Air Pollution
Coastal Resources
Environmental Quality
Endangered Species
Solid Waste Management
Toxics/Hazardous Waste
Air Pollution
SB 88* (Costa-D) Air pollution odors
Conditionally eliminates the October 8, 2001, sunset on provisions that exempt from air contaminant laws, odors from compost facilities and that make these odors the jurisdiction of local (solid waste) enforcement agencies instead of local air districts.
Chapter 424, Statutes of 2001
SB 433* (Monteith-R) Carl Moyer Memorial Air Standards Attainment Program
Provides legislative intent language relative to funding the Carl Moyer air quality program, which deals with reducing emissions from heavy-duty diesel engines.
(At Assembly Desk)
SB 527 (Sher-D) Air pollution
Authorizes the State Air Resources Board to impose administrative civil penalties, as an alternative to seeking judicially imposed civil penalties, in an amount equal to or less than that which may be imposed as civil penalties.
Chapter 769, Statutes of 2001
SB 603 (McClintock-R) Air emissions: exemptions
Exempts the use of "qualified backup generators" used by electric corporations, or commercial, industrial or residential customers of any publicly owned electric utility form any statute or regulation governing air emissions or any penalties for violating those statutes or regulations during any Stage 2 or greater electrical emergency declared by the California Independent System Operator.
(Failed passage in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 644 (Machado-D) Emission reduction credits: agricultural practices
Requires the State Air Resources Board to develop and adopt guidelines for air districts to use when calculating air credits issued for emissions reductions that result from agricultural practices.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
SB 1015 (McClintock-R) Emission factors
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), in cooperation with the districts and the aggregate processing industry, to develop emission factors for aggregate processing facilities, taking into account the scientific data available and recent improvements in emission control technology. Requires the SWRCB and the districts to utilize those emission factors to calculate emissions from aggregate processing facilities.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1086* (Alarcon-D) Liquified natural gas: production
To the extent funds are made available from the General Fund to the California Energy Commission, provides grants or loans from those funds that demonstrate the viability of equipment that converts gas from solid waste landfills into liquified natural gas for use as transportation fuel.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 451 (Firebaugh-D) Architectural paint and coatings
Allows the State Air Resources Board to recommend suggested architectural paint or coating control measures for adoption by local air districts. In addition, requires each district to hold a noticed hearing prior to adopting, amending, or repealing any rule or regulation.
Chapter 456, Statutes of 2001
AB 713 (Thomson-D) Consumer products
Extends, to January 1, 2007, the prohibition on the State Air Resources Board (ARB) from adopting regulations regarding the amount of volatile organic compounds emitted by disinfectants designed for consumer use. Requires the ARB to submit to the Legislature and the Governor an initial statement of reasons for any proposed regulation of disinfectants prior to its adoption.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 771 (Runner-R) Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District
Abolishes the Antelope Valley Air Pollution Control District (AVAPCD) and, instead, creates the Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District with the same boundaries, governing board structure, and general duties as the former AVAPCD.
Chapter 163, Statutes of 2001
AB 845 (Nakano-D) Qualified alternative technology: perchloroethylene
Requires the State Air Resources Board (ARB) to designate qualified alternative technologies that are more protective of air and water quality than technologies that use perchloreothylene, and requires the ARB to grant a preference to energy efficient technologies.
Also provides a credit against taxes for taxable years, beginning on or after January 1, 2002, and before January 1, 2007, in an amount equal to 50 percent of the costs paid or incurred by the owner for implementing qualified alternative technology.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1272 (Mountjoy-R) Electrical generators
Exempts any electricity-generating unit used as a secondary source from all rules and regulations imposed by an air district during any Stage 3 electrical emergency or blackout declared by the California Independent System Operator. Also requires any secondary generating unit used for this purpose, that does not already meet air district rules, to do so by January 1, 2003.
(Failed passage in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1528 (Wyman-R) Emission reduction credits
Eliminates the requirement for approval by resolution of the upwind and downwind air districts when increases in emissions of air pollutants from a source located in an air district are offset by emission reductions credited to a source located in another district.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

Coastal Resources
SB 55* (Kuehl-D) Local coastal program: City of Malibu
Redirects $100,000 of the California Coastal Commission's 2000 budget for the purpose of preparing a local coastal plan for the City of Malibu.
Chapter 11, Statutes of 2001
SB 516* (Johnson-R) Local coastal programs
Authorizes Orange County to continue to implement the certified Local Coastal Program (LCP) for a particular region within the county following the area's annexation by the City of Newport Beach, and the city would then have approximately 24 months to develop its own LCP to supercede use of the county's LCP, or face an ongoing late fee until the LCP is completed.
Chapter 537, Statutes of 2001
SB 908 (Chesbro-D) State Coastal Conservancy: California Coastal Trail
Directs the California Coastal Conservancy to develop a plan for the California Coastal Trail by January 31, 2003, and to take action to link this trail to inland trail systems. Implementation is contingent on funding provided in the annual Budget Act.
Chapter 446, Statutes of 2001
SB 1164 (Sher-D) Local coastal programs: costs
Allows litigation costs related to the operation of a certified local coastal program to be paid before a final judgment in the action is rendered.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 104 (Nation-D) State Coastal Conservancy: environmental impacts
Authorizes the imposition of a fee, up to $4, on all vehicle registrations in specified Bay Area counties for environmental mitigation purposes, if approved by a majority vote of the board of supervisors in those counties.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 343* (Bates-R) State Coastal Conservancy: education programs: grants
Authorizes the State Coastal Conservancy to undertake educational programs related to the preservation, protection, enhancement, and maintenance of coastal resources and to award grants to nonprofits, educational institutions and public agencies for this purpose.
Chapter 885, Statutes of 2001
AB 434* (Keeley-D) Highway Route 1: Hatton Canyon
Makes various legislative findings relating to the Hatton Canyon property by the State Department of Transportation (DOT) and provides authorization for the transfer of the property from DOT to the State Coastal Conservancy.
Chapter 136, Statutes of 2001
AB 639 (Nakano-D) Coastal waters: contamination
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board to develop reliable, rapid and affordable diagnostic tests for evaluating coastal water quality.
Chapter 502, Statutes of 2001
AB 640 (Jackson-D) Coastal resources: certified local programs
Expands the California Coastal Commission's quintenniel review of certified local coastal programs (LCPs) to include determinations of changed local circumstances, non-local concerns that should be addressed, and changes needed to individual LCPs to address adverse cumulative impacts of development on coastal zone resources.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1602* (Keeley-D) Clean Water and Air Protection Act
Places a $2.5 billion bond act before the voters on the March 2002 ballot. Authorizes the state to sell general obligation bonds to be allocated as follows: $1.325 billion for parks and historical resources and $1.275 billion for land, air and water conservation.
Chapter 875, Statutes of 2001
Similar legislation is SB 196 (Burton-D), in Assembly Natural Resources Committee.
ACR 20 (Pavley-D) California Coastal Trail
Declares that the California Coastal Trail is an official state trail, and urges the California Coastal Commission and the State Coastal Conservancy to work collaboratively on the completion of the trail.
Resolution Chapter 99, Statutes of 2001
ACR 109 (Pavley-D) Coastal Cleanup Day
Proclaims September 15, 2001, as the 17th annual Coastal Cleanup Day in California.
Resolution Chapter 137, Statutes of 2001

Environmental Quality
SB 244 (Speier-D) Airport expansion and enlargement projects
Increases the review period for draft environmental impact reports for airport expansion or enlargement projects and clarifies that the acquisition of tideland or submerged land for airport expansion or enlargement requires city or county approval.
Chapter 534, Statutes of 2001
SB 439 (Monteith-R) Homeownership, employment and education
Revises policies of the California Environmental Quality Agency to require consideration of the effects of a proposed project on homeownership, employment, and educational opportunities and to require governmental agencies to consider the rapidly increasing population of California, and benefits and alternatives to proposed actions affecting homeownership, employment, and educational opportunities for future generations.
Declares the policy of the State to require input from local communities that may be affected by proposed projects, and for public agencies to give priority and expedited processing to proposed projects for universities and other educational institutions.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 496* (Sher-D) Environmental quality
Under the California Environmental Quality Act, the State Office of Planning and Research is required to review the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines at least every two years and recommend proposed changes to the Secretary of the Resources Agency, who must certify and adopt the guidelines pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act. The guidelines must include criteria for public agencies to use in determining when a project of statewide, regional, or areawide environmental significance "should" be submitted to appropriate state agencies for review and comment prior to completion of an environmental impact report or negative declaration.
This bill clarifies that the criteria refers to projects that "shall" be submitted to appropriate state agencies for review and comment.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 601 (McClintock-R) Powerplant upgrades: exemption from environmental regulation
Exempts any project to upgrade the physical characteristics of a power plant that has been previously approved to operate, from the power plant siting requirements of the Warren-Alquist Act, from the California Environmental Quality Act, and from any statute or regulation that governs air or water quality.
(Failed passage in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 702 (Escutia-D) Chronic disease: environmental determinants
Provides legislative intent to track the relationship between chronic diseases and environmental exposures in accordance with the recommendations of a working group established by the Division of Environmental and Occupational Disease Control at the State Department of Health Services and in consultation with the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment within the California Environmental Protection Agency and submit their report to the Legislature by July 1, 2002.
Chapter 538, Statutes of 2001
SB 1011 (Sher-D) Environmental protection: executive reorganization
Repeals the various statutes that define the California Environmental Protection Agency structure, functions, duties and responsibilities in the Government Code and Health and Safety Code and reenacts them by adding them to a single division in the Public Resources Code. Reorganizes these statutes without making substantive changes.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
SB 1087 (Alarcon-D) Environmental impact reports
Provides that in preparation of environmental impact reports pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, information may be included regarding impacts and benefits of multiple-family residential projects on an infill site of five acres or less in an urbanized area.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
SB 1141 (Poochigian-R) Attorney General
Deletes the Attorney General's exemption under the following provisions in current law: (1) no action or proceeding may be brought for noncompliance with the California Environmental Quality Act unless the alleged grounds for noncompliance were presented to the public agency orally or in writing by any person during the public comment period or prior to the close of the public hearing on the project before the issuance of the notice of determination; and (2) prohibits any person from maintaining an action or proceeding unless that person objected to the approval of the project orally or in writing during the public comment period provided or prior to the close of the public hearing on the project before the issuance of the notice of determination.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 271 (Canciamilla-D) In-fill development
Requires the guidelines adopted for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act by public agencies to exempt from the act any proposed development that occurs within an urbanized unincorporated area on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses that meets all other conditions for in-fill development projects.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 436* (Chan-D) Focused environmental impact reports
Authorizes a pilot program for the City of Oakland for the purpose of urban infill, multi-family, residential developments, or residential and commercial or retail mixed-use development with not more than 25 percent of the total floor area of the project used as retail space.
Chapter 701, Statutes of 2001
AB 711 (Assembly Environmental Safety And Toxic Materials Committee) Administrative orders
Amends the process used by local enforcement agencies to carry out corrective action orders and changes the allocation of administrative penalties collected.
Chapter 663, Statutes of 2001
AB 960 (Keeley-D) Crime prevention: environmental prosecution project
Appropriates $300,000 from the General Fund to administer and evaluate the California District Attorneys Association's Environmental Circuit Prosecutor Project.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1086 (Calderon-D) Residential infill development project
Requires the lead agency, as defined in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), to adopt a negative declaration or a mitigated negative declaration if it determines that a residential infill development project, which is not exempt from CEQA, satisfies specific criteria.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1362 (Wiggins-D) Master Environmental Impact Report Revolving Loan Program
Establishes, until January 1, 2007, a Master Environmental Impact Report Revolving Loan Program to provide loans to cities and counties to prepare master environmental impact reports. Appropriates an unspecified sum from the General Fund to the State Office of Planning and Research for purposes of the bill.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1365 (Ashburn-R) Sewage sludge
Designates any public agency engaged in the treatment or generation of sewage sludge as the lead agency for purposes of California Environmental Quality Act for the transportation, disposal, use, land application, or storage of that sewage sludge within or outside its boundaries. Requires a lead agency to prepare, or cause to be prepared, an environmental impact report for the transportation, disposal, use, land application, or storage of that sewage sludge within or outside its boundaries.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1438 (Florez-D) Reservoirs: recreation use
Requires the State Department of Health Services to establish minimum sanitation standards for the recreational use of reservoirs in which bodily contact with the water is not prohibited.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1532 (Pavley-D) Environmental quality
Requires lead agencies to conduct public scoping hearings for projects that have significant regional impacts upon determination that an environmental impact report is required pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act.
Chapter 867, Statutes of 2001

SB 199 (Chesbro-D) Forest resources: agreements
Allows, until January 1, 2007, the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to use money from the Forest Resources Improvement Fund to pay costs associated with prepurchase property preparations as part of the implementation of the California Forest Legacy Program Act of 2000.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 234 (Kuehl-D) State Bd of Forestry & Fire Protection: watershed protection
Alters the required interests and backgrounds of the members of the State Board of Forestry and applies conflict-of-interest and ex parte communication standards to the board.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 482 (Sher-D) Forest practices: penalties
Authorizes, upon request of the director of the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, the Attorney General or district attorney, the authority to seek a civil penalty for violations of the Z'berg-Nejedly Forest Practice Act of 1973 with or without bringing misdemeanor charges for the same conduct.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 540 (Sher-D) Forest resources: timber harvesting plans
Authorizes a board of supervisors of a county to request a public hearing on behalf of the timber harvesting plan submitter before the State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection, regarding the denial of a timber harvest plan which proposes the use of a silvicultural prescription, including, but not limited to, clearcutting, which would result in the removal of more than 70 percent of the preharvest volume of any area greater than two-and-one-half acres in a single timber operation.
(On Assembly Third Reading File)
SB 812 (Sher-D) Land management plans: Forest Stewardship Council
Requires the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection when making grants and loans to landowners or purchases of conservation easements from landowners to give preference for lands which have been certified as "well-managed" pursuant to standards adopted by the State Board of Forestry.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SB 907* (Chesbro-D) Forest resources
Allows the $13 million of the monies appropriated from the Headwaters Forest purchase that was not used for the Owl Creek tract be appropriated for the purchase of other old growth tracts on the North Coast.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 909 (Chesbro-D) Timber harvest plans
Extends to 30 days from the completion of the initial inspection of the timber harvest plan the amount of time the director of the State Department of Fire and Forest Protection has to review a timber harvest plan and take public comments, with ten of those days following the date of final interagency review.
Chapter 639, Statutes of 2001
AB 597 (Aanestad-R) Forest Practice Act: exemptions
Exempts from the timber harvesting plan provisions of the Z'berg-Nejedly Forest Practice Act of 1973 the cutting and removal of trees by the forest thinning method to reduce the threat of wildfire.
(Failed passage in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 671 (Strom-Martin-D) Timber harvesting
Establishes a stricter criteria to govern the one-time conversion of less than three acres to a nontimber use.
Chapter 627, Statutes of 2001
AB 1130 (Dickerson-R) Forest resources: Forest Practice Act: exemptions
Exempts the cutting and removal of trees to reduce the threat of wildfire from the Z'berg- Nejedly Forest Practice Act only if the removal satisfies certain conditions. Requires surface fuels that could promote the spread of wildfire to be chipped, burned, or otherwise removed within 45 days from the date of commencement of timber operations.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1226 (Strom-Martin-D) State forests
Among other provisions, defines forest land, permits rather than requires the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to sell state-owned lands classified by the department and approved by the State Board of Forestry as not suited for the growing of timber, or necessary to the management of the forest, to be sold according to state laws and requires regulations adopted by the state department to permit the use of state forest land for mining purposes initiated prior to January 1, 2002, pursuant to regulations adopted by the board.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1231 (Nation-D) Forest watershed analysis: salmonid population assessment
Requires the State Resources Agency, in consultation with the California Environmental Protection Agency, as part of the North Coast Watershed Assessment Program, to establish a watershed analysis methodology that examines linkages between various environmental factors and the health of the salmonid population.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AJR 25 (Firebaugh-D) Forest resources
Memorializes the Congress to declare its encouragement of public and private investment in economically and environmentally sound forest management practices that ensure sustainable forests for the benefit of present and future generations.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

Endangered Species
SB 550 (Costa-D) Endangered species
Removes the current sunset of December 31, 2002, from Section 2087 of the Fish and Game Code which allows for the destruction of endangered species if the taking is the result of "otherwise lawful routine and ongoing agricultural activities."
(In Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
AB 252 (Pavley-D) Endangered species
Grants temporary protection to a native plant or animal thought to have become extinct but is rediscovered.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 985 (Florez-D) Fully protected species
Provides a new article in the California Endangered Species Act that establishes a recovery program for all threatened and endangered species listed in the act.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1306 (Hollingsworth-R) Endangered species
Upon the addition of a species to any lists of candidate, threatened or endangered species, requires the State Department of Fish and Game to pursue voluntary partnerships with public and private landowners that will assist in the recovery of the species. Also requires the department to develop a funding program to fund the costs of improvements for species on those lands and compensate landowners for disruptions to their property.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1598 (Hollingsworth-R) Fully protected species
Declares the Legislature's intent to enact legislation to address the issues involving the current statutory provisions governing fully protected species and to explore a conservation program for these species that is linked to the listing, recovery and incidental take provisions of the California Endangered Species Act.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

Solid Waste Management
SB 373 (Torlakson-D) Environmental education: waste: recycling
Establishes, until January 1, 2007, a state mechanism for helping K-12 public schools implement solid waste reduction programs.
Chapter 926, Statutes of 2001
SB 441* (Sher-D) Solid waste management
Makes clarifying and technical changes to the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
SB 530 (Sher-D) Solid waste facilities: inspections
Requires the local enforcement agency inspection of solid waste facilities to be in accordance with a schedule adopted by the California Integrated Waste Management Board that is based on a facility rating system, as specified.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
SB 624 (Soto-D) Vehicles: garbage: cover
Requires that when specified waste materials are transported on the roadways, the materials shall be covered.
Chapter 279, Statutes of 2001
SB 648 (Senate Environmental Quality Committee) Public contracts: preferences: recycled products
Makes clarifying and technical changes to the existing reporting requirements of the State Department of General Services with regard to procurement and recycled materials.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
SB 649* (Senate Environmental Quality Committee) Environmental quality: solid waste management
Makes several noncontroversial and technical changes to statutes governing environmental quality, including provisions relating to the State Department of Boating and Waterways' loans to local agencies, environmental impact reports, local integrated waste management plans, used and waste tires, and incontinence medical supplies.
(On Assembly Third Reading File)
SB 1069 (Chesbro-D) Plastic pollution prevention fee
Requires any manufacturer of a product sold or offered for sale in a rigid plastic packaging container on or after January 1, 2006, to pay a plastic pollution prevention fee to the California Integrated Waste Management Board for every plastic container of a resin type that fails to equal or exceed a recycling rate of 50 percent or more on or before January 1, 2005.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1127 (Karnette-D) Recycling: trash bags: rigid plastic containers
Requires the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) to conduct a study on the use and disposal of expanded polystyrene in California, removes the sunset date allowing CIWMB to credit manufacturers for use of recycled plastic postconsumer materials, and allows CIWMB to use funds collected from violations relating to recycled plastic containers and recycled plastic postconsumer material to promote the development of future recycling efforts.
Chapter 406, Statutes of 2001
AB 173 (Chavez-D) Solid waste: fees
Requires, by January 1, 2004, the California Integrated Waste Management Board to adopt regulations that establish oversight of construction, demolition, and inert waste at mine reclamation sites. Current law, which sunsets January 1, 2002, provides certain fee exemptions to inert waste. Extends current law until adoption of the regulations.
Chapter 811, Statutes of 2001
AB 467 (Strom-Martin-D) Resources recovery: grants
Requires the California Integrated Waste Management Board to establish a grant and loan program for small recycling businesses that provide additional markets for postconsumer waste materials through their innovative recycling technologies.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 709 (Wayne-D) Codisposal sites: cleanup
Requires, by January 1, 2003, the California Integrated Waste Management Board to access known and suspected codisposal sites at which hazardous substances, hazardous waste, and solid waste were disposed in the past and to create a cleanup priority list for those sites.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1187 (Simitian-D) Recycling: tires: used oil
Makes technical and clarifying changes to the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 regarding the total grant amount to local government to prevent disposal of hazardous waste at solid waste disposal sites, waste tire cleanup and abatement order procedures, waste and used tire haulers, and used oil collection center gallon collection limits.
Chapter 316, Statutes of 2001
AB 1400 (Cogdill-R) Mixed solid waste composting facility: pilot project
Appropriates $900,000 from the General Fund to the County of Mariposa to construct and operate a mixed solid waste composting facility, in cooperation with Yosemite National Park.
(Failed passage in Senate Environmental Quality Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1482 (Richman-R) Solid waste diversion
Enacts the "California Landfill Reduction Act of 2000" and defines the term "applicable waste" as solid waste collected or handled within a city or county that the California Integrated Waste Management Board determines has not implemented its source reduction and recycling element. Prohibits any solid waste landfill from accepting or disposing of applicable waste unless the solid waste is processed. Subjects a solid waste landfill that accepts applicable waste, in violation of the act, to a civil penalty of $10 for each ton of that waste.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

Toxics/Hazardous Waste
SB 32 (Escutia-D) Contaminated property: restoration
Empowers local governments to compel the investigation and cleanup of certain brownfields sites and establishes a pilot project for assessing the usefulness and impact of informational screening numbers.
Chapter 764, Statutes of 2001
SB 243 (Kuehl-D) Radiation Safety Act of 2001
Establishes specified prohibitions against the disposal of low level radioactive materials and the sale of properties contaminated by the radioactivity.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 260 (Senate Environmental Quality Committee) Department of Toxic Substances Control
Codifies the Governor's Reorganization Plan (GRP) No. 1 of 1991 and makes the codified statutes consistent with what was legally established by the GRP.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
SB 271 (O'Connell-D) Hazardous waste: transportation: manifests: information
Modifies the requirements for manifests used in the transportation of hazardous wastes that are produced by small quantity generators at many separate facilities and are collected by "milk run" transporters.
Chapter 319, Statutes of 2001
SB 286 (Soto-D) School safety: hazardous substances
Requires the State Department of Education to study and report to the Legislature on the use of substances as part of educational instruction that have chemical risks that outweigh the educational benefits.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 315 (Alpert-D) Antifouling paints
Creates, until January 1, 2004, the San Diego Advisory Committee for Environmentally Superior Antifouling Paints and appropriates money from the Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund to pay for a report on vessel coatings.
Chapter 469, Statutes of 2001
SB 453 (Alarcon-D) Elementary neutralization activities
Exempts tanks, piping and ancillary equipment that is used to neutralize water demineralization wastes at investor-owned power plants located on federal land from the secondary containment requirements that apply to generators of hazardous wastes, if certain conditions exist.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 468 (Sher-D) Hazardous materials response actions: brownfields: insurance
Establishes a state approved environmental insurance program to provide cleanup loan guarantees and a subsidy program for insurance products for certain cleanup efforts.
Chapter 549, Statutes of 2001
SB 469 (Alpert-D) Water quality: total maximum daily loads
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to prepare, on or before July 1, 2003, guidelines to be used by the SWRCB and the regional boards for the purpose of listing and delisting waters and developing and implementing the total maximum daily load program and total maximum daily loads pursuant to the federal Clean Water Act.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
SB 470* (Sher-D) Hazardous waste control: management: used oil
Corrects a number of technical problems in the hazardous waste laws, clarifies exemptions from those laws, reenacts and modifies a previously sunsetted requirement, and exempts onboard engine oil management technology from regulation under the hazardous waste laws.
Chapter 605, Statutes of 2001
SB 526 (Sher-D) Underground storage tanks: discharges: closure: data storage
Clarifies underground storage tank (UST) closure certification requirements and database classification for USTs that may have contained methyl t-butyl ether.
(On Assembly Third Reading File)
SB 633 (Sher-D) Hazardous and solid waste: mercury
Sets forth provisions to reduce the amounts of mercury added to the environment by broken and discarded fever thermometers, by discarded novelty products and by mercury-containing motor vehicle light switches.
Chapter 656, Statutes of 2001
SB 693 (Scott-D) Commencement of actions: hazardous substances
Provides that in any civil action for injury or illness based upon exposure to a hazardous substance, the time for commencement of the action shall be no later than one year after the plaintiff is diagnosed with a medical condition causally related to that exposure. Also provides that in an action for the wrongful death of any plaintiff's decedent, based upon exposure to a hazardous substance, the time for commencement of an action shall be no later than one year from the date of death of the plaintiff's decedent, or one year from the date the plaintiff first knew, or should have known, that the death was caused or contributed to by that exposure, whichever occurs later.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 718 (Poochigian-R) Income and corporation taxes: oil recycling
Provides a credit equal to 35 percent of the taxpayer's costs during the taxable year for purchase of any equipment that is used to recycle used motor oil. Also appropriates $400,000 from the California Used Oil Recycling Fund to the California Integrated Waste Management Board for the purpose of advertising the advantages of using recycled oil.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 732 (Ortiz-D) Toxic mold
Enacts the Toxic Mold Protection Act, intended to protect the public from adverse health effects related to the presence of molds in residential and commercial properties.
Chapter 584, Statutes of 2001
SB 742* (Escutia-D) Underground storage tanks
Extends the sunset date, from January 1, 2002 to January 1, 2004, of the program conducted by the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency that provides loans and grants to upgrade, replace, or remove petroleum underground storage tanks to meet applicable local, state, or federal standards, or to take corrective actions.
Chapter 118, Statutes of 2001
SB 828 (Alarcon-D) Environmental justice
Requires the Secretary for the California Environmental Protection Agency to convene the Working Group on Environmental Justice by January 1, 2002, instead of January 15, 2002. Requires the working group to complete its responsibilities by July 1, 2002.
Chapter 765, Statutes of 2001
SB 849 (Torlakson-D) Oil spills: fees
Increases the amount of the fee that the administrator for oil spill response is authorized to impose, for calendar year 2002, from four cents to six cents for each barrel of crude oil or petroleum products. Authorizes the administrator, on and after January 1, 2003, to adjust the amount of the annual assessment based upon changes in the California Consumer Price Index, pursuant to a specified procedure.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
SB 1158 (Knight-R) Hazardous waste: universal waste aerosol cans
Allows the "universal waste" rule to apply to onsite treatment of aerosol can hazardous waste.
Chapter 450, Statutes of 2001
AB 254* (Frommer-D) Brownfields loans: CLEAN program
Modifies the recently established loan and grant program for site investigation and cleanup of brownfield properties, Cleanup Loans and Environmental Assistance to Neighborhoods (CLEAN).
Chapter 548, Statutes of 2001
AB 414* (Dutra-D) Hazardous waste disposal: lead: nickel: copper
Restores the ability of the State Department of Transportation and other public transportation entities to be granted variances by the State Department of Toxic Substances Control to reuse lead-contaminated soils in highway improvement projects. Also extends the sunset date (from July 1, 2003 to July 1, 2006) of the statute specifying that certain wastes must be disposed of at a Class I hazardous waste facility, unless certain exemptions apply.
Chapter 861, Statutes of 2001
AB 498 (Chan-D) Persistent, bioaccumulative toxins
Requires the Secretary for the California Environmental Protection Agency to submit to the Legislature a statewide strategy to eliminate all releases of persistent, bioaccumulative toxins into the state's environment. Requires the secretary to conduct a series of meetings with specified persons, including business leaders, environmental organizations, and the general public, to develop that strategy.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 560 (Jackson-D) Storm water runoff pollution
Allows a local used oil collection program to include provisions for the mitigation and collection of oil and oil products from stormwater run off, including devices to capture that stormwater runoff, such as the use of storm drain inlet filter devices.
Chapter 500, Statutes of 2001
AB 702* (Jackson-D) Hazardous substance remediation: pilot project
Establishes a pilot program at the California Environmental Protection Agency to provide grants to ten cities, counties or redevelopment agencies for development of a multiparcel risk assessment approach for determining appropriate response actions at brownfields and other local hazardous substance release sites in need of cleanup or other form of mitigation.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 711 (Assembly Environmental Safety And Toxic Materials Committee) Administrative orders
Amends the process used by local enforcement agencies to carry out corrective action orders and changes the allocation of administrative penalties collected.
Chapter 663, Statutes of 2001
AB 712 (Maldonado-R) Hazardous materials: inventory
Allows a local agency, responsible for administering hazardous materials inventory requirements, to exempt a hazardous materials handler from some inventory updating requirements, if the hazardous materials handler requests the exemption and the local administering agency finds that the change in inventory does not substantially increase any risk to health and safety or to the environment.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 715 (Wayne-D) Oil spill prevention and response: ballast water
Requires oil spill response organizations (OSROs) and operators to meet performance standards in unannounced drills, delineates the requirements for rating OSROs every three years, provides for increased membership on harbor safety committees and includes the chair of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission as a member of the State Interagency Oil Spill Committee. Authorizes the administrator of the Office of Oil Spill Prevention and Response to apply for a judgment to collect civil penalties after the time for review of a violation of the act has expired. Also deletes obsolete references and updates definitions in the Lempert-Keene-Seastrand Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act.
Chapter 748, Statutes of 2001
AB 729 (Kehoe-D) Replacement pier and dredging project
Prohibits the State Water Resources Control Board or regional water quality control board from imposing a fee in connection with prescribing waste discharge requirements for the Replacement Pier and Dredging Project, United States Naval Station, San Diego.
Chapter 664, Statutes of 2001
AB 751 (Jackson-D) Mercury-containing lamp waste
Requires any person managing mercury-containing lamp waste to manage the waste as a hazardous waste pursuant to the hazardous waste control laws. Also requires any person recycling mercury-containing lamp waste to do so in the same manner as universal waste or in a facility issued a hazardous waste facilities permit.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1114 (Pescetti-R) Brownfields redevelopment
Makes various changes under the liability provisions of the Carpenter-Presley-Tanner Hazardous Account Act, including immunizing certain parties from liability.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1259 (Wiggins-D) Hazardous waste facilities permits: suspension
Requires the State Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to suspend the permit of any hazardous waste facility for nonpayment of fees, for a failure to meet obligations under a written reimbursement agreement or other agreement for reimbursing costs of DTSC, or a failure to pay penalties imposed for a violation of the hazardous waste control laws or regulations.
Chapter 461, Statutes of 2001
AB 1313 (Pavley-D) Hazardous waste: fertilizing materials
Establishes a mechanism in the State Department of Toxic Substances Control to regulate the addition of hazardous wastes to fertilizer products.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1329 (Lowenthal-D) Hazardous waste testing laboratories: recyclable materials
Reestablishes a recently expired statutory section that permits conditional regulatory exemption from certification requirements imposed by the State Department of Health Services on certain hazardous waste facility laboratories, and requires that a commercially recyclable material not be transported wastewater containing a specified level of petroleum hydrocarbons.
Chapter 866, Statutes of 2001
AB 1340 (Kelley-R) Underground storage tanks: claims
Revises provisions under current law relating to the priority of payment of claims made from the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1465 (Nation-D) Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund
An omnibus bill that makes a number of technical and clarifying changes to the underground storage tank laws and expands the universe of petroleum underground storage tanks covered by the cleanup program.
Chapter 154, Statutes of 2001
AB 1507 (Canciamilla-D) Accidental release prevention
Provides that the program for the prevention of accidental releases of regulated substances adopted by the California Environmental Protection Agency, pursuant to the Clean Air Act, is to be known as the "California Accidental Release Prevention Program" or "CalARP".
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1510 (Ashburn-R) Dry cell batteries
Requires the Environmental Policy Council to perform a study and submit a report to the Legislature, by July 31, 2003, regarding available recycling opportunities and reclamation practices and the environmental effect of randomly disposing of spent dry cell batteries containing zinc electrodes in solid waste landfills. Appropriates $125,000 from the General Fund to the council to prepare this report.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1708 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Hazardous waste: tow trucks
Authorizes a tow truck driver who is engaged to remove a disabled vehicle from a roadway and to clean up a release of vehicular waste to transport that waste from the scene without the completion of a hazardous waste manifest and without being a registered hazardous waste transporter, if specified conditions are satisfied.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 1 (Alpert-D) Decommissioned oil platforms and production facilities
Establishes a process by which oil companies may avoid significant costs in the decommissioning of off-shore oil platforms by leaving the support structures, or jackets, in place as artificial reefs. The oil companies would then pay a percentage of the avoided costs to the state, local governments, and a private endowment under a scheme set out in the bill. These funds would be used by the various entities to enhance and protect the marine environment.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 31* (Chesbro-D) Sudden oak death: appropriation
Appropriates $10.2 million from the General Fund to the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to help prevent sudden oak death syndrome, as specified.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 107 (Sher-D) Natural community conservation planning
Repeals the old and enacts a new Natural Community Conservation Planning Act.
(At Senate Desk)
SB 116 (Kuehl-D) Department of Parks and Recreation: roads
Creates a process to evaluate road construction proposals that affect state parks.
(Failed passage in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 197 (Chesbro-D) Building standards: marinas
Requires specified marinas to obtain a biennial inspection of electrical systems that extend into or over water.
Chapter 360, Statutes of 2001
SB 198* (Chesbro-D) Property taxation: welfare exemption
Extends the sunset date of the property tax welfare exemption for natural resource and open-space lands from 2002 to 2012.
Chapter 533, Statutes of 2001
SB 209 (Sher-D) Commercial fishing: market squid
Provides for the management of the market squid fishery by the California Fish and Game Commission.
Chapter 318, Statutes of 2001
SB 232* (Sher-D) Environmental protection: financial assurance and insurance
Establishes a companion program to the Cleanup Loans and Environmental Assistance to Neighborhoods Program that will assist persons who clean up brownfields and underutilized properties to purchase environmental insurance.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 259 (Murray-D) Baldwin Hills Conservancy
Redefines the boundaries of the Baldwin Hills Conservancy (BHC) and changes the structure and operation of BHC.
(On Senate Unfinished Business File)
SB 307 (Vasconcellos-D) Historical resources: California Japantown
Appropriates $450,000 from the General Fund to the California Research Bureau for the purpose of establishing the California Japantown Preservation Pilot Project to promote the preservation of existing Japantown neighborhoods.
Chapter 879, Statutes of 2001
SB 359 (Murray-D) Parks and recreation: urban parks and healthy communities
Creates the California Youth Soccer and Recreation Development Program in the State Department of Parks and Recreation and the State Urban Parks and Healthy Communities Act.
Chapter 877, Statutes of 2001
Similar legislation is SB 586 (Murray-D) which is in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
SB 389 (Alpert-D) Sea urchins
Extends from, January 1, 2002 to January 1, 2007, the Sea Urchin Advisory Committee and provides for spending of the accumulated landing fee reserve.
Chapter 633, Statutes of 2001
SB 477 (Costa-D) Parks and recreation: California SNO-PARK program
Makes a number of changes to the California SNO-PARK permit program whereby winter recreationists buy a windshield sticker that allows them to park their motor vehicles in designated roadside parking areas.
Chapter 278, Statutes of 2001
SB 483 (Sher-D) Surface mining and reclamation
Provides funding and time extensions for the remediation of abandoned mines in California. Provides for an annual report on abandoned mine remediation projects that are proposed for the next fiscal year.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 528* (Sher-D) Department of Conservation: beverage containers: fees
Makes numerous changes to the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act in the area of reports, predatory pricing, and enforcement.
Chapter 874, Statutes of 2001
SB 684 (Oller-R) Game bird hunting clubs
Requires that each licensed domesticated game bird hunting club be subject to the same rules and regulations. Requires the shooting season for each licensed domesticated game bird hunting club to commence on September 1 and close on May 31 of the following year. Prohibits the number of pheasants taken on a licensed game bird club from exceeding the total number of pheasants previously released on the licensed area during the license year and up to 12 days prior to the season.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
SB 707 (Senate Local Government Committee) Recreation and park districts
Enacts the "Recreation and Park District Law." The revised statute differs from the 1957 law in dozens of ways but particularly in policy, powers, procedures, and oversight.
Chapter 15, Statutes of 2001
SB 712 (Speier-D) State recreation area: study: off-leash dog activity
Requires the State Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) to prepare a study, by October 1, 2002, that considers whether or not to allow dogs to run off-leash in state recreation areas. Appropriates $50,000 from the General Fund to the DPR to prepare the study.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 727 (Costa-D) Environmental Water Account Act of 2001
Enacts the Environmental Water Account Program Act of 2001 and authorizes the State Department of Water Resources to develop and implement the Environmental Water Account Program to provide water for the protection and recovery of fish in a manner that exceeds the protections provided by the regulatory baseline. Requires that water acquired by the department for the program to be used to provide water directly for fish protection or recovery or for compensating water users for reduced water deliveries due to changes in project operations for fish protection or recovery that exceed the regulatory baseline.
(In Senate Agriculture and Water Committee)
SB 766 (Burton-D) Parks and recreation
Changes an allocation contained in the California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks and Coastal Protection Act of 2002, if it is approved by the voters at the March 5, 2002 primary election.
Chapter 878, Statutes of 2001
SB 788 (Alarcon-D) Parks and recreation: grants: urban river park projects
Establishes a funding mechanism for river parkway projects.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 828 (Alarcon-D) Environmental justice
Requires the Secretary for the California Environmental Protection Agency to convene the Working Group on Environmental Justice by January 1, 2002, instead of January 15, 2002. Requires the working group to complete its responsibilities by July 1, 2002.
Chapter 765, Statutes of 2001
SB 830 (Knight-R) Beverage containers
Makes changes to the provisions of current law relating to the payment of handling fees to supermarket sites, nonprofit container zone recyclers and rural region recyclers.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
SB 865 (Polanco-D) CA and Mexico Border Infrastructure Financing Authority
Establishes a nine-member California and Mexico Border Infrastructure Financing Authority within the State Treasurer's Office to identify needs and priorities related to border economic development and environmental quality and to evaluate strategies to address the identified needs.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 889 (Polanco-D) Restricted wild animals
Adds certain listed birds, fish, or reptiles to the provisions of current law making it a crime to take, possess, transport, import, export, propagate, purchase, sell, or transfer certain live mammals for the purpose of maiming, injuring, or killing the mammal for gain, amusement, or sport or for the buyer to resell it to someone who intends to use the animals for those purposes.
(In Senate Natural Resources Committee)
SB 984 (Costa-D) Grazing land: conservation
Establishes the California Grazing Land Conservation Program within the State Department of Conservation, for the purpose of acquiring grazing land conservation easements that restrict future land development for at least 25 years, as specified.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 994 (Morrow-R) Liability: public skateboard parks
Extends indefinitely, with certain exceptions, the provisions of current law making skateboarding at a public skateboard park a hazardous recreational activity and makes other changes.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 1088 (Alarcon-D) Parks and recreation: Office of California Museums
Establishes the Office of California Museums and charges that office with administering a competitive grants program to benefit the state's museums.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1093 (Johannessen-R) Wild animals: domestic ferrets
Appropriates $250,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Fish and Game to prepare an environmental impact report to be used by the California Fish and Game Commission to determine whether or not to remove the domestic ferret from the list of prohibited species in California.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1106 (Perata-D) Oakland Harbor Navigation Improvement Project
Establishes a funding formula for the nonfederal costs of deepening Oakland Harbor so that it can accommodate modern container ships.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1154 (Sher-D) Coastal Watershed Salmon Habitat Program
Requires the expenditure of funds authorized for the Coastal Watershed Salmon Habitat Program to be subject to a process specified in existing law. Appropriates $7.5 million from the Coastal Watershed Salmon Habitat Subaccount to the State Department of Fish and Game for the Mill Creek acquisition project.
Chapter 449, Statutes of 2001
SB 1176 (Machado-D) Workers' compensation: cancer
Extends the cancer presumption under workers' compensation law to the following additional categories of peace officers: employees of the State Department of Fish and Game, employees of the State Department of Parks and Recreation, and investigators of the State Department of Toxic Substances Control.
Vetoed by the Governor
SJR 12 (Polanco-D) Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Memorializes the President and U.S. Congress to take necessary action to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from oil drilling and exploration.
Resolution Chapter 97, Statutes of 2001
SJR 20 (Perata-D) Global warming
Declares the Legislature's support for the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Strongly urges the President of the United States to take proactive steps to curb greenhouse gas emissions and to work with other nations to address the increasing dangers of global warming.
Resolution Chapter 146, Statutes of 2001
AB 53* (Wiggins-D) Budget Act of 2000: sudden oak death syndrome
Appropriates $10 million from the General Fund to the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection for research and prevention of sudden oak death syndrome, to be allocated pursuant to a specified schedule and to be available for expenditure during the 2000-01, 2001-02, and 2002-03 fiscal years.
In Assembly Natural Resources Committee
AB 62* (Migden-D) Sudden oak death
Allocates $3,586,000 to the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection for development and implementation of measures to control and manage sudden oak death. These funds are contained in the Budget Act of 2001.
Chapter 513, Statutes of 2001
AB 159 (Harman-R) Sport fishing licenses
Prohibits the California Fish and Game Commission from requiring a person to display, on his/her outer clothing, a sport fishing license.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 242 (Thomson-D) Wildlife conservation: oak woodlands
Creates the Oak Woodlands Conservation Act and establishes the Oak Woodlands Conservation Fund to provide for grants for conservation easements, incentive programs, public education and outreach related to conservation of oak woodlands. Transfers a minimum of $5 million and a maximum of $8 million from the Safe Neighborhood Parks, Clean Water, Clean Air and Coastal Protection Bond Fund.
Chapter 588, Statutes of 2001
AB 368 (Cedillo-D) Breed Street Shul
Provides that an appropriation of $500,000 has been made to the State Department of Parks and Recreation in the Budget Act of 2001 for a grant to the Breed Street Shul Project, Inc. to be used for renovation and capital improvements.
Chapter 659, Statutes of 2001
AB 416 (Strom-Martin-D) Fish
Continues the current abalone landing tax until January 1, 2007, and continues the Commercial Abalone Advisory Committee until January 1, 2008.
Chapter 314, Statutes of 2001
AB 435 (Assembly Budget Committee) Resources
Amends the Fish and Game Code to permit the State Department of Fish and Game to implement the Automated License Data System, an automated hunting and fishing licensing system to replace the existing paper-based system. Amends the Budget Bill, AB 739, to clarify specific provisions relating to the State Department of Parks and Recreation's concession contracts.
Chapter 112, Statutes of 2001
AB 450 (Corbett-D) California State Museum
Designates the collection of the State Museum Resource Center, located in West Sacramento, California, as the nucleus of the California State Museum. Creates the State Museum Commission in the State Department of Parks and Recreation for the purpose of overseeing the development, maintenance, and operation of the museum.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 522 (Strickland-R) Hunting, sport fishing, and sportsman's licenses
Permits a voluntary $1 fee to be collected for various licenses administered by the State Department of Fish and Game for distribution to the search and rescue squad of the county in which the donor resides.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 716 (Firebaugh-D) Resources Agency: California Cultural Conservancy
Establishes the California Cultural Conservancy in the Resources Agency, for the purpose of promoting cultural awareness and education, and the contributions of all ethnic groups in the state, and sets forth the duties of the conservancy in this regard.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 723 (Vargas-D) Off-highway vehicles
Extends the sunset from January 1, 2003 to January 1, 2007 on provisions that (1) add an $8 "special fee" for off-highway vehicle identification plates, (2) create an Off-Highway Vehicle Trust Fund; transfer the revenues from the $8 special fee to the Off-Highway Vehicle Trust Fund, (3) require the State Lands Commission to allocate funds appropriated by the Legislature from the Off-Highway Vehicle Trust Fund, and (4) require loans to the General Fund from the Off-Highway Vehicle Trust Fund to be reimbursed without interest within two fiscal years.
Chapter 227, Statutes of 2001
AB 730 (Diaz-D) Parks and Recreation: City of San Jose: property exchange
Authorizes the City of San Jose to exchange 3.82 acres of parkland at Coyote Creek Park, acquired with state funds, for a parcel of 13 acres to be used in the Coyote Creek Park.
Chapter 28, Statutes of 2001
AB 910 (Wayne-D) Wildlife conservation easements
Prohibits a governmental entity from condemning any wildlife conservation easement acquired by another state agency, except as provided.
Chapter 863, Statutes of 2001
AB 949 (Kehoe-D) Natural Community Conservation Planning Act
Authorizes natural community conservation plans to provide for the conservation of wetlands that are not subject to federal jurisdiction.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 966 (Wesson-D) Baldwin Hills Conservancy
Increases the number of voting members on the Baldwin Hills Conservancy from nine to 11, including the member of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors representing the Baldwin Hills area, and an additional public member.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1108 (Pavley-D) Santa Monica Mountains: transfer of land
Allows the Resources Agency to directly acquire property located within the Santa Monica Mountains Zone that is held in title by the State Controller, thus precluding the Controller from selling the property to recoup primarily unpaid estate tax revenue and, for cases in which a state agency wants the property, bypassing the legislative appropriation process.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1172 (Keeley-D) Natural Community Conservation Planning
Requires the State Department of Fish and Game to submit, starting January 1, 2002, a triennial report on the functioning and effectiveness of the Natural Community Conservation Planning program.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1197 (Maldonado-R) Commercial fishing: license suspension
Reduces the period of suspension from 90 days to 30 days that the California Fish and Game Commission may suspend the license of a person found guilty of a specified offense relating to commercial fishing.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1204 (Aroner-D) Filing fees: State Department of Fish and Game
Increases the current environmental filing fee collected by the State Department of Fish and Game from $25 to an amount not to exceed the environmental documentation filing costs, and clarifies how revenues from the filing fees may be spent.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1206 (Cedillo-D) El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historic District
States that it is the intent of the Legislature to appropriate $5 million in the Budget Act of 2001 to the State Department of Parks and Recreation for a grant to El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historic District for the development of a cultural and performing arts center.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1256 (Harman-R) Parks and recreation: Orange County: Bolsa Chica Mesa
Requires the State Department of Parks and Recreation in consultation with the State Department of Fish and Game, and the State Department of Education, to study the steps necessary for future acquisition of the Bolsa Chica Mesa property in Orange County, and report to the Legislature by April 1, 2002.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1290 (Lowenthal-D) Tidelands: City of Los Angeles: Knoll Hill
Requires, upon adoption of a resolution by the Los Angeles City Council, that certain real property known as "Knoll Hill," acquired with revenues generated from granted tide and submerged lands, be developed and maintained for public park purposes of a statewide or regional benefit.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1296 (Papan-D) Transportation: commuter rails
Expands the purposes for which the $35 million bond fund for commuter rail service between the cities of Auburn and Davis may be expended to include intercity rail service and specifies that the service is to be between the cities of Auburn and Dixon.
(In Senate Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1324 (Negrete McLeod-D) California Conservation Corps
Expands the emergency work of the California Conservation Corps (CCC) to include emergency response to floods, earthquakes, and other disasters, and requires state agencies to give priority to the CCC when agency projects are substantially consistent with the mission of the CCC.
Chapter 760, Statutes of 2001
AB 1334* (Harman-R) Caulerpa species
Proposes to ban the sale or possession, under any terms and conditions, of nine species of the Caulerpa species and makes violations of the ban subject to civil penalties.
Chapter 338, Statutes of 2001
AB 1398 (Florez-D) Working landscapes stewardship
Establishes a grant program, within the California Wildlife Conservation Board, to provide funds to private landowners to promote preservation and enhancement of native plants and wildlife on rangeland.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1403 (Hollingsworth-R) Hunting licenses, restricted taking
Gives persons, who unsuccessfully participated in a prior year State Department of Fish and Game lottery for a limited number of license tags for the killing of a particular species of mammal or bird a greater chance of being selected in subsequent lotteries by increasing the number of tokens these persons can have in the drawing until they are successful.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1414 (Dickerson-R) Public lands
Requires, subject to funding in the annual budget act, the State Department of Fish and Game to complete draft land management plans for property acquired on and after January 1, 2002, and requires the State Resources Agency to coordinate various land acquisition and management activities, as specified.
(On Senate Third Reading File)
AB 1481 (Frommer-D) Urban Park Act of 2001
Establishes, subject to funding being provided in the annual Budget Act, a grant program, within the State Department of Park and Recreation for various local entities and nonprofit organizations to acquire land or develop or both urban parks and other recreational facilities.
Chapter 876, Statutes of 2001
AB 1519 (Lowenthal-D) Tidal and submerged lands: Long Beach Tidelands
Allows the City of Long Beach to retain a portion of oil revenue, which would otherwise be forwarded to the state, and deposit it in a local oil and gas abandonment fund to pay the city's share of plugging and abandoning wells and removing city-controlled oil and gas production facilities from the Long Beach tidelands.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1553 (Keeley-D) Environmental justice: guidelines
Requires the State Office of Planning and Research, no later than July 1, 2003, to include guidelines for addressing environmental justice matters in city and county general plans.
Chapter 762, Statutes of 2001
AB 1573 (Maldonado-R) Tidelands revenue: apportionment to counties and cities
Extends, by five years, the existing January 1, 2002 sunset provision for local oil revenue sharing applicable to revenue from leases that have either a local or state development plan submitted for consideration. Authorizes a local government to share in revenue from new development on existing tideland leases up to January 1, 2007.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1602* (Keeley-D) Clean Water and Air Protection Act
Places a $2.6 billion bond act before the voters on the March 2002 ballot. Authorizes the state to sell general obligation bonds to be allocated as follows: $l.325 billion for parks and historical resources and $1.275 billion for land, air and water conservation.
Chapter 875, Statutes of 2001
Similar legislation is SB 196 (Barton-D) which is in Assembly Natural Resources Committee.
AB 1619 (Washington-D) Parks and recreation: City of Compton: regional park
Declares legislative intent to seek $5.5 million for the State Department of Parks and Recreation to allocate to the City of Compton to develop a regional park to be located on the 2700 block of Alondra Boulevard.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1629 (Pescetti-R) Environmental protection
Expresses the Legislature's intent that a single unified code of environmental protection statutes be established that would be administered by a single environmental protection agency.
(In Assembly awaiting committee assignment)
AB 1663 (Leslie-R) Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Declares that it establishes the Sierra Nevada Conservancy in the State Resources Agency.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1671 (Assembly Water, Parks And Wildlife Committee) Fish and game
Repeals the sunset in the California Fish and Game Commission's enabling statutes, extends the Suisun Marsh Wetlands Enhancement and Mosquito Abatement Program for one year, allows California to join the Wildlife Violator Compact, and waives application fees for certain projects.
Chapter 398, Statutes of 2001
AB 1673 (Assembly Water, Parks And Wildlife Committee) Fish: wildlife
An omnibus bill that makes numerous changes to statutes related to fisheries management.
Chapter 753, Statutes of 2001
ACA 8 (Keeley-D) California Water and Land Protection Trust Fund
Creates Article XC in the State Constitution titled the California Water and Land Protection Trust Fund, and enacts limitations on the use of the income generated by the trust fund.
(In Assembly awaiting concurrence in Senate amendments)
ACR 3 (Wyman-R) Tomo-Kahni State Park
Urges the State Department of Parks and Recreation to undertake a study regarding the most suitable location for the acquisition of lands for the protection of natural and cultural resources and the establishment of a Visitor/Interpretive Center at Tomo-Kahni State Park.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
ACR 5 (Nation-D) Sudden oak death
Encourages state agencies to coordinate with federal agencies to seek all necessary and immediate state and federal funds for research, public education, increased emergency wildfire response capabilities in affected counties, and aid to homeowners and local governments for costs associated with sudden oak death syndrome.
Resolution Chapter 149, Statutes of 2001
ACR 41 (Strom-Martin-D) California Earth Day
Declares April 22, 2001 as California Earth Day, and reaffirms the Legislature's commitment to the fundamental principles of environmental laws, and encourages the state's residents to promote the goals of Earth Day 2001.
Resolution Chapter 28, Statutes of 2001
ACR 60 (Daucher-R) Keep California Beautiful Month
Designates April 2001 as "Keep California Beautiful Month."
Resolution Chapter 39, Statutes of 2001
ACR 63 (Pavley-D) State parks
Declares May 2001 to be State Parks Month.
Resolution Chapter 56, Statutes of 2001
ACR 71 (Aroner-D) Lake and Reservoir Appreciation Week
Annually commencing July 2001, declares the first week of July that includes both a weekend and July 4th as Lake and Reservoir Appreciation Week.
Resolution Chapter 74, Statutes of 2001
HR 7 (Wiggins-D) Offshore oil drilling
Urges the President and Congress to vigorously oppose any attempts to remove the right of coastal states to review federal activities pursuant to the Coastal Zone Management Act. Memorializes the President and Congress to enact legislation to direct the Secretary of the Interior to impose a permanent ban on offshore oil and natural gas drilling off the Coast of California which would include the expiration of existing undeveloped federal leases for offshore oil drilling.
Adopted by the Assembly
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 1 | Alpert-D Decommissioned oil platforms and production facilities | |
SB 31* | Chesbro-D Sudden oak death: appropriation | |
SB 32 | Escutia-D Contaminated property: restoration | |
SB 55* | Kuehl-D Local coastal program: City of Malibu | |
SB 88* | Costa-D Air pollution odors | |
SB 107 | Sher-D Natural community conservation planning | |
SB 116 | Kuehl-D Department of Parks and Recreation: roads | |
SB 197 | Chesbro-D Building standards: marinas | |
SB 198* | Chesbro-D Property taxation: welfare exemption | |
SB 199 | Chesbro-D Forest resources: agreements | |
SB 209 | Sher-D Commercial fishing: market squid | |
SB 232* | Sher-D Environmental protection: financial assurance and insurance | |
SB 234 | Kuehl-D State Bd of Forestry & Fire Protection: watershed protection | |
SB 243 | Kuehl-D Radiation Safety Act of 2001 | |
SB 244 | Speier-D Airport expansion and enlargement projects | |
SB 259 | Murray-D Baldwin Hills Conservancy | |
SB 260 | Senate Environmental Quality Committee Department of Toxic Substances Control | |
SB 271 | O'Connell-D Hazardous waste: transportation: manifests: information | |
SB 286 | Soto-D School safety: hazardous substances | |
SB 307 | Vasconcellos-D Historical resources: California Japantown | |
SB 315 | Alpert-D Antifouling paints | |
SB 359 | Murray-D Parks and recreation: urban parks and healthy communities | |
SB 373 | Torlakson-D Environmental education: waste: recycling | |
SB 389 | Alpert-D Sea urchins | |
SB 433* | Monteith-R Carl Moyer Memorial Air Standards Attainment Program | |
SB 439 | Monteith-R Homeownership, employment and education | |
SB 441* | Sher-D Solid waste management | |
SB 453 | Alarcon-D Elementary neutralization activities | |
SB 468 | Sher-D Hazardous materials response actions: brownfields: insurance | |
SB 469 | Alpert-D Water quality: total maximum daily loads | |
SB 470* | Sher-D Hazardous waste control: management: used oil | |
SB 477 | Costa-D Parks and recreation: California SNO-PARK program | |
SB 482 | Sher-D Forest practices: penalties | |
SB 483 | Sher-D Surface mining and reclamation | |
SB 496* | Sher-D Environmental quality | |
SB 516* | Johnson-R Local coastal programs | |
SB 526 | Sher-D Underground storage tanks: discharges: closure: data storage | |
SB 527 | Sher-D Air pollution | |
SB 528* | Sher-D Department of Conservation: beverage containers: fees | |
SB 530 | Sher-D Solid waste facilities: inspections | |
SB 540 | Sher-D Forest resources: timber harvesting plans | |
SB 550 | Costa-D Endangered species | |
SB 601 | McClintock-R Powerplant upgrades: exemption from environmental regulation | |
SB 603 | McClintock-R Air emissions: exemptions | |
SB 624 | Soto-D Vehicles: garbage: cover | |
SB 633 | Sher-D Hazardous and solid waste: mercury | |
SB 644 | Machado-D Emission reduction credits: agricultural practices | |
SB 648 | Senate Environmental Quality Committee Public contracts: preferences: recycled products | |
SB 649* | Senate Environmental Quality Committee Environmental quality: solid waste management | |
SB 684 | Oller-R Game bird hunting clubs | |
SB 693 | Scott-D Commencement of actions: hazardous substances | |
SB 702 | Escutia-D Chronic disease: environmental determinants | |
SB 707 | Senate Local Government Committee Recreation and park districts | |
SB 712 | Speier-D State recreation area: study: off-leash dog activity | |
SB 718 | Poochigian-R Income and corporation taxes: oil recycling | |
SB 727 | Costa-D Environmental Water Account Act of 2001 | |
SB 732 | Ortiz-D Toxic mold | |
SB 742* | Escutia-D Underground storage tanks | |
SB 766 | Burton-D Parks and recreation | |
SB 788 | Alarcon-D Parks and recreation: grants: urban river park projects | |
SB 812 | Sher-D Land management plans: Forest Stewardship Council | |
SB 828 | Alarcon-D Environmental justice | |
SB 830 | Knight-R Beverage containers | |
SB 849 | Torlakson-D Oil spills: fees | |
SB 865 | Polanco-D CA and Mexico Border Infrastructure Financing Authority | |
SB 889 | Polanco-D Restricted wild animals | |
SB 907* | Chesbro-D Forest resources | |
SB 908 | Chesbro-D State Coastal Conservancy: California Coastal Trail | |
SB 909 | Chesbro-D Timber harvest plans | |
SB 984 | Costa-D Grazing land: conservation | |
SB 994 | Morrow-R Liability: public skateboard parks | |
SB 1011 | Sher-D Environmental protection: executive reorganization | |
SB 1015 | McClintock-R Emission factors | |
SB 1069 | Chesbro-D Plastic pollution prevention fee | |
SB 1086* | Alarcon-D Liquified natural gas: production | |
SB 1087 | Alarcon-D Environmental impact reports | |
SB 1088 | Alarcon-D Parks and recreation: Office of California Museums | |
SB 1093 | Johannessen-R Wild animals: domestic ferrets | |
SB 1106 | Perata-D Oakland Harbor Navigation Improvement Project | |
SB 1127 | Karnette-D Recycling: trash bags: rigid plastic containers | |
SB 1141 | Poochigian-R Attorney General | |
SB 1154 | Sher-D Coastal Watershed Salmon Habitat Program | |
SB 1158 | Knight-R Hazardous waste: universal waste aerosol cans | |
SB 1164 | Sher-D Local coastal programs: costs | |
SB 1176 | Machado-D Workers' compensation: cancer | |
SJR 12 | Polanco-D Arctic National Wildlife Refuge | |
SJR 20 | Perata-D Global warming | |
AB 53* | Wiggins-D Budget Act of 2000: sudden oak death syndrome | |
AB 62* | Migden-D Sudden oak death | |
AB 104 | Nation-D State Coastal Conservancy: environmental impacts | |
AB 159 | Harman-R Sport fishing licenses | |
AB 173 | Chavez-D Solid waste: fees | |
AB 242 | Thomson-D Wildlife conservation: oak woodlands | |
AB 252 | Pavley-D Endangered species | |
AB 254* | Frommer-D Brownfields loans: CLEAN program | |
AB 271 | Canciamilla-D In-fill development | |
AB 343* | Bates-R State Coastal Conservancy: education programs: grants | |
AB 368 | Cedillo-D Breed Street Shul | |
AB 414* | Dutra-D Hazardous waste disposal: lead: nickel: copper | |
AB 416 | Strom-Martin-D Fish | |
AB 434* | Keeley-D Highway Route 1: Hatton Canyon | |
AB 435 | Assembly Budget Committee Resources | |
AB 436* | Chan-D Focused environmental impact reports | |
AB 450 | Corbett-D California State Museum | |
AB 451 | Firebaugh-D Architectural paint and coatings | |
AB 467 | Strom-Martin-D Resources recovery: grants | |
AB 498 | Chan-D Persistent, bioaccumulative toxins | |
AB 522 | Strickland-R Hunting, sport fishing, and sportsman's licenses | |
AB 560 | Jackson-D Storm water runoff pollution | |
AB 597 | Aanestad-R Forest Practice Act: exemptions | |
AB 639 | Nakano-D Coastal waters: contamination | |
AB 640 | Jackson-D Coastal resources: certified local programs | |
AB 671 | Strom-Martin-D Timber harvesting | |
AB 702* | Jackson-D Hazardous substance remediation: pilot project | |
AB 709 | Wayne-D Codisposal sites: cleanup | |
AB 711 | Assembly Environmental Safety And Toxic Materials Committee Administrative orders | |
AB 712 | Maldonado-R Hazardous materials: inventory | |
AB 713 | Thomson-D Consumer products | |
AB 715 | Wayne-D Oil spill prevention and response: ballast water | |
AB 716 | Firebaugh-D Resources Agency: California Cultural Conservancy | |
AB 723 | Vargas-D Off-highway vehicles | |
AB 729 | Kehoe-D Replacement pier and dredging project | |
AB 730 | Diaz-D Parks and Recreation: City of San Jose: property exchange | |
AB 751 | Jackson-D Mercury-containing lamp waste | |
AB 771 | Runner-R Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District | |
AB 845 | Nakano-D Qualified alternative technology: perchloroethylene | |
AB 910 | Wayne-D Wildlife conservation easements | |
AB 949 | Kehoe-D Natural Community Conservation Planning Act | |
AB 960 | Keeley-D Crime prevention: environmental prosecution project | |
AB 966 | Wesson-D Baldwin Hills Conservancy | |
AB 985 | Florez-D Fully protected species | |
AB 1086 | Calderon-D Residential infill development project | |
AB 1108 | Pavley-D Santa Monica Mountains: transfer of land | |
AB 1114 | Pescetti-R Brownfields redevelopment | |
AB 1130 | Dickerson-R Forest resources: Forest Practice Act: exemptions | |
AB 1172 | Keeley-D Natural Community Conservation Planning | |
AB 1187 | Simitian-D Recycling: tires: used oil | |
AB 1197 | Maldonado-R Commercial fishing: license suspension | |
AB 1204 | Aroner-D Filing fees: State Department of Fish and Game | |
AB 1206 | Cedillo-D El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historic District | |
AB 1226 | Strom-Martin-D State forests | |
AB 1231 | Nation-D Forest watershed analysis: salmonid population assessment | |
AB 1256 | Harman-R Parks and recreation: Orange County: Bolsa Chica Mesa | |
AB 1259 | Wiggins-D Hazardous waste facilities permits: suspension | |
AB 1272 | Mountjoy-R Electrical generators | |
AB 1290 | Lowenthal-D Tidelands: City of Los Angeles: Knoll Hill | |
AB 1296 | Papan-D Transportation: commuter rails | |
AB 1306 | Hollingsworth-R Endangered species | |
AB 1313 | Pavley-D Hazardous waste: fertilizing materials | |
AB 1324 | Negrete McLeod-D California Conservation Corps | |
AB 1329 | Lowenthal-D Hazardous waste testing laboratories: recyclable materials | |
AB 1334* | Harman-R Caulerpa species | |
AB 1340 | Kelley-R Underground storage tanks: claims | |
AB 1362 | Wiggins-D Master Environmental Impact Report Revolving Loan Program | |
AB 1365 | Ashburn-R Sewage sludge | |
AB 1398 | Florez-D Working landscapes stewardship | |
AB 1400 | Cogdill-R Mixed solid waste composting facility: pilot project | |
AB 1403 | Hollingsworth-R Hunting licenses, restricted taking | |
AB 1414 | Dickerson-R Public lands | |
AB 1438 | Florez-D Reservoirs: recreation use | |
AB 1465 | Nation-D Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund | |
AB 1481 | Frommer-D Urban Park Act of 2001 | |
AB 1482 | Richman-R Solid waste diversion | |
AB 1507 | Canciamilla-D Accidental release prevention | |
AB 1510 | Ashburn-R Dry cell batteries | |
AB 1519 | Lowenthal-D Tidal and submerged lands: Long Beach Tidelands | |
AB 1528 | Wyman-R Emission reduction credits | |
AB 1532 | Pavley-D Environmental quality | |
AB 1553 | Keeley-D Environmental justice: guidelines | |
AB 1573 | Maldonado-R Tidelands revenue: apportionment to counties and cities | |
AB 1598 | Hollingsworth-R Fully protected species | |
AB 1602* | Keeley-D Clean Water and Air Protection Act | |
AB 1619 | Washington-D Parks and recreation: City of Compton: regional park | |
AB 1629 | Pescetti-R Environmental protection | |
AB 1663 | Leslie-R Sierra Nevada Conservancy | |
AB 1671 | Assembly Water, Parks And Wildlife Committee Fish and game | |
AB 1673 | Assembly Water, Parks And Wildlife Committee Fish: wildlife | |
AB 1708 | Assembly Transportation Committee Hazardous waste: tow trucks | |
ACA 8 | Keeley-D California Water and Land Protection Trust Fund | |
ACR 3 | Wyman-R Tomo-Kahni State Park | |
ACR 5 | Nation-D Sudden oak death | |
ACR 20 | Pavley-D California Coastal Trail | |
ACR 41 | Strom-Martin-D California Earth Day | |
ACR 60 | Daucher-R Keep California Beautiful Month | |
ACR 63 | Pavley-D State parks | |
ACR 71 | Aroner-D Lake and Reservoir Appreciation Week | |
ACR 109 | Pavley-D Coastal Cleanup Day | |
AJR 25 | Firebaugh-D Forest resources | |
HR 7 | Wiggins-D Offshore oil drilling |