NOTE: * denotes urgency legislation
School Finance Legislation
School Facilities
Child and Day Care
Higher Education
School Employees
School Finance Legislation SB 292* (Costa-D) - School Attendance Permits school districts to receive funding for high school students who are concurrently enrolled in college or university courses proportionate to the amount of time they are enrolled in high school. Chapter 298, Statutes of 1996 SB 652 (Maddy-R) - School Finance: Audits Provides 10 different school districts with reduced fiscal penalties and specifies a repayment schedule for audit exceptions related to independent study contracts. (The affected districts are Caruthers Union High School District, Coalinga/Huron Joint Unified School District, Dos Palos Oro-Loma Joint Unified School District, Fowler Unified School District, Kerman Unified School District, Laton Joint Unified School District, Mendota Unified School district, Parlier Unified School District, Reef-Sunset Unified School District, and Selma Unified School District.) Vetoed by the Governor SB 1185 (Leonard-R) - California School Finance Authority Authorizes the California School Finance Authority to issue $400 million annually in revenue bonds, not to exceed $4 billion in total. Provides that bond proceeds would be used to make loans to school districts and county offices of education for classroom construction, modernization and related expenditures. Chapter 1071, Statutes of 1996 SB 1189* (O'Connell-D) - School Finance Relieves specified school districts from fiscal penalties levied resulting from their failure to properly provide the statutorily required number of "longer" instructional days. Vetoed by the Governor SB 1330* (Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee) - Education Finance Makes the statutory changes necessary to implement the settlement agreement in the California Teachers Association v Gould Proposition 98 litigation that arose out of the 1992-93 and 1993-94 state budgets. Chapter 78, Statutes of 1996 SB 1387 (Solis-D) - Funding: Alhambra City High School District Extends the special declining enrollment adjustment provided to the Alhambra City High School District in the 1995-96 Budget Act by an additional year. The funding level provided is equivalent to 50% of the amount that the school district would otherwise have received if the district had not experienced a loss of average daily attendance as a result of the unification of one of its feeder elementary districts. (Died in Assembly Education Committee) SB 1452 (Rosenthal-D) - School Finance Changes, commencing in the 1997-98 school year, the average daily attendance upon which school districts will be funded from actual attendance plus actual excused absences to actual attendance plus a fixed percentage for absences. (Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee) SB 1661 (Mello-D) - Monterey Peninsula Unified School District: Loan Repayment Delays the initial year in which the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District will be required to begin repaying a state loan from the 1996-97 fiscal year to the 1999-2000 fiscal year. Requires the school district to pay the additional interest costs that result from lengthening the repayment schedule. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) SB 2152 (Hayden-D) - Education Appropriates $100 million from the General Fund to Section A of the State School Fund for allocation to school districts and county offices of education on the basis of an equal amount per unit of average daily attendance for the 1995-96 second principal apportionment. Provides that the allocation shall be used for education technology and education programs that promote the creative use of multimedia technology in the classroom. (Died in Senate Education Committee) AB 136 (Brewer-R) - School Finance Forgives 4 school districts for failure to meet the instructional minute requirements in state law between the 1990-91 and 1995- 96 fiscal years, thereby eliminating the penalty applied to the districts' school apportionments, and allows the penalty for 7 districts to be applied over an 8-year period. Also reduces by 50% the penalty applied to apportionment funding for 1 school district which offered less than 175 days of instruction. Vetoed by the Governor AB 445 (Campbell-D) - Education Finance Among other provisions, establishes a fixed "split" of Proposition 98 funding between K-12 schools and community colleges, and dedicates a calculated amount of community college funds to additional enrollment growth. (Senate to Assembly Budget Committee due to n Assembly Rule 77.2 violation; died in committee) AB 780 (McDonald-D) - School Finance: Equal Opportunity to Learn Declares that the Legislature should examine the funding structure of our state's elementary and secondary public schools to determine if there is an equitable distribution of funds between urban, suburban and rural school districts. (Failed passage on Assembly Floor) AB 824 (Ducheny-D) - Funding: Adult Education Establishes a commission on adult education to develop a plan for revising the funding rates for K-12 adult education and community college noncredit programs. Also makes various changes to adult education programs and funding. Vetoed by the Governor AB 835* (Weggeland-R) - Educational Technology Revises the $10 million allocation appropriated for educational technology in the education trailer bill to the 1995-1996 Budget, AB 835 (W. Brown), Chapter 308, Statutes of 1995. Specifically creates a statewide program for the refurbishing of computers and their allocation to schools in an effort to streamline the allocation process. Chapter 16, Statutes of 1996 AB 927 (Bates-D) - School Funding Allows 3 school districts that received emergency loans from the state and 1 district that received a General Fund loan to offset the interest owed on those loans by the value of monetary or in-kind donations and work done by volunteers (West Contra Costa Unified School District, Coachella Valley Unified School District, Compton Unified School District, and Perris Union School District). Prohibits volunteers participating in the program from displacing school district employees. (Died in Senate Appropriations Committee) AB 1231 (Brulte-R) - School Finance Enacts a formula for funding county offices of education in the 1996-97 fiscal year. (Died on Senate Inactive File) AB 1335 (Sweeney-D) - Education Transfers $426,445 from the funds appropriated in the 1996 Budget Act for grants to school districts to reduce the use of tobacco products to the State Department of Education for additional staff positions to support the grant program. Chapter 806, Statutes of 1996 AB 1513 (Sher-D) - Court-Ordered Pupil Transfer Program Revises the court-ordered desegregation reimbursement funding formula for a certain group of local education agencies in the San Mateo/Santa Clara County area to provide for reimbursement of school bus replacement costs. (Died on Assembly Unfinished Business File) AB 2305 (Firestone-R) - Education Finance Increases the community college share and decreases the K-12 share of Proposition 98 funds over a 3-year period, beginning in the 1996-97 fiscal year, until they are equal to the 1989-90 distribution of Proposition 98 funds. (Died on Assembly Inactive File) AB 2391 (Mazzoni-D) - Novato Unified School District: Revenue Limit Computation Allows the Novato Unified School District (NUSD) to exclude from its revenue limit calculation any increases in the district's allocation of property taxes resulting from the increase in the assessed valuation of property that was once the Hamilton Air Force Base. Provides that this exclusion begins in 1997-98 and continues for all subsequent fiscal years in which the total allocation of property tax revenues to NUSD exceeds the amount of property tax allocations to the district in 1994-95. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 2460 (Takasugi-R) - Education An omnibus education bill relating to Proposition 98 issues which does the following: 1. Provides equalization funding for county offices of education contingent on the availability of additional Proposition 98 funds in 1996-97. 2. Revises the funding formula used in calculating home-to- school transportation equalization funding in the 1996 education budget trailer bill. 3. Appropriates $3.5 million for adult basic education programs used for citizenship and naturalization services for legal permanent residents eligible for naturalization. 4. Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to annually award 2 recognition grants totaling up to $500,000 to school districts establishing model staff development programs meeting the criteria detailed in the Governor's Reading Initiative beginning in 1996-97. 5. Appropriates $325,000 from the state General Fund to the San Juan Unified School District to support the school-related costs associated with a model school/library joint-use project, as specified. 6. Waives the requirement that the Kern County Office of Education repay $2.8 million in property tax revenue to the state in exchange for operating a $2 million model telecommunications project in Kern and San Luis Obispo Counties, and $800,000 to be reallocated to the San Jose Unified School District to fund the operation of a model technology program for at-risk pupils. 7. Establishes a method of resolving audit issues that arise between school districts, the State Controller's Office, the Department of Education and the Department of Finance; and appropriates $80,000 to the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team as part of these provisions. 8. Specifies that certain per pupil funding in the 1996-97 budget is to be allocated in the same manner as the prior year. 9. Appropriates $335,000 to the Sequoia Union High School District for school the cost of replacing schoolbuses. 10. Establishes a pilot program to operate the schools in the Oxnard Union High School District for an extended school year. (Ordered returned to Senate; died at Senate Desk) AB 2596 (Woods-R) - School Finance Provides that county community school funds may be expended for facility-related costs. Chapter 1050, Statutes of 1996 AB 3346 (Bates-D) - School Funding Allows the West Contra Costa Unified School District (WCCUSD) and the Coachella Valley Unified School District (CVUSD) to establish a volunteer program that permits individual or business volunteers to repay a portion of the state loan provided to the WCCUSD and the CVUSD. Provides that the repayment would be in the form of volunteer work at the school district or by making monetary or in-kind donations to the school districts. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)School FacilitiesSB 569* (Leonard-R) - Education Facilities: Bonds Places a $2 billion K-12 public school bond measure on the November 1996 statewide general election ballot for voter approval, and enacts various provisions relating to developer fees for school construction. (Failed passage on Assembly Floor) SB 763* (Greene-D) - Bonds: Governmental Functions Places a $4 billion K-12 and higher education public school bond measure on the November 1996 statewide ballot, proposes to streamline and simplify the current State School Building Lease- Purchase Program, and addresses the issue of fees for school facilities charged to low-income development projects. (Failed passage on Assembly Floor) SB 1185 (Leonard-R) - California School Finance Authority Authorizes the School Finance Authority to issue $400 million annually in revenue bonds, not to exceed $4 billion in total. Provides that bond proceeds are to be used to make loans to school districts and county offices of education for classroom construction, modernization and related expenditures. Chapter 1071, Statutes of 1996 SB 1544 (Peace-D) - School Facilities Improvement Districts: Bonds Makes changes in the requirements that a school district must meet when establishing school facilities improvement districts to issue general obligation bonds, and thereby broadens the potential use of this mechanism. Also makes community colleges eligible to establish a school facilities improvement district. Chapter 1072, Statutes of 1996 SB 1562 (Greene-D) - School Facilities Contains a major, but non-substantive, reorganization of existing law relating to school facilities. Chapter 277, Statutes of 1996 SB 1789* (Greene-D) - Class Size Reduction: Facilities Funding A budget trailer bill which appropriates $200 million of one-time Proposition 98 funds for facilities costs related to implementation of the K-3 Class Size Reduction program established by SB 1777 (O'Connell). Chapter 164, Statutes of 1996 SB 1872 (Greene-D) - School Facilities: Community Schools Allows the State Allocation Board to own, maintain, and lease portable classrooms to county superintendents of schools for community school programs at a cost to be determined by the board. Chapter 1059, Statutes of 1996 SB 1873 (Greene-D) - School Facilities: Education Technology Infrastructure Repeals the requirement of the "Naylor Act" that school districts sell open-space land to other specified public entities at less than market value. (Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee) SB 2022 (Haynes-R) - Relocatable Classrooms Extends, for an additional year, the September 30, 1997 expiration date on waivers granted to school districts to use portable classrooms that meet Uniform Building Code standards but do not meet Field Act standards. (Sent to Senate Education Committee due to a Senate Rule 29.10 violation; died in committee) SCR 10 (Greene-D) - Joint Committee on School Facilities Extends the authority for the 10-member Joint Committee on School Facilities; specifies the membership and duties; and, requires a report to be submitted to the Legislature with its recommendations for improvements in the school facilities system. Terminates the committee on June 30, 1997. (Died in Assembly Rules Committee) AB 331* (Alpert-D) - Bonds: School Facilities and Technology Funding Places a state general obligation (GO) bond measure on the November 1996 ballot. The bond measure would authorize the issuance of $2 billion in GO bonds for the following purposes: (1) $1.9 billion for deposit in the State School Building Lease- Purchase Fund, $100 million of which shall be available for seismic retrofit projects of existing school facilities; and (2) $100 million for deposit in the Education Technology Fund, $75 million of which shall be deposited in the Education Technology Retrofit Account and $25 million in the Education Technology Hardware Account. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 508 (Villaraigosa-D) - School Facilities Eliminates the reduction in eligibility for state funding that is currently applied to school construction projects financed by the State School Building Lease-Purchase program, if the school district is receiving operational grants for schools with multitrack year-round schedules. (Died on Senate Floor) AB 1168* (Campbell-D) - Bonds: Public Education Facilities Enacts the Public Education Facilities Act of 1996 and places a $3 billion general obligation bond measure for K-12 and higher education school facilities before the voters at the March 26, 1996 direct primary election. Chapter 1, Statutes of 1996 AB 1724 (McPherson-R) - School Facilities: Areas Zoned for Agriculture Requires school districts to make specified findings prior to acquiring school sites in agricultural areas after January 1, 1997. Chapter 509, Statutes of 1996 AB 2333* (Bates-D) - School Bonds Permits the Peralta Community College District to obtain 2/3 voter approval to use previously authorized local general obligation bonds for additional projects not included in the original bond measure. Chapter 729, Statutes of 1996 AB 2371 (K. Murray-D) - School Facilities: Classroom Telephones Requires that any new or modernized school funded from the state school facilities program after January 1, 1997 include a telephone connection in each classroom. Applies to specified portable classrooms. Vetoed by the Governor AB 2700* (Sher-D) - Class Size Reduction Appropriates up to $100 million of Proposition 98 General Funds for the school facility costs associated with the proposed class size reduction programs contained in SB 1414 (Greene) and AB 2449 (Alpert). (Died in Assembly Budget Committee) AB 2708 (Brulte-R) - School Facilities Finance Enacts the School Facilities Grant Program of 1997 which would be the basis for distributing state general obligation bond funds to school districts approved after January 1, 1997, rather than the current Leroy F. Greene State School Building Lease-Purchase Program. The most significant features of the new program are (1) a requirement that districts bond to 50% of their legal debt capacity before being eligible for state funding, and (2) allocation of state funds on the basis of a currently unspecified dollar amount for each unit of average daily attendance growth after 1994-95. (Died in Senate Education Committee) AB 2719 (Sweeney-D) - School Facilities (1) Adds educational technology hardware and the purchase and installation of science labs to the list of items for which school districts may issue local general obligation bonds, (2) requires the State Allocation Board (SAB) to consider approving projects that include wiring for educational technology, and (3) authorizes SAB to waive the existing caps on the amount of modernization or renovation funding allowed per project if the project includes costs for technology and science-related equipment. Vetoed by the Governor AB 3081 (Olberg-R) - Real Property: Fees for Development Amends the procedure for imposing fees on development and clarifies the procedures for filing a challenge to the imposition of a developer fee. Chapter 549, Statutes of 1996 AB 3174 (Brulte-R) - Development: Fees: School Facilities Statutorily reverses court decisions concerning developer fees and tightens the restrictions on fees that can be charged on new property development used in connection with school construction. (Failed passage in Senate Housing and Land Use Committee) AB 3175 (Brulte-R) - School Facilities: Developer Fees Requires a district to attempt to raise local bond revenue before levying fees on development projects for the construction of schools. (Failed passage in Senate Housing and Land Use Committee) AB 3235 (Campbell-D) - School Facilities: Year-Round School Grant Program Eliminates the reduction of eligibility for state construction funding in Antioch Unified School District due to past acceptance of year-round operational grants. In exchange, requires the district to fund at least 60% of construction costs of all future projects and to repay the total amount of year-round operational grants received to date. Vetoed by the Governor AB 3276 (Setencich-R) - School Facilities: Funding: Portable Classrooms Provides, beginning July 1, 1996, a waiver of fees charged for the lease of state-owned portable classrooms to school districts that met specified criteria. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) ACA 40 (Mazzoni-D) - Taxation: School Districts Creates an exception to the tax rate limit provided by Proposition 13 and lowers the necessary vote threshold for the approval of bonds and increases in property taxes for school purchase and construction. (Failed passage in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)Child and Day CareSB 265 (O'Connell-D) - Family Day Care Homes Changes the definitions of both large and small family day care homes to allow for 2 additional school-aged children (from 6 to 8 allowed in small homes and from 12 to 14 allowed in large homes). Chapter 18, Statutes of 1996 SB 965 (Watson-D) - Children and Families Requires child care providers subject to the state's Trustline registration system to attend at least 6 hours of training in child development and related subjects in order to continue to participate in federal Title IV-A child care programs. (Failed passage in Assembly Appropriations Committee) SB 1695 (Kopp-I) - Family Day Care Facilities Requires the owner of a rental property to be given prior notice of the operation of a family day care home on his/her premises, and gives the owner the ability to charge the maximum security deposit allowable under current law for tenants operating family day care homes on the rental property regardless of what is charged to other tenants. Chapter 449, Statutes of 1996 AB 976* (McDonald-D) - Child Development Services: Priorities Expands the eligibility criteria for subsidized child care and development services to include (1) children who live with a relative caregiver, rather than parents, who meet other existing eligibility criteria; and (2) families (children living with parents or a relative caregiver) where child care service is essential to family preservation. (Died in Conference Committee) AB 1275 (McDonald-D) - Child Care Programs Requires the State Department of Education and the Department of Social Services to each develop and adopt a single standard form for parents and guardians when they apply for benefits under all child care programs under the direction of these departments. (Died in Senate Education Committee) AB 1418* (Bordonaro-R) - Family Day Care Homes: Pilot Extends, by 1 year, a pilot program permitting Placer, Fresno, San Diego, San Luis Obispo and Ventura Counties to test the possibility of increasing the maximum enrollment of children in family day care facilities by 2 children. Chapter 11, Statutes of 1996 AB 1591 (Alpert-D) - Healthy Start Support Services for Children Act Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to report by January 1, 1997 on conditions necessary for local programs to become self-sustaining. Permits all grantees, instead of only the 1992 grant recipients, to retain up to $50,000 of amounts not expended during the 3-year period of the grant, provided certain conditions are met. (Died in Senate Appropriations Committee) AB 1723 (Martinez-D) - Day Care Centers: Earthquake Safety Provides for an Earthquake Preparedness Checklist, to be established by the State Department of Social Services, for use by day care centers and family day care homes. Chapter 643, Statutes of 1996 AB 1980 (Figueroa-D) - Child Day Care Facilities: Inspections Requires each licensed day care facility to make accessible to the public a copy of any licensing reports of facility visits and substantiated complaint investigations prepared by the State Department of Social Services related to the facility. Chapter 881, Statutes of 1996 AB 2556 (Alpert-D) - Child Care Programs: Single Agency Creates the Economic Self-Sufficiency Child Care and Development Program to provide a coordinated child care and development system with state and federal funds. Consolidates child care and development systems in California under the State Department of Education in order to meet the needs of families striving for economic self-sufficiency. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)Higher EducationSB 225 (Haynes-R) - Postsecondary Education: Student Fees Specifies, clarifies and, in certain cases, limits the use of California State University student body organization fee revenues, both mandatory and voluntary, as related to the support of specified political and ideological activities. (Failed passage in Assembly Higher Education Committee) SB 277 (Polanco-D) - Education: Citizenship Centers Establishes a Citizenship Center Program to provide citizenship instruction, testing, and the dissemination of information about naturalization to prospective U.S. citizens through California Community Colleges, school district adult education programs, or community-based organizations. (Failed passage in Assembly Appropriations Committee) SB 618 (Polanco-D) - Elections: Los Angeles Community College District Consolidates the primary and general elections for governing board members of the Los Angeles Community College District with statewide primary and general elections. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) SB 627 (Hughes-D) - California State University: Student Aid Extends by 5 years (from January 1, 1996 to January 1, 2001) the sunset date for the Real Estate Scholarship and Internship Grant program, administered by the California State University. (Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee) SB 703 (O'Connell-D) - California Community Colleges Appropriates $9.4 million from the General Fund to augment the general purpose state aid for community college districts for the 1995-96 fiscal year and for purposes of reimbursing community colleges for property tax revenue shortfalls. Chapter 34, Statutes of 1996 SB 909 (Polanco-D) - Community Colleges: Training Programs Directs the California Community Colleges to establish and support internship and apprenticeship training programs in collaboration with other state agencies, organized labor and private businesses. Vetoed by the Governor SB 980* (Solis-D) - Community College Block Grant Programs Makes technical, conforming changes to the 1996 Budget Act's educational trailer bill which clarifies a budget allocation to East Los Angeles College. Vetoed by the Governor SB 1074 (Killea-I) - Donohoe Higher Education Act Directs the California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC) to facilitate the development of indicators to evaluate the extent to which the state's higher education goals, as specified in current law, are being met. Requires the California Community Colleges and the California State University and requests the independent colleges, private postsecondary institutions and the University of California to help determine what these indicators shall be. Also expands, as specified, data that the segments are to provide to CPEC as part of CPEC's annual report on institutional performance. Vetoed by the Governor SB 1209 (Hughes-D) - University of California: Personal Service Contracts Establishes standards that the University of California (UC) would be required to follow before using personal service contracts for work traditionally performed by UC employees. Also requires the approval of the Public Employee Relations Board of any UC personal services contract. (Died in Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee) SB 1233 (Costa-D) - California Community Colleges Provides additional funds for community college enrollment growth, and clarifies the local matching requirements for state deferred maintenance funds. Chapter 949, Statutes of 1996 - Item Veto SB 1301 (Petris-D) - Commission on the Financing of Higher Education Creates the Commission on the Financing of Higher Education to develop a specific plan for financing higher education in the future. Requires the commission to submit its plan to the Governor and Legislature by July 1, 1998. Appropriates $250,000 from the General Fund to the State Controller to cover the expenses associated with this commission. (Failed passage in Assembly Higher Education Committee) SB 1380 (Hayden-D) - Hayden Educational Security Act of 1996 Creates the California Education Trust, which would administer an advance tuition savings program through which families could save for the estimated future costs of their children's education at state public higher education institutions and/or private and independent colleges and universities. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) SB 1399 (Ayala-D) - Postsecondary Education: Required Reading Material Prohibits a faculty member of a California Community College, the California State University, or the University of California, or any other person, from selecting a publication to be used as required reading for a course offered at that institution if the faculty member or other person has an economic interest in the proceeds received from the sale of the publication. (Died in Senate Education Committee) SB 1543 (Peace-D) - Postsecondary Education: Tuition and Fee Reduction (1) Reduces student fees at the University of California (UC), California State University (CSU) and the California Community Colleges by 15%, beginning in 1997-98; (2) provides a blank appropriation from the General Fund to offset the revenue lost as a result of the 15% fee reduction; and (3) requires CSU and requests UC to provide free housing to enrolled students who are former foster care recipients. Applies the fee reduction provision to UC only if the Regents adopt a resolution to so do. (Died in Senate Appropriations Committee) SB 1569 (Greene-D) - Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education Reform Act of 1989 Makes a number of minor changes in the regulatory requirements governing private vocational institutions. (Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee) SB 1613 (O'Connell-D) - Bonds: Higher Education Facilities Reappropriates $75 million in 1988, 1990 and 1992 Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Funds to be allocated as state matching grant funds for federal assistance available for repairs associated with the 1994 Northridge earthquake. Chapter 896, Statutes of 1996 SB 1809 (Polanco-D) - California Community Colleges Economic Development Program Makes several changes to the Community Colleges Economic Development Program, "ED>NET", including an authorization for grants to be awarded to specified regions, rather than to individual community college districts. Also revises the "primary mission" of the California Community Colleges to include advancing California's economic growth and global competitiveness. Chapter 1057, Statutes of 1996 SB 1864* (Alquist-D) - Seismic Safety Requests the University of California to establish the Center for Earthquake Engineering Research on or after July 1, 1996. Also transfers $1 million from the State Highway Account and $500,000 from the General Fund to the newly-created Earthquake Risk Reduction Fund. Chapter 966, Statutes of 1996 SB 1920 (Alquist-D) - Postsecondary Education: Student Fees Revises and extends the state's long-term policy relating to student tuition and fees at the University of California (UC), the California State University and the California Community Colleges. Does not take effect for UC unless the Regents adopt a resolution to so do. (Failed passage in Senate Education Committee) SB 2034 (Killea-I) - Child Development Teacher Grant Program Replaces the existing Child Development Teacher Loan Assumption Program with a grant program that would provide funding to students pursuing coursework at 2- or 4-year colleges required for a permit which authorizes the student to teach or supervise in a licensed children's center. Pays for the grant program from federal funds and is to be administered by the Student Aid Commission. Requires grant recipients to work a specified number of years in the child development field. (Failed passage in Assembly Appropriations Committee) SB 2057 (Hayden-D) - University of California and California State University Prohibits the appointment of a person to the University of California Board of Regents and the California State University Board of Trustees if the person made a campaign contribution or solicited funds for the Governor for a 3-year period prior to the person's nomination to serve. (Died in Senate Education Committee) SCA 35 (O'Connell-D) - Postsecondary Education: Enrollment Fees Creates the College Affordability Act which prohibits any increase in fees for undergraduate and graduate students at the University of California, California State University and the California Community Colleges during the 3-year period July 1, 1997 to June 30, 2000. Beginning July 1, 2000, limits any fee increase to the percentage change in the California per capita personal income from the preceding calendar year, as specified. Does not apply to non-resident students. (Failed passage in Senate Constitutional Amendments Committee) SCR 44 (Solis-D) - College Awareness Month Declares February 1996 as "College Awareness Month," and urges all Californians to encourage elementary and secondary school students to succeed in their academic endeavors so that they may earn a college education and contribute to the economic, social, and political future of California. Resolution Chapter 2, Statutes of 1996 SCR 66 (Kopp-I) - Postsecondary Education: Academic Research: "Gag Clauses" Urges the University of California (UC), the California State University and the California Community Colleges to prohibit contractual agreements which require the permission of an outside entity to publish or otherwise communicate research results, except in specified circumstances. In addition, encourages UC to contest vigorously the enforcement of any such existing "gag clause." Resolution Chapter 83, Statutes of 1996 SR 41 (Hayden-D) - University of California Requests the University of California (UC) to take specified actions regarding its admissions policies and practices to ensure that it is free of political influence and favoritism toward major UC donors. Adopted by the Senate AB 255 (Speier-D) - Student Aid Commission Requires the California Student Aid Commission to contract with the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) to collect all or part of its outstanding accounts receivable using the same resources available for collection of delinquent personal income taxes. Provides that FTB could collect only on accounts that first had been referred to a private collection agency for at least 9 months and the private agency was unable to collect. Also deletes the January 1, 1999 sunset date, thereby making permanent the Accounts Receivable Management Act; and specifies rules, regulations and reporting requirements for accounts receivable collection systems for state agencies. Chapter 1001, Statutes of 1996 AB 444* (Archie-Hudson-D) - Postsecondary Education: Community Colleges Prohibits community college districts from generating general purpose funding for activities that are fully funded through another source. Directs the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to adopt regulations to implement this prohibition. Chapter 637, Statutes of 1996 AB 445 (Campbell-D) - Education Finance Among other provisions, (1) establishes a fixed "split" of Proposition 98 funding between K-12 schools and community colleges, and (2) dedicates a calculated amount of community college funds to additional enrollment growth. (Sent to Assembly Budget Committee because of an Assembly Rule 77.2 violation; died in committee) AB 447* (Archie-Hudson-D) - Bonds: Educational Technology Infrastructure Enacts the Educational Technology Infrastructure Bond Act of 1996 to issue $500 million to provide grants to school districts and higher education facilities for technology infrastructure. (Died in Senate Education Committee) AB 482* (Goldsmith-R) - Private Postsecondary Educational Institutions Authorizes the Student Aid Commission to recalculate certain private postsecondary education institutions' default rate if it is between 10% and 20% to enable them to be exempt from licensure and regulation by the Council for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education. Sunsets June 30, 1996. (Died at Senate Desk) AB 727 (Richter-R) - Education: Race Neutral Determinations Prohibits a public educational institution, except as ordered by a court, from considering race when deciding on matters of admittance, financial aid, or a person's academic performance. (Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee) AB 797* (Archie-Hudson-D) - Bonds: Educational Technology Infrastructure Enacts the Educational Technology Infrastructure Bond Act of 1996, placing a $500 million general obligation bond measure before the voters at the March 26, 1996, statewide election. Allocates $400 million for public school districts (the School Technology Account) and $100 million to public higher education institutions (the Higher Education Technology Accounts). (Failed passage on Assembly Floor) AB 824 (Ducheny-D) - School Financing: Adult Education Establishes a commission on adult education to develop a plan for revising the funding rates for K-12 adult education and community college non-credit programs. Also makes various changes to adult education programs and funding. Vetoed by the Governor AB 1168* (Campbell-D) - Bonds: Public Education Facilities Enacts the Public Education Facilities Act of 1996, and places a $3 billion general obligation bond measure for K-12 and higher education school facilities before the voters at the March 26, 1996 direct primary election. Chapter 1, Statutes of 1996 AB 1201 (Gallegos-D) - Local Education Agencies: Board Members' Compensation Allows community college, county office of education and school district board members to be absent from specially scheduled board meetings without having their monthly compensation reduced, under specified circumstances. Chapter 1148, Statutes of 1996 AB 1241 (Richter-R) - Lassen Community College District: Governing Board Member Elections Requires that all 7 seats for the Lassen Community College District board appear on the ballot in a special election to be held in March of 1997. (Died on Senate Inactive File) AB 1543 (McPherson-R) - Community Colleges Amends the Budget Act of 1994 with an appropriation of $5 million to backfill the community colleges' 1994-95 property tax revenue shortfall. Chapter 31, Statutes of 1996 AB 1593 (Brewer-R) - Community Colleges Investment Fund for Innovation Requires the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to review the need for and request funds in the annual budget for instructional technology innovation programs and faculty professional development related to learning approaches for diverse student populations. Also creates the Community Colleges Investment Fund for Innovation and lists 8 authorized uses of the fund for the benefit of community college districts, including expenditures for distance learning programs, and linkages among college, employment, and labor market databases. Authorizes a community college district to develop a public/private partnership for establishing new educational centers. (Died in Senate Education Committee) AB 1641 (Knox-D) - Middle College High School Programs Directs the California Community Colleges and the State Department of Education to enter into a joint agreement for the creation of a statewide system of "middle college high schools" located on community college campuses. (Failed passage in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 1721 (Ducheny-D) - Student Records and Consumer Records Expands and clarifies the responsibilities of community college districts and school districts as regards (1) furnishing student information in response to court orders or lawfully issued subpoenas, and (2) notifying parents and students when furnishing such information. Also establishes a new procedure for the release of information in non-civil actions. Chapter 879, Statutes of 1996 AB 2162 (W. Murray-D) - Community College Districts: Fees Reduces the fees required of most students by community colleges per semester by lowering the fee from $13 per unit to $10 per unit. (Failed passage in Assembly Higher Education Committee) AB 2186 (Conroy-R) - Postsecondary Education Prohibits any person who is not lawfully in the U.S. from being enrolled in any public postsecondary educational institution. (Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee) AB 2306 (Firestone-R) - California Grant Program Expands the pool of institutions to which California Grant Program, "Cal Grant" recipients may attend to include any regionally accredited nonprofit California institution that provides 10% of its operating budget for student financial aid. Chapter 341, Statutes of 1996 AB 2307 (Firestone-R) - State Guaranteed Loan Reserve Fund Establishes a continuous appropriation from the State Guaranteed Loan Reserve Fund to the California Student Aid Commission (SAC) for the limited purpose of making timely payments on defaulted student loans, under specified circumstances; and makes minor changes in the composition of SAC's Loan Study Council. Chapter 374, Statutes of 1996 AB 2336 (Knox-D) - Middle College High Schools Requires the California Community Colleges and the State Department of Education to collaborate with each other and with their respective local community colleges and local school districts to ensure the continued success of existing middle college high schools and to promote the establishment of new middle college high schools. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 2393 (Archie-Hudson-D) - Higher Education Performance Challenge Act of 1996 Establishes the Higher Education Performance Challenge Act of 1996 to support and encourage innovation and high performance within postsecondary educational institutions. Awards to public colleges and universities incentive grants for programs to increase student access at reduced cost and performance bonuses for exceptional performance in student outcomes, student diversity and cost efficiencies. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 2397 (Archie-Hudson-D) - California Industries Development Act of 1996 Enacts the California Competitive Industries Development Act of 1996, which establishes 4 public/private sector consortia for the purpose of training and retraining workers for high-skill, high- wage jobs. Authorizes the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to recognize and allocate funds to the 4 consortia matched with key industries in their service area, and appropriates $1 million from the General Fund to the board for allocations to each consortia beginning in the 1997-98 fiscal year. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 2421 (Baca-D) - California Community Colleges Economic Development Program Expands the mission of the California Community Colleges Economic Development Program, "ED>Net", which is administered by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, to include assistance to communities experiencing military base downsizing and closures. Chapter 276, Statutes of 1996 AB 2463 (Caldera-D) - Postsecondary Education: Outreach Requires the California Community Colleges and the California State University to provide specified outreach and support services to improve access and retention in higher education programs for emancipated foster youths. Chapter 1010, Statutes of 1996 AB 2477 (Archie-Hudson-D) - Higher Education Efficiency and Innovation Act of 1996 Requests that the California Education Roundtable prepare and propose a state plan for distributed learning; provides a continuous appropriation for technology projects to each segment that is able to reduce its year-over-year marginal costs, as defined, by 1%; and prohibits community college districts from using electronic mail to recruit students from outside their district boundaries. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 2512 (Speier-D) - False Claims Actions: University of California Amends the California False Claims Act to allow the University of California to prosecute fraudulent claims for payment or other fraudulent activities under the provisions of the act. Chapter 652, Statutes of 1996 AB 2591* (Harvey-R) - Kern Community College District: Facilities Extends the deadline, from January 1, 1996 to January 1, 2002, for the Kern Community College District to dispose of specified surplus property through negotiation, rather than sealed bid. Chapter 59, Statutes of 1996 AB 2613 (Aguiar-R) - California State University: Direct Vendor Payments Requires the California State University (CSU) to establish a process which would allow any CSU campus to make payments directly to vendors from its revolving fund. Chapter 934, Statutes of 1996 AB 2629 (Firestone-R) - Scholarshare Establishes the Postsecondary Educational Scholarshare Program, which would provide monetary incentives for investors, primarily students and families with incomes up to $90,000, to save money to cover the costs of postsecondary education. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 2873* (Vasconcellos-D) - University of California and California State University Provides that no person is eligible for appointment by the Governor as University of California Regent or California State University Trustee if that person or his or her spouse has made 1 or more contributions totaling more than $100 to that Governor at any time after his or her filing of a declaration of candidacy for the office of Governor or while he or she is serving as Governor. (Failed passage in Assembly Higher Education Committee) AB 2942 (McPherson-R) - Education: Property Valuations for Allocations Modifies the procedure by which specific tax and revenue information is reported by the Superintendent of Public Instruction to the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 2960 (Firestone-R) - Private Postsecondary Vocational Education Reform Act of 1989 Extends by 5 years, from June 30, 1997 to June 30, 2002, the sunset date for the Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education Reform Act of 1989 and the Maxine Waters School Reform and Student Protection Act of 1989. Vetoed by the Governor AB 2961* (Assembly Higher Education Committee) - Postsecondary Education Makes numerous technical, non-substantive changes to various Education Code provisions related to postsecondary education; and repeals 1995 Budget Act provisions inconsistent with a recent settlement agreement between the Student Aid Commission and the U.S. Department of Education. Chapter 62, Statutes of 1996 AB 3031 (Baca-D) - Community Colleges: Contract Education Courses Exempts community college students enrolled in specified contract education courses from paying the $13-per-unit enrollment fee. Chapter 63, Statutes of 1996 AB 3063 (Knight-R) - Postsecondary Education: Armed Forces Training and Recruitment Requires the University of California Regents, the California State University Trustees and the California Community Colleges Board of Governors to review the policies of their respective systems concerning the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), and also the policies of any campus that has removed or is contemplating removal of ROTC from the campus, and to report to the Legislature by April 15, 1997. (Died in Senate Education Committee) AB 3099 (Campbell-D) - Community Colleges: Health Insurance Establishes a program in which the state would provide up to 1/2 of the cost of premiums for health insurance coverage for part- time community college faculty and their dependents. Chapter 943, Statutes of 1996 AB 3132 (Firestone-R) - California State University Enacts the California State University Management Efficiency Act of 1996, proposes changes to the law relating to the California State University's state agency status, contract and purchase authority, rulemaking authority, and authority to create a joint powers agency for the purpose of administering risk management pools. Chapter 938, Statutes of 1996 AB 3133 (Firestone-R) - Student Aid Commission Authorizes the California Student Aid Commission to establish a nonprofit public auxiliary organization, as specified, to administer its participation in the Federal Family Education Loan Program. Chapter 961, Statutes of 1996 AB 3457 (Setencich-R) - Community Colleges: Employees Increases restrictions to districts regarding employment contracts for administrators at community colleges. Specifically, requires that administrators who complete 1 satisfactory year of service be granted a contract of no less than 2 years by the governing board of the district; requires that the governing board of a community college district give 90 days' advance notice of a termination or change in status of employment to a classified services administrator; and specifies that academic employees, rather than just faculty members, shall qualify for 1 or more faculty service areas at the time of initial employment if they meet state and district standards. (Failed passage in Assembly Appropriations Committee) ACA 14 (Campbell-D) - University of California: Personnel and Tenure Files Requires the University of California to disclose to university employees all additions to their personnel and tenure files. (Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee) ACR 30 (W. Murray-D) - African-American Community: University of California Requests the University of California Regents to prepare a series of studies on aspects of the African-American community. States legislative intent that this resolution is advisory in nature and encourages a series of activities on the part of the university designed to address identified public policy concerns. Resolution Chapter 70, Statutes of 1996 ACR 67 (Bordonaro-R) - Geriatrics Training: University of California Curricula Encourages the University of California to continue its efforts to modify its medical school curricula to include geriatrics and related pharmacology. Resolution Chapter 42, Statutes of 1996 School Employees SB 76 (Haynes-R) - School Districts: Athletic Activities Requires the governing board of each school district to comply with rules and regulations adopted by the State Board of Education that establish minimum qualifications for staff employed in limited supervision of student athletic activities, as specified. Chapter 703, Statutes of 1996 SB 98 (Sher-D) - Certificated School Employees Allows school districts and teacher organizations to collectively bargain salary schedules based on criteria other than a uniform allowance for years of training and years of experience. Provides that if no agreement is reached, the existing laws related to teacher salary schedules shall apply. Also specifies that a salary schedule adopted pursuant to provisions of this bill shall not result in the reduction of the salary of any teacher. Chapter 959, Statutes of 1996 SB 385 (Rosenthal-D) - Classified School Employees: Alternative Workweek Allows school districts to permit employees working a 4- consecutive-day workweek to work 2 11-hour days during a holiday workweek at the regular rate of pay. (Died on Senate Unfinished Business File) SB 471 (Dills-D) - State Teachers' Retirement System: Health Benefits Allows the State Teachers' Retirement System to contract for health insurance for members, disabilitants, retirants, beneficiaries, children, and dependent parents. (Failed passage in Assembly Public Employment, Retirement and Social Security Committee) SB 583 (Solis-D) - School Employees: Retirement Requires classified employees of charter schools to participate in the Public Employees' Retirement System. (Died on Senate Inactive File) SB 691 (Hayden-D) - School Employees: Assaults Increases fines for failure to report to law enforcement authorities when an employee of a school district or of an office of a county superintendent of schools is attacked or assaulted by a pupil, or for impeding such a report. Chapter 17, Statutes of 1996 SB 1395 (Kopp-I) - School Employees Requires school districts to terminate certificated employees who have exhausted all paid and unpaid sick leave and are still unable to return to work. Prohibits school employees from receiving unemployment benefits during inter-session breaks in year-round schedules. (Failed passage in Senate Education Committee) SB 1415 (Greene-D) - Teacher Assistants Expands the licensed teacher assistant program by requiring the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) to contract with school districts in the areas that already participate in the program to pay for stipends and the cost of release time for individuals wishing to complete the training. Requires the SPI to contract for an evaluation of the impact of licensed teacher assistants on academic achievement levels of the elementary students that receive the services of licensed teacher assistants. (Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee) SB 1564 (Peace-D) - School Districts: Staff Development Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to pay school districts $220 per day for each certificated employee who participates in staff development programs which are provided during any non-instructional school day of the year. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) SB 1658 (Costa-D) - Teachers' Retirement Requires the State Teachers' Retirement System to conduct a survey of the costs of permitting retirees to return to unmodified allowances. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) SB 1802 (Polanco-D) - Schools: Technology Requires that the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Commission on Teacher Credentialing jointly develop and implement teacher standards for educational technology. Establishes a new program for educational technology for schools with funding to be provided in the annual Budget Act. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) SB 1924 (Dills-D) - Teaching Credentials Authorizes the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to issue reading certificates and revises the time periods for issuance of eminence credentials. Also makes various minor changes to existing laws related to children's center permits. Chapter 1067, Statutes of 1996 SB 2016 (O'Connell-D) - Teachers' Retirement Requires that the cost-of-living adjustment for the State Teachers' Retirement System benefits be changed from a single 2% adjustment to a compound 2% adjustment, starting September 1, 1997. (Died in Senate Appropriations Committee) SB 2034 (Killea-I) - Child Development Teacher Grant Program Replaces the existing Child Development Teacher Loan Assumption Program with a grant program that provides funding to students pursuing the coursework at 2- or 4-year colleges required for a permit which authorizes the student to teach or supervise in a licensed children's center. Provides for the grant program to be paid for from federal funds and administered by the Student Aid Commission. Requires grant recipients to work a specified number of years in the child development field. (Failed passage in Assembly Appropriations Committee) SB 2041 (Hughes-D) - School Employees: Retirement Repeals, recasts, and defines various terms for purposes of determining rights and benefits under the State Teachers' Retirement System providing that the name of the system is the "State Teachers' Retirement System Defined Benefit Plan." Chapter 634, Statutes of 1996 SJR 27 (Costa-D) - School Lands: Retired Teachers' Compensation Requests the President and Congress to expedite the agreement by the Department of Energy to sell the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve Numbered 1, and to compensate California's retired teachers for their 9% interest in the reserve upon its sale. Resolution Chapter 68, Statutes of 1996 AB 166* (Cannella-D) - Teachers: Medicare Extends, from July 1, 1995 to July 1, 1999, the authorization for school districts to voluntarily provide Medicare coverage administered by the state retirement systems. Chapter 318, Statutes of 1996 AB 215 (W. Murray-D) - Certificated Employees: Local Criminal History Information Authorizes school districts or county offices of education to request local law enforcement agencies to conduct an automated records check of a prospective certificated employee to determine whether or not that person has a criminal record. (Failed passage in Senate Education Committee) AB 430 (Cannella-D) - Teachers' Retirement Allows specified retired teachers to return to their full retirement allowance if their beneficiary has already died. Extends from January 1, 1997 to January 1, 2002 the law which requires school districts to contribute additional amounts to pay for specified benefits. (Died in Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee) AB 979 (Thompson-R) - Certificated School Employees Makes numerous changes intended to reform the teacher tenure system in California's public schools. Makes changes related to (1) credential duration, (2) performance evaluation, (3) continuing education, (4) suspension or dismissal, and (5) probation period. (Failed passage on Assembly Floor) AB 1041 (Alquist-D) - Teacher Credentialing Extends by 2 years the date by which teachers must complete certain staff development requirements to instruct limited- English-proficient pupils. Specifies the prior training experienced teachers must have to qualify for related staff development. Permits a number of entities to issue certificates of completion. Chapter 507, Statutes of 1996 AB 1068* (Mazzoni-D) - Education: Teachers Expands the supply of teachers available in California by waiving the earnings limit for retired teachers for up to 3 years. Also allows the provisions of a new law (AB 1432) that expands school districts' ability to hire non-credentialed teachers as "district interns" to take effect immediately. Appropriates $4.5 million for stipends for district interns. Delays the requirement until the next exam is offered, for passage of the California Basic Educational Skills Test for teachers who (1) did not previously have to take the test, and (2) have not taught for more than 39 months. Chapter 948, Statutes of 1996 - Will not become law because of its contingency upon enactment of AB 2460 (Takasugi) which died on the Senate Floor AB 1178 (Cunneen-R) - Teacher Credentialing: Reading Instruction Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to develop and administer an assessment of teachers' knowledge, skills, and ability to provide effective reading instruction. Chapter 919, Statutes of 1996 AB 1220 (Pringle-R) - Certificated Employees: Salaries Repeals the requirements that school district certificated positions be classified on a salary schedule on the basis of uniform allowance for years of training and experience and that school districts distribute salary schedules to certificated employees. Also authorizes school districts to develop and implement a performance compensation system for employees in positions requiring certification, and stipulates that performance compensation is subject to existing collective bargaining provisions, with the exception that public school employers are not allowed to unilaterally implement performance compensation programs. Establishes legislative intent that school districts experiment with a variety of performance compensation systems. (Died on Assembly Inactive File) AB 1401 (House-R) - School Employees: Employee Organization Dues Prohibits the governing board of a school district, when reducing the order for the payment of dues, from deducting that portion of the dues that would support any political activities of the organization. (Died on Assembly Third Reading File) AB 1432 (Richter-R) - Education: District Interns Expands the availability of the "District Intern" teacher credentialing program by deleting an existing requirement that the program be available only to those districts with shortages of credentialed teachers, as specified. Chapter 303, Statutes of 1996 AB 2114 (Villaraigosa-D) - School Employees Allows districts to use a specific peer intervention assistance program for teachers identified as not performing at desired levels. (Died on Assembly Inactive File) AB 2210 (Baca-D) - School Districts: Vacant Positions Allows a school district to fill a vacancy in classified service by temporarily assigning 1 or more classified employees to the vacant position. (Failed passage in Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee) AB 2317 (Weggeland-R) - Certificated School Employees Streamlines the process for suspending or dismissing a teacher. (Failed passage on Assembly Third Reading File) AB 2427 (K. Murray-D) - Teacher Credentialing Limits, over time, the Commission on Teacher Credentialing's ability to grant waivers to specific credentials beginning on June 30, 1998, and eliminates waivers for all credentials on or after June 30, 2000. (Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee) AB 2432 (Aguiar-R) - Teacher Credentialing Establishes the Alternative Teacher Intern Program which allows individuals to obtain a California teaching credential after the completion of a district-sponsored preparation program. Vetoed by the Governor AB 2470 (Archie-Hudson-D) - Certificated Employees: Paraprofessionals Appropriates $2.5 million to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to establish the California School Paraprofessionals Special Education Teacher Training Program as a pilot program to encourage paraprofessionals to enroll in a special education teacher training program and provide instructional service in special education. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 2673* (Ducheny-D) - Teacher Retirement: Cash Balance Plan Makes various changes to the law to implement the State Teachers' Retirement System Cash Balance Plan, an alternative to Social Security. Chapter 608, Statutes of 1996 AB 2738 (K. Murray-D) - Certificated Private School Employees Requires that private schools notify parents whenever they hire an employee who has been convicted of a sex crime and who will come into contact with minor pupils. Chapter 1074, Statutes of 1996 AB 3032 (Burton-D) - School Employees: Retirement Deletes the requirement that a dependent unmarried child between the ages of 18 and 23 must be a full-time student in order to be eligible to receive the child's increment of a family or disability allowance. Sunsets January 1, 2001. Defines the terms "creditable compensation" and "final compensation" for purposes of determining benefits of contribution to the State Teachers' Retirement System. Chapter 1165, Statutes of 1996 AB 3039 (Pringle-R) - Certificated Employees: Superior Performance Compensation Permits school districts and teacher organizations to collectively bargain teacher salary schedules based on criteria other than uniform allowances for years of training and years of experience. (If no such alternative schedule is negotiated, current law prevails.) (Died in Senate Education Committee) AB 3075 (Baldwin-R) - Teacher Credentialing Expands the requirements for teachers applying for a multiple subject and a single subject teaching credential to include the satisfactory completion of comprehensive reading instruction that includes the study of phonics. Chapter 921, Statutes of 1996 AB 3188 (House-R) - Psychology Restricts a school district's authority to hire persons other than credentialed school psychologists to administer psychological tests or engage in other psychological activities. Chapter 661, Statutes of 1996 AB 3203 (Knox-D) - Classified Employees: Termination Rights Requires school and community college districts to offer a classified employee, who has been terminated for lack of work or lack of funds, substitute employment at his or her regular per diem or per hour rate, providing that the employee is called in for substitute work for more than 20 days' service during the period of 60 school days. (Failed passage in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 3207 (Escutia-D) - Bilingual Teachers Includes within the Science, Math and Technology Teacher Pipeline Program the identification, support and assistance of elementary and secondary pupils and postsecondary students to develop the skills to become bilingual teachers of these subjects. (Died in Assembly Education Committee) AB 3221 (Gallegos-D) - Teachers' Retirement Changes the process and time limit for electing membership in the State Teachers' Retirement System or other public retirement system upon a change in employment under specified conditions. Chapter 383, Statutes of 1996 AB 3330 (Gallegos-D) - Commission on Teacher Credentialing Changes the composition of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) members as follows: 1. Reduces the number of gubernatorial appointees to the CTC from 14 to 5. 2. Reduces the public member positions on the CTC from 4 to 2. 3. Requires the Governor to appoint 1 public school administrator, 1 public school district governing board member, 1 college or university faculty member who teaches in a teacher preparation program, and 2 public representatives. 4. Removes the ex-officio members from the CTC. 5. Adds 3 teacher members increasing the number of teachers from 6 to 9. (Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee) AB 3332 (Kuehl-D) - School Employees: Domestic Partners Defines "surviving spouse" to include a domestic partner of a school member or retiree. (Failed passage in Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee) AB 3453 (Kaloogian-R) - California State University Employees Provides cleanup language to the currently authorized optional retirement program for California State University (CSU) employees, a program authorized in 1991, but never implemented by CSU and the California Faculty Association. Chapter 385, Statutes of 1996 MiscellaneousSB 210 (Solis-D) - Special Education Adds "regular education programs" to the continuum of program options available under special education programs fully funded by the state. Chapter 208, Statutes of 1996 SB 237 (Lewis-R) - California Interscholastic Federation Repeals the July 1, 1997, sunset date for the statutory authorization for the California Interscholastic Federation, and establishes a new sunset date of July 1, 1998. Requires a report to the Legislature related to the definition of "interscholastic athletes." Chapter 151, Statutes of 1996 SB 277 (Polanco-D) - Education: Citizenship Centers Establishes a Citizenship Center Program to provide citizenship instruction, testing, and the dissemination of information about naturalization to prospective U.S. citizens through California Community Colleges, school district adult education programs, or community-based organizations. (Failed passage in Assembly Appropriations Committee) SB 430* (Greene-D) - California Assessment of Academic Achievement Act Proposes various changes to provisions of the California Assessment of Academic Achievement program, the statewide pupil assessment program for state and local testing established by AB 265, Chapter 975, Statutes of 1995. Appropriates $130,000 for the administrative costs of the State Department of Education and the expenses of the Commission for the Establishment of Academic Content and Performance Standards in 1995-96. Chapter 69, Statutes of 1996 SB 630 (Greene-D) - Charter Schools: Facilities Provides that charter schools are subject to the provisions of the Field Act. (Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee) SB 643 (Johnston-D) - School-to-Career Opportunities Establishes a statewide paid work experience pilot program at a minimum of 5 sites, for students of grades 11 and 12, in an attempt to increase employer involvement in providing vocational opportunities. Vetoed by the Governor SB 770 (Mello-D) - Pupil Testing: Bilingual Education States legislative intent that the Superintendent of Pubic Instruction develop versions of any statewide pupil assessment in primary languages spoken by 10% of the statewide public school (K-12) enrollment. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) SB 972 (Peace-D) - Charter Schools Provides for the establishment of not more than 10 specialty charter schools throughout the state, in addition to those currently allowed by law, that may be established for a period of not more than 5 years, ending June 30, 2002. Provides that these schools are to benefit public elementary or secondary schools whose students score in the 5th percentile or lower on achievement tests administered at the schools, and whose pupil enrollment is primarily low income, as specified. (Sent to Senate Education Committee pursuant to Senate Rule 29.10; died in committee) SB 989 (Polanco-D) - Special Education: Nonpublic School Agencies Makes various technical changes to laws governing the provision of services by nonpublic, nonsectarian schools or agencies in their provision of special education services. Chapter 944, Statutes of 1996 SB 1078 (Johnston-D) - Instructional Materials Establishes a 1-time pilot program requiring the State Board of Education to produce "consumer reports" on instructional materials which shall substitute for 1 major adoption in 1 curriculum area and for 1 follow-up adoption in another curriculum area. (Died in Assembly Education Committee) SB 1184 (O'Connell-D) - Reading: Action Plan Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to convene a panel to develop recommendations to improve reading instruction in California schools. (Died in Assembly Education Committee) SB 1235 (Hayden-D) - Environmental Education Instruction Authorizes any school district to apply to the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) to establish an interdisciplinary environmental education pilot project in K-12, as specified. Requires the SPI to select up to 9 pilot projects in specified geographical regions in the state. (Failed passage in Assembly Appropriations Committee) SB 1372 (Hughes-D) - Compton Unified School District: Governing Board Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to certify, by February 1, 1997, that all statutory requirements have been met in the Compton Unified School District to allow discharge of the state administrator, and to restore all powers to the local governing board not retained by a state trustee. (Died in Senate Education Committee) SB 1414* (Greene-D) - Education: Class Size Reduction Makes technical and clean-up changes to existing law to facilitate the implementation of the 1996 Class Size Reduction Program, including a clarification regarding penalty provisions for classes that exceed 20 pupils and the use of facility funds. Chapter 621, Statutes of 1996 SB 1437 (Petris-D) - Curriculum Standards Requires the State Board of Education to adopt model proficiency standards in English language arts and mathematics, and requires each school district to compare its own proficiency standards to those adopted by the state board. (Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee) SB 1451* (Kelley-R) - School District Elections Allows the Santee Elementary School District to elect its governing board members by trustee position and still hold an at- large election. Chapter 48, Statutes of 1996 SB 1454 (Kelley-R) - Home Economics Careers and Technology Education Creates the Home Economics Careers and Technology Vocational Education Unit in the State Department of Education, and states legislative intent that a home economics curriculum and professional development project be established at a university. Chapter 758, Statutes of 1996 SB 1477 (Johnson-R) - Libraries Permits the California Library Services Board to allow local library systems that receive funding under the California Library Services Act to charge fees to non-resident library users. (Failed passage in Senate Education Committee) SB 1480 (Mello-D) - Arts Education Extends the sunset date for the Local Arts Education Partnership Program from January 1, 1998 to January 1, 2003. Chapter 552, Statutes of 1996 SB 1531* (Marks-D) - Public Library Learning and Literacy Expansion Act of 1996 Enacts the Public Library Learning and Literacy Expansion Act of 1996 to provide an unspecified amount in general obligation bonds for public library construction and renovation, to be submitted to the voters at the November 5, 1996 general election. (Died in Assembly Education Committee) SB 1568 (Dills-D) - Education: Reading Certificate Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to establish standards for a restricted reading certificate. Chapter 1068, Statutes of 1996 SB 1570 (Greene-D) - Education: Academic Achievement Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop, and the State Board of Education to approve and transmit to the Governor and Legislature, a plan for the creation of incentives to promote the improvement of pupil academic achievement. Chapter 496, Statutes of 1996 SB 1605 (Leslie-R) - California State Library Gold Medal for Excellence Allows the State Librarian, in consultation with an advisory committee, to annually award a gold medal for excellence in the humanities and science to an individual or organization for publication of a work that has enriched the collection of the State Library. Also authorizes the State Librarian to enter into an agreement with the California State Library Foundation to provide copies and reproductions of rare and valuable State Library materials to the public for a fee consistent with the cost of providing these services. Chapter 213, Statutes of 1996 SB 1683 (Hughes-D) - Schools: Disruptive or Violent Students Expresses legislative intent that schools provide programs and assistance to chronically disruptive or violent students. (Died in Assembly Education Committee) SB 1689 (Kopp-I) - Sale of Surplus Government Land Requires that any public agency selling surplus property to a school district which is to be used for playground or other open- space purposes, and where the school district is the sole bidder, shall sell the land to the district at the acquisition cost plus inflation and improvement costs, but not less than 25% of market value. Vetoed by the Governor SB 1744 (Hughes-D) - Special Education: Deaf and Hard-of- Hearing Pupils Establishes the Office of Education for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing in the State Department of Education. (Died in Senate Education Committee) SB 1777* (O'Connell-D) - Education: Class Size Reduction Creates the Class Size Reduction Program to reduce class sizes in kindergarten and grades 1 through 3 to no more than 20 students per certificated teacher. Appropriates $771 million for its purposes. Chapter 163, Statutes of 1996 SB 1802 (Polanco-D) - Schools: Technology Requires that the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Commission on Teacher Credentialing jointly develop and implement teacher standards for educational technology. Establishes a new program for educational technology for schools with funding to be provided in the annual Budget Act. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) SB 1860 (Haynes-R) - Charter Schools Authorizes the establishment of an additional 10 specialty charter schools. (Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee) SB 1883 (Hayden-D) - Charter Schools Increases the maximum number of charter schools that may be operated in the Los Angeles Unified School District from 10 to 22, and increases the total number of charter schools allowed in the state from 100 to 112. Chapter 849, Statutes of 1996 SB 1894 (Lockyer-D) - Guaranteed Educational Quality Act of 1996 Creates the Guaranteed Educational Quality Act of 1996 which provides assistance and intervention with pupils, school programs, and neighborhoods with large percentages of pupils who are low-performing on state-approved standardized tests of basic skills achievement. Creates the Neighborhood Development Corporation Act to be administered by the Department of Community Services and Development. (Died in Assembly Education Committee) SB 1929 (Hughes-D) - Education: Family Life Education Requires school districts to ensure that all 5th through 12th grade pupils receive instruction in family life education, that age- appropriate instructional materials are available at each grade level, and to conduct in-service training for teachers and employees who provide such instruction. Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to evaluate the program in 5 school districts for a 15-year period, and to assist 2 school districts with the development of an adult education curriculum that addresses the prevention of teenage pregnancy. (Died in Senate Appropriations Committee) SB 1935 (Monteith-R) - Merced Union High School District Allows the Merced Union High School District to use its adult education funds to purchase up to 20 existing district-owned classrooms, so long as the adult education funds received in the transaction are used to purchase an equal number of classrooms for use by students in grades 9 through 12. Chapter 760, Statutes of 1996 SB 2087 (Johnson-R) - International Baccalaureate Programs Authorizes a system of incentives to encourage high schools to offer the intensive, rigorous course of instruction leading to an International Baccalaureate Diploma, and to encourage pupils in these schools to enroll in the attempt and pass the rigorous International Baccalaureate Diploma course of study and examinations leading to the International Baccalaureate Diploma. (Died in Senate Education Committee) SB 2121 (Russell-R) - Reorganization: La Canada Unified School District Transfers a portion of the Glendale Unified School District that is within the City of La Canada Flintridge to the La Canada Unified School District, if approved by the voters in a specified area. (Died in Senate Education Committee) SB 2138 (Greene-D) - Bilingual Education Makes numerous changes in existing law regarding bilingual programs and English language acquisition by limited-English- proficient pupils, and states that a primary goal of the instruction should be the effective and efficient development of proficiency in English as well as the child's academic skills in core curriculum. Allows the teaching and testing of pupils in their native language to the extent necessary to achieve specified goals. (Sent to Senate Appropriations Committee pursuant to Senate Rule 29.10 violation; died in committee) SB 2141 (Watson-D) - Pupils: Suspension and Expulsion Permits school district governing boards to suspend or expel pupils who harass, threaten, or intimidate other students because of their sexual orientation. (Died in Senate Education Committee) SB 2176 (Johnson-D) - Categorical Programs: Funding Reform Consolidates 24 categorical funding programs and repeals the statutory language for those programs. Replaces and recasts these programs into 2 major block grant programs: (1) Educational Quality Improvement Grants, and (2) Statewide Initiative Funding for staff development and regionalized programs. (Died in Assembly Education Committee) SCA 17 (Greene-D) - State Board of Education Eliminates, as of January 1, 2002, the State Board of Education and, instead, provides for the establishment of the State Advisory Board on Education to advise the Superintendent of Public Instruction. (Died in Senate Education Committee) SCA 25 (Greene-D) - Superintendent of Public Instruction: Secretary of Education Eliminates, effective January 1, 2002, the elected office of Superintendent of Public Instruction and, in its place, provides that a Secretary of Education, appointed by the Governor, shall be Director of the State Department of Education. (Failed passage in Senate Education Committee) SCA 28 (Peace-D) - County Boards of Education: County Superintendents of Schools Deletes the County Board of Education and the County Superintendents of Schools from the California Constitution. (Died in Senate Education Committee) SCA 32 (Hayden-D) - University of California: Regents Provides that no person is eligible for appointment as a regent if, for a period of 3 years prior to his or her appointment, he or she donated to, or solicited or accepted any campaign contribution for, any committee related to the Governor. (Died in Senate Education Committee) SCA 39 (Killea-I) - Constitution Revision Makes numerous changes to the California Constitution, representing recommendations from the California Constitution Revision Commission. Generally defines the responsibilities of each level of government. Provides, as related to education, the following: 1. Removes county superintendents of schools, county boards of education and the State Board of Education from the Constitution. 2. Provides that the Legislature will authorize whatever agency it chooses to adopt textbooks. 3. Provides that the positions of Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction, and 3 Associate Superintendents of Public Instruction will no longer be exempt from civil service, should they continue in statute. 4. Specifies that local school boards will be defined and given authority in the Constitution. The Constitution will provide that elementary and secondary school districts will be governed by locally elected boards of education. 5. Provides that the Legislature will have the power to provide, by statute, for the incorporation and organization of school and community college districts. 6. Specifies that the Legislature will provide accountability standards for the local school boards. The standards will be the basis of an accountability system that will be limited to the areas of curriculum, academic performance, financial condition, and administrative performance of a school district. (Died in Conference Committee) SCR 65 (Hughes-D) - School Safety Proclaims October 1996 as School Safety Month and January 13- 17, 1997, as Yellow Ribbon Week to demonstrate a commitment to school safety. Resolution Chapter 47, Statutes of 1996 SJR 27 (Costa-D) - School Lands Memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to expedite the agreement by the Department of Energy to sell the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve and to compensate California's retired teachers for their interest in the reserve. Resolution Chapter 68, Statutes of 1996 AB 66 (Goldsmith-R) - Home Rule Districts Allows the State Board of Education to approve up to 20 petitions to convert school districts to "home rule districts." (Home rule districts operate in accordance with the provisions contained in the district's charter, which applies to all of the district's schools; and receive the same exemptions from provisions of the Education Code that are granted to charter schools.) Vetoed by the Governor AB 84 (W. Murray-D) - Education Establishes the Division of Pupil Advocacy in the State Department of Education. (Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee) AB 101 (Conroy-R) - Pupils: Corporal Punishment Reinstates corporal punishment in schools subject to rules and policies adopted by the governing board. Exempts staff from criminal or civil liability except in the case of excessive force or cruel and unusual punishment. (Failed passage on Assembly Floor) AB 198 (Caldera-D) - Charter Schools (1) Increases the number of charter schools that may be operated in California from 100 to 200 by 1998-99, (2) increases the number of charter schools that may be operated in the state's largest school district, and (3) requires an interim evaluation of charter schools. (Failed passage in Senate Education Committee) AB 246 (Morrow-R) - Pupil Expulsion Authorizes principals to suspend pupils charged with specific criminal offenses and authorizes school district governing boards to expel pupils that have been determined by the courts to have committed specific criminal offenses regardless of whether or not the offenses were related to school activity or attendance. (Failed passage in Senate Criminal Procedure Committee) AB 331* (Alpert-D) - Bonds: School Facilities and Technology Funding Places a state general obligation (GO) bond measure on the November 1996 ballot, authorizing the issuance of $2 billion of GO bonds for the following purposes: (1) $1.9 billion for deposit in the State School Building Lease-Purchase Fund, $100 million of which shall be used for seismic retrofit projects of existing school facilities; (2) $100 million for deposit in the Education Technology Fund, $75 million of which shall be deposited in the Education Technology Retrofit Account and $25 million in the Education Technology Hardware Account. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 352 (McDonald-D) - Education Code: Revision Establishes the Commission to Revise the Education Code to meet the need for increased flexibility in the way school districts operate. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 440 (House-R) - Schools: English-Only Classes Permits parents to remove their children from classes where English is not the only language used for instruction. (Failed passage on Assembly Floor) AB 447* (Archie-Hudson-D) - Bonds: Educational Technology Infrastructure Enacts the Educational Technology Infrastructure Bond Act of 1996 to issue $500 million in general obligation bonds to provide grants to school districts and higher education facilities for technology infrastructure. (Died in Senate Education Committee) AB 466 (Vasconcellos-D) - California Partnership Academies Allows the Superintendent of Public Instruction to fund up to 100 additional Partnership Academies over the next 4 years, at the rate of 25 new academies per year. Vetoed by the Governor AB 621 (Brulte-R) - Office of Child Development and Education Establishes in statute the Office of Child Development and Education, to be administered by the Secretary of Child Development and Education, appointed by the Governor and paid an annual salary of $91,054. Authorizes the Governor to appoint an Under Secretary and up to 3 deputies for the secretary. (Died in Senate Governmental Organization Committee) AB 641 (Richter-R) - Class Size Reduction Authorizes school districts to implement a Class Size Reduction program at a schoolsite that exclusively enrolls pupils in kindergarten and grades 1 and 2 in three grade levels and, in addition, to implement the program in the third grade at a schoolsite that exclusively enrolls pupils in grades 3 to 5. (Died on Assembly Unfinished Business File) AB 649 (Davis-D) - Education Requires the State Department of Education, the University of California Regents, the California State University Trustees, and the Community Colleges Board of Governors to prepare a report identifying goals for reducing remedial instruction. Authorizes districts to offer summer school courses designed to help pupils avoid the need for remedial education. Vetoed by the Governor AB 692 (Kuehl-D) - Pupils: Expulsion: Sexual Assault Mandates expulsion of a pupil from a school district for specified sex crimes, and provides protections for complaining witnesses in expulsion hearings related to specified sex crimes. Chapter 915, Statutes of 1996 AB 727 (Richter-R) - Education: Race Neutral Determinations Prohibits a public educational institution, except as ordered by a court, from considering race when deciding on matters of admittance, financial aid, or a person's academic performance. (Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee) AB 781 (McDonald-D) - Limited-English-Proficient Pupils Declares legislative intent to address fully the needs of pupils with limited English proficiency by encouraging the creation of programs that enable such students to develop language skills. (Failed passage on Assembly Floor) AB 782 (McDonald-D) - Education Technology States the intent of the Legislature that increased educational technologies be available to urban school districts so that their pupils are prepared to enter the work force. (Failed passage on Assembly Floor) AB 783 (McDonald-D) - Vocational Education States the Legislature's intent that pupils' transition from high school to career be emphasized by teaching trades and skills in our schools and that school districts examine data that identify job growth areas so that these courses teach the skills which prepare graduates for the job market. (Failed passage on Assembly Floor) AB 784 (McDonald-D) - Equal Opportunity to Learn States the intent of the Legislature that all pupils, regardless of economic status, be afforded an equal opportunity to learn. (Failed passage on Assembly Floor) AB 789* (Alpert-D) - High-Risk Youths Appropriates $50,000 from the General Fund to the Office of Criminal Justice Planning for a grant to a private nonprofit organization to operate a twilight basketball program for high- risk youths ages 14 to 17 in San Diego County. (Failed passage in Senate Appropriations Committee) AB 797* (Archie-Hudson-D) - Bonds: Educational Technology Infrastructure Enacts the Educational Technology Infrastructure Bond Act of 1996, placing a $500 million general obligation bond measure before the voters at the November 5, 1996, general election. Allocates $400 million for public school districts (the School Technology Account) and $100 million to public higher education institutions (the Higher Education Technology Accounts). (Failed passage on Assembly Floor) AB 824 (Ducheny-D) - Adult Education: Funding Establishes a Commission on Adult Education to develop a plan for revising the funding rates for K-12 adult education and community college non-credit programs. Makes various changes to adult education programs and funding. Vetoed by the Governor AB 835* (Weggeland-R) - Educational Technology Revises the $10 million allocation appropriated for educational technology in the education trailer bill to the 1995-96 Budget, AB 835 (W. Brown), Chapter 308, Statutes of 1995. Specifically creates a statewide program for the refurbishing of computers and their allocation to schools in an effort to streamline the allocation process. Chapter 16, Statutes of 1996 AB 955 (Knight-R) - Bilingual Education Repeals the inoperative provisions of law regarding bilingual education, replaces them with the Equal Opportunity English Acquisition Act, and requires school districts to implement English acquisition programs that will enable Limited-English- Proficient pupils to participate in English-only classes within 3 years. (Failed passage in Senate Education Committee) AB 978 (Thompson-R) - Education Code: Revision Establishes the Commission to Revise the Education Code, composed of 21 members, appointed as specified, to report to the Legislature with recommendations for the revision of the Education Code. (Failed passage in Senate Education Committee) AB 1001 (Kuehl-D) - Education: Sexual Orientation: Nondiscrimination Named the "Dignity for All Students Act," expands the scope of all non-discrimination statutes applying to public educational institutions to include sexual orientation. (Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee) AB 1030 (Firestone-R) - Education: Parental Involvement Specifies the rights of parents and guardians of each pupil enrolled in public school, and provides for the greater involvement of parents in the public schools by requiring the State Department of Education to develop a guide for parental involvement in schools. (Died in Senate Appropriations Committee) AB 1031 (Firestone-R) - High School Equivalency Certificate Requires persons who are issued a high school equivalency certificate to be U.S. citizens. (Died in Senate Education Committee) AB 1088* (Morrow-R) - Schools: Driver Training Instruction Limits the ability of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to waive credentialing requirements for driver training instructors, and establishes a minimum number of behind-the-wheel hours of instruction in competency-based driver training programs and driver training programs offered in private schools. Chapter 1045, Statutes of 1996 AB 1187 (Takasugi-R) - Employment of Pupils: Tax Credits Authorizes a regional occupational center or program (ROC/P) to arrange for the employment of pupils, and allows a tax credit to the employer for pupils enrolled in an ROC/P or work experience program. (Failed passage in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee) AB 1201 (Gallegos-D) - Local Education Agencies: Board Members' Compensation Allows community college, county office of education and school district board members to be absent from board meetings without having their monthly compensation reduced, under specified circumstances. Chapter 1148, Statutes of 1996 AB 1335 (Sweeney-D) - Education Transfers $426,445 from the funds appropriated in the 1996 Budget Act for grants to school districts to reduce the use of tobacco products to the State Department of Education for additional staff positions to support the grant program. Chapter 806, Statutes of 1996 AB 1438* (Campbell-D) - Special Education: Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools or Agencies Extends by 2 years the deadline for nonpublic, nonsectarian special education schools to submit data on uniform tuition fees to the state. Defines the costs that such schools must include in this data. Chapter 233, Statutes of 1996 AB 1489* (Hawkins-R) - Pupils: Expulsion Makes operative immediately a provision of law related to readmission of expelled students that is necessary in order for California to be in compliance with a federally mandated requirement. Requires the governing board of a school district to set a date of 1 year from the time a pupil has been expelled to review the pupil for readmission to a school maintained by the respective school district. Chapter 15, Statutes of 1996 AB 1513 (Sher-D) - Court-Ordered Voluntary Pupil Transfer Program Revises the court-ordered desegregation reimbursement funding formula for a certain group of local education agencies in the San Mateo/Santa Clara County area to provide for reimbursement of school bus replacement costs. (Sent to Assembly Education Committee pursuant to Assembly Rule 77.2 violation; died in committee) AB 1519* (Morrow-R) - Education Technology Requires the Public Utilities Commission to order that $17.5 million in Pacific Telesis "spin-off" monies be deposited in the Education Technology Trust Fund, created in this bill, and appropriates that sum for education technology in benefit of public schools. Chapter 9, Statutes of 1996 AB 1591 (Alpert-D) - Healthy Start Support Services for Children Act Extends to 5 years the period for which a Healthy Start Support Services for Children operational grant is awarded. (Died in Senate Appropriations Committee) AB 1641 (Knox-D) - Middle College High School Programs Directs the California Community Colleges and the State Department of Education to enter into a joint agreement for the creation of a statewide system of "middle college high schools" located on community college campuses. (Failed passage in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 1682 (Bates-D) - Pupils Authorizes a school district governing board to fund a Second Shift Youth Enrichment Program with state grant funds for the purpose of providing programs during non-school hours for youth, ages 8 to 18 years, who are at risk of truancy, juvenile delinquency, violence, premature pregnancy, or dependence on the welfare system. (Sent to Assembly Appropriations Committee pursuant to Assembly Rule 77.2 violation; died in committee) AB 1721 (Ducheny-D) - Student and Consumer Records Expands, clarifies and revises the responsibilities of community college districts and school districts in regards to (1) furnishing student information in response to court orders or lawfully issued subpoenas, and (2) notifying parents and students when furnishing such information. Establishes a new procedure for the release of information in non-civil actions. Chapter 879, Statutes of 1996 AB 1977 (Granlund-R) - Bear Valley Unified School District Appropriates $70,000 for the Bear Valley Unified School District (in San Bernardino County) for the purpose of transporting pupils to the Yucaipa-Calimesa Joint Unified School District, if the Bear Valley District first submits a specified report to the state by March 1, 1997. (Died in Senate Education Committee) AB 2016 (Tucker-D) - School Districts: Emergency Apportionments Authorizes a school district under the control of a state-appointed administrator to sell any surplus property belonging to the school district in order to repay the outstanding loan balance on an emergency apportionment made to the district, without being subject to restrictions governing the sale of surplus property. (Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee) AB 2040 (Frusetta-R) - Pupil Expulsion Requires the suspension of, and authorizes the expulsion of, pupils who unlawfully possess, use, or sell drugs within 1,000 feet of the boundaries of any school grounds. (Failed passage in Senate Education Committee) AB 2105 (Baldwin-R) - Pupil Assessments: Standards Commission Specifies that the content and performance standards adopted as part of the new statewide pupil assessment program may be used as models by local school districts. Chapter 920, Statutes of 1996 AB 2106 (Baldwin-R) - Charter Schools Makes a number of both substantive and clarifying changes to the statutes governing the creation and operation of charter schools. (Failed passage in Senate Education Committee) AB 2107 (Baldwin-R) - Charter Schools Authorizes groups or individuals to submit to a school board charter petitions that have been signed by specified percentages of parents, rather than teachers. (Failed passage in Senate Education Committee) AB 2135 (Mazzoni-D) - Charter Schools Requires the Legislative Analyst to convene an advisory panel and contract for an interim evaluation of the effects and effectiveness of charter schools. Chapter 767, Statutes of 1996 AB 2136 (Mazzoni-D) - Charter Schools Requires the Office of the Legislative Analyst to conduct an interim evaluation of the educational effectiveness of charter schools, to be presented to the Legislature and the Governor by November 1, 1997. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 2137 (Mazzoni-D) - Charter Schools Differentiates petition requirements for the development of new and conversion charter schools. Also adds classified employees and parents to the group of signatures required for consideration of a charter petition. (Died in Assembly Education Committee) AB 2169 (W. Murray-D) - Compton Unified School District Governing Board: Felony Convictions Disqualifies from membership on the Compton Unified School District governing board any person who has been convicted of a felony but subsequently had the conviction set aside by a court. (Died in Senate Education Committee) AB 2235 (Sweeney-D) - Regional Occupational Centers: Finance Revises the allocation formula for $10 million appropriated in the 1996-97 State Budget for equalization funding for regional occupational centers and programs (ROC/Ps). Chapter 930, Statutes of 1996 AB 2241 (Mazzoni-D) - Charter Schools Requires that the charter petition include an attachment of the detailed first-year budget of the school, including monthly cash- flow schedules, and the 3-year financial plan and financial projection of the school. Also requires that the charter petition contain a description of the proposed banking arrangements, internal financial controls, and accounting system of the school, the annual budget development and oversight calendar or schedule for the school, and the process for preparing payroll and performing any required tax and retirement withholdings for the school. (Died in Assembly Education Committee) AB 2248 (Baldwin-R) - School Districts: Curriculum Requires that notice to parents advising them of classes addressing sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases include a summary of the contents of the instruction. (Died in Senate Education Committee) AB 2255 (Cunneen-R) - Education Repeals the sunset on adult education programs and extends the sunset on voluntary Saturday school programs in core academic subjects by 4 years. Chapter 1047, Statutes of 1996 AB 2265 (Villaraigosa-D) - Back to Basics: Summer School Reading Program Establishes the Back to Basics Summer School Reading Program of 1996 and allows school districts to use Economic Impact Aid funds for the purposes of the newly established program. Chapter 931, Statutes of 1996 AB 2293 (Davis-D) - School Transportation Requires school boards to consider bids by school district employees and other local education agencies before letting a contract to a private transportation service to provide school bus service. (Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee) AB 2310 (Firestone-R) - Bilingual Education Repeals the inoperative provisions of law regarding bilingual education and replaces them with the Alpert-Firestone Bilingual Education Reform Act of 1996. Specifies requirements for school districts in providing instructional services for English learners, also known as Limited-English-Proficient pupils. Revises and reenacts the inoperative provisions for the Bilingual Teacher Training Assistance Program. (Failed passage in Senate Appropriations Committee) AB 2314 (Cortese-RFM) - School-to-Career Demonstration Projects Gives the State Department of Education sole authority to establish and maintain a School-to-Career system for the state. (Died in Assembly Education Committee) AB 2333* (Bates-D) - School Bonds Permits the Peralta Community College District to obtain 2/3 voter approval to use previously authorized local general obligation bonds for additional projects not included in the original bond measure. Chapter 729, Statutes of 1996 AB 2336 (Knox-D) - Middle College High Schools Requires the California Community Colleges and the State Department of Education to collaborate with each other and with their respective local community colleges and local school districts to ensure the continued success of existing middle college high schools and to promote the establishment of new middle college high schools. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 2377 (Margett-R) - Juveniles: Responsibility Establishes the "Juvenile Responsibility and Opportunity Act of 1996: County Offices of Education" and the "Juvenile Responsibility and Opportunity Act of 1996: County Probation Department" which establishes a pilot project for pupils in juvenile camps to assist with their successful transition back into schools operated by districts and county offices. Vetoed by the Governor AB 2429 (Thompson-R) - Textbooks: Adoption Requirements Establishes guidelines to give local districts more flexibility to adopt instructional materials which best fit the needs of students. (Died in Assembly Education Committee) AB 2431 (Aguiar-R) - Leroy F. Greene State School Building Law Permits a school district to replace a 20-year-old portable building with a permanent building under the state program for school construction, so long as the district pays for the cost difference from its own funds. Chapter 470, Statutes of 1996 AB 2446 (Battin-R) - Schools: Residents of Foreign Countries Authorizes school districts to require the parent or guardian of eligible students admitted to a school district, but living in a foreign country, to reimburse the district for the total cost of educating the student, as specified. (Died in Senate Education Committee) AB 2449* (Alpert-D) - Class Size Reduction Eliminates the Language Arts Enrichment Program, and creates a new class size reduction program for students in kindergarten through Grade 3. (Died in Assembly Budget Committee) AB 2453 (Alpert-D) - Staff Development Days Establishes a funding mechanism to reimburse school districts that conduct staff development programs during any non- instructional school day of the year. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 2460 (Takasugi-R) - Education Is an omnibus education bill relating to Proposition 98 issues. Does the following; 1. Provides equalization funding for county offices of education contingent on the availability of additional Prop. 98 funds in 1996-97. 2. Revises the funding formula used in calculating home-to- school transportation equalization funding in the 1996 education budget trailer bill. 3. Appropriates $3.5 million for adult basic education programs used for citizenship and naturalization services for legal permanent residents eligible for naturalization. 4. Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to annually award 2 recognition grants totaling up to $500,000 to school districts establishing model staff development programs meeting the criteria detailed in the Governor's Reading Initiative beginning in 1996-97. 5. Appropriates $325,000 from the state general fund to the San Juan Unified School District to support the school-related costs associated with a model school/library joint-use project, as specified. 6. Waives the requirement that the Kern County Office of Education repay $2.8 million in property tax revenue to the state in exchange for operating a $2 million model telecommunications project in Kern and San Luis Obispo Counties; and $800,000 to be reallocated to the San Jose Unified School District to fund the operation of a model technology program for at-risk pupils. 7. Establishes a method of resolving audit issues that arise between school districts, the State Controller's Office, the State Department of Education and the State Department of Finance. Appropriates $80,000 to the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team as part of these provisions. 8. Specifies that certain per-pupil funding in the 1996-97 budget be allocated in the same manner as the prior year. 9. Appropriates $335,000 to the Sequoia Union High School District for the cost of replacing schoolbuses. 10. Establishes a pilot program to operate the schools in the Oxnard Union High School District for an extended school year. (Died on Senate Floor) AB 2478 (K. Murray-D) - Schools: Solicitations by Licensed Optometrists Prohibits licensed optometrists who volunteer to provide health screenings at schools from attempting to generate financial benefit or referrals from pupils who participate in the screenings. Chapter 83, Statutes of 1996 AB 2524 (Miller-R) - Schoolbuses: Advertisements Authorizes school districts to sell commercial advertising space on the exterior of schoolbuses for the purpose of generating revenue. (Failed passage in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 2630 (Morrissey-R) - Adult Education: Funding Expands the opportunities for high school pupils to use adult education to supplement vocational and technical education programs offered in the regular high school program. Chapter 294, Statutes of 1996 AB 2631 (Firestone-R) - Education: Remedial English and Mathematics Instruction Makes the apportionment of funds for school districts subject to an offset for the costs of remedial instruction, as specified, in English or mathematics provided by the University of California, California State University, and California Community Colleges. (Failed passage on Assembly Floor) AB 2672* (Ducheny-D) - Education: Workforce Preparation System Implementation Act of 1996 Requires the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges and the Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop a plan to implement a comprehensive workforce education delivery system to implement the federal workforce preparation block grant. (Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee) AB 2700* (Sher-D) - Class Size Reduction Appropriates up to $100 million of Proposition 98 General Funds for the school facility costs associated with the proposed class size reduction programs contained in SB 1414 (Greene) and AB 2449 (Alpert). (Died in Assembly Budget Committee) AB 2707 (Bates-D) - Pupils Establishes the Second Shift Youth Enrichment Act to improve outcomes for school-aged youth, by providing productive alternative activities during non-school hours. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 2720 (Sweeney-D) - Expulsion Adds "assault or battery upon any school employee" to the list of acts for which a pupil may be expelled from a school district. Chapter 1052, Statutes of 1996 AB 2737 (K. Murray-D) - Charter Schools Prohibits the execution of certain contracts between parents and a charter school as a condition for pupil attendance at that charter school. Specifically, prohibits a charter school from denying enrollment to a pupil when that pupil's parent or guardian has failed to sign a contract that requires the parent or guardian to participate in school activities or pay fees rather than participate in school activities. (Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee) AB 2738 (K. Murray-D) - Certificated Private School Employees Requires that private schools notify parents whenever they hire an employee who has been convicted of a sex crime and who will come into contact with minor pupils. Chapter 1074, Statutes of 1996 AB 2767 (Poochigian-R) - School Districts: Elections: Bonds: Disclosure Requires a statement in the sample ballot for a local general obligation bond for school facilities if the projects proposed in the bond measure will be funded in any part with state matching funds. (The statement declares that passage of the measure does not guarantee that all projects proposed will be funded because completion is dependent on the availability of state funds.) Does not apply to any election to incur bonded indebtedness pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982. Chapter 548, Statutes of 1996 AB 2769 (Alpert-D) - Categorical Programs: Funding Reform Consolidates 24 existing categorical programs into 2 grants, effective July 1, 1997. The new grants are (1) Educational Quality Improvement Grants -- funding for school site councils to meet the instructional needs of the school; (2) Statewide Initiative Funding -- funding provided to the Superintendent of Public Instruction for staff development and instructional models. Vetoed by the Governor AB 2808 (Bustamante-D) - Education: Competitive Grant Programs Requires that funding for competitive grants for educational technology be allocated to categories of school districts and county offices of education based on district or county size. Chapter 516, Statutes of 1996 AB 2820 (Baugh-R) - Control of Pupils' Education Clarifies control of pupils' education to be parents first, then the local governing boards and communities; and encourages rigorous academic standards. (Failed passage on Assembly Floor) AB 2834* (Friedman-D) - Pupils: Expulsion: Alternative Placement Provides technical and substantive clean-up to school safety provisions relating to pupil expulsion enacted by the Legislature in 1995. Chapter 937, Statutes of 1996 AB 2855 (Morrissey-R) - School Attendance Increases the fines charged to the parents of truant children, and allows the district attorney to charge parents with a misdemeanor when their children become truant. (Failed passage in Senate Criminal Procedure Committee) AB 2890 (Machado-D) - Education Requires nonpublic, nonsectarian schools providing specified special education services to use only staff holding a valid California credential or license in each classroom in order to be eligible as certified providers of such services. (Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee) AB 2893 (Frusetta-R) - Education: Minimum School Year Authorizes the school districts within San Benito, Monterey, Santa Clara, or Santa Cruz Counties to offer an additional 5 days of instruction per year for 4-1/2 years and receive state funding to do so. (Failed passage in Senate Education Committee) AB 2895* (Bordonaro-R) - Education: Early Intervention Program Appropriates $2,250,000 from the General Fund to the Los Angeles Unified School District to provide instruction, teaching, and skill development for at-risk students. Chapter 947, Statutes of 1996 (Did not become law because of its contingency on enactment of AB 2460 (Takasugi), which died on the Senate Floor.) AB 2902 (Vasconcellos-D) - Pupils Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop and implement a plan to help achieve the objectives in a specified agreement between the United States and Japan providing for the exchange of high school pupils. Chapter 773, Statutes of 1996 AB 2923 (Alpert-D) - Education Deletes existing provisions regarding the State Board of Education's and the Superintendent of Public Instruction's authority to adopt rules and regulations. Also deletes or repeals permissive, obsolete and intent language in the code. Also moves specified provisions to other codes. (Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee) AB 2964* (Firestone-R) - Schools: Code Cleanup Contains the annual "technical cleanup" to the Education Code sponsored by the State Department of Education. Chapter 1158, Statutes of 1996 AB 2972 (Olberg-R) - Schools: Transportation Funding Appropriates $50 million for home-to-school transportation: $35.5 million is to be allocated to districts pursuant to a formula established in law last year (SB 120); $10 million is to be allocated to districts pursuant to a formula established in this bill; $2.5 million is appropriated to Oakland Unified School District; and, $2 million is appropriated to districts that are part of a joint powers authority with specified characteristics (West County Transportation Agency in Sonoma County). Chapter 194, Statutes of 1996 AB 2983 (Thompson-R) - Education: Local Control Restoration Act Provides that parents shall control the education of their children, and have autonomy in all decisions concerning their children's participation in, and exposure to, school programs; that no school entity, except the governing board of each district, shall prescribe courses of study beyond the minimum; and makes related changes. (Died in Assembly Education Committee) AB 3077 (Baldwin-R) - County Community Schools Allows pupils in kindergarten and grades 1 to 6 to be enrolled in community schools operated by county offices of education, if the pupil is probation-referred or is on probation or parole and is not in attendance in any school. Limits the amount of funding for such pupils to the revenue limit of the district of residence. Chapter 891, Statutes of 1996 AB 3086 (Olberg-R) - Education: American Government and Civics Requires that all pupils read and be taught all of the following: the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution including the Bill of Rights, the Federalist Papers, the Emancipation Proclamation, the Gettysburg Address, and George Washington's Farewell Address as part of the course in American government and civics required for high school graduation. Chapter 778, Statutes of 1996 AB 3102 (Campbell-D) - School Districts Requires that Challenge Initiative School Districts establish school-community partnerships to develop and provide a comprehensive pupil activities program that would engage all students in co-curricular and extracurricular activities. (Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee) AB 3123 (McDonald-D) - Education Technology Requires the Education Council for Technology in Learning to assist schools in the application of new technology that stimulates changes in the basic approach to classroom teaching. Authorizes a pilot project for the development of software and multimedia programs and hardware for specified courses. (Died in Assembly Education Committee) AB 3124 (McDonald-D) - Vocational Education Establishes the Urban School-to-Work Transition Pilot Project of 1996. (Died in Assembly Education Committee) AB 3126 (McDonald-D) - Education Establishes the McDonald Urban Education Quality Act of 1996 to improve education in urban school districts. (Died in Assembly Education Committee) AB 3163 (Campbell-D) - Education: Direct Democracy Act Requires that high school social science coursework include instruction in the initiative, referendum and recall processes as part of the social science course required to receive a high school diploma. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 3176 (Brulte-R) - School Facilities: Construction Approval Process Requires the Joint Committee on School Facilities to report to the Legislature and the Governor, by July 1, 1997, on the following: (1) increasing privatization and standardization of school facilities and streamlining the state approval process, (2) reducing the cost of school construction, and (3) increasing local authority over school construction projects. Chapter 478, Statutes of 1996 AB 3180 (Pringle-R) - Opportunity Scholarships Requires that pupils attending schools whose average pupil scores are in the lowest 5% on standardized achievement tests be given "Opportunity Scholarships" (vouchers) to attend another public school or a private school at public expense. (Failed passage in Senate Education Committee) AB 3217 (Brown-D) - School Districts Requires school districts maintaining grades 9 through 12 to offer pupils an opportunity to receive credit towards graduation by performing community service for specified entities. (Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 3223 (Brown-D) - Education: Schools Requires that if a student transfers from a non-basic aid district to a charter school in a basic aid "school district of choice," a portion of the state aid from the pupil's home district will be allocated to the charter school. Also allows school maintenance costs under the Mello-Roos Act. Chapter 782, Statutes of 1996 AB 3228 (Campbell-D) - American Indian Early Childhood Education Re-enacts provisions in state law governing the American Indian Early Childhood Education Program that were repealed January 1, 1996. Chapter 783, Statutes of 1996 AB 3270 (Ducheny-D) - Health, Environment, and Police Sciences Academy Creates the Health, Environment, and Police Sciences Academy, with the Superintendent of Public Instruction selecting 4 schools in the San Diego area to participate in the program. (Failed passage in Assembly Appropriations Committee) AB 3273 (Machado-D) - Vehicles: Driver's Licenses: Minors Prohibits the Department of Motor Vehicles from issuing driver's licenses to pupils under the age of 18 who are not attending school. (Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee) AB 3317 (Margett-R) - District Reorganization: Los Angeles County Office of Education Authorizes county superintendents of schools to provide a variety of types of advice and assistance related to petitions to reorganize school districts. Chapter 296, Statutes of 1996 AB 3384 (Knox-:D) - Charter Schools Creates the Charter School Revolving Loan Fund, comprised of federal funds, to allow charter schools that are not conversions of existing schools to receive interest-free loans to pay for their start-up costs. Chapter 786, Statutes of 1996 AB 3397 (Knox-D) - Educational Technology Requires contracts and grants to be provided to consortia, as specified, for the purpose of assisting county offices of education and school districts to purchase and use educational technology materials, equipment, software, and networks and related services. (Died in Assembly Education Committee) AB 3443 (Sweeney-D) - Schools: State Standards Establishes the Commission on School and School District Performance (appointed by the State Board of Education) which will make recommendations for rewarding schools that meet or exceed state standards, and provide sanctions and/or intervention for schools or districts that do not meet the standards. (Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee) ACA 50 (Baldwin-R) - Education: Textbooks Modifies the State Constitution to establish additional alternatives for the State Board of Education to approve the usage of textbooks. (Died in Assembly Education Committee)