2013 Annual Digests of Legislation

Introduction to 2013 Digest of Legislation


This publication is a comprehensive collection of summaries for bills that the Legislature introduced during the 2013 legislative year, excluding spot bills. Spot bills are those which only state legislative intent or make a technical non-substantive change to current law.

Each summary includes the final status of the bill. For your convenience, bills that the Legislature passed and the Governor signed into law are listed along with their chapter numbers.

In general, chaptered legislation will go into effect on January 1, 2014. Bills that contain an urgency clause (noted in this document) took effect immediately upon the Governor's signature.

Further detailed information on the measures included in this summary are available from several sources:

- Hard copies of chaptered bills may be requested at no cost from the Legislative Bill Room, State Capitol, Room B-32, Sacramento, CA 95814; (916) 445-2323. Copies of vetoed bills are available until February 2014.

- Copies of all bill versions, analyses, histories, votes and other relevant information are available online at http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov.

For details of the budget package that ultimately was enacted, see the "Final Action Report, A Summary of the 2013 Budget Act" prepared by the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee. It is available online at http://sbud.senate.ca.gov/finalactionreports.

In addition, "The 2013-14 California Spending Plan" prepared by the Legislative Analyst's Office is available on the LAO's Web site at http://www.lao.ca.gov or by calling (916) 445-4656.

The staff of the Office of Senate Floor Analyses is available to answer any questions you may have regarding this publication, and a copy of this report is available online at http://sfa.senate.ca.gov/annualdigests.