Economic Development
World Trade and Tourism
Small Business
Labor Relations
Workers' Compensation
Unemployment Insurance
Financial Institutions
Economic Development
SB 1300 (Haynes-R) Neighborhood economic stimulus programs
Establishes the California New Markets Venture Capital (CNMVC) Program, which (1) authorizes the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency to enter into participation agreements with eligible CNMVC companies; (2) guarantees debentures of CNMVC companies, as specified; and (3) provides grants to CNMVC companies and technical assistance. Establishes the California Neighborhood Initiative.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1304 (Haynes-R) Job creation
Requires neighborhood development corporations to provide services that include economic development and job creation activities designed to attract private capital and investment into the community to provide technical or financial assistance.
(Died in Senate Banking, Commerce and International Trade Committee)
SB 1356* (Murray-D) Film California First Program: film costs
Expands eligible costs for which film production can receive reimbursements under the Film California First Program administered by the California Film Commission of the State Technology, Trade, and Commerce Agency.
Chapter 715, Statutes of 2002
SB 1495 (Torlakson-D) Balancing jobs and growth
Makes a change to the Jobs-Housing Incentive Grant Program to account for recent annexations or incorporations when calculating the issuance of residential building permits.
Chapter 503, Statutes of 2002
SB 1647* (Perata-D) Calif Economic Stimulus & Public Infrastructure Security
Authorizes, upon statewide approval by voters, the issuance of $1.045 billion in general obligation bonds for the purpose of funding improvements in local infrastructure, seaport and airport infrastructure, air quality, and water infrastructure, water safety, and water conservation.
(Died on Senate Unfinished Business File)
SB 1731 (Polanco-D) California & Mexico Border Economic Infrastructure Financing
Establishes the California and Mexico Border Infrastructure Financing Authority as a nonprofit corporation with specified membership authorized to issue revenue bonds.
Vetoed by the Governor
Similar legislation was SB 865 (Polanco-D), which died in Assembly Appropriations Committee, and AB 2562 (Vargas-D), which failed passage in the Senate Governmental Organization Committee.
SB 1792 (Vasconcellos-D) California Economic Strategy Panel: appointments
Requires that the Governor's appointments to the California Economic Strategy Panel be for a four-year term. Provides that four members shall be appointed on January 1, 2003, to four-year terms with new appointments every four years thereafter, and that four members shall be appointed on January 1, 2005, with new appointments every four years thereafter.
Chapter 307, Statutes of 2002
SB 1810 (Vasconcellos-D) State Technology, Trade, and Commerce Agency
Specifies that one of the duties of the State Technology, Trade, and Commerce Agency shall be developing a biennial strategic plan with regard to state economic development programs and resources, as prescribed.
(Died in Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 2010* (Alpert-D) Community renewal
Authorizes the State Tax Credit Allocation Committee to become the State's Commercial Revitalization Agency to administer the Federal Community Renewal Tax Relief Act of 2000.
Chapter 1086, Statutes of 2002
SCR 91 (Knight-R) "Partnerships for Preparedness" symposiums
Commends the Office of Military Base Retention and Reuse within the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency for its efforts, including its sponsorship of the "Partnership for Preparedness" symposiums, and encourages other California cities, counties, and military bases to participate in these symposiums.
Resolution Chapter 133, Statutes of 2002
AB 112 (Longville-D) California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank
Includes the acquisition of sensitive "wildlife habitat" as an eligible project for financing from the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 278 (Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee) Personal income and bank and corporation taxes: credit
Increases the manufacturers' investment credit from six percent to seven percent. Extends the sunset for the credit, and for the new manufacturers' sales tax exemption, from 2001 to 2008.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 410 (Salinas-D) Rural programs
Extends the operation of the California Rural Policy Task Force until January 1, 2007, and expands its membership. Repeals current reporting requirements and requires agencies and departments to participate in a plan to improve services to rural areas.
Chapter 558, Statutes of 2002
AB 502 (Frommer-D) California Film Finance Act
Enacts the California Film First Act to require the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency to administer a program to guarantee qualified loans for film producers in California. Establishes the California Finance Fund and continuously appropriates the monies in that fund.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 692 (Aroner-D) Human services
Establishes the California Savings and Asset Project to match low-income participants' savings in Individual Development Accounts.
Chapter 1024, Statutes of 2002
AB 983* (Briggs-R) Enterprise zones: City of Fresno
Allows governing body of the Fresno Enterprise Zone to reconfigure its boundaries with approval of the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency.
(Failed passage in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1470 (Reyes-D) Business, Transportation and Housing Agency: offices
Moves the duties of the State Office of Local Development, the State Office of Business Development, the State Office of Small Business and the State Economic Adjustment Unit from the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency to the State Business, Transportation and Housing Agency.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1846 (Correa-D) Enterprise zones
Provides that all enterprise zones, not just those designated prior to 1990, may be granted an extension to 20 years, if it also meets the other requirements (successful audit and submission of an economic development plan).
(Failed passage in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 2129 (Kelley-R) Local capital investment incentives
Expands the definition of a qualified manufacturing facility eligible for local capital investment incentive amounts to include an electricity powerplant that uses solar, wind, geothermal, solid-fuel biomass, or digester gas.
(Died in Senate Local Government Committee)
AB 2313 (Chu-D) Economic development
Adds the declaration of a disaster area by the United States Secretary of Agriculture to the list of circumstances that qualify for use of funds in the Califiornia Small Business Expansion Fund. Deletes obsolete provisions regarding the amount of starting capital for the Defense Retention Grant Program, and limits the amount of the grants made by the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency under the program.
Chapter 436, Statutes of 2002
AB 2342 (Salinas-D) Enterprise zones
Requires the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency, in designating an enterprise zone, to additionally consider the geographic location and community size of the proposed enterprise zone. Authorizes the designation of an additional two enterprise zones by the agency.
(Died in Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee)
AB 2410 (Frommer-D) Employment: motion picture industry
Requires the State Employment Development Department, in consultation with the film and movie industry, the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency and the California Film Commission to research and maintain data on film industry employment.
Chapter 1042, Statutes of 2002
AB 2476 (Rod Pacheco-R) Balancing jobs with housing
Authorizes the State Department of Housing and Community Development to distribute funds for local, region, or interregional studies that address interregional impacts relating to transportation systems, traffic congestion, and long commutes that result, in part, from the imbalance of jobs and housing.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2501 (Diaz-D) Community Technology Center Competitive Grant Program
Establishes the Community Technology Center Competitive Grant Program through the California Workforce Investment Board to develop and administer a competitive grant program to community-based, nonprofit organizations for the purpose of funding community technology centers.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2561 (Vargas-D) Business improvement districts
Provides a streamlined process for forming a business improvement district incorporating a mass transit station.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2927 (Wiggins-D) California Workforce Investment Board: statewide workforce
Statutorily requires the California Workforce Investment Board to develop an annual local and statewide education and job report card, evaluating performances by programs.
(Died at Senate Desk)
AB 2974 (Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee) State Technology, Trade, and Commerce Agency
Requires the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency to develop a five-year strategic plan, to be completed by August 1, 2003, to address priorities, goals, and measurable success criteria.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2977 (Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee) Economic development: enterprise zones
Authorizes a city, county, or city and county to apply to the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency for the reconfiguration of no more than 10 percent of the existing geographic boundary of an enterprise zone.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 3000* (Assembly Budget Committee) State and local government
The Omnibus Budget Trailer Bill to general government, which makes a number of statutory changes to the State Department of Industrial Relations to implement the state budget.
Chapter 1124, Statutes of 2002
ACR 238 (Bogh-R) California Economic Literacy Week
Recognizes the week of October 7, 2002, to October 11, 2002, as Economic Literacy Week and urges Californians to observe these days by working for a better understanding of our economic system.
Resolution Chapter 179, Statutes of 2002

World Trade and Tourism
SB 945 (Machado-D) International trade development
Requires the Secretary of the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency to designate a liaison for international trade development.
(Died in Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee)
SB 1286* (Haynes-R) Income and bank and corporation taxes: net operating losses
Allows 100 percent carry-forward for up to 20 years of net operating losses incurred from September 1, 2001 through the end of 2003, for businesses in the "tourism industry", comprising overnight accommodations (hotels, inns, motels, bed and breakfast facilities and campgrounds), eating establishments, recreational facilities (movie theaters, amusement parks, museums and tourist attractions) and transportation services and travel services. Intended to provide a needed tax benefit to businesses in these industries hard hit by reduced economic activity attributable to the 9-11 terrorist attacks and the consequent substantial drop-off in tourism and related industries.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 1657 (Scott-D) Republic of Armenia
Requires the establishment of an international trade and investment office in the Republic of Armenia and requires the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency to report to the Legislature by March 1, 2005 on specified items.
Chapter 863, Statutes of 2002
SB 1683 (Polanco-D) Technology, Trade, and Commerce Agency: international trade
Transfers oversight of the World Trade Commission (WTC) to the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency (TTCA) from the International Trade and Investment Division within TTCA and expands the responsibilities of the WTC.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1900 (McPherson-R) California Tourism Marketing Act
Makes revisions to the California Tourism Marketing Act. The revisions are (1) extending the term between referendums to every six years, commencing January 1, 2007, (2) providing that only 10 percent of assessed businesses are required to call for a referendum to terminate the California Travel and Tourism Commission (Commission), and (3) allows the Commission to be terminated at any time by a referendum called by a weighted 10 percent of the assessed businesses.
Chapter 474, Statutes of 2002
SJR 39 (Burton-D) Cuba: removal of restrictions
Urges the President and Congress of the United States to consider the removal of trade, financial and travel restrictions to Cuba.
Resolution Chapter 136, Statutes of 2002
AB 552 (Firebaugh-D) Office of California-Mexico Affairs: advisory committee
Establishes, within the Office of California-Mexico Affairs, an advisory committee to conduct a study on potential California-based economic development programs in Mexico.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 625 (Oropeza-D) International trade and investment offices: proposals
Requires proponents of any new international trade and investment office (ITIO), beginning January 1, 2003, to submit a proposed business plan to the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency (TTCA). Requires TTCA to evaluate the business plans (if funds are available to do so) and submit specific information on the evaluations to the Legislature. Prohibits the establishment of new ITIOs between January 1, 2003, and January 1, 2005.
Chapter 1125, Statutes of 2002
AB 627 (Oropeza-D) Technology, Trade, and Commerce Agency
Requires, to the extent funds are available, the California State University to conduct a study and report on existing delivery systems for export services for businesses in the state.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 704 (Cedillo-D) Tourism: conventions and convention centers
Requires the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency to develop and implement a convention and convention center infrastructure plan within the California Tourism Commission by July 1, 2002. Specifies that the plan is to be updated every five years.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 3000* (Assembly Budget Committee) State and local government
The omnibus budget trailer bill to general government which, among other provisions, provide for a business plan to be done for any new international trade office.
Chapter 1124, Statutes of 2002
AJR 33 (Robert Pacheco-R) Trade Promotion Authority
Memorializes the Congress and the President of the United States to enact Trade Promotion Authority.
(Died in Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee)

Small Business
SB 1033 (Knight-R) Disabled veteran business enterprises
Creates an additional three percent bid preference for certified small businesses that also are certified as disabled veteran business enterprises.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1666 (McPherson-R) Employment Training Panel: funds
Permits the Employment Training Panel to allocate funds in the Employment Training Fund for small business skills training of small business owners who meet specified criteria.
(Died in Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 1877 (Johnson-R) Health care
Repeals the sunset date on legislation permitting qualified associations to offer their members a health care service plan and to pass administrative savings onto small business employers.
Chapter 227, Statutes of 2002
AB 482 (Cedillo-D) Healthy Families Program
Expands the Healthy Families Program (HFP) to small employers, provides a 50 percent state subsidy of employees with incomes below 250 percent of the Federal Poverty Level, and requires employees to pay the HFP premium with the employer required to pay the remaining costs.
(Died in Senate Insurance Committee)
AB 1822 (Vargas-D) Small business
Establishes the Construction Contractors Line of Credit and Credit Management (CCLCCM) program within the Office of Small Business, which creates a demonstration project, under the CCLCCM, in Southern California, to provide business counseling, technical assistance and loan guarantees to small construction contractors.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2178 (Goldberg-D) Health care
Extends the requirements placed on health care service plans and health insurers (health plans) selling to small employers, which currently apply to health plans selling to employers with two to 50 eligible employees, to health plans selling to an employer subject to a local living wage law.
Chapter 649, Statutes of 2002
AB 2323 (Wyman-R) Bid preferences: disabled veteran business enterprises
Establishes a five percent bid preference on state contracts for certified disabled veteran business enterprises (DVBE), not to exceed $50,000 per bid. Allows the DVBE preference to be combined with other bid preferences up to $100,000.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2448 (Dickerson-R) Health care
Extends the requirements placed on health care service plans and health insurers (health plans) selling to small employers, which currently apply to health plans selling to employers with two to 50 eligible employees, to health plans selling to employers with two to 200 eligible employees. Allows an employer purchasing coverage through the state's now-privatized purchasing pool (known as PacAdvantage) for small employers to be eligible to participate in the purchasing pool, if the employer has up to 200 eligible employees.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 2932 (Florez-D) Small business development corporations
Authorizes the Executive Director of the California Office of Small Business to establish a single loan guarantee account within the California Small Business Development Fund, instead of a separate account for each of the 11 small business financial development corporations.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

Labor Relations
SB 2 (Murray-D) Employment: personal service contracts
Institutes a damages framework payable by a recording artist to a recording label for the breach of a personal service contract at its automatic seven-year expiration.
(Died in Assembly Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism, and Internet Media Committee)
Similar legislation was SB 1246 (Murray-D), which died in the Assembly Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism, and Internet Media Committee, and SB 2080 (Murray-D), which died in Senate Judiciary Committee.
SB 278 (Machado-D) Public works
Requires the body awarding a contract for a public works project financed in any part with funds made available by the Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Act of 2002 to adopt and enforce a labor compliance program.
Chapter 892, Statutes of 2002
Similar legislation was SB 1993 (Machado-D), which died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee.
SB 783 (Escutia-D) Whistleblowers
Amends the whistleblower protection statute to mandate reporting of improper activity to the Attorney General (AG) when companies and their management have actual knowledge of wrongdoing. Provides top company officials be subject to civil penalties for failing to report such wrongdoing. Requires the AG maintain a hotline for the receipt of whistleblowing complaints.
Vetoed by the Governor
Similar legislation was SB 1452 (Escutia-D), which died in Assembly Judiciary Committee.
SB 972 (Costa-D) Public works: prevailing wages
Provides for exemptions from prevailing wage requirements for the construction or rehabilitation of privately-owned residential projects, as specified.
Chapter 1048, Statutes of 2002
SB 1027 (Romero-D) Overtime requirements: nurses and health care employees
Prohibits compulsory overtime for public and private industry registered nurses or health care industry employees after the conclusion of an employee's applicable daily work schedule and after 40 hours in a work week, except during a declared state of emergency.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
SB 1236 (Alarcon-D) Labor and Workforce Development Agency
Implements the Governor's Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 2002, which creates a State Labor and Workforce Development Agency in state government and creates a Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development. Specifies that the agency consist of the State Department of Industrial Relations, the State Department of Employment Development, the Agricultural Labor Relations Board, and the Workforce Investment Board.
Chapter 859, Statutes of 2002
SB 1363 (McClintock-R) Labor standards: consultation unit
Establishes a labor standards consultation unit in the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement of the State Department of Industrial Relations for the purpose of providing consultation services to employers regarding compliance with state labor laws and regulations.
(Failed passage in Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 1419 (Alarcon-D) Personal services contracting
Establishes standards for the use of personal service contracts in California school districts and community college districts.
Chapter 894, Statutes of 2002
SB 1466 (Alarcon-D) Contracts for labor or services
Provides that any person or entity that enters into a contract for labor or services, in specified industries, that knows, or should know, that the contract does not provide sufficient funds to comply with various laws, violates state law, and employees will be able to recover actual damages through civil action. Provides a rebuttable presumption that a person or entity that enters into a voluntary written agreement with specified criteria does not violate the proposed law.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1471 (Romero-D) Sick leave
Provides that an employer absence control policy, which counts sick leave used to care for a child, parent, spouse, or domestic partner as the absence, which may lead to or result in discipline, discharge, demotion, or suspension, shall constitute a per se violation of the law relating to sick leave.
Chapter 1107, Statutes of 2002
SB 1538 (Burton-D) Employment arbitration agreements
Makes it an unlawful practice to require an employee to waive any rights or procedures under the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), and makes unenforceable any predispute arbitration agreement between an employer and employee that violates the above prohibition. Prohibits an employer from taking any adverse employment action against a person for refusing to waive rights or procedures under FEHA, and makes related legislative findings.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1591 (Burton-D) Unemployment: job and preparation training
Requires the State Department of Employment Development to establish standards and criteria regarding construction industry jobs under the Workforce Investment Act, successor to the Job Training and Partnership Act, and prohibits the establishment of Welfare-to-Work positions in the construction industry, under specified conditions.
Chapter 1142, Statutes of 2002
SB 1818 (Romero-D) Employment laws: enforcement actions
Makes various legislative findings related to the applicability of California's employment, civil rights, housing and health laws to persons, regardless of immigration status.
Chapter 1071, Statutes of 2002
SB 1886 (Torlakson-D) Elevators and other conveyances
Establishes a comprehensive statutory scheme to regulate elevator safety.
Chapter 1149, Statutes of 2002
SB 1945 (Kuehl-D) Discrimination
Redefines the term for filing a complaint with the State Department of Fair Employment and Housing for an alleged violation of California's hate crimes prohibition (the Ralph Civil Rights Act), for a period of one more year from the date the aggrieved person became aware of the identity of a person liable for an alleged violation and, in no case, more than three years.
Chapter 490, Statutes of 2002
AB 181 (Koretz-D) Employment: minimum wage
Enacts the Living Wage Act, which requires the Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) to establish the hourly minimum wage at not less than $7.25, effective January 1, 2003, $7.75, effective January 1, 2004, $8.25, effective January 1, 2005, and $8.75, effective January 1, 2005. Thereafter, requires the IWC to adjust the minimum wage annually, as specified, to maintain employee purchasing power.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 925 (Aroner-D) Employment of persons with disabilities
Revises and expands programs to assist persons with disabilities to become employed.
Chapter 1088, Statutes of 2002
AB 1087 (Calderon-D) Apprenticeships: electricians
Requires electricians who perform high voltage work to obtain state certification. Establishes a date certain for specified electricians who have met standards for training and competency to be certified, and requires the state to issue certification cards. Specifies that apprentices in state or federally approved programs are exempt.
Chapter 48, Statutes of 2002
AB 1131 (Frommer-D) Apprenticeship programs
Restricts state funding of apprenticeship training programs to those programs which have been approved by the Division of Apprenticeship Standards of the State Department of Industrial Relations.
Chapter 11, Statutes of 2002
AB 1146 (Chan-D) Fair Employment and Housing Act
Codifies existing case law which tolls the statutory time period by which employment discrimination complainants must initiate a civil action under state law for a specified period in particular cases.
Chapter 294, Statutes of 2002
AB 1309 (Goldberg-D) Employment: reports
Codifies an existing regulatory requirement that employers and labor organizations, with 100 or more members, file annually a report on the gender and ethnic composition of their workforce with the State Department of Fair Employment and Housing.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1404 (Cox-R) Working hours: flexible schedule
Allows certain individual health care workers to adopt an alternative work week schedule with the consent of the employer.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 1448 (Maddox-R) Prevailing wage laws
Repeals the sunset date so that a prime contractor will not become liable for violation by a subcontractor on a public works project for specified duties related to certified payroll records and overtime pay.
Chapter 28, Statutes of 2002
AB 1453 (Koretz-D) Hours of employment: ski establishments
Provides that a person employed by a ski establishment is subject to the eight-hour day and 40-hour week overtime provisions of existing law.
(Died at Assembly Desk)
AB 1506 (Wesson-D) Public works
Requires an awarding body that chooses to use funds from the School Bonds Act to initiate and enforce a labor compliance program, as specified.
Chapter 868, Statutes of 2002
AB 1599 (Negrete McLeod-D) Age discrimination in employment
Broadens the legal prohibition on employment discrimination based on age.
Chapter 525, Statutes of 2002
AB 1649 (Goldberg-D) Discrimination
Expands the definition of "sex" to include gender for anti-harassment and discrimination purposes.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 1676 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Minimum labor standards: data base of violations
Requires the Labor Commissioner to develop and maintain a statewide data base of labor standards violations.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1677 (Koretz-D) Working conditions
Establishes a statutory deadline of January 31, 2003, for the Labor Commissioner to appoint an advisory committee on garment manufacturing. Makes various changes to wage, hour and meal period requirements under existing law.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1900 (Nakano-D) Labor History Week
Deems the first week of April to be Labor History Week and encourages school districts to commemorate that week with appropriate educational exercises that make pupils aware of the role that the labor movement has played in shaping California and the United States.
Chapter 366, Statutes of 2002
AB 2029 (Canciamilla-D) Employment: employee fund statements
Requires annual statements of employer contributions to employee funds to include more data.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 2118* (Dickerson-R) Cal-OSHA: volunteer firefighters
Delays the applicability of the California Occupational Safety and Health Act to volunteer firefighters until January 1, 2004, except as to claims that arose between January 1, 2002, and the effective date of this bill.
Chapter 368, Statutes of 2002
AB 2189 (Koretz-D) Displaced contract transit employees
Requires a public transit service contractor to retain the employees of a former contractor providing such services during a 60-day transition employment period.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2195 (Corbett-D) Workplace protections
Extends existing protections against adverse employment actions against victims of domestic violence who take time off from work, as specified, to victims of sexual assault.
Chapter 275, Statutes of 2002
AB 2242 (Koretz-D) Payment of wages
Provides for the indexing of the state minimum wage each January, calculated by using a state Consumer Price Index.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 2412 (Diaz-D) Enforcement of employees' access to payroll records
Requires an employer, who receives a request from a current or former employee, to inspect or copy his/her payroll records to comply as soon as practicable, but in any event, within 21 calendar days.
Chapter 933, Statutes of 2002
AB 2509 (Goldberg-D) Labor standards: local jurisdiction
Allows local government agencies to impose labor standards, more stringent than those required by state law, on local projects which receive state funding.
Chapter 298, Statutes of 2002
AB 2590 (Cogdill-R) Prevailing wages
Provides that the Director of the State Department of Industrial Relations shall, in addition to existing regional wage determinations, determine a basic trades general prevailing wage for the central valley region.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 2752 (Alquist-D) Discrimination against injured workers
Provides that it is an unlawful employment practice for an employer to subject an employee to adverse employment action, as defined, if the employee participates in protected activities, as specified, including refusal to work under dangerous or hazardous conditions, as specified. Increases penalties for a violation of this provision.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2827 (Diaz-D) Apprenticeship programs: graduation rate study
Requires the State to conduct a study on the graduation rates of apprenticeship programs. Requires a graduation study on construction-related apprenticeship programs.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2837 (Koretz-D) Safety in employment
Revises reporting and investigation procedures of workplace accidents resulting in serious injury or death, and the investigation and prosecution of criminal violations of such accidents, and adds civil and criminal penalties for failure to report accidents.
Chapter 885, Statutes of 2002
AB 2845 (Goldberg-D) Safety in employment
Requires the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board to revise ergonomic standards designed to reduce repetitive motion injuries in the workplace on or before July 1, 2004.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2868* (Wright-D) Personal information reporting
Makes various revisions in AB 655 (Wright-D), Chapter 354, Statutes of 2001, regarding investigative consumer reports that are used as a basis for offering employment, housing and insurance, as specified. This is a companion bill to AB 1068 (Wright-D).
Chapter 1029, Statutes of 2002
AB 2895 (Shelley-D) Private employment: working conditions
Prohibits an employer from requiring an employee to refrain from disclosing information about the employers working conditions.
Chapter 934, Statutes of 2002
AB 2942 (Koretz-D) Employee wages and working hours: violators
Requires the Labor Commissioner to provide notice to the appropriate state tax audit authorities when he/she determines that an employer has violated specified laws regarding wages, hours and working conditions.
(Died in Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
AB 2957 (Koretz-D) Employment: mass layoffs, relocations, and terminations
Supplements the federal plant closure law, by requiring notification of layoffs, terminations, and relocations, which affect 499 or fewer employees. Specifies that violators are liable for back wages and civil penalties.
Chapter 780, Statutes of 2002
AB 2985 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Private employment: wages and hours
Requires the Labor and Workforce Development Agency to contract for a study of existing enforcement of wage and hour laws, including available state and federal funding, to be submitted to the Legislature by December 31, 2003.
Chapter 662, Statutes of 2002
AB 2986 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Employment safety
Requires the safety and health research program of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health to conduct research for the improvement of occupational safety and health of employees in the construction industry, with a focus on fall related injuries and deaths and current programs, including safety training, for prevention of such injuries and deaths.
(Died in Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)
AB 2987 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Employment: penalties
Increases various civil penalties for labor law violations.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2988 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Cal-OSHA targeted inspection and consultation program
Restores the authority of the State Franchise Tax Board to collect delinquent fees under the California Occupational Safety and Health Act Targeted Inspection and Consultation Program.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2989 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Wages: severance pay
Provides, in the event of a lay off, termination or relocation, that employees are entitled to severance pay, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2990 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Employment: retaliation
Provides that, if a person discharges an employee or demotes, suspends, or reduces the hours of work or pay of an employee within 30 days after the employee has exercised any of the rights enumerated in the Labor Code, there is a rebuttable presumption affecting the burden of proof that the person's action was retaliatory.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2991 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) State Department of Industrial Relations: duties
Requires the State Department of Industrial Relations to report quarterly to the Legislature the amount of wages, penalties, and assessments referred to the State Franchise Tax Board for collection, the amount collected from each employer, and the actual costs of collection.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
ACR 49 (Liu-D) The Equal Pay Act
Declares April 3, 2001, to be "Equal Pay Day" and urges California citizens to recognize the full value of women's skills and contributions to the labor force.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 186 (Alquist-D) Equal Pay Day
Declares April 16, 2002 to be Equal Pay Day and urges citizens to recognize the full value of women's skills and contributions to the labor force.
Resolution Chapter 34, Statutes of 2002
ACR 239 (Firebaugh-D) Labor negotiations
Urges the Pacific Maritime Association and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union to continue good faith negotiation on their pending labor agreement.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AJR 36 (Wiggins-D) Project labor agreements
Memorializes the President and Congress to fully support the current practice of project labor agreements and overturn federal Executive Order 13202 and any other attempt to curtail the use of project labor agreements.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
AJR 37 (Lowenthal-D) Labor negotiations: waterfront workers
Declares the opposition of the California Legislature to any action by the President and the administration that imposes a federal injunction against waterfront workers, remove waterfront workers from the coverage of the National Labor Relations Act, or send military personnel to west coast docks to assist in a lockout of the waterfront workers.
Resolution Chapter 193, Statutes of 2002

Workers' Compensation
SB 1351 (Chesbro-D) Workers' compensation: leave of absence for disability
Extends the leave-of-absence in lieu of temporary disability benefits for injured public safety employees ("4850 time") to injured county welfare fraud investigators, who are peace officers as specified in the Penal Code, and to investigators in the San Luis Obispo County District Attorney's Office.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1395 (Machado-D) Workers' compensation: peace officers
Extends the skin cancer presumption to employees who are peace officers of the State Department of Fish and Game and the State Department of Parks and Recreation.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1407 (Burton-D) Workers' compensation
Requires the Insurance Commissioner to receive a report prepared by the licensed rating organization on the potential underreporting of workers' compensation exposure in the taxicab industry by May 1, 2003.
Chapter 893, Statutes of 2002
SB 1705 (Burton-D) Disability evaluation: acupuncturist
Permits an acupuncturist to determine disability for the purpose of workers' compensation or nonindustrial disability.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)
SB 1713 (Peace-D) Workers' compensation: leave of absence for disability
Expresses the intent of the Legislature to extend the leave-of-absence in lieu of temporary disability benefits for injured public safety employees time to employees for the State Youth and Adult Correctional Agency, and employees of the State Department of Mental Health, who are assigned to a correctional facility and have peace officer status.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1829 (Polanco-D) Workers' compensation: vocational rehabilitation
Requires that prior to entering into a settlement agreement whereby an employee may receive a one-time payment not to exceed $10,000 for the employee's use in self-directed vocational rehabilitation, a qualified rehabilitation representative shall fully disclose and explain to the employee the nature and quality of the rights and privileges being waived.
(Died in Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 2011 (Burton-D) Judicial branch employees
Specifies that the trial courts are legally uninsured in the same way the state, as an employer, is legally uninsured for workers' compensation.
Chapter 905, Statutes of 2002
AB 262 (Correa-D) Workers' compensation
Requires the continuation of death benefits payments under the Workers' Compensation Law to a totally dependent minor child of a local safety member or patrol member, as defined, if the member was killed in the line of duty prior to January 1, 1990.
Chapter 589, Statutes of 2002
AB 486 (Steinberg-D) Workers' Compensation Appeals Board: composition
Makes technical, clarifying and substantive changes to AB 749 (Calderon-D), Chapter 6, Statutes of 2002, the comprehensive workers' compensation bill enacted in February and effective in 2003.
Chapter 866, Statutes of 2002
AB 749 (Calderon-D) Workers' compensation: administration and benefits
Increases workers' compensation benefits and establishes cost-saving reforms in the administration of the workers' compensation system.
Chapter 6, Statutes of 2002
AB 1808 (Richman-R) Workers' compensation: physicians
Establishes a Qualified Workers' Compensation Physician (QWCP) certification program and requires a physician who treats injured workers to be certified as a QWCP.
(Failed passage in Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1809 (Richman-R) Workers' compensation: medical services: fee schedule
Requires all medical services provided to an injured worker to be subject to an official medical fee schedule promulgated by the Administrative Director of the State Department of Industrial Relations based on the Medicare resource-based relative value scale.
(Failed passage in Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1820 (Strom-Martin-D) Meningitis: tuberculosis: firefighters
Extends the tuberculosis and meningitis rebuttable presumptions to volunteer and partly paid firefighters.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1982 (Bogh-R) Workers' compensation: advanced disability pension benefits
Requires specified entities that are members of the State Public Employees' Retirement System, subject to the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937, or subject to the Los Angeles City Employees Retirement Systems, to make advanced disability payments to employees, as specified.
Chapter 189, Statutes of 2002
AB 1985 (Calderon-D) Insurance: workers' compensation: state rate supervision
Clarifies the authority of the Insurance Commissioner to regulate workers' compensation insurers solvency.
Chapter 873, Statutes of 2002
AB 2008* (Correa-D) Workers' compensation: death benefits
Makes a technical correction to AB 262 (Correa-D), Chapter 589, Statutes of 2002, which provided for the continuation of death benefits payments to totally dependent minor children in the care of certain local safety and patrol members who were covered by the State Public Employees' Retirement System and who were killed in the line of duty.
Chapter 296, Statutes of 2002
AB 2078* (Kelley-R) Joint powers authorities: self-insurance
Defines "self-insurance claims or losses", where two or more health care districts have joined to pool their self-insurance claims, to include claims or losses incurred pursuant to specified workers' compensation provisions.
Chapter 750, Statutes of 2002
AB 2125 (Negrete McLeod-D) Workers' compensation: Lyme disease
Creates a rebuttable presumption that Lyme disease that develops or manifests itself, with respect to specified state peace officers and members of the California Conservation Corps, arises out of and in the course of employment.
Chapter 876, Statutes of 2002
AB 2131 (Bogh-R) Workers' compensation: advanced disability pension benefits
Provides for reimbursement of advanced disability pension payments made by a local agency, as specified.
Chapter 877, Statutes of 2002
AB 2183 (Daucher-R) Workers' compensation
Requires the Administrative Director of the Division of Workers' Compensation to annually update the workers' compensation inpatient hospital fee schedule procedure and diagnostic codes to be consistent with federal Medicare codes.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 2192 (Chavez-D) Workers' compensation insurance: rating information
Provides that a licensed rating organization (Workers' Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau) may not enter into a contract or other agreement that prohibits information service companies in the business of publishing or providing experience rating information to receive and provide to others experience rating information, as specified.
Chapter 879, Statutes of 2002
AB 2492 (Dickerson-R) Workers' compensation: injury: lower back impairment
Establishes a compensable injury presumption under the Workers' Compensation Law for lower back impairment for several classifications of peace officers employed by state and local agencies.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2611 (Richman-R) Workers' compensation: administration and benefits
Proposes numerous changes in how the workers' compensation system is administered, how health care providers are qualified and trained, how injuries are determined, rated and apportioned, and how benefits are distributed.
(Failed passage in Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 2816 (Shelley-D) Workers' compensation: contractors: temporary labor
Requires that, when a temporary agency enters into a contract with a licensed contractor to provide the licensed contractor with the services of an individual, the temporary agency must pay the workers' compensation premiums for that individual based on the experience modification of the licensed contractor. Clarifies that the temporary agency shall be solely responsible for workers' compensation for that individual.
Chapter 1098, Statutes of 2002
AB 3000* (Assembly Budget Committee) State and local government
The Omnibus Budget Trailer bill to general government, which, among other provisions, provides for the transfer of $850,000 from the Workers' Compensation Administration Revolving Fund to the General Fund.
Chapter 1124, Statutes of 2002

Unemployment Insurance
SB 467 (Scott-D) Disability insurance
Authorizes the State Employment Development Department (EDD) to terminate an employers voluntary plan for coverage of disability benefits with good cause, and authorizes EDD to pay benefits from the Disability Fund to eligible claimants covered by voluntary plans terminated by EDD.
Chapter 52, Statutes of 2002
SB 1128 (Kuehl-D) Unemployment insurance: employee status
Provides that an unemployment insurance eligibility determination of whether a person is an employee or an independent contractor shall incorporate the principles of a California Supreme Court decision. Declares and finds that various labor laws are part of an overall social insurance program.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)
SB 1245 (Alarcon-D) Unemployment insurance: extended benefits
Revises the state's trigger mechanism for its participation in a federal-state extended unemployment insurance benefits program and requires a study of the Unemployment Insurance Fund's solvency.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
SB 1249 (Alarcon-D) Unemployment insurance
Increases the amount recipients of unemployment insurance (UI) benefits can earn from part-time work while still receiving UI benefits from $25 or 25 percent of wages payable to the $50 or 40 percent of wages payable.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1591 (Burton-D) Unemployment: job and preparation training
Requires the State Employment Development Department to establish standards and criteria regarding construction industry jobs under the Workforce Investment Act, successor to the Job Training and Partnership Act, and prohibits the establishment of Welfare-to-Work positions in the construction industry, under specified circumstances.
Chapter 1142, Statutes of 2002
SB 1661 (Kuehl-D) Family temporary disability insurance
Creates, within the state disability insurance program, a family temporary disability insurance program to provide up to six weeks of wage replacement benefits to workers who take time off work to care for a seriously ill child, spouse, parent, domestic partner, or to bond with a new child.
Chapter 901, Statutes of 2002
SB 2XXX (Alarcon-D) Unemployment insurance: benefits compensation
Applies the increases in unemployment benefits that were enacted last year and become effective January 1, 2002, retroactively to any claims for the period covering September 11, 2001, and thereafter.
Chapter 4, Statutes of 2001-02, Third Extraordinary Session
AB 1729 (Assembly Insurance Committee) Unemployment insurance
Corrects, updates, and repeals outdated provisions of the Unemployment Insurance Code.
Chapter 29, Statutes of 2002
AB 1761* (Papan-D) Unemployment insurance: benefits
Applies the increases in unemployment benefits that were enacted last year and became effective January 1, 2002, retroactively to any claims for the period covering July 1, 2001, and thereafter. Increases, by $100, the maximum weekly unemployment compensation benefit for new claims for an individual whose highest wages in the quarter of his or her base period exceeded a specified amount.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1932 (Horton-D) Unemployment insurance: disability benefit claims
Extends the period during which the state can reconsider a determination made with respect to disability insurance benefits.
Chapter 403, Statutes of 2002
AB 2096 (Dutra-D) Unemployment insurance: manufactured home salespersons
Excludes individuals performing services as manufactured home salespersons from the definition of employee under the Unemployment Insurance Code.
(Died in Assembly Insurance)
AB 2149 (Chu-D) Unemployment insurance: disability benefits
Permits employees of the State of California and the California State University to be covered by the State Disability Insurance program.
Chapter 878, Statutes of 2002
AB 2771 (Migden-D) Unemployment insurance: benefits
Prohibits additional work search requirements on an unemployment insurance recipient because the recipient has worked for a temporary service or leasing employer.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2921 (Shelley-D) Unemployment compensation
Authorizes unemployment compensation benefits for an individual who left work because of a trade dispute, if specified conditions are satisfied.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 2929 (Kehoe-D) Wage garnishment
Authorizes the state to use registered or certified mail to serve an earnings withholding order on an employer, in order to collect disability or unemployment compensation overpayments to the state made to an employee of that employer.
Chapter 890, Statutes of 2002
AB 3010 (Assembly Budget Committee) Unemployment insurance
Provides an alternate base period to be used for claimants whose earnings under the current system do not qualify the individual for unemployment insurance.
Vetoed by the Governor
AJR 42 (Calderon-D) Unemployment insurance system
Urges the President and Congress to withdraw the President's proposal to surrender the federal responsibility of administering the Unemployment Insurance Program to the states.
Resolution Chapter 123, Statutes of 2002

Financial Institutions
SB 426 (Ortiz-D) Money transmissions
Requires that money transmitters post the exchange rates and fees for certain currencies and transmission services. Requires transmitters to report quarterly to the State Department of Financial Institutions and regulates their exchange rate practices.
Vetoed by the Governor
Similar legislation was AB 714 (Firebaugh-D), which died in Senate Banking, Commerce and International Trade Committee.
SB 773 (Bates-R) Financial institutions: confidential consumer information
Enacts the California Financial Information Privacy Act of 2002, which requires a financial institution to (1) provide specified notice to, and obtain the written consent of, a consumer before disclosing any confidential customer information to any third party, including any affiliated company, and (2) take reasonable steps to ensure that any third party providing such information to the financial institution has followed similar notice and consent procedures with regard to that information. Provides various civil and criminal remedies and penalties for negligent or knowing and willing violation of these provisions.
(Senate refused to concur in Assembly amendments)
Similar legislation was AB 1775 (Nation-D), which died in Assembly Judiciary Committee, and AB 2347 (Goldberg-D), which died in the Assembly awaiting concurrence.
SB 898 (Perata-D) Check cashers: deferred deposit transactions
Transfers the regulation of deferred deposit transactions (also known as payday advances) from the Civil Code (as administered by the State Department of Justice) to the Financial Code (as administered by the State Department of Corporations), and makes other substantive changes to the licensing and regulation of persons engaging in the business of making deferred deposit transactions.
Chapter 777, Statutes of 2002
SB 1237 (Speier-D) Banks
Allows a bank customer to deny a bank using an individual's mother's maiden name as an account identifier on accounts established after July 1, 2003.
(Failed passage in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
SB 1277 (Murray-D) Financial institutions
Deletes the exception for cashier's, certified, teller's or depository checks exceeding $5,000, thus providing that any funds deposited in an account, regardless of the amount, will be required to be made available on the second business day after funds are deposited.
(Died in Senate Budget, Commerce and International Trade Committee)
SB 1641 (Machado-D) Courier services
Requires the Commissioner of the State Department of Financial Institutions to regulate and license persons engaging in the courier service business. The new licensing program is to be effective by July 1, 2003.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
SB 1926 (Costa-D) Commissioner of Corporations
Seeks to provide clarification to the use of a live check or instant loan check. Specifies that, in a case brought by the commissioner of the State Department of Corporations, where a defendant is ordered to pay restitution, the order is deemed a money judgment and is fully enforceable by the victim as if it were a separate civil judgment. Deletes the requirement that the members from the Escrow Agents' Fidelity Corporation and the Escrow Institute of California serve two-year terms. Makes other changes with respect to the commissioner's authority to issue orders and enforce regulations relating to broker-dealers, escrow agents, finance lenders, and residential mortgage lenders. Expands the definition of entity transactions to include a conversion that occurs entirely out of state. Requires broker-dealers to pay a specified application fee to the commissioner, if the broker-dealer engages in entity conversion transactions.
Chapter 772, Statutes of 2002
SB 2081 (Machado-D) Money transmitters
Increases the regulation of licensed money transmitters and imposes disclosure requirements on banks, credit unions and savings associations that provide money transmission services.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SCR 81 (Machado-D) Uniform Money Services Act
Directs the California Law Revision Commission, with assistance from the State Department of Finance and the State Department of Corporations, to study existing regulatory schemes regarding businesses that provide nonbank money services and make recommendations to the Legislature by December 31, 2005.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 551 (Papan-D) Industrial banks: acquisition
Prohibits a person from acquiring control of an industrial bank unless the person is engaged only in the activities that are permitted for a financial holding company, as provided in federal law, or the person is a credit union service organization, as provided in state law.
Chapter 1162, Statutes of 2002
AB 690* (Wiggins-D) SAFE-BIDDY
Provides that the State Assistance Fund for Enterprise, Business, and Industrial Development Corporation (SAFE-BIDCO) meets the definition of community development financial institution for purposes of taxpayer eligibility for certain tax credits.
Chapter 939, Statutes of 2002
AB 1048 (Frommer-D) Securities
Amends the Corporate Securities Law of 1968 to remove barriers to electronic filing with the Investment Advisor Registration Depository, a national uniform electronic filing system, established by the federal Securities and Exchange Commission and the North American Security Administrators Association.
Chapter 264, Statutes of 2002
AB 1772 (Harman-R) Unclaimed property law: notice to owners
Prescribes the notice and information that a bank or financial institution must give to owners of financial accounts that are about to escheat to the state under the Unclaimed Property Law (UPL). The same notice will be required to other holders of tangible and intangible property subject to the UPL. Becomes operative January 1, 2004.
Chapter 813, Statutes of 2002
AB 1876 (Lowenthal-D) Unsolicited checks: liability
Prohibits a solicitation for extension of credit by various financial entities through the means of an unsolicited check, unsolicited convenience check, or other unsolicited negotiable instrument to a California resident. Provides that monetary liability rests with the issuer for an unsolicited (i.e., not requested by the customer) negotiable instrument included with a solicitation for an extension of credit.
(Failed passage in Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)
AB 1893 (Papan-D) Commercial banks
Achieves parity with federally regulated institutions. Adds another exception for obligations secured by a segregated deposit account in a lending bank provided the security interest in the deposit has been perfected and meets specified conditions. Other exceptions include obligations secured by obligations of the United States or are covered by a guarantee or commitment by any Federal Reserve Bank, any department or bureau of the United States, or any specified small business development corporation.
Chapter 158, Statutes of 2002
AB 2126 (Robert Pacheco-R) Trust companies: investments
Provides that trust companies that invest or reinvest in securities of a mutual fund for which they are providing services are allowed to notice the initial investment in an affiliated fund to the beneficiary prior to the investment or within 30 days after the initial investment.
Chapter 433, Statutes of 2002
AB 2157* (Papan-D) Credit unions
Recasts the provisions of the credit union law and revises the regulatory requirements with respect to a number of subjects, including organizations, filing and certification, formation, and enforcement and other related changes.
Chapter 734, Statutes of 2002
AB 2187 (Lowenthal-D) Securities
Creates an exemption where an offer or sale of a security issued by a corporation or limited liability company, pursuant to a purchase plan or agreement, or issued pursuant to an option plan or agreement, at the time of issuance or grant would have been exempt from registration except for the fact that the issuer is subject to specified reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
(Died in Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)
AB 2373 (Papan-D) Financial institutions
Consolidates and expands the Commissioner of the State Department of Financial Institutions' removal powers and authority to impose civil penalties.
(Died in Senate Banking, Commerce and International Trade Committee)
AB 2871 (Goldberg-D) Banks
Establishes a seven-member "Community Bank Advisory Committee" to advise the Commissioner of the State Department of Financial Institutions on matters relating to banks.
(Died in Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
ACR 125 (Papan-D) Protection of personal information
Requests and authorizes the California Law Revision Commission to study, report on, and prepare recommended legislation concerning the issue of financial privacy. The study addresses protection and control of a consumer's personal information and provides both administrative and civil penalties.
Resolution Chapter 167, Statutes of 2002

SB 17 (Figueroa-D) Cemeteries
Provides additional oversight of cemeteries and crematories through annual inspections, licensure of cemetery and cemetery managers, and increases penalties for various violations of the Health and Safety Code. Becomes operative July 1, 2003.
Chapter 819, Statutes of 2002
Similar legislation was SB 723 (Figueroa-D), which died in the Senate Business and Professions Committee.
SB 109 (Ackerman-R) Unfair practices
Amends the Uniform Competition Law to impose certain restrictions on representative private actions brought under that law in the interest of the general public.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 256 (Machado-D) Architects
Increases the minimum amount of a settlement or arbitration award of a claim or action for damages based on the alleged conduct of a licenseholder that is required to be reported to the California Architects Board, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
Similar legislation was SB 2034 (Machado-D), which died in Senate Business and Professions Committee.
SB 399 (Ackerman-R) Business organizations
Establishes the process by which a California corporation may convert into another form of California business entity (limited liability company, general partnership, or limited partnership), and vice versa. Specifies the effects of conversion on rights and obligations of shareholders (or other holders of interest) and on creditors of the converting corporation. Specifies the effect of conversion on real property owned by a converting corporation (or other business entity) that is transferred, during the conversion, to the new business entity or organization.
Chapter 480, Statutes of 2002
SB 403 (Machado-D) Recycled cement
Authorizes the use of recycled concrete, if the end user has been fully informed that the concrete is recycled concrete.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 814 (Oller-R) Franchises
Authorizes a franchisee to pursue damages, including attorney's fees, from a franchisor that violates the California Franchise Relations Act, by terminating or failing to renew a franchise. Authorizes a franchisee that is not provided with adequate notice of termination of a franchise to seek injunctive relief.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 886 (Polanco-D) Barbering and cosmetology
Revises the provisions of the Barbering and Cosmetology Act, relative to practice in specialty areas in order for an applicant to take the examination as a cosmetologist, barber, esthetician, manicurist, or electrologist, and revises provisions concerning training and instruction credit.
(Died in Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 887 (Polanco-D) Barbering and cosmetology
Changes specified minimum hours of technical training and practical operations for nail care courses, setting forth specific minimum hour requirements for certain subjects. Sets qualifications to admit an applicant to take a master cosmetologist examination and provides for the scope of that examination.
(Died in Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 1050 (Polanco-D) Barbering and cosmetology
Repeals the Bureau of Barbering and Cosmetology. Establishes the State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology (Board) in the State Department of Consumer Affairs, consisting of nine members. Requires the Board, subject to the approval of the director, to appoint an executive director to perform the duties delegated by the Board. Repeals the provisions relating to the Board and the executive director on January 1, 2008.
(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
SB 1241 (Figueroa-D) Security guards
Deletes provisions of law relating to temporary registration cards for security guards and requires that a background check be done prior to the issuance of a registration card.
Chapter 609, Statutes of 2002
SB 1293 (Haynes-R) Barbering: shampooing
Deletes the shampooing of hair from the practice of barbering and cosmetology.
(Died in Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 1357 (Vincent-D) Pet shops
Requires private or public retail sellers of pet animals to provide buyers with written recommendations for the appropriate care of the class of pet animal sold, as specified. Violations of these new requirements will result in specified penalties.
Chapter 710, Statutes of 2002
SB 1373 (O'Connell-D) Pet breeders and dealers
Requires breeders and pet dealers to register with the local animal control agency for each sale of a dog or cat that is less than one year old, to provide the registration number in their advertisements for the sale of the dog or cat, and ensure that the dog or cat has been microchipped. Provides for fines and penalties for not complying. Becomes operative January 1, 2004.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
SB 1422 (Burton-D) Private Investigator Act
Exempts joint labor management committees and their employees from the Private Investigator Act.
Chapter 895, Statutes of 2002
SB 1458 (Romero-D) Vehicle dealers
Increases vehicle dealer bond requirements and grants financing agencies a right of action against dealer bonds that is generally secondary to that of other claimants already entitled to make claims against them.
Chapter 303, Statutes of 2002
SB 1472 (Romero-D) Corporations: supermajority vote
Revises the conditions for an exception to the supermajority vote limitations for corporations. Deletes the condition that the corporation seeking the exception not have adopted a supermajority vote provision that is subject to the two-year readoption requirement.
Chapter 173, Statutes of 2002
SB 1482 (Polanco-D) Barbering and cosmetology
Repeals the Bureau of Barbering and Cosmetology and, instead, establishes a nine-member State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology in the State Department of Consumer Affairs.
Chapter 1148, Statutes of 2002
SB 1522 (Sher-D) Commercial law
Revises and recasts the general provisions of the Commercial Code, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Judiciary Committee)
SB 1527 (Burton-D) Accountants
Makes it unprofessional conduct for an accounting partnership or accounting corporation licensed in California to provide nonaudit services to an audit client.
(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
SB 1528 (Vincent-D) Shopping carts
Requires that a shopping cart be reclaimed by retailers and grocers within two business days following the date of actual notice, and provides that the shopping cart be subject to applicable fees or fines beginning on the third business day following the date of actual notice.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
SB 1652 (Sher-D) Athlete agents
Conforms the Miller-Ayala Athlete Agent Act to the Uniform Athletic Agents Act adopted by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1738 (Perata-D) Athletes: performance enhancing substances
Enacts the performance Enhancing Substance Prevention Act related to professional athletic team organizations and specifies that the State Athletic Commission is responsible for its implementation.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1749 (Polanco-D) Boxing and martial arts
Adds a requirement that professional boxers and martial arts fighters provide negative test results for hepatitis C virus when applying for or renewing a license.
Chapter 680, Statutes of 2002
SB 1814 (Dunn-D) Antitrust
Provides that anti-competitive conspiracies in excess between two or more persons for specified purposes. Makes the act of monopolization a violation of California's antitrust law.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1851 (Perata-D) Rodeos
Requires rodeo management to have a veterinarian at all performances of a rodeo, except for junior rodeos or those sponsored by schools, as specified.
(Failed passage in Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee)
SB 1866 (Figueroa-D) Real estate appraisers
Moves the Office of Real Estate Appraisers from the State Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to the State Department of Corporations.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1872 (Bowen-D) Vendors
Requires vendors to provide timely refunds upon return of goods or cancellation of services purchased by the telephone, over the Internet, or through the mail.
Chapter 326, Statutes of 2002
SB 1919 (Figueroa-D) Contractors: license bond
Increases the contractor's license bond incrementally, as specified, in 2004 and 2007.
Chapter 1123, Statutes of 2002
SB 1952 (Figueroa-D) Cemetery and Funeral Bureau
Makes various changes in the law governing the licensing of cemeteries and crematories.
Chapter 825, Statutes of 2002
SB 1953 (Figueroa-D) Contractors
Extends the sunset date for the Contractors' State License Board, grants the board the authority to increase specified licensing fees for enforcement program enhancement, and allows the board to require all applicants submit set of fingerprints with his or her application for the purpose of conducting criminal history record checks.
Chapter 744, Statutes of 2002
SB 1957 (Polanco-D) Barbering and cosmetology
Allows the Bureau of Barbering and Cosmetology to inspect an establishment prior to licensure and, among other things, allows the Bureau to temporarily close a facility under certain specified conditions.
Chapter 1151, Statutes of 2002
SB 2000 (Dunn-D) Electric power companies: unlawful practices
Prohibits, with specified exemptions, any person engaged in the business of generating, selling, distributing, transferring, marketing, or trading electricity or natural gas from engaging in or knowingly formulating specified conduct.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
SB 2018 (Figueroa-D) Consumer boards: funding
Prohibits monies derived from fines and penalties imposed by specified licensing agencies within the State Department of Consumer Affairs from being continuously appropriated and requires a Budget Act appropriation for expenditure.
Chapter 682, Statutes of 2002
SB 2073 (Johannessen-R) Vehicle dealers: bonds
Reduces the minimum dealer bond requirement to $10,000 for wholesale dealers who sell fewer than 25 vehicles per year.
Chapter 1110, Statutes of 2002
AB 55 (Shelley-D) Corporations: disclosure statements
Increases corporate disclosure and creates a restitution fund for victims of corporate fraud.
Chapter 1015, Statutes of 2002
AB 143 (Washington-D) Locksmiths
Requires a locksmith to be a licensed contractor or maintain a $250,000 utility insurance policy bond of $2,500 for the benefit of persons damaged by a locksmith.
(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 248 (Correa-D) Private security
Subjects individuals who do not carry deadly weapons, but are exclusively and regularly employed by an employer who does not provide contract security services for other entities or persons, to the provisions governing the licensing and regulation of private security services, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 264 (Correa-D) Contractors
Modifies various provisions of the Contractors' State License Law relating to a specialty trade exam, security bond procedure and Workers' Compensation Insurance Reports.
Chapter 311, Statutes of 2002
AB 266 (Leonard-R) Barbering and cosmetology
Increases the hours that cosmetology externs can work from eight hours to 16 hours per week, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 270 (Correa-D) Accountancy
Changes the sunset date of the Board of Accountancy and the composition and requirements of membership of the board. Requires reporting by licensees to the board of certain actions taken against the licensee, including civil judgments and settlements. Includes, as unprofessional conduct, reported negligent acts and provides the board with other authority, as necessary, to investigate violations of the law and professional accountancy standards.
Chapter 231, Statutes of 2002
AB 356 (Correa-D) Health studios
Makes numerous changes to the health studios contract laws.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
AB 535 (John Campbell-R) Engineers
Allows the State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors to reprimand, suspend, or revoke the certificate of a registered professional engineer who has been convicted of insurance fraud.
(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 601 (Leach-R) Business contracts
Authorizes limited liability companies (LLCs) and partnerships to enter into noncompetitive contracts. Extends to a LLC and a partnership the authorization that a corporation has in selling all of its operating assets, together with its goodwill, to contract with the buyer to refrain from competing with the business sold, as specified.
Chapter 179, Statutes of 2002
AB 728 (Correa-D) Contractors
Increases the contract amount for damages eligible for mandatory arbitration to $7,500 and makes other changes to the Contractors' State License Board arbitration program.
Chapter 312, Statutes of 2002
AB 794 (Shelley-D) Contractors
Prohibits a licensed contractor from inserting, into any contract with an employee, specified unlawful contract provisions set forth in the Civil Code.
(Died in Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 875 (Horton-D) Auctioneers and auction companies
This bill, effective July 1, 2003, enacts the Auctioneer and Auction Licensing Act, regulating auctioneers and auction companies.
(Died in Senate Business and Professions Committee)
AB 908 (Maddox-R) Building maintenance industry
Requires the State Labor Commissioner to appoint an advisory committee on the building maintenance industry to advise the commissioner of common industry problems and to effect liaison between his or her office and the industry.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 922 (Nakano-D) Internet service providers
Requires an Internet service provider to provide forwarding service to each customer, who has maintained an account for a period of at least one year, to receive electronic mail through the provider and who subsequently discontinues a business relationship with the new provider. Requires the forwarding service to the customer's new electronic mail address to be provided for a period of three months after discontinuance of the business relationship.
(Died in Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee)
AB 1074 (Nakano-D) Floral and ornamental products to vendors
Prohibits providers or vendors of floral or ornamental products or services from misrepresenting the geographic location of their business.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1087 (Calderon-D) Electricians: apprenticeships
Establishes a date certain for specified electricians who have met standards for training and competency to be certified and requires the state to issue certification cards. Specifies that apprentices in state or federally approved programs are exempt. Provides alternative means for an applicant for electrician certification to meet educational requirements. Exempts persons from certification who meet specific educational and on-the-job experience.
Chapter 45, Statutes of 2002
AB 1121 (Cardoza-D) Corporate expatriation transactions
Enacts the Pension and Shareholder Protection Act of 2002 to prohibit an acquiring corporation, as defined, that has entered into or that enters into a corporate expatriation transaction, as defined, from being eligible to be awarded a public works, goods, or services contract with the state, unless the head of the agency awarding the contract makes a specified finding.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 1248* (Daucher-R) Contractors: donors to elections
Requires the Secretary of State and the Director of the State Department of General Services to collaborate to develop a mechanism for direct access to information on contractors whose contracts are listed as exempt from the requirement of advertising in the California State Contracts Register, from any webpage at the Secretary of State's Internet Web site that lists the names of major donors during a particular election cycle.
(Died in Senate Elections and Reapportionment Committee)
AB 1527 (Wiggins-D) Tobacco retail restrictions
Restricts retail advertising of cigarettes to brand name and price, prohibits conditioning retail discounts or inducements to any product promotion or display requirements, as specified.
(Died on Senate Third Reading File)
AB 1840 (Diaz-D) Security guards
Exempts peace officers applying to the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services, for registration as a security guard, from the requirement to submit a set of fingerprints to the State Department of Justice.
Chapter 689, Statutes of 2002
AB 1875 (Nakano-D) Corporations: articles of dissolution
Streamlines the process for dissolving a corporation that has not issued shares or started doing business.
Chapter 390, Statutes of 2002
AB 1883 (Kelley-R) Repossession
Provides that a person who declares as true any material matter relative to the submission of an application for licensure as a repossessor, a qualification certificate, or application for registration that he or she knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor and requires the applicant to sign his or her application for licensure and qualification certificate. Modifies other provisions relative to repossessors.
Chapter 402, Statutes of 2002
AB 1884 (Robert Pacheco-R) Unfair Practices Act
Allows a representative civil action to be brought and maintained as an action for relief with respect to the Uniform Practices Act, subject to certain conditions and requirements.
(Died in Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 1956 (Vargas-D) Video arcades
Requires video arcades to post a sign and provide, upon request, brochures that disclose the existence of video arcade gaming industry rating system for video games based upon a game's level of violence or sexual explitives.
Chapter 748, Statutes of 2002
AB 1995 (Correa-D) Accountants: audits
Defines allowable services that may be performed by a certified public accountant when certifying the financial statements of a publicly traded company or a company that has served notice that it is going public.
(Failed passage on the Assembly Floor)
AB 1999 (Correa-D) Immigration consultants
Allows state and local law enforcement officials to seek civil penalties under the Immigration Consultants Act.
Chapter 705, Statutes of 2002
AB 2009 (Nakano-D) Swap meets
Redefines the term swap meet to include open air market and flea market and creates special reporting requirements for vendors and operators of swap meets who sell or display new merchandise.
Chapter 334, Statutes of 2002
AB 2070 (Jackson-D) State contracts: bidders
Requires contractors seeking to prequalify for bidding on certain state contracts to disclose criminal convictions, adverse court judgments or administrative decisions and violations of California or federal law.
(Died in Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 2219 (Keeley-D) Retail food establishments
Extends an existing requirement that certain food establishments provide toilet facilities to all food establishments constructed on or after January 1, 2004, and requires all food establishments built before January 1, 2004, to provide toilet facilities or post a sign in a public area stating that toilet facilities are not provided.
Chapter 340, Statutes of 2002
AB 2344 (Correa-D) Pawnbrokers
Allows pawnbrokers to store pawned property off premises and makes various conforming changes to accommodate off-premise storage of pawned goods. Provides pawnbrokers with greater flexibility in payment options and in delivery options for the notice of loan expiration. Clarifies what types of fees are permissible in loan extensions.
Chapter 404, Statutes of 2002
AB 2355 (Bill Campbell-R) Limited liability companies
Allows a judgment creditor of the assignee of a member of a limited liability company to seek a charging order against the member's assignable interest in the limited liability company in order to satisfy the judgment, as specified.
Chapter 451, Statutes of 2002
AB 2379 (Frommer-D) Secondhand dealers
Requires a secondhand dealer, coin dealer, or pawnbroker to make all required transactions reports to the State Department of Justice Secondhand Dealer Web site, as specified. Requires a fingerprint taken by a secondhand dealer or coin dealer of an intended seller to be retained for three years.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2449 (Correa-D) Barbering and cosmetology
Requires licensees of the Bureau of Barbering and Cosmetology to provide certain specified information to the bureau when they renew their license. Requires the bureau to report back to the Legislature on the information they collect pursuant to this bill.
Chapter 316, Statutes of 2002
AB 2517 (Chan-D) Estate planning services
Regulates the sale of financial products by people providing estate planning services.
(Died in Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 2519 (Keeley-D) Nonprofit corporations
Requires that a nonprofit public corporation's certificate of dissolution, when filed with the Secretary of State, be accompanied by either the Attorney General's (AG's) written waiver of objections to the dissolution or the AG's written confirmation that the corporation has no assets. Prohibits the Secretary of State from accepting for filing a certificate of dissolution that is not accompanied by one of those two documents.
Chapter 112, Statutes of 2002
AB 2538 (Goldberg-D) Self-service storage facilities
Requires certain transporters of individual storage containers to self-serve storage facilities to scan every container for hazardous materials, segregate potentially hazardous containers, and alert authorities.
(Failed passage in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 2544 (Bill Campbell-R) Contractors
Requires the Contractors' State License Board to post, on a weekly basis, specified information about home improvement salesperson registration applicants on its web site.
Chapter 372, Statutes of 2002
AB 2693 (Wyman-R) Contractors
Revises existing law relating to when an individual may recover compensation paid to an individual contractor.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 2724 (Runner-R) Contractors
Allows contractors' licenses to be issued by the Contractors' State License board to limited liability companies that meet certain requirements.
(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 2743 (Lowenthal-D) Barbering and cosmetology
Allows licensed apprentices in barbering, cosmetology, skin care, or nail care, that have completed at least 75 percent of their apprenticeship program, to submit an application for admittance to the Bureau of Barbering and Cosmetology's licensing examination.
Chapter 580, Statutes of 2002
AB 2772 (Robert Pacheco-R) Employee assistance professionals
Defines the core functions of employee assistance programs and scope of practice for employee assistance professionals.
(Died in Senate Business and Professions Committee)
AB 2780 (Corbett-D) Private security services
Allows any person in the state to file a complaint with the State Department of Consumer Affairs alleging that private patrol operators and applicants fail to meet registration standards.
Chapter 884, Statutes of 2002
AB 2789 (Lowenthal-D) Athletic trainers
Requires the State Department of Consumer Affairs to report on the need for licensing athletic trainers, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2822 (Chavez-D) Carnival operators
Regulates the industry of carnival ride operators, as defined, by providing specific requirements that employers of carnival ride operators must implement with regard to carnival ride operator wages, hours, breaks, tools, and working conditions. Establishes specified penalties for employers who fail to comply with provisions of the bill regarding payment of these employees.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 2873 (Frommer-D) Accounting
Requires the retention of audit documentation for seven years, as determined through regulation of the California Board of Accounting, specifies what the documentation shall contain, and shifts the burden of proof for providing documentation when audits are not properly documented.
Chapter 230, Statutes of 2002
AB 2880 (Chavez-D) Private security services
Increases and modifies private security guard training requirements and revises guard registration fees.
Chapter 886, Statutes of 2002
AB 2969 (Florez-D) Corporations
Provides that corporations, in order to be exempt from using prohibitions, prepare corporate financial statements either (1) in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, or (2) in accordance with the policy and regulations of the Securities Exchange Commission, instead of both.
Chapter 964, Statutes of 2002
AB 2970 (Wayne-D) Accounting: audits
Prohibits a certified public accountant from accepting employment from its audit client for 12 months, if they participated in an audit engagement for the particular client and their employment with the audit client allows them to have authority over their accounting or financial reporting.
Chapter 232, Statutes of 2002
AB 2973 (Assembly Business And Professions Committee) Regulation of business
Clarifies and makes technical amendments to statutes regarding the following programs within the State Department of Consumer Affairs: the Bureau of Automotive Repair, the Bureau of Electronic and Appliance Repair, the Board of Guide Dogs for the Blind, Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation, and Structural Pest Control Board.
Chapter 405, Statutes of 2002
AB 3000* (Assembly Budget Committee) Barbering and cosmetology
A budget trailer bill, which among other provisions, places in statute the regulations of the Bureau of Barbering and Cosmetology, which requires the issuance of licenses on the same day the applicant successfully completes the exam.
Chapter 1124, Statutes of 2002
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 2 | Murray-D Employment: personal service contracts | |
SB 17 | Figueroa-D Cemeteries | |
SB 109 | Ackerman-R Unfair practices | |
SB 256 | Machado-D Architects | |
SB 278 | Machado-D Public works | |
SB 399 | Ackerman-R Business organizations | |
SB 403 | Machado-D Recycled cement | |
SB 426 | Ortiz-D Money transmissions | |
SB 467 | Scott-D Disability insurance | |
SB 773 | Bates-R Financial institutions: confidential consumer information | |
SB 783 | Escutia-D Whistleblowers | |
SB 814 | Oller-R Franchises | |
SB 886 | Polanco-D Barbering and cosmetology | |
SB 887 | Polanco-D Barbering and cosmetology | |
SB 898 | Perata-D Check cashers: deferred deposit transactions | |
SB 945 | Machado-D International trade development | |
SB 972 | Costa-D Public works: prevailing wages | |
SB 1027 | Romero-D Overtime requirements: nurses and health care employees | |
SB 1033 | Knight-R Disabled veteran business enterprises | |
SB 1050 | Polanco-D Barbering and cosmetology | |
SB 1128 | Kuehl-D Unemployment insurance: employee status | |
SB 1236 | Alarcon-D Labor and Workforce Development Agency | |
SB 1237 | Speier-D Banks | |
SB 1241 | Figueroa-D Security guards | |
SB 1245 | Alarcon-D Unemployment insurance: extended benefits | |
SB 1249 | Alarcon-D Unemployment insurance | |
SB 1277 | Murray-D Financial institutions | |
SB 1286* | Haynes-R Income and bank and corporation taxes: net operating losses | |
SB 1293 | Haynes-R Barbering: shampooing | |
SB 1300 | Haynes-R Neighborhood economic stimulus programs | |
SB 1304 | Haynes-R Job creation | |
SB 1351 | Chesbro-D Workers' compensation: leave of absence for disability | |
SB 1356* | Murray-D Film California First Program: film costs | |
SB 1357 | Vincent-D Pet shops | |
SB 1363 | McClintock-R Labor standards: consultation unit | |
SB 1373 | O'Connell-D Pet breeders and dealers | |
SB 1395 | Machado-D Workers' compensation: peace officers | |
SB 1407 | Burton-D Workers' compensation | |
SB 1419 | Alarcon-D Personal services contracting | |
SB 1422 | Burton-D Private Investigator Act | |
SB 1458 | Romero-D Vehicle dealers | |
SB 1466 | Alarcon-D Contracts for labor or services | |
SB 1471 | Romero-D Sick leave | |
SB 1472 | Romero-D Corporations: supermajority vote | |
SB 1482 | Polanco-D Barbering and cosmetology | |
SB 1495 | Torlakson-D Balancing jobs and growth | |
SB 1522 | Sher-D Commercial law | |
SB 1527 | Burton-D Accountants | |
SB 1528 | Vincent-D Shopping carts | |
SB 1538 | Burton-D Employment arbitration agreements | |
SB 1591 | Burton-D Unemployment: job and preparation training | |
SB 1641 | Machado-D Courier services | |
SB 1647* | Perata-D Calif Economic Stimulus & Public Infrastructure Security | |
SB 1652 | Sher-D Athlete agents | |
SB 1657 | Scott-D Republic of Armenia | |
SB 1661 | Kuehl-D Family temporary disability insurance | |
SB 1666 | McPherson-R Employment Training Panel: funds | |
SB 1683 | Polanco-D Technology, Trade, and Commerce Agency: international trade | |
SB 1705 | Burton-D Disability evaluation: acupuncturist | |
SB 1713 | Peace-D Workers' compensation: leave of absence for disability | |
SB 1731 | Polanco-D California & Mexico Border Economic Infrastructure Financing | |
SB 1738 | Perata-D Athletes: performance enhancing substances | |
SB 1749 | Polanco-D Boxing and martial arts | |
SB 1792 | Vasconcellos-D California Economic Strategy Panel: appointments | |
SB 1810 | Vasconcellos-D State Technology, Trade, and Commerce Agency | |
SB 1814 | Dunn-D Antitrust | |
SB 1818 | Romero-D Employment laws: enforcement actions | |
SB 1829 | Polanco-D Workers' compensation: vocational rehabilitation | |
SB 1851 | Perata-D Rodeos | |
SB 1866 | Figueroa-D Real estate appraisers | |
SB 1872 | Bowen-D Vendors | |
SB 1877 | Johnson-R Health care | |
SB 1886 | Torlakson-D Elevators and other conveyances | |
SB 1900 | McPherson-R California Tourism Marketing Act | |
SB 1919 | Figueroa-D Contractors: license bond | |
SB 1926 | Costa-D Commissioner of Corporations | |
SB 1945 | Kuehl-D Discrimination | |
SB 1952 | Figueroa-D Cemetery and Funeral Bureau | |
SB 1953 | Figueroa-D Contractors | |
SB 1957 | Polanco-D Barbering and cosmetology | |
SB 2000 | Dunn-D Electric power companies: unlawful practices | |
SB 2010* | Alpert-D Community renewal | |
SB 2011 | Burton-D Judicial branch employees | |
SB 2018 | Figueroa-D Consumer boards: funding | |
SB 2073 | Johannessen-R Vehicle dealers: bonds | |
SB 2081 | Machado-D Money transmitters | |
SCR 81 | Machado-D Uniform Money Services Act | |
SCR 91 | Knight-R "Partnerships for Preparedness" symposiums | |
SJR 39 | Burton-D Cuba: removal of restrictions | |
SB 2XXX | Alarcon-D Unemployment insurance: benefits compensation | |
AB 55 | Shelley-D Corporations: disclosure statements | |
AB 112 | Longville-D California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank | |
AB 143 | Washington-D Locksmiths | |
AB 181 | Koretz-D Employment: minimum wage | |
AB 248 | Correa-D Private security | |
AB 262 | Correa-D Workers' compensation | |
AB 264 | Correa-D Contractors | |
AB 266 | Leonard-R Barbering and cosmetology | |
AB 270 | Correa-D Accountancy | |
AB 278 | Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee Personal income and bank and corporation taxes: credit | |
AB 356 | Correa-D Health studios | |
AB 410 | Salinas-D Rural programs | |
AB 482 | Cedillo-D Healthy Families Program | |
AB 486 | Steinberg-D Workers' Compensation Appeals Board: composition | |
AB 502 | Frommer-D California Film Finance Act | |
AB 535 | John Campbell-R Engineers | |
AB 551 | Papan-D Industrial banks: acquisition | |
AB 552 | Firebaugh-D Office of California-Mexico Affairs: advisory committee | |
AB 601 | Leach-R Business contracts | |
AB 625 | Oropeza-D International trade and investment offices: proposals | |
AB 627 | Oropeza-D Technology, Trade, and Commerce Agency | |
AB 690* | Wiggins-D SAFE-BIDDY | |
AB 692 | Aroner-D Human services | |
AB 704 | Cedillo-D Tourism: conventions and convention centers | |
AB 728 | Correa-D Contractors | |
AB 749 | Calderon-D Workers' compensation: administration and benefits | |
AB 794 | Shelley-D Contractors | |
AB 875 | Horton-D Auctioneers and auction companies | |
AB 908 | Maddox-R Building maintenance industry | |
AB 922 | Nakano-D Internet service providers | |
AB 925 | Aroner-D Employment of persons with disabilities | |
AB 983* | Briggs-R Enterprise zones: City of Fresno | |
AB 1048 | Frommer-D Securities | |
AB 1074 | Nakano-D Floral and ornamental products to vendors | |
AB 1087 | Calderon-D Apprenticeships: electricians | |
AB 1121 | Cardoza-D Corporate expatriation transactions | |
AB 1131 | Frommer-D Apprenticeship programs | |
AB 1146 | Chan-D Fair Employment and Housing Act | |
AB 1248* | Daucher-R Contractors: donors to elections | |
AB 1309 | Goldberg-D Employment: reports | |
AB 1404 | Cox-R Working hours: flexible schedule | |
AB 1448 | Maddox-R Prevailing wage laws | |
AB 1453 | Koretz-D Hours of employment: ski establishments | |
AB 1470 | Reyes-D Business, Transportation and Housing Agency: offices | |
AB 1506 | Wesson-D Public works | |
AB 1527 | Wiggins-D Tobacco retail restrictions | |
AB 1599 | Negrete McLeod-D Age discrimination in employment | |
AB 1649 | Goldberg-D Discrimination | |
AB 1676 | Assembly Labor And Employment Committee Minimum labor standards: data base of violations | |
AB 1677 | Koretz-D Working conditions | |
AB 1729 | Assembly Insurance Committee Unemployment insurance | |
AB 1761* | Papan-D Unemployment insurance: benefits | |
AB 1772 | Harman-R Unclaimed property law: notice to owners | |
AB 1808 | Richman-R Workers' compensation: physicians | |
AB 1809 | Richman-R Workers' compensation: medical services: fee schedule | |
AB 1820 | Strom-Martin-D Meningitis: tuberculosis: firefighters | |
AB 1822 | Vargas-D Small business | |
AB 1840 | Diaz-D Security guards | |
AB 1846 | Correa-D Enterprise zones | |
AB 1875 | Nakano-D Corporations: articles of dissolution | |
AB 1876 | Lowenthal-D Unsolicited checks: liability | |
AB 1883 | Kelley-R Repossession | |
AB 1884 | Robert Pacheco-R Unfair Practices Act | |
AB 1893 | Papan-D Commercial banks | |
AB 1900 | Nakano-D Labor History Week | |
AB 1932 | Horton-D Unemployment insurance: disability benefit claims | |
AB 1956 | Vargas-D Video arcades | |
AB 1982 | Bogh-R Workers' compensation: advanced disability pension benefits | |
AB 1985 | Calderon-D Insurance: workers' compensation: state rate supervision | |
AB 1995 | Correa-D Accountants: audits | |
AB 1999 | Correa-D Immigration consultants | |
AB 2008* | Correa-D Workers' compensation: death benefits | |
AB 2009 | Nakano-D Swap meets | |
AB 2029 | Canciamilla-D Employment: employee fund statements | |
AB 2070 | Jackson-D State contracts: bidders | |
AB 2078* | Kelley-R Joint powers authorities: self-insurance | |
AB 2096 | Dutra-D Unemployment insurance: manufactured home salespersons | |
AB 2118* | Dickerson-R Cal-OSHA: volunteer firefighters | |
AB 2125 | Negrete McLeod-D Workers' compensation: Lyme disease | |
AB 2126 | Robert Pacheco-R Trust companies: investments | |
AB 2129 | Kelley-R Local capital investment incentives | |
AB 2131 | Bogh-R Workers' compensation: advanced disability pension benefits | |
AB 2149 | Chu-D Unemployment insurance: disability benefits | |
AB 2157* | Papan-D Credit unions | |
AB 2178 | Goldberg-D Health care | |
AB 2183 | Daucher-R Workers' compensation | |
AB 2187 | Lowenthal-D Securities | |
AB 2189 | Koretz-D Displaced contract transit employees | |
AB 2192 | Chavez-D Workers' compensation insurance: rating information | |
AB 2195 | Corbett-D Workplace protections | |
AB 2219 | Keeley-D Retail food establishments | |
AB 2242 | Koretz-D Payment of wages | |
AB 2313 | Chu-D Economic development | |
AB 2323 | Wyman-R Bid preferences: disabled veteran business enterprises | |
AB 2342 | Salinas-D Enterprise zones | |
AB 2344 | Correa-D Pawnbrokers | |
AB 2355 | Bill Campbell-R Limited liability companies | |
AB 2373 | Papan-D Financial institutions | |
AB 2379 | Frommer-D Secondhand dealers | |
AB 2410 | Frommer-D Employment: motion picture industry | |
AB 2412 | Diaz-D Enforcement of employees' access to payroll records | |
AB 2448 | Dickerson-R Health care | |
AB 2449 | Correa-D Barbering and cosmetology | |
AB 2476 | Rod Pacheco-R Balancing jobs with housing | |
AB 2492 | Dickerson-R Workers' compensation: injury: lower back impairment | |
AB 2501 | Diaz-D Community Technology Center Competitive Grant Program | |
AB 2509 | Goldberg-D Labor standards: local jurisdiction | |
AB 2517 | Chan-D Estate planning services | |
AB 2519 | Keeley-D Nonprofit corporations | |
AB 2538 | Goldberg-D Self-service storage facilities | |
AB 2544 | Bill Campbell-R Contractors | |
AB 2561 | Vargas-D Business improvement districts | |
AB 2590 | Cogdill-R Prevailing wages | |
AB 2611 | Richman-R Workers' compensation: administration and benefits | |
AB 2693 | Wyman-R Contractors | |
AB 2724 | Runner-R Contractors | |
AB 2743 | Lowenthal-D Barbering and cosmetology | |
AB 2752 | Alquist-D Discrimination against injured workers | |
AB 2771 | Migden-D Unemployment insurance: benefits | |
AB 2772 | Robert Pacheco-R Employee assistance professionals | |
AB 2780 | Corbett-D Private security services | |
AB 2789 | Lowenthal-D Athletic trainers | |
AB 2816 | Shelley-D Workers' compensation: contractors: temporary labor | |
AB 2822 | Chavez-D Carnival operators | |
AB 2827 | Diaz-D Apprenticeship programs: graduation rate study | |
AB 2837 | Koretz-D Safety in employment | |
AB 2845 | Goldberg-D Safety in employment | |
AB 2868* | Wright-D Personal information reporting | |
AB 2871 | Goldberg-D Banks | |
AB 2873 | Frommer-D Accounting | |
AB 2880 | Chavez-D Private security services | |
AB 2895 | Shelley-D Private employment: working conditions | |
AB 2921 | Shelley-D Unemployment compensation | |
AB 2927 | Wiggins-D California Workforce Investment Board: statewide workforce | |
AB 2929 | Kehoe-D Wage garnishment | |
AB 2932 | Florez-D Small business development corporations | |
AB 2942 | Koretz-D Employee wages and working hours: violators | |
AB 2957 | Koretz-D Employment: mass layoffs, relocations, and terminations | |
AB 2969 | Florez-D Corporations | |
AB 2970 | Wayne-D Accounting: audits | |
AB 2973 | Assembly Business And Professions Committee Regulation of business | |
AB 2974 | Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee State Technology, Trade, and Commerce Agency | |
AB 2977 | Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee Economic development: enterprise zones | |
AB 2985 | Assembly Labor And Employment Committee Private employment: wages and hours | |
AB 2986 | Assembly Labor And Employment Committee Employment safety | |
AB 2987 | Assembly Labor And Employment Committee Employment: penalties | |
AB 2988 | Assembly Labor And Employment Committee Cal-OSHA targeted inspection and consultation program | |
AB 2989 | Assembly Labor And Employment Committee Wages: severance pay | |
AB 2990 | Assembly Labor And Employment Committee Employment: retaliation | |
AB 2991 | Assembly Labor And Employment Committee State Department of Industrial Relations: duties | |
AB 3000* | Assembly Budget Committee State and local government | |
AB 3010 | Assembly Budget Committee Unemployment insurance | |
ACR 49 | Liu-D The Equal Pay Act | |
ACR 125 | Papan-D Protection of personal information | |
ACR 186 | Alquist-D Equal Pay Day | |
ACR 238 | Bogh-R California Economic Literacy Week | |
ACR 239 | Firebaugh-D Labor negotiations | |
AJR 33 | Robert Pacheco-R Trade Promotion Authority | |
AJR 36 | Wiggins-D Project labor agreements | |
AJR 37 | Lowenthal-D Labor negotiations: waterfront workers | |
AJR 42 | Calderon-D Unemployment insurance system |