Alzheimer's Disease
Other Diseases/Disorders
Mental Health
Developmentally Disabled
Tobacco Products
Health Facilities
Health Professionals
Foster Care
Public Social Services
Other Public Health and Safety Legislation
AB 996 (Wiggins-D) Insurance
Extends to reproductive health services facilities an existing prohibition on insurers from canceling or refusing to renew a property insurance policy due to property casualty claims arising from specified hate crimes, and further prohibits an insurer from imposing an excessive or unfairly discriminatory premium because the facility has been the victim of a hate crime.
Chapter 647, Statutes of 2003
AJR 2 (Jackson-D) Reproductive rights: Roe v. Wade
Memorializes the Congress and the President of the United States to stand firm in their resolve to uphold the intent and substance of the United States Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, relating to reproductive rights, and to encourage all Americans to participate in the national celebration, "Celebrating 30 Years of Roe v. Wade," in recognition of that decision's historic importance in promoting women's rights.
Resolution Chapter 63, Statutes of 2003
SB 71 (Kuehl-D) Education: HIV/AIDS
Establishes the California Comprehensive Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention Education Act expanding upon existing provisions of law related to sex and HIV/AIDS prevention education.
Chapter 650, Statutes of 2003
SCR 11 (Soto-D) HIV and AIDS: drug treatment
Encourages the governing bodies of the public pension and retirement systems of this state, in their capacities as shareholders of pharmaceutical companies that develop HIV and AIDS drug treatments, to take affirmative action, whenever consistent with their fiduciary responsibilities, to impel pharmaceutical companies to develop and implement a policy, in consultation with the appropriate United Nations agencies and independent nongovernmental organizations, to provide HIV and AIDS drug treatments in a manner that would make those treatments affordable to those infected in lesser developed countries.
Resolution Chapter 111, Statutes of 2003
AB 685* (Leno-D) HIV counselors: education and training
Exempts HIV counselors from being required to possess a high school diploma or a General Education Development Certificate in order to conduct rapid HIV tests, and establishes the Legislature's intent that the State Department of Health Services develop a new curriculum for HIV counselor training that includes the same training that is required of a limited phlebotomy technician.
(On Assembly Unfinished Business File)
AB 879 (Koretz-D) HIV: post-exposure prophylaxis: task force
Requires the State Department of Health Services to convene a task force to develop recommendations for the use of post-exposure prophylaxis in the general population.
Chapter 746, Statutes of 2003
AB 946 (Berg-D) AIDS: clean needle and syringe exchange
Repeals the requirement that a city or county authorize its Needle Exchange Program through a declaration of a local emergency.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 987 (Leslie-R) Vehicles: special license plates: HIV and AIDS education
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to design and issue special interest HIV and AIDS education and care license plates to fund HIV and AIDS education and care among communities of color in the state and to fund grant programs for hospice care, with emphasis on programs that support facilities providing care of individuals dying from AIDS.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1363 (Berg-D) AIDS: clean needle and syringe exchange program
Authorize cities, counties, or cities and counties to develop clean needle and syringe exchange projects that contain prescribed components. Requires the participating entities to assess the project and submit a progress report that takes into consideration data from the assessment to the director of the State Department of Health Services, the Governor, and the chairpersons of both health committees of the Legislature.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1676 (Dutra-D) HIV: maternal and newborn health
Requires that the blood of a pregnant woman that is drawn for testing for rhesus (Rh) blood type and hepatitis B also be tested for HIV unless the woman refuses.
Chapter 749, Statutes of 2003
SB 689 (Ortiz-D) Healthy Californians Biomonitoring Project
Imposes an additional excise tax on cigarettes of $0.01 per package of 20, and imposes an equivalent compensating floor tax, operative January 1, 2004. Requires the revenue from the tax increase to be deposited in the Healthy Californians Biomonitoring Fund, which is created by the bill and would be administered by the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to implement the Healthy Californians Biomonitoring Project.
Initially, requires DHS, in consultation with an advisory committee of experts appointed by the department, to develop a biomonitoring pilot program beginning with a pilot using breast milk as a marker of community health in a minimum of three diverse communities throughout the state. Also requires DHS to conduct and complete additional pilot projects, based on models and protocols developed in the first pilot and using additional markers, including blood and urine.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1075 (Senate Health And Human Services Committee) Health and social services
Requires the State Department of Health Services to include, in any literature that it produces regarding breast cancer, information on mammography alternatives.
Chapter 886, Statutes of 2003
SR 26 (Ortiz-D) Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
Recognizes September 2003 as Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and encourages and promotes the efforts of the people and the health care practitioners of the state to increase their awareness of this disease and to educate themselves about its early detection and prevention, the risk factors involved in its development, and the early warning symptoms and signs.
Adopted by the Senate
SR 28 (Burton-D) Prostate Cancer Awareness Day
Declares September 16, 2003 as a day to recognize Prostate Cancer Awareness in this state.
Adopted by the Senate
AB 429 (Dymally-D) Prostate cancer: treatment services
Expressly includes the Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science in the list of private or public nonprofit organizations for which the State Department of Health Services is able to contract to provide prostate cancer treatment.
Chapter 140, Statutes of 2003
AB 658 (Nakano-D) Taxpayer contributions: prostate cancer research
Establishes the California Prostate Research Fund income tax check off and allows taxpayers to designate their own funds (not tax liability) for contribution to the fund on their tax returns in full dollar amounts of $1 or more.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 850 (Runner-R) Breast cancer treatment: patient consent
Requires a physician and surgeon to obtain a patient's written consent stating that the patient was informed of other treatment options before performing a mastectomy.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
ACR 15 (Frommer-D) Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Proclaims the month of March 2003 to be "Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month."
Resolution Chapter 9, Statutes of 2003
ACR 47 (Campbell-R) Cure Children's Cancer Month
Proclaims the month of April 2003 to be Cure Children's Cancer Month and urges Californians to participate on April 27, 2003, in the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation's "Reaching for the Cure" walk-a-thon in order to raise community awareness and encourage participation in the fight against children's cancer.
Resolution Chapter 29, Statutes of 2003
ACR 83 (Frommer-D) Skin cancer and melanoma awareness
Declares the month of May as Skin Cancer Awareness Month and encourages Californians to make themselves and their families aware of the risk of skin cancer and the preventive measures that can be taken. Proclaims May 5, 2003, as Melanoma Awareness Monday to increase public awareness of the importance of routine complete skin examination to detect early melanomas.
Resolution Chapter 45, Statutes of 2003
ACR 103 (Garcia-R) Breast cancer awareness
Provides that the California Legislature join with other states and with the federal government in recognizing the important issue of breast cancer, and the critical need to continue spreading awareness of it, and that the Legislature dedicates itself to the cause of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and National Mammography Day.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
ACR 125 (Nation-D) Breast cancer
Designates the month of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Also urges women to perform breast exams, have regularly scheduled mammograms and clinical breast exams during specified years, and declares October 17, 2003, as Breast Exam and Mammography Awareness Day. Further, recognizes the importance of making breast cancer research a priority and fund the critically needed research into the cause, cure, and prevention of breast cancer.
Resolution Chapter 145, Statutes of 2003
ACR 138 (Nakano-D) Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
Designates September 2003 as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and encourages Californians to make themselves and their families aware of the risk of prostate cancer and preventative measures.
Resolution Chapter 153, Statutes of 2003
HR 12 (Dymally-D) Prostate cancer
Encourages the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health to fund further studies, including clinical trails, of alternative and complimentary health care treatments of prostate cancer, including the herbal supplement PC-SPES.
Adopted by the Assembly
Alzheimer's Disease
AB 528 (Mullin-D) Residential care facilities for the elderly
Specifies that residential care facilities for the elderly that serve residents with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia should include information on sundowning as part of the training for direct care staff, and should include in the plan of operation a brief narrative description explaining activities available for residents to decrease the effects of sundowning, including, but not limited to, increasing outdoor activities in appropriate weather conditions.
Chapter 383, Statutes of 2003
AB 799 (Shirley Horton-R) Aging programs: competitive bidding
Allows area agencies on aging to continue a contract with a direct services contractor of an Alzheimer's Day Care Resource Center Program or the Linkages Program without using the competitive bidding process, unless the area agency on aging deems it in the best interest of the state to do so.
Vetoed by the Governor
Other Diseases/Disorders
SB 231 (Murray-D) Hereditary disorders: Newborn Screening Advisory Committee
Requires the Director of the State Department of Health Services to appoint a Newborn Screening Advisory Committee and to establish rotating terms of service for the committee members.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 778 (Ortiz-D) Biomedical Research and Development Act of 2004
Enacts the Biomedical Research and Development Act of 2004, which, if adopted, would authorize the issuance of bonds in an unspecified amount for purposes of financing a specified biomedical research and development program.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1027 (Ashburn-R) Valley fever
Appropriates $1 million to the State Department of Health Services for continuation of the Valley Fever Vaccine Project.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SCR 14 (McPherson-R) Arthritis awareness
Recognizes the need to create and foster a statewide arthritis awareness program, focusing on medically underserved, ethnically diverse communities, and to work to adequately fund the program in 2004.
Resolution Chapter 66, Statutes of 2003
SCR 22 (Florez-D) Asthma Awareness Month
Designates the month of May 2003 as Asthma Awareness Month in order to increase awareness and understanding about asthma and to educate those with the disease on the treatments available and the methods to prevent attacks.
Resolution Chapter 53, Statutes of 2003
SCR 38 (Ashburn-R) Valley Fever Awareness Month
Proclaims August 2003 as Valley Fever Awareness Month.
Resolution Chapter 112, Statutes of 2003
SCR 48 (Hollingsworth-R) Myositis Awareness Day
Designates September 21, 2003 as Myositis Awareness Day.
Resolution Chapter 134, Statutes of 2003
Similar legislation is ACR 129 (Lieber-D), which is in Senate Rules Committee.
AB 367 (Koretz-D) Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorder Information Program
Establishes the Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorder Information Program within the State Department of Health Services to increase awareness about postpartum mood and anxiety disorders.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 409 (Reyes-D) Childhood asthma screening
Requires the State Department of Health Services to designate questionnaires and adopt regulations in implementing a program for the early detection of early childhood asthma, and authorizes the department to enter into contracts with local entities for the implementation of these procedures.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 766 (Longville-D) Type 2 diabetes mellitus: pupil screening
Establishes a three-year pilot program to screen pupils for their risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2).
Chapter 745, Statutes of 2003
AB 942 (Leno-D) Emergency medical services: diabetes
Authorizes school districts, in the absence of an on-site credentialed school nurse or other licensed nurse, to provide school personnel with voluntary emergency medical training to assist pupils with diabetes who are suffering from severe hypoglycemia. Also encourages the development of performance standards, as specified, for the training and supervision of school personnel providing the specified emergency services.
Chapter 684, Statutes of 2003
AB 1091 (Negrete McLeod-D) Lyme disease
Revises the composition and duties of the Lyme Disease Advisory Committee and revises the duties of the State Department of Health Services with respect to Lyme disease prevention and data collection. Establishes procedures for the direct reporting of Lyme disease to the department.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1220 (Berg-D) Heart disease and stroke prevention
Establishes the Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention and Treatment Task Force within the State Department of Health Services. Requires the task force to create and submit a Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention and Treatment State Master Plan to the Legislature, Governor, and the department by November 1, 2005 that shall address needed changes to existing law, regulations, programs, services, and policies for the purposes of improving heart disease and stroke prevention and treatment.
Chapter 395, Statutes of 2003
AB 1454 (Canciamilla-D) West Nile Virus
Enacts the Public Health Pesticide Act of 2003 to require the director of State Department of Pesticide Regulation in considering the use of any pesticide registered for public health programs for vector control or other health protection uses, to weigh the risks of the use of the pesticide against the health risks to be controlled, or the human health protection benefits to be provided. Requires local mosquito and vector control agencies that are party to a cooperative agreement with the State Department of Health Services to contract with federal, state, or local agencies responding to an outbreak or occurrence of West Nile virus or other mosquito or vector borne disease with an eradication and surveillance program.
(In Assembly Agriculture Committee)
AB 1549 (Frommer-D) Asthma benefits
Requires the State Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) to convene a workgroup to develop a universal drug and device formulary to treat asthma in children, and requires DMHC to adopt a regulation outlining the drug and device formulary developed and to periodically review its regulations.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1696 (Pavley-D) Public health: asthma
Contingent on the appropriation of funds in the annual Budget Act, requires the State Department of Health Services to report all statistical information it receives concerning the demographics of asthma prone populations to individual counties, as specified.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1739 (Frommer-D) Health care
Revises the State Department of General Services bulk drug purchasing program, renames the California Health Manpower Policy Commission as the California Healthcare Workforce Policy Commission, and revises standards for hemodialysis technician training programs.
(Failed passage in Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1762* (Assembly Budget Committee) Budget trailer bill: disease management
The health budget trailer bill which, among other provisions, requires the State Department of Health Services to develop a Disease Management Pilot Program.
Chapter 230, Statutes of 2003
ACR 8 (Dymally-D) Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science
Requests the Regents of the University of California and the President of the Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science to expedite plans to transform the medical doctorate (M.D.) program at the Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science into a four-year program housed at the Drew University campus with a goal of increasing the M.D. program participation by 100 percent. Further requests the President of Charles R. Drew University to submit a plan to the Regents of the University of California for these purposes and to develop a tenure track for professors at the campus, consistent with the policies of the University of California.
(In Senate Education Committee)
ACR 45 (Vargas-D) American Heart Month
Designates February 2003 as American Heart Month and urges all citizens to recognize the critical importance of tools and skills that will increase survival rates from cardiac arrest.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 48 (Runner-R) Endometriosis Awareness Month
Proclaims the month of March 2003 as Endometriosis Awareness Month.
Resolution Chapter 14, Statutes of 2003
ACR 51 (Koretz-D) Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorder Awareness Month
Proclaims May 2003 as Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorder Awareness Month, and requests the State Department of Health Services and the State Department of Mental Health to work together to explore ways to improve women's access to mental health care at the state and local levels, to facilitate increased awareness and education about postpartum mood and anxiety disorders, to explore and encourage the use of prenatal screening tools, and to improve the availability of effective treatment and support services.
Resolution Chapter 50, Statutes of 2003
ACR 82 (Lieber-D) Osteoporosis Awareness Month
Recognizes May 2003 as Osteoporosis Awareness Month and encourages all people to honor their mothers by raising awareness of osteoporosis and enabling women to obtain the advantage of fast fracture protection by managing osteoporosis and maintaining bone health.
Resolution Chapter 39, Statutes of 2003
ACR 98 (Shirley Horton-R) Arthritis Awareness Month
Proclaims May 2003 as Arthritis Awareness Month.
Resolution Chapter 58, Statutes of 2003
ACR 120 (Montanez-D) California Chronic Kidney Disease Education Day
Designates August 15, 2003 as California Chronic Kidney Disease Education Day and urges Californians to familiarize themselves with the causes of chronic kidney disease and the importance of intervention to promote sustained health and a better quality of life.
Resolution Chapter 123, Statutes of 2003
HR 11 (Runner-R) Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day
Proclaims February 14, 2003 to be Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day and encourages Californians to increase awareness, education and services for congenital heart defects which each year affect thousands of babies in California.
Adopted by the Assembly
SB 24 (Figueroa-D) Health care: accelerated enrollment
Creates the Prenatal Gateway and the Newborn Hospital Gateway to simplify enrollment of prenatal women and certain newborn infants into the Medi-Cal program.
Chapter 895, Statutes of 2003
SB 36 (Chesbro-D) Medi-Cal
Establishes a statutory structure for Medi-Cal payments for services provided by federally qualified health centers and rural health clinics in compliance with federal law, changing from fee-for-service to a per-visit basis.
Chapter 527, Statutes of 2003
SB 308 (Figueroa-D) Medi-Cal: Native Americans
Authorizes the State Department of Health Services to contract with Native American tribes and tribal organizations to facilitate federal Medicaid reimbursements for administrative activities, through the Administrative Claiming process.
Chapter 253, Statutes of 2003
SB 323 (Soto-D) Medi-Cal: disease management
States legislative intent to enact legislation that establishes a strategy for providing Medi-Cal beneficiaries with disease management programs and services.
(At Assembly Desk)
SB 370 (Soto-D) Medi-Cal: dialysis: end stage renal disease
Prohibits the state Medi-Cal program from requiring providers to submit a Treatment Authorization Request in order to provide dialysis treatment to patients with End Stage Renal Disease.
Chapter 321, Statutes of 2003
SB 494 (Escutia-D) Medi-Cal
Creates specified procedures for the reimbursement of costs if an action or claim is brought against a third party relating to a Medi-Cal beneficiary.
(Failed passage in Assembly Health Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 528 (Aanestad-R) Medi-Cal reimbursement rates
Requires the Director of the State Department of Health Services, in making the annual review and adjustment of reimbursement levels for physician and dental services under Medi-Cal, to review federal reimbursement levels under the federal Medicare program during the preceding five years, and to make appropriate adjustments to Medi-Cal reimbursement levels to closely align them to reimbursement levels under the Medicare program.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 785 (Ortiz-D) Medi-Cal beneficiary: third-party coverage
Requires the State Department of Health Services to give beneficiaries the option of enrolling in, or maintaining enrollment in, an employer-sponsored health benefits plan for which they are eligible, at the time they apply for the Medi-Cal program, if the department determines that it would be cost-effective to do so.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 831 (Perata-D) Medi-Cal: plan enrollment eligibility
Authorizes the State Department of Health Services to permit individuals enrolled in share-of-cost Medi-Cal to voluntarily enroll in managed care plans and primary care case management plans.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 857 (Speier-D) Medi-Cal: providers
Makes numerous changes to the Medi-Cal program intended to address provider fraud, including establishing new Medi-Cal application requirements for new providers, existing providers at new locations, and providers applying for continued enrollment. Creates Medi-Cal provisional provider and preferred provisional provider status. Specifies grounds for terminating a provider's provisional status and disenrolling the provider from the Medi-Cal program. Limits physician supervision of other providers. Requires patient and provider signatures to document the furnishing of prescription drugs and clinical laboratory services.
Chapter 601, Statutes of 2003
AB 154 (Chan-D) Health and managed care plans
Requires health plans participating in the Healthy Families Program and Medi-Cal to submit annual reports regarding the provision of culturally and linguistically appropriate services.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 171 (Cohn-D) Public records and meetings: health-related entities
Provides exemptions from the Ralph M. Brown Open Meetings Act and the California Public Records Act for a governing board of a Local Initiative Health Plan to allow the board to meet in closed session to consider and take action on matters pertaining to health plan trade secrets, contracts and contract negotiations by the health plan with health care services providers.
Chapter 424, Statutes of 2003
AB 183 (Nation-D) Medi-Cal: benefits
Provides for coverage under the Medi-Cal program for services provided by a licensed marriage and family therapist and a licensed clinical social worker as a supplemental service provider in the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment program for beneficiaries of any age, consistent with existing law, to the extent that federal matching funds are available and subject to utilization controls. Provides that the provisions of the bill shall be implemented only if funds are appropriated in the annual Budget Act or another statute for its purposes.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 203 (Lieber-D) Medi-Cal: physician reimbursement
Requires the State Department of Health Services to conduct an annual study of physician reimbursement rates, patient access to care, and quality of care provided under state Medicaid programs in five states other than California with the largest number of residents.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 436 (Lieber-D) Medi-Cal: utilization controls
Permits Santa Clara County to establish a five-year pilot program in which a county hospital-based utilization review committee authorizes reimbursement for Medi-Cal services.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 510 (La Malfa-R) Medical equipment.
Requires the State Department of Health Services to establish a list of maximum allowable product costs for hearing aids and durable medical equipment.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 674 (Haynes-R) Independence Plus Demonstration Program
Requires the Director of the State Department of Health Services to seek a federal waiver for purposes of establishing an Independence Plus Demonstration Program for Family or Individual Directed Community Services in accordance with federal program requirements. Specifies that this program would provide assistance to families with a member who requires long-term supports and services, or to individuals who require long-term supports and services, in order that the individual may remain in the family residence or in their own home.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 733 (Longville-D) Medi-Cal: overpayment forgiveness
Permits the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to forgive all or part of the debt for overpayment for Medi-Cal services incurred by Victor Valley Community Hospital in San Bernardino County, and requires DHS to provide an assessment of legislation authorizing debt forgiveness for a hospital for Medi-Cal services.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 747 (Matthews-D) Human services: Medi-Cal
Allows the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to require durable medical equipment providers to appeal claim denials by Medicare. Authorizes DHS to provide a funding advance in specified amounts to any contractor or grantee receiving funds pursuant to provisions governing independent living centers.
Chapter 659, Statutes of 2003
AB 750 (Matthews-D) Medi-Cal: claims for payment
Requires a provider of Medi-Cal benefits to include cost information when submitting a claim for payment under the Medi-Cal program.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 798 (Assembly Aging And Long Term Care Committee) Medi-Cal: all-inclusive care for the elderly
Establishes the Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly as a Medi-Cal optional benefit.
Chapter 112, Statutes of 2003
AB 881 (Koretz-D) Medi-Cal: drug contracts
Prohibits the State Department of Health Services from entering into a contract with the manufacturer of a drug unless the price of the drug is the same or less than the lowest known price paid in the state by the federal government.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 999 (Jerome Horton-D) Medi-Cal: dental restorative materials
Permits dentists to be reimbursed, at the same rate as for amalgams, for providing to Medi-Cal patients dental fillings made out of restorative materials other than mercury amalgam.
Chapter 747, Statutes of 2003
AB 1122 (Negrete McLeod-D) Pharmaceutical drugs
Requires the State Department of Health Services to report to the Legislature, by July 1, 2004, on the implementation of the requirements for the list of Maximum Allowable Ingredient Costs for prescription drugs.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1130 (Diaz-D) Health care coverage: children's health
Appropriates $89 million from the County Health Initiative Matching Fund (CHIM) and $164 million from the Federal Trust Fund to fund county health initiatives (CHIs) in the current year. Deletes a requirement that funds from the CHIM Fund may only be matched with State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) funds that otherwise reverts to the federal government. Requires that SCHIP funds shall only be available after providing full funding to HFP and other state programs funded through SCHIP, as specified. Requires funds to be appropriated specifically for CHIs.
Chapter 687, Statutes of 2003
AB 1150 (Maldonado-R) Medi-Cal: provider reimbursement
Authorizes the State Department of Health Services to reimburse a qualified, county-operated community clinic that is exempt from licensure that, after December 1, 1997, ceased to operate as a county-operated hospital with an outpatient department, at a transitional Medi-Cal rate that is higher than the Medi-Cal clinic rate, but no higher than the outpatient hospital rate.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1155 (Liu-D) Medi-Cal: medical equipment and supplies
Requires the State Department of Health Services to develop and maintain functional equivalence and price comparison tables for use in comparing prices and functionalities of similar items of durable medical equipment, medical supplies, and hearing aids for which a maximum cost has not been determined for purposes of comparing prices in the purchase of those items through the Medi-Cal program.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 1163 (Frommer-D) Medi-Cal and Healthy Families Programs
Requires the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board and the State Department of Health Services to streamline the Healthy Families Program and Medi-Cal eligibility processes to increase retention of eligible children.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1201 (Berg-D) Medi-Cal: subacute services
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to provide notice and guidance to subacute care facilities regarding the transfer of patients when DHS is terminating or not renewing subacute care contracts.
Chapter 443, Statutes of 2003
AB 1359 (McCarthy-R) Medi-Cal: managed care programs
Requires the Director of the State Department of Health Services to expand the Medi-Cal managed care program in selected counties where beneficiaries currently do not have the option to choose a managed care plan.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1473 (Lieber-D) Medi-Cal: fraud: provider disqualification
Provides that failure by an applicant or provider to disclose required information or the disclosure of false information in connection with enrollment or continued enrollment of a provider shall result in permanent disqualification from enrollment or participation in the Medi-Cal program.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1589* (Longville-D) Medi-Cal: overpayment forgiveness
Adds San Bernardino County to provisions in current law that allows the State Department of Health Services to forgive a hospital the debt arising from an overpayment and interest made for Medi-Cal services.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1596 (Frommer-D) Medi-Cal: drugs
Adds the availability of other drugs with similar therapeutic effects to the criteria the State Department of Health Services is required to use in evaluating drugs for retention on, addition to, or deletion from the list of contract drugs under the Medi-Cal program.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1762* (Assembly Budget Committee) Health budget trailer bill
Among other health provisions, makes various changes in the Medi-Cal program to provide savings in the 2003-04 Budget.
Chapter 230, Statutes of 2003
Mental Health
SB 3 (Burton-D) Death penalty: mental retardation
Establishes court procedures in death penalty cases regarding the issue of mental retardation.
Chapter 700, Statutes of 2003
SB 51 (Morrow-R) Death penalty: mental retardation
Sets up standards regarding mental retardation for the purpose of death penalty cases as required by the U.S. Supreme Court.
(Failed passage in Senate Public Safety Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 130 (Chesbro-D) Health and care facilities: use of restraints
Makes a number of changes to state law regarding the use of seclusion and restraints in a variety of residential facilities, including psychiatric hospitals, developmental centers, skilled nursing facilities and foster care group homes.
Chapter 750, Statutes of 2003
SB 372 (Margett-R) Involuntary detention: grave disability
Revises the definition of "gravely disabled" for the purposes of involuntary detention to include those individuals against whom a complaint is pending.
(Failed passage in Senate Health and Human Services Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 1058 (Torlakson-D) Children's mental health programs
Requires that $69 million in federal special education funding appropriated to support mental health services provided during the 2003-04 Fiscal Year by county mental health agencies pursuant to AB 3632 (Brown), Chapter 1747, Statutes of 1984, must not be used by the State Controller for recoupment of prior year audit findings.
Chapter 806, Statutes of 2003
AB 37 (Yee-D) Health care coverage: mental health
Requires a health care service plan and a health insurer to contract with a county department of mental health to provide all medically necessary treatment available through the department to an enrollee or insured suffering from a serious emotional disturbance, if that treatment is not available through a contracting provider.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 348 (Chu-D) Mental health: involuntary confinement: psychologists
Allows a psychologist to authorize release of a person from an involuntary hold prior to the end of the holding period if the psychologist is in a collaborative treatment relationship with a psychiatrist and both the psychologist and the psychiatrist have examined the patient and consulted with one another.
Chapter 94, Statutes of 2003
AB 376 (Chu-D) California Mental Health Planning Council: composition
Requires that the California Mental Health Planning Council include representatives of direct service providers from both the public and private sectors.
Chapter 71, Statutes of 2003
AB 380 (Steinberg-D) Children's system of care program
Establishes additional outcome measures for the children's system of care program and an annual schedule for reporting data to the State Department of Mental Health.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 441 (Matthews-D) Juveniles: court-ordered evaluations
Authorizes a court to order an evaluation at an outpatient mental health site if the court is in doubt as to whether a minor who has been adjudged a ward or dependent child of the juvenile court is mentally disordered or mentally retarded. Authorizes the court to order the certification or commitment of the person pursuant to current law if such a determination is made.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 938 (Yee-D) Mental health professions: educational loan reimbursement
Establishes the Licensed Mental Health Provider Education Program, which is to be developed by the Health Professions Education Foundation after soliciting advice from specified boards and agencies, to provide grants to specified practicing mental health providers in return for service in medically underserved areas. Requires the program to be operational January 1, 2005 and funded by a $10 surcharge on specified mental health professionals' licensing fees, which would be deposited in the Mental Health Practitioner Education Fund established by the bill.
Chapter 437, Statutes of 2003
AB 1042 (Parra-D) Inmates: use of pepper spray: mental health facilities
Requires the State Department of Mental Health (DMH) to issue pepper spray to medical technical assistants working in DMH facilities while on duty.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1102 (Yee-D) Peace officers: training: mentally ill
Requires the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training to include an evaluation of successful Crisis Intervention Training programs used by specified police departments in its report on peace officer training in responding to persons who have mental illnesses and developmental disabilities. Extends the deadline for that report by one year.
Chapter 269, Statutes of 2003
AB 1370 (Yee-D) Mental health: seclusion and restraints
Until January 1, 2007, prohibits the State Department of Mental Health from requiring 24-hour onsite nursing staff at community treatment facilities. Requires these facilities to retain at least one full-time, or full-time equivalent, registered nurse onsite, in specified circumstances, to maintain other nursing staff to be available on call, and to have all direct care staff trained in providing first aid and other emergency services.
Chapter 575, Statutes of 2003
AB 1754* (Assembly Budget Committee) Education finance
Makes changes to a variety of education-related statutes in order to effectuate the revisions included as part of the Budget Act of 2003-04. Among others, requires that funds appropriated to local education agencies for special education, mental health related services pursuant to AB 3632 be transferred to local mental health agencies for these purposes exclusively and provides that these funds constitute offsetting revenues with regard to reimbursable mandate claims.
Chapter 227, Statutes of 2003
AB 1762* (Assembly Budget Committee) Health budget trailer bill
The health budget trailer bill which, among other provisions, provides for a number of State Department of Mental Health cost-savings measures.
Chapter 230, Statutes of 2003
Developmentally Disabled
SB 120 (Margett-R) Elderly and disabled persons: home improvement loans
Establishes within State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) the Elderly and Disabled Persons' Revolving Home Improvement Loan Program to provide no-interest home improvement loans to qualified elderly and disabled individuals to make non-major home modifications, charging the HCD to develop and administer the program.
(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
SB 262 (Kuehl-D) Buildings: access: enforcement
Adds civil penalties to the remedies public prosecutors may seek in enforcing building access laws for physically handicapped people. Also adds county counsels to the public attorneys authorized to enforce these laws, as specified.
Chapter 872, Statutes of 2003
SB 302 (Kuehl-D) Discrimination: access by the disabled
Applies to the California State University laws prohibiting discrimination against the disabled by state agencies and requiring state agencies to improve accessibility of assistive technology to disabled persons.
Chapter 784, Statutes of 2003
SR 12 (Ackerman-R) Autism Treatment Awareness Month
Proclaims the month of April 2003 as Autism Treatment Awareness Month, and acknowledges the contributions made in the area of early autism intervention by experts in the field and the families involved.
Adopted by the Senate
AB 200 (Richman-R) Developmental centers
Makes a number of changes to current law related to the transfer of clients from the State Department of Developmental Services' developmental centers to community-based services.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 271 (Nunez-D) Developmental services: human resources
Authorizes the State Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to establish state-owned, state-operated and state-staffed community-based residential services for clients moved from developmental centers into the community, and requires DDS to plan for and assist employees at developmental centers to find other, similar work if needed.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 327 (Runner-R) Vehicles: parking: persons with disabilities
Allows local governments to impose an additional $100 penalty for the violation of statutes related to disabled persons' parking privileges.
Chapter 555, Statutes of 2003
AB 636 (Frommer-D) Developmental disabilities: autism
Creates the Autism Information Resource Center within the State Department of Developmental Services to assist in the coordination of services for autistic people and their families.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 649 (Wiggins-D) Developmental disabilities: workforce service centers
Creates 13 regionally based workforce service centers for the purposes of bringing improvements in services to people with developmental disabilities and the workforce that provides those services.
(In Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 857 (Frommer-D) Autism
Establishes within the State Department of Developmental Services an Autism Information Resource Center pilot program to initially serve families in Los Angeles County in order to test the efficiency of assisting families by designating a single agency as a central source of information for autism treatment and support services. Requires the department to use existing resources and seek federal and private funding for purposes of the bill.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 1303 (Simitian-D) Vehicles: license plates: persons with disabilities
Provides that it is not a violation of the law to block the view of the rear license plate, if it is obstructed by a wheelchair lift or wheelchair carrier, and the license plate is a disabled license plate or the vehicle displays a disabled parking placard.
Chapter 626, Statutes of 2003
AB 1393 (Bates-R) Developmental services: regional centers: vendorization
States legislative intent to revise the vendorization process in order to give support to regional centers that meet local needs and offer high-quality services and supports, requires the State Department of Developmental Services to adopt regulations specifying the process to be used in determining the need for services and supports within a regional center area, exempts specified persons from vendorization requirements, and prohibits regional centers from using these requirements to revoke vendor status from those providers that are vendorized prior to January 1, 2004.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 1693 (Wolk-D) Closure of developmental centers
Authorizes the State Department of Developmental Services, until January 1, 2009, to exchange developmental center property for real property of equal value in one or more locations in the event that the center is scheduled for closure.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 1753 (Assembly Budget Committee) Habilitation services
Transfers the Habilitation Services Program from the State Department of Rehabilitation to the State Department of Developmental Services to be administered locally by the Regional Centers effective July 1, 2004. Results in $2.2 million in General Fund savings in the 2004-05.
Chapter 226, Statutes of 2003
AB 1762* (Assembly Budget Committee) Health budget trailer bill
An omnibus health budget trailer bill which, among other provisions, provides cost-savings in a number of developmentally disabled programs.
Chapter 230, Statutes of 2003
ACR 34 (Matthews-D) Developmental disabilities: direct care workforce
Acknowledges the needs of persons with mental illness and developmental disabilities, the value to California of the work of caring for these individuals, and the importance of building a stable, well-trained workforce to provide services and supports.
Resolution Chapter 69, Statutes of 2003
ACR 136 (Berg-D) Assisted Living Week
Declares September 7 to 13, 2003, as Assisted Living Week and encourages all citizens to visit friends and loved ones who reside in assisted living communities and to learn more about this valuable service.
Resolution Chapter 151, Statutes of 2003
Tobacco Products
SB 433 (Ortiz-D) Tobacco products: licensing of retailers
Requires cigarette or tobacco product retailers to be licensed by the State Board of Equalization.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 676 (Ortiz-D) Tobacco products: tobacco manufacturer fees
On and after January 1, 2005, imposes a fee, to be determined by the State Department of Health Services on specified tobacco product manufacturers who did not sign the Master Settlement Agreement. Specifies that the money collected would be expended to assist individuals to access and utilize smoking cessation services.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 1016 (Bowen-D) Tobacco products: sale
Requires every retail sale of cigarettes in California be a vendor-assisted, face-to-face sale or comply with the provisions of the federal Jenkins Act.
Chapter 603, Statutes of 2003
AB 35* (Vargas-D) Cigarette and tobacco products excise tax
Increases the tobacco tax by $1.50 per pack of cigarettes to fund specific programs, as specified.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 71 (Jerome Horton-D) Tobacco products: state and local government
Establishes a statewide licensing program for tobacco manufacturers, importers, wholesalers, distributors and retailers administered by the State Board of Equalization for monitoring and collection of excise taxes, and it imposes additional criminal and civil penalties on violators of tobacco-related tax laws.
Chapter 890, Statutes of 2003
AB 210 (Nation-D) Tobacco: dwellings
Provides that the drifting, wafting, or blowing of tobacco smoke into the interest of any other person in a common interest development is a nuisance, with specified exceptions. Prohibits the smoking of any tobacco-related product within any common area in a common interest development. Permits specified persons or entities to assess additional fines or penalties for a violation of these provisions.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 221 (Koretz-D) Minimum legal age: advertising, display, and distribution
Raises the minimum legal age to smoke in California from 18 to 21, and makes conforming changes to related statutory provisions.
(Failed passage in Assembly Governmental Organization Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 384 (Leslie-R) Tobacco products: correctional facilities
Eliminates tobacco products from the list of items that may be sold at the State Department of Corrections and California Youth Authority facilities.
(Failed passage in Assembly Public Safety Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 586 (Koretz-D) Litter and marine debris: tobacco-related waste
Requires a $0.02 fee on all disposable bags and disposable cups that contain less than 40 percent postconsumer recycled content for the provision of funding to the various state agencies, departments, boards and commissions as well as grant programs to local governments and nonprofit organizations, to establish and maintain local programs that provide for the cleanup and recycling of litter and marine debris. Also prohibits ashtrays for use on premises where smoking is prohibited by law unless the ashtray is provided in an area where smoking is not prohibited.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 846 (Vargas-D) Smoking: public buildings
Prohibits smoking inside public buildings and within 20 feet of a main exit, entrance, or operable window of a public building.
Chapter 342, Statutes of 2003
AB 1033 (Montanez-D) Tobacco: prohibition on nonsale distribution
Prohibits the free distribution of tobacco products or related paraphernalia to any person. Provides exceptions to the above for (a) distributions by manufacturers or importers to wholesalers or distributors and (b) coupon or rebate offers to a consumer as part of a face-to-face retail sale. A violation is subject to civil action brought by the Attorney General or local prosecutors for an injunction and penalties of $500 to $2,000 per violation (per single package of prohibited free items).
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1040 (Leno-D) Cigarette taxes
Authorizes the board of supervisors of a county to impose a tax on the sale of cigarettes.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1239 (Wiggins-D) Cigarette taxation: fees
Beginning July 1, 2004, requires non participating manufacturers to pay a fee to pay for tobacco health related programs and tobacco cessation programs.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1269 (Wiggins-D) Tobacco products
Restricts retail advertising of cigarettes to brand name and price and prohibits conditioning retail discounts or inducements to any product promotion or display requirements.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1276* (Jerome Horton-D) Tobacco Settlement Agreement: escrow compliance
Requires the Attorney General to develop and post on the Internet a list of tobacco product manufacturers that are participating manufacturers under the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement, and that have made all required escrow payments. No tax stamps can be affixed to tobacco products from manufacturers not included on this list.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1666 (Cogdill-R) Cigarettes and tobacco products
Requires distributors of cigarette and tobacco products to elect to file excise tax returns either on a monthly basis or on a twice-monthly basis. Also reduces the required security deposit related to deferred payments of tobacco excise taxes. Requires a report to the Legislature on the effectiveness of the new payment option by January 1, 2006. Sunsets the bill January 1, 2007.
Chapter 867, Statutes of 2003
AB 1752* (Assembly Budget Committee) Budget trailer bill: tobacco securitization bonds
The omnibus human services trailer bill which, among others, provides that the state General Fund may be a guarantor for the sale of tobacco securitization bonds. Permits sale of tobacco assets to generate up to $5 billion.
Chapter 225, Statutes of 2003
AB 1762* (Assembly Budget Committee) Health budget trailer bill
The omnibus health budget trailer bill which, among other provisions, provides for a three-year expenditure authority for Proposition 99 funds which have been appropriated for specified tobacco control programs.
Chapter 230, Statutes of 2003
Health Facilities
SB 130 (Chesbro-D) Use of seclusion and behavioral restraints
Makes a number of changes to state law regarding the use of seclusion and restraints in a variety of residential facilities, including psychiatric hospitals, developmental centers, skilled nursing facilities and foster care group homes.
Chapter 750, Statutes of 2003
SB 143 (Cedillo-D) Acute care hospitals: patient needs
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to adopt regulations on or before January 1, 2010, to establish separate common patient classification or acuity systems to be used by all general acute care hospitals and all acute psychiatric hospitals. Also stipulates that these systems shall be used by these hospitals to determine the level of nursing care needed for each category of patient in each unit and on each shift. In addition, allows DHS to take into account variations among hospitals in operating characteristics that are related to the level and type of nursing care that the patient needs, as well as the specific needs of rural hospitals, while developing these systems and ensuring appropriate patient care.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 197 (Burton-D) Registered nurses: wages and hours of employment violations
Provides treble civil penalties for acute care hospitals that are operated for profit and who fail to give registered nurses meal or rest periods.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 211 (Dunn-D) Residential care facilities for the elderly
Specifies requirements for the form and content of admission agreements for residential care facilities for the elderly and requires a facility to conspicuously post a copy of its agreement within the facility. Requires the admission agreement to include, among other things, a comprehensive fee schedule, an explanation of third-party services, information relating to residents' rights, and information relating to billing and payment, term of contract, refunds, and termination of the agreement.
Chapter 409, Statutes of 2003
SB 326 (Florez-D) Health facilities: plans of correction
Provides that a plan of correction is admissible in a legal action or administrative proceeding if it is probative on an issue other than as an admission by the health facility, its licensee, or personnel of the violation that led the plan to be developed.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 340 (Florez-D) Substance abuse: adult recovery maintenance facilities
Requires the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs to administer the licensure and regulation of adult recovery maintenance facilities.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 379 (Ortiz-D) Statewide health planning and development
Establishes several requirements pertaining to hospitals' charity care and reduced payment policies, including that hospitals develop and provide notice to patients of a charity care and reduced payment policy; that as part of any billing hospitals provide patients with a statement that if the patient does not have health insurance coverage they may be eligible for Medicare, Healthy Families, Medi-Cal, or charity care or reduced payment; that hospitals allow no less than 150 days prior to the commencement of collection activities in order to facilitate payment by public or private third-party payers; that hospitals provide patients with information about their rights and about nonprofit credit counseling services prior to commencing collection activities against them, and a statement that they may still obtain care at the hospital; that hospitals use reasonable efforts to negotiate a payment plan with the patient prior to selling or assigning a patient's account to any party, reporting nonpayment to a credit reporting agency, or commencing civil action against the patient; that hospitals complete and file charity care reports with the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development containing specified information.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 382 (Oller-R) Community care facilities: notice
Requires applicants for a license or permit to operate or manage a group home for minors required to register as sex offenders to (a) notify the city or county of their intent to open, manage or operate such a home, including the address of the property; (b) notify the chief of police or sheriff of their intent to open, manage or operate such a home, including the address of the property; and (c) place and maintain on the property conspicuous signage clearly visible from the street or sidewalk, informing the public that the applicant is applying for a license or permit for a group home that may accept juvenile sex offenders as residents, including the specific number and type of juvenile offenders who would be eligible to reside in the group home. Requires group home licensing agencies, as specified, to fulfill specified local notification provisions for new residential care facility applications, and to prohibit the approval of such applications until receipt of the notice by the local entity, as specified, has been documented by the director of the licensing agency.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)
SB 393 (Aanestad-R) Pharmacists: inpatient pharmacy technician services
Authorizes a general acute care hospital to implement and operate a program using specially trained pharmacy technicians to check the work of other pharmacy technicians who have filled floor and ward stock and unit dose distribution systems for patients whose pharmacy prescriptions have been previously reviewed by a licensed pharmacist. Requires a hospital that operates this program to keep a list of all qualified pharmacy technicians available for board inspection and to keep all required data in the hospital for at least three years.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 398 (Romero-D) Health care employment agencies
Requires health care employment agencies to be licensed and regulated by the state. Also prohibits a health facility from using an employee on a temporary basis when a permanent employee with appropriate qualifications is available to work.
(In Senate Appropriates Committee)
SB 536 (Romero-D) Los Angeles County trauma care system
Requires the task force convened by the Emergency Medical Services Authority to study the delivery and provision of emergency medical services in California to include within the scope of that study the Los Angeles County trauma care system.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 540 (Soto-D) Residential care facilities for the elderly
Requires a licensee of a residential care facility for the elderly that advertises or promotes special care, programming, or services for persons with a health related condition, except as prescribed, to provide to each prospective resident prior to admission an accurate, written narrative description of these programs and services.
Chapter 322, Statutes of 2003
SB 546 (Johnson-R) Health facilities: plans of correction
Provides that a long-term health care facility's plan of correction to remedy deficiencies in compliance with health regulations may not be used for any purpose against the facility, its licensee, or its personnel, in any legal action or administrative proceeding.
(Failed passage in Senate Judiciary Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 686 (Ortiz-D) Long-term care facilities: insurance: Medi-Cal
Requires an insurer issuing liability insurance policies to long-term health care facilities, residential care facilities for the elderly, or physicians who provide services to residents in those facilities to notify the State Department of Insurance (DOI) at least 90 days prior to the date it intends to cease offering liability insurance to those facilities or physicians, requires insurers report specified information regarding those policies to DOI, allows the State Insurance Commissioner to authorize the formation of a market assistance program to assist in securing liability insurance and to order the creation of a joint underwriting association.
Chapter 899, Statutes of 2003
SB 749 (Escutia-D) Hospital: group purchasing organizations
Defines a group purchasing organization (GPO) as a medical supply purchasing agent and imposes certain restrictions on a GPO when acting as an agent. Codifies the industry's existing code conduct and requires GPOs to adhere to certain code of conduct principles such as (a) prohibiting all employees from accepting gifts, (b) requiring employees to divest in suppliers' stocks, (c) requiring hospital officials to disclose ties with vendors, (d) requiring agents to disclose to hospital members payments received from vendors, and (e) prohibiting a GPO from requiring its members to purchase goods or services from any single vendor.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
SB 828 (Figueroa-D) Health facilities: boutique hospitals
Prohibits the State Department of Health Services from issuing a license to operate a boutique hospital, as defined, unless the hospital agrees to continuously maintain and operate at least a basic emergency department.
(Failed passage in Assembly Health Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 847 (Aanestad-R) Health facilities: nurse-to-patient ratios
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to evaluate proposed hospital nurse staffing regulations issued by DHS pursuant to AB 394 (Kuehl) of 1999. Requires the evaluation to demonstrate the validity of several assumptions and findings on which the proposed regulations are based, as well as effects of the proposed regulations on patient care and ability of providers to hire and retain staff. Prohibits DHS from requiring hospitals to meet a 1:5 nurse-to-patient ratio in medical/surgical units unless it can demonstrate that several conditions exist regarding availability of nurses, improvements in patient care, and costs of meeting the requirements.
(Failed passage in Senate Health and Human Services Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 855 (Machado-D) Community care facilities: temporary emergency shelters
Requires the State Department of Social Services to establish a subcategory of foster care group home licensure for temporary emergency shelters that care for children under six years of age for up to 30 days.
(In Assembly Human Services Committee)
SB 932 (Bowen-D) Nonprofit corporations: health facilities
Prohibits the State Attorney General from consenting to an agreement or transaction involving the sale, transfer, lease, or other transfer of a nonprofit health care facility to a for-profit entity, mutual benefit corporation or another non-profit entity, in which the seller of the facility restricts the type or level of medical services that may be provided at the facility.
Chapter 65, Statutes of 2003
SB 937 (Ducheny-D) Clinics: licensure and operation
Revises provisions relating to the licensure and operation of primary care clinics, including: (1) permitting a primary care clinic to add a service or remodel a site without first having to apply for a new license from the State Department of Health Services (DHS); (2) authorizing a primary care clinic with more than one site to consolidate certain administrative functions; and (3) requiring DHS to issue a license to a primary care clinic to allow it to open a clinic at an additional site, under specified conditions.
Chapter 602, Statutes of 2003
SB 953 (Dunn-D) Children's Hospital Bond Act of 2004
Enacts the Children's Hospital Bond Act of 2004, which authorizes, for purposes of financing a specified Children's Hospital Program to fund capital expenditure projects for children's hospitals, the issuance of general obligation bonds in an unspecified amount. Provides for the submission of the bond act to voters at the next statewide election.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1003 (Ashburn-R) Community care facilities: foster care
Provides that when the State Department of Social Services issues a citation for a violation of a licensing standard in a foster care setting (group home, foster family home, or foster family agency), it may not issue the citation if the licensee can demonstrate that his/her actions met a standard of reasonableness.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 1005 (Dunn-D) Fees: inspections: deficiencies: corrections
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to (1) conduct unannounced inspections of hospitals, (2) inspect for compliance with nurse-to-patient ratios during periodic inspections, (3) establish a new process for DHS to respond to complaints about hospitals, (4) enact specific time frames for hospitals to correct deficiencies found by DHS, and (5) reinspect hospitals to determine compliance with a plan correction. Takes effect July 1, 2004.
(On Assembly Third Reading File)
SB 1014 (Aanestad-R) Hospital facilities: seismic safety requirements
Repeals provisions of existing law requiring the development and enforcement of standards for hospital seismic safety, requiring hospitals to conduct seismic studies and to prepare plans to bring their facilities into compliance with seismic regulations and standards, and establishing deadlines for hospitals to replace, retrofit, or convert to non-acute use facilities. States the intent of the Legislature that legislation to make these provisions operative again be enacted when the fiscal condition of the state's health care safety net is able to sufficiently cover the cost of meeting seismic retrofitting and other requirements without affecting health care delivery and access.
(Failed passage in Senate Health and Human Services Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 1076 (Senate Health And Human Services Committee) Consumer assistance: satisfaction surveys
Extends by seven years certain protections and immunities arising from services provided by Health Rights Hotline and other specified health care consumer assistance programs; adds Alameda County to the list of six counties that form the Health Consumer Alliance partnership; and requires continuing care providers to conduct a resident satisfaction survey biennially, rather than biannually.
Chapter 324, Statutes of 2003
AB 9 (Dymally-D) Urban community health institute
Establishes the Urban Community Health Institute: Centers to Eliminate Health Disparities at the Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles.
Chapter 200, Statutes of 2003
AB 232 (Chan-D) Statewide health planning and development: hospitals
Requires each hospital to develop a self-pay policy specifying how the hospital determines prices to be paid by self-pay patients, as defined, and limits these prices for patients below specified income levels. Establishes limits on billing and collection activities of hospitals and their agents.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 253 (Steinberg-D) Health facilities: nurse-to-patient ratios
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to ensure compliance with hospital minimum nurse-to-patient staffing ratios by performing both unannounced and announced inspections, and utilization of the existing procedures for the filing of complaints if there is a violation of the minimum ratios. In addition, requires DHS to assess a $5000 fine if an immediate jeopardy exists, and a fine of $10,000 against a hospital with a pattern of violation.
(On Assembly Unfinished Business File)
AB 358 (Jackson-D) Health facilities: licensing
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to notify individuals, who have filed a complaint relating to long-term care facilities, within 10 working days about DHS's proposed course of action and the complainants right to accompany inspectors when they investigate the facility. In addition, requires DHS to complete a final determination of each complaint within 90 working days of receipt of the complaint.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 390 (Montanez-D) Health facilities: backup generators
Reduces the testing frequency for testing diesel backup generators at health facilities.
Chapter 676, Statutes of 2003
AB 414 (Nakano-D) Residential care facilities for the elderly
Modifies the continuing education training for administrators of a residential care facility for the elderly.
Chapter 305, Statutes of 2003
AB 602 (Koretz-D) Ammunition: Trauma Center Fund
Imposes a fee of 10 cents on every munition sold at retail to be paid to the State Board of Equalization, and deposited in the newly established Trauma Center Fund. Provides that the fund shall be used to reimburse emergency services providers for the costs of treating gunshot wounds and injuries.
(In Assembly Public Safety Committee)
AB 691 (Daucher-R) Nursing facilities: vaccines
Requires specified nursing facilities to offer immunizations for influenza and pneumococcal disease to residents that are 65 years of age or older, under certain conditions and with specified exceptions.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 802 (Matthews-D) Health policy and planning: billing
Requires a hospital, when billing for a product sold over-the-counter, to charge no more than twice the amount the hospital paid for the product, and include a commonly used description for the product, except as otherwise provided by law or contract.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 823 (Nunez-D) Clinic grants
Deletes the $60,000 limitation in the grants-in-aid program conducted by the State Department of Health Services on grants to nonprofit corporations comprised of more than one clinic. Adds to the factors that would be given primary consideration prior to the allocation of a grant, the number of clinic closures in the area in the previous 12 months.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 910 (Diaz-D) Hospitals: service changes: ownership
Establishes the Hospital Protection Review process for downgrades or closures of private hospitals. Prohibits any person from owning more than one private hospital within a county or a specified area without entering into a Community Responsibility Contract with the Attorney General.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 939 (Yee-D) Psychiatric inpatient hospital services: reimbursement
Permits psychiatrists to negotiate one Medi-Cal rate with a mental health plan for the in-patient treatment of all patients, regardless of a patient's county of origin.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 941 (Yee-D) State hospitals
Changes the date that the State Department of Mental Health (DMH) must provide an annual report to the Legislature on commitments based on competence to stand trial that exceed a 10-day limit, and adds a data element to this report. Also adds Coalinga State Hospital to the state hospitals for the treatment of the mentally ill that are under the jurisdiction of DMH. Furthermore, deletes the requirement that 80 percent of the patients at Napa State Hospital must be there pursuant to the Penal Code, and instead requires that 20 percent of the beds in this hospital be available for county contracted services for civil commitments.
Chapter 356, Statutes of 2003
AB 1166 (Berg-D) Residential facilities: terminally ill persons
Authorizes an Adult Residential Facility (ARF) to obtain a waiver to allow a person who has been diagnosed as terminally ill to become a resident of the facility if that person is already receiving hospice services and would continue to receive these services. Also provides that an ARF or residential care facility for the elderly need not call emergency services at the time of a life threatening emergency if the hospice agency is notified instead and certain conditions are met.
Chapter 312, Statutes of 2003
AB 1240 (Mullin-D) Care facilities: criminal record clearances
Makes numerous changes to the criminal background check provisions governing community care facilities, child care facilities, and residential care facilities.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1251 (Bermudez-D) Los Angeles County Hospital Authority
Authorizes the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles to establish, by ordinance, a hospital authority to manage, administer, and control the medical centers in Los Angeles County.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1261 (Cohn-D) Hospitals: ownership restrictions
Prohibits, on and after January 1, 2004, the State Department of Health Services from issuing an initial license for a general acute care hospital, or renewing such a license originally issued after January 1, 2004, unless the applicant intends to provide a broad range of adult acute inpatient medical and surgical services and at least a basic emergency medical service at all times and meets other requirements. Also requires the department to deny an application for an initial license for a general acute care hospital or the renewal of such a license if the department finds that the applicant will not provide the above services.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1299 (Daucher-R) Hospices
Authorizes licensed hospices to offer additional services, including grief and bereavement services, and revises the definition of "interdisciplinary team."
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 1369 (Pavley-D) Residential care facilities for the elderly
Requires all residential care facilities for the elderly (RCFEs) with more than 60 beds to purchase automatic external defibrillators and train their staff in the use of these defibrillators. Also contains provisions to protect the rights of those who have completed a Do Not Resuscitate form and live in RCFEs.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1396 (Simitian-D) Long-term care ombudsman: funding
Requires the State Department of Aging to impose a $3 per bed annual fee on long-term care facilities for the support of local ombudsman programs.
(In Assembly Aging and Long Term Care Committee)
AB 1401 (Wolk-D) Hospital charity care
Requires a licensed general acute care hospital, acute psychiatric hospital, or special hospital to develop and implement a charity care policy and discounted payment policy including financial criteria and the procedure used by the hospital to determine whether a patient is eligible for reduced or waived payment with a general description of same to be posted in the hospital's emergency room, and other appropriate locations. Also imposes billing and collection requirements on hospitals, including requiring hospital bills to include a statement regarding the patient's eligibility for government-sponsored programs or hospital payment assistance.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1453 (Parra-D) Long-term care: Medi-Cal: reimbursement
Requires the State Health and Human Services Agency to incorporate specified research results regarding the application of a "Money Follows the Individual" program, allowing individuals to reside in the community, rather than in institutions, into the appropriate section of the agency's April 1, 2005 version of the annual Olmstead Plan Update.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1559 (Daucher-R) Hospitals: information
Requires every general acute care hospital to post on its Internet web site the full current charge to uninsured patients for all health care services rendered, identified by prescribed procedure codes. Also requires any hospital that provides emergency services to post a sign that lists the current rates charged for the 10 services most commonly provided to uninsured patients during the previous year.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1588* (Negrete McLeod-D) Emergency medical services: facility accreditation
Provides that a general acute care hospital, an alternative base station, or a trauma facility may be accredited, for purposes of existing law, by any accrediting organization that has been granted deemed status as an accrediting organization by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
(In Assembly awaiting concurrence)
AB 1597* (Runner-R) Health facilities and clinics
Adds multispeciality ambulatory care clinics to the specialty clinics eligible for licensure under current law and requires the Medi-Cal program to comply with requirements with respect to reimbursement for services provided by multispeciality ambulatory care.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1627 (Frommer-D) Health care
Beginning, July 1, 2004, requires hospitals to make available to the public their charge description masters and charges for the most commonly used services and procedures. Requires hospitals to file charge description masters with the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD), along with estimates of changes in gross revenue attributable to changes in charges for patient services and charges for the 25 most common services or procedures. Also requires OSHPD to compile a list of the 10 most common Medicare diagnostic related groups (DRGs) and post the average charge for these DRGs by each hospital on the Internet.
Chapter 582, Statutes of 2003
AB 1629 (Frommer-D) Health facility data
Requires reporting of specified information about hospital affiliates and corporate entities. Requires the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) to consult with labor, consumer and health care purchaser organizations regarding data reporting standards. Requires OSHPD to publish risk-adjusted outcome reports for coronary angioplasty surgeries.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1762* (Assembly Budget Committee) Health budget trailer bill
Omnibus health trailer bill which, among other provisions, provides cost-savings in various health facility budget items.
Chapter 230, Statutes of 2003
ACR 136 (Berg-D) Assisted Living Week
Declares September 7 to 13, 2003, as Assisted Living Week and encourages all citizens to visit friends and loved ones who reside in assisted living communities and to learn more about this valuable service.
Resolution Chapter 151, Statutes of 2003
ACR 139 (Dymally-D) The Martin Luther King, Jr./Charles R. Drew Medical Center
Urges that the Martin Luther King, Jr. General Hospital, the Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science, and the University of California at Los Angeles develop a joint management team for both of the following purposes: (1) supervise the students in the joint Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science/UCLA program during their last two clinical years of study and training at the Martin Luther King, Jr./Charles R. Drew Medical Center, and (2) develop a supervised training program for residents at the Martin Luther King, Jr./Charles R. Drew Medical Center.
(In Assembly awaiting committee assignment)
Health Professionals
SB 26 (Figueroa-D) Health care providers health care rate approval
Requires approval by the State Department of Managed Health Care or the State Department of Insurance of an increase in the amount of the premium, copayment, coinsurance obligation, deductible, and other charges under a health care service plan or health insurance policy. Requires refunds by a plan or insurer of any increases in these rates imposed between April 1, 2000, and January 1, 2004, to the extent they fail to satisfy specified criteria. Authorizes the above departments to charge a health care service plan and a health insurer, respectively, a fee for the cost of implementing these rate approval provisions.
(In Senate Insurance Committee)
SB 77 (Burton-D) Physical therapy
Expands the scope of practice of physical therapy to include, among other things, a diagnosis of the physical impairment or movement-related functional limitation and manual therapy, including soft tissue and joint mobilization.
(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 165 (Machado-D) Clinical laboratories
Revises clinical laboratory licensing laws to authorize the State Department of Health Services to waive a license exam, issue a temporary license, and accept continuing education taken over a longer license renewal period under specified circumstances.
Chapter 319, Statutes of 2003
SB 175 (Kuehl-D) Veterinary drugs: prescriptions by veterinarians
Modifies the definition of a dangerous drug or device to clarify the Board of Pharmacy's authority to regulate all dangerous drugs regardless of whether such dangerous drugs are for human or animal use.
Chapter 250, Statutes of 2003
SB 197 (Burton-D) Registered nurses: wages and hours of employment violations
Provides treble civil penalties for acute care hospitals that are operated for profit and who fail to give registered nurses meal or rest periods.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 252 (Alpert-D) Healing arts
Specifies that the provision governing medical assistants does not authorize a medical assistant to perform a clinical laboratory test or examination and does not authorize a nurse practitioner, nurse-midwife, or physician assistant to be a laboratory director of a clinical laboratory.
Chapter 234, Statutes of 2003
SB 292 (Speier-D) Pharmacy: prescription labels
Requires prescription labels to include a physical description of the drug.
Chapter 544, Statutes of 2003
SB 358 (Figueroa-D) Nursing: vocational nursing: psychiatric technicians
Extends the sunset dates for the Board of Registered Nursing and the Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians and makes other changes to those boards pursuant to recommendations of the Joint Legislative Sunset Review Committee.
Chapter 640, Statutes of 2003
SB 359 (Figueroa-D) Professions and vocations
Makes health care professionals subject to license suspension or revocation for committing workers' compensation insurance fraud.
Chapter 595, Statutes of 2003
SB 361 (Figueroa-D) Pharmacy: administration and enforcement
Extends the sunset dates for the Board of Pharmacy and makes other changes to that board pursuant to recommendations of the Joint Legislative Sunset Review Committee.
Chapter 539, Statutes of 2003
SB 362 (Figueroa-D) Boards, bureaus, and commissions
Extends the sunset dates for the Dental Board of California and the Committee on Dental Auxiliaries. Also makes changes to the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology within the State Department of Consumer Affairs and the Barbering and Cosmetology Act pursuant to recommendations of the Joint Legislative Sunset Review Committee.
Chapter 788, Statutes of 2003
SB 364 (Figueroa-D) Licensing boards
Makes various changes to professional and vocational boards within the State Department of Consumer Affairs.
Chapter 789, Statutes of 2003
SB 376 (Chesbro-D) Healing arts
Authorizes, until January 1, 2011, a hospital owned and operated by a health care district meeting specified criteria to employ a physician, and to charge for professional services rendered by the physician if the physician approves the charges.
Chapter 411, Statutes of 2003
SB 393 (Aanestad-R) Pharmacists: inpatient pharmacy technician services
Authorizes a general acute care hospital to implement and operate a program using specially trained pharmacy technicians to check the work of other pharmacy technicians who have filled floor and ward stock and unit dose distribution systems for patients whose pharmacy prescriptions have been previously reviewed by a licensed pharmacist. Requires a hospital that operates this program to keep a list of all qualified pharmacy technicians available for board inspection and to keep all required data in the hospital for at least three years.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 485 (Poochigian-R) Medical Board of California
Requires the Medical Board of California to evaluate its requirements and procedures for issuing a physician's and surgeon's certificate to determine if they provide adequate access for medically underserved communities to medical residents and if a modification is required to attract physicians and surgeons who are licensed by another state to those communities. Requires the board to report its findings on those issues to the Legislature.
(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 490 (Alpert-D) Pharmacy: prescriptions
Authorizes a licensed pharmacist to initiate emergency contraception drug therapy in accordance with a standardized procedure approved by the Board of Pharmacy and the Medical Board of California.
Chapter 651, Statutes of 2003
SB 545 (Speier-D) Emergency contraception drug therapy
Caps the administrative fee charged to patients for emergency contraception at $10 for prescribers of telephone or electronic prescriptions and for pharmacists.
Chapter 652, Statutes of 2003
SB 598 (Machado-D) Confidentiality of medical information: psychotherapy
Exempts disclosures made for purposes of diagnosis or treatment from procedures established in current law that specify how a health care provider may disclose information relating to a patient's participation in outpatient treatment with a psychotherapist.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
SB 629 (Soto-D) Blood-borne infectious disease
Extends the rebuttable presumption regarding blood-borne infectious disease to licensed health care professionals for purposes of receiving both disability retirement and workers' compensation benefits.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 665 (Perata-D) Medical providers: information summary: brain development
Requires the medical care provider primarily responsible for providing medical care to a child under six years of age to provide to the parent or guardian a standardized summary, in layperson's language and in a language understood by the parent or guardian, containing information about the importance of proper brain development for children from birth to age six years, and ways to promote proper brain development.
(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 816 (Alarcon-D) Clinical social workers
Revises the definition of the practice of clinical social workers to include the application of specialized clinical knowledge and advanced clinical skills in the areas of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders, conditions, and addictions.
(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 827 (Aanestad-R) Health care providers: billing procedures
Requires health care providers, when submitting a bill to a patient, to ensure that the bill includes an itemized list of all charges that is understandable at the eight grade reading level.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 867 (Burton-D) Workers' compensation: disability evaluation: acupuncturist
Authorizes the Industrial Medical Council to appoint an acupuncturist as a qualified medical evaluator, but requires that the acupuncturist meet specified requirements. Deletes a provision of existing law that states that the inclusion of acupuncturists in the definition of "physician" shall not be construed to authorize acupuncturists to determine disability under specified provisions of the workers' compensation law or the law providing for nonindustrial disability.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 907 (Burton-D) Professions and vocations: naturopathic doctors
Establishes, until July 1, 2009, the Naturopathic Doctors Act, to be administered by the State Bureau of Naturopathic Medicine, which this bill creates within the State Department of Consumer Affairs, for the purpose of licensing health practitioners who have acquired specified education and training in naturopathy and allopathic medicine.
Chapter 485, Statutes of 2003
SB 928 (Aanestad-R) Dentistry licensure
Requires an out-of-state applicant, including a faculty member, to provide proof that he/she has been in active clinical practice for a specified time. Also requires an applicant to provide proof of the applicant's skills and judgment in specified areas.
(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 995 (Aanestad-R) Pain management
Requires a district attorney, city attorney, or other prosecuting agency to notify and consult with the Medical Board of California regarding any allegations of unprofessional conduct or criminal violation by a physician and surgeon practicing in pain management before taking any action that would require a physician to cease providing pain management services. Requires the board to investigate and report back to the district attorney, city attorney, or other prosecuting agency.
(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 1077 (Senate Business And Professions Committee) Professions and vocations
A Senate Business and Professions Committee bill comprising miscellaneous provisions pertaining to health care practitioners.
Chapter 607, Statutes of 2003
SCR 26 (Chesbro-D) California Nurses Day and California Nurses Week
Proclaims May 6, 2003, as California Nurses Day, and the second week of May, commencing in the year 2003, and every year thereafter, as California Nurses Week.
Resolution Chapter 42, Statutes of 2003
AB 116 (Nakano-D) Marriage and family therapists: telemedicine
Clarifies that the Telemedicine Development Act applies to dentists, podiatrists, psychologists, marriage and family therapists, and clinical social workers, so that they may deliver health care services using interactive audio, video, or data communications without person to person contact.
Chapter 20, Statutes of 2003
AB 123 (Cohn-D) Professional corporations: dentists
Expands the list of persons who may be shareholders, officers, directors, or professional employees of a dental corporation.
Chapter 549, Statutes of 2003
AB 138 (Lowenthal-D) Physicians and surgeons
Exempts sports team physicians licensed by another state or country from California's physician licensing requirements when the physician is providing care to the sports team, coaching staff, and families traveling with the team for a specific sporting event in California.
Chapter 78, Statutes of 2003
AB 183 (Nation-D) Medi-Cal: benefits
Provides for coverage under the Medi-Cal program for services provided by a licensed marriage and family therapist and a licensed clinical social worker as a supplemental service provider in the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment program for beneficiaries of any age, consistent with existing law, to the extent that federal matching funds are available and subject to utilization controls. Implementation is contingent on funds appropriated in the annual Budget Act or another statute for its purposes.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 186 (Correa-D) Optometrists: dangerous drugs and devices
Includes optometrists in the list of designated persons in provisions of law related to persons authorized to receive and possess samples of prescription drugs and devices including controlled substances.
Chapter 426, Statutes of 2003
AB 236 (Bermudez-D) Physicians and surgeons
Prohibits registered sex offenders from being licensed as physicians and surgeons.
Chapter 348, Statutes of 2003
AB 253 (Steinberg-D) Health facilities: nurse-to-patient ratios
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to ensure compliance with hospital minimum nurse-to-patient staffing ratios by performing both unannounced and announced inspections, and utilization of the existing procedures for the filing of complaints if there is a violation of the minimum ratios. In addition, if DHS determines that an immediate jeopardy exists at a hospital, requires DHS to assess a $5000 fine on that hospital. If DHS determines that a hospital has demonstrated a pattern of violation, requires DHS to assess a fine of $10,000.
(On Assembly Unfinished Business File)
AB 326 (Dutton-R) Dog licenses: issuers: veterinarians
Authorizes a county board of supervisors to allow veterinarians to issue dog licenses, in addition to either or both the county clerk's office and the animal control department.
Chapter 33, Statutes of 2003
AB 371* (La Suer-R) Blood tests
Allows a certified phlebotomy technician to withdraw blood in specified locations, with general supervision, at the direction and in the presence of a peace officer, as specified.
(On Assembly Unfinished Business File)
AB 395 (Koretz-D) Surgical procedures: cats
Prohibits licensed veterinarians from performing or arranging surgical declawing, onychectomies and tendonectomies on any domestic or exotic cat.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 445 (Vargas-D) Social workers
Provides, as of January 1, 2007, except under certain specified conditions, only an individual who possesses a degree from a school of social work or from an institution that is in candidacy status, as determined by the Council on Social Work Education, or from a foreign school of social work, may represent himself/herself as a "social worker".
(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)
AB 521 (Diaz-D) Prescription drug warnings
Specifies a minimum type size for information provided from a pharmacist to a patient about the harmful effects of a medication.
(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)
AB 525 (Cohn-D) Hearing aid dispensing
Deletes the requirement that an audiologist must be certified by the American Speech and Hearing Association in order to be qualified to make a specified recommendation of a child's need for a hearing aid and, instead, requires that the recommendations be made by a state licensed audiologist.
Chapter 48, Statutes of 2003
AB 539 (Laird-D) Dentistry: dental hygienists
Requires the Dental Board of California to license, until January 1, 2009, third- and fourth-year dental students meeting certain criteria as registered dental hygienists.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 611 (Negrete McLeod-D) Waste discharges: dental amalgam
Establishes a process to encourage and require effective diversion of dental amalgam waste containing mercury generated by dentist offices from the public sewer system, publicly-owned treatment works, and the state's surface waters.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 621 (Nakanishi-R) Physicians and surgeons: immunity from liability
Creates the Physicians and Surgeons Liability Insurance Pilot Program to purchase liability insurance for physicians who are eligible under existing law for waiver of license renewal fees, if the sole purpose of license renewal is to provide voluntary, unpaid services to specified agencies.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 663 (Lieber-D) Pelvic examinations
Prohibits a physician and surgeon or a student undertaking a course of professional instruction or a clinical training program, from performing a pelvic examination on an anesthetized or unconscious female patient unless the patient has given informed consent to the examination, the pelvic examination is within the specified scope of care, or, if the patient is unconscious, the examination is required for diagnostic purposes.
Chapter 644, Statutes of 2003
AB 715 (Chan-D) Personal information
Addresses the subject of communications by health care providers and plans to patients, where those communications are paid for by third parties (such as pharmaceutical companies). Generally prohibits remunerated communication, with various exceptions negotiated between the bill's sponsor (the Office of HIPAA Implementation) and representatives of health plans and pharmaceutical companies. First, exempts various communications to health plan enrollees that are needed to inform them of their benefits and plan procedures. Second, exempts various treatment-related communications, so long as those communications are not remunerated. Finally, exempts remunerated "disease management" communications for seriously debilitating or life-threatening conditions, so long as the patient is given the opportunity to "opt out" of those communications.
Chapter 562, Statutes of 2003
AB 746 (Matthews-D) Fraud: healing arts: revocation of professional licenses
Requires healing arts regulatory boards to suspend the license of certain specified licensees if the licensee has one conviction for Medi-Cal fraud and to revoke the license if the licensee has more than one conviction for Medi-Cal fraud. Incorporates amendments to Section 810 of the Business and Professions Code proposed by this bill and SB 359 in order to avoid a chaptering out problem. Repeals Section 14105.19 of the Welfare and Institutions Code which provided for an overall five percent reduction in provider payments for Medi-Cal services for dates of service on or after January 1, 2004.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 769 (Maddox-R) Registered dietitians and dietetic technicians
Authorizes an individual to engage in registered dietitian or dietetic technician, registered activities, as part of his/her supervised practice program, provided the individual is enrolled in school or has completed the appropriate academic requirements. Additionally, authorizes an individual to engage in registered dietitian or dietetic technician, registered activities for six months or until the individual receives notice that he/she has failed the exam, whichever occurs first, under certain, specified conditions.
Chapter 69, Statutes of 2003
AB 801 (Diaz-D) Dentists and physicians and surgeons
In addition to revising the requirements applicable to the dentists who participate in the Licensed Physicians and Dentists from Mexico Pilot Program, enacts the Cultural and Linguistic Competency of Physicians Act of 2003 where local medical societies of the California Medical Association, while monitored by the Medical Board's Division of Licensing, would operate a voluntary competency program for physicians.
Chapter 510, Statutes of 2003
AB 827 (Assembly Business And Professions Committee) Board membership qualifications: public members
Prohibits a professional or vocational public board member, within the past five years or during his/her tenure, from providing representation to the industry or profession regulated by the board of which he/she is a member. Removes the expertise qualification for appointment as a public board member.
Chapter 563, Statutes of 2003
AB 932 (Koretz-D) Podiatric medicine
Deletes the prohibition against a doctor of podiatric medicine performing amputations but prohibits a doctor of podiatric medicine from performing an amputation of the foot in its entirety. Authorizes a doctor of podiatric medicine who is certified to perform surgical treatment that is otherwise beyond his/her scope of practice in specified locations if the doctor of podiatric medicine is under the direct supervision of a physician and surgeon. Also adds outpatient settings meeting certain criteria to the list of locations where surgery may be performed.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 940 (Yee-D) Healing arts: posttraumatic stress disorder training
Requires physicians and surgeons, psychologists, marriage and family counselors and social workers to complete a course approved by his/her respective licensing board in posttraumatic stress disorder to renew his/her license.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 948 (Nunez-D) Postgraduate study fellowship program
Permits non-citizen physicians to participate in a fellowship program in a licensed clinic or hospital in a medically underserved area if approved by the Medical Board of California.
Chapter 438, Statutes of 2003
AB 1007 (Nakano-D) Dentistry
Revises the Dental Board membership to include a total of eight dentists, seven of whom are in active practice and one who is a full-time faculty member of a California dental college, and specifies that a minimum of three of the dentists would be in the full-time practice of general dentistry, and a maximum of three of the dentists may be dentists who practice in a specialty accredited by the American Dental Association.
(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)
AB 1087* (Frommer-D) Venipuncture
Allows a "certified phlebotomy technician" to perform venipuncture or skin puncture to obtain a specimen for nondiagnostic tests, for insurance purposes only, as specified, provided the technician is under the general supervision of a specified licensed health personnel.
(On Assembly Unfinished Business File)
AB 1094 (Negrete McLeod-D) Healing arts: physicians and surgeons
Provides that a licensed physician and surgeon may not provide, publish, or advertise that he/she is a "specialist," or a similar term, unless the licensee is so certified.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 1100 (Longville-D) Alcohol and drug abuse counselors
Enacts the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors Licensing Law to be administered by the Board of Behavioral Sciences in the State Department of Consumer Affairs. Requires that one of the two licensed clinical social workers on the board also have a license as an alcohol and drug abuse counselor. Requires the board to adopt rules and regulations regarding alcohol and drug abuse counselors, administer a semiannual licensing examination to applicants, discipline licensees, and establish a program for alcohol and drug abuse interns. Requires the board to issue a license to an applicant meeting specified qualifications. Imposes unspecified licensing and registration fees on licensees and a $75 registration fee on interns to be deposited into the Behavioral Sciences Fund and continuously appropriated to the board for the purposes of the bill.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 1196 (Montanez-D) Drugs: nurse practitioners
Allows nurse practitioners to furnish drugs or devices that are classified as Schedule II controlled substances and requires them to complete a continuing education course related to the furnishing of Schedule II controlled substances.
Chapter 748, Statutes of 2003
AB 1241 (Parra-D) Nursing education scholarships
Requires the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development to establish an Associate Degree Nursing Scholarship Pilot Program for purposes of providing scholarships to associate degree nursing students in counties determined to have high need.
Chapter 396, Statutes of 2003
AB 1388 (Kehoe-D) Massage licensure
Repeals provisions under current law authorizing a city or county to license and regulate the business of massage and instead establishes the Board of Massage Therapy in the State Department of Consumer Affairs to license and regulate massage therapists and massage practitioners.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 1392 (Bermudez-D) Medical Board of California
Authorizes the Medical Board of California to determine that certain information and complaints cannot be pursued without detriment to the investigation and prosecution of specified priority cases, and provides that written notice shall be sent to the complainant regarding why their case is not being investigated or prosecuted and other agencies to contact for assistance.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1437 (Koretz-D) Drug marketing practices
Regulates certain interactions between pharmaceutical manufacturing companies and health care professionals, including, but not limited to, the types of benefits that may be provided at conferences and meetings. Makes violations of these provisions or related regulations subject to specified fines, including fines of up to $20,000 per violation if there are two previous convictions.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1460 (Nation-D) Clinical laboratory directors
Authorizes a pharmacist to serve as a laboratory director, in specified circumstances, to administer simple "waived" healthcare tests in pharmacies.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 1467* (Negrete McLeod-D) Dentists: licensure requirements
Extends the sunset date for revision of dental licensure examination provisions that apply to persons who have been issued a degree of doctor of dental medicine or doctor of dental surgery by a foreign dental school, from January 1, 2004 to January 1, 2009. Also extends the use of the "restorative technique" exam process from December 31, 2002 to December 31, 2008. In addition, makes several other changes regarding the restorative technique examination process relating to prerequisites, submission requirements, allowable attempts and timing.
(On Assembly Unfinished Business File)
AB 1543 (Firebaugh-D) Community colleges: nursing programs
Requires the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges (CCC), in consultation with nursing programs of the CCC from around the state, to submit recommendations for standardized admissions policies, including prerequisite requirements and methods for allocating slots in over-subscribed programs.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1655 (Negrete McLeod-D) Emergency medical services: paramedics
Authorizes the Emergency Medical Services Authority to impose an administrative fine on any licensed paramedic who has committed specified conduct. Requires that all funds recovered by the authority pursuant to these provisions be deposited into the Emergency Medical Services Personnel Fund. Also defines "conviction" for these purposes and requires EMT-P employers to report in writing to the local emergency services agency medical director and the authority any time specified actions are taken concerning an EMT-P, including the removal of an EMT-P from paramedic duties for disciplinary cause or reason.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1739 (Frommer-D) Health care
Revises the State Department of General Services bulk drug purchasing program, renames the California Health Manpower Policy Commission as the California Healthcare Workforce Policy Commission, and revises standards for hemodialysis technician training programs.
(Failed passage in Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1777 (Assembly Business And Professions Committee) Health care practitioners
A committee bill comprising miscellaneous provisions pertaining to regulatory boards of the State Department of Consumer Affairs.
Chapter 586, Statutes of 2003
HR 8 (Firebaugh-D) Nurse anesthetists
Recognizes the week of January 19, 2003 to January 25, 2003 as Nurse Anesthetists Week in California to honor these outstanding health care professionals for their contribution in adding to the quality of health care in our state.
(Adopted by the Assembly)
HR 19 (Firebaugh-D) Nurse practitioners
Pays tribute to nurse practitioners for the great service they provide to the state.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 22 (Firebaugh-D) Doctor's Day
Proclaims March 30, 2003 to be Doctor's Day and urges all Californians to observe the day by taking time to remember and honor doctors and their contributions.
Adopted by the Assembly
Foster Care
SB 106* (Alpert-D) Volunteers with foster children: criminal history
Establishes a new category of community care license for nonprofit organizations that recruit and provide volunteers to mentor or sponsor children in foster care.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)
SB 591 (Scott-D) Dependent children: caregiver information
Directs child protective service agencies to provide the caregivers of foster children specific personal information relating to the child and the child's case, within a specified time frame.
Chapter 812, Statutes of 2003
SB 652 (Florez-D) Foster care: criminal record disqualification: exemptions
Provides that only the Director of the State Department of Social Services, or a person designated by the director, may grant an exemption from disqualification for a license or certificate to operate or manage, or for employment, residence, or presence, in a foster family home or a certified family home. Prohibits other staff of the department from approving exemption requests subject to this provision.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 693 (Murray-D) Undersecretary of Foster Care Coordination
Establishes, within the State Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA), the position of Undersecretary of Foster Care Coordination. Requires the Secretary of HHSA to appoint the Undersecretary and confirmation by the Senate. Directs the Undersecretary to coordinate the activities of state and local agencies that provide for the needs of children placed in foster care.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1003 (Ashburn-R) Community care facilities: foster care
Provides that when the State Department of Social Services issues a citation for a violation of a licensing standard in a foster care setting (group home, foster family home, or foster family agency), it may not issue the citation if the licensee can demonstrate that his/her actions met a standard of reasonableness.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 353 (Montanez-D) Child welfare services: foster siblings
Provides that the infliction of severe sexual abuse or severe physical harm against a foster child can be the basis for denial of reunification services with the parties' biological child, to the same extent as if the foster child were a sibling or half-sibling of the child. Also adopts a definition of sibling used elsewhere in the code to more broadly define sibling as a person related to the child by blood, adoption, or affinity through a common legal or biological parent.
Chapter 28, Statutes of 2003
AB 408 (Steinberg-D) Dependent children
Makes changes in dependency law to help achieve permanency for older foster youth.
Chapter 813, Statutes of 2003
AB 458 (Chu-D) Foster care
Seeks to ensure that foster children, and others in the foster care community are not subjected to discrimination or harassment on the basis of actual or perceived race, ethnic group identification, ancestry, national origin, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental or physical disability, or HIV status. Requires that training programs for foster caregivers cover these rights.
Chapter 331, Statutes of 2003
AB 490 (Steinberg-D) Education: foster children
Makes numerous changes to the law related to the education of foster youth in the areas of educational placement, coursework credit, records transfer, and educational programs offered to foster youth.
Chapter 862, Statutes of 2003
AB 1151 (Dymally-D) Foster care
Makes findings and expresses legislative intent regarding duties of care owed to children in foster care, and increases access to records of the death of a foster child.
Chapter 847, Statutes of 2003
ACR 127 (Steinberg-D) Court Adoption and Permanency Month
Proclaims November 2003 as Court Adoption and Permanency Month in which the courts and their local communities are encouraged to join together in activities to expedite permanency.
Resolution Chapter 146, Statutes of 2003
Public Social Services
SB 215 (Alpert-D) Youth mentoring and youth development
Deletes the limitation under the Governor's Mentoring Partnership that the mentoring relationship is limited to at-risk persons. Also enacts the Youth Development Act which creates the California Youth Policy Council (CYPC) to coordinate state policy regarding youth development. Provides that these provisions would be implemented only to the extent that funds for the purpose of establishing and administering the CYPC are received.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 428 (Perata-D) Adult day health care
Imposes a six-month moratorium on adult day health care licensure, changes the application process, and increases the licensing fees.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 463 (Hollingsworth-R) In-home supportive services: criminal records
Adds misdemeanor money laundering, forgery and embezzlement to the list of offenses in a background check of an in-home supportive service provider and makes it clear that a public authority can get a background check of an in-home supportive service provider.
(Failed passage in Senate Public Safety Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 577 (Kuehl-D) Protection and advocacy agencies
Clarifies and consolidates state laws related to California's protection and advocacy agency, Protection and Advocacy, Inc. (PAI), to conform to federal law. Specifically, (1) clarifies that broader populations than just the developmentally disabled or mentally ill are eligible for PAI services, (2) redefines "abuse," "neglect," and "complaint" to conform with federal law, and (3) clarifies the type of facilities that may be accessed by PAI in the course of an investigation.
Chapter 878, Statutes of 2003
SB 664 (Kuehl-D) Temporary assistance for needy families: domestic violence
Requires (1) the State Department of Social Services to allocate an unspecified percentage of the marriage promotion funds in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Fund (TANF) to county welfare agencies for domestic violence services, (2) an allocation to the Office of Women's Health for a public education campaign on domestic violence, and (3) implementation of federal TANF provisions concerning victims of domestic violence.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 739 (Ducheny-D) Children's services: Indian tribes
Authorizes the Director of the State Department of Social Services to establish a three-year pilot project to allow the Washoe Tribe of California and Nevada to provide child welfare services to Native American children and families who reside on tribal lands. Sunsets on January 1, 2007.
Chapter 373, Statutes of 2003
SB 936 (Escutia-D) In-home supportive services: hospital stays
Provides that a recipient, who is eligible for personal care services under the In-Home Supportive Services program, shall be entitled to continue to receive those services after being admitted as a patient in a hospital or skilled nursing facility. Limits these services to a maximum of either 30 days or 140 hours of services, whichever is greater.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 947 (Ducheny-D) Indians: child welfare services: adoptions
Expands the role of the tribe in a custody proceeding involving an Indian child.
Chapter 469, Statutes of 2003
SB 984 (Scott-D) Dependent children: Welfare Advance Fund payments
Brings California law related to interethnic foster and adoptive placement into compliance with federal law and allows payments from the Welfare Advance Fund to be made to tribes and other governmental entities.
Chapter 323, Statutes of 2003
SJR 3 (Alarcon-D) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program
Urges the Congress of the United States to increase the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program (TANF) block grant funding to certain states, allow states to use TANF funds to extend TANF assistance for eligible families for 24 months, and consider "stopping the clock" for recipients who are meeting work participation requirements or live in counties with high unemployment rates, increase funding for the Child Care and Development Block Grant, and give states flexibility to design the most effective strategies to help people secure jobs.
Resolution Chapter 136, Statutes of 2003
SB 14X (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Public social services
Suspends the state cost of living adjustment (COLA) to Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Program (SSI/SSP) grants and California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids program (CalWORKs) grants for the 2002-2003 fiscal year. Provides pass through of the federal SSI cost of living adjustment for the 2003 calendar year. Authorizes the State Department of Social Services (DSS) to review foster care program rates on a biennial basis. Also authorizes DSS to assign group home programs a rate classification level and assign foster family agencies a rate category on an every other year basis. Authorizes DSS to perform or have performed group home program and fiscal audits on an as needed basis, and specifies that the audit period may be less than the period for which the foster care rate is established.
(At Assembly Desk)
SB 24X* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Social services
Makes a series of statutory changes necessary to reduce funding of various social services programs. Specifically, it suspends performance incentives and incentives to enroll children in private health insurance programs for local child support programs for three years, transfers the Habilitation Services Program from the State Department of Rehabilitation to the State Department of Developmental Services, and makes implementation of the Senior Housing Information and Support Center contingent on a budget appropriation. Results in $5.1 million in savings in the 2003-04 fiscal year and $7.3 million in savings in the 2004-05 fiscal year.
Chapter 7, Statutes of 200-04 First Extraordinary Session
AB 61 (Dymally-D) In-home supportive services: direct deposit wage payments
Allows any in-home supportive services (IHSS) provider to authorize payment for IHSS services through direct deposit under a program established by the State Controller. Requires the State Department of Social Services and the State Controller to coordinate efforts to implement these provisions, as provided.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 179 (Chan-D) California Children and Families Commission
Makes changes in the Children and Families Act of 1998 (Proposition 10) regarding the California Children and Families Commission's name, and timing of annual reports.
Chapter 378, Statutes of 2003
AB 231 (Steinberg-D) Food stamps: CalWORKs: benefits
Aligns the rules governing the resource value of a motor vehicle under the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) with an alternative program under federal food stamp law, requires counties to exempt households from face-to-face interview requirements, as specified, and deletes requirement that counties provide transitional food stamps for a period of five months to families that leave CalWORKs.
Chapter 743, Statutes of 2003
AB 345 (McCarthy-R) CalWORKs: sanctions
Repeals existing procedures for imposing California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) sanctions and establishes different levels of severity for noncompliance with CalWORKs activities.
(In Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 353 (Montanez-D) Child welfare services: foster siblings
Provides that the infliction of severe sexual abuse or severe physical harm against a foster child can be the basis for denial of reunification services with the parties' biological child, to the same extent as if the foster child were a sibling or half-sibling of the child. Also adopts a definition of sibling used elsewhere in the code to more broadly define sibling as a person related to the child by blood, adoption, or affinity through a common legal or biological parent.
Chapter 28, Statutes of 2003
AB 380 (Steinberg-D) Children's system of care program
Establishes additional outcome measures for the children's system of care program and an annual schedule for reporting data to the State Department of Mental Health.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 464 (Levine-D) Adult day health care centers
Sets forth staffing and other requirements for Adult Day Health Care Centers.
Chapter 105, Statutes of 2003
AB 632* (Kehoe-D) In-home supportive services providers: employment benefits
Provides for the extension workers' compensation benefits to specified in-home support services workers.
Chapter 209, Statutes of 2003
AB 786 (Daucher-R) San Mateo County: home care assessment pilot project
Enables San Mateo County to adopt a specific assessment instrument for use by all home- and community-based long-term care services in the county.
Chapter 436, Statutes of 2003
AB 811 (Dymally-D) In-home supportive services: direct deposit wage payments
Requires the State Controller's Office, in conjunction with the State Department of Social Services, to create a direct deposit payment system for in-home supportive services workers.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 917 (Shirley Horton-R) CalWORKs: parent or relative caretaker: offenders
Denies assistance under the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program to persons convicted of crimes involving child or spousal abuse.
(Failed passage in Assembly Human Services Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1057 (Lieber-D) CalWORKs program: eligibility: fingerprint imaging
Repeals the requirement under existing law that the State Department of Social Services and the California Health and Human Services Agency Data Center implement and maintain a statewide fingerprint imaging system for the determination of eligibility for benefits under the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program. Requires instead the department to implement a pilot program, upon approval of the County of Los Angeles, for the continuation of a fingerprint imaging system in connection with determining eligibility under the CalWORKs program.
(In Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 1319 (Bates-R) In-Home Supportive Services program
Requires the State Department of Social Services to establish a pilot program in three counties that choose to participate to require each county's in-home supportive services (IHSS) employer of record to maintain a registry of providers who are available to provide services as an IHSS provider. Requires that the registry denote any IHSS provider who has voluntarily submitted to a criminal background check and obtained a criminal record clearance. Requires that the registry additionally denote any individual who has obtained the criminal record clearance and has expressed a preference to be considered for immediate placement in temporary work.
(In Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 1365 (Steinberg-D) Child welfare services
Implements the California Child Welfare Outcomes and Accountability System. This new review process of county child welfare services programs is modeled on recent federal reviews utilizing various performance measures.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1402 (Wolk-D) CalWORKs program: eligibility
Makes technical changes to the method of calculating the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program and food stamp benefits to conform to federal law when a report of a change in income is made within a quarter.
Chapter 398, Statutes of 2003
AB 1403 (Wolk-D) CalWORKs
Expresses legislative intent to implement federal reauthorization of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families block grant while meeting federal requirements and preserving essential features of the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1470 (Vargas-D) In-home supportive services: provider wage/benefit increase
Permits increases in in-home supportive services wages and benefits through a county-wide voter initiative.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1716 (Assembly Human Services Committee) Local Revenue Fund: allocations
Changes the allocation of sales tax growth revenues within the realignment Local Revenue Fund and establishes a mechanism to restore the base level of funding for each county's social services account in the health and welfare trust fund to the level of the 2001-02 fiscal year, for the 2003-04 budget year.
Chapter 450, Statutes of 2003
AB 1752* (Assembly Budget Committee) Human services
The omnibus human services trailer bill which makes statutory changes to human services programs necessary to implement the Budget Act of 2003.
Chapter 225, Statutes of 2003
Other Public Health and Safety Legislation
SB 2 (Burton-D) Health care coverage
Enacts the Health Insurance Act of 2003 by creating the State Health Purchasing Program to be administered by the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board, as specified.
Chapter 673, Statutes of 2003
SB 13 (Romero-D) Radiation Safety Act of 2003
Enacts the Radiation Safety Act of 2003 and prohibits the disposal of radioactive waste at specified facilities.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 38 (Denham-R) Organ and tissue donation: to incarcerated persons
Requires the forms provided by the State Department of Motor Vehicles to drivers license applicants for purposes of allowing licensees to identify themselves as organ and tissue donors to include a provision allowing the donor to indicate whether they want to prohibit donation of their organs and tissues to incarcerated persons.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 108 (Romero-D) Emergency medical services: alcohol: fee
Enacts the Alcohol-Related Emergency Services Reimbursement Act of 2003, which requires the State Board of Equalization to collect a $0.05 per drink fee from specified wholesalers. Establishes the Alcohol-Related Emergency Services Reimbursement Trust Fund, administered by the State Department of Health Services, to allocate reimbursement to specified local emergency medical services providers that incur expenses in providing services for alcohol-related emergencies.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
SB 112 (Speier-D) California Organ and Tissue Donor Registry
Transfers the responsibility for establishing the California Organ and Tissue Donor Registry from the California Health and Human Services Agency to a not-for-profit organization, known as the California Organ and Tissue Donation Registrar, which would establish and maintain the registry.
Chapter 405, Statutes of 2003
SB 126 (Chesbro-D) Rural Health Care Equity Program: reimbursements
Extends the operation of the Rural Health Care Equity Program to January 1, 2008 and reaffirms the cap on program payments to Medicare participants to $75 per month.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 133 (Battin-R) Human cloning
Prohibits human reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. Establishes criminal penalties for violations of up to $1 million for corporations, firms, clinics, hospitals, laboratories, or research facilities and $250,000 for individuals.
(Failed passage in Senate Health and Human Services Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 139 (Brulte-R) Abandoned newborns: safe-surrender
Makes a series of clarifying changes to existing law that grants immunity from prosecution for child abandonment when a parent or lawful custodian voluntarily surrenders physical custody of a child to designated sites and persons.
Chapter 150, Statutes of 2003
SB 181 (Machado-D) Drinking water: requirements: notice
Establishes procedures for a Public Water System to notify and record the status of compliance with drinking water directives of the State Department of Health Services for individual properties in a service area.
Chapter 167, Statutes of 2003
SB 189 (Escutia-D) Environmental health tracking system: chronic disease
Requires, on or before July 1, 2004, the State Department of Health Services, the California Environmental Protection Agency, and the University of California to jointly develop and sign a memorandum of understanding to assess the feasibility of integrating existing environmental hazard, exposure, and health outcome data.
Chapter 407, Statutes of 2003
SB 295 (Vasconcellos-D) California Marijuana Research Program
Eliminates the three-year time limit on the California Marijuana Research Program.
Chapter 704, Statutes of 2003
SB 311 (Sher-D) Environmental health: drinking water
Changes the requirements for conducting an external scientific peer review for risk assessments regarding California drinking water standards.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 322 (Ortiz-D) Stem cell research
Requires the State Department of Health Services, on or before January 1, 2005, to develop guidelines for research involving the derivation or use of human embryonic stem cells in California. Sunsets January 1, 2007.
Chapter 506, Statutes of 2003
SB 351 (Ducheny-D) Emergency services: firefighting: federal funds
Provides that, upon appropriation in the annual Budget Act, the Director of the State Department of Finance may transfer moneys in the Federal Trust Fund to the State Office of Emergency Services, if moneys are made available, for the purpose of providing financial assistance to volunteer fire departments in rural areas providing emergency services in this state.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 377 (Chesbro-D) Indian health services
Requires the State Department of Health Services to provide semiannual prospective payments during a 12-month fiscal year to recipients of Indian health service grants.
Chapter 596, Statutes of 2003
SB 420 (Vasconcellos-D) Medical marijuana
Establishes a voluntary program for the issuance of identification cards to patients qualified to use medical marijuana and makes numerous legal definitions, clarifications, and statutory changes necessary to implement and enforce a system providing medical marijuana to chronically ill patients.
Chapter 875, Statutes of 2003
SB 473 (Florez-D) Public schools: State School Health Advisory Council
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to appoint a State School Health Advisory Council to make recommendations regarding model health services programs and practices by January 1, 2005. Requires the council to collaborate with the State Department of Education and the State Department of Health Services to develop school health services and school nursing services criteria. Appropriates $144,000 from the General Fund to the superintendent for the costs of the advisory council.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 475 (Florez-D) Public freshwater bathing areas
Directs the State Department of Health Services to establish standards for the water at freshwater bathing areas, assigns responsibility to local health officers for the testing and monitoring of water standards, and requires public notice during those years that appropriations are insufficient for testing and monitoring.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 476 (Florez-D) Emergency medical services
Authorizes each administering agency of an emergency medical services fund to maintain a reserve in specified portions of its Maddy Emergency Medical Services Fund. Requires administering agencies to distribute all funds remaining at the end of the fiscal year in excess of any reserve held and rolled over to the next year. Additionally, changes the county reporting requirements and the date at which these are due annually to the Legislature, and requires each administering officer at the county level to establish an advisory committee.
Chapter 707, Statutes of 2003
SB 582 (Speier-D) Ephedrine group alkaloids
Prohibits the sale or distribution of any dietary supplement products containing ephedrine group alkaloids.
Chapter 903, Statutes of 2003
SB 606 (Vasconcellos-D) Pupil health: vision appraisal
Requires schools to send home a notice and questionnaire, as specified, related to eye symptoms, vision and school performance.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 617 (Speier-D) Anatomical gifts: tissue banks: informed consent
Requires hospitals, organ procurement organizations, and tissue banks to advise donors of their right to withhold consent for donated tissue to be used for cosmetic surgery purposes, for applications outside of the United States and for use by for-profit tissue processors and distributors.
Chapter 464, Statutes of 2003
SB 635 (Dunn-D) Emergency medical services
Changes the law governing emergency medical services by eliminating the limitation against making a payment for services provided beyond a 48-hour period of continuous services to the patient.
(In Assembly Public Safety Committee)
SB 678* (Ortiz-D) Bioterrorism preparedness: federal funding
Appropriates $85,468,835 in federal funds to the State Department of Health Services for implementing bioterrorism and smallpox preparedness measures by the state and local jurisdictions.
(On Assembly Third Reading File)
SB 679 (Ortiz-D) Food establishments: nutritional information
Requires a food establishment that is part of a large chain to make nutritional information available on all food items that are on the menu for six months or more.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
SB 750* (Machado-D) Safe drinking water: water quality: flood protection
Proposes a bond to be presented to the voters in 2004 that authorizes $5 billion in various expenditures related to improving water quality and reliability.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 767* (Florez-D) Health care safety net
Enacts the California Health Care Safety Net Act of 2003, to set a minimum level of funding for specified health care programs, and prohibits these programs from being included in any transfer of responsibility and funding from state government to local governments. Also requires a hospital, as a condition of receiving funds allocated for emergency departments from public sources, to have a written memorandum of understanding or other formal agreement between the hospital and nonprofit community health centers to require emergency departments to establish a process whereby an emergency department would refer nonemergency care patients to nonprofit health centers for preventive primary care services and nonprofit community health centers would refer inpatient care cases to hospitals.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 771 (Ortiz-D) Human cells: embryo registry: egg cell donation
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to establish and maintain an anonymous registry of embryos to provide researchers with access to embryos that are available for research purposes. Also authorizes DHS to contract with the University of California, private organizations, or public entities to establish and administer the registry. Further states that these provisions shall be implemented only to the extent that funds for the purpose of establishing and administering the registry are received by DHS from private or other non-state sources. In addition, requires health care providers to provide specific information relating to disposition of embryos and informed consent for embryo donors.
Chapter 507, Statutes of 2003
SB 773 (Murray-D) Food labeling and safety
Permits the sale of Korean rice rolls that have been at room temperature for no more than six hours. Requires a food establishment that sells Korean rice rolls to, after six hours, destroy the rice rolls in a manner approved by the local enforcement agency. Amends both the Sherman Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and the California Uniform Retail Food Facilities Law to require all manufacturers of Korean rice rolls to place labels on the packaging of the rice rolls that indicate the time and date of manufacture.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 774 (Vasconcellos-D) Hypodermic needles and syringes
Permits a pharmacist to furnish, without a prescription, 30 or fewer hypodermic needles and syringes at any one time to a person 18 years of age or older. Sunsets this provision on December 31, 2007.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 779 (Speier-D) Dietary supplements: manufactures and distributors
Requires manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements to forward copies to the State Department of Health Services of all adverse event reports.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
SB 797 (Machado-D) Health: osteoporosis screening
Requires the State Department of Health Services to establish a program to provide osteoporosis screening services to uninsured individuals.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 858 (Ortiz-D) Public health
States legislative intent to enact legislation to establish the State Department of Public Health, and to realign certain responsibilities between the State Department of Public Health and the State Department of Health Services by transferring responsibility for the administration of specified programs to the State Department of Public Health.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
SB 875* (Escutia-D) Child and parental nutrition
Requires the State Department of Health Services to develop or obtain a brochure for pregnant women and new parents on proper nutrition and exercise, and provides that the brochure is to be distributed, as specified, to persons who contact the BabyCal and Access for Infants and Mothers programs.
Chapter 879, Statutes of 2003
SB 995 (Aanestad-R) Pain management
Requires a district attorney, city attorney, or other prosecuting agency to notify and consult with the Medical Board of California regarding any allegations of unprofessional conduct or criminal violation by a physician and surgeon practicing in pain management before taking any action that would require a physician to cease providing pain management services. Requires the board to investigate and report back to the district attorney, city attorney, or other prosecuting agency.
(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 1081 (Senate Health And Human Services Committee) Human blood
Deletes from existing law the requirement that the State Department of Health Services maintain the Donor Deferral Register.
Chapter 419, Statutes of 2003
SCR 15 (Ortiz-D) Save Your Vision Month
Proclaims the month of March 2003 as Save Your Vision Month and encourages all Californians to save their vision through proper eye care.
Resolution Chapter 16, Statutes of 2003
SCR 18 (Torlakson-D) California Fitness Month
Proclaims the month of May 2003 as California Fitness Month and encourages all Californians to enrich their lives through proper diet and exercise.
Resolution Chapter 49, Statutes of 2003
SCR 42 (Soto-D) Women In Pain Awareness Month
Recognizes the important need to raise awareness concerning gender disparity in pain assessment and treatment in the United States and declares the month of October as Women In Pain Awareness Month to coincide with Women's Health Awareness Month.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
SCR 47 (Alpert-D) Eugenics
Expresses the profound regret of this Legislature over the state's past role in the eugenics movement, and urges every citizen of the state to become familiar with the history of the eugenics movement, in the hope that a more educated and tolerant populace will reject any similar abhorrent pseudoscientific movement should one arise in the future.
Resolution Chapter 130, Statutes of 2003
SR 18 (Ortiz-D) Suicide Prevention Week
Proclaims May 4 through May 10, 2003, and every first full week in May hereafter, as "Suicide Prevention Week."
Adopted by the Senate
SR 20 (Alpert-D) Eugenics
Describes the goal and practice of eugenics, the eugenics-related legislation passed in California in 1909 that allowed the involuntary sterilization of "sexual and moral degenerates" who were prisoners and certain inmates of state hospitals and institutions, and the resulting sterilization of some 20,000 Californians. Expresses regret over the state's past role in the eugenics movement and the injustice done to those thousands of California men and women, and urges every citizen of the state to be educated about the eugenics movement, in the hope that the populace will become more tolerant and will reject any similar abhorrent movement should any arise in the future.
Adopted by the Senate
SB 26X* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Health care financing
Enacts various reductions in Medi-Cal, Healthy Families outreach, prostate cancer treatment and Early Mental Health programs. Implements specified reductions for General Fund savings of $317.2 million and General Fund (Proposition 98) savings of $10 million.
Chapter 9, Statutes of 2003-04 First Extraordinary Session
AB 9 (Dymally-D) Urban community health institute
Establishes the Urban Community Health Institute: Centers to Eliminate Health Disparities at the Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles to address the problem of disparate health care in Los Angeles County Service Planning Area 6, and other multicultural communities that have the worst health care status, indicators, medical outcomes, and death rates in Los Angeles County.
Chapter 200, Statutes of 2003
AB 10 (Firebaugh-D) Los Angeles County Health Authority
Authorizes the County of Los Angeles to establish the Los Angeles County Health Authority that would exercise prescribed powers with respect to the provision of health services in the county.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 24 (Negrete McLeod-D) Swimming pools/spas: child drowning hazards
Allows for the creation and distribution of a brochure containing information regarding swimming pool and spa safety.
Chapter 422, Statutes of 2003
AB 45 (Simitian-D) Vehicles
Prohibits the use of a wireless telephone while operating a motor vehicle, unless the telephone is designed to allow a hands-free operation.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 83 (Corbett-D) Bottled water
Creates a new program requiring bottled water and water vending machines to meet new licensure requirements similar to those imposed on public water systems regarding emergency notification plans, consumer confidence reports, specified labeling requirements and annual inspections. Also transfers existing provisions relating to the licensure and regulation of bottled water from the Sherman, Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Law to the Safe Drinking Water Act, and authorizes the State Department of Health Services to revise the annual license fee schedule for persons engaged in activities relating to bottled water and water vending machines to cover the costs of this legislation.
(Failed passage on Senate Third Reading File; reconsideration granted)
AB 93* (Canciamilla-D) Water supply
Submits to the voters at the November 2, 2004 election the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Water Supply Bond Act of 2004 which would authorize, for purposes of financing a water quality, water security, and water supply infrastructure improvement program, the issuance of bonds in the amount of $7.9 billion.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 147 (Nation-D) Food products: alcohol notice
Requires any food facility that serves or sells over the counter directly to the consumer an unlabeled or unpackaged food that contains alcohol in excess of one-half of one percent by weight, to provide oral notice to the consumer of that fact, exempts a food facility if the facility is licensed to serve alcoholic beverages under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, or if the food sold or served is a confectionery, and requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to report to the Legislature on or before January 1, 2005 regarding implementation of this bill.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 178 (Oropeza-D) Women's Reproductive Health and Responsibility Act
Continuously appropriates from the General Fund to the Director of the State Department of Health Services $239,030,000 in each fiscal year, commencing on July 1, 2003 for the 2003-04 fiscal year, and on July 1st of each fiscal year thereafter, for specified health programs.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 195 (Chan-D) Health education
Authorizes school districts to provide pupils with instruction on preventive health care, including obesity and diabetes prevention through nutrition education; clarifies that schools may enhance health education programs through partnerships with health care professionals, including managed care plans; and prohibits health care professionals who are participating in such programs from marketing their services on school campuses.
Chapter 550, Statutes of 2003
AB 206 (Richman-R) Emergency Health Powers Act
Establishes the Emergency Health Powers Act as follows: (1) permits the Governor to declare a state of public health emergency, (2) grants the Governor broad powers during a public health emergency, (3) confers special powers on the State Department of Health Services and local health officers during a public health emergency, including permission to seize and destroy property, to require medical examination, testing, vaccination, and treatment, to order isolations and quarantines, to collect specimens, to access protected health information, and to waive state licensure requirements for out-of-state emergency health care providers, (4) requires public health emergency planning, (5) requires disease reporting, tracking and surveillance, (6) limits liability of certain persons when acting in response to a public health emergency, and (7) compensates for the taking of property in specified cases.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 216 (Chan-D) Alcohol: fee: youth alcohol recovery and prevention
Requires the State Board of Equalization to collect a fee from any beer manufacturer, distilled spirits manufacturer, beer importer, and distilled spirits importer to fund alcohol recovery and prevention centers. Becomes operative only if no bill from the 2003-04 Regular Session that imposes or increases any surtax on alcoholic beverages is chaptered.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 267 (Mullin-D) Cloning: humans
Deletes the prohibition under existing law against cloning a human being and changes the definition of "human reproductive cloning" to include the transfer of the nucleus of a human cell from any source into a human or nonhuman egg cell which has had the nucleus removed.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 289 (Plescia-R) Organ and tissue donation
Authorizes a donor to designate that an anatomical gift shall not be donated to any person incarcerated in the state prison or a county jail.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 321 (Cogdill-R) Health care consortia
Authorizes cities, counties, and employers to form health care purchasing consortia within rural areas.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 386 (Aghazarian-R) Drinking water: local primacy agencies
Requires the State Department of Health Services to meet and confer with representatives of the California Conference of Directors of Environmental Health or local primacy agencies, or both, for purposes of identifying and providing adequate funding to local primacy agencies, prior to passing on any new mandates or expanding any existing mandate.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 472* (Correa-D) Bioterrorism preparedness and other public health threats
Continuously appropriates any federal funding received by the state for bioterrorism preparedness and emergency response to the State Department of Health Services for public health preparedness and response by local health departments, beginning with the 2003-04 fiscal year in any fiscal year in which the Budget Act is not enacted by July 1 of that fiscal year.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 540 (Bogh-R) Death certificates: peace officers
Requires an amended death certificate for a peace officer killed in the line of duty to be processed immediately upon acceptance for filing and to be issued by the state or local registrar no later than 10 business days following acceptance for filing.
Chapter 307, Statutes of 2003
AB 561 (Lieber-D) Family planning: teen pregnancy
Establishes the Male Involvement Program, the Community Challenge Grant Program, the TeenSMART Program, and the Information and Education Program on a continuing basis within the Office of Family Planning in the State Department of Health Services, to the extent funding is made available, as specified.
Chapter 643, Statutes of 2003
AB 573 (Chu-D) Public health: traditional Asian medicine
Establishes the Traditional Asian Medicine Certification Program to be administered by the State Department of Health Services. Requires the department to establish a list, to be published annually, of traditional Asian medicines and the products used in their production, to adopt certification standards for traditional Asian medicines, to provide for testing of every traditional Asian medicine that is to be produced, sold, or imported to determine if certification is warranted and to monitor the list and labels of traditional Asian medicine and the ingredients used in the production to prevent the use of endangered species of flora and fauna.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 777 (Dutton-R) Anatomical gifts: organs: inquests
Provides procedures for removal of organs for transplant when requested by a qualified organ procurement organization when an anatomical gift is from a decedent whose death requires an inquest by the medical examiner or coroner.
Chapter 309, Statutes of 2003
AB 785 (Daucher-R) Long-term care service delivery models
Requires the board of supervisors of each county to adopt one of the following three service delivery models for long-term care: (1) the coordinated system of care, described as a network of service providers that communicate through established protocols, under the administration of a lead agency or coordinating council designated by the board of supervisors; (2) the integrated service delivery system, to streamline and consolidate the delivery of long-term care services under the administration of a single service agency designated by the board of supervisors; and (3) the capitated service delivery system, to integrate the financing and administration of long-term care and medical care services under the administration of a single service agency designated by the board of supervisors.
(In Assembly Aging and Long-Term Care Committee)
AB 820 (Nakanishi-R) National Health Service Corps: loan repayment
Requires the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, in administering the National Health Service Corps State Loan Repayment Program, to strive, whenever feasible, to equitably distribute loan repayment awards between eligible urban and rural program sites after taking into consideration factors relating to need in the communities to be served.
Chapter 682, Statutes of 2003
AB 992 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Ammunition: Firearm Victims' Reimbursement Fund
Imposes a 10-cent fee on every munition sold at a retail facility, requires the State Board of Equalization (BOE) to administer and enforce the fee, allows BOE to take up to five percent of the funds deposited for annual implementation and administrative costs and requires the BOE to transfer the fee proceeds to the State Treasurer for deposit into the Victim's Reimbursement Fund, which is created by this bill to compensate persons injured by guns who suffer uncompensated losses.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1020 (Laird-D) Public water systems
Provides that a public water system may bring a civil action against a person responsible for contaminants in drinking water to recover the costs associated with the investigation or remediation of the water within four years of incurring those costs.
(On Senate Third Reading File)
AB 1045 (Leslie-R) Mobile food facilities
Allows mobile food facilities, that meet new equipment and construction requirements, to handle fresh, nonpotentially hazardous foods, that require cooking rather than only foods that need no preparation other than heating, baking, popping, blending, assembly, portioning, or dispensing, as allowed in current law.
Chapter 454, Statutes of 2003
AB 1110* (Harman-R) Water security
Appropriates $10 million of the proceeds of bonds issued under the Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Act of 2002 (Proposition 50) to the State Department of Health Services to be spent for public drinking water system security projects.
(Failed passage in Assembly Appropriations Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1113* (Garcia-R) Supplemental Firefighting Services Fund
Establishes, in each county treasury, a Supplemental Firefighting Services Fund and requires money from this fund to be allocated to local agencies for specified front line fire service activities. Also requires that, in addition to the amount levied under existing law, an additional $5 penalty be levied for every $10 or fraction thereof that is collected upon every fine, penalty, or forfeiture imposed and collected by the courts for criminal offenses, except parking offenses, for deposit into the State Supplemental Firefighting Services Fund.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 1139 (Lowenthal-D) Drugs and medical devices
Mandates labeling of medical drugs or devices that contain Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP). Requires distribution of a form with unlabeled drugs or devices that states the risk of DEHP to certain populations and requires various personnel to sign the form when purchasing these products.
(Failed passage in Assembly Health Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1145* (Shirley Horton-R) State buildings: defibrillators
Requires the State Department of General Services (DGS) to apply for federal grant funds for the purchase of automated external defibrillators to be located within state-owned and leased buildings. Also requires DGS, in consultation with the Emergency Medical Services Authority, the American Red Cross and the American Heart Association, to adopt policies and procedures consistent with existing law and regulations related to the placement and use of defibrillators.
(In Assembly awaiting concurrence)
AB 1152* (Maldonado-R) Health care: rural areas
Repeals the July 1, 2003 sunset date of the Rural Health Demonstration Project (RHDP), thereby making RHDP permanent.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1155 (Liu-D) Medi-Cal: medical equipment and supplies
Requires the State Department of Health Services to develop and maintain functional equivalence and price comparison tables for use in comparing prices and functionalities of similar items of durable medical equipment, medical supplies, and hearing aids for which a maximum cost has not been determined for purposes of comparing prices in the purchase of those items through the Medi-Cal program.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 1211 (Nakano-D) Public safety: communication system
Clarifies that the Public Safety Radio Strategic Planning Committee is responsible for facilitating local, state, and federal partnerships to improve California's public safety radio capabilities.
Chapter 314, Statutes of 2003
AB 1216 (Vargas-D) Fire safety: regulations
Authorizes the development of building standards for "very high fire severity zones" including standards for porches, decks, balconies, and eaves in order to protect structures from wildfires which spread to and from those structures and proposes a definition of "urban wildland interface community."
Chapter 688, Statutes of 2003
AB 1298 (Daucher-R) Continuing care contracts: retirement communities
Makes several changes to continuing care contracts (CCC) utilized by community care retirement communities, residential providers of services to the elderly. Specifically, requires a CCC to describe the provider monitoring methodology used for occupants of certain residential living units, and specifies the requirements for observing or monitoring a resident's status.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 1300 (Laird-D) Water security, clean drinking water, coastal protection
Requires the State Resources Agency to prepare an annual report summarizing the spending of bond proceeds authorized by the Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Act of 2002 (Proposition 50) and to make the information available on the Internet and any other means the agency deems cost effective.
(In Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
AB 1308 (Goldberg-D) Drug treatment: local correctional facilities
Allows the use of a sliding scale for treatment by a narcotic treatment program of an indigent person not eligible for Medi-Cal and gives priority in grant funding to cities and counties that implement in-jail addiction withdrawal programs based on available standards of care.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1371 (Yee-D) Human experimentation
Increases the standards for informed consent relating to participation in a medical experiment.
Chapter 397, Statutes of 2003
AB 1376 (Benoit-R) Vital records
Expands the category of persons authorized to receive noncomprehensive birth or death indices for purposes of law enforcement or preventing fraud to include a private investigator licensed in this state.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1406 (Wolk-D) Mosquito abatement: West Nile Virus
Creates, until January 1, 2007, the West Nile Virus Disease Control and Demonstration program administered by the State Department of Fish and Game to reduce mosquito production from early and late flooding of privately-owned wetlands in the Central Valley.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1413 (Wolk-D) Delayed registration of birth: dependent children
Requires the State Registrar, in processing applications for the delayed registration of a birth, to give priority to an application for a child who has been adjudged a dependent of the juvenile court.
Chapter 315, Statutes of 2003
AB 1424 (Mountjoy-R) Minors: psychotropic drugs
Provides that the refusal of a parent or guardian of a child to administer or consent to the administration of any psychotropic drug to the child or to consent to any other psychological or psychiatric diagnoses or treatments for the child does not, in and of itself, constitute a basis for finding that the child comes within the definition of a dependent child, for adjudging the child to be a dependent child of the juvenile court, or for removing the child from the physical custody of the parent or guardian, as specified.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1524 (Richman-R) County Health Initiative Matching Fund
Expands the scope of the County Health Initiative Matching Fund to include health insurance coverage to a parent of an eligible child participating in the Healthy Families Program and whose income does not exceed 200 percent of the federal poverty level.
Chapter 866, Statutes of 2003
AB 1533 (Bermudez-D) Drug treatment furlough program
Requires the State Department of Corrections (DOC) to: (1) contract with public agencies and nonprofit organizations to provide drug treatment furlough programs for inmates convicted of nonviolent offenses, as specified, 180 days prior to release, (2) purchase, design, construct and renovate or lease facilities, and, in consultation with the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs, design drug and alcohol programs, as specified, (3) deny placement in a re-entry drug treatment furlough program to any inmate convicted of specified serious and violent offenses, or if the DOC determines an inmate poses an unreasonable risk to the public, and (4) review each inmate for drug treatment furlough consideration at least 120 days prior to his/her scheduled parole date.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1534 (Firebaugh-D) Drug paraphernalia
Creates an exemption from the law relating to drug paraphernalia, personal smoking devices used to administer medical marijuana.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1577 (Lowenthal-D) Falls Surveillance Project
Requires the State Department of Health Services to establish the Falls Surveillance Project, pursuant to which the department is required to design and manage a program of emergency medical services fall event reporting and data collection, consolidate the data collected, analyze the data, and report the findings to the Legislature by December 31, 2004. Requires that the Falls Surveillance Project be implemented and completed over four years and that the department report to the Legislature by December 31, 2007, regarding the project.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1612 (Kehoe-D) Public safety funds
Requires the County of San Diego to earmark $4.5 million annually from the county Public Safety Augmentation Fund for a regional fire-based helicopter and for reimbursement of emergency fire dispatches.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1716 (Assembly Human Services Committee) Local Revenue Fund: allocations
Changes the allocation of sales tax growth revenues within the realignment Local Revenue Fund and establishes a mechanism to restore the base level of funding for each county's social services account in the health and welfare trust fund to the level of the 2001-02 fiscal year, for the 2003-04 budget year.
Chapter 450, Statutes of 2003
AB 1738 (Assembly Health Committee) Retail food facilities: mobile units
Makes various changes to the California Uniform Retail Food Facilities Law.
Chapter 453, Statutes of 2003
AB 1739 (Frommer-D) Health care
Revises the State Department of General Services bulk drug purchasing program, renames the California Health Manpower Policy Commission as the California Healthcare Workforce Policy Commission, and revises standards for hemodialysis technician training programs.
(Failed passage in Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1746 (Assembly Budget Committee) Budget Act of 2002
Provides an augmentation of $727,225,000 to local medical assistance set forth in the Budget Act of 2002, for the following: local assistance expenditures, capital debt service for hospital construction and the Healthy Families Program.
Chapter 43, Statutes of 2003
AB 1762* (Assembly Budget Committee) Health budget trailer bill
Enacts the omnibus health budget trailer bill to make cost-savings in a number of health related budget items.
Chapter 230, Statutes of 2003
AB 1763* (Assembly Budget Committee) Healthy Families Program
Authorizes funding for rural demonstration projects under the Healthy Families Program to be made available from funds appropriated from the Unallocated Account in the Cigarette and Tobacco Products Surtax Fund and from federal funds.
Chapter 161, Statutes of 2003
ACR 10 (Dymally-D) Heavy backpacks
Acknowledges the health risks of heavy backpacks and encourages the Superintendent of Public Instruction, school districts and parents to take action to avoid potential injury to pupils from heavy backpacks.
Resolution Chapter 105, Statutes of 2003
ACR 11 (Cohn-D) Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day
Proclaims October 8, 2003 as Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day.
Resolution Chapter 121, Statutes of 2003
ACR 16 (Nation-D) Nutrition: vegetarian school lunches
Requests that the State Department of Education and State Department of Health Services develop nutritional school lunch menu plans that, phased in over a four-year period, provide daily optional plant-centered vegetarian school lunches; and advocates for greater consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes.
Resolution Chapter 62, Statutes of 2003
ACR 18 (Leno-D) Spay Day USA 2003
Declares February 25, 2003, to be Spay Day USA 2003, and requests that Californians observe that day by having their dogs or cats spayed or neutered or by contributing to organizations that provide spay or neuter services.
Resolution Chapter 6, Statutes of 2003
ACR 70 (Chan-D) Children's Fitness and Nutrition Week 2003
Proclaims the week of April 28 to May 2, 2003, to be YEAH!: Youth Eating and Acting Healthy!: Children's Fitness and Nutrition Week 2003.
Resolution Chapter 37, Statutes of 2003
ACR 92 (Cohn-D) Physical Therapy Month
Proclaims the month of October 2003 as Physical Therapy Month.
Resolution Chapter 100, Statutes of 2003
ACR 93 (Berg-D) American Stroke Month
Proclaims May 2003 as American Stroke Month in California and urges all Californians to familiarize themselves with the warning signs, symptoms, and risk factors associated with strokes, so they might begin to reduce the devastating effects that strokes have on our population.
Resolution Chapter 46, Statutes of 2003
ACR 102 (Garcia-R) Family Day
Recognizes and celebrates November 1, 2003 as Family Day, and encourages family traditions.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
ACR 106 (Chan-D) Children's vision
Recognizes the importance of good visual health for California's children, and encourages the Senate Office of Research to commission a study of the eye and vision needs of children in the State of California, including the need for regular comprehensive eye examinations by trained professionals, the need for an increase in the type and quantity of eye appliances available to children, and the need for access to affordable, quality eye and vision care.
Resolution Chapter 140, Statutes of 2003
HR 7 (Jackson-D) National Mentoring Month
Recognizes National Mentoring Month and pays tribute to the mentors and role models of our society, celebrates mentoring programs, supports the continuation and advancement of mentoring programs, and encourages people to become mentors.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 15 (Laird-D) Children's dental health
Recognizes the severity of the problem of children's oral health and the importance of the dental community providing pro bono services throughout the year.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 24 (Houston-R) National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week
Proclaims support for and observes National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week during the week of April 20 to 26, 2003, urges every Californian to consider becoming a donor and encourages organ and tissue recipients to tell others how their lives and health have changed because of the generosity of a donor.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 30 (Lowenthal-D) Suicide Prevention Week
Proclaims May 4 through May 10, 2003, and every first full week in May hereafter, as "Suicide Prevention Week."
Adopted by the Assembly
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 2 | Burton-D Health care coverage | |
SB 3 | Burton-D Death penalty: mental retardation | |
SB 13 | Romero-D Radiation Safety Act of 2003 | |
SB 24 | Figueroa-D Health care: accelerated enrollment | |
SB 26 | Figueroa-D Health care providers health care rate approval | |
SB 36 | Chesbro-D Medi-Cal | |
SB 38 | Denham-R Organ and tissue donation: to incarcerated persons | |
SB 51 | Morrow-R Death penalty: mental retardation | |
SB 71 | Kuehl-D Education: HIV/AIDS | |
SB 77 | Burton-D Physical therapy | |
SB 106* | Alpert-D Volunteers with foster children: criminal history | |
SB 108 | Romero-D Emergency medical services: alcohol: fee | |
SB 112 | Speier-D California Organ and Tissue Donor Registry | |
SB 120 | Margett-R Elderly and disabled persons: home improvement loans | |
SB 126 | Chesbro-D Rural Health Care Equity Program: reimbursements | |
SB 130 | Chesbro-D Health and care facilities: use of restraints | |
SB 133 | Battin-R Human cloning | |
SB 139 | Brulte-R Abandoned newborns: safe-surrender | |
SB 143 | Cedillo-D Acute care hospitals: patient needs | |
SB 165 | Machado-D Clinical laboratories | |
SB 175 | Kuehl-D Veterinary drugs: prescriptions by veterinarians | |
SB 181 | Machado-D Drinking water: requirements: notice | |
SB 189 | Escutia-D Environmental health tracking system: chronic disease | |
SB 197 | Burton-D Registered nurses: wages and hours of employment violations | |
SB 211 | Dunn-D Residential care facilities for the elderly | |
SB 215 | Alpert-D Youth mentoring and youth development | |
SB 231 | Murray-D Hereditary disorders: Newborn Screening Advisory Committee | |
SB 252 | Alpert-D Healing arts | |
SB 262 | Kuehl-D Buildings: access: enforcement | |
SB 292 | Speier-D Pharmacy: prescription labels | |
SB 295 | Vasconcellos-D California Marijuana Research Program | |
SB 302 | Kuehl-D Discrimination: access by the disabled | |
SB 308 | Figueroa-D Medi-Cal: Native Americans | |
SB 311 | Sher-D Environmental health: drinking water | |
SB 322 | Ortiz-D Stem cell research | |
SB 323 | Soto-D Medi-Cal: disease management | |
SB 326 | Florez-D Health facilities: plans of correction | |
SB 340 | Florez-D Substance abuse: adult recovery maintenance facilities | |
SB 351 | Ducheny-D Emergency services: firefighting: federal funds | |
SB 358 | Figueroa-D Nursing: vocational nursing: psychiatric technicians | |
SB 359 | Figueroa-D Professions and vocations | |
SB 361 | Figueroa-D Pharmacy: administration and enforcement | |
SB 362 | Figueroa-D Boards, bureaus, and commissions | |
SB 364 | Figueroa-D Licensing boards | |
SB 370 | Soto-D Medi-Cal: dialysis: end stage renal disease | |
SB 372 | Margett-R Involuntary detention: grave disability | |
SB 376 | Chesbro-D Healing arts | |
SB 377 | Chesbro-D Indian health services | |
SB 379 | Ortiz-D Statewide health planning and development | |
SB 382 | Oller-R Community care facilities: notice | |
SB 393 | Aanestad-R Pharmacists: inpatient pharmacy technician services | |
SB 398 | Romero-D Health care employment agencies | |
SB 420 | Vasconcellos-D Medical marijuana | |
SB 428 | Perata-D Adult day health care | |
SB 433 | Ortiz-D Tobacco products: licensing of retailers | |
SB 463 | Hollingsworth-R In-home supportive services: criminal records | |
SB 473 | Florez-D Public schools: State School Health Advisory Council | |
SB 475 | Florez-D Public freshwater bathing areas | |
SB 476 | Florez-D Emergency medical services | |
SB 485 | Poochigian-R Medical Board of California | |
SB 490 | Alpert-D Pharmacy: prescriptions | |
SB 494 | Escutia-D Medi-Cal | |
SB 528 | Aanestad-R Medi-Cal reimbursement rates | |
SB 536 | Romero-D Los Angeles County trauma care system | |
SB 540 | Soto-D Residential care facilities for the elderly | |
SB 545 | Speier-D Emergency contraception drug therapy | |
SB 546 | Johnson-R Health facilities: plans of correction | |
SB 577 | Kuehl-D Protection and advocacy agencies | |
SB 582 | Speier-D Ephedrine group alkaloids | |
SB 591 | Scott-D Dependent children: caregiver information | |
SB 598 | Machado-D Confidentiality of medical information: psychotherapy | |
SB 606 | Vasconcellos-D Pupil health: vision appraisal | |
SB 617 | Speier-D Anatomical gifts: tissue banks: informed consent | |
SB 629 | Soto-D Blood-borne infectious disease | |
SB 635 | Dunn-D Emergency medical services | |
SB 652 | Florez-D Foster care: criminal record disqualification: exemptions | |
SB 664 | Kuehl-D Temporary assistance for needy families: domestic violence | |
SB 665 | Perata-D Medical providers: information summary: brain development | |
SB 676 | Ortiz-D Tobacco products: tobacco manufacturer fees | |
SB 678* | Ortiz-D Bioterrorism preparedness: federal funding | |
SB 679 | Ortiz-D Food establishments: nutritional information | |
SB 686 | Ortiz-D Long-term care facilities: insurance: Medi-Cal | |
SB 689 | Ortiz-D Healthy Californians Biomonitoring Project | |
SB 693 | Murray-D Undersecretary of Foster Care Coordination | |
SB 739 | Ducheny-D Children's services: Indian tribes | |
SB 749 | Escutia-D Hospital: group purchasing organizations | |
SB 750* | Machado-D Safe drinking water: water quality: flood protection | |
SB 767* | Florez-D Health care safety net | |
SB 771 | Ortiz-D Human cells: embryo registry: egg cell donation | |
SB 773 | Murray-D Food labeling and safety | |
SB 774 | Vasconcellos-D Hypodermic needles and syringes | |
SB 778 | Ortiz-D Biomedical Research and Development Act of 2004 | |
SB 779 | Speier-D Dietary supplements: manufactures and distributors | |
SB 785 | Ortiz-D Medi-Cal beneficiary: third-party coverage | |
SB 797 | Machado-D Health: osteoporosis screening | |
SB 816 | Alarcon-D Clinical social workers | |
SB 827 | Aanestad-R Health care providers: billing procedures | |
SB 828 | Figueroa-D Health facilities: boutique hospitals | |
SB 831 | Perata-D Medi-Cal: plan enrollment eligibility | |
SB 847 | Aanestad-R Health facilities: nurse-to-patient ratios | |
SB 855 | Machado-D Community care facilities: temporary emergency shelters | |
SB 857 | Speier-D Medi-Cal: providers | |
SB 858 | Ortiz-D Public health | |
SB 867 | Burton-D Workers' compensation: disability evaluation: acupuncturist | |
SB 875* | Escutia-D Child and parental nutrition | |
SB 907 | Burton-D Professions and vocations: naturopathic doctors | |
SB 928 | Aanestad-R Dentistry licensure | |
SB 932 | Bowen-D Nonprofit corporations: health facilities | |
SB 936 | Escutia-D In-home supportive services: hospital stays | |
SB 937 | Ducheny-D Clinics: licensure and operation | |
SB 947 | Ducheny-D Indians: child welfare services: adoptions | |
SB 953 | Dunn-D Children's Hospital Bond Act of 2004 | |
SB 984 | Scott-D Dependent children: Welfare Advance Fund payments | |
SB 995 | Aanestad-R Pain management | |
SB 1003 | Ashburn-R Community care facilities: foster care | |
SB 1005 | Dunn-D Fees: inspections: deficiencies: corrections | |
SB 1014 | Aanestad-R Hospital facilities: seismic safety requirements | |
SB 1016 | Bowen-D Tobacco products: sale | |
SB 1027 | Ashburn-R Valley fever | |
SB 1058 | Torlakson-D Children's mental health programs | |
SB 1075 | Senate Health And Human Services Committee Health and social services | |
SB 1076 | Senate Health And Human Services Committee Consumer assistance: satisfaction surveys | |
SB 1077 | Senate Business And Professions Committee Professions and vocations | |
SB 1081 | Senate Health And Human Services Committee Human blood | |
SCR 11 | Soto-D HIV and AIDS: drug treatment | |
SCR 14 | McPherson-R Arthritis awareness | |
SCR 15 | Ortiz-D Save Your Vision Month | |
SCR 18 | Torlakson-D California Fitness Month | |
SCR 22 | Florez-D Asthma Awareness Month | |
SCR 26 | Chesbro-D California Nurses Day and California Nurses Week | |
SCR 38 | Ashburn-R Valley Fever Awareness Month | |
SCR 42 | Soto-D Women In Pain Awareness Month | |
SCR 47 | Alpert-D Eugenics | |
SCR 48 | Hollingsworth-R Myositis Awareness Day | |
SJR 3 | Alarcon-D Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program | |
SR 12 | Ackerman-R Autism Treatment Awareness Month | |
SR 18 | Ortiz-D Suicide Prevention Week | |
SR 20 | Alpert-D Eugenics | |
SR 26 | Ortiz-D Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month | |
SR 28 | Burton-D Prostate Cancer Awareness Day | |
SB 14X | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee Public social services | |
SB 24X* | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee Social services | |
SB 26X* | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee Health care financing | |
AB 9 | Dymally-D Urban community health institute | |
AB 10 | Firebaugh-D Los Angeles County Health Authority | |
AB 24 | Negrete McLeod-D Swimming pools/spas: child drowning hazards | |
AB 35* | Vargas-D Cigarette and tobacco products excise tax | |
AB 37 | Yee-D Health care coverage: mental health | |
AB 45 | Simitian-D Vehicles | |
AB 61 | Dymally-D In-home supportive services: direct deposit wage payments | |
AB 71 | Jerome Horton-D Tobacco products: state and local government | |
AB 83 | Corbett-D Bottled water | |
AB 93* | Canciamilla-D Water supply | |
AB 116 | Nakano-D Marriage and family therapists: telemedicine | |
AB 123 | Cohn-D Professional corporations: dentists | |
AB 138 | Lowenthal-D Physicians and surgeons | |
AB 147 | Nation-D Food products: alcohol notice | |
AB 154 | Chan-D Health and managed care plans | |
AB 171 | Cohn-D Public records and meetings: health-related entities | |
AB 178 | Oropeza-D Women's Reproductive Health and Responsibility Act | |
AB 179 | Chan-D California Children and Families Commission | |
AB 183 | Nation-D Medi-Cal: benefits | |
AB 186 | Correa-D Optometrists: dangerous drugs and devices | |
AB 195 | Chan-D Health education | |
AB 200 | Richman-R Developmental centers | |
AB 203 | Lieber-D Medi-Cal: physician reimbursement | |
AB 206 | Richman-R Emergency Health Powers Act | |
AB 210 | Nation-D Tobacco: dwellings | |
AB 216 | Chan-D Alcohol: fee: youth alcohol recovery and prevention | |
AB 221 | Koretz-D Minimum legal age: advertising, display, and distribution | |
AB 231 | Steinberg-D Food stamps: CalWORKs: benefits | |
AB 232 | Chan-D Statewide health planning and development: hospitals | |
AB 236 | Bermudez-D Physicians and surgeons | |
AB 253 | Steinberg-D Health facilities: nurse-to-patient ratios | |
AB 267 | Mullin-D Cloning: humans | |
AB 271 | Nunez-D Developmental services: human resources | |
AB 289 | Plescia-R Organ and tissue donation | |
AB 321 | Cogdill-R Health care consortia | |
AB 326 | Dutton-R Dog licenses: issuers: veterinarians | |
AB 327 | Runner-R Vehicles: parking: persons with disabilities | |
AB 345 | McCarthy-R CalWORKs: sanctions | |
AB 348 | Chu-D Mental health: involuntary confinement: psychologists | |
AB 353 | Montanez-D Child welfare services: foster siblings | |
AB 358 | Jackson-D Health facilities: licensing | |
AB 367 | Koretz-D Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorder Information Program | |
AB 371* | La Suer-R Blood tests | |
AB 376 | Chu-D California Mental Health Planning Council: composition | |
AB 380 | Steinberg-D Children's system of care program | |
AB 384 | Leslie-R Tobacco products: correctional facilities | |
AB 386 | Aghazarian-R Drinking water: local primacy agencies | |
AB 390 | Montanez-D Health facilities: backup generators | |
AB 395 | Koretz-D Surgical procedures: cats | |
AB 408 | Steinberg-D Dependent children | |
AB 409 | Reyes-D Childhood asthma screening | |
AB 414 | Nakano-D Residential care facilities for the elderly | |
AB 429 | Dymally-D Prostate cancer: treatment services | |
AB 436 | Lieber-D Medi-Cal: utilization controls | |
AB 441 | Matthews-D Juveniles: court-ordered evaluations | |
AB 445 | Vargas-D Social workers | |
AB 458 | Chu-D Foster care | |
AB 464 | Levine-D Adult day health care centers | |
AB 472* | Correa-D Bioterrorism preparedness and other public health threats | |
AB 490 | Steinberg-D Education: foster children | |
AB 510 | La Malfa-R Medical equipment. | |
AB 521 | Diaz-D Prescription drug warnings | |
AB 525 | Cohn-D Hearing aid dispensing | |
AB 528 | Mullin-D Residential care facilities for the elderly | |
AB 539 | Laird-D Dentistry: dental hygienists | |
AB 540 | Bogh-R Death certificates: peace officers | |
AB 561 | Lieber-D Family planning: teen pregnancy | |
AB 573 | Chu-D Public health: traditional Asian medicine | |
AB 586 | Koretz-D Litter and marine debris: tobacco-related waste | |
AB 602 | Koretz-D Ammunition: Trauma Center Fund | |
AB 611 | Negrete McLeod-D Waste discharges: dental amalgam | |
AB 621 | Nakanishi-R Physicians and surgeons: immunity from liability | |
AB 632* | Kehoe-D In-home supportive services providers: employment benefits | |
AB 636 | Frommer-D Developmental disabilities: autism | |
AB 649 | Wiggins-D Developmental disabilities: workforce service centers | |
AB 658 | Nakano-D Taxpayer contributions: prostate cancer research | |
AB 663 | Lieber-D Pelvic examinations | |
AB 674 | Haynes-R Independence Plus Demonstration Program | |
AB 685* | Leno-D HIV counselors: education and training | |
AB 691 | Daucher-R Nursing facilities: vaccines | |
AB 715 | Chan-D Personal information | |
AB 733 | Longville-D Medi-Cal: overpayment forgiveness | |
AB 746 | Matthews-D Fraud: healing arts: revocation of professional licenses | |
AB 747 | Matthews-D Human services: Medi-Cal | |
AB 750 | Matthews-D Medi-Cal: claims for payment | |
AB 766 | Longville-D Type 2 diabetes mellitus: pupil screening | |
AB 769 | Maddox-R Registered dietitians and dietetic technicians | |
AB 777 | Dutton-R Anatomical gifts: organs: inquests | |
AB 785 | Daucher-R Long-term care service delivery models | |
AB 786 | Daucher-R San Mateo County: home care assessment pilot project | |
AB 798 | Assembly Aging And Long Term Care Committee Medi-Cal: all-inclusive care for the elderly | |
AB 799 | Shirley Horton-R Aging programs: competitive bidding | |
AB 801 | Diaz-D Dentists and physicians and surgeons | |
AB 802 | Matthews-D Health policy and planning: billing | |
AB 811 | Dymally-D In-home supportive services: direct deposit wage payments | |
AB 820 | Nakanishi-R National Health Service Corps: loan repayment | |
AB 823 | Nunez-D Clinic grants | |
AB 827 | Assembly Business And Professions Committee Board membership qualifications: public members | |
AB 846 | Vargas-D Smoking: public buildings | |
AB 850 | Runner-R Breast cancer treatment: patient consent | |
AB 857 | Frommer-D Autism | |
AB 879 | Koretz-D HIV: post-exposure prophylaxis: task force | |
AB 881 | Koretz-D Medi-Cal: drug contracts | |
AB 910 | Diaz-D Hospitals: service changes: ownership | |
AB 917 | Shirley Horton-R CalWORKs: parent or relative caretaker: offenders | |
AB 932 | Koretz-D Podiatric medicine | |
AB 938 | Yee-D Mental health professions: educational loan reimbursement | |
AB 939 | Yee-D Psychiatric inpatient hospital services: reimbursement | |
AB 940 | Yee-D Healing arts: posttraumatic stress disorder training | |
AB 941 | Yee-D State hospitals | |
AB 942 | Leno-D Emergency medical services: diabetes | |
AB 946 | Berg-D AIDS: clean needle and syringe exchange | |
AB 948 | Nunez-D Postgraduate study fellowship program | |
AB 987 | Leslie-R Vehicles: special license plates: HIV and AIDS education | |
AB 992 | Ridley-Thomas-D Ammunition: Firearm Victims' Reimbursement Fund | |
AB 996 | Wiggins-D Insurance | |
AB 999 | Jerome Horton-D Medi-Cal: dental restorative materials | |
AB 1007 | Nakano-D Dentistry | |
AB 1020 | Laird-D Public water systems | |
AB 1033 | Montanez-D Tobacco: prohibition on nonsale distribution | |
AB 1040 | Leno-D Cigarette taxes | |
AB 1042 | Parra-D Inmates: use of pepper spray: mental health facilities | |
AB 1045 | Leslie-R Mobile food facilities | |
AB 1057 | Lieber-D CalWORKs program: eligibility: fingerprint imaging | |
AB 1087* | Frommer-D Venipuncture | |
AB 1091 | Negrete McLeod-D Lyme disease | |
AB 1094 | Negrete McLeod-D Healing arts: physicians and surgeons | |
AB 1100 | Longville-D Alcohol and drug abuse counselors | |
AB 1102 | Yee-D Peace officers: training: mentally ill | |
AB 1110* | Harman-R Water security | |
AB 1113* | Garcia-R Supplemental Firefighting Services Fund | |
AB 1122 | Negrete McLeod-D Pharmaceutical drugs | |
AB 1130 | Diaz-D Health care coverage: children's health | |
AB 1139 | Lowenthal-D Drugs and medical devices | |
AB 1145* | Shirley Horton-R State buildings: defibrillators | |
AB 1150 | Maldonado-R Medi-Cal: provider reimbursement | |
AB 1151 | Dymally-D Foster care | |
AB 1152* | Maldonado-R Health care: rural areas | |
AB 1155 | Liu-D Medi-Cal: medical equipment and supplies | |
AB 1163 | Frommer-D Medi-Cal and Healthy Families Programs | |
AB 1166 | Berg-D Residential facilities: terminally ill persons | |
AB 1196 | Montanez-D Drugs: nurse practitioners | |
AB 1201 | Berg-D Medi-Cal: subacute services | |
AB 1211 | Nakano-D Public safety: communication system | |
AB 1216 | Vargas-D Fire safety: regulations | |
AB 1220 | Berg-D Heart disease and stroke prevention | |
AB 1239 | Wiggins-D Cigarette taxation: fees | |
AB 1240 | Mullin-D Care facilities: criminal record clearances | |
AB 1241 | Parra-D Nursing education scholarships | |
AB 1251 | Bermudez-D Los Angeles County Hospital Authority | |
AB 1261 | Cohn-D Hospitals: ownership restrictions | |
AB 1269 | Wiggins-D Tobacco products | |
AB 1276* | Jerome Horton-D Tobacco Settlement Agreement: escrow compliance | |
AB 1298 | Daucher-R Continuing care contracts: retirement communities | |
AB 1299 | Daucher-R Hospices | |
AB 1300 | Laird-D Water security, clean drinking water, coastal protection | |
AB 1303 | Simitian-D Vehicles: license plates: persons with disabilities | |
AB 1308 | Goldberg-D Drug treatment: local correctional facilities | |
AB 1319 | Bates-R In-Home Supportive Services program | |
AB 1359 | McCarthy-R Medi-Cal: managed care programs | |
AB 1363 | Berg-D AIDS: clean needle and syringe exchange program | |
AB 1365 | Steinberg-D Child welfare services | |
AB 1369 | Pavley-D Residential care facilities for the elderly | |
AB 1370 | Yee-D Mental health: seclusion and restraints | |
AB 1371 | Yee-D Human experimentation | |
AB 1376 | Benoit-R Vital records | |
AB 1388 | Kehoe-D Massage licensure | |
AB 1392 | Bermudez-D Medical Board of California | |
AB 1393 | Bates-R Developmental services: regional centers: vendorization | |
AB 1396 | Simitian-D Long-term care ombudsman: funding | |
AB 1401 | Wolk-D Hospital charity care | |
AB 1402 | Wolk-D CalWORKs program: eligibility | |
AB 1403 | Wolk-D CalWORKs | |
AB 1406 | Wolk-D Mosquito abatement: West Nile Virus | |
AB 1413 | Wolk-D Delayed registration of birth: dependent children | |
AB 1424 | Mountjoy-R Minors: psychotropic drugs | |
AB 1437 | Koretz-D Drug marketing practices | |
AB 1453 | Parra-D Long-term care: Medi-Cal: reimbursement | |
AB 1454 | Canciamilla-D West Nile Virus | |
AB 1460 | Nation-D Clinical laboratory directors | |
AB 1467* | Negrete McLeod-D Dentists: licensure requirements | |
AB 1470 | Vargas-D In-home supportive services: provider wage/benefit increase | |
AB 1473 | Lieber-D Medi-Cal: fraud: provider disqualification | |
AB 1524 | Richman-R County Health Initiative Matching Fund | |
AB 1533 | Bermudez-D Drug treatment furlough program | |
AB 1534 | Firebaugh-D Drug paraphernalia | |
AB 1543 | Firebaugh-D Community colleges: nursing programs | |
AB 1549 | Frommer-D Asthma benefits | |
AB 1559 | Daucher-R Hospitals: information | |
AB 1577 | Lowenthal-D Falls Surveillance Project | |
AB 1588* | Negrete McLeod-D Emergency medical services: facility accreditation | |
AB 1589* | Longville-D Medi-Cal: overpayment forgiveness | |
AB 1596 | Frommer-D Medi-Cal: drugs | |
AB 1597* | Runner-R Health facilities and clinics | |
AB 1612 | Kehoe-D Public safety funds | |
AB 1627 | Frommer-D Health care | |
AB 1629 | Frommer-D Health facility data | |
AB 1655 | Negrete McLeod-D Emergency medical services: paramedics | |
AB 1666 | Cogdill-R Cigarettes and tobacco products | |
AB 1676 | Dutra-D HIV: maternal and newborn health | |
AB 1693 | Wolk-D Closure of developmental centers | |
AB 1696 | Pavley-D Public health: asthma | |
AB 1716 | Assembly Human Services Committee Local Revenue Fund: allocations | |
AB 1738 | Assembly Health Committee Retail food facilities: mobile units | |
AB 1739 | Frommer-D Health care | |
AB 1746 | Assembly Budget Committee Budget Act of 2002 | |
AB 1752* | Assembly Budget Committee Budget trailer bill: tobacco securitization bonds | |
AB 1753 | Assembly Budget Committee Habilitation services | |
AB 1754* | Assembly Budget Committee Education finance | |
AB 1762* | Assembly Budget Committee Budget trailer bill: disease management | |
AB 1763* | Assembly Budget Committee Healthy Families Program | |
AB 1777 | Assembly Business And Professions Committee Health care practitioners | |
ACR 8 | Dymally-D Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science | |
ACR 10 | Dymally-D Heavy backpacks | |
ACR 11 | Cohn-D Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day | |
ACR 15 | Frommer-D Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month | |
ACR 16 | Nation-D Nutrition: vegetarian school lunches | |
ACR 18 | Leno-D Spay Day USA 2003 | |
ACR 34 | Matthews-D Developmental disabilities: direct care workforce | |
ACR 45 | Vargas-D American Heart Month | |
ACR 47 | Campbell-R Cure Children's Cancer Month | |
ACR 48 | Runner-R Endometriosis Awareness Month | |
ACR 51 | Koretz-D Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorder Awareness Month | |
ACR 70 | Chan-D Children's Fitness and Nutrition Week 2003 | |
ACR 82 | Lieber-D Osteoporosis Awareness Month | |
ACR 83 | Frommer-D Skin cancer and melanoma awareness | |
ACR 92 | Cohn-D Physical Therapy Month | |
ACR 93 | Berg-D American Stroke Month | |
ACR 98 | Shirley Horton-R Arthritis Awareness Month | |
ACR 102 | Garcia-R Family Day | |
ACR 103 | Garcia-R Breast cancer awareness | |
ACR 106 | Chan-D Children's vision | |
ACR 120 | Montanez-D California Chronic Kidney Disease Education Day | |
ACR 125 | Nation-D Breast cancer | |
ACR 127 | Steinberg-D Court Adoption and Permanency Month | |
ACR 136 | Berg-D Assisted Living Week | |
ACR 138 | Nakano-D Prostate Cancer Awareness Month | |
ACR 139 | Dymally-D The Martin Luther King, Jr./Charles R. Drew Medical Center | |
AJR 2 | Jackson-D Reproductive rights: Roe v. Wade | |
HR 7 | Jackson-D National Mentoring Month | |
HR 8 | Firebaugh-D Nurse anesthetists | |
HR 11 | Runner-R Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day | |
HR 12 | Dymally-D Prostate cancer | |
HR 15 | Laird-D Children's dental health | |
HR 19 | Firebaugh-D Nurse practitioners | |
HR 22 | Firebaugh-D Doctor's Day | |
HR 24 | Houston-R National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week | |
HR 30 | Lowenthal-D Suicide Prevention Week |