Military Base Reductions and Conversions

Military Base Legislation

Index Military Base Legislation

SB 296 (Soto-D) Defense retention and conversion projects

Enacts the Department of Defense Operational Effectiveness Preparedness Act to help prevent any further base closures in the state.

(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)

SB 519 (Vincent-D) Military base conversion: housing

Establishes the California Temporary Military Affordable Housing Authority to examine and select housing units on a decommissioned military base for renovation and leasing as affordable senior housing.

(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)

SB 656 (Knight-R) Military base retention

Provides a process for the selection of a single local base retention entity and enacts the Military Base Retention Authority Act to provide a means for affected local entities to partner in base retention efforts by allowing the creation of a joint powers authority.

(In Senate Local Government Committee)

SB 703 (Perata-D) Military base reuse: El Toro

Enacts provisions that would govern the structure and composition of the reuse entity and its governing body for the Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro if a specified county initiative measure is adopted by voters of Orange County.

(In Senate Local Government Committee)

SB 863 (Knight-R) Power plants: military installations

Clarifies a power plant situated on an active or closed military installation as a separate stationary source, if that designation is consistent with the state's implementation plan, and excludes the power plants from military air pollution calculations.

(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

Similar legislation is SB 24XX (Knight-R), which failed passage in Senate Environmental Quality Committee.

SB 1054 (Knight-R) Military base retention

Defines a single local military base retention entity for purposes of retention planning.

Chapter 612, Statutes of 2001

SJR 24 (Knight-R) Military base closures

Urges the state, through the Legislature, the Governor, and the California Congressional delegation to deliver a message to the President and Congress that the closure of any military base in California is unacceptable.

(In Senate Rules Committee)

AB 185 (Wright-D) Local agency military base recovery areas

Makes several clarifying and technical changes to the Local Agency Military Base Recover Act, relative to the work that must be done at work sites to qualify for certain preferences, to bring it in line with the Target Area Contract Preference Act and the Enterprise Zone Act.

Chapter 412, Statutes of 2001

AB 967 (Chan-D) Building standards: military bases

Adds a number of specified buildings at the Oakland Army Base to the list of buildings allowed to comply with state and local building and safety standards by January 1, 2007.

Chapter 418, Statutes of 2001

Similar legislation is SB 369 (Perata-D), which is in Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 1436 (Correa-D) Military base reuse: Orange County

Allows a single local reuse entity to negotiate award design-build contracts for various projects, exceeding specified dollar amounts, that support redevelopment at the site of a closed military base. Prevents the City of Irvine from annexing parts of the Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro until the County of Orange owns the property.

(Failed passage on Senate Floor; reconsideration granted)

AB 1606 (Bates-R) Low-income housing: military base

Provides that a city shall be deemed to have satisfied a portion of its share of the regional housing need on the basis of two units of credit for each unit of housing on a decommissioned military base that is converted to low-income housing.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)



Top Index (in Bill Order)

BillAuthor and Bill TitleReference Links

SB 296

Defense retention and conversion projects

SB 519

Military base conversion: housing

SB 656

Military base retention

SB 703

Military base reuse: El Toro

SB 863

Power plants: military installations

SB 1054

Military base retention

SJR 24

Military base closures

AB 185

Local agency military base recovery areas

AB 967

Building standards: military bases

AB 1436

Military base reuse: Orange County

AB 1606

Low-income housing: military base