Note: * Denotes Urgency or Tax Levy Legislation.
Developmental Services
SB 137 (Emmerson-R) Developmental services: regional centers
Requires that specified information about vendor rates and payments to nonprofit housing corporations be posted on each regional center's Internet Web site, alongside other existing information.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 158 (Correa-D) Autism services: demonstration program
Allows the Regional Center Excellence in Community Autism Partnerships demonstration program to be established.
SB 163 (Hueso-D) Developmental services: health insurance payments
Requires regional centers to pay any co-payment, co-insurance, or deductible required under a health plan or health insurance policy that provides coverage for services included in a regional center consumer's Individual Program Plan or Individualized Family Service Plan.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 319 (Price-D) Developmental services: regional centers: data compilation
Requires the Department of Developmental Services to ensure that regional centers report certain information on the services they provide in a uniform manner. Requires the regional centers to report on whether there are disparities in the provision of services, and their plans to reduce such disparities.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 321 (Price-D) Developmental services: regional centers
Requires the Department of Developmental Services to establish contract performance guidelines for regional centers, relating to cultural and linguistic competency.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 349 (Walters-R) Home- and community-based services waivers
Requires a provider of sheltered work under a specified home-and-community-based services waiver to demonstrate that it is transitioning at least 20% of its clients annually into integrated, individualized employment settings, with or without support, in order to get reimbursed under the waiver.
(In Senate Human Services Committee)
SB 367 (Block-D) Developmental services: regional centers
Requires a regional center to include in its training and support to board members, issues relating to linguistic and cultural competency and to post on its Internet Web site information regarding the training and support provided. Requires the governing board to annually review the performance of the regional center in providing services that are linguistically and culturally appropriate and authorizes the governing board to provide recommendations to the director of the regional center based on the results of that review.
Chapter 682, Statutes of 2013
SB 468 (Emmerson-R) Developmental services: statewide Self-Determination Program
Establishes a statewide Self-Determination Program for individuals with developmental disabilities and makes the Program available in every regional center catchment area, contingent on federal funding approval.
Chapter 683, Statutes of 2013
SB 555 (Correa-D) Developmental services: regional centers: IPP and IFSP
Requires a regional center to communicate in the family's native language during the individualized family service plan planning process and to provide a copy of the plan in the family's native language. Similarly, requires a regional center to communicate in the consumer's native language, or, when appropriate, the native language of his/her family, legal guardian, conservator, or authorized representative, during the individual program plan planning process and to provide a copy of the individual program plan in the native language of the consumer or his/her family, legal guardian, conservator, or authorized representative, or both.
Chapter 685, Statutes of 2013
SB 577 (Pavley-D) Autism and other developmental disabilities: pilot program
Establishes a pilot program to provide additional support to regional center consumers, with the intention of increasing employment of participants in the pilot program.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 579 (Berryhill-R) Commission on Oversight Efficiency
Establishes the Commission on the Oversight Efficiency and Quality Enhancement Model to investigate methods of implementing a unified oversight and quality enhancement process that ensures the welfare, community participation, health, and safety of individuals with developmental disabilities who are served in programs licensed by the Community Care Licensing Division of the Department of Social Services.
(In Senate Human Services Committee)
SB 651 (Pavley-D) Developmental centers and state hospitals
Establishes requirements for sexual assault examinations of residents in state hospitals and developmental centers, and establishes new penalties for failure of developmental centers to report specified incidents.
Chapter 724, Statutes of 2013
AB 485 (Gomez-D) In-home supportive services
Changes the implementation date for the California In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Authority to assume specified responsibilities related to the enrollment of eligible Medi-Cal beneficiaries from 3/1/13 to 1/1/14, and makes other conforming changes. Modifies the definition of the Coordinate Care Initiative for the purposes of determining which provisions become inoperative if specified conditions are not met, and excludes, among others, those provisions that establish the IHSS Employer-Employee Relations Act. Establishes the Authority and determines the duties of, and when those duties are assumed by the Authority, establishes the IHSS Fund, which is used to fund the Authority, and requires all counties, commencing 7/1/12, to have a County IHSS Maintenance of Effort and to pay the County IHSS Maintenance of Effort instead of paying the nonfederal share of IHSS costs, as specified.
(In Senate Health Committee)
AB 518 (Yamada-D) Community-based adult services: adult day health care center
Continues Community Based Adult Services as a Medi-Cal benefit and included as a covered service in contracts with all Medi-Cal managed health care plans following the expiration of a legal settlement and a Medicaid waiver in effect until August 2014, establishes eligibility criteria for Community Based Adult Services, requires an Adult Day Health Center to meet specified staffing standards, and establishes requirements for Community Based Adult Services providers, including a requirement that the Department of Health Care Services certify and enroll as new Community Based Adult Services providers, only those providers that are exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the federal Internal Revenue Code, commencing 7/1/15.
(In Senate Health Committee)
AB 753* (Lowenthal-D) Cognitively impaired adults: caregiver resource centers
Repeals and recasts statutes related to the system of caregiver resource centers to conform with the transfer of the centers from the former Department of Mental Health to the Department of Health Care Services.
Chapter 708, Statutes of 2013
AB 954 (Maienschein-R) Developmental services: habilitation
Increases the rates and fees paid to supported employment services providers for regional center consumers.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1041 (Chesbro-D) Developmental services: Employment First Policy
Creates the statewide Employment First Policy and sets forth requirements related to the inclusion of employment opportunities and services in a regional center consumer's individual program plan.
Chapter 677, Statutes of 2013
AB 1217 (Lowenthal-D) Home Care Services Consumer Protection Act
Enacts the Home Care Services Consumer Protection Act, which provides on and after 1/1/15, for the licensure and regulation of home care organizations, as defined, by Department of Social Services (DSS), and the registration of home care aides. Excludes specified entities from the definition of a home care organization and excludes certain types of individuals as home care aides. Requires DSS to establish and continuously update a home care aid registry and requires background clearances for home care aides, as prescribed. Requires DSS to impose various fees to be deposited in the Home Care Aide Fund.
Chapter 790, Statutes of 2013
AB 1231 (V. Manuel Pérez-D) Regional centers: telehealth
Requires, until 1/1/19, the Department of Developmental Services to inform all regional centers (RCs) that any appropriate health service and dentistry may be provided through the use of telehealth, as defined, to consumers of RC services. Requires the Department to provide technical assistance to RCs on the use of telehealth and to request RCs to consider the use of telehealth services for inclusion in training programs for parents of consumers. Requires the use of telehealth be voluntary and immediately discontinued at the request of the consumer or his/her parent, legal guardian, or conservator, as appropriate.
AB 1232 (V. Manuel Pérez-D) Developmental services: quality assessment system
Requires that any quality assurance instrument used by the Department of Developmental Services to assess the provision of services within the system to also assess whether services are being provided in a linguistically and culturally competent manner. Requires outcome-based measures to evaluate the linguistic and cultural competency of regional center services and for the Department's quality assurance contractor to be experienced in issues related to linguistic and cultural competency.
Chapter 679, Statutes of 2013
Foster Care
SB 342 (Yee-D) Foster children: social worker: visits
Requires the mandated visits by the county social worker or probation officer (caseworker) of foster children to occur in the home residence of the foster child and for that visit to include a private discussion between the foster child and the caseworker. Requires the caseworker to advise the foster child of the right to request that the private discussion occur outside the group home. Prohibits more than two consecutive monthly visits from being held outside the residence of the foster child and, if the visit does not occur in the place of residence, requires the social worker or probation officer to document in the case file and in the court report the location of the visit and the reason for the visit occurring outside the place of residence.
Chapter 492, Statutes of 2013
SB 347 (Beall-D) Youth shelters: funding
Allows a county to avoid repayment provisions established under the Youth Center and Youth Shelter Bond Act of 1988 for funds initially allocated for shelters for abused and neglected children but expended for shelters for runaway or homeless youth, as specified.
Chapter 493, Statutes of 2013
SB 522 (Hueso-D) Foster Family Home and Small Family Home Insurance Fund
Clarifies liability coverage of the Foster Family Homes and Small Family Home Insurance Fund.
Chapter 494, Statutes of 2013
SB 528 (Yee-D) Treatment: minor parents and nonminor dependent parents
Provides additional considerations for foster youth related to the provision of supportive services.
Chapter 338, Statutes of 2013
AB 196 (Mansoor-R) Foster parent evaluations
Requires the Department of Social Services, in consultation with the County Welfare Directors Association, foster parents, caregivers, and current and former foster youth, to develop and implement a foster parent evaluation process.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 216* (Stone-D) High school graduation requirements: pupils in foster care
Provides that a foster youth who transfers to a new school after completing his/her second year of high school is exempt from the graduation requirements of the new school that exceed state requirements unless the school district makes a finding that the pupil is reasonably able to complete the school's graduation requirements in time to graduate from high school by the end of his/her fourth year of high school, and provides that the pupil is not required to accept the exemption. Requires school districts to modify procedures for determining which pupils are exempt, to notify appropriate parties, and to provide information regarding how the exemption will affect the pupil's ability to gain admission to a postsecondary education institution and about transfer opportunities available through the California community colleges, and to give foster pupils the option of attending high school for a fifth year in order to complete the district's graduation requirements.
Chapter 324, Statutes of 2013
AB 352 (Hall-D) Foster care: smoke-free environment
Requires licensed group homes, foster family agencies, small family homes, transitional housing placement providers, and crisis nurseries that provide residential foster care to a child to maintain a smoke-free environment. Prohibits a person who is licensed or certified to provide residential care in a foster family home or certified family home from smoking or permitting any other person to smoke inside the facility, and, when the child is present, on the outdoor grounds of the facility. Also prohibits a person who is licensed or certified pursuant to these provisions from smoking in any motor vehicle that is regularly used to transport the child.
Chapter 292, Statutes of 2013
AB 413 (Chávez-R) Foster care: specialized foster care homes
Corrects technical drafting errors in existing statute related to licensing standards for specialized foster care homes.
Chapter 100, Statutes of 2013
AB 545 (Mitchell-D) Dependent children: placement
Extends the definition of a nonrelative extended family member to include those adults who have a relationship with a relative of the child, as specified.
Chapter 294, Statutes of 2013
AB 787 (Stone-D) Foster care
Makes clarifying and technical changes to the California Fostering Connections to Success Act to ensure its continued implementation.
Chapter 487, Statutes of 2013
AB 1089 (Ian Calderon-D) Foster care
Specifies the transfer procedures that apply when a consumer of regional center services who has an order for foster care, is awaiting foster care placement, or is placed in out-of-care transfers between regional centers or local educational agencies. Provides that a consumer of regional center services, or an infant or toddler receiving early intervention services, who meets specified criteria, is entitled to a complete copy, or any requested portion thereof, at no charge, of his/her regional center records upon presenting to the regional center a written request stating that the records are needed to support an application or appeal regarding eligibility for a public benefit program. Also authorizes the release of the information and records to the education rights holder.
(In Senate Human Services Committee)
AB 1108 (Perea-D) Sex offenders: foster care homes: prohibitions
Enacts a new misdemeanor that prohibits any person who is required to register as a sex offender based upon the commission of an offense against a minor from residing (except as a client), working, or volunteering in a licensed child day care or children's residential facility, a certified home of a foster family agency, or a home or facility that receives placement of a dependent child, as specified.
Chapter 772, Statutes of 2013
AB 1133 (Mitchell-D) Foster children: special health care needs
Requires that when determining the placement of a foster child who is medically fragile, priority consideration be given to placement with a foster parent who is an individual nurse provider, and who provides health services under the federal Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment program, unless the child has the option of placement with a relative, as specified.
Chapter 490, Statutes of 2013
AB 1187 (Mansoor-R) Foster care funds: subsidized child care for foster parents
Requires the Department of Social Services to amend the foster care state plan.
(In Assembly Human Services Committee)
ACR 49 (Stone-D) Foster Care Month
Declares the month of May 2013 as Foster Care Month.
Resolution Chapter 41, Statutes of 2013
Public Social Services
SB 134 (Hueso-D) CalFresh eligibility
Requires participating counties to exempt from the CalFresh Employment and Training (CalFresh E&T) Program a veteran who has been honorably discharged from the U.S. Armed Forces. Requires, in a county that elects to participate in the program, that a veteran applying for CalFresh benefits who is required to register to work, but who is exempt from placement in the CalFresh E&T Program, be provided with a referral to the local county veterans service office and to local veterans' assistance and job training agencies if known to the county, and given the opportunity to participate as a volunteer in the CalFresh E&T Program.
Chapter 283, Statutes of 2013
SB 177 (Liu-D) Homeless Youth Education Success Act
Requires the Department of Education and the Department of Social Services to develop policies and practices to support homeless children and youths and to ensure that child abuse and neglect reporting requirements do not create barriers to the school enrollment and attendance, as specified. Extends to homeless children or youths existing requirements specific to foster youth, which require those students be immediately enrolled in school and deemed to meet all residency requirements for participation in interscholastic sports or other extracurricular activities.
Chapter 491, Statutes of 2013
SB 206 (Emmerson-R) EBT cards: prohibition for alcohol and tobacco purchases
Requires the electronic benefits transfer (EBT) system to be designed to prevent use of EBT cards by recipients for the purchase of alcohol or tobacco products. Requires that its provisions not be construed to prohibit the use of an EBT card to access Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits, as authorized by federal law.
(In Senate Human Services Committee)
SB 208 (Lara-D) Public social services: contracting
Deletes a prohibition on Medi-Cal prepaid health plans entering into any subcontract in which consideration is determined by a percentage of the primary contractor's payment from the Department of Health Care Services, subject to objection from the Department, and instead authorizes these arrangements. Establishes requirements related to cultural and linguistic competency for requests for proposals submitted by regional centers.
Chapter 656, Statutes of 2013
SB 252 (Liu-D) CalWORKs: welfare-to-work requirements
Specifies that a pregnant woman who is unable to obtain medical verification but is otherwise eligible for the good cause exemption is exempt from participation in welfare-to-work activities. Authorizes a pregnant woman to satisfy welfare-to-work participation requirements by participating in a voluntary maternal, infant, and early childhood home visiting program, as specified. States that, pursuant to existing law, an applicant or recipient of CalWORKs benefits is entitled to breastfeed her child in any public area, or area where the mother and the child are authorized to be present, in a county welfare department or other county office.
Chapter 563, Statutes of 2013
SB 283 (Hancock-D) CalFresh eligibility
Allows individuals convicted of drug-related felonies to receive federal CalFresh benefits.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 343 (Yee-D) Dependent children: documents
Requires specific information be provided to minors and non-minors in foster care and recasts and revises Section 391 of the Welfare and Institutions Code regarding the termination of a minor or non-minor's dependency jurisdiction.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 346 (Beall-D) Public social services: records
Includes within the definition of "public social services," publicly funded health care services administered or supervised by the Department of Social Services or the Department of Health Care Services, except as specified, and clarifies existing law.
Chapter 658, Statutes of 2013
SB 480 (Yee-D) CalWORKs, Medi-Cal, and CalFresh: suspension of benefits
Requires that a person who is an inmate of a public institution be suspended as a member of the CalWORKs program assistance unit for the duration of his/her incarceration, but returns the person to the assistance unit without reapplying, if he/she is still eligible for CalWORKs benefits upon release. Makes the suspension of Medi-Cal benefits provisions applicable to individuals who are 21 years of age or older. Requires that a person who is an inmate of a public institution be suspended from receiving CalFresh benefits for the duration of his/her incarceration, but reinstates the benefits without the person reapplying, if he/she is still eligible for CalFresh benefits upon release.
(In Senate Human Services Committee)
SB 672 (Leno-D) CalFresh: eligibility: guidelines
Requires the Department of Social Services to issue guidance to simplify the verification of dependent care expense deductions necessary to determine eligibility for, or the benefit level of, CalFresh.
Chapter 568, Statutes of 2013
AB 191 (Bocanegra-D) CalFresh: categorical eligibility
Requires the Department of Social Services to design and implement a program of categorical eligibility for CalFresh for the purpose of establishing the gross income limit for the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and state Maintenance of Effort funded service for any household that is categorically eligible and includes a member who receives, or is eligible to receive, medical assistance under the Medi-Cal program.
Chapter 669, Statutes of 2013
AB 197 (Stone-D) CalWORKs eligibility: asset limits: vehicles
Eliminates the vehicle asset test for the CalWORKs program.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 260 (Gordon-D) Individualized county child care subsidy plans
Allows, until 7/1/12, the San Mateo County individualized child care subsidy plan to continue, as specified, and extends until 7/1/16, the City and County of San Francisco's individualized child care subsidy plan.
Chapter 731, Statutes of 2013
AB 271 (Mitchell-D) CalWORKs: eligibility
Expressly prohibits the denial of aid or an increase in the maximum aid payment for a child born into the family of a CalWORKs program recipient, and does not entitle increased benefit payments for months prior to 1/1/14. Prohibits the conditioning of eligibility for CalWORKs aid based on an applicant's or recipient's disclosure of information about being a victim of rape, incest, or contraception failure, as specified.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 276 (Hueso-D) CalFresh eligibility
Requires the state to submit a request to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, on or before 12/31/14, to waive the requirement excluding the basic allowance for housing from countable income in the calculation of eligibility and benefit level for CalFresh. Requires the waiver to be implemented within six months of being granted. Requires participating counties to defer from the CalFresh Employment and Training Program (CalFresh E&T) a person who is currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces or is a veteran who has been honorably discharged from the U.S. Armed Forces. Requires a veteran applying for CalFresh benefits who is required to register to work, but who is exempt from mandatory placement in the CalFresh E&T, to be provided with a referral to local veterans assistance and job training agencies and be given the opportunity to participate as a volunteer in CalFresh E&T if the county participates.
(In Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 309 (Mitchell-D) CalFresh: homeless youth
Clarifies that there is no minimum age requirement for CalFresh eligibility and requires information and training about CalFresh that is developed for the homeless to include information about unaccompanied homeless children, as specified; requires county welfare departments, upon receipt of a signed CalFresh application from an unaccompanied minor, to determine eligibility of benefits without delay; and requires county welfare departments to notify the child or youth in writing of the reason, if the application is denied.
Chapter 97, Statutes of 2013
AB 419 (Lowenthal-D) CalWORKs: eligibility
Repeals the code section that limits the CalWORKs aid to only two months when a child is absent from the home and a patient in a public hospital. Removes the two-month cap and extends those benefits for the duration of the hospital stay.
Chapter 293, Statutes of 2013
AB 814 (Bradford-D) CalWORKs: eligibility: truancy
Eliminates the double penalty assessed against the CalWORKs recipients for truancy.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 832 (Weber-D) Electronic benefits transfer cards: state college campuses
Requires all convenience stores and bookstores on any campus of the University of California, the California State University, and the California Community Colleges to accept the use of electronic benefits transfer cards and makes related legislative findings and declarations.
(In Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 1094 (Brown-D) CalWORKs: eligibility
Expands the definition of disability-based unearned income to include veteran's disability compensation for purposes of the income disregard under the CalWORKs program.
Chapter 554, Statutes of 2013
AB 1107 (Garcia-D) CalWORKs eligibility: domestic violence
Establishes statewide standards for notifying the CalWORKs applicants and recipients of accommodations available to them if they are victims of domestic violence and establishes criteria for granting such waivers.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1280 (John A. Pérez-D) Electronic fund transfer: qualifying accounts
Authorizes a recipient of public assistance payments to authorize payment to be directly deposited by electronic fund transfer to a qualifying account, as defined, at a financial institution of his/her choice; requires qualifying accounts to meet specified requirements, and provides that each county treasurer has no obligation to determine whether the account is a qualifying account. Requires, if unemployment compensation benefit payments are directly deposited to a recipient's account, that the payments only be deposited to a qualifying account, as defined, and provides that the Employment Development Department has no obligation to determine whether an account is a qualifying account. Prohibits a person or entity that issues a prepaid card or maintains or manages a prepaid card account, as defined, from accepting or facilitating the direct deposit of public assistance payments or unemployment compensation benefits to a prepaid card account that does not meet the requirements of a qualified account.
Chapter 557, Statutes of 2013
SB 23 (Lara-D) Task Force on New American Integration
Directs the Governor to establish the Task Force on New American Integration to provide, among other things, policy recommendations on protocols and policies regarding immigrant integration to the Legislature, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 138 (Hernandez-D) Confidentiality of medical information
Requires health care service plans and health insurers to take specified steps to protect the confidentiality of an insured individual's medical information for purposes of sensitive services or if disclosure will endanger an individual, as specified.
Chapter 444, Statutes of 2013
SB 602 (Senate Human Services Committee) Child abuse prevention, intervention, and treatment projects
Deletes obsolete requirements related to training and fund distribution for Child Abuse Prevention, Intervention and Treatment projects.
Chapter 60, Statutes of 2013
SB 625 (Beall-D) Child welfare: racial and ethnic disparities
Prohibits the Department of Social Services and county welfare departments from denying services to parents or children on the basis of language or ethnicity, as specified. Requires the Department and county welfare departments to document the communication needs of each Hispanic parent and child, provide Spanish-speaking clients with services and materials in Spanish, and have adequate staff to assign bilingual workers to Spanish-speaking families, as specified. Requires that children be placed in a foster home that is as linguistically and culturally equivalent to a parent's home as possible. Requires that children of Spanish-speaking families be placed with Spanish-speaking foster parents within 60 days of removal from their families and defines as "improper" placement with non-Spanish speaking families. Requires counties to include in self assessments and improvement plans data and information about efforts to eliminate racial and ethnic disproportionality in services and supports provided in the child welfare system, as specified, and other requirements, as specified.
(In Senate Human Services Committee)
SB 663 (Lara-D) Sexual assault: victims with developmental disabilities
Revises the definition of certain sex offenses, including rape, sodomy, and oral copulation, to apply if the victim is developmentally disabled, as defined, and either (1) the person lacks the legal mental capacity, as defined, to give consent when compared to a reasonable person who does not have a developmental disability and this fact is known or reasonably should be known to the person committing the act, or (2) the defendant is a caretaker, as defined, or a care provider, as defined. Creates an exception to the hearsay rule for certain out-of-court statements made by a person with a developmental disability (1) if the declarant is a victim of a crime, (2) if the statements describe a specified sex offense performed with, by, on, or in the presence of the declarant, (3) if the statements describe any act of child abuse to which the declarant was subjected or which the declarant witnessed, or (4) if the statements describe a specified sex offense or an act of domestic violence, and specified other criteria are met.
(In Senate Human Services Committee)
SB 738 (Yee-D) Sexually exploited and trafficked minors
Provides that a child may come within the jurisdiction of the juvenile dependency court if the minor is a victim of human trafficking, a victim of sexual exploitation, or receives food or shelter in exchange for sexual acts, or is paid to perform sexual acts, and the parent or guardian failed or was unable to protect the child. Also requires the training for administrators of group home facilities, licensed foster parents, and relative or nonrelative extended family member caregivers to include instruction on cultural competency and sensitivity related to providing adequate care to a sexually exploited and trafficked minor. Requires the California Child Welfare Council and Health and Human Services Agency to convene an interagency workgroup, as provided. Requires the workgroup to provide recommendations and updates to the State Plan to Serve and Protect Sexually Exploited and Trafficked Minors by 1/30/15.
(In Assembly Human Services Committee)
SB 766 (Yee-D) Ancillary day care centers
Requires ancillary day care centers to comply with certain requirements, including the requirements to maintain specified care provider-child ratios and ensure the presence, at all times, of at least one care provider who is 18 years of age or older. Also requires any person who is responsible for engaging with children in an ancillary day care center to be registered as a TrustLine provider.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 781 (Lara-D) Continuing care contracts
Requires a provider of continuing care to an elderly resident in a retirement community for the duration of the resident's life or a term in excess of one year that has entered into a Type A contract, as defined, to make the required actuarial opinion available online or to a current resident upon request.
(In Senate Human Services Committee)
AB 290 (Alejo-D) Child day care: childhood nutrition training
Requires training for child development programs to include one hour of childhood nutrition training.
Chapter 734, Statutes of 2013
AB 322 (Yamada-D) Home Care Services Act of 2013
Establishes the Home Care Services Act of 2013 to license and regulate home care services for the elderly, frail, and persons with disabilities.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 346 (Stone-D) Runaway and homeless youth shelters
Establishes "runaway and homeless youth shelters" as a new subcategory of group home under the Community Care Facilities Act, requiring licensure by the Department of Social Services, as specified.
Chapter 485, Statutes of 2013
AB 421 (Williams-D) Health and home care: worker training
Requires the Department of Social Services and the Department of Public Health, in consultation and collaboration with others, as specified, to develop a training curriculum for health and home care workers that addresses issues of consistency, accountability, and increased quality of care for in-home supportive services recipients for health and home care recipients.
(In Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 477 (Chau-D) Elder and dependent adult abuse: mandated reporting
Makes, pursuant to the Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act (EADACPA), a notary public who has observed or has knowledge of elder or dependent adult financial abuse, as specified, a mandated reporter of suspected financial abuse of elders and dependent adults; makes a failure by a mandated reporter to report suspected financial abuse of an elder or dependent adult subject to civil penalties currently imposed on other mandated reporters of elder or dependent adult abuse, and makes such penalties payable by the mandated reporter to the party bringing the action; adds these new mandated reporters to the list of other mandated reporters of elder and dependent adult abuse who are immunized from criminal or civil liability for any report required or authorized by law and makes other conforming revisions to EADACPA; exempts financial officers, who are currently mandated reporters under EADACPA, from the notary public provisions; and revises the attorney-client privilege provision under EADACPA to provide the privilege for information protected by the attorney-client privilege.
AB 540 (Pan-D) Reporting and tracking of violent deaths
Authorizes the Department of Public Health to establish and maintain a system for collecting data on violent deaths in the state.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 758 (Frazier-D) Child abuse and neglect: reports
Requires each county child welfare agency, within 60 calendar days of determining that abuse or neglect led to a child's death in the county, as described, to review the child's death and prepare a written report containing specified information. Requires the county child welfare agency to submit this report to the Department of Social Services within 10 business days of its completion. Requires, commencing 1/1/14, this report to include additional information provided to the Department pursuant to the existing report requirements prepared by county child welfare agencies.
(In Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 784 (Weber-D) In-Home Supportive Services: provider health care benefits
Establishes a 13-member advisory committee to assess the impact of the Affordable Care Act on health care benefits for in-home supportive services (IHSS) providers and issue a report by 3/4/14 on the appropriate employer under IHSS to provide health care benefits to IHSS providers under the Affordable Care Act. Specifies qualifications for committee members, and requires the Governor to appoint seven members and the Speaker of the Assembly and Senate Rules Committee to each appoint three members.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 835 (Muratsuchi-D) Child care: facilities: loans
Authorizes the Department of Housing and Community Development, upon the request of the borrower, to modify the terms of a loan made for the purchase, development, construction, expansion, or improvement of licensed child care and development facilities if the Department determines that the borrower has demonstrated hardship, subject to compliance with specified requirements.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 845 (Cooley-D) Shaken baby syndrome
Requires the Department of Social Services to develop and implement, by 1/1/15, the Shaken Baby Syndrome Education Program.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 883 (Cooley-D) Child sexual abuse: prevention and intervention programs
Establishes the Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Program to create a pilot program in each participating county to provide child sexual abuse prevention and intervention services or fully fund agencies and private or nonprofit programs that provide those services. Annually appropriates from the General Fund $70,000 to each county that conducts a pilot program. Provides that public and private agencies be eligible for this funding if specified evidence is provided and encourages counties to give priority for funding to existing programs that have demonstrated effectiveness in child sexual abuse or prevention.
(In Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 985 (Cooley-D) Guardianship and adoption assistance
Expands eligibility for extended state Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment Program (Kin-GAP) benefits to age 21 to youth who attain 18 years of age while receiving federal or state Kin-GAP benefits and who entered Kin-GAP prior to reaching the age of 16, subject to specified criteria.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 987 (Maienschein-R) Personal and Home Care Aide training program
Requires the Secretary of State and Consumer Services Agency to submit an application on behalf of the state to the federal Department of Health and Human Services to receive a three-year grant to establish a Personal and Home Care Aide training program, as specified, that includes opportunities for honorably discharged veterans in California.
(In Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 1171 (Levine-D) Child welfare services: electronic records
Authorizes a county to, no later than 7/1/14, develop and implement a voluntary pilot program for a period of three years to provide specified foster youth and nonminor dependents, as defined, the opportunity to create and access a personal online electronic record containing necessary information and documents, as specified.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1283 (Bonilla-D) Homeless youth: service providers
Requires the state advisory group established pursuant to the federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 to study the feasibility of the establishment of an Internet Web site for runaway and homeless youth that includes a directory of service providers and the rights of homeless and runaway youth.
(In Assembly Human Services Committee)
HR 10 (Eggman-D) Social Work Month
Recognizes March 2013 nationally as "Social Work Month."
Adopted by the Assembly
Index (in Measure Order)
Go to Top
Note: * Denotes Urgency or Tax Levy Legislation.
Measure and Reference | Author | Measure Title |
SB 23 - Miscellaneous | Lara-D | Task Force on New American Integration |
SB 134 - Public Social Services | Hueso-D | CalFresh eligibility |
SB 137 - Developmental Services | Emmerson-R | Developmental services: regional centers |
SB 138 - Miscellaneous | Hernandez-D | Confidentiality of medical information |
SB 158 - Developmental Services | Correa-D | Autism services: demonstration program |
SB 163 - Developmental Services | Hueso-D | Developmental services: health insurance payments |
SB 177 - Public Social Services | Liu-D | Homeless Youth Education Success Act |
SB 206 - Public Social Services | Emmerson-R | EBT cards: prohibition for alcohol and tobacco purchases |
SB 208 - Public Social Services | Lara-D | Public social services: contracting |
SB 252 - Public Social Services | Liu-D | CalWORKs: welfare-to-work requirements |
SB 283 - Public Social Services | Hancock-D | CalFresh eligibility |
SB 319 - Developmental Services | Price-D | Developmental services: regional centers: data compilation |
SB 321 - Developmental Services | Price-D | Developmental services: regional centers |
SB 342 - Foster Care | Yee-D | Foster children: social worker: visits |
SB 343 - Public Social Services | Yee-D | Dependent children: documents |
SB 346 - Public Social Services | Beall-D | Public social services: records |
SB 347 - Foster Care | Beall-D | Youth shelters: funding |
SB 349 - Developmental Services | Walters-R | Home- and community-based services waivers |
SB 367 - Developmental Services | Block-D | Developmental services: regional centers |
SB 468 - Developmental Services | Emmerson-R | Developmental services: statewide Self-Determination Program |
SB 480 - Public Social Services | Yee-D | CalWORKs, Medi-Cal, and CalFresh: suspension of benefits |
SB 522 - Foster Care | Hueso-D | Foster Family Home and Small Family Home Insurance Fund |
SB 528 - Foster Care | Yee-D | Treatment: minor parents and nonminor dependent parents |
SB 555 - Developmental Services | Correa-D | Developmental services: regional centers: IPP and IFSP |
SB 577 - Developmental Services | Pavley-D | Autism and other developmental disabilities: pilot program |
SB 579 - Developmental Services | Berryhill-R | Commission on Oversight Efficiency |
SB 602 - Miscellaneous | Senate Human Services Committee | Child abuse prevention, intervention, and treatment projects |
SB 625 - Miscellaneous | Beall-D | Child welfare: racial and ethnic disparities |
SB 651 - Developmental Services | Pavley-D | Developmental centers and state hospitals |
SB 663 - Miscellaneous | Lara-D | Sexual assault: victims with developmental disabilities |
SB 672 - Public Social Services | Leno-D | CalFresh: eligibility: guidelines |
SB 738 - Miscellaneous | Yee-D | Sexually exploited and trafficked minors |
SB 766 - Miscellaneous | Yee-D | Ancillary day care centers |
SB 781 - Miscellaneous | Lara-D | Continuing care contracts |
AB 191 - Public Social Services | Bocanegra-D | CalFresh: categorical eligibility |
AB 196 - Foster Care | Mansoor-R | Foster parent evaluations |
AB 197 - Public Social Services | Stone-D | CalWORKs eligibility: asset limits: vehicles |
AB 216* - Foster Care | Stone-D | High school graduation requirements: pupils in foster care |
AB 260 - Public Social Services | Gordon-D | Individualized county child care subsidy plans |
AB 271 - Public Social Services | Mitchell-D | CalWORKs: eligibility |
AB 276 - Public Social Services | Hueso-D | CalFresh eligibility |
AB 290 - Miscellaneous | Alejo-D | Child day care: childhood nutrition training |
AB 309 - Public Social Services | Mitchell-D | CalFresh: homeless youth |
AB 322 - Miscellaneous | Yamada-D | Home Care Services Act of 2013 |
AB 346 - Miscellaneous | Stone-D | Runaway and homeless youth shelters |
AB 352 - Foster Care | Hall-D | Foster care: smoke-free environment |
AB 413 - Foster Care | Chávez-R | Foster care: specialized foster care homes |
AB 419 - Public Social Services | Lowenthal-D | CalWORKs: eligibility |
AB 421 - Miscellaneous | Williams-D | Health and home care: worker training |
AB 477 - Miscellaneous | Chau-D | Elder and dependent adult abuse: mandated reporting |
AB 485 - Developmental Services | Gomez-D | In-home supportive services |
AB 518 - Developmental Services | Yamada-D | Community-based adult services: adult day health care center |
AB 540 - Miscellaneous | Pan-D | Reporting and tracking of violent deaths |
AB 545 - Foster Care | Mitchell-D | Dependent children: placement |
AB 753* - Developmental Services | Lowenthal-D | Cognitively impaired adults: caregiver resource centers |
AB 758 - Miscellaneous | Frazier-D | Child abuse and neglect: reports |
AB 784 - Miscellaneous | Weber-D | In-Home Supportive Services: provider health care benefits |
AB 787 - Foster Care | Stone-D | Foster care |
AB 814 - Public Social Services | Bradford-D | CalWORKs: eligibility: truancy |
AB 832 - Public Social Services | Weber-D | Electronic benefits transfer cards: state college campuses |
AB 835 - Miscellaneous | Muratsuchi-D | Child care: facilities: loans |
AB 845 - Miscellaneous | Cooley-D | Shaken baby syndrome |
AB 883 - Miscellaneous | Cooley-D | Child sexual abuse: prevention and intervention programs |
AB 954 - Developmental Services | Maienschein-R | Developmental services: habilitation |
AB 985 - Miscellaneous | Cooley-D | Guardianship and adoption assistance |
AB 987 - Miscellaneous | Maienschein-R | Personal and Home Care Aide training program |
AB 1041 - Developmental Services | Chesbro-D | Developmental services: Employment First Policy |
AB 1089 - Foster Care | Ian Calderon-D | Foster care |
AB 1094 - Public Social Services | Brown-D | CalWORKs: eligibility |
AB 1107 - Public Social Services | Garcia-D | CalWORKs eligibility: domestic violence |
AB 1108 - Foster Care | Perea-D | Sex offenders: foster care homes: prohibitions |
AB 1133 - Foster Care | Mitchell-D | Foster children: special health care needs |
AB 1171 - Miscellaneous | Levine-D | Child welfare services: electronic records |
AB 1187 - Foster Care | Mansoor-R | Foster care funds: subsidized child care for foster parents |
AB 1217 - Developmental Services | Lowenthal-D | Home Care Services Consumer Protection Act |
AB 1231 - Developmental Services | V. Manuel Pérez-D | Regional centers: telehealth |
AB 1232 - Developmental Services | V. Manuel Pérez-D | Developmental services: quality assessment system |
AB 1280 - Public Social Services | John A. Pérez-D | Electronic fund transfer: qualifying accounts |
AB 1283 - Miscellaneous | Bonilla-D | Homeless youth: service providers |
ACR 49 - Foster Care | Stone-D | Foster Care Month |
HR 10 - Miscellaneous | Eggman-D | Social Work Month |