
Alcoholic Beverage Control
Horse Racing
Other Gaming Legislation
Public Employees
Other State Government
Local Government
Immigration Issues
Federal Issues

Index Legislature

In the 2004 Election, the following were newly elected to the State Senate: former Assemblymember Elaine Alquist, Assemblymember John Campbell, Assemblymember Dave Cox, former Assemblymember Denise Moreno Ducheny, Assemblymember Robert Dutton, Assemblymember Christine Kehoe, Assemblymember Alan Lowenthal, Assemblymember Abel Maldonado, former Assemblymember Carole Migden, former Assemblymember George Runner, and Assemblymember Joe Simitian. Senators Dick Ackerman, Jim Battin, Sheila Kuehl, Mike Machado, Bob Margett, Tom McClintock, Don Perata, Jack Scott, Tom Torlakson, and Edward Vincent were reelected.

The following Senators were elected to leadership positions: Don Perata, President pro Tempore; Gloria Romero, Majority Floor Leader; Kevin Murray, Democratic Caucus Chair; Richard Alarcon, Majority Whip; Gilbert Cedillo and Debra Bowen, Democratic members of the Rules Committee; Richard Ackerman, Minority Leader; George Runner, Republican Caucus Chair; Dennis Hollingsworth, Minority Whip; and Jim Battin and Ray Ashburn, Republican members of the Rules Committee.

The following persons were newly elected to the State Assembly in 2004:

Juan Arambula (D)#Bob Huff (R)

Joe Baca (D)#Dave Jones (D)

Karen Bass (D)#Pedro Nava (D)

Sam Blakeslee (R)#Roger Niello (R)

Joe Coto (D)#Ira Ruskin (D)

Hector De La Torre (D)#Lori Saldana (D)

Chuck DeVore (R)#Audra Strickland (R)

Bill Emmerson (R)#Alberto Torrico (D)

Noreen Evans (D)#Van Tran (R)

Bonnie Garcia (R)#Michael Villines (R)

Mike Gordon (D)#Mimi Walters (R)

State Senator and former Assemblymember Betty Karnette (D), Assemblymembers Johan Klehs (D) and Tom Umberg (D) returned to the Assembly.

Assembly leadership of the 2005-06 session includes: Fabian Nunez, Speaker of the Assembly; Dario Frommer, Democratic Majority Leader; Rebecca Cohn, Assistant Majority Floor Leader; Mark Ridley-Thomas, Democratic Caucus Chair; Cindy Montanez, Rules Chair; Leland Yee, Speaker pro Tempore; Sally Lieber, Assistant Speaker pro Tempore; Karen Bass, Majority Whip; Lori Saldana, Assistant Majority Whip; Kevin McCarthy, Minority Floor Leader; Russ Bogh, Republican Caucus Chair; Dave Cogdill, Vice Chair of Rules; Ray Haynes, Assistant Republican Leader; Greg Aghazarian, Minority Whip.

SCA 3 (Lowenthal-D) Legislative process

Creates a California Citizen's Commission on Boundaries and Accountability to redraw boundaries of Senate, Assembly, Congressional, and Board of Equalization districts and to review and make recommendations regarding legislative procedure, fiscal transparency, and enhancing public access to legislative records. Requires each member of the Legislature to hold two "town hall" meetings in his/her district each calendar year, and requires each house of the Legislature to pass the budget bill prior to commencing a summer recess.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SCA 19 (Battin-R) Legislature: committees

Allows either house by resolution for selection of select committees to ascertain facts and make recommendations to the Legislature on a subject within the scope of legislative control.

(In Senate Rules Committee)

SCR 1 (Battin-R) Joint Rules of the Legislature

Adopts the Joint Rules of the Senate and the Assembly for the 2005-06 Regular Session.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)

SCR 29 (Kehoe-D) Joint Committee on Emergency Services and Homeland Security

Creates the Joint Legislative Committee on Emergency Services and Homeland Security which is constituted as an investigating committee and is to consist of 14 members.

Resolution Chapter 106, Statutes of 2005

SCR 30 (Perata-D) Legislative Counsel of California

Designates Diane F. Boyer-Vine as the Legislative Counsel of California.

(In Senate Rules Committee)

SR 1 (Speier-D) Holdover Senators

Specifies that the holdover Senators take their seats while each Senator-elect is sworn in at the Bar of the Senate. Senators-elect include: Richard Ackerman, Elaine Alquist, Jim Battin, John Campbell, Dave Cox, Robert Dutton, Christine Kehoe, Alan Lowenthal, Mike Machado, Abel Maldonado, Bob Margett, Tom McClintock, Carole Migden, Don Perata, George Runner, Jack Scott, Joe Simitian, Tom Torlakson, and Edward Vincent.

Adopted by the Senate

SR 2 (Romero-D) Election of officers

Makes Senator Don Perata the President pro Tempore of the Senate, Gregory Schmidt the Secretary of the Senate, and Tony Beard the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate.

Adopted by the Senate

SR 3 (Perata-D) Rules Committee Members

Elects Senators Ashburn, Battin, Bowen, and Cedillo as members of the Senate Rules Committee.

Adopted by the Senate

SR 4 (Ashburn-R) Standby Rule of the Senate

Adopts the Standby Rule of the State Senate for the 2005-06 Regular Session.

Adopted by the Senate

SR 5 (Alarcon-D) Notifying the Governor of the organization of the Senate

Makes the President pro Tempore of the Senate appoint a Special Committee to call upon the Governor to notify him that the Senate is duly organized for the 2005-06 Regular Session.

Adopted by the Senate

SR 6 (Migden-D) Notifying the Assembly of the organization of the Senate

Makes the President pro Tempore of the Senate appoint a Special Committee to notify the Assembly that the Senate is duly organized for the 2005-06 Regular Session.

Adopted by the Senate

SR 10 (Perata-D) Revision of the Senate Standby Rules

Makes various revisions in the Standing Rules of the Senate concerning standby committees and presiding officers.

Adopted by the Senate

SR 14 (Perata-D) Bills

Adds a new rule, 28.10, which prohibits a display bill from being heard or acted on in any committee or voted on by the Senate. Defines "display bill" as a bill that sets forth substantive changes in, or additions to, existing law that states in the text of the bill that its provisions are set forth for display purposes only, or words to that effect.

(On Senate Third Reading File)

AB 40* (Wolk-D) Lobbyists

Prohibits a lobbyist or lobbying firm from lobbying an elected state official, or his/her staff, if the lobbyist, firm, or employee of the firm has a contractual relationship with the official or the official's controlled campaign committee.

(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)

AB 92 (Leslie-R) Legislative reform

Requires a rollcall vote of four-fifths of the membership of the house to adopt amendments to any bill that deletes and replaces the entire text or substantially alters the subject matter of a bill during the 30 days prior to adjournment for the interim study recess or final recess.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)

AB 181 (Huff-R) Legislative hearings

Requires closed-captioning and live-captioning broadcasts of floor sessions and committee hearings of the Senate and Assembly.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)

AB 395 (Canciamilla-D) Recording of legislative proceedings

Requires the Assembly and Senate Rules Committees to record, in audio or video format, all meetings of the Legislature, as defined under existing law, except for closed sessions as authorized by existing law. Requires the Assembly and Senate Rules Committees to provide a copy of these recordings to the State Archives no later than four years following the conclusion of the legislative session in which the meeting was recorded, and requires the State Archives to maintain an archive of these recordings, open to public inspection.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)

AB 636 (Huff-R) Legislature: performance review

Requires the California Performance Review to examine and assess the operations of the California State Assembly and State Senate and report its findings to the Governor and the Legislature.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)

ACA 8 (Maze-R) Reapportionment

Provides for a five member special masters to adjust boundary lines of the Senate, Assembly, Congressional, and Board of Equalization districts.

(From printer, not referred to a committee)

A similar bill is ACA 3X (McCarthy-R) which is in the Assembly District Representation Committee.

ACA 19 (Keene-R) Revised biennial session

Requires the Legislature to convene in regular biennial session, but requires that the sessions held in odd-numbered years be known as budget sessions, and sessions held in even-numbered years known as general sessions. Prohibits the Legislature, during a budget session, from considering legislation other than the Budget Bill and budget-related bills except in connection with a state of emergency, as specified. Provides that at general sessions the Legislature may consider any legislation other than the Budget Bill. Imposes a limitation on the number of bills, constitutional amendments, or resolutions that may be introduced by an Assemblymember, Senator, or policy committee in a general session.

(In Assembly Budget Committee)

HR 1 (Montanez-D) Standing Rules of the Assembly

Adopts the Standing Rules of the Assembly for the 2005-06 Regular Session.

Adopted by the Assembly

HR 2 (Nunez-D) Election of Assembly officers

Elects E. Dotson Wilson as Chief Clerk of the Assembly, Father Constantine Pappademos as Chaplain of the Assembly, Reverend Ivan L. Williams as Alternate Chaplain, and Ronald E. Pane as Chief Sergeant at Arms.

Adopted by the Assembly

HR 3 (Montanez-D) Organization of the Assembly

Specifies that during the organizational recess, no bill is to be placed on the Desk for introduction except by a person designated by the author in writing and the designation is to be filed with the Chief Clerk.

Adopted by the Assembly

HR 6 (Canciamilla-D) Oversight hearings

Provides for an Assembly Rule concerning oversight hearings relative to budget programs.

(Unassigned to a committee)

ACA 5X (Canciamilla-D) Redistricting

Creates a procedure for the appointment of an independent redistricting commission, composed of five members, which is charged with establishing Congressional, Assembly, Senate, and Board of Equalization districts of equal population in a grid-like pattern across the state, adjusted as necessary to accommodate various goals, as specified.

(From printer, not referred to a committee)

ACA 6X (Canciamilla-D) Term limits

Removes existing term limits and instead allows a person, during his/her lifetime, to serve not more than 16 years in the Senate, the Assembly, or both, in any combination of terms. Makes a person ineligible to be a Member of the Legislature unless service of the full term of office will not exceed the maximum years of service allowed.

(From printer, not referred to a committee)

TopIndex Alcoholic Beverage Control

SB 118 (Chesbro-D) Alcoholic beverages: licenses and fees

Provides that a licensed winegrower, who obtains a wine direct shipper permit, as described, may sell and ship wine directly to a California resident, for personal use, as specified. Eliminates the requirement that an unlicensed adult apply and be issued a permit to receive a shipment of wine, as described.

Chapter 157, Statutes of 2005

SB 127* (Chesbro-D) Alcoholic beverages: licenses

Makes changes to an existing license category in the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act for the American Center for Wine, Food and the Arts located in Napa County and operated by a nonprofit commonly referred to as a COPIA.

Chapter 171, Statutes of 2005

SB 148 (Scott-D) Alcoholic beverages: licensing restrictions

Adds a provision to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act that allows cities and counties to impose new ordinances on existing off-sale retail licenses that do not conform to a local government's valid zoning laws.

(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

SB 220* (Chesbro-D) Alcoholic beverage control: school property

Authorizes Napa Valley College to sell wine it produces as part of the college's instructional program in viticulture and enology. Contains language to prevent a chaptering-out problem with AB 767 (Mullin).

Chapter 203, Statutes of 2005

SB 276 (Denham-R) Alcoholic beverages: reports: electronic filing

Permits the electronic transmission and filing of forms and documents to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) and authorizes ABC to adopt implementing regulations.

(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

SB 322 (Migden-D) Alcoholic beverages: reporting

Requires the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, on a quarterly basis and at no cost, to transmit an electronic report to the Board of Equalization that contains certain information on licenses issued or transferred in order to facilitate administration of the Sales and Use Tax Law.

Chapter 172, Statutes of 2005

SB 656 (Romero-D) Taxation: alcoholic beverages

Allows counties to impose a tax on the consumption of beer, wine and distilled spirits only if the product is consumed on the premises of the seller of these products if certain conditions are met.

(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 1002 (Florez-D) Gelatin-based alcoholic beverages

Limits the sale of any prepackaged alcoholic beverage made with a "gelatin" base to businesses that prohibit the presence of persons under the age of 21 on the premises.

(In Senate awaiting concurrence)

SJR 12 (Chesbro-D) Wine: user fees

Memorializes the United States Congress to oppose and defeat a 2006 budget proposal for $29 million in user fees to be collected by the Department of Treasury's Tax and Trade Bureau for wine label, formula, and permit applications and administrative costs.

Resolution Chapter 77, Statutes of 2005

AB 111 (Koretz-D) Alcoholic beverage control: event permits

Authorizes the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to issue special event permits for the sale of wine, beer, or distilled spirits for four total days each year, rather than the existing limit of one day per calendar quarter.

Chapter 62, Statutes of 2005

AB 273 (Baca-D) Sale of alcoholic beverages: alcohol vaporized device

Prohibits the sale, purchase, and use of any vaporized form of alcohol produced by an alcohol vaporizing device, as defined.

(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 417 (Aghazarian-R) Alcoholic beverages: beer

Modifies the current definition of beer to include any alcoholic beverage that qualifies as a malt beverage under federal law.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 428 (Gordon-D) Alcohol Beverage Control Fund: grant assistance program

Makes various legislative findings regarding the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control's Grant Assistance Program and provides that at least $1.5 million, but no more than $3 million, shall be appropriated annually from the Alcoholic Beverage Control Fund for support of the program.

Chapter 120, Statutes of 2005

AB 454 (Sharon Runner-R) Alcoholic beverages: underage drinking

Provides that if a person who provides alcohol to a minor and knew or should have known that the person to whom he/she furnished or gave alcohol is under the age of 21 and the person consumes the alcohol and then proximately causes an injury or death and the provider knew or reasonably should have known of the danger then the offense is punishable by six months to one year in county jail, or 16 months, two or three years in prison and/or a $10,000 fine.

(Failed passage in Senate Public Safety Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 744 (Oropeza-D) Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control: license transfers

Prohibits the transfer of retail licenses to sell alcohol to premises that are located in any territory where the exercise of the rights and privileges conferred by the license is contrary to a valid zoning ordinance of any county or city.

(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

AB 764 (Calderon-D) Proof of age: military identification cards

Establishes a specified process where in the event an identification (ID) card issued to a member of the Armed Forces is provided as proof of age 21 when purchasing alcohol beverages, and the ID lacks a physical description, then proof of being age 21 may be further substantiated if a motor vehicle operator's license or other valid bona fide ID issued by any government jurisdiction is also provided, as specified.

Chapter 68, Statutes of 2005

AB 767 (Mullin-D) Alcoholic beverages: places of consumption

Provides that the prohibition against the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages on the grounds of a public schoolhouse does not apply if the grounds on which the alcoholic beverage is acquired, possessed, used, or consumed is property that has been developed and used for faculty/staff housing of a public school or community college district. Contains language to prevent a chaptering-out problem with SB 220 (Chesbro).

Chapter 204, Statutes of 2005

AB 1442 (Jerome Horton-D) Alcoholic beverages: advertising

Extends an existing tied-house exception pertaining to the general prohibition against advertising arrangements between retail, wholesale and manufacturer licensees to the Home Depot Center, a sports and athletic complex within the City of Carson in Los Angeles County and the Nokia Theater, a newly proposed, fully-enclosed theater located within the Los Angeles Sports and Entertainment District, adjacent to Staples Center.

Chapter 617, Statutes of 2005

AB 1494 (Baca-D) Alcoholic beverages: instructions: tastings

Permits an on-sale retail licensee authorized to sell distilled spirits to instruct consumers in the subject of wine, beer, or distilled spirits, under specific conditions, at on-sale retail licensed premises. That consumer instruction may include furnishing distilled spirits, subject to limitation on the quantity that may be provided to each consumer.

(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

AB 1537 (Bass-D) Alcoholic beverages: issuance of license: restrictions

Revises the ratios for the number of premises for which an off-sale beer and wine license may be issued to premises located in a high crime area, as defined. Also defines "inhabitant" to exclude any person under the age of 21 years.

(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

AB 1658 (Jerome Horton-D) Alcoholic beverages: beer brewing

Requires a notice of violation of the Outdoor Advertising Act be sent to the owner of the land on which a nonconforming advertising display is located, as well as to the owner of the display, if known, and the advertising party, all of whom will be jointly and severably liable for the penalties as provided under current law.

(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

TopIndex Horse Racing

SB 124 (Denham-R) Horse racing: marketing

Extends a sunset date related to a private statewide marketing organization to market and promote thoroughbred and fair horse racing in California, from January 1, 2006, to January 1, 2008.

Chapter 130, Statutes of 2005

Similar legislation is AB 1355 (Cogdill-R) which is in Senate Governmental Organization Committee.

SB 542 (Margett-R) Satellite wagering

Permits a harness racing association that conducts live racing after 5:30 p.m. to import out-of-country thoroughbred races.

(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)

SB 677 (Murray-D) Horse racing

Authorizes an additional five satellite wagering facilities to be situated in Los Angeles County, as specified, and also authorizes the Alameda County Fair to operate two additional satellite-wagering facilities within the boundaries of the fair district, as specified.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

SB 746 (Vincent-D) Horse racing

Specifies that it is the intent of the California Horse Racing Board and the horse racing industry to provide for the expansion of live horse racing in California.

(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

SB 1096 (Dutton-R) Satellite wagering: fairs

Allows the National Orange Show, located in San Bernardino, and currently operating a satellite wagering facility at the fair, to operate a second satellite facility on leased premises within the boundaries of the fair, as specified. Only one additional satellite wagering facility could be operated as specified.

Chapter 728, Statutes of 2005

AB 52* (Jerome Horton-D) Horse racing: samples

Requires the California Horse Racing Board (CHRB) to adopt emergency regulations to establish policies, guidelines, and procedures to test the Total Carbon Dioxide Testing (TCO2) concentrations in the bloodstream of racehorses to determine whether an alkalizing substance was administered to improve a horse's performance in a race. The regulations shall include a split-sample process for TCO2 testing. Allows CHRB to contract with the Regents of the University of California to be the primary drug-testing laboratory for required equine drug testing.

Chapter 179, Statutes of 2005

AB 203 (Harman-R) Horse racing

Makes technical changes to the Horse Racing Law and defines the term "handle" to mean aggregate contributions to pari-mutuel pools. Exempts payment by a licensed Quarter Horse racing association in the southern zone from a prohibition relating to horsemen's purses, as specified.

Chapter 505, Statutes of 2005

AB 407 (Calderon-D) Horse racing: satellite wagering

Eliminates current law which authorizes broadcasting of, and wagering on, out-of-state thoroughbred races conducted in the United States, provided the total number of races wagered upon statewide in any given year does not exceed the total number of races wagered upon in 1998, and as long as the number of races imported by fairs or associations statewide does not exceed 23 per day on days when live thoroughbred or fair racing is being conducted in the state.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 449 (Plescia-R) Horse racing

Extends the sunset date from January 1, 2006, to January 1, 2007, relating to the three positions, which are made available for persons holding licenses as both owners and trainers, and their spouses who are licensed as owners on the board representing thoroughbred owners in California.

Chapter 96, Statutes of 2005

AB 480 (Plescia-R) Horse racing: advance deposit wagering

Provides that in the event of a reduction in satellite wagering facility commissions, the benefit will then be distributed equally as purses and commissions to all associations and racing fairs that generate advance deposit wagers, in proportion to the handle generated.

Chapter 117, Statutes of 2005

AB 531 (Levine-D) Horse racing board

Eliminates the exception for interested owners and breeders that allows them to serve on the California Horse Racing Board if a certain finding of financial interest is made. Prohibits any person from serving on the board if they have a financial interest in horse racing. Repeals a provision of existing law that permits a board member to receive a share of any purse awarded him as the result of any horse race, as the owner of a horse or as the breeder of a California-bred horse.

(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

AB 834* (Jones-D) Horse racing

Authorizes the California Horse Racing Board to allocate additional weeks of harness racing to the California Exposition and State Fair to be raced at and operated by the fair. Permits harness racing results to be included in proposition pari-mutuel pool wagers.

Chapter 119, Statutes of 2005

AB 937 (Wyland-R) Horse racing: reimbursements

Provides that in the event a racing association or fair is required to reimburse an audiovisual signal system organization for certain expenses, one-half of that reimbursement may be offset against the amount distributed as purses, as specified.

(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 1005 (Calderon-D) Horse racing: San Mateo County

Deletes the 2002 licensing condition for the racing association licensed to conduct thoroughbred race meetings in San Mateo County, and authorizes, subject to approval from the California Horse Racing Board the San Mateo County Fair to conduct its racing dates at that other facility or fair. Authorizes satellite wagering to be conducted on the fairgrounds or leased property only when live thoroughbred racing dates are no longer allocated by the California Horse Racing Board for racing at Bay Meadows.

(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

AB 1180 (Torrico-D) Horse racing: jockeys

Establishes various procedures, requirements, and standards for jockeys who are licensed by the California Horse Racing Board to ride racehorses at racetracks throughout the state.

Chapter 329, Statutes of 2005

AB 1751 (Assembly Governmental Organization Committee) Horse racing

Requires the Secretary of the Department of Food and Agriculture to provide a copy of the allocations related to the Expenditure Plan for the Fairs and Exposition Fund to the chairs of the Senate and Assembly Committees on Governmental Organization and Agriculture.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1752 (Levine-D) Horse racing

Requires the California Horse Racing Board (CHRB) to promulgate and adopt regulations regarding CHRB member conflicts of interest, and further, to develop a code of ethics for all board members, as specified.

(On Senate Inactive File)

TopIndex Other Gaming Legislation

SB 42 (Florez-D) Tribal-state gaming compacts: ratification

Requires each tribal-state gaming compact entered into between the State of California and a federally recognized Indian tribe to be ratified by the Legislature in a separate statute.

(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)

SB 168 (Chesbro-D) Tribal gaming: compact ratification

Ratifies the tribal-state gaming compact entered into on June 7, 2005, between the State of California and the Yurok Tribe of the Yurok Reservation.

Contingent upon enactment of SB 935 (Ducheny) which is in the Assembly Governmental Organization Committee.

(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

SB 175 (Vincent-D) Gambling Control Act: licenses

Modifies the eligibility criteria to obtain a state gambling license to own a gambling establishment. Extends a sunset date from January 1, 2010 to January 1, 2015, on provisions of existing law prohibiting the governing body and the electors of a county, city, or city and county from authorizing or expanding any legal gaming beyond that permitted on January 1, 1996, as specified.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)

SB 288 (Battin-R) Gaming

Modifies the reporting requirement of counties that receive Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund (SDF) grant monies. Appropriates $21,564,000 from the SDF and $118,000 from the Gambling Central Fund to local governments impacted by tribal government gaming.

(On Senate Unfinished Business File)

SB 935 (Ducheny-D) Tribal gaming: compact ratification

Ratifies the amendment of a tribal-state gaming compact entered into on June 7, 2005, between the State of California and the Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation.

Contingent upon enactment of SB 168 (Chesbro) which is in the Assembly Governmental Organization Committee.

(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

SB 1011* (Florez-D) California State Lottery

Authorizes the California State Lottery Commission to enter into a multi-state lottery agreement (Mega Millions).

(At Assembly Desk)

SB 1013* (Florez-D) Tribal gaming: compacts

States the policy of the Legislature to only ratify a tribal-state gaming compact if the land where the gaming will be conducted is within the boundaries of the tribe's reservation or on land eligible under federal law, unless specified criteria are satisfied.

(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)

SB 1039 (Bowen-D) Compulsive gambling

Enacts the California Compulsive and Problem Gambling Awareness and Prevention Act to require the Office of Problem and Pathological Gambling, in collaboration with the California Gambling Control Commission, to establish a voluntary self-exclusion list, and to establish an advisory committee. Provides that persons on the list would agree to be excluded from gaming areas, to donate certain winnings or funds used in gaming, and to be subject to other restrictions related to gambling, for a predetermined period of time. Prohibits any licensed gaming operation from knowingly allowing a person on the list to enter the gaming premises, and requires the office to develop prescribed educational materials. Establishes and continuously appropriates for this purpose, the Compulsive and Problem Gambling Prevention Fund.

(In Senate Rules Committee)

AB 413 (Yee-D) Local gaming: Texas Hold'Em

Authorizes certain cities and counties to allow Texas Hold 'Em as a no limit game, which means a player is allowed to bet all chips in a single bet. Limited to cities and counties in which this game is authorized for play prior to January 1, 2005 and in which local authorities have approved this change.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 611 (Strickland-R) Gambling Control Act: proposition player services

Requires that an agreement, contract, or arrangement relating to proposition player services between a gambling establishment and a gambling business be approved in advance by the Division of Gambling Control. Defines the term "gambling business" for this purpose.

(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

AB 614 (Oropeza-D) Problem and pathological gambling

Requires the Office of Problem and Pathological Gambling within the Department of Alcohol and Drugs Programs to annually evaluate its program funding needs, to develop an equitable allocation request from all gaming interests, and to make this information available to the Governor and the Legislature in timing consistent with the annual budget process.

(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

AB 635 (Bermudez-D) Local gambling

Moves to a new section an existing provision of law that authorizes a card room, without voter approval, to increase the number of tables it operates up to 24.99 percent or two tables, whichever is greater, when compared to the ordinance in effect on January 1, 1996.

Chapter 694, Statutes of 2005

AB 839 (Torrico-D) Gambling Control Act: nonprofit organization fundraisers

Authorizes nonprofit organizations to use controlled games, such as poker, as a fundraising mechanism.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1401 (Hancock-D) Indian gaming

Provides that at least 30 days prior to a final vote in each house of the Legislature to ratify a tribal-state gaming compact in its final form, the compact shall be printed in a bill or resolution for the purpose of review by, and public comment to, the Legislature.

(In Assembly awaiting concurrence)

AB 1620 (Klehs-D) Gambling license fees

Increases the fees for the renewal of a state gambling license over a two-year period.

(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)

AB 1750* (Assembly Governmental Organization Committee) Indian gaming

Authorizes the backfill of the shortfall to the Indian Gaming Revenue Sharing Trust Fund from the Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund to occur on a quarterly basis rather than at the end of each fiscal year to ensure that each eligible recipient Indian tribe receives up to $275,000 per quarter of the fiscal year. Appropriates $50 million dollars for that purpose.

Chapter 720, Statutes of 2005

AB 1753 (Assembly Governmental Organization Committee) Gambling

Deletes the residency requirement for key employees of California cardrooms. Expands the exception to possess, transport, and operate gambling devices in demonstration mode for movie, television, and video productions. Revises the penalties for violations of California's gambling-related laws.

Chapter 546, Statutes of 2005

ACA 2 (Hancock-D) Tribal gaming

Provides that at least 60 days prior to a final vote in each house of the Legislature to ratify a compact in its final form, the compact shall be published by the Governor for the purpose of review by, and public comment to, the Legislature.

(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

TopIndex Public Employees

SB 105 (Speier-D) Disability retirement: medical examinations

Allows the Public Employees' Retirement System to require a member who retired for disability after age 50 to submit to a medical re-evaluation for up to 36 months or face a penalty or benefit cancellation for refusal.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

Similar to SB 3X (Speier-D) which is currently in the Assembly Appropriations Committee.

SB 154 (Chesbro-D) Public employees' health benefits

Authorizes the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System to contract with out-of-state public employee pension and health systems to provide health care benefits to California employees and annuitants who reside outside this state, as specified.

(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

SB 265 (Campbell-R) Holidays

Requires the Governor and the head of each state agency, board, or commission to designate the 12 state holidays to be observed by employees, and encourages the Legislature and the judiciary to adopt rules for observance of state holidays that are consistent with the bill.

(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

SB 311 (Cox-R) State Merit Awards Program

Revises the State Merit Awards Program that provides employees with cash awards for making suggestions that ultimately increase revenues or reduce state expenditures in an effort to revitalize the program and increase its use.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 336 (Maldonado-R) Public Employees' Retirement System: safety category

Requires the Department of Personnel Administration to grant state safety membership to managers and supervisors excluded from collective bargaining, and changes the criteria for membership in the state safety category.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 379 (Margett-R) Public employees' retirement: disability retirement benefits

Provides that the industrial disability allowance of a local safety member who retires prior to minimum retirement age, as defined, shall be increased, when he/she attains minimum retirement age, to the amount the member would have received had he/she attained minimum retirement age at the time of retirement, if that amount is greater.

(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

SB 621 (Speier-D) Memoranda of understanding: addenda and posting

Requires specified Internet posting and analysis of memoranda of understanding between the state employer and state collective bargaining units.

Chapter 499, Statutes of 2005

SB 699* (Soto-D) State employees: memoranda of understanding

Intended as a vehicle bill for the required legislative ratification of Memoranda of Understanding for the state bargaining units represented by Service Employees International Union, Local 1000.

(On Senate Inactive File)

SB 704 (Speier-D) State employees: protective clothing

Requires that, in cases where the state is required by collective bargaining agreements to provide protective clothing to employees who work outdoors during daylight hours, the clothing screen the employee from ultraviolet radiation.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 733 (Aanestad-R) Public employees' retirement: Butte County

Allows Butte and Solano counties to separate the assets and liabilities of the county from those of the trial courts within these counties for the purpose of establishing separate employer contribution rates under the Public Employees' Retirement System.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 777 (Soto-D) County employees' retirement

Provides clarification of various sections of the County Employees Retirement Act of 1937, as requested by the State Association of County Retirement Systems.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

SB 877 (Speier-D) County employees retirement: incapacity

Requires that there be clear and convincing evidence that an individual's employment is a substantial cause of the incapacity that causes a person to be retired due to disability.

(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

SB 880 (Ashburn-R) Public employees' retirement: contingency reserves

Authorizes the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System and the retirement boards of city, county, city and county, and district retirement systems to create Pension Contribution Stabilization Accounts, as specified.

(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

Similar to SB 13X (Ashburn-R) which failed passage in the Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee; reconsideration was granted.

SB 881 (Ashburn-R) Public employees' retirement: election to First Tier

Provides that an election to the First Tier shall only be valid if made at least three years prior to retirement and shall be signed by the member's spouse or designated beneficiary.

(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

Similar to SB 9X (Ashburn-R) which failed passage in the Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee; reconsideration was granted.

SB 882 (Ashburn-R) Public employees' retirement: final compensation

Defines "final compensation" for state members and school members of the Public Employees' Retirement System who are hired on or after January 1, 2006, or who are members of an employee group that is not subject to a definition of final compensation based on the highest annual compensation earnable during a designated 12-month period, as the highest annual compensation earnable by the member during a consecutive 36-month period immediately preceding the effective date of his/her retirement or the date of his/her last separation from state service if earlier, or any other consecutive 36-month period designated by the member.

(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

Similar to SB 6X (Ashburn-R) which failed passage in the Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee; reconsideration was granted.

SB 883 (Ashburn-R) Public employees' retirement benefits

Provides that employees hired on or after January 1, 2006, are subject to a two percent at age 60 retirement benefit formula.

(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

Similar to SB 12X (Ashburn-R) which failed passage in the Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee; reconsideration was granted.

SB 884 (Ashburn-R) Public employees' retirement: benefit increases

Provides that any amendment to specified existing retirement formulas, and new retirement formulas effecting certain members of the system, shall only apply to service performed by the member on and after the operative date of amendment, and also provides that for contracts or amendments of contracts entered into on and after January 1, 2006, specified retirement formulas applies only to service rendered on and after the effective date of the contract or the contract amendment.

(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

Similar to SB 7X (Ashburn-R) which failed passage in the Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee; reconsideration was granted.

SB 885 (Ashburn-R) County employees' retirement: disability retirement

Deletes references to the board of retirement retiring the member effective on the expiration of any leave of absence with compensation and instead provides that if the member is permanently incapacitated, either physically or mentally, for the performance of service duties, the board shall retire the member.

(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

Similar to SB 11X (Ashburn-R) which failed passage in the Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee; reconsideration was granted.

SB 886 (Ashburn-R) Bureau of State Audits: audit of state safety employees

Requires the Bureau of State Audits, commencing on January 1, 2006, to conduct an audit of the state's safety employee classes to assure those employee classifications meet federal criteria, as specified, and requires the bureau to report its findings to the Legislature by July 1, 2006, as specified.

(In Senate Government Modernization, Efficiency and Accountability Committee)

SB 887 (Ashburn-R) Public employees' retirement: member designations

Prohibits the Department of Personnel Administration from approving safety membership for any class or position unless the Legislature has ratified a report of findings or justification for adding classes to the state safety category prior to finalizing a contract in negotiations with collective bargaining organizations, and also specifies that if memorandums of understanding (MOUs) are negotiated to include new classes in the state safety or state peace officer/firefighter membership categories, as specified, prior to legislative ratification, those provisions of the MOU will not take effect until ratification has occurred.

(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

SB 888 (Ashburn-R) Public employees' retirement: hybrid retirement programs

Requires the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System and retirement boards of city, county, city and county, and district retirement systems to create hybrid retirement programs , as specified, for public employees hired on and after January 1, 2006, that contain a defined benefit plan funded by employer contributions and a defined contribution plan funded by employee contributions.

(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

Similar to SB 10X (Ashburn-R) which failed passage in the Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee; reconsideration was granted.

SB 890 (Ashburn-R) State employment relations: MOU addenda

Provides that a side letter, appendix, or other addendum to a properly ratified memorandum of understanding that requires the expenditure of funds may not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.

(Failed passage in Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee; reconsideration granted)

Similar to SB 8X (Ashburn-R) which failed passage in the Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee; reconsideration was granted.

SB 973 (Kuehl-D) Public employees' retirement: domestic partners

Amends the Public Employees' Retirement System, the State Teachers' Retirement System, and the County Employees Retirement Act of 1937 to entitle retired members to elect to change optional retirement allowances to provide for their domestic partners.

Chapter 418, Statutes of 2005

SB 1007* (Ducheny-D) San Diego Unified Port District Act

Allows the Port of San Diego additional options to withdraw from the City of San Diego's retirement system, and permits the Unified Port District to establish their own retirement and disability system.

Chapter 382, Statutes of 2005

SB 1063* (Ashburn-R) State employees: furloughs

Provides that during any fiscal year in which a fiscal emergency, as defined, is determined by the Director of the Department of Finance to exist, the Governor may, by executive order, direct that employees of any state agency be placed on furlough, defined as an unpaid leave of absence, for up to 40 hours during the remainder of that fiscal year, with exemption of employees who the Governor deems necessary based on public safety, level of care, revenue production, or other operational considerations, and requires the Director, on or before November 1 of each fiscal year, to determine whether or not a fiscal emergency exists in the state based on specified criteria.

(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

SB 1066 (Ashburn-R) State employer-employee relations

Provides that a written memorandum of understanding shall be presented to the Legislature for ratification immediately upon, instead of "when appropriate," as allowed under current law.

(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

SB 1091 (Maldonado-R) State retirees: vision care benefits

Requires the Public Employees' Retirement System to provide vision care benefits to state annuitants who retire on or before July 1, 2006.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1093 (Soto-D) Disability retirement: state employees

Provides employees in Bargaining Unit 12 (Operating Engineers) employed by the California Department of Transportation with the Industrial Disability Benefit and the Special Death Benefit without the negotiation of a memorandum of understanding.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1097 (Dunn-D) State employees: State Bargaining Unit 12

Provides legislative ratification of a settlement agreement to end a long standing dispute between the Youth and Adult Correctional Agency departments and the International Union of Operating Engineers regarding employees from other bargaining units performing work that is traditionally performed by employees in State Bargaining Unit 12 (Crafts and Maintenance, approximately 10,087 full-time equivalent employees).

Chapter 177, Statute of 2005

SCA 11 (Ashburn-R) State employees: employer-employee relations

Provides that a memorandum of understanding between the state and a recognized employee organization entered into under the Ralph C. Dills Act shall expire no later than 36 months after its effective date. Provides that, if a memorandum of understanding has expired, and until a new memorandum of understanding has been agreed to and taken effect, the parties shall continue to give effect to the provisions of the expired memorandum of understanding.

(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

SB 5X (Ducheny-D) Public employees' retirement

Repeals existing provisions and enacts new provisions of the County Employees Retirement Act of 1937 relating to the determination of final compensation, and enacts similar final compensation provisions for independent public retirement systems, providing that all of the new provisions are modeled after the final compensation provisions in existing Public Employees' Retirement System law.

(On Senate Third Reading File)

AB 30 (Negrete McLeod-D) Retirement: military service

Allows members of the California National Guard to qualify for membership in the Public Employees' Retirement System and to purchase past service credit for service performed prior to membership.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 124 (Dymally-D) Civil service: equal opportunity programs

Repeals certain provisions of the State Civil Service Act that were held to be in violation of the United States Constitution and the California Constitution as amended by Proposition 209, revises the remaining provisions dealing with affirmative action, and renames the state's affirmative action program as the State Equal Employment Opportunity Program. Requires each state agency to establish an equal opportunity program to ensure full implementation of a state policy that provides equal employment opportunity as well as equal employment-related training and assignment opportunity to all qualified applicants and employees on the basis of merit and nondiscrimination.

Chapter 644, Statutes of 2005

AB 195 (Dymally-D) Civil service: employment discrimination

Adds reasonable attorney's fees and costs to the available remedies that the State Personnel Board may order when compensating an employee who has suffered employment discrimination under the State Civil Service Act.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 214 (Richman-R) Public employees' retirement: final compensation

Defines "final compensation" for any member of the Public Employees' Retirement System who retires or dies on and after January 1, 2006, as the average compensation earnable by the member during the final three years of employment immediately preceding the effective date of his/her retirement or the date of his/her last separation from state service if earlier.

(Died in Assembly Public Employment, Retirement and Social Security Committee)

AB 256 (De La Torre-D) Public employees' benefits

Requires the Public Employees' Retirement System to study the feasibility of creating a single statewide health care pool that will cover all public school employees working in school districts, county offices of education, and community colleges, or a pool which includes all school employees in the Public Employees' Medical and Health Care Act. Allows the counties of Santa Barbara and Solano who have recently signed bargaining agreements with their local public safety units to provide one of the retirement benefits as created by SB 400 (Ortiz), Chapter 555, Statutes of 1999.

Chapter 708, Statutes 2005

AB 271 (Blakeslee-R) State employees: scientists

Provides that a person appointed to any state scientist class on or after January 1, 2006, shall, at a minimum, have a baccalaureate degree in a scientific discipline from an accredited university.

(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

AB 274 (Baca-D) State employees: paid leave: education

Authorizes employees of State Bargaining Unit (SBU) 10 (California Association of Professional Scientists) and employees in classifications corresponding to those in SBU 10, but excluded from collective bargaining under the Ralph C. Dills Act, to be granted up to three days of paid leave per fiscal year to attend professional development courses.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 276 (Baca-D) State employees: military benefits

Revises provisions regarding compensation for state employees who are military personnel. Increases the number of days that a state employee in the California National Guard or a United States military reserve organization is authorized to receive compensation benefits for time absent for military duty, to a period not to exceed 365 days.

Chapter 287, Statutes of 2005

AB 277 (Mountjoy-R) Open meetings: closed sessions

Deletes the January 1, 2006 sunset date on a provision of law permitting state boards and commissions to hold closed sessions to discuss criminal or terrorist threats or potential threats against personnel or property under the control of the state body, and permits the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System to meet in closed session for the development of rates and competitive strategy for the long-term care program.

Chapter 288, Statutes of 2005

AB 284 (Bermudez-D) State employees: salary ranges: professional scientists

Requires the Department of Personnel Administration and the California Association of Professional Scientists to jointly survey scientific classifications in the public and private sectors, and provides that implementation of any new pay scales based on the surveys for scientists in State Bargaining Unit 10 will be subject to collective bargaining.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 297 (Yee-D) State employees: requirements to file charges

Prohibits a current patient of a facility operated by the Department of Mental Health (DMH) from filing charges against a state employee through the State Personnel Board, however patients retain their rights to pursue actions through the internal grievance process of DMH.

Chapter 217, Statutes of 2005

AB 310 (Umberg-D) Investment plans

Provides findings and declarations stating that public employees are entitled to adequate, stable and secure retirement benefits, establishes various requirements for a mandatory defined contribution plan for state and local government employees, and establishes requirements and responsibilities for an investment provider for a mandatory plan for state and local government employees.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 456 (Torrico-D) Public employees' retirement: fraud

Enacts new criminal fraud provisions in the statutes pertaining to the Public Employees' Retirement Law, the State Teachers' Retirement Law, and the County Employees' Retirement Law of 1937, as specified.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 511 (Richman-R) Public employees' retirement

Prohibits public agency contributions to a defined contribution plan for employees covered by the federal Social Security Act from exceeding six percent of an employee's base salary, as defined, except that contributions of up to nine percent would be permitted for sworn police officers and full-time firefighters, and permits a public agency to contribute up to an additional three percent of base salary for employees who are not covered by social security.

(In Assembly Public Employment, Retirement and Social Security Committee)

AB 514 (Richman-R) Public employees: benefits

Limits the amount that a retired public employee who is receiving disability retirement benefits may receive in connection with a workers' compensation claim.

(In Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 538 (Harman-R) County employees' retirement: rate adjustments

Requires governing bodies of local public agencies that contract for retirement benefits with counties participating in the County Employees' Retirement Act of 1937 to adjust their contribution rates based on recommendations from the county board of retirement, as specified.

Chapter 63, Statutes of 2005

AB 565 (Plescia-R) Public employment: officers and employees: salaries

Requires that state employees, including legislative employees, be paid monthly, and requires the direct deposit of the salaries or wages of all state employees.

(In Assembly Public Employment, Retirement and Social Security Committee)

AB 587 (Negrete McLeod-D) Public employees: health benefits

Allows the Public Employees' Retirement System to maximize federal subsidies it received by requiring those covered by basic health benefits plan not be enrolled in Medicare Part D.

Chapter 527, Statutes of 2005

AB 643 (Negrete McLeod-D) State excluded employees: meet and confer

Requires the state employer to notify a verified supervisory organization 30 days prior to implementation of a proposed change in employment conditions about which it previously met and conferred with a verified supervisory organization, and to meet and confer with the verified supervisory organization at the earliest practical date following the notification.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 705 (Nakanishi-R) Public employees' retirement: school members

Requires five Sacramento County school and community college districts to pay the employer's share of the cost of the buyback of Public Employees' Retirement System service credit by 20 former employees of the Independent Data Processing Center who took a refund of member contributions.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 719 (Canciamilla-D) County retirement boards: alternate members

Authorizes the board of supervisors in Contra Costa County to make specified alternate appointments to their county board of retirement.

Chapter 64, Statutes of 2005

AB 742* (Jones-D) State employees: compensation

Continuously appropriates from the General Fund to the State Controller an amount necessary to pay state employees for work performed on or after July 1 of a fiscal year for which no state budget has been enacted.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 747 (Blakeslee-R) State excluded employees: catastrophic leave

Permits state rank and file employees to donate annual leave, vacation, compensating time off, and holiday credits to excluded state employees for catastrophic leave.

Chapter 528, Statutes of 2005

AB 795 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Public employment: state museum employees

Authorizes the California Science Center (CSC) to contract with the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training for a study, pursuant to existing law, to address the advisability of a change in designation or status of some or all of the museum security and safety officers of the CSC.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 844 (Negrete McLeod-D) Public employment: postretirement death benefits

Increases the postretirement death benefit for state members of the Public Employees' Retirement System who retire on or before July 1, 2006, from $2,000 to $5,000.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 884 (Baca-D) State employment: contract employees

Prohibits a state agency, including the California State University, from employing a primary care physician as an independent contractor when there is an unfilled, full-time primary care physician position available within the state agency, unless the state agency is unable to do so after a good faith effort.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 902 (Bogh-R) State employees: State Bargaining Unit 8: compensation

Requires the state to pay rank and file members of State Bargaining Unit 8 (CDF Firefighters) the estimated average total compensation for each corresponding rank in other jurisdictions employing 75 or more full-time firefighters in California.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1008 (Richman-R) County employees' retirement: supplemental benefits

Requires, for county employees hired after January 1, 2006, a vesting schedule for a supplemental retirement benefit offered by the Ventura County Employees' Retirement System.

Chapter 85, Statutes of 2005

AB 1019 (Harman-R) Public employees: bereavement leave

Extends the period of paid bereavement leave for any state employee excluded from collective bargaining or any non-elected officer or employee of the executive branch who is not a member of the civil service from three to five days.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1044 (Aghazarian-R) Public officers: retirement benefits forfeiture

Requires the forfeiture of all, or a portion of, public retirement benefits by public officers elected, re-elected or appointed to an unexpired term after January 1, 2006, who are convicted of certain felonies.

Chapter 322, Statutes of 2005

AB 1066 (Jerome Horton-D) Public services contracts

Prohibits a personal services contract to achieve cost savings if a similar contract by the same bidder has been submitted within the previous 12 months and the State Personnel Board determined that it did not satisfy a condition of law. Requires any state agency that proposes to enter into a personal services contract that is subject to State Bargaining Unit 12 to notify any employee organization that may be affected by the contract at least 10 days before entering the contract.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1138 (Dymally-D) California Highway Patrol officers

Authorizes current members of the Department of the California Highway Patrol who are former members of the California State Police to convert their service performed with the California State Police to patrol member service under the Public Employees' Retirement System.

(In Assembly Public Employment, Retirement and Social Security Committee)

AB 1166 (Canciamilla-D) Public employees' benefits

Re-enacts provisions allowing schools to participate in Medicare-only coverage for teachers. Clarifies that the 24 months an employee is subject to the Alternative Retirement Program is a consecutive period from the date of employment and is not impacted by a break in service, and clarifies that the 24 months an employee is subject to the Alternative Retirement Program does qualify towards health benefit vesting requirement.

Chapter 328, Statutes of 2005

AB 1186 (Jerome Horton-D) State civil service

Creates the Excluded and Exempt Compensation Advisory Commission, and prohibits the Department of Personnel Administration from recommending a salary range for excluded or exempt employees that is less than the recommendations made by the Commission.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1368 (Umberg-D) Workers' compensation: apportionment: presumptions

Requires the Commission on Health and Safety and Workers' Compensation to study the impact of the apportionment requirement on permanent disability ratings for specified public safety workers' compensation claims for presumptive injuries.

(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)

AB 1369 (Nunez-D) State employees: memoranda of understanding

Provides ratification for a memorandum of understanding negotiated between the state and employees in State Bargaining Units 1, 3, 4, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20, and 21.

(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

AB 1373 (Umberg-D) State employees: memoranda of understanding

Ratifies the memoranda of understanding negotiated between the state and State Bargaining Unit 7.

Chapter 70, Statutes of 2005

AB 1510 (Calderon-D) State employees: supervisors

Requires that supervisors of state employees represented by State Bargaining Units 5 (CHP), 6 (Corrections) or 8 (Firefighters) shall receive salary and benefits changes that are at least equivalent to the salary and benefits granted to employees they supervise.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1523 (Blakeslee-R) State employment: military leave of absence

Extends the period for a military leave of absence for state employees from four to five years.

Chapter 151, Statutes of 2005

AB 1526 (Bogh-R) Public employees' retirement: special death benefits

Allows Public Employees' Retirement System local contracting agencies to elect to provide a one-time increase in the special death benefit for survivors of members who were less than age 50 at death but would have been 50 years of age or older if still living on January 1, 2001. The increase equals to the increases received by active members in the same classifications until the time the member would have attained the age of 50.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1567* (Torrico-D) State employees: memorandum of understanding

Ratifies the memoranda of understanding negotiated between the state and State Bargaining Unit 18 (Psychiatric Technicians, approximately 7,100 employees represented by the California Association of Psychiatric Technicians).

Chapter 44, Statutes of 2005

AB 1595 (Evans-D) Public officials: personal information

Prohibits the posting of home addresses or phone numbers of public officials on the Internet if the official has requested that his/her information be removed.

Chapter 343, Statutes of 2005

AB 1643 (Jones-D) Public employees: long-term care

Requires the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) to conduct a study of persons determined ineligible to enroll in long-term care insurance plans based on eligibility criteria or underwriting standards after January 1, 2006, specifies the questions that must be asked to potential plan participants regarding their current health coverage, and requires PERS to establish a task force that shall meet quarterly to advise on the conduct of the study, including representatives of organizations of persons with disabilities.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1652 (Haynes-R) State employment relations: expiration of MOUs

Limits state expenditures under the provisions of an expired Memorandum of Understanding.

(Died in Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)

AB 1708 (DeVore-R) State employees

Requires the state, notwithstanding any other provision of law, to recover from state employees to whom housing has otherwise been provided by the state, an amount equal to the statewide average of 100 percent of the fair market value of the local market rate for the rental of the housing.

(In Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)

AB 1769* (Negrete McLeod-D) County employees' retirement

Modifies the County Employees' Retirement Act of 1937 to permit the fire chief of Los Angeles County to continue employment after age 60, upon the adoption of a resolution by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

Chapter 134, Statutes of 2005

AB 1771 (Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee) State employees: memorandum of understanding

Provides ratification for a memorandum of understanding negotiated between the state and employees in State Bargaining Unit 1.

(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

AB 1773* (Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee) State employees: memorandum of understanding

Provides ratification for a memorandum of understanding negotiated between the state and employees in an unspecified bargaining unit.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

ACA 5 (Richman-R) Public retirement systems

Establishes the California Public Employee Defined Contribution Plan. Provides that on and after July 1, 2007, any person hired as a new employee by a public agency may enroll only in a defined contribution plan of a public pension or retirement system, and is prohibited from enrolling in a defined benefit plan, as defined, and limits employer contributions to a defined contribution plan to an unspecified percentage of employer payroll, establishes other parameters for defined contribution plans, and also sets forth related findings of the Legislature.

(In Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)

ACA 23 (Richman-R) Public employee defined contribution and hybrid plan

Provides that on and after July 1, 2007, any person hired by a public agency shall enroll only in a hybrid plan or in a defined contribution plan of a public pension or retirement system, and is prohibited from enrolling in a defined benefit plan.

(Unassigned to a committee)

ACR 11 (Dymally-D) Public Employees' Retirement System: Sudan

Encourages the Public Employees' Retirement System and the State Teachers' Retirement System, whenever feasible and consistent with their fiduciary responsibilities, to encourage companies in which employee retirement funds are invested and that are doing business in Sudan, as identified by the Department of Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control, to act responsibly and not take actions that promote or otherwise enable human rights violations in the Sudan.

Resolution Chapter 98, Statutes of 2005

ACR 51 (Jerome Horton-D) State Employee Appreciation Month

Declares and recognizes October 2005, as State Employee Appreciation Month.

Resolution Chapter 131, Statutes of 2005

AB 3X (Richman-R) Public employees' retirement

Establishes defined contribution plans and hybrid plans for public employees hired on and after July 1, 2007, and makes various changes to the laws governing public employee retirement systems, as specified.

(Failed passage in Assembly Public Sector Committee)

AB 4X (Torrico-D) Public employees' retirement: employer contribution rates

Requires the establishment of Taxpayer Risk Reduction Accounts in both the Public Employees' Retirement System and in retirement systems established under the County Employees' Retirement Act of 1937 for the purpose of stabilizing public employer contributions to the retirement systems.

(In Assembly Ways and Means Committee)

AB 5X (Torrico-D) Public employees' retirement: fraud

Adds a definition of fraud to the Public Employees' Retirement Law, the State Teachers' Retirement Law, and the County Employees' Retirement Act of 1937 and establishes civil and criminal penalties for committing such fraud.

(In Assembly Ways and Means Committee)

AB 6X (Evans-D) Public employees' retirement

Makes various changes to the laws governing public employee retirement in an effort to eliminate or reduce pension spiking and disability retirement abuse.

(In Assembly Ways and Means Committee)

TopIndex Other State Government

SB 4 (Murray-D) The California Public Performance Facilities Act

Enacts the California Public Performance Facilities Act which authorizes the Board of Directors of the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank to develop and finance public performance facilities by issuing revenue bonds, as specified.

(In Assembly Jobs, Economic Development and the Economy Committee)

SB 64 (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) State boards and commissions

Abolishes the following state boards and commissions deemed nonessential: Real Estate Advisory Commission, Department of Managed Health Care Advisory Bodies, Commission of the Californias, Departmental Transportation Advisory Committee, Small Business Reform Task Force, California Heritage Preservation Commission, Interagency Aquatic Invasive Species Council and the Agricultural Cooperative Bargaining Advisory Committee.

Chapter 77, Statutes of 2005

SB 94* (Migden-D) Claims against the state: appropriation

Appropriates $45 million from the General Fund to fund a settlement, McMahon v. State of California, involving some 680 plaintiffs who sued the state for damages caused by a levee break along the Feather River in 1997. The Department of Justice and the Department of Finance have determined this settlement is in the best interest of the state.

Chapter 11, Statutes of 2005

SB 99 (Battin-R) Commission on Asset Review and Divestiture

Establishes the 12-member California Asset Review and Divestiture Commission to biennially review the state's inventory of real property and report to the Legislature and the Department of General Services (DGS) regarding property that should be sold. Requires DGS to begin divestiture 90 days after submission of the report, and states related legislative intent.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 163 (Scott-D) Public contracts

Requires a pharmaceutical company that has state contracts to disclose the percentage of its national operating budget that is expended for marketing purposes and the percentage that is expended for research and development, to the extent permitted by federal law.

(Failed passage in Assembly Business and Professions Committee; reconsideration granted)

SB 185 (Battin-R) State property: armory: lease

Allows the Department of General Services to lease 1.4 acres of real property located in the City of Sacramento to the Sacramento Archdiocese for 11 years, rather than the currently authorized lease period of seven years. Also, authorizes DGS to grant an option to purchase, or a lease with option to purchase, six acres of real property at the 58th Street Armory.

(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

SB 216 (Dutton-R) Governmental reorganization: tax functions

Abolishes the Franchise Tax Board (FTB), and provides for the transfer of its powers and duties to the Board of Equalization (BOE), operative January 1, 2007. Also provides for the transfer of the tax administrative functions performed by the Employment Development Department (EDD) and the Department of Insurance (DOI) to the BOE, operative January 1, 2007. Requires the BOE to submit a report to the Governor and the Legislature, on or before June 30, 2006, regarding BOE's assumption of the duties of the FTB and the assumption of the tax administration functions of the EDD and DOI, as specified.

(In Senate Government Modernization, Efficiency and Accountability Committee)

SB 245 (Battin-R) Department of General Services: use of state property

Requires the Department of General Services to make the final determination regarding the use of state-owned or leased facilities within its jurisdiction.

Chapter 107, Statutes of 2005

SB 254 (Torlakson-D) State property: vending machines

Requires each vendor that operates or maintains vending machines on designated state property to satisfy a specified phased-in requirement that at least 25 percent of the food and beverages offered in the vending machine meets accepted nutritional guidelines, as defined, by December 31, 2006, and 50 percent by December 31, 2007, or under specified conditions by December 31, 2009, and to provide to users, upon request, information about the nutritional value of food and beverages offered in the vending machine and procedures for requesting a change in vending machine offerings.

(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

Similar legislation was SB 522 (Torlakson-D) which is on the Senate Inactive File.

SB 353* (Migden-D) Claims against the state

Appropriates $7,124,216.11 in General Funds and special funds to the California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board to pay 195 claims against the state as approved by the Board.

Chapter 255, Statutes of 2005

SB 424 (Poochigian-R) Armenian Genocide

Establishes April 24 of each year as the "California Day of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide" and the period beginning on the Sunday before that day through the following Sunday as the days of remembrance of the Armenian Genocide.

Chapter 9, Statutes of 2005

SB 439 (Simitian-D) Public records: disclosure: public investment funds

Specifies information and records relating to public investment funds invested in alternative investments that are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act, and specifies records that are confidential in nature and protected from disclosure under the Act, unless previously published by the keeper of the information. Contains legislative findings and declarations in compliance with subdivision (b) of Section 3 of Article I of the California Constitution, justifying the need to exclude from public access the specified information relating to alternative investments.

Chapter 258, Statutes of 2005

SB 503 (Figueroa-D) Public records

Requires each state or local body identified in existing law that maintains an Internet web site to make the written guidelines accessible from the homepage of its web site through a link titled "Guidelines for How to Obtain Public Records." Requires an agency that maintains an Internet web site and that has information that is an identifiable public record available to it, in electronic format, to make that information accessible to the public for a minimum of three years from the homepage of the agency's web site through a link.

(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

SB 546 (Dutton-R) Office of Emergency Services: public-private partnerships

Authorizes the Office of Emergency Services to share facilities and systems that among other things, includes private businesses and nonprofit organizations in a voluntary program that integrates private sector emergency preparedness measures into governmental disaster planning programs to the extent that the cost of the program is reimbursed by the private sector. Creates the Disaster Resistant Communities Account in the General Fund and requires that any new activity undertaken by the office, under this bill, is contingent upon the receipt of private donations to the account.

Chapter 232, Statutes of 2005

SB 548 (Morrow-R) State construction projects: insurance

Grants the Director of the Department of General Services the authority to establish a master builders risk insurance program for state buildings and structures under construction. The master builders risk insurance program established by this bill also provides that if a master policy is issued, that policy shall require a deductible from the contractor of at least $25,000.

Chapter 106, Statutes of 2005

SB 577 (Figueroa-D) State government operations: accountability

Addresses various issues raised by the California Performance Review related to fiscal responsibility.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 625 (Battin-R) State and local surplus property

Requires the Department of General Services and local government agencies to make an exclusive offer to sell surplus state property to a local government or nonprofit organization engaged in economic development.

(Failed passage in Assembly Business and Professions Committee; reconsideration granted)

SB 645 (Dunn-D) Mexican repatriation: commission

Establishes a Commission on the Unconstitutional Deportation of American Citizens during the 1930s for addressing the forced deportation and emigration of persons of Mexican descent during the 1930s and 1940s.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 670 (Dunn-D) Mexican repatriation program of the 1930s

Expresses the apology of the State of California to the victims that were illegally deported or coerced into leaving the United States under the Mexican Repatriation Program of the 1930s and requires a plaque be placed in a public location in Los Angeles and maintained by the Department of Parks and Recreation to commemorate the victims of the repatriation program.

Chapter 663, Statutes of 2005

SB 740 (Romero-D) Public agencies

Provides that, whenever any state or local agency uses or permits others to use public resources for the creation of a video news release, that video news release shall contain a legible printed statement that it was created and paid for by the state or local agency. Requires that this statement appear on all portions of the video news release except for portions that contain only the image of a state or local agency officer or employee, in which case it requires that a statement be included identifying that officer or employee by name and title or position.

(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 796 (Figueroa-D) State government operations: accountability

Establishes the Government Modernization, Efficiency, Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2005, and requires state agencies to provide specified information on their web sites to assist consumers in obtaining government services and participating in the regulatory process.

Chapter 686, Statutes of 2005

SB 828 (Maldonado-R) Public contracts

Exempts credit card purchases for goods of less than $2,500 from various certification requirements for vendors and contractors who bid on public contracts. The total amount of exemption authorized shall not exceed $7,500 per year for each company from which a state agency is purchasing goods by credit card. Also eliminates a sunset clause and thereby makes permanent a provision of law permitting the Office of State Publishing to accept paid advertisements, with the exception of paid political advertisements, in materials printed by the state.

Chapter 381, Statues of 2005

SB 834 (Figueroa-D) Department of General Services: information technology

Requires the Procurement Division of the Department of General Services to identify information technology maintenance and support service providers who have multiple contracts with the state and report this information to the Legislature, including an evaluation of whether the state should negotiate a single master services contract with each of the identified vendors.

(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

SB 837 (Dutton-R) Alternative Protest Pilot Project

Extends the sunset date on the Alternative Protest Pilot Project to December 31, 2011, and renames it the Alternative Protest Process, and specifies that the only remedy for unsuccessful bidders under the negotiation process is to file a petition for a writ of mandate. Requires the Department of General Services to submit a report and recommendations to the Legislature by January 1, 2007, and again by January 1, 2010, on the results of the Alternative Protest Process with specified information.

Chapter 272, Statues of 2005

SB 850 (Escutia-D) Broadband telecommunications service

Requires the Public Utilities Commission to determine the availability of, and degree of competition for, two-way broadband service, by census tract, and report to the Legislature and the State Chief Information Officer (SCIO) by July 1, 2006, and requires the SCIO to develop a strategy for making broadband telecommunications service accessible to all areas of the state, and report to the Legislature by January 1, 2007.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 874 (Romero-D) Public contracts

Prohibits a state agency from entering into any contract for the acquisition of goods or services with a contractor employing more than 100 employees who does not have and adhere to a written policy providing its full-time employees with not less than five days of regular pay annually for actual jury service. Defines full-time employees as individuals who are employed for each working day in any 20 consecutive calendar weeks in the current or previous calendar year.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 898 (Poochigian-R) Weapons in state buildings

Includes the State Capitol and those specified buildings relating to legislative offices, the Governor's offices, and offices of constitutional officers within current law prescribing the crime of possessing an illegal weapon while on state buildings and grounds. Also provides that the crime will be punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000, or by imprisonment in a county jail or both.

(In Senate Public Safety Committee)

SB 900* (Denham-R) Surplus state property: disposition

Repeals various provisions of law related to the management and disposal of state surplus property, and makes permanent certain provisions of law, that are scheduled to sunset on July 1, 2005, related to local governments' first right of refusal of surplus property, and the transfer of such property at less than fair market value under certain circumstances.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 902 (Denham-R) Office of Fleet Administration

Requires the Office of Fleet Administration (OFA), Department of General Services, to develop both a daily tracking system of all vehicles owned by the state and a policy that increases the minimum use requirement of each governmental vehicle by a state agency to 10,000 miles per year and each commercial vehicle by a state agency to 12,000 miles per year. Requires OFA to review each parking garage owned by the state in order to evaluate whether the costs to operate each garage costs the state more money than other alternatives. Institutes a more stringent and thorough review of requests by state agencies for the purchase of vehicles that would include a definition of what constitutes an underutilized vehicle and a written justification by each state agency requesting the purchase of a vehicle as to why its underutilized vehicles, if any, cannot fulfill its vehicle needs.

(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

SB 906 (Ashburn-R) Calico: official state silver rush ghost town

Designates Calico, California as the official state "silver rush ghost town."

Chapter 90, Statutes of 2005

SB 919 (Cox-R) Meetings

Amends specified provisions of the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act to enable the California Gambling Control Commission to hold "closed" sessions, when considering matters involving trade secrets, non-public financial data, confidential or proprietary information, and other data and information, the public disclosure of which is prohibited by current law or a tribal-state gaming compact. Provides that the provisions contained in this bill shall remain in effect after December 31, 2010, unless the Legislature acts to repeal them.

Chapter 274, Statutes of 2005

SB 922* (Ducheny-D) Exception for Native American sacred sites

Exempts from public disclosure, under the Public Records Act, information about Native American sacred sites in possession of the Native American Heritage Commission or any state or local agency.

Double-joints language with AB 1495 (Canciamilla), Chapter 476, Statutes of 2005.

Chapter 670, Statutes of 2005

SB 952* (Denham-R) Correctional Training Facility: Soledad

Authorizes the Director of the Department of General Services to convey to the City of Soledad a portion of the Department of Corrections Training Facility at Soledad. Contingent upon enactment of AB 54 (Negrete McLeod), which was vetoed by the Governor.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 954* (Figueroa-D) Information technology goods and services

Requires the Department of General Services to establish specified policies and guidelines for the procurement of information technology goods and services on or before January 1, 2007.

Chapter 556, Statutes of 2005

SB 1026 (Kuehl-D) Highway construction contracts: design-build projects

Authorizes, until January 1, 2010, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, to conduct a demonstration program to enter a design-build contract for the construction of a northbound high-occupancy vehicle lane on the Interstate 405 freeway.

(On Senate Unfinished Business File)

SB 1061 (Dutton-R) State property leases

Authorizes the Department of General Services to lease real property for periods exceeding five years.

(Failed passage in Assembly Business and Professions Committee; reconsideration granted)

SB 1106 (Senate Environmental Quality Committee) Public contracts: procurement: recycled goods

Makes a number of changes to the State Agency Buy Recycled Campaign, including deleting overlapping, duplicative, and conflicting sections and consolidating and reorganizing language within the Public Resources and Public Contract Codes. Makes technical changes to solid waste reporting requirements for local agencies.

Chapter 590, Statutes of 2005

SCA 6 (Cox-R) Gubernatorial succession: Governor's absence from state

Deletes "absence from the state by the Governor" as a basis for the Lieutenant Governor acting as the Governor. Provides that the Lieutenant Governor act as the Governor during the temporary "inability of the Governor to discharge the powers and duties of the office" rather than the temporary "disability" of the Governor. Contains legislative findings and declarations that modern conditions of travel, communication, and technology have eliminated the objections that the drafters of the early Constitution might have had to permitting the Governor to act from outside the state or to permitting postponement of gubernatorial actions until his/her return. Furthermore, it finds most travels by modern Governors are for official state purposes and involve formal meetings with federal officials, other out-of-state officials, or overseas investors when the state is seeking funding or participating in major joint-state or federal projects.

(In Senate Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee)

SCA 12 (Torlakson-D) Eminent domain

Amends the California Constitution to specify that eminent domain cannot be used to take owner-occupied residential property for private use.

(To interim study)

SCA 15 (McClintock-R) Eminent domain: condemnation proceedings

Provides that private property may be taken or damaged only for a stated public use. Requires that the property be owned and occupied by the condemnor, except as specified, and used only for the stated public use. Provides that if the property ceases to be used for the stated public use, the former owner, or a beneficiary or an heir who has been designated for this purpose, would have the right to reacquire the property for its fair market value before the property may be otherwise sold or transferred. Requires a county assessor, upon property being so reacquired, to appraise that property for purposes of property taxation at its adjusted base year value as had been last determined at the time the property was acquired by the condemnor.

(Failed passage in Senate Judiciary Committee; reconsideration granted)

SCA 17 (Speier-D) State officers: outside income

Amends the California Constitution to prohibit a state officer, as defined, from providing services under contract or otherwise accepting employment, other than performing the duties of his/her state office for compensation or other payment from the state, in exchange for compensation or other valuable consideration to that state officer or to any other party or entity.

(In Senate Rules Committee)

SCR 3 (Murray-D) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Honors the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and commemorates the observance of his birthday, January 17, 2005, as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Resolution Chapter 1, Statutes of 2005

SCR 14 (Runner-R) Satellite industry

Acknowledges the growth and contributions of the satellite industry to California, urges the public to recognize the growth of this sector as an important economic and job creation engine that deserves to be nurtured and encouraged to remain and expand in California, and recognizes April 12, 2005, as California Space Day, in special recognition of how the satellite industry has found a consumer market and is improving the lives of our citizens.

Resolution Chapter 17, Statutes of 2005

SCR 17 (Ducheny-D) Flag of the former Republic of Vietnam: display

Urges that the state formally recognize the flag of the former Republic of Vietnam as a symbol of the Vietnamese-American community in this state, and permits this flag to be displayed on any state-owned property, in conjunction with any state-controlled or sponsored Vietnamese-American event or any public function organized by the Vietnamese-American community in the state, subject to the permit requirements of the event's locality.

(At Assembly Desk)

SCR 18 (Battin-R) Native Americans: California Indian Heritage Month

Proclaims November 2005 as California Indian Heritage Month, encourages its observance with activities that celebrate our uniqueness as Americans, and commends California Indian nations for their outstanding contributions to this state.

Resolution Chapter 74, Statutes of 2005

SCR 22 (Battin-R) California Hispanic Heritage Month

Proclaims September 15 to October 15, 2005, inclusive, as California Hispanic Heritage Month, and encourages all Californians to observe this event in communities throughout the state.

Resolution Chapter 75, Statutes of 2005

SCR 32 (Escutia-D) Cesar Chavez Day

Recognizes March 31 as the anniversary of the birth of Cesar Chavez, and calls upon all Californians to participate in appropriate observances to remember Cesar Chavez as a symbol of hope and justice to all persons.

(On Senate Inactive File)

SCR 45 (Denham-R) International Building Safety Week

Proclaims the week of May 8-14, 2005, as International Building Safety Week and urges all residents to participate in International Building Safety Week activities to help promote building safety, to create awareness as to the importance of construction and building codes, and to spotlight the role of the dedicated code officials in administering those codes.

Resolution Chapter 53, Statutes of 2005

SCR 50 (Dunn-D) 50th anniversary of Disneyland

Congratulates Disneyland and the Walt Disney Company on the 50th anniversary of Disneyland, and declares July 17, 2005, as Disneyland Day in California.

Resolution Chapter 87, Statutes of 2005

SR 7 (Ackerman-R) Bowl Championship Series

Calls for the abolition of the National Collegiate Athletic Association Bowl Championship Series.

Adopted by the Senate

AB 38 (Tran-R) State boards and commissions: salaries: suspension

Suspends the salaries of members of 13 specified state boards and commissions for the 2006-07 through 2008-09 fiscal years.

(Failed passage in Assembly Business and Professions Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 42* (Nunez-D) Secretary of State and State Archives Building Complex

Makes various clarifying and technical changes with respect to the California State History Museum (formerly the Golden State Museum) within the Secretary of State and State Archives Building Complex.

Chapter 6, Statutes of 2005

AB 47 (Cohn-D) Department of Corrections: medical care contracts

Prohibits the Department of General Services (DGS) from approving a contract for medical care services prepared by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (DCR) unless the contract was competitively bid pursuant to provisions of existing law. Allows DGS to approve non-competitively bid contracts by DCR if DCR conducts a market survey and prepares a price analysis that demonstrates to DGS that the proposed contract is in the best interests of the state, or that competitive bidding is not possible because competition does not exist or patient care would be compromised.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 53 (Negrete McLeod-D) State agency consolidation: data centers

Consolidates the functions of the Health and Human Services Data Center and the Stephen P. Teale Data Center.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 54 (Negrete McLeod-D) Surplus state property

Authorizes the Department of General Services and the Department of Transportation to sell, exchange, lease, or transfer, various state-owned real properties that are deemed surplus to the operational needs of the state.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 94 (Haynes-R) Agency fiscal reports

Requires each state agency, board, commission, department, or office to prepare and provide a report to the Legislature on their financial activities for the 2000-01, 2001-02, 2002-03, 2003-04, and 2004-05 fiscal years no later than January 15, 2006, and for each subsequent fiscal year by January 15 of the following year in accordance with specified requirements.

(Failed passage in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

AB 139* (Assembly Budget Committee) State Government Budget Trailer Bill

The omnibus general government trailer bill for the Budget Act of 2005

Chapter 74, Statutes of 2005

AB 219 (Nakanishi-R) State agencies: publications

Requires state agencies to provide the California State Library with electronic copies of their publications. Requires the California State Library to create a Web site to provide access to electronic copies of these publications.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 252 (Chavez-D) Digital Arts Studio Partnership Demonstration Program Act

Extends the sunset date of the Digital Arts Studio Partnership Demonstration Program from January 1, 2006 to January 1, 2011.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 277 (Mountjoy-R) Open meetings: closed sessions

Removes the sunset date to allow state bodies to hold closed sessions to consider security matters on or after January 1, 2006. Authorizes the Public Employees' Retirement System Board to hold closed sessions when discussing rates and competitive strategies for its Long Term-Care Program. Contingent upon enactment of SB 234 (Runner-R) which is on the Senate Inactive File.

Chapter 288, Statutes of 2005

AB 295 (Chavez-D) Public contracts: security services

Requires a private security service company under contract with the state to provide notice to the state of specified actions or investigations by a governmental agency.

(In Senate Government Modernization, Efficiency and Accountability Committee)

AB 301 (Assembly Business And Professions Committee) State property: inventory

Requires the Department of General Services to update, by January 1 of each year, a complete and accurate inventory of all real property held by the state.

(In Senate Government Modernization, Efficiency and Accountability Committee)

AB 331 (Bogh-R) State government travel ban

Provides that, notwithstanding any other provision of state law, and except as required by federal law, no state funds shall be expended for travel by state officers or employees, including elective state officers, Members of the Legislature, legislative employees, the Legislative Counsel and his/her employees, and members of the Commission on Uniform State Laws, to or within a country if the Governor determines, and has notified the Director of the Department of Finance (DOF) in writing, that any executive authority or authorities within that country have refused to comply with a warrant(s) issued for the return of a person(s) charged under the laws of this state with an offense(s) punishable by death or life imprisonment. Provides that this prohibition ceases to apply if the Governor determines, and notifies the Director of DOF in writing, that an executive authority(ies), have consistently complied with those warrants. Provides an exception to these provisions shall be travel necessary for the enforcement of any law of this state or of the United States or travel for any other purpose that is deemed necessary by law enforcement.

(Failed passage in Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AB 345 (La Malfa-R) Infrastructure financing

Authorizes state governmental agencies to utilize private sector investment capital to study, design, construct, finance, and operate fee-producing infrastructure facilities.

(Failed passage in Assembly Business and Professions Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 346* (Chu-D) State claims

Appropriates $1,082,007.08 from various funds to the Executive Officer of the California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board to pay claims accepted by the Board. Changes provisions of the claims process.

Chapter 184, Statutes of 2005

AB 351* (Chu-D) State claims

Appropriates $16.7 million to pay for the following judgments and settlements approved by the Department of Justice and the Department of Finance: $2,400,000 from the General Fund (GF) to the California Department of Education to pay for the settlement in the case of Bryant et al. v. West Valley and related cases, $220,000 from the Earthquake Safety and Public Buildings Rehabilitation Fund to the DGS to pay for the settlement in the case of Mallcraft, Inc. v. State of California, et al. , and $14,067,219.89 from the GF to the DGS to pay for the judgment in the case of Williams et al. v. State of California, et al.

Chapter 295, Statutes of 2005

AB 361 (Sharon Runner-R) Notaries public

Provides that it is a misdemeanor for notaries public to willfully fail to perform the required duties of a notary and requires the court to revoke a notary's commission if the notary is convicted of a felony or for willfully failing to perform his/her duties. Also clarifies that the crime of forgery includes falsifying an acknowledgement of a notary.

Chapter 295, Statutes of 2005

AB 402 (Dymally-D) Borders: Mexico

Requires the Office of California-Mexico Affairs to establish a migrant advisory committee to focus upon issues confronted by those parties migrating from Mexico to California.

(In Senate Government Modernization, Efficiency and Accountability Committee)

AB 409 (Yee-D) State contracts: small business bidding preference

Increases the bidding preference for state contracts for small businesses from five percent to ten percent.

(In Senate Government Modernization Efficiency and Accountability Committee)

AB 411 (Yee-D) Public contracts

Requires any public entity to make progress payments within 30 days of a payment request or pay a penalty of two percent of the amount due per month. Also formalizes the subcontractor substitution hearing process and requires a written decision within ten days of the hearing.

(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

AB 446 (Negrete McLeod-D) Licensees: settlement agreements

Prohibits any licensee or professional overseen by the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) from including in a civil settlement agreement any "gag clause" provision that prohibits the other party from contacting, or filing a complaint with, DCA.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 487 (Nakanishi-R) State buildings: works of art: financing

Prohibits the expenditure of state funds on works of art in state buildings until the Director of the Department of Finance has notified the State Treasurer and others that the bonds issued pursuant to Proposition 58 of 2004, the Economic Recovery Bond Act, have been paid or retired. Prohibits any allocation of funds for works of art in state buildings unless funding is available.

(Failed passage in Assembly Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism and Internet Media Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 524 (Chan-D) Public contracts: offshore jobs

Requires successful bidders on state contracts to provide a complete description and percentage of the total contract that will be performed outside the United States. Sunsets these provisions on January 1, 2009.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 534 (Montanez-D) Public officials: financial duties

Specifies, among other things, that any person currently required to be named under a financial disclosure statement as providing $10,000 in income, directly or otherwise, to a business entity in which the public official has a specified interest, is a source of income for purposes of the provisions that forbid a public official to make, participate in making, or in any way attempt to use his/her official position to influence a governmental decision in which he/she knows or has reason to know he/she has a financial interest.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 546 (Garcia-R) State computers: prohibited use: obscene matter

Makes it unlawful for any person to use a state-owned or state-leased computer to access, view, download, or otherwise obtain obscene matter, as defined, except for use consistent with legitimate law enforcement needs.

(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

AB 588 (Goldberg-D) Statistical districts: Hollywood

Requires specified state agencies and departments that develop and maintain data on the municipal level of government to make a separate breakdown of statistical data regarding the community of Hollywood.

(At Senate Desk)

AB 590 (Walters-R) Eminent domain: private property

Amends the Eminent Domain Law to provide that "public use" does not include the taking or damaging of property for private use, including, but not limited to, the condemnation of property for economic development.

(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 593 (Frommer-D) California Hope Endowment and California Hope Public Trust

Requires the Department of General Services to transfer specified state lands to the California Hope Public Trust, which this bill creates with specified appointees of the Governor, State Treasurer, and State Controller, for the purposes of managing state properties for the benefit of public colleges and universities.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 616 (Vargas-D) Public buildings: smoking areas

Prohibits smoking in an outdoor area enclosed on at least four sides by a state public building(s). Excludes from this prohibition an outdoor area enclosed on at least four sides by a building(s) on a campus of the California State University or a campus of the University of California.

(At Senate Desk)

AB 655 (Leno-D) Admissions surcharge: California Arts Council

Establishes a one percent surcharge on the price of admission to specified arts and entertainment venues.

(In Assembly Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism and Internet Media Committee)

AB 701 (Nava-D) State buildings: energy and design criteria

Requires all state buildings on which construction or renovation is begun on or after January 1, 2006, to obtain a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum rating, as developed by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC), no later than January 1, 2015. A minimum score, as set forth in "Version 2.1" of LEED that USGBC published in March of 2003, shall determine compliance with this bill.

(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

AB 707 (Hancock-D) State contracts: disclosures

Requires contractors and their agents and consultants, who enter into specified contracts with state agencies, to publicly disclose to the Secretary of State, certain communications with the state agency during the one-year period preceding the award of the contract, and imposes a specified civil penalty for failure to comply with the bill's provisions.

(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

AB 725 (Canciamilla-D) Appropriations

Establishes requirements for monitoring the expenditure of General Fund grants awarded through the annual Budget Act or in legislation enacted within 20 days of the Budget Act, when the grants are not allocated through an existing program.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 775 (Yee-D) Interpreters: prohibition on use of children

Prohibits any state or local government agency, or any public or private agency, organization, entity, or program that receives state funding, from using any child under 15 years of age, or permitting any such child, to be used as an interpreter, as defined, in any hospital, clinic, or physician's office in the context of diagnosis or treatment, among other things.

(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

AB 836 (Huff-R) State agency budgets: zero-based budgeting

Requires every state agency and court to utilize a zero-based budget method.

(In Assembly Budget Committee)

AB 852 (Leno-D) Ports and harbors: San Francisco Bar Pilots

Authorizes revenue generated by the pilot boat surcharge to be used to pay for pilot boat design and engineering modifications intended to extend the service life of existing boats, in addition to the existing purpose of purchasing new pilot boats.

Chapter 129, Statutes of 2005

AB 853 (Jones-D) Tax liens: withholdings

Provides that, solely for purposes of wage garnishment activities, state tax liens continue in effect until the amount due and payable is paid. Limits application of this provision to state liens in effect on, or created on or after, January 1, 2006, and does not apply to a notice of recorded lien.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 910 (Mullin-D) Life sciences: ombudsman

Establishes the Life Sciences Ombudsman Program in the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency. Assigns the Ombudsman certain tasks, including working with the life sciences industry and other state agencies to identify existing programs that support the life sciences industry, serving as a resource to new and expanding life sciences companies, identifying incentives provided by the state for life science companies to operate in California, and identifying existing community college-based programs for training laboratory technicians. Sunsets January 1, 2011.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 945 (Koretz-D) Public contracts: prospective bidders

Requires any questionnaire, used by the Department of General Services (DGS) or any other state agency authorized to enter into contracts, to require each prospective bidder, to certify, under penalty of perjury, the number of felonies and misdemeanors, of which the prospective bidder and any of his/her subcontractors have been convicted, within the past 10 years, arising from his/her business practices and involving a violation of environmental laws of the United States, this state, or local government in this state, as specified. Requires the prospective bidder to give an explanation for each violation, including the date of occurrence, the final outcome, fines, penalties, or damages, if any, imposed against the prospective bidder, and any other information that the DGS's questionnaire may require. Requires DGS except in the case where a prospective bidder has successfully appealed his/her disqualification, to disqualify a prospective bidder if he/she has been convicted of a felony or three or more misdemeanors.

(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

AB 955 (Coto-D) Communications: Advanced Communications Act

Enacts the Advanced Communications Act and declares the intent of the Legislature to establish policies to promote the accelerated deployment of next-generation advanced communications networks in California, irrespective of the technological platform used to deploy those services, whether through mobile telephony services, mobile data services, the Internet, cable television, satellite, or telecommunications networks.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)

AB 997 (Cogdill-R) State regulatory agencies: fee notification

Requires that whenever a state regulatory agency or department imposes a new fee or increases an existing fee charged to a county, it shall notify the affected counties by June 30 of each year, or within 30 days of the enactment of the State Budget, in which the fee is imposed or increased.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1035 (Spitzer-R) Public officials: home information

Adds to the protections already provided in existing law that prohibit the Internet posting of an elected or appointed official's home addresses or telephone numbers.

(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

AB 1162 (Mullin-D) Eminent domain

Prohibits, until January 1, 2008, a community redevelopment agency, or community development commission or joint powers agency from exercising the power of eminent domain to acquire owner-occupied residential real property if ownership of the property will be transferred to a private party or private entity. Requires the California Research Bureau of the State Library to submit two reports to the Legislature, on or before January 1, 2007, and on or before January 1, 2008, regarding the exercise of the power of eminent domain, as specified. Also requires the California Law Revision Commission to conduct a related study and submit a report to the Legislature on or before January 1, 2008.

(In Senate Rules Committee)

AB 1174 (Tran-R) State agencies: administrative hearings: reporting

Provides that, at the discretion of a state agency conducting a hearing, the proceedings may be reported either by a stenographic reporter or electronically. Requires that when proceedings are to be reported electronically, the notice of hearing shall state that proceedings will be reported electronically unless the respondent objects in writing within 15 days, in which case the proceedings shall be required to be reported by a stenographic reporter.

(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

AB 1210 (Levine-D) Capitol Historic Region: International genocide memorial

Makes legislative findings regarding the creation of a Holocaust memorial and provides for the establishment of a commission for that purpose. Authorizes the construction of the memorial in the Capitol Historic Region, subject to prior approval of the Department of General Services and the Capitol Park Master Plan Group, and prohibits the expenditure of state money for these purposes.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1302 (Jerome Horton-D) State agency regulations

Requires a state agency, when adopting, amending, or repealing a regulation, to submit to the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) a finding supported by substantial evidence that no alternative considered by the agency would be more effective in carrying out the purpose for which the regulation is proposed, as specified. Requires the OAL, when reviewing regulations submitted to it, to make determinations using the standard of burden, defined to mean that no alternative would be more effective in carrying out the purpose for which the regulation is proposed or would be as effective and less burdensome to affected private individuals, businesses, and small businesses than the adopted regulation.

(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

AB 1357 (Ruskin-D) State motor vehicle fleets

Adds to the information that the Department of General Services is required to compile and maintain regarding vehicles owned by the state by requiring the information on alternatively fueled vehicles to specifically identify the number of bifuel natural gas and propane vehicles owned as of December 31 of each year, and the total amount of fuel used by those vehicles, itemized by type of fuel, as of December 31 of each year.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1363 (Jones-D) Public officials: financial duties

Makes changes to existing provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 that require certain public officers and employees to file reports disclosing, which of specified ranges of fair market value includes the actual value of each specific investment and interest. Narrows these ranges of fair market value, and adds additional ranges that include higher market valuations. Requires each of the statewide elected officials, before taking office, to place all of his/her investments and all of his/her interests in real property in a blind trust, as specified.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)

AB 1388 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Telecommunications: grants

Directs the Public Utilities Commission to establish and administer two grant programs: (1) a grant program to demonstrate the benefits of using the state's telecommunications networks to deliver supplemental educational services, and (2) a grant program to demonstrate the use of telemedicine resources within a community.

(In Assembly awaiting concurrence)

AB 1433 (Emmerson-R) Public finance contracts

Provides that no approval, sale, or issuance of any conduit revenue bonds for the benefit of any 501(c)(3) organization borrowing the proceeds of those bonds, and no limited project approval of a 501(c)(3) bond-financed project by any state or local government bond issuer of conduit revenue bonds constitutes an approval of a project for purposes of the California Environmental Quality Act.

(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

AB 1473 (Coto-D) State government: property management

Additionally authorizes the Department of Consumer Affairs and the Department of General Services to establish rules and regulations for the administration of any real property purchased or acquired and for equipping or making improvements on those buildings and properties.

(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

AB 1520 (Niello-R) Public works contracts: infrastructure projects

Authorizes state governmental agencies to utilize private sector investment capital to study, design, construct, finance, and operate fee-producing infrastructure facilities, as specified. Requires state governmental agencies to utilize a competitive negotiation process when soliciting proposals and entering into agreements with private entities pursuant to the provisions of this bill. Provides that the infrastructure developed by a private entity may be owned by a governmental agency, and the agreement with the private entity shall provide for the lease of the facilities to, or ownership by, the private entity for a term up to 35 years.

(Failed passage in Assembly Business and Professions Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 1530 (La Malfa-R) Public funds: membership dues

Expressly prohibits the state or any political subdivision from paying membership dues to any organization, trade association, or other entity that expends money for any political campaign, including any election matter involving a candidate or ballot initiative.

(In Assembly Elections and Reapportionment Committee)

AB 1539 (Bass-D) Notaries public

Requires a notary public to notify law enforcement authorities if the notary believes that a signer of a quit claim deed is doing so under coercion or undue influence or that the signer is not aware of the purpose of the quit claim deed. Provides that no action shall lie against a notary, a notary's employer, or other participant in a transaction for the act of notifying or not notifying law enforcement authorities pursuant to these provisions and shall not be construed to be an offer or provision of legal services or to create a defect in the legal sufficiency of a notarized document.

(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

AB 1559* (Gordon-D) Homeland Security Communications

Enacts the Homeland Security Communications Interoperability Development Act of 2005, which requires the California Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee and the Public Safety Radio Strategic Planning Committee to form a joint committee to prepare a specified report to the Legislature on or before February 1, 2006, with findings and recommendations for implementing a statewide communications interoperability system.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1564 (Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee) Citizen Complaint Act of 1997: Internet web sites

Deletes the reference to the Department of Information Technology in the Citizen Complaint Act of 1997, and instead refers to the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency.

(In Senate Government Modernization, Efficiency and Accountability Committee)

AB 1582* (Dymally-D) Digital Arts Studio Partnership Demonstration Program

Allows a tax credit under the Corporation Tax Law in an amount equal to an unspecified percentage of the amount contributed, paid, or incurred by taxpayers for support of the Digital Arts Studio Partnership Demonstration Program, as provided.

(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1588 (Negrete McLeod-D) Administrative agencies: regulations: compliance

Provides that any person or entity that complies with lawful administrative guidance, including, but not limited to, rules, forms, regulations, bulletins, lawful written directives, and other written communications, shall be rebuttably presumed to have complied with the law or regulation upon which the guidance was based. Also prohibits a state agency or official from imposing any sanction upon a person or entity that reasonably relies upon that guidance, provided that the acts taken in reliance on that guidance were performed before any substantive change in the law or regulation upon which the guidance was based.

(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

AB 1617 (Liu-D) Surplus residential property

Gives new priority for the purchase of surplus residential property along the 710 Freeway corridor to long-term existing occupants, even if they do not meet income eligibility criteria in current law, and to local governments for use as affordable housing. Makes a number of changes to surplus land law for the 710 Freeway.

(Failed passage in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 1625 (Klehs-D) State government: reports: declarations

Requires every written state agency report to the Legislature to be signed under penalty of perjury by the head of the agency that the contents of the report are true, accurate, and complete to the best of his/her knowledge.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1654 (De La Torre-D) Public contracts: bid preferences

Requires, as of January 1, 2007, that a five percent bid preference be provided on state contracts for goods and services to contractors who substantiate that 90 percent of their employees performing work on a contract are residents of California.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1663 (Jones-D) Capitol Area Plan: construction of facilities

Authorizes the inclusion of residential and commercial space within the previously authorized new state office development in downtown Sacramento, referred to as the "West End Project," subject to specified conditions.

Chapter 413, Statutes of 2005

AB 1775* (Canciamilla-D) Public records: infrastructure security

Exempts a document prepared by a private entity relating to protecting critical infrastructure that, at the discretion of the private entity, is provided to a state or local agency, and the disclosure of which is likely to jeopardize public safety, including blueprints, plans, policies, procedures, and schematic drawings that relate to internal layout and structural elements, security measures, security systems, emergency preparedness, and threat or vulnerability assessments and various records relating to public security and safety. Also states findings and declarations of the Legislature for limiting the public's right of access to specified documents and records relating to economic infrastructure.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)

ACR 3 (Cohn-D) Holocaust Memorial Week

Proclaims the time period of May 2, 2005, through May 8, 2005, as California Holocaust Memorial Week and urges Californians to observe these days of remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust in an appropriate manner.

Resolution Chapter 42, Statutes of 2005

ACR 4 (Chu-D) Korean-American Day

Proclaims January 13, 2005, as Korean-American Day.

Resolution Chapter 23, Statutes of 2005

ACR 7 (Sharon Runner-R) State space tourism industry

Congratulates and expresses the Legislature's appreciation for the achievements of SpaceShipOne and the efforts of the team of Paul Allen, Burt Rutan, and pilots Mike Melvill and Brian Binnie in making privately funded manned space flight a commercial reality.

Resolution Chapter 37, Statutes of 2005

ACR 9 (Oropeza-D) California Girls and Women in Sports Day

Commemorates the accomplishments of female athletes, coaches, officials, and sports administrators for their important contribution in promoting the value of sports participation in the achievement of full human potential and proclaims February 9, 2005, as California Girls and Women in Sports Day.

Resolution Chapter 7, Statutes of 2005

ACR 10 (Chu-D) Day of Remembrance

Declares February 19, 2005, as a Day of Remembrance in order to increase public awareness of the events surrounding the internment of Americans of Japanese ancestry during World War II.

Resolution Chapter 8, Statutes of 2005

ACR 12 (Chavez-D) California Museum Month

Proclaims May 2005, as California Museum Month.

Resolution Chapter 29, Statutes of 2005

ACR 19 (Mullin-D) Irish-American Heritage Month

Designates March 2005 and March 2006 as Irish-American Heritage Month in honor of the multitude of contributions that Irish-Americans have made to the country and state.

Resolution Chapter 12, Statutes of 2005

ACR 24 (Mullin-D) California Council on Science and Technology

Requests the California Council on Science and Technology to expand the scope of its study group on how the State of California should treat intellectual property created under state contracts to include contracts, grants, and agreements developed under Proposition 71 of the November 2, 2004, general election and to study and report to the Legislature on how the commercialization of technology developed with the investment of taxpayer dollars could generate a public financial benefit. Also requests the council to establish a review group to review and comment on the study.

Resolution Chapter 111, Statutes of 2005

ACR 25 (Benoit-R) Rotary International Day

Proclaims February 23, 2005, as Rotary International Day in California.

Resolution Chapter 13, Statutes of 2005

ACR 28 (Coto-D) Read Across America Day

Designates March 2, 2005, as Read Across America Day. Endorses the national "Read Across America" celebration and recommits California to programs and activities that help to develop reading skills.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)

ACR 31 (Coto-D) Financial Empowerment Month

Recognizes April as financial empowerment month.

Resolution Chapter 14, Statutes of 2005

ACR 37 (Berg-D) Public broadcasting

Recognizes the considerable contribution that the public broadcasting stations of this state make in educating and informing the residents of our state and urges all state agencies to consider and explore partnerships with these stations that might assist in effectively and efficiently carrying out the responsibilities and mandates of those state agencies without increasing existing state expenditures.

Resolution Chapter 130, Statutes of 2005

ACR 38 (Cogdill-R) Eagle Scouts

Recognizes the efforts of Boy Scouts who earn the rank of Eagle Scout.

(Failed passage in Assembly Judiciary Committee)

ACR 40 (Lieber-D) League of Women Voters' 85th Anniversary

Recognizes the origins and accomplishments of the League of Women Voters, and memorializes the 85th anniversary of that organization.

Resolution Chapter 55, Statutes of 2005

ACR 42 (Chu-D) Province of Jeju, Republic of Korea: sister-state

Extends an invitation to the people of the Province of Jeju, Republic of Korea, to join California as a sister-state.

Resolution Chapter 80, Statutes of 2005

ACR 48 (Goldberg-D) Girl Scouts

Commends the Girl Scouts for 93 years of service and for inspiring millions of girls with the highest ideals of character, conduct, and patriotism.

Resolution Chapter 56, Statutes of 2005

ACR 50 (Tran-R) Pope John Paul II

Notes with deep sorrow and solemn mourning the death of His Holiness Pope John Paul II, extends heartfelt sympathy to all people who have been touched by the passing of Pope John Paul II, commends Pope John Paul II for his ability to transcend the bounds of religion, race, and political thought, becoming a formidable champion, uniter, and defender in humanity's struggle for peace and basic human rights, and calls on all the people of California to reflect on the life and legacy of Pope John Paul II during this international period of remembrance.

Resolution Chapter 92, Statutes of 2005

ACR 59 (Baca-D) California Native American History Month

Recognizes the month of November 2005, as California Native American Indian History Month.

Resolution Chapter 114, Statutes of 2005

ACR 60 (Mountjoy-R) National Day of Prayer

Recognizes May 5, 2005, as a National Day of Prayer, and encourages all the people of California to gather together in homes and places of worship to pray for their God's blessings upon our state and our nation.

Resolution Chapter 45, Statutes of 2005

ACR 62 (Nakanishi-R) Asian and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month

Commends Asian and Pacific Islander Americans for their notable accomplishments and outstanding service to the state and recognizes May 2005, as Asian and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month.

Resolution Chapter 47, Statutes of 2005

ACR 67 (Plescia-R) Wadie P. Deddeh State Office Building

Designates the Department of Transportation District 11 office building in San Diego, as the Wadie P. Deddeh State Office Building.

Resolution Chapter 100, Statutes of 2005

ACR 68 (Saldana-D) Tall Ships Challenge 2005

Commends the California host ports and related nonprofit organizations for their efforts relative to hosting the Tall Ships Challenge 2005 and commends the nations of the world that send their tall ships to participate in this event. Invites all tall ships to continue to visit California.

Resolution Chapter 71, Statutes of 2005

ACR 69 (Goldberg-D) Boy Scouts of America

Recognizes the efforts of Boy Scouts who earn the rank of Eagle Scout and encourages the Boy Scouts of America to accept for membership and leadership positions all qualified boys and men, without discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or religious belief.

Resolution Chapter 82, Statutes of 2005

ACR 79 (Aghazarian-R) Fee Payers Bill of Rights

States that a bill that imposes, increases, or extends the duration of an existing fee, or authorizes the imposition of a new fee should, among other things, be approved by a two-thirds vote of the entire membership of each of the two houses of the Legislature.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

ACR 88 (Parra-D) Firefighters Memorial Day

Designates October 15, 2005, as California Firefighters Memorial Day and urges all Californians to remember firefighters who have given their lives in the line of duty and expresses appreciation to those who continue to protect the state against fires.

Resolution Chapter 139, Statutes of 2005

ACR 89 (Mountjoy-R) Constitution Week and Constitution Day

Declares the third week in September, as Constitution Week, and September 17 as Constitution Day.

Resolution Chapter 140, Statutes of 2005

GRP 2 (Other Governor Committee) Technology reorganization: Department of Technology Services

Consolidates California's two general purpose data centers and the telecommunications unit currently housed in the Department of General Services into a new Department of Technology Services. The consolidation proposed is organizational and managerial. The data centers themselves will not physically consolidate.

Plan took effect July 9, 2005

HR 5 (Chu-D) Relative to Lunar New Year Celebration

States that the Members of the State Assembly join Asian and Pacific Islander communities throughout the state in celebrating February 9, 2005, as the beginning of the Lunar New Year 4702, and extends best wishes for a peaceful and prosperous lunar new year to all Californians.

Adopted by the Assembly

HR 8 (Wolk-D) Relative to National Library Week

States that the State Assembly, during National Library Week, applauds the positive and vital impact of California's public libraries, librarians, and all library workers, and thanks them for enriching the lives of residents and helping to make our state an exceptional place to live, learn, and work.

Adopted by the Assembly

HR 11 (Coto-D) Relative to Cinco de Mayo Week

Urges all Californians to join in celebrating Cinco de Mayo, the historic day to honor the valiant spirit of the brave Mexicanos who defended the town of Puebla against the French invaders, to honor the Mexican Americans of today who have fought, died, and lived to protect the freedom of the United States. Declares May 1 through May 7, 2005, as Cinco de Mayo Week.

Adopted by the Assembly

HR 12 (Umberg-D) Relative to the 50th Anniversary of Disneyland

Proclaims July 17, 2005, as "Disneyland Day" in California.

Adopted by the Assembly

HR 16 (Hancock-D) Relative to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Pride Month

Proclaims June 2005, as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month, and urges all residents to join in celebrating the accomplishments and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, and encourages the people of California to work to help advance the cause of equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.

(On Assembly Third Reading File)

TopIndex Local Government

SB 8 (Soto-D) Political Reform Act of 1974

Prohibits a local elected official from lobbying the local government agency of which that official was a member for a period of one year after leaving office.

Chapter 680, Statutes of 2005

SB 28* (Poochigian-R) Human remains: the Metropolitan Anthony Gerigiannakis

Authorizes the local registrar of births and deaths in the County of Fresno to issue a disposition permit for the burial of the Metropolitan Anthony Gerigiannakis on the grounds of the St. Nicholas Monastery in the County of Fresno and permits those remains to be so interred.

Chapter 1, Statutes of 2005

SB 35 (Florez-D) California Children and Families Program

Expands auditing requirements under the California Children and Families Act of 1998 (Proposition 10). Requires county commissions to submit specified annual audit reports and authorizes the state commission to withhold funds from county commissions who fail to report. Requires the State Controller to issue guidelines for the expanded audits of county commissions and quality control functions, and present the final guidelines and an implementation plan to the state commission.

Chapter 243, Statutes of 2005

SB 44 (Kehoe-D) General plans: air quality element

Requires each city and county to either adopt an air quality amendment to its general plan, or amend the appropriate elements (i.e., land use, circulation, housing, conservation, open-space) of its general plan to include goals, policies and implementation strategies for improving air quality.

(On Assembly Third Reading File)

SB 49* (Machado-D) Land conservation contracts

Requires the county assessor to review the current valuation of Williamson Act contracted land upon request of either the landowner or the Department of Conservation if the county assessor determines that additional information submitted by the requesting party may have a material effect on the valuation of the property. Makes several other technical amendments to SB 1820 (Machado-D), Chapter 794, Statutes of 2004.

Chapter 245, Statutes of 2005

SB 53 (Kehoe-D) Redevelopment

Requires redevelopment plans to contain a description of the agency's program to acquire real property by eminent domain, including prohibitions, if any, on the use of eminent domain, and a time limit for the commencement of eminent domain proceedings.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

SB 57 (Alarcon-D) Fines and forfeitures

Amends the Maddy Emergency Medical Services Fund to earmark funds for pediatric trauma centers.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 121* (Senate Local Government Committee) First Validation Act of 2005

Enacts the First Validating Act of 2005, which validates the organization, boundaries, acts, proceedings, and bonds of the state and counties, cities, and specified districts, agencies, and entities.

Chapter 8, Statutes of 2005

SB 122* (Senate Local Government Committee) Second Validating Act of 2005

Enacts the Second Validating Act of 2005, which validates the organization, boundaries, acts, proceedings, and bonds of the state and counties, cities, and specified districts, agencies, and entities.

Chapter 169, Statutes of 2005

SB 123 (Senate Local Government Committee) Third Validating Act of 2005

Enacts the Third Validating Act of 2005, which validates the organization, boundaries, acts, proceedings, and bonds of the state and counties, cities, and specified districts, agencies, and entities.

Chapter 170, Statutes of 2005

SB 135 (Kehoe-D) Community services districts

Repeals current statute and enacts a new Community Services District (CSD) law. Makes a violation of the CSD law a misdemeanor.

Chapter 249, Statutes of 2005

SB 140 (Margett-R) Subsurface installations: excavation

Allows excavators to use vacuum excavation devices or power-operated or power-driven tools near subsurface installations as long as there is an express written mutual agreement between the operator(s) and the excavator. Requires operators to use the uniform color code of the American Public Works Association when making field markings.

Chapter 114, Statutes of 2005

SB 143 (Runner-R) Statistical districts: Antelope Valley

Requires the Employment Development Department and the Department of Finance to make a separate breakdown of the Antelope Valley in the preparation and maintenance of any statistical analyses and data, and encourages the Counties of Kern and Los Angeles to voluntarily provide any necessary data.

Chapter 679, Statutes of 2005

SB 149 (Speier-D) Broadmoor Police Protection District's Property Tax Shift

Beginning in 2006-07, exempts the Broadmoor Police Protection District from the 1992-93 and 1993-94 property tax shifts. Requires that any increase in property tax revenue allocated to the District supplement, not supplant, the District's budget. Requires this exemption not result in a reduction in the allocation of property tax revenues to any other local agency in San Mateo County.

(In Senate Local Government Committee)

SB 169 (Migden-D) Historic preservation: Saint Brigid Church

Exempts Saint Brigid Church in San Francisco from existing law prohibiting local governments from extending historical landmark status to noncommercial property owned by a religiously affiliated organization.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

SB 196 (Maldonado-R) County assessor employees: annual evaluation

Allows county assessors to evaluate their employees' performance. Requires each county assessor to determine the scope and manner of the performance evaluations, but requires that the evaluations include the quality and quantity of the employee's work. Requires that performance evaluations be considered for employees' disciplinary, transfer, or promotion purposes.

(In Senate Local Government Committee)

SB 203 (Simitian-D) Transactions and use taxes: County of San Mateo

Authorizes the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo to impose a transactions and use tax for specified park and recreation purposes, if certain conditions are met.

Chapter 682, Statutes of 2005

SB 268 (Campbell-R) Local government investment

Allows counties to invest up to 25 percent of the total assets of their investments in the first tier securities of a single issuer for up to three days after acquisition and for only one issuer at a time; and defines "first tier security" in the same manner as federal SEC Rule 2a-7.

Chapter 131, Statutes of 2005

SB 274 (Romero-D) Incompatible offices: elected and appointed positions

Codifies the common law doctrine that prohibits public officials from holding incompatible offices.

Chapter 254, Statutes of 2005

SB 282 (Maldonado-R) County offices

Allows Monterey and Lassen County supervisors to adopt ordinances that convert the public administrator's office from an elected to an appointed position and to consolidate it with the public guardian. Allows Lassen County to separate the offices of the district attorney and the public administrator. Increases the amount a county board of supervisors can appropriate to a County Service Area's revolving fund from $1 million to $2 million.

Chapter 136, Statutes of 2005

SB 287 (Cox-R) Design-build contracting

Authorizes 17 additional counties to enter into design-build contracts, extends the sunset of the authorization from 2006 to 2011, and makes specified changes to the conditions and requirements for design-build contracting by counties.

Double-joints with, and contingent upon, AB 1511 (Evans), Chapter 350, Statutes of 2005.

Chapter 376, Statutes of 2005

SB 308 (Simitian-D) Recording fees: Elder and Dependent Adult Financial Abuse

Authorizes, upon adoption of a resolution, a county board of supervisors to impose a fee of up to $2 to be paid at the time of recording of real estate instruments, to be placed in the Elder and Dependent Adult Financial Abuse Prevention Trust Fund and expended to fund programs to deter, investigate, and civilly prosecute the financial abuse of elders and dependent adults in the context of real estate transactions.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

SB 321 (Morrow-R) Developer fees

Amends the Mitigation Fee Act by assigning local agencies the burden of producing evidence to establish that a mitigation fee does not exceed the cost of the public facility, service, or regulatory activity before they establish, increase, or impose the fee. Declares that this burden does not apply when school districts impose school developer fees.

(In Senate Local Government Committee)

SB 393 (Ortiz-D) Special districts

Requires ethics training for special districts' board members and managers, and increases districts' auditing and whistle-blower protection requirements.

(On Senate Appropriations Suspense File)

SB 396 (Battin-R) Telecommunications: toll call pricing

Requires the Public Utilities Commission to report to the Legislature by July 2007, on the impact of toll call pricing in the Coachella Valley and whether additional steps are necessary to encourage innovative pricing plans.

Chapter 115, Statutes of 2005

SB 399 (Escutia-D) Health services: third-party liability

States that certain health care providers who have rendered services to a Medi-Cal beneficiary because of an injury caused by a third party are entitled to a lien against the portion of the beneficiary's recovery relating to past medical expenses. Establishes new judicial procedures to resolve disputes between a Medi-Cal beneficiary and a health care provider regarding the amount to be reimbursed to the provider out of the beneficiary's recovery against a third party. Extends counties' current lien rights against judgments to also include settlements and compromises.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 409 (Kehoe-D) General plans: conservation element

Requires cities and counties to correlate the water supply portion of their conservation elements with the land use elements in their general plans.

(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)

SB 432 (Alquist-D) County fees

Removes legislative control of the fees sheriffs may charge for serving process and notice, serving and executing various writs, and serving an earnings withholding order. Instead, county boards of supervisors would be permitted to raise the fees upon the request of the sheriff.

(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 435 (Hollingsworth-R) Housing: density bonuses

Makes a number of technical, clarifying, and substantive amendments to density bonus law.

Chapter 496, Statutes of 2005

SB 457* (Kehoe-D) Disaster relief

Adds the severe rainstorms, floods, mudslides, and other events that occurred in the Counties of Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego during December 2004, January 2005, February 2005, March 2005, and June 2005 (collectively, the Disasters) to the list of disasters eligible for full state reimbursement of local property tax losses, full state reimbursement of local agency costs under the Disaster Assistance Act, and favorable net operating loss carry forward treatment.

Chapter 622, Statutes of 2005

SB 458 (Speier-D) Basic health care: counties

Allows existing county commissions, organizers of County Organized Health Systems established to offer Medi-Cal managed care, to also offer health coverage paid for from private sources, as specified.

(In Assembly Health Committee)

SB 483 (Cedillo-D) Special districts

Authorizes reimbursement disclosures by special districts to be made by posting the information on the special district's public web site.

(In Senate Local Government Committee)

SB 485 (Migden-D) Local government finance

Makes changes to the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund. Specifies that allocations made to county superintendents of schools for special education programs do not offset state aid made pursuant to other specified statutes. States legislative findings that this is a clarification of, and not a change to, existing law.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 521 (Torlakson-D) Local planning: transit village plans

Allows redevelopment agencies to promote development in project areas covered by transit village plans.

(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

SB 527 (Alquist-D) Redevelopment: senior housing

Requires redevelopment agencies to expend low-and moderate-income housing funds on housing for seniors, according to the proportion which low-income seniors are represented in the overall low-income population.

Chapter 262, Statutes of 2005

SB 557 (Battin-R) Utilities owned by municipal corporations

Allows the City of Palm Springs to sell its waste water treatment facility to the Desert Water Agency if the city council adopts a resolution finding that the public interest and convenience require the sale.

(On Assembly Third Reading File)

SB 560 (Migden-D) Local infrastructure financing plans

Requires a local agency to conduct a public hearing prior to adopting a proposed infrastructure financing plan no sooner than 45 days after the plan has been sent to the affected taxing agencies.

(In Senate Local Government Committee)

SB 568 (Kehoe-D) Property tax revenue allocations

Exempts non-enterprise healthcare districts from the 2005-06 Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund shift. Requires the State Controller to ensure that this exemption will not result in an increased property tax revenue shift for any other special district.

Chapter 602, Statutes of 2005

SB 575 (Torlakson-D) Housing development projects

Strengthens the enforcement of the existing anti-NIMBY law and limits local officials' power to turn down projects that are inconsistent with zoning if they lack adequate sites for affordable housing.

Chapter 601, Statutes of 2005

SB 596 (Bowen-D) Municipal elections: voting methods

Permits any city, county, or district to conduct a local election using a preference voting method to elect a single candidate to office or for an election to elect two or more candidates to office. A voting method authorized by this bill could be enacted either by ordinance or a measure placed on the ballot by the governing body or through the initiative process.

(In Senate Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee)

SB 658 (Kuehl-D) Coastal Environment Motor Vehicle Mitigation Program

Authorizes a fee of up to $6, in coastal and Bay Area counties, to be paid with vehicle registrations and renewals in order to fund specified environmental mitigation projects.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 671 (Cox-R) Plumas County Flood Control and Water Conservation District

Allows the Plumas County Flood Control and Water Conservation District to compensate its directors who also serve as Plumas County supervisors. Prevents the District from compensating its directors for meetings that are held on the same day as a meeting of the Plumas County Board of Supervisors.

Chapter 175, Statutes of 2005

SB 674* (Perata-D) Oakland Army Base Public Trust Exchange Act

Grants the state's sovereign interest in certain trust lands within the former Oakland Army Base (OAB), and in other lands comprising OAB redevelopment property, to the Oakland Base Reuse Authority.

Chapter 664, Statutes of 2005

SB 680 (Simitian-D) Congestion management and transportation improvements

Authorizes the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority to impose an annual vehicle registration fee up to $5 on vehicles in Santa Clara County for an eight-year period. Fee revenues will be used for traffic congestion management, the construction and improvement of streets, roads, expressways, and highways and making transit improvements. Requires a two-thirds vote of the authority to implement the fee, adopt an expenditure program and make a specified finding on the relationship of the fee to its payers and sets related conditions.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 695 (Kehoe-D) Conservation easement registry

Requires the Secretary of the Resources Agency to establish a registry of all conservation easements, open-space easements, and agricultural easements held or required by the state or purchased with state grant funds after January 1, 2000. Requires the registry be accessible to the general public by January 1, 2008, and requires the following information: (1) recordation number assigned by the county recorder, (2) purpose of the easement, (3) location of the easement, identified by county and nearest city, and (4) identity of the easement holder.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 725 (Morrow-R) Land use regulation: compensation

Provides that if a state or local public entity enacts or enforces a new land use regulation that restricts the use of private property or any interest therein and has the effect of reducing the fair market value of the property or interest by 25 percent, then the owner of the property or interest shall be paid just compensation, as specified, except with respect to certain land use regulations.

(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 732 (Ashburn-R) Local government finance: enterprise special districts

Limits the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund shift for the 2005-06 fiscal year for any enterprise special district whose budget does not exceed $2 million and that spends at least 20 percent of its total expenditures on a non-enterprise police protection function, to the lesser of 40 percent of its property tax revenues or five percent of the district's total revenue as reported in the 2001-02 edition of the State Controller's Special Districts Annual Report.

(Failed passage in Senate Local Government Committee; reconsideration granted)

SB 742 (Chesbro-D) Tidelands: City of Eureka

Changes the payment obligation of the City of Eureka for a state loan made in 1970, and re-negotiated in 1982.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 776 (Runner-R) Health care districts: mortgage insurance, loans, credit.

Allows a health care district to secure federally insured loans issued under the National Housing Act through specified financing mechanisms. Allows a health care district to establish a line of credit secured by accounts receivable or other noncapital assets.

Chapter 554, Statutes of 2005

SB 843 (Dunn-D) General plans: housing elements

Requires a court, on a finding by the Department of Housing and Community Development that there is not substantial compliance with that law, to levy a fine and award attorney fees as specified. Requires the State Controller to levy a fine of $5,000 per month or $0.25 per month per person in the jurisdiction, whichever is greater and subject to specified limits, upon a city, county, or city and county if specified conditions are met. Provides that all fines shall accrue to the Housing Supply Account, which the bill creates in the Housing Rehabilitation Loan Fund, and that no money in that account shall be expended except upon appropriation by the Legislature.

(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 851 (Murray-D) Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Establishes a consolidated system of procurement methods and procedures for the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority as an alternative to the existing procedures and methods in place.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 858 (Kehoe-D) San Diego County Water Authority

Requires the San Diego County Water Authority's controller to issue the required annual reports no later than 270 days after the fiscal year ends.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

SB 861 (Speier-D) Animals: dogs: spay, neuter, and breeding programs

Allows cities and counties to adopt breed-specific spay, neuter, and breeding ordinances.

Chapter 668, Statutes of 2005

SB 900* (Denham-R) Surplus state property: disposition

Repeals various provisions of law related to the management and disposal of state surplus property, and makes permanent certain provisions of law, that are scheduled to sunset on July 1, 2005, related to local governments' first right of refusal of surplus property, and the transfer of such property at less than fair market value under certain circumstances.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 927 (Lowenthal-D) General plans: transportation element

Renames the circulation element in local general plans as the transportation element. Makes the same change in seven other statutes that contain cross-references to the circulation element.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

SB 959* (Kehoe-D) San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board

Revises, consolidates and updates the authority of the San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board, also known as the Metropolitan Transit System, consistent with the San Diego Regional Transportation Consolidation Act of 2002.

Chapter 557, Statutes of 2005

SB 960 (Simitian-D) Tidelands: exchange: City of Santa Cruz

Prescribes a process to be used by the City of Santa Cruz, as trustee for certain state-owned tide and submerged lands, to address ownership disputes using the tools of trust termination and land exchanges.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 966 (Senate Local Government Committee) Local Government Omnibus Act of 2005 and state government

Annual Local Government Omnibus Act, making 17 relatively minor and noncontroversial changes to the state laws affecting local agencies' powers and duties.

Chapter 158, Statutes of 2005

SB 967 (Florez-D) Local agency formation

Adds two seats to the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission, reserving one for the City of Bakersfield.

Chapter 559, Statutes of 2005

SB 968 (Torlakson-D) Land use planning: general plans

Renames the circulation element of the general plan as the transportation element.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

SB 983 (Lowenthal-D) Tentative maps: notice

Increases the payments, from $500 to $1,100, that subdividers (or agents) must pay to certain tenants if they fail to provide notice to the tenants.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

SB 1010 (Florez-D) Rail service: City of Shafter

Authorizes the City of Shafter to use certain locomotive units owned by or in the possession of the state, to operate unit intermodal railroad service between the City of Shafter and the Port of Oakland.

(In Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)

SB 1026 (Kuehl-D) Highway construction contracts: design-build projects

Allows the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, until January 1, 2010, to use the "design-build" procurement method for the construction of a high-occupancy vehicle lane on I-405 (San Diego Freeway), subject to conditions governing the bidding and selection process for design-build entities, related labor, and reporting to the Legislature on the project's progress.

(On Senate Third Reading File)

SB 1052 (Kehoe-D) Property taxation: military housing

Requires a Military Housing Oversight Committee to be established for each applicable military facility, which would be comprised of a resident of the facility, the county assessor or his/her designee, and, if applicable, other county officials. Requires this Committee to approve or reject all of the private contractor's plans for these improvements and to notify the Department of Finance and the Department of Veterans Affairs of any approved plans for improvements, as specified. Specifies that if the Committee determines that the amount of the private contractor's reduction in property taxes is greater than the amount necessary to meet the demand for improvements on the facility, the criterion pertaining to improvements for the residents of the facility would be deemed to not have been met as of the lien date for the fiscal year in which that determination is made.

(In Senate Local Government Committee)

SB 1059 (Escutia-D) Electric transmission corridors

Requires cities and counties to amend their general plans to show the electric transmission corridors designated by the California Energy Commission.

(On Assembly Third Reading File)

SB 1060 (Campbell-R) Local Government Finance

Authorizes cities and counties to voluntarily exchange property tax and sales tax revenues, as allowed under Proposition 1A.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

SB 1069 (Soto-D) Redevelopment: bonds

Allows redevelopment agencies to refinance bond debt if the terms of the refinance are less (i.e., to the benefit of the agency) than the existing bond. Declares that time limits required for older redevelopment plans do not affect a redevelopment agency's right to receive property taxes to pay for refunding bonds that refinance debt authorized before January 1, 1994, if the refunding bonds' maturity date is not later than the refunded bonds' maturity date, and the refunding bonds' principal and interest is less than the refunded bonds' principal and interest.

Chapter 277, Statutes of 2005

SB 1079* (Campbell-R) Crystal Cove State Park: operating agreement

Authorizes the Department of Parks and Recreation to enter into an operating agreement with a qualified nonprofit for the purpose of developing and administering the Crystal Cove Historic District at Crystal Cove State Park.

(On Assembly Third Reading File)

SB 1085 (Migden-D) Infrastructure financing districts: public trust lands

Provides for changes and additions to the Infrastructure Finance District Law to enable the City and County of San Francisco to finance needed public infrastructure improvements to specified waterfront properties.

Chapter 213, Statutes of 2005

SB 1087 (Florez-D) Housing elements: services

Clarifies the existing priority to provide water service to low-income housing.

Chapter 727, Statutes of 2005

SB 1092* (Maldonado-R) Community services districts: East Garrison

Provides that, in the proposed formation of the East Garrison Community Services District, the Monterey County Board of Supervisors serve as the initial board of directors until the conversion to a directly elected board of directors.

Chapter 108, Statutes of 2005

SCA 12 (Torlakson-D) Eminent domain

Amends the California Constitution to specify that eminent domain cannot be used to take owner-occupied residential property for private use.

(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

SCA 15 (McClintock-R) Eminent domain: condemnation proceedings

Amends the California Constitution to preclude public entities from taking private property by eminent domain for any "private use." Relaxes the occupancy requirement only to permit entities regulated by the Public Utilities Commission to lease the property. Also amends the California Constitution to specify that private property may only be taken by eminent domain for a "stated public purpose." If the property ceases to be used for the stated public purpose the bill prevents the property from being sold or transferred without "the former owner of the property or a beneficiary or an heir" being granted a right to reacquire the property for fair market value.

(Failed passage in Senate Judiciary Committee; reconsideration granted)

SCR 60 (Simitian-D) City of Santa Cruz: "Surf City, U.S.A."

Designates the City of Santa Cruz as Surf City, U.S.A.

(In Senate Rules Committee)

AB 11 (De La Torre-D) Local agency legislative bodies: compensation

Limits community development commissions' compensation and limits compensation for city commissions.

Chapter 178, Statutes of 2005

AB 18* (La Malfa-R) Disaster relief

Includes the Shasta County wildfires that began on August 11, 2004, as disasters eligible for state reimbursement of local property tax losses, beneficial homeowners' exemption treatment, and favorable net operating loss carryforward treatment.

Chapter 624, Statutes of 2005

AB 27 (Mullin-D) Homicide trial costs

Brings clarity and expedition to the rules surrounding reimbursement of homicide trial- related court costs when there is a change of venue ordered.

Chapter 282, Statutes of 2005

AB 109 (Chan-D) California Children and Families Program

Adds three more requirements before a county children and families commission is eligible to receive its share of tobacco tax revenues. Also requires the county commissions strategic plans to measure program outcomes, using applicable indicators.

Chapter 284, Statutes of 2005

AB 126 (Dymally-D) County hospitals: indigent services

Enacts the Bielenson Fair Hearing Act of 2005. Requires a county board of supervisors to make and publish findings, based on the public hearings, that the board's proposed action will not have a detrimental impact on the health care needs of indigent people in the county.

(In Assembly Health Committee)

AB 138* (Assembly Budget Committee) State mandates

Enacts budget trailer legislation necessary to implement the 2005-06 Budget agreement for state-mandated local programs including the Peace Officers Bill of Rights and the Brown Act.

Chapter 72, Statutes of 2005

AB 139* (Assembly Budget Committee) State government

Enacts legislation necessary to implement the 2005-06 Budget agreement regarding the operations of state government. Realigns the division of undesignated court fees between the courts and the counties. Appropriates, continuously, funds in the Rural Health Care Equity Program. Specifies the allocation of funds for county probation camps from the $201.4 million appropriated in the Budget Bill from the General Fund for this purpose. Postpones from September 1 to October 15, the date by which the State Controller must notify county auditors of the final Vehicle License Fee adjustment amount for 2004-05. Provides that, notwithstanding current law, the appropriation for reimbursements to counties for the cost of homicide trials can be used to reimburse 100 percent of the extraordinary costs incurred by the County of Stanislaus related to the homicide trial People v. Peterson. Suspends the State-County Property Tax Administration Grant Program in the 2006-07 fiscal year.

Chapter 74, Statutes of 2005

AB 164* (Nava-D) Disaster relief

Adds the severe storms, flooding, debris flows, and mudslides that occurred in the Counties of Kern, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and Ventura in December 2004, January 2005, February 2005, and March 2005 (collectively, the Disasters), to the list of disasters eligible for full state reimbursement of local property tax losses, beneficial homeowners' exemption treatment, full state reimbursement of local agency costs under the Disaster Assistance Act, and favorable net operating loss carry forward treatment.

Chapter 623, Statutes of 2005

AB 183* (Cogdill-R) Conservation camps: Madera County

Requires the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to house at the Central California Women's Facility or the Valley State Prison for Women (both near Chowchilla in the Central Valley) up to 120 inmates trained to fight fires and perform public conservation projects.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 194 (Dymally-D) Brown Act violations: remedy

Permits a district attorney or any interested person to commence an action to obtain a judicial determination that an action taken by a local legislative body is in violation of the Ralph M. Brown Act, and reduces the time period that the district attorney or interested person has to make a written demand for cure or correction.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 245 (Walters-R) County design-build contracts

Allows Orange County to use the design-build contracting method until January 1, 2011.

(In Senate Local Government Committee)

AB 259 (Hancock-D) Solid waste: handling services: delinquent charges: liens

Extends the ability of county boards of supervisors to utilize their delinquent charge and fee collection procedures on a property owner if the owner fails to pay a franchised solid waste hauler or a contractor for solid waste disposal for services.

Chapter 564, Statutes of 2005

AB 311 (Baca-D) City of San Bernardino: parking structure funding

Appropriates $1,200,000 in federal Petroleum Violation Escrow Account funds to the Department of Transportation for allocation to the City of San Bernardino for the purposes of constructing a six-level parking structure at the Santa Fe Depot.

(In Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 365 (Salinas-D) Local agencies: agricultural lands

Clarifies that the definition of "agricultural use" within the Williamson Act includes greenhouse structures, and specifies that all floricultural and nursery products cultivated within greenhouses shall be deemed equal to open field floricultural and nursery products.

Chapter 605, Statutes of 2005

AB 372 (Nation-D) Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit District

Gives the Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit District board of directors the duty and power to plan, finance, and operate local and regional bus transit operations within the Counties of Sonoma and Marin.

(In Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 392 (Chan-D) County integrated health and human services

Permits any county, with the assistance and participation of the appropriate state departments, to implement a program for the funding and delivery of services and benefits through an integrated and comprehensive county health and human services system, as specified.

(On Senate Third Reading File)

AB 426 (Bogh-R) High-occupancy vehicle lanes

Requires the Department of Transportation, until January 1, 2009, to convert all 24-hour high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes on state highways in Riverside County into part-time HOV lanes that operate only during peak periods.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 463 (Tran-R) Local agencies: security information

Allows a legislative body of a local agency to go into a closed session to discuss potential threats and security issues relating to private property.

(In Senate Local Government Committee)

AB 475 (Baca-D) Local agency military base recovery area (LAMBRA)

Provides that a LAMBRA lasts 12 years from the date that the local agency notifies the Department of Housing and Community Development that 90 percent of the economic development parcels, as measured by acreage, have been transferred to the governing body.

(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 500 (La Malfa-R) State mandates

Reduces the threshold below which state mandate claims cannot be paid from $1,000 to $200.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 504 (Harman-R) Real property electronic recording

Enacts the Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act, which specifies standards for the electronic recording of real property documents and prescribe related duties of the Attorney General.

(In Assembly Local Government)

AB 554 (Nava-D) Ventura County Watershed Protection District

Authorizes the Ventura County Watershed Protection District to levy a fee on taxable real property both district wide and by zone.

Chapter 510, Statutes of 2005

AB 588 (Goldberg-D) Statistical districts: Hollywood

Requires designated state entities that develop and maintain data and statistics on the municipal level to make a separate breakdown of the community of Hollywood in the preparation of any statistical analyses.

(On Senate Third Reading File)

AB 590 (Walters-R) Eminent domain: private property

Provides that "public use" does not include the taking or damaging of property for private use, including, but not limited to, the condemnation of property for economic development.

(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 591 (Salinas-D) Elections: Monterey County: all-mailed ballot elections

Extends the expiration date to December 31, 2008, for an all-mailed ballot election in Monterey County.

(In Senate Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments)

AB 623* (Gordon-D) Redevelopment: Los Angeles Air Force Base

Authorizes the legislative bodies of communities located in Los Angeles County to adopt ordinances to expend their tax-increment monies outside of their territorial jurisdiction to implement the Los Angeles Air Force Base Retention Program through the formation of a separate joint powers entity, as specified.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 629 (Chan-D) Prisoners: Alameda County reentry services pilot program

Requires the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to contract for a re-entry services pilot program in Alameda County.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 648 (Jones-D) Development projects: disclosure requirements

Requires state and local agencies, as part of their lists of information required under the Permit Streamlining Act, to require an applicant to identify the persons or entities that will own, lease, or occupy the development project, if the applicant knows the other person or entity's identity at the time of the application.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 662* (La Suer-R) Construction defects: County of San Diego: fires

Authorizes a homeowner and a contractor, as defined, to voluntarily agree to incorporate the rights and remedies of SB 800 (Burton), Chapter 722, Statutes of 2002, in a contract for free reconstruction of a home lost during the October 2003 Cedar Fire in San Diego County. Sunsets on January 1, 2008.

Chapter 40, Statutes of 2005

AB 685 (Calderon-D) City of Montebello: police dispatch and records system

Appropriates $500,000 from the General Fund to the City of Montebello to upgrade the Montebello Police Department's Computer-Aided Dispatch and Records Management System.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 691 (Hancock-D) Transit village plans

Allows cities and counties to designate existing specific plans or redevelopment plans as transit village plans.

Chapter 309, Statutes of 2005

AB 712 (Canciamilla-D) Land use: density

Extends the sunset clause on the requirement for paying attorneys fees to enforce the no-net loss for affordable housing zoning law.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 737 (Jerome Horton-D) Property tax revenue allocations: public utilities

Requires that all property tax assessed value of a public utility plant and associated equipment be allocated entirely to the county in which the facility is located, and that the revenues derived from the tax be allocated to the county and to the school districts and the cities within the county, as applicable.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 750 (Mullin-D) Trial court funding: San Mateo County

For one year commencing on July 1, 2005, authorizes San Mateo County to reduce the amount it is required to remit to the state for funding court operations by 15 percent.

(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)

AB 759 (Lieber-D) Crime stoppers program

Permits counties with a local Crime Stoppers Program to levy an additional penalty, not to exceed $2, upon every fine, penalty, or forfeiture imposed by the courts for criminal offenses, except parking offenses, to fund that county's local Crime Stoppers Program.

(In Assembly Health Committee)

AB 796 (Wolk-D) Library districts

Allows the selection of a name for a library district that sufficiently distinguishes the library district from an existing school district.

Chapter 27, Statutes of 2005

AB 799 (Leno-D) Local vehicle license fee: San Francisco

Authorizes the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco to place on the ballot a measure to impose a vehicle license fee on vehicles owned by residents of San Francisco.

(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 802 (Wolk-D) Land use: water supply

Requires local governments to include flood management in the conservation element of their general plans.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 818 (Leslie-R) Local agencies

Re-enacts the law allowing cities and counties to use consultation, mediation, and arbitration to reach property tax exchange agreements for city annexations. Extends the sunset date from January 1, 2005, to January 1, 2010.

Chapter 189, Statutes of 2005

AB 842 (Arambula-D) Federal refugee cash assistance funds: county transfers

Requires that if a refugee receiving cash assistance from the county from funds received under the federal Refugee Act of 1980 moves to another county eligible to receive those funds, the county from which the refugee moves shall transfer a proportionate share of those funds to the receiving county.

(In Assembly Human Services Committee)

AB 919 (Bogh-R) Tax collector: property tax: sale of tax certificates

Revises the procedures for sales of tax certificates for tax-defaulted property by local agencies.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 921 (Daucher-R) Redevelopment

Allows redevelopment agencies to extend the time limit on redevelopment activities for an additional 25 years without making a new finding of blight.

(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 939 (Mullin-D) Redevelopment

Expands the area where an eligible housing development may be located to include within one-half mile of San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District stations located within San Mateo County and within one-half mile of that portion of El Camino Real located within San Mateo County. Limits the maximum amount of pooled housing funds that may be used to purchase property to the equivalent of 80 percent of the appraised value of the property to be purchased.

(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 981 (Negrete McLeod-D) Joint powers authority: Los Angeles

Authorizes a private nonprofit corporation that conducts fairs and other events and exhibitions on land leased from the County of Los Angeles to enter into a joint powers agreement with a public agency, for mutually beneficial uses of the public land.

Chapter 122, Statutes of 2005

AB 983 (Laird-D) Housing: downpayment assistance

Extends the sunset clause on the program allowing redevelopment agencies in Santa Cruz County to use different eligibility standards for affordable homeownership assistance.

Chapter 225, Statutes of 2005

AB 986 (Torrico-D) Transit oriented development

Requires the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) joint policy committee to prepare a plan identifying regional priority transit oriented development zones for the San Francisco Bay Area region. The report will be reviewed and approved by MTC and the executive board of ABAG and submitted to the Legislature by January 1, 2007.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 991 (DeVore-R) Mosquito abatement and vector control districts

Reduces the size of the board of trustees for the Orange County Vector Control District.

(Failed passage in Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 997 (Cogdill-R) State regulatory agencies: fee notification

Requires that whenever a state regulatory agency or department imposes a new fee or increases an existing fee charged to a county, it shall notify the affected counties by June 30 of each year, or within 30 days of the enactment of the State Budget, in which the fee is imposed or increased.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1005 (Calderon-D) Horse racing: San Mateo County

Authorizes the San Mateo County Fair, subject to California Horse Racing Board (CHRB) approval, to conduct its racing dates at another facility or fair and authorizes, subject to CHRB approval, satellite wagering to be conducted on the fairgrounds or leased property only when live thoroughbred racing dates are no longer allocated by the CHRB for racing at Bay Meadows.

(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

AB 1013 (Garcia-R) Local elected officials: vacancy: appointment

Provides that the city council of a general law city shall fill a vacancy of an elective office within 30 days by appointment of the person who received the third-highest number of votes in the prior election for that office. If the person is not available, the council shall then call a special election to be held within 114 days.

(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)

AB 1020 (Hancock-D) Planning: smart growth models

Requires certain federally-designated metropolitan planning organizations and certain state-designated regional transportation planning agencies to develop and implement improved regional travel models incorporating smart growth concepts and to undertake other related planning activities.

(In Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1033 (Daucher-R) Property tax revenue allocations

Increases property tax allocations to certain county governments that received less than the statewide average percentage of property tax revenues for the 2002-03 fiscal year by transferring property tax revenues from the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund in each qualifying county, beginning in 2006-07.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1075 (Blakeslee-R) County organized health systems

Expands the potential service area of the county organized health system for Santa Barbara County, the Santa Barbara Regional Health Authority, to include counties contiguous to Santa Barbara County.

Chapter 29, Statutes of 2005

AB 1085 (Ruskin-D) County Health Initiative Matching Fund

Changes the income eligibility criteria for children to include those with a family income level at or below 400 percent of the federal poverty level.

(In Assembly Health Committee)

AB 1094 (Nakanishi-R) State property: lease: Ione Youth Facility

Designates a specified state-owned property in Amador County as surplus property and conveys that property to Amador County for a price of $1.

(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

AB 1127 (Garcia-R) Two-way video teleconferencing testing

Creates a two-year pilot program to require the court in Riverside County to receive testimony from a law enforcement officer via two-way teleconferencing from Palm Springs, Moreno Valley, or Corona for Vehicle Code or local ordinance infractions. Provides that a court clerk shall be present at the location where the video teleconferenced testimony is provided.

(In Senate Public Safety Committee)

AB 1131 (Torrico-D) Health care districts: asset transfer

Extends the termination date in statute that allows local health care districts to transfer their assets to for-profit corporations from January 1, 2006, to January 1, 2011.

Chapter 194, Statutes of 2005

AB 1140 (Dymally-D) Water districts: landowner requirements

Requires a person to be a resident of a water district in order to vote on elections in that district or serve on the board of that district.

(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)

AB 1146 (Huff-R) Local government finance: ad valorem property tax revenues

Requires the board of supervisors of each county to negotiate, in good faith, with the governing body of qualified cities within the county to transfer from the county treasury to those cities, an amount equal to a portion of ad valorem property tax revenues apportioned to the county.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1155 (La Suer-R) Grossmont Healthcare District

Allows the Grossmont Healthcare District to renegotiate or extend its lease with Sharp Healthcare for an additional 30 years, subject to majority-voter approval.

Chapter 195, Statutes of 2005

AB 1162 (Mullin-D) Eminent domain

Imposes a two-year moratorium on redevelopment agencies' use of eminent domain on owner-occupied residential property to transfer the property to another private owner. Requires studies by the California Research Bureau and The California Law Revision Commission.

(In Senate Rules Committee)

AB 1167 (Chu-D) Redevelopment: El Monte

Authorizes the City of El Monte and the El Monte Community Redevelopment Agency to amend, on or after July 1, 2007, the Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown El Monte Redevelopment Project to allow it to carry out one or more transit oriented redevelopment projects.

(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 1170* (Canciamilla-D) San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District

Exempts specified seismic retrofit work to be conducted by the Bay Area Rapid Transit District from the California Environmental Quality Act provided that certain conditions are met.

Chapter 536, Statutes of 2005

AB 1197 (Gordon-D) Aviation: Southern California Regional Aviation Commission

Establishes the Southern California Regional Aviation Commission with responsibility for the development of strategies and policies to be employed by state and local governmental entities to facilitate the regional distribution of aviation services to existing airports throughout southern California.

(In Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1198 (Mullin-D) Juvenile court records: County of San Mateo

Authorizes San Mateo County Board of Supervisors to establish a demonstration project permitting the exchange of information concerning a juvenile.

(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)

AB 1204 (Laird-D) Parks: Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District

Authorizes the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) to convey approximately 130 acres of land to the Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District for public park uses, subject to an agreement between DPR and the District.

(On Assembly Third Reading File)

AB 1205 (Blakeslee-R) Development project fees: protests

Provides that any party may file a protest under the Mitigation Fee Act regardless of whether the action includes a facial challenge to the ordinance, resolution, or motion authorizing the fee, dedication, reservation, or other exaction imposed on the development project.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1230 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Public hospitals: inspector general: Los Angeles County

Authorizes the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to establish an office of inspector general to conduct audits and investigations of the county health care system in Los Angeles County.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1233 (Jones-D) Housing element: regional housing need

Requires that any portion of a local government's share of the regional housing need that remains unprovided for at the end of one planning period be carried over into, and provided for through zoning or rezoning in, the subsequent planning period.

Chapter 614, Statutes of 2005

AB 1234 (Salinas-D) Local agencies: compensation and ethics

Clarifies the rules pertaining to compensation to members of a local government legislative body for attendance at authorized meetings and conferences. Requires the establishment of guidelines for reimbursement of members of a local government legislative body for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official duties. Establishes provisions for ethics training for local government officials and designated employees.

Chapter 700, Statutes of 2005

AB 1238 (Plescia-R) North County Transit District

Renames the North San Diego County Transit Development Board as the North County Transit District, adds members to the District's board of directors and makes related technical and conforming changes to the District's structure and operation.

Chapter 150, Statutes of 2005

AB 1243 (Benoit-R) Local government finance

Requires county auditors and treasurers to maintain tax resource accounts on a full-accrual basis, and in recording prior year amounts received from the supplemental tax roll, to distinguish between delinquent and nondelinquent amounts, and specifies distribution manner.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1248 (Umberg-D) Criminal law: booking fees

Prohibits a county from charging a fee to other local agencies for booking and detention of an arrested person in the county jail, except in cases of arrest for specified nonfelonious offenses.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1252 (Pavley-D) Department of Transportation: design-build contracting

Authorizes the Department of Transportation to use the design-build contracting process or the design-sequencing process to construct high-occupancy vehicle lanes on the I-405 freeway in Los Angeles.

(On Senate Third Reading File)

AB 1259 (Daucher-R) Property tax revenue allocation

Beginning with the 2006-07 fiscal year, requires the county auditor to increase the total amount of ad valorem property tax revenue otherwise required to be allocated to a qualified city, qualified county, and qualified city and county, by a housing bonus amount.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1296 (Hancock-D) San Francisco Bay Area Water Trail

Establishes the San Francisco Bay Area Water Trail and requires the Bay Conservation and Development Commission, in collaboration with the Coastal Conservancy, other public agencies and interested parties, to prepare a water trail plan by January 1, 2008.

Chapter 331, Statutes of 2005

AB 1309* (Yee-D) Local health authorities and commissions

Requires licensed health plans established under a joint powers agreement, where one party to the agreement is a county-established local initiative, to meet all of the requirements in existing law applicable to local initiatives, including but not limited to, governance, public records requirements, open meeting requirements, and conflicts of interest.

Chapter 516, Statutes of 2005

AB 1314 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Neighborhood councils: open meetings

Exempts subcommittees of the neighborhood councils in the City of Los Angeles from the 72-hour meeting notification requirement of the Ralph M. Brown Act.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 1318 (Evans-D) County officers: public administrators

Allows the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors to convert the public administrators office from an elected to an appointed position, adds it to the list of counties that may appoint the same person to the offices of public administrator and public guardian, and adopts an ordinance to allow the Director of Transportation to directly appoint the county surveyor. Allows the Sonoma and Tulare County Boards of Supervisors to consolidate the offices of the auditor-controller and the treasurer-tax collector.

Chapter 407, Statutes of 2005

AB 1329 (Wolk-D) Design-build contracting: cities

Allows the cities in Solano and Yolo Counties to use the design-build contracting method until January 1, 2011.

Chapter 228, Statutes of 2005

AB 1330 (Karnette-D) Redevelopment: Los Angeles Harbor District

Establishes the Harbor District Development Authority in the City of Los Angeles. Authorizes the City of Los Angeles to designate the Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners as the redevelopment agency for the Harbor. Redefines blight to fit the conditions in the Los Angeles Harbor District.

(Failed passage in Assembly Local Government Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 1335 (Vargas-D) Business improvement and residential areas

Modifies and expands the list of activities eligible for funding under the Parking and Business Improvement Area Law of 1989 and makes several changes to the Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994.

(In Senate Local Government Committee)

AB 1351 (Vargas-D) San Diego County Regional Airport Authority

Allows the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority to issue notes, commercial paper notes, or any other type of obligation allowable by law.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1352 (Bogh-R) Redevelopment: transfer of funds

Allows two redevelopment agencies located within the same housing region to adopt a resolution for the purpose of pooling their low- and moderate-income housing funds for affordable housing uses.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1367 (Evans-D) General plans: regional housing need

Prohibits a state, local, or regional agency, or any other governmental entity from enacting regulations applicable to a city or county's fair share of the regional housing need that are contrary to the land use determinations made in compliance with locally adopted land use initiatives.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1438 (Salinas-D) Local agencies: open meetings

Exempts local health plans from the teleconferencing quorum requirement by allowing for the establishment of a quorum by members of the local health board participating via teleconference who are located outside the jurisdiction.

Chapter 540, Statutes of 2005

AB 1443 (Hancock-D) Local agency auditors

Deletes the ability of an auditor of a county, special district, or city to order the personal papers and correspondence of any person providing assistance to the auditor to become public records if that person has requested in writing that the papers be kept private and confidential.

(In Senate Local Government Committee)

AB 1450 (Evans-D) Land use: density bonus

Requires that units targeted for moderate-income households as part of a housing development receiving a density bonus be affordable at a rent that does not exceed 30 percent of 120 percent of the area's median income, and creates requirements for the continued affordability and resale of these units.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1457* (Baca-D) State property: City of San Bernardino

Establishes conditions for a proposed transfer of park land in exchange for establishing a new park elsewhere in San Bernardino.

(In Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee)

AB 1460 (Umberg-D) Subdivisions: release of performance security

Creates time limits and procedures by which a local government must either notify a subdivider or contractor of any incomplete performance or unsatisfactory work or release the security given for faithful performance of the act or agreement.

Chapter 411, Statutes of 2005

AB 1467 (Laird-D) State mandates

Allows the Legislature to identify a mandate in the Budget Act by the commission's test claim number as an alternative to the mandate's implementing statute or executive order.

(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 1472 (Coto-D) Redevelopment

Authorizes an agency to extend the time limit on effectiveness of a redevelopment plan for a maximum of 10 additional years if significant physical or economic blight remaining in the project area may not be reasonably eliminated without the extension of the time limit, and the amended redevelopment plan meets certain specified requirements.

(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 1491 (Calderon-D) Redevelopment: low and moderate income housing

Authorizes a qualifying city in the County of Los Angeles to transfer a specified amount to a public entity located outside the qualifying city and to the housing authority or only to the authority if additional conditions are met.

(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 1497* (Baca-D) Government real property

Declares that the use of specified property by the San Bernardino City Unified School District as recreational fields open to the public is in compliance with the purposes and intent of the terms of the quitclaim deed that transferred the property from the state to the City of San Bernardino Redevelopment Agency.

Chapter 541, Statutes of 2005

AB 1499 (Benoit-R) Outdoor advertising: City of Riverside

Exempts from the prohibition against placing advertising displays adjacent to landscaped freeways an advertising structure (billboard or sign) used to advertise development projects or private commercial centers in the City of Riverside.

(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

AB 1511 (Evans-D) Design-build contracting

Authorizes six additional counties to enter into design-build contracts, extends the sunset of the authorization from 2006 to 2011, and makes specified changes to the conditions and requirements for design-build contracting by counties.

Chapter 350, Statutes of 2005

AB 1518 (Jerome Horton-D) Outdoor advertising

Provides an exemption to the Outdoor Advertising Act by authorizing up to three billboards on Lennox School District property in Los Angeles.

(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

AB 1519 (Emmerson-R) Government records: destruction

Authorizes cities, counties, and special districts to destroy video monitoring recordings after 100 days.

(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

AB 1552 (La Suer-R) San Diego Consolidated Transportation Agency

Expands the governing board of the San Diego Consolidated Transportation Agency by one additional supervisor to be appointed to the governing board, based on specified requirements for representation from both incorporated and unincorporated parts of the county.

(In Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1590* (Lieber-D) Property tax revenue allocations: special districts

Reduces the 2005-06 shift of property tax revenues from enterprise special districts that also perform non-enterprise functions to the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund in each county.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1596* (Emmerson-R) Property tax revenue allocations

Exempts the Yucaipa Valley Water District from the 2005-06 Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund property tax shift.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1599 (La Malfa-R) Homicide trial costs

Requires the state to reimburse 100 percent of the costs incurred by the Counties of Tehama and Siskiyou for specified trials.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1602* (Laird-D) Local government finance

Eliminates the restriction on new cities incorporated after August 5, 2004, from receiving additional allocations of vehicle license fee revenues for a period of seven years according to a statutory formula.

(In Senate Local Government Committee)

AB 1606 (Salinas-D) Redevelopment: low-income housing

Requires that income eligibility for the purpose of regulating funds used for increasing and improving the community's supply of low- and moderate-income housing be based upon the income of each individual residing in the unit and not on the aggregate income of the residents in the unit.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1615 (Klehs-D) Tax accounts: local governments

Requires cities, counties, special districts, and community redevelopment agencies to report all past due taxes levied and assessed that are still receivable as part of their annual report to the State Controller's Office.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1623 (Klehs-D) County transportation agencies

Authorizes the designated county transportation agencies in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin and Napa Counties to impose an annual fee of up to $5 on motor vehicles registered within their respective jurisdictions for a program to manage traffic congestion and mitigate the environmental impacts of motor vehicles within that county.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1690 (Laird-D) Municipal services: University of California

Requires the Legislative Analyst's Office, in collaboration with other entities, to conduct a review of the planning processes used by the University of California.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1712 (Hancock-D) Domestic violence

Seeks to authorize the City of Berkeley to increase the fees for copies of specified records in order to assist in domestic violence prevention.

Chapter 545, Statutes of 2005

AB 1746 (Assembly Local Government Committee) Local government reorganization

Makes eight changes to the state laws affecting local agency formation commissions (LAFCOs) and local governments' boundaries. Extends the deadline for LAFCOs to review, revise, and update their spheres of influence from January 1, 2006, to January 1, 2008.

Chapter 347, Statutes of 2005

AB 1747 (Wolk-D) Joint exercise of powers

Allows the Tribal Council of the Rumsey Band of Wintun Indians to enter a joint powers agreement with Yolo County and other specified agencies.

Vetoed by the Governor

ACA 7 (Nation-D) Local governmental taxation: special taxes: voter approval

Lowers the voter approval requirement for a city, county or special district to impose a special tax from two-thirds to 55 percent of the voters voting on the measure.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

ACA 13 (Harman-R) Local government: assessments and fees or charges

Exempts assessments for the purposes of financing the capital costs or maintenance and operation expenses of flood control.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

ACA 16 (Gordon-D) Taxation to supplement public safety funding

Lowers the vote threshold for approval of a special tax for the purpose of providing supplemental funding for sheriff, police, or fire protection services from a two-thirds to a 55 percent majority of votes cast.

(On Assembly Third Reading File)

TopIndex Immigration Issues

SB 60 (Cedillo-D) Vehicles: driver's license

Establishes a framework by which an individual could obtain a driver's license without being required to produce evidence of his/her legal presence in the country. Intends to help the state achieve compliance with the federal Real ID Act of 2005. The Act established standards and procedures for the issuance of driver's licenses and ID cards and authorized the states to issue driver's licenses and ID cards and authorized the states to issue driver's licenses and ID cards to undocumented immigrants, providing that these particular licenses and cards clearly state that they may not be used for any other official purpose and use a unique design or color.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 112 (Ortiz-D) Refugee social services

Changes the funding formula for dividing federal funds, among counties, for social services.

Chapter 492, Statutes of 2005

SB 349 (McClintock-R) Non-resident tuition

Excludes students without legal immigration status from provisions of current law that exempt a non-resident student, meeting specified criteria, from paying non-resident tuition at the California State University and the California Community Colleges

(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee)

SB 590 (Cedillo-D) Auto insurance

Allows the court, at its discretion, to lower the mandatory fine for undocumented immigrants who are unable to provide proof of auto insurance.

(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 645 (Dunn-D) Mexican repatriation

Establishes a Commission on the Unconstitutional Deportation of American Citizens During the 1930s for addressing the forced deportation and emigration of persons of Mexican descent during the 1930s and 1940s.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 670 (Dunn-D) Mexican repatriation program: state apology

Expresses the apology of the State of California to the victims that were illegally deported or coerced into leaving the United States under the Mexican Repatriation Program of the 1930s and requires a plaque be placed in a designated public location to commemorate the victims of the repatriation program.

Chapter 663, Statutes of 2005

SB 692 (Morrow-R) Undocumented immigrants

Requires the California State University to conduct a comprehensive study of the cost and benefits that occur as a result of illegal immigration.

(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)

SB 693 (Morrow-R) State militia: border control assistance

Authorizes the Adjutant General to coordinate with government authorities for border control operations.

(In Senate Veterans Affairs Committee)

SB 694 (Morrow-R) Undocumented aliens: schools

Requires school districts and county superintendent of schools to obtain proof of pupils' legal citizenship or legal residency, as specified. Failure to provide this information does not prohibit a pupil from enrolling in school. The information shall be confidential and shall be annually submitted by school districts and county superintendents of schools on their California Basic Education Data System report.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 1075* (Hollingsworth-R) Illegal immigration

Adds illegal immigration as a condition to "state of emergency" and "local emergency."

(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)

AB 332 (Bogh-R) Immigration arrests

Provides that it is state policy that no law enforcement entity or any local governing body may adopt an ordinance, rule, or order, or otherwise implement a policy, that prohibits law enforcement officers from initiating action to discover a person's alien status or that prohibits a law enforcement officer from arresting or booking a person for entering the United States illegally.

(Failed passage in Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AB 425 (Negrete McLeod-D) Immigration consultants

Requires immigration consultants to include additional information on all forms, documents, petitions, and correspondence.

(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)

AB 630 (Chu-D) Immigration consultants: surety bonds

Requires a corporate surety to notify the city attorney or district attorney of the cancellation or termination of, or the reduction in the requisite limit of, the bond issued to the immigration consultant. Makes a violation of this requirement subject to a civil penalty collected by the Attorney General, a district attorney, or a city attorney not to exceed $10,000 for each violation.

(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)

AB 794 (Chu-D) Health care: immigrants

Authorizes the Department of Health Services to accept or use funds allocated to the state, under the federal State Children's Health Insurance Program, to fund the medically necessary pregnancy-related services provided to immigrants under the Medi-Cal program, and to accept and use these funds for women in the Access for Infants and Mothers Program only when, during the period of coverage, the woman is the beneficiary. Affirms the State Supreme Court's holding in People v. Belous and states that the bill is declaratory of existing law.

Chapter 23, Statutes of 2005

AB 842 (Arambula-D) Federal refugee cash assistance funds

Requires that if a refugee receiving cash assistance from the county for funds received under the federal Refugee Act of 1980 moves to another county eligible to receive those funds, the county from which the refugee moves shall transfer a proportionate share of those funds to the receiving county.

(Died in Assembly Human Services Committee)

AB 930 (De La Torre-D) New Californians Act

Enacts the New Californians Act, establishing a naturalization program within the Department of Community Services and Development.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1338 (Nation-D) Immigrant children

Seeks to provide certain immigrant children with immigration counsel and to require adoption agencies to disclose information to prospective adoptive parents regarding a child's immigration status.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1446 (Karnette-D) Foreign prisoners

Makes specified revisions in the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (DCR) and the Board of Prison Terms obligations under the foreign prisoner transfer program regarding notification and process, and prohibits, to the extent possible under federal law, the DCR Director from transferring a foreign national if that person's country of nationality is not in compliance with the obligations of an extradition treaty by refusing to extradite any person wanted for a criminal offense in California, as specified.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

ACA 6 (Wyland-R) Undocumented immigrants: public benefits

Prohibits all public benefits to anyone who resides in California but is undocumented, unless the benefits are provided pursuant to federal law.

(Failed passage in Assembly Judiciary Committee)

ACA 20 (Haynes-R) Enforcement of immigration law

Creates a California Border Police in order to enforce federal immigration law.

(Failed passage in Assembly Judiciary Committee)

TopIndex Federal Issues

SJR 2 (Speier-D) Armenian Genocide: Day of Remembrance

Designates April 24, 2005, as California Day of Remembrance for the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923. Requests the Congress of the United States to act likewise to commemorate the Armenian Genocide.

Resolution Chapter 22, Statutes of 2005

SJR 3 (Hollingsworth-R) Ronald Reagan statue

Requests the Congress of the United States to place a statue of former President Ronald Reagan next to the statue of Father Serra in the Congressional collection representing California.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)

SJR 4 (Alquist-D) Cyprus: reunification

Commends the people of Cyprus for their continued efforts in search of a just resolution of the Cyprus problem and also calls on the President and the Congress of the United States to continue our country's historic support for the reunification of Cyprus, while fully respecting that the government of the Republic of Cyprus is the only legitimate sovereign authority for the entire island of Cyprus.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)

SJR 5 (Speier-D) Food recalls

Requests the President and the Congress of the United States to give the United States Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration the authority to implement a mandatory food recall system.

(On Senate Third Reading File)

SJR 6 (Soto-D) Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Recognizes the contributions of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, on the 60th anniversary of his death.

(In Senate Rules Committee)

SJR 7 (Bowen-D) Equal Pay Day

Proclaims April 10, 2005, as Equal Pay Day in California and urges the Congress of the United States to protect the right of all American women to receive equal pay for equal work, and to continue to provide effective remedies to victims of discrimination in the payment of wages on the basis of sex.

Resolution Chapter 35, Statutes 2005

SJR 8 (Soto-D) Federal Enhancing Education Through Technology Act

Requests the Congress and the President of the United States to fully restore federal Enhancing Education Through Technology Act funding to the amount originally authorized under the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.

Resolution Chapter 95, Statutes 2005

SJR 9 (Morrow-R) Retired military personnel: Medicare

Requests the Congress and the President of the United States support and enact legislation that provides Medicare payments to military treatment facilities for retired military personnel and their dependents who meet Medicare age standards.

Resolution Chapter 89, Statutes 2005

SJR 10 (Figueroa-D) U.S.A. PATRIOT Act

Urges the California Congressional delegation to work to repeal any provisions of the U.S.A. PATRIOT Act that limit or impinge on rights and liberties protected equally by the United States Constitution and the California Constitution and to oppose any pending and future federal legislation to the extent that it infringes on Americans' civil rights and liberties. Resolves that the State of California will ensure that no state resources are provided for any action that violates the United States Constitution and the California Constitution, including specified actions.

(On Assembly Third Reading)

SJR 11 (Kehoe-D) Military: "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy

Urges the Congress and the President of the United States to adopt the Military Readiness Enhancement Act of 2005 (H.R. 1059), that institutes a policy of nondiscrimination based on sexual orientation, and to repeal the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

Resolution Chapter 108, Statutes 2005

SJR 12 (Chesbro-D) Wine: user fees

Requests the Congress of the United States to oppose and defeat a 2006 budget proposal for $29 million in user fees to be collected by the Department of Treasury's Tax and Trade Bureau for wine label, formula, and permit applications and administrative costs.

Resolution Chapter 77, Statutes 2005

SJR 13 (Escutia-D) Railroad Safety

Urges the President and the Congress of the United States to amend the Federal Railroad Safety Act to allow state and local regulation, so long as the state or local regulation does not conflict with federal law, nor impose an unreasonable burden on interstate commerce.

(In Assembly Taxation Committee)

SJR 14 (Battin-R) The Ben Clark Public Safety Training Center

Urges the President and the Congress of the United States to recognize the Ben Clark Public Safety Training Center, located at March Air Reserve Base in Riverside County, as a leader in homeland security training.

Resolution Chapter 62, Statutes of 2005

SJR 15 (Dutton-R) Retirement benefits: teachers

Requests the President and the Congress of the United States to enact the Social Security Fairness Act of 2005 which repeals the Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision from the Social Security Act.

(In Assembly Public Employees Retirement, and Social Security Committee)

SJR 16 (Machado-D) Mad Cow Disease

Urges the President and the Congress of the United States to allow private companies to voluntarily meet the requirements of currently closed foreign markets by using approved testing protocols to test cattle. Also requests the President and the Congress of the United States to take additional steps to improve food safety.

(In Senate Agriculture Committee)

SJR 17 (Ortiz-D) Stem cell research

Requests the Congress and the President of the United States to take specified actions regarding stem cell research and to prohibit human cloning.

Resolution Chapter 109, Statutes 2005

SR 11 (Soto-D) Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Recognizes the contributions of Franklin Delano Roosevelt on the anniversary of his death.

Read and adopted

ACR 80 (DeVore-R) Elections in Iraq

Commends and congratulate the people of Iraq on the election held on January 30, 2005, encourages further steps toward establishment of a free, democratic, secure, and prosperous Iraq, and acknowledges and commends the role of the California National Guard units deployed to Iraq.

(Unassigned to a committee)

ACR 91 (DeVore-R) Republic of China on Taiwan

Commends the citizens of the Republic of China on Taiwan for establishing a vibrant, multiparty democracy and for their dedication to the ideals of liberty, freedom, and human rights.

(Unassigned to a committee)

AJR 1 (Bermudez-D) Dr. Dalip S. Saund

Requests the President and the Congress of the United States to urge the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee and the United States Postal Service to issue a commemorative stamp to honor Dr. Dalip S. Saund, and urge all Californians to celebrate his birthday each year in recognition of Dr. Saund's outstanding achievements.

(Resolution Chapter 67, Statutes 2005)

AJR 2 (Evans-D) Full benefits of Filipino veterans of the United States Army

Requests the President and the Congress of the United States to honor the contributions of Filipino-American war veterans and to direct the federal government to immediately pay promised veterans' benefits as the first order of business of the 109th Congress.

Resolution Chapter 117, Statutes 2005

AJR 3 (Cohn-D) Reproductive rights: Roe v. Wade

Requests the Congress and the President of the United States to protect and uphold the intent and substance of the United States Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, relating to reproductive rights.

Resolution 83, Statutes of 2005

AJR 4 (Tran-R) Death tax

Requests the President and the Congress of the United States to enact legislation that permanently repeals the death tax.

(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AJR 5 (Oropeza-D) Corporate average fuel economy standards

Requests the Congress and the President of the United States to take necessary action to increase corporate average fuel economy standards by at least 1.5 miles per gallon per annum until total average fuel economy for the new light-duty motor vehicle fleet sold in California is double today's average.

Resolution Chapter 85, Statutes of 2005

AJR 6 (Koretz-D) Darfur genocide

Expresses the sense of the Legislature with respect to matters surrounding the Darfur genocide and requests that the President and the Congress of the United States continue to take all prudent and necessary steps to ensure that these matters are addressed at the highest levels of the federal government.

Resolution Chapter 57, Statutes of 2005

AJR 7 (Huff-R) ZIP Codes

Urges the United States Postmaster to create ZIP Codes that do not encompass more than one municipality.

Resolution Chapter 58, Statutes of 2005

AJR 8 (Canciamilla-D) Marine pollution

Urges the Congress of the United States to ratify treaty provisions known as Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency to pursue the creation of a North America Sulfur Emission Control Area.

Resolution Chapter 93, Statutes of 2005

AJR 9 (Shirley Horton-R) Transportation infrastructure finance

Requests the President and the Congress of the United States to enact legislation that will ensure that California receives a more equitable distribution of federal tax dollars for transportation funding and a higher rate of return in terms of federal money received per dollar of federal tax paid.

(In Assembly Transportation Committee)

AJR 10 (Chu-D) Foster care services: funding: Title IV-E Waiver

Declares legislative support for, and urges federal approval of, the California Title IV-E Waiver Demonstration Project Application, submitted to the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Requests the Congress of the United States, and urges states and counties, to enact laws and policies to allow for more flexible use of federal child welfare funding to support the needs of children and families at risk, even if the child is not removed from the home or formally made part of the child welfare system. Urges designated federal, state, and local agencies to take related actions in furtherance of the Title IV-E Waiver.

Resolution Chapter 68, Statutes of 2005

AJR 11 (Chan-D) Social Security

Requests the President and the Congress of the United States to take thoughtful, well-measured steps to alleviate potential future problems within our social security structure, as specified.

(In Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)

AJR 13 (Torrico-D) Social Security

Requests the Congress of the United States to carefully study a variety of potential changes that will address Social Security's problems, while ensuring that the program will continue to meet its purpose of providing income protections and economic security for America's families, as specified.

Resolution Chapter 85, Statutes of 2005

AJR 14 (Yee-D) Oil and gas: offshore drilling: leases: moratorium

Requests that the Congress of the United States continue the federal offshore oil and gas leasing moratorium for fiscal year 2006 and beyond, and expresses opposition to certain provisions of proposed federal energy policies and legislation.

Resolution Chapter 94, Statutes of 2005

AJR 15 (Baca-D) Mag Instrument flashlight patent

Requests the Congress and the President of the United States to take necessary action to extend by two years the Mag Instrument flashlight patent by approving HR 607 and thereby protecting this highly valued manufacturing company and prized employment for the citizens of the Inland Empire.

Resolution Chapter 86, Statutes of 2005

AJR 16 (Baca-D) Fair and equitable treatment for truck and bus drivers

Requests the Congress and the President of the United States to take necessary action to amend the federal statutes in an expeditious manner to allow for the equal treatment of commercial drivers who are off duty and using a private vehicle when they incur minor traffic infractions.

Resolution Chapter 59, Statutes of 2005

AJR 17 (Jones-D) Child support penalties

Requests the Congress of the United States to enact the Child Support Reinvestment Act of 2005 which revises the method used to assess federal penalties imposed for the failure of a state to fully implement a certified statewide child support automation system, as specified.

Resolution Chapter 118, Statutes of 2005

AJR 18 (Jones-D) Amtrak

Requests the Congress of the United States to provide adequate operating and capital funding for Amtrak at specified levels, to preserve and improve the four national network Amtrak trains, currently serving California, and to establish a multiyear capital funding program available to the states on a matching basis to initiate, improve, or expand passenger rail services and provide an adequate level of capital funding for Amtrak to sustain the mandated rail passenger services.

Resolution Chapter 119, Statutes of 2005

AJR 19 (Dymally-D) Voting Rights Act of 1965

Urges the President and the Congress of the United States to declare their public support for reauthorizing the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, certain provisions of which are scheduled to expire in 2007 unless extended by Congress.

Resolution Chapter 60, Statutes of 2005

AJR 20 (Nunez-D) Agricultural workers

States the Legislature's support of the immigration reform bill known as AgJOBS (Agricultural Job Opportunity, Benefits, and Security Act).

(On Assembly Inactive File)

AJR 21 (Karnette-D) Port customs revenues

Requests the Congress and the President of the United States to increase funding for California's ports and to enact legislation that, in recognition of the unique role served by ports in California, ensures a return of an equitable share of the customs revenue generated by, and collected from, this state.

Resolution Chapter 21, Statutes of 2005

AJR 22 (Bass-D) School records

Memorializes the Congress and the President of the United States to enact an exception to the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act to allow schools to share relevant pupil records with interagency child death teams.

Resolution Chapter 101, Statutes of 2005

AJR 23 (Klehs-D) Japanese internment camps

Urges the Congress of the United States, including all members of the California delegation, to vote for passage of, and urge President Bush to sign into law legislation that authorizes $38 million in federal funds to preserve camps where Japanese-Americans were interned during World War II.

Resolution Chapter 102, Statutes of 2005

AJR 24 (Calderon-D) Ryan White CARE Act reauthorization

Urges the Congress and the President of the United States to expeditiously reauthorize the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act.

Resolution Chapter 120, Statutes of 2005

AJR 25 (Baca-D) Veterans benefits

Requests the President and the Congress of the United States to enact legislation to establish a federal-state partnership to use local county veterans service officers to assist the United States Department of Veterans Affairs in eliminating the veterans claims processing backlog.

(In Senate Veterans Affairs Committee)

AJR 26 (Chu-D) Federal TRIO programs: Upward Bound and Talent Search

Memorializes the President and the Congress of the United States to remove from the President's 2006 budget proposal the recommendation that eliminates the federal TRIO programs, Upward Bound and Talent Search. Also requests that the federal TRIO programs, Upward Bound and Talent Search, continue to be funded.

Resolution Chapter 144, Statutes of 2005

AJR 27 (Jones-D) Organized labor

Requests the Congress of the United States to enact pending federal legislation that protects and preserves the right of American workers to organize.

Resolution Chapter 103, Statutes of 2005

AJR 28 (Assembly Aging And Long-Term Care Committee) Mexican extradition

Urges the Government of Mexico to take necessary steps to ensure extradition or prosecution of criminals facing life sentences or the death penalty for crimes committed in the United States.

(In Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AJR 29 (Jerome Horton-D) Withdrawal from Iraq

Urges the Congress and the President of the United States to establish, by no later than December 31, 2005, a timetable for the withdrawal of the United States Armed Forces from Iraq and urges the President to turn over military operations in Iraq to the Iraqi government to enable the prompt and orderly withdrawal of United States Armed Forces from Iraq.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)

AJR 30 (Liu-D) Women's Equality Day

Requests the Congress and the President of the United States to uphold protections of women's equality and to encourage all Americans to participate in the celebration of Women's Equality Day on August 26, 2005, the 85th anniversary of the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which gave women the right to vote.

Resolution Chapter 145, Statutes 2005

AJR 31 (Evans-D) Speech

Urges the Congress of the United States to enact a shield law for America's journalists.

(In Senate Rules Committee)

AJR 32 (Arambula-D) Qualified Veterans Mortgage Bonds

Requests the President and the Congress of the United States to enact legislation that revises provisions of the Internal Revenue Code to authorize increased issuance of Qualified Veterans Mortgage Bonds by a state to fund home purchase and home improvement loans to specified veterans.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)

AJR 33 (Sharon Runner-R) Qualified veterans mortgage bonds

Urges the President and the Congress of the United States to amend the Internal Revenue Code to change the definition of "qualified veteran" for purposes of providing financing for home loans to any veteran who meets the requirements as may be imposed by state law pursuant to which qualified veterans' mortgage bonds are issued.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)

AJR 34 (Bogh-R) Extradition of felons

Requests the Congress and the President of the United States to support and approve H.R. 3057, provided it contains a provision which cuts off foreign aid, except as specified, to any country that extradites an individual charged with a crime for which the maximum penalty is life imprisonment without the possibility of parole, or a lesser term of imprisonment, regardless of an individual's citizenship status.

(In Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AJR 35 (Bermudez-D) Air travel

Urges the Congress of the United States to repeal that parties of the International Air Transportation Competition Act of 1979, commonly known as the Wright Amendment.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)

AJR 36 (Hancock-D) California National Guard: War in Iraq

Requests the President and the Congress of the United States to restore the balance between the federal government and the states by limiting federal control of the California National Guard to cases where there is an insurrection or a declaration of war under the United States Constitution.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)

AJR 38 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Federal aid for Hurricane Katrina

Calls upon the Congress and the President of the United States to reconsider the removal of disaster preparedness functions from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and to reevaluate the National Response Plan, in terms of its applicability to populations who do not have the necessary means to evacuate areas of vulnerability.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)



Top Index (in Bill Order)

BillAuthor and Bill TitleReference Links

SB 4

The California Public Performance Facilities Act

SB 8

Political Reform Act of 1974

SB 28*

Human remains: the Metropolitan Anthony Gerigiannakis

SB 35

California Children and Families Program

SB 42

Tribal-state gaming compacts: ratification

SB 44

General plans: air quality element

SB 49*

Land conservation contracts

SB 53


SB 57

Fines and forfeitures

SB 60

Vehicles: driver's license

SB 64

Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee
State boards and commissions

SB 94*

Claims against the state: appropriation

SB 99

Commission on Asset Review and Divestiture

SB 105

Disability retirement: medical examinations

SB 112

Refugee social services

SB 118

Alcoholic beverages: licenses and fees

SB 121*

Senate Local Government Committee
First Validation Act of 2005

SB 122*

Senate Local Government Committee
Second Validating Act of 2005

SB 123

Senate Local Government Committee
Third Validating Act of 2005

SB 124

Horse racing: marketing

SB 127*

Alcoholic beverages: licenses

SB 135

Community services districts

SB 140

Subsurface installations: excavation

SB 143

Statistical districts: Antelope Valley

SB 148

Alcoholic beverages: licensing restrictions

SB 149

Broadmoor Police Protection District's Property Tax Shift

SB 154

Public employees' health benefits

SB 163

Public contracts

SB 168

Tribal gaming: compact ratification

SB 169

Historic preservation: Saint Brigid Church

SB 175

Gambling Control Act: licenses

SB 185

State property: armory: lease

SB 196

County assessor employees: annual evaluation

SB 203

Transactions and use taxes: County of San Mateo

SB 216

Governmental reorganization: tax functions

SB 220*

Alcoholic beverage control: school property

SB 245

Department of General Services: use of state property

SB 254

State property: vending machines

SB 265


SB 268

Local government investment

SB 274

Incompatible offices: elected and appointed positions

SB 276

Alcoholic beverages: reports: electronic filing

SB 282

County offices

SB 287

Design-build contracting

SB 288


SB 308

Recording fees: Elder and Dependent Adult Financial Abuse

SB 311

State Merit Awards Program

SB 321

Developer fees

SB 322

Alcoholic beverages: reporting

SB 336

Public Employees' Retirement System: safety category

SB 349

Non-resident tuition

SB 353*

Claims against the state

SB 379

Public employees' retirement: disability retirement benefits

SB 393

Special districts

SB 396

Telecommunications: toll call pricing

SB 399

Health services: third-party liability

SB 409

General plans: conservation element

SB 424

Armenian Genocide

SB 432

County fees

SB 435

Housing: density bonuses

SB 439

Public records: disclosure: public investment funds

SB 457*

Disaster relief

SB 458

Basic health care: counties

SB 483

Special districts

SB 485

Local government finance

SB 503

Public records

SB 521

Local planning: transit village plans

SB 527

Redevelopment: senior housing

SB 542

Satellite wagering

SB 546

Office of Emergency Services: public-private partnerships

SB 548

State construction projects: insurance

SB 557

Utilities owned by municipal corporations

SB 560

Local infrastructure financing plans

SB 568

Property tax revenue allocations

SB 575

Housing development projects

SB 577

State government operations: accountability

SB 590

Auto insurance

SB 596

Municipal elections: voting methods

SB 621

Memoranda of understanding: addenda and posting

SB 625

State and local surplus property

SB 645

Mexican repatriation: commission

SB 656

Taxation: alcoholic beverages

SB 658

Coastal Environment Motor Vehicle Mitigation Program

SB 670

Mexican repatriation program of the 1930s

SB 671

Plumas County Flood Control and Water Conservation District

SB 674*

Oakland Army Base Public Trust Exchange Act

SB 677

Horse racing

SB 680

Congestion management and transportation improvements

SB 692

Undocumented immigrants

SB 693

State militia: border control assistance

SB 694

Undocumented aliens: schools

SB 695

Conservation easement registry

SB 699*

State employees: memoranda of understanding

SB 704

State employees: protective clothing

SB 725

Land use regulation: compensation

SB 732

Local government finance: enterprise special districts

SB 733

Public employees' retirement: Butte County

SB 740

Public agencies

SB 742

Tidelands: City of Eureka

SB 746

Horse racing

SB 776

Health care districts: mortgage insurance, loans, credit.

SB 777

County employees' retirement

SB 796

State government operations: accountability

SB 828

Public contracts

SB 834

Department of General Services: information technology

SB 837

Alternative Protest Pilot Project

SB 843

General plans: housing elements

SB 850

Broadband telecommunications service

SB 851

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

SB 858

San Diego County Water Authority

SB 861

Animals: dogs: spay, neuter, and breeding programs

SB 874

Public contracts

SB 877

County employees retirement: incapacity

SB 880

Public employees' retirement: contingency reserves

SB 881

Public employees' retirement: election to First Tier

SB 882

Public employees' retirement: final compensation

SB 883

Public employees' retirement benefits

SB 884

Public employees' retirement: benefit increases

SB 885

County employees' retirement: disability retirement

SB 886

Bureau of State Audits: audit of state safety employees

SB 887

Public employees' retirement: member designations

SB 888

Public employees' retirement: hybrid retirement programs

SB 890

State employment relations: MOU addenda

SB 898

Weapons in state buildings

SB 900*

Surplus state property: disposition

SB 902

Office of Fleet Administration

SB 906

Calico: official state silver rush ghost town

SB 919


SB 922*

Exception for Native American sacred sites

SB 927

General plans: transportation element

SB 935

Tribal gaming: compact ratification

SB 952*

Correctional Training Facility: Soledad

SB 954*

Information technology goods and services

SB 959*

San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board

SB 960

Tidelands: exchange: City of Santa Cruz

SB 966

Senate Local Government Committee
Local Government Omnibus Act of 2005 and state government

SB 967

Local agency formation

SB 968

Land use planning: general plans

SB 973

Public employees' retirement: domestic partners

SB 983

Tentative maps: notice

SB 1002

Gelatin-based alcoholic beverages

SB 1007*

San Diego Unified Port District Act

SB 1010

Rail service: City of Shafter

SB 1011*

California State Lottery

SB 1013*

Tribal gaming: compacts

SB 1026

Highway construction contracts: design-build projects

SB 1039

Compulsive gambling

SB 1052

Property taxation: military housing

SB 1059

Electric transmission corridors

SB 1060

Local Government Finance

SB 1061

State property leases

SB 1063*

State employees: furloughs

SB 1066

State employer-employee relations

SB 1069

Redevelopment: bonds

SB 1075*

Illegal immigration

SB 1079*

Crystal Cove State Park: operating agreement

SB 1085

Infrastructure financing districts: public trust lands

SB 1087

Housing elements: services

SB 1091

State retirees: vision care benefits

SB 1092*

Community services districts: East Garrison

SB 1093

Disability retirement: state employees

SB 1096

Satellite wagering: fairs

SB 1097

State employees: State Bargaining Unit 12

SB 1106

Senate Environmental Quality Committee
Public contracts: procurement: recycled goods


Legislative process


Gubernatorial succession: Governor's absence from state

SCA 11

State employees: employer-employee relations

SCA 12

Eminent domain

SCA 15

Eminent domain: condemnation proceedings

SCA 17

State officers: outside income

SCA 19

Legislature: committees


Joint Rules of the Legislature


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

SCR 14

Satellite industry

SCR 17

Flag of the former Republic of Vietnam: display

SCR 18

Native Americans: California Indian Heritage Month

SCR 22

California Hispanic Heritage Month

SCR 29

Joint Committee on Emergency Services and Homeland Security

SCR 30

Legislative Counsel of California

SCR 32

Cesar Chavez Day

SCR 45

International Building Safety Week

SCR 50

50th anniversary of Disneyland

SCR 60

City of Santa Cruz: "Surf City, U.S.A."


Armenian Genocide: Day of Remembrance


Ronald Reagan statue


Cyprus: reunification


Food recalls


Franklin Delano Roosevelt


Equal Pay Day


Federal Enhancing Education Through Technology Act


Retired military personnel: Medicare

SJR 10


SJR 11

Military: "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy

SJR 12

Wine: user fees

SJR 13

Railroad Safety

SJR 14

The Ben Clark Public Safety Training Center

SJR 15

Retirement benefits: teachers

SJR 16

Mad Cow Disease

SJR 17

Stem cell research

SR 1

Holdover Senators

SR 2

Election of officers

SR 3

Rules Committee Members

SR 4

Standby Rule of the Senate

SR 5

Notifying the Governor of the organization of the Senate

SR 6

Notifying the Assembly of the organization of the Senate

SR 7

Bowl Championship Series

SR 10

Revision of the Senate Standby Rules

SR 11

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

SR 14



Public employees' retirement

AB 11

De La Torre-D
Local agency legislative bodies: compensation

AB 18*

La Malfa-R
Disaster relief

AB 27

Homicide trial costs

AB 30

Negrete McLeod-D
Retirement: military service

AB 38

State boards and commissions: salaries: suspension

AB 40*


AB 42*

Secretary of State and State Archives Building Complex

AB 47

Department of Corrections: medical care contracts

AB 52*

Jerome Horton-D
Horse racing: samples

AB 53

Negrete McLeod-D
State agency consolidation: data centers

AB 54

Negrete McLeod-D
Surplus state property

AB 92

Legislative reform

AB 94

Agency fiscal reports

AB 109

California Children and Families Program

AB 111

Alcoholic beverage control: event permits

AB 124

Civil service: equal opportunity programs

AB 126

County hospitals: indigent services

AB 138*

Assembly Budget Committee
State mandates

AB 139*

Assembly Budget Committee
State Government Budget Trailer Bill

AB 164*

Disaster relief

AB 181

Legislative hearings

AB 183*

Conservation camps: Madera County

AB 194

Brown Act violations: remedy

AB 195

Civil service: employment discrimination

AB 203

Horse racing

AB 214

Public employees' retirement: final compensation

AB 219

State agencies: publications

AB 245

County design-build contracts

AB 252

Digital Arts Studio Partnership Demonstration Program Act

AB 256

De La Torre-D
Public employees' benefits

AB 259

Solid waste: handling services: delinquent charges: liens

AB 271

State employees: scientists

AB 273

Sale of alcoholic beverages: alcohol vaporized device

AB 274

State employees: paid leave: education

AB 276

State employees: military benefits

AB 277

Open meetings: closed sessions

AB 284

State employees: salary ranges: professional scientists

AB 295

Public contracts: security services

AB 297

State employees: requirements to file charges

AB 301

Assembly Business And Professions Committee
State property: inventory

AB 310

Investment plans

AB 311

City of San Bernardino: parking structure funding

AB 331

State government travel ban

AB 332

Immigration arrests

AB 345

La Malfa-R
Infrastructure financing

AB 346*

State claims

AB 351*

State claims

AB 361

Sharon Runner-R
Notaries public

AB 365

Local agencies: agricultural lands

AB 372

Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit District

AB 392

County integrated health and human services

AB 395

Recording of legislative proceedings

AB 402

Borders: Mexico

AB 407

Horse racing: satellite wagering

AB 409

State contracts: small business bidding preference

AB 411

Public contracts

AB 413

Local gaming: Texas Hold'Em

AB 417

Alcoholic beverages: beer

AB 425

Negrete McLeod-D
Immigration consultants

AB 426

High-occupancy vehicle lanes

AB 428

Alcohol Beverage Control Fund: grant assistance program

AB 446

Negrete McLeod-D
Licensees: settlement agreements

AB 449

Horse racing

AB 454

Sharon Runner-R
Alcoholic beverages: underage drinking

AB 456

Public employees' retirement: fraud

AB 463

Local agencies: security information

AB 475

Local agency military base recovery area (LAMBRA)

AB 480

Horse racing: advance deposit wagering

AB 487

State buildings: works of art: financing

AB 500

La Malfa-R
State mandates

AB 504

Real property electronic recording

AB 511

Public employees' retirement

AB 514

Public employees: benefits

AB 524

Public contracts: offshore jobs

AB 531

Horse racing board

AB 534

Public officials: financial duties

AB 538

County employees' retirement: rate adjustments

AB 546

State computers: prohibited use: obscene matter

AB 554

Ventura County Watershed Protection District

AB 565

Public employment: officers and employees: salaries

AB 587

Negrete McLeod-D
Public employees: health benefits

AB 588

Statistical districts: Hollywood

AB 590

Eminent domain: private property

AB 591

Elections: Monterey County: all-mailed ballot elections

AB 593

California Hope Endowment and California Hope Public Trust

AB 611

Gambling Control Act: proposition player services

AB 614

Problem and pathological gambling

AB 616

Public buildings: smoking areas

AB 623*

Redevelopment: Los Angeles Air Force Base

AB 629

Prisoners: Alameda County reentry services pilot program

AB 630

Immigration consultants: surety bonds

AB 635

Local gambling

AB 636

Legislature: performance review

AB 643

Negrete McLeod-D
State excluded employees: meet and confer

AB 648

Development projects: disclosure requirements

AB 655

Admissions surcharge: California Arts Council

AB 662*

La Suer-R
Construction defects: County of San Diego: fires

AB 685

City of Montebello: police dispatch and records system

AB 691

Transit village plans

AB 701

State buildings: energy and design criteria

AB 705

Public employees' retirement: school members

AB 707

State contracts: disclosures

AB 712

Land use: density

AB 719

County retirement boards: alternate members

AB 725


AB 737

Jerome Horton-D
Property tax revenue allocations: public utilities

AB 742*

State employees: compensation

AB 744

Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control: license transfers

AB 747

State excluded employees: catastrophic leave

AB 750

Trial court funding: San Mateo County

AB 759

Crime stoppers program

AB 764

Proof of age: military identification cards

AB 767

Alcoholic beverages: places of consumption

AB 775

Interpreters: prohibition on use of children

AB 794

Health care: immigrants

AB 795

Public employment: state museum employees

AB 796

Library districts

AB 799

Local vehicle license fee: San Francisco

AB 802

Land use: water supply

AB 818

Local agencies

AB 834*

Horse racing

AB 836

State agency budgets: zero-based budgeting

AB 839

Gambling Control Act: nonprofit organization fundraisers

AB 842

Federal refugee cash assistance funds: county transfers

AB 844

Negrete McLeod-D
Public employment: postretirement death benefits

AB 852

Ports and harbors: San Francisco Bar Pilots

AB 853

Tax liens: withholdings

AB 884

State employment: contract employees

AB 902

State employees: State Bargaining Unit 8: compensation

AB 910

Life sciences: ombudsman

AB 919

Tax collector: property tax: sale of tax certificates

AB 921


AB 930

De La Torre-D
New Californians Act

AB 937

Horse racing: reimbursements

AB 939


AB 945

Public contracts: prospective bidders

AB 955

Communications: Advanced Communications Act

AB 981

Negrete McLeod-D
Joint powers authority: Los Angeles

AB 983

Housing: downpayment assistance

AB 986

Transit oriented development

AB 991

Mosquito abatement and vector control districts

AB 997

State regulatory agencies: fee notification

AB 1005

Horse racing: San Mateo County

AB 1008

County employees' retirement: supplemental benefits

AB 1013

Local elected officials: vacancy: appointment

AB 1019

Public employees: bereavement leave

AB 1020

Planning: smart growth models

AB 1033

Property tax revenue allocations

AB 1035

Public officials: home information

AB 1044

Public officers: retirement benefits forfeiture

AB 1066

Jerome Horton-D
Public services contracts

AB 1075

County organized health systems

AB 1085

County Health Initiative Matching Fund

AB 1094

State property: lease: Ione Youth Facility

AB 1127

Two-way video teleconferencing testing

AB 1131

Health care districts: asset transfer

AB 1138

California Highway Patrol officers

AB 1140

Water districts: landowner requirements

AB 1146

Local government finance: ad valorem property tax revenues

AB 1155

La Suer-R
Grossmont Healthcare District

AB 1162

Eminent domain

AB 1166

Public employees' benefits

AB 1167

Redevelopment: El Monte

AB 1170*

San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District

AB 1174

State agencies: administrative hearings: reporting

AB 1180

Horse racing: jockeys

AB 1186

Jerome Horton-D
State civil service

AB 1197

Aviation: Southern California Regional Aviation Commission

AB 1198

Juvenile court records: County of San Mateo

AB 1204

Parks: Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District

AB 1205

Development project fees: protests

AB 1210

Capitol Historic Region: International genocide memorial

AB 1230

Public hospitals: inspector general: Los Angeles County

AB 1233

Housing element: regional housing need

AB 1234

Local agencies: compensation and ethics

AB 1238

North County Transit District

AB 1243

Local government finance

AB 1248

Criminal law: booking fees

AB 1252

Department of Transportation: design-build contracting

AB 1259

Property tax revenue allocation

AB 1296

San Francisco Bay Area Water Trail

AB 1302

Jerome Horton-D
State agency regulations

AB 1309*

Local health authorities and commissions

AB 1314

Neighborhood councils: open meetings

AB 1318

County officers: public administrators

AB 1329

Design-build contracting: cities

AB 1330

Redevelopment: Los Angeles Harbor District

AB 1335

Business improvement and residential areas

AB 1338

Immigrant children

AB 1351

San Diego County Regional Airport Authority

AB 1352

Redevelopment: transfer of funds

AB 1357

State motor vehicle fleets

AB 1363

Public officials: financial duties

AB 1367

General plans: regional housing need

AB 1368

Workers' compensation: apportionment: presumptions

AB 1369

State employees: memoranda of understanding

AB 1373

State employees: memoranda of understanding

AB 1388

Telecommunications: grants

AB 1401

Indian gaming

AB 1433

Public finance contracts

AB 1438

Local agencies: open meetings

AB 1442

Jerome Horton-D
Alcoholic beverages: advertising

AB 1443

Local agency auditors

AB 1446

Foreign prisoners

AB 1450

Land use: density bonus

AB 1457*

State property: City of San Bernardino

AB 1460

Subdivisions: release of performance security

AB 1467

State mandates

AB 1472


AB 1473

State government: property management

AB 1491

Redevelopment: low and moderate income housing

AB 1494

Alcoholic beverages: instructions: tastings

AB 1497*

Government real property

AB 1499

Outdoor advertising: City of Riverside

AB 1510

State employees: supervisors

AB 1511

Design-build contracting

AB 1518

Jerome Horton-D
Outdoor advertising

AB 1519

Government records: destruction

AB 1520

Public works contracts: infrastructure projects

AB 1523

State employment: military leave of absence

AB 1526

Public employees' retirement: special death benefits

AB 1530

La Malfa-R
Public funds: membership dues

AB 1537

Alcoholic beverages: issuance of license: restrictions

AB 1539

Notaries public

AB 1552

La Suer-R
San Diego Consolidated Transportation Agency

AB 1559*

Homeland Security Communications

AB 1564

Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee
Citizen Complaint Act of 1997: Internet web sites

AB 1567*

State employees: memorandum of understanding

AB 1582*

Digital Arts Studio Partnership Demonstration Program

AB 1588

Negrete McLeod-D
Administrative agencies: regulations: compliance

AB 1590*

Property tax revenue allocations: special districts

AB 1595

Public officials: personal information

AB 1596*

Property tax revenue allocations

AB 1599

La Malfa-R
Homicide trial costs

AB 1602*

Local government finance

AB 1606

Redevelopment: low-income housing

AB 1615

Tax accounts: local governments

AB 1617

Surplus residential property

AB 1620

Gambling license fees

AB 1623

County transportation agencies

AB 1625

State government: reports: declarations

AB 1643

Public employees: long-term care

AB 1652

State employment relations: expiration of MOUs

AB 1654

De La Torre-D
Public contracts: bid preferences

AB 1658

Jerome Horton-D
Alcoholic beverages: beer brewing

AB 1663

Capitol Area Plan: construction of facilities

AB 1690

Municipal services: University of California

AB 1708

State employees

AB 1712

Domestic violence

AB 1746

Assembly Local Government Committee
Local government reorganization

AB 1747

Joint exercise of powers

AB 1750*

Assembly Governmental Organization Committee
Indian gaming

AB 1751

Assembly Governmental Organization Committee
Horse racing

AB 1752

Horse racing

AB 1753

Assembly Governmental Organization Committee

AB 1769*

Negrete McLeod-D
County employees' retirement

AB 1771

Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee
State employees: memorandum of understanding

AB 1773*

Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee
State employees: memorandum of understanding

AB 1775*

Public records: infrastructure security


Tribal gaming


Public retirement systems


Undocumented immigrants: public benefits


Local governmental taxation: special taxes: voter approval



ACA 13

Local government: assessments and fees or charges

ACA 16

Taxation to supplement public safety funding

ACA 19

Revised biennial session

ACA 20

Enforcement of immigration law

ACA 23

Public employee defined contribution and hybrid plan


Holocaust Memorial Week


Korean-American Day


Sharon Runner-R
State space tourism industry


California Girls and Women in Sports Day

ACR 10

Day of Remembrance

ACR 11

Public Employees' Retirement System: Sudan

ACR 12

California Museum Month

ACR 19

Irish-American Heritage Month

ACR 24

California Council on Science and Technology

ACR 25

Rotary International Day

ACR 28

Read Across America Day

ACR 31

Financial Empowerment Month

ACR 37

Public broadcasting

ACR 38

Eagle Scouts

ACR 40

League of Women Voters' 85th Anniversary

ACR 42

Province of Jeju, Republic of Korea: sister-state

ACR 48

Girl Scouts

ACR 50

Pope John Paul II

ACR 51

Jerome Horton-D
State Employee Appreciation Month

ACR 59

California Native American History Month

ACR 60

National Day of Prayer

ACR 62

Asian and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month

ACR 67

Wadie P. Deddeh State Office Building

ACR 68

Tall Ships Challenge 2005

ACR 69

Boy Scouts of America

ACR 79

Fee Payers Bill of Rights

ACR 80

Elections in Iraq

ACR 88

Firefighters Memorial Day

ACR 89

Constitution Week and Constitution Day

ACR 91

Republic of China on Taiwan


Dr. Dalip S. Saund


Full benefits of Filipino veterans of the United States Army


Reproductive rights: Roe v. Wade


Death tax


Corporate average fuel economy standards


Darfur genocide


ZIP Codes


Marine pollution


Shirley Horton-R
Transportation infrastructure finance

AJR 10

Foster care services: funding: Title IV-E Waiver

AJR 11

Social Security

AJR 13

Social Security

AJR 14

Oil and gas: offshore drilling: leases: moratorium

AJR 15

Mag Instrument flashlight patent

AJR 16

Fair and equitable treatment for truck and bus drivers

AJR 17

Child support penalties

AJR 18


AJR 19

Voting Rights Act of 1965

AJR 20

Agricultural workers

AJR 21

Port customs revenues

AJR 22

School records

AJR 23

Japanese internment camps

AJR 24

Ryan White CARE Act reauthorization

AJR 25

Veterans benefits

AJR 26

Federal TRIO programs: Upward Bound and Talent Search

AJR 27

Organized labor

AJR 28

Assembly Aging And Long-Term Care Committee
Mexican extradition

AJR 29

Jerome Horton-D
Withdrawal from Iraq

AJR 30

Women's Equality Day

AJR 31


AJR 32

Qualified Veterans Mortgage Bonds

AJR 33

Sharon Runner-R
Qualified veterans mortgage bonds

AJR 34

Extradition of felons

AJR 35

Air travel

AJR 36

California National Guard: War in Iraq

AJR 38

Federal aid for Hurricane Katrina


Other Governor Committee
Technology reorganization: Department of Technology Services

HR 1

Standing Rules of the Assembly

HR 2

Election of Assembly officers

HR 3

Organization of the Assembly

HR 5

Relative to Lunar New Year Celebration

HR 6

Oversight hearings

HR 8

Relative to National Library Week

HR 11

Relative to Cinco de Mayo Week

HR 12

Relative to the 50th Anniversary of Disneyland

HR 16

Relative to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Pride Month


Public employees' retirement


Public employees' retirement: employer contribution rates


Public employees' retirement: fraud


Public employees' retirement




Term limits