Development and Financing
Motor Vehicle Emissions
Development and Financing
SB 91 (Florez-D) Intercity rail service
Transfers, effective January 1, 2004, all of the duties and responsibilities of the State Department of Transportation relative to intercity rail passenger service to the California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority). Requires the Authority to conduct a review of all programmed intercity rail projects that have not received an allocation of state funds as of that date and to only proceed with the implementation of projects that are determined by the Authority to be complementary to the planned high-speed rail service.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 314 (Murray-D) Transportation funding: County of Los Angeles
Authorizes the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority to impose an additional one-half percent sales tax in Los Angeles County upon the approval of the voters in that county. Limits the tax to a six year period and provides that the tax be dedicated to transportation projects and uses specified in the bill.
Chapter 785, Statutes of 2003
SB 504 (Kuehl-D) Exposition Metro Line Construction Authority
Creates the Exposition Metro Line Construction Authority to oversee and administer final design and construction contracts for the completion of a Los Angeles-Exposition light rail project from downtown Los Angeles to the City of Santa Monica.
Chapter 827, Statutes of 2003
SB 673 (Florez-D) Fresno County Transportation Authority
Deletes the specified wording requirement of a proposition to amend the Fresno Transportation Improvement Act and, instead, provides that the wording of the proposition be described in the expenditure plan. Provides that the bond appropriation limit of the Fresno County Transportation Authority be included in the expenditure plan.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
SB 887* (Perata-D) Seaports: security: infrastructure: bonds
Enacts the Seaport Security and Port Neighborhood Transportation, Clean Air, and Navigation Improvement Bond Act of 2003 (Bond) and places the Bond before the voters at the next statewide general election and, if approved, authorizes the sale of $1 billion in general obligation bonds.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 915 (Perata-D) San Francisco Bay Area Water Transit Authority
Implements the operations of the San Francisco Water Transit Authority (SFWTA) and the development of water transit (ferry) services in the bay area. Revises the statutory requirements for the SFWTA, deletes the requirement that the Legislature statutorily approve the proposed water transit plan and specifies various budgetary, emissions control and operational requirements for that agency. Specifies that any duties and responsibilities imposed by this act shall be contingent upon funding for those purposes being derived from increases in tolls on state-owned toll bridges in the bay area, pursuant to the expenditure plan in SB 916 (Perata-D). Requires at least one vessel to employ biological fuel and revises the negotiation process between the SFWTA and transit operators. Requires new vessels mandated in the SFWTA's plan to exceed standards for marine engines by 85 percent.
Chapter 714, Statutes of 2003
SB 916 (Perata-D) Toll bridge revenues
Requires that a special election be held in seven specified bay area counties to determine whether a Regional Traffic Relief Plan should take effect which, in turn, triggers a $1 increase in the vehicle tolls on bay area toll bridges. Provides that the additional revenues will be used for Bay Area Rapid Transit expansion, expanded rail and bus networks, expanded ferry services, transit linkages, highway construction, the Transbay Terminal project, new bridges, transit operations, bicycle and pedestrian improvements, transit vehicles, and a host of other transit and transportation services and projects in the bay area.
Distinguishes the Bay Area Toll Authority (Authority) as a separate entity from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and articulates the Authority's responsibilities, sets project and operational performance measures as conditions of receiving toll revenue funding, requires several regional transit, rail, and fare plans and programs to be developed, and adds other provisions intended to reduce congestion in the greater bay area and generally improve travel within bridge corridors.
Chapter 715, Statutes of 2003
SB 924 (Karnette-D) Global Gateways Development Council
Creates the Global Gateways Development Council to review and collect data about the needs of commercial transportation in California.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 957 (McClintock-R) Transportation gridlock emergencies
Defines and authorizes the Governor to declare a "transportation gridlock emergency" for the purpose of constructing new highways without regard to existing statutes, regulations, or similar requirements. Requires the State Department of Transportation to determine the average hours of vehicle delay on all state highways and issue a report annually for the purpose of declaring transportation gridlock emergencies.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 1048* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Budget Act of 2003: Aeronautics Account
Deletes Item 2660-012-0041 of the 2003-04 Budget, which transferred $4,762,000 from the Aeronautics Account in the State Transportation Fund to the General Fund.
(On Senate Unfinished Business File; referred to Senate Rules Committee)
SCA 7 (Murray-D) Loans of transportation revenues and funds
Requires that any amounts loaned from the State Highway Account or the Public Transportation Account be repaid with interest.
(Held under submission in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 33 (Samuelian-R) San Joaquin Valley: environmental streamlining
Establishes two separate demonstration programs for highway projects that are located in eight specific counties in the San Joaquin Valley region, as defined.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 361 (Kehoe-D) San Diego Consolidated Transportation Agency
Establishes a comprehensive and collaborative process for the San Diego Consolidated Transportation Agency (Agency) for the preparation and adoption of a regional comprehensive plan and requires a public vote on the Agency's governance structure or authority if they are changed through legislation.
Chapter 508, Statutes of 2003
AB 420 (Longville-D) Congestion management program
Includes county welfare-to-work transportation programs among the alternative transportation methods included within the congestion management program updates.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 427 (Longville-D) Local transportation sales taxes: duration
Deletes the 20-year limitation on the duration of a local transportation sales tax providing, instead, that the tax remain in effect for the time period specified in the tax ordinance approved by the voters.
Chapter 129, Statutes of 2003
AB 443 (Matthews-D) Rural Transit System Grant Program
Requires the State Department of Transportation (DOT) and the California Transportation Commission to establish a Rural Transit System Grant Program to purchase, construct, and rehabilitate transit facilities, vehicles, and equipment, including energy efficiency retrofits, and to purchase rights-of-way for transit systems. Requires DOT to submit a report describing the projects funded under the program to the Legislature on or before June 30, 2004. Provides that this bill does not become operative unless funds for the program are appropriated by the Budget Act of 2003.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 684 (Dutra-D) Public transit smart cards
Establishes standards for smart card fare payment systems implemented by publicly-owned transit operators to enhance the possibility of an interoperable smart card system that allows riders to use their smart card statewide.
(Held under submission in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 692 (Dutra-D) Public contracts: design-build contracting: transportation
Authorizes, until January 1, 2010, certain transportation authorities to use a design-build process for bidding on highway construction projects that includes a requirement that design-build entity bidders provide certain information in a questionnaire submitted to the transportation authority that is verified under oath.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 710 (Correa-D) Orange County Transportation Authority
Expands the membership of the Orange County Transportation Authority (Authority) from 12 members to 18 members and revises the composition and representation of the board of the Authority.
(Refused passage on Senate Floor; reconsideration granted)
AB 712 (Liu-D) Metro Foothills Gold Line Construction Authority
Changes the name of the Pasadena Metro Blue Line Construction Authority to the Metro Foothills Gold Line Construction Authority (Authority). Increases the composition of the Authority to 15 members by adding members from the city councils of the cities of Arcadia, Monrovia, Duarte, Irwindale, Azusa, Glendora, San Dimas, La Verne, Pomona, and Claremont. Provides for the appointment of one member representing the San Bernardino Associated Government instead of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments, and deletes the authority of the board to temporarily fill vacancies on the board. Authorizes a voting member of the Authority to be removed and replaced at any time by the appointing entity.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 773 (Strickland-R) Ventura County Transportation Commission: membership
Reconstitutes the membership of the Ventura County Transportation Commission (Commission). Provides that the Commission be comprised by up to 18 members, consisting of the five members of the board of supervisors, one member of each of the 10 incorporated cities in the county, two citizen members (permissive) and one nonvoting member.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 813 (Salinas-D) Cost recovery and fund allocation
Requires that certain costs for liability insurance premiums and complementary paratransit service not within the control of a transit operator shall be excluded from the calculation of a transit operator's farebox to operating cost ratio for purposes of qualifying for allocation subsidies of sales tax revenues.
Chapter 354, Statutes of 2003
AB 822 (Matthews-D) Redevelopment: transit: jobs-housing balance
Authorizes a redevelopment agency, consistent with the authority granted, pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law, to use tax-increment financing to finance projects near transit jointly or in cooperation with other public agencies that are authorized to undertake transit oriented development projects, and projects designed to address jobs-housing imbalances in cooperation with an Inter-Regional Partnership designed to improve the balance of housing and jobs.
AB 875 (Wyland-R) Transportation financing
Requires all of the revenues in the Highway Users Tax Account to be apportioned proportionally to each county in which the revenues were generated and to be used solely for freeway construction purposes, effective January 1, 2004. Requires all revenues attributable to sales and use taxes on motor vehicle fuel available for allocation for transportation capital improvement purposes consistent with Article XIX B of the California Constitution to be apportioned proportionally to each county in which the revenues were generated and to be used solely for freeway construction purposes, effective July 1, 2008.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 935 (Diaz-D) Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
Authorizes and specifies the process and conditions for the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (Authority) to levy benefit assessments on certain property in the vicinity of the Authority's rail transit stations, for the purpose of funding the acquisition, construction, development, operation, maintenance or repair of rail transit stations or related facilities.
Chapter 727, Statutes of 2003
AB 1096 (Bermudez-D) Transportation projects
Requires the California Transportation Commission to allocate, from funds appropriated for the state transportation improvement program, the sum of $166,200,00 for specified transportation projects.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1112 (Lowenthal-D) Housing opportunity districts
Requires the State Department of Housing and Community Development to authorize creation of six tax increment districts around transit stations to finance affordable housing development.
(Held under submission in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1320 (Dutra-D) Transit village plan: design
Extends the surrounding land of a transit village development district from one-quarter mile to one-half mile from a rail transit station. Specifies conditions that constitute blight with respect to land surrounding a rail transit station. Enacts an alternative method of adoption and amendment of a redevelopment plan that authorizes a city or county that has adopted a transit village plan area to adopt a new Transit Village Redevelopment Plan, as specified, to include in a redevelopment project area all or a portion of an existing transit village plan area and to enable two or more adjoining local agencies to enter into an agreement to jointly establish and operate the new redevelopment plan for a Transit Village Redevelopment Project Area, as specified.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 1390* (Ridley-Thomas-D) Income tax credits: fuel efficient vehicles
Authorizes a nonrefundable, 20 percent personal income and corporation tax credit for the purchase of a new fuel-efficient vehicle, provided the Director of the State Department of Finance certifies that state revenues will equal or exceed projected state expenditures.
(Held under submission in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1410 (Wolk-D) Surplus land: transit oriented development
Requires state or local agencies which are selling surplus property in a transit village area or infill opportunity zone to give right of first refusal to the county, city, redevelopment, public transportation, or housing agencies in which the property is located.
Chapter 772, Statutes of 2003
AB 1720 (Nunez-D) Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Requires the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority to use specified state operation subsidies to, on a monthly basis, fund specified health and welfare benefits and maintain a reserve, as specified.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1745* (Assembly Transportation Committee) Public contracts: bonds
Gives the State Department of Transportation the discretion to reduce the amount of the payment bond requirement for projects costing more than $250 million. The bond amount could be reduced to half the contract cost or $500 million, whichever is less.
Chapter 186, Statutes of 2003
AB 1750* (Assembly Budget Committee) Sales taxes on motor vehicle fuels: partial suspension
Partially suspends the transfer of motor vehicle fuel sales tax revenues from the General Fund to the Transportation Investment Fund for the 2003-04 fiscal year. Provides that the amount of the transfer during that year is limited to $289 million.
Chapter 223, Statutes of 2003
AB 1751* (Assembly Budget Committee) Transportation finance
Allocates funds from the Transportation Investment Fund (TIF), establishes the repayment of all motor vehicle fuel sales tax revenues that are not transferred to the TIF in 2003-04, and transfers surplus revenues form the Public Transportation Account to the General Fund.
Chapter 224, Statutes of 2003
AB 1756* (Assembly Budget Committee) Budget trailer bill
Provides, among other things, that the state will no longer reimburse cities and counties for the decreased vehicle license fee revenue. (This reduces expenditures by $36.9 million from the General Fund for 2003-04.)
Chapter 228, Statutes of 2003
ACA 17 (Daucher-R) Taxation
Amends the California Constitution to require cities and counties to exchange a potion of locally levied sales and use tax revenue for an equivalent amount of property tax revenue from the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund in each county.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
ACR 40 (Dymally-D) Compton Planning and Transportation Project Task Force
Requests, without prejudice, the establishment of a Compton Planning and Transportation Project Task Force to develop a planning proposal regarding a reduction in traffic congestion in the City of Compton through the development of a railroad grade crossing.
Resolution Chapter 104, Statutes of 2003

Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 207 (Ackerman-R) Air quality: gasoline vapor emission control systems
Prohibits local air quality districts from issuing a citation to an owner or operator of a gasoline vapor control system, device, or component for a defect or malfunction that meets a number of specified criteria.
(Failed passage in Assembly Environmental Quality Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 702 (Florez-D) Medium-weight farm equipment
Exempts from the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program any project involving medium-weight farm equipment, as determined by the state board.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 708 (Florez-D) Motor vehicles: fees
Increases the base fine for a second and subsequent violation of the Vehicle Code prohibitions against operating a motor vehicle that exceeds smog standards, or operating a light-duty motor vehicle that emits excessive smoke or other discharge, by $35 (from $100 to $135 minimum fine, to $250 to $285 maximum fine). Allows a low-income owner of an "excessively smoking" vehicle who was issued a "notice to correct" to participate in the state's vehicle repair assistance program, if the vehicle subject to that notice has failed a smog check inspection subsequent to receiving the notice.
Chapter 482, Statutes of 2003
AB 775 (Parra-D) Smog check program
Defines "extensive marketing research" as used for a public information program relating to notifying target population areas about motor vehicle inspection programs to include information provided by any statewide association of test and repair station owners. Provides that it is the intent of the Legislature that the changes made are declarative of existing law.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1394 (Levine-D) Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program
Expands the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program to authorize air districts to award grants for the replacement of heavy duty vehicle engines, the promotion of alternate fuels technology and related activities, based on a project's reductions in particulate matter.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 87 (Hollingsworth-R) State Highway Route 79
Authorizes the relinquishment of a specified portion of State Highway Route 79 to the City of Temecula.
(Withdrawn from enrollment; returned to Assembly)
SB 104* (Machado-D) State Highway Route 84
Authorizes the relinquishment of a specified portion of State Highway Route 84 to the City of West Sacramento.
Chapter 5, Statutes of 2003
SB 127 (Chesbro-D) Vehicles: limitations of access
Extends for three years the exemption for truck length limits for livestock carriers on portions of State Route 101.
Chapter 188, Statutes of 2003
SB 138 (Knight-R) Toll road: State Highway Route 138
Authorizes the State Department of Transportation (DOT) to enter into an agreement with a private entity for the construction of a toll road in Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties. Prohibits DOT from closing State Highway Route 138 upon the completion of the toll road, as specified.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 349 (Vincent-D) Highways: property: lease: transfer
Authorizes the State Department of Transportation (DOT) to transfer to the City of Lynwood specified parcels of real property owned by DOT and to lease the associated freeway airspace for a term not to exceed 99 years.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 380 (McClintock-R) High-occupancy vehicle lanes: study
Asks the University of California to conduct a study, by January 1, 2005, in consultation with the State Department of Transportation, to evaluate the effectiveness of high-occupancy vehicle lanes and expresses the Legislature's intent that the study include a traffic model comparing the alternatives of establishing a high-occupancy toll lane, establishing mixed-flow lane, or not establishing additional lanes.
(Held under submission in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 406 (Florez-D) Emergency Alert System: electronic signs
Requires every entity of state government that maintains an Internet web page to display a conspicuous banner of text disseminated, pursuant to the Emergency Alert System, and to provide a hyperlink to take an Internet user to the Amber Alert web page of the State Department of the California Highway Patrol.
(Held under submission in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 509 (Figueroa-D) State Highway Route 238
Prohibits the California Transportation Commission from approving a State Highway Route 238 local alternative transportation improvement program submitted after July 1, 2010.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SB 710 (Aanestad-R) Highway exit information signs
Requires that the State Department of Transportation provide access to all qualified business applicants, including a business that has never participated in the highway exit information signs program. Revises the provisions for signs placed before January 1, 2003, in an urban area with a population greater than 5,000 and less than 10,000.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 795 (Karnette-D) Motorist aid program
Explicitly allows local Service Authorities for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE) to use their highway call box funds for freeway service patrol (FSP) services and to operate the FSPs in their areas. Clarifies and restates SAFE program provisions and deletes obsolete language related to the operation of SAFE and their emergency motorist aid systems.
Chapter 374, Statutes of 2003
SCR 3 (Florez-D) Rosa Parks Interchange
Designates the intersection of State Highway Route (SR) 41 and SR 99 in the City of Fresno as the "Rosa Parks Interchange."
Resolution Chapter 98, Statutes of 2003
SCR 17 (Poochigian-R) Deputy Sheriff Dennis E. Phelps Memorial Highway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 168 in the City of Clovis in Fresno County as the Deputy Sheriff Dennis E. Phelps Memorial Highway in memory of Dennis E. Phelps, a Deputy Sheriff with the Fresno County Sheriff's Department, who was fatally wounded last year, after making a traffic stop, by a suspect that was fleeing from a shooting incident.
Resolution Chapter 106, Statutes of 2003
SCR 24 (Morrow-R) CHP Officers Stephen M. Linen, Jr. & Sean Nava Memorial Fwy
Designates specified and separate portions of Interstate 5 in the County of San Diego to the memory of State Department of the California Highway Patrol Officers Stephen M. Linen, Jr. and Sean Nava, who were killed in the line of duty in two separate accidents involving drunk drivers.
Resolution Chapter 127, Statutes of 2003
SCR 35 (Florez-D) Otis Vincent Tolbert Memorial Highway
Dedicates a portion of State Highway Route 198 in Lemoore to honor Otis Tolbert who was a Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy and was killed during the terrorist attack on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SCR 43 (Machado-D) Women Veterans' Highway
Designates the section of State Highway Route (SR) 99 between Hammer Lane and SR 4 in Stockton, a portion of the named Purple Heart Veterans' Freeway, as the Women Veterans' Highway, honoring the many women who have valiantly served our country.
Resolution Chapter 129, Statutes of 2003
SCR 45 (Chesbro-D) Frank and Elly Hartmann Memorial Bridge
Designates a specified bridge on State Highway Route 29 as the Frank and Elly Hartmann Memorial Bridge in honor of the two pioneers in Middletown and the Coyote Valley area where they established and operated the Hartmann Ranch.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SCR 46 (Ashburn-R) Police Officer Richard Perkins Memorial Highway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 395 in Inyo County as the Police Officer Richard Perkins Memorial Highway in memory of Officer Richard Perks who was a member of the Bishop Police Department and was killed in a traffic accident on August 15, 2001, while pursuing a suspected drunk driver.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SCR 50 (Ashburn-R) David W. Manning Memorial Freeway
Designates a specified portion of State Highway Route (SR) 178 as the "CHP Officer David W. Manning Memorial Freeway" in honor of State Department of the California Highway Patrol Officer David W. Manning who passed away on February 15, 1996, from injuries he received on January 26, 1996, as a result of a traffic accident on SR 178.
SJR 7 (Karnette-D) Highways: trucking size
Requests the President and Congress of the United States to continue the current federal truck size and weight limitations and to oppose proposals to experiment with longer and heavier trucks on public highways in the reauthorization of the federal Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century.
Resolution Chapter 103, Statutes of 2003
SR 10 (Florez-D) Navy Commander Otis Vincent Tolbert Memorial Highway
Designates a section of State Highway Route 198 in Lemoore in honor of the late United States Navy Lieutenant Commander Otis Vincent Tolbert, a long-time Lemoore resident, who was killed during the terrorist attack on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. Identical to SCR 35 (Florez-D), which is in the Assembly Transportation Committee.
SR 16 (McClintock-R) Patriotic displays
Requests the Governor and the State Department of Transportation to instruct state workers to grant permits to any member of the public who seeks to express patriotic sentiments on a public right-of-way in a manner consistent with traffic safety.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 13 (Harman-R) State Department of Transportation: transfer of property
Authorizes the State Department of Transportation to transfer a specific environmental mitigation property to a local public agency or nonprofit corporation for open space or land conservation purposes. Establishes the terms and conditions of such a property transfer.
Chapter 503, Statutes of 2003
AB 114 (Nakano-D) Hybrid vehicles: high-occupancy vehicle lanes
Authorizes a hybrid vehicle to be operated upon an exclusive or preferential use lane, regardless of the number of occupants in the vehicle, unless specifically prohibited by a traffic control device.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 198* (Nation-D) Sports utility vehicles: denial of tax incentives
Denies specific tax incentives, such as depreciation, accelerated cost recovery and expensing, related to acquisition and utilization of large sport utility vehicles in a trade or business.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 260 (Jackson-D) State highways: litter control
Requires the State Department of Transportation to assign a high priority to litter control along state highways adjoining specified environmentally sensitive areas.
Chapter 489, Statutes of 2003
AB 535 (Calderon-D) Highways: State Route 19 segment relinquishment
Authorizes the relinquishment to the City of Pico Rivera specified portions of State Highway Route (SR) 19, upon terms and conditions established by the California Transportation Commission, and also redefines the portion of SR 19 that may be relinquished to the City of Downey.
Chapter 177, Statutes of 2003
AB 724 (Shirley Horton-R) State highways: signs
Prohibits, with respect to new installations, the State Department of Transportation (DOT) from installing external lighting on overhead and ground-mounted signs on the state highway system and codifies standards for retroflexive sheeting on state highway signs. Allows DOT to select materials that meet or exceed those standards, as they become available.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 762 (Nunez-D) Transportation
Exempts, from the prohibition against placing advertising displays adjacent to landscaped freeways, a billboard on the roof of a specified proposed school in Los Angeles, subject to certain conditions.
Chapter 725, Statutes 2003
AB 793 (Nakanishi-R) Highway signs
Requires the State Department of Transportation to include nonprofit blood centers and blood banks as facilities that qualify for supplemental destination signs.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 872 (Strickland-R) Speed limits: traffic and engineering surveys
Authorizes a local authority conducting an engineering and traffic survey for purposes of establishing or lowering a speed limit, to consider as a factor the safety of persons at work on the highway.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 894 (Firebaugh-D) State highways: railroad bridges: graffiti removal
Requires the State Department of Transportation to study graffiti removal and prevention on railroad bridges and develop a model for other graffiti abatement and prevention programs.
(Held under submission in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 929 (Hancock-D) Highways: park lease: City of Albany
Authorizes the State Department of Transportation to lease to the City of Albany a surplus highway parcel for $1 per year and allow Albany to exercise a purchase option on the property at half the state's current appraised value, but at least equal to the property's acquisition cost.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 1104 (Laird-D) State Department of Transportation: encroachment
Increases the daily fines for an illegal highway encroachment or water diversion affecting a highway right-of-way from $10 to $350.
Chapter 182, Statutes of 2003
AB 1233 (Shirley Horton-R) Highway capacity enhancement demonstration projects
Establishes, until January 1, 2008, a coordinated environmental review process and directs the State Department of Transportation, in conjunction with the project sponsors, to conduct and evaluate a demonstration program where the environmental review process for three highway capacity enhancement demonstration projects are environmentally cleared using a multidisciplinary agency effort.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1271 (Dutton-R) City of Rancho Cucamonga: highway soundwalls
Authorizes the City of Rancho Cucamonga, in cooperation with the State Department of Transportation, to construct soundwalls on specified portions of the north and south sides of State Highway Route 210. Provides that the reimbursement provisions do not apply to the construction of those soundwalls by the City of Rancho Cucamonga.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1279 (Shirley Horton-R) High-occupancy vehicle lanes
Authorizes a transportation planning agency to design and implement a high-occupancy vehicle lane concept that authorizes single occupant vehicles to operate in underutilized high-occupancy vehicle lanes on the state highway system within the jurisdiction of the transportation planning agency.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1289 (Benoit-R) Toll roads
Deletes the January 1, 2003 sunset on provisions allowing the State Department of Transportation to solicit proposals and enter into agreements with private entities or consortia for the construction of two toll road projects. Authorizes the State Department of Transportation to solicit proposals and enter into agreements for the construction of four toll road projects under these provisions. Prohibits an agreement entered into after January 1, 2003, from including a noncompetition provision relative to improvements that may otherwise be undertaken by a public agency.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1511 (Benoit-R) Vehicles: unlawful activities
Prohibits a driver from engaging in a non-driving activity that interferes with the safe operation of a vehicle, when that person also simultaneously commits another unsafe vehicle operation violation.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1590 (Laird-D) Santa Cruz County Highway 1 Widening/HOV Authority
Authorizes the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors, the Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District, and the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission to enter into a joint powers agreement to create the Santa Cruz County Highway 1 Widening/HOV (high-occupancy vehicle) Authority.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
ACR 2 (Mountjoy-R) William H. Lancaster Memorial Highway
Designates the portion of State Highway Route (SR) 210 from the City of Duarte to the SR 15 exit as the William H. Lancaster Memorial Highway.
Resolution Chapter 76, Statutes of 2003
ACR 7 (Daucher-R) California Highway Patrol Officer Don J. Burt
Designates a portion of State Highway Route (SR) 57 between Orangethorpe Avenue and Yorba Linda Boulevard in Orange County as the "CHP Officer Don J. Burt Memorial Highway" in memory of State Department of the California Highway Patrol Officer Don Burt who was fatally shot on July 13, 1996, by a suspected gang member during a routine traffic stop on SR 57.
Resolution Chapter 80, Statutes of 2003
ACR 17 (Cogdill-R) Tuolumne County Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Designates that portion of State Highway Route 108, located in Tuolumne County, as the Tuolumne County Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway.
Resolution Chapter 89, Statutes of 2003
ACR 19 (Aghazarian-R) Joash E. Paul Memorial Highway
Designates the portion of State Highway Route 99 between Mitchell Road and the Stanislaus/Merced county line in the County of Stanislaus, as the Joash E. Paul Memorial Highway.
Resolution Chapter 81, Statutes of 2003
ACR 29 (Benoit-R) Daniel J. Muehlhausen Memorial Highway
Designates a specified portion of State Highway Route (SR) 62, as the "CHP Officer Daniel J. Muehlhausen Memorial Highway" in memory of State Department of the California Highway Patrol Officer Daniel J. Muehlhausen, badge number 13933, who was killed in the line of duty on June 1, 1997 after being struck by an errant driver while en route to assist a disabled motorist on SR 62.
Resolution Chapter 90, Statutes of 2003
ACR 30 (Samuelian-R) William "Bill" Lehn Memorial Highway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 99 as the William "Bill" Lehn Memorial Highway in memory of Fresno Police Officer William "Bill" Lehn, who was killed in the line of duty on June 21, 1994.
Resolution Chapter 82, Statutes of 2003
ACR 35 (Samuelian-R) Steven Lindblom Memorial Freeway
Designates a specified protion of State Highway Route 99 as the Steven Lindblom Memorial Freeway in memory of Madera County Sheriff's Deputy Steven Lindblom, who was killed by gunfire in 1975, when a deranged gunman ambushed him from a barricaded residence upon his response to a hostage stituation.
Resolution Chapter 83, Statutes of 2003
ACR 38 (Houston-R) Thomas E. Burnett, Jr. Memorial Bridge
Designates the Fostoria Overcrossing on State Highway Route 680 in the City of San Ramon as the Thomas E. Burnett, Jr. Memorial Bridge, in memory of Thomas E. Burnett, Jr., a resident of San Ramon, California, who was a passenger on one of the four airliners that was hijacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001, and which later crashed in southwestern Pennsylvania killing all of the passengers and crew members aboard the plane.
Chapter 84, Statutes of 2003
ACR 39 (Chan-D) Alexander Zuckermann Bicycle-Pedestrian Path
Designates the bicycle-pedestrian path, that is proposed to run along the proposed new eastbound deck of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, as the Alexander Zuckerman Bicycle-Pedestrian Path.
Resolution Chapter 94, Statutes of 2003
ACR 54 (Strickland-R) Screaming Eagles Highway: 101st Airborne Division
Designates the section of State Highway Route 101 in the County of Ventura as the Screaming Eagles Highway in honor of the "Screaming Eagles," also known as the 101st Airborne Division who were so instrumental in the success of the D-Day invasion, the Operation Market Garden in Holland, in Bastogne for the Battle of the Bulge, in Vietnam for Operation Nevada Eagle, and in many other courageous missions worldwide.
Resolution Chapter 54, Statutes of 2003
ACR 58 (Nakano-D) Blue Star Memorial Highway
Designates State Highway Route (SR) 1 from its junction with SR 5 at Dana Point in Orange County and to its junction with SR 101 at Leggett in Mendocino County, as a Blue Star Memorial Highway, recognizing the Blue Star Memorial Highway Project that erects highway markers at roadside rest stops, vista points, historical sites, and other appropriate areas paying tribute to all who have served, those presently serving, and those who will serve in the nation's armed forces.
Resolution Chapter 108, Statutes of 2003
ACR 67 (Bermudez-D) Supplemental destination signs
Designates specified exits on State Highway Route 91 as the route for the designation of Little India in the City of Artesia.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
ACR 71 (Chu-D) El Monte Police Officer Donald Ralph Johnston Memorial Hwy
Designates a specified portion of State Highway Route 10 as the El Monte Police Officer Donald Ralph Johnston Memorial Highway in honor of Officer Johnston, who on January 9, 1990 was wounded and paralyzed in a shooting incident involving a suspect that was under suspicion for attempting to pass a forged check.
Resolution Chapter 115, Statutes of 2003
ACR 73 (La Suer-R) Danielle van Dam Memorial Overpass
Designates the overpass on State Highway Route (SR) 8 at 2nd Street in El Cajon as the "Danielle van Dam Memorial Overpass" in memory of Danielle who was abducted from her bedroom on February 1, 2002 and later found murdered on Dehesa Road in El Cajon near SR 8.
Resolution Chapter 86, Statutes of 2003
ACR 115 (Canciamilla-D) Inspector Raymond J. Giacomelli Memorial Overcrossing
Designates the overcrossing at State Highway Route 4 and Loveridge Road, in the City of Pittsburg in Contra Costa County, as the Inspector Raymond J. Giacomelli Memorial Overcrossing in honor of Inspector Raymond J. Giacomelli of the Pittsburg Police Department who was killed on April 15, 2003, while in performance of his duty to the citizens he was sworn to protect.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 121 (La Suer-R) Semper Fi Highway
Designates the section of State Highway Route (SR) 15 between SR 163 and Miramar Road, in the County of San Diego, as the Semper Fi Highway in honor of the service the Marine Corps Airstation Miramar provides to all Americans.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 131 (Cox-R) William Alexander Leidesdorff, Jr. Memorial Highway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 50 from Bradshaw Road to the Eastern Sacramento County Line as the William Alexander Leidesdorff, Jr. Memorial Highway in honor of the late William Alexander Leidesdorff, Jr., an individual of African descent whom historians note as a leading civic figure in the northern California region and one of the key architects of California statehood.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 133 (Bates-R) Oceanside Police Officer Tony Zeppetella Memorial Highway
Designates State Highway Route 76 between Interstate 5 and the eastern city limits of the City of Oceanside as the Oceanside Police Officer Tony Zeppetella Memorial Highway in memory of Officer Zeppetella who was shot and killed at the age of 28 in the line of duty on June 13, 2003, during the course of a traffic stop after only 13 months as a sworn peace officer.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 135 (Runner-R) Deputy Sheriff Stephen Sorensen Memorial Highway
Designates the portion of State Highway Route 138 from 136th Avenue to 195th Avenue as the Deputy Sheriff Sorensen Memorial Highway in memory of Deputy Sheriff Sorensen who was killed in the line of duty on August 2, 2003, in Llano, while responding to a routine trespassing investigation on his day off.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 49 (Speier-D) Vehicles: San Francisco 49ers special license plate
Authorizes the State Department of Motor Vehicles to issue San Francisco 49ers professional football team special license plates. Provides that additional revenue raised from the issuance of these plates, after the deduction of the department's cost, be deposited into the San Francisco 49ers Foundation Fund, created by this bill. Provides that upon appropriation by the Legislature, the money in the fund will be allocated to the San Francisco 49ers.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
SB 60 (Cedillo-D) Drivers license eligibility: undocumented immigrants
Makes several changes regarding the eligibility requirements for an original driver's license or identification (ID) card, including: (1) allowing persons who do not have legal presence in the United States to be eligible to apply for a California driver's license or ID card, (2) permitting license applicants to submit a federal taxpayer ID number or other identifier number deemed appropriate by the State Department of Motor Vehicles, rather than a social security number where required by the department, (3) providing for a signed affidavit procedure if the applicant does not have a social security account, and (4) increasing fees for specified driver's licenses and deleting fees of senior ID cards.
Chapter 326, Statutes of 2003
SB 158 (Alarcon-D) Displaced public transit employees
Establishes a bidding preference for public transit service contractors and subcontractors who agree to retain, for a period of at least 90 days, employees of the previous contractor or subcontractor.
Chapter 103, Statutes of 2003
SB 232 (Karnette-D) All-terrain vehicles
Allows the operator of an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) to carry a passenger while on public lands as long as the ATV is designed to carry both an operator and a passenger.
Chapter 252, Statutes of 2003
SB 234 (Oller-R) High-occupancy vehicle lanes: disabled license plates
Permits single-occupancy vehicles, if operated by a disabled person that displays a distinctive license plate or placard, to use a high-occupancy vehicle lane.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 237 (Florez-D) Vehicles: transfer of legal ownership
Requires a lienholder on a vehicle to send a certificate of ownership within 15 business days when there has been proper satisfaction of a security interest. Imposes the same requirement when a purchase option in a lease is exercised and paid in full.
Chapter 151, Statutes of 2003
SB 247 (Murray-D) Vehicles: residence addresses
Permanently authorizes qualifying private colleges and universities access to residence address information from the State Department of Motor Vehicles files of vehicle owners cited for parking violations on the college or university property.
Chapter 410, Statutes of 2003
SB 248 (Murray-D) New Motor Vehicle Board: recreational vehicles
Requires that the practices and activities of recreational vehicle dealers be regulated by the New Motor Vehicle Board. Double jointed with SB 298 (Cedillo-D) and AB 1718 (Assembly Transportation Committee).
Chapter 703, Statutes of 2003
SB 300* (Torlakson-D) Rental vehicle license transaction fees
Requires rental car companies to impose a surcharge (a vehicle license transaction fee) on rental cars to allow companies to recover 80 percent of increased vehicle license fees from consumers.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
Identical legislation is SB 849 (Torlakson-D), which is in the Assembly awaiting committee assignment.
SB 315 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Transportation
Provides numerous technical minor and clarifying changes to over 30 different transportation issues including repealing obsolete language.
Chapter 594, Statutes of 2003
SB 378 (Morrow-R) Vehicles: license plates
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to immediately issue replacement license plates when requested by subjects of stalking.
Chapter 153, Statutes of 2003
SB 465 (Soto-D) Transit village plan: design
Exempts transit villages from meeting the physical definitions of blight in order to qualify as redevelopment areas. Expands the definition of transit village to include areas within one-half mile of a transit station.
(Held under submission in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 504 (Kuehl-D) Exposition Metro Line Construction Authority
Creates the Exposition Metro Line Construction Authority to oversee and administer final design and construction contracts for the completion of a Los Angeles-Exposition light rail project from downtown Los Angeles to the City of Santa Monica.
Chapter 827, Statutes of 2003
SB 541* (Torlakson-D) Motor vehicle fuel license taxes: diesel fuel taxes
Requires, for the 2004 calendar year and each calendar year thereafter, the motor vehicle fuel license taxes and diesel fuel taxes be adjusted for inflation, as provided. Imposes a storage tax equal to the inflation adjustment amount on each gallon of tax paid motor vehicle and diesel fuel, in storage, as provided.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation; reconsideration granted)
SB 552 (Burton-D) State motor vehicle fleets
Requires the State Department of General Services, in consultation with the State Air Resources Board and the California Energy Commission, to develop and adopt specifications and standards for all passenger cars and light-duty trucks that are leased or purchased on behalf of, or by, state offices, agencies, and departments.
Chapter 737, Statutes of 2003
SB 555 (Florez-D) Traffic violator schools
Requires the court to use only the referral list of traffic violator schools published by the State Department of Motor Vehicles. Prohibits a nonprofit agency from monitoring traffic violator schools and instead permits a court to use or contract with a nonprofit agency to assist the court in performing in-court administrative services, as defined, relative to the processing of traffic violators. Prohibits the nonprofit agency from performing or duplicating any service or function of the department, related to traffic violator schools, and from issuing certificates of completion or providing testing services for a licensed traffic violator school.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 612 (Oller-R) Golf carts and low-speed vehicles: State Route 16
Exempts, until January 1, 2006, a local community in Sacramento County from the requirement to establish a golf cart transportation plan in order to allow golf carts and low-speed vehicles, within the territory of the Rancho Murieta Community Services District, to cross at two specific intersections on State Route 16, under specific conditions.
Chapter 16, Statutes of 2003
SB 630 (Hollingsworth-R) Vehicles: exemptions: nursery operations
Exempts, from the specified commercial motor vehicle endorsement requirement, a person with at least a class C driver's license who is employed in a nursery operation and is driving a vehicle controlled by a farm or a nursery operator and transporting agricultural products or farm machinery or supplies to or from a farm or nursery, if the person meets certain requirements.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 671 (Florez-D) Motor vehicle fuel: alcohol content and tax rates
Revises disclosure requirements relative to alcohol content in motor vehicle fuel mixtures and the amount of federal excise taxes that are imposed on motor vehicle fuel.
(Chapter 63, Statutes of 2003
SB 685 (Hollingsworth-R) Motorcycles: safety helmets
Exempts persons that have a disability that renders the person unable to wear a safety helmet from the requirements of the mandatory motorcycle helmet law.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 751 (Karnette-D) State Department of the California Highway Patrol
Removes the State Department of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) from the State Business, Transportation and Housing Agency and instead makes the CHP a part of the Office of the Governor and no longer requires the agency's approval to organize the CHP and classify its work.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 780 (Torlakson-D) Vehicles: violations: automated enforcement systems
Imposes a civil fine on a vehicle's owner if that vehicle runs a red light and that action is recorded by a camera. Requires the camera to record the license plate instead of the driver's face and makes other changes to the operation of red-light cameras.
(On Appropriations Suspense File)
SB 799 (Denham-R) Vehicles: registration: exemption: retriever units
Exempts hay retriever units from the vehicle registration requirement if certain operational and equipment requirements are met and it is transporting stacked hay.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 802 (Torlakson-D) Transportation: interregional road system
Adds a portion of State Highway Route 84 and all of unconstructed State Highway Route 239 to the list of interregional and intercounty routes specified in statute, thereby making State Highway Route 239 eligible for state funding in the Interregional Transportation Improvement Program.
Chapter 598, Statutes of 2003
SB 849 (Torlakson-D) Rental vehicle license transaction fees
Requires rental car companies to impose a surcharge on rental cars to allow companies to recover 80 percent of increased vehicle license fees, as specified. Becomes operative only at such time, if any, as the rate for the vehicle license fee, including offsets, if any, exceeds the rate, including offsets, if any, that was in effect on January 1, 2003. Sunsets January 1, 2009.
(In the Assembly awaiting committee assignment)
Identical to SB 300 (Torlakson-D), which is in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
SB 871 (Torlakson-D) Vehicles
Extends the sunset date on provisions regarding driver training provided at private schools and requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to create a database from accident records.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1055 (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Vehicles: fees: funding
Increases various fees to avert a shortfall in the Motor Vehicle Account and the State Department of the California Highway Patrol's budget; adjusts the truck weight fee schedule to a level supported by the trucking industry; and makes other budget related changes.
Chapter 719, Statutes of 2003
SCR 44 (Oller-R) Truck Driver Appreciation Week
Proclaims the week of August 24 to 30, 2003, as Truck Driver Appreciation Week in California.
Resolution Chapter 113, Statutes of 2003
SR 23 (Murray-D) Aviation
Calls upon the United State Navy and the State Department of Transportation to preserve a national aviation asset by approving the City of Los Angeles' offer to lease the El Toro marine base and operate the facility as a civilian passenger and cargo airport.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
SB 12X* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Vehicle license fees
Abolishes the Special Reserve Fund for Vehicle License Fee Tax Relief and transfers any remaining moneys in the fund to the General Fund.
(In Assembly Budget Committee)
AB 62 (Bermudez-D) Special interest license plates
Allows vehicle owners to apply for a set of commemorative reflectorized license plates jointly honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. and Cesar Chavez.
(In Senate Rules Committee for assignment)
AB 77 (La Suer-R) San Diego County Regional Airport Authority
Prohibits the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority, when siting any international airport, from displacing or interfering with any existing aerial fire fighting location.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 117 (Kehoe-D) Transportation: transit boards
Allows the San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board to participate directly in employee labor negotiations in specified ways and authorizes the board to enroll its employees in the State Public Employees Retirement System.
Chapter 202, Statutes of 2003
AB 118 (Frommer-D) Rental vehicle transaction fees
Requires rental car companies to charge an impact fee to be deposited in the State Highway Account to fund road improvement and traffic congestion relief projects near airports and tourist destinations.
(On Assembly Unfinished Business File)
AB 130 (Campbell-R) State Department of Motor Vehicles: records
Adds to the State Department of Motor Vehicles' confidential list each Senator and Representative from California in the Congress of the United States.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
Similar to AB 246 (Cox-R), which is in Assembly Transportation Committee.
AB 184 (Lowenthal-D) State Department of Motor Vehicles: records
Provides that participation in the Safe at Home program for victims of domestic violence, stalking or other specified crimes, is sufficient evidence for inclusion in the State Department of Motor Vehicles' records suppression program.
Chapter 720, Statutes of 2003
AB 197 (Strickland-R) Offset payments
Requires that requests for offset of unpaid parking tickets against state tax refunds or lottery winnings be submitted within three years; and this three year maximum term for refund offsets for parking tickets applies to requests submitted to the State Controller on or after January 1, 2004.
Chapter 551, Statutes of 2003
AB 213 (Leslie-R) Vehicles: manufacturers: disclosure
Restricts the use of data from recording devices installed in vehicles.
Chapter 427, Statutes of 2003
AB 246 (Cox-R) State Department of Motor Vehicles' confidential records
Adds information relative to members of Congress to the list that the State Department of Motor Vehicles must keep confidential.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
Similar legislation is AB 130 (John Campbell-R), which is in Assembly Transportation Committee.
AB 301 (Reyes-D) Vehicles: video displays
Prohibits a driver from viewing a video monitor, television or video screen, video signal, or a similar device while operating a motor vehicle.
Chapter 303, Statutes of 2003
AB 327 (Runner-R) Vehicles: parking: persons with disabilities: violations
Allows a local court to assess a $100 penalty for specified violations of disabled parking placards to be used specifically to enforce existing laws relative to those identified parking spots. Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to print the amount of fines on applications for a disabled parking placard, and on all placards issued on or after January 1, 2005. Double jointed with AB 377 (Chan-D).
Chapter 555, Statutes of 2003
AB 332 (Mullin-D) Airports: land use commissions
Requires a local agency which overrides a decision made by an airport land use commission to provide notice of its proposed decision to the commission and the State Department of Transportation (DOT) and to include in its published decision responses by the airport land use commission and DOT.
Chapter 351, Statutes of 2003
AB 350 (Bogh-R) Vehicles: driver's licenses: issuance and renewal
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to include in the driving record and vehicle registration records of a registered sex offender an annotation that the person has been so registered. Requires this information to be made available upon request to, and only to, certain law enforcement officers.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 365 (Jerome Horton-D) State Department of Motor Vehicles' records
Gives city attorneys prosecuting specified misdemeanor actions the same 24 hours access to the State Department of Motor Vehicles' records as the Attorney General, district attorneys, law enforcement agencies, public defenders and public defender investigators.
Chapter 127, Statutes of 2003
AB 377 (Chan-D) Vehicles: exhaust systems: whistle-tips
Prohibits the installation on any motor vehicle of a whistle-tip, a device that is added to the exhaust system designed to create a high-pitched or screeching noise.
Chapter 432, Statutes of 2003
AB 417 (La Suer-R) Vehicles: driver's licenses: registered sex offenders
Establishes more restricted driver's license requirements applicable to registered sex offenders.
(Held under submission in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 435 (Matthews-D) Vehicles: traffic violator schools
Revamps the regulation of traffic violator schools by the State Department of Motor Vehicles.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 449 (Vargas-D) Vehicles: speed limits
Allows the State Department of Transportation (DOT) to determine the maximum safe speed for all bridge approaches and requires DOT, if asked by a local agency, to make the same determinations regarding bridge approaches on local highways.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 467 (Dutra-D) Transit operators: ticket machines
Requires that ticket vending machines for transit systems be equipped with audio instructions for visually impaired persons whenever ticket machines are improved or replaced with machines with video instructions.
Chapter 141, Statutes of 2003
AB 477 (Haynes-R) Vehicles: special interest license plates
Transfers to the State Department of Motor Vehicles the responsibility for authorizing special interest license plates.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 478 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Vehicle: removal: disposal
Provides that the amount of time a public agency may (rather than mandatory, as is current law), wait after sending a notice to the vehicle's owner prior to disposing of a suspected abandoned vehicle is 15 days. Increases the maximum dollar value, from $300 to $500, of a vehicle that may qualify for disposal.
Chapter 67, Statutes of 2003
AB 532 (Yee-D) Vehicles: special interest license plates
Requires the issuance of special interest license plates with a design relating to classroom instruction, and specifies that the revenues generated by these plates be used for classroom instruction support, including the purchase of books and instruction materials.
(In Senate Rules Committee for assignment)
AB 541 (Runner-R) Special interest license plates: California Amber Alert
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles, in consultation with the California Highway Patrol and the California Broadcasters Association, to design and make available for issuance special interest license plates bearing a design depicting the logo of the California Amber Alert Network. Requires certain funds generated from the special interest license plates be deposited in the State Transportation Fund.
(In Senate Rules Committee for assignment)
AB 559 (Harman-R) Vehicles: residence addresses: release to private parking
Authorizes the release of confidential State Department of Motor Vehicles residence information, under specified requirements, for the purpose of collection of unpaid parking fees by a private parking entity.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 574 (Yee-D) Vehicles: registration: local charge
Authorizes the City and County of San Francisco Board of Supervisors, by ordinance or resolution, to require a fee in an amount to be established by the city and county board of supervisors to be paid at the time of registration or renewal of registration of every vehicle registered to an address within the city and county, in addition to any other fees specified in the Vehicle Code and the Revenue and Taxation Code, except those vehicles expressly exempted from payment of registration fees.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 575 (Dutra-D) Motor carriers: transporting hazardous materials
Requires all California registered truck vehicles engaged in the transportation of hazardous materials to be equipped with a specified disabling device and a global positioning system receiver, or a device that the State Department of the California Highway Patrol determines is at least as effective in deterring hijacking as a disabling device.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 582 (Cogdill-R) Vehicle weight limits: local ordinance: Tuolumne County
Authorizes the County of Tuolumne to approve an ordinance prohibiting the use of Old Priest Grade by vehicles that exceed a weight limit of 7,500 pounds or more.
Chapter 15, Statutes of 2003
AB 594 (Leno-D) California Environmental Quality Act: bicycle lanes
Exempts from the California Environmental Quality Act a project that consists of restriping an existing paved right-of-way for bicycle lanes, provided that it satisfies several conditions.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 618 (Levine-D) Vehicles: special interest license plates: athletic teams
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to issue collegiate and professional sports teams license plates.
(In Senate Rules Committee for assignment)
AB 625 (Spitzer-R) Vehicles: towing: storage charge
Provides that if towed vehicles impounded during special events are not released within one to two hours of demand, the storage facility may not collect fees. Requires local agencies to notify tow truck and storage operators of special events.
(On Senate Appropriations Suspense File)
AB 626 (Liu-D) Vehicles: 15-passenger vans
Prohibits all school districts, the California Community Colleges, and the California State University from allowing the operation of 15-passenger vans unless driven by persons holding a class B commercial license, as specified.
Chapter 559, Statutes of 2003
AB 629 (Oropeza-D) Outdoor advertising
Expands the provisions in existing law providing an exemption from the prohibition against advertising displays along landscaped freeways to include any advertising display located on public property owned by a city, county, or school district that meets certain conditions.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 638 (Longville-D) Vehicles: impoundment
Allows for the impoundment of vehicles upon arrest when a person gets a second DUI, as specified, rather than upon conviction as currently required, and makes related changes in law.
(Concurrence in Senate amendments pending)
AB 694* (Levine-D) Use tax: vehicles, vessels, and aircraft
Broadens the circumstances in which there is a rebuttable presumption that a vehicle or aircraft is subject to use tax, and clarifies the exemption for aircraft brought into California for repair and modification.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 737 (Longville-D) Vehicles: driver's licenses: fees
Increases, from two years to five years, the period of time a driver must have a clean driving record in order to renew his/her driver's license by mail. Triples, from $15 to $45, the fee imposed by the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for a regular driver's license renewed in person at a DMV office. Requires a driver who is ineligible to renew his/her license by mail to pass the DMV vision test, and allows the department to require the driver to pass its written driving exam as a condition for license renewal.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 755 (Samuelian-R) Vehicles: driver's license: suspension or revocation
Creates a new alternate felony-misdemeanor offense of driving on a suspended or revoked driver's license where the driving results in the death of, or great bodily injury to, any person other than the defendant. Requires the defendant be imprisoned in the county jail for not less than six months nor more than a year or to be sentenced to state prison. Prohibits a court from imposing consecutive terms of imprisonment for multiple convictions arising from any single event.
(Failed passage in Assembly Public Safety Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 792 (Yee-D) Vehicles: removal: storage
Provides that it is the intent of the Legislature that certain statutory provisions, relating to the towing of vehicles, promote the safety and welfare of the public.
Chapter 212, Statutes of 2003
AB 812 (Yee-D) Transbay Terminal: demolition
Enacts the Legislature's required approval of the demolition of the existing Transbay Terminal in San Francisco as part of the work to develop a replacement terminal, and declares that the Transbay Joint Powers Authority has primary jurisdiction over all matters concerning the development and operation of the new terminal.
Chapter 99, Statutes of 2003
AB 839 (Salinas-D) Recordings: public transit systems
Revises and recasts the various provisions relating to retention of video tape recordings and telephone and radio communications to make them applicable separately to cities, counties, and special districts, without substantive change, except where video tapes or recordings made by security cameras are involved. Exempts transit agencies and cities, counties or city and county, from the requirement of retaining video tapes and recordings made by security cameras as part of the public transit system for one year, except under the specified conditions.
Chapter 564, Statutes of 2003
AB 844 (Nation-D) Replacement tire efficiency program
Requires the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission to develop a statewide replacement tire efficiency program to promote the use of fuel efficient tires.
Chapter 645, Statutes of 2003
AB 894 (Firebaugh-D) State highways: railroad bridges: graffiti removal
Requires the State Department of Transportation to study graffiti removal and prevention on railroad bridges and develop a model for other graffiti abatement and prevention programs.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 906 (Nakano-D) Large passenger vessels: water quality
Prohibits cruise ships from discharging hazardous waste, or other waste into state waters.
Chapter 494, Statutes of 2003
AB 1004 (Leslie-R) Public transit: operators
Requires a public transit operator, before approving a service reduction or route restructuring of bus service greater than 25 percent of total revenue miles, or a fare increase for budget deficit purposes, to conduct a third party competitive procurement process for a route or routes that the operator determines will minimize all, or a portion of, the planned service reduction. Does not require the operator to contract with the third party to provide these services.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1009 (Pavley-D) Vehicles: violations: engineering and traffic surveys
Creates double-fine zone in the City of Mailbu, makes changes to the "basic speed law," and adds certain specific factors as part of an engineering and traffic survey.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 1014 (Canciamilla-D) Vessels: abandonment
Requires the State Department of Boating and Waterways to create an advisory committee to study ways to prevent the abandonment of boats.
Chapter 357, Statutes of 2003
AB 1022 (Oropeza-D) Vehicles: automated enforcement systems
Revises provisions regulating the use of automated traffic enforcement systems (red light cameras) to address concerns and conclusions from a Bureau of State Audits report and recent court decisions, including requirements for the operation of the systems, restrictions on contracts with equipment vendors, and the consideration of alternative methods of enforcement.
Chapter 511, Statutes of 2003
AB 1064 (Laird-D) Public transit district pension plans
Requires that any existing retirement plan provided by transit districts or transit development boards be administered by a board with equal representation of labor and management, and provides that any plans created in the future must meet this requirement.
Chapter 845, Statutes of 2003
AB 1072 (Nakanishi-R) Commercial driver's licenses: third-party testers
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to promulgate regulations for the implementation of the third-party tester certification program for commercial driver's licensing and to certify as a third-party tester any person who has complied with all relevant requirements.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1116 (Mountjoy-R) Special recognition license plates: National Guard
Allows the State Department of Motor Vehicles to issue special recognition license plates to current or former members of the California National Guard and their spouses who request them.
(In Senate Rules for committee assignment)
AB 1118 (Levine-D) Vehicles: special interest license plates: animal welfare
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles, in consultation with the State Department of the California Highway Patrol, to design and make available for issuance, special environmental design license plates. Requires the issuance to be as required under existing law, with a graphic design depicting a dog or a cat, or both a dog and a cat, and would be issued in a combination of numbers or letters, or both, as requested by the applicant for the plates.
(In Senate Rules Committee for committee assignment)
AB 1148 (Wyland-R) Vehicles: disabled veterans
Allows veterans to purchase disabled veterans' license plates if their total disability rating is based in part on their inability to be employed due to service-related disabilities.
(Held under submission in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1200 (Longville-D) Vehicles: motorcycles: helmets
Restricts the safety helmet requirement for drivers and passengers of motorcycles, motor-driver cycles, or motorized bicycles to those who are under 18 years of age.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1206 (Harman-R) Registration service: technician license
Requires persons processing the State Department of Motor Vehicles' documents for a registration service to hold a technician license or permit.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1238 (Firebaugh-D) Vehicles: regulation
Increases the fees imposed on motor carriers for the initial terminal inspection as required by the Biennial Inspection of Terminals Program, and increases certain reporting requirements for motor carriers. Extends for two years the authority of the "double fine zone" located on State Route 101 in Humboldt County until January 1, 2006.
Chapter 729, Statutes of 2003
AB 1242 (Chu-D) Street removal from public use
Requires, rather than authorizes, a city to establish the minimum maintenance requirements for a street closed or removed from public use at the time of such action.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 1260 (Matthews-D) Driver's license examination: examining officer
Specifies that only a Licensing-Registration Examiner (Class Code 8758) may serve as the examining officer of an applicant's behind-the-wheel portion of the drivers test.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1272 (Dutra-D) State Department of Motor Vehicles: administrative hearings
Transfers from the State Department of Motor Vehicles to the Office of Administrative Hearings the authority to conduct administrative hearings involving driver's license denials, revocations, or suspensions.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1274 (Chavez-D) Motor clubs
Clarifies current law to distinguish between risk-based motor clubs, such as the American Automobile Association, and non-risk-based motor clubs that provide only maps and discount coupons. Specifies that the latter category of motor clubs is not subject to regulation by the Commissioner of the State Department of Insurance.
Chapter 88, Statutes of 2003
AB 1303 (Simitian-D) License plate display: persons with disabilities
Provides that it is not a violation of the law to block the view of the rear license plate, if it is obstructed by a wheelchair lift or wheelchair carrier, and the license plate is a disabled license plate or the vehicle displays a disabled parking placard.
Chapter 626, Statutes of 2003
AB 1305 (Bogh-R) Driver's license fingerprint records
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), by January 1, 2005, to create a fingerprint identification system based on the print of the thumb or finger of an applicant. Requires the fingerprint to be cross-referenced with all other fingerprints in the DMV database in order to authenticate that print and to ensure that each individual is issued only one driver's license and that an individual is not fraudulently obtaining a driver's license in another individual's name.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1340 (Kehoe-D) Petroleum: information reports
Requires oil refiners, producers, transporters, marketers, pipeline operators, and terminal operators, as specified, to submit weekly, rather than monthly, reports to the California Energy Commission relating to inventory levels, gasoline imports and exports, and other specified information.
Chapter 692, Statutes of 2003
AB 1343 (Spitzer-R) Provisional licensing program
Eliminates the option of a person 15 years of age to receive an instruction permit issued by the State Department of Motor Vehicles simply by enrolling in a simultaneously administered program of driver education and driver training, and makes other changes relating to driver education.
Chapter 768, Statutes of 2003
AB 1408 (Wolk-D) Bicycles: equipment and operation
Requires additional lighting equipment be used when a person operates a bicycle on a highway during darkness. Exempts recumbent bicycles from existing restrictions relative to raised handlebars and recasts certain provisions of existing law relating to the operation of bicycles on a roadway.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 1409 (Wolk-D) Maximum length exceptions for buses
Permits, under certain specified circumstances, a bus with a length of up to 45 feet to exceed the length if equipped with a folding device located in the front of the vehicle for transporting bicycles. Makes changes to the make-up of a Route Review Committee as it relates to 45 foot buses with a front bicycle rack.
Chapter 399, Statutes of 2003
AB 1449 (Firebaugh-D) Billboards: relocation or increase in height
Allows a billboard to be relocated or raised in height if a governmental entity erects a building or structure (including a bridge, overpass, or underpass) in front of the display, as specified.
Chapter 577, Statutes of 2003
AB 1479 (Chu-D) Vehicles: traffic violator schools
Clarifies and establishes certain procedural protections and options for traffic violator schools when monitored by a court-approved program.
Chapter 518, Statutes of 2003
AB 1507 (Negrete McLeod-D) Intermodal marine equipment: detention and per diem charges
Requires a per diem or detention charge assessed by or on behalf of a steamship line or intermodal marine terminal operator that provides intermodal equipment on an intermodal motor carrier between September 15, 2002, and February 1, 2003, to be waived, or reimbursed with interest, if the assessed charge has been collected. Declares the intent of the Legislature for the waiver and reimbursement provisions to apply retroactively.
(In Senate Rules Committee awaiting assignment)
AB 1540 (Runner-R) Outdoor advertising: permits
Exempts applications for the renewal of a valid existing permit relative to the placement of advertising displays that are adjacent to a highway that was received on or before December 31, 2002.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1546 (Simitian-D) Vehicle fee for congestion and stormwater programs
Allows a fee of $4 to be added to the annual vehicle registration charge in San Mateo County if the fee is approved by the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo. Directs fee revenues to be used for management of traffic congestion and stormwater pollution.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1547 (Shirley Horton-R) Local streets and roads: signs
Requires a city, a county, or a city and county that receives allocations from state and federal excise tax revenues and utilizes those allocations for local street and road purposes, to approve at least two reflective film manufacturers, as qualified, to bid when soliciting bids for reflexive film material.
(Failed passage in Assembly local Government Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1555 (Nakano-D) Motorized recreational vessels
Updates the current noise standards for motorboats for law enforcement purposes, and makes these standards applicable to all navigable waterways of the state and establishes requirements for law enforcement personnel when enforcing the noise standards.
Chapter 496, Statutes of 2003
AB 1618* (Firebaugh-D) Railroad corporations: derailments
Requires railroad corporations to develop a protocol to quickly inform the State Office of Emergency Services, the State Department of the California Highway Patrol, and local public safety agencies when there is a runaway train or other uncontrolled train movement.
(On Assembly Unfinished Business File)
AB 1625 (Benoit-R) Seat belt violations
Deletes the inclusion of penalty assessments and court costs in determining the maximum fine that a court may impose for the failure to wear a seat belt. Increases the total amount owed for failure to wear a seat belt from $22 to $64 for a first offense and from $55 to $151 for a subsequent violation.
Chapter 521, Statutes of 2003
AB 1645 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Charter-party carriers: drivers: background checks
Establishes a process at the State Public Utilities Commission to ensure greater security is exercised when companies hire and employ key employees and drivers to operate vehicles carrying paying passengers to and from airports.
(Held under submission in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1652 (Nakano-D) Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Expands the number of members of the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority governing board from 14 to 16 by increasing the number of appointees from the cities in Los Angeles County.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1662 (Plescia-R) Recreational vehicles
Allows recreational vehicles to exceed 102 inches in width if the excess width is attributable to such devices as awnings, grab handles, lighting equipment, cameras, and vents.
Chapter 222, Statutes of 2003
AB 1675 (Longville-D) Vehicles: records
Prohibits, until January 1, 2007, attorneys from accessing confidential State Department of Motor Vehicles records for the purpose of collecting fees or delinquent charges by a private parking facility.
Chapter 649, Statutes 2003
AB 1688 (Goldberg-D) Car washes: labor standards
Establishes, until January 1, 2007, a system to regulate the employment of workers in the car washing and polishing industry.
Chapter 825, Statutes of 2003
AB 1697 (Pavley-D) Child passenger restraint system
Requires, effective January 1, 2005, that children in a vehicle under the age of six, or less than 60 pounds in weight, must be secured in a child seat restraint in the rear seat of the vehicle, with some specified exceptions.
Chapter 524, Statutes of 2003
AB 1717 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Miscellaneous transportation matters
Enacts the annual omnibus bill that makes various technical and minor transportation policy changes, and repeals obsolete code sections or references as a means of avoiding numerous single-provision bills.
Chapter 525, Statutes of 2003
AB 1718 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Vehicles
Makes technical, nonsubstantive changes to the Code of Civil Procedure, Streets and Highways Code, and Vehicle Code.
Chapter 451, Statutes of 2003
AB 1750* (Assembly Budget Committee) Sales taxes on motor vehicle fuels: partial suspension
Pursuant to Article XIX B of the California Constitution, partially suspends the transfer of motor vehicle fuel sales tax revenues from the General Fund to the Transportation Investment Fund for the 2003-04 fiscal year. Provides that the amount of the transfer during that year is limited to $289 million.
Chapter 223, Statutes of 2003
AB 1752* (Assembly Budget Committee) Budget trailer bill
Makes a series of statutory changes affecting multiple human services programs that are necessary to implement the Budget Act of 2003, including requiring the State Controller, from July 1, 2003 to July 1, 2004, to deposit 28.07 percent of revenues from vehicle license fees in the Local Revenue Fund to assure continued funding of realigned social services and mental health programs.
Chapter 225, Statutes of 2003
AB 1767 (Assembly Budget Committee) Vehicles: fees
Increases fees relative to the issuance of specified documents and licenses and related services provided by the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Authorizes DMV to utilize a specified dollar amount derived from the issuance of memorial license plates to be used specifically for promoting the memorial license plate program. Revises, effective January 1, 2004, the fee schedule for specified commercial vehicles and for tow trucks and adds other required displays on the vehicle showing weight specifications. Revises existing law relative to certificates of nonoperation. Repeals the Business Partner Automation Account. Increases various registration and identification fees for the Motor Vehicle Account. Adjusts the existing schedule in the Truck Weight Fee Program to ensure revenue neutrality, as provided in current law. Authorizes DMV to promote the Memorial License Plate Program with existing revenues.
(On Senate Third Reading File)
AB 1768 (Assembly Budget Committee) Budget trailer bill: motor vehicle license fees
Requires the State Controller to transfer an amount equal to the amount of the gap offsets not paid during the 2003-04 fiscal year, from the General Fund to the Motor Vehicle License Fee Account by August 15, 2006, and allocates those funds to cities and counties.
Chapter 231, Statutes of 2003
ACR 41 (Firebaugh-D) The California Tow Truck Association
Congratulates the California Tow Truck Association on its 33rd anniversary and recognizes its contributions to the state's efforts to manage traffic congestion.
Resolution Chapter 23, Statutes of 2003
ACR 87 (Correa-D) Relative to California Tire Safety Week
Proclaims the week of April 27, 2003 to May 3, 2003, as California Tire Safety Week and urges Californians to "be tire smart" by ensuring the proper tire inflation pressure, alignment, rotation, and safe tread depth of their tires.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 111 (Strickland-R) Vehicle license fee offset
States the Legislature's position that any increase in the state's vehicle license fee, either directly or indirectly by pulling the car tax trigger, is required to be enacted by a vote of two-thirds of the membership of each house of the Legislature.
(In the Assembly awaiting committee assignment)
ACR 130 (Longville-D) Railroad Safety Week
Designates the week of September 8th to 14th, 2003 as Railroad Safety Week.
Resolution Chapter 148, Statutes of 2003
AJR 10 (Garcia-R) Imperial County Airport
Asks the United States Congress to designate the Imperial County Airport as an additional Port of Entry for Imperial County.
Resolution Chapter 79, Statutes of 2003
HR 26 (Parra-D) Airfare for military personnel
Urges airline companies to offer reduced fares for active duty military personnel.
Adopted by the Assembly
AB 4X* (Wesson-D) Vehicle license fees
Clarifies responsibility for implementing the "trigger" provision in existing law that restores the vehicle license fee rate in the event that the General Fund is insufficient to finance "backfill" payments to local governments.
(Withdrawn from enrollment; died at Assembly Desk)
AB 11X* (Oropeza-D) Reductions in the Budget Act of 2002
Abolishes the Special Reserve Fund for Vehicle License Fee Tax Relief. Transfers any remaining moneys in the fund to the General Fund, from which would be paid the rebate portion of the offsets applied against vehicle license fees due before July 1, 2001. Makes an appropriation by providing that, if these transferred moneys are not sufficient for this purpose, then any remaining offsets would be paid from the General Fund.
Chapter 2, Statutes of 2003-04 First Extraordinary Session
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 49 | Speier-D Vehicles: San Francisco 49ers special license plate | |
SB 60 | Cedillo-D Drivers license eligibility: undocumented immigrants | |
SB 87 | Hollingsworth-R State Highway Route 79 | |
SB 91 | Florez-D Intercity rail service | |
SB 104* | Machado-D State Highway Route 84 | |
SB 127 | Chesbro-D Vehicles: limitations of access | |
SB 138 | Knight-R Toll road: State Highway Route 138 | |
SB 158 | Alarcon-D Displaced public transit employees | |
SB 207 | Ackerman-R Air quality: gasoline vapor emission control systems | |
SB 232 | Karnette-D All-terrain vehicles | |
SB 234 | Oller-R High-occupancy vehicle lanes: disabled license plates | |
SB 237 | Florez-D Vehicles: transfer of legal ownership | |
SB 247 | Murray-D Vehicles: residence addresses | |
SB 248 | Murray-D New Motor Vehicle Board: recreational vehicles | |
SB 300* | Torlakson-D Rental vehicle license transaction fees | |
SB 314 | Murray-D Transportation funding: County of Los Angeles | |
SB 315 | Assembly Transportation Committee Transportation | |
SB 349 | Vincent-D Highways: property: lease: transfer | |
SB 378 | Morrow-R Vehicles: license plates | |
SB 380 | McClintock-R High-occupancy vehicle lanes: study | |
SB 406 | Florez-D Emergency Alert System: electronic signs | |
SB 465 | Soto-D Transit village plan: design | |
SB 504 | Kuehl-D Exposition Metro Line Construction Authority | |
SB 509 | Figueroa-D State Highway Route 238 | |
SB 541* | Torlakson-D Motor vehicle fuel license taxes: diesel fuel taxes | |
SB 552 | Burton-D State motor vehicle fleets | |
SB 555 | Florez-D Traffic violator schools | |
SB 612 | Oller-R Golf carts and low-speed vehicles: State Route 16 | |
SB 630 | Hollingsworth-R Vehicles: exemptions: nursery operations | |
SB 671 | Florez-D Motor vehicle fuel: alcohol content and tax rates | |
SB 673 | Florez-D Fresno County Transportation Authority | |
SB 685 | Hollingsworth-R Motorcycles: safety helmets | |
SB 702 | Florez-D Medium-weight farm equipment | |
SB 708 | Florez-D Motor vehicles: fees | |
SB 710 | Aanestad-R Highway exit information signs | |
SB 751 | Karnette-D State Department of the California Highway Patrol | |
SB 780 | Torlakson-D Vehicles: violations: automated enforcement systems | |
SB 795 | Karnette-D Motorist aid program | |
SB 799 | Denham-R Vehicles: registration: exemption: retriever units | |
SB 802 | Torlakson-D Transportation: interregional road system | |
SB 849 | Torlakson-D Rental vehicle license transaction fees | |
SB 871 | Torlakson-D Vehicles | |
SB 887* | Perata-D Seaports: security: infrastructure: bonds | |
SB 915 | Perata-D San Francisco Bay Area Water Transit Authority | |
SB 916 | Perata-D Toll bridge revenues | |
SB 924 | Karnette-D Global Gateways Development Council | |
SB 957 | McClintock-R Transportation gridlock emergencies | |
SB 1048* | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee Budget Act of 2003: Aeronautics Account | |
SB 1055 | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee Vehicles: fees: funding | |
SCA 7 | Murray-D Loans of transportation revenues and funds | |
SCR 3 | Florez-D Rosa Parks Interchange | |
SCR 17 | Poochigian-R Deputy Sheriff Dennis E. Phelps Memorial Highway | |
SCR 24 | Morrow-R CHP Officers Stephen M. Linen, Jr. & Sean Nava Memorial Fwy | |
SCR 35 | Florez-D Otis Vincent Tolbert Memorial Highway | |
SCR 43 | Machado-D Women Veterans' Highway | |
SCR 44 | Oller-R Truck Driver Appreciation Week | |
SCR 45 | Chesbro-D Frank and Elly Hartmann Memorial Bridge | |
SCR 46 | Ashburn-R Police Officer Richard Perkins Memorial Highway | |
SCR 50 | Ashburn-R David W. Manning Memorial Freeway | |
SJR 7 | Karnette-D Highways: trucking size | |
SR 10 | Florez-D Navy Commander Otis Vincent Tolbert Memorial Highway | |
SR 16 | McClintock-R Patriotic displays | |
SR 23 | Murray-D Aviation | |
SB 12X* | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee Vehicle license fees | |
AB 13 | Harman-R State Department of Transportation: transfer of property | |
AB 33 | Samuelian-R San Joaquin Valley: environmental streamlining | |
AB 62 | Bermudez-D Special interest license plates | |
AB 77 | La Suer-R San Diego County Regional Airport Authority | |
AB 114 | Nakano-D Hybrid vehicles: high-occupancy vehicle lanes | |
AB 117 | Kehoe-D Transportation: transit boards | |
AB 118 | Frommer-D Rental vehicle transaction fees | |
AB 130 | Campbell-R State Department of Motor Vehicles: records | |
AB 184 | Lowenthal-D State Department of Motor Vehicles: records | |
AB 197 | Strickland-R Offset payments | |
AB 198* | Nation-D Sports utility vehicles: denial of tax incentives | |
AB 213 | Leslie-R Vehicles: manufacturers: disclosure | |
AB 246 | Cox-R State Department of Motor Vehicles' confidential records | |
AB 260 | Jackson-D State highways: litter control | |
AB 301 | Reyes-D Vehicles: video displays | |
AB 327 | Runner-R Vehicles: parking: persons with disabilities: violations | |
AB 332 | Mullin-D Airports: land use commissions | |
AB 350 | Bogh-R Vehicles: driver's licenses: issuance and renewal | |
AB 361 | Kehoe-D San Diego Consolidated Transportation Agency | |
AB 365 | Jerome Horton-D State Department of Motor Vehicles' records | |
AB 377 | Chan-D Vehicles: exhaust systems: whistle-tips | |
AB 417 | La Suer-R Vehicles: driver's licenses: registered sex offenders | |
AB 420 | Longville-D Congestion management program | |
AB 427 | Longville-D Local transportation sales taxes: duration | |
AB 435 | Matthews-D Vehicles: traffic violator schools | |
AB 443 | Matthews-D Rural Transit System Grant Program | |
AB 449 | Vargas-D Vehicles: speed limits | |
AB 467 | Dutra-D Transit operators: ticket machines | |
AB 477 | Haynes-R Vehicles: special interest license plates | |
AB 478 | Ridley-Thomas-D Vehicle: removal: disposal | |
AB 532 | Yee-D Vehicles: special interest license plates | |
AB 535 | Calderon-D Highways: State Route 19 segment relinquishment | |
AB 541 | Runner-R Special interest license plates: California Amber Alert | |
AB 559 | Harman-R Vehicles: residence addresses: release to private parking | |
AB 574 | Yee-D Vehicles: registration: local charge | |
AB 575 | Dutra-D Motor carriers: transporting hazardous materials | |
AB 582 | Cogdill-R Vehicle weight limits: local ordinance: Tuolumne County | |
AB 594 | Leno-D California Environmental Quality Act: bicycle lanes | |
AB 618 | Levine-D Vehicles: special interest license plates: athletic teams | |
AB 625 | Spitzer-R Vehicles: towing: storage charge | |
AB 626 | Liu-D Vehicles: 15-passenger vans | |
AB 629 | Oropeza-D Outdoor advertising | |
AB 638 | Longville-D Vehicles: impoundment | |
AB 684 | Dutra-D Public transit smart cards | |
AB 692 | Dutra-D Public contracts: design-build contracting: transportation | |
AB 694* | Levine-D Use tax: vehicles, vessels, and aircraft | |
AB 710 | Correa-D Orange County Transportation Authority | |
AB 712 | Liu-D Metro Foothills Gold Line Construction Authority | |
AB 724 | Shirley Horton-R State highways: signs | |
AB 737 | Longville-D Vehicles: driver's licenses: fees | |
AB 755 | Samuelian-R Vehicles: driver's license: suspension or revocation | |
AB 762 | Nunez-D Transportation | |
AB 773 | Strickland-R Ventura County Transportation Commission: membership | |
AB 775 | Parra-D Smog check program | |
AB 792 | Yee-D Vehicles: removal: storage | |
AB 793 | Nakanishi-R Highway signs | |
AB 812 | Yee-D Transbay Terminal: demolition | |
AB 813 | Salinas-D Cost recovery and fund allocation | |
AB 822 | Matthews-D Redevelopment: transit: jobs-housing balance | |
AB 839 | Salinas-D Recordings: public transit systems | |
AB 844 | Nation-D Replacement tire efficiency program | |
AB 872 | Strickland-R Speed limits: traffic and engineering surveys | |
AB 875 | Wyland-R Transportation financing | |
AB 894 | Firebaugh-D State highways: railroad bridges: graffiti removal | |
AB 906 | Nakano-D Large passenger vessels: water quality | |
AB 929 | Hancock-D Highways: park lease: City of Albany | |
AB 935 | Diaz-D Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority | |
AB 1004 | Leslie-R Public transit: operators | |
AB 1009 | Pavley-D Vehicles: violations: engineering and traffic surveys | |
AB 1014 | Canciamilla-D Vessels: abandonment | |
AB 1022 | Oropeza-D Vehicles: automated enforcement systems | |
AB 1064 | Laird-D Public transit district pension plans | |
AB 1072 | Nakanishi-R Commercial driver's licenses: third-party testers | |
AB 1096 | Bermudez-D Transportation projects | |
AB 1104 | Laird-D State Department of Transportation: encroachment | |
AB 1112 | Lowenthal-D Housing opportunity districts | |
AB 1116 | Mountjoy-R Special recognition license plates: National Guard | |
AB 1118 | Levine-D Vehicles: special interest license plates: animal welfare | |
AB 1148 | Wyland-R Vehicles: disabled veterans | |
AB 1200 | Longville-D Vehicles: motorcycles: helmets | |
AB 1206 | Harman-R Registration service: technician license | |
AB 1233 | Shirley Horton-R Highway capacity enhancement demonstration projects | |
AB 1238 | Firebaugh-D Vehicles: regulation | |
AB 1242 | Chu-D Street removal from public use | |
AB 1260 | Matthews-D Driver's license examination: examining officer | |
AB 1271 | Dutton-R City of Rancho Cucamonga: highway soundwalls | |
AB 1272 | Dutra-D State Department of Motor Vehicles: administrative hearings | |
AB 1274 | Chavez-D Motor clubs | |
AB 1279 | Shirley Horton-R High-occupancy vehicle lanes | |
AB 1289 | Benoit-R Toll roads | |
AB 1303 | Simitian-D License plate display: persons with disabilities | |
AB 1305 | Bogh-R Driver's license fingerprint records | |
AB 1320 | Dutra-D Transit village plan: design | |
AB 1340 | Kehoe-D Petroleum: information reports | |
AB 1343 | Spitzer-R Provisional licensing program | |
AB 1390* | Ridley-Thomas-D Income tax credits: fuel efficient vehicles | |
AB 1394 | Levine-D Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program | |
AB 1408 | Wolk-D Bicycles: equipment and operation | |
AB 1409 | Wolk-D Maximum length exceptions for buses | |
AB 1410 | Wolk-D Surplus land: transit oriented development | |
AB 1449 | Firebaugh-D Billboards: relocation or increase in height | |
AB 1479 | Chu-D Vehicles: traffic violator schools | |
AB 1507 | Negrete McLeod-D Intermodal marine equipment: detention and per diem charges | |
AB 1511 | Benoit-R Vehicles: unlawful activities | |
AB 1540 | Runner-R Outdoor advertising: permits | |
AB 1546 | Simitian-D Vehicle fee for congestion and stormwater programs | |
AB 1547 | Shirley Horton-R Local streets and roads: signs | |
AB 1555 | Nakano-D Motorized recreational vessels | |
AB 1590 | Laird-D Santa Cruz County Highway 1 Widening/HOV Authority | |
AB 1618* | Firebaugh-D Railroad corporations: derailments | |
AB 1625 | Benoit-R Seat belt violations | |
AB 1645 | Ridley-Thomas-D Charter-party carriers: drivers: background checks | |
AB 1652 | Nakano-D Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority | |
AB 1662 | Plescia-R Recreational vehicles | |
AB 1675 | Longville-D Vehicles: records | |
AB 1688 | Goldberg-D Car washes: labor standards | |
AB 1697 | Pavley-D Child passenger restraint system | |
AB 1717 | Assembly Transportation Committee Miscellaneous transportation matters | |
AB 1718 | Assembly Transportation Committee Vehicles | |
AB 1720 | Nunez-D Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority | |
AB 1745* | Assembly Transportation Committee Public contracts: bonds | |
AB 1750* | Assembly Budget Committee Sales taxes on motor vehicle fuels: partial suspension | |
AB 1751* | Assembly Budget Committee Transportation finance | |
AB 1752* | Assembly Budget Committee Budget trailer bill | |
AB 1756* | Assembly Budget Committee Budget trailer bill | |
AB 1767 | Assembly Budget Committee Vehicles: fees | |
AB 1768 | Assembly Budget Committee Budget trailer bill: motor vehicle license fees | |
ACA 17 | Daucher-R Taxation | |
ACR 2 | Mountjoy-R William H. Lancaster Memorial Highway | |
ACR 7 | Daucher-R California Highway Patrol Officer Don J. Burt | |
ACR 17 | Cogdill-R Tuolumne County Vietnam Veterans Memorial | |
ACR 19 | Aghazarian-R Joash E. Paul Memorial Highway | |
ACR 29 | Benoit-R Daniel J. Muehlhausen Memorial Highway | |
ACR 30 | Samuelian-R William "Bill" Lehn Memorial Highway | |
ACR 35 | Samuelian-R Steven Lindblom Memorial Freeway | |
ACR 38 | Houston-R Thomas E. Burnett, Jr. Memorial Bridge | |
ACR 39 | Chan-D Alexander Zuckermann Bicycle-Pedestrian Path | |
ACR 40 | Dymally-D Compton Planning and Transportation Project Task Force | |
ACR 41 | Firebaugh-D The California Tow Truck Association | |
ACR 54 | Strickland-R Screaming Eagles Highway: 101st Airborne Division | |
ACR 58 | Nakano-D Blue Star Memorial Highway | |
ACR 67 | Bermudez-D Supplemental destination signs | |
ACR 71 | Chu-D El Monte Police Officer Donald Ralph Johnston Memorial Hwy | |
ACR 73 | La Suer-R Danielle van Dam Memorial Overpass | |
ACR 87 | Correa-D Relative to California Tire Safety Week | |
ACR 111 | Strickland-R Vehicle license fee offset | |
ACR 115 | Canciamilla-D Inspector Raymond J. Giacomelli Memorial Overcrossing | |
ACR 121 | La Suer-R Semper Fi Highway | |
ACR 130 | Longville-D Railroad Safety Week | |
ACR 131 | Cox-R William Alexander Leidesdorff, Jr. Memorial Highway | |
ACR 133 | Bates-R Oceanside Police Officer Tony Zeppetella Memorial Highway | |
ACR 135 | Runner-R Deputy Sheriff Stephen Sorensen Memorial Highway | |
AJR 10 | Garcia-R Imperial County Airport | |
HR 26 | Parra-D Airfare for military personnel | |
AB 4X* | Wesson-D Vehicle license fees | |
AB 11X* | Oropeza-D Reductions in the Budget Act of 2002 |