Farm Labor
Pests and Pesticides
General Agriculture
Water Resources
Farm Labor
SB 1156 (Burton-D) Collective bargaining and mediation
Establishes a procedure for the resolution of agricultural labor contract disputes by mandatory mediation and conciliation.
Chapter 1145, Statutes of 2002
Similar legislation was SB 1592 (Burton-D), which died on the Assembly Inactive File.
SB 1466 (Alarcon-D) Contracts for labor or services
Provides (1) that any person or entity that enters into a contract for labor or services in specified industries, including farm labor, that knows or should know that the contract does not provide sufficient funds to comply with various laws, violates state law, (2) that employees will be able to recover actual damages through civil action, and (3) a rebuttable presumption that a person or entity that enters into a voluntary written agreement with specified criteria does not violate the proposed law.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1721 (Soto-D) Land use: farm worker housing
Clarifies that state law prohibiting local agencies from denying housing developments also applies to farm worker housing.
Chapter 147, Statutes of 2002
SB 1736 (Burton-D) Agricultural labor relations: binding arbitration
Requires the Agricultural Labor Relations Board to assign a third party arbitrator to make binding decisions establishing the terms of a collective bargaining agreement in instances where an employer of agricultural workers and a labor organization representing such workers reach an impasse in negotiations.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 325 (Reyes-D) Protection of farm workers
Prohibits a farm worker from being required to cash a paycheck at a location designated by a farm labor contractor, grower, or agricultural employer, or being charged a fee for doing so, and assigns misdemeanor penalties for wrongful conduct and increases penalties for charging employees transportation costs to and from the job site.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 567 (Koretz-D) Agricultural employees: length of hand-held tool handles
Prohibits the use of short-handled hoes or other short-handled hand tools in agricultural operations while weeding, thinning, or hot-capping. Prohibits the use of long-handled tools as short-handled tools in a stopped, kneeling, or squatting position.
(Died in Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
AB 582 (Salinas-D) Agricultural labor: seasonal farmworkers
Requires the State Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) to review existing programs that (1) provide alternative avenues for the prevention or resolution of labor disputes, (2) create partnerships between agricultural employer and employees to improve the living and working conditions of employees, and (3) create partnerships between agricultural employers and agricultural employees that improve productivity and efficiency. Requires DIR to submit a written report to the Legislature summarizing its findings by April 1, 2002.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 638 (Steinberg-D) Farm labor: written contracts and agreements
Provides that a contract between an agricultural grower and a farm labor contractor shall be in writing, as specified.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 790* (Maldonado-R) Taxes: preventive health care: agricultural workers
Allows a credit to taxpayers for part of the qualified costs paid for preventive health care for employees who are farmworkers.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1250 (Florez-D) Safety and Farm Labor Vehicle Education Program
Codifies into state law the Safety and Farm Labor Vehicle Education Program, a traffic safety program currently conducted by the State Department of the California Highway Patrol.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1459 (Reyes-D) Farm labor contractors: violation reporting
Increases the amount of a surety bond required for farm labor contractors with huge payrolls, as specified, and establishes a toll-free telephone number for reporting labor law violations affecting farm workers.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 1526 (Florez-D) Bond: farmworker housing and family wellness act
Enacts the Farmworker Housing and Family Wellness Bond Act of 2002, which, if adopted, will authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $250 million, and provides for the proceeds of the bonds to be allocated to the State Department of Housing and Community Development for the purposes of the grant program and to provide housing in coordination with the provision of health and other family services pursuant to the Farmworker Family Wellness Program. Requires the submission of the bond act to the voters at the March 5, 2002, statewide primary election.
(Died in Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 2043 (Salinas-D) Farm worker housing
Clarifies that the Joe Serna, Jr. Farmworker Housing Grant Program may make grants or loans to directly rent or lease short-term housing for migrant farm workers, if the State Department of Housing and Community Development finds the existence of extraordinary or emergency circumstances.
Chapter 494, Statutes of 2002
AB 2596 (Wesson-D) Agricultural labor mediation procedures
Makes changes, both technical and substantive, to SB 1156 (Burton-D) which establishes a procedure for the resolution of agricultural labor contract disputes by mandatory mediation and conciliation.
Chapter 1146, Statutes of 2002
Similar legislation was SB 1496 (Burton-D), which died on the Assembly Third Reading File.
AB 2913* (Firebaugh-D) Bracero workers: statute of limitations
Provides that a defined group of guest workers from Mexico, known as braceros, or their heirs or beneficiaries, may sue on claims for failure to pay withheld wages under the federal Bracero program in any court of competent jurisdiction in the state, and that any such claim shall not be dismissed for failure to comply with the otherwise applicable statute of limitations, provided that the claim is filed on or before December 31, 2005.
Chapter 1070, Statutes of 2002
ACR 163 (Salinas-D) The Week of the Migrant Child
Declares March 18 to March 24, 2002, the Week of the Migrant Child.
(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)
ACR 236 (Salinas-D) Agricultural Worker Health and Housing Commission
Resolves that an Agricultural Worker Health and Housing Commission, consisting of 10 members and funded solely through private sources, be established. Requires the commission to report to the Legislature regarding the agricultural industry's ability to compete in the global marketplace and the commission's recommendation of how to improve the housing and health conditions of agricultural workers.
Resolution Chapter 178, Statutes of 2002
HR 39 (Salinas-D) Week of the Migrant Child
Declares March 18 to March 24, 2002, as the Week of the Migrant Child.
Adopted by the Assembly

Pests and Pesticides
SB 261 (Senate Environmental Quality Committee) Food and agriculture: organization
Codifies all the provisions of the Governor's Reorganization Plan (GRP) No. 1 of 1991 concerning the regulation of pesticides within the State Department of Pesticide Regulation. Certain sections that have been enacted or amended subsequent to 1991 are not contained in the bill. Codifies sections of the Food and Agricultural Code, the Business and Professions Code, the Health and Safety Code, and the Labor Code concerning the regulation of pesticides contained in GRP No. 1.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
SB 305 (Machado-D) Pest control: structural pest control devices
Transfers the balance remaining in the Structural Pest Control Device (SPCD) Fund to the State Department of Pesticide Regulation for administration of the SPCD Program, and requires structural pest control devices to be registered annually with the department, instead of a one time registration.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 605 (Costa-D) Pesticides
Specifies that sales made electronically, telephonically, or by other means, that result in a pesticide being used or shipped in the state, are sales.
(Died in Assembly Agriculture Committee)
SB 1223 (Senate Agriculture And Water Resources Committee) Red imported fire ants
Provides legislative intent relative to the eradication of the Red Imported Fire Ant.
(Died in Assembly awaiting assignment)
SB 1463 (Machado-D) Structural pest control
Allows the Structural Pest Control Board or a county agricultural commissioner to direct a licensee to complete and pass a course of instruction for pesticide application violations.
Chapter 584, Statutes of 2002
SB 1573 (Karnette-D) Interagency Aquatic Invasive Species Council
Establishes the Interagency Aquatic Invasive Species Council consisting of representatives of specified entities.
Chapter 599, Statutes of 2002
SB 1588 (Senate Local Government Committee) Mosquito abatement: vector control districts
Repeals existing law provisions relating to the establishment of mosquito abatement and vector control districts, enacts the Mosquito Abatement and Vector Control District law which specifies the procedures for district formation, procedures for the selection of district board of trustees and officers, and the powers and duties of the board, and makes numerous technical and conforming changes to the statute governing mosquito abatement districts. Double-jointed to SB 1961 (Polanco-D).
Chapter 395, Statutes of 2002
AB 947 (Jackson-D) Pesticides: schoolsites
Provides protection for children and others from accidental exposure to pesticides drifting over schools.
Chapter 457, Statutes of 2002
AB 1136 (La Suer-R) Pest control: eradication of Formosa termite
Appropriates $1.25 million from the General Fund to the State Department of Food and Agriculture to trap, determine the total infestation area, and control and eradicate the Formosa termite in the City of La Mesa in San Diego County.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1242* (Wiggins-D) Pest control: Glassy-winged Sharpshooter
Appropriates $7.14 million of federal funds to the State Department of Food and Agriculture (DFA) to indemnify grape growers for vine losses resulting from Pierce's disease spread by the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter. Provides that the funds be available for expenditure by DFA until December 31, 2002. Makes legislative findings and declarations.
Chapter 18, Statutes of 2002
AB 1406* (Hollingsworth-R) Pierce's disease
Appropriates federal funds to the State Department of Food and Agriculture for distribution for the purpose of remediating losses by grape producers form Pierce's disease. Makes legislative findings and declarations.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
AB 1408 (Hollingsworth-R) Pierce's disease
Clarifies the relationship between the State Department of Food and Agriculture (DFA) and the State Franchise Tax Board (FTB) on how to confirm and report losses to a farming operation due to Pierce's disease during a particular tax year. Directs FTB to develop a management agreement with DFA to establish procedures by which FTB secures the appropriate information. Specifies that DFA will only be required to confirm that the taxpayers farming business was affected by Pierce's disease for the year in which the qualified taxpayer seeks a deduction.
Chapter 524, Statutes of 2002
AB 1417 (Hollingsworth-R) Pest control
Establishes a mechanism at the State Department of Food and Agriculture for researching commodity treatment and processing protocols for exotic or minor crops to allow these crops to be transported out of a general quarantine area.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1435 (Rod Pacheco-R) Pest control: invasive species task force
Creates the continuously appropriated Invasive Specifies Revolving Fund for use by the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture (DFA) concerning the need to combat invasive species that the secretary determines pose a significant threat to this state's agriculture. Requires the Secretary of DFA to create a task force to conduct long-term research on pest control. Appropriates $25 million from the General Fund, $15 million of which is to be transferred to the Invasive Species Revolving Fund and $10 million for the task force, without regard to fiscal year.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1811 (Richman-R) Agriculture: exotic and invasive species
Makes several findings and declarations regarding the threat invasive species pose to the state, and requires the State Department of Food and Agriculture to develop a comprehensive strategic plan for California Border Inspection Stations for submittal to the Legislature.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2345 (Ashburn-R) Pest control: Pierce's disease
Creates the Table Grape Pierce's Disease Pest Abatement District law, provides a procedure for the formation, operation, and dissolution of districts, and specifies the powers and duties of such districts, including the power to make assessments for the purposes of such districts.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2472 (Simitian-D) Pesticides
Calls on the State Department of General Services to provide a project demonstrating alternatives to hazardous pest management practices on the grounds of the State Capitol.
Chapter 242, Statutes of 2002
AB 2890* (Wiggins-D) Pests
Authorizes the Pierce's Disease and Glassy Winged Sharpshooter Board to coordinate its activities with the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture's science advisory board and the agricultural/governmental advisory task force, as specified.
Chapter 741, Statutes of 2002

General Agriculture
SB 29 (Machado-D) Milk: forward price contracts
Requires the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture, by January 1, 2003, to establish a pilot program authorizing milk producers and cooperatives to voluntarily enter into forward price contracts with milk handlers whereby the handler agrees to purchase, and the producer or cooperative agrees to sell, a specified quantity of milk or milk components for a specified period of time at a specified price level. Sunsets January 1, 2009.
(Died in Assembly Agriculture Committee)
Similar legislation was SB 644 (Machado-D), which died in Assembly Agriculture Committee.
SB 196 (Burton-D) Land conservation
Enacts the California Resources Legacy Bond Act of 2002, which, among other provisions, provides bond financing for acquisition, development, restoration, protection, rehabilitation, stabilization, preservation and interpretation of agricultural land.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 435* (Monteith-R) Taxation: agriculture: irrigation
Creates a new tax credit equal to 30 percent of the cost paid by the taxpayer to purchase and install agricultural "irrigation system improvements" for use in California.
(Failed passage in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 556* (Costa-D) Agriculture: cooperative agreements
Authorizes the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture (DFA) to enter into cooperative agreements with private entities, departments, bureaus, boards, or commissions for the purpose of administering various programs that enhance agriculture. Makes the State Board of Food and Agriculture the advisory committee to DFA's Foreign Market Development Export Incentive Program authorizing them to make recommendations to the Secretary on the project agreements funded by that program. Allows DFA, upon appropriation, to receive and expend federal funds and requires the grants to be competitive with the procedures and guidelines exempt from the Administrative Procedures Act.
Chapter 982, Statutes of 2002
SB 625 (Costa-D) Agricultural waste: energy
Clarifies that the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission shall use the funds, as provided in Chapter 7, Statutes of 2001, to provide grants to maximize, in a cost-effective manner, the development of manure methane power production on California dairies.
(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 876 (Poochigian-R) Vehicles: Special interest license plates: agriculture
Requires the State Department of Transportation, in consultation with the California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom and the Agriculture Education Foundation, and subject to a statutory procedure, to issue special interest license plates. Prescribes the fees to be paid for the issuance, renewal, retention, transfer, and substitution of the license plates. Requires that the additional fees collected for the issuance of those license plates be deposited in an unspecified account, which will be established in the General Fund, for allocation, upon appropriation, by the State Controller to the California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom and the Agriculture Education Foundation for expenditure for educational programs.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 877* (Poochigian-R) Taxes: qualified cogeneration equipment
Exempts, from sales tax, the purchase of cogeneration equipment for use on a dairy farm. Defines cogeneration equipment to mean equipment used in the process of the cogeneration or transformation of dairy industry by-products into fuel or energy resources used for the operation of a dairy farm. "Dairy farm" is defined as any place where milk is produced for the sale or other distribution and where more than two cows or six goats are located. Also grants an income and corporation tax credit equal to the portion of a dairy farm's property taxes attributable to the presence of cogeneration equipment.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 984 (Costa-D) Rangeland, Grazing Land, and Grassland Protection Act
Establishes a program to protect the state's rangeland, grazing land, and grasslands through the use of conservation easements and grants for acquiring these easements.
Chapter 984, Statutes of 2002
SB 1003 (Poochigian-R) Energy: protection of agriculture
Requires the State Department of Food and Agriculture, in consultation with other agencies and departments involved in electricity regulation or delivery, to study energy challenges that are specific to agriculture.
(Died in Assembly Agriculture Committee)
SB 1341* (Alpert-D) District Agricultural Associations
Permits the Board of Directors of the 22nd District Agricultural Association to have authority to approve a recruitment and retention differential for exempt and excluded employees of the district to a maximum of 35 percent.
(Died at Assembly Desk)
SB 1345 (Kuehl-D) Biologics
Establishes additional protocols for commercial blood banks for animals that are licensed by the State Department of Food and Agriculture, revises the definition of animal, and exempts certain facilities from the requirements under this bill.
Chapter 822, Statutes of 2002
SB 1372 (Machado-D) Solar evaporator: on-farm drainage
Provides for a separate inspection permitting process by the State Water Resources Control Board for solar evaporator-type integrated on-farm drainage management systems.
Chapter 597, Statutes of 2002
SB 1540 (Alpert-D) Sea urchins
Provides for the creation of the California Sea Urchin Commission in state government, with a prescribed membership, and specifies the powers, duties and responsibilities of the commission which, among other things, will be authorized to carry out programs of education, promotion, marketing, and research relating to sea urchins. Authorizes the commission to levy an assessment, as specified, on sea urchin divers and handlers and authorizes the expenditure of those funds for the purposes of carrying out the provisions set forth in this bill.
Chapter 973, Statutes of 2002
SB 1616 (Machado-D) Agricultural land: eminent domain
Prohibits taking, by eminent domain, land that is dedicated as restricted to agricultural, open space, or conservation, unless the public entity makes a specified finding.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 1769 (Machado-D) Market milk
Allows the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture, after consultation with the Milk Producers Security Trust Fund Advisory Board, to consider the use of alternative financial instruments to replace money that has been withdrawn from the account. Specifies that the secretary can collect money in order to add money to the security trust fund to maintain the maximum amount of the fund.
Chapter 769, Statutes of 2002
SB 1864 (Costa-D) Agricultural land conservation
Makes various minor and technical changes to the Williamson Act and the California Farmland Conservancy Program Act, which were created to promote the preservation of agricultural land and open space.
Chapter 616, Statutes of 2002
SCR 74 (Machado-D) Food and agriculture
Recognizes and honors the men and women of California who have contributed to the excellence of the agricultural industry, and recognizes that many steps are taken and millions of people are involved in the delivery of safe food and agricultural products to consumers everyday.
Resolution Chapter 86, Statutes of 2002
SB 10XXX (Sher-D) Sales and use taxes: exemption: diesel
Defines marketplace for purposes of implementing the sales tax exemption for diesel used in farm activities and food processing.
(Died on Senate Third Reading File)
AB 52 (Wiggins-D) Agricultural land preservation: appropriation
Appropriates $9.6 million from the California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks and Protection Act of 2002 (Proposition 40) for agricultural land preservation programs, including the newly created Coastal Farmland Preservation Program and the Oak Woodlands Conservation Act.
Chapter 983, Statutes of 2002
AB 137 (Reyes-D) Agricultural preserves: annexations
Makes changes to the Williamson Act by requiring the State Department of Conservation to advise a Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) if the department has any concerns regarding the LAFCO's review of a city's proposal to not succeed to a county's Williamson Act contract. Makes three legislative findings and declarations to the statutory procedures that allow cities to not succeed to a county's Williamson Act contract.
Chapter 188, Statutes of 2002
AB 388 (Strom-Martin-D) Specialty fiber crops
Requests that the University of California conduct an assessment of economic opportunities available through the production of specialty or alternative fiber crops, and report its findings to the Legislature by January 1, 2004.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 448 (Strom-Martin-D) Industrial hemp: license for commercial purposes
Directs the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture, in consultation with the State Attorney General, to establish rules and regulations for the licensure and growing of industrial hemp. Provides definitions and makes it a crime to violate any provision of the law.
(Failed passage in Assembly Agriculture Committee)
AB 605 (Negrete McLeod-D) California Dairy Producers Environmental Trust Fund
Establishes the California Dairy Producers Environmental Stewardship Trust Fund, to be administered by the State Department of Food and Agriculture, and allows the fund to receive monies from state and local government, as well as private donors. Provides that monies in the fund shall be available, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for the purpose of awarding dairy producers with incentive payments to assist in producers' payment of debts by investments in facilities and equipment that directly benefit, improve, or protect natural resources.
(Died in Assembly Agriculture Committee)
AB 641* (Briggs-R) Targeted tax areas: expansion and credits
Requires the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency (TTCA), among other things, to approve a proposal to expand a targeted tax area by no more than 15 percent, if TTCA finds that the additional territory proposed to be included in the targeted tax area meets certain criteria and certain other conditions are met. Basically, it is intended to have fruit packing houses and firms that manufacture agricultural shipping containers qualify as a tax targeted area.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 713 (Thomson-D) Agricultural and open-space lands
Creates the Sacramento Valley Agriculture and Open Space Conservation Authority, objectives will be to receive and disburse funds to purchase fee interests or conservation easements in important agricultural or open space lands in the six-county region.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
AB 727* (Correa-D) Income and corporation taxes: credits: donations
For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2004, and before January 1, 2009, allows a credit in an amount equal to 10 percent of the cost to be included in inventory costs, as specified, with respect to the donation of agricultural products to food banks located in Fresno County, Orange County, or Santa Cruz County. Makes legislative findings and declarations as to its purposes and the necessity for a special statute, and that the bill is a pilot program.
(Failed passage in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 786 (Cogdill-R) Williamson Act contracts: cancellation
Provides that a cancellation fee shall not apply, and no cancellation fee shall be imposed with respect to a petition to cancel a contract regarding an agricultural preserve on a parcel of land that has been under contract for more than 10 years and has received no tax relief under the act for 10 prior successive years because the land was classified as a home site.
(Died in Assembly Agriculture Committee)
AB 802 (Dickerson-R) Biomass-to-energy facilities
Exempts, from the timber harvesting plan requirement of the Z'berg-Nejedly Forest Practice Act of 1973, the removal of small diameter trees and brush for the purposes of supplying forest fuel to biomass-to-energy facilities.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1283 (Florez-D) Environmental quality: dairies
Provides that when an environmental impact report (EIR) has been prepared for a dairy expansion, improvement, or development project, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, the project applicant may submit the EIR to the State Attorney General (AG) for review as to whether the EIR substantially complies with the requirements of law. Provides that in any action filed on or after May 1, 2002, challenging the validity of an EIR for a dairy expansion, improvement, or development project, there is a rebuttable presumption of the validity of the EIR, if the AG has found that the EIR substantially complies with the requirement of law.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1313 (Pavley-D) Hazardous waste: fertilizing materials
Enacts the "Toxic Fertilizer Prevention Act" and prohibits any person from distributing or selling a fertilizing material provided by the recycling of hazardous waste, unless certain conditions are met. Establishes a mechanism at the State Department of Toxic Substances Control to regulate the addition of hazardous wastes to fertilize projects, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1332 (Cardoza-D) Agricultural commodities
Authorizes the State Department of Food and Agriculture, in consultation with the agricultural industry, to develop programs to promote California-grown agricultural products through the use of marketing licenses, trademarks, nutrition education, and related activities.
(Died in Assembly Agriculture Committee)
AB 1333 (Kelley-R) Agricultural commissions: avocado commission
Specifies that handler members, or their alternates, are required to have a commercially based financial interest.
(Died in Assembly Agriculture Committee)
AB 1380* (Aanestad-R) Property taxation: exemption: agricultural equipment
Provides a personal property tax exemption for agricultural equipment and farm vehicles.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1403 (Hollingsworth-R) Agricultural land preservation
States legislative intent that $75 million of the funds deposited in the California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks, and Coastal Protection Fund and available for grants for the preservation of agricultural lands and grazing lands, including oak woodlands and grasslands, be allocated in a specified manner, upon appropriation by the Legislature.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1408 (Hollingsworth-R) Agriculture
Eliminates the requirement that the State Department of Food and Agriculture provide plans and specifications at cost for the construction of sanitary milk barns. Eliminates specific requirements for the regulations, plans and specifications.
Chapter 524, Statutes of 2002
AB 1466 (Florez-D) Dairy farms: sanitation
Requires, until January 1, 2007, the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture to establish and administer a financial incentive program to encourage dairy farmers to improve air and water conditions on their farms.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1540 (Strickland-R) Open-space lands
Provides that any action by a county, or city, to set aside or dedicate open-space land pursuant to any provision of law and to establish any related easement, or other benefits, shall not become effective until approved by two-thirds of the voters voting on the issue in the county, or city, in which the land is situated.
(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 1654 (Nakano-D) Meat inspection
Appropriates $500,000 from the General Fund to the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture to create a meat inspection program with standards at least as stringent as federal meat inspection laws.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1742 (Maldonado-R) Vehicles: combination lengths: agricultural product hauler
Exempts, until January 1, 2006, a specified motor truck and two trailers combination used for transporting agricultural products from current vehicle length restrictions.
Chapter 560, Statutes of 2002
AB 1854 (Ashburn-R) Milk marketing orders
Deletes the sunset date on, and expands, the fluid milk marketing promotion jointly administered by the California Milk Advisory Board and the California Manufactured Milk Advisory Board.
Chapter 157, Statutes of 2002
AB 2051 (Dickerson-R) Truck lengths: transporting agricultural biomass
Allows truck combinations that transport agricultural biomass to include a front trailer with a length of up to 32 feet.
Chapter 442, Statutes of 2002
AB 2091 (Kelley-R) Agriculture
Makes several technical and nonsubstantive changes to the California Table Grape Commission enabling statute.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
AB 2155 (Assembly Agriculture Committee) Equine drugs
Conforms California horse show and event medication rules to the standards established by the Food and Drug Administration and will put these standards in alignment with national horse associations. Additionally, prohibits the use of any medications for horses going to auctions.
Chapter 434, Statutes of 2002
AB 2256 (Dickerson-R) Producer's liens
Makes changes to the law with respect to farm producers' liens. Sunsets January 1 2007.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
AB 2341 (Thomson-D) Conservation
Appropriates $55,700,000 from the General Fund to the State Controller (Controller) and requires the Controller to transfer $50,700,000 to the California Farmland Conservancy Program Fund for the purpose of expanding farmland conservancy programs and other specified purposes. Requires the Controller to transfer $5,000,000 to the Wildlife Conservation Board for the purposes of the Oak Woodlands Conservation Fund.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2377 (Florez-D) Producer's liens
Deletes the restriction requiring the farm product or processed form to be in the possession of the processor in order for the lien to attach.
(Died in Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 2390 (Cedillo-D) Agricultural products commissions
Makes various structural and operational changes to provisions of existing law governing the California Avocado Commission, as specified. Deletes the sunset clause and extends indefinitely the provisions contained in the Naval and Valencia Orange Advisory Commission program.
Chapter 946, Statutes of 2002
AB 2570* (Cogdill-R) Taxation: irrigation system improvements
Authorizes a nonrefundable 25 percent credit for the cost paid or incurred to purchase and install a qualified irrigation system improvement.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 2587 (Matthews-D) Food: water usage forecasts
Requires the State Department of Food and Agriculture to estimate food, fiber, livestock, and other farm products production and provide that information to the State Department of Water Resources (DWR) for estimating related water usage, and the Chairs of the Assembly Committee on Agriculture, the Assembly Committee on Water, Parks, and Wildlife, and the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources for inclusion in a bulletin by DWR estimating the state's water needs.
Chapter 615, Statutes of 2002
AB 2823 (Strom-Martin-D) Organic products
Revises the California Organic Food Act to conform to the National Organic Program. Broadens the regulatory authority of the State Department of Food and Agriculture and State Department of Health Services relating to products labeled as "organic" and the enforcement of provisions regarding processed food, pet food, nonfood plants and cosmetics. Changes the fee structure and registration requirements for organic producers and processors, including retailers.
Chapter 533, Statutes of 2002
AB 2923 (Pescetti-R) California Agriculture Day
Designates the first day of spring in each year as California Agriculture Day. Also encourages a public school, on either the first day of spring or the day determined by the school, to provide education that instructs students on the history and importance of agriculture in California.
Chapter 348, Statutes of 2002
AB 2981 (Assembly Agriculture Committee) Agriculture
Adjusts the current $500 annual limit for the sale of nursery stock to $1,000 for persons who qualify for a license fee exemption, expands the definition of a transporter for inedible kitchen grease and rendering to include those engaged in similar activities, deletes an exemption for specified poultry facilities, allows the Shell Egg Advisory Committee to advise the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture on components of the Egg Quality Assurance Plan, conforms egg carton labeling to federal law, makes technical changes to current labeling and advertising provisions, and extends the sunset for an industry sponsored food safety program.
Chapter 535, Statutes of 2002
ACR 165 (Maldonado-R) California Agriculture Week
Recognizes the important role that agriculture plays in the daily lives of every Californian, and declares March 17 through March 23, 2002, as California Agriculture Week, and March 20, 2002 as National Agriculture Day in acknowledgment of the future progress and prosperity of the state's economy and for the advancement of a greater appreciation of farmers and ranchers across California.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
ACR 175 (Nation-D) Day of the Horse
Designates December 14, 2002, as Day of the Horse.
Resolution Chapter 92, Statutes of 2002
ACR 216 (Pescetti-R) The Zinfandel grape
States that the Zinfandel grape is designated and recognized by the Legislature to have great historical importance to California.
(Died in Assembly Agriculture Committee)
AJR 38 (Nation-D) Transgenic fish
Urges the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to deny the A/F Protein petition to market transgenic salmon to consumers as food and to establish a moratorium on the domestic marketing, importation, and exportation of transgenic fish until the FDA establishes a comprehensive regulatory framework that evaluates and addresses the human health and environmental impacts caused by commercialization of transgenic fish. Also urges the United States Departments of Agriculture and Commerce to impose a moratorium on the raising of transgenic fish in ocean pens or in any other device in the aquatic environment.
(Died in Assembly Agriculture Committee)
HR 41 (Matthews-D) National Agriculture Week
Honors the men and women of California agriculture for their dedication and productivity by observing the week of March 17 to March 23, 2002, as National Agriculture Week and Wednesday, March 20, 2002, as National Agriculture Day.
Adopted by the Assembly

Water Resources
SB 102 (Johannessen-R) Water storage facilities: revenue bonds
This bill (1) requires the State Department of Water Resources (DWR) to plan, construct and operate water storage facilities, gas pipelines, electric transmission lines, and to loan money to private entities to construct generating facilities; (2) creates the California Natural Gas Pipeline and Electric Transmission Board; (3) requires the California Water Commission and board to approve any plans before DWR commences construction, as specified; (4) provides for the issuance of up to $8 billion in revenue bonds to fund water storage facilities and loans, and up to $2 billion to fund gas pipelines and electric transmission lines; (5) requires all hydroelectric power produced by the water storage facilities to be sold for use in California, unless a specified operating reserve capacity is achieved within the state; (6) requires the Director of DWR to submit all resolutions of issuance for revenue bonds to the California Water Commission or the California Natural Gas Pipeline and Electric Transmission Board, as specified, for approval; (7) establishes, in the State Treasury, the Hydroelectric Water Storage Development Bond Fund; and (8) provides for the conditions and procedures for the issuance of the revenue bonds.
(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 200 (Chesbro-D) Federal navigation projects
Creates the Federal Navigation Project Fund (FNPF) to be allocated by the Secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to local governmental agencies to match federal dollars for projects authorized by the federal Water Resources Development Act. Appropriates $40 million from the General Fund to the FNPF.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 278 (Machado-D) Water
Requires the body awarding a contract for a public works project financed in any part with funds made available by the Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Act of 2002 to adopt and enforce a labor compliance program.
Chapter 892, Statutes of 2002
Similar legislation was SB 1993 (Machado-D), which died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee.
SB 316* (Oller-R) Auburn Dam Project
Enacts the Auburn Dam Water, Power, and Flood Protection Bond Act of 2001, which, if adopted, will authorize, for the purpose of financing the Auburn Dam Project, the issuance, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law, of bonds in an unspecified amount. Requires that all other sources of funding available to the department, including, but not limited to, money from federal and local flood control entities, money from local entities that seek to purchase surplus water, and money from power supply interests, be used for construction of the Auburn Dam Project either before, or in conjunction with, the use of available bond proceeds.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
Similar legislation was SB 45X* (Oller-R) and SB 45XX* (Oller-R), which died in the Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee.
SB 405* (McPherson-R) State Department of Water Resources: electric power
Provides that no payments or claims for payment arising from the State Department of Water Resources activities relating to the purchase and sale of electric powers pursuant to these provisions shall be obligations of or paid from any State Water Project funds. Makes an appropriation by transferring $42.9 million from the General Fund to the California Water Resources Development Bond Fund, a continuously appropriated fund.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 469* (Alpert-D) Water quality: total maximum daily loads
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board to adopt guidelines for the listing and delisting of "impaired water bodies" by July 1, 2003.
Chapter 20, Statutes of 2002
SB 472 (Soto-D) Public health: hexavalent chromium: study
Requires the State Department of Health Services to determine the levels of hexavalent chromium in the drinking water supplied by the public water systems in the Chino Basin aquifer and reports its findings to the Governor and Legislature no later than January 1, 2003.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 538 (Costa-D) Groundwater storage
Requires the State Department of Water Resources to investigate and study the feasibility of additional groundwater storage and reclamation projects and more efficient uses of existing reservoirs within the counties of Kern, Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange, Riverside, and San Diego, in order to improve the water supply that is available for all uses within that region of the state.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 621 (Costa-D) Water bonds
Allocates Proposition 13 of 2002 bond proceeds to the Tulare County Water Works District No. 1, the Alpaugh Irrigation District, and to Madera County for the Oakhurst area.
Chapter 1103, Statutes of 2002
Similar legislation was AB 353 (Florez-D), which failed passage on the Senate Floor.
SB 710 (Alpert-D) Surface water quality monitoring
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board to provide a report to a specified advisory group and also to the public that summarizes the contents of reports prepared by regional water quality control boards regarding their implementation of surface water quality monitoring programs.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 712 (Costa-D) Water supply planning
Prohibits an urban water supplier that provides wholesale water supply, when preparing its urban water management plan water supply assessment, from considering water supplies developed by local public agencies, including private water suppliers, in making dry-year plan allocations, if those supplies were developed without the financial assistance of the local public agency that provides the wholesale supply.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 727 (Costa-D) Environmental Water Account Act of 2001
Enacts the Environmental Water Account Program Act of 2001, which authorizes the State Department of Water Resources (DWR) to develop and implement the Environmental Water Account Program to provide water for the protection and recovery of fish in a manner that exceeds the protections provided by the regulatory baseline. Requires that water acquired by DWR for the program to be used to provide water directly for fish protection or recovery or for compensating water users for reduced water deliveries due to changes in project operations for fish protection or recovery that exceed the regulatory baseline. Authorizes DWR to take specified actions, including operating the State Water Project in a prescribed manner, purchasing or leasing water or water rights, and purchasing or leasing long-term storage, as specified. Creates the Environmental Water Account Program Fund in the State Treasury, and requires all monies that are transferred or appropriated to the fund, and all income derived from the investment of monies that are in the fund to be deposited in the fund. Requires DWR, by January 1, 2003, and annually thereafter, to prepare and submit to the Legislature a report for the prior water year ending on September 30, that includes specified information regarding the implementation of the program. Sunsets on January 1, 2005.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 788 (Alarcon-D) Parks and recreation: grants: urban river park projects
Enacts the California River Parkways Act of 2001 for the purpose of directly improving the quality of life in California by providing recreational, open space, wildlife, educational, flood control and water quality benefits to communities in the state. Authorizes the Secretary of the State Resources Agency to award grants to state and local agencies and nonprofit organizations on a competitive basis for feasible river parkway projects. Requires the secretary, in awarding those grants, to give priority to projects that accomplish specified objectives, including to help improve blighted urban communities adjacent to urban rivers and streams. Limits the secretary's administrative costs for implementation of the bill to five percent of the amount annually appropriated for purposes of the bill. Specifies that the provisions of the bill are to be implemented only during those fiscal years in which funding is provided for the purpose of the bill in the annual Budget Act or in another measure.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 815 (Machado-D) Discharger Legacy Pollutant Reduction Program
Enacts the Discharger Legacy Pollutant Reduction Program Act. Establishes the Legacy Pollutant Cleanup Fund and authorizes the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to expend funds in the fund, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for pollutant load reduction projects and projects to clean up toxic hot spots. Requires SWRCB and the regional boards to permit a discharger that discharges into a water body that is listed as impaired pursuant to the federal Clean Water Act, pollutants that are eligible for cleanup pursuant to the bill's provisions, to offset a pollutant mass loading by implementing, or contributing funds to, a pollutant reduction project.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 816 (Johnson-R) Waste discharges: regulatory action
Authorizes a California regional water quality control board to issue a cleanup and abatement order with regard to the discharge of waste that constitutes a nonpoint source discharge, but, except as otherwise specified, prohibits the regional board from issuing a cease and desist order with regard to that discharge. In connection with the issuance of a cleanup and abatement order for a discharge that constitutes urban runoff or other nonpoint source discharge that is identified in a comprehensive watershed study entered into by a local public agency, requires the regional board to employ the abatement schedule described in the study. Specifies that that authority extends to a threatened or continuing violation due to the inability of a local public agency to cleanup or abate the effects of an urban runoff discharge in accordance with an abatement schedule described in a comprehensive watershed study.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 847 (Ackerman-R) Recycled water
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to make a finding that the proposed recharge into the receiving aquifer, that is a source of domestic water supply, is protective of the public health and will maintain or enhance overall water quality prior to allowing the recycled water to be injected into the stratum. Authorizes DHS to order abatement of any condition that it determines to pose a threat to the public health.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 868* (Costa-D) Water Bond Act of 2001: water resources
Enacts the Water Bond Act of 2001, which, if adopted, authorizes, for purposes of financing a clean, reliable water supply and drought year water supply infrastructure program, the issuance of bonds in an unspecified amount, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law. Provides for the use of the bond funds, and funds repaid to the state pursuant to certain loan contracts, for water programs established by the act.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 915 (Machado-D) Water transfer
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board, in consultation with the State Department of Water Resources and the United States Bureau of Reclamation, to establish criteria for use in evaluating the impacts of proposed water transfers, as specified.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 1008 (Perata-D) Public utilities: counties: hydroelectric power
Authorizes the counties of Alpine, Amador and Calaveras, as a joint powers authority known as the Upper Mokelumne River Watershed Authority, to acquire, operate, maintain existing works, property, and facilities within those counties for the generation of hydroelectric power.
(Died in Senate Local Government Committee)
SB 1029 (Perata-D) Water transfers
Makes changes to "water wheeling statutes", as specified.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1093 (Costa-D) Recreational water use: Sly Park Recreational Area
Exempts Sly Park Reservoir from the prohibition on bodily contact for a reservoir in which water is stored for domestic use contingent on the reservoir meeting complete water treatment by June 30, 2005.
Chapter 968, Statutes of 2002
SB 1145 (Machado-D) Subdivision Map Act: fee
Requires that the groundwater recharge facility plan be sent to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) for review and comments prior to its adoption by the legislative body of the local agency. Authorizes the legislative body of the local agency to adopt the plan prior to receiving SWRCB's comments.
(Died in Senate Local Government Committee)
SB 1201 (Romero-D) Hexavalent chromium: study: San Gabriel Basin
Requires the State Department of Health Services to complete a study of chromium-6 in the San Gabriel Basin aquifer that is identical to the study now underway for chromium-6 in the San Fernando Basin aquifer.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 1342 (Morrow-R) Municipal separate storm sewer systems
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards to prescribe and enforce waste discharge requirements for municipal separate storm sewer systems in conformance with the "maximum extent practicable" standard set forth in the Clean Water Act. Requires that permits for discharges from a municipal storm sewer conform to the "maximum extent practicable" standard.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1348 (Brulte-R) Water: conservation
Requires the State Department of Water Resources (DWR) to take into consideration whether an urban water supplier is implementing the implementation of water conservation measures identified in its demand management activities in evaluating applications for grants or loans made available from the Water Conservation Account for the purpose of funding urban water conservation projects. Allows the urban water supplier to submit documents to assist DWR in making its determination.
Chapter 321, Statutes of 2002
SB 1352 (Chesbro-D) Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
Provides for alternate directors to serve in the absence of a director on the Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, specifies that for each flood control project, the district's board must appoint an advisory committee, allows the district to appoint its own property agents and purchasing agents, and amends the district's law to reflect the constitutional and statutory requirements for levying special taxes and benefit assessments.
Chapter 283, Statutes of 2002
SB 1368 (Kuehl-D) Water submetering devices
Provides that the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture shall adopt regulations by January 1, 2004, that establish tolerances and specifications for water submetering devices used to determine water usage in multifamily units that are served by a single water meter of a regulated or municipally owned utility.
(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
SB 1372 (Machado-D) Agricultural drainage: solar evaporators
Exempts a specific type of surface impoundment, the solar evaporator, from the requirements of the Toxics Pit Cleanup Act, contingent on the facility meeting the alternative regulatory regime established by the bill.
Chapter 597, Statutes of 2002
SB 1381 (Kuehl-D) Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission
Establishes the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission as an informational forum, planning body, and grant making agency, to assess the biological condition and state of the Santa Monica Bay. Establishes the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Account in the State Treasury and authorizes the expenditure of money in the account, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to support commission activities.
Chapter 598, Statutes of 2002
SB 1384* (Costa-D) Governance
Makes various, non-controversial changes regarding local agency formation costs, water supply, and grants for purposes of financing domestic water system improvement projects to specified school districts. Requires urban water supplies that rely upon a wholesale agency for a source of water, to provide the wholesale agency with water use projections from the agency for that source of water in five-year increments to 20 years, or as far as data is available, as specified.
Chapter 969, Statutes of 2002
SB 1385* (Brulte-R) Parks and recreation: grants: water conservation measures
Requires the criteria and procedures adopted by the State Department of Parks and Recreation for evaluating grant applications under the local assistance section of Proposition 40 to include recommendations that grant applicants consider the implementation or installation of water conservation measures as part of their proposed project.
Chapter 322, Statutes of 2002
SB 1473 (Machado-D) Water
Provides implementation guidelines for the water bond initiative on the November 2002 ballot (Proposition 50).
Chapter 618, Statutes of 2002
SB 1518 (Torlakson-D) Recycled water
Allows sanitary districts to supply recycled water service contingent upon noticing and offering to consult with cities, local agencies, or water districts that provide water service within the service area of that sanitary district.
Chapter 261, Statutes of 2002
SB 1519 (Bowen-D) Department of Water Resources: power
Directs the State Public Utilities Commission to set up a mechanism allowing retail customers of investor-owned utilities (IOU) to buy renewable power, and allows IOU customers to obtain renewable power from alternate providers of electricity via direct access.
(Died in Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SB 1561 (Soto-D) San Bernardino County Flood Control District
Allows the San Bernardino County Flood Control District to issue limited obligation notes by a resolution with specified criteria, after the adoption, by a four-fifths vote of all members of the board.
Chapter 288, Statutes of 2002
SB 1573 (Karnette-D) Interagency Aquatic Invasive Species Council
Establishes an interagency invasive species council to develop a comprehensive approach to aquatic invasive species.
Chapter 599, Statutes of 2002
SB 1599 (Poochigian-R) Water quality: enforcement
Expands the opportunities for the issuance of stays regarding reviews of regional water board actions related to waste discharge requirements.
Chapter 324, Statutes of 2002
SB 1628* (Sher-D) Resources: litigation
Authorizes the State Water Resources Control Board to (1) request the Attorney General (AG) to represent the board, a regional water quality control board, or both, in addition to the other state agency, (2) contract for the services of private counsel for those purposes, or (3) authorize the legal counsel of the board to represent the board, or the regional board, or both. Authorizes the AG to represent the board, regional board, or both, and the other state agency upon receiving the written consent of both the board and the other state agency to that representation.
Chapter 396, Statutes of 2002
SB 1653 (Costa-D) California Bay-Delta Act
Creates, until January 1, 2006, the 20-member California Bay-Delta Authority, in the State Resources Agency, as the governance organization overseeing implementation of the California Bay-Delta Program, as specified.
Chapter 812, Statutes of 2002
Similar legislation was SB 1115 (Costa-D), which died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee.
SB 1664 (Romero-D) San Gabriel and lower Los Angeles rivers conservancy
Adds four nonvoting members, two appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly and two by the Senate Committee on Rules, to the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
SB 1672 (Costa-D) Integrated Regional Water Management Planning Act of 2002
Enacts the Integrated Regional Water Management Planning Act of 2002, in order to authorize a regional water management group to prepare and adopt a regional plan, in accordance with certain procedures, that addresses programs, projects, reports, or studies relating to water supply, water quality, flood protection, or related matters over which any local public agency that is a participant in that group has authority to undertake.
Chapter 767, Statutes of 2002
SB 1710* (Costa-D) Safe, Clean, and Reliable Water Supply Bond Act of 2002
Enacts the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Water Supply Bond Act of 2002 which, if adopted, authorizes, for purposes of financing a water quality and water supply infrastructure improvement program, the issuance, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law, of bonds in the amount of $2,962,000,000.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 1711 (Costa-D) Land use: water and electrical energy facilities
Exempts construction or location of water treatment facilities from local building and zoning ordinances under specified conditions.
Chapter 267, Statutes of 2002
SB 1755 (Soto-D) County water districts and municipal water districts
Authorizes municipal water districts and county water districts to own and operate electric power plants, whether hydroelectric or otherwise. States power generated from these plants may be used for the district's own purposes and authorizes that surplus power may be sold to any public or private entity that sells electricity.
Chapter 848, Statutes of 2002
SB 1756 (Battin-R) Water districts: public utilities
Allows any county water district or California water district, with at least 50,000 residential customers, to provide specified management services to a public entity.
(Died on Senate Unfinished Business File)
SB 1822 (Sher-D) Public water systems: public health goals: perchlorate
Defines public health goal (PHG) to be a goal established by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) pursuant to criteria specified under the law. Requires OEHHA to adopt a PHG for the contaminant perchlorate by January 1, 2003, using criteria established under the law. Requires the State Department of Health Services to adopt a primary drinking water standard for perchlorate by January 1, 2004, using criteria established under the law.
Chapter 425, Statutes of 2002
SB 1870 (Speier-D) San Francisco Bay Area Regional Water System Authority
Enacts the San Francisco Bay Area Regional Water System Financing Authority; makes findings and declarations about the City and County of San Francisco's ownership of the Hetch Hetchy Water System, the number of people served by the system, reliability and importance of the system potential consequences of system failure and the uncertainty of funding to improve the system in a manner that addresses increasing water demands and structural safety concerns; and includes definitions to define terms used in the bill.
Chapter 849, Statutes of 2002
Similar legislation was AB 2058 (Papan-D), Chapter 844, Statutes of 2002.
SB 1871 (Monteith-R) Root Creek Water District
Authorizes the Root Creek Water District to reorganize, subject to certain conditions, in order to provide more community services, such as police, fire, and public recreation.
(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)
SB 1938 (Machado-D) Groundwater management: state funding
Provides that for purposes of qualifying as a groundwater management plan under this part, that a groundwater management plan shall contain certain specified components.
Chapter 603, Statutes of 2002
SB 1949 (Soto-D) Public participation
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board to review the regional boards' public participation procedures.
Chapter 604, Statutes of 2002
SB 2036 (Morrow-R) Los Alisos Water District
Repeals the specific election provisions applicable only to the Los Alisos Water District, and thereby requires voters and directors of that district to be landowners, rather than residents.
Chapter 400, Statutes of 2002
SB 2050 (Sher-D) Water quality: waivers and civil liability
Changes the criterion which governs the authority to grant waivers for waste dischargers, and allows a portion of the fine for serious violations of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit to be diverted to supplemental environmental projects.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 2058 (Morrow-R) Water quality: storm water permit fees
Requires each regional board to allocate 25 percent of the industrial and construction storm water permit fee revenues they receive each year to cities and counties to carry out storm water management activities in the region.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 2070* (Johannessen-R) Water supply security
Enacts the Water Supply Security and Water Supply Reliability Act of 2002 which, if adopted, authorizes, for purposes of financing a water supply security, safe drinking water, water quality, and water supply reliability program, the issuance, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law, of bonds in the amount of $2,924,000,000.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 2078 (Torlakson-D) Wild and scenic rivers: South Fork American River
(1) Prohibits a dam on the South Fork of the American River below Chili Bar Dam, (2) prohibits water diversion below Chili Bar Dam that adversely affect existing beneficial uses of American River water, including recreational rafting, (3) directs state agencies to cooperate with federal agencies to protect the identified beneficial uses of water in the South Fork of the American River below Chili Bar Dam, and (4) directs the Secretary of the State Resources Agency to characterize the actions of the Legislature and other qualifying plans of state agencies as "comprehensive plans" for purposes of the Federal Power Act and to notify the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission of these plans.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
SB 2088 (Senate Natural Resources And Wildlife Committee) Resource conservation
(1) Authorizes the City of Goleta to convert to a different use up to 36 acres of the Santa Barbara Shores Park in exchange for approximately 135 acres known as the Ellwood Mesa, (2) extends, from September 1, 2002 to January 31, 2003, the date by which the State Lands Commission is required to submit to the Legislature a report that includes a summary of the information provided in the ballast water discharge report forms, and (3) extends a sunset for the Los Angeles Regional Contaminated Sediments Task Force.
Chapter 291, Statutes of 2002
SB 18XX* (Burton-D) State Department of Water Resources: bond financing order
Requires the revenue bond repayment mechanism for electrical power to include a State Department of Water Resources Bond Set-Aside, as specified.
(Died at Senate Desk)
SB 27XX (Bowen-D) Department of Water Resources: power
Allows specified customers of electrical corporations also being served by the State Department of Water Resources (DWR) to use an alternate provider, subject to payment of DWR's uncollected costs, as specified, and makes related changes.
(Died in Assembly Energy Costs and Availability Committee)
AB 221 (Florez-D) Kern County flood control
Appropriates $6.5 million from the General Fund to the State Department of Water Resources to make local-match grants to Kern County for flood control projects in the unincorporated area of Lamont, southeast of the City of Bakersfield.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 759 (Shelley-D) Personal watercraft: bans
Authorizes any city, county, or city and county, to adopt an ordinance to ban the use of personal watercraft in any navigable water within their jurisdiction.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 777 (Lowenthal-D) Federal navigation projects
Creates the Federal Navigation Project Fund, which allocates funds, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to local entities for the purpose of providing matching funds for federal navigation projects.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 813* (Briggs-R) Taxation: credits: hot water recirculation systems
Authorizes a 50 percent credit for the amount paid or incurred for hot water recirculating systems that are operational with a qualified plumbing fixture and are installed as part of new construction.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
Similar legislation was AB 76XX (Briggs-R), which died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee.
AB 814 (Havice-D) Flood control: Los Angeles County Drainage Area
Deletes the requirements that the County of Los Angeles consider the comments of an advisory committee and the requirement that the Secretary of the State Resources Agency convene that advisory committee. Requires the restoration plan to include habitat restoration and maintenance projects and increased parkland and recreational opportunities along the lower Los Angeles River and its tributaries within the territory of the existing San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (Conservancy) and within 1,000 feet of the river and tributary channels. Prohibits any other state conservancy, or similar state agency, from working within the territory of the Conservancy without the prior written approval of the Conservancy.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 862 (Thomson-D) Port of Sacramento: local matching share
Appropriates $16 million from the General Fund to the State Department of Boating and Waterways to be allocated in fiscal year 2001-02 to the Port of Sacramento to provide the local match for federal navigation project funding.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 954* (Kelley-R) Calif. Water Supply Reliability and Protection Bond Act
Enacts the California Water Supply Reliability and Protection Bond Act of 2002, which, if adopted, authorizes, for purposes of financing a water protection and storage program, the issuance, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law, of bonds in an unspecified amount.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
AB 997 (Dickerson-R) Streambed alteration
Exempts from the State Department of Fish and Game review of routine or minor maintenance of previously existing permitted stream diversions and crossings, provided that the activities do not impair a streambed or divert a stream.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1051* (Aanestad-R) Flood control
Authorizes the Rock Creek/Keefer Slough Flood Control Project in Butte County, therefore making the project eligible for a state flood control subvention.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1052 (Aanestad-R) Flood control: Butte County
Appropriates $2.5 million from the General Fund to the State Department of Water Resources for allocation to Butte County to pay the county's share of pre-construction engineering design and bridge design related to the Rock Creek-Keefer Slough Flood Control Project.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1054* (Cogdill-R) Taxation: irrigation system improvements
Provides a credit, for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2001, and until January 1, 2006, in an amount equal to 25 percent of the cost paid or incurred by the taxpayer, not to exceed a specified amount per acre, for the purchase and installation of an irrigation system improvement, as defined, that is used in a business for the production of farm income, and is installed on agricultural land in California that is owned or leased by the taxpayer at the time of installation.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1089 (Aanestad-R) Water quality: septic tank systems: Chico urban area
Establishes a grant program for Butte County to defray a portion of the costs associated with a public sewer system project to reduce the number of septic tanks in the unincorporated area around the City of Chico.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1135 (Hollingsworth-R) Flood control
Authorizes the Murrieta Creek Flood Control Project in Riverside County, therefore making the project eligible for a state flood control subvention.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1163 (Calderon-D) Water Replenishment District of Southern California
Extends current accounting and administrative reforms, based on recommendations from a recently released state audit report, of the Water Replenishment District of Southern California.
Chapter 941, Statutes of 2002
AB 1192 (Pavley-D) Water Quality and Watershed Protection Act of 2002
Authorizes, subject to voter approval on an unspecified statewide election ballot, the issuance and sale of an unspecified amount of state general obligation bonds to finance programs for water conservation, stormwater quality improvement, watershed protection and management, water quality improvement in the Malibu Creek watershed, water recycling, drinking water quality, water contaminant removal and management, river parkways, nonpoint source pollution control, urban stream restoration and ambient water quality monitoring.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1327 (Leslie-R) Water rights: Truckee River
Exempts any change in point or place of diversion or use of Truckee River water that is made in accordance with the Truckee River Operating Agreement from the statutory prohibition on recognition of another state's water rights when those rights are to water from an interstate lake or a river that flows out of an interstate lake.
Chapter 7, Statutes of 2002
AB 1393 (Thomson-D) Water quality
Allows regional water quality control boards to conduct pre-hearing conferences, expand the use of hearing panels, and clarify the conflict-of-interest rules applicable to regional board members.
Chapter 420, Statutes of 2002
AB 1438 (Florez-D) Public fresh water bathing areas: recreational use
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to establish minimum sanitation standards for sanitation of high-use or priority freshwater bathing areas. Imposes various duties on the DHS and local health officers and environmental directors. Requires local agencies to notify the public by posting a notice at public beaches stating that beach inspections to ensure compliance with health and sanitation standards are not being conducted.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1483 (Richman-R) California Threatened Water Supply Act of 2001
Prohibits a regional board from issuing a waste discharge permit for a new solid waste landfill, or a lateral expansion of an existing landfill, as defined, if the regional board determines that the landfill site is within a critical water supply area. Prescribes other related matters.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1487 (Thomson-D) Flood protection
Requires the State Department of Water Resources to develop and implement a program of flood control projects in the Suisun Marsh in Solano County to protect public highways and roads, utility lines and conduits, other public facilities, urbanized areas, water quality, recreation, navigation, fish and wildlife habitats, and to provide net long-term habitat improvement.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1535 (Florez-D) State Department of Water Resources: electric power
Provides that no payments or claims for payment arising from the State Department of Water Resources (DWR) activities relating to the purchase and sale of electric power pursuant to these provisions shall be obligations of or paid from any State Water Project funds. Transfers, upon an appropriation in the Budget Act, $42.9 million from the General Fund to the California Water Resources Development Bond Fund, a continuously appropriated fund, for the purposes of restoring monies to that fund that were used to purchase electricity in December 2000 and January 2001. Prohibits DWR from expending these monies without the express statutory authority to do so.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1561 (Kelley-R) Energy efficiency standards: clothes washers
Requires the California Energy Commission to establish a water efficiency standard for residential washing machines that is at least as water efficient as commercial clothes washers.
Chapter 421, Statutes of 2002
AB 1565 (Mountjoy-R) Drinking water: fluoridation
Authorizes the introduction of a fluoride-releasing compound into a public water supply for the purpose of controlling tooth decay, only if certain conditions imposed on the State Department of Health Services are met.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1646 (Richman-R) Public health: drinking water: chromium VI
Requires the State Department of Health Services to create a separate category for chromium VI and to reduce the maximum allowable limit from 50 parts per billion to 2.5 parts per billion in drinking water supplied by public water systems.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1670 (Assembly Water, Parks And Wildlife Committee) Water shortage emergencies: notice of hearing requirements
Revises water shortage emergency notification requirements for a distributor of a public water supply by requiring that the notice of the hearing be published three times at least ten days prior to the date of the hearing, instead of seven days before the hearing.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1760 (John Campbell-R) Orange County Water District
Mandates assessment of a penalty charge against a person or operator who fails to file a basin equity assessment report with the Orange County Water District on or before the 30th day of November of each year.
Chapter 41, Statutes of 2002
AB 1778 (Nakano-D) Public safety: water treatment plant security
Requires water treatment plants to require applicants that are offered employment for certain positions to submit fingerprints and related information to the State Department of Justice (DOT) for a criminal background check. Requires water treatment plants to submit fingerprints and related information to DOT for certain candidates for employment to determine state and federal level convictions and arrests, as specified.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 1823 (Papan-D) Regional water systems
Requires (1) the City and County of San Francisco to adopt a capital improvement program for the Bay Area regional water system, to be completed by 2015, prescribed policies and procedures for periods of water shortage or supply interruption, (2) the State Department of Health Services to conduct an audit of San Francisco's program of maintenance of the system and to ensure the system is operated in compliance with state and federal safe drinking water laws, and (3) makes provisions to be implemented in case a special district is formed to administer the system.
Chapter 841, Statutes of 2002
AB 1849 (Kelley-R) Natural community conservation plans
Allows the State Department of Fish and Game, in conjunction with an approved Natural Community Conservation Plan, to enter into a master agreement on projects affecting rivers, streams and lakes with other state or local agencies or public utilities in lieu of requiring a separate streambed alteration agreement from other public entities.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1864 (Salinas-D) Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency
Adds recycled water to the definition of supplemental water in regards to the Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency Law.
Chapter 50, Statutes of 2002
AB 1869 (Florez-D) Poso Creek Flood Control Project
Appropriates $500,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Water Resources to pay the state's share of phase I feasibility study costs relating to the Poso Creek Flood Control Project.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1871 (Hollingsworth-R) Murrieta Creek Flood Control Project
Authorizes the Murrieta Creek Flood Control Project in Riverside County, therefore making the project eligible for state flood control subvention.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1953 (Leslie-R) American River
States legislative intent that capital projects, related to the restoration of the North Fork of the American River to its original channel, are eligible for funding from the California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks, and Coastal Protection Act of 2002 (Proposition 40).
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1969* (Bill Campbell-R) Water quality: civil liability
Requires sewage effluent discharged into the Pacific Ocean by the Orange County Sanitation District meet secondary treatment requirements imposed by the federal Clean Water Act and any more stringent requirements imposed under state law.
Chapter 1019, Statutes of 2002
AB 1972 (Frommer-D) Drinking water: reports regarding contaminants
Requires a public water system to annually provide its customers with information about health effects of contaminants found in their water supply during the previous year.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2017 (Bates-R) State Water Pollution Cleanup and Abatement Account
Continuously appropriates 75 percent of the funds that are collected by a regional board to that regional board to carry out the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act and 25 percent of those funds to the State Water Resources Control Board to carry out the act for specified cleanup programs.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 2058 (Papan-D) Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency
Enacts the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency Act which, among other things, provides for the formation of the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency for 26 public entities that purchase water from San Francisco, as specified.
Chapter 844, Statutes of 2002
Similar legislation was SB 1870 (Speier-D), Chapter 849, Statutes of 2002.
AB 2071 (Jackson-D) Public water systems: contaminants: damages recoverable
Specifies remedies and the time limitation for suits by public water systems against those found to have contaminated a drinking water supply.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 2092 (Kelley-R) State Lands Commission: land exchange agreements
Grants the State Lands Commission the authority to resolve land titles on the Colorado River and allow for the exchange of sovereign lands with the State of Arizona.
Chapter 432, Statutes of 2002
AB 2121 (Kehoe-D) Weights and measures
Exempts water submeters for multifamily residential and multitenant commercial property from county requirements specifying that water submeters must be tested and sealed by a certified county sealer before installation.
(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 2156 (Kehoe-D) San Diego River Conservancy
Establishes, until January 1, 2010, the San Diego River Conservancy to acquire and direct the management of specific public lands in the San Diego River area.
Chapter 574, Statutes of 2002
AB 2185 (Chavez-D) Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board
Establishes a separate process, different from all other governor-appointed nine-member regional water boards, for determining the nine persons to serve on the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board. Specifically requires the Governor to appoint three persons, instead of the current two, from local government, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2226 (Salinas-D) Water quality: regional water quality control boards
Authorizes the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards to grant waivers for specific discharges that do not exceed ten years. Provides that waivers in effect on January 1, 2000, remain valid until January 1, 2007, unless the regional board terminates the waiver prior to that date. Authorizes waivers to be renewed for not more than ten years.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 2267 (Kelley-R) Water rights
Expands the State Water Resources Control Board's (SWRCB's) enforcement authority by authorizing the SWRCB to issue cease and desist orders, not only when a permit holder is in violation of a water right permit, but also in the case of illegal diversions and other violations of SWRCB orders and decisions. Specifies that civil liability will be imposed by the superior court or by the failure to pay a permit application fee.
Chapter 652, Statutes of 2002
AB 2320 (Strickland-R) Ventura County Flood Control District
Changes the name of the Ventura County Flood Control District to the Ventura County Watershed Protection District, and the name of that law to the Ventura County Watershed Protection Act.
Chapter 564, Statutes of 2002
AB 2322 (Hertzberg-D) CALFED Bay-Delta Program
Requires the Director of the CALFED Bay-Delta Program to prepare and submit to the Legislature, on or before May 1, 2003, a report that describes the progress made in implementing the actions described in the CALFED Bay-Delta Record of Decision. Sunsets January 1, 2004.
(Died on the Senate Inactive File)
AB 2351 (Canciamilla-D) Water quality: civil liability
Creates one new exemption from the requirement to impose mandatory minimum penalties on National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit violations and a second partial exception and changes the formula for allocating mandatory minimum penalty amounts to supplemental environmental projects. Double-jointed to AB 1969 (Bob Campbell-R).
Chapter 995, Statutes of 2002
AB 2365* (Goldberg-D) Water Recycling and Dual Plumbing Bond Act of 2002
Authorizes, subject to voter approval at the November 2002 statewide election, the issuance of $575.9 million worth of general obligation bonds to finance capital investments related to water recycling and dual plumbing infrastructure.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2376* (Cogdill-R) Water Sustainability and Reliability Bond Act of 2002
Enacts the Water Sustainability and Reliability Bond Act of 2002 which, if adopted, authorizes the issuance of an unspecified amount of state General Obligation bonds.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 2469 (Dickerson-R) Regional water management groups
Clarifies that activities that may be addressed in Integrated Regional Water Management Plans are not limited to those activities that are listed in Section 10540 of the Water Code, and that one of the activities that may be undertaken in the regional plans is the construction of fish screens and other fish passage improvements. Contingent upon enactment of SB 1672 (Costa-D).
Chapter 949, Statutes of 2002
AB 2481 (Frommer-D) Underground storage tanks
Specifies new regulatory requirements for underground storage tank, reorganizes the petroleum underground storage tank cleanup laws and makes a new class of leaking tanks eligible for reimbursement for cleanup costs, reenacts a program to assist public water systems to cope with the effects of methyl tertiary-butyl either contamination of water supplies, and establishes new enforcement procedures for the Certified Unified Program Agency program.
Chapter 999, Statutes of 2002
AB 2606 (Harman-R) Recycled water
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to determine that the proposed recharge by direct injection will not degrade, rather than impair, the quality of water in the receiving aquifer as a source of domestic water supply. Requires DHS, when making the described findings, to consider a certain anti-degradation policy adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board and current and potential future public health consequences of the controlled recharge.
Chapter 317, Statutes of 2002
AB 2644 (Havice-D) Water Replenishment District of Southern California
Adds to the engineering survey report required annually by all water replenishment districts, the requirement that the district's annual engineering survey and report include data on the areas contiguous to the district that impact the supply and quality of groundwater available in the district.
(Failed passage in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 2683 (Canciamilla-D) California Bay-Delta Authority Act
Makes changes to provisions contained in SB 1653 (Costa-D), Chapter 812, Statutes of 2002, which established a formal governance structure for CalFED known as the CalFED Bay-Delta Authority. After the bill's passage, the State Department of Finance and the State Water Resources Control Board become concerned about several of the bill's provisions and suggested that this follow-up bill be developed to address their concerns.
Chapter 955, Statutes of 2002
AB 2696* (Aanestad-R) Flood control
Appropriates $364,500 from the General Fund to pay for the non-federal share of the feasibility study phase of the Rock Creek-Keefer Slough Flood Control Project in Butte County.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 2704 (Aroner-D) Flood damage reduction and urban creek restoration
Makes various changes to the State Department of Water Resources renamed flood damage reduction and urban creek restoration program, including the addition of a competitive grant program.
Chapter 956, Statutes of 2002
AB 2706 (Cardoza-D) Irrigation districts
Authorizes an irrigation district to enter into any forward contract, or futures contract, or put, call, or swap agreement, or similar procurement method for electricity, natural gas, or coal, or any weather, fuel, or energy risk management contract determined to be in the best interests of the district by the board of directors of the district for any uses of purposes of the district.
Chapter 846, Statutes of 2002
AB 2717 (Hertzberg-D) Water: desalination: report
Requires the State Department of Water Resources to report to the Legislature on the potential opportunities for the use of seawater and brackish water desalination in California, not later than July 1, 2004. Appropriates $600,000 from the Bosco-Keene Renewable Resources Investment Fund for the purpose of establishing the Water Desalination Task Force.
Chapter 957, Statutes of 2002 - Item Vetoed
The Governor vetoed the bill down to $100,000.
AB 2726 (Washington-D) Compton Creek: appropriation
Appropriates $6 million of Proposition 40 bond proceeds to the City of Compton to help maintain, protect and beautify the portion of Compton Creek located within the city limits.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2806 (Wayne-D) Watershed management: strategic plan
Requires the State Resources Agency and the California Environmental Protection Agency to develop, by January 1, 2004, a statewide strategic plan to guide state agency watershed management partnerships.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2838 (Canciamilla-D) Public Utilities Commission: fees: water rates
Requires the State Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to issue a decision on a water utility company's application for a general rate increase, within a certain time period, as specified. Requires the PUC to establish a schedule to review the rates of water corporations every three years. Appropriates $445,000 from the Public Utilities Reimbursement Account.
Chapter 1147, Statutes of 2002 - Item Vetoed
The Governor reduced the appropriation form $445,000 to $222,500.
AB 2877 (Wayne-D) State Water Resources Control Board: groundwater report
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board and the State Department of Water Resources to jointly conduct a study and make recommendations regarding groundwater management policy and proposed legislation regulating groundwater.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 2924 (Wiggins-D) Water appropriations: protected areas
Prohibits the State Water Resources Control Board from approving an application or permit to appropriate water from certain specified areas for use outside that specified area, unless the board of supervisors of the county or counties within which the appropriation is to be made approves the transfer.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 2938 (Simitian-D) Waste discharge requirements: fees
Increases the ceiling fees that may be levied on discharge permits by the State Water Resources Control Board.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 2955 (Pescetti-R) North San Joaquin Water Conservation District: assessments
Authorizes the North San Joaquin Water Conservation District to impose a specified per-acre assessment, not to exceed $5 per acre or portion of an acre, on land on which surface water or groundwater is applied or delivered, to pay for the expenses relating to the delivery of surface water, for groundwater recharge, and for related expenses of the district. Authorizes the district board to provide a procedure for the fixing and collection of the assessments by way of the county tax bills, and requires the assessments be levied consistent with Proposition 218.
Chapter 318, Statutes of 2002
AB 2971 (Strom-Martin-D) Wastewater treatment plants: definition
Authorizes the State Water Resources Control Board to certify operators of private wastewater treatment facilities
Chapter 422, Statutes of 2002
AB 3000* (Assembly Budget Committee) State and local government
This is a Budget Trailer Bill which, among other things, increases the cap on waste discharge fees from $10,000 to $20,000. Because of this provision, fees, special funds, and federal funds will comprise nearly 55 percent of total program funding. Maintains the fee exemption for confined feeding operations.
Chapter 1124, Statutes of 2002
ACR 188 (Reyes-D) Water as a vital resource
Resolves that state leaders should continue to examine water issues in order to resolutely and deliberately address these important issues.
Resolution Chapter 151, Statutes of 2002
ACR 212 (Liu-D) Groundwater Awareness Month
Proclaims the month of June 2002 as Groundwater Awareness Month in California.
Resolution Chapter 94, Statutes of 2002
ACR 249 (Pavley-D) Water pollution
Declares the year 2002 as the "Year of Clean Water" and October, 2002 as "Clean Water Month" and recommits to achieving the goals of the federal Water Pollution Control Act.
Resolution Chapter 198, Statutes of 2002
ACR 251 (Canciamilla-D) Colorado River: Quantification Settlement Agreement
Expresses the findings and declarations of the Legislature that is of the utmost importance to the people of California that the Quantification Settlement Agreement be executed on or before December 31, 2002, with respect to Colorado River water.
Resolution Chapter 192, Statutes of 2002
AJR 24 (Chu-D) Lower Los Angeles and San Gabriel River Watersheds
Memorializes the President and Vice President of the United States, the Speaker of the House of Representative of the United States, the Director of the National Park Service, and each Senator and representative from California in the Congress of the United States to support Congresswoman Hilda L. Solis' proposal to study the feasibility of establishing the Lower Los Angeles River, the San Gabriel River, the San Gabriel Mountains, and areas under the jurisdiction of the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy as a unit of the National Park System.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
HR 25 (Briggs-R) Shaver Lake
Resolves that the Assembly does not support Article 17 of Senate Bill 78 of the 2001-02 Second Extraordinary Session, which states, "It is the intent of the Legislature . . . to set the conditions under which an electrical corporation may become creditworthy and meet its obligations to serve consumers with reliable electricity service at just and reasonable rates."
(Died at Assembly Desk)
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 29 | Machado-D Milk: forward price contracts | |
SB 102 | Johannessen-R Water storage facilities: revenue bonds | |
SB 196 | Burton-D Land conservation | |
SB 200 | Chesbro-D Federal navigation projects | |
SB 261 | Senate Environmental Quality Committee Food and agriculture: organization | |
SB 278 | Machado-D Water | |
SB 305 | Machado-D Pest control: structural pest control devices | |
SB 316* | Oller-R Auburn Dam Project | |
SB 405* | McPherson-R State Department of Water Resources: electric power | |
SB 435* | Monteith-R Taxation: agriculture: irrigation | |
SB 469* | Alpert-D Water quality: total maximum daily loads | |
SB 472 | Soto-D Public health: hexavalent chromium: study | |
SB 538 | Costa-D Groundwater storage | |
SB 556* | Costa-D Agriculture: cooperative agreements | |
SB 605 | Costa-D Pesticides | |
SB 621 | Costa-D Water bonds | |
SB 625 | Costa-D Agricultural waste: energy | |
SB 710 | Alpert-D Surface water quality monitoring | |
SB 712 | Costa-D Water supply planning | |
SB 727 | Costa-D Environmental Water Account Act of 2001 | |
SB 788 | Alarcon-D Parks and recreation: grants: urban river park projects | |
SB 815 | Machado-D Discharger Legacy Pollutant Reduction Program | |
SB 816 | Johnson-R Waste discharges: regulatory action | |
SB 847 | Ackerman-R Recycled water | |
SB 868* | Costa-D Water Bond Act of 2001: water resources | |
SB 876 | Poochigian-R Vehicles: Special interest license plates: agriculture | |
SB 877* | Poochigian-R Taxes: qualified cogeneration equipment | |
SB 915 | Machado-D Water transfer | |
SB 984 | Costa-D Rangeland, Grazing Land, and Grassland Protection Act | |
SB 1003 | Poochigian-R Energy: protection of agriculture | |
SB 1008 | Perata-D Public utilities: counties: hydroelectric power | |
SB 1029 | Perata-D Water transfers | |
SB 1093 | Costa-D Recreational water use: Sly Park Recreational Area | |
SB 1145 | Machado-D Subdivision Map Act: fee | |
SB 1156 | Burton-D Collective bargaining and mediation | |
SB 1201 | Romero-D Hexavalent chromium: study: San Gabriel Basin | |
SB 1223 | Senate Agriculture And Water Resources Committee Red imported fire ants | |
SB 1341* | Alpert-D District Agricultural Associations | |
SB 1342 | Morrow-R Municipal separate storm sewer systems | |
SB 1345 | Kuehl-D Biologics | |
SB 1348 | Brulte-R Water: conservation | |
SB 1352 | Chesbro-D Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District | |
SB 1368 | Kuehl-D Water submetering devices | |
SB 1372 | Machado-D Solar evaporator: on-farm drainage | |
SB 1381 | Kuehl-D Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission | |
SB 1384* | Costa-D Governance | |
SB 1385* | Brulte-R Parks and recreation: grants: water conservation measures | |
SB 1463 | Machado-D Structural pest control | |
SB 1466 | Alarcon-D Contracts for labor or services | |
SB 1473 | Machado-D Water | |
SB 1518 | Torlakson-D Recycled water | |
SB 1519 | Bowen-D Department of Water Resources: power | |
SB 1540 | Alpert-D Sea urchins | |
SB 1561 | Soto-D San Bernardino County Flood Control District | |
SB 1573 | Karnette-D Interagency Aquatic Invasive Species Council | |
SB 1588 | Senate Local Government Committee Mosquito abatement: vector control districts | |
SB 1599 | Poochigian-R Water quality: enforcement | |
SB 1616 | Machado-D Agricultural land: eminent domain | |
SB 1628* | Sher-D Resources: litigation | |
SB 1653 | Costa-D California Bay-Delta Act | |
SB 1664 | Romero-D San Gabriel and lower Los Angeles rivers conservancy | |
SB 1672 | Costa-D Integrated Regional Water Management Planning Act of 2002 | |
SB 1710* | Costa-D Safe, Clean, and Reliable Water Supply Bond Act of 2002 | |
SB 1711 | Costa-D Land use: water and electrical energy facilities | |
SB 1721 | Soto-D Land use: farm worker housing | |
SB 1736 | Burton-D Agricultural labor relations: binding arbitration | |
SB 1755 | Soto-D County water districts and municipal water districts | |
SB 1756 | Battin-R Water districts: public utilities | |
SB 1769 | Machado-D Market milk | |
SB 1822 | Sher-D Public water systems: public health goals: perchlorate | |
SB 1864 | Costa-D Agricultural land conservation | |
SB 1870 | Speier-D San Francisco Bay Area Regional Water System Authority | |
SB 1871 | Monteith-R Root Creek Water District | |
SB 1938 | Machado-D Groundwater management: state funding | |
SB 1949 | Soto-D Public participation | |
SB 2036 | Morrow-R Los Alisos Water District | |
SB 2050 | Sher-D Water quality: waivers and civil liability | |
SB 2058 | Morrow-R Water quality: storm water permit fees | |
SB 2070* | Johannessen-R Water supply security | |
SB 2078 | Torlakson-D Wild and scenic rivers: South Fork American River | |
SB 2088 | Senate Natural Resources And Wildlife Committee Resource conservation | |
SCR 74 | Machado-D Food and agriculture | |
SB 18XX* | Burton-D State Department of Water Resources: bond financing order | |
SB 27XX | Bowen-D Department of Water Resources: power | |
SB 10XXX | Sher-D Sales and use taxes: exemption: diesel | |
AB 52 | Wiggins-D Agricultural land preservation: appropriation | |
AB 137 | Reyes-D Agricultural preserves: annexations | |
AB 221 | Florez-D Kern County flood control | |
AB 325 | Reyes-D Protection of farm workers | |
AB 388 | Strom-Martin-D Specialty fiber crops | |
AB 448 | Strom-Martin-D Industrial hemp: license for commercial purposes | |
AB 567 | Koretz-D Agricultural employees: length of hand-held tool handles | |
AB 582 | Salinas-D Agricultural labor: seasonal farmworkers | |
AB 605 | Negrete McLeod-D California Dairy Producers Environmental Trust Fund | |
AB 638 | Steinberg-D Farm labor: written contracts and agreements | |
AB 641* | Briggs-R Targeted tax areas: expansion and credits | |
AB 713 | Thomson-D Agricultural and open-space lands | |
AB 727* | Correa-D Income and corporation taxes: credits: donations | |
AB 759 | Shelley-D Personal watercraft: bans | |
AB 777 | Lowenthal-D Federal navigation projects | |
AB 786 | Cogdill-R Williamson Act contracts: cancellation | |
AB 790* | Maldonado-R Taxes: preventive health care: agricultural workers | |
AB 802 | Dickerson-R Biomass-to-energy facilities | |
AB 813* | Briggs-R Taxation: credits: hot water recirculation systems | |
AB 814 | Havice-D Flood control: Los Angeles County Drainage Area | |
AB 862 | Thomson-D Port of Sacramento: local matching share | |
AB 947 | Jackson-D Pesticides: schoolsites | |
AB 954* | Kelley-R Calif. Water Supply Reliability and Protection Bond Act | |
AB 997 | Dickerson-R Streambed alteration | |
AB 1051* | Aanestad-R Flood control | |
AB 1052 | Aanestad-R Flood control: Butte County | |
AB 1054* | Cogdill-R Taxation: irrigation system improvements | |
AB 1089 | Aanestad-R Water quality: septic tank systems: Chico urban area | |
AB 1135 | Hollingsworth-R Flood control | |
AB 1136 | La Suer-R Pest control: eradication of Formosa termite | |
AB 1163 | Calderon-D Water Replenishment District of Southern California | |
AB 1192 | Pavley-D Water Quality and Watershed Protection Act of 2002 | |
AB 1242* | Wiggins-D Pest control: Glassy-winged Sharpshooter | |
AB 1250 | Florez-D Safety and Farm Labor Vehicle Education Program | |
AB 1283 | Florez-D Environmental quality: dairies | |
AB 1313 | Pavley-D Hazardous waste: fertilizing materials | |
AB 1327 | Leslie-R Water rights: Truckee River | |
AB 1332 | Cardoza-D Agricultural commodities | |
AB 1333 | Kelley-R Agricultural commissions: avocado commission | |
AB 1380* | Aanestad-R Property taxation: exemption: agricultural equipment | |
AB 1393 | Thomson-D Water quality | |
AB 1403 | Hollingsworth-R Agricultural land preservation | |
AB 1406* | Hollingsworth-R Pierce's disease | |
AB 1408 | Hollingsworth-R Pierce's disease | |
AB 1417 | Hollingsworth-R Pest control | |
AB 1435 | Rod Pacheco-R Pest control: invasive species task force | |
AB 1438 | Florez-D Public fresh water bathing areas: recreational use | |
AB 1459 | Reyes-D Farm labor contractors: violation reporting | |
AB 1466 | Florez-D Dairy farms: sanitation | |
AB 1483 | Richman-R California Threatened Water Supply Act of 2001 | |
AB 1487 | Thomson-D Flood protection | |
AB 1526 | Florez-D Bond: farmworker housing and family wellness act | |
AB 1535 | Florez-D State Department of Water Resources: electric power | |
AB 1540 | Strickland-R Open-space lands | |
AB 1561 | Kelley-R Energy efficiency standards: clothes washers | |
AB 1565 | Mountjoy-R Drinking water: fluoridation | |
AB 1646 | Richman-R Public health: drinking water: chromium VI | |
AB 1654 | Nakano-D Meat inspection | |
AB 1670 | Assembly Water, Parks And Wildlife Committee Water shortage emergencies: notice of hearing requirements | |
AB 1742 | Maldonado-R Vehicles: combination lengths: agricultural product hauler | |
AB 1760 | John Campbell-R Orange County Water District | |
AB 1778 | Nakano-D Public safety: water treatment plant security | |
AB 1811 | Richman-R Agriculture: exotic and invasive species | |
AB 1823 | Papan-D Regional water systems | |
AB 1849 | Kelley-R Natural community conservation plans | |
AB 1854 | Ashburn-R Milk marketing orders | |
AB 1864 | Salinas-D Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency | |
AB 1869 | Florez-D Poso Creek Flood Control Project | |
AB 1871 | Hollingsworth-R Murrieta Creek Flood Control Project | |
AB 1953 | Leslie-R American River | |
AB 1969* | Bill Campbell-R Water quality: civil liability | |
AB 1972 | Frommer-D Drinking water: reports regarding contaminants | |
AB 2017 | Bates-R State Water Pollution Cleanup and Abatement Account | |
AB 2043 | Salinas-D Farm worker housing | |
AB 2051 | Dickerson-R Truck lengths: transporting agricultural biomass | |
AB 2058 | Papan-D Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency | |
AB 2071 | Jackson-D Public water systems: contaminants: damages recoverable | |
AB 2091 | Kelley-R Agriculture | |
AB 2092 | Kelley-R State Lands Commission: land exchange agreements | |
AB 2121 | Kehoe-D Weights and measures | |
AB 2155 | Assembly Agriculture Committee Equine drugs | |
AB 2156 | Kehoe-D San Diego River Conservancy | |
AB 2185 | Chavez-D Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board | |
AB 2226 | Salinas-D Water quality: regional water quality control boards | |
AB 2256 | Dickerson-R Producer's liens | |
AB 2267 | Kelley-R Water rights | |
AB 2320 | Strickland-R Ventura County Flood Control District | |
AB 2322 | Hertzberg-D CALFED Bay-Delta Program | |
AB 2341 | Thomson-D Conservation | |
AB 2345 | Ashburn-R Pest control: Pierce's disease | |
AB 2351 | Canciamilla-D Water quality: civil liability | |
AB 2365* | Goldberg-D Water Recycling and Dual Plumbing Bond Act of 2002 | |
AB 2376* | Cogdill-R Water Sustainability and Reliability Bond Act of 2002 | |
AB 2377 | Florez-D Producer's liens | |
AB 2390 | Cedillo-D Agricultural products commissions | |
AB 2469 | Dickerson-R Regional water management groups | |
AB 2472 | Simitian-D Pesticides | |
AB 2481 | Frommer-D Underground storage tanks | |
AB 2570* | Cogdill-R Taxation: irrigation system improvements | |
AB 2587 | Matthews-D Food: water usage forecasts | |
AB 2596 | Wesson-D Agricultural labor mediation procedures | |
AB 2606 | Harman-R Recycled water | |
AB 2644 | Havice-D Water Replenishment District of Southern California | |
AB 2683 | Canciamilla-D California Bay-Delta Authority Act | |
AB 2696* | Aanestad-R Flood control | |
AB 2704 | Aroner-D Flood damage reduction and urban creek restoration | |
AB 2706 | Cardoza-D Irrigation districts | |
AB 2717 | Hertzberg-D Water: desalination: report | |
AB 2726 | Washington-D Compton Creek: appropriation | |
AB 2806 | Wayne-D Watershed management: strategic plan | |
AB 2823 | Strom-Martin-D Organic products | |
AB 2838 | Canciamilla-D Public Utilities Commission: fees: water rates | |
AB 2877 | Wayne-D State Water Resources Control Board: groundwater report | |
AB 2890* | Wiggins-D Pests | |
AB 2913* | Firebaugh-D Bracero workers: statute of limitations | |
AB 2923 | Pescetti-R California Agriculture Day | |
AB 2924 | Wiggins-D Water appropriations: protected areas | |
AB 2938 | Simitian-D Waste discharge requirements: fees | |
AB 2955 | Pescetti-R North San Joaquin Water Conservation District: assessments | |
AB 2971 | Strom-Martin-D Wastewater treatment plants: definition | |
AB 2981 | Assembly Agriculture Committee Agriculture | |
AB 3000* | Assembly Budget Committee State and local government | |
ACR 163 | Salinas-D The Week of the Migrant Child | |
ACR 165 | Maldonado-R California Agriculture Week | |
ACR 175 | Nation-D Day of the Horse | |
ACR 188 | Reyes-D Water as a vital resource | |
ACR 212 | Liu-D Groundwater Awareness Month | |
ACR 216 | Pescetti-R The Zinfandel grape | |
ACR 236 | Salinas-D Agricultural Worker Health and Housing Commission | |
ACR 249 | Pavley-D Water pollution | |
ACR 251 | Canciamilla-D Colorado River: Quantification Settlement Agreement | |
AJR 24 | Chu-D Lower Los Angeles and San Gabriel River Watersheds | |
AJR 38 | Nation-D Transgenic fish | |
HR 25 | Briggs-R Shaver Lake | |
HR 39 | Salinas-D Week of the Migrant Child | |
HR 41 | Matthews-D National Agriculture Week |