
School Finance
School Facilities
Bilingual Education
Charter Schools
Class Size Reduction
School Safety
Child and Day Care
Special Education
School Accountability and Testing
Higher Education
School Employees
School Curriculum

Index School Finance

SB 39* (Perata-D) Oakland Unified School District: emergency loan

Appropriates $100 million for an emergency loan to the Oakland Unified School District and provides that the State Superintendent of Public Instruction assume control of the district.

Chapter 14, Statutes of 2003

SB 76* (Denham-R) Education finance: California Community Colleges

Declares the intent of the Legislature to effectuate a recommendation of the Office of the Legislative Analyst by funding 11 of the categorical programs of the California Community Colleges through two block grants in the 2003-04 fiscal year. Establishes the Student Services Block Grant and Faculty Support Block Grant.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 140* (Denham-R) Education: school attendance requirements

Extends authorization for, and makes discretionary, recently sunset mandates for specified forms of interdistrict transfer for pupils.

Chapter 529, Statutes of 2003

SB 177* (Johnson-R) Categorical funding programs

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to provide the Legislature with a list of all categorical programs, including specified information.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 332 (Romero-D) Adult education: average daily attendance audits

Provides that any average daily attendance adjustment for the 1990-91, 1991-92, 1992-93, or 1993-94 fiscal years is null and void and waived if the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Department of Finance have not determined whether to waive the audit adjustment by June 30, 2005.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 338 (Scott-D) Concurrent enrollment: high school and community colleges

Makes several changes to existing law governing community college concurrent enrollment, including the specification of eligible courses, the determination of academic credit for course completed, appropriate claiming of per student funding for courses offered and the disclosure of course availability.

Chapter 786, Statutes of 2003

SB 409 (Hollingsworth-R) School finance: reserve accounts

Allows school districts and county offices of education to count portions of their categorical funds toward their general fund reserve, and allows school districts to calculate their deferred maintenance match based on their general fund, instead of general and categorical funds. Repeals these provisions on July 1, 2007.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

SB 481 (McPherson-R) 21st Century Community Learning Centers

Specifies the annual allocation of the federal "No Child Left Behind" Act resources dedicated to California 21st Century Community Learning Centers programs.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 525 (Karnette-D) Categorical funding: block grants

Provides greater flexibility in the use of program funding by creating two categorical block grants. Combines three school safety and violence prevention programs, and establishes a block grant funding method for supplemental instruction.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 588 (Johnson-R) Education finance

Authorizes a school district, until January 1, 2006, to sell, lease, or leaseback certain surplus real and personal property owned by the district for a specified length of time, and use the proceeds from this transaction for any one-time general fund purpose.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 592 (Vasconcellos-D) Instructional materials: cost to state

Establishes the Instructional Materials Cost Effectiveness Advisory Committee to improve the state's process for purchasing textbooks and other instructional materials.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

SB 651 (McPherson-R) Regional occupational centers: apportionments

Repeals the requirement to adjust Regional Occupational Center/Program revenue limits due to the revision in the definition of average daily attendance. Conforms the Academic Performance Index with requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and with the federal definition of annual yearly progress for the purpose of assessing school and school district progress toward meeting federal improvement targets.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

SB 662 (Torlakson-D) School finance: revenue limits: equalization

Repeals one of two current formulas for computing school district revenue limit equalization adjustments and establishes a priority for funding equalization, pursuant to the remaining formula, with future revenues made available to K-12 schools and community colleges, pursuant to the annual guarantee of funding established by Proposition 98.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 712 (Alpert-D) Quality Education Model: school funding

Revises the charge to the Quality Education Commission (QEC), requiring the QEC to determine "adequate base funding" levels for elementary, middle and high schools. Specifies that funding for the QEC be provided by nonstate funding sources, and states legislative intent that state support be limited to specified in-kind contributions from existing resources.

Chapter 416, Statutes of 2003

SB 823 (Karnette-D) Adult education

States legislative intent to subsequently amend the bill to implement recommendations related to adult education made by the Joint Legislative Committee to Develop a Master Plan of Education.

(At Assembly Desk)

SB 826 (Ashburn-R) Hot Springs Elementary School District

Deems the Hot Springs Elementary School to be a necessary small school and requires the apportionment of $50,000 per year to the Hot Springs Elementary School District in lieu of necessary small school funding and in addition to revenue limit funding earned per unit of average daily attendance.

Chapter 600, Statutes of 2003

SB 956 (McClintock-R) Public school expenditures

Mandates school principals, district boards, county superintendents and the State Department of Education to annually report on all funds expended for classroom purposes, as defined.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 1038* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Education finance

Makes necessary statutory changes to implement the Budget Act of 2003 relative to elementary and secondary education, community colleges and to meet the Proposition 98 minimum funding obligation.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 1039* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Education

Makes necessary statutory changes to implement the Budget Act of 2003 relative to elementary and secondary education, community colleges and to meet the Proposition 98 minimum funding obligation.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 1040* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Targeted Instructional Improvement Grant Program

Reduces the Proposition 98 guarantee to its minimum funding level of $80 million for the current year by deferring the same amount from the Targeted Instructional Improvement Grant (TIIG) Program. Appropriates $80 million (Proposition 98) from the General Fund to the State Department of Education for TIIG in fiscal year 2003-04.

Chapter 26, Statutes of 2003

SB 16X (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) School finance

Makes changes to reflect the Administration's Mid-Year Reduction Proposal in the area of school finance.

(In Assembly Budget Committee)

SB 28X* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Education finance

Makes a variety of statutory and education-related budget reductions to the K-12 portions of the 2002-03 Budget Act, as necessary to achieve General Fund savings. Makes the necessary changes in order to reduce the Proposition 98 guarantee to its minimum level for fiscal year 2002-03.

Chapter 10, Statutes of 2003-04 First Extraordinary Session

AB 15 (Houston-R) School finance: revenue limits: equalization

Repeals one of the equalization adjustments. Appropriates $203 million from the General Fund to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction for the 2003-04 fiscal year in augmentation of the amount appropriated for purposes of the remaining equalization adjustment.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 31 (Runner-R) School finance: revenue limits: equalization

Repeals one of the equalization adjustments for the 2003-04 fiscal year. Appropriates $203 million from the General Fund to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction for the 2003-04 fiscal year in augmentation of the amount appropriated for purposes of the remaining equalization adjustment.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 38* (Reyes-D) West Fresno Elementary School District

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to assume the powers of the Governing Board of the West Fresno Elementary School District (District) and, in consultation with the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools, appoint an administrator of the District. Appropriates $2 million for an emergency loan and requires development and implementation of specified district improvement plans.

Chapter 1, Statutes of 2003

AB 48 (Simitian-D) School finance: revenue limits: equalization

Repeals provisions of current law, and last year's budget compromise, that calculates a revenue limit (RL) equalization adjustment using pre-SB 727 (Rosenthal), Chapter 855, Statutes of 1997, average daily attendance, but leaves in place the RL equalization formula created pursuant to AB 441 (Simitian), Chapter 155, Statutes of 2001. Specifies funding for RL equalization adjustment is subject to an appropriation for that purpose in the annual Budget Act.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 97* (Nation-D) Public schools

Extends, for four years, the sunset on the School District of Choice authorization process for interdistrict attendance. Extends for three years, the sunset on the continuous appropriation for charter school general purpose funding. Extends, for one year, a special education funding mechanism.

(On Assembly Unfinished Business File)

AB 222* (Corbett-D) Library construction and renovation

Establishes the California Reading and Literacy Improvement and Public Library Construction and renovation Bond Act of 2004, authorizing the issuance of $4.47 billion in bonds for the purpose of financing library construction and renovation, as well as specified youth library services, subject to voter approval.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 235 (Cogdill-R) School transportation

Requires the Office of the Legislative Analyst to conduct a study to review the current student transportation funding formula and make recommendations to the Legislature.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 349 (Haynes-R) Compton Unified School District

Enacts the Cal Grants for Kids Pilot Program to require the State Department of Education to establish a program within the Compton Unified School District whereby, upon the request of parents, children may be provided with educational certificates to fund their attendance at participating public or private schools.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 442 (Richman-R) School finance: budget disclosures

Requires the governing boards of school districts with enrollments exceeding 50,000 to make a summary of the district budget available to the public at budget hearings of the board.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 448 (Matthews-D) Intensive reading programs: reimbursement

Authorizes a school district to receive "up-front" funding for K-4 elementary school intensive reading programs, rather than through a reimbursement process.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 546 (Diaz-D) Apprenticeship education

Specifies that any excess state apportionments to school districts and community college districts for student apprenticeship education programs shall be allocated according to a specified order.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 772 (Jackson-D) Educational equity

Requires that educational institutions provide annual assurances to the agency administering state funds, that each program or activity is conducted in compliance with the provisions of state and federal law prohibiting discrimination at elementary and secondary education institutions and prohibiting discrimination based on gender at postsecondary educational institutions.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 931 (Richman-R) School finance: categorical education programs

Authorizes a school district, for the 2003-04 fiscal year, to transfer to its general fund any categorical education program funds that were not expended or otherwise obligated in the 2003-03 fiscal year, with the exception of restricted federal funds, proceeds from general obligation or revenue bonds, and capital outlay sinking funds. Authorizes a school district to expend the transferred funds to offset a reduction of funds appropriated by the 2003 Budget Act.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1266 (Assembly Budget Committee) Schools

Makes various changes to the Education Code and related statutes to, among other things, conform statute to provisions of the 2003 Budget Act. Is an education trailer bill to the 2003 Budget Act.

Chapter 573, Statutes of 2003

AB 1350 (Simitian-D) Ravenswood City Elementary School District

Reappropriates $1.33 million in unexpended federal education funds, as specified, to the Ravenswood City Elementary School District. States a finding and declaration that because of costs incurred in complying with a court-ordered action plan, as a result of being out of compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act requirements, the district finds itself in a fiscal emergency. Requires that funds appropriated by this bill must be used for special education services eligible for federal funding.

Chapter 769, Statutes of 2003

AB 1366* (Simitian-D) Education finance

Corrects conflicts in current law, so as to allow transfer of property tax support for a charter school pupil who resides in a basic aid district, and to phase-in the impact of that transfer on the basic aid school district.

(On Assembly Unfinished Business File)

AB 1419* (Assembly Budget Committee) School finance

Makes statutory changes necessary to implement the Governor's 2003-04 budget proposal for K-12 education.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1554 (Keene-R) School finance: necessary small schools

Provides a two-year extension to the sunset and repeal dates of a special authorization that allows the Plumas Unified School District to receive necessary small school funding and requires the State Department of Education to review the statutory definition of necessary small schools, and make recommendations for revising those definitions by April 1, 2004.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1575* (Pavley-D) Education finance: Oxnard Union High School District

Declares the 2001-02 fiscal year average daily attendance of the Oxnard Union High School District to be 89.1 percent of the district's October 2001 headcount enrollment.

Chapter 40, Statutes of 2003

AB 1754* (Assembly Budget Committee) Education finance

Is the Omnibus Education Budget 2003-04 trailer bill that makes statutory changes necessary to implement the Budget Act of 2003.

Chapter 227, Statutes of 2003

TopIndex School Facilities

SB 15 (Alpert-D) School facilities

Makes several changes in the School Facilities Program, the program that governs the distribution of state general obligation bond funds to school districts for school construction and modernization. Authorizes additional allowances for modernization funding, modifies eligibility for joint-use funds and makes provision for the distribution of Charter Schools Facilities Program funding expected from the 2004 state education bond.

Chapter 587, Statutes of 2003

SB 298 (Cedillo-D) School facilities: historic preservation

Allows a school district to receive an additional new school facility apportionment for a school facility that preserves the historic features of a historically significant structure identified in the school facility project plan.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

SB 352 (Escutia-D) School sites: sources of pollution

Prohibits a local educational agency from approving the acquisition of a school site within 500 feet of a busy roadway unless the air quality at the site does not pose a health risk to pupils or staff.

Chapter 668, Statutes of 2003

SB 628 (Vasconcellos-D) School facilities: funding

Allows a high school or elementary school district to qualify for school facilities funding based upon the overcrowded condition of a high school attendance area without regard to the district wide average conditions.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 746 (Escutia-D) School facilities

Increases some districts' eligibility for state education bond funds by exempting classrooms built with funding provided from the Class Size Facilities Bond Act of 1998 from the calculations for determining ongoing eligibility for new construction funding.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 892 (Murray-D) School restrooms

Requires every public and private school maintaining any combination of classes from kindergarten to grade 12, inclusive, to comply with specified restroom maintenance standards and specifies that any school district that operates a public school that is in violation of these standards is ineligible for state deferred maintenance funds matching apportionments.

Chapter 909, Statutes of 2003

SB 1041 (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) School facilities bonds

Requires, if more than one primary election is held in 2004, submission of the Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2004 to the voters at the first primary election held in that year, and declares that "a direct primary election" for the purposes of constitutional provisions relating to voter approval of legislative measures creating state indebtedness includes a presidential primary election.

(In Assembly Elections, Redistricting and Constitutional Amendments Committee)

AB 124* (Cogdill-R) Joint-use projects

Authorizes the State Allocation Board to consider expenses previously incurred and paid by a school district on a joint-use project as credit toward meeting the school district's local matching fund requirement under the school lease purchase program, if the cost were incurred and paid after January 1, 1999.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 217 (Cohn-D) School facilities: funding

Allows the State Allocation Board (SAB), if SAB finds that a school district faces extraordinary circumstances in modernizing multiple facility projects, to extend the time the school district has to meet specified criteria to have funds released by an additional six months, for a total of 24 months.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 225 (Frommer-D) School facilities

Authorizes the State Allocation Board to make a supplemental new construction grant that does not exceed 50 percent of the per-pupil new construction grant, if a school district can demonstrate a lack of suitable school sites and proposes to reconstruct or remodel an existing school to increase its pupil capacity by at least 50 percent. Requires the State Architect to develop guidelines to assist school districts in determining whether non-Field Act buildings for least, as school facilities, may be retrofitted to meet pupil safety performance standards.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 275 (Dutton-R) School facilities: modernization

Authorizes the State Allocation Board to adopt regulations to identify and document modernization projects costs that are required by the State Architect to ensure the project's compliance with accessibility standards.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 391 (Montanez-D) New school construction

Requires any construction of a new school site or modernization project to an existing school kitchen and dining facility to have an instructional garden area, as specified, and a fully functional modern school kitchen and dining facility.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 545 (Montanez-D) School facilities: joint-use projects

Requires the State Allocation Board to give priority for new construction grant funding under the State School Facility Program to projects located in educational empowerment zones.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 549 (Cohn-D) School facilities: smoking

Requires a school district to prohibit smoking by any person on any school site where a school facility is being constructed, reconstructed, rehabilitated, or repaired.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 598 (Hancock-D) Facilities modernization: drinking fountains

Encourages all modernization projects funded under the School Facilities Program to have fully functional, modern, and sanitary drinking fountains, as specified.

(On Senate Third Reading File)

AB 736 (Hancock-D) School facilities

Requires the State Allocation Board to adopt regulations to implement specified incentives for the allocation of proceeds of general obligation bonds for school districts that design schools that meet specified energy efficiency and environmental criteria.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 787 (Dutra-D) School facilities funding

Modifies eligibility for modernization funding under the State School Facility Program and expands the type of projects to include athletic stadium facilities that can be funded with joint-use new construction funding.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1008 (Dutton-R) Hazardous materials evaluation and removal

Authorizes the State Allocation Board to provide additional new construction funds to a school district if, as a result of additional requirements, the actual costs paid by the district for allowable hazardous materials evaluation and removal exceeds the amount of the grant apportioned for this purpose.

Chapter 570, Statutes of 2003

AB 1018 (Nakanishi-R) School facilities construction and modernization

Exempts school facility new construction or modernization projects from any requirement to pay local prevailing wages.

(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)

AB 1124 (Nunez-D) School facilities maintenance and repair

Requires that school districts consider that a priority for the use of state and local maintenance and deferred maintenance funding be to ensure that facilities, including restroom facilities for pupils, are functional and meet hygiene standards generally applicable to public facilities.

Chapter 358, Statutes of 2003

AB 1244 (Chu-D) School facilities funding: modernization

Expands school district eligibility for state school facility modernization funds to include additional apportionment for modernization which occurs either (1) 25 years after a school building first received a state modernization apportionment, or (2) for portable school buildings, 20 years after first receiving a modernization apportionment.

Chapter 572, Statutes of 2003

AB 1309 (Goldberg-D) School facilities: displaced residential development

Authorizes a city or county to acquire real property for construction of new school site replacement housing, if the acquisition of a school site by a school district results in a loss of housing, and if the local governing agency has determined that an extreme shortage of affordable housing, as defined, exists in the vicinity of the school site. Requires the adoption of a replacement housing plan.

Chapter 574, Statutes of 2003

AB 1395 (Lowenthal-D) School facilities

Requires every school district, by January 1, 2005, to develop a plan, to be known as the Restroom Facilities Improvement and Maintenance Plan, that addresses the problems associated with school restrooms and that meet minimum standards, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1550 (Goldberg-D) Public education

Requires that the State Department of General Services adopt regulations establishing workable school facilities standards for public K-12 schools, early childhood education, and public postsecondary education.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1573 (Corbett-D) School construction: design-build

Requires the project inspector of a school district sponsored design-build project to act under the direction of either the Director of the State Department of General Services or a competent, qualified agent of the school district;.

Chapter 53, Statutes of 2003

AB 1631 (Salinas-D) School facilities funding: replacement buildings

Allows a school district to receive state funding to demolish a single story building and replace it with a multi-story building without requiring the school district to also operate a multi-track year-round schedule.

Chapter 904, Statutes of 2003

AB 1647 (Wiggins-D) School building construction: prefabricated materials

Requires the State Department of General Services to develop an inventory, as specified, of prefabricated buildings and modular units in use by school districts.

(On Senate Third Reading File)

TopIndex Bilingual Education

TopIndex Charter Schools

SB 979 (Ducheny-D) Charter schools: pupil attendance

Authorizes the State Board of Education to grant waivers of five years in length to allow charter schools to receive funding for noncontinuously enrolled students over 19 years of age.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SCR 21 (Aanestad-R) Charter schools

Resolves that the Legislature joins the California Network of Education Charters and proclaims April 28 through May 2, 2003 as California Charter Schools Week and calls upon all Californians to observe this week by recognizing the benefits of charter schools.

(In Senate Rules Committee)

AB 97* (Nation-D) Public schools

Extends, for four years, the sunset on the School Districts of Choice authorization process for interdistrict attendance. Extends, for three years, the sunset on the continuous appropriation for charter school general purpose funding. Extends, for one year, a special education funding mechanism.

(On Assembly Unfinished Business File)

AB 604 (Dymally-D) Education: charter schools

Requires a charter school that operates schools at multiple sites to receive its funding directly from the county superintendent of schools of the county in which the chartering authority is located.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 615 (Bates-R) Advisory Commission on Special Education

Revises the membership of the Advisory Commission on Special Education by specifying that one of the five public members appointed by the State Board of Education be a representative of the charter school community.

Chapter 208, Statutes of 2003

AB 1137 (Reyes-D) Charter schools

Repeals the sunset on the charter school general purpose block grant, specifies several oversight duties of each chartering authority and establishes criteria for renewal.

Chapter 892, Statutes of 2003

AB 1197 (Wiggins-D) Political Reform Act of 1974: conflicts of interest

Specifically includes under the definition of "designated employee," for purposes of the conflict of interest law, any board member, chief business officer, superintendent, assistant superintendent, deputy superintendent associate superintendent, chief personnel officer, and general counsel (or their equivalents) of a public school district or county office of education and any individual having governance or management responsibility in a charter school who can effectively recommend the purchase of goods and services.

(Failed passage on Senate Floor; reconsideration granted)

AB 1307 (Haynes-R) Charter schools: authorization

Expands the entities authorized to approve a petition to establish a charter school.

(In Assembly Education)

AB 1381 (Firebaugh-D) Charter school facilities funding: regulatory approvals

Requires the State Allocation Board to adopt regulations establishing a process for projects related to critically overcrowded schools to be subject to a streamlined method for obtaining prescribed regulatory approvals.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1464 (Bates-R) Charter schools: authorization

Creates more chartering authorities by authorizing institutions of higher education, big-city mayors and major nonprofit organizations to approve a petition to establish a charter school.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1636 (Kehoe-D) Charter school district conversion: approval

Requires approval only from the county board of education of the county in which the district is located, when authorizing a school district to convert all of its schools to charter schools. Provides that any renewal of a petition approved by joint action of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Board of Education, prior to January 1, 2004, may be granted only by the county board of education of the county in which the school district is located.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1638 (La Suer-R) Charter schools: nonclassroom-based instruction

Requires the State Board of Education, on or before February 1, 2004, to adopt regulations to include within the determination of the amount of average daily attendance funding a charter school is eligible to receive, the total amount of revenue that a school spends on the acquisition, construction, and maintenance of school facilities.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

ACR 60 (Bates-R) Charter School Week

Proclaims April 28 through May 2, 203 as Charter School Week. Makes numerous legislative findings regarding the benefits of charter schools.

Resolution Chapter 30, Statutes of 2003

TopIndex Class Size Reduction

SB 556 (Sher-D) Class size

Establishes a deduction schedule that the State Controller is required to follow if a school district failed to maintain the maximum pupil-to-teacher ratio relative to the K-3 class size reduction program.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 837 (Alarcon-D) Class size reduction

Creates the Class Size Reduction Flexibility Alternative Program which allows school districts to receive incentive funding for elementary grade class size reduction, provided that the average annual class size, and individual day class size, of a participating class does not exceed specified limits that differ according to the Academic Performance Index ranking of the school.

(Failed passed in Senate Education Committee)

SB 16X (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) School finance

Makes changes to reflect the Administration's Mid-Year Reduction Proposal in the area of school finance.

(In Assembly Budget Committee)

AB 42 (Daucher-R) Class size reduction

Allows, for the 2003-04, 2004-05, and 2005-06 school year, a school district to determine average class size on a school site basis in the same manner as certain small school districts and requires the school district to select the grade level or levels at a school site to be reduced and to give priority to reducing class size in the selected grade level or levels before reducing class size in other grade levels at the school site.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 163 (Nation-D) Public education

Authorizes the Tamalpais Union High School District, on a pilot project basis and subject to a collective bargaining agreement with certificated employees to implement a modified ninth grade class size reduction program. Defines the 2001-02 school year calendar for Fairfield-Suisun School District. Increases the number of positions exempt from civil service for the State Department of Education.

Chapter 755, Statutes of 2003

AB 228 (Leslie-R) Class size reduction

Allows all school districts to determine average class size on a participating school site basis in the same manner as certain small school districts and requires a school district to maintain an annual average class size that does not exceed 22 pupils to one teacher, provided that the school site annual average class size doe snot exceed an annual average class size ratio of 20 pupils to one teacher.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1129 (Goldberg-D) Class size reduction

Specifies the conditions by which an individual school site may qualify for the class size reduction program based on the annual Academic Performance Index decile ranking.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1377 (Benoit-R) School facilities

Authorizes the State Allocation Board to provide grants of up to $40,000 per eligible class, to school districts participating in the class size reduction program, as specified, for which less than $40,000 in state facilities funding per eligible classroom has been provided and for which applications were filed on or before July 1, 2001.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 5X (Daucher-R) Class size reduction

Allows all school districts to determine average class size on a school site basis in the same manner as certain small school districts. Requires any school district establishing a class size reduction program to select the grade level or levels at a school site to be reduced and to give priority to reducing class size in the selected grade level or levels before reducing class size in other grade levels at the school site.

(Failed passage in Assembly Budget Committee)

TopIndex School Safety

SB 719 (Kuehl-D) School safety

Reorganizes, renumbers and makes primarily minor and nonsubstantive change to the provisions of the 1985 School Safety Act.

Chapter 828, Statutes of 2003

SB 848 (Karnette-D) School programs: pedestrian-bicyclist safety

Adds the City of Long Beach to the pilot project created in 2002 for safety-enhancement double-fine zones in school zones in the counties of Alameda, Santa Barbara, and Ventura.

(In Senate Public Safety Committee)

AB 115 (Jerome Horton-D) School safety

Increases the penalty for willful failure of a local educational agency to develop a school safety plan from $500 to $2,000. Provides for the filing of complaints of noncompliance with school safety plan requirements.

Chapter 423, Statutes of 2003

AB 1411* (Wolk-D) School safety: hazing

Expands the definition of hazing to include any initiation or pre-initiation into a student body, as well as a student group, that poses an emotional or physical danger, as specified. Adds hazing to the list of suspendable offenses authorizing a superintendent to suspend or recommend expulsion of a student for participating in hazing activities.

Chapter 21, Statutes of 2003

ACR 85 (Kehoe-D) Respect for All Project

Commends the Respect for All Project (1) for recognizing the critical need for educational tools that reflect the experiences of children and families of diverse backgrounds, (2) for creating the "Respect for All" film series to celebrate family diversity, and address prejudice, name-calling, bullying, and the formation of stereotypes among youth, (3) for producing the first film for school age children that explores a wide range of family types, (4) for offering free diversity training to all school districts within the state, and (5) for encouraging all school districts to incorporate the "Respect for All" series into the curriculum as a way to foster schools that are safe, free of discrimination, and guarantee an equal educational opportunity for all pupils.

Resolution Chapter 109, Statutes of 2003

TopIndex Child and Day Care

SB 14 (Escutia-D) Early Childhood Education Center and After School Facilities

Enacts the Early Childhood Education Center and After School Facilities Bond Act of 2003 to provide up to $5 billion in general obligation bonds for the construction, expansion and improvement of early childhood education centers and after school facilities, to be submitted to the voters at the November 2004 statewide general election.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 474 (Florez-D) Child day care facilities: criminal record information

Requires any person applying to operate or manage a child day care facility or family day care home, and other specified persons, to agree that the criminal record information obtained from the appropriate law enforcement agency may be disclosed by the State Department of Social Services to any parent or guardian of a client or prospective client in a licensed child day care facility or family day care home.

(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)

SB 550 (Vasconcellos-D) Education

Implements the student learning recommendations of the Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan for Education. Among other things, requires the State Board of Education to develop guidelines, standards, and curricula for preschool and early childhood education and to align them to the K-3 academic content and performance standards.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SJR 3 (Alarcon-D) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program

Urges the United States Congress to increase Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant and child care funding, extend the 60-month TANF time limit in specified circumstances, and give states flexibility to design effective strategies to help people secure jobs.

Resolution Chapter 136, Statutes of 2003

AB 22 (Maddox-R) Child day care facilities: family day care homes

Requires the State Department of Social Services (DSS), before issuing a license to operate a child day care facility, and before specified people may be present in the home, to get specified information from local law enforcement regarding contacts with the applicant or other person. Authorizes DSS to revoke licenses, as specified.

(In Assembly Human Services Committee)

AB 51 (Simitian-D) General plans: child care facilities

Requires cities and counties to identify categories of land use, if any, that provide for child care facilities, not including family day care homes, no later than one year after the next regularly scheduled revision of the land use element of their general plans that occurs after January 1, 2004.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 56 (Steinberg-D) Child care, development, and education

Creates a statewide system of school readiness centers for young children, three and four years of age, lowers the minimum age of compulsory education from age six to five, and extends the minimum day for kindergartners by 50 minutes.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee

AB 72 (Bates-R) Child care providers

Requires child care resource and referral agencies to remove licensed child day care facilities with certain disciplinary actions from referral lists and requires resource and referral agencies to notify certain alternative payment programs of these removals.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 179 (Chan-D) California Children and Families Commission

Makes a technical change in the Children and Families Act of 1998 (Proposition 10) regarding timing of annual reports, and allows the state commission (California Children and Families Commission) administering the initiative to be known as First 5 California.

Chapter 378, Statutes of 2003

AB 305 (Mullin-D) Density bonuses: child care facilities

Requires a city or county to grant an additional density bonus, concession, or incentive to a developer of housing, otherwise entitled to a density bonus or other incentive if that developer includes a child care facility as part of the housing development, unless the city or county makes a finding that the existing area has adequate child care facilities.

Chapter 430, Statutes of 2003

AB 366* (Mullin-D) Child care: substitute employee registry

Requires the State Department of Social Services (DSS) to operate the substitute employee registry (SER) pilot program providing clearance for temporary child care employees until January 1, 2007, authorizes continued operation at DSS' discretion thereafter, and makes related changes to the SER program.

(On Assembly Unfinished Business File)

AB 379 (Mullin-D) Child care: funding

Requires that the percentage of parents who are working be a factor in allocating funds for the expansion of infant and toddler programs.

(In Assembly Human Services Committee)

AB 422 (Chan-D) Child development permits

Requires the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to complete a report on a pilot project regarding child development permits. Requires the CTC, within the report, to include recommendations to produce an efficient and streamlined system of preparation and issuance of child development permits.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 529 (Mullin-D) Family day care homes

Treats one child attending kindergarten the same as a child of six years of age or older for purposes of allowing additional children to be cared for by licensed family day care homes.

Chapter 744, Statutes of 2003

AB 644* (Mullin-D) Taxation: low-income housing

Requires the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee to also consider child care as one of the criteria for selection of projects to which the low-income housing tax credits may be allocated.

(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1326 (Simitian-D) Child care subsidies: County of San Mateo: pilot project

Creates a San Mateo County (County) child care subsidy pilot project utilizing child care funds allocated to the County from state and federal sources into a single countywide child care delivery system.

Chapter 691, Statutes of 2003

AB 1550 (Goldberg-D) Public education

Enacts recommendations of the Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan for Education related to school facilities. Requires the State Department of General Services to adopt regulations establishing workable school facilities standards for public K-12 schools, early childhood education, and public postsecondary education.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1558 (Daucher-R) Child care: health studios: trustline registry

Prohibits any person from providing child care or supervising a child in a health fitness club, as specified, unless that person has cleared a criminal background check and is a registered Trustline Child care provider. Also makes related changes.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1569 (Correa-D) Child day care facilities: criminal record information

Requires that by January 1, 2005, the Office of the Legislative Analyst complete a study of the process used by the State Department of Social Services and the State Department of Justice in performing criminal background checks of child day care providers and licensees.

(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)

AB 1668 (Salinas-D) Child Care Facilities Revolving Fund

Authorizes school districts and county offices of education that provide child care as part of the California School Age Families Education program to apply for and receive funding from the Child Care Facilities Revolving Fund for the purchase of portable buildings to house child care and development programs. Also addresses a local district issue regarding a Santa Cruz County program participant.

Chapter 523, Statutes of 2003

AB 1683 (Pavley-D) Child day care: licensing report

Seeks to give parents timely information concerning the conditions of their children's child care facility.

Chapter 403, Statutes of 2003

AB 1752* (Assembly Budget Committee) Human services

Makes a series of statutory changes affecting multiple human services programs that are necessary to implement the Budget Act of 2003, including changes in fees for child care facilities.

Chapter 225, Statutes of 2003

AB 1754* (Assembly Budget Committee) Education finance

Makes changes to a variety of education-related statutes in order to effectuate the changes included as part of the proposed 2003-04 Budget Act, including delaying the Kindergarten Readiness Pilot Program for an additional three years.

Chapter 227, Statutes of 2003

TopIndex Special Education

SB 145 (Alpert-D) Special education: due process rights

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to establish standards for the training of special education due process hearing officers and the quality control mechanisms to be used to ensure that the hearings are fair and the decisions are accurate, and enhances parental rights in the assessment of their children and the due process hearing, as specified.

Chapter 368, Statutes of 2003

SB 464 (Murray-D) Special education: individualized education program meeting

Requires a school district, special education local plan area, or county office of education to invite to individualized education program team meetings a representative of the group home in those cases in which a pupil with exceptional needs has been placed in a group home by a juvenile court, as specified.

Chapter 413, Statutes of 2003

SB 636 (Machado-D) Special education: alternative dispute resolution

Authorizes grants, subject to the availability of federal funds, to special education local plan area agencies to implement alternative dispute resolution programs for special education.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 152 (Levine-D) Special education

Makes various revisions in special education laws generally conforming state law to federal requirements relating to (1) pupil identification, assessment, and eligibility, (2) individualized education program development, including notice, representation, and hearing procedures and requirements, (3) multidistrict special education local plan area monitoring, review, and correction procedures, (4) the provision of early intervention services, and (5) pupil data confidentiality. Makes other technical nonsubstantive changes.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 298 (Bates-R) Special education

Allows the Orange County Office of Education to pilot test the provision of services to pupils in licensed children's institutions or foster care homes rather than place these pupils in nonpublic, nonsectarian schools (NPS). Allows the County to continue to receive the added state funding that is currently provided for NPS placement.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 328 (Mullin-D) Special education: funding

Specifies that, in the 2004-05 fiscal year (FY) and each FY thereafter, federal funds provided for support of special education that are in excess of the 2003-04 amounts shall not be offset by reductions in General Fund (Proposition 98) appropriations, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 615 (Bates-R) Advisory Commission on Special Education

Revises the membership of the Advisory Commission on Special Education by specifying that one of the five public members appointed by the State Board of Education be a representative of the charter school community. Under current law, three of these five members are required to be parents of special education pupils who are in either a public or private school.

Chapter 208, Statutes of 2003

AB 640 (Dutra-D) State special schools: categorical funding

Specifies that state special schools are eligible to apply for and receive categorical funds in the same manner that school districts and county offices of education are eligible to apply for and receive those funds.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 662 (Dutra-D) Special education: blind and visually impaired pupils

Establishes the Advisory Task Force for the Education of Blind and Visually Impaired Pupils within the State Department of Education (SDE) to provide input on the needs of visually impaired students to the Legislature, Governor, and other appropriate parties. Requires test publishers contracting with the SDE to provide test materials in formats accessible to students with visual impairments.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 780 (Harman-R) Special education: due process hearing

Reduces the period of time during which a special education "due process hearing" may be requested from the current three years to one year.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 1017 (Goldberg-D) Teachers: hiring preferences: instructing deaf pupils

Prohibits the California School for the Deaf from hiring certificated employees and substitute teachers who fail to achieve certain scores on the American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (or an alternate assessment).

Chapter 865, Statutes of 2003

AB 1336* (Daucher-R) Special education: funding

Requires, beginning in 2003-04, that special education funding for growth and cost-of-living adjustments be based on the actual prior year statewide average funding per unit of average daily attendance (ADA), rather than on the prior year statewide target per unit of ADA.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1337 (Daucher-R) Special education

Prohibits a hearing officer from placing a special needs pupil with a nonpublic school or nonpublic agency unless the hearing officer issues a written finding that the district's program or program offer has not complied with legal requirements.

Chapter 893, Statutes of 2003

AB 1564 (Chavez-D) Special education: community colleges

Specifies that, for the purposes of the existing definition of special education, the community colleges are part of the public education system. Requires that students with disabilities age 18-22, who have not graduated from high school, will receive special education services at the community colleges.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

AB 1649 (Simitian-D) Special education: skilled nursing facilities

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to reimburse local education agencies for services provided to pupils with exceptional needs who reside in skilled nursing facilities located in districts with an average daily attendance less than 3,000.

Chapter 584, Statutes of 2003

TopIndex School Accountability and Testing

SB 257 (Alpert-D) Pupil data

Requires an existing advisory committee on accountability, as specified, to make recommendations to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, by July 1, 2005, on the feasibility of generating a measurement of academic performance by utilizing unique student identifiers and annual academic achievement growth, with the goal of providing a more accurate measure of a school's growth over time.

Chapter 782, Statutes of 2003

SB 373 (Margett-R) High-performing schools

Establishes a deadline of July 1, 2004 for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to complete two tasks that are assigned in statute: (1) establishing the process and frequency for conducting reviews of achievement and compliance with state and federal categorical program requirements, and (2) establishing the content of these compliance review instruments, including criteria for differentiating the reviews based on the achievement levels of pupils and the record of compliance.

Expresses legislative intent that schools deemed to be high performing, defined as an Academic Performance Index of at least 800, with record of compliance with state and federal law, are not subject to Coordinated Compliance Review.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 471 (Vasconcellos-D) Pupil testing

Extends the sunset for the Standardized Testing and Reporting program from January 1, 2005 to January 1, 2007, and revises the intent of the state testing program.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

SB 495 (Vasconcellos-D) School accountability: Opportunity to Learn Index

Provides for the development of the Opportunities for Teaching and Learning Index as a component of the Public School Accountability Program in order to measure the opportunity for K-12 pupil learning in ways that permit statewide comparison of schools.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 550 (Vasconcellos-D) Education

Implements the student learning recommendations of the Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan for Education.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 575 (Poochigian-R) School accountability report cards

Requires school districts to include in School Accountability Report Cards all of the elements required under the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. Specifies legislative intent that school districts and schools comply with the requirements of the federal NCLB Act.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 651 (McPherson-R) Regional occupational centers: apportionments

Conforms the Academic Performance Index with requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 with the federal definition of annual yearly progress for the purpose of assessing school and school district progress toward meeting federal improvement targets. Repeals the requirement to adjust Regional Occupational Center/Program revenue limits due to the revision in the definition of average daily attendance.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

SB 683 (Alpert-D) Pupil assessment data: analysis

Codifies the California Learning Resources Network (CLRN), a program that currently is administratively authorized to operate, to provide expanded services, as specified, if the State Superintendent of Public Instruction determines that the CLRN can provide these services without additional state funding.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 722 (McPherson-R) School performance

Amends existing law relating to the Academic Performance Index so that it conforms with requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and with the federal definition of annual yearly progress for the purpose of assessing school and school district progress toward meeting federal improvement targets.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

SB 964 (Burton-D) High school exit examination

Provides for an independent consultant to assess options and provide recommendations for alternatives to the California High School Exit Examination for pupils with disabilities.

Chapter 803, Statutes of 2003

AB 8* (Daucher-R) Local Education and Accountability Pilot Program

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to select three county offices of education to voluntarily participate in a three-year accountability pilot program, commencing with the 2003-04 academic year, with the goal of increasing pupil performance in low-performing schools.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 36 (Wyland-R) Pupil achievement

Strongly encourages each school district governing board to publicly discuss the Standardized Testing and Reporting results by school, grade and federally enumerated subgroups as part of the discussion of the district's Academic Performance Index. Also suggests specified interventions if a school or group of students do not perform up to specified levels.

Chapter 45, Statutes of 2003

AB 96 (Bermudez-D) High-priority schools

Replaces Education Code references to low performing schools with references to high priority schools.

Chapter 91, Statutes of 2003

AB 165 (Chan-D) School Accountability Report Card: requirements

Requires that the School Accountability Report Card include assessment of the availability of credential school nurses to provide authorized services, the ratio of credential school nurses per pupil and the amount of time each credential school nurse is on campus each month.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 356 (Hancock-D) Education: pupil testing

Revises the state testing program to (1) change school and staff rewards program to be only nonmonetary awards, (2) provide for diagnostic assessment but not standardized testing in grade 2, and (3) delay the requirement to pass the exit exam for high school graduation.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 497 (Wyland-R) Pupil testing: California High School Exit Exam

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, with the approval of the State Board of Education, by October 1, 2005, to involve a component in American government and history in the existing high school exit examination.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 511 (Diaz-D) Information and communications technologies: assessment

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, by January 1, 2006, to report recommendations related to information and communications technology literacy, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1266 (Assembly Budget Committee) Golden State Exams

A 2003-04 budget trailer bill which, among its provisions, repeals the Golden State Exams.

Chapter 573, Statutes of 2003

Similar legislation was SB 192 (Scott-D) and SB 241 (Knight-R), which are in the Senate Education Committee.

AB 1485 (Firebaugh-D) English learners: academic assessment

Makes modifications to the requirements of the Reading First Program in regards to English language learners. Clarifies the administration of a nationally normed portion of the state standardized testing program.

Chapter 773, Statutes of 2003

AB 1670 (Kehoe-D) High school exit examination

Makes technical amendments to the California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE). Deems enrollment in adult education program leading to a high school diploma as adequate notice of the requirement to pass the test in order to get a diploma. Allows a student who is eligible to receive a certificate or document of achievement or completion to participate in graduation ceremonies without taking the CAHSEE.

(In Senate Education Committee)

ACR 66 (Pavley-D) High school exit examination

Urges the State Board of Education (SBE) to continue to delay implementation of the California High School Exit Exam until specified issues regarding the appropriate testing methods for pupils with disabilities are resolved. Encourages the State Department of Education to develop, and the SBE to adopt, guidelines for alternate assessment methods for those pupils with disabilities for whom accommodations or modifications are not appropriate.

Resolution Chapter 138, Statutes of 2003

TopIndex Higher Education

SB 160 (Alarcon-D) Higher education labor relations: University of California

Prohibits the University of California (UC) from using nonrepresented service contractors at any new facility, as defined, to perform services traditionally performed by represented UC employees. Permits UC to use nonrepresented service contractors only upon a showing of good cause.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 193 (Murray-D) Postsecondary education: Student Athletes' Bill of Rights

Prohibits California institutions of higher education from participating in any organizations that regulate student-athlete scholarships, which includes the National Collegiate Athletic Association and National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

SB 242 (Knight-R) Community college facilities: building standards

Allows a community college joint-use building, after January 1, 2004, to be built according to either the Field Act or the California Building Standards Code, as specified.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 259 (Romero-D) School and community college employees: active military

Authorizes school and community college districts to pay lost salary and benefits to all employees who have been called to active military duty. Provides that teachers have a period of 120 days after the end of his/her service to renew their credential if that credential expired while on active duty.

Chapter 783, Statutes of 2003

SB 272 (Soto-D) Community college part-time faculty: social security

Requires community college districts to offer social security coverage to part-time faculty by July 1, 2004.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 279 (Chesbro-D) Public postsecondary education: excuse of tuition and fees

Repeals a sunset, thereby extending indefinitely provisions which excuse the mandatory systemwide undergraduate fees and tuition of the University of California and the California State University for any spouse or child of a contractor, or an employee of a contractor, who was killed in the performance of active law enforcement or active fire suppression and prevention duties.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

SB 302 (Kuehl-D) Discrimination: state programs and activities

Clarifies that existing nondiscrimination and accessibility obligations on the part of state entities, programs and activities, expressly includes the California State University (CSU). Ensures that CSU, like all other state agencies, complies with the requirements to provide assistive technology to disabled persons.

Chapter 784, Statutes of 2003

SB 328 (Escutia-D) Student financial aid: eligibility

Establishes financial aid application procedures to be used by individuals who do not have the legal immigration status necessary for federal processing of the financial aid application.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 336 (Romero-D) Postsecondary Educational Institutions: hiring practices

Requires the Legislative Analyst Office to commission a study of the hiring practices of postsecondary educational institutions. Requires that the study specifically examine hiring search processes.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 371 (Hollingsworth-R) Public postsecondary education: resident classification

Provides resident status, only for the purpose of determining the amount of public higher education tuition and fees, to a member of the armed services reserves, veterans or members of their immediate families, as specified.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 452 (Poochigian-R) California State University: Kenneth L. Maddy Institute

Revises administrative provisions governing the Kenneth L. Maddy Institute, located at the California State University, Fresno, and specifies that the Institute be organized as a nonprofit organization, as specified.

Chapter 463, Statutes of 2003

SB 468 (Perata-D) Community colleges: homeland defense security training

Establishes, on a pilot basis, to the extent that funds are available, three Regional Centers for Domestic Security Training within the Peralta Community College District, Los Angeles Community College District, and San Diego Community College District. The centers will provide comprehensive security training courses and programs for private safety and security personnel.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 484 (Morrow-R) Public postsecondary education: resident classification

Repeals the current law which limits a member of the armed forces seeking a graduate degree at a public institution of higher education to resident tuition and fees for one academic year, and indefinitely entitles active duty military personnel seeking a graduate degree to resident tuition and fees.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 542 (Murray-D) Postsecondary education

Eliminates the current authority of the State Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education over the approval and regulation of private postsecondary degree-granting institutions and administration of the Title 38 Veterans Administration benefits program, and authorizes the California Postsecondary Education Commission to administer these responsibilities.

(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)

SB 550 (Vasconcellos-D) Education

Implements the student learning recommendations of the Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan for Education.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 644 (Burton-D) California Community Colleges Board of Governors

Revises the composition of the California Community Colleges Board of Governors by replacing one public representative with a classified employee representative.

Chapter 860, Statutes of 2003

SB 680 (McPherson-R) Student financial aid

Requires the State Student Aid Commission to convene an existing advisory committee to review the existing formula for calculating high school grade point averages, under the Ortiz-Pacheco-Poochigian-Vasconcellos Cal Grant Act.

Chapter 795, Statutes of 2003

SB 728 (Scott-D) Student financial aid

Simplifies the Cal Grant application process by providing that any Cal Grant applicant who qualifies to be considered under the simplified needs test, established by federal law for student financial aid, shall be presumed to meet the asset level test under this section.

Chapter 339, Statutes of 2003

SB 790 (Morrow-R) Contracting for noninstructional services

Declares that the employer-employee relations provisions do not limit the authority of the University of California, the Hastings College of the Law, and the California State University, to enter into contracts with third parties for noninstructional services, as prescribed. Authorizes school districts and community college districts to contract for any noninstructional services, as prescribed.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 809* (Morrow-R) Public postsecondary education

Authorizes the State Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), for good cause, and based on the financial needs of a child who otherwise qualifies under this provision, to grant an exception to the annual income limit for that child. Requires DVA to adopt and publish regulations defining the conditions under which an income limit exception may be granted under this provision.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 821 (Alarcon-D) Business programs

Establishes the Golden State Business and Social Responsibility Award to honor students completing graduate business programs at the state's public and private colleges and universities who show a commitment to socially responsible leadership. Requires the California State University and the California Community Colleges to convene a task force to develop a plan for integrating instruction in business ethics into their business programs.

Chapter 599, Statutes of 2003

SB 955 (Burton-D) Community colleges: temporary employees

Exempts service in ancillary professional activities, including governance, staff development, grant writing, and advising student organizations, from counting toward the calculation of eligibility for contract or regulator status for part-time temporary employees at California Community Colleges, unless otherwise provided for in the relevant collective bargaining agreement.

Chapter 25, Statutes of 2003

SB 967 (Burton-D) Private postsecondary and vocational education

Exempts degree-granting institutions accredited by specified regional bodies from programmatic and institutional review and approval by the State Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocation Education, while remaining subject to all the other regulatory oversight provisions of the Postsecondary and Vocational Reform Act of 1989, including fiscal requirements, information reporting, compliance with student protection, and enforcement actions for violations.

Chapter 340, Statutes of 2003

SB 971 (Burton-D) California State University: outside employment

Prohibits designated California State University (CSU) employees from outside employment that could create a conflict of interest, requires CSU administrative personnel and full-time faculty to report outside employment, and requires designated CSU employees to attend ethics orientation courses.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

SB 1017 (Speier-D) Private postsecondary education: retention of records

Requires the Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education Reform Act of 1989 (Act), in the event of the closure of a private postsecondary educational institution subject to the Act, to gather and maintain, or provide for the maintenance of, the student transcripts and other records, as defined, that were maintained by that institution, for a period of at least five years following the closure of the institution.

(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)

SCA 12 (Scott-D) California Community Colleges: civil service exemption

Provides for the exemption from civil service of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges (CCC) and any deputy chancellors or vice chancellors of the CCC that are authorized by statute.

(In Senate Rules Committee)

AB 40 (Runner-R) Community colleges: apportionments: equalization adjustment

Seeks to eliminate the apportionment differences among the community colleges of similar size. Requires the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges to compute annually an equalization adjustment aimed at reducing or eliminating per credit full-time equivalent student apportionment differences between community college districts of similar size (small, large and very large).

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

AB 60 (Dymally-D) African American Political and Economic Institute

Modifies existing law to authorize the California State University to establish the African American Political and Economic Institute at California State University, Dominguez Hills.

Chapter 201, Statutes of 2003

AB 64 (Pacheco-R) California Community Colleges: annual budget

Requires the California Community Colleges Board of Governors to base the growth rate for the system upon higher education enrollment projections developed by the State Department of Finance and the California Postsecondary Education Commission.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 119 (Shirley Horton-R) Mandatory systemwide undergraduate student charges

Establishes state policies with regard to mandatory systemwide undergraduate student charges at the University of California and the California State University.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

AB 153 (Calderon-D) Student financial aid: eligibility

Requires the California State University and the California Community Colleges to establish procedures that enable students who are exempt from paying nonresident tuition, as specified, to apply for, and participate in, all student aid programs administered by these segments to the extent permitted by federal law.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 156 (Maze-R) Public postsecondary education: southern San Joaquin Valley

Requires the trustees, and requests the regents, to each develop a systemwide long-range plan, submit to the California Postsecondary Education Commission a letter of intent to expand, and develop a needs study with respect to the establishment of campuses of their respective segments in the southern San Joaquin Valley, as defined.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

AB 174 (Calderon-D) Community college fees

Places a 10 unit cap per semester on the enrollment fee charges for community college students. Only becomes effective if an increase in the community college enrollment fees is enacted and implemented on or before January 1, 2004.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

AB 249 (Matthews-D) California/Mexico Office of Intergovernmental Affairs

Requires the Governor, when sufficient nonstate resources are available, to contract with the University of California to establish the California/Mexico Office of Intergovernmental Affairs to be located in Mexico City.

(In Senate Banking, Commerce and International Trade Committee)

AB 303 (Reyes-D) University of California: salaries of administrators

Prohibits any funds appropriated in the annual Budget Act for University of California (UC) administrative salaries from being encumbered until the UC Regents certify to the State Controller that any administrative salary increase in the previous year does not exceed the highest salary increase for any university employee whose salary is determined by collective bargaining.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

AB 307 (Maddox-R) Student financial aid: tuition and fee waivers

Establishes the Cal Grant National Guard award program. Awards qualifying members of the California Army National Guard and the California Air National Guard with full-time study or student loan repayment in an amount equivalent to the sum of the annual education fee and registration fee charged to California resident undergraduate students at the University of California for the academic year of the award without reference to financial need of the recipient.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 481 (Diaz-D) International Baccalaureate Programs

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to annually apportion to school districts up to $25,000 for each authorized International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma and IB Middle Years program. Permits a school district with an IB Program, as specified, to apply for advanced placement grant funding in order to offset the fees paid by economically disadvantaged pupils taking IB examinations.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 491 (Diaz-D) Public postsecondary education: information technology

Enacts a statutory process for information technology projects of the California State University and the University of California that exceed $3 million in direct or related costs.

(On Assembly Unfinished Business File)

AB 503 (Kehoe-D) School employee organizations

Permits use of school district or community college district facilities for the distribution or posting of written materials paid for by employee organizations urging the support or defeat of any ballot measure or candidate in a location that is not open or accessible to the general public.

(Failed passage on Senate Floor)

AB 546 (Diaz-D) Apprenticeship education

Specifies that any excess state apportionments to school districts and community college districts for student apprenticeship education programs shall be allocated according to a specified order.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 547 (Liu-D) National Guard loan assumption program

Establishes the National Guard Assumption Program of Loans for Education, to be administered by the California Student Aid Commission. Awards qualifying members of the California Army National Guard, the California Air National Guard, the State Military Reserves and the Naval Militia with an assumption of their educational loans.

Chapter 345, Statutes of 2003

AB 550 (Diaz-D) Systemwide student fee advisory committees

Establishes systemwide student fee advisory committees as official standing committees of the governing bodies of the University of California, California State University and California Community Colleges.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 554 (Daucher-R) Community colleges: enrollment fees

Makes major modifications related to California Community College enrollment fees. Eliminates the General Fund offset in current law which prevents community colleges from realizing any net gain from student enrollment fee revenue.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 610 (Diaz-D) Postsecondary education finance

Clarifies that deferred maintenance funding allocated by the State Allocation Board for hardship projects may be used to accomplish a project using the most cost-effective repair or replacement alternative, and authorizes the Joint Powers Southern California Occupation Center and the Joint Powers Central County Occupational Center to expend deferred maintenance monies to fund the most cost-effective repair or replacement alternatives.

(In Senate Rules Committee)

AB 626 (Liu-D) Vehicles: 15-passenger vans

Prohibits all school districts, the California Community Colleges, and the California State University from allowing the operation of 15-passenger vans, unless driven by persons holding a Class B commercial driver's license, as specified.

Chapter 559, Statutes of 2003

AB 654 (Goldberg-D) Community colleges: faculty

States that, whenever possible, California Community Colleges part-time faculty be compensated and extended certain professional privileges, as specified. Makes a number of related declarations and findings.

Chapter 882, Statutes of 2003

AB 655 (Liu-D) California Postsecondary Education Commission

Expresses legislative intent to consolidate the current responsibilities of the California Student Aid Commission, the State Bureau of the Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education, and the California Postsecondary Education Commission into a single state entity.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 680 (Liu-D) Public postsecondary education: community college fees

Phases-in California Community College fee increases from $11 per unit to $25 per unit over a three-year period beginning in the 2003-04 academic year, as follows: 2003-04--winter/spring semester ($16 per unit), 2004-05 ($21 per unit), and 2005-06 ($25 per unit).

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 825 (Firebaugh-D) Student financial aid: study and report

Expresses a variety of findings and declarations regarding the Cal Grant program, including legislative intent language that the California Student Aid Commission prepare a study and report to the Legislature by December 1, 2003 on various aspects of the Cal Grant program, as specified.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 843 (Assembly Higher Education Committee) Public postsecondary education: mandatory student fees

Establishes a statewide policy regarding mandatory student fees at the University of California and California State University.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 908 (Chan-D) California State University: disability retirement

Requires the California State University Trustees to provide temporary disability allowances to its employees forced into disability retirement in a manner similar to what existing law requires of other state employers.

Chapter 213, Statutes of 2003

AB 978 (Negrete McLeod-D) California State University: disability benefits

Requires the California State University Trustees to become employers whose employees are eligible for payment of disability benefits from the Unemployment Compensation Disability Fund. Provides that eligibility for disability benefits could occur as a result of an election held by a recognized employee organization as well as through a negotiated agreement.

Chapter 841, Statutes of 2003

AB 1010 (Yee-D) Student financial aid: assumption program of loans

Requires the California Student Aid Commission, effective January 1, 2004, to include teachers of blind and visually impaired pupils as a designated shortage area for purposes of participating in the Assumption Program of Loans for Education.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 1097 (Cogdill-R) Home-to-school transportation

Reduces the existing statutory school transportation mileage requirement, from 500,000 to 350,000 miles traveled annually, that is a condition of receiving $350,000 in additional home-to-school transportation funding, as specified.

Chapter 512, Statutes of 2003

AB 1144 (Pavley-D) California State University: employees

Requires the California State University (CSU) Trustees to provide CSU employees who are appealing notices of adverse actions with procedural rights similar to those granted to some civil service employees.

Chapter 846, Statutes of 2003

AB 1185 (Montanez-D) California State University: administrative costs

Requires that, using existing resources, the Chancellor's Office of the California State University and campuses annually report to the State Department of Finance, Legislative Analyst Office, and to legislative budget and policy committees, detailed analyses of prior fiscal year administrative costs, as specified.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 1230 (Hancock-D) Higher education labor relations: presentation of proof

Establishes a procedure for card-check recognition for employee unions at the University of California and California State University, in lieu of an election.

Chapter 216, Statutes of 2003

AB 1253 (Bermudez-D) Public employees' retirement: CSU employees

Provides specified employees of the California State University (CSU) credit an additional two years of service and for unused vacation or annual leave. The employees must retire during the 2003-04 fiscal year and the CSU Trustees must certify that there will be resulting savings.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1266 (Assembly Budget Committee) Schools

Makes various changes to the Education Code and related statutes to, among other things, conform statute to provisions of the 2003 Budget Act. Is an education trailer bill to the 2003 Budget Act.

Chapter 573, Statutes of 2003

AB 1323 (Jackson-D) Student financial aid

Requires the California Postsecondary Education Commission, in collaboration with various stakeholders, to develop a plan, by December 31, 2004, for the implementation of a decentralized, campus-based approach for the Cal Grant programs.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1417 (Pacheco-R) California Community Colleges

States legislative intent that the California Community Colleges funding mechanism be revised to provide funding on a full-time equivalent student basis that reduces the current disparities in funding to districts and recognizes reasonable equalization costs that can be implemented through future allocations of growth, cost-of-living adjustments, and workload adjustments without reducing district workload requirements.

(On Senate Second Reading File)

AB 1465 (Chan-D) School facilities: new construction: small schools

Requires the California State University (CSU), as part of an annual independent audit of CSU, to provide a full accounting of funds related to its continuing education program.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 1508 (Pacheco-R) Community college funding

Creates an alternative funding formula for the California Community Colleges. Provides that the community college share of Proposition 98 funding not fall below specified levels.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

AB 1543 (Firebaugh-D) Community colleges: nursing programs

Requires the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges (CCC), in consultation with nursing programs of the CCC from around the state, to submit recommendations for standardized admissions policies, including prerequisite requirements and methods for allocating slots in over-subscribed programs.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1564 (Chavez-D) Special education: community colleges

Specifies that, for the purposes of the existing definition of special education, the community colleges are part of the public education system. Requires that students with disabilities age 18-22 who have not graduated from high school will receive special education services at the community colleges.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

AB 1571* (Garcia-R) Education finance: community college funding

Provides that, commencing with the 2003-04 fiscal year, community college funding shall not, for any reason, be reduced below the amount derived from the share calculated under the existing law, as specified.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

AB 1620 (Nunez-D) Community colleges: temporary and part-time faculty

Authorizes a temporary employee or any part-time faculty member to challenge, consistent with grievance procedures for permanent faculty, a decision made by a community college district not to reappoint them to the same teaching position for the next academic year.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1646 (Benoit-R) Contracting for noninstructional services

Repeals provisions of the Education Code governing the conditions under which a local education agency or community college may contract for services customarily provided by classified school employees to achieve cost savings.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1648 (Dymally-D) Community colleges

Repeals, as of January 1, 2007, the funding scheme in current law, based on the number of full-time equivalent students attending the various community college campuses, for calculating the amount of funds to be apportioned to community college districts each year.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

AB 1754* (Assembly Budget Committee) Education finance

Is the 2003-04 Omnibus Education Budget trailer bill that makes statutory changes necessary to implement the Budget Act of 2003.

Chapter 227, Statutes of 2003

AB 1778 (Assembly Higher Education Committee) California State University

Makes various technical, conforming and clarifying changes to Education and Government Code sections pertaining to the California State University.

Chapter 187, Statutes of 2003

AB 1783 (Assembly Higher Education Committee) Public postsecondary education: cross-enrollment

Deletes the January 1, 2005 sunset date, thereby making permanent the authorization for students to cross-enroll among the different public segments of higher education.

Chapter 457, Statutes of 2003

ACA 13 (Pacheco-R) Public education finance

Provides, through a constitutional amendment, that community colleges will receive the same percentage share of the total funds allocated to school districts and community college districts as they received in the 1989-90 fiscal year.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

ACR 8 (Dymally-D) Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science

Requests the Regents of the University of California and the President of the Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science (Drew University) to expedite plans to transform the medical doctorate joint training program at the University of California, Los Angeles and the Drew University, into a four-year program housed at the Drew University campus.

(In Senate Education Committee)

ACR 9 (Dymally-D) Joint Committee for the Revision of the Education Code

Establishes the Joint Committee for the Revision of the Education Code Relating to Community Colleges. Provides for the membership of the joint committee, and requires the appointment of an advisory committee and the submission of a report to the respective chairs of the Assembly Higher Education Committee and the Senate Education Committee on or before April 15, 2004.

(In Assembly; pending committee assignment)

ACR 37 (Parra-D) University of California, Merced: economic forecasting model

Requests the University of California, Merced, to develop, not later than July 1, 2004, a feasibility study and plan for the establishment of an economic forecasting model with a primary focus on the Central Valley.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

ACR 69 (Nakanishi-R) San Jose State University Processed Food Institute

Memorializes the State Department of Food and Agriculture and the State Department of Health Services to, whenever possible, support and collaborate with the San Jose State University Processed Food Institute.

Resolution Chapter 139, Statutes of 2003

ACR 86 (Maze-R) Higher education in the 34th Assembly District

Resolves that the University of California and the California State University should study where to locate a campus or satellite campus in the counties of Tulare, Kings, Kern, or Fresno (in the 34th Assembly District).

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

ACR 124 (Firebaugh-D) Educational Opportunity Programs Month

Declares September 2003 as Educational Opportunity Programs Month and expresses legislative congratulations and appreciation to the Educational Opportunity Program at the University of California and California State University and to the Extended Opportunity Programs and Services at the California Community Colleges.

Resolution Chapter 144, Statutes of 2003

TopIndex School Employees

SB 45 (Vincent-D) Teachers: state basic skills proficiency test

Exempts retired teachers from passing the California Basic Education Skills Test when being considered for employment by a school district, if the teacher has taught for at least 15 years and has met other specified requirements.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 81 (Alpert-D) Teacher training: integrated programs

Requires greater uniformity among integrated teacher preparation programs offered by the California State University (CSU), beginning in 2004-05. Requires CSU and community colleges to strengthen articulation for students who transfer into this program.

Chapter 896, Statutes of 2003

SB 102 (Burton-D) State teachers' retirement: service credit

Allows members of the State Teachers' Retirement System to count up to two-tenths of one year of used sick leave in determining eligibility for career-based enhancements to the Defined Benefit Program allowances. Additionally, allows members to receive up to one year service credit for time spent in the uniformed services without paying any employee contributions, if the period of service occurred between September 11, 2001 and July 30, 2005.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 124 (Knight-R) Education: certified school employees

Establishes a four-year probationary period for certificated school employees who begin their probationary employment during or after fiscal year 2004-05.

(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee)

SB 147 (Torlakson-D) School Health Security Account Program

Requires the State Teachers' Retirement System Board of Administration, by July 1, 2005, to establish and administer the Health Security Account Program for school employees who have retired or have reached normal retirement age.

(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

SB 162 (Alarcon-D) Federal tax credits: housing: teachers

Expands the Extra Credit Teacher Home Purchase Program to include classified school employees who work at low-performing schools.

Chapter 853, Statutes of 2003

SB 187 (Karnette-D) District interns

Clarifies and aligns provisions of the district internship program with university credentialing programs and the federal No Child Left Behind Act.

Chapter 461, Statutes of 2003

SB 253 (Cedillo-D) Public school employees: confidential employees

Repeals the existing authority of a public school employer to request a representative election except for specified reasons, and revises the definition of the term "confidential employee."

Chapter 190, Statutes of 2003

SB 259 (Romero-D) School and community college employees: active military duty

Authorizes school and community college districts to pay lost salary and benefits to all employees who have been called to active military duty. Provides that teachers have a period of 120 days after the end of his/her service to renew their credential, if that credential expired while on active duty.

Chapter 783, Statutes of 2003

SB 263 (Knight-R) State Commission on Teacher Credentialing

Allows a legislator, the Governor, or the Governor's designee to inspect test materials administered by the State Commission on Teacher Credentialing for entry to and advancement in the teaching profession, with specified restrictions.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 275 (Battin-R) Private school employees

Requires private schools to request subsequent arrest notification from the State Department of Justice and to require such schools to make declarations regarding the background checks of their employees and volunteers.

(In Assembly Public Safety Committee)

SB 627 (Senate Public Employment And Retirement Committee) State teachers' retirement

Makes various grammatical, technical and conforming changes to the State Teachers' Retirement System Law to facilitate efficient administration of the State Teachers' Retirement Plan, which includes the Defined Benefit Program, the Defined Benefit Supplement Program, and the Cash Balance Benefit Program.

Chapter 859, Statutes of 2003

SB 696 (Scott-D) Teacher credentialing: suspension of credential

Requires a local governing board to notify the State Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) within 10 days of placing a teacher on mandatory sick leave due to mental illness, as specified. Requires the CTC to immediately suspend the credential of that teacher without conducting a second psychiatric evaluation.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 793* (Vasconcellos-D) Education: employees

Revises, from May 15 to June 15, the date by which certificated employees (teachers and administrators) are required to be notified by school districts of the termination of their employment.

(On Senate Inactive File)

SB 20X* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) State Teachers' Retirement System

Reduces by $500 million the state's statutory 2003-04 contribution to the Supplemental Benefit Maintenance Account in the State Teachers' Retirement Fund and appropriates up to $500 million plus cumulative earnings, if necessary, to maintain the funding power protection of the State Teachers' Retirement System through 2035-36.

Chapter 6, Statutes of 2003-04, First Extraordinary Session

SB 28X* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Teacher recruitment

Make changes to the 2002-03 State Budget to reduce Proposition 98 funding to the level proposed in the Governor's Budget. Among other provisions, repeals the statute establishing the Teacher Recruitment Center in order to realize a total savings of $8.3 million in the 2003-04 fiscal year.

Chapter 10, Statutes of 2003-04, First Extraordinary Session

AB 54 (Oropeza-D) Teacher training: cultural competency

Requires the State Commission on Teacher Credentialing, in consultation with the State Department of Education, to contract with an independent evaluator to conduct a study regarding the availability and effectiveness of cultural competency training for teachers and administrators, as specified.

Chapter 817, Statutes of 2003

AB 106 (Corbett-D) State Teachers' Retirement System: surviving spouse

Allows a surviving spouse who was married to a member of the State Teachers' Retirement System Defined Benefit Program, for less than a year prior to the member's death, to receive survivor benefits, if certain conditions are met.

Chapter 548, Statutes of 2003

AB 109 (Dymally-D) Public school employers: unlawful acts

Makes it unlawful for a public school employer to provide inaccurate or misleading information regarding the employer's finances to an exclusive representative during labor negotiations.

Chapter 276, Statutes of 2003

AB 212 (Maze-R) State teachers' retirement: retirement incentive

Provides a retirement incentive of either an additional two years or four years of service credit for members of the State Teachers' Retirement System Defined Benefit Program that retire prior to May 16, 2007. Provides that the school district must certify that the benefit will result in a net savings to the district.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 220 (Leslie-R) School employees: temporary athletic team coach positions

Exempts temporary athletic team coach work performed by a full-time classified employee from provisions governing overtime compensation and authorizes the full-time classified employee to be paid on a stipend basis for that work. Applies these provisions to both merit and nonmerit system school districts.

(In Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)

AB 242 (Liu-D) Teachers

Makes major changes related to teacher credentialing, hiring, benefits, and professional development.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 265* (Mullin-D) State teachers' retirement: appropriations

Changes the formula for the General Fund contributions to the State Teachers' Retirement System Supplemental Benefit Maintenance Account beginning with fiscal year 2003-04 to include repayment of the $500 million reduction in payments, pursuant to SB 20X (Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee), Chapter 6, Statutes of 2003-04 First Extraordinary Session.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 290 (Firebaugh-D) Classified employees: notice of layoff

Requires school and community college districts to provide classified school employees with 45 days notice of layoff and to require short-term employees to be given layoff notices before permanent classified employees are laid off.

Chapter 880, Statutes of 2003

AB 310 (Kehoe-D) Employee bargaining units: salary deductions

Requires a school employer to transmit money collected or deducted from an employees' salary for employee organization dues or fair share fees to transmit the money to the employee organization within specified periods.

Chapter 344, Statutes of 2003

AB 419* (Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee) State Teachers' Retirement System Board: elections

Makes clarifying changes to provisions enacted last year that revised the composition of the membership of the State Teachers' Retirement System Board of Administration and provided for three of the members to be elected by the members of the State Teachers' Retirement System beginning January 1, 2004.

(Passage refused on Assembly Unfinished Business File; reconsideration granted)

AB 424 (Richman-R) Classified school employees

Allows the Los Angeles Unified School District to select an employee from any rank on a merit system employment list, provided that at least three candidates from the list are considered.

Chapter 881, Statutes of 2003

AB 503 (Kehoe-D) School employee organizations

Permits use of school district or community college district facilities for the distribution or posting of written materials paid for by employee organizations urging the support or defeat of any ballot measure or candidate in a location that is not open or accessible to the general public.

(Passage refused on Senate Floor)

AB 608 (Daucher-R) Crimes: school employees

Adds the Commissioner of the State Department of the California Highway Patrol to the list of law enforcement officers who are required to notify school officials when a school employee has been arrested for specified drug or sex offenses.

Chapter 536, Statutes of 2003

AB 791 (Pavley-D) State Commission on Teacher Credentialing

Requires the Office of the Legislative Analyst to conduct a study regarding the State Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) that includes a review of the success of the CTC in performing its assigned functions, and an assessment of the feasibility of merging the CTC with the State Department of Education. The study is due by July 1, 2004.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 918 (Chan-D) Classified employees

Provides that classified K-12 and community college employees working outside of their regular assignments during the school year are to receive compensation and benefits for the additional assignment at the regular classified pay rate for the additional assignment.

Chapter 280, Statutes of 2003

AB 954 (Goldberg-D) Teachers

Increases the term for the valuation of a permanent certificated employee by authorizing evaluations at least every five years, under specified conditions.

Chapter 566, Statutes of 2003

AB 956 (Nation-D) Educators

Expands the definition of "educator" to include a person holding a valid California services credential in addition to a person holding a California teaching credential.

Chapter 567, Statutes of 2003

AB 1017 (Goldberg-D) Teachers: hiring preferences: instructing deaf pupils

Prohibits the California School for the Deaf from hiring certificated employees and substitute teachers who fail to achieve certain scores on the American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (or an alternate assessment).

Chapter 865, Statutes of 2003

AB 1038 (Negrete McLeod-D) Classified school employees

Grants classified school employees the same rights that certificated employees have with regard to a reorganization of a special education program, and provides parity regarding personal necessity leave.

Chapter 843, Statutes of 2003

AB 1070 (Laird-D) Classified school employees: reclassification

Reduces, from three to two years, the minimum time period of employment within a class to be eligible for reclassification. The bill's provisions are limited to classified school employees in merit system K-12 and community college districts.

Chapter 181, Statutes of 2003

AB 1197 (Wiggins-D) Political Reform Act of 1974: conflicts of interest

Includes, under the definition of "designated employee," for purposes of the conflict of interest law, any board member, chief business officer, superintendent, assistant superintendent, deputy superintendent, associate superintendent, chief personnel officer, and general counsel (or their equivalents) of a public school district or county office of education, and any individual having governance or management responsibility in a charter school who can effectively recommend the purchase of goods and services.

(Passage refused on Senate Floor; reconsideration granted)

AB 1207 (Corbett-D) State teachers' retirement: retirement incentive

Allows school and community college districts to provide two early retirement options for members of the Defined Benefit Program, as follows: (1) two additional years of service credit, or (2) two additional years of service credit along with two years added to the employee's age factor.

Chapter 313, Statutes of 2003

AB 1250 (Laird-D) Teacher development: intolerance and hatred prevention

Adds intolerance and hatred prevention as a category of training permitted under the Instructional Time and Staff Development Reform Program.

Chapter 346, Statutes of 2003

AB 1266 (Assembly Budget Committee) Teacher recruitment

A budget trailer bill, which, among other provisions, allows teacher recruitment incentive centers to encumber and expend funds through 2003-04.

Chapter 573, Statutes of 2003

AB 1282 (Hancock-D) Staff development

Authorizes school districts to receive full average daily attendance reimbursement for up to three additional days of staff development. Requires specified conditions to be met in order to receive additional funding.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1650 (Simitian-D) Teacher Support and Development Act of 2003

Creates the Teacher Support and Development Act of 2003 by consolidating the funding for numerous existing teacher preparation, support and development programs into a formula-based block grant, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1754* (Assembly Budget Committee) Education finance

The Omnibus Education Budget 2003-04 trailer bill that makes statutory changes necessary to implement the Budget Act of 2003.

Chapter 227, Statutes of 2003

ACR 104 (Pavley-D) Day of the Teacher

Proclaims May 14, 2003 as Day of the Teacher. Urges all Californians to observe the Day of the Teacher by taking the time to remember and honor all teachers who give the gift of knowledge through teaching.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)

TopIndex School Curriculum

SB 5 (Karnette-D) Curriculum: foreign languages

Requires the State Board of Education to adopt content standards for teaching foreign languages in kindergarten and grades 1 to 12 by June 1, 2009.

Chapter 826, Statutes of 2003

SB 71 (Kuehl-D) Education: sexual health and HIV/AIDS prevention

Establishes the California Comprehensive Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention Education Act which revises, consolidates, clarifies and expands upon existing provisions of law related to sex and HIV/AIDS prevention education, as specified.

Chapter 650, Statutes of 2003

SB 290 (Morrow-R) Instruction: adopted courses of study

Requires the State Department of Education to consider, in developing the next history-social science curriculum framework for grades 7 and 8, in an age-appropriate manner, the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, substantive selections from the Federalist Papers, the Emancipation Proclamation, the Gettysburg Address, and George Washington's Farewell Address.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 383 (Alarcon-D) Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission

Requires the Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission to recommend to the State Board of Education and the Legislature, by November 1, 2006, a model postsecondary readiness curriculum for public high schools.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 469 (Scott-D) Instructional materials

Authorizes a school district to use Instructional Materials funding to purchase adopted instructional materials for the visual and performing arts, foreign language, health, or any other curricular materials after the district provides each pupil with standards-aligned instructional materials in reading/language arts, mathematics, history/social science, and science.

Chapter 898, Statutes of 2003

SB 611 (Ducheny-D) Instructional strategies: subject matter projects

Adds English language development assessments and standards to those elements to be considered in the development and evaluation of the California Subject Matter Projects.

Chapter 857, Statutes of 2003

SB 842 (Karnette-D) Instructional materials: accessibility

Requires that the state comply with specifications for making instructional materials purchased from publishers accessible to the disabled.

Chapter 800, Statutes of 2003

SB 1058 (Torlakson-D) Instructional materials: children's mental health programs

Directs the State Department of Education to establish a follow-up adoption process for publishers, as specified. Makes a technical correction to the 2003-04 Budget Act, which appropriates $69 million in federal Individuals with Disabilities Act special education funding.

Chapter 806, Statutes of 2003

SCR 5 (Scott-D) Visual and performing arts

Acknowledges the importance of visual and performing arts in standards-based K-12 education.

Resolution Chapter 124, Statutes of 2003

AB 52 (Simitian-D) Supplemental instruction

Extends supplemental instruction programs to allow school districts to continue to provide supplemental instruction to pupils in grades 2 to 9 who are at risk of retention.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 78 (Reyes-D) Education: curriculum

Encourages the inclusion of the role of the Hmong and other Southeast Asians in the Vietnam War in grades 7 to 12 social studies.

Chapter 44, Statutes of 2003

AB 195 (Chan-D) Health education

Specifies that comprehensive health education programs may include instruction topics such as obesity and diabetes and requires that comprehensive health education plans include provisions for utilizing, at the school districts option, specified health care professionals, including representatives from managed health care and health care providers. Prohibits participating health care professionals from marketing their services to students.

Chapter 550, Statutes of 2003

AB 399 (Wyland-R) Education: instruction: World War II

Revises current law so that the course of study for grades 7 to 12 may include, but is not required to include, instruction on World War II and the American role in that war.

Chapter 35, Statutes of 2003

AB 581 (Chu-D) Curriculum: labor relations

Requires the State Department of Education to consider a labor relations curriculum in the next cycle in which the history/social science curriculum framework and its accompanying instructional materials are adopted.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 591 (Strickland-R) High school graduation requirements

Encourages an existing advisory group working on model curriculum standards for career technical education to identify those courses that meet high school graduation requirements and admissions requirements for the University of California and California State University.

Chapter 653, Statutes of 2003

AB 642 (Mullin-D) Content standards: review

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to periodically review, and the State Board of Education to modify, the state's academic content and performance standards, commencing in 2005.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 705 (Corbett-D) Career technical education

Requests the University of California (UC) and the California State University (CSU) to identify a model set of discrete competencies necessary for successful completion of a course of instruction in careers and technical education for the purpose of admissions to the UC and CSU.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 707 (Correa-D) School curriculum: personal financial management

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Department of Consumer Affairs to establish a Personal Financial Management Curriculum Task Force.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 756 (Montanez-D) Instruction: physical education

Requires a pupil grades 1 to 8, inclusive, to attend physical education courses for no less than 300 minutes each 10 school days.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 907 (Pavley-D) Environmental education: content standards

Requires the State Board of Education and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to revise academic content standards for history/social science and science to incorporate environmental education content, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 950 (Haynes-R) Prohibited instruction: human sexuality

Prohibits instruction, as defined, on the subject of human sexuality without the prior written consent of a pupil's parent or guardian, provided for each incidence of instruction.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 975 (Mullin-D) Courses of study: nutrition education

Requires the State Department of Education to produce a standardized written summary regarding nutrition education that includes, but is not limited to, nutrition education curriculum standards.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1016 (Canciamilla-D) Curriculum: John Muir Day

Authorizes the State Board of Education to adopt a model curriculum guide to be available to schools for exercises and instruction related to John Muir Day.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1021 (Yee-D) Curriculum framework: Armenian Genocide

Requires that the "Armenian Genocide" be considered in the next cycle in which the history/social science curriculum framework and its accompanying instructional materials are adopted.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1177 (Nakano-D) Educational materials: labor history

Requires textbooks adopted by school districts, for social science, history, or civic classes, contain material related to California's labor history and trace the advances and retreats of organized labor, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1278 (Jerome Horton-D) Secondary school courses of study

Requires school districts maintaining a high school to prescribe curriculum in existing courses of study on the economics of higher education, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1330 (Simitian-D) Outdoor Environmental Education Program

Establishes the Outdoor Environmental Education Program for at-risk youth and underserved demographic groups.

Chapter 663, Statutes of 2003

AB 1537 (Wyland-R) Education: curriculum

Finds and declares that the academic content standards already include in the area of history/social science, instruction on the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Encourages this instruction to be from primary sources, including the oral and written testimony from men and women involved in these wars.

Chapter 400, Statutes of 2003

AB 1548 (Pavley-D) Office of Education on the Environment

Establishes the Office of Education on the Environment within the California Environmental Protection Agency and requires it to develop environmental education principles and a model curriculum.

Chapter 665, Statutes of 2003

HR 9 (Firebaugh-D) Arts Education Month

Declares March 2003 as Arts Education Month and encourages all educational communities to celebrate the arts with meaningful pupil activities and programs that demonstrate learning and understanding in the visual and performing arts.

Adopted by the Assembly

TopIndex Miscellaneous

SB 6 (Alpert-D) Public education governance

Revises (1) the statutory responsibility of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI), (2) the composition and authority of the State Board of Education (SBE), (3) the responsibilities of County Offices of Education, (4) the policy responsibilities of school district governing boards, (5) the duties and authority of the California Postsecondary Education Commission, (6) the primary mission of the California Community Colleges (CCC), and (7) the composition and authority of the Board of Governors of the CCC.

Creates (1) the position of the Chief Education Officer, combining the current duties of the SPI with the policy authority of the SBE, and (2) the California Education Commission to compile data and provide analysis relating to pre-kindergarten through postsecondary education.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 16 (Soto-D) School-parent compacts

Requires each school district to establish a process in which each parent is given the opportunity to enter into a school-parent compact.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 19 (Escutia-D) Supplemental instruction

Authorizes districts to offer supplemental instruction to pupils at risk of retention in grades 2 through 6 without a "cap" on state reimbursement.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 40* (Alpert-D) Library construction and renovation

Enacts the California Reading and Literacy Improvement and Public Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act of 2004 for submission to the voters at the 2004 primary election. Authorizes the issuance of $2 billion in general obligation bonds for the purpose of financing library construction and renovation pursuant to a program administered by the State Librarian.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 65 (Torlakson-D) School district governing boards: contracts

Increases the requirements with which a school district governing board must comply prior to entering into a contract for the sale of carbonated beverages, and extends these requirements, as well as existing regulations, to include all contracts for the advertising and sale of nonnutritious foods and beverages, as defined.

Chapter 458, Statutes of 2003

SB 70 (Torlakson-D) Education: after school programs

Requires that training and support provided by the State Department of Education for After School Education and Safety Programs, include the development and distribution of voluntary guidelines for physical activity programs that expand learning opportunities during the school day.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 78 (Torlakson-D) Physical education

Adds fitness programs and clubs to the physical education activities which K-12 districts are encouraged to offer and provides that physical education test results may be provided to pupils orally.

Chapter 459, Statutes of 2003

SB 164* (Knight-R) Pupil attendance

Extends, by four years, the sunset on the "School Districts of Choice" authorization process for inter-district attendance. The inoperative and repeal dates are extended from July 1, 2003 and January 1, 2004 to July 1, 2007 and January 1, 2008.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 198 (Hollingsworth-R) Schools: military recruiting access: federal law

Restates what constitutes a violation of federal law regarding school district on-campus access for military recruiting purposes and authorizes the Governor to take a specified action.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 258 (McPherson-R) Baldrige National Quality Program

Makes several legislative findings and declarations regarding the success of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Program and its Criteria for Performance Excellence, as demonstrated in California and throughout the United States. Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, if funding is available, to review the program for the purpose of recommending how schools can implement it to increase pupil achievement.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

SB 266 (Knight-R) Pupil records: access to directory information

Requires each school district to adopt a policy that does not deny a military services representative access to that pupil directory information for recruitment purposes. Authorizes the imposition of civil penalties for violation of this requirement.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 267 (Knight-R) Abstinence education

Requires the State Department of Health Services to develop and implement a program of abstinence education in a manner that maximizes federal financial participation and specifies the purpose and subjects of the program.

(Failed passage in Senate Health and Human Services Committee; reconsideration granted)

SB 384 (Soto-D) Technology Integration Performance Index

Requires the State Department of Education to develop, on or before January 1, 2005, multiple measures for a Technology Integration Performance Index to determine the extent of technology integration in each elementary and secondary school.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 394 (Knight-R) Patriotic exercises

Requires that the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America be recited each day during the school year at each elementary and secondary school. Declares that a pupil or school employee who does not wish to participate in the recitation may remain silent and seated in the classroom during the exercise.

(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 432 (Ortiz-D) Early childhood development: preschool

States the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation establishing a Universal Preschool Program for all children three and four years of age.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 473 (Florez-D) Public schools: State School Health Advisory Council

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) to appoint a State School Health Advisory Council (Council) to make recommendations regarding model health services programs and practices by January 1, 2005. Requires the Council to collaborate with the State Department of Education and the State Department of Health Services to develop school health services and school nursing services criteria. Appropriates $144,000 from the General Fund to the SPI for the costs of the Council.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 507 (Escutia-D) School districts: grant programs

Extends the Advanced Placement fee waiver program. Deletes the January 1, 2005 repeal date on this program and extends the provisions until January 1, 2008.

Chapter 669, Statutes of 2003

SB 524 (Vasconcellos-D) Instruction: driver training

States that the Legislature encourages adoption of the recommendations of the State Department of Motor Vehicles contained in a study related to instruction programs in driver training.

(In Assembly; at Desk)

SB 550 (Vasconcellos-D) Education

Implements the student learning recommendations of the Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan for Education.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 560 (Knight-R) Pupils: dependents of military families

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, as it relates to high school age military dependents, to (1) appoint a military liaison, as specified, (2) convene a specified committee, (3) provide specified information to school districts, and (4) submit a report, as specified, to the Legislature.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 606 (Vasconcellos-D) Pupil health: vision appraisal

Requires schools to send home a notice and questionnaire, as specified, related to eye symptoms, vision and school performance.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 674* (Aanestad-R) Four-day school week

Authorizes the Reeds Creek Elementary School District to operate one or more schools on a four-day school week.

Chapter 237, Statutes of 2003

SB 677 (Ortiz-D) The California Childhood Obesity Prevention Act

Expands existing restrictions on the sale of certain beverages in schools by expanding restrictions on the types of beverages allowed to be sold in middle and junior high schools and eliminating, as a condition for implementation of restrictions in elementary, middle and junior high schools, a requirement that funds be appropriated for certain programs.

Chapter 415, Statutes of 2003

SB 722 (McPherson-R) School performance

Revises state law to make it possible to meet specific requirements of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act reauthorization known as the No Child Left Behind Act.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

SB 763 (Brulte-R) School site acquisition: approval process

Revises the process for a school district to acquire a site for a school building from land contiguous to the district's boundaries.

Chapter 798, Statutes of 2003

SB 801 (Vasconcellos-D) Instruction: grade point average

Repeals a provision of current law which will take effect in the 2005-06 school year, which prohibits high schools from assigning extra weighting for courses required for college or university admission when computing grade point averages.

Chapter 418, Statutes of 2003

SCR 23 (Ducheny-D) Library Media Month

Proclaims the month of April 2003 as Library Media Month, encourages students, teachers, and parents to explore and take advantage of the resources and services offered at their school library media centers, and expresses its appreciation to library workers.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)

SCR 27 (Speier-D) Physical education

Encourages state and local governments and local educational agencies to provide high-quality daily physical education programs for all students in kindergarten and grades 1 through 12, inclusive.

Resolution Chapter 67, Statutes of 2003

SCR 36 (Knight-R) Centennial anniversary of flight

Recognizes the centennial anniversary of flight and encourages cities, counties, and individual citizens to organize activities in celebration of a century of flight. Encourages teachers to utilize the Dryden Educator Resource Center to stimulate young minds and encourage young people to pursue careers in aviation and aerospace.

Resolution Chapter 126, Statutes of 2003

SCR 40 (Chesbro-D) Youth involvement

Encourages the Legislature to establish March 28 as an annual day of recognition for those entities that have successfully developed youth participation and involvement programs. Encourages the Legislature to support programs that address problem behaviors in high-risk youth.

Resolution Chapter 133, Statutes of 2003

SCR 41 (McPherson-R) Baldrige National Quality Program

Encourages school districts to consider using the Baldridge Criteria for Performance Excellence to meet the federal No Child Left Behind Act requirements and requests the Superintendent of Public Instruction to recommend to schools how they can implement the criteria to increase pupil achievement.

Resolution Chapter 128, Statutes of 2003

SR 13 (Ashburn-R) High school diplomas for adults

Commends students who return to high school after the age of 19 and earn their high school diploma for their commitment to personal development and education. States that the current fiscal crisis does not weaken California's priority to extend and preserve the opportunity for all California students to earn their high school diploma through the public school system, which includes the charter school system.

Adopted by the Senate

SR 23 (Murray-D) Aviation

Calls upon the United States Navy and the State Department of Transportation to preserve a national aviation asset by approving the City of Los Angeles' offer to lease the El Toro marine base and operate the facility as a civilian passenger and cargo airport.

(In Senate Rules Committee)

AB 12 (Goldberg-D) Instructional materials: adoption: reading level

Requires any instructional materials adopted by the State Board of Education or a school district to be selected in a manner that provides each pupil with materials that he or she can read independently and that are appropriate for his/her respective reading levels. Authorizes school districts to expend state funds, appropriated for the purpose of purchasing instructional materials, as specified, for the purposes prescribed by this bill.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 86 (Daucher-R) Home rule

Authorizes a school district to become a home rule school district and an individual school within a home rule school district to become a home rule school, as specified, if specified conditions are met.

(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)

AB 97* (Nation-D) Public schools

Extends, for four years, the sunset on the School Districts of Choice authorization for inter-district attendance. Extends, for three years, the sunset on the continuous appropriation for charter school general purpose funding. Extends, for one year, a special education funding mechanism.

(On Assembly Unfinished Business File)

AB 164* (Wolk-D) Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District

Provides that, for the purposes of calculating instructional days and minutes in the 2001-02 fiscal year for schools operating on a single track year-round calendar, the Fairfield-Suisan Unified School District's 2001-02 school year is deemed to have commenced on September 4, 2001 and to have concluded on July 24, 2002.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 195 (Chan-D) Health education

Specifies that comprehensive health education programs may include instruction topics such as obesity and diabetes and requires that comprehensive health education plans include provisions for utilizing, at the school districts option, specified health care professionals, including representatives from managed health care and health care providers. Prohibits participating health care professionals from marketing their services to students.

Chapter 550, Statutes of 2003

AB 229 (Pacheco-R) School districts: public project contracts

Increases the competitive bid expenditure threshold for school districts' public contract expenditures from its current $15,000 amount to $50,000, and adjusts the limit annually according to the California Construction Index compiled by the State Department of General Services.

(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

AB 255 (Jerome Horton-D) Elections: local government seals

Prohibits the use of a local government agency, including a school district, official seal, as defined, in campaign literature or mass mailings with the intent to deceive the voters, and provides that such use is punishable as a misdemeanor.

Chapter 380, Statutes of 2003

AB 264 (Mullin-D) Surplus school property: use of proceeds

Allows a school district to deposit up to 25 percent of the proceeds of the sale of surplus school real property, excluding any interest earned thereon, into the school district general fund and to use those proceeds for any one-time expenditure of the school district, except for salaries and benefits, if certain criteria are met.

Chapter 891, Statutes of 2003

AB 294 (Daucher-R) Online classroom programs

Recasts provisions related to online classroom programs as the Online Classroom Pilot Program for the purpose of monitoring and evaluating pupil participation on online asynchronous interactive programs.

Chapter 429, Statutes of 2003

AB 300 (Assembly Education Committee) Education

The State Department of Education's annual omnibus clean-up bill to correct technical errors in statute, update cross references and delete obsolete references. Extends a necessary small schools authorization for the Seaside Elementary School and the West Shores High School in the Coachella Valley Unified School District.

Chapter 552, Statutes of 2003

AB 335 (Mullin-D) Scholarships: Governor's Scholars Program

Defines an alternative school as a comprehensive high school for purposes of permitting pupils in these schools the opportunity to receive a $1,000 scholarship under the Governor's Scholars Program.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 368 (Chan-D) Healthy Families Program

Requires the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board to establish a Healthy Families local educational agency (LEA) billing option to reimburse a LEA for covered services it provides a child who is enrolled in the Healthy Families Program.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 490 (Steinberg-D) Education: foster children

Makes numerous changes to the law related to the education of foster youth in the areas of educational placement, coursework credit, records transfer, and educational programs offered to foster youth.

Chapter 862, Statutes of 2003

AB 500 (Diaz-D) Grants

Requires schools applying for High Priority Schools Grant Program for Low Performing Schools to involve teachers and the exclusive bargaining representative of the certificated employees of the district in all phases of the development of the school's action plan.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 532 (Yee-D) Vehicles: special interest license plates

Requires the issuance of special interest license plates with a design relating to classroom instruction and specifies that the revenues generated by these plates be used for classroom instruction support, including the purchase of books and instructional materials.

(In Senate Rules Committee awaiting assignment)

AB 560 (Goldberg-D) School programs

Allows continued authorization to operate year-round schools for as few as 163 days per year provided that the school district governing board certifies to specified conditions. Provides for a survey to determine whether the 163-day authorization will still be in use in 2009-10 and allows the Legislature to determine whether it should be repealed or continued.

Chapter 508, Statutes of 2003

AB 626 (Liu-D) Vehicles: 15-passenger vans

Makes legislative findings that 15-passenger vans are unsafe and prohibits all school districts and state agencies from acquiring them.

Chapter 559, Statutes of 2003

AB 639 (Liu-D) Regional occupational centers and programs

Authorizes Regional Occupational Centers or Programs to plan, establish, and maintain a partnership academy and to offer academic courses as part of its partnership academy.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 648 (Dymally-D) Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Advisory Commission

Establishes the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Advisory Commission (Commission) to develop, during the 2004-05 school year, community and educational awareness programs to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) 347 U.S. 483. Provides that the Commission may perform this work only after the State Department of Finance has determined that private donations in an amount sufficient to fund those programs have been deposited with the state.

Chapter 386, Statutes of 2003

AB 660 (Corbett-D) Master Plan for Pupil Support Services

Requires the State Department of Education to convene a voluntary working group for the purpose of developing a master plan for pupil support services.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 661 (Hancock-D) Prohibited instruction: questionnaires

Simplifies the procedure for schools to allow students to participate in surveys.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 666 (Haynes-R) Schools: patriotic exercises

Encourages each preschool and Head Start program that receives state funds or uses public school facilities to conduct age-appropriate patriotic exercises, and provides that this objective is satisfied by recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance of the United States flag. Also requires that parents and guardians be notified of their rights to (1) refuse that their child participate in the recitation of the Pledge, and (2) receive immediate assistance in the event of apparent harassment, discipline retaliation or ostracism against the child as the result of their nonparticipation in this exercise.

(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 745 (Goldberg-D) Local educational agencies: officers

Requires the governing boards of all local education agencies and community college districts, at an annual public meeting, to report all compensation received by those personnel with management, policy-making and advisory responsibilities, as specified.

(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 766 (Longville-D) Type 2 diabetes mellitus: pupil screening

Establishes a three-year pilot program to screen pupils for risk of developing Type 2 diabetes mellitus in conjunction with the specified scoliosis screening and allows any school district to participate in the pilot program if the cost of the school district's participation is covered with local funding.

Chapter 745, Statues of 2003

AB 774 (Wiggins-D) Vocational education

Changes the minimum day requirement, as specified, for Work Experience Education pupils, if a pupil attends a school in which the regularly scheduled period is greater than 60 minutes in length.

Chapter 72, Statutes of 2003

AB 781 (Lieber-D) World War II internees: high school diplomas

Allows school districts to grant high school diplomas retroactively to Japanese Americans whose education was interrupted by their internment during War War II, providing they were enrolled in a high school operated by the school district or under the jurisdiction of the county office of education immediately preceding their internment.

Chapter 130, Statutes of 2003

AB 810 (Runner-R) Pupils: age of admission

Moves up the dates in which a child must be appropriate age in order to enroll in specified grades.

(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 833 (Steinberg-D) Sex equity in education: athletics

Establishes standards, identical to federal Title IX standards, to determine if educational institutions are offering male and female students equal opportunities to participate in athletics.

Chapter 660, Statutes of 2003

AB 841 (Vargas-D) Pupil retention

Makes certain findings and declarations regarding the effectiveness of the School Based Pupil Motivation and Maintenance Program (M and M program) and Dropout Recovery Act, clarifies the role and duties of M and M outreach consultants and allows the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to utilize the services of M and M field personnel in the administration of M and M programs. Extends the repeal date of the statutory provisions for educational clinics.

Chapter 864, Statutes of 2003

AB 858 (Goldberg-D) California Racial Mascots Act

Establishes the California Racial Mascots Act that prohibits public schools from using certain specified terms as a school or athletic team name, mascot, or nickname.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 905 (Hancock-D) After School Education and Safety Program: grants

Requires the State Department of Education to select between six and 10 recipients of the After School Education and Safety Program to participate in a two-year pilot program that evaluates alternative methods of funding.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 921 (Firebaugh-D) Instructional materials: submission fees

Requires publishers and manufacturers that submit instructional materials for review and adoption by the State Board of Education to pay a fee to the State Department of Education (SDE). Makes those funds available, upon appropriation, to the SDE for the purpose of funding the expenses of the Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 942 (Leno-D) Emergency medical services: diabetes

Authorizes school districts, in the absence of an on-site credentialed school nurse or other licensed nurse, to provide school personnel with voluntary emergency medical training to assist pupils with diabetes who are suffering from severe hypoglycemia. Encourages the development of performance standards, as specified, for the training and supervision of school personnel providing the specified emergency services.

Chapter 684, Statutes of 2003

AB 952 (Vargas-D) Child identification kits

Requires the State Department of Education (SDE) to administer a two-year pilot program through which individuals and private organizations may donate child identification kits to the SDE for distribution to school districts and county offices of education for the parents or guardians of each elementary and secondary pupil.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1001 (Hancock-D) School districts: information reporting

Requires the State Department of Education to develop a plan to improve information technology systems maintained by school districts. Requires the plan to include a proposal to automate all daily reporting requirements imposed on school districts.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1012 (Steinberg-D) Pupils: interrogation

Provides a statutory framework for the questioning of elementary and high school pupils by peace officers, including requirements for parental or guardian notification, procedures when parents or guardians cannot be reached, and enumerated exigent circumstances where notification will not be required, as specified.

(On Assembly Unfinished Business File)

AB 1041 (Runner-R) Pupils: excused absences: parental consent

Restricts school authorities from excusing a minor pupil enrolled in grades 1 through 12, inclusive, from the school campus before the end of the school day without the written consent of the pupil's parent or guardian.

(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 1052 (Plescia-R) Electronic state school register pilot project

Authorizes a pilot program of paperless electronic attendance records for the San Diego Unified School District.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1134* (Spitzer-R) Education: interdistrict transfers

Extends the sunset, from July 1, 2003 until July 1, 2008 for provisions that require districts to give consideration to the child care needs of a pupil when evaluating a request for interdistrict transfer.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 1219 (Montanez-D) Prison education reform

Enacts the Prison Education Reform Act. Establishes, within the State Department of Corrections, a Correctional Board of Education to oversee all correctional education activities and to appoint a Superintendent of Correctional Education to administer educational programs within the State Department of Corrections, as specified.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1259 (Yee-D) State Board of Education

State legislative intent that the Governor appoint members to the State Board of education (SBE) who are from, and represent, distinct geographical regions, and requires that advance notice of SBE meetings include substantial background materials on agenda times.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1266 (Assembly Budget Committee) Schools

Makes various changes to the Education Code and related statutes to, among other things, conform statute to provisions of the 2003 Budget Act. This bill is an education trailer bill to the 2003 Budget Act.

Chapter 573, Statutes of 2003

AB 1334 (Garcia-R) School district reorganization

Prohibits an action to reorganize the boundaries of a school district without the consent of a majority of all of the members of the governing board of the school district if any of the territory proposed to be reorganized was subject to a reorganization action initiated within the previous five years and the pupil population of the territory to be reorganized meets specified characteristics.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1472 (Goldberg-D) Public schools and election days

Specifies ways in which a governing board having jurisdiction over school buildings may comply with existing law that provides for the governing board to make school buildings available for use as polling places.

Chapter 219, Statutes of 2003

AB 1485 (Firebaugh-D) English learners: academic assessment

Makes modifications to the requirements of the Reading First Program in regards to English language learners. Clarifies the administration of a nationally normed portion of the state standardized testing program.

Chapter 773, Statutes of 2003

AB 1512 (Cohn-D) Arts education

Consolidates several existing arts programs under one program. Establishes the Arts Work Visual and Performing Arts Education Program to be administered by the State Department of Education to award grants to local education agencies to develop their capacity to implement high-quality instructional programs based on state adopted content standards in visual and performing arts.

Chapter 580, Statutes of 2003

AB 1595 (Wyland-R) Career education

Authorizes unified school districts to establish and maintain the cooperative career technical education programs or community classrooms as part of a career technical education course.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1646 (Benoit-R) Contracting for noninstructional services

Repeals provisions of the education code governing the conditions under which a local education agency or community college may contract for services customarily provided by classified school employees to achieve cost savings.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1754* (Assembly Budget Committee) Education finance

Makes changes to a variety of education-related statutes in order to effectuate the changes included as part of the proposed 2003-04 Budget Act.

Chapter 227, Statutes of 2003

ACA 4 (Simitian-D) Taxation: educational entities: parcel tax

Amends the vote requirements for imposing special taxes and creates a new vote requirement for parcel taxes imposed to benefit schools.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

ACR 10 (Dymally-D) Heavy backpacks

Acknowledges the health risks of heavy backpacks and encourages the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, school districts and parents to take action to avoid potential injury to pupils from heavy backpacks.

Resolution Chapter 105, Statutes of 2003

ACR 16 (Nation-D) Nutrition: vegetarian school lunches

Requests that the State Department of Education and the State Department of Health Services develop nutritional school lunch menu plans that, phased in over a four-year period, provide daily optional plant-centered vegetarian school lunches, and advocates for greater consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes.

Resolution Chapter 62, Statutes of 2003

ACR 21 (Nunez-D) Sanitary conditions in public schools

Urges state and local public school and public health officials to take every action within their power to correct the deplorable conditions found in many of the sanitary facilities of many of the state's public schools.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

ACR 31 (Montanez-D) Education: physical fitness

Recognizes that California schools have an obligation to provide physical education for students and makes specific findings concerning an increase in overweight and unfit children in California.

Resolution Chapter 93, Statutes of 2003

ACR 40 (Dymally-D) Compton Planning and Transportation Project Task Force

Commemorates the Brown v. Board of Education (1954) 347 U.S. 483 decision and observes May 17, 2004 as "Brown V. Board of Education and Equality in Education Day." Urges the State Department of Education to provide model instructional materials to schools that encourages schools to observe the Brown v. Board of Education decision with appropriate educational activities that help pupils understand the importance of tolerance, humanity, and equality of opportunity.

(In Assembly; from printer)

ACR 61 (Koretz-D) Financial Literacy for Youth Month

Declares April 2003 as Financial Literacy for Youth Month in order to raise public awareness of the need for financial literacy. Encourages the State Department of Education to review existing financial literacy programs and materials for consideration in adopting a financial literacy curriculum for grades 10-12.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

ACR 62 (Chan-D) School health

Proclaims May 7, 2003 as School Nurse Day to support the learning and health needs of California's children to ensure academic success.

Resolution Chapter 36, Statutes of 2003

ACR 75 (Chan-D) Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program

Expresses the Legislature's recognition that poor indoor air quality in schools exacerbates asthma symptoms of California children and urges school districts in California to implement the Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program to benefit the health of the entire school population.

Resolution Chapter 70, Statutes of 2003

ACR 80 (Dymally-D) Compton Unified School District: Board of Trustees

Requests the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, by a specified date, to notify the state trustee of the Compton Unified School District of the termination of his position.

(In Senate Education Committee)

ACR 84 (Houston-R) Mathematics Education Month

Proclaims April 2003 as Mathematics Education Month.

(In Senate Rules Committee)

ACR 137 (Liu-D) Literacy

Recognizes the achievements of California Literacy, Inc. in assisting adult literacy programs.

Resolution Chapter 152, Statutes of 2003

ACR 140 (Wesson-D) Brown v. Board of Education and Equality in Education Day

Commemorates the Brown v. Board of Education (1954) 347 U.S. 483 decision and observes May 17, 2004, as "Brown v. Board of Education and Equality in Education Day." Urges the State Department of Education to provide model instructional materials to schools that encourages schools to observe the Brown v. Board of Education decision with appropriate educational activities that help pupils understand the importance of tolerance, humanity, and equality of opportunity.

(In Assembly; from printer)

AJR 9 (Firebaugh-D) Undocumented students

Memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to enact legislation to reform the federal Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 to allow states to set appropriate residency requirements and tuition policies for undocumented students.

Resolution Chapter 95, Statutes of 2003

HR 23 (Runner-R) High school diplomas for adults

Commends students who return to high school after the age of 19 and earn their high school diploma for their commitment to personal development and education. States that the current fiscal crisis does not weaken California's priority to extend and preserve the opportunity for all California students to earn their high school diploma through the public school system, which includes the charter school system.

Adopted by the Assembly

HR 25 (Goldberg-D) Continuation and Alternative Education Week

Recognizes the week of May 4 through 11, 2003 as Continuation and Alternative Education Week and encourages all Californians to work together to ensure the future success of every pupil participating in continuation high schools and other alternative programs in our state.

Adopted by the Assembly

AB 1X (Daucher-R) Home rule school districts and county offices of education

Authorizes a school district or county office of education (COE), until June 30, 2005, to become a home rule school district or home rule COE, respectively, if specified conditions are met.

(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)



Top Index (in Bill Order)

BillAuthor and Bill TitleReference Links

SB 5

Curriculum: foreign languages

SB 6

Public education governance

SB 14

Early Childhood Education Center and After School Facilities

SB 15

School facilities

SB 16

School-parent compacts

SB 19

Supplemental instruction

SB 39*

Oakland Unified School District: emergency loan

SB 40*

Library construction and renovation

SB 45

Teachers: state basic skills proficiency test

SB 65

School district governing boards: contracts

SB 70

Education: after school programs

SB 71

Education: sexual health and HIV/AIDS prevention

SB 76*

Education finance: California Community Colleges

SB 78

Physical education

SB 81

Teacher training: integrated programs

SB 102

State teachers' retirement: service credit

SB 124

Education: certified school employees

SB 140*

Education: school attendance requirements

SB 145

Special education: due process rights

SB 147

School Health Security Account Program

SB 160

Higher education labor relations: University of California

SB 162

Federal tax credits: housing: teachers

SB 164*

Pupil attendance

SB 177*

Categorical funding programs

SB 187

District interns

SB 193

Postsecondary education: Student Athletes' Bill of Rights

SB 198

Schools: military recruiting access: federal law

SB 242

Community college facilities: building standards

SB 253

Public school employees: confidential employees

SB 257

Pupil data

SB 258

Baldrige National Quality Program

SB 259

School and community college employees: active military

SB 263

State Commission on Teacher Credentialing

SB 266

Pupil records: access to directory information

SB 267

Abstinence education

SB 272

Community college part-time faculty: social security

SB 275

Private school employees

SB 279

Public postsecondary education: excuse of tuition and fees

SB 290

Instruction: adopted courses of study

SB 298

School facilities: historic preservation

SB 302

Discrimination: state programs and activities

SB 328

Student financial aid: eligibility

SB 332

Adult education: average daily attendance audits

SB 336

Postsecondary Educational Institutions: hiring practices

SB 338

Concurrent enrollment: high school and community colleges

SB 352

School sites: sources of pollution

SB 371

Public postsecondary education: resident classification

SB 373

High-performing schools

SB 383

Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission

SB 384

Technology Integration Performance Index

SB 394

Patriotic exercises

SB 409

School finance: reserve accounts

SB 432

Early childhood development: preschool

SB 452

California State University: Kenneth L. Maddy Institute

SB 464

Special education: individualized education program meeting

SB 468

Community colleges: homeland defense security training

SB 469

Instructional materials

SB 471

Pupil testing

SB 473

Public schools: State School Health Advisory Council

SB 474

Child day care facilities: criminal record information

SB 481

21st Century Community Learning Centers

SB 484

Public postsecondary education: resident classification

SB 495

School accountability: Opportunity to Learn Index

SB 507

School districts: grant programs

SB 524

Instruction: driver training

SB 525

Categorical funding: block grants

SB 542

Postsecondary education

SB 550


SB 556

Class size

SB 560

Pupils: dependents of military families

SB 575

School accountability report cards

SB 588

Education finance

SB 592

Instructional materials: cost to state

SB 606

Pupil health: vision appraisal

SB 611

Instructional strategies: subject matter projects

SB 627

Senate Public Employment And Retirement Committee
State teachers' retirement

SB 628

School facilities: funding

SB 636

Special education: alternative dispute resolution

SB 644

California Community Colleges Board of Governors

SB 651

Regional occupational centers: apportionments

SB 662

School finance: revenue limits: equalization

SB 674*

Four-day school week

SB 677

The California Childhood Obesity Prevention Act

SB 680

Student financial aid

SB 683

Pupil assessment data: analysis

SB 696

Teacher credentialing: suspension of credential

SB 712

Quality Education Model: school funding

SB 719

School safety

SB 722

School performance

SB 728

Student financial aid

SB 746

School facilities

SB 763

School site acquisition: approval process

SB 790

Contracting for noninstructional services

SB 793*

Education: employees

SB 801

Instruction: grade point average

SB 809*

Public postsecondary education

SB 821

Business programs

SB 823

Adult education

SB 826

Hot Springs Elementary School District

SB 837

Class size reduction

SB 842

Instructional materials: accessibility

SB 848

School programs: pedestrian-bicyclist safety

SB 892

School restrooms

SB 955

Community colleges: temporary employees

SB 956

Public school expenditures

SB 964

High school exit examination

SB 967

Private postsecondary and vocational education

SB 971

California State University: outside employment

SB 979

Charter schools: pupil attendance

SB 1017

Private postsecondary education: retention of records

SB 1038*

Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee
Education finance

SB 1039*

Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee

SB 1040*

Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee
Targeted Instructional Improvement Grant Program

SB 1041

Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee
School facilities bonds

SB 1058

Instructional materials: children's mental health programs

SCA 12

California Community Colleges: civil service exemption


Visual and performing arts

SCR 21

Charter schools

SCR 23

Library Media Month

SCR 27

Physical education

SCR 36

Centennial anniversary of flight

SCR 40

Youth involvement

SCR 41

Baldrige National Quality Program


Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program

SR 13

High school diplomas for adults

SR 23


SB 16X

Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee
School finance

SB 20X*

Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee
State Teachers' Retirement System

SB 28X*

Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee
Education finance

AB 8*

Local Education and Accountability Pilot Program

AB 12

Instructional materials: adoption: reading level

AB 15

School finance: revenue limits: equalization

AB 22

Child day care facilities: family day care homes

AB 31

School finance: revenue limits: equalization

AB 36

Pupil achievement

AB 38*

West Fresno Elementary School District

AB 40

Community colleges: apportionments: equalization adjustment

AB 42

Class size reduction

AB 48

School finance: revenue limits: equalization

AB 51

General plans: child care facilities

AB 52

Supplemental instruction

AB 54

Teacher training: cultural competency

AB 56

Child care, development, and education

AB 60

African American Political and Economic Institute

AB 64

California Community Colleges: annual budget

AB 72

Child care providers

AB 78

Education: curriculum

AB 86

Home rule

AB 96

High-priority schools

AB 97*

Public schools

AB 106

State Teachers' Retirement System: surviving spouse

AB 109

Public school employers: unlawful acts

AB 115

Jerome Horton-D
School safety

AB 119

Shirley Horton-R
Mandatory systemwide undergraduate student charges

AB 124*

Joint-use projects

AB 152

Special education

AB 153

Student financial aid: eligibility

AB 156

Public postsecondary education: southern San Joaquin Valley

AB 163

Public education

AB 164*

Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District

AB 165

School Accountability Report Card: requirements

AB 174

Community college fees

AB 179

California Children and Families Commission

AB 195

Health education

AB 212

State teachers' retirement: retirement incentive

AB 217

School facilities: funding

AB 220

School employees: temporary athletic team coach positions

AB 222*

Library construction and renovation

AB 225

School facilities

AB 228

Class size reduction

AB 229

School districts: public project contracts

AB 235

School transportation

AB 242


AB 249

California/Mexico Office of Intergovernmental Affairs

AB 255

Jerome Horton-D
Elections: local government seals

AB 264

Surplus school property: use of proceeds

AB 265*

State teachers' retirement: appropriations

AB 275

School facilities: modernization

AB 290

Classified employees: notice of layoff

AB 294

Online classroom programs

AB 298

Special education

AB 300

Assembly Education Committee

AB 303

University of California: salaries of administrators

AB 305

Density bonuses: child care facilities

AB 307

Student financial aid: tuition and fee waivers

AB 310

Employee bargaining units: salary deductions

AB 328

Special education: funding

AB 335

Scholarships: Governor's Scholars Program

AB 349

Compton Unified School District

AB 356

Education: pupil testing

AB 366*

Child care: substitute employee registry

AB 368

Healthy Families Program

AB 379

Child care: funding

AB 391

New school construction

AB 399

Education: instruction: World War II

AB 419*

Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee
State Teachers' Retirement System Board: elections

AB 422

Child development permits

AB 424

Classified school employees

AB 442

School finance: budget disclosures

AB 448

Intensive reading programs: reimbursement

AB 481

International Baccalaureate Programs

AB 490

Education: foster children

AB 491

Public postsecondary education: information technology

AB 497

Pupil testing: California High School Exit Exam

AB 500


AB 503

School employee organizations

AB 511

Information and communications technologies: assessment

AB 529

Family day care homes

AB 532

Vehicles: special interest license plates

AB 545

School facilities: joint-use projects

AB 546

Apprenticeship education

AB 547

National Guard loan assumption program

AB 549

School facilities: smoking

AB 550

Systemwide student fee advisory committees

AB 554

Community colleges: enrollment fees

AB 560

School programs

AB 581

Curriculum: labor relations

AB 591

High school graduation requirements

AB 598

Facilities modernization: drinking fountains

AB 604

Education: charter schools

AB 608

Crimes: school employees

AB 610

Postsecondary education finance

AB 615

Advisory Commission on Special Education

AB 626

Vehicles: 15-passenger vans

AB 639

Regional occupational centers and programs

AB 640

State special schools: categorical funding

AB 642

Content standards: review

AB 644*

Taxation: low-income housing

AB 648

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Advisory Commission

AB 654

Community colleges: faculty

AB 655

California Postsecondary Education Commission

AB 660

Master Plan for Pupil Support Services

AB 661

Prohibited instruction: questionnaires

AB 662

Special education: blind and visually impaired pupils

AB 666

Schools: patriotic exercises

AB 680

Public postsecondary education: community college fees

AB 705

Career technical education

AB 707

School curriculum: personal financial management

AB 736

School facilities

AB 745

Local educational agencies: officers

AB 756

Instruction: physical education

AB 766

Type 2 diabetes mellitus: pupil screening

AB 772

Educational equity

AB 774

Vocational education

AB 780

Special education: due process hearing

AB 781

World War II internees: high school diplomas

AB 787

School facilities funding

AB 791

State Commission on Teacher Credentialing

AB 810

Pupils: age of admission

AB 825

Student financial aid: study and report

AB 833

Sex equity in education: athletics

AB 841

Pupil retention

AB 843

Assembly Higher Education Committee
Public postsecondary education: mandatory student fees

AB 858

California Racial Mascots Act

AB 905

After School Education and Safety Program: grants

AB 907

Environmental education: content standards

AB 908

California State University: disability retirement

AB 918

Classified employees

AB 921

Instructional materials: submission fees

AB 931

School finance: categorical education programs

AB 942

Emergency medical services: diabetes

AB 950

Prohibited instruction: human sexuality

AB 952

Child identification kits

AB 954


AB 956


AB 975

Courses of study: nutrition education

AB 978

Negrete McLeod-D
California State University: disability benefits

AB 1001

School districts: information reporting

AB 1008

Hazardous materials evaluation and removal

AB 1010

Student financial aid: assumption program of loans

AB 1012

Pupils: interrogation

AB 1016

Curriculum: John Muir Day

AB 1017

Teachers: hiring preferences: instructing deaf pupils

AB 1018

School facilities construction and modernization

AB 1021

Curriculum framework: Armenian Genocide

AB 1038

Negrete McLeod-D
Classified school employees

AB 1041

Pupils: excused absences: parental consent

AB 1052

Electronic state school register pilot project

AB 1070

Classified school employees: reclassification

AB 1097

Home-to-school transportation

AB 1124

School facilities maintenance and repair

AB 1129

Class size reduction

AB 1134*

Education: interdistrict transfers

AB 1137

Charter schools

AB 1144

California State University: employees

AB 1177

Educational materials: labor history

AB 1185

California State University: administrative costs

AB 1197

Political Reform Act of 1974: conflicts of interest

AB 1207

State teachers' retirement: retirement incentive

AB 1219

Prison education reform

AB 1230

Higher education labor relations: presentation of proof

AB 1244

School facilities funding: modernization

AB 1250

Teacher development: intolerance and hatred prevention

AB 1253

Public employees' retirement: CSU employees

AB 1259

State Board of Education

AB 1266

Assembly Budget Committee

AB 1278

Jerome Horton-D
Secondary school courses of study

AB 1282

Staff development

AB 1307

Charter schools: authorization

AB 1309

School facilities: displaced residential development

AB 1323

Student financial aid

AB 1326

Child care subsidies: County of San Mateo: pilot project

AB 1330

Outdoor Environmental Education Program

AB 1334

School district reorganization

AB 1336*

Special education: funding

AB 1337

Special education

AB 1350

Ravenswood City Elementary School District

AB 1366*

Education finance

AB 1377

School facilities

AB 1381

Charter school facilities funding: regulatory approvals

AB 1395

School facilities

AB 1411*

School safety: hazing

AB 1417

California Community Colleges

AB 1419*

Assembly Budget Committee
School finance

AB 1464

Charter schools: authorization

AB 1465

School facilities: new construction: small schools

AB 1472

Public schools and election days

AB 1485

English learners: academic assessment

AB 1508

Community college funding

AB 1512

Arts education

AB 1537

Education: curriculum

AB 1543

Community colleges: nursing programs

AB 1548

Office of Education on the Environment

AB 1550

Public education

AB 1554

School finance: necessary small schools

AB 1558

Child care: health studios: trustline registry

AB 1564

Special education: community colleges

AB 1569

Child day care facilities: criminal record information

AB 1571*

Education finance: community college funding

AB 1573

School construction: design-build

AB 1575*

Education finance: Oxnard Union High School District

AB 1595

Career education

AB 1620

Community colleges: temporary and part-time faculty

AB 1631

School facilities funding: replacement buildings

AB 1636

Charter school district conversion: approval

AB 1638

La Suer-R
Charter schools: nonclassroom-based instruction

AB 1646

Contracting for noninstructional services

AB 1647

School building construction: prefabricated materials

AB 1648

Community colleges

AB 1649

Special education: skilled nursing facilities

AB 1650

Teacher Support and Development Act of 2003

AB 1668

Child Care Facilities Revolving Fund

AB 1670

High school exit examination

AB 1683

Child day care: licensing report

AB 1752*

Assembly Budget Committee
Human services

AB 1754*

Assembly Budget Committee
Education finance

AB 1778

Assembly Higher Education Committee
California State University

AB 1783

Assembly Higher Education Committee
Public postsecondary education: cross-enrollment


Taxation: educational entities: parcel tax

ACA 13

Public education finance


Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science


Joint Committee for the Revision of the Education Code

ACR 10

Heavy backpacks

ACR 16

Nutrition: vegetarian school lunches

ACR 21

Sanitary conditions in public schools

ACR 31

Education: physical fitness

ACR 37

University of California, Merced: economic forecasting model

ACR 40

Compton Planning and Transportation Project Task Force

ACR 60

Charter School Week

ACR 61

Financial Literacy for Youth Month

ACR 62

School health

ACR 66

High school exit examination

ACR 69

San Jose State University Processed Food Institute

ACR 75

Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program

ACR 80

Compton Unified School District: Board of Trustees

ACR 84

Mathematics Education Month

ACR 85

Respect for All Project

ACR 86

Higher education in the 34th Assembly District

ACR 104

Day of the Teacher

ACR 124

Educational Opportunity Programs Month

ACR 137


ACR 140

Brown v. Board of Education and Equality in Education Day


Undocumented students

HR 9

Arts Education Month

HR 23

High school diplomas for adults

HR 25

Continuation and Alternative Education Week


Home rule school districts and county offices of education


Class size reduction