Military Base Reductions and Conversions

Military Base Legislation

Index Military Base Legislation

SB 376 (Ortiz-D) Military base closures: school districts

Provides that a school district that has lost 8% or more of its 1998-99 enrollment to military base closure may receive funding for 75% of the lost attendance for up to seven years. Applies to the Center Unified School District which anticipates a loss of pupils due to McClellan Air Force base closure.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 952 (McPherson-R) Fort Ord Reuse Authority

Appropriates $5.5 million to the Fort Ord Reuse Authority for base use infrastructure, the prevention of wildfires, and endangered species conservation.

(In Senate Local Government Committee)

SB 1099 (Knight-R) California Defense Retention and Conversion Act

Enacts the California Defense Retention and Conversion Act of 1999 to protect the existing defense facilities within the State and to assist those communities that have experienced base closings.

Chapter 425, Statutes of 1999

SB 1272 (Ortiz-D) McClellan Air Force Base.

Expands the Northgate enterprise zone in Sacramento to include McClellan Air Force Base.

(In Assembly International Trade and Development Committee)

SJR 3 (Burton-D) U.S. Coast Guard Training Facility: Petaluma

Requests the President and Congress and the U.S. Coast Guard to continue the operation of the U.S. Coast Guard Training Facility Petaluma.

Resolution Chapter 56, Statutes of 1999

SJR 9 (Lewis-R) U.S. Marine Air Station: commissary

Requests the President, U.S. Congress, the Secretary of Defense, Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Chief of Naval Operations, and the Marine Commandant to allow the continued operation of a commissary in Orange County after the closure of El Toro Air Station.

Resolution Chapter 67, Statutes of 1999

SJR 13 (Baca-D) Former military base property

Urges the U.S. President and Congress to enact legislation to transfer former military base property to local communities at no cost if the local communities use the property for job-generating economic development, and to forgive lease payments for communities that have already entered into agreements with the Department of Defense.

Resolution Chapter 75, Statutes of 1999

AB 264 (Mazzoni-D) Hamilton Airfield: redevelopment

Allows the redevelopment agency of the City of Novato to pay Marin County, the Novato Fire Protection District, or the Marin County College District any amounts of money that in the redevelopment agency's determination are appropriate to alleviate any financial burden or detriment caused to those other agencies by the Hamilton Field Redevelopment Project.

Chapter 38, Statutes of 1999

AB 861 (Campbell-R) Closed military bases: facilities

Allows community college districts to acquire and use facilities on closed military bases that meet specified structural safety requirements in lieu of the Field Act.

Chapter 179, Statutes of 1999

AB 960 (Alquist-D) Moffett Field

Requires the Trade and Commerce Agency to enter into an agreement with the NASA Ames Research Complex at Moffett Field upon the request of the complex, to establish the Center for California Business of the Future.

(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency, and Economic Development Committee)

AB 971 (Olberg-R) March Air Force Base: redevelopment

Relieves the March Joint Powers Redevelopment Authority from the obligation of making statutory pass-through payments to specified entities, based on a cooperative agreement between specified entities. Boosts property tax revenues to the Victor Valley Economic Redevelopment Authority (George Air Force Base).

Chapter 611, Statutes of 1999

AB 1479 (Bates-R) El Toro Military Base

Enacts the El Toro Development Authority Act which allows the County of Orange and the City of Irvine to establish the El Toro Development Authority as a joint powers agency that would be the single local reuse authority for Marine Corps Air Station El Toro military base.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1539 (Vincent-D) School finance: base closure

Makes a school district that received less federal impact aid for the 1998 federal fiscal year than it received for the 1996 federal fiscal year as a result of the closure of a facility operated by a branch of the United States Armed Forces in that school district's boundaries eligible to apply to the State Department of Education for a grant in an amount equal to the amount of the decrease in federal impact aid received, with the amount of the grant decreasing by 25% in each of the following three fiscal years.

(In Assembly Education Committee)



Top Index (in Bill Order)

BillAuthor and Bill TitleReference Links

SB 376

Military base closures: school districts

SB 952

Fort Ord Reuse Authority

SB 1099

California Defense Retention and Conversion Act

SB 1272

McClellan Air Force Base.


U.S. Coast Guard Training Facility: Petaluma


U.S. Marine Air Station: commissary

SJR 13

Former military base property

AB 264

Hamilton Airfield: redevelopment

AB 861

Closed military bases: facilities

AB 960

Moffett Field

AB 971

March Air Force Base: redevelopment

AB 1479

El Toro Military Base

AB 1539

School finance: base closure