Elections and Reapportionment
Political Reform
Political Reform
SB 8 (Soto-D) Conflicts of interest
Applies the so-called revolving door prohibition to every city, county, school district, and special district in the state, as specified. Becomes operative July 1, 2006.
Chapter 680, Statutes of 2005
SB 25* (Ackerman-R) Political reform contributions
Requires candidates for elective state office who send written solicitations for contributions to identify the relevant controlled committee by name and the specific office for which the contributions are solicited. Any candidate who receives a contribution pursuant to such a solicitation and deposits the money into the account for which the contribution was solicited would have a "rebuttable presumption" that the contribution was made and deposited in accordance with the law. Repeals the requirement to file a campaign reporting statement in connection with March statewide primary elections.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SB 36* (Florez-D) Political Reform: disclosure
Requires disclosure by a person who pays or promises to pay for a communication within the jurisdiction that the candidate is seeking office, and if a person has received the payment or promise of payment totaling $25,000 or more, for the purpose of making the communication.
(Failed passage on Senate Floor)
SB 145* (Murray-D) Political reform: contributions
Permits an elected state officer to accept contributions after the date of the election for the purpose of paying expenses associated with holding the office, provided that the contributions are not expended for any contribution to a state or local committee. Requires such contributions to be deposited into a bank account established solely for the purpose of paying expenses associated with holding office.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 472 (Alquist-D) Political reform: disclosure of income
Requires the Political Reform Act of 1974 economic interest filers to specify receipts in increments of $10,000 to $50,000, more than $50,000 to $100,000, more than $100,000 to $250,000, more than $250,000 to $500,000, more than $500,000 to $1,000,000, and more than $1,000,000.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)
SB 784* (Senate Elections, Reapportionment And Constitutional Amendments Committee) Campaign contributions
Increases the amount of time for an elected officer to report a payment made at the behest of that officer for legislative, governmental, or charitable purposes and increases the threshold at which such payments must be reported.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 787 (McClintock-R) Elections officials: political activities
Prohibits local elections officials from participating in certain political activities.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting)
SB 929* (Kehoe-D) Political Reform Act: Coastal Commission: administrative
Provides that any person who communicates with the California Coastal Commission (CCC) members regarding an administrative action of the CCC and who qualifies as a lobbyist is required to comply with the requirements of the Political Reform Act of 1974. Defines administrative action for purposes of proceedings before the CCC. Exempts from this requirement an individual who either communicates with CCC members regarding no more than one action per calendar year, or is an employee of a local government agency working within the scope of his/her employment.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 16 (Huff-R) Campaign contributions
Prohibits contributions to members of the Legislature and the Governor between the time that the Governor presents the May revision to his/her budget proposal and time that a budget is enacted.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)
AB 40* (Wolk-D) Political Reform Act: conflict of interest
Prohibits a lobbyist or lobbying firm from lobbying an elected state official, or his/her staff, if the lobbyist, firm, or employee of the firm has a contractual relationship with the official or the official's controlled campaign committee.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)
AB 347 (Huff-R) Political Reform Act: enforcement
Makes violations of the Political Reform Act (PRA) of 1974 subject to felony prosecution. Specifically, provides that any person who knowingly or willfully violates any provision of the PRA is guilty of a public offense that is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for no more than one year in the state prison.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)
AB 513 (Richman-R) Lobbyist registration: bond consultants
Includes an attempt to influence the selection of an underwriter for state bond business within the conduct that classifies someone as a lobbyist and thus makes that person subject to all rules and requirements of a lobbyist. Permits a lobbyist or lobbying firm to accept payment of an amount not exceeding 25 percent of non-contingent salaries or fees in a calendar year for conduct relating to the selection of bond underwriters.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 583 (Hancock-D) Political reform contributions
Enacts the California Clean Money and Fair Elections Act of 2005. Provides public funds to participating candidates for state office that collect a specified number of $5 contributions as the only funds those candidates may use on their campaigns for state office.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)
AB 709 (Wolk-D) Political reform: contributions
Prohibits a person from making, to any ballot measure committee controlled by a candidate for elective state office, any contribution totaling more than $5,600 during the entire period of time the candidate controls the committee, and prohibits any ballot measure committee controlled by a candidate for elective state office from accepting such a contribution. Provides that a ballot measure committee primarily formed to support or oppose a ballot measure(s) and controlled by a candidate for elective state office is subject to a provision of state law limiting the amount of post-election fundraising to the net debts outstanding to the committee. Does not apply to a general purpose ballot measure committee.
(In Senate Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
AB 739 (Nation-D) Political expenditure disclosure
Requires approval by the voters, the disclosure of certain payments made for an issue advocacy communication that is broadcast within 45 days of an election and that identifies a candidate for local office.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 866 (Yee-D) Fair Campaign Practices Code
Adds a provision to the Code of Fair Campaign Practices, to which candidates may voluntarily subscribe, that a candidate will not use or permit any appeal to negative prejudice based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 891 (DeVore-R) Political reform: slate mailers
Requires a slate mailer organization to report the value of each candidate's and ballot measure's inclusion in a slate mailer.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)
AB 938 (Umberg-D) Political reform: reporting
Requires campaign committees that are required to file campaign reports electronically to file an electronic report within 10 business days of making contributions or independent expenditures of $10,000 or more, to support or oppose the qualification or passage of a single state ballot measure.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1129* (Mountjoy-R) Political reform: ballot pamphlet availability
Repeals the existing law requiring the Secretary of State, at least 20 days before submitting the ballot pamphlet to the State Printer, to make a copy available for public examination.
(In Senate Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
AB 1363 (Jones-D) Public officials: financial duties
Requires specified election officials before taking office to place his/her investments in real property in a blind trust.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
AB 1391 (Leno-D) Campaign disclosure
Requires that any general purpose committee determine, for registration and reporting requirements, whether it is a state, county, or city general purpose committee based on where the committee makes a majority of its contributions and independent expenditures.
(In Senate Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
AB 1558 (Wolk-D) Conflict of interest
Authorizes the Fair Political Practices Commission to provide written opinions on various provisions of state law that prohibit public officials and employees from being financially interested in a contract made by them in their official capacity, or made by any body or board of which they are members.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1755 (Assembly Elections And Redistricting Committee) Political Reform Act of 1974
Makes numerous substantive and technical changes to the Political Reform Act of 1974, including (1) repealing two provisions regarding campaign filings in connection with a March statewide primary election, (2) clarifying that a late contribution report is not required to be filed by a candidate or committee that has disclosed the late contribution pursuant to a specified electronic report, (3) clarifying that a late independent expenditure report is not required to be filed by a candidate or committee that has disclosed the late independent expenditure pursuant to a specified electronic report, (4) clarifying that candidates for city treasurer are required to file a statement of economic interests with the city clerk, and (5) requiring candidates for judge to file a statement of economic interests with the person with whom the candidate's declaration of candidacy is filed, instead of filing the statement with the clerk of the court.
Chapter 200, Statutes of 2005

SB 11 (Bowen-D) Secretary of State
Prohibits the Secretary of State (SOS), or a candidate for SOS, from supporting or opposing a candidate for public office or from serving as an officer of a political party or partisan organization. Prohibits manufacturers and vendors of voting equipment from making campaign contributions to candidates for elective state office, county supervisor, city council member, mayor, or elections official.
(Failed passage in Assembly Elections and Reapportionment Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 39 (Murray-D) Absentee voting
Allows registered permanent absentee voters to continue to receive an absentee ballot in all elections unless they fail to return their ballot in two consecutive statewide general elections.
Chapter 113, Statutes of 2005
SB 91 (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) November 2004 election costs: deficiency
Allocates $12.673 million to the Secretary of State for unfunded costs associated with the November 2004 election.
Chapter 79, Statutes of 2005
SB 117 (Murray-D) Absentee voters
Requires elections officials to provide absentee voters with a business reply envelope in which to return a completed ballot, thus covering the costs of postage for these ballots.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 191 (Cedillo-D) Voter registration materials
Urges the University of California and requires the California State University and the California Community College districts to provide voter registration materials.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 226 (Cox-R) Elections: voting identification
Requires a voter to present proof of his/her identity and residency to a member of the precinct board before receiving a ballot.
(In Senate Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
Similar bills are AB 934 (Wyland-R) and AB 1006 (Keene-R) which are in the Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee.
SB 272 (Romero-D) Candidates: ballots
Provides that a candidate may place on the ballot only his/her true full name, or initials. Permits a candidate to place a nickname by which he/she is commonly known on the ballot as long as the nickname is contained inside quotation marks and is in addition to his/her true full name.
(In Senate Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
SB 316 (Margett-R) Voter registration information
Requires state agencies, on and after July 1, 2007, in any document that offers a person the opportunity to register to vote pursuant to the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (42 U.S.C. Section 1973gg), to include a notice informing prospective voters that if they have not received voter registration information within 30 days of requesting it, they should contact their local elections office or the Office of the Secretary of State. Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to take the same action on July 1, 2006.
Chapter 660, Statutes of 2005
SB 370 (Bowen-D) Elections
Provides that on a direct recording electronic voting system, the electronic record of each vote shall be considered the official record of the vote, except that the voter-verified paper audit trail shall be the official paper audit record and shall be used in the manual tally and any recount, as specified.
Chapter 724, Statutes of 2005
SB 443 (Senate Elections, Reapportionment And Constitutional Amendments Committee) Elections
Prohibits a person from filing nomination papers for more than one district office or term of office for the same district at the same election. Corrects multiple code reference errors.
Chapter 86, Statutes of 2005
SB 469 (Bowen-D) Initiative, referendum, and recall petitions
Requires an initiative, referendum, or recall petition to reflect, in specified language, whether it is being circulated by a paid circulator or by a volunteer, and defines "volunteer" and "paid circulator." Requires any state or local initiative, referendum, or recall petition circulated by a paid circulator who is paid by a committee, as defined, to include a disclosure statement identifying the names of the persons from whom the committee received the five largest cumulative contributions in support of the measure, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 506 (Poochigian-R) Voter registration information
Provides confidentiality of voter registration information to public safety officials, state and federal judges, and court commissioners.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
SB 596 (Bowen-D) Municipal elections: voting methods
Permits any city, county, or district to conduct a local election using ranked voting to elect a single candidate to office or for an election to elect two or more candidates to office, as specified. A voting method authorized by this bill could be enacted either by a measure placed on the ballot by the governing body or through the initiative process.
(In Senate Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
SB 721 (Chesbro-D) Elections: ballot pamphlets
Codifies the requirements of existing law that, in ruling on a challenge to ballot pamphlet copy, a court indulge all legitimate presumptions in favor of the propriety of the copy, and find the copy sufficient in cases where reasonable minds could differ as to the sufficiency of the copy. States, with regard to a ruling on any challenge to ballot pamphlet copy as to the Legislative Analyst's analysis of a ballot measure, that the primary purposes of that analysis are specified criteria set forth in existing law.
(In Senate Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
SB 904 (Scott-D) Candidates: campaign practices
Requires the Secretary of State, on his/her Internet web site, to identify candidates for state or federal offices who have voluntarily subscribed to the Code of Fair Campaign Practices, and to post the text of the code on his/her Internet web site.
(In Senate Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
SB 1009 (Florez-D) Water storage districts: election rolls
Revises the procedures for water storage districts to adopt an alternative preliminary election roll and requires the district board to have a registered civil engineer prepare a preliminary election roll and assign votes on the basis of one per acre or the benefits derived by each parcel from being in, or receiving services from, the district.
Chapter 275, Statutes of 2005
SB 1012 (Florez-D) Voter kiosks
Requires the Secretary of State to implement a pilot program to install voter kiosks in shopping malls in rural counties with the lowest voter turnout for a specified time period. Requires each kiosk to serve as a location for voter registration and, on election days, as a polling place.
(In Senate Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
SB 1016 (Bowen-D) Voter information: privacy
Requires the Secretary of State and local elections officials to inform voters of the permissible uses of information supplied on voter registration affidavits.
Chapter 716, Statutes of 2005
SB 1050 (Bowen-D) Elections: write-in candidates
Requires a write-in vote to be counted if the intent of the voter can be determined, even if the voter has failed to mark or slot the voting space next to the write-in space on the ballot, under certain specified circumstances.
Vetoed by the Governor
SCA 4 (Denham-R) Office of the Secretary of State
Designates the Secretary of State as a non-partisan office.
(In Senate Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
A similar bill is AB 5 (Canciamilla-D) which is in the Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee.
AB 2 (Benoit-R) Presidential electors
Repeals existing procedures for selection of presidential electors, and instead requires that political parties nominate an elector in each congressional district and two electors on a statewide basis, in accordance with the rules of the political party with which the elector is affiliated. Requires that an elector be a member of the political party that nominates the elector at the time of the nomination and during the four years preceding the nomination, unless the political party was not registered as a party during that period. Requires each elector nominee to sign a pledge that he/she will cast his/her ballot for the candidates for President and Vice President of the United States who receive the plurality of votes in the congressional district in which the elector is nominated, or who receive the plurality of votes in the state in the case of the two electors selected on a statewide basis, unless those candidates are no longer alive at the time the elector's vote is cast, as specified.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)
AB 43 (Vargas-D) Write-in candidates
Provides that, in the event of a recount, provisions of law governing the counting of write-in votes shall be liberally construed to ensure that each ballot is counted if the intent of the voter can be determined, regardless of whether the voting instructions have been literally complied with. States that this bill does not constitute a change in the law, but rather, is declaratory of existing law.
(In Senate Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
AB 45 (Maze-R) Electoral college
Provides for California's electoral votes to be divided proportionately among presidential tickets based on each ticket's share of the popular vote in the state.
(Failed passage in Assembly Elections and Reapportionment Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 138* (Assembly Budget Committee) State elections mandates: budget trailer bill
Implements the state mandates part of the State Budget which makes the provision of the Handicapped Voter Access Information Mandate optional for local governments and repeals the Presidential Primaries Mandate.
Chapter 72, Statutes of 2005
AB 187 (Mountjoy-R) Overseas military voting
Allows absentee ballots from certain overseas voters to be received by the elections official up to 10 days after a federal election and still be counted, provided such ballots are postmarked or signed and dated by election day.
(Failed passage in Assembly Elections and Reapportionment Committee)
AB 215 (Oropeza-D) Code of Fair Campaign Practices
Requires the state ballot pamphlet to include the Code of Fair Campaign Practices and an indication that a list of those candidates for statewide office that have subscribed to the Code is available on the Internet web site of the Secretary of State.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 369 (Benoit-R) Voting systems
Permits the Secretary of State to approve a direct recording electronic voting system (DREVS) that includes an independent electronic verification system or an accessible voter-verified paper audit trail. A city or county that is prohibited as of January 1, 2006, from contracting for or purchasing a DREVS without an accessible voter-verified paper audit trail will be permitted to contract for or purchase a system that includes an independent electronic verification system or an accessible voter-verified paper audit trail. Postpones from January 1, 2006, to January 1, 2008, the requirement that all DREVSs in use have federal qualification and include an accessible voter-verified paper audit trail and permits a system in use after that date to include an independent electronic verification system or an accessible voter-verified paper audit trail.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)
AB 432 (Oropeza-D) Elections: new citizens
Authorizes anyone who becomes a United States citizen in the final 14 days before Election Day to register by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day and to vote in that same election.
(In Senate Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
AB 582 (Matthews-D) Unsolicited political advertisements
Prohibits a candidate or political committee in this state from transmitting a text message advertisement to a cellular telephone, pager, or two-way messaging device.
Chapter 711, Statutes of 2005
AB 591 (Salinas-D) Elections: all-mailed ballot
Extends the sunset date on the all-mailed ballot elections process in Monterey County from December 31, 2005, to December 31, 2008.
(In Senate Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
AB 738 (Nation-D) Elections
Requires an individual who receives compensation to circulate an initiative, referendum, or recall petition to wear a badge identifying himself/herself as a paid signature gatherer.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 783* (Jones-D) Special election: costs
Restores a provision of law that provides that the state shall pay the costs of a special election to fill a vacancy in the office of the California State Senate or Assembly, or to fill a vacancy in the office of United States Senator or Representative. Only those additional expenses directly related to the election shall be paid for by the state when consolidated with any other local election. Applies to any special election held on or after January 1, 2005.
Chapter 714, Statutes of 2005
AB 821 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Voting rights
Requires county elections officials to provide voter registration forms and copies of the "Guide to Inmate Voting" to local detention facilities, and requires those facilities to make the registration forms and guides available to inmates, as specified.
(In Senate Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
AB 867 (Liu-D) All-mailed ballot
Authorizes the following counties to conduct all elections as vote-by-mail only elections until January 1, 2011: Calaveras, Mendocino, San Benito, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Sierra, and Ventura.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 868 (Liu-D) Absentee voting
Allows absentee ballots to be counted, regardless of when they are received by the elections official, provided that such ballots are returned by mail with a postmark on or before the date of the election.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)
AB 876 (Garcia-R) Voter file maintenance
Requires the Secretary of State, in maintaining the voter registration database, to require local elections officials to remove the names of ineligible voters by verifying information in the database with records on criminal convictions in the county, remove the names of ineligible voters by verifying information in the database with records of deaths in the county, and remove the name of any voter who has been placed on the inactive file of registered voters and who does not offer to vote or vote at any election between the date of the mailing of the notice of placement on the inactive file and two federal general elections after that mailing. Requires the Secretary of State to adopt the necessary safeguards to ensure that eligible voters are not mistakenly removed from the voter registration database.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)
AB 1013 (Garcia-R) Local elected officials: vacancy
Provides that the city council shall fill the vacancy within 30 days by appointment of the person who received the third highest number of votes in the prior election for that office. If that person does not exist, cannot be appointed, or will not accept the appointment, the council shall then call a special election to be held within 114 days.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)
AB 1054 (Bogh-R) Republican Central Committee: San Bernardino County
Requires that Republican Central Committee members in San Bernardino County be elected by county board of supervisor districts instead of Assembly districts and establishes a minimum of 30 members for the committee.
Chapter 65, Statutes of 2005
AB 1096 (Umberg-D) Absentee ballots
Expands the list of individuals who may pick up a ballot for an absentee voter. Deletes the requirement that an absentee voter be ill or disabled in order to have a family member or a person in the same household return the ballot for that voter.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1140 (Dymally-D) Landowner voting districts
Requires a person to be a resident of a water district in order to vote on elections in that district or serve on the board of that district.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)
AB 1530 (La Malfa-R) Elections: public employee membership dues
Prohibits the state or any political subdivision from paying membership dues to any organization, trade association, or other entity that expends money for any political campaign, including any election matter involving a candidate or ballot initiative.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)
AB 1636 (Umberg-D) Electronic voting systems
Places into statute various electronic voting system security directives issued by the Secretary of State, including requiring the elections official to retain the paper record copies of ballots cast on a direct recording electronic voting system for the same amount of time and in the same manner as the elections official is required to retain voted polling place ballots.
Chapter 718, Statutes of 2005
AB 1741 (Assembly Judiciary Committee) Voter information: privacy
Precludes a person who requests access to certain voter registration information, or who gathers signatures and other information for ballot petitions, from sending that information outside the United States or making it available electronically outside the United States.
Chapter 121, Statutes of 2005
AB 1756 (Assembly Elections And Redistricting Committee) City councils: selection of mayor
Clarifies that a city council is required to choose a mayor only after the declaration of the election results for a general municipal election.
Chapter 620, Statutes of 2005
AB 1757 (Assembly Elections And Redistricting Committee) Elections: precinct board members
Requires local elections officials to post the names of polling place workers at their offices and on their web sites, instead of publishing those names in a local newspaper. Elections officials will still be required to publish a list of polling places in the newspaper.
Chapter 201, Statutes of 2005
AB 1759 (Assembly Elections And Redistricting Committee) Special elections: rescinding by Governor
Specifies that the Governor may, by proclamation, rescind a call for a statewide special election any time prior to the date of that election. States the finding of the Legislature that this provision is declaratory of the existing authority of the Governor under the California Constitution.
(On Senate Third Reading File)
A similar bill is AB 1776 (Klehs-D) which is unassigned to a committee.
ACA 17 (Mullin-D) Elections: voting age
Allows a person who is at least 17 years of age and will be 18 years of age at the time of the next general election to register and vote at that general election and at any intervening primary or special election that occurs after the person is eligible to register to vote.
(On Assembly Third Reading File)
ACA 18 (Nation-D) Initiatives
Creates a procedure for legislative review of initiative measures.
(On Assembly Third Reading File)
ACR 14 (DeVore-R) Ukrainian election
Congratulates the people of Ukraine for persevering in the face of government opposition to conduct a democratic and fair runoff presidential election on December 26, 2004, congratulates Viktor Yushchenko on his election as President of Ukraine and his commitment to democracy and governmental reform, congratulates Yulia Timoshenko on her selection as Prime Minister of the Government of Ukraine, and congratulates the Ukrainian armed forces for their professionalism in the defense of democracy, rule of law, and national defense.
Resolution Chapter 9, Statutes of 2005
ACR 40 (Lieber-D) League of Women Voters
Recognizes the origins and accomplishments of the League of Women Voters and memorializes their 85th anniversary.
Resolution Chapter 55, Statutes of 2005
ACR 72 (Wyland-R) Voter Awareness Week
Proclaims the week of October 24 to 28, 2005, as Voter Awareness Week.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)
ACR 81 (Klehs-D) Special election
Urges the Governor to issue a proclamation calling off the statewide special election currently scheduled for November 8, 2005.
(Unassigned to a committee)
AJR 19 (Dymally-D) Voting Rights Act of 1965
Requests the President and Congress of the United States to declare their public support for reauthorizing the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, certain provisions of which are scheduled to expire in 2007, unless extended by the Congress.
Resolution Chapter 60, Statutes of 2005
AJR 37 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Voting Rights Act of 1965
Memorializes the Congress and the President of the United States to extend the provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that are set to expire in the year 2007.
(Unassigned to a committee)

The subject of reapportionment does not become an issue for the Legislature until 2011 when legislative, congressional and Board of Equalization (BOE) districts are to be redrawn by the Legislature. However, Governor Schwarzenegger was successful in putting on the ballot, for the November 2006 special election, Proposition 77 which revises the reapportionment process.
Proposition 77 provides for a three-member panel of retired federal and/or state judges (special masters) to develop redistricting plans. The Judicial Council of California (Council) is to collect a list of retired judges wiling to serve on the panel. These judges must not have held partisan political office. The Council randomly selects 24 judges from the list of volunteers and the two largest political parties must have equal representation. The four legislative leaders (two each from the majority and minority parties) nominate a total of 12 judges from the pool. The leaders each nominate three judges with party affiliations different than their own and each leader is then able to eliminate one of the nominated judges. From the judges remaining, three are selected at random to serve. Each of the two largest political parties must have at least one representative.
Among the new requirements regarding the drawing of district boundaries are:
- For the Legislature and BOE, population differences among districts cannot exceed one percent.
- Senate districts must be comprised of two adjacent Assembly districts, and BOE districts must be comprised of ten adjacent Senate districts.
- The plan must minimize the splitting of counties and cities into multiple districts.
In addition, when drawing boundaries, the panel could not consider information related to political party affiliations and other specified matters.
In developing a plan, the panel will have to hold public hearings and could receive suggested plans from the public and the Legislature. Once the panel unanimously approves a redistricting plan, the plan would be used for the next primary and general elections. The Secretary of State will place the plan on the general election ballot for the voters to consider. If the voters approve the plan, it will be used until the next redistricting is required. If the voters reject the plan, another panel will be appointed to prepare a new plan for the next primary and general elections.
Within 20 days of the effective date of the proposition, the Legislature is to appoint a Special Masters Panel to adopt a plan for the 2006 election cycle.
The following are legislative proposals that were introduced in 2005:
SCA 3 (Lowenthal-D) Citizen's Commission on Boundaries and Accountability
Establishes the Citizen's Commission on Boundaries and Accountability comprised of seven members who will each serve a three-year term. The following will each appoint one of the members: the Governor, the President pro Tempore of the Senate, the Speaker of the Assembly, the Senate Minority Leader, the Assembly Minority Leader, the Judicial Council, and the President of the University of California. The members will require the Commission to adopt redistricting plans for Congressional, Assembly, Senate, and Board of Equalization districts of equal population.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
ACA 8 (Maze-R) Reapportionment
Provides for a panel of five special masters to be selected at random by the Judicial Council. The panel is to be made up of retired judges, as specified.
(From printer but not referred to committee)
A similar bill is ACA 3X (McCarthy-R) which is in Assembly District Representation Committee.
AB 7X (Umberg-D) Redistricting: boundaries
Requires that the boundary lines of the Senate, Assembly, Congressional, and Board of Equalization districts be based on census data from a census, as defined, of the population of California that occurred within two years before the boundary lines are adopted. Requires that a census conducted by the state gather all categories of population data necessary to comply with federal and state standards for redistricting, and the actual enumeration shall be supplemented and adjusted using reliable statistical techniques, including sampling, to achieve the most accurate population county possible. Requires that the date on which the census occurs is census day, the day on which the United States Census Bureau or the state bases the population county.
(From printer but not referred to a committee)
ACA 5X (Canciamilla-D) Redistricting
Creates an independent redistricting commission of five members. A panel of 10 retired judges of the Court of Appeals, appointed by the Commission on Judicial Appointments are to nominate 25 persons from a pool of candidates. The Speaker of the Assembly, President pro Tempore of the Senate, the Senate Minority Leader and Assembly Minority Leader will each pick a member from the pool of candidates and the five members will be chosen by the four Commission members.
(From printer but not referred to committee)
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 8 | Soto-D Conflicts of interest | |
SB 11 | Bowen-D Secretary of State | |
SB 25* | Ackerman-R Political reform contributions | |
SB 36* | Florez-D Political Reform: disclosure | |
SB 39 | Murray-D Absentee voting | |
SB 91 | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee November 2004 election costs: deficiency | |
SB 117 | Murray-D Absentee voters | |
SB 145* | Murray-D Political reform: contributions | |
SB 191 | Cedillo-D Voter registration materials | |
SB 226 | Cox-R Elections: voting identification | |
SB 272 | Romero-D Candidates: ballots | |
SB 316 | Margett-R Voter registration information | |
SB 370 | Bowen-D Elections | |
SB 443 | Senate Elections, Reapportionment And Constitutional Amendments Committee Elections | |
SB 469 | Bowen-D Initiative, referendum, and recall petitions | |
SB 472 | Alquist-D Political reform: disclosure of income | |
SB 506 | Poochigian-R Voter registration information | |
SB 596 | Bowen-D Municipal elections: voting methods | |
SB 721 | Chesbro-D Elections: ballot pamphlets | |
SB 784* | Senate Elections, Reapportionment And Constitutional Amendments Committee Campaign contributions | |
SB 787 | McClintock-R Elections officials: political activities | |
SB 904 | Scott-D Candidates: campaign practices | |
SB 929* | Kehoe-D Political Reform Act: Coastal Commission: administrative | |
SB 1009 | Florez-D Water storage districts: election rolls | |
SB 1012 | Florez-D Voter kiosks | |
SB 1016 | Bowen-D Voter information: privacy | |
SB 1050 | Bowen-D Elections: write-in candidates | |
SCA 3 | Lowenthal-D Citizen's Commission on Boundaries and Accountability | |
SCA 4 | Denham-R Office of the Secretary of State | |
AB 2 | Benoit-R Presidential electors | |
AB 16 | Huff-R Campaign contributions | |
AB 40* | Wolk-D Political Reform Act: conflict of interest | |
AB 43 | Vargas-D Write-in candidates | |
AB 45 | Maze-R Electoral college | |
AB 138* | Assembly Budget Committee State elections mandates: budget trailer bill | |
AB 187 | Mountjoy-R Overseas military voting | |
AB 215 | Oropeza-D Code of Fair Campaign Practices | |
AB 347 | Huff-R Political Reform Act: enforcement | |
AB 369 | Benoit-R Voting systems | |
AB 432 | Oropeza-D Elections: new citizens | |
AB 513 | Richman-R Lobbyist registration: bond consultants | |
AB 582 | Matthews-D Unsolicited political advertisements | |
AB 583 | Hancock-D Political reform contributions | |
AB 591 | Salinas-D Elections: all-mailed ballot | |
AB 709 | Wolk-D Political reform: contributions | |
AB 738 | Nation-D Elections | |
AB 739 | Nation-D Political expenditure disclosure | |
AB 783* | Jones-D Special election: costs | |
AB 821 | Ridley-Thomas-D Voting rights | |
AB 866 | Yee-D Fair Campaign Practices Code | |
AB 867 | Liu-D All-mailed ballot | |
AB 868 | Liu-D Absentee voting | |
AB 876 | Garcia-R Voter file maintenance | |
AB 891 | DeVore-R Political reform: slate mailers | |
AB 938 | Umberg-D Political reform: reporting | |
AB 1013 | Garcia-R Local elected officials: vacancy | |
AB 1054 | Bogh-R Republican Central Committee: San Bernardino County | |
AB 1096 | Umberg-D Absentee ballots | |
AB 1129* | Mountjoy-R Political reform: ballot pamphlet availability | |
AB 1140 | Dymally-D Landowner voting districts | |
AB 1363 | Jones-D Public officials: financial duties | |
AB 1391 | Leno-D Campaign disclosure | |
AB 1530 | La Malfa-R Elections: public employee membership dues | |
AB 1558 | Wolk-D Conflict of interest | |
AB 1636 | Umberg-D Electronic voting systems | |
AB 1741 | Assembly Judiciary Committee Voter information: privacy | |
AB 1755 | Assembly Elections And Redistricting Committee Political Reform Act of 1974 | |
AB 1756 | Assembly Elections And Redistricting Committee City councils: selection of mayor | |
AB 1757 | Assembly Elections And Redistricting Committee Elections: precinct board members | |
AB 1759 | Assembly Elections And Redistricting Committee Special elections: rescinding by Governor | |
ACA 8 | Maze-R Reapportionment | |
ACA 17 | Mullin-D Elections: voting age | |
ACA 18 | Nation-D Initiatives | |
ACR 14 | DeVore-R Ukrainian election | |
ACR 40 | Lieber-D League of Women Voters | |
ACR 72 | Wyland-R Voter Awareness Week | |
ACR 81 | Klehs-D Special election | |
AJR 19 | Dymally-D Voting Rights Act of 1965 | |
AJR 37 | Ridley-Thomas-D Voting Rights Act of 1965 | |
AB 7X | Umberg-D Redistricting: boundaries | |
ACA 5X | Canciamilla-D Redistricting |