Military Base Reductions and Conversions

Military Base Legislation

Index Military Base Legislation

SB 451 (Ducheny-D) Military housing: property tax

Exempts previously leased-on base military housing from property tax as a possessory interest.

Chapter 853, Statutes of 2004

A similar bill was AB 1905 (Parra-D), which died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 926* (Knight-R) State Office of Military Base Retention

Renames the Office of Military Base Retention the Office of Military and Aerospace Support and consolidates all military base retention and conversion programs under a single office within state government, directs the office to seek grants and private donations to fund the retention campaign, encourages effected local governments to work together in their efforts to retain military installations in California, and allows local governments, in partnership with a local military base, to request funding from the California Infrastructure Bank for projects that enhance or improve the mission of the base. Consolidates the California Spaceport Authority into the Office of Military and Aerospace Support.

Chapter 907, Statutes of 2004

SB 1097* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Military base Retention and Conversion Office

Transfers the activities of the Office of Military Base Retention and Conversion from the State Department of Housing and Community Development to the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency.

Chapter 225, Statutes of 2004

SB 1435 (Perata-D) Oakland Army Base

Grants the state's sovereign interest in certain trust lands within the former Oakland Army Base (OAB), and in other lands comprising the OAB redevelopment property to the Oakland Base Reuse Authority.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 1462 (Kuehl-D) Military readiness activities: special use airspace

Requires cities and counties to forward to branches of the United States Armed Forces copies of significant proposed amendments to their general plans in instances where the proposed action lies within military special use airspace or low-level flight paths. Authorizes any branch of the United States Armed Forces to request consultation with a public agency or project applicant to discuss the potential adverse effects of a proposed project on military installations, low-level flight paths, or special use airspace. Double-jointed with SB 18 (Burton).

Chapter 906, Statutes of 2004

SB 1873 (Burton-D) Treasure Island

Enacts the Treasure Island Public Trust Exchange Act for the purpose of authorizing an exchange of public trust lands no longer useful for trust purposes at Treasure Island for other lands of greater value at Yorba Buena Island.

Chapter 543, Statutes of 2004

SJR 23 (Ashburn-R) Military base closures

Resolves that the state, through the Legislature, the Governor, and the California Congressional delegation, request the President and Congress of the United States to include "intellectual capital" and "total mission support" in the list of essential 2005 Base Realignment and Closure Act evaluation criteria.

Resolution Chapter 7, Statutes of 2004

SR 23 (Murray-D) El Toro Marine Base

Calls upon the United States Navy and Department of Transportation to preserve a national aviation asset by approving the City of Los Angeles's offer to lease the El Toro Marine Base and operate the facility as a civilian passenger and cargo airport.

(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 2515 (Runner-R) Low-income housing: military base

Revises the law concerning the allocation of tax money given to joint powers agencies adjacent to or in proximity to a military facility or installation relative to low-income housing projects.

(Died in Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 2565* (Parra-D) Military base retention

Requires the California Retention and Conversion Council (CDRCC) in the State Department of Housing and Community Development to prepare and submit to the Governor and the Legislature, by November 30, 2004, an updated strategic plan for state and local defense recruitment, retention, and conversion efforts specific to the next round of federal base closures scheduled for 2005. Places an additional requirement upon the CDRCC that the plan identify whether military installations or missions located in other states could be recruited to California. Becomes operative if SB 926 is chaptered and becomes operative.

Chapter 763, Statutes of 2004

ACR 121 (La Suer-R) Semper Fi Highway

Designates, as the "Semper Fi Highway," the two-mile segment of Interstate 15 between Highway 163 and Miramar Road in San Diego County in order to provide recognition for the Marine Corp Air Station Miramar.

Resolution Chapter 40, Statutes of 2004

AJR 84 (Parra-D) Military base closures

Requests the President and Congress of the United States to delay base realignment and closure activities in 2005, as specified, and to support House Resolution 4023 and House Resolution 4200, the Fiscal Year 2005 Defense Authorization Bill.

(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)

HR 57 (Parra-D) Lemoore Military Operating Area

Urges the Federal Aviation Administration to approve establishment of a Military Operating Area for use by aircraft from Naval Air Station Lemoore and from the California Air National Guard, Fresno.

Read and adopted

Top Index (in Bill Order)

BillAuthor and Bill TitleReference Links

SB 451

Military housing: property tax

SB 926*

State Office of Military Base Retention

SB 1097*

Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee
Military base Retention and Conversion Office

SB 1435

Oakland Army Base

SB 1462

Military readiness activities: special use airspace

SB 1873

Treasure Island

SJR 23

Military base closures

SR 23

El Toro Marine Base

AB 2515

Low-income housing: military base

AB 2565*

Military base retention

ACR 121

La Suer-R
Semper Fi Highway

AJR 84

Military base closures

HR 57

Lemoore Military Operating Area