the maintenance and operation of the historical properties, subject to legislative appropriation.
Chapter 759, Statutes of 1999
SB 1242 (Ortiz-D) Building standards: tactile signage
Among other things, requires that buildings, structures, and facilities leased, rented, contracted, sublet, or hired by any municipal, county, or state division of government or any special district be made accessible to, and usable by, persons with disabilities.
(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
SCA 5 (Murray-D) Constitutional amendments and revisions: vote requirement
Requires the approval of 2/3 of the voters voting on any proposed amendment or revision of the Constitution for it to take effect.
(In Senate Elections and Reapportionment Committee)
SCA 9 (Peace-D) Capital financing
Requires the Governor to submit a three-year capital expenditure plan in conjunction with the annual Budget.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SCR 4 (Solis-D) Women's History Month and International Women's Day
Designates the month of March 1999 as Women's History Month and urges all Californians to join in the celebration of International Women's Day on March 8, 1999.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SCR 5 (Kelley-R) Baja California, Mexico: sister state relationship
Extends an invitation to the people of the State of Baja, California, Mexico, to join with California in a sister state relationship.
Resolution Chapter 46, Statutes of 1999
SCR 6 (Baca-D) Cinco de Mayo
Calls on the people of California to celebrate and recognize May 5 as Cinco de Mayo.
Resolution Chapter 24, Statutes of 1999
SCR 8 (Costa-D) Parana: sister state relationship
Extends an invitation to the people of the State of Parana, Brazil, to join with California in a sister state relationship.
Resolution Chapter 92, Statutes of 1999
SCR 14 (Baca-D) Mexican independence
Calls upon all of the people of California to join the people of Mexico and Californians of Mexican heritage in celebrating Mexican independence on the anniversary of the popular uprising of September 16, 1810.
Resolution Chapter 125, Statutes
SCR 21 (Speier-D) Joint Committee on Government Oversight
Creates the Joint Committee on Government Oversight and authorizes it to act as an investigating committee to review the effectiveness of government programs and policies. The committee's existence will terminate on November 30, 2000.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
SCR 23 (O'Connell-D) Absolutely Incredible Kids Day
Proclaims Thursday, March 18, 1999, as the Third Annual Absolutely Incredible Kids Day.
Resolution Chapter 10, Statutes of 1999
SCR 26 (Costa-D) Inner Mongolia: friendship state relationship
Extends an invitation to the people of the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region of China to join with California in a friendship state relationship.
Resolution Chapter 93, Statutes of 1999
SCR 30 (Rainey-R) California Library Week
Declares the week of April 11 through April 17, 1999, as California Library Week.
Resolution Chapter 16, Statutes of 1999
SCR 32 (Baca-D) National Day of Prayer
Recognizes the first Thursday in May as the National Day of Prayer and ask that religious faiths of all denominations celebrate the dignity of and respect for all people and bring the message of peace and hope through prayer.
Resolution Chapter 44, Statutes of 1999
SCR 39 (Baca-D) Memorial Day and Veterans Day: days of remembrance
Encourages Californians to demonstrate their support for veterans on Memorial Day and Veterans Day by treating those days as special days of remembrance and makes a statement regarding houses of worship and other institutions ringing bells at noon on those days, to be followed by a moment of silence, in recognition of veterans on Memorial Day and Veterans Day.
Resolution Chapter 129, Statutes of 1999
SCR 41 (Murray-D) Sister state relationship: Governorate of Cairo, Egypt
Extends an invitation to the people of the Governorate of Cairo, Egypt, to join with California in a sister state relationship in order to encourage and facilitate mutually beneficial social economic educational and cultural exchanges that would lead to an indelible and lasting relationship between the residents of California and Cairo.
Resolution Chapter 130, Statutes of 1999
SCR 42 (Murray-D) Sister state: Western Cape Province, South Africa
Extends an invitation to the people of the Western Cape Province, South Africa, to join California as a sister state, and to commit to the development of programs to foster social, economic, educational, scientific, and cultural exchanges in order to strengthen economic ties, and improve international understanding and goodwill between the two states.
(In Assembly International Trade and Development Committee)
SCR 44 (Vasconcellos-D) California Science and Technology Week
Designates the week of November 14 to 20, inclusive, 1999, as California Science and Technology Week.
(On Senate Unfinished Business File)
SCR 45 (Karnette-D) Interagency Task Force
Requests the Governor to immediately establish an Interagency Task Force on the Economic Development of the California-Mexico Border, to comprise specified heads of state agencies. Requests the task force to perform specified duties and make reports to the Governor and the Legislature with respect to coordinating and promoting the federal administration's efforts for sustainable development along the California-Mexico border. Provides that the task force will terminate 30 days after submitting its final report due on July 15, 2002, unless a task force consensus recommends continuation of its activities.
Resolution Chapter 143, Statutes of 1999
SCR 48 (Brulte-R) Youth Day
Declares October as America's Celebration of Youth Month and proclaims that the 4th Sunday of October be declared annually as Youth Day in California.
Resolution Chapter 144, Statutes of 1999
SCR 51 (Vasconcellos-D) Joint Committee on Preparing California for the 21st Century
Establishes the Joint Committee on Preparing California for the 21st Century with specified duties and responsibilities and will be composed of nine members from each house of the Legislature. The joint committee sunsets November 4, 2004.
Resolution Chapter 134, Statutes of 1999
SR 10 (Johannessen-R) United States Army Month
Designates the month of June 1999 as United States Army Month.
Adopted by the Senate
AB 75 (Strom-Martin-D) State agency recycling
Requires each state agency or large state facility to develop an integrated waste management plan by July 1, 2000, and divert at least 25% of its solid waste from landfills by January 1, 2002, and 50% by January 1, 2004.
Chapter 764, Statutes of 1999
AB 187 (Hertzberg-D) Grant Information Act of 1999
Allows state agencies to make available on their Internet websites, after July 1, 2001, a listing of all grants administered by that agency, as specified.
Chapter 405, Statutes of 1999
AB 214 (Wiggins-D) Public contracts: materials origin
Establishes preferences for the purchase of United States and California manufactured materials with respect to public works contracts entered into by public entities.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 260 (Wright-D) Exposition Park Authority and California Science Center
Reorganizes the 6th District Agricultural Association, which will be known as the Exposition Park Authority, with a board consisting of nine members appointed as specified. Specifies the duties and responsibilities of the board. Provides that the California Science Center will be governed by a nine-member board of directors who will be appointed by the Governor, as specified. Requires the California Science Center, through its board and executive officers, to coordinate museum events and activities with the park manager of the Exposition Park Authority. Creates the California Science Center Fund and the California African-American Museum Fund in the State Treasury to receive contributions to benefit either the California Science Center or the California African-American Museum, consistent with the California Science Center Exposition Park Master Plan.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 268 (Cedillo-D) Museum of Chinese American History: Italian Hall: funding
Makes state funding for the permanent site for the Museum of Chinese American History and for the restoration of the Italian Hall, both in Los Angeles, contingent upon funding in the Budget Act of 1999.
Chapter 193, Statutes of 1999
AB 311 (Honda-D) State Teachers' Retirement System: board
Increases the State Teachers' Retirement System Board members from 12 to 15, requires that three members of the board be elected, at an election provided for by the Board, by the members of the group to which they belong, for a four-year terms commencing on January 1, 2001, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 442 (Cedillo-D) State funds: use to discourage unionization
Prohibits any recipient of state funds from using them to discourage unionization.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 486 (Wayne-D) Administrative law: regulations and advisory interpretation
Establishes a procedure by which state agencies can adopt legally non-binding advisory interpretations for applicants with questions about the agencies programs. The Office of Administrative Law is to review the interpretations after issuance and can disapprove if the agency has overstepped its authority or issued an interpretation that is inconsistent with applicable law.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 496 (Leach-R) Public records: health care service plans
Exempts a county board of supervisors from the California Public Records Act and the Ralph M. Brown Act when negotiating and executing a contract between the county and a health care service provider.
Chapter 769, Statutes of 1999
AB 515* (Wright-D) In-home supportive services and personal care services
Provides that information regarding persons paid by the state to provide in-home supportive services or personal care services is not subject to public disclosure under the Public Records Act, except as specified.
Chapter 804, Statutes of 1999
AB 544 (Reyes-D) Director of General Services: facility location
Requires the director of the State Department of General Services to give priority to downtown locations when considering a location for a state-owned office.
(Failed passage in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 551 (Longville-D) State funds: interest
Appropriates to the State Controller for allocation to local governmental agencies, on a pro rata basis, interest earned in excess of $1,000 on funds that, were it not for a delay in enactment of the State Budget, would have been transferred to the control of local agencies.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 574 (Hertzberg-D) Public contracts: responsible bidder
Defines the term "responsible bidder" as it relates to public contracts, authorizes public entities to require prospective bidders to complete questionnaires with specified information, and requires the State Department of Industrial Relations to develop model guidelines for rating bidders. Requires the State Department of Industrial Relations, in collaboration with affected agencies and interested parties, to develop and draft a standardized questionnaire that public entities may use and to develop guidelines for rating bidders. Requires a public entity requiring pre-qualification to establish a process to permit prospective bidders to dispute their proposed pre-qualification rating.
Chapter 972, Statutes of 1999
AB 595 (Leach-R) State Allocation Board: membership
Provides that the members appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules and the Speaker of the Assembly will be selected from each of the districts of the State Board of Equalization, but no more than one of these can be selected from the County of Los Angeles.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 612* (Jackson-D) Armories: homeless shelters
Expands the number of state armories to be used by homeless persons for emergency shelter purposes, extends the days of operation and creates a new cold weather shelter program.
Chapter 793, Statutes of 1999
AB 674 (Wiggins-D) Personal services contracts
Requires that personal services contracts entered into by a state agency for janitorial and housekeeping services at state developmental center must provide their employees paid medical, hospitalization, prescription, major medical, dental, vision, vacation, and pension benefits.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 685 (Thomson-D) Accessibility standards: blind and visually impaired
Establishes a process for evaluation and sale of detectable warning or direction surfaces, which assist the blind and visually impaired.
Chapter 386, Statutes of 1999
AB 688 (Steinberg-D) Personal services contracts: State Personnel Board review
Changes the review requirements, and the dispute provisions, for certain personal services contracts entered into by state agencies.
(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)
AB 777 (Cardenas-D) Escheat
Revises the law governing the escheat of unclaimed property to the state to (1) provide money order issuers the ability to deduct "reasonable service charges" from the face value of unclaimed money orders when the unclaimed property is escheated to the state, and (2) provide that activity in one account at a financial institution will preclude the escheat of funds in another idle account of the same owner at the same institution if certain conditions are met.
Chapter 835, Statutes of 1999
AB 883* (Assembly Rules Committee) State property: design-build
Requires the State Department of General Services to submit quarterly reports and a final report to the Legislature on the design-build approach to the East End Project in Sacramento. Also provides that project costs may include payments in an amount not to exceed $12,000 for relocation of the Francis House, which will be displaced by the project.
Chapter 625, Statutes of 1999
AB 903 (Cardenas-D) Public works: Native American tribes
Provides that any state agency or local governmental agency that is engaged in any construction, excavation, tunneling, or any other related activity that is reasonably likely to impact the water resources or other natural resources within lands under the jurisdiction of a federally recognized Native American tribe shall negotiate with the tribe before beginning work. Provides that if an agreement is not reached, either party may initiate arbitration to resolve the dispute. Applies its provisions retroactively to activities underway as of January 1, 2000.
(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 938* (Dutra-D) Escheat: military awards
Provides that all escheated property consisting of military awards and decorations that is delivered to the State Controller shall be held in trust at the California National Guard Military Museum and Resource Center, and is exempt from existing law requiring escheated property to be sold by the State Controller to the highest bidder at a public sale.
(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 951 (Wiggins-D) Bay pilots
Codifies the agreement on bar pilots rate increases reached between the San Francisco Bar Pilots and the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association, and establishes a schedule of incremental changes to the rates and special surcharges that bar pilots may impose upon vessels that they move in and out of the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo, Suisun and other specified inland tributaries.
Chapter 261, Statutes of 1999
AB 1010 (Cardenas-D) Governor
Provides that the Governor is an official organ of communication between the government of this state and the government of any other state or of the United States.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1105* (Jackson-D) State government
Makes changes in the law concerning (1) the State Department of Consumer Affairs participation in the performance budgeting pilot program, (2) Teale Data Center billing process, (3) National Guard emergency shelter program, (4) Disaster Response - Emergency Operations Account, (5) establishment of centers for complex program, (6) establishment of an Alternative Dispute Resolution Process Pilot Program in four courts, (7) changes in vehicle inspection program, (8) prohibiting the Public Utilities Commission from requiring that facilities be located within a particular area or geographic proximity in determining qualified bidders or awarding a contract, (9) continuing the performance contract for the State Department of General Services for an additional fiscal year, (10) requires the State Energy Commission to prepare a transition plan report on the transfer of energy efficiency programs from the Public Utilities Commission to the Energy Commission, and (11) various housing programs. This bill was used as a Budget trailer bill.
Chapter 67, Statutes of 1999
AB 1110* (Assembly Budget Committee) Claims against the state: appropriation
Appropriates a total of $148,474,136 from the General Fund and a total of $567,000 from the State Highway Account in the State Transportation Fund. Of the General Fund total, $106,089,000 is to be allocated for the payment of claims by local agencies and school districts for reimbursement for state-mandated costs; $5 million is to be allocated to provide reimbursement to local agencies of costs incurred for the period of July 1, 1998, through August 20, 1998, for those state-mandated programs which were not suspended pursuant to Government Code Section 17581 for this period, and $37,385,136 will be allocated to pay for deficiencies, including interest owed.
Chapter 574, Statutes of 1999
AB 1119* (Assembly Budget Committee) Claims against the state: appropriation
Appropriates $1,603,769.45 from various funds and accounts to the Executive Officer of the State Board of Control to pay claims against the state for payment of equity claims.
Chapter 131, Statutes of 1999
AB 1128 (Ackerman-R) Private property: taking
Provides that for the purpose of any law, including any constitutional provision, that requires just compensation for the taking of any private property, that requirement will apply upon the making of a final decision affecting private property rights. Provides that a final decision, for that purpose, occurs upon the last date that an agency may make or review any agency action, as defined, prior to the bringing of any action or proceeding in any court to challenge the validity of the agency action. Provides that upon the existence of any final decision, any person who claims that an agency action entitles the person to just compensation for affected property rights may exercise any administrative or judicial right or remedy to obtain that compensation, separately from any claim relative to the validity of the agency action, and the agency or court will process the claim for just compensation without regard to the validity of the agency action.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 1163* (Steinberg-D) California Unity Center: appropriation
Appropriates $500,000 from the General Fund to the California Arts Council to be allocated to the City of Sacramento to assist in the planning and development of a California Unity Center in Sacramento. The City of Sacramento may only receive funding in an amount equal to matching funds that the city demonstrates that it has obtained from another source on a dollar-for-dollar basis.
Chapter 575, Statutes of 1999
AB 1170 (Frusetta-R) Fairs
Clarifies that allocations of horse racing license fee revenues to California fairs may be used for their general operation and support. Also provides for an increase in the amount of revenues from a lease on their property that the 22nd District Agricultural Association, the Del Mar Fair, may use for its operations costs.
Chapter 370, Statutes of 1999
AB 1234 (Shelley-D) State bodies: open meetings: notice: violations
Requires state bodies to post notices of their meetings on the Internet and also makes other substantive changes to the Bagley-Keene Act.
Chapter 393, Statutes of 1999
AB 1256 (Assembly Agriculture Committee) Fairs: admission price: exceptions
Expands the eligibility of free fair admissions to include those active military personnel who are not in uniform, but who possess military identification.
(On Senate Third Reading File)
AB 1394 (Margett-R) Public contracts: design-build
Provides that a public entity may use design-build procurement for general building projects if it provides specified information about the cost and time of completion of the project to the public and requires all bids to include specified information about subcontractors. Also provides that design-build procurement may not be used for general engineering projects.
(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 1396 (Lowenthal-D) State surplus property: City of Long Beach
Declares specified state property within the City of Long Beach to be surplus property and authorizes its sale by the State Department of General Services (DGS) to the city for the upgrade and expansion of low- and moderate-income housing. Requires DGS and the city to determine the fair market value of the property according to a specified procedure, as specified.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1448 (Cox-R) Public contracts: architectural and engineering services
Enacts statutory provisions to implement a proposed amendment to the California Constitution related to public contracting for architectural and engineering services, as specified.
(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 1473 (Hertzberg-D) Capital outlay: state planning and funding
Requires the Governor, beginning on or after January 1, 2002, to submit annually a five-year proposed capital improvement plan to the Legislature that includes proposed capital improvement projects and their proposed funding sources.
Chapter 606, Statutes of 1999
AB 1493 (Nakano-D) Recording statutes
Provides that, upon notification, the address and phone number of the residence of a specified person and his or her spouse and children on specified documents relating to real property shall be confidential and shall be redacted from certain public records or writings when made available to the public, except as specified.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1504 (Margett-R) Public contract termination: cause and notice requirements
Requires public entities to meet specific requirements when terminating a contract.
(Failed passage in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 1506 (Florez-D) State finance
Modifies the type of securities eligible for purchase by the Pooled Money Investment Account and the method of bidding upon bonds being offered for sale by the State Treasurer, as specified.
Chapter 468, Statutes of 1999
AB 1507 (Washington-D) Notaries public: renewal of commission
Establishes procedures and authorizes a fee for renewal of a notary public commission.
(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 1543 (Correa-D) Native Americans: infrastructure and public works
Provides that it is the intent of the Legislature to create alternatives for Native American Tribes in California to finance and develop infrastructure and public works.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1622* (Thomson-D) Surplus state property: lease: City of Vacaville
Authorizes the Director of the State Department of General Services, with the consent of the State Department of Corrections, to lease state property to the City of Vacaville for a period of 40 years instead of the currently authorized 20 years, and provides for a 40-year instead of a 20-year lease extension.
Chapter 243, Statutes of 1999
AB 1626 (Migden-D) Building standards
Requires building codes to conform to the model codes listed in the California Building Standards Law, which the bill recasts to refer to the most recent edition of specified model codes, or to specified amendments to a model code. Also requires the California Building Standards Commission to specify a model code when the model code writing body becomes defunct or ceases publication and to report the change to the Legislature.
(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 1660 (Shelley-D) State government
Establishes the roles, responsibilities, and membership of the Holocaust Era Insurance Claims Oversight Committee within the State Department of Insurance to investigate and resolve holocaust claims. Establishes the Complete Count Committee for the purpose of developing and implementing a plan to maximize the number of citizens that participate in the 2000 federal census. Reenacts transfers of revenues that were made in the Budget Acts of 1993, 1994, and 1995 from the State Highway Account to the General Fund (i.e., $30.7 million), the motor Vehicle Account to the General Fund (i.e., $132.2 million).
This bill was used as a Budget trailer bill and is a follow-up bill to SB 711 (Burton-D), Chapter 86, Statutes of 1999.
Similar legislation is SB 1086 (Murray-D), relative to census, which is in the Senate Elections and Reapportionment Committee; and AB 1386 (Shelley-D) which is in Senate Rules Committee.
Chapter 85, Statutes of 1999
AB 1683 (Assembly Information Technology Committee) Public records: Internet data bases
Allows a state or local agency to maintain a searchable Internet data base as long as the home addresses or telephone numbers of elected or appointed officials cannot be accessed by that data base by a search for title or position.
(At Assembly Desk)
AB 1684 (Assembly Information Technology Committee) Public contracts
Makes numerous clarifying changes to the Public Contract Code relative to the procurement of materials, supplies, equipment, information technology, and services.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1686 (Assembly Information Technology Committee) State Department of Information Technology
Extends the sunset date of the State Department of Information Technology from July 1, 2000, to July 1, 2002, and also makes several code maintenance changes by deleting reporting requirements.
Similar legislation is SB 843 (Polanco-D) which is in the Senate Appropriations Committee.
Chapter 873, Statutes of 1999
AB 1692 (Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency, And Economic Development Committee) Administrative adjudication: decisions
Clarifies existing law relating to the disposition of administratively adjudicated cases. Also recasts existing provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act to clarify that an agency must accept or reject an administrative law judge's proposed decision within 100 days of receiving the decision and to clarify that the agency has another 100 days to issue its own final decision when rejecting an administrative law judge's decision.
Chapter 339, Statutes of 1999
AB 1695 (Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency, And Economic Development Committee) State property
This bill is the annual surplus property bill sponsored by the State Department of General Services.
Chapter 870, Statutes of 1999
AB 1696 (Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency, And Economic Development Committee) Public contracts
Makes various clarifying and technical changes to the statutory procedures that govern state procurement of goods and services.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1701* (Leach-R) Infrastructure financing
Deletes obsolete provisions relating to the former Capital Outlay and Savings Fund and creates the California Twenty-First Century Infrastructure Investment Fund (Infrastructure Fund) in the State Treasury. Transfers a specified percentage of revenues from the General Fund to the Infrastructure Fund from the 2000-01 fiscal year to the 2019-20 fiscal year, inclusive, for appropriation by the Legislature. Provides that primary responsibility for preparing an annual plan to expend these funds shall be in the State Department of Finance unless the Governor directs another state agency to carry out this responsibility.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
ACA 10 (Vincent-D) Office of Secretary of State: nonpartisan office
Specifies that the Office of the Secretary of State shall be nonpartisan.
(In Assembly Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
ACA 16 (Cox-R) Public contracts: architectural and engineering services
Provides that the state and all other governmental entities are permitted to contract with private entities for architectural and engineering services for all public works of improvement, without regard to funding source, whether the project is programmed by specified entities, or whether the project is part of a state-owned or state-operated system or facility.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
ACA 23 (Torlakson-D) Public library facilities: general obligation bonds
Provides for an exception from the property tax limitation for property taxes to pay the interest and redemption charges on bonded indebtedness incurred by a city, county, city and county, or district for the construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation of public library facilities, including the furnishing and equipping or the acquisition of real property approved by a majority of the voters voting on the proposition, as specified.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
ACA 24 (Baugh-R) Transportation funding
Creates the California Twenty-First Century Infrastructure Investment Fund (Infrastructure Fund) in the State Treasury. Transfers a specified percentage of revenues from the General Fund to the Infrastructure Fund from the 2000-01 fiscal year to the 2019-20 fiscal year, inclusive, for appropriation by the Legislature. Provides that primary responsibility for preparing an annual plan to expend these funds shall be in the State Department of Finance unless the Governor directs another state agency to carry out this responsibility.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
ACR 3 (Wesson-D) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Honors the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and commemorates Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Resolution Chapter 1, Statutes of 1999
ACR 8 (Battin-R) California Hispanic Heritage Month
Declares September 15 to October 15, 1999, to be California Hispanic Heritage Month, and encourages the observance of this event in communities throughout the state.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
ACR 9 (Campbell-R) Engineer's Week
Designates the week of February 21 to 27, 1999, inclusive, as "Engineer's Week" in California.
Resolution Chapter 6, Statutes of 1999
ACR 10 (Machado-D) California Architecture Week
Proclaims the week of April 12, 1999, to April 18, 1999, inclusive, as California Architecture Week.
Resolution Chapter 14, Statutes of 1999
ACR 11 (Papan-D) American Flag Month
Declares that the 30 days from June 14 to July 14, inclusive, will be observed annually as American Flag Month in the State of California.
Resolution Chapter 23, Statutes of 1999
ACR 13 (Wright-D) Black History Month
Recognizes February 1999 as Black History Month, and urges all citizens to join in celebrating the accomplishments of African Americans during Black History Month. Also encourages the people of California to recognize the many talents, achievements, and contributions that African Americans make to their communities.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 14 (Gallegos-D) California History Week
Designates the Saturday before, to the Sunday following, September 9th of every year as California History Week with special emphasis on September 9, Admission Day.
Resolution Chapter 80, Statutes of 1999
ACR 15 (Honda-D) Day of Remembrance
Declares February 19, 1999, as a Day of Remembrance in order to increase public awareness of the events surrounding the internment of Americans of Japanese ancestry during World War II.
Resolution Chapter 7, Statutes of 1999
ACR 16 (Torlakson-D) California Fitness Month
Proclaims the month of May 1999 as California Fitness Month, and encourages all Californians to enrich their lives through proper diet and exercise.
Resolution Chapter 36, Statutes of 1999
ACR 20 (Kaloogian-R) Armenian Genocide: Day of Remembrance
Designates April 24, 1999, as "California Day of Remembrance for the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923, and for the Victims of the Sumgait Pogroms of 1988 and Baku Riots of 1990", and further calls upon the people of California to use vigilance to ensure the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabagh conflict while protecting the security of the Armenians in the Republic of Nagorno Karabagh.
Resolution Chapter 21, Statutes of 1999
ACR 21 (Davis-D) California Holocaust Memorial Week
Designates the week of April 11 through April 17, 1999, as California Holocaust Memorial Week, and urges Californians to observe these days of remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust in an appropriate manner.
Resolution Chapter 15, Statutes of 1999
ACR 22 (Correa-D) Hispanic Heritage Month
Designates September 15 to October 15, 1999, as California Hispanic Heritage Month and encourages Californians to observe this event.
Resolution Chapter 37, Statutes of 1999
ACR 23 (Reyes-D) Latina History Day
Expresses support for all efforts that advance the roles of Latina women, and declares March 12, 1999, to be "Latina History Day," specifically calling attention to the outstanding and numerous contributions made by Latina women throughout history.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 29 (Wright-D) Absolutely Incredible Kids Day
Declares March 18, 1999, as Absolutely Incredible Kids Day.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
ACR 31 (Machado-D) National Boys and Girls Club Week
Designates April 11, 1999, through April 17, 1999, as National Boys and Girls Club Week.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 32 (Honda-D) The Japanese YWCA in San Francisco
Declares that it will be state policy to eradicate any vestiges of the racism of the California Alien Land Law that was repealed in 1956, and to take steps to ensure the enforcement of charitable trusts created in response to that law.
Resolution Chapter 19, Statutes of 1999
ACR 40 (Wayne-D) Fourth of July
Memorializes that July 4, 1999, be fully observed in this state as Independence Day.
Resolution Chapter 42, Statutes of 1999
ACR 49 (Correa-D) Cinco de Mayo
Calls on the people of California to join in celebrating Cinco de Mayo, the historic date of May 5, 1862, as a day to honor the valiant spirit of the brave Mexicanos who defended the town of Puebla and the Mexican Americans of today who have fought and died for the freedom of the United States of America and declares the week of May 2 through May 8 as Cinco de Mayo Week.
Resolution Chapter 28, Statutes of 1999
ACR 57 (Hertzberg-D) Commemorative state seals
Provides for the creation of a 13-member Commemorative Seals Advisory Committee to make recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature regarding the design, construction, and dedication of two commemorative seals, one honoring Native Americans in California and the other honoring California's Spanish and Mexican heritage, for installation on the landing of the upper steps on the west side of the State Capitol on the level below the Great Seal of California, as specified.
Resolution Chapter 104, Statutes of 1999
ACR 58 (Lowenthal-D) Jewish Heritage Week
Declares the week of May 24 to May 29, 1999, as Jewish Heritage Week.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 59 (Nakano-D) Asian and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month
Commends Asian and Pacific Islander Americans for their accomplishments and service to the state, and recognizes May 1999 as Asian and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 64 (Leonard-R) Juneteenth, Emancipation Day
Declares June 19 as Juneteenth throughout the State of California, in honor of the 134th anniversary of Juneteenth, or Emancipation Day. Also urges all Californians to reflect on the significant role that African Americans have played in the history of the United States and California and on the positive impact that they continue to make on society.
Resolution Chapter 48, Statutes of 1999
ACR 66 (Dutra-D) Military awards and decorations
Memorializes the State Controller to take every action necessary to ensure that satisfactory care is taken to ensure that all military awards and decorations to be held to a standard of "priceless," thus rendering all bids from private individuals "insufficient" for purposes of selling escheated property to the highest bidder at public auction under the Unclaimed Property Law. Urges that any price bid for military awards and decorations received from the California National Guard Military Museum, including military memorabilia, when appropriate, be deemed by the State Controller to be a sufficient bid, as specified.
(In Senate Veterans Affairs Committee)
ACR 69 (Briggs-R) Lao-Hmong New Year Celebration
Proclaims November 25, 26, 27, and 28, 1999, as days for the celebration of the Lao-Hmong New Year in the City of Sacramento, and December 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31, 1999, and January 1 and 2, 2000, as days for that celebration in the City of Fresno.
Resolution Chapter 140, Statutes of 1999
ACR 74 (Lowenthal-D) Relative to the Year of the Child
Declares the Year 2000 to be the Year of the Child.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 87 (Villaraigosa-D) 1999 earthquake in Turkey
Extends the condolences of the Legislature to the Republic of Turkey and to the victims of the August 17, 1999, earthquake and their families. Expresses support for the citizens of Turkey, and urges the citizens of California to give generously to responsible charitable funds and organizations that are supporting relief efforts in the region.
Resolution Chapter 99, Statutes of 1999
ACR 91 (Villaraigosa-D) Mexican Independence Week
Calls on all the people of California to join the people of Mexico and Californians of Mexican heritage in recognizing and celebrating the 16th of September as Mexican Independence Day with the cry of Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, "Long live independence! Death to bad government!" and declares September 12 to 18, 1999, as Mexican Independence Week.
Resolution Chapter 114, Statutes of 1999
HR 13 (Reyes-D) Latina History Day
Expresses support of all efforts that advance the roles of Latina women, and hereby declares March 12, 1999, to be "Latina history Day," specifically calling attention to the outstanding and numerous contributions made by Latina women throughout history.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
HR 14 (Mazzoni-D) California Italian-American Task Force
States that the California Italian-American Task Force will not cease operation on September 30, 1999, but will continue in existence indefinitely, to act as an advisory body to the Assembly on Italian-American concerns and related legislation.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 18 (Strom-Martin-D) Native American Indian Week
Recognizes the week of April 4 to April 10, 1999, inclusive, as Native American Indian Week in California, and encourages all Californians to salute the achievements of Native Americans.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 19 (Strom-Martin-D) National Television Turn-Off Week
Comments TV-Free America for its efforts in coordinating National TV-Turnoff Week and encourages all Californians to participate in National TV-Turnoff Week during the week of April 22 through 28, 1999.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 24 (House-R) Day of Prayer
Recognizes Thursday, May 6, 1999, as "National Day of Prayer" and calls upon the people of California, each according to his or her faith, to gather together on that day in homes and places of worship to pray for unity of the hearts of all mankind.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 25 (Steinberg-D) United States Gymnastics Championship
Proclaims the 1999 John Hancock United States Gymnastics Championships as an official state event.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 28 (Pescetti-R) Italian Americans
Commends the Italian American community of this state for its many long and illustrious contributions to this state and the nation.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 33 (Nakano-D) Relative to Genocide
Requests the Governor of the State of California to (1) provide funding for the California Institute for the Study of Genocide to study the causes, effects, and prevention of genocide, (2) involve the University of California and the California State University in this effort, utilizing eminent scholars in such fields as history, political science, psychology, and K-12 teaching, and (3) emphasize the development of courses and curriculum on genocide issues for K-12 public education.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 35 (Machado-D) Relative to a media code of conduct
Calls upon executives of the media industry, as well as chief executive officers of companies that advertise in the electronic media, to develop a new voluntary code of conduct, modeled on the National Association of Broadcasters code aimed at renewing our culture and making our media environment once again healthy for our society and safer for our children.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
HR 36 (Soto-D) Los Angeles County Fair Association
Recognizes and commends the Los Angeles County Fair Association for the vital role it has played in presenting the Los Angeles County Fair to local residents and beyond, as well as providing the community with activities and events that benefit the local community, and that the members of the organization's board of directors and all of those individuals affiliated with it be commended for their commitment of service.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)

Local Government
SB 36 (Baca-D) Veterans' preference: local agencies
Requires any city, county, or city and county, general law or chartered, when it has established a civil service system, to implement a veterans' preference system by January 1, 2002, or adopt a resolution identifying reasons that the local agency does not do so.
Chapter 201, Statutes of 1999
SB 38 (Baca-D) Religious institutions and land use
Limits land use regulations on religious assemblies and institutions.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 73 (Murray-D) Public contracts
Authorizes substantial increases in the award of state contracts for professional bond services to small businesses and to businesses owned by disabled veterans. Authorizes local agencies to establish incentive programs to encourage participation of small business enterprises in local contracts.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 95 (Perata-D) Retail stores
Defines "retail store" for purposes of a prohibition against a public agency authorizing a project or development that includes a retail store that will be enacted by AB 84 (Floyd and Villaraigosa), and will not become operative unless AB 84 is enacted. Prohibits state and local agencies from authorizing a retail store or development that includes a retail store if the retail store is larger than 100,000 square feet, and more than 15,000 square feet of the store is devoted to the sale of nontaxable merchandise. Allows "any person" to sue to enforce provisions of the bill. If a store exceeds the 15,000 square foot limit, the court must require the store owner to pay the greater of either 50% of the store's nontaxable sales in the previous year, or 50% of the value of the square footage devoted to nontaxable sales. Contains legislative findings regarding problems caused by large retail stores, including the finding that not more than 10% of a large retail store's sales should be taxable.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 104* (Brulte-R) Postgovernment employment: restrictions
Adds an exemption to the postgovernment employment restriction of the Political Reform Act of 1994 by allowing an elected official of a local government agency to represent that local agency before his or her former state agency if the appearance or communication is for the purpose of influencing legislative or administrative action on behalf of the local government agency.
Chapter 10, Statutes of 1999
SB 133* (Kelley-R) Local capital investment incentives
Includes within the definition of "qualified manufacturing facility" a facility operated by a business engaged in the recovery of minerals from geothermal resources.
Chapter 24, Statutes of 1999
SB 161 (Monteith-R) Local government
Provides that moneys appropriated in the Budget Act of 1999 for local assistance payments to counties for the cost of homicide trials be available to reimburse 100% of any costs incurred by the Counties of Tuolumne and Mariposa for the homicide trials of individuals that may be arrested for the Pelloso murder and Sund murders.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 165* (Rainey-R) Property tax revenue shifts
Caps the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF) and then phases out ERAF over the next ten years.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 166 (Baca-D) Property tax revenue transfers
Authorizes, with certain requirements and limitations, the County of San Bernardino and the City of Chino Hills to enter into written agreement for the annual transfer from that county to that city of a specified percentage of certain additional ad valorem property tax revenues, attributable to certain classes of improvements to commercial or industrial properties that are identified in the agreement.
Chapter 45, Statutes of 1999
SB 178 (Polanco-D) Work force investment: Department of Transportation
Requires the Director of the State Department of Transportation, in collaboration with the California Institute for Smart Communities and the California State University, San Diego, upon availability of funds in the annual Budget Act, to establish a demonstration Smart Communities Strategic Investment Program within the State Department of Transportation. Provides financial assistance to local governments, school districts, institutions of higher education, community-based nonprofit organizations, or any other public agency for funding under the demonstration program based on certain criteria. Creates the 21st Century Smart Communities Fund in the State Treasury for the bill's purposes.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 198* (Kelley-R) Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District: lease agreement
Repeals the requirement for 2/3 voter approval for long-term leases by the Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District. Repeals the statute that lets the district board levy a property tax to pay for its leases, and allows the district to levy Mello-Roos special taxes with 2/3 voter approval.
Chapter 96, Statutes of 1999
SB 207 (Peace-D) Infrastructure financing districts
Permits establishment of Infrastructure Financing Districts along the
California-Mexico border.
Chapter 773, Statutes of 1999
SB 215* (Dunn-D) Local government finance
Exempts single-county transit districts from the requirement to shift a portion of their property tax revenues to their county Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 223 (Kelley-R) Salton Sea Authority and infrastructure financing districts
Allows the Salton Sea Authority to use an infrastructure financing district.
Chapter 59, Statutes of 1999
SB 225* (Rainey-R) Booking fees
Allows qualified special districts to receive state reimbursement of county jail booking fees in the same manner as cities.
(In Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee)
SB 231* (Senate Local Government Committee) First Validating Act
Enacts the First Validating Act of 1999, which validates the organization, boundaries, acts, proceedings, and bonds of the state and counties, cities, and specified districts, agencies and entities.
Chapter 19, Statutes of 1999
SB 232* (Senate Local Government Committee) Second Validating Act
Enacts the Second Validating Act of 1999, which validates the organization, boundaries, acts, proceedings, and bonds of the state and counties, cities, and specified districts, agencies, and entities.
Chapter 266, Statutes of 1999
SB 233 (Senate Local Government Committee) Third Validating Act
Enacts the Third Validating Act of 1999, which validates the organization, boundaries, acts, proceedings, and bonds of the state and counties, cities, and specified districts, agencies, and entities.
Chapter 267, Statutes of 1999
SB 242 (McPherson-R) Santa Cruz Port District: lease
Allows the Santa Cruz Port District to extend its lease with operators of the Crow's Nest Restaurant if the number of years remaining in the lease on January 1, 2000, plus the number of years by which the lease is extended, does not exceed 50 years, and as long as the district complies with statutory requirements applicable to port districts regarding leasing of property of the district.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
SB 245* (McPherson-R) Taxation
Exempts from the sales and use tax tangible personal property purchased by a fire district if two conditions are met: gross receipts from the sale of the property or the sales price of the property is at least $25,000; and the fire district or fire company receives $750,000 or less in annual tax or assessment revenues in the fiscal year immediately preceding the year in which a purchase of $25,000 or more is made.
(Failed passage in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 258 (Ortiz-D) Firefighters: employment by cities and counties
Authorizes local fire protection agencies, including fire departments of cities and counties, to give hiring preferences to former permanent career civilian federal firefighters who lost their jobs due to downsizing or realignment of a military base.
Clarifies that under the current law, the California Joint Firefighters Joint Apprenticeship Program is authorized to develop and distribute to local fire protection agencies a list of permanent career civilian federal firefighters eligible for appointment.
Chapter 305, Statutes of 1999
SB 275* (Senate Local Government Committee) Omnibus Act of 1999
Creates the Local Government Omnibus Act of 1999 and makes clarifying and minor non-controversial changes to local government law.
Chapter 550, Statutes of 1999
SB 290 (Kelley-R) County water authorities
Requires any proposal by a county water authority to purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire rights, privileges, or services by contract, the compensation of which is payable over a period that exceeds 40 years, to be approved by the voters of that authority. Subjects a proposal to lease, purchase, or otherwise acquire rights, privileges, or services by contract, the compensation of which is payable over a period that exceeds 20 years but is not more than 40 years, to referendum.
Chapter 97, Statutes of 1999
SB 307* (Rainey-R) Redevelopment plans
Clarifies that local officials cannot use the one-year extension opportunity created by AB 1342 of 1998 to extend the statutory deadline for creating more debt by 10 years and states that its language is declaratory of existing law.
Chapter 17, Statutes of 1999
SB 316 (Chesbro-D) State and local government
Revises the state-local cost sharing formula for homicide trials.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 329 (Peace-D) Public agencies
Creates an elected San Diego Regional Infrastructure and Transportation Agency to control planning, air quality, ports, airports, and transportation.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
SB 379 (Haynes-R) County service contracts
Includes information technology, data processing, and computer-related functions within the special services for which a board of supervisors may contract.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
SB 392 (Chesbro-D) Local government finance
Clarifies the process by which incremental property tax revenues to be allocated to a redevelopment agency are withdrawn from those revenue shares allocated to other local jurisdictions in a redevelopment project area. Makes legislative findings and declarations that these provisions are declaratory of existing law, and would deem to be correct any apportionment of property tax revenues made for any fiscal year prior to the effective date of the bill that is inconsistent with the clarifications made by the bill.
Chapter 184, Statutes of 1999
SB 402 (Burton-D) Public employee relations
Provides final and binding arbitration of any matter in dispute (within the scope of bargaining under the various existing state and local acts) between any public employer in California (including the state) and employee organizations representing its firefighters or law enforcement employees.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 429 (Monteith-R) Human services
Assures Stanislaus and San Luis Obispo Counties will remain eligible to receive California Healthcare for Indigents Program funds.
Chapter 741, Statutes of 1999
SB 430 (Alarcon-D) Local fees and charges
Provides, in addition to any other remedy provided by law, the legislative body of a city, county, or city and county may collect any fee, cost, or charge incurred in the abatement of public nuisances and in the enforcement of state and local housing, building, and zoning laws, codes, and regulations with respect to construction or land use activities, except as specified, if the fee, cost, or charge has not been paid within 45 days of notice, by making the amount of any unpaid fee, cost, or charge a proposed lien against the property that is the subject of the enforcement activity. Requires the legislative body to provide the property owner with written notice in plain language of the proposed lien, a description of the basis for the amounts comprising the lien, and an opportunity to appear and be heard before recording the lien.
Chapter 681, Statutes of 1999
SB 486 (Rainey-R) Abandoned vehicles: removal
Requires, with regard to abandoned vehicles on private property, any city ordinance established for removal of abandoned vehicles to provide not less than a 10-day notice, and with regard to vehicles abandoned on public property, requires the ordinance to provide not less than a 72-hour notice of intention to abate and remove the vehicle.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 497 (Rainey-R) Redevelopment law enforcement
Allows the Attorney General to sue to correct major violations of the redevelopment law.
Chapter 362, Statutes of 1999
SB 560 (Monteith-R) Annexation to a city
Requires the local agency formation commission in each county to approve an annexation to a city after notice and hearing and authorizes the conducting authority to order the annexation of territory without an election if the territory meets certain requirements, including notice to prospective purchasers of the city's right to annex the property without an election.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
SB 562 (Poochigian-R) Taxation
Clarifies that cities and counties may charge a transient occupancy tax only on that portion of the all-inclusive price that is applicable to the occupancy of the room in a hotel, inn, or other lodging accommodations, and not to any in-room product, service, or amenity that a guest may purchase or any goods, services, or entitlements included in the price of the accommodations, as specified.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 592* (Morrow-R) Horse racing
Reimburses Del Mar horse racing revenues lost as a result of a racing association's ability to use those monies to pay possessory interest rates.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 597 (Poochigian-R) Joint powers agencies
Provides that, unless a joint exercise of powers agreement specifically provides to the contrary, a joint powers agency shall not exercise the power of eminent domain for the purpose of conservation, open space, parks, or recreation, on any real property within the corporate limits of a city or the unincorporated area of a county without first obtaining the consent of the respective city council or county board of supervisors, and further requires prior city consent with respect to property in the unincorporated area of the county that is within the city's sphere of influence.
(Failed passage in Senate Judiciary Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 614 (Morrow-R) Highways
Authorizes a board of supervisors of a county, by resolution, to form a permanent road division without reference to a specific road project, and to create zones within the division for specific permanent road projects, with differing special taxes or parcel charges. Requires the board of supervisors to comply with specified notice, hearing, and protest requirements, and exempts from boundary requirements any zones within permanent road divisions where the zones are formed for a specific permanent road project.
Chapter 269, Statutes of 1999
SB 617 (Haynes-R) Business regulations
Prohibits any city, county, or city and county from adopting any ordinance or imposing any regulation that discriminates against, or is more stringent with respect to, any vendor or type of vendor on the basis that the vendor sells his or her products at a particular type of dispensing facility such as a rack, kiosk, stand, cart, vehicle, or other structure or sidewalk or street dispensing facility, and prescribes related matters.
(Failed passage in Senate Local Government Committee)
SB 625 (Perata-D) Airports
Expands the authorization to include joint powers authorities and special districts that operate airports as well as cities and counties that operate an airport to require a rental car company to collect a fee from its customers on behalf of the airport for use of an airport-mandated common use busing system or light rail transit system operated for the movement of passengers between the terminal and a consolidated on-airport rental car facility.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
SB 626 (Chesbro-D) Lake County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
Authorizes the board of supervisors of the Lake County Flood Control and Water Conservation District to modify and dissolve zones within the district in accordance with prescribed procedures, and revises those provisions relating to the board's authorization to levy ad valorem taxes or assessments upon real property in the district or in the zones of the district. Authorizes the board to impose special taxes and benefit assessments to pay for costs of operation and maintenance of certain works or improvements that have been constructed by the state or the federal government.
Chapter 89, Statutes of 1999
SB 629 (Kelley-R) County water authorities
Authorizes the board of directors of an authority to adopt regulations regarding its facilities, property, and rights-of-way. Authorizes the board of directors, by ordinance, to make a violation of those regulations subject to an administrative fine, and requires the board of directors to set forth, by ordinance or resolution, administrative procedures that govern imposition, enforcement, collection, and administrative review by the authority of those administrative fines in accordance with specified provisions of law.
Chapter 62, Statutes of 1999
SB 669 (Polanco-D) Service
Adds a representative from a city and a county to the list of entities with which the State Department of General Services must consult when considering the state's 911 program, and codifies the advisory boards for six telecommunications programs administered by the Public Utilities Commission.
Chapter 677, Statutes of 1999
SB 689 (Johnston-D) Conflicts of interest
Adds to the definitions of "remote" and "non-interest" conflicts, for members of boards of directors of public entities.
Chapter 349, Statutes of 1999
SB 739 (Solis-D) Public employment
Makes a variety of changes to the local government collective bargaining law known as the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 742 (Brulte-R) Secretary of State: Local Government Records Program
Requires the Secretary of State to establish the Local Government Records Program, to be administered by the State Archives, for the purpose of establishing guidelines for local government records retention and providing archival support to local agencies in the state. Requires the Secretary of State to establish, publish, update, and maintain on a permanent basis guidelines for local government records retention, and provides that the program is primarily responsible for the performance of specified functions.
Chapter 360, Statutes of 1999
SB 750 (Johnston-D) Delta Protection Act
Revises the definition of "local government" for purposes of the Delta Protection Act to also include the City of Oakley and any other cities that may be incorporated in the future in the primary zone.
Chapter 422, Statutes of 1999
SB 766 (Wright-R) Community services districts
Prescribes additional purposes and powers granted to the Northlake Community Services District and states reasons necessitating a special law. Authorizes the formation of, and sets forth the powers to be exercised by the Northlake Community Services District, and requires the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County to appoint the Board of Directors of the Northlake Community Services District until its conversion to a registered voter board.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
SB 807* (Senate Agriculture And Water Resources Committee) Water
Lets local agency formation commissions approve extraterritorial service by cities and special districts in response to threats to public health or safety.
Chapter 779, Statutes of 1999
SB 819 (Sher-D) Health care districts
Requires El Camino Hospital in the City of Mountain View to comply with provisions of current law that apply to Local Health Care Districts regarding the transfer of assets, and, accordingly, requires approval by voters in the community served by the hospital.
Chapter 151, Statutes of 1999
SB 859 (Hughes-D) Economic development
Requires the Trade and Commerce Agency, which would be authorized to contract with another entity, to evaluate the feasibility of the economic development plan prepared by the City of Lynwood and work with the City of Lynwood to modify its plan, as needed. Requires the agency to take into account whether the city has sufficient resources to implement its plan, identify additional resources that would be needed, and consider whether the economic feasibility of the plan would be enhanced by transfers of property currently owned by the state, loans, or other financial assistance from the state. Requires the agency to make recommendations to the city by January 1, 2001. Provides that its provisions will be implemented only to the extent that funds for its purpose are appropriated by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 901 (Knight-R) Local agencies
Extends the sunset date until January 2002, for the City of Lancaster's sphere of influence.
Chapter 63, Statutes of 1999
SB 937 (Baca-D) Land use
Appropriates $145,000 to the Trade and Commerce Agency for allocation to the City of San Bernardino's redevelopment agency: $45,000 to be allocated for the redevelopment agency to prepare an economic recovery program, and up to $100,000 to be allocated to the redevelopment agency to implement the economic recovery program. Requires, for qualification for this allocation, the redevelopment agency must spend $1 on implementation of this program for every $2 allocated by the Trade and Commerce Agency.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 954 (Karnette-D) Cemetery districts and columbaria
Requires that construction or repair of columbariums comply with specified standards.
Chapter 207, Statutes of 1999
SB 982 (Leslie-R) Local government finance
Validates the property tax apportionment factors that Placer County officials applied to the County Free Libraries of the Counties of Placer and San Joaquin for the 1992-93 fiscal year.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 985 (Johnston-D) Williamson Act notices
Changes the Williamson Act regarding compatible land uses, cancellation requirements, and local zoning for minimum parcel sizes.
Chapter 1018, Statutes of 1999
SB 987 (Karnette-D) Care facilities
Authorizes any local government entity, as part of its general plan, to conduct an assessment of the existing and unmet needs for residential services in community care facilities and alcoholism and drug abuse treatment and recovery facilities within its jurisdiction, using information available from specified state departments, and authorizes the local government agency to produce a local siting plan for residential care facilities based on specified information.
(In Assembly Human Services Committee)
SB 1087 (Kelley-R) Public health facilities
Provides that a contract between a municipal hospital and a member of the municipal hospital's staff or allied health staff who is also an ex officio nonvoting member of the board of a municipal hospital located outside a Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area may include reasonable expenses for recruitment of one or more physicians for the hospital. Provides that a municipal hospital must not enter into a contract with a member of its board who is also on its medical staff that prevents other physicians and surgeons from pursuing the medical profession in the hospital's service area.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 1096 (Hayden-D) Economic development
Requires the Treasurer to convene an advisory task force composed of specified members appointed by the Governor, Treasurer, Speaker of the Assembly, and Senate Committee on Rules, to consider strategies for ending structural conditions of poverty and unemployment in California's inner cities. Requires the Treasurer to evaluate the task force's work and report and made recommendations to the Legislature by June 15, 2000. Sunsets January 1, 2001.
(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
SB 1103 (Polanco-D) Mining
Prohibits a local government with less than 5,000 residents within the jurisdiction, from imposing any tax on a person engaged in the business of extracting, processing, or selling mineral resources in an area of regional significance or an area of statewide significance, as defined.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
SB 1127 (Brulte-R) Local government finance
Temporarily exempts the San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency from the 1992 Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund property tax shift and requires payback of the exemption, with interest for an unknown period of years followed by reduced school aid for a period of 20 years.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1132 (Costa-D) Capital facilities fees
Allows public agencies to charge capital facilities fees to other agencies and changes grounds for lawsuits.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1142* (Morrow-R) Local agency reorganization
Creates procedures for applying Proposition 218 to city and district boundary changes.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
SB 1144 (Johannessen-R) Public works contracts
Extends the ability of the cities of West Sacramento and Davis to use design-build contracts from January 1, 2001 to January 1, 2003.
(In Assembly, held at Desk)
SB 1164 (Mountjoy-R) Land use
Enacts the Public Lands Protection Act, which until January 1, 2008, prohibits steep slopes on undeveloped private property in Los Angeles County from being developed or used for any purpose other than agriculture, grazing, or low-density residential use, or from being rezoned to allow development at a higher level of residential density use, unless the proposed rezoning for alternative development or use is summarized in a proposal that is submitted to the voters in a local ballot measure, and approved by a majority of the voters voting thereon. Prohibits rezoning of any portion of undeveloped private property that is zoned for low-density residential use as of January 1, 2000.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
SB 1165* (Sher-D) Judicial review
Sets forth an expedited procedure for judicial review of decisions by a local public agency regarding issuance, revocation, suspension, or denial of a permit involving expressive conduct protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Chapter 49, Statutes of 1999
SB 1190 (Solis-D) Redevelopment
Requires a specified proportion of moneys in a redevelopment agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund to be expended over the duration of a five-year implementation plan to assist housing for persons of low and very low income.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
SB 1195 (Hayden-D) Air pollution
Requires the South Coast Air Quality Management District to: (1) add fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) to its current daily pollutant reporting, forecasting and notifications starting July 1, 2001; (2) assess PM 2.5 in the South Coast Air Basin and revise its Air Quality Management Plan; and (3) prepare a report, in conjunction with a public health organization or agency, on health impacts of particulate matter air pollution and submit the report to the district's scientific advisory council for peer review.
Chapter 477, Statutes of 1999
SB 1200 (Poochigian-R) Accessibility standards
Provides that whenever a hearing is held regarding a permit for a drive-through facility or modification of an existing drive-through facility permit, the local agency must incorporate, where necessary, notice procedures to the blind, aged, and disabled communities in order to facilitate their participation in any hearing on, or appeal of the denial of, a drive-through facility permit.
Chapter 460, Statutes of 1999
SB 1267 (Polanco-D) Leaf blowers
Prohibits the sale of a leaf blower unless it meets State Air Resources Board emission standards. Prohibits, after January 1, 2001, a leaf blower from being sold unless it complies with American National Standard Institute Standard B 175.2, is affixed with a label identifying the maximum noise level that may be produced by the leaf blower, and complies with State Air Resources Board emission standards.
Makes other restrictions regarding leaf blowers.
(Failed passage in Senate Environmental Quality Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 1286 (Mountjoy-R) Aviation
Requires the State Department of Transportation, when making a determination if a local agency must repay state assistance funds for a local airport that has been closed for more than a year, must consider specified factors.
Chapter 105, Statutes of 1999
SB 1314* (Peace-D) Limits on Marks-Roos Act bonds
Allows local officials to issue more Marks-Roos Act bonds for multi-phased private developments under limited conditions.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SCA 6 (Rainey-R) Local government finance
Enacts the Taxpayer Right to Know and Government Accountability Act, and prohibits the Legislature from directing the allocation of revenue that is derived from a local general or special tax. Makes changes to allocation of revenues to counties and cities derived from taxes imposed pursuant to the Vehicle License Fee Law. Establishes as a constitutional entitlement the local taxing authority of cities, counties, and cities and counties existing under specified statutes as of the effective date of the constitutional amendment. Makes requirements of local governments, in connection with each budget period, to provide for public input.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
SCA 10 (Perata-D) Public safety
Prohibits local agencies from contracting out law enforcement and firefighters' jobs.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)
SCR 10 (Dunn-D) Orange County Vietnamese-American Community Week
Proclaims week of February 12 through February 20, 1999, as "Orange County Vietnamese-American Community Week" to honor contributions and achievements of the state's Vietnamese-American community.
Chapter 4, Statutes of 1999
SR 12 (Solis-D) "Smart Growth" approaches to land use development
Resolves, among other things, that the Senate encourages development of "Smart Growth" approaches to land use and development as an effective way to ensure California's economic prosperity, social equity, and environmental quality.
Adopted by the Senate
AB 24 (Runner-R) Local government
Specifies that bank in-lieu taxes will be allocated to cities and counties rather than to the General Fund.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 30 (Pescetti-R) Peace officers
Appropriates $100 million annually to the Office of Criminal Justice Planning for allocation, via specified procedures, to local governments to continue funding salaries and benefits of peace officers funded under a federal Office of Community Oriented Policing Services grant that may expire in 2000.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 47 (Cardoza-D) Williamson Act: cancellation fees
Shifts the Williamson Act cancellation fees to the Agricultural Land Stewardship Program Fund.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 75 (Strom-Martin-D) Waste management: community service districts
Requires each state agency or large facility to develop an integrated waste management plan by July 1, 2000 and requires each community services district to provide the city, county, or regional agency in which it is located, information on the programs implemented by the district and the amount of waste disposed and diverted within the district.
Chapter 764, Statutes of 1999
AB 83 (Cardenas-D) City taxes on creative artists
Prohibits cities in Los Angeles County from taxing home businesses for writers, musicians, directors, and creative artists.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 84 (Floyd-D) Big box retailers
Prohibits public agencies from approving big-box retail stores if they use more than 15,000 square feet to sell food and drugs.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 89 (Cedillo-D) Arrest: Public officers
Authorizes transportation investigators employed by the State Department of Transportation for the City of Los Angeles to exercise peace officer powers of arrest.
Chapter 331, Statutes of 1999
AB 112 (Florez-D) Local government: tobacco settlement
Requires the Treasurer to establish a special fund for deposit of local tobacco settlement revenues and authorizes local governments to assign or sell such revenues.
(In Senate Health and Human Committee)
AB 114* (Florez-D) Disaster relief: freeze
Provides disaster tax relief to business taxpayers, individual taxpayers and relief to local agencies whose property tax revenues were reduced as a result of a freeze or any other related casualty that occurred in areas of California that were declared disaster areas in the winter of 1998-99.
Chapter 165, Statutes of 1999
AB 115 (Maddox-R) Law enforcement
Annually appropriates $100 million from the General Fund to the Controller to fund the supplemental local law enforcement funding provisions, and extends the operation of those provisions indefinitely.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 136 (Mazzoni-D) Distribution of needles and syringes
Exempts from criminal prosecution public entities and their agents and employees who distribute hypodermic needles or syringes to participants in clean needle and syringe exchange projects authorized by the public entity pursuant to a declaration of a local emergency due tot he existence of a critical local public health crisis.
Chapter 762, Statutes of 1999
AB 146 (Havice-D) Open meetings
Provides that members of the Downey City Council may attend any open or closed meeting of the Downey Community Hospital Foundation or any successor or related entity. Provides that attendance of less than a quorum of the Downey City Council members at such a meeting shall not be a standing committee of the city council under the Ralph M. Brown Act.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
AB 147 (Strom-Martin-D) Local agencies
Directs the Office of Planning and Research to study the capacity of public agencies, in the current regulatory climate, to mitigate impacts of development projects, and of construction of school facilities.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
AB 165* (Knox-D) Law enforcement
Imposes a penalty on recipient entities found by the Controller to have allocated moneys from a Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund for purposes other than those authorized and on recipient entities that do not without good cause file and submit an annual report by November 15 of each year to the county or the Controller. Requires the Controller to allocate those budgeted moneys.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 170 (Firebaugh-D) Outdoor advertising
Broadens an existing exemption for advertising displays which identify businesses and activities within a redevelopment project area along freeways. Authorizes advertising of businesses and activities in any of several redevelopment areas in five specific cities whether or not the redevelopment areas were adjacent to a freeway.
Chapter 818, Statutes of 1999
AB 178 (Torlakson-D) Relocation incentives
Prohibits a redevelopment agency, and a city or county, from providing any form of financial assistance to an automobile dealership or big box retailer, or a business entity that sells or leases land to an automobile dealership or big box retailer, that is relocating from the territorial jurisdiction of one community, or city or county, to the territorial jurisdiction of another community, or city or county, but within the same market area, unless the receiving community, or city or county, offers the other community, or city or county, a contract that apportions sales tax generated by the dealership or retailer between the two communities, or cities or counties, and the agency, or city or county, holds a public hearing and adopts a resolution making specified findings relating to whether or not a contract has been approved. Requires a study and sunsets in five years.
Chapter 462, Statutes of 1999
AB 185 (Hertzberg-D) Government programs
Creates the California Local Government Report Card Advisory Board consisting of 15 appointed members with certain qualifications. Requires the advisory board to select at least three locally administered programs from designated categories for performance measurement and to transmit to the Legislature by July 1, 2001 a performance measurement report. Requires the Office of Planning and Research to select and oversee an agency to perform research and prepare reports on the programs selected. Appropriates $100,000 from the General Fund to the Office of Planning and Research for the bill's purposes.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 186 (Hertzberg-D) Local elections: districts
Authorizes charter cities to consider topography, geography, and cohesiveness, contiguity, integrity, and compactness of territory, and communities of interest when adjusting boundaries of their council districts.
Chapter 429, Statutes of 1999
AB 188* (Hertzberg-D) Local government reorganization
Includes on the Commission on Local Governance for the 21st Century six nonvoting ex officio members consisting of the chairs and vice chairs of the Senate and Assembly Local Government Committees and two persons appointed by the Governor.
(In Senate. Held at Desk)
AB 191 (Dickerson-R) Personal property
Allows the board of supervisors, or the governing body of a city, after attempting and failing to contact the legal owner, to turn over personal property with a value of no more than $500, in the possession of the sheriff or police department of a county, that has been unclaimed for at least 90 days, to specified beneficiaries or any nonprofit organization which participates in a program designed to prevent juvenile delinquency.
Chapter 233, Statutes of 1999
AB 223 (Wiggins-D) Local government finance
Excludes from the 1992-93 Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund computation funds that special districts received from county supervisors for fire protection, and declares this exclusion does not affect the exclusion as it existed prior to this amendment.
Chapter 34, Statutes of 1999
AB 236 (Honda-D) Local government finance
Forgives errors in the allocation of property tax made in Santa Barbara and Santa Clara counties.
Chapter 567, Statutes of 1999
AB 258* (Baugh-R) Local agency formation commission: Los Angeles
Appropriates $320,000 from the General Fund to the Los Angeles County Local Agency Formation Commission, to study whether it is feasible for the Harbor Area communities to detach from the City of Los Angeles and to incorporate into their own city.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 262 (Runner-R) Local sales tax sharing
Allows cities and counties to share local sales tax revenues, implementing Proposition 11.
Chapter 56, Statutes of 1999
AB 264 (Mazzoni-D) Redevelopment
Authorizes the redevelopment agency of the City of Novato to pay to other specified agencies any amounts of money that in the redevelopment agency's determination are appropriate to alleviate any financial burden or detriment caused to those other agencies by the Hamilton Field Redevelopment.
Chapter 38, Statutes of 1999
AB 284 (Strom-Martin-D) Local government finance
Specifies, for the purpose of calculating the one-time incentive for a county to offer the Teeter Plan, the increased property taxes allocated to "qualified school entities" include increased property taxes allocated to the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 323 (Baldwin-R) Counties: oversight committees
Loosens employment restrictions on members of county treasury oversight committees.
Chapter 32, Statutes of 1999
AB 328* (Bates-R) Property tax revenue shifts: relief
Reduces the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund property tax shift for the Laguna Niguel Community Services District by $610,000.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 332 (Oller-R) Mammoth Community Water District
Authorizes Mammoth Community Water District to construct, maintain, and operate geothermal facilities to provide space heating within the boundaries of the district. Allows the district to finance the facilities through the same mechanisms as are currently authorized for its other water facilities, but does not authorize the district to distribute geothermal water outside its current district boundaries.
Chapter 166, Statutes of 1999
AB 343 (Campbell-R) Local government finance
Allows counties to invest a larger percentage of their surplus funds in commercial paper.
Chapter 217, Statutes of 1999
AB 345 (Vincent-D) Employment
Creates the California Workforce Investment and Economic Development Act of 1999, to enact provisions of the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998. Establishes a new state department to act as a local agency and a new state council to implement provisions of this act.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 349 (Torlakson-D) Teeter Plan shift reduction
Allows counties that used the Teeter Plan before the property tax shift to the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF) to benefit from the ERAF incentive.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 385 (Knox-D) Taxation
Permits, under specified conditions, disclosure of tax information to tax officials of a charter city and requires the California Research Bureau to report to the Legislature by December 31, 2005, on the effectiveness of the bill's provisions.
(Failed passage in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 411* (Davis-D) Local planning
Extends deadlines by which local governments within the regional jurisdiction of the San Diego Association of Governments are required to complete the third revision of the housing elements of their general plans from June 30, 1999, to December 31, 1999.
Chapter 107, Statutes of 1999
AB 417 (Floyd-D) Property tax shifts and fire districts
Provides that fire district revenues that were exempt from the 1992-93 Education Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF) shift, but that became subject to the ERAF shift because of changes in the law made in 1997, will again be exempt from the ERAF shift.
Chapter 464, Statutes of 1999
AB 424 (Wildman-D) School libraries
Enacts the School and Library Partnership Act of 1999, and, among other things, requires the State Department of Education to administer a grant program to review and approve grants to school districts for the planning and operation of joint-use libraries.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 494* (Davis-D) Taxation
Authorizes a permanent shift of property taxes from San Diego County to the county free library.
Chapter 824, Statutes of 1999
AB 502 (Wildman-D) County services
Clarifies that counties may not contract for privately provided special services in a manner that circumvents collective bargaining contracts.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
AB 528 (Papan-D) Revenue bonds
Specifies that the issuance of specified joint powers authority revenue bonds of designated joint powers authorities for designated transportation and water facilities and the use of bond proceeds to finance these projects are valid.
Chapter 487, Statutes of 1999
AB 530 (Papan-D) Local government finance
Authorizes the legislative body of a local agency to invest the funds in securities lending agreements subject to conditions similar to investing funds in reverse repurchase agreements. Incorporates additional changes of the Government Code proposed by AB 1679, to be operative if AB 1679 and this bill are both enacted and become effective on or before January 1, 2000, and this bill is enacted last.
Chapter 644, Statutes of 1999
AB 551 (Longville-D) State funds
Appropriates to local governmental agencies any interest earned or increment derived in excess of $1,000 from funds in the account during a period of time that, except for a delay in enactment of the State Budget, would have been transferred to those local governmental agencies.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 584 (Aroner-D) Parks and recreation
Authorizes the general manager of a park or open-space district with the approval of the board of directors of the district, to bind the district in accordance with board policy, and without advertising, for the payment for those supplies, materials, or labor for new construction of any such building, structure, or improvement, and, with regard to the East Bay Regional Park District increases the maximum amount for all of the above purposes to $25,000.
Chapter 135, Statutes of 1999
AB 601 (Cedillo-D) Land use
Appropriates $5 million for grant programs in the City of Los Angeles to reimburse property owners for the costs of adapting commercial property for use as residences. Appropriates $1 million to the City of Compton for urban adaptive reuse.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 616 (Oller-R) Public utilities
Requires municipal utility districts to contract with the lowest responsible bidder for the purchase of vehicles that cost an excess of $50,000, and terminates the authority on January 1, 2003.
Chapter 55, Statutes of 1999
AB 634 (Wildman-D) Redevelopment
Makes various changes to Community Redevelopment Law to increase redevelopment officials' accuracy and accountability.
Chapter 442, Statutes of 1999
AB 639 (Thompson-R) Local agency formation commissions
Requires the Controller to review any proposed mitigation payment and conclusions used in the comprehensive fiscal analysis that is required to be prepared for any proposal that includes an incorporation. Allows the commission to recover from the interested party the costs of the Controller's review and report only if the Controller indicates that the information, methodologies, documentation, and conclusions used in the analysis are accurate and reliable.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 676* (Brewer-R) Property tax allocation study
Requires the Legislative Analyst to report on property tax allocation issues by January 1, 2000.
Chapter 94, Statutes of 1999
AB 706 (Torlakson-D) Community warning systems
Clarifies current law governing liability immunity for donors of community warning systems in Contra Costa County.
Chapter 239, Statutes of 1999
AB 755 (Corbett-D) Public works contracts
Provides that, notwithstanding the $50 million limitation on design-build projects, the County of Alameda is authorized to award a contract in excess of the limit for the design and construction of the Alameda County Juvenile Justice Complex.
Chapter 258, Statutes of 1999
AB 766 (Wiggins-D) Land use
Revises the definition of "design", with reference to the Subdivision Map Act, to include a reference to the requirement that the design and improvement of the subdivision be consistent with the general plan or any specific plan.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
AB 774 (Calderon-D) Redevelopment
Authorizes the Pico Rivera Redevelopment Agency, until January 2003, to reduce its base-year valuation to 50% of its original base year amount for purposes of calculating tax increment. Requires the agency to repay the state over ten years, starting in 2003, to backfill any reduced property tax revenues to school districts from the base-year valuation adjustment.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
AB 779 (Torlakson-D) Infrastructure development
Includes, for purposes of the Bergeson-Peace Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank Act, facilities that are part of a transit village development district as public development facilities for the purpose of being eligible for bank funding.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 822 (Aroner-D) Taxation
Adds an exception to existing property tax law by allowing the City of Oakland to impose a higher property tax rate to make payments in support of pension programs approved by the voters before July 1, 1978, provided that the higher property tax rate is approved by 2/3 of the voters voting on that higher rate at an election.
(At Senate Desk)
AB 838 (Longville-D) Local government agencies
Authorizes a joint powers agency to issue bonds backed by future proceeds of delinquent assessments or taxes on the secured property tax role.
Chapter 649, Statutes of 1999
AB 880 (Dutra-D) Emergency services
Requires the Office of Emergency Services to procure mobile communication translators to enable mutual-aid emergency response agencies to communicate effectively while operating on incompatible frequencies. Requires the office to implement these provisions to the extent that funds are appropriated for that purpose.
Chapter 356, Statutes of 1999
AB 915 (Dickerson-R) Local government
Distributes, for a county that does not have any incorporated cities, to the Controller for allocation to that county, the county portion of vehicle license fee revenues and the city portions based on 8% of the population of that county.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 919 (Dutra-D) Land use
Makes changes to the findings that a city or county must make before denying an affordable housing project.
Chapter 966, Statutes of 1999
AB 950 (Wiggins-D) Land use
Requires a local agency formation commission to consider the policy that development or use of land in open-space use for other than open-space uses is to be guided away from existing prime agricultural land, open-space lands of statewide significance, and primer commercial rangeland, as defined in specified provisions of existing law, toward areas containing lands not defined in those specified provisions.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
AB 958 (Scott-D) Transit design-build contracts
Lets transit agencies use the design-build process for their construction projects.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 971 (Olberg-R) Redevelopment
Relieves March Joint Powers Redevelopment Agency from making "pass-through" payments to specified entities, based on a Cooperative Agreement between specified entities.
Chapter 611, Statutes of 1999
AB 977 (Vincent-D) Local planning
Specifies that a determination of a city's sphere of influence shall not preclude the provision by the county of essential services, such as water or sewer services, to an unincorporated area within the city's sphere of influence.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 990 (Floyd-D) Taxation
Authorizes cities and counties to collect information from persons seeking to engage in the business of selling tangible personal property and to transmit that information to the board. Requires the board to issue permits to applicants within specified time periods, and authorizes cities and counties to require each person desiring to engage in business in that jurisdiction for the purposes of selling tangible personal property to provide his or her seller's permit account number, if any. Repeals these provisions January 1, 2004.
Chapter 908, Statutes of 1999
AB 1036 (Wesson-D) State-county property tax administration program
Increases loans available to counties for administering the property tax system.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1057 (Olberg-R) Local government finance
Increases the City of Hesperia's share of the property tax and reduces the County of San Bernardino's share by an equivalent amount and phases in the change over four years.
(Died on Senate Floor)
AB 1115* (Strom-Martin-D) Education
Enacts the omnibus Education Trailer Bill to the Budget Act of 1999, and, among other things, appropriates $134 million in one-time funds to school districts and charter schools for instructional materials, including materials designed for English learners; appropriates $10 million to the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges for one-time expenditures for specified uses; and appropriates $6 million to reimburse school districts for prior-year claims for court-ordered and voluntary desegregation programs. Requires any increase in property tax that directly benefits a Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) to revert to the local jurisdiction. Requires the state to backfill the corresponding loss to SELPA.
Chapter 78, Statutes of 1999
AB 1167 (Frusetta-R) Local government finance
Modifies the Education Revenue Augmentation Fund allocation for the 1999-2000 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter for any veterans memorial district established pursuant to certain statutory provisions.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 1194* (Leonard-R) Local government finance
Specifies intent of the Legislature to use this bill as a trailer bill for reducing the shift of property taxes from cities, counties, and special districts.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 1195* (Longville-D) Property tax revenue shifts
Limits the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund during 1999-2000 and in future years if money is available.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
AB 1219 (Kuehl-D) Land use: water supplies
Requires, among other things, a notice of intention of a proposed subdivision that meets the definition of a specified project contain information that a water supply assessment has been completed, and revises provisions relating to specified information regarding adequacy of existing and planned future water supplies to meet existing and planned future demands for water to require that an assessment and specified information of the available water supplies be incorporated into the general plan upon adoption of revision of any element of the general plan, and that the planning commission of a legislative body follow specified procedures when considering adoption or amendment of a zoning ordinance in connection with a proposed water project; and that the planning commission and the legislative body make their respective recommendations consistent with specified, prioritized categories of water service regarding adoption of a zoning ordinance if the commission or the body determines that current and projected water supplies will not be sufficient to satisfy demands of the proposed project.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 1229 (Assembly Agriculture Committee) Agricultural lands
Renames the Agricultural Land Stewardship Program to the California Farmland Conservancy Program, and requires that an easement also be granted by the owner of a fee simple interest in land to a resource conservation district, or to a regional park or open-space district or regional park or open-space authority that has the conservation of farmland along its stated purposes, or as expressed in the district's or authority's locally adopted policies, for the program. Prescribes various requirements for termination and repurchase of an easement, and the distribution of moneys received in connection with termination of an easement.
Chapter 503, Statutes of 1999
AB 1264 (Pescetti-R) Local government reorganization
Requires that with respect to an incorporation including the community of Elk Grove that would be effective after January 1, 2000, the Sacramento County Local Agency Formation Commission will determine fiscal impacts of the incorporation and the initial revenue neutrality payment to determine fiscal viability of the proposed incorporation. Requires, if the incorporation is approved by the voters, the Elk Grove City Council and the county board of supervisors must negotiate terms and conditions of the revenue neutrality payments, not to exceed a 10-year period, according to a prescribed procedure.
(Failed passage in Assembly Local Government Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1266 (Pescetti-R) Local agency formation
Provides that the fiscal impacts of the incorporation of Rancho Cordova in Sacramento County will be deemed fully mitigated if the proposal that includes the incorporation requires the future incorporated City of Rancho Cordova to pay the revenue from its entire property tax base to the County of Sacramento for a period not to exceed 25 years from the date of incorporation.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1267 (Baugh-R) Public contracts
Prohibits a local agency that requires a contractor or bidder on a contract to demonstrate proof of workers' compensation insurance coverage for employees engaged in the provision of goods or services pursuant to the contract from disallowing the contractor's selection of a particular insurance carrier, or from considering a bidder's proposal on a contract more or less responsive or favorable solely because of the bidder's selection of a particular insurance carrier, provided that carrier is operating under a certificate of authority issued by the Insurance Commissioner.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1277 (Thomson-D) Local agency water supplies
Requires, among other things, a local agency formation commission, prior to development of the sphere of influence and determinations relating to land use and the present and probable need for public facilities and services and other factors, with respect to any local agency that provides or will provide a domestic water supply, to request a copy of the agency's most recently adopted urban water management plan. Requires the commission to request the agency to assess whether the projected water demand within the territory proposed to be included in the agency's sphere of influence was included a part of the agency's most recently adopted urban water management plan, and further requires the commission to determine whether the projected water supplies will be sufficient for demands of the territory proposed.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 1314 (Pescetti-R) Public contracts: plans and specifications
Prohibits a local entity from requiring a bidder to assume responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of architectural or engineering plans and specifications on public works projects, except on design-build projects.
Chapter 875, Statutes of 1999
AB 1347 (Runner-R) Local government finance
Requires counties participating in the State-County Property Tax Administration Loan Program to reduce property tax administrative fees charged to cities and special districts by the amount of property tax revenue recovered from cities and counties pursuant to the program. Requires each county auditor to provide an accounting of property tax administrative costs each year to both houses of the Legislature, and upon request, to cities and special districts.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1371 (Granlund-R) Transactions and use tax: Town of Yucca Valley
Authorizes the Town of Yucca Valley, subject to approval of 2/3 of the voters voting on the issue at an election, to levy a transactions and use tax pursuant to the Transactions and Use Tax Law at a rate of 0.25%, or a multiple thereof, not to exceed 1%, for purposes of funding transportation and park repair, replacement, construction, and reconstruction.
Chapter 110, Statutes of 1999
AB 1381 (Steinberg-D) Improvement Districts
Reconciles changes in district law following passage of Proposition 218.
Chapter 871, Statutes of 1999
AB 1402* (Mazzoni-D) Taxation
Limits amount of property tax revenues allocated by counties to their Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund to the amount needed to fulfill the basic aid requirements for schools, community colleges, and county offices of education.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1410 (Margett-R) Construction contracts
Requires a local agency that fails to make a progress payment with 30 days of an undisputed request for payment to pay a penalty of 2% of the unpaid amount per 30-day period that the undisputed amount remains unpaid, unless the delay in payment is caused by unforeseeable circumstances.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1423 (Steinberg-D) Local agency finance
Requires local agencies to submit biannual reports on investments and the placement of their local agency moneys to the California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission, under specified conditions.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1444 (House-R) Payments to counties
Declares intent of the Legislature to assist the Counties of Stanislaus and Merced by advancing payments from the state for unspecified programs.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1480 (Cardoza-D) Conservation easements
Reforms procedures for swapping Williamson Act contracted land for agriculture conservation easements under the Agricultural Land Stewardship Program.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1482* (Alquist-D) Animals
Provides that, until July 1, 1999, any stray dog or cat impounded by a public pound or specified shelter will be required to be held for at least four or six business days before being killed. Provides that, until July 1, 2000, a public agency that had a contract with another public or private entity to provide or receive animal shelter or animal pound holding services on January 1, 1999, may comply with specified holding periods that were in effect on June 30, 1999, if specified conditions are met.
Chapter 81, Statutes of 1999
AB 1484* (Maldonado-R) Community services districts
Grants limited authority to the Heritage Ranch Community Services District to acquire, construct, improve, upgrade, maintain, or operate storage tanks and related facilities to provide petroleum to the district, its inhabitants, and visitors.
Chapter 132, Statutes of 1999
AB 1493 (Nakano-D) Public records
Provides that, upon notification, the address and phone number of the residence of a specified person and his or her spouse and children on specified documents relating to real property will be confidential and will be redacted from these public records or writings when made available to the public.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1495 (Cox-R) City incorporation and revenue neutrality
Reforms the revenue neutrality calculations for city incorporations and creates conflict resolution procedures.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1505 (Ducheny-D) Farmworker housing
Allows Williamson Act landowners to subdivide contracted land for farmworker housing.
Chapter 967, Statutes of 1999
AB 1511 (Florez-D) Marks-Roos Act bonds
Prohibits joint powers agencies that issue Marks-Roos Act bonds from using mutual water companies to meet the requirements of state law.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1526 (Thompson-R) City incorporations
Reforms the revenue neutrality calculations for incorporations and requires state departments to serve new cities.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1544 (Granlund-R) Leaf blowers
Establishes procedures for local governments to regulate by ordinance the commercial use of leaf blowers and repeals several existing local bans.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1546 (Granlund-R) Local agency firefighters
Extends certain employment protections presently available to firefighters employed by a city or a fire protection district to also include firefighters employed by a joint powers agency or by a special district other than a fire protection district.
Chapter 394, Statutes of 1999
AB 1549 (Torlakson-D) Districts
Authorizes directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to be elected either by divisions or at large, if approved by the voters of the district at a general or special election after the directors adopt a resolution placing the question on the ballot, or the voters of the district submit a petition requesting the directors to adopt a resolution placing the question on the ballot. Establishes requirements and procedures for submitting a petition, adjusting district boundaries, and holding the election.
Chapter 696, Statutes of 1999
AB 1553 (Calderon-D) Local government
Creates exemptions from local planning and land use law for an area within the Inland Valley Redevelopment Project Area in San Bernardino County.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1555 (Longville-D) Annexation of unincorporated islands
Expedites annexation of unincorporated islands to surrounding cities.
Chapter 921, Statutes of 1999
AB 1578 (Cunneen-R) Parks and recreation
Expands capacity of park or open-space districts in general, and the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District in particular, to acquire, exchange and improve district lands.
Chapter 321, Statutes of 1999
AB 1609 (Cardenas-D) Leaf blowers
Prohibits local agencies from banning leaf blowers, but allows the regulation of the noise levels emitted.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1612 (Florez-D) Streets
Appropriates $160 million from the State Highway Account to cities and counties for street and highway reconstruction and storm damage repairs. Authorizes San Francisco, however, to use its share of such funds for mass transit guideway purposes. Specifies a formula for allocating the appropriated funds and requires local agencies to maintain their current level of expenditures as a condition of receiving funds.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 1620 (Torlakson-D) Environmental protection
Allows authority to investigate cause of an accidental hazardous materials release to be delegated to the local health officer or the local agency lender under specified conditions.
Chapter 925, Statutes of 1999
AB 1630 (Lowenthal-D) Local government: detachment study
Appropriates $320,000 from the General Fund to the Los Angeles LAFCO to study the feasibility of detaching the harbor area from the City of Los Angeles and to incorporate into their own city.
Chapter 924, Statutes of 1999
AB 1657 (Assembly Utilities And Commerce Committee) Public utilities
Establishes a procedure for notification by municipal electric utilities to specified public agencies, of the imposition of a new capital facilities fee or the increase of an existing capital facilities fee, and imposes a 120-day statute of limitations for initiating a judicial challenge to these fees.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1661* (Vasconcellos-D) Local government relief
Allocates $150 million from the State Budget to local governments. Allocates half to counties and cities, allocated per capita. Half goes to counties, cities, and special districts based on their 1997-98 Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF) shifts. Promises to cap ERAF and pay the schools' share of property tax administration costs if the voters approve a constitutional amendment in 2000.
Chapter 84, Statutes of 1999 - Item Veto
AB 1662* (Leonard-R) Booking fees
Allocates $50 million from the State Budget to cities to reimburse the booking fees they paid counties in 1997-98.
Chapter 79, Statutes of 1999
AB 1679 (Assembly Local Government Committee) Omnibus Act of 1999
Enacts the Assembly Local Government Committee's annual omnibus bill containing nine items pertaining to local government issues.
Chapter 643, Statutes of 1999
AB 1685 (Assembly Information Technology Committee) Regulated substances
Creates a process for keeping proposed changes to local regulated substance notices on the Internet.
Chapter 1014, Statutes of 1999
ACA 11 (Briggs-R) Local government finance
Caps, in the State Constitution, the property tax shifts from cities, counties, and special districts to the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund in each county.
(In Assembly Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
ACA 17 (Leonard-R) Local government finance
Reduces, by a Constitutional amendment, the property tax shifts from cities, counties, and special districts to the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund in each county.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
HR 23 (Keeley-D) "Smart Growth" approaches to land use development
Encourages development of "Smart Growth" approaches to land use and development as an effective way to ensure California's economic prosperity, social equity, and environmental quality.
Adopted by the Assembly

Immigration Issues
SB 82 (Vasconcellos-D) Medi-Cal
Extends medically necessary pre-natal care to Medi-Cal income-eligible undocumented and other aliens not covered under federal laws.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 287 (Baca-D) Law enforcement officers: arrest of foreign nationals
Requires California law enforcement agencies to develop training materials based on pertinent law enforcement obligations under the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations Treaty, as specified.
Chapter 268, Statutes of 1999
SB 371 (Solis-D) Issuance of driver's licenses and identification cards
Maintains the requirement that every applicant for an original driver's license or identification card submit proof of United States legal presence. Once proof of legal presence is submitted, further verification is required only if supporting documentation appear fraudulent.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 708* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Human services
Among other things, reauthorizes Medi-Cal Long-Term Care services for undocumented persons, but limits expenditure to the amount needed to serve 110 percent of the 1999-2000 estimated eligible population. Expands the population of legal immigrant recipients subject to five-year income deeming provisions, in the Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants.
Chapter 148, Statutes of 1998
SB 872 (Polanco-D) Education: citizenship centers
Establishes a Citizenship Center Program to provide citizenship instruction, testing, and the dissemination of information about naturalization to prospective U.S. citizens and naturalized citizens through the California Community Colleges, school district adult education programs, or community based organizations. Becomes operative only if funds are appropriated in the Budget Act of 1999 or in another statute enacted in 1999.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 996 (Johnston-D) Alien workers
Provides workers access to State Disability Insurance and workers' compensation benefits through the Uninsured Employers Fund regardless of a workers' immigration status.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 1007 (Knight-R) Undocumented aliens: transfers to foreign prisons
Authorizes the State Youth and Adult Correctional Agency (YACA) to implement a system that (1) identifies the legal status of each inmate or ward within the jurisdiction of the YACA or any of its subdivisions or any local correctional institution with regard to the eligibility of that inmate or ward to remain in the United States, (2) collects and transports each inmate or ward identified as an illegal alien to a holding facility in his/her country of origin prior to completion of his/her sentence, as specified, and (3) releases each inmate or ward upon completion of his/her sentence in his/her country of origin.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)
SB 1023 (Johnston-D) Worker benefits
Provides that for purposes of workers' compensation and state disability insurance, any worker who has been eligible for these programs under the rules that applied on August 21, 1996, regardless of immigration status, will continue to be eligible as long as the worker meets all other applicable requirements.
(In Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
SJR 18 (Kelley-R) Undocumented persons: medical and burial costs
Urges the President and the Congress to enact legislation providing for reimbursement to Imperial County for medical and burial costs incurred by undocumented persons.
Resolution Chapter 87, Statutes of 1999
AB 52 (Cedillo-D) Noncitizens
Provides that any person who would have been eligible for various health programs on July 16, 1996, will continue to be eligible, regardless of their immigration status.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 407 (Cedillo-D) Discrimination
Declares that existing law, the Unruh Civil Rights Act (Unruh Act) prohibits discrimination based upon immigration status. Adds immigration status as a protected classification under both the business accommodation and hate crimes provisions of the Unruh Act. Provides that creditors may continue to take immigration status into consideration as permitted under the federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act, and Federal Reserve Board Regulation B.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1079 (Robert Pacheco-R) Immigration consultants
Expands regulation of immigration consultants by doubling and making permanent the state bonding requirement, adding penalty provisions, and reinstating specified reporting requirements.
Chapter 336, Statutes of 1999
AB 1107* (Cedillo-D) Health care
Makes changes in the Healthy Families Program by a budget trailer bill which includes legal immigrant children arriving after August 11, 1996, in a state-only program which will sunset in one year. Continuation of these children in the program after their 12-month eligibility period has ended is then contingent upon receipt of federal matching funds for this purpose.
Chapter 146, Statutes of 1999
AB 1111* (Aroner-D) Social services
A Budget trailer bill which extends the sunset on the existing California Food Assistance Program by tying continuation of the program to continuation of federal Food Stamps benefits for certain legal noncitizens, require deeming of a sponsor's income for three years for certain recipients, expands eligibility for one-year only to legal noncitizens who arrived in the United States on or after August 11, 1995, and requires that non-CalWORKs recipients must meet federal food stamp work requirements rather than CalWORKs work requirements.
Extends the sunset on the existing Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants by tying continuation of the program to continuation of federal SSI benefits for disabled legal noncitizens, requires deeming of a sponsor's income for five years for certain recipients, and expands eligibility for one-year only to legal noncitizens who arrived in the United States on or after August 11, 1996.
Chapter 147, Statutes of 1999

Federal Issues
SJR 4 (Solis-D) Afghan women's rights
Requests the President of the United States and Congress to take necessary action to ensure the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan are not systematically violated, as specified.
Resolution Chapter 64, Statutes of 1999
SJR 5 (Murray-D) The 2000 federal decennial census
Memorializes the Congress of the United States, the President of the United States, the Secretary of Commerce, and the Director of the United States Census Bureau to take immediate and appropriate steps to ensure that statistical sampling be employed to adjust the results of the 2000 federal decennial census in order that states and other local jurisdictions will receive the appropriate and accurate amount of federal funds to which they are entitled.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SJR 7 (Baca-D) Cesar E. Chavez: commemorative stamp
Urges the United States Postal Service Citizen Stamp Advisory Committee to recommend to the United States Postal Service the issuance of a United States Postal Commemorative Stamp honoring Cesar E. Chavez.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
SJR 11 (Solis-D) Prisoners of war
Memorializes the President of the United States and Congress to secure and expedite the safe return of Staff Sergeant Andrew A. Ramirez, Staff Sergeant Christopher Stone, and Specialist Steven Gonzales who were captured by the Yugoslav Armed Forces in Macedonia.
Resolution Chapter 12, Statutes of 1999
SJR 16 (Alpert-D) Postal Rate Commission
Memorializes the United States Congress to introduce and pass legislation to strengthen the oversight power and the authority of the Postal Rate Commission.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
SJR 18 (Kelley-R) Undocumented persons: medical and burial costs
Memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to enact legislation to provide for reimbursement of Imperial County for certain medical and burial costs incurred with respect to undocumented persons and memorializes the United States Border Patrol to take certain actions with respect to those persons.
Resolution Chapter 87, Statutes of 1999
SJR 19 (Solis-D) Education: federal funding
Requests the President and the Congress of the United States to enact legislation that will eliminate the existing hold-harmless provisions currently in effect under the Title I of the Federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and to make changes to the funding formula used by those provisions so that all children receive their fair share of funding under that act.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
SJR 22 (Burton-D) Commemorative stamps
Urges Californians, government officials, and others to observe October 1999 as National Stamp Collecting Month.
Resolution Chapter 137, Statutes of 1999
SJR 23 (Polanco-D) Indian gaming
Memorializes the federal government to take no action to interfere with ongoing tribal gaming operations while the voters of California and their elected representatives are in the process of addressing the legal objections to those operations, and specifically memorializes the President of the United States to issue an executive order permitting the tribes to continue this operation, and the Attorney General of the United States and the United States Attorneys for the State of California not to seek to stop these ongoing gaming operations until after the March 7, 2000, statewide primary election.
(At Assembly Desk)
AJR 3 (Wesson-D) Airline overbooking
Memorializes the President and the Congress of the United States to enact legislation to prohibit airlines from overbooking flights.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
AJR 8 (Floyd-D) California Native Americans
Memorializes the President and the Congress of the United States, the Secretary of the Interior, and the Commissioner of the Bureau of Indian Affairs to expeditiously act upon the requests already submitted to the federal government that seek federal recognition by California Indians. Also memorializes the Congress to ensure that there be a full accordance of respect to involved parties, including, but not limited to, the Ish Pahnesh United Band of Indians, also known as the Oakbrook Chumash People, on the matter of how formal determinations are to be reached as to which groups will be officially designated as California Indian Tribes.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AJR 9 (Correa-D) Social Security: mandatory coverage
Memorializes the President and the Congress of the United States not to include mandatory Social Security coverage on non-covered state and local government employees in any Social Security reform legislation.
Resolution Chapter 40, Statutes of 1999
AJR 10 (Leonard-R) Cryptographic products
Memorializes the President and the Congress to consider the relaxation of current United States export control laws governing cryptographic products, as specified, and to discourage the implementation of a federally mandated "key recovery" program.
Resolution Chapter 71, Statutes of 1999
AJR 11 (Romero-D) Prisoners of war
Memorializes the President and the Congress of the United States to press for the safe and speedy return of United States Army Staff Sergeant Andrew A. Ramirez, Staff Sergeant Christopher J. Stone, Specialist Steven M. Gonzales, and all other prisoners of war.
Resolution Chapter 11, Statutes of 1999
AJR 16 (Torlakson-D) Transportation: trucks from Mexico
Memorializes the President and the Congress to maintain the existing restrictions on trucks from Mexico and other foreign nations entering California and to continue efforts to ensure full compliance by the owners and drivers of those trucks with all highway safety, environmental, and drug-enforcement laws.
Resolution Chapter 105, Statutes of 1999
AJR 19 (Papan-D) Just and peaceful resolution of the situation in Cyprus
Memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to continue their active support in finding a just, viable, and lasting solution to the situation in Cyprus within the framework, parameters, and principles set forth in House Concurrent Resolution No. 81 and Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 41, both of the 105th Congress, and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1217, adopted on December 22, 1998.
Resolution Chapter 78, Statutes of 1999
AJR 20 (Torlakson-D) Women in sports
Commemorates the 27th Anniversary of Title IX on June 23, 1999, commend the movement toward increased equality and fair treatment of women athletes, and praise the goal of greater opportunities in sports for girls and young women in California.
Resolution Chapter 54, Statutes of 1999
AJR 22 (Bock-G) Kosovo Crisis
Requests the President and the Congress of the United States to bring about the end to the conflict in Kosovo by fully exploring every possible opportunity to find a nonviolent, negotiated solution to the conflict.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
AJR 26 (Honda-D) Asian Pacific Americans
Requests the President, Congress, and every American to recognize that it is necessary to protect the national security at national weapons laboratories in a manner that avoids false characterizations and stereotypes of all Asian Pacific Americans. Urges the United States Attorney General and the United States Secretary of Energy to fully investigate all allegations of security breaches at national weapons laboratories and all allegations of retaliatory actions and discrimination against Asian Pacific Americans at national weapons laboratories and also requests the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to vigorously investigate and enforce employment discrimination claims filed by Asian Pacific Americans. Also reaffirms that Americans of Asian Pacific ancestry are entitled to the same rights and privileges afforded all Americans.
Resolution Chapter 103, Statutes of 1999
AJR 27 (Honda-D) War crimes: Japanese military during World War II
Urges the Government of Japan to finally bring closure to concerns relating to World War II by formally issuing a clear and unambiguous apology for the atrocious war crimes committed by the Japanese military during World War II and immediately paying reparations to the victims of those crimes. Also calls upon the United States Congress to adopt a similar resolution and urges the President of the United States to take all appropriate action to bring about a formal apology and reparations by the Government of Japan.
Resolution Chapter 90, Statutes of 1999
AJR 29 (Maddox-R) Vietnam
States that California does not support the normalization of trade with the Communist government of Vietnam and urges the United States Senate to reject any upcoming treaty until human rights are restored in Vietnam, and urges the United States Senate to reject any upcoming treaty until human rights are restored in Vietnam.
(Failed passage in Senate Rules Committee)
AJR 30 (Nakano-D) Human rights: genocide
Requests the President and Congress of the United States to declare the 21st Century, the Century for Human Rights Education, and to provide adequate funding for an educational account of mistakes made in the past century that must not be repeated by future generations. Also requests the Governor to provide funding for the California Institute for the Study of Genocide to study the causes, effects, and prevention of genocide, involve the University of California and the California State University in this effort, and emphasize the development of courses and curriculum on genocide and related human rights issues for K-12 public education.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
AJR 31 (Scott-D) NASA: Budget for fiscal year 2000
Commends the actions of the members of the United States House of Representatives from California to restore full programming for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for fiscal year 2000 and strongly encourages all members of the United States Congress to actively support NASA funding for fiscal year 2000 in an amount sufficient to fully support and sustain scheduled projects.
Resolution Chapter 122, Statutes of 1999
AJR 33 (Nakano-D) Space-related commerce
Memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to support specified federal legislation to classify spaceports as exempt facilities and enable state and local entities to sell bonds for private or public development of spaceport infrastructure.
Resolution Chapter 115, Statutes of 1999
AJR 36 (Havice-D) Americans with Disabilities Act
Memorializes the President and the Congress of the United States to (1) stand firm in their resolve to uphold the current provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), (2) thwart any attempts to weaken the act by enacting new legislation that nullifies the effect of any court decision that weakens the ADA, (3) take appropriate measures to encourage both public and private entities to implement the provisions of the ADA, and (4) establish whether the ADA has been applied in the manner in which it was intended, and whether any unintended consequences have resulted.
Resolution Chapter 139, Statutes of 1999
AJR 37 (Longville-D) International trade: import of steel slabs
Memorializes the President of the United States and his trade representative to not include restrictions on the import of steel slabs, as specified.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
HR 9 (Alquist-D) The "Hospice Care" Postage Stamp
Memorializes the United States Postal Service for issuing the "Hospice Care" postage stamp and for its joint efforts with the National Hospice Organization, the California State Hospice Association, and others to raise awareness for hospice care in the United States.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 37 (Correa-D) Independence Day for the Republic of El Salvador
Recognizes September 15 as Independence Day for the Republic of El Salvador.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 38 (Thompson-R) Relative to Treatment of United States Citizens in Mexico
Requests that the Congress of the United States initiate an investigation into the mistreatment of a U. S. citizen (Mr. Donald "Don" Kraft) who was in a car accident on August 24, 1999 while vacationing in Mexico. Mr. Kraft suffered serious injury, including a broken neck. According to family members involved in the accident, Mr. Kraft was prevented from being sent to Scripps Mercy Medical Center in San Diego by two armed Mexican police. Mr. Kraft was detained in a Mexican hospital for 18 hours and released only after family members were able to raise and pay a $2,300 bond to Mexican officials and $4,700 for medical care. Mr. Kraft succumbed to his injuries and passed away on Monday, September 7, 1999. Strongly requests that the Congress of the United States initiate an investigation of this tragedy and take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that no other American citizen is treated in this manner.
Adopted by the Assembly
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 3* | Rainey-R Public library construction and renovation | |
SB 27* | Burton-D State finances | |
SB 36 | Baca-D Veterans' preference: local agencies | |
SB 38 | Baca-D Religious institutions and land use | |
SB 44 | Polanco-D Civil rights: outreach | |
SB 48 | Sher-D Public records: disclosure | |
SB 73 | Murray-D State contracts: participation goals | |
SB 82 | Vasconcellos-D Medi-Cal | |
SB 95 | Perata-D Retail stores | |
SB 104* | Brulte-R Postgovernment employment: restrictions | |
SB 105 | Burton-D State retirement systems: Northern Ireland | |
SB 108* | Ortiz-D State employees: memoranda of understanding | |
SB 133* | Kelley-R Local capital investment incentives | |
SB 134 | Kelley-R State government | |
SB 138* | O'Connell-D California Highway Patrol: memorandum of understanding | |
SB 154* | Polanco-D Allocation to Los Angeles River Center | |
SB 161 | Monteith-R Local government | |
SB 165* | Rainey-R Property tax revenue shifts | |
SB 166 | Baca-D Property tax revenue transfers | |
SB 172 | Escutia-D Employees: inspection of personnel records by employees | |
SB 178 | Polanco-D Work force investment: Department of Transportation | |
SB 182 | Peace-D Public contracts: conflict of interest | |
SB 198* | Kelley-R Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District: lease agreement | |
SB 207 | Peace-D Infrastructure financing districts | |
SB 215* | Dunn-D Local government finance | |
SB 220 | Peace-D Appropriations: reversions: exemptions | |
SB 223 | Kelley-R Salton Sea Authority and infrastructure financing districts | |
SB 225* | Rainey-R Booking fees | |
SB 231* | Senate Local Government Committee First Validating Act | |
SB 232* | Senate Local Government Committee Second Validating Act | |
SB 233 | Senate Local Government Committee Third Validating Act | |
SB 234 | Hughes-D Public Employees' Retirement System: benefits | |
SB 238 | Baca-D Public libraries: Internet: pornography | |
SB 239 | Perata-D Workers' compensation: jockeys | |
SB 242 | McPherson-R Santa Cruz Port District: lease | |
SB 245* | McPherson-R Taxation | |
SB 253 | Schiff-D California Arts Council | |
SB 258 | Ortiz-D Firefighters: employment by cities and counties | |
SB 263* | Perata-D Horse racing: imported races | |
SB 266 | Chesbro-D Public contracts: bids | |
SB 275* | Senate Local Government Committee Omnibus Act of 1999 | |
SB 280 | Bowen-D State buildings and publicly-funded schools: standards | |
SB 284 | Kelley-R Secretary of State | |
SB 287 | Baca-D Law enforcement officers: arrest of foreign nationals | |
SB 290 | Kelley-R County water authorities | |
SB 298 | Leslie-R Expo 2000 Hanover | |
SB 300 | Poochigian-R Governmental liability: permits | |
SB 301 | Senate Rules Committee Secretary of Senate and Chief Clerk of Assembly | |
SB 307* | Rainey-R Redevelopment plans | |
SB 311 | Perata-D Public Employees' Retirement System: benefits | |
SB 316 | Chesbro-D State and local government | |
SB 317 | Leslie-R Financial institutions: consumers: Year 2000 Problem | |
SB 321 | Baca-D State employees: managers and supervisors | |
SB 325 | Brulte-R State employees | |
SB 329 | Peace-D Public agencies | |
SB 336 | Karnette-D Horse racing: lottery | |
SB 339 | Burton-D State employees: compensation | |
SB 340 | Baca-D Alcoholic beverages: minors: license revocations | |
SB 346 | Johnson-R Horse racing: imported races | |
SB 354 | Perata-D Horse racing: imported races | |
SB 371 | Solis-D Issuance of driver's licenses and identification cards | |
SB 373 | Rainey-R County employee retirement benefits | |
SB 375 | Perata-D Board of Port Commissioners of Oakland | |
SB 377 | Polanco-D Criminal conduct of state employees | |
SB 379 | Haynes-R County service contracts | |
SB 388 | Peace-D State fiscal analysis | |
SB 392 | Chesbro-D Local government finance | |
SB 396 | Ortiz-D PERS: deferred retirement option plan | |
SB 397 | Ortiz-D Public Employees' Retirement System: benefits | |
SB 399* | Ortiz-D State employees: State Bargaining Units 1, 3, 4, 11, and 15 | |
SB 400 | Ortiz-D Public Employees' Retirement System: benefits | |
SB 401 | Ortiz-D State employees | |
SB 402 | Burton-D Law enforcement officers and firefighters | |
SB 408 | Alpert-D Secretary of State: fees | |
SB 412* | Burton-D State employees: memoranda of understanding | |
SB 416 | Perata-D Gambling: establishments | |
SB 429 | Monteith-R Human services | |
SB 430 | Alarcon-D Local fees and charges | |
SB 431* | Alarcon-D 51st District Agricultural Association | |
SB 451 | Schiff-D Criminal conduct by public employees: investigations | |
SB 463* | Assembly Appropriations Committee Claims against the state: appropriation | |
SB 465* | Senate Appropriations Committee Claims against the state: appropriation | |
SB 474 | Johnson-R Horse racing: allocation of funds | |
SB 477* | Brulte-R State employees: excluded employees: pay increase | |
SB 483 | Baca-D Surplus state property | |
SB 486 | Rainey-R Abandoned vehicles: removal | |
SB 497 | Rainey-R Redevelopment law enforcement | |
SB 498 | Schiff-D Public employees retirement | |
SB 517 | Johnson-R Horse racing: charity days distributions | |
SB 522 | Wright-R State employee benefits | |
SB 558 | Baca-D County employee retirement benefits | |
SB 560 | Monteith-R Annexation to a city | |
SB 562 | Poochigian-R Taxation | |
SB 565 | Costa-D State facilities: Department of Transportation: study | |
SB 583 | Baca-D Public Employees' Retirement System | |
SB 587 | Burton-D Alcoholic beverages | |
SB 592* | Morrow-R Possessory interest tax offset: San Diego County | |
SB 597 | Poochigian-R Joint powers agencies | |
SB 607 | Chesbro-D Alcoholic beverages: tied-house restrictions | |
SB 609* | Burton-D State employees: memoranda of understanding | |
SB 614 | Morrow-R Highways | |
SB 615* | Burton-D State employees: State Bargaining Units 5 and 6 | |
SB 617 | Haynes-R Business regulations | |
SB 625 | Perata-D Airports | |
SB 626 | Chesbro-D Lake County Flood Control and Water Conservation District | |
SB 629 | Kelley-R County water authorities | |
SB 644* | Chesbro-D Armories: homeless shelters: adult education | |
SB 669 | Polanco-D Service | |
SB 670 | Rainey-R County employees retirement: death benefits | |
SB 671 | Chesbro-D Alcoholic beverages: advertising restrictions | |
SB 675 | Sher-D Report: state capital outlay and infrastructure projects | |
SB 676 | Sher-D Recycled paper products: state purchasing | |
SB 678 | Polanco-D State property: access: telecommunications | |
SB 683 | Perata-D Employment relations: state | |
SB 689 | Johnston-D Conflicts of interest | |
SB 708* | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee Human services | |
SB 739 | Solis-D Local public employees | |
SB 742 | Brulte-R Secretary of State: Local Government Records Program | |
SB 750 | Johnston-D Delta Protection Act | |
SB 751 | Hayden-D California Commission on Community Service | |
SB 763 | Sher-D Public employee liability | |
SB 766 | Wright-R Community services districts | |
SB 784 | Baca-D Surplus state property: state hospitals: Indian tribes | |
SB 791 | Perata-D Wine safety fund | |
SB 794 | Speier-D State government: employees: contract provisions | |
SB 800 | Dunn-D Public Employees' Retirement System: local safety members | |
SB 807* | Senate Agriculture And Water Resources Committee Water | |
SB 808 | Peace-D California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank | |
SB 810* | Costa-D Alcoholic beverages: advertising restrictions | |
SB 819 | Sher-D Health care districts | |
SB 827 | Sher-D Recycled materials | |
SB 829* | Figueroa-D Gambling establishments: provisional licenses | |
SB 843 | Polanco-D Information technology management | |
SB 844 | Schiff-D California Public Broadcasting Act of 1975 | |
SB 859 | Hughes-D Economic development | |
SB 872 | Polanco-D Education: citizenship centers | |
SB 875 | Escutia-D Trade and Commerce Agency: Office of Intellectual Property | |
SB 901 | Knight-R Local agencies | |
SB 912 | Knight-R Horse racing | |
SB 927 | McPherson-R California Newspaper Project: State Librarian | |
SB 937 | Baca-D Land use | |
SB 951 | Hayden-D State employees: disclosure of improper activities | |
SB 954 | Karnette-D Cemetery districts and columbaria | |
SB 972 | Baca-D State employees: compensation increase | |
SB 981* | Polanco-D Public construction projects | |
SB 982 | Leslie-R Local government finance | |
SB 984 | Polanco-D State holidays: Cesar Chavez Day | |
SB 985 | Johnston-D Williamson Act notices | |
SB 987 | Karnette-D Care facilities | |
SB 996 | Johnston-D Alien workers | |
SB 997 | Brulte-R State general obligation bonds | |
SB 1007 | Knight-R Undocumented aliens: transfers to foreign prisons | |
SB 1023 | Johnston-D Worker benefits | |
SB 1028* | Speier-D State Budget: nonprofit vendors | |
SB 1065 | Bowen-D Public records: electronic format | |
SB 1073 | Senate Public Employment And Retirement Committee State employees | |
SB 1087 | Kelley-R Public health facilities | |
SB 1091* | Ortiz-D Governor's residence | |
SB 1093 | Johnston-D Department of General Services: Stephen P. Teale Data Center | |
SB 1096 | Hayden-D Economic development | |
SB 1103 | Polanco-D Mining | |
SB 1108 | Perata-D State funds: appropriations | |
SB 1109 | Burton-D Vessels: bar pilots | |
SB 1127 | Brulte-R Local government finance | |
SB 1132 | Costa-D Capital facilities fees | |
SB 1142* | Morrow-R Local agency reorganization | |
SB 1144 | Johannessen-R Public works contracts | |
SB 1164 | Mountjoy-R Land use | |
SB 1165* | Sher-D Judicial review | |
SB 1190 | Solis-D Redevelopment | |
SB 1195 | Hayden-D Air pollution | |
SB 1200 | Poochigian-R Accessibility standards | |
SB 1207 | Polanco-D Gambling: slot machines | |
SB 1221 | Schiff-D Historical resources: Historic Property Maintenance Fund | |
SB 1232 | Chesbro-D Alcoholic beverages: tied-house restrictions | |
SB 1233 | Chesbro-D Alcoholic beverages: tied-house restrictions | |
SB 1242 | Ortiz-D Building standards: tactile signage | |
SB 1257 | Burton-D State employees: compensation | |
SB 1267 | Polanco-D Leaf blowers | |
SB 1273* | Burton-D State employees: memoranda of understanding | |
SB 1286 | Mountjoy-R Aviation | |
SB 1312 | Baca-D Deferred Retirement Option Program | |
SB 1314* | Peace-D Limits on Marks-Roos Act bonds | |
SCA 4 | McPherson-R Lotteries: charitable raffles | |
SCA 5 | Murray-D Constitutional amendments and revisions: vote requirement | |
SCA 6 | Rainey-R Local government finance | |
SCA 7 | Polanco-D Tribal-state gaming compacts | |
SCA 9 | Peace-D Capital financing | |
SCA 10 | Perata-D Public safety | |
SCA 11 | Burton-D Gambling | |
SCA 12 | Perata-D Gambling | |
SCR 4 | Solis-D Women's History Month and International Women's Day | |
SCR 5 | Kelley-R Baja California, Mexico: sister state relationship | |
SCR 6 | Baca-D Cinco de Mayo | |
SCR 8 | Costa-D Parana: sister state relationship | |
SCR 10 | Dunn-D Orange County Vietnamese-American Community Week | |
SCR 14 | Baca-D Mexican independence | |
SCR 15 | Ortiz-D State employee merit awards | |
SCR 21 | Speier-D Joint Committee on Government Oversight | |
SCR 23 | O'Connell-D Absolutely Incredible Kids Day | |
SCR 26 | Costa-D Inner Mongolia: friendship state relationship | |
SCR 30 | Rainey-R California Library Week | |
SCR 32 | Baca-D National Day of Prayer | |
SCR 37 | Costa-D California's Legislators Go Back to School Week | |
SCR 39 | Baca-D Memorial Day and Veterans Day: days of remembrance | |
SCR 41 | Murray-D Sister state relationship: Governorate of Cairo, Egypt | |
SCR 42 | Murray-D Sister state: Western Cape Province, South Africa | |
SCR 44 | Vasconcellos-D California Science and Technology Week | |
SCR 45 | Karnette-D Interagency Task Force | |
SCR 48 | Brulte-R Youth Day | |
SCR 51 | Vasconcellos-D Joint Committee on Preparing California for the 21st Century | |
SJR 4 | Solis-D Afghan women's rights | |
SJR 5 | Murray-D The 2000 federal decennial census | |
SJR 7 | Baca-D Cesar E. Chavez: commemorative stamp | |
SJR 11 | Solis-D Prisoners of war | |
SJR 16 | Alpert-D Postal Rate Commission | |
SJR 18 | Kelley-R Undocumented persons: medical and burial costs | |
SJR 19 | Solis-D Education: federal funding | |
SJR 22 | Burton-D Commemorative stamps | |
SJR 23 | Polanco-D Indian gaming | |
SR 1 | Johnston-D Holdover Senators | |
SR 2 | Polanco-D Election of officers | |
SR 3 | Burton-D Election of members of the Senate Committee on Rules | |
SR 4 | Lewis-R Standing Rules of the Senate | |
SR 5 | Johnson-R Notifying the Governor of the organization of the Senate | |
SR 6 | Bowen-D Notifying the Assembly of the organization of the Senate | |
SR 9 | Burton-D Senate Rule 12 of the Standing Rules of the Senate 1999-2000 | |
SR 10 | Johannessen-R United States Army Month | |
SR 12 | Solis-D "Smart Growth" approaches to land use development | |
AB 24 | Runner-R Local government | |
AB 30 | Pescetti-R Peace officers | |
AB 47 | Cardoza-D Williamson Act: cancellation fees | |
AB 52 | Cedillo-D Noncitizens | |
AB 75 | Strom-Martin-D State agency recycling | |
AB 83 | Cardenas-D City taxes on creative artists | |
AB 84 | Floyd-D Big box retailers | |
AB 89 | Cedillo-D Arrest: Public officers | |
AB 99 | Cedillo-D Public Employees' Retirement System: benefits | |
AB 107 | Knox-D Public employees' health benefits: domestic partners | |
AB 112 | Florez-D Local government: tobacco settlement | |
AB 114* | Florez-D Disaster relief: freeze | |
AB 115 | Maddox-R Law enforcement | |
AB 136 | Mazzoni-D Distribution of needles and syringes | |
AB 139* | Havice-D State employees: State Bargaining Unit 7 | |
AB 146 | Havice-D Open meetings | |
AB 147 | Strom-Martin-D Local agencies | |
AB 165* | Knox-D Law enforcement | |
AB 170 | Firebaugh-D Outdoor advertising | |
AB 178 | Torlakson-D Relocation incentives | |
AB 185 | Hertzberg-D Government programs | |
AB 186 | Hertzberg-D Local elections: districts | |
AB 187 | Hertzberg-D Grant Information Act of 1999 | |
AB 188* | Hertzberg-D Local government reorganization | |
AB 191 | Dickerson-R Personal property | |
AB 214 | Wiggins-D Public contracts: materials origin | |
AB 216 | Wesson-D Alcoholic Beverage Control Spec. Enforcement & Training Fund | |
AB 220 | Washington-D Community-based alcohol education programs | |
AB 223 | Wiggins-D Local government finance | |
AB 227 | Wildman-D Public Employees Retirement System: benefits | |
AB 230 | Baldwin-R State employer expenses | |
AB 232 | Alquist-D Public employees retirement | |
AB 236 | Honda-D Local government finance | |
AB 240 | Honda-D Public employees: agency shop | |
AB 258* | Baugh-R Local agency formation commission: Los Angeles | |
AB 260 | Wright-D Exposition Park Authority and California Science Center | |
AB 262 | Runner-R Local sales tax sharing | |
AB 264 | Mazzoni-D Redevelopment | |
AB 266 | Longville-D County employee retirement: contributions | |
AB 268 | Cedillo-D Museum of Chinese American History: Italian Hall: funding | |
AB 270* | Floyd-D Horse racing | |
AB 284 | Strom-Martin-D Local government finance | |
AB 288* | Wesson-D County employee retirement: benefits | |
AB 311 | Honda-D State Teachers' Retirement System: board | |
AB 315* | Wright-D Horse racing: proposition wagers | |
AB 316 | Machado-D County retirement: benefits: cost-of-living adjustments | |
AB 317 | Floyd-D Gambling Control Act: gambling establishments | |
AB 323 | Baldwin-R Counties: oversight committees | |
AB 328* | Bates-R Property tax revenue shifts: relief | |
AB 332 | Oller-R Mammoth Community Water District | |
AB 334* | Pescetti-R State employees | |
AB 343 | Campbell-R Local government finance | |
AB 345 | Vincent-D California Workforce Investment and Economic Development Act | |
AB 349 | Torlakson-D Teeter Plan shift reduction | |
AB 350 | House-R State employees: compensation increase | |
AB 366 | Scott-D State employees: health benefits | |
AB 377 | Wesson-D Alcoholic beverages: licensees | |
AB 379 | Cardoza-D State employees: longevity pay | |
AB 385 | Knox-D Taxation | |
AB 407 | Cedillo-D Discrimination | |
AB 411* | Davis-D Local planning | |
AB 417 | Floyd-D Property tax shifts and fire districts | |
AB 419 | Firebaugh-D Public Employees' Retirement System: benefits | |
AB 424 | Wildman-D School libraries | |
AB 428 | Correa-D Retirement | |
AB 442 | Cedillo-D State funds: use to discourage unionization | |
AB 448 | Floyd-D Public employee retirement | |
AB 455 | Ashburn-R County employees' retirement | |
AB 486 | Wayne-D Administrative law: regulations and advisory interpretation | |
AB 493 | Floyd-D Horse racing | |
AB 494* | Davis-D Taxation | |
AB 496 | Leach-R Public records: health care service plans | |
AB 502 | Wildman-D County services | |
AB 515* | Wright-D In-home supportive services and personal care services | |
AB 528 | Papan-D Revenue bonds | |
AB 530 | Papan-D Local government finance | |
AB 544 | Reyes-D Director of General Services: facility location | |
AB 551 | Longville-D State funds: interest | |
AB 553 | Strom-Martin-D Child protective services workers | |
AB 574 | Hertzberg-D Public contracts: responsible bidder | |
AB 579* | Honda-D Income and bank and corporation taxes: Y2K | |
AB 584 | Aroner-D Parks and recreation | |
AB 595 | Leach-R State Allocation Board: membership | |
AB 596 | Honda-D Retirement: service credits | |
AB 601 | Cedillo-D Land use | |
AB 612* | Jackson-D Armories: homeless shelters | |
AB 616 | Oller-R Public utilities | |
AB 618 | Margett-R Horse racing: promotional payments | |
AB 621 | Floyd-D Casino: definition | |
AB 634 | Wildman-D Redevelopment | |
AB 638 | Thompson-R State employees: holidays | |
AB 639 | Thompson-R Local agency formation commissions | |
AB 649 | Floyd-D State employee pay | |
AB 674 | Wiggins-D Personal services contracts | |
AB 676* | Brewer-R Property tax allocation study | |
AB 685 | Thomson-D Accessibility standards: blind and visually impaired | |
AB 688 | Steinberg-D Personal services contracts: State Personnel Board review | |
AB 706 | Torlakson-D Community warning systems | |
AB 714 | Firebaugh-D California Gambling Control Commission | |
AB 721 | Briggs-R 21st District Agricultural Association | |
AB 724* | Dutra-D Year 2000 Problem Good Government Omnibus Act of 1999 | |
AB 731 | Wesson-D County employee retirement: fund transfers: securities | |
AB 738* | Davis-D State employees | |
AB 743* | Keeley-D State employment: supervisors | |
AB 749 | Wesson-D Alcoholic beverage control: minors: penalties | |
AB 755 | Corbett-D Public works contracts | |
AB 766 | Wiggins-D Land use | |
AB 772 | Wesson-D Alcoholic beverages: beer | |
AB 773 | Leach-R Firefighter safety clothing and equipment: reimbursement | |
AB 774 | Calderon-D Redevelopment | |
AB 777 | Cardenas-D Escheat | |
AB 779 | Torlakson-D Infrastructure development | |
AB 799 | Keeley-D County peace officers: retirement: Monterey County | |
AB 813 | Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee Public Employees' and Judges' Retirement Systems | |
AB 814 | Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee Service credit for uncompensated leave | |
AB 817 | Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee Legislative retirement | |
AB 821 | Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee Retirement | |
AB 822 | Aroner-D Taxation | |
AB 838 | Longville-D Local government agencies | |
AB 839* | Maldonado-R State employees: memorandum of understanding | |
AB 843 | Papan-D Members of the Legislature | |
AB 865 | Honda-D CA Highway Patrol: Dept. of Personnel Administration | |
AB 874 | Alquist-D Computers: liability: Year 2000 Problem | |
AB 880 | Dutra-D Emergency services | |
AB 883* | Assembly Rules Committee State property: design-build | |
AB 903 | Cardenas-D Public works: Native American tribes | |
AB 915 | Dickerson-R Local government | |
AB 919 | Dutra-D Land use | |
AB 938* | Dutra-D Escheat: military awards | |
AB 947 | Lempert-D County employees: retirement: benefits | |
AB 950 | Wiggins-D Land use | |
AB 951 | Wiggins-D Bay pilots | |
AB 958 | Scott-D Transit design-build contracts | |
AB 971 | Olberg-R Redevelopment | |
AB 977 | Vincent-D Local planning | |
AB 990 | Floyd-D Taxation | |
AB 999 | Briggs-R Computer failures: liability | |
AB 1009 | Correa-D County employee retirement system: benefits | |
AB 1010 | Cardenas-D Governor | |
AB 1013* | Scott-D State employees: memorandum of understanding | |
AB 1024* | Dutra-D Disasters: computer dates | |
AB 1036 | Wesson-D State-county property tax administration program | |
AB 1057 | Olberg-R Local government finance | |
AB 1066 | Cardenas-D Gambling: slot machines | |
AB 1079 | Robert Pacheco-R Immigration consultants | |
AB 1092 | Lowenthal-D Alcoholic beverages: licenses | |
AB 1099 | Shelley-D Indian gaming compacts: elections: ballots | |
AB 1105* | Jackson-D State government | |
AB 1107* | Cedillo-D Health care | |
AB 1110* | Assembly Budget Committee Claims against the state: appropriation | |
AB 1111* | Aroner-D Social services | |
AB 1115* | Strom-Martin-D Education | |
AB 1119* | Assembly Budget Committee Claims against the state: appropriation | |
AB 1128 | Ackerman-R Private property: taking | |
AB 1163* | Steinberg-D California Unity Center: appropriation | |
AB 1167 | Frusetta-R Local government finance | |
AB 1170 | Frusetta-R Fairs | |
AB 1194* | Leonard-R Local government finance | |
AB 1195* | Longville-D Property tax revenue shifts | |
AB 1219 | Kuehl-D Land use: water supplies | |
AB 1223 | Cox-R Alcoholic beverages: tied-house restrictions | |
AB 1229 | Assembly Agriculture Committee Agricultural lands | |
AB 1234 | Shelley-D State bodies: open meetings: notice: violations | |
AB 1256 | Assembly Agriculture Committee Fairs: admission price: exceptions | |
AB 1264 | Pescetti-R Local government reorganization | |
AB 1266 | Pescetti-R Local agency formation | |
AB 1267 | Baugh-R Public contracts | |
AB 1277 | Thomson-D Local agency water supplies | |
AB 1281 | Bates-R Computers: liability: Year 2000 Problem | |
AB 1295 | Firebaugh-D State Department of Personnel Administration | |
AB 1314 | Pescetti-R Public contracts: plans and specifications | |
AB 1317 | Cardoza-D Horse racing: out-of-state races | |
AB 1323 | Floyd-D Public employees' retirement: calculation of benefits | |
AB 1333 | Bates-R County employee retirement systems: governing board | |
AB 1335 | Havice-D State employer-employee relations: fact-finding | |
AB 1347 | Runner-R Local government finance | |
AB 1371 | Granlund-R Transactions and use tax: Town of Yucca Valley | |
AB 1381 | Steinberg-D Improvement Districts | |
AB 1385 | Battin-R Indian tribes: tribal-state gaming compacts | |
AB 1387 | Florez-D Public employee disability benefits | |
AB 1394 | Margett-R Public contracts: design-build | |
AB 1396 | Lowenthal-D State surplus property: City of Long Beach | |
AB 1399 | Wayne-D State civil service: demonstration projects | |
AB 1402* | Mazzoni-D Taxation | |
AB 1405 | Wesson-D Horse racing: advance deposit wagering | |
AB 1406* | Assembly Governmental Organization Committee Horse racing | |
AB 1407 | Wesson-D Alcoholic beverage licenses: tied-house restrictions | |
AB 1408 | Assembly Governmental Organization Committee California State Lottery | |
AB 1409* | Assembly Governmental Organization Committee Gambling | |
AB 1410 | Margett-R Construction contracts | |
AB 1411 | Longville-D Firefighters Procedural Bill of Rights Act | |
AB 1412 | Wildman-D Public employees | |
AB 1416 | Wesson-D Horse racing: satellite wagering facilities | |
AB 1417* | Wesson-D Gambling establishments | |
AB 1423 | Steinberg-D Local agency finance | |
AB 1429 | Floyd-D Gambling establishments | |
AB 1436 | Briggs-R Public employment: Selective Service Act | |
AB 1444 | House-R Payments to counties | |
AB 1448 | Cox-R Public contracts: architectural and engineering services | |
AB 1473 | Hertzberg-D Capital outlay: state planning and funding | |
AB 1476 | Dutra-D Year 2000 liability | |
AB 1480 | Cardoza-D Conservation easements | |
AB 1482* | Alquist-D Animals | |
AB 1483 | Granlund-R Public employees: peace officers: employee organizations | |
AB 1484* | Maldonado-R Community services districts | |
AB 1486 | Maldonado-R Horse racing: racing dates | |
AB 1488* | Machado-D State employees: State Bargaining Units 14 and 15 | |
AB 1493 | Nakano-D Recording statutes | |
AB 1495 | Cox-R City incorporation and revenue neutrality | |
AB 1504 | Margett-R Public contract termination: cause and notice requirements | |
AB 1505 | Ducheny-D Farmworker housing | |
AB 1506 | Florez-D State finance | |
AB 1507 | Washington-D Notaries public: renewal of commission | |
AB 1511 | Florez-D Marks-Roos Act bonds | |
AB 1517 | Firebaugh-D Gambling: progressive pot games | |
AB 1525 | Lempert-D Alcoholic beverages: licenses: beer manufacturers | |
AB 1526 | Thompson-R City incorporations | |
AB 1528* | Strom-Martin-D State employee benefits | |
AB 1543 | Correa-D Native Americans: infrastructure and public works | |
AB 1544 | Granlund-R Leaf blowers | |
AB 1546 | Granlund-R Local agency firefighters | |
AB 1549 | Torlakson-D Districts | |
AB 1553 | Calderon-D Local government | |
AB 1555 | Longville-D Annexation of unincorporated islands | |
AB 1569 | Ackerman-R Computers: liability for damages: Y2K Problem | |
AB 1578 | Cunneen-R Parks and recreation | |
AB 1604 | Hertzberg-D Alcoholic beverage licensees: fixtures and supplies | |
AB 1609 | Cardenas-D Leaf blowers | |
AB 1612 | Florez-D Streets | |
AB 1620 | Torlakson-D Environmental protection | |
AB 1622* | Thomson-D Surplus state property: lease: City of Vacaville | |
AB 1626 | Migden-D Building standards | |
AB 1630 | Lowenthal-D Local government: detachment study | |
AB 1639* | Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee State employees: State Bargaining Unit 8 | |
AB 1657 | Assembly Utilities And Commerce Committee Public utilities | |
AB 1660 | Shelley-D State government | |
AB 1661* | Vasconcellos-D Local government relief | |
AB 1662* | Leonard-R Booking fees | |
AB 1679 | Assembly Local Government Committee Omnibus Act of 1999 | |
AB 1683 | Assembly Information Technology Committee Public records: Internet data bases | |
AB 1684 | Assembly Information Technology Committee Public contracts | |
AB 1685 | Assembly Information Technology Committee Regulated substances | |
AB 1686 | Assembly Information Technology Committee State Department of Information Technology | |
AB 1692 | Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency, And Economic Development Committee Administrative adjudication: decisions | |
AB 1695 | Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency, And Economic Development Committee State property | |
AB 1696 | Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency, And Economic Development Committee Public contracts | |
AB 1701* | Leach-R Infrastructure financing | |
ACA 2 | Papan-D Legislative terms | |
ACA 4 | Papan-D Budget Bill: passage: vote requirement | |
ACA 7 | Granlund-R Legislature: term limits: retirement | |
ACA 10 | Vincent-D Office of Secretary of State: nonpartisan office | |
ACA 11 | Briggs-R Local government finance | |
ACA 12 | Papan-D Legislature: retirement | |
ACA 15 | Leach-R Legislature: sessions: two-year budget | |
ACA 16 | Cox-R Public contracts: architectural and engineering services | |
ACA 17 | Leonard-R Local government finance | |
ACA 18 | Papan-D Legislature: terms: retirement | |
ACA 23 | Torlakson-D Public library facilities: general obligation bonds | |
ACA 24 | Baugh-R Transportation funding | |
ACR 3 | Wesson-D Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day | |
ACR 8 | Battin-R California Hispanic Heritage Month | |
ACR 9 | Campbell-R Engineer's Week | |
ACR 10 | Machado-D California Architecture Week | |
ACR 11 | Papan-D American Flag Month | |
ACR 13 | Wright-D Black History Month | |
ACR 14 | Gallegos-D California History Week | |
ACR 15 | Honda-D Day of Remembrance | |
ACR 16 | Torlakson-D California Fitness Month | |
ACR 19 | Knox-D Public Service Recognition Week | |
ACR 20 | Kaloogian-R Armenian Genocide: Day of Remembrance | |
ACR 21 | Davis-D California Holocaust Memorial Week | |
ACR 22 | Correa-D Hispanic Heritage Month | |
ACR 23 | Reyes-D Latina History Day | |
ACR 29 | Wright-D Absolutely Incredible Kids Day | |
ACR 31 | Machado-D National Boys and Girls Club Week | |
ACR 32 | Honda-D The Japanese YWCA in San Francisco | |
ACR 40 | Wayne-D Fourth of July | |
ACR 49 | Correa-D Cinco de Mayo | |
ACR 56 | Wiggins-D Winemaking Families and Grape Growers Appreciation Day | |
ACR 57 | Hertzberg-D Commemorative state seals | |
ACR 58 | Lowenthal-D Jewish Heritage Week | |
ACR 59 | Nakano-D Asian and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month | |
ACR 64 | Leonard-R Juneteenth, Emancipation Day | |
ACR 66 | Dutra-D Military awards and decorations | |
ACR 69 | Briggs-R Lao-Hmong New Year Celebration | |
ACR 70 | Washington-D Y2K price stabilization | |
ACR 74 | Lowenthal-D Relative to the Year of the Child | |
ACR 75 | Thompson-R Report on the Legislature | |
ACR 87 | Villaraigosa-D 1999 earthquake in Turkey | |
ACR 91 | Villaraigosa-D Mexican Independence Week | |
ACR 92 | Papan-D Gambling prevalence survey | |
AJR 3 | Wesson-D Airline overbooking | |
AJR 8 | Floyd-D California Native Americans | |
AJR 9 | Correa-D Social Security: mandatory coverage | |
AJR 10 | Leonard-R Cryptographic products | |
AJR 11 | Romero-D Prisoners of war | |
AJR 13 | Wiggins-D Wine: excise tax: labels | |
AJR 16 | Torlakson-D Transportation: trucks from Mexico | |
AJR 19 | Papan-D Just and peaceful resolution of the situation in Cyprus | |
AJR 20 | Torlakson-D Women in sports | |
AJR 22 | Bock-G Kosovo Crisis | |
AJR 26 | Honda-D Asian Pacific Americans | |
AJR 27 | Honda-D War crimes: Japanese military during World War II | |
AJR 29 | Maddox-R Vietnam | |
AJR 30 | Nakano-D Human rights: genocide | |
AJR 31 | Scott-D NASA: Budget for fiscal year 2000 | |
AJR 33 | Nakano-D Space-related commerce | |
AJR 36 | Havice-D Americans with Disabilities Act | |
AJR 37 | Longville-D International trade: import of steel slabs | |
HR 2 | Shelley-D Chief Clerk of the Assembly | |
HR 3 | Villaraigosa-D Chaplain of the Assembly | |
HR 4 | Hertzberg-D Organization of the Assembly | |
HR 5 | Hertzberg-D Relative to the placing of bills on the Desk | |
HR 6 | Hertzberg-D Standing Rules of the Assembly | |
HR 7 | Papan-D Assembly Rules 22.5 and 69.1 | |
HR 9 | Alquist-D The "Hospice Care" Postage Stamp | |
HR 13 | Reyes-D Latina History Day | |
HR 14 | Mazzoni-D California Italian-American Task Force | |
HR 18 | Strom-Martin-D Native American Indian Week | |
HR 19 | Strom-Martin-D National Television Turn-Off Week | |
HR 23 | Keeley-D "Smart Growth" approaches to land use development | |
HR 24 | House-R Day of Prayer | |
HR 25 | Steinberg-D United States Gymnastics Championship | |
HR 28 | Pescetti-R Italian Americans | |
HR 33 | Nakano-D Relative to Genocide | |
HR 35 | Machado-D Relative to a media code of conduct | |
HR 36 | Soto-D Los Angeles County Fair Association | |
HR 37 | Correa-D Independence Day for the Republic of El Salvador | |
HR 38 | Thompson-R Relative to Treatment of United States Citizens in Mexico | |
HR 39 | Thompson-R Relative to commending Doris Allen |