Development and Financing
Motor Vehicle Emissions
Drivers' Licenses
Vehicle License Plates
Vehicle License Fees
Development and Financing
SB 10 (Rainey-R) Storm repair: local streets and highways
Appropriates $300 million from the State Highway Account in the State Transportation Fund to the State Controller for allocation to counties (50 percent) and cities (50 percent) for street and highway reconstruction and repair of storm damage to local streets and highways, as specified, and in a city and county, for other purposes related to transportation, as specified.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 65* (Murray-D) Public transit: CalWORKs recipients
Appropriates $20 million for demonstration grants to improve transportation services for those receiving aid under the CalWORKs program.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 194 (Rainey-R) Local transportation funds
Revises the method for determining the allocation, by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) of the San Francisco Bay Area, to some local transit operators, of interest earned on local transportation funds controlled by MTC, by eliminating the effect a transit operator's service demands have on the calculation.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
SB 315 (Burton-D) Transportation infrastructure bonds
Enacts the Transportation Infrastructure Bond Acts of 2000, if adopted by the voters, and authorizes the sale of an unspecified amount of bonds.
(Died in Conference Committee)
SB 329 (Peace-D) San Diego Regional Government Efficiency Commission
Creates the 11-member San Diego Regional Government Efficiency Commission (RGEC). Specifies that six of the commissioners represent existing agencies and the Governor is to appoint five public members. Requires that, by August 1, 2001, the RGEC must give the Legislature a plan for consolidating regional agencies and a plan to improve coordination of regional agencies. Implementing legislation requires majority voter approval at an election in San Diego County in March or November 2002.
Chapter 764, Statutes of 2000
Similar legislation was AB 2389 (Longville), which died in Assembly Local Government Committee.
SB 406 (Ortiz-D) Transportation
Revises AB 2928, the transportation "trailer bill" for the 2000-01 Budget Act. Replaces and adjusts expenditure amounts in a section of AB 2928 that contains the list of projects that are eligible for Traffic Congestion Relief Fund expenditure and adds item number 159, which is a new project. Implements the Governor's Transportation Congestion Relief Plan, dedicates gasoline sales tax revenues to transportation for five years, and provides additional funding for local streets and roads, the State Transportation Improvement Program and the Public Transportation Account.
Chapter 92, Statutes of 2000 - Item Vetoed
SB 455 (Alarcon-D) High-speed rail service
Requires the High-Speed Rail Authority, in directing the development and implementation of intercity high-speed rail service, to work with local governments to assist in the community development projects most in need of intercity high-speed rail service, as determined by the authority.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 677* (Polanco-D) Sales and use taxes: buses: Metropolitan Transit Authority
Exempts the sale and use of transit vehicles sold to the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority from the state portion of the sales and use tax. Provides that the exemption does not apply to the local Bradley-Burns Uniform Local Sales and Use Tax or to Transactions and Use taxes.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 790 (Monteith-R) Off-highway motor vehicle recreation: grants
Deletes the requirement that a local applicant for a grant for an off-highway vehicle (OHV) facility provide a matching grant of 25 percent. Provides that this applies to those facilities that are not considered regional OHV facilities.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 851 (Hayden-D) Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Creates seven subregional transportation planning boards within the area of jurisdiction of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which would have exclusive authority for setting transportation priorities and selecting capital projects within their respective subregions. Specifies the membership of the boards and their responsibilities and provide for their staffing and funding.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1080 (Sher-D) Toll bridges
Requires, if the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), serving as the Bay Area Toll Authority, grants toll-free and reduced-rate passage on toll bridges under MTC's jurisdiction to any vehicle pursuant to law, MTC to grant the same toll-free and reduced-rate passage to vehicles displaying a valid ultra low emission vehicle or super ultra low emission vehicle identifier issued pursuant to the above.
Chapter 686, Statutes of 2000
SB 1175 (Polanco-D) High-speed rail service
Transforms the High Speed Rail Authority, currently scheduled to terminate on June 30, 2001, into the High-Speed Rail Infrastructure Authority with a new sunset date of December 31, 2003.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1243 (Murray-D) Exposition Boulevard Fixed Guideway Construction Authority
Creates the Exposition Boulevard Fixed Guideway Authority for the purpose of awarding and administering all design and construction contracts for completing an unspecified fixed guideway project in Los Angeles in the vicinity of Exposition Boulevard. Specifies the membership, rights, duties and other responsibilities of the authority.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1426 (Rainey-R) Sales tax on motor vehicle fuel
Redirects, from the General Fund, a portion of the sales tax on motor vehicle fuel to fund highway capital projects.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1433 (Alpert-D) San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board
Relieves the commuter ferry service on San Diego Bay from complying with certain specified requirements.
Chapter 655, Statutes of 2000
SB 1506 (Chesbro-D) Transportation district evaluation
Establishes, until January 1, 2002, a specified advisory committee for the purpose of evaluating current highway and related transportation issues and conditions within the state's Transportation District 4 (Bay Area). Requires a report and recommendation to the Legislature by July 1, 2001.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1662* (Burton-D) Transportation: finance
Enacts technical revisions to the transportation trailer bills (AB 2928 and SB 406, Chapters 91 and 92, respectively, Statutes of 2000) and specified transportation-related provisions of the 2000-01 State Budget Act.
Chapter 656, Statutes of 2000
SB 1681* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Budget Act of 2000: augmentation and appropriation
Reappropriates and appropriates monies to augment the State Budget of 2000. Revises, among other things, specified appropriations made to the State Department of Transportation for local assistance. Appropriates funds appropriated to the State Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) for the City of Westminster for the purchase of passenger vans to serve Vietnamese seniors, to DPR for the City of Santa Ana for the purchase of passenger vans to serve Vietnamese seniors.
Chapter 672, Statutes of 2000 - Item Vetoed
SB 1809 (Johnston-D) Transportation enhancement activities: funding
Enacts the Balanced Transportation for Livable Communities Act of 2000. Requires that at least ten percent of the State's federal minimum guarantee funds be programmed for transportation enhancement activities and prescribes the method of apportioning such funds among local transportation agencies and grant applicants.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1840 (Costa-D) High-Speed Rail Authority
Modifies the structure and the duties of the High Speed Rail Authority.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1995 (Perata-D) Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Requires the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) to prepare a comprehensive congestion reduction plan, prepare a plan for implementing an integrated transportation system management program, and enter into specified contracts for the development of performance measures and an independent analysis of MTC's planning activities and methods.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
SB 2003 (Speier-D) Rapid commuter rail: funding
Appropriates $127 million to establish rapid commuter rail service between San Francisco and San Jose.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 2019 (Polanco-D) High-Speed Rail Authority: magnetic levitation project
Requires the High-Speed Rail Authority to prepare a feasibility study for a magnetic levitation (maglev) train connecting airports and major urban centers in the Los Angeles-San Bernardino area. Authorizes agreements with private entities or consortia for the project's construction and operation by, and lease to, such private entities. Authorizes the use of state highway rights-of-way and easements for the maglev project, and requires all proposed agreements to be submitted for review by the Senate and Assembly Transportation Committees, as well as the Joint Legislative Budget Committee.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 2190 (Soto-D) Traffic safety
Includes, specifically, bicyclist and pedestrian education within the scope of the components comprising the California Traffic Safety Program.
Chapter 181, Statutes of 2000
AB 357 (Calderon-D) Railroad grade separation projects
Requires every annual State Budget to include an appropriation of $60 million, rather than the current $15 million, for allocation for railroad grade separation projects.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 937 (Reyes-D) Transportation: projects and programs: federal funding
Creates the California Competes Transportation Task Force for the purpose of enhancing the state's ability to compete for that federal funding. Prescribes the composition of the task force and its functions. Requires the State Department of Transportation to provide technical and staff support to the task force.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 958 (Scott-D) Transit design-build contracts
Authorizes transit districts to enter into design-build contracts in which a single contractor or entity is responsible for both the design and construction phases of a project. Establishes extensive qualifying, procedural and performance requirements and criteria governing the use of the design-build authority.
Chapter 541, Statutes of 2000
AB 1093 (Strom-Martin-D) Transportation funding
Makes short line railroad systems eligible for state funding through the State Transportation Improvement Program. Creates the Short Line Railroad Improvement Account within the State Transportation Fund.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1425 (Runner-R) Transportation funding
Redirects federal funds from the State Transportation Improvement Program funding formula and allocates those revenues to the Regional Surface Transportation Program. 20 percent of those redirected funds allocated to certain counties must be set aside for environmental enhancement.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1951 (Longville-D) Public transit: funding
Requires the State Controller to make specified allocations of State Transit Assistance funds to member agencies of the Altamont Commuter Express Authority and the Southern California Regional Rail Authority, based on the operating revenues of the ACEA rail services and METROLINK rail services, respectively.
Chapter 632, Statutes of 2000
AB 2131 (McClintock-R) High-Speed Rail: repeal
Repeals the High Speed Rail Act, which establishes the High-Speed Rail Authority to direct the development of intercity high-speed rail service.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2140 (Keeley-D) Regional transportation plans
Revises and expands the scope of regional transportation plans and adds to the elements required to be included in such plans, as specified.
Chapter 832, Statutes of 2000
AB 2173 (Bates-R) Transportation: funding
Restricts the ability of the California Transportation Commission to redirect federal transportation funds that are not being used in a timely fashion.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 2275 (Correa-D) Transportation: construction projects: quality control
Allows the State Department of Transportation to verify that all construction projects performed under its jurisdiction meet or exceed standards and specifications included in the project, as specified.
Chapter 1034, Statutes of 2000
AB 2365 (Honda-D) Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
Clarifies the duties and powers of the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), authorizing the VTA to administer a countywide transportation expenditure plan funded by a local sales tax if designated to do so in the plan, or if the authority and the entity that imposes the tax have entered into an agreement that so provides.
Chapter 784, Statutes of 2000
AB 2373 (Longville-D) Motorist aid systems: grants
Requires the California Transportation Commission to establish a grant program to provide funds to eligible Service Authorities for Freeway Emergencies for one-time capital improvement projects for new freeway callboxes and callbox upgrades and retrofits.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2398 (Papan-D) Property tax revenue: commuter rail facilities
Requires the allocation of all property tax revenues generated within a transit village development district to the city or county establishing the district.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2428 (Torlakson-D) Metropolitan Transportation Commission: appeals
Establishes a process by which the San Francisco Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Commission can overrule conditions placed by any local agency on any transportation project included in the regional transportation improvement programs.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2448 (Scott-D) Historic resources: funds
Appropriates $600,000 from the Historic Property Maintenance fund to the State Department of Transportation (DOT) to pay for costs associated with the maintenance and operation of specified historic properties located within a freeway corridor. Deletes provisions which require DOT to meet and confer with the City of South Pasadena and the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Authority with respect to the design of the proposed extension of the 710 Freeway that will be located within those jurisdictions.
(Failed passage on Assembly Floor)
AB 2451 (Runner-R) Motor vehicle fuel taxes: local roads
Increases funding for local road maintenance projects. Redirects, from the Motor Vehicle Fuel Account to a new Local Government Road Maintenance Account, the revenue generated by two cents of the 18-cent motor vehicle fuel (gas) tax.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2521 (Washington-D) Traffic safety
Directs the Office of Traffic Safety to establish a traffic intersection safety program, within the California Traffic Safety Program, that administers grants to local agencies for safety improvements at traffic intersections. Eligible projects are limited to specific safety control measures and physical improvements, and may not be used for photoenforcement systems of certain types of studies.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2522 (Shelley-D) Vehicles: pedestrians: bicyclists
Enacts the Pedestrian Safety Act of 2000, which enacts a number of provisions related to improving roadway safety for bicycles and pedestrians.
Chapter 833, Statutes of 2000
AB 2604 (Zettel-R) Transportation: funding: allocations
Requires the California Transportation Commission, when programming and allocating funds appropriated from the General fund for transportation capital improvement projects, except when those funds are appropriated in response to a natural disaster, to allocate those funds as transportation funds, through an amendment to the State Transportation Improvement Program, and considering the specified formulas.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2643 (Calderon-D) Los Angeles County: transit operation funding
Requires that municipal bus operators in Los Angeles County receive a proportionate share of all bus operating and capital funds budgeted, allocated or expended by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2742 (Baugh-R) Transportation: funding
Requires the State Board of Equalization (BOE), in consultation with the State Department of Finance, to estimate, on a quarterly basis the revenues, less refunds, derived during the previous fiscal quarter from application of sales and use tax to that portion of the price of motor vehicle fuel resulting from imposition of the federal tax on gasoline and imposition of the tax on motor vehicle fuel under the Motor Vehicle Fuel License Tax Law. Provides that the estimate will not include the revenues derived from the application of sales and use tax to that portion of the price of motor vehicle fuel resulting from the increase after December 31, 1989, in the rate of state motor vehicle fuel taxes. Requires the BOE to inform the State Controller, in writing, of the amount estimated, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 2835 (Hertzberg-D) Urban traffic congestion advisory committee
Authorizes the Governor to create an advisory committee on urban traffic congestion.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 2866* (Migden-D) State government
Makes changes in existing law relating to general government to implement provisions of the Budget bill for the 2000-01 fiscal year, including, requiring the State Department of Transportation (DOT), with the approval of the State Department of Finance, to set rates for rental of mobile services. Creates the Equipment Services Fund to pay for mobile equipment services. Requires DOT, in consultation with the Office of Planning and Research, to conduct a statewide rail transportation assessment and report to the Legislature by January 2002.
Chapter 127, Statutes of 2000 - Item Vetoed
AB 2928* (Torlakson-D) Transportation congestion relief
Implements the Governor's Transportation Congestion Relief Plan. Dedicates gasoline sales tax revenues to transportation for five years and provides additional funding for local streets and roads, the State Transportation Improvement Program and the Public Transportation Account.
Chapter 91, Statutes of 2000 - Item Vetoed
AB 2929 (Torlakson-D) San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit
Prohibits the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District from extending service outside the existing district until service commitments have been made to specified cities and prohibits the extension of service to a county outside the district, unless that county agrees to provide funding for specific service extensions within the existing district.
(Failed passage on Assembly Floor)
AB 2931 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Transportation
Lengthens the State Transportation Improvement Program and the associated estimate of funds available for transportation improvement projects from a four-year to a seven-year cycle.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
ACR 133 (Torlakson-D) Traffic congestion
Sets forth membership of and goals of a specified Traffic Relief Panel for the purpose of holding town hall meetings in specified areas of California.
Resolution Chapter 104, Statutes of 2000

Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 201* (Mountjoy-R) Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
States legislative intent to encourage companies, on or before October 1, 2000, to produce gasoline which does not contain Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE). Requires the State Department of Health Services to expend an unspecified amount of funds from the Unallocated Account in the Cigarette and Tobacco product Surtax Fund to fund public service announcements in cities, counties, or regions where MTBE has been eliminated from gasoline prior to October 31, 1999.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 212 (Costa-D) Enhanced vehicle inspection program
Requires the Bureau of Automotive Repair, within the State Department of Consumer Affairs, to implement an enhanced vehicle inspection program (Smog Check) in an area classified as a nonattainment area for ozone and which has been designated as an overwhelming or significant contributor to downwind ozone air pollutants in another nonattainment district.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 215* (Karnette-D) Vehicles: smog impact fee: refunds
Repeals existing provision imposing smog impact fees on vehicles previously registered out-of-state and makes a related change. Transfers $665,261,000 from the General Fund to the Smog Impact Fee Refund Account in the State Transportation Fund, which is created by this bill as a continuously appropriated account in the Special Deposit Fund, for the purpose of funding refunds of the smog impact fee and for certain other purposes.
Chapter 32, Statutes of 2000
Similar legislation was SB 230 (Johannessen-R), which died at the Assembly Desk, SB 1325 (Karnette-D), which died in Senate Transportation Committee, AB 1702 (McClintock-R), which died on the Assembly Floor, and AB 1726 (Reyes-D), which died in Assembly Transportation Committee.
SB 906 (Murray-D) Heavy-duty diesel motor vehicles: air pollution
Makes changes in the inspection programs for heavy-duty diesel motor vehicles.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1058 (Johannessen-R) Light-duty vehicle retirement program
Requires the State Air Resources Board to modify its accelerated light-duty vehicle retirement program, a program designed to improve air quality by removing older, higher-polluting vehicles from operation, to require options for vehicle disposition other than retirement.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1146 (Burton-D) Motor vehicles: pollution control devices
Requires the State Air Resources Board to adopt regulations on vehicles manufactured in 1994 or newer, to the extent not limited or barred by federal law, to require automobile manufacturers to disclose specified information for the repair or manufacture of emissions-related motor vehicle parts to any person engaged in the business of servicing or repairing motor vehicles or engaged in the manufacture or remanufacture of emissions-related motor vehicle parts.
Chapter 1077, Statutes of 2000
SB 1719 (Johannessen-R) Smog check program: test-only stations
Allows a vehicle owner, who is required to have the smog check on his/her vehicle performed at a test-only facility, to have the test performed at a gold shield test-and-repair facility when certain conditions related to availability and proximity of test facilities are present.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1811 (Johannessen-R) Vehicles
Makes changes to the Smog Check II program regarding "specially constructed vehicles," and certain other vehicles that are scheduled to be exempt from the program.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1985 (Murray-D) Air pollution
Makes minor changes in the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1991 (Solis-D) Air quality: clean alternatives: fueled school bus program
Establishes the Clean Alternative School Bus Program to purchase clean alternative fueled buses, infrastructure, school bus maintenance, and technology advancement efforts relative to alternative fuels for school buses.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 57 (Cardoza-D) Transported pollutants
Subjects motor vehicle owners, in "upwind" air districts that contribute overwhelming or significant levels of transported air pollutants to a "downwind" nonattainment air district, to the enhanced motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program (Smog Check II).
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 129* (Oller-R) Gasoline: methyl tertiary butyl ether
Makes it a misdemeanor to add methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) to gasoline during the manufacturing or refining process or to sell or offer for sale gasoline that contains MTBE.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 567 (Baugh-R) Air pollution: motor vehicle inspection and maintenance
Provides that a certificate of compliance or noncompliance is not required for a motor vehicle that was driven 12,000 miles or less during the preceding two-year period. Provides for the issuance of a waiver by a referee at a test-only station upon the request of the vehicle owner for a vehicle that qualifies for the waiver and imposes a civil penalty, as specified, on any person who obtains, or attempts to obtain, a waiver by means of fraud.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 624 (Olberg-R) Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Inspection Program
Provides that if the seller is an automobile dealer, the seller may obtain a certificate of compliance or certificate of noncompliance from an appropriate smog check station located within the dealership's inspection area.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 809* (Lowenthal-D) Vehicles: smog impact fee: refunds
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to identify all persons who paid the smog impact fee on certain used vehicles, notify those persons of their eligibility for a refund of the fee, and then provide a payment and a full explanation document to those persons for the amount of smog impact fee, any late payment penalties that were paid, plus interest.
Chapter 31, Statutes of 2000
AB 1175 (Frusetta-R) Smog abatement fee
Repeals proposed increase requirement on the smog impact fee from $4 to $6.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 2061* (Lowenthal-D) Zero-emission vehicles
Establishes a limited-term grant program to encourage consumers and businesses to lease or buy zero-emission vehicles instead of more polluting cars. Provides that those who are eligible, are to receive a grant of up to $3,000 per year, limited to the first 36 months of lease or purchase. Appropriates $18 million for the grant program. Includes an appropriation of $500,000 for offsetting the incremental costs of alternative diesel fuel used in heavy-duty vehicles.
Chapter 1072, Statutes of 2000
AB 2454 (Bates-R) Pollution control devices
Requires the State Air Resources Board to adopt regulations to require motor vehicle manufacturers to disclose specified emission-related motor vehicle information.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 2511 (Steinberg-D) Air quality: mobile source emissions
Enacts the Sacramento Emergency Clean Air and Transportation Program and the San Joaquin Valley Emergency Clean Air Attainment Program for the purpose of making grants for the replacement or retrofit of heavy-duty diesel engines as a means of reducing emissions and complying with state and federal air quality standards. Specifies that monies allocated from the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund, as appropriated for various projects, shall be used to fund the program established by this bill.
Chapter 532, Statutes of 2000
AB 2550 (House-R) Air pollution: vehicles
Exempts a vehicle that is four or fewer model years old from the requirement that it be smog tested and a certificate of compliance or of noncompliance be issued at the time of initial registration or when it is transferred to a new owner.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 2564 (Strickland-R) Smog abatement fee
Eliminates the smog abatement fee increase on vehicles less than four years of age, but provides that $2 of the fee shall be deposited in the High Polluter Repair or Removal Account and $2 shall be deposited in the Vehicle Inspection and Repair Fund.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 2666 (Battin-R) Gasoline
Allows the sale of federally-approved reformulated gasoline in California, subject to a state excise fee, and asks the University of California to study aspects of allowing its use.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2784 (Margett-R) Air pollution: motor vehicles
Prohibits the State Air Resources Board, an air pollution control district, or an air quality management district from regulating public or private fleets in a manner that will likely result in a significant change in the type of specifications of the fuel that is used in those fleets, unless that regulation and a multimedia evaluation are reviewed by several agencies.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
ACR 48 (Battin-R) Reformulated gasoline prices
Urges the State Air Resources Board, in conjunction with the California Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission, to report to the Legislature, by January 1, 2000, the costs and benefits of continuing to require Californians to use California-only fuel. Requests the report to include the consequences of that policy for long-term supply, price, and air quality, and the effect of allowing the use of non-California reformulated gasoline for various periods and in specified percentages, and the effects when other types of reformulated gasoline are used. Asks the University of California to report to the Legislature, by January 1, 2000, the economic impact on gasoline prices resulting from the required use of California-only reformulated fuel.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 132 (Firebaugh-D) California Phase 3 Reformulated Gasoline
Urges the State Air Resources Board to conduct public hearings in Los Angeles and the Bay Area on the potential effects of the California Phase 3 Reformulated Gasoline regulations.
Resolution Chapter 119, Statutes of 2000
AJR 34 (Wesson-D) Diesel fuel standards
Memorializes the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency to adopt the most stringent national diesel fuel sulfur standards technologically and economically feasible, as specified, and adopt a national cap on sulfur in diesel fuel of no more than 30 ppm as expeditiously as possible and to implement that standard on or before January 1, 2004.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

SB 135 (Kelley-R) Highways: signs: state park unit
Requires the State Department of Transportation to erect certain highway signs for state park facilities.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 684 (Brulte-R) Highway exit numbering systems
Requires the preparation of a plan by the State Department of Transportation for the implementation of a highway milepost marking system and freeway exit numbering system.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 864 (Alpert-D) Reduced speed limits: demonstration project
Allows the State Department of Transportation to establish a demonstration program that provides for a 55 mile-per-hour maximum speed on coastal highways meeting certain criteria.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1404 (Senate Transportation Committee) Miscellaneous transportation matters
Makes various technical, nonsubstantive changes to existing law.
Chapter 787, Statutes of 2000
SB 1428 (Karnette-D) Freeway service patrols: program extension
Provides for the permanent implementation of the freeway service patrol program by repealing the program's January 1, 2002, "sunset" date, and makes conforming and technical cleanup changes to provisions governing the program.
Chapter 513, Statutes of 2000
SB 1497 (Schiff-D) Highways: local government agreements
Removes the authority of the State Department of Transportation to construct a freeway without first entering into an agreement with affected cities within the jurisdiction of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
(Died on Assembly Floor)
SB 1526 (Kelley-R) Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones
Requires the State Department of Transportation (DOT) to develop an additional double fine pilot project for a designated portion of State Highway Route 74, between the junction with Route 15 and the intersection with Seventh Street in the City of Perris, which will be administered, in part, by certain local authorities. Requires DOT to develop an additional double-fine pilot project for the portion of Route 2 between the city limits of La Canada Flintridge and the intersection with Route 19.
Chapter 446, Statutes of 2000
Similar legislation was AB 386 (Scott-D), which died in Senate Public Safety Committee.
SB 1560 (Monteith-R) Highways: Route 140: scenic highway
Includes a specified portion of Route 140 in the state scenic highway system.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
SB 1563 (Leslie-R) Real property: highways
Requires the perpetration by specified means of the location of monuments that control the location of boundaries and improvements when a highway, right-of-way, or easement is maintained or resurfaced and specifies that it applies only if the monument could be destroyed, damaged, covered, or otherwise obliterated as a result of these activities.
Chapter 678, Statutes of 2000
SB 1584 (Schiff-D) Route 110: relinquishment
Authorizes the California Transportation Commission to relinquish a specified segment of State Highway Route 110 to the City of Pasadena, according to terms and conditions in the best interests of the state.
Chapter 270, Statutes of 2000
SB 1629 (Sher-D) Highways: pedestrian and bicycle access
Enacts the Good Roads for the 21st Century Act. Requires increased pedestrian and bicycle access on state and local roadways.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1645 (Perata-D) Highways: State Highway Route 880: relinquishment
Authorizes the California Transportation Commission (CTC) to relinquish to the City of Oakland a specified portion of the former right-of-way of State Highway Route 880, upon terms and conditions the CTC finds to be in the best interests of the state, including a requirement that the State Department of Transportation and the City of Oakland enter into a cooperative agreement to improve the portion of right-of-way that is to be relinquished in accordance with plans to be developed by DOT, as specified. Specifies that the relinquishment will become effective immediately following the CTC's approval of the terms and conditions of the relinquishment.
Chapter 538, Statutes of 2000
SB 1772 (Brulte-R) Funding for Bicycle Transportation Account
Increases the funding for the Bicycle Transportation Account for bicycle-related purposes. Increases, commencing on July 31, 2001, and on the last day of each month after that date, to and including June 30, 2006, the amount required to be transferred to the Bicycle Lane Account to $600,000 per month. Requires, after June 30, 2006, the sum of $416,667 per month be transferred to the account, on the last day of each month after that date.
Chapter 834, Statutes of 2000
SB 1809 (Johnston-D) Transportation enhancement activities: funding shift
Requires that at least ten percent of the state's federal minimum guarantee funds be programmed for transportation enhancement activities, and prescribes the method of apportioning such funds among local transportation agencies and grant applicants. Enacts the Balanced Transportation for Livable Communities Act of 2000.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1952 (Perata-D) Highways: outdoor advertising
Exempts from the prohibition against placing advertising displays adjacent to landscaped freeways, up to six advertising structures or signs used to support the Oakland-Alameda County Arena and Coliseum.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 2057 (Morrow-R) Bonds for permanent road divisions
Allows county supervisors to issue bonds, notes, and other debt instruments for ten-year terms, backed by revenues from special taxes or parcel charges. Provides that the procedures for collecting taxes and imposing lines for these debts follow the Mello-Roos Act.
Chapter 179, Statutes of 2000
SB 2137 (Leslie-R) El Dorado County: State Highway Route 50
Authorizes the El Dorado County Transportation Planning Agency to contract with a public or private entity to conduct a study to examine the feasibility of financing the construction of improvements on Route 50 in El Dorado County. Transfers an unspecified amount from an unspecified source to the State Highway Account in the State Transportation Fund and appropriates those funds from that account to the Director of the State Department of Transportation for allocation by the director to the agency for the purpose of funding the study.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 2178* (McPherson-R) State Highway Route 17 bus feeder service
Exempts from the specified restrictions on intercity motor carrier/feeder bus service those services provided for disabled passengers who rely substantially on the use of wheelchairs and travel by motor carrier over any regular route that operates on a specified portion of State Route 17. Requires the State Department of Transportation to encourage certain transportation entities to develop and execute a memorandum of understanding that addresses long-term solutions to the transportation needs of passengers traveling by bus on the specified route.
Chapter 788, Statutes of 2000
SB 2191 (Soto-D) Highways: analysis of truck congestion
Requires the State Department of Transportation to better focus on the problem of truck traffic congestion on urban state highways.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
Similar legislation was AB 2199 (Pescetti-R), which was vetoed by the Governor.
SCR 58 (Kelley-R) Doctor June McCarroll Memorial Freeway
Designates a portion of Interstate Highway Route 10 near Indio to the memory of Doctor June McCarroll.
Resolution Chapter 105, Statutes of 2000
SCR 60 (Rainey-R) Officer John Paul Monego Memorial Freeway
Designates a portion of Interstate Highway Route 680 the "Officer John Paul Monego Memorial Freeway."
Resolution Chapter 114, Statutes of 2000
SCR 66 (Monteith-R) John Muir Highway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 140 near the southeastern city limits of Merced to Yosemite National Park near El Portal as the John Muir Highway.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
SCR 67 (Rainey-R) San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge
Urges the State Department of Transportation, the Governor, and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to continue to work on the design and construction process of the new eastern span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge using the proposed northern alignment, without further delay.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SCR 85 (Chesbro-D) Jeffrey Lynn Azuar Memorial Highway
Designates a portion of Interstate Highway Route 80 that passes through Vallejo to the memory of Vallejo Police Officer Jeffrey Lynn Azuar.
Resolution Chapter 155, Statutes of 2000
SCR 86 (Morrow-R) The Vince Andrade Memorial Bridge
Designates the future Twin Oaks Valley Road Bridge the Vince Andrade Memorial Bridge. Requests the State Department of Transportation to determine the cost of appropriate plaques and markers showing this special designation and, upon receiving donations from nonstate sources covering the cost, to erect those plaques and markers.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SCR 92 (Haynes-R) Riverside County Deputy Sheriff Eric Thach Memorial Highway
Designates the portion of State Highway 215 between Murrieta Hot Springs Road and McCall Boulevard in the County of Riverside as the Deputy Sheriff Eric Andrew Thach Memorial Highway.
Resolution Chapter 134, Statutes of 2000
SCR 97 (Burton-D) Alfred Zampa Memorial Bridge
Designates the westbound span of the Carquinez Bridge as the Alfred Zampa Memorial Bridge in honor and recognition of Alfred "Al" Zampa. Requests the State Department of Transportation to determine the cost for appropriate signs showing this special designation and, upon receiving donations from nonstate sources covering the cost, to erect those signs.
Resolution Chapter 135, Statutes of 2000
SCR 99 (Brulte-R) Sonny Bono Memorial Interchange
Designates the Nason Street Interchange as the Sonny Bono Memorial Interchange in honor and recognition of Sonny Bono. Requests the State Department of Transportation to determine the cost for appropriate signs showing this special designation and, upon receiving donations from nonstate sources covering the cost, to erect those signs.
Resolution Chapter 110, Statutes of 2000
AB 44 (McClintock-R) Exclusive-use or preferential-use lanes
Requires the State Department of Transportation and appropriate local agencies to redesignate all existing exclusive-use or preferential-use lands for high-occupancy vehicles (HOV) lanes that are within their jurisdiction as mixed-flow lanes. Prohibits the construction of new HOV lanes unless a specified study is conducted and certain conditions are met.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 46 (Florez-D) Highway safety: traffic violator schools
Prohibits a court from ordering a person to attend traffic school in place of adjudicating an offense for speeding on certain highways with high accident rates. Requires the State Department of Transportation to prepare a list of highways with accident rates above the statewide average and provide that information to all traffic courts.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 357 (Calderon-D) Railroad grade separation projects: increased funding
Requires every annual state budget to include an appropriation for $60 million, rather than the current $15 million, for allocation for railroad grade separation projects.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 500 (Corbett-D) Vehicles: maximum weight limit: I-580
Prohibits specified vehicles weighting more than 9,000 pounds, with specified exceptions, from operating on a specified segment of Interstate Highway Route 580.
Chapter 212, Statutes of 2000
AB 521 (McClintock-R) Highways: fuel tax revenue allocation
Diverts revenue from sales and use taxes that are currently imposed on gasoline from the General Fund and dedicates that revenue for the maintenance and construction of highways.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 769* (Margett-R) Vehicles: preferential vehicle lanes
Changes the minimum occupancy level from two to three for high-occupancy vehicles using the "El Monte Busway" during peak commuting hours and expands the guidelines of the study required to be made and submitted to the Legislature by the State Department of Transportation.
Chapter 63, Statutes of 2000
AB 1066 (Cardenas-D) Department of Transportation: contracts: Indian tribes
Authorizes the State Department of Transportation to enter into a contract with a federally-recognized Indian tribe to provide services related to the development and installation of freeway on-ramps and off-ramps to state highways and related access roads, provided that specified conditions are met.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1166 (Frusetta-R) Highways: informational signs
Requires the State Department of Transportation to authorize the placement of information signs, at the expense of the San Juan Oaks Golf Club, on State Highway Route 156, directing motorists to that club.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 1237 (Baugh-R) Joint powers authority: toll roads
Authorizes the County of Orange, the Orange County Transportation Authority, the Transportation Corridor Agency, and any city whose jurisdiction includes territory that is included in the described corridor to enter into a joint powers agreement to acquire, construct, and operate a toll road along a specified corridor.
(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 1303 (Florez-D) Highways: local projects: funding
Requires the State Controller, from funds in the General Fund that are attributable to revenue collected for the sale, storage, use, or other consumption in this state of motor vehicle fuel, as defined, to transfer the sum of $375 million to the State Highway Account in the State Transportation Fund for programming and expenditure for transportation capital improvement projects, as specified, the sum of $62.5 million to the counties, including a city and county, apportioned as specified, and the sum of $62.5 million to cities, including a city and county, apportioned as specified.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 1344 (Keeley-D) Highways: Route 1: Hatton Canyon
Provides for the transfer of specified Hatton Canyon right-of-way property to the Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1419 (Longville-D) Highways: relinquishment: State Highway Route 209
Authorizes the California Transportation Commission (CTC) to relinquish State Highway Route 209 to the City of San Diego upon terms and conditions the CTC finds to be in the best interest of the state, if the CTC and the City of San Diego enter into an agreement providing for that relinquishment. Provides that the relinquishment becomes effective immediately following the CTC's approval of the terms and conditions of the relinquishment.
Chapter 523, Statutes of 2000
AB 1523 (Brewer-R) San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge: east span replacement
Increases local share of project costs for seismic safety retrofit programs if the State Department of Transportation (DOT) is required to construct the new east span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge at a site other than the one proposed by DOT in 1998.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Commission)
AB 1776 (McClintock-R) Highways: transportation gridlock emergencies
Allows the Governor to declare a state of emergency in the state based on a "transportation gridlock emergency," which the bill defines.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Commission)
AB 1871 (Runner-R) High-occupancy vehicle lanes: State Highway Route 14
Imposes certain operational requirements for high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes on a specified section of State Highway Route 14. Requires the Legislative Analyst to report to the Legislature on the impact to traffic by limiting the use of HOV lanes as provided in the bill.
Chapter 337, Statutes of 2000
AB 1930 (Scott-D) Highways: local government agreements
Repeals provisions in current law which authorize the State Department of Transportation to construct a freeway that would pass through or divide an existing residential community without obtaining an agreement from the affected city or county.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 2026 (Maddox-R) Highway demonstration program: courtesy signs
Extends, by four years, the expiration date for a demonstration program which allows signs and other forms of recognition to be placed along freeways for organizations which provide materials or services for highway roadside maintenance or enhancement. Prohibits the demonstration program signs from advertising certain products, adult entertainment and gambling.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 2066 (Lowenthal-D) Vincent Thomas Toll Bridge: tolls: suspension
Provides statutory authority to implement the California Transportation Commission's decision to eliminate tolls on the Vincent Thomas Bridge and transfers funds in the Bridge account to the State Highway Account and the Toll Bridge Seismic Retrofit Account.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2091* (Rod Pacheco-R) State Highway Route 91 Toll Facility
Authorizes the Orange County Transportation Authority and the Riverside County Transportation Commission to mutually recommend an independent appraiser to conduct an appraisal of the fair market value of a toll facility constructed on State Highway Route 91, as specified. Specifies that the recommendation must be conveyed to the Legislature and the Governor not later than November 1, 2000.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2126 (McClintock-R) High-occupancy vehicle lanes: rededication
Authorizes the State Department of Transportation and local authorities, with respect to highways under their jurisdiction, to rededicate any specified high-occupancy vehicle or preferential-use highway lane as a mixed-flow lane, if specified conditions are met.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 2127 (McClintock-R) High-occupancy vehicle lanes: State Highway Route 118
Requires the State Department of Transportation to redesignate the existing high-occupancy vehicle lane on a specified portion of State route 118 as a mixed flow lane.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 2129 (McClintock-R) Highways: exclusive-use or preferential-use lanes
Establishes a uniform process by which the State Department of Transportation and local transportation agencies determine the future status of existing and proposed high-occupancy vehicle lanes.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2132* (House-R) Highways: Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones
Expands the "Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones" pilot project to include Route 132 between the intersection with Route 99 and the intersection of Route 580. Adds "traffic citations" to the items that shall be included in the report to the Legislature on the double-fine zone pilot projects.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 2134 (Hertzberg-D) Adopt-a-Highway Program
Requires the State Department of Transportation (DOT) to report to the Legislature on the utilization of DOT's authority under the Adopt-a-Highway Program, as specified.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 2175* (Ashburn-R) Vehicles: length limitation exemption for motor homes
Permits sale and operation of 45-foot motor homes on certain highways.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2199 (Pescetti-R) State Highway Route 99 study
Requires the County of Sacramento, in conjunction with the Sacramento Area Council of Governments, to study State Highway 99 between Elk Grove and Sacramento to determine (1) the factors which have contributed to an increase in collisions, (2) if high-occupancy vehicle lanes on the highway have contributed to congestion, and (3) the impact on air quality, traffic congestion, and cost, if Highway 99 is expanded or not expanded.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2303 (Florez-D) State highway routes
Designates a portion of Route 180 near Fresno as part of the interregional road system and makes it eligible for a share of the State's portion of highway construction funds.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2373 (Longville-D) Vehicles: motorist aid systems
Requires the California Transportation Commission to establish a grant program to provide funds to eligible Service Authorities for Freeway Emergencies for one-time capital improvement projects for new freeway callboxes and callbox upgrades and retrofits.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2607 (Knox-D) Highways: pilot project: contracts
Deletes the July 1, 2004 inoperative date of the design-sequenced contract demonstration program for highway construction established by AB 405 (Knox), Chapter 378, Statutes of 1999 and extends the sunset until January 1, 2005, unless a later enacted statute that is enacted before January 1, 2005 declares or extends that date. Increases the number of permissible transportation projects from six to 12.
Chapter 340, Statutes of 2000
AB 2635 (Ashburn-R) State Highway Route 65: emergency improvements
Requires the Director of the State Department of Transportation, on or before January 15, 2001, to submit a report to the Legislature identifying emergency improvements involving either negligible or no expansion of highway capacity, that may be constructed prior to specified scheduled improvements, with the intent to prevent or mitigate an emergency situation on a specified portion of State Highway Route 65.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 2651 (Margett-R) Highways: counties: encroachment permits
Restricts the ability of a county road commissioner to require the removal or relocation of facilities that have been placed within a county right-of-way.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 2767 (Jackson-D) Vehicles: engineering and traffic surveys
Allows local authorities to consider residential density and bicycle and pedestrian safety as additional factors in engineering and traffic surveys conducted for purposes of setting speed limits.
Chapter 45, Statutes of 2000
AB 2816 (Kuehl-D) Traffic congestion
Authorizes the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transpiration Commission to conduct a major capital improvement study to evaluate the growth of traffic congestion on the portion of State Highway Route 101 that is between State Highway Route 170 and State Highway Route 23 (the U.S. 101 Corridor) to provide alternative solutions to mitigate the congestion impact, to assess the impact of that congestion on persons using the corridor to commute to work and on traffic in local communities and residential streets, and to undertake certain functions relating to traffic congestion on that corridor.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
ACR 83 (Lempert-D) Civilian Women Volunteers All Wars Memorial Freeway
Designates that portion of State Highway Route 101, between the Ralston Avenue Exit in Belmont, California, to State Highway Route 92, as the Civilian Women Volunteers All Wars Memorial Freeway.
Resolution Chapter 36, Statutes of 2000
ACR 98 (Baugh-R) U.S. Submarine Veterans of WWII Memorial Highway
Designates a specified portion of State Highway Route 1, between Long Beach and Huntington Beach, as the U.S. Submarine Veterans of WWII Memorial Highway.
Resolution Chapter 103, Statutes of 2000
ACR 106 (Battin-R) Senator David G. Kelley Highway
Designates, on and after the date on which David G. Kelley ceases his service in the Legislature, the portion of State Highway Route 86 that is between 82nd Avenue and 66th Avenue in the County of Riverside as the "Senator David G. Kelley Highway." Requests that the State Department of Transportation, upon receiving sufficient donations from nonstate sources, erect the appropriate markers.
Resolution Chapter 108, Statutes of 2000
ACR 110 (Leonard-R) CHP Officer Reuben F. Rios, Sr., Memorial Freeway
Designates the northbound and southbound portions of Interstate Highway Route 15, between Kenwood Avenue and Sierra Avenue in San Bernardino County, as the "CHP Officer Reuben F. Rios, Sr., Memorial Freeway." Requests that the State Department of Transportation, upon receiving sufficient donations from nonstate sources, erect the appropriate markers.
Resolution Chapter 93, Statutes of 2000
ACR 115 (Nakano-D) Los Angeles County Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway
Designates that portion of State Highway Route 1 located in Los Angeles County as the "Los Angeles County Vietnam Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 94, Statutes of 2000
ACR 138 (Oller-R) CHP Officer Glenn Carlson Memorial Bypass
Designates the State Highway Route 267 bypass in Truckee as the "CHP Officer Glenn Carlson Memorial Bypass." Requests that the State Department of Transportation, upon receiving sufficient donations from nonstate sources, erect the appropriate markers.
Resolution Chapter 95, Statutes of 2000
ACR 139 (Oller-R) John C. Begovich Memorial Highway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 49, as prescribed, as the John C. Begovich Memorial Highway.
Resolution Chapter 120, Statutes of 2000
ACR 140 (House-R) Agua Fria Historical Monument
Authorizes the State Department of Transportation to construct and dedicate, at no cost to the public, a black marble stone monument in honor of Agua Fria, the first county seat of Mariposa County, to be placed within the right-of-way of State Highway Route 140 at Agua Fria Road in Mariposa County.
Resolution Chapter 196, Statutes of 2000
ACR 149 (Aanestad-R) Post No. 1747 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S.
Designates the portion of State Highway Route 70, from Pacific Heights/Georgia Way to the westbound ramp to Garden Drive in the City of Oroville, as the Post No. 1747 Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Memorial Highway. Requests that the State Department of Transportation, upon receiving sufficient donations from nonstate sources, erect the appropriate markers.
Resolution Chapter 97, Statutes of 2000
ACR 150 (Aanestad-R) Blue Star Memorial Highway
Designates, as a "Blue Star Memorial Highway," the portion of Highway 70 between the Marysville (Yuba County) and Hallelujah Junction (Lassen County) and asks the State Department of Transportation to grant, free of charge, to the Kelly Ridge Garden Club, an encroachment permit allowing the installation of an appropriate marker at the roadside rest stop in Heldon (Plumas County).
Resolution Chapter 98, Statutes of 2000
ACR 163 (House-R) Lane usage: Department of the California Highway Patrol
Urges the State Department of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to pursue, on a high priority basis, the enforcement of all the laws relating to proper use of lanes by large commercial vehicles and other restricted vehicles and directs the CHP to provide an estimate, by January 15, 2001, of the uniformed field strength of officers that the CHP needs to effectively accomplish the enforcement of these laws.
Resolution Chapter 110, Statutes of 2000
ACR 165 (Thompson-R) Ronald Packard Parkway
Designates a specified portion of State Highway Route l78 as the "Ronald Packard Parkway." Requests the State Department of Transportation to determine the cost of appropriate plaques and markers for designating that portion of State Highway Route 78 and, upon receiving donations from nonstate sources covering that cost, to erect appropriate plaques and markers.
Resolution Chapter 124, Statutes of 2000
ACR 173 (Olberg-R) CHP Officer Larry J. Jaramillo Memorial
Requests the State Department of Transportation to grant, without charge, encroachment permits authorizing appropriate memorials, funded by nonstate sources, to be placed within the rights-of-way of northbound and southbound State Highway Route 395 at milepost marker 66.0 to honor State Department of the California Highway Patrol Officer Larry J. Jaramillo.
Resolution Chapter 142, Statutes of 2000
ACR 174 (Olberg-R) CHP Officers Kenneth Archer and Robert Carey
Requests the State Department of Transportation to grant, without charge, encroachment permits authorizing appropriate memorials, funded by nonstate sources, to be placed within the rights-of-way of State Highway Route 58 at mile post marker 18.3 to honor the memory of State Department of the California Highway Patrol Officers Kenneth L. Archer and Robert G. Carey.
Resolution Chapter 143, Statutes of 2000
ACR 178 (Torlakson-D) Senator Daniel E. Boatwright Highway
Designates the portion of Interstate Highway Route 680 that is between the Benicia Bridge crossing in Contra Costa County and the State Highway Route 24 Interchange in the City of Walnut Creek as the Senator Daniel E. Boatwright Highway.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 180 (Cardoza-D) CHP Officers Walter Frago and Roger Gore Memorial Freeway
Designates a prescribed section of State Highway Route 99 as the "CHP Officer Walter Frago and Roger Gore Memorial Freeway." Requests the State Department of Transportation to determine the cost of appropriate plaques and markers designating that specified section of State Highway Route 99 and, upon receiving donations from nonstate sources covering that cost, to erect appropriate plaques and markers.
Resolution Chapter 147, Statutes of 2000
ACR 187 (House-R) Commercial vehicle weight and inspection facility
Requests that the State Department of the California Highway Patrol and the State Department of Transportation include the construction of a commercial vehicle weight and inspection facility for southbound State Highway Route 99 in the current planned highway construction project for that highway.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

Drivers' Licenses
SB 335 (Hayden-D) Driver's license: age
Enacts the Brandi Mitock Safe Drivers Act to require the State Department of Motor Vehicles to test specified drivers to determine ability to operate a motor vehicle safely. Establishes a minimum vision requirement for a driver's license and imposes additional behind-the-wheel testing requirements for persons 75 years of age or older.
Chapter 985, Statutes of 2000
SB 503 (Knight-R) Vehicles: driver's licenses: minors
Requires an application by a pupil under the age of 18 years for a driver's license to contain certification by the pupil's school of enrollment that the pupil is attending school and does not have more than ten consecutive days, or 15 total days, of unexcused absences in a single semester, and has not been expelled from school, as specified.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1112 (Knight-R) Driver's license test
Requires specified equipment be placed on driver training vehicles by driving school owners and increases the age requirement of a driving school operator, as well as the bond requirement. Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to immediately suspend the license of a driver's training school, if specified events occur.
Chapter 243, Statutes of 2000
AB 803 (Torlakson-D) Driving under the influence: 18-20 year olds
Requires a person, between the ages of 18 and 21, convicted of a first violation of driving with a blood alcohol level of 0.05 percent or higher to, in addition to any other penalties, complete the educational component of a driving-under-influence program, and requires completion of the entire program for a second or subsequent violation. Prohibits the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) from reinstating that person's license until the DMV receives proof of completion of the program.
Chapter 1063, Statutes of 2000
AB 962 (Brewer-R) Vehicles: driver's licenses: driving instruction to minors
Provides that driver's license requirements for driver education and driver training courses may not be satisfied by correspondence course or any course that is not given under the direct, personal supervision of a properly certified instructor.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1463 (Cedillo-D) Social security number: drivers' identification card
Makes several changes regarding the eligibility requirements for an original driver's license or identification card, including allowing persons that have submitted an application or petition for lawful immigration status to apply for a driver's license or identification card. Allows an applicant that does not possess a social security number to provide a taxpayer identification number, or other identifier, that is determined appropriate by the State Department of Motor Vehicles.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1601 (Olberg-R) Vehicles: drivers' licenses
Provides that an applicant for a driver's license or identification card may provide any of three specified visas issued by the United States in order to demonstrate that the applicant's presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2175* (Ashburn-R) Length limitation exemption for motor homes
Permits sale and operation of 45-foot motor homes on certain highways. Provides that the authority to operate a house car over 40 feet in length, as specified, is conditioned on receiving an endorsement issued by the State Department of Motor Vehicles on a class C license, upon passing a written and skills examination and submitting a specified medical form.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2295 (Florez-D) Driver's licenses: controlled substances
Reinstates provisions of law that became inoperative June 30, 1999, which required a six-month driver's license suspension for any controlled substance conviction, regardless of whether the offense was related to driving.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2382 (Leach-R) Driver's license: identification card: duplicate
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), when a person applies for a duplicate driver's license or identification card, to compare the current photograph and information the DMV has on file for the person to the likeness and information obtained from the person requesting the duplicate.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2506 (Romero-D) Vehicles: driver's license violations: referral program
Makes a clarification pertaining to the home detention program option of the pilot project which allows such detention for persons who pled guilty, no contest, or convicted of drivers' license violations. Requires that persons participating in the pilot program complete a home detention program utilizing an electronic monitoring program and equipment that meets certain standards. Specifies that the electronic monitoring program be provided under the auspices of the county district attorney or his/her designee.
Chapter 401, Statutes of 2000
AB 2517 (Shelley-D) Motor vehicles: reacquisition agreements
Prohibits any dealer or lienholder, who reacquires or assists in reacquiring a motor vehicle, whether by judgment, decree, arbitration award, settlement agreement, or voluntary agreement from (1) requiring, as a condition of the reacquisition of the motor vehicle, that a buyer or lessee who is a resident of this state agree not to disclose the problems with the vehicle experienced by the buyer or lessee or the nonfinancial terms of the reacquisitions, and (2) including in any release or other agreement, whether prepared by the dealer or lienholder, for signature by the buyer or lessee, a confidentiality clause, gag clause, or similar clause prohibiting the buyer or lessee from disclosing information to anyone about the problems with the vehicle, or the nonfinancial terms of the reacquisition of the vehicle by the dealer or lienholder.
Chapter 258, Statutes of 2000
AB 2574 (Briggs-R) Driver's license: selective service registration
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles, for every male applicant for driver's licenses or identification cards, who is between 18 and 25 years of age, to notify the applicant that he is required to register with the federal Selective Service System (SSS) for military service. Specifies that the applicant, by applying for a driver's license or identification card, acknowledges that he will be registering with the SSS to have his name removed from the SSS registry.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2909 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Transportation
Makes several noncontroversial and/or technical changes to current statutes related to commercial vehicle modifications, a highway relinquishment to the City of Covina, a clarification for issuing driver licenses to persons under 18, driving on the left hand side of the road, repeals the California Commuter and Intercity Right of Way Preservation Act, and the Santa Clara County Transit District.
Chapter 596, Statutes of 2000

Vehicle License Plates
SB 193 (Polanco-D) Special breast cancer treatment license plates
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to issue a special breast cancer treatment license plate and to allocate a portion of the funds collected by the issuance of the plates to help fund breast cancer treatments for uninsured or underinsured persons. Sunsets January 1, 2003.
Chapter 651, Statutes of 2000
SB 540* (Dunn-D) Vehicle license fee reduction
Provides that the Vehicle License Fee (VLF) reduction limit, as part of the 2000-01 Budget Act, is to be treated as offsets to the VLF payment due rather than rebates.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
SB 862 (Mountjoy-R) Special interest license plates: Boy Scouts of America
Authorizes the State Department of Motor Vehicles to issue special interest license plates that bear a full-plate graphic design depicting the official Boy Scouts of America logo, the fleur-de-lis, in the center of the plate and the words "Scouting Teaches Values" at the bottom of the plate.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1329 (Karnette-D) Special interest license plates
Requires organizations which seek special interest license plates to be tax-exempt charitable organizations and to submit a financial plan specifying how revenues generated from sales of the plates will be used, as specified.
Chapter 163, Statutes of 2000
SB 1366 (Monteith-R) Special interest license plates: Boy Scouts of America
Creates a special license plate to fund Boy Scout Councils in California.
(Failed passage in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1413 (Polanco-D) Special license plates: Masonic Student Assistance Program
Authorizes the California Masonic Federation to work with the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to design a Masonic Student Assistance Program special license plate. Requires that proceeds of the plates, after DMV's administrative costs are deduced, be deposited into the California Masonic Foundation Account in the General Fund. Provides that funds are to be used to assist educators and school administrators in the identification of at-risk students.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 692 (Thompson-R) Special license plates
Creates a special license plate for each county.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 700 (Thomson-D) Special interest license plates: Girl Scouts
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to issue a special interest license plate for the Girl Scouts of the United States of America.
Chapter 422, Statutes of 2000
AB 1129 (Ackerman-R) Special interest license plates: Rotary International
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to issue a special interest license plate for Rotary International, as specified.
Chapter 372, Statutes of 2000
AB 1457 (Campbell-R) Special license plates: fee exemptions
Extends existing law that exempts licensing fees on vehicles owned by a disabled veteran, a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, or a former prisoner of war to include Pearl Harbor Survivors.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1515 (Margett-R) Special design license plates: motorcycles
Authorizes the issuance of special license plates for motorcycles.
Chapter 859, Statutes of 2000
AB 2058 (Briggs-R) Vehicle license plates
Extends authorization for the issuance of "year-of-manufacture" license plates to vehicles 1973 or older, and makes a technical clarification regarding the vehicle license fee.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2702 (Cunneen-R) Special interest license plates
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to issue a special interest license plate to fund Internet educational programs.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

Vehicle License Fees
SB 1494* (Poochigian-R) Vehicle license fees
Repeals the proportionate offset reduction provision in existing law, thus "de-linking" future Vehicle License Fee (VLF) offsets from the influence of other tax reductions. Allows the 1998 VLF offset legislation to proceed ahead, independent of other tax legislation enacted, or to be enacted, since 1998.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 1530* (Brulte-R) Vehicle license fee offsets: one year acceleration
Accelerates the triggered vehicle license fee (VLF) offsets so that (1) the 35 percent offset (instead of the 25 percent offset) becomes permanent, and (2) an offset of 46.5 percent will apply for 2001 without regard to the trigger (in the same manner that a one-year 35 percent offset was established for 2000 as part of last year's budget agreement). Provides that the revenue reduction resulting from accelerating the VLF offsets will not, itself, be included in the "proportionate reduction" formula, thus ensuring that the reduction in VLF tax will not, effectively, be forced to pay for itself through a VLF increase.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 2084* (Polanco-D) Vehicles: fees
Replaces the existing vehicle license fee, registration and weight fees on trailers with a new weight fee system on commercial motor vehicles to comply with federal law.
Chapter 861, Statutes of 2000
AB 511* (Alquist-D) Vehicle license fee offset
Makes clarifying changes to AB 858 of 2000 which revises the vehicle license fee offset. Appropriates $2.052 billion from the State General Fund to a new Special Reserve Fund for Vehicle License Fee Tax Relief for payment of vehicle license fee rebates in 2000-01 and 2001-02. Allows the Governor to direct the State Controller to include a notice in each rebate payment.
Chapter 107, Statutes of 2000
Similar language was included in SB 632* (Brulte-R), which died at the Assembly Desk.
AB 858* (Kuehl-D) Vehicle license fee offsets
Increases the vehicle license fee offset to 67.5 percent, beginning in 2001. However, in 2001-2002, motorists will pay the fee based on a bill from the State v. Department of Motor Vehicles containing a 35 percent offset, and then would receive a rebate check for the difference between 35 percent and 67.5 percent.
Chapter 106, Statutes of 2000
Follow-up legislation was AB 511 (Alquist-D), which became Chapter 107, Statutes of 2000.
AB 1527* (Briggs-R) License fees: exemption
Provides an exemption from the Vehicle License Fee for vehicles owned by any Pearl Harbor survivor, recipient of the Purple Heart, or one of the nation's highest decorations of valor, as specified. Specifies that the exemption will sunset on December 31, 2005.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2527* (Scott-D) Vehicle fees: commercial vehicles
Enacts the Commercial Vehicle Registration Act of 2000 to end the current registration system (fees based on unladen weights and vehicle license fees) for commercial trucks and trailers. Replaces the system with a gross vehicle weight fee system for trucks and a permanent trailer plate identification program for trailers.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
ACA 1 (McClintock-R) Vehicle license fees
Limits the application of the vehicle license fee (VLF), on and after the operative date of this measure, to that portion of the cost price of a vehicle subject to registration in this state that exceeds $10,000. Provides that in subsequent fiscal years for which an increase in General Fund receipts is estimated, this measure will further reduce the VLF by increasing the exclusion amount to $20,000, and thereafter eliminate the VLF, except as provided by this measure. Provides that, on or after the date the vehicle license fee is eliminated in its entirety, eliminate the constitutional requirement that VLF revenues be allocated to counties and cities, and also exempt vehicles subject to registration in this state from ad valorem property taxation. Transfers, annually, state sales and use tax revenues to the Local Government Independence Fund, which this measure creates, in an amount determined upon the basis of the VLF revenues lost as a result of this measure. Appropriates these transferred revenues to the State Controller for allocation among counties and cities in the manner required by the VLF Law as of January 1, 2000.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 170 (Dunn-D) Transit districts
Excludes single county transit districts from property tax revenue shifts.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 200 (O'Connell-D) Employment: railroad train crews
Requires that all freight trains operate with at least two persons, as specified, unless the California Public Utilities Commission grants an exemption based on specified criteria. Exempts, until January 1, 2002, any one-person operation of trains, as specified, in place before July 1, 2000 on any short-line railroad.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
SB 214 (Polanco-D) Automotive repair
Establishes the California Automotive Repair Advisory Committee to review and report on certain aspects of the automotive repair industry.
(Died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
SB 448* (Ortiz-D) Diesel fuel
Exempts experimental fuels from any fuel tax for a 24-month period. Provides that following this period, the fuel tax rate would be six cents per gallon.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 486 (Rainey-R) Abandoned vehicles: removal: local procedures
Requires that, regarding vehicles abandoned on private property, the local ordinance must provide not less than a 10-day notice and, with regard to vehicles abandoned on public property, requires the ordinance to provide not less than a 72-hour notice of intention to abate and remove the vehicle.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 567 (Speier-D) Child passenger restraint systems
Increases the fines for violations of child passenger restraint laws, and requires that children less than six years of age or weighing less than sixty pounds be properly restrained in a child passenger restraint system.
Chapter 675, Statutes of 2000
SB 581 (Knight-R) Department of Motor Vehicles: offices
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to establish a full-time office in the City of Tehachapi.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 625 (Perata-D) Airports
Expands the authorization to require a rental car company to collect a fee on behalf of an airport for the use of an airport mandated common use busing system to include cities, counties, joint powers authorities, and special districts that operate airports, specifies that the fee is a user fee, and includes within the authorization a fee collected for the use of a consolidated on-airport rental car facility.
(Died in Senate Local Government Committee)
SB 663 (Figueroa-D) Vehicles: prohibited activities
Establishes a state fund to compensate motor vehicle consumers who have suffered economic losses resulting from certain motor vehicle dealer actions.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 771 (Speier-D) Organ and tissue donor registry
Enacts the Organ and Tissue Donor Registry Act of 2000 to register potential organ and tissue donors and requires a standardized form, as specified, for enrolling potential donors.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 863 (Peace-D) Rental vehicles
Prohibits a rental company from renting a passenger vehicle to any person unless that person provides evidence of financial responsibility applicable to the vehicle to be rented, or that person purchases a financial responsibility policy from the rental company or any authorized agent at the time of rental, as specified.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 891 (Costa-D) Vocational education: truck driver training grants
Authorizes persons who own or operate truck driver training schools to apply to the State Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education of the State Department of Consumer Affairs for grants to help defray the cost of tuition for students at the school.
(Died in Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 969 (Polanco-D) Vehicle fees: tow trucks
- Permits a lienholder's agent or a lien sale firm authorized by the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to conduct a lien sale.
- Permits DMV to establish electronic programs so that private businesses can provide services, including payment and processing of vehicle title and registration.
- Prohibits a lienholder who has impounded a vehicle from charging the current registered owner of that vehicle to have access to it during normal business hours in order to reclaim personal property in or on the vehicle.
- Creates the Tow Truck Advisory Committee, appointed by the Commissioner of the State Department of the California Highway Patrol (CHP).
- Includes CHP rotation tow truck drivers under the requirement that a freeway service patrol tow truck driver disclose to his/her employer specified criminal convictions.
- Exempts tow trucks while towing a vehicle and with front and rear turn signals flashing from the prohibition on blocking a bicycle lane.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1036 (Hughes-D) Traffic violator schools: curriculum
Requires the adoption of a standardized curriculum for traffic violator schools.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1080 (Sher-D) Toll bridges
Authorizes the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, in its capacity as the Bay Area Toll Authority, to allow designated low emitting vehicles to gain passage on high occupancy vehicle lanes on state-owned toll bridges within its jurisdiction, without regard to vehicle occupancy. Provides that, as an expansion to a currently authorized pilot program, the provisions of this act will sunset on January 1, 2008.
Chapter 686, Statutes of 2000
SB 1084 (Mountjoy-R) Airport land use commissions
Revises the process and requirements for adopting local airport expansion plans.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
SB 1101 (Murray-D) Transportation zones: labor agreements
Requires a transportation zone or similar organizational sub-unit of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), established on or after January 1, 1999, to assume the duties, obligations, and liabilities arising from any existing collective bargaining agreements or labor obligations of the MTA.
Chapter 1080, Statutes of 2000
SB 1197 (Morrow-R) Motorcycles: helmets
Repeals the requirement that motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, or motorized cycle drivers and passengers wear a safety helmet when riding these vehicles.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1276* (Hayden-D) Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Prohibits the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) from expending funds from a specified source for any purpose other than implementing the consent decree related to bus purchases and service until the authority has identified a guaranteed and sufficient funding source to meet the mandates of the consent decree, with specified exceptions. Requires MTA to seek an independent fiscal analysis of options to purchase buses and hire drivers and requires the State Auditor to conduct a fiscal analysis to develop such options.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1333 (Sher-D) Abandoned vehicle fee
Extends, until January 1, 2015, the authority for local entities to impose a $1 vehicle registration surcharge for abandoned vehicle abatement. Double-joined with SB 2084 (Polanco).
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1389* (Murray-D) Commissioner of the California Highway Patrol
Requires, until January 1, 2006, state and local law enforcement officers to collect information regarding traffic stops and report such information to the State Department of the California Highway Patrol (CHP). Requires the Commission of the CHP to annually report that information to the Legislature.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1403 (Senate Transportation Committee) Transportation
Makes various technical, nonsubstantive changes to the Insurance Code and the Vehicle Code.
Chapter 1035, Statutes of 2000
SB 1427* (Rainey-R) Income and bank and corporation taxes: credits
Allows a specified tax credit for the costs incurred by an employer for providing subsidized public transit passes (defined as any pass, token, fare card, voucher, or similar item entitling a person to transportation on a publicly-owned mass transit vehicle) to an employee working in California.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 1491* (Leslie-R) Railroad crossings: automated warning devices
Authorizes the State Public Utilities Commission to supervise the operation of pilot projects to evaluate proposed railroad crossing warning devices at designated crossings, with the consent of specified parties.
Chapter 263, Statutes of 2000
SB 1624 (Murray-D) Vehicles: online motor vehicle sales
Declares the intent of the Legislature to enable the citizens of California to shop online for new automobiles and to protect the investment of franchised new motor vehicle dealers by ensuring that they remain the sole source of new vehicles sold by an online dealer over the Internet.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1726* (Burton-D) Income and bank corporation taxes: zero-emission vehicles
Grants a credit of an unspecified percentage, up to a maximum of $3,000 per vehicle per year for the lease or purchase of new motor vehicle dealers by ensuring that they remain the sole source of new vehicles sold by an online dealer over the Internet.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 1730 (Costa-D) Recreation vehicle agreements
Establishes an extensive recreation vehicle dealership law governing the relationship between a recreation vehicle dealer, as defined, and manufacturer, as defined, in the operation of the recreation vehicle dealership business for the marketing of those vehicles or related services, or both.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 1813 (Speier-D) Caltrans: contract disputes
Revises the process for resolving a dispute between the State Department of Transportation and its contractor or subcontractor, as specified, and makes related changes.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1819 (Dunn-D) Motor vehicle franchises: restriction
Clarifies provisions of law that prohibit an automobile manufacturer or distributor, or a business that it controls or that controls it, from owning auto dealerships within close proximity of independently owned dealerships.
Chapter 789, Statutes of 2000
SB 1846 (Speier-D) State procurement: gasoline
Requires the State Department of General Services (DGS) to examine the feasibility of purchasing gasoline from outside the state for use by state agencies and requires that DGS, after July 1, 2001, seek to purchase gasoline from new sources within or outside the state.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1848 (Perata-D) Vehicle weights
Increases maximum vehicle gross weight for gasoline tanker trucks from 80,000 pounds to 86,000 pounds.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1926 (Speier-D) Agricultural workers: transportation
Appropriates $2.4 million for grants to transportation agencies to establish transportation services for agricultural workers.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1971* (Mountjoy-R) Gasoline: MTBE
Requires the California Energy Commission, in consultation with the State Air Resources Board, to develop a timetable to phase out and eliminate the use of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) in gasoline in or before December 31, 2000.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1996 (Speier-D) Financial responsibility
Allows the Director of the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to approve the use of alternative reporting forms for verifying insurance coverage, increases the types of information that could be used as evidence of proof of insurance and requires certain dealers to provide written notification to transferees, in Spanish and in English, that they cannot legally drive without some form of liability insurance. Requires DMV to make the above mentioned notification available in any other languages used in the most recent statewide voter pamphlet.
Chapter 455, Statutes of 2000
SB 1997 (Perata-D) Vehicles: bicycles: registration and licensing
Permits a city or county to authorize the registration and licensing of bicycles by the Internet.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 2036 (Alarcon-D) Airports: temporary project
Establishes a temporary program at the general aerial airport with largest total number of operations per year, for the purpose of determining the extent of noise impact on residents of the area.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 2060 (Speier-D) Vehicles: dealers: licenses
Updates and expands advertisement requirements of a vehicle dealer when advertised in specified venues beginning July 1, 2001. Double-joined with AB 1912 (Torlakson).
Chapter 773, Statutes of 2000
SB 2068* (Solis-D) Sales and use tax: public transit and school buses
Exempts from the state-imposed six percent sales and use tax buses powered by natural gas, electricity or fuel cells when purchased or leased for use exclusively in public transit or school bus service. Provides that the exemption would not apply if the purchase or lease is a required acquisition under zero-emission bus technology demonstration or acquisition requirements of the State Air Resources Board's recently-adopted transit bus regulations.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 2072 (Speier-D) Department of Motor Vehicles: records: stalking victims
Changes the criteria for a person who is a victim of stalking or a threat of death or great bodily injury to continue to have his/her State Department of Motor Vehicles record suppressed.
Chapter 1008, Statutes of 2000
SB 2147 (O'Connell-D) State Department of the California Highway Patrol Museum
Authorizes the construction of the State Department of the California Highway Patrol Museum with private funds, except for eligible federal funds, as specified.
Chapter 774, Statutes of 2000
SB 2185 (Soto-D) Vehicles: warning signs
Requires any ice cream truck, as defined, to be equipped at all times while engaged in vending in a residential area with sign, as prescribed. Prohibits a person from vending from an ice cream truck that is stopped, parked or standing on any public street, alley, or highway under specified conditions.
Chapter 344, Statutes of 2000
Similar legislation was AB 1715 (Soto-D), which died in Assembly Transportation Committee.
SB 2190 (Soto-D) Traffic safety
Specifically includes bicyclist and pedestrian education within the scope of the components comprising the California Traffic Safety Program.
Chapter 181, Statutes of 2000
SCR 96 (Karnette-D) Intermodal freight access
Requests the State Department of Transportation, in cooperation with the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, the State Trade and Commerce Agency, the California Transportation Commission (CTC), local transportation agencies, ports and airports, and other appropriate parties, to prepare a proposal for a "Global Gateways Development Program" to enhance intermodal freight access. Encourages the department to consult and utilize information compiled by the CTC, among other sources, in response to a specified resolution of the Senate, and requests a progress report and a final report to the Legislature.
Resolution Chapter 158, Statutes of 2000
AB 28 (Olberg-R) Vehicles: pickup trucks: commercial registration fees
Exempts a pickup truck weighing 5,000 pounds or less from payment of commercial vehicle weight fees if the truck is used primarily for noncommercial purposes.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 102* (Wildman-D) Southern California Rapid Transit District: charter service
Authorizes the Southern California Rapid Transit District (i.e. the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority) to provide charter bus service during the Democratic National Convention in August 2000.
Chapter 145, Statutes of 2000
AB 225 (Oller-R) Department of Motor Vehicles: services
Requires every office of the State Department of Motor Vehicles that provides the specified services to assign an employee to assist each person standing in a line by determining whether the services sought by that person can be accomplished in that line and whether the person has in his/her possession the necessary documents to complete the transaction.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 280 (Zettel-R) Vehicles: speed limits
Provides that the prima facie vehicle 25 miles-per-hour speed limit with respect to school grounds is applicable when approaching or passing within 500 feet of the school grounds.
Chapter 521, Statutes of 2000
AB 298 (Battin-R) Confidential State Department of Motor Vehicle records
Includes district attorneys' staff, and the spouse and children of those persons, as specified, among those persons whose records are subject to the State Department of Motor Vehicles confidentiality provisions of existing law.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 388* (Steinberg-D) Job training: California Transportation Career Program
Establishes the California Transportation Career Program to train unemployed individuals in transportation careers.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 477* (Longville-D) Motor vehicle fuel taxes
Changes the excise tax on gasoline from the current 18 cents per gallon to an unspecified percentage based on the wholesale price per gallon.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 681 (Calderon-D) Traffic violator schools
Makes changes regarding the licensure, oversight, training of instructors, and the operation of traffic violator schools.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 834 (Cardoza-D) Unlawful conduct: insurance
Makes it a felony to produce or sell any false, altered, forged, etc. document of evidence of automobile insurance and to make it a misdemeanor to possess such documents or to present them to a peace officer or State Department of Motor Vehicles.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 865 (Honda-D) California Highway Patrol: communications
Authorizes the State Department of Personnel Administration to consider the compensation of communications operators in comparable positions within the police departments in the Cities of Los Angeles, Oakland, San Diego, San Jose and the City and County of San Francisco when determining the compensation for communications operators within the California Highway Patrol.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1069 (Papan-D) Retail fleet auctioneers
Defines a retail vehicle fleet auctioneer, makes an auctioneer subject to specified vehicle dealer licensing requirements, and establishes a regulatory structure for such auctioneer governing the consignment and auction sale of motor vehicles to the public.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1133 (Thompson-R) Vehicle forfeiture
Expands the definition of "ownership of a vehicle" in forfeiture proceedings for a person arrested for driving without a valid license. Enables a peace officer to immediately impound a vehicle and initiate forfeiture proceedings against the person arrested for driving under the influence.
(Died in Assembly Public Safety Committee)
AB 1191 (Shelley-D) Stop signs: increased fines
Authorizes a local authority to enact an ordinance increasing to $100 the base fine for failing to stop at a stop sign.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 1276 (Wildman-D) Vehicles: parking: disabled persons
Increases the fines that may be imposed upon persons who are convicted of violations relating to the fraudulent use of a disabled person placard, and authorizes the temporary use of two adjacent public parking spaces of loading/unloading a disabled person under a specified condition.
Chapter 215, Statutes of 2000
AB 1307* (Granlund-R) Schoolbus certificates
Consolidates and expands provisions of the Vehicle Code that relate to denial, revocation, or suspension of a certificate to drive a schoolbus, pupil activity bus, a public paratransit vehicle, or a vehicle transporting developmentally disabled persons.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1321 (Granlund-R) Driving hour restrictions
Permits drivers of tanker vehicles to operate for 12 hours within a single work period, if specified conditions are met, and requires the State Department of the California Highway Patrol to report on the accident, spill, and citation experience of these drivers.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 1352 (Longville-D) California Trucking Commission
Creates the California Trucking Commission with prescribed membership and prescribes the powers, duties, and responsibilities of the commission in carrying out the provisions of the bill.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1481 (Granlund-R) Parking meters
Deletes a 30-day notification period and, instead, authorizes sealers to immediately close inaccurate meters and states findings and declarations of the Legislature regarding parking meter agencies and operators.
Chapter 511, Statutes of 2000
AB 1531 (House-R) Drivers: commercial vehicles
Creates a data bank of the results of drug and alcohol tests of commercial drivers, to give civil immunity to employers who fail to comply with specified provisions and to allow for the suspension of an employer's license for failure to comply with specified employee background check requirements.
(Failed passage in Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 1703 (Florez-D) High-speed rail service
Extends the termination date of the High-Speed Rail Authority from June 30, 2001 to December 31, 2003, as specified, and makes related changes.
Chapter 791, Statutes of 2000
AB 1763 (Longville-D) Vehicle registration: exemption
Authorizes a nonresident daily commuter to operate a vehicle in this state for other lawful purposes than business-related purposes.
Chapter 30, Statutes of 2000
AB 1765 (Maddox-R) Southern California Rapid Transit District
Alters the appeals procedure for special benefit assessments that are currently under the jurisdiction of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1792 (Villaraigosa-D) Disabled persons' parking
Makes changes in the application process for disabled placards, increases the penalty for misuse of a placard, and authorizes the State Department of Motor Vehicles to conduct a specified audit of placard applications.
Chapter 524, Statutes of 2000
AB 1807 (Longville-D) California Environmental Quality Act
Requires the State Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to receive notice's of preparation, requires OPR to transmit State Department of Transportation (DOT) information to the lead agency, and requires certain reporting and monitoring programs to be submitted to DOT.
Chapter 738, Statutes of 2000
AB 1812 (Oller-R) MTBE: study
Requires the State Department of Health Services and the State Water Resources Control Board to submit, by January 1, 2002, a joint study on the effect on human health of the leakage of methyl tertiary-butyl ether into groundwater and its migration from groundwater into surface water.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1841 (Dickerson-R) Vehicles: implements of husbandry
Eliminates the requirement that a person operating an implement of husbandry over a highway be regularly employed by a farmer or farm corporation.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1885 (Correa-D) Vehicles: speed limits
Requires that a traffic and engineering survey conducted for purposes of setting speed limits must include consideration of the impact on bicycle and pedestrian safety, and authorizes local agencies to also consider other unspecified factors not readily apparent to motorists. Clarifies that the authority to use automated traffic enforcement systems (red light cameras) does not authorize the use of photo radar for speed enforcement purposes.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 1912 (Torlakson-D) Park trailers
Revises the definition of "park trailers" so that these vehicles conform to pertinent health and safety requirements related to "recreational vehicles." Double-joined with SB 2060 (Speier-D) and SB 1819 (Dunn-D), to resolve "chaptering out" problems.
Chapter 566, Statutes of 2000
AB 1932 (Davis-D) Alcoholic beverages: advertisement: prohibition
Prohibits the advertisement of any alcoholic beverage on any outdoor billboard located within 1,000 feet of any public or private elementary school, junior high school, or high school.
(Died in Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1972 (Dickerson-R) Registration fees
Allows a car dealer to purchase a used vehicle on which the registration is overdue, and have the penalties that accrue after the purchase forgiven. Prorates the amount of license fees to be paid on that vehicle when purchased from a dealer.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 2045 (Nakano-D) Boating safety
Requires the State Department of Boating and Waterways (DBW) to approve boating safety courses and to develop a personal watercraft education course available on the DBW's website.
Chapter 396, Statutes of 2000
AB 2052 (Aroner-D) Transportation: public transit: CalWORKs recipients
Establishes procedures and provides funds for six regional transportation agencies to use to improve transportation services available to persons participating in the CalWORKs program.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2086 (Reyes-D) Farm labor vehicles: unsafe operation
Prohibits a person from operating a farm labor vehicle, except under specified conditions, and makes it a misdemeanor in violation of this provision. Sets specific violation fines. Authorizes the State Department of the California Highway Patrol to impound a farm labor vehicle in violation of these provisions. Provides for forfeiture of a farm labor vehicle as a nuisance, as specified.
Chapter 873, Statutes of 2000
AB 2098 (Migden-D) State Energy Resources Conservation and Development
Requires the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission to study the feasibility of financing, constructing, and maintaining a new pipeline or using an existing pipeline to transport motor vehicle fuel and its components.
Chapter 963, Statutes of 2000
AB 2109 (Bates-R) Electronic bidding on contracts
Authorizes, until January 1, 2004, the Orange County Transportation Authority and the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority to accept bids for construction contracts that are presented by means of electronic bidding through the Internet and under sealed cover, as specified. Requires the California Research Bureau, on or before January 1, 2003, after consultation with each of the authorities, to prepare and submit to the Legislature a separate report with regard to each authority on the effectiveness of the specified electronic bidding process.
Chapter 526, Statutes of 2000
AB 2114 (Longville-D) Motor vehicle and diesel fuel taxes
Standardizes the provisions of the Motor Vehicle Fuel License Tax Law and the Aircraft Jet Fuel License Tax Law so that these provisions are more similar to those of the Diesel Fuel Tax Law.
Chapter 1053, Statutes of 2000
AB 2135 (Aroner-D) Vessels
Requires commercial transport vessels, with the capacity to transport 75 or more passengers and operating exclusively in California, to use only California formulated diesel fuel. Becomes operative January 1, 2003.
Chapter 502, Statutes of 2000
AB 2184 (Leach-R) Transportation: incentive contracts
Establishes a process by which the State Department of Transportation seeks bids on construction contracts that call for accelerated completion schedules and a bonus for contractors that meet or beat the deadlines.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2221 (Battin-R) Vehicles: golf carts
Extends indefinitely the authority to establish a golf cart transportation plan by a city or county.
Chapter 155, Statutes of 2000
AB 2235* (Longville-D) Taxation: vehicle fuel: windfall recovery
Imposes a windfall profits tax on the gross receipts of a taxpayer that is engaged in petroleum refining.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 2252 (Maldonado-R) Aviation: spaceports
Amends the California Airport District Act to authorize airport districts to provide and maintain spaceports and landing places for space reentry, and defines various terms.
Chapter 191, Statutes of 2000
AB 2292 (Dutra-D) Vehicles: New Motor Vehicle Board
Provides that three members of the New Motor Vehicle Board, who are not new motor vehicle dealers, constitute a quorum to consider petitions involving disputes between franchisers and franchisors. Deletes an obsolete cross-reference and reverses other cross-references in related provisions.
Chapter 637, Statutes of 2000
AB 2293 (Florez-D) Transportation authorities
Authorizes the Fresno County Transportation Authority to be designated as a local transportation authority for purposes of administering a voter-approved transportation sales tax in the County of Fresno.
Chapter 408, Statutes of 2000
AB 2538 (Brewer-R) Operation of vessels: boating safety
Requires that any person who is being towed behind a vessel, who is using a personal watercraft, or who is 11 years of age or younger, and who is on a boat, to wear a personal flotation device (life jacket).
Chapter 398, Statutes of 2000
AB 2575 (Briggs-R) Motor carriers: drug and alcohol testing
Requires the result of any drug or alcohol testing undertaken in compliance with federal regulations upon a driver to be delivered to the driver and the motor carrier employing that driver within 24 hours of obtaining the results.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 2657 (Cox-R) Petroleum products
Removes the requirement that a seller of motor vehicle fuels or oils, in defending him/herself against a charge of price discrimination, show that the seller offered the same lower price to all purchasers.
(Died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 2734 (Cox-R) Vehicles: disabled veterans
Removes, for purposes of qualifying for the disabled veterans exemption from vehicle license fees and vehicle registration fees, the requirement that the 100 percent disability substantially impair or interfere with the person's mobility.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 2749 (Pescetti-R) Cargo Theft Interdiction Program Fees
Changes how specified fees are assessed on commercial vehicles for the purpose of funding the Cargo Theft Interdiction Program. Double-joined with SB 2084 (Polanco-D).
Chapter 973, Statutes of 2000
AB 2762 (Assembly Utilities And Commerce Committee) Common carriers: passenger vehicle operators: annual fee
Authorizes the Public Utilities Commission to establish a uniform fee for the passenger vehicle operators class on a basis other than revenue.
Chapter 341, Statutes of 2000
AB 2807 (Papan-D) Dealers: continuing education
Requires continuing education every two years for used motor vehicle dealers.
Chapter 221, Statutes of 2000
AB 2821 (Cardoza-D) State Department of the California Highway Patrol
Declares the intent of the Legislature that the State Department of the California Highway Patrol report annually to specified legislative committees the extent to which the sufficient staffing level of the department is being attained, seeks a minimum of 300 patrol officers per year for five years to meet a serious need for additional officers, and updates a staff report prepared in 1990 and reports the results to the legislative committees.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2908 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Transportation
Makes various technical, noncontroversial and other policy changes to several transportation subjects and statutory provisions.
Chapter 860, Statutes of 2000
AB 2909 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Transportation
The second of two omnibus transportation bills for 2000, makes several noncontroversial and/or technical changes to current statutes related to commercial vehicle modifications, a highway relinquishment to the City of Covina, a clarification for issuing driver licenses to persons under 18, driving on the left hand side of the road, repeals the California Commuter and Intercity Right of Way Preservation Act, and the Santa Clara County Transit District.
Chapter 596, Statutes of 2000
ACR 83 (Lempert-D) Civilian Women Volunteers All Wars Memorial Freeway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 101 as the Civilian Women Volunteers All Wars Memorial Freeway.
Resolution Chapter 36, Statutes of 2000
ACR 132 (Firebaugh-D) California Phase 3 Reformulated Gasoline
Urges the State Air Resources Board to conduct public hearings in Los Angeles and the Bay Area on the potential effects of the California Phase 3 Reformulated Gasoline regulations.
Resolution Chapter 119, Statutes of 2000
ACR 154 (Wesson-D) Safety Seat Checkup Week
Declares the week of April 2-8, 2000, inclusive, to be Safety Seat Checkup Week.
Resolution Chapter 47, Statutes of 2000
AJR 52 (McClintock-R) Fuel tax
Memorializes the President and Congress to repeal the 1993 federal tax increase on fuels.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AJR 59 (Cox-R) Sacramento airports
Memorializes the President and Congress to take whatever measures are appropriate to facilitate the designation of Sacramento County International Airport and Mather Airport as a Port of Entry into the United States, which includes establishing customs, immigration, and agricultural services at both airports.
Resolution Chapter 88, Statutes of 2000
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 10 | Rainey-R Storm repair: local streets and highways | |
SB 65* | Murray-D Public transit: CalWORKs recipients | |
SB 135 | Kelley-R Highways: signs: state park unit | |
SB 170 | Dunn-D Transit districts | |
SB 193 | Polanco-D Special breast cancer treatment license plates | |
SB 194 | Rainey-R Local transportation funds | |
SB 200 | O'Connell-D Employment: railroad train crews | |
SB 201* | Mountjoy-R Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether | |
SB 212 | Costa-D Enhanced vehicle inspection program | |
SB 214 | Polanco-D Automotive repair | |
SB 215* | Karnette-D Vehicles: smog impact fee: refunds | |
SB 315 | Burton-D Transportation infrastructure bonds | |
SB 329 | Peace-D San Diego Regional Government Efficiency Commission | |
SB 335 | Hayden-D Driver's license: age | |
SB 406 | Ortiz-D Transportation | |
SB 448* | Ortiz-D Diesel fuel | |
SB 455 | Alarcon-D High-speed rail service | |
SB 486 | Rainey-R Abandoned vehicles: removal: local procedures | |
SB 503 | Knight-R Vehicles: driver's licenses: minors | |
SB 540* | Dunn-D Vehicle license fee reduction | |
SB 567 | Speier-D Child passenger restraint systems | |
SB 581 | Knight-R Department of Motor Vehicles: offices | |
SB 625 | Perata-D Airports | |
SB 663 | Figueroa-D Vehicles: prohibited activities | |
SB 677* | Polanco-D Sales and use taxes: buses: Metropolitan Transit Authority | |
SB 684 | Brulte-R Highway exit numbering systems | |
SB 771 | Speier-D Organ and tissue donor registry | |
SB 790 | Monteith-R Off-highway motor vehicle recreation: grants | |
SB 851 | Hayden-D Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority | |
SB 862 | Mountjoy-R Special interest license plates: Boy Scouts of America | |
SB 863 | Peace-D Rental vehicles | |
SB 864 | Alpert-D Reduced speed limits: demonstration project | |
SB 891 | Costa-D Vocational education: truck driver training grants | |
SB 906 | Murray-D Heavy-duty diesel motor vehicles: air pollution | |
SB 969 | Polanco-D Vehicle fees: tow trucks | |
SB 1036 | Hughes-D Traffic violator schools: curriculum | |
SB 1058 | Johannessen-R Light-duty vehicle retirement program | |
SB 1080 | Sher-D Toll bridges | |
SB 1084 | Mountjoy-R Airport land use commissions | |
SB 1101 | Murray-D Transportation zones: labor agreements | |
SB 1112 | Knight-R Driver's license test | |
SB 1146 | Burton-D Motor vehicles: pollution control devices | |
SB 1175 | Polanco-D High-speed rail service | |
SB 1197 | Morrow-R Motorcycles: helmets | |
SB 1243 | Murray-D Exposition Boulevard Fixed Guideway Construction Authority | |
SB 1276* | Hayden-D Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority | |
SB 1329 | Karnette-D Special interest license plates | |
SB 1333 | Sher-D Abandoned vehicle fee | |
SB 1366 | Monteith-R Special interest license plates: Boy Scouts of America | |
SB 1389* | Murray-D Commissioner of the California Highway Patrol | |
SB 1403 | Senate Transportation Committee Transportation | |
SB 1404 | Senate Transportation Committee Miscellaneous transportation matters | |
SB 1413 | Polanco-D Special license plates: Masonic Student Assistance Program | |
SB 1426 | Rainey-R Sales tax on motor vehicle fuel | |
SB 1427* | Rainey-R Income and bank and corporation taxes: credits | |
SB 1428 | Karnette-D Freeway service patrols: program extension | |
SB 1433 | Alpert-D San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board | |
SB 1491* | Leslie-R Railroad crossings: automated warning devices | |
SB 1494* | Poochigian-R Vehicle license fees | |
SB 1497 | Schiff-D Highways: local government agreements | |
SB 1506 | Chesbro-D Transportation district evaluation | |
SB 1526 | Kelley-R Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones | |
SB 1530* | Brulte-R Vehicle license fee offsets: one year acceleration | |
SB 1560 | Monteith-R Highways: Route 140: scenic highway | |
SB 1563 | Leslie-R Real property: highways | |
SB 1584 | Schiff-D Route 110: relinquishment | |
SB 1624 | Murray-D Vehicles: online motor vehicle sales | |
SB 1629 | Sher-D Highways: pedestrian and bicycle access | |
SB 1645 | Perata-D Highways: State Highway Route 880: relinquishment | |
SB 1662* | Burton-D Transportation: finance | |
SB 1681* | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee Budget Act of 2000: augmentation and appropriation | |
SB 1719 | Johannessen-R Smog check program: test-only stations | |
SB 1726* | Burton-D Income and bank corporation taxes: zero-emission vehicles | |
SB 1730 | Costa-D Recreation vehicle agreements | |
SB 1772 | Brulte-R Funding for Bicycle Transportation Account | |
SB 1809 | Johnston-D Transportation enhancement activities: funding | |
SB 1811 | Johannessen-R Vehicles | |
SB 1813 | Speier-D Caltrans: contract disputes | |
SB 1819 | Dunn-D Motor vehicle franchises: restriction | |
SB 1840 | Costa-D High-Speed Rail Authority | |
SB 1846 | Speier-D State procurement: gasoline | |
SB 1848 | Perata-D Vehicle weights | |
SB 1926 | Speier-D Agricultural workers: transportation | |
SB 1952 | Perata-D Highways: outdoor advertising | |
SB 1971* | Mountjoy-R Gasoline: MTBE | |
SB 1985 | Murray-D Air pollution | |
SB 1991 | Solis-D Air quality: clean alternatives: fueled school bus program | |
SB 1995 | Perata-D Metropolitan Transportation Commission | |
SB 1996 | Speier-D Financial responsibility | |
SB 1997 | Perata-D Vehicles: bicycles: registration and licensing | |
SB 2003 | Speier-D Rapid commuter rail: funding | |
SB 2019 | Polanco-D High-Speed Rail Authority: magnetic levitation project | |
SB 2036 | Alarcon-D Airports: temporary project | |
SB 2057 | Morrow-R Bonds for permanent road divisions | |
SB 2060 | Speier-D Vehicles: dealers: licenses | |
SB 2068* | Solis-D Sales and use tax: public transit and school buses | |
SB 2072 | Speier-D Department of Motor Vehicles: records: stalking victims | |
SB 2084* | Polanco-D Vehicles: fees | |
SB 2137 | Leslie-R El Dorado County: State Highway Route 50 | |
SB 2147 | O'Connell-D State Department of the California Highway Patrol Museum | |
SB 2178* | McPherson-R State Highway Route 17 bus feeder service | |
SB 2185 | Soto-D Vehicles: warning signs | |
SB 2190 | Soto-D Traffic safety | |
SB 2191 | Soto-D Highways: analysis of truck congestion | |
SCR 58 | Kelley-R Doctor June McCarroll Memorial Freeway | |
SCR 60 | Rainey-R Officer John Paul Monego Memorial Freeway | |
SCR 66 | Monteith-R John Muir Highway | |
SCR 67 | Rainey-R San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge | |
SCR 85 | Chesbro-D Jeffrey Lynn Azuar Memorial Highway | |
SCR 86 | Morrow-R The Vince Andrade Memorial Bridge | |
SCR 92 | Haynes-R Riverside County Deputy Sheriff Eric Thach Memorial Highway | |
SCR 96 | Karnette-D Intermodal freight access | |
SCR 97 | Burton-D Alfred Zampa Memorial Bridge | |
SCR 99 | Brulte-R Sonny Bono Memorial Interchange | |
AB 28 | Olberg-R Vehicles: pickup trucks: commercial registration fees | |
AB 44 | McClintock-R Exclusive-use or preferential-use lanes | |
AB 46 | Florez-D Highway safety: traffic violator schools | |
AB 57 | Cardoza-D Transported pollutants | |
AB 102* | Wildman-D Southern California Rapid Transit District: charter service | |
AB 129* | Oller-R Gasoline: methyl tertiary butyl ether | |
AB 225 | Oller-R Department of Motor Vehicles: services | |
AB 280 | Zettel-R Vehicles: speed limits | |
AB 298 | Battin-R Confidential State Department of Motor Vehicle records | |
AB 357 | Calderon-D Railroad grade separation projects | |
AB 388* | Steinberg-D Job training: California Transportation Career Program | |
AB 477* | Longville-D Motor vehicle fuel taxes | |
AB 500 | Corbett-D Vehicles: maximum weight limit: I-580 | |
AB 511* | Alquist-D Vehicle license fee offset | |
AB 521 | McClintock-R Highways: fuel tax revenue allocation | |
AB 567 | Baugh-R Air pollution: motor vehicle inspection and maintenance | |
AB 624 | Olberg-R Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Inspection Program | |
AB 681 | Calderon-D Traffic violator schools | |
AB 692 | Thompson-R Special license plates | |
AB 700 | Thomson-D Special interest license plates: Girl Scouts | |
AB 769* | Margett-R Vehicles: preferential vehicle lanes | |
AB 803 | Torlakson-D Driving under the influence: 18-20 year olds | |
AB 809* | Lowenthal-D Vehicles: smog impact fee: refunds | |
AB 834 | Cardoza-D Unlawful conduct: insurance | |
AB 858* | Kuehl-D Vehicle license fee offsets | |
AB 865 | Honda-D California Highway Patrol: communications | |
AB 937 | Reyes-D Transportation: projects and programs: federal funding | |
AB 958 | Scott-D Transit design-build contracts | |
AB 962 | Brewer-R Vehicles: driver's licenses: driving instruction to minors | |
AB 1066 | Cardenas-D Department of Transportation: contracts: Indian tribes | |
AB 1069 | Papan-D Retail fleet auctioneers | |
AB 1093 | Strom-Martin-D Transportation funding | |
AB 1129 | Ackerman-R Special interest license plates: Rotary International | |
AB 1133 | Thompson-R Vehicle forfeiture | |
AB 1166 | Frusetta-R Highways: informational signs | |
AB 1175 | Frusetta-R Smog abatement fee | |
AB 1191 | Shelley-D Stop signs: increased fines | |
AB 1237 | Baugh-R Joint powers authority: toll roads | |
AB 1276 | Wildman-D Vehicles: parking: disabled persons | |
AB 1303 | Florez-D Highways: local projects: funding | |
AB 1307* | Granlund-R Schoolbus certificates | |
AB 1321 | Granlund-R Driving hour restrictions | |
AB 1344 | Keeley-D Highways: Route 1: Hatton Canyon | |
AB 1352 | Longville-D California Trucking Commission | |
AB 1419 | Longville-D Highways: relinquishment: State Highway Route 209 | |
AB 1425 | Runner-R Transportation funding | |
AB 1457 | Campbell-R Special license plates: fee exemptions | |
AB 1463 | Cedillo-D Social security number: drivers' identification card | |
AB 1481 | Granlund-R Parking meters | |
AB 1515 | Margett-R Special design license plates: motorcycles | |
AB 1523 | Brewer-R San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge: east span replacement | |
AB 1527* | Briggs-R License fees: exemption | |
AB 1531 | House-R Drivers: commercial vehicles | |
AB 1601 | Olberg-R Vehicles: drivers' licenses | |
AB 1703 | Florez-D High-speed rail service | |
AB 1763 | Longville-D Vehicle registration: exemption | |
AB 1765 | Maddox-R Southern California Rapid Transit District | |
AB 1776 | McClintock-R Highways: transportation gridlock emergencies | |
AB 1792 | Villaraigosa-D Disabled persons' parking | |
AB 1807 | Longville-D California Environmental Quality Act | |
AB 1812 | Oller-R MTBE: study | |
AB 1841 | Dickerson-R Vehicles: implements of husbandry | |
AB 1871 | Runner-R High-occupancy vehicle lanes: State Highway Route 14 | |
AB 1885 | Correa-D Vehicles: speed limits | |
AB 1912 | Torlakson-D Park trailers | |
AB 1930 | Scott-D Highways: local government agreements | |
AB 1932 | Davis-D Alcoholic beverages: advertisement: prohibition | |
AB 1951 | Longville-D Public transit: funding | |
AB 1972 | Dickerson-R Registration fees | |
AB 2026 | Maddox-R Highway demonstration program: courtesy signs | |
AB 2045 | Nakano-D Boating safety | |
AB 2052 | Aroner-D Transportation: public transit: CalWORKs recipients | |
AB 2058 | Briggs-R Vehicle license plates | |
AB 2061* | Lowenthal-D Zero-emission vehicles | |
AB 2066 | Lowenthal-D Vincent Thomas Toll Bridge: tolls: suspension | |
AB 2086 | Reyes-D Farm labor vehicles: unsafe operation | |
AB 2091* | Rod Pacheco-R State Highway Route 91 Toll Facility | |
AB 2098 | Migden-D State Energy Resources Conservation and Development | |
AB 2109 | Bates-R Electronic bidding on contracts | |
AB 2114 | Longville-D Motor vehicle and diesel fuel taxes | |
AB 2126 | McClintock-R High-occupancy vehicle lanes: rededication | |
AB 2127 | McClintock-R High-occupancy vehicle lanes: State Highway Route 118 | |
AB 2129 | McClintock-R Highways: exclusive-use or preferential-use lanes | |
AB 2131 | McClintock-R High-Speed Rail: repeal | |
AB 2132* | House-R Highways: Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones | |
AB 2134 | Hertzberg-D Adopt-a-Highway Program | |
AB 2135 | Aroner-D Vessels | |
AB 2140 | Keeley-D Regional transportation plans | |
AB 2173 | Bates-R Transportation: funding | |
AB 2175* | Ashburn-R Vehicles: length limitation exemption for motor homes | |
AB 2184 | Leach-R Transportation: incentive contracts | |
AB 2199 | Pescetti-R State Highway Route 99 study | |
AB 2221 | Battin-R Vehicles: golf carts | |
AB 2235* | Longville-D Taxation: vehicle fuel: windfall recovery | |
AB 2252 | Maldonado-R Aviation: spaceports | |
AB 2275 | Correa-D Transportation: construction projects: quality control | |
AB 2292 | Dutra-D Vehicles: New Motor Vehicle Board | |
AB 2293 | Florez-D Transportation authorities | |
AB 2295 | Florez-D Driver's licenses: controlled substances | |
AB 2303 | Florez-D State highway routes | |
AB 2365 | Honda-D Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority | |
AB 2373 | Longville-D Motorist aid systems: grants | |
AB 2382 | Leach-R Driver's license: identification card: duplicate | |
AB 2398 | Papan-D Property tax revenue: commuter rail facilities | |
AB 2428 | Torlakson-D Metropolitan Transportation Commission: appeals | |
AB 2448 | Scott-D Historic resources: funds | |
AB 2451 | Runner-R Motor vehicle fuel taxes: local roads | |
AB 2454 | Bates-R Pollution control devices | |
AB 2506 | Romero-D Vehicles: driver's license violations: referral program | |
AB 2511 | Steinberg-D Air quality: mobile source emissions | |
AB 2517 | Shelley-D Motor vehicles: reacquisition agreements | |
AB 2521 | Washington-D Traffic safety | |
AB 2522 | Shelley-D Vehicles: pedestrians: bicyclists | |
AB 2527* | Scott-D Vehicle fees: commercial vehicles | |
AB 2538 | Brewer-R Operation of vessels: boating safety | |
AB 2550 | House-R Air pollution: vehicles | |
AB 2564 | Strickland-R Smog abatement fee | |
AB 2574 | Briggs-R Driver's license: selective service registration | |
AB 2575 | Briggs-R Motor carriers: drug and alcohol testing | |
AB 2604 | Zettel-R Transportation: funding: allocations | |
AB 2607 | Knox-D Highways: pilot project: contracts | |
AB 2635 | Ashburn-R State Highway Route 65: emergency improvements | |
AB 2643 | Calderon-D Los Angeles County: transit operation funding | |
AB 2651 | Margett-R Highways: counties: encroachment permits | |
AB 2657 | Cox-R Petroleum products | |
AB 2666 | Battin-R Gasoline | |
AB 2702 | Cunneen-R Special interest license plates | |
AB 2734 | Cox-R Vehicles: disabled veterans | |
AB 2742 | Baugh-R Transportation: funding | |
AB 2749 | Pescetti-R Cargo Theft Interdiction Program Fees | |
AB 2762 | Assembly Utilities And Commerce Committee Common carriers: passenger vehicle operators: annual fee | |
AB 2767 | Jackson-D Vehicles: engineering and traffic surveys | |
AB 2784 | Margett-R Air pollution: motor vehicles | |
AB 2807 | Papan-D Dealers: continuing education | |
AB 2816 | Kuehl-D Traffic congestion | |
AB 2821 | Cardoza-D State Department of the California Highway Patrol | |
AB 2835 | Hertzberg-D Urban traffic congestion advisory committee | |
AB 2866* | Migden-D State government | |
AB 2908 | Assembly Transportation Committee Transportation | |
AB 2909 | Assembly Transportation Committee Transportation | |
AB 2928* | Torlakson-D Transportation congestion relief | |
AB 2929 | Torlakson-D San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit | |
AB 2931 | Assembly Transportation Committee Transportation | |
ACA 1 | McClintock-R Vehicle license fees | |
ACR 48 | Battin-R Reformulated gasoline prices | |
ACR 83 | Lempert-D Civilian Women Volunteers All Wars Memorial Freeway | |
ACR 98 | Baugh-R U.S. Submarine Veterans of WWII Memorial Highway | |
ACR 106 | Battin-R Senator David G. Kelley Highway | |
ACR 110 | Leonard-R CHP Officer Reuben F. Rios, Sr., Memorial Freeway | |
ACR 115 | Nakano-D Los Angeles County Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway | |
ACR 132 | Firebaugh-D California Phase 3 Reformulated Gasoline | |
ACR 133 | Torlakson-D Traffic congestion | |
ACR 138 | Oller-R CHP Officer Glenn Carlson Memorial Bypass | |
ACR 139 | Oller-R John C. Begovich Memorial Highway | |
ACR 140 | House-R Agua Fria Historical Monument | |
ACR 149 | Aanestad-R Post No. 1747 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. | |
ACR 150 | Aanestad-R Blue Star Memorial Highway | |
ACR 154 | Wesson-D Safety Seat Checkup Week | |
ACR 163 | House-R Lane usage: Department of the California Highway Patrol | |
ACR 165 | Thompson-R Ronald Packard Parkway | |
ACR 173 | Olberg-R CHP Officer Larry J. Jaramillo Memorial | |
ACR 174 | Olberg-R CHP Officers Kenneth Archer and Robert Carey | |
ACR 178 | Torlakson-D Senator Daniel E. Boatwright Highway | |
ACR 180 | Cardoza-D CHP Officers Walter Frago and Roger Gore Memorial Freeway | |
ACR 187 | House-R Commercial vehicle weight and inspection facility | |
AJR 34 | Wesson-D Diesel fuel standards | |
AJR 52 | McClintock-R Fuel tax | |
AJR 59 | Cox-R Sacramento airports |