Farm Labor
Pests and Pesticides
General Agriculture
Water Resources
Farm Labor
SB 742* (Escutia-D) Employee housing: budget trailer bill
Allows the State Department of Housing and Community Development to recover any costs, up to $50,000, from local governments who received fee payments for employee housing plan checks and did not respond within 60 days.
Chapter 118, Statutes of 2001
SB 972 (Costa-D) Farmworker profile study
Appropriates $240,000 from the General Fund over a four-year period for the purpose of conducting an annual farmworker profile study. Annual funding will be contingent upon a $60,000 annual match from a non-profit university-based institute.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1112 (Polanco-D) Judicial holidays: Cesar Chavez Day
Adds Cesar Chavez Day as a court holiday, as it is with the Legislature and executive branches of government.
Chapter 542, Statutes of 2001
SB 1125 (Burton-D) Farm labor contractors: licensing
Provides that farm labor contractor wage surety bonds and a portion of the license fees are payable for damages arising from labor law violations. Becomes operative only if AB 423 (Hertzberg-D) is enacted and becomes effective on or before January 1, 2002.
Chapter 147, Statutes of 2001
SB 1198 (Romero-D) Agricultural employees
Clarifies that an enacted 1997 statute, which established a special fund for the dispersal of monetary relief for farmworkers suffering damages, is existing law.
Chapter 408, Statutes of 2001
SB 1227 (Burton-D) Housing Bond Act of 2002
Enacts the Housing Bond Act of 2002, which, if adopted, authorizes, for purposes of financing those existing housing and code enforcement programs, including farmworker housing, the issuance of bonds in the amount of $980 million pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law. Provides for the submission of the bond act to the voters at the November 5, 2002, statewide general election.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
SCR 26 (Polanco-D) Cesar Chavez Day
Recognizes March 31 as the anniversary of the birth of Cesar Chavez and calls upon all Californians to participate in appropriate observances to remember Cesar Chavez as a symbol of hope and justice to all citizens.
Resolution Chapter 51, Statutes of 2001
Similar legislation is ACR 42 (Reyes-D), which is in Senate Rules Committee.
SJR 2 (Polanco-D) Cesar Chavez: postage stamp
Respectfully requests the United States Postmaster General to issue a postage stamp with the image of Cesar Chavez to recognize his contribution to American life.
Resolution Chapter 93, Statutes of 2001
AB 423 (Hertzberg-D) Farm labor contractors: license requirements
Establishes specialized enforcement units, additional verification of valid farm labor contractor licenses, and provides for enhanced criminal penalties for failure to pay wages. Becomes operative only if SB 1125 (Burton-D) is enacted.
Chapter 157, Statutes of 2001
AB 567 (Koretz-D) Agricultural employees: length of hand-held tool handles.
Requires employers to furnish and requires agricultural employees to use hand-held tools, with handles no less than 48 inches long, while weeding, thinning, or hot-capping.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 582 (Salinas-D) Agricultural labor: seasonal farmworkers
Requires the State Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) to review existing programs that (1) provide alternative avenues for the prevention or resolution of labor disputes, (2) create partnerships between agricultural employer and employees to improve the living and working conditions of employees, and (3) create partnerships between agricultural employers and agricultural employees that improve productivity and efficiency. Requires DIR to submit a written report to the Legislature summarizing its findings by April 1, 2002.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 638 (Steinberg-D) Farm labor: written contracts and agreements
Provides that a contract between an agricultural grower and a farm labor contractor shall be in writing, as specified.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 790* (Maldonado-R) Taxes: preventive health care: agricultural workers
Allows a credit to taxpayers for part of the qualified costs paid for preventive health care for employees who are farmworkers.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 807 (Salinas-D) Farmworker housing
Authorizes the State Department of Housing and Community Development to make grants and loans from the Joe Serna, Jr. Farmworker Housing Grant Fund to local public entities and nonprofit corporations to establish capitalized operating reserves for short-term occupancy housing for migrant famworker households.
Double-joined to AB 1160* (Florez-D).
Chapter 555, Statutes of 2001
AB 1250 (Florez-D) Safety and Farm Labor Vehicle Education Program
Requires the State Department of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to implement a Safety and Farm Labor Vehicle Education Program in the South Sacramento Valley, the Salinas Valley, the Central Valley, and the Imperial Valley. Requires the CHP to assign not less than five members of the CHP in each of those regions to implement the program. Requires the program to emphasize the education and enforcement of laws governing the safe operation of farm labor vehicles with particular emphasis on enforcing laws governing the safe transportation of farmworkers and to ensure the enforcement of existing law governing seatbelt assemblies and usage on farm labor vehicles by undertaking measures that maximize compliance with existing law.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 1459 (Reyes-D) Farm labor contractors: violation reporting
Increases the amount of a surety bond required for farm labor contractors with huge payrolls, as specified, and establishes a toll-free telephone number for reporting labor law violations affecting farmworkers.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 1526 (Florez-D) Bond: farmworker housing and family wellness act
Enacts the Farmworker Housing and Family Wellness Bond Act of 2002, which, if adopted, will authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $250 million, and provides for the proceeds of the bonds to be allocated to the State Department of Housing and Community Development for the purposes of the grant program and to provide housing in coordination with the provision of health and other family services pursuant to the Farmworker Family Wellness Program. Requires the submission of the bond act to the voters at the March 5, 2002, statewide primary election.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 1550 (Wiggins-D) Farmworker housing
Authorizes the formation of a county service area in Napa County for the sole purpose of acquiring, constructing, and maintaining farmworker housing. Authorizes the Napa County Board of Supervisors to impose an annual assessment, not to exceed $10 per planted vineyard acre for this purpose.
Chapter 340, Statutes of 2001
AB 1680 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Farm labor contractors: educational classes
Requires the Labor Commissioner to conduct the classes necessary for farm labor contractions to receive their license, and requires enrollment and participation in the required educational classes after September 1, 2002. Double-joined to SB 1125 (Burton-D).
Vetoed by the Governor
HR 14 (Reyes-D) Relative to former Bracero workers
Resolves that the State Assembly urges the President of the United States, the Congress, the Secretary of State, and the United States Attorney General to make the resolution of this issue a priority. Resolves that the State Assembly urges the United States government to fully cooperate in the effort to determine why money owed to Bracero workers was not paid, including making available all records to the savings fund program. Resolves that the State Assembly urge the President, the Secretary of State, and the Unites States Attorney General, through appropriate diplomatic and legal channels, to seek the full cooperation of the Mexican government in the effort to determine why money owned to Bracero workers was not paid, including making available all records from the Mexican government and public banking institutions relating to the savings fund program.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 29 (Reyes-D) Relative to Bracero Workers' Day
Resolves by the Assembly of the State of California, that September 29, 2001, be proclaimed Bracero Workers' Day. Resolves that the Legislature urges all Californians to observe Bracero Workers' Day by taking time to remember and honor the Bracero workers and their contributions to California.
Adopted by the Assembly

Pests and Pesticides
SB 261 (Senate Environmental Quality Committee) Food and agriculture: organization
Codifies all the provisions of the Governor's Reorganization Plan (GRP) No. 1 of 1991 concerning the regulation of pesticides within the State Department of Pesticide Regulation. Certain sections that have been enacted or amended subsequent to 1991 are not contained in the bill. Codifies sections of the Food and Agricultural Code, the Business and Professions Code, the Health and Safety Code, and the Labor Code concerning the regulation of pesticides contained in GRP No. 1.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
SB 305 (Machado-D) Pest control: structural pest control devices
Transfers the balance remaining in the Structural Pest Control Device (SPCD) Fund to the State Department of Pesticide Regulation for administration of the SPCD Program, and requires annual, rather than one-time, registration of structural pest control devices.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 594* (Chesbro-D) Pest control: Pierce's Disease
Authorizes the creation of the Napa County Winegrape Pest and Disease Control District to, among other things, provide for the detection, education, and control of Pierce's Disease.
Chapter 442, Statutes of 2001
Similar legislation is AB 956 (Strickland-R), which is in Assembly Agriculture Committee and AB 1394* (Wiggins-D), Chapter 103, Statutes of 2001.
SB 605 (Costa-D) Pesticides
Specifies that sales made electronically, telephonically, or by other means, that result in a pesticide being used or shipped in the state, are sales.
(In Assembly Agriculture Committee)
SB 1223 (Senate Agriculture And Water Resources Committee) Red imported fire ants
Provides legislative intent relative to the eradication of the Red Imported Fire Ant.
(At Assembly Desk)
AB 11 (Dickerson-R) Olive pests
Includes olives to the Stone and Pome Fruit Pest District Control Law in order to control and eradicate Olive Fruit Flies.
Chapter 179, Statutes of 2001
AB 238* (Rod Pacheco-R) Taxes: net operating losses
Allows special net operating loss treatment to losses sustained by farmers, as a result of Pierce's disease and its vectors, for taxable years beginning January 1, 2001, or after, and before January 1, 2003.
Chapter 623, Statutes of 2001
AB 573 (Canciamilla-D) Public Health Vector Control Act of 2001
Expands the vector biology and control program within the State Department of Health Services (DHS), by requiring DHS to, among other things, (1) track and evaluate the range of pest alternatives to pesticides and conduct studies and research, and (2) submit written comments and findings to the State Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR), when DPR is considering suspending or canceling the registration of a public health pesticide. Also requires DPR to notify DHS when such comments are warranted and appropriates $500,000 from the General Fund ($450,000 to DHS for five positions within the vector borne disease section and $50,000 to DPR).
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 682 (Calderon-D) Mosquito abatement district boards compensation
Increases the sum that mosquito abatement districts and pest abatement districts may provide for the allowance of payment to board members in lieu of their traveling costs from $50 to $100 per month per member.
Chapter 75, Statutes of 2001
AB 780 (Thomson-D) Pesticide mill assessments
Extends, from January 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004, the sunset on the 17.5 mills per dollar ($0.0175) assessment on pesticide sales, rather than allowing it to revert to nine mills, and appropriates $7 million from the General Fund to address the State Department of Pesticide Regulation's projected annual budget shortfall beginning in 2002-03.
Chapter 523, Statutes of 2001 - Item Veto
AB 947 (Jackson-D) Pesticides: schoolsites
Requires that the disaster procedures addressed in school safety plans must include provisions for responding to the release of a pesticide or other toxic substance from properties located within one-fourth mile of schools. Permits county agricultural commissioners to regulate the timing, notification of use, and method of application of agricultural pesticides in areas within one-fourth mile of a school and increases the maximum amount of civil penalties a county agricultural commissioner may impose on "serious violations" of pesticide laws, as defined, from $1,000 to $5,000. Requires the county agricultural commissioner to impose a $50 fee to cover the costs of processing and monitoring pesticide applications that take place within one-fourth of a mile of a school, if the person applying the pesticide was cited and fined by the commissioner for a serious violation of the prohibition against substantial pesticide drift to non-target areas during the past two years.
(Failed passage in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1136 (La Suer-R) Pest control: eradication of Formosa termite
Appropriates $1.25 million from the General Fund to the State Department of Food and Agriculture to trap, determine the total infestation area, and control and eradicate the Formosa termite in the City of La Mesa in San Diego County.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1394* (Wiggins-D) Pests: Pierce's Disease and the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter
Creates, until March 1, 2006, the Pierce's Disease and Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Board, within the State Department of Food and Agriculture, and provides for an annual assessment to be paid by wine grape processors to fund research of integrated pest management and other practices. Sunsets January 1, 2006.
Chapter 103, Statutes of 2001
Similar legislation is SB 594* (Chesbro-D), Chapter 442, Statutes of 2001, and AB 956 (Strickland-R), which is in Assembly Agriculture Committee.
AB 1408 (Hollingsworth-R) Pest control
Creates an Exotic Pest Management Account in the State Department of Food and Agriculture (DFA) Fund. These funds are to be made available for the eradication and control of exotic pests. Appropriates an unspecified sum to DFA for distribution to the University of California for the creation of an exotic pest control center.
(In Assembly Agriculture Committee)
AB 1417 (Hollingsworth-R) Pest control
Establishes a mechanism at the State Department of Food and Agriculture for researching commodity treatment and processing protocols for exotic or minor crops to allow these crops to be transported out of a general quarantine area.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1435 (Rod Pacheco-R) Pest control: invasive species task force
Creates the continuously appropriated Invasive Specifies Revolving Fund for use by the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture (DFA) concerning the need to combat invasive species that the secretary determines pose a significant threat to this state's agriculture. Requires the Secretary of DFA to create a task force to conduct long-term research on pest control. Appropriates $25 million from the General Fund, $15 million of which is to be transferred to the Invasive Species Revolving Fund and $10 million for the task force, without regard to fiscal year.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1608 (Assembly Agriculture Committee) Plant quarantine and pest control
Requires government agencies that conduct activities related to plant quarantine or pest control activities on nursery stock or plants to accept test results from any accredited lab, unless the agency establishes specific criteria and standards for rejecting the results prior to the rejection and provides written justification. Requires the explanation for the rejection to be submitted to the state-accrediting agency and requires final written approval from the secretary.
Chapter 256, Statutes of 2001
AB 1612 (Matthews-D) Agricultural and seafood industries
Authorizes any state established agricultural and seafood commission or council to petition to the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture to adopt and administer any activity authorized pursuant to the California Marketing Act of 1937. Makes related findings.
Chapter 510, Statutes of 2001
ACR 26 (Dickerson-R) Mosquito and Vector Control Awareness Week
Declares May 21 through May 28, 2001 as Mosquito and Vector Control Awareness Week.
Resolution Chapter 53, Statutes of 2001

General Agriculture
SB 435* (Monteith-R) Taxation: agriculture: irrigation
Creates a new tax credit equal to 30 percent of the cost paid by the taxpayer to purchase and install agricultural "irrigation system improvements" for use in California.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 556 (Costa-D) Milk products: prohibited sales
Reduces the penalty, from a felony to a misdemeanor, for a milk producer to sell, to other than an approved and licensed dairy product processor, producer or manufacturer, enough milk product to produce a marketable cheese, ice cream or other dairy product.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 625 (Costa-D) Agricultural waste: energy
Clarifies that the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission shall use the funds, as provided in Chapter 7, Statutes of 2001, to provide grants to maximize, in a cost-effective manner, the development of manure methane power production on California dairies.
(In Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 644 (Machado-D) Air pollution: emission reduction credits
Requires the State Air Resources Board to develop and adopt guidelines for air districts to use when calculating air credits issued for emissions reductions that result from agricultural practices.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
SB 742* (Escutia-D) Buy California Program
Establishes the "Buy California Program" within the State Department of Food and Agriculture (DFA) to encourage consumer nutritional and food awareness and encourage purchases of high-quality California agricultural products. State funding for the program, together with any industry co-funding or in-kind contribution, can be used to finance activities under a marketing agreement issued by the Secretary of DFA. DFA will be required to provide annual program reports to the Legislature, beginning January 1, 2002. SB 739 (Peace), the 2001-03 Budget Bill, appropriates $5 million from the General Fund to DFA for this program. This bill is a budget trailer bill.
Chapter 118, Statutes of 2001
SB 772 (Johannessen-R) 27th District Agricultural Association Fairgrounds
Appropriates $1.7 million from the General Fund to the 27th Agricultural Association for the purpose of upgrading Shasta County fairgrounds.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 866 (Costa-D) California Beef Council
Authorizes brand promotion, exempts calves under 300 pounds from fees, changes the referendum authority, permits an increase in fees and makes technical and nonsubstantive changes.
Chapter 291, Statutes of 2001
SB 870 (Costa-D) Dairies: dairy marketing study
Requires the State Department of Food and Agriculture to complete, by April 15, 2002, a study of various programs affecting the regulated milk pricing and pooling program.
Chapter 828, Statutes of 2001
SB 876 (Poochigian-R) Special interest license plates: agriculture
Requires the State Department of Transportation, in consultation with the California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom and the Agriculture Education Foundation, and subject to a statutory procedure, to issue special interest license plates. Prescribes the fees to be paid for the issuance, renewal, retention, transfer, and substitution of the license plates. Requires that the additional fees collected for the issuance of those license plates be deposited an unspecified account, which will be established in the General Fund, for allocation, upon appropriation, by the State Controller to the California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom and the Agriculture Education Foundation for expenditure for educational programs.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 877* (Poochigian-R) Taxes: qualified cogeneration equipment
Exempts, from sales tax, the purchase of cogeneration equipment for use on a dairy farm. Defines cogeneration equipment to mean equipment used in the process of the cogeneration or transformation of dairy industry by-products into fuel or energy resources used for the operation of a dairy farm. "Dairy farm" is defined as any place where milk is produced for the sale or other distribution and where more than two cows or six goats are located. Also grants an income and corporation tax credit equal to the portion of a dairy farm's property taxes attributable to the presence of cogeneration equipment.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 912 (Chesbro-D) Employment of minors: agricultural packing plants
Extends the sunset date for Lake County agricultural packing plants to employ minors 16 and 17 years of age up to 60 hours per week during non-school periods, and requires specified reports and inspections.
Chapter 345, Statutes of 2001
SB 942 (Costa-D) Agriculture
Extends this year's sunset on the ability of county agricultural commissioners to enter into mutual aid agreements to handle pest emergencies and extends the State Department of Food and Agriculture's (DFA's) funding of county government high-risk pest work plans until July 1, 2003. Also includes a requirement that the amount of funds dispersed by DFA to counties for noxious weeds and high risk pest exclusion programs shall not exceed the lesser of the amount dispersed in the current fiscal year (2000-01) or 9.17 percent of the total allocated to the counties for reimbursement.
Chapter 145, Statutes of 2001
SB 964* (Costa-D) Vehicles
Allows a cotton module mover, or any truck tractor pulling a semitrailer that is a cotton mover, to be operated on any highway located in specified counties between September 15 of each year, ending with March 15 of the following year.
Chapter 497, Statutes of 2001
SB 984 (Costa-D) Grazing land: conservation
Establishes the California Grazing Land Conservation Program, within the State Department of Conservation, for the purpose of acquiring grazing land conservation easements that restrict future land development for at least 25 years, as specified.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1003 (Poochigian-R) Energy: protection of agriculture
Requires the State Department of Food and Agriculture, in consultation with other agencies and departments involved in electricity regulation or delivery, to study energy challenges that are specific to agriculture.
(In Assembly Agriculture Committee)
SB 1009 (Costa-D) Agriculture
Creates the Dairy Environmental Working Group (Group) in the State Department of Food and Agriculture. Specifies that the Group is to consult with the California Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop a list of feasible measures for mitigating the impact of dairy farming on water and air quality, as required by existing law. Requires the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to provide low interest loans to local public agencies to finance the construction of projects designed to manage nutrients from animal feeding operations, as specified. Local agencies, in turn, will be required to make low interest loans to individual animal feeding operations for projects, as specified. Permits SWRCB to enter into agreements with intermediary lenders and other financial institutions to provide loans to individual animal feeding operations, as specified.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1224 (Senate Agriculture And Water Resources Committee) Farmland conservancy
Exempts grants by the State Department of Conservation (DOC), under the California Farmland Conservancy Program, the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act, and its resource conservation programs, from the requirements pertaining to public contracts that require prior approval by the State Department of General Services and requires DOC, when reviewing applications to fund agricultural conservation easements, to consider matching funds and in-kind services contributed by sources other than local governments.
Chapter 234, Statutes of 2001
SB 5X* (Sher-D) State energy projects
Contains miscellaneous provisions for various departments to achieve more energy efficiency. Contains provisions to enhance energy efficiency among agricultural customers who necessarily use electricity during peak demand periods.
Chapter 7, Statutes of 2001, First Extraordinary Session - Item Veto
SB 64XX* (Costa-D) Energy: qualified agricultural biomass: incentive grants
Changes the definition of "facility" as it relates to the Agricultural Biomass-to-Energy Incentive Grant Program, administered by the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency.
Chapter 4, Statutes of 2001, Second Extraordinary Session
This bill is identical to SB 64X* (Costa), which died on the Senate Floor.
AB 52 (Wiggins-D) California Farmland Conservation Bond Act of 2002
Authorizes, subject to voter approval on the March, 2002 statewide election ballot, the issuance and sale of an unspecified amount of state general obligation bonds to finance a program to buy, develop, improve, rehabilitate, enhance and protect farmlands in California.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 137 (Reyes-D) Agriculture: foreign marketing
Authorizes the State Department of Food and Agriculture to establish the California Overseas Agriculture Exports Service Program and contract out for an agricultural export specialist to implement the program and perform related activities.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 220 (Strom-Martin-D) Vehicles: limitations of access
Extends, for two years, the exemption on truck length limits for livestock trucks on portions of Highway Route 101.
Chapter 413, Statutes of 2001
AB 236 (Kelley-R) Agriculture: the Egg Commission: agricultural markets
Provides that any handler that owns, controls, or is affiliated with any other person engaged in the handling of eggs in any marketing year, shall be considered to be the handler of all eggs handled by that person. Provides a definition of a term "person" for purposes of the provisions governing the California Egg Commission (CEC). Authorizes the CEC to petition the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture to adopt and administer any activity authorized by the California Marketing Act of 1937 relating to the commodity covered by the CEC, as specified.
Chapter 384, Statutes of 2001
AB 274 (Assembly Agriculture Committee) Livestock
Updates provisions relative to livestock identification, branding and inspection, as specified.
Chapter 182, Statutes of 2001
AB 304 (Assembly Agriculture Committee) County agricultural commissioners
Updates provisions of law relating to county agricultural commissioners salary subvention, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 330 (Reyes-D) Agricultural preserves: annexations
Requires the State Department of Conservation to advise a local agency formation commission (LAFCO), whether or not it has been requested to do so, of any concerns regarding the LAFCO's review of a city's proposal to no succeed to the rights, duties, and powers of a county's Williamson Act contract, and requires the LAFCO to address those concerns.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 388 (Strom-Martin-D) Industrial hemp: research
Authorizes privately-funded research on industrial hemp to be conducted in California after the State Department of Justice (DOJ) issues a state-controlled substance registration and the federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) issues a federal-controlled substance registration for research on the agronomic potential of industrial hemp. Provides that the DOJ, in cooperation with the federal DEA and the county law enforcement agency having jurisdiction, is to monitor all phases of the research. Specifies that DOJ shall assist the principal researcher in obtaining the necessary federal permits and that the principals responsible for the research are to submit a detailed copy of the research proposal and quarterly status reports to the county law enforcement agency having jurisdiction and an annual status report to the Legislature. Specifies that all agronomic data derived from the research and maintained by a government agency will not be subject to disclosure, if the data is proprietary in nature and its disclosure will frustrate a legitimate government or law enforcement function.
(In Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
AB 426* (Cardoza-D) Taxation
Provides, among other items, sales tax exemptions for liquefied petroleum gas, farm and forestry equipment, diesel fuel used in farming activities. This bill was a tax relief budget trailer bill.
Chapter 156, Statutes of 2001
Similar legislation was AB 7 (Cardoza-D), which is in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee.
AB 448 (Strom-Martin-D) Industrial hemp: license for commercial purposes
Directs the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture, in consultation with the State Attorney General, to establish rules and regulations for the licensure and growing of industrial hemp. Provides definitions and makes it a crime to violate any provision of the law.
(Failed passage in Assembly Agriculture Committee)
AB 605 (Negrete McLeod-D) California Dairy Producers Environmental Trust Fund
Establishes the California Dairy Producers Environmental Stewardship Trust Fund, to be administered by the State Department of Food and Agriculture, and allows the fund to receive monies from state and local government, as well as private donors. Provides that monies in the fund shall be available, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for the purpose of awarding dairy producers with incentive payments to assist in producers' payment of debts by investments in facilities and equipment that directly benefit, improve, or protect natural resources.
(In Assembly Agriculture Committee)
AB 641* (Briggs-R) Targeted tax areas: expansion and credits
Requires the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency (TTCA), among other things, to approve a proposal to expand a targeted tax area by no more than 15 percent, if TTCA finds that the additional territory proposed to be included in the targeted tax area meets certain criteria and certain other conditions are met. Basically, it is intended to have fruit packing houses and firms that manufacture agricultural shipping containers qualify as a tax targeted area.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 727* (Correa-D) Taxes: credits: donations: agriculture
Allows, for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2002, and before January 1, 2007, a tax credit in an amount equal to ten percent of the cost to be included in inventory costs, as specified, with respect to the donation of agricultural products to food banks located in California.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 786 (Cogdill-R) Williamson Act contracts: cancellation
Provides that a cancellation fee shall not apply, and no cancellation fee shall be imposed with respect to a petition to cancel a contract regarding an agricultural preserve on a parcel of land that has been under contract for more than ten years and has received no tax relief under the act for ten prior successive years because the land was classified as a home site.
(In Assembly Agriculture Committee)
AB 801 (Salinas-D) Choose California Act
Enacts the Choose California Act, which requires California state owned or state run institutions to purchase agricultural products grown in California before those that are grown outside this state, as long as specified criteria are met regarding the price of bids for in-state products. Clarifies current law by changing definition of "supplies" and makes other technical changes regarding grown or partially grown supplies.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 802 (Dickerson-R) Biomass-to-energy facilities
Exempts, from the timber harvesting plan requirement of the Z'berg-Nejedly Forest Practice Act of 1973, the removal of small diameter trees and brush for the purposes of supplying forest fuel to biomass-to-energy facilities.
(Failed passage in Assembly Natural Resources Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 955 (Florez-D) Agricultural disaster prevention: quarantine powers
Makes several technical and minor changes to provisions governing the authority of the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture to administer animal quarantines, animal disposal, and compensation to ranchers and others, and addresses the related authority of the State Veterinarian.
Chapter 503, Statutes of 2001
AB 1283 (Florez-D) Environmental quality: dairies
Provides that when an environmental impact report (EIR) has been prepared for a dairy expansion, improvement, or development project, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, the project applicant may submit the EIR to the State Attorney General (AG) for review as to whether the EIR substantially complies with the requirements of law. Provides that in any action filed on or after May 1, 2002, challenging the validity of an EIR for a dairy expansion, improvement, or development project, there is a rebuttable presumption of the validity of the EIR, if the AG has found that the EIR substantially complies with the requirement of law.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1313 (Pavley-D) Hazardous waste: fertilizing materials
Enacts the "Toxic Fertilizer Prevention Act" and prohibits any person from distributing or selling a fertilizing material provided by the recycling of a hazardous waste, unless certain conditions are met. Establishes a mechanism at the State Department of Toxic Substances Control to regulate the addition of hazardous wastes to fertilize projects, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1332 (Cardoza-D) Agricultural commodities
Authorizes the State Department of Food and Agriculture, in consultation with the agricultural industry, to develop programs to promote California-grown agricultural products through the use of marketing licenses, trademarks, nutrition education, and related activities.
(In Assembly Agriculture Committee)
AB 1333 (Kelley-R) Agricultural commissions: avocado commission
Specifies that handler members, or their alternates, are required to have a commercially based financial interest.
(In Assembly Agriculture Committee)
AB 1380* (Aanestad-R) Property taxation: exemption: agricultural equipment
Provides a personal property tax exemption for agricultural equipment and farm vehicles.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1381 (Florez-D) Open-space subventions
Requires the State Controller, upon receiving certification from the Secretary of the State Resources Agency, to pay qualifying cities, counties, or cities and counties, 50 percent of the subvention payments owed them under the Open-Space Subvention Program by December 10, and the remaining 50 percent by April 10, of the same fiscal year in which the local government receives property tax revenues from the qualifying land.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1466 (Florez-D) Dairy farms: sanitation
Requires, until January 1, 2007, the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture to establish and administer a financial incentive program to encourage dairy farmers to improve air and water conditions on their farms.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1540 (Strickland-R) Open-space lands
Provides that any action by a county, or city, to set aside or dedicate open-space land pursuant to any provision of law and to establish any related easement, or other benefits, shall not become effective until approved by two-thirds of the voters voting on the issue in the county, or city, in which the land is situated.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 1548 (Assembly Agriculture Committee) Agricultural commissions and councils
Makes it a misdemeanor for any person to use any commercial feed containing drugs or food additives, except in compliance with all directions for use as stated on the label of the packaging. Clarifies that the California Sheep Commission has the authority to assess "offsort wool" at a difference rate than high-quality wool and makes various changes to the practices of the California Sheep Commission.
Chapter 397, Statutes of 2001
AB 1552 (Assembly Agriculture Committee) Agricultural products
Authorizes that procedures, form and guidelines related to implementing environmental grant programs of the State Department of Food and Agriculture are exempt from submission to the Office of Administrative Law. Imposes additional requirements relating to products sold at farmers' markets and makes technical, non-substantive changes to the provisions related to the California Tomato Commission.
Chapter 373, Statutes of 2001
AB 1612 (Matthews-D) Agricultural and seafood industries
Authorizes any state established agricultural or seafood commission, or council, to petition to the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture to adopt and administer any activity authorized pursuant to the California Marketing Act of 1937. Makes other related findings.
Chapter 510, Statutes of 2001
AB 1618* (Matthews-D) Engine fuels
Allows the State Department of Food and Agriculture to grant a variance from specified engine fuel specifications to manufacturers of developmental engine fuels and prescribes the conditions and terms for exercising such authority.
Chapter 596, Statutes of 2001
AB 1628 (Assembly Agriculture Committee) Fairs
Modifies the relationship between the State Department of Food and Agriculture and individual district agricultural associations regarding various financial transactions of the district agricultural associations and county fairs.
Chapter 423, Statutes of 2001
AB 1654 (Nakano-D) Meat inspection
Appropriates $500,000 from the General Fund to the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture to create a meat inspection program with standards at least as stringent as federal meat inspection laws.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1686 (Thomson-D) Rice Straw Utilization Program
Establishes, until June 30, 2008, the Rice Straw Utilization Program, to be administered by the State Department of Food and Agriculture, to provide financial assistance to rice growers and rice straw end users, in order to find new off-field uses for rice straw, as specified. Appropriates $788,000 from the General Fund for this purpose and provides that any appropriations in subsequent years are subject to the annual budget process.
Vetoed by the Governor
AJR 4 (Leslie-R) Biomass power facilities
Memorializes Congress to recognize the importance of the biomass industry in California and to encourage the continued operation of the existing biomass-to-energy industry by taking the reasonable measures necessary to increase the availability and reduce the cost of biomass wastes diverted to power plants for use as renewable energy or fuels. Requests various federal agencies to recognize environmental benefits, including improved air quality, decreased global-warming gases, and reduced threat of catastrophic forest fires that energy production from biomass waste can provide.
Resolution Chapter 76, Statutes of 2001

Water Resources
SB 1 (Alpert-D) California Endowment for Marine Preservation
Establishes a process by which oil companies may avoid significant costs in the decommissioning of off-shore oil platforms by leaving the support structures, or jackets, in place as artificial reefs. Specifies that oil companies will pay a percentage of the avoided costs to the state, local governments, and private endowment under a scheme set out in the bill. Specifies that these funds will be used by various entities to enhance and protect the marine environment.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 23 (Costa-D) CALFED funds: Bay-Delta Program
Allows the State Department of Water Resources (DWR), by satisfying budget control language, to expend $135 million appropriated in the 2000 Budget Act to implement CALFED projects. Requires DWR to submit an annual progress on CALFED projects, beginning January 1, 2003. Declares that nothing in the bill may be construed as a certification of the CALFED Bay-Delta Program, final programmatic environmental impact statement/environmental impact report, dated July 2000, the CALFED Bay-Delta Program, programmatic record of decision, dated August 2000, and the Framework Agreement, dated June 9, 2000. Declares that nothing in the bill affects the rights of litigation, or the merits of any pending lawsuit, relating to the CALFED Bay-Delta Program.
Chapter 7, Statutes of 2001
SB 58 (Alpert-D) California Ocean Resources Enhancement and Hatchery Program
Removes the current sunset of January 1, 2003 from the California Ocean Resources Enhancement and Hatchery Program, thereby extending the program indefinitely.
Chapter 89, Statutes of 2001
SB 72 (Kuehl-D) Storm water
Revises monitoring requirements for municipal and industrial storm water discharges and requires the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to develop minimum standard monitoring requirements by January 1, 2003, contingent upon the appropriation of sufficient funds. Requires SWRCB to make available to the public, via the Internet, a summary of the results obtained from the storm water monitoring in a year in which the Legislature appropriates sufficient funds for that purpose.
Chapter 492, Statutes of 2001
SB 102 (Johannessen-R) Water storage facilities: revenue bonds
This bill (1) requires the State Department of Water Resources (DWR) to plan, construct and operate water storage facilities, gas pipelines, electric transmission lines, and to loan money to private entities to construct generating facilities; (2) creates the California Natural Gas Pipeline and Electric Transmission Board; (3) requires the California Water Commission and board to approve any plans before DWR commences construction, as specified; (4) provides for the issuance of up to $8 billion in revenue bonds to fund water storage facilities and loans, and up to $2 billion to fund gas pipelines and electric transmission lines; (5) requires all hydroelectric power produced by the water storage facilities to be sold for use in California, unless a specified operating reserve capacity is achieved within the state; (6) requires the Director of DWR to submit all resolutions of issuance for revenue bonds to the California Water Commission or the California Natural Gas Pipeline and Electric Transmission Board, as specified, for approval; (7) establishes, in the State Treasury, the Hydroelectric Water Storage Development Bond Fund; and (8) provides for the conditions and procedures for the issuance of the revenue bonds.
(Failed passage in Senate Energy, Utilities, and Communications Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 200 (Chesbro-D) Federal navigation projects
Creates the Federal Navigation Project Fund (FNPF) to be allocated by the Secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to local governmental agencies to match federal dollars for projects authorized by the federal Water Resources Development Act. Appropriates $40 million from the General Fund to the FNPF.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 210 (Senate Local Government Committee) Sawyers Bar County Water District
Requires the board of directors of the Sawyers Bar County Water District, in Siskiyou County, to reduce its membership from five to three members, if a majority of the district's voters sign a petition requesting that reduction.
Chapter 176, Statutes of 2001
SB 221 (Kuehl-D) Land use: water supplies
Establishes a mechanism by which the appropriate local agency must identify a sufficient supply of water to serve a new residential subdivision development project, prior to approving the project.
Chapter 642, Statutes of 2001
SB 315 (Alpert-D) Antifouling paints
Creates, until January 1, 2004, the San Diego Advisory Committee for Environmentally Superior Antifouling Paints and appropriates money from the Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund to pay for a report on vessel coatings.
Chapter 469, Statutes of 2001
SB 316* (Oller-R) Auburn Dam Project
Enacts the Auburn Dam Water, Power, and Flood Protection Bond Act of 2001, which, if adopted, will authorize, for the purpose of financing the Auburn Dam Project, the issuance, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law, of bonds in an unspecified amount. Requires that all other sources of funding available to the department, including, but not limited to, money from federal and local flood control entities, money from local entities that seek to purchase surplus water, and money from power supply interests, be used for construction of the Auburn Dam Project either before, or in conjunction with, the use of available bond proceeds.
(In Senate Agricultural and Water Resources Committee)
Similar legislation was SB 45X* (Oller-R) and SB 45XX* (Oller-R), which died in the Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee.
SB 350 (Alpert-D) Metropolitan water districts
Requires the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, on or before June 30, 2002, to adopt guidelines governing unreserved fund balances.
Chapter 632, Statutes of 2001
SB 351 (Ortiz-D) Drinking water: hexavalent chromium standard
Requires the State Department of Health Services to adopt a primary drinking water standard for hexavalent chromium by January 1, 2004. Requires a report on the progress of developing the standard to the Legislature by January 1, 2003.
Chapter 602, Statutes of 2001
SB 405* (McPherson-R) Department of Water Resources: electric power
Provides that no payments or claims for payment arising from the State Department of Water Resources activities relating to the purchase and sale of electric powers pursuant to these provisions shall be obligations of or paid from any State Water Project funds. Makes an appropriation by transferring $42.9 million from the General Fund to the California Water Resources Development Bond Fund, a continuously appropriated fund.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 428 (Oller-R) El Dorado County Water Agency
Changes the El Dorado County Water Agency's board of directors, from the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors to a five-member board of directors, and specifies its makeup.
Chapter 91, Statutes of 2001
SB 449 (Sher-D) Santa Clara Valley Water District
Makes technical amendments to various sections of the Santa Clara Valley Water District Act.
Chapter 170, Statutes of 2001
SB 460 (Scott-D) Public health: drinking water: chromium VI investigation
Requires the State Department of Health Services to (1) investigate various technologies to remove chromium-6 from drinking water, when it adopts a drinking water standard for chromium-6 and subject to appropriation of funds for that purpose, and (2) maintain reports of detection levels on the Internet, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 463 (Perata-D) Drinking water standards: arsenic
Requires the State Department of Health Services to adopt a new primary drinking water standard for arsenic by January 1, 2003. Specifies that, in determining what the "feasible level" (i.e., the maximum contaminant level) for arsenic should be, DHS is required to consider emerging technologies for reducing concentrations of arsenic in drinking water supplies. Requires the Office of Environmental Health Assessment to develop language regarding the health affects of the ingestion of arsenic in drinking water for inclusion in consumer confidence reports.
Chapter 604, Statutes of 2001
SB 469 (Alpert-D) Water quality: total maximum daily loads
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board to prepare, on or before July 1, 2003, guidelines to be used by SWRCB and the regional boards for the purpose of listing and delisting waters and developing and implementing the total maximum daily load (TMDL) program and TMDLs pursuant to the federal Clean Water Act. Requires the guidelines to be finalized not later than January 1, 2004. Requires SWRCB to comply with the existing deadlines when taking action on a regional board's water quality control plan that is being amended solely for an action related to the regional board's TMDL submittal, except where the proposed amendment is for an exceedingly complex TMDL or the submission by the regional board is clearly incomplete.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
SB 471 (Sher-D) Proposition 65: toxic chemicals
Changes the enforcement of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65).
Chapter 578, Statutes of 2001
SB 472 (Soto-D) Public health: hexavalent chromium: study
Requires the State Department of Health Services to determine the levels of hexavalent chromium in the drinking water supplied by the public water systems in the Chino Basin aquifer and reports its findings to the Governor and Legislature no later than January 1, 2003.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 538 (Costa-D) Groundwater storage
Requires the State Department of Water Resources to investigate and study the feasibility of additional groundwater storage and reclamation projects and more efficient uses of existing reservoirs within the counties of Kern, Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange, Riverside, and San Diego, in order to improve the water supply that is available for all uses within that region of the state.
(In Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 609* (Costa-D) Water Omnibus Act of 2001
Makes a number of clarifying and non-controversial changes to existing law regarding various water agency issues. This bill is the Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee's omnibus bill.
Chapter 606, Statutes of 2001
SB 610 (Costa-D) Water supply planning
Expands, in certain circumstances, the requirement for public water systems to prepare water supply assessments for large scale projects, requires that additional information be included in assessments, and makes related changes.
Double-joined to AB 901 (Daucher-R).
Chapter 643, Statutes of 2001
SB 621 (Costa-D) Water transfers
Expands the transfer request and approval process of the water wheeling statutes by requiring the water conveyance facility owner to make an initial determination within 30 days, and a final determination within 60 days, consider any information submitted by the water transferor and make certain information available to the public.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 672 (Machado-D) California Water Plan: urban water management plans
Requires the State Department of Water Resources to include, in the California Water Plan, a report on the development of regional and local water projects within each hydrologic region of the state to improve water projects within each hydrologic region of the state to improve water supplies to meet municipal, agricultural and environmental water needs and to minimize the need to import water from other hydrologic regions.
Chapter 320, Statutes of 2001
SB 699 (Battin-R) Flood control
Provides state authorization for a flood control project on the Whitewater River in Riverside County, as specified.
Chapter 637, Statutes of 2001
SB 710 (Alpert-D) Water quality: total maximum daily loads
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board to adopt guidelines for both listing and total maximum daily loads by July 1, 2003.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 727 (Costa-D) Environmental Water Account Act of 2001
Enacts the Environmental Water Account Program Act of 2001, which authorizes the State Department of Water Resources to develop and implement the Environmental Water Account Program to provide water for the protection and recovery of fish in a manner that exceeds the protections provided by the regulatory baseline. Requires that water acquired by DWR for the program to be used to provide water directly for fish protection or recovery or for compensating water users for reduced water deliveries due to changes in project operations for fish protection or recovery that exceed the regulatory baseline. Authorizes DWR to take specified actions, including operating the State Water Project in a prescribed manner, purchasing or leasing water or water rights, and purchasing or leasing long-term storage, as specified. Creates the Environmental Water Account Program Fund in the State Treasury, and requires all monies that are in the fund to be deposited in the fund. Requires DWR, by January 1, 2003, and annually thereafter, to prepare and submit to the Legislature a report for the prior water year ending on September 30, that includes specified information regarding the implementation of the program. Sunsets on January 1, 2005.
(In Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 766 (Burton-D) Water
Specifies how the funds contained in the California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks, and Coastal Protection Act of 2001 will be allocated.
Chapter 878, Statutes of 2001
SB 788 (Alarcon-D) Parks and recreation: grants: urban river park projects
Enacts the California River Parkways Act of 2001 for the purpose of directly improving the quality of life in California by providing recreational, open space, wildlife, educational, flood control and water quality benefits to communities in the state. Authorizes the Secretary of the State Resources Agency to award grants to state and local agencies and nonprofit organizations on a competitive basis for feasible river parkway projects. Requires the secretary, in awarding those grants, to give priority to projects that accomplish specified objectives, including to help improve blighted urban communities adjacent to urban rivers and streams. Limits the secretary's administrative costs for implementation of the bill to five percent of the amount annually appropriated for purposes of the bill. Specifies that the provisions of the bill are to be implemented only during those fiscal years in which funding is provided for the purpose of the bill in the annual Budget Act or in another measure.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 815 (Machado-D) Discharger Legacy Pollutant Reduction Program
Enacts the Discharger Legacy Pollutant Reduction Program Act. Establishes the Legacy Pollutant Cleanup Fund and authorizes the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to expend funds in the fund, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for pollutant load reduction projects and projects to clean up toxic hot spots. Requires SWRCB and the regional boards to permit a discharger that discharges into a water body that is listed as impaired pursuant to the federal Clean Water Act, pollutants that are eligible for cleanup pursuant to the bill's provisions, to offset a pollutant mass loading by implementing, or contributing funds to, a pollutant reduction project.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 816 (Johnson-R) Waste discharges: regulatory action
Authorizes a California regional water quality control board to issue a cleanup and abatement order with regard to the discharge of waste that constitutes a nonpoint source discharge, but, except as otherwise specified, prohibits the regional board from issuing a cease and desist order with regard to that discharge. In connection with the issuance of a cleanup and abatement order for a discharge that constitutes urban runoff or other nonpoint source discharge that is identified in a comprehensive watershed study entered into by a local public agency, requires the regional board to employ the abatement schedule described in the study. Specifies that that authority extends to a threatened or continuing violation due to the inability of a local public agency to cleanup or abate the effects of an urban runoff discharge in accordance with an abatement schedule described in a comprehensive watershed study.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 847 (Ackerman-R) Recycled water
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to make a finding that the proposed recharge into the receiving aquifer, that is a source of domestic water supply, is protective of the public health and will maintain or enhance overall water quality prior to allowing the recycled water to be injected into the stratum. Authorizes DHS to order abatement of any condition that it determines to pose a threat to the public health.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 868* (Costa-D) Water Bond Act of 2001: water resources
Enacts the Water Bond Act of 2001, which, if adopted, authorizes, for purposes of financing a clean, reliable water supply and drought year water supply infrastructure program, the issuance of bonds in an unspecified amount, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law. Provides for the use of the bond funds, and funds repaid to the state pursuant to certain loan contracts, for water programs established by the act.
(In Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 883 (Escutia-D) Water replenishment districts
Expands conflict of interest and competitive bidding provisions of the Water Replenishment District Act.
Chapter 829, Statutes of 2001
SB 915 (Machado-D) Water transfer
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board, in consultation with the State Department of Water Resources and the United States Bureau of Reclamation, to establish criteria for use in evaluating the impacts of proposed water transfers, as specified.
(In Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 1008 (Perata-D) Public utilities: counties: hydroelectric power
Authorizes the counties of Alpine, Amador and Calaveras, as a joint powers authority known as the Upper Mokelumne River Watershed Authority (Authority), to acquire, operate, maintain existing works, property, and facilities within those counties for the generation of hydroelectric power.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
SB 1029 (Perata-D) Water transfers
Makes changes to "water wheeling statutes", as specified.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1115 (Costa-D) The CALFED Bay-Delta Program
Creates, in the State Resources Agency, a CALFED Bay-Delta Commission to manage the implementation of the CALFED Bay-Delta Program, as specified.
(In Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 1145 (Machado-D) Subdivision Map Act: fee
Requires that the groundwater recharge facility plan be sent to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) for review and comments prior to its adoption by the legislative body of the local agency. Authorizes the legislative body of the local agency to adopt the plan prior to receiving SWRCB's comments.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
SB 1201 (Romero-D) Hexavalent chromium: study: San Gabriel Basin
Requires the State Department of Health Services to complete a study of chromium-6 in the San Gabriel Basin aquifer that is identical to the study now underway for chromium-6 in the San Fernando Basin aquifer.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SCR 44 (Costa-D) California Urban Water Conservation Council
Congratulates and commends the California Urban Water Conservation Council for its leadership and dedication over the past ten years to promote and achieve greater efficiency of urban water use.
Resolution Chapter 145, Statutes of 2001
SB 31X (Burton-D) Electric power
Caps the State Department of Water Resource (DWR) revenue bond authority at $13.4 million, with respect to purchases of power, requires repayment to the State General Fund be made as soon as practicable and makes other clarifying and technical changes to DWR's electricity purchase and sales program.
Chapter 9, Statutes of 2001, First Extraordinary Session
SB 18XX* (Burton-D) Dept. of Water Resources: electricity: bond financing orde
Requires the revenue bond repayment mechanism for electrical power to include a State Department of Water Resources Bond Set-Aside, as specified.
SB 27XX (Bowen-D) Department of Water Resources: power
Allows specified customers of electrical corporations also being served by the State Department of Water Resources (DWR) to use an alternate provider, subject to payment of DWR's uncollected costs, as specified, and makes related changes.
(In Assembly Energy Costs and Availability Committee)
AB 15 (Harman-R) Storm water discharges
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to provide grants to public local agencies to pay for capital costs and specified other costs associated with diverting dry weather flows from storm water discharges, or reducing or eliminating dry weather flows from storm water discharges, or both, which flows would otherwise be discharged to a public beach that meets prescribed requirements, and specifies the priority for awarding the grants. Prohibits a public local agency from submitting an application for a grant to divert dry weather flows from storm water to a sewage treatment facility, except in accordance with a written agreement between the public local agency and the owner of the sewage treatment facility owner that will receive the diverted flows. Requires a public local agency to apply for funds pursuant to a specified law prior to applying for funds made available under the bill's provisions. Requires SWRCB, in consultation with the California Storm Water Quality Task Force and Tri-Tac, the Technical Advisory Committee for the California Association of Sanitary Agencies, the California Water Environment Association, and the League of California Cities, to adopt regulations to carry out the grant program not later than July 1, 2002. Requires SWRCB, in consultation with that task force, and others, to complete a study not later than January 1, 2004, for the purpose of identifying measures that will reduce or eliminate violations of minimum sanitation standards applicable to public beaches, as prescribed. Appropriates the sum of $2 million from the General Fund to SWRCB to carry out the grant program.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 38 (Strom-Martin-D) Water agencies: study
Requires the Office of the Legislative Analyst to conduct a study and submit a report to the Legislature, by March 1, 2002, on the operation of special district water agencies in California.
Chapter 108, Statutes of 2001
AB 61 (Florez-D) Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
Authorizes planning and preliminary engineering studies, project design, and construction costs to be funded by grants or a combination of grants and loans in the case of private not-for-profit water companies. Requires a private not-for-profit water company, upon entering into a contract with the State Department of Health Services for a grant under these provisions, to agree to operate and maintain the water system for 20 years.
Chapter 619, Statutes of 2001
AB 88* (Alquist-D) Santa Clara Valley Water District: special taxes
Authorizes the Santa Clara Valley Water District to grant specified exemptions to special taxes for residential parcels owned and occupied by taxpayers who are at least 65 years old, if the total household income is less than an amount approved by the voters of the district.
Chapter 63, Statutes of 2001
AB 92 (Chavez-D) Liability: flood control and water conservation facilities
Extends, for another five years, the existing conditional immunity from liability granted to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works and its employees for injuries caused by the condition and used of unlined flood control channels or adjacent flood control spreading grounds. Requires a new Judicial Council report on the incidences of injuries incurred, claims asserted and paid, for this study period.
Chapter 756, Statutes of 2001
AB 134 (Kelley-R) Water resources
Authorizes the Castaic Lake Water Agency (Agency) to exercise retail water authority within a specified area, in accordance with the County Water District Law, and prohibits, with a certain exception, the Agency from exporting groundwater produced within that specified area.
Chapter 929, Statutes of 2001
AB 152* (Calderon-D) San Gabriel Water Quality Authority: board members
Allows the San Gabriel Valley Water Quality Authority to enter into contracts for groundwater cleanup with private water producers, under specified conditions, to avoid illegal conflicts-of-interest.
Chapter 810, Statutes of 2001
AB 221 (Florez-D) Kern County flood control
Appropriates $6.5 million from the General Fund to the State Department of Water Resources to make local-match grants to Kern County for flood control projects in the unincorporated area of Lamont, southeast of City of Bakersfield.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 285 (Wayne-D) Sewage system overflows: reporting
Establishes a statewide process for reporting and compiling information on the frequency and severity of sewer system discharges and overflows.
Chapter 498, Statutes of 2001
AB 331 (Goldberg-D) 2002 Recycled Water Task Force
Requires the State Department of Water Resources (DWR) to convene a 2002 Recycled Water Task Force, with specified membership, to advise DWR in investigating the opportunities for using recycled water in industrial and commercial applications and in identifying impediments and constraints to increasing the industrial and commercial use of recycled water, and requires a report to the Legislature, with recommendations on specified topics, not later than July 1, 2003. Requires DWR to carry out these duties only to the extent that certain funds are made available for that purpose.
Chapter 590, Statutes of 2001
AB 358 (Kelley-R) Water quality: Cathedral City
Prohibits the discharge of wastewater by subsurface disposal systems in the Cove area of Cathedral City in Riverside County.
Chapter 700, Statutes of 2001
AB 378 (Calderon-D) Water quality: cleanup
Makes it a specific requirement of the Porter-Cologne Act that groundwater cleanup systems must, in cleaning up polluted groundwater, meet all the requirements of the water quality laws. Ensures that drinking water agencies and interests are consulted when a groundwater aquifer that affects them is being cleaned up. Enables local and regional water agencies, under supervision of the regional boards, to carry out investigations of groundwater pollution when the regional boards do not have the time, resources of personnel to do the investigations themselves.
Chapter 332, Statutes of 2001
AB 553 (Runner-R) Castaic Lake Water Agency
Requires that if the Castaic Lake Water Agency (Agency) acquired a private water purveyor, the term of the agency board member appointed by the purveyor will terminate on the first Monday after January 1 of the year following the acquisition. Requires that a court issue a decision stating that the Agency acquire a distributor before the provisions take effect and contain language stating that the provisions of this bill should not be construed to affect any related court actions.
Chapter 225, Statutes of 2001
AB 599 (Liu-D) Groundwater contamination: quality monitoring program
Specifies a number of duties for the State Water Resources Control Board related to developing and implementing a comprehensive groundwater monitoring program, including the preparation of a report by August 1, 2002.
Chapter 522, Statutes of 2001
AB 639 (Nakano-D) Coastal waters: contamination
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board to develop reliable, rapid and affordable diagnostic tests for evaluating coastal water quality.
Chapter 502, Statutes of 2001
AB 674 (Dutra-D) Contracts
Authorizes the Santa Clara Valley Water District, upon approval of its governing body, to use the design-build bidding procedure for public works, under specified conditions.
Chapter 847, Statutes of 2001
AB 729 (Kehoe-D) Waste discharge permit fee waiver
Prohibits the State Water Resources Control Board, or regional water quality control board, from imposing a fee in connection with prescribing waste discharge requirements for the Replacement Pier and Dredging Project, United States Naval Station, San Diego.
Chapter 664, Statutes of 2001
AB 759 (Shelley-D) Personal watercraft: bans
Authorizes any city, county, or city and county to adopt an ordinance to ban the use of personal watercraft in any navigable water within their jurisdiction.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 777 (Lowenthal-D) Federal navigation projects
Establishes a mechanism in the State Business, Transportation and Housing Agency for allocating future state appropriations for federally-authorized navigation projects.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 791 (Chavez-D) Drinking water: labeling
Requires that all determinations by the State Department of Health Services of compliance with existing law establishing bottled water labeling requirements for specific water types be supported by a certification report from a registered geologist subject to regulation by the State Board of Geologists and Geophysicists.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 810 (John Campbell-R) Irvine Ranch and Santa Margarita Water Districts
Authorizes the Irvine Ranch Water District and the Santa Margarita Water District to acquire, construct, operate, maintain and furnish facilities for the inversion of the urban runoff from drainage courses with the district, the treatment of the urban runoff, the return of the water to the drainage courses, or the beneficial use of the water.
Chapter 209, Statutes of 2001
AB 813* (Briggs-R) Taxation: credits: hot water recirculation systems
Authorizes a 50 percent credit for the amount paid or incurred for hot water recirculating systems that are operational with a qualified plumbing fixture and are installed as part of new construction.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
Similar legislation was AB 76XX (Briggs-R), which died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee.
AB 814 (Havice-D) Flood control: Los Angeles County Drainage Area
Deletes the requirements that the County of Los Angeles consider the comments of an advisory committee and the requirement that the Secretary of the State Resources Agency convene that advisory committee. Requires the restoration plan to include habitat restoration and maintenance projects and increased parkland and recreational opportunities along the lower Los Angeles River and its tributaries within the territory of the existing San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (Conservancy) and within 1,000 feet of the river and tributary channels. Prohibits any other state conservancy, or similar state agency, from working within the territory of the Conservancy without the prior written approval of the Conservancy.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 862 (Thomson-D) Port of Sacramento: local matching share
Appropriates $16 million from the General Fund to the State Department of Boating and Waterways to be allocated in fiscal year 2001-02 to the Port of Sacramento to provide the local match for federal navigation project funding.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 901 (Daucher-R) Water supply planning
Requires urban water management plans to include information relating to the quality of existing water supplies and the manner in which water qualify affects water management strategies and supply reliability.
Double-joined to SB 610 (Costa-D).
Chapter 644, Statutes of 2001
AB 946 (Kelley-R) Water rights
Makes various changes to the procedures of the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and also clarifies existing law regarding when SWRCB's decisions can be appealed to the state courts by stating that reconsideration before the SWRCB is not required to court appeals, except when the decision has been made under authority delegated to an officer or employee of the SWRCB.
Chapter 315, Statutes of 2001
AB 954 (Kelley-R) Telecommunications: irrigation districts
Authorizes all irrigation districts to purchase or lease telecommunications services from any agency or entity and to provide for the acquisition, operation, leasing, and control of equipment and facilities for the distribution, sale, and lease of telecommunications services to any persons and entities.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 959 (Kelley-R) Joint powers agreements: Salton Sea Authority
Authorizes the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians to enter into a joint powers agreement to participate in the Salton Sea Authority.
Chapter 19, Statutes of 2001
AB 997 (Dickerson-R) Streambed alteration
Exempts, from State Department of Fish and Game (DFG), review any activity that may adversely affect a streambed, if the activity is related to maintenance of a previously permitted structure used for irrigation, water supply, drainage, diversion of water, or crossings. Allows DFG only 30 days to deny a written application for the continued operation of an existing structure used for the purposes previously described. After 30 days, the application is automatically approved.
(Failed passage in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1051* (Aanestad-R) Flood control
Authorizes the Rock Creek/Keefer Slough Flood Control Project in Butte County, therefore making the project eligible for a state flood control subvention.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1052 (Aanestad-R) Flood control: Butte County
Appropriates $2.5 million from the General Fund to the State Department of Water Resources for allocation to Butte County to pay the county's share of pre-construction engineering design and bridge design related to the Rock Creek-Keefer Slough Flood Control Project.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1054* (Cogdill-R) Taxation: irrigation system improvements
Provides a credit, for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2001, and until January 1, 2006, in an amount equal to 25 percent of the cost paid or incurred by the taxpayer, not to exceed a specified amount per acre, for the purchase and installation of an irrigation system improvement, as defined, that is used in a business for the production of farm income, and is installed on agricultural land in California that is owned or leased by the taxpayer at the time of installation.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1089 (Aanestad-R) Water quality: septic tank systems: Chico urban area
Establishes a grant program for Butte County to defray a portion of the costs associated with a public sewer system project to reduce the number of septic tanks in the unincorporated area around the City of Chico.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1135 (Hollingsworth-R) Flood control
Authorizes the Murrieta Creek Flood Control Project in Riverside County, therefore making the project eligible for a state flood control subvention.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1192 (Pavley-D) Water Quality and Watershed Protection Act of 2002
Authorizes, subject to voter approval on an unspecified statewide election ballot, the issuance and sale of an unspecified amount of state general obligation bonds to finance programs for water conservation, stormwater quality improvement, watershed protection and management, water quality improvement in the Malibu Creek watershed, water recycling, drinking water quality, water contaminant removal and management, river parkways, nonpoint source pollution control, urban stream restoration and ambient water quality monitoring.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1201 (Pavley-D) Stormwater pollution: used oil recycling fund
Continuously appropriates the money in the California Used Oil Recycling Fund to the California Integrated Waste Management Board to issue grants or loans to local governments or nonprofit entities to pay for education and mitigation projects relating to stormwater pollution, from oil and oil byproducts. Prohibits a local government from receiving a grant or loan for these purposes unless the local government certifies that it has a stormwater management program approved by the appropriate California regional water quality control board and the project is consistent with that program. Specifies that final approval of applicant and project eligibility standards, scoring and evaluation processes, and awarding of loans or grants under the act shall be made in a public meeting of, and pursuant to the vote of, the board.
Chapter 317, Statutes of 2001
Similar legislation is AB 560 (Jackson-D), Chapter 500, Statutes of 2001.
AB 1242* (Wiggins-D) Budget Act of 2001
Among other things, augments the State Budget Act of 2001, by $200,000, the appropriation to the State Department of Fish and Game to pay for a study of the feasibility of "maintaining in good condition the fish in Rector Creek below Rector Dam". Augments the State Budget Act of 2001, by $250,000, the appropriation to the State Department of Water Resources to pay for a study to determine the water demand of state facilities entitled to water from Rector Reservoir, and to develop related rules.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1327 (Leslie-R) Water rights: Truckee River
Exempts any change in point or place of diversion or use of Truckee River water that is made in accordance with the Truckee River Operating Agreement from the statutory prohibition on recognition of another state's water rights, when those rights are to water from an interstate lake or a river that flows out of an interstate lake.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1331 (Kelley-R) Water quality: grant program
Provides a local grant program to remedy groundwater quality problems in a portion of Riverside County resulting from leaking septic systems.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1393 (Thomson-D) Water quality
Updates the conflict-of-interest requirements that apply to state and regional board members by prohibiting them from participating in board decisions in which they have a financial interest, as provided by the Political Reform Act. Makes other changes to the Porter-Cologne Act relating to regional board hearings.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1398 (Florez-D) Working landscapes stewardship
Establishes a grant program, within the Wildlife Conservation Board, to provide funds to private landowners to promote preservation and enhancement of native plants and wildlife on range land.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1438 (Florez-D) Reservoirs: recreational use
Requires the State Department of Health Services to establish minimum sanitation standards for the recreational use of reservoirs in which bodily contact with the water is not prohibited, as specified.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1483 (Richman-R) California Threatened Water Supply Act of 2001
Prohibits a regional board from issuing a waste discharge permit for a new solid waste landfill, or a lateral expansion of an existing landfill, as defined, if the regional board determines that the landfill site is within a critical water supply area. Prescribes other related matters.
(In Senate Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1487 (Thomson-D) Flood protection
Requires the State Department of water Resources to develop and implement a program of flood control projects in the Suisun Marsh in Solano County to protect public highways and roads, utility lines and conduits, other public facilities, urbanized areas, water quality, recreation, navigation, fish and wildlife habitats, and to provide net long-term habitat improvement.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1535 (Florez-D) Department of Water Resources: electric power
Provides that no payments or claims for payment arising from the State Department of Water Resources (DWR) activities relating to the purchase and sale of electric power pursuant to these provisions shall be obligations of or paid from any State Water Project funds. Transfers, upon an appropriation in the Budget Act, $42.9 million from the General Fund to the California Water Resources Development bond Fund, a continuously appropriated fund, for the purposes of restoring monies to that fund that were used to purchase electricity in December 2000 and January 2001. Prohibits DWR from expending these monies without the express statutory authority to do so.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1545 (Florez-D) Department of Water Resources: water supplies
Requires the State Department of Water Resources to, using existing resources, conduct a study of the feasibility of increased groundwater storage, reclamation projects, and more efficient use of existing reservoirs in the counties of Kern, Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange, Riverside and Orange, and include its findings in the CALFED Bay-Delta report.
(At Senate Desk)
AB 1561 (Kelley-R) Colorado River Water
Authorizes the State Department of Fish and Game and the State Fish and Game Commission to authorize the taking of certain birds and fully protected species, if the taking is related to (1) the implementation of any component of the Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program established by the states of California, Arizona, and Nevada and approved by DGF, (2) the implementation of any component of the May 11, 2000, working draft of the California Colorado River Water Use Plan, or (3) the effects of any covered activities, as described in the Water Conservation and Transfer Project Habitat Conservation Plan, prepared by the Imperial Irrigation District, for the purpose of obtaining compliance with the California Endangered Species Act for certain water transfers. Deems certain statutory requirements, including requirements of the California Endangered Species Act, relating to impacts or potential impacts at the Salton Sea on any species resulting from conservation measures, water transfers, and any other actions carried out in furtherance of a specified agreement, satisfied as of January 1, 2002, and for the period that the specified agreement is in effect. The provisions will not be operative if the specified agreement is not executed on or before December 31, 2002, as specified.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1565 (Mountjoy-R) Drinking water: fluoridation
Authorizes the introduction of a fluoride-releasing compound into a public water supply for the purpose of controlling tooth decay, only if certain conditions imposed on the State Department of Health Services are met.
(Failed passage in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1602* (Keeley-D) Water
Enacts the California Clean Water, Clean Air, and Safe Neighborhood Parks, and Coastal Protection Act of 2002, which authorizes, for the purpose of financing a program for the acquisition, development, restoration, protection, rehabilitation, stabilization, reconstruction, preservation, and interpretation of park, coastal, agricultural land, air, and historical resources, the issuance of bonds in the amount of $2.6 billion.
Chapter 875, Statutes of 2001
AB 1637* (Dickerson-R) Klamath River water crisis: assistance program
Allocates $8 million appropriated in the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency in the 2001 Budget Act, to the Office of Emergency Services for the Klamath River Water Crisis Economic Assistance and Mitigation Program, as specified.
Chapter 511, Statutes of 2001
AB 1646 (Richman-R) Public health: drinking water: chromium VI
Requires the State Department of Health Services to create a separate category for chromium VI and to reduce the maximum allowable limit from 50 parts per billion to 2.5 parts per billion in drinking water supplied by public water systems.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1664 (Pavley-D) Water quality
Clarifies existing law relating to water quality enforcement by the State Water Resources Control Board and the Regional Water Quality Control Board and makes other technical changes.
Chapter 869, Statutes of 2001
AB 1670 (Assembly Water, Parks And Wildlife Committee) Water shortage emergencies: notice of hearing requirements
Revises water shortage emergency notification requirements for a distributor of a public water supply by requiring that the notice of the hearing be published three times at least ten days prior to the date of the hearing, instead of seven days before the hearing.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
ACR 71 (Aroner-D) Lake and Reservoir Appreciation Week
Declares the first week of July that includes both a weekend and July 4th, annually, commencing July, 2001, as Lake and Reservoir Appreciation Week.
Resolution Chapter 74, Statutes of 2001
AJR 14 (Assembly Water, Parks And Wildlife Committee) Klamath Project
Memorializes the Secretary of the Interior to convene the Endangered Species Committee to issue orders, as necessary, consistent with the purpose of the Endangered Species Act, to remedy the crisis in the Klamath River Basin and ensure that this crisis is not replicated in other regions of the country. Memorializes the Congress of the United States to amend the Endangered Species Act, if needed, as specified.
(Failed passage in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee; reconsideration granted)
AJR 24 (Chu-D) Lower Los Angeles and San Gabriel River Watersheds
Memorializes the President and Vice President of the United States, the Speaker of the House of Representative of the United States, the Director of the National Park Service, and each senator and representative from California in the Congress of the United States to support Congresswoman Hilda L. Solis' proposal to study the feasibility of establishing the Lower Los Angeles River, the San Gabriel River, the San Gabriel Mountains, and areas under the jurisdiction of the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy as a unit of the National Park System.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
HR 25 (Briggs-R) Shaver Lake
Resolves that the State Assembly does not support Article 17 of Senate Bill 78 of the 2001-02 Second Extraordinary Session, which states, "It is the intent of the set the conditions under which an electrical corporation may become creditworthy and meet its obligations to serve consumers with reliable electricity service at just and reasonable rates."
(At Assembly Desk)
AB 1X* (Keeley-D) Power exchanges: Department of Water Resources
Authorizes the State Department of Water Resources (DWR) to enter into long-term power purchase contracts and to sell the power, directly or indirectly, to electric consumers in California. Appropriates a total of $500 million from the General Fund (transfers $495,755,000 to the Electric Power Fund and appropriates $4,245,000 to DWR for the administrative costs in 2000-01). Authorizes DWR to sell revenue bonds and repeals a prohibition on electrical corporations from purchasing electricity from any exchange other than the Power Exchange.
Chapter 4, Statutes of 2001, First Extraordinary Session
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 1 | Alpert-D California Endowment for Marine Preservation | |
SB 23 | Costa-D CALFED funds: Bay-Delta Program | |
SB 58 | Alpert-D California Ocean Resources Enhancement and Hatchery Program | |
SB 72 | Kuehl-D Storm water | |
SB 102 | Johannessen-R Water storage facilities: revenue bonds | |
SB 200 | Chesbro-D Federal navigation projects | |
SB 210 | Senate Local Government Committee Sawyers Bar County Water District | |
SB 221 | Kuehl-D Land use: water supplies | |
SB 261 | Senate Environmental Quality Committee Food and agriculture: organization | |
SB 305 | Machado-D Pest control: structural pest control devices | |
SB 315 | Alpert-D Antifouling paints | |
SB 316* | Oller-R Auburn Dam Project | |
SB 350 | Alpert-D Metropolitan water districts | |
SB 351 | Ortiz-D Drinking water: hexavalent chromium standard | |
SB 405* | McPherson-R Department of Water Resources: electric power | |
SB 428 | Oller-R El Dorado County Water Agency | |
SB 435* | Monteith-R Taxation: agriculture: irrigation | |
SB 449 | Sher-D Santa Clara Valley Water District | |
SB 460 | Scott-D Public health: drinking water: chromium VI investigation | |
SB 463 | Perata-D Drinking water standards: arsenic | |
SB 469 | Alpert-D Water quality: total maximum daily loads | |
SB 471 | Sher-D Proposition 65: toxic chemicals | |
SB 472 | Soto-D Public health: hexavalent chromium: study | |
SB 538 | Costa-D Groundwater storage | |
SB 556 | Costa-D Milk products: prohibited sales | |
SB 594* | Chesbro-D Pest control: Pierce's Disease | |
SB 605 | Costa-D Pesticides | |
SB 609* | Costa-D Water Omnibus Act of 2001 | |
SB 610 | Costa-D Water supply planning | |
SB 621 | Costa-D Water transfers | |
SB 625 | Costa-D Agricultural waste: energy | |
SB 644 | Machado-D Air pollution: emission reduction credits | |
SB 672 | Machado-D California Water Plan: urban water management plans | |
SB 699 | Battin-R Flood control | |
SB 710 | Alpert-D Water quality: total maximum daily loads | |
SB 727 | Costa-D Environmental Water Account Act of 2001 | |
SB 742* | Escutia-D Employee housing: budget trailer bill | |
SB 766 | Burton-D Water | |
SB 772 | Johannessen-R 27th District Agricultural Association Fairgrounds | |
SB 788 | Alarcon-D Parks and recreation: grants: urban river park projects | |
SB 815 | Machado-D Discharger Legacy Pollutant Reduction Program | |
SB 816 | Johnson-R Waste discharges: regulatory action | |
SB 847 | Ackerman-R Recycled water | |
SB 866 | Costa-D California Beef Council | |
SB 868* | Costa-D Water Bond Act of 2001: water resources | |
SB 870 | Costa-D Dairies: dairy marketing study | |
SB 876 | Poochigian-R Special interest license plates: agriculture | |
SB 877* | Poochigian-R Taxes: qualified cogeneration equipment | |
SB 883 | Escutia-D Water replenishment districts | |
SB 912 | Chesbro-D Employment of minors: agricultural packing plants | |
SB 915 | Machado-D Water transfer | |
SB 942 | Costa-D Agriculture | |
SB 964* | Costa-D Vehicles | |
SB 972 | Costa-D Farmworker profile study | |
SB 984 | Costa-D Grazing land: conservation | |
SB 1003 | Poochigian-R Energy: protection of agriculture | |
SB 1008 | Perata-D Public utilities: counties: hydroelectric power | |
SB 1009 | Costa-D Agriculture | |
SB 1029 | Perata-D Water transfers | |
SB 1112 | Polanco-D Judicial holidays: Cesar Chavez Day | |
SB 1115 | Costa-D The CALFED Bay-Delta Program | |
SB 1125 | Burton-D Farm labor contractors: licensing | |
SB 1145 | Machado-D Subdivision Map Act: fee | |
SB 1198 | Romero-D Agricultural employees | |
SB 1201 | Romero-D Hexavalent chromium: study: San Gabriel Basin | |
SB 1223 | Senate Agriculture And Water Resources Committee Red imported fire ants | |
SB 1224 | Senate Agriculture And Water Resources Committee Farmland conservancy | |
SB 1227 | Burton-D Housing Bond Act of 2002 | |
SCR 26 | Polanco-D Cesar Chavez Day | |
SCR 44 | Costa-D California Urban Water Conservation Council | |
SJR 2 | Polanco-D Cesar Chavez: postage stamp | |
SB 5X* | Sher-D State energy projects | |
SB 31X | Burton-D Electric power | |
SB 18XX* | Burton-D Dept. of Water Resources: electricity: bond financing orde | |
SB 27XX | Bowen-D Department of Water Resources: power | |
SB 64XX* | Costa-D Energy: qualified agricultural biomass: incentive grants | |
AB 11 | Dickerson-R Olive pests | |
AB 15 | Harman-R Storm water discharges | |
AB 38 | Strom-Martin-D Water agencies: study | |
AB 52 | Wiggins-D California Farmland Conservation Bond Act of 2002 | |
AB 61 | Florez-D Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund | |
AB 88* | Alquist-D Santa Clara Valley Water District: special taxes | |
AB 92 | Chavez-D Liability: flood control and water conservation facilities | |
AB 134 | Kelley-R Water resources | |
AB 137 | Reyes-D Agriculture: foreign marketing | |
AB 152* | Calderon-D San Gabriel Water Quality Authority: board members | |
AB 220 | Strom-Martin-D Vehicles: limitations of access | |
AB 221 | Florez-D Kern County flood control | |
AB 236 | Kelley-R Agriculture: the Egg Commission: agricultural markets | |
AB 238* | Rod Pacheco-R Taxes: net operating losses | |
AB 274 | Assembly Agriculture Committee Livestock | |
AB 285 | Wayne-D Sewage system overflows: reporting | |
AB 304 | Assembly Agriculture Committee County agricultural commissioners | |
AB 330 | Reyes-D Agricultural preserves: annexations | |
AB 331 | Goldberg-D 2002 Recycled Water Task Force | |
AB 358 | Kelley-R Water quality: Cathedral City | |
AB 378 | Calderon-D Water quality: cleanup | |
AB 388 | Strom-Martin-D Industrial hemp: research | |
AB 423 | Hertzberg-D Farm labor contractors: license requirements | |
AB 426* | Cardoza-D Taxation | |
AB 448 | Strom-Martin-D Industrial hemp: license for commercial purposes | |
AB 553 | Runner-R Castaic Lake Water Agency | |
AB 567 | Koretz-D Agricultural employees: length of hand-held tool handles. | |
AB 573 | Canciamilla-D Public Health Vector Control Act of 2001 | |
AB 582 | Salinas-D Agricultural labor: seasonal farmworkers | |
AB 599 | Liu-D Groundwater contamination: quality monitoring program | |
AB 605 | Negrete McLeod-D California Dairy Producers Environmental Trust Fund | |
AB 638 | Steinberg-D Farm labor: written contracts and agreements | |
AB 639 | Nakano-D Coastal waters: contamination | |
AB 641* | Briggs-R Targeted tax areas: expansion and credits | |
AB 674 | Dutra-D Contracts | |
AB 682 | Calderon-D Mosquito abatement district boards compensation | |
AB 727* | Correa-D Taxes: credits: donations: agriculture | |
AB 729 | Kehoe-D Waste discharge permit fee waiver | |
AB 759 | Shelley-D Personal watercraft: bans | |
AB 777 | Lowenthal-D Federal navigation projects | |
AB 780 | Thomson-D Pesticide mill assessments | |
AB 786 | Cogdill-R Williamson Act contracts: cancellation | |
AB 790* | Maldonado-R Taxes: preventive health care: agricultural workers | |
AB 791 | Chavez-D Drinking water: labeling | |
AB 801 | Salinas-D Choose California Act | |
AB 802 | Dickerson-R Biomass-to-energy facilities | |
AB 807 | Salinas-D Farmworker housing | |
AB 810 | John Campbell-R Irvine Ranch and Santa Margarita Water Districts | |
AB 813* | Briggs-R Taxation: credits: hot water recirculation systems | |
AB 814 | Havice-D Flood control: Los Angeles County Drainage Area | |
AB 862 | Thomson-D Port of Sacramento: local matching share | |
AB 901 | Daucher-R Water supply planning | |
AB 946 | Kelley-R Water rights | |
AB 947 | Jackson-D Pesticides: schoolsites | |
AB 954 | Kelley-R Telecommunications: irrigation districts | |
AB 955 | Florez-D Agricultural disaster prevention: quarantine powers | |
AB 959 | Kelley-R Joint powers agreements: Salton Sea Authority | |
AB 997 | Dickerson-R Streambed alteration | |
AB 1051* | Aanestad-R Flood control | |
AB 1052 | Aanestad-R Flood control: Butte County | |
AB 1054* | Cogdill-R Taxation: irrigation system improvements | |
AB 1089 | Aanestad-R Water quality: septic tank systems: Chico urban area | |
AB 1135 | Hollingsworth-R Flood control | |
AB 1136 | La Suer-R Pest control: eradication of Formosa termite | |
AB 1192 | Pavley-D Water Quality and Watershed Protection Act of 2002 | |
AB 1201 | Pavley-D Stormwater pollution: used oil recycling fund | |
AB 1242* | Wiggins-D Budget Act of 2001 | |
AB 1250 | Florez-D Safety and Farm Labor Vehicle Education Program | |
AB 1283 | Florez-D Environmental quality: dairies | |
AB 1313 | Pavley-D Hazardous waste: fertilizing materials | |
AB 1327 | Leslie-R Water rights: Truckee River | |
AB 1331 | Kelley-R Water quality: grant program | |
AB 1332 | Cardoza-D Agricultural commodities | |
AB 1333 | Kelley-R Agricultural commissions: avocado commission | |
AB 1380* | Aanestad-R Property taxation: exemption: agricultural equipment | |
AB 1381 | Florez-D Open-space subventions | |
AB 1393 | Thomson-D Water quality | |
AB 1394* | Wiggins-D Pests: Pierce's Disease and the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter | |
AB 1398 | Florez-D Working landscapes stewardship | |
AB 1408 | Hollingsworth-R Pest control | |
AB 1417 | Hollingsworth-R Pest control | |
AB 1435 | Rod Pacheco-R Pest control: invasive species task force | |
AB 1438 | Florez-D Reservoirs: recreational use | |
AB 1459 | Reyes-D Farm labor contractors: violation reporting | |
AB 1466 | Florez-D Dairy farms: sanitation | |
AB 1483 | Richman-R California Threatened Water Supply Act of 2001 | |
AB 1487 | Thomson-D Flood protection | |
AB 1526 | Florez-D Bond: farmworker housing and family wellness act | |
AB 1535 | Florez-D Department of Water Resources: electric power | |
AB 1540 | Strickland-R Open-space lands | |
AB 1545 | Florez-D Department of Water Resources: water supplies | |
AB 1548 | Assembly Agriculture Committee Agricultural commissions and councils | |
AB 1550 | Wiggins-D Farmworker housing | |
AB 1552 | Assembly Agriculture Committee Agricultural products | |
AB 1561 | Kelley-R Colorado River Water | |
AB 1565 | Mountjoy-R Drinking water: fluoridation | |
AB 1602* | Keeley-D Water | |
AB 1608 | Assembly Agriculture Committee Plant quarantine and pest control | |
AB 1612 | Matthews-D Agricultural and seafood industries | |
AB 1618* | Matthews-D Engine fuels | |
AB 1628 | Assembly Agriculture Committee Fairs | |
AB 1637* | Dickerson-R Klamath River water crisis: assistance program | |
AB 1646 | Richman-R Public health: drinking water: chromium VI | |
AB 1654 | Nakano-D Meat inspection | |
AB 1664 | Pavley-D Water quality | |
AB 1670 | Assembly Water, Parks And Wildlife Committee Water shortage emergencies: notice of hearing requirements | |
AB 1680 | Assembly Labor And Employment Committee Farm labor contractors: educational classes | |
AB 1686 | Thomson-D Rice Straw Utilization Program | |
ACR 26 | Dickerson-R Mosquito and Vector Control Awareness Week | |
ACR 71 | Aroner-D Lake and Reservoir Appreciation Week | |
AJR 4 | Leslie-R Biomass power facilities | |
AJR 14 | Assembly Water, Parks And Wildlife Committee Klamath Project | |
AJR 24 | Chu-D Lower Los Angeles and San Gabriel River Watersheds | |
HR 14 | Reyes-D Relative to former Bracero workers | |
HR 25 | Briggs-R Shaver Lake | |
HR 29 | Reyes-D Relative to Bracero Workers' Day | |
AB 1X* | Keeley-D Power exchanges: Department of Water Resources |