Local Government

Note: * Denotes Urgency or Tax Levy Legislation.


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SB 1 (Steinberg-D) Sustainable Communities Investment Authority

Allows a local government to establish a Sustainable Communities Investment Authority and direct tax increment revenues to that Authority in order to address blight by supporting development in transit priority project areas, small walkable communities, and clean energy manufacturing sites.
(On Senate Inactive File)

SB 7 (Steinberg-D) Public works: charter cities

Prohibits a charter city from receiving or using state funding for a construction project if the city has a charter provision or ordinance that authorizes a contractor not to comply with prevailing wage requirements on any public works contract, as specified.
Chapter 794, Statutes of 2013

SB 16* (Gaines-R) County costs: non-homicide criminal trials

Allows a county that is responsible for the defense costs of a trial or hearing of a person charged with a non-homicide crime to apply to the State Controller for reimbursement of the costs incurred by the county in excess of the amount of money derived by the county from a tax of 0.0125 of 1% of the full value of property assessed for purposes of taxation within the county. Applies only to trials beginning on or after 1/1/12 for which the Attorney General is handling the prosecution of a non-homicide crime.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 33 (Wolk-D) Infrastructure financing districts: voter approval

Eliminates the voter approval requirement for a city or county to create an infrastructure financing district and expands the types of projects that may be financed by a district.
(On Assembly Inactive File)

SB 56* (Roth-D) Local government finance: property tax revenue allocation

Reallocates vehicle license fees to recently incorporated cities and cities that have annexed inhabited territory.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 279 (Hancock-D) San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority

Specifies procedures for conducting a multi-county election to approve a special tax measure proposed by the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority.
Chapter 514, Statutes of 2013

SB 328 (Knight-R) Counties: public works contracts

Authorizes, until 1/1/18, counties to use construction manager at-risk contracts for projects in excess of $1 million on county-owned or leased buildings.
Chapter 517, Statutes of 2013

SB 339 (Cannella-R) Disposition of real property

Authorizes a county to sell or enter into a lease, concession, or managerial contract involving a specified area of county property that the county acquired from the federal government due to the closure of a former military base, without complying with the existing procedural requirements, as specified.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

SB 365 (Wolk-D) Jail construction: funding

Allows a county which has been conditionally awarded financing to construct a juvenile facility to apply to the Board of State Community Corrections for redirection of the conditional award to another county that will be the lead county if the original county determines that joint participation in a shared regional facility will benefit the needs of the counties involved.
Chapter 627, Statutes of 2013

SB 409 (Emmerson-R) Disaster recovery project areas: enforceable obligations

Defines loans provided by cities or counties to a redevelopment agency pursuant to a written agreement entered into before 1/1/11, for specified public improvements in a disaster recovery project area, as an enforceable obligation.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 425 (DeSaulnier-D) Public works: the Public Works Peer Review Act of 2013

Creates the Public Works Project Peer Review Act of 2013, which allows a public agency that is principally tasked with administering, planning, developing, and operating a public works project to establish a peer review group, as defined, and requires the administering agency, if a peer review group is established, to draft a charter, published on the agency's Internet Web site, related to the duties of the peer review group.
Chapter 252, Statutes of 2013

SB 431 (Price-D) CA Socioeconomic Development Pods Program

Creates the Socioeconomic Development Pod Program within the Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz). Directs GO-Biz to designate blighted areas, as defined, suited for the program to leverage assets to provide stimulation and incentives for industry, economic development organizations, business groups, and social innovation funders. Requires GO-Biz to oversee, coordinate, and assist each pod.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 446 (Cannella-R) Property tax revenue allocations: County of San Benito

Deems correct the property tax apportionment factors applied in allocating property tax revenues in the County of San Benito for each fiscal year through 2000-01. For the 2001-02 fiscal year, the San Benito County Auditor is required to make property tax allocation adjustments identified in the State Controller's audit, pursuant to limits and repayment schedules identified in existing law. Requires that property tax apportionment factors applied in subsequent fiscal years be based upon factors for prior fiscal years that have been fully corrected and adjusted.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 470 (Wright-D) Community development: economic opportunity

Creates a process for a city, county, or city and county to sell or lease properties, that are returned to them as part of the long-range property management plan of a former redevelopment agency, for an economic development purpose.
Chapter 659, Statutes of 2013

SB 536 (Berryhill-R) Property-related services

States that a county does not need to provide subsidies to cure service deficiencies in a county-dependent district if the district's voters reject or reduce a property-related fee, as specified.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

SB 553 (Yee-D) Local government: assessment: elections procedures

Requires local agencies to follow new procedures for Proposition 218 (1996) elections proposing to impose or increase property-related fees. Requires, if the agency opts to submit the proposed fee for approval by 2/3 of the registered voters residing in the affected area, and the county conducts the election, the agency to reimburse the county for actual and reasonable costs incurred by the county.
Chapter 215, Statutes of 2013

SB 594 (Hill-D) Use of public resources

Prohibits nonprofit organizations and their employees from using funds received from local agencies in connection with conduit bond financing for campaign purposes, as specified. Requires a nonprofit organization that receives significant amounts of money from local agencies in connection with conduit bond financing to maintain a separate bank account for campaign activities and to disclose the sources of the funds it receives for campaign activities, as specified.
Chapter 773, Statutes of 2013

SB 628 (Beall-D) Infrastructure financing: transit priority projects

Allows a city or county to create an infrastructure financing district to implement a transit priority project without having to hold an election, and requires the local entity to use 25% of the resulting revenues for affordable housing.
(Held at Senate Desk)

SB 629 (Beall-D) Tax equity allocation formula: County of Santa Clara

Repeals the statutory requirement that the Santa Clara County Auditor must reduce the amount of property tax revenues allocated to specified cities and increase the amount of property tax revenues allocated to the county Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund by a defined amount.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 636 (Hill-D) Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund allocations

Repeals the statutory prohibition against a county auditor's using additional property tax revenues allocated to schools and Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund as the result of a redevelopment agency's dissolution to calculate the amount of excess property tax revenues the auditor must distribute from the Fund to counties, cities, and special districts.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 692 (Hancock-D) Local government: community facilities districts

Expands powers of local agencies to use the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1992 and the Marks-Roos Local Bond Pooling Act of 1985.
Chapter 219, Statutes of 2013

SB 743 (Steinberg-D) Development and sports center in the City of Sacramento

Establishes special administrative and judicial review procedures under the California Environmental Quality Act for the City of Sacramento's proposed entertainment and sports center project (i.e., Sacramento Kings arena) intended to decrease potential impediments to construction of the project.
Chapter 386, Statutes of 2013

SB 758 (Block-D) General plans: City of Coronado

Requires that the City of Coronado's general plan, and any applicable specific plan, be amended, as necessary, within 540 days of any amendment to San Diego County's airport land use compatibility plan, if the amendment is made prior to 1/1/17.
Chapter 606, Statutes of 2013

SB 798 (De León-D) California Green Infrastructure Bank Act

Enacts the California Green Infrastructure Bank Act and establishes the California Green Infrastructure Bank as a public corporation and responsible for administrating the Act. Authorizes the Bank executive director, subject to board resolution, to enter into any contract or loan agreement between the bank or special purpose trust, as defined, and any subdivision of the state or local government, that provides that the bank will loan funds to the subdivision or local government and that the subdivision or local government will repay the principal and pay the interest and redemption premium, as specified. Requires, prior to submitting a project to the bank for consideration, the subdivision of the state or local government to make specified findings by resolution.
(In Senate Governance and Finance Committee)

SCA 3 (Leno-D) Public information

Places a measure on the ballot to amend the California Constitution to require local agencies to comply with the Public Records Act and the Ralph M. Brown Act, and any subsequent amendments that further the constitutional provisions on public access to public agency meetings and records.
Resolution Chapter 123, Statutes of 2013

SCA 4 (Liu-D) Local government transportation projects: special taxes

Reduces the voter threshold from 2/3 to 55% for passage of local sales taxes dedicated to transportation purposes.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SCA 7 (Wolk-D) Local government financing: public libraries: voter approval

Authorize cities, counties, or special districts to impose a special tax by a 55% vote of the voters in the district or county, under specified circumstances.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SCA 8 (Corbett-D) Transportation projects: special taxes: voter approval

Provides that the imposition, extension, or increase of a special tax by a local government for the purpose of providing funding for transportation projects requires the approval of 55% of its voters voting on the proposition, if the proposition proposing the tax includes certain requirements.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SCA 9 (Corbett-D) Local government: economic development: special taxes

Provides that the imposition, extension, or increase of a special tax by a local government for the purpose of providing funding for community and economic development projects, as specified, requires the approval of 55% of its voters voting on the proposition, if the proposition proposing the tax contains specified requirements.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SCA 11 (Hancock-D) Local government: special taxes: voter approval

Lowers the vote threshold for local agencies imposing, extending, or increasing any special tax from 2/3 to 55% provided certain requirements are met.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 32* (John A. Pérez-D) Community development financial institution investments

Increases from $10 million to $50 million the annual aggregate amount of qualified investments eligible for the Community Development Financial Institution tax credit under the Insurance Gross Premiums Tax, Personal Income Tax, and Corporation Tax Laws, as provided.
Chapter 608, Statutes of 2013

AB 146 (Gorell-R) Economic development: enterprise zones: joint application

Allows the City of Oxnard, the City of Port Hueneme, and the Oxnard Harbor District to jointly submit an application to the Department of Housing and Community Development for designation as an enterprise zone.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

AB 164 (Wieckowski-D) Infrastructure financing

Requires local governments' public-private partnership agreements for fee-producing infrastructure projects to include performance bonds and payment bonds.
Chapter 94, Statutes of 2013

AB 195 (Hall-D) Counties: construction projects: design-build

Extends, from 7/1/14 to 7/1/16, the date on which the statutes authorizing counties to use the design-build contracting method expire.
Chapter 121, Statutes of 2013

AB 210 (Wieckowski-D) Counties of Alameda and Contra Costa

Extends the current authority for Alameda County to adopt an ordinance imposing a transaction and use tax from 1/1/14, to 12/31/20, and allows Contra Costa County to adopt an ordinance imposing a transactions and use tax in the same manner as Alameda County.
Chapter 194, Statutes of 2013

AB 229 (John A. Pérez-D) Infrastructure and revitalization financing

Creates infrastructure and revitalization financing districts, modeled after infrastructure financing districts in existing law. Authorizes a military base reuse authority to form a district, and allows these districts to finance a broader range of projects and facilities to clean-up and develop former military bases.
(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 243 (Dickinson-D) Infrastructure and revitalization financing

Creates infrastructure and revitalization financing districts (modeled after infrastructure financing districts in existing law), broadens the range of projects and facilities they can finance, lowers the voter approval threshold necessary to form a district and issue bonds to 55%, and extends the life of districts to 40 years.
(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 279 (Dickinson-D) Financial affairs

Authorizes local agencies, until 1/1/17, to invest up to 30% of their surplus funds through a private sector deposit placement service, as specified.
Chapter 228, Statutes of 2013

AB 294 (Holden-D) Local-State Joint Investment Partnership Pilot Program

Creates the Local-State Joint Investment Partnership Pilot Program to allow local government entities, upon approval by the Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank, to reallocate specified Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund payments in order to fund public works projects.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 382 (Mullin-D) State and local government: alternative investments

Amends the Ralph M. Brown Act to include information about alternative investments among the types of information already exempted from the Brown Act.
Chapter 326, Statutes of 2013

AB 416 (Gordon-D) Air Resources Board: Local Emission Reduction Program

Requires the Air Resources Board to establish the Local Emission Reduction Program to provide grants and other financial assistance to eligible local government recipients for the purposes of developing and implementing greenhouse gas emissions reduction projects.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 453 (Mullin-D) Sustainable communities

Makes local agency formation commissions eligible for financial assistance from Proposition 84 for planning purposes and requires the commissions to consider greenhouse gas emissions associated with development when reviewing proposals for a change of organization.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 483* (Ting-D) Local government: taxes, fees, assessments, and charges

Defines "specific benefit" and "specific government service" for the purpose of determining whether a levy is a tax pursuant to Article XIIIC of the California Constitution. Declares that a local government must bear the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that a levy, charge, or exaction imposed for a specific benefit or specific government service is not a tax, that the amount does not exceed the reasonable costs of providing the benefit or service, and that costs are allocated in a manner that bears a fair or reasonable relationship to the specific benefits or specific government services received by a payor.
Chapter 552, Statutes of 2013

AB 561 (Ting-D) Taxation: documentary transfer tax

Requires a city, county, or city and county that imposes a documentary transfer tax to submit information to the Board of Equalization annually regarding the imposition of the documentary transfer tax and requires the Board to compile the information into a publicly available report.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 562 (Williams-D) Economic development subsidies: review by local agencies

Requires local agencies, beginning 1/1/14, to provide specified information to the public before approving any economic development subsidy of $100,000 or more.
Chapter 740, Statutes of 2013

AB 564 (Mullin-D) Community redevelopment: successor agencies

Prohibits the Department of Finance (DOF) from altering or reversing specified enforceable obligations or real estate transactions that state law allows DOF to approve only if it issues a finding of completion after those enforceable obligations or real estate transactions are approved by an oversight board and the DOF, except for an amendment to an enforceable obligation initiated by a successor agency.

AB 621 (Wagner-R) Local government: bonds

Prohibits a local agency from entering into a financial advisory, legal advisory, underwriting, or other similar relationship with an individual or firm, with respect to a new bond issue that requires voter approval on or after 1/1/14, if that individual or firm provided, or will provide, bond campaign services to the bond campaign.
(In Senate Governance and Finance Committee)

AB 662 (Atkins-D) Local government: redevelopment: successor agencies

Allows an infrastructure financing district to include portions of former redevelopment project areas, and makes several changes to the laws governing the dissolution of redevelopment agencies.

AB 683 (Mullin-D) Local government: fines and penalties: assessments

Authorizes, until 1/1/20, a city, county, city and county, or special district, after notice and public hearing, to order unpaid fines or penalties to be specially assessed against a parcel if the fines or penalties are related to ordinance violations on the real property that constitute a threat to public health and safety. Allows any county official to send an enforcement notice to a property owner if an administrative fine or penalty remains unpaid for 10 days after a public hearing.

AB 690 (Campos-D) Jobs and education financing districts: voter approval

Establishes a program that will enable cities and counties to form tax exempt financing authorities known as Jobs and Education Financing Districts.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 701 (Quirk-Silva-D) Vehicle license fee adjustments: County of Orange

Increases the vehicle license fee adjustment amount for Orange County by $53 million and repeals a statute that requires a $50 million increase in the annual amount of ad valorem property tax allocated to Orange County.
Chapter 393, Statutes of 2013

AB 730 (Alejo-D) Monterey-Salinas Transit District

Authorizes the Monterey-Salinas Transit District to approve with a 2/3-vote of its governing board the issuance of up to $50 million in revenue bonds.
Chapter 394, Statutes of 2013

AB 741* (Brown-D) Local government finance: tax equity allocation formula

Commencing with the 2012-13 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter, increases the allocation of property tax revenues under a new Tax Equity Allocation formula, as specified, for qualifying cities, as defined.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 767 (Levine-D) Vehicles: additional registration fees: vehicle-theft crimes

Authorizes counties to increase from $1 to $2 vehicle registration surcharges that they impose to fund vehicle theft prevention, investigation, and prosecution programs, and deletes the 2018 sunset date on the authorization to impose these surcharges.
Chapter 241, Statutes of 2013

AB 777* (Muratsuchi-D) Taxes: exemption: space flight property

Exempts from property tax, beginning 1/1/13 to 1/1/23, qualified property, as defined, for use in space flight.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 792 (Mullin-D) Utility user tax: exemption: distributed generation systems

Prohibits a local jurisdiction, until 1/1/20, from levying a utility user tax on the consumption of electricity generated by a clean energy resource.
Chapter 534, Statutes of 2013

AB 892 (Daly-D) Parcel taxes

Requires the Board of Equalization to report annually to the Governor on the imposition of each locally assessed parcel tax, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 934 (Cooley-D) Local agencies: unclaimed money

Requires a local agency to document that it has made a reasonable effort to locate and notify the victim to whom restitution is owed if, at the expiration of a three-year period, the local agency elects to use the restitution funds for victim services.
Chapter 457, Statutes of 2013

AB 941 (Rendon-D) Controller: reports

Expands the State Controller's authority to address local government financial or administrative issues through audits, investigations and technical assistance.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 952* (Atkins-D) Low-income housing tax credits

Allows the Tax Credit Allocation Committee to allocate state low-income housing tax credits to housing projects in federally designated areas in which it is difficult to develop housing as long as the housing built is restricted so that 50% of the occupants will be special needs households.
Chapter 771, Statutes of 2013

AB 981 (Bloom-D) Redevelopment dissolution

Allows successor agencies greater flexibility for bond obligation proceeds issued between 1/1/11 and 6/28/11.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1002 (Bloom-D) Vehicles: registration fee: sustainable communities

Increases the tax on vehicle registrations by $6. After deducting administrative costs incurred, 50% of revenue generated shall be appropriated to cities and counties on a per capita basis for planning and implementation of projects consistent with the purposes of a sustainable communities strategies and approved sustainable communities plans, as specified.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1012 (Gomez-D) County tax bill: property tax assistance and postponement

Suspends a county's obligation to send out a notice, and the Franchise Tax Board's obligation to prepare the notice, regarding the Senior Citizens and Disabled Citizens Property Tax Postponement program and the Gonsalves-Deukmejian-Petris Senior Citizens Property Tax Assistance Law program.
(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 1035 (Muratsuchi-D) Local agencies: financial reports

Increases forfeiture amounts for local agencies that fail to file their annual financial transaction reports with the State Controller's Office in a timely manner, and requires the Controller to conduct an independent financial audit report for an agency that fails to file for three or more consecutive years.
(In Senate Governance and Finance Committee)

AB 1052 (Quirk-D) Community facilities: district formation

Changes the date by which a governing body of a formed community facilities district is required to provide certification to the board of supervisors on or before July 16 of each year rather than July 15 of each year.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1080 (Alejo-D) Community Revitalization and Investment Authorities

Authorizes local entities, either individually or collaboratively and excluding schools and successor agencies, to form a Community Revitalization and Investment Authority. Requires participating entities to agree to direct property tax increment revenues to the Authority to invest in improvements in specified project areas that are characterized by low household income, high unemployment and crime, and deteriorated public infrastructure and structures.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1112 (Ammiano-D) Transportation transactions and use taxes: Bay Area

Deletes the 1% limitation on the combined local sales tax rate under the Bay Area County Traffic and Transportation Funding Act.
Chapter 595, Statutes of 2013

AB 1188 (Bradford-D) Fire protection: general obligation bonds

Authorizes a fire protection district board, if 55% of the voters approve, to adopt resolutions to incur indebtedness in the form of general obligation bonds to fund specified public safety buildings, facilities, and equipment pursuant to ACA 3 (Campo-D).
(In Senate Governance and Finance Committee)

AB 1193 (Ting-D) Bikeways

Requires the Department of Transportation to establish procedures to permit exceptions to the requirements for all city, county, regional, and other local agencies responsible for the development or operation of bikeways or roadways where bicycle travel is permitted, utilize all minimum safety design criteria and uniform specifications and symbols for signs, markers, and traffic control devices established for purposes of research, experimentation, testing, evaluation, or verification.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1225 (Maienschein-R) State and local fund allocations

Authorizes a county or city and county receiving specified funds to reallocate up to 10% of the amount deposited each fiscal year in the local health account, or local social services account, or both, to the local mental health account, as specified.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1235 (Gordon-D) Local agencies: financial management training

Requires a local agency official, in service on or after 1/1/14, to receive training in financial management at least once per term, if the local agency provides any type of compensation or reimbursement to a member of its legislative body, as specified. Requires the State Treasurer and the State Controller to review the training curricula for sufficiency and accuracy, and requires a local agency to maintain records that demonstrate satisfaction of the training requirement for its officials.

AB 1237 (Garcia-D) Local government finance

Establishes the Committee on City Accounting Procedures, specifies the membership of the Committee, requires the State Controller, in consultation with the Committee, to prescribe uniform accounting and reporting procedures for cities, and establishes the City Budget Act.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1248 (Cooley-D) Controller: internal control guidelines

Requires the State Controller to develop the internal control guidelines based on standards adopted by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and with input from any local agency and organizations representing the interests of local agencies.
Chapter 190, Statutes of 2013

AB 1320 (Bloom-D) Redevelopment: allocation of property tax

Allows schools to continue to receive property taxes, equal to the amount they would have received in passthrough payments if redevelopment agencies still existed, and does not count those property taxes toward the Proposition 98 funding formula.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1324 (Skinner-D) Vehicles: additional registration fees: vehicle theft crimes

Authorizes Alameda County Board of Supervisors to increase the tax on vehicle registrations for the prevention of vehicle theft crimes.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

AB 1333 (Roger Hernández-D) Local government: contracts

Requires the legislative body of the city, county, or district, on or before the annual date by which a contract or memorandum of understanding may be rescinded, to adopt a resolution that either exercises, or declines to exercise, the option to rescind the contract or memorandum of understanding.
(In Senate Governance and Finance Committee)

AB 1359 (Roger Hernández-D) Quimby Act: use of fees

Authorizes fees paid as a condition to the approval of a tentative map or parcel map to be used for the purpose of developing new or rehabilitating existing park or recreational facilities in a neighborhood other than a neighborhood located in the subdivision for which fees were paid, under specified conditions.
Chapter 412, Statutes of 2013

ACA 3 (Campos-D) Local government financing: public safety services

Authorizes the imposition, extension, or increase of a special tax by a city, county, or special district for the purpose of providing supplemental funding fire, emergency response, police, or sheriff services, upon the approval of 55% of the voters voting on the proposition, and prohibits the revenues derived from such a tax from being expended to supplant any other funding source for the provision of these services.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

ACA 8 (Blumenfield-D) Local government financing: voter approval

Allows a city, county, city and county, or special district, as defined, to incur bonded indebtedness in order to fund specified public improvements and facilities, with 55% voter approval of that city, county, city and county, or special district.
(In Senate Governance and Finance Committee)

ACR 60 (Morrell-R) 35th anniversary of the enactment of Proposition 13

Commemorates 6/6/13 as the 35th anniversary of the approval of Proposition 13 by California voters.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AJR 17 (Patterson-R) Federal tax

Urges the President and Congress of the U.S. to repeal the excise tax on medical devices to protect the medical device industry and its consumers.
(Failed passage in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)


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SB 133 (DeSaulnier-D) Redevelopment

Makes various reforms to the activities of redevelopment agencies in fulfilling the requirements to increase, preserve and improve low- and moderate-income housing.
(On Senate Inactive File)

SB 341 (DeSaulnier-D) Redevelopment

Revises the activities required for entities that assumed the housing functions of a former redevelopment agency.
Chapter 796, Statutes of 2013

SB 391* (DeSaulnier-D) California Homes and Jobs Act of 2013

Establishes the California Homes and Jobs Act of 2013 to provide funding for affordable housing.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 499 (Wyland-R) Property taxation: assessment: affordable housing

Adds onto the list of items that Assessors must consider when valuing property, a recorded contract with a tax-exempt, nonprofit corporation that has as its primary purpose, the advancement of affordable housing. The nonprofit must be organized as a charity and fund affordable housing with recorded contracts restricting the use of the land for at least 30 years.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 510 (Jackson-D) Land use: subdivisions: rental mobilehome park conversion

Authorizes a local government to disapprove the conversion of a mobilehome park to resident ownership if the required survey of park residents does not show that a majority of them support the conversion.
Chapter 373, Statutes of 2013

SCR 25 (Wyland-R) The 35th anniversary of the enactment of Proposition 13

Contains several statements regarding property tax rates, assessment practices, taxpayer benefits, as well as taxpayer support for Proposition 13 and potential changes and alternatives. States the Legislature's reaffirmation of its support for Proposition 13 and the benefit it provides to individual homeowners and the state's overall economy.
(Failed passage in Senate Governance and Finance Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 253 (Levine-D) Floating home marinas: subdivision map requirements

Extends subdivision requirements to floating home marinas that apply to the conversion of mobilehome parks.
Chapter 432, Statutes of 2013

AB 325 (Alejo-D) Land use and planning: housing element: cause of actions

Revises the time limits for a party to initiate a challenge to certain city or county actions, including the adoption or amendment of a housing element, if the challenge is brought in support of or to encourage or facilitate the development of housing that will increase the community's supply of affordable housing.
Chapter 767, Statutes of 2013

AB 873 (Chau-D) Housing: emergency housing and assistance funding

Establishes new eligible uses and priorities for funding under the Emergency Housing and Assistance Program, with an added focus on providing permanent supportive housing for homeless families and individuals.
Chapter 488, Statutes of 2013

AB 952* (Atkins-D) Low-income housing tax credits

Allows the state's Tax Credit Allocation Committee to allocate state low-income housing tax credits to housing projects in federally designated areas in which it is difficult to develop housing as long as the housing built is restricted so that 50% of the occupants will be special needs households.
Chapter 771, Statutes of 2013

AB 1229 (Atkins-D) Development: local inclusionary: zoning regulations

Authorizes a county or city under the Planning and Zoning Law to establish as a condition of development inclusionary housing requirements, which may require the provision of affordable residential units for low-, very low-, or extremely low-income owners or tenants.

Land Use

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SB 673 (DeSaulnier-D) Land use: development project review

Requires a city, county, or city and county, including a charter city, to have a cost benefit analysis prepared before approving or disapproving a permit for construction of a retail or other commercial facility project estimated to receive over $1 million in subsidies. Defines "subsidy" as any contribution made by the state or local government to a project considered to be in the interest of the public, including tax credits, low-interest loans, state or federal grants, land donations or acquisitions, or remediation or environmental cleanup activity.
(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 116* (Bocanegra-D) Land use: subdivision maps: expiration dates

Extends by 24 months the expiration date of any tentative map, vesting tentative map, or a parcel map for which a tentative map or vesting map that was approved on or after 1/1/00, and that has not yet expired.
Chapter 62, Statutes of 2013

AB 121 (Dickinson-D) Counties: disposition of real property

Provides an exemption from existing law governing the disposition of county property to allow Sacramento County to sell or lease its property on the former Mather Air Force Base (AFB) or McClellan AFB under specified conditions. Authorizes the Merced County Board of Supervisors, by 4/5-vote of the Board, to sell county property acquired from the federal government due to the closure of Castle AFB.
Chapter 224, Statutes of 2013

AB 188* (Ammiano-D) Property taxation: change in ownership

Revises the circumstances under which a "change in ownership" of real property owned by a legal entity is deemed to have occurred.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 440 (Gatto-D) Hazardous materials: releases: local agency cleanup

Authorizes a local agency to investigate and clean up releases or spills within the boundaries of the local agency, and provides immunity from further liability to the local agency and any person who enters into an agreement with that local agency to develop the property as well as future property owners.
Chapter 588, Statutes of 2013

AB 551 (Ting-D) Local government: urban agriculture incentive zones

Authorizes, until 1/1/19, a county to establish, by ordinance, an "Urban Agriculture Incentive Zone" and allows landowners to enter into voluntary contracts restricting the use of the land to agricultural purposes in exchange for reduced property tax assessments.
Chapter 406, Statutes of 2013

AB 667 (Roger Hernández-D) Land use: development project review: superstores

Requires a local agency to do an economic impact report prior to permitting the construction or alteration of a superstore in an economic assistance area, as defined, and requires the local agency to make a finding that the superstore will not adversely affect the economic welfare of the impact area, based on that report.
(In Senate Governance and Finance Committee)

AB 743 (Logue-R) Local agency formation commissions

Makes permanent provisions of law that allow local agency formation commissions to waive the protest hearing for the annexation of unincorporated islands.
Chapter 138, Statutes of 2013

AB 750 (Garcia-D) Economic development: cities

Authorizes a city to dispose of real property, or provide compensation to a private entity, if the legislative body of the city is presented with, or presents, substantial evidence that the disposition of the property or provision of compensation will stimulate job creation and economic development within the boundaries of the city. Requires the amount of private benefit provided not outweigh the amount of public benefit received through the disposition of the property or the provision of compensation.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1229 (Atkins-D) Land use: zoning regulations

Authorizes the legislative body of a city or county to establish inclusionary housing requirements as a condition of development.

AB 1259 (Olsen-R) Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley

Adds, to the section of law dealing with discretionary and ministerial permits, the provision that allows the city or county to approve a development agreement if a finding can be made, based on substantial evidence in the record, that the property in an undetermined risk area has met the urban level of flood protection.
Chapter 246, Statutes of 2013

AB 1273 (Ting-D) San Francisco Piers 30-32: multipurpose venue

Authorizes the State Lands Commission to approve a multi-use development on public trust lands in San Francisco (Pier 30-32) that includes a multipurpose venue for Golden State Warriors basketball games and other events, if the Commission finds that certain conditions are met.
Chapter 381, Statutes of 2013

AB 1359 (Roger Hernández-D) Quimby Act: use of fees

Authorizes fees paid as a condition to the approval of a tentative map or parcel map to be used for the purpose of developing new or rehabilitating existing park or recreational facilities in a neighborhood other than a neighborhood located in the subdivision for which fees were paid, under specified conditions.
Chapter 412, Statutes of 2013


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SB 171 (Hueso-D) Drainage: Coachella Valley County Water District

Authorizes the Coachella Valley County Water District to impose a fee in compliance with Proposition 218.
Chapter 119, Statutes of 2013

SB 246 (Fuller-R) Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency

Repeals the entire Desert View Water District-Bighorn Mountains Water Agency Consolidation Law and amends the Bighorn Mountains Water Agency Law to make it a more modern, transparent, and functional statute.
Chapter 343, Statutes of 2013

SB 614 (Wolk-D) Irrigation districts: directors

Removes the landownership requirement from the list of qualifications to serve as a director of an irrigation district receiving a majority of its operating and nonoperating revenue from sources other than irrigation water sales, standby or availability charges, service type assessments, and property assessments, reported as specified.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

SB 620 (Wright-D) Water replenishment districts

Eliminates, until the 2019-20 fiscal year, the requirement in existing law that a minimum of 80% of a water replenishment district's annual reserve fund shall be expended for water purchases.
Chapter 638, Statutes of 2013

SB 750 (Wolk-D) Building standards: water meters: multiunit structures

Requires, as of 1/1/15, that individual water meters, also called submeters, be installed on all new multifamily residential units or mixed commercial and multifamily units and requires that landlords bill residents for the increment of water they use. Does not prohibit a water purveyor, city, county, or other local agency from adopting and implementing its own submetering program as long as the program is at least as stringent as specified requirements.
(Failed passage in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee; reconsideration granted)

SB 772 (Emmerson-R) Drinking water

Exempts the Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District and the Eastern Municipal Water District from liability for injuries or damages arising out of the delivery of water to County Water Company of Riverside customers, as specified.
(In Senate Governance and Finance Committee)

AB 72 (Holden-D) Municipal water district: board of directors

Requires that a director of a municipal water district, once elected into office, take office at noon on the first Friday in December following the election.
Chapter 8, Statutes of 2013

AB 240 (Rendon-D) Mutual water companies

Increases transparency requirements for those mutual water companies that operate a public water system, as defined, by enacting the Mutual Water Company Open Meeting Act, and allows mutual water companies to impose liens to collect unpaid charges.
Chapter 633, Statutes of 2013

AB 850 (Nazarian-D) Public capital facilities: water quality

Authorizes joint powers authorities to issue rate reduction bonds to finance local publicly-owned water utility projects until 12/31/20.
Chapter 636, Statutes of 2013

AB 935 (Frazier-D) Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority

Revises the membership of the Board of the San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority, increasing it from five to seven Board members, as specified.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

AB 1156 (V. Manuel Pérez-D) Palo Verde Irrigation District Act

Changes the weighted vote formula for the Palo Verde Irrigation District's elections to entitle landowners one vote for every one acre of land owned.
Chapter 245, Statutes of 2013


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SB 128* (Emmerson-R) Community facilities districts: transfer of governance

Authorizes the Hemet Unified School District to transfer the Hemet Unified School District Community Facilities District No. 2005-1 to the Temecula Valley Unified School District upon written agreement between the governing boards of the school districts.
Chapter 206, Statutes of 2013

SB 142 (DeSaulnier-D) Public transit

Allows, until 1/1/21, the governing board of a transit district, municipal operator, or other public agency operating or contracting for the operation of transit, commuter rail, or intercity rail services to levy a special benefit assessment on real property to finance the acquisition, construction, development, joint development, operation, maintenance, or repair of one or more eligible transit projects.
Chapter 655, Statutes of 2013

SB 159 (Fuller-R) Kern River Valley Cemetery District

Allows the Kern River Valley Cemetery District to inter up to 40 people per calendar year who are neither residents nor property taxpayers in any cemetery district and who do not otherwise qualify for interment under the state law governing public cemetery districts' interment of eligible nonresidents, as specified.
Chapter 55, Statutes of 2013

SB 181* (Senate Governance And Finance Committee) Validations

Enacts the First Validating Act of 2013 which validates the organization, boundaries, acts, proceedings, and bonds of the state government, counties, cities, special districts, and school districts, among other public bodies.
Chapter 57, Statutes of 2013

SB 182* (Senate Governance And Finance Committee) Validations

Enacts the Second Validating Act of 2013 which validates the organization, boundaries, acts, proceedings, and bonds of the state government, counties, cities, special districts, and school districts, among other public bodies.
Chapter 207, Statutes of 2013

SB 183 (Senate Governance And Finance Committee) Validations

Enacts the Third Validating Act of 2013 which validates the organization, boundaries, acts, and bonds of state and local agencies, and school districts.
Chapter 209, Statutes of 2013

SB 184 (Senate Governance And Finance Committee) Local government: omnibus bill

Enacts the Local Government Omnibus Act of 2013, which proposes 13 technical, noncontroversial changes to state laws affecting local agencies' powers and duties.
Chapter 210, Statutes of 2013

SB 211 (Hernandez-D) Tax administration: disclosure of information

Extends the sunset to 1/1/19, on the state-local tax sharing program; allows city officials to receive confidential state tax information; and adds an additional limitation on the use of the tax data to be utilized in a form and manner to safeguard the tax information, as specified.
Chapter 513, Statutes of 2013

SB 298 (Wyland-R) Local government: supplemental law enforcement services

Allows Orange County or a city within Orange County to contract for supplemental law enforcement services to enforce the Vehicle Code on a homeowners' association's privately owned and maintained road.
Chapter 626, Statutes of 2013

SB 311 (Padilla-D) Local elections: charters and charter proposals

Requires cities to submit city charter proposals to voters at an established statewide general election, and repeals cities' authority to submit charter proposals to voters at a statewide primary election or a regularly scheduled municipal election, except for charter proposals to amend a charter or call for the election of a charter commission that are proposed by voter petitions, as specified.
Chapter 184, Statutes of 2013

SB 407 (Hill-D) Local government: officers and employees: contracts

Extends specified limits on executive compensation to any employee not covered by the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act, who is a deputy chief executive officer, an assistant chief executive officer, or whose employment is covered by an employment contract.
Chapter 213, Statutes of 2013

SB 450 (Galgiani-D) Unattended collection boxes

Requires a city or county that has adopted a local ordinance regulating or permitting the placement of unattended collection boxes, which includes a provision that authorizes the city or county to remove a collection box that is in violation of the ordinance, to impose a charge on the collection box's owner or operator for the reasonable costs of its removal and storage, if the county or city removes the collection box pursuant to the local ordinance.
(In Senate Governance and Finance Committee)

SB 725 (Anderson-R) Veterans buildings and memorials: county and city property

Clarifies the conditions under which the dedicated use of facilities by veteran organizations can be revoked by cities and counties.
Chapter 697, Statutes of 2013

SB 751 (Yee-D) Meetings: publication of action taken

Requires local agencies to publicly report any action taken and the vote or abstention of each member of a legislative body.
Chapter 257, Statutes of 2013

SCA 3 (Leno-D) Public information

Places a measure on the ballot to amend the California Constitution to require local agencies to comply with the Public Records Act and the Ralph M. Brown Act, and any subsequent amendments that further the constitutional provisions on public access to public agency meetings and records.
Resolution Chapter 123, Statutes of 2013

SJR 7 (Lieu-D) Los Angeles Residential Helicopter Noise Relief Act of 2013

Requests the U.S. Congress to pass and the President to sign S. 208 and H.R. 456, identical bills requiring the Federal Aviation Administration to enact regulations to address helicopter noise in Los Angeles County.
Resolution Chapter 101, Statutes of 2013

AB 22 (Blumenfield-D) Sidewalks: repairs

Prohibits cities and counties from repealing an ordinance that requires them to repair or reconstruct streets, sidewalks, or driveways that have been damaged as a result of tree growth unless the repeal is ratified by the local electorate.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 61 (Gatto-D) Parking: parking meters

Prohibits, until 1/1/17, a city or county from citing vehicles for parking at an inoperable parking meter or parking payment center for up to the posted time limit.
Chapter 71, Statutes of 2013

AB 130 (Alejo-D) Health care districts: chief executive officers: benefits

Prohibits an employment contract between a local health care district and a hospital administrator, which is entered into, or renewed, on or after 1/1/14, from authorizing retirement plan benefits to be paid to the administrator before his/her retirement.
Chapter 92, Statutes of 2013

AB 151 (Olsen-R) Local government: disabled veterans: assistance

Authorizes a county board of supervisors to grant financial assistance, relief, and support to a disabled veteran, as defined.
Chapter 689, Statutes of 2013

AB 192 (Hagman-R) Zoning violation: hotel operation

Provides that, in spite of existing law, any person who violates the zoning ordinance of a city, county, or city and county by operating a hotel in an area zoned for residences is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than $500, and not more than $5,000, or by imprisonment of not less than 30 days nor exceeding six months, or by both fine and imprisonment.
(Failed passage in Assembly Local Government Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 194 (Campos-D) Open meetings: protections for public criticism: penalties

Makes it a misdemeanor for a member of a legislative body, while acting as the chairperson of a legislative body of a local agency, to prohibit public criticism protected under the Ralph M. Brown Act. Authorizes a district attorney or any interested person to commence an action for the purpose of obtaining a judicial determination that an action taken by a legislative body of a local agency in violation of the protection for public criticism is null and void, as specified.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 246 (Bradford-D) Local government: open meetings

Includes the Governor in the list of individuals and agencies with which a local agency's legislative body may meet in closed session pursuant to the "public security" exemption of the state's open meetings law.
Chapter 11, Statutes of 2013

AB 254 (Dahle-R) Registrar of voters: County of Modoc

Authorizes the Modoc County Board of Supervisors to appoint a registrar of voters separate from the county clerk.
Chapter 12, Statutes of 2013

AB 265 (Gatto-D) Local government liability: dog parks

Provides that a public entity, as defined, that owns or operates a dog park, is not held liable for any injury or death suffered by any person or pet resulting solely from the actions of a dog in the dog park.
Chapter 74, Statutes of 2013

AB 312 (Wieckowski-D) Local government: employees: firefighters

Makes changes to the placement of eligible displaced firefighters on the hiring list and to the time period which they remain on the hiring list that is administered by the California Firefighter Joint Apprenticeship Program. Deletes the existing requirement which governs the placement on the hiring list by length of service as a permanent career civilian federal, state, or local government firefighter.
Chapter 195, Statutes of 2013

AB 338 (Chávez-R) State property: surplus

Authorizes the Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation, with the approval of the Director of the Department of General Services, to enter into an agreement with the City of Carlsbad for the exchange of specified parcels of real property subject to certain conditions.
(In Assembly Accountability and Administrative Review Committee)

AB 345 (Pan-D) Counties: coroners

Eliminates the authority of county coroners to determine whether a death is the result of a criminal act for purposes of imposing a charge for keeping and holding the deceased and, instead, grants this authority to the law enforcement agency investigating the death.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 371 (Salas-D) Sewage sludge: Kern County

Provides that the Kern County Board of Supervisors may regulate or prohibit by ordinance, in a way that is more stringent than state or federal law and in a nondiscriminatory manner, the land application of sewage sludge in unincorporated areas of the county.
(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 380 (Dickinson-D) California Environmental Quality Act: notice requirements

Establishes uniform procedures for electronic posting of California Environmental Quality Act documents by county clerks and the Office of Planning and Research.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

AB 392 (Jones-Sawyer-D) State mandates: prorated claims

Requires the State Controller to determine the most cost-effective allocation method for reimbursing approved claims for the costs of state-mandated local programs when the state budget allocates one thousand dollars or less for a program.
Chapter 77, Statutes of 2013

AB 408 (Bonta-D) Municipal utility districts: elections

Establishes appointment procedures for municipal utility districts with a seven-member board of directors if no candidate or only one candidate files for candidacy by 5 p.m. on or before the 83rd day prior to the election.
Chapter 108, Statutes of 2013

AB 431 (Mullin-D) County Employees Retirement Law of 1937

Revises various provisions of the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 to explicitly conform with federal law. Authorizes a retirement system to apply specified earnings to designated health benefits if federal requirements are met, and allows the board of retirement to authorize payment of those benefits with county advance reserves. Specifies that, if a county establishes a Post-Employment Benefits Trust Account as a part of its retirement fund, that account shall be used exclusively to provide health benefits for retired members, their spouses, and dependents. Requires a county that elects to provide optional long-term care or vision benefits, to comply with applicable federal law and regulation, including maintaining separate trust funds for those benefits.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 443 (Lowenthal-D) Vehicles: delinquent parking and traffic violations

For family transfers only, prohibits the Department of Motor Vehicles from transferring ownership on a vehicle for which a processing agency has filed an itemization of outstanding parking or toll evasion penalties until the penalties are paid.
Chapter 101, Statutes of 2013

AB 546 (Stone-D) Local government: consolidation of offices

Authorizes Santa Cruz County's Board of Supervisors to consolidate by ordinances the offices of Auditor-Controller and Treasurer-Tax Collector into the elected office of Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector.
Chapter 14, Statutes of 2013

AB 583 (Gomez-D) County free public libraries

Requires the board of trustees, common council, or other legislative body of a city or the board of trustees of a library district in which a withdrawal from the county free library system becomes effective on or after 1/1/12 to comply with specified requirements before entering into a contract to operate the city's or the district's libraries with a private contractor that will employ library staff to achieve cost savings. Provides that the specified requirements do not apply if the city or district libraries are funded only by the proceeds of a special tax imposed by the city or district, pursuant to state law.
Chapter 196, Statutes of 2013

AB 610 (Achadjian-R) State hospitals: involuntary treatment

Requires the county of commitment to pay the non-treatment costs associated with any hearing for an order seeking involuntary treatment of psychotropic medication for a mentally disordered offender whose commitment in a state hospital has been extended beyond the expiration of parole.
Chapter 705, Statutes of 2013

AB 664 (Williams-D) Gold Coast Transit District

Dissolves the existing Gold Coast Transit joint powers agency in Ventura County and creates the Gold Coast Transit District, succeeding to and vested with the rights, powers, duties, and obligations of the former joint powers agency.
Chapter 503, Statutes of 2013

AB 668 (Gray-D) Economic disaster area

Requires a county or city and county that is designated an economic disaster area to receive priority consideration when the state is making a determination on where to expend state funds with respect to any state contract or award, public works project, bond-financed project, acquisition of real estate, or capital project.
(In Assembly Jobs, Economic Development and the Economy Committee)

AB 678 (Gordon-D) Health care districts: community health needs assessment

Directs a health care district that has transferred assets to a corporation to conduct a community needs assessment every five years and provide opportunity for public involvement and input. Requires a local agency formation commission to prepare a written statement of its determinations regarding any community health assessment prepared by a health care district in a local agency formation commission's municipal service review.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 774 (Donnelly-R) County service areas: zone dissolution

Eliminates responsibility and liability for counties, county service areas (CSAs) and CSA zones for street services when a CSA or zone is dissolved or divested of authority, and when a board of supervisors is unable to raise revenues.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)

AB 811 (Lowenthal-D) Excavations: regional notification center system

Requires regional notification centers to post on their Internet Web sites, information provided by operators and excavators relating to violations of specified state laws governing subsurface excavations.
Chapter 250, Statutes of 2013

AB 822 (Hall-D) Local government retirement plans

Requires an actuarial summary statement to be included in the sample ballot for any local ordinance or measure that alters the retirement benefit plan of employees of a local government entity.

AB 946 (Stone-D) Transit buses: Counties of Monterey and Santa Cruz

Authorizes the Monterey-Salinas Transit District and Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District, in consultation with the Department of Transportation and the California Highway Patrol, to designate certain highway shoulders as transit bus-only corridors.
Chapter 426, Statutes of 2013

AB 975 (Wieckowski-D) Health facilities community benefits

Revises California's nonprofit community benefits requirements to include multispecialty clinics and narrows the activities that constitute community benefits, and creates a definition of charity care. Requires the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development to develop a standardized methodology for calculating community benefits, calculate the value of community benefits for submitting entities, and to issue civil penalties for noncompliance with filing requirements.
(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 1008* (Buchanan-D) Alameda County Medical Center hospital authority

Prohibits the Alameda Health System (AHS) from privatizing services provided by physicians and surgeons, as specified, and establishes eligibility for retirement benefits for employees of a facility that is acquired or merged into AHS. Prohibits specified AHS employees from automatically becoming members of the Alameda County Employees' Retirement Association, and establishes the eligibility of an AHS employee to participate in the Association, as specified.
Chapter 311, Statutes of 2013

AB 1058 (Chávez-R) San Diego County Regional Airport Authority

Makes several changes to the laws governing the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority.
Chapter 83, Statutes of 2013

AB 1079 (Bradford-D) Economic development: energy management area and plans

Provides a framework for a local government to designate an energy management area for which it may develop an energy management plan, in collaboration with an electrical or gas corporation, to assist with either the stimulation of development or local manufacturing.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1147 (Gomez-D) Massage therapy

Revises the qualifications for certification as a massage practitioner and massage therapist, and allows a city, county, or city and county to require the owner of a massage business to obtain a revocable certificate of registration, as specified.
(In Assembly Business, Professions and Consumer Protection Committee)

AB 1149 (Campos-D) Identity theft: local agencies

Extends existing data breach disclosure requirements, currently applicable to any state agency, person or business, to local agencies.
Chapter 395, Statutes of 2013

AB 1175 (Bocanegra-D) Public employee benefits: postemployment health care

Provides a process for administering the retirement benefits of employees of the former redevelopment agency of the City of Los Angeles.
(In Senate Governance and Finance Committee)

AB 1179 (Bocanegra-D) Regional transportation plan: sustainable communities

Requires metropolitan planning organizations to identify, in consultation with local educational agencies, how the sustainable communities strategy may impact school enrollments and school capacities in the areas targeted for infill.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1253 (Blumenfield-D) Vehicles: mobile advertising displays

Adds civil penalties to the existing list of penalties a local government can establish in an ordinance or resolution regulating mobile billboard advertising displays.
Chapter 652, Statutes of 2013

AB 1327 (Gorell-R) Unmanned aircraft systems

Establishes parameters for the use of unmanned aircraft systems by state and local government agencies, including law enforcement agencies.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1330 (John A. Pérez-D) Environmental justice

Creates new funding sources to be spent specifically on projects in environmental justice communities by requiring double the maximum fines assessed against hazardous waste, air district or solid waste permit holders for emission or discharge violations that exceed permitted emission or discharge levels in environmental justice communities. Requires the California Environmental Protection Agency, the Natural Resources Agency, and the Agency's boards, departments, commissions and offices, and the Strategic Growth Council to prioritize all grants and funding they provide in environmental justice communities.
(On Senate Inactive File)

Index (in Measure Order)

Go to Top
Note: * Denotes Urgency or Tax Levy Legislation.

Measure and ReferenceAuthorMeasure Title
SB 1 - Finance/InfrastructureSteinberg-DSustainable Communities Investment Authority
SB 7 - Finance/InfrastructureSteinberg-DPublic works: charter cities
SB 16* - Finance/InfrastructureGaines-RCounty costs: non-homicide criminal trials
SB 33 - Finance/InfrastructureWolk-DInfrastructure financing districts: voter approval
SB 56* - Finance/InfrastructureRoth-DLocal government finance: property tax revenue allocation
SB 128* - MiscellaneousEmmerson-RCommunity facilities districts: transfer of governance
SB 133 - HousingDeSaulnier-DRedevelopment
SB 142 - MiscellaneousDeSaulnier-DPublic transit
SB 159 - MiscellaneousFuller-RKern River Valley Cemetery District
SB 171 - WaterHueso-DDrainage: Coachella Valley County Water District
SB 181* - MiscellaneousSenate Governance And Finance CommitteeValidations
SB 182* - MiscellaneousSenate Governance And Finance CommitteeValidations
SB 183 - MiscellaneousSenate Governance And Finance CommitteeValidations
SB 184 - MiscellaneousSenate Governance And Finance CommitteeLocal government: omnibus bill
SB 211 - MiscellaneousHernandez-DTax administration: disclosure of information
SB 246 - WaterFuller-RBighorn-Desert View Water Agency
SB 279 - Finance/InfrastructureHancock-DSan Francisco Bay Restoration Authority
SB 298 - MiscellaneousWyland-RLocal government: supplemental law enforcement services
SB 311 - MiscellaneousPadilla-DLocal elections: charters and charter proposals
SB 328 - Finance/InfrastructureKnight-RCounties: public works contracts
SB 339 - Finance/InfrastructureCannella-RDisposition of real property
SB 341 - HousingDeSaulnier-DRedevelopment
SB 365 - Finance/InfrastructureWolk-DJail construction: funding
SB 391* - HousingDeSaulnier-DCalifornia Homes and Jobs Act of 2013
SB 407 - MiscellaneousHill-DLocal government: officers and employees: contracts
SB 409 - Finance/InfrastructureEmmerson-RDisaster recovery project areas: enforceable obligations
SB 425 - Finance/InfrastructureDeSaulnier-DPublic works: the Public Works Peer Review Act of 2013
SB 431 - Finance/InfrastructurePrice-DCA Socioeconomic Development Pods Program
SB 446 - Finance/InfrastructureCannella-RProperty tax revenue allocations: County of San Benito
SB 450 - MiscellaneousGalgiani-DUnattended collection boxes
SB 470 - Finance/InfrastructureWright-DCommunity development: economic opportunity
SB 499 - HousingWyland-RProperty taxation: assessment: affordable housing
SB 510 - HousingJackson-DLand use: subdivisions: rental mobilehome park conversion
SB 536 - Finance/InfrastructureBerryhill-RProperty-related services
SB 553 - Finance/InfrastructureYee-DLocal government: assessment: elections procedures
SB 594 - Finance/InfrastructureHill-DUse of public resources
SB 614 - WaterWolk-DIrrigation districts: directors
SB 620 - WaterWright-DWater replenishment districts
SB 628 - Finance/InfrastructureBeall-DInfrastructure financing: transit priority projects
SB 629 - Finance/InfrastructureBeall-DTax equity allocation formula: County of Santa Clara
SB 636 - Finance/InfrastructureHill-DRedevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund allocations
SB 673 - Land UseDeSaulnier-DLand use: development project review
SB 692 - Finance/InfrastructureHancock-DLocal government: community facilities districts
SB 725 - MiscellaneousAnderson-RVeterans buildings and memorials: county and city property
SB 743 - Finance/InfrastructureSteinberg-DDevelopment and sports center in the City of Sacramento
SB 750 - WaterWolk-DBuilding standards: water meters: multiunit structures
SB 751 - MiscellaneousYee-DMeetings: publication of action taken
SB 758 - Finance/InfrastructureBlock-DGeneral plans: City of Coronado
SB 772 - WaterEmmerson-RDrinking water
SB 798 - Finance/InfrastructureDe León-DCalifornia Green Infrastructure Bank Act
SCA 3 - Finance/InfrastructureLeno-DPublic information
SCA 3 - MiscellaneousLeno-DPublic information
SCA 4 - Finance/InfrastructureLiu-DLocal government transportation projects: special taxes
SCA 7 - Finance/InfrastructureWolk-DLocal government financing: public libraries: voter approval
SCA 8 - Finance/InfrastructureCorbett-DTransportation projects: special taxes: voter approval
SCA 9 - Finance/InfrastructureCorbett-DLocal government: economic development: special taxes
SCA 11 - Finance/InfrastructureHancock-DLocal government: special taxes: voter approval
SCR 25 - HousingWyland-RThe 35th anniversary of the enactment of Proposition 13
SJR 7 - MiscellaneousLieu-DLos Angeles Residential Helicopter Noise Relief Act of 2013
AB 22 - MiscellaneousBlumenfield-DSidewalks: repairs
AB 32* - Finance/InfrastructureJohn A. Pérez-DCommunity development financial institution investments
AB 61 - MiscellaneousGatto-DParking: parking meters
AB 72 - WaterHolden-DMunicipal water district: board of directors
AB 116* - Land UseBocanegra-DLand use: subdivision maps: expiration dates
AB 121 - Land UseDickinson-DCounties: disposition of real property
AB 130 - MiscellaneousAlejo-DHealth care districts: chief executive officers: benefits
AB 146 - Finance/InfrastructureGorell-REconomic development: enterprise zones: joint application
AB 151 - MiscellaneousOlsen-RLocal government: disabled veterans: assistance
AB 164 - Finance/InfrastructureWieckowski-DInfrastructure financing
AB 188* - Land UseAmmiano-DProperty taxation: change in ownership
AB 192 - MiscellaneousHagman-RZoning violation: hotel operation
AB 194 - MiscellaneousCampos-DOpen meetings: protections for public criticism: penalties
AB 195 - Finance/InfrastructureHall-DCounties: construction projects: design-build
AB 210 - Finance/InfrastructureWieckowski-DCounties of Alameda and Contra Costa
AB 229 - Finance/InfrastructureJohn A. Pérez-DInfrastructure and revitalization financing
AB 240 - WaterRendon-DMutual water companies
AB 243 - Finance/InfrastructureDickinson-DInfrastructure and revitalization financing
AB 246 - MiscellaneousBradford-DLocal government: open meetings
AB 253 - HousingLevine-DFloating home marinas: subdivision map requirements
AB 254 - MiscellaneousDahle-RRegistrar of voters: County of Modoc
AB 265 - MiscellaneousGatto-DLocal government liability: dog parks
AB 279 - Finance/InfrastructureDickinson-DFinancial affairs
AB 294 - Finance/InfrastructureHolden-DLocal-State Joint Investment Partnership Pilot Program
AB 312 - MiscellaneousWieckowski-DLocal government: employees: firefighters
AB 325 - HousingAlejo-DLand use and planning: housing element: cause of actions
AB 338 - MiscellaneousChávez-RState property: surplus
AB 345 - MiscellaneousPan-DCounties: coroners
AB 371 - MiscellaneousSalas-DSewage sludge: Kern County
AB 380 - MiscellaneousDickinson-DCalifornia Environmental Quality Act: notice requirements
AB 382 - Finance/InfrastructureMullin-DState and local government: alternative investments
AB 392 - MiscellaneousJones-Sawyer-DState mandates: prorated claims
AB 408 - MiscellaneousBonta-DMunicipal utility districts: elections
AB 416 - Finance/InfrastructureGordon-DAir Resources Board: Local Emission Reduction Program
AB 431 - MiscellaneousMullin-DCounty Employees Retirement Law of 1937
AB 440 - Land UseGatto-DHazardous materials: releases: local agency cleanup
AB 443 - MiscellaneousLowenthal-DVehicles: delinquent parking and traffic violations
AB 453 - Finance/InfrastructureMullin-DSustainable communities
AB 483* - Finance/InfrastructureTing-DLocal government: taxes, fees, assessments, and charges
AB 546 - MiscellaneousStone-DLocal government: consolidation of offices
AB 551 - Land UseTing-DLocal government: urban agriculture incentive zones
AB 561 - Finance/InfrastructureTing-DTaxation: documentary transfer tax
AB 562 - Finance/InfrastructureWilliams-DEconomic development subsidies: review by local agencies
AB 564 - Finance/InfrastructureMullin-DCommunity redevelopment: successor agencies
AB 583 - MiscellaneousGomez-DCounty free public libraries
AB 610 - MiscellaneousAchadjian-RState hospitals: involuntary treatment
AB 621 - Finance/InfrastructureWagner-RLocal government: bonds
AB 662 - Finance/InfrastructureAtkins-DLocal government: redevelopment: successor agencies
AB 664 - MiscellaneousWilliams-DGold Coast Transit District
AB 667 - Land UseRoger Hernández-DLand use: development project review: superstores
AB 668 - MiscellaneousGray-DEconomic disaster area
AB 678 - MiscellaneousGordon-DHealth care districts: community health needs assessment
AB 683 - Finance/InfrastructureMullin-DLocal government: fines and penalties: assessments
AB 690 - Finance/InfrastructureCampos-DJobs and education financing districts: voter approval
AB 701 - Finance/InfrastructureQuirk-Silva-DVehicle license fee adjustments: County of Orange
AB 730 - Finance/InfrastructureAlejo-DMonterey-Salinas Transit District
AB 741* - Finance/InfrastructureBrown-DLocal government finance: tax equity allocation formula
AB 743 - Land UseLogue-RLocal agency formation commissions
AB 750 - Land UseGarcia-DEconomic development: cities
AB 767 - Finance/InfrastructureLevine-DVehicles: additional registration fees: vehicle-theft crimes
AB 774 - MiscellaneousDonnelly-RCounty service areas: zone dissolution
AB 777* - Finance/InfrastructureMuratsuchi-DTaxes: exemption: space flight property
AB 792 - Finance/InfrastructureMullin-DUtility user tax: exemption: distributed generation systems
AB 811 - MiscellaneousLowenthal-DExcavations: regional notification center system
AB 822 - MiscellaneousHall-DLocal government retirement plans
AB 850 - WaterNazarian-DPublic capital facilities: water quality
AB 873 - HousingChau-DHousing: emergency housing and assistance funding
AB 892 - Finance/InfrastructureDaly-DParcel taxes
AB 934 - Finance/InfrastructureCooley-DLocal agencies: unclaimed money
AB 935 - WaterFrazier-DBay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority
AB 941 - Finance/InfrastructureRendon-DController: reports
AB 946 - MiscellaneousStone-DTransit buses: Counties of Monterey and Santa Cruz
AB 952* - Finance/InfrastructureAtkins-DLow-income housing tax credits
AB 952* - HousingAtkins-DLow-income housing tax credits
AB 975 - MiscellaneousWieckowski-DHealth facilities community benefits
AB 981 - Finance/InfrastructureBloom-DRedevelopment dissolution
AB 1002 - Finance/InfrastructureBloom-DVehicles: registration fee: sustainable communities
AB 1008* - MiscellaneousBuchanan-DAlameda County Medical Center hospital authority
AB 1012 - Finance/InfrastructureGomez-DCounty tax bill: property tax assistance and postponement
AB 1035 - Finance/InfrastructureMuratsuchi-DLocal agencies: financial reports
AB 1052 - Finance/InfrastructureQuirk-DCommunity facilities: district formation
AB 1058 - MiscellaneousChávez-RSan Diego County Regional Airport Authority
AB 1079 - MiscellaneousBradford-DEconomic development: energy management area and plans
AB 1080 - Finance/InfrastructureAlejo-DCommunity Revitalization and Investment Authorities
AB 1112 - Finance/InfrastructureAmmiano-DTransportation transactions and use taxes: Bay Area
AB 1147 - MiscellaneousGomez-DMassage therapy
AB 1149 - MiscellaneousCampos-DIdentity theft: local agencies
AB 1156 - WaterV. Manuel Pérez-DPalo Verde Irrigation District Act
AB 1175 - MiscellaneousBocanegra-DPublic employee benefits: postemployment health care
AB 1179 - MiscellaneousBocanegra-DRegional transportation plan: sustainable communities
AB 1188 - Finance/InfrastructureBradford-DFire protection: general obligation bonds
AB 1193 - Finance/InfrastructureTing-DBikeways
AB 1225 - Finance/InfrastructureMaienschein-RState and local fund allocations
AB 1229 - HousingAtkins-DDevelopment: local inclusionary: zoning regulations
AB 1229 - Land UseAtkins-DLand use: zoning regulations
AB 1235 - Finance/InfrastructureGordon-DLocal agencies: financial management training
AB 1237 - Finance/InfrastructureGarcia-DLocal government finance
AB 1248 - Finance/InfrastructureCooley-DController: internal control guidelines
AB 1253 - MiscellaneousBlumenfield-DVehicles: mobile advertising displays
AB 1259 - Land UseOlsen-RSacramento-San Joaquin Valley
AB 1273 - Land UseTing-DSan Francisco Piers 30-32: multipurpose venue
AB 1320 - Finance/InfrastructureBloom-DRedevelopment: allocation of property tax
AB 1324 - Finance/InfrastructureSkinner-DVehicles: additional registration fees: vehicle theft crimes
AB 1327 - MiscellaneousGorell-RUnmanned aircraft systems
AB 1330 - MiscellaneousJohn A. Pérez-DEnvironmental justice
AB 1333 - Finance/InfrastructureRoger Hernández-DLocal government: contracts
AB 1359 - Finance/InfrastructureRoger Hernández-DQuimby Act: use of fees
AB 1359 - Land UseRoger Hernández-DQuimby Act: use of fees
ACA 3 - Finance/InfrastructureCampos-DLocal government financing: public safety services
ACA 8 - Finance/InfrastructureBlumenfield-DLocal government financing: voter approval
ACR 60 - Finance/InfrastructureMorrell-R35th anniversary of the enactment of Proposition 13
AJR 17 - Finance/InfrastructurePatterson-RFederal tax