Development and Financing
Motor Vehicle Emissions
High-Speed Rail
Development and Financing
SB 325 (Rubio-D) Central California Railroad Authority
Creates the Central California Railroad Authority to ensure the continuation of short line rail service in the San Joaquin Valley for shippers and receivers.
Chapter 234, Statutes of 2011
SB 800 (Hancock-D) Greenhouse Gas Emission Offset
Creates the Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Offset Program Fund, and provides that funds received by the state on a voluntary basis from the federal government, individuals, businesses, organizations, industry, or other sources for the mitigation of climate change impacts related to greenhouse gas emissions be deposited in this fund.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 867 (Padilla-D) Transportation: Build California Bonds
Permits the California Transportation Financing Authority to issue nonrefundable tax credit bonds, which would be available to California income taxpayers, to fund the construction of local transportation projects.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 878 (DeSaulnier-D) Regional planning: Bay Area
Requires the joint policy committee of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, the Association of Bay Area Governments, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, and the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission to submit a report to the Legislature by 1/31/13, on, among other things, methods and strategies for developing and implementing a multiagency set of policies and guidelines relative to the Bay Area region's sustainable communities strategy, including recommendations on organizational reforms for the regional agencies. Requires preparation of a work plan for a regional economic development strategy to be submitted to the Legislature on that date. Requires the member agencies to report on public outreach efforts that they individually or jointly perform. Requires public meetings in each of the region's nine counties and creation of advisory committees, as specified.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 105* (Assembly Budget Committee) Transportation
Makes statutory changes that are necessary to implement transportation portions of the 2011-12 Budget Act. Requires the State Controller to transfer specified amounts of revenues deposited in the State Highway Account from vehicle weight fees to the Transportation Debt Service Fund to be used for reimbursement of the General Fund for payment of current general obligation bond debt service for specified voter-approved transportation bonds, in lieu of the previously authorized gasoline excise tax revenues and Public Transportation Account revenues.
Chapter 6, Statutes of 2011
AB 115 (Assembly Budget Committee) Transportation
Modifies the provisions for repayment of outstanding loans from transportation special-fund loans to the General Fund. For loans derived from truck weight fee revenue, the repayment would be as-needed and directed to debt service for transportation-related general obligation bonds - approximately $970 million in weight fee loans will be repaid in this manner. For loans derived from transportation sources other than truck weight fees, the repayment would be as-needed and transferred back to the transportation special fund of origin - about $357 million will be repaid in this manner. All loans would be repaid no later than 6/30/21. These provisions provide General Fund relief in the 2012-13 and subsequent fiscal years totaling about $1 billion.
Chapter 38, Statutes of 2011
AB 294 (Portantino-D) Transportation projects: procurement
Authorizes the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to use the design-sequencing method of procurement for up to five transportation projects until 1/1/15. Defines design-sequencing as a method of contracting that permits the construction phase of a project to commence before the entire project is designed and defines a design-sequencing contract as a contract between Caltrans and a contractor that executes a design-sequencing project. Requires Caltrans to use its own employees or contract with consulting engineering firms to perform all project development services, preparation of documents, and construction inspection services. The cost of design services for design sequencing shall be accounted in Caltrans capital outlay support budget.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 427 (John A. Pérez-D) Transportation bond funds: transit system safety
Revises the procedures for allocating transportation general obligation bond funds for transit system safety, security, and disaster response that are administered by the California Emergency Management Agency.
Chapter 527, Statutes of 2011
AB 441 (Monning-D) Transportation planning
Requires the Governor's Office of Planning and Research to develop guidelines for local and regional agencies to incorporate health issues into local or regional general plans and requires the California Transportation Commission (CTC) to include health issues in guidelines promulgated by CTC for the preparation of regional transportation plans.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 485 (Ma-D) Infrastructure financing
Allows local officials to divert property tax increment revenues to pay for public facilities and amenities within transit village development districts.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 650 (Blumenfield-D) Blue Ribbon Task Force on Public Transportation
Creates, until 3/30/13, the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Public Transportation for the 21st Century Task Force, with specified membership, and requires the Task Force to issue a report with findings and recommendations relating to the state of California's transit system.
AB 676 (Torres-D) Transportation funds
Provides that any leftover transportation funds available to the state, after deducting expenditures for administration, operation, maintenance, local assistance, safety, and rehabilitation, are available for the study of, and development and implementation of, capital improvement projects.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 706* (Torres-D) Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority
Renames the Pasadena Metro Blue Line Construction Authority the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority, adds two additional non-voting members to the governing board of the Authority, specifies circumstances under which board members and alternate members of the Authority shall not be considered financially interested, and exempts board and alternate members from specified incompatible office and incompatible activity statutes.
Chapter 533, Statutes of 2011
AB 710 (Skinner-D) Transit-oriented development
Enacts the "Infill Development and Sustainable Community Act of 2011," and contains legislative declarations in support of its provisions. Allows cities and counties to require higher minimum parking standards if they find that existing publicly available parking within a mile has a peak occupancy exceeding 85%. Defines a "transit intensive area" as an area that is within one-quarter mile of an existing major transit stop, as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act, or within one-quarter mile of the center line of a high-quality transit corridor of a planned major transit stop, as shown on a regional transportation plan.
(Failed passage on Senate Floor)
AB 845 (Ma-D) Transportation: bond funds
Codifies guidelines adopted by the California Transportation Commission for the expenditure of bond funds for conventional rail services connecting to high-speed rail trains.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 957 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Transportation omnibus bill
Makes various non-controversial changes to the Public Utilities Code, Vehicle Code, and Streets and Highways Code, related to transportation.
Chapter 536, Statutes of 2011
AB 995 (Cedillo-D) Forest development: environmental quality
Requires the Office of Planning and Research, not later than 7/1/12, to prepare and submit to the Legislature a report containing recommendations for expedited environmental review for transit-oriented development.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1068* (Ma-D) Transportation bond funds
Provides that entities receiving an allocation of the funds from the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006 set aside for regional public waterborne transit agencies, relative to allocations of funds made prior to 6/30/11, shall have four fiscal years from the last day of the fiscal year in which the funds were received by that entity to expend those funds.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1097 (Skinner-D) Transit projects: domestic content
Authorizes the state or a local agency, relative to the use of federal funds for transit purposes, to provide a bidding preference to a bidder if the bidder exceeds Buy America requirements applicable to federally-funded transit projects.
Chapter 405, Statutes of 2011
AB 1143 (Dickinson-D) Sacramento Regional Transit District: bonds
Authorizes the Sacramento Regional Transit District (RT) to issue revenue bonds by a two-thirds vote of the governing board, thereby, deleting the provisions in statute that require a vote of the electorate. Deems as revenue, for purposes of the Revenue Bond Law of 1941, any revenues or other income, receipts, or amounts made available to RT, including, but not limited to, the proceeds of a transactions and use tax imposed under specified provisions of existing law. Allows RT to borrow money in accordance with provisions related to securitized limited obligation notes, short term loans, and grant anticipation notes.
Chapter 537, Statutes of 2011
AB 1164 (Gordon-D) Federal transportation funds
Authorizes, until 9/30/15, the Department of Transportation to make loans of federal funds deposited in the State Highway Account to advance projects funded by Proposition 1B.
Chapter 406, Statutes of 2011
AB 1191 (Huber-D) San Joaquin Regional Transit District
Repeals the competitive bidding requirements for all new intercity, interregional, and rural services provided outside the Stockton Metropolitan Area.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 8X1* (Ma-D) Transportation bond funds
Provides that entities receiving an allocation of the funds from the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006 set aside for regional public waterborne transit agencies, relative to allocations of funds made prior to 6/30/11, shall have four fiscal years from the last day of the fiscal year in which the funds were received by that entity to expend those funds.
(Died at Assembly Desk)
AJR 4 (Miller-R) Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act
Memorializes the President of the United States and the Secretary of the United States Department of Transportation to award a federal Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act loan to the State Route 91 Corridor Improvement Project.
Resolution Chapter 35, Statutes of 2011
AJR 5 (Bonnie Lowenthal-D) Transportation revenues
Urges the federal government to study the feasibility of collecting transportation revenues based on vehicle miles traveled to create a reliable and steady transportation revenue source.
Resolution Chapter 29, Statutes of 2011
Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 170 (Pavley-D) Air districts: adverse effects of air pollution
Authorizes local and regional air pollution control districts and air quality management districts to sponsor air pollution prevention and mitigation projects, and allows districts to share in revenues generated from the commercialization of intellectual property, as specified.
Chapter 586, Statutes of 2011
SB 211 (Emmerson-R) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006
Requires, until 1/1/17, the tire pressure gauges used to meet the Under Inflated Vehicle Tires regulation be accurate within a range plus or minus two pound per square inch, and provides that automotive service providers are not required to inflate a tire that it determines is an "unsafe tire." Establishes a definition of "unsafe tire" that differs from the Under Inflated Vehicle Tire regulation in that it does not include consideration of age.
SB 333 (La Malfa-R) Vehicles: speed limits
Allows, until 1/1/16, a person to drive a large truck or a vehicle pulling a trailer at up to 65 miles per hour on a specified section of Interstate 5 in northern California, contained within the counties of Tehama, Glenn, Colusa and Yolo.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)
SB 519 (La Malfa-R) Smog check: visual inspection
Prohibits a smog check technician from conducting an under-the-hood visual inspection as part of a smog inspection.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 533 (Wright-D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006
Requires the Air Resources Board (ARB) to publish any implementation schedule required to comply with an ARB regulation at the time the regulation is adopted. Requires ARB to publish any compliance tool-including computer models, databases, algorithms, formulas, forms, software, labels, protocols, and metrics-to comply with an ARB regulation at least 60 days before the compliance date. Requires training specifically mandated by an ARB regulation to be made available at least 60 days before the compliance date for which the training is required. Authorizes ARB to revise an implementation schedule, reporting form, or compliance tool after it adopts a regulation if it modifies the compliance deadline for the revised regulatory requirement to allow regulated entities at least 60 days to comply.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 535 (De León-D) California Communities Healthy Air Revitalization Trust
Sets aside a portion of the monies collected by the Air Resources Board, pursuant to the Board's greenhouse gas emissions reduction program, to be used for related benefits in communities the bill describes as most subject to air pollution and most suffering from socioeconomic vulnerability.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 570 (Rubio-D) San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Repeals the requirement that the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control Districts administer a high polluter vehicle replacement program and instead requires the District to administer a voluntary program to replace or retrofit high-emitting schoolbuses within their jurisdiction.
Chapter 494, Statutes of 2011
SB 582 (Yee-D) Commute benefit policies
Authorizes, until 1/1/17, a metropolitan planning organization and a local air quality management district or air pollution control district to adopt jointly an ordinance that requires certain employers located within their common area of jurisdiction to offer their employees specified commute benefits with the goal of reducing single-occupant vehicle trips.
SB 724 (Dutton-R) Air Resources Board: mobile source certification
Requires the Air Resources Board, within 30 working days after receipt of an application for certification of a new, a carryover, or a partial carryover on-road or off-road vehicle, engine, or equipment family, as defined, to inform the applicant, in writing, either that the application is complete and accepted for filing, or that the application is deficient, identifying the specific information required to make the application complete.
SB 730 (Kehoe-D) Plug-In Electric Vehicle Readiness Pilot Program
Requires the California Energy Commission to develop a pilot project to streamline the permitting of electric vehicle charging infrastructure and consumer education.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 739 (Lowenthal-D) Ports: congestion relief: air pollution mitigation
Requires the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Oakland, by 7/1/12, to assess their infrastructure and air quality improvement needs, including assessing the total cost for these projects and identifying potential sources of funding for them.
Chapter 427, Statutes of 2011
SB 901 (Steinberg-D) Air pollution: vehicle retirement program
Makes the Bureau of Automotive Repair's program for the repair or replacement of high polluters available only to the highest polluting vehicles, with priority given to those highest polluting vehicles registered in air basins that are out of attainment with federal air quality standards.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 333* (Grove-R) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006
Requires the Air Resources Board (ARB) to report to the Legislature by 7/31/11 on the readiness of its proposed cap and trade program to begin 1/1/12. Authorizes ARB to delay cap and trade implementation up to one year. Requires ARB to report annually on the status of the cap and trade program until 2016.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 462 (Bonnie Lowenthal-D) Schoolbuses: air pollution districts: fees
Authorizes an air pollution control district or a regional air quality management district, until 1/1/15, to use motor vehicle registration fee revenues to replace natural gas fuel tanks or fueling infrastructure.
Chapter 216, Statutes of 2011
AB 470 (Halderman-R) Schoolbus retrofits: air pollution districts: fees
Authorizes an air pollution control district or a regional air quality management district, until 1/1/15, to use motor vehicle registration fee revenues (the last $2 increase of the $6 dollar surcharge, as specified) for retrofit of emissions control equipment for existing school buses.
Chapter 174, Statutes of 2011
AB 474 (Jones-R) Vehicles: inspections: smog-check
Extends from 90 to 180 days the duration that a certificate of compliance or certificate of noncompliance, related to motor vehicle emission inspections, is valid.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 523 (Valadao-R) Ethanol: alternative and renewable fuel
Makes ethanol derived from corn ineligible for funding from the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program and repeals related requirements.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 638 (Skinner-D) Fuel resources
Requires the Air Resources Board and the California Energy Commission to work to reduce California's onroad petroleum fuel use and to increase use of alternative transportation fuels.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 937 (Mendoza-D) Emission reduction control: vessels
Requires the Air Resources Board to amend regulations, which require vessel fleets to either reduce onboard power generation to specified levels or achieve equivalent emission reductions, to ensure that a person choosing the equivalent emission reduction compliance option is not subject to more stringent requirements than a person choosing the reduced onboard power generation option.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 981 (Hueso-D) California Pollution Control Financing Authority
Provides additional incentives within the California Capital Access Program to encourage lenders to lend to small businesses. Specifically, it (1) expands the financial institution definition to include insured depository institutions, insured credit unions, and community development financial institutions, (2) authorizes the California Pollution Control Financing Authority (CPCFA) to withdraw a portion of the interest or other income that has been credited to the loss reserve account, and (3) requires CPCFA to contribute an amount not less than 150% of the amount of the fees paid by the participating financial institution if the business is located within a severely affected community.
Chapter 484, Statutes of 2011
AB 1064 (Furutani-D) Air quality ports
Makes certain prohibitions in the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, inapplicable for a shoreside electrical power infrastructure project that is administered by a California port, and instead requires that the individual segments of these projects be a part of an adopted terminal plan submitted to the Air Resources Board. Authorizes the Board, for a specified purpose, to allow a recipient agency for shoreside electrical power infrastructure to average vessel calls made across multiple berths within a terminal.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1099 (Bonnie Lowenthal-D) Emissions standards: commercial motor vehicles
Prohibits the Department of Motor Vehicles from registering commercial vehicles of a 1996 or older model year with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 26,000 pounds. Provides an exception for commercial vehicles registered prior to 1/1/12, as long as those vehicles are continuously registered or certified nonoperational after that date, and for construction trucks that have been granted an extension for compliance with specified regulations.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1180 (Bradford-D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006
Requires any offset protocol adopted as part of a cap-and-trade program for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to target high warming potential gases, be approved by a third-party registry, be monitored for GHG reductions in real-time, and be capable of providing at least one million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent GHG reductions each year.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1229 (Feuer-D) Vehicle emissions: funds
Authorizes the issuance of Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicle bonds to accelerate projects programmed by a regional transportation planning agency using its share of federal regional surface transportation program or congestion mitigation and air quality funds.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1256 (Bill Berryhill-R) Air Resources Board: transported air pollutants
Requires the Air Resources Board to identify each air basin, or subregion of an air basin, in which transported air pollutants from upwind areas outside the air basin, or subregion of an air basin, cause or contribute to a violation of a state or federal ambient air quality standard in a downwind district, and to identify the district of origin of the transported air pollutants.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1285 (Fuentes-D) Regional greenhouse gas emission reduction program
Requires the Air Resources Board to establish a program to maximize regional greenhouse gas emission reduction and sequestration projects, as specified. Permits greenhouse gas offsets produced by these projects to be used for compliance with the California Global Warming Act of 2006.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1314 (Wieckowski-D) Air resources: alternative and renewable fuel
Makes changes to the process whereby the California Energy Commission updates its investment plan for the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program and facilitates the making of awards under that Program.
Chapter 487, Statutes of 2011
AB 1332 (Donnelly-R) Air Resources Board: abolishment
Abolishes the Air Resources Board and transfers its authority, duties, powers, purposes, responsibilities and jurisdiction to the California Environmental Protection Agency.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
SB 125 (Emmerson-R) Vehicles: toll highways or vehicular crossings
Defines a "chronic evader of toll payments" and authorizes a law enforcement officer to impound the vehicle registered to such a person until all outstanding tolls and all required penalties are paid to the issuing agency.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 402 (Vargas-D) Outdoor advertising: exemptions
Provides an exemption from the regulations of the Outdoor Advertising Act for an advertising display located within 1,800 feet of the intersection of State Highway Routes 8 and 111, in the County of Imperial, if certain conditions are satisfied.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
SB 468 (Kehoe-D) Department of Transportation: north coast corridor project
Sets forth comprehensive requirements and accompanying authority for development of the North Coast Corridor Project in and near the Interstate 5 corridor in San Diego County.
Chapter 535, Statutes of 2011
SCR 21 (DeSaulnier-D) Martinez Police Sergeant Paul Starzyk Memorial Overcrossing
Names the Pine Street Overcrossing of State Highway Route 4, in the City of Martinez, as the "Martinez Police Sergeant Paul Starzyk Memorial Overcrossing."
Resolution Chapter 70, Statutes of 2011
SCR 25 (Negrete McLeod-D) CHP Officer Thomas P. Coleman Memorial Highway
Names a segment of State Highway Route 10, in San Bernardino County, as the "CHP Officer Thomas P. Coleman Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 89, Statutes of 2011
SCR 26 (Blakeslee-R) Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 1, in Santa Barbara County, as the "Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 90, Statutes of 2011
SCR 28 (Strickland-R) Federal Correctional Officer Scott Williams Memorial Highway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 1, in Santa Barbara County, as the "Federal Correctional Officer Scott Williams Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 91, Statutes of 2011
SCR 30 (Anderson-R) CHP Officer Dan N. Benavides Memorial Highway
Names a section of State Highway Route 15, in San Diego County, as the "CHP Officer Dan N. Benavides Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 92, Statutes of 2011
SCR 31 (Rubio-D) National Purple Heart Trail
Designates a specified portion of State Highway Route 223, in the County of Kern, for inclusion in the National Purple Heart Trail.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SCR 34 (Evans-D) Deputy Frank Trejo Memorial Interchange
Names the State Route 101 interchange at State Route 12, in Sonoma County, as the "Deputy Frank Trejo Memorial Interchange."
Resolution Chapter 93, Statutes of 2011
SCR 35 (Simitian-D) Don Burnett Bicycle-Pedestrian Bridge
Designates the bicycle and pedestrian bridge that crosses State Highway Route 280, in Santa Clara County, as the "Don Burnett Bicycle-Pedestrian Bridge."
Resolution Chapter 61, Statutes of 2011
SCR 37 (Anderson-R) Border Patrol Agent Robert Rosas Memorial Highway
Names a section of State Highway Route 8, in San Diego County, as the "Border Patrol Agent Robert Rosas Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 54, Statutes of 2011
SCR 52 (Vargas-D) Memorial highways
Names one highway rest area, two segments of highway, and one interchange for Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Highway Maintenance Leadworker Jaime Obeso, Caltrans Leadworker Gary Wayne Smith, and Caltrans Equipment Operator II Richard Gonzalez.
Resolution Chapter 94, Statutes of 2011
SCR 53 (Evans-D) CHP Officer Paul C. Jarske Memorial Highway
Designates a specified portion of State Highway Route 101, in the County of Mendocino, as the "CHP Officer Paul C. Jarske Memorial Highway."
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 286 (Bill Berryhill-R) State highways: Routes 108 and 120
Requires the California Transportation Commission to program funds received from the sale of excess properties in the State Route 120, less any reimbursements due to the federal government and all costs incurred in the sale of those excess properties, corridor for improvements to the State Route 108 corridor.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 348 (Buchanan-D) Highways: Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zone
Allows, until 1/1/17, the designation of a Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zone on a segment of Vasco Road in Alameda and Contra Costa counties, upon approval of resolutions by the boards of supervisors in both counties.
Chapter 290, Statutes of 2011
AB 349 (Chesbro-D) Vehicles: State Highway Route 101
Extends, from 1/1/12 until 1/1/15, the time during which oversized trucks transporting livestock may travel on Highway 101 in Del Norte, Humboldt, and Mendocino counties.
Chapter 172, Statutes of 2011
AB 464 (Olsen-R) State Highway Route 59
Adds 15 miles of County Road J-59, in Stanislaus and Tuolumne counties, to the state highway system.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 537 (Williams-D) Highways: vehicles: commercial vehicles: weight restriction
Prohibits, with specified exemptions, the operation of a commercial vehicle with three or more axles, or a gross vehicle weight or a combined gross weight of 9,000 pounds or more on the segment of State Route 154 (SR 154) that is located between the SR 101 and SR 154 intersection, in the City of Santa Barbara, and the SR 154 and SR 246 intersection, in the County of Santa Barbara.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 538 (Williams-D) Vehicles: commercial vehicles: length restrictions
Prohibits a person from driving a commercial vehicle with a kingpin-to-rearmost-axle length in excess of 30 feet on the segment of State Route 33 that is located between the county boundary delineating the Counties of Santa Barbara and Ventura and the Camino Cielo Road near the City of Ojai.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 595 (Norby-R) State highways: naming and designation by the Legislature
Applies existing provisions relative to naming highways to the designation of other transportation facilities owned and operated by the Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and authorizes Caltrans to expend reasonable sums on plaques or signs for designated districts, highways, highway bridges, or other facilities only upon receipt of nonstate funds sufficient to cover the cost.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 751* (Cedillo-D) Freeway construction
Repeals provisions that allow the Department of Transportation to build a freeway meeting certain conditions without first securing a freeway agreement with the affected local jurisdictions.
Chapter 439, Statutes of 2011
AB 812 (Ma-D) Caltrans: use of asphalt
Modifies provisions related to the use of recycled materials in contracts awarded by the Department of Transportation.
(In Assembly Transportation)
AB 994 (Cedillo-D) Outdoor advertising
Authorizes specified outdoor advertising displays to continue to be considered as on premises advertising displays after a redevelopment agency is dissolved if the agency consented to the advertising display before 1/1/11.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1099 (Bonnie Lowenthal-D) Emissions standards: commercial motor vehicles
Prohibits the Department of Motor Vehicles from registering commercial vehicles of a 1996 or older model year with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 26,000 pounds. Provides an exception for commercial vehicles registered prior to 1/1/12, as long as those vehicles are continuously registered or certified nonoperational after that date, and for construction trucks that have been granted an extension for compliance with specified regulations.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1105 (Gordon-D) High-occupancy toll lanes: roadway markings
Authorizes the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority to extend a high-occupancy toll lane into San Mateo County and conforms California's highway marking practices to federal guidelines.
Chapter 114, Statutes of 2011
AB 1128 (Furutani-D) Vehicles: Terminal Island Freeway: special permits
Authorizes the Department of Transportation to issue permits allowing vehicles that exceed the weight limit to travel on a section of State Highway Route 1.
Chapter 298, Statutes of 2011
AB 1134 (Bonilla-D) Highways: Caltrans: project study reports
Mandates that, for projects on the state highway that are in an adopted regional transportation plan, a voter-approved county sales tax measure expenditure plan, or other voter-approved transportation program, the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is to perform its statutorily-required review and approval of the project study reports at its own expense; for other projects, Caltrans's costs for project study report review and approval are to be paid by the entity performing the work.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1229 (Feuer-D) Highway planning
Authorizes the issuance of Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicle bonds to accelerate projects programmed by a regional transportation planning agency using its share of federal regional surface transportation program or congestion mitigation and air quality funds.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1308 (Miller-R) Highway Users Tax Account: appropriation of funds
Continuously appropriates, and allows for encumbrance of, funds in the Highway Users Tax Account in any fiscal year when the budget is not enacted by July 1, until the time when the budget is enacted.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1309 (Miller-R) Public roads: fire suppression
Grants, until 1/1/17, a county board of supervisors authority to improve or repair a public road that is not a county highway and is not in the county-maintained system, if the improvements or repairs are necessary for the purpose of fire suppression.
(On Senate Inactive File)
ACR 1 (Gatto-D) Armenian Cathedral Complex
Requests that the Department of Transportation erect informational signs on State Highway Route 5, in the County of Los Angeles, directing motorists to the Armenian Cathedral Complex, consistent with the signing requirements for the state highway system and upon receiving donations from nonstate sources sufficient to cover the cost to erect those signs.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
ACR 15 (Conway-R) Detective Monty L. Conley & Detective Joe R. Landin Highway
Designates a portion of State Route 198, in Tulare County, as the "Detective Monty L. Conley and Detective Joe R. Landin Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 51, Statutes of 2011
ACR 31 (Olsen-R) CHP Officer Earl Scott Memorial Highway
Designates a portion of State Route 219, in Stanislaus County, as the "CHP Officer Earl Scott Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 47, Statutes of 2011
ACR 33 (Harkey-R) Officer Richard T. Steed Memorial Highway
Names a segment of State Highway Route 5, in Orange County, as the "Officer Richard T. Steed Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 73, Statutes of 2011
ACR 37 (Conway-R) CHP Officer Justin W. McGrory Memorial Highway
Designates a four-mile segment of Interstate 15 as the "CHP Officer Justin W. McGrory Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 49, Statutes of 2011
ACR 39 (Nielsen-R) Deputy Dennis "Skip" Sullivan Memorial Bridge
Designates the Bear Creek Bridge on State Highway Route 44, in Shasta County, as the "Deputy Dennis 'Skip' Sullivan Memorial Bridge."
Resolution Chapter 40, Statutes of 2011
ACR 41 (Mitchell-D) CHP Officer Philip Dennis Ortiz Memorial Highway
Designates a short segment of Interstate 405, in Los Angeles County, as the "CHP Officer Philip Dennis Ortiz Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 52, Statutes of 2011
ACR 46 (Butler-D) Venice Japanese American Memorial Marker
Requests the Department of Transportation to issue an encroachment permit permitting the erection on State Route 1, in the City of Los Angeles, at the Intersection of Venice and Lincoln Boulevards a monument to memorialize the internment of Americans of Japanese descent during World War II.
Resolution Chapter 50, Statutes of 2011
ACR 50 (Garrick-R) Ronald Reagan Coronado Bridge
Designates the San Diego-Coronado Bridge as the "Ronald Reagan Coronado Bridge."
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
ACR 58 (Knight-R) Capt. Ted Hall and Eng. Arnie Quinones Memorial Interchange
Designates an interchange on State Highway Route 14 as the "Captain Ted Hall and Engineer Arnie Quinones Memorial Interchange."
Resolution Chapter 107, Statutes of 2011
ACR 66 (V. Manuel Pérez-D) Deputy Probation Officer Irene Rios Memorial Highway
Names a portion of State Highway Route 8, in Imperial County, as the "Deputy Probation Officer Irene B. Rios Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 99, Statutes of 2011
ACR 75 (Nielsen-R) CHP Officer Charles T. Smith Memorial Highway
Designates a segment of State Route 5 as the "CHP Officer Charles T. Smith Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 113, Statutes of 2011
ACR 76 (Chesbro-D) CHP Officer Thomas R. Adams and CHP Officer Paul Jarske
Designates one segment of State Route 101 as the "CHP Officer Thomas R. Adams Memorial Highway" and another segment of State Route 101 as the "CHP Officer Paul C. Jarske Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 114, Statutes of 2011
High-Speed Rail
SB 22 (La Malfa-R) High-speed rail: indebtedness
Reduces the amount of indebtedness authorized by Proposition 1A - the Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century - to the amount contracted as of 1/1/12.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 517 (Lowenthal-D) High-Speed Rail Authority: governing board
Restructures the governing board of the High-Speed Rail Authority and establishes conflict of interest restrictions on board members and authority employees and contractors.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 733 (Price-D) High-speed rail: business plan: contracts: small businesses
Requires the High Speed Rail Authority (HSRA) to include a strategy for ensuring small business participation in contracts for the high speed rail project in its 1/1/12 business plan, or an addendum to that plan by 3/1/12. Requires the HSRA to work with the Employment Development Department to develop a strategy to ensure that at least 25% of the workforce on any high speed rail work site is from the local workforce. This local workforce participation strategy would also be included in the business plan.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 749 (Steinberg-D) High-Speed Rail Authority: appointments
Provides that the members of the High-Speed Rail Authority, appointed by the Governor, are subject to appointment with the advice and consent of the Senate.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 16 (Perea-D) High-Speed Rail Authority: purchases
Requires the High-Speed Rail Authority to make every effort to purchase high-speed train rolling stock and related equipment that is manufactured in California, consistent with federal law and any other applicable provision of state law.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 31 (Beall-D) High Speed Rail: land use: local master plan
Establishes the High-Speed Rail Local Master Plan Pilot Program, applicable to specified cities and counties, and authorizes each of those jurisdictions to prepare and adopt, by ordinance, a master plan for development in the areas surrounding the high-speed rail system in each jurisdiction. Authorizes the high-speed rail master plan to include incentives for encouraging investment and coherent growth in the areas surrounding the high-speed rail system in each participating jurisdiction. Authorizes the participating jurisdictions to collaborate with the Air Resources Board to develop incentives to encourage development while concurrently reducing greenhouse gas emissions, consistent with or pursuant to the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 or another specified provision of law requiring the board to provide greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for the preparation of regional sustainable communities strategies.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 41 (Hill-D) High-Speed Rail Authority
Requires a member of the High-Speed Rail Authority (HSRA) who has a financial interest in a decision before the HSRA to publicly identify the financial interest that gives rise to the conflict of interest, to recuse himself/herself from discussing or voting on the matter, and to leave the room until after disposition of the matter is concluded. Expands the information that a member of the HSRA must disclose on a statement of economic interests. Requires HSRA board members to report ex parte communications in certain circumstances.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 58* (Galgiani-D) Employment: High-Speed Rail Authority: salaries
Authorizes, for purposes of managing and administering the ongoing work of the High-Speed Rail Authority in implementing the high-speed train project, the Governor, upon the recommendation of the executive director, to appoint up to six additional authority officers, exempt from civil service, who would serve in specified positions at the pleasure of the executive director. Requires a salary survey to be conducted to determine the compensation for the executive director and additional exempt officers, and requires the salaries to be established by the Authority and approved by the Department of Personnel Administration.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 76 (Harkey-R) High-Speed Rail Authority: indebtedness
Reduces the amount of authorized indebtedness for the California High-Speed Rail Authority to the amount contracted as of 1/1/12.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 105* (Assembly Budget Committee) High-speed rail reporting
Enacts a transportation budget trailer bill, which among other provisions, requires the High-Speed Rail Authority (HSRA) to report by 2/14/11, on the following: community outreach; the HSRA strategic plan as required by the State Administrative Manual; the performance of the program-manager contractor; and actions of the HSRA related to the Bureau of State Audits report. Requires the HSRA to report by 10/14/11, on a complete legal analysis of the revenue guarantee and the updated financial plan for the project. In both cases, for each applicable fiscal year, 25% of the budgeted funding for the HSRA is contingent on completion of the reporting requirements.
Chapter 6, Statutes of 2011
AB 115 (Assembly Budget Committee) High-speed rail reporting
Enacts a transportation trailer bill, which among other provisions, amends the existing reporting requirements established for the High-Speed Rail Authority (HSRA) in AB 105 (Assembly Budget Committee), Chapter 6, Statutes of 2011, by adding three new reporting elements. The HSRA is required to provide: (1) a public outreach plan for the Bakersfield to Los Angeles segment; (2) a formal response and full analysis on options for the San Francisco to San Jose segment as outlined in a 4/18/11, joint statement by congressional and state officials; and (3) a formal response and full analysis of the issues raised in the 5/10/11, Legislative Analyst report on the HSRA. These reports will be due 10/14/11, the same date as for the current-law requirements for an updated financial plan and a complete legal analysis of the revenue guarantee for a future private partner. Current law makes 25% of the HSRA 2011-12 budget appropriation contingent on this reporting with 60-day review, and this bill instead makes 50% of the HSRA appropriation contingent on reporting.
Chapter 38, Statutes of 2011
AB 133 (Galgiani-D) High-speed rail: federal funds
Requires federal funds made available to the state for high-speed rail purposes under federal acts to be available, upon appropriation, for certain work on one or more specified rail corridors approved by the Federal Railroad Administration, in a manner consistent with certain provisions of, and subject to certain conditions of, the Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 145 (Galgiani-D) High-Speed Rail Authority: powers and duties
Places the High Speed Rail Authority (HSRA) under the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, repeals and recasts its authorizing statutes, and updates the powers and duties of HSRA.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 277 (Galgiani-D) High-speed rail: power supply
Requires the California Research Bureau, in consultation with other entities, to develop an energy consumption profile, with specified elements, for the state's high-speed rail system.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 292* (Galgiani-D) High-speed rail: agricultural lands
Requires the High-Speed Rail Authority to appoint a nine-member agricultural advisory committee to consult with prior to adopting any policy relevant to agriculture.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 365 (Galgiani-D) High-speed rail: contracts: small businesses
Enacts penalties and sanctions relative to the certification by the High Speed Rail Authority of any business as a small emerging business enterprise, microbusiness, or disabled veteran business enterprise.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 385 (Harkey-R) High-speed rail: corridor analysis
Requires the High-Speed Rail Authority to approve and submit to the Department of Finance, the high-speed rail peer group, and the Legislature an investment grade analysis for a corridor or usable segment of the high-speed rail system.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 471 (Bonnie Lowenthal-D) High-speed rail: inspector general
Establishes an independent Inspector General to oversee the High-Speed Rail Authority.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 492 (Galgiani-D) High-Speed Rail Authority: small business enterprises
Requires the High-Speed Rail Authority to consider, to the extent permitted by federal and state law, the creation of jobs and participation by small business enterprises in California when awarding major contracts or purchasing high-speed trains, and requires the Authority to appoint a small business enterprise advisory committee.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 615 (Bonnie Lowenthal-D) High-speed rail: Los Angeles to San Diego
Appropriates $4 million from the High-Speed Rail Passenger Train Bond Fund to fund engineering and public outreach for the Los Angeles to San Diego segment of the high-speed rail system.
Chapter 530, Statutes of 2011
AB 845 (Ma-D) Transportation: bond funds
Codifies guidelines adopted by the California Transportation Commission for the expenditure of bond funds for conventional rail services connecting to high-speed rail trains.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 952 (Jones-R) High-Speed Rail Authority: conflict of interest
Imposes specific conflict of interest requirements and limitations on the High-Speed Rail Authority, its employees, businesses, and consultants that are doing, or want to do, business with the Authority.
AB 953 (Jones-R) High-speed rail: ridership study
Provides that no bond funds may be made available to the High-Speed Rail Authority for construction of the high-speed rail system until adequate environmental studies are completed based on a new ridership study that uses an acceptable ridership evaluation methodology. Requires the Authority to contract with the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, to complete a revised ridership study using the institute's own ridership methodology. Requires the new ridership study to be used as the basis for subsequent environmental studies.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1092 (Bonnie Lowenthal-D) High-speed rail: intercity
Requires the California High-Speed Rail Authority, beginning 3/1/12, and biannually thereafter, to report on the development and implementation of intercity high-speed rail.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1206 (Galgiani-D) High-speed rail: contracts: small businesses
Requires the High-Speed Rail Authority to adopt a program to include contractor compliance monitoring and enforcement efforts, tracking and reporting mechanism, and prompt payment, reporting, and project closeout provisions. Stipulates that the program may include separate elements for small business enterprises, microbusinesses, and disabled veteran business enterprises.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 28 (Simitian-D) Vehicles: electronic wireless communications devices
Increases the penalties related to using a wireless communications device while operating a vehicle, prohibits bicyclists from using a handheld communications device while riding a bicycle, establishes an education program regarding the dangers of talking or texting using a wireless communications device while driving, and adds dangers of talking or texting while driving to the list of items that the Department of Motor Vehicles must include in an examination for a driver's license.
SB 29 (Simitian-D) Vehicles: automated traffic enforcement systems
Makes several changes to the laws regarding automated traffic enforcement systems to ensure that red light camera programs are designed to maximize traffic safety and are implemented in a lawful and transparent manner.
SB 89 (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Vehicles: vehicle license fee and registration fee
Clarifies the allocation of revenues derived from the vehicle license fee (VLF) collected on vehicles through 6/30/11, and the period beginning after this date, by affirming that revenues derived from the VLF for initial or renewal registrations due on or after 5/19/09 and before 7/1/11 are attributable to the 2010-11 fiscal year. Provides a technical adjustment to recalculate the amount of the VLF allocated in 2010-11 to the existing Local Revenue Fund. Adjusts the cost-sharing methodology used by the Department of Motor Vehicles for purposes of allocating various administrative expenses.
Chapter 35, Statutes of 2011
SB 94 (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Vehicle License Fee Law: vehicle registration
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to reduce the time between the mailing of a car registration bill and the due date of the bill.
Chapter 21, Statutes of 2011
SB 209 (Corbett-D) Common interest developments: electric vehicle charging
Makes void and unenforceable any covenant, restriction or conditions contained in any deed, contract, security instrument, or other instrument in a common interest development that prohibits or restricts the installation of an electric vehicle charging station.
Chapter 121, Statutes of 2011
SB 223 (Leno-D) Voter-approved local assessment: vehicles
Authorizes the City and County of San Francisco to place on the ballot a measure to impose an additional assessment on vehicles owned by residents of that county.
SB 251 (Correa-D) Vehicles: driver's license: selective service
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to revise the application for an original or renewal driver's license to include a specified statement that allows an applicant to register with the federal Selective Service System. Requires DMV to forward any personal information required for registration of consenting persons to the federal Selective Service System in an electronic format. Prohibits DMV from forwarding any personal information for persons who do not consent to Selective Service registration, except as provided in any memorandum of understanding between DMV and the federal Selective Service System.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 287 (Fuller-R) Conditional sale contracts
Limits the award of attorney's fees to a prevailing party in an action instituted by a person who has suffered injury in fact and has lost money or property as a result of a violation governing conditional sales contracts for motor vehicles.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 290 (Correa-D) Neighborhood electric vehicles
Extends, from 1/1/13 until 1/1/17, the authority of Orange County to establish a neighborhood electric vehicle transportation plan for the Ranch Plan Planned Community.
Chapter 150, Statutes of 2011
SB 310 (Hancock-D) Local development
Establishes the Transit Priority Project Program. Authorizes a city or county to participate in the Program by adopting an ordinance indicating its intent to participate in the Program and by forming and infrastructure financing district (IFD). Requires a city or county, if it elects to participate in the Program, to amend, if necessary, the general plan and any related specific plan to allow participating developers to build at an increased height of a minimum of three stories within the boundaries of the IFD. Specifies for the car sharing program the car sharing area may be onsite, or the developer may pay a fee to the city or county to cover the cost of providing for car sharing at an offsite location near the project. The developer is required to provide one car share for the first 20 units and one car share for every 50 units thereafter.
Chapter 446, Statutes of 2011
SB 341 (Lowenthal-D) Vehicles: construction vehicles: backup alarms
Requires commercial vehicles having a gross vehicle weight rating of 14,000 pounds or more that work in construction or mining sites to be equipped with an alarm that sounds automatically on backing and can be heard from a distance of 200 feet.
Chapter 235, Statutes of 2011
SB 437 (Correa-D) Orange County Transportation Authority
Limits the terms of certain city members of the Orange County Transportation Authority board of directors.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SB 446 (Dutton-R) Ontario International Airport
Establishes the Ontario International Airport Authority as a local entity of regional government. Establishes the membership of the board of directors of the Authority and sets forth the powers of the Authority. Authorizes the Authority to enter into an agreement with the City of Los Angeles to facilitate the sale of, or the transfer of management and operational control of, the Ontario International Airport to the Authority. Requires the Authority, in cooperation with the City of Los Angeles and the City of Ontario, to develop a transition plan to facilitate the sale of, or the transfer of management and operational control of, the Ontario International Airport to the Authority.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
SB 456 (Huff-R) Transportation: household hazardous waste
Allows household hazardous waste (HHW) gathered by a door-to-door HHW collection program to be transported using a consolidated manifest and to be taken to a HHW collection facility or a hazardous waste facility. Sunsets on 1/1/20.
Chapter 602, Statutes of 2011
SB 565 (DeSaulnier-D) Transportation
Corrects a drafting error in a statute dealing with the rights of the legal owner of a vehicle that has been impounded. Clarifies that a local authority may enforce restrictions against the fraudulent use of disabled placards in any and all parking spaces. Provides that a repossessor is not required to pay delinquent registration fees on an impounded vehicle, provided the vehicle is to be towed to an auction for resale at which time the delinquent fees will be collected and remitted to the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Chapter 341, Statutes of 2011
SB 569 (Kehoe-D) Alternative & Renewable Fuel & Vehicle Technology Program
Require the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission to ensure that projects or programs within the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program involving electrical work, as defined, are creating pathways into skilled, high-paying careers.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 627 (Walters-R) Vehicles: driving schools and traffic violator schools
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to approve or disapprove a license renewal application for an owner, operator, or instructor of a driving school or traffic violator school within 30 days of receiving a complete application.
SB 642 (Padilla-D) Vehicles: manufacturers and distributors
Makes it unlawful for a vehicle manufacturer, distributor or others (collectively "manufacturer") to obtain or attempt to obtain from a dealer, or to enforce or attempt to enforce against a dealer an agreement, provision, release, assignment, novation, waiver or estoppel as specified. Prohibits a manufacturer from competing with a dealer in the same line-make operating under an agreement or franchise from a manufacturer or distributor in the relevant market area. Prohibits a manufacturer from unfairly discriminating in favor of a dealership owned or controlled, in whole or in part, by a manufacturer.
Chapter 342, Statutes of 2011
SB 691 (Lieu-D) Vehicles: engineering and traffic survey
Revises the definition of "engineering and traffic survey" to specify conditions that are considered to be conditions not readily apparent to the driver.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 693 (Dutton-R) Transportation projects: public contracts
Authorizes the Department of Transportation to delegate to a city or county its authority to enter into public-private partnership agreements for transportation projects on the state highway system.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 719 (Vargas-D) Vehicles: motor carrier of property: insurance
Authorizes the Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles to initiate a rulemaking process, upon making a finding that the minimum coverage requirements are insufficient, to alter, by regulation, the required coverage amounts to better reflect market conditions, costs, and operational risks.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 720 (Runner-R) Vehicles: drivers' licenses
Extends the validity of a driver's license of the spouse of a person in the military while the spouse and the member of the military are absent from the state.
Chapter 154, Statutes of 2011
SB 750 (Hernandez-D) Vehicles: key information access
Allows BMW to continue providing replacement keys for its vehicles, rather than providing information to locksmiths to produce replacement keys.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SB 767 (Harman-R) Vehicles: radio frequency identification technology
Authorizes a local political subdivision of this state, including, but not limited to, a city, a county, a city and county, a district, or a special district, to participate in a local traffic safety program that uses radio frequency identification technology in order to aid law enforcement efforts, promote environmental initiatives, including congestion mitigation, and enhance revenue collections of unpaid fines and penalties.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 780 (Emmerson-R) Vehicles: driving offenses: punishment
Eliminates the 10 year "wash-out" for driving under the influence and to provide for an enhancement of five years if a person flees an accident where a death occurred and that person is charged with murder.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)
SB 842 (Rubio-D) California residency
Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to develop and maintain a program for the issuance of identification cards to members of the military and family as specified, and requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to process the application forms and issue the ID cards. Upon the receipt of an identification card, the spouses, domestic partners and dependents of all non-citizen military personnel will be eligible for benefits from California Work Opportunities and Responsibility to Kids, In-Home Supportive Services, Medi-Cal, the general assistance program, and the California Food Assistance Program.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 859 (Padilla-D) Vehicles: records: confidentiality
Allows confidential home address information in Department of Motor Vehicles records to be disclosed to an electrical corporation or public utility if the utility or its agent, under penalty of perjury, requests and uses the information only for the purpose of identifying where an electric vehicle is registered.
Chapter 346, Statutes of 2011
SB 862 (Lowenthal-D) Southern California Goods Movement Authority
Establishes the Southern California Goods Movement Authority consisting of representatives from specified entities. Requires the Authority to establish a priority list of infrastructure and air quality improvement projects related to the movement of port-related cargo and port operations in southern California. Requires the Alameda Corridor East Construction Authority, a local agency, to provide staff and meeting space for the Authority. Authorizes the Authority to enter into a memorandum of understanding with PierPASS or a similar entity created by the West Coast Marine Terminal Operator Agreement, for funding the list of infrastructure and air quality improvement projects.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 869 (Yee-D) Automotive repair dealers: airbags
Increases the penalty for a person who, after preparing a written estimate to repair a deployed airbag, fails to properly repair and restore that airbag to its original condition.
Chapter 430, Statutes of 2011
SB 875 (Price-D) Rental vehicles
Provides that current law, that authorizes a rental vehicle fuel gauge installed by a vehicle's manufacturer to be used in a rental transaction by a rental company to calculate an optional charge for fueling, applies to passenger and nonpassenger vehicle rental transactions by a rental company made on or after 1/1/00.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 910 (Lowenthal-D) Vehicles: bicycles: passing distance
Authorizes, on a substandard width lane, a driver to drive on the left side of double parallel solid yellow lines or double parallel lines, one of which is broken, to pass a bicyclist traveling in the same direction. Defines a "substandard width lane" as a lane that is too narrow for a bicycle and a vehicle to travel safely side by side within the lane. Requires the driver of a motor vehicle, passing a bicycle traveling in the same direction, to pass at a safe distance with reasonable consideration of the size and speed of the motor vehicle and roadway conditions. Prohibits a driver of a motor vehicle from overtaking or passing a bicycle, proceeding in the same direction, at a distance of less than three feet.
SB 929 (Evans-D) Vehicles: child passenger restraints
Requires children under the age of eight years old to be transported in a car seat in a rear seat that meets federal motor safety requirements, unless that child is four feet nine inches in height or taller, in which case the child may be "properly restrained by a safety belt" rather than a child seat. Defines "properly restrained by a safety belt" to mean that the lap portion of the belt crosses the hips or upper thighs and the shoulder portion of the belt crosses the chest of the occupant. Maintains the exceptions in existing law to the requirement that child safety seats be in the rear seat of the vehicle.
Chapter 474, Statutes of 2011
SB 10X1 (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Vehicles: vehicle license fees.
Allocates to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), from the amount calculated under this provision, $25,000,000 for the 2011-12 fiscal year and deems that amount as the cost to the DMV for the collection of the motor vehicle license fee. Increases the amount allocated to the DMV for subsequent fiscal years by the growth rate in the California Consumer Price Index, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Budget Committee)
SCA 1X1 (Steinberg-D) Vehicle license fee
Enacts the Schools and Local Public Safety Protection Act of 2011 by extending the 2010-11 vehicle license fee rates for five years to assist counties to operate the Governor's realignment program.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
A similar bill is ACA 2X1 (Blumenfield-D) which died in Assembly Budget Committee.
SCR 13 (Harman-R) Schoolbus Drivers Day
Declares 4/26/11 as Schoolbus Drivers Day in California, and commends the California Association of School Transportation Officials for its dedication and contributions to the people of California and promotion of safe pupil transportation while upholding high standards for California schoolbus drivers.
Resolution Chapter 20, Statutes of 2011
SJR 15 (DeSaulnier-D) Harbor Maintenance Tax: Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund
Urges the President and the Congress of the United States to significantly increase federal funding from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund surplus for navigational improvements and continued operational and maintenance dredging in those federal channels that serve California's ports such that these expenditures equal the amounts contributed by California to halt adding to the surplus in the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund, and to recognize the role of California's ports in contributing the greatest share of the Harbor Maintenance Tax revenues.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
SR 9 (DeSaulnier-D) California Teen Safe Driving Week
Designates the week of 3/6/11 as California Teen Safe Driving Week.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 3 (Miller-R) Vehicles: confidential home addresses: citations
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to provide notice of outstanding toll evasion violations to individuals who have requested a confidential home address.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 28 (Huber-D) Governmental reorganization
Deletes obsolete references to the Reciprocity Commission within the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Office for Citizen Initiative and Voluntary Action, and the Public Employee Review Committee.
Chapter 315, Statutes of 2011
AB 45 (Hill-D) Charter-party carriers of passengers: alcoholic beverages
Makes it unlawful to drive a bus with an open container of alcohol when any passenger is under 21 years of age.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 57 (Beall-D) Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Increases the membership of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission from 19 to 21 members.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 61 (Jeffries-R) Neighborhood electric vehicles
Authorizes, until 2017, the County of Riverside and the cities within that county to adopt neighborhood electric vehicle transportation plans.
Chapter 170, Statutes of 2011
AB 66* (Chesbro-D) Vehicle license fees
Repeals the sunset of the additional 0.15% vehicle license fee.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 81* (Beall-D) Air common carriers: sales and use taxes: exemptions
Provides a partial sales and use tax exemption for fuel and petroleum products sold to or purchased by an air common carrier for consumption or shipment in the conduct of its business as an air common carrier on domestic flights.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 82* (Jeffries-R) Vehicles: firefighting equipment
Requires a person who operates firefighting equipment to obtain either a class A or B license as appropriate for the size and configuration of the firefighting equipment or a class C license, a restricted class A license, or a noncommercial class B license with a firefighter endorsement.
Chapter 92, Statutes of 2011
AB 190 (Wieckowski-D) Vehicle Code violation: spinal cord injury
Authorizes, pending an affirmative decision by the board of supervisors, each county to assess an additional penalty assessment of $3 on all Vehicle Code violations, other than parking fines, to provide additional support to the spinal cord injury research program at the University of California.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 205* (Hagman-R) Income taxes: credit: vehicle registration payment fees
Allows a personal income tax credit, for taxable years beginning on or after 1/1/11, equal to the "qualified costs" paid by a taxpayer for a "qualified vehicle." Defines "qualified costs" as the fees, paid by a taxpayer during the taxable year, assessed on a vehicle by the Department of Motor Vehicles as part of the vehicle registration process.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 296 (Skinner-D) Building standards: cool pavement
Requires the Department of Transportation to publish or post on its Web site a Cool Pavements Handbook by 1/1/14, conduct one or more cool pavement pilot projects by 1/1/15, and report to the Legislature by 1/1/18 on the results of the pilot project and the costs and benefits associated with various pavement options.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 345 (Atkins-D) Vehicles: traffic control device uniform standards
Requires the Department of Transportation (Caltrans), after consulting with local agencies and groups representing users of streets, roads and highways, to establish a committee to advise Caltrans and hold public hearings on the adoption of rules and regulations that prescribe uniform standards and specifications for traffic control devices.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 353 (Cedillo-D) Vehicles: checkpoints
Prohibits the impoundment of a vehicle stopped at a sobriety checkpoint if the driver's sole offense is the failure to be properly licensed.
Chapter 653, Statutes of 2011
AB 390 (Portantino-D) Vehicles: identification cards: notification of renewal
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles, no less than 60 days prior to the expiration date of an identification card, to provide the person with a written notice of the expiration date.
AB 426 (Bonnie Lowenthal-D) Transit fare evasion
Adds the North County Transit District and the Southern California Regional Rail Authority to the list of districts with the authority to adopt a civil administrative adjudication process for specified transit violations.
Chapter 100, Statutes of 2011
AB 432 (Hall-D) Vehicles: notice to appear: service
Provides that only a peace officer or qualified employee of a law enforcement agency may issue a notice to appear for specified traffic offenses, including those recorded by an automated traffic enforcement system.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 475 (Butler-D) Vehicles: offstreet parking: electric vehicles
Allows any vehicle that is connected for electric charging purposes to park in a garage space designated for charging and eliminates the zero-emission vehicle decal program.
Chapter 274, Statutes of 2011
AB 476 (Bonnie Lowenthal-D) Vehicles: tow trucks: illegal operation
Provides that a tow truck driver who illegally tows is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by having the tow truck impounded for a period of 30 days and a $2,500 fine.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 511 (Yamada-D) Aeronautics: meteorological towers
Requires a meteorological tower that is below 200 feet in height and above 50 feet in height to be marked according to specifications that are currently used by the Federal Aviation Administration for towers exceeding 200 feet.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 516 (V. Manuel Pérez-D) Safe routes to school
Modifies the state's Safe Routes to School program to help ensure increased participation from low-income communities.
Chapter 277, Statutes of 2011
AB 520 (Ammiano-D) Vehicles: reckless driving: suspension of licenses
Allows a person who is convicted of a wet reckless the ability to apply for a restricted license early if he/she complies with specified requirements including installing an ignition interlock device.
Chapter 657, Statutes of 2011
AB 529 (Gatto-D) Vehicles: speed limits: downward speed zoning
Requires the Department of Transportation to revise its regulations so that state and local authorities have greater flexibility in setting speed limits on roads under their jurisdictions.
Chapter 528, Statutes of 2011
AB 538 (Williams-D) Vehicles: commercial vehicles: length restrictions
Prohibits a person from driving a commercial vehicle with a kingpin-to-rearmost-axle length in excess of 30 feet on the segment of State Route 33 that is located between the county boundary delineating the Counties of Santa Barbara and Ventura and the Camino Cielo Road near the City of Ojai.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 539 (Williams-D) Vehicles: speeding: school zones: penalties
Authorizes a local authority to adopt, by ordinance or resolution, double fines for persons convicted of speeding in a school zone, as defined, as long as certain conditions are met. Specifies that doubling of the base fine shall not result in the increase of any associated and additional penalties, fines, fees, or assessments.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 601 (Yamada-D) Vehicles: transfer of interest: power of attorney
Authorizes an active duty member of the United States Armed Forces as the owner, co-owner, owner of record, registered owner, or legal owner of a vehicle to execute a valid military power of attorney approved by the United States Department of Defense for the purpose of using, operating, titling, or transferring his/her interest in or licensing and registering any vehicle in this state.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 607 (Brownley-D) Vehicles: public transit buses: illuminated signs
Authorizes the City of Santa Monica bus transit system to establish a demonstration program to equip the sides of its buses with electronic signs displaying advertising.
Chapter 529, Statutes of 2011
AB 610* (Solorio-D) Vehicles: specialized license plates
Permits a state agency to sponsor and the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to issue a specialized plate under the specialized license plate program, if rather than 7,500 applications and accompanying fees, the state agency collects and submits 2,500 paid applications plus sufficient donations to cover DMV's startup costs for the issuance of the specialized plate.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 621 (Charles Calderon-D) Vehicle rental agreements
Provides a mechanism for service of legal process on non-residents who cause injuries involving rental cars in California, up to a maximum contractual limit.
Chapter 531, Statutes of 2011
AB 628 (Conway-R) Vehicles: off-highway vehicle recreation: County of Inyo
Authorizes the County of Inyo to establish a pilot project that sunsets on 1/1/17, under which it may designate segments of its county roads that are greater than three miles in length for combined use by cars and off-highway vehicles.
Chapter 532, Statutes of 2011
AB 631 (Ma-D) Electric vehicle charging stations
Exempts from the definition of a public utility a facility that supplies electricity to the public only for use to charge light duty plug-in electric vehicles.
Chapter 480, Statutes of 2011
AB 656 (Huber-D) Committees and commissions: repeal
Abolishes the Boating and Waterways Commission on 1/1/14, pending review by the Joint Legislative Sunset Review Committee.
AB 662 (Hueso-D) San Diego County Regional Airport Authority
Exempts from the military airport inclusion requirement the preparation, adoption, or amendment by the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority of an airport land use compatibility plan for the City of Coronado.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 674 (Bonilla-D) Vehicles: registration fees
Repeals the 1/1/12 sunset date on law that allows counties to impose a $1 surcharge on vehicle registration fees to fund fingerprint identification systems.
Chapter 205, Statutes of 2011
AB 693 (Huffman-D) Vehicle registration: organ and tissue donation
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to provide an online option for drivers to connect to the California Organ and Tissue Donor Registry.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 695 (Norby-R) Vehicles: motorcycles: safety helmets: exceptions
Exempts from the requirement to wear a helmet, motorcycle drivers who are 18 years or older and have either completed a motorcyclist safety training program meeting the standards established by the Department of the California Highway Patrol or been issued a class M1 license or endorsement, or comparable license from another jurisdiction, for two years or more.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 716 (Dickinson-D) Transit districts: prohibition orders
Eliminates the sunset date on the law that allows Sacramento Regional Transit and Fresno Area Express to issue prohibition orders banning persons from entering district property for determined periods of time for specified offenses, and adds the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District, until 1/1/15, to the program.
Chapter 534, Statutes of 2011
AB 753 (Monning-D) Vehicles: rentals
Enacts the Raechel and Jacqueline Houck Rental Car Safety Act, which prohibits the short-term rental of a vehicle that is subject to a federal safety recall notice unless specified conditions are met. Prohibits a person engaging in the short-term rental of vehicles from selling a vehicle at retail unless the vehicle meets specified requirements.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 807 (Solorio-D) Vehicles: taxicab transportation services: periodic reports
Allows local agencies that regulate taxicab services to have access to employer-maintained driving records of taxicab drivers.
Chapter 108, Statutes of 2011
AB 817 (Gatto-D) Vehicle rental contracts
Requires the California Law Revision Commission to study whether the laws regulating rental car companies and their customers would benefit from greater clarity and concision and report its findings and recommendations to the Legislature by 12/31/12.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 819 (Wieckowski-D) Bikeways
Includes a class IV bikeway among the bikeways subject to existing law requiring the Department of Transportation, in cooperation with county and city governments, to establish minimum safety design criteria for the planning and construction of bikeways. Defines a class IV bikeway to include a segregated bike lane which provides exclusive use of bicycles on streets, as specified.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 868 (Davis-D) Transportation: hazardous waste
Revises the condition for exempting manifest and transporter requirements of hazardous waste to a maximum weight of 10,000 pounds of hazardous waste (an increase from the currently allowable 2,500 pounds or 275 gallons). Increases the 1,600 gallon hazardous wastewater exception from manifesting for utility generators to a maximum of 5,000 gallons.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 877 (Skinner-D) Vehicles: nonfelony offenses and infractions
Expands existing law that allows for the dismissal of nonfelony Vehicle Code violations pending at the time of a defendant's commitment to state prison, and that prohibits the suspension or revocation of a driver's license for a pending nonfelony offense or as a result of a notice received for failure to appear that occurred prior to incarceration in state prison, to also include an individual who has served 90 days or longer in a consecutive 12-month period in a county jail or other county correctional facility, court or county rehabilitation facility, or involuntary in home detention.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 885 (Cook-R) Vehicles: driver's licenses and identification cards
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles, when issuing an original or renewal driver's license or identification card to a person required to be registered under the Sex Offender Registration Act, to comply with specified requirements if the person has either been adjudicated to be a sexually violent predator or was convicted of a sex offense against a minor.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 890 (Olsen-R) Roadway improvements: CEQA exemption
Exempts, from the California Environmental Quality Act, a project or activity undertaken by a city or county within an existing road right-of-way for the purposes of roadway improvement.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 892 (Carter-D) Department of Transportation: environmental review process
Extends the sunset date, from 1/1/12 to 1/1/17, to waive the states 11th amendment right to sovereign immunity from lawsuits filed against the Department of Transportation under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in order to allow the Department of Transportation to continue its assumption of NEPA responsibilities.
Chapter 482, Statutes of 2011
AB 907 (Ma-D) Harbors and ports
Establishes a fuel surcharge for all vessel moves using pilot services that shall be determined by the Board of Pilot Commissioner's executive director according to specified criteria. Requires the amount of any fuel surcharge to be posted on the Board's Internet Web site. Increases the current charge against the owner, operator, or agent of any vessel that carries a pilot to sea against his will or unnecessarily detains a pilot when a pilot vessel is standing by to receive to $2,058 per day with additional increases of 1.5% effective 1/1/13, 1/1/14, and 1/1/15.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 977 (Harkey-R) Harbors and ports: loans: OC Dana Point Harbor
Requires the Department of Boating and Waterways to extend until 6/30/16, all phases of certain loan contracts between the Department and the County of Orange, OC Dana Point Harbor.
(In Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1008 (Cook-R) Vehicles: automated traffic enforcement systems
Prohibits, starting 1/1/12, a local agency from installing an automated traffic enforcement system, and requires a traffic safety study for those local government agencies already operating an automated traffic enforcement system, as specified.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 1024 (Hueso-D) Automobile insurance: low cost insurance
Authorizes insurance agents and brokers to sell low-cost auto insurance through an Internet Web site, requires the California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan to establish or contract with an entity to operate a Web site to sell low-cost auto insurance policies, and revises a notice statement sent to vehicle owners.
Chapter 401, Statutes of 2011
AB 1025 (Skinner-D) Harbors and ports: inland pilots
Makes the following substantive changes to existing provisions of the Harbors and Navigation Code relating to bar pilotage in Monterey Bay and the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo and Suisun: (1) modifies the definition of "inland pilot" to mean a person holding an inland pilot license prior to 1/1/11 and deletes all references to inland pilots, (2) requires that the Board of Pilot Commissioner's assistant director be appointed by the Secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, instead of the Governor, and the assistant director to serve in a career executive assignment at the pleasure of the Secretary, and (3) recasts certain provisions relating to violations of safety standards to require the executive director instead of an assigned commission investigator to perform investigations, make findings and recommendations and report to the Board.
Chapter 324, Statutes of 2011
AB 1031 (Donnelly-R) Vehicles: driving under the influence
Requires an arresting authority to report the presence of an individual to the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement if that individual is arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) or DUI with injury, as specified, and the individual fails to provide the arresting authority with the appropriate documentation demonstrating his/her legal presence in the United States.
(In Assembly Public Safety Committee)
AB 1041 (Ma-D) Vehicles: delinquent parking violations: San Francisco
Eliminates the sunset date for the City and County of San Francisco transit enforcement pilot program thereby allowing them to issue citations based on photo-evidence of transit-only lane parking violations on a permanent basis.
Chapter 325, Statutes of 2011
AB 1061 (Eng-D) Vehicles: consumer warranties
Requires every manufacturer, distributor, or retailer making express warranties with respect to a new vehicle also to fully set forth, in simple and readily understood language, a detailed list of items that are not covered under the warranty.
(In Assembly Business, Professions and Consumer Protection Committee)
AB 1063 (Bradford-D) Automobile insurance: underinsured motorist coverage
Expands the scope of underinsured motorist coverage by repealing certain statutory limitations on the scope of coverage.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1098 (Hagman-R) Automobile insurance: unlawful practices
Requires, under a law governing auto insurers and direct repair program administration, that a request by the Department of Insurance seeking confirmation by an insurer of a fact about a third party auto body repair shop be made to the insurer in written form.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1104 (Pan-D) Vehicles: driving-under-the-influence
Requires, rather than allows, driver's license revocations for specified driving-under-the-influence convictions to be delayed until offenders are released from prison or county jail. Requires the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to notify the Department of Motor Vehicles 30 days prior to the release of an inmate whose license has been suspended.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1171 (Fong-D) Vehicles: ski or toboggan on roadway
Makes technical, nonsubstantive changes in existing law that makes it unlawful for a person to ski or toboggan on or across any roadway in a manner as to interfere with the movement of vehicles on the roadway.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
AB 1182 (Roger Hernández-D) Vehicles: CalWORKs eligibility: asset limits
Excludes the value of a motor vehicle from consideration when determining or redetermining California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) eligibility, and deletes existing requirements on county welfare departments for assessing the value of a motor vehicle for the purposes of CalWORKs eligibility.
AB 1202 (Jeffries-R) Vehicles: driver's license applicant: organ donations
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to provide a discount of an unspecified amount to a person who, when applying for or renewing his/her driver's license or identification card, enrolls in the Donate Life California Organ and Tissue Donor Registry, a registry of organ and tissue donors. Directs DMV to seek funding from the federal government to pay for the discount and makes the other provisions operative only if the state receives such federal funding.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1215 (Blumenfield-D) Vehicles: electronic processing of documents
Requires new car dealers to participate in a program to electronically title and register vehicles that they sell and to post specified warning notices on some used cars. Allows vehicle dealers to charge car buyers higher add-on fees on the sale of new and used vehicles.
Chapter 329, Statutes of 2011
AB 1242 (Achadjian-R) Vehicles: special interest license plates: NASCAR
Authorizes the Foundation for California Community Colleges to apply to the Department of Motor Vehicles to sponsor a program for a series of specialized National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing license plates that bear emblems, seals, or other symbols or designs displaying themes of professional stock car auto racing or professional stock car auto racing drivers.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1291 (Davis-D) Vehicles: existing and emerging technologies
Allows the Department of Motor Vehicles to pursue the use and development of existing or emerging technologies for the purpose of maximizing the efficient delivery of vehicle registration services and achieving cost savings for business partners, service providers, or other customer groups.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1298 (Blumenfield-D) Vehicles: parking: mobile billboard advertising displays
Expands the ability of local governments to regulate advertising on non-motorized vehicles and allows local governments to regulate specified advertising signs on motor vehicles parked or left standing upon a public street.
Chapter 538, Statutes of 2011
AB 1311 (Miller-R) Vehicles: automated speed enforcement systems
Authorizes a local authority to participate in a local traffic safety program that studies the feasibility of using an automated speed enforcement system for speed enforcement only in areas designated as school zones.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1323 (Gatto-D) Vehicles: vehicle theft crimes: investigative costs
Directs the proceeds from the sale of property forfeited by persons convicted of auto theft to county-based programs that deter, investigate, and prosecute vehicle theft crimes.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 1352 (Logue-R) Taxation: vehicle license fees: Nevada County
Provides that specified vehicle license fee revenues deposited into the Local Revenue Fund of 2011 for local law enforcement realignment purposes would not be subject to expenditure requirements of a local ordinance in Nevada County.
Chapter 735, Statutes of 2011
AB 1358 (Fuentes-D) Vehicles: misdemeanor violations: amnesty
Authorizes a county to extend to misdemeanor Vehicle Code violations the one-time infraction amnesty program allowing a person who owes an outstanding fine to pay 50% of the fine, except as specified.
Chapter 662, Statutes of 2011
AB 1389 (Allen-D) Vehicles: sobriety checkpoints: impoundment
Allows an officer to detain a motorist stopped at a sobriety checkpoint in order to briefly question the driver. If the driver does not display objective signs of impairment, the driver will be permitted to drive on without further delay unless during the questioning by the officer, the officer develops reasonable suspicion of a violation of law. Requires the law enforcement agency to provide advance notice to the public of the checkpoint's general location at least 48 hours prior to the checkpoint operation and to provide advance notice to the public of the checkpoint's specific location at least two hours prior to the checkpoint operation.
AB 9X1 (Chesbro-D) Vehicle license fees
Repeals the 0.15% additional tax of the market value of specified vehicles to the vehicle license fee.
(Died at Assembly Desk)
AB 22X1 (Blumenfield-D) Vehicles: vehicle license fees
Recalculates the cost shares for Department of Motor Vehicles administration funded from different fees and taxes collected on vehicles. The administrative costs paid by vehicle license fee tax would be reduced, and the administrative costs paid from vehicle registration fees would be increased.
(Died at Assembly Desk)
AB 36X1* (Solorio-D) Vehicle license fees
Requires a specified portion of motor vehicle license fee revenues be distributed first to the County of Orange.
(Died at Assembly Desk)
AB 41X1* (Solorio-D) Vehicle license fees
Imposes, for all initial and renewal registrations due on and after 1/1/12, an additional vehicle license fee equal to 0.15% of the market value of certain vehicles, as specified. Requires all revenues from the additional license fee to be deposited in the General Fund. During the 2011-12 fiscal year, transfers an amount to the Local Law Enforcement Services Account in the Local Revenue Fund 2011, a continuously appropriated fund, for allocation to cities, counties, and cities and counties, as specified.
(Died at Assembly Desk)
AB 43X1 (Solorio-D) Vehicle license fee adjustments: local government finance
Increases, for the 2011-12 fiscal year, the vehicle license fee (VLF) adjustment amount for the County of Orange by $48 million and requires this increase to be included in the calculation of the VLF adjustment amount for that county for each year thereafter, so long as certain conditions are met.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
AB 44X1 (Charles Calderon-D) Vehicle license fee revenues: local government finance
Provides, until 7/1/17, any city formed by application for incorporation prior to 7/1/11, as provided, to be allocated an amount of vehicle license fee revenues that would otherwise have been allocated to that city pursuant to a specified provision prior to its amendment, as specified.
(Died at Assembly Desk)
ACA 2X1 (Blumenfield-D) Vehicle license fee
Enacts the Schools and Local Public Safety Protection Act of 2011 by extending the 2010-11 vehicle license fee rates for five years to assist counties to operate the Governor's realignment program.
(Died in Assembly Budget Committee)
A similar bill is SCA 1X1 (Steinberg-D) which died in Senate Rules Committee.
HR 7 (Bonnie Lowenthal-D) California Teen Safe Driving Week
Declares the week of 3/6/11 as "California Teen Safe Driving Week," and states that the State of California, various public and private organizations, and citizens will observe the week of 3/6/11, with appropriate activities that promote the practice of safe driving among teen drivers.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 16 (Garrick-R) Motorcycle Awareness Month
Designates the month of May 2011 as Motorcycle Awareness Month.
Adopted by the Assembly
Index (in Bill Order)
Bills | Author and Bill Title | Reference |
SB 22 | La Malfa-R High-speed rail: indebtedness | High-Speed Rail |
SB 28 | Simitian-D Vehicles: electronic wireless communications devices | Miscellaneous |
SB 29 | Simitian-D Vehicles: automated traffic enforcement systems | Miscellaneous |
SB 89 | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee Vehicles: vehicle license fee and registration fee | Miscellaneous |
SB 94 | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee Vehicle License Fee Law: vehicle registration | Miscellaneous |
SB 125 | Emmerson-R Vehicles: toll highways or vehicular crossings | Highways |
SB 170 | Pavley-D Air districts: adverse effects of air pollution | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
SB 209 | Corbett-D Common interest developments: electric vehicle charging | Miscellaneous |
SB 211 | Emmerson-R California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
SB 223 | Leno-D Voter-approved local assessment: vehicles | Miscellaneous |
SB 251 | Correa-D Vehicles: driver's license: selective service | Miscellaneous |
SB 287 | Fuller-R Conditional sale contracts | Miscellaneous |
SB 290 | Correa-D Neighborhood electric vehicles | Miscellaneous |
SB 310 | Hancock-D Local development | Miscellaneous |
SB 325 | Rubio-D Central California Railroad Authority | Development and Financing |
SB 333 | La Malfa-R Vehicles: speed limits | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
SB 341 | Lowenthal-D Vehicles: construction vehicles: backup alarms | Miscellaneous |
SB 402 | Vargas-D Outdoor advertising: exemptions | Highways |
SB 437 | Correa-D Orange County Transportation Authority | Miscellaneous |
SB 446 | Dutton-R Ontario International Airport | Miscellaneous |
SB 456 | Huff-R Transportation: household hazardous waste | Miscellaneous |
SB 468 | Kehoe-D Department of Transportation: north coast corridor project | Highways |
SB 517 | Lowenthal-D High-Speed Rail Authority: governing board | High-Speed Rail |
SB 519 | La Malfa-R Smog check: visual inspection | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
SB 533 | Wright-D California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
SB 535 | De León-D California Communities Healthy Air Revitalization Trust | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
SB 565 | DeSaulnier-D Transportation | Miscellaneous |
SB 569 | Kehoe-D Alternative & Renewable Fuel & Vehicle Technology Program | Miscellaneous |
SB 570 | Rubio-D San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
SB 582 | Yee-D Commute benefit policies | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
SB 627 | Walters-R Vehicles: driving schools and traffic violator schools | Miscellaneous |
SB 642 | Padilla-D Vehicles: manufacturers and distributors | Miscellaneous |
SB 691 | Lieu-D Vehicles: engineering and traffic survey | Miscellaneous |
SB 693 | Dutton-R Transportation projects: public contracts | Miscellaneous |
SB 719 | Vargas-D Vehicles: motor carrier of property: insurance | Miscellaneous |
SB 720 | Runner-R Vehicles: drivers' licenses | Miscellaneous |
SB 724 | Dutton-R Air Resources Board: mobile source certification | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
SB 730 | Kehoe-D Plug-In Electric Vehicle Readiness Pilot Program | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
SB 733 | Price-D High-speed rail: business plan: contracts: small businesses | High-Speed Rail |
SB 739 | Lowenthal-D Ports: congestion relief: air pollution mitigation | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
SB 749 | Steinberg-D High-Speed Rail Authority: appointments | High-Speed Rail |
SB 750 | Hernandez-D Vehicles: key information access | Miscellaneous |
SB 767 | Harman-R Vehicles: radio frequency identification technology | Miscellaneous |
SB 780 | Emmerson-R Vehicles: driving offenses: punishment | Miscellaneous |
SB 800 | Hancock-D Greenhouse Gas Emission Offset | Development and Financing |
SB 842 | Rubio-D California residency | Miscellaneous |
SB 859 | Padilla-D Vehicles: records: confidentiality | Miscellaneous |
SB 862 | Lowenthal-D Southern California Goods Movement Authority | Miscellaneous |
SB 867 | Padilla-D Transportation: Build California Bonds | Development and Financing |
SB 869 | Yee-D Automotive repair dealers: airbags | Miscellaneous |
SB 875 | Price-D Rental vehicles | Miscellaneous |
SB 878 | DeSaulnier-D Regional planning: Bay Area | Development and Financing |
SB 901 | Steinberg-D Air pollution: vehicle retirement program | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
SB 910 | Lowenthal-D Vehicles: bicycles: passing distance | Miscellaneous |
SB 929 | Evans-D Vehicles: child passenger restraints | Miscellaneous |
SCR 13 | Harman-R Schoolbus Drivers Day | Miscellaneous |
SCR 21 | DeSaulnier-D Martinez Police Sergeant Paul Starzyk Memorial Overcrossing | Highways |
SCR 25 | Negrete McLeod-D CHP Officer Thomas P. Coleman Memorial Highway | Highways |
SCR 26 | Blakeslee-R Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway | Highways |
SCR 28 | Strickland-R Federal Correctional Officer Scott Williams Memorial Highway | Highways |
SCR 30 | Anderson-R CHP Officer Dan N. Benavides Memorial Highway | Highways |
SCR 31 | Rubio-D National Purple Heart Trail | Highways |
SCR 34 | Evans-D Deputy Frank Trejo Memorial Interchange | Highways |
SCR 35 | Simitian-D Don Burnett Bicycle-Pedestrian Bridge | Highways |
SCR 37 | Anderson-R Border Patrol Agent Robert Rosas Memorial Highway | Highways |
SCR 52 | Vargas-D Memorial highways | Highways |
SCR 53 | Evans-D CHP Officer Paul C. Jarske Memorial Highway | Highways |
SJR 15 | DeSaulnier-D Harbor Maintenance Tax: Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund | Miscellaneous |
SR 9 | DeSaulnier-D California Teen Safe Driving Week | Miscellaneous |
SB 10X1 | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee Vehicles: vehicle license fees. | Miscellaneous |
SCA 1X1 | Steinberg-D Vehicle license fee | Miscellaneous |
AB 3 | Miller-R Vehicles: confidential home addresses: citations | Miscellaneous |
AB 16 | Perea-D High-Speed Rail Authority: purchases | High-Speed Rail |
AB 28 | Huber-D Governmental reorganization | Miscellaneous |
AB 31 | Beall-D High Speed Rail: land use: local master plan | High-Speed Rail |
AB 41 | Hill-D High-Speed Rail Authority | High-Speed Rail |
AB 45 | Hill-D Charter-party carriers of passengers: alcoholic beverages | Miscellaneous |
AB 57 | Beall-D Metropolitan Transportation Commission | Miscellaneous |
AB 58* | Galgiani-D Employment: High-Speed Rail Authority: salaries | High-Speed Rail |
AB 61 | Jeffries-R Neighborhood electric vehicles | Miscellaneous |
AB 66* | Chesbro-D Vehicle license fees | Miscellaneous |
AB 76 | Harkey-R High-Speed Rail Authority: indebtedness | High-Speed Rail |
AB 81* | Beall-D Air common carriers: sales and use taxes: exemptions | Miscellaneous |
AB 82* | Jeffries-R Vehicles: firefighting equipment | Miscellaneous |
AB 105* | Assembly Budget Committee Transportation | Development and Financing High-Speed Rail |
AB 115 | Assembly Budget Committee Transportation | Development and Financing High-Speed Rail |
AB 133 | Galgiani-D High-speed rail: federal funds | High-Speed Rail |
AB 145 | Galgiani-D High-Speed Rail Authority: powers and duties | High-Speed Rail |
AB 190 | Wieckowski-D Vehicle Code violation: spinal cord injury | Miscellaneous |
AB 205* | Hagman-R Income taxes: credit: vehicle registration payment fees | Miscellaneous |
AB 277 | Galgiani-D High-speed rail: power supply | High-Speed Rail |
AB 286 | Bill Berryhill-R State highways: Routes 108 and 120 | Highways |
AB 292* | Galgiani-D High-speed rail: agricultural lands | High-Speed Rail |
AB 294 | Portantino-D Transportation projects: procurement | Development and Financing |
AB 296 | Skinner-D Building standards: cool pavement | Miscellaneous |
AB 333* | Grove-R California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
AB 345 | Atkins-D Vehicles: traffic control device uniform standards | Miscellaneous |
AB 348 | Buchanan-D Highways: Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zone | Highways |
AB 349 | Chesbro-D Vehicles: State Highway Route 101 | Highways |
AB 353 | Cedillo-D Vehicles: checkpoints | Miscellaneous |
AB 365 | Galgiani-D High-speed rail: contracts: small businesses | High-Speed Rail |
AB 385 | Harkey-R High-speed rail: corridor analysis | High-Speed Rail |
AB 390 | Portantino-D Vehicles: identification cards: notification of renewal | Miscellaneous |
AB 426 | Bonnie Lowenthal-D Transit fare evasion | Miscellaneous |
AB 427 | John A. Pérez-D Transportation bond funds: transit system safety | Development and Financing |
AB 432 | Hall-D Vehicles: notice to appear: service | Miscellaneous |
AB 441 | Monning-D Transportation planning | Development and Financing |
AB 462 | Bonnie Lowenthal-D Schoolbuses: air pollution districts: fees | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
AB 464 | Olsen-R State Highway Route 59 | Highways |
AB 470 | Halderman-R Schoolbus retrofits: air pollution districts: fees | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
AB 471 | Bonnie Lowenthal-D High-speed rail: inspector general | High-Speed Rail |
AB 474 | Jones-R Vehicles: inspections: smog-check | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
AB 475 | Butler-D Vehicles: offstreet parking: electric vehicles | Miscellaneous |
AB 476 | Bonnie Lowenthal-D Vehicles: tow trucks: illegal operation | Miscellaneous |
AB 485 | Ma-D Infrastructure financing | Development and Financing |
AB 492 | Galgiani-D High-Speed Rail Authority: small business enterprises | High-Speed Rail |
AB 511 | Yamada-D Aeronautics: meteorological towers | Miscellaneous |
AB 516 | V. Manuel Pérez-D Safe routes to school | Miscellaneous |
AB 520 | Ammiano-D Vehicles: reckless driving: suspension of licenses | Miscellaneous |
AB 523 | Valadao-R Ethanol: alternative and renewable fuel | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
AB 529 | Gatto-D Vehicles: speed limits: downward speed zoning | Miscellaneous |
AB 537 | Williams-D Highways: vehicles: commercial vehicles: weight restriction | Highways |
AB 538 | Williams-D Vehicles: commercial vehicles: length restrictions | Highways Miscellaneous |
AB 539 | Williams-D Vehicles: speeding: school zones: penalties | Miscellaneous |
AB 595 | Norby-R State highways: naming and designation by the Legislature | Highways |
AB 601 | Yamada-D Vehicles: transfer of interest: power of attorney | Miscellaneous |
AB 607 | Brownley-D Vehicles: public transit buses: illuminated signs | Miscellaneous |
AB 610* | Solorio-D Vehicles: specialized license plates | Miscellaneous |
AB 615 | Bonnie Lowenthal-D High-speed rail: Los Angeles to San Diego | High-Speed Rail |
AB 621 | Charles Calderon-D Vehicle rental agreements | Miscellaneous |
AB 628 | Conway-R Vehicles: off-highway vehicle recreation: County of Inyo | Miscellaneous |
AB 631 | Ma-D Electric vehicle charging stations | Miscellaneous |
AB 638 | Skinner-D Fuel resources | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
AB 650 | Blumenfield-D Blue Ribbon Task Force on Public Transportation | Development and Financing |
AB 656 | Huber-D Committees and commissions: repeal | Miscellaneous |
AB 662 | Hueso-D San Diego County Regional Airport Authority | Miscellaneous |
AB 674 | Bonilla-D Vehicles: registration fees | Miscellaneous |
AB 676 | Torres-D Transportation funds | Development and Financing |
AB 693 | Huffman-D Vehicle registration: organ and tissue donation | Miscellaneous |
AB 695 | Norby-R Vehicles: motorcycles: safety helmets: exceptions | Miscellaneous |
AB 706* | Torres-D Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority | Development and Financing |
AB 710 | Skinner-D Transit-oriented development | Development and Financing |
AB 716 | Dickinson-D Transit districts: prohibition orders | Miscellaneous |
AB 751* | Cedillo-D Freeway construction | Highways |
AB 753 | Monning-D Vehicles: rentals | Miscellaneous |
AB 807 | Solorio-D Vehicles: taxicab transportation services: periodic reports | Miscellaneous |
AB 812 | Ma-D Caltrans: use of asphalt | Highways |
AB 817 | Gatto-D Vehicle rental contracts | Miscellaneous |
AB 819 | Wieckowski-D Bikeways | Miscellaneous |
AB 845 | Ma-D Transportation: bond funds | Development and Financing High-Speed Rail |
AB 868 | Davis-D Transportation: hazardous waste | Miscellaneous |
AB 877 | Skinner-D Vehicles: nonfelony offenses and infractions | Miscellaneous |
AB 885 | Cook-R Vehicles: driver's licenses and identification cards | Miscellaneous |
AB 890 | Olsen-R Roadway improvements: CEQA exemption | Miscellaneous |
AB 892 | Carter-D Department of Transportation: environmental review process | Miscellaneous |
AB 907 | Ma-D Harbors and ports | Miscellaneous |
AB 937 | Mendoza-D Emission reduction control: vessels | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
AB 952 | Jones-R High-Speed Rail Authority: conflict of interest | High-Speed Rail |
AB 953 | Jones-R High-speed rail: ridership study | High-Speed Rail |
AB 957 | Assembly Transportation Committee Transportation omnibus bill | Development and Financing |
AB 977 | Harkey-R Harbors and ports: loans: OC Dana Point Harbor | Miscellaneous |
AB 981 | Hueso-D California Pollution Control Financing Authority | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
AB 994 | Cedillo-D Outdoor advertising | Highways |
AB 995 | Cedillo-D Forest development: environmental quality | Development and Financing |
AB 1008 | Cook-R Vehicles: automated traffic enforcement systems | Miscellaneous |
AB 1024 | Hueso-D Automobile insurance: low cost insurance | Miscellaneous |
AB 1025 | Skinner-D Harbors and ports: inland pilots | Miscellaneous |
AB 1031 | Donnelly-R Vehicles: driving under the influence | Miscellaneous |
AB 1041 | Ma-D Vehicles: delinquent parking violations: San Francisco | Miscellaneous |
AB 1061 | Eng-D Vehicles: consumer warranties | Miscellaneous |
AB 1063 | Bradford-D Automobile insurance: underinsured motorist coverage | Miscellaneous |
AB 1064 | Furutani-D Air quality ports | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
AB 1068* | Ma-D Transportation bond funds | Development and Financing |
AB 1092 | Bonnie Lowenthal-D High-speed rail: intercity | High-Speed Rail |
AB 1097 | Skinner-D Transit projects: domestic content | Development and Financing |
AB 1098 | Hagman-R Automobile insurance: unlawful practices | Miscellaneous |
AB 1099 | Bonnie Lowenthal-D Emissions standards: commercial motor vehicles | Motor Vehicle Emissions Highways |
AB 1104 | Pan-D Vehicles: driving-under-the-influence | Miscellaneous |
AB 1105 | Gordon-D High-occupancy toll lanes: roadway markings | Highways |
AB 1128 | Furutani-D Vehicles: Terminal Island Freeway: special permits | Highways |
AB 1134 | Bonilla-D Highways: Caltrans: project study reports | Highways |
AB 1143 | Dickinson-D Sacramento Regional Transit District: bonds | Development and Financing |
AB 1164 | Gordon-D Federal transportation funds | Development and Financing |
AB 1171 | Fong-D Vehicles: ski or toboggan on roadway | Miscellaneous |
AB 1180 | Bradford-D California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
AB 1182 | Roger Hernández-D Vehicles: CalWORKs eligibility: asset limits | Miscellaneous |
AB 1191 | Huber-D San Joaquin Regional Transit District | Development and Financing |
AB 1202 | Jeffries-R Vehicles: driver's license applicant: organ donations | Miscellaneous |
AB 1206 | Galgiani-D High-speed rail: contracts: small businesses | High-Speed Rail |
AB 1215 | Blumenfield-D Vehicles: electronic processing of documents | Miscellaneous |
AB 1229 | Feuer-D Vehicle emissions: funds | Motor Vehicle Emissions Highways |
AB 1242 | Achadjian-R Vehicles: special interest license plates: NASCAR | Miscellaneous |
AB 1256 | Bill Berryhill-R Air Resources Board: transported air pollutants | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
AB 1285 | Fuentes-D Regional greenhouse gas emission reduction program | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
AB 1291 | Davis-D Vehicles: existing and emerging technologies | Miscellaneous |
AB 1298 | Blumenfield-D Vehicles: parking: mobile billboard advertising displays | Miscellaneous |
AB 1308 | Miller-R Highway Users Tax Account: appropriation of funds | Highways |
AB 1309 | Miller-R Public roads: fire suppression | Highways |
AB 1311 | Miller-R Vehicles: automated speed enforcement systems | Miscellaneous |
AB 1314 | Wieckowski-D Air resources: alternative and renewable fuel | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
AB 1323 | Gatto-D Vehicles: vehicle theft crimes: investigative costs | Miscellaneous |
AB 1332 | Donnelly-R Air Resources Board: abolishment | Motor Vehicle Emissions |
AB 1352 | Logue-R Taxation: vehicle license fees: Nevada County | Miscellaneous |
AB 1358 | Fuentes-D Vehicles: misdemeanor violations: amnesty | Miscellaneous |
AB 1389 | Allen-D Vehicles: sobriety checkpoints: impoundment | Miscellaneous |
ACR 1 | Gatto-D Armenian Cathedral Complex | Highways |
ACR 15 | Conway-R Detective Monty L. Conley & Detective Joe R. Landin Highway | Highways |
ACR 31 | Olsen-R CHP Officer Earl Scott Memorial Highway | Highways |
ACR 33 | Harkey-R Officer Richard T. Steed Memorial Highway | Highways |
ACR 37 | Conway-R CHP Officer Justin W. McGrory Memorial Highway | Highways |
ACR 39 | Nielsen-R Deputy Dennis "Skip" Sullivan Memorial Bridge | Highways |
ACR 41 | Mitchell-D CHP Officer Philip Dennis Ortiz Memorial Highway | Highways |
ACR 46 | Butler-D Venice Japanese American Memorial Marker | Highways |
ACR 50 | Garrick-R Ronald Reagan Coronado Bridge | Highways |
ACR 58 | Knight-R Capt. Ted Hall and Eng. Arnie Quinones Memorial Interchange | Highways |
ACR 66 | V. Manuel Pérez-D Deputy Probation Officer Irene Rios Memorial Highway | Highways |
ACR 75 | Nielsen-R CHP Officer Charles T. Smith Memorial Highway | Highways |
ACR 76 | Chesbro-D CHP Officer Thomas R. Adams and CHP Officer Paul Jarske | Highways |
AJR 4 | Miller-R Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act | Development and Financing |
AJR 5 | Bonnie Lowenthal-D Transportation revenues | Development and Financing |
HR 7 | Bonnie Lowenthal-D California Teen Safe Driving Week | Miscellaneous |
HR 16 | Garrick-R Motorcycle Awareness Month | Miscellaneous |
AB 8X1* | Ma-D Transportation bond funds | Development and Financing |
AB 9X1 | Chesbro-D Vehicle license fees | Miscellaneous |
AB 22X1 | Blumenfield-D Vehicles: vehicle license fees | Miscellaneous |
AB 36X1* | Solorio-D Vehicle license fees | Miscellaneous |
AB 41X1* | Solorio-D Vehicle license fees | Miscellaneous |
AB 43X1 | Solorio-D Vehicle license fee adjustments: local government finance | Miscellaneous |
AB 44X1 | Charles Calderon-D Vehicle license fee revenues: local government finance | Miscellaneous |
ACA 2X1 | Blumenfield-D Vehicle license fee | Miscellaneous |