
Development and Financing
Motor Vehicle Emissions

Index Development and Financing

SB 619* (Perata-D) San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District

Specifies that the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District's seismic retrofit work on any existing structures or facilities necessary for rapid transit service is considered to be an action necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency for purposes of the California Environmental Quality Act emergency exemption if the district conducts three workshops and other outreach efforts to ensure public awareness of the proposed seismic retrofit work. Becomes inoperative on June 30, 2005, and sunsets on January 1, 2006.

(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

SB 790 (Karnette-D) State Transportation Improvement Program

Deletes, until January 1, 2006, the provision in law restricting State Transportation Improvement Program county share reservations or advances to regions with a population under 1,000,000, and also allows these funds to be used to fund several smaller projects. Requires the commission to report on the effects of these changes in its annual report to the Legislature.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 796 (Costa-D) High-Speed Rail Authority

Deletes the termination date for the High-Speed Rail Authority and the now-obsolete provisions relating to submission of a financial plan to the voters at the 1998 or 2000 general election. Requires any legal or equitable action against the authority to be filed solely in an appropriate court in the County of Sacramento. Double-jointed with SB 1799* (Poochigian-R), which was vetoed by the Governor.

Chapter 696, Statutes of 2002

SB 829 (Karnette-D) Transportation funding

Deletes the June 30, 2006 sunset date on the Transportation Investment Fund (TIF), thereby making permanent the transfer of revenue from the sales tax on gasoline from the General Fund to the TIF.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 873 (Torlakson-D) Regional transit expansion plan: San Francisco Bay Area

Sets forth the Regional Transit Expansion Program for the San Francisco Bay area, as established by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and includes the new Metropolitan Transportation Commission's long-range plan that was recently adopted.

Chapter 280, Statutes of 2002

SB 1243 (Torlakson-D) Metropolitan Transportation Commission: ABAG

Creates, on January 1, 2004, the Regional Growth Council as a part of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and assumes land use responsibilities of the Association of Bay Area Governments. Requires the new council to adopt a long-range growth policy plan for the region, on or before January 1, 2005, and each six years thereafter. Requires the council, on or before January 1, 2005, to present to the Legislature recommendations for the most effective institutional framework to implement the regional plan's goals and objectives.

(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)

SB 1415 (Perata-D) San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District

Provides the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District an exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act for seismic retrofit of existing structures if certain conditions are met.

Chapter 970, Statutes of 2002

SB 1491 (Perata-D) Transportation: San Francisco Bay Area Regional Transit

Merges the Bay Area Regional Transit Coordinating Council into and creates the San Francisco Bay Area Regional Transit Policy Board to develop multiple regional transit plans and provide advice to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission on transit issues. Specifies the membership, powers and duties and funding of the board and repeals references to an existing regional transit coordinating council.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

SB 1492 (Perata-D) Transportation: Metropolitan Transportation Commission

Requires, subject to available funds, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to establish and use performance measurement criteria for transportation projects included in the Bay Area's Regional Transportation Plan.

Chapter 470, Statutes of 2002

SB 1533* (Poochigian-R) Airport security: airport improvement grants

Allows State Department of Transportation to cover all, instead of the current 50 percent, of some local airport agencies' 10 percent match for obtaining federal Airport Improvement Program grants.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 1555 (Torlakson-D) Pedestrian and bicyclist safety

Requires the State and Local Injury Control Section of the State Department of Health Services to award grants to cities, counties, and non-profit organizations to improve pedestrian and bicyclist mobility and safety, as specified. These grants would come from the Pedestrian and Bicyclist Mobility and Safety Fund.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 1636 (Figueroa-D) Congestion management: transportation

Defines an "infill opportunity zone" for local development and congestion management program purposes and exempts such a zone from traffic level of service requirements. Requires instead the use of an alternative areawide level, multimodal composite or personal level of service standard for traffic in compact infill development projects and specifies that an area may not be designated an infill opportunity zone after December 31, 2009.

Chapter 505, Statutes of 2002

SB 1703 (Peace-D) San Diego: consolidated transportation agency

Creates a consolidated transportation agency in San Diego Association of Governments, the Metropolitan Transit Development Board, and the North County Transit Development Board, and authorizes that agency to assume certain responsibilities and functions of those agencies.

Chapter 743, Statutes of 2002

SB 1768 (Murray-D) Regional transportation improvement program

Authorizes the State Department of Transportation to nominate transportation projects for inclusion in regional transportation improvement programs to improve state highways with regional transportation funds.

Chapter 472, Statutes of 2002

SB 1799* (Poochigian-R) High-Speed Rail Authority

Requires that at least two members of the High Speed Rail Authority shall be residents of the San Joaquin Valley.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 1817 (Chesbro-D) Federal navigation projects

Creates mechanism for the allocation of future state matching funds for federal navigation projects.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1834* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Transportation: funding

Increases the cumulative total to the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund from the State Highway Account, as specified. Authorizes a loan, to be repaid with interest, from the State Highway Account to the General Fund.

Chapter 445, Statutes of 2002

SB 1853* (Murray-D) Transportation noise reduction

Enacts the Transportation Noise Reduction, Safety Enhancement, and Congestion Relief Bond Act of 2002 which, if adopted, authorizes, for purposes of financing transportation noise reduction, safety enhancement, and congestion relief projects, the issuance, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law, of bonds in the amount of $1 billion.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1856 (Costa-D) Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act

Enacts the Safe, Reliable High-Speed Train Bond Act for the 21st Century, to provide $9.95 billion in general obligation bonds to fund the planning and construction of a high-speed passenger (bullet) train system and improvements to other specified rail systems in the state. Specifies the persons and procedures for the administration of the bond provisions and establishes the details of the bond vote and makes the necessary appropriations from the General Fund to retire the bond principle and interest.

Chapter 697, Statutes of 2002

SB 1896* (Peace-D) San Diego County Regional Airport Authority

Makes numerous changes to the statute governing San Diego County Regional Airport Authority in order to provide for the transfer of the San Diego International Airport from the San Diego Unified Port District to the authority.

Chapter 978, Statutes of 2002

SCA 3 (Karnette-D) Motor vehicle fuel taxes: expanded uses

Extends and broadens, upon approval of the voters, the authorized uses of gasoline and diesel fuel tax (gallonage tax) revenues to include expenditures for the capital, maintenance and operating costs of public mass transit vehicles.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SCA 11 (Murray-D) Loans of transportation revenues and funds

Requires that any amounts loaned from vehicle fuel taxes or use fees or the Public Transportation Account be repaid with interest calculated at the Pooled Money Investment Account rate.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 19 (Jackson-D) Vehicles: school zones: fines

Doubles the fines and increases the penalties for specified traffic violations that occur in a "posted school zone". Establishes a special account within individual county treasuries for the deposit and disbursal of moneys collected from these enhanced fines to allow school districts, cities, and counties to establish and/or enhance programs that bolster student safety.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 381 (Salinas-D) Transportation: transit operators: farebox ratio: study

Requires an analysis to be conducted relative to changes in operating costs experienced by transit operators and providers.

Chapter 745, Statutes of 2002

AB 403 (Bates-R) Transportation funding: elderly persons

Authorizes the State Controller to reallocate returned funds from the Transportation Investment Fund only to cities within the county of origin.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 419 (Dutra-D) Bridges

Requires the State Department of Transportation to submit quarterly reports relating to bridge projects, until the projects are done, that contain specific information.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 476 (Harman-R) Orange County Transportation Authority: governing board

Increases, from 11 to 15 persons, the voting membership of the board of directors of the Orange County Transportation Authority and substantially reorganizes the conditions under which members are appointed and serve.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 666 (Dutra-D) Rail passenger capacity enhancement demonstration projects

Establishes, until January 1, 2007, a coordinated environmental review process for three rail passenger capacity enhancement demonstration projects on corridors with intercity and commuter passenger and freight service. Requires the projects to be identified by the State Department of Transportation and selected by the California Transportation Commission, in accordance with specified criteria, and provides for the department to be designated as the consolidated permit agency.

Chapter 588, Statutes of 2002

AB 887* (Daucher-R) Transportation Entrepreneurial Government Program

Establishes, until January 2, 1004, the Transportation Entrepreneurial Government Program as a two-year pilot project, to be administered by the State Department of Transportation (DOT), to encourage cost cutting by DOT and eliminate non-value-added ritualistic activities that are not central to the mission of DOT, as determined by each division within DOT.

Chapter 27, Statutes of 2002

AB 889 (Daucher-R) Department of Transportation: entrepreneur program

Requires, until January 1, 2004, the State Department of Transportation (DOT) to adopt and implement a program whereby DOT will contract out its services and equipment to other state agencies and to local governmental entities. Authorizes contracts to be awarded only in those instances where the use of DOT personnel and equipment are compensated and that usage is mutually beneficial to DOT and to the state or local governmental agencies or entities. Prohibits the use of these services and equipment, if that use interferes with the primary mission of DOT.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 974 (Calderon-D) Los Angeles County: transit operation funding

Adds clarifying language to existing law to ensure that eligible and included municipal operators of transit service in Los Angeles County to receive a proportional share of funding with respect to specified transit capital and operating funds that are administered by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1039 (Oropeza-D) Transportation agencies

Removes the $1000 limitation currently placed on the Southern California Association of Governments that must be allocated for the multi-county transportation planning agency for planning purposes.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1094 (Briggs-R) Rail consolidation grants

Establishes the Rail Consolidation Grant Program within the State Department of Transportation for the purpose of issuing competitive grants to counties.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1196 (Maldonado-R) Public transportation: elderly and disabled persons

Enacts provisions designed to enable and promote additional state funding for transportation services for the elderly and disabled in non-urban counties.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1225 (Cedillo-D) Downtown transportation infrastructure

Requires the State Department of Transportation to make competitive grants available to cities and counties for projects related to improving and upgrading transportation infrastructure in downtown areas.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1296 (Thomson-D) Transportation: commuter rail: study

Authorizes cities, counties or local transportation agencies to conduct a study of the feasibility of extending commuter or intercity rail service originating in Auburn to the City of Dixon rather than the City of Davis.

Chapter 314, Statutes of 2002

AB 1396 (Longville-D) Passenger rail rehabilitation

Annually earmarks at least $100 million from the General Fund for passenger rail rehabilitation and modernization.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1494 (Aanestad-R) Transportation funding

Requires all of the interregional funds to be programmed and expanded for the specified interregional state highways and intercity rail improvements.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1768* (Oropeza-D) State and local government

Among other things, this budget trailer bill appropriates $18 million from the Public Transportation Account in the State Transportation Fund to the State Department of Transportation for local assistance to the City of Shafter for the Southern San Joaquin Valley Intermodal Facility.

Chapter 1127, Statutes of 2002

AB 1912 (Kehoe-D) Transportation: transit operations: funding

Repeals the provision of law which prohibits the allocation of State Transit Assistance funds to a public transit operator whose labor agreement contract prohibits the use of part-time drivers. Specifies that nothing in the law relative to conditions placed on the allocation of funds for transit operators and for public transportation, streets and roads is to be construed to prohibit, or limit the ability of, a public transit operator to do the following: (1) contract with common carriers of persons operating under a franchise or license; and (2) employ part-time drivers.

Chapter 201, Statutes of 2002

AB 2206 (Salinas-D) Transportation: rail service

Allows state funds previously allocated to the City of Seaside for a passenger rail station to also be available to the Transportation Agency for Monterey County for passenger rail station development.

Chapter 736, Statutes of 2002

AB 2224 (Nation-D) Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit District

Creates the Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit District for the purpose of ownership and governance of a passenger rail system within Marin and Sonoma counties. Establishes the powers, duties and other legal requirements regarding the formation and operation of the district, its governance, organizational structure, taxing and other fiscal authority, succession to the powers of existing transportation entities and the district's potential dissolution.

Chapter 341, Statutes of 2002

AB 2333 (Nakano-D) Transportation: regional transportation plans

Requires the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), in compiling the aviation component of its regional transportation plan, to provide for a fair share distribution of the burdens of commercial aviation throughout the SCAG region, thereby imposing a state-mandated local program. Requires SCAG to adhere to principles of environmental justice by conforming to provisions of applicable state law in developing the aviation program.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 2369 (Salinas-D) Transportation Accessibility Bond Act of 2002

Authorizes, subject to voter approval at the next statewide election, the issuance of $500 million worth of general obligation bonds to finance construction of, and improvements to, state and local highway and transit systems that expand services for seniors or the disabled or improve accessibility to those systems for persons with disabilities.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2535 (Diaz-D) Transportation congestion data

Requires the State Department of Transportation to compile, summarize, and make available highway congestion data and make it available to specific entities, as specified. Provides that this be done within existing resources.

Chapter 392, Statutes of 2002

AB 2561 (Vargas-D) Business improvement districts

Allows a city council to initiate proceedings to form a business district in an area containing a mass transit station within its boundaries, and proposes to spend a minimum of 25 percent of its budget promoting or encouraging mass transit use upon submission of a petition signed by property owners in the proposed district who will pay more than 30 percent of the proposed assessments to be levied. Provides that these assessments could be levied for a maximum of 10 years.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 2788 (Longville-D) Modernization and rehabilitation of infrastructure

Authorizes, subject to voter approval at an unspecified statewide election, the issuance of $500 million worth of general obligation bonds to finance modernization and rehabilitation of infrastructure related to regular passenger rail service.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2996* (Assembly Budget Committee) Transportation finance: budget trailer bill

Transportation budget trailer bill which ensures the stability of the Motor Vehicle Account. Imposes new fees for the State Department of Motor Vehicles and increases other fees. Allows the investment of bond or commercial paper proceeds to the Toll Bridge Seismic Retrofit Account to increase investment earnings which is to be used to offset the overall need for debt financing of toll bridge seismic retrofit projects.

Chapter 805, Statutes of 2002

AB 3026 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Transportation

Transportation omnibus bill that makes various technical and minor policy changes and repeals obsolete code sections or references, as a means of avoiding numerous single-provision bills.

Chapter 438, Statutes of 2002

ACA 2 (Vargas-D) Transportation: transit: streets and highways: funding

Provides for the Constitutional deduction of specified revenues from the state General Fund to transportation and allows those funds to be loaned to the General Fund.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

ACR 208 (Dutra-D) Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District

Commends the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District for its pioneering role in developing and promoting fuel cell technology for bus transit operations.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

ACR 211 (Nation-D) Transportation infrastructure

Encourages all cities and counties to implement the policies of the State Department of Transportation Deputy Directive 64 and United States Department of Transportation's design guidance document on integrating bicycling and walking when building their transportation infrastructure.

Resolution Chapter 120, Statutes of 2002

TopIndex Motor Vehicle Emissions

SB 433 (Machado-D) Carl Moyer Memorial Air Standards Attainment Program

Repeals the January 1, 2003 sunset date for penalty provisions regarding the violation of fuel standards and requirements.

Chapter 287, Statutes of 2002

SB 1068 (Speier-D) The School Bus Safety and Emission Reduction Act

Appropriates $50 million a year for four years for the purchase of school buses which meet safety and emission reduction standards.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1420 (Johannessen-R) Vehicles: noise citations

Allows referee stations to issue exhaust system certificates of compliance for noise level violations.

Chapter 569, Statutes of 2002

SB 1578 (Johannessen-R) Emission control: specially constructed vehicles

Eliminates the requirement in existing law relating to specially constructed vehicles and registration procedures for those vehicles.

Chapter 693, Statutes of 2002

AB 554* (John Campbell-R) Sales and use tax exemptions: vehicles

Provides varying degrees of a partial exemption from sales and use tax for the purchase of new, specifically identified low-emission vehicles.

(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 986 (Firebaugh-D) Air quality

Exempts any exposure from onroad heavy-duty truck or bus engines from the warning requirements of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 if the State Air Resources Board or the United States Environmental Protection Agency has certified emission standards for the engines, and if a statewide warning, as defined, is published annually for that emission. Provides for the repeal of that exemption on the occurrence of specified events, or on December 31, 2005, whichever occurs earlier.

(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)

AB 998* (Kelley-R) Neighborhood electric vehicle credit

Authorizes a nonrefundable credit for the purchase of a zero-emission neighborhood electric vehicle.

(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1058 (Pavley-D) Vehicular emissions: carbon dioxide

Requires the State Air Resources Board to develop and adopt, by January 1, 2005, regulations that achieve the maximum feasible and cost-effective reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles.

(Died on Assembly Floor awaiting concurrence)

AB 1420 (Cardenas-D) Air pollution: diesel powered schoolbuses

Requires an allocation of up to $75 million to replace or retrofit diesel-powered school buses.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 1493 (Pavley-D) Vehicular emissions: greenhouse gases

Requires the State Air Resources Board to develop and adopt, by January 1, 2005, regulations that achieve the maximum feasible and cost-effective reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from passenger, light-duty, and other non-commercial vehicles.

Chapter 200, Statutes of 2002

AB 2303 (Runner-R) Vehicle registration: smog certificate validity

Extends the valid period of a smog check certificate from 60 days to 90 days for purposes of transferring a vehicle ownership, thereby conforming the valid period to that for the biennial smog check certificate.

Chapter 127, Statutes of 2002

AB 2637 (Cardoza-D) Enhanced motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program

  1. Requires the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) within the State Department of Consumer Affairs to implement an enhanced vehicle inspection program (Smog Check II) in the San Francisco Bay Area Basin.
  2. Extends the statewide smog check exemption for newer vehicles by two years and develops regulations for the expansion of the "Gold Shield" program, and extends the sunset on the smog abatement fee from 2005 to January 1, 2010.
  3. Requires the State Air Resources Board to peer review specified scientific evidence.
  4. Appropriates $5 million from the Vehicle Inspection Repair Fund to the BAR for costs, as specified.
Chapter 1001, Statutes of 2002

AB 2650 (Lowenthal-D) California Port Community Air Quality Program

Prohibits extended engine idling by trucks at marine terminals and establishes a grants program designed to reduce particulate matter emissions from diesel trucks.

Chapter 1129, Statutes of 2002

AB 2677 (Nation-D) Parking: preferential parking incentives

Allows local authorities to adopt parking incentives for vehicles that reduce greenhouse gasses.

(Died on Senate Inactive File)

AB 2774 (Pavley-D) Advanced technology light-duty vehicles

Requires the development of a public education campaign to encourage the use of low-emission advanced technology vehicles.

Vetoed by the Governor

ACR 213 (Migden-D) Clean Air Vehicles

Urges the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District to provide free passage on the Golden Gate Bridge during commute hours to vehicles bearing a specified clean air decal.

Resolution Chapter 173, Statutes of 2002

TopIndex Highways

SB 171 (McClintock-R) Transportation gridlock emergencies

Defines and authorizes the Governor to declare a "transportation gridlock emergency" for the purpose of constructing new highways. Requires the State Department of Transportation to determine the average hours of vehicle delay on all state highways and issues a report annually for purpose of declaring transportation gridlock emergencies.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 246 (Brulte-R) State highways: Route 66 relinquishment

Authorizes the California Transportation Commission to relinquish to the City of Rancho Cucamonga a specified portion of State Highway Route 66, upon terms and conditions the commission finds to be in the best interests of the state. Double-jointed with SB 857 (Soto-D), Chapter 251, Statutes of 2002.

Chapter 248, Statutes of 2002

SB 484 (Vincent-D) Highway property and air space, City of Lynwood

Authorizes the State Department of Transportation to transfer to the City of Lynwood specified parcels of real property owned by the department, and to lease the adjoining freeway airspace for a term not to exceed 99 years.

(Died on Senate Inactive File)

SB 488 (Karnette-D) Highway: vehicle length: buses

Redefines "reasonable access" related to purposes of traveling off of federally designated highways by oversized buses.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 545 (McClintock-R) High-occupancy vehicle lanes

Establishes an evaluation process at the State Department of Transportation for current and future high-occupancy vehicle lanes on state highways.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 618 (Margett-R) Highways: soundwalls

Repeals provisions in existing law relating to the priority rankings of soundwall projects, and requires expenditures for retrofitting the soundwalls on a specified priority list established by the State Department of Transportation on May 3, 1989, to be funded prior to making state transportation funds available for interregional and regional capital improvement projects in the State Transportation Improvement Program. Provides that soundwall retrofit projects on the department's priority list shall not be funded as regional soundwall projects.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 857 (Soto-D) State highways: Route 66 relinquishment

Authorizes the California Transportation Commission (CTC) to relinquish to the City of Fontana, a specified portion of State Highway Route 66, upon terms and conditions the CTC finds to be in the best interests of the state. Double-jointed with SB 246 (Brulte-R), Chapter 248, Statutes of 2002.

Chapter 251, Statutes of 2002

SB 1262 (Torlakson-D) Streets and highways

Requires at least five percent of local and regional funds be set aside as rewards to local jurisdictions which approve developments to reduce traffic congestion, provide a better job-housing balance, or build housing in "infill" locations.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1349 (Torlakson-D) Highways: Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones

Deletes a portion of State Highway 4 from the Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zone pilot project and instead requires the State Department of Transportation to develop a pilot project that includes a segment of Route 4 between the city limits of Brentwood and the Contra Costa-San Joaquin county line. Extends an existing date in statute relative to an evaluation of another transportation pilot project.

Chapter 378, Statutes of 2002

SB 1380 (Brulte-R) State Highway Route 62

Designates Highway Route 62 as a gateway in the interregional road system.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1456 (Knight-R) Transportation: funding

Appropriates $187 million from the General Fund for the construction of highway improvements to State Highway Routes 58 and 138.

(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1480 (Speier-D) Outdoor advertising

Revises or extends several provisions of the Outdoor Advertising Act, including those relating to billboard permit procedures and fees, local regulations and penalties for the failure to remove certain nonconforming advertising displays.

Chapter 972, Statutes of 2002

SB 1488 (Polanco-D) Highway construction and repair

Authorizes the State Department of Transportation (DOT), to the extent permitted by law, in consultation with the California Integrated Waste Management Board and, to the extent feasible, all state highway construction and road repair projects that are not exclusively state funded and that use asphalt to use asphalt containing crumb rubber. Exempts the use of crumb rubber in these projects if DOT determines that using crumb rubber does not meet the project's engineering standards and specifications or is not cost-effective.

(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)

SB 1635 (Figueroa-D) State Highway Route 238

Allows surplus residential properties acquired by State Department of Transportation for a never-constructed state expansion project on Highway 238 in the City of Hayward (Alameda County) to be sold at less than prevailing market value.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 1729 (McPherson-R) Vehicles: violations

Authorizes a local authority to regulate the use of a specified highway by certain vehicles.

Chapter 177, Statutes of 2002

SB 1740 (Murray-D) Service authorities for freeway emergencies

Allows local service authorities for freeway emergencies to develop record retention policies relating to the operations of the authorities.

Chapter 441, Statutes of 2002

SB 1834* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Transportation: funding

Increases the cumulative total to the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund from the State Highway Account, as specified. Authorizes a loan, to be repaid with interest, from the State Highway Account to the General Fund.

Chapter 445, Statutes of 2002

SCR 29 (Soto-D) Police Officer Daniel Fraembs Memorial Highway

Dedicates State Highway Route 71 within the city limits of the City of Pomona to the memory of City of Pomona Police Officer Daniel T. Fraembs, who was killed in the line of duty on May 11, 1996, and specifies that this portion of the State Highway Route 71 shall be known as the "Police Officer Daniel T. Fraembs Memorial Highway."

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SCR 43 (Poochigian-R) Deputy Sheriff Eric Jon Telen Memorial Highway

Dedicates a specified portion of State Highway 168 within the City of Clovis to the memory of Deputy Eric Jon Telen of the Fresno County Sheriff's Department, who was killed in the line of duty on August 21, 2001, and specifies that this portion of State Highway Route 168 shall be known as the Deputy Sheriff Eric Jon Telen Memorial Highway.

Resolution Chapter 70, Statutes of 2002

SCR 45 (Costa-D) The William H. "Harry" Armstrong Interchange

Designates the Herndon Avenue Interchange on State Highway Route 168 in the City of Clovis as the William H. "Harry" Armstrong Interchange in honor and recognition of Mayor and Council Member William H. "Harry" Armstrong. Specifies that the designation take place upon the termination or service by Mr. Armstrong on the Clovis City Council.

Resolution Chapter 106, Statutes of 2002

SCR 50 (Ackerman-R) Mark Denis Melbourne Memorial Interchange

Designates the interchange of Highways 55 and 91 in the City of Anaheim (Orange County), as the "Mark Denis Melbourne Memorial Interchange". Melbourne, a noted radio personality in southern California, died of an illness in 2000 at the age of 59.

Resolution Chapter 104, Statutes of 2002

SCR 52 (O'Connell-D) James Dean Memorial Junction

Designates the junction of State Highway Routes 41 and 46 near Cholame in the County of San Luis Obipso as the James Dean Memorial Junction. Dean was killed in an automobile accident at this intersection (then Route 466) on September 30, 1955.

Resolution Chapter 107, Statutes of 2002

SCR 64 (Margett-R) Police Officer Louie Pompei Memorial Interchange

Names the interchange of Highway 30 and Interstate 210 in Los Angeles County as the "Police Officer Louie Pompei Memorial Interchange." Louis A. "Louie" Pompei, a City of Glendora police officer, died on June 9, 1995 trying to stop an armed robbery while off-duty in Via Verde.

Resolution Chapter 105, Statutes of 2002

SCR 71 (Haynes-R) California Wildland Firefighters Memorial Highway

Designates the portion of the State Highway Route 74 between Lake Elsinore and San Juan Capistrano in the counties of Riverside and Orange as the California Wildland Firefighters Memorial Highway. The Decker Canyon fire was ignited on August 8, 1959, when a car drove off a Highway 74 embankment, crashing through brush to the canyon floor, some 200 feet below, where the vehicle burst into flames, and winds whipped the flames into a firestorm racing uphill toward firefighters battling the blaze from above. Six firefighters made the ultimate sacrifice while protecting and serving the people of California by battling the Decker Canyon Fire. Twenty-seven other firefighters were injured in the Decker Canyon Fire.

Resolution Chapter 22, Statutes of 2002

SCR 85 (Johannessen-R) California Highway Patrol Officer Arthur E. Dunn Memorial

Requests the State Department of Transportation to grant, without charge, encroachment permits authorizing appropriate memorials, funded by nonstate sources, to be placed within the right-of-way of State Route 89 in a specified location to honor the memory of California Highway Patrol Officer Arthur E. Dunn. Officer Dunn died in the line of duty on July 9, 1977, after he was shot by a prisoner he was transporting in an incident on State Route 89 in Shasta County.

Resolution Chapter 125, Statutes of 2002

SCR 86 (Johannessen-R) CHP Officer George W. Redding Memorial

Requests the State Department of Transportation to grant, without charge, encroachment permits authorizing appropriate memorials funded by nonstate sources to be placed within the right-of-way of State Highway Route 273 in Shasta County to honor the memory of California Highway Patrol Officer George W. Redding. Officer Redding was fatally injured on August 17, 1977, while investigating a traffic collusion on State Highway Route 273 in Shasta County.

Resolution Chapter 126, Statutes of 2002

SCR 89 (Machado-D) CHP Officer Dale E. Newby Memorial Highway

Designates the portion of State Highway Route 5 in Stockton that is between Eight Mile Road and French Camp Road as the CHP Officer Dale E. Newby Memorial Highway. Officer Newby was killed while in the line of duty on July 17, 1982, during a traffic stop at State Highway 5 and Eight Mile Road.

Resolution Chapter 155, Statutes of 2002

SCR 90 (Torlakson-D) Thomas E. Burnett, Jr. Memorial Highway

Designates the portion of State Highway Route 680 in the City of San Ramon that is between Fostoria Overcrossing and the Alameda County Line as the "Thomas E. Burnett, Jr. Memorial Highway." Thomas E. Burnett was a passenger on one of the four airliners that was hijacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001, which later crashed in southwestern Pennsylvania killing all of the passengers and crew members aboard the airplane.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

Similar legislation was ACR 226 (Leach-R), which died in Senate Transportation Committee.

SCR 94 (Costa-D) Deran Koligian Memorial Highway

Designates a specified portion of State Highway Route 180, from Highway 99 to State Highway 33 to Interstate Highway 5, as the Deran Koligian Memorial Highway. Mr. Koligian was a member of the Fresno County Board of Supervisors and was a major supporter of transportation in Fresno.

Resolution Chapter 158, Statutes of 2002

SCR 104 (Murray-D) Dosan Ahn Chang Ho Memorial Interchange

Names the interchange where Interstate Highway Route 10 meets Interstate Highway Route 110, the Dosan Ahn Chang Ho Interchange. Proclaims that the life of Dosan Ahn Chang Ho has had an enormously beneficial impact and significance on the history of modern Korea and Korean Americans.

Resolution Chapter 160, Statutes of 2002

AB 516* (Cedillo-D) Redevelopment: Byzantine-Latino Quarter

Requires the State Department of Transportation, after receiving donations from nonstate sources, to erect highway signs and markers on Route 10 in Los Angeles recognizing the existence of the Byzantine-Latino Quarter. Makes related findings regarding the historical and cultural significance of this area of Los Angeles.

Chapter 100, Statutes of 2002

AB 546 (Cohn-D) Asphalt: crumb rubber

Authorizes the State Department of Transportation to require the use of crumb rubber from United States sources on paving projects that utilize crumb rubber asphalt.

(Failed passage on Senate Floor)

AB 710 (Chavez-D) State Highway Route 710

Declares the intent of the Legislature to complete a specified portion of State Route 710 between State Route 10 and State Route 210.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 887* (Daucher-R) Highways: Route 90: relinquishment

Authorizes the California Transportation Commission to relinquish to Yorba Linda the portion of State Highway Route 90 within the city limits of Yorba Linda according to certain terms and conditions.

Chapter 27, Statutes of 2002

AB 1056 (Cogdill-R) State highway system

Names the state highway system the Governor Pat Brown and Governor Ronald Reagan State Highway System.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1057* (Cogdill-R) Income tax credit: highway maintenance and enhancement

Provides a credit equal to 50 percent of the qualified amount related to maintenance or roadside enhancement of state highways.

(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1092 (Cardoza-D) Highway improvements

Requires the State Department of Transportation to develop a Strategic Corridor Improvement Program along Highway 99 in Stanislaus County.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1346 (Daucher-R) State Highway Route 91 toll project

Allows the State Department of Transportation to accelerate delivery of the Highway 91 Capacity Improvement Project and makes payments to the California Private Transportation Company to reflect the negative economic impact the project would have on the company.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1587 (Rod Pacheco-R) State Highway Route 91: alternatives: study

Requires Riverside County to submit, by July 1, 2003, to the Legislature a study and route alignment to develop an additional transportation corridor between Riverside County and Orange County as an alternative to Highway 91.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1923 (Dickerson-R) Highway exit information signs

Prohibits the State Department of Transportation from removing specified signs from rural areas, as specified.

Chapter 576, Statutes of 2002

AB 2148 (Chu-D) State highways: contracts

Allows the State Department of Transportation to enter into advance contracts for storm and major damage repairs on state highways and exempts the contracts from the State Contract Act.

Chapter 239, Statutes of 2002

AB 2180 (Wyman-R) Transportation: Route 138: expedited environmental review

Requires state resource agencies and state and local transportation agencies, with respect to construction improvements on highway projects in the state, to streamline their activities under state and federal environmental laws in order to allow for expedited project delivery. Requires state agencies to work in partnership with the Federal Highway Administration and other federal agencies toward this end.

(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2232* (Wyman-R) State Highway Route 138: funding

Appropriates $7,000,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Transportation for the immediate improvement of the Twin Bridges section of State Highway Route 138 to expand this section to four lanes.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2299 (Bates-R) Tolls: evasion

Authorizes a 45-day extension for toll facility operators to provide notice of toll evasion to violators under specified circumstances.

Chapter 184, Statutes of 2002

AB 2349 (Firebaugh-D) Streets and highways: highway demonstration programs

Extends, by three years, the expiration date for a demonstration program which allows the placement of recognition or organizational logos created from live plant materials along state freeways for organizations or businesses that provide materials or services for highway roadside maintenance or enhancement.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 2360* (Dutra-D) Freeway service patrols

Establishes a competitive grant program for new or expanded Freeway Service Patrol services to the extent that funds are appropriated for the program annually in the Budget Act.

Chapter 578, Statutes of 578

AB 2440 (Keeley-D) All-American Roads

Requires a state highway designated by the federal government as an All-American Road to be operated and maintained in a manner consistent with context-sensitive design standards relative to aesthetics and safety. Provides that the provisions apply only to a road designated on or before April 30, 2002.

Chapter 530, Statutes of 2002

AB 2582 (Chu-D) Paratransit vehicles: high-occupancy vehicle lanes

Authorizes the operation of paratransit vehicles on high-occupancy highway lanes without the required number of passengers.

Chapter 277, Statutes of 2002

AB 2751 (Pavley-D) State highways: soundwalls

Requires the State Department of Transportation to conduct a demonstration project to evaluate the feasibility of using rice straw for freeway soundwall construction. Provides that the project is contingent upon Budget Act funding.

Chapter 656, Statutes of 2002

AB 2814 (Briggs-R) Vacation of public streets: easements

Amends the existing Public Streets, Highways, and Service Easements Vacation Law to provide that a private easement conferred to land shall remain solely with the property owner of record and shall not be enforceable for past title holders.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2876 (Firebaugh-D) State highways: railroad overpasses

Requires a railroad company to remove unauthorized graffiti or markings from any railroad overpass over a state highway within 90 days of receiving a complaint regarding the graffiti or markings, and makes a violation of this provision subject to a noncompliance fine assessed and collected by the State Department of Transportation.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 2996* (Assembly Budget Committee) Transportation

Authorizes the investment of bond or commercial paper proceeds deposited to the Toll Bridge Seismic Retrofit Account to increase investment earnings. Establishes a revolving loan program to provide short-term financing to public entities and public/private partnerships for the delivery of transportation projects. Eliminates the Seismic Retrofit Account and establishes the State Highway Account as the successor fund. Beginning in the 2002-03 budget-year, all program requirements and obligations will be made from the Highway Account.

Chapter 805, Statutes of 2002

ACR 79 (Briggs-R) Highways: entertainment park exit signs

States that a county with a population of not more than 900,000 persons that contains an entertainment park that is visited by 120,000 patrons or more per year should be authorized to apply to the State Department of Transportation to have an exit sign placed on the nearest major highway access point to the park if the park is located not more than two miles from the highway and the street on which the park is located has the same name as the park.

Resolution Chapter 186, Statutes of 2002

ACR 81 (Hollingsworth-R) Regional transportation corridor

Urges the State Department of Transportation and the regional transportation planning agencies to expeditiously consider enhancing existing transportation corridors and developing alternative transportation corridors to Highway 91 (the Riverside Freeway) between the counties of Riverside and Orange.

Resolution Chapter 101, Statutes of 2002

ACR 102 (Florez-D) Senator Jim Costa Highway

Honors Senator Jim Costa for his legislative leadership and accomplishments by dedicating a portion of State Highway Route 180 in Fresno County as the Senator Jim Costa Highway.

Resolution Chapter 130, Statutes of 2002

ACR 111 (Cardoza-D) CHP Officer James J. Schumacher, Jr., Memorial Highway

Dedicates a specified portion of State Highway 99 to the memory of California Highway Patrol Officer James J. Schumacher, Jr., and specifies that this portion of State Highway 99 shall be known as the "CHP Officer James J. Schumacher, Jr., Memorial Highway." On June 13, 1981, Officer Schumacher was struck and killed by a vehicle on State Highway 99 near Merced while he was engaged in issuing a speeding citation.

Resolution Chapter 32, Statutes of 2002

ACR 119 (Runner-R) Aerospace Highway

Dedicates the portion of State Highway 14, from the Pearblossom Highway to the Kern County line, as the Aerospace Highway.

Resolution Chapter 83, Statutes of 2002

ACR 120 (Runner-R) The Aerospace Valley Monument

Requests the State Department of Transportation to grant, without charge, an encroachment permit authorizing a specified historical monument and plaque dedicated to commemorate the major milestones in the aerospace industry that have taken place in the Antelope Valley, to be erected on the vista point overlooking Palmdale Lake on State Highway Route 14.

Resolution Chapter 84, Statutes of 2002

ACR 134 (Wesson-D) Rosa Parks Freeway

Designates the portion of Interstate Highway Route 10 between Interstate Highway Route 110 and Interstate Highway Route 405 in the County of Los Angeles as the Rosa Parks Freeway. Rosa Parks is widely recognized as inspiring the Civil Rights Movement in the United States as the result of her refusal on December 1, 1955 to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Alabama public transit bus in violation of the city's racial segregation laws.

Resolution Chapter 2, Statutes of 2002

ACR 136 (Florez-D) Rosa Parks Highway

Designates a portion of State Highway Route 58 in Kern County as the Rosa Parks Highway.

Resolution Chapter 110, Statute of 2002

ACR 142 (Hertzberg-D) Judge Harry Pregerson Interchange

Officially names the interchange where State Highway Route 105 connects with State Highway Route 110 as the Judge Harry Pregerson Interchange.

Resolution Chapter 43, Statutes of 2002

ACR 156 (Vargas-D) Kumeyaay Highway

Names Interstate Highway Route 8 from Greenfield Drive on the eastern city boundary of El Cajon to Nimitz Boulevard in Mission Bay in San Diego County as the Kumeyaay Highway in honor of the Kumeyaay Indian Nation which has inhabited the San Diego and Imperial Valley region for over 10,000 years and established an extensive network of trails, many of which evolved into what are modern-day highways and freeways in this area.

Resolution Chapter 90, Statutes of 2002

ACR 166 (Mountjoy-R) Work Zone Awareness Week

Designates the second week of April of 2002, and the second week of April annually thereafter, as Work Zone Awareness Week.

Resolution Chapter 28, Statutes of 2002

ACR 168 (Cogdill-R) Jerry Medina Memorial Freeway

Designates a specified section of State Highway Route 99 as the Jerry Medina Memorial Freeway. Jerry Medina was a student at Modesto High School that was tragically killed in an automobile accident on March 29, 2001.

Resolution Chapter 140, Statutes of 2002

ACR 179 (Leslie-R) Highway 50 Association: annual wagon train event

Designates the Highway 50 Association annual wagon train event as a state historic event.

Resolution Chapter 112, Statutes of 2002

ACR 223 (Dutra-D) Alice Livingston Memorial Overcrossing

Honors the memory, character and public service of Alice Livingston who passed away on June 5, 2000. At the time of her death, Alice served as the Committee Secretary for the Assembly Transportation Committee. Designates the Mather Field Overcrossing on State Highway Route 50 in Rancho Cordova as the Alice Livingston Memorial Overcrossing.

Resolution Chapter 144, Statutes of 2002

ACR 226 (Leach-R) Thomas E. Burnett, Jr. Memorial Freeway

Honors the memory and sacrifice of Thomas E. Burnett, Jr., who was, on September 11, 2002, among those persons who perished on United Airlines Flight 93 when the aircraft crashed in western Pennsylvania. Designates, as the "Thomas E. Burnett, Jr. Memorial Freeway," a five-mile segment of Interstate 680 between the Fostoria Overcrossing in the City of San Ramon (Contra Costa County) and the boundary with Alameda County.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

Similar legislation was SCR 90 (Torlakson-D), which died in Assembly Appropriations Committee.

ACR 234 (Canciamilla-D) Louis J. Papan Highway

Designates a portion of State Highway Route 1 in San Mateo County as the Louis J. Papan Highway.

Resolution Chapter 176, Statutes of 2002

TopIndex Miscellaneous

SB 18 (Alarcon-D) Transportation

Requests the University of California, in consultation with other specified entities, to conduct a study of the membership and governance of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and requires a report on their findings to the Legislature. Includes legislative findings that transit districts should adopt a California Transit Riders' Bill of Rights.

Chapter 538, Statutes of 2002

SB 91 (Figueroa-D) Vehicle dealers: prohibited activities

Prohibits persons not licensed as a vehicle dealer or lessor-retailer from engaging in certain vehicle-related financial transactions and requires licensed dealers to complete specified trade-in transactions within 30 days.

Chapter 407, Statutes of 2002

SB 116 (Kuehl-D) State Department of Parks and Recreation: roads

Creates a process to evaluate road construction proposals that affect state parks.

(Failed passage in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)

SB 180 (Speier-D) Proof of insurance: vehicles

Extends the operative date, from January 1, 2004 until January 1, 2007, on repeals provisions which would otherwise exempt the counties of Los Angeles and San Francisco from the vehicle proof of insurance requirements. Contingent upon the passage of SB 1427 (Escutia-D), Chapter 742, Statutes of 2002.

Chapter 666, Statutes of 2002

SB 242 (Morrow-R) Vehicles: windshields

Allows law enforcement agencies to darken or tint the windows of law enforcement vehicles.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 251 (Haynes-R) "Choose Life" special interest license plates

Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to design and make available for issuance special interest license plates that bear a design containing the words "Choose Life."

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

Similar legislation was SB 1291 (Haynes-R), which died in Senate Transportation Committee; and AB 2248 (La Suer-R), which failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee.

SB 289 (Senate Transportation Committee) Miscellaneous transportation matters

Makes various technical, nonsubstantive changes to the Revenue and Taxation Code and the Vehicle Code.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

SB 363 (Oller-R) Vehicles

Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to waive all previously accrued renewal fees and penalties that are due for late payment of registration renewal fees on a used vehicle that is sold through a dealer.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 510* (Scott-D) Transportation facilities: offenses

Makes it a misdemeanor to possess specified weapons, replica weapons, parts of weapons, and ammunition within a "sterile area" of an airport, as defined, to which access is controlled by screening of persons and property, except as provided.

Chapter 608, Statutes of 2002

SB 547* (Figueroa-D) Income/ bank/corporation taxes: credits: transit passes

Authorizes a credit against those taxes for each taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 2001, in specified amounts, for the cost paid or incurred by employers who provide subsidized transit passes to their employees.

(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 576 (Perata-D) Bicycles: registration

States findings and declarations of the Legislature with respect to bicycle theft and the difficulty in returning recovered bicycles to their rightful owners. Declares the intent of the Legislature to encourage the use of Internet technology for bicycle registration in order to improve the rate of return of recovered bicycles to their rightful owners.

Prohibits, on and after January 1, 2004, any bicycle retailer from selling any new bicycle in this state unless the serial number, preceded by the letters "SN", is legibly and permanently stamped or cast on the frame in not less than one-eighth inch size.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 661 (Dunn-D) Driver's licenses: identification cards

Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to create a biometric identifier from an applicant's thumbprint or fingerprint and perform a process of authentication, as defined, in order to ensure that each individual is issued only one driver's license or identification card.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 689 (Perata-D) Auto insurance

Allows an insurer to use persistency of auto insurance coverage as an optional rating factor in determining rates and premiums.

Vetoed by the Governor

Similar legislation was AB 1488 (Calderon-D), which died in Senate Insurance Committee.

SB 774 (Margett-R) Vehicles

Brings recreational vehicles under the regulatory mechanism of the New Motor Vehicle Board at the State Department of Motor Vehicles.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 790 (Karnette-D) Transportation: funding

Eases, until January 1, 2006, restrictions placed on the California Transportation Commission's authority to advance or reserve a county's share of State Transportation Improvement Program funding.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 796 (Costa-D) High-Speed Rail Authority

Provides for the indefinite extension of the High-Speed Rail Authority (HSRA) and requires HSRA to submit their financial plan to the Governor and the Legislature. Double-jointed with SB 1799 (Poochigian-R), which was vetoed by the Governor.

Chapter 696, Statutes of 2002

SB 804 (Polanco-D) Drivers' licenses

Requires a person applying for a driver's license who has applied for legal immigration status to submit to a criminal background check. Prohibits the granting of a license if the person has been convicted of specified offenses. Requires the applicant to show that he/she has worked for 15 months out of the preceding three years. Contingent upon the passage of AB 60 (Cedillo-D), which was vetoed by the Governor.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 807 (Dunn-D) Vehicles

Provides that any person convicted of specified moving violations, in addition to other applicable fines and assessments imposed, whether or not probation is granted, pay an additional $200 assessment to be deposited into the county Maddy Emergency Medical Services Fund and allocated to physicians, surgeons, and hospitals.

Vetoed by the Governor

Companion bill to AB 2887 (Koretz-D), which was also vetoed by the Governor.

SB 810 (Ackerman-R) Property tax revenue allocations: transit districts

Exempts single-county transit districts from the obligation to shift revenues to their county Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund, beginning in 2003-04.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 834 (Escutia-D) Insurers: underserved communities

Requires insurers selling private passenger automobile liability policies or private passenger automobile physical damage policies to annually submit to the commissioner of the State Department of Insurance, for examination, a record of loss experience, per exposure, for each geographic area, for examination and a community service statement for each ZIP code served by the insurer. Establishes civil penalties for failure to comply with a data call.

(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)

SB 869 (Karnette-D) Department of Transportation: airport assessment study

Requires the State Department of Transportation to conduct a needs assessment study on airports in the state.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 876 (Poochigian-R) Special interest license plates: agriculture

Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles, in consultation with the California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom and the Agriculture Education Foundation and subject to a statutory procedure, to issue special interest license plates.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 995 (Morrow-R) Vessels: special-use areas

Prohibits certain entities from adopting any ordinance, law, regulation, or rule that allows special-use areas to be used in a manner that interferes with boating access to channels, shipping lanes, or international waters. Requires any ordinance, law, regulation, or rule governing special-use areas to allow boating access for point-to-point transit to nonspecialized-use waters in the special-use area.

(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)

SB 1048* (Speier-D) Parking authorities

Authorizes certain public transportation agency board members to serve ex-officio on parking authorities.

Chapter 130, Statutes of 2002

SB 1053 (Knight-R) Centennial of Flight Commemoration Program

Creates a statewide program, administered by the State Department of Education, to commemorate the Centennial of Flight in schools and authorizes other aviation-related school practices.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 1057 (Morrow-R) Motorcycles: helmets

Limits the mandatory motorcycle helmet law to only operators and passengers 17 years of age or less.

(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1066 (Poochigian-R) Mitigation fees: Department of Transportation

Prohibits the State Department of Transportation from recommending proposals for mitigation fees to a local agency if the proposals may violate the Mitigation Fee Act.

(Died in Senate Local Government Committee)

SB 1071 (Machado-D) Adult driver improvement program

Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to establish standards for adult driver improvement programs taught by driving schools.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1138 (Burton-D) Parking privileges: placard fees

Prohibits the imposition of any fee or charge upon the application for, or issuance of, parking privilege placards for eligible disabled persons or disabled veterans.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1144 (Karnette-D) Dealers: seatbelts

Provides that it is a crime to lease or offer for lease by a dealer specified passenger vehicles unless they are equipped with seatbelts for each seating position.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1171 (Scott-D) Motor carriers and commercial motor vehicles

Provides that failure to fully comply with, rather than failure to enroll all commercial drivers in, the required pull notice system would result in exercise of the suspension authority. Provides that a household goods carrier who continues to employ as a driver a person against whom a disqualification action has been taken affecting that person's driving privileges is subject to suspension of the carrier's permit.

Provides that allowing or permitting a driver to continue driving a commercial motor vehicle after being notified that the driver has tested positive for controlled substances or alcohol use, or refused to test, in violation of federal regulations to the list of actions for which the State Department of the California Highway Patrol would recommend suspensions and suspension would be required.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1195 (Romero-D) Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Establishes the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Labor Relations Trust Fund as a continuously appropriated fund in the State Treasury and requires the money in the fund to be appropriated to the State Auditor for allocation to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority as required under the bill.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

Similar legislation was AB 33 (Romero-D), which died in Assembly Transportation Committee.

SB 1257 (Murray-D) Vehicles: hazardous materials transportation

Makes numerous changes in requirements pertaining to the transportation of hazardous materials.

Chapter 610, Statutes of 2002

SB 1276 (Speier-D) Selective Service registration

Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to provide notice of Selective Service registration requirements to male applicants under 26 for drivers' licenses. Provides for registration with the Selective Service if the applicant consents.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1302 (Costa-D) All-terrain vehicles

Increases, from 600 pounds to 900 pounds, the maximum weight for a vehicle to be defined, given other criteria, as an all-terrain vehicle for purposes of being issued identification plates as an off-highway vehicle.

Chapter 205, Statutes of 2002

SB 1331 (Speier-D) Salvage vehicles

Imposes additional requirements concerning the registration of "total loss salvage vehicles" and establishes certain new definitions related to these vehicles. Deletes the January 1, 2003 sunset date authorizing a $50 fee for inspected salvage vehicles, thus extending the fee indefinitely. Double-jointed with SB 1743 (Speier-D), which was vetoed by the Governor.

Chapter 670, Statutes of 2002

SB 1425 (O'Connell-D) Special interest license plates

Provides that the State Department of Motor Vehicles, in consultation with the Doris Day Animal Foundation, design and make available the "End Pet Overpopulation" special interest license plates.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1427 (Escutia-D) Low-cost automobile insurance

Extends the sunset date of the low-cost auto (LCA) insurance pilot program to January 1, 2007. Reduces the price of the LCA insurance policies. Modifies the eligibility requirement. Requires agents to inform potential LCA insurance policyholders of the availability of LCA if the consumer requests a minimum or basic limits policy. Require the State Insurance Commissioner to annually prepare a policy for the Legislature on how the commissioner intends to inform eligible households of the availability of LCA insurance.

Chapter 742, Statutes of 2002

SB 1458 (Romero-D) Vehicle dealers: bonds

Increases the amount of the required surety bond for motor vehicle dealers from $10,000 to $50,000, and for remanufacturers from $25,000 to $50,000. Sets the bond for a dealer who deals exclusively in motorcycles at $10,000. Grants financing agencies the right of action against dealer bonds for fraudulent actions or other code violations perpetrated by dealers. This right would be secondary to that of other claimants already entitled to make claims against these bonds.

Chapter 303, Statutes of 2002

SB 1489* (Perata-D) Vehicles: speed contests and reckless driving

Enacts the U'Kendra K. Johnson Memorial Act. Provides, until January 1, 2007, that when a person is arrested for reckless driving, reckless driving in a parking facility, exhibition of speed or a speed contest, the officer may seize and impound the vehicle.

Chapter 411, Statutes of 2002

SB 1507 (Romero-D) Intermodal chassis

Requires ocean marine terminals that conduct the intermodal roadability inspection program to sign, under penalty of perjury, that the inspection was performed.

Chapter 897, Statutes of 2002

SB 1530 (Torlakson-D) Vehicles

Requires, with specified exceptions, a person who provides property on which aggregate material or any other material is loaded into vehicles to provide a location at which vehicle operators can comply with existing law before entering a highway.

Chapter 673, Statutes of 2002

SB 1556 (Dunn-D) Vehicles: ordinances: mobilehome parks

Allows specified provisions of the Vehicle Code to be applied to mobilehome parks and manufactured housing communities when requested by the owners and when authorized by an ordinance or resolution of a city or county, or city and county. Specifies that the State Department of the California Highway Patrol will not be required to provide patrol or enforce any provision of the code within the mobilehome park or manufactured housing community.

Chapter 284, Statutes of 2002

SB 1581 (Senate Transportation Committee) Vehicles

Authorizes the State Department of Motor Vehicles to accept, in lieu of the completion of a written examination for license renewal, evidence that a traffic violator school operator has completed specified continuing professional education.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

SB 1582 (Senate Transportation Committee) Public works and transportation

The Senate Transportation Committee's annual omnibus measure, makes several minor and noncontroversial changes to various transportation-related provisions.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 1590 (Karnette-D) Motor vehicles: reportable property damage minimum

Increases the minimum property damage that is required to be reported in a motor vehicle accident from $500 to $750.

Chapter 766, Statutes of 2002

SB 1648 (Speier-D) Insurance

Makes it unlawful for an insurer to acquire any ownership in an auto body repair shop registered with the State Bureau of Automotive Repair. Makes it unlawful for an insurer to offer an incentive or provide compensation to a person as a reward for referring an insured to an auto body repair shop that the insurer maintains an ownership interest in.

(Failed passage on the Assembly Floor)

SB 1685 (Morrow-R) School bus: warning light systems

Clarifies that school bus drivers, when approaching a school bus stop that does not require the activation of flashing red signal lights or the stop signal arm, do not have to activate the flashing amber light warning system.

Chapter 397, Statutes of 2002

SB 1743 (Speier-D) Vehicles

Amends consumer protections pertaining to the sale and resale of salvage vehicles by: (1) clarifying existing law relative to a vehicle that is deemed a total loss salvage that is retained by the owner; and (2) provides that a salvage vehicle "may" be transferred twice on the salvage certificate. Double-jointed with SB 2076 (Bowen-D), Chapter 826, Statutes of 2002.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 1857 (Senate Transportation Committee) Public works and transportation

Makes various changes to the Public Contract Code, the Public Utilities Code, the Revenue and Taxation Code, the Streets and Highways Code and the Vehicle Code.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 1874 (Johnson-R) Transportation: Orange County Transportation Authority

Increases the membership of the governing board of the Orange County Transportation Authority, from 12 members to 16 members.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1891 (Perata-D) Bicycle theft

Authorizes, commencing January 1, 2006, an "Internet bicycle registration service" to register bicycles and issue bicycle licenses.

Vetoed by the Governor

Similar legislation was SB 576 (Perata-D), which died in Senate Transportation Committee.

SB 1918 (Torlakson-D) Vehicles: electric personal assistive mobility devices

Establishes, commencing March 1, 2003, and sunsetting on January 1, 2008, regulations regarding the use of electric personal assistive mobility devices.

Chapter 979, Statutes of 2002

SB 1924 (O'Connell-D) Vehicles

Requires that persons under 18 years of age wear a helmet while operating in-line or roller skates, a nonmotorized scooter, skateboard or riding upon a nonmotorized scooter or skateboard as a passenger.

Chapter 475, Statutes of 2002

SB 1927 (Soto-D) Omnitrans: bus fueling stations

Requires the Omnitrans Joint Powers Authority to submit a report to the Legislature by July 1, 2003, on the environmental and public health impacts of transit bus fueling stations that are owned or operated by the authority.

Chapter 602, Statutes of 2002

SB 1969 (Machado-D) Vehicles: traffic violator schools: fees

Requires the clerk of a court, rather than a traffic violator school, to collect the fee charged for a program completion certificate issued by a traffic violator school.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 1985 (Murray-D) Transportation districts

Enacts similar provisions making it a crime to violate an ordinance, rule, or regulation enacted by a transit district prohibiting unauthorized operation or manipulation of transit facilities owned, controlled, or used by the transit district, or prohibiting unauthorized tampering or interference with, or loitering in or about, those transit facilities, as specified.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1996 (Karnette-D) California Highway Patrol

Removes the State Department of the California Highway Patrol from the State Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to the Office of the Governor and makes other conforming changes.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 2031 (Karnette-D) State Department of Motor Vehicles: records

Limits the process by which confidential State Department of Motor Vehicles records can be used to compel payment of parking fee charges and parking violations.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 2072 (Karnette-D) Vehicles: state highways: weight limits

Extends indefinitely the authority for the issuance of special permits allowing the operation of cargo container vehicle combinations which exceed maximum weight limits on specified freeways near the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles.

Chapter 229, Statutes of 2002

SB 2073 (Johannessen-R) Vehicle dealers: bonds

Reduces the minimum dealer bond requirement to $10,000 for wholesale dealers who sell fewer than 25 vehicles per year.

Chapter 1110, Statutes of 2002

SB 2076 (Bowen-D) Vehicles

Ensures that provisions in existing law relative to satisfying the disclosure requirements pertaining to salvage vehicles apply to financial institutions, leasing companies, occupational licensees of the State Department of Motor Vehicles, a self-insurer, and insurance companies, or their agents. Double-jointed with SB 1743 (Speier-D), which was vetoed by the Governor.

Chapter 826, Statutes of 2002

SB 2079* (Burton-D) Driving instruction: motor carriers: drug testing

Makes a number of "clean-up" changes to provisions amended by SB 871 (Burton-D), Chapter 298, Statutes of 2001, dealing with full due process rights for motor carriers and responsibilities of owner-operators.

Chapter 774, Statutes of 2002

SB 2101 (Johnson-R) Vehicle license fee: reduction of offsets

Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to include in its 2003 vehicle license fee (VLF) billing notice an additional notice, in one-quarter inch type, specifying that "the reduction of the vehicle license fee offset which increases the vehicle license fee imposed on this vehicle, constitutes a tax increase requested by and signed into law by Governor Gray Davis." The notice would only be required if the VLF is increased above its current rate of 0.65 percent.

(Failed passage in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SCA 1 (McClintock-R) Vehicle license fees

Precludes, on and after January 1, 2003, the imposition upon a vehicle of any vehicle license fee, or any other tax in lieu of an valorem property tax. Exempts vehicles subject to registration in this state from ad valorem property taxation.

(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SCA 5 (Torlakson-D) Local government: special taxes: transportation

Authorizes, upon approval of the voters, a local government to impose a sales tax exclusively for transportation purposes upon the approval of a majority of the voters of that local government, rather than the current two-thirds vote requirement.

(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SCA 6 (Murray-D) Transportation: funding

Requires, upon approval of the state's voters, state gasoline sales tax revenues to be used exclusively for specified transportation purposes. Authorizes short and limited term loans of the revenues to be General Fund under specified economic conditions, and prescribes the terms of required loan repayments. Provides that the provisions would become operative on July 1, 2006.

(Died in Senate Constitutional Amendments Committee)

SCR 66 (Johannessen-R) California marine transportation system

Proclaims the month of May as California Marine Transportation System Month, and promotes the funding programs necessary to the advancement of the California marine transportation system.

Resolution Chapter 62, Statutes of 2002

SCR 105 (Burton-D) Caltrans Maintenance Worker Memorial Bridge

Provides that the Sacramento River Bridge and Overhead on Interstate Route 80, commonly known as the Bryte Bend Bridge in Sacramento and Yolo Counties, is hereby dedicated in honor of the deceased and injured workers of the Division of Maintenance of the State Department of Transportation, and is to be known as the Caltrans Maintenance Worker Memorial Bridge.

Resolution Chapter 161, Statutes of 2002

SJR 22 (Torlakson-D) Gasoline: MTBE

Memorializes the United States Environmental Protection Agency to reconsider granting an administrative waiver of the oxygenated gasoline requirement for the State of California, to the extent permitted by the federal Clean Air Act.

Memorializes the Congress of the United States, if an administrative waiver is not granted, to enact legislation that would permit California to waive the oxygen content requirement for reformulated gasoline only if the fuel meets other requirements of the federal Clean Air Act for reformulated gasoline.

Resolution Chapter 7, Statutes of 2002

SJR 25 (Scott-D) Oxygenate requirements in gasoline

Requests the Congress of the United States to review California's request to be exempted from the gasoline oxygenate additive requirement imposed by the Clean Air Act.

Resolution Chapter 98, Statutes of 2002

AB 5 (Calderon-D) Insurance premiums

Prohibits the use of a driver's credit rating to determine the driver's insurance premium.

(Died in Senate Insurance Committee)

AB 60 (Cedillo-D) Vehicles: social security number: driver's licenses

Makes several changes regarding the eligibility requirements for an original driver's license or identification card, including: (1) allowing persons that have submitted an application or petition for lawful immigration status to apply for a driver's license or identification card; and (2) providing that every application for a driver's license contain the applicant's Social Security number, but specify that it shall not be included on any driver's license, identification card, registration, certificate of title, or any other document issued by the State Department of Motor Vehicles; (3) allowing an applicant who does not possess a Social Security number to submit a taxpayer identification number or other approved identifier and to sign an affidavit under penalty of perjury attesting that the applicant does have a Social Security number; and (4) deleting the requirement that the department verify the authenticity of documents submitted to confirm legal presence.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 107 (Nation-D) Vessels: wrecks and wrecked property: ballast water

Streamlines the process for removing wrecked or abandoned vessels and delays the due date for a legislative report.

(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)

AB 171 (Reyes-D) Vehicles: State Department of Motor Vehicles: records

Holds confidential the home address of nonsworn law enforcement spokespersons and the spouses and children of these individuals, to the statutory list of classes of persons whose home addresses contained in State Department of Motor Vehicles records must be withheld from public inspection.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 241 (Dickerson-R) Traffic offenses

Increases the penalty for felony driving under the influence under specified conditions.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 243* (Runner-R) Sales and use taxes: exemption: jet fuel

Exempts from sales and use tax any aircraft jet fuel sold to an aircraft jet fuel user at any airport located within an enterprise zone.

(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 468 (Firebaugh-D) State property: access: telecommunications

Provides that agreements negotiated by the State Department of Transportation to place wireless facilities on state-owned property or highway rights-of-way shall provide compensation at fair market value.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 541 (Maddox-R) Motor vehicle insurance

Provides that a person is not qualified to purchase a Good Driver Discount policy if he/she has been incarcerated for a period in excess of 30 days during the three-year period immediately preceding the effective date of the policy.

(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 546 (Cohn-D) Asphalt: crumb rubber

Authorizes the State Department of Transportation to require the use of crumb rubber from United States sources on paving projects that utilize crumb rubber asphalt.

(Failed passage on Senate Floor)

AB 581 (La Suer-R) Transit: fare evasion: arrest

Expands the persons classified as public officers or employees to include security personnel employed by a nonprofit transit corporation.

(Died in Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AB 629 (Oropeza-D) Transportation

Requires transit buses operated by a motor carrier, whether private or public, to be equipped with a two-way communication device. Extends the repeal date on specified transit districts' requirement to have a "yield right of way" sign on the vehicle, as specified.

Chapter 937, Statutes of 2002

AB 630 (Oropeza-D) Transportation: Los Angeles County

Requires the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority to perform a security assessment of county transit systems every five years in cooperation with other municipal transit operators.

Chapter 938, Statutes of 2002

AB 841 (Havice-D) Vehicles: air bags

Restricts the sale of any vehicle with an inflatable restraint system (airbag) compartment unless that compartment contains an operable airbag.

(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 879 (Keeley-D) Vehicle registration fees: law enforcement

Eliminates, as of January 2, 2006, the five-year sunset on the authority to impose a $1 vehicle registration fee surcharge which is used to fund local fingerprint identification programs. Requires every county collecting this fee to submit an annual fiscal report to the State Controller, as specified.

Chapter 986, Statutes of 2002

AB 880 (Florez-D) Drivers: commercial vehicles

Makes several modifications to the process by which prospective employers of motor carrier drivers must obtain a State Department of Motor Vehicles report indicating the driver's current driving record, and conforms drug and alcohol testing requirements to federal law.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 926 (Maddox-R) Towed and transported vehicles

Deletes and recasts provisions in existing law relating to towed vehicles by either a coupler with a safety chain, or a fifth wheel and kingpin assembly.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 976 (Vargas-D) Transportation: mass transit

Permits the State Department of Transportation to waive the provision requiring the permittee to bear the sole expense to relocate or remove the encroachment when the encroachment is a rail or other nonhighway public mass transit facility that was developed by a publicly owned mass transit authority.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1010 (Correa-D) Transportation: franchise agreements

Grants additional statutory authority to the Orange County Transportation Authority in order to facilitate the acquisition of the franchise agreement for the Route 91 toll road from the California Private Transportation Company.

Chapter 688, Statutes of 2002

AB 1059 (Keeley-D) Vessels

Grants the State Department of Boating and Waterways limited authority to restrict boating in certain areas where the invasive and toxic algae, Caulerpa taxifolia, are growing.

Chapter 940, Statutes of 2002

AB 1105 (Oropeza-D) Vehicle license fees

Provides that the Director of the State Department of Finance is required to make the same determination of whether there are insufficient moneys in the General Fund for the State Controller to fully reimburse local governments for losses resulting from the vehicle license fee offsets.

(Died on Assembly Floor awaiting concurrence)

AB 1250 (Florez-D) Safety and Farm Labor Vehicle Education Program

Codifies into state law the Safety and Farm Labor Vehicle Education Program, a traffic safety program currently conducted by the State Department of the California Highway Patrol.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1296 (Thomson-D) Transportation: commuter rail: study

Authorizes cities, counties or local transportation agencies to conduct a study of the feasibility of extending commuter or intercity rail service originating in Auburn to the City of Dixon rather than the City of Davis.

Chapter 314, Statutes of 2002

AB 1314 (Havice-D) Parking

Allows local authorities or other persons in control of offstreet parking garages to designate stalls or spaces for the exclusive use of zero-emission vehicles. Establishes a procedure for identifying such vehicles and authorizes the towing of vehicles and substantial fines for violations of such parking restrictions.

Chapter 640, Statutes of 2002

AB 1398 (Florez-D) Vehicles: fines

Provides that a person convicted either of reckless driving, driving under the influence, or driving under the influence causing injury to pay an additional assessment of $500 if the county where the violation takes place has established an Emergency Medical Services Fund, with the additional assessment to be deposited in the emergency medical services account.

(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)

AB 1410 (Hollingsworth-R) Vessels: use prohibitions

Requires the State Department of Boating and Waterways to withhold numbering fees, sales taxes, and property taxes derived from types of undocumented vessels from counties and cities that prohibit use of those types of vessels. Prohibits grants from being made to those counties for public launch ramps or boating facilities.

(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1538 (Cox-R) Driving license: digitized signature

Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to record a digitized signature from all drivers licenses, and provide to the Secretary of State the digitized signatures of those persons who register to vote at State Department of Motor Vehicles facilities.

(Died on Senate Inactive File)

AB 1572 (Briggs-R) Driver's license: identification cards: selective service

Establishes a mechanism by which the State Department of Motor Vehicles forwards, to the United States Selective Service System, information obtained from males under the age of 26 who are first-time driver's license and identification card applicants.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1593 (Wyman-R) Disabled veterans

Increases the number of military veterans eligible to be exempted, as disabled veterans, from paying motor vehicle registration fees, vehicle license fees, and fees related to special identification license plates.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1708 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Disabled vehicle waste: tow trucks

Exempts disabled vehicle waste that is transported, stored, or otherwise managed by a tow truck company from the hazardous waste control laws during the course of that handling, storage, or management. Revises and recasts the requirements for the removal of disabled vehicle waste.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 1742 (Maldonado-R) Vehicles: combination lengths: agricultural product hauler

Exempts, until January 1, 2006, a specified motor truck and two trailers combination used for transporting agricultural products from current vehicle length restrictions.

Chapter 560, Statute of 2002

AB 1759* (Wesson-D) California Memorial Scholarship Program

Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to issue a special interest license plate to memorialize the victims of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.

Chapter 38, Statutes of 2002

AB 1765 (Bogh-R) Vehicle length limitation

Exempts school buses fitted with a crossing control arm from the 40 foot limitation placed on vehicles that may be operated on California highways.

Chapter 78, Statutes of 2002

AB 1780 (Nation-D) State Department of Motor Vehicles: fees

Prohibits the State Department of Motor Vehicles from charging a fee for electronic submittal of documents in vehicle-related transactions.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1782* (Kehoe-D) Harbors and ports: security: bonds

Authorizes, subject to voter approval at an unspecified statewide election, the issuance of $350 million worth of general obligation bonds to finance capital investments that enhance security at California's harbors and ports.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1783 (Firebaugh-D) Driving

Makes it an infraction to drive a motor vehicle in an unsafe manner, resulting from engaging in distracting activity that interferes with the safe operation of a vehicle. Defines "distracting activity" to include a broad range of possible actions.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1800 (Kehoe-D) Motor vehicles: persons with disabilities

Authorizes a disabled person or a disabled veteran who displays a disabled parking placard or license plate to park in restricted zones designated for street sweeping without being issued a parking citation, with specified exceptions.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 1883 (Kelley-R) Recovery of property

Provides that certain licensees of the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services who misrepresent or provide false information on an application for licensure are guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to discipline by the Director of the State Department of Consumer Affairs.

Chapter 402, Statutes of 2002

AB 1886 (Jackson-D) Vehicles: school zone fines

Allows for the creation of double fine zones in specifically posted school zones in Alameda, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties.

Chapter 590, Statute of 2002

AB 1902 (Reyes-D) Automobile insurance: damaged child safety restraint system

Requires insurers to determine whether a child passenger restraint system was in use by a child during an accident and to replace the child passenger restraint system.

Chapter 703, Statutes of 2002

AB 1906 (Longville-D) Vehicle license fees

Clarifies that only historical vehicles that have been issued special identification plates will be eligible for a $2 vehicle license fee.

Chapter 528, Statutes of 2002

AB 1911 (Simitian-D) Driving: wireless phones

Creates an infraction for driving a motor vehicle while using a wireless phone, unless it can be used hands-free, and is used in that manner while driving.

(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 1912 (Kehoe-D) Transportation: transit operations: funding

Repeals the provision of law which prohibits the allocation of State Transit Assistance funds to a public transit operator whose labor agreement contract prohibits the use of part-time drivers.

Specifies that nothing in the law relative to conditions placed on the allocation of funds for transit operators and for public transportation, streets and roads is to be construed to prohibit, or limit the ability of, a public transit operator to contract with common carriers of persons operating under a franchise or license, or employ part-time drivers.

Chapter 201, Statutes of 2002

AB 1915 (Lowenthal-D) Vehicles: license plates

Requires the immediate issuance of new license plates by the State Department of Motor Vehicles when requested by a victim of domestic violence.

Chapter 80, Statutes of 2002

AB 1937 (Dutra-D) Transportation

Authorizes transit agencies to enter into agreements with public agencies or private developers or entities for the joint use or joint development of property or rights.

Chapter 270, Statutes of 2002

AB 1998 (Hollingsworth-R) Transportation: Riverside County: Orange County

Establishes a 25-member task force to address transportation issues involving Riverside and Orange counties.

(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2005 (Nakano-D) Vessels: operation: violations

Adds certain moving violations to existing law which requires vessel operators to pass a boating safety course if convicted of specified moving violations. Makes the nighttime-prohibition hours for personal watercraft operation the same as for water skiing (sunset to sunrise), instead of one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise. Excludes diveboard users from existing life jacket requirements.

Chapter 383, Statues of 2002

AB 2012 (Frommer-D) Auto insurance

Specifies that a warranty agreement, offered by the warrantor of a vehicle protection product in connection with the sale of that product, is an express warranty and not automobile insurance if certain requirements are met.

Chapter 749, Statutes of 2002

AB 2031 (Canciamilla-D) Vehicle: funeral processions

Reinstates an earlier pilot project conducted in Los Angeles County that required specified criteria and procedures for funeral processions.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 2042 (Cohn-D) Speed limits: long-term construction zones: photo radar

Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles, in consultation with the State Department of Transportation, to develop a statewide pilot project utilizing photo radar systems for enforcing posted speed limits in a long-term construction zone on freeways and highways within its jurisdiction. Provides that a violation of the posted speed limit in a long-term construction zone is not an infraction or public offense but is subject to specified civil penalties assessed against the registered owner of the vehicle, the enforcement of which is governed by specified civil administrative procedures.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2048 (Salinas-D) Local government records: recordings: public transit

Allows videotapes or recordings made by security cameras on public transit systems to be destroyed immediately, notwithstanding the general requirement for cities, counties, and special districts to retain video recordings for one year and the preservation of recordings that are evidence in any filed claim or pending litigation.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 2051 (Dickerson-R) Vehicles: truck lengths

Allows truck combinations that transport agricultural biomass to include a front trailer with a length of up to 32 feet.

Chapter 442, Statutes of 2002

AB 2095 (Kehoe-D) San Diego Regional Agency

Creates the San Diego Regional Authority as the region's transportation planning agency. Authorizes the agency to call an election, including an advisory election, on measures regarding regional governance or the agency's powers or duties.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 2098 (Bates-R) Vehicles: driving under the influence

Provides that, if a defendant has been convicted of a second or third driving under the influence offense in a seven year period, his/her motor vehicle will be impounded for up to 12 months. Provides that he/she will be assessed for alcohol abuse and possible treatment.

(Died in Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AB 2111* (Strickland-R) Transportation of hazardous materials

Authorizes a motor carrier to request criminal history information from the State Department of Justice concerning any applicant for employment transporting hazardous materials.

(Failed passage in Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AB 2112* (Cogdill-R) Vehicles: hazardous materials

Requires that a commercial driver from Canada, when transporting hazardous materials in California, have in his/her possession a copy of a training certificate to transport hazardous materials.

Chapter 103, Statutes of 2002

AB 2113* (Bogh-R) Identification

Codifies a State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) identity confirmation process for persons applying for duplicate driver's licenses or identification cards and creates a new crime for providing DMV identification documents to persons not entitled to them.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2151 (Cardoza-D) Vehicles: State Department of Motor Vehicles

Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to implement, by July 1, 2003, electronic queuing systems at a majority of its larger volume field offices.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2166 (Lowenthal-D) Hazardous waste: used oil recycling: transportation

Requires, with specified exceptions, hazardous waste transporters who transport used oil to provide written notice to used oil generators from whom they receive used oil regarding the shipment of the used oil to facilities that do not meet California environmental standards.

Chapter 992, Statutes of 2002

AB 2181 (Dutra-D) Metropolitan Transportation Commission

Revises the description of two of the eligible project categories for expenditure of revenues from a previously-authorized regional gas tax.

Chapter 161, Statutes of 2002

AB 2184 (Cohn-D) Transit districts

Prohibits persons from interfering with the operation of a transit vehicle, throwing objects from such a vehicle, climbing on or engaging in other specific activities with respect to the vehicles, property or facilities of a transit district. Provides that a violation of these prohibitions would constitute an infraction, with specified fines or community service penalties.

Chapter 650, Statutes of 2002

AB 2273 (Dutra-D) Vehicles

Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to issue, if they meet specified requirements, restricted drivers licenses to enlistees, 16-18 years of age, of the California National Guard in order for the enlistees to operate military vehicles.

Chapter 418, Statutes of 2002

AB 2274 (Keeley-D) Off-highway vehicle recreation

Changes the Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Recreational Program by expanding the OHV Commission's responsibilities and frequency of meetings, requiring the OHV Division to submit a report as to why people recreate off-road and presenting a strategic plan for future OHV needs, reducing the maximum legal noise limit, and requiring a program report biennially on the results of the OHV strategic plan and resource monitoring.

Chapter 563, Statutes of 2002

AB 2275 (Aanestad-R) Transportation

Establishes restrictions on the ability of regional transportation agencies to include local street and road rehabilitation projects into the State Transportation Improvement Program.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2276* (Dutra-D) Vehicles: hazardous materials: emergency materials

Exempts authorized emergency vehicles operated by peace officers from the state placarding requirement in certain circumstances.

Chapter 241, Statutes of 2002

AB 2361 (Cedillo-D) Transportation

Exempts, from the prohibition against placing advertising displays adjacent to landscaped freeways, a specified/single billboard on the roof of a specified school in Los Angeles, subject to certain conditions.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 2362 (Canciamilla-D) Vessels: sanitation devices

Authorizes peace officers to inspect marine sanitation devices.

Chapter 293, Statutes of 2002

AB 2389 (Dutra-D) Transportation enhancement activity funds

Authorizes the directors of the Bay Area Rapid Transit District to increase their board salaries by up to five percent annually through the enactment of an ordinance or resolution.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 2397 (Correa-D) Vehicles

Prohibits various acts related to the advertising of motor vehicles by motor vehicle dealers.

Chapter 947, Statutes of 2002

AB 2402 (Rod Pacheco-R) Speed limits: City of Norco: equestrian safety

Specifically authorizes the City of Norco, when conducting an engineering and traffic survey, to consider equestrian safety, in addition to other factors required by the Vehicle Code.

Chapter 186, Statutes of 2002

AB 2439 (Bill Campbell-R) Airports: land use

Requires each airport land use commission, in the case of a federal military airport that has been deemed closed, to review any related comprehensive land use plan not later than two years from the date the real property containing the former military airport is transferred to new ownership.

(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 2457 (Frommer-D) Rental car agencies

For a three-year period beginning January 1, 2003, modifies the laws requiring written and oral disclosure to rental car customers that the damage waiver policy offered by the rental company may be duplicative of the coverage provided by the renter's car insurance policy. Creates a different set of disclosure rules for persons who rent through a rental company's membership program, as specified. Provides that for all other renters, the current oral disclosures will still be required and reinforced, but a specific and perhaps duplicative written disclosure requirement will be repealed.

Chapter 948, Statutes of 2002

AB 2461* (Keeley-D) Taxation: vehicle license fees: low-emission vehicles

Extends the sunset date of the existing vehicle license fee exemption on the incremental cost of alternatively-fueled vehicles from January 1, 2003 to January 1, 2009.

Chapter 566, Statutes of 2002

AB 2474 (Simitian-D) Automotive products

Requires engine coolant or antifreeze being sold in this state, containing more than 10 percent ethylene glycol (substance used as antifreeze), to have Denatonium Benzoate (a bittering agent), or another bittering agent, added to the mixture to render it unpalatable for humans or animals.

Chapter 998, Statutes of 2002

AB 2521 (La Suer-R) Traffic-actuated signals: bicycles: motorcycles

Requires, until January 1, 2008, that traffic-actuated traffic signals be capable of being actuated by bicycles and motorcycles.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 2522* (Dutra-D) California Highway Patrol: transportation system

Makes various findings relating to the effect of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, on the United States. Requires the State Department of the California Highway Patrol, in cooperation with the Governor's Office of Emergency Services and other specified federal, state, and local agencies, to perform a risk assessment of the state's transportation system and to submit a confidential report of its findings to the Governor and the Legislature's leadership prior to January 1, 2003.

Chapter 243, Statutes of 2002

AB 2582 (Chu-D) Paratransit vehicles: high-occupancy vehicle lanes

Authorizes the operation of a paratransit vehicle on high-occupancy highway lanes without the required number of passengers.

Chapter 277, Statutes of 2002

AB 2595 (Bogh-R) Off-highway Vehicle Trust Fund: Riverside County

Appropriates $3 million from the Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Trust Fund to the State Department of Parks and Recreation to provide a grant to Riverside County to acquire and develop land for an OHV park.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2623 (Mountjoy-R) Vehicles: fetus

Expands the definition of gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated to include the unlawful killing of the fetus of another human being. Provides that any person convicted of driving under the influence causing bodily injury to another person, in which the death of a fetus of another human being is caused, is punishable by two, three, or four years in state prison.

(Failed passage in Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AB 2624 (John Campbell-R) Low-speed vehicles

Requires the State Department of the California Highway Patrol to issue a report to the Legislature on the safety of low-speed vehicles and, if certain findings are made regarding the safety of the vehicles, authorizes a local jurisdiction to adopt a "Low-Speed Vehicle Community Access Plan," which would be designed to foster the integration of these vehicles within local communities.

(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)

AB 2629 (Liu-D) Vehicles: records: identity theft

Adds victims of identity theft to those persons eligible to request suppression of their registration or driver's license records.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2630* (Cogdill-R) Airport security: airport improvement grants

Authorizes, through the year 2006, the Aeronautics Account, subject to approval by the California Transportation Commission, to fund all of the local match for federal grants (10 percent), if the grant is used to support a security project at a small aviation airport.

Chapter 754, Statutes of 2002

AB 2647 (Liu-D) Transportation

Eliminates statutory requirements that the State Department of Transportation (DOT) must periodically report concerning transportation corridor preservation and social services transportation services and repeals the requirement that DOT shall maintain a list of disabled veteran business enterprises.

Chapter 168, Statutes of 2002

AB 2687 (Maldonado-R) Transportation of hazardous materials: restrictions

Changes some of the requirements related to closing a highway to vehicles transporting hazardous materials.

Chapter 104, Statutes of 2002

AB 2700 (Mountjoy-R) Motorcycles: helmets

Allows certain motorcycle drivers and passengers 20 years of age and older to ride without a helmet.

(Failed passage on Assembly Floor)

AB 2716 (Ashburn-R) Hazardous waste: disabled vehicle waste

Requires the California Environmental Protection Agency to develop and examine scientific information regarding disabled vehicle waste, and to provide a report to the Legislature.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2765 (Reyes-D) Motor vehicles: speed contests

Makes it an infraction to be knowingly present at an illegal motor vehicle speed contest or speed exhibition on a public street for the purpose of watching the contest or exhibition, or watching preparations for it. Violations of these provisions would be punishable by specified fines.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2776 (Simitian-D) Aviation: noise

Substantially increases the notice required to be given to prospective homeowners when the homes they intend to purchase are located near an airport. Requires specified disclosures regarding airport proximity in applications for new housing developments, declarations for new common interest developments, and in conjunction with the transfer disclosure statement on existing homes. Provides that, where notice of airport proximity has been made in conjunction with a transfer disclosure statement, a realtor will not be required to provide any additional information regarding airport-related annoyances.

Chapter 496, Statutes of 2002

AB 2887 (Koretz-D) Vehicles

Adds a sunset date of January 1, 2005 to SB 807 (Dunn-D).

Vetoed by the Governor

Companion bill to SB 807 (Dunn-D), which was also Vetoed by the Governor.

AB 2904 (Wiggins-D) Driving

Doubles the minimum fine for operating a passenger vehicle that has an unladen weight in excess of 3,500 pounds at a speed exceeding a maximum speed limit by 15 miles per hour or more.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AB 2959 (Horton-D) Good driver insurance coverage

Requires agents or representatives representing insurers in an insurer group, as defined, to provide good driver coverage at the lowest rates applicable within the insurer group.

(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 2996* (Assembly Budget Committee) Transportation trailer bill

Makes changes in the budget trailer bill relative to accounts managed by the State Department of Transportation and contains significant revenue generating proposals for the Motor Vehicle Account.

Chapter 805, Statutes of 2002

AB 3024 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Vehicles

Makes various technical, non-substantive changes relating to transportation.

Chapter 758, Statutes of 2002

AB 3025* (Assembly Transportation Committee) Public works: environmental enhancement projects

Requires the State Department of Transportation (DOT) to extend the completion date for specified Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation (EEM) Program projects and creates a stepped-up incremental payments formula for mobilization costs involving toll bridge replacement and retrofit projects. Modifies the accelerated payment schedule for projects over water requiring marine access, when the contract amount for such projects exceeds $25 million. Requires DOT to extend the completion date to June 30, 2004 for the Cambria Community Services District and the Sacramento County Dry Creek EEM program projects. Designates a specified portion of State Highway Route 163 as a California Historic Parkway, to be named the Cabrillo Parkway.

Chapter 965, Statutes of 2002

AB 3026 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Transportation

Omnibus transportation bill that makes various technical and minor policy changes and repeals obsolete code sections or references, as a means of avoiding numerous single-provision bills.

Chapter 438, Statutes of 2002

ACR 195 (Hollingsworth-R) Motorcycle Awareness Month

Declares that May 2002 is Motorcycle Awareness Month and urges both motorcycle riders and automobile drivers to follow the rules of the road so that all citizens will remain safe.

Resolution Chapter 66, Statutes of 2002

ACR 198 (Firebaugh-D) The California Tow Truck Association

Congratulates the California Tow Truck Association on its 32nd anniversary and recognizes its contributions to the state's efforts to manage traffic congestion.

(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

ACR 232 (Firebaugh-D) Truck Driver Appreciation Week

Declares the week of August 18 to August 24, 2002, as Truck Driver Appreciation Week.

(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AJR 23 (Longville-D) Commercial vehicle drivers

Memorializes the President of the United States and the Secretary of Transportation of the United States Department of Transportation, to adopt standards for technologies to record drivers' hours of service that are performance-based, recognize individual drivers that are capable of roadside and inspection facility enforcement, and apply uniformly on a nationwide basis upon a common effective date. Memorializes that the standards adopted should protect driver privacy and due process, should promote reasonable training of drivers in the use of the technology, and that consideration should be given to financial or fax incentives to speed deployment of the technologies.

(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

AJR 39 (Alquist-D) Airport security workers

Memorializes the President and the Congress to suspend or eliminate the requirement that security screening personnel be citizens, and instead provides that they must meet the same requirements as persons that serve in the National Guard. Memorializes the President and the Congress to act to ensure that any legal immigrant that has applied for citizenship be allowed to keep his or her security screening job absent certain evidence.

Resolution Chapter 148, Statutes of 2002

AJR 40 (Diaz-D) Airport security screeners

Urges Congress to repeal or reconsider the provision of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act of 2001 that requires airport security screeners be United States citizens.

(Died in the Assembly)

HR 31 (Havice-D) Pedestrian safety

Urges the State Department of Transportation to examine ways to improve pedestrian safety.

Adopted by the Assembly

HR 42 (Wesson-D) Safety Seat Checkup Week

Designates the week of April 14-20, 2002 as Safety Seat Checkup Week.

Adopted by the Assembly

HR 43 (Rod Pacheco-R) Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

Designates the month of May 2002 as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.

(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)



Top Index (in Bill Order)

BillAuthor and Bill TitleReference Links

SB 18


SB 91

Vehicle dealers: prohibited activities

SB 116

State Department of Parks and Recreation: roads

SB 171

Transportation gridlock emergencies

SB 180

Proof of insurance: vehicles

SB 242

Vehicles: windshields

SB 246

State highways: Route 66 relinquishment

SB 251

"Choose Life" special interest license plates

SB 289

Senate Transportation Committee
Miscellaneous transportation matters

SB 363


SB 433

Carl Moyer Memorial Air Standards Attainment Program

SB 484

Highway property and air space, City of Lynwood

SB 488

Highway: vehicle length: buses

SB 510*

Transportation facilities: offenses

SB 545

High-occupancy vehicle lanes

SB 547*

Income/ bank/corporation taxes: credits: transit passes

SB 576

Bicycles: registration

SB 618

Highways: soundwalls

SB 619*

San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District

SB 661

Driver's licenses: identification cards

SB 689

Auto insurance

SB 774


SB 790

State Transportation Improvement Program

SB 796

High-Speed Rail Authority

SB 804

Drivers' licenses

SB 807


SB 810

Property tax revenue allocations: transit districts

SB 829

Transportation funding

SB 834

Insurers: underserved communities

SB 857

State highways: Route 66 relinquishment

SB 869

Department of Transportation: airport assessment study

SB 873

Regional transit expansion plan: San Francisco Bay Area

SB 876

Special interest license plates: agriculture

SB 995

Vessels: special-use areas

SB 1048*

Parking authorities

SB 1053

Centennial of Flight Commemoration Program

SB 1057

Motorcycles: helmets

SB 1066

Mitigation fees: Department of Transportation

SB 1068

The School Bus Safety and Emission Reduction Act

SB 1071

Adult driver improvement program

SB 1138

Parking privileges: placard fees

SB 1144

Dealers: seatbelts

SB 1171

Motor carriers and commercial motor vehicles

SB 1195

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

SB 1243

Metropolitan Transportation Commission: ABAG

SB 1257

Vehicles: hazardous materials transportation

SB 1262

Streets and highways

SB 1276

Selective Service registration

SB 1302

All-terrain vehicles

SB 1331

Salvage vehicles

SB 1349

Highways: Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones

SB 1380

State Highway Route 62

SB 1415

San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District

SB 1420

Vehicles: noise citations

SB 1425

Special interest license plates

SB 1427

Low-cost automobile insurance

SB 1456

Transportation: funding

SB 1458

Vehicle dealers: bonds

SB 1480

Outdoor advertising

SB 1488

Highway construction and repair

SB 1489*

Vehicles: speed contests and reckless driving

SB 1491

Transportation: San Francisco Bay Area Regional Transit

SB 1492

Transportation: Metropolitan Transportation Commission

SB 1507

Intermodal chassis

SB 1530


SB 1533*

Airport security: airport improvement grants

SB 1555

Pedestrian and bicyclist safety

SB 1556

Vehicles: ordinances: mobilehome parks

SB 1578

Emission control: specially constructed vehicles

SB 1581

Senate Transportation Committee

SB 1582

Senate Transportation Committee
Public works and transportation

SB 1590

Motor vehicles: reportable property damage minimum

SB 1635

State Highway Route 238

SB 1636

Congestion management: transportation

SB 1648


SB 1685

School bus: warning light systems

SB 1703

San Diego: consolidated transportation agency

SB 1729

Vehicles: violations

SB 1740

Service authorities for freeway emergencies

SB 1743


SB 1768

Regional transportation improvement program

SB 1799*

High-Speed Rail Authority

SB 1817

Federal navigation projects

SB 1834*

Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee
Transportation: funding

SB 1853*

Transportation noise reduction

SB 1856

Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act

SB 1857

Senate Transportation Committee
Public works and transportation

SB 1874

Transportation: Orange County Transportation Authority

SB 1891

Bicycle theft

SB 1896*

San Diego County Regional Airport Authority

SB 1918

Vehicles: electric personal assistive mobility devices

SB 1924


SB 1927

Omnitrans: bus fueling stations

SB 1969

Vehicles: traffic violator schools: fees

SB 1985

Transportation districts

SB 1996

California Highway Patrol

SB 2031

State Department of Motor Vehicles: records

SB 2072

Vehicles: state highways: weight limits

SB 2073

Vehicle dealers: bonds

SB 2076


SB 2079*

Driving instruction: motor carriers: drug testing

SB 2101

Vehicle license fee: reduction of offsets


Vehicle license fees


Motor vehicle fuel taxes: expanded uses


Local government: special taxes: transportation


Transportation: funding

SCA 11

Loans of transportation revenues and funds

SCR 29

Police Officer Daniel Fraembs Memorial Highway

SCR 43

Deputy Sheriff Eric Jon Telen Memorial Highway

SCR 45

The William H. "Harry" Armstrong Interchange

SCR 50

Mark Denis Melbourne Memorial Interchange

SCR 52

James Dean Memorial Junction

SCR 64

Police Officer Louie Pompei Memorial Interchange

SCR 66

California marine transportation system

SCR 71

California Wildland Firefighters Memorial Highway

SCR 85

California Highway Patrol Officer Arthur E. Dunn Memorial

SCR 86

CHP Officer George W. Redding Memorial

SCR 89

CHP Officer Dale E. Newby Memorial Highway

SCR 90

Thomas E. Burnett, Jr. Memorial Highway

SCR 94

Deran Koligian Memorial Highway

SCR 104

Dosan Ahn Chang Ho Memorial Interchange

SCR 105

Caltrans Maintenance Worker Memorial Bridge

SJR 22

Gasoline: MTBE

SJR 25

Oxygenate requirements in gasoline

AB 5

Insurance premiums

AB 19

Vehicles: school zones: fines

AB 60

Vehicles: social security number: driver's licenses

AB 107

Vessels: wrecks and wrecked property: ballast water

AB 171

Vehicles: State Department of Motor Vehicles: records

AB 241

Traffic offenses

AB 243*

Sales and use taxes: exemption: jet fuel

AB 381

Transportation: transit operators: farebox ratio: study

AB 403

Transportation funding: elderly persons

AB 419


AB 468

State property: access: telecommunications

AB 476

Orange County Transportation Authority: governing board

AB 516*

Redevelopment: Byzantine-Latino Quarter

AB 541

Motor vehicle insurance

AB 546

Asphalt: crumb rubber

AB 554*

John Campbell-R
Sales and use tax exemptions: vehicles

AB 581

La Suer-R
Transit: fare evasion: arrest

AB 629


AB 630

Transportation: Los Angeles County

AB 666

Rail passenger capacity enhancement demonstration projects

AB 710

State Highway Route 710

AB 841

Vehicles: air bags

AB 879

Vehicle registration fees: law enforcement

AB 880

Drivers: commercial vehicles

AB 887*

Transportation Entrepreneurial Government Program

AB 889

Department of Transportation: entrepreneur program

AB 926

Towed and transported vehicles

AB 974

Los Angeles County: transit operation funding

AB 976

Transportation: mass transit

AB 986

Air quality

AB 998*

Neighborhood electric vehicle credit

AB 1010

Transportation: franchise agreements

AB 1039

Transportation agencies

AB 1056

State highway system

AB 1057*

Income tax credit: highway maintenance and enhancement

AB 1058

Vehicular emissions: carbon dioxide

AB 1059


AB 1092

Highway improvements

AB 1094

Rail consolidation grants

AB 1105

Vehicle license fees

AB 1196

Public transportation: elderly and disabled persons

AB 1225

Downtown transportation infrastructure

AB 1250

Safety and Farm Labor Vehicle Education Program

AB 1296

Transportation: commuter rail: study

AB 1314


AB 1346

State Highway Route 91 toll project

AB 1396

Passenger rail rehabilitation

AB 1398

Vehicles: fines

AB 1410

Vessels: use prohibitions

AB 1420

Air pollution: diesel powered schoolbuses

AB 1493

Vehicular emissions: greenhouse gases

AB 1494

Transportation funding

AB 1538

Driving license: digitized signature

AB 1572

Driver's license: identification cards: selective service

AB 1587

Rod Pacheco-R
State Highway Route 91: alternatives: study

AB 1593

Disabled veterans

AB 1708

Assembly Transportation Committee
Disabled vehicle waste: tow trucks

AB 1742

Vehicles: combination lengths: agricultural product hauler

AB 1759*

California Memorial Scholarship Program

AB 1765

Vehicle length limitation

AB 1768*

State and local government

AB 1780

State Department of Motor Vehicles: fees

AB 1782*

Harbors and ports: security: bonds

AB 1783


AB 1800

Motor vehicles: persons with disabilities

AB 1883

Recovery of property

AB 1886

Vehicles: school zone fines

AB 1902

Automobile insurance: damaged child safety restraint system

AB 1906

Vehicle license fees

AB 1911

Driving: wireless phones

AB 1912

Transportation: transit operations: funding

AB 1915

Vehicles: license plates

AB 1923

Highway exit information signs

AB 1937


AB 1998

Transportation: Riverside County: Orange County

AB 2005

Vessels: operation: violations

AB 2012

Auto insurance

AB 2031

Vehicle: funeral processions

AB 2042

Speed limits: long-term construction zones: photo radar

AB 2048

Local government records: recordings: public transit

AB 2051

Vehicles: truck lengths

AB 2095

San Diego Regional Agency

AB 2098

Vehicles: driving under the influence

AB 2111*

Transportation of hazardous materials

AB 2112*

Vehicles: hazardous materials

AB 2113*


AB 2148

State highways: contracts

AB 2151

Vehicles: State Department of Motor Vehicles

AB 2166

Hazardous waste: used oil recycling: transportation

AB 2180

Transportation: Route 138: expedited environmental review

AB 2181

Metropolitan Transportation Commission

AB 2184

Transit districts

AB 2206

Transportation: rail service

AB 2224

Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit District

AB 2232*

State Highway Route 138: funding

AB 2273


AB 2274

Off-highway vehicle recreation

AB 2275


AB 2276*

Vehicles: hazardous materials: emergency materials

AB 2299

Tolls: evasion

AB 2303

Vehicle registration: smog certificate validity

AB 2333

Transportation: regional transportation plans

AB 2349

Streets and highways: highway demonstration programs

AB 2360*

Freeway service patrols

AB 2361


AB 2362

Vessels: sanitation devices

AB 2369

Transportation Accessibility Bond Act of 2002

AB 2389

Transportation enhancement activity funds

AB 2397


AB 2402

Rod Pacheco-R
Speed limits: City of Norco: equestrian safety

AB 2439

Bill Campbell-R
Airports: land use

AB 2440

All-American Roads

AB 2457

Rental car agencies

AB 2461*

Taxation: vehicle license fees: low-emission vehicles

AB 2474

Automotive products

AB 2521

La Suer-R
Traffic-actuated signals: bicycles: motorcycles

AB 2522*

California Highway Patrol: transportation system

AB 2535

Transportation congestion data

AB 2561

Business improvement districts

AB 2582

Paratransit vehicles: high-occupancy vehicle lanes

AB 2595

Off-highway Vehicle Trust Fund: Riverside County

AB 2623

Vehicles: fetus

AB 2624

John Campbell-R
Low-speed vehicles

AB 2629

Vehicles: records: identity theft

AB 2630*

Airport security: airport improvement grants

AB 2637

Enhanced motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program

AB 2647


AB 2650

California Port Community Air Quality Program

AB 2677

Parking: preferential parking incentives

AB 2687

Transportation of hazardous materials: restrictions

AB 2700

Motorcycles: helmets

AB 2716

Hazardous waste: disabled vehicle waste

AB 2751

State highways: soundwalls

AB 2765

Motor vehicles: speed contests

AB 2774

Advanced technology light-duty vehicles

AB 2776

Aviation: noise

AB 2788

Modernization and rehabilitation of infrastructure

AB 2814

Vacation of public streets: easements

AB 2876

State highways: railroad overpasses

AB 2887


AB 2904


AB 2959

Good driver insurance coverage

AB 2996*

Assembly Budget Committee
Transportation finance: budget trailer bill

AB 3024

Assembly Transportation Committee

AB 3025*

Assembly Transportation Committee
Public works: environmental enhancement projects

AB 3026

Assembly Transportation Committee


Transportation: transit: streets and highways: funding

ACR 79

Highways: entertainment park exit signs

ACR 81

Regional transportation corridor

ACR 102

Senator Jim Costa Highway

ACR 111

CHP Officer James J. Schumacher, Jr., Memorial Highway

ACR 119

Aerospace Highway

ACR 120

The Aerospace Valley Monument

ACR 134

Rosa Parks Freeway

ACR 136

Rosa Parks Highway

ACR 142

Judge Harry Pregerson Interchange

ACR 156

Kumeyaay Highway

ACR 166

Work Zone Awareness Week

ACR 168

Jerry Medina Memorial Freeway

ACR 179

Highway 50 Association: annual wagon train event

ACR 195

Motorcycle Awareness Month

ACR 198

The California Tow Truck Association

ACR 208

Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District

ACR 211

Transportation infrastructure

ACR 213

Clean Air Vehicles

ACR 223

Alice Livingston Memorial Overcrossing

ACR 226

Thomas E. Burnett, Jr. Memorial Freeway

ACR 232

Truck Driver Appreciation Week

ACR 234

Louis J. Papan Highway

AJR 23

Commercial vehicle drivers

AJR 39

Airport security workers

AJR 40

Airport security screeners

HR 31

Pedestrian safety

HR 42

Safety Seat Checkup Week

HR 43

Rod Pacheco-R
Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month