
Development and Financing
Motor Vehicle Emissions

Index Development and Financing

SB 91 (Florez-D) Intercity rail service

Transfers, effective January 1, 2004, all of the duties and responsibilities of the State Department of Transportation relative to intercity rail passenger service to the California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority). Requires the Authority to conduct a review of all programmed intercity rail projects that have not received an allocation of state funds as of that date and to only proceed with the implementation of projects that are determined by the Authority to be complementary to the planned high-speed rail service.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 465 (Soto-D) Transit village plan: design

Exempts transit villages from meeting the physical definitions of blight in order to qualify as redevelopment areas. Expands the definition of transit village to include areas within a 1/2 mile of a transit station.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 673 (Florez-D) Fresno County Transportation Authority

Deletes the specified wording requirement of a proposition to amend the Fresno Transportation Improvement Act and, instead, provides that the wording of the proposition be described in the expenditure plan. Provides that the bond appropriation limit of the Fresno County Transportation Authority be included in the expenditure plan.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 849 (Torlakson-D) Metropolitan Transportation Commission

Requires that the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) include the Bay Area Air Quality Management District in the joint policy committee of the ABAG-MTC Task Force, by June 30, 2005. Requires that joint policy committee to coordinate the development and drafting of major planning documents prepared by all three entities because land use, transportation, and air quality are interrelated. Also requires that representatives from each of the nine regional counties be on the joint policy committee (those nine counties are: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, Sonoma, San Mateo, San Francisco, Santa Clara, and Solano).

Chapter 791, Statutes of 2004

SB 887* (Perata-D) Seaports: security: infrastructure: bonds

Enacts the Seaport Security and Port Neighborhood Transportation, Clean Air, and Navigation Improvement Bond Act of 2003 (Bond) and places the Bond before the voters at the next statewide general election and, if approved, authorizes the sale of $1 billion in general obligation bonds.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 924 (Karnette-D) Global Gateways Development Council

Establishes a nine member Global Gateways Development Council in the Business Transportation and Housing Agency to advise on the needs of commercial transportation in California

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 957 (McClintock-R) Transportation gridlock emergencies

Defines and authorizes the Governor to declare a "transportation gridlock emergency" for the purpose of constructing new highways without regard to existing statutes, regulations, or similar requirements. Requires the State Department of Transportation to determine the average hours of vehicle delay on all state highways and issue a report annually for the purpose of declaring transportation gridlock emergencies.

(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1048* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Budget Act of 2003: Aeronautics Account

Deletes Item 2660-012-0041 of the 2003-04 Budget, which transferred $4,762,000 from the Aeronautics Account in the State Transportation Fund to the General Fund.

(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

SB 1098* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Transportation: financing

Provides the necessary statutory changes in the area of transportation in order to enact the 2004 Budget Act. Requires the State Controller to transfer from the General Fund to the Transportation Deferred Investment Fund, on or before June 30, 2008, the amount of Proposition 42 sales tax revenues suspended in 2004-05. Transfers up to $140 million of potential "spillover" revenues to the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund as partial repayment of past transportation loans to the General Fund. Requires the State Department of Transportation to prepare a five-year maintenance plan that addresses the maintenance needs of the state highway system. Requires the California Transportation Commission (CTC) to report to the Legislature on or before October 1 of each year on the amount of notes the CTC intends to issue for the subsequent fiscal year. Reduces the fee from $20 to $6, for an original or replacement State Department of Motor Vehicles identification card issued to an indigent individual, as specified.

Chapter 212, Statutes of 2004

SB 1099* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Transportation finance: Proposition 42

Suspends, pursuant to Article XIX B, the transfer of motor vehicle fuel sales tax revenues from the General Fund to the Transportation Investment Fund for the 2004-05 fiscal year.

Chapter 210, Statutes of 2004

SB 1169* (Murray-D) High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act: election

Postpones for two years the scheduled November 2, 2004 vote on the Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century. The Bond Act, instead, will be submitted to the state's voters at the November 7, 2006 general election.

Chapter 71, Statutes of 2004

SB 1256* (McClintock-R) High-speed Passenger Train Bond Act: repeal

Repeals the Safe, Reliable High-Speed Train Bond Act for the 21st Century and removes the Bond Act from the November 2, 2004 general election ballot.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1381 (Kuehl-D) California Task Force for Bicycling and Walking

Requires the Director of the State Department of Transportation (DOT) to work with a task force to make recommendations to ensure policies that enhance bicycling and walking and seek adequate funding for those policies. Requires DOT to maintain its database of rail right-of-way and to document how each district office considers the needs of nonmotorized travelers.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 1483* (Perata-D) Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act

Provides for submission of the Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century to the voters for approval at the November 7, 2006, general election rather than the November 2, 2004 date contained in SB 796 (Costa-D), Chapter 697, Statutes of 2002. Provides that bonds for the high-speed train system would not be issued earlier than January 1, 2008.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1507 (Burton-D) Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicle bonds

Places in statute the adopted policy and guidelines of the California Transportation Commission regarding the issuance of federal Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicle bonds for financing state transportation projects.

Chapter 793, Statutes of 2004

SB 1759 (Denham-R) Public Transportation Account transfer: repeal

Repeals statutory provisions that require certain transportation revenues and receipts to be transferred annually to the Public Transportation Account. Requires, instead, that the funds to be deposited in the State Highway Account.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1773 (Soto-D) Metropolitan Transportation Authority's benefit assessments

Requires, that for fiscal year (FY) 2004-05 and any subsequent FY, any claim filed against the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) seeking the exclusion of real property or the reduction of an assessment on any grounds must occur within two years after the original assessment payment is made.

Chapter 590, Statutes of 2004

SCA 7 (Murray-D) Loans of transportation revenues and funds

Amends the Constitution to require that any amounts loaned from the State Highway Account or the Public Transportation Account be repaid with interest.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SCA 20 (Torlakson-D) Transportation funding

Amends the Constitution to increase from 2/3 to 4/5 the voting requirement for the Legislature to redirect gasoline sales tax revenues from transportation purposes to the state's General Fund. Permits the transfer pursuant to a written gubernatorial proclamation of a natural or other disaster as opposed to the current requirement of significant negative impact to the General Fund.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 33 (Samuelian-R) San Joaquin Valley: environmental streamlining

Establishes two separate demonstration programs for highway projects that are located in eight specific counties in the San Joaquin Valley region, as defined.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 392 (Montanez-D) Environmental justice

Establishes in statute two grant programs for local environmental justice and community based transportation planning, establish subaccounts in the State Highway Account for those purposes and codify related eligibility, procedural and other aspects of the programs.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 420 (Longville-D) Congestion management program

Includes county welfare-to-work transportation programs among the alternative transportation methods included within the congestion management program updates.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 443 (Matthews-D) Rural Transit System Grant Program

Requires the State Department of Transportation (DOT) and the California Transportation Commission to establish a Rural Transit System Grant Program to purchase, construct, and rehabilitate transit facilities, vehicles, and equipment, including energy efficiency retrofits, and to purchase rights-of-way for transit systems. Requires DOT to submit a report describing the projects funded under the program to the Legislature on or before June 30, 2004. Provides that this bill does not become operative unless funds for the program are appropriated by the Budget Act of 2003.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 684 (Dutra-D) Public transit smart cards

Establishes standards for smart card fare payment systems implemented by publicly-owned transit operators to enhance the possibility of an interoperable smart card system that allows riders to use their smart card statewide.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 710 (Correa-D) Orange County Transportation Authority

Expands the membership of the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) from 12 members to 18 members and revises the composition and representation of the board of the OCTA.

Chapter 469, Statutes of 2004

AB 822 (Matthews-D) Redevelopment: transit: jobs-housing balance

Authorizes a redevelopment agency, consistent with the authority granted, pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law, to use tax-increment financing to finance projects near transit jointly or in cooperation with other public agencies that are authorized to undertake transit oriented development projects, and projects designed to address jobs-housing imbalances in cooperation with an Inter-Regional Partnership designed to improve the balance of housing and jobs.

(Died at Assembly Desk. Never assigned to a committee.)

AB 875 (Wyland-R) Transportation financing

Requires all of the revenues in the Highway Users Tax Account to be apportioned proportionally to each county in which the revenues were generated and to be used solely for freeway construction purposes, effective January 1, 2004. Requires all revenues attributable to sales and use taxes on motor vehicle fuel available for allocation for transportation capital improvement purposes consistent with Article XIX B of the California Constitution to be apportioned proportionally to each county in which the revenues were generated and to be used solely for freeway construction purposes, effective July 1, 2008.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1096 (Harman-R) Transportation projects

Requires the California Transportation Commission to allocate, from funds appropriated for the State Transportation Improvement Program, the sum of $166,200,000 for specified transportation projects.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 1112 (Lowenthal-D) Transit stations: housing opportunity districts

Requires the State Department of Housing and Community Development to authorize creation of six tax increment districts around transit stations to finance affordable housing development.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1320 (Dutra-D) Transit village plan: design

Requires a transit village plan to include any five of specified demonstrable public benefits from the statutory list of 13 public benefits. Deletes the requirement that a rail transit station be at the core of a transit village development

Chapter 42, Statutes of 2004

AB 1390* (Ridley-Thomas-D) Income tax credits: fuel efficient vehicles

Authorizes a nonrefundable, 20 percent personal income and corporation tax credit for the purchase of a new fuel-efficient vehicle, provided the Director of the State Department of Finance certifies that state revenues will equal or exceed projected state expenditures.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1720 (Nunez-D) Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Requires the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority to use specified state operation subsidies to, on a monthly basis, fund specified health and welfare benefits and maintain a reserve, as specified.

(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

AB 2024 (Bermudez-D) Ports: transportation network

Requires the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to collect statistics and evaluate changes to the good movement network and to collect statistics regarding compliance with existing efforts to achieve specified goals.

Chapter 941, Statutes of 2004

AB 2041 (Lowenthal-D) Ports: congestion

Establishes the Port Congestion Management District for the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles. Authorizes the district board to collect fees on commercial vehicles operating in the port areas. Provides that these provisions would not become operative if the Secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency makes certain findings.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 2042 (Lowenthal-D) Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach

Requires the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), by September 1, 2005, to establish a baseline for air quality for the ports of Los Angles and Long Beach. Requires SCAQMD, the State Air Resources Board (ARB), the Port of Los Angeles, and the Port of Long Beach to develop and enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to implement emission-control measures related to operations at each of those ports. Requires ARB to report annually, commencing January 1, 2006, regarding the development and implementation of the MOA. Provides that if an MOA is not entered into by September 1, 2005, the ports are to develop a baseline for air quality for each port, as specified, and requires that the data be submitted to the SCAQMD for approval.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 2043 (Lowenthal-D) Maritime Port Strategic Master Plan Task Force

Requests the California Marine and Intermodal Transportation System Advisory Council to meet, hold hearings, and compile data on port congestion and growth. Requests a report to the Legislature by January 1, 2006 on the improved management of port growth and related environmental impacts of goods movement through state ports.

Chapter 942, Statutes of 2004

AB 2366 (Dutra-D) Bay Area state-owned toll bridges: financing

Makes substantive changes to the financial and administrative responsibilities for the seismic retrofit and replacement of Bay Area toll bridges. Consolidates management of toll bridge revenues under the Bay Area Toll Authority (BATA), requires BATA to provide an unspecified amount up to $520 million in additional toll revenues to the State Department of Transportation to enable the department to award a contract for the self-anchored suspension portion of the Bay Bridge, and declares that the legislation is a stop-gap measure to advance a Bay Area contribution to allow the contract award, more fully audit the management of the seismic program and develop a fair long-term funding plan.

(Died at Senate Desk. Returned to the Senate for amendments pursuant to Assembly Rule 77.2.)

AB 2372 (Correa-D) State Transportation Improvement Program

Requires a regional agency requesting a reserve of funds in a future county share period to identify the year in which a project will be programmed.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2456 (Spitzer-R) Regional transportation improvement programs

Establishes a baseline for state funding a regional transportation agency or county transportation commission can receive to cover certain project-related costs.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2471 (Longville-D) Transit service: housing developments

Requires the Office of the Legislative Analyst to conduct a study of costs to transit operators of providing transit service to new housing developments of more than 150 units. Requires the office to estimate the costs to local governments of accommodating an auto-oriented environment in these housing developments.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2522 (Nakanishi-R) Stockton Metropolitan Transit District

Allows the Stockton Metropolitan Transit District to procure supplies and let construction contracts in greater amounts without having to follow competitive bidding rules.

(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2676 (Nakano-D) Airports: heliport construction plans

Allows a county board of supervisors or a city council to delegate it's responsibility for approval of a plan for construction of new helicopter landing and take off areas to the county or city planning agency.

Chapter 521, Statutes of 2004

AB 2741 (Salinas-D) Metropolitan Transportation Commission

Expands the membership of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission governing board from 19 to 21 members.

(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 2817 (Salinas-D) Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority

Clarifies and makes technical revisions to the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority's benefit assessment district provisions to eliminate redundancies, remove conflicting provisions, clarify others and ensure consistency with Proposition 218.

Chapter 645, Statutes of 2004

AB 2865* (Bogh-R) Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act

Postpones for two years the scheduled November 2, 2004 vote on the Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century. The Bond Act, instead, will be submitted to the state's voters at the November 4, 2008 general election.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 2908 (Wolk-D) Metropolitan Transportation Commission

Increases the Metropolitan Transportation Commission's membership from 19 to 21, and provides for three members each from the counties of Alameda and Santa Clara.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 3011 (Laird-D) Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority

Allows the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority to impose, from July 1, 2005 to January 1, 2010, a maximum $4 fee on the initial registration and annual renewal of motor vehicles registered in Santa Clara County, the revenue from which helps fund a program designed to manage traffic congestion and to construct, improve and maintain the county's roadways.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 3050 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Transportation operations

Increases the amount that the San Joaquin Regional Transit District can purchase or construct without soliciting bids from $15,000 to $50,000.

Chapter 651, Statutes of 2004

ACA 7 (Dutra-D) Transportation funding

Authorizes, upon approval of the state's voters, a local transportation agency and a regional transportation agency, as defined, to impose or extend a sales and use tax at an undetermined rate to fund transportation projects with the approval of 55 percent of the voters in their jurisdiction.

(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

ACA 17 (Daucher-R) Taxation

Amends the California Constitution to require cities and counties to exchange a potion of locally levied sales and use tax revenue for an equivalent amount of property tax revenue from the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund in each county.

(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)

ACA 29 (Harman-R) Transportation Investment Fund

Eliminates a constitutional provision that allows the suspension of all or part of the annual transfer of money from the General Fund to the Transportation Investment Fund, as enacted by Proposition 42 of March 2002.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AJR 37 (Firebaugh-D) Rail funding

Endorses Amtrak's 2003-2004 fiscal year $1.812 billion budget request, five-year capitol plan and the enactment of federal legislation providing states with rail system funding. Requests that Members of Congress representing California cosponsor and support passage of that legislation.

(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

TopIndex Motor Vehicle Emissions

SB 207 (Ackerman-R) Air quality: gasoline vapor emission control systems

Prohibits local air quality districts from issuing a citation to an owner or operator of a gasoline vapor control system, device, or component for a defect or malfunction that meets a number of specified criteria.

(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

SB 702 (Florez-D) Medium weight farm equipment

Exempts from the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program any project involving medium-weight farm equipment, as determined by the state board.

(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

SB 1107* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Budget trailer bill: smog check

Implements, among other things, the Governor's proposal of increasing the smog check fee by $6 annually (total fee level $12 annually). Revenues from this fee increase will be used to provide an ongoing funding source for the Carl Moyer Program ($61 million annually) and to increase funding for the Low-Income Vehicle Repair and Assistance program. Results in a net savings to consumers of $48.5 million annually as a result of extending from four to six the number of years a new car is exempt from the smog check requirements, and exempting vehicles less than five years of age from the change of ownership smog inspection requirement.

Chapter 230, Statutes of 2004 - Item Veto

SB 1247* (Soto-D) Large Emission Reduction Program

Establishes the Large Emission Reduction Program to reduce unhealthful air emissions from internal combustion engines through the application of financial incentive-based programs. Establishes the Large Emission Reduction Program Trust Fund in the State Treasury, and makes monies in the trust fund available, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for grants to offset the incremental cost of specified projects.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1615 (Denham-R) Smog check: out-of-state vehicles

Exempts out-of-state vehicles that are more than 30 or more model years old from the smog check requirement upon initial registration. The bill is double-jointed with AB 2683 (Lieber-D).

Chapter 701, Statutes of 2004

SB 1814 (Battin-R) Air pollution: non-conforming fuels

Requests the University of California to conduct a study on the impacts of allowing gasoline that does not comply with California Reformulated Gasoline standards to be used in the state that examines numerous matters.

(Failed passage in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

SJR 28 (Torlakson-D) Gasoline: oxygenates

Requests the federal government to reconsider granting California an administrative waiver of the federal Clean Air Act's oxygenated gasoline requirement.

Resolution Chapter 95, Statutes of 2004

AB 219 (Reyes-D) Air quality

Deletes the exemption under current law for diesel powered vehicles from the Smog Check and Smog Check II requirements, requires every heavy-duty diesel motor vehicle to be inspected for excessive smoke emissions annually, requires vehicles used for agricultural or farming purposes, except an implement of husbandry, to be registered in California, subject to the provisions of Smog Check and Smog Check II.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 541 (Benoit-R) Air pollution: smog check: test-only stations

Specifies that fuel injection and engine flush services are not repairs for the purposes of the enhanced smog check program, thereby authorizing test-only stations to perform those services.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 923 (Firebaugh-D) Air pollution projects

Authorizes an increase in the surcharge air quality management districts (AQMDs) may levy on motor vehicle registrations within their jurisdictions from $4 to $6. Expands the types of emissions covered by the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program (Carl Moyer program) to include emissions of particulate matter and reactive organic gases from defined covered sources in the state. Prohibits projects funded with Carl Moyer program grants to be used as credits under emission banking or trading programs. Revises how Carl Moyer program funds are distributed to AQMDs. Authorizes the State Air Resources Board (ARB) to update and adopt regulations to implement this bill. Increases the California Tire Fee by $0.75 to fund programs under the ARB and AQMDs to mitigate or remediate air pollution caused by tires. Sunsets the provisions of the bill and reinstates current law on January 1, 2015.

Chapter 707, Statutes of 2004

AB 1009* (Pavley-D) Heavy-duty vehicle emissions

Requires any commercial motor truck with a gross vehicle weight rating greater than 10,000 pounds entering the state for operation to maintain and provide, upon demand, evidence that the vehicle's engine complied with federal emission standards for that engine at the time the engine was manufactured. Requires the State Air Resources Board, in conjunction with the State Department of the California Highway Patrol, to establish an inspection protocol, as specified.

Chapter 873, Statutes of 2004

AB 1316 (Parra-D) Smog Check II: coastal districts: study

Requires the State Air Resources Board (ARB) to conduct a study evaluating the benefit to air quality that would result from requiring all air quality management districts and air pollution control districts located along the state's coastline between Los Angeles and the San Francisco bay area to participate in Smog Check II, irrespective of each district's attainment status with respect to state and federal ambient air quality standards. Requires the ARB to report the results of the study to the appropriate policy committees of the Legislature not later than January 1, 2005.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1394 (Levine-D) Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program

Expands the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program to include heavy-duty truck fleet modernization projects and those intended to reduce particulate matter. Makes eligible for funding those projects that replace older engines or vehicles with cleaner engines or vehicles and projects that combine two transactions: the purchase of a new very-low emission or zero-emission vehicle plus, and the replacement of an even older, dirtier engine or vehicle with a relatively cleaner used engine or vehicle.

Chapter 627, Statutes of 2004

AB 1637 (La Suer-R) Penalties

Deletes the administrative penalty provisions set forth in current law as an alternative to seeking civil penalties for the violation of certain State Air Resources Board regulations relating to vehicular and nonvehicular air pollution control.

(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 1966 (Campbell-R) Hydrogen refueling stations

Requires the State Air Resources Board to adopt statewide guidelines for the production and licensing of hydrogen fuel cell consumer refueling stations.

(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)

AB 1971 (Lowenthal-D) Air pollution: marine terminals

Makes several clarifying changes to the requirements restricting truck idling at marine ports. This is a cleanup bill to AB 2650 (Lowenthal-D), Chapter 1129, Statutes of 2002.

Chapter 580, Statutes of 2004

AB 2128 (Jackson-D) Smog check: voluntary vehicle retirement

Redirects revenues from the $6 annual smog abatement fee into a specified fund to provide financial incentives to vehicle owners to voluntarily retire older, higher-polluting vehicles and to purchase partial electric or zero-emission vehicles. Becomes operative on July 1, 2005.

Chapter 703, Statutes of 2004

AB 2424 (La Malfa-R) Vehicle emissions: vehicle replacement

Allows scrapped high emission vehicles and their parts to be sold to the public.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2526 (Oropeza-D) Diesel fuel tax

Diverts, from the Motor Vehicle Fuel Account to the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Trust Fund, the revenue generated by one quarter of one cent of the 18 cents per gallon diesel fuel tax and earmarks that diverted revenue to support the programs and subsidies provided by the Carl Moyer Program, administered by the State Air Resources Board, designed primarily to reduce the emission of air pollutants from diesel engines.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2541 (Frommer-D) Low Emission Contractor Incentive Program

Requires the State Department of General Services to establish a program providing bid preferences on all state contracts for bidders using low-emission equipment and vehicles and/or implementing rideshare programs.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2644 (Oropeza-D) Schoolbus and commercial vehicles idling at schools

Codifies administrative regulations that prohibit or restrict the idling of schoolbuses, that prohibit or restrict the idling of schoolbuses, transit buses and other commercial vehicles near schools.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 2683 (Lieber-D) Smog check

Repeals the "30-year rolling exemption" that applies to Smog Check and Smog Check II programs.

Chapter 704, Statutes of 2004

AB 2880 (Pavley-D) Motor vehicle registration surcharges

Increases by $2 the maximum surcharge an air district may impose on vehicle registrations to implement programs to remediate the air pollution harms caused by motor vehicles.

(Died on Senate Third Reading File)

AB 2906 (Nation-D) Vehicles: global warming gases

Requires vehicle smog index labels to be changed to air pollution labels and, beginning in 2009, requires the labels to display specified information about global warming gases and include indices that compare a vehicle's exhaust emissions and global warming gas emissions with those from other vehicles of the same model year.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 2939 (Diaz-D) Smog check: vehicle retirement

Exempts from the smog check program any motor vehicle that is six or less model-years old, but subjects those motor vehicles to program coverage upon transfer of ownership. Authorizes the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to select, at random, up to 1/10 of one percent of those exempt vehicles that are five or six model-years old in any given year to be subject to program coverage at the time of registration renewal, and requires the DMV to provide an annual report to the Legislature by December 1 of each year on the results of the emissions testing of those vehicles.

(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 2953 (Matthews-D) Air quality: agriculture exemption

Authorizes expenditure of Carl Moyer Funds for grants to a source of air pollution up until the compliance date of any local, state, or federal statute, rule or regulation related to reduction in air emissions from that source.

(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

AB 3104 (Firebaugh-D) Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Program

Declares the intent of the Legislature to expand the Carl Moyer program to include projects that reduce emissions of reactive organic gases or particulate matter from covered sources, to expand the covered sources to include onroad and offroad internal combustion engines and gasoline engine categories, to fund cost effective programs through new light- and heavy-duty vehicle repair, retrofit, and scrap programs and the Lower-Emission School Bus Program, and to ensure that reductions in covered emissions are credited in any applicable state implementation plan .

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AJR 50 (Pavley-D) Fuel cell vehicles

States California's commitment to achieving a clean transportation future based on the rapid commercialization of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, among other promising and complementary clean air and energy efficient technologies. Requests the United States Department of Energy to recognize the state's progress toward that goal and to ensure that appropriate federal funding is provided to support related activities in the state.

Resolution Chapter 99, Statutes of 2004

AJR 72 (Frommer-D) Federal Clean Air Act: gasoline oxygenate additives

Memorializes the United States Environmental Protection Agency to take immediate action to review and reconsider California's request for an administrative waiver from the gasoline oxygenate additive requirements of the federal Clean Air Act in order to relieve gasoline consumers in California from record-breaking gasoline prices.

Resolution Chapter 131, Statutes of 2004

TopIndex Highways

SB 87* (Hollingsworth-R) State Highway Route 79

Authorizes the relinquishment of a specified portion of State Highway Route 79 to the City of Temecula.

Chapter 386, Statutes of 2004

SB 138 (Knight-R) Toll road: State Highway Route 138

Authorizes the State Department of Transportation (DOT) to enter into an agreement with a private entity for the construction of a toll road in Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties. Prohibits DOT from closing State Highway Route 138 upon the completion of the toll road, as specified.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

SB 349 (Vincent-D) Highways: property: lease: transfer

Authorizes the State Department of Transportation (DOT) to transfer to the City of Lynwood specified parcels of real property owned by DOT and to lease the associated freeway airspace for a term not to exceed 99 years.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 380 (McClintock-R) High-occupancy vehicle lanes: study

Asks the University of California to conduct a study, by January 1, 2005, in consultation with the State Department of Transportation, to evaluate the effectiveness of high-occupancy vehicle lanes and expresses the Legislature's intent that the study include a traffic model comparing the alternatives of establishing a high-occupancy toll lane, establishing mixed-flow lane, or not establishing additional lanes.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 406 (Florez-D) Emergency Alert System: electronic signs

Requires every entity of state government that maintains an Internet web page to display a conspicuous banner of text disseminated, pursuant to the Emergency Alert System, and to provide a hyperlink to take an Internet user to the Amber Alert web page of the State Department of the California Highway Patrol.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 509 (Figueroa-D) State Highway Route 238: local alternative program

Authorizes the California Transportation Commission (CTC) to approve a local alternative transportation improvement program for the State Highway Route 238 corridor submitted on or before July 1, 2010. Deletes provisions in existing law directing the CTC to authorize the sale of excess properties at prevailing fair market prices. Extends the time for submitting an alternative proposal for SR 238 from 1988 to July 1, 2010.

Chapter 611, Statutes of 2004

SB 710 (Aanestad-R) Highway exit information signs

Requires that the State Department of Transportation provide access to all qualified business applicants, including a business that has never participated in the highway exit information signs program. Revises the provisions for signs placed before January 1, 2003, in an urban area with a population greater than 5,000 and less than 10,000.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 957 (McClintock-R) Transportation gridlock emergencies

Defines and authorizes the Governor to declare a "transportation gridlock emergency" for the purpose of constructing new highways without regard to existing statutes, regulations, permitting or similar requirements. Requires the State Department of Transportation to determine the average hours of vehicle delay on all state highways and issue a report annually for the purpose of declaring transportation gridlock emergencies.

(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1084 (Torlakson-D) Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones

Designates eleven specified portions of state highways and county roads as Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones.

(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)

SB 1087 (Soto-D) Safe Routes to School construction program: extension

Extends the January 1, 2005, sunset date on the Safe Routes to School Program until January 1, 2008, and also extends the grant program until January 1, 2008.

Chapter 392, Statutes of 2004

Similar to AB 775 (Parra-D), which died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1189 (Chesbro-D) State Department of Transportation: contracts

Authorizes the State Department of Transportation to contract with federally recognized Indian tribes for the performance of specified transportation duties.

Chapter 274, Statutes of 2004

SB 1210 (Torlakson-D) Highways: design-sequencing contracts

Establishes a second phase of an existing pilot project to allow the State Department of Transportation to issue design-sequencing contracts.

Chapter 795, Statutes of 2004

SB 1375 (Scott-D) State Highway Route 164

Authorizes the relinquishment of a specified portion of State Highway Route 164 to Los Angeles County if the California Transportation Commission determines that the relinquishment is in the best interest of the state.

Chapter 396, Statutes of 2004

SB 1443 (Murray-D) Highway Users Tax Account

Allows remaining appropriated funds in the Highway Users Tax Account to be continuously appropriated, beginning July 1, for the period during which a Budget Act has not yet been enacted.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 1578 (Romero-D) State Highway Route 39: relinquishment

Authorizes the California Transportation Commission to relinquish any portion of State Highway Route 39 to the City of West Covina under certain conditions.

Chapter 399, Statutes of 2004

SCR 35 (Florez-D) Otis Vincent Tolbert Memorial Highway

Dedicates a portion of State Highway Route 198 in Lemoore to honor Otis Tolbert who was a Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy and was killed during the terrorist attack on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.

Resolution Chapter 51, Statutes of 2004

Identical to SR 10 (Florez), which died in Senate Transportation Committee.

SCR 45 (Chesbro-D) Frank and Elly Hartmann Memorial Bridge

Designates a specified bridge on State Highway Route 29 as the Frank and Elly Hartmann Memorial Bridge in honor of the two pioneers in Middletown and the Coyote Valley area where they established and operated the Hartmann Ranch.

Resolution Chapter 52, Statutes of 2004

SCR 46 (Ashburn-R) Police Officer Richard Perkins Memorial Highway

Designates a portion of State Highway Route 395 in Inyo County as the Police Officer Richard Perkins Memorial Highway in memory of Officer Richard Perkins who was a member of the Bishop Police Department and was killed in a traffic accident on August 15, 2001, while pursuing a suspected drunk driver.

Resolution Chapter 53, Statutes of 2004

SCR 50 (Ashburn-R) David W. Manning Memorial Freeway

Designates a specified portion of State Highway Route (SR) 178 as the "CHP Officer David W. Manning Memorial Freeway" in honor of State Department of the California Highway Patrol Officer David W. Manning who passed away on February 15, 1996, from injuries he received on January 26, 1996, as a result of an on-duty traffic accident.

Resolution Chapter 117, Statutes of 2004

SCR 53 (Hollingsworth-R) Firefighter Steven Rucker Memorial Highway

Designates portions of State Highway Route 79 from Santa Ysabel to Julian and State Highway Route 79 from Julian to Cuyamaca in San Diego County as the Firefighter Steven Rucker Memorial Highway to honor the memory of firefighter Steven Rucker of Novato, California, who gave the ultimate sacrifice and lost his life in San Diego County on October 29, 2003, fighting the advancing fire line as it threatened the town of Julian and neighboring mountain communities.

Resolution Chapter 114, Statutes of 2004

SCR 64 (Ducheny-D) Chief F.S. "Pete" Pedroza Memorial Highway

Designates, as the "Chief F. S. 'Pete' Pedroza Memorial Highway," the six-mile segment of Highway 111 from Calexico to Interstate 8 in Imperial County, to honor the memory of Froilan S. Pedroza, a former Fire Chief of the City of Calexico, who died October 22, 2003, from injuries sustained in a traffic accident.

Resolution Chapter 116, Statutes of 2004

SCR 65 (Speier-D) Eugene A. Doran Memorial Bridge

Redesignates the Eugene A. Doran Memorial Bridge on State Highway Route 280 at San Mateo Creek, north of State Highway Route 92, in the County of San Mateo, as the " Officer Eugene and Marine Lance Corporal Patrick M. Doran Memorial Bridge," in memory of Eugene A. Doran, who was killed by a criminal suspect on August 5, 1959, on State Highway Route 280 near the bridge at San Mateo Creek north of State Highway Route 92 in San Mateo County. The bridge was designated in 1969 as the "Eugene A. Doran Memorial Bridge."

His son, Marine Lance Corporal Patrick M. Doran, was a member of the U.S. Marine Corps and was killed in the line of duty on February 18, 1967, in Quang Nam Province, while serving in the Vietnam War. This resolution redesignates the bridge to honor both father and son.

Resolution Chapter 138, Statutes of 2004

SCR 67 (McPherson-R) CHP Officer John Pedro Memorial Highway

Designates a portion of State Highway Route 1 in Santa Cruz County as the CHP Officer John Pedro Memorial Highway, in honor of the memory of Officer John Pedro, a 13-year member of the State Department of the California Highway Patrol, who was fatally injured while on duty in a traffic accident on June 3, 2002.

Resolution Chapter 118, Statutes of 2004

SCR 68 (Chesbro-D) John Castro Memorial Interchange

Grants, without charge, encroachment permits authorizing appropriate memorials funded by non-state sources to be placed within the right-of-way of the interchange at State Highway Route 29 and Trancas Road in Napa County, to honor the memory of John Castro, who was a life-long resident of the City of Martinez.

Resolution Chapter 119, Statutes of 2004

SCR 69 (Chesbro-D) Everett and Louella Thomas Memorial Highway

Designates the portion of State Highway Route 101, from Patrick's Point Undercrossing to four miles north of that undercrossing in Humboldt County, as the Everett and Louella Thomas Memorial Highway.

Resolution Chapter 120, Statutes of 2004

SCR 70 (Ducheny-D) Victor V. Veysey Expressway

Designates a portion of State Highway Route 78 in the County of Imperial as the Victor V. Veysey Expressway, who served in the California Assembly from 1963 to 1971, as well as in the United States House of Representatives from 1971 to 1975, representing the 38th ad 43rd Districts of California.

Resolution Chapter 121, Statutes of 2004

SCR 78 (Cedillo-D) Bill Keene Interchange

Designates the interchange of State Highway Route 101 and 110 in the City of Los Angeles as the Bill Keene Interchange, in recognition for his many years of service being a weather and traffic reporter in Los Angeles.

Resolution Chapter 165, Statutes of 2004

SCR 84 (Denham-R) Larry Combs Memorial Rest Stop

Designates the Westly rest stop on Interstate Highway Route 5 as the "Larry Combs Memorial Rest Stop", in honor of Larry Combs, who was well recognized as an outstanding employee of the State Department of Transportation who gave the people of California selfless, dedicated service that resulted in improved and superior maintenance of roadside rest stops.

Resolution Chapter 166, Statutes of 2004

Identical to SR 34 (Denham-R), which died in Senate Transportation Committee.

SCR 89 (Soto-D) CHP Officer Thomas J. Steiner Memorial Highway

Designates the section of State Highway Route 60 in the City of Pomona as the CHP Officer Thomas J. Steiner Memorial Highway, in memory of Officer Steiner who was killed in the line of duty by an armed assailant while leaving the Los Angeles Superior Court in Pomona on the afternoon of April 21, 2004.,

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SCR 90 (Battin-R) Highway designations

Designates the portion of Interstate Highway 10 located in California as the Pearl Harbor Memorial Highway. Designates the portion of State Highway Route 111 from its starting point at Washington Street in the City of La Quinta to its terminus at Jefferson Street in the City of La Quinta as the Deputy Bruce Lee Memorial Highway in memory of Deputy Lee who died while responding to a domestic violence disturbance.

(Died at Assembly Desk)

SR 16 (McClintock-R) Patriotic displays

Requests the Governor and the State Department of Transportation to instruct state workers to grant permits to any member of the public who seeks to express patriotic sentiments on a public right-of-way in a manner consistent with traffic safety.

(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 33 (Samuelian-R) San Joaquin Valley demonstration program

Establishes two separate demonstration programs for highway projects that are located in eight specific counties in the San Joaquin Valley region, as defined.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 114 (Nakano-D) Hybrid vehicles: high-occupancy vehicle lanes

Authorizes a hybrid vehicle to be operated upon an exclusive or preferential use lane, regardless of the number of occupants in the vehicle, unless specifically prohibited by a traffic control device.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 724 (Shirley Horton-R) State highways: signs

Prohibits, with respect to new installations, the State Department of Transportation (DOT) from installing external lighting on overhead and ground-mounted signs on the state highway system and codifies standards for retroflexive sheeting on state highway signs. Allows DOT to select materials that meet or exceed those standards, as they become available.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 775 (Parra-D) Safe Routes to Schools construction program: extension

Repeals the January 1, 2005 sunset (termination) date on the Safe Routes to School Program and extends the grant program until January 1, 2008. Makes bicycle racks and parking facilities eligible for funding under the program.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 793 (Nakanishi-R) Highway signs

Requires the State Department of Transportation to include nonprofit blood centers and blood banks as facilities that qualify for supplemental destination signs.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 872 (Strickland-R) Speed limits: traffic and engineering surveys

Authorizes a local authority conducting an engineering and traffic survey for purposes of establishing or lowering a speed limit, to consider as a factor the safety of persons at work on the highway.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 894 (Firebaugh-D) Smoking in vehicles with minor passengers

Makes it an infraction for a person to smoke in a vehicle in which a child who is secured by a child restraint system is riding.

(Died in Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

Similar measures are AB 1569 (Firebaugh), which died in Senate Appropriations Committee and AB 2997 (Firebaugh), which failed passage on the Assembly Floor.

AB 929 (Hancock-D) Highways: park lease: City of Albany

Authorizes the State Department of Transportation to lease to the City of Albany a surplus highway parcel for $1 per year and allows Albany to exercise a purchase option on the property at half the state's current appraised value, but at least equal to the property's acquisition cost.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 1233 (Shirley Horton-R) Highway capacity enhancement demonstration projects

Establishes, until January 1, 2008, a coordinated environmental review process and directs the State Department of Transportation, in conjunction with the project sponsors, to conduct and evaluate a demonstration program where the environmental review process for three highway capacity enhancement demonstration projects are environmentally cleared using a multidisciplinary agency effort.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1271 (Dutton-R) City of Rancho Cucamonga: highway soundwalls

Authorizes the City of Rancho Cucamonga, in cooperation with the State Department of Transportation, to construct soundwalls on specified portions of the north and south sides of State Highway Route 210. Provides that the reimbursement provisions do not apply to the construction of those soundwalls by the City of Rancho Cucamonga.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1279 (Shirley Horton-R) High-occupancy vehicle lanes

Authorizes a transportation planning agency to design and implement a high-occupancy vehicle lane concept that authorizes single occupant vehicles to operate in underutilized high-occupancy vehicle lanes on the state highway system within the jurisdiction of the transportation planning agency.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1289 (Benoit-R) Toll roads

Deletes the January 1, 2003 sunset on provisions allowing the State Department of Transportation to solicit proposals and enter into agreements with private entities or consortia for the construction of two toll road projects. Authorizes the State Department of Transportation to solicit proposals and enter into agreements for the construction of four toll road projects under these provisions. Prohibits an agreement entered into after January 1, 2003, from including a noncompetition provision relative to improvements that may otherwise be undertaken by a public agency.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1511 (Benoit-R) Vehicles: unlawful activities

Prohibits a driver from engaging in a non-driving activity that interferes with the safe operation of a vehicle, when that person also simultaneously commits another unsafe vehicle operation violation.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1590 (Laird-D) Santa Cruz County Highway 1 Widening/HOV Authority

Authorizes the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors, the Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District, and the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission to enter into a joint powers agreement to create the Santa Cruz County Highway 1 Widening/HOV (high-occupancy vehicle) Authority.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2020 (Maze-R) Low speed vehicles operated on a highway

Authorizes a local authority, by ordinance or resolution, to permit senior citizens, as defined, and persons unable to move about as pedestrians by reason of physical disability, to operate golf carts, motorized quadricycles, motorized tricycles, and low-speed vehicles, on streets and highways under its jurisdiction that are designated under an ordinance or resolution.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2027 (Chan-D) State Highway Route 260: relinquishment

Allows the relinquishment of a portion of State Highway Route 260 to the City of Alameda, subject to certain terms and conditions.

Chapter 325, Statutes of 2004

AB 2032 (Dutra-D) High Occupancy Toll Lanes

Authorizes the San Diego Association of Governments,, the Sunol Smart Carpool Lane Joint Powers Authority, the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, and the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency to conduct, administer, and operate separate demonstration programs for the development and operation of high occupancy toll lanes on specified freeways in the greater Bay Area and greater San Diego area.

Chapter 418, Statutes of 2004

AB 2459 (Strickland-R) Highway signs: World War II Aviation Museum

Requires the State Department of Transportation to authorize the placement of a sign on the north and south bound portions of State Highway Route 102 that indicates, and is within one mile of the exit for, the World War II Aviation Museum and Camarillo Airport.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2498 (Longville-D) Freeway service patrols

Provides that any local or regional agency that meets the minimum eligibility requirements for the Freeway Service Patrol program and has its application approved shall receive a formula-based portion of baseline funding for the program. Provides for a phase-in of such funding under certain conditions and makes other changes related to the program's guidelines and eligibility provisions.

Chapter 638, Statutes of 2004

AB 2651 (McCarthy-R) Outdoor Advertising Act

Authorizes the placement of a billboard advertising the Ridgecrest Area Convention and Visitors Bureau in Kern County.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 2721 (Laird-D) Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones

Creates three Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones in Monterey County.

(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)

AB 2823 (Benoit-R) Highway signs

Codifies policies of the State Department of Transportation controlling the establishment of highway signs providing directional information to culturally unique and historically important communities.

Chapter 238, Statutes of 2004

AB 2847* (Oropeza-D) Gasoline and diesel fuel fee

Imposes, until January 1, 2008, a fee at an unspecified rate on each gallon of gasoline and diesel fuel sold for use in California to finance the maintenance, operation, improvement, and construction of state highways and local roads and to finance environmental programs that mitigate the air impacts of motor vehicles.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 3047 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Miscellaneous transportation matters

Makes various technical and minor transportation policy changes and repeals or revises obsolete code sections or references as a means of avoiding numerous single-provision bills.

Chapter 650, Statutes of 2004

ACR 67 (Bermudez-D) Supplemental destination signs

Designates specified exits on State Highway Route 91 as the route for the designation of Little India in the City of Artesia.

Resolution Chapter 189, Statutes of 2004

ACR 115 (Canciamilla-D) Inspector Raymond J. Giacomelli Memorial Overcrossing

Designates the overcrossing at State Highway Route 4 and Loveridge Road, in the City of Pittsburg in Contra Costa County, as the Inspector Raymond J. Giacomelli Memorial Overcrossing in honor of Inspector Raymond J. Giacomelli of the Pittsburg Police Department who was killed on April 15, 2003, while in performance of his duty to the citizens he was sworn to protect.

Resolution Chapter 39, Statutes of 2004

ACR 121 (La Suer-R) Semper Fi Highway

Designates the section of State Highway Route (SR) 15 between SR 163 and Miramar Road, in the County of San Diego, as the Semper Fi Highway in honor of the service the Marine Corps Airstation Miramar provides to all Americans.

Resolution Chapter 40, Statutes of 2004

ACR 131 (Cox-R) William Alexander Leidesdorff, Jr. Memorial Highway

Designates a portion of State Highway Route 50 from Bradshaw Road to the Eastern Sacramento County Line as the William Alexander Leidesdorff, Jr. Memorial Highway in honor of the late William Alexander Leidesdorff, Jr., an individual of African descent whom historians note as a leading civic figure in the northern California region and one of the key architects of California statehood.

Resolution Chapter 41, Statutes of 2004

ACR 133 (Bates-R) Oceanside Police Officer Tony Zeppetella Memorial Highway

Designates State Highway Route 76 between the North Coast Highway and Douglas Drive in the City of Oceanside as the Oceanside Police Officer Tony Zeppetella Memorial Highway in memory of Officer Zeppetella who was shot and killed at the age of 28 in the line of duty on June 13, 2003, during the course of a traffic stop after only 13 months as a sworn peace officer.

Resolution Chapter 137, Statutes of 2004

ACR 135 (Runner-R) Deputy Sheriff Stephen Sorensen Memorial Highway

Designates the portion of State Highway Route 138 from 136th Street to 195th Street as the Deputy Sheriff Stephen Sorensen Memorial Highway in memory of Deputy Sheriff Sorensen who was killed in the line of duty on August 2, 2003, in Llano, while responding to a routine trespassing investigation on his day off.

Resolution Chapter 42, Statutes of 2004

ACR 142 (Chavez-D) Deputy Sheriff David W. March Memorial Interchange

Designates the interchange of State Highway Route 605 and State Highway Route 210 as the Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff David W. March Memorial Interchange, in honor of the memory of Deputy David W. March of the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department. Deputy March, at the age of 33, was killed in the line of duty on April 29, 2002, in Irwindale, while conducting a "routine" traffic stop.

Resolution Chapter 122, Statutes of 2004

ACR 145 (Nakano-D) Martin L. Ganz Memorial Highway

Designates the portion of the State Highway Route 405, between Rosecrans Avenue in Manhattan Beach and Hawthorne Boulevard in Lawndale, as the Martin L. Ganz Memorial Highway, in memory of Officer Ganz, who was shot and killed in the line of duty on December 27, 1993, while protecting the people and property of the City of Manhattan Beach.

Resolution Chapter 148, Statutes of 2004

ACR 151 (Cox-R) George M. Clark Memorial Bicycle Bridge

Designates the bicycle bridge over State Highway Route 50 at Hazel Avenue in Rancho Cordova as the George M. Clark Memorial Bicycle Bridge.

Resolution Chapter 149, Statutes of 2004

ACR 152 (Diaz-D) Highway designations

Designates the interchange of State Highway Routes 85 and 101 in San Jose as the Michael Evanhoe Interchange. Designates the Western Avenue overcrossing at State Highway Route 10, in the City of Los Angeles, as the Reverend Cecil "Chip" Murray Overcrossing.

Resolution Chapter 175, Statutes of 2004

ACR 156 (Frommer-D) Burbank Police Officer Matthew Pavelka Memorial Freeway

Designates the section of Interstate Route 5, between West Burbank Boulevard in Burbank and Hollywood Way in Los Angeles, as the Burbank Police Officer Matthew Pavelka Memorial Freeway. Officer Pavelka was 26 years of age when he was called to assist veteran Officer Gregory Campbell with a "routine" traffic stop at the Ramada Inn on North San Fernando Road on the night of November 15, 2003. Tragically, the two men Office Campbell had pulled over opened fire, critically injuring Officer Campbell and killing Officer Pavelka.

The Pavelka family lost a beloved son, the Burbank Police Department lost a beloved officer, and the Burbank community lost a true hero.

Resolution Chapter 150, Statutes of 2004.

Related legislation was AB 1840 (Frommer-D), Chapter 92, Statutes of 2004.

ACR 162 (Kehoe-D) CHP Officer Dean E. Beattie Memorial Highway

Designates the portion of State Highway Route 163 between Interstate Route 8 and Interstate Route 805 in San Diego as the CHP Officer Dean E. Beattie Memorial Highway in memory of Officer Beattie who was killed in the line of duty on November 19, 2003, when his motorcycle collided with the rear of a truck on State Highway Route 163 north of Mission Valley, thereby becoming the 199th CHP officer killed in the line of duty and the first CHP officer killed in San Diego County since 2001. On the date of his death, Officer Beattie was 46 years of age and had just completed his 24th anniversary with the CHP.

Resolution Chapter 123, Statutes of 2004

ACR 163 (Spitzer-R) CHP Officer Shannon Distel Memorial Interchange

Designates the interchange at State Highway Route 15 and State Highway Route 91 within the City of Corona in the County of Riverside, as the California Highway Patrol Officer Shannon Distel Memorial Interchange, in memory of Officer Distel who was killed in the line of duty on August 27, 2003, at the age of 31 when his motorcycle collided with a pickup truck pulling a trailer.

Resolution Chapter 151, Statutes of 2004

ACR 179 (Leslie-R) Officer Mark A. White Memorial Highway

Designates a specified portion of State Highway Route 65 as the Officer Mark A. White Memorial Highway, in the memory of Roseville Police Officer Mark A. White, a dedicated officer, who was killed in the line of duty on Friday, February 10, 1995, when he was fatally shot during a hostage situation.

Officer White's funeral procession was estimated to be over nine miles long. Officers and other mourners came from all over the State of California, and some attended from as far away as Nebraska and Ohio.

Resolution Chapter 126, Statutes of 2004

ACR 180 (Bogh-R) Blue Star Memorial Highway

Designates State Highway Route 62, from its junction with State Highway Route 10 to Adobe Road in Twentynine palms, as a Blue Star Memorial Highway, to honor the selfless efforts of the Blue Star Memorial Highway project, which erects highway markers at roadside rest stops, vista points, historical sites, and other appropriate areas to pay tribute to all who have served, those who are presently serving, and those who will serve in the nation's armed forces.

Resolution Chapter 127, Statutes of 2004

ACR 185 (McCarthy-R) Petroleum Highway

Designates a portion of State Highway Route 33 in Kern County as the Petroleum Highway and requests the State Department of Transportation to grant encroachment permits authorizing plaques and markers that are consistent with the signing requirements for the state highway system to be placed at appropriate pullout locations along the designated highway to recognize the importance and significance of the petroleum industry in Kern County, an area of the state which accounts for 50 percent of the state's oil production.

Resolution Chapter 128, Statutes of 2004

ACR 189 (La Malfa-R) Bernie Richter Memorial Highway

Designates the five-mile segment of State Highway Route 99, south of its intersection with State Highway Route 70 in Sutter County, as the Bernie Richter Memorial Highway, in honor of Bernie Richter, who was elected to the Assembly of the State of California in 1992 and served until 1998.

Resolution Chapter 142, Statutes of 2004

ACR 239 (Runner-R) William J. "Pete" Knight Aerospace Highway

Designates a portion of State Route 14, from the Pearblossom Highway in Los Angeles County to State Highway Route 395 in eastern Kern County, as the William J. "Pete" Knight Aerospace Highway, in honor of "Pete" Knight who flew and tested more than 100 different types of aircraft. He made history in 1967 by flying an experimental X-15 aircraft at 6.7 times the speed of sound. After achieving the fastest manned airplane voyage in history, Knight earned his wings for another X-15 flight that reached 280,000 feet in altitude. By the time he retired from the United States Air Force as a colonel in 1982, he had flown 253 combat missions in Southeast Asia and received numerous commendations, including the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Legion of merit. He was elected in 1995 and represented the 17th Senate District until April, 2004, when he was forced to take a medical leave of absence. On May 7, 2004, William J. "Pete" Knight lost a courageous battle with an acute form of leukemia at the age of 74.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

ACR 248 (Mountjoy-R) Donald S. Wieman Vista Point

Designates the vista point on State Highway Route 18 at post mile 21.4, two miles south of Rimforest, as the Donald S. Wieman Vista Point, to honor his efforts for constructing miles of red rock walls and other structures along State Highway Route 18, also known as the Rim of the World Highway.

Resolution Chapter 195, Statutes of 2004

ACR 249 (Mountjoy-R) Abiel Barron Memorial Highway

Designates a portion of State Highway Route 138 as the Abiel Barron Memorial Highway, in memory of Los Angeles Police Department Detective Abiel Barron, who was killed in the line of duty on June 25, 2003, when his police vehicle was struck head-on by a driver attempting to pass a slower vehicle.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AJR 63 (Maze-R) State Highway Route 99

Memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to enact legislation to include State Highway Route 99 in the interstate highway system.

Resolution Chapter 153, Statutes of 2004

TopIndex Miscellaneous

SB 49 (Speier-D) Vehicles: San Francisco 49ers special license plate

Authorizes the State Department of Motor Vehicles to issue San Francisco 49ers professional football team special license plates. Provides that additional revenue raised from the issuance of these plates, after the deduction of the department's cost, be deposited into the San Francisco 49ers Foundation Fund, created by this bill. Provides that upon appropriation by the Legislature, the money in the fund will be allocated to the San Francisco 49ers.

(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

SB 234 (Oller-R) High-occupancy vehicle lanes

Permits single-occupancy vehicles if operated by a disabled person to use a high-occupancy vehicle lane.

(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 300* (Torlakson-D) Rental vehicle license transaction fees

Requires rental car companies to impose a surcharge (a vehicle license transaction fee) on rental cars to allow companies to recover 80 percent of increased vehicle license fees from consumers.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 348 (Alarcon-D) Intermodal marine terminals

Prohibits an intermodal marine equipment provider or marine terminal operator from imposing per diem or detention charges, as defined, or demurrage charges, on an intermodal motor carrier relative to transactions involving cargo shipped by intermodal transport under certain circumstances.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 524 (Vasconcellos-D) Instruction: automobile driver education

Establishes conditions that must be met by a private secondary school, including a school offering courses over the Internet, before the State Department of Motor Vehicles accepts completion of a driver education course taken at these schools as satisfying the department's requirements for issuing a provisional driver's license to a person under 18 years of age.

Chapter 587, Statutes of 2004

SB 541* (Torlakson-D) Motor vehicle fuel license taxes: diesel fuel taxes

Requires, for the 2004 calendar year and each calendar year thereafter, the motor vehicle fuel license taxes and diesel fuel taxes be adjusted for inflation, as provided. Imposes a storage tax equal to the inflation adjustment amount on each gallon of tax paid motor vehicle and diesel fuel, in storage, as provided.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 555 (Florez-D) Traffic violator schools

Requires the court to use only the referral list of traffic violator schools published by the State Department of Motor Vehicles. Prohibits a nonprofit agency from monitoring traffic violator schools and instead permits a court to use or contract with a nonprofit agency to assist the court in performing in-court administrative services, as defined, relative to the processing of traffic violators. Prohibits the nonprofit agency from performing or duplicating any service or function of the department, related to traffic violator schools, and from issuing certificates of completion or providing testing services for a licensed traffic violator school.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 630 (Hollingsworth-R) Vehicles: exemptions: nursery operations

Exempts, from the specified commercial motor vehicle endorsement requirement, a person with at least a class C driver's license who is employed in a nursery operation and is driving a vehicle controlled by a farm or a nursery operator and transporting agricultural products or farm machinery or supplies to or from a farm or nursery, if the person meets certain requirements.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 685 (Hollingsworth-R) Motorcycles: safety helmets

Exempts persons that have a disability that renders the person unable to wear a safety helmet from the requirements of the mandatory motorcycle helmet law.

(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 751 (Karnette-D) State Department of the California Highway Patrol

Removes the State Department of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) from the State Business, Transportation and Housing Agency and instead makes the CHP a part of the Office of the Governor and no longer requires the agency's approval to organize the CHP and classify its work.

(Died in Senate Governmental Organization Committee)

SB 780 (Torlakson-D) Vehicles: violations: automated enforcement systems

Imposes a civil fine on a vehicle's owner if that vehicle runs a red light and that action is recorded by a camera. Requires the camera to record the license plate instead of the driver's face and makes other changes to the operation of red-light cameras.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 792 (Sher-D) State parks: Martini Creek Bypass

Requires the State Department of Transportation to sell and transfer certain property under its control in the County of San Mateo as surplus state property to the State Department of Parks and Recreation for state park purposes.

Chapter 390, Statutes of 2004

SB 871* (Torlakson-D) Vehicles: accident reports

Allows the State Department of Motor Vehicles to provide, under agreement, specified data from accident records.

Chapter 336, Statutes of 2004

SB 1085 (Murray-D) Traffic control signals: interruptive devices

Prohibits the purchase, possession, manufacture, installation and distribution of electronic devices for vehicles which are designed to interrupt, preempt or override traffic signal lights. Provides that police, fire, other emergency and transit agencies and their vehicles would be exempt from the prohibitions.

Chapter 391, Statutes of 2004

SB 1096* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Budget trailer bill

Eliminates the current vehicle license fee (VLF) "offset" mechanism and permanently sets the VLF rate at 0.65 percent as of January 1, 2005. Eliminates VLF "backfill" payments along with the "trigger" provision in current law that reduces taxpayer offsets in the event that the General Fund has insufficient funds to make backfill payments to cities and counties for their revenue loss due to the VLF offsets. Provides that VLF backfill payments would be replaced by property tax revenues. Repeals the VLF "poison pills" and makes permanent the current vehicle depreciation schedule administratively adopted by the State Department of Motor Vehicles. Revises the allocation of VLF revenues at the 0.65 percent rate. Authorizes cities and counties to securitize their "VLF receivables," defined as each entity's share of the approximately $1.3 billion VLF "gap" loan.

Chapter 211, Statutes of 2004

SB 1127 (Scott-D) Vehicles: impoundment: forfeiture

Requires rather than authorizes, the court, under specified circumstances, relative to serious vehicle offenses, to order the motor vehicle impounded.

(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)

SB 1130 (Scott-D) Public transit: transit design-build

Extends for two years, until January 1, 2007, the authority for transit districts to enter into design-build contracts in which a single contractor or entity would be responsible for both the design and construction phase of a contract.

Chapter 196, Statutes of 2004

SB 1133 (Chesbro-D) Special interest license plates: museums

Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles, in consultation with the California Association of Museums, to design and make available for issuance, in accordance with existing law, special interest license plates with a specified design. Requires certain funds generated from the issuance of the special interest license plates to e deposited in the California Museum License Plate Account, which is established in the General Fund. Requires the money in the account to be allocated by the State Controller, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to the California Association of Museums for the purpose of assisting California Museums in the enhancement of their public services.

(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

SB 1135 (Chesbro-D) Motor carriers

Allows, until January 1, 2006, longer commercial trucks hauling flowers or ornamental plants to be operated on the primarily two-lane segment of Highway 101 from the Oregon border south to the town of Leggett (Counties of Del Norte, Humboldt, and Mendocino).

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 1139 (Cedillo-D) Driver's licenses: renewal

Decreases the grace period for renewing an expired driver's license from 90 days to 60 days.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1160 (Cedillo-D) Driver's license eligibility: undocumented immigrants

Makes substantive changes regarding the eligibility requirements for an original driver's license, including (1) allowing persons without legal presence in the United States to be eligible to apply for a license, (2) allowing an applicant that does not possess a social security number to sign an affidavit under penalty of perjury attesting that the applicant does not qualify for a social security number, (3) imposing various security and verification requirements, and (4) requiring the payment of related fees.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

Similar legislation is AB 2895 (Nunez-D).

SB 1201* (Torlakson-D) Bay Area Rapid Transit District

Provides the Bay Area Rapid Transit District with the additional option of receiving electric service from a local publicly-owned supplier of electricity (municipal utility).

Chapter 613, Statutes of 2004

SB 1209 (Scott-D) Driver's licenses: violation points

Places a yearly fine on people who have four or more points on their driver's licenses.

(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)

SB 1213 (Scott-D) Special interest license plates: California Arts Council

Increases the fees for the California Arts Council special interest license plates and requires the Council to utilize the increase in a specified manner.

Chapter 393, Statutes of 2004

SB 1233 (Senate Transportation Committee) Miscellaneous transportation matters

Makes various technical, nonsubstantive changes to the Public Utilities Code, Streets and Highways Code, and the Vehicle Code.

Chapter 615, Statutes of 2004

SB 1235 (Murray-D) Special interest license plates

Repeals existing statutes regarding the issuance of special interest license plates and allows new special interest license plates to be established only if they support state agencies or their programs.

(Died on Assembly Third Reading File)

SB 1236 (Murray-D) Vehicle lighting equipment: visibility systems

Allows a vehicle to be equipped with a supplemental nighttime visibility system to improve a driver's visibility of the roadway during darkness and establishes standards and requirements for the operation and use of such equipment.

Chapter 198, Statutes of 2004

SB 1320 (Alarcon-D) Vehicles

Prohibits the use of a hand-held cellular telephone by a motorist while operating a motor vehicle in a school zone.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1324 (Vincent-D) Transportation: advertising displays

Exempts, from the prohibition against placing advertising displays adjacent to landscaped freeways, any billboard located on property owned by the Lennox School District, subject to certain conditions.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 1345 (Margett-R) Vehicles: safe driving video

Requires traffic violator schools (classroom schools) to include in the instructional curriculum a videotape on safe driving techniques produced by the State Department of the California Highway Patrol.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1372 (Oller-R) American River Folsom Bridge: project permits

Requires the processing, within 90 days, of any state or local application related to the American River Bridge Crossing Project in Folsom. Any application not entirely approved, rejected or otherwise processed by the 91st day after the application is received would be deemed approved and final.

(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1422 (Kuehl-D) Vehicle removal

Authorizes a peace officer to remove the vehicle, under specified requirements, from a driver that had been issued a notice of license reexamination.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1486 (Hollingsworth-R) California Environmental Quality Act: exemption

Exempts the construction of an overpass from the California Environmental Quality Act if it is built within an easement or right-of-way controlled by a state or local transportation agency or by a city or county.

(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

SB 1582 (Bowen-D) Provisional driver's license: wireless telephones

Prohibits a driver under the age of 18 from using a wireless telephone while operating a motor vehicle.

(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)

SB 1666 (Ashburn-R) Airport districts board members

Requires each member of the board of directors of an airport district monthly compensation not to exceed $200, provided he/she attended at least one meeting of the board held within the district that month. Requires compensation for the board to be reviewed periodically by the board of directors and set annually at a regular board meeting. Limits a director's maximum compensation to $200 per calendar month.

(Failed passage on Senate Third Reading File)

SB 1695 (Torlakson-D) Alcohol and drug problem assessment

Expands required participation in a county alcohol and drug problem assessment program to all persons convicted of a second or subsequent driving under the influence (DUI) offense within seven years of a separate DUI conviction.

(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

SB 1704 (Chesbro-D) Commercial air carriers: hot air balloons

Excludes a corporation or person furnishing or providing transportation by hot air balloon for entertainment or recreational purposes form the definitions of commercial air operator and aircraft.

(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)

SB 1711 (Bowen-D) New Motor Vehicle Board

Deletes the appeals process of the New Motor Vehicle Board dealing with activities and practices of automobile dealers, manufacturers, or distribution representatives, as specified.

(Failed passage on Senate Third Reading File)

SB 1725 (Knight-R) Parking privileges for disabled persons

Updates and makes clarifying and conforming changes to the provisions relating to parking placards and license plates for the disabled.

Chapter 404, Statutes of 2004

SB 1784 (Karnette-D) Collector cars

Defines a collector motor vehicle as a motor vehicle owned by a collector that is used primarily in shows, parades, charitable functions, and historical exhibitions for display, maintenance, and preservation, and is not used primarily for transportation.

Chapter 107, Statutes of 2004

SB 1793 (McPherson-R) Design-build contracts

Authorizes, until January 1, 2010, certain transportation authorities to use a design-build process for bidding on one highway construction project within the jurisdiction of the applicable transportation authority, that includes a requirement that design-build entity bidders provide certain information in a questionnaire submitted to the transportation authority that is verified under oath.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee pursuant to Assembly Rule 77.2)

SB 1799 (Murray-D) Special interest license plates

Repeals the provision in existing law authorizing the establishment of special interest license plate programs by the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and, instead, requires the DMV to notify the organization sponsoring an existing special interest license plate program when the number of currently outstanding and valid special interest license plates issued under the program is less than 7,500. Prohibits the DMV from issuing or replacing the plates if the number of plates is less than 7,500 one year from the date of the notification.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1848* (Ashburn-R) Vehicles: driver's license violations: referral program

Reauthorize the Board of Supervisors in San Diego County to create a pilot program for diversion in specified cases of driving on a suspended license.

Chapter 594, Statutes of 2004

SCR 75 (Karnette-D) Love Your Neighborhood Week

Designates the week of May 9 to May 15, 2004 as Love Your Neighborhood Week.

Resolution Chapter 64, Statutes of 2004

SR 33 (Murray-D) Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Asks the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) to end its current challenge and refrain from any future appeals of the bus service consent decree relative to overcrowded buses, and requests the LACMTA to do whatever is necessary to fully implement the decree at the earliest possible date.

Adopted by the Senate

SB 12X* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Vehicle license fees

Abolishes the Special Reserve Fund for Vehicle License Fee Tax Relief and transfers any remaining moneys in the fund to the General Fund.

(Died in Assembly Budget Committee)

AB 62 (Bermudez-D) Outdoor advertising

Exempts from the prohibition against placing advertising displays adjacent to landscape freeways, any billboard used to advertise specified business and development activities in the City of Whittier, subject to certain conditions.

(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 70 (Wyland-R) Computer forfeiture

Allows forfeiture of a defendant's computer or related equipment upon conviction of fraudulent use of a credit or access card, possession of a forged driver's license, insurance fraud or workers' compensation insurance fraud.

(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 77 (La Suer-R) San Diego County Regional Airport Authority

Prohibits the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority, when siting any international airport, from displacing or interfering with any existing aerial fire fighting location.

(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 118 (Frommer-D) Rental vehicle transaction fees

Requires rental car companies to charge an impact fee to be deposited in the State Highway Account to fund road improvement and traffic congestion relief projects near airports and tourist destinations.

(Died at Senate Desk)

AB 130 (Campbell-R) State Department of Motor Vehicles: records

Adds to the State Department of Motor Vehicles' confidential list each Senator and Representative from California in the Congress of the United States.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

Similar to AB 246 (Cox-R) which also died in Assembly Transportation Committee.

AB 198* (Nation-D) Luxury heavy vehicles

Denies an income or corporation tax deduction for "luxury heavy vehicles" used in business. Provides that both depreciation deductions and expensing deductions otherwise available to small businesses would be denied for vehicles purchased in 2005-08. Defines "luxury heavy vehicles" as vehicles that weigh between 6,000 and 14,000 pounds, carry nine or fewer passengers, and do not contain an open cargo area or a covered cargo area separate from the passenger compartments.

(Failed passage in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 246 (Cox-R) State Department of Motor Vehicles: confidential records

Adds information relative to members of Congress to the list that the State Department of Motor Vehicles must keep confidential.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

Similar legislation is AB 130 (John Campbell-R) which also died in Assembly Transportation Committee.

AB 279 (Cohn-D) Special license plates: Purple Heart

Permits the surviving spouses of Purple Heart recipients to retain the Purple Heart special license plate upon the death of the license plate holder.

Chapter 201, Statutes of 2004

AB 338 (Levine-D) Crumb rubber

Requires the State Department of Transportation to use asphalt containing crumb rubber for specified projects that use asphalt as a construction material.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 350 (Bogh-R) Vehicles: driver's licenses: issuance and renewal

Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to include in the driving record and vehicle registration records of a registered sex offender an annotation that the person has been so registered. Requires this information to be made available upon request to, and only to, certain law enforcement officers.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 402* (Shirley Horton-R) San Diego County Regional Airport Authority

Deletes the March 1, 2002 date by which the San Diego Association of Governments and the Port are required to transfer and assign all contracts related to the location and development of an airport in the County of San Diego to the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority. Makes other related changes.

(Died in Senate Local Government Committee)

AB 417 (La Suer-R) Vehicles: driver's licenses: registered sex offenders

Establishes more restricted driver's license requirements applicable to registered sex offenders.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 435 (Matthews-D) Vehicles: traffic violator schools

Revamps the regulation of traffic violator schools by the State Department of Motor Vehicles.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 449 (Vargas-D) Vehicles: speed limits

Allows the State Department of Transportation (DOT) to determine the maximum safe speed for all bridge approaches and requires DOT, if asked by a local agency, to make the same determinations regarding bridge approaches on local highways.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 466 (Steinberg-D) Sacramento Regional Transit District

Provides for a specified number of members of the board of the district representing cites and counties therein and provides for an increase in the number of board members upon the annexation of additional cities or counties into the district. Defines "city" for these purposes as the cities of Citrus Heights, Davis, Elk Grove, Folsom, Rancho Cordova, Roseville, Sacramento, West Sacramento, Woodland, and any other city that is annexed to the district.

Chapter 620, Statutes of 2004

AB 477 (Haynes-R) Vehicles: special interest license plates

Transfers to the State Department of Motor Vehicles the responsibility for authorizing special interest license plates.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 517 (Oropeza-D) Red light camera enforcement systems

Extends, from six months to 13 months, the period of time that confidential information and photographic records form red light camera enforcement operations may be retained. Provides that such information is available for judicial purposes and that law enforcement agencies may audit records for contract compliance.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 532 (Yee-D) Vehicles: special interest license plates

Requires the issuance of special interest license plates with a design relating to classroom instruction, and specifies that the revenues generated by these plates be used for classroom instruction support, including the purchase of books and instruction materials.

(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 557 (Lowenthal-D) Right-of-way for transit buses

Authorizes any transit operator to adopt provisions of a pilot project, scheduled to terminate on January 1, 2004, that requires a motorist to yield the right-of-way to a transit bus when merging with traffic after making a stop for passengers.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 559 (Harman-R) Vehicles: residence addresses: release to private parking

Authorizes the release of confidential State Department of Motor Vehicles residence information, under specified requirements, for the purpose of collection of unpaid parking fees by a private parking entity.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 574 (Yee-D) Vehicles: registration: local charge

Authorizes the City and County of San Francisco Board of Supervisors, by ordinance or resolution, to require a fee in an amount to be established by the city and county board of supervisors to be paid at the time of registration or renewal of registration of every vehicle registered to an address within the city and county, in addition to any other fees specified in the Vehicle Code and the Revenue and Taxation Code, except those vehicles expressly exempted from payment of registration fees.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 575 (Dutra-D) Motor carriers: transporting hazardous materials

Requires all California registered commercial vehicles engaged in the transportation of flammable and combustible liquids in cargo trucks to be equipped with specified devices to disable and locate the vehicle.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 618 (Levine-D) Vehicles: special interest license plates: athletic teams

Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to issue collegiate and professional sports teams license plates.

(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 625 (Spitzer-R) Vehicles: towing: storage charge

Provides that if towed vehicles impounded during special events are not released within one to two hours of demand, the storage facility may not collect fees. Requires local agencies to notify tow truck and storage operators of special events.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 629 (Oropeza-D) Outdoor advertising

Expands the provisions in existing law providing an exemption from the prohibition against advertising displays along landscaped freeways to include any advertising display located on public property owned by a city, county, or school district that meets certain conditions.

(Died in Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

AB 638 (Longville-D) Vehicles: impoundment

Allows for the impoundment of vehicles upon arrest when a person gets a second DUI, as specified, rather than upon conviction as currently required, and makes related changes in law.

(Died in Assembly Public Safety Committee pursuant to Assembly Rule 77.2.)

AB 694* (Levine-D) Use tax: vehicles, vessels, and aircraft

Broadens the circumstances in which there is a rebuttable presumption that a vehicle or aircraft is subject to use tax, and clarifies the exemption for aircraft brought into California for repair and modification.

(Died on Senate Inactive File)

AB 737 (Longville-D) Vehicles: driver's licenses: fees

Increases, from two years to five years, the period of time a driver must have a clean driving record in order to renew his/her driver's license by mail. Triples, from $15 to $45, the fee imposed by the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for a regular driver's license renewed in person at a DMV office. Requires a driver who is ineligible to renew his/her license by mail to pass the DMV vision test, and allows the department to require the driver to pass its written driving exam as a condition for license renewal.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 755 (Samuelian-R) Vehicles: driver's license: suspension or revocation

Creates a new alternate felony-misdemeanor offense of driving on a suspended or revoked driver's license where the driving results in the death of, or great bodily injury to, any person other than the defendant. Requires the defendant be imprisoned in the county jail for not less than six months nor more than a year or to be sentenced to state prison. Prohibits a court from imposing consecutive terms of imprisonment for multiple convictions arising from any single event.

(Died in Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AB 894 (Firebaugh-D) Smoking in vehicles with minor passengers

Makes it an infraction punishable by a fine not exceeding $25 for a person to smoke a pipe, cigar, or cigarette in a motor vehicle, whether in motion or at rest, in which there is a child passenger who is required to be secured in a child passenger restraint system.

(Died in Assembly Governmental Organization Committee pursuant to Assembly Rule 77.2)

AB 985 (Vargas-D) Vehicles: motor vehicle speed contests

Makes the penalty for engaging in a speed contest which proximately causes great bodily injury a wobbler.

(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)

AB 1004 (Leslie-R) Public transit: operators

Requires a public transit operator, before approving a service reduction or route restructuring of bus service greater than 25 percent of total revenue miles, or a fare increase for budget deficit purposes, to conduct a third party competitive procurement process for a route or routes that the operator determines will minimize all, or a portion of, the planned service reduction. Does not require the operator to contract with the third party to provide these services.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1116* (Mountjoy-R) Commercial requester accounts: access

Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles, upon request by an individual or organization that has been issued a commercial requester account, to provide special expedited access to the information in its files through telephone or electronic mail, or through any other method capable of providing an equally rapid response.

(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 1118 (Levine-D) Special interest license plates: animal welfare

Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to design and make available special environmental design license plates depicting a dog or a cat.

(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 1138 (Frommer-D) Disabled license plates

Requires any disabled person or disabled veteran issued a special license plate for a disability to present to a peace officer, upon request, certification that substantiates the eligibility for the special license plates. Provides that these provisions become effective on July 1, 2005 and sunsets on January 1, 2006.

Chapter 363, Statutes of 2004

AB 1200 (Longville-D) Vehicles: motorcycles: helmets

Restricts the safety helmet requirement for drivers and passengers of motorcycles, motor-driver cycles, or motorized bicycles to those who are under 18 years of age.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1206 (Harman-R) Registration service: technician license

Requires persons processing the State Department of Motor Vehicles' documents for a registration service to hold a technician license or permit.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1242 (Chu-D) Street removal from public use

Requires, rather than authorizes, a city to establish the minimum maintenance requirements for a street closed or removed from public use at the time of such action.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 1272 (Dutra-D) Vehicle license plates

Requires a motor vehicle dealer to either equip a vehicle upon retail sale or lease with a bracket to secure a front license plate or obtain written acknowledgement from the person taking delivery that he/she understands California law requires that a front license plate be displayed on the vehicle.

Chapter 365, Statutes of 2004

AB 1305 (Bogh-R) Driver's license fingerprint records

Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), by January 1, 2005, to create a fingerprint identification system based on the print of the thumb or finger of an applicant. Requires the fingerprint to be cross-referenced with all other fingerprints in the DMV database in order to authenticate that print and to ensure that each individual is issued only one driver's license and that an individual is not fraudulently obtaining a driver's license in another individual's name.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1511 (Benoit-R) Vehicles: unlawful activities

Prohibits a driver of a motor vehicle from engaging in an activity that interferes with the safe operation of the vehicle when that person simultaneously commits another unsafe driving violation.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1540 (Runner-R) Outdoor advertising: permits

Exempts applications for the renewal of a valid existing permit relative to the placement of advertising displays that are adjacent to a highway that was received on or before December 31, 2002.

(Died in Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

AB 1546 (Simitian-D) Vehicle fee for congestion and stormwater programs

Allows, commencing July 1, 2005, a fee of $4 to be added to the annual vehicle registration charge in San Mateo County if the fee is approved by the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo. Directs fee revenues to be used for management of traffic congestion and stormwater pollution.

Chapter 931, Statutes of 2004

AB 1547 (Shirley Horton-R) Local streets and roads: signs

Requires a city, a county, or a city and county that receives allocations from state and federal excise tax revenues and utilizes those allocations for local street and road purposes, to approve at least two reflective film manufacturers, as qualified, to bid when soliciting bids for reflexive film material.

(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1569 (Firebaugh-D) Smoking in vehicles with minor passengers

Provides, commencing January 1, 2006, that it is an infraction punishable by a fine of up to $25 for a person to smoke a pipe, cigar, or cigarette in a motor vehicle, whether in motion or at rest, in which there is a child passenger who is required to be secured in a child passenger restraint system. Also makes the first violation an infraction that would not be subject to a fine.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1618* (Firebaugh-D) Railroad corporations: derailments

Requires railroad corporations to develop a protocol to quickly inform the State Office of Emergency Services, the State Department of the California Highway Patrol, and local public safety agencies when there is a runaway train or other uncontrolled train movement.

Chapter 125, Statutes of 2004

AB 1642 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Background checks: charter-party carriers

Requires, among other things, the California Public Utilities Commission to adopt regulations establishing standards and procedures to investigate the criminal background of candidates seeking certificates for employment as drivers or key employees, as defined, with passenger stage corporations and charter-party carriers of passengers that provide passenger transportation to and from any airport regularly serving an air carrier holding a certificate issued by the United States Secretary of Transportation, or to and from any railroad terminal serving passenger trains.

(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)

AB 1645 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Charter-party carriers: drivers: background checks

Establishes a process at the State Public Utilities Commission to ensure greater security is exercised when companies hire and employ key employees and drivers to operate vehicles carrying paying passengers to and from airports.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1652 (Nakano-D) Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Expands the number of members of the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority governing board from 14 to 16 by increasing the number of appointees from the cities in Los Angeles County.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1663 (Dutra-D) Vehicle: additional registration fees

Extends the authority, until January 1, 2010, for a county to impose a $1 additional fee on vehicle registrations which fund local vehicle theft abatement programs.

Chapter 514, Statutes of 2004

AB 1767 (Assembly Budget Committee) Vehicles: fees

Increases fees relative to the issuance of specified documents and licenses and related services provided by the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Authorizes DMV to utilize a specified dollar amount derived from the issuance of memorial license plates to be used specifically for promoting the memorial license plate program. Revises, effective January 1, 2004, the fee schedule for specified commercial vehicles and for tow trucks and adds other required displays on the vehicle showing weight specifications. Revises existing law relative to certificates of nonoperation. Repeals the Business Partner Automation Account. Increases various registration and identification fees for the Motor Vehicle Account. Adjusts the existing schedule in the Truck Weight Fee Program to ensure revenue neutrality, as provided in current law. Authorizes DMV to promote the Memorial License Plate Program with existing revenues.

(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 1787 (Bogh-R) Vehicles: registration: late penalties exemption

Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to waive all penalty fees for the late payment of registration renewal fees for registrants who are members of the military deployed outside of California ("deployed" does not include temporary duty for the sole purpose of training or processing or a permanent change of station). Provides that these provisions would not apply to a registered owner who applies for registration renewal more than 60 days after termination of his or her deployment.

Chapter 188, Statutes of 2004

AB 1798* (Levine-D) California Environmental Quality Act

Provides that nothing in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) or any other provision of law shall be construed to require that a Rapid Bus route or a system of such routes be considered as a reasonable or feasible alternative to the East-West Bus Rapid Transit system in the Burbank-Chandler corridor from North Hollywood to Warner Center. Provides that the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority immediately commence and complete a study to determine the viability of Rapid Bus routes as a potential transit improvement in the San Fernando Valley. Sunsets January 1, 2006. (The amendments seek to invalidate a recent unpublished opinion that concluded "MTA erred in failing to consider multiple Rapid Bus routes as a feasible (Section 21061.1) alternative [to a bus guideway project in the project environmental impact report]." Citizens Organized for Smart Transit v. Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (2004) (Second District Court of Appeal Case No. B164434).)

(Failed passage in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

AB 1804* (Dutra-D) Vehicle license fees

Revises provisions of the Vehicle License Fee (VLF) law to eliminate the "trigger" provisions of the Vehicle License Fee (VLF) law that allow the VLF offset to be reduced pursuant to an administrative finding that there are insufficient General Fund revenues to fully fund the VLF offset (i.e., the backfill of local government revenue losses), effective October 1, 2003. Provide that the in lieu appropriation of $1,000 to backfill local governments for their VLF offsets revenue losses included in the 2003-04 State Budget (Item 9100-102-001) shall apply only to VLF offsets applied on or before September 30, 2003. Appropriate funds to the State Department of Motor Vehicles for the purpose of administering refunds to taxpayers that paid VLFs with a final due date on and after October 1, 2003 at the full two percent rate.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1812 (Bermudez-D) Drivers' certificates: medical examination

Allows, in addition to a licensed physician, a licensed physicians assistant, and advanced registered nurse or a doctor of chiropractic to submit a medical examination report for applicants who are seeking a license to drive a school bus, school pupil activity bus, youth bus, general public paratransit vehicle, or farm labor vehicle.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1824 (Reyes-D) Identification cards: mail renewal and application

Requires the Director of the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to establish a program that allows persons to renew their DMV-issued identification cards by mail instead of having to appear at a DMV office.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1839 (Montanez-D) Motor vehicle sale contracts

Enacts the Car Buyers Bill of Rights. Places caps on markups of dealer financing and required disclosure of consumer credit scores. Enacts regulations on the sale of certified used vehicles. Enacts disclosure requirements for "add-ons" to vehicle sales contracts.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1854 (Simitian-D) Motor vehicles headlamps: inclement weather

Requires, beginning July 1, 2005, that a motor vehicle have its headlamps lighted during inclement weather.

Chapter 415, Statutes of 2004

AB 1861 (Maze-R) Driving under the influence

Requires a person convicted of a second or subsequent offense of driving under the influence (DUI) or DUI with bodily injury to arrange and pay for publication of public notices of the person's name and the offense for which he or she was convicted.

(Died in Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AB 1877 (Maze-R) Professional driver's licenses

Provides that during the first 12 months after issuance of a provisional driver's license, the licensee is prohibited from driving between the hours of 12 midnight and 5:00 a.m., and during the first six months after issuance, the licensee is prohibited from transporting passengers who are under 20 years of age, unless in either situation the licensee is accompanied and supervised by a licensed driver who is the licensee's parent or guardian, a licensed driver who is 25 years of age or older, or a licensed or certified driving instructor.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1878 (Chan-D) Motor scooters

Requires operators of motor scooters, as defined, to be licensed or permitted and places restrictions on the alteration or modification of a motor scooters exhaust system to amplify or create excessive noise.

Chapter 755, Statutes of 2004

AB 1915 (Lowenthal-D) Vehicle driver's licenses and ID cards: disabled persons

Establishes a process at the State Department of Motor Vehicles by which disabled persons would be issued driver's licenses and identification cards imprinted with the International Symbol of Access (a.k.a. the wheelchair symbol).

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1947 (Strickland-R) Parking privileges: disabled persons

Authorizes a person who is in the third trimester of pregnancy to apply to the State Department of Motor Vehicles for the issuance of a temporary distinguishing placard for the purpose of obtaining the specified parking privileges.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2029 (Vargas-D) Vehicles: school zone fines

Adds San Diego County to the list of counties that may adopt the double-fine zone for school zone provisions.

(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)

AB 2039 (La Suer-R) Airports: San Diego County Regional Airport Authority

Requires that the three public members of the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority Executive Committee be elected at large, rather than appointed from the county, beginning with the 2006 statewide general election, and that they receive a salary commensurate with that of members of the state legislature.

(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 2040 (La Suer-R) Vehicles: hazardous materials endorsement

Brings the State of California in compliance with federal requirements regarding background checks for hazardous materials drivers.

Chapter 801, Statutes of 2004

AB 2139 (Maze-R) Vehicles: child restraint systems

Revises, recasts and conforms current provisions on the use of child passenger restraints and revise provisions governing education programs established for those who violate child restraint requirements.

Chapter 420, Statutes of 2004

AB 2155 (Vargas-D) San Diego County Regional Airport Authority

Authorizes the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority to adopt and enforce rules and regulations for the administration, maintenance, operation, and use of its facilities and services.

Chapter 677, Statutes of 2004

AB 2173 (Parra-D) Driving under the influence: statement

Requires the court to advise a person convicted of a wet reckless or driving under the influence that driving under the influence is dangerous and could result in the charge of murder if someone is killed.

Chapter 502, Statutes of 2004

AB 2201 (Firebaugh-D) Truck operators

Revises various provisions governing the operation of dump trucks, gravel trucks and motor carriers regulated by the State Department of the California Highway Patrol and the State Department of Motor Vehicles.

Chapter 518, Statutes of 2004

AB 2209 (Wiggins-D) Rental cars

Allows rental car companies to rent out-of-state vehicles in California without paying California registration fees if these vehicles are rented for 19 days or less and comply with California emissions standards.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 2340 (Liu-D) Driver education

Sets forth automobile driver education course requirements for those private schools that offer a driver education course. Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to make that course of instruction available on its Web site to private schools, without charge, and to adopt rules and regulations implementing this online classroom course over the Internet, as defined.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2353 (Leslie-R) Neighborhood Electric Vehicles

Authorizes, until January 1, 2009, the City of Lincoln and the City of Rocklin in Placer County to establish specified rules for the operation of neighborhood electric vehicles.

Chapter 422, Statutes of 2004

AB 2430* (Wiggins-D) Commercial air carriers: hot air balloons

Suspends temporarily the State Public Utilities Commissions authority over the commercial ballooning industry. Requires commercial balloon operators to carry a minimum of $1 million liability insurance and notify passengers of their insurance coverage. Requires operators to comply with any local government ordinances.

Chapter 881, Statutes of 2004

AB 2547 (Lowenthal-D) Dept. of Motor Vehicles: reporting of medical conditions

Makes changes in some of the requirements relating to the reporting of medical conditions by physicians to the State Department of Motor Vehicles.

(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)

AB 2606 (Plescia-R) Vehicles: registration and title

Allows licensed registration services to apply for duplicate certificates of ownership or duplicate license plates until January 1, 2008, authorizes the State Department of Motor Vehicles to charge $15 for expedited processing of these applications, and increases the bond requirements for these registration services from $5,000 to $25,000.

Chapter 430, Statutes of 2004

AB 2628 (Pavley-D) Vehicles: preferential lanes

Authorizes single-occupancy hybrid motor vehicles to use high-occupancy vehicle lanes, pending federal authorization. Sunsets January 1, 2008.

Chapter 725, Statutes of 2004

AB 2656 (Jackson-D) Motor vehicles: civil actions: waivers

Regulates the circumstance under which consumers may waive their legal rights in contracts with specified automobile dealers.

(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

AB 2666 (Maldonado-R) Off-highway vehicle recreation areas

Makes several technical, non-controversial changes to the governing statutes of the Division of Off-Highway Motor Vehicles Recreation and make several substantive changes, which are also non-controversial, include enhanced protection of cultural and archeological resources, and the bill directs Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) funds to the areas where OHV recreation occurs, as opposed to a county in which OHVs are registered.

Chapter 908, Statutes of 2004

AB 2685 (Oropeza-D) Vehicles: fuel conservation

Requires the Governor to launch a public education campaign, as specified, about reducing demand for gasoline and diesel fuel.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 2708 (Reyes-D) Motorized vehicles: disclosure

Requires a person who sells at retail a two-wheeled motorized vehicle, commonly known as a "pocket bike," that is not stamped or affixed with a 17-digit vehicle identification number in conformance with federal regulations, and the operation of that motorized vehicle on the highways would violate safety equipment requirements, to notify the purchaser, either verbally or in writing, that it is illegal to operate that motorized vehicle on a highway because of specified reasons.

(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 2740 (Bogh-R) Vehicles: Riverside County

Authorizes the County of Riverside, when conducting an engineering and traffic survey, to consider levels of safety and noise, and other environmental factors that may impact the physical and economic operations of established film and sound studios immediately adjacent to county roads, in addition to the other factors specified under existing law.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2761 (Leno-D) Car rental contracts: business renters

Permits rental car companies to separately quote and charge additional rental fees and charges in addition to the contract base rental rate to qualified business renters renting under a business program, so long as a good faith estimate of the total charge is provided to the renter at the time the reservation is made or when the car is picked up for rental. Provides that this exception to current law's requirement to quote or charge a "bundled" rental rate applies only in cases of a "qualified business rental" where the business renter has produced more than $25,000 in gross rental revenue in the past year or is expected to produce that amount of rental revenue in the upcoming year.

Chapter 536, Statutes of 2004

AB 2784* (Pavley-D) Ventura County Transportation Commission

Reconstitutes the membership of the Ventura County Transportation Commission, increasing from seven to 17 the number of voting members (18 members total), and makes related changes.

Chapter 432, Statutes of 2004

AB 2785 (Nakano-D) Wireless telephones: school buses and transit vehicles

Makes it an infraction to use a wireless telephone while operating a school bus or transit bus.

Chapter 505, Statutes of 2004

AB 2788 (Leslie-R) Vehicles: accidents

Creates a new misdemeanor if the passenger of a vehicle involved in a hit-and-run injury accident fails to notify law enforcement when the driver of the vehicle fails to stop and fulfill his or her duties.

(Died in Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AB 2840 (Corbett-D) Vehicle rental agreements

Prohibits rental companies from using, accessing, or obtaining any information relating to a renter's use of a rental vehicle obtained using electronic surveillance technology, except in certain limited circumstances.

Chapter 317, Statutes of 2004

AB 2844 (La Suer-R) Motorcycle: handlebars

Prohibits a person from operating a two-wheel motorcycle that is equipped with handlebars so positioned that the hands of the driver, when upon the grips, are more than six inches above his or her shoulder height.

Chapter 280, Statutes of 2004

AB 2848 (Keene-R) New Motor Vehicle Board: all-terrain vehicles

Brings all-terrain vehicle dealers, manufacturers, and distributors under the purview of the New Motor Vehicle Board.

Chapter 836, Statutes of 2004

AB 2880 (Pavley-D) Motor vehicle registration surcharges

Increases by $2 the maximum surcharge an air district may impose on vehicle registrations to implement programs to remediate the air pollution harms caused by motor vehicles.

(Died on Senate Third Reading File)

AB 2895 (Nunez-D) Driver's license eligibility: undocumented immigrants

Makes several substantive changes regarding the eligibility requirements for an original drivers license, including: (1) allowing persons without legal presence in the United States to be eligible to apply for a license, (2) allowing an applicant that does not possess a social security number to sign an affidavit under penalty of perjury attesting that the applicant does not qualify for a social security number, (3) imposing various security and verification requirements, and (4) requiring the payment of related fees.

Vetoed by the Governor

This bill is identical to SB 1160 (Cedillo-D).

AB 2899 (Shirley Horton-R) Biodiesel

Establishes standards for the sale of fuel comprised of biodiesel and biodiesel blends and a process that will ultimately allow consumers of these fuels to generate carbon dioxide (CO2) credits for air emission banking and credit programs.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2908 (Wolk-D) Metropolitan Transportation Commission

Increases the Metropolitan Transportation Commission's membership from 19 to 21, and provides for three members each from the Counties of Alameda and Santa Clara.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2997 (Firebaugh-D) Smoking with minors in a vehicle

Makes it an infraction for a person to smoke a pipe, cigar, or cigarette in a vehicle, whether in motion or at rest, in which there is a child passenger who is required to be secured in a child passenger restraining system.

(Failed passage on Assembly Third Reading File)

AB 3004 (Pavley-D) Road safety flares

Prohibits, on and after January 1, 2008, the manufacture, processing, and distribution of a road safety flare that contains perchlorate, as defined.

(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)

AB 3048 (Oropeza-D) Design-build bidding procedures for highway projects

Specifies the bidding procedures, requirements, qualifications, evaluation criteria and other factors used to award contracts for highway projects using a specified design-build process.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee pursuant to Senate Rule 29.10.)

AB 3049 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Commercial motor vehicles

Brings the State of California in full compliance with specified provisions of the federal Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999. Appropriates $753,892 from the Motor Vehicle Account. Double-jointed with SB 1697 (Torlakson-D), SB 1694 (Torlakson-D), AB 2040 (La Suer-R), AB 2666 (Maldonado-R), and AB 2377 (Longville-D).

Chapter 952, Statutes of 2004

AB 3093 (Jerome Horton-D) Motor vehicle fuel: pricing

Requires every service station in this state to round the price per gallon or liter of motor vehicle fuel to the nearest penny.

(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

ACA 21 (Bogh-R) Motor vehicle fuel sales tax revenue

Increases the voting requirement for suspension of Proposition 42 from two-thirds (2/3) to four-fifths (4/5) of each house of the Legislature.

(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)

ACA 24 (Dutra-D) Transportation Investment Fund: loans

Eliminates a constitutional provision that allows the suspension of all or part of the annual transfer of money from the General Fund (GF) to the Transportation Investment Fund (TIF), as enacted by Proposition 42 of March 2002, and adds a provision governing loans from the TIF to the GF or other accounts.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

ACR 87 (Correa-D) California Tire Safety Week

Proclaims the week of April 27, 2003 to May 3, 2003, as California Tire Safety Week and urges Californians to "be tire smart" by ensuring the proper tire inflation pressure, alignment, rotation, and safe tread depth of their tires.

(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

This bill is similar to HR 49 (Correa-D), which was adopted by the Assembly.

ACR 111 (Strickland-R) Vehicle license fee offset

States the Legislature's position that any increase in the state's vehicle license fee, either directly or indirectly by pulling the car tax trigger, is required to be enacted by a vote of two-thirds of the membership of each house of the Legislature.

(Died in the Assembly awaiting committee assignment)

AJR 74 (Pavley-D) Hybrid electric vehicles

Memorializes the President and the Congress to take legislative action to allow single-occupant hybrid electric vehicles that achieve a fuel economy highway rating of at least 45 miles per gallon, and conform to any additional emissions category of the federal Environmental Protection Agency or the California Air Resources Board, or meet any other requirements identified by the responsible agency, to travel in California's High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes.

Resolution Chapter 113, Statutes of 2004

HR 46 (Oropeza-D) Car Care Month

Designates April 2004 as Car Care Month and urges all motorist and state vehicle fleet administrators to inspect their motor vehicle, and perform all maintenance necessary to ensure that their motor vehicles are operating in a safe, efficient, and clean manner.

Adopted by the Assembly

HR 49 (Correa-D) California Tire Safety Week

Proclaims the week of April 25, 2004 to May 1, 2004 as California Tire Safety Week and urges Californians to "be tire smart" by ensuring the proper tire inflation pressure, alignment, rotation, and safe tread depth of their tires.

Adopted by the Assembly

This bill is similar to ACR 87 (Correa-D) which died in Senate Rules Committee.



Top Index (in Bill Order)

BillAuthor and Bill TitleReference Links

SB 49

Vehicles: San Francisco 49ers special license plate

SB 87*

State Highway Route 79

SB 91

Intercity rail service

SB 138

Toll road: State Highway Route 138

SB 207

Air quality: gasoline vapor emission control systems

SB 234

High-occupancy vehicle lanes

SB 300*

Rental vehicle license transaction fees

SB 348

Intermodal marine terminals

SB 349

Highways: property: lease: transfer

SB 380

High-occupancy vehicle lanes: study

SB 406

Emergency Alert System: electronic signs

SB 465

Transit village plan: design

SB 509

State Highway Route 238: local alternative program

SB 524

Instruction: automobile driver education

SB 541*

Motor vehicle fuel license taxes: diesel fuel taxes

SB 555

Traffic violator schools

SB 630

Vehicles: exemptions: nursery operations

SB 673

Fresno County Transportation Authority

SB 685

Motorcycles: safety helmets

SB 702

Medium weight farm equipment

SB 710

Highway exit information signs

SB 751

State Department of the California Highway Patrol

SB 780

Vehicles: violations: automated enforcement systems

SB 792

State parks: Martini Creek Bypass

SB 849

Metropolitan Transportation Commission

SB 871*

Vehicles: accident reports

SB 887*

Seaports: security: infrastructure: bonds

SB 924

Global Gateways Development Council

SB 957

Transportation gridlock emergencies

SB 1048*

Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee
Budget Act of 2003: Aeronautics Account

SB 1084

Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones

SB 1085

Traffic control signals: interruptive devices

SB 1087

Safe Routes to School construction program: extension

SB 1096*

Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee
Budget trailer bill

SB 1098*

Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee
Transportation: financing

SB 1099*

Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee
Transportation finance: Proposition 42

SB 1107*

Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee
Budget trailer bill: smog check

SB 1127

Vehicles: impoundment: forfeiture

SB 1130

Public transit: transit design-build

SB 1133

Special interest license plates: museums

SB 1135

Motor carriers

SB 1139

Driver's licenses: renewal

SB 1160

Driver's license eligibility: undocumented immigrants

SB 1169*

High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act: election

SB 1189

State Department of Transportation: contracts

SB 1201*

Bay Area Rapid Transit District

SB 1209

Driver's licenses: violation points

SB 1210

Highways: design-sequencing contracts

SB 1213

Special interest license plates: California Arts Council

SB 1233

Senate Transportation Committee
Miscellaneous transportation matters

SB 1235

Special interest license plates

SB 1236

Vehicle lighting equipment: visibility systems

SB 1247*

Large Emission Reduction Program

SB 1256*

High-speed Passenger Train Bond Act: repeal

SB 1320


SB 1324

Transportation: advertising displays

SB 1345

Vehicles: safe driving video

SB 1372

American River Folsom Bridge: project permits

SB 1375

State Highway Route 164

SB 1381

California Task Force for Bicycling and Walking

SB 1422

Vehicle removal

SB 1443

Highway Users Tax Account

SB 1483*

Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act

SB 1486

California Environmental Quality Act: exemption

SB 1507

Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicle bonds

SB 1578

State Highway Route 39: relinquishment

SB 1582

Provisional driver's license: wireless telephones

SB 1615

Smog check: out-of-state vehicles

SB 1666

Airport districts board members

SB 1695

Alcohol and drug problem assessment

SB 1704

Commercial air carriers: hot air balloons

SB 1711

New Motor Vehicle Board

SB 1725

Parking privileges for disabled persons

SB 1759

Public Transportation Account transfer: repeal

SB 1773

Metropolitan Transportation Authority's benefit assessments

SB 1784

Collector cars

SB 1793

Design-build contracts

SB 1799

Special interest license plates

SB 1814

Air pollution: non-conforming fuels

SB 1848*

Vehicles: driver's license violations: referral program


Loans of transportation revenues and funds

SCA 20

Transportation funding

SCR 35

Otis Vincent Tolbert Memorial Highway

SCR 45

Frank and Elly Hartmann Memorial Bridge

SCR 46

Police Officer Richard Perkins Memorial Highway

SCR 50

David W. Manning Memorial Freeway

SCR 53

Firefighter Steven Rucker Memorial Highway

SCR 64

Chief F.S. "Pete" Pedroza Memorial Highway

SCR 65

Eugene A. Doran Memorial Bridge

SCR 67

CHP Officer John Pedro Memorial Highway

SCR 68

John Castro Memorial Interchange

SCR 69

Everett and Louella Thomas Memorial Highway

SCR 70

Victor V. Veysey Expressway

SCR 75

Love Your Neighborhood Week

SCR 78

Bill Keene Interchange

SCR 84

Larry Combs Memorial Rest Stop

SCR 89

CHP Officer Thomas J. Steiner Memorial Highway

SCR 90

Highway designations

SJR 28

Gasoline: oxygenates

SR 16

Patriotic displays

SR 33

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

SB 12X*

Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee
Vehicle license fees

AB 33

San Joaquin Valley: environmental streamlining

AB 62

Outdoor advertising

AB 70

Computer forfeiture

AB 77

La Suer-R
San Diego County Regional Airport Authority

AB 114

Hybrid vehicles: high-occupancy vehicle lanes

AB 118

Rental vehicle transaction fees

AB 130

State Department of Motor Vehicles: records

AB 198*

Luxury heavy vehicles

AB 219

Air quality

AB 246

State Department of Motor Vehicles: confidential records

AB 279

Special license plates: Purple Heart

AB 338

Crumb rubber

AB 350

Vehicles: driver's licenses: issuance and renewal

AB 392

Environmental justice

AB 402*

Shirley Horton-R
San Diego County Regional Airport Authority

AB 417

La Suer-R
Vehicles: driver's licenses: registered sex offenders

AB 420

Congestion management program

AB 435

Vehicles: traffic violator schools

AB 443

Rural Transit System Grant Program

AB 449

Vehicles: speed limits

AB 466

Sacramento Regional Transit District

AB 477

Vehicles: special interest license plates

AB 517

Red light camera enforcement systems

AB 532

Vehicles: special interest license plates

AB 541

Air pollution: smog check: test-only stations

AB 557

Right-of-way for transit buses

AB 559

Vehicles: residence addresses: release to private parking

AB 574

Vehicles: registration: local charge

AB 575

Motor carriers: transporting hazardous materials

AB 618

Vehicles: special interest license plates: athletic teams

AB 625

Vehicles: towing: storage charge

AB 629

Outdoor advertising

AB 638

Vehicles: impoundment

AB 684

Public transit smart cards

AB 694*

Use tax: vehicles, vessels, and aircraft

AB 710

Orange County Transportation Authority

AB 724

Shirley Horton-R
State highways: signs

AB 737

Vehicles: driver's licenses: fees

AB 755

Vehicles: driver's license: suspension or revocation

AB 775

Safe Routes to Schools construction program: extension

AB 793

Highway signs

AB 822

Redevelopment: transit: jobs-housing balance

AB 872

Speed limits: traffic and engineering surveys

AB 875

Transportation financing

AB 894

Smoking in vehicles with minor passengers

AB 923

Air pollution projects

AB 929

Highways: park lease: City of Albany

AB 985

Vehicles: motor vehicle speed contests

AB 1004

Public transit: operators

AB 1009*

Heavy-duty vehicle emissions

AB 1096

Transportation projects

AB 1112

Transit stations: housing opportunity districts

AB 1116*

Commercial requester accounts: access

AB 1118

Special interest license plates: animal welfare

AB 1138

Disabled license plates

AB 1200

Vehicles: motorcycles: helmets

AB 1206

Registration service: technician license

AB 1233

Shirley Horton-R
Highway capacity enhancement demonstration projects

AB 1242

Street removal from public use

AB 1271

City of Rancho Cucamonga: highway soundwalls

AB 1272

Vehicle license plates

AB 1279

Shirley Horton-R
High-occupancy vehicle lanes

AB 1289

Toll roads

AB 1305

Driver's license fingerprint records

AB 1316

Smog Check II: coastal districts: study

AB 1320

Transit village plan: design

AB 1390*

Income tax credits: fuel efficient vehicles

AB 1394

Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program

AB 1511

Vehicles: unlawful activities

AB 1540

Outdoor advertising: permits

AB 1546

Vehicle fee for congestion and stormwater programs

AB 1547

Shirley Horton-R
Local streets and roads: signs

AB 1569

Smoking in vehicles with minor passengers

AB 1590

Santa Cruz County Highway 1 Widening/HOV Authority

AB 1618*

Railroad corporations: derailments

AB 1637

La Suer-R

AB 1642

Background checks: charter-party carriers

AB 1645

Charter-party carriers: drivers: background checks

AB 1652

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

AB 1663

Vehicle: additional registration fees

AB 1720

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

AB 1767

Assembly Budget Committee
Vehicles: fees

AB 1787

Vehicles: registration: late penalties exemption

AB 1798*

California Environmental Quality Act

AB 1804*

Vehicle license fees

AB 1812

Drivers' certificates: medical examination

AB 1824

Identification cards: mail renewal and application

AB 1839

Motor vehicle sale contracts

AB 1854

Motor vehicles headlamps: inclement weather

AB 1861

Driving under the influence

AB 1877

Professional driver's licenses

AB 1878

Motor scooters

AB 1915

Vehicle driver's licenses and ID cards: disabled persons

AB 1947

Parking privileges: disabled persons

AB 1966

Hydrogen refueling stations

AB 1971

Air pollution: marine terminals

AB 2020

Low speed vehicles operated on a highway

AB 2024

Ports: transportation network

AB 2027

State Highway Route 260: relinquishment

AB 2029

Vehicles: school zone fines

AB 2032

High Occupancy Toll Lanes

AB 2039

La Suer-R
Airports: San Diego County Regional Airport Authority

AB 2040

La Suer-R
Vehicles: hazardous materials endorsement

AB 2041

Ports: congestion

AB 2042

Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach

AB 2043

Maritime Port Strategic Master Plan Task Force

AB 2128

Smog check: voluntary vehicle retirement

AB 2139

Vehicles: child restraint systems

AB 2155

San Diego County Regional Airport Authority

AB 2173

Driving under the influence: statement

AB 2201

Truck operators

AB 2209

Rental cars

AB 2340

Driver education

AB 2353

Neighborhood Electric Vehicles

AB 2366

Bay Area state-owned toll bridges: financing

AB 2372

State Transportation Improvement Program

AB 2424

La Malfa-R
Vehicle emissions: vehicle replacement

AB 2430*

Commercial air carriers: hot air balloons

AB 2456

Regional transportation improvement programs

AB 2459

Highway signs: World War II Aviation Museum

AB 2471

Transit service: housing developments

AB 2498

Freeway service patrols

AB 2522

Stockton Metropolitan Transit District

AB 2526

Diesel fuel tax

AB 2541

Low Emission Contractor Incentive Program

AB 2547

Dept. of Motor Vehicles: reporting of medical conditions

AB 2606

Vehicles: registration and title

AB 2628

Vehicles: preferential lanes

AB 2644

Schoolbus and commercial vehicles idling at schools

AB 2651

Outdoor Advertising Act

AB 2656

Motor vehicles: civil actions: waivers

AB 2666

Off-highway vehicle recreation areas

AB 2676

Airports: heliport construction plans

AB 2683

Smog check

AB 2685

Vehicles: fuel conservation

AB 2708

Motorized vehicles: disclosure

AB 2721

Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones

AB 2740

Vehicles: Riverside County

AB 2741

Metropolitan Transportation Commission

AB 2761

Car rental contracts: business renters

AB 2784*

Ventura County Transportation Commission

AB 2785

Wireless telephones: school buses and transit vehicles

AB 2788

Vehicles: accidents

AB 2817

Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority

AB 2823

Highway signs

AB 2840

Vehicle rental agreements

AB 2844

La Suer-R
Motorcycle: handlebars

AB 2847*

Gasoline and diesel fuel fee

AB 2848

New Motor Vehicle Board: all-terrain vehicles

AB 2865*

Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act

AB 2880

Motor vehicle registration surcharges

AB 2895

Driver's license eligibility: undocumented immigrants

AB 2899

Shirley Horton-R

AB 2906

Vehicles: global warming gases

AB 2908

Metropolitan Transportation Commission

AB 2939

Smog check: vehicle retirement

AB 2953

Air quality: agriculture exemption

AB 2997

Smoking with minors in a vehicle

AB 3004

Road safety flares

AB 3011

Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority

AB 3047

Assembly Transportation Committee
Miscellaneous transportation matters

AB 3048

Design-build bidding procedures for highway projects

AB 3049

Assembly Transportation Committee
Commercial motor vehicles

AB 3050

Assembly Transportation Committee
Transportation operations

AB 3093

Jerome Horton-D
Motor vehicle fuel: pricing

AB 3104

Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Program


Transportation funding

ACA 17


ACA 21

Motor vehicle fuel sales tax revenue

ACA 24

Transportation Investment Fund: loans

ACA 29

Transportation Investment Fund

ACR 67

Supplemental destination signs

ACR 87

California Tire Safety Week

ACR 111

Vehicle license fee offset

ACR 115

Inspector Raymond J. Giacomelli Memorial Overcrossing

ACR 121

La Suer-R
Semper Fi Highway

ACR 131

William Alexander Leidesdorff, Jr. Memorial Highway

ACR 133

Oceanside Police Officer Tony Zeppetella Memorial Highway

ACR 135

Deputy Sheriff Stephen Sorensen Memorial Highway

ACR 142

Deputy Sheriff David W. March Memorial Interchange

ACR 145

Martin L. Ganz Memorial Highway

ACR 151

George M. Clark Memorial Bicycle Bridge

ACR 152

Highway designations

ACR 156

Burbank Police Officer Matthew Pavelka Memorial Freeway

ACR 162

CHP Officer Dean E. Beattie Memorial Highway

ACR 163

CHP Officer Shannon Distel Memorial Interchange

ACR 179

Officer Mark A. White Memorial Highway

ACR 180

Blue Star Memorial Highway

ACR 185

Petroleum Highway

ACR 189

La Malfa-R
Bernie Richter Memorial Highway

ACR 239

William J. "Pete" Knight Aerospace Highway

ACR 248

Donald S. Wieman Vista Point

ACR 249

Abiel Barron Memorial Highway

AJR 37

Rail funding

AJR 50

Fuel cell vehicles

AJR 63

State Highway Route 99

AJR 72

Federal Clean Air Act: gasoline oxygenate additives

AJR 74

Hybrid electric vehicles

HR 46

Car Care Month

HR 49

California Tire Safety Week