Business and Labor

Economic Development
World Trade and Tourism
Small Business
Labor Relations
Workers' Compensation
Unemployment Insurance
Financial Institutions

Economic Development

Go to Index

SB 9 (Lowenthal-D) Trade corridor improvement
Establishes a process by which the California Transportation Commission selects and funds projects using the $2 billion of Proposition 1B transportation bonds earmarked for projects that reduce congestion and air pollution along trade corridors in California.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 103 (Cedillo-D) Economic development: local agencies
Requires, as of 1/1/08, cities, counties, and redevelopment agencies to provide specified information to the public before approving an economic development subsidy of $100,000 or more.

SB 262 (Runner-R) Transportation: trade corridors improvement
Requires the California Transportation Commission to consider the potential of infrastructure projects at inland ports to relieve congestion at or near the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 302 (Ducheny-D) California Workforce Investment Act
Provides additional guidance to the California Workforce Investment Board and to the local boards that deliver workforce training and related services.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

SB 341* (Lowenthal-D) Enterprise zones: environmental impact reports
Allows, beginning 10/1/07, a city or county selected as a finalist by the Department of Housing and Community Development for an enterprise zone (EZ) designation to prepare either a negative declaration or a mitigated negative declaration as alternatives to preparing an environmental impact report to satisfy the California Environmental Quality Act requirements related to EZ designation.
Chapter 643, Statutes of 2007

SB 359* (Runner-R) Sales and use taxes: income and corporation taxes
Enacts multiple credits under the Personal Income Tax and Corporation Tax Law. Exempts manufactured goods and jet fuel sold above a certain price from the sales tax, and allows qualified taxpayers to use quadruple-weighted corporation tax apportionment formula.
(In Senate and Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 360 (Negrete McLeod-D) Local government: Capital Investment Incentive Program
Repeals the Capital Investment Incentive Program which grants a property tax rebate in exchange for future community service fees (this tax rebate program has never been used).
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

SB 446 (Yee-D) Microenterprise development
Requires the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency (BT&H) to administer a program providing grants on a competitive basis to qualifying microenterprise development providers for capacity building projects, and requires BT&H to contract with a nonprofit intermediary for certain services relating to the grant program.
(On Senate Inactive File)

SB 740* (Calderon-D) Motion picture production: tax credit
Authorizes a tax credit, beginning on or after 1/1/08, in an amount equal to the direct tax revenues attributable to the production of a qualified motion picture in California, or where the qualified motion picture has relocated to California or is an independent film, 125% of the direct tax revenues. Requires the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to report to the Legislature regarding the economic impact of the tax incentives created by the bill.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 763 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Business, Transportation and Housing Agency
Defines various terms for purposes of various types of economic development programs implemented by the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency (BT&H). Declares the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation providing that all economic development programs implemented by BT&H should, at the discretion of the Secretary, adopt specified objectives.
(In Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee)

SB 765 (Ridley-Thomas-D) California Partnership for Urban Communities: pilot project
Establishes, until 3/1/12, the California Partnership for Urban Communities Pilot Project, administered by the Commission on Economic Development and other newly created committees, with specified duties with respect to coordinating and improving government efforts for at-risk urban communities. Appropriates $75,000 to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor and the Commission for purposes of operating the pilot program and a program to distribute matching grants, as specified, and creates the California Partnership for Urban Communities Fund as a special fund in the State Treasury for the purpose of receiving federal, local, and private funds to be continuously appropriated to the Lieutenant Governor for purposes of the program.
(On Assembly Inactive File)

SB 928* (Harman-R) Research and development: tax credit
Increases the percentage of the California Research and Development tax credit. Enacts a new tax credit for donations to cancer research.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 27 (Parra-D) California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley
Creates, from 1/1/09 to 1/1/20, the California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley, composed of the heads of specified state agencies and departments, local government members and private sector members, subject to specified criteria, to coordinate and improve existing local, state, and federal efforts for the valley to increase the living standards and the overall economic performance of the valley. Requires the Partnership to request that the eight economic development coordinators of the counties of Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tulare serve as an advisory committee to the Partnership and make a specified report to the Partnership and the Legislature no later than 6/1/09, and annually thereafter.
(In Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee)

AB 121* (Maze-R) Enterprise zones: tax credit: foster youth hiring
Expands the definition of "qualified employee" to include qualified former foster care recipients for purposes of the hiring credit available to employers located in an enterprise zone. Defines a "qualified former foster care recipient" as an individual certified by the local designated agency as having attained 17 years of age but not 25 years of age on the hiring date and having, before attaining 18 years of age, been either a recipient of foster care maintenance payments under a state plan approved under 42 United States Code Section 301, or in foster care under the responsibility of a state.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 133 (Garcia-R) Economic development capital investment incentive programs
Includes within the types of businesses that operate a qualified manufacturing facility a business engaged in the operation of a powerplant used for the production of electricity from one or more specified energy sources in the capital investment incentive program.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 135* (Houston-R) Income and corporation taxes: net operating losses
Extends the carryover period for all net operating losses to each of the 20 taxable years following the taxable year of loss.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 194* (Assembly Budget Committee) Employment training grants
Provides $10 million to the Employment Development Department for Employment Training Panel Grants.
Chapter 489, Statutes of 2007

AB 232 (Price-D) Economic Opportunity Initiative Program
Enacts, until 1/1/13, the Economic Opportunity Initiative Act of 2007 to require the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency (BT&H) to establish a pilot project to be known as the Economic Opportunity Initiative Program. Requires BT&H to enter into technical and partnership assistance agreements with economic development corporations meeting specified criteria, and requires BT&H to conduct a study on the impact of the program and report the results of the study to the Governor and the Legislature on or before 12/31/12.
(In Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee)

AB 365 (Portantino-D) Economic and workforce development
Requires that, on or before 3/1/08, the California Postsecondary Education Commission, in cooperation with the Labor and Workforce Development Agency, convene a task force with key stakeholders to address future workplace needs and report to the Legislature and Governor on their findings and recommendations. Clarifies the mission of the California Community Colleges Economic and Workforce Development Program.

AB 751* (Lieu-D) Income/corporation tax credit: research and development
Increases the existing tax credit for increasing research expenses to 20%. Conforms to federal rules for calculation of the alternative incremental credit. Applies to taxable years beginning 1/1/07.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1116 (Nava-D) Career technical education: labor market needs: coordination
Requires the Department of Education to work with the Employment Development Department (EDD) to provide school districts and local agencies with job forecasting information from the Labor Market Information Division of EDD to enable development of career technical education.
(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1147* (Mullin-D) Corporation taxes: net operating losses
Allows certain corporations to sell unused net operating losses (NOLs). Permits qualified sellers to sell unused NOLs to qualified buyers and permits qualified buyers to use such purchased NOLs.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1152* (Niello-R) Sales and use tax: manufacturing equipment
Provides a state sales and use tax exemption for purchases of qualifying tangible personal property by qualified persons engaged in manufacturing, as specified.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1206* (Smyth-R) Research and development: sales tax
Exempts from state sales and use taxes the sale or use of machinery, equipment, and replacement parts used directly in research and development relating to inventions, products, or technologies.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1208 (Silva-R) Improvement districts
Makes various changes to the laws governing business improvement districts. Makes improvement district laws more internally consistent and makes other clarifying changes to Parking and Business Improvement Area Law of 1989, Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994, and Multifamily Improvement District Law.
Chapter 114, Statutes of 2007

AB 1272 (Arambula-D) General obligation bonds: administration and oversight
Requires the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank to create a local assistance program to provide technical assistance to small urban and rural communities in the state in obtaining financing for local infrastructure projects from general obligation bond funding. Requires the Bureau of State Audits to conduct periodic audits to ensure that the proceeds from the bonds are being used in accordance with the Bond Act.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1285* (Parra-D) Research and development: tax deduction
Provides complete conformity to the research credit and the alternative incremental credit allowed by federal income tax laws, but only for the amount paid or incurred by a taxpayer in connection with the qualified research, as specified, to develop technologies that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as defined.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1370* (Lieber-D) Net operating losses: tax deductions
Allows certain personal income taxpayers and corporate taxpayers to have a longer period to deduct Net Operating Loss incurred from certain biopharmaceutical and other biotechnology (bioscience) business activities.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1566 (Niello-R) Economic development: rest areas
Mandates that highway improvement projects, particularly interchange projects that are near an area identified by the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the California Transportation Commission as being a priority area for joint economic development of a rest stop, be planned and designed by Caltrans to facilitate rest area development.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1606 (Arambula-D) California Economic Strategy Panel
Requires the Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development to collaborate with the Secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency (BT&H) and the Secretary of the Department of Food and Agriculture (DFA) in leading the preparation of the California Economic Development Strategic Plan and convening the California Economic Strategy Panel (CESP). Modifies the composition of the CESP by adding the BT&H Secretary, the DFA Secretary, and the Director of the Office of the Small Business Advocate as members of the CESP.

AB 1620 (Arambula-D) California Clean Technology Services Unit
Establishes the California Clean Technology Services Unit within the Business, Transportation, and Housing Agency to promote the development of environmentally-friendly technologies, to help businesses bring clean technology to California, and to work in coordination with other state agencies to maximize the state's efforts to maintain an innovative and entrepreneurial environment that supports the achievement of the state's environmental goals and standards. Sunsets on 1/1/13.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

AB 1681* (Houston-R) Manufacturing equipment: sales tax exemption
Provides, for calendar years beginning on or after 1/1/08, a state sales and use tax exemption for purchases of qualifying tangible personal property by qualified persons primarily engaged in manufacturing, telecommunications, and electrical generation activities, as specified.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1696 (Bass-D) California Film Commission: financial assistance
Creates a financial assistance program administered by the California Film Commission (CFC) for the production of qualified motion pictures in California. Requires the CFC to report to the Legislature by 6/1/09, and annually thereafter, on the diversity of the workforce employed by qualified motion pictures. Requires the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to report on the effectiveness of the financial assistance program created by the bill. Sunsets on 1/1/18.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1720 (Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee) Enterprise zones: reports
Deletes an obsolete reference to an economic development area's annual work plan and makes other technical corrections.
(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 1721 (Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee) Economic development
Authorizes the Secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency (BT&H) to administer the federal Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant, subject to specified criteria. Authorizes the Secretary of BT&H to sign and contract administration of the grant to a joint powers agency. Defines the terms "economic development," "economic development corporation," and "regional economic development organization," and makes related findings and declarations.
Chapter 631, Statutes of 2007

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World Trade and Tourism

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SB 515 (Scott-D) International trade and investment office: Yerevan
Extends, until 1/1/10, the sunset date for the Secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to establish, on a contract basis, an international trade and investment office in Yerevan, in the Republic of Armenia, subject to the availability of nonstate funds.

SB 677 (Ridley-Thomas-D) California Research Bureau: economic development
Requires the California Research Bureau, on or before 9/30/08, to report to the Legislature on the best options for maintaining and increasing California's position in the national and international markets for music production, video game production, digital film production, and digital visual effects production for film, television, and related digital media, as provided.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

AB 89 (Garcia-R) California and Mexico border infrastructure: study
Requires the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to prepare a study, by 1/1/10, regarding infrastructure development along the California/Mexico border, including an assessment of whether alternative financing mechanisms may be necessary to meet the development needs of the bi-national region.

AB 1722 (Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee) Business, Transportation and Housing: international trade
Requires the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to provide the Legislature with a detailed policy statement resulting from the work done on the international trade and investment study and strategy.
(In Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee)

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Small Business

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SB 159 (Wyland-R) Disabled veteran business enterprises
Expands the definition of small businesses in the California Prompt Payment Act to include disabled veteran business enterprises (DVBEs). Allows DVBEs, with this expansion and regardless of size, to be paid the higher level of penalty payment if the state fails to pay them any required payments in a timely manner.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 876 (Calderon-D) Small businesses: heavy-duty vehicles
Requires the Air Resources Board to consider the economic impacts on small business owners of vehicle replacement and retrofit requirements when establishing in-use emission standards and regulations for heavy-duty motor vehicles in private fleets.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

AB 608 (De La Torre-D) State contracting: small business preference
Increases the state's bidding preferences afforded to small and microbusinesses from 5% to 10%.

AB 610 (Price-D) Small Business Expansion Fund
Raises, until 1/1/13, the amount of guarantee liability outstanding against the California Small Business Expansion Fund (Fund) to five times the amount of funds on deposit in the Fund or in a small business financial development corporation's trust fund account.
Chapter 601, Statutes of 2007

AB 655 (Swanson-D) Public contracts: infrastructure bonds
Allows small businesses, microbusinesses, and other businesses that subcontract, using small businesses, to receive a 5% preference on their bid for projects funded by the Infrastructure Bond Act of 2006, if they commit to hiring at least 20% of their employee workforce from California residents.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)

AB 761 (Coto-D) Small businesses: state contracts: infrastructure bonds
Requires each state agency awarding contracts that are financed with proceeds from the infrastructure bonds approved by voters in November 2006 to establish a 25% small business participation goal for state infrastructure construction contracts and to provide specified assistance to small businesses bidding on state infrastructure bond-related contracts.
Chapter 611, Statutes of 2007

AB 799 (Smyth-R) Health care coverage: small employers
Provides that requirements imposed on health care service plans and health insurers do not apply to a program of services and incentives offered to a small employer, separate and apart from a contract or policy for health care benefits designed to promote wellness and healthy employees.
(In Assembly Health Committee)

AB 816 (Carter-D) Microenterprise development
Requires the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to implement a new 36-month program that is administered under a contract with a nonprofit intermediary to provide grants to microenterprise development organizations that fund capacity projects to benefit microenterprise.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 955* (Plescia-R) Small business: tax credit
Creates a tax credit for investing in a qualified small business, as specified.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1104 (Aghazarian-R) Small Business Expansion Fund
Makes changes to the California Small Business Expansion Fund (SBEF) concerning eligible investments and the transfer of funds due to a state of emergency. Modifies the authority of the Executive Director of the SBEF to invest SBEF funds in federal securities to include investment in state securities, as well.
Chapter 624, Statutes of 2007

AB 1107* (Arambula-D) Goods movement: small businesses and microenterprises
Requires the California Small Business Board, within the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, in collaboration with the Labor and Workforce Development Agency and the Department of Food and Agriculture, to assess and report on the role of small businesses and microenterprises in goods movement. Requires recommendations offered to be thenceforth incorporated into the California Economic Development Strategic Plan and the California Transportation Plan.
(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 1189* (Assembly Veterans Affairs Committee) California Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Program
Makes changes to the Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Program (DVBE) to ensure that businesses that contract with the state on the basis of being a DVBE or using DVBE subcontractors, actually meet the terms of their contract, and also requires contractors to verify payment to the subcontracting DVBE.
(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 1431 (Arambula-D) California small business financial development corporations
Establishes the Early Stage Investment Guarantee Program, administered by the California Small Business Loan Guarantee Program, to help small businesses attract private investors during the early years of the businesses' growth.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1695* (Bass-D) Small businesses: surety bond guarantees
Requires the Director of the California Small Business Financial Development Corporation (CSBEF) to establish and administer a surety bond guarantee account within the CSBEF to assist small contractors with obtaining the necessary bond and liability guarantees they need to compete for state infrastructure projects. Appropriates $40 million from the State Highway Account (SHA) for the guarantee account and continuously appropriates the revenues until 2013. Requires the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to return the $40 million plus interest to the SHA by 3/1/13. Requires the director of the agency to report annually on the number of bond guarantees provided.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

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Labor Relations

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SB 18 (Perata-D) Labor compliance programs: schools
Requires an awarding body that chooses to use funds for a public works project using the Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2006 to monitor the project with a Department of Industrial Relations approved labor compliance program.

SB 171 (Perata-D) Hospitals: lift teams
Requires general acute care hospitals to establish a patient protection and health care worker back injury prevention plan that includes identifying patients needing lift teams and lift, repositioning, or transfer devices.

SB 180 (Migden-D) Labor representatives: elections
Creates a new election process for agricultural workers to select their representatives for collective bargaining. Extends existing prohibitions and penalties to employers engaged in unfair labor practices with regard to a majority signup election.

SB 189 (Harman-R) Employment: hiring practices: immigration status
Requires the Department of Personnel Administration to verify the legal status or authorization to work in the United States of every employee of the state and agencies that contract with the state prior to the hiring of that employee in accordance with the Basic Pilot Program, as specified. Requires an employer to verify the legal status or authorization to work in the United States of every employee, as specified.
(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

SB 191 (Padilla-D) Labor compliance programs: approved private entity
Establishes a specified complaint procedure for complaints against private third-party labor compliance programs.
(On Assembly Inactive File)

SB 319 (Wiggins-D) Employment of minors: agricultural packing plants
Extends, until 1/1/12, the ability of the Labor Commissioner to grant an exemption to agricultural packing plants to employ minors, 16 or 17 years of age and residing in Lake County, for up to 10 hours per day and more than 48 hours, but not more than 60 hours, per week during peak harvest season, upon written approval of the Lake County Office of Education.
Chapter 296, Statutes of 2007

SB 549 (Corbett-D) Employee's right to bereavement leave
Provides employees in California with the right to take up to four days of unpaid leave from work upon the death of specified relatives.

SB 570 (Steinberg-D) Occupational safety and health: working conditions
Requires the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board, by 7/1/08, to adopt a standard, as specified, to protect workers from being exposed to excessive heat indoors.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)

SB 622 (Padilla-D) Misclassification of employees as independent contractors
Prohibits willful misclassification of employees as independent contractors. Authorizes the Labor and Workforce Development Agency to assess specified civil penalties from persons or employers violating these provisions. Authorizes employees who suffer actual harm or a labor union or organization to bring actions to recover these civil penalties.

SB 650 (Migden-D) Labor representatives: elections
Authorizes agricultural employees to select collective bargaining representation through a specified "majority signup election" process.

SB 727 (Kuehl-D) Family temporary disability insurance
Allows employees covered by Paid Family Leave to take paid leave to care for grandparents, grandchildren, siblings, and in-laws. Clarifies existing law to ensure that Paid Family Leave must be taken concurrently with the California's Family Rights Act and the federal Family and Medical Leave Act. Becomes operative 7/1/08.

SB 783 (Torlakson-D) Amusement Rides Safety Law
Extends to temporary amusement rides provisions of the permanent amusement ride requirements in current law.
Chapter 478, Statutes of 2007

SB 836 (Kuehl-D) Fair employment: familial status
Adds "familial status" to the list of characteristics (i.e., race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, marital status, sex [including gender], age, or sexual orientation) that are prohibited bases of discrimination under the employment provisions of the Fair Employment and Housing Act.

SB 929 (Cogdill-R) Overtime compensation
Makes two related changes to existing law governing the payment of prevailing wages and allocation between wages and benefits, and amends existing law related to an overtime exemption for employees in the computer software field.
Chapter 482, Statutes of 2007

SB 935 (Perata-D) Public works
Revises the definition of "public works" relative to prevailing wage protection concerning utility workers.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)

SB 4X (Dutton-R) Health insurance: employers
States the intent of the Legislature to provide incentives to employers who offer health insurance, flex-time work schedules, and other benefits agreed upon by employers and employees.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

AB 124 (Price-D) Meal and rest periods
Extends current laws governing meal and rest periods to pool lifeguards and stage assistants employed in the public sector. Provides that pool lifeguards and stage assistants employed by any city, county, or special district may not be required by their employer to work during any meal or rest period required for other non-exempt employees under existing law, and provides that if the employer fails to provide a meal or rest period, the employer shall pay the employee one additional hour of pay at the employee's regular rate of compensation.

AB 306 (Eng-D) Public works: labor compliance programs: private entities
Specifies the duties of an approved private entity that contracts to initiate and enforce a labor compliance program.
(At Senate Desk)

AB 343 (Solorio-D) Employees: health insurance coverage
Requires the Department of Health Care Services and the Managed Risk Insurance Board to prepare a report identifying employers of 25 or more employees whose families receive publicly financed health care benefits.

AB 354* (Hernandez-D) Occupational safety and health
Creates a registration program for employers and contractors who perform lead-related construction.
(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 392* (Lieu-D) Employees: military leave
Requires employers to allow an employee who is the spouse of a deployed member of the United States Armed Forces, National Guard, or Reserves to take up to 10 days of unpaid leave while the member of the Armed Forces, National Guard, or Reserves is home on leave, as specified.
Chapter 361, Statutes of 2007

AB 396 (Hernandez-D) Health and welfare benefits
Requires certain employers on public works projects to pay into a statewide fund if they do not provide health and welfare benefits to their employees.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)

AB 408 (Levine-D) Public utility contracts: prevailing wages
Provides that public utilities that contract or subcontract outside employees for their security services must pay the prevailing wage, and that the contractors or subcontractors who are awarded a contract to provide security services must pay their employees providing security services the prevailing wage.
(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 435 (Brownley-D) Wage discrimination
Requires that all employers maintain their records of wages, wage rates, job classifications, and other terms and conditions of employment for five years, and extends the statute of limitations for a civil action to collect back wages to four years, or in the case of willful misconduct to five years.

AB 437 (Jones-D) Employment: discrimination
Specifies when a cause of action for unlawful discrimination or unlawful employment practice with respect to compensation accrues for determining whether a complaint was filed within statutory deadlines.
(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 448 (Arambula-D) Compensation recovery actions
Ensures that workers receive the same relief for minimum wage violations regardless of whether they pursue their claims administratively or through the courts.

AB 465 (Houston-R) Personal services contracts
Establishes a specified professional sports exemption to the provision of existing law that generally limits personal service contracts to seven years.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 504 (Swanson-D) Lockouts
Deters employers from engaging in certain criminal activities related to a lockout of their employees and requires such employers to make restitution to affected employees.

AB 510 (Benoit-R) Employment: working hours
Authorizes individual employees, with the approval of their employer, to work up to 10 hours per day within a 40-hour work week without overtime pay, as specified.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 514 (Lieber-D) Workplace safety and health: diacetyl
Creates specified prohibitions for the use of the chemical diacetyl in the workplace, on and after 1/1/09.
(On the Senate Floor)

AB 515 (Lieber-D) Occupational safety and health
Requires the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board to adopt standards establishing permissible workplace exposure levels for toxic materials in the workplace that meet specified criteria set forth in the bill.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

AB 537 (Swanson-D) Family and medical leave
Extends the California Family Rights Act to care for an adult child, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, parent-in-law, or domestic partner.

AB 549 (Adams-R) Prevailing wages: exemption: hospital seismic retrofitting
Excludes any hospital seismic retrofitting project from the prevailing wage requirements of current law.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 592* (Dymally-D) Payment of wages
Exempts temporary employees employed by temporary employment agencies from any requirement of immediate payment, so long as wages are paid weekly.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 613 (Tran-R) Workplace postings
Requires every regulation and notice to be written in plain language that is easily understood by employers and employees and states that the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement shall convene a working group to review all employment-related postings required in California.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 650 (Lieu-D) Earned income tax credit
Requires that employers notify their employees that they may be eligible for the federal Earned Income Tax Credit.
Chapter 606, Statutes of 2007

AB 652 (Maze-R) Employment rights
Limits an employer's ability to discipline an employee for lawfully storing a firearm in their vehicle at the workplace.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 689 (DeVore-R) Employment verification
Creates a system of fines and tax credits to encourage employers to verify social security numbers for newly hired employees.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 734 (Evans-D) Apprenticeship oversight
Simplifies the auditing requirements for apprenticeship programs, as well as removing the "need based" certification requirement for building and construction trades apprenticeship programs.
(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 735 (Keene-R) Employment: work permits
Requires persons who are not U.S. citizens to pay a fee and obtain a California work permit in order to be legally employed by the state.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 947 (Niello-R) Apprenticeship programs
Eliminates a specified "needs requirement" under the existing law related to approval of apprenticeship programs.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 1034 (Keene-R) Employment: meal periods
Provides flexibility with respect to meal period requirements for commercial drivers covered by collective bargaining agreements. Permits employees in California to take their meal break before conclusion of their sixth hour of work, as well as empower the Department of Industrial Relations to create regulations on what circumstances qualify an employee for an on-duty meal period.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

AB 1043 (Swanson-D) Employment contracts
Prohibits any choice of law clause, venue-selection clause, or forum-selection clause in binding employment materials that are imposed on an employee as a condition of employment.

AB 1045 (Richardson-D) Occupational safety and health: working conditions
Requires the Occupational and Safety Standards Board to adopt a standard to protect workers from being exposed to excessive heat indoors.

AB 1076 (Houston-R) Prevailing wage rates: wage and penalty assessments
Revises the administrative procedure concerning the assessment of liquidated damages in cases arising from wage claims on public works projects.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1112 (Torrico-D) Prevailing wages: residential projects
Requires the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations to post on the Internet prevailing wage rates for residential construction projects that are a public work, as specified.
(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 1201 (Leno-D) Collective bargaining: direct care registered nurses
Authorizes "direct care registered nurses" employed by non-public health facilities to organize for purposes of collective bargaining.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1247 (Adams-R) Employment: commission-based employees
Requires the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement to study the applicability of overtime exemptions related to employees whose compensation includes commissions.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1425 (Davis-D) Payment of wages
Provides that for an employee of a temporary services employer, as defined, payment is due at the next payday if the employee's assignment ends but the employee remains ready for reassignment. Specifies that payment is due within 24 hours, excluding weekends and holidays, if the employee is unconditionally terminated.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 1439* (Levine-D) Employee fitness
Authorizes a credit against taxes for each taxable year, beginning 1/1/08, in an amount equal to 10% of the amount paid or incurred by a qualified taxpayer, as defined, during the taxable year for qualified fitness expenditures, as defined, for the taxpayer's employees performing services in this state.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1467 (DeSaulnier-D) Worker safety
Removes specified exemptions in existing law that allow tobacco smoking in certain indoor workplaces, as well as restricts indoor tobacco smoking in owner-operated businesses.

AB 1501 (Niello-R) Fair employment: sexual harassment education
Revises provisions of existing law relating to sexual harassment training of supervisors.
(Failed passage in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 1564* (Nava-D) Labor controversies
Extends, from 1/1/08 to 1/1/13, the operation of the Emergency Management Assistance Compact. Prohibits the state from giving or receiving assistance for any condition resulting from a labor controversy.
Chapter 414, Statutes of 2007

AB 1707 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Private employment
Revises requirements of existing law concerning the right of an employee to inspect his or her personnel records.

AB 1710 (Swanson-D) Temporary services employees: wages
Requires that temporary services employers and leasing employers, with exceptions, pay their employees weekly, regardless of when the assignment ends, unless the employee is discharged, quits, is assigned to work for a client on a day-to-day basis, or if the employee is assigned to work for a client engaged in a labor dispute.

AB 1711 (Levine-D) Employment: wages and hours
Stipulates when an on-duty meal period may occur, as well as when a lunch period must be completed. Allows individual employees to be exempted from meal period laws and regulations if they are covered by a collective bargaining agreement that expressly stipulates wages, working hours and conditions, and meal periods.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

AJR 28 (Leno-D) Union representation
Respectfully requests the President of the United States and the United States Congress to enact the Re-Empowerment of Skilled and Professional Employees and Construction Tradesworkers (RESPECT) Act, S. 969 and H.R. 1644, to reverse a decision by the National Labor Relations Board that effectively limits the rights of millions of workers to join unions merely because they sometimes assign tasks to coworkers.
Resolution Chapter 151, Statutes of 2007

HR 17 (Eng-D) Labor relations
Encourages labor and management representatives currently engaged in negotiations in the grocery industry in Southern California to bargain in good faith and reach a fair and equitable settlement.
Adopted by the Assembly

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Workers' Compensation

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SB 154 (Cedillo-D) Workers' compensation: public safety personnel
Deletes the two year limit on the payment of temporary disability to volunteer and paid law enforcement and firefighting employees who suffer from specified injuries and conditions.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 352 (Padilla-D) Workers' compensation: treatment utilization schedule
Exempts employees engaged in fire protection and public safety, as specified, from limits on visits to a health care practitioner for physical medical services.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 420* (Negrete McLeod-D) Workers' compensation group: corporation taxes: deduction
Authorizes a workers' compensation self-insured group to elect to take a deduction for all of a contribution or assessment accrued or received during the taxable year for purposes of payment on subsequent years of its members' workers' compensation liabilities or contributions, as required under specified laws.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 452 (Cogdill-R) Workers' compensation: employment: family-owned farms
Excludes from the definition of "employee" any person who provides services on a family-owned farm, as defined, and is employed without financial compensation by his/her parent, spouse, child, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or first or second cousin, and requires the Department of Industrial Relations to prescribe a form to be filed by a family-owned farm for purposes of claiming an exemption from the provisions of the workers' compensation system.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)

SB 557 (Wiggins-D) Workers' compensation: audiologists
Adds doctors of audiology, who meet specified requirements, to those medical professionals who may be appointed by the Administrative Director of the Divisions of Workers' Compensation as a qualified medical evaluator of medical-legal issues arising in disputed workers' compensation cases.

SB 723 (Yee-D) Health system improvement study
Authorizes the Commission on Health and Safety and Workers' Compensation to conduct a study on the feasibility of a system of delivery of medical treatment to sick or disabled employees without regard to the cause of the sickness or disability.
(In Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

SB 869 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Workers' compensation insurance
Requires an existing workers' compensation insurance coverage program maintained by the Labor Commissioner to identify unlawfully uninsured employers and authorizes the Commissioner to prioritize targets for the program in consideration of available resources. Revises reporting requirements and requires reports to be posted on the Commissioner's web site. Expands the purposes for which funds in the Workers' Compensation Administration Revolving Fund may be used to include enforcement of the insurance coverage program.
Chapter 662, Statutes of 2007

SB 906 (Runner-R) Workers' compensation: claims processing
Clarifies processing and submission of pharmacy claims and other medical service claims in the workers' compensation system.

SB 936 (Perata-D) Workers' compensation: permanent disability schedule
Increases the number of weeks of indemnity payments for the range of percentages of permanent disability ratings, thereby increasing the amount of money received for each percent of disability.

SB 942 (Migden-D) Workers' compensation: disability
Removes impediments to eligibility for supplemental job displacement (retraining) benefits. Provides a financial incentive for injured employees to obtain education and career retraining.

SB 1005 (Florez-D) Workers' compensation: claim files: disclosure
Requires a third-party administrator responsible for administering an employer's workers' compensation claims to discuss all elements of the claim file that affect the employer's premium with the employer, and to supply copies of the documents that affect the premium, at the employer's expense.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)

AB 166 (Bass-D) Workers' compensation claims: public safety personnel: MRSA
Adds methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureaus (MRSA) or Staph/MRSA skin infection to the list of disputable presumptions for workers' compensation claims for public safety personnel.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 213 (Fuentes-D) Workers' compensation: claim adjudication: venue sites
Prohibits employers from objecting to a certain filing venue choice made by specified injured workers when those workers file a request for adjudication for their workers' compensation claims.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 326 (Benoit-R) State Compensation Insurance Fund
Reforms the internal audit function of the State Compensation Insurance Fund.
(In Senate Banking, Finance, and Insurance Committee)

AB 338 (Coto-D) Workers' compensation: temporary disability payments
Extends the "window period" during which an injured worker can receive up to 104 weeks of temporary disability benefits from two years to five years.
Chapter 595, Statutes of 2007

AB 419 (Lieber-D) Workers' compensation: public employees: leaves of absence
Deletes the restriction that limits disability compensation for injuries received on the job to safety employees who are members of the Public Employees' Retirement System or the Los Angeles City Employees' Retirement System or subject to the County Employees' Retirement Law of 1937.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 507 (De La Torre-D) Rating organizations: Internet Web sites
Requires that proof of workers' compensation insurance coverage be available on the Internet.
(In Senate Banking, Finance, and Insurance Committee)

AB 644 (Dymally-D) Workers' compensation: medical treatment
Requires any physician who conducts a medical treatment utilization review in compliance with workers' compensation hold an identical type of license as that of the physician requesting the treatment.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 807 (Hancock-D) Workers' compensation: medical treatment
Specifies that the limits provided under workers' compensation for chiropractic treatment, occupational therapy treatment, and physical therapy will not apply when prescribed as follow-up care after surgery with evidence-based medical treatment guidelines generally recognized by the national medical community.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 812 (Hernandez-D) Workers' compensation: audits
Allows workers' compensation insurers to charge an employer up to three times the estimated annual insurance premium and audit costs if the employer fails to provide the insurer access to employment records to conduct a payroll audit.
Chapter 615, Statutes of 2007

AB 913 (Niello-R) Workers' compensation: motor carrier permits
Waives a motor carrier permit reinstatement fee if it is demonstrated that a lapse in liability insurance or workers' compensation insurance coverage did not occur.
Chapter 58, Statutes of 2007

AB 1073 (Nava-D) Workers' compensation: medical treatment schedule
Allows for a greater number of chiropractic, physical therapy, and occupational therapy visits in those circumstances where an injured worker's treatment required surgery.
Chapter 621, Statutes of 2007

AB 1269 (Hernandez-D) Workers' compensation: inpatient facility fees: burn cases
Authorizes the Administrative Director of the Division of Workers' Compensation to adopt and revise an official medical fee schedule for inpatient facility fees for burn cases in the workers' compensation system. Commences the bill's provisions on 1/1/08, and repeals on 1/1/11.
Chapter 697, Statutes of 2007

AB 1341 (Benoit-R) Workers' compensation: temporary disability
Extends the period during which an injured worker can collect up to 104 weeks of temporary disability benefits from two years from the date temporary disability benefits commence to a period of four years from the date of injury.
(Failed passage in Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 1364 (Benoit-R) Workers' compensation
Requires certain insurers to place larger workers' compensation deposits in California if its home state law on insolvency does not conform to California law.
Chapter 117, Statutes of 2007

AB 1565 (Lieber-D) Workers' compensation: medical evaluations
During medical evaluator disputes, allows an employee, in addition to selecting any physician who remains on the three-member panel to serve as the medical evaluator, to also obtain a medical evaluation in a manner agreed upon by the parties.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 1619 (Benoit-R) Workers' compensation: insurer licensing
Allows any insurer admitted to transact health insurance or workers' compensation insurance, or a health care service plan licensed pursuant to the Knox-Keene Health Care Service Plan Act, to make written application to the Insurance Commissioner for a license to offer a single policy that provides health care services and workers' compensation benefits.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 1624 (Niello-R) Workers' compensation: public employees: retirement
Authorizes an employer, insurer, or third-party administrator to disclose medical information to an investigator of the California Highway Patrol for purposes of a workers' compensation fraud investigation. Allows the Board of the Public Employees' Retirement System to convert a patrol employee's disability retirement to a service retirement under specified circumstances. Provides that the supplemental job displacement benefit is not payable to a peace officer who is eligible for the maximum service retirement benefit.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 1636 (Mendoza-D) Workers' compensation: job displacement benefits
Allows an injured employee to receive a voucher for supplemental job displacement benefits if the employee has not returned to work within 60 days of the disability becoming permanent and stationary.

AB 1682 (Benoit-R) State Compensation Insurance Fund
State findings and declarations regarding the governance of the State Compensation Insurance Fund. Declares the Legislature shall consider the number of members necessary for adequate oversight, the appointing authority of board members, and the type and level of experience required for board members. Specifies that the fund is subject to the Political Reform Act of 1974.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1699* (La Malfa-R) Workers' compensation: permanent disability: seasonal
Exempts employers of seasonal workers from the requirement to provide additional permanent disability benefits to injured workers who did not receive an offer to return to work.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)

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Unemployment Insurance

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SB 115 (Florez-D) Employment service program costs
States the intent of the Legislature to appropriate $2 million from the General Fund for support of the Employment Development Department employment service programs and related administrative costs attributable to the freezing weather conditions of January 2007.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 116* (Maldonado-R) Unemployment compensation: freezing weather
Increases the allowable maximum earnings from $25 (or 25% of wages) to $200 per week that a person eligible for unemployment compensation may keep before benefits are reduced due to those earnings, for individuals unemployed as a direct result of the continuous freezing weather conditions commencing 1/11/07, who live in counties declared by the Governor to be in a state of emergency.
Chapter 289, Statutes of 2007

AB 651 (Sharon Runner-R) Unemployment compensation: gross misconduct
Disqualifies an individual for unemployment compensation benefits, if the Director of the Department of Employment Development determines that the individual has been discharged for gross misconduct connected with the most recent work.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 798 (Assembly Insurance Committee) Unemployment insurance
Deletes obsolete calendar periods which were formerly used to determine unemployment insurance benefits. Authorizes the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges to obtain wage data from the Department of Employment Development on community college students.
Chapter 272, Statutes of 2007

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Financial Institutions

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SB 1037 (Senate Banking, Finance And Insurance Committee) Banking and trust business
Makes technical corrections and clarifications to various sections of the Financial Code administered by the Department of Financial Institutions.
Chapter 99, Statutes of 2007

AB 7* (Lieu-D) Armed services members: consumer loans
Provides that on or after 10/1/07, deferred deposit transaction licensees and California Finance Lender licensees must comply with federal regulations relating to the extension of credit to members of the armed services.
Chapter 358, Statutes of 2007

AB 69 (Lieu-D) Debt management and settlement: credit counselors
Enacts the Uniform Debt Settlement Services Act and, commencing 6/1/08, provides for the registration and regulation by the Commissioner of the Department of Corporations of persons who provide debt settlement services. Enacts the Debt Management Act and the Credit Counselors Law.
(In Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)

AB 628 (Price-D) Residential mortgage loans: gifts
Prohibits a real estate broker or a residential mortgage lender or servicer from making a gift, as defined, to a borrower or a potential borrower.
(In Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)

AB 634 (Charles Calderon-D) Deferred deposit transactions
Refines the definition of "deferred deposit transaction" under the so-called "payday lending law" to mean a transaction whereby a person defers depositing a customer's personal check until a specific date, pursuant to a written agreement for a fee or other charge, as specified.
Chapter 235, Statutes of 2007

AB 786 (Lieu-D) Financial institutions: greenhouse gas emissions
States that banks providing financial incentives to assist other entities in reducing greenhouse gasses prior to 1/1/12 may receive an appropriate credit under the greenhouse gas emissions reduction program adopted by the Air Resources Board.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 804 (Huff-R) Escrow agents
Enacts various changes to the laws involving independent escrow agents, some of which are technical, some of which are intended to ease compliance burdens for licensed escrow agents, and some of which are intended to be pro-consumer.
Chapter 237, Statutes of 2007

AB 1188 (Coto-D) Escrow: disbursements
Requires that escrow agents or title companies that make disbursements of loan funds from an escrow account provide written notification to the lender as to the disbursement date of the loan funds.
(In Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

AB 1418 (Arambula-D) Credit Union Membership Investment Model
Requires the Credit Union Advisory Committee to develop a Credit Union Membership Investment Model that identifies best practices relating to community development, small business and microenterprise financing, and investments of credit union capital, as specified.
(In Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)

AB 1502 (Lieu-D) Banking development districts
Establishes a Banking Development District program to encourage the establishment of bank branches and services in locations with a demonstrated need for mainstream financial services.
(In Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee)

AB 1508 (Lieu-D) Money transmission: licensees and agents
Provides for technical and restructuring changes to the statutes regulating money transmitters.
Chapter 242, Statutes of 2007

AB 1518 (Assembly Banking And Finance Committee) Credit unions
Makes technical changes to the Financial Code relating to credit unions.
Chapter 148, Statutes of 2007

AB 1528 (Assembly Banking And Finance Committee) Financial services: military service
Prohibits a person or entity licensed under specified codes from marketing financial services in a misleading or deceptive manner that suggests it is affiliated with the United States military or Department of Veterans Affairs. The prohibition applies to services or products offered to both present and former members of the Armed Forces, National Guard, and Reserves, as well as their spouses. Provides that these provisions do not apply to any bank or credit union, as specified.
Chapter 363, Statutes of 2007

AB 1534 (Nunez-D) Deferred deposit transactions
Expands upon existing law which requires the Department of Corporations to report to the Governor and Legislature, by 12/1/07, on its implementation of the California Deferred Deposit Transaction Law, the payday loan lending law. Augments the required report, and requires it to be sent to the Governor and Legislature on or before 3/1/08.
(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 1747 (Assembly Revenue And Taxation Committee) Franchise Tax Board
Defines "last known address" of the taxpayer for Franchise Tax Board (FTB) purposes. Adds exclusion to existing law relative to a check casher cashing a check in an aggregate amount of $10,000 or more. Requires the FTB to report to the Legislature relative to taxpayers' noncompliance, as specified.
Chapter 341, Statutes of 2007

AJR 17 (Lieu-D) Currency: accessibility
Urges the United States Department of the Treasury to withdraw its appeal in a case relating to accessible currency and, if that appeal continues, urges the Congress and the President of the United States to enact legislation relating to accessible currency, as specified.
Resolution Chapter 74, Statutes of 2007

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SB 49 (Migden-D) Local government: sports franchises
Prohibits a city, county, city and county, or redevelopment agency from providing any financial assistance, as defined, to a sports stadium project, as specified.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)

SB 120 (Padilla-D) Restaurant chains: nutritional information
Requires restaurant chains with at least 14 branches (including franchises) to make specified nutrition information available for all standard menu items.

SB 237 (Dutton-R) Contractors: mechanics' liens
Requires a contractor who records a lien claim, as specified, and who fails to perform specified acts within 90 days of recording the claim, to execute and record a release of the lien within 15 days of the date the lien became null and void.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 284 (Lowenthal-D) Certified athletic trainers: registration
Enacts, until 1/1/14, the Athletic Trainers Registration Act which prohibits a person from representing himself or herself as a "certified athletic trainer," unless he or she is registered by an athletic training organization.

SB 294 (Ackerman-R) Corporations: disclosure statements
Requires corporations to disclose whether the corporation is publicly traded and, if so, the corporation's Central Index Key, as defined. Requires the Secretary of State to include on its Internet web site instructions on how one may use a publicly traded corporation's Central Index Key to obtain information about that corporation from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 329 (Dutton-R) Hazardous materials: business plans
Requires the Office of Emergency Services, in consultation with the Department of Toxic Substances Control, to adopt regulations to authorize an administering agency to allow a business to submit a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan to the administering agency in lieu of submitting a business plan, under certain conditions.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 354 (Margett-R) Contractors: aiding unlicensed persons
Authorizes the Contractors State License Board to issue to a licensee who has aided and abetted an unlicensed person a citation which includes an order for payment for the financial injury caused by the acts of the unlicensed person.
Chapter 299, Statutes of 2007

SB 355 (Margett-R) Contractors: consultants
Includes, within the definition of "contractor," a person who schedules subcontractors or who provides a service to complete a project for a work of improvement that is covered by a licensed contractor classification.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

SB 376 (Migden-D) Unfair competition: actions by city attorneys
Seeks to ensure that the City and County of San Francisco will maintain its standing to bring actions under California's Unfair Competition Law (UCL). Eliminates the population requirement for a consolidated city and county, seeking to ensure that the City and County of San Francisco can bring an action under the UCL.
Chapter 17, Statutes of 2007

SB 414 (Corbett-D) Limited liability partnerships: public accountancy and law
Increases the required minimum amount of insurance to at least $1 million for registered limited liability partnerships formed for the practices of accounting or law. Requires for firms with more than five licensees an additional $100,000 per additional licensee.
Chapter 80, Statutes of 2007

SB 447 (Maldonado-R) Junk dealers.
Requires junk dealers and recyclers to obtain a thumbprint from sellers and report within one working day specified information regarding every purchase and sale they engage in to the county sheriff.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)

SB 473 (Cox-R) State agencies: fingerprinting vendors
Prohibits state entities that require fingerprinting services for non-law-enforcement purposes from requiring the use of any "live scan" fingerprinting service providers certified by the Department of Justice to roll fingerprint impressions.
Chapter 248, Statutes of 2007

SB 563 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Outdoor advertising
Provides that an advertising display whose height, orientation, or size is modified after erection in a manner that causes it to become illegal is not a lawfully erected display. Deletes the provisions enabling an advertising display to be deemed lawfully erected if it is subsequently brought into full compliance with state laws and local ordinances and the provisions establishing the rebuttable presumption regarding an advertising display in existence for a period of five years or longer. Authorizes advertising displays that are subsequently altered in violation of the terms of a building permit to be removed without compensation.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 571 (Yee-D) Organized retail crime
Requires the California Research Bureau of the California State Library, by 9/30/08, to report to the Legislature on the economic losses caused by organized retail crime, makes legislative declarations and findings regarding the problems caused by organized retail crime, and states the Legislature's intent to define the crime and provide law enforcement with the necessary tools to investigate and prosecute the crime.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 596 (Harman-R) Computerized payment systems: antisniffer protection
Requires a computerized payment system sold as new in this state o include antisniffer protection, as defined, that protects data traveling through the system and any directions necessary for use of the antisniffer protection.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 606* (Scott-D) Pharmaceutical information: clinical trial data
Requires any pharmaceutical manufacturer that sells drugs in California to make publicly available the results of every completed clinical trial, except for a Phase I trial or bioequivalence study that the company conducts or sponsors on and after 10/15/02 for every pharmaceutical drug that the company sells in this state.
(On Assembly Inactive File)

SB 654 (Denham-R) Accountants: licensing examination
Allows for an applicant for admission to the examination for a certified public accountant license to have graduated from an unaccredited degree-granting institution, as long as the institution is a candidate for accreditation and is accredited within five years subsequent to the application for accreditation.
(In Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee)

SB 659* (Calderon-D) Repossessors
Specifies that the legal owner of collateral registered under the Vehicle Code includes the seller or lessee named on a valid conditional sales contract or lease agreement, and requires a licensed repossessor who is subject to certain violent acts or threatened acts during a repossession to provide details about the incident to the person who made the assignment. Requires that person to then notify a subsequent repossessor of that information at the time of making another assignment to skip trace, locate, or repossess that vehicle.
Chapter 192, Statutes of 2007

SB 666 (Maldonado-R) Proprietary security services
Requires proprietary private security officers to receive specified training equivalent to security guards/officers.
Chapter 721, Statutes of 2007

SB 691* (Calderon-D) Junk dealers and recyclers: nonferrous material
Requires junk dealers and recyclers to comply with additional recordkeeping requirements and new payment restrictions when purchasing nonferrous materials (i.e., copper, copper alloys, stainless steel, and aluminum, excluding beverage containers).
(On Assembly Inactive File)

SB 700* (Ducheny-D) Destination management company
Provides that a qualified destination management company, as defined, shall be deemed to be a consumer, and not a retailer, of tangible personal property it provides to its clients, on and after 1/1/01, pursuant to a qualified contract for destination management services, as defined.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 715 (Lowenthal-D) Advertising displays: noncommercial, protected speech
Prohibits the Department of Transportation from regulating noncommercial, protected speech contained within any advertising display authorized by, or exempted from, the Outside Advertising Act.
Chapter 81, Statutes of 2007

SB 738 (Calderon-D) Works of improvement
Requires, under both the Contractors' State License Law, as applicable to public works of improvement only, and the State Contract Act, a contractor, prime contractor, or subcontractor, when paying for work performed by the subcontractor, to pay those amounts to the subcontractor not later than seven, rather than 10, days of receipt of each progress payment. Deletes provisions of existing law authorizing a claimant to enforce a claim by giving written notice to the surety and the bond principal within 15 days after recordation of a notice of completion and extending the time for giving written notice to the surety and bond principal to 75 days after completion of the work of improvement if a notice of completion has not been recorded.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 749* (Oropeza-D) Limited liability companies: annual fees
Provides, for taxable years beginning on or after 1/1/01, that "total income from all sources reportable to this state" means gross income plus the cost of goods sold derived from or attributable to this state within the meaning of specified provisions of the Corporation Tax Law relating to apportionment and allocation, as provided. Makes legislative findings and declarations regarding the necessity for the equitable treatment of limited liability companies.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 795 (Yee-D) Cemeteries: special care trust funds
Allows cemetery authorities to invest revocable special care trust funds according to the prudent investor rule, which effectively eases the restriction on the types of limited investments allowed for under current law.
Chapter 307, Statutes of 2007

SB 797* (Ridley-Thomas-D) Professions and vocations: contractors
Changes the definition of a tree removal and pruning contractor to include a person who offers to perform, purports to perform, or submits a bid to perform contracting work.
(On Assembly Third Reading File)

SB 804 (Hollingsworth-R) Business: trespass
Defines a new form of misdemeanor trespass that will be committed where the defendant enters or remains in a place of business open to the public after previously having interfered with the business, at which time the person was asked to leave and was issued a written warning or request directing him or her not to return for six months, as specified.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)

SB 853 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Pawnbrokers
Increases the limits on the compensation pawnbrokers are allowed to charge or receive on the entire unpaid principal balance of any loan to 2.5% per month. Increases the maximum allowable loan setup fee to $5, or 2%, whichever is greater, up to a maximum of $50 per loan, from the current $3 and $5 limits.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 950 (Corbett-D) Tobacco manufacturers and importers
Requires cigarette and smokeless tobacco manufacturers and importers to report to the Department of Public Health the added ingredients and nicotine yield for their individual products.
(Failed passage in Senate Health Committee)

SB 963 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Regulatory boards
Makes each of the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) regulatory boards subject to review by a standing policy committee of the Legislature, upon request by a member of the Legislature or the Chief of the Office of the Consumer Advocate, which the bill creates in DCA.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

SB 970 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Rental vehicles
Allows a rental vehicle's fuel gauge, installed by the vehicle's manufacturer, to be used in a rental transaction by a rental company to calculate an optional charge for fueling, if specified conditions are met.
Chapter 667, Statutes of 2007

SB 998 (Cox-R) Commissioner of Corporations
Enacts several changes to the laws administered by the Department of Corporations (DOC), with the aim of streamlining certain burdensome requirements on licensees, clarifying uncertainties in existing law, and improving DOC's ability to fully enforce the laws under its jurisdiction.
Chapter 101, Statutes of 2007

SB 1007 (Machado-D) Exchange facilitators
Requires the Commissioner of Corporations to license and regulate exchange facilitators and provide various enforcement powers in this regard. Provides various exemptions from the licensing requirements.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 1047 (Senate Business, Professions And Economic Development Committee) Professions and vocations
Makes several non-controversial, minor, non-substantive or technical changes to various miscellaneous provisions pertaining to regulatory boards of the Department of Consumer Affairs.
Chapter 354, Statutes of 2007

SB 26X (McClintock-R) Multiple employer welfare arrangements
Allows an association, as defined, that satisfies specified criteria to apply to the Department of Insurance for a certificate of compliance for a self-funded or partially self-funded Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement, as defined, established by the association on or after 1/1/08.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SCR 24 (Ackerman-R) United Parcel Service of America, Inc
Recognizes the centennial of the United Parcel Service of America, Inc. and its contributions to the citizens of the State of California.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SCR 43 (Machado-D) California Architecture Week
Proclaims the week of 4/9/07 to 4/15/07, inclusive, and the second week of April each subsequent year, as California Architecture Week.
Resolution Chapter 54, Statutes of 2007

AB 105 (Lieu-D) Tanning facilities
Prohibits persons less than 14 years of age from using ultraviolet tanning devices and prohibits a person between the ages of 14 and 18 from using an ultraviolet tanning device unless that person's parent or legal guardian provides consent, and amends the written warning statement provided to tanning facility customers. Makes technical clarifications regarding the use of sunless tanning machines.
Chapter 590, Statutes of 2007

AB 198* (Assembly Budget Committee) Limited liability corporation fee
Changes the basis for reportable income for determination of the limited liability corporation fee. Bases the fee on a limited liability corporation's income derived from activity in California rather than on worldwide total income. Codifies a state court decision, Macy's v. San Francisco, to ensure that the state is only to issue refunds to the fee collected in violation of the United States Constitution.
Chapter 381, Statutes of 2007

AB 243 (Nakanishi-R) Contractors: filing complaints and disciplinary actions
Requires the Contractors State License Board to file a disciplinary action against a licensee convicted of crimes related to the qualifications, functions, and duties of a contractor within two years after discovery of the conviction, and authorizes a disciplinary action regarding an alleged breach of an express, written warranty by a licensee to be filed within 18 months from the expiration of the warranty.
Chapter 85, Statutes of 2007

AB 244 (Nakanishi-R) Contractors: home improvement contracts: service and repair
Clarifies current law that a contractor, as defined, who furnishes a specified bond covering full performance and payment with respect to a home improvement or service and repair contract is exempt from providing certain specified information in the contract, and provides that, for purposes of a criminal action against a licensed or unlicensed contractor or his/her agent or salesperson for an unlawful home improvement or service and repair contract, the action must be brought within two or four years, respectively, from the date of the contract or, if the contract is not reduced to writing, from the date the buyer makes the first payment to the contractor.
Chapter 230, Statutes of 2007

AB 251 (DeSaulnier-D) Corporations: distributions
Provides, if a shareholder receives a prohibited distribution, the shareholder is liable to the corporation for an amount equal to the distribution, and specifies that a board member of a corporation that receives a prohibited distribution, with or without knowledge of the facts, indicating its impropriety, is subject to the same liability as a shareholder who has knowledge of the prohibited distribution.
(In Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

AB 264 (Mendoza-D) Pawnbrokers
Increases the maximum fee a pawnbroker may charge or receive on the entire unpaid principal balance of any loan to 2.5% per month, thus, increasing the current allowable fees from 2% to 2.5% on the portion of the balance between $226 and $900; 1.5% to 2.5% on the portion of the balance between $901 and $1,650; and 1% to 2.5% on the portion of the balance above $1,650. Increases the maximum allowable loan setup fee to $5, or 2%, whichever is greater, up to a maximum of $50 per loan, from the current $3 and $5 limits on those fees.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

AB 265 (Mendoza-D) Barbering and cosmetology: threading
Extends the sunset date of the provision that allows the practice of hair threading to be exempted from regulation by the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology and deletes an obsolete provision relating to the practice of threading.
Chapter 50, Statutes of 2007

AB 311 (Dymally-D) Hearing aids: over-the-counter sales
Authorizes the sale of over-the-counter hearing aid devices by an unlicensed person if such sales are authorized under federal law, and makes findings and declarations in that regard.
(In Assembly Health Committee)

AB 429 (Evans-D) Lodging: privacy
Prohibits hotel and motel operators from disseminating guests' personal information, except as specified.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)

AB 501 (Swanson-D) Pharmaceutical devices
Requires pharmaceutical manufacturers to make available specified methods for patients to safely dispose of prefilled syringes, pen needles, or other injection devices.
(In Assembly Health Committee)

AB 607 (Brownley-D) Mailboxes in residential hotels
Requires all residential hotels to provide a locking mailbox for each unit by 7/1/08.
Chapter 599, Statutes of 2007

AB 624 (Coto-D) Private foundations: diversity
Requires a private foundation with assets over $250 million to collect specified ethnic and gender data pertaining to its governance and grant making. Requires this information to include, but not be limited to, the racial and gender composition of the board of directors or trustees, the number of grants awarded to specified organizations serving ethnic minority communities, and the percentage of grant dollars awarded to specified organizations where 50% or more of the board members are ethnic minorities. Requires these private foundations to disclose this information via its Internet web site, if available, and to include this information in its annual report, as specified.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)

AB 702 (Portantino-D) Musical performances: deceptive acts
Enacts the Truth in Music Advertising Act, which makes it unlawful, except as specified, for any person to advertise or conduct a live musical performance or production through the use of false, deceptive, or misleading affiliation, connection, or association between a performing group and a recording group.
Chapter 395, Statutes of 2007

AB 711 (Emmerson-R) Contractors: landscape contractors
Allows a landscape contractor to enter into a prime contract to construct an outdoor cooking center or outdoor fireplace, provided the cooking center or fireplace is included within the residential landscape projects that the contractor is supervising.
Chapter 107, Statutes of 2007

AB 726* (DeVore-R) Charitable services: income tax credit: mileage
Provides an income tax audit for travel costs incurred in providing charitable and voluntary in-person services.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 779 (Jones-D) Security of personal information
Establishes, beginning 7/1/08, a set security procedure to be adhered to by a person, business, or public agency that sells goods or services to any California resident and accepts, as payment, a credit card, debit card, or other payment device.

AB 785 (Hancock-D) Contractors: energy efficiency measures
Makes numerous legislative findings and declarations regarding the urban heat island effect, directs the Contractors State License Board, the Air Resources Board, and the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission to submit specified reports to the Legislature relating to the urban heat island effect, and changes the definition of energy-efficient vehicles to include highly reflective colored vehicles that meet the current Department of General Services requirements for the California energy-efficient vehicle group purchase program.

AB 830 (Ma-D) Outdoor advertising
Allows a sign (billboard) along landscaped highways to be converted to a digital advertising display, subject to specified conditions.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

AB 844* (Berryhill-R) Junk dealers
Requires junk dealers and recyclers to comply with additional recordkeeping requirements and new payment restrictions when purchasing nonferrous materials.
(In Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee)

AB 886 (Sharon Runner-R) Notaries public
Allows a peace officer to seize a sequential journal of notarial acts from a notary public without a warrant, requires a thumbprint for all notarized documents, and requires all notaries public to provide a physical address as their business address.
Chapter 399, Statutes of 2007

AB 897 (Houston-R) Tax-exempt organizations
Eliminates requirements that certain federally qualified tax-exempt organizations file an application and pay a fee to the Franchise Tax Board to qualify for state tax-exempt status.
Chapter 238, Statutes of 2007

AB 913 (Niello-R) Motor carrier permits
Waives a motor carrier permit reinstatement fee if it is demonstrated that a lapse in liability insurance or workers' compensation insurance coverage did not occur.
Chapter 58, Statutes of 2007

AB 935 (Assembly Business And Professions Committee) County clerks: documents
Creates a records retention period for application, registration, and licensure documents filed with county clerks by process servers, professional photocopiers, unlawful detainer assistants, legal document assistants, bail agents, bail permittees, and admitted surety insurers.
Chapter 402, Statutes of 2007

AB 936 (Assembly Business And Professions Committee) Contractors
Requires a licensee whose license is expired, cancelled, or inactive to maintain an address of record with the Contractors State License Board for five years instead of three.
Chapter 240, Statutes of 2007

AB 937 (Assembly Business And Professions Committee) Architects
Clarifies the role of an architect when working and collaborating with other professionals, revises landscape architect contract requirements, and prohibits an unlicensed person from advertising as, or using the stamp of, a licensed landscape architect.
Chapter 275, Statutes of 2007

AB 959 (Soto-D) BEP Vendor Loan Interest Rate Buy-Down Fund
Authorizes the Department of Rehabilitation to use the funds in the Blind Vendor Revolving Loan Fund to reduce the interest blind vendors must pay for loans used for the purchase of inventory and equipment for vending facilities.
Chapter 687, Statutes of 2007

AB 1005 (Maze-R) Corporation taxes: involuntary conversions
Clarifies existing law with respect to the approval required for property transferred via involuntary conversion.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1006 (Maze-R) Pawnbrokers and dealers
Clarifies provisions of law where property has been found in the possession of a secondhand dealer, pawnbroker, or coin dealer that has been the subject of a criminal investigation. Clarifies the original claimant's rights to the property.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

AB 1025 (Bass-D) Professions and vocations: licensure
Provides that an applicant for a license with a board of the Department of Consumer Affairs may not be denied licensure, or may not have their license suspended or revoked, solely on the basis that he/she has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor if they have obtained a certificate of rehabilitation, as specified; and if the felony or misdemeanor conviction has been dismissed, it shall be presumed the applicant or licensee has been rehabilitated, unless the board proves otherwise.

AB 1103 (Saldana-D) Commercial buildings: energy consumption
Requires electric or gas utilities to provide owners or operators of nonresidential buildings with specified information regarding the energy consumption of the building and for building owners to provide such information to prospective tenants and owners.
Chapter 533, Statutes of 2007

AB 1179* (Garrick-R) Limited liability partnerships: taxation
Reduces the amount of the annual minimum franchise tax from $800 to $100. Applies to all taxable years beginning on or after 1/1/07. Reduces the annual tax for limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, and limited liability companies consistent with the reduction in corporate franchise tax. Reduces the annual tax for regulated investment companies, real estate investment trusts, real estate mortgage investment conduits, and financial asset securitization investment trusts consistent with the reduction in corporate franchise tax.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1185 (Hayashi-D) Accountants: peer review program
Accelerates the date by which the Board of Accountancy is required to review and evaluate whether to implement a "peer review" program for the evaluation of accounting firms that provide "attest services" (audits and financial reviews), from 9/1/11 to 9/1/08.
(In Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee)

AB 1282 (Salas-D) Advertising: floral or ornament products or services
Prohibits a business offering floral or ornamental products or services from misrepresenting its business location.

AB 1347 (Caballero-D) Pet Store Animal Care Act
Enacts the Pet Store Animal Care Act that establishes procedures for the care and maintenance of animals in the custody of a pet store, and places limitations on the sale or transfer of those animals, to go into effect 1/1/09.
Chapter 703, Statutes of 2007

AB 1484 (Krekorian-D) Model State Trademark Law
Repeals the existing trademark law and enacts the Model State Trademark Law. Preserves many unique features of California's existing trademark law but also makes many changes that track developments in federal trademark law.
Chapter 711, Statutes of 2007

AB 1506 (Arambula-D) Businesses: greenhouse gas emissions
Requires the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to conduct a study of the most effective ways for the state to provide incentives to businesses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase California's energy independence and to report its findings and recommendations to the Legislature on or before 1/1/09.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1516 (Maze-R) Commissioner of Corporations
Authorizes the Commissioner of Corporations to develop, recommend, and implement guidelines to achieve greater efficiency and cost-effective services in connection with certification or licensure, examination, investigation, enforcement, and other responsibilities.
(In Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)

AB 1527* (Arambula-D) California Cleantech: tax credit
Creates a tax credit for certain expenses related to cleantech research and a structure for the subsequent sale of unused tax credits by a qualified taxpayer.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1546 (Charles Calderon-D) Limited liability companies: income taxes
Revises existing language for application of the limited liability company fee. Bases the fee on a limited liability corporation's income derived from activity in California rather than on worldwide total income.
(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 1551* (Charles Calderon-D) Adult Entertainment Business
Creates the Adult Entertainment Venue Impact Fund. Imposes a tax on the gross receipts, as defined, of an adult entertainment venue, as defined, in this state at a rate of 8%.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1583 (Maze-R) Investment advisers
Expands on the liability of brokers and investment advisers and expands the definition of a security to include a fractional or proportional interest in a life insurance policy benefit, including a viatical settlement contract and a life settlement contract.
(In Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)

AB 1588 (Soto-D) Raffles: gross receipts
Decreases the percentage of gross receipts from charitable raffles required to go to beneficial or charitable purposes from 90% to 50% for a 50/50 cash raffle, as defined, and from 90% to 60% for a dream home raffle, as defined. Places certain restrictions on any noncash prize purchased in connection with a dream home raffle.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

AB 1591* (Ma-D) The Corporation Tax Law: allocation and apportionment
Authorizes, beginning on or after 1/1/08 and before 1/1/22, a taxpayer that is a member of an apportioning trade or business to elect, by contracting with the Franchise Tax Board, as provided, to apportion its business income to this state by utilizing one of the revised apportionment formulas, as specified.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1608 (Solorio-D) Fast food restaurants: billboard advertising
Prohibits advertising of any fast food product on any outdoor billboard within 1,500 feet of any public or private elementary school, middle school, or high school, or public playground.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

AB 1614 (Strickland-R) Rodeo animals
Revises the definition of "rodeo" to include a performance featuring competition between persons that includes three or more specified events, and provides that a rodeo performed on private property shall be considered a rodeo performance and subject to the specified requirements regarding veterinary care at the event if admission is charged, sponsorships are sold or accepted, or the event is open to the public.
Chapter 714, Statutes of 2007

AB 1618 (Feuer-D) Corporation taxes
Repeals the interest offset provisions of the Corporation Tax Law to reflect the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Hunt-Wesson.

AB 1670 (Mendoza-D) Fictitious business name statements
Revises the conditions under which a new fictitious business name must be filed and revises the content of the fictitious business name statement.
Chapter 716, Statutes of 2007

AB 1677 (Charles Calderon-D) Internet transactions: banking and financial services
Requires a business that provides banking and other financial services over the Internet to implement policies and procedures for authenticating the legitimacy of Internet transactions.
(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 1903* (Hernandez-D) Exchange facilitators.
Requires the Commissioner of Corporations to license and regulate exchange facilitators, as defined, and provides various enforcement powers to the commissioner in that regard. Exempts financial institutions and title insurers, controlled escrow companies, and underwritten title companies from the licensing requirement, but would require those exempt persons to notify the commissioner and to comply with bonding and insurance requirements applicable under the bill to licensed exchange facilitators.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

ACR 8 (Torrico-D) California Nonprofits and Philanthropy Week
Designates the week of 3/18 through 3/24/07, as California Nonprofits and Philanthropy Week.
Resolution Chapter 10, Statutes of 2007

ACR 23 (Arambula-D) EntrepreneurshipWeek USA
Declares the Legislature's support for EntrepreneurshipWeek USA, an event to be held nationally from 2/24/07 to 3/3/07, inclusive, and encourages schools and other organizations to hold events promoting entrepreneurship during that week. Encourages educators and school administrators to train students in entrepreneurship principles and ideals.
Resolution Chapter 12, Statutes of 2007

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BillAuthor and Bill TitleReference Links
Index (in bill order)
SB 9Lowenthal-D
Trade corridor improvement
Economic Development
SB 18Perata-D
Labor compliance programs: schools
Labor Relations
SB 49Migden-D
Local government: sports franchises
SB 103Cedillo-D
Economic development: local agencies
Economic Development
SB 115Florez-D
Employment service program costs
Unemployment Insurance
SB 116*Maldonado-R
Unemployment compensation: freezing weather
Unemployment Insurance
SB 120Padilla-D
Restaurant chains: nutritional information
SB 154Cedillo-D
Workers' compensation: public safety personnel
Workers' Compensation
SB 159Wyland-R
Disabled veteran business enterprises
Small Business
SB 171Perata-D
Hospitals: lift teams
Labor Relations
SB 180Migden-D
Labor representatives: elections
Labor Relations
SB 189Harman-R
Employment: hiring practices: immigration status
Labor Relations
SB 191Padilla-D
Labor compliance programs: approved private entity
Labor Relations
SB 237Dutton-R
Contractors: mechanics' liens
SB 262Runner-R
Transportation: trade corridors improvement
Economic Development
SB 284Lowenthal-D
Certified athletic trainers: registration
SB 294Ackerman-R
Corporations: disclosure statements
SB 302Ducheny-D
California Workforce Investment Act
Economic Development
SB 319Wiggins-D
Employment of minors: agricultural packing plants
Labor Relations
SB 329Dutton-R
Hazardous materials: business plans
SB 341*Lowenthal-D
Enterprise zones: environmental impact reports
Economic Development
SB 352Padilla-D
Workers' compensation: treatment utilization schedule
Workers' Compensation
SB 354Margett-R
Contractors: aiding unlicensed persons
SB 355Margett-R
Contractors: consultants
SB 359*Runner-R
Sales and use taxes: income and corporation taxes
Economic Development
SB 360Negrete McLeod-D
Local government: Capital Investment Incentive Program
Economic Development
SB 376Migden-D
Unfair competition: actions by city attorneys
SB 414Corbett-D
Limited liability partnerships: public accountancy and law
SB 420*Negrete McLeod-D
Workers' compensation group: corporation taxes: deduction
Workers' Compensation
SB 446Yee-D
Microenterprise development
Economic Development
SB 447Maldonado-R
Junk dealers.
SB 452Cogdill-R
Workers' compensation: employment: family-owned farms
Workers' Compensation
SB 473Cox-R
State agencies: fingerprinting vendors
SB 515Scott-D
International trade and investment office: Yerevan
World Trade and Tourism
SB 549Corbett-D
Employee's right to bereavement leave
Labor Relations
SB 557Wiggins-D
Workers' compensation: audiologists
Workers' Compensation
SB 563Ridley-Thomas-D
Outdoor advertising
SB 570Steinberg-D
Occupational safety and health: working conditions
Labor Relations
SB 571Yee-D
Organized retail crime
SB 596Harman-R
Computerized payment systems: antisniffer protection
SB 606*Scott-D
Pharmaceutical information: clinical trial data
SB 622Padilla-D
Misclassification of employees as independent contractors
Labor Relations
SB 650Migden-D
Labor representatives: elections
Labor Relations
SB 654Denham-R
Accountants: licensing examination
SB 659*Calderon-D
SB 666Maldonado-R
Proprietary security services
SB 677Ridley-Thomas-D
California Research Bureau: economic development
World Trade and Tourism
SB 691*Calderon-D
Junk dealers and recyclers: nonferrous material
SB 700*Ducheny-D
Destination management company
SB 715Lowenthal-D
Advertising displays: noncommercial, protected speech
SB 723Yee-D
Health system improvement study
Workers' Compensation
SB 727Kuehl-D
Family temporary disability insurance
Labor Relations
SB 738Calderon-D
Works of improvement
SB 740*Calderon-D
Motion picture production: tax credit
Economic Development
SB 749*Oropeza-D
Limited liability companies: annual fees
SB 763Ridley-Thomas-D
Business, Transportation and Housing Agency
Economic Development
SB 765Ridley-Thomas-D
California Partnership for Urban Communities: pilot project
Economic Development
SB 783Torlakson-D
Amusement Rides Safety Law
Labor Relations
SB 795Yee-D
Cemeteries: special care trust funds
SB 797*Ridley-Thomas-D
Professions and vocations: contractors
SB 804Hollingsworth-R
Business: trespass
SB 836Kuehl-D
Fair employment: familial status
Labor Relations
SB 853Ridley-Thomas-D
SB 869Ridley-Thomas-D
Workers' compensation insurance
Workers' Compensation
SB 876Calderon-D
Small businesses: heavy-duty vehicles
Small Business
SB 906Runner-R
Workers' compensation: claims processing
Workers' Compensation
SB 928*Harman-R
Research and development: tax credit
Economic Development
SB 929Cogdill-R
Overtime compensation
Labor Relations
SB 935Perata-D
Public works
Labor Relations
SB 936Perata-D
Workers' compensation: permanent disability schedule
Workers' Compensation
SB 942Migden-D
Workers' compensation: disability
Workers' Compensation
SB 950Corbett-D
Tobacco manufacturers and importers
SB 963Ridley-Thomas-D
Regulatory boards
SB 970Ridley-Thomas-D
Rental vehicles
SB 998Cox-R
Commissioner of Corporations
SB 1005Florez-D
Workers' compensation: claim files: disclosure
Workers' Compensation
SB 1007Machado-D
Exchange facilitators
SB 1037Senate Banking, Finance And Insurance Committee
Banking and trust business
Financial Institutions
SB 1047Senate Business, Professions And Economic Development Committee
Professions and vocations
SCR 24Ackerman-R
United Parcel Service of America, Inc
SCR 43Machado-D
California Architecture Week
SB 4XDutton-R
Health insurance: employers
Labor Relations
SB 26XMcClintock-R
Multiple employer welfare arrangements
AB 7*Lieu-D
Armed services members: consumer loans
Financial Institutions
AB 27Parra-D
California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley
Economic Development
AB 69Lieu-D
Debt management and settlement: credit counselors
Financial Institutions
AB 89Garcia-R
California and Mexico border infrastructure: study
World Trade and Tourism
AB 105Lieu-D
Tanning facilities
AB 121*Maze-R
Enterprise zones: tax credit: foster youth hiring
Economic Development
AB 124Price-D
Meal and rest periods
Labor Relations
AB 133Garcia-R
Economic development capital investment incentive programs
Economic Development
AB 135*Houston-R
Income and corporation taxes: net operating losses
Economic Development
AB 166Bass-D
Workers' compensation claims: public safety personnel: MRSA
Workers' Compensation
AB 194*Assembly Budget Committee
Employment training grants
Economic Development
AB 198*Assembly Budget Committee
Limited liability corporation fee
AB 213Fuentes-D
Workers' compensation: claim adjudication: venue sites
Workers' Compensation
AB 232Price-D
Economic Opportunity Initiative Program
Economic Development
AB 243Nakanishi-R
Contractors: filing complaints and disciplinary actions
AB 244Nakanishi-R
Contractors: home improvement contracts: service and repair
AB 251DeSaulnier-D
Corporations: distributions
AB 264Mendoza-D
AB 265Mendoza-D
Barbering and cosmetology: threading
AB 306Eng-D
Public works: labor compliance programs: private entities
Labor Relations
AB 311Dymally-D
Hearing aids: over-the-counter sales
AB 326Benoit-R
State Compensation Insurance Fund
Workers' Compensation
AB 338Coto-D
Workers' compensation: temporary disability payments
Workers' Compensation
AB 343Solorio-D
Employees: health insurance coverage
Labor Relations
AB 354*Hernandez-D
Occupational safety and health
Labor Relations
AB 365Portantino-D
Economic and workforce development
Economic Development
AB 392*Lieu-D
Employees: military leave
Labor Relations
AB 396Hernandez-D
Health and welfare benefits
Labor Relations
AB 408Levine-D
Public utility contracts: prevailing wages
Labor Relations
AB 419Lieber-D
Workers' compensation: public employees: leaves of absence
Workers' Compensation
AB 429Evans-D
Lodging: privacy
AB 435Brownley-D
Wage discrimination
Labor Relations
AB 437Jones-D
Employment: discrimination
Labor Relations
AB 448Arambula-D
Compensation recovery actions
Labor Relations
AB 465Houston-R
Personal services contracts
Labor Relations
AB 501Swanson-D
Pharmaceutical devices
AB 504Swanson-D
Labor Relations
AB 507De La Torre-D
Rating organizations: Internet Web sites
Workers' Compensation
AB 510Benoit-R
Employment: working hours
Labor Relations
AB 514Lieber-D
Workplace safety and health: diacetyl
Labor Relations
AB 515Lieber-D
Occupational safety and health
Labor Relations
AB 537Swanson-D
Family and medical leave
Labor Relations
AB 549Adams-R
Prevailing wages: exemption: hospital seismic retrofitting
Labor Relations
AB 592*Dymally-D
Payment of wages
Labor Relations
AB 607Brownley-D
Mailboxes in residential hotels
AB 608De La Torre-D
State contracting: small business preference
Small Business
AB 610Price-D
Small Business Expansion Fund
Small Business
AB 613Tran-R
Workplace postings
Labor Relations
AB 624Coto-D
Private foundations: diversity
AB 628Price-D
Residential mortgage loans: gifts
Financial Institutions
AB 634Charles Calderon-D
Deferred deposit transactions
Financial Institutions
AB 644Dymally-D
Workers' compensation: medical treatment
Workers' Compensation
AB 650Lieu-D
Earned income tax credit
Labor Relations
AB 651Sharon Runner-R
Unemployment compensation: gross misconduct
Unemployment Insurance
AB 652Maze-R
Employment rights
Labor Relations
AB 655Swanson-D
Public contracts: infrastructure bonds
Small Business
AB 689DeVore-R
Employment verification
Labor Relations
AB 702Portantino-D
Musical performances: deceptive acts
AB 711Emmerson-R
Contractors: landscape contractors
AB 726*DeVore-R
Charitable services: income tax credit: mileage
AB 734Evans-D
Apprenticeship oversight
Labor Relations
AB 735Keene-R
Employment: work permits
Labor Relations
AB 751*Lieu-D
Income/corporation tax credit: research and development
Economic Development
AB 761Coto-D
Small businesses: state contracts: infrastructure bonds
Small Business
AB 779Jones-D
Security of personal information
AB 785Hancock-D
Contractors: energy efficiency measures
AB 786Lieu-D
Financial institutions: greenhouse gas emissions
Financial Institutions
AB 798Assembly Insurance Committee
Unemployment insurance
Unemployment Insurance
AB 799Smyth-R
Health care coverage: small employers
Small Business
AB 804Huff-R
Escrow agents
Financial Institutions
AB 807Hancock-D
Workers' compensation: medical treatment
Workers' Compensation
AB 812Hernandez-D
Workers' compensation: audits
Workers' Compensation
AB 816Carter-D
Microenterprise development
Small Business
AB 830Ma-D
Outdoor advertising
AB 844*Berryhill-R
Junk dealers
AB 886Sharon Runner-R
Notaries public
AB 897Houston-R
Tax-exempt organizations
AB 913Niello-R
Workers' compensation: motor carrier permits
Workers' Compensation
AB 935Assembly Business And Professions Committee
County clerks: documents
AB 936Assembly Business And Professions Committee
AB 937Assembly Business And Professions Committee
AB 947Niello-R
Apprenticeship programs
Labor Relations
AB 955*Plescia-R
Small business: tax credit
Small Business
AB 959Soto-D
BEP Vendor Loan Interest Rate Buy-Down Fund
AB 1005Maze-R
Corporation taxes: involuntary conversions
AB 1006Maze-R
Pawnbrokers and dealers
AB 1025Bass-D
Professions and vocations: licensure
AB 1034Keene-R
Employment: meal periods
Labor Relations
AB 1043Swanson-D
Employment contracts
Labor Relations
AB 1045Richardson-D
Occupational safety and health: working conditions
Labor Relations
AB 1073Nava-D
Workers' compensation: medical treatment schedule
Workers' Compensation
AB 1076Houston-R
Prevailing wage rates: wage and penalty assessments
Labor Relations
AB 1103Saldana-D
Commercial buildings: energy consumption
AB 1104Aghazarian-R
Small Business Expansion Fund
Small Business
AB 1107*Arambula-D
Goods movement: small businesses and microenterprises
Small Business
AB 1112Torrico-D
Prevailing wages: residential projects
Labor Relations
AB 1116Nava-D
Career technical education: labor market needs: coordination
Economic Development
AB 1147*Mullin-D
Corporation taxes: net operating losses
Economic Development
AB 1152*Niello-R
Sales and use tax: manufacturing equipment
Economic Development
AB 1179*Garrick-R
Limited liability partnerships: taxation
AB 1185Hayashi-D
Accountants: peer review program
AB 1188Coto-D
Escrow: disbursements
Financial Institutions
AB 1189*Assembly Veterans Affairs Committee
California Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Program
Small Business
AB 1201Leno-D
Collective bargaining: direct care registered nurses
Labor Relations
AB 1206*Smyth-R
Research and development: sales tax
Economic Development
AB 1208Silva-R
Improvement districts
Economic Development
AB 1247Adams-R
Employment: commission-based employees
Labor Relations
AB 1269Hernandez-D
Workers' compensation: inpatient facility fees: burn cases
Workers' Compensation
AB 1272Arambula-D
General obligation bonds: administration and oversight
Economic Development
AB 1282Salas-D
Advertising: floral or ornament products or services
AB 1285*Parra-D
Research and development: tax deduction
Economic Development
AB 1341Benoit-R
Workers' compensation: temporary disability
Workers' Compensation
AB 1347Caballero-D
Pet Store Animal Care Act
AB 1364Benoit-R
Workers' compensation
Workers' Compensation
AB 1370*Lieber-D
Net operating losses: tax deductions
Economic Development
AB 1418Arambula-D
Credit Union Membership Investment Model
Financial Institutions
AB 1425Davis-D
Payment of wages
Labor Relations
AB 1431Arambula-D
California small business financial development corporations
Small Business
AB 1439*Levine-D
Employee fitness
Labor Relations
AB 1467DeSaulnier-D
Worker safety
Labor Relations
AB 1484Krekorian-D
Model State Trademark Law
AB 1501Niello-R
Fair employment: sexual harassment education
Labor Relations
AB 1502Lieu-D
Banking development districts
Financial Institutions
AB 1506Arambula-D
Businesses: greenhouse gas emissions
AB 1508Lieu-D
Money transmission: licensees and agents
Financial Institutions
AB 1516Maze-R
Commissioner of Corporations
AB 1518Assembly Banking And Finance Committee
Credit unions
Financial Institutions
AB 1527*Arambula-D
California Cleantech: tax credit
AB 1528Assembly Banking And Finance Committee
Financial services: military service
Financial Institutions
AB 1534Nunez-D
Deferred deposit transactions
Financial Institutions
AB 1546Charles Calderon-D
Limited liability companies: income taxes
AB 1551*Charles Calderon-D
Adult Entertainment Business
AB 1564*Nava-D
Labor controversies
Labor Relations
AB 1565Lieber-D
Workers' compensation: medical evaluations
Workers' Compensation
AB 1566Niello-R
Economic development: rest areas
Economic Development
AB 1583Maze-R
Investment advisers
AB 1588Soto-D
Raffles: gross receipts
AB 1591*Ma-D
The Corporation Tax Law: allocation and apportionment
AB 1606Arambula-D
California Economic Strategy Panel
Economic Development
AB 1608Solorio-D
Fast food restaurants: billboard advertising
AB 1614Strickland-R
Rodeo animals
AB 1618Feuer-D
Corporation taxes
AB 1619Benoit-R
Workers' compensation: insurer licensing
Workers' Compensation
AB 1620Arambula-D
California Clean Technology Services Unit
Economic Development
AB 1624Niello-R
Workers' compensation: public employees: retirement
Workers' Compensation
AB 1636Mendoza-D
Workers' compensation: job displacement benefits
Workers' Compensation
AB 1670Mendoza-D
Fictitious business name statements
AB 1677Charles Calderon-D
Internet transactions: banking and financial services
AB 1681*Houston-R
Manufacturing equipment: sales tax exemption
Economic Development
AB 1682Benoit-R
State Compensation Insurance Fund
Workers' Compensation
AB 1695*Bass-D
Small businesses: surety bond guarantees
Small Business
AB 1696Bass-D
California Film Commission: financial assistance
Economic Development
AB 1699*La Malfa-R
Workers' compensation: permanent disability: seasonal
Workers' Compensation
AB 1707Assembly Labor And Employment Committee
Private employment
Labor Relations
AB 1710Swanson-D
Temporary services employees: wages
Labor Relations
AB 1711Levine-D
Employment: wages and hours
Labor Relations
AB 1720Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee
Enterprise zones: reports
Economic Development
AB 1721Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee
Economic development
Economic Development
AB 1722Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee
Business, Transportation and Housing: international trade
World Trade and Tourism
AB 1747Assembly Revenue And Taxation Committee
Franchise Tax Board
Financial Institutions
AB 1903*Hernandez-D
Exchange facilitators.
ACR 8Torrico-D
California Nonprofits and Philanthropy Week
ACR 23Arambula-D
EntrepreneurshipWeek USA
AJR 17Lieu-D
Currency: accessibility
Financial Institutions
AJR 28Leno-D
Union representation
Labor Relations
HR 17Eng-D
Labor relations
Labor Relations

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