Economic Development
World Trade and Tourism
Small Business
Labor Relations
Workers' Compensation
Unemployment Insurance
Financial Institutions
Economic Development
SB 40* (Brulte-R) Corporation tax: repeals corporate minimum tax
Provides that the revenue reduction attributable to repeal of the minimum tax would not have the effect of reducing any potential further reductions in vehicle license fee.
(Failed passage in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 43 (Johnston-D) Employment: education and investment
Establishes the California Workforce Investment Board as the body responsible for the development, oversight, and continuous improvement of California's work force development system, including the implementation of the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998. Makes various changes to existing state law consistent with requirements of the federal act.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 84* (Costa-D) Enterprise zones: expansion areas
Makes various changes to provisions of law governing expansion of enterprise zones. Authorizes, with respect to Fresno and Kern counties, an expansion into an adjacent unincorporated area of the county, and authorizes the inclusion of nonindustrial or noncommercial land under certain conditions, as specified. Makes various legislative findings and declarations relative to the unique circumstances applicable to the economies of Fresno and Kern counties and the configuration of their enterprise zones.
Chapter 137, Statutes of 1999
SB 85* (Knight-R) Taxes: credits: qualified wages
Creates a 10 percent wage credit for the Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) and related launch site. The RLV credits apply to taxpayers under initial contract or subcontract to manufacture property for ultimate use in a RLV spacecraft or launch site. The credits only apply to wages paid to people employed in California. If tax liability is insufficient to use the entire credit, any excess could be carried over for up to seven years.
(Failed passage in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 88 (Escutia-D) Workforce Investment Act of 1998
Establishes the requirement that local workforce investment boards create youth councils to develop the local approach to workforce training for youth.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
SB 95 (Perata-D) Planning and zoning: retail stores
Defines "retail store" for purpose of a prohibition against a public agency authorizing a project or development that includes a retail store that would be enacted by AB 84 and would not become operative unless AB 84 is enacted. Specifically provides that sellers of merchandise sold over the Internet are exempt from retail space size limitations.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 113 (Kelley-R) Manufacturing enhancement areas: tax credits
Updates the definition of qualified disadvantaged individuals for whom employers within Manufacturing Enhancement Areas are eligible to claim hiring credits by specifying that the references to expired federal programs include any successor programs.
Chapter 58, Statutes of 1999
SB 133* (Kelley-R) California investment incentive program
Specifies that mineral-recovery geothermal businesses are eligible under the California Investment Incentive Program. Expands the list of eligible businesses to include a business engaged in the recovery of minerals from geothermal resources, including a proportionate amount of the geothermal electrical generating plant that is integral to the minerals' recovery process.
Chapter 24, Statutes of 1999
SB 178 (Polanco-D) Work force investment: State Department of Transportation
Requires the State Department of Transportation to establish a "Smart Communities" Strategic Investment program for purposes of enabling the department to approach mobility fulfillment offered by "smart communities" in a manner consistent with the State's energy conservation and air pollution abatement objectives. Requires the director of the State Department of General Services in collaboration with the Californian Institute for Smart Communities and California State University, San Diego, the State Employment Development Department, and the California Workforce Association to establish a demonstration program in which local governments, school districts, colleges, community-based nonprofit organizations or any other public agencies planning telecommunications networks can apply for funds to establish links with one-stop career centers to provide services remotely.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 236 (Solis-D) Job preparation and training
Precludes participants of job preparation and training programs from filling specified job vacancies in the construction industry.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 481 (Baca-D) Commerce: Inland Empire Distribution Center
Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to study the benefit of an Inland Empire Distribution Center and to report to the Legislature on its findings. Sunsets on January 1, 2002.
Chapter 515, Statutes of 1999
SB 485 (Rainey-R) California Industrial Development Financing Act
Makes the following substantive changes to the California Industrial Development Financing Act:
- Authorizes a public agency to act as industrial development authority without having to expressly establish such an authority.
- Allows industrial development bonds to be used for commercial uses and related activities, including those located within a designated state enterprise zone or federal empowerment zone.
- Makes other minor technical and code maintenance changes.
Chapter 61, Statutes of 1999
SB 495* (Figueroa-D) Taxes: credit: employees: research
Provides a $1,000 tax credit for employers who hire new workers engaged in activities related to space vehicles and space satellites and equipment.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 511 (Alarcon-D) Enterprise zones: designation limits
Provides that no more than 75 enterprise zones may be designated at any one time.
(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
SB 516 (Haynes-R) Needy families: job training
Requires the State Employment Development Department and the State Department of Social Services to adopt regulations interpreting a provision of federal law regarding state options to provide federal Department of Labor block grants and CalWORKs employment services through charitable, religious, or private organizations.
Chapter 551, Statutes of 1999
SB 569 (Alarcon-D) Employment of persons with disabilities
Creates a three-year pilot program in Los Angeles County to provide vocational services to disabled clients.
Chapter 861, Statutes of 1999
SB 653 (Karnette-D) Alameda Corridor Industrial Reclamation Act of 1999
Enacts the Alameda Corridor Industrial Reclamation Act of 1999 to authorize the Community Development Commission of Los Angeles County to implement a pilot project to improve workforce preparedness.
Appropriates $135,000 to the Trade and Commerce Agency for allocation to the commission upon a required 100 percent local match.
Chapter 519, Statutes of 1999
SB 661 (Alarcon-D) Economic development lenders
Requires the California Industrial Development Financing Advisory Commission within the California Department of the Treasury to set up a program to start a secondary market for economic development loans.
Chapter 863, Statutes of 1999
SB 705* (Sher-D) Income/corporation taxes: research and development credit
Increases the research and development credit from 11% to 12% of the excess of the qualified research expense over a specified percentage of the taxpayer's average annual gross receipts for the four preceding income years (i.e., the "base amount").
Chapter 77, Statutes of 1999
SB 729 (Chesbro-D) California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank
Adds, among other factors, that priority be given to rural areas, areas having an unemployment rate higher than the state average, and areas that have undergone military base closure to the minimum criteria, priorities, and guidelines that govern the selection of projects for funding by the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 808 (Peace-D) California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank Act
Revises the definition of "communication" facilities, for purposes of the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank Act, to include electrical and gas facilities.
Chapter 936, Statutes of 1999
SB 859 (Hughes-D) Economic development: City of Lynwood
Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to evaluate the feasibility of the economic development plan prepared by the City of Lynwood, and provides that its provisions will be implemented only if funds are appropriated for it by the Legislature in the Budget Act.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 869 (Schiff-D) CalWORKs: employment training
Expands the range of vocational training and employability options for at-risk youth.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 899 (Vasconcellos-D) California Youthbuild Program
Creates the California Youthbuild Program within the State Department of Industrial Relations to help disadvantaged youth obtain education and employment skills in conjunction with the construction or rehabilitation of housing for special need populations, very low-income households, and low-income households.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 937 (Baca-D) Economic development: San Bernardino
Appropriates $145,000 to the Trade and Commerce Agency for allocation to the City of San Bernardino's redevelopment agency.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 943 (Dunn-D) Property tax abatement
Extends the January 1, 2000 sunset on the property tax that permits local agencies to rebate property tax revenues to January 1, 2003 and requires the Legislative Analyst to prepare and submit a report to the Legislature by January 1, 2002 which includes information regarding the tax rebate provisions and jobs created by local agencies utilizing the tax rebate provisions.
Chapter 274, Statutes of 1999
SB 995 (Knight-R) Rural economic opportunity area
Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to designate a "rural economic opportunity area" to include the cities of Ridgecrest and California City, the Mojave Public Utility District, and the corridors connecting these jurisdictions. The designation would be binding for 15 years.
(Failed passage in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 1096 (Hayden-D) Economic development: inner cities
Requires the State Treasurer to convene an advisory task force to consider strategies for ending the structural conditions of poverty and unemployment in California's inner cities. Requires the Legislative Analyst, as part of his or her report on the 2000-01 budget bill, to report to the Legislature on the numbers and types of employment provided to inner city residents as a result of state tax subsidies, including, but not limited to, existing enterprise zones and empowerment zones.
(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
SB 1120 (Alarcon-D) Office of Strategic Technology
Repeals the provisions regarding the Manufacturing Technology Program and instead establishes the Manufacturing Technology Program within the Office of Strategic Technology to enhance California's competitiveness by assisting small businesses within the State, according to criteria formerly applied to the Manufacturing Technology Program.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 1136 (Vasconcellos-D) Job Development Act of 1999
Establishes an existing cabinet secretary to be the Secretary for Job Development. Requires the Secretary to serve as the State's primary representative for attracting and retaining businesses in the State.
(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
SB 1137 (Vasconcellos-D) Employment training
Creates a labor market information system for economic and workforce data collection, analysis and dissemination, pursuant to implementation of the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1201 (Karnette-D) Regional Collaborative Partnerships
Establishes the Office of Regional Collaborative Partnerships in the Governor's Office and appropriates $149,000 to fund the operations of the program including the position of director to be appointed by the Governor.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1272 (Ortiz-D) Enterprise zones: McClellan
Expands the Northgate enterprise zone to include McClellan Air Force Base.
(In Assembly International Trade and Development Committee)
SCR 45 (Karnette-D) Economic Development: California: Mexico border
Requests the Governor to immediately establish an Interagency Task Force on the Economic Development of the California-Mexico Border. The purpose of the task force will be to promote the federal administration's efforts for sustainable development along that border in order to increase the living standards and the overall economic profile of the border region.
Resolution Chapter 143, Statutes of 1999
SCR 53 (Karnette-D) Port jobs and port business
Resolves that the Legislature live up to its tidelands trust responsibility and makes certain that California port lands remain the property of the people of California and that all work performed in the ports and harbors of California be performed by Californians.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 10* (Correa-D) Corporation taxes: minimum franchise tax
Exempts new corporations from minimum franchise tax for the first two years of business in California. Sunsets 2003.
Chapter 64, Statutes of 1999
AB 19* (Leach-R) Taxes: dissolution of corporations
Prorates the minimum franchise tax on terminating companies based on the number of months in their final year.
(Failed passage in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 51* (Briggs-R) Enterprise zone boundaries
Allows the State Trade and Commerce Agency, upon an application, to reconfigure the geographic boundaries of an existing enterprise zone. The reconfigured area must be contiguous to the existing enterprise zone boundaries and does not extend the term of an enterprise zone. No reconfigured area can remove a business from an enterprise zone.
(Failed passage in Senate Housing and Community Development; reconsideration granted)
AB 68* (Cunneen-R) Taxes
Increases the amount of the research and development credit provided under California's personal income tax and bank and corporations tax laws.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 84 (Floyd-D) Big box retailers and development permits
Prohibits public agencies from approving a retail store project of more than 100,000 square feet if more than 15,000 square feet will be devoted to the sale of nontaxable merchandise.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 145* (Vincent-D) Insurance taxation: credit
Allows insurance companies to claim the existing income and franchise tax credit for qualified deposits made into a community development financial institution.
Chapter 821, Statutes of 1999
AB 203 (Washington-D) Taxes
Grants a tax credit for employers who hire qualified "at-risk" youths and provide them with training in an employable skill or trade. Provides the credit to be one-third of wages paid during the first year of employment, not to exceed a credit of $5,000 per qualified employee.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 356 (Washington-D) Enterprise zone: City of Compton
Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to designate one city within Los Angeles County as a new enterprise zone. The enterprise zone must be a city that meets specified criteria.
(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 358* (Wildman-D) Income and bank and corporation taxes
Provides a 10% refundable income/corporation tax credit for wages paid for movies or TV programs produced in California.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
Similar legislation is AB 484. (See this section.)
AB 388* (Steinberg-D) Employment
Establishes the California Transportation Career Program to train unemployed individuals in transportation careers.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 462* (Briggs-R) Taxation: manufacturer's investment credit
Creates a credit of six percent of the cost of qualified property for taxpayers engaged in warehousing and distribution activities.
(Failed passage in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 480 (Ducheny-D) Workforce investment
Enacts budgetary provisions required by the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998. Enacts provisions relating to the state administration of, and educational services under, the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998 by a California Workforce Investment Board; enacts provisions relating to the administration and distribution of funds, and relating to the participation in the program by state agencies and local school districts and county offices of education; and requires a report to the Legislature and the Governor by the California Workforce Investment Board.
(On Senate Third Reading File)
AB 482 (Davis-D) Business development
Creates the California Seed Capital and Early Stage Corporation, independent of any state agency and governed by a seven-member appointed board to mobilize investment in private seed and venture capital partnerships.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 484* (Kuehl-D) Income and bank and corporation taxes
Provides a 10% refundable income/corporation tax credit for wages paid for movies or TV programs produced in California.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
Similar to AB 358 (Wildman). (See this section.)
AB 613 (Wildman-D) Employment: JESF and TIPP programs
Directs the State Department of Industrial Relations to include janitorial and building maintenance industry within its Joint Enforcement Strike Force on the Underground Economy and the Targeted Industries Partnership Program.
Chapter 299, Statutes of 1999
AB 643 (Wesson-D) YouthBuild Program
Establishes a YouthBuild Program within the State Employment Development Department to provide grants to organizations which employ and train disadvantaged youth in conjunction with the construction or rehabilitation of housing for low-income and other specified populations. Provides that this program is operative only when funds are specifically appropriated for this purpose.
Chapter 829, Statutes of 1999
AB 702 (Vincent-D) Workforce investment and economic development
Implements the Workforce Investment and Economic Development Act of 1999 with related actions pursuant to the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1999.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 926* (Cedillo-D) Job training
Applies specific requirements and guidelines to the expenditure of $1.25 million appropriated in 1998 for support of at-risk youth employment demonstration projects conducted by private non-profit entities in six designated areas of the State.
Chapter 573, Statutes of 1999
AB 960 (Alquist-D) Center for California Business of the Future
Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to enter into an agreement with the NASA Ames Research Complex at Moffett Field, upon the request of the complex, to establish the Center for California Business of the Future.
(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 978 (Correa-D) Tourism economic development zones
Creates a tourism economic development zone pilot program administered by the State Trade and Commerce Agency and requires local government to set aside incremental sales tax pursuant to the zone.
(Failed passage in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee; reconsideration granted))
AB 1098 (Romero-D) Communities First! Jobs Program
Establishes the Communities First! Jobs Program within the State Employment Development Department for the purpose of creating 10,000 public service jobs.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1192 (Florez-D) Targeted tax areas
Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to rank applications and designate three top-ranked local areas as additional targeted tax areas before December 1, 2000.
(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 1373* (Florez-D) Federal empowerment zones
Requires the secretary of State Trade and Commerce Agency to develop a plan to maximize the State's opportunities to participate in the federal empowerment zone and enterprise communities initiative.
(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 1464 (Florez-D) Rural development
Creates the California Rural Development Council within the State Trade and Commerce Agency to advocate and recommend programs that foster community sustainability and economic development in rural areas of California.
Chapter 597, Statutes of 1999
AB 1534 (Runner-R) Microenterprise development
Authorizes the State Trade and Commerce Agency to issue Microenterprise Technical Assistance Grants to microenterprise assistance providers who assist current and former CalWORKs program beneficiaries and parents eligible for a CalWORKs diversion program at the county level, including assistance in establishing a microenterprise.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1556 (Maddox-R) Highways: outdoor advertising
Exempts, from the Outdoor Advertising Act's prohibition against placing advertising displays adjacent to landscaped freeways, an advertising structure used to identify development projects, business centers or associations within the City of Garden Grove to support economic development activities. Also places conditions on the exemption.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1564 (Strom-Martin-D) Rural Policy Task Force
Creates a California Rural Policy Task Force and a Rural California Technical Assistance Program.
Chapter 596, Statutes of 1999
AB 1613 (Havice-D) Enterprise zone designation
Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency, upon an application, to designate the City of Hawaiian Gardens as an enterprise zone.
(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 1661* (Vasconcellos-D) Infrastructure Bank; ERAF
Provides for terms governing the existing and proposed resources to be made available through the Infrastructure Bank. Additionally provides the terms governing the allocation of the $150 million in one-time local government relief and the proposed Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund cap and property tax administration buy out that will be operative upon enactment of a constitutional amendment that provides targeted reforms.
Chapter 84, Statutes of 1999
AJR 17 (Aroner-D) Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999
Urges the United States Congress to pass the Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999.
Resolution Chapter 77, Statutes of 1999
AJR 23 (Runner-R) California film industry
Calls on the President and Congress to evaluate the losses in California's filmmaking and related businesses to other countries, primarily to Canada, and to promote legislation that would persuade these businesses to remain in California.
Resolution Chapter 91, Statutes of 1999
AJR 31 (Scott-D) National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Commends the actions of the members of the United States House of Representatives from California to restore full programming for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for fiscal year 2000 and requests Congress to actively support NASA funding for the year 2000 in an amount sufficient to fully support and sustain scheduled projects.
Resolution Chapter 122, Statutes of 1999
AJR 33 (Nakano-D) Space-related commerce
Calls upon the President and Congress to support federal legislation to classify spaceports as exempt facilities and enable state and local entities to sell bonds for private or public development of spaceport infrastructure.
Resolution Chapter 115, Statutes of 1999
HR 21 (Reyes-D) Stand Up for Rural America Campaign
Declares that on April 19, 1999, the Assembly supports the "Stand Up for Rural America Campaign," a national initiative to strengthen rural community-based development organizations and secure additional banking and philanthropic resources to help them do their work.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 32 (Strom-Martin-D) Industrial hemp
Resolves that the Assembly finds and declares that the Legislature should consider action to revise the legal status of industrial hemp to allow for its growth in California as an agricultural and industrial crop. Resolves that the Assembly finds and declares that the Legislature should consider directing the University of California, the California State University, and other state agencies to prepare studies in conjunction with private industry on the cultivation, processing, and marketing of industrial hemp.
Adopted by the Assembly

World Trade and Tourism
SB 213 (Polanco-D) California community colleges: budget augmentation
Makes various appropriations to the California Community Colleges (CCC), in augmentation of the Budget Act of 1999, among them, appropriating $1,050,000 in augmentation of the Budget Act to establish 17 Mexican International Trade Centers on CCC campuses throughout the State.
Chapter 959, Statutes of 1999 - Item Veto
SB 298 (Leslie-R) World's Fair Expo 2000 Hannover
Appropriates $500,000 from the General Fund to the State Trade and Commerce Agency to fund, contingent upon the State receiving a match of at least this amount from the private sector, California's participation in the "World's Fair Expo 2000 Hannover" in Germany.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 369 (Solis-D) Foreign trade
Requires the Governor to appoint a 20-person task force, with specified membership, to develop a five-year master plan by July 1, 2000, for increasing the export of California products and services to Asia.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 386 (Leslie-R) Agricultural Export Program
Continuously appropriates $200,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Food and Agriculture to conduct foreign market research, personnel training and other State Department of Food and Agriculture duties related to the State's Agricultural Export Program.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 875 (Escutia-D) Office of Intellectual Property
Establishes the Office of Intellectual Property in the State Trade and Commerce Agency to inventory, market and protect the State's intellectual property.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 897 (Polanco-D) International trade
Requires the establishment of an overseas trade office in Buenos Aires, subject to the availability of funds. Increases from 15 to 19 the number of appointed members to the World Trade Commission and increases their terms from two to three years. Changes the scope of the biennial report currently issued by the commission to include specified topics, including a strategic plan for coordinating and enhancing the State's trade programs.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 61 (Cardoza-D) Rural Development Export Act of 1999
Establishes the Rural Development Export Act of 1999 to help rural communities to better reach international markets with their products and services.
Chapter 598, Statutes of 1999
AB 175 (Robert Pacheco-R) Overseas trade offices
Requires the State, through the office of the Governor, upon an appropriation in the Budget Act, to establish an overseas trade office at an appropriate location in Manila, Philippines.
(In Assembly International Trade and Development Committee)
AB 180 (Havice-D) International trade: public-private trade development
Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to develop a statewide alliance of public-private trade development organizations to undertake specified tasks in the development of trade opportunities in the state.
Chapter 565, Statutes of 1999
AB 580 (Firebaugh-D) California-Mexico relations
Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to contract with the University of California for a study and report on investment and trade growth areas in the context of California-Mexico relations.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 965 (Robert Pacheco-R) Export development: technology
Establishes a specific program and activities within the State Trade and Commerce Agency to encourage the export of technologies and provides for specified tax credits to encourage exports.
(In Assembly International Trade and Development Committee)
AB 1240 (Ashburn-R) California Central Valley International Trade
Expresses legislative intent for specified state funding of certain international trade activities at the existing California Central Valley International Trade Center in Tulare.
Chapter 141, Statutes of 1999
AB 1601 (Robert Pacheco-R) Foreign trade
Establishes the Office of California-Japan Affairs within the State Trade and Commerce Agency.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1615 (Havice-D) International trade and development panel
Requires the Trade and Commerce Agency to convene a biennial international trade and development panel and lead the preparation of a California International Trade and Development Strategic Plan.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1616 (Havice-D) Office of Economic Research
Requires the Office of Economic Research in the State Trade and Commerce Agency to monitor, and provide information on, the incentives offered by other states to attract or retain businesses. Also requires that the office respond to inquiries concerning "international trade information in the state".
Chapter 431, Statutes of 1999
AB 1617 (Havice-D) Trade and Commerce Agency: international trade
Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency, with input from the academic private and public sections, to review and report on the effectiveness and coordination of the State's international trade programs.
Chapter 242, Statutes of 1999
AJR 37 (Longville-D) International trade: import of steel slabs
Memorializes the President and his trade representative to not include restrictions on the import of steel slabs, as specified.
HR 8 (Robert Pacheco-R) International trade agreements: MTBE
Advocates the federal defense of California's decision to phase out the use of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) in a claim brought against the United States under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) by a Canadian producer of MTBE. Also calls for state monitoring of NAFTA and World Trade Organization issues of interest to California.
Adopted by the Senate

Small Business
SB 73 (Murray-D) State contracts: participation goals
Authorizes substantial increases in the award of state contracts for professional bond services to small businesses and to businesses owned by disabled veterans. Also authorizes local agencies to establish incentive programs to encourage participation of small business enterprises in local contracts.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1120 (Alarcon-D) Office of Strategic Technology: Mfg. Technology Program
Repeals the provisions regarding the Manufacturing Technology Program in the State Trade and Commerce Agency and instead establishes the program in the Office of Strategic Technology to enhance California's competitiveness by assisting small businesses within the State.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 77 (Cardenas-D) Small business development corporations
Appropriates $1.5 million from the General Fund to the Small Business Expansion Fund for the purpose of operating satellite offices of existing small business financial development corporations in San Jose, Santa Ana, San Fernando Valley, Ontario and Thousand Oaks.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 726 (Gallegos-D) Health insurance: small employers
Extends requirements that apply to health care service plans and disability insurers that issue coverage to employers with two to 50 employees, to include the self-employed and employers with 51 to 100 employees.
(Passage refused on Assembly Floor: On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1095* (Ashburn-R) Independent oil and natural gas producers
Enacts the Independent Oil and Natural Gas Producers Emergency Relief Act of 1999 to authorize small business financial development corporations to provide loans or loan guarantees to independent oil and natural gas producers who otherwise qualify as small businesses, to assist those producers in maintaining payroll, operating expenses, and capital expenditures associated with the production of crude oil and natural gas, during any calendar year for which the average crude oil price drops below a specified amount.
(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 1120* (Havice-D) Personal income taxes: qualified small business stock
Removes the requirement that qualified small business stock be issued before January 1, 1999, in order for noncorporate investors who purchase and hold that stock for at least five years to exclude 50 percent of the gain they realize on the sale or exchange of the stock.
Chapter 69, Statutes of 1999
AB 1388 (Aanestad-R) Small employer health coverage
Provides additional options for employees of small businesses to provide health insurance for their families. Requires the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board or the successor administrator of the Health Insurance Plan of California, on or before March 1, 2000, to enter into one or more contracts to provide health care coverage through medical savings accounts in connection with high deductible health plan or insurance coverage.
(Failed passage in Senate Insurance; reconsideration granted)
AB 1403 (Soto-D) South Coast Air Quality Management District
Requires the South Coast Air Quality Management District to: (1) convene a task force, by July 1, 2000, to review and update the district's mailing list data base to ensure that any small business that may be affected by a district regulation is included; (2) mail to each small business a notice of the time and place of any district workshop that considers adoption of a regulation that would affect the business; and (3) establish a small business advisory group to make recommendations for public outreach and business assistance activities.
Chapter 506, Statutes of 1999

Labor Relations
SB 16 (Burton-D) Public works: prevailing wages
Establishes, in statute, the method of determining prevailing wages on public works projects.
Chapter 30, Statutes of 1999
SB 26 (Escutia-D) Employment: age discrimination
States the Legislature's rejection of the Marks v. Lorel, infra, decision and declares that the Fair Employment and Housing Act age discrimination law contemplates disparate impact cases as well as individual disparate treatment cases. Further declares that salary may be an impermissible standard for employment termination decisions if such a basis would disparately affect older workers.
Chapter 222, Statutes of 1999
SB 56 (Solis-D) Employment: time off to appear in court
Allows victims of domestic violence to take time off of work to appear in court to obtain a civil restraining order or other legal protection necessary to ensure their health and safety.
Chapter 340, Statutes of 1999
SB 118 (Hayden-D) Employment: family care and medical leave
Provides that an employee may take family care and medical leave to care for a grandparent or sibling, or domestic partner, as defined, as well as an adult child, who has a serious health condition or to care for an individual who depends on the employee for immediate care and support, who shares a common residence with the employee and who has a serious health condition.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 146 (Solis-D) Employment: education and investment
Enacts provisions of the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998, and makes various changes to existing state law consistent with requirements of the federal act. Enacts provisions related to local workforce investment boards, delineating membership, duties, and powers.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 150 (Solis-D) Labor agency
Creates a Labor Agency that includes the State Departments of Industrial Relations, Fair Employment and Housing, Employment Development, the Agricultural Labor Relations Board, the Public Employment Relations Board, and the Fair Employment and Housing Commission.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 200 (O'Connell-D) Employment: railroad train crews
Requires a minimum number of personnel on freight trains operated in the State.
(In Assembly at desk)
SB 211 (Solis-D) Employment discrimination: employer identity
Provides that the employer identified on the Federal W-2 form is the employer for the purposes of enforcement of the California Fair Employment and Housing Act.
Chapter 797, Statutes of 1999
SB 319 (Burton-D) Joint Enforcement Strike Force on the Underground Economy
Extends the sunset provisions of the multi-agency Joint Enforcement Strike Force on the Underground Economy from January 1, 2000 to January 1, 2006.
Chapter 306, Statutes of 1999
SB 356 (Hughes-D) Employment: leave for parents or guardians
Requires school districts, and specific state agencies, to provide notice to the public concerning existing provisions of law that allow a parent to take time off from work to participate in school or licensed child day care facility activities related to their child.
(Held at Senate Desk)
SB 460 (Hayden-D) Employee wages: garment manufacturing
Requires that apparel which is manufactured in California and procured by the State shall be produced by registered contractors and manufacturers. Establishes a task force to study the use of public funds in the purchase of manufactured goods under sweatshop conditions.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 508 (Ortiz-D) Occupational safety and health: health care work
Requires specific employer standards and measures to protect defined community health care workers from violence.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 914 (Sher-D) Contractors: express trust funds
Establishes the right to a mechanics' lien for claims for unpaid wages and fringe benefits by an employee benefit express trust fund.
Chapter 795, Statutes of 1999
SB 945 (Vasconcellos-D) Employment
Exempts from specified employment laws and unemployment insurance provisions, individuals participating in a national service program, such as Americorps, carried out using specified federal assistance.
(In Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 973 (Perata-D) Permanent amusement rides: safety
Provides for the permitting and inspection of permanent amusement rides.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SB 996 (Johnston-D) Alien workers
Permits workers to receive benefits under the State Disability Insurance Program, and from the State Uninsured Employers Fund, regardless of immigration status.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 1000 (Burton-D) Employment: workday and overtime
Enacts the Eight-Hour-Day Preservation Workplace Flexibility Act of 1999.
(In Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 1016 (Bowen-D) Employee computer records: e-mail
Prohibits an employer from monitoring the electronic mail (e-mail) or other personal computer records generated by an employee without first advising the employee of the employer's policy allowing review of such filed.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1097 (Hayden-D) Car washing and polishing
Requires persons who employ others in car washing and polishing, as defined, to register with the Labor Commissioner, to obtain a surety bond, and meet other specified requirements.
(Senate refuses to concur in Assembly amendments; reconsideration granted)
SB 1149 (Speier-D) Family care and medical leave: employers
Expands coverage of the California Family Rights Act (CFRA) by covering employers who employ 20 or more persons rather than 50 or more persons as provided under current law. Allows CFRA leave for the care of an adult child. Requires employers to provide to employees specified information about their leave policies, CFRA, and Pregnancy Disability Leave.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 1218 (Leslie-R) Clinical laboratories: onsite testing
Provides that an employer may use an onsite screening test for substances of abuse for preemployment screening, and may conduct the tests at an onsite facility operated by the employer provided the employer follows certain guidelines. Requires the State Department of Health Services to register employers that are operating onsite screening tests for substances of abuse, and requires employers to pay an annual registration fee to the department not exceeding $50. Provides that any person who violates these provisions is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 1245* (Hayden-D) Compensation: World War II slave and forced labor
Provides that any slave or forced labor victim of the Second World War, or heir of the victim, may bring an action to recover compensation for labor performed without pay between 1929 and 1945 against any entity or successor in interest thereof, for whom that labor was performed. It also extends the statute of limitations for these actions until December 31, 2010.
Chapter 216, Statutes of 1999
SB 1303* (Solis-D) Unemployment compensation benefits: freezing weather
Increases from $25 to $200 the amount of earnings that an Unemployment Insurance recipient may keep before benefits are reduced because of those earnings. Specifies that this change applies to individuals laid off as a direct result of freezing weather in December 1998, and whose continued unemployment is due to the freezing weather. Repeals itself on August 7, 1999.
Chapter 9, Statutes of 1999
AB 60 (Knox-D) Employment: overtime
Establishes a framework for the payment of daily overtime compensation: (1) time and one-half pay after eight hours of daily work, (2) personal time off for a personal obligation of an employee which may be made up during a workweek without payment of overtime compensation within specified limits, and (3) the adoption through an employee election of an alternative work week schedule or menu of schedules offered by an employer.
Chapter 134, Statutes of 1999
AB 109 (Knox-D) Employment: sick leave
Requires an employer who provides sick leave for employees to permit an employee to use the sick leave to attend to the illness of a child, parent, or spouse of the employee.
Chapter 164, Statutes of 1999
AB 184 (Davis-D) Employment: hazardous materials safety
Provides for the electronic filing of Material Safety Data Sheets.
Chapter 366, Statutes of 1999
AB 259 (Leach-R) Minors: services as sports referees
Deems as "independent contractors" 12- to 17-year-olds who provide sports referee services for non-profit corporations under specified conditions.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 281 (Floyd-D) Industrial Welfare Commission
Expands the State Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) to seven members appointed by the Governor. Adds to the IWC one representative of organized labor and one representative of employers. Requires IWC members to receive the same salary as members of the Agricultural Labor Relations Board.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 302 (Floyd-D) Public works: prevailing wages
Adds local governmental agencies within the requirement to pay prevailing wages on public works projects for the removal of refuse from the construction site.
Chapter 220, Statutes of 1999
AB 418 (Firebaugh-D) Overtime
Requires the State Labor Commissioner to report to the Legislature by July 1, 2000, on the effect of mandatory overtime on health, safety, and quality of life of workers, particularly with regard to workers in the telecommunications industry. Requires the report to include recommendations and proposed regulations where appropriate to address any negative consequences of such mandatory overtime on health, safety, and quality of life workers.
(In Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
AB 433 (Washington-D) Firefighters: conditions of employment
Provides that no firefighter employment contract shall include a requirement that a firefighter reimburse the public employer for training expenses.
(At Senate Desk)
AB 442 (Cedillo-D) State funds: use to discourage unionization
Prohibits any recipient of state funds or resources from using them to discourage unionization by that recipient's employees or any other employees and establishes a procedure to enforce the prohibition.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 519 (Aroner-D) Sexual harassment
Clarifies a host of drafting ambiguities currently contained in California's so-called "professional and business relationships" sexual harassment prevention statute.
Chapter 964, Statutes of 1999
AB 633 (Steinberg-D) Labor: garment manufacturing
Makes changes to the garment manufacturing laws and amends the manufacturer registration and wage collection process.
Chapter 554, Statutes of 1999
AB 794 (Corbett-D) Subpoenas: personal records
Makes various changes to ensure that personal and employment records subpoenaed in a civil action are made available, as required by law. Makes technical changes to various codes dealing with subpoenas.
Chapter 444, Statutes of 1999
AB 806 (Keeley-D) Public works contracts
Prohibits the State, including all state agencies and political subdivisions of the State, contractors, and subcontractors from withholding more than five percent of a scheduled payment on a public works contract.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 823 (Floyd-D) Legal actions
Clarifies the statute of limitations for injuries or death caused by exposure to toxic substances or cumulative trauma; clarifies when an employee can bring action for damages against an employer; and makes a change in the shifting of the burden of proof in a summary judgment proceeding.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 850 (Torlakson-D) Amusement rides: safety
Establishes a program for regulation of permanent amusement rides, as defined, including the adoption of regulations for installation, maintenance, operation and inspections of rides, record-keeping, accident reporting, and financial responsibility requirements. The regulations are intended to be consistent with regulations that have been adopted with respect to traveling amusement rides.
Chapter 585, Statutes of 1999
Similar legislation was SB 973 (Perata) and AB 983 (Correa).
AB 921 (Keeley-D) Apprenticeship programs
Changes the composition of the California Apprenticeship Council, revises related apprenticeship standards for apprentices and programs, and requires periodic audits of existing programs.
Chapter 903, Statutes of 1999
AB 934 (Steinberg-D) Civil liability
Seeks to restore worker protections and safety by holding property owners and general contractors liable for injuries suffered by employees as a result of hazards at the worksite, or special risks of harm associated with the work performed that the hirer knows or should know may occur.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 983 (Correa-D) Amusement rides
Requires the operator of a permanent amusement facility, as defined, to keep accurate records of deaths and injuries occurring at the facility, to file a related annual report with the Division of Occupational Safety and Health, and requires the division to annually file a related report annually with the Legislature.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 1001 (Villaraigosa-D) Fair Employment and Housing Act: sexual orientation
Moves the provisions prohibiting employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation from the Labor Code to the Fair Employment and Housing Act. Also codifies case law which prohibits housing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
Chapter 592, Statutes of 1999
AB 1019 (Strickland-R) Minors: volunteer construction services
Requires a review of child labor laws relating to minors volunteering for construction work by non-profit organizations.
Chapter 195, Statutes of 1999
AB 1127 (Steinberg-D) Employee safety: violations
Provides omnibus reform of the California Occupational Safety and Health Agency program relating to civil and criminal penalties and enforcement procedures.
Chapter 615, Statutes of 1999
AB 1216 (Floyd-D) Workplace smoking prohibition: gaming clubs, bars
Repeals the current ban on smoking in bars, taverns, and gaming clubs to permit such smoking under specified conditions and subject to local regulations.
(Failed passage in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 1268 (Kuehl-D) Labor disputes
Makes various changes regarding liability and remedies available in disputes which arise out of labor conflicts.
Chapter 616, Statutes of 1999
AB 1395 (Correa-D) Public works: prevailing wages
Requires the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement to protect the confidentiality of any employee who reports a violation regarding public works projects.
Chapter 302, Statutes of 1999
AB 1446 (Granlund-R) Employer obligations: independent contractors
Creates a conclusive presumption that a person who performs services of an artistic nature, such as acting, singing, or dancing, is an independent contractor if specified criteria are met.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 1541 (Keeley-D) Employment discrimination: religious entities
Amends the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) to narrow the broad exemption of a religious association or corporation from the anti-discrimination provisions in FEHA under the holding in a 1998 California Supreme Court case, McKeon v. Mercy Healthcare Sacramento. Provides that FEHA applies at a health care facility operated by such associations and corporations with respect to employment of persons to perform non-religious duties. Provides that FEHA does not apply with respect to specified employment by a religious corporation or by a nonprofit public benefit corporation providing health care on behalf of a religious organization.
Chapter 913, Statutes of 1999
AB 1599 (Torlakson-D) Labor: young workers
Provides for the creation of a statewide young worker health and safety resource network, developed by the State Department of Industrial Relations and coordinated by the University of California, for the purpose of increasing the ability of young workers and their communities to identify and address workplace hazards in order to prevent young workers from being injured on the job.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1646 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Public works: payments
Streamlines the procedures for review of a decision to withhold funds from a contractor due to failure to pay prevailing wages on a public works project.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1652 (Steinberg-D) Labor: violations
Revises the wage claims process administered by the Labor Commissioner and the courts. Revises statutes related to wages and hours, including bounced payroll checks, payroll records, and mail periods.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1653 (Bock-G) California Resource Center on Safe Jobs for Youth
Establishes the California Resource Center on Safe Jobs for Youth in the State Department of Industrial Relations.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1654 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Department of Industrial Relations: limited-English speakers
Requires a report to the Legislature concerning implementation of existing law related to the hiring of bilingual staff.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1655 (Hertzberg-D) Occupational safety and health standards
Requires the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board to report to the Legislature on the nature and extent of investigations conducted by the board pursuant to the procedure for granting a variance from a safety and health standard or order.
Deletes the "sunset" of the authorization to levy and collect assessments from employers to fund the California Occupational Safety and Health Agency targeted inspection and consultation program.
Chapter 469, Statutes of 1999
AB 1656 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Occupational safety and health: sanitary facilities
Requires all employers to notify each of its employees of the location of the sanitary facilities and to provide those employees with reasonable opportunities to use those facilities during the workday.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 1689 (Floyd-D) Employment: wage claims
Clarifies the State Labor Commissioner's role with respect to recovery of lost wages on behalf of those employees who have been improperly disciplined for lawful activities occurring off the job.
Chapter 692, Statutes of 1999
HR 22 (Steinberg-D) Workers Memorial Day
Resolves that the Assembly joins the labor movement in observing April 28, 1999, as Workers Memorial Day, and recognizes it as a time to renew the fight for strong job safety and health protections and to send out a strong message that workers and unions demand protection against all workplace injuries.
Adopted by the Assembly

Workers' Compensation
SB 32 (Peace-D) Workers' compensation: law enforcement
Establishes, for the purposes of workers' compensation, a presumption that hepatitis is work related if it develops or manifests itself during the period of service of an employee of a sheriff's office, a police department, or a fire department.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 77 (Murray-D) Workers' compensation: death benefits
Extends the statute of limitations for claims for workers' compensation death benefits in the case of the death of specified public safety workers from an HIV-related disease.
Chapter 358, Statutes of 1999
SB 181 (Perata-D) Workers' compensation: credit against liability
Prohibits an employer from delaying timely payment of compensation in anticipation of any recovery by the employee either by settlement or after judgment. Declares that it is the intent of the Legislature in enacting the bill to abrogate the holding of the Third District Court of Appeal in Mares v. Workers' Compensation Appeals Board, (1996) 61 Cal. Comp. Cases 659.
(In Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 239 (Perata-D) Workers' compensation: jockeys
Authorizes the establishment of a nonprofit public benefit corporation which would be responsible for securing workers' compensation insurance coverage on a blanket basis on behalf of all licensed trainers for the benefit of all jockeys, apprentice jockeys, exercise riders, and pony riders licensed by the California Horse Racing Board.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
SB 320 (Solis-D) Workers' compensation: administration and benefits
Increased workers' compensation benefits and makes system improvements.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 717 (Peace-D) Workers' Compensation Administration Revolving Fund
Continues the existence of the Workers' Compensation Administration Revolving Fund to support the Division of Workers' Compensation.
Chapter 746, Statutes of 1999
SB 812 (Brulte-R) Commission on Health and Safety and Workers' Compensation
Expands the Commission on Health and Safety and Workers' Compensation to 10 voting members, of whom five would represent organized labor and five would represent employers. Requires the Governor to appoint two new members, and requires agreement of not less than three members representing organized labor and three members representing employers for a commission action to be valid.
(In Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 947 (Alarcon-D) Workers' compensation
Requires administrative director of the Division of Workers' Compensation of the State Department of Industrial Relations' approval of a vocational rehabilitation plan when an employee is represented but the plan does not contain a 60-day job placement component, and requires the administrative director to review adjustments to the fee schedule on an annual basis, and set the professional hourly rate at $70 per hour. Changes the cap on additional living expenses and fees from $16,000 to an unspecified amount.
(In Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 1140 (Morrow-R) Workers' compensation: appeals board
Revises the process by which the State Department of Employment Development files liens to recover unemployment disability funds and to disallow workers' compensation benefits to an individual receiving unemployment disability benefits, as specified.
(Failed passage in Senate Industrial Relations Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 1264 (Mountjoy-R) Workers' compensation: representation of employer
Requires a workers' compensation insurer to file a writing with the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board, signed by the insured employer, whenever the insured employer is represented before the board by house counsel or a hearing representative.
(In Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
AB 201 (Reyes-D) Workers' compensation: medical treatment
Provides that an employee shall be entitled to interpreter services when, at the request of those persons or entities, the employee submits to an examination by a treating physician. Also makes several technical, nonsubstantive changes.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 209 (Cedillo-D) Workers' compensation: vocational rehabilitation
Requires an employer or its insurer to assign an injured worker to vocational rehabilitation services when the period of total disability exceeds 90 days in the aggregate.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 224 (Knox-D) Workers' compensation: peace officers
Extends leave-of-absence in lieu of temporary disability benefits for injured peace officers to Los Angeles County public safety officers.
Chapter 270, Statutes of 1999
AB 279 (Wayne-D) Workers' compensation insurance: failure to provide
Increases the penalties for an employer who fails to provide workers' compensation insurance from a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in the county jail and/or a fine of up to $1,000, to a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in county jail and/or a fine of up to $10,000.
Chapter 553, Statutes of 1999
AB 426 (Scott-D) Workers' Compensation Appeals Board: electronic filing
Requires the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) to adopt rules requiring the filing of documents with the WCAB by electronic means, and provides that a document that is filed electronically is the equivalent of an original, written document.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 435 (Corbett-D) Workers' compensation: medical records
Provides that workers' compensation exemption under the Confidentiality of Medical Information Act shall not be used to permit the disclosure or use of medical information regarding a patient's HIV status, except as specified.
Chapter 766, Statutes of 1999
AB 474 (Floyd-D) Workers' compensation
Requires payments to be made from the Uninsured Employers Fund notwithstanding any bankruptcy proceedings affecting the employer, and authorizes the director of the State Department of Industrial Relations to commence any proceedings necessary to seek to obtain a judgment against the employer. Provides that the fund is liable for penalties and interest in certain cases.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 539 (Papan-D) Workers' compensation: cancer
Deletes the requirement that a firefighter or peace officer prove a reasonable link between a carcinogen and the disabling cancer before the cancer is presumed compensable under the workers' compensation system.
Chapter 595, Statutes of 1999
AB 586 (Brewer-R) Workers' compensation
Authorizes collective bargaining agreements between a private employer or group of employers engaged in manufacturing and a union that is the recognized or certified exclusive bargaining representative.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 775 (Calderon-D) Workers' compensation: medical care
Requires utilization review of prior authorization services be available during specified hours of each normal business day, and requires physician notice or contested, denied, or incomplete billings.
Chapter 124, Statutes of 1999
AB 776 (Calderon-D) Workers' compensation: medical evaluators
Requires the appointment of qualified medical evaluators for the evaluation of medical-legal issues. Clarifies who is physician for purposes of appointment or reappointment as a qualified medical evaluator. Revises the qualifications for the appointment and reappointment of medical evaluators, including, among other changes, a requirement that appointees complete a course approved by the Industrial Medical Council of 12 or more hours on disability evaluation report writing. Reduces the hours of required continuing education for reappointment to eight hours.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 934 (Steinberg-D) Civil liability: workers' compensation
Seeks to restore worker protections and safety by holding property owners and general contractors liable for injuries suffered by employees as a result of hazards at the worksite, or special risks of harm associated with the work performed that the hirer knows or should know may occur.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1086 (Calderon-D) Workers' compensation: judges: procedure
Makes various revisions to provisions governing medical evaluators, physicians, and evaluations. Prescribes qualifications to be met by workers' compensation administrative law judges. Makes changes in the procedures for workers' compensation administrative law judges when conducting workers' compensation hearings.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1185 (Gallegos-D) Workers' compensation: acupuncturists
Permits an acupuncturist to determine workers' compensation disability and requires that an acupuncturist, appointed by the Senate Rules Committee, serve on the Industrial Medical Council.
(Assembly refused to concur in Senate amendments; motion to reconsider)
AB 1252 (Wildman-D) Podiatric fees: workers' compensation
Increases the number of doctors required to serve on the Industrial Medical Council (IMC) and requires that a podiatrist and an acupuncturist serve on IMC. Increases the biennial renewal fee for practicing podiatric medicine from $800 to $900.
Chapter 977, Statutes of 1999
AB 1267 (Baugh-R) Public contracts: workers' compensation
Prohibits a local agency that requires a contractor or bidder on a contract to demonstrate proof of workers' compensation insurance coverage for employees engaged in the provision of goods or services pursuant to the contract from disallowing the contractor's selection of a particular insurance carrier, or from considering a bidder's proposal on a contract more or less responsive or favorable solely because of the bidder's selection of a particular insurance carrier, provided that the carrier is operating under a certificate of authority issued by the State Insurance Commissioner.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1309 (Scott-D) Insurance
Allows self-insured public employers to discharge workers' compensation obligations by purchasing a special excess workers' compensation policy.
Chapter 721, Statutes of 1999
AB 1329 (Cox-R) Workers' compensation: disabilities: schedules
Requires the administrative director on or before January 1, 2001, to review and revise the schedule for the determination of the percentage of permanent disabilities, as specified.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1343 (Floyd-D) Workers' compensation: subsequent injury
Requires that, for awards made on or after January 1, 2000, attorney fees in a "subsequent injury" workers' compensation case be paid immediately, rather than incrementally as an employee receives claim payments.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1374 (Granlund-R) Workers' compensation: cancer
Broadens provisions of current law that presume cancer contracted by certain peace officers is work-related, thereby entitling additional peace officers to workers' compensation benefits. Eliminates the requirement that the officers be primarily engaged in law enforcement activities.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

Unemployment Insurance
SB 546 (Solis-D) Unemployment compensation
Increases weekly Unemployment Insurance benefits and makes other changes in the Unemployment Insurance system.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 656 (Solis-D) Unemployment disability
Increases the maximum weekly state disability insurance benefit and requires the State Department of Employment Development to conduct a study on extending benefits to individuals on unpaid family care and medical leave.
Chapter 973, Statutes of 1999
SB 785 (Speier-D) Withholding of taxes: domestic worker
Allows employers of domestic workers to file wage returns and pay employment taxes annually to the State Franchise Tax Board.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1011* (Polanco-D) Unemployment compensation extension: freezing weather
Extends Unemployment Insurance benefits for workers laid off as a result of the December 1998 Citrus Freeze.
Chapter 558, Statutes of 1999
SB 1140 (Morrow-R) Unemployment disability: liens
Revises the process by which the State Department of Employment Development files liens to recover unemployment disability funds to disallow workers' compensation benefits to an individual receiving unemployment disability benefits, as specified.
(Failed passage in Senate Industrial Relations Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 1152 (Poochigian-R) Unemployment
Specifies that when an individual is deemed not to be an employee of the employer for purposes of the payment of contributions with respect to unemployment insurance coverage and the withholding of taxes on the wages of employees.
(In Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 1303* (Solis-D) Unemployment compensation benefits: freezing weather
Increases from $25 to $200 the amount of earnings that an Unemployment Insurance recipient may keep before benefits are reduced because of those earnings. Specifies that this change applies to individuals laid off as a direct result of freezing weather in December 1998, and whose continued unemployment is due to the freezing weather. Repeals itself on August 7, 1999.
Chapter 9, Statutes of 1999
AB 70 (Cunneen-R) Taxation: employees
Provides, for purposes of unemployment insurance and withholding tax on wages, a person is regarded as an independent contractor if an employer has not treated the individual as an employee, and has filed tax returns which are consistent with independent contractor status.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 489* (Ducheny-D) Taxes: credit
Allows employers a tax credit for the costs of unemployment insurance taxes and employment training taxes paid on tips received by employees. Specifies that the credit applies to taxable years 2000 through 2006, and any excess credit is to be carried forward for up to 13 years.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 542* (Reyes-D) Public service jobs: citrus employees
Appropriates $1.867 million from the Unemployment Trust Fund to the Unemployment Administration Fund to support temporary public service employment in areas affected by the southern San Joaquin Valley freeze.
Chapter 35, Statutes of 1999
AB 644* (Assembly Budget Committee) 1999-2000 Budget clean-up bill
Makes clarifications and corrects various errors in the State Budget, including reducing the appropriation and the amount payable from the Uninsured Employers Account in the Uninsured Employers Fund.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1111* (Aroner-D) Social services: Budget Trailer Bill
Makes changes to programs administered by the State Department of Aging, the State Department of Health and Welfare Data Center, the State Department of Rehabilitation, the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs, the State Department of Employment Development, and the State Department of Social Services. This is the omnibus social services Budget Trailer Bill.
Chapter 147, Statutes of 1999
AB 1162 (Washington-D) Disability benefits: pregnancy or childbirth
Entitles a pregnant woman to a 10-week period of disability benefits, which may be extended if the delivery is by Cesarean section, if there are medical complications, or if the woman is unable to perform her regular or customary duties.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1634 (Assembly Revenue And Taxation Committee) Taxation: unemployment insurance benefits
Clarifies the types of wages that must be included by the State Employment Development Department in its quarterly wage reports.
Chapter 144, Statutes of 1999

Financial Institutions
SB 45 (Sher-D) Commercial law: secured transactions
Restructures, as of July 1, 2001, the current system for the filing of financing statements relating to commercial transactions which include a security interest in personal property, fixtures and chattel paper. Lists the requirements for filing financing statements, adds a correction statement as a new document which may be filed, sets a new standard for handling termination statements, revises the filing fee and sets a statewide standard for rejecting documents.
Chapter 991, Statutes of 1999
SB 248 (Lewis-R) Industrial loan companies
Expands on the offering of real estate loans by industrial loan companies by making three changes in the law governing industrial banks.
Chapter 345, Statutes of 1999
SB 270 (Karnette-D) Automated teller machine (ATM) surcharges
Prohibits financial institutions that operate automated teller machines (ATMs) from imposing "any surcharge upon a customer for the usage of that machine, whether or not the customer is using an access device issued by that institution." However, the customer's own financial institution could still charge a foreign transaction fee as long as disclosure was made to the customer. Permits nonfinancial institutions (i.e., service stations and grocery stores) that operate ATMs to continue to charge a surcharge for using their ATMs.
(Failed passage in Senate Finance, Investment and International Trade; reconsideration granted)
SB 317 (Leslie-R) Financial institutions: Year 2000 problem
Creates the California Consumer Y2K Financial Protection Act. Requires financial institutions to reimburse California consumers for any charges imposed on them as a result of Year 2000 problems experienced by financial institutions.
Chapter 513, Statutes of 1999
SB 579 (Dunn-D) Finance lenders
Clarifies the term "bona fide principal amount". Defines the term "bona fide principal amount" of a loan for the purpose of determining whether a consumer or commercial loan amount exceeds a regulatory ceiling, and specifically excludes certain charges from the definition.
Chapter 347, Statutes of 1999
SB 834 (Perata-D) Deferred deposit loans
Enacts the Deferred Deposit Loan Act which prohibits any person from engaging in the business of making direct deposit loans without first obtaining a license from the State Department of Justice.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 934* (Burton-D) Corporation tax: credit unions
Conforms with federal law by providing a specific exemption from the corporate franchise tax for state-chartered credit unions. Also provides that credit unions will continue to be exempt from business license taxes and personal property tax.
Chapter 675, Statutes of 1999
SB 935 (Ortiz-D) Transmission of money abroad: fees
Increases, from $250 to $400, the fee payable to the Commissioner of Financial Institutions in order to establish a branch office for any corporation licensed to transmit money abroad.
(In Senate Finance, Investment and International Trade Committee)
AB 143 (Calderon-D) Transmission of money abroad
Imposes additional required disclosures which money transmitters must provide to customers.
(In Senate Finance, Investment and International Trade)
AB 145* (Vincent-D) Insurance taxation: credit
Allows insurance companies to claim the existing income and franchise tax credit for qualified deposits made into a community development financial institution.
Chapter 821, Statutes of 1999
AB 410 (Lempert-D) Escrow agents
Limits the required membership in the Escrow Agents' Fidelity Corporation to those licensed escrow agents engaged in specified types of transactions (e.g., real property) and requires bonds as a condition of any other type of escrow transactions (e.g., non-traditional escrows such as internet escrows).
Chapter 253, Statutes of 1999
AB 432 (Leach-R) Real estate brokers: advertisements
Repeals the requirement for real estate brokers to disclose the license information telephone number of the State Department of Real Estate.
Chapter 41, Statutes of 1999
AB 459 (Ackerman-R) Trust companies: investments
Allows more flexibility to the time frame for which trust companies are required to provide written notice regarding certain investments.
Chapter 130, Statutes of 1999
AB 517 (Maldonado-R) Escrow companies: assessments
Makes various changes to the appeal process for members of the Escrow Agents' Fidelity Corporation.
Chapter 486, Statutes of 1999
AB 577 (Honda-D) Credit unions
Requires the commissioner of the State Department of Financial Institutions to make recommendations to the Legislature, by January 30, 2000, on how to implement the stated legislative intent to provide for the operation of foreign credit unions in California. Also specifies that credit unions operating in this State are not prohibited from expanding or doing business elsewhere.
Chapter 385, Statutes of 1999
AB 583 (Papan-D) Internet escrow agents
Amends existing law to provide for escrow transactions conducted over the Internet.
Chapter 441, Statutes of 1999
AB 996 (Papan-D) Savings banks
Authorizes the establishment and regulation of chartered savings banks in California.
(In Senate Finance, Investment and International Trade Committee)
AB 1004 (Papan-D) Consumer finance and premium finance lenders
Permits finance lenders and premium finance agencies to increase the maximum fee for a nonsufficient check (NSF) check to $20 on January 1, 2000. A NSF fee of up to $25 could be charged on January 1, 2001. The increase in fees will apply to consumer and commercial loans made by finance lenders.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 1508 (Florez-D) Financial institutions: rural branch closings
Requires a financial institution that makes loans in the State to file with the commissioner of the State Department of Financial Institutions a written notice, as specified, at least one year prior to closing or discontinuing the operation of any branch office located in rural areas, as specified.
(In Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)
AB 1536 (Robert Pacheco-R) Banks: extension of credit
Makes a certain nonsubstantive change to state law to be consistent with a specified regulation of the Federal Reserve Board, and clarifies that the definition of Federal Regulation O means Regulation O as amended "from time to time."
Chapter 57, Statutes of 1999
AB 1688 (Papan-D) Securities
Adds the words "National Market System of the NASDAQ Stock Market" to various codes.
Chapter 470, Statutes of 1999
ACR 2 (Papan-D) Jt. Committee to Investigate Financial Mergers/Acquisitions
Creates a Joint Committee to Investigate Financial Institutions Mergers and Acquisitions.
Resolution Chapter 79, Statutes of 1999

SB 123 (Peace-D) Petroleum: unfair practices
Makes legislative findings related to the price of gasoline and permits a branded gasoline franchisee to purchase the franchisor's branded petroleum product from any location in the franchisor's wholesale network.
(In Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SB 191 (Knight-R) Professional engineers: registration
Authorizes any licensed professional engineer to practice civil, electrical or mechanical engineering if competent to do so, and exempts the practice of any other legally recognized occupation from the engineering practice acts.
(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 214 (Polanco-D) Barbering and cosmetology: state board
Reestablishes an independent board to regulate the barbering and cosmetology profession. Requires that scores on the practical and written examinations be averaged together, rather than independently scored.
(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
SB 235 (Haynes-R) Cosmetology: licensing
Exempts specified cosmetology activities from the statutory definition of the regulated practice of cosmetology, but also requires compliance with specified sanitary standards with respect to those activities.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 244 (Solis-D) Surface mining and reclamation
Clarifies prohibited actions of members on the State Mining and Geology Board, and makes changes in the policies and procedures of the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
SB 284 (Kelley-R) Secretary of State
Makes several changes to existing law and streamlines and consolidates various procedures used by the Secretary of State for business registration and licensing, including consolidation of the statutory fees for various business programs in the Government Code and the requirement that of the fees collected and interest earned in excess of the authority of the Secretary of State to expend those fees and interest pursuant to the annual Budget Act, up to $1 million may remain in the Business Fees Fund, and that any additional excess fees and interest earned must be transferred to the General Fund.
Chapter 1000, Statutes of 1999
SB 294* (McPherson-R) Contractor license number
Requires the Contractors' State License Board to redesignate a current license number to the original license number, for purposes of the 100th anniversary of a licensee.
(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 378 (Kelley-R) Collateral recovery
Makes various changes related to persons or entities engaged in the repossession of collateral.
Chapter 456, Statutes of 1999
SB 459 (Johnson-R) Franchise Investment Law
Exempts the addition of a new product or service lien to an existing franchise business from the registration requirements of the California Franchise Investment Law, administered by the State Department of Corporations.
Chapter 325, Statutes of 1999
SB 471 (Solis-D) Works of improvement
Requires an owner of property who contracts for a private work of improvement in an amount exceeding $5 million to provide one of three specified forms of security for the projectile.
(Refused passage on Assembly Floor; reconsideration granted)
SB 593 (Morrow-R) Private unfair business practices
Amends the definition of unfair competition by requiring that an act be both unlawful and unfair. Limits a private plaintiff's ability to bring unfair trade and competition and false advertising claims. Demands closer court scrutiny of all phases of private representative suit litigation.
(Failed passage in Senate Judiciary Committee; reconsideration granted.)
SB 617 (Haynes-R) Local government regulation of street vendors
Prohibits cities and counties from banning street vendors. Prohibits cities and counties from limiting the number of licenses that they issue to street vendors who can operate in their jurisdiction. Allows cities and counties to impose reasonable limits on the number of street vendors who operate within geographic areas.
(Failed passage in Senate Local Government Committee)
SB 662 (Figueroa-D) Search warrants: foreign corporations
Sets up a procedure for obtaining and serving a search warrant on a foreign corporation that provides electronic communication services or remote computing service to the general public and is registered to do business in California.
Chapter 896, Statutes of 1999
SB 914 (Sher-D) Contractors: express trust funds
Establishes the right to a mechanics' lien for claims for unpaid wages and fringe benefits by an employee benefit express trust fund.
Chapter 795, Statutes of 1999
SB 1030 (Polanco-D) Business tax: information requirements
Establishes the City Business Tax Reporting Program in the State Department of Industrial Relations.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1090 (Schiff-D) Trusts
Permits a court to appoint a qualifying nonprofit charitable corporation as a trustee or successor trustee of a trust under specified conditions. Requires a nonprofit charitable corporation that wishes to serve as a court-appointed trustee to register with the county clerk by filing specified information under penalty of perjury.
Chapter 424, Statutes of 1999
SB 1123 (Johnston-D) Secondhand goods dealers
Authorizes the State Department of Justice to establish a computer-generated electronically transmitted system for the purpose of making the required reports by pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers, as specified.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)
SB 1131* (Burton-D) Motor vehicle fuel industry practices
Appropriates $1,000,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Justice for the purpose of investigating motor vehicle fuel industry practices relevant to a) the production, distribution, and pricing of gasoline and diesel fuel, and b) reviewing pending mergers between major oil companies.
Chapter 956, Statutes of 1999 - item vetoed
SB 1134 (Karnette-D) Barbering and cosmetology
Sets forth certain independent contractor guidelines and required contractual provisions with respect to persons (booth renters) doing independent contract work in barbering, cosmetology, electrolysis, nail care, or skin care in an establishment.
(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
SB 1151 (Polanco-D) Contractors
Requires home improvement and swimming pool contractors, excluding all specialty contractors (*C" class), to obtain a written receipt signed by the property owner that she/he has received and read the "Notice to Owner" regarding the State's mechanics' lien laws.
(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
SB 1171 (Johnson-R) Public accommodations
Addresses three separate issues relative to non-residential public accommodations: responsibility for minors who are guests; eviction of guests who stay beyond the designated check-out time; and prohibiting distribution of commercial handbills to guest rooms over the objection of the innkeeper.
Chapter 354, Statutes of 1999
SB 1178 (Figueroa-D) Gas station franchises
Requires an oil company to state its reasons in writing if it withholds consent for a franchisee to sell a franchise to a proposed purchaser, and prohibits the oil company from withholding consent because the proposed purchaser does not speak English.
Chapter 523, Statutes of 1999
SB 1216 (Hughes-D) Home inspectors: registration
Requires the registration of home inspectors by the State Department of Consumer Affairs. The director of the department would be required, by regulation, to provide for the additional regulation and monitoring of home inspectors.
(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 1252 (Peace-D) Private security services
Requires any private security service operating in California whose primary office is outside the State to maintain an office in California under the direction of a qualified manager, and to maintain at that office all records required by California law.
Chapter 665, Statutes of 1999
SB 1267 (Polanco-D) Leaf blowers
Prohibits the sale of a leaf blower unless it meets specified standards, adds provisions to clarify local government's position as it relates to prohibiting or restricting the use of leaf blowers.
(Failed passage in Senate Environmental Quality Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 1280 (Chesbro-D) Employment
Limits the use of permanent intermittent positions that may be appointed by the State Employment Development Department as employment program representatives to not more than 10 percent of these authorized positions. Any of these employees who have worked for two years at least 75 percent of full-time while in intermittent status are to be converted to full-time permanent positions.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1306 (Senate Business And Professions Committee) Regulatory boards: sunset extension
Extends the sunset date by one year for the State Board of Accountancy, the State Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, and the Contractors State License Board.
Chapter 656, Statutes of 1999
SB 1307 (Senate Business And Professions Committee) State Department of Consumer Affairs
Makes several non-controversial, minor or technical changes to various professional or occupational licensing laws.
Chapter 983, Statutes of 1999
SR 13 (Leslie-R) Columbine High School shooting
Urges parents to take an active role managing their families' media consumption and to discuss what they see and hear in the media. The resolution also calls upon the film and entertainment industry to reduce the nature and amount of violence in films, television programs, music and video games.
Adopted by the Senate
AB 83 (Cardenas-D) City taxes on creative artists
Prohibits a city in Los Angeles from requiring a business license or home occupation permit and from imposing a business tax or registration fee on any writer, musician, director, or other creative artist, as specified.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 132 (Migden-D) Cosmetology: natural hair braiding
Establishes a specialty for hair braiding within the practice of cosmetology, and specifies the scope of practice and qualifications for the category.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 197 (Ackerman-R) Conversions of limited partnerships
Establishes a comprehensive scheme for the conversion of limited partnerships and limited liability companies into other business entities, including a corporation, business trust, and real estate investment trust.
Chapter 250, Statutes of 1999
AB 198 (Ackerman-R) Mergers of corporations
Authorizes corporations, including nonprofit corporations and cooperative corporations, to merge directly with other business entities, including a domestic or foreign limited liability company, limited partnership, general partnership, business trust, real estate investment trust, and unincorporated association.
Chapter 437, Statutes of 1999
AB 219 (Gallegos-D) Surface mining and reclamation
Makes changes in the State Mining and Geology Board membership and in the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975 policies and procedures.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 229 (Baldwin-R) Limited liability companies
Allows providers of professional services that require a license, certification, or registration, except for those professions listed, to operate as a Limited Liability Company.
(Failed passage in Assembly Judiciary Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 244 (Ackerman-R) Corporations: evidences of indebtedness
Makes specified evidence of indebtedness exemptions from the usury provisions of California law.
(In Assembly Business and Finance Committee)
AB 254 (Cedillo-D) Health facilities: sale of assets
Requires nonprofit health facilities to obtain the consent of the Attorney General prior to the sale, transfer or lease of a material amount of assets to another nonprofit corporation.
Chapter 850, Statutes of 1999
AB 341 (Cox-R) Professions and vocations: background checks
Expands background criminal check requirements for private security-related personnel who are regulated by the State Bureau of Security and Investigative Services.
Chapter 318, Statutes of 1999
AB 376 (Floyd-D) Weights and measures: device repair
Revises and recasts regulatory provisions related to the training and registration of device agencies and repair persons.
Chapter 364, Statutes of 1999
AB 531 (Soto-D) Service stations
Requires all service stations to (1) provide free air and water to the public, and (2) notify customers of this requirement and the requirement that their restroom facilities be clean.
Chapter 583, Statutes of 1999
AB 543 (Torlakson-D) Labeling: piping and optical discs
Requires plumbing pipe and fittings used for potable and wastewater piping systems to be labeled with the country of origin and manufacturer's name. Allows optical disc manufacturers to use a unique identifying code, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 671 (Campbell-R) Private Investigator Act: exemption
Exempts "mystery shoppers" from the state licensure requirement for private investigators.
Chapter 123, Statutes of 1999
AB 705 (Aroner-D) Transport escort services
Establishes licensing and bonding requirements for transport escort services.
Chapter 772, Statutes of 1999
AB 706 (Torlakson-D) Community warning systems: donor organizations
Clarifies the recently-enacted law governing liability immunity for donors of community warning systems in Contra Costa County.
Chapter 239, Statutes of 1999
AB 797 (Baldwin-R) Industrial hygiene
Provides that certification provided by a certified industrial hygienist in the practice of industrial hygiene constitutes an expression of professional opinion regarding those facts or findings which are the subject of the certification, and does not constitute a warranty or guarantee, either express or implied.
(Failed passage in Assembly Health Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 831 (Leach-R) Limited liability companies: formation
Permits the formation of a single person limited liability company in California. Also provides that a member of a limited liability company would be subject to common law governing alter ego liability.
Chapter 490, Statutes of 1999
AB 884 (Kuehl-D) Advance-fee talent services
Establishes requirements governing advance-fee talent services, as defined, including the contents of their contracts with artists, and the posting of a $10,000 surety bond or deposit with the State Labor Commissioner. Prohibits advance-fee talent services from specified activities. Provides that the State Labor Commissioner will oversee the contract provisions and bonding requirements.
Chapter 626, Statutes of 1999
AB 925 (Hertzberg-D) Conservatorships: statewide registry
Creates a statewide registry for private conservators and guardians.
Chapter 409, Statutes of 1999
AB 931 (Calderon-D) Electricians: apprenticeship standards
Establishes minimum standards for training, competency, and certification of electricians.
Chapter 781, Statutes of 1999
AB 952 (Wiggins-D) Contractors' State License Board: fraud
Creates a major fraud investigation unit within the Contractors' State License Board. Appropriates $750,000 for the 1999-2000 fiscal year from the Contractors' License Fund for support of the unit.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1079 (Robert Pacheco-R) Immigration consultants: regulation
Expands regulation of immigration consultants by doubling and making permanent the state bonding requirement, adding penalty provisions, and reinstating specified reporting requirements.
Chapter 336, Statutes of 1999
AB 1095* (Ashburn-R) Independent oil and natural gas producers: loans
Enacts the Independent Oil and Natural Gas Producers Emergency Relief Act of 1999 to authorize small business financial development corporations to provide loans or loan guarantees to independent oil and natural gas producers who otherwise qualify as small businesses, to assist those producers in maintaining payroll, operating expenses, and capital expenditures associated with the production of crude oil and natural gas, during any calendar year or which the average crude oil price drops below a specified amount.
(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 1096 (Romero-D) Interior designers
Establishes a state regulatory program for interior designers and creates a Board of Interior Design.
(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)
AB 1102 (Jackson-D) Environmental protection
Authorizes the establishment of Permit Assistance Centers.
Chapter 65, Statutes of 1999
AB 1125 (Ashburn-R) Property taxation: oil producing property
Authorizes counties to defer a portion of the property tax levied on oil-producing properties if the crude oil price falls below a specified amount.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1165* (Florez-D) Farm labor vehicles: safety belts
Requires all farm labor vehicles to have certified safety restraints for the driver and all passengers. Requires all farm labor vehicles to be inspected and certified by the California Highway Patrol.
Chapter 557, Statutes of 1999
AB 1288 (Davis-D) Contractors: liability insurance
Requires contractors to file a certificate of liability insurance ($1 million per occurrence) as a condition of licensure.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1341 (Granlund-R) Land surveying: exemption
Exempts from licensing requirements and regulations pertaining to the practice of land surveying any state, county, city, or city and county public safety employee who is investigating any crime or infraction for the purpose of determining or prosecuting a crime or infraction.
Chapter 125, Statutes of 1999
AB 1348 (Runner-R) Business practices: trademark infringement
Adds specified actions to the prescribed grounds for civil action in trademark infringement cases.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1379 (Granlund-R) Preneed funeral arrangements
Allows the trustee of a preneed funeral trust to pay taxes directly on behalf of the consumer and repeals never-implemented continuing education.
Chapter 241, Statutes of 1999
AB 1427 (Wiggins-D) Barbering and cosmetology: exemption
Exempts persons with specified massage therapy training who provide massage to the face and upper body from the licensing requirements in the Barbering and Cosmetology Act.
(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)
AB 1544 (Granlund-R) Leaf blowers
Establishes procedures for local governments to regulate by ordinance the commercial use of leaf blowers and repeals several existing local bans.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1585 (Baugh-R) Barbering and cosmetology: nonprofit trade corporation
Requires a nonprofit trade corporation to establish standardized subjects of instruction and training requirements and standards of certification for schools that offer students the ability to obtain licensure without the requirement of examination. Requires the State Department of Consumer Affairs to issue licenses to students upon completion of an approved course.
(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 1603 (Bates-R) Automotive technicians
Requires the State Department of Consumer Affairs and the California Automotive Repair Advisory Committee to prepare a report and submit recommendations to the Legislature and the Governor on or before September 1, 2000, concerning enhancement of automotive technician education and performance standards, as specified.
(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 1609 (Cardenas-D) Leaf blowers
Prohibits local agencies from banning leaf blowers, but allows the regulation of the noise levels emitted.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1642 (Floyd-D) Contractors: licensing
Provides that the failure of a contractor to pay moneys when due for materials, as specified, and if the failure to pay results in a mechanics lien being filed, shall result in the automatic suspension of the contractor's license.
(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 1677 (Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency, And Economic Development Committee) Professions and vocations
Enacts several non-controversial, minor or technical changes to various professional and occupational licensing laws.
Chapter 657, Statutes of 1999
AB 1678 (Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency, And Economic Development Committee) Business and professions
Enacts various non-substantive, technical or clarifying changes in the laws that regulate specified professions and violations.
Chapter 982, Statutes of 1999
AB 1687 (Assembly Banking And Finance Committee) Nonprofit corporations
Amends the Nonprofit Corporation Law to conform to the General Corporation Law in several areas.
Chapter 453, Statutes of 1999
AB 1688 (Papan-D) Securities
Adds the words "National Market System of the NASDAQ Stock Market" to various codes.
Chapter 470, Statutes of 1999
ACR 9 (Campbell-R) Engineer's Week
Declares the week of February 21 through February 27, 1999, as "Engineer's Week" in California.
Resolution Chapter 6, Statutes of 1999
ACR 10 (Machado-D) California Architecture Week
Proclaims the week of April 12, 1999, through April 18, 1999, inclusive, as California Architecture Week.
Resolution Chapter 14, Statutes of 1999
AJR 10 (Leonard-R) Export of cryptographic products
Memorializes the President and the Congress to relax current United States export control laws governing cryptographic products, as specified, and to discourage the implementation of a federally mandated "key recovery" program.
Resolution Chapter 71, Statutes of 1999
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 16 | Burton-D Public works: prevailing wages | |
SB 26 | Escutia-D Employment: age discrimination | |
SB 32 | Peace-D Workers' compensation: law enforcement | |
SB 40* | Brulte-R Corporation tax: repeals corporate minimum tax | |
SB 43 | Johnston-D Employment: education and investment | |
SB 45 | Sher-D Commercial law: secured transactions | |
SB 56 | Solis-D Employment: time off to appear in court | |
SB 73 | Murray-D State contracts: participation goals | |
SB 77 | Murray-D Workers' compensation: death benefits | |
SB 84* | Costa-D Enterprise zones: expansion areas | |
SB 85* | Knight-R Taxes: credits: qualified wages | |
SB 88 | Escutia-D Workforce Investment Act of 1998 | |
SB 95 | Perata-D Planning and zoning: retail stores | |
SB 113 | Kelley-R Manufacturing enhancement areas: tax credits | |
SB 118 | Hayden-D Employment: family care and medical leave | |
SB 123 | Peace-D Petroleum: unfair practices | |
SB 133* | Kelley-R California investment incentive program | |
SB 146 | Solis-D Employment: education and investment | |
SB 150 | Solis-D Labor agency | |
SB 178 | Polanco-D Work force investment: State Department of Transportation | |
SB 181 | Perata-D Workers' compensation: credit against liability | |
SB 191 | Knight-R Professional engineers: registration | |
SB 200 | O'Connell-D Employment: railroad train crews | |
SB 211 | Solis-D Employment discrimination: employer identity | |
SB 213 | Polanco-D California community colleges: budget augmentation | |
SB 214 | Polanco-D Barbering and cosmetology: state board | |
SB 235 | Haynes-R Cosmetology: licensing | |
SB 236 | Solis-D Job preparation and training | |
SB 239 | Perata-D Workers' compensation: jockeys | |
SB 244 | Solis-D Surface mining and reclamation | |
SB 248 | Lewis-R Industrial loan companies | |
SB 270 | Karnette-D Automated teller machine (ATM) surcharges | |
SB 284 | Kelley-R Secretary of State | |
SB 294* | McPherson-R Contractor license number | |
SB 298 | Leslie-R World's Fair Expo 2000 Hannover | |
SB 317 | Leslie-R Financial institutions: Year 2000 problem | |
SB 319 | Burton-D Joint Enforcement Strike Force on the Underground Economy | |
SB 320 | Solis-D Workers' compensation: administration and benefits | |
SB 356 | Hughes-D Employment: leave for parents or guardians | |
SB 369 | Solis-D Foreign trade | |
SB 378 | Kelley-R Collateral recovery | |
SB 386 | Leslie-R Agricultural Export Program | |
SB 459 | Johnson-R Franchise Investment Law | |
SB 460 | Hayden-D Employee wages: garment manufacturing | |
SB 471 | Solis-D Works of improvement | |
SB 481 | Baca-D Commerce: Inland Empire Distribution Center | |
SB 485 | Rainey-R California Industrial Development Financing Act | |
SB 495* | Figueroa-D Taxes: credit: employees: research | |
SB 508 | Ortiz-D Occupational safety and health: health care work | |
SB 511 | Alarcon-D Enterprise zones: designation limits | |
SB 516 | Haynes-R Needy families: job training | |
SB 546 | Solis-D Unemployment compensation | |
SB 569 | Alarcon-D Employment of persons with disabilities | |
SB 579 | Dunn-D Finance lenders | |
SB 593 | Morrow-R Private unfair business practices | |
SB 617 | Haynes-R Local government regulation of street vendors | |
SB 653 | Karnette-D Alameda Corridor Industrial Reclamation Act of 1999 | |
SB 656 | Solis-D Unemployment disability | |
SB 661 | Alarcon-D Economic development lenders | |
SB 662 | Figueroa-D Search warrants: foreign corporations | |
SB 705* | Sher-D Income/corporation taxes: research and development credit | |
SB 717 | Peace-D Workers' Compensation Administration Revolving Fund | |
SB 729 | Chesbro-D California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank | |
SB 785 | Speier-D Withholding of taxes: domestic worker | |
SB 808 | Peace-D California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank Act | |
SB 812 | Brulte-R Commission on Health and Safety and Workers' Compensation | |
SB 834 | Perata-D Deferred deposit loans | |
SB 859 | Hughes-D Economic development: City of Lynwood | |
SB 869 | Schiff-D CalWORKs: employment training | |
SB 875 | Escutia-D Office of Intellectual Property | |
SB 897 | Polanco-D International trade | |
SB 899 | Vasconcellos-D California Youthbuild Program | |
SB 914 | Sher-D Contractors: express trust funds | |
SB 934* | Burton-D Corporation tax: credit unions | |
SB 935 | Ortiz-D Transmission of money abroad: fees | |
SB 937 | Baca-D Economic development: San Bernardino | |
SB 943 | Dunn-D Property tax abatement | |
SB 945 | Vasconcellos-D Employment | |
SB 947 | Alarcon-D Workers' compensation | |
SB 973 | Perata-D Permanent amusement rides: safety | |
SB 995 | Knight-R Rural economic opportunity area | |
SB 996 | Johnston-D Alien workers | |
SB 1000 | Burton-D Employment: workday and overtime | |
SB 1011* | Polanco-D Unemployment compensation extension: freezing weather | |
SB 1016 | Bowen-D Employee computer records: e-mail | |
SB 1030 | Polanco-D Business tax: information requirements | |
SB 1090 | Schiff-D Trusts | |
SB 1096 | Hayden-D Economic development: inner cities | |
SB 1097 | Hayden-D Car washing and polishing | |
SB 1120 | Alarcon-D Office of Strategic Technology | |
SB 1123 | Johnston-D Secondhand goods dealers | |
SB 1131* | Burton-D Motor vehicle fuel industry practices | |
SB 1134 | Karnette-D Barbering and cosmetology | |
SB 1136 | Vasconcellos-D Job Development Act of 1999 | |
SB 1137 | Vasconcellos-D Employment training | |
SB 1140 | Morrow-R Workers' compensation: appeals board | |
SB 1149 | Speier-D Family care and medical leave: employers | |
SB 1151 | Polanco-D Contractors | |
SB 1152 | Poochigian-R Unemployment | |
SB 1171 | Johnson-R Public accommodations | |
SB 1178 | Figueroa-D Gas station franchises | |
SB 1201 | Karnette-D Regional Collaborative Partnerships | |
SB 1216 | Hughes-D Home inspectors: registration | |
SB 1218 | Leslie-R Clinical laboratories: onsite testing | |
SB 1245* | Hayden-D Compensation: World War II slave and forced labor | |
SB 1252 | Peace-D Private security services | |
SB 1264 | Mountjoy-R Workers' compensation: representation of employer | |
SB 1267 | Polanco-D Leaf blowers | |
SB 1272 | Ortiz-D Enterprise zones: McClellan | |
SB 1280 | Chesbro-D Employment | |
SB 1303* | Solis-D Unemployment compensation benefits: freezing weather | |
SB 1306 | Senate Business And Professions Committee Regulatory boards: sunset extension | |
SB 1307 | Senate Business And Professions Committee State Department of Consumer Affairs | |
SCR 45 | Karnette-D Economic Development: California: Mexico border | |
SCR 53 | Karnette-D Port jobs and port business | |
SR 13 | Leslie-R Columbine High School shooting | |
AB 10* | Correa-D Corporation taxes: minimum franchise tax | |
AB 19* | Leach-R Taxes: dissolution of corporations | |
AB 51* | Briggs-R Enterprise zone boundaries | |
AB 60 | Knox-D Employment: overtime | |
AB 61 | Cardoza-D Rural Development Export Act of 1999 | |
AB 68* | Cunneen-R Taxes | |
AB 70 | Cunneen-R Taxation: employees | |
AB 77 | Cardenas-D Small business development corporations | |
AB 83 | Cardenas-D City taxes on creative artists | |
AB 84 | Floyd-D Big box retailers and development permits | |
AB 109 | Knox-D Employment: sick leave | |
AB 132 | Migden-D Cosmetology: natural hair braiding | |
AB 143 | Calderon-D Transmission of money abroad | |
AB 145* | Vincent-D Insurance taxation: credit | |
AB 175 | Robert Pacheco-R Overseas trade offices | |
AB 180 | Havice-D International trade: public-private trade development | |
AB 184 | Davis-D Employment: hazardous materials safety | |
AB 197 | Ackerman-R Conversions of limited partnerships | |
AB 198 | Ackerman-R Mergers of corporations | |
AB 201 | Reyes-D Workers' compensation: medical treatment | |
AB 203 | Washington-D Taxes | |
AB 209 | Cedillo-D Workers' compensation: vocational rehabilitation | |
AB 219 | Gallegos-D Surface mining and reclamation | |
AB 224 | Knox-D Workers' compensation: peace officers | |
AB 229 | Baldwin-R Limited liability companies | |
AB 244 | Ackerman-R Corporations: evidences of indebtedness | |
AB 254 | Cedillo-D Health facilities: sale of assets | |
AB 259 | Leach-R Minors: services as sports referees | |
AB 279 | Wayne-D Workers' compensation insurance: failure to provide | |
AB 281 | Floyd-D Industrial Welfare Commission | |
AB 302 | Floyd-D Public works: prevailing wages | |
AB 341 | Cox-R Professions and vocations: background checks | |
AB 356 | Washington-D Enterprise zone: City of Compton | |
AB 358* | Wildman-D Income and bank and corporation taxes | |
AB 376 | Floyd-D Weights and measures: device repair | |
AB 388* | Steinberg-D Employment | |
AB 410 | Lempert-D Escrow agents | |
AB 418 | Firebaugh-D Overtime | |
AB 426 | Scott-D Workers' Compensation Appeals Board: electronic filing | |
AB 432 | Leach-R Real estate brokers: advertisements | |
AB 433 | Washington-D Firefighters: conditions of employment | |
AB 435 | Corbett-D Workers' compensation: medical records | |
AB 442 | Cedillo-D State funds: use to discourage unionization | |
AB 459 | Ackerman-R Trust companies: investments | |
AB 462* | Briggs-R Taxation: manufacturer's investment credit | |
AB 474 | Floyd-D Workers' compensation | |
AB 480 | Ducheny-D Workforce investment | |
AB 482 | Davis-D Business development | |
AB 484* | Kuehl-D Income and bank and corporation taxes | |
AB 489* | Ducheny-D Taxes: credit | |
AB 517 | Maldonado-R Escrow companies: assessments | |
AB 519 | Aroner-D Sexual harassment | |
AB 531 | Soto-D Service stations | |
AB 539 | Papan-D Workers' compensation: cancer | |
AB 542* | Reyes-D Public service jobs: citrus employees | |
AB 543 | Torlakson-D Labeling: piping and optical discs | |
AB 577 | Honda-D Credit unions | |
AB 580 | Firebaugh-D California-Mexico relations | |
AB 583 | Papan-D Internet escrow agents | |
AB 586 | Brewer-R Workers' compensation | |
AB 613 | Wildman-D Employment: JESF and TIPP programs | |
AB 633 | Steinberg-D Labor: garment manufacturing | |
AB 643 | Wesson-D YouthBuild Program | |
AB 644* | Assembly Budget Committee 1999-2000 Budget clean-up bill | |
AB 671 | Campbell-R Private Investigator Act: exemption | |
AB 702 | Vincent-D Workforce investment and economic development | |
AB 705 | Aroner-D Transport escort services | |
AB 706 | Torlakson-D Community warning systems: donor organizations | |
AB 726 | Gallegos-D Health insurance: small employers | |
AB 775 | Calderon-D Workers' compensation: medical care | |
AB 776 | Calderon-D Workers' compensation: medical evaluators | |
AB 794 | Corbett-D Subpoenas: personal records | |
AB 797 | Baldwin-R Industrial hygiene | |
AB 806 | Keeley-D Public works contracts | |
AB 823 | Floyd-D Legal actions | |
AB 831 | Leach-R Limited liability companies: formation | |
AB 850 | Torlakson-D Amusement rides: safety | |
AB 884 | Kuehl-D Advance-fee talent services | |
AB 921 | Keeley-D Apprenticeship programs | |
AB 925 | Hertzberg-D Conservatorships: statewide registry | |
AB 926* | Cedillo-D Job training | |
AB 931 | Calderon-D Electricians: apprenticeship standards | |
AB 934 | Steinberg-D Civil liability | |
AB 952 | Wiggins-D Contractors' State License Board: fraud | |
AB 960 | Alquist-D Center for California Business of the Future | |
AB 965 | Robert Pacheco-R Export development: technology | |
AB 978 | Correa-D Tourism economic development zones | |
AB 983 | Correa-D Amusement rides | |
AB 996 | Papan-D Savings banks | |
AB 1001 | Villaraigosa-D Fair Employment and Housing Act: sexual orientation | |
AB 1004 | Papan-D Consumer finance and premium finance lenders | |
AB 1019 | Strickland-R Minors: volunteer construction services | |
AB 1079 | Robert Pacheco-R Immigration consultants: regulation | |
AB 1086 | Calderon-D Workers' compensation: judges: procedure | |
AB 1095* | Ashburn-R Independent oil and natural gas producers | |
AB 1096 | Romero-D Interior designers | |
AB 1098 | Romero-D Communities First! Jobs Program | |
AB 1102 | Jackson-D Environmental protection | |
AB 1111* | Aroner-D Social services: Budget Trailer Bill | |
AB 1120* | Havice-D Personal income taxes: qualified small business stock | |
AB 1125 | Ashburn-R Property taxation: oil producing property | |
AB 1127 | Steinberg-D Employee safety: violations | |
AB 1162 | Washington-D Disability benefits: pregnancy or childbirth | |
AB 1165* | Florez-D Farm labor vehicles: safety belts | |
AB 1185 | Gallegos-D Workers' compensation: acupuncturists | |
AB 1192 | Florez-D Targeted tax areas | |
AB 1216 | Floyd-D Workplace smoking prohibition: gaming clubs, bars | |
AB 1240 | Ashburn-R California Central Valley International Trade | |
AB 1252 | Wildman-D Podiatric fees: workers' compensation | |
AB 1267 | Baugh-R Public contracts: workers' compensation | |
AB 1268 | Kuehl-D Labor disputes | |
AB 1288 | Davis-D Contractors: liability insurance | |
AB 1309 | Scott-D Insurance | |
AB 1329 | Cox-R Workers' compensation: disabilities: schedules | |
AB 1341 | Granlund-R Land surveying: exemption | |
AB 1343 | Floyd-D Workers' compensation: subsequent injury | |
AB 1348 | Runner-R Business practices: trademark infringement | |
AB 1373* | Florez-D Federal empowerment zones | |
AB 1374 | Granlund-R Workers' compensation: cancer | |
AB 1379 | Granlund-R Preneed funeral arrangements | |
AB 1388 | Aanestad-R Small employer health coverage | |
AB 1395 | Correa-D Public works: prevailing wages | |
AB 1403 | Soto-D South Coast Air Quality Management District | |
AB 1427 | Wiggins-D Barbering and cosmetology: exemption | |
AB 1446 | Granlund-R Employer obligations: independent contractors | |
AB 1464 | Florez-D Rural development | |
AB 1508 | Florez-D Financial institutions: rural branch closings | |
AB 1534 | Runner-R Microenterprise development | |
AB 1536 | Robert Pacheco-R Banks: extension of credit | |
AB 1541 | Keeley-D Employment discrimination: religious entities | |
AB 1544 | Granlund-R Leaf blowers | |
AB 1556 | Maddox-R Highways: outdoor advertising | |
AB 1564 | Strom-Martin-D Rural Policy Task Force | |
AB 1585 | Baugh-R Barbering and cosmetology: nonprofit trade corporation | |
AB 1599 | Torlakson-D Labor: young workers | |
AB 1601 | Robert Pacheco-R Foreign trade | |
AB 1603 | Bates-R Automotive technicians | |
AB 1609 | Cardenas-D Leaf blowers | |
AB 1613 | Havice-D Enterprise zone designation | |
AB 1615 | Havice-D International trade and development panel | |
AB 1616 | Havice-D Office of Economic Research | |
AB 1617 | Havice-D Trade and Commerce Agency: international trade | |
AB 1634 | Assembly Revenue And Taxation Committee Taxation: unemployment insurance benefits | |
AB 1642 | Floyd-D Contractors: licensing | |
AB 1646 | Assembly Labor And Employment Committee Public works: payments | |
AB 1652 | Steinberg-D Labor: violations | |
AB 1653 | Bock-G California Resource Center on Safe Jobs for Youth | |
AB 1654 | Assembly Labor And Employment Committee Department of Industrial Relations: limited-English speakers | |
AB 1655 | Hertzberg-D Occupational safety and health standards | |
AB 1656 | Assembly Labor And Employment Committee Occupational safety and health: sanitary facilities | |
AB 1661* | Vasconcellos-D Infrastructure Bank; ERAF | |
AB 1677 | Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency, And Economic Development Committee Professions and vocations | |
AB 1678 | Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency, And Economic Development Committee Business and professions | |
AB 1687 | Assembly Banking And Finance Committee Nonprofit corporations | |
AB 1688 | Papan-D Securities | |
AB 1689 | Floyd-D Employment: wage claims | |
ACR 2 | Papan-D Jt. Committee to Investigate Financial Mergers/Acquisitions | |
ACR 9 | Campbell-R Engineer's Week | |
ACR 10 | Machado-D California Architecture Week | |
AJR 10 | Leonard-R Export of cryptographic products | |
AJR 17 | Aroner-D Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 | |
AJR 23 | Runner-R California film industry | |
AJR 31 | Scott-D National Aeronautics and Space Administration | |
AJR 33 | Nakano-D Space-related commerce | |
AJR 37 | Longville-D International trade: import of steel slabs | |
HR 8 | Robert Pacheco-R International trade agreements: MTBE | |
HR 21 | Reyes-D Stand Up for Rural America Campaign | |
HR 22 | Steinberg-D Workers Memorial Day | |
HR 32 | Strom-Martin-D Industrial hemp |