
Automobile Insurance
Health Insurance

Automobile Insurance

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SB 629 (Correa-D) Automobile insurance: peace officers
Repeals a provision of law that requires any peace officer or firefighter who has been involved in an accident to submit to his/her automobile insurance company a written declaration stating whether at the time of the accident he/she was operating an authorized emergency vehicle in the performance of duty.
Chapter 211, Statutes of 2007

SB 875 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Insurance premiums
Provides that an installment fee is not a premium.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 1038 (Senate Banking, Finance And Insurance Committee) Insurance
Makes technical corrections and deletes a redundant section of law. Streamlines the deadline for district attorneys to submit applications to participate in the Automobile Insurance Fraud Program.
Chapter 100, Statutes of 2007

AB 797 (Coto-D) Automobile insurance agents
Adds a limited lines automobile insurance agent to the existing types of agent licensees. Requires applicants for such a license to undergo a certain number of hours of prelicensing study as a prerequisite. Allows the Curriculum Board in the Department of Insurance to approve standards for business management courses for license renewal requirements.
Chapter 271, Statutes of 2007

AB 1008 (Charles Calderon-D) Insurance: vehicle service contracts
Authorizes the sale of vehicle service contracts for vehicle tires, wheels, glass, and non-paint dent repairs. Authorizes an "obligor," or its parent company, to demonstrate to the Insurance Commissioner a net worth of $100 million in lieu of purchasing sufficient insurance to cover its vehicle service contracts obligations. Specifies that "obligor" means the entity legally obligated under the terms of a service contract.
Chapter 326, Statutes of 2007

AB 1083 (Huffman-D) Automotive insurance: mileage-based incentives
Declares legislative intent to allow insurance providers to use vehicle usage as a factor in setting rates and premiums.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)

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Health Insurance

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SB 25* (Maldonado-R) Health savings account: income tax
Conforms California law to federal law with respect to health savings accounts.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 32 (Steinberg-D) Health insurance coverage: children
Expands Medi-Cal and Healthy Families Program (HFP) eligibility to cover all children with family incomes at or below 300% of the federal poverty level (FPL). Establishes a HFP Buy-In Program for children in families with family incomes above 300% FPL. Establishes various presumptive eligibility programs.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
Identical to AB 1 (Laird).

SB 151* (Denham-R) Health insurance: income tax credit
Authorizes a tax credit for qualified health expenses by a qualified employer for each taxable year beginning on or after 1/1/08 and before 1/1/13.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 192 (Ducheny-D) Mexican prepaid health plans
Makes permanent, by eliminating the 1/1/08 sunset, the authority for Mexican prepaid health plans to provide coverage for Mexican nationals employed in San Diego and Imperial Counties, and not just Mexican citizens, and to hire two medical directors, one that is mandatory and licensed to practice medicine in California for services provided in California, and one that is discretionary, operating under the laws of Mexico, to oversee health services provided in Mexico.
Chapter 196, Statutes of 2007

SB 199* (Harman-R) Health Savings Account
Beginning on or after 1/1/08 and before 1/1/14, provides a tax credit for amounts paid or incurred during the taxable year by a qualified taxpayer that provides qualified health insurance for its employees who perform a service in California.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 320 (Alquist-D) California Health Care Information Infrastructure Program
Extends the repeal date of the Office of HIPPA Implementation within the Health and Human Services Agency, and renames that office the California Office of HIPPA Implementation (CalOHI). Requires CalOHI, in consultation with the Department of Health Care Services, the Department of Public Health, the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board, and the Department of Manage Health Care to develop a plan for implementing the California Health Care Information Infrastructure Program.

SB 365 (McClintock-R) Health insurance: out-of-state carriers
Allows a health care service plan or health insurance carrier domiciled in another state to offer, sell, or renew a health care service plan or a health insurance policy in this state without holding a license issued by the Department of Managed Health Care or a certificate of authority issued by the Insurance Commissioner and without meeting specified requirements for license or certificate, provided the carrier is authorized to issue a plan or policy in the domiciliary state and complies with that state's requirements.
(In Senate Health Committee)

SB 389 (Yee-D) Health care coverage: claims
Requires the Department of Managed Health Care and the Department of Insurance, on or before March 1, 2008, to implement an independent provider dispute resolution system, in consultation with representatives of health plans or insurers, providers, and consumer representatives, prohibits a hospital-based physician, as defined, from seeking payment from individual enrollees for services he or she rendered and requires that physician or group of physicians to seek reimbursement solely from the enrollee's health care service plan or the contracting risk-bearing organization, requires a health care service plan that becomes aware that one of its enrollees has been billed in violation of these provisions to report that violation to the Department of Managed Health Care.
(In Senate Health Committee)

SB 766 (Alquist-D) Health insurance for high school students
Adds a provision to the Donahoe Higher Education Act that requires the University of California, the California State University, and each community college district of the California Community Colleges to each provide, as part of their respective health care services programs, health insurance coverage for each full-time student of their respective segments who is not otherwise covered by a private health insurance plan or by publicly financed health care coverage. Provides that, pursuant to existing law, the bill applies to the University of California only to the extent that the regents act, by resolution, to make it applicable.
(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 820* (Ashburn-R) Cafeteria plans: income tax credit
Provides an income tax credit taken against personal and corporate income taxes, equal to 15% of the costs related to establishing cafeteria plans authorized under the Internal Revenue Code, that provide health benefits to employees.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 840 (Kuehl-D) Single-payer health care coverage
Creates the California Healthcare System (CHS), a single-payer health care system administered by the California Healthcare Agency, to provide health insurance coverage to all California residents. States that the CHS will become operative when the Secretary of the Health and Human Services Agency determines the Healthcare Fund has sufficient revenues to implement this bill.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 972 (McClintock-R) Health insurance
Establishes a regulatory structure to license new multiple employer welfare arrangements.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)

SB 981 (Perata-D) Health care coverage
Establishes statutory standards and requirements for claims payment and dispute resolution for non-contracting hospital-based physicians who provide emergency services in a hospital to enrollees of a health care service plan licensed by the Department of Managed Health Care under the Knox-Keene Health Care Service Plan Act of 1975.
(In Assembly Health Committee)

SB 1014 (Kuehl-D) Taxation: single-payer health care coverage tax.
Imposes a payroll tax on employers and employees for the purpose of funding a single-payer health care system.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 1026* (Calderon-D) Health insurance: tax credit
Authorizes a credit against those taxes, for each taxable year beginning on or after 1/1/07 and before 1/1/12, for a qualified health care provider, as defined, in an amount equal to the amount paid or incurred during the taxable year to provide health care to residents of the state whose health care was not covered by a health care service plan or health insurance.
(In Senate Health Committee)

SB 1X (Perata-D) Health care reform
States the intent of the Legislature to enact comprehensive health care reform.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 2X (Perata-D) Health care reform
States the intent of the Legislature to enact comprehensive health care reform.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 3X (Hollingsworth-R) Health care coverage: health savings accounts
Declares the intent of the Legislature to encourage the design of health care service plan contracts and health insurance policies that conform to existing federal requirements for high deductible health plans used in conjunction with health savings accounts.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 4X (Dutton-R) Health insurance: employers
States the intent of the Legislature to provide incentives to employers who offer health insurance, flex-time work schedules, and other benefits agreed upon by employers and employees.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 5X (Cox-R) California Children and Families Program: funding
Eliminates from the California Children and Families Trust Fund the current required distribution of monies derived from the cigarette tax, and instead provides that those funds, with specified exceptions, shall be allocated and appropriated to the General Fund for appropriation by the Legislature to provide health care services and health care initiatives, including, but not limited to, the California Healthy Family Program.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 8X* (Aanestad-R) Medical care: income taxes
Allows to a physician a credit in an amount equal to 50% of the fair market value of uncompensated medical care provided to an eligible individual, as defined.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 10X* (Maldonado-R) Health savings account: tax deduction
Allows a tax deduction in connection with health savings accounts in conformity with federal law. In general, the deduction would be an amount equal to the aggregate amount paid in cash during the taxable year by, or on behalf of, an eligible individual to a health savings account of that individual, as provided. Provides related conformity to federal law with respect to treatment of the account as a tax-exempt trust, the allowance of rollovers from the Archer Medical Savings Accounts to a health savings account, and penalties in connection therewith.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 11X* (Harman-R) Health savings account: tax credit
Authorizes a credit against specified taxes for each taxable year, beginning on or after 1/1/08 and before 1/1/14, in an amount equal to 15% of the amount paid or incurred by a qualified taxpayer, as defined, during the taxable year for qualified health insurance, as defined, for employees of the taxpayer. Requires the Legislative Analyst to report to the Legislature on or before 3/1/13 on the effectiveness of the credit, as specified.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 16X (McClintock-R) Health insurance: out-of-state carriers
Allows a health carrier domiciled in another state to offer, sell, or renew a health care service plan contract or a health insurance policy in this state without holding a license issued by the Department of Managed Health Care or a certificate of authority issued by the Insurance Commissioner. Exempts the carrier's plan contract or policy from requirements otherwise applicable to plans and insurers providing health care coverage if the plan contract or policy complies with the domiciliary state's requirements, and the carrier is lawfully authorized to issue the plan or policy in that state and to transact business there.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 17X (Cogdill-R) Health care coverage: small-group market
Declares the intent of the Legislature to provide incentives to improve health and wellness as well as additional affordable health care coverage options by allowing health care service plans and insurers greater rate flexibility in the small-group market.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 18X (Cogdill-R) Health savings accounts: public employees
Requires the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System to offer a high deductible health plan, as defined in the federal tax law, and a health savings account option to public employees and annuitants. Establishes the Public Employees' Health Savings Fund, a continuously appropriated trust fund within the State Treasury, for payment of qualified medical expenses of eligible employees and annuitants who elect to enroll in the high deductible health plan and participate in the health savings account option, and requires those employees and annuitants and their employers to make specified contributions to that fund.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 20X* (Runner-R) Medical professionals: tax credit
Allows a primary health care provider, as defined, a credit in an amount equal to 10% of the personal income tax, as specified.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 21X* (Cogdill-R) Medical professionals: tax credit
Authorizes a credit against personal income taxes for each taxable year beginning on or after 1/1/08 in an amount equal to 20% of the tax imposed on a medical care professional who provides medical services in a rural area.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 23X* (Ashburn-R) Cafeteria plans: tax credit
Authorizes a credit against specified taxes for each taxable year beginning on or after 1/1/07 and before 1/1/12 in an amount equal to 15% of the amount of administrative costs paid or incurred by a qualified taxpayer during the taxable year in connection with establishing or administering a qualified cafeteria plan that provides for the payment of health insurance premiums of the taxpayer's employees, as defined. Requires the Franchise Tax Board to report to the chairs and vice chairs of specified committees regarding the utilization of that tax credit.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 25X (Cox-R) Health care coverage
Extends the duration, from 12/31/07 to 12/31/10, of a specified pilot program under which a health care service plan and a health insurer are required to offer a standard benefit plan.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 26X (McClintock-R) Insurance: multiple employer welfare arrangements
Allows an association, as defined, that satisfies specified criteria to apply to the Department of Insurance for a certificate of compliance for a self-funded or partially self-funded Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement, as defined, established by the association on or after 1/1/08.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SJR 1X (Battin-R) Federal health care mandate reimbursement
Memorializes the Congress and President of the United States to enact legislation that provides full reimbursement for the costs of providing federally mandated health care services to anyone, regardless of immigration status.
(At the Assembly Desk)

AB 1 (Laird-D) Health care coverage
Expands Medi-Cal and Healthy Families Program eligibility to cover all children with family incomes at or below 300% of the federal poverty level (FPL), establishes a Healthy Families Buy-In Program for children in families with family incomes above 300 percent of the FPL, and establishes various presumptive eligibility programs for children moving between Medi-Cal and Healthy Families.
(At Assembly Desk)
Identical to SB 32 (Steinberg-D).

AB 2 (Dymally-D) Health care coverage
Reforms and restructures the Major Risk Medical Insurance Program (MRMIP), including eligibility, benefits, and premium rates for the program. Requires all health care service plans (health plans) and disability insurers selling health insurance (health insurers) in the state to share in the costs of MRMIP, as determined by the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board (MRMIB), by either paying a fee to the state to support MRMIP costs, or by offering coverage in the individual market on a guaranteed issue basis with community rating of premiums and prior rate approval requirements. Revises the duties of MRMIB in administering MRMIP. Requires health care service plans and health insurers in the individual insurance market to provide coverage on a guaranteed issue basis to individuals not eligible for MRMIP starting 1/1/09, and creates new rules for the individual insurance market.
(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 8 (Nunez-D) Health care
Expands eligibility for public health insurance programs for children and their parents and seeks to improve access to private insurance through major insurance market reforms. Improves access to the individual insurance market by standardizing medical underwriting and enhancing coverage and eligibility for high risk individuals. Contains a number of insurance marketing reforms and imposes cost containment measures such as required preventive services, evidence-based care, and administrative expenditure caps. Creates a statewide purchasing pool, the California Cooperative Health Insurance Purchasing Program. Requires employers to elect to spend at least 7.5 % of Social Security payroll on health care expenditures or pay an equivalent fee to a trust fund, and requires employees to either accept the employer's health expenditures or enroll in coverage through the purchasing pool, as specified.

AB 12 (Beall-D) Adult Health Coverage Expansion Program
Establishes the Adult Health Coverage Expansion Program, a pilot project administered by the local initiative in Santa Clara County, to provide health care coverage to 5,000 or more low-income adults who reside in Santa Clara County and who are employed in specified small Santa Clara County businesses.
Chapter 677, Statutes of 2007

AB 30 (Evans-D) Health care coverage: inborn errors of metabolism
Requires every health care service plan contract, except a specialized health care service plan contract, issued, amended, delivered, or renewed in this state on and after 1/1/08 that provides coverage for hospital, medical, or surgical expenses to provide coverage for the testing and treatment of inborn errors of metabolism, under the terms and conditions of the plan contract.
(In Assembly Health Committee)

AB 51 (Dymally-D) Gallegos-Rosenthal Patient Advocate Program
Requires the Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) Office of the Patient Advocate to include information about the quality of care and access provided by Medicare prescription drug plans in the DMHC annual Healthcare Quality Report Card on HMOs and Medical Groups.
(In Assembly Health Committee)

AB 54 (Dymally-D) Health care coverage: acupuncture
Requires health care service plans and health insurers to provide, rather than to offer, coverage for acupuncture under a group plan or policy.
(In Assembly Health Committee)

AB 71* (Dymally-D) Employee health insurance: tax credit
Authorizes, for unspecified taxable years beginning on or after January 1 of a yet to be designated year, a credit against taxes to a qualified small employer, as defined, in an amount equal to 25% of the amount paid by the employer during the taxable year for qualified employee health insurance expenses, as defined.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 84* (Nakanishi-R) Health savings account: income tax
Allows eligible individuals to claim a deduction related to their contributions to health savings accounts (HSAs) in computing adjusted gross income. Excludes from the gross income of the employee any contributions to an HSA made by an employer on the employee's behalf. Includes HSAs as an approved option in a non-taxable cafeteria plan for employee benefits created by an employer. Allows a taxpayer to roll over the balance of an existing Archer medical savings account to an HSA, for taxable years beginning on or after 1/1/08, and imposes a penalty for a disqualified distribution equal to 2-1/2% of the distribution amount, rather than 10%, as provided by federal law.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
Similar to AB 245 (DeVore).

AB 85* (Nakanishi-R) Health savings account: income tax
Allows, beginning on or after 1/1/08, a tax credit equal to 15% of the cost of health insurance. Allows the credit against the net tax based on the amount paid or incurred by a qualified taxpayer for qualified health insurance for employees that perform services in California and pay income tax to California. Provides that the credit allowed is in lieu of any deduction otherwise available to the taxpayer with respect to the expenses for which the credit is claimed. Provides for an unlimited carryforward of the credit, and provides that a qualified taxpayer is only eligible for the credit for the first year during which the credit is claimed and for each of the following two years.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 142* (Plescia-R) Health savings accounts: income tax
Allows, for taxable years beginning on or after 1/1/08, a deduction in connection with health savings accounts in conformity with federal law. Provides, in general, the deduction will be an amount equal to the aggregate amount paid in cash during the taxable year by or on behalf of an eligible individual, as defined, to a health savings account of that individual, as provided.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
Similar to AB 245 (DeVore).

AB 195* (Assembly Budget Committee) Health care: Expanded Access to Primary Care Program
Makes changes consistent with the intent of a veto message from the Governor, as contained in the Budget Act of 2007. Specifically reduces the Major Risk Medical Insurance Program by $10 million in Proposition 99 Funds, as specified, and shifts these funds to the Expanded Access to Primary Care (EAPC) Program in order to maintain the baseline level of funding for the EAPC Program in 2007-08. As noted in the Governor's veto message, this fund shift is intended to be one-time only, and is necessary in order to maintain the vital EAPC Program which provides primary health care services through community-based clinics.
Chapter 261, Statutes of 2007

AB 245* (DeVore-R) Health savings account
Conforms to federal tax law with respect to health savings accounts (HSAs) for taxable years beginning on or after 1/1/07. Allows eligible individuals to claim a deduction related to their contributions to HSAs in computing adjusted gross income, and excludes from the gross income of the employee any contributions to an HSA made by an employer on the employee's behalf. Includes HSAs as part of approved elements of a nontaxable cafeteria plan for employee benefits created by an employer, allows a taxpayer to roll over the balance of an existing Archer medical savings account (Archer MSA) to an HSA for taxable years beginning on or after 1/1/07, and imposes a penalty for a disqualified distribution equal to 2-1/2% of the distribution amount, rather than 10% as provided by federal law.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
Similar to AB 84 (Nakanishi).

AB 328 (Salas-D) Health care service plans: disease reports
Requires health care service plan contracts to require health care providers who provide services to persons in Mexico to report specific diseases or conditions to specified local health officers, consistent with existing communicable disease reporting requirements.
Chapter 385, Statutes of 2007

AB 343 (Solorio-D) Health insurance coverage
Requires the Department of Health Care Services and the Managed Risk Insurance Board to prepare a report identifying employers of 25 or more employees whose families receive publicly financed health care benefits.

AB 368 (Carter-D) Health insurance: hearing aids
Requires health care service plans and health insurers, on or after 1/1/09, to offer, at minimal cost, coverage up to $1,000 for hearing aids, as defined, to all enrollees, subscribers, and insureds under 18 years of age. Provides that the requirement to provide this coverage would not apply to certain types of insurance.
(In Assembly Health Committee)

AB 423 (Beall-D) Health care coverage: mental health services
Requires a health care service plan and health insurance policy issued, amended, or renewed on or after 1/1/08 that provides hospital, medical, or surgical coverage to provide coverage for the diagnosis and medically necessary treatment of a mental illness of a person of any age, including a child, defines mental illness as a mental disorder defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV, and includes substance abuse in the covered benefits under this bill.

AB 516 (Swanson-D) Health care
Requires the Department of Health Care Services to report to the Legislature, by 1/1/09, on how to provide a comprehensive continuum of care to improve the connection between uninsured residents and health care services.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 547 (Ma-D) County Health Initiative Matching Fund: applications
Establishes a pilot program to authorize, until 12/31/08, applicants, defined as the City and County of San Francisco and the local initiative with which it contracts to provide comprehensive health care coverage, to pay a fee to a person or entity who assists another to apply for coverage or to renew his or her coverage with the applicant, as specified. Prohibits the applicants from using federal financial participation revenue from the County Health Initiative Matching Fund to pay the fee and authorizes the applicants to adopt procedures regarding implementation of the fee award process.
(In Assembly Health Committee)

AB 550 (Ma-D) Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board
Authorizes the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board to operate a health care service plan to provide health insurance and compete in the private insurance market.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

AB 552 (Hernandez-D) Health insurance: county employees
Provides that if a member of a retirement system, subject to that law, retires and receives a retirement benefit based upon years of service, and that member participates in an employer group health plan for at least 10 years, the member may elect health care plan coverage at a rate that does not exceed 102% of the active employee rate for that health care plan coverage. Permits a county board of supervisors, by resolution adopted by majority vote, to provide that health care plan coverage to a member of a county retirement system who participates in an employer group health plan for less than 10 years, as specified. Provides that these provisions do not preclude a member who retires based upon years of service from participating in, or preclude an employer from providing, alternate or supplemental Medicare coverage, as specified.
(In Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)

AB 562 (Walters-R) Health care coverage: catastrophic loss
Authorizes a health care service plan and a health insurer to offer and issue a group or individual plan contract or policy for catastrophic losses that contains a high deductible.
(In Assembly Health Committee)

AB 770 (Hernandez-D) Health care: agricultural employees
Enacts the Agricultural Employer and Employees Health Care Coverage Act requiring the California Research Bureau to conduct a comprehensive study of the availability of health care coverage to agricultural employees.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 799 (Smyth-R) Health insurance: small employers
Provides that requirements imposed on health care service plans and health insurers do not apply to a program of services and incentives offered to a small employer, separate and apart from a contract or policy for health care benefits designed to promote wellness and healthy employees.
(In Assembly Health Committee)

AB 895 (Aghazarian-R) Health insurance: dental care
Requires a health care service plan covering dental services or a specialized health care service plan issuing a specialized health care service plan contract covering dental services to declare its coordination of benefits policy prominently in its evidence of coverage or contract with both enrollee and subscriber.
Chapter 164, Statutes of 2007

AB 910 (Karnette-D) Health insurance: disabled persons
Expands the eligibility criteria under which health plans and insurers must continue coverage for dependents that reach a limiting age (i.e., an age when a child is no longer considered a dependent for insurance purposes) and requires health plans and insurers to follow notice requirements regarding dependent coverage termination.
Chapter 617, Statutes of 2007

AB 953 (Krekorian-D) Public employees' health benefits
Requires the Department of Personnel Administration, when entering into any contract for vision care for state employees, to extend that coverage to a parent or sibling of an employee.
(In Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)

AB 989* (Garrick-R) Health savings account: taxation
Allows a credit equal to 100% of the contributions made to a Health Savings Account.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1040* (Duvall-R) Health care: income tax
Allows a personal income tax deduction for purposes of computing a taxpayer's adjusted gross income, for the costs of medical care.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1072 (Gaines-R) Health care coverage: California Health Insurance Exchange
Requires the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board to establish the California Health Insurance Exchange for the purpose of allowing employers to transmit health insurance premium payments obtained through an employee benefits cafeteria plan established pursuant to federal tax law.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1155 (Huffman-D) Health care service plans
Requires the Director of the Department of Managed Health Care, upon a final determination that a health plan has underpaid or failed to pay a provider in violation of the Knox-Keene prohibition on an unfair payment pattern, to require the plan to pay the provider not less than the amount owed plus interest as well as pay an administrative penalty to the Managed Care Fund not less than the amount owed the provider plus interest.
(In Assembly awaiting concurrence)

AB 1203 (Salas-D) Health care service plans: hospital contract cancellation
Requires a general acute care hospital to orally notify a health care service plan within three days of the number of enrollees who are patients when that hospital cancels its contract as a result of an acquisition.
(In Assembly Health Committee)

AB 1214 (Emmerson-R) Health insurance: waiver
Allows a health care service plan contract and a health insurance policy to be without specified benefits if those benefits have been waived by the policyholder or contractholder. Requires a disclosure form regarding the waivers.
(In Assembly Health Committee)

AB 1302 (Horton-R) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Extends the sunset on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Implementation Act of 2001 and the Office of HIPPA Implementation from 1/1/08 to 7/1/10.
Chapter 700, Statutes of 2007

AB 1324 (De La Torre-D) Health care coverage: treatment authorization
Clarifies and makes specific provisions of law that currently prohibit health care service plans and disability insurers selling health insurance, where the plan or insurer authorizes a specific type of treatment by a health care provider, from rescinding or modifying the authorization after the provider renders the health care service in good faith and pursuant to the authorization.
Chapter 702, Statutes of 2007

AB 1377 (Nakanishi-R) Employee health benefits: health savings accounts
Requires the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System to offer a high deductible health plan, as defined in the federal tax law, and a health savings account option to public employees and annuitants, as specified.
(In Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)

AB 1378 (Nakanishi-R) California Major Risk Medical Insurance Program
Extends for six months, until July 1, 2008, the Guaranteed Issue Pilot which provides health insurance coverage to medically uninsurable individuals who have exhausted their 36 months of eligibility for the Major Risk Medical Insurance Program (MRMIP), and tightens eligibility for MRMIP.
(In Assembly Health Committee)

AB 1390 (Huffman-D) Health care service plans: unfair payment patterns
Requires, effective 1/1/08, the Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC), which licenses and regulates health care service plans, to provide on the DMHC web site, and update quarterly, the number and disposition of complaints received through the online provider complaint system.
(In Senate Health Committee)

AB 1429 (Evans-D) Health insurance: human papillomavirus vaccination
Requires health care service plan contracts and health insurance policies that provide coverage for cervical cancer treatment or surgery to also provide coverage for a human papillomavirus vaccine beginning on 1/1/08.

AB 1554 (Jones-D) Health care coverage: rate approval
Requires health care service plans licensed by the Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) and health insurers certificated by the Department of Insurance (DOI), effective 1/1/09, to submit a rate application for approval by the respective regulator for any increase in the rate charged to a subscriber or insured, as specified. Imposes on DMHC and DOI specific rate approval criteria, timelines, and hearing and notice requirements.
(In Senate Health Committee)

AB 1572 (DeVore-R) Health care service plans: conversion
Requires that 90% of the annual expenditure of charitable assets dedicated and transferred to a charitable, grant-making foundation, as a result of a health care service plan conversion from nonprofit to for-profit, be spent for health care services for citizens who reside in California and who are not receiving health care services through a local, state, or federal program.
(Failed passage in Assembly Health Committee)

AB 1607 (Tran-R) Health care coverage: guaranteed associations
Deletes the current requirements for a guaranteed association to have been in active existence and to have included health care coverage as a membership benefit for at least five years prior to 1/1/92. Reduces the required number of persons covered by health coverage provided through the guaranteed association from 1,000 to 100. Authorizes a health care service plan to also offer to a small employer a health savings account option with a high deductible plan.
(In Assembly Health Committee)

AB 1619 (Benoit-R) Health insurer licensing
Allows any insurer admitted to transact health insurance or workers' compensation insurance or a health care service plan licensed pursuant to the Knox-Keene Health Care Service Plan Act to make written application to the Insurance Commissioner for a license to offer a single policy that provides health care services and workers' compensation benefits.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 1692 (Villines-R) Healthy Families Advisory Panel
Requires a member of the Healthy Families Advisory Panel to be a practicing physician and surgeon who is board certified in pediatrics.
(In Assembly Health Committee)

AB 1X (Nunez-D) Health care reform
States the intent of the Legislature to enact comprehensive health care reform.
(Unassigned to a committee)

AB 2X (Nunez-D) Health care reform
States the intent of the Legislature to enact comprehensive health care reform.
(Unassigned to a committee)

AB 3X (Dymally-D) Health care coverage
Makes various findings regarding health care coverage and the Major Risk Medical Insurance Program (MRMIP). Declares the intent of the Legislature to enact reform legislation that ensures coverage for all individuals regardless of their medical history, which may include, among other things, reform of the private individual health insurance market and full funding for MRMIP.
(Unassigned to a committee)

AB 5X* (Nakanishi-R) Health savings account: tax credit
Authorizes a credit for each taxable year beginning on or after 1/1/08 and before 1/1/13 in an amount equal to 15% of the amount paid or incurred by a qualified taxpayer during the taxable year for qualified health insurance for specified employees of the taxpayer. Requires the Franchise Tax Board and the Legislative Analyst to report on the usage and effectiveness of the credit.
(Unassigned to a committee)

AB 7X (Nakanishi-R) California Major Risk Medical Insurance Program: eligibility
Changes the eligibility criteria for the Major Risk Medical Insurance Program by requiring rejection by at least two private health plans.
(Unassigned to a committee)

AJR 19 (Ma-D) Healthy Families Program
Memorializes each Senator and Representative from California in the Congress of the United States to ensure that the Congress timely reauthorizes the State Children's Health Insurance Program to assure adequate federal funding for the Healthy Families Program. Urges the Governor to use his best efforts to work with the congressional delegation in that regard and to provide meaningful assistance to help identify and enroll children who qualify for Medi-Cal or the Healthy Families Program.
Resolution Chapter 75, Statutes of 2007

AJR 31 (Jones-D) Medicare Part D
Urges the Congress and the President of the United States to amend the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 to require that the federal government negotiate for the lowest available prices for prescription drugs under the Medicare Part D program, eliminate a specified gap in Medicare Part D coverage, and reduce the "lifetime penalty" for late enrollment in the program. Urges the Congress and the President of the United States to ensure that California is fully reimbursed for the costs of remedying problems with the implementation and operation of the Medicare Part D program, and to also grant California greater regulatory jurisdiction over Medicare Part D plans.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

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SB 195 (Calderon-D) Construction projects: wrap-up insurance: disclosures
Requires the owner, developer, or general contractor of a construction project who proposes or obtains a wrap-up insurance policy to provide to each subcontractor who is covered under the wrap-up insurance policy, specified disclosures and documents regarding that policy.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 229 (Margett-R) Vehicles: large or heavy loads
Requires a local authority to use certain specified criteria in determining whether extra insurance or other financial security is required by a vehicle with an unusually large or heavy load that poses a substantial risk to public facilities.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 316 (Yee-D) Insurance
Eliminates the requirement that workers' compensation insurers place 65% of written premium in reserve. Requires the Commission on Health, Safety and Workers' Compensation to conduct a study of the insolvency problems of workers' compensation insurers within the past 10 years, at a cost of up to $1 million, funded equally by an assessment on workers' compensation insurers and the Workers' Compensation Revolving Fund, as specified.
Chapter 431, Statutes of 2007

SB 339 (Scott-D) Insurance: excess investment
Allows a domestic incorporated insurer to invest its excess funds in a wider variety of investments than allowed under current law.
Chapter 297, Statutes of 2007

SB 357 (Cox-R) Life insurance: group policies
Decreases the number of employees needed to qualify for a group life insurance from 10 to two. Allows the premium for group life insurance to be paid entirely by employees, eliminates the requirement that 75% of employees choose to be covered by group life insurance, increases the allowable amount of life insurance coverage for dependents, increases the age for eligible dependents from 22 to 24 years for purposes of group life insurance, and decreases the number of employees needed to qualify for group disability insurance from three to two.
Chapter 78, Statutes of 2007

SB 430 (Machado-D) Insurance: California Earthquake Authority
Creates a new assessment authority for the California Earthquake Authority (CEA) to replace an assessment authority that is sunsetting. Clarifies the power of the CEA Board of Directors to impose conditions on insurance companies applying to become participating insurers, and redefines the term "available capital" for purposes of the CEA law.
Chapter 303, Statutes of 2007

SB 536 (Simitian-D) Political Reform Act of 1974
Enacts the Insurance Commissioner Election Accountability Act of 2007 which authorizes eligible Insurance Commissioner candidates, as defined, to obtain public financing from a fund made up of fees collected from insurers, reimbursements, and interest according to specified procedures and requirements, provided that certain thresholds of public support are shown.
(In Senate Banking and Finance Committee)

SB 573 (Scott-D) Annuity sales: seniors
Provides that a life insurer or agent must have reasonable grounds for believing that a sale of an annuity to a senior consumer is suitable to that senior based on the facts disclosed by the senior before making a recommendation to the senior consumer, defines "recommendation" as advice to a senior consumer that results in a purchase or exchange of an annuity in accordance with that advice, and specifies that "recommendation" includes all communication, including solicitations, between an insurer or agent and a senior consumer. Requires the insurer to decline to issue, or to offer to rescind, the annuity if it determines that the annuity is not suitable for the senior consumer.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)

SB 711 (Runner-R) Insurance: rate filings
Provides that the adequacy or inadequacy of each insurer's rates shall be determined by its own experience, as specified, and not by the experience of its affiliates.
(In Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

SB 739 (Calderon-D) Life insurance
Exempts life insurance policies of $15,000 or less intended to be used for funeral expenses from the requirement that prospective senior policyholders receive at least a 24-hour advance notice before a life insurance agent can meet the senior in the senior's home.

SB 875 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Insurance premiums
Provides that an installment fee is not a premium.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 975 (Calderon-D) Insurance: broker-agents
Provides that insurers may provide specified sales and related materials to broker-agents, and that neither an insurer nor a broker-agent need accept or submit business to each other, unless otherwise mandated by law.
(In Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

SB 1038 (Senate Banking, Finance And Insurance Committee) Insurance
Makes technical corrections and deletes a redundant section of law. Streamlines the deadline for district attorneys to submit applications to participate in the Automobile Insurance Fraud Program.
Chapter 100, Statutes of 2007

AB 267 (Charles Calderon-D) Annuity sales: seniors
Requires the insurance producer agent or insurer when making a recommendation to a senior consumer, as defined, for the purchase or exchange of an annuity to have reasonable grounds for believing that the recommendation is suitable for the senior based on the facts disclosed by the senior relating to his/her financial situation and needs. Provides that before the purchase or exchange of an annuity, that the insurance producer or insurer shall make reasonable efforts to obtain specified information to assist in making recommendations to the senior consumer. Provides that if a senior consumer refuses or fails to provide all specified relevant information, the insurance producer or insurer recommendation must be reasonable under all circumstances that were known at the time.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 393* (Coto-D) Mortgage insurance
Conforms California personal income tax law to recent federal changes that permit homeowners to take a one-time itemized deduction for mortgage insurance premiums paid or accrued in 2007.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 522 (Duvall-R) Nonadmitted insurers
Allows for short-term extension of surplus line insurance policies without conducting a diligent search of admitted insurers. Eliminates the 1/1/08 sunset date on a provision that allows non-admitted insurers and surplus line brokers to immediately bind homeowners' insurance coverage and obtain the applicant's signed disclosure within five days of binding coverage, under specified conditions.
Chapter 134, Statutes of 2007

AB 720 (De Leon-D) Insurance: licenses
Establishes two new insurance agent license types, a life-only agent license and an accident and health agent license, in place of the current life agent license allowing the licensee to transact both life and disability/health insurance, defines the authorities of each license type, and specifies the requirements for licensure and post-licensing continuing education, as specified.
Chapter 270, Statutes of 2007

AB 792* (Garcia-R) Construction liability insurance
Establishes Construction Liability Reform Pilot Program.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development)

AB 796 (Assembly Insurance Committee) Insurance
Makes various changes related to the financial requirements for insurance companies and allows changes to earthquake premium setting requirements based on updated building standards.
Chapter 138, Statutes of 2007

AB 1051 (Carter-D) Insurance: nonadmitted insurers
Exempts certain environmental remediation insurance from the Surplus Lines Law. Exempts insurance issued to a governmental agency for the purpose of financing or funding court-ordered environmental remediation work from the requirements of the Surplus Lines Law. Includes within the exemption, liability insurance that is an incidental component of the environmental remediation policy.
(In Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

AB 1159 (Coto-D) Insurance: California Earthquake Authority
Creates a new assessment authority for the California Earthquake Authority (CEA) to replace an assessment authority that is sunsetting. Clarifies the power of the CEA Board of Directors to impose conditions on insurance companies applying to become participating insurers, and redefines the term "available capital" for purposes of the CEA law.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

AB 1271 (Carter-D) Life insurance: disclosures relating to replacement coverage
Requires agents selling life insurance or annuities to complete a contract comparison summary, modifies a disclosure form, and requires insurers to confirm all representations in contract comparison summaries.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 1401 (Aghazarian-R) Insurance fraud: assessments
Increases, from $1,300 to $5,100, the annual assessment on insurers to fund the activities of the Fraud Division of the Department of Insurance (DOI). Renames annual fees funding anti-fraud activities of DOI as special purpose assessments. Allows insurers to recoup special purpose assessments from insured customers. Requires the DOI to report information about the operations of the Fraud Division annually on the DOI web site.
Chapter 335, Statutes of 2007

AB 1639 (Duvall-R) Insurance: licensing
Prohibits an education provider, who is also an insurance agent-broker licensee, to claim continuing education credit for its own approved self-study courses. Requires all persons transacting surplus line insurance to be individually licensed as a surplus line broker, reduces surplus line broker license fees, and applies the more extensive fictitious business name rules that apply to agents and brokers to independent and public insurance adjusters.
Chapter 122, Statutes of 2007

AB 1653 (Horton-R) Insurance Commissioner: election
Provides that the Office of Commissioner of the Department of Insurance shall be non-partisan. Requires the provisions of this bill to be submitted to the voters at the 6/3/08 statewide primary election.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)

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BillAuthor and Bill TitleReference Links
Index (in bill order)
SB 25*Maldonado-R
Health savings account: income tax
Health Insurance
SB 32Steinberg-D
Health insurance coverage: children
Health Insurance
SB 151*Denham-R
Health insurance: income tax credit
Health Insurance
SB 192Ducheny-D
Mexican prepaid health plans
Health Insurance
SB 195Calderon-D
Construction projects: wrap-up insurance: disclosures
SB 199*Harman-R
Health Savings Account
Health Insurance
SB 229Margett-R
Vehicles: large or heavy loads
SB 316Yee-D
SB 320Alquist-D
California Health Care Information Infrastructure Program
Health Insurance
SB 339Scott-D
Insurance: excess investment
SB 357Cox-R
Life insurance: group policies
SB 365McClintock-R
Health insurance: out-of-state carriers
Health Insurance
SB 389Yee-D
Health care coverage: claims
Health Insurance
SB 430Machado-D
Insurance: California Earthquake Authority
SB 536Simitian-D
Political Reform Act of 1974
SB 573Scott-D
Annuity sales: seniors
SB 629Correa-D
Automobile insurance: peace officers
Automobile Insurance
SB 711Runner-R
Insurance: rate filings
SB 739Calderon-D
Life insurance
SB 766Alquist-D
Health insurance for high school students
Health Insurance
SB 820*Ashburn-R
Cafeteria plans: income tax credit
Health Insurance
SB 840Kuehl-D
Single-payer health care coverage
Health Insurance
SB 875Ridley-Thomas-D
Insurance premiums
Automobile Insurance
SB 972McClintock-R
Health insurance
Health Insurance
SB 975Calderon-D
Insurance: broker-agents
SB 981Perata-D
Health care coverage
Health Insurance
SB 1014Kuehl-D
Taxation: single-payer health care coverage tax.
Health Insurance
SB 1026*Calderon-D
Health insurance: tax credit
Health Insurance
SB 1038Senate Banking, Finance And Insurance Committee
Automobile Insurance
SB 1XPerata-D
Health care reform
Health Insurance
SB 2XPerata-D
Health care reform
Health Insurance
SB 3XHollingsworth-R
Health care coverage: health savings accounts
Health Insurance
SB 4XDutton-R
Health insurance: employers
Health Insurance
SB 5XCox-R
California Children and Families Program: funding
Health Insurance
SB 8X*Aanestad-R
Medical care: income taxes
Health Insurance
SB 10X*Maldonado-R
Health savings account: tax deduction
Health Insurance
SB 11X*Harman-R
Health savings account: tax credit
Health Insurance
SB 16XMcClintock-R
Health insurance: out-of-state carriers
Health Insurance
SB 17XCogdill-R
Health care coverage: small-group market
Health Insurance
SB 18XCogdill-R
Health savings accounts: public employees
Health Insurance
SB 20X*Runner-R
Medical professionals: tax credit
Health Insurance
SB 21X*Cogdill-R
Medical professionals: tax credit
Health Insurance
SB 23X*Ashburn-R
Cafeteria plans: tax credit
Health Insurance
SB 25XCox-R
Health care coverage
Health Insurance
SB 26XMcClintock-R
Insurance: multiple employer welfare arrangements
Health Insurance
SJR 1XBattin-R
Federal health care mandate reimbursement
Health Insurance
AB 1Laird-D
Health care coverage
Health Insurance
AB 2Dymally-D
Health care coverage
Health Insurance
AB 8Nunez-D
Health care
Health Insurance
AB 12Beall-D
Adult Health Coverage Expansion Program
Health Insurance
AB 30Evans-D
Health care coverage: inborn errors of metabolism
Health Insurance
AB 51Dymally-D
Gallegos-Rosenthal Patient Advocate Program
Health Insurance
AB 54Dymally-D
Health care coverage: acupuncture
Health Insurance
AB 71*Dymally-D
Employee health insurance: tax credit
Health Insurance
AB 84*Nakanishi-R
Health savings account: income tax
Health Insurance
AB 85*Nakanishi-R
Health savings account: income tax
Health Insurance
AB 142*Plescia-R
Health savings accounts: income tax
Health Insurance
AB 195*Assembly Budget Committee
Health care: Expanded Access to Primary Care Program
Health Insurance
AB 245*DeVore-R
Health savings account
Health Insurance
AB 267Charles Calderon-D
Annuity sales: seniors
AB 328Salas-D
Health care service plans: disease reports
Health Insurance
AB 343Solorio-D
Health insurance coverage
Health Insurance
AB 368Carter-D
Health insurance: hearing aids
Health Insurance
AB 393*Coto-D
Mortgage insurance
AB 423Beall-D
Health care coverage: mental health services
Health Insurance
AB 516Swanson-D
Health care
Health Insurance
AB 522Duvall-R
Nonadmitted insurers
AB 547Ma-D
County Health Initiative Matching Fund: applications
Health Insurance
AB 550Ma-D
Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board
Health Insurance
AB 552Hernandez-D
Health insurance: county employees
Health Insurance
AB 562Walters-R
Health care coverage: catastrophic loss
Health Insurance
AB 720De Leon-D
Insurance: licenses
AB 770Hernandez-D
Health care: agricultural employees
Health Insurance
AB 792*Garcia-R
Construction liability insurance
AB 796Assembly Insurance Committee
AB 797Coto-D
Automobile insurance agents
Automobile Insurance
AB 799Smyth-R
Health insurance: small employers
Health Insurance
AB 895Aghazarian-R
Health insurance: dental care
Health Insurance
AB 910Karnette-D
Health insurance: disabled persons
Health Insurance
AB 953Krekorian-D
Public employees' health benefits
Health Insurance
AB 989*Garrick-R
Health savings account: taxation
Health Insurance
AB 1008Charles Calderon-D
Insurance: vehicle service contracts
Automobile Insurance
AB 1040*Duvall-R
Health care: income tax
Health Insurance
AB 1051Carter-D
Insurance: nonadmitted insurers
AB 1072Gaines-R
Health care coverage: California Health Insurance Exchange
Health Insurance
AB 1083Huffman-D
Automotive insurance: mileage-based incentives
Automobile Insurance
AB 1155Huffman-D
Health care service plans
Health Insurance
AB 1159Coto-D
Insurance: California Earthquake Authority
AB 1203Salas-D
Health care service plans: hospital contract cancellation
Health Insurance
AB 1214Emmerson-R
Health insurance: waiver
Health Insurance
AB 1271Carter-D
Life insurance: disclosures relating to replacement coverage
AB 1302Horton-R
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Health Insurance
AB 1324De La Torre-D
Health care coverage: treatment authorization
Health Insurance
AB 1377Nakanishi-R
Employee health benefits: health savings accounts
Health Insurance
AB 1378Nakanishi-R
California Major Risk Medical Insurance Program
Health Insurance
AB 1390Huffman-D
Health care service plans: unfair payment patterns
Health Insurance
AB 1401Aghazarian-R
Insurance fraud: assessments
AB 1429Evans-D
Health insurance: human papillomavirus vaccination
Health Insurance
AB 1554Jones-D
Health care coverage: rate approval
Health Insurance
AB 1572DeVore-R
Health care service plans: conversion
Health Insurance
AB 1607Tran-R
Health care coverage: guaranteed associations
Health Insurance
AB 1619Benoit-R
Health insurer licensing
Health Insurance
AB 1639Duvall-R
Insurance: licensing
AB 1653Horton-R
Insurance Commissioner: election
AB 1692Villines-R
Healthy Families Advisory Panel
Health Insurance
AJR 19Ma-D
Healthy Families Program
Health Insurance
AJR 31Jones-D
Medicare Part D
Health Insurance
AB 1XNunez-D
Health care reform
Health Insurance
AB 2XNunez-D
Health care reform
Health Insurance
AB 3XDymally-D
Health care coverage
Health Insurance
AB 5X*Nakanishi-R
Health savings account: tax credit
Health Insurance
AB 7XNakanishi-R
California Major Risk Medical Insurance Program: eligibility
Health Insurance

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