Bilingual Education
Charter Schools
Child and Day Care
Class Size Reduction
Higher Education
School Employees
School Facilities
School Finance Legislation
School Safety
Bilingual Education
SB 6 (Alpert-D) Bilingual education: English learners
Repeals existing sunsetted law governing bilingual education and replaces it with the Firestone-Alpert English Learners Education Reform Act of 1998, which (1) requires districts to develop plans for educating English learners and provides them with flexibility to do so, (2) requires the State Board of Education to establish rules and regulations governing the education of English learners, (3) requires the development of a statewide English language development test, (4) establishes reporting requirements and accountability mechanisms for districts and the State Department of Education, (5) requires a statewide evaluation of instructional methodologies, and (6) makes various other related provisions.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 91 (Solis-D) Solis Bilingual Education-Educational Equity Act of 1997
Repeals the inoperative provisions of law regarding bilingual education, and replaces them with the Solis Bilingual Education-Educational Equity Act of 1997. Specifies requirements for school districts in providing instructional services for English Learners, also known as Limited-English-Proficient pupils.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee)
AB 36 (Firestone-R) Bilingual education
Creates the Firestone-Alpert Bilingual Education Reform Act of 1997, which generally provides districts with greater flexibility in serving English learners, requires districts to self-regulate regarding the effectiveness of the instructional method provided, establishes various assessment and reporting requirements, and makes other changes to existing law regarding the education of pupils with limited English proficiency.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 439 (Honda-D) Bilingual education: English learners
Makes a number of technical and non-technical modifications to the Education Code, including repealing permissive and obsolete sections of the code, moving intent language to non-codified sections and moving certain provisions to other state codes.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 748 (Escutia-D) Bilingual education: assessment of language skills
Requires the adoption of a statewide test of English language development for English learners, and requires the State Board of Education to adopt standards for English language development for English learners.
Chapter 936, Statutes of 1997
AB 861 (Ducheny-D) Bilingual education
Requires all newly hired teachers to have appropriate credentials to teach English learners after August 1, 2000, and makes changes to the existing State Bilingual Teacher Training Assistance Program.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1075 (Campbell-R) Bilingual education
Repeals the Bilingual-Bicultural Education Act of 1976, and enacts the Equal Opportunity English Acquisition Act.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1206 (Martinez-D) Education: bilingual education
Prohibits school districts from utilizing, as part of a bilinigual education program, state funds for the purpose of recognition of, or instruction in, any dialect, idiom, or language derived from English.
Chapter 647, Statutes of 1997
Charter Schools
SB 180 (Greene-D) Charter schools: facilities
Requires charter schools to comply with the structural safety standards of the Field Act.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
SB 221 (Lewis-R) Charter schools
Grants charter schools that are organized as general or nonprofit corporations charters for up to 15 years; and provides that school districts are not liable for any debts incurred by charter schools that are organized as general or nonprofit corporations.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SB 222 (Lewis-R) Charter schools
Increases the number of charter schools allowed from 100 to 300, and increases the number of charter schools allowed in each district from 10 to 30 (except Los Angeles Unified School District, which is allowed 42 charter schools).
(On Senate Inactive File)
SB 223 (Lewis-R) Charter schools: petitions
Authorizes persons or individuals to submit to a school board charter school petitions that have been signed by specified percentages of parents, rather than teachers.
(Failed passage in Senate Education; reconsideration granted)
SB 224 (Lewis-R) Charter schools
Allows the Regents of the University of California , the Chancellor of the California State University, and the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges to each sponsor up to 5 charter schools.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 843 (Hayden-D) Charter schools
Requires that at least 2 of the 12 additional charter schools authorized in Los Angeles Unified School District be established for the purpose of enrolling pupils who attend a school in which the average achievement test scores are in the 5th percentile or lower, or whose pupils are primarily from low-income families.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
SB 1318* (Polanco-D) Education: charter schools: county offices of education
Allows a specific charter school, operating under a charter approved by a county board of education, to operate until June 30, 1997 (impacts 1 charter school in Los Angeles County).
Chapter 58, Statutes of 1997
AB 458 (Caldera-D) Education: charter schools
Addresses the issue of program funding for charter schools by providing that a charter school shall receive funds for hours of summer school instruction provided by the charter school, and provides that a charter school shall receive funds for the Year-Round School Grant Program.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 844 (Caldera-D) Charter schools
Repeals the limit on the number of charter schools that may operate in the state in any school year.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1254 (Baldwin-R) Charter schools
Repeals the limit, if specified conditions are met, on the number of charter schools that may operate in the state.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
Child and Day Care
SB 158 (Rainey-R) Child care
Establishes the Child Care and Development Facilities Loan Guarantee Fund to contain appropriations and bond funds to support loan guarantees for private sector loans for expansion and improvement of child care facilities.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 167 (Solis-D) Community colleges: child care
Appropriates $10.2 million from the General Fund to the California Community Colleges for child care services for the children of community college students who are recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 278 (Watson-D) Child Care Facilities Financing Act
Authorizes, subject to voter approval, $50 million in general obligation bonds to establish a subordinated loan program and a loan guaranty program for child care facilities.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 309 (Watson-D) Education: child care providers
Expresses legislative intent that license exempt child care providers shall receive education and training in basic child development practices and that the State Department of Education shall make specified block grant funds available for that purpose.
(In Assembly awaiting assignment to committee)
SB 530* (Alpert-D) Child Care and Development Services Act
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to take steps to increase the capacity of the child care system, as specified. Requires the State Department of Education to report to the Legislature proposals regarding direct service child care and financial incentives for the use of child care alternative payment and certificate programs.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1015 (Schiff-D) Special education: licensed child care institutes
Extends the sunset date, from January 1, 1998 to January 1, 1999, on a special funding entitlement for special education local plan areas (SELPA's), which are children's institutions (only one SELPA, the Pasadena Unified School District, qualifies).
Chapter 545, Statutes of 1997
SB 1126 (Solis-D) California Community Colleges: child care pilot program
Creates a 3-district pilot program called the California Community College Family Child Care Career Network Program to provide child care and to support the education and training of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families recipients as Family Child Care Professionals. Appropriates $750,000 from the General Fund (non-Proposition 98) for allocation to participating community college districts.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 47 (Murray-D) Employees: licensed child day care facility: activities
Adds licensed child care facility activities to the provision in existing law which prohibits an employer from discharging or discriminating against an employee for taking time off to participate in school activities.
Chapter 157, Statutes of 1997
AB 126 (Papan-D) Child care
Establishes the Child Care Reform Act of 1997, and creates the Child Care Reform Task Force for the purpose of reforming the state's child care delivery system. Appropriates $50,000 from the Child Care and Development Block Grant to the Task Force and $197,000 to the State Department of Education to implement the provisions of the bill.
(In Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 300* (Escutia-D) Child care and development facilities
Establishes priority for certain child care funds. Directs the following funds into these newly enumerated allocation priorities:
- $3.8 million in unencumbered funds in the State Child Care Facilities Fund (originally appropriated by SB 303).
- $5 million of Proposition 203 funding recently set aside for child care purposes and placed in the State Child Care Facilities Fund.
- $0.4 million in unencumbered funds in the State Child Care Capital Outlay Fund.
Chapter 362, Statutes of 1997
AB 326* (Ortiz-D) School-based before and after school child care programs
Modifies the newly enacted school-based before and after school child care and literacy program to specify outcome measures for evaluation of individual programs and to allocate $3.5 million for this program from funds appropriated in the 1997 Budget Act for the Extended Day Care Program from the Federal Child Care Block Grant.
Chapter 917, Statutes of 1997
AB 484 (Havice-D) Income taxes: credits: child care
Extends, to January 1, 2003, the sunset date for the personal income tax and bank and corporation tax credits for employers who establish child care programs or contribute to the child care expenses of their employees. Increases the maximum credit that could be claimed from $360 to $600 per year for employers who contribute to a qualified care plan on behalf of an employee. Requires the Legislative Analyst to evaluate the credits and report to the Legislature by March 1, 2002.
(Motion to withdraw from Assembly Appropriations Committee; failed passage)
AB 642* (Baldwin-R) Income taxes: credits: child care
Extends, under the Personal Income Tax and Bank and Corporation Tax Law, the sunset date for the Employer Child Care Program and the Employer Child Care Contribution credits from January 1, 1998 to January 1, 2003.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 656 (Aroner-D) Education: child care
Revises the composition and duties, as specified, of countywide child care and development planning councils.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 690 (Morrow-R) Child day care facilities: school extended day exemption
Establishes a 3-year pilot program in Orange County to exempt extended child day care programs contracting with school districts from licensing by the Community Care Licensing Division of the State Department of Social Services in specified circumstances, and to substitute oversight by contracting school districts, and school criminal background check and Child Abuse Check procedures.
Chapter 916, Statutes of 1997
AB 753 (Escutia-D) Child care: trustline registration system
Transfers the administrative responsibility for the TrustLine (the registry of child care providers) background check program from the State Department of Justice to the State Department of Social Services, and makes other revisions to the TrustLine program.
Chapter 843, Statutes of 1997
AB 848* (Cunneen-R) Child care
Permits state reimbursement of interest paid by child care and development contractors providing center-based care on private sector loans that finance purchase, lease-purchase, repair or renovation of facilities. Limits reimbursement to the value obtained by the state in the use of the facilities during the year.
Chapter 247, Statutes of 1997
AB 933 (Figueroa-D) Child day care facilities: juvenile court records
Requires criminal background checks of minors over 10 years of age who reside or provide care and supervision in child care facilities.
(In Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 957 (Migden-D) Child development teacher and supervisor grant program
Replaces the existing Child Development Teacher Loan Assumption Program with the Child Development Teacher and Supervisor Grant Program which would use federal funds to provide grants to students pursuing postsecondary training to become child development teachers or supervisors.
Chapter 721, Statutes of 1997
AB 971 (Wright-D) Child care
Creates and funds the Welfare Reform/Child Care Facilities Expansion Funds. Appropriates $25 million in Proposition 98 funds if a general obligation bond for the purpose of creating new or expanding child care facilities is not approved by the voters.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1135 (Mazzoni-D) Child care: family support
Establishes the Parent Services Project: Family Support in Child Care and Development Programs. Requires the State Department of Education to award grants to child care providers for the purpose of establishing family support programs which would provide intensive intervention services for at-risk families.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1210 (Wright-D) Child care services: brain development
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction, in consultation with the State Department of Health Services and the Child Development Policy Advisory Committee, to develop criteria on brain development for 0-3 year olds to guide the State Department of Education's work with contracted child care programs. Requires the Child Development Policy Advisory Committee to study brain research implications to provide relevant information on infant brain development.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1381 (Thomson-D) Bonds: educational facilities
Enacts the Child Care Facilities Bond Act of 1998, and places a $100 million general obligation bond on the June 2, 1998 statewide primary ballot.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1542* (Ducheny-D) Welfare reform
Contains the Budget trailer bill legislation necessary to implement the federal welfare reform law, which revises existing child care subsidy programs.
Chapter 270, Statutes of 1997
AB 1578* (Migden-D) Education Trailer Bill to the Budget Act of 1997
Contains the Budget trailer bill legislation necessary to implement specified areas of education funding, which establishes and funds the Child Care Facilities Revolving Fund to be utilized for loans for child care facilities, and also makes grants in community college districts.
Chapter 299, Statutes of 1997 - Item veto
Class Size Reduction
SB 12 (O'Connell-D) Bonds: educational facilities
Enacts the 1998 Class Size Reduction and Educational Technology K-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act, which authorizes the sale of $4 billion in general obligation bonds upon approval by the voters at the November 3, 1998 general election.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 15* (Greene-D) Bonds: Class Size Reduction Facilities Bond Act of 1997
Enacts the Class Size Reduction Facilities Bond Act of 1997, which authorizes the sale of $600 million in general obligation bonds, upon approval by the voters at a November 1997 statewide general election.
(On Senate Third Reading File)
SB 50 (O'Connell-D) Class size reduction
Makes several changes in the Class Size Reduction Program for kindergarten and grades 1 through 3 and several changes in the program to reduce class size in grades 9 to 12.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 66* (Greene-D) Class size reduction
Makes technical amendments and transfers unused 1996-97 funds in the Class Size Reduction (CSR) operational grant program to the CSR facility grant program.
Chapter 656, Statutes of 1997
SB 207 (Greene-D) Class size reduction
Deletes certification that the school district has maintained class sizes of not more than 20 pupils per class from the requirement for funding to implement a class size reduction program.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 298* (Leslie-R) School finance: class size reduction
Modifies the new Class Size Reduction Program enrollment counting system. Eliminates the implementation of the new audit system in 1996-97 and implements it effective on February 16, 1998.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 550 (O'Connell-D) Education
Adjusts several school finance statutes to accommodate the unusual needs of individual school districts, including class size reduction programs in 2 school districts.
Chapter 662, Statutes of 1997
SB 804 (O'Connell-D) Education: class size reduction
Contains budget trailer provisions and makes numerous modifications to the Class Size Reduction program, including increasing the per pupil funding amounts, as specified.
Chapter 298, Statutes of 1997
SB 975* (Greene-D) School facilities: class size reduction
Provides that school districts shall receive $40,000 for the facilities-related costs of each new class created as a result of the Class Size Reduction Program, if state general obligation bond funds are made available for that purpose.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 976* (Greene-D) Class size reduction
Establishes, in no more than 20 school districts, an Option 3 in the Class Size Reduction Program, under which a district employs a full-time instructional aide for a classroom of no more than 30 pupils.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 1065 (Polanco-D) Bonds: educational facilities
Declares legislative intent to enact a new program for financing school facilities, to enact reforms that limit the authority of cities and counties to levy development fees for school purposes, and to enact a $4 billion K-12 general obligation bond proposal on the June 2, 1998 primary election.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1323 (Polanco-D) School facilities
Allows school districts to receive funds for site preparation of leased land that will be used to place portable classrooms needed to accommodate the Class Size Reduction Program.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 18* (Mazzoni-D) Schools: teachers
Allows AB 1068 (Mazzoni-D), Chapter 948, Statutes of 1996, relating to expanding the supply of teachers for Class Size Reduction, to become operative by repealing the contingency that AB 2460 (Takasugi-R) of the 1995/96 Regular Session be chaptered and effective January 1, 1997.
Chapter 1, Statutes of 1997
AB 40 (Mazzoni-D) Bonds: educational facilities
Enacts the Class Size Reduction and Educational Technology K-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act, and places a $5 billion general obligation bond measure for K-12 and higher education facilities on the ballot, presumably for the June 198 primary election.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 89* (Pringle-R) Class size reduction
Transfers unused funds in the Class Size Reduction operational grant program to the Class Size Reduction facility grant program.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 142* (Brown-D) Class size reduction
Increases the operational grant funding available to school districts for the Class Size Reduction Program from $650 to $800 per pupil for Option 1 and from $325 to $400 per pupil for Option 2.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 272 (Kuykendall-R) Class size reduction
Changes the number of students in each Class Size Reduction (CSR) class . Provides that districts may receive full funding under the CSR program, so long as the district meets the 20 to 1 ratio of students to certificated teacher on average for each participating class in a grade level at each schoolsite in the program. Makes the maximum no more than 22 per CSR class.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 354* (Mazzoni-D) Class Size Reduction Program: evaluation
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Board of Education to develop an evaluation design for the Class Size Reduction Program by November 30, 1997.
Chapter 244, Statutes of 1997
AB 544 (Lempert-D) Class size reduction
Creates the California Paraprofessional and Career Ladder Program to provide grants to school districts for the recruitment and training of paraprofessional employees in kindergarten through grade 6.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 670 (Mazzoni-D) School facilities
Modifies eligibility criteria for the Class Size Reduction facility loan program and transportation equalization funding. Also makes a technical clarification of previously approved legislation.
Chapter 827, Statutes of 1997
AB 751* (Escutia-D) Class Size Reduction Program
Allows the State Board of Education to waive requirements related to class size reduction. Allows impacted schools that are unable to implement class size reduction because of severe space limitation to qualify for full funding under certain circumstances, as specified.
Chapter 285, Statutes of 1997
AB 755 (Escutia-D) Education: class size reduction
Enacts the Class Size Reduction Kindergarten - University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 1988, which places an $8.2 billion school bond before the voters in June 1998.
(Conference Completed)
AB 850 (Pacheco-R) Class size reduction
Provides that school districts can implement the Class Size Reduction Program in 4 full grades (Kindergarten through grade 3) in 1997-98.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1085 (Campbell-R) Class size reduction: school facilities
Repeals and adds the Class Size Reduction Facilities Funding Program in order to preserve the program from repeal January 1, 1998 due to legislation reorganizing a portion of the Education Code. Provides that a school district does not need to count the number of teaching stations at a schoolsite under lease to outside agencies to qualify for funding, as specified.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1428 (Havice-D) Class size reduction
Requires, in 1997-98, school districts to implement the Class Size Reduction (CSR) Program by February 16, 1998 in order to receive full annual CSR funding.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
Higher Education
SB 12 (O'Connell-D) Bonds: educational facilities
Authorizes a $4 billion education facilities general obligation bond act to be submitted to the voters at the November 3, 1998 general election. Makes $1 billion of the bond proceeds available for higher education and the balance ($3 billion) for K-12 schools, as specified.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 101 (Hayden-D) Educational Security Act of 1997
Creates a tuition and fee prepayment plan for future students at California's institutions of higher education. Enacts the Education Security Act of 1997 which establishes the California Education Trust to allow individuals to enter into contracts with the state to guarantee payment of fees for the future education of their designated beneficiary in public or private postsecondary institutions.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
SB 218* (Knight-R) Property taxation: college exemption
Extends the property tax college exemption to include an educational institution that provides a master's degree program based on a course of study of at least 1 year in flight test technology or flight test science that is approved by the California Council for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education or the Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education.
(In Assembly awaiting assignment to committee)
SB 227 (Solis-D) Community colleges: officers and employees
Authorizes specified members of the State Teachers' Retirement System and the Public Employees' Retirement System to move from one system to another, and establishes standards for those moves. Authorizes a "loan" or temporary assignment of a staff person from the Office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges to a community college district.
Chapter 838, Statutes of 1997
SB 316 (Hayden-D) Student Academic Partnership Program
Establishes the Student Academic Partnership Program to enable school districts to secure tutoring assistance for pupils in kindergarten and grades 1 through 6.
Chapter 811, Statutes of 1997
SB 336 (Johannessen-R) California Postsecondary Education Commission: study
Requires the California Postsecondary Education Commission to conduct a study of the need and feasibility of establishing a branch or campus of the University of California or the California State University at Shasta College in Redding.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 349 (McPherson-R) California State University
Authorizes the California State University (CSU) to retain title to land (real property) that it has received from the federal government (i.e., CSU Monterey Bay) but to sell the improvements (structures) located on that land.
Chapter 31, Statutes of 1997
SB 401 (Alpert-D) Postsecondary education: resident classification
Expands non-resident student fee exemptions for students attending the California Community Colleges (CCC) to conform to non-resident fee exemptions at the California State University. Provides that dependents of members of the armed services who were stationed in California are California residents permanently for the purpose of paying fees at CCC. Extends current law to allow active duty military personnel to receive resident classification beyond the current January 1, 2000 repeal date. Applies to the University of California to the extent the Regents approve.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 456 (Lewis-R) Postsecondary education
Allows the governing board of any community college district within Orange County to negotiate the sale of real property if previous bidding processes failed to produce any bids; and extends the repeal date of an existing statute.
Chapter 57, Statutes of 1997
SB 465 (Rainey-R) Community colleges
Authorizes public-private partnerships to establish educational facilities for community college districts.
Chapter 342, Statutes of 1997
SB 572* (Maddy-R) Alcoholic beverages: school premises
Authorizes the possession and use of alcoholic beverages during nonprofit fundraising events held at college-owned or operated stadiums with a capacity of over 18,900 in a county of the 14th class. Applies only to the Kern Community College District, which is interested in allowing the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with fundraising events held at Memorial Stadium on the Bakersfield College campus.
Chapter 90, Statutes of 1997
SB 580 (Monteith-R) University of California: new campus
Requests the Regents of the University of California to allocate an unspecified sum for the purpose of planning and developing a proposed University of California campus to be located in Merced.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 623 (O'Connell-D) California State University
Requires the State Department of General Services, upon approval of the California State University (CSU) trustees, to transfer the land and improvements comprising Camarillo State Hospital in Ventura County to CSU to be developed into a CSU campus.
Chapter 914, Statutes of 1997
SB 624 (Costa-D) Community colleges: collaborative facilities projects
Requires the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to develop a process for the approval and funding of new collaborative facility projects proposed by community college districts.
Chapter 840, Statutes of 1997
SB 707 (Calderon-D) Pupil health assessment
Extends, by 4 years, the time period for conducting a specified standardized health assessment of a representative sample of public school students, and replaces the University of California with the California State University as the entity responsible for coordinating this health assessment effort.
Chapter 430, Statutes of 1997
SB 799 (Hughes-D) University of California: personal service contracts
Establishes standards for the use of personal service contracts by the University of California for work traditionally performed by university employees.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 819* (Calderon-D) Postsecondary education
Extends the operation of the Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education Act until January 1, 1998. Revises a portion of the act relative to programs in English as a Second Language.
Chapter 77, Statutes of 1997
SB 820 (Polanco-D) Industry Internship and Apprenticeship Program
Authorizes the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to establish internship programs and actively support apprenticeship programs, and requires the Division of Apprenticeship Standards of the State Department of Industrial Relations to develop and implement apprenticeship training and demonstration projects in high-growth industries and emerging occupations.
Chapter 932, Statutes of 1997
SB 836 (McPherson-R) California Community Colleges
Appropriates an unspecified sum from the General Fund in augmentation of, and for the purposes of, that appropriation, and for purposes of reimbursing community colleges for property tax revenue shortfalls.
(In Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee)
SB 877 (Vasconcellos-D) California Community Colleges: full-time faculty
Creates the California Community Colleges Full-Time Faculty, Counselor, and Librarian Employment Fund, within the State Treasury, for the purpose of funding an increase in full-time positions in the specified areas above in community colleges.
Requires a report on the status of districts' compliance with the goal of attaining a faculty ratio of 75% full-time and 25% hourly and makes changes to those provisions.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 894 (Lee-D) Postsecondary education: Cal Grant awards
Requires the Student Aid Commission (SAC) to make California-Grant (Cal-Grant) funds available to recipients who elect to take courses during the summer. Requires the SAC to notify, as specified, Cal-Grant award recipients of the availability of this summer funding.
Chapter 668, Statutes of 1997
SB 917 (Vasconcellos-D) Human Corps
Requires full-time students at various institutions of higher education to participate in 30 hours of community service per year through the Human Corps program.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 1008 (Burton-D) San Francisco State University: New Media Institute
Establishes the New Media Institute at San Francisco State University, and requires the institute to carry out specified activities.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 1126 (Solis-D) California Community Colleges: child care pilot program
Creates a 3-district pilot program called the California Community College Family Child Care Career Network Program to provide child care and to support the education and training of TANF recipients as Family Child Care Professionals. Appropriates $750,000 from the General Fund for allocation to participating community college districts.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1206 (Johnston-D) California State University
Requires the State Department of General Services to transfer land and improvements comprising the Stockton Development Center to the Trustees of the California State University to be developed as a regional multicampus center in San Joaquin County, and makes related changes.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 1269 (Schiff-D) Community colleges: funding for growth in full-time faculty
Creates the Full-time Quality of Education Fund in the state treasure for the purpose of funding a net increase in full-time faculty positions in the California Community Colleges; funding is dependent upon Budget Act appropriations
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1286* (Calderon-D) Private postsecondary education
Repeals the Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education Act of 1989, and enacts in its place the Private Postsecondary Education Regulatory Reform Act of 1997. Creates the Division of Postsecondary Education Affairs within the State Department of Consumer Affairs as the replacement for the Council for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 1290 (Calderon-D) Private postsecondary education: education vouchers
Creates an education voucher program whereby persons employed in certain occupations would be authorized to earn, in addition to compensation earned from their employment, education vouchers to be used toward their own education or the education of another person in accordance with the bill. Authorizes the exchange of 40 hours of work performed for one semester unit, or the equivalent thereof where the quarter system is used, of education at the University of California, the California State University, or the California Community Colleges.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SCA 7 (Hughes-D) University of California and the California State University
Requires that students who rank in the upper 12.5% and the upper 1/3 of their graduating high school class at their particular high school, based on educationally sound measures of performance, including grade point average, be eligible for admission to the University of California and to the California State University, respectively, and be entitled to admission, subject to reasonable eligibility requirements.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SCR 23 (Polanco-D) Minority enrollment in medical schools
Requests the University of California to provide specified information on ethnic minority enrollment in its medical schools. Also requests the California Postsecondary Education Commission, to the extent sufficient non-state funds are available, to (1) prepare recommendations for innovative strategies and incentive programs to encourage physicians and other health care professionals to practice in geographic areas where health needs are underserved, and (2) to report its findings to the Legislature and Governor by June 30, 1998.
Resolution Chapter 103, Statutes of 1997
SCR 31 (Alpert-D) San Diego State University
Commends San Diego State University on the occasion of its celebration of 100 years of accomplishments.
Resolution Chapter 55, Statutes of 1997
AB 13 (Firestone-R) Golden State Scholarshare Trust Act
Establishes the Golden State Scholarshare Trust Act, to be administered by the California Student Aid Commission, which would provide tax incentives for investors, primarily students and families, to save money to cover the costs of postsecondary education.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 71 (Wright-D) Private postsecondary education
Extends the sunset of the Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education Reform Act of 1989 to January 1, 2005, and makes numerous substantial and technical amendments to the act. Transfers the duties and operations of the council to a newly created Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education in the State Department of Consumer Affairs.
Chapter 78, Statutes of 1997
AB 264 (Baca-D) Community college system governance: student participation
Requires the Board of Governors of the Community Colleges, as part of its annual budget request, to request local assistance funds to support community college student participation in system governance. Specifies that funds may be used for travel and lodging, equipment, office space, clerical and other staff, publications, and other costs of representation.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 301 (Cunneen-R) Community colleges: part-time faculty: student access
Establishes the California Community Colleges Part-Time Faculty Office Hours Program, to provide a state incentive for community college districts to compensate part-time faculty for holding office hours and to ensure that students have an opportunity to get academic advice and assistance without regard to whether a course is taught by a full-time or part-time faculty member.
Chapter 933, Statutes of 1997
AB 364 (Baca-D) Personal income taxes: exclusions
Allows an income exclusion for the discharge of debt under the California State University's Forgivable Loan Program.
Chapter 228, Statutes of 1997
AB 397 (Kuykendall-R) Postsecondary education: Selective Service Registration
Requires the California State University and the California Community Colleges to make every reasonable effort to inform all male applicants for undergraduate admission of their obligation to register with the Military Selective Service Act. Prohibits any person subject to the federal Military Selective Service Act from receiving any state or federal financial aid if that person has not registered in accordance with that act.
Chapter 575, Statutes of 1997
AB 416 (Firestone-R) Proficiency examination
Requires the University of California and the California State University to develop a proficiency examination to measure a student's knowledge in English, mathematics, history and science. Requires all baccalaureate degree candidates, by January 1, 2000, to take, but not necessarily pass, the examination.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 419 (Baca-D) Community colleges: job training
Provides funding to enhance community college programs and services for welfare recipients in need of job training, support services, and job placement.
Appropriates $41.9 million from the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families block grant.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 424 (Baldwin-R) Postsecondary education: armed forces training
Prohibits the removal of Armed Forces training units and classes at public postsecondary institutions unless the removal is due to (1) U.S. Department of Defense changes, as specified; or (2) compelling academic reasons.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 425 (Baldwin-R) Community colleges: charter colleges
Enacts the Charter College Act of 1997, which establishes a phased program for community colleges to become "charter colleges" not subject to most state laws and regulations.
(Failed passage in Assembly Higher Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 428 (Wildman-D) Community colleges: new media/multimedia/entertainment
Requires the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to select a community college to establish a curriculum sufficient to provide students with the skills required by the feature animation industry.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 530 (Assembly Higher Education Committee) Golden State Scholarshare Trust Act
Establishes the Golden State Scholarshare Trust Act, a structured open savings program for individuals and families to help them plan for and alleviate the future costs of higher education at both public and private colleges, universities and vocational institutions. Requires the Student Aid Commission to administer the Scholarshare program.
Chapter 851, Statutes of 1997
AB 549 (Wildman-D) Postsecondary education institutions: health services
Adds community college districts, a California State University campus, or a University of California campus to the definition of "local educational agency" as a provider of services for the purpose of seeking federal Medi-Cal funds.
Chapter 883, Statutes of 1997
AB 576 (Baldwin-R) Postsecondary education: tuition and fee exemptions
Prohibits any state-owned college, university, community college, or other school from charging any mandatory systemwide student fees, including enrollment, tuition, registration, per-unit fees, or fees required to complete any course, to any child of any veteran of the U.S. military who has a service-connected disability, has been killed in service, or has died of a service-connected disability, where the annual income of the child, including the value of any support received from a parent, does not exceed $7,000. Specifies that the annual income of the child, including the value of any support received from a parent, shall not exceed the average poverty threshold for one person under 65 years of age as established by the Bureau of the Census, or $7,900, whichever is higher.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 621 (Lempert-D) Community colleges: welfare reform
Provides Proposition 98 funds for community college curriculum redesign of vocational and technical programs to serve recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 678 (Aguiar-R) Community College Job Training Program
Creates the Community College Job Training Program to authorize community colleges, with the approval of the State Employment Development Department, to enter into agreements to establish projects and provide program services to an employer.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
AB 738 (Papan-D) University of California: real property sales
Amends the existing Public Contract Code provisions governing how the Regents of the University of California may sell real property which has a value of $50,000 or more.
Chapter 576, Statutes of 1997
AB 749 (Papan-D) University of California: bidding requirements
Makes changes to the Public Contract Code to allow the University of California to streamline the bidding process, as specified.
Chapter 563, Statutes of 1997
AB 908 (Martinez-D) Community colleges: salaries for academic employees
Requires the schedule of salaries to be paid that is printed by the governing boards of community college districts to be based on a uniform allowance for years of training and years of experience.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 931 (Thomson-D) California Student Cooperative Housing Fund
Creates the California Student Cooperative Housing Act, establishes a fund, and appropriates a $250,000 loan to be used to finance student cooperative housing.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 954 (Martinez-D) Community colleges: temporary employees
Requires California Community College districts to offer preferential hiring by order of seniority to temporary faculty who have served each regular quarter or semester in the current and preceding 3 consecutive academic years.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 957 (Migden-D) Child development teacher and supervisor grant program
Replaces the existing Child Development Teacher Loan Assumption Program with the Child Development Teacher and Supervisor Grant Program which would use federal funds to provide grants to students pursuing postsecondary training to become child development teachers or supervisors.
Chapter 721, Statutes of 1997
AB 1149 (Lempert-D) Postsecondary education: community colleges
Authorizes community colleges to offer contract education courses on worksite locations, and provides tax credits to taxpayers that make donations of qualified property or facilities, including state-of-the-art equipment, to a community college.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1164* (Wright-D) Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education
Extends the provisions of existing law relative to the Council for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education and the 1989 Act beyond the scheduled sunset date of June 30, 1997, to July 18, 1997, so that critical negotiations relative to revisions of the act may continue.
Chapter 32, Statutes of 1997
AB 1317 (Ducheny-D) Postsecondary education: resident classification
Entitles any amateur student athlete in training at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Chula Vista to resident classification for tuition purposes until he or she has resided in the state the minimum time necessary to become a resident.
Chapter 438, Statutes of 1997
AB 1318 (Ducheny-D) Public postsecondary education: student fees
Reduces systemwide fees for both graduate and undergraduate resident students at the University of California, the California State University, and for all students at the California Community Colleges for fiscal years 1998 through 2000.
Chapter 853, Statutes of 1997
AB 1328 (Cardenas-D) Los Angeles Community College District: governing board
Changes the law requiring members of the Governing Board of the Los Angeles Community College District to be elected by trustee area in an unspecified area rather than by an at large election. Prohibits any member of the governing board from serving more than 2 terms.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 1335 (Alquist-D) California Postsecondary Education Commission
Establishes the California Postsecondary Education Resource Network, and expands the California Postsecondary Education Commission's (CPEC) database, which is the only comprehensive database containing historical data on postsecondary education in the State. Requires the Resource Network to preserve the historical integrity of CPEC's state-level information collection, analysis, and publication program concerning California's systems of postsecondary education.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1353 (Havice-D) California Community Colleges: full-time instructors
Requires the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to prepare an annual report to the Legislature outlining the community college system's progress toward reaching the 75% full-time instructor goal.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1415 (Bustamante-D) Higher Education Partnership Act of 1999
Establishes long-term policies for state funding and student fees for the University of California and the California State University. Enacts the Higher Education Partnership Act of 1999, which makes a number of findings and declarations and establishes policies which include minimum General Fund contribution levels and amount of student fees, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1433 (Olberg-R) California Community Colleges: resident classification
Establishes permanently the entitlement to pay resident student fees for out-of-state active duty military personnel who are students at the California Community Colleges. (Under current law, this entitlement sunsets on January 1, 2000.)
Chapter 682, Statutes of 1997
AB 1441 (Wayne-D) Personal income taxes: credits: university tuition or fees
Allows, under the Personal Income Tax Law, a credit in an amount not to exceed $750 for each taxable year for the tuition or fees paid or incurred for attendance by a taxpayer or the taxpayer's dependent child at a California State University or a University of California. Requires the attendee to transfer to the University from a community college in this state with at least 60 eligible units towards graduation.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1482* (Aroner-D) Community college districts: reorganization
Authorizes the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to impose specified conditions when approving or disapproving a proposal to form a new community college district.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 1528 (Cardoza-D) Higher education facilities
Enacts the Higher Education Technology and Facilities Bond Act of June 1998, and places an unspecified bond measure for higher education facilities on the June 2, 1998 statewide primary ballot.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1542* (Ducheny-D) Welfare reform
Contains Budget Bill trailer bill language necessary to implement the state welfare reform. Provides, among other provisions, that a community college is to provide various educational services to CalWORKs recipients.
Chapter 270, Statutes of 1997
Similar legislation is SB 167 (Solis-D), which was held in Senate Appropriations Committee, and SB 168 (Solis-D), which is in Senate Health and Human Services Committee.
AB 1601 (Shelley-D) Health care
Provides that the new private corporation (UCSF/Stanford Health Care) will receive and operate the hospital and clinics that belong to UCSF under the proposed UC/Stanford hospital merger and will have a separate statute in the Health and Safety Code governing open meetings and open records that is similar to existing Government Code provisions pertaining to actions and deliberations of state bodies.
Chapter 925, Statutes of 1997
ACR 14 (Ducheny-D) University of California Student Association
Commends the University of California Student Association on its 25th anniversary, and extends to the association a standing invitation to share its recommendations with Members of the Legislature on issues affecting postsecondary education.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 20 (Cardoza-D) University of California
Memorializes the Regents of the University of California to appoint, by January 1, 1999, a chancellor to the proposed University of California campus to be located in Merced.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
School Employees
SB 85* (Peace-D) School districts: staff development
Makes modifications and technical changes to the Staff Development Buy-Out Program, which provides incentives to school districts to offer staff development programs on days that are in addition to the regular school year.
Chapter 929, Statutes of 1997
SB 190 (Alpert-D) Teacher credentialing
Authorizes accredited postsecondary institutions to offer "integrated" teacher preparation and subject matter degree programs. Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to establish appropriate standards for such programs, as specified.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 217 (Greene-D) Teacher credentialing: critical thinking
Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to implement specified recommendations related to critical thinking, and to provide a specified report to the Legislature. Appropriates $450,000 from the Teacher Credentials Fund to implement provisions of this bill.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee)
SB 471 (Burton-D) School employee retirement
Provides technical clean-up language to the definition of the State Teachers' Retirement System's (STRS) "creditable compensation," which is the final salary figure upon which the retirement benefit paid to STRS members is based; and conforms that definition throughout the State Teachers' Retirement Law to that enacted by AB 3032 (Burton), Chapter 1165 of 1996.
Chapter 482, Statutes of 1997
SB 600 (Karnette-D) Commission on Teacher Credentialing: waivers
Prohibits, as of June 30, 1998, the State Commission on Teacher Credentialing from waiving teacher preparation requirements related to the state basic skills proficiency test or academic degree requirement.
(Failed passage in Senate Education; reconsideration granted)
SB 674 (Thompson-D) Teacher credentialing: emergency credentials
Specifies that emergency teaching permits may be reissued for 1-year periods, but may not exceed an overall total of 5 years.
Chapter 344, Statutes of 1997
SB 793 (Dills-D) Teacher credentialing: driver education and training
Appropriates $62,500 from the Driver Training Penalty Assessment Fund to pay the half-year cost of a driver training consultant position in the State Department of Education. Specifies that future funding is to be made through the Budget Act.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
SB 824* (Greene-D) California Center on Teaching Careers
Establishes the California Center on Teaching Careers to recruit qualified and capable individuals into the teaching profession, and appropriates $500,000 in federal Goals 2000 funds to the California State University to support the specified activities of the center.
Chapter 864, Statutes of 1997
SB 1019 (Alpert-D) Pupils: counseling services
Requires, commencing with the 2001-02 fiscal year, each school district maintaining kindergarten or any of grades 1 to 8, inclusive, to provide the counseling services of 1 school counselor possessing a valid credential with a specialization in pupil personnel services for every 500 to 750 pupils.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 1026 (Schiff-D) Teachers' retirement benefits
Revises the State Teachers' Retirement System purchasing power protection goal from 68.2% of the original benefit to 75%. Establishes a method to augment the employer contribution rate if that goal is not met, as specified.
Chapter 939, Statutes of 1997
SB 1027 (Schiff-D) School employees retirement
Authorizes State Teachers' Retirement System members to redeposit contributions withdrawn by nonmember spouses under specified conditions, and authorizes purchases of additional service credit for out-of-state public school service.
Chapter 569, Statutes of 1997
SB 1112 (Solis-D) School crossing guards
Requires school districts to provide or employ for the safety of pupils at least 1 school crossing guard at each elementary school. Requires the city or county to reimburse the school district for the cost.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1337 (Solis-D) Certificated school employees: merit system
Makes numerous changes to laws governing certificated school employees in school districts that have adopted merit systems.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 18* (Mazzoni-D) Schools: teachers
Allows AB 1068 (Mazzoni-D), Chapter 948, Statutes of 1996, relating to expanding the supply of teachers for Class Size Reduction to become operative by repealing the contingency that AB 2460 (Takasugi-R) of the 1995-96 Regular Session be chaptered and effective January 1, 1997.
Chapter 1, Statutes of 1997
AB 88 (Baca-D) State Teachers' Retirement System
Permits local school district, community college districts, and county superintendents of schools to elect to provide an additional early retirement option for their teachers. Requires, in order to do so, the employer to transmit full program and administrative costs to the STRS retirement fund. Authorizes the early retirement option to be offered to teachers age 55 and over whose age plus years of credited service equals 85 and would be equivalent to that offered to teachers age 60 and over.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 134 (Baca-D) Public school employers: joint powers agencies
Expands the definition of public school employer to include certain joint powers agencies for the purposes of collective bargaining.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 173 (Aguiar-R) Teacher credentialing
Establishes the Alternative Teacher Intern Program, a multi-year program culminating in a 2-year paid school district-operated internship, as a route to obtaining a California teaching credential.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 285 (Honda-D) Education: domestic violence and sexual assault recognition
Establishes various requirements for information, training, and pupil instruction on domestic violence and sexual assault.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 351 (Scott-D) Teacher credentialing
Creates the Pre-Internship Program to establish a structured program for persons who wish to become fully credentialed teachers through an alternative path, and to replace the use of emergency permits.
Chapter 934, Statutes of 1997
AB 352 (Scott-D) Teacher credentialing
Expands program selection criteria for grants under the existing California School Paraprofessional Teacher Training Program to include meeting the demand for teachers in grades K-3 as a result of class size reduction.
Chapter 737, Statutes of 1997
AB 353 (Wildman-D) California School Paraprofessional Teacher Training Program
Expands and modifies the California School Paraprofessional Teacher Training Program which is intended to recruit paraprofessional employees to enroll in teacher training programs.
Chapter 831, Statutes of 1997
AB 373 (Morrissey-R) School employees retirement
Authorizes the State Teachers' Retirement System to exempt retirees who retired under "Golden Handshake" provisions from the current earnings limitation if they return to work under specified circumstances.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 496 (Lempert-D) California Mathematics Initiative for Teaching
Establishes the California Mathematics Initiative for Teaching for the purpose of increasing the number of teachers who are competent to teach mathematics in public elementary and secondary schools.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 538 (House-R) Classified school employees
Requires persons employed by school districts for the purposes of providing American Sign Language/English interpreting to hold specified certificates or meet specified standards.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 552* (Leach-R) Certificated school employees
Changes the necessary time required for university interns to attain tenure in a district. Requires that participants in university intern programs teach at least 1 complete school year after completing the internship program before acquiring tenure in the school district.
Chapter 138, Statutes of 1997
AB 628 (Strom-Martin-D) Education: independent teacher licensure agency: study
Creates a blue-ribbon commission to review the concept of the privatization of functions currently performed by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 671 (Honda-D) Education: Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Authorizes the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to also disclose the last known business telephone number of an applicant for a credential or a credential holder.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 686 (Baugh-R) School employee retirement
Allows county offices of education to include special education school employees with different base years (instructional days) in the same job classification while maintaining the base year difference in calculating State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) retirement credit. Authorizes STRS to grant an exemption from post-retirement earning limitations to persons who have received specified "golden handshake" additional service credit, effective 1 year after the retirement date of the affected person.
Chapter 572, Statutes of 1997
AB 808 (Campbell-R) School employee: offenses against
Makes assault or battery upon a school employee, with or without injury, an alternate misdemeanor/felony punishable by a fine of up to $10,000, imprisonment of up to 1 year in the county jail or in state prison for a term of 16 months, 2 years, or 3 years, or by both imprisonment and fine.
(Failed passage in Assembly Public Safety Committee)
AB 838 (Pacheco-R) Education: Credentialed Out-of-State Teacher Recruitment
Enacts the Credentialed Out-of-State Teacher Recruitment and Retention Act of 1997 to condense and streamline the existing process for out-of-state educated and credentialed teachers to become credentialed in California.
Chapter 628, Statutes of 1997
AB 858 (Davis-D) Education: certification program
Makes out-of-state teachers, who are certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, eligible to teach in California; and makes a number of related findings, declarations and statements of intent.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 859 (Pringle-R) School districts: volunteers
Allows unpaid volunteers to perform capital maintenance projects in school districts, except a person registered as a sex offender.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 860 (Ducheny-D) Teacher credentialing
Authorizes the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to develop alternative models for undergraduate teacher preparation programs.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 884 (Honda-D) School employees: retirement
Provides that, effective September 1, 1998, the annual 2% cost of living adjustment for State Teachers' Retirement System benefits must be compounded. Does not apply to annuity payments from the defined contribution programs.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 885 (Honda-D) State Teachers' Retirement System Board
Provides that 4 of the 12 members of the State Teachers' Retirement System Board are to be elected by their peers, instead of appointed by the Governor.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1023 (Mazzoni-D) Teacher credentialing
Requires that candidates for preliminary teaching credentials demonstrate basic competency in the use of computers in the classroom, commencing January 1, 2000.
Chapter 404, Statutes of 1997
AB 1024 (Davis-D) Curriculum: visual and performing arts
Specifies that school districts maintaining any of grades 7 to 12 must offer courses in visual and performing arts, including art, music, theater or dance, with emphasis upon development of aesthetic appreciation and the skills of creative expression.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 1086* (Mazzoni-D) Reading instruction
Revises the provisions of the primary grades reading staff development program that was initiated last year. Expands the program from grades K-3 to K-8, revises the requirements for school districts to receive funding, specifies how students are to be taught reading, and requires Sate Board of Education certification of staff development providers.
Chapter 286, Statutes of 1997
AB 1102 (Knox-D) Public employees retirement
Extends eligibility to receive credit at retirement for unused sick leave to members of the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) and school members of the Public Employees' Retirement System who become members on or after July 1, 1980, and retire on or after January 1, 1998. Deletes restrictions that prohibit a STRS member who reinstates from service retirement from receiving credit at a subsequent retirement for unused sick leave accrued after termination of the original retirement.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1103 (Knox-D) Classified employees: termination rights
Allows a classified non-teaching school employee who is laid off through no fault of his or her own to receive priority for temporary re-employment and, if the employee serves as a substitute for more than 21 days within a period of 60 school days, requires the compensation to be at the employee's regular per diem or per hour rate.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1266 (Mazzoni-D) Teachers: beginning teacher support
Expands and revises the Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment program to support and retain additional teachers in their 1st and 2nd year of teaching.
Chapter 937, Statutes of 1997
AB 1331 (Alquist-D) Mathematics Instruction Development Program for Teachers
Creates the Teacher Mathematics Instruction Development Program for grades 4 to 8.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1339 (Bowen-D) Teachers
Requires the California State University to establish pilot programs to train teachers in the use and application of new media technologies.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 1421 (Lempert-D) Public employee retirement
Revises the Public Employees' Retirement Law and the State Teachers' Retirement Law to allow a nonmember spouse to have his or her retirement allowance, under a community property settlement where separate retirement accounts are established, based on the member's compensation for the last 12- or 36-month period prior to the effective date of the nonmember's retirement, rather than the 12- or 36-month period prior to the date of dissolution of marriage or legal separation. Provides that the nonmember may specify a period of final compensation earlier than the immediately preceeding 12- or 36-month period to prevent losing his or her retirement allowance if the member retires before the nonmember.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1456 (Wright-D) Teacher credentialing
Imposes limits on the ability of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to grant waivers of the teacher preparation requirements for individuals seeking a teaching credential.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1579* (Strom-Martin-D) Elementary and secondary education: education finance
Creates the Staff Development Buy-Out Program which would pay school districts $220 per day for each certificated employee who participates in core curriculum area staff development programs which are offered on days that are in addition to the regular school year.
Chapter 296, Statutes of 1997
AB 1597 (Assembly Committee on Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security) School employee retirement
Establishes January 1, 2004 as the sunset date on the "Golden Handshake" provisions of the State Teachers' Retirement System law, and makes several technical revisions to make grammatical changes and reflect existing administrative policies.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1610* (Ortiz-D) School employees
Enacts the Michelle Montoya School Safety Act. Requires school districts to obtain the results of the required fingerprint check through the State Department of Justice (DOJ) prior to employing any non-certificated employee; and requires DOJ to provide such results within 3 working days once the department implements an electronic fingerprinting system. Prohibits an entity having a contract with a school district to provide certain services from allowing employees who have been convicted of a violent or serious felony from coming in contact with pupils. Provides that entities with existing contracts have 90 days from the effective date of this bill to comply with the fingerprint checks and other requirements of the bill. Exempts secondary school pupils employed in temporary or part-time positions from the fingerprint check.
Chapter 588, Statutes of 1997
AB 1612* (Alby-R) School employees
Prohibits the Commission on Teacher Credentialing from issuing a credential to, and requires revocation of the credential of, anyone who has been convicted of a serious or violent felony. Prohibits school districts from hiring anyone so convicted, and prohibits retention of a current certificated or classified employee so convicted who is a temporary, substitute, or probationary employee. Requires the State Department of Justice (DOJ) to implement and manage an electronic fingerprinting system with terminals located statewide, upon an appropriation from the Legislature; and requires DOJ to notify school districts directly and immediately of employment applicants who have been convicted of serious or violent felonies.
Chapter 589, Statutes of 1997
School Facilities
SB 12 (O'Connell-D) Bonds: educational facilities
Enacts the 1998 Class Size Reduction and Educational Technology K-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act, which authorizes the sale of $4 billion in general obligation bonds upon approval by the voters at the November 3, 1998, general election.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 15* (Greene-D) Bonds: Class Size Reduction Facilities Bond Act of 1997
Enacts the Class Size Reduction Facilities Bond Act of 1997, which authorizes the sale of $600 million in general obligation bonds, upon approval by the voters at a November 1997 statewide general election.
(On Senate Third Reading File)
SB 161 (Greene-D) Schools
Contains technical clean-up provisions to a law enacted last year that reorganized the portions of the Education Code related to school facilities.
Chapter 893, Statutes of 1997
SB 250 (Greene-D) School facilities construction
Enacts a new Leroy F. Greene State School Facilities Program with reforms in the school construction building program. Takes effect only if SCA 12 (which changes the vote requirement on school bonds from 2/3 to a majority) and the $8 billion bond measure are enacted.
(Conference Completed)
SB 426 (Hurtt-R) Public works: public schools
Excludes public school facilities projects from the requirement in existing law that any workers employed for projects over $1,000 be paid not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the project is performed, except as required by federal law.
(In Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 540 (Johnston-D) School facilities: repayment waiver
Authorizes the State Allocation Board to waive the repayment requirement for school districts that installed heating and air conditioning units with state bond funds in 1994-95 under the modernization component of the State School Facilities Funding Program.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 708* (Greene-D) School facilities: relocatable buildings
Extends any State Allocation Board waiver of the Field Act for portable school buildings that is in effect on September 29, 1997 for 3 years, until September 30, 2000.
Chapter 320, Statutes of 1997
SB 773* (Johannessen-R) Butte Valley Unified School District: facilities
States legislative intent to reimburse Butte Valley Unified School District for dislocation costs associated with the abandonment of Dorris Elementary School due to unsafe conditions. Allocates Proposition 98 funds to cover annual payments on certificates of participation issued for construction of the original school.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 973 (Greene-D) School facilities
States legislative intent to narrow and restrict, in a specified manner, the process used by cities and counties to levy development fees for school purposes.
(On Senate Unfinished Business File)
SB 974 (Greene-D) School facilities: joint venture agreements
Makes a number of changes related to the nature of joint venture projects that may be funded under the state school facilities funding program.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 975* (Greene-D) School facilities: class size reduction
Provides that school districts shall receive $40,000 for the facilities-related costs of each new class created as a result of the Class Size Reduction Program, if state general obligation bond funds are made available for that purpose.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1163 (Greene-D) School facilities: voluntary desegregation plans
Resets the base-year funding calculation of the desegregation plan of the Sacramento City Unified School District.
Chapter 862, Statutes of 1997
Similar bill was AB 461 (Ortiz-D), which is in the Assembly Appropriations Committee.
SB 1164 (Greene-D) Community-Wide School Facilities Planning Program
Establishes the Community-Wide School Facilities Planning Program which would provide, on a competitive basis, $50,000 matching grants awarded by the Superintendent of Public Instruction to up to 10 school districts for long-range school facilities planning.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1227 (O'Connell-D) School facilities
States legislative intent to enact a new program for the financing of school facilities, with specified goals, and to accomplish reform regarding developer fees.
(In Conference Committee)
SB 1260* (Brulte-R) School facilities
Extends, for 3 years, the authority of school districts to use relocatable buildings that meet State Department of Housing standards but fail to meet Field Act standards.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee)
SCA 12 (O'Connell-D) School facilities funds: bonds
Allows the approval of local general obligation bonds for school facilities purposes by a majority of the voters (rather than the currently required 2/3). Removes the cap on property taxes for the purposes of repaying bonds to finance new schools and improvements to existing schools.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
SCR 7 (Greene-D) Joint Committee on School Facilities
Extends the authority for the 10-member Joint Committee on School Facilities. Specifies the membership and duties and requires a report to be submitted to the Legislature with its recommendations for improvements in the school facilities system. Sunsets the Committee on June 30, 1998.
Resolution Chapter 39, Statutes of 1997
AB 40 (Mazzoni-D) Bonds: educational facilities
Enacts the Class Size Reduction and Educational Technology K-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act, and places a $5 billion general obligation bond measure for K-12 and higher education facilities on the ballot, presumably for the June 1998 primary election.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 56 (Mazzoni-D) Income and bank and corporation taxes: credits
Allows a tax credit under the Personal Income Tax Law and the Bank and Corporation Tax Law equal to 30% of the cost paid or incurred during the taxable or income year for the start-up expenses of establishing, constructing, or expanding a public school facility in California to be used by the children of the taxpayer's employees or the children of the employees of tenants leasing commercial or office space in a building owned by the taxpayer and by other resident children of the school district.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 234 (Battin-R) School facilities: project funding
States legislative intent to address the issue of the ability of school districts in low-wealth areas of the state to participate in the state school construction program.
(In Conference Committee)
AB 252 (Leonard-R) Developer fees
Makes a number of changes in current law related to developer fees charged for the purpose of construction of new schools.
(Conference Completed)
AB 267 (Lempert-D) School facilities: fire safety
Enacts the Greenoaks Family Academy Elementary School Fire Protection Act and allows school districts to apply for state bond funding to equip buildings with an automatic fire alarm and detection system.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 507 (Lempert-D) School facilities: maintenance
Repeals the current state school deferred maintenance program, and replaces it with an annual ongoing maintenance program.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 553 (Leach-R) School facilities
Requires school districts, in order to receive state school construction funds after July 1, 1998, to prepare a plan for completing major maintenance on the project to be funded with state funds.
Chapter 513, Statutes of 1997
AB 611* (Villaraigosa-D) Educational facilities
Makes a number of changes in the role of the State Department of General Services in supervising school and community college construction and alteration projects.
Chapter 390, Statutes of 1997
AB 736 (Thomson-D) School facilities
Changes the name of the State School Deferred Maintenance Fund to the School Major Maintenance Match Fund, and makes a number of changes related to the fund.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 755 (Escutia-D) Class size reduction
Enacts the Class Size Reduction Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 1988, which places an $8.2 billion school bond before the voters in June 1998.
(Conference Completed)
AB 865 (Pringle-R) School facilities
Permits school districts to lease commercial buildings that do not meet earthquake construction standards for use as school facilities if the buildings meet certain building and structural standards. Immunizes school board members and district employees, but not school districts, from being held personally liable for property damage or personal injury resulting from their decision to use such buildings.
Chapter 629, Statutes of 1997
AB 998 (Thompson-R) Julian Union High School District
Authorizes the State Allocation Board to receive an application for a project that meets specified purposes, to consider the project as an emergency or critical hardship project, and to immediately set aside and apportion $2.5 million from funds, as specified, to equally match local funds of the Julian Union High School District.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1085 (Campbell-R) Class size reduction: school facilities
Repeals and adds the Class Size Reduction Facilities Funding Program in order to preserve the program from repeal January 1, 1998 due to legislation reorganizing a portion of the Education Code. Provides that a school district does not need to count the number of teaching stations at a schoolsite under lease to outside agencies to qualify for funding, as specified.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1090 (Campbell-R) School facilities: commercial buildings
Permits school districts to purchase or lease commercial or industrial buildings built on or after January 1, 1980 for use as school buildings without complying with the approval process set forth in the Field Act.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1252 (Perata-D) Development projects: fees
States legislative intent to enact a new program for the financing of school facilities.
(Held at Senate Desk)
AB 1418* (Aroner-D) School facilities
Requires the State Allocation Board to consider the application of the Albany Unified School District to construct a new main building and gymnasium for the Albany High School as an emergency or critical hardship project.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 1511 (Olberg-R) School facilities construction: contingency reserve
Expresses legislative intent to enact a redesigned process for the design and construction of schools.
(In Conference Committee)
AB 1537 (Machado-D) School facilities: training of inspectors
Requires the State Department of General Services to provide ongoing training, examination, and evaluation of school facilities inspectors.
Chapter 683, Statutes of 1997
ACA 5 (Mazzoni-D) Taxation: school districts
Adds an exception to the tax rate limit established by Proposition 13, and lowers the vote requirement for approval of local school bonds to 58%.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
ACA 7 (Escutia-D) School facilities funds: bonds: intent of the Legislature
Declares legislative intent to propose to the voters a measure to add an exception to the tax rate limit established by Proposition 17, and lowers the vote requirement for approval of local school bonds to a simple majority vote.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
School Finance Legislation
SB 10* (Brulte-R) School finance
Consolidates county offices of education operating revenues into a category to be known as "core revenues" to be fully funded for cost-of-living adjustment and growth, and requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to apportion specified amounts of equalization funding to 33 county offices to bring them up to the average for counties within their class.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 135 (Alpert-D) Categorical programs: funding reform
Consolidates 19 existing categorical programs into 2 grants, effective July 1, 1998, which are (1) Educational Quality Improvement Grants: funding for school site councils to meet the instructional needs of a school, and (2) Statewide Initiative Funding: funding for staff development and instructional models expended pursuant to a plan developed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 195 (Hayden-D) Bonds: educational exploratoria
Enacts the Educational Exploratoria Bond Act, which authorizes the sale of $200 million in general obligation bonds upon approval by the voters at the June 2, 1998 primary election. Requires the State Allocation Board to provide grants of up to $50,000 per schoolsite to school districts and county offices of education for wiring, cabling, furniture, and equipment needed for educational technology.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 249 (Greene-D) California State Lottery
Revises the California State Lottery (CSL) act by (1) reducing the percentage of total revenues available for administration of the CSL from 16% to 13%; (2) requiring that this 3% of revenues be deposited into the existing State School Deferred Maintenance Fund and into the new Higher Education Deferred Maintenance Fund, which this bill creates; and (3) specifying how the moneys in those funds are to be expended.
(Failed passage in Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 298* (Leslie-R) School finance: class size reduction
Modifies the new Class Size Reduction program enrollment counting system by eliminating the implementation of the new audit system in 1996-97, and makes it effective on February 16, 1998.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 377 (Greene-D) Education: voluntary desegregation programs
Authorizes several school districts to receive state reimbursement for the costs of voluntary desegregation programs, provided that funding is appropriated in the annual Budget Act or in another measure.
Authorizes the Grant Union High School District, the Lynwood Unified School District, and the Sausalito Elementary School District to begin voluntary desegregation programs.
Authorizes the Allensworth-Richgrove Districts Collaborative, the Carlsbad Unified School District, and the San Diego Union High School District to begin voluntary desegregation programs.
Chapter 860, Statutes of 1997
SB 395 (Greene-D) Summer school
Allows school districts to claim hourly "proficiency" reimbursement for summer and Saturday school reading instruction for pupils in grades 1 and 2 who are not achieving proficiency in reading.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 421* (Johnson-R) Education: school finance
Allows the Newport-Mesa Unified School District and the South Orange County Community College District (formerly Saddleback) to retain recently released property taxes that had been withheld from the districts during the Orange County bankruptcy fiscal crisis.
Chapter 242, Statutes of 1997
SB 550 (O'Connell-D) Education
Adjusts several school finance statutes to accommodate the unusual needs of individual school districts.
Chapter 662, Statutes of 1997
SB 727 (Rosenthal-D) School finance: days of attendance
Changes the average daily attendance upon which school districts and county offices of education are funded from actual attendance plus excused absences to actual attendance. Provides for adjustments to school finance formulas so that districts and counties will be held harmless from loss due to the elimination of excused absences from the attendance count.
Chapter 855, Statutes of 1997
SB 787 (Costa-D) Special education: funding
Declares legislative intent that $105 million proposed in the Governor's Budget for 1997-98 for special education equalization or growth should only be used to equalize special education allocations.
(In Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee)
SB 804 (O'Connell-D) Education: class size reduction
Contains Budget Bill trailer language which makes modifications to the Class Size Reduction program.
Chapter 298, Statutes of 1997
SB 897 (Lee-D) Education: pregnant minors programs
Adjusts annually the allocations to the statewide average for county superintendents of schools that operate Pregnant Minor Programs that currently receive less than average allocations.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 978 (Peace-D) High School Quality Achievement Restoration Act
Establishes the High School Quality Achievement Restoration Act to allocate, for fiscal year 1997-98, up to $400 per pupil in grades 9-12.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
SB 1005 (McPherson-R) Education finance
Establishes a fixed "split" of Proposition 98 funding between K-12 schools and community colleges, and dedicates a calculated amount of community college funds to additional enrollment growth.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1095* (Lockyer-D) Pupils: High-Risk Youth Education and Public Safety Program
Creates the High-Risk Youth Education and Public Safety Program to assist county offices of education and school districts to implement targeted prevention and intervention strategies for youth who are seriously at risk of becoming chronic, repeat offenders.
Chapter 340, Statutes of 1997
SB 1155 (Leslie-R) Education: Plumas Unified School District
Permits schools in the Plumas Unified School District to receive "necessary small schools" funding.
Chapter 865, Statutes of 1997
SB 1193 (Peace-D) School finance: accountability
Reduces, from 16% to 12%, the total state lottery revenues that can be allocated for administrative expenses, and redirects that revenue to districts that meet specified performance or improvement standards. Requires the lottery revenues to be held in separate accounts by districts and requires districts to report annually on funds received, and amounts and purposes of expenditure.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 1285 (Johnston-D) Libraries: joint use
Enacts the School and Library Partnership Act of 1997 under which the State Department of Education awards matching grants to school districts for planning ($50,000) and operation ($200,000 per year for up to 3 years) of joint-use libraries.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 37 (Firestone-R) Education: Academic Warranty Program Act of 1997
Creates the Academic Warranty Program Act of 1997, which requires school districts to pay the costs of remedial instruction in English and mathematics for any specified former student of the district requiring remedial instruction at a California public institution of postsecondary education.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 39 (Mazzoni-D) School finance: equalization adjustments
Consolidates county offices of education operating revenues into a category to be known as "core revenues" to be fully funded for cost-of-living adjustment and growth, and requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to apportion specified amounts of equalization funding for the 1997-98 fiscal year to 33 county offices to bring them up to the average for counties within their class.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 64* (Baca-D) Education technology
Establishes the Digital High School Education Technology Grant Act of 1997 to provide all California public high schools with a technology installation grant within 4 years, and to provide ongoing support and staff training grants to high schools.
Chapter 326, Statutes of 1997
Similar legislation was AB 1011 (Aguiar-R), AB 1012 (Poochigian-R) and AB 1013 (Mazzoni-D), which were all held in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
AB 110 (Leonard-R) Bonds: educational facilities
Enacts the Class Size Reduction and Public Education Facilities Bond Act and places a $4 billion general obligation bond measure for K-12 and higher education facilities on the June 1998 statewide primary ballot. Specifies that, of that amount, $3 billion is for K-12 facilities and $1 billion for public higher education facilities.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 167 (Brewer-R) School finance
Forgives or reschedules certain fiscal penalties that current law imposes on school districts for failure to offer specified instructional time.
Chapter 708, Statutes of 1997
AB 226 (Scott-D) Education finance
Establishes a fixed split of Proposition 98 funding between K-12 schools and community colleges, and dedicates a calculated amount of community college funds to additional enrollment growth.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 261 (Baca-D) Bonds: educational technology infrastructure
Enacts the Educational Technology Infrastructure Bond Act of 1997, and places a $500 million general obligation bond measure for K-12 and higher education technology infrastructure on the June 2, 1998 statewide primary ballot. Specifies that, of this amount, $400 million shall be for K-12 technology needs.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 347 (Havice-D) Suspended pupils: average daily attendance
Allows school districts and county offices of education to claim, for purposes of school apportionment funding, days that a pupil has missed due to suspension.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 437 (Aroner-D) Education: West Contra Costa Unified School District
Reschedules the emergency loan re-payment schedule to be followed by the West Contra Costa (formerly Richmond) School District in repaying the $42.5 million "bail out" loan received from the state in 1993.
Chapter 950, Statutes of 1997
AB 525 (Aroner-D) Healthy Start Support Services
Extends the grant period for Healthy Start operational grants from 3 years to 5 years, and makes other technical changes to the program.
Chapter 172, Statutes of 1997
AB 602 (Davis-D) Poochigian and Davis Special Education Reform Act
Rewrites state law concerning the allocation of funding for Special Education. Establishes a means to transition to the new funding mechanisms by making equalizing adjustments to per-pupil funding levels on a 1-time basis, and implementing a new method of financing that has as its ultimate goal allocating equal funding per regular pupil in average daily attendance.
Chapter 854, Statutes of 1997
AB 611* (Villaraigosa-D) Educational facilities
Makes a number of changes in the role of the State Department of General Services in supervising school and community college construction and alteration projects.
Chapter 390, Statutes of 1997
AB 644 (Lempert-D) School Improvement Pilot Program
Creates the School Improvement Pilot Program, a 5-year pilot beginning in fiscal year 1998-99, to test the effect of linking state funding to pupil performance in 2 school districts selected by the State Department of Education according to specified criteria.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 655 (Cunneen-R) Education: minimum level of education funding
Establishes the presumption that the phrase "average daily attendance" (ADA) shall include average daily attendance for regular education, and adult education and regional occupational programs, for the purpose of any general "per ADA" distribution of funds in satisfaction of the Proposition 98 guarantee.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 684 (Morrow-R) Education: regional occupational centers and programs
Allows funding for students participating in a ROC/P while incarcerated and enrolled in a county juvenile court school or community school.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 792 (Havice-D) Continuation school financing
Provides an equalization funding formula for continuation high schools, requires these schools to submit outcome data on an annual basis, and requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to contract for an independent evaluation of the continuation high school model.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 824 (Ducheny-D) School financing: adult education
Creates an advisory commission to study the existing finance system for adult education, and creates a staff development program for adult education.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1010 (Poochigian-R) Special education
Implements a new special education funding system, and provides a 1-time equity adjustment for the 1997-98 fiscal year.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1140 (Prenter-R) Special education: funding
Increases state funding of instructional personnel service units to the statewide average for the Special Education Social Plan Area located in Fresno County.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1163 (Martinez-D) Arts education pilot program
Establishes the Artists in Schools Pilot Program, to be administered by the California Arts Council, for the purpose of granting funds to school districts to employ professional artists to provide arts education programs to schools in kindergarten through grade 6.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1188* (Lempert-D) Budget Act of 1997: augmentations
Restores specified items of appropriation which were vetoed from the Budget Act (AB 107), and the main education trailer bill (AB 1578), including $178,923,000 to fund designated public elementary and secondary education programs, and $10,600,000 to fund designated community college purposes.
Chapter 886, Statutes of 1997 - Item Veto
AB 1321 (Alquist-D) Summer Mathematics Institute Pilot Program
Creates the Summer Mathematics Institute Pilot Program in Santa Clara County for improving pupil instruction and teacher training in math.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1346 (Olberg-R) Education: home-to-school transportation
Reallocates funding for equalizing home-to-school transportation apportionments and alleviating the fiscal burden of high-impact, high-efficiency school districts.
Chapter 826, Statutes of 1997
AB 1352 (Martinez-D) Child nutrition programs
Makes legislative findings and declarations regarding the provision of benefits to need children under the National School Lunch Program and the Child Nutrition Act. Provides that pupils shall receive benefits regardless of citizenship, alienage, or immigration status. Requires entities involved in these programs to adopt a policy ensuring that the school breakfasts and lunches comply with specified nutrition standards.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1416 (Bustamante-D) Education: school finance
Appropriates $304.2 million for the purpose of funding revenue limit equalization and deficit reduction adjustments to the 1996-97 school district revenue limits. Revises the schedule for allocation of these funds upon enactment of the bill, instead of February 1, 1998 as required under current law.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1562 (Assembly Budget Committee) Budget Act of 1996: contingencies/emergencies/deficiencies
Appropriates $466.2 million from various funds to cover specified deficiencies of the 1996 Budget Act. Provides for a $459,000 federal fund appropriation in 1997 to the State Department of Education for administrative costs of mediation and fair hearing services activities under special education programs for exceptional children.
Chapter 27, Statutes of 1997
AB 1565* (Assembly Budget Committee) Local costs: claims
Appropriates $80,440,223 from the General Fund to pay costs associated with 4 state-reimbursable mandates and to pay deficiencies associated with 16 mandates reimbursed in prior years. Includes reimbursements to school districts to fund a revision to the parameters and guidelines for the "Services to Handicapped Students" mandate and the costs of 3 new programs.
Chapter 306, Statutes of 1997
AB 1571* (Assembly Budget Committee) Budget Act of 1997: augmentations
Augments the Budget Act of 1997. Among other things, appropriates funds for public elementary and secondary education and public postsecondary education.
Chapter 928, Statutes of 1997 - Item Veto
AB 1578* (Migden-D) Education Trailer Bill to the Budget Act of 1997
Contains the annual omnibus education budget trailer bill. Enacts numerous provisions necessary for making specified areas of education funding in the Budget Act operative with various appropriations required to meet the Proposition 98 guarantee for fiscal years 1995-96 and 1996-97.
Chapter 299, Statutes of 1997 - Item Veto
AB 1579* (Strom-Martin-D) Elementary and secondary education: education finance
Creates the Staff Development Buy-Out Program which pays school districts $220 per day for each certificated employee who participates in core curriculum area staff development programs which are offered on days that are in addition to the regular school year.
Chapter 296, Statutes of 1997
AB 1587* (Assembly Budget Committee) Education finance
Restores various projects that were vetoed from the omnibus education trailer bill.
Chapter 889, Statutes of 1997 - Item Veto
School Safety
SB 16 (Knight-R) Crime: terrorizing
Amends the statute proscribing arson or bombing in particular situations with intent to terrorize to include arson or bombing of schools.
Chapter 212, Statutes of 1997
SB 187 (Hughes-D) Comprehensive school safety plans
Requires school districts and county offices of education to develop comprehensive school safety plans, as specified.
Chapter 736, Statutes of 1997
SB 366* (Hughes-D) Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training
Requires the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training to review minimum training and selection standards for school peace officers. Authorizes reimbursement for the specified training of non-sworn personnel.
Chapter 117, Statutes of 1997
SCR 10 (Hughes-D) School conduct and safety
Recognizes that all public school pupils and employees have certain specified rights regarding high standards for conduct, safety and academic achievement.
Resolution Chapter 48, Statutes of 1997
SCR 49 (Hughes-D) School Safety Month and Yellow Ribbon Week
Proclaims October 1997 as School Safety Month and January 12 through January 16, 1998 as Yellow Ribbon Week to demonstrate a commitment to school safety.
Resolution Chapter 118, Statutes of 1997
AB 307 (Kaloogian-R) Pupils: suspension and expulsion
Adds terrorist threats against school officials or school property to the list of actions for which a principal or superintendent may suspend a pupil or recommend him or her for expulsion.
Chapter 405, Statutes of 1997
AB 367 (Havice-D) Community Policing and Mentoring for School Safety
Creates the Community Policing and Mentoring for School Safety Pilot Program to provide 2-year grants to 2 specified school districts in support of school and law enforcement agency partnerships.
Chapter 935, Statutes of 1997
AB 412 (Wildman-D) Pupils: suspension and expulsion
Requires school districts to report the specific offenses for which pupils are suspended or expelled, and makes a clarification to the list of acts for which a pupil may be suspended or expelled.
Chapter 637, Statutes of 1997
AB 431 (Baldwin-R) Pupil expulsion
Modifies the requirement for the expulsion of a student enrolled in K through 6, inclusive, upon a finding that the pupil committed an act specified in the "zero-tolerance" law enacted in 1995.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 676 (Strom-Martin-D) School safety
Requires that any new or modernized school funded from the state school facilities program after January 1, 1998 include a telephone connection in each classroom.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1003 (Thompson-R) School districts
Requires every school district governing board to adopt a policy to notify, as soon as possible, pupils and parents of a school when a felony is committed on or near the school campus and the victim of the crime is either a student attending a school or is an employee of the district.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1253 (Perata-D) Comprehensive Schoolsite Safety Plan Program
Establishes the Comprehensive Schoolsite Safety Plan Program as a 2-year pilot program for the purpose of developing a model program for the development and establishment of comprehensive schoolsite safety plans in school districts. Appropriates $10 million from the General Fund for the 1997-98 fiscal year for allocation to school districts.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1351 (Morrow-R) Pupil expulsion
Allows school districts to suspend or expel pupils who commit specified offenses in times and places unrelated to school activities.
(Motion to withdraw from Assembly Appropriations Committee; failed passage)
AB 1610* (Ortiz-D) School employees
Enacts the Michelle Montoya School Safety Act. Requires school districts to obtain the results of the required fingerprint check through the State Department of Justice (DOJ) prior to employing any non-certificated employee. Also requires DOJ to provide such results within 3 working days once the department implements an electronic fingerprinting system. Prohibits an entity having a contract with a school district to provide certain services from allowing employees who have been convicted of a violent or serious felony from coming in contact with pupils. Provides that entities with existing contracts have 90 days from the effective date of this bill to comply with the fingerprint checks and other requirements of the bill. Exempts secondary school pupils employed in temporary or part-time positions from the fingerprint check.
Chapter 588, Statutes of 1997
AB 1612* (Alby-R) School employees
Prohibits the Commission on Teacher Credentialing from issuing a credential to, and requires revocation of the credential of, anyone who has been convicted of a serious or violent felony. Prohibits school districts from hiring anyone so convicted and prohibits retention of a current certificated or classified employee so convicted who is a temporary, substitute, or probationary employee. Requires the State Department of Justice (DOJ) to implement and manage an electronic fingerprinting system with terminals located statewide, upon an appropriation from the Legislature, and requires DOJ to notify school districts directly and immediately of employment applicants who have been convicted of serious or violent felonies.
Chapter 589, Statutes of 1997
SB 113* (Lewis-R) Air pollution: south coast district: school district trip
Requires the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) to waive fees imposed on a school district for annual submission of, or SCAQMD review of, either its trip reduction plan or alternative compliance plan, as specified.
Chapter 273, Statutes of 1997
SB 118 (Haynes-R) Aid to needy families
Encourages school attendance by children of welfare recipients. Denies eligibility for benefits, under a number of health and social service programs, to any assistance unit that includes a child not enrolled in school, truant or for whom immunizations are not up to date at the time of application.
(Failed passage in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 129 (Ayala-D) School districts: pupils: unexcused absences
Revises the definition of a truant and requires school districts to provide notification of truancy to parents within 5 days of a pupil's classification as a truant.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 194 (Alpert-D) Education: high school graduation requirements
Establishes new course requirements for the receipt of a high school diploma, commencing with the graduating class of the 2006-07 school year. Includes a 4th year of English, specifies that the existing mathematics requirement include 2 courses chosen from algebra, geometry or trigonometry, and that the existing science requirement be laboratory science.
(In Senate Education Committee; subject matter referred to Senate Rules Committee for study)
SB 205 (Haynes-R) Education: Equality in English Instruction Act
Enacts the "Equality in English Instruction Act" and expresses the finding and declaration of the Legislature that English-speaking pupils are deprived of equal access to education in California when their teacher does not have the necessary language skills to understand English-speaking students and to serve as a model for appropriate English.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 208 (Greene-D) County community schools
Provides that a county board of education may establish and maintain one or more community schools within its territorial boundaries.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 268 (Knight-R) California Assessment of Academic Achievement Act
Extends the date of repeal of the California Assessment of Academic Achievement Act to January 1, 2004.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 300 (Greene-D) School district organization
Recasts and revises provisions of existing law relative to an advisory commission on school district organization that was never operative.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 305 (Sher-D) School accountability report cards: school nurses
Requires that the statewide model school accountability report card required by Proposition 98 include, as a school condition to be assessed, the adequacy of school nursing services, as specified.
(Failed passage on Assembly Floor; on Assembly Inactive File)
SB 345* (Polanco-D) Indian education centers
Re-enacts and recasts the provisions of law relative to Indian Education Centers, which sunsetted on January 1, 1997.
(On Senate Inactive awaiting concurrence)
SB 356* (Rainey-R) Literacy
Creates the State Literacy Resource Center, a multi-agency collaboration for the improvement of literacy research, staff development, resource sharing, and information dissemination. Creates a Literacy Council for oversight purposes.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 376* (Alpert-D) Education: academic assessment and performance standards
Implements the new state testing program. Establishes the Standardized Testing and Reporting Program, to be known as the STAR Program.
Chapter 828, Statutes of 1997
SB 394 (Johnston-D) School-to-career opportunities: job training funds
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to use 30% of certain funds available under the federal Job Training Partnership Act to support the work-based learning component of a school-to-career program and expresses legislative intent that the Governor request a waiver from the U.S. Department of Labor regarding certain federal restrictions that limit work experience under the summer youth employment and training program.
Chapter 915, Statutes of 1997
SB 409 (Alpert-D) Libraries
Enacts the Library of California Act which expands the existing system of interlibrary cooperation between public libraries to include establishing a regional electronic network coordinated statewide. Specifies that the system would be governed by a 13-member Library of California Board.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 514 (Hayden-D) Education curriculum: Great Irish Famine
Requires that the Great Irish Famine of 1845-50 be considered in the next cycle in which the history/social science framework and instructional materials are adopted.
Chapter 582, Statutes of 1997
SB 534 (Karnette-D) Teen pregnancy prevention
Requires the State Department of Education to contract with a state agency, including any public institution of higher education, to develop 2 videotapes and supplemental teaching materials on the prevention of teen pregnancy.
Creates the Karnette Teen Abstinence Education Act to implement the abstinence education provision of the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 613 (Polanco-D) Polanco Education Technology Act of 1997
Repeals the Morgan-Farr-Quackenbush Education Technology Act of 1992, which sunsets June 30, 1998, and enacts, in its place, the Polanco Education Technology Act of 1997. Requires the Legislative Analyst to evaluate the effectiveness of the program by February 2002, and repeals the Act as of June 30, 2003.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 652 (Dills-D) Driver training
Repeals the law which limits funds expended for driver training to the amounts appropriated in the annual Budget Act and, instead, creates an annual statutory appropriation of all Driver Training Penalty Assessment Fund moneys to the State Department of Education for driver training and education in the public schools.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 669 (Vasconcellos-D) Parenting education
Requires school districts to ensure that all pupils in grades 9 to 12 receive parenting education, as specified. Requires that the Department of the California Youth Authority offer parenting education to wards in their jurisdiction, as specified. Calls for the convening of a summit for the purpose of developing a master plan for parenting education in nonpublic school settings.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 710 (Dills-D) Teacher credentialing: driver education and training
Appropriates $125,000 from the Driver Training Penalty Assessment Fund to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to fund model programs that help meet the requirements for the proper credential in driver education and training.
(Failed passage on Assembly Floor)
SB 802 (Costa-D) Independent study apportionments
Prescribes the terms for settling an audit dispute concerning the claiming of independent study funding for 10 specified school districts.
Chapter 789, Statutes of 1997
SB 838 (Solis-D) Pupil instruction
Requires school districts and county superintendents of schools to provide a course in parenting education required to be taken by all pregnant pupils and known prospective fathers.
(Failed passage in Senate Appropriations Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 893 (Lee-D) Education: minimum age of compulsory school attendance
Lowers the age of compulsory education from 6 to 5 years of age and mandates the admission of children to Kindergarten.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 895 (Lee-D) Grants for Improvement of Pupil Achievement
Creates a program to provide grants to school districts with low performing schools, as defined, for the improvement of pupil achievement.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 896 (Lee-D) Education: physical activity in schools
Expresses findings and declarations of the Legislature regarding physical activity in the public schools, and expresses intent that schools incorporate into the curriculum the health benefits of regular physical activity.
(In Assembly Rules Committee for assignment)
SB 897 (Lee-D) Education: pregnant minors programs
Annually adjusts allocations to the statewide average for county superintendents of schools that operate Pregnant Minor Programs that currently receive less than average allocations.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 898 (Lee-D) School curriculum: labor history
Expresses the intent of the Legislature that pupils in K-12 education have instruction in labor history.
(In Assembly awaiting assignment to committee)
SB 899 (Lee-D) Truancy: attendance accounting
Declares legislative intent to implement a model regional program, known as the "School's In Today" program, with the goal of preventing truancy by offering districts waivers of instructional time requirements.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 900 (Lee-D) Education reform
Expresses legislative fundings and declarations regarding African American male pupils in the public schools
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 938 (Polanco-D) Citizenship assistance
Appropriates funding for Citizenship Assistance project ($70 million), incuding funds to the State Department of Education for adult education ($30 million).
(In Assembly Budget Committee)
SB 986 (Wright-R) Adult education
Authorizes school districts to contract with a privart company or corporation to conduct adult education programs under specified conditions.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 1015 (Schiff-D) Special education: licensed child care institutes
Extends the sunset date, from January 1, 1998 to January 1, 1999, for a special funding entitlement provided to a single-district special education local plan area that is severely impacted by pupil placements in licensed children's institutions.
Chapter 545, Statutes of 1997
SB 1031 (Hayden-D) Education: inspector general/construction contracts
Addresses contracting processes in certain school districts. Requires that any school board that has voter approval for the issuance of $2 billion in bonds must require a pre-qualification questionnaire, as specified, to be completed by each construction company, engineering firm, consultant, legal firm, product vendor and any other business entity seeking to contract with the board for the furnishing of goods or services. (The only school board that has voter approval to issue over $2 billion in bonds is the Los Angeles Unified School District.)
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1051 (Vasconcellos-D) Voluntary desegregation programs: East San Jose
Authorizes several school districts in East San Jose to receive state reimbursement for the costs of a single coordinated voluntary desegregation program, provided that funding is appropriated in the annual Budget Act, or any other bill.
Chapter 861, Statutes of 1997
SB 1064 (Johnston-D) Education: pregnant and parenting pupils
Repeals current law concerning programs for pregnant and parenting minors and replaces those provisions with a new program to be known as the California School Age Families Education Program, or Cal-SAFE program.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1095* (Lockyer-D) High-Risk Youth Education and Public Safety Program
Creates the High-Risk Youth Education and Public Safety Program to assist county offices of education and school districts to implement targeted prevention and intervention strategies for youth who are seriously at risk of becoming chronic, repeat offenders.
Chapter 340, Statutes of 1997
SB 1110 (Leslie-R) Education
Requires written notification to be sent to the parent or guardian of a pupil at the beginning of the school year, upon enrollment, or 10 to 15 days prior, for any course or instruction on family life, sexuality, sexually transmitted diseases, or AIDS. Requires an alternative education activity to be made available to the pupil if the pupil's parent or guardian declines to permit the pupil to receive such instruction.
(Senate refuses to concur in Assembly amendments)
SB 1258 (Vasconcellos-D) Education: school district reorganization
Makes several substantive changes in the laws governing the reorganization of school districts, and the role and responsibility of the County Committees on School District Reorganization and the State Board of Education.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1261* (Sher-D) Special education
Adds 1 year to current authorization for a pilot program designed to determine whether special education students who have been placed in nonpublic schools can be better, and more cost effectively, served in public schools.
Chapter 30, Statutes of 1997
SB 1323 (Polanco-D) School facilities
Requires local school boards to include fire inspection reports on public meeting agendas.
Vetoed by the Governor
SCR 5 (Lockyer-D) Week of the School Administrator
Recognizes the week of March 2 through 8, 1997 as the Week of the School Administrator to honor the many outstanding contributions and services provided by the administrative teams in California's public school districts.
Resolution Chapter 8, Statutes of 1997
SCR 6 (Lockyer-D) California State Parent Teacher Association
Designates February 1997 as Parent Teacher Association Month in California.
Resolution Chapter 3, Statutes of 1997
SCR 10 (Hughes-D) School conduct and safety
Recognizes that all public school pupils and employees have certain specified rights regarding high standards for conduct, safety and academic achievement.
Resolution Chapter 48, Statutes of 1997
SCR 21 (Thompson-R) Adult education
Designates the week of March 17 through March 21, 1997, as California Adult Education Week, and commends the students, classified staffs, teachers and administrators of California's adult schools for their support of, and contributions to, the quality of public education in this state.
Resolution Chapter 10, Statutes of 1997
SCR 41 (Rainey-R) Mentoring Awareness Month
Declares the month of May 1997 as Mentoring Awareness Month.
Resolution Chapter 51, Statutes of 1997
AB 25 (Pringle-R) Education: opportunity scholarships
Creates a voucher system (opportunity scholarships) for students to attend public or private schools.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 31 (Aguiar-R) Educational technology
Expresses legislative intent to enact an Educational Technology Act and form a task force to identify options to make classrooms computer accessible and to obtain computer equipment.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 52 (Washington-D) Compton Unified School District
Requires the County Office Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team and the state-appointed administrator to develop recovery plans for the Compton Unified School District to regain its legal rights, duties and powers.
Chapter 767, Statutes of 1997
AB 58 (Escutia-D) Special education: extension of sunset date
Extends the sunset date for special education programs from June 30, 1998 to June 30, 2000.
Chapter 829, Statutes of 1997
AB 85 (Runner-R) Pupils: age of admission
Moves up the dates by which a child must be the appropriate age in order to enroll in specified grades, and holds districts harmless for any loss of revenues related to this change.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 101 (Kuehl-D) Education: sexual orientation: nondiscrimination
Expands, by the Dignity for All Students Act, the scope of all non-discrimination statutes applying to public educational institutions to include sexual orientation.
(Failed passage on Assembly Floor; reconsideration granted)
AB 132 (Campbell-R) Education technology
Requires that school districts which provide pupils with access to the Internet adopt a policy regarding pupil access to "harmful matter", as defined.
Chapter 86, Statutes of 1997
AB 189 (Brown-D) School districts
Requires local school district governing boards to offer graduation credit for community service and to offer service learning opportunities, as defined, as an alternative means of satisfying any course requirement for graduation.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 191 (Napolitano-D) Domestic violence prevention education
Creates a pilot program allowing Los Angeles County school districts to incorporate domestic violence prevention into existing curriculum for grades 7 to 12. Appropriates $100,000 from the General Fund to the Los Angeles County Board of Education, of which $90,000 is for training and $10,000 for independent evaluation of the program. Sunsets June 30, 2000.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 248 (Honda-D) Education: International Baccalaureate Diploma Programs
Provides monetary incentives to encourage high schools to either continue offering, or to begin offering, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program curriculum.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 259 (Scott-D) Pupils: interdistrict attendance: expulsion appeal
Allows county boards of education of large counties to use a hearing officer or an impartial administrative panel to hear expulsion appeals, or appeals of denials of requests for interdistrict attendance.
Chapter 417, Statutes of 1997
AB 281 (Hertzberg-D) Schools: school district governing board
Eliminates the limit on the number of school board members in certain instances.
Chapter 54, Statutes of 1997
AB 287* (Honda-D) Education
Makes various technical "clean-up" changes to the Education Code. Corrects errors, resolves conflicts in code sections, deletes obsolete references, and makes other non-controversial changes.
Chapter 825, Statutes of 1997
AB 288 (Leonard-R) California Educational Research Institute
Creates a non-partisan body, the California Educational Research Institute, which will be required to conduct research into and review existing educational methodologies, review textbook adoption processes from the context of the institute's findings, and carry out additional research as directed and funded by the Legislature.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 336 (Miller-R) Income taxes: credits: educational expenses
Authorizes, under the Personal Income Tax Law, credentialed, full-time teachers at public K-12 educational institutions to claim a 100% tax credit for unreimbursed qualifying classroom educational expenditures not to exceed $500 for each tax year beginning on or after January 1, 1997 and ending before January 1, 2002.
(Motion to withdraw from Assembly Appropriations Committee; failed passage)
AB 345 (Granlund-R) Libraries
Revises the formula for distribution of state aid to public libraries from a formula that requires a 90% local match, to a formula that allocates state aid in equal amounts per person served by each public library.
Chapter 167, Statutes of 1997
AB 365 (Kuehl-D) Schools: graduation requirements
Revises course requirements for the receipt of a high school diploma to require 1 course in visual or performing arts and 1 course in a foreign language, commencing with the graduating class of the 2002-2003 school year. Revises existing law that calls for students to take 1 course in visual or performing arts or one course in a foreign language.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 381 (Takasugi-R) Hepatitis B: schools: immunizations
Requires immunizations for hepatitis B for students unconditionally entering or unconditionally advancing to the 7th grade level on or after July 1, 1999.
Chapter 882, Statutes of 1997
AB 385 (Goldsmith-R) Home rule districts
Permits the creation of "home rule" school districts governed by district-wide charters which apply to all of the district's schools and which are established under procedures similar to the creation of charter schools.
(In Assembly Education Committee; subject matter referred for study)
AB 401 (Kuykendall-R) Palos Verdes Peninsula School District
Reorganizes a part of the Los Angeles Unified School District. Provides that, notwithstanding existing law pertaining to the reorganization of school districts, the area of Eastview in Los Angeles County, which is currently part of the Los Angeles Unified School District, shall be transferred to, and become a part of, the Palos Verdes Peninsula School District.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 418 (Migden-D) California Collaborative for Improving Academic Preparation
Creates the California Collaborative for Improving Academic Preparation for the purpose of developing new or utilizing existing postsecondary academic preparation programs for underserved elementary and secondary school students.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 485 (Papan-D) Schools: youth center
Authorizes school boards to grant the use of school facilities for a community youth center.
Chapter 41, Statutes of 1997
AB 498 (Wildman-D) Education: fiscal accountability: audits
Revises and establishes new procedures for setting audit guidelines and resolving audit exceptions for the annual audits of local educational agencies.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 499 (Kuehl-D) Diversity in education: Sex Equity in Education Act
Consolidates and standardizes the non-discrimination language in the Education Code into 2 chapters, 1 for K-12 and another chapter for higher education. Strengthens the gender equity provisions for K-12 systems, clarifies a private right of action for discrimination claims arising under the Education Code, and expands the remedies available for discrimination in educational institutions to include monetary damages.
(Failed passage on Assembly Floor; on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 504 (Wildman-D) Low-incidence disabilities: funding
Requires the State Department of Education to develop guidelines for statewide regionalization of service delivery for pupils with low incidence disabilities and to develop a unified cost model for regionalized programs.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 524 (Cunneen-R) Life Sciences and Conservation Education Project of 1998
Creates the Life Sciences and Conservation Education Project of 1998 which is intended to provide pupils in grades 6, 7 and 8 an opportunity to increase their understanding of biological conservation and public policy issues.
Chapter 877, Statutes of 1997
AB 544 (Lempert-D) Class size reduction
Creates the California Paraprofessional and Career Ladder Program to provide grants to school districts for the recruitment and training of paraprofessional employees in kindergarten through grade 6.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 568 (Lempert-D) Education: School Accountability Report Card
Requires school districts that are connected to the Internet to post their school accountability report cards on the Internet and update the information annually.
Chapter 918, Statutes of 1997
AB 572 (Caldera-D) School Accountability Report Card
Revises, and makes more specific, the elements of information that are to be included in local school accountability report cards that, pursuant to Proposition 98, are annually issued by local public schools.
Chapter 912, Statutes of 1997
AB 602 (Davis-D) Poochigian and Davis Special Education Reform Act
Rewrites state law concerning the allocation of funding for special education. Establishes a means to transition to the new funding mechanisms by making equalizing adjustments to per pupil funding levels on a one time basis, and then implementing a new method of financing that has, as its ultimate goal, allocating equal funding per regular pupil in average daily attendance (ADA).
Chapter 854, Statutes of 1997
AB 606 (Martinez-D) Education: school nutrition report
Requires the State Department of Education to prepare a report on specified school nutrition issues and submit the report by November 15, 1998.
Chapter 174, Statutes of 1997
AB 641 (Aroner-D) Pupils: excused absences
Adds attendance at specified probation-related appointments to the list of excuses for missing school that are considered "excused absences."
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 727 (Martinez-D) Education: physical education instruction
Requires each school district selected by the Superintendent of Public Instruction to report on the district's compliance with current physical education requirements.
Chapter 640, Statutes of 1997
AB 730 (Keeley-D) Meals for needy pupils: records
Creates a limited and specific exemption to existing law that protects the privacy of participants in free and reduced price meal programs. Allows the use of pupil participation records to be used to determine the achievement of pupils in poverty.
Chapter 834, Statutes of 1997
AB 733 (Washington-D) Hazardous and solid waste: public education
Requires the Director of Toxic Substances Control to develop, and make available for schools, for grades K-12, inclusive, a public education program that provides curricula on hazardous materials and hazardous and solid waste facilities, with specified objectives.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 776 (Baca-D) Pupil attendance
Expands the type of excused pupil absences to include absences for pupils who hold work permits for 5 or fewer days to work in the entertainment or allied industry and requires school districts to give these students credit for instruction received from a credentialed studio teacher, as specified, during these types of absences.
Chapter 879, Statutes of 1997
AB 780 (Morrissey-R) Sex offenders: school grounds
Increases the punishment for a person who engages in indecent exposure upon the grounds of, or within 100 feet of, a public or private elementary, vocational, junior high, or high school, or a school bus stop during specified hours, by making that act punishable as a misdemeanor or a felony. Makes it a felony to suffer a first conviction for indecent exposure after a previous conviction for the commission or attempted commission of specified sex offenses.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 781 (Sweeney-D) Education Technology Benchmark Implementation Trust Fund
Extends the sunset date of the Morgan-Farr-Quackenbush Education Technology Act of 1992 from June 30, 1998 to June 30, 2000, and makes a number of changes to the Act.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 814 (Baldwin-R) Education: scholarships for low-performing pupils
Provides opportunity scholarships to low-performing pupils.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 817 (Baldwin-R) Education: moments of quiet reflection
Requires each public elementary and secondary school to conduct a brief moment of reflection at the beginning of the school day.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 828 (Aroner-D) Pupils
Establishes the Second Shift Youth Enrichment Act to effectively leverage federal, state and local resources and increase collaboration among existing programs in the schools and community, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 862 (Ducheny-D) School libraries
Creates the Library Materials Fund in the State Treasury for public schools, to be administered by the State Department of Education. Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to apportion $5 per unit of average daily attendance reported from the prior fiscal year to each school district and county office of education for the purchase of school library materials. Distributes the funds on a pro rata basis if insufficient funds are available to fund the apportionment at the $5 level.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 863 (Pringle-R) Reading Remediation: second grade pupils
Creates the Summer Reading Redemption Pilot Program for Second Grade Pupils, to test the potential of requiring all pupils who, at the end of the second grade are at least 1 year behind grade level, to take summer or Saturday school.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 876 (Miller-R) 1997 California Coaching Education Incentive Grant Program
Creates the California Coaching Education Incentive Grant Program. Specifies that the program is to be administered by school districts and requires emphasis on various components including, but not limited to, sport psychology, pedagogy, and physiology, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 900 (Cardenas-D) Community Alcohol Education Grant Program
Creates the Community Alcohol Education Grant Program within the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs for the purpose of providing grants to schools and non-profit organizations to design and implement innovative alcohol abuse programs.
(Refused passage on Assembly Floor; reconsideration granted)
AB 962 (Richter-R) Schools: graduation requirements
Requires school districts, commencing with the 2002-03 school year, to require pupils, in order to earn a high school diploma, to complete 1 course in conversational Spanish and 1 additional course in Spanish or another foreign language, as specified.
Specifies legislative intent that the Governor petition the federal Immigration and Nationalization Service to permit teachers from those countries from which foreign language teachers are needed to enter the United States and work as foreign language teachers in California schools.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1001 (Torlakson-D) Education: parental involvement
Expands current law regarding the rights and responsibilities of parents and guardians of pupils enrolled in public school and provides opportunities for parents and guardians to participate in professional development programs.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1003 (Thompson-R) School districts
Requires districts or schools to notify, as soon as possible, the pupils of a school and their parents when a felony is committed on or near the school when the victim of the felony is a pupil attending the school or an employee of the school and the felony has the potential to affect other pupils or employees of the school.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1056 (Mazzoni-D) Education Accountability and Quality Improvement Act of 1997
Creates the Education Accountability and Quality Improvement Act of 1997 to identify, and provide assistance to, schools with high concentrations of pupils who are low-performing, as determined by a number of indicators.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1086* (Mazzoni-D) Reading instruction
Revises the provisions of the primary grades reading staff development program that was initiated last year. Expands the program from grades K-3 to K-8, revises the requirements for school districts to receive funding, specifies how students are to be taught reading, and requires State Board of Education certification of staff development providers.
Chapter 286, Statutes of 1997
AB 1106 (Knox-D) Middle college high schools
Requires the California Community Colleges and the State Department of Education to collaborate with each other and their respective local community college and school districts to ensure the continued success of existing Middle College High Schools, and to promote the establishment of new schools.
Chapter 948, Statutes of 1997
AB 1113 (House-R) Parental rights
Establishes that a parent shall retain the fundamental right to exercise primary control over the education of any child "in his or her charge." Permits a parent to sue a school district and its personnel if there is a claim arising under the provisions of this legislation.
(Failed passage in Assembly Judiciary Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1121 (Goldsmith-R) Vocational education: regional occupational program
Authorizes regional occupational centers and programs, with the approval of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, to use electronic communication technology as an alternative method to deliver instruction.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1162 (Havice-D) Language Arts Enrichment Program
Deletes the Language Arts Enrichment Program, which was enacted in 1989 and never funded and establishes in its place, the Secondary Reading/Writing and Mathematics Enrichment Program, a program of competitive grants awarded by the Superintendent of Public Instruction to districts whose applications are approved by the State Board of Education.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1189 (Shelley-D) Adult education: attendance reporting
Specifies methods for attendance accounting for audit education programs administered by school districts. Affirms that attendance does not have to be separately reported for each hour in adult education classes for more than 1 hour, and allows 10 minutes of break time in any adult class of 2 or more hours.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1200 (Martinez-D) Education: school attire
Prohibits districts from requiring girls to wear skirts or dresses as part of a school uniform policy, without parental consent.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1205 (Wright-D) Education: ethics and civil values in the schools
Repeals the Ethics and Civic Values in the Schools Program and replaces it with a statement of intent that supports ethics and civics values in the schools, and authorizes the State Department of Education to provide supporting technical assistance to schools.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1216 (Granlund-R) School boards: vacancies
Prohibits a person from holding more than 1 local education governing board office at a time, and provides that in such a case, the term in the first office would be automatically vacated upon the assumption of the second office (the offices in question are the governing board members of a school district, county office of education, or a community college district).
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 1263 (Poochigian-R) Instructional materials: adoption
Alters the state adoption process for instructional materials. Changes the schedule for publishers to submit instructional materials to the state for approval and for retaining these instructional materials on the state approved list. Requires the State Board of Education to ensure that curriculum frameworks for each subject area are reviewed and approved in accordance with the new schedule for the submission of instructional materials.
Chapter 251, Statutes of 1997
AB 1272* (Pacheco-R) Statewide Pupil Assessment Review Panel
Allows the Statewide Pupil Assessment Review Panel to meet with test publishers in closed sessions.
Chapter 44, Statutes of 1997
AB 1292 (Migden-D) Education: fiscal accountability: audits
Revises and establishes new procedures for setting audit guidelines and resolving audit exceptions for the annual audit of local educational agencies. Specifies that funding is contingent upon appropriation in the annual Budget Act or other legislation.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1297 (Morrow-R) Vehicles: schoolbuses
Requires every school or district providing pupil bus transportation services to prepare a transportation safety plan containing specified procedures. Requires the use of flashing red lights on schoolbuses at all stops and makes related changes.
Chapter 739, Statutes of 1997
AB 1330 (Bordonaro-R) School districts: services contracts
Requires that all contracts, by a school district, for private architectural, landscape architectural, engineering, environmental, land survey, and construction management services contracts shall be procured through processes, as specified. Specifies that this provision only applies to school districts with a student population of 5,000 or more.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1331 (Alquist-D) Mathematics Instruction Development Program for Teachers
Creates the Teacher Mathematics Instruction Development Program for grades 4 to 8.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1470 (Bordonaro-R) Education
Requires the State Department of Education (SDE) to establish and staff specified vocational education units and specifies curriculum requirements for school districts that choose to participate in the programs. Creates, within the SDE (1) a business vocational education unit with 5 total positions, (2) a health careers vocational education unit with 2 total positions, and (3) an industrial and technology vocational education unit with 4 total positions.
(Failed passage in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1490 (House-R) Sex education: homosexuality
Specifies that state funds may not be used by any public or private school enrolling pupils in any of kindergarten or grades 1 to 12 for the purpose of (1) providing any materials or instruction that promotes or advocates homosexuality as a viable alternative lifestyle, and (2) referring any pupil to any organization that promotes or advocates a homosexual lifestyle.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1495 (Leach-R) School districts: volunteers
Permits the governing board of any school district to permit any person, except a person required to register as a sex offender, to serve as an unpaid volunteer for any capital maintenance project in the school district.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1503 (Perata-D) State Literacy Resource Center
Creates the Literacy Resource Center for the purpose of enhancing the state's efforts to eliminate the problem of illiteracy.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
ACR 3 (Wright-D) Eddie Eagle Elementary Gun Safety Education Program
Encourages the funding of the Eddie Eagle Elementary Gun Safety Education Program by civic and community service organizations, encourages educational institutions in grades K-6 to promote the use of the program in the public schools, and commends the National Rifle Association for developing the program and making it available for use in the state.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee)
ACR 6 (Torlakson-D) Parent-Teacher Involvement and Responsibility Week
Proclaims March 3 through March 20, 1997, as Parent-Teacher Involvement and Responsibility Week.
Resolution Chapter 6, Statutes of 1997
ACR 21 (Woods-R) Small School District Week
Designates the third week of September as Small School District Week in recognition of the uniqueness of small school districts.
Resolution Chapter 127, Statutes of 1997
ACR 34 (Mazzoni-D) NetDay
Expresses the intent of the Legislature that NetDay (a program to provide schools with the necessary infrastructure to network computers and connect to the Internet) should be used as a positive model in communities throughout the nation and that NetDay should continue to assist students, parents, and schools across the nation.
Resolution Chapter 18, Statutes of 1997
ACR 37 (Washington-D) School Psychology Week
Declares April 13 through April 19, 1997 as School Psychology Week.
Resolution Chapter 33, Statutes of 1997
ACR 72 (Baca-D) Parental notification
Encourages school districts to inform parents and guardians regarding the availability of information on registered sex offenders.