Development and Financing
Motor Vehicle Emissions
Development and Financing
SB 62* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Transportation
Provides the necessary statutory changes in the area of transportation in order to enact the 2005 Budget Act.
Chapter 76, Statutes of 2005
SB 110 (Florez-D) Fresno County Transportation Authority
Revises the Fresno County Transportation Improvement Act by deleting the specified wording requirement of a ballot proposition to extend the local transportation sales tax and providing instead that the actual wording of the proposition would be described in the local sales tax expenditure plan of the authority, and expands the Authority's membership from seven to nine, requires a citizens' oversight committee and adds conditions for amending the Authority's expenditure plan.
Chapter 248, Statutes of 2005
SB 208 (Alquist-D) Transportation projects: electronic fund transfers
Requires the Department of Transportation and the California State Controller (Controller) to develop and implement statutorily required systems allowing rapid access to state funds made available to reimburse local agencies that expend their own funds to advance transportation projects in the State Transportation Improvement Program, and creates a pilot program for the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), where VTA would be required to electronically transfer funds within ten days of receipt of an invoice for expenses incurred under an executed agreement.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SB 275 (Torlakson-D) Transportation needs assessment
Requires the California Transportation Commission to complete a 10-year transportation needs assessment.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 335* (Maldonado-R) Airport security, safety, and capacity grants
Provides for an annual appropriation from 2005-2009 of an unspecified amount from the General Fund to the Aeronautics Account in the State Transportation Fund for the purpose of funding grants for airport security and safety.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 523 (Torlakson-D) Bicycle Transportation Account: funding
Requires that an unspecified amount, in place of the currently specified amount of $416,667, of gasoline excise tax funds be transferred each month to the Bicycle Transportation Account for bicycle facilities improvements and maintenance, effective July 1, 2006.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 601 (Soto-D) Build California Bond Act of 2006
Enacts the Build California Bond Act of 2006 to authorize $3 billion in state general obligation bonds for specified projects, including construction of highway and public transportation projects that are significant for the state, reduce congestion, provide for safety and facilitate the movement of goods into, through, and out of state.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 680 (Simitian-D) Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
Authorizes the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority to impose an annual vehicle registration fee up to five dollars on vehicles in Santa Clara County for an eight-year period. Fee revenues will be used for traffic congestion management, the construction and improvement of streets, roads, expressways, and highways and making transit improvements. Requires a two-thirds vote of the authority to implement the fee adopt an expenditure program and makes a specified finding on the relationship of the fee to its payers and sets related conditions.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 731 (Torlakson-D) Miscellaneous transportation matters
Enacts the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee's annual "omnibus bill," a measure that makes various technical, clean-up changes to the Code of Civil Procedure, the Government Code, the Health and Safety Code, the Public Contract Code, the Public Resources Code, the Public Utilities Code, the Streets and Highways Code, and the Vehicle Code.
Chapter 270, Statutes of 2005
SB 760 (Lowenthal-D) Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach: container fees
Imposes a $30 fee on each shipping container processed at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach and specifies the allocation and expenditure of the container fee revenues for rail system improvements, port security, and environmental pollution mitigation.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 792 (Chesbro-D) North Coast Railroad Authority
Reallocates $5.5 million of the grant made to the North Coast Railroad Authority (NCRA), under the Traffic Congestion Relief Program, to fund the NCRA's environmental remediation cleanup obligation and payment toward the NCRA's annual administrative expenses.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 959* (Kehoe-D) San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board
Revises, consolidates and updates the authority of the San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board, also known as the Metropolitan Transit System, consistent with the San Diego Regional Transportation Consolidation Act of 2002.
Chapter 557, Statutes of 2005
SB 1024* (Perata-D) Safe Facilities, Improved Mobility & Clean Air Bond of 2005
Authorizes the sale of $10.275 billion in general obligation bonds for a spectrum of capital improvements throughout the state, including transportation facilities, clean air, high speed rail, urban infill development, environmental enhancement, goods movement and port security, affordable housing incentives, levee protection, and the repayment of Proposition 42 loans, upon voter approval at a statewide general election.
(On Senate Third Reading File)
SB 1026 (Kuehl-D) Highway construction contracts: design-build projects
Authorizes, until January 1, 2010, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority to conduct a demonstration program to enter a design-build contract for the construction of a northbound high-occupancy vehicle lane on the Interstate 405 freeway.
(On Senate Unfinished Business File)
SCA 7 (Torlakson-D) Loans of transportation revenues and funds
Requires that loans from the State Highway Account or the Public Transportation Account to the General Fund or any other state accounts for extended time periods shall be repaid with interest.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 216 (Oropeza-D) Administration of transportation funds
Authorizes the California Transportation Commission (CTC), with respect to any reverted funds in the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund, to direct the Department of Transportation to reallocate those funds to the same project if the CTC makes certain findings.
Chapter 522, Statutes of 2005
AB 267 (Daucher-R) Transportation project
Revises the reimbursement process and conditions for advance expenditures for the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) projects as follows: (1) limits the reimbursement provisions to projects programmed in the current year of the STIP; (2) requires the local or regional entity to request an allocation from the California Transportation Commission (CTC) within 12 months of its first advance expenditure on a qualified project; (3) requires CTC to approve a future allocation of funds if the project meets all of the requirements for reimbursement but funds are insufficient for a current allocation.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 311 (Baca-D) City of San Bernardino: parking structure funding
Appropriates 1,200,000 in federal Petroleum Violation Escrow Account funds to the Department of Transportation for allocation to the City of San Bernardino for the purposes of constructing a six level parking structure at the Santa Fe Depot.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 372 (Nation-D) Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit District
Confers upon the board the duty and power to plan, finance, and operate local and regional bus transit operations within the Counties of Sonoma and Marin.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 509 (Richman-R) Regional transportation agencies
Authorizes regional transportation agencies to enter into agreements to finance regional user-fee based transportation projects.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 691 (Hancock-D) Transit village plans
Allows a city or county to declare that a portion of a specific plan or redevelopment plan adopted before January 1, 2006 is a transit village plan. After publishing a public notice 10 days before its public meeting, local officials must make findings and declarations demonstrating that the existing plan conforms to the statutory requirements for a transit village plan. Local officials must act before December 31, 2006.
Chapter 309, Statutes of 2005
AB 697* (Oropeza-D) Transportation revenue: continuous appropriation
Provides that monies in the Highway Users Tax Account for the prior fiscal year are continuously appropriated and may be encumbered for their constitutional and statutory purposes in any year in which a Budget Act has not been enacted by July 1, or until such a time that the Budget Act is enacted.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 713 (Torrico-D) Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act
Postpones, until 2008, the scheduled November 7, 2006 vote on the Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century and makes corrective changes to the language.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 765 (Salinas-D) Rail feeder bus service
Allows the Department of Transportation to contract with the Monterey-Salinas Transit District to provide rail feeder bus service on a specified route between the Cities of Monterey, Gilroy and San Jose, provided that no other private carrier is available to operate scheduled service on that route.
Chapter 696, Statutes of 2005
AB 969 (Karnette-D) Business, Transportation and Housing Agency: trans planning
Requires the secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to develop a strategy to accomplish specified transportation objectives.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1010 (Oropeza-D) Rail transit
Shifts responsibility for oversight of specified at-grade rail crossings from the Public Utilities Commission to the Department of Transportation.
(In Senate Energy, Utilities and Communication Committee)
AB 1020 (Hancock-D) Planning: smart growth models
Requires certain federally-designated metropolitan planning organizations and certain state-designated regional transportation planning agencies to develop and implement improved regional travel models incorporating smart growth concepts and to undertake other related planning activities. Requires the Department of Transportation to provide all necessary financial assistance to these agencies, and requires all transportation models used by state or regional agencies to be usable on personal computers and to be made available to the public.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1173 (Tran-R) Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act
Extends the southern terminus of the initial segment of the high-speed system from Los Angeles to Anaheim.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1238 (Plescia-R) San Diego North County Transit District
Renames the North San Diego County Transit Development Board as the North County Transit District, adds members to the district board and makes related technical and conforming changes to the district's structure and operation.
Chapter 150, Statutes of 2005
AB 1276 (Oropeza-D) Intermodal corridors of economic significance
Requires the Department of Transportation, in cooperation with regional transportation planning agencies, to establish a task force for the purposes of developing a strategy for avoiding congestion along the state's intermodal corridors of economic significance, and to develop and apply freight oriented performance measures on those corridors.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1552 (La Suer-R) San Diego Consolidated Transportation Agency
Expands the governing board of the San Diego Consolidated Transportation Agency by one additional supervisor to be appointed to the governing board, based on specified requirements for representation from both incorporated and unincorporated parts of the county.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1623 (Klehs-D) Congestion management and environmental mitigation fee
Authorizes county transportation agencies in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, and Sacramento Counties to impose an annual fee of up to $5 on motor vehicles registered within their respective jurisdictions for a program to manage traffic congestion and mitigate the environmental impacts of motor vehicles.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1649 (Liu-D) Metro Foothills Gold Line Construction Authority`
Changes the name of the Pasadena Metro Blue Line Construction Authority to the Metro Foothills Gold Line Construction Authority and revises the composition of its governing board's membership. Authorizes the appointing entity to remove members of the board at any time and appoint a replacement, specifies a schedule for construction of the light rail project, and requires the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority to submit a financial plan to the Legislature for this construction.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1702 (Frommer-D) State finances: economic recovery and transportation
Appropriates five hundred million dollars ($500,000,000) from the amount made available to the General Fund from the Economic Recovery Bond Act to specified transportation purposes and pledges to backfill an equivalent amount to the General Fund from the net proceeds of bonds sold from the state's tribal gaming bonds.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
ACA 4 (Plescia-R) Transportation Investment Fund
Deletes the provision authorizing the Governor and the Legislature to suspend the transfer of revenues from the General Fund to the Transportation Investment Fund for a fiscal year during a fiscal emergency.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
ACA 9 (Bogh-R) Motor vehicle fuel sales tax revenue
Changes the vote requirement to four-fifth of the membership of each house of the Legislature in order to enact a statute suspending in whole or in part the transfer of sales taxes on motor vehicle fuel from the General Fund to the Transportation Investment Fund.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
ACA 10 (Nunez-D) Transportation Investment Fund
This is a spot bill dealing with transportation investment funding.
(From printer, not assigned to a committee)
ACA 11 (Oropeza-D) Transportation funds: loans
Requires interest to be paid on a loan of revenues subject to either Article XIX or XIX A of the California Constitution if the loan is not repaid during the same fiscal year in which it was made, requires the loan made pursuant to Article XIX or XIX A to be made pursuant to a statute establishing the terms for repayment and prohibits the enactment of a statute making a new loan pursuant to Article XIX or XIX A prior to the full repayment of each previous loan under Article XIX or XIX A, respectively, and prohibits a loan from being authorized by a statute during more than two fiscal years within any period of 10 consecutive fiscal years. Authorizes tax revenues subject to Article XIX or XIX A to be loaned to other state funds or accounts in addition to the General Fund.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)

Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 76 (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Energy
Allocates $6.5 million from the Department of Motor Vehicle Account to implement the California Hydrogen Blueprint Plan to establish demonstration hydrogen fueling stations and lease and purchase hydrogen-powered vehicles. Requires the establishment of standards for hydrogen fuels and fuel cells. Allocates one-half of the natural gas public interest research funds for environmental-related research expended pursuant to a plan jointly developed by the Energy Commission and the Air Resources Board and approved by the Public Utilities Commission.
Chapter 91, Statutes of 2005
SB 225 (Soto-D) Carl Moyer program
Adjusts the cost-effectiveness standard used as a minimum threshold for Carl Moyer grants. Allows the Air Resources Board to determine a maximum higher dollar value for the reduction of a ton of oxides of nitrogen under the Carl Moyer Program.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 250 (Campbell-R) Department of Food and Agriculture: hydrogen fuel standards
Defines hydrogen as a fuel composed of the chemical hydrogen intended for consumption in an internal combustion engine or fuel cell. Requires the Department of Food and Agriculture, with the concurrence of the Air Resources Board, to initially establish by 2008 specifications for hydrogen fuels and fuel cells, until a standards development organization accredited by the American National Standards Institute adopts standards.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 467 (Lowenthal-D) Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program
Requires the Air Resources Board to revise the grant criteria and guidelines to incorporate projects in which an applicant turns in nonroad internal combustion technology and equipment that the applicant owns and that still has some useful life, coupled with the purchase of new nonroad zero-emission technology and equipment that is in a similar category or that can perform the same work.
Chapter 209, Statutes of 2005
SB 497 (Simitian-D) Cleaner Construction Program
Requires Department of General Services to implement the Cleaner Construction Program for the purpose of reducing air pollution emissions from off-road equipment used in the performance of all state agency and department contracts for all state infrastructure projects, including (but not limited to) construction of roads, highways, and buildings.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 658 (Kuehl-D) Coastal Environment Motor Vehicle Mitigation Program
Authorizes a fee of up to six dollars, in coastal and Bay Area counties, to be paid with vehicle registrations and renewals in order to fund specified environmental mitigation projects.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 762 (Lowenthal-D) Vehicular sources
Creates the Los Angeles-Long Beach Area Regional Intermodal Port Congestion and Environmental Quality Commission to regulate truck traffic and vehicular emissions at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach and establishes a similar organization for the Port of Oakland. Specifies the membership, duties, and powers of the new agencies, including the imposition of fees and issuance of port access permits.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
SB 975 (Ashburn-R) Air quality: biodiesel fuel
Allows, until January 1, 2008, public agencies, including entities they contract with to provide solid waste collection, and regulated utilities to use a biodiesel blend as fuel in any retrofitted vehicle or off-road diesel engine certified by the Air Resources Board.
Chapter 365, Statutes of 2005
SCR 63 (Florez-D) California school bus emissions reduction
Encourages the Public Utilities Commission to work with the regulated utilities to consider developing, and possibly to develop, a program to retrofit diesel school buses in the state to reduce particulate matter emissions, while not increasing nitrogen dioxide emissions, with a minimal increase in the utility rate.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 184 (Cogdill-R) Air quality: high polluter vehicles.
Requires the Bureau of Automotive Repair to develop and administer a voluntary program to replace high polluter vehicles with donated low-emission motor vehicles and donated vehicles that meet existing smog inspection and maintenance regulations.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 383 (Montanez-D) Air pollution: motor vehicle inspection program
Revises the eligibility criteria for vehicle owners to participate in the states repair assistance program for vehicles that fail their smog tests. Increases the allowable maximum household income under federal guidelines for participation in the program and directs the Department of Consumer Affairs, if it determines the number of applications exceeds the funds available, to give priority to applications from low-income motor vehicle owners, as defined, in the test-only portion of the Smog Check program.
Chapter 565, Statutes of 2005
AB 386 (Lieber-D) Air pollution: motor vehicle inspection and maintenance
Increases the authority of the Air Resources Board (ARB) over the motor vehicle inspection and maintenance (Smog Check) program by shifting major responsibilities for the program from the Department of Consumer Affairs and the Bureau of Automotive Repair to the ARB.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 679 (Calderon-D) Air resources: diesel fuel
Prohibits the Air Resources Board (ARB) from adopting any regulation that excludes the importation of compliant diesel fuel, as defined, by entities that do not have refineries in California, requires ARB to convene a panel of interested parties to develop a test protocol for the evaluation of ARB diesel Fuel, and to recommend a subsequent test program that measures the emissions benefits of ARB diesel fuel, and requires ARB to complete the test program and submit results to the Legislature by December 31, 2007.
(In Assembly awaiting concurrence)
AB 694 (Chan-D) Motor vehicle air pollution control: district fees
Authorizes the Bay Area Quality Management District to allocate certain vehicle registration fee revenues to private entities for the purpose of funding projects and programs to reduce mobile source emissions.
Chapter 568, Statutes of 2005
AB 888 (De La Torre-D) Air pollution: equipment emissions
Authorizes the South Coast Air Quality Management District to establish a rail yard equipment emission reduction program.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 898 (Maze-R) Air pollution: smog check: technicians
Requires the Department of Consumer Affairs, with respect to the qualification tests for smog check technicians, to do the following: (1) review the qualification requirements imposed on smog check technicians in other states and make the requirements imposed in this state as consistent as possible with those in other states; (2) establish prerequisite training for smog check technicians and permit an individual who completes 60 hours of that training to take a qualification examination, and (3) revise the qualification requirements to permit an applicant to become a smog check technician by completing the prerequisite training and passing the smog check qualification examination that would be required to be as consistent as possible with those in other states and appropriate for a smog check technician.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1007 (Pavley-D) Air quality: alternative fuels
Requires the Air Resources Board, in consultation with specified state agencies, to develop and adopt a state plan to increase the use of alternative fuels, as specified, by June 30, 2007.
Chapter 371, Statutes of 2005
AB 1101 (Oropeza-D) Air pollution: diesel magnet sources
Requires facilities that attract large numbers of diesel engines to take steps to reduce the levels of exhaust emissions from those engines.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1220 (Jones-D) Air quality: portable equipment registration
Makes changes to the administration and enforcement of the Portable Equipment Registration Program.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1222 (Jones-D) Air pollution: locomotive air pollution control
Creates a Remote Sensing Pilot program, implemented by the Air Resources Board, to determine emissions from locomotives using wayside sensing devices.
Chapter 574, Statutes of 2005
AB 1223 (Leno-D) Internet: vehicle sales: low-emission vehicles
Allows vehicle manufacturers to sell low-emission vehicles directly to consumers.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1407 (Oropeza-D) Off-road diesel fuel
Requires the Air Resources Board to conduct a study on the impact of imposing a fee on off-road diesel fuel for purposes of generating revenue to mitigate off-road diesel pollution in the state.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1660 (Pavley-D) Vehicular air pollution: energy-efficient vehicles
Enacts the California Energy-Efficient Vehicle Group Purchase Program to encourage the purchase of energy-efficient vehicles by local and state agencies through a group-purchasing program that uses the purchasing leverage of state and local agencies to lower the purchase price of those vehicles.
Chapter 580, Statutes of 2005
AB 1678 (Saldana-D) Ports and harbors: vessels: air pollution
Requires the Port of San Diego, on or before, January 1, 2007, to provide a report to the San Diego Air Pollution Control District, including: (1) an inventory of air emissions from stationary and mobile sources; (2) an assessment of the number of vessel port visits per year; (3) a standard for ship electrification, as defined, and (4) an economic feasibility study of various air pollution reduction measures, including, cold-ironing, as defined, and a timeline for implementing these measures.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

SB 3 (Torlakson-D) Highways: Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones
Creates a double fine zone on a designated portion of Vasco Road in Alameda County and Contra Costa County.
(Held at Senate Desk)
SB 172 (Torlakson-D) Toll bridge seismic retrofit program
Reforms the management of the toll bridge seismic retrofit program and provides funding for identified cost overruns.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SB 186 (Battin-R) State highways: relinquishment
Authorizes the relinquishment of portions of State Route 74 to the City of Palm Desert and respective portions of SR 111 to the Cities of Indian Wells, Palm Desert, and Indio pending approval by the California Transportation Commission and other specified conditions.
Chapter 594, Statutes of 2005
SB 238 (Migden-D) Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones: Golden Gate Bridge
Provides that Golden Gate Bridge be designated, until January 1, 2010, a double fine zone upon approval of a resolution by the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 283 (Maldonado-R) Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones: tractor-trailers
Authorizes a double fine zone on a designated portion of State Highway Route 101 and on a designated portion of County Road 16 in Monterey County, and extends the sunset date for an exemption from restrictions on legal tractor-trailer lengths for agricultural tractor-trailer combinations.
(In Senate awaiting concurrence)
SB 324 (McClintock-R) Transportation Gridlock Emergencies
Defines and authorizes the Governor to declare, a "transportation gridlock emergency" for the purpose of constructing new highways without regard to existing statutes, regulations, or similar requirements.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 371 (Torlakson-D) Transportation: design-build contracts
Authorizes specified state and local transportation entities to use the design-build public contracting method for the construction of transportation projects.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 463 (Ducheny-D) State Route 125 toll road: franchise agreement extension
Provides a 10-year extension (45 years total) to the franchise agreement between the state and the private entity constructing and operating the State Route 125 toll road in San Diego. Does not affect any other transportation facility or franchise agreement.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 468 (Campbell-R) State highways: safety roadside rest areas
Allows the Department of Transportation to construct, maintain and operate 15 highway rest areas, including new units and existing units, as a joint public-private economic development demonstration project.
(On Senate Inactive file)
SB 519 (McClintock-R) Highways: exclusive-use or preferential-use lanes
Requests the University of California to conduct a study to evaluate the effectiveness of preferential-use traffic lanes for high occupancy vehicles by January 1, 2007.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 561* (Runner-R) Toll Roads
Authorizes the Department of Transportation to enter into agreements with public and private entities for toll or user fee based financing of transportation projects.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 800 (Simitian-D) Vehicles: approaching emergency vehicles or tow trucks
Prescribes how a vehicle should proceed when approaching an emergency vehicle or tow truck that is stopped on the roadway with its lights flashing. Requires, beginning January 1, 2010, tow trucks servicing disabled vehicles to be equipped with flashing amber warning lights and specifies their use, and requires the Department of the California Highway Patrol to report to the Legislature on or before January 1, 2008, regarding the effect of the changes made by this bill on the safety of emergency responders and the motoring public.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1036 (Perata-D) State scenic highway system
Designates a 5.3 mile segment of Highway 13 in Oakland (Alameda County) as a state scenic highway.
Chapter 101, Statutes of 2005
SCR 5 (Battin-R) Deputy Bruce Lee Memorial Highway
Designates, as the "Deputy Bruce Lee Memorial Highway," a 1.7 mile segment of Highway 111 in the City of La Quinta (Riverside County).
Resolution Chapter 15, Statutes of 2005
SCR 7 (Denham-R) Officer Stephan Gene Gray Memorial Highway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 99 in the City of Merced as the Officer Stephan Gene Gray Memorial Highway.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SCR 8 (Battin-R) Pearl Harbor Memorial Highway
Designates the Interstate Highway 10 located in California as the "Pearl Harbor Memorial Highway."
Resolution Chapter 72, Statutes of 2005
SCR 10 (Aanestad-R) Hansen Way
Designates, as "Hansen Way," the 1/4-mile northbound frontage road to Highway 20/49 in the City of Grass Valley (Nevada County).
Resolution Chapter 104, Statutes of 2005
SCR 11 (Aanestad-R) Tinloy Street
Designates the State Route 20/49 southwest bound frontage road in Grass Valley from the intersection of East Main Street and Idaho Maryland Road to its intersection with South Auburn Street as "Tinloy Street."
Resolution Chapter 121, Statutes of 2005
SCR 12 (Machado-D) CHP Officer Artie J. Hubbard Memorial Freeway
Designates, as the "CHP Officer Artie J. Hubbard Memorial Highway," a five-mile segment of Interstate 5 in Sacramento County.
Resolution Chapter 73, Statutes of 2005
SCR 19 (Chesbro-D) Robert G. Mondavi Highway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 29 in Napa County as the Robert Mondavi Highway.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SCR 20 (Soto-D) CHP Officer Thomas J. Steiner Memorial Highway
Designates a section of State Highway Route 60 in the City of Pomona as the CHP Officer Thomas J. Steiner Memorial Highway.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SCR 28 (Murray-D) Nathan Shapell Highway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 405 in Los Angeles as the Nathan Shapell Highway.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SCR 37 (Florez-D) Donald E. DeMers Highway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 41 in the City of Fresno as the Donald E. DeMers Highway.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SCR 46 (Romero-D) Ruben Salazar Memorial Highway
Designates a portion of State Route 710 in the County of Los Angeles as the Ruben Salazar Memorial Highway.
Resolution Chapter 78, Statutes of 2005
SCR 48 (Lowenthal-D) Paramount Hay Tree in the City of Paramount
Permits the placement of State Historical Landmark signs at specified exits on State Highway Routes 91 and 710 to note the Paramount Hay Tree.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SCR 52 (Margett-R) Mayor James Thalman and Mayor Michael Wickman Memorial Hwy
Designates a segment of Highway 71 in Chino Hills as the Mayor James Thalman and Mayor Michael Wickman Memorial Highway.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SCR 53 (Ashburn-R) Mark C. Salvaggio Interchange
Designates the interchange where State Highway Route 99 connects with White Lane in Bakersfield as the Mark C. Salvaggio Interchange.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SCR 55 (Ashburn-R) Paul H. Pino Memorial Highway
Designates a segment of Highway 395 in Inyo County as the Paul H. Pino Memorial Highway.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SCR 57 (Cox-R) Robert M. Jackson Memorial Highway
Designates a segment of Highway 89 in Alpine County as the Robert M. Jackson Memorial Highway.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 189 (Shirley Horton-R) Highway projects: coordinated environmental review
Establishes the Highway Capacity Enhancement Project Delivery Demonstration Act, a pilot program to evaluate the potential benefits of an alternate approach during the environmental phase of project delivery, with a report due back to the Legislature by July 1, 2010.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 338 (Levine-D) Recycling: crumb rubber
Requires the Department of Transportation to gradually phase-in the use of crumb rubber, which is used to make rubberized-asphalt concrete, on state highway construction and repair projects, to the extent feasible.
Chapter 709, Statutes of 2005
AB 426 (Bogh-R) High occupancy vehicle lanes: Riverside County
Requires until January 1, 2009, the Department of Transportation to convert all high-occupancy vehicle lanes on state highways in Riverside County that currently operate on a 24-hour basis to operate as mix-flow lanes except during peak periods, subject to any required approvals of the federal government.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 452 (Yee-D) Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zone: State Hwy Rte 1
Establishes a safety enhancement double-fine zone on a designated portion of State Route 1 in the City and County of San Francisco and increases fines for certain traffic violations that are committed along that route.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 453 (Benoit-R) Grade separation projects
Increases, from one year to two years, the time period within which a local agency must complete certain matters necessary for the commencement of a grade separation project in order to receive funding from the California Transportation Commission for the project.
Chapter 298, Statutes of 2005
AB 462* (Tran-R) Disability access
Authorizes the Department of Transportation to certify disability access for facilities within the state highway rights-of-ways.
Chapter 299, Statutes of 2005
AB 508 (Richman-R) Department of Transportation: design-build contracting
Authorizes the Department of Transportation to use the design-build procurement process for its state highway construction contracts.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 540 (Liu-D) State highway projects: meetings
Requires the Department of Transportation, prior to finalizing construction and commencing design for a project on a state highway project, to first meet and confer with the governing body of the local jurisdiction where the project is to be located.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 748 (Wolk-D) Toll bridges and toll roads: pedestrians and bicycles
Prohibits, until January 1, 2009, the charging of pedestrians or bicyclists to cross a state toll bridge.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 850 (Canciamilla-D) Toll road agreements
Allows the Department of Transportation to contract with public and private entities to expand the number of toll roads, toll facilities and high-occupancy toll lanes.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1025 (Walters-R) Driving in excess of 100 mph
Makes driving in excess of 100 miles per hour a misdemeanor, rather than an infraction.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1051 (Benoit-R) Pocket bikes: restrictions
Prohibits pocket bikes, as defined, from being operated on sidewalks, highways, and public trails.
Chapter 323, Statutes of 2005
AB 1087 (DeVore-R) Vehicles: loads: spill prevention
Modifies the fine imposed on drivers of trucks and other vehicles from which objects fall out onto the roadway, and instead bases the fine on the size, volume, or weight of each object.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1118 (Umberg-D) Pocket bikes
Prohibits nonhighway vehicles, including "pocket bikes", as defined, from being operated on highways.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 1157 (Frommer-D) State highways: performance measures
Requires the Department of Transportation to develop specified performance measures to evaluate and rate the overall quality of the state highway system, and requires the distribution of an annual report to the Legislature in that regard.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 1252 (Pavley-D) Department of Transportation: design-build contracting.
Authorizes the Department of Transportation to use the design-build contracting process, or the design-sequencing process, to construct high-occupancy vehicle lanes on the I-405 freeway in Los Angeles.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1266 (Niello-R) State highways: design-sequencing contracts
Allows the Department of Transportation to add four transportation projects to the current 12-project pilot program testing the cost effectiveness and timeliness of using design-sequencing contracts to complete transportation projects, and extends, by two years to January 1, 2012, the sunset on the pilot program.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1277 (Evans-D) Highway Users Tax Account: State Highway Account
Provides that all monies in the Highway Users Tax Account in the Transportation Tax Fund and in the State Highway Account in the State Transportation Fund are continuously appropriated and may be encumbered in any year in which a Budget Act has not been enacted by July 1 for the fiscal year beginning on July 1.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1281* (Maze-R) State scenic highway system
Designates specific segments of State Highway Route 198 as a state scenic highway and requires the Department of Transportation to establish special designating signs on those segments.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 1283 (DeVore-R) State highways: reversible lanes
Requires the Department of Transportation (DOT) prior to enhancing capacity on a state highway through the addition of a single-direction traffic management lane on a highway segment with at least 50 percent greater peak period traffic flow in one direction than in the other direction, and requires DOT to conduct a study of the feasibility of adding one or more reversible lanes separated by concrete barriers from other traffic on the affected state highway segment. The results of each study will be submitted to the Legislature.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1384 (Laird-D) Safety enhancement double-fine zones
Extends the double fine zone for the five miles segment of State Highway Route 101, between Eureka Slough Bridge No. 4-22 and the Gannon Slough Bridge No. 4-24 in Arcata until January 1, 2010. Creates two new Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones for State Highway Route 1 between Chestnut Street and Shaffer Road in Santa Cruz, and the segment of State Highway Route 1 that is located within the city limits of Malibu.
Reinstitutes the following Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones:
- County Route 16, also known as Carmel Valley Road, between the junction with State Highway Route 1 and the junction with Camp Stefani Road.
- State Highway Route 101 between the junction with Boronda Road and the San Benito-Monterey County line.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1449 (Bermudez-D) Graffiti abatement
Requires any publicly or privately owned real property near a state-maintained highway, city or county officials to notify the Department of Transportation (DOT) upon discovery of graffiti on the property, and requires DOT to serve an order for graffiti removal on the property owner, as specified. Requires DOT, or a city and county in cooperation with DOT, to take certain abatement action if the property owner does not respond, or refuses to permit DOT access to the property in order to take abatement action, and authorizes the billing of the owner for certain associated expenses.
(In Assembly Public Safety Committee)
AB 1462 (Torrico-D) Alameda County Transportation Authority
Authorizes local agencies in Alameda County to utilize an existing process to develop and file a local alternative transportation improvement program with the California Transportation Commission by January 1, 2010, as a means of resolving a local stalemate over proposed transportation improvements on State Route 84.
Chapter 619, Statutes of 2005
AB 1499 (Benoit-R) Outdoor advertising: City of Riverside
Exempts, from the prohibition against placing advertising displays adjacent to landscaped freeways, an advertising structure (billboard or sign) used to advertise development projects or private commercial centers in the City of Riverside.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 1518 (Jerome Horton-D) Outdoor advertising
Exempts, from the prohibition against placing advertising displays adjacent to landscaped freeways, any billboard located on property owned by the Lennox School District, subject to certain conditions.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 1699 (Frommer-D) Highway construction contracts
Authorizes, until January 1, 2015, a self help transportation agency, as defined, to conduct a demonstration program to enter into design-build contracts for eight projects on the state highway system with a value of $10 million or more.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
ACR 5 (Mountjoy-R) Abiel Barron Memorial Highway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 138 in San Bernardino County as the Abiel Barron Memorial Highway.
Resolution Chapter 64, Statutes of 2005
ACR 16 (Wolk-D) Sergeant Gary R. Wagers Memorial Interchange
Designates the interchange of Interstate 5 and State Highway 113 in Woodland as the California Highway Patrol Sergeant Gary R. Wagers Memorial Interchange.
Resolution Chapter 70, Statutes of 2005
ACR 20 (Oropeza-D) CHP Officer Merle L. Andrews Memorial Interchange
Dedicates the State Route 405 and State Route 101 interchange in Los Angeles County as the CHP Officer Merle L. Andrews Memorial Interchange.
Resolution Chapter 65, Statutes of 2005
ACR 23 (Garcia-R) Intrastate trucking: traffic congestion
Urges regional transportation agencies, in consultation with the cities and counties of the state, as well as the Department of Transportation, to examine the flow of traffic and develop commercial trucking routes that provide for the most direct movement through a city and a county in order to reduce the period of time that commercial vehicles are in city limits and county areas.
Resolution Chapter 90, Statutes of 2005
ACR 47 (La Suer-R) Ramon Ojeda Memorial Highway
Designates State Highway 78, between Third Street and State Highway 76, the Ramon Ojeda Memorial Highway.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
ACR 49 (Frommer-D) Caltrans Workers Memorial Day
Designates April 14, 2005, as Caltrans Workers Memorial Day.
Resolution Chapter 31, Statutes of 2005
ACR 52 (Levine-D) Sergeant Evan A. Ashcraft Memorial Interchange
Designates, as the "Sergeant Evan A. Ashcroft Memorial Interchange," the junction of Highway 118 (Simi Valley Freeway) and Interstate 405 (San Diego Freeway).
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
ACR 63 (Negrete McLeod-D) CYA Counselor Ineasie M. Baker Memorial Freeway
Designates a segment of Highway 60 in San Bernardino County as the CYA Counselor Ineasie N. Baker Memorial Freeway.
Resolution Chapter 115, Statutes of 2005
ACR 65 (Cogdill-R) Kristopher's Crossing
Designates the Department of Transportation Bridge 4122 in Madera County as Kristopher's Crossing.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
ACR 70 (Umberg-D) Westminster Police Officer Steven L. Phillips Memorial Hwy
Designates the portion of State Highway Route 39 within the boundaries of the City of Westminster as the Westminster Police Officer Steven L. Phillips Memorial Highway.
Resolution Chapter 132, Statutes of 2005

SB 20 (Escutia-D) Auto insurance: low-cost policies
Extends the January 1, 2007, sunset date on two low-cost auto insurance programs and the proof of financial responsibility law in two counties, Los Angeles and San Francisco, until January 1, 2011. Expands the low-cost auto insurance programs to the Counties of Alameda, Fresno, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego, and makes expansion of all other counties subject to the discretion of the Insurance Commissioner.
Chapter 435, Statutes of 2005
SB 45 (Alarcon-D) Intermodal marine terminals
Prohibits, under certain circumstances, charges imposed by marine terminals on a truck operator for the late return of specified used for the transporting of cargo goods from California seaports.
Chapter 244, Statutes of 2005
SB 60 (Cedillo-D) Vehicles: driver's license
Requires the State of California to comply with the Federal Real ID Act of 2005, a recently enacted measure which established standards and procedures for the issuance of driver's licenses and identification cards and authorizes the states to issue driver's licenses and identification cards to undocumented immigrants, providing that the license or identification card clearly states that it may not be used for any other official purpose, and uses a unique design or color.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 95 (Murray-D) Vehicles: ignition interlock device
Provides that a person who has a restricted driver's license which includes a statutorily imposed condition that the person only operate a motor vehicle that is equipped with a functioning ignition interlock device and who operates a motor vehicle in violation of that condition is guilty of a misdemeanor or felony.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)
SB 114 (Bowen-D) Vehicles: safety-related recalls: procedure
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to notify any vehicle owner on the annual registration notice that the vehicle that is subject to registration renewal is also the subject of a vehicle recall by the manufacturer.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 212 (Lowenthal-D) Lapses of consciousness: reporting requirements
Removes the requirement that physicians report to the Department of Motor Vehicles every patient diagnosed with a condition characterized by a lapse of consciousness, except those patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease or other dementia disorders and other patients with similar impairments that cannot be controlled with a clinically reasonable period of time.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
SB 255 (Torlakson-D) Vessel registration: fees
Doubles, to $20, the fee imposed by the Department of Motor Vehicles for biennial registration of a recreational boat, personal watercraft or other vessel, and earmarks the revenue generated by the increase to the Department of Boating and Waterways for general program support.
Chapter 473, Statutes of 2005
SB 286 (Cox-R) Folsom Bridge
Requires any state or local agency that receives an application for the review of any aspect of the American River Bridge Crossing Project, Folsom, which is authorized by the United States Congress, and is located in the City of Folsom, County of Sacramento, to process the initial application within 75 calendar days from the date the initial application is received. If the initial application is not approved, rejected, or otherwise processed in its entirety by the 76th day after the initial application is received by the state or local agency, the initial application shall be deemed approved and no further action may be required of the applicant or the agency with respect to that application.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 316 (Margett-R) State agencies: voter registration information
Requires the department of Motor Vehicles and other state agencies, on and after July 1, 2007, in any document that offers a person the opportunity to register to vote pursuant to the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, to include a notice informing prospective voters that if they have not received voter registration information within 30 days of requesting it, they should contact their local elections office or the office of the Secretary of State.
Chapter 660, Statutes of 2005
SB 335* (Maldonado-R) Airport security, safety, and capacity grants
Provides for an annual appropriation from 2005-2009 of an unspecified amount from the General Fund to the Aeronautics Account in the State Transportation Fund for the purpose of funding grants for airport security and safety.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 351 (Soto-D) Railroads: derailment evacuation plans and training
Requires that a petition to form a Property and Business Improvement District be signed by at least 50 percent of the number of the property owners or 50 percent of the number of the business owners in the proposed district who will also pay more than 50 percent of the proposed assessments.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
SB 372 (Margett-R) Vehicles: size, weight, and load: local authorities
Prohibits a local government from imposing additional charges for an oversized load variance permit if those charges are for services within the scope of the local authority's ordinary duties.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SB 403 (Machado-D) Chemical Tanker Task Force
Requires the administrator of the Office of Oil Spill Prevention and Response to convene a Chemical Tanker Task Force to gather information concerning tankers carrying hazardous materials in state waters and submit a report with recommendations to the Legislature by July 1, 2007.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 451 (Poochigian-R) Identification: thumb and finger
Provides that an applicant for a driver's license shall give a legible print or prints of the thumb or finger, or both, as determined by the Department of Motor Vehicles.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 466 (Kuehl-D) Mobile photo radar enforcement system
Authorizes, until January 1, 2010, a mobile photo radar enforcement system, as defined, to be used by a county or city in cooperation with a local law enforcement agency, if its operation includes specific activities and the system is used only for purposes of enforcing certain speed laws in a residence district or a school zone, as those terms are defined by other provisions of law.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 504 (Alquist-D) Vehicles: dealerships: identity theft
Provides that no licensed vehicle dealer shall sell a vehicle without first obtaining the right thumbprint of the purchaser or lessee (or the left thumb or another finger if the right thumb is disfigured), and a photocopy of the purchaser or lessee's valid form of identification.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 508 (McClintock-R) Vehicles: driver's license: forgery: manufacture: sale
Provides that a person who manufactures an identification document of a size and form substantially similar to the driver's licenses issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $500 while a person who sells an identification document of a size and form substantially similar to the driver's licenses issued by the DMV is guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment in state prison for two, three, or four years or by a fine of not more than $10,000, or by both fine and imprisonment.
(Failed passage in Senate Public Safety Committee)
SB 578 (Escutia-D) Railroads: safety
Requires railroads to report information about uncontrolled train movement incidents to the Office of Emergency Services, whether or not a spill or release occurs, if the incident could have affected public health and safety. Requires the Public Utilities Commission to investigate the incident.
Chapter 684, Statutes of 2005
SB 590 (Cedillo-D) Vehicles: evidence of financial responsibility: penalty
Allows the court, at its discretion, to lower the mandatory fine for undocumented immigrants who are unable to provide proof of automobile insurance.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 591 (Cedillo-D) Impounding: vehicles
Exempts from the 30-day impound the vehicle of a person who did not have a license because he or she could not meet the requirement that his/her presence in the United States was authorized by law.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)
SB 597 (Torlakson-D) Good driver discounts: drunk drivers
Denies a Good Driver Discount to those convicted of drunk driving or vehicular manslaughter during either the prior 10 years (current law is seven) or from 1999 to the present, whichever is later, and ending on the date of the application for the issuance or renewal of the Good Driver Discount policy.
Chapter 109, Statutes of 2005
SB 603 (Ortiz-D) Insurance: credit ratings
Prohibits the use of credit scores to underwrite auto insurance policies.
(Failed passage in Assembly Insurance Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 612 (Dutton-R) Vehicles: fees: exemption: deployed military personnel
Extends, to vehicles owned by members of the Armed Forces, Armed Forces Reserve, or National Guard who are temporarily deployed outside the state, the exemption from vehicle registration fees, weight fees, and vehicle license fees provided to disabled veterans, former American prisoners of war, and Congressional Medal of Honor recipients.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 629 (Dutton-R) Vehicles: driver's license: registered sex offenders
Requires a sex offender to renew his/her driver's license every two years and requires the Department of Justice to report to the Legislature on the effectiveness of this program.
(Failed passage in Assembly Public Safety Committee)
SB 637 (Speier-D) Motor vehicle sales
Prohibits a car dealer from advertising or selling a used vehicle as "certified" or any other similar descriptive term that implies that the vehicle has been certified to meet the terms of a used vehicle certification program, unless specified conditions are met.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 651 (Torlakson-D) Vehicles: special interest license plates
Enacts an administrative process for the establishment of new special interest license plates.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SB 681 (Simitian-D) Vehicles: wireless telephones
Prohibits a driver from using a wireless phone while operating a vehicle, unless the phone is specifically designed and configured to allow hands-free operation and is used in that manner.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 689 (Speier-D) Vehicles: organ and tissue donors: registry
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles, beginning July of 2006, to collect organ and tissue donor designation information on its applications for driver's licenses and identification cards rather than to provide a standardized form for a donor to mail in to the state's donor registrar.
Chapter 665, Statutes of 2005
SB 691 (Speier-D) Vehicles: special interest license plates: fees: allocation
Requires that all fee revenues raised from the issuance of a special interest license plate for the California Arts Council be directed to the Council.
(Failed passage in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
SB 705 (Runner-R) Design-build contracts
Authorizes the Department of Transportation to use design-build contracts to complete transportation projects, under specified qualifying, selection, and other requirements.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 718 (Aanestad-R) High-speed pursuits: statewide policy
Limits the ability of law enforcement to pursue a fleeing vehicle to those situations when there is reasonable suspicion the person committed a violent felony.
(Failed passage in Senate Public Safety Committee)
SB 719 (Romero-D) Police pursuits
Increases penalties for fleeing in a motor vehicle from police, conditions immunity for law enforcement agencies from liability for injuries from police vehicle pursuits on adoption and promulgation of pursuit policy and regular and periodic training.
Chapter 485, Statutes of 2005
SB 731 (Torlakson-D) State and local government
Makes various technical, non-substantive changes to the Government Code, Public Utilities Code, Streets and Highway Code, Public Contract Code, Public Resources Code, and Vehicle Code relative to transportation issues.
Chapter 270, Statutes of 2005
A similar bill is SB 710 (Torlakson-D) which is in the Assembly Transportation Committee.
SB 763 (Lowenthal-D) Ports: priority berthing program
Requires the Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach to develop a program to provide priority berthing to ocean-going vessels that use fuel with not more than 0.2 percent sulfur content. Requires the program to be implemented by the ports by June 1, 2006.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 771 (Simitian-D) Oceangoing ships
Extends the restrictions on discharges that currently apply to cruise ships to include oceangoing ships in state marine waters and marine sanctuaries.
Chapter 558, Statutes of 2005
SB 806 (Speier-D) Provisional licensing program
Increases restrictions placed on teenage drivers operating a motor vehicle under a provisional driver's license (PDL) and increases punitive measures taken against those drivers, and their parents, who violate PDL restrictions.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 810 (Speier-D) Parking: driveways
Authorizes a city or county by ordinance, to permit parking on a portion of a sidewalk, or with the body of the vehicle extending over a portion of a sidewalk, if the ordinance allows a vehicle to park only in a residential driveway, applies only to parking of vehicles between darkness, as defined, and 8 a.m., except that a vehicle displaying special license plates or a distinguishing placard is not subject to the time limitation, and limits the parking in a manner that maintains at least five feet of uninterrupted and straight sidewalk either behind or in front of the vehicle, as prescribed.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 823 (Margett-R) Provisional licensing program: speed contest
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles, prior to issuing a provisional license to a person pursuant to the provisional licensing program, to inform the applicant of the hazards and penalties relating to engaging in an unlawful motor vehicle speed contest on a highway.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 848 (Dunn-D) Port owner-operator drivers
Authorizes port owner-operator truck drivers to organize for purposes of collective bargaining.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 851 (Murray-D) Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Establishes a consolidated system of procurement methods and procedures for the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority as an alternative to the existing procedures and methods in place.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 911 (Dunn-D) Telecommunications: 911 system
Allows a wireless 911 call to be answered by a public safety agency other than the Department of the California Highway Patrol if the call originates from a location other than a freeway.
Chapter 21, Statutes of 2005
SB 920 (Cox-R) Public contracts: retentions
Authorizes in any contract entered into with the Department of Transportation after January 1, 2006 that utilizes federal funds to an original contractor, to withhold a five percent retention when making payments to any subcontractor for work performed, as specified.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 924 (Speier-D) Driving schools: commercial trucks
Requires the owner of a driving school that provides, or person who for compensation gives, instruction to an individual in the operation of a commercial truck to register with the Department of Motor Vehicles as a truck driver training center, and redefines "driving school" to include a company that engages in the business of transporting commercial goods on public rights-of-way if it instructs an individual in the operation of a commercial truck.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 953 (Romero-D) Vehicles: registration: amnesty: replica vehicles
Establishes a registration amnesty program for specially constructed vehicles, and replica vehicles, as defined, that have been previously registered or classified incorrectly, and requires participants in the program to file a completed amnesty application, signed under penalty of perjury. Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), when registering the specified vehicles and replica vehicles, to make an initial inspection of the vehicle to determine its identity, and authorizes the DMV to refer the vehicle to the California Highway Patrol for an additional inspection.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 969 (Ducheny-D) Vehicles: motorcycles: safety helmets: exceptions
Makes compliance with the mandatory motorcycle helmet law voluntary for the motorcycle operator, providing certain minimal licensing and other requirements are met, and the motorcycle passenger if certain medical insurance coverage is maintained.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 987 (Migden-D) County transportation authorities
Authorizes any of the nine Bay Area counties to spend a portion of its local transportation sales tax revenues in another county if that use is provided in the adopted county transportation expenditure plan, and authorizes the membership of an authority to be specified in the county's tax ordinance.
Chapter 83, Statutes of 2005
SB 1000 (Senate Agriculture Committee) Vehicles: special interest license plates: agriculture
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles, in consultation with the California Future Farmers of America Foundation, the California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom, and the California Agricultural Leadership Foundation, to issue special agricultural interest license plates, as specified.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
SB 1007* (Ducheny-D) San Diego Unified Port District Act: retirement/disability
Allows the Port of San Diego to withdraw from the City of San Diego's retirement system, and permits the Unified Port District to establish their own retirement and disability system.
Chapter 382, Statutes of 2005
SB 1010 (Florez-D) Rail service: City of Shafter
Authorizes the City of Shafter to use certain locomotive units owned by or in the possession of the state, to operate unit intermodal railroad service between the City of Shafter and the Port of Oakland.
(In Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 1029 (Hollingsworth-R) Special interest license plates: sportspersons
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles, subject to a statutory procedure, to issue sportspersons' special interest license plates, and prescribes the fees to be paid for the issuance, renewal, retention, transfer, and substitution of the license plates. Requires that the additional fees collected for the issuance of those license plates, other than fees for the issuance of environmental license plates, be deposited in the Fish and Game Preservation Fund for expenditure on various projects, other than land acquisition, as specified.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
SB 1047 (Bowen-D) Railroad corporations: safety
Changes a railroad derailment accident site reporting requirement from a five-year accident history to a two-year accident history on an annual report from the Public Utilities Commission to the Legislature.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SCR 16 (Battin-R) Motorcycle Awareness Month
Proclaims the month of May 2005, as Motorcycle Awareness Month.
Resolution Chapter 18, Statutes of 2005
SCR 27 (Dunn-D) Drowsy Driver Awareness Day
Proclaims April 6, 2005, as Drowsy Driver Awareness Day, requests the Governor to make a similar proclamation, and designates the states observance of April 6 of the following years as a memorial day for those people who have died as a result of a collision involving a drowsy driver.
Resolution Chapter 11, Statutes of 2005
SJR 13 (Escutia-D) Railroad safety
Urges the Congress and the President of the United States to amend the Federal Railroad Safety Act to increase the authority of state and local governments to enact railroad safety regulations.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 4 (Bogh-R) Vehicles: driver's license: permanent revocation: DUI
Permanently revokes the driver's license of a person convicted of a third or subsequent violation of specified driving under the influence (DUI) provisions. Requires an ignition interlock device be installed for persons convicted of a DUI with blood-alcohol concentration of 0.16 percent if they have been convicted of a previous DUI within 10 years.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 26* (Mountjoy-R) Vehicles: commercial requester accounts: access
Establishes, for two years, a mechanism at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to provide special expedited telephone access to name and vehicle registration information to persons and organizations who have commercial requester accounts with the DMV.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 56* (Wolk-D) Transportation: bicycles
Deletes the January 1, 2005 sunset date on law authorizing bicycle traffic signals.
Chapter 126, Statutes of 2005
AB 68 (Montanez-D) Car Buyer's Bill of Rights
Provides that an automobile dealer may not advertise or sell as "certified" a used or pre-owned motor vehicle, as defined, or use any similar descriptive term unless specified conditions are satisfied. Further provides that vehicles sold as "certified" may not be sold "as is," or if the dealer has disclaimed any warranties of merchantability, as specified.
Chapter 128, Statutes of 2005
AB 70 (Maze-R) Vehicles: license plates: rape victims
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to immediately issue replacement license plates when requested by a victim of rape or sexual battery and certain requirements are met.
Chapter 60, Statutes of 2005
AB 79 (Calderon-D) Automotive repair dealers
Defines the term "motor vehicle" to include vehicles used to transport passengers that are powered by electricity, hydrogen, or other alternative energy sources. Revises the definition of the term "customer" to include an insurer if certain conditions are satisfied.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 84* (Leslie-R) Vehicles: specialized license plates
Removes the requirement that a special interest license plate be approved by authorizing legislation and permits the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue such license plates to state and local government agencies, under specified requirements.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 107 (Benoit-R) Traffic violator schools: lesson plans
Reduces the number of instructional minutes required to meet the lesson plan requirements for traffic violator schools.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 117 (Cohn-D) Vehicles: ignition interlock device
Requires a court to order a person who is convicted of a driving under the influence (DUI) offense that occurs within 10 years of two or more separate DUI violations that resulted in convictions to install an ignition interlock device on any vehicle that the person owns or operates and to prohibit that person from operating a motor vehicle unless the vehicle is equipped with a functioning, certified ignition interlock device, and requires that this restriction be for the rest of the person's life.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 130* (Assembly Budget Committee) Off-highway vehicle fees: allocation
Requires the funds collected from the imposition of the $4 fee to for renewal of identification for each off-highway motor vehicle to be allocated to cities, counties, and cities and counties based on population proportions, as specified.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 158 (Bermudez-D) Railroads: safety study
Requires the Public Utilities Commission to convene a special task force to study certain railroad safety issues and to make recommendations for improving railroad safety measures.
(In Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
AB 160 (Cogdill-R) Vehicles: special license plates
Exempts the surviving spouse of a former American prisoner of war or Congressional Medal of Honor recipient from paying a vehicle license fee and vehicle registration fees.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 188 (Nakanishi-R) Vehicles: golf carts: low-speed vehicles: special crossing
Extends, until January 1, 2007, the existing provision that authorizes golf carts and low-speed vehicles, within the territory of the Rancho Murieta Community Services District, to cross State Highway Route 16.
Chapter 26, Statutes of 2005
AB 206 (Haynes-R) Vehicles: special interest license plates
Transfers, from the Legislature to the Department of Motor Vehicles, the responsibility to authorize the production and issuance of special interest license plates.
(Failed passage in Assembly Appropriations Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 303 (Calderon-D) Automotive repair dealers: insurers
Allows a vehicle owner to authorize his/her insurer to act on his/her behalf to arrange repair of the owner's motor vehicle, as specified.
(In Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)
AB 372 (Nation-D) Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit District
Confers upon the Board of the Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit District the duty and power to plan, finance, and operate local and regional bus transit operations within the counties of Sonoma and Marin.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 397 (Chavez-D) Provisional licensing program
Revises the educational and training alternatives required for a provisional drivers license by requiring a person to complete 10 hours, rather than six hours, of behind-the-wheel training, and requires a person under the provisional licensing program to satisfactorily complete a specified crash avoidance training program taught at driving schools that meet certain requirements and by instructors who meet specified training requirements.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 435 (Liu-D) Vehicles: registration fees: exemptions: paratransit vehicle
Exempts specified private nonprofit paratransit vehicles from registration and registration-related fees.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 451 (Yee-D) Local sales tax: jet fuel: place of sale
Modifies the way the one percent Bradley-Burns Uniform Local Sales and Use Tax is allocated on sales of jet fuel.
Chapter 391, Statutes of 2005
AB 461 (Shirley Horton-R) Department of Motor Vehicles: transactions: electronic
Permits the Department of Motor Vehicles to accept an electronic signature for electronically transmitted documents.
Chapter 61, Statutes of 2005
AB 489 (Bermudez-D) Ports: transportation network
Extends, by one year each, the due dates for the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angles to provide certain statistical data and reports to various agencies and the Legislature.
Chapter 187, Statutes of 2005
AB 526 (Harman-R) Uninsured motorists coverage exclusion
Allows an auto liability insurance policy to exclude uninsured motorist coverage for any injury or wrongful death sustained while operating a described class of motor vehicle.
(Failed passage in Assembly Insurance Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 555 (La Malfa-R) Vehicles: off-highway vehicles
Extends, by five years to January 1, 2012, the January 1, 2007, the sunset on the state's Off-Highway Motor Vehicle (OHV) Program administered by the OHV Division of the Department of Parks and Recreation, and the sunset on a related special fee, the revenue from which partially supports the program.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 556 (Gordon-D) Airports: noise impacts
Imposes more stringent public notice requirements than is presently required for the Los Angeles International Airport regarding noise variance hearings and prohibits the airport from requiring recipients of funding for noise mitigation purposes to waive certain easement rights.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 570 (Villines-R) Vehicles: fleeing a peace officer
Revises definitions of offenses relating to fleeing from a peace officer in a motor vehicle.
(Failed passage in Senate Public Safety Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 571 (Levine-D) Vehicles: DUI: blood-alcohol concentration: sanctions
Reduces the blood alcohol content considered excessive by the court for purposes of granting probation and applying enhanced penalties at sentencing from 0.20 percent to 0.15 percent.
Chapter 89, Statutes of 2005
AB 637 (Huff-R) Vehicles: driver's license endorsements: certificates
Makes clarifications to a number of provisions in existing law regarding persons that operate vehicles which require a special driving certificate issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Chapter 66, Statutes of 2005
AB 691 (Hancock-D) Transit village plans
Allows a city or county to declare that a portion of a specific plan or redevelopment plan adopted before January 1, 2006, is a transit village plan. After publishing a public notice 10 days before its public meeting, local officials must make findings and declarations demonstrating that the existing plan conforms to the statutory requirements for a transit village plan. Local officials must act before December 31, 2006.
Chapter 309, Statutes of 2005
AB 714 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Motor vehicles: key information access
Requires every motor vehicle manufacturer of a motor vehicle sold or leased in this state, on or after January 1, 2007, with a model year of 2007, or later, to provide a means whereby the registered owner of that motor vehicle can access information sufficient to permit the reproduction of a key to operate the owner's vehicle 24 hours each day and seven days each week.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 716 (Canciamilla-D) Vessels: abandonment: abatement
Makes various changes to the current abandoned vessel program, including increasing penalties for abandoning vessels, reducing the time in which an owner may claim an abandoned or wrecked vessel, increasing the maximum estimated value of an abandoned vessel subject to an expedited disposal, and allowing removal of vessels with expired registrations.
Chapter 311, Statutes of 2005
AB 718 (Calderon-D) Personal data: driver's licenses
Expands the ability of businesses to electronically collect information from a driver's license or identification card.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 778 (Mullin-D) Auto insurance: in-home supportive services
Prohibits an auto liability policy from containing any provision that expressly or impliedly excludes from coverage under the policy, the operation or use of an insured motor vehicle by the named insured in the performance of any in-home supportive services, as described. Prohibits a vehicle covered under an auto liability policy from being classified as a common carrier, livery, or for-hire vehicle solely for the reason that the named insured or applicant is operating or using the insured vehicle to provide transportation incidental to the provision of in-home supportive services.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 785 (Karnette-D) Vehicles: registration services: motor carriers
Expands the definition of a vehicle registration service to include the activities related to the preparation and submittal of documentation on behalf of another person for a "motor carrier permit," a document required by commercial vehicles operating within the state.
Chapter 148, Statutes of 2005
AB 804 (La Suer-R) California Highway Patrol: disability/workers' compensation
Reduces certain workers' compensation and disability retirement benefits for members of the California Highway Patrol under certain circumstances.
(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)
AB 838* (Saldana-D) Income and corporation taxes: credits: qualified vehicles
Provides a tax credit equal to a specified percentage of the vehicle license fee paid for the initial registration of a hybrid or alternative fuel vehicle.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 846 (Liu-D) Driver education: Internet: private secondary schools
Establishes new conditions that private secondary schools that provide Internet-based correspondence or other distance-learning driver education course must satisfy in order to receive certificates of satisfactory completion forms from the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Chapter 314, Statutes of 2005
AB 852 (Leno-D) Ports and harbors: San Francisco Bar Pilots
Authorizes revenue generated by the pilot boat surcharge to be used to pay for pilot boat design and engineering modifications intended to extend the service life of existing boats, in addition to the existing purpose of purchasing new pilot boats.
Chapter 129, Statutes of 2005
AB 857 (Bass-D) Vehicles: registration fees: crime prevention programs
Extends until January 1, 2012, the sunset date on law that allows counties to impose a one dollar surcharge on vehicle registration fees to fund crime prevention programs.
Chapter 470, Statutes of 2005
AB 877 (Huff-R) Vehicles: reports: reexaminations: removal
Allows, until January 1, 2009, a peace officer to impound a vehicle upon issuance of a notice of reexamination to the driver.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 913 (Saldana-D) Vehicles: environmental license plates: disabled persons
Allows special license plates for disabled persons to be issued as environmental license plates, and allows the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue "regular series license plates" for use on vehicles operated by state constitutional officers.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 914 (Cogdill-R) Authorized emergency vehicles
Recasts the provisions of law concerning vehicles used by privately-owned ambulance operators to allow those vehicles to be used primarily, rather than exclusively, for emergency transportation services.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 948 (Oropeza-D) Design-build and transit operators
Lowers the minimum threshold for transit agency design-build contracts from $50 million to $25 million.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 962 (Nunez-D) Railroad safety
Imposes safety requirements on a railroad corporation regarding signage, markers, flagging systems and the operation of remote control locomotives.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 963 (Garcia-R) Vehicles: provisional driver's license: cellular telephone
Prohibits a person issued a provisional driver's license from using a cellular telephone and other similar devices while operating a motor vehicle for the first six months of the license period.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 964* (Jerome Horton-D) Property taxation: certificated aircraft assessment
Provides for a form of centralized assessment of commercial aircraft. Allows commercial air carriers to file a single, consolidated property statement with a designated "lead" county. Provides a process for selecting the "lead" county for each airline, and notifying the airline of the responsible lead county to which it files.
Chapter 699, Statutes of 2005
AB 987 (Frommer-D) Vehicle rental agreements: disclosures
Makes permanent a three-year law due to sunset on January 1, 2006, that modified the requirement for rental car companies to disclose orally and in writing to its customers that the damage waiver policy offered by the company may be duplicative of the coverage provided by the customer's car insurance policy.
Chapter 82, Statutes of 2005
AB 1031 (Niello-R) Vehicles: inspection of terminals
Makes it unlawful for a motor carrier to contract or subcontract with another motor carrier, unless the contracted motor carrier provides certification of compliance with the requirement for inspection of a terminal.
Chapter 400, Statutes of 2005
AB 1048 (Pavley-D) Motor carriers
Revises provisions on drug testing and safety requirement compliance for truck owner-operators to correct an error in law and clarify that drivers of interstate commercial trucks are subject to the requirements.
Chapter 226, Statutes of 2005
AB 1052 (Leslie-R) Vehicles: school transportation vehicles: drug testing
Requires drivers of school transportation vehicles to comply with required drug and alcohol testing.
Chapter 324, Statutes of 2005
AB 1067 (Frommer-D) Railroads
Makes a number of changes to the penalties for railroad grade crossing violations, requires more education regarding railroad safety for violators and increases the money for public education regarding railway safety.
Chapter 716, Statutes of 2005
AB 1086 (Lieber-D) Vehicles: operation: state wilderness areas
Establishes penalties for violations of state or federal regulations prohibiting entry of motor vehicles into designated wilderness areas.
Chapter 571, Statutes of 2005
AB 1103 (Karnette-D) Bicycle sales: notice
Requires a bicycle retailer and bicycle dealer who sells, furnishes, or gives a bicycle to any person to provide a disclosure to the purchaser or recipient that states a bicycle may be recycled and state law permits a tax deduction for qualified charitable contributions of bicycles, as specified.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1127 (Garcia-R) Two-way video teleconferencing testing
Creates a pilot project to allow video teleconferenced testimony by law enforcement in trials for Vehicle Code infractions.
(Failed passage in Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 1132 (Torrico-D) Impounding vehicles
Allows for a vehicle to be returned to the registered owner in less than 30 days if the vehicle is seized because the driver has never been issued a driver's license.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1148 (Nakanishi-R) Vehicles: ice cream trucks: parking
Prohibits a person from vending from an ice cream truck on a public street, alley, or highway unless the truck is lawfully parked adjacent to the curb, as required under existing law for other vendor's vehicles.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1149 (La Suer-R) Vehicles: driving reexamination
Deletes the requirement in existing law that the Department of Motor Vehicles include a behind-the-wheel driving test when reexamining drivers reported to it by local health officers and members of the drivers' families, except for a driver who has been reported because of an Alzheimer's diagnosis.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 1163 (Yee-D) Motor vehicle replacement parts
Provides that a "certified aftermarket crash part," not manufactured by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of the vehicle for which the aftermarket crash part is being used to repair, is of like kind and quality to an OEM aftermarket crash part, and requires manufacturers or distributors of the non-OEM part, and insurers, to warrant non-OEM certified aftermarket crash parts.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 1169 (Torrico-D) Transit district operators: assault and battery: penalties
Creates new misdemeanor assaults and batteries on operators of transit district vehicles with fines of $5,000 where an assault is committed against the operator who is performing his or her duties, $10,000 where an assault is committed while the vehicle is in motion and $15,000 where a battery is committed while the vehicle is in motion.
(Failed passage in Senate Public Safety Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1170* (Canciamilla-D) San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District
Provides a California Environmental Quality Act exemption for certain Bay Area Rapid Transit District seismic retrofit work if certain conditions are met.
Chapter 536, Statutes of 2005
AB 1189 (Bermudez-D) Vehicles: motorcycles: rider training programs
Clarifies that the California Highway Patrol Commissioner can provide financial or other support to projects aimed at both motorcycle operation and safety instead of motorcycle operation or safety.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 1197 (Gordon-D) Aviation: Southern California Regional Aviation Commission
Establishes the Southern California Regional Aviation Commission with responsibility for the development of strategies and policies to be employed by state and local governmental entities to facilitate the regional distribution of aviation services to existing airports throughout southern California, as provided in the aviation component of the Southern California Regional Transportation Plan and responsibility for providing independent policy analyses and recommendations to the Legislature and the Governor consistent with these duties.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1208 (Yee-D) Vehicles: registration: local charge
Authorizes the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to impose a fee to be paid at the time of registration or renewal of every vehicle registered in San Francisco in order to fund street improvements.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1209 (Yee-D) Off-highway vehicles: rental snowmobiles
Requires snowmobile rental companies to require that renters complete a safety training course, and requires that tour guides for snowmobile rental companies be certified in basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedures. Requires that snowmobile rental companies that rent snowmobiles to children under the age of 16 may only do so if the child is accompanied by a responsible adult.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 1252 (Pavley-D) Department of Transportation: design-build contracting
Authorizes the Department of Transportation to use the design-build contracting process or the design-sequencing process to construct high-occupancy vehicle lanes on the I-405 freeway in Los Angeles.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1256 (Bermudez-D) Vehicles: schoolbus drivers
Authorizes licensed doctors of chiropractic to conduct the physical examinations that are required to be performed on persons applying for a license to operate a schoolbus, youth bus, paratransit vehicle, or farm labor vehicle.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 1282 (Mullin-D) Local sales and use tax: jet fuel: place of sale
Modifies the way the one percent Bradley-Burns Uniform local tax is allocated on sales of jet fuel by providing that the point of sale of jet fuel is the point of delivery of that jet fuel to the aircraft.
(Failed passage in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1324 (Vargas-D) Vehicles: school pedestrian-bicyclist safety program
Allows San Diego County, and cities within that county, to establish until January 1, 2007, a school pedestrian-bicyclist safety program and receive funds from a special account in the county treasury if those funds are used to finance programs that enhance the safety of pupils traveling to and from school on foot or by bicycle. The school pedestrian-bicyclist safety program includes provisions that increase fines for specified traffic violations occurring within school zones.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1351 (Vargas-D) San Diego County Regional Airport Authority
Allows the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority to issue notes, commercial paper notes, or any other type of obligation allowable by law.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1406 (Karnette-D) Ports and harbors: security
Requires the states homeland security office to report on methods for assessing the stats ongoing port security needs. The report is due on June 1, 2006.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1413 (DeVore-R) Vehicles: accidents: notification
Eliminates the requirement that a motorist involved in a traffic accident resulting only in property damage notify the appropriate law enforcement agency of the accident.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 1447 (Garcia-R) Vehicles: provisional driver's license: restrictions
Increases the penalties that a court may impose for a violation of the restrictions on a provisional driver's license to a fine of not more than $100 for a first offense, and permanent revocation of the provisional driver's license for a second offense.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1474 (Maze-R) Provisional licensing program
Provides that during the first 12 months after the issuance of a provisional driver's license, the licensee is prohibited from driving between the hours of 11 p.m. and 5 a.m., and provides that during the first 12 months after the issuance of a provisional driver's license, the licensee is prohibited from transporting passengers who are under 20 years of age, unless in either situation the licensee is accompanied and supervised as currently provided.
Chapter 337, Statutes of 2005
AB 1475 (Maze-R) Provisional licensing program
Creates an additional exception to the provisional driver's licensing program by allowing a provisional licensee to drive between midnight and 5 a.m. or transport an immediate family member without the supervisorial restrictions when involved in activities of a tax-exempt nonprofit charitable or religious organization under specified conditions. In addition, requires the imposition of a six-month or a two-year suspension of driving privileges where an accident occurs involving an injury or death at the time of the violation of a provisional driving license restrictions and a value of one point or more was assigned to the licensee's driving record as a result of that incident.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1477 (DeVore-R) Vehicles: state militia exemptions
Exempts active members of the California National Guard, State Military Reserve, or State Naval Militia from the imposition of the vehicle registration fee and vehicle weight fee.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1504 (La Suer-R) Vehicles: driver's licenses: registered sex offenders
Limits, to one year instead of the standard five years, the period of time before a driver's license issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to a registered sex offender (RSO) must be renewed, and requires an RSO who applies for or renews a driver's license to provide to the DMV verification of the applicant's address, and allows the DMV to photograph and fingerprint or thumbprint the applicant.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1550 (Arambula-D) Unincorporated areas: vehicle law enforcement
Authorizes the county sheriff in Fresno and Los Angeles counties to enforce the provisions of the Vehicle Code in the unincorporated area of the county, but only upon county highways.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1554 (Frommer-D) Auto insurance: refusals
Raises the amount of the fine to $1,500 for each violation when any admitted insurer licensed to issue motor vehicle liability policies, or any licensed insurance agent, fails, if requested by the applicant, to issue a written statement explaining the reason relied upon for rejecting the applicant's application.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1621* (Klehs-D) Electrical corporations: Bay Area Rapid Transit
Provides that electricity provided to the Bay Area Rapid Transit, that is purchased from a federal power marketing agency or its successor or from a local publicly owned electric utility, is not subject to fixed recovery amounts and fixed recovery tax amounts.
(In Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
AB 1627 (Koretz-D) Provisional licensing program
Allows the Department of Motor Vehicles to disclose the record of convictions for provisional drivers license (PDL) violations and to allow a violation to constitute a point against the teenager's driving record. Imposes a 30-day suspension, rather than a restriction, when a PDL licensee's record shows a point imposed in any 12-month period and imposes a six-month suspension and a one-year suspension when two or more points are indicated, rather than three or more points, in 12 months. Requires a court to impose one or both sanctions available to it, rather than selecting one and imposes it for violations of PDL restrictions.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1637 (Mountjoy-R) Vehicles: refuse or garbage truck: horn: camera
Requires that all refuse or garbage trucks, purchased after January 1, 2010, be equipped with a specified video camera for the purpose for improving the view of the vehicle operator when engaged in a backup maneuver.
Chapter 166, Statutes of 2005
AB 1706 (Strickland-R) Department of Motor Vehicles: records
Adds state employees who are members of State Bargaining Unit 7 of the California Union of Safety Employees, and the spouses and children of those members, to the statutory list of classes of persons whose home addresses contained in Department of Motor Vehicles records must be withheld from public inspection.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1728 (Houston-R) Vessels: registration fees: boating safety
Requires applications for obtaining vessel numbers from the Department of Boating and Waterways to include an additional $2 fee, the proceeds of which will be deposited into the Boating Safety and Law Enforcement Services Account in the Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund, and requires requests for renewal of a certificate of vessel number to be accompanied by an additional fee of $2, the proceeds of which will also be deposited into the Account in the Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 1748 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Vehicles: licenses: endorsements
Adds a motorcycle license to the list of license types that are authorized to operate a motorized scooter, and allows the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue to a schoolbus mechanic or a schoolbus driver-trainee a schoolbus endorsement that allow schoolbus mechanics and schoolbus driver-trainees to operate a schoolbus without having to possess a schoolbus certificate so long as no pupils are on the schoolbus.
Chapter 199, Statutes of 2005
ACA 6 (Wyland-R) Public benefits
Prohibits the state from issuing any driver's license or state identification card to a person who is neither a citizen of the United States nor an alien lawfully present in the United States. Prohibits any state entity, from providing in-state tuition or fees for postsecondary education to a person who is neither a citizen of the United States nor an alien lawfully present in the United States. Prohibits any state entity from granting any voting privileges to a person who is neither a citizen of the United States nor an alien lawfully present in the United States. Prohibits the state, defined as any governmental entity, from providing any health, social, or other state or local public benefit, as defined pursuant to subsection (c) of Title 8 of Section 1621 of the United States Code, to a person who is neither a citizen of the United States nor an alien lawfully present in the United States.
(Failed passage in Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AJR 9 (Shirley Horton-R) Transportation infrastructure finance
Memorializes the President and the Congress of the United States to enact legislation that will ensure that California receives a more equitable distribution of federal tax dollars for transportation funding and a higher rate of return in terms of federal money received per dollar of federal tax paid.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AJR 16 (Baca-D) Fair and equitable treatment for truck and bus drivers
Memorializes the Congress and the President of the United States to take necessary action to amend the federal statutes in an expeditious manner to allow for the equal treatment of commercial drivers who are off duty and using a private vehicle when they incur minor traffic infractions.
Resolution Chapter 59, Statutes of 2005
AJR 18 (Jones-D) Amtrak
Memorializes the Congress of the United States to provide adequate operating and capital funding for Amtrak at specified levels, to preserve and improve the four national network Amtrak trains currently serving California, and to establish a multiyear capital funding program available to the states on a matching basis to initiate, improve, or expand passenger rail services and provide an adequate level of capital funding for Amtrak to sustain the mandated rail passenger services.
Resolution Chapter 119, Statutes of 2005
AJR 21 (Karnette-D) Port customs revenues
Memorializes the Congress and the President of the United States to increase funding for California's ports and to enact legislation that, in recognition of the unique role served by ports in California, ensures a return of an equitable share of the customs revenue generated by and collected from this state.
Resolution Chapter 21, Statutes of 2005
AJR 35 (Bermudez-D) Air travel: repeal of Wright Amendment
Urges the Congress of the United States to repeal that parties of the International Air Transportation Competition Act of 1979, commonly known as the Wright Amendment.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 3 | Torlakson-D Highways: Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones | |
SB 20 | Escutia-D Auto insurance: low-cost policies | |
SB 45 | Alarcon-D Intermodal marine terminals | |
SB 60 | Cedillo-D Vehicles: driver's license | |
SB 62* | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee Transportation | |
SB 76 | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee Energy | |
SB 95 | Murray-D Vehicles: ignition interlock device | |
SB 110 | Florez-D Fresno County Transportation Authority | |
SB 114 | Bowen-D Vehicles: safety-related recalls: procedure | |
SB 172 | Torlakson-D Toll bridge seismic retrofit program | |
SB 186 | Battin-R State highways: relinquishment | |
SB 208 | Alquist-D Transportation projects: electronic fund transfers | |
SB 212 | Lowenthal-D Lapses of consciousness: reporting requirements | |
SB 225 | Soto-D Carl Moyer program | |
SB 238 | Migden-D Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones: Golden Gate Bridge | |
SB 250 | Campbell-R Department of Food and Agriculture: hydrogen fuel standards | |
SB 255 | Torlakson-D Vessel registration: fees | |
SB 275 | Torlakson-D Transportation needs assessment | |
SB 283 | Maldonado-R Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones: tractor-trailers | |
SB 286 | Cox-R Folsom Bridge | |
SB 316 | Margett-R State agencies: voter registration information | |
SB 324 | McClintock-R Transportation Gridlock Emergencies | |
SB 335* | Maldonado-R Airport security, safety, and capacity grants | |
SB 351 | Soto-D Railroads: derailment evacuation plans and training | |
SB 371 | Torlakson-D Transportation: design-build contracts | |
SB 372 | Margett-R Vehicles: size, weight, and load: local authorities | |
SB 403 | Machado-D Chemical Tanker Task Force | |
SB 451 | Poochigian-R Identification: thumb and finger | |
SB 463 | Ducheny-D State Route 125 toll road: franchise agreement extension | |
SB 466 | Kuehl-D Mobile photo radar enforcement system | |
SB 467 | Lowenthal-D Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program | |
SB 468 | Campbell-R State highways: safety roadside rest areas | |
SB 497 | Simitian-D Cleaner Construction Program | |
SB 504 | Alquist-D Vehicles: dealerships: identity theft | |
SB 508 | McClintock-R Vehicles: driver's license: forgery: manufacture: sale | |
SB 519 | McClintock-R Highways: exclusive-use or preferential-use lanes | |
SB 523 | Torlakson-D Bicycle Transportation Account: funding | |
SB 561* | Runner-R Toll Roads | |
SB 578 | Escutia-D Railroads: safety | |
SB 590 | Cedillo-D Vehicles: evidence of financial responsibility: penalty | |
SB 591 | Cedillo-D Impounding: vehicles | |
SB 597 | Torlakson-D Good driver discounts: drunk drivers | |
SB 601 | Soto-D Build California Bond Act of 2006 | |
SB 603 | Ortiz-D Insurance: credit ratings | |
SB 612 | Dutton-R Vehicles: fees: exemption: deployed military personnel | |
SB 629 | Dutton-R Vehicles: driver's license: registered sex offenders | |
SB 637 | Speier-D Motor vehicle sales | |
SB 651 | Torlakson-D Vehicles: special interest license plates | |
SB 658 | Kuehl-D Coastal Environment Motor Vehicle Mitigation Program | |
SB 680 | Simitian-D Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority | |
SB 681 | Simitian-D Vehicles: wireless telephones | |
SB 689 | Speier-D Vehicles: organ and tissue donors: registry | |
SB 691 | Speier-D Vehicles: special interest license plates: fees: allocation | |
SB 705 | Runner-R Design-build contracts | |
SB 718 | Aanestad-R High-speed pursuits: statewide policy | |
SB 719 | Romero-D Police pursuits | |
SB 731 | Torlakson-D Miscellaneous transportation matters | |
SB 760 | Lowenthal-D Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach: container fees | |
SB 762 | Lowenthal-D Vehicular sources | |
SB 763 | Lowenthal-D Ports: priority berthing program | |
SB 771 | Simitian-D Oceangoing ships | |
SB 792 | Chesbro-D North Coast Railroad Authority | |
SB 800 | Simitian-D Vehicles: approaching emergency vehicles or tow trucks | |
SB 806 | Speier-D Provisional licensing program | |
SB 810 | Speier-D Parking: driveways | |
SB 823 | Margett-R Provisional licensing program: speed contest | |
SB 848 | Dunn-D Port owner-operator drivers | |
SB 851 | Murray-D Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority | |
SB 911 | Dunn-D Telecommunications: 911 system | |
SB 920 | Cox-R Public contracts: retentions | |
SB 924 | Speier-D Driving schools: commercial trucks | |
SB 953 | Romero-D Vehicles: registration: amnesty: replica vehicles | |
SB 959* | Kehoe-D San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board | |
SB 969 | Ducheny-D Vehicles: motorcycles: safety helmets: exceptions | |
SB 975 | Ashburn-R Air quality: biodiesel fuel | |
SB 987 | Migden-D County transportation authorities | |
SB 1000 | Senate Agriculture Committee Vehicles: special interest license plates: agriculture | |
SB 1007* | Ducheny-D San Diego Unified Port District Act: retirement/disability | |
SB 1010 | Florez-D Rail service: City of Shafter | |
SB 1024* | Perata-D Safe Facilities, Improved Mobility & Clean Air Bond of 2005 | |
SB 1026 | Kuehl-D Highway construction contracts: design-build projects | |
SB 1029 | Hollingsworth-R Special interest license plates: sportspersons | |
SB 1036 | Perata-D State scenic highway system | |
SB 1047 | Bowen-D Railroad corporations: safety | |
SCA 7 | Torlakson-D Loans of transportation revenues and funds | |
SCR 5 | Battin-R Deputy Bruce Lee Memorial Highway | |
SCR 7 | Denham-R Officer Stephan Gene Gray Memorial Highway | |
SCR 8 | Battin-R Pearl Harbor Memorial Highway | |
SCR 10 | Aanestad-R Hansen Way | |
SCR 11 | Aanestad-R Tinloy Street | |
SCR 12 | Machado-D CHP Officer Artie J. Hubbard Memorial Freeway | |
SCR 16 | Battin-R Motorcycle Awareness Month | |
SCR 19 | Chesbro-D Robert G. Mondavi Highway | |
SCR 20 | Soto-D CHP Officer Thomas J. Steiner Memorial Highway | |
SCR 27 | Dunn-D Drowsy Driver Awareness Day | |
SCR 28 | Murray-D Nathan Shapell Highway | |
SCR 37 | Florez-D Donald E. DeMers Highway | |
SCR 46 | Romero-D Ruben Salazar Memorial Highway | |
SCR 48 | Lowenthal-D Paramount Hay Tree in the City of Paramount | |
SCR 52 | Margett-R Mayor James Thalman and Mayor Michael Wickman Memorial Hwy | |
SCR 53 | Ashburn-R Mark C. Salvaggio Interchange | |
SCR 55 | Ashburn-R Paul H. Pino Memorial Highway | |
SCR 57 | Cox-R Robert M. Jackson Memorial Highway | |
SCR 63 | Florez-D California school bus emissions reduction | |
SJR 13 | Escutia-D Railroad safety | |
AB 4 | Bogh-R Vehicles: driver's license: permanent revocation: DUI | |
AB 26* | Mountjoy-R Vehicles: commercial requester accounts: access | |
AB 56* | Wolk-D Transportation: bicycles | |
AB 68 | Montanez-D Car Buyer's Bill of Rights | |
AB 70 | Maze-R Vehicles: license plates: rape victims | |
AB 79 | Calderon-D Automotive repair dealers | |
AB 84* | Leslie-R Vehicles: specialized license plates | |
AB 107 | Benoit-R Traffic violator schools: lesson plans | |
AB 117 | Cohn-D Vehicles: ignition interlock device | |
AB 130* | Assembly Budget Committee Off-highway vehicle fees: allocation | |
AB 158 | Bermudez-D Railroads: safety study | |
AB 160 | Cogdill-R Vehicles: special license plates | |
AB 184 | Cogdill-R Air quality: high polluter vehicles. | |
AB 188 | Nakanishi-R Vehicles: golf carts: low-speed vehicles: special crossing | |
AB 189 | Shirley Horton-R Highway projects: coordinated environmental review | |
AB 206 | Haynes-R Vehicles: special interest license plates | |
AB 216 | Oropeza-D Administration of transportation funds | |
AB 267 | Daucher-R Transportation project | |
AB 303 | Calderon-D Automotive repair dealers: insurers | |
AB 311 | Baca-D City of San Bernardino: parking structure funding | |
AB 338 | Levine-D Recycling: crumb rubber | |
AB 372 | Nation-D Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit District | |
AB 383 | Montanez-D Air pollution: motor vehicle inspection program | |
AB 386 | Lieber-D Air pollution: motor vehicle inspection and maintenance | |
AB 397 | Chavez-D Provisional licensing program | |
AB 426 | Bogh-R High occupancy vehicle lanes: Riverside County | |
AB 435 | Liu-D Vehicles: registration fees: exemptions: paratransit vehicle | |
AB 451 | Yee-D Local sales tax: jet fuel: place of sale | |
AB 452 | Yee-D Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zone: State Hwy Rte 1 | |
AB 453 | Benoit-R Grade separation projects | |
AB 461 | Shirley Horton-R Department of Motor Vehicles: transactions: electronic | |
AB 462* | Tran-R Disability access | |
AB 489 | Bermudez-D Ports: transportation network | |
AB 508 | Richman-R Department of Transportation: design-build contracting | |
AB 509 | Richman-R Regional transportation agencies | |
AB 526 | Harman-R Uninsured motorists coverage exclusion | |
AB 540 | Liu-D State highway projects: meetings | |
AB 555 | La Malfa-R Vehicles: off-highway vehicles | |
AB 556 | Gordon-D Airports: noise impacts | |
AB 570 | Villines-R Vehicles: fleeing a peace officer | |
AB 571 | Levine-D Vehicles: DUI: blood-alcohol concentration: sanctions | |
AB 637 | Huff-R Vehicles: driver's license endorsements: certificates | |
AB 679 | Calderon-D Air resources: diesel fuel | |
AB 691 | Hancock-D Transit village plans | |
AB 694 | Chan-D Motor vehicle air pollution control: district fees | |
AB 697* | Oropeza-D Transportation revenue: continuous appropriation | |
AB 713 | Torrico-D Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act | |
AB 714 | Ridley-Thomas-D Motor vehicles: key information access | |
AB 716 | Canciamilla-D Vessels: abandonment: abatement | |
AB 718 | Calderon-D Personal data: driver's licenses | |
AB 748 | Wolk-D Toll bridges and toll roads: pedestrians and bicycles | |
AB 765 | Salinas-D Rail feeder bus service | |
AB 778 | Mullin-D Auto insurance: in-home supportive services | |
AB 785 | Karnette-D Vehicles: registration services: motor carriers | |
AB 804 | La Suer-R California Highway Patrol: disability/workers' compensation | |
AB 838* | Saldana-D Income and corporation taxes: credits: qualified vehicles | |
AB 846 | Liu-D Driver education: Internet: private secondary schools | |
AB 850 | Canciamilla-D Toll road agreements | |
AB 852 | Leno-D Ports and harbors: San Francisco Bar Pilots | |
AB 857 | Bass-D Vehicles: registration fees: crime prevention programs | |
AB 877 | Huff-R Vehicles: reports: reexaminations: removal | |
AB 888 | De La Torre-D Air pollution: equipment emissions | |
AB 898 | Maze-R Air pollution: smog check: technicians | |
AB 913 | Saldana-D Vehicles: environmental license plates: disabled persons | |
AB 914 | Cogdill-R Authorized emergency vehicles | |
AB 948 | Oropeza-D Design-build and transit operators | |
AB 962 | Nunez-D Railroad safety | |
AB 963 | Garcia-R Vehicles: provisional driver's license: cellular telephone | |
AB 964* | Jerome Horton-D Property taxation: certificated aircraft assessment | |
AB 969 | Karnette-D Business, Transportation and Housing Agency: trans planning | |
AB 987 | Frommer-D Vehicle rental agreements: disclosures | |
AB 1007 | Pavley-D Air quality: alternative fuels | |
AB 1010 | Oropeza-D Rail transit | |
AB 1020 | Hancock-D Planning: smart growth models | |
AB 1025 | Walters-R Driving in excess of 100 mph | |
AB 1031 | Niello-R Vehicles: inspection of terminals | |
AB 1048 | Pavley-D Motor carriers | |
AB 1051 | Benoit-R Pocket bikes: restrictions | |
AB 1052 | Leslie-R Vehicles: school transportation vehicles: drug testing | |
AB 1067 | Frommer-D Railroads | |
AB 1086 | Lieber-D Vehicles: operation: state wilderness areas | |
AB 1087 | DeVore-R Vehicles: loads: spill prevention | |
AB 1101 | Oropeza-D Air pollution: diesel magnet sources | |
AB 1103 | Karnette-D Bicycle sales: notice | |
AB 1118 | Umberg-D Pocket bikes | |
AB 1127 | Garcia-R Two-way video teleconferencing testing | |
AB 1132 | Torrico-D Impounding vehicles | |
AB 1148 | Nakanishi-R Vehicles: ice cream trucks: parking | |
AB 1149 | La Suer-R Vehicles: driving reexamination | |
AB 1157 | Frommer-D State highways: performance measures | |
AB 1163 | Yee-D Motor vehicle replacement parts | |
AB 1169 | Torrico-D Transit district operators: assault and battery: penalties | |
AB 1170* | Canciamilla-D San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District | |
AB 1173 | Tran-R Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act | |
AB 1189 | Bermudez-D Vehicles: motorcycles: rider training programs | |
AB 1197 | Gordon-D Aviation: Southern California Regional Aviation Commission | |
AB 1208 | Yee-D Vehicles: registration: local charge | |
AB 1209 | Yee-D Off-highway vehicles: rental snowmobiles | |
AB 1220 | Jones-D Air quality: portable equipment registration | |
AB 1222 | Jones-D Air pollution: locomotive air pollution control | |
AB 1223 | Leno-D Internet: vehicle sales: low-emission vehicles | |
AB 1238 | Plescia-R San Diego North County Transit District | |
AB 1252 | Pavley-D Department of Transportation: design-build contracting. | |
AB 1256 | Bermudez-D Vehicles: schoolbus drivers | |
AB 1266 | Niello-R State highways: design-sequencing contracts | |
AB 1276 | Oropeza-D Intermodal corridors of economic significance | |
AB 1277 | Evans-D Highway Users Tax Account: State Highway Account | |
AB 1281* | Maze-R State scenic highway system | |
AB 1282 | Mullin-D Local sales and use tax: jet fuel: place of sale | |
AB 1283 | DeVore-R State highways: reversible lanes | |
AB 1324 | Vargas-D Vehicles: school pedestrian-bicyclist safety program | |
AB 1351 | Vargas-D San Diego County Regional Airport Authority | |
AB 1384 | Laird-D Safety enhancement double-fine zones | |
AB 1406 | Karnette-D Ports and harbors: security | |
AB 1407 | Oropeza-D Off-road diesel fuel | |
AB 1413 | DeVore-R Vehicles: accidents: notification | |
AB 1447 | Garcia-R Vehicles: provisional driver's license: restrictions | |
AB 1449 | Bermudez-D Graffiti abatement | |
AB 1462 | Torrico-D Alameda County Transportation Authority | |
AB 1474 | Maze-R Provisional licensing program | |
AB 1475 | Maze-R Provisional licensing program | |
AB 1477 | DeVore-R Vehicles: state militia exemptions | |
AB 1499 | Benoit-R Outdoor advertising: City of Riverside | |
AB 1504 | La Suer-R Vehicles: driver's licenses: registered sex offenders | |
AB 1518 | Jerome Horton-D Outdoor advertising | |
AB 1550 | Arambula-D Unincorporated areas: vehicle law enforcement | |
AB 1552 | La Suer-R San Diego Consolidated Transportation Agency | |
AB 1554 | Frommer-D Auto insurance: refusals | |
AB 1621* | Klehs-D Electrical corporations: Bay Area Rapid Transit | |
AB 1623 | Klehs-D Congestion management and environmental mitigation fee | |
AB 1627 | Koretz-D Provisional licensing program | |
AB 1637 | Mountjoy-R Vehicles: refuse or garbage truck: horn: camera | |
AB 1649 | Liu-D Metro Foothills Gold Line Construction Authority | |
AB 1660 | Pavley-D Vehicular air pollution: energy-efficient vehicles | |
AB 1678 | Saldana-D Ports and harbors: vessels: air pollution | |
AB 1699 | Frommer-D Highway construction contracts | |
AB 1702 | Frommer-D State finances: economic recovery and transportation | |
AB 1706 | Strickland-R Department of Motor Vehicles: records | |
AB 1728 | Houston-R Vessels: registration fees: boating safety | |
AB 1748 | Assembly Transportation Committee Vehicles: licenses: endorsements | |
ACA 4 | Plescia-R Transportation Investment Fund | |
ACA 6 | Wyland-R Public benefits | |
ACA 9 | Bogh-R Motor vehicle fuel sales tax revenue | |
ACA 10 | Nunez-D Transportation Investment Fund | |
ACA 11 | Oropeza-D Transportation funds: loans | |
ACR 5 | Mountjoy-R Abiel Barron Memorial Highway | |
ACR 16 | Wolk-D Sergeant Gary R. Wagers Memorial Interchange | |
ACR 20 | Oropeza-D CHP Officer Merle L. Andrews Memorial Interchange | |
ACR 23 | Garcia-R Intrastate trucking: traffic congestion | |
ACR 47 | La Suer-R Ramon Ojeda Memorial Highway | |
ACR 49 | Frommer-D Caltrans Workers Memorial Day | |
ACR 52 | Levine-D Sergeant Evan A. Ashcraft Memorial Interchange | |
ACR 63 | Negrete McLeod-D CYA Counselor Ineasie M. Baker Memorial Freeway | |
ACR 65 | Cogdill-R Kristopher's Crossing | |
ACR 70 | Umberg-D Westminster Police Officer Steven L. Phillips Memorial Hwy | |
AJR 9 | Shirley Horton-R Transportation infrastructure finance | |
AJR 16 | Baca-D Fair and equitable treatment for truck and bus drivers | |
AJR 18 | Jones-D Amtrak | |
AJR 21 | Karnette-D Port customs revenues | |
AJR 35 | Bermudez-D Air travel: repeal of Wright Amendment |