Alcoholic Beverage Control
Horse Racing
Other Gaming Legislation
Public Employees
Other State Government
Local Government
Immigration Issues
Federal Issues
The major issues which affected the Legislature as a whole was the reapportionment of the legislative districts in order to reflect the 2000 Census. The ideal population for State Senate districts was 546,791 and 423,395 for Assembly districts. Reapportionment was completed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor: SB 802 and AB 632.
State Senate
In the November 2000 General Election State Senate races, incumbent Richard K. Rainey (R) lost to Assemblyman Tom Torlakson (D). The State Senate has a membership of 26 Democrats and 24 Republicans. The new Senate members who replaced term-limited Senators were as follows:
New Senators Replaced Senators
Richard Ackerman John Lewis
James F. Battin David Kelly
Sheila James Kuehl Tom Hayden
Michael Machado Patrick Johnston
Robert Margett Richard Mountjoy
Thomas McClintock Cathie Wright
Rico Oller Tim Leslie
Edward Vincent Teresa Hughes
Senator Hilda Solis was successful in her bid for U.S. Congress, and Senator Adam Schiff was successful in his bid for Congress. Assemblyman Jack Scott replaced Senator Schiff. Assemblywoman Gloria Romero was successful in March of 2001 in filling the vacancy of Hilda Solis.
The leadership in the State Senate for 2001 was John L. Burton, Senate pro Tempore; Richard G. Polanco, Senate Majority Leader; Jack O'Connell, Majority Caucus Chair; Richard Alarcon, Majority Whip; Jim L. Brulte, Senator Minority Leader; Charles Poochigian, Minority Caucus Chairman; and Raymond N. Haynes, Minority Whip. The Senate Rules members elected in January were Ross Johnson (R), Betty Karnette (D), Edward Vincent (D), and William J. Knight (R). The Senate pro Tempore serves as the Chairman of Senate Rules Committee. When Gloria Romero was elected to the Senate, she was elected to replace Edward Vincent on Senate Rules Committee.
The following Senate members will be termed out in 2002.
Maurice Johannessen (R)
Steve Peace (D)
Raymond Haynes (R)
Richard Monteith (R)
Jack O'Connell (D)
Richard G. Polanco (D)
State Assembly
In the General Election, the Democrats picked up three seats with Wilma Chan defeating Independent Audie Bock and picking up the Republican seats which were held by term-limited members Peter Frusetta and James Cunneen. Senators Tim Leslie and David Kelly were successful in returning to the Assembly.
Assemblymen Michael Honda and Susan Davis were successful in winning congressional seats. Also in the General Election, Janice C. Leja (R) won the 65th Assembly District but was forced to resign before being sworn in. Russell Bogh (R) won a special election in April to replace her. Assemblymember Judy Chu (D) won a special election in May due to the vacancy in Assembly District 57 made when Gloria Romero won the special election for Senator Hilda Solis' vacant Senate seat.
The following are new Assemblymembers elected in 1998:
New Members Replaced Members
John Campbell (R) Marilyn Brewer (R)
Joseph Canciamilla (D) Tom Torlakson (D)
Wilma Chan (d) Audie Bock (I)
Edward Chavez (D) Martin Gallegos (D)
David Cogdill (R) George House (R)
Rebecca Cohn (D) James Cunneen (R)
Lynn Daucher (R) Richard Ackerman (R)
Manny Diaz Mike Honda (D)
David Frommer (D) Scott Wildman (D)
Jackie Goldberg (D) Antonio Villaragosa (D)
Tom Harman (R) Scott Baugh (R)
Dennis Hollingworth (R) Bruce Thompson (R)
Jerome Horton (D) Edward Vincent (D)
Christine Kehoe (D) Susan Davis (D)
Paul Koretz (D) Wally Knox (D)
Joy LaSuer (R) Steve Baldwin (R)
Carol Lieu (D) Jack Scott (D)
Barbara Matthews (D) Michael Machado (D)
Dennis Mountjoy (R) Robert D. Margett (R)
Joseph Nation (D) Kerry Mazzoni (D)
Gloria Negrete-McLeod (D) Vacancy
Jenny Orapenza (D) Rachael Floyd (D)
Fran Pavley (D) Sheila June Kuehl (D)
SB 802* (Senate Elections And Reapportionment Committee) Assembly districts
Specifies the new Assembly districts for the 2001-10 elections.
Chapter 349, Statutes of 2001
SCR 1 (Karnette-D) Legislative Joint Rules
Adopts the 2001-02 Regular Session Joint Rules. Major differences from last session's rules are prohibiting the tombstoning of legislation, requires bills and resolutions to be introduced by the member or the House of origin with other named members being co-authors. Adds a new Rule 35.5, relative to the issuance of subpoenas by legislative committees.
(At the Senate Desk)
SR 1 (Johannessen-R) Holdover Senators
Provides that the holdover Senators take their seats as each Senator-elect proceeds to the Bar of the Senate to be duly sworn into office. Members which were sworn in were Dick Ackerman, Dede Alpert, James F. Battin, James Brulte, John Burton, Ross Johnson, Betty Karnette, William Knight, Sheila Kuehl, Michael Machado, Robert Margett, Thomas McClintock, Bruce McPherson, Rico Oller, Don Perata, Jack Scott, Byron Sher, Tom Torlakson, John Vasconcellos, and Edward Vincent.
Read and adopted
SR 2 (Polanco-D) Election of Senate officers
Elects John Burton as President pro Tempore, Gregory Schmidt as Secretary of the Senate, and Tony Beard as Senate Sergeant-at-Arms.
Read and adopted
SR 3 (Burton-D) Senate Rules Members
Elects Senators Betty Karnette, William J. Knight, Ross Johnson, Edward Vincent as members of Senate Rules Committee.
Read and adopted
SR 4 (Johnson-R) Senate Standing Rules: 2001-02 Regular Session
Adopts the Senate Standing Rules of the 2001-02 Regular Session.
Read and adopted
SR 5 (Brulte-R) Notification to the Governor
Requests the President Pro Tem to appoint a special committee to wait upon the Governor and inform him that the Senate is duly organized for the 2002-01 Regular Session.
Read and adopted
SR 6 (McClintock-R) Notification to the Assembly
Requests the President Pro Tem to appoint a special committee to notify the Assembly that the Senate is duly organized for the 2001-02 Regular Session.
Read and adopted
SR 12 (Burton-D) Senate Rules Committee
Replaces Senator Edward Vincent with Senator Gloria Romero on Senate Rules Committee.
Read and adopted
SR 14 (Dunn-D) Legislative depositions
Allows the Select Committee to Investigate Price Manipulation of the Wholesale Energy Market to take a deposition by any member or staff of the select committee by the Legislative Counsel, or any counsel retained by the Committee on Rules and specifies procedures for the conducting of the depositions.
Read and adopted
SR 16 (Burton-D) University of California Regent appointments
Repeals Senate Standing Rule 13.9 which provides that no vote for confirmation of a Regent of the University of California is in order unless the Senate Rules Committee determines that the Governor has convened and consulted an advisory committee when selecting appointments to the Regents.
Read and adopted
AB 632* (Cedillo-D) Senate districts
Specifies new Senate districts for the 2001-10 elections.
Chapter 348, Statutes of 2001
AB 772 (Robert Pacheco-R) Legislative hearings
Enacts the Legislative Captioning Act of 2001, which provides that, upon appropriation of funds for purposes of the bill in the annual Budget Act, the rules committee of the respective house shall provide closed-captioned and live-captioned broadcasts of the floor sessions and committee hearings of the Senate and Assembly. Under the bill, the Joint Rules Committee provides closed-captioned and live-captioned broadcasts of a joint committee hearing.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
AB 1028 (John Campbell-R) Legislative employees
Specifies the employees of the Legislature have the same rights respecting working conditions as are applicable to persons employed in the private sector. Specifies that employment-related laws of the state applicable to private-sector employers also apply to the Legislature.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
ACA 3 (Papan-D) Legislative terms
Increases the legislative term limits for Senator from two terms to three terms and for Assemblymembers from three terms to six terms.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
ACA 12 (Papan-D) Legislature: retirement
Allows a legislator to accrue pension or retirement benefits as a result of his/her services in the Legislature if the person was a member of a public retirement system prior to the Legislature.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
HR 1 (Cardoza-D) Assembly Standing Rules
Adopts the 2001-02 Regular Session Assembly Standing Rules.
Read and adopted
HR 2 (Shelley-D) Election of Assembly Officers
Elects E. Dotson Wilson as Chief Clerk of the Assembly, Ronald E. Pane, Chief Sergeant at Arms, Rabbi Mona Alfi as Chaplain, and Father Constantine C. Poppademos as Alternate Chaplain.
Read and adopted
HR 3 (Shelley-D) Organization of the Assembly
Provides for the organization of the State Assembly for the 2001-02 Regular Session.
Read and adopted
HR 4 (Shelley-D) Placing bills on the Desk
Specifies that during the organizational recess, no bill is to be placed on the Desk for introduction except by a person designated by the author in writing.
Read and adopted
HR 6 (Leonard-R) Redistricting
Provides for a reapportionment procedure to be followed by the Assembly.
(At Assembly Desk)
HR 9 (Calderon-D) Legislative oversight
Requires the Speaker's Office of Oversight to provide a report making recommendations regarding the administrative, civil, or criminal penalties that should be imposed on a state employee who knowingly gives false testimony to the Legislature while under oath.
(In Assembly Public Employment, Retirement, and Social Security Committee)

Alcoholic Beverage Control
SB 589 (Perata-D) Alcoholic beverage licensees: fixtures and supplies
Extends, from six weeks to three months, the time period in which equipment, fixtures, or supplies, other than alcoholic beverages, may be given or loaned by a beer manufacturer, or wholesaler, to retailers whose premises are located in an area proclaimed to be in a state of disaster by the governor.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 647 (Costa-D) Alcoholic beverages: licensees: advertising restrictions
Creates an exception to tied-house laws, by allowing the holder of a beer manufacturer's or winegrower's license, or a distilled spirits manufacturer or distilled spirits manufacturer's agent, to purchase advertising time and space at an outdoor stadium or a fully enclosed stadium, with a fixed seating capacity in excess of 10,000 seats, located in Fresno County. Revises and clarifies described conditions necessary for this exception to apply. Includes a new events center at the California State University, Fresno, and makes other technical and clarifying amendments to present law. Eliminates the application of the exception to an exposition park in Alameda County and extends the exception for an exposition park in San Bernardino County.
Chapter 582, Statutes of 2001
SB 1035 (Perata-D) Alcoholic beverage control: licensees: returns
Corrects an inadvertent drafting error in AB 2759 (Assembly Governmental Organization Committee), Chapter 979, Statutes of 2000, and restores the authorization permitting a former licensee, following the revocation or voluntary surrender of, or failure to renew, an alcoholic beverage license, to return alcoholic beverages, other than beer, to a wholesaler or manufacturer, as specified. Contains technical cleanup language.
Chapter 657, Statutes of 2001
SB 1036 (Polanco-D) Alcoholic beverage licensees: fixtures and supplies
Makes changes to existing law, which permits a beer manufacturer, or beer wholesaler, to furnish, give, rent, lend, or sell, any equipment, fixtures, or supplies, other than alcoholic beverages, to a retailer whose equipment, fixtures, or supplies, were lost or damaged as a result of a natural disaster. Current law does not apply to transactions that occur six weeks, or more, after the governor proclaims an area to be in a state of disaster. Specifies that this provisions inapplicable to transactions that occur three months, or more, after the governor proclaims an area to be in a state of disaster.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 1189 (Assembly Governmental Organization Committee) Alcoholic beverages: licensees: advertising restrictions
Extends specified advertising provisions in current law related to installing and servicing window displays, promotional materials, temporary floor displays, etc., to include on-sale retail licensees, in addition to off-sale retail licensees, as described.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 395 (Briggs-R) Alcoholic beverages: tied-house restrictions: signs
Provides that interior signs advertising beer, that are provided to on- or off-sale retail establishments, remain the property of the beer wholesaler who authorized and furnished the signs, unless sold or given to the licensee, as specified.
Chapter 207, Statutes of 2001
AB 624 (Oropeza-D) Alcoholic beverages: licenses
Extends, from 30 days to 40 days, the time the local governments have to review applications for alcoholic beverage licenses in high crime districts. Authorizes, under certain circumstances, the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to take into account the adjacent district's crime report. Adds owners of real property to the list of individuals that must be notified by a licensee of its application and requires that all such notifications shall be written in English and Spanish, and requires the notification to include information on how to obtain the notice in other languages.
Chapter 931, Statutes of 2001
AB 1298 (Wesson-D) Alcoholic beverage control: licenses: fees
Increases the annual license fees imposed upon manufacturers, distributors and retailers of alcoholic beverages. Specifies that the increase is to be phased in over a three year period. Authorizes the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) to annually adjust the fees, beginning January 1, 2005, by an amount not to exceed an inflation factor based on the Consumer Price Index, and requires the ABC to conduct a study assessing its automation and information technology systems. Specifies that the study is due to the Legislature by May 15, 2002.
Chapter 488, Statutes of 2001
AB 1429* (Assembly Governmental Organization Committee) Tied-house restrictions: special on-sale general license
Makes various technical and noncontroversial changes to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act.
Chapter 567, Statutes of 2001
AB 1437 (Leslie-R) Alcoholic beverages: licenses: bed and breakfast inn
Allows the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to issue a special on-sale general license to any person operating a bed and breakfast inn, as specified, to serve any alcoholic beverage, as defined. Provides that a $200 special fee and an annual renewal fee of $15 for each guestroom in the establishment shall be imposed, not to exceed $200.
Chapter 53, Statutes of 2001

Horse Racing
SB 95 (Vincent-D) Horse racing: interstate licensing compact
Authorizes the California Horse Racing board to enter into an interstate licensing compact for the purpose of establishing uniform requirements among the party states for the licensing of individuals involved with the horse racing industry. Makes legislative findings and declarations.
Chapter 935, Statutes of 2001
SB 367 (Karnette-D) Horse racing: out-of-state betting
Eliminates the license fee that racing associations must pay to the state from proceeds received from out-of-state systems.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 416* (Vincent-D) Horse racing
Establishes a California-bred breeding incentive program for Paint horses, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 590 (Perata-D) Horse racing
Authorizes thoroughbred racing associations and fairs in the northern racing zone to increase the number of imported racing simulcasts available to be wagered upon, if the California Horse Racing Board reduced the number of live racing days.
Chapter 936, Statutes of 2001
SB 856 (Costa-D) Special business regulations: satellite wagering
Provides that license fees from satellite wagering on horse races, deposited in a special account and continuously appropriated to a separate account in the Fair and Exposition Fund, can be used for earthquake preparedness improvements at fairs, in addition to other current designated uses.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 897 (Perata-D) Horse racing: shortfalls
Gives the California Horse Racing Board (CHRB) the authority to determine whether the total amount paid to the state by racing associations and fairs, pursuant to the Horse Racing Law, is less than $40 million, and requires the CHRB to notify each racing association and fair, in writing, of its pro rata share of the shortfall, on or before February 1 of the year following the year of the shortfall and requires the CHRB to resolve any protests, as specified. Specifies that the amounts due under this bill shall be paid from distributions available for commissions, purses, and breeder awards, and shall be paid to the State Treasury for credit to the Fair and Exposition Fund in three equal installments, due as specified.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 971 (Johnson-R) Racing at fairs
Applies the California Horse Racing Board's limitation to annually allocate a maximum of 28 racing days to any fair in the northern zone. Allows mule races to be conducted at any fair.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 157 (Strickland-R) Horse racing: proposition wagers
Broadens the definition of "propositional wagering" to include wagers on propositions approved by the California Horse Racing Board that are based on the results of all live horse races, instead of just Quarter Horse races. Deletes the requirement that a wager must be placed within seven days of the transmission of a race and establishes state license fee rates for this type of wager.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 186* (Chavez-D) Horse racing
Exempts California quarter horse racing associations from paying the eight percent license fee imposed on the amount received from out-of-state simulcast wagering and redirects that money to supplement purses for the annual California-bred quarter horse championship races program.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 327 (Harman-R) Horse racing
Allows a racing association that conducts quarter horse races in the southern zone to execute an agreement with a thoroughbred racing association to distribute the signal and accept wagers on out-of-country thoroughbred races, subject to the consent of the thoroughbred horsemen. Specifies that, if consent is withheld, any party may appeal the withholding of the consent to the California Horse Racing board, which may determine that consent is not required. These out-of-country races may only be imported three nights per week.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 413* (Harman-R) Horse racing
Requires the California Horse Racing Board to establish annual California-bred Quarter Horse Championship races and to supplement the purses for these races using existing revenues derived from a percentage of wagers placed upon imported quarter horse races. Requires one half of one percent of the total amount wagered by each satellite wagering facility on out-of-state and international quarter horse races to be distributed to the official quarter horse registering agency to supplement the purses for the California-bred Quarter Horse Championship Races.
Chapter 65, Statutes of 2001
AB 426* (Cardoza-D) Taxation
Provides, among other items, sales tax exemptions for race horse breeding stock. This bill is a tax relief budget trailer bill.
Chapter 156, Statutes of 2001
Similar legislation was AB 904 (Briggs-R), which is in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee.
AB 471 (Hertzberg-D) Horse racing
Provides labor and housing law reforms that will provide backstretch workers more employment rights, as specified. Makes legislative findings and declarations. Also contains provisions relating to advanced deposit wagering.
Chapter 198, Statutes of 2001
AB 672 (Strom-Martin-D) Horse racing
Extends the current statutory overlap protection to the Humboldt County Fair, in the event a fair or racing association, other than the San Mateo County Fair, conducts a simultaneous race meeting, as specified.
Chapter 27, Statutes of 2001
AB 762 (Papan-D) Horse racing
Permits the California Horse Racing Board to issue a license to the San Mateo County Fair, allowing it to conduct its horse racing meetings at another location, either within or outside the county, when its present site, Bay Meadows, closes. Provides that the provisions presently applicable to the San Mateo County Fair's conduct of live horse racing meetings shall apply to its conduct of races at any other location, within or outside of San Mateo County.
Chapter 848, Statutes of 2001
AB 856 (Wesson-D) Horse racing
Amends current law by deleting a provision that allows the California Horse Racing Board (CHRB) to contract with the Agricultural Labor Relations Board and adds specifics concerning the authority of arbitrators used to resolve disputes between parties to the collective bargaining agreements created under these provisions. Also amends provisions relating to inspection of the living conditions of backstretch workers by providing the CHRB may be assisted by a local building department or other local entity designated by the jurisdiction in which the racetrack is located in conducting these annual inspections to ensure compliance with the standards it has established.
Chapter 783, Statutes of 2001
AB 1093 (Briggs-R) Horse racing: equine medication
Requires enforcement proceedings that allege the use of a prohibited substance, as defined under Class I, Class II, or Class III of the California Horse Racing Board's (CHRB's) schedule of prohibited substances, to be referred directly to the Office of Administrative Hearings for administrative adjudication and preparation of a proposed decision for action by the CHRB. Specifies that the hearing before the administrative law judge must commence no later than 90 days after the filing of the accusation. Provides that, no later than 20 days before the hearing, the licensee must post a bond with the paymaster of purses for the amount of the purse, or purses, in question and received by the licensee.
Chapter 933, Statutes of 2001
AB 1186 (Wyland-R) Horse racing
Allows a racing association and the organization representing thoroughbred horsemen to agree to change the portion deducted from the pari-mutuel pool, provided that the change only affects funds available for commissions and purses. Provides that any collective bargaining agreement premised in part on the amount of commissions earned will continue to be calculated based on the amount of commissions that would have been earned had this provision not become law. Requires the horsemen's association and the racing association to notify the California Horse Racing Board and give notice to any labor organization that could be affected by an agreement to change the portion deducted from the pari-mutuel pool for purses and commissions.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1316 (Dickerson-R) Horse racing: satellite wagering facilities
Allows the Shasta District Fair to operate an additional satellite wagering facility off the fairgrounds, but within the district boundaries of the fair, contingent upon the approval of the State Department of Food and Agriculture and the California Horse Racing Board. Deletes the requirement that a fair be state-designated from the law, which encourages and develops the racing of all horses in California. Allows mule racing meeting or mule races to be conducted b any fair, instead of only by a county fair, district agricultural association fair, or citrus fruit fair.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1418 (Assembly Governmental Organization Committee) Horse racing: audits
Requires the annual audits of the horsemen's organizations that are currently filed with the California Horse Racing Board be additionally submitted to the Senate and Assembly Committees on Governmental Organization.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)

Other Gaming Legislation
SB 51 (Vincent-D) Gaming
Authorizes a publicly traded corporation that leases a card club from a publicly traded racing association to obtain a state gambling license for a card club located at the racing association's racetrack, irrespective of whether the person has any financial interest in a company, either within or outside of this state, that is engaged in a form of gambling that is prohibited in California.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 832 (Polanco-D) Bingo games
Declares that it is the intent of the Legislature to ensure that all revenues from bingo games be used exclusively for charitable purposes, as required by Section 19 of Article IV of the California Constitution, and to prevent the use of any bingo funds for any other purpose. Prohibits the use of funds raised by bingo games for charitable purposes outside of California, with specified exceptions. Requires the California Gambling Control Commission to adopt regulations regulating bingo games by all organizations, including any organization already conducting bingo games prior to September 1, 2002, that specify, among other things, the manner in which the games are conducted, the format for cards and other devices, financial reporting requirements, and minimum licensure requirements for entities to conduct bingo games.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 930 (Vincent-D) California State Lottery
Allows the California State Lottery Commission (Commission) to use the game of bingo and changes the percentage allocation of lottery revenue for a three year pilot period. Specifies that the Commission is prohibited from allowing lottery games to be offered over the Internet. Allows the Commission to sell lottery tickets using an electronic or electromechanical device that also serves a separate function that could involve dispensing cash or items of value, as long as that function was independent of the lottery dispensing function.
(Failed passage on Senate Floor; reconsideration granted)
SB 952 (Senate Governmental Organization Committee) Gambling
Makes various changes to existing Gambling Control Act provisions in order to resolve conflicting provisions, correct drafting errors, and make necessary technical and clarifying changes.
Chapter 945, Statutes of 2001
AB 54 (Wesson-D) Gaming clubs
Deletes the definition of a banked game as one in which the house is a participant in the game, taking on all comers, paying all winners, collecting from all losers, and serving as the source and repository of funds. Modifies the legislative intent language contained in AB 1416 (Wesson), Chapter 1023, Statutes of 2000. Provides that card club player fees may be collected either before or after the start of play if a card game occurs in a card club.
Chapter 941, Statutes of 2001
AB 66* (Wesson-D) California Gambling Control Commission: appropriation
Augments the current year 2000-02 budget of the California Gambling Control Commission (CGCC), by appropriating an amount of $1.35 million from the Gambling Control Fund (GCF) and the Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund (IGSDF), to provide for the partial-year operation of the recently created CGCC. Specifies that $219,000 is to be appropriated from the GCF and $1.131 million from the IGSDF. Provides that IGSDF's contribution is to be in the form of a loan from the General Fund and is required to be repaid, with interest, by June 30, 2003. Provides that neither the Division of Gambling Control nor the Gambling Control Commission will duplicate the functions of the other.
Chapter 23, Statutes of 2001
AB 572 (Firebaugh-D) Gaming: licensing
Authorizes a publicly traded corporation to be eligible for licensure as an owner in no more than two card clubs, provided the corporation meets the applicable eligibility and licensing provisions of the Gambling Control Act of 1997 and any other requirements established by the California Gambling Control Commission (CGCC). Allows specified persons and corporations to obtain a gambling license, despite having a financial interest in an establishment that offers forms of gambling that are illegal in the state, as long as the CGCC, upon recommendation by the Division of Gambling Control, finds that the ownership interest is not detrimental to enforcement of state gaming law. Applies only to clubs having 75 or more tables on January 1, 2001.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 817 (Firebaugh-D) Slot machines or devices
Allows registered manufacturers of slot machines, or devices, to sell machines made in California to entities legally entitled to operate them in California.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1121 (Assembly Governmental Organization Committee) Public records: agency guidelines
Makes provisions of the California Public Records Act applicable to the California Gambling Control Commission. These provisions require specified state and local agencies to establish written guidelines for accessibility of records, to post these guidelines at their offices, and to make them available, free of charge, to any person requesting the agency's records.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1125 (Assembly Governmental Organization Committee) California Gambling Control Commission
Extends the report requirement date, from January 1, 2000, to January 1, 2003, that the California Gambling Control Commission must submit its findings to the Governor and the Legislature on (1) the consequences, benefits, and disadvantages of imposing a state tax on revenue generated by licensed gambling establishments, and (2) the regulation of advertising for the purpose of limiting exposure of children to materials promoting gambling.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1217 (Briggs-R) Gambling establishments
Grants immunity from civil liability to gambling establishments for mistakenly ejecting or excluding an individual, as long as the ejection or exclusion was based on a reasonable and good faith belief, and, after a reasonable investigation, that it was permissible under law. Specifies that this immunity does not apply to damages arising from the means of ejection or exclusion.
Chapter 254, Statutes of 2001
AB 1229 (Frommer-D) Gambling: prohibited online gambling games
States legislative findings and declarations of the Legislature with regard to online gambling games and provides that it is unlawful for any person to operate or bet against any prohibited online gambling game, as defined, for money, checks, credit, or any other representative of value. Provides that every person who operates or offers for play any prohibited online gambling game to any person physically located in this state at the time of the transaction, or who operates a prohibited online gambling game from a host server, as defined, that is physically located in this state at the time of the transaction, is guilty of a misdemeanor, as specified. Provides that these provisions shall not apply with respect to advertisements that are not specifically directed towards this state and which contain adequate disclosure of the illegality of these games, not to Internet service providers, web pages and search engines, or other indexes, networks, or network equipment, which act as mere functional intermediaries between a patron and an online gambling enterprise, and which do not reasonably constitute an advertisement or promotion of that enterprise. Prescribes other related matters.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)

Public Employees
SB 65* (Burton-D) State employees: State Bargaining Unit 6
Ratifies the Memorandum of Understanding negotiated between the State of California and State Bargaining Unit 6, California Correctional Peace Officers Association.
(In Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
SB 67 (Burton-D) State employees: compensation
Augments the Budget Act of 2000 by $10,322,000 to pay 50 percent of state employees' health benefit premium increases during the period of January 1 to June 30, 2001.
Chapter 1, Statutes of 2001
Similar legislation is SB 1022 (Soto-D), Chapter 22, Statutes of 2001.
SB 90 (Dunn-D) Public employees' retirement: local safety member benefits
Increases the retirement benefit limit for local safety members of the State Public Employees' Retirement System from 85 percent to 90 percent of final compensation.
Chapter 796, Statutes of 2001
SB 132 (Burton-D) Public employees' retirement: minimum benefits
Increases the minimum monthly allowance amounts for eligible State Public Employees' Retirement System retired members and their beneficiaries and survivors, provided the member retired prior to January 1, 2001, with at least 16 years of credited state service. Becomes operative on July 1, 2002.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 165 (O'Connell-D) Public employees' retirement: membership election
Allows members of the State Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS), who have at least five years of accredited service and who become employed in service that requires membership in the State Teachers' Retirement System to elect to remain under PERS.
Chapter 77, Statutes of 2001
SB 181 (Dunn-D) State employees: state peace officers and firefighters
Lowers the normal rate of contribution for state peace officer/firefighter members, who are correctional supervisors within the State Department of Mental Health, from eight percent compensation in excess of $238 to eight percent of compensation in excess of $863. Makes changes to legislative findings and declarations, enacted in Chapter 902, Statutes of 2000, relating to minimum supervisory compensation differential for state peace officer/firefighters.
Chapter 797, Statutes of 2001
SB 193 (Soto-D) Deferred Retirement Option Program
Establishes the Deferred Retirement Option Program as a voluntary program in the State Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) for those local safety members whose employing agency elects to be subject to the program, as specified. Specifies that the program will provide eligible members access, upon retirement, to a lump sum, in addition to a monthly retirement allowance, as specified. Requires the board of administration of PERS to be prepared to implement the program no later than January 1, 2003.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 202 (Soto-D) Public employee postretirement health benefits
Recasts provisions of law when public agencies amend their contract under the Public Employees Medical and Hospital Care Act and, upon approval by the governing body of a contracting agency, authorizes the contracting agency to give employees hired prior to the contract amendment to the right to elect to be subject to those provisions. Requires the contracting agency to pay 100 percent of the required health premium for annuitants who retired for disability and annuitants who retired with 20 or more years of service credit with the contracting agency and who meet specified criteria.
Chapter 798, Statutes of 2001
SB 272 (Soto-D) Public retiree benefits: purchase power protection
Increases the State Public Employees' Retirement System purchasing power protection allowance from 75 percent to 80 percent of the purchasing power of the initial monthly retirement payment for state employees who retire before July 3, 2002, and to all school members. States that the cost of this increase be paid from state and local employer assets.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 335 (Ortiz-D) Public Employees' Retirement System: benefits
Establishes vision care benefits for state annuitants comparable to the vision care benefits provided to current state employees. Specifies that this benefit applies to retirees and their families, provided the employee retires on or before July 3, 2002.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 360 (Machado-D) State employees: wages.
Provides that wages earned by state employees for labor performed in excess of the normal work period be paid no later than the next regular payroll period.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 361 (Soto-D) County employees' disability retirement: health care workers
Requires county retirement systems to grant a service-connected disability retirement to health care workers and other county employees, as specified, if they develop a blood-borne infectious disease. Allows the County of San Luis Obispo and the City and County of San Francisco to adopt a resolution making the disability retirement benefits available for safety employees applicable to specified health care workers.
Vetoed by the Governor
Similar legislation is AB 196 (Correa-D), Chapter 833, Statutes of 2001.
SB 362 (Soto-D) County employees' retirement
Provides new language in the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 to authorize county boards of retirement to administratively correct errors and omissions associated with administering a member's retirement account.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SB 383 (Burton-D) Arbitration: local public employees
Provides binding arbitration for physicians and dentists employed by the County of Los Angeles, and includes safety police officers in the County of Los Angeles to the categories of law enforcement covered by binding arbitration.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 408 (Soto-D) Public employee retirement
Provides an industrial disability retirement benefit equal to 50 percent of salary, regardless of the age at which employment begins.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 413 (Speier-D) State Auditor: whistleblowing
Makes various changes to the California Whistleblower Protection Act, which provides protection to state employees who report improper governmental activities.
Chapter 883, Statutes of 2001
SB 446 (Vasconcellos-D) Health care coverage: AIDS vaccine
Requires health plans, disability insurers, and the State Public Employees' Retirement System's self-funded plans to cover a vaccine for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome that is approved for marketing by the federal Food and Drug Administration. Specifies that health plans will not be required to provide coverage for vaccines used in clinical trials.
Chapter 634, Statutes of 2001
SB 512 (Perata-D) Supervisory and managerial salary differential
Provides that all state supervisory and managerial employees be paid at a salary range that is at least ten percent higher than the salary range of the highest rank and file employee over whom the supervisory has authority. Specifies that the ten percent increase will be phased in over three years.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 569 (Morrow-R) State employment: military leave
Includes in provision of current law requiring a state employee who is granted a short-term miliatry leave of absence to receive his or her salary or compensation for the first 30 days of "active duty" to also include 30 days of "inactive duty".
In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee
SB 650 (Poochigian-R) Public employees' retirement: school employers
Expands the definition of a "school employer" to include a joint powers agency formed by two or more school districts, as specified, and requires the agency to contract with the State Public Employees' Retirement System Board of Administration to provide retirement benefits to the agency's employees, as specified.
(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)
SB 695 (Karnette-D) Local public employees' retirement: safety membership status
Authorizes contracting agencies of the State Public Employees' Retirement System, and counties and districts under the County Retirement Law of 1937, to include officers and employees who are peace officers, as defined in specified provisions of existing law, within the safety member classification, subject to specified conditions and findings.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 728* (Ortiz-D) State employees: memoranda of understanding
Provides ratification for Memoranda of Understanding negotiated between the state and employees in State Bargaining Units 3, 4, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20 and 21, represented by the California State Employees' Association.
(In Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
SB 742* (Escutia-D) Employees' pretax parking
Extends the benefits of the state Employees' Pretax Parking Payroll Deduction Program to employees parking at private facilities that do not contract with the State Controller for payroll deduction.
Chapter 118, Statutes of 2001
SB 795 (Torlakson-D) Retirement: County Employees Retirement Act
Allows the Board of Supervisors of the Contra Costa County Retirement System to provide a supplemental cost of living adjustment to certain retired members of the system.
Chapter 67, Statutes of 2001
SB 1006 (Soto-D) State employment: reimbursement of educational expenses
Allows state agencies with serious recruitment shortages to reimburse new or existing employees for educational expenses in exchange for those employees serving a minimum period of employment.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1018 (Perata-D) Public employees' retirement
Creates a new statewide local safety retirement category for local prosecutors, local public defenders, and local public defender investigators. Contains legislative intent and sets forth legislative findings and declarations.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1022 (Soto-D) State employees: compensation
Augments the Budget Act of 2000 to pay 50 percent of state employees' health benefit premium increase during the period of January 1 to June 30, 2001.
Chapter 22, Statutes of 2001
Similar legislation is SB 67 (Burton-D), Chapter 1, Statutes of 2001.
SB 1023 (Senate Public Employment And Retirement Committee) State employees: compensation: budget augmentation
Appropriates $15,674,000 to augment the state employee compensation item provided in the Budget Act of 2000.
Chapter 23, Statutes of 2001
SB 1024* (Senate Public Employment And Retirement Committee) State employees: memorandum of understanding
Ratifies the Memorandum of Understanding negotiated between the State of California and State Bargaining Unit 10, California Association of Professional Scientists.
(In Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
SB 1045 (Polanco-D) Public employment and contracting
Reaffirms diversity as a public policy goal in public contracting and employment and makes related changes.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1049 (Speier-D) County employees' retirement: domestic partners
Amends the County Employees Retirement Act of 1937 to permit the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors to provide that "domestic partners" of San Mateo County employees, as defined, will be eligible for the same survivor benefits now received by the spouses of eligible county employees who die, either before or after retirement, from county service
Chapter 146, Statutes of 2001
SB 1132 (Karnette-D) County retirement systems: administration
Allows the retirement and investment boards of the Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association to classify specified positions relating to the investment of the county pension fund as "at will", or exempt from the county civil service system.
Chapter 120, Statutes of 2001
SB 1160 (Polanco-D) State attorneys and administrative law judges: compensation
Requires that the salaries of state attorneys in State Bargaining Unit 2 be no less than the average salaries of public sector attorneys and that the salaries of state administrative law judges, but not less than the salaries of state attorneys classified at a specified level.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1161 (Polanco-D) State civil service: examinations
Establishes a state policy with respect to the dissemination of examination and employment information and requires the State Personnel Board (SPB) to develop, by rule, a system requiring state agencies and departments to implement this policy. Requires each department to submit to the SPB, by December 15, 2002, a listing of examinations that will require validation and estimated costs of validation. Requires the SPB to report to the Governor, the Legislature, and the State Department of Finance on the accomplishments of each state agency and department in meeting its stated affirmative action goals for the past fiscal year. Revises the information that is to be included in this report with respect to each state agency and department meeting its stated employment goals. Makes other related changes.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1180 (Senate Public Employment And Retirement Committee) Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act
Includes Protection and Advocacy, Inc., within the definition of "contracting agency" under the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act, allowing them to elect to provide health benefits coverage to their employees, provided they obtain an opinion from the United States Department of Labor stating that the organization is an agency or instrumentality of the state.
Chapter 451, Statutes of 2001
SCA 2 (Burton-D) Public retirement systems
Provides, on and after January 1, 2003, expenditures for personnel and operating expenses and equipment of any retirement system that receives regularly scheduled contributions from the state shall be subject to appropriation in the annual Budget Act. Authorizes the Governor, the Senate Committee on Rules, and the Speaker of the Assembly, once every five years, beginning in January, 2003, to cause an independent actuarial review to be conducted of such a public pension or retirement system, as specified.
(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)
SCR 15 (Soto-D) Public Employees' Retirement: minimum benefits
Summarizes specific points and states certain rights in regards to the State Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) retirees, and provides that copies of the resolution must be transmitted to the Governor, the PERS Board of Administration, the Senate and Assembly leaders, and the legislative policy committees.
Resolution Chapter 140, Statutes of 2001
SCR 20 (Alpert-D) State Employee Mentor Awareness and Recruitment Day
Designates April 3, 2001, as State Employee Mentor Awareness and Recruitment Day, with the purpose of focusing positive attention on state employee mentors and encouraging others to mentor a young person.
Resolution Chapter 21, Statutes of 2001
SCR 39 (Soto-D) Public employees' health benefits: panel study
Provides for the establishment of a special panel to study the funding of pharmacy benefits, co-payments, and other benefit structures of the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act program. Requires the Chair of the Senate Committee on Public Employment and Retirement to convene this panel no later than September 15, 2001, and requires the panel to make recommendations and submit certain committees a preliminary report of its conclusions and recommendations by March 1, 2002, and a final report by June 1, 2002.
Resolution Chapter 139, Statutes of 2001
SCR 41 (Soto-D) State employee merit awards
Requests that merit award payments, authorized by the State Department of Personnel Administration, be made to specified individuals whose proposals have resulted in annual savings and net revenue gain to the state.
Resolution Chapter 143, Statutes of 2001
SJR 4 (Soto-D) Public employees' retirement: Social Security
Memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to enact legislation to eliminate the government pension offset and the windfall elimination provision of the Social Security Act.
Resolution Chapter 94, Statutes of 2001
AB 43 (Wesson-D) Public employment
Requires the State Commission on the Status of Women to conduct a study on gender-based compensation and classification inequities in state civil service and specified higher institutions. Specifies that the report will be due to the Legislature by January 1, 2003. Provides that specific provisions of the bill shall not be implemented unless, or until, funds are appropriated by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act or another statute.
Chapter 836, Statutes of 2001
AB 105 (Rod Pacheco-R) Public employees: peace officers: employee organizations
Allows welfare fraud investigators and inspectors in San Bernardino County to be represented by a group composed entirely of other peace officers.
(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)
AB 111 (Havice-D) County employees retirement: health care benefits
Requires that, prior to making any significant changes in retiree health benefits, a county, district, or county retirement system, providing benefits under the County Employees' Retirement Law of 1937, provide retirees with advance notice of the proposed changes, as specified.
Chapter 30, Statutes of 2001
AB 132 (Horton-D) Meyers-Milias-Brown Act: agency shop agreements
Allows the petition requesting an agency shop arrangement in a local agency to be filed only after the recognized employee organization has requested the public agency to negotiate on an agency shop arrangement and, beginning seven working days after the public agency received this request, the two parties have had 30 calendar days to attempt good faith negotiations in an effort to reach agreement.
Chapter 259, Statutes of 2001
AB 179 (Shelley-D) Public employees' retirement: local sheriffs
Expands to all local contracting agencies of the State Public Employees' Retirement System, the ability to place specified employees in a "local sheriff" category for purposes of prescribing benefits and contribution rates.
Chapter 149, Statutes of 2001
AB 189 (Migden-D) Public employees' retirement: benefits
Increases the retirement formulas for state Miscellaneous and state industrial employees in Tier I. Specifies that the formula begins at 1.426 percent at age 50, increasing incrementally to 2.000 percent at age 55, and then increase to age 65, where the formula maximizes at 2.700 percent. Specifies that this new formula applies to members who retire on or after January 1, 2002.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 196 (Correa-D) Public employees: medical conditions
Eliminates the requirement that certain law enforcement officers, firefighters, and probation employees bear the burden of proof in establishing a blood-borne infectious disease presumption for the purpose of receiving disability retirement benefits. Expands the scope of the term "injury" to include a blood-borne infectious disease for the purpose of receiving workers' compensation benefits.
Chapter 833, Statutes of 2001
Similar legislation was SB 361 (Soto-D), which was vetoed by the Governor.
AB 197 (Correa-D) Volunteer firefighters: death benefit
Provides, upon the death of any member of the Volunteer Firefighters Length of Service Award System and who has at least ten years of service, a one-time lump sum death benefit of $3,000, paid to the firefighter's beneficiary or estate.
Chapter 331, Statutes of 2001
AB 215 (Cohn-D) Survivors of firefighters and peace officers
Establishes a state-funded program to assist uninsured spouses and dependent children of peace officers and firefighters, whose death results from the performance of their official duties, to obtain health benefits.
Chapter 775, Statutes of 2001
AB 293 (Shelley-D) Deferred Retirement Option Program
Establishes the Deferred Retirement Option Program for state patrol, peace officer and firefighter members of the State Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS), subject to collective bargaining. Specifies that the program be cost-neutral to the state and requires PERS to prepare a cost analysis before implementation. Requires the program to be implemented no later than January 1, 2003 and, after implementation, an actuarial analysis to determine the fiscal impact to the state employer.
Vetoed by the Governor
Similar legislation was SB 193 (Soto-D), which was vetoed by the Governor.
AB 389 (Nakano-D) Public employees' retirement: cost-of-living adjustments
Requires the State Public Employees' Retirement System, beginning January 1, 2002, to use the higher of either the United States city average Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, or the California Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, when calculating cost-of-living adjustments.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 399* (Havice-D) County employees' retirement: Los Angeles County
Implements the retirement benefit enhancements contained in the Fringe Benefit Memoranda of Understanding negotiated between Los Angeles County and its employees. Specifies that the provisions of the bill apply only to Los Angeles County.
Chapter 778, Statutes of 2001
AB 492 (Oropeza-D) State employees: precinct board members
Allows state employees, pursuant to regulations adopted by the State Department of Personnel Administration and subject to the approval of his or her supervisor or manager, to receive full pay from the state while serving as a member of a precinct board on election day. Provides that "state employee" does not include any officer or employee, appointed or employed by the Legislature, or any officer, deputy, or employee selected or appointed by an elected state officer.
Chapter 780, Statutes of 2001
AB 510 (Matthews-D) Public employees' retirement: retiree health accounts.
Authorizes contracting local agencies of the State Public Employees' Retirement System to request the transfer of excess assets to a voluntary employee beneficiary association for the purpose of providing retiree health benefits.
Chapter 781, Statutes of 2001
AB 606* (Negrete McLeod-D) State employees: memorandum of understanding
Ratifies the Memorandum of Understanding between the State and State Bargaining Unit 7 (exclusively represented by the California Union of Safety Employees).
Chapter 363, Statutes of 2001
AB 616 (Calderon-D) Local government employees' retirement: benefits
Provides local contracting agencies of the State Public Employees' Retirement System the option of providing various retirement formulas to their miscellaneous members, and provides the same optional formula to county retirement systems under the County Employees' Retirement Law of 1937.
Double-joined to AB 118 (Migden-D), which is on the Assembly Inactive File.
Chapter 782, Statutes of 2001
AB 619 (Wayne-D) State employees: scientists
Provides that a person appointed to any state scientist class, on or after January 1, 2002, shall, at a minimum, have a four-year degree in a scientific discipline from an accredited university.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 647 (Horton-D) Whistleblower protection
Expands provisions of the Reporting by Community College Employees of Improper Governmental Activities Act to authorize community college employees to file retaliation complaints with the State Personnel Board.
Chapter 416, Statutes of 2001
AB 649* (Negrete McLeod-D) State employees: memoranda of understanding
Ratifies the Memorandum of Understanding agreements with State Bargaining Unit 5 (California Association of Highway Patrolmen) and State Bargaining Unit 8 (California Department of Forestry Employees Association).
Chapter 364, Statutes of 2001
Similar legislation is SB 711* (Dunn-D), which is on the Assembly Third Reading File.
AB 651 (Horton-D) State employees: retirement compensation
Requires the State Department of Personnel Administration (DPA) and the State Personnel Board to conduct a review of the classifications of civil service employees who work at institutions or facilities where the employee engages in duties that involve regular contact with inmates or youthful offenders in adult or youth correctional facilities, patients in state mental facilities that house Penal Code offenders, or clients charged with a felony who are in a locked and controlled treatment facility of a developmental center, and evaluate the extent to which these duties involve an increased risk to the employee. Requires DPA to prepare a specified report to the Legislature no later than December 31, 2002.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 657 (Rod Pacheco-R) Public employees' retirement: local safety members
Establishes a contract option for contracting local agencies of the State Public Employees' Retirement System to provide local safety retirement benefits to employees performing hazardous materials services.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 658 (Havice-D) Public employees' retirement: state safety members.
Reclassifies State Department of Motor Vehicle licensing registration examiners as state safety members entitled to higher retirement benefits under the State Public Employees' Retirement System.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 736* (Oropeza-D) State employees: memorandum of understanding
Ratifies the Memorandum of Understanding negotiated between the state and employees in State Bargaining Unit 9, Professional Engineers, exclusively represented by Professional Engineers in State Government.
(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)
AB 824 (Cohn-D) Public employees' long-term care insurance
Expands eligibility for the State Public Employees' Retirement System's long-term program to include adult siblings of active or retired California public employees.
Chapter 185, Statutes of 2001
AB 867 (Cardoza-D) County employees: law enforcement: retirement
Makes modifications in the San Luis Obispo County and Stanislaus County retirement systems requested by those counties, and provides additional clarifying language to the Government Code regarding the expenditure of certain additional funds appropriated by the 2001-02 Budget Act to the sheriffs of the 37 smallest counties in California.
Chapter 784, Statutes of 2001
AB 895 (Wiggins-D) State peace officer/firefighter members
Implements retirement benefit changes agreed to in a Memorandum of Understanding negotiated between the California State University and the State University Police Association.
Chapter 785, Statutes of 2001
AB 906* (Salinas-D) State employees: memorandum of understanding
Provides legislative ratification of collective bargaining agreements reached between the State and Bargaining Units 10, 12, 13, 16, 18 and 19.
Chapter 365, Statutes of 2001
Similar legislation is AB 1630* (Cardenas-D), which is in Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee.
AB 933 (Migden-D) State employees: compensation
Augments the State Budget Act of 2001 for state employee compensation by $69,515,000, in accordance with approved Memorandum of Understanding.
Chapter 366, Statutes of 2001
AB 1035* (Hertzberg-D) Supervisory and managerial employees: compensation increase
Appropriates to the State Controller, from the General Fund and various special funds, a sum sufficient to provide all state supervisory and managerial employees with a salary increase so that each supervisor or manager is paid at a salary range that is at least ten percent higher than the salary range of the highest paid subordinate over whom the supervisor has authority.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1037 (Firebaugh-D) State attorneys: compensation
Requires that attorneys, employed by the State of California, subject to the collective bargaining process, including the State Attorney General, be compensated, at a minimum, with wages and benefits that are consistent with the specified salary parity provisions for public sector attorneys, as specified. Requires that compensation of state attorneys in State Bargaining Unit 2 be no less than the average total compensation of public sector attorneys. Requires the State Department of Personnel Administration (DPA) to annually determine the average salary for each specified level and region in the state. Requires DPA to take into consideration the above specified salary parity provisions in setting the compensation for state attorneys in State Bargaining Unit 2 and to make a good faith offer of parity with respect to public sector agency attorney salaries in any negotiations with the exclusive bargaining representative. Requires that these provisions be self-executing during any period in which a Memorandum of Understanding is not in effect.
(In Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
AB 1071 (Canciamilla-D) County employee retirement benefits
Allows the board of supervisors, in a county operating a retirement system under the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937, to modify the manner in which the annual cost-of-living adjustment is calculated.
Chapter 239, Statutes of 2001
AB 1081 (Nation-D) Part-time California State University faculty members
Allows part-time employees of the California State University to participate in the State Public Employees' Retirement System.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1082 (Nation-D) Public employees' retirement: local safety members
Allows contracting agencies of the State Public Employees' Retirement System to include park rangers, as specified, in the "county peace officer" local safety category.
Chapter 787, Statutes of 2001
AB 1097 (Havice-D) State employees' retirement: retiree benefits increase
Provides an unspecified, ad hoc increase in the monthly allowances of state members (or their survivors) of the State Public Employees' Retirement System who retired or died prior to January 1, 2000.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1110 (Pescetti-R) State employees: reinstatement
Extends the time period from 15 to 30 days during which a state employee, absent without approved leave (AWOL), can file a request for reinstatement. Provides that an AWOL state employee subsequently reinstated will receive back pay and benefits from the date of appeal of the date of reinstatement. Expands the authority of the State Department of Personnel Administration to set aside AWOL separation based on fraud, discrimination, or bad faith.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1162 (Alquist-D) Public employees' retirement: postretirement death benefits
Increases lump sum death benefits for state and school members of the State Employees' Retirement System from $2,000 to $5,000. Applies to active members who retire on or before July 3, 2002, and retired members whose death occurs on or after January 1, 2001. Maintains the current death benefit amount of $2,000 for state and school employees retiring after July 3, 2002, unless those employees receive higher levels through collective bargaining.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1184 (Oropeza-D) Local public employees
Expressly prohibits punitive action, denial of promotion, and threats of this treatment against a local public employee for the exercise of any lawful action as an elected, appointed, or recognized representative of any employee bargaining unit.
Chapter 788, Statutes of 2001
AB 1190 (Papan-D) Public retirement systems: reciprocity
Eliminates those requirements regarding the periods of time between the discontinuance of the first employment and the entry into the second employment for purposes of eligibility for reciprocal benefits between the State Public Employees' Retirement System and the County Employee Retirement Law of 1937.
(In Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)
AB 1214 (Chavez-D) County employees' retirement: Plan E benefit offsets
Allows the Los Angeles Employees Retirement Association to adjust a member's retirement allowance by the actual amount of the Social Security benefit being received by the member, rather than by an estimated amount.
Chapter 31, Statutes of 2001
AB 1254 (Florez-D) Local prosecutors: retirement and disability benefits
Includes local prosecutors, as defined, within the local safety member classification under the State Public Employees' Retirement System and within the safety member classification under the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937. Authorizes those local prosecutors to elect not to become safety members and provides that prior prosecutor service shall be deemed safety service, at the employer's cost. Requires other city and county retirement systems to provide local prosecutors, as defined, with benefits provided to safety members under their respective systems. Declares the Legislature's intent to recognize the public obligation to provide all local prosecutors in the state with commensurate retirement benefits.
(In Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
AB 1281 (Cedillo-D) Public employees: representation
Requires local agencies to recognize an employee organization as the exclusive representative of the employees in an appropriate unit based upon a signed petition, authorization cards, or union membership cards showing that a majority of the employees desire such recognition. Provides that if a competing employee organization can demonstrate support for 30 percent of the employees, then the State Department of Industrial Relations shall order an election to determine the exclusive bargaining representative.
Chapter 790, Statutes of 2001
AB 1337 (Cohn-D) Health benefits trusts: recovery of medical costs
Establishes the right of the California Association of Highway Patrolman Health Benefits Trust, the Peace Officers Research Association of California Health Benefits Trust, and the California Correctional Peace Officer Association Health Benefits Trust to recover medical costs paid on behalf of a participating for injuries caused by third parties, through a lien that may be asserted against any recovery by the participant. Provides certain limitations to the amount of the lien that may be asserted or recovered by the trust, similar to current limitations on health care liens that may be asserted by health care service providers or disability insurers.
Chapter 851, Statutes of 2001
AB 1374 (Wiggins-D) Workers' compensation: leave of absence for disability
Provides that a leave of absence by a city, county or district firefighter ("4850 time") shall not be deemed to constitute or to reduce the time authorized for family care and medical leave.
Chapter 791, Statutes of 2001
AB 1502 (Rod Pacheco-R) Public employees' retirement: special death benefits
Provides a one-time, permanent increase in the State Public Employees' Retirement System special death benefit allowances paid to survivors of members who would have been age 50 or older on or after January 1, 2001, and eliminates the six month limitation on redeposit and final compensation rights in the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 ('37 Act). Allows former members of the '37 Act system to redeposit contributions, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1554* (Hertzberg-D) State employee health benefits: employer contributions
Repeals Government Code language which functions as an override when determining state employer-employee contributions to health benefits.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1563 (Aanestad-R) State employees: supervisors: meeting and conferring
Authorizes an employee organization representing supervisors of employees in State Bargaining Unit 6 (Correctional Peace Officers) to become the supervisors' exclusive representative for purposes of meeting and conferring with the state employer regarding wages, hours, benefits and working conditions.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1630* (Cardenas-D) State employees: memorandum of understanding
Ratifies the Memorandum of Understanding negotiated between the state and employees in State Bargaining Unit 19, Health and Social Services Professionals, exclusively represented by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.
(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)
AB 1665 (Ashburn-R) County retirement boards: alternate members
Allows retirees of counties operating retirement systems under the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 to elect an alternate member to represent them on the county's board of retirement, when the elected retired member on that board is absent for any reason.
Chapter 168, Statutes of 2001
AB 1682 (Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee) County employees' disability retirement: benefits
Makes technical changes to the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 to correct some of the age factors used to calculate service retirement benefits for safety members under the "two percent at age 50" formula.
Chapter 32, Statutes of 2001
AB 1683 (Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee) Public employee benefits
Makes various technical and clarifying changes to various sections of the Government Code relating to the State Public Employees' Retirement System.
Double-joined to AB 1374 (Wiggins-D).
Chapter 793, Statutes of 2001
AB 1684* (Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee) State employees: memorandum of understanding
Ratifies the Memorandum of Understanding negotiated between the state and employees in State Bargaining Unit 2, Attorney and Administrative Law Judges, exclusively represented by the Association of California State Attorneys.
(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)
ACR 113 (Bogh-R) Department of Forestry and Fire Protection firefighters
Recognizes and commends the bravery and selflessness of the firefighters of the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and expresses appreciation for their continued service and dedication to the citizens of California.
Resolution Chapter 152, Statutes of 2001
ACR 114 (Cardenas-D) State employee salaries and benefits
Memorializes the Governor that the State Department of Personnel Administration quickly conclude negotiations with all state employee bargaining units so that the Legislature may ratify the memoranda of understanding before recessing for the year, and the memoranda of understanding contain specified elements.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
HR 11 (Negrete McLeod-D) Relative to public service employees in California
Recognizes the week of May 7 through May 13, 2001, as Public Service Recognition Week to honor those individuals who devote their careers to professional civil service, and encourages the people of the state, counties, cities, and special districts to observe this week with appropriate programs, ceremonies and activities.
Adopted by the Assembly

Other State Government
SB 25 (Alarcon-D) Labor and Civil Rights Agency
Creates, effective July 1, 2002, a Labor and Civil Rights Agency in state government, consisting of designated labor-related agencies.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 28* (Brulte-R) State general obligation bonds
Makes numerous substantive changes to the State General Obligation Bond Law of 1953 in order to modernize and update.
Chapter 97, Statutes of 2001
SB 99 (Morrow-R) Attorney General: opinions
Expressly allows any member of the Legislature, the Lieutenant Governor, the State Insurance Commissioner, and any county counsel or sheriff, to receive written opinions from the State Attorney General.
Chapter 76, Statutes of 2001
SB 148 (Oller-R) Preston Castle: lease and transfer of ownership
Requires the State Department of General Services to lease, upon terms and conditions deemed in the best interest of the state, any or the entire Preston Castle portion of the Ione Youth Facility to the Preston Castle Foundation.
Chapter 271, Statutes of 2001
SB 153 (Knight-R) Pilot projects: state and local programs
Repeals 90 pilot projects in currently identified as either expired or obsolete by the California Law Revision Commission in a report entitled, "Expired Pilot Projects", dated October, 2000.
Chapter 115, Statutes of 2001
SB 188 (Haynes-R) State contracts and grants: religious organizations
Provides that any religious organization is eligible, on the base basis as any other private organization, as a contractor or recipient of a grant under any program administered by a state agency, so long as the program is implemented consistent with the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and Section 4 of Article I of the California Constitution. Prohibits a state agency from discriminating against an organization that is, or applies to be a contractor, or applies for a grant on the basis that the organization has a religious character. Prohibits a state agency from requiring a religious organization to alter its form of internal governance or to remove religious symbols in order to be eligible for a contract or grant. Requires the state agency to require a religious organization to agree to not require attendance or participation in religious activity as a condition or part of the services provided. Requires a state agency, if an individual has an objection to the religious character of the organization or institution from which the individual receives, or will receive, assistance funded under any program administered by the state agency, to provide the individual, if otherwise eligible for the assistance, within three days after the date of the objection, with assistance from an alternative provider that is accessible and equally convenient to the individual.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 348* (Kuehl-D) Claims against the state: appropriation
Appropriates a total of $192.4 million, including $103.4 million from Proposition 98 General Fund, $42,000 from the State Transportation Fund, and $89.0 million from the General Fund, to the State Controller to reimburse school districts and local agencies for specified state-mandated local costs. This appropriation is reflected in the 2001-02 Budget Act totals.
Chapter 723, Statutes of 2001
SB 353* (Alpert-D) State real property: Department of General Services
Authorizes the construction of a new office building and related facilities in the City of San Diego.
Chapter 603, Statutes of 2001
SB 358 (Murray-D) The Rosa Parks Learning Center.
Authorizes the California Science Center, within the State and Consumer Services Agency, to establish the Rosa Parks Learning Center in Los Angeles, as specified, and makes related changes.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 368* (O'Connell-D) Hollywood Entertainment Museum
Appropriates $2 million from the General Fund to the California Arts Council, in augmentation of Item 8260-103-0001 of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2000, for allocation to the Hollywood Entertainment Museum.
(Failed passage in Senate Appropriations Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 385 (Brulte-R) California's American Indian Nations Information Project
Establishes California's American Indian Nations Information Project and California's American Indian Nations Advisory Council within the State Library to provide appropriate guidance and a source of current historical information about California's federally recognized American Indian tribes and tribal people and provides for the appointment of its members. Appropriates $1 million from the General Fund, without regard to fiscal year, to the California State Library for the purposes of the bill.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 392 (Oller-R) State agencies and officers: reports
Eliminates an annual report by (1) the Secretary of State on a governmental history documentation program to provide a continuing documentation of state policy development, (2) various state agencies and officers to the Director of the State Department of General Services and the Chairperson of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on specified information regarding goods and services provided by the Prison Industry Authority, and (3) the Director of the State Department of General Services on the status and progress of programs related to the management of records in state government.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 543 (Vasconcellos-D) State property: disposition
Appropriates $800,000 from the Property Acquisition Law Money Account, in augmentation of the Budget Act of 2001, for the support of the State Department of General Services to fund consultant services to assist in the sale or disposition of specified state properties.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 557 (Figueroa-D) State agencies: Internet transactions: convenience fees
Prohibits a state agency from charging a convenience fee or surcharge to any member of the public using the Internet to transact state business, including any fee or surcharge to cover the cost of a state agency providing for payment by credit card over the Internet.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 561 (Morrow-R) Administrative Procedure Act
Consolidates duplicative provisions, in the Administrative Procedure Act, relating to the use of electronic communications by public agencies to give notice of proposed regulations, or proposed regulatory appeal or amendment, and to receive comments by electronic mail. Corrects a defect in the definition of "proposed action" for purposes of the administrative rulemaking provisions of the act. Deletes a definition of "public notice", which has been found ambiguous by some public agencies.
Chapter 59, Statutes of 2001
SB 612 (Soto-D) Office of Adjutant General
Amends existing law to include one officer in the Office of the Adjutant General who may be a brigadier general and who will be the Deputy Adjutant General, Joint Staff Division.
Chapter 221, Statutes of 2001
SB 637 (McPherson-R) Bar pilots: Monterey Bay
Modifies existing intent language, within the Harbors and Navigation Code, relative to the necessity of providing a unified system of state regulated pilotage for the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo, and Suisan, by adding the waters of "Monterey Bay" to that declaration.
Chapter 177, Statutes of 2001
SB 648 (Senate Environmental Quality Committee) Public contracts: preferences: recycled products
Makes clarifying and technical changes to the existing reporting requirements of the State Department of General Services, with regard to procurement and recycled materials.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
SB 673 (Speier-D) Unclaimed property
Requires the State Controller to take additional steps to locate owners of unclaimed (escheated) property.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 741 (Sher-D) Infrastructure plan: funding
Requires specific details to be incorporated into the Governor's annual five-year plan for funding infrastructure.
(In Conference Committee)
SB 809 (Ortiz-D) State public works: Sacramento: Capitol area
Authorizes the State Department of General Services to acquire real property and construct multi-tenant office and parking facilities within the jurisdiction of the Capitol Area Plan in the City of Sacramento.
Chapter 672, Statutes of 2001
SB 901 (Costa-D) State real property: Department of General Services
Authorizes the Director of the State Department of General Services to enter into a joint powers agreement with prescribed governmental entities to study the infrastructure needs of downtown Fresno and the planning goals of the City of Fresno, explore financing methods, and make strategic recommendations.
Chapter 540, Statutes of 2001
SB 924 (Alpert-D) Public contracts: architectural and engineering services
Revises procedures governing the award of contracts for architectural and engineering services by public agencies. Requires a public agency head of an agency that has decided to contract for architectural and engineering services to make certain written findings and declarations regarding quality and value, that include cost estimates of the agency and of private firms. Applies these requirements to local governments contracting for certain projects included in the State Transportation Improvement Program, but authorizes local governments to adopt procedures for all other contracts for architectural and engineering services.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 934 (Margett-R) False claims actions: restrictions
Specifies that no civil action may be brought, as a cross-complaint in any lawsuit, for breach of contract against the state or any political subdivision, nor may the civil action be consolidated for any purpose with any such lawsuit.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 937 (Margett-R) Public contracts: bids and disputes
Recasts the provisions of existing law governing notice of bid submittal deadlines and will also apply to state agencies the requirement that postdeadline bids be returned unopened. Applies similar cause of action provisions to all contracts, subject to the Public Contract Code, and establishes separate statutes of limitations for claims involving local agencies.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 944 (Escutia-D) Public contracts: notice of settlements
Requires a person who contracts with a public agency to disclose an obligation to pay $100,000, or more, to another public entity in connection with a settlement or judgment involving a legal dispute with the other public entity, and permits the public entity to declare the contract void on that basis. Specifies that for contracts in existence prior to January 1, 2002, settlements or other obligations of $100,000, or more, with a public entity during the preceding five years, must be reported, but are not a basis for the public entity declaring the contract void. Authorizes a public entity to void a contract for failure to give the required notice.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 951 (Senate Governmental Organization Committee) State property
Authorizes the Director of the State Department of General Services to sell, exchange, or lease, specified parcels of state property.
Chapter 610, Statutes of 2001
SB 987 (Escutia-D) The Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Act
Makes numerous changes to the Dymally-Alatore Bilingual Services Act by revising the criteria for what constitutes a substantial number of non-English speaking people and requires every state agency to establish an effective bilingual services program. Establishes a complaint process for individuals who believe that a state agency failed to provide required bilingual services.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
SB 989* (Assembly Appropriations Committee) Claims against the state: appropriation
Appropriates $859,205.35 from various funds and accounts to the executive officer of the California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Control, formerly the State Board of Control, for the payment of 476 claims against 41 state departments.
Chapter 47, Statutes of 2001
SB 1007 (Machado-D) State Payment Card Act
Makes various substantive and clarifying changes to the State Payment Card Act.
Chapter 427, Statutes of 2001
SB 1085 (Bowen-D) Public buildings and publicly funded schools: standards
Requires new and renovated state buildings to meet, or exceed, energy efficiency standards and to utilize cost-effective "green" building features.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1102 (Alarcon-D) Architectural and engineering services
Defines architectural and engineering services to include architectural, landscape architectural, engineering, environmental, land surveying, and construction project management services. Authorizes regional and local government entities to develop and adopt procedures to contract for architectural and engineering services, pursuant to The Fair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Act.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 1170 (Sher-D) State vehicle fleet
Establishes a structure to minimize the use of petroleum-based fuels and other transportation fuels by state agencies to encourage the purchase of ultra-low emission vehicles and zero emission vehicles and fuel-efficient replacement tires for the state fleet.
Chapter 912, Statutes of 2001
SB 1191* (Speier-D) State and local reporting requirements.
Deletes, form current law, approximately 400 provisions requiring state and local agencies to prepare and submit reports which are deemed to be no longer relevant or necessary.
Chapter 745, Statutes of 2001
SB 1196 (Romero-D) Sovereign immunity: waiver
States that the State of California consents to be sued in state or federal court by any person seeking to enforce rights under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Expressly prohibits a public agency from asserting immunity under the Eleventh Amendment of the United States Constitution and expressly waives the state's right to immunity under that amendment. Defines public agencies as the state and its agencies, officers, employees, and instrumentalities.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SCA 4 (Johannessen-R) Infrastructure funding
Requires that up to five percent of General Fund revenues be transferred to the California Twenty-First Century Infrastructure Investment Fund and that 75 percent of these funds be allocated to cities and counties for infrastructure needs. Specifies that the remainder will be available for annual appropriation by the Legislature,
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SCR 3 (Burton-D) Friendship state relationship: Punjab State, India
Extends, on behalf of the people of California, an invitation to the people of Punjab State, India, to join with California in a friendship state relationship in order to encourage and facilitate mutually beneficial social, economic, educational, and cultural exchanges and to lead to a more indelible and lasting relationship between California and the people of Punjab State, India.
Resolution Chapter 12, Statutes of 2001
SCR 4 (Burton-D) Sister state relationship: Gujarat State, India
Extends, on behalf of the people of California, an invitation to the people of Gujarat State, India, to join with California in a sister state relationship in order to encourage and facilitate mutually beneficial social, economic, educational, and cultural exchanges that would lead to an indelible and lasting relationship between the residents of California and Gujarat State, India.
Resolution Chapter 13, Statutes of 2001
SCR 5 (Torlakson-D) California Fitness Month
Proclaims the month of April, 2001, as California Fitness Month, and encourages all Californians to enrich their lives through property diet and exercise.
Resolution Chapter 15, Statutes of 2001
SCR 10 (Polanco-D) Mexican Independence Day
Calls on the People of California to join with the people of Mexico, and all Californians of Mexican heritage, in celebrating Mexican Independence Day, on the anniversary of the popular revolt of September 16, 1810, and launched Mexico's war for independence.
Resolution Chapter 83, Statutes of 2001
SCR 11 (Morrow-R) Library Lovers Month
Proclaims the month of February, 2001, as Library Lovers Month and urges all Californians to visit a library and thank a librarian for services provided by libraries and all librarians.
Resolution Chapter 5, Statutes of 2001
SCR 21 (Battin-R) California Hispanic Heritage Month
Proclaims September 15 to October 15, 2001, as California Hispanic Heritage Month, and encourages all Californians to observe this event in communities throughout the state.
Resolution Chapter 85, Statutes of 2001
SCR 26 (Polanco-D) Cesar Chavez Day
Recognizes March 31 as the anniversary of the birth of Cesar Chavez and calls upon all Californians to participate in appropriate observances to remember Cesar Chavez as a symbol of hope and justice to all citizens.
Resolution Chapter 51, Statutes of 2001
SCR 27 (Speier-D) California Nonprofits and Philanthropy Week
Proclaims April 22 through April 28, 2001, as California Nonprofits and Philanthropy 'Week in California, to recognize the importance and value of nonprofit and philanthropic organizations.
Resolution Chapter 27, Statutes of 2001
SCR 28 (Alarcon-D) California Museum Month
Recognizes the important role that museums have in the State of California and proclaims May, 2001, as California Museum Month.
Resolution Chapter 52, Statutes of 2001
SCR 32 (Machado-D) 32nd Anniversary of the First Moon Landing
Directs the Legislature to look back and reflect, with pride and profound gratitude, upon the achievements of our nation's astronauts, engineers, and scientists, designates July 20, 2001, as the 32nd Anniversary of the First Moon Landing and show appreciation to those who have committed themselves to promoting space exploration and its benefits
Resolution Chapter 102, Statutes of 2001
SCR 34 (Margett-R) Muslim holidays
Calls on the people of California to join Californians of Muslim heritage in recognizing the Muslim holidays of Eid-al-Adha and Eid-Al-Fiter, and the historically significant day of Israa.
Resolution Chapter 109, Statutes of 2001
SCR 42 (Poochigian-R) 1700th Anniversary of acceptance of Christianity in Armenia
Acknowledges the significant contribution the Armenian Church has made to the fabric of life of all peoples of California, and would congratulate the Republic of Armenia on the occasion of the 1700th Anniversary of the acceptance of Christianity in Armenia.
Resolution Chapter 144, Statutes of 2001
SR 8 (Haynes-R) Ronald Reagan Day
Recognizes February 6, 2001, and subsequent anniversaries thereafter as Ronald Reagan Day.
Adopted by the Senate
SR 17 (Oller-R) Shadow Week
Designates the last week in October every year as Government and Eduction Shadow Week by the Senate and encourages participation in programs designed to give young people the opportunity to shadow willing legislators, state officials, local officials, principals of high schools and presidents of universities and community colleges.
Adopted by the Senate
SB 82XX (Murray-D) Solar energy systems
Requires the State Department of General Services, in consultation with the State Energy Resources, Conservation and Development Commission, to ensure that solar energy equipment is installed, no later than January 1, 2007, on all state buildings and state parking facilities where feasible, as specified. Requires solar energy equipment to be installed as part of the construction of all state buildings and state parking facilities that commences after December 31, 2002.
Chapter 11, Statutes of 2001, Second Extraordinary Session
AB 49 (Washington-D) Public libraries: resources for youths
Establishes the Youth Mentoring and Safe Communities Grant Program. Directs the State Librarian to award competitive grants, subject to an appropriation for this purpose in the Budget Act, to public libraries to provide services to youth during non-school hours that promote positive youth development.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 113 (Pavley-D) California Poet Laureate
Establishes the position of California Poet Laureate, who will be appointed for a specified term by the Governor, and confirmed by the Senate, from a list of nominees garnered by the California Arts Council (CAC) through a specified process, and who will perform specified duties. Authorizes the CAC to pay an appropriate stipend to the California Poet Laureate and requires the council to provide for the payment of his or her expenses, as specified.
Chapter 206, Statutes of 2001
AB 115* (Cardoza-D) Historic State Capitol: repair: appropriation
Appropriates $16.5 million from the General Fund to the State Department of General Services to pay for the costs of repairing and restoring damage to the Historic State Capitol that occurred on January 16, 2001. Provides that any damages the State recovers from a liable party shall be credited to the General Fund.
Chapter 16, Statutes of 2001
AB 117 (Migden-D) State infrastructure
Requires that one percent of annual General Fund revenues be used, upon appropriation in the annual Budget Act, for the acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, modernization, or renovation of infrastructure that is owned by the state.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 138 (Nation-D) Bidding procedures: alternative bids
Prohibits state and local agencies from revealing the identity of proposed subcontractors or suppliers until after the successful bidder is determined.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
AB 146 (Wayne-D) State attorneys and administrative law judges
Provides that attorneys, employed by the state in non-elective positions, and administrative law judges may serve on a local appointed or elected governmental board, commission, committee, or other body, or as a local elected official, if such service would otherwise not present a conflict of interest. Brings the rules for attorneys, employed by the state, into conformity with longstanding rules for attorneys employed by local entities.
Chapter 411, Statutes of 2001
AB 151 (Reyes-D) Public libraries: Internet: obscene matter
Requires public libraries that receive state funds and provide Internet access to minors to purchase, install, and maintain filtering software that limits access to obscene or pornographic material.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 192 (Canciamilla-D) State bodies: open meetings
Makes various changes to the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act, which governs meetings held by state bodies, to make it consistent with provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act, which governs meetings of legislative bodies of local agencies.
Chapter 243, Statutes of 2001
AB 260 (Frommer-D) State departments: investigations and hearings
Gives state agencies the power to issue interrogatories during the course of their
investigations. It also gives state courts greater flexibility in fashioning remedies in antitrust actions brought by the State Attorney General's office on behalf of the state.
Chapter 74, Statutes of 2001
AB 261 (Wright-D) Exposition Park Authority and California Science Center
Reorganizes the 6th District Agricultural Association, in Los Angeles, as the Exposition Park Authority, instead of the California Science Center (CSC). Makes changes to the governance of the facilities at Exposition Park, primarily by transferring responsibility from the CSC to a new Exposition Park Authority Board
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 311 (Bill Campbell-R) California Highway Patrol officers: age limit
Raises the maximum age at which a person may be appointed to the position of entry level peace officer to 35 years of age.
Chapter 162, Statutes of 2001
AB 340 (Wright-D) California Science Center: police and security services
Requires the California Science Center to establish the position of Exposition Park Manager, and provides that the Manager shall be responsible for a variety of duties, including the appointment of security personnel.
Chapter 479, Statutes of 2001
AB 415 (Runner-R) Emergency services: liability
Allows law enforcement agencies and the state to recover a greater portion of the costs associated with the provision of emergency services arising from efforts to unlawfully evade pursuing peace officers.
(Failed passage in Senate Public Safety Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 431* (Assembly Budget Committee) Claims against the state: appropriation
Appropriates $1,237,186.25 from various funds and accounts to the Executive Officer of the California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board, formerly the State Board of Control, for the payment of 285 claims against 39 state departments.
Chapter 81, Statutes of 2001
AB 450 (Corbett-D) California State Museum
Creates, subject to appropriation, the State Museum Commission, within the State Department of Parks and Recreation, to oversee the development and operation of the collection of the State Museum Resource Center, in West Sacramento, which will be the nucleus of the California State Museum.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 529 (Dickerson-R) Volunteer firefighters: training
Provides state assistance for the training of volunteer fire departments.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 545 (Steinberg-D) State offices: location
Establishes a state policy for the siting of state office buildings to promote smart growth and community revitalization. Requires the State Department of General Services (DGS) to adopt energy efficiency performance standards, no later than December 31, 2002, for the design, construction, and renovation of state office buildings that exceed those set forth in the California Building Standards Code. Requires DGS to report to the Legislature on its efforts to implement the policy, on or before March 31, 2004 and March 31, 2006.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 592 (Diaz-D) Public contracts: claims
Prohibits a public entity who is an additional insured under a contractor's liability insurance from compromising or settling any third-party claim against the public entity unless the public entity determines that the insurance carrier has violated specified requirements.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 614 (Thomson-D) Official State Tartan
Designates an official State Tartan, and describes its pattern or sett, colors, and weave code. Finds and declares that many Californians of Scottish, Irish, and other Celtic descent have made major contributions to the development of California, and the state's natural splendor and history have been symbolized by the pattern and colors of a "sett" based on the family tartan of John Muir, but with sufficient originality as to be independently recordable with the Scottish Tartan Authority as a unique tartan.
Chapter 100, Statutes of 2001
AB 745 (Cox-R) State-mandated local programs
Modifies procedures public agencies must follow in order to receive reimbursement for costs imposed by state-mandated programs.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 754 (Mountjoy-R) False claims actions: exceptions
Includes, among those exceptions, claims, records, or statements made pursuant to specified provisions governing the resolution of certain construction claims under public works contracts.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 763 (Shelley-D) Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Act
Requires that information and materials provided over the Internet explaining services available from a state agency, or notice of availability of materials made in electronic form consistent with use over the Internet, shall be translated into any non-English language spoken by a substantial number of people served by the agency, and also distributed through any applicable web sites on the Internet under those circumstances. Authorizes state agencies to contract for Internet based interpretation services.
(In Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee)
AB 805 (Shelley-D) State agency web sites: non-English information
Requires each state agency that maintains a web site to provide links on the home page of its web site to appropriate non-English information, including information at least in Spanish and Chinese, consistent with the requirements of the Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Act. Requires each state agency that maintains a web site to report annually to the Assembly concerning how it is complying with this requirement.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 812 (Mountjoy-R) Public works contracts: competitive bidding
Provides that whenever provisions of the Public Contract Code require that a public works contract be let to the lowest responsible bidder, no expenditure above the threshold in that section for contracts that must be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder shall be made for that public work of improvement except by a public works contract let to the lowest responsible bidder. States legislative intent in enacting the bill to overturn a judicial decision regarding whether public works of improvement must be performed by the lowest responsible bidder.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 822 (Shelley-D) Public contracts: debarment and suspension
Authorizes the State Department of General Services to suspend or debar a supplier from contracting and subcontracting with the state for goods, services, or information technology based upon unsatisfactory performance on state contracts.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 850 (Rod Pacheco-R) Public contracts: void contracts
Provides that public contracts shall be automatically void within one year after the conviction for bribery of an employee or officer of the contractor or public entity.
(Failed passage in Assembly Business and Professions Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 857 (Wiggins-D) State Comprehensive Plan
Declares the intent of the Legislature that the Governors Office of Planning and Research prepare by June 30, 2003, a State Comprehensive Plan to articulate a statewide, 20-year vision for the state based upon specified goals.
(In Conference)
AB 914 (Shelley-D) Public records
Amends the Public Records Act to require public agencies and courts to release to the public any record not expressly prohibited from disclosure by a specific provision of law if the agency or court finds that withholding the record would harm the public interest, public safety, or the constitutional rights of any person.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 978 (Steinberg-D) Native American graves protection and repatriation
Enacts the California Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 2001, which (1) requires all state agencies and museums that receive state funding and that have possession or control over collections of remains or cultural items, as defined, to complete an inventory and summary of these remains and items, on or before January 1, 2003, with certain exceptions, (2) provides a process for the identification and repatriation of these items to the appropriate tribes, (3) authorizes the imposition of civil penalties to comply with the requirements of the bill, and (4) establishes the Repatriation Oversight Commission, composed of ten members, with specified duties relating to the repatriation process.
Chapter 818, Statutes of 2001
AB 990 (Diaz-D) Digital Arts Studio Partnership Demonstration Program Act
Enacts the Digital Arts Studio Partnership Demonstration Program Act, to require the California Arts Council to administer the Digital Arts Studio Partnership Demonstration Program by establishing four digital arts studio partnerships in the state, for the purpose of providing digital media arts training to youths ages 13 to 18. Requires the Council to submit an initial report on the program, to the Legislature, by January 30, 2003. Sunsets January 1, 2005.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1014 (Papan-D) California Public Records Act: disclosure procedures
Requires a public agency, when it dispatches a determination that a public records request seeks disclosable public records, to notify the requestor of the estimated time and date when the records will be made available. Requires a public agency to assist a member of the public who requests to inspect or obtain a copy of a public record to make a focused and effective request, as specified.
Chapter 355, Statutes of 2001
AB 1020 (Leach-R) Infrastructure: finance
Requires that increasing percentages of annual General Fund revenues, up to a maximum of five percent, be used, upon appropriation, for state and local infrastructure projects.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1024 (Nakano-D) Armories
Authorizes the Adjutant General to cooperate and contract with representatives of the United States in carrying out the authority to build and construct armories. Requires the Adjutant General, in connection with contracting on that basis, to make written findings based on specified criteria.
Chapter 190, Statutes of 2001
AB 1084 (Wesson-D) Public contracts
Seeks to increase the participation of small businesses in public contracts for construction, goods and services by (1) establishing a micro-business category, (2) allowing local governments to use small business preferences in the awarding of contracts, and (3) requiring awarding agencies to report annually to the Legislature on the level of participation by minority and women business enterprises.
Chapter 882, Statutes of 2001
AB 1106 (Pescetti-R) Notaries public: escrow instruments
Requires that any escrow instrument purporting to obligate a third party in an amount over $10,000 on behalf of a party to a real estate transaction, be notarized. Requires any notary public who reasonably suspects that undue influence is being exercised over an obligor with respect to a third-party obligation escrow instrument to promptly notify the district attorney for the county of residence of the obligor.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 1209 (La Suer-R) State-mandated local programs
Provides that, on or after January 1, 2002, legislation that mandates a new program or higher level of service on any local government shall include a provision to repeal the enactment within six years and requires the Legislative Analyst to report on the enactment. Specifies that this requirement will not apply to legislation that specifically makes the requirement inapplicable, contains a provision to repeal the enactment in less than six years, or creates a new crime, changes the definition of a crime, or changes the penalty for a crime.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 1290 (Lowenthal-D) Tidelands: City of Los Angeles: Knoll Hill
Requires, upon adoption of a resolution by the Los Angeles City Council, that certain real property known as "Knoll Hill," acquired with revenues generated from granted tide and submerged lands, be developed and maintained for public park purposes of a statewide or regional benefit.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1308 (Cardoza-D) Historic State Capitol Commission
Authorizes the Historic State Capitol Commission to make recommendations to the Joint Rules Committee regarding restoration of, and security at, the historic State Capitol following a criminal or terrorist act that damages any part of the historic State Capitol.
(At Assembly Desk)
AB 1357 (Wiggins-D) Personal services contracts: employee compensation
Requires certain personal service contracts entered into by state agencies to also include provisions for employee wages that are valued at no less than 85 percent of the state employer cost of wages provided to state employees for performing similar duties. Includes holiday pay in the definition of benefits.
(In Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
AB 1389 (Shelley-D) San Francisco waterfront: cruise ship terminal development
Authorizes the development of a mixed-use cruise ship terminal project on the San Francisco waterfront and permits the transfer of certain public trust lands to the City and County of San Francisco for purposes of this bill.
Chapter 489, Statutes of 2001
AB 1397 (Koretz-D) Public records: University of California employees
Provides that information regarding an employee of the University of California is not subject to disclosure pursuant to the Public Records Act except that copies of the name, home address, and home telephone number of an employee of the University of California are required to be made available, upon request, to the employee's labor union representative solely for the purposes of communicating with members the union represents or to conduct business of the employee union. Requires the receiving party to maintain the confidentiality of the information and not use the information for any purpose other than employee organizing, representation, and assistance activities of the labor organization.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1432 (Corbett-D) Office of Emergency Services
Allows the Director of the Office of Emergency Services to implement cost-effective mitigation measurers as part of the repairs of public facilities for projects in areas where a state of emergency has been proclaimed by the Governor. Extends the sunset date of the Disaster Response-Emergency Operations Account until January 1, 2003.
Chapter 822, Statutes of 2001
AB 1440 (Diaz-D) Community Technology Competitive Grant Program
Requires the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency to develop and administer a grant application process to award grants from funds appropriated by the Legislature to community-based nonprofit organizations for the purpose of disseminating technology in communities, including providing training and access to e-government. Limits individual grants to $100,000 and requires a one-to-one nonstate match of money or in-kind contributions.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1442 (Pescetti-R) Contract specifications: substitutions
Revises existing provisions of the Public Contract Code governing a contractor's ability to submit information justifying the substitution of products deemed to be equal to products specified in bids for contracts with state and local entities.
Chapter 267, Statutes of 2001
AB 1477 (Hertzberg-D) State nonemergency telephone number system
Authorizes local public agencies to establish a 311 nonemegency telephone system and authorizes a surcharge of up to 0.25 percent in the 911 charge in those locales which opt to provide the nonemergency system.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1491 (Vargas-D) Retired officers: active duty
Allows the Governor to detail noncommissioned officers of the retired list to active duty.
Chapter 165, Statutes of 2001
AB 1493 (Keeley-D) Bureau of State Audits
Clarifies the duties of the State Auditor and the Bureau of State Audits, by cleaning up statutory references. Deletes obsolete references to the Auditor General and, where the duty has been assumed by the State Auditor, corrects the reference. Makes various other technical and nonsubstantive changes.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1506 (Negrete McLeod-D) Unclaimed property: private investigators
Creates, commencing January 1, 2003, a new licensure requirement for investigators engaged in the business of recovering unclaimed property for heirs.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 1519 (Lowenthal-D) Tidal and submerged lands: Long Beach tidelands
Allows the City of Long Beach to retain, out of specified oil revenue received by the city each month, an amount to be placed in a fund to be solely to pay that portion of the costs of plugging and abandoning oil and gas production facilities from the Long Beach Tidelands that are not the contractual responsibility of the contractor or other parties. Requires that any monies remaining in the fund after the completion of plugging and abandoning activities be remitted to the state, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1530 (Longville-D) Public works: cost savings
Increases, from 50 percent to 60 percent, the percentage of the net savings paid to a transportation project contractor, if project cost reduction changes significantly reduce traffic congestion during traffic.
Chapter 166, Statutes of 2001
AB 1559 (Diaz-D) Department of Information Technology
Eliminates the statutory sunset for the State Department of Information Technology (DOIT), the Hawkins Data Center (within the State Department of Justice), the Health and Human Services Agency Data Center, and the Stephen P. Teale Data Center. Makes other substantive and clarifying changes pertaining to DOIT's responsibilities.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1624 (Zettel-R) Information technology
Renames the State Department of Information Technology (DOIT) the State Information Technology Agency (ITA), and renames the Director of DOIT the Secretary of ITA. Requires ITA and the secretary to perform various additional duties with respect to the development of a California Internet portal for access to state government Internet services, the designation of a new job classification and salary, including efficiency bonuses, for duties performed in connection with the California internet portal, the creation of an electronic procurement program for state agencies, the implementation and oversight of various state information technology services, and makes other related changes. Appropriates $100 million form the General Fund to ITA for the purpose of providing capital for hardware, software, and training to state employees for delivering services relating to the development of the California Internet portal and the electronic procurement program. Extends the operation of these provisions to July 1, 2007, and the repeal date to January 1, 2008.
(In Assembly Job, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee)
AB 1723 (Escutia-D) State Library: telephonic reading systems
Authorizes the State Librarian to provide toll-free telephone access to telephonic reading systems for individuals with print disabilities who are registered patrons of the federally designated regional libraries for the blind and physically handicapped. Authorizes the State Librarian to operate a telephonic reading system, or fund the operation of telephonic reading systems operated by qualifying entities. Appropriates $830,000 from the California Tele-connect Fund Administrative Committee Fund to the California State Library to fund the seven existing telephonic reading centers in specified cities, until July 1, 2002. Requires that any funds appropriated to the California State Library under the bill, which are not encumbered on or before July 1, 2002, revert to the fund. Makes related findings and declarations.
Chapter 654, Statutes of 2001
AB 1738* (Assembly Budget Committee) Judgments and settlement claims against the state
Appropriates $9,232,611.98 from the General Fund to the State Attorney General to pay negotiated settlements and court awarded fees in seven court cases.
Chapter 258, Statutes of 2001
ACA 11 (Richman-R) Infrastructure: finance
Establishes the California Twenty-First Century Infrastructure Investment Fund in the State Treasury. Beginning in the 2002-03 fiscal year, the bill will cause a specified percentage of revenues to be transferred from the General Fund to the infrastructure fund. Requires the State Department of Finance to prepare an annual plan to expend these funds, unless the Governor directs another state agency to carry out this responsibility.
(At Assembly Desk)
ACR 11 (Washington-D) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Designates that January 15, 2001, be observed as the official memorial of the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birth, commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Civil Rights Movement in changing public policy in California and in the United States of America.
Resolution Chapter 1, Statutes of 2001
ACR 13 (Washington-D) Emergency services: State Capitol building tragedy
Commends officers and employees of specified government agencies and departments for their services in response to the tragedy and fire at the State Capitol on Tuesday, January 16, 2001.
Resolution Chapter 2, Statutes of 2001
ACR 14 (Migden-D) Girls and Women in Sports Day
Recognizes female athletes, coaches, officials, and sports administrators for their important contribution in promoting the value of sports in the achievement of full human potential. Proclaims February 7, 2001, as California Girls and Women in Sports Day.
Resolution Chapter 3, Statutes of 2001
ACR 15 (Wright-D) Black History Month.
Recognizes February, 2001 as Black History Month, urge all citizens to join in celebrating the accomplishments of African-Americans during Black History Month, and encourage the people of California to recognize the many talents, achievements, and contributions that African-Americans make to their communities.
Resolution Chapter 4, Statutes of 2001
ACR 16 (Strom-Martin-D) Spay Day USA 2001
Declares February 27, 2001, to be Spay Day USA 2001, and would request that Californians observe that day by having their dogs or cats spayed or neutered or by contributing to organizations that provide spay or neuter services.
Resolution Chapter 11, Statutes of 2001
ACR 17 (Nakano-D) Day of Remembrance
Declares February 19, 2001, as a Day of Remembrance in order to increase public awareness of the events surrounding the internment of Americans of Japanese ancestry during World War II.
Resolution Chapter 6, Statutes of 2001
ACR 22 (Frommer-D) Model Curriculum on Human Rights and Genocide
Commends the State Board of Education and the State Department of Education for its swift and prompt action in developing and making available for distribution the model curriculum on human rights and genocide. Recommends that the department notify school districts of the availability of the curriculum and convene workshops and training seminars on the curriculum.
Resolution Chapter 72, Statutes of 2001
ACR 31 (Strom-Martin-D) Women's history
Urges all Californians to celebrate Women's History Month and join in the commemoration of International Women's Day on March 8, 2001. Urges all California public school districts to add an accurate and inclusive women's history component into approved curriculum and provide the corresponding educational materials for pupils in grades 1 through 12, inclusive. Also urges the State Board of Education to ensure that the state curriculum framework includes accurate and inclusive instruction on the accomplishments and contributions of women throughout history and ensure that state criteria for selecting textbooks include information to guide the selection of textbooks that emphasize the accomplishments and contributions of women throughout history.
Resolution Chapter 25, Statutes of 2001
ACR 33 (Hertzberg-D) Japan Peace Treaty Day
Proclaims September 8, 2001, as Japan Peace Treaty Day and would urge all Californians to observe this day of remembrance for the actions taken in San Francisco on September 8, 1951.
Resolution Chapter 10, Statutes of 2001
ACR 44 (Havice-D) Gold Star Mothers Week
Designates the last Monday in May, and the week following, as Gold Star Mothers Week in honor of the heroic sacrifices of our fallen men and women and of the sacrifices made by their loving parents.
Resolution Chapter 50, Statutes of 2001
ACR 57 (Koretz-D) California Holocaust Memorial Week
Designates the week of April 15 through April 22, 2001, as California Holocaust Memorial Week and urges Californians to observe these days of remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust in an appropriate manner.
Resolution Chapter 36, Statutes of 2001
ACR 58 (Nakano-D) Asian and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month
Commends Asian and Pacific Islander Americans for their accomplishments and service to the state, and would recognize May, 2001 as Asian and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month.
Resolution Chapter 55, Statutes of 2001
ACR 62 (Firebaugh-D) Cinco de Mayo
Calls on the people of California to join in celebrating Cinco de Mayo, the historic date of May 5, 1862, as a day to honor the valiant spirit of the brave Mexicanos who defended the town of Puebla and the Mexican Americans of today who have fought and died for the freedom of the United States of America and declares the week of April 29 through May 5 as Cinco de Mayo Week.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 65 (Leslie-R) National Day of Prayer
Recognizes May 3, 2001, as a National Day of Prayer, and would encourage all the people of California to gather together in homes and places of worship to pray for their God's blessings upon our state and our nation.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 78 (Mountjoy-R) National Flag Day
Designates June 14, 2001, as Flag Day of the State of California and urges all citizens of California to pause at 4:00 p.m. on that day for the 22nd annual national Pause for the Pledge of Allegiance and join all Americans in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
Resolution Chapter 64, Statutes of 2001
ACR 82 (Negrete McLeod-D) Youth Baseball Week
Commends youth baseball and its participants and supporters and designates June 10, 2001, to June 16, 2001, inclusive, as Youth Baseball Week.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 83 (Mountjoy-R) Father's Day
Recognizes June 17, 2001, as Father's Day.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 86 (Nation-D) National KidsDay
Designates August 5, 2001, as National Kids Day.
Resolution Chapter 90, Statutes of 2001
ACR 90 (Robert Pacheco-R) Boy Scouts' 85th anniversary
Congratulates the Boy Scouts of America on the 85th anniversary of the granting of its federal charter by Congress.
(Failed passage on Assembly Floor)
ACR 91 (Salinas-D) Filipino-American Friendship Day
Recognizes July 4, 2001, as Filipino-American Friendship Day.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 92 (Firebaugh-D) California Arts Council
Recognizes and extends congratulations to the California Arts Council on its 25th anniversary and join in the commemoration of the council's "The Year of the Arts--2001" campaign. Declares October 10, 2001, as California Arts Day.
Resolution Chapter 126, Statutes of 2001
ACR 97 (Mountjoy-R) Constitution Week and Constitution Day
Declares the third week in September as Constitution Week and September 17 as Constitution Day. Requests the Governor to proclaim Constitution Week and Constitution Day.
Resolution Chapter 130, Statutes of 2001
ACR 105 (Strom-Martin-D) 90th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage
Proclaims October 10, 2001, as the 90th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage in California.
Chapter 151, Statutes of 2001
ACR 106 (Longville-D) Juneteenth National Freedom Day
Recognizes the third Saturday in June each year as Juneteenth National Freedom Day and urges the people of California to join in celebrating Juneteenth National Freedom Day as a day to honor and reflect on the significant role that African-Americans have played in the history of the United States and how they have enriched society through their steadfast commitment to promoting brotherhood and equality.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
ACR 107 (Hertzberg-D) Commemorative state seals
Authorizes the continued existence of the Commemorative Seals Advisory Committee and require it to make recommendations to the Legislature regarding the design, construction, and dedication of two commemorative seals, one honoring Native Americans in California and the other honoring California's Spanish and Mexican heritage, for installation on the landing of the upper steps on the west side of the State Capitol on the level below the Great Seal of California. Notifies the actions of the committee to date and authorize existing members of the committee to continue serving.
Resolution Chapter 135, Statutes of 2001
HR 10 (Cardoza-D) United States LST-325 warship and its crew
States that the Assembly of the State of California recognizes the United States LST-325 warship and the contributions of its crew in returning the warship across the Atlantic to Mobile Bay, Alabama, where it will be used as a floating museum.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
HR 21 (Robert Pacheco-R) Memorial Day
States that the State Assembly resolves that May 28, 2001 be fully observed as Memorial Day, encourages all Californians to participate in programs and activities in recognition and thanks to those who perished to preserve our freedom, and asks that those Americans still missing or unaccounted for should be remembered on Memorial Day. Urges the United States government to continue to seek the return of all United States prisoners of war, the fullest possible accounting for those still missing and the repatriation of all recoverable remains.
HR 22 (Briggs-R) 60th Birthday of Bob Dylan
States that the State Assembly congratulates and extends its best wishes to Bob Dylan on the occasion of his 60th birthday, May 24, 2001.
HR 23 (Hollingsworth-R) Freedom Week
States that the State Assembly encourages its members, as responsible citizens in the exercise of their individual freedom, to support public policies that enhance and advance the values that flow from a government empowered only by the consent of those who are governed.

Local Government
SB 27 (Brulte-R) Technology grants for public safety
Requires funds appropriated in the annual Budget Act for the purpose of funding technology grants and technology-related acquisitions to enhance public safety to be allocated by the Controller, and subject to prescribed conditions, to county sheriffs, city police chiefs, and certain cities and special districts.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
SB 53* (Torlakson-D) Redevelopment
Restores ability of local officials to use an expedited method of redevelopment after declared disasters.
Chapter 9, Statutes of 2001
SB 68 (Battin-R) Local agency investments
Revises maximum maturity periods for local agency investments to 180 days for bankers' acceptances and 270 days for prime quality commercial paper.
(In Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)
SB 74 (Speier-D) Local government finance
Exempts library special districts and county libraries that were supported by their own property tax revenues from shifts of property tax revenues to the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF).
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 92 (Torlakson-D) Local government finance
Exempts fire protection districts and other special districts that provide fire protection services from the 1992-93 ERAF shift.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 93 (Figueroa-D) Local government finance
Exempts recreation and park districts and county service areas and community service districts that provide recreation and park services from the ERAF shifts.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 94 (Torlakson-D) Local government finance
Partially exempts county libraries supported by county general fund revenues from ERAF shifts.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 142 (Haynes-R) Land use
Requires cities and counties to accept "religious exercise" when regulating land use, particularly residential uses.
(Failed passage in Senate Judiciary Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 158 (Haynes-R) Attorney's fees
Resurrects, for three years until January 1, 2005, a pilot project in Riverside County that allows the court to award attorney's fees in specified civil actions against a party who refuses a formal offer to settle and then fails to obtain a more favorable judgment at trial, and requires the Judicial Council and the Superior Court of Riverside County to report back to the Legislature on the impact of the program on settlements and sanctions.
Chapter 719, Statutes of 2001
SB 161* (Senate Local Government Committee) First Validation Act of 2001
Enacts the First Validating Act of 2001, validating the organization, boundaries, acts, and bonds of public bodies, and provides limitations of time wherein actions may be commenced.
Chapter 10, Statutes of 2001
SB 162* (Senate Local Government Committee) Second Validation Act of 2001
Validates the organization, boundaries, acts, proceedings, and bonds of public bodies, and provides limitations of time wherein actions may be commenced.
Chapter 272, Statutes of 2001
SB 163 (Senate Local Government Committee) Third Validation Act of 2001
Validates the organization, boundaries, acts proceedings, and bonds of public bodies, and provides limitations of time wherein actions may be commenced.
Chapter 273, Statutes of 2001
SB 195 (Chesbro-D) Counties and districts
Makes minor changes to several statutes pertaining to counties and districts.
Chapter 767, Statutes of 2001
SB 207 (Knight-R) Local agencies
Expressly authorizes a local agency to issue bonds under the Revenue Bond Law of 1941 to provide funds for construction of facilities for generating, producing, distributing, or transmitting electric energy for lighting, heating, and power for public or private uses subject to specified conditions, including voter approval, and provides that a local agency has right of first refusal for electricity generated by these facilities.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
SB 210 (Senate Local Government Committee) Local Government Omnibus Act
Makes, as the Local Government Omnibus Act, 36 relatively minor and noncontroversial changes to state laws affecting local agencies' powers and duties, including land use.
Chapter 176, Statutes of 2001
SB 211 (Torlakson-D) Redevelopment
Allows local officials to extend the life of their redevelopment project areas for 10 more years if they find that blight still exists, if they restrict spending to that blight, and if they boost spending for low-income housing.
Chapter 741, Statutes of 2001
SB 213 (Perata-D) Local planning
Requires the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Association of Bay Area Governments to work collaboratively on or before January 31, 2002, to, among other things, evaluate whether local governments are implementing their fair share of housing starts and participating in regional congestion reduction plans, to identify barriers to achieving a balance of jobs and housing, and to develop a monitoring and evaluation program, and appropriates $250,000 to the Controller for these purposes.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 221 (Kuehl-D) Land use: water supplies
Requires approval of tentative maps for larger residential subdivisions to include a condition that a sufficient water supply be available.
Chapter 642, Statutes of 2001
SB 226 (Chesbro-D) Health
Delays, until January 1, 2008, the repeal date of existing procedures counties are required to follow to participate in the County Medical Services Program for state administration of health care services to eligible persons in the county.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 262 (Dunn-D) General plans
Authorizes a court, on a finding that there is not substantial compliance, to award the plaintiff reasonable attorney's fees and costs and require the court to levy a penalty not to exceed specified amounts based on the population of the city, county, or city and county, and provides that all penalties will accrue to the Housing Supply Account, which the bill creates in the Housing Rehabilitation Loan Fund. Specifies that no money in that account will be expended except upon appropriation by the Legislature.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
SB 269 (Alarcon-D) Expanded municipal utilities: employee rights and benefits
Requires municipal utilities to honor the labor contracts of the public utilities they acquire.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
SB 282 (Dunn-D) Special districts
Requires the State Controller to electronically report on selected special districts' assets, liabilities, and equities.
Chapter 288, Statutes of 2001
SB 304* (Karnette-D) County sheriffs' retirement
Exempts Los Angeles County assistant sheriffs and chiefs in the sheriff's office whose primary duties are administrative from mandatory retirement provisions in law.
Chapter 33, Statutes of 2001
SB 315 (Alpert-D) Water quality
Creates, until January 1, 2004, the San Diego Advisory Committee for Environmentally Superior Antifouling Paints, and appropriates money from the Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund to pay for a report on vessel coatings.
Chapter 469, Statutes of 2001
SB 350 (Alpert-D) Water
Requires the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, on or before June 30, 2002, to adopt guidelines governing unreserved fund balances.
Chapter 632, Statutes of 2001
SB 356 (Johannessen-R) Public contracting
Adds the Cities of Benicia, Vacaville, and Woodland to those cities that may use the design-build method of contracting, and extends the repeal date of the expanded authorization by two years.
(Failed passage in Senate Local Government Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 381 (Chesbro-D) Local human relations commissions
Expands groups that would be within the purview of human relations commissions of cities and counties, for purpose of fostering mutual respect and understanding and constructive resolution of tensions, prejudice and discrimination occasioned by differences between groups.
Chapter 66, Statutes of 2001
SB 394 (Sher-D) Taxation
Extends the California Internet Tax Freedom Act, including the moratorium on local taxes to January 1, 2004, if the required report is sent to the Governor and the Legislature by December 1, 2002; otherwise requires the moratorium to expire January 1, 2003.
Chapter 343, Statutes of 2001
SB 407 (Sher-D) County recorders
Establishes a pilot program in which participating county recorders may accept for recording, electronic records affecting the right, title, or interest in real property, requires a participating county to obtain a report addressing safety and security considerations of the proposed electronic recording system from a qualifying computer security firm or consultant, and requires the Attorney General to adopt regulations establishing certain general standards for the pilot program and report to the Legislature.
(To interim study)
SB 411 (Perata-D) Redevelopment
Allows the Oakland City Council to extend by 10 years the time for a redevelopment plan's effectiveness and for receiving property tax increment revenues under specified criteria, and conforms to provisions of SB 211 (Torlakson) and SB 1137 (Ortiz).
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 423 (Torlakson-D) Local government finance
Rewards cities and counties with greater local property tax revenues if they embraced the statewide growth policies and programs, and states legislative intent.
(Held at Assembly Desk)
SB 425 (Torlakson-D) Domestic violence
Allows Contra Costa County to increase fees for certified copies of marriage licenses, and the fee for issuance of a birth certificate, fetal death or death certificate by $2.00, for the purpose of funding governmental oversight and coordination of domestic violence prevention, intervention, and prosecution efforts in the county. Permits the fee amount to be increased annually by the county, based on the Consumer Price Index of the San Francisco Metropolitan area for the preceding year.
Chapter 90, Statutes of 2001
SB 428 (Oller-R) Water
Changes the El Dorado County Water Agency's board of directors from the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors to a five-member board of directors and specifies its makeup.
Chapter 91, Statutes of 2001
SB 449 (Sher-D) Santa Clara Valley Water District
Makes technical changes to various sections of the Santa Clara Valley Water District Act and specifies powers and purposes of the Act.
Chapter 170, Statutes of 2001
SB 452 (Oller-R) Local government finance
Exempts county service areas that only provide ambulance service from contributing to their respective Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund beginning in the 2003-04 fiscal year.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 465 (McPherson-R) Regional transportation
Expands powers and duties of the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission to include the power of eminent domain and the power to develop multimodal transportation projects on rail rights-of-way in Santa Cruz County, and revises the make-up of the governing body of the commission.
Chapter 472, Statutes of 2001
SB 497 (Sher-D) Energy conservation
Revises procedures for cities and counties to issue conditional certificates of compliance and lot-line adjustments for older subdivisions.
Chapter 873, Statutes of 2001
SB 503 (Vasconcellos-D) Housing
Authorizes specified counties and cities in those counties to establish attainable housing zones in which development of attainable housing would be encouraged by providing incentives to developers, including reduced development fee schedules. Establishes the Attainable Housing Zone Infrastructure Improvement Fund, to be administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development, and prohibits issuance of grants or the enforcement of compliance with the reduced development fee schedules on and after January 1, 2007.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 516* (Johnson-R) Coastal planning
Allows Orange County's land use controls, including its Local Coastal Plan, to control territory annexed by the City of Newport Beach.
Chapter 537, Statutes of 2001
SB 520 (Chesbro-D) Housing
Prohibits governmental action or discrimination under the Planning and Zoning Law because of familial status or disability, and recasts provisions of that law to refer to persons with disabilities instead of the handicapped in the requirement for analysis and to include references to persons with special housing needs within the provisions that require that housing program.
Chapter 671, Statutes of 2001
SB 536* (Oller-R) Local government finance
Limits, for 2001-02 and beyond, the shift of property tax revenues from cities, counties, and special districts to each county's ERAF to the amount shifted in 2000-01, and requires the Director of Finance to make adjustments so there is no net fiscal impact on school districts or community college districts, or upon the state's obligations under Proposition 98.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 539 (Senate Local Government Committee) Local agency assessments
Conforms a provision of the Parking District Law of 1951 to the statutory procedures for levying assessments to requirements of Proposition 218, and makes a technical change to assessment ballot tabulation procedures.
Chapter 636, Statutes of 2001
SB 544 (Senate Local Government Committee) Public officers
Prohibits county employees from serving on their own county board of supervisors, as is current law for other local governments.
Chapter 43, Statutes of 2001
SB 600 (Torlakson-D) Transit village plans
Exempts transit villages from meeting the physical and economic criteria of blight in order to qualify as redevelopment, and expands the definition of transit village to include areas within one-half mile radius of a transit station.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 609* (Costa-D) Water
Changes, as the Water Omnibus Act of 2001, various state laws for water districts, including requiring water districts' elected officials and key staff to take ethics courses.
Chapter 606, Statutes of 2001
SB 610 (Costa-D) Water
Expands the existing requirement for public water systems to prepare water supply assessments for larger development projects.
Chapter 643, Statutes of 2001
SB 617 (Ortiz-D) Elections
Allows the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) to call a special advisory election in each jurisdiction that is a member of SACOG, on the question of whether the region's Metropolitan Transportation Plan should be approved.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
SB 671 (Poochigian-R) Public meetings
Permits local officials to hold closed meetings under the Brown Act to hear employees' hardship claims for certain benefit programs.
Chapter 45, Statutes of 2001
SB 685 (Costa-D) Transportation
Revises the Fresno County Transportation Improvement Act and, upon approval of a ballot proposition by Fresno voters, authorizes extension of the one-half percent sales tax in Fresno County for a period of up to 30 years for transportation purposes.
Chapter 474, Statutes of 2001
SB 703 (Perata-D) Land use
Enacts provisions that would govern the structure and composition of a single local base reuse entity and its governing body for the Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro if a specified county initiative measure is adopted by the voters of Orange County.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
SB 707 (Senate Local Government Committee) Recreation and park districts
Revises thoroughly state laws governing recreation and park districts.
Chapter 15, Statutes of 2001
SB 714 (McClintock-R) Local planning
Requires a city council or board of supervisors to designate and zone sufficient land for residential use with appropriate standards as part of the revision of each local government's housing element, and provides that the recognition of the total housing needs identified in the housing element does not reduce the local government's obligations under other applicable provisions of law. Requires the determination by the department and each council of governments of the region share of the statewide housing need and the existing and projected housing need for its region include a determination of the region's 20-year need for new housing units, and also applies these provisions to charter cities.
(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
SB 717 (Speier-D) Financing a Seismic Safety Retrofit Program
Enacts the California Seismic Safety Bond Act of 2002, which authorizes issuance, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law, of bonds in the amount of $600 million to be allocated to the California Seismic Safety Bond Fund of 2002 to fund residential and local government building seismic safety retrofit projects; and provides for submission of the bond act to the voters at a statewide election.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 720 (Margett-R) Health care
Makes changes to the make-up of appointees to the governing body of the commission that oversees Medi-Cal managed care in Los Angeles County and expands the provision that deems that members are not to be interested in a contract entered into by the commission, to include an amendment to a contract.
Chapter 143, Statutes of 2001
SB 731 (Oller-R) Recording of documents
Authorizes, until January 1, 2005, the county recorders of the counties of Contra Costa and Placer to accept electronic submission of an original recordable document if specified conditions are met, and requires the county recorder to adopt regulations governing review and approval of systems and processes to conduct electronic submission of original recordable documents. Authorizes the district attorney or county recorder to suspend use of any approved system upon a finding of fraudulent activity.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 736* (Poochigian-R) State and local government finance and taxation
Becomes the budget trailer bill relative to local law enforcement funding, and removes the sunset date for the Citizens Option for Public Safety and Juvenile Justice program. Specifies that funds are not allocated by the county auditor until an approved expenditure plan is received by the local law Enforcement Oversight Committee.
Chapter 475, Statutes of 2001
SB 772 (Johannessen-R) 27th District Agricultural Association Fairgrounds
Appropriates $1.7 million from the General Fund to the 27th Agricultural Association for the purpose of upgrading Shasta County Fairgrounds.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 794 (Knight-R) Taxation
Makes findings and declarations that a special tax is necessary for the Baker Community Services District (BCSD). Authorizes BCSD to impose a transactions of use tax of one-half percent if the BCSD Board of Directors approves the tax by ordinance with a majority vote, the tax is approved by a two-thirds vote of qualified voters of the district voting in an election, and the revenues derived from the tax are expended exclusively for purposes of BCSD.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 810 (Ackerman-R) Local government finance
Requires, beginning in 2003-04, county auditors to allocate property tax revenues to single-county transit districts as if the 1992-93 property tax shift had not occurred.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 820 (Costa-D) Local government finance
Provides for the validation of the distribution of fines, fees, forfeitures, and penalties made by the County of Tulare in the 1996-97 to 1999-2000 fiscal years, inclusive, as specified.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
SB 822 (Poochigian-R) County sheriffs
Provides that the sheriff of each county has search and rescue responsibility in any unincorporated area of the county, including any rural and wilderness environment. Authorizes a sheriff to transfer this search and rescue responsibility to another agency or jurisdiction through written agreement.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
SB 823 (Poochigian-R) Local law enforcement funding
Prohibits a county auditor from transferring moneys from the Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund to a recipient agency until the county Supplemental Law Enforcement Oversight Committee certifies receipt of an approved expenditure plan from the governing board of that agency. Requires the local juvenile justice coordinating council to review and modify annually its comprehensive multiagency juvenile justice plan and require the county board of supervisors and the Board of Corrections to approve the modified plan. Deletes the inoperative and repeal dates, thereby continuing operation of this funding program indefinitely.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 874 (Dunn-D) Redevelopment
Prohibits a redevelopment agency from incurring debt based on the schools' share of property tax increment revenues unless the agency signs a mutually agreeable contract with school districts that have overcrowded conditions. Sunsets January 1, 2012.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SB 910 (Dunn-D) General plans
Requires that specified transportation funding be reduced to any city or county that fails to have an approved housing element. Requires that a council of governments whose members have a combined population of more than 10 million adopt a regional housing needs allocation by a majority vote of the members from each county on the council's governing board.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
SB 926 (Battin-R) Peace officers
Adds "any deputy sheriff of the County of Riverside" to the existing authority granted only to Los Angeles County and San Diego County to employ deputy sheriffs who are "employed to perform duties exclusively or initially related to custodial assignments" who are peace officers pursuant to Penal Code Section 830.1.
Chapter 68, Statutes of 2001
SB 932* (McPherson-R) Housing
Extends deadlines for specified local governments to update their housing elements.
Chapter 85, Statutes of 2001
SB 974 (Torlakson-D) Public contracts
Clarifies existing law requiring charter cities to follow statewide contracting procedures unless charters or ordinances provide otherwise.
Chapter 832, Statutes of 2001
SB 1098 (Alarcon-D) Housing
Requires local governments to make specific findings when extending an interim ordinance that has the effect of denying land use approvals needed for development of projects with a significant component of multifamily housing.
Chapter 939, Statutes of 2001
SB 1119 (Margett-R) Public contracts
Requires charter cities' contracts to state that they are charter cities.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
SB 1122 (Poochigian-R) Real estate disclosure
Requires sellers to notify prospective buyers if residential property is subject to benefit assessments, and requires local officials to provide property owners with information about those assessments.
Chapter 673, Statutes of 2001
SB 1137 (Ortiz-D) Redevelopment
Allows Sacramento City Council to extend by 10 years the time for a redevelopment plan's effectiveness and for receiving property tax increment revenues under specified criteria, with respect to the Alkali Flat, Del Paso Heights, and Oak Park Redevelopment Project Areas, and conforms to provisions of SB 211 (Torlakson) and SB 411 (Perata).
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1177 (Polanco-D) Parks and recreation
Appropriates $36 million for acquisition, planning, design, environmental assessment, and environmental cleanup of the 32-acre parcel known as the "Cornfield" rail yards in the City of Los Angeles and establishes the Cornfield State Park Advisory Committee.
Chapter 379, Statutes of 2001
SB 1187* (Costa-D) Taxation
Authorizes Fresno County to establish a special purpose authority for support of zoos, zoological facilities, and related zoological purposes in Fresno County; and allows Fresno County to impose a transactions and use tax of .10 percent, subject to two-thirds voter approval.
Chapter 285, Statutes of 2001
SB 1228* (Monteith-R) Local government finance
Addresses individual fiscal issues in the counties of Stanislaus, Tuolumne, and Humboldt.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 30XX (Brulte-R) Public utilities
Assigns bigger shares of the resulting property tax revenues to cities and counties that approve new or expanded power plants.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 57XX* (Battin-R) Energy resources
Requires the existing procedure that requires the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission to implement a procedure for an expedited decision on applications for simple cycle thermal powerplants and related facilities that can be put into service on or before August 1, 2001 apply to all applications for thermal powerplants and related facilities that can be put into service on or before August 1, 2002.
(In Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 62XX (Poochigian-R) Taxation
Limits the tax rates of local utility user's taxes.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
AB 3* (Ashburn-R) Local government finance
Caps the amount of property tax revenue transferred to the state Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund at the 2000-01 level.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 63 (Cedillo-D) Taxation: disclosure
Permits the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) to disclose specified California income tax information to tax officials of any city, and specifies what information this would be limited to. Provides a means for FTB to recover its administrative costs, requires California Research Bureau to report the impact and effect of permitting the proposed disclosure to the Legislature, and specifies that the bill is operative from January 1, 2002, to December 31, 2008 and becomes operative only if this bill and AB 205 are both enacted.
Chapter 915, Statutes of 2001
AB 93 (Wayne-D) Airports
Creates the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority with power to plan, site, own, and operate a new regional airport. Assigns the Airport Authority power to own and operate San Diego International Airport at Lindbergh Field, and shifts these duties and powers from the San Diego Association of Governments and the San Diego Unified Port District to the new Airport Authority.
Chapter 946, Statutes of 2001
AB 100 (Simitian-D) Local government finance
Modifies, for 2002-03 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter, ad valorem property tax revenue reduction and transfer provisions by restricting the total amount of revenue allocated to a county's ERAF to the applicable revenue shift limit, as defined; and requires that those revenues that may not be allocated to the county's ERAF as a result of this limitation to instead be allocated among local agencies in the county in accordance with each local agency's proportionate share of those revenues that would be deposited in the county's ERAF in the absence of this bill. States the Legislature's intent, and requires the Director of Finance to make certain adjustments that this bill's modifications have no net fiscal impact on school districts, community college districts, or the state's obligation to provide funding to those districts.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 145 (Robert Pacheco-R) Local government
Authorizes payment by credit card for deposit of bail or for any fine for any offense not declared to be a felony.
Chapter 108, Statutes of 2001
AB 169 (Wiggins-D) Taxation
Deems to be correct any property tax revenue allocation that was subject to a prior completed audit by the Controller and approved by the State Association of County Auditors with the approval of state officials.
Chapter 381, Statutes of 2001
AB 205 (Koretz-D) Business licensing
Prohibits any city, including a charter city, city and county, or county, from requiring an employee to obtain a business license or home business occupation permit for, or imposing a business tax or registration fee based on income earned for services performed for an employer by the employee in an employment relationship. Becomes operative only if AB 63 (Cedillo) is enacted and becomes effective on or before January 1, 2002.
Chapter 36, Statutes of 2001
AB 209 (Dickerson-R) County government
Includes Glenn County with those counties whose board of supervisors are authorized to provide for appointment of the public administrator by the board, and authorizes the Board of Supervisors of Glenn County to appoint the same person to the offices of public administrator and public guardian.
Chapter 13, Statutes of 2001
AB 212 (Correa-D) Community development
Requires City of Tustin and its redevelopment agency to transfer a specific 100-acre parcel to Santa Ana Unified School District and Rancho Santiago Community College District before Tustin can develop or sell other property at Tustin Marine Corps Air Station.
Chapter 123, Statutes of 2001
AB 229 (Wesson-D) Local initiative petitions
Extends the period in which signatures on local initiative petitions must be verified, from 30 days to 60 days, if a random sampling is involved.
Chapter 70, Statutes of 2001
AB 277 (Kelley-R) Joint powers authorities
Provides that if two or more public entities pool self-insured claims or losses among themselves pursuant to a joint powers agreement, that agreement will not be considered to establish joint and several liability for those claims among those entities.
Chapter 38, Statutes of 2001
AB 279 (Strom-Martin-D) Local government finance
Redirects revenues from the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund established in each county to local animal control departments.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 291 (Corbett-D) Land use
Directs Office of Planning and Research to implement a grant program for cities and counties to incorporate smart growth principles into their general plans, establishes a maximum grant of $250,000, and sunsets the program January 1, 2005.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 296* (Corbett-D) Redevelopment
Authorizes legislative bodies of the City of San Leandro and the County of Alameda, by ordinance, to provide that the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency or the Alameda County Redevelopment Agency, or both, will exercise certain powers with respect to a specified joint project area and joint redevelopment plan.
Chapter 124, Statutes of 2001
AB 310 (Goldberg-D) Subdivisions
Authorizes a local park and recreation agency to use in lieu fees from a subdivision developer to develop park or recreational facilities outside the subdivision under specified conditions.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 314 (Chan-D) Surplus property
Authorizes the board of supervisors of a county to donate or lease any real or personal property that the board declares to be surplus to a school or community college district, a county children and families commission, or a nonprofit corporation organized for the care, teaching, or training of children, developmentally disabled children, or Native American.
Chapter 18, Statutes of 2001
AB 315 (Dutra-D) Libraries
Exempts specified dependent and independent library special districts from shifting property tax revenue to their respective counties' Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund beginning July 1, 2001, and annually thereafter. Requires the state to hold harmless the school districts and community college districts from the financial impact of the prescribed exemption.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 318 (Chan-D) Joint powers agreements
Authorizes children's hospitals to enter into joint powers agreements with any public agency, subject to specified conditions.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
AB 330 (Reyes-D) Agricultural preserves
Requires Department of Conservation to advise a local agency formation commission (LAFCO), whether or not it has been requested to do so, of any concerns regarding the LAFCO's review of a city's proposal to not succeed to the rights, duties, and powers of a county's Williamson Act contract, and requires the commission to address those concerns.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 338 (Correa-D) Postsecondary education
Creates a public/private demonstration project to address nursing shortage in Orange County. Appropriates $1.7 million from the General Fund to the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges ($1,035,000) and the California State University ($665,000), as specified, for the demonstration project established by this bill.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 351 (La Suer-R) Parks and recreation
Requires cities, counties, and special districts, including local park agencies, to require a prospective employee or volunteer who would work with children at a park, beach, playground, or recreational center to complete an application that asks if the person has been convicted of certain crimes, such as sexual offenses, child abuse, or domestic violence.
Chapter 777, Statutes of 2001
AB 404 (Diaz-D) Housing
Enacts provisions known as the New Neighborhoods Program that would provide at least seven planning grants of not more than $250,000 each to counties, cities, or cities and counties to study the availability of multifamily affordable housing sites defined as "new neighborhoods." Requires the studies be completed by January 1, 2003, and creates the New Neighborhoods Multifamily Affordable Housing Fund.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 406 (Diaz-D) Redevelopment
Requires redevelopment agencies to use not less than 25 percent of all tax revenue allocated to the agency for low- and moderate-income housing.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 410 (Salinas-D) Office of Rural Policy
Establishes the Office of Rural Policy in the Governor's office for the purpose of advocating on behalf of, and assisting, rural communities.
(In Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee)
AB 437 (Assembly Budget Committee) Transportation
Establishes a new Rural Transit System Grant Program to be administered by the State Department of Transportation under guidelines adopted by the California Transportation Commission.
Chapter 333, Statutes of 2001
AB 443* (Aanestad-R) Law enforcement
Limits use of funds from the High Technology Law Enforcement Equipment Grants and provides grant funds for 37 county sheriff departments.
Chapter 205, Statutes of 2001
AB 457 (Canciamilla-D) Joint powers agencies
Requires the local agency approving the issuance of bonds for specified development-related capital improvements must be the city or county with land use jurisdiction over the development project.
Chapter 56, Statutes of 2001
AB 478 (Canciamilla-D) Local agency procedures
Grants authority to the county recorder of Contra Costa to accept for recording, in lieu of written paper document, a digitized image of a recordable instrument, if specified conditions are met. Allows the district attorney or county recorder to suspend or decertify a recording system upon a finding of system defects, and the county recorder would be required to adopt procedures governing review and approval of systems and processes to conduct electronic recording of digitized images or electronic records of recordable instruments, and repeals the bill's provisions as of January 1, 2005.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 560 (Jackson-D) Used oil
Allows a local used oil collection program to include provisions for the mitigation and collection of oil and oil products from stormwater runoff, including devices to capture that stormwater runoff, such as the use of storm drain inlet filter devices.
Chapter 500, Statutes of 2001
AB 562 (Bogh-R) Public safety
Appropriates $100 million from the General Fund to the Controller to be allocated to county sheriffs, city police chiefs, and specified special districts providing police protection services, and cities that contract for police and sheriff services, for the purpose of funding technology grants and technology-related acquisitions to enhance public safety.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 609 (Kelley-R) Local agency investments
Updates, cleans up, and eliminates duplications in the Government Code sections addressing public investments.
Chapter 57, Statutes of 2001
AB 610 (Kelley-R) Local agency funds
Revises the description of commercial paper with respect to the investment of money in a sinking fund or money and as an eligible security for the investment of money belonging to or in the custody of a local agency.
(In Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)
AB 637 (Lowenthal-D) Redevelopment
Makes a number of changes to redevelopment law, including clarifying that housing units which must be made available by a redevelopment agency at affordable costs to low- or moderate-income households must also be occupied by households from the respective income group.
Chapter 738, Statutes of 2001
AB 661 (Correa-D) Redevelopment
Allows Orange County Redevelopment Agency to spend funds, set aside for low- and moderate-income households, within the unincorporated areas of the county subject to specified conditions.
Chapter 626, Statutes of 2001
AB 680 (Steinberg-D) Land use
Reallocates sales tax revenue among cities and counties in the greater Sacramento region, states legislative intent to enact a program encouraging cities and counties in the greater Sacramento region to establish smart growth land use projects funded using ERAF revenue, provides air emission reduction credits to cities and counties that develop land use projects in a regional manner which promotes sustainable growth, and requires the Legislative Analyst's Office, in conjunction with the State Board of Equalization and the State Air Resources Board, to report to the Legislature regarding impact of this bill in the greater Sacramento region.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 720 (Assembly Local Government Committee) Local agency formation
Makes 28 changes and clarifications to the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000.
Chapter 388, Statutes of 2001
AB 735 (Chan-D) Children and families programs
Clarifies a conflict of interest provision relating to county children and families commissions.
Chapter 101, Statutes of 2001
AB 750 (Cedillo-D) Redevelopment
Requires a redevelopment agency, at a public hearing, by resolution of the agency board, to determine annually that expenses for planning and administrative activities in connection with expenditures from the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund for low- and moderate-income housing are necessary and prescribes criteria for computation of the Community Redevelopment Law requirement of at least 15 percent of all dwelling units developed with a project area be available at affordable housing cost.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 759 (Shelley-D) Personal watercraft
Allows any city or county to adopt an ordinance to ban use of personal watercraft in any navigable water within its jurisdiction, and declares all provisions of the ordinance to be severable in the event any individual provision is held invalid by a court.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 787 (Hertzberg-D) Regional planning
Recodifies provisions of the Planning and Zoning Law relative to various legislative findings and declarations, including that the state has a positive interest in preparation and maintenance of a long-term, general plan for the physical development of each of the state's urban areas and that the planning activities of counties and cities can be strengthened and more effectively performed when conducted in relation to studies and planning of an urban regional character. Declares intent of the Legislature to enact legislation reflecting specified final recommendations of the Speaker of the Assembly's Commission on Regionalism.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
AB 837 (Briggs-R) Joint powers agencies
Provides that the State Treasurer is authorized to approve or certify issuance of bonds, notes, or other evidence of indebtedness for federal tax purposes of a joint powers agency to the extent approval is required by law.
Chapter 186, Statutes of 2001
AB 858 (Wiggins-D) Land use proposals
Expands the requirement for interagency referrals of proposed amendments to city and county land use plans to other local agencies that may be affected.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
AB 859* (Wiggins-D) Local government finance
Caps the shift of property tax revenues from counties to the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund over an unspecified multi-year period.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 863 (Thomson-D) Taxation
Allows the City of West Sacramento, subject to voter approval, to levy a tax at a rate of 0.25 percent to 0.50 percent, as specified.
Chapter 263, Statutes of 2001
AB 864 (Thomson-D) Sanitation districts
Annexes the territory within the boundaries of the City of West Sacramento to the Sacramento County Regional Sanitation District.
Chapter 390, Statutes of 2001
AB 924 (Wayne-D) Land use
Expresses legislative intent to facilitate cooperative planning incentives and rationale growth principles.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
AB 934 (Hertzberg-D) Taxation
Gives local assesses the right to trial de novo in claims for refund arising from questions of fact, and provides that in a suit for the refund of locally-assessed property taxes, the trial court may not be restricted to the administrative record, but must consider all evidence relating to the valuation of the property admissible under the rules of evidence.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 936 (Vargas-D) Local public services
Appropriates $1,750,000 from the General Fund to provide a grant to the City of San Diego to purchase facilities to house 50 homeless persons with severe mental illness; provides that $20,000 earmarked in the Budget Act of 2001 be allocated directly to the Stein Education Center in San Diego; reappropriates monies earmarked for forest management programs to areas in San Jose; and directs State Department of Boating and Waterways to recalculate monies owed in a loan to the Funtime-Fulltime Marina at Lake Oroville.
Chapter 932, Statutes of 2001
AB 948 (Kelley-R) Local agency formation
Makes numerous changes relating to local are formation commissions and special districts and is double-joined with AB 720 (Assembly Local Government Committee).
Chapter 667, Statutes of 2001
AB 958 (Chavez-D) Local government contracts
Provides that the obligation of contract of a local legislative body commences when it adopts a resolution formally adopting, approving, or entering into any financial contract or when any amendment is made to an existing contract. Specifies procedures determining how contracts that were approved prior to an election that changed the composition of the local legislative body are ratified or rescinded by the new local legislative body.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 959 (Kelley-R) Joint powers agreements
Authorizes the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians to enter into a joint powers agreement to participate in the Salton Sea Authority.
Chapter 19, Statutes of 2001
AB 960 (Keeley-D) Crime prevention
Establishes the Environmental Circuit Prosecutor Project and appropriates $300,000 to implement the bill's provisions.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 964 (Aroner-D) Local government finance
Authorizes counties to recover the proportionate share of costs of property tax administration from school districts, including the ERAF.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1002 (Daucher-R) Transportation
Authorizes the Public Utilities Commission to provide for a pilot project to authorize supplementary safety measures, as defined in a specified provision of federal law, for use on rail crossings in the City of Placentia.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1007 (Rod Pacheco-R) Local government finance
Requires Riverside County to repay local agencies for the county property tax revenues it underallocated to those agencies between 1996-97 and 1999-2000.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1011 (Pavley-D) County records
Requires the county recorder in each county to develop and maintain an index of conservation easements recorded on or after January 1, 2002 within its existing indexing system, and states legislative intent that the index be established using existing resources.
Chapter 819, Statutes of 2001
AB 1021 (Goldberg-D) Benefit assessments
Recasts and reorganizes some provisions of the Property and Business District Law of 1994.
Chapter 88, Statutes of 2001
AB 1022* (Rod Pacheco-R) Firefighting
Establishes, as the Firefighter Incident and Response Enhancement Act, in each county treasury a Supplemental Firefighting Service Fund and requires that money from this fund be allocated to local agencies in accordance with specified requirements for specified front line fire service activities.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1034 (Florez-D) Local government finance
Exempts a qualified fire district from obligation to shift property tax revenues to the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund in its county.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1041 (Richman-R) Libraries
Allows appointment to the office of county librarian if a person graduated from a graduate program in administration from an accredited university.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 1050 (Kehoe-D) Open meetings
Implements specified requirements for local agency closed sessions pertaining to real property transactions, including requiring a legislative body of a local agency to hold an open and public session prior to a closed session in order to deliberate issues related to the desirability of and policy considerations regarding the real property transaction.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1070 (Pavley-D) Highways
Requires the Department of Transportation to designate a specified portion of the Malibu Canyon-Las Virgenes Highway as a county scenic highway if the highway meets certain standards.
Chapter 758, Statutes of 2001
AB 1089 (Aanestad-R) Water
Establishes a grant program for Butte County to defray a portion of the costs associated with a public sewer system project to reduce the number of septic tanks in the unincorporated area around the City of Chico.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1098 (Havice-D) Property tax revenue shift: revenue allocations
Allows Los Angeles County to use the amounts identified for transfer to special districts rather than actual amounts transferred when calculating revenue exemptions under the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1103 (Papan-D) Law library boards of trustees
Makes various changes to law governing county law library boards of trustees. Authorizes appointment of non-lawyers as well as lawyers who are not residents of the county to serve on boards of trustees, and revises provisions governing the total number of members of the boards.
Chapter 52, Statutes of 2001
AB 1104 (Maddox-R) Fire protection
Provides that when a county allocates specified tax proceeds to a joint powers agency formed to provide fire protection services, those funds may not be appropriated by the agency in a manner that provides a financial advantage to any city participating in the agency over the other participating cities.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 1137 (Hollingsworth-R) Local government finance
Requires Riverside County to repay local agencies for county property tax revenues it underallocated to those agencies between 1996-97 and 1999-2000.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1145 (Jackson-D) Parks and recreation
Permits formation of a regional open-space district in Ventura County to be initiated by resolution of the county board of supervisors after a noticed hearing, and specifies contents of the resolution, including a requirement to call an election.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1184 (Oropeza-D) Local public employees
Expressly prohibits punitive action, denial of promotion, and threats of this treatment against a local public employee for the exercise of any lawful action as an elected, appointed, or recognized representative of any employee bargaining unit.
Chapter 788, Statutes of 2001
AB 1203 (Dickerson-R) Crime prevention
Establishes the Sacramento Valley Rural Crime Prevention Program, administered by the county district attorney's and sheriff's office, for rural crime prevention in Butt, Colusa, Glenn, Lake, Sacramento, Solano, Sutter, Tehama, Yolo and Yuba counties, land requires participating counties to establish a task force to be known as the Sacramento Valley Rural Crime Task Force.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1207 (Longville-D) Small wind energy systems
Allows cities and counties to adopt ordinances that permit installation of small wind energy systems outside defined "urbanized areas," and the ordinance may require a small wind energy system to obtain a conditional use permit. Specifies conditions the tower and wind turbine must meet, bans installations on specified sites, and extends deadlines for local officials to July 1, 2005.
Chapter 562, Statutes of 2001
AB 1210 (La Suer-R) Forensic laboratories
Requires Office of Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP) to develop guidelines for a program of competitive grants for the purpose of upgrading existing local public forensic laboratories. States Legislative intent that, subject to an appropriation in the Budget Act of 2001, an allocation be made to OCJP for the program.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1254 (Florez-D) Local prosecutors
Includes local prosecutors within the local safety member classification under the Public Employees' Retirement System and within the safety member classification under the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937. Authorizes those local prosecutors to elect not to become safety members and provides that prior local prosecutor service will be deemed safety service, at the employer's cost. Makes an appropriation by increasing the amount of employee contributions to the Public Employees' Retirement Fund, land requires other city and county retirement systems to provide local prosecutors with benefits provided to safety members under their respective systems.
(In Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
AB 1279 (Reyes-D) Rural health
Appropriates $2 million from the General Fund to the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board to award additional funds to rural demonstration projects to increase access to rural health providers during evenings and weekends. Requires State Department of Health Services to conduct an evaluation of the status or rural hospitals.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1314 (Havice-D) Joint powers agreements
Authorizes private hospitals eligible to participate in the disproportionate share hospital program pursuant to Section 14105.98 of the Welfare and Institutions Code to enter into joint powers agreements with any local public agency.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
AB 1355 (Daucher-R) Local government reorganization
Provides, during the period from January 1, 2002, to March 1, 2003, inclusive, each county and the cities and special districts within that county are required to enter into negotiations with respect to the allocation of a specified portion of the annual property tax increment. Provides that, if certain conditions are met, any agreement that is so negotiated becomes operative on July 1, 2003. Requires any agreement entered into under these provisions include provisions that provide for renegotiations at regular intervals. Specifies allocation among school entities of annual property tax increments exceeding two percent of total county property tax revenues for 2003-04 fiscal year.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 1362 (Wiggins-D) Local planning
Establishes, until January 1, 2007, a Master Environmental Impact Report Revolving Loan Program that provide loans to cities and counties to prepare mater environmental impact report, requires Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to adopt regulations for purposes of implementing the program, requires the office, on or before January 1, 2003, and each year thereafter, to report to the Legislature on effectiveness of the program, and appropriates an unspecified sum from the General Fund to OPR for purposes of the bill.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1367 (Wiggins-D) Land use
Increases the amount of consultation and information sharing required between local planning agencies and school districts concerning school siting.
Chapter 396, Statutes of 2001
AB 1378 (Wyman-R) Local government finance
Increases the City of Hesperia's share of the property tax and reduces the County of San Bernardino's share by an equivalent amount. Phases in this change over four years, beginning in 2002-03.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1415 (Leach-R) Public contracts
Authorizes the City of Brentwood to enter into design-build contracts for construction projects.
(Failed passage in Assembly Business and Professions Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1468 (Briggs-R) Adult and juvenile detention facilities
Appropriates $400 million from the General Fund to the Board of Corrections (BOC) for competitive grants to counties for construction, expansion and renovation of local adult and juvenile detention facilities, and requires BOC to give priority to counties with court-ordered population caps that have resulted in release of inmates prior to their scheduled release dates.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1477 (Hertzberg-D) Public safety services
Authorizes local public agencies to establish a 311 non-emergency telephone system, and authorizes a surcharge of up to 0.25 percent in the 911 charge in those locales which opt to provide the non-emergency system.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1495 (Cox-R) Local agency formation
Makes legislative declarations and changes procedures for incorporating new cities in two major ways and double-joins this bill with AB 720 (Assembly Local Government Committee).
Chapter 530, Statutes of 2001
AB 1514 (Canciamilla-D) Local planning
Provides for state reimbursement of a portion of the planning costs incurred by cities and counties that submit an updated land use element with an Urban Growth Boundary to Office of Planning and Research for review and acceptance on or before July 1, 2002. Makes these cities eligible for priority consideration by the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank when seeking funding for local capital improvement and other infrastructure projects.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 1544 (Hollingsworth-R) Local government finance
Deems correct property tax apportionment factors applied to property tax revenues in the County of Riverside through the 1995-96 fiscal year, requires Riverside County, from 2002-03 fiscal year to 2007-08 fiscal year, inclusive, to reimburse local agencies that received property tax revenue apportionments from the 1996-97 fiscal year to 1999-2000 fiscal year, inclusive, that were lower than apportionments required by law.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
AB 1567 (Runner-R) Redevelopment
Allows Lancaster Redevelopment Agency to satisfy its inclusionary housing requirement by purchasing long-term affordability convenants on mobilehome parks, limit the bill's applicability to Lancaster Redevelopment Agency, and sets a sunset date of January 1, 2006. Double-joins this bill with AB 637 (Lowenthal).
Chapter 491, Statutes of 2001
AB 1573 (Maldonado-R) Tide and submerged lands
Extends, by five years, the existing January 1, 2002 sunset provision for local oil revenue sharing applicable to revenue from leases that have either a local or state development plan submitted for consideration, and authorizes a local government to share in revenue from new development on existing tideland leases up to January 1, 2007.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1579 (Kehoe-D) Counties
Provides that in any case in which a county counsel or district attorney has a conflict of interest, as construed for public attorneys, in representing that county's sheriff, the board of supervisors, upon request of the sheriff, will employ independent legal counsel to assist the sheriff in performance of his or her duties.
Chapter 41, Statutes of 2001
AB 1595 (Wyman-R) Redevelopment
Provides an extension for inclusionary housing requirements for redevelopment of George Air Force Base.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1641 (John Campbell-R) County recorders
Allows all county recorders to accept a digitized image of a recordable instrument subject to specified conditions.
(Failed passage in Assembly Local Government Committee; reconsideration granted)
ACA 10 (Cogdill-R) Local government finance
Phases out property tax shifts to the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund in each county over nine years, beginning in 2002-03, by freezing the shifts at declining percentages of the amounts shifted in 2000-01 over the phase-out period.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
ACR 10 (Havice-D) Red Ribbon Week
Proclaims October 22 through October 28, 2001, as Red Ribbon Week, and encourages all Californians to help build drug-free communities.
Resolution Chapter 89, Statutes of 2001
ACR 24 (Strom-Martin-D) Read Across America
Proclaims March 2,2001, as Read Across California Day, endorses the Read Across America campaign, and commends the National Education Foundation and California Teachers Association for their efforts.
Resolution Chapter 9, Statutes of 2001

Immigration Issues
SB 1194 (Romero-D) Immigration consultants
Makes it unlawful for any person to hold himself or herself out to be an immigration consultant, unless he or she has on file with the Secretary of State, the required bond and maintains that bond for the duration of the period covered by any advertisement that the person is an immigration consultant. Repeals the January 1, 2002 sunset date on the provision of law which provides that damages from acts of immigration consulting may be recovered from the bond.
Chapter 304, Statutes of 2001
AB 60 (Cedillo-D) Vehicles: driver's licenses
Allows persons that had submitted an application or petition for lawful immigration status to apply for a driver's license or identification card.
(Held at Assembly Desk)
AB 429* (Aroner-D) Immigrants' social services
Deletes the termination date on the programs established to provide food assistance and cash assistance for noncitizens who, due to their immigration status, are not eligible for federal foods stamps and for SSI/SSP benefits, as specified. Revises the role and regulations governing these programs related to the period of deeming of a sponsor's income and resources.
Chapter 111, Statutes of 2001
AB 540 (Firebaugh-D) Public postsecondary education: nonresident tuition
Qualifies long-term California residents, regardless of citizenship, for lower fee proponents at the California Community Colleges and the California State University.
Chapter 814, Statutes of 2001
AB 698 (Wesson-D) Office of Immigrant Assistance
Establishes the Office of Immigrant Assistance, in the office of the State Attorney General, to provide education and outreach services to the immigrant community of the state.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 989 (Chan-D) Cash assistance program for immigrants
Eliminates the sunset date on the cash assistance program for immigrants for legal immigrants entering the United States on or after August 22, 1996.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1107 (Leach-R) Education: reporting requirements
Eliminates, among other provisions, the reporting requirements on the implementation of the immigrant work force preparation program.
Chapter 750, Statutes of 2001
AJR 12 (Firebaugh-D) Undocumented alien felons
Urges the federal government to take custody of over 20,000 undocumented alien felons.
Resolution Chapter 108, Statutes of 2001
AJR 15 (Firebaugh-D) Border crossing deaths
Requests the President and Congress of the United States and the United States Border Patrol to proceed in a cooperative effort with the Mexican government through the working group on migrations and border safety to achieve a comprehensive examination of border safety and migration issues, an assessment of the impact of United States border initiatives, enhanced investigations and prosecutions of criminal gangs of smugglers, and increasing search and rescue operations along the border.
Resolution Chapter 77, Statutes of 2001

Federal Issues
SJR 1 (Murray-D) Slavery
Requests Congress to enact legislation similar to House Concurrent Resolution 356, which, among other things, acknowledges the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States and the 13 American colonies, apologizes to African-Americans on behalf of the people of the United States for the wrongs committed against their ancestors who suffered as slaves, and urges the establishment of a national museum and memorial regarding slavery as it relates to the history of the United States and other significant African-American history. Requests Congress to enact legislation similar to House Resolution 40, which establishes the Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African-Americans.
Resolution Chapter 86, Statutes of 2001
SJR 2 (Polanco-D) Cesar Chavez: postage stamp
Requests the U.S. Postmaster General to issue a postage stamp with the image of Cesar Chavez.
Resolution Chapter 93, Statutes of 2001
SJR 3 (Karnette-D) Reproductive rights: Roe v. Wade
Memorializes the President of the United States and the Congress to take necessary action to preserve the integrity of the United States Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade.
Resolution Chapter 112, Statutes of 2001
SJR 4 (Soto-D) Public employees' retirement: Social Security
Memorializes the President and the Congress of the United States to enact legislation to eliminate application of the government pension offset and the windfall elimination provision of the Social Security Act.
Resolution Chapter 94, Statutes of 2001
SJR 5 (Poochigian-R) Armenian Genocide
Designates April 24, 2001, as "California Day of Remembrance for the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923". Requests the Congress of the United States to likewise act to commemorate the Armenian Genocide.
Resolution Chapter 31, Statutes of 2001
SJR 6 (Dunn-D) Internal Revenue Code and multifamily housing
Requests the President and Congress of the United States to review federal tax policy that impacts the construction of multifamily rental housing.
Resolution Chapter 18, Statutes of 2001
SJR 7 (Alpert-D) Wholesale electric prices
Memorializes Congress and the President to support legislation to require the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to order refunds, if rates are unjust or unreasonable, and establish temporary regional price caps if FERC determines rates are unjust or unreasonable.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SJR 8 (Speier-D) Social Security
Requests the federal government to implement the principles regarding the Social Security system espoused by the Older Womens League of California and states that the California Legislature opposes privatizing Social Security.
Resolution Chapter 113, Statutes of 2001
SJR 9 (Costa-D) Foreign investments
Urges the federal government to assume its proper leadership role in assisting investors in avoiding investing in entities that are deemed threats to the national security of the United States.
(In Senate Banking, Commerce and International Trade Committee)
SJR 10 (Poochigian-R) Special education: federal funding
Memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to provide the full federal share of funding for special education programs to the states so that this state and other states will not be required to take funding from other vital state and local programs to fund this underfunded federal mandate.
Resolution Chapter 19, Statutes of 2001
SJR 11 (Machado-D) Vietnam Veterans Memorial Education Center
Urges the President and the Congress to take appropriate measures to facilitate the design and building of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Education Center.
Resolution Chapter 105, Statutes of 2001
SJR 12 (Polanco-D) Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Urges the President of the United States and the U.S. Congress to take necessary action to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by prohibiting oil exploration and drilling on any part of the refuge.
Resolution Chapter 97, Statutes of 2001
SJR 13 (McClintock-R) Yucca Mountain radioactive materials repository
Urges the U.S. States Secretary of Energy to expedite the review the scientific data regarding Yucca Mountain's suitability as a permanent federal repository, urges the President to move forward with the licensing of Yucca Mountain as a permanent repository and declares the intent of the Legislature that the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission make an expedites finding that the State of California is ready to accept nuclear facilities, upon successful completion of the federal government's action.
(Failed passage in Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee; reconsideration granted)
A similar resolution is AJR 22 (Mountjoy-R), which is in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee.
SJR 14 (Poochigian-R) Federal income taxes: marriage penalty
Urges the President and the Congress to enact legislation that would eliminate the marriage penalty that currently exists in the application of federal income tax laws.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SJR 15 (O'Connell-D) Offshore oil drilling
Urges the President and Congress of the United States to negotiate a permanent settlement with the leaseholders of the 36 federal oil leases remaining off the coast of California, which prohibits the development of the leases on the basis that the impacts of developing those leases are not acceptable and to continue the moratorium on new oil leasing off the coast of California.
(At Assembly Desk)
SJR 16 (Machado-D) Community oriented policing program
Urges the President and Congress to continue providing funding for the Community Oriented Policy Services program that has established a partnership with local and national law enforcement to assist communities in their war against crime.
(In Assembly Public Safety Committee)
SJR 17 (Vincent-D) Federal interstate highways
Urges Congress to enact legislation to establish a federal transportation impact assistance program to provide financial assistance to school districts with schools located within two miles of an international airport or that are adjacent to a federal-aid highway.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SJR 18 (Alarcon-D) Railroad retirement benefits
Provides that the California Legislature urges the U.S. Congress to support legislation improving railroad retirement benefits for retirees and their survivors in the 107th Congress.
Resolution Chapter 106, Statutes of 2001
SJR 19 (Ackerman-R) Railroad grade crossings
Urges the Federal Railroad Administration to adopt, as soon as possible, regulations relating to the establishment of quiet zones at railroad grade crossings in accordance with a specified federal law and the Congress to approve legislation that provides funding to the states for the implementation of supplemental safety measures for the purpose of establishing those quiet zones.
Resolution Chapter 107, Statutes of 2001
SJR 20 (Perata-D) Global warming
Urges the President to take protective steps to curb greenhouse emissions and urges the President to sign the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Resolution Chapter 146, Statutes of 2001
SJR 21 (Polanco-D) Puerto Rico: political status
Urges the Congress and the President to enact legislation that defines the political status options available to the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico and allows a plebiscite to provide an opportunity for Puerto Ricans to make an informed decision regarding the island's future political status.
Resolution Chapter 147, Statutes of 2001
SJR 22 (Torlakson-D) Gasoline: MTBE
Urges the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to reconsider granting an administrative waiver of the act's oxygenated gasoline requirement for the State of California, to the extent permitted by the federal Clean Air Act, as specified.
(Adopted out of the Assembly Transportation Committee)
Similar legislation is SJR 25 (Scott-D), which is in the Senate Rules Committee.
SJR 23 (Speier-D) Family Planning Act
Requests the President and Congress of the United States to enact the Family Planning State Empowerment Act of 2001.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
SJR 24 (Knight-R) Military base closures
Urges the state, through the Legislature, the Governor and the California congressional delegation o deliver a message to the President and Congress of the United States that the closure of any military bases in California is unacceptable.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
SJR 26 (Morrow-R) Terrorist attacks
Expresses the sympathy of the people of California to the people of New York, the District of Columbia, and other affected communities relative to the terrorist attacks upon citizens of the United States on September 11, 2001. Affirms our offer of assistance, expresses unity behind the leadership of the President, urges Congress to support the President, and urges sister states and other jurisdictions to join in support of the victims, their families, the President, and the Congress in moving through the tragedy.
Resolution Chapter 148, Statutes of 2001
SJR 27 (Knight-R) Internet domains
Urges the President and Congress to adopt legislation requiring pornographic web sites to have a certain top level domain.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
SJR 28 (Knight-R) Highway construction and expansion: safety
Urges the Congress of the United States to adopt a categorical exemption from federal statutes that require prerequisite studies prior to the expansion of a current highway or construction of a new highway when the need for the expansion or new construction is safety.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 18 (Frommer-D) Earthquake relief
Calls upon the Governor to advise the Office of Emergency Services to be prepared to provide specified assistance related to the earthquakes in El Salvador and India and calls upon all local disaster relief and municipal emergency services to stand ready to do the same. Calls upon the Governor to post a public service announcement on the official state web site with information on how to contact the Consul General of El Salvador, the Consul General of India, and nonprofit relief organizations assisting the recovery efforts in El Salvador and India.
(On Senate Inactive File)
ACR 23 (Maddox-R) Vietnam: religious freedom
Expresses the support of the Legislature for religious freedom for the people of Vietnam.
Resolution Chapter 70, Statutes of 2001
ACR 27 (Dickerson-R) India earthquake
Expresses the sympathy of the Legislature for those who died and those who lost loves ones in the earthquake that hit India on January 26, 2001. Expresses the hope that the world never forgets this tragedy and acknowledge the efforts of the India Earthquake Relief Fund.
Resolution Chapter 47, Statutes of 2001
ACR 118 (Cardoza-D) Terrorism
Declares that the Legislature joins freedom-loving people around the world in condemning the vicious attack aimed at New York City and the Pentagon, on September 11, 2001, and in observing a time of prayer and remembrance for the victims of this tragedy and for their families. Resolves that the Legislature stands firm with all Americans to preserve our liberties and our freedom, and wholly supports our national efforts to obtain justice against the cowardly terrorists who destroyed so many innocent lives. Resolves that our nation, firm in purpose and direct in its response, will safeguard our national heritage and honor the memory of the Americans who died as a result of this unprecedented act of terror.
Resolution Chapter 156, Statutes of 2001
AJR 1 (Havice-D) Americans with Disabilities Act
Urges the President and the Congress to (1) stand firm in their resolve to uphold the current provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), (2) affirm the intent and substance of the ADA by enacting new legislation that nullifies the effect of any court decisions that weakens the act, (3) takes appropriate measures to encourage both public and private entities to implement the provisions of the ADA, and (4) establish whether the ADA has been applied in the manner in which it was intended and whether any unintended consequences have resulted.
Resolution Chapter 82, Statutes of 2001
AJR 2 (Havice-D) Defense industry
Urges the President and the Congress of the United States, the Secretary of Energy, and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to order interstate power generators to supply this state with the adequate flow of electricity necessary to sustain national security and the military preparedness of the defense industry. Urges Congress to act through legislation to designate the various contractors now engaged in vital defense work for this nation as "operating in the national interest".
(In Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
AJR 3 (Leonard-R) Retirement benefits: teachers
Requests the President and the Congress of the United States to enact legislation to repeal the Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision from the Social Security Act.
Resolution Chapter 66, Statutes of 2001
AJR 4 (Leslie-R) Biomass-to-energy facilities
Urges the United States Forest Service, the Congress and the President of the United States to promote a reliable and adequate biomass waste fuel supply. Urges the United State Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, and Environmental Protection Agency to recognize environmental benefits, including improved air quality, decreased global-warming gases, and reduced threat of catastrophic forest fires that energy production from biomass waste can provide, and to encourage the continued operation of the existing biomass-to-energy industry by taking the reasonable measures necessary, including tax incentives, to increase the availability and reduce the cost of biomass wastes diverted to powerplants for use as renewable energy or fuels. Urges the United State Forest Service to utilize an appropriate mix of fire suppression activities and forest management methodologies on lands in the Sierra Nevada national forests of California.
Resolution Chapter 76, Statutes of 2001
AJR 5 (Strom-Martin-D) United States Coast Guard
Urges the President and Congress of the United States to fully fund the Coast Guard's operation readiness and recapitalization requirements.
Resolution Chapter 67, Statutes of 2001
AJR 6 (Canciamilla-D) Retirement security and savings
Urges the President and the Congress to enact new legislation that embodies provisions of the Retirement Security and Savings Act of 2000, which was considered by Congress in 2000.
(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)
AJR 7 (Aroner-D) Federal funding
Urges the President and the Congress of the United States to enact a federal budget that redirects sufficient amounts of money from the military budget to the states to meet critical domestic needs.
(In Assembly Budget Committee)
AJR 8 (Briggs-R) Choinumni Tribe: federal recognition
Urges the President and the Congress of the United States and the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs in the United State Department of the Interior to grant the Choinumni Tribe full federal recognition and all the rights and privileges that arise from that declaration.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AJR 9 (Runner-R) Space shuttle
Urges the President, the Congress of the United States, and NASA to ensure that a long-term commitment to keeping the Space Shuttle Modification Program at Plant 42 in Palmdale, California, is maintained. Authorizes additional space orbiters in light of the recent cancellation of the X-33 Program by NASA, requires that the orbiters be built in California by California workers, and moves proactively to land space shuttle orbiters at Plan 42 in Palmdale when those orbiters are due for scheduled refurbishment.
Resolution Chapter 98, Statutes of 2001
AJR 10 (Cohn-D) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Urges the President of the United States, the Congress of the United States, and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to establish temporary cost-based rates for electricity for the entire western region for 18 months, or until FERC determines that electricity prices are just, reasonable, and comparable to prices elsewhere in that nation.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
AJR 11 (Cohn-D) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Calls on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to (1) adhere to its governing statutes, its vision statement, and its own regulations for companies seeking market-based authority, (2) impose cost of service regulation on any company that has been found by FERC to be among those that manipulated the power market and work jointly with California state agencies in identifying those companies, and (3) impose interim price caps until the California power market has stabilized.
(In Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
AJR 12 (Firebaugh-D) Incarceration: undocumented alien felons
Urges the federal government to take custody of over 20,000 undocumented alien felons.
Resolution Chapter 108, Statutes of 2001
AJR 13 (Runner-R) Autism
Urges the President and Congress to fully support the Coalition for Autism Research and Education and the additional federal funding needed for advanced autism research.
Resolution Chapter 88, Statutes of 2001
AJR 14 (Assembly Water, Parks And Wildlife Committee) Klamath Project
Memorializes the Secretary of Interior to convene the Endangered Species Committee to issue orders, as necessary, consistent with the purpose of the Endangered Species Act, to remedy the crisis in the Klamath River Basin and ensure that this crisis is not replicated in other regions of the country. Also memorializes the Congress of the United States to amend the Endangered Species Act, if needed, as specified.
(Refused adoption in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee; reconsideration granted)
AJR 15 (Firebaugh-D) Border crossing deaths
Memorializes the President and Congress of the United States and the United States Border Patrol to proceed in a cooperative effort with the Mexican government, through the working group on migrations and border safety, to achieve a comprehensive examination of border safety and migration issues, an assessment of the impact of United States border initiatives, enhanced investigations and prosecutions of criminal gangs of smugglers, and increasing search and rescue operations along the border.
Resolution Chapter 115, Statutes of 2001
AJR 16 (Robert Pacheco-R) The Declaration of Independence
Recognizes July 1, 2001, as the 225th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence and the founding of the United States. Urges the peoples and governments of the United States to continue their efforts to realize the fundamental principles pronounced in that document, and the United States to work to further international respect and observance of the inherent rights of individuals throughout the world.
Resolution Chapter 77, Statutes of 2001
AJR 17 (Chavez-D) Veteran Home Loan Programs
Urges the Congress of the United States to amend the Internal Revenue Code to change the definition of "qualified veteran" for purposes of providing financing for home loans to any veteran who meets the requirements as may be imposed by the state law pursuant to which qualified veterans' mortgage bonds are issued.
Resolution Chapter 116, Statutes of 2001
AJR 18 (Aroner-D) Child support automation systems
Urges the Congress of the United States to enact legislation to allow states that have been assessed penalties for failing to implement a child support automation system to reinvest those penalties in child support program improvements and automation system development.
Resolution Chapter 117, Statutes of 2001
AJR 19 (Koretz-D) Aerial gunning
Urges the President to end the practice of aerial gunnery as a means of predator control.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AJR 20 (La Suer-R) Filipino veterans
Requests the President and Congress, during the first Session of the 107th Congress, to take action necessary to grant full veterans benefits to Filipino veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces.
Resolution Chapter 118, Statutes of 2001
AJR 21 (Runner-R) International Literacy Day
Urges the President, Vice President, and Congress to fully support September 8, 2001, as International Literacy Day.
Resolution Chapter 119, Statutes of 2001
AJR 23 (Longville-D) Commercial vehicle drivers
Urges the President of the United States and the Secretary of Transportation of the United States Department of Transportation to adopt standards for technologies to record drivers' hours of service that are performance-based, recognize individual drivers, are capable of roadside inspection facility enforcement, and apply uniformly on a nationwide basis upon a common effective date. Urges that the standards adopted should protect driver privacy and due process, promote reasonable training of drivers in the use of technology, and that consideration be given to financial or tax incentives to speed deployment of the technologies.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AJR 24 (Chu-D) Lower Los Angeles and San Gabriel River Watersheds
Urges the President and Vice President of the United States, the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, the Director of the National park Service, and each senator and representative from California to support Congresswoman Hilda L. Solis' proposal to study the feasibility of establishing the Lower Los Angeles River, the San Gabriel River, the San Gabriel Mountains, and areas under the jurisdiction of the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy as a unit of the National Park System.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AJR 25 (Firebaugh-D) Forest resources
Urges the Congress to declare its encouragement of public and private investment in economically and environmentally sound forest management practices that ensure sustainable forests for the benefit of present and future generations.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AJR 26 (Havice-D) Military reserve personnel
Urges the President and Congress to take various actions to ensure the fair treatment of military reservists when they apply for loans.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
AJR 27 (Oropeza-D) Social HMO's
Urges the President and Congress of the United States, the federal Department of Health and Human Services, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to take various actions with respect to social health maintenance organizations.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AJR 28 (Robert Pacheco-R) Pancreatic cancer
Provides that the California Legislature urges the President and the Congress of the United States to expand federally funded research efforts aimed at developing a reliable means of detecting pancreatic cancer in its early stages.
(In Assembly Health Committee)
AJR 29 (Florez-D) Flight training schools
Urges the Congress of the United States to instruct the Federal Aviation Administration to implement security measures including, but not limited to, identification, fingerprinting, and domestic and international background checks for students and trainees at private or government operated flight training schools.
Resolution Chapter 157, Statutes of 2001
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 25 | Alarcon-D Labor and Civil Rights Agency | |
SB 27 | Brulte-R Technology grants for public safety | |
SB 28* | Brulte-R State general obligation bonds | |
SB 51 | Vincent-D Gaming | |
SB 53* | Torlakson-D Redevelopment | |
SB 65* | Burton-D State employees: State Bargaining Unit 6 | |
SB 67 | Burton-D State employees: compensation | |
SB 68 | Battin-R Local agency investments | |
SB 74 | Speier-D Local government finance | |
SB 90 | Dunn-D Public employees' retirement: local safety member benefits | |
SB 92 | Torlakson-D Local government finance | |
SB 93 | Figueroa-D Local government finance | |
SB 94 | Torlakson-D Local government finance | |
SB 95 | Vincent-D Horse racing: interstate licensing compact | |
SB 99 | Morrow-R Attorney General: opinions | |
SB 132 | Burton-D Public employees' retirement: minimum benefits | |
SB 142 | Haynes-R Land use | |
SB 148 | Oller-R Preston Castle: lease and transfer of ownership | |
SB 153 | Knight-R Pilot projects: state and local programs | |
SB 158 | Haynes-R Attorney's fees | |
SB 161* | Senate Local Government Committee First Validation Act of 2001 | |
SB 162* | Senate Local Government Committee Second Validation Act of 2001 | |
SB 163 | Senate Local Government Committee Third Validation Act of 2001 | |
SB 165 | O'Connell-D Public employees' retirement: membership election | |
SB 181 | Dunn-D State employees: state peace officers and firefighters | |
SB 188 | Haynes-R State contracts and grants: religious organizations | |
SB 193 | Soto-D Deferred Retirement Option Program | |
SB 195 | Chesbro-D Counties and districts | |
SB 202 | Soto-D Public employee postretirement health benefits | |
SB 207 | Knight-R Local agencies | |
SB 210 | Senate Local Government Committee Local Government Omnibus Act | |
SB 211 | Torlakson-D Redevelopment | |
SB 213 | Perata-D Local planning | |
SB 221 | Kuehl-D Land use: water supplies | |
SB 226 | Chesbro-D Health | |
SB 262 | Dunn-D General plans | |
SB 269 | Alarcon-D Expanded municipal utilities: employee rights and benefits | |
SB 272 | Soto-D Public retiree benefits: purchase power protection | |
SB 282 | Dunn-D Special districts | |
SB 304* | Karnette-D County sheriffs' retirement | |
SB 315 | Alpert-D Water quality | |
SB 335 | Ortiz-D Public Employees' Retirement System: benefits | |
SB 348* | Kuehl-D Claims against the state: appropriation | |
SB 350 | Alpert-D Water | |
SB 353* | Alpert-D State real property: Department of General Services | |
SB 356 | Johannessen-R Public contracting | |
SB 358 | Murray-D The Rosa Parks Learning Center. | |
SB 360 | Machado-D State employees: wages. | |
SB 361 | Soto-D County employees' disability retirement: health care workers | |
SB 362 | Soto-D County employees' retirement | |
SB 367 | Karnette-D Horse racing: out-of-state betting | |
SB 368* | O'Connell-D Hollywood Entertainment Museum | |
SB 381 | Chesbro-D Local human relations commissions | |
SB 383 | Burton-D Arbitration: local public employees | |
SB 385 | Brulte-R California's American Indian Nations Information Project | |
SB 392 | Oller-R State agencies and officers: reports | |
SB 394 | Sher-D Taxation | |
SB 407 | Sher-D County recorders | |
SB 408 | Soto-D Public employee retirement | |
SB 411 | Perata-D Redevelopment | |
SB 413 | Speier-D State Auditor: whistleblowing | |
SB 416* | Vincent-D Horse racing | |
SB 423 | Torlakson-D Local government finance | |
SB 425 | Torlakson-D Domestic violence | |
SB 428 | Oller-R Water | |
SB 446 | Vasconcellos-D Health care coverage: AIDS vaccine | |
SB 449 | Sher-D Santa Clara Valley Water District | |
SB 452 | Oller-R Local government finance | |
SB 465 | McPherson-R Regional transportation | |
SB 497 | Sher-D Energy conservation | |
SB 503 | Vasconcellos-D Housing | |
SB 512 | Perata-D Supervisory and managerial salary differential | |
SB 516* | Johnson-R Coastal planning | |
SB 520 | Chesbro-D Housing | |
SB 536* | Oller-R Local government finance | |
SB 539 | Senate Local Government Committee Local agency assessments | |
SB 543 | Vasconcellos-D State property: disposition | |
SB 544 | Senate Local Government Committee Public officers | |
SB 557 | Figueroa-D State agencies: Internet transactions: convenience fees | |
SB 561 | Morrow-R Administrative Procedure Act | |
SB 569 | Morrow-R State employment: military leave | |
SB 589 | Perata-D Alcoholic beverage licensees: fixtures and supplies | |
SB 590 | Perata-D Horse racing | |
SB 600 | Torlakson-D Transit village plans | |
SB 609* | Costa-D Water | |
SB 610 | Costa-D Water | |
SB 612 | Soto-D Office of Adjutant General | |
SB 617 | Ortiz-D Elections | |
SB 637 | McPherson-R Bar pilots: Monterey Bay | |
SB 647 | Costa-D Alcoholic beverages: licensees: advertising restrictions | |
SB 648 | Senate Environmental Quality Committee Public contracts: preferences: recycled products | |
SB 650 | Poochigian-R Public employees' retirement: school employers | |
SB 671 | Poochigian-R Public meetings | |
SB 673 | Speier-D Unclaimed property | |
SB 685 | Costa-D Transportation | |
SB 695 | Karnette-D Local public employees' retirement: safety membership status | |
SB 703 | Perata-D Land use | |
SB 707 | Senate Local Government Committee Recreation and park districts | |
SB 714 | McClintock-R Local planning | |
SB 717 | Speier-D Financing a Seismic Safety Retrofit Program | |
SB 720 | Margett-R Health care | |
SB 728* | Ortiz-D State employees: memoranda of understanding | |
SB 731 | Oller-R Recording of documents | |
SB 736* | Poochigian-R State and local government finance and taxation | |
SB 741 | Sher-D Infrastructure plan: funding | |
SB 742* | Escutia-D Employees' pretax parking | |
SB 772 | Johannessen-R 27th District Agricultural Association Fairgrounds | |
SB 794 | Knight-R Taxation | |
SB 795 | Torlakson-D Retirement: County Employees Retirement Act | |
SB 802* | Senate Elections And Reapportionment Committee Assembly districts | |
SB 809 | Ortiz-D State public works: Sacramento: Capitol area | |
SB 810 | Ackerman-R Local government finance | |
SB 820 | Costa-D Local government finance | |
SB 822 | Poochigian-R County sheriffs | |
SB 823 | Poochigian-R Local law enforcement funding | |
SB 832 | Polanco-D Bingo games | |
SB 856 | Costa-D Special business regulations: satellite wagering | |
SB 874 | Dunn-D Redevelopment | |
SB 897 | Perata-D Horse racing: shortfalls | |
SB 901 | Costa-D State real property: Department of General Services | |
SB 910 | Dunn-D General plans | |
SB 924 | Alpert-D Public contracts: architectural and engineering services | |
SB 926 | Battin-R Peace officers | |
SB 930 | Vincent-D California State Lottery | |
SB 932* | McPherson-R Housing | |
SB 934 | Margett-R False claims actions: restrictions | |
SB 937 | Margett-R Public contracts: bids and disputes | |
SB 944 | Escutia-D Public contracts: notice of settlements | |
SB 951 | Senate Governmental Organization Committee State property | |
SB 952 | Senate Governmental Organization Committee Gambling | |
SB 971 | Johnson-R Racing at fairs | |
SB 974 | Torlakson-D Public contracts | |
SB 987 | Escutia-D The Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Act | |
SB 989* | Assembly Appropriations Committee Claims against the state: appropriation | |
SB 1006 | Soto-D State employment: reimbursement of educational expenses | |
SB 1007 | Machado-D State Payment Card Act | |
SB 1018 | Perata-D Public employees' retirement | |
SB 1022 | Soto-D State employees: compensation | |
SB 1023 | Senate Public Employment And Retirement Committee State employees: compensation: budget augmentation | |
SB 1024* | Senate Public Employment And Retirement Committee State employees: memorandum of understanding | |
SB 1035 | Perata-D Alcoholic beverage control: licensees: returns | |
SB 1036 | Polanco-D Alcoholic beverage licensees: fixtures and supplies | |
SB 1045 | Polanco-D Public employment and contracting | |
SB 1049 | Speier-D County employees' retirement: domestic partners | |
SB 1085 | Bowen-D Public buildings and publicly funded schools: standards | |
SB 1098 | Alarcon-D Housing | |
SB 1102 | Alarcon-D Architectural and engineering services | |
SB 1119 | Margett-R Public contracts | |
SB 1122 | Poochigian-R Real estate disclosure | |
SB 1132 | Karnette-D County retirement systems: administration | |
SB 1137 | Ortiz-D Redevelopment | |
SB 1160 | Polanco-D State attorneys and administrative law judges: compensation | |
SB 1161 | Polanco-D State civil service: examinations | |
SB 1170 | Sher-D State vehicle fleet | |
SB 1177 | Polanco-D Parks and recreation | |
SB 1180 | Senate Public Employment And Retirement Committee Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act | |
SB 1187* | Costa-D Taxation | |
SB 1189 | Assembly Governmental Organization Committee Alcoholic beverages: licensees: advertising restrictions | |
SB 1191* | Speier-D State and local reporting requirements. | |
SB 1194 | Romero-D Immigration consultants | |
SB 1196 | Romero-D Sovereign immunity: waiver | |
SB 1228* | Monteith-R Local government finance | |
SCA 2 | Burton-D Public retirement systems | |
SCA 4 | Johannessen-R Infrastructure funding | |
SCR 1 | Karnette-D Legislative Joint Rules | |
SCR 3 | Burton-D Friendship state relationship: Punjab State, India | |
SCR 4 | Burton-D Sister state relationship: Gujarat State, India | |
SCR 5 | Torlakson-D California Fitness Month | |
SCR 10 | Polanco-D Mexican Independence Day | |
SCR 11 | Morrow-R Library Lovers Month | |
SCR 15 | Soto-D Public Employees' Retirement: minimum benefits | |
SCR 20 | Alpert-D State Employee Mentor Awareness and Recruitment Day | |
SCR 21 | Battin-R California Hispanic Heritage Month | |
SCR 26 | Polanco-D Cesar Chavez Day | |
SCR 27 | Speier-D California Nonprofits and Philanthropy Week | |
SCR 28 | Alarcon-D California Museum Month | |
SCR 32 | Machado-D 32nd Anniversary of the First Moon Landing | |
SCR 34 | Margett-R Muslim holidays | |
SCR 39 | Soto-D Public employees' health benefits: panel study | |
SCR 41 | Soto-D State employee merit awards | |
SCR 42 | Poochigian-R 1700th Anniversary of acceptance of Christianity in Armenia | |
SJR 1 | Murray-D Slavery | |
SJR 2 | Polanco-D Cesar Chavez: postage stamp | |
SJR 3 | Karnette-D Reproductive rights: Roe v. Wade | |
SJR 4 | Soto-D Public employees' retirement: Social Security | |
SJR 5 | Poochigian-R Armenian Genocide | |
SJR 6 | Dunn-D Internal Revenue Code and multifamily housing | |
SJR 7 | Alpert-D Wholesale electric prices | |
SJR 8 | Speier-D Social Security | |
SJR 9 | Costa-D Foreign investments | |
SJR 10 | Poochigian-R Special education: federal funding | |
SJR 11 | Machado-D Vietnam Veterans Memorial Education Center | |
SJR 12 | Polanco-D Arctic National Wildlife Refuge | |
SJR 13 | McClintock-R Yucca Mountain radioactive materials repository | |
SJR 14 | Poochigian-R Federal income taxes: marriage penalty | |
SJR 15 | O'Connell-D Offshore oil drilling | |
SJR 16 | Machado-D Community oriented policing program | |
SJR 17 | Vincent-D Federal interstate highways | |
SJR 18 | Alarcon-D Railroad retirement benefits | |
SJR 19 | Ackerman-R Railroad grade crossings | |
SJR 20 | Perata-D Global warming | |
SJR 21 | Polanco-D Puerto Rico: political status | |
SJR 22 | Torlakson-D Gasoline: MTBE | |
SJR 23 | Speier-D Family Planning Act | |
SJR 24 | Knight-R Military base closures | |
SJR 26 | Morrow-R Terrorist attacks | |
SJR 27 | Knight-R Internet domains | |
SJR 28 | Knight-R Highway construction and expansion: safety | |
SR 1 | Johannessen-R Holdover Senators | |
SR 2 | Polanco-D Election of Senate officers | |
SR 3 | Burton-D Senate Rules Members | |
SR 4 | Johnson-R Senate Standing Rules: 2001-02 Regular Session | |
SR 5 | Brulte-R Notification to the Governor | |
SR 6 | McClintock-R Notification to the Assembly | |
SR 8 | Haynes-R Ronald Reagan Day | |
SR 12 | Burton-D Senate Rules Committee | |
SR 14 | Dunn-D Legislative depositions | |
SR 16 | Burton-D University of California Regent appointments | |
SR 17 | Oller-R Shadow Week | |
SB 30XX | Brulte-R Public utilities | |
SB 57XX* | Battin-R Energy resources | |
SB 62XX | Poochigian-R Taxation | |
SB 82XX | Murray-D Solar energy systems | |
AB 3* | Ashburn-R Local government finance | |
AB 43 | Wesson-D Public employment | |
AB 49 | Washington-D Public libraries: resources for youths | |
AB 54 | Wesson-D Gaming clubs | |
AB 60 | Cedillo-D Vehicles: driver's licenses | |
AB 63 | Cedillo-D Taxation: disclosure | |
AB 66* | Wesson-D California Gambling Control Commission: appropriation | |
AB 93 | Wayne-D Airports | |
AB 100 | Simitian-D Local government finance | |
AB 105 | Rod Pacheco-R Public employees: peace officers: employee organizations | |
AB 111 | Havice-D County employees retirement: health care benefits | |
AB 113 | Pavley-D California Poet Laureate | |
AB 115* | Cardoza-D Historic State Capitol: repair: appropriation | |
AB 117 | Migden-D State infrastructure | |
AB 132 | Horton-D Meyers-Milias-Brown Act: agency shop agreements | |
AB 138 | Nation-D Bidding procedures: alternative bids | |
AB 145 | Robert Pacheco-R Local government | |
AB 146 | Wayne-D State attorneys and administrative law judges | |
AB 151 | Reyes-D Public libraries: Internet: obscene matter | |
AB 157 | Strickland-R Horse racing: proposition wagers | |
AB 169 | Wiggins-D Taxation | |
AB 179 | Shelley-D Public employees' retirement: local sheriffs | |
AB 186* | Chavez-D Horse racing | |
AB 189 | Migden-D Public employees' retirement: benefits | |
AB 192 | Canciamilla-D State bodies: open meetings | |
AB 196 | Correa-D Public employees: medical conditions | |
AB 197 | Correa-D Volunteer firefighters: death benefit | |
AB 205 | Koretz-D Business licensing | |
AB 209 | Dickerson-R County government | |
AB 212 | Correa-D Community development | |
AB 215 | Cohn-D Survivors of firefighters and peace officers | |
AB 229 | Wesson-D Local initiative petitions | |
AB 260 | Frommer-D State departments: investigations and hearings | |
AB 261 | Wright-D Exposition Park Authority and California Science Center | |
AB 277 | Kelley-R Joint powers authorities | |
AB 279 | Strom-Martin-D Local government finance | |
AB 291 | Corbett-D Land use | |
AB 293 | Shelley-D Deferred Retirement Option Program | |
AB 296* | Corbett-D Redevelopment | |
AB 310 | Goldberg-D Subdivisions | |
AB 311 | Bill Campbell-R California Highway Patrol officers: age limit | |
AB 314 | Chan-D Surplus property | |
AB 315 | Dutra-D Libraries | |
AB 318 | Chan-D Joint powers agreements | |
AB 327 | Harman-R Horse racing | |
AB 330 | Reyes-D Agricultural preserves | |
AB 338 | Correa-D Postsecondary education | |
AB 340 | Wright-D California Science Center: police and security services | |
AB 351 | La Suer-R Parks and recreation | |
AB 389 | Nakano-D Public employees' retirement: cost-of-living adjustments | |
AB 395 | Briggs-R Alcoholic beverages: tied-house restrictions: signs | |
AB 399* | Havice-D County employees' retirement: Los Angeles County | |
AB 404 | Diaz-D Housing | |
AB 406 | Diaz-D Redevelopment | |
AB 410 | Salinas-D Office of Rural Policy | |
AB 413* | Harman-R Horse racing | |
AB 415 | Runner-R Emergency services: liability | |
AB 426* | Cardoza-D Taxation | |
AB 429* | Aroner-D Immigrants' social services | |
AB 431* | Assembly Budget Committee Claims against the state: appropriation | |
AB 437 | Assembly Budget Committee Transportation | |
AB 443* | Aanestad-R Law enforcement | |
AB 450 | Corbett-D California State Museum | |
AB 457 | Canciamilla-D Joint powers agencies | |
AB 471 | Hertzberg-D Horse racing | |
AB 478 | Canciamilla-D Local agency procedures | |
AB 492 | Oropeza-D State employees: precinct board members | |
AB 510 | Matthews-D Public employees' retirement: retiree health accounts. | |
AB 529 | Dickerson-R Volunteer firefighters: training | |
AB 540 | Firebaugh-D Public postsecondary education: nonresident tuition | |
AB 545 | Steinberg-D State offices: location | |
AB 560 | Jackson-D Used oil | |
AB 562 | Bogh-R Public safety | |
AB 572 | Firebaugh-D Gaming: licensing | |
AB 592 | Diaz-D Public contracts: claims | |
AB 606* | Negrete McLeod-D State employees: memorandum of understanding | |
AB 609 | Kelley-R Local agency investments | |
AB 610 | Kelley-R Local agency funds | |
AB 614 | Thomson-D Official State Tartan | |
AB 616 | Calderon-D Local government employees' retirement: benefits | |
AB 619 | Wayne-D State employees: scientists | |
AB 624 | Oropeza-D Alcoholic beverages: licenses | |
AB 632* | Cedillo-D Senate districts | |
AB 637 | Lowenthal-D Redevelopment | |
AB 647 | Horton-D Whistleblower protection | |
AB 649* | Negrete McLeod-D State employees: memoranda of understanding | |
AB 651 | Horton-D State employees: retirement compensation | |
AB 657 | Rod Pacheco-R Public employees' retirement: local safety members | |
AB 658 | Havice-D Public employees' retirement: state safety members. | |
AB 661 | Correa-D Redevelopment | |
AB 672 | Strom-Martin-D Horse racing | |
AB 680 | Steinberg-D Land use | |
AB 698 | Wesson-D Office of Immigrant Assistance | |
AB 720 | Assembly Local Government Committee Local agency formation | |
AB 735 | Chan-D Children and families programs | |
AB 736* | Oropeza-D State employees: memorandum of understanding | |
AB 745 | Cox-R State-mandated local programs | |
AB 750 | Cedillo-D Redevelopment | |
AB 754 | Mountjoy-R False claims actions: exceptions | |
AB 759 | Shelley-D Personal watercraft | |
AB 762 | Papan-D Horse racing | |
AB 763 | Shelley-D Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Act | |
AB 772 | Robert Pacheco-R Legislative hearings | |
AB 787 | Hertzberg-D Regional planning | |
AB 805 | Shelley-D State agency web sites: non-English information | |
AB 812 | Mountjoy-R Public works contracts: competitive bidding | |
AB 817 | Firebaugh-D Slot machines or devices | |
AB 822 | Shelley-D Public contracts: debarment and suspension | |
AB 824 | Cohn-D Public employees' long-term care insurance | |
AB 837 | Briggs-R Joint powers agencies | |
AB 850 | Rod Pacheco-R Public contracts: void contracts | |
AB 856 | Wesson-D Horse racing | |
AB 857 | Wiggins-D State Comprehensive Plan | |
AB 858 | Wiggins-D Land use proposals | |
AB 859* | Wiggins-D Local government finance | |
AB 863 | Thomson-D Taxation | |
AB 864 | Thomson-D Sanitation districts | |
AB 867 | Cardoza-D County employees: law enforcement: retirement | |
AB 895 | Wiggins-D State peace officer/firefighter members | |
AB 906* | Salinas-D State employees: memorandum of understanding | |
AB 914 | Shelley-D Public records | |
AB 924 | Wayne-D Land use | |
AB 933 | Migden-D State employees: compensation | |
AB 934 | Hertzberg-D Taxation | |
AB 936 | Vargas-D Local public services | |
AB 948 | Kelley-R Local agency formation | |
AB 958 | Chavez-D Local government contracts | |
AB 959 | Kelley-R Joint powers agreements | |
AB 960 | Keeley-D Crime prevention | |
AB 964 | Aroner-D Local government finance | |
AB 978 | Steinberg-D Native American graves protection and repatriation | |
AB 989 | Chan-D Cash assistance program for immigrants | |
AB 990 | Diaz-D Digital Arts Studio Partnership Demonstration Program Act | |
AB 1002 | Daucher-R Transportation | |
AB 1007 | Rod Pacheco-R Local government finance | |
AB 1011 | Pavley-D County records | |
AB 1014 | Papan-D California Public Records Act: disclosure procedures | |
AB 1020 | Leach-R Infrastructure: finance | |
AB 1021 | Goldberg-D Benefit assessments | |
AB 1022* | Rod Pacheco-R Firefighting | |
AB 1024 | Nakano-D Armories | |
AB 1028 | John Campbell-R Legislative employees | |
AB 1034 | Florez-D Local government finance | |
AB 1035* | Hertzberg-D Supervisory and managerial employees: compensation increase | |
AB 1037 | Firebaugh-D State attorneys: compensation | |
AB 1041 | Richman-R Libraries | |
AB 1050 | Kehoe-D Open meetings | |
AB 1070 | Pavley-D Highways | |
AB 1071 | Canciamilla-D County employee retirement benefits | |
AB 1081 | Nation-D Part-time California State University faculty members | |
AB 1082 | Nation-D Public employees' retirement: local safety members | |
AB 1084 | Wesson-D Public contracts | |
AB 1089 | Aanestad-R Water | |
AB 1093 | Briggs-R Horse racing: equine medication | |
AB 1097 | Havice-D State employees' retirement: retiree benefits increase | |
AB 1098 | Havice-D Property tax revenue shift: revenue allocations | |
AB 1103 | Papan-D Law library boards of trustees | |
AB 1104 | Maddox-R Fire protection | |
AB 1106 | Pescetti-R Notaries public: escrow instruments | |
AB 1107 | Leach-R Education: reporting requirements | |
AB 1110 | Pescetti-R State employees: reinstatement | |
AB 1121 | Assembly Governmental Organization Committee Public records: agency guidelines | |
AB 1125 | Assembly Governmental Organization Committee California Gambling Control Commission | |
AB 1137 | Hollingsworth-R Local government finance | |
AB 1145 | Jackson-D Parks and recreation | |
AB 1162 | Alquist-D Public employees' retirement: postretirement death benefits | |
AB 1184 | Oropeza-D Local public employees | |
AB 1186 | Wyland-R Horse racing | |
AB 1190 | Papan-D Public retirement systems: reciprocity | |
AB 1203 | Dickerson-R Crime prevention | |
AB 1207 | Longville-D Small wind energy systems | |
AB 1209 | La Suer-R State-mandated local programs | |
AB 1210 | La Suer-R Forensic laboratories | |
AB 1214 | Chavez-D County employees' retirement: Plan E benefit offsets | |
AB 1217 | Briggs-R Gambling establishments | |
AB 1229 | Frommer-D Gambling: prohibited online gambling games | |
AB 1254 | Florez-D Local prosecutors: retirement and disability benefits | |
AB 1279 | Reyes-D Rural health | |
AB 1281 | Cedillo-D Public employees: representation | |
AB 1290 | Lowenthal-D Tidelands: City of Los Angeles: Knoll Hill | |
AB 1298 | Wesson-D Alcoholic beverage control: licenses: fees | |
AB 1308 | Cardoza-D Historic State Capitol Commission | |
AB 1314 | Havice-D Joint powers agreements | |
AB 1316 | Dickerson-R Horse racing: satellite wagering facilities | |
AB 1337 | Cohn-D Health benefits trusts: recovery of medical costs | |
AB 1355 | Daucher-R Local government reorganization | |
AB 1357 | Wiggins-D Personal services contracts: employee compensation | |
AB 1362 | Wiggins-D Local planning | |
AB 1367 | Wiggins-D Land use | |
AB 1374 | Wiggins-D Workers' compensation: leave of absence for disability | |
AB 1378 | Wyman-R Local government finance | |
AB 1389 | Shelley-D San Francisco waterfront: cruise ship terminal development | |
AB 1397 | Koretz-D Public records: University of California employees | |
AB 1415 | Leach-R Public contracts | |
AB 1418 | Assembly Governmental Organization Committee Horse racing: audits | |
AB 1429* | Assembly Governmental Organization Committee Tied-house restrictions: special on-sale general license | |
AB 1432 | Corbett-D Office of Emergency Services | |
AB 1437 | Leslie-R Alcoholic beverages: licenses: bed and breakfast inn | |
AB 1440 | Diaz-D Community Technology Competitive Grant Program | |
AB 1442 | Pescetti-R Contract specifications: substitutions | |
AB 1468 | Briggs-R Adult and juvenile detention facilities | |
AB 1477 | Hertzberg-D State nonemergency telephone number system | |
AB 1491 | Vargas-D Retired officers: active duty | |
AB 1493 | Keeley-D Bureau of State Audits | |
AB 1495 | Cox-R Local agency formation | |
AB 1502 | Rod Pacheco-R Public employees' retirement: special death benefits | |
AB 1506 | Negrete McLeod-D Unclaimed property: private investigators | |
AB 1514 | Canciamilla-D Local planning | |
AB 1519 | Lowenthal-D Tidal and submerged lands: Long Beach tidelands | |
AB 1530 | Longville-D Public works: cost savings | |
AB 1544 | Hollingsworth-R Local government finance | |
AB 1554* | Hertzberg-D State employee health benefits: employer contributions | |
AB 1559 | Diaz-D Department of Information Technology | |
AB 1563 | Aanestad-R State employees: supervisors: meeting and conferring | |
AB 1567 | Runner-R Redevelopment | |
AB 1573 | Maldonado-R Tide and submerged lands | |
AB 1579 | Kehoe-D Counties | |
AB 1595 | Wyman-R Redevelopment | |
AB 1624 | Zettel-R Information technology | |
AB 1630* | Cardenas-D State employees: memorandum of understanding | |
AB 1641 | John Campbell-R County recorders | |
AB 1665 | Ashburn-R County retirement boards: alternate members | |
AB 1682 | Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee County employees' disability retirement: benefits | |
AB 1683 | Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee Public employee benefits | |
AB 1684* | Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee State employees: memorandum of understanding | |
AB 1723 | Escutia-D State Library: telephonic reading systems | |
AB 1738* | Assembly Budget Committee Judgments and settlement claims against the state | |
ACA 3 | Papan-D Legislative terms | |
ACA 10 | Cogdill-R Local government finance | |
ACA 11 | Richman-R Infrastructure: finance | |
ACA 12 | Papan-D Legislature: retirement | |
ACR 10 | Havice-D Red Ribbon Week | |
ACR 11 | Washington-D Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day | |
ACR 13 | Washington-D Emergency services: State Capitol building tragedy | |
ACR 14 | Migden-D Girls and Women in Sports Day | |
ACR 15 | Wright-D Black History Month. | |
ACR 16 | Strom-Martin-D Spay Day USA 2001 | |
ACR 17 | Nakano-D Day of Remembrance | |
ACR 18 | Frommer-D Earthquake relief | |
ACR 22 | Frommer-D Model Curriculum on Human Rights and Genocide | |
ACR 23 | Maddox-R Vietnam: religious freedom | |
ACR 24 | Strom-Martin-D Read Across America | |
ACR 27 | Dickerson-R India earthquake | |
ACR 31 | Strom-Martin-D Women's history | |
ACR 33 | Hertzberg-D Japan Peace Treaty Day | |
ACR 44 | Havice-D Gold Star Mothers Week | |
ACR 57 | Koretz-D California Holocaust Memorial Week | |
ACR 58 | Nakano-D Asian and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month | |
ACR 62 | Firebaugh-D Cinco de Mayo | |
ACR 65 | Leslie-R National Day of Prayer | |
ACR 78 | Mountjoy-R National Flag Day | |
ACR 82 | Negrete McLeod-D Youth Baseball Week | |
ACR 83 | Mountjoy-R Father's Day | |
ACR 86 | Nation-D National KidsDay | |
ACR 90 | Robert Pacheco-R Boy Scouts' 85th anniversary | |
ACR 91 | Salinas-D Filipino-American Friendship Day | |
ACR 92 | Firebaugh-D California Arts Council | |
ACR 97 | Mountjoy-R Constitution Week and Constitution Day | |
ACR 105 | Strom-Martin-D 90th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage | |
ACR 106 | Longville-D Juneteenth National Freedom Day | |
ACR 107 | Hertzberg-D Commemorative state seals | |
ACR 113 | Bogh-R Department of Forestry and Fire Protection firefighters | |
ACR 114 | Cardenas-D State employee salaries and benefits | |
ACR 118 | Cardoza-D Terrorism | |
AJR 1 | Havice-D Americans with Disabilities Act | |
AJR 2 | Havice-D Defense industry | |
AJR 3 | Leonard-R Retirement benefits: teachers | |
AJR 4 | Leslie-R Biomass-to-energy facilities | |
AJR 5 | Strom-Martin-D United States Coast Guard | |
AJR 6 | Canciamilla-D Retirement security and savings | |
AJR 7 | Aroner-D Federal funding | |
AJR 8 | Briggs-R Choinumni Tribe: federal recognition | |
AJR 9 | Runner-R Space shuttle | |
AJR 10 | Cohn-D Federal Energy Regulatory Commission | |
AJR 11 | Cohn-D Federal Energy Regulatory Commission | |
AJR 12 | Firebaugh-D Undocumented alien felons | |
AJR 13 | Runner-R Autism | |
AJR 14 | Assembly Water, Parks And Wildlife Committee Klamath Project | |
AJR 15 | Firebaugh-D Border crossing deaths | |
AJR 16 | Robert Pacheco-R The Declaration of Independence | |
AJR 17 | Chavez-D Veteran Home Loan Programs | |
AJR 18 | Aroner-D Child support automation systems | |
AJR 19 | Koretz-D Aerial gunning | |
AJR 20 | La Suer-R Filipino veterans | |
AJR 21 | Runner-R International Literacy Day | |
AJR 23 | Longville-D Commercial vehicle drivers | |
AJR 24 | Chu-D Lower Los Angeles and San Gabriel River Watersheds | |
AJR 25 | Firebaugh-D Forest resources | |
AJR 26 | Havice-D Military reserve personnel | |
AJR 27 | Oropeza-D Social HMO's | |
AJR 28 | Robert Pacheco-R Pancreatic cancer | |
AJR 29 | Florez-D Flight training schools | |
HR 1 | Cardoza-D Assembly Standing Rules | |
HR 2 | Shelley-D Election of Assembly Officers | |
HR 3 | Shelley-D Organization of the Assembly | |
HR 4 | Shelley-D Placing bills on the Desk | |
HR 6 | Leonard-R Redistricting | |
HR 9 | Calderon-D Legislative oversight | |
HR 10 | Cardoza-D United States LST-325 warship and its crew | |
HR 11 | Negrete McLeod-D Relative to public service employees in California | |
HR 21 | Robert Pacheco-R Memorial Day | |
HR 22 | Briggs-R 60th Birthday of Bob Dylan | |
HR 23 | Hollingsworth-R Freedom Week |