Political Reform
Political Reform
SB 467 (Johnson-R) Contributions
Allows an elected state officer who is serving his/her last permitted term of office to accept contributions after the date of the election to the office presently held for the purpose of paying expenses associated with holding office, or for any other purpose authorized by law.
(Died in Senate Elections and Reapportionment Committee)
SB 548 (Burton-D) Conflicts of interest
Modifies the Quentin L. Kopp Conflict of Interest Act of 1991 contribution limit provision from $250 to $1,000.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 604* (Perata-D) Political Reform Act of 1974
Makes several revisions to the Political Reform Act concerning methods for filing of various documents, redefining cumulative contributions, and removing references to the June primary and November general elections and replacing them with more general references to state primary and state general elections to reflect current practices. Redefines the rules regarding the mailing of slate mailers by the mailer organizations and committees supporting or opposing a ballot measure. Provides that an entity that is required to file campaign reports electronically and that is required to file an electronic report disclosing the receipt of a contribution of $1,000 or more received during an election cycle does not need to file a late contribution report.
Chapter 478, Statutes of 2004
SB 1340 (Perata-D) Political Reform Act: campaign statements
Makes numerous changes to state law governing the filing of campaign statements. Provides that it is the duty of each candidate, treasurer, and elected officer to maintain documents necessary to establish that campaign documents were properly filed. Extends the period for which each candidate, treasurer, and elected officer is required to maintain detailed accounts, records, bills, and receipts necessary to prepare campaign statements to correspond to the statute of limitations for the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) to initiate an administrative action. Clarifies that filing officers are to maintain paper-independent expenditure reports under the name of the candidate or measure supported or opposed by the independent expenditure. Requires the State Franchise Tax Board to make audits of electronically filed campaign statements. Permits the FPPC to make audits of electronically filed campaign statements. Specifies that a civil action brought by the FPPC to collect unpaid monetary penalties shall be commenced within four years of the date on which the monetary penalty was imposed.
Chapter 483, Statutes of 2004
SB 1351 (Soto-D) Political Reform Act
Prohibits a former elected city or county official who held a position with a local government agency, for one year after leaving office, from appearing before or communicating with that agency to influence administrative or legislative actions or to influence any action or proceeding involving a permit, license, grant, or contract, or the sale or purchase of goods or property. Expands the definition of "immediate family" (for purposes of reporting requirements, prohibitions against conflicts of interest, and restrictions on the use of campaign funds under the Political Reform Act) to include a public official's adult children. (The current definition only includes an official's spouse and dependent children.)
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1353 (Perata-D) Political Reform Act
Requires the use of guaranteed overnight delivery service or personal service to file supplemental pre-election statements. Revises the definition of "income." Revises the definition of "public official" and "designated employee" to exclude federal officers or employees serving on a state or local agency. Provides that elected officials and others who are required to disclose their income need not disclose Social Security payments or disability or other similar benefit payments received from a local, state, or federal government entity.
Chapter 484, Statutes of 2004
SB 1449* (Johnson-R) Political Reform Act: loans
Clarifies that the $100,000 limit on how much a candidate may personally loan to his/her campaign includes the proceeds of a loan obtained by the candidate from a commercial lending institution.
Chapter 815, Statutes of 2004
A similar bill was AB 2842 (Leno-D) which died on Senate Third Reading File.
SB 1458 (Johnson-R) Political Reform Act: campaign audits
Establishes deadlines for the State Franchise Tax Board (FTB) to complete campaign audits and for the Fair Political Practices Commission to initiate a civil action against a candidate or committee in response to an audit by the FTB.
Chapter 591, Statutes of 2004
SB 1712 (Alpert-D) Political Reform Act: filing disclosure requirements
Directs the Secretary of State to review current filing and disclosure requirements of the Political Reform Act of 1974 and to provide a report to the Legislature by June 1, 2005 recommending revisions so as to promote greater reliance on electronic and online submissions.
Chapter 816, Statutes of 2004
SB 1849 (Karnette-D) Political Reform Act: campaign reports
Lowers, from $50,000 to $25,000, the thresholds for mandatory electronic reporting of campaign contributions and expenditures by candidates, officeholders, committees, major donors, and slate mailer organizations, and makes this change effective July 1, 2006. Requires the Secretary of State, as required by current law, to provide a means, free of charge, for filing campaign reports online or electronically by January 1, 2006.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1902 (Florez-D) Political Reform Act: nonprofit organizations
Requires any nonprofit corporation that has an elected official as its president or on its governing board, to annually disclose its finances to the Fair Political Practices Commission by April 15.
(Died in Senate Elections and Reapportionment Committee)
AB 890* (Levine-D) Political Reform Act: late contributions
Includes political party committees among the entities to which, or from, late contributions must be reported within 24 hours and include political party committees in the definition of state general purpose committee. Requires a political party committee to file pre-election campaign statements in connection with a state election if the party receives contributions totaling $1,000 or more, or makes contributions or independent expenditures totaling $500 or more during the period covered by the pre-election statement.
Chapter 623, Statutes of 2004
AB 1197 (Wiggins-D) Conflicts of interest
Includes under the definition of designated employee, for purposes of the conflict of interest law, any board member, chief business officer, superintendent, assistant superintendent, deputy superintendent, associate superintendent, chief personnel officer, and general counsel (or their equivalents) of a public school district or county office of education. Requires a person employed in their positions to file his/her statement of economic interest with the county board of education. Specifies that the county board of education would be the conflict-of-interest code reviewing body of any school district with jurisdiction wholly within the county.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1412 (Wolk-D) Conflict of interest
Prohibits a member of the State Board of Equalization (BOE) from participating in a proceeding before the BOE if the member knows or has reason to know that he/she received a contribution in an aggregate amount of $250 or more from a committee that is sponsored by a party to or participant in the proceeding.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee after being passed by the Senate and referred under Assembly Rule 77.2 to Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1501* (Levine-D) Political Reform Act
Authorizes a candidate, until the deadline for filing nomination papers, to change his/her statement of acceptance or rejection of voluntary expenditure limits, provided he/she has not exceeded the voluntary expenditure limits. Prohibits a candidate from changing his/her statement more than twice after the initial filing of the nomination papers.
Chapter 9, Statutes of 2004
AB 1784* (Wolk-D) Political Reform Act of 1974: conflict of interest: lobbying
Prohibits a lobbyist or lobbying firm from engaging in direct communication with an elected state officer, other than a member of the Legislature, or the elected sate officer's staff, for the purpose of influencing legislative or administrative action during the period of time, and for the six months following that period of time, that the lobbyist or the lobbying firm, or any other specified person or entity, has a contractual relationship, as defined, with the elected state officer or his/her controlled campaign committee.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
A similar bill was AB 1785 (Frommer-D) which died on Senate Third Reading File.
AB 1980 (Wolk-D) Political Reform Act: campaign contributions
Imposes campaign contribution limits on ballot measure committees that are controlled by candidates for elective state office.
(Assembly refused to adopt Conference Report)
AB 2696 (Plescia-R) Political Reform Act: public financing of elections
Establishes a voluntary system for public financing of political campaigns for all legislative and statewide elective offices.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2818 (Pacheco-R) Political Reform Act: contributions
Requires the Fair Political Practices Commission to adjust biannually a specified threshold on contributions to members of local and state agencies from entities with business before the agency.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 2949 (Hancock-D) Political Reform Act: financing of elections
Establishes a voluntary system for public financing of political campaigns for all legislative and statewide elective offices.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 3006 (Haynes-R) Political Reform Act of 1974: campaign contributions
Prohibits members of the Legislature and constitutional officers from accepting any campaign contribution during the period between the submission of the Governor's Budget and the enactment of a Budget Bill.
(Died in Assembly Elections, Redistricting and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
AB 3101 (Assembly Elections, Redistricting And Constitutional Amendments Committee) Political Reform Act: voluntary expenditure limits
Corrects an erroneous reference to nomination papers in a provision allowing candidates for elective state office to change their acceptance or rejection of voluntary expenditure limits. Clean-up to AB 1501 (Levine-D).
Chapter 207, Statutes of 2004

SB 240 (McPherson-R) Overseas absentee voting
Allows California to participate in a pilot program for Internet voting known as the Secure Electronic Registration and Voting Experiment operated by the federal Department of Defense.
(Died in Senate Elections and Reapportionment Committee)
SB 430 (Johnson-R) Statewide primary election
Requires the statewide direct primary election to be held in June of each even-numbered year until January 1, 2005. Retains the requirement that the presidential primary election be held on the first Tuesday in March in any year evenly divisible by the number four, but instead requires that the statewide direct primary election not be consolidated with the presidential primary election in those years.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
SB 530 (Johnson-R) Direct recording devices
Prohibits, until January 1, 2005, a city or county from using any form of direct recording electronic device as part of the city or county's voting system for the November 2, 2004 general election.
(Died in Assembly Elections, Redistricting and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
A similar bill was SB 1723 (Johnson-R) which died in Senate Appropriations Committee.
SB 539 (Perata-D) Elections: county initiatives
Requires the circulation of a county initiative petitioner to declare that he/she is a voter of the county or is qualified to register to vote in that county.
(Died in Senate Elections and Reapportionment Committee)
SB 641* (Brulte-R) Elections: telephone advocacy
Prohibits expenditures for telephone advocacy calls unless the name of the entity that is paying for the call is disclosed during the call.
(Died in Assembly Elections, Redistricting and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
SB 724 (Scott-D) Candidates: campaign practices
Requires the Secretary of State and local elections officials to post on their Internet web site, the names of candidates who have voluntarily subscribed to the Code of Fair Campaign Practices, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Elections, Redistricting and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
SB 850 (Burton-D) General election ballot vacancy
In the case of a legislative office, permits a vacancy on the general election ballot caused by the death or disqualification of the nominee to be filled by appointment by the Speaker of the Assembly or the Minority Leader, as specified, or by the President pro Tempore of the Senate or the Minority Leader of the Senate, as specified. Permits the applicable county central committee to fill the vacancy by procedure. Requires the elections official, in addition, to ascertain if a candidate is unqualified to seek an office a certain number of days before the ensuing general election.
(Died in Assembly Elections, Redistricting and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
SB 1102* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Budget trailer bill: general government: local elections
Makes optional existing statutory requirements that county board of supervisors, prior to adopting a resolution to approve or deny requests to consolidate specified local elections, to obtain a report on the cost-effectiveness of the proposed consolidation from the county elections official.
Chapter 227, Statutes of 2004
SB 1119* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Elections: SCA 4
Places SCA 4 (Torlakson-D) on the ballot which makes reforms in local government finance.
Chapter 209, Statutes of 2004
SB 1282 (Morrow-R) Elections: voting identification
Requires the voter to present proof of his/her identity and residency to a member of the precinct board before receiving a ballot. Specifies the documents that may be used for this purpose and authorizes any other form of identification that the Secretary of State determines to be appropriate.
(Died in Senate Elections and Reapportionment Committee)
Similar legislation was SB 1370 (Oller-R) which died in Senate Elections and Reapportionment Committee
SB 1326 (Perata-D) Recalls
Requires that a petition circulated in more than one county for the recall of an officer shall bear the name of the county for which it is circulated, instead of the county in which it is circulated.
Chapter 156, Statutes of 2004
SB 1371 (Oller-R) Absentee voting: ballots
Requires that any person who is designated by an absentee voter to return that voter's absentee ballot to the elections official from whom it came or to any polling place within that jurisdiction, do all of the following: (1) present valid identification to an elections official, and (2) sign a log-in sheet, under penalty of perjury, with his/her full name, address, telephone number, and relationship to the voter.
(Died in Senate Elections and Reapportionment Committee)
SB 1376 (Perata-D) Voting systems
Enacts the Voting System Security Act of 2004. Authorizes the Secretary of State (SOS), State Attorney General, and any local elections official in the county in which an act occurs, to bring a civil action against an individual, business, or other legal entity that commits one of the specified acts of tampering before, during, or after an election. Allows the SOS to seek injunctive, administrative, and certain other relief, including monetary damages for an unauthorized change in hardware, software, or firmware to a voting system.
Chapter 813, Statutes of 2004
SB 1438 (Johnson-R) Elections: voting systems
Prohibits the use of a direct recording electronic voting system beginning January 1, 2006, unless that system has an accessible voter verified paper audit trail.
Chapter 814, Statutes of 2004
SB 1551 (Murray-D) Elections: voter education
Clarifies that the voter outreach and voter education programs be conducted in accordance with California's State Plan, as required by the Help America Vote Act of 2002.
(Died in Senate Elections and Reapportionment Committee)
SB 1577 (Senate Elections And Reapportionment Committee) Elections: voting
Prohibits the Secretary of State from requiring that administrative remedies be exhausted in order to pursue other remedies provided in federal and state law. Makes several changes to the new citizen and new resident voter registration process in order to reflect the close of regular voter registration 14 days prior to an election.
Chapter 592, Statutes of 2004
SB 1606 (Vasconcellos-D) Voting age
Allows a person who is 14 years of age or older to register and vote. Specifies that the vote of a person 14 or 15 years of age will count as 1/4 of a vote, and the vote of a person age 16 or 17 will count as 1/2 of a vote. Becomes operative if SCA 19 (Vasconcellos-D) is enacted by the people.
(Died in Senate Elections and Reapportionment Committee)
SB 1670 (Romero-D) Elections: precinct boards
Requires that uniform standards for the training of precinct board members address procedures concerning the opening and closing of polling locations on election day so that all eligible voters who arrive at the polling location prior to closing time are allowed to cast a ballot.
Chapter 382, Statutes of 2004
SB 1730 (Johnson-R) Primary elections: date change
Requires the statewide direct primary election and the presidential primary election both be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June and makes related conforming changes to other sections of law.
Chapter 817, Statutes of 2004
SCA 6 (Battin-R) State Public Utilities Commission: election: members
Requires the State Public Utilities Commission commissioners to be elected rather than appointed, increases the number of commissioners from five to seven, and requires the state to be divided into seven districts.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SCA 14 (Vasconcellos-D) Elections
Among other provisions, allows a vote for none of the above and have his/her vote counted, provides for an open primary, and revises the reapportionment process and requires the Secretary of State to sponsor at least one public debate in which all candidates for each statewide office shall participate.
(Died in Senate Constitutional Amendments Committee)
SCA 18 (Johnson-R) Elections
Provides that a political party that participated in a primary election for a partisan office has the right to participate in the general election for that office and shall not be denied the ability to place on the general election ballot the candidate who received, at the primary election, the highest vote among that party's candidates.
Resolution Chapter 103, Statutes of 2004
SCA 19 (Vasconcellos-D) Elections: voting age
Lowers the voting age to 16 years in California, and requires the Legislature to develop programs that prepare persons 14 years of age and older to vote.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 84 (Levine-D) Candidates for President: felons
Prohibits felons in prison or on parole from being recognized as candidates for the presidency or from being included by the Secretary of State as candidates upon the presidential primary ballot for any party.
(Died in Senate Elections and Reapportionment Committee)
AB 603 (Garcia-R) Electioneering
Defines electioneering on behalf of a candidate, ballot question, or political party and is prohibited within 100 feet of a polling place.
(Failed passage in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 622 (Hancock-D) Pre-election procedures
Specifies that if a polling place has been relocated from the site used in the previous four elections, the elections official has to post the address of the new polling location at the site of the old location.
(Died in Assembly Elections, Redistricting and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
AB 714 (Leno-D) Elections: same day voting
Requires elections officials to establish and implement alternative voting procedures for use when an electronic voting system fails, or when the election official is unable to provide a ballot to all eligible voters on election day.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 884 (Diaz-D) Redistricting: maps
Requires that legislative redistricting maps be prepared no later than 75 days rather than 90 days following the enactment of the redistricting plan.
(Died in Assembly Elections, Redistricting and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
AB 892 (Dymally-D) Residence of elected officials
Extends a conclusive presumption regarding the residence of a state legislator or member of Congress to all candidates in any state, local or congressional race.
(Died in Assembly Elections, Redistricting and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
AB 1039 (Hancock-D) Municipal elections: voting methods
Provides that a city may elect officers or fill vacancies in elective offices by means of a method of cumulative voting, limited voting, choice voting, or instant runoff voting, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Elections, Redistricting and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
AB 1531 (Longville-D) Recall election expenses
Requires the state to pay expenses incurred by local elections officials in the preparation for and conduct of the October 7, 2003, special recall election to recall Gray Davis.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1608 (Liu-D) Voting age
Allows an individual that is 17 years old and will be 18 years old by the date of the next general election to register to vote in any intervening primary or special election.
(Died in Assembly Elections, Redistricting and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
AB 1687 (Longville-D) Elections
Allows the Secretary of State to investigate and make a determination that elections within a voting jurisdiction have been conducted inefficiently or illegally and will irreparably or imminently fail.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1944 (Hancock-D) Precinct board membership
Allows a pupil serving as a member of a precinct board for an election to be classified as a category of regular attendance for purposes of computing average daily attendance.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2003 (Longville-D) Presidential electors
Provides that voters shall vote directly for Presidential electors (to the Electoral College), rather than voting for candidates directly for President and Vice President at the general election. The names of the candidates for President and Vice President would not appear on the ballot.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2079 (Oropeza-D) Voter information
Codifies the recommendation of the Secretary of State's task force standards for safeguarding voter registration information, authorizing the use of the last four digits of a social security number of an affiant on the affidavit of voter registration, and requiring the affidavit to include a privacy notice relating to the confidentiality of the personal information.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2091 (Longville-D) Nomination documents
Allows declaration of candidacy and nomination papers to be returned to the county elections official by a person other than the candidate.
Chapter 98, Statutes of 2004
AB 2246 (Garcia-R) Elections officials
Allows the Registrar of Voters of Imperial County to be appointed by the Board of Supervisors as other county officers are appointed. Allows the board of supervisors of any of the counties which appoint their registrar of voters to appoint him/her at any time during the office of the incumbent county clerk.
(Died in Senate Elections and Reapportionment Committee)
AB 2454 (Longville-D) Voting systems
Requires that by January 1, 2006 all direct recording electronic voting devices (commonly known as DREs or "touchscreens") used in California must have an accessible voter-verified paper audit trail.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File after being passed by the Senate)
AB 2607 (Jackson-D) Recall elections
Authorizes an aggrieved individual to bring a civil action to enjoin an elections official from including signatures gathered by an unregistered circulator in the elections official's examination of a recall petition.
(Died in Assembly Elections, Redistricting and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
AB 2692 (Dutton-R) Elected public officials: felony conviction
Requires an elected official who is convicted of a felony arising out of his/her official duties to forfeit retirement benefits.
(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)
AB 2748 (Oropeza-D) Precincts
States the intent of the Legislature that the polling place used for a consolidated precinct, to the extent possible, be established in a facility that is easy to locate, well identified, easily recognizable, large enough to accommodate the voters of the consolidated precinct and accessible to the elderly and disabled. Requires, on and after January 1, 2006, that if the polling place designated for a consolidated precinct has been relocated from the location that was used as a polling place during the preceding two consecutive statewide elections immediately preceding the consolidation, the elections official must post, or provide to be posted, a notice of the location of the new polling place in a format and manner deemed appropriate by the local elections official.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2790 (Pacheco-R) Municipal elections
Makes numerous substantive and technical changes to state law governing municipal elections with regard to all-mail ballot elections, ballot arguments and rebuttal arguments, nomination papers, the publishing of municipal ballot measures, and requiring the Secretary of State to conduct two randomized alphabet drawings if a charter city holds an election and a runoff election. States the intent of the Legislature that any modification to state law governing municipal election procedures required by this bill shall not result in additional costs to local election officials or result in the Commission on State Mandates making a finding or determination that these modifications establish a reimbursable state mandate.
Chapter 785, Statutes of 2004
AB 2851* (Laird-D) Democratic Party presidential delegates
Declares that the Democratic Party presidential delegates mandate is no longer a reimbursable mandate because the statute was repealed.
Chapter 316, Statutes of 2004
AB 2854* (Laird-D) Elections: state mandates
Makes optional an existing state reimbursable mandate requiring a county board of supervisors to obtain a report from the county elections official on the cost-effectiveness of consolidating specified local elections, prior to adopting a resolution to approve or deny any consolidation request.
Chapter 206, Statutes of 2004
AB 2917 (Pavley-D) Signature gathering practices
Makes willful knowing acts of misrepresentation making false statements concerning state or local initiative, referendum or recall petitions by a paid signature gatherer a misdemeanor, subject to increased penalties.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2941* (Bates-R) Special absentee voters
Permits a special absentee voter who is temporarily living outside of the United States to return his/her ballot by facsimile transmission. Requires the Secretary of State to report to the Legislature by December 1, 2008. Sunsets January 1, 2009.
Chapter 821, Statutes of 2004
AB 3098 (Assembly Elections, Redistricting And Constitutional Amendments Committee) Election precincts
Requires that election officials provide to the Secretary of State and the public when they increase election precinct information addressing whether the proposed larger precinct will result in an increase in the barriers to vote for any citizen who is a member of a "protected class," which is defined in current law as a class of voters who are members of a race, color, or language minority group, as this class is referenced and defined in the federal Voting Rights Act. Moves the sunset date from January 1, 2005 to January 1, 2006 on the law concerning formation of election precincts and the law on the composition of what precinct boards consist of.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 3099 (Assembly Elections, Redistricting And Constitutional Amendments Committee) Recall elections
Repeals a provision that no vote cast in a recall election shall be counted for any candidate unless the voter also voted for or against the recall itself.
Chapter 132, Statutes of 2004
A similar bill was SB 1317 (Perata-D) which died on Assembly Inactive File.
AB 3100 (Assembly Elections, Redistricting And Constitutional Amendments Committee) State elections: measures submitted to the voters
Clarifies that the President pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the Assembly, specifically, are to appoint members of each house to write the ballot argument against any measure submitted to the voters by the Legislature, when the measure was not adopted unanimously.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 3102* (Assembly Elections, Redistricting And Constitutional Amendments Committee) Elections: voting systems
Requires the Secretary of State to meet with the chairs and vice-chairs of the Legislature's elections policy committees at least once each year to report on the status, use, and approval of voting systems.
Vetoed by the Governor
ACA 19 (Lowenthal-D) Redistricting commission
Creates a five member independent redistricting commission and requires each of the 40 districts be divided into two Assembly districts.
(Died in Assembly Elections, Redistricting and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
ACA 20 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Recall
Revises procedures of the recall by conferring the responsibility upon the Chief Justice of California. No other measures may be submitted to the voters if the election is called as a special recall election. Provides that there would be no election of a successor at an election to determine the recall of the Governor, and, if the recall receives a majority of votes, that the Lieutenant Governor would replace the Governor.
(Died in Assembly Elections, Redistricting and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
ACA 23 (Daucher-R) Primary elections
Requires primary elections in which voters may vote for any state or federal candidate regardless of party registration, with the two candidates receiving the most votes, regardless of party, advancing to the general election.
(Died in Assembly Elections, Redistricting and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
ACA 25 (Mullin-D) Voting age
Authorizes a person who is at least 17 years of age and will be 18 years of age at the time of the next general election to register and vote at that general election and at any intervening federal, statewide, or local primary or special election that occurs after the person is eligible to register to vote.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
ACA 31 (Canciamilla-D) Redistricting and term limits
Creates a five member Redistricting Commission and provides for a three-term limit for Senators and six-term limit for Assemblymembers.
(Never referred to a committee from the printer)
ACR 242 (Goldberg-D) Ballot tally software
Requests the Secretary of State to investigate and evaluate the use of open-source software in all voting machines in California and report his/her findings and recommendations to the Legislature by January 1, 2006. States that the Legislature is committed to exploring and reviewing all available programs and features, including open-source software, that may enhance the security of election results and increase voter confidence in the integrity of the voting process.
Resolution Chapter 171, Statutes of 2004
HR 36 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Voting Rights Act of 1965
Recognizes the 38th anniversary of the Enactment of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 240 | McPherson-R Overseas absentee voting | |
SB 430 | Johnson-R Statewide primary election | |
SB 467 | Johnson-R Contributions | |
SB 530 | Johnson-R Direct recording devices | |
SB 539 | Perata-D Elections: county initiatives | |
SB 548 | Burton-D Conflicts of interest | |
SB 604* | Perata-D Political Reform Act of 1974 | |
SB 641* | Brulte-R Elections: telephone advocacy | |
SB 724 | Scott-D Candidates: campaign practices | |
SB 850 | Burton-D General election ballot vacancy | |
SB 1102* | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee Budget trailer bill: general government: local elections | |
SB 1119* | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee Elections: SCA 4 | |
SB 1282 | Morrow-R Elections: voting identification | |
SB 1326 | Perata-D Recalls | |
SB 1340 | Perata-D Political Reform Act: campaign statements | |
SB 1351 | Soto-D Political Reform Act | |
SB 1353 | Perata-D Political Reform Act | |
SB 1371 | Oller-R Absentee voting: ballots | |
SB 1376 | Perata-D Voting systems | |
SB 1438 | Johnson-R Elections: voting systems | |
SB 1449* | Johnson-R Political Reform Act: loans | |
SB 1458 | Johnson-R Political Reform Act: campaign audits | |
SB 1551 | Murray-D Elections: voter education | |
SB 1577 | Senate Elections And Reapportionment Committee Elections: voting | |
SB 1606 | Vasconcellos-D Voting age | |
SB 1670 | Romero-D Elections: precinct boards | |
SB 1712 | Alpert-D Political Reform Act: filing disclosure requirements | |
SB 1730 | Johnson-R Primary elections: date change | |
SB 1849 | Karnette-D Political Reform Act: campaign reports | |
SB 1902 | Florez-D Political Reform Act: nonprofit organizations | |
SCA 6 | Battin-R State Public Utilities Commission: election: members | |
SCA 14 | Vasconcellos-D Elections | |
SCA 18 | Johnson-R Elections | |
SCA 19 | Vasconcellos-D Elections: voting age | |
AB 84 | Levine-D Candidates for President: felons | |
AB 603 | Garcia-R Electioneering | |
AB 622 | Hancock-D Pre-election procedures | |
AB 714 | Leno-D Elections: same day voting | |
AB 884 | Diaz-D Redistricting: maps | |
AB 890* | Levine-D Political Reform Act: late contributions | |
AB 892 | Dymally-D Residence of elected officials | |
AB 1039 | Hancock-D Municipal elections: voting methods | |
AB 1197 | Wiggins-D Conflicts of interest | |
AB 1412 | Wolk-D Conflict of interest | |
AB 1501* | Levine-D Political Reform Act | |
AB 1531 | Longville-D Recall election expenses | |
AB 1608 | Liu-D Voting age | |
AB 1687 | Longville-D Elections | |
AB 1784* | Wolk-D Political Reform Act of 1974: conflict of interest: lobbying | |
AB 1944 | Hancock-D Precinct board membership | |
AB 1980 | Wolk-D Political Reform Act: campaign contributions | |
AB 2003 | Longville-D Presidential electors | |
AB 2079 | Oropeza-D Voter information | |
AB 2091 | Longville-D Nomination documents | |
AB 2246 | Garcia-R Elections officials | |
AB 2454 | Longville-D Voting systems | |
AB 2607 | Jackson-D Recall elections | |
AB 2692 | Dutton-R Elected public officials: felony conviction | |
AB 2696 | Plescia-R Political Reform Act: public financing of elections | |
AB 2748 | Oropeza-D Precincts | |
AB 2790 | Pacheco-R Municipal elections | |
AB 2818 | Pacheco-R Political Reform Act: contributions | |
AB 2851* | Laird-D Democratic Party presidential delegates | |
AB 2854* | Laird-D Elections: state mandates | |
AB 2917 | Pavley-D Signature gathering practices | |
AB 2941* | Bates-R Special absentee voters | |
AB 2949 | Hancock-D Political Reform Act: financing of elections | |
AB 3006 | Haynes-R Political Reform Act of 1974: campaign contributions | |
AB 3098 | Assembly Elections, Redistricting And Constitutional Amendments Committee Election precincts | |
AB 3099 | Assembly Elections, Redistricting And Constitutional Amendments Committee Recall elections | |
AB 3100 | Assembly Elections, Redistricting And Constitutional Amendments Committee State elections: measures submitted to the voters | |
AB 3101 | Assembly Elections, Redistricting And Constitutional Amendments Committee Political Reform Act: voluntary expenditure limits | |
AB 3102* | Assembly Elections, Redistricting And Constitutional Amendments Committee Elections: voting systems | |
ACA 19 | Lowenthal-D Redistricting commission | |
ACA 20 | Ridley-Thomas-D Recall | |
ACA 23 | Daucher-R Primary elections | |
ACA 25 | Mullin-D Voting age | |
ACA 31 | Canciamilla-D Redistricting and term limits | |
ACR 242 | Goldberg-D Ballot tally software | |
HR 36 | Ridley-Thomas-D Voting Rights Act of 1965 |