Air Pollution
Coastal Resources
Environmental Quality
Endangered Species
Solid Waste Management
Air Pollution
SB 136 (Knight-R) Air pollution: Great Basin: mitigation
Enhances the authority of the Great Basin Air Pollution Control District to require the City of Los Angeles to mitigate air quality degradation resulting from particulate matter rising from the Owens Lakebed, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 823 (Sher-D) Air pollution: particulate matter
Enacts the Particulate Matter Research Act of 1999 to require the State Air Resources Board to implement a particulate matter research program. Creates the Particulate Matter Research Program Advisory Committee to make recommendations to the state board on program priorities and requires the state board to report annually to the Legislature on the program. Sunsets January 1, 2004.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
SB 1020 (Figueroa-D) Toxic air contaminants: identification
Specifies that the demographic data that the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment and the State Air Resources Board are required to consider when evaluating the health effects of substances, other than pesticides, that may be emitted into the ambient air and that may be determined to be toxic air contaminants shall include the threat of exposure to persons in schools, licensed day care facilities, and residential housing facilities.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1083 (Knight-R) Commercial space programs
Expands the application to the Commercial Space Program Permit Streamlining Act, by (1) extending the application to the Counties of San Luis Obispo and Merced, and the portions of the Counties of Los Angeles and San Bernardino located outside the jurisdiction of the South Coast Air Quality Management District; and (2) extending the application to facilities that build or launch reusable space vehicles.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
SB 1167 (Knight-R) State Air Resources Board
Increases the size of the State Air Resources Board from 11 to 12 members. Provides that the additional member of the board shall be appointed from the Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1214 (Brulte-R) Air pollution: minor violations
Requires the State Air Resources Board and each district to classify as a minor violation, an emission violation that results from a cargo tank truck vapor recovery equipment failure that cannot be visually detected without an individual climbing on top of a cargo tank truck to inspect the equipment, removal of the equipment, or extensive testing, and that cannot be corrected without removal or reconstruction of the equipment.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1267 (Polanco-D) Leaf blowers
Prohibits, within specified time frames and unless certain standards are met, the sale of a leaf blower, permits local government to restrict the commercial use of leaf blowers, and allows the electors of a city or county to enact a "total prohibition" on the commercial use of leaf blowers by initiative measure.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1298 (Bowen-D) Air emissions: distributed generation
Requires the State Air Resources Board to adopt emissions standards for distributed generation technologies exhibiting growth potential in the California energy marketplace.
Chapter 741, Statutes of 2000
SB 1300 (Sher-D) Air pollution
Makes numerous changes to various provisions of the California Clean Air Act, that include: (1) requiring assessment of both mobile and area sources of emissions, (2) reviewing and reporting on local air districts' emission reduction and credit trading programs, (3) specifying additional reports, procedures, and standards, and (4) making changes to the Sacramento Air District's board membership and geographic boundaries. Also allows the State Air Resources Board to reduce the required 30 percent matching local funds for the Carl Moyer Program based on an analysis of the financial resources of the district.
Chapter 729, Statutes of 2000
SB 1459 (Knight-R) Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District
Abolishes the Antelope Valley Air Pollution Control District (APCD) and establishes in its place the Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District (AQMD). The new AQMD would have the same boundaries, governing board structure, and general duties as the former APCD. The reconstitution of the district in this manner would exempt the district from Los Angeles County civil service regulations.
(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)
SB 1771 (Sher-D) Greenhouse gas emission reductions: climate change
Establishes the California Climate Action Registry to establish, among other things, emissions baselines against which any future federal greenhouse gas emission reduction requirements may be applied, to encourage voluntary actions to increase energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and record voluntary greenhouse gas emissions made after 1990.
Chapter 1018, Statutes of 2000
SB 1794 (Ortiz-D) Rice straw burning
Changes the name of an existing "Rice Straw Demonstration Project Fund" to the "Rice Straw Demonstration Project Grant Fund" and provides for grants of up to 50 percent of the cost for each demonstration project to be authorized and allocated during the 2000-01 and 2001-02 fiscal years.
Chapter 1019, Statutes of 2000
SB 1865 (Perata-D) Air pollution civil and criminal penalties
In most cases, increases the existing civil and criminal penalties for air quality violations to make them similar to penalties for water pollution and hazardous waste law and to reorganize the air quality provisions so that like violations appear in the same sections.
Chapter 805, Statutes of 2000
Similar legislation was SB 1150 (Perata-D), which died in Senate Public Safety Committee.
SB 1971* (Mountjoy-R) Gasoline: MTBE
Requires the California Energy Commission (CEC), in consultation with the State Air Resources Board, to develop a timetable to phase out and eliminate the use of MTBE in gasoline on or before December 31, 2000. Requires both agencies, in developing the phase out aspects of the timetable, to consider specified studies adopted by the CEC.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1972 (Mountjoy-R) Reformulated gasoline
Appropriates $500,000 from the Motor Vehicle Fuel Account in the Transportation Tax Fund to the University of California for a specified study and assessment of the human health and environmental risks and benefits, if any, of using oxygenates or alkylates, other than MTBE, in gasoline.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1986 (Costa-D) Pollution
Authorizes the California Pollution Control Financing Authority to establish a loan program to assist the financing and development of brownfield sites.
Chapter 915, Statutes of 2000
SB 2130 (Sher-D) Air pollution: penalties
Requires the State Air Resources Board to impose administrative penalties, as an alternative to seeking civil penalties, in an amount equal to or less than that which may be imposed as civil penalties.
(Died on call on Senate Unfinished Business File)
SJR 39 (Knight-R) Air quality: Kern County
Supports the State Air Resources Board's proposal to exclude East Kern County from the San Joaquin Planning Area for air quality purposes.
Resolution Chapter 166, Statutes of 2000
AB 1376 (Longville-D) South Coast Air Quality Management District
Provides that if the district board of the South Coast Air Quality Management District fails to disapprove the work program developed and adopted by the Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee to provide grants for projects that reduce air pollution from motor vehicles within 60 days of receiving it, the work program shall be deemed approved.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1609 (Cardenas-D) Leaf blowers
Prohibits local agencies from banning leaf blowers, but allows the regulation of the noise levels emitted.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1681 (Bock-I) Toxic air contaminants: medical waste incineration
Requires owners and operators of medical waste incinerators to handle bottom ash, fly ash, and scrubber residuals in a manner that prevents their releases to air, soil or water proximate to the facility. Requires any violation or malfunction by an incinerator to be reported to the district air pollution control officer, the county health office, or the local district attorney.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1775 (Lowenthal-D) Petroleum coke dust
Accelerates the deadlines under a rule adopted by the South Coast Air Quality Management Board relating to the enclosure of storage piles of petroleum coke.
Chapter 500, Statutes of 2000
AB 1802 (Bock-I) Pollution: air
Requires the State Air Resources Board to enhance its air monitoring capabilities for dioxin by requiring the board to install monitoring stations and mobile monitors and test the exhaust of mobile sources as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1877 (Maldonado-R) Air pollution: rules and regulations
Requires air pollution control districts and air quality management districts, upon the request of an owner or operator of equipment subject to best available control technology or lowest achievable emission rate requirements, to review the applicable requirements and to determine whether the requirements should be mandated for a source category, under certain circumstances. Also requires the district to revise those requirements to a level achievable by a source or a source category if the district makes specified determinations.
Chapter 501, Statutes of 2000
AB 2283 (Florez-D) Air pollution: control measures
Requires the State Air Resources Board (ARB) to report to the Legislature by January 1, 2002, on various issues relating to the cost-effectiveness of best available control technology and best available retrofit control technology requirements in the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District, establishes an advisory committee to assist the ARB in the completion of the report, and requires local air quality management and air pollution control districts to make available to the public the basis of a cost-effectiveness determination when adopting a regulation.
Chapter 397, Statutes of 2000
AB 2511 (Steinberg-D) Air quality: mobile source emissions
Enacts the Sacramento Emergency Clean Air and Transportation Program and the San Joaquin Valley Emergency Clean Air Attainment Program for the purpose of making grants for the replacement or retrofit of heavy-duty diesel engines as a means of reducing emissions and complying with state and federal air quality standards. Specifies that monies allocated from the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund, as appropriated for various projects, shall be used to fund the programs established by this bill.
Chapter 532, Statutes of 2000
AB 2514 (Thomson-D) Agricultural biomass and rice straw
Creates a program to be administered by the State Department of Food and Agriculture, in consultation with the State Air Resources Board and the California Integrated Waste Management Board, for the purpose of providing grants to persons that utilize agricultural biomass as a means of avoiding landfill use, preventing air pollution, and enhancing environmental quality. Appropriates $10 million from the General Fund to the Agricultural Biomass Utilization Fund.
Chapter 1017, Statutes of 2000
AB 2576 (Briggs-R) Gasoline vapor control systems
Provides that when an air pollution control district determines that a gasoline vapor recovery system is not in compliance with any law requiring a specific vapor recovery level, the district shall provide notice of noncompliance and issue no fines should repairs be made within seven days and should the operator not have used the system between the date of installation and the date found not in compliance.
(Failed passage in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 2825* (Battin-R) Biomass facilities: grant program
Revises the name and scope of the Central Valley Agricultural Biomass-to-Energy Incentive Program.
Chapter 739, Statutes of 2000
AB 2872* (Shelley-D) Resources and environmental protection: biomass
The omnibus environmental protection trailer bill which, among other provisions, creates the program for the Biomass-to-Energy Incentive Grant Program.
Chapter 144, Statutes of 2000
AB 2939 (Assembly Natural Resources Committee) Air resources
Enacts non-substantive technical changes to air quality statutes in order to correct erroneous cross-references and delete obsolete provisions. Also clarifies that the time spent in special board meetings called by the chair of the board counts towards the 60 hours per month that board members are required to work specified in Section 11564 of the Government Code.
Chapter 890, Statutes of 2000

Coastal Resources
SB 241 (Alpert-D) California Endowment for Marine Preservation
Establishes the California Endowment for Marine Preservation in order to direct money received from the conversion of oil platforms and production facilities to artificial reefs, if conversion is approved by all federal and state agencies with jurisdiction.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
SB 1244 (O'Connell-D) Coastal resources
Authorizes oil and gas development to be permitted in accordance with specified requirements if the applicant for a permit can demonstrate that the development can be performed safely and is consistent with the geologic conditions of the well site.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
SB 1444* (Johnson-R) Nonpoint source pollution: coastal waters
Authorizes the City of Huntington Beach to convene a multiagency task force to study coastal nonpoint source pollution in the tidal marshes and coastal waters, and to report its findings and recommendations to the Legislature.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
SB 1681* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Budget Act of 2000
Among other provisions, requires certain funds appropriated to the State Coastal Conservancy be expended for public access and the Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project and reappropriates funds for trail related projects in Bay Area counties.
Chapter 672, Statutes of 2000 - Item Vetoed
AB 399 (Wayne-D) Coastal development permits
Requires that every coastal development permit issued for any development within the coastal zone include the finding that the development is in conformity with specified public access and public recreation policies.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 988 (Hertzberg-D) Local coastal program: City of Malibu
Requires the City of Malibu to prepare a Local Coastal Plan (LCP) and submit it to the Coastal Commission before January of 2002. Requires the commission to review and approve a version of the Malibu LCP before September 2002.
Chapter 952, Statutes of 2000
AB 1280 (Jackson-D) Oil and gas development: pipelines
Requires that, where oil and gas development is permitted offshore, all oil produced offshore will be transported to onshore processing facilities by pipeline only, and all pipelines used to transport this oil will utilize the best achievable technology to ensure maximum protection. Provides a limited exception where the crude oil is so highly viscous that pipelining is infeasible by permitting shipment of crude oil over land, excluding any waterborne mode of transport.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 2144 (Keeley-D) Land use
Makes findings relative to the dispute between the County of Santa Cruz, the City of Watsonville and the Coastal Commission, and allows for enforcement of a Memorandum of Understanding between the parties once certain conditions are met.
Chapter 407, Statutes of 2000
AB 2872* (Shelley-D) Resources and environmental protection
The omnibus environmental protection trailer bill implementing the policy put forward in the Budget Bill, AB 1740. Among other provisions, requires that the State Water Resources Control Board develop a comprehensive coastal monitoring and assessment program for sport fish and shellfish.
Chapter 144, Statutes of 2000
AJR 66 (House-R) Offshore oil drilling leases and production
Memorializes the federal government to remove the moratorium on federal offshore oil drilling leases and restrictions curtailing other exploration and production, thereby permitting domestic production to increase and reduce America's reliance on foreign production.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

Environmental Quality
SB 89 (Escutia-D) Environmental justice
Requires the Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency to convene a working group on environmental justice. Also requires reports updating the implementation of environmental justice laws in California.
Chapter 728, Statutes of 2000
SB 755 (Hayden-D) California Environmental Quality Act
Requires a lead agency, when structuring deferred mitigation measures in an environmental impact report (EIR) that need to be taken to offset adverse environmental impacts of a project, to recognize the significance of these potential impacts, commit to mitigating every significant impact unless overriding considerations warrant otherwise, articulate performance criteria for each mitigation and make sure the mitigation measures have reasonably certain funding sources. Prohibits a lead agency from considering, as the sole factor in making a finding of overriding considerations, the potential revenue increase to the agency resulting from the project. Requires a master EIR, prepared for a series of smaller projects, to be certified before approval of the initial phase of the projects, but allows mitigation to be phased in to coincide with the phases of a project under a master EIR. Also, allows the lead agency to refuse to approve a project if the applicant willfully misrepresents the facts in the project application or during the EIR process.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 761* (Sher-D) Environmental quality
Requires the Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to maintain the data base required under current law to assist in the preparation of environmental documents.
Requires OPR to establish and maintain a central repository for the collection, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of certain California Environmental Quality Act notices provided to OPR (i.e., notices of exemption, notices of preparation, notices of determination, notices of completion) and to make the notices available through the Internet. Authorizes OPR to coordinate with another state agency for that agency to make the notices available in this manner.
Chapter 716, Statutes of 2000
SB 1057 (Johannessen-R) Environmental quality: land acquisitions
Prohibits a project from being categorically exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act if it includes the acquisition of land for fish and wildlife conservation or habitat establishment, preservation, restoration, or enhancement.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1298 (Bowen-D) Air emissions: distributed generation
Requires the State Air Resource Board to adopt emissions standards for distributed generation technologies exhibiting growth potential in the California energy marketplace.
Chapter 741, Statutes of 2000
SB 1408 (Alarcon-D) Environmental justice
Establishes the "Environmental Justice Technical Assistance Grant Demonstration Program" to (1) allocate grants of up to $25,000 to community-based or non-profit organizations, and (2) help pay costs incurred by low-income or minority communities, disproportionately affected by adverse human health or environmental effects, to obtain technical assistance to participate in a broad array of actions contemplated by California Environmental Impact Agencies entities, the California Energy Commission, or the State Department of Transportation.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1532 (Morrow-R) California Environmental Quality Act: public information
Requires a lead agency to make available to the general public, any report, study, or other document that analyzes the impact of a proposed project on the environment or that analyzes the environmental conditions surrounding the proposed project, and that is prepared for the purpose of compiling environmental information to be included in an environmental impact report.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1562 (Burton-D) Mitigation of projects through wetlands restoration
Creates, subject to certain conditions, an exception to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) dealing with the proposed expansion of the San Francisco Airport (SFO). Pre-approves as mitigation for SFO expansion the payment of money to restore wetlands (former salt ponds) along the southern parts of the San Francisco Bay. Does not affect the obligation of those public agencies who would manage the restoration to comply with CEQA when approving the proposed acquisition, enhancement, or restoration of these lands. Also calls for a study of the joint management possibilities of SFO and the Oakland International Airport that includes linking the airports by high-speed rail and ferry.
Chapter 925, Statutes of 2000
SB 1631 (Hayden-D) Environmental safety standards: schoolsites
Requires a school district with a reasonable basis for believing a toxic threat may be present at an existing school to investigate and evaluate the risks and cleanup of any contamination. Also requires the State Architect to adopt standards, by regulation, that apply to the review and approval of school building construction plans.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1810 (Perata-D) California Environmental Quality Act: exemptions: vineyards
Exempts from the California Environmental Quality Act, any project to plant or replant a vineyard if the local jurisdiction in which the planting will occur has adopted a conservation ordinance that establishes quantitative or qualitative conservation performance standards for vineyard planting, as specified. Also exempts from the act the adoption by a local government of a conservation ordinance for vineyard planting that establishes those conservation performance standards or the amendment by a local government of a conservation ordinance to strengthen those conservation performance standards.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 2037* (Alarcon-D) Personal income and bank and corporation taxes: credit
Allows taxpayers to claim a credit of up to five percent for "sustainable building costs," as defined.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 2203 (Senate Environmental Quality Committee) Environmental laboratories
Revises certain requirements concerning the certification of environmental laboratories to conform to a national accreditation program.
Chapter 733, Statutes of 2000
AB 779 (Torlakson-D) Pollution
Authorizes the California Pollution Control Financing Authority to award smart growth grants "to assist economically distressed cities or counties in developing sustainable growth policies and programs that improve environmental quality and reduce pollution."
Chapter 914, Statutes of 2000
AB 885 (Jackson-D) Onsite sewage treatment systems
Enacts the Onsite Sewage Treatment Systems Law under the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act in order to establish statewide performance standards for septic systems.
Chapter 781, Statutes of 2000
AB 986 (Knox-D) Environmental License Plate Fund
Provides that not less than 10 percent of the total annual amount of money remaining in the Environmental License Plate Fund, after prescribed transfers from the fund, be used by the State Resources Agency, upon appropriation, for grants to the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, the San Joaquin River Conservancy, the Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy, the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy, and the San Francisco Bay Area Conservancy.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1450 (Ducheny-D) Environmental quality
Exempts from that California Environmental Quality Act any residential infill development project that meets certain criteria.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1588* (Florez-D) Environmental impact: military activities
Requires the Office of Planning and Research to prepare and develop guidelines relative to the need to fully document the environmental impact of a proposed project on state and federal military activities. Also requires the office to make recommendations to the secretary on proposed changes to the guidelines on or before July 1, 2001.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1807 (Longville-D) California Environmental Quality Act: transportation
Requires the Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to receive notice's of preparation, requires OPR to transmit State Department of Transportation (Caltrans) information to the lead agency, and requires certain reporting and monitoring programs to be submitted to Caltrans.
Chapter 738, Statutes of 2000
AB 1960* (Machado-D) Local agency formation: CEQA
Provides that, if the local agency formation commission of a county determines that an environmental impact report is required pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act for a proposal that includes a city incorporation, the commission must not charge the proponent a fee to recover the commission's costs for preparing the report.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2282 (Davis-D) Public records: resolution of enforcement actions
Requires the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA), and specified entities within the agency, to display final enforcement orders on the entity's Internet website for at least one year if the order is a public record that is not exempt from disclosure under the Public Records Act. Specifies when an order is final for purposes of the bill and requires CalEPA to oversee implementation. Becomes operative April 1, 2001.
Chapter 783, Statutes of 2000
AB 2317 (Ducheny-D) Environmental protection: California-Mexico border
Creates the California Border Environmental and Public Health Protection Fund, which would be available, upon appropriation, to the Secretary for Environmental Protection to assist local governments in the implementation of projects to identify and address environmental and health threats posed by the cross-border transmission of environmental pollutants and toxins. Operative only during those fiscal years for which funds are appropriated in the annual Budget Act or are otherwise made available from other nonstate sources.
Chapter 742, Statutes of 2000
AB 2343 (Ducheny-D) California Environmental Quality Act: exemption
Exempts from the California Environmental Quality Act a development project in an urbanized area that, among other things, consists of the construction, conversion, or use of residential housing that contains not more than 200 housing units, is located within a community or neighborhood revitalization area, as defined in the bill, and is subject to an assessment prepared by a California registered environmental assessor.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 2443 (Wildman-D) School facilities: environmental hardship schoolsites
Allocates funding to the State Allocation Board to provide school facility funds to school districts to address hazardous waste problems.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2471 (Wayne-D) State Environmental Goals and Policy Report
Rearranges and expands the data in the quadrennial State Environmental Goals and Policy Report.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2483 (Kuehl-D) Pollution control: drinking water contamination
Provides for: (a) strict, joint and several liability and specifies certain damages for those who are contaminating a source of drinking water with gasoline or oxygenates (other than ethanol); (b) the Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency to prohibit the sale of oxygenated fuels in areas where drinking water sources are threatened; and (c) the electronic filing of certain reports required by agencies.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 2511 (Steinberg-D) Air quality: mobile source emissions
Enacts the Sacramento Emergency Clean Air and Transportation Program and the San Joaquin Valley Emergency Clean Air Attainment Program for the purpose of making grants for the replacement or retrofit of heavy-duty diesel engines as a means of reducing emissions and complying with state and federal air quality standards. Specifies that monies allocated from the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund, as appropriated for various projects, shall be used to fund the programs established by this bill.
Chapter 532, Statutes of 2000
AB 2546 (Jackson-D) Radon certification guidelines
Repeals the old, now defunct, program for certifying radon services specialists, and replaces it with a registration program based on the proficiency programs established by two private sector organizations -- the National Environmental Health Association and the National Radon Safety Board.
Chapter 327, Statutes of 2000
AB 2848* (Firebaugh-D) Environmental impact reports
Revises procedures under the California Environmental Quality Act to clarify that the agency required to prepare the environmental impact statement is a "federal agency," and requires the lead agency to also notify that federal agency regarding any scoping meeting for the proposed project.
Chapter 387, Statutes of 2000

SB 620 (Sher-D) Timber harvests: steep slopes
Requires the State Board of Forestry to complete an evaluation of existing regulations to address a potential link between mass wasting and landslides and timber operations on steep slopes.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
SB 1332 (Chesbro-D) Forest resources: agreements
Authorizes the Director of the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to enter into an agreement with, or provide loans to, a local government entity or nonprofit organization to assist in the development of cooperative forest management and requires the director to base the agreement on sustainable forest practices and resources conservation.
(Died on Senate Unfinished Business File)
SB 1832 (Chesbro-D) Forest legacy program
Creates the California Forest Legacy Program that allows the acquisition of conservation easements from willing landowners in order to conserve, or prevent the development of, private forest lands. Creates the California Forest Legacy Fund to implement the program.
Chapter 790, Statutes of 2000
SB 1916 (Leslie-R) State Board of Forestry & Fire Protection: El Dorado Hills
Requires the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to continue to provide fire suppression services for two years in former state responsibility area (SRA) territory located within the boundaries of any city incorporated on or after January 1, 2001. Requires this territory, during this two year period, to continue to be subject to the Board of Forestry's SRA classification process. Becomes operative only if the City of El Dorado Hills (to be located in western El Dorado County) is incorporated between January 1, 2001 and July 1, 2004.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1963 (Chesbro-D) Nonindustrial timber operations
Allows tree farmers with between 2,500 and 7,500 acres of land to adopt less-stringent harvesting methods than are currently required.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
SB 1964 (Chesbro-D) Timber harvest plans
Extends the time that the Director of the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection has to review timber harvest plans (THPs) and take public comments from 15 to 30 days from the completion of the initial inspection of the THP.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 135* (Ducheny-D) State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Appropriates $63.2 million from the General Fund to the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, for expenditure for the 1999-2000 fiscal year, for costs associated with peak firefighting staffing and emergency fire suppression and detection, in accordance with a specified schedule.
Chapter 2, Statutes of 2000
AB 242 (Thomson-D) Wildlife conservation: oak woodlands
Enacts the Oak Woodland Conservation Act to provide funding for the conservation and protection of California's oak woodlands. Requires the Wildlife Conservation Board to administer the Oak Woodland Conservation Program Fund created by the bill and provides that moneys in the fund shall be available to local governments, park and open space districts, resource conservation districts, and nonprofit organizations for the implementation and administration of the act. Provides that no money may be expended from the fund to adopt guidelines or to administer the fund until at least $1 million is deposited in the fund. Deposits $1 million, made available for this purpose, in the Safe Neighborhood Parks, Clean Water, Clean Air and Coastal Protection Act of 2000 in the fund.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 516* (Wiggins-D) State Budget augmentation
Appropriates $804.1 million for augmentation of the Budget Act of 1999 for various contingencies and emergencies including $25.24 million to the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection from the General Fund for fire suppression and peak firefighting staffing.
(Assembly refused to concur in Senate amendments)
AB 717 (Keeley-D) Clearcutting moratorium and study
Places a two-year moratorium on new approvals of clearcutting until an independent scientific panel reports to the Legislature on the effects of clearcutting on public and private resources. Also keeps the moratorium in place for three more years if the Legislature fails to act on the report by the end of the two-year moratorium.
(Died on Senate Floor)
AB 748 (Keeley-D) Timber harvesting plans: fees
Requires the Board of Forestry, under the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, to create and adopt regulations establishing a fee schedule for the submittal of timber harvesting plans (THP) to the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Specifies that no fee shall exceed $1,000 per THP filed. Establishes the Timber Harvesting Plan Review Fund.
(Died on Assembly Third Reading File)
AB 1434 (Granlund-R) Forestry: director and deputies: qualifications
Requires that either the director or one of the deputy directors of the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection have a minimum of 10 years of experience as an officer or employee of a fire department that has more than 300 employees. Specifies that those provisions shall only apply to a director or deputy director who is appointed on or after January 1, 2000.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1524* (Migden-D) Rapid Disaster Response Act of 2000
Enacts the Rapid Disaster Response Act of 2000, to authorize the Director of State Emergency Services to acquire and retrofit, as necessary, any type of helicopter appropriate for use in response to any fire, flood, earthquake, or other form of disaster. Requires the director to assign helicopters acquired pursuant to these provisions to the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and qualified fire protection agencies of political subdivisions of the state, by written agreement between the director and the assignee.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1680* (Ducheny-D) Environment and health indicators
Appropriates $32,140,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, the State Department of Fish and Game, and the State Water Resources Control Board for expenditure in the 2000-01 fiscal year for specified fire suppression and detection costs, overtime compensation, and noxious aquatic weed eradication. In addition, appropriates $809,842,000 for expenditure in the 1999-00 fiscal year for the purposes of contingencies and emergencies.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2478 (Strom-Martin-D) Forest resources
Changes the forest advisory program to a forestry assistance program, adding a financial assistance and education component.
Chapter 409, Statutes of 2000
ACR 102 (Dickerson-R) Firefighting professionals
Honors the dedicated firefighting professionals of the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection for their efforts during the "Fire Sieges of 1999."
Resolution Chapter 7, Statutes of 2000
AJR 69 (Aanestad-R) National forest lands
Requests that the Forest Service and other federal land management agencies implement a cohesive strategy to reduce the overabundance of forest fuels and requests the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and the Interior to immediately draft a national prescribed fire strategy.
Resolution Chapter 152, Statutes of 2000

Endangered Species
SB 2179 (Johannessen-R) Specially protected species
Authorizes the Fish and Game Commission and the State Department of Fish and Game to authorize the taking of a fully protected bird, mammal, reptile, amphibian, or fish under the same circumstances that the commission or department may authorize the taking of an endangered, threatened, or candidate species pursuant to the California Endangered Species Act and the Natural Community Conservation Planning Act. Provides that it is not unlawful to take any fully protected bird, mammal, reptile, amphibian, or fish in any manner that is not unlawful under the Endangered Species Act.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources Committee)
AB 973 (Olberg-R) Endangered species: corrective action
Provides that nothing in the California Endangered Species Act prohibits the take of any endangered, threatened, or candidate species, if the take is incidental to the implementation of corrective action taken in accordance with an order issued by the State Department of Toxic Substances Control, a unified program agency, or authorized local officer, pursuant to the hazardous waste control laws, or a removal or remedial action taken in accordance with an order issued, or an enforceable agreement entered into, pursuant to the Carpenter-Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substances Account Act.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 981 (Ducheny-D) Natural community conservation plans
Provides that for purposes of the Natural Community Conservation Planning Act, the phrase "candidate species" has the same meaning as defined under the California Endangered Species Act. Authorizes the State Department of Fish and Game, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to expend funds for the acquisition of land necessary to implement a natural community conservation plan or any other multispecies habitat conservation plan if specified conditions are met.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1758 (Kuehl-D) Endangered species
Revises the process for listing any species thought to be extinct that is found and brought to the attention of the State Department of Fish and Game.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2795 (Florez-D) Fully protected reptiles and amphibians
Authorizes the State Department of Fish and Game to permit the taking of a blunt-nosed leopard lizard if it is an identified species whose conservation and management is provided for in a natural community conservation plan approved by the department.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
HR 89 (Calderon-D) California Gnatcatcher and Southwestern Arroyo Toad
Requests the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to follow the Endangered Species Act as prescribed by Congress and requests the Secretary of the Interior to direct the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to follow the law to take into consideration economic and other impacts of the pending critical habitat designation.
Adopted by the Assembly
A similar measure was AJR 71 (Calderon-D), which died in the Assembly.

Solid Waste Management
SB 876 (Escutia-D) Waste and used tires
Makes consistent the definition of "waste tire" in various laws governing major and minor waste tire facility permits and tire hauler registration, and defines other, related terms such as "used tire" and "granulated rubber." Requires a consumer who purchases a new tire at the retail level to pay a $1 per tire fee to the retailer, which is then remitted to the state for deposit in the California Tire Recycling Management Fund. Modifies the current manifest system and further imposes civil and administrative penalties for violations of waste and used tire facility and hauler permits.
Chapter 838, Statutes of 2000
SB 1110 (Chesbro-D) Rigid plastic packaging
Gradually increases the recycling rates for rigid plastic packaging from 25 percent to 35 percent and requires state agencies to purchase recycled plastic products.
(Died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
SB 1133 (Bowen-D) Beverage containers: programs
Requires that the California Integrated Waste Management Board in consultation with the State Department of Conservation report to the Legislature by October 1, 2000 on any overlap of responsibilities in the following areas: (1) public information, (2) local government review and assistance programs, and (3) recycled materials market development programs. Requires the report to include suggested legislation or budget or administration actions needed to eliminate any overlap.
(Died in Conference Committee)
SB 2202 (Senate Environmental Quality Committee) Solid waste management
Makes numerous changes to the municipal solid waste diversion requirements under the California Waste Management Act of 1989.
Chapter 740, Statutes of 2000
AB 603 (Cardoza-D) Waste tires
Provides expanded methods for cleanup and abatement of illegal waste tire piles and limits the size of piles otherwise exempt from waste tire facility permits.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1196 (Thompson-R) Solid waste: management plans: facilities permits
Prohibits the approval by the California Integrated Waste Management Board of any integrated waste management plan or siting element which identifies a location for a new solid waste facility adjacent to, contiguous with, or within one mile of, a federal Indian reservation which has on it a sacred or spiritual site of religious or cultural importance, or which itself possesses such resources.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1939 (Vincent-D) Solid waste diversion requirements
Allows the 50 percent diversion amount requirement of the recycling element in an integrated waste management plan to include diversion through nonburn transformation, as defined, if specified conditions are met with regard to the project and the residues generated from the project.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 2004 (Havice-D) Solid waste: diversion
Establishes a new formula for calculating the solid waste diversion credit, to be shared between the City of Long Beach and the City of Lakewood, for purposes of complying with the California Integrated Waste Management Board's 50 percent solid waste diversion from landfills requirement.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2752 (Cardoza-D) Solid waste facility permits: sacred sites
Prohibits the California Integrated Waste Management Board from concurring in the issuance of certain solid waste facilities permits until prescribed conditions are met if the board receives a petition alleging that the location of a solid waste landfill would impact a sacred site of spiritual importance to an Indian tribe. Requires a lead agency to minimize, to the extent feasible, any significant impact of a project on the free exercise of Native American religion.
Vetoed by the Governor
Similar legislation was AB 2465 (Thompson-R), which died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee.

SB 57 (Hayden-D) Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project
Creates, within the California Environmental Protection Agency the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project, with specified objectives. Requires the Secretary of the State Resources Agency, and in coordination with the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project, to make recommendations to the Legislature by December 1, 2001, as to the most efficient and environmentally sound measures to coordinate state policies to restore and enhance Santa Monica Bay.
Chapter 983, Statutes of 2000
SB 90 (Alarcon-D) Parks and recreation: grants: urban river park projects
Creates the Alarcon California River Parkways Program in the Resources Agency and authorizes the Secretary of the Resources Agency to grant funds to public agencies and nonprofits for acquisition of real property, site improvement, riparian and other habitat restoration and enhancement, public access improvement, development of visitor services and recreational and interpretive facilities, and for trail projects.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 141 (Schiff-D) Parks and recreation facilities
Allocates a future appropriation, from any source other than Proposition 12, the Park Bond, to the State Department of Parks and Recreation for allocation to the cities of Bakersfield, Fremont, Glendale, Riverside, Stockton and the Hayward Area Recreation District pursuant to the criteria, dollar rate, and procedures prescribed under the Roberti-Z'berg-Harris Urban Open-Space and Recreation Program.
Chapter 710, Statutes of 2000
SB 203 (Solis-D) San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains
Clarifies that territory served by the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy, corrects the names of the organizations that serve on the board, lists the cities whose political boundaries shall be considered within the conservancy, and makes other technical changes, including authorizing the conservancy to be known as the "Joint Rivers and Mountains Conservancy."
Chapter 711, Statutes of 2000
SB 221* (Alpert-D) Oil spill prevention
Authorizes the administrator for oil spill response within the State Department of Fish and Game to establish, until January 1, 2003, a lower standard of financial responsibility for nontank vessels with a carrying capacity of 6,500 barrels of oil or less, or 7,500 barrels of oil or less for nontank vessels owned and operated by California or a federal agency. Further prohibits the administrator from setting a standard that is less than the expected cleanup costs and damages from an oil spill in marine waters.
Chapter 721, Statutes of 2000
SB 244 (Solis-D) Surface mining and reclamation: San Gabriel Basin
Applies to the surface mining operations within the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority. Requires lead agencies to notify the appropriate regional water control board (RWQCB) of surface mining operations that may impact groundwater. Requires the RWQCB to comment on groundwater quality, the potential impacts of the mining operation and the reclamation plan, the conduct of excavation and backfilling operations in contact with groundwater, and the impact of any proposed alternative land uses on groundwater quality. In addition, clarifies the amount of financial assurances required of a mining operation.
Chapter 515, Statutes of 2000
SB 291 (Chesbro-D) Coastal salmon conservation and recovery
Creates the California Coastal Salmon Restoration Fund to receive federal funds for allocation to eligible salmon restoration projects, requires the Secretary of the Resources Agency, by July 1, 2000, to develop a funding allocation process, and allows funding proposals to be submitted by public, private and nonprofit entities.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 494 (Figueroa-D) San Francisco Bay Trail network
Requires, until January 1, 2012, the State Coastal Conservancy to establish a competitive grant program to be administered by the Association of Bay Area Governments to provide ongoing grants to eligible public and private entities to fund the completion of the San Francisco Bay Trail network. Appropriates $34 million from the General Fund to fund the grant program.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 666 (Sher-D) State mining and reclamation: deposit of federal funds
Clarifies the purpose and funding of the State Abandoned Mine Reclamation and Minerals Fund.
Chapter 713, Statutes of 2000
SB 676 (Sher-D) California Environmental Protection Agency
Requires the California Environmental Protection Agency Secretary to: implement a policy to ensure agency entities, when developing their budgets, take cross-media environmental issues into consideration, to ensure that the public response to hazardous materials spills and other release sites address all environmental media, along with protecting the public health and environment, and, by January 1, 2002, adopt an agency information technology and information management policy and to develop an undefined agency cross-media risk assessment policy.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 698 (Peace-D) Conveyance of property
Authorizes the State Lands Commission to carry out an exchange of public trust lands within the Naval Training Center, San Diego, with the City of San Diego and the San Diego Unified Port District.
Chapter 714, Statutes of 2000
SB 753 (Hayden-D) Sport and commercial fish: study and risk assessment
Establishes a program to assess and publicize the public health risk associated with the human consumption of various sport and commercial fish.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 790 (Monteith-R) Off-highway motor vehicle recreation
Deletes the requirement that a local applicant for a grant for an off-highway vehicle (OHV) facility provide a matching grant of 25 percent. Applies to those facilities that are not considered regional OHV facilities.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 960 (Alarcon-D) Parks and recreation: grants: urban river park projects
The "California River Parkways Act of 2000" establishing a funding mechanism for river parkway projects and appropriating $10.5 million of Water Bond (Proposition 13 on the March 2000 ballot) proceeds as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
A similar bill was SB 1281 (Costa-D), which died on Senate Unfinished Business File.
SB 1087 (Sher-D) Salmon and Steelhead Trout Restoration Account
Makes various changes to the Salmon and Steelhead Trout and Restoration Account provisions.
Chapter 715, Statutes of 2000
SB 1103 (Polanco-D) Mining operations
Prohibits a local government, as defined, with less than 5,000 residents within the jurisdiction, from imposing any tax on a person engaged in the business of extracting, processing, or selling mineral resources in an area of regional significance or an area of statewide significance.
(Died in Senate Local Government Committee)
SB 1114 (Hayden-D) Fish and wildlife
Requires the State Department of Fish and Game to divide the state into 10 bioregions and to submit a report to the Fish and Game Commission and the Legislature, on or before January 1 of each year, that describes the resources being managed in each bioregion. Also requires the Secretary of the State Resources Agency to convene an interagency task force on endangered and threatened species and on biodiversity.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1158* (Sher-D) Tax credits: fish habitat programs
Extends the sunset date on the salmon and steelhead trout habitat restoration tax credit from January 1, 2000 to December 1, 2005.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1277 (Hayden-D) State property: roads: construction and improvements
Provides that no state or local agency may construct or approve the construction of any public road, or make any improvements to an existing road that substantially increases vehicular traffic capacity, in or through any property under the jurisdiction of the State Department of Parks and Recreation. Notwithstanding the above restriction, provides for the approval of a road based on a determination by the department and a joint determination of the Director of the State Department of Transportation and the Secretary of the Resources Agency, as specified. Authorizes the state to impose a fee sufficient to cover any costs incurred by the state in making such a determination.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 1311* (Chesbro-D) Salmon and steelhead trout habitat
Appropriates $9 million in federal funds from the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund to be appropriated to the State Department of Fish and Game for the protection and recovery of salmon and steelhead trout.
Chapter 38, Statutes of 2000
SB 1355 (Johnston-D) Delta Protection Commission
Eliminates the two-term limit for members of the Delta Protection Commission, due to the fact that existing law conflicts with the ability of local county supervisors (who have no term limits) to serve on the commission.
(Died on Senate Unfinished Business File)
Similar legislation was AB 2930 (Torlakson-D), which became Chapter 505, Statutes of 2000.
SB 1429* (Alpert-D) Parks and recreation: appropriation
Requires the State Department of Parks and Recreation by July 1, 2001, to report to the Legislature on the average income received from each unit of the state park system, the number of visitors and the cost of maintenance. Also appropriates $4,075,000 from the General Fund as specified.
(Senate refuses to concur in Assembly amendments)
SB 1455 (Schiff-D) Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy
Increases the size of the advisory board of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, increases the size of the governing board of the conservancy, and creates a legislative committee to participate in conservancy activities.
Chapter 991, Statutes of 2000
SB 1476 (Peace-D) San Diego Unified Port District
Adds two parcels of land in the City of Chula Vista that the State Lands Commission received in a recent land exchange with the BF Goodrich Company to the legislative grant of sovereign lands managed by the San Diego Unified Port District.
Chapter 302, Statutes of 2000
SB 1487 (Knight-R) Trout: notarized affidavit
Repeals existing law, making it unlawful to carry trout into an area where the season is closed without a notarized affidavit.
Chapter 167, Statutes of 2000
SB 1512 (Hayden-D) Los Angeles parks, open space, and river resources
Requests the University of California, the California State Library, and the State Department of Parks and Recreation to conduct a conference on the history and condition of parks, open space, recreation areas, and bikeways in Los Angeles. Requires the State Department of Parks and Recreation to coordinate a program for Taylor Yards.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1515 (Hayden-D) Ocean resources
Establishes, in the State Resources Agency, a Division of Ocean Resources to administer the water quality functions of state government as they relate to bay, estuary, and ocean waters, to revise and adopt the California Ocean Plan, to formulate and adopt a nonpoint source and stormwater management plan, and to revise the state board's water quality control policies to include numerical water quality and sediment standards for all bays and estuaries.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
SB 1540 (Sher-D) California River Restoration Act of 2000
Requires the Secretary of the State Resources Agency, by January 1, 2002, to report to the governor and the Legislature evaluating the suitability for demolition or modification of dams and other water impoundment facilities in order to restore spawning habitat for salmon and steelhead fisheries on California streams and rivers.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1544 (Sher-D) Market squid
Extends the provisions regulating the market squid fishery from April 1, 2001, to April 1, 2003, and reduces the commercial market squid vessel permit and the commercial squid light boat owner's fee from a maximum of $2,500 to $400.
Chapter 717, Statutes of 2000
Similar legislation was AB 2401 (Papan-D), which died in Senate Natural Resources Committee.
SB 1577 (Murray-D) Parks and recreation
Re-establishes the role of the State Department of Parks and Recreation with respect to recreational opportunities that reflect California's growing and diverse populations.
(Died on Senate Unfinished Business File)
SB 1583 (Costa-D) San Joaquin River Parkway
Changes the membership of the governing board of the San Joaquin River Conservancy from nine voting members to 15 and eliminates the four non-voting members.
Chapter 507, Statutes of 2000
SB 1597 (O'Connell-D) Harbors and ports
Clarifies that both commercial and non-commercial vessels can use "harbors of safe refuge" along the coast, and that these harbors may charge fees for their services.
Chapter 282, Statutes of 2000
SB 1619 (Alpert-D) Playground safety
Requires the State Department of Social Services to convene a working group to develop recommendations for minimum safety requirements for playgrounds at child care centers. Requires the working group to provide recommendations to the department by September 2001, and to the Legislature by November 1, 2001.
Chapter 550, Statutes of 2000
SB 1625 (Murray-D) Baldwin Hills Conservancy
Establishes the Baldwin Hills Conservancy to acquire and manage public lands within the Baldwin Hills area of Los Angeles County, and prescribes the management, powers, and duties of the conservancy.
Chapter 428, Statutes of 2000
SB 1647* (O'Connell-D) Conservation
Enacts the Natural Heritage Preservation Tax Credit Act, which authorizes a tax credit against personal or bank and corporation taxes for 55 percent of the value of natural resource land donated to specified public and nonprofit entities, upon approval of the Wildlife Conservation Board and yearly appropriation by the Legislature.
Chapter 113, Statutes of 2000
Similar legislation was SB 680 (O'Connell-D), which died in Assembly Appropriations Committee and AB 841 (Briggs-R), which also died in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
SB 1679* (Sher-D) Environmental protection
The resources omnibus trailer bill implementing the policy in the 2000-2001 Budget Act as follows:
- Extends the deadline of the report by the State Resources Agency task force on the Cache Creek Resource Management to July 1, 2001.
- Creates criteria for the natural community conservation planning program currently implemented by the State Department of Fish and Game.
- Exempts the adoption or revision of regulations and guidelines that implement the park bond package and instead requires a public participation process.
- Exempts from the conflict of interest law bonafide non-profit, tax-exempt corporations having among its primary purpose conservation, preservation or restoration of park and natural land.
- Allows for flexibility in the use of park bond funds related to the City and County of San Francisco Golden Gate Park. Allows for funds already appropriated in the Budget to be used to landscape and restore surface area at the park concourse as well as design and improve public access facilities.
Chapter 87, Statutes of 2000
SB 1681* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Budget Act of 2000: augmentation
Appropriates or reappropriates funds to the State Department of Parks and Recreation for various local projects and programs.
Chapter 672, Statutes of 2000 - Item Vetoed
SB 1704 (Costa-D) Kings River fishery
Authorizes the state to participate in the Kings River Fisheries Management Program Framework Agreement as approved by the State Department of Fish and Game.
Chapter 418, Statutes of 2000
SB 1706 (Morrow-R) Far offshore fishing
Exempts commercial fishermen taking, possessing or landing albacore tuna taken by troll or live bait method from the requirement that operators of fishing vessels planning to land fish from the "far offshore fishery" file a specified declaration with the State Department of Fish and Game before departure.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1707 (O'Connell-D) Department of Parks and Recreation: funds: Hearst Castle
Exempts Hearst Castle restoration projects costing less than $50,000 from state contracting law.
Chapter 173, Statutes of 2000
SB 1897 (Monteith-R) Surface mining and reclamation
Permits ordinances to provide for the periodic review of approved reclamation plans if the lead agency determines that revisions to reclamation plans may be necessary to protect the public health and safety and the environment.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
SB 1906 (Sher-D) Beverage containers: enforcement
Makes clarifying amendments to the Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act of 1986 [AB 2020 (Margolin), Chapter 1290, Statutes of 1986 (Bottle Bill)].
Chapter 731, Statutes of 2000
SB 1921 (Kelley-R) Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy: governing board
Adds the Director of the State Department of Finance to the Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy Board, and deletes one of the two members of the Riverside County Board of Supervisors from the 21-member Conservancy Board.
Chapter 217, Statutes of 2000
SB 2049* (Perata-D) Naval Air Station Alameda Public Trust Exchange Act
Enacts the Naval Air Station Alameda Public Trust Exchange Act and authorizes the State Lands Commission to carry out an exchange of public trust lands within the Naval Air Station property, in accordance with the requirements of the bill.
Chapter 734, Statutes of 2000
SB 2086 (Johnston-D) Conservancies
Creates a feasibility study within the State Resources Agency to determine the potential for creation of a conservancy for the Sierra Nevada and a conservancy for the Central Valley.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 2149 (Polanco-D) Exotic animals: sale to hunting ranch
Makes it a crime to sell or exchange an exotic animal by an individual or private dealer to a hunting ranch.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 2181 (Perata-D) State Lands Commission: enforcement powers
Grants the State Lands Commission (SLC) the authority to issue a "cease and desist" order to any person who has undertaken, or is threatening to undertake, any activity that is in violation of any rule, regulation, guideline or lease provision adopted by the SLC for the purpose of protecting public health or safety or the environment. Allows the executive officer of the SLC, or the administrator of the Office of Oil Spill Prevention and Response, to prohibit an owner or operator of a marine terminal from loading or off-loading oil if repeated safety violations have occurred.
(Died on Assembly Third Reading File)
SCR 63 (Johannessen-R) Department of Parks and Recreation
Commends the State Department of Parks and Recreation for the maintenance of the Benicia State Capitol Building and for their assistance in facilitating the legislative session held there on February 16, 2000.
Resolution Chapter 22, Statutes of 2000
SCR 71 (Hayden-D) Salmon resources
Requests the State Department of Fish and Game to evaluate and report to the Legislature the full range of environmental impacts and potential benefits of salmon farming, including, but not limited to, changes in local habitat, increased concentration of disease-causing organisms, potential damage to the genetic diversity of targeted organisms, reduced impacts on harvesting wild stocks, and the beneficial traits that may enhance the long-term sustainability of the wild salmon resource. Also requests the National Marine Fisheries Service to ensure that proper environmental assessments are completed and that transgenic salmon are prevented from threatening wild stocks of salmon.
Resolution Chapter 130, Statutes of 2000
AB 219 (Gallegos-D) Surface mining and reclamation
Changes the requirements for State Mining and Geology Board membership. Also prohibits a member from participating in any action of the board or attempting to influence any action of the board if the action involves a mining operation or successor, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 238 (Honda-D) Importation: bullfrogs and turtles
Places into statute the option a local government currently has to regulate the sale of frogs and turtles as food in live animal markets Also allows the State Department of Health Services and the State Department of Fish and Game to consult with local governments on these matters. Becomes operative only if AB 2479 (Kuehl) is enacted and becomes operative on or before January 1, 2001.
Chapter 1062, Statutes of 2000
AB 299 (Thomson-D) Suisun Marsh Wetlands enhancement and mosquito abatement
Appropriates $140,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Fish and Game for allocation to the Suisun Resource Conservation District to create the Suisun Marsh Wetland Enhancement and Mosquito Demonstration Program.
Chapter 223, Statutes of 2000
AB 398 (Migden-D) Property acquisition: Cargill Salt Flats
Requires the Wildlife Conservation Board to authorize the acquisition of property in San Francisco Bay currently owned by the Cargill Salt Division and transfers $30 million from the General Fund to implement the recommendations of the Baylands Ecosystem Habitat Goals Report.
Chapter 395, Statutes of 2000
AB 445 (Ashburn-R) Sport fishing license fees
Eliminates the resident sport fishing license fee, the sport ocean fishing license, and the sport ocean fin fishing license for those individuals over the age of 55 years. Eliminates the lifetime sport fishing license fee for those individuals over the age of 55 years. Deletes the provision allowing for reduced-fee sporting fishing licenses for the aged, blind and disabled whose monthly income from all sources is less than the amount established pursuant to Section 12201 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 522 (Wayne-D) Natural Heritage Preservation Tax Credit Act of 2000
Makes various technical changes to the Natural Heritage Preservation Tax Credit Act of 2000 (SB 1647), which was a Budget trailer bill. Incorporates provisions into that act relating to public access to the donated property, and authorizes the city, county, or city and county in which the property is located to request the Director of the State Department of Finance to disapprove the acceptance of the property and requires the director to provide a written explanation of his/her decision.
Chapter 900, Statutes of 2000
AB 553* (Strom-Martin-D) Parks and recreation: concession contracts
Revises the State Department of Parks and Recreation concession contracting procedures giving them the authority granted to the State Architect and the Real Estate Services Division relative to their contracting process, as specified.
Chapter 993, Statutes of 2000
AB 642 (Lempert-D) Wetlands mitigation banking
Requires the State Department of Fish and Game, on or before January 1, 2002, to establish a data base of all existing and operating wetlands mitigation banks that sell credits to the public. Requires the department to provide a report to the Legislature with a description and the status of each existing wetlands mitigation bank site in operation as of January 1, 2001, and each bank site approved thereafter. Provides that implementation is subject to an appropriation of sufficient funds.
Chapter 950, Statutes of 2000
AB 647 (Aroner-D) Upper Mokelumne River Watershed Authority: powers
Exempts certain public entity members of the Upper Mokelumne River Watershed Authority, a joint powers entity, from the provisions of existing law that impose restrictions on the acquisition of power generation facilities by counties. Requires the authority to create a Watershed Improvement Fund and to use the money in that fund to pay for improvements in environmental quality of the Upper Mokelumne River Watershed affected by the project and for certain other purposes specified in the joint powers agreement governing the authority.
(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
AB 679 (Zettel-R) State parks: fee waivers: nonprofit youth organizations
Authorizes the State Department of Parks and Recreation to waive park-use fees in the state park system, to any nonprofit youth organization serving youth under 18 years of age, in exchange for in-kind services. Exempts the Hearst San Simeon State Historic Monument from this waiver.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 680 (Lempert-D) Oil spill prevention: nonmarine waters
Provides that the fines and penalties provisions of the Lempert-Keene-Seastrand Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act be extended, in modified form, to cover all "waters of the state," instead of just "marine waters."
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 708 (Vincent-D) Youth Prevention and Enrichment Opportunity Act
Establishes the Youth Prevention and Enrichment Opportunity Act to fund grants for youth recreation and enrichment programs and facilities. Creates the Youth Prevention and Enrichment Opportunity Fund and requires all moneys in the fund be available for expenditure by the Office of Criminal Justice Planning, upon appropriation by the Legislature. Specifies that funding for the act would be derived from federal moneys made available to the state as a result of a settlement agreement arising out of litigation with the tobacco industry in federal court.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 730 (Dickerson-R) Watershed protection
Requires the Secretary of the State Resources Agency to carry out a watershed management and rehabilitation program to provide for the restoration of watersheds in the state. Declares legislative intent to annually appropriate an unspecified amount of money to the State Resources Agency to carry out the program. Makes legislative findings regarding the environmental and economic benefits associated with the maintenance of healthy watersheds.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 773 (Leach-R) Firefighter safety clothing and equipment
Appropriates $5 million from the General Fund to the Commission on State Mandates to reimburse the costs incurred by local agencies from any new program or increased level of service mandated by statute or executive order in 1992-93 through 1999-2000, for structural and wildland firefighter's safety clothing and equipment.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 849 (Brewer-R) Newport Bay: water quality
Requires the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board to undertake bioassay and bioaccumulation studies in the Newport Bay and to prepare a related report. Appropriates $150,000 from the General Fund to the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board for purposes of the studies.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 854 (Cunneen-R) Wild animals: domestic ferrets
Provides that any person who owns a domestic ferret on April 20, 1999, shall be deemed to own the ferret legally after January 1, 2000, if the owner, on or before July 1, 2000, is able to produce documentation showing that the ferret has been vaccinated against rabies and if the ferret is spayed or neutered. Requires the State Department of Fish and Game to conduct a study for submission to the Legislature and the Fish and Game Commission before April 1, 2001 to determine the current and potential impacts, if any, of ferrets on the environment, native wildlife, agriculture, and public health and safety, relative to other domesticated animals. Based on the report and other relevant information, requires the commission to make a determination whether to remove the ferret from the list of prohibited species. Authorizes a county to adopt an ordinance that provides for licensing requirements, enforcement methods, and other regulatory measures.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 909 (Machado-D) California Bay-Delta Commission
Creates the California Bay-Delta Commission for the purpose of carrying out the environmental restoration of the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Makes related legislative findings and declarations and a statement of legislative intent relating to that program.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 928 (Brewer-R) Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve
Creates continuing funding for dredging of the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
AB 954 (Aroner-D) Public resources
Provides that when considering whether a project provides maximum feasible public access in areas of sensitive habitat, the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission shall, in consultation with the State Department of Fish and Game and using the best available scientific evidence, determine whether the access is compatible with wildlife protection in the bay.
Chapter 498, Statutes of 2000
AB 1074 (Aanestad-R) Wildlife management areas: conservation easements
Requires the State Department of Fish and Game (DFG) to pay annually to counties an in-lieu-of-tax fee for all conservation easements acquired by the DFG in that county.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1178 (Frusetta-R) Birds: crimes
Increases the fiscal penalty for violations of specified provisions of the Fish and Game Code governing the protection of birds.
Chapter 374, Statutes of 2000
AB 1186 (Shelley-D) Beverage containers: redemption payments
Extends the time for redemption payment and reporting on beverage container sales by beer and malt beverage. Also extends the time in which the State Department of Conservation is required to report on the sale of beverage containers in the state.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1575 (Machado-D) Emergencies: California Environmental Protection Agency
Requires, on or before October 1, 2001, the California Environmental Protection Agency to develop an emergency response preparedness plan that defines the roles, responsibilities, and resources of each board, department, and office within the agency that are available to respond to environmental emergencies and disasters.
(Died on Assembly Unfinished Business File)
AB 1651 (Assembly Veterans Affairs Committee) Parks and recreation: disabled veterans
Expands the disabled veterans pass program for the state parks system, to include 50 percent disabled veterans.
Chapter 499, Statutes of 2000
AB 1781* (Robert Pacheco-R) State beaches: County of Los Angeles
Removes the $250,000 spending limit placed on the County of Los Angeles for non-commercial projects necessary to bring public accessways and public facilities into compliance with the American With Disabilities Act on eight public beaches which were deeded from the state to the county in 1996.
Chapter 782, Statutes of 2000
AB 1905 (Rod Pacheco-R) District accounts: authorization
Authorizes park and recreation districts to establish bank accounts for the direct payment of debts and obligations and makes several clarifying changes to provisions concerning alternative depositary of community services district money.
Chapter 66, Statutes of 2000
AB 1927 (Kuehl-D) Rim of the Valley Trail
Renames the Rim of the Valley Trail the "Marge Feinberg Rim of the Valley Trail" after the person who originally envisioned creation of the trail.
Chapter 378, Statutes of 2000
AB 1946 (Wayne-D) Public beaches: survey
Requires local health officers to submit a monthly survey to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) detailing information on beach postings and closures due to failure to meet bacteriological standards. Requires SWRCB to establish a specific format for the surveys, make the information available to the public on a monthly basis, and publish an annual statewide report.
Chapter 152, Statutes of 2000
AB 1948 (Dickerson-R) Watersheds
Requires the State Resources Agency to compile a report chronicling major funding sources for watershed projects in California since 1995 by November 1, 2002. Also directs the State Resources Agency to compile and publish a list of funding available for watershed management projects.
Chapter 736, Statutes of 2000
AB 2045 (Nakano-D) Boating safety
Requires the State Department of Boating and Waterways to approve boating safety courses and to develop a personal watercraft education course available on the State Department of Boating and Waterways website.
Chapter 396, Statutes of 2000
AB 2057 (Briggs-R) Reduced fee sport fishing licenses
Allows a greater number of disabled veterans to qualify for a reduced fee sport fishing license by reducing the service connected disability rating from 70 percent to 50 percent.
Chapter 238, Statutes of 2000
AB 2083 (Briggs-R) Beverage containers: fruit juice
Exempts from the definition of "beverage" for purposes of the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act, 100 percent fruit juice in a plastic portion-controlled container or a nonrigid plastic pouch of eight ounces or less, that is used for a breakfast, lunch, or snack program at a public or private elementary or secondary school, health facility, residential care facility, or other institution.
(Failed passage in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 2117 (Wayne-D) Watershed protection
Requires the State Resources Agency and the State Water Resources Control Board to evaluate three watershed protection projects, and using these projects as an example, will determine the effectiveness of existing law, and the level of cooperation between state, federal and local entities, as well as stakeholder groups, landowners, and environmental organizations.
Chapter 735, Statutes of 2000
AB 2237* (Maldonado-R) Personal income/bank and corporation taxes: environmental
Provides an income tax credit equal to five percent of the cost of environmental building expenses paid or incurred to construct, repair, maintain, rehabilitate or improve a commercial or residential structure.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 2254 (Gallegos-D) State Mining and Geology Board
Prohibits more than one-third of the members of the State Mining and Geology Board from being currently employed by, or receiving more than 25 percent of their annual income, not to exceed $25,000 a year per member from, entities that own or operate mines in California. Requires a member of the board who determines that he/she has a conflict of interest to provide the clerk of the board with a brief written explanation of the basis for the conflict of interest, to become a part of the public record of the board.
Chapter 514, Statutes of 2000
AB 2286 (Davis-D) Wetlands
Requires the State Resources Agency to update all of the state's existing wetlands inventory resources in order to prepare a restoration, management, and acquisition study, as specified. Requires the State Resources Agency to complete the study by January 1, 2003 and utilize existing data where possible.
Chapter 964, Statutes of 2000
AB 2310 (Ducheny-D) Resource planning and management
Requires the Secretary of the State Resources Agency, in consultation with the State Department of Fish and Game and the California Coastal Commission, to develop guidelines to evaluate and achieve a resolution of differences between the commission and the department with respect to wildlife and fishery management and habitat protection strategies undertaken or proposed as part of a natural community conservation plan. Requires the California Coastal Commission to be an active participant in the preparation of any natural community conservation plan, habitat conservation plan, or other similar multiagency, multispecies habitat conservation plan, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2333 (Ducheny-D) State parks: fees
Provides that no fee shall be charged any person for access only to day-use facilities. Also makes conforming changes.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 2379 (Keeley-D) Natural Community Conservation Planning
Amends the Natural Communities Conservation Planning Act to increase the scientific oversight of the preparation of plans pursuant to the Natural Communities Conservation Planning Act and requires the State Department of Fish and Game to prepare a report every three years on the effectiveness of the Natural Communities Conservation Planning Act process in protecting habitat.
(Died on Assembly Unfinished Business File)
AB 2380* (Lempert-D) Ballast water management fee
Provides for the administrative authority to the State Board of Equalization to establish procedures for collecting the ballast water management fees and sunsets the fee law January 1, 2004.
Chapter 110, Statutes of 2000
AB 2387 (Keeley-D) California Ocean Resources Stewardship Act
Creates a nongovernmental trust to fund and facilitate the sharing of information and the coordination of research related to ocean resource management between public and private governmental and nongovernmental agencies, institutions and organizations that conduct ocean resource science in California.
Chapter 516, Statutes of 2000
AB 2391 (Longville-D) Conservation education
Appropriates $5 million to the State Department of Education for the purpose of repairs, upgrades and expansion of existing conservation education facilities under the direction of the Conservation Education Service in the State Department of Education.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2407 (Machado-D) State agency contracts: advance payments
Authorizes the State Resources Agency, including all boards and departments within the agency, to make advance payments to certified local community conservation corps, as specified.
Chapter 295, Statutes of 2000
AB 2482 (Strom-Martin-D) Fish: termination of programs
Extends, from January 1, 2002, to January 1, 2007, the State Department of Fish and Game's (DFG) regulatory program governing commercial salmon fishing. Extends from January 1, 2002, to January 1, 2007, the DFG's regulatory program governing the Dungeness crab fishery. Prohibits the commercial taking of krill until January 1, 2011, and after that date unless permitted under regulations adopted by the DFG Commission. Makes related, nonfiscal changes.
Chapter 410, Statutes of 2000
AB 2553 (Hertzberg-D) Recycling: education grants
Requires the State Department of Education, in consultation with the California Integrated Waste Management Board and the State Department of Conservation to establish a program to award grants and provide incentives to school districts and county offices of education to implement source reduction and recycling programs.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2560 (Cardoza-D) Merced River: study
Requires the State Department of Water Resources to enter into an agreement with the Regents of the University of California for the preparation and submission of a study of prescribed factors relating to the Merced River.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 2570* (Maldonado-R) Gill and trammel nets
Requires fishermen setting nets between Point Sal and Point Arguello to comply with the same monitoring provisions that already exist throughout the rest of the sea otter range, which provisions include informing the State Department of Fish and Game of the intention to set nets, setting or pulling nets only one-half before sunrise and one-half hour before sunset, and giving the State Department of Fish and Game the discretion to use observers at any time.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
AB 2581 (Maldonado-R) Oil and gas conservation
Makes several minor enhancements to allow the Division of Oil and Gas in the State Department of Conservation to better regulate oil and gas well operations.
Chapter 737, Statutes of 2000
AB 2653 (Aanestad-R) Resources: appropriations
Appropriates $10,561,000 from the Safe Neighborhood Parks, Clean Water, Clean Air, and Coastal Protection (Villaraigosa-Keeley Act) Bond Fund to the State Department of Parks and Recreation and the State Department of Fish and Game for allocation to various entities for parks and resources improvements.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 2654 (Aanestad-R) Resources: appropriations
Appropriates 5,080,000 from the Safe Drinking Water, Clean Water, Watershed Protection, and Flood Protection Bond Fund to the State Department of Water Resources for allocation to various entities for specified purposes.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 2748 (Bates-R) Public beach restoration
Requires the cost of feasibility studies and other studies conducted for the purpose of developing a strategy for the implementation of a cost-effective engineered replacement of sand on the beach or in the nearshore environment to be included in the calculation of construction and restoration costs for the purpose of funding under the California Public Beach Restoration Act.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2785 (Torlakson-D) Marine environment: Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Applicable only to the portion of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta located in the County of Contra Costa, authorizes that county or a landowner to petition the State Department of Fish and Game, on or before January 1, 2002, to prepare a delta resource conservation and development mitigation plan for that portion of the delta located within the County of Contra Costa.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 2800 (Shelley-D) Marine Managed Areas Improvement Act
Enacts the Marine Managed Areas Improvement Act, identifying a mission statement for state marine managed areas (MMAs) and establishing a new classification system for MMAs with six categories, creating a clearer and more consistent designation process.
Chapter 385, Statutes of 2000
AB 2910 (Assembly Water, Parks And Wildlife Committee) State parks
Increases, from $100 to $125, the minimum fine imposed for the first conviction for littering, in any state park system unit, with bottles, broken glass, ashes, wastepaper, cans, or other rubbish.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
AB 2930 (Torlakson-D) Delta Protection Commission
Repeals term limits for the Delta Protection Commission, and eliminates the sunset for the commission.
Chapter 505, Statutes of 2000
AB 2941 (Assembly Water, Parks And Wildlife Committee) Commercial fishing
Makes various changes to the Fish and Game Code to conform the code to new law and clarify other provisions.
Chapter 388, Statutes of 2000
ACR 42 (Strom-Martin-D) California Earth Day 1999
Declares April 22, 1999, as California Earth Day 1999.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 103 (Dickerson-R) California Conservation Corps: firefighters
Honors the dedicated firefighters of the California Conservation Corps for their efforts during the "Fire Sieges of 1999."
Resolution Chapter 8, Statutes of 2000
ACR 125 (Villaraigosa-D) California Neighborhood and Community Parks Month
Proclaims the month of March 2000 as California Neighborhood and Community Parks Month, and encourages the people of this state to reflect upon the positive benefits that our local and regional parks provide every person in California.
Resolution Chapter 27, Statutes of 2000
ACR 152 (Strom-Martin-D) California Earth Day
Declares April 22, 2000 as California Earth Day, and reaffirms the Legislature's commitment to the fundamental principles of environmental laws, and encourages the state's residents to promote the goals of Earth Day 2000.
Resolution Chapter 48, Statutes of 2000
ACR 164 (Aroner-D) Lake and Reservoir Appreciation Week
Annually commencing July 2000, declares the first week of July that includes both a weekend and July 4th as Lake and Reservoir Appreciation Week.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 170 (Maldonado-R) Salmon and Steelhead Awareness Month
Declares October of each year Salmon and Steelhead Awareness Month, commencing October 2000.
Resolution Chapter 111, Statutes of 2000
HR 50 (Briggs-R) Sequoia National Forest: national monument
Memorializes the President and Congress to delay action on the designation of the Sequoia National Forest as a national monument for at least l8 months in order to study the matter.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
HR 51 (Strom-Martin-D) Mine lands
Supports federal government funding for the identification, inventory, remediation, and the assessment of mine lands in California.
Adopted by the Assembly
NOTE: See Toxics Section of the book for other environment related legislation and Motor Vehicle Emissions Section for other air pollution related legislation.
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 57 | Hayden-D Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project | |
SB 89 | Escutia-D Environmental justice | |
SB 90 | Alarcon-D Parks and recreation: grants: urban river park projects | |
SB 136 | Knight-R Air pollution: Great Basin: mitigation | |
SB 141 | Schiff-D Parks and recreation facilities | |
SB 203 | Solis-D San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains | |
SB 221* | Alpert-D Oil spill prevention | |
SB 241 | Alpert-D California Endowment for Marine Preservation | |
SB 244 | Solis-D Surface mining and reclamation: San Gabriel Basin | |
SB 291 | Chesbro-D Coastal salmon conservation and recovery | |
SB 494 | Figueroa-D San Francisco Bay Trail network | |
SB 620 | Sher-D Timber harvests: steep slopes | |
SB 666 | Sher-D State mining and reclamation: deposit of federal funds | |
SB 676 | Sher-D California Environmental Protection Agency | |
SB 698 | Peace-D Conveyance of property | |
SB 753 | Hayden-D Sport and commercial fish: study and risk assessment | |
SB 755 | Hayden-D California Environmental Quality Act | |
SB 761* | Sher-D Environmental quality | |
SB 790 | Monteith-R Off-highway motor vehicle recreation | |
SB 823 | Sher-D Air pollution: particulate matter | |
SB 876 | Escutia-D Waste and used tires | |
SB 960 | Alarcon-D Parks and recreation: grants: urban river park projects | |
SB 1020 | Figueroa-D Toxic air contaminants: identification | |
SB 1057 | Johannessen-R Environmental quality: land acquisitions | |
SB 1083 | Knight-R Commercial space programs | |
SB 1087 | Sher-D Salmon and Steelhead Trout Restoration Account | |
SB 1103 | Polanco-D Mining operations | |
SB 1110 | Chesbro-D Rigid plastic packaging | |
SB 1114 | Hayden-D Fish and wildlife | |
SB 1133 | Bowen-D Beverage containers: programs | |
SB 1158* | Sher-D Tax credits: fish habitat programs | |
SB 1167 | Knight-R State Air Resources Board | |
SB 1214 | Brulte-R Air pollution: minor violations | |
SB 1244 | O'Connell-D Coastal resources | |
SB 1267 | Polanco-D Leaf blowers | |
SB 1277 | Hayden-D State property: roads: construction and improvements | |
SB 1298 | Bowen-D Air emissions: distributed generation | |
SB 1300 | Sher-D Air pollution | |
SB 1311* | Chesbro-D Salmon and steelhead trout habitat | |
SB 1332 | Chesbro-D Forest resources: agreements | |
SB 1355 | Johnston-D Delta Protection Commission | |
SB 1408 | Alarcon-D Environmental justice | |
SB 1429* | Alpert-D Parks and recreation: appropriation | |
SB 1444* | Johnson-R Nonpoint source pollution: coastal waters | |
SB 1455 | Schiff-D Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy | |
SB 1459 | Knight-R Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District | |
SB 1476 | Peace-D San Diego Unified Port District | |
SB 1487 | Knight-R Trout: notarized affidavit | |
SB 1512 | Hayden-D Los Angeles parks, open space, and river resources | |
SB 1515 | Hayden-D Ocean resources | |
SB 1532 | Morrow-R California Environmental Quality Act: public information | |
SB 1540 | Sher-D California River Restoration Act of 2000 | |
SB 1544 | Sher-D Market squid | |
SB 1562 | Burton-D Mitigation of projects through wetlands restoration | |
SB 1577 | Murray-D Parks and recreation | |
SB 1583 | Costa-D San Joaquin River Parkway | |
SB 1597 | O'Connell-D Harbors and ports | |
SB 1619 | Alpert-D Playground safety | |
SB 1625 | Murray-D Baldwin Hills Conservancy | |
SB 1631 | Hayden-D Environmental safety standards: schoolsites | |
SB 1647* | O'Connell-D Conservation | |
SB 1679* | Sher-D Environmental protection | |
SB 1681* | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee Budget Act of 2000 | |
SB 1704 | Costa-D Kings River fishery | |
SB 1706 | Morrow-R Far offshore fishing | |
SB 1707 | O'Connell-D Department of Parks and Recreation: funds: Hearst Castle | |
SB 1771 | Sher-D Greenhouse gas emission reductions: climate change | |
SB 1794 | Ortiz-D Rice straw burning | |
SB 1810 | Perata-D California Environmental Quality Act: exemptions: vineyards | |
SB 1832 | Chesbro-D Forest legacy program | |
SB 1865 | Perata-D Air pollution civil and criminal penalties | |
SB 1897 | Monteith-R Surface mining and reclamation | |
SB 1906 | Sher-D Beverage containers: enforcement | |
SB 1916 | Leslie-R State Board of Forestry & Fire Protection: El Dorado Hills | |
SB 1921 | Kelley-R Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy: governing board | |
SB 1963 | Chesbro-D Nonindustrial timber operations | |
SB 1964 | Chesbro-D Timber harvest plans | |
SB 1971* | Mountjoy-R Gasoline: MTBE | |
SB 1972 | Mountjoy-R Reformulated gasoline | |
SB 1986 | Costa-D Pollution | |
SB 2037* | Alarcon-D Personal income and bank and corporation taxes: credit | |
SB 2049* | Perata-D Naval Air Station Alameda Public Trust Exchange Act | |
SB 2086 | Johnston-D Conservancies | |
SB 2130 | Sher-D Air pollution: penalties | |
SB 2149 | Polanco-D Exotic animals: sale to hunting ranch | |
SB 2179 | Johannessen-R Specially protected species | |
SB 2181 | Perata-D State Lands Commission: enforcement powers | |
SB 2202 | Senate Environmental Quality Committee Solid waste management | |
SB 2203 | Senate Environmental Quality Committee Environmental laboratories | |
SCR 63 | Johannessen-R Department of Parks and Recreation | |
SCR 71 | Hayden-D Salmon resources | |
SJR 39 | Knight-R Air quality: Kern County | |
AB 135* | Ducheny-D State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection | |
AB 219 | Gallegos-D Surface mining and reclamation | |
AB 238 | Honda-D Importation: bullfrogs and turtles | |
AB 242 | Thomson-D Wildlife conservation: oak woodlands | |
AB 299 | Thomson-D Suisun Marsh Wetlands enhancement and mosquito abatement | |
AB 398 | Migden-D Property acquisition: Cargill Salt Flats | |
AB 399 | Wayne-D Coastal development permits | |
AB 445 | Ashburn-R Sport fishing license fees | |
AB 516* | Wiggins-D State Budget augmentation | |
AB 522 | Wayne-D Natural Heritage Preservation Tax Credit Act of 2000 | |
AB 553* | Strom-Martin-D Parks and recreation: concession contracts | |
AB 603 | Cardoza-D Waste tires | |
AB 642 | Lempert-D Wetlands mitigation banking | |
AB 647 | Aroner-D Upper Mokelumne River Watershed Authority: powers | |
AB 679 | Zettel-R State parks: fee waivers: nonprofit youth organizations | |
AB 680 | Lempert-D Oil spill prevention: nonmarine waters | |
AB 708 | Vincent-D Youth Prevention and Enrichment Opportunity Act | |
AB 717 | Keeley-D Clearcutting moratorium and study | |
AB 730 | Dickerson-R Watershed protection | |
AB 748 | Keeley-D Timber harvesting plans: fees | |
AB 773 | Leach-R Firefighter safety clothing and equipment | |
AB 779 | Torlakson-D Pollution | |
AB 849 | Brewer-R Newport Bay: water quality | |
AB 854 | Cunneen-R Wild animals: domestic ferrets | |
AB 885 | Jackson-D Onsite sewage treatment systems | |
AB 909 | Machado-D California Bay-Delta Commission | |
AB 928 | Brewer-R Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve | |
AB 954 | Aroner-D Public resources | |
AB 973 | Olberg-R Endangered species: corrective action | |
AB 981 | Ducheny-D Natural community conservation plans | |
AB 986 | Knox-D Environmental License Plate Fund | |
AB 988 | Hertzberg-D Local coastal program: City of Malibu | |
AB 1074 | Aanestad-R Wildlife management areas: conservation easements | |
AB 1178 | Frusetta-R Birds: crimes | |
AB 1186 | Shelley-D Beverage containers: redemption payments | |
AB 1196 | Thompson-R Solid waste: management plans: facilities permits | |
AB 1280 | Jackson-D Oil and gas development: pipelines | |
AB 1376 | Longville-D South Coast Air Quality Management District | |
AB 1434 | Granlund-R Forestry: director and deputies: qualifications | |
AB 1450 | Ducheny-D Environmental quality | |
AB 1524* | Migden-D Rapid Disaster Response Act of 2000 | |
AB 1575 | Machado-D Emergencies: California Environmental Protection Agency | |
AB 1588* | Florez-D Environmental impact: military activities | |
AB 1609 | Cardenas-D Leaf blowers | |
AB 1651 | Assembly Veterans Affairs Committee Parks and recreation: disabled veterans | |
AB 1680* | Ducheny-D Environment and health indicators | |
AB 1681 | Bock-I Toxic air contaminants: medical waste incineration | |
AB 1758 | Kuehl-D Endangered species | |
AB 1775 | Lowenthal-D Petroleum coke dust | |
AB 1781* | Robert Pacheco-R State beaches: County of Los Angeles | |
AB 1802 | Bock-I Pollution: air | |
AB 1807 | Longville-D California Environmental Quality Act: transportation | |
AB 1877 | Maldonado-R Air pollution: rules and regulations | |
AB 1905 | Rod Pacheco-R District accounts: authorization | |
AB 1927 | Kuehl-D Rim of the Valley Trail | |
AB 1939 | Vincent-D Solid waste diversion requirements | |
AB 1946 | Wayne-D Public beaches: survey | |
AB 1948 | Dickerson-R Watersheds | |
AB 1960* | Machado-D Local agency formation: CEQA | |
AB 2004 | Havice-D Solid waste: diversion | |
AB 2045 | Nakano-D Boating safety | |
AB 2057 | Briggs-R Reduced fee sport fishing licenses | |
AB 2083 | Briggs-R Beverage containers: fruit juice | |
AB 2117 | Wayne-D Watershed protection | |
AB 2144 | Keeley-D Land use | |
AB 2237* | Maldonado-R Personal income/bank and corporation taxes: environmental | |
AB 2254 | Gallegos-D State Mining and Geology Board | |
AB 2282 | Davis-D Public records: resolution of enforcement actions | |
AB 2283 | Florez-D Air pollution: control measures | |
AB 2286 | Davis-D Wetlands | |
AB 2310 | Ducheny-D Resource planning and management | |
AB 2317 | Ducheny-D Environmental protection: California-Mexico border | |
AB 2333 | Ducheny-D State parks: fees | |
AB 2343 | Ducheny-D California Environmental Quality Act: exemption | |
AB 2379 | Keeley-D Natural Community Conservation Planning | |
AB 2380* | Lempert-D Ballast water management fee | |
AB 2387 | Keeley-D California Ocean Resources Stewardship Act | |
AB 2391 | Longville-D Conservation education | |
AB 2407 | Machado-D State agency contracts: advance payments | |
AB 2443 | Wildman-D School facilities: environmental hardship schoolsites | |
AB 2471 | Wayne-D State Environmental Goals and Policy Report | |
AB 2478 | Strom-Martin-D Forest resources | |
AB 2482 | Strom-Martin-D Fish: termination of programs | |
AB 2483 | Kuehl-D Pollution control: drinking water contamination | |
AB 2511 | Steinberg-D Air quality: mobile source emissions | |
AB 2514 | Thomson-D Agricultural biomass and rice straw | |
AB 2546 | Jackson-D Radon certification guidelines | |
AB 2553 | Hertzberg-D Recycling: education grants | |
AB 2560 | Cardoza-D Merced River: study | |
AB 2570* | Maldonado-R Gill and trammel nets | |
AB 2576 | Briggs-R Gasoline vapor control systems | |
AB 2581 | Maldonado-R Oil and gas conservation | |
AB 2653 | Aanestad-R Resources: appropriations | |
AB 2654 | Aanestad-R Resources: appropriations | |
AB 2748 | Bates-R Public beach restoration | |
AB 2752 | Cardoza-D Solid waste facility permits: sacred sites | |
AB 2785 | Torlakson-D Marine environment: Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta | |
AB 2795 | Florez-D Fully protected reptiles and amphibians | |
AB 2800 | Shelley-D Marine Managed Areas Improvement Act | |
AB 2825* | Battin-R Biomass facilities: grant program | |
AB 2848* | Firebaugh-D Environmental impact reports | |
AB 2872* | Shelley-D Resources and environmental protection: biomass | |
AB 2910 | Assembly Water, Parks And Wildlife Committee State parks | |
AB 2930 | Torlakson-D Delta Protection Commission | |
AB 2939 | Assembly Natural Resources Committee Air resources | |
AB 2941 | Assembly Water, Parks And Wildlife Committee Commercial fishing | |
ACR 42 | Strom-Martin-D California Earth Day 1999 | |
ACR 102 | Dickerson-R Firefighting professionals | |
ACR 103 | Dickerson-R California Conservation Corps: firefighters | |
ACR 125 | Villaraigosa-D California Neighborhood and Community Parks Month | |
ACR 152 | Strom-Martin-D California Earth Day | |
ACR 164 | Aroner-D Lake and Reservoir Appreciation Week | |
ACR 170 | Maldonado-R Salmon and Steelhead Awareness Month | |
AJR 66 | House-R Offshore oil drilling leases and production | |
AJR 69 | Aanestad-R National forest lands | |
HR 50 | Briggs-R Sequoia National Forest: national monument | |
HR 51 | Strom-Martin-D Mine lands | |
HR 89 | Calderon-D California Gnatcatcher and Southwestern Arroyo Toad |