
Development and Financing
Motor Vehicle Emissions

Development and Financing

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SB 9 (Lowenthal-D) Transportation: trade corridors
Establishes a process by which the California Transportation Commission selects and funds projects, using the $2 billion of Proposition 1B transportation bonds earmarked for projects that reduce congestion and air pollution along trade corridors in California.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 53 (Ducheny-D) Department of Railroads
Requires the California Research Bureau, in consultation with specified others, to study the consolidation of various rail functions currently performed by several state entities.
Chapter 612, Statutes of 2008

SB 191 (Padilla-D) Public works: State Public Works Enforcement Fund
Establishes an alternative mechanism to fund enforcement of prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements on specified public works projects.

SB 262 (Runner-R) Transportation: trade corridors improvement
Requires the California Transportation Commission to consider the potential of infrastructure projects at inland ports to relieve congestion at or near the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 286 (Lowenthal-D) Transportation enhancement funds: conservation corps
Establishes a process by which community conservation corps would become more involved with the construction of federally-funded transportation enhancement projects.
Chapter 373, Statutes of 2008

SB 298* (Ashburn-R) Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act
Postpones, until 2010, the scheduled 11/4/08 vote on the Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)

SB 372 (Steinberg-D) High-speed rail: educational and vocational training program
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to prepare, in conjunction with the High-Speed Rail Authority (HSRA), an inventory of future educational and vocational courses necessary for the high-speed train project. Requires the Superintendent, in cooperation with HSRA and the California Community Colleges, to develop courses of study necessary to meet the need for skills associated with building and operating the project. Becomes operative the date of the election in which the Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Act is approved by the voters.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 375 (Steinberg-D) Environmental quality: transportation planning
Requires (1) the Air Resources Board to provide each region with greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for the automobile and light truck sector, (2) requires a regional transportation plan to include a Sustainable Communities Strategy designed to achieve the targets for greenhouse gas emission reduction, (3) requires the California Transportation Commission to maintain guidelines for travel demand models, (4) requires cities and counties, in general, to revise their housing elements every eight years in conjunction with the regional transportation plan and complete any necessary rezoning within a specific time period, and (5) relaxes California Environmental Quality Act requirements for housing developments that are consistent with a Sustainable Communities Strategy.
Chapter 728, Statutes of 2008

SB 442 (Ackerman-R) Public contracts: transit projects: design-build contracting
Authorizes the Orange County Transit District, a subdivision of the Orange County Transportation Authority, to enter into a design-build contract for the construction of high-occupancy vehicle lanes and connector ramps.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 445 (Torlakson-D) Greenhouse gas mitigation fee
Authorizes a regional transportation planning agency or a local transportation commission to impose a fee on either motor vehicle fuels or vehicle registrations to fund climate change mitigation.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

SB 593 (Margett-R) Department of Transportation: retention proceeds
Prohibits the Department of Transportation, until 1/1/14, from withholding retention proceeds to its contractors when making progress payments for work performed on any transportation project.
Chapter 341, Statutes of 2008

SB 716 (Perata-D) Transit operators
Establishes procedures for the allocation of up to $3.6 billion of bond proceeds from the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006 [SB 1266 (Perata), Chapter 25, Statutes of 2006], that are deposited in the Public Transportation Modernization Improvement and Service Enhancement Account, upon appropriation by the Legislature.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 745 (Oropeza-D) Transportation funding: port security
Requires the Office of Emergency Services (OES) to develop criteria based on certain factors for allocating the bond funds pursuant to Proposition 1B, which enacted the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, and authorizes the issuance of $19.925 billion of general obligation bonds for various transportation purposes, including $100,000,000 to OES for allocation for port, harbor, and ferry terminal security improvements.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 748 (Corbett-D) Transportation: state-local partnerships
Establishes a process at the California Transportation Commission for allocating the $1 billion earmarked for State-Local Partnership Program projects by the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act, approved by voters as Proposition 1B at the November 2006 statewide election.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 791 (Corbett-D) State Highway Route 84
Allows for separate local alternative transportation improvement programs for surplus properties owned by the Department of Transportation in the State Route 238 and 84 corridors, respectively.
Chapter 705, Statutes of 2008

SB 872 (Ackerman-R) Transportation financing
Creates the State-Local Partnership Program for financing specified transportation improvement projects, and states legislative intent to appropriate $200 million annually, beginning in 2010-11.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 881 (Runner-R) Santa Paula Airport
Requires the Department of Transportation to provide the matching funds for acquisition of the development rights for the Santa Paula Airport, upon the approval of the Secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, pursuant to the pilot program established by the Secretary.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 947 (Hollingsworth-R) Transportation facilities
Improves the early consultation and scoping processes for transportation projects by requiring lead agencies to provide notice of at least one scoping meeting to transportation planning agencies that are consulted, and requires the project's effect of overpasses, on-ramps, and off-ramps to be included in that consultation.
Chapter 707, Statutes of 2008

SB 974 (Lowenthal-D) Ports: congestion relief: air pollution mitigation
Imposes a fee on container cargo imported and exported through the ports of Long Beach, Los Angeles, and Oakland in an amount not to exceed $30 per 20-foot equivalent unit. Requires that 50% of fee revenues be used to develop infrastructure projects that reduce congestion and 50% of revenues be used to mitigate the air quality impacts associated with the movement of freight in and out of the three ports. Specifies the processes for determining which congestion relief and mitigation projects shall be funded with fee revenue.

SB 1093 (Wiggins-D) S.F. Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority
Clarifies the planning, management, and operations responsibilities of the water transportation services vested in San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority.
Chapter 387, Statutes of 2008

SB 1350 (Cedillo-D) Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Sets forth provisions governing either a design-build or public-private partnership contract for completion of the Interstate 710 freeway gap closure project.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 1422 (Ridley-Thomas-D) High-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes
Authorizes, until 1/15/13, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority to operate a value-pricing and transit development demonstration program involving high-occupancy toll lanes.
Chapter 547, Statutes of 2008

SB 1722 (Oropeza-D) Metro Green Line Construction Authority
Establishes the Metro Green Line Construction Authority to manage final design and construction of an extension of the Green Line light rail system to Los Angeles International Airport.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
A similar bill was AB 889 (Lieu-D) which died in Assembly Appropriations Committee.

SB 1731 (Yee-D) Vehicles: fees: Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Allows the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to impose a fee of $1 on vehicles registered within its jurisdiction for the purpose of implementing congestion mitigation strategies within that region. Specifies that those strategies may include the use of smart technology and incident management, which includes, but is not limited to, expansion of the Department of Transportation's traffic operations system and expansion of ramp metering.

SB 1XXX* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Highway users tax account: cash deferrals
Exempts counties with populations of less than 40,000 from the deferral of gasoline excise tax revenue payments of March through July of 2008, included in AB 7XXX (Assembly Budget Committee), Chapter 5, Statutes of 2007-08, Third Extraordinary Session.
Chapter 7, Statutes of 2008, Third Extraordinary Session

SCA 28 (Wyland-R) Transportation Investment Fund
Deletes the provisions authorizing the transfer of revenues to the Transportation Improvement Fund (TIF) to be suspended during a fiscal emergency, prohibits a loan of TIF revenues under any circumstances, and prohibits any statute that would reduce the extent to which these tax revenues are deposited into the General Fund for transfer to the TIF for transportation purposes.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

SCR 131 (Migden-D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006
Urges the Air Resources Board to satisfy the requirement of the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 for the best available economic analysis by ensuring that its analysis of the emission reduction measures proposed in the draft scoping plan includes certain elements.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 88* (Assembly Budget Committee) 2008 Supplemental Budget Bill: transportation project
Enacts the 2008 Supplemental Budget Bill which, among other provisions, includes $250 million in Proposition 1B funding for local streets and roads consistent with an overall economic stimulus approach. Of this amount, $187 million is directed to cities and $63 million is directed to counties. Provides $406 million for transit operators -- $100 million more than provided in 2007-08.
Chapter 269, Statutes of 2008 -- Item Veto

AB 117 (Beall-D) Transportation authorities and districts: contracts
Revises the procurement requirements for the purchase of supplies, equipment, and materials by the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District, the San Mateo County Transit District, and the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District.

AB 152 (Beall-D) Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
Authorizes the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority to allocate revenue to repair and maintain facilities that it has acquired or built for vehicular or pedestrian transportation.

AB 256 (Huff-R) Highway Users Tax Account: appropriation of funds
Provides that monies in the Highway Users Tax Account for the prior fiscal year are continuously appropriated and may be encumbered for their constitutional and statutory purposes in any year in which a Budget Act has not been enacted by July 1, or until such a time that the Budget Act is enacted.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 268* (Assembly Budget Committee) 2008-09 Budget Trailer Bill: transportation finance
Implements the statutory changes in the area of transportation to enact the 2008 Budget as follows: (1) Allocates gasoline sales tax "spillover" revenue for 2008-09, (2) implements the Public Transportation Modernization, Improvement, and Service Enhancement Account for 2008-09, (3) increases vehicle registration fees by $11 to fund the increased cost and number of California Highway Patrol officers, (4) extends the sunset date until 2011 for short-term cash-flow loans among transportation funds, (5) allows a shift in the federal funds available for allocation to regional transportation agencies to the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to cover the state's increased costs of oversight for these local subventions, (6) allows Caltrans to participate in the federal Clean Renewable Energy Bonds Program which will provide a $20 million interest-free loan to Caltrans to fund the installation of solar energy systems on the rooftops at 70 departmental facilities, and (7) makes technical changes to the statutes that provide budget allocations to transit operations.
Chapter 756, Statutes of 2008

AB 387 (Duvall-R) Transit contracts: design-build
Revises public contracting requirements related to transit district contracts for technology or surveillance projects designed to enhance safety, disaster preparedness, and homeland security.
Chapter 185, Statutes of 2008

AB 412 (Smyth-R) Transportation: project deadlines
Requires each agency designated by the Port Security Bond Act of 2006 to allocate bond funds to establish guidelines that specify deadlines for commencing construction or implementation for each program it administers under the bond act.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 444 (Hancock-D) Congestion management: motor vehicle registration fees
Authorizes the county congestion management agencies of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Santa Clara, Solano, and Santa Cruz counties to impose, upon a majority vote of the electorate, an annual fee of up to $10 on motor vehicles registered in the counties for transportation programs and projects.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 620 (Portantino-D) Transportation bonds
Requires the California Transportation Commission, or a regional transportation agency, as the allocating agency, to adopt guidelines and policies to ensure timely use of Proposition 1B bond funds by requiring construction on a project to begin no later than 12/31/12, and to conduct regular evaluations of those projects.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 784 (Karnette-D) Transportation bonds
Provides that applicants for bond funds allocated to the Office of Emergency Services (i.e., $100 million for port, harbor, and ferry terminal security) are not required to award contracts based on the lowest bidder.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 823 (Solorio-D) Orange County: road funds
Requires Orange County to report annually regarding its revenues and expenditures of fuel excise tax and gasoline sales tax funds, and to identify the surplus funds from each of those sources that remains unspent at the end of each fiscal year.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 842 (Jones-D) Regional plans: traffic reduction
Requires the Department of Housing and Community Development, when ranking applications for funding under the Infill Incentive Grant Program and the Transit Oriented Development Implementation Program, to award preference or priority to projects located in areas where the local or regional entity has adopted a general plan, transportation plan, or regional blueprint that will reduce the growth of vehicle miles traveled by at least 10 percent, and the project is consistent with that planning document.

AB 867 (Davis-D) Traffic analysis zones
Requires specified regional transportation plans to account for certain environmental justice issues in travel demand forecasting models.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 899 (Parra-D) Transportation facilities
Allows the Department of Transportation and regional transportation agencies to enter into comprehensive development lease agreements with public and private entities, or consortia of those entities.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 901 (Nunez-D) High-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes
Authorizes a value-pricing and transit development demonstration program involving HOT lanes to be conducted, administered, developed, and operated on State Highway Route 110 and Interstate 10 in Los Angeles County by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 981 (Leno-D) Treasure Island Transportation Management Act
Creates the Treasure Island Transportation Management Act to authorize the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco to impose varying tolls on motor vehicles exiting and entering Treasure Island from the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge to fund, along with other local charges, a transportation management program for Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island in San Francisco Bay.
Chapter 317, Statutes of 2008

AB 992 (Brownley-D) Roads: stormwater containment
Provides direction for project selection for the expenditure of bond funds made available by the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1221 (Ma-D) Transit village developments: infrastructure financing
Allows local officials to divert property tax increment revenues to pay for public facilities and amenities within transit village development districts. Increases the area that a transit village plan covers to all parcels within 1/2 mile, rather than 1/4 mile, of the exterior boundary of the parcel on which the transit station is located.

AB 1228 (Solorio-D) Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act
Changes, from Los Angeles to Anaheim, the southern terminus of the initial segment of the high-speed train system.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1240 (Benoit-R) Riverside County Transportation Commission
Authorizes Riverside County Transportation Commission, until 1/1/11, to enter into design-build contracts to construct commuter rail lines.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1252* (Caballero-D) Transportation and housing infrastructure
Appropriates, from the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006 (Proposition 1C), $100 million to the Department of Housing and Community Development for the Regional Planning, Housing, and Infill Incentive Account, and $50 million for the Transit-Oriented Development Account to facilitate the construction of additional projects under the programs notices of funding availability. Appropriates, from the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006 (Proposition 1B), $87 million to the Department of Transportation for the Local Streets and Roads Program, and $63 million for the Grade-Separation Program to accelerate funding for these programs in the current fiscal year.
Chapter 39, Statutes of 2008

AB 1306 (Huff-R) Gasoline: sales tax
Repeals the transportation "spillover" formula, and requires those revenues to be subsequently transferred to the Transportation Investment Fund.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1350 (Nunez-D) Transportation bond funds
Establishes procedures for the allocation of up to $1 billion of bond proceeds from the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006 [SB 1266 (Perata), Chapter 25, Statutes of 2006], that are deposited in the Transit System Safety, Security and Disaster Response Account.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1351 (Levine-D) Transportation: state-local partnerships
Establishes criteria for implementing the State-Local Partnership Program for financing specified transportation improvement projects, and states legislative intent to appropriate $200 million annually, beginning in 2010-11.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1358 (Leno-D) Transportation: planning
Enacts the Complete Streets Act of 2008. Beginning 1/1/09, and no later than 1/1/14, requires the Office of Planning and Research to amend its "General Plan Guidelines" for the circulation element to specify how local officials can accommodate safe and convenient travel. Requires, beginning 1/1/11, cities and counties, upon any substantive revision, to modify their circulation elements to plan for a balanced multi-modal transportation network that meets the needs of all users of streets, roads, and highways, as defined.
Chapter 657, Statutes of 2008

AB 1611 (Leno-D) San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation
Establishes the San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority with specified powers and duties, including, but not limited to, the authority to, among other things, coordinate the emergency activities of all water transportation and related facilities within the Bay Area region.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

AB 1815 (Feuer-D) California Transportation Infrastructure Funding Task Force
Creates, until 1/1/10, the California Transportation Infrastructure Funding Task Force, with 14 members appointed by the Legislature, Governor, California Transportation Commission, city and county organizations, and other specified entities. Requires the task force to hold at least three public hearings around the state and to report to the Legislature and Governor by 1/1/10, on alternatives to the current system of taxing road users through per-gallon fuel taxes.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1845 (Duvall-R) Highway-railroad grade separations
Discontinues the requirement that the Department of Transportation budget annually $15 million from the State Highway Account for the grade separation program when the director of the Department of Transportation certifies to the Secretary of State that the Proposition 1B funds have been expended. Requires the director to notify the Senate and Assembly Budget Committees, the Assembly Transportation Committee, and the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee of the certification.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

AB 1904 (Torrico-D) Transportation: programming of projects
Establishes a process by which a county or regional transportation agency can fund a project using bonds backed by future federal transportation allocations (popularly known as GARVEE bonds) and modifies a formula used to calculate a county's share of available State Transportation Improvement Program funds.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1968 (Jeffries-R) Transportation infrastructure emergencies
Authorizes the Governor to declare a transportation infrastructure emergency for the purpose of relieving traffic congestion on any specific highway or segment of a highway for which the Department of Transportation has determined that the average daily vehicle hours of delay, excluding weekends, exceeds 3,000. Upon declaration of the emergency, provides for the Governor to direct the department to immediately create and implement an expedited process and to establish deadlines for the construction of new highways or additional lanes on existing highways.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2018 (Fuentes-D) Transportation study: Northeast San Fernando Valley
Require the Department of Transportation, in conjunction with the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority, the Southern California Regional Rail Authority, and local transportation agencies to conduct a comprehensive study and survey, and cost benefit analysis, that analyzes the potential for additional transit services in the Northeast San Fernando Valley in the context of changing land use and demographic trends.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2195 (Brownley-D) Rail transit
Provides that the Public Utilities Commission may approve a public transit guideway (light rail), or otherwise carry out its regulatory and oversight duties, with respect to guideway safety standards and procedures, without a public hearing.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

AB 2295 (Arambula-D) Transportation capital improvement projects
Clarifies that local road rehabilitation projects are eligible for funding through the State Transportation Improvement Program process.

AB 2321 (Feuer-D) Transportation funding: County of Los Angeles
Extends the sunset date that a voter approved 1/2 percent local transportation sales tax in Los Angeles County may be imposed from 6-1/2 years to 30 years, provided the extension is approved by 2/3 of the county voters in the 11/4/08 general election.
Chapter 302, Statutes of 2008

AB 2332 (Furutani-D) Railroads: location or expansion of railyards near schools
Prohibits the expansion or development of railyards within 1/4 mile of a school site.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2500 (Strickland-R) Grade separation projects
Increases the amount required to be budgeted for allocation to grade separation projects to $165,000,000.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

AB 2615* (Houston-R) Transportation funding: City of Berkeley
Withholds local streets and roads bond dollars from the City of Berkeley until the State Controller determines that the City Council has revoked and withdrawn its notice to the United States Marine Corps that it is unwelcome in the City and until the City rescinds its order granting a parking space in front of the Marine recruiting office to the group "Code Pink."
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2650 (Carter-D) Department of Transportation: environmental review process:
Extends the sunset date, from 1/1/09 to 1/1/12, to waive the state's Eleventh Amendment right to sovereign immunity from lawsuits filed under the National Environmental Policy Act in order to allow the Department of Transportation to continue its assumption of the Act's responsibilities. Requires the department to prepare reports analyzing the cost and benefits of the program and to submit those reports to the Legislature by 1/1/09, and again by 1/1/11.
Chapter 248, Statutes of 2008

AB 3034* (Galgiani-D) Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act
Revises, updates, and expands upon provisions of the existing Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century. Establishes oversight processes for the independent review and approval of financing and engineering plans for the construction of California's high-speed train system.
Chapter 267, Statutes of 2008

AB 7XXX* (Assembly Budget Committee) 2007 Budget: Highway Users Tax: payment deferral
Defers the payment of gasoline excise tax revenues to cities and counties in the months of March through July 2008, until full payment for all deferred amounts made with the regular September payment.
Chapter 5, Statutes of 2007-08, Third Extraordinary Session
A similar bill was SB 5 X3 (Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee) which died on the Assembly Floor.

ACA 10 (Feuer-D) Transportation infrastructure: bonded indebtedness
Lowers to 55% the voter approval threshold for a city, county, or city and county to impose, extend, or increase any special tax for the purpose of paying the principal, interest, and redemption charges on bonded indebtedness incurred to fund specified transportation infrastructure.
(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)

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Motor Vehicle Emissions

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SB 19 (Lowenthal-D) Vehicle emissions: trade corridor
Establishes criteria for funding projects from funds available under Proposition 1B to reduce air emissions associated with goods movement.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 71 (Florez-D) Alternative fuels: biodiesel
Requires that all diesel vehicles owned by the State of California, a city, county, or mass transit district use diesel that is at least 20% biodiesel made from nonpetroleum constituents.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 72 (Florez-D) Schoolbuses: fuel
Requires that, as of 1/1/08, all school districts use a fuel blend containing at least 20% biodiesel fuel in diesel-powered school buses under the district's control, including school buses operated by public or private providers under contract to the district.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

SB 73* (Florez-D) Biodiesel: income tax credit
Allows a tax credit to be refunded in an amount equal to a specified amount for each gallon of biodiesel fuel produced or manufactured by a qualified taxpayer at any refinery located in this state.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 74* (Florez-D) Biodiesel: tax exemption
Exempts from specified taxes the gross receipts from the sale and the storage of, use or other consumption of, tangible personal property purchased for use by a qualified person in the manufacturing, processing, or production of biodiesel fuel.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 75 (Florez-D) Alternative fuels: biodiesel
Deems diesel vehicles and engines using biodiesel to be in compliance with applicable state toxic air control measures, and requires that vehicles sold or leased by the State of California be warranty-certified to use at least 20% biodiesel fuel.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 155 (Cox-R) Gasoline: vapor recovery systems
Gives small-volume gasoline service stations in five rural counties two extra years, until April 2011, to install, on their pumps, enhanced vapor recovery systems required by Air Resources Board regulations.
Chapter 702, Statutes of 2008

SB 240 (Florez-D) San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Allows the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District to increase, from $6 to $36, the annual fee imposed on a motor vehicle registered within the district's jurisdiction to support programs designed to reduce motor vehicle emissions and to achieve and maintain state and federal air quality standards in the district.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 348 (Simitian-D) Vehicle fee for congestion and stormwater management
Extends, from 1/1/09 to 1/1/13, the authority of the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County to assess an up-to $4 annual fee on vehicles registered within San Mateo County for programs to manage traffic congestion and storm water pollution.
Chapter 377, Statutes of 2008

SB 445 (Torlakson-D) Greenhouse gas mitigation fee
Authorizes a regional transportation planning agency or a local transportation commission to impose a fee on either motor vehicle fuels or vehicle registrations to fund climate change mitigation.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

SB 494 (Kehoe-D) Vehicular air pollution control: clean alternative fuels
Requires the Air Resources Board (ARB), in consultation with certain other state entities, to adopt regulations by 6/30/09, that become operative by 1/1/10, to ensure that commencing 1/1/15, 25% of new passenger vehicles and light-duty trucks sold in California are clean alternative vehicles, and that commencing 1/1/20, 50% are clean alternative vehicles. Requires the ARB, in developing the regulations, to consider technological and economic feasibility of the regulations, develop and enforce compliance options for eligible clean alternative vehicles, and ensure that clean alternative fuel is made available at retail outlets whenever the ARB determines that the sufficient number of vehicles capable of using that fuel has been reached.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

SB 876 (Calderon-D) Vehicle emission standards
Requires the Air Resources Board to consider the economic impacts on small business owners of vehicle replacement and retrofit requirements when establishing in-use emission standards and regulations of heavy-duty motor vehicles in private fleets.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 895 (Florez-D) Air quality
Increases the reserve amount in the Carl Moyer Air Quality Statewide Attainment Program from 10% to 20% of program funds. Requires a scoring system to be used to determine which multidistrict projects to fund. Projects that achieve the lower cost per ton of emission reduction will be assigned more points for priority.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

SB 960 (Alquist-D) Zero-emission and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
Requires the Air Resources Board to develop and implement regulations that shall become operative no later than 1/1/10, to ensure, commencing 1/1/15, that 0.5% of new passenger vehicles sold in California are zero-emission vehicles and 2.4% are plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

SB 974 (Lowenthal-D) Ports: congestion relief: air pollution mitigation
Imposes a fee on container cargo imported and exported through the ports of Long Beach, Los Angeles, and Oakland in an amount not to exceed $30 per twenty-foot equivalent unit. Requires that 50 percent of fee revenues be used to develop infrastructure projects that reduce congestion and 50 percent of revenues be used to mitigate the air quality impacts associated with the movement of freight in and out of the three ports. Specifies the processes for determining which congestion relief and mitigation projects shall be funded with fee revenue.

SB 1292* (Dutton-R) Administrative procedure: Air Resources Board
Requires the Office of Administrative Law to analyze any major regulation, as defined, proposed by the Air Resources Board, to determine if the regulation is cost effective and technologically feasible.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

SB 1506 (Alquist-D) Zero-emission vehicles
Prohibits the Air Resource Board from crediting a manufacturer towards meeting any zero-emission vehicle production mandates created under the Zero-Emission Vehicle Program, adopted by the Air Resources Board, for the production of vehicles that are not zero-emission vehicles.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

SB 1573 (Florez-D) Smog check program: emission standards
Specifies that the Air Resources Board, rather than the Bureau of Automotive Repair, shall have primary responsibility for establishing maximum emission standards for the motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program (smog check).

SB 1646 (Padilla-D) South Coast Air Quality Management District
Deletes the 2010 sunset date on the South Coast Air Quality Management Districts authority to impose an additional fee of $1 on motor vehicles registered in that district to fund programs to reduce air pollution from motor vehicles.
Chapter 417, Statutes of 2008

SB 1720 (Lowenthal-D) Clean Air Sticker: misuse: penalties
Provides that an individual convicted of the creation, use, sale, and trafficking of fraudulent Clean Air Stickers, or fraudulently reselling valid Clean Air Stickers, is guilty of an infraction and is subject to specified monetary penalties.
Chapter 417, Statutes of 2008

SB 1754 (Kehoe-D) Energy
Authorizes the California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority to enter into power purchase agreements with public and private entities for the purchase and sale of alternative source energy or projects.
Chapter 543, Statutes of 2008

SB 1760 (Perata-D) Energy: greenhouse gas emissions
Codifies the structure, membership, and responsibilities of the Climate Action Team, an entity created by the Governor, by Executive Orders in 2005 and 2006.

SB 1762 (Perata-D) Energy: greenhouse gas emissions
Creates the California Climate Change Research and Workforce Development Institute at the University of California funded by a redirection of existing funding from the Public Interest Energy Research Program and an additional fee on electric service provided by investor-owned utilities and publicly owned utilities. The prime goal of the Institute is to identify and support research and education through grants to California universities and national labs to reduce or mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.

SCR 131 (Migden-D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006
Urges the Air Resources Board to satisfy the requirement of the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 for the best available economic analysis by ensuring that its analysis of the emission reduction measures proposed in the draft plan includes certain elements.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 88* (Assembly Budget Committee) 2008 Supplemental Budget Bill: air pollution
Enacts the 2008 Supplemental Budget Bill which, among other provisions, provides $6 million to the Air Resources Board from the Motor Vehicle Account for the continued development of the Hydrogen Highway, including zero-emission vehicle infrastructure and incentives for zero-emission vehicles.
Chapter 269, Statutes of 2008 -- Item Veto

AB 99 (Feuer-D) Vehicular air pollution control
Requires the Air Resources Board to adopt regulations to ensure that 50% of new passenger and light-duty trucks, beginning in 2012, sold in California are clean alternative vehicles, and that all such vehicles sold in 2020 be clean alternative vehicles. Defines "clean alternative fuel" as a nonpetroleum fuel, including electricity, hydrogen, natural gas, propane, and any other fuel derived from renewable resources, that on a full fuel-cycle and energy-equivalent basis does not increase the emissions of greenhouse gases, toxic air contaminants, criteria air pollutants, water pollutants, or any other substances known to damage human health or the environment, in comparison to the production and use of a petroleum-derived fuel. Defines "clean alternative vehicle" as any new passenger vehicle or light-duty truck capable of running on a clean alternative fuel. These shall include hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles, flexible-fuel vehicles, compressed natural gas vehicles, liquid gas propane vehicles, and hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 109 (Nunez-D) Air pollution: alternative fuels and vehicle technologies
Revises and clarifies provisions of two programs enacted by AB 118 (Nunez), Chapter 750, Statutes of 2007, relating to alternative fuels, vehicle technologies, and air quality funding programs.
Chapter 313, Statutes of 2008

AB 255 (De Leon-D) Smog abatement fee
Increases, from $12 to $16, the annual Smog Abatement Fee imposed on newer motor vehicles exempt from biennial inspection under the state Smog Check program, and earmarks the additional revenue to provide subsidies for the development and use of alternative fuels.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 493 (Ruskin-D) Motor vehicle greenhouse gas emissions: incentive program
Establishes the Clean Vehicle Incentive Program to be administered by the Air Resources Board.
(Died on Assembly Floor)

AB 575 (Arambula-D) Emission reductions
Requires the Air Resources Board to develop guidelines for the allocation of $1 billion worth of the proceeds of state general obligation bonds, authorized by Proposition 1B, earmarked for air pollutant emissions reductions from activities related to the movement of freight along the state's trade corridors.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 616 (Jones-D) Smog check: annual inspection: repair assistance program
Expands the vehicle inspection and maintenance (Smog Check) program to include vehicles 15 or greater model years old by 7/1/08.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 630 (Price-D) Air emissions standards: EPA waiver
Requires the Air Resources Board, if the South Coast Air Quality Management District proposes an emission standard for mobile sources requiring a federal Clean Air Act waiver or authorization from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, to expeditiously adopt the standard and, unless the Air Resource Board makes certain findings, submit it for the federal waiver or authorization.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 631 (Horton-R) Gasoline fueling stations: ethanol pumps
Requires the Air Resources Board to adopt regulations to require that, on and after 1/1/10, all new fueling stations constructed in this state be able to provide E85 fuel to vehicles that use that fuel.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 712 (De Leon-D) Off-road solid waste: clean air
Creates, until 1/1/16, the Off-Road Solid Waste Composting and Recycling Vehicle Clean Air Program.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 786 (Lieu-D) Greenhouse gas emissions
States that banks providing financial incentives to assist other entities in reducing greenhouse gasses prior to 1/1/12 may receive an appropriate credit under the greenhouse gas emissions reduction program adopted by the Air Resources Board.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 846* (Blakeslee-R) Clean Marine Fuels
Exempts from the sales and use tax the sale or use of low-sulfur fuel when sold to water common carriers.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1077 (Lieber-D) Air Resources Board: plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
Enacts the California Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Leadership Act of 2007, and establishes a coordinating council to develop and carry out a strategy of coordination between various entities engaged in activities relating to plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1119 (Fuller-R) Air pollution: diesel emission control devices
Requires the Air Resources Board, in developing eligibility criteria for emission control devices funded under emission reduction grant programs, to take all reasonable steps to consider the number of manufacturers capable of providing verified devices in order to ensure adequate competition among manufacturers and lower prices for the devices.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

AB 1209 (Karnette-D) Vehicles: HOV lanes
Allows the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue a replacement clean air decal to an owner of a hybrid vehicle that becomes non-repairable or a total loss salvage vehicle when the owner buys a replacement hybrid vehicle.
Chapter 429, Statutes of 2008

AB 1338* (Assembly Budget Committee) Air Resources Board
Enacts the 2008 Resources Budget Trailer Bill which, among other provisions, establishes for one year only, a program at the Air Resources Board to provide grants and loans from the Air Quality Improvement Fund to short-haul truck owners for early compliance with on-road heavy-duty diesel regulations. Allows the Air Resource Board to provide grant funds for zero-emission vehicle and zero-emission vehicles infrastructure purchases, in addition to the current loan program.
Chapter 780, Statutes of 2008

AB 1440 (Wolk-D) Hybrid trucks: grants
Requires the Air Resources Board, until 1/1/11, to provide grants to medium- and heavy-duty truck manufacturers to demonstrate the commercial performance of hydraulic-assist and hybrid electric propulsion systems that reduce reliance on petroleum-derived fuel and reduce emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1455 (Arambula-D) California Air Quality Zones
Establishes the California Air Quality Zones Program to provide incentives for owners of mobile and stationary sources of air pollution to invest in air pollution control equipment that produces surplus and quantifiable emission reductions exceeding applicable federal, state, and regional air standards and regulations.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1506 (Arambula-D) Greenhouse gas emissions: U.C. Study
Requires the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to contract with the University of California or with another postsecondary educational institution to conduct a study of the most effective ways for the state to provide incentives to businesses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and to report its findings and recommendations to the Legislature on or before 1/1/09.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1651* (Arambula-D) Greenhouse gases: tax credits
Provides that for taxable years beginning on or after 1/1/08, and ending before 1/1/13, there shall be allowed as a credit against the net tax of a "qualified taxpayer" an amount, as specified, for "qualified costs" paid or incurred for "qualified capital equipment" placed in service in California, certified by the California Climate Action Registry or the Air Resources Board, to result in measurable reductions in greenhouse gases.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1851 (Nava-D) Greenhouse gas credits
Enacts the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Representations Law to prohibit any person from representing that the sale of a greenhouse gas credit or emission reduction reduces greenhouse gas emissions unless certain conditions are met.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

AB 2063 (Parra-D) Smog check program: biennial inspection
Subjects all vehicles registered within the state to biennial inspection, except as specifically exempted, regardless of where in the state the vehicle is registered.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2179 (Furutani-D) Air quality: diesel fuel
Requires all diesel vehicles owned or leased by the state on or after 1/1/10, and until 1/1/12, to use renewable biomass-based diesel fuel. Requires the Air Resources Board to develop sustainability criteria for the use of renewable biomass-based diesel fuel as specified.

AB 2316 (Ruskin-D) Motor vehicles: greenhouse gas emission reductions
Requires the Little Hoover Commission, by 1/1/10, to study and make recommendations to the Legislature on the consolidation, improvement, and greenhouse gas emission reduction contribution of the state's vehicle retirement programs.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2522 (Arambula-D) San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Allows the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District to increase the motor vehicle registration surcharges to up to $30 per vehicle per year according to specified conditions, and permits the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District to adopt rules and regulations to reduce vehicle trips.
Chapter 677, Statutes of 2008

AB 2538 (Ruskin-D) Greenhouse gas emissions: consumer product labeling: report
Requires the Air Resources Board to report to the Legislature, by 1/1/10, on the feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and potential design of carbon labels that estimate the amount of greenhouse gas emissions associated with individual consumer products.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2546 (De La Torre-D) Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Information and Assessment Act of 198
Includes railyards as facilities that are subject to regulation by the Air Resources Board pursuant to the Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Information and Assessment Act of 1987 (Hot Spots program).
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 2558 (Feuer-D) Regional transportation agencies: climate protection
Authorizes a regional transportation agency, as defined, to impose, subject to voter approval within the jurisdiction of the regional transportation agency, a climate protection and system preservation fee on either motor vehicle fuel or motor vehicle registration within their jurisdictions.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

AB 2560 (Lieu-D) Medium- and heavy-duty motor vehicles: air pollution
Requires the Department of General Services to establish criteria to rank the environmental and energy benefits and costs for the potential procurement of medium and heavy-duty vehicles by state and local governments.

AB 2596 (Jones-D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006
Establishes a process at the Air Resources Board for measuring 2009 baseline and projected levels of greenhouse gas emissions in many cities and most counties.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2625 (Strickland-R) Biodiesel
Defines biodiesel and renewable diesel for purposes of exemptions to developmental engine fuels authorized by the Department of Food and Agriculture.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2638 (Coto-D) California Air Quality and Environmental Health Act of 2008
Establishes the California Air Quality and Environmental Health Act of 2008, as administered by the Air Resources Board (ARB). Requires ARB, beginning 1/1/09, to impose an undetermined fee (the amount to be established by ARB), on the sale, or lease for one year or longer, of a new passenger motor vehicle that meets specified requirements. Requires ARB to conduct a study to determine the amount of air pollution, including, but not limited to, greenhouse gas emissions, created by the vehicles that are to be assesses a fee and the cost of mitigation for that air pollution, and adopt a system for assessing those vehicles for their fair share of air pollution a fee sufficient to fund that mitigation.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2645 (Nunez-D) Air pollution: alternative fuels and vehicle technologies
Provides clarifying changes to the existing Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

AB 2655 (DeSaulnier-D) Heavy-duty vehicle crankcase emission
Prohibits emissions from the crankcase of a heavy-duty diesel engine.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2865 (De Leon-D) Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program
Increases from 10% to 20% the limit on the amount of funds available each year from the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program to directly fund a multidistrict project.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2869 (De Leon-D) Air resources: Community Empowerment Advisory Committee
Establishes the Community Empowerment Advisory Committee to advise the Air Resources Board regarding distribution of investments directed toward disadvantaged communities pursuant to the California Global Warming Solutions Act.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

AB 2922 (DeSaulnier-D) Air pollution: penalties: fuel containers
Specifies that violations of rules or regulations that are subject to a $500 penalty include those relating to portable fuel containers, spouts, engines, and other units subject to regulation under the Air Resources Board's authority to control vehicular air pollution. Requires the Board to adopt standards for portable fuel containers and spouts.
Chapter 687, Statutes of 2008

AB 2934 (Charles Calderon-D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006
Amends the California Global Warming Solutions Act to mandate the use of market-based compliance mechanisms, including for specified purposes.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 2991 (Nunez-D) Air pollution: research
Adds two climate change experts to the Air Resources Board nine-member Research Screening Committee, and expands the charge of the Committee to include reviewing climate change-related research.
Chapter 691, Statutes of 2008

AB 3001 (Hancock-D) California Voluntary Carbon Offset Program Fund
Creates a mechanism to fund forestation and other greenhouse gas emission reduction projects undertaken by the California Conservation Corps and local conservation corps.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 3053 (Jones-D) Smog check: annual inspection: repair assistance program
Requires the Department of Consumer Affair incorporate the annual inspection of motor vehicles that are models which are 15 years old or greater into the motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program by 1/1/10, and requires funds generated through additional inspection fees to be deposited into the High Polluter Repair or Removal Account.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AJR 40 (De Leon-D) South Coast Air Basin
Memorializes the President of the United States to urge that immediate steps be taken to rectify the existing air quality conditions related to fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) exposure in the South Coast Air Basin.
Resolution Chapter 90, Statutes of 2008

AJR 53 (Huffman-D) Air resources: greenhouse gas emissions
Encourages the Congress and the President of the United States to support federal legislation that permits California to implement standards to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles.
Resolution Chapter 92, Statutes of 2008

HR 22 (Ruskin-D) Alternative Fuel Vehicle Awareness Month
Designates the month of November 2008 as Alternative Fuel Vehicle Awareness Month.
Adopted by the Assembly

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SB 56 (Runner-R) Highway construction contracts: design-build
Authorizes the Department of Transportation and local transportation entities to use the design-build public contracting method for the construction of 10 transportation projects.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 204 (Dutton-R) Transportation funds
Requires revenue generated from the sale of property, the sale of documents, and other transactions by the Department of Transportation to be credited to the State Highway Account for expenditures for state highways.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 227 (Harman-R) Outdoor advertising: redevelopment districts
Exempts from the Outdoor Advertising Act, one advertising structure or sign located in the City of Huntington Beach that is used to support the automobile dealerships located at auto malls in the City of Huntington Beach if specified conditions are satisfied.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

SB 377 (Aanestad-R) Highways: information signs
Requires the Department of Transportation to adopt rules and regulations governing the placement and standards for signs relative to "attractions" and "24-hour pharmacies."
Chapter 378, Statutes of 2008

SB 791 (Corbett-D) State Highway Route 84
Allows for separate local alternative transportation improvement programs for surplus properties owned by the Department of Transportation in the State Route 238 and 84 corridors, respectively.
Chapter 705, Statutes of 2008

SB 856 (Runner-R) Highway signs
Requires the Department of Transportation to post and maintain, or authorize the county to post and maintain, county-designed street name signs on state highways in the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County, if the posting of the sign is not in violation of mandatory design standards.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 889 (Maldonado-R) Vehicles: high-occupancy vehicle lanes
Requires the Department of Transportation to establish, until 1/1/11, the Carpool Education Pilot Program to educate the public on the proper use of high-occupancy vehicle lanes and ramps to encourage the reporting of alleged violations.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 912 (Negrete McLeod-D) Highway safety: flares
Requires a vehicle used in the transportation of explosives to carry at least three reflective triangles or electronic beacons and makes it unlawful to traverse an electronic beacon pattern.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 1310 (Negrete McLeod-D) Outdoor advertising
Allows a percentage of nonconforming advertising displays located along landscaped freeways to be converted into digital message centers, according to specified conditions.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 1316 (Correa-D) Trans. facilities: tolls: Orange & Riverside Counties
Allows the Orange County Transportation Authority to eliminate or assign its rights to State Highway Route (SR) 91 in Riverside County, as currently authorized by a franchise agreement between it and the Department of Transportation. Extends the term of the franchise agreement from 2030 to 2065. Authorizes the Riverside County Transportation Commission to impose and collect tolls on SR 91 in Riverside County and to issue bonds and other forms of indebtedness for specified purposes.
Chapter 714, Statutes of 2008

SB 1366 (Negrete McLeod-D) State highway routes: relinquishments
Relinquishes State Highway Route 66 in the City of Rialto, and State Highway Routes 1, 34 and 232 in the City of Oxnard.
Chapter 717, Statutes of 2008

SB 1374 (Battin-R) Vehicles: HOV Lanes
Allows an unlimited number of vehicles that have received offsets for their carbon dioxide emissions to use HOV lanes.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 1419 (Yee-D) Highways: Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones
Designates portions of State Highway Routes 1 and 101 in San Francisco as double fine zones and requires the Department of Transportation to conduct a study that assesses potential criteria relating to pedestrian safety that may be used to designate futures double fine zones. Sunsets 1/1/14.
Chapter 121, Statutes of 2008

SB 1429 (Perata-D) Bay Area state-owned toll bridges
Clarifies reporting requirements for sponsors of Regional Measure 2 projects to specify that they must identify and report to the Bay Area Toll Authority (BATA) information identifying the source of state matching funds for each project, and allows the Bay Area Toll Authority to include this information in its "Annual Report to the San Francisco Bay Area State Legislative Delegation."
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

SB 1468 (Oropeza-D) Local planning: schoolsites: freeways
Prohibits a school district from approving the acquisition of a schoolsite that is located within 500 feet of a freeway lane or a busy traffic corridor, unless it is determined, by an environmental health and safety agency of the district, that the health and safety risks posed by the air quality of the site are less than significant.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1486 (Ducheny-D) Otay Mesa East Toll Facility Act
Allows for the construction and operation of State Highway Route 11 and a new federal Otay Mesa East Port of Entry by authorizing the San Diego Association of Governments to acquire property, consult with local, state, federal, and international agencies, charge tolls on the proposed State Highway Route 11, and issue bonds secured by those toll revenues to finance the cost of acquiring or operating transportation facilities, international ports of entry, international border crossing facilities and other necessary and related facilities.
Chapter 720, Statutes of 2008

SB 1507 (Oropeza-D) Highway construction: school boundaries
Prohibits, with exceptions, construction and expansion of state highways within one-fourth mile of a school boundary.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

SB 1509 (Lowenthal-D) Highway workers: assault and battery
Enacts new misdemeanor assault and battery crimes applicable where the victim is a Department of Transportation employee or contractor, as specified.
Chapter 410, Statutes of 2008

SB 1564 (Cogdill-R) Access routes: approval
Requires that once an access route is approved pursuant by any state or federal approval process, the route may not be revoked or rescinded by the Department of Transportation based upon a change of warrants, specifications, or procedures or for any other reason, except as applied to the trucking operations that are established along that route after the change in warrants, specifications, or procedures.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 1613 (Margett-R) Department of Transportation: contracts
Allows the Department of Transportation to enter into contracts not exceeding $25,000 for the leasing or renting of operated heavy highway equipment for state highway maintenance purposes without requiring the Department of Transportation to put the contract out to bid.
Chapter 357, Statutes of 2008

SB 1727 (Negrete McLeod-D) Highway safety: flares: electronic beacons
Makes it illegal to traverse an electronic beacon pattern used for traffic control or emergency scene management.
Chapter 120, Statute of 2008

SB 1XXX* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Reductions in the Budget Act of 2007 relating to support of
Exempts counties with populations of less than 40,000 from the deferral of gasoline excise tax revenue payments of March through July of 2008, included in AB 7XXX (Assembly Budget Committee), Chapter 5, Statutes of 2007-08, Third Extraordinary Session.
Chapter 7, Statutes of 2007-08, Third Extraordinary Session

SCR 53 (Denham-R) CHP Officer Earl H. Scott Memorial Highway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 99 in the County of Stanislaus as the "California Highway Patrol Officer Earl H. Scott Memorial Highway."
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

SCR 57 (Maldonado-R) Officer Loren D. Scruggs Memorial Highway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 101 in the City of Santa Maria, in Santa Barbara County, as the "Officer Loren D. Scruggs Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 38, Statutes of 2008

SCR 71 (Yee-D) Tom Lantos Tunnels at Devil's Slide
Designates a tunnel on a segment of State Route 1 in San Mateo County as the "Tom Lantos Tunnels at Devil's Slide."
Resolution Chapter 85, Statutes of 2008

SCR 78 (Aanestad-R) George Jumper sawmill
Requests the Department of Transportation to erect informational signs on a specified portion of State Highway Route 3, in the County of Trinity, upon receiving donations from nonstate sources covering that cost, directing motorists to the George Jumper sawmill.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SCR 84 (Cox-R) The Jay-D Ornsby-Adkins Bridge
Designates the Highway 49 Amador Creek Bridge as the "Jay-D Ornsby-Adkins Bridge."
Resolution Chapter 86, Statutes of 2008

SCR 90 (Wiggins-D) Daniel Broeske Memorial Highway
Designates a segment of State Highway Route 101 near Calpella in Mendocino County as the "Daniel Broeske Memorial Highway".
Resolution Chapter 65, Statutes of 2008

SCR 103 (Cogdill-R) Senator Chuck Poochigian Highway
Designates a 46-mile segment of State Highway Route 180 in Fresno County as the "Senator Chuck Poochigian Highway."
Resolution Chapter 87, Statutes of 2008

SCR 109 (Cedillo-D) Eugene A. Obregon, USMC, Memorial Interchange
Redesignates the freeway interchange involving State Highway Routes 5, 10, 60, and 101 in Los Angeles County from the "Marine Private First Class Eugene A. Obregon Interchange" to the "Medal of Honor Recipient Eugene A. Obregon, USMC, Memorial Interchange."
Resolution Chapter 66, Statutes of 2008

SCR 119 (Dutton-R) The CHP Officer John Bailey Memorial Freeway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 15 in the City of Rancho Cucamonga as the "CHP Officer John Bailey Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 113, Statutes of 2008

SCR 120 (Wiggins-D) The James McManus Memorial Bridge
Designates the Salmon Creek Bridge on State Highway Route 101 in Humboldt County as the "James F. McManus Memorial Bridge."
(Died at Assembly Desk)

SCR 132 (Perata-D) CHP Officer Brent William Clearman Memorial Freeway
Designates a specified portion of State Highway Route 880 as the "California Highway Patrol Officer Brent William Clearman Memorial Freeway."
Resolution Chapter 141, Statutes of 2008

AB 256 (Huff-R) Highway Users Tax Account: appropriation of funds
Provides that monies in the Highway Users Tax Account for the prior fiscal year are continuously appropriated and may be encumbered for their constitutional and statutory purposes in any year in which a Budget Act has not been enacted by July 1, or until such a time that the Budget Act is enacted.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 290 (De Leon-D) Department of Transportation vehicles
Prescribes, until 2010, the actions that drivers must take on a freeway when passing a stopped Department of Transportation vehicle that has its amber warning lights flashing, and prohibits, until 2010, a Department of Transportation vehicle from displaying its amber warning lights on a freeway unless an unusual traffic hazard or extreme hazard exists.

AB 291 (Jeffries-R) State Highway Route 74: relinquishment
Authorizes the California Transportation Commission to relinquish a portion of State Highway Route 74 to the City of Lake Elsinore.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 401 (Benoit-R) Transportation infrastructure emergencies
Authorizes the Governor to declare a transportation infrastructure emergency for the purpose of relieving traffic congestion on any specific highway or segment of a highway for which the Department of Transportation has determined that the average daily vehicle hours of delay, excluding weekends, exceeds 3,000. Upon declaration of the emergency, provides for the Governor to direct the Department of Transportation to immediately create and implement an expedited process and establish deadlines for the construction of new highways or additional lanes on existing highways.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 427 (Hancock-D) Transportation: state highway nuisances
Provides that specified provisions regarding state highways do not prohibit a business adjacent to a state-owned sidewalk from placing tables and chairs on the state-owned sidewalk for the purpose of selling and serving food and drinks.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 575 (Arambula-D) Emission reductions
Requires the Air Resources Board to develop guidelines for the allocation of $1 billion worth of the proceeds of state general obligation bonds, authorized by Proposition 1B, earmarked for air pollutant emissions reductions from activities related to the movement of freight along the state's trade corridors.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 633 (Galgiani-D) Grade separation projects
Requires the Public Utilities Commission and the Department of Transportation to jointly prepare a report on the railroad-highway at-grade separation program.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

AB 660 (Galgiani-D) Railroad-highway grade separations
Revises the grade separation program by modifying eligibility requirements, fixing the maximum amount allocated to grade separation projects, and revising other conditions governing the allocation of funds.
Chapter 315, Statutes of 2008

AB 669 (Parra-D) State Highway Route 269
Facilitates the building of a transportation facility on State Route 289 near the City of Huron.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 744 (Parra-D) Off-highway motor vehicles
Allows an off-highway motor vehicle that is in compliance with statutory identification and equipment requirements to be operated upon a highway that is not a freeway and consists of no more than two lanes.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 893 (Walters-R) Vehicles: speeding
Makes it an infraction to drive a vehicle upon a highway at a speed of 100 miles per hour and requires a minimum fine of $300 upon any conviction of that offense.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 901 (Nunez-D) High-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes
Authorizes a value-pricing and transit development demonstration program involving HOT lanes to be conducted, administered, developed, and operated on State Highway Route 110 and Interstate 10 in Los Angeles County by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 1084 (Galgiani-D) Highway signs
Requires the Department of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to pay for all costs to erect signs along the state highways that memorialize CHP officers killed in the line of duty.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1140 (Strickland-R) Highway Route 118
Requires the Department of the California Highway Patrol, on or before 7/1/08, to submit a report to the Legislature on locating a commercial vehicle inspection facility on State Highway Route 118.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

AB 1161 (Tran-R) Eminent domain
Requires the Department of Transportation to dispose of real property obtained through eminent domain that the department does not use as intended after a specified time period.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1162 (Tran-R) State highway property: personal services contracts
Authorizes the Department of Transportation to enter into personal services contracts for long term property management activities on real property over which a right-of-way for state highway purposes has been or is to be acquired.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1295 (Spitzer-R) Transportation facilities: tolls
Establishes a structure for developing toll facilities, primarily toll lanes, along the Highway 91 (Riverside Freeway) and Interstate 15 (Corona Freeway) transportation corridors in Riverside County.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1337 (Nava-D) State highway system: construction inspection functions
Requires Department of Transportation state employees to perform the inspection and related essential public functions for the state highway system.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1373 (Emmerson-R) Highway construction contracts
Authorizes the San Bernardino Associated Governments to use a design-build procurement method for highway improvements that provide access to health facilities that offer emergency medical services within San Bernardino County.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1499 (Garrick-R) Department of Transportation: design-build contracting
Authorizes the Department of Transportation to use the design-build procurement process for its state highway construction contracts.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1566 (Niello-R) Rest areas: joint economic development demonstration project
Requires the Department of Transportation to plan and design highway improvements to facilitate rest area development.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1915 (Jeffries-R) State Highway Routes 49 and 74: relinquishment
Authorizes the relinquishment of a segment of State Route 74 in the cities of Perris and Lake Elsinore and State Route 49 in the City of Auburn.
Chapter 635, Statutes of 2008

AB 1937 (Tran-R) State highways: acquisition from nonstate entities
Requires, prior to the state taking possession and ownership of a highway structure, appurtenance, or component from an entity other than a state agency, the Department of Transportation and the California Transportation Commission, as appropriate, to first determine that the structure, appurtenance, or component has been brought into compliance with all applicable existing standards for state highway facilities.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1954 (Jeffries-R) High-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes
Authorizes the development and operation of high-occupancy toll lanes on Interstate 15 in Riverside County.
Chapter 421, Statutes of 2008

AB 2074 (Nava-D) Highway: encroachment permits
Requires the Department of Transportation to appoint an ombudsperson to receive applications for encroachment permits in each state transportation district in which applications for encroachment permits are received.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

AB 2211* (Karnette-D) State Highway Route 110
Relinquishes a segment of Interstate 110 from State Route 47 (Terminal Island Freeway) to 9th Street in the San Pedro district of the City of Los Angeles.
Chapter 669, Statutes of 2008

AB 2251 (Cook-R) Highway markings: reflective glass beads
Requires the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to develop regulations governing arsenic content in reflective glass beads that reflect recommendations made jointly by the New Jersey Department of Transportation, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials, unless Caltrans decides to establish a different maximum concentration.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2326 (Lieu-D) State Highway Routes 1 and 107: City of Torrance
Authorizes the relinquishment of portions of State Routes 1 and 107, and State Route 1 to the City of Torrance.
Chapter 639, Statutes of 2008

AB 2339 (Solorio-D) Advertising displays
Permits certain publicly-owned sports arenas located along landscaped freeways to advertise any product, goods, or services sold by persons on the premise, as specified.
Chapter 493, Statutes of 2008

AB 2413 (Hayashi-D) State Route 238: excess real property sales
Requires the Department of Transportation to offer for sale, at fair market value, a specific parcel of land in the State Route 238 bypass corridor to the City of Hayward or a nonprofit entity for use by meal service programs.

AB 2617 (Duvall-R) Highways: high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes
Requires the Department of Transportation, or local authorities for roads within their jurisdiction, to ensure signs are posted along high occupancy vehicle lanes that indicate motorcycles are permitted in the lanes, where applicable. Requires the department, or local authorities, to determine the appropriate locations for signs and coordinate their placement in conjunction with other work to minimize lane closures.

AB 2714 (Keene-R) Highways: vehicle cargo loads: spilling
Amends the existing "cargo load spilling" law to allow a minimal and incidental amount of hay or straw chaff to escape from a vehicle without it constituting a violation.
Chapter 250, Statutes of 2008

AB 2988* (Emmerson-R) Outdoor advertising
Exempts specified signs from the prohibition against placing billboards along landscaped freeways. Specifically, expands the definition of on-premise display to include (1) any advertising display installed and operated in conjunction with the development or operation of public assembly facilities located within, or immediately adjacent to, the Los Angeles Sports and Entertainment District, and (2) a digital sign in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Exempts from the prohibition against erecting an advertising display along a landscaped freeway a sign that is (1) used "exclusively to support the automobile dealerships located at auto malls in the City of Huntington Beach," (2) used to identify development projects, private commercial centers, or associations located within the jurisdiction of, and approved by, the City of Riverside, or (3) on property owned by the Lennox School District.
(Failed passage on Senate Floor)

AB 3039 (Benoit-R) High-occupancy vehicle lanes
Requires the Department of Transportation, at the request of a county transportation commission or a regional transportation planning agency, to modify existing exclusive or preferential lanes that are for buses and other high-occupancy vehicles within the respective jurisdiction of the requesting entity to provide continuous access to buses and other high-occupancy vehicles.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 7XXX* (Assembly Budget Committee) Highway Users Tax: payment deferral
Defers the payment of gasoline excise tax revenues to cities and counties in the months of March through July 2008, until full payment for all deferred amounts made with the regular September payment.
Chapter 5, Statutes of 2007-08, Third Extraordinary Session

ACR 63 (Keene-R) Estes and Hunter Memorial Highway
Designates Highway 149 in Butte County as the "Lt. Leonard B. 'Larry' Estes and Deputy William R. 'Bill' Hunter Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 14, Statutes of 2008

ACR 80 (Garcia-R) The CHP Officer Robert Franklin Dickey Memorial Highway
Designates a segment of Interstate 8 in Imperial County as the "Officer Robert Franklin Dickey Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 70, Statutes of 2008

ACR 82 (Huff-R) The Mayor Bob Zirbes Memorial Freeway
Designates a segment of State Route 57 in the City of Diamond Bar as the "Mayor Bob Zirbes Memorial Freeway."
Resolution Chapter 78, Statutes of 2008

ACR 90 (Fuller-R) Deputy Sheriff William "Joe" Hudnall, Jr., Memorial Highway
Designates a segment of State Route 178 in Kern County as the "Kern County Deputy Sheriff William Joe Hudnall, Jr., Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 71, Statutes of 2008

ACR 96 (Carter-D) Deputy Frank M. Pribble Memorial Highway
Designates a portion of State Route 10 in the City of Fontana in San Bernardino county as the "Deputy Frank M. Pribble Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 72, Statutes of 2008

ACR 98 (Jeffries-R) Historic U.S. Highway 395
Requires the Department of Transportation, upon application by a private entity or appropriate local government agencies, to identify any section of former U.S. Highway 395 that is still a publicly maintained highway and designates that section as "Historic U.S. Highway 395."
Resolution Chapter 79, Statutes of 2008

ACR 102 (Strickland-R) Airborne Memorial Highway
Designates State Highway Route 101 from the East Los Angeles interchange to the Oregon border as the "Airborne Memorial Highway."
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

ACR 107 (Cook-R) CDF Firefighter John D. Guthrie Memorial Highway
Designates a segment of State Highway Route 215 in Riverside County as the "CDF Firefighter John D. Guthrie Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 80, Statutes of 2008

ACR 116 (Strickland-R) Adolfo Camarillo Memorial Highway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 101 in the City of Camarillo as the "Adolfo Camarillo Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 74, Statutes of 2008

ACR 122 (Blakeslee-R) The Robert and Pat Nimmo Memorial Highway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 41 in San Luis Obispo County as the "Robert and Pat Nimmo Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 94, Statutes of 2008

ACR 127 (Tran-R) Garden Grove Police Officers Memorial Highway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 22 in the City of Garden Grove as the "Garden Grove Police Officers Memorial Highway, honoring Myron L. Trapp, Andy R. Reese, Donald R. Reed, Michael L. Rainford, and Howard E. Dallies, Jr."
Resolution Chapter 95, Statutes of 2008

ACR 128 (Arambula-D) Officer Sixto Maldonado, Jr., Memorial Highway
Designates a segment of State Route 33 in the City of Firebaugh in Fresno County as the "Officer Sixto Maldonado, Jr. Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 75, Statutes of 2008

ACR 131 (Ma-D) Outdoor advertising signs
Directs the Department of Transportation (Caltrans), in conjunction with the Department of the California Highway patrol, to form a working group that includes stakeholders, such as cities and environmental organizations, to make recommendations to the Legislature, that may be promulgated in the form of regulations by Caltrans, relative to design standards for on-site outdoor advertising signs and billboards that would protect the motoring public.
(Died in Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)

ACR 139 (Villines-R) The Kimberly Marie Hamilton Memorial Interchange
Designates the State Highway Route 180 interchange at Fowler Avenue in the City of Fresno as the "Kimberly Marie Hamilton Memorial Interchange."
Resolution Chapter 136, Statutes of 2008

ACR 141 (La Malfa-R) CHP Officer Andrew "Andy" Stevens Memorial Highway
Designates the section of State Highway Route 16 in Yolo County between County Road 98 and Interstate 505 as the "California Highway Patrol Officer Andrew 'Andy' Stevens Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 137, Statutes of 2008

ACR 144 (Anderson-R) Border Patrol Officer Neil Wilkie Hepburn Memorial Bridge
Designates the bridge on State Highway Route 52 that crosses over West Hills Parkway in Santee, California, as the "Border Officer Neil Wilkie Hepburn Memorial Bridge."
Resolution Chapter 133, Statutes of 2008

ACR 147 (Maze-R) Relative to state highway memorial designations
Designates a portion of State Highway 65 in Tulare County as the "Detective Kent Haws Memorial Highway" and designates the intersection of State Highway Routes 154 and 246 in Santa Barbara County as the "Senior Investigator Laura Jean Cleaves Memorial Junction."
Resolution Chapter 161, Statutes of 2008

ACR 148 (Anderson-R) Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial Highway
Designates State Highway Route 52 in San Diego County as the "Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial Highway."
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

ACR 150 (La Malfa-R) Joan Bechtel Memorial Highway
Designates the Tudor Bypass segment of State Highway Route 99 in Sutter County, as specified, as the "Joan Bechtel Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 162, Statutes of 2008

ACR 156 (Berryhill-R) The CDF Firefighter Eva Marie Schicke Memorial Highway
Designates the portion of State Highway Route 120 from the Mariposa/Tuolumne County line to the Rim of the World Vista as the "CDF Firefighter Eva Marie Schicke Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 166, Statutes of 2008

AJR 52 (Karnette-D) Commercial motor vehicles
Affirms California's opposition to removing the federal freeze on increases in the size or weight of commercial motor vehicles because of the impact these increases will have on highway infrastructure.
Resolution Chapter 99, Statutes of 2008

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SB 28 (Simitian-D) Department of Motor Vehicles: personal information
Prohibits driving a motor vehicle while using an electronic wireless communications device to write, send, or read a text-based communication which is defined as manually communicating with any person using text-based communication such as text-messaging, instant messaging and email. Provides that a violation of this prohibition is an infraction and establishes a base fine of $20 for the first violation and $50 for each subsequent offense.
Chapter 270, Statutes of 2008

SB 60 (Cedillo-D) Vehicles: driver's licenses
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue driver's licenses that are compliant with the federal Real ID Act within a specified time frame.

SB 128 (Margett-R) California Highway Patrol
Authorizes the Department of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to deny, adjust, or pay a claim arising out of CHP activities without the prior approval of the California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board if the claim involves vehicle damage, an impound dispute, or minor property damage, the amount claimed is $5,000 or less, and the Director of the Department of Finance certifies that a sufficient appropriation for the payment of the claim exists.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 150 (Florez-D) Governmental liability: railroad quiet zones
Provides that neither a public entity nor a public employee is liable for an injury caused by the establishment of a quiet zone, as specified.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 177 (Migden-D) Driver's license: DUI: ignition interlock
Revises and recasts suspension, revocation, and restriction provisions on a driver's license of a person whose license is suspended or revoked under a driving under the influence violation. Requires the Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles to establish standards and criteria for implementing and maintaining an ignition interlock device assistance program. Establishes the Ignition Interlock Device Assistance Fund in the State Treasury. Requires a person who is convicted of specified driving under the influence offenses to pay a fee of $100, to be deposited in the Fund.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)

SB 229 (Margett-R) Vehicles: large or heavy loads
Requires a local authority to use certain specified criteria in determining whether extra insurance or other financial security is required by a vehicle that is unusually large or heavy load that poses a substantial risk to public facilities.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 266 (Steinberg-D) Motor vehicle speed contest: forfeiture
Provides that when a person is arrested for reckless driving, reckless driving in a parking facility, exhibition of speed, or a speed contest, the officer may seize and impound the vehicle for 30 days and allow for forfeiture of the vehicle if a person convicted of one of these offenses has two prior convictions for speed contest.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 287 (Denham-R) Vehicles: special license plates
Authorizes a family member of a member of the Armed Forces of the United States who was killed while serving on active duty in the military to apply to the Department of Motor Vehicles for special license plates. The special license plates contain a gold star and the words "Gold Star Family." Exempts the person from the additional fees associated with special license plates.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 308* (Margett-R) Taxation: deductions: qualified vehicle transaction
Allows a $3,000 deduction for each purchase or initial lease of a 2007 model year or newer hybrid motor vehicle eligible for the federal credit. Provides that the vehicles qualify the taxpayer for the deduction until 2011, or after 100,000 have been sold and registered in the state, whichever is earlier. The deduction sunsets on 12/1/11.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 422 (Ashburn-R) Vehicles: commercial vehicles
Excludes from the definition of a commercial vehicle any pickup truck that is not used for the transportation of property for hire, compensation, or profit.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 432 (Lowenthal-D) Transportation
Changes references to the manual that the Department of Transportation uses for sign and signal standards from the "Traffic Manual of the Department of Transportation" to the "California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices," updates the statutory descriptions for several state routes, and makes various technical, noncontroversial transportation-related cleanup changes.

SB 476 (Hollingsworth-R) Crime: vehicular manslaughter
Provides that prosecution of voluntary manslaughter, gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated, vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated, or a violation felony vehicular manslaughter, under Section 192(c)(3) of the Penal Code, shall be commenced within 10 years of the offense. Provides that the prosecution for involuntary manslaughter or a violation vehicular manslaughter, punishable as a wobbler under Section 192(c)(1) of the Penal Code, shall be commenced within 10 years after the commission of the offense, and provides that prosecution for a violation misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter, under Section 192(c)(2) of the Penal Code, shall commence within three years after the commission of the offense.
(Failed passage in Senate Public Safety Committee)

SB 492 (Maldonado-R) Vehicles: abandonment: fines
Increases the minimum base fine for abandoning a vehicle from $100 to $1,000.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 498 (Oropeza-D) Vehicles: total loss salvage vehicles
Prohibits a person who determines a vehicle to be a total loss salvage, due to saltwater damage, from selling, or otherwise transferring, the vehicle to any person or entity in California, and prohibits a person or entity from knowingly buying, selling, consigning, or otherwise transferring vehicles salvaged due to saltwater damage, except to a licensed dismantler to be destroyed.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

SB 623 (Wiggins-D) Gasoline: price disclosure
Requires each retail dispenser used to dispense motor fuel to provide adequate notice to consumers of price differentials or discounts in accordance with regulations adopted by the Department of Food and Agriculture, Division of Measurement Standards.

SB 798 (Battin-R) State Aeronautics Act: flight schools
Requires flight schools in California to run background checks through the Department of Justice for all applicants.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)

SB 810* (Corbett-D) Green vehicles: tax credit
Provides for a manufacturer's investment tax credit to companies that produce green cars over conventional cars.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 841 (Calderon-D) Vehicles: driver improvement
Allows mature driver improvement courses to be offered over the Internet.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

SB 848 (Corbett-D) Vehicles: speed trap
Excludes from the definition of the term "speed trap" instances when an arresting officer is able to demonstrate that the driver's speed exceeded the prima facie speed limit by at least 15 miles per hour and the speed is greater than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard for certain highway factors, or at a speed that endangers the safety of persons or property.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 911 (Wiggins-D) Commercial air carriers: hot air balloons
Extends, until 1/1/13, the sunset on provisions requiring minimum liability insurance and specific passenger notifications applicable to commercial operators of hot air balloons, and expands the applicability of these provisions to hot air balloons used for "sporting" purposes.
Chapter 706, Statutes of 2008

SB 1059 (Migden-D) Vehicle insurance: aftermarket parts
Prohibits an insurer from requiring the installation of an aftermarket part, as defined, on a vehicle if the part to be replaced is under an existing original manufacturers warranty, and prohibits the insurer from limiting payment to the cost of an aftermarket part, up to a maximum of three years after the vehicle was sold as new.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

SB 1114 (Torlakson-D) Driver's education: provisional licenses
Adds a fee of $10 to the cost of an original and duplicate provisional drivers license to fund automobile driver education and training in public secondary schools, including providing grants to local education agencies to provide driver education and training programs in public schools. Requires the Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles and the Superintendent of Public Instruction to establish the Young Driver Education and Safety Fund Advisory Group according to specified conditions.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 1118 (Negrete McLeod-D) Airports: airport land use commissions
Repeals several exemptions from the general statewide requirement for each county to form an airport land use commission.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

SB 1163 (Maldonado-R) Sex offenders: vehicle license plates
Requires, for crimes committed on or after 1/1/09, the sentencing court order any person required to register pursuant to Section 290 of the Penal Code, not operate a motor vehicle unless it is displaying a license plate or a sticker, as specified, that indicates that the driver is a registered sex offender.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 1167 (Wiggins-D) Insurance: vehicle repair task force
Requires the Insurance Commissioner to convene a task force, as specified, to review issues arising from implementation of the automobile repair anti-steering statute, and to report its findings to the Legislature by 12/31/09.

SB 1174 (Lowenthal-D) Vehicles: hybrid and electric vehicles
Directs the California Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission to convene a Quiet Motorized Vehicle and Safe Mobility Committee to investigate strategies to increase pedestrian safety around electric and other quiet vehicles.

SB 1190 (Oropeza-D) Certified ignition interlock devices
Reduces from 0.20 percent to 0.15% the blood alcohol level which triggers heightened consideration by the court to order installation of an ignition interlock device. Authorizes the Department of Motor Vehicles to study the effectiveness of ignition interlock devices and report their findings to the Legislature.
Chapter 392, Statutes of 2008

SB 1217 (Yee-D) Vessels: Board of Pilot Commissioners: pilots
Requires that the Board of Pilot Commissioners, by 2/15/10, to submit an annual report to the Legislature that provides information on each pilot, inland pilot, trainee, vessel movements, and investigations of reported incidents.
Chapter 568, Statutes of 2008

SB 1228 (Maldonado-R) Vehicles: maximum combination length
Extends, from 1/1/09 to 1/1/10, the sunset date on an exemption from vehicle length limits for motor truck-trailer combinations used for the transportation of agricultural products in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties.
Chapter 394, Statutes of 2008

SB 1229 (Maldonado-R) Vehicles: special license plates: disabled veterans
Provide for the issuance of special license plates approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles for a disabled veteran, as defined.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1252 (Padilla-D) Vehicles: dealers: consumer protection
Caps, at 10% of the collected fees, the amount of money that the Department of Motor Vehicles may deduct from the Consumer Recovery Fund to offset its costs in fee collection and processing.
(Died on Assembly Floor)

SB 1263 (Ashburn-R) Intercity rail services: feeder buses
Authorizes the Department of Transportation, as a condition in its contract with Amtrak for connecting feeder bus services with its trains, to allow passengers to travel solely by Amtrak buses between the community of Lebec and the City of Santa Clarita on the Bakersfield-Santa Clarita route, if no private intercity bus company provides bus service on that route. Requires the Department of Transportation to terminate the condition requiring Amtrak to carry non-rail passengers within 60 days, if a private carrier enters the market and provides service to communities between Lebec and Santa Clarita on the Bakersfield-Santa Clarita route.
Chapter 173, Statutes of 2008

SB 1325 (Kuehl-D) Vehicles: automated speed enforcement
Authorizes the City of Beverly Hills to utilize an automated speed enforcement system according to specified conditions and procedures.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 1361 (Correa-D) Vehicles: DUI: ignition interlock
Allows a person convicted of driving under the influence to get a restricted license sooner if he/she installs an ignition interlock device.

SB 1363* (Perata-D) Transportation projects
Extends, until 1/1/13, the authority for the Department of Transportation and regional transportation agencies to enter into up to four comprehensive development lease agreements with public and private entities for transportation projects primarily designed for improvement of goods movement that may charge users of those projects tolls and user fees, subject to various terms and conditions.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 1371 (Correa-D) Insurance: automobile repair capping
Prohibits automobile insurers from capping offers and payments for paint and materials charges, and defines capping for that purpose.
Chapter 526, Statutes of 2008

SB 1388 (Torlakson-D) Vehicles: DUI: ignition interlock
Transfers the responsibility for mandating the installation of an ignition interlock device (IID) from the court to the Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) when a person has been convicted of driving on a suspended license due to a driving under the influence conviction. Sets forth provisions governing DMV's IID-related processes, including the composition of fees to cover costs of administering the program.
Chapter 404, Statutes of 2008

SB 1394 (Lowenthal-D) Lapses of consciousness: reports to the DMV
Refines, beginning 1/1/10, the circumstances under which a physician is required to report a patient who has suffered a lapse of consciousness to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for a reexamination. Requires DMV to consult with specified professional medical organizations when developing the physician reporting form and extends the date on which DMV must have the form completed by one year to 1/1/10. Requires DMV when deciding whether to restrict, suspend or revoke a license based upon receipt of a report, to give "primary consideration" to the evaluation and assessment provided by the reporting physician. Authorizes the DMV to rely on other specified factors and other forms of examination, including a road examination under specified circumstances.

SB 1417* (Hollingsworth-R) Sales and use taxes: exclusions: trade-in vehicles
Provides that the definition of sales price and gross receipts does not include the value of a vehicle traded in for a new vehicle, when the value of the trade-in vehicle is separately stated on the new vehicle invoice or bill of sale or similar document provided to the purchaser. Becomes operative on the first day of the first calendar quarter commencing more than 90 days after the bill is enacted.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 1435 (Ducheny-D) Marinas and harbors: funding
Expands the activities that may be financed with a construction loan from the Department of Boating and Waterways to a private marina owner by allowing loan proceeds to be used for project planning, engineering and design, and other related expenses.
Chapter 178, Statutes of 2008

SB 1455 (Cogdill-R) Vehicles: specialized license plates: Gold Star Families
Exempts the Department of Veterans Affairs, if it sponsors a Gold Star Family specialized license plate program, from the requirement that it collect 7,500 paid applications for that license plate prior to the Department of Motor Vehicles issuing the plates.
Chapter 309, Statutes of 2008

SB 1462 (Maldonado-R) Navigable waters: seaplanes
Mandates the Department of Transportation to establish requirements for the landing, docking, and takeoff of a seaplane on navigable waters.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 1510 (Kehoe-D) San Diego County Regional Airport Authority
Makes 11 changes to the powers and duties of the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority dealing with the board of directors and the Authority's powers regarding civil penalties; unclaimed property; Directors' benefits and stipends; Subregional, Mayor's and Governor's appointees; the Authority's executive and audit committees; rental car fees; and disaster relief.
Chapter 620, Statutes of 2008

SB 1519 (Yee-D) Taxicabs: local governments
Authorizes the local agency responsible for regulating cab service to disconnect the telephone service of a taxicab operator that is operating in violation of its rules if other enforcement remedies have failed.
Chapter 721, Statutes of 2008

SB 1549 (Florez-D) Historic vehicles: special license plates
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles, by 1/10/10, to report to the Governor and to the transportation committees of the Legislature on the special license plate programs for historical vehicles.

SB 1561 (Steinberg-D) Transit districts: prohibition orders
Establishes a process by which the Sacramento Regional Transit District and the Fresno Area Express, until 1/1/12, can banish persons from their transit vehicles and facilities for committing certain prohibited acts on those vehicles or at those facilities. Describes the kinds of behaviors according to their potential severity and prescribes the progressive penalties based upon the severity and frequency of violations.
Chapter 528, Statutes of 2008

SB 1567 (Oropeza-D) Windshield: GPS device
Allows a global positioning system device to be affixed to a vehicle's windshield in specified locations.
Chapter 413, Statutes of 2008

SB 1577 (Florez-D) Airports: security checkpoint donation programs
Requires airports to establish a toiletry donation program, upon request of a nonprofit organization that serves the economically disadvantaged, homeless, or otherwise needy.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1614 (Oropeza-D) Rental car companies
Requires rental car companies to provide to their out-of-state customers a list that summarizes up to ten of California traffic laws, as specified, when the renter presents an out-of-state driver's license or upon the renter's request.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

SB 1751 (Runner-R) Vehicles: theft
Requires a person convicted of vehicle theft have his/her license restricted, suspended or revoked for a specified period of time.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SCR 78 (Aanestad-R) George Jumper sawmill
Requests the Department of Transportation to erect informational signs on a specified portion of State Highway Route 3, in the County of Trinity, upon receiving donations from nonstate sources covering the cost, directing motorists to the George Jumper sawmill.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SCR 99 (Battin-R) Motorcycle Awareness Month
Proclaims May 2008 as Motorcycle Awareness Month.
Resolution Chapter 40, Statutes of 2008

SJR 32 (Padilla-D) Air carriers: consumer protection
Calls upon the United States Congress to approve the federal Aviation Investment and Modernization Act of 2007, and the federal FAA Reauthorization Act of 2007, in order to secure airline passenger rights.
Resolution Chapter 69, Statutes of 2008

SR 23 (Torlakson-D) Teen Driving Safety Week
Proclaims 4/14 through 4/20/08, as Teen Driving Safety Week and urges Californians, with the help of law enforcement organizations, teachers, parents, students, and the IMPACT Teen Driver's Campaign, to observe Teen Driving Safety Week with appropriate activities that promote safe driving practices among teenage drivers.
Adopted by the Senate
A similar bill was HR 27 (Feuer-D) which was adopted by the Assembly.

AB 4 (Anderson-R) Department of Transportation: District 11
Requires the Transportation Management Center in the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 11 to be staffed around the clock by employees of Caltrans and the Department of the California Highway Patrol (CHP), seven days a week. Requires the increased staffing needs to be accommodated by shifting Caltrans and CHP employees, that normally monitor and dispatch from their respective stations to the Transportation Management Center.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 11 (DeVore-R) Vehicles: special license plates
Establishes a process at the Department of Motor Vehicles by which an eligible vehicle owner can apply for, and receive, special license plates that indicate he/she is an active member of the California National Guard (CNG). Requires the CNG plates to run in a separate numerical series and to have inscribed on them the words "Member, California National Guard." Requires the department to issue these plates to any applicant who presents a certificate from the Adjutant General that confirms the applicant's status as an active CNG member, and exempts the applicant for CNG plates from the $41 application fee, the annual $30 renewal fee, and the $30 transfer fee imposed for a personalized license plate.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 24 (Richardson-D) Vehicles: police pursuit
Requires that high school driver education classes include a component regarding the consequences of using a motor vehicle to evade a peace officer, including the frequency and likelihood of injuries and fatalities to the driver, other drivers, peace officers, and innocent bystanders. Adds, for penalty purposes, to the definition of willful and wanton disregard for the safety or property of others while fleeing a peace officer the act of driving through a school zone or within a residential district for more than one mile.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 60 (Nava-D) Vehicles: bicycles
Requires the driver of a motor vehicle overtaking a bicycle that is proceeding in the same direction to pass to the left at a safe distance, at a minimum clearance of three feet, without interfering with the safe operation of the overtaken bicycle. Makes a violation of this provision an infraction punishable by a $250 fine, and makes it a misdemeanor, or felony, if a person operates a motor vehicle in violation of the above requirement and that conduct causes a significant or substantial physical injury or death to the bicycle operator.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 138 (Bass-D) Vehicles: veterans: parking
Allows veterans with license plates honoring Pearl Harbor Survivors, Legion of Valor recipients, former American Prisoners of War, Congressional Medal of Honor recipients, or Purple Heart recipients to park their vehicles without charge in state and local parking facilities, time-restricted parking zones, and metered spaces.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 190 (Bass-D) Vehicles: veterans: parking
Allows veterans whose vehicles display specified license plates for distinguished service to park without charge in metered parking spaces.
Chapter 588, Statutes of 2008

AB 226 (Huff-R) Vehicles: removal
Allows a peace officer to remove a vehicle if he/she issues a notice of reexamination to a driver and there is no other person readily available to operate the vehicle. Provides a process for the release of the vehicle, including requiring that the registered owner be reimbursed by the agency ordering the removal for any "additional reasonable expenses" incurred by the owner for up to five days.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

AB 247 (Gaines-R) Minors: fitness hearing: vehicular manslaughter
Expands the list of crimes for which a minor 14 years of age or older may be tried in adult court to include specified vehicular manslaughter offenses.
(Died in Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AB 248 (Gaines-R) Vehicles: violations: punishment
Clarifies that a violation related to a motor vehicle speed contest is punishable as a misdemeanor or a felony.
(Died in Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AB 254 (Gaines-R) Vehicles: total loss salvage vehicles
Includes within the definition of "total loss salvage vehicle" one that has been damaged as the result of a flood to the extent that the owner, leasing company, financial institution, or insurance company that insured or is responsible for repair of the vehicle, considers it uneconomical to repair the vehicle and, because of this, the vehicle is not repaired by or for the person who owned the vehicle, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 268* (Assembly Budget Committee) California Highway Patrol
Enacts the 2008 Transportation Budget Trailer Bill which, among other provisions, increases vehicle registration fees by $11 to fund the increased cost and number of California Highway Patrol officers.
Chapter 756, Statutes of 2008

AB 303 (Spitzer-R) Vehicular: manslaughter
Increases the penalty for vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated from a wobbler, to a straight felony, punishable by 16 months, two or four years in state prison; and clarifies that gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated is a violent felony, thereby, making the offense a strike for sentencing purposes, double the base term with a prior violent or serious offense, and reducing potential sentence credits from 50% to 15%.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 306 (Eng-D) Public works: labor compliance programs: high speed rail
Advances the date on which voter approval of a specified bond act triggers requirements for associated labor compliance programs.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 307* (Hayashi-D) Fuel passenger transit buses
Exempts from the sales and use tax a fuel-cell vehicle, or a fuel-cell system, sold or leased to a public agency, public transit district, or a public local or regional transportation entity. Defines "fuel-cell vehicle" as a heavy-duty public transit bus, of no less than 40 feet in length, whose primary source of power is derived from a fuel-cell system, and "fuel-cell system" as a fuel-cell system that chemically combines hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricity to energize electric drive motors.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 353 (Carter-D) Railroad-highway grade separations
Expands eligibility for, and increases potential allocations of, state money available to local agencies to help fund railroad-highway grade separation projects.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 376 (Nava-D) Airport police officers
Allows local contracting agencies of the Public Employees' Retirement System to reclassify specified airport law enforcement officers as local safety members.

AB 408 (Levine-D) Airline baggage handlers: gratuities
Specifies that any amounts paid directly to airport baggage handlers by airline passengers shall be deem a gratuity (tip).
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 418 (Saldana-D) Vehicles: fees: exemption: deployed National Guard member
Exempts deployed California National Guard personnel from paying a vehicle license fee and vehicle registration fee on a single vehicle. Appropriates $250,000 from the Motor Vehicle Account to the Department of Motor Vehicles for implementation of this program.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 425 (Adams-R) Motorcycle helmets
Exempts from the motorcycle helmet law any rider or driver who is 18 years of age or older and has either (1) completed a motorcycle rider training program that meets the standards of the Department of the California Highway Patrol, or (2) has been issued a class M1 license or endorsement, or a comparable license from another jurisdiction, for two years or more.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 445 (Nava-D) Vehicles: special license plates: disabled veterans
Establishes a process at the Department of Motor Vehicles by which an eligible vehicle owner can apply for and receive special license plates that indicate he/she is a disabled veteran.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 474 (DeVore-R) Vehicle registration: biennial
Allows Department of Motor Vehicles to establish an optional biennial registration period for any vehicle consisting of any period from 14 months to 36 months, inclusive, with subsequent renewals being required at annual or biennial intervals thereafter.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 505* (Plescia-R) Hybrid vehicles: tax credits
Allows a tax credit up to $500 for costs incurred for a qualified vehicle (hybrids), as defined.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 568 (Karnette-D) Port Community Advisory Committee
Requires the governing authorities of five specified ports to determine whether to set up a port community advisory committee within 90 days of receiving a petition from a community organization.
(Died in Senate Local Government Committee)

AB 602 (DeVore-R) Parking violations: hearings
Requires any contract between a local government and a private entity for the processing of notices of parking violations and notices of delinquent parking violations be based on either a fixed monthly rate or on the number of notices processed, as specified.
Chapter 13, Statutes of 2008

AB 605 (Walters-R) Speed contest: forfeiture of vehicle
Extends specified provisions to persons engaged in reckless driving on a highway, reckless driving in an offstreet parking facility, or an exhibition of speed on a highway. Requires the impounding agency to release the vehicle to the registered owner prior to the conclusion of the impoundment period if the registered owner was neither the driver nor a passenger in the vehicle at the time of the alleged violation, or was unaware that the vehicle was being used to engage in the prohibited activities.
(Died in Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AB 619 (Emmerson-R) Vehicle registration amnesty program
Establishes an amnesty program that allows the owner of a specially constructed vehicle (kit car) to avoid criminal prosecution by properly registering the vehicle and paying all taxes and fees that had previously been misreported or unpaid.
Chapter 420, Statutes of 2008

AB 700 (Lieu-D) Santa Monica Airport
Requires the City of Santa Monica to establish a technical advisory committee to evaluate all available studies and data regarding the Santa Monica Airport, as specified.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 769* (Aghazarian-R) Fuel to transport biomass
Exempts from the sales and use tax fuel that is used to transport biomass.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 830 (Ma-D) Vehicles: transportation of school pupils
Specifies that a parent may contract with a charter-party carrier that operates a vehicle carrying between 11 and 25 persons to or from school-related activities. Requires the California Department of Education to review and, if necessary, revise its training courses and requirements for classroom instruction and behind-the-wheel training to ensure that they appropriately address those vehicles that carry between 11 and 25 persons.
Chapter 649, Statutes of 2008

AB 860 (Salas-D) Vehicles: additional registration fees
Extends, from 2010 to 2018, the sunset date on the authority of counties to impose vehicle registration surcharges to fund vehicle theft prevention, investigation, and prosecution programs.

AB 866 (Davis-D) Department of Motor Vehicle: military benefits
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to provide priority customer service to members of the California National Guard, members of the Armed Forces Reserves, and members of the regular Armed Forces who have been called to active duty.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 963 (Adams-R) Golf carts
Allows, until 1/1/16, the City of La Verne to designate a highway or portion thereof for use by both golf carts and motor vehicles under specified conditions.
Chapter 6, Statutes of 2008

AB 996 (Spitzer-R) Department of Motor Vehicles: records
Facilitates the collection of parking fines, traffic fines and toll violations accrued by persons whose home addresses are afforded enhanced confidentiality by the Department of Motor Vehicles.
(Died at Assembly Desk)

AB 998 (Garrick-R) Motor vehicle
Creates six new one-year enhancements for the theft of a vehicle under specified circumstances.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1003 (Jeffries-R) Department of Transportation
Authorizes transportation agencies and cities within self-help counties to contract with the Department of Transportation for purposes of expediting environmental and design approvals on projects within their jurisdiction. (Self-help counties are those counties that have in place a voter-approved transportation sales tax program.)
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1099 (Portantino-D) Vehicles: traffic violator schools
Makes several changes to traffic violator school licensing, methods and duration of instruction, Department of Motor Vehicles fees, and course completion certificates.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1186* (Karnette-D) Private Railroad Car Tax Law: assessment factors
Requires the Board of Equalization to exclude the average dwell time for cars awaiting loading, unloading, or loading and unloading, from the determination used to assess taxes on private railroad cars.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1198 (Benoit-R) Vehicles: driving under the influence: penalties
Adds a new criminal fine of $350 to any penalties imposed pursuant to state or local laws or regulations on persons convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
(Failed passage in Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AB 1200 (Saldana-D) Vehicles: hit-and-run: multiple convictions: penalties
Increases the penalties for hit-and-run with injury, serious bodily injury, or death if a person has two or more prior convictions within 10 years for specified prior convictions relating to the unsafe operation of a motor vehicle.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1215 (Benoit-R) Vehicles: DUI
Prohibits a person who has a measurable amount of specified controlled substance(s) in his or her blood from driving a vehicle.
(Failed passage in Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AB 1258 (Caballero-D) Transit: smoking and passenger misconduct
Provides it is an infraction, punishable by a fine not to exceed $250 and by specified community service, to engage in passenger misconduct, including smoking, on or in, transportation facilities or vehicles of the Monterey Salinas Transit Joint Powers Agency.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1311 (Berryhill-R) Department of Motor Vehicles: records
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to grant heightened confidentiality for their records that contain the home addresses of community service officers and public service officers.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1385 (Garrick-R) Vehicles: DUI: penalties
Provides that a person operating a motorized scooter while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or a drug, upon conviction, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)

AB 1407 (Lieu-D) Airports: delayed flights: runway incursions
Requires certain airports (airports serving over one million passengers annually) to publish on their Internet web sites information about airport and airline operations.

AB 1433 (Huff-R) Department of Motor Vehicles: identification
Seeks to bring the issuance of driver's license and identification cards into compliance with the federal Real Identification Act.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1458 (Duvall-R) Boating: vessel operator certificates and funding
Establishes a process, until 1/1/21, at the Department of Boating and Waterways by which most operators of motorboats must obtain and possess a lifetime vessel operator certificate in order to legally operate a motorboat.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1487 (Berryhill-R) Vehicles: driving-under-the-influence
Reduces the blood alcohol content required for referral to a licensed driving under the influence program, as specified, from less than 0.20% to less than 0.15% for a three-month class, and from more than 0.20% to more than 0.15% for a nine-month class.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)

AB 1661 (Cook-R) Drivers' license and identification cards
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to forward the personal information of male applicants for an original driver's license, or identification card, under 26 years of age, to the Selective Service System in an electronic format if the applicant indicates his agreement to be registered with the system. Provides that the information may include the applicant's social security number. Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to provide a notice on the application form regarding registration requirements and the penalties imposed for a failure to register. Makes legislative findings and declarations concerning compliance with the Military Selective Service Act.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1724 (Jones-D) Vehicles: impoundment: illegal dumping
Authorizes local entities to enact ordinances authorizing the impoundment of a vehicle used to dump commercial quantities of waste (involving at least a cubic yard of waste) if the person whose vehicle is impounded has a prior conviction for illegal dumping. Requires that any local ordinance adopted, include specified innocent owner and community property owner protections

AB 1751 (Fuentes-D) Vehicles: nuisance abatement: impoundment
Authorizes cities or counties to adopt local ordinances declaring a motor vehicle to be a public nuisance subject to impoundment for not more than 30 days upon a valid arrest of a person who uses the vehicle in the commission or attempted commission of specified prostitution crimes and has one prior conviction for a specified prostitution crime.
(Died in Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AB 1857 (DeVore-R) Fleeing homicide suspects
Requires a law enforcement agency to post information concerning a fleeing homicide suspect on changeable message signs along freeways, as specified, where the agency has reasonable cause to believe a homicide suspect is in the process of fleeing California in a vehicle to avoid criminal liability.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1882 (Garrick-R) Vehicles: DUI: illegal alien
Requires an arresting agency to notify the appropriate federal agency if the arresting agency has reason to believe a person arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is an illegal alien.
(Failed passage in Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AB 1939 (DeSaulnier-D) Vehicles: document preparation charges
Increases the amount a vehicle dealer may charge a vehicle lessee for document preparation by $10 to $55, and increases the amount of the required surety bond for vehicle dealers from $50,000 to $100,000.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

AB 1940 (DeVore-R) Temporary disabled persons' placards: pregnancy
Allows pregnant women in their last trimester of pregnancy through their first two months after giving birth, to qualify for temporary disabled parking placards.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1943 (Leno-D) Commercial airlines: passenger rights
Establishes rights for airline passengers detained in an airplane for over three hours, either before takeoff or after landing. In those instances, requires the airlines to provide for its passengers, on an as-needed basis: electrical service for sufficient fresh air and light, waste removal service for sanitation facilities, and adequate food, drinking water, and other refreshments. Requires airlines to post the rights of airline passengers and to provide notice regarding passenger or consumer complaint information including the airline's consumer contact information and the contact information for the office of Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings of the U.S. Department of Transportation.
(Died on Senate Floor)

AB 1950 (Lieu-D) Vessels: abandonment: abatement
Authorizes, until 1/1/12, the sale of surrendered vessels, increases the current minimum fines from $500 to $1,000 for vessel abandonment, and requires the Department of Boating and Waterways to track the number of surrendered vessels accepted by a public agency for a two-year period.

AB 1958 (Swanson-D) Department of Motor Vehicles: confidentially of addresses
Adds firefighters, code enforcement officers, and certain veterinarians to the list of peace officers and other public officials who may request the Department of Motor Vehicles to keep their home addresses confidential from disclosure to the general public.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1971 (Portantino-D) Vehicles: studded pneumatic tires
Exempts from the prohibition of driving with studded tires during non-winter months those tires that have retractable metal studs and are retracted between May 1 and October 31.
Chapter 220, Statutes of 2008

AB 1985 (Strickland-R) Sidewalks: repairs
Repeals current laws regarding sidewalk repairs, and instead holds liable the owner of the property on which the sidewalk is located for all repairs and maintenance of the sidewalk.
(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1993 (Nava-D) Motor vehicle operation: video screens
Sets a base fine of $100 for a first offense of driving a motor vehicle if a television receiver, a video monitor, or a or a television or video screen, or any other similar means of visually displaying a television broadcast or video signal, is operating and is located in the motor vehicle at any point forward of the back of the driver's seat, or is operating and visible to the driver while he/she is driving the motor vehicle. Requires a fine of $200 for a 2nd or subsequent offense without regard to the occurrence of a prior infraction or the number of prior convictions.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2022 (Fuentes-D) Vehicles: driving without a license: suspension
Requires a court to grant a defense motion for a 90-day continuance to allow a defendant who has a revoked or suspended license to obtain a valid driver's license.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2039 (Arambula-D) Department of Motor Vehicles: records
Provides that following termination of office or employment, a confidential home address shall be withheld from public inspection for three years, unless the termination is the result of conviction of a criminal offense. If the termination or separation is the result of a filing of criminal complaint, a confidential home address shall be withheld from public inspection during the time in which the terminated individual may file an appeal from termination, while an appeal from termination is ongoing, and until the appeal process is exhausted, after which confidentiality shall be at the discretion of the employing agency if the termination or separation is upheld.
Chapter 91, Statutes of 2008

AB 2042 (Fuentes-D) Vehicles: removal
Allows a peace officer to remove and impound a vehicle when citing a person for acting as an unlicensed vehicle dealer.
Chapter 736, Statutes of 2008

AB 2060 (Jeffries-R) Vehicles: fee exemption: tribal firefighting equipment
Exempts from specified vehicle registration fees, those vehicles owned by a federally recognized Indian tribe that has entered into a mutual aid agreement with a government agency for fire protection and emergency response and used exclusively for firefighting or rescue purposes or exclusively as an ambulance.
Chapter 92, Statutes of 2008

AB 2073 (Benoit-R) Drug and alcohol-related offenses: motor vehicles and vessel
Conforms penalty enhancement provisions for boating under the influence with existing provisions for driving under the influence.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2107 (Mullin-D) Driver's education: provisional licenses
Requires a provisional driver's license applicant under the age of 18, to submit proof related to high school enrollment and/or graduation or enrollment in a postsecondary institution (in addition to other documentation), before a provisional driver's license is issued.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2110 (Duvall-R) Vessel operator cards
Establishes a process, until 1/1/22, at the Department of Boating and Waterways by which most operators of motorboats must obtain and possess a lifetime vessel operator card in order to legally operate a motorboat.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2116 (Portantino-D) Automobile sales contracts: conditional contracts
Provides that a notice sent to a defaulting vehicle buyer must include specified information relating to reinstatement of a motor vehicles sales contract after the vehicle has been repossessed for nonpayment.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)

AB 2139 (De La Torre-D) Auto insurance: in-home supportive services
Prohibits any automobile insurance policy from expressly or impliedly excluding coverage for the operation or use of an insured motor vehicle by the named insured in the performance of in-home support services. Prohibits an insurer from classifying a motor vehicle as a carrier, livery or for-hire vehicle solely for the reason that the vehicle is used to provide transportation incidental to the provision of in-home supportive services.

AB 2142 (Swanson-D) Vehicle rental agreements: Oakland Airport
Allows the Oakland International Airport to assess and collect a customer facility charge to finance permitted projects on a "pay-as-you-go" basis rather than relying on bond financing.
Chapter 228, Statutes of 2008

AB 2233 (Maze-R) Vehicles: transportation of animals
Makes it unlawful, beginning 7/1/09, for a person to drive a motor vehicle while holding a live animal in his/her arm or arms or lap.

AB 2241 (Saldana-D) Vehicle operation: temporary permits
Imposes a $50 fee for each temporary permit issued when a vehicle owner is not able to renew the vehicles registration for lack of smog check certificate. Specifies that only two permits may be issued for this reason in a two-year period and that a permit may only be valid 30 days following the date of issuance.
Chapter 451, Statutes of 2008

AB 2272 (Fuentes-D) Vehicles: motorcycles
Permits fully enclosed, three-wheeled motor vehicles to access high-occupancy vehicle lanes and deletes the maximum weight that defines a motorcycle.
Chapter 672, Statutes of 2008

AB 2273 (Fuentes-D) Vehicles: nonrepairable vehicle certificates
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue a nonrepariable vehicle certificate for a vehicle without a certificate of ownership if the owner of the vehicle has failed to provide the certificate of ownership to an insurance company upon acceptance of a total loss settlement and the insurance company has made at least two written attempts to obtain the certificate of ownership.
Chapter 97, Statutes of 2008

AB 2319 (Horton-R) Identification cards: renewal by mail
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to establish, by 1/1/11, a renewal-by-mail, or renewal through its Internet web site, program for identification cards.
Chapter 674, Statutes of 2008

AB 2376 (Price-D) Small and Emerging Contractors Technical Assistance Program
Authorizes the establishment, until 1/1/13, of the Small and Emerging Contractors Technical Assistance Program, administered by the Department of Transportation, for the purpose of providing small and emerging contractors with the technical assistance necessary to obtain surety bond guarantees offered by the federal Small Business Administration.
Chapter 458, Statutes of 2008

AB 2388 (Feuer-D) Vehicles: registration fees
Imposes separate fees upon the registration of passenger vehicles as follows: (1) A weight fee on passenger vehicles, operated with an unladen vehicle weight of 10,000 pounds or less, according to a specified schedule, and (2) a carbon dioxide (CO2) fee based on the pounds of CO2 emitted by the vehicle. Applies these provisions to all original registrations on or after 7/1/10, and to renewal of registrations to vehicles with expiration dates on or after >10/1/10.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2401 (Karnette-D) Vehicles: parking violations
Provides that the new owner of a vehicle is not responsible for parking citations issued prior to when he/she acquired ownership of the vehicle.
Chapter 741, Statutes of 2008

AB 2402 (La Malfa-R) Vehicles: removal from roadside rest area or viewpoint
Extends the amount of time that an authorized commercial motor vehicle can be stopped, parked, of left standing within a roadside rest area or viewpoint from eight to ten hours.
Chapter 460, Statutes of 2008

AB 2403 (Smyth-R) Department of Transportation: procurement
Authorizes the Department of Transportation to conduct a five-year pilot program to test the effectiveness of the best value bidding process for the purchases of heavy and special equipment.
Chapter 495, Statutes of 2008

AB 2419 (Huff-R) DUI: noncitizens
Requires the arresting agency to make specified notification whenever a peace officer has reason to believe that any person arrested for a specified driving under the influence offense may not be a citizen of the United States.
(Died in Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AB 2436 (Emmerson-R) Recreational vehicles: dealer agreements
Provides that a recreational vehicle manufacturer, distributor, or dealer cannot sell a new recreational vehicle in California without a signed, written dealer agreement.
Chapter 743, Statutes of 2008

AB 2441 (Lieber-D) Tugboats: oil spill prevention and response
Amends the Lempert-Keene-Seastrand Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act by requiring the administrator of the Office of Spill Prevention and Response to require tugboat escorts for vessels carrying hazardous materials as cargo in bulk quantities.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 2492 (Evans-D) California Transportation Commission
States that the reports that the California Transportation Commission is authorized to request and review include reports of public or private entities.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2528 (Berryhill-R) Vehicles: equipment
Sets the fine at $250 for any person who modifies a motor vehicle's exhaust system or operates a motor vehicle with a modified exhaust system that amplifies or increases the noise emission from the vehicle in excess of applicable standards.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2557 (DeVore-R) Vehicles: special license plates
Establishes a process at the Department of Motor Vehicle by which an eligible vehicle owner can apply for and receive special license plates that indicate he or she is an active member of the California National Guard.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2558 (Feuer-D) Regional transportation agencies
Authorizes a regional transportation agency, as defined, to impose, subject to voter approval within the jurisdiction of the regional transportation agency, a climate protection and system preservation fee on either motor vehicle fuel or motor vehicle registration within their jurisdiction.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

AB 2588 (Charles Calderon-D) Commercial vehicle vending: restrictions
Clarifies that the California Retail Food Code does not prohibit a local governing body from adopting requirements for the public safety regulating the type of vending and the time, place, and manner of vending from vehicles upon a street.
Chapter 139, Statutes of 2008

AB 2601 (Benoit-R) Local government finance: vehicle license fee revenues
Prohibits the Controller from allocating vehicle license fee revenues to any city that is declared to be a sanctuary city, and directs that vehicle license fee revenues that would otherwise be allocated to a sanctuary city to be allocated equally to any city, county, and city and county that has not been declared a sanctuary city.
(Failed passage in Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 2669 (Krekorian-D) Speeding: violation point counts
Adds, in addition to the violation point count assigned to ones drivers license for an incident, one point if the driver was driving 26 or more miles per hour over the maximum, prima facie, or posted speed limit, except on a freeway or expressway.

AB 2688 (De La Torre-D) Assigned risk plan: motor vehicle operator reports
Authorizes automobile insurers to use the same reports to verify driving records of assigned risk policyholders that they use for voluntary market policyholders.
Chapter 42, Statutes of 2008

AB 2693 (Karnette-D) Local transportation officers
Authorizes designated local transportation officers to present an affidavit to a magistrate for the immediate seizure and removal of a passenger vehicle for hire operated in violation of local licensing requirements.
Chapter 26, Statutes of 2008

AB 2732 (Levine-D) Public-private partnerships: study
Requires Legislative Analyst Office to prepare a study regarding the impacts of P3s for transportation and other types of infrastructure projects.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2742 (Furutani-D) Restricted driver's license: firefighters
Adds equipment that is leased or rented to the list of eligible firefighting equipment for which the Department of Motor Vehicles may issue a restricted driver's license to a firefighter.
Chapter 368, Statutes of 2008

AB 2744 (Huffman-D) Metropolitan Transportation Commission: fee
Provides authority to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to impose a fee on motor vehicle fuels in their jurisdictional area.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2766 (Fuentes-D) Driving under the influence: administrative hearing
Extends to 45 days the period of time which the Department of Motor Vehicles must notify the person that he or she has to request a hearing to contest the order of suspension or revocation of their license.
(Died in Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AB 2798 (Walters-R) Vehicles: speeding
Makes it an infraction or a misdemeanor to drive a vehicle upon a highway at a speed of 100 miles per hour or more, and requires a minimum fine of $300 to be imposed upon any conviction of that offense. Requires, upon a first conviction, the court to suspend the person's privilege to operate a motor vehicle for 90 days, unless the court determines extreme hardship, or other good cause exists to reduce or waive the suspension.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2800 (Huffman-D) Automobile insurance: rates
Allows insurers to apply a different rating factor for insurer-verified miles driven annually for purposes of automobile insurance rates.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

AB 2802 (Houston-R) Vehicles: alcohol-related reckless driving
Requires a court to order a defendant convicted of wet reckless to participate for at least nine months, or longer, as ordered by the court, in a licensed program that includes education and treatment, if that person has a prior DUI or wet reckless conviction within 10 years. Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to include in its annual report to the Legislature an evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed nine-month program. Requires a court to revoke probation for failure to enroll in or complete the nine-month program absent good cause.
Chapter 103, Statutes of 2008

AB 2825 (Carter-D) Automotive repair: crash parts
Authorizes a customer to receive copies of invoices from the distributor, dealer or manufacturer for all crash parts installed for which the customer is charged in excess of $50, requires the written estimate and the final invoice to include a notice stating that installing parts other than those described on the estimate without the customer's prior approval is unlawful, requires copies of crash part invoices, if requested by the consumer, to be attached to the final invoice, and becomes effective 1/1/10.

AB 2884* (Portantino-D) Motor vehicle operation: TV broadcast
Permits a person to drive a motor vehicle if a video screen displaying a video signal or television broadcast is at any point forward of the back of the drivers seat, provided that the video equipment is designed, operated and configured to prevent the driver from viewing the broadcast or video signal while operating the vehicle in a safe and reasonable manner.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

AB 2896 (Lieber-D) Vehicles: special license plates
Establishes a process at the Department of Motor Vehicles by which an eligible vehicle owner can apply for and receive special license plates that indicate he or she is a relative of a member of the Armed Forces who was killed on active duty.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2906* (Tran-R) Vehicles: high-occupancy vehicle lane: buffer area
Repeals the requirements that high-occupancy vehicle lanes on State Route 55 in Orange County be constructed with a four-foot buffer between them and the adjacent free flowing lanes and that these high-occupancy vehicle lanes operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Chapter 27, Statutes of 2008

AB 2951 (Eng-D) Vehicles: speed contests: forfeiture of vehicle
Authorizes a local authority to adopt an ordinance that subjects a vehicle to forfeiture as a nuisance when a person is convicted of engaging in a motor vehicle speed contest or an exhibition of speed on a highway, pursuant to current law (VC 2309(a) or (c)), and the person is the registered owner of the vehicle at the time of impoundment and has a previous felony conviction for engaging in a speed contest that resulted in injury, pursuant to current law (VC 2309.1).
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2963 (Gaines-R) Neighborhood electric vehicles
Extends, until 2012, a pilot project in the cities of Lincoln and Rocklin under which these cities may adopt neighborhood electric vehicle transportation plans.
Chapter 199, Statutes of 2008

AB 2971 (DeSaulnier-D) Department of Transportation: safety programs
Requires the Department of Transportation, on or before 1/1/10, to establish guidance and criteria to ensure that the needs of bicyclists and pedestrians are addressed in the development of its safety programs.

AB 2976 (Keene-R) Vehicles: manufacturers and distributors
Prohibits a manufacturer, manufacturer branch, distributor, or distributor branch from unfairly discriminating in favor of a dealer when acting as a manufacturer, manufacturer branch, distributor, or distributor branch of motorsports vehicles, as defined.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

AB 2985 (Duvall-R) Household goods and passenger carriers
Requires the Legislative Analyst to conduct an audit and a comprehensive review of the programs established by the Interstate and Foreign Motor Carrier of Household Goods and Passengers Act, and the Passenger Charter-Party Carriers Act to recommend any statutory modifications to these programs, taking into account the goals of reducing regulatory burdens, while ensuring consumer protection and public safety.
(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)

AB 2999 (Huffman-D) Animal carcasses: removal from highways
Establishes procedures for the removal and disposal of animal carcasses on state highways by the Department of Transportation and by state or local agencies having appropriate jurisdiction.
Chapter 257, Statutes of 2008

AB 3002 (Villines-R) Department of Transportation: property management
Provides that the Real Estate Services Division of the Department of General Services shall be responsible for property management functions for all real property and rights in real property acquired by the Department of Transportation for highway purposes that are not immediately needed for those purposes.
(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

AB 3004 (Duvall-R) Vehicles: liens
Provides that a vehicle lien is extinguished if requested documents are not provided to the legal owner of the vehicle, by the lienholder, as specified. Provides that any lien that arises for the storage, repair, or safekeeping of, or for the rental of parking space for, a vehicle shall be extinguished if the lienholder, after written demand made by either the legal owner or lessor of the vehicle, within 72 hours after the receipt of that written demand, fails to provide copies of requested documents required to be filed or mailed as specified.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)

AB 3005 (Jones-D) Traffic: mitigation fees
Requires cities and counties to set lower traffic impact mitigation fees for specified transit-oriented housing developments unless the city or county makes a specified finding.
Chapter 392, Statutes of 2008

AB 3021 (Nava-D) California Transportation Financing Authority
Establishes the California Transportation Financing Authority to assist transportation agencies in obtaining financing, primarily through issuing bonds backed by specified sources of revenue, to construct transportation projects. In doing so, this allows the California Transportation Financing Authority to permit agencies to impose tolls for use of facilities constructed.

AB 3029 (Tran-R) Small craft harbors and boating: grants
Expands eligibility for the Department of Boating and Waterways grants for the construction of small craft launching facilities and vessel pump-out or dump stations to include federally recognized Indian tribes.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 3064 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Transportation.
Makes numerous non-substantive, non-controversial changes to current law as part of the Assembly Transportation Committee's annual omnibus bill. The items included in this bill came at the request of public agencies, mainly the Department of Motor Vehicles, the California Highway Patrol, and the Department of Transportation.

AB 3076* (Huffman-D) Vehicles: Maddy Emergency Medical Services Fund
Requires, commencing 1/1/09, an amount equal to the sum of $2 for every $10, which would have been collected from traffic-violator school or traffic safety program fees under 2006 legislation to fund emergency medical services through an additional penalty assessment, to be deposited in the Maddy Emergency Medical Services Fund (Maddy EMS Fund). Prohibits a county from being held liable for depositing such amounts into the county Maddy EMS Fund before 1/1/09.
Chapter 511, Statutes of 2008

ACR 78 (Duvall-R) California Bike Week
Proclaims November 9-11, 2007 as California Bike Week
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

ACR 124 (Mendoza-D) Automotive Career Month
Designates the month of April 2008 as Automotive Career Month.
Resolution Chapter 36, Statutes of 2008

ACR 125 (Sharon Runner-R) DMV/Donate Life California Registry
Proclaims 4/4/08 as DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles)/Donate Life California Day and the month of April 2008 as DMV/Donate Life California Month, and encourages all Californians to sign up with the Donate Life California Organ and Tissue Donor Registry.
Resolution Chapter 30, Statutes of 2008

AJR 37 (Lieu-D) Santa Monica Municipal Airport
Memorializes the Federal Aviation Administration to engage in a collaborative process to review the safety of flight operations of Santa Monica Municipal Airport.
Resolution Chapter 127, Statutes of 2008

AJR 71 (Huffman-D) Public transportation: fuel funding
Urges the Congress of the United States to pass legislation providing public transportation systems throughout the nation with funds to purchase fuel.
(Died being unassigned to a committee)

HR 22 (Ruskin-D) Alternative Fuel Vehicle Awareness Month
Resolves that November 2008 is officially designated Alternative Fuel Vehicle Awareness Month.
Adopted by the Assembly

HR 27 (Feuer-D) Teen Driving Safety Week
Proclaims 4/14 through 4/20/08 as "Teen Driving Safety Week" and urges Californians, with the help of law enforcement organizations, teachers, parents, students, and the IMPACT Teen Driver's Campaign, to observe Teen Driving Safety Week with appropriate activities that promote safe driving among teenage drivers.
Adopted by the Assembly
A similar bill was SR 23 (Torlakson-D) which was adopted by the Senate.

HR 30 (Duvall-R) California Truck Driver Appreciation Week
Proclaims the week of 5/19 through 5/23/08 as California Truck Driver Appreciation Week, in honor of those men and women who play such a vital role in our state's movement of goods and economy.
Adopted by the Assembly

Return to Top

BillAuthor and Bill TitleReference Links
Index (in bill order)
SB 9Lowenthal-D
Transportation: trade corridors
Development and Financing
SB 19Lowenthal-D
Vehicle emissions: trade corridor
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 28Simitian-D
Department of Motor Vehicles: personal information
SB 53Ducheny-D
Department of Railroads
Development and Financing
SB 56Runner-R
Highway construction contracts: design-build
SB 60Cedillo-D
Vehicles: driver's licenses
SB 71Florez-D
Alternative fuels: biodiesel
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 72Florez-D
Schoolbuses: fuel
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 73*Florez-D
Biodiesel: income tax credit
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 74*Florez-D
Biodiesel: tax exemption
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 75Florez-D
Alternative fuels: biodiesel
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 128Margett-R
California Highway Patrol
SB 150Florez-D
Governmental liability: railroad quiet zones
SB 155Cox-R
Gasoline: vapor recovery systems
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 177Migden-D
Driver's license: DUI: ignition interlock
SB 191Padilla-D
Public works: State Public Works Enforcement Fund
Development and Financing
SB 204Dutton-R
Transportation funds
SB 227Harman-R
Outdoor advertising: redevelopment districts
SB 229Margett-R
Vehicles: large or heavy loads
SB 240Florez-D
San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 262Runner-R
Transportation: trade corridors improvement
Development and Financing
SB 266Steinberg-D
Motor vehicle speed contest: forfeiture
SB 286Lowenthal-D
Transportation enhancement funds: conservation corps
Development and Financing
SB 287Denham-R
Vehicles: special license plates
SB 298*Ashburn-R
Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act
Development and Financing
SB 308*Margett-R
Taxation: deductions: qualified vehicle transaction
SB 348Simitian-D
Vehicle fee for congestion and stormwater management
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 372Steinberg-D
High-speed rail: educational and vocational training program
Development and Financing
SB 375Steinberg-D
Environmental quality: transportation planning
Development and Financing
SB 377Aanestad-R
Highways: information signs
SB 422Ashburn-R
Vehicles: commercial vehicles
SB 432Lowenthal-D
SB 442Ackerman-R
Public contracts: transit projects: design-build contracting
Development and Financing
SB 445Torlakson-D
Greenhouse gas mitigation fee
Development and Financing
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 476Hollingsworth-R
Crime: vehicular manslaughter
SB 492Maldonado-R
Vehicles: abandonment: fines
SB 494Kehoe-D
Vehicular air pollution control: clean alternative fuels
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 498Oropeza-D
Vehicles: total loss salvage vehicles
SB 593Margett-R
Department of Transportation: retention proceeds
Development and Financing
SB 623Wiggins-D
Gasoline: price disclosure
SB 716Perata-D
Transit operators
Development and Financing
SB 745Oropeza-D
Transportation funding: port security
Development and Financing
SB 748Corbett-D
Transportation: state-local partnerships
Development and Financing
SB 791Corbett-D
State Highway Route 84
Development and Financing
SB 798Battin-R
State Aeronautics Act: flight schools
SB 810*Corbett-D
Green vehicles: tax credit
SB 841Calderon-D
Vehicles: driver improvement
SB 848Corbett-D
Vehicles: speed trap
SB 856Runner-R
Highway signs
SB 872Ackerman-R
Transportation financing
Development and Financing
SB 876Calderon-D
Vehicle emission standards
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 881Runner-R
Santa Paula Airport
Development and Financing
SB 889Maldonado-R
Vehicles: high-occupancy vehicle lanes
SB 895Florez-D
Air quality
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 911Wiggins-D
Commercial air carriers: hot air balloons
SB 912Negrete McLeod-D
Highway safety: flares
SB 947Hollingsworth-R
Transportation facilities
Development and Financing
SB 960Alquist-D
Zero-emission and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 974Lowenthal-D
Ports: congestion relief: air pollution mitigation
Development and Financing
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 1059Migden-D
Vehicle insurance: aftermarket parts
SB 1093Wiggins-D
S.F. Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority
Development and Financing
SB 1114Torlakson-D
Driver's education: provisional licenses
SB 1118Negrete McLeod-D
Airports: airport land use commissions
SB 1163Maldonado-R
Sex offenders: vehicle license plates
SB 1167Wiggins-D
Insurance: vehicle repair task force
SB 1174Lowenthal-D
Vehicles: hybrid and electric vehicles
SB 1190Oropeza-D
Certified ignition interlock devices
SB 1217Yee-D
Vessels: Board of Pilot Commissioners: pilots
SB 1228Maldonado-R
Vehicles: maximum combination length
SB 1229Maldonado-R
Vehicles: special license plates: disabled veterans
SB 1252Padilla-D
Vehicles: dealers: consumer protection
SB 1263Ashburn-R
Intercity rail services: feeder buses
SB 1292*Dutton-R
Administrative procedure: Air Resources Board
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 1310Negrete McLeod-D
Outdoor advertising
SB 1316Correa-D
Trans. facilities: tolls: Orange & Riverside Counties
SB 1325Kuehl-D
Vehicles: automated speed enforcement
SB 1350Cedillo-D
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Development and Financing
SB 1361Correa-D
Vehicles: DUI: ignition interlock
SB 1363*Perata-D
Transportation projects
SB 1366Negrete McLeod-D
State highway routes: relinquishments
SB 1371Correa-D
Insurance: automobile repair capping
SB 1374Battin-R
Vehicles: HOV Lanes
SB 1388Torlakson-D
Vehicles: DUI: ignition interlock
SB 1394Lowenthal-D
Lapses of consciousness: reports to the DMV
SB 1417*Hollingsworth-R
Sales and use taxes: exclusions: trade-in vehicles
SB 1419Yee-D
Highways: Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones
SB 1422Ridley-Thomas-D
High-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes
Development and Financing
SB 1429Perata-D
Bay Area state-owned toll bridges
SB 1435Ducheny-D
Marinas and harbors: funding
SB 1455Cogdill-R
Vehicles: specialized license plates: Gold Star Families
SB 1462Maldonado-R
Navigable waters: seaplanes
SB 1468Oropeza-D
Local planning: schoolsites: freeways
SB 1486Ducheny-D
Otay Mesa East Toll Facility Act
SB 1506Alquist-D
Zero-emission vehicles
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 1507Oropeza-D
Highway construction: school boundaries
SB 1509Lowenthal-D
Highway workers: assault and battery
SB 1510Kehoe-D
San Diego County Regional Airport Authority
SB 1519Yee-D
Taxicabs: local governments
SB 1549Florez-D
Historic vehicles: special license plates
SB 1561Steinberg-D
Transit districts: prohibition orders
SB 1564Cogdill-R
Access routes: approval
SB 1567Oropeza-D
Windshield: GPS device
SB 1573Florez-D
Smog check program: emission standards
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 1577Florez-D
Airports: security checkpoint donation programs
SB 1613Margett-R
Department of Transportation: contracts
SB 1614Oropeza-D
Rental car companies
SB 1646Padilla-D
South Coast Air Quality Management District
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 1720Lowenthal-D
Clean Air Sticker: misuse: penalties
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 1722Oropeza-D
Metro Green Line Construction Authority
Development and Financing
SB 1727Negrete McLeod-D
Highway safety: flares: electronic beacons
SB 1731Yee-D
Vehicles: fees: Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Development and Financing
SB 1751Runner-R
Vehicles: theft
SB 1754Kehoe-D
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 1760Perata-D
Energy: greenhouse gas emissions
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 1762Perata-D
Energy: greenhouse gas emissions
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SCA 28Wyland-R
Transportation Investment Fund
Development and Financing
SCR 53Denham-R
CHP Officer Earl H. Scott Memorial Highway
SCR 57Maldonado-R
Officer Loren D. Scruggs Memorial Highway
SCR 71Yee-D
Tom Lantos Tunnels at Devil's Slide
SCR 78Aanestad-R
George Jumper sawmill
SCR 84Cox-R
The Jay-D Ornsby-Adkins Bridge
SCR 90Wiggins-D
Daniel Broeske Memorial Highway
SCR 99Battin-R
Motorcycle Awareness Month
SCR 103Cogdill-R
Senator Chuck Poochigian Highway
SCR 109Cedillo-D
Eugene A. Obregon, USMC, Memorial Interchange
SCR 119Dutton-R
The CHP Officer John Bailey Memorial Freeway
SCR 120Wiggins-D
The James McManus Memorial Bridge
SCR 131Migden-D
California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006
Development and Financing
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SCR 132Perata-D
CHP Officer Brent William Clearman Memorial Freeway
SJR 32Padilla-D
Air carriers: consumer protection
SR 23Torlakson-D
Teen Driving Safety Week
SB 1XXX*Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee
Highway users tax account: cash deferrals
Development and Financing
AB 4Anderson-R
Department of Transportation: District 11
AB 11DeVore-R
Vehicles: special license plates
AB 24Richardson-D
Vehicles: police pursuit
AB 60Nava-D
Vehicles: bicycles
AB 88*Assembly Budget Committee
2008 Supplemental Budget Bill: transportation project
Development and Financing
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 99Feuer-D
Vehicular air pollution control
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 109Nunez-D
Air pollution: alternative fuels and vehicle technologies
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 117Beall-D
Transportation authorities and districts: contracts
Development and Financing
AB 138Bass-D
Vehicles: veterans: parking
AB 152Beall-D
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
Development and Financing
AB 190Bass-D
Vehicles: veterans: parking
AB 226Huff-R
Vehicles: removal
AB 247Gaines-R
Minors: fitness hearing: vehicular manslaughter
AB 248Gaines-R
Vehicles: violations: punishment
AB 254Gaines-R
Vehicles: total loss salvage vehicles
AB 255De Leon-D
Smog abatement fee
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 256Huff-R
Highway Users Tax Account: appropriation of funds
Development and Financing
AB 268*Assembly Budget Committee
2008-09 Budget Trailer Bill: transportation finance
Development and Financing
AB 290De Leon-D
Department of Transportation vehicles
AB 291Jeffries-R
State Highway Route 74: relinquishment
AB 303Spitzer-R
Vehicular: manslaughter
AB 306Eng-D
Public works: labor compliance programs: high speed rail
AB 307*Hayashi-D
Fuel passenger transit buses
AB 353Carter-D
Railroad-highway grade separations
AB 376Nava-D
Airport police officers
AB 387Duvall-R
Transit contracts: design-build
Development and Financing
AB 401Benoit-R
Transportation infrastructure emergencies
AB 408Levine-D
Airline baggage handlers: gratuities
AB 412Smyth-R
Transportation: project deadlines
Development and Financing
AB 418Saldana-D
Vehicles: fees: exemption: deployed National Guard member
AB 425Adams-R
Motorcycle helmets
AB 427Hancock-D
Transportation: state highway nuisances
AB 444Hancock-D
Congestion management: motor vehicle registration fees
Development and Financing
AB 445Nava-D
Vehicles: special license plates: disabled veterans
AB 474DeVore-R
Vehicle registration: biennial
AB 493Ruskin-D
Motor vehicle greenhouse gas emissions: incentive program
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 505*Plescia-R
Hybrid vehicles: tax credits
AB 568Karnette-D
Port Community Advisory Committee
AB 575Arambula-D
Emission reductions
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 602DeVore-R
Parking violations: hearings
AB 605Walters-R
Speed contest: forfeiture of vehicle
AB 616Jones-D
Smog check: annual inspection: repair assistance program
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 619Emmerson-R
Vehicle registration amnesty program
AB 620Portantino-D
Transportation bonds
Development and Financing
AB 630Price-D
Air emissions standards: EPA waiver
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 631Horton-R
Gasoline fueling stations: ethanol pumps
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 633Galgiani-D
Grade separation projects
AB 660Galgiani-D
Railroad-highway grade separations
AB 669Parra-D
State Highway Route 269
AB 700Lieu-D
Santa Monica Airport
AB 712De Leon-D
Off-road solid waste: clean air
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 744Parra-D
Off-highway motor vehicles
AB 769*Aghazarian-R
Fuel to transport biomass
AB 784Karnette-D
Transportation bonds
Development and Financing
AB 786Lieu-D
Greenhouse gas emissions
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 823Solorio-D
Orange County: road funds
Development and Financing
AB 830Ma-D
Vehicles: transportation of school pupils
AB 842Jones-D
Regional plans: traffic reduction
Development and Financing
AB 846*Blakeslee-R
Clean Marine Fuels
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 860Salas-D
Vehicles: additional registration fees
AB 866Davis-D
Department of Motor Vehicle: military benefits
AB 867Davis-D
Traffic analysis zones
Development and Financing
AB 893Walters-R
Vehicles: speeding
AB 899Parra-D
Transportation facilities
Development and Financing
AB 901Nunez-D
High-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes
Development and Financing
AB 963Adams-R
Golf carts
AB 981Leno-D
Treasure Island Transportation Management Act
Development and Financing
AB 992Brownley-D
Roads: stormwater containment
Development and Financing
AB 996Spitzer-R
Department of Motor Vehicles: records
AB 998Garrick-R
Motor vehicle
AB 1003Jeffries-R
Department of Transportation
AB 1077Lieber-D
Air Resources Board: plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 1084Galgiani-D
Highway signs
AB 1099Portantino-D
Vehicles: traffic violator schools
AB 1119Fuller-R
Air pollution: diesel emission control devices
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 1140Strickland-R
Highway Route 118
AB 1161Tran-R
Eminent domain
AB 1162Tran-R
State highway property: personal services contracts
AB 1186*Karnette-D
Private Railroad Car Tax Law: assessment factors
AB 1198Benoit-R
Vehicles: driving under the influence: penalties
AB 1200Saldana-D
Vehicles: hit-and-run: multiple convictions: penalties
AB 1209Karnette-D
Vehicles: HOV lanes
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 1215Benoit-R
Vehicles: DUI
AB 1221Ma-D
Transit village developments: infrastructure financing
Development and Financing
AB 1228Solorio-D
Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act
Development and Financing
AB 1240Benoit-R
Riverside County Transportation Commission
Development and Financing
AB 1252*Caballero-D
Transportation and housing infrastructure
Development and Financing
AB 1258Caballero-D
Transit: smoking and passenger misconduct
AB 1295Spitzer-R
Transportation facilities: tolls
AB 1306Huff-R
Gasoline: sales tax
Development and Financing
AB 1311Berryhill-R
Department of Motor Vehicles: records
AB 1337Nava-D
State highway system: construction inspection functions
AB 1338*Assembly Budget Committee
Air Resources Board
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 1350Nunez-D
Transportation bond funds
Development and Financing
AB 1351Levine-D
Transportation: state-local partnerships
Development and Financing
AB 1358Leno-D
Transportation: planning
Development and Financing
AB 1373Emmerson-R
Highway construction contracts
AB 1385Garrick-R
Vehicles: DUI: penalties
AB 1407Lieu-D
Airports: delayed flights: runway incursions
AB 1433Huff-R
Department of Motor Vehicles: identification
AB 1440Wolk-D
Hybrid trucks: grants
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 1455Arambula-D
California Air Quality Zones
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 1458Duvall-R
Boating: vessel operator certificates and funding
AB 1487Berryhill-R
Vehicles: driving-under-the-influence
AB 1499Garrick-R
Department of Transportation: design-build contracting
AB 1506Arambula-D
Greenhouse gas emissions: U.C. Study
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 1566Niello-R
Rest areas: joint economic development demonstration project
AB 1611Leno-D
San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation
Development and Financing
AB 1651*Arambula-D
Greenhouse gases: tax credits
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 1661Cook-R
Drivers' license and identification cards
AB 1724Jones-D
Vehicles: impoundment: illegal dumping
AB 1751Fuentes-D
Vehicles: nuisance abatement: impoundment
AB 1815Feuer-D
California Transportation Infrastructure Funding Task Force
Development and Financing
AB 1845Duvall-R
Highway-railroad grade separations
Development and Financing
AB 1851Nava-D
Greenhouse gas credits
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 1857DeVore-R
Fleeing homicide suspects
AB 1882Garrick-R
Vehicles: DUI: illegal alien
AB 1904Torrico-D
Transportation: programming of projects
Development and Financing
AB 1915Jeffries-R
State Highway Routes 49 and 74: relinquishment
AB 1937Tran-R
State highways: acquisition from nonstate entities
AB 1939DeSaulnier-D
Vehicles: document preparation charges
AB 1940DeVore-R
Temporary disabled persons' placards: pregnancy
AB 1943Leno-D
Commercial airlines: passenger rights
AB 1950Lieu-D
Vessels: abandonment: abatement
AB 1954Jeffries-R
High-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes
AB 1958Swanson-D
Department of Motor Vehicles: confidentially of addresses
AB 1968Jeffries-R
Transportation infrastructure emergencies
Development and Financing
AB 1971Portantino-D
Vehicles: studded pneumatic tires
AB 1985Strickland-R
Sidewalks: repairs
AB 1993Nava-D
Motor vehicle operation: video screens
AB 2018Fuentes-D
Transportation study: Northeast San Fernando Valley
Development and Financing
AB 2022Fuentes-D
Vehicles: driving without a license: suspension
AB 2039Arambula-D
Department of Motor Vehicles: records
AB 2042Fuentes-D
Vehicles: removal
AB 2060Jeffries-R
Vehicles: fee exemption: tribal firefighting equipment
AB 2063Parra-D
Smog check program: biennial inspection
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 2073Benoit-R
Drug and alcohol-related offenses: motor vehicles and vessel
AB 2074Nava-D
Highway: encroachment permits
AB 2107Mullin-D
Driver's education: provisional licenses
AB 2110Duvall-R
Vessel operator cards
AB 2116Portantino-D
Automobile sales contracts: conditional contracts
AB 2139De La Torre-D
Auto insurance: in-home supportive services
AB 2142Swanson-D
Vehicle rental agreements: Oakland Airport
AB 2179Furutani-D
Air quality: diesel fuel
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 2195Brownley-D
Rail transit
Development and Financing
AB 2211*Karnette-D
State Highway Route 110
AB 2233Maze-R
Vehicles: transportation of animals
AB 2241Saldana-D
Vehicle operation: temporary permits
AB 2251Cook-R
Highway markings: reflective glass beads
AB 2272Fuentes-D
Vehicles: motorcycles
AB 2273Fuentes-D
Vehicles: nonrepairable vehicle certificates
AB 2295Arambula-D
Transportation capital improvement projects
Development and Financing
AB 2316Ruskin-D
Motor vehicles: greenhouse gas emission reductions
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 2319Horton-R
Identification cards: renewal by mail
AB 2321Feuer-D
Transportation funding: County of Los Angeles
Development and Financing
AB 2326Lieu-D
State Highway Routes 1 and 107: City of Torrance
AB 2332Furutani-D
Railroads: location or expansion of railyards near schools
Development and Financing
AB 2339Solorio-D
Advertising displays
AB 2376Price-D
Small and Emerging Contractors Technical Assistance Program
AB 2388Feuer-D
Vehicles: registration fees
AB 2401Karnette-D
Vehicles: parking violations
AB 2402La Malfa-R
Vehicles: removal from roadside rest area or viewpoint
AB 2403Smyth-R
Department of Transportation: procurement
AB 2413Hayashi-D
State Route 238: excess real property sales
AB 2419Huff-R
DUI: noncitizens
AB 2436Emmerson-R
Recreational vehicles: dealer agreements
AB 2441Lieber-D
Tugboats: oil spill prevention and response
AB 2492Evans-D
California Transportation Commission
AB 2500Strickland-R
Grade separation projects
Development and Financing
AB 2522Arambula-D
San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 2528Berryhill-R
Vehicles: equipment
AB 2538Ruskin-D
Greenhouse gas emissions: consumer product labeling: report
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 2546De La Torre-D
Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Information and Assessment Act of 198
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 2557DeVore-R
Vehicles: special license plates
AB 2558Feuer-D
Regional transportation agencies: climate protection
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 2560Lieu-D
Medium- and heavy-duty motor vehicles: air pollution
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 2588Charles Calderon-D
Commercial vehicle vending: restrictions
AB 2596Jones-D
California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 2601Benoit-R
Local government finance: vehicle license fee revenues
AB 2615*Houston-R
Transportation funding: City of Berkeley
Development and Financing
AB 2617Duvall-R
Highways: high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes
AB 2625Strickland-R
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 2638Coto-D
California Air Quality and Environmental Health Act of 2008
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 2645Nunez-D
Air pollution: alternative fuels and vehicle technologies
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 2650Carter-D
Department of Transportation: environmental review process:
Development and Financing
AB 2655DeSaulnier-D
Heavy-duty vehicle crankcase emission
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 2669Krekorian-D
Speeding: violation point counts
AB 2688De La Torre-D
Assigned risk plan: motor vehicle operator reports
AB 2693Karnette-D
Local transportation officers
AB 2714Keene-R
Highways: vehicle cargo loads: spilling
AB 2732Levine-D
Public-private partnerships: study
AB 2742Furutani-D
Restricted driver's license: firefighters
AB 2744Huffman-D
Metropolitan Transportation Commission: fee
AB 2766Fuentes-D
Driving under the influence: administrative hearing
AB 2798Walters-R
Vehicles: speeding
AB 2800Huffman-D
Automobile insurance: rates
AB 2802Houston-R
Vehicles: alcohol-related reckless driving
AB 2825Carter-D
Automotive repair: crash parts
AB 2865De Leon-D
Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 2869De Leon-D
Air resources: Community Empowerment Advisory Committee
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 2884*Portantino-D
Motor vehicle operation: TV broadcast
AB 2896Lieber-D
Vehicles: special license plates
AB 2906*Tran-R
Vehicles: high-occupancy vehicle lane: buffer area
AB 2922DeSaulnier-D
Air pollution: penalties: fuel containers
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 2934Charles Calderon-D
California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 2951Eng-D
Vehicles: speed contests: forfeiture of vehicle
AB 2963Gaines-R
Neighborhood electric vehicles
AB 2971DeSaulnier-D
Department of Transportation: safety programs
AB 2976Keene-R
Vehicles: manufacturers and distributors
AB 2985Duvall-R
Household goods and passenger carriers
AB 2988*Emmerson-R
Outdoor advertising
AB 2991Nunez-D
Air pollution: research
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 2999Huffman-D
Animal carcasses: removal from highways
AB 3001Hancock-D
California Voluntary Carbon Offset Program Fund
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 3002Villines-R
Department of Transportation: property management
AB 3004Duvall-R
Vehicles: liens
AB 3005Jones-D
Traffic: mitigation fees
AB 3021Nava-D
California Transportation Financing Authority
AB 3029Tran-R
Small craft harbors and boating: grants
AB 3034*Galgiani-D
Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act
Development and Financing
AB 3039Benoit-R
High-occupancy vehicle lanes
AB 3053Jones-D
Smog check: annual inspection: repair assistance program
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AB 3064Assembly Transportation Committee
AB 3076*Huffman-D
Vehicles: Maddy Emergency Medical Services Fund
ACA 10Feuer-D
Transportation infrastructure: bonded indebtedness
Development and Financing
ACR 63Keene-R
Estes and Hunter Memorial Highway
ACR 78Duvall-R
California Bike Week
ACR 80Garcia-R
The CHP Officer Robert Franklin Dickey Memorial Highway
ACR 82Huff-R
The Mayor Bob Zirbes Memorial Freeway
ACR 90Fuller-R
Deputy Sheriff William "Joe" Hudnall, Jr., Memorial Highway
ACR 96Carter-D
Deputy Frank M. Pribble Memorial Highway
ACR 98Jeffries-R
Historic U.S. Highway 395
ACR 102Strickland-R
Airborne Memorial Highway
ACR 107Cook-R
CDF Firefighter John D. Guthrie Memorial Highway
ACR 116Strickland-R
Adolfo Camarillo Memorial Highway
ACR 122Blakeslee-R
The Robert and Pat Nimmo Memorial Highway
ACR 124Mendoza-D
Automotive Career Month
ACR 125Sharon Runner-R
DMV/Donate Life California Registry
ACR 127Tran-R
Garden Grove Police Officers Memorial Highway
ACR 128Arambula-D
Officer Sixto Maldonado, Jr., Memorial Highway
ACR 131Ma-D
Outdoor advertising signs
ACR 139Villines-R
The Kimberly Marie Hamilton Memorial Interchange
ACR 141La Malfa-R
CHP Officer Andrew "Andy" Stevens Memorial Highway
ACR 144Anderson-R
Border Patrol Officer Neil Wilkie Hepburn Memorial Bridge
ACR 147Maze-R
Relative to state highway memorial designations
ACR 148Anderson-R
Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial Highway
ACR 150La Malfa-R
Joan Bechtel Memorial Highway
ACR 156Berryhill-R
The CDF Firefighter Eva Marie Schicke Memorial Highway
AJR 37Lieu-D
Santa Monica Municipal Airport
AJR 40De Leon-D
South Coast Air Basin
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AJR 52Karnette-D
Commercial motor vehicles
AJR 53Huffman-D
Air resources: greenhouse gas emissions
Motor Vehicle Emissions
AJR 71Huffman-D
Public transportation: fuel funding
HR 22Ruskin-D
Alternative Fuel Vehicle Awareness Month
Motor Vehicle Emissions
HR 27Feuer-D
Teen Driving Safety Week
HR 30Duvall-R
California Truck Driver Appreciation Week
AB 7XXX*Assembly Budget Committee
2007 Budget: Highway Users Tax: payment deferral
Development and Financing

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