
School Finance
School Facilities
Bilingual Education
Charter Schools
Class Size Reduction
School Safety
Child and Day Care
Special Education
School Accountability and Testing
Higher Education
School Employees

Index School Finance

SB 5 (Torlakson-D) Education finance: revenue limits

Establishes a formula to provide equalization adjustments to school district revenue limits for the fiscal year 2001-2002.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 6* (O'Connell-D) School finance

Reduces school district contribution rates to the State Public Employees' Retirement System in 2001-02 by $35 million; and provides for cost-of-living adjustment and growth in future years.

Chapter 794, Statutes of 2001

SB 192 (Karnette-D) Adult education: funding

Establishes a new formula for allocating, beginning with the 2001-02 fiscal year, adult education average daily attendance growth funding, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 210 (Senate Local Government Committee) School districts' general obligation bonds

Authorizes school districts to allow trustees and paying agents to pay the principal and interest on school districts' bonds to the bondholder.

Chapter 176, Statutes of 2001

SB 230 (Chesbro-D) School finance

Repeals the requirement that school districts maintain the extra long school bell schedules of 1982-83 in order to receive "Longer Day and Year Incentive" funding.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

SB 240 (Morrow-R) Education: school districts

Creates the Capistrano Unified School District Categorical Program Funding Flexibility Pilot Program to allow the district to receive state categorical funding using the same block grant formula used for charter schools.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

SB 246 (Brulte-R) School finance: pupil transfers

Requires the recalculation of a receiving school district's average daily attendance revenue limit when the transfer of seventh and eighth grade pupils occurs between an elementary school district and a high school district.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 250* (McPherson-R) School finance: Pacific Unified School District

Authorizes the Pacific Valley School in the Pacific Unified School District (Big Sur) to receive a necessary small school allowance with as few as 18, rather than 26, elementary grade pupils.

(In Assembly; held at desk)

SB 273* (Karnette-D) Instructional materials: apportionments

Authorizes the State Board of Education to waive specified requirements for the receipt of funding under the Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive Program.

Chapter 574, Statutes of 2001

SB 347* (O'Connell-D) Education Budget Trailer

Contains the provisions necessary to implement the K-12 provisions of the State Budget, as specified.

Vetoed by the Governor

Note: Follow-up legislation was SB 735 (Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee), which became Chapter 891, Statutes of 2001.

SB 431* (Monteith-R) School finance: utility costs

Declares that a county unified school district with fewer than 3,000 pupils in average daily attendance may use up to 30 percent of its fiscal reserve for utility costs in the 2000-01 and 2001-02 fiscal years.

Chapter 872, Statutes of 2001

SB 688 (O'Connell-D) Regional occupational centers and programs

Increases the revenue limit funding for Regional Occupational Centers and Programs electing to participate in an accountability system that would be created by this bill.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 735* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Education

Contains provisions necessary to implement the education provisions of the budget, and contains various community college appropriations.

Chapter 891, Statutes of 2001 - Item Veto

Similar legislation was SB 753 (Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee).

SB 913 (McPherson-R) Education finance

Establishes a method for the division of the Proposition 98 minimum guarantee of funding among K-12 school districts, community college districts and the instructional services of state agencies.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 973 (Ortiz-D) School facilities

Appropriates $1 billion from the General Fund to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction for allocation to schools that are ranked in the two lowest deciles on the Academic Performance Index.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 999* (Torlakson-D) Home-to-school transportation

Allows certain school districts that currently operate home-to-school transportation programs to receive financial assistance in the 2001-02 fiscal year, even though they did not receive such assistance in the prior year.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 1020 (Escutia-D) Schools

Establishes the California Middle Grades Extended Year Incentive Program and the Targeted Instructional Improvement Block Grant. Repeals existing authorizations for economic impact aid, court-ordered desegregation and voluntary integration reimbursement.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

SB 1078 (Battin-R) Necessary small schools

Deems various schools to be "necessary small schools " or "necessary small high schools", as specified, and therefore eligible for additional apportionment funding.

Affects the Alum Rock Union Elementary School District, the Patterson Joint Unified School District, the Valley Center-Pauma Unified School District, the Bear Valley Unified School District and the Del Norte County Unified School District.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 50 (Hertzberg-D) School finance

Extends the scheduled sunset of the Schiff-Bustamante Standards-Based Instructional Materials Program until June 30, 2006, and annually appropriates $250 million in support of the program.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 90 (Leach-R) School finance

Establishes a methodology to equalize school district base revenue limits per unit of average daily attendance (ADA) so that at least 90 percent of the ADA by size and type of district will receive the same level of per unit base revenue limit funding.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 96* (Aroner-D) School districts

Provides emergency financial assistance to the Emery Unified School District.

Chapter 135, Statutes of 2001

AB 103 (Havice-D) School finance: revenue limits

Requires that the CalPERS rate reduction apply to specified joint powers authorities (JPAs) established by school districts, but grandfathers in an exemption for specified JPAs established prior to July 1, 2000.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 122 (Leslie-R) School finance: snow removal

Authorizes the State Department of Education to reimburse qualified school districts for 50 percent of the costs in excess of $10 per pupil for costs of snow removal.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 139 (Florez-D) County superintendents of schools

Clarifies and expands the authority of county superintendents of schools in their oversight responsibilities relative to local school district financial matters.

Chapter 620, Statutes of 2001

AB 250 (Strom-Martin-D) School finance

Provides school districts with declining average daily attendance an adjustment to increase the districts' base revenue limit, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 253 (Alquist-D) Adult education

Increases the revenue limits per average daily attendance for the adult education provided by K-12 school districts and the noncredit full-time equivalent student funding amount for adult education provided by community college districts, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 353 (Florez-D) Summer supplemental instruction: funding

Requires, beginning with the 2001-02 fiscal year, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to increase by up to ten percent the hourly funding for costs related to transportation for summer instruction. Applies to school districts that have a population density of ten or fewer students per square mile of school district territory.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 432* (Assembly Budget Committee) Education

Includes provisions necessary to implement the K-12 education portion of the budget.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 441* (Simitian-D) School finance: revenue limits

Enacts the Fairness in Education Funding Act establishing a methodology to equalize per average daily attendance school district base revenue limits.

Chapter 155, Statutes of 2001 - Item Veto

AB 473 (Cogdill-R) Education technology: loans

Creates the Education Technology Bank Revolving Fund in the State Treasury for the purpose of loaning funds to local educational agencies to implement educational technology plans, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 804* (Assembly Education Committee) Education

Is the State Department of Education's annual omnibus cleanup bill to correct technical errors in statute, update cross references and delete obsolete references.

Chapter 734, Statutes of 2001

AB 818 (Dutra-D) State Allocation Board

Requires periodic meetings of the State Allocation Board (SAB). Requires that SAB meet at least every other month for the purpose of transacting its business.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 861 (Leslie-R) Community day schools

Authorizes a county office of education of specified size to operate a community day school without regard to the unused average daily attendance in district-operated community day schools.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 885 (Daucher-R) Attendance: internet: Canyon High School

Provides that an online class operated by Canyon High School in the Orange Unified School District shall be in compliance with the requirement that attendance credit for funding may only be earned by pupils under the "immediate supervision" of a properly credentialed instructor.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 927 (Goldberg-D) Continuation high schools

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to award grants for the purpose of increasing funding to support continuation high schools and to ensure these high schools meet quality standards, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 961* (Steinberg-D) Low-performing schools

Contains the provisions decided upon by the conference committee on low-performing schools. Implements the New High Priority Grant Program for Low-Performing Schools.

Chapter 749, Statutes of 2001 - Item Veto

Similar legislation was SB 466 (Ortiz) and AB 481 (Diaz), which are in Conference.

AB 1189 (Aanestad-R) School finance

Extends the inoperative date, from July 1, 2002, to July 1, 2004, on a statute that allows the Plumas Unified School District to receive necessary small school and necessary small high school funding in spite of the district's total size.

Chapter 569, Statutes of 2001

AB 1213 (Liu-D) Pupil transportation services: funding

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to establish a Pupil Transportation Task Force to study the existing pupil transportation system and state funding formula in order to recommend a more effective new funding formula.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1218 (Wiggins-D) Construction academies: grants

Establishes the Construction Career Academies grant program to provide three-year $50,000 grants to 20 high schools for the purpose of providing job preparedness in the construction field.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1302* (Assembly Education Committee) Kindergarten readiness

Makes numerous revisions to the Kindergarten Readiness Program that was enacted by AB 25 (Mazzoni), Chapter 1022, Statutes of 2000.

Chapter 394, Statutes of 2001

AB 1615 (Leach-R) School district revenue limits

Requires, for the fiscal year 2001-02 and each fiscal year thereafter, that the inflation adjustment be based upon the Implicit Price Deflator for the Gross Domestic Product for the United States, as published by the United States Department of Commerce for the 12-month period ending in the third quarter of the prior fiscal year.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

TopIndex School Facilities

SB 21 (Escutia-D) Lead-safe schools

Expands the Lead-Safe Schools Protection (LSSP) program by requiring school districts to inspect pre-1992 elementary schools, public preschools, and public day care facilities for lead hazards, review results, devise an abatement and control plan, and carry out these plans.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 256* (Machado-D) School facility priority funding

Requires the State Allocation Board to report to the Legislature within six months of the effective date of the bill regarding the effects of new construction and modernization funding allocations, procedures, application requirements, and mechanisms used after January 1, 1992.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

SB 575 (O'Connell-D) School facilities: fire detection

Requires various school fire detection and control systems.

Chapter 725, Statutes of 2001

SB 634 (Murray-D) Lead poisoning

Requires the State Department of Health Services to develop a community-based lead hazard preliminary assessment training program in coordination with all local health departments.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 709 (Alpert-D) School facilities

Changes requirements related to commercial buildings being used for a school building.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 844 (Chesbro-D) Education funding

Places a $10 billion K-12 and higher education bond proposal on the March 5, 2002, ballot with unspecified allocations to each segment.

(In Conference)

SB 1010* (Poochigian-R) School construction funding

Exempts one-time General Fund appropriations for construction of school buildings from being counted as funds provided to schools in satisfaction of the minimum guarantee of funding for schools under the provisions of Proposition 98 (Section 8, Article XVI of the California Constitution).

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 1043 (Soto-D) School facility funding

Authorizes partial apportionments of state school construction funding. In addition, authorizes school districts that meet "hardship" criteria to combine partial apportionments of state school construction funding.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1091 (Alarcon-D) School facilities: multitrack schools

Appropriates $100 million from the General Fund for the purpose of fully funding the Multitrack Year-Round Grant Program and makes other related changes in the program.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 1129 (O'Connell-D) School bonds: school facility improvement

Permits school facilities improvement districts (consisting of a portion of the territory of a school district or community college district) to issue general obligation bonds with the approval of 55 percent of the voters rather than the currently required two-thirds of the voters.

Chapter 132, Statutes of 2001

SB 1209 (Romero-D) Educational facilities

Expands the powers of the California Educational Facilities Authority: (1) allows the California Educational Facilities Authority to offer financing from tax-exempt revenue bonds for faculty housing owned by private colleges; (2) authorizes the authority to pursue activities to enhance the market acceptance of potential bond issues; and (3) establishes a grant program administered by the authority for private colleges to expand outreach efforts in lower achieving high schools.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 1229* (Johnson-R) School facilities funding: military base reuse

Allows a school district to apply the appraised value of former military base reuse property that is conveyed to the district toward meeting the local matching share requirement for a new school construction project funded under the State School Facilities Program.

(In Assembly; at desk)

AB 12 (Firebaugh-D) School facilities funding

States legislative intent to examine current standards of eligibility and processes of apportionment for state general obligation bond funds for K-12 school facilities.

(In Conference)

AB 14 (Goldberg-D) School facilities

Expresses legislative intent to examine the state school facilities program and to examine the needs of our higher educational system.

(In Conference)

AB 16 (Hertzberg-D) School Facilities Bond Act

States legislative intent to enact a Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2002, to become operative only if approved by the voters at the March 5, 2002, direct primary election.

(In Conference)

AB 51 (Shelley-D) Lead-safe schools

Addresses part of the lead problem in schools. Requires ongoing inspections of school buildings in which lead hazards have been identified and mitigated but not fully removed and inspections of school facilities that are being renovated or expanded or that have been damaged and need extensive work. Also ensures that parents are notified of lead problems in schools.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 200 (Runner-R) School facilities

Appropriates $1 billion from the General Fund to the State Office of Public School Construction for allocation to school districts for purposes of new school construction projects.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 401 (Cardenas-D) School facilities

Allows the State Allocation Board to provide state funding, in specified circumstances, to a school district for the site acquisition and site development costs of a site that the district already owns.

Chapter 647, Statutes of 2001

AB 445 (Cardenas-D) School Facilities Fee Assistance Fund

Moves the sunset date of and eliminates future appropriations for the School Facilities Fee Assistance Program.

Chapter 114, Statutes of 2001

AB 504 (Havice-D) School facility plans

Requires pupil and faculty safety to be considered when school facility plans are developed and approved.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 542 (Runner-R) Pupil capacity: multitrack

Reduces school district eligibility for funding under the Multitrack Year-Round Education Grant Program by changing the formulas that determine funding eligibility.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 768 (Shelley-D) School property

Requires a school district to report any modification of any existing structure on school property, if the modification of that structure changes the purpose for which the structure will be used, to both the State Board of Education and the State Department of General Services, and prescribes related matters.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 947 (Jackson-D) Pesticides: schoolsites

Requires that the disaster procedures addressed in school safety plans must include provisions for responding to the release of a pesticide or other toxic substance from properties located within one-fourth mile of schools. Permits county agricultural commissioners to regulate the timing, notification of use, and method of application of agricultural pesticides in areas within one-fourth mile of a school.

(Failed passage in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources; reconsideration granted)

AB 972* (Calderon-D) School facilities: environmental investigations

Establishes an alternative method for a school district to make a preliminary endangerment assessment of potential hazardous materials on the school site available to the public for review and comment.

Chapter 865, Statutes of 2001

AB 1072 (Cedillo-D) School facilities: lease payments

States legislative intent to examine the issue of using state general obligation bond funds to make lease payments for land on which K-12 schools may be built.

(In Conference)

AB 1255 (Cardenas-D) School construction funding: smaller schools

Increases school construction grants for small schools by requiring the State Allocation Board to increase the per pupil amount established in current law by 25 percent, for any project in which the total number of pupils to be housed within the school when constructed will not exceed 400.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1299 (Leonard-R) Public education facility funding

Makes legislative findings and expresses intent about educational facilities.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 1301 (Goldberg-D) Belmont Learning Center

Requires the Los Angeles Unified School District to prepare a remedial investigation and feasibility study of the Belmont Learning Center and to submit the study for review by the State Department of Toxic Substances Control by January 1, 2003.

Chapter 947, Statutes of 2001

AB 1367 (Wiggins-D) Land use: school siting

Increases the amount of consultation and information sharing required between local planning agencies and school districts concerning school siting.

Chapter 396, Statutes of 2001

AB 1402 (Simitian-D) Public works: design-build contracts

Authorizes school districts to enter into design-build contracts for construction of school facilities costing in excess of $10 million (ten million dollars).

Chapter 421, Statutes of 2001

AB 1430 (Cardenas-D) School facilities

States legislative intent to examine the issue of providing state general obligation bond funds to school districts for the purpose of paying the site acquisition and site development costs of sites that the school districts already own.

(In Conference)

AB 1447 (Frommer-D) Public school facilities

Establishes maximum capacities for schools built after January 1, 2004, and facilitates the leasing or purchasing of commercial buildings or facilities.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1478 (Salinas-D) School construction approval

Increases the existing cost from $20,000 to $25,000 for siting and construction of school facilities, as specified, and includes an inflation adjustment in the $25,000 amount.

Chapter 422, Statutes of 2001

AB 1511 (Frommer-D) Public school facilities

Allows school districts to purchase commercial buildings for use as school buildings as long as the buildings are in substantial compliance with the Field Act, and makes other related changes in current law.

(In Senate; held at desk)

AB 1543 (Firebaugh-D) School facility construction

Authorizes a pilot program consisting of two projects, each with a cost of less than $10 million, to be implemented as design-build projects, as specified, by the Los Angeles Unified School District.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 1558 (Leach-R) School facilities: maintenance

Makes more specific the current law requirements relative to major maintenance plans prepared by school districts.

Chapter 194, Statutes of 2001

AB 1580 (Cardenas-D) School facilities: allocation of funds

States legislative intent to examine the processes currently used to apportion and release state general obligation bond funds to school districts for facilities.

(In Conference)

AB 1623 (Nakano-D) Regional occupational center/joint powers agencies

Authorizes prescribed regional occupational center joint powers agencies to be school districts for modernization funding purposes.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

TopIndex Bilingual Education

SB 280 (Bates-R) English language education: teacher coaching program

Creates the English Language Learner Teacher Coaching Program to be administered by the San Bernardino County Office of Education.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 503 (Strom-Martin-D) Pupil instruction: dual language education grant program

Establishes a Dual Language Education grant program for the purpose, among other things, of promoting cross-cultural communication and social skills, as specified, to be administered by the Sate Department of Education in conjunction with county offices of education until January 2010.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 741 (Firebaugh-D) English language instruction

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to conduct a study to determine whether the $50 million appropriation made by Proposition 227 for the purpose of funding programs of adult English language instruction is being allocated and used in a way that meets the goals and objectives of Proposition 227.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

TopIndex Charter Schools

SB 675 (Poochigian-R) Charter schools: audits

Requires each charter school to transmit copies of its annual independent fiscal audit to its chartering agency and the State Department of Education by December 15 each year. Exempts audits of charter schools that are part of a larger audit of the school's chartering entity from the reporting requirement created by this bill.

Chapter 344, Statutes of 2001

SB 676 (Poochigian-R) Charter schools: special education

Requires the State Department of Education to establish a five-year charter schools special education local plan area pilot program.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 740 (O'Connell-D) Charter schools

(1) Requires charter schools to request a determination of funding from the State Board of Education (SBE) in order to receive funding for nonclassroom-based instruction, (2) creates the Charter School Facility Grant Program to provide assistance with facilities rent and lease costs for charter schools located in low-income areas, and (3) requires the amount of funding to be allocated to a charter school on the basis of average daily attendance that is generated by pupils engaged in nonclassroom-based instruction and states that it may be adjusted by the SBE.

Chapter 892, Statutes of 2001

SB 955* (Alpert-D) Education: charter schools

Makes changes to the law pertaining to charter schools, as follows: (1) clarifies that statutes pertaining to charter schools regarding instruction time, records, and testing must be met as conditions of apportionment of state funds; (2) eliminates the Public School Accountability Act of 1999 from the list of programs for which charter schools receive block grant funding without having to meet program requirements; and (3) limits the amount of property tax transferred in support of pupils who reside in a basic aid district, but attend a charter school in a non-basic aid district.

Chapter 586, Statutes of 2001

AB 1132 (Canciamilla-D) Charter schools

Extends the sunset date for the State Department of Education (SDE) authority to fund charter schools. Clarifies the conditions under which the SDE shall reimburse charter schools for their supplemental instruction programs and eliminates duplicative revenue limit adjustments related to Unemployment Insurance and the State Public Employees' Retirement System offset.

Vetoed by the Governor

ACR 64 (Zettel-R) Charter schools

Proclaims April 30 through May 4, 2001 as California Charter School Act.

Resolution Chapter 42, Statutes of 2001

TopIndex Class Size Reduction

SB 29 (O'Connell-D) Class size reduction

Permits the expansion of the existing high school class size reduction program to additional specified courses in grades nine through 12, and will, for the 2002-03 fiscal year, authorize the use of grant funds for facilities purposes related to program implementation.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 692 (Sher-D) Class size reduction

Allows school districts to qualify for Class Size Reduction (CSR) funding, if each class in the CSR program maintains an annual participating school site average of not more than 20 pupils per class and if the maximum number of pupils in a class participating in CSR does not exceed 22.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 231 (Nakano-D) Class size reduction

Authorizes the Torrance Unified School District and the Poway Unified School District to implement an alternative class size reduction program in kindergarten and grades one through five, inclusive, to 23 pupils, utilizing the state funding that the districts would otherwise receive under the K-3 Class Size Reduction program.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 526 (Briggs-R) Class size reduction

Authorizes school districts maintaining a district wide average of 20 pupils in all district classes participating in the Class Size Reduction Program to qualify for funding.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1498 (Rod Pacheco-R) Junior high school class size reduction

Expands the Class Size Reduction Program to 7th grade mathematics and language arts courses.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

TopIndex School Safety

SB 257 (Kuehl-D) Schools: hate crimes

Adds "hate crimes" to the list of issues to be addressed in interagency safe schools programs established under the School/Law Enforcement Partnership. Requires comprehensive school safety plans to include development of a discrimination and harassment policy, and development of hate crime reporting procedures.

Chapter 890, Statutes of 2001

SB 286 (Soto-D) School safety: hazardous substances

Requires the State Department of Education to study and report to the Legislature on the use of substances as part of educational instruction that have chemical risks that outweigh the educational benefits.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 862 (Machado-D) School safety

Prohibits a person from knowingly approaching a pupil, within eight feet, without the pupil's consent, for the purpose of passing a leaflet or handbill to, displaying a sign to, or engaging in oral protest, or counseling with the pupil in the public way or sidewalk area within a radius of 100 feet from any entrance door to a public school.

(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

AB 9 (Chavez-D) School safety: volunteers

Requires governing boards of school districts and county offices of education to require volunteers, who have unsupervised direct contact with minors, to submit a set of fingerprints for a criminal background check, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 79 (Havice-D) School safety

Requires the State Department of Education to develop model policies on the prevention of bullying and on conflict resolutions.

Chapter 646, Statutes of 2001

AB 80 (Havice-D) School safety: lead

Requires school districts to require its maintenance supervisors to participate in training offered by the State Department of Health Services through the Lead-Safe Schools Project, subject to funds being made available in the annual Budget Act.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 354 (Havice-D) School safety: school security officers

Requires every school security officer, after January 1, 2002, who continues to be employed by a school district, to complete a course of training developed by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services of the State Department of Consumer Affairs.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 355 (Havice-D) Peace officers: training

Requires the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training to develop a training course for peace officers that are assigned as school resource officers and requires these individuals to take the course.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 504 (Havice-D) School facility plans: pupil and faculty safety

Requires pupil and faculty safety to be considered when school facility plans are developed and approved.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 506 (Havice-D) Pupil safety: safe passage strategy development

Requires state and local law enforcement agencies, school districts, county offices of education, and cities and counties to collaborate with community groups to develop appropriate safe passage strategies for pupils walking to and from school.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 653 (Horton-D) Crime: minors: schools

Provides guidelines for the expulsion and suspension of students who aid and abet batteries that occur on school grounds, as specified. Authorizes courts to order minors involved in assaults or batteries to attend counseling.

Chapter 484, Statutes of 2001

AB 724 (Corbett-D) Earthquake emergency

Requires the State Fire Marshal to annually inspect each school's preparedness for earthquake emergencies and disasters and submit a report to the school principal and district superintendent, who, in turn, must notify parents, guardians and local Parent Teacher Association organizations of the report.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 725 (Vargas-D) School violence

Enacts the "Statewide School Violence Prevention Hotline Act", which requires the State Department of Justice, in consultation with the State Department of Education, to establish, operate, and maintain a statewide 24/7 toll-free school safety hotline for the purpose of receiving reports of violence and threats of violence, or feared acts of aggression that affect the safety and well-being of any school's population.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 804* (Assembly Education Committee) Education

Is the State Department of Education's annual omnibus cleanup bill to correct technical errors in statute, update cross references and delete obsolete references.

Chapter 734, Statutes of 2001

AB 819 (Jackson-D) School safety

Amends the Carl Washington School Safety and Violence Prevention Act to add that school sites receiving funds pursuant to the act provide age-appropriate instruction in domestic violence prevention, dating violence prevention, and interpersonal violence prevention.

Chapter 735, Statutes of 2001

AB 1339 (Keeley-D) School security training

Establishes additional training requirements for peace officers assigned primarily to public schools and requires state certification of institutions seeking to teach a school security training program.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1626 (Pescetti-R) School safety

Appropriates General Fund monies to the State Attorney General's Office to fund two pilot existing sites for the "California Safe Alternatives and Violence Education Program", described as "nonpunitive intervention for adolescent first-time offenders ages 10-17 who have been involved in violence or weapons possession on or near a school campus".

Vetoed by the Governor

TopIndex Child and Day Care

SB 248 (Ortiz-D) Child care

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop a qualification process and standards for school readiness programs, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 308 (Escutia-D) Child care and development

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to provide the Legislature with a plan, by January 1, 2003, for providing, by January 1, 2006, child care and development services for all persons meeting income eligibility criteria.

(In Assembly Human Services Committee)

SB 390 (Escutia-D) Child care and development: state master plan

Requires the State Department of Education to establish a commission of stakeholders to develop a child care and development master plan. Specifies that the plan is to address the long-term policy issues and challenges of providing high-quality child care and development services to all children in California.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 541* (Scott-D) Child care: family support

Enacts the Child Care Family Support and Accountability Act to provide a comprehensive system of child care and development services through full- and part-time programs.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 634 (Murray-D) Lead poisoning prevention

Requires training workshops to train parents and community volunteers to conduct preliminary assessments to identify conditions that indicate potential for exposure of children under five years of age to lead hazards. Specifies that the program is to include a standardized format for identifying and assessing lead hazards in preschools, day care centers, school facilities, residences and housing projects.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 742* (Escutia-D) Child care facilities

Changes the loan criteria for the Child Care Facilities Financing Program, including a reduction in the matching funds requirement, from 50 to 20 percent, an extension of the loan tern from 20 to 30 years, and establishment of the interest rate at three percent.

Chapter 118, Statutes of 2001

SB 793 (Battin-R) Child day care facilities

Requires licensed day care providers to notify parents if an individual who works in the facility has been convicted of a crime, as specified.

(In Senate Public Safety Committee)

SB 819 (Johnson-R) Child day care facility

Requires the State Department of Social Services to reopen an investigation into a licensed child day care facility when it receives information that a child may have been injured while in the provider's care.

Chapter 378, Statutes of 2001

SB 993 (Figueroa-D) Early care and education

Renames the Child and Development Services Act as the Early Care and Education Act and establishes certain standard reimbursement rates for services provided under the act, including cost-of-living adjustments.

(In Assembly Human Services Committee)

AB 83 (Runner-R) Child day care licensure

Requires child care facilities to disclose information regarding the status of criminal background clearances.

(Failed passage in Assembly Human Services Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 85 (Washington-D) Child care and development services

Provides that funds appropriated for purposes of the Child Care and Development Services Act may be allocated for child care and development services that are provided by a sectarian or denominational entity, provided that the services do not include religious instruction or worship.

(In Assembly Human Services Committee)

AB 396 (Papan-D) Child care services

Requires the State Department of Education to report on the effect of using regional median income in the definition of "income eligible", rather than state median income, from determining eligibility standards for state subsidized child care.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 463 (Vargas-D) Child development: home-based education

Establishes the Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters grant program and authorizes entities that provide home-based family support and education services to families with children between the ages of three and five years, as specified, to apply for grants.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 804* (Assembly Education Committee) Education

This is the State Department of Education's annual omnibus cleanup bill to correct technical errors in statute, update cross references and delete obsolete references.

Chapter 734, Statutes of 2001

AB 866* (Diaz-D) Taxes: child care

Extends the availability of the Employee Child Care Program Tax Credit to November 1, 2007. Disallows an employer credit for an employee's contribution to a dependent care plan.

Chapter 650, Statutes of 2001

AB 1105 (Simitian-D) Child care: foster

Repeals the requirement for a five-county pilot project and, instead, requires the State Department of Social Services to develop a statewide system to provide child care assistance to foster children in the care of licensed foster family homes or relative caregivers, who receive Aid to Families with Dependent Children-Foster Care payments.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1257* (Cardenas-D) Taxes: child care facilities

Provides for a credit against tax for expenditures made to or interest on loans used in connection with qualified child care facilities.

(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1358 (Pescetti-R) Child care facilities: complaints

Requires the State Department of Social Services to remove complaints from its public files within two years, if the conclusion, after an investigation, was inconclusive.

(In Assembly Health Services Committee)

AB 1525 (Liu-D) Child care and development: alternative payment program

Specifies the conditions under which the State Department of Education may permit the use of a state child care voucher in a child care program where 75 percent, or more, of the enrollees already receive subsidies.

(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 1568 (Aroner-D) Child care: family support

Establishes the Family Support in Child Care and Development Program to promote the integration of family support services into child care programs.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1634 (Chan-D) Early childhood education

Requires the State Department of Education, in consultation with the California Children and Families Commission and the Chancellor's Office of the California Community Colleges, to establish a task force to, by January 1, 2003, identify model programs, standards, and curricula for teaching early childhood educators to work with diverse families and to encourage respect for diversity in young children.

(On Senate Inactive File)

TopIndex Special Education

SB 505* (Perata-D) Special education

Requires the State Department of Education and California State University (CSU) to enter into an interagency agreement to authorize the Center for the Study of Correctional Education, located at the CSU, San Bernardino campus, to provide technical assistance regarding special education in the State Department of the Youth Authority.

Chapter 536, Statutes of 2001

SB 982* (O'Connell-D) Special education

Implements the settlement of special education mandated cost claims that resulted from state special education laws that exceeded federal education mandates. Appropriates $100 million to school districts on an on-going basis and appropriates $520 million for specified payments.

Chapter 203, Statutes of 2001

SB 1105 (Margett-R) Special education

Conforms state to federal law on matters concerning the special education of handicapped children. Specifically, revises the requirements concerning the composition of a special education pupil's individualized education program team and what the team should consider when developing a pupil's individualized education program.

Chapter 405, Statutes of 2001

SJR 10 (Poochigian-R) Special education: federal funding

Memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to provide the full federal share of funding for special education programs to the states so that this state and other states will not be required to take funding from other vital state and local programs to fund this underfunded federal mandate.

Resolution Chapter 19, Statutes of 2001

AB 164 (Harman-R) Special education: due process hearings

Allows local education agencies to establish procedures, as specified, to require parents involved in special education disputes, who choose not to use the mediation process, to meet at a time and location convenient to the parents, for the purpose of encouraging the use and explaining the benefits of the mediation process to the parents.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 303 (Dickerson-R) Special education: necessary small special education

Authorizes a declining enrollment funding adjustment for "Necessary Small" Special Education Local Plan Areas, as defined.

Chapter 551, Statutes of 2001

AB 306 (Frommer-D) Special education

Provides that a local education agency may reinforce Braille instruction using a Braille instructional aide who holds an appropriate credential. Requires that textbook publishers provide computer files of state adopted instructional materials so that they may be produced in an alternative media that is more accessible to vision impaired pupils.

Chapter 736, Statutes of 2001

AB 379* (Papan-D) Special education

Repeals the section of current law that sunsets the Special Education Program on June 30, 2001.`

Chapter 64, Statutes of 2001

AB 939 (Nation-D) Special education local plan areas

Requires the State Department of Education to administer an extraordinary cost pool to protect special education local plan areas from the extraordinary costs associated with single placements in nonpublic, nonsectarian agencies.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 992 (Papan-D) Special education: nonpublic, nonsectarian schools

Deletes the prohibition against reimbursement by the state for special education and related services provided by a nonpublic, nonsectarian school by an individual who is or was an employee of a contracting local educational entity within the last 365 days.

Chapter 215, Statutes of 2001

TopIndex School Accountability and Testing

SB 84* (O'Connell-D) Pupil testing

Converts the March 2001 administration of the high school exit exam from a test that ninth grade pupils may pass to a practice test, and eliminates ninth grade pupils from all future administrations of the exam, thereby requiring that all pupils take the high school exit exam in the tenth grade. Eliminates various statutory deadlines for the reporting of STAR test scores in order to accommodate non-traditional school calendars. Requires the State Department of Education, with the approval of the State Board of Education, to establish a process for annual public release of a sample of scored test items from the high school exit test.

(In Conference)

SB 204 (Vasconcellos-D) Pupil Achievement Software Incentive Program

Establishes the Pupil Achievement Software Incentive Program to encourage school principals and teachers to acquire and use computer software that monitors the test performance of pupils over time and provides information that allows local educators to devise instructional strategy tailored to the needs of the pupils.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

SB 233 (Alpert-D) Pupil testing

Extends authorization for, and makes significant reforms to, the state's school testing program.

Chapter 722, Statutes of 2001

SB 245* (O'Connell-D) Pupil testing

Eliminates various statutory deadlines for the reporting of STAR test scores in order to accommodate non-traditional school calendars.

Chapter 20, Statutes of 2001

SB 498 (Poochigian-R) Public Schools Accountability Act of 1999

Requires schools ranked in the lowest two deciles of the Academic Performance Index to accept an invitation to participate in the Immediate Intervention/Underperforming School Program or, as an alternative, be placed into a district-based program, as specified, that is focused on school improvement and accountability.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 789 (Oller-R) Academic Performance Index

Makes changes to the Academic Performance Index (API) to allow small schools, as specified, to receive an API score and, therefore, be eligible for performance awards and/or participation in the Immediate Intervention/Underperforming Schools Program. Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, by July 1, 2002, to develop an alternative accountability system with fewer than 11 valid test scores, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 65 (Strom-Martin-D) Pupil assessment

Requires that schools that have met their Academic Performance Index growth targets, but are still below the 20th percentile relative to other schools, be invited to participate in the Immediate Intervention/Underperforming Schools Program.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 174 (Oropeza-D) Pupil performance: Compton Unified School District

Extends authorization, from January 1, 2002 to January 1, 2003, for the Compton Unified School District to increase the school year in specified schools in exchange for additional funding.

Chapter 382, Statutes of 2001

AB 295 (Strom-Martin-D) Public Schools Accountability Act of 1999

Requires the State Department of Education (SDE) to add two indicators to the Similar School Characteristics Index, which is part of the Academic Performance Index. Requires the SDE to ensure that the California School Information Services System is fully operational for 90 percent of the local educational agencies within the state by 2004-05 fiscal year.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 420 (Wayne-D) Education: program evaluation: advisory committee

Creates the Kindergarten Through Grade 12 Continuous Evaluation Program for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of education programs offered in kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, throughout the state.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 676 (Canciamilla-D) Pupil achievement: content standards

Requires the State Department of Education to develop and make available to all school districts diagnostic test items that teachers can use to assist in determining the extent to which pupils are mastering state adopted academic standards.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 886 (Daucher-R) School accountability: Academic Performance Index

Establishes an incentive program for schools maintaining grade 7 or 8, who exceed their Academic Performance Index by 50 percent every year.

(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 1148 (Wyland-R) Educational resources: Legislative Analyst

Requires the Legislative Analyst, in collaboration with various prescribed entities, to conduct a study to identify the conditions, practices, and variables that account for the differences in test performance among schools similarly situated in terms of financial and other resources. Specifies that the study is due no later than November 15, 2002.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1165 (Bill Campbell-R) Leroy Greene Calif. Assessment of Academic Achievement Act

Extends the operative date of the Leroy Greene California Assessment Achievement Act until January 1, 2005.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1285* (Reyes-D) Supplemental Instruction: Fresno Unified School District

Authorizes the State Board of Education to grant a waiver request from the Cooper Middle School in the Fresno Unified School District to use supplemental instructional program funds to offer an instructional day that is 60 minutes longer than at other middle schools in the district.

(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 1439 (Pescetti-R) Challenger Learning Centers

Continuously appropriates $2 million from the General Fund to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction for allocation to the five Challenger Learning Centers operating in this state.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1609 (Calderon-D) High school exit examination

Excludes ninth grade students from taking the exit exam; requires that the test be given once in the tenth grade; requires that a second independent study be made of the exam; and authorizes the State Board of Education to delay the requirement to pass the exam as a condition of graduation.

Chapter 716, Statutes of 2001

TopIndex Higher Education

SB 159 (O'Connell-D) California Community Colleges

Provides for the annual transfer of funds from the General Fund to the State School Fund for allocation to California Community Colleges to compensate for estimated, but unreceived property tax and student fee revenues.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 176* (Ortiz-D) Student financial aid: Cal Grant

Makes technical and clarifying changes to the Cal Grant A and B financial programs. Appropriates $3.342 million from the General Fund to the Student Aid Commission for costs related to implementing recently established changes to the Cal Grant program.

Chapter 8, Statutes of 2001

SB 216 (McPherson-R) Calif. Postsecondary Education Commission: strategic plan

Requires the California Postsecondary Education Commission to prepare a strategic action plan for foreign language development, teaching, and learning.

(On Senate Inactive File)

SB 235 (Vasconcellos-D) Community colleges: classified staff

Requires local community colleges' consultative bodies to include representation from the classified employees of the college, as specified.

Chapter 799, Statutes of 2001

SB 277 (Chesbro-D) Public employee hlth care benefits: state univ employees

Extends the Rural Health Care Equity Program subsidies to employees of the California State University.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 284 (Polanco-D) Community colleges: funding

Appropriates $98 million to the California Community Colleges as follows: $49 million for scheduled maintenance and special repairs, and $49 million for instructional equipment and library materials replacement. Attempts to restore funding vetoed by the Governor in the 2001 Budget Act.

(On Assembly Third Reading File)

SB 311 (Chesbro-D) Public postsecondary education: excuse of tuition

Extends, until January 1, 2004, a provision of current law which sunsets on January 1, 2002, which expands specified college fee waiver benefits to surviving spouse and surviving children of contractors of employees of contractors.

Chapter 347, Statutes of 2001

SB 323* (O'Connell-D) California State University: real property exchange

Authorizes the California State University to exchange a portion of a specified 262-acre parcel currently owned by California State University, Channel Islands, for a specified parcel currently owned by a private land owner.

Chapter 402, Statutes of 2001

SB 326 (Scott-D) California Postsecondary Education Commission: report

Requires the commission to review and report annually to the Legislature and the Governor on the extent to which the State has improved the transfer process and increased the number of students successfully transferring from the California Community Colleges system to baccalaureate degree-granting universities.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 327 (Scott-D) California State University: biotechnology

Expresses a variety of legislative findings and declarations regarding the California State University and its Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology.

Chapter 403, Statutes of 2001

SB 380 (Murray-D) CalWORKs: community college students

Allows certain CalWORKs program recipients, who participate in welfare-to-work activities, to have an hour of study each hour in the classroom, up to a maximum of six hours per week, to apply toward their weekly hourly work requirement. Applies to students who would otherwise qualify for the welfare-to-work program.

Vetoed by Governor

SB 393 (Karnette-D) Community colleges: full-time Excess Costs Rebate Fund

Transfers $10 million from the General Fund to the Full-Time Excess Costs Rebate Fund to be allocated by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges pursuant to a specified formula to eligible community college districts to offset specified costs associated with hiring full-time faculty.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 436 (Monteith-R) Postsecondary education: allied health care

Appropriates $4,769,000 from the General Fund, to be allocated as specified, to support the creation, expansion and upgrading of nursing and allied health care programs at California State University Stanislaus, Columbia College, Merced College, Modesto Junior College and San Joaquin Delta College, as specified.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 457 (Scott-D) Public postsecondary education: nursing programs

Requires the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges and the Chancellor of the California State University to standardize all nursing program prerequisites on a statewide basis between the two systems, enter into transfer agreements between all of the universities of the California State University and all community colleges statewide, and create and implement a statewide nursing program vacancy information system.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 489 (Romero-D) Community college transfer academies

Creates community college transfer academies for the purposes of improving transfer to the University of California and California State University.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 494 (Karnette-D) California State University: year-round instruction

Requires that, when a campus of the California State University operates on a year-round schedule, the employment standards of each academic employee at that campus who is employed during the extended academic year is to be maintained at the level applied to academic employees in the academic year prior to the commencement of year-round operation.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 517 (Torlakson-D) California Postsecondary Education Commission

Requires the California Postsecondary Education Commission to consider the development of joint-use facilities and recommend to the Legislature criteria and processes to use bond funds for joint-use facilities.

Chapter 580, Statutes of 2001

SB 593* (Alarcon-D) California State University: real property exchange

Authorizes the trustees of the California State University to exchange a parcel of land that is part of CSU, Northridge, for another parcel of land owned by the Los Angeles Unified School District.

Chapter 726, Statutes of 2001

SB 611 (Speier-D) Public postsecondary education: joint-use facilities

Requires the State Department of Finance to deem that an unspecified 2001 Budget Act appropriation for the San Francisco State University for the construction of a joint use facility on a campus of the City College of San Francisco to be supplemental to existing or future capital outlay funding for the California State University.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 631 (Polanco-D) Postsecondary education: reciprocal program

Expresses legislative intent that the California Postsecondary Education Commission develop and submit to the Legislature a proposal to establish a reciprocal program for 1,000 California residents to attend postsecondary institutions in Mexico and 1,000 Mexican residents to attend postsecondary institutions in California, as specified.

(On Senate Unfinished Business File)

SB 664 (Poochigian-R) Nursing education

Requires the California Postsecondary Education Commission to conduct, or contract to conduct, a review of California Community College districts' admission procedures and attrition rates for their two-year associate degree nursing programs.

Chapter 443, Statutes of 2001

SB 713 (Alpert-D) Public postsecondary education: doctoral degree

Requires the State to ensure that a sufficient number of affordable, high-quality opportunities to obtain the doctoral degree in education (Ed.D.) are made available to interested candidates.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 760 (Murray-D) Medical education

Expands state financial support for medical graduates who agree to practice in medically underserved areas.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 782* (Brulte-R) Income taxes: credit: Scholarshare trust

Establishes a refundable tax credit of ten percent, not to exceed $500, for Scholarshare accounts created on or after January 1, 2001. Allows the credit to persons with adjusted gross income of no more than $200,000.

(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 838 (Scott-D) Community colleges: administrators

Provides that educational administrators within the California Community Colleges hired under certain circumstances are not entitled to tenure.

Chapter 144, Statutes of 2001

SB 885* (Polanco-D) Los Angeles County College of Nursing and Allied Health

Appropriates up to $3 million from the General Fund to the California Community Colleges' Board of Governors to allocate to the Los Angeles County College of Nursing and Allied Health as if it were a community college district, as specified.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 894* (Scott-D) Community College Leadership Institute

Requires the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges (CCCs) to contract with an institution of higher education to operate an institute to provide leadership training to CCC faculty, classified staff, trustees and administrators, as specified.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 1001 (Ackerman-R) Private postsecondary educational institutions

Excludes from the definition of private postsecondary educational institutions subject to regulation under the act nonprofit institutions accredited b the senior or junior commission of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges or accredited b the other regional institutional accrediting bodies as recognized b the United States Department of Education, if the institution exclusively confers degrees upon the completion of a course of study of one or more years.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 1061 (Alarcon-D) University of California: collective bargaining

Requires the Regents of the University of California (UC) to annually report to the Bureau of State Audits, which, in turn, is required to annually report to the Legislature on specified activities relating to the obligations of UC under the Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 1070 (Ortiz-D) Student Aid Commission

Establishes an information dissemination and outreach program about college academic and financial planning for students and their families to be administered by the Student Aid Commission (SAC); requires the SAC to fund community financial aid forums, as specified; and establishes the College Opportunity Corps Program to be administered b the SAC to provide stipends to up to 3,000 college students, as specified. Appropriates $5 million from the General Fund to the SAC for the above three programs, as specified.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1156 (Burton-D) University of California: labor management committee

Requires each campus of the University of California to establish a labor-management staffing committee.

(On Senate Unfinished Business File)

SB 1159 (Polanco-D) Labor standards

Provides that the provisions of all orders of the Industrial Welfare Commission regulating meal periods and rest periods of employees shall apply to employees of any public institution that issues doctorate degrees in health care professions, including, but not limited to, medicine and dentistry, who are employed as nurses, medical center employees and employees of health clinics.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 1162 (Polanco-D) Biotechnology

Expresses a variety of findings and declarations and states legislative intent regarding a budget appropriation for the development of a biotechnology research park by Los Angeles County, University of Southern California and other relevant entities, as specified.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 1175 (Soto-D) Higher education labor relations

Amends the Higher Education Employee Relations Act to authorize the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) to penalize an employer or employee organization for any repeated unfair practices of a substantially similar nature. Authorizes PERB to assess penalties or require payment of all or part of the costs of litigation for the opposing party, for such practices.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1199 (Romero-D) Community colleges: employees

Repeals the provisions that require specified decisions and procedures in connection with the continued employment of a contract employee on his or her first or second contract.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 1212 (Romero-D) Higher ed. labor relations: memorandum of understanding

Requires that existing law relative to grievance and disciplinary actin procedures in the California State University may not be superseded by a memorandum of understanding unless the memorandum of understanding provides more than the minimum level of benefits or rights provided by that law.

Chapter 808, Statutes of 2001

SB 1214 (Romero-D) California State University: auxiliary organizations

Requires that any auxiliary organization of the California State University (CSU) that receives a majority of its funding from student fees shall have at least a majority of voting students on the governing board of that auxiliary organization. Requires the trustees of CSU to complete a study related to reimbursement of costs attributed to auxiliary organizations.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

SB 1216 (Romero-D) Community colleges: transfer program

Establishes a three-year competitive grant program, to be administered by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges (CCCs), to provide funds to local CCC districts to hire counselors to focus on supporting students in transferring to four-year colleges or universities, as specified.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SCR 2 (Alpert-D) College Awareness Month

Proclaims February 2001 as College Awareness Month, and encourages students to earn a college education so they may contribute to the economic, social and political future of California.

Resolution Chapter 7, Statutes of 2001

SCR 37 (Polanco-D) Biotechnology

Expresses a variety of findings, declarations and states legislative intent regarding the County of Los Angeles developing a plan for biotechnology research park in conjunction with the University of Southern California and other relevant entities, as specified.

Resolution Chapter 141, Statutes of 2001

SR 16 (Burton-D) Appointees of the Regents of the University of California

Repeals Rule 13.9 of the Standing Rules of the Senate, which provides that no vote for confirmation of a Regent of the University of California (UC) is in order unless the Senate Rules Committee determines that the Governor has convened and consulted an advisory committee when selecting appointments to the Regents of the UC.

Read and adopted

AB 26* (Nation-D) Taxes: Scholarshare trust

Authorizes a nonrefundable credit of up to $500 for contributions made to a Scholarshare trust or to another State's comparable plan on behalf of a qualified beneficiary.

(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 27 (Negrete McLeod-D) Community colleges: surplus personal property

Provides that a community college may exchange for value, sell for cash, or donate any personal property belonging to the district, if certain conditions are met.

Chapter 98, Statutes of 2001

AB 76 (Washington-D) Compton Community College

Appropriates $3 million from the General Fund (Proposition 98) to the board of governors of the California Community Colleges for allocation to Compton Community College District to satisfy all construction claims for a vocational technology building, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 82 (Washington-D) Community colleges: job training partnerships

Requires the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges to allocate funds to defray the costs of a qualifying community college campus of entering into a collaborative agreement with a community-based organization to provide specific job training services.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 87 (Jackson-D) Community colleges: work site-based training

Requires the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges (CCCs) to award grants to local CCC districts to develop specified curricula and pilot programs to provide training to licensed nurses. The bill appropriates $5 million from the General Fund to the CCC's chancellor to allocate as grants to local CCC districts and for enrollment growth.

Chapter 514, Statutes of 2001

AB 201 (Wright-D) Private postsecondary education

Makes various technical and substantive changes to the laws relative to the regulation of private postsecondary and vocational education, and the authority of the Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education.

Chapter 621, Statutes of 2001

AB 307 (Pavley-D) Trustees of the California State University

Increases the size of the 25-member board of trustees of the California State University by adding one additional non-faculty employee representative, as specified.

(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 338 (Correa-D) Orange County Demonstration Project

Creates a demonstration project for addressing the nursing shortage in Orange County as a public/private partnership. Appropriates $1,700,000 to specified California Community Colleges and the California State University, Fullerton. Provides that none of the funds appropriated may be encumbered unless and until matching funds have been received.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 484 (Runner-R) Community college facilities: building standards

Authorizes certain community college buildings, constructed after January 1, 2002, to be built in accordance with the Field Act or the California Uniform Building Standards Code.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 493* (Migden-D) Public postsecondary education: cooperative partnerships

Provides that any funding provided in the annual Budget Act for a cooperative education program between Canada College of the San Mateo Community College District and San Francisco State University shall be subject to terms and conditions, as specified.

Chapter 519, Statutes of 2001

AB 497 (Robert Pacheco-R) Public Education Facilities Renewable Energy Generation

Appropriates $200 million from the General Fund to the three public higher education segments for a program to make loans to their respective campuses for electricity generating facilities employing emerging technologies. (Emerging technologies are defined to include photovoltaics, solar thermal electric, fuel cells, combined heat and power technologies and microturbines and wind turbines.)

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 521 (Koretz-D) Student credit cards

Requires the California State University and the California Community Colleges, and requests the Regents of the University of California and private universities and colleges in the State adopt policies to regulate the marketing practices of credit card vendors on their campuses.

Chapter 294, Statutes of 2001

AB 540 (Firebaugh-D) Public postsecondary education: nonresident exemptions

Qualifies long-term California residents, as specified, regardless of citizenship status, for lower "resident" fee payments at the California Community Colleges and the California State University.

Chapter 814, Statutes of 2001

AB 598 (Havice-D) California Community Colleges: full-time instructors

Requires each community college district that does not have 75 percent of its credit workload taught by full-time faculty members to develop a five-year plan to reach that goal. Specifies that colleges not at the 75 percent standard make progress toward the standard in any year the college receives unrestricted funding beyond cost-of-living adjustments and growth funding.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 622 (Runner-R) California State University: offsite campus centers

Requires the California State University board of trustees to adopt a standardized system of eligibility for faciities to be defined as permanent, state-supported offsite campus centers.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

AB 633 (Robert Pacheco-R) Community college funding

Creates an alternative funding formula, as specified, for the California Community Colleges (CCCs) beginning with the 2002-03 fiscal year. In addition, requires, beginning in 2003-04, funding for the CCCs to be the greater of (a) the 2002-03 appropriation, or (b) the 2002-03 appropriation level, plus the percentage increase in school district average daily attendance.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 647 (Horton-D) Community College employees: whistleblower protection

Expands provisions of the Reporting by Community College Employees of Improper Governmental Activities Act to authorize community college employees to file retaliation complaints with the State Personnel Board.

Chapter 416, Statutes of 2001

AB 652 (Horton-D) University of California: Health Professions

Requests the Regents of the University of California (UC) to report to the Legislature concerning UC's efforts to recruit students to its medical, dental and optometric schools from underserved areas. Requests UC to use existing resources to establish outreach and exposure programs.

Chapter 459, Statutes of 2001

AB 689 (Steinberg-D) California State University

Enacts the Quality of California State University Services through Contractor Accountability Act of 2001.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

AB 707 (Negrete McLeod-D) Higher education labor relations

Defines a "public agency" for purposes of the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act to include auxiliary organizations of the California State University, and a "public employee" as persons employed by auxiliary organizations.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 726* (Correa-D) Student financial aid

Increases the number of Competitive Cal Grant A and B awards, from 22,500 to 42,500, and sunsets the increase as of July 1, 2005.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 749 (Diaz-D) Higher education labor relations

Requires the University of California to convert to permanent status any temporary or per diem employee, who is not an academic employee, who works at least 1,000 hours in a 12-month period, as specified.

(On Senate Third Reading File)

AB 792* (Kehoe-D) Public postsecondary education: fees

Provides that, with respect to resident graduate and undergraduate students at the University of California and the California State University, the systemwide fees charged those students for the 2001-02 fiscal year shall be the level charged those students for the 1991-92 fiscal year, as adjusted by the director of the State Department of Finance by an amount that reflects the increases in the California Consumer Price Index occurring during the intervening years.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

AB 820 (Shelley-D) California State University Housing Finance

Enacts the California State University (CSU) Housing Finance pilot program, which would be administered by the California Housing Finance Agency to provide home loan assistance through the CSU system to recruit and retain newly-hired professors and faculty at CSU campuses where they may be employed.

(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 838 (Koretz-D) Postsecondary education: peace officers

Requires the State Department of Justice to create and administer the California Law Enforcement Educational Program to provide tuition reimbursement of up to $1,500 for qualified active duty applicants for relevant coursework at the University of California, California State University or any community college.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 877 (Cedillo-D) Calif. State Univ.: appointment of chancellor & president

Establishes new procedures when the position of chancellor or of president of any campus of California State University is being filled.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

AB 888 (Negrete McLeod-D) Community college students: book grants

Requires the Student Aid Commission to provide a book grant to low-income community college students whose fees were waived, and who submits the standard application for federal and state financial aid.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 907 (Goldberg-D) Community colleges: faculty

Requires the California Community Colleges (CCCs), and community college districts to eliminate the use of part time faculty by September 1, 2006, except for specified functions and special circumstances, to provide part-time faculty the right to rehire and to compensate part-time faculty at a rate proportional to full-time faculty.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

AB 935 (Hertzberg-D) Loan Repayment Program for Public Interest Attorneys

Establishes the Public Interest Attorney Loan Repayment Program to repay educational loans for participating licensed California attorneys who practice or agree to practice public interest law, as defined, in this State. Will be administered by the Student Aid Commission.

Chapter 881, Statutes of 2001

AB 1059 (Oropeza-D) Compton Community College

Requires the Compton Community College District to undertake a demonstration project at Compton Community College to build individual self-efficacy and provide employers with a quality work force through provision of assessment, supportive services, job training, employability skills, and job placement services to residents of the district.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

AB 1063 (Aroner-D) Public colleges and universities: housing facilities

Authorizes the State Public Works Board (SPWB) to finance the acquisition of sites, construction, renovation, and equipping of student, faculty and staff housing facilities on University of California, California State University, and California Community College sites. Authorizes the SPWB to lease or lease-purchase any of these facilities back to the respective higher education entity.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1080 (Kehoe-D) Student financial aid: Cal-Grant

Requires the Student Aid Commission to seek to establish a continuous application process for Cal Grant C awards, as specified.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 1081 (Nation-D) California State University: faculty retirement

Allows part-time employees of the California State University to participate in the California Public Employees' Retirement System.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1157 (Liu-D) International trade: California State University

Establishes the Trade Fellowship Pilot Program to place selected fellows in one of 12 California foreign trade offices to provide experience in international trade and state trade promotional programs.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1159* (Robert Pacheco-R) Community colleges: funding

Restores $98 million in funding for basic maintenance and instructional equipment and library materials for community college campuses statewide.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1174* (Alquist-D) Income taxes: higher education

Authorizes a refundable credit for the cost paid or incurred by a qualified taxpayer for the taxpayer's or his/her dependents' higher education expenses.

(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1241 (Robert Pacheco-R) Community colleges: teacher preparation

Requires the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges to prepare and submit a report to the Legislature by January 1, 2003, on the feasibility of establishing a model teacher preparation curriculum, as specified.

Chapter 714, Statutes of 2001

AB 1245 (Alquist-D) Community colleges: temporary and part-time faculty

Requires that reappointment rights for specified community college part-time faculty be a mandatory subject of negotiation for community college part-time faculty.

Chapter 850, Statutes of 2001

AB 1246* (Leonard-R) Taxes: exemption: college textbooks

Provides an exemption from the sales and use taxes for college textbooks.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1287* (Cardenas-D) University of California

Adjusts the amounts appropriated in the Budget Act of 2001 for various outreach programs. Specifically allocates $2 million in funding reductions made by the Governor.

Chapter 564, Statutes of 2001

AB 1348 (Robert Pacheco-R) California State Polytechnic University

Appropriates $2 million from the General Fund to the trustees of the California State University for allocation to the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, for the repair of surface roads on the campus in order to continue public mass transit access.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1397 (Koretz-D) Public records: University of California employees

Requires, pursuant to the Public Records Act, the public disclosure of the name, home address, and home telephone number of an employee of the University of California, upon request, to the employee's labor union representative and to any labor organization seeking representation rights. Specifies that the information may only be used for the purpose of employee organizing, representation, and assistance activities of the labor union and that nothing in this bill is intended to alter the rights of parties under existing labor relations laws.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 1523 (Liu-D) Student financial aid

Creates the California Graduate and Professional Studies Debt Limitation Act, which would provide grants, beginning in the 2002-03 academic year, to graduate students to minimize student debt accumulation.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1603 (Alquist-D) Community colleges: common course numbering

Requires the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to maintain the California Articulation Number System as the common numbering system for use by the colleges.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1611 (Keeley-D) Higher education housing

Authorizes the California Educational Facility Authority to enter into agreements with nonprofit entities to finance the cost of constructing student, faculty, and staff housing near the campuses of the University of California, the Hastings College of Law, the California State University, the California Community Colleges, or participating private college.

Chapter 569, Statutes of 2001

AB 1689 (Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee) California State University: vendor payments

Deletes a sunset date, thereby permanently authorizing the California State University to make direct vendor payments, as specified.

Chapter 169, Statutes of 2001

AB 1718 (Assembly Higher Education Committee) California State University: Governor's teacher schlrs prog

Makes changes to the service commitment portion of the Governor's Teacher Scholars Program, allowing for participants to fulfill this commitment by teaching in a low-performing school, or a school with 20 percent or more of its teachers holding emergency permits.

Chapter 717, Statutes of 2001

AB 1719 (Assembly Higher Education Committee) Public postsecondary education

Makes a variety of technical, conforming and clarifying amendments to code sections relative to the California State University.

Chapter 219, Statutes of 2001

AB 1720 (Assembly Higher Education Committee) Private postsecondary and vocational education

Specifies that the Joint Legislative Sunset Review Committee shall cooperate with the California Postsecondary Education Commission in evaluating the reviewing the Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education.

Chapter 399, Statutes of 2001

AB 1721 (Assembly Higher Education Committee) California Postsecondary Education Commission

Requires the California Postsecondary Education Commission to periodically study the percentages of high school students eligible for admission to the University of California and the California State University, as specified.

Chapter 571, Statutes of 2001

AB 1722 (Assembly Higher Education Committee) Community colleges

Recasts and reorganizes the statutes in the Education Code relating to community colleges. Authorizes apportionments to be made available for community college classes held inside state or federal prisons and for classes for prison inmates that are not open to the public. Makes numerous nonsubstantive technical and conforming changes in statutes relating to community colleges.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

ACR 21 (Firebaugh-D) University of California Regents

Requests the Regents of the University of California (UC) to repeal the SP-1 policy by the end of the 2000-01 academic year. SP-1 is a policy adopted in 1995 by the UC Regents which requires that "not less than 50 percent and not more than 75 percent of any entering class on any campus shall be admitted solely on the basis of academic achievement." The policy was promoted as an elimination of affirmative action policies within the UC admissions process.

Resolution Chapter 41, Statutes of 2001

ACR 45 (Hertzberg-D) Community College Month

Recognizes April 2001 as California Community College Month.

Resolution Chapter 35

ACR 73 (Strom-Martin-D) California State University

Urges the California State University trustees to study its faculty hiring practices, develop a faculty hiring plan, as specified, jointly with the CSU Academic Senate and the California Faculty Association, and report, as specified, to the Legislature by May 1, 2002.

Resolution Chapter 121

ACR 74 (Leach-R) National Scholarship Month

Recognizes May 2001 as National Scholarship Month.

(In Senate Rules Committee)

ACR 84 (Kelley-R) Public postsecondary education: Imperial County

Requests the California State University to conduct a study of the postsecondary education needs of the residents of Imperial County, as specified, and requests that the results of that study be provided to the California Postsecondary Education Commission on or before May 1, 2002.

(In Senate Rules Committee)

TopIndex School Employees

SB 54* (Polanco-D) Public employees' retirement: school employers' assets

Makes various changes to the laws governing the State Public Employees' Retirement System that are needed in order to properly administer SB 400 (Ortiz), Chapter 555, Statutes of 1999. Updates a cross-reference in a provision of the Open Meeting Act which was inadvertently superceded by AB 2889 (Chapter 1005, Statutes of 2000).

Chapter 21, Statutes of 2001

SB 56 (Escutia-D) Teacher training

Establishes the Middle Grades Mathematics Staff Development Block Grant Program and appropriates $30 million annually in each of the next three fiscal years for the purposes of the program.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 57 (Scott-D) Teacher credentialing

Requires the State Commission on Teacher Credentialing to waive specified requirements for teachers with a minimum of six years of experience at a private school; and implements a process whereby participants in teaching internship programs may receive their preliminary teaching credential on an expedited basis.

Chapter 269, Statutes of 2001

SB 191 (Karnette-D) Teachers' retirement and health benefits

Increases contributions to the Defined Benefit Supplemental Program for teachers and adds two new health-related benefits.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 194 (Soto-D) Public employees' retirement: school member death benefits

Makes two of the death benefits currently available for state members of the State Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) available to surviving spouses of school members of PERS whose death occurs on or after January 1, 2002.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 299 (Scott-D) Teacher credentialing

Authorizes the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) to develop as a pilot project a 30-day training program for teachers it hires on an emergency basis and will be assigned to schools that have 20 percent or more teachers on emergency permit. Appropriates $2 million from the General Fund to the State Commission on Teacher Credentialing for allocation to the LAUSD for implementation of the pilot project.

Chapter 342, Statutes of 2001

SB 321 (Alarcon-D) Teachers: emergency permits: training

Authorizes the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) to develop as a pilot project, a 30-day training program for teachers it hires on an emergency basis and will be assigned to schools that have 20 percent or more teachers on emergency permit. Appropriates $2 million from the General Fund to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for allocation to the LAUSD for implementation of the pilot project.

Chapter 576, Statutes of 2001 - Item Veto

SB 334* (Ortiz-D) Teachers' retirement benefits

Provides to members of the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), who retired before January 1, 1999, the opportunity to gain benefit enhancements currently available only to those who retired after January 1, 1999, if the STRS member, who retired before January 1, 1999, reinstates to active service for at least two years.

Chapter 800, Statutes of 2001

SB 377 (Polanco-D) Education: instructional materials: certification

Requires each teacher to annually certify to the governing board of their school district as to whether they have sufficient textbooks or instructional materials, or both, to effectively teach their pupils for that school year.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 391 (McPherson-R) Education: health delivery services: consulting nurse

Requires every county office of education to employ a credentialed school nurse as its consultant to provide leadership and coordination of mandated and appropriate health services to pupils, as specified.

Establishes the Tobacco Settlement Fund in the State Treasury, requiring that beginning July 1, 2002, the state share of all funds received from the tobacco litigation Master Settlement Agreement of 1998 be deposited there. Appropriates $4 million from this fund to pay for the school nurse.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 450 (Machado-D) School Food Service Staff Development and Safe Food Handling

Establishes the School Food Service Staff Development and Safe Food Handling Program. Appropriates $2,120,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Education for the program.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 461 (Torlakson-D) Catastrophic Prescription Drug Insurance Program

Requires the State Teachers' Retirement System to establish and administer a high deductible Catastrophic Prescription Drug Insurance Program and that the program be effective January 1, 2003.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 474 (Oller-R) School volunteers

Provides that future collective bargaining agreements may not control or limit the use of volunteers except with regard to training or supervision of the volunteers by employees covered under the collective bargaining agreement.

(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee)

SB 499 (Soto-D) State Teachers' Retirement System

Makes various minor changes to the laws governing the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) and appropriates $1 million from the Teachers Retirement Fund for administration of STRS.

Chapter 170, Statutes of 2001

SB 501 (Senate Public Employment And Retirement Committee) State teachers' retirement

Is the annual State Teachers' Retirement Systems technical housekeeping bill, which makes various grammatical, technical and conforming changes to the Teachers Retirement Law to facilitate efficient administration of the system.

Chapter 503, Statutes of 2001

SB 572 (O'Connell-D) Teachers: salary

Prohibits a school district from adopting a policy under which it limits the number of years of service or training credit it allows for purposes of determining salary for a teacher who was employed in another school district.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

SB 614 (Burton-D) School employees: labor relations

Makes several technical changes to the procedures that must be followed in implementing the fair share fee provisions of existing law.

Chapter 805, Statutes of 2001

SB 650 (Poochigian-R) Public employees retirement: school employers

Expands the definition of a "school employer" to include a joint powers agency formed by two or more school districts, as specified, and requires the agency to contract with the board to provide retirement benefits to the agency's employees, as specified.

(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)

SB 688 (O'Connell-D) Regional occupational centers and programs

Increases the revenue limit funding for Regional Occupational Centers and Programs (ROC/Ps) electing to participate in an accountability system that would be crated by this measure.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 715 (Haynes-R) Public school teachers: pupil attendance

Requires public school teachers, as a condition of employment, to send their children to public school, either in the district where they reside, or in the district where they teach.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 743 (Murray-D) Teacher credentialing: emergency permits

Requires the State Commission on Teacher Credentialing, in conjunction with an advisory committee, to develop by June 30, 2002, a plan for school districts to address the disproportionate placement of emergency-permit teachers in low-performing schools.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 770 (Figueroa-D) Pupil health

Requires that school personnel that provide prescribed medication to pupils must have received training, demonstrate their ability to administer medication, and be supervised by a school nurse.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 779 (Karnette-D) Vehicles: preferential parking: school personnel

Specifies that the category of persons eligible to be granted preferential parking permits be expanded to include school personnel.

Chapter 223, Statutes of 2001

SB 792 (Sher-D) Teacher credentialing

Creates a new avenue for individuals to earn a teaching credential. This is an "individualized" avenue, as specified, rather than an internship or traditional avenue as provided under current law.

(Failed passage in Assembly Education; reconsideration granted)

SB 811* (O'Connell-D) Minimum teacher salaries

Establishes a funding incentive to reimburse school districts and county offices of education for the costs associated with increasing fully-credentialed beginning teacher salaries to $38,000 commencing in 2001-02.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 837* (Scott-D) Teacher credentialing: emergency permits

Defines the type of documentation a school district must provide to justify a request for an emergency permit.

Chapter 585, Statutes of 2001

SB 894* (Scott-D) Community College Leadership Institute

Requires the chancellor of the California Community Colleges (CCCs) to contract with an institution of higher education to operate an institute to provide leadership training to CCC faculty, classified staff, trustees and administrators, as specified.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 1097 (Knight-R) Education: Certified school employees

Changes the probationary period for certificated school employees from two to four years.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 1120 (Margett-R) Teacher Credentialing

Requires public and private institutions of higher learning that offer programs of professional preparation to permit the student teaching component of the institution's program of professional preparation to be conducted in whole or in part at the student's discretion at any private elementary or secondary school in the state that complies with specified state law.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 75 (Steinberg-D) Principal Training Program

Establishes the Principal Training Program providing incentive funding to provide school site administrators with instruction and training. Is part of the Governor's package of education bills.

Chapter 697, Statutes of 2001

AB 110 (Zettel-R) Personal income taxes: credit: credentialed teachers

Provides that the accuracy-related penalty imposed by the State Franchise Tax Board does not apply to tax credits authorized for credentialed teachers claimed on tax returns filed for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2000, and before January 1, 2001.

Chapter 410, Statutes of 2001

AB 118 (Migden-D) Public Employees' Retirement System

Reduces the contribution rate for school members of the State Public Employees' Retirement System from seven to five percent of compensation.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 128 (Goldberg-D) Education: public school employees

Specifies that nothing prohibits school district and community colleges that have not adopted a civil service merit system for its classified employees to submit employee disciplinary cases to third party arbitration, except for peace officers.

Chapter 839, Statutes of 2001

AB 135 (Havice-D) State teachers' retirement: purchase power protection

Raises the purchasing power protection level for members of the State Teachers' Retirement System from 75 percent to 80 percent of the member's initial allowance.

Chapter 840, Statutes of 2001

AB 149* (Zettel-R) Personal income taxes: teacher tax credit

Expands the existing teacher retention tax credit to cover credentialed specialists and to cover preschool and adult education.

(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 163 (Florez-D) School nurses: tobacco settlement funds

Establishes the Tobacco Settlement Fund (TSF) and requires that, beginning July 1, 2002, ten percent of the state share of all funds received form the Master Settlement Agreement be deposited in the TSF and appropriated as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 165 (Cohn-D) School employee classification

Requires county offices of education, serving at least 250 average daily attendance, to grant permanent status of non-supervisory, nonmanagement employees who work in positions requiring certification, if the individual works two consecutive school years and is rehired for the next (third) year.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 201 (Wright-D) Private postsecondary education

Makes various technical and substantive changes to the laws relative to the regulation of private postsecondary and vocational education, and the authority of the Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education.

Chapter 621, Statutes of 2001

AB 230 (Goldberg-D) Classified employees

Permits governing boards of non-merit school districts and community colleges, pursuant to the terms of a collective bargaining agreement, to submit employee disciplinary cases against classified employees, except peace officers, to third party arbitration.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 272 (Pavley-D) Teacher credentialing

Authorizes a professional clear multiple or single subject credential which would be valid for the life of the holder if the teacher meets specified conditions.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 292 (Strom-Martin-D) California Professional Development Institutes

Expands the locations at which the California Professional Development Institutes are offered, and authorizes participants to apply to the school district for per diem reimbursement for overnight accommodations, as specified.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 301 (Strom-Martin-D) School employees

Expands the number of staff development days for each certificated classroom teacher from three to seven. Allows staff development days to be used for parent-teacher conferences, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 341 (Strom-Martin-D) Teachers: professional development

Requires the State Department of Education to contract for the development of standards for professional development for educators and instructional leaders.

Chapter 884, Statutes of 2001

AB 365 (Nation-D) School employees: classified service

Provides that classified employees in school districts or community colleges which have not adopted a civil service merit system be able to return to their previous classification if they fail to pass probation in a new position.

Chapter 844, Statutes of 2001

AB 449 (Firebaugh-D) Classified school employees: leaves of absence

Increases from eight to 12 years the maximum amount of service credit a classified employee may receive while on an approved leave of absence serving as an elected officer of an employee organization.

Chapter 260, Statutes of 2001

AB 500 (Goldberg-D) School districts: short-term employees

Prohibits the number of short-term employees of school districts and community college districts from exceeding 20 percent of the district's total classified work force, as specified. Requires the governing board of a school district or community college district, before employing a short-term employee, to specify the service required to be performed and certify the estimated ending date of the service.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 607 (Negrete McLeod-D) State teachers retirement: career bonus

Increases the maximum age factor for a member of the State Teachers' Retirement System with 30 or more years of service from 2.4 percent to 2.6 percent.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 721 (Steinberg-D) Teachers for Low-Performing Schools Renewable Grant Program

Establishes the Teachers for Low-Performing Schools Renewable Grant Program to award grants to higher education institutions, as specified, to recruit, prepare, and support new teachers to work in low-performing schools.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 722 (Corbett-D) Educational counseling

Requires the State Department of Education to conduct a study of pupil support personnel.

Chapter 250, Statutes of 2001

AB 833 (Steinberg-D) Teachers: teacher qualification index

Requires the State Department of Education, with the approval of the State Board of Education, to develop by July 1, 2002, a teacher qualification index to measure the distribution of underqualified teachers, and to annually publish a report on the Internet.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 855 (Dutra-D) State special schools and other educational programs

Requires that salaries paid to teachers, teacher specialists, and administrators, as specified, employed by the State Special Schools, various state departments that offer educational services, cadet camps, and the diagnostic centers, be no less than the salaries of public school educators with similar assignments who work in the school districts with boundaries that encompass the state facilities that employ the teachers.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 902* (Alquist-D) Income and bank and corporation taxes: school employees

Authorizes a nonrefundable tax credit to employers who lend a qualified employee to a public middle or high school (i.e., grades seven through 12) in California or a community college in California to teach math or science.

(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1102 (Leach-R) Education: fiscal accountability

Provides that under the Child Care and Development Services Act, any agency that places a person in a position of fiscal responsibility or control, who has been convicted of certain crimes, may have its contract suspended or terminated immediately, as specified. Prohibits hiring a chief administrative officer whose credential has been revoked, as specified. Provides for penalties and remedies for willful neglect or refusal to adopt a school budget, as specified.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1232 (Chavez-D) Education: United Stated armed forces

Establishes the California State Troops to Teachers Act for the purpose of recruiting specified United States Armed Forces personnel, or active officers or noncommissioned officers of the California National Guard to teach in public schools.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1240 (Alquist-D) Teacher resources

Requires the Santa Clara Office of Education to administer a grant program directed toward the nonprofit organization Resource Areas for Teachers.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 1241 (Robert Pacheco-R) Community colleges: teacher preparation programs

Requires the chancellor of the California Community Colleges to prepare and submit a report to the Legislature by January 1, 2003, on the feasibility of establishing a model teacher preparation curriculum, as specified.

Chapter 714, Statutes of 2001

AB 1307 (Goldberg-D) Teacher credentialing

Amends current law providing both a freeze on new credential requirements added or imposed upon credential candidates once that individual has enrolled in a preparation program and an extension of time to complete these preparation programs.

Chapter 565, Statutes of 2001

AB 1342 (Alquist-D) Teaching standards

Authorizes the California State University and the University of California to develop a maximum of ten professional services certificate programs consistent with the standards of the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 1431 (Horton-D) Substitute teachers: training

Establishes, commencing with the 2002-03 school year, the Pilot Program for Training Substitute Teachers to include a minimum of three school districts statewide.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1455 (Aanestad-R) School volunteers

Allows school district employees to serve as non-teaching volunteer aides, repealing an existing prohibition on employees volunteering in the district where they are employed.

Chapter 40, Statutes of 2001

AB 1462 (Nakano-D) Teacher training

Requires the State Department of Education to establish and provide a teacher career technical instruction development program. Requires the State Commission on Teacher Credentialing to commission a study to determine programs and processes that will improve the quantity and quality of the career technical education work force.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1499 (Negrete McLeod-D) Teachers: Teaching As A Priority Block Grant

Makes additions to the Teaching As A Priority Block Grant Program, authorizing school districts to utilize these funds to offer incentives in the form of reimbursements to cover the costs of examinations or coursework in order to recruit and retain credentialed teachers interested in attaining a Crosscultural, Language, Crosscultural, Language, and Academic Development Certificate.

Chapter 268, Statutes of 2001

AB 1662 (Rod Pacheco-R) Teacher credentialing

Raises, commencing July 1, 2004, the minimum credentialing requirements for a services credential with a specialization in pupil personnel services (mainly school psychologists and social workers) by requiring a graduate degree from an accredited institution of higher education, instead of a fifth year of study.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

ACR 69 (Strom-Martin-D) Day of the Teacher

Proclaims May 9, 2001, as Day of the Teacher and urges Californians to observe that day.

Resolution Chapter 43, Statutes of 2001

ACR 80 (Havice-D) School crossing guards

Designates the week commencing September 3, 2001, as "School Crossing Guards Week".

Resolution Chapter 123, Statutes of 2001

ACR 104 (Strom-Martin-D) California Retired Teachers Week

Declares October 14 to October 20, 2001, as California Retired Teachers Week.

Resolution Chapter 134, Statutes of 2001

AJR 3 (Leonard-R) Retirement benefits: teachers

Requests the President and Congress of the United States to enact legislation to limit the application of the Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision of the Social Security Act.

Resolution Chapter 66, Statutes of 2001

TopIndex Miscellaneous

SB 10 (Soto-D) Safe Routes to School construction program

Changes the sunset date on the Safe Routes to School Program and extends the grant program from January 1, 2002, until January 1, 2005. Delays, for two years, a required evaluation of the program.

Chapter 600, Statutes of 2001

SB 19 (Escutia-D) Pupil health

Requires the reimbursement a school receives for free and reduced-price meals sold or served to pupils in elementary or middle schools to be increased to $0.23. Establishes various limitations and prohibitions on the sale of beverages and foods to pupils in elementary and middle schools. Permits a school district maintaining at least one elementary school or middle school, or high school that is participating in the pilot program established b this bill, to convene a Child Nutrition and Physical Activity Advisory Committee.

Chapter 913, Statutes of 2001 - Item Veto

SB 33 (Soto-D) School-parent compacts

Allows the Nell Soto Parent/Teacher Involvement Program to continue, with the focus on schools ranked in the lowest two deciles on the Academic Performance Index.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 41* (Alpert-D) California Native Americans

Enables the State Librarian to establish a competitive grants program for the development of educational materials on California Native American history, culture, and tribal sovereignty for use in grades K-12. Requires the State Librarian to develop California's American Indian Nations Information Project.

Chapter 870, Statutes of 2001 - Item Veto

SB 43 (Murray-D) Release of student information

Provides a specific exception to current federal educational privacy law so that students in California postsecondary institutions must opt-in prior to the release of specified personal information.

(Failed passage in Assembly Higher Education Committee; reconsideration granted)

SB 112 (Haynes-R) Vocational education

Prohibits the State Board of Education, or any local school district governing board, from requiring pupil participation in specified work experience, job training and vocational programs. Prohibits the State Board of Education, or any local school district governing board, from making high school graduation or pupil grade promotion contingent upon meeting a standard associated with specified work experience, job training and vocational programs.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 113 (Haynes-R) Pupil and family privacy

Prohibits the physical examination of a pupil under the age of 12, without consent from the pupil's parent or guardian, with certain exceptions. Prohibits a pupil's Social Security number from being used as a personal identifier except where required by federal law. Prohibits schools from conducting surveys of pupils, as specified.

(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee)

SB 166 (Poochigian-R) Pupil expulsion

Requires the expulsion of a pupil for possessing an explosive, as defined in federal law.

Chapter 116, Statutes of 2001

SB 178 (Costa-D) Education: instructional time requirements

Revises fiscal penalties for school districts that fail to maintain strict compliance with the instructional time requirements of the "Longer Day and Year Incentives" enacted by SB 813 (Chapter 498, Statutes of 1983).

Chapter 573, Statutes of 2001

SB 214 (Alpert-D) School districts: boards of education

Adjusts the statutory ceiling on compensation for members of a school board, a county board of education, or a community college board.

Chapter 401, Statutes of 2001

SB 225 (Kuehl-D) Education: interscholastic athletics: discrimination

Makes a variety of changes in current law relative to the substance and the procedures to be followed in matters of discrimination, relative to interscholastic athletics. Extends the sunset date for the statutory authorization for the California Interscholastic Federation for five years.

Chapter 889, Statutes of 2001

SB 231 (Ortiz-D) Medi-Cal: local education agency services

Requires the State Department of Health Services to amend the Medicaid state plan with respect to the billing option for services by Local Education Agencies to ensure that schools are reimbursed for all eligible services they provide that are not precluded by federal requirements.

Chapter 655, Statutes of 2001

SB 258 (Costa-D) Voluntary desegregation: Fresno group of school districts

Authorizes a group of Fresno area school districts, in collaboration, to apply for voluntary desegregation program funding beginning in the 2001-02 fiscal year.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 276 (Speier-D) Health care

Requires selected school districts to ask the parent or guardian of each pupil each year, as part of the process for updating parental and pupil information, whether or not they would like the school to provide information and assistance in obtaining free or low-cost health insurance.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

SB 287 (Alarcon-D) Apprenticeship education

Specifies that any excess state apportionments to school districts and community college districts for student apprenticeship education programs shall be allocated according to a specified order.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 302 (Soto-D) Digital Professional Development Program

Requires the State Department of Education, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, to competitively award a contract to provide support for a telecommunications-accessible clearinghouse of information regarding telecommunications-delivered professional development programs and resources.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 310 (Perata-D) Pupils: protective sun clothing

Requires each schoolsite to allow for outdoor use during the school day, articles of sun-protective clothing, including, but not limited to, hats.

Chapter 575, Statutes of 2001

SB 318 (Alarcon-D) Disabled pupils

Establishes the Learning Disabled Pupil Identification and Treatment Program to be administered by the State Department of Education.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 320 (Alarcon-D) Pupil suspension and expulsion

Requires, if a student is suspended for more than five days, that the principal or a designee make available to the student all assignments, and arrange for the student to take all tests given in the student's classes.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 354 (Escutia-D) Education: interscholastic athletics

Repeals the January 1, 2002, sunset date for the statutory authorization for the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF), and establishes a new sunset date of January 1, 2007. Establishes a new date of January 1, 2005, for CIF to report on its evaluation and accountability activities.

Chapter 888, Statutes of 2001

SB 373 (Torlakson-D) Environmental education: waste: recycling

Establishes, until January 1, 2007, a state mechanism for helping K-12 public schools implement solid waste reduction programs.

Chapter 926, Statutes of 2001

SB 374 (O'Connell-D) Education: categorical programs

Revises planning requirements for schools that receive categorical funds administered under the consolidated application process.

Chapter 724, Statutes of 2001

SB 388 (Alpert-D) School districts: sale or lease of surplus property

Authorizes school districts to sell or lease Internet appliances, as defined, or personal computers to parents of pupils in the district, for the purpose of providing access to the school district's educational computer network, at a standard price.

Chapter 896, Statutes of 2001

SB 398 (Speier-D) Violence: conflict resolution

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop model curriculum and implementation guidelines related to conflict resolution.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 420 (Johnson-R) State Board of Education: Palmer method competition

Requires the State Board of Education to hold an annual handwriting competition, as specified.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 434 (Monteith-R) Distance learning

Creates the Remote Access Distance Learning Incentive Grant Program, to be administered by the California Postsecondary Education Commission.

(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)

SB 504 (Scott-D) Employment discrimination

Creates an exception from the Fair Employment and Housing Act for any nonprofit public benefit corporations formed by, or affiliated with, a religious organization and that operates an educational institution as its sole or primary activity, in order for this educational institution to be able to hire or promote on the basis of a particular religion. Provides that in all other respects, this nonprofit public benefit corporation will be subject to the Fair Employment and Housing Act prohibitions against unfair employment practices.

Chapter 910, Statutes of 2001

SB 508 (Vasconcellos-D) Education: pupils

Creates the California Unrealized Learners Advancement Act of 2001 for the purpose of improving the performance of low-achieving public schools, creating greater equality of educational opportunity for all pupils, and increasing student achievement, as specified.

(In Conference)

SB 511 (Alpert-D) Children with disabilities

Authorizes grants to establish Family Empowerment Centers on Disability that will provide information and support services to families of children and young adults with disabilities.

Chapter 690, Statutes of 2001

SB 514 (Machado-D) School districts: reorganization

Requires an election of the entire school district affected if a proposed school district reorganization includes a transfer or withdrawal of 25 percent or more of the average daily attendance of the school district from which the territory is to be transferred or withdrawn .

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 546* (McClintock-R) Sales and use taxes: exemptions: textbooks

Provides a sales and use tax exemption for the sale of textbooks.

(Failed passage in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee; reconsideration granted)

SB 554 (Vasconcellos-D) Service learning

Establishes the Statewide Service Learning Center, expands the Student Academic Partnership Program, and requires the California Postsecondary Education Commission to develop a Master Plan for Service Learning.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 568 (Morrow-R) School bus seat belts

Delays the implementation date for the requirement that all new school buses be equipped with a passenger restraint system.

Chapter 581, Statutes of 2001

SB 579 (Figueroa-D) Education technology grant program

Establishes the Digital Schools Education Technology Grant Act and requires education technology grants to be provided to public schools maintaining any of grades four to eight, inclusive. The program would also be applicable to grade nine in middle schools or junior high schools.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 606 (Vasconcellos-D) Pupil health

Requires the existing student eye examination, conducted upon enrollment and every third year thereafter through 8th grade, to include screening for binocular function, ocular alignment, ocular motility and near visual acuity.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 630* (Poochigian-R) Personal income taxes: credits: low-performing schools

Provides a tax credit, as specified, for costs of uniforms, and costs of transportation, for pupils attending low-performing schools, as specified.

(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 665 (Peace-D) School food

Provides that, in addition to the prescribed foods, no food offered for sale at any schoolsite during the regular school day may be junk food, as defined. Requires all milk offered to be skim or nonfat, or one percent fat.

(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)

SB 698* (Battin-R) Income and bank and corporation taxes: credit

Provides a tax credit up to $200 for extracurricular activity fees.

(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 770 (Figueroa-D) Pupil health

Requires that school personnel who provide prescribed medication to pupils must have received training, demonstrate their ability to administer medication, and be supervised by a school nurse.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 786 (Scott-D) Purchase of instructional materials

Requires school districts to purchase instructional materials within two years of curriculum adoption, unless certain conditions are met.

Chapter 914, Statutes of 2001

SB 850 (Scott-D) County Office Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team

Requires the County Office Fiscal Crisis and Management Team to develop and provide programs for training and certification of school management and business officials.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 864 (Polanco-D) Adult education

Establishes the Employment and Training Opportunities Program for Low-Educated Workers to assist these workers in accessing adult education services, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 963 (Vincent-D) Pupil records

Provides that probation officers and social workers may receive access to pupil records for the purposes of casework planning and monitoring wards and probationers.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 1013 (Alarcon-D) Instructional materials: the visual and performing arts

Provides for the annual apportionment of per pupil funding to school districts, charter schools and county offices of education to support instruction in the visual and performing arts.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 1016 (Karnette-D) Foreign language instruction

Replaces the term "foreign language" wherever it occurs in the Education Code with the term "world language". Defines "world language" to mean any language other than English and is synonymous with "foreign language".

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 1031* (Brulte-R) Education: California Indian Education Center Program

Extends the sunset date on the California Indian Education Center Program from January 1, 2002, to January 1, 2007.

Chapter 611, Statutes of 2001

SB 1051 (McPherson-R) Career technical education

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop a curriculum framework for career technical education, following adoption of model curriculum standards.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 1053 (Knight-R) Centennial of Flight Commemoration Program

Creates a statewide program, administered by the State Department of Education (SDE), to commemorate the Centennial of Flight in schools. Allows the SDE to provide school districts with information on flight aviation field trips and resources regarding flight aviation practices.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 1058 (Escutia-D) Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Grant Program

Reenacts, until July 1, 2003, the Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Program which sunsetted on July 1, 2001.

Chapter 541, Statutes of 2001

SB 1068 (Speier-D) The School Bus Safety and Emission Reduction Act

Authorizes the State Air Resources Board to allocate $19 million to schools for the purchase of school buses which meet safety and emission reduction standards.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1072 (Alpert-D) Reading mentoring grants

Creates the Reading Mentoring Grant Pilot Program to provide grants to school districts for allocation to 20 schools that are geographically dispersed and that are ranked in the lowest two deciles on the Academic Performance Index. Requires the Secretary for Education to provide individual grants of $99,000 over three years in order to provide one-on-one reading mentoring.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1077 (Battin-R) School food sales

Authorizes a schoolwide parent teacher association or similar school-wide parent-teacher organization to offer for sale at that schoolsite, not more than two days per month, any food that meets current law requirements if all income from the sale accrues to the benefit of the school or pupil organization, as specified.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 1113 (Polanco-D) Education: guidance counseling

Authorizes school districts to establish comprehensive guidance counseling programs for pupils who do not plan to attend college and specifies components that may be included in such programs.

(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 1118 (Margett-R) Pupil performance: requirements

Requires the State Department of Education, in consultation with the California Postsecondary Education Commission, to develop and make available to local school districts a pamphlet, as specified, explaining high school graduation and state college admission requirements, as specified.

Vetoed by the Governor

SCR 8 (Murray-D) Arts Education Month

Designates March 2001 as Arts Education Month.

Resolution Chapter 14, Statutes of 2001

SCR 11 (Morrow-R) Library Lovers Month

Proclaims the month of February 2001 as Library Lovers Month, and urges all Califoirnians to visit a library and thank a librarian for services provided by libraries and librarians.

Resolution Chapter 5, Statutes of 2001

SCR 16 (Chesbro-D) California Adult Education Week

Proclaims the week of March 26, 2001, to April 1, 2001, as California Adult Education Week.

Resolution Chapter 17, Statutes of 2001

SR 17 (Oller-R) Shadow Week

Designates the last week in October every year as Government and Education Shadow Week by the Senate and encourages participation in programs designed to give young people the opportunity to shadow willing legislators, state officials, local officials, principals of high schools and presidents of universities and community colleges.

Read and adopted

AB 6 (Cardenas-D) Before and after school programs

Revises the After School Learning and Safe Neighborhoods Partnerships Program by authorizing "before school" programs and creating a new funding formula in support of the before school option.

Chapter 545, Statutes of 2001

AB 47 (Cardenas-D) Schoolsite parent centers

Establishes the Schoolsite Parent Centers Facilities Program, the operation of which is contingent on an appropriation being made in the Budget Act, to provide schools with permanent structures to serve as parent centers with the primary goal of improving pupil performance by encouraging parental involvement in their children's schooling.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 49 (Washington-D) Public libraries: resources for youths

Establishes the Youth Mentoring and Safe Communities Grant Program. Directs the State Librarian to award competitive grants, subject to an appropriation for this purpose in the Budget Act, to public libraries to provide services to youth during non-school hours that promote positive youth development.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 99 (Zettel-R) Education technology: grants

Authorizes a high school established after the sunset of the Digital High School Education Technology Grant Act to receive annual technology support and staff training grants, and requires all high schools to have a technology plan in place as a condition of receiving annual technology support and staff training grants.

Chapter 546, Statutes of 2001

AB 148 (Zettel-R) Education technology within the public schools

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to assess the cost of providing Internet access to every middle or junior high school classrooom in the State.

Vetoed by Governor

AB 163 (Florez-D) School nurses: tobacco settlement funds

Establishes the Tobacco Settlement Fund (TSF)and requires that, beginning July 1, 2002, ten percent of the state share of all funds received from the Master Settlement Agreement be deposited in the TSF and appropriated as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 177 (Liu-D) Pupils: expulsion

Authorizes the school district superintendent, if he or she chooses to extend the suspension of a student, to address the academic needs of that pupil.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 195 (Alquist-D) Student charges

States a variety of state policies regarding student higher education charges, including:

  1. The State shall provide grants to be made available to all financially needy students to offset the costs of undergraduate student charges, books, and housing, to ensure that educational opportunities are available to all students, irrespective of economic means.
  2. In order to avoid disrupting family and student expectations and ongoing institutional programs, all mandatory systemwide student charges shall be established at least six months prior to the term in which they become effective.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 204 (Lowenthal-D) Driver training

Makes major changes to the funding mechanism for driver training education, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 259 (Chavez-D) Adult education: average daily attendance audits

Waives any adult education attendance audit findings for the years 1990-91 through 1992-93 if the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Department of Finance have not decided whether the exemptions are minor and inadvertent, or not, by June 30, 2002.

(On State Inactive File)

AB 297 (Kehoe-D) Before and after school programs

Establishes the statewide Six-to-Six Before and After School Program, by allowing before- and after-school programs, in schools which do not meet the income priorities of the After School Learning Safe Neighborhoods and Partnership Program (ASLSNPP), to operate up to 30 hours per week without obtaining a child care license or special permit, in a manner similar to programs under the ASLSNPP, under the authority of local governments and school boards.

Chapter 454, Statutes of 2001

AB 298 (Steinberg-D) After School Learning and Safe Neighborhoods Partnerships

Authorizes the After School Learning and Safe Neighborhoods Partnership program to operate at sites other than schools, with the approval of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 312 (Wesson-D) Reading

Establishes the Middle Grades Reading Competency Act of 2001, which allows schools to receive additional funding to establish a grade seven reading competency program for students from grades five, six, or seven, whose English language arts performance levels are either below basic or far below basic, as specified.

(In Conference)

AB 315 (Dutra-D) Libraries: special districts

Exempts specified dependent and independent library special districts from shifting property tax revenue to their respective counties' Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund, beginning July 1, 2001, and annually thereafter. Requires the State to hold harmless the school districts and community college districts from the financial impact of the prescribed exemption.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 316 (Salinas-D) Parental involvement: pilot program

Establishes, until January 1, 2004, a pilot program to be implemented and administered by the State Department of Education to assist schools in holding a parent-teacher event on a weekend day rather than during the workweek.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 320* (Reyes-D) Pupil transportation: instructional programs

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to apportion a supplemental allowance to school districts for home-to-school transportation for students in specified intercession, summer school, and afterschool programs.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 323 (Pavley-D) Kindergarten instruction: extended-day program

Allows school districts to establish extended-day kindergarten programs, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 332 (Strickland-R) School programs: consolidated application process

Requires the State Department of Education to develop a consolidated application process to allow school districts to complete a single application to operate similar programs.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 336 (Goldberg-D) School library pilot program

Requires, until July 1, 2006, the State Department of Education to select and allocate funds to seven school districts that will commit to pay one-half of the costs of a credentialed library media teacher and a classified library technician in one low-performing school in the district for a five-year period. Requires a contractor to analyze the pilot program and conduct other specified analyses.

(In Conference)

AB 342 (Strom-Martin-D) School Leadership Innovation Grant Program

Establishes the School Leadership Innovation Grant Program, to be administered by the Secretary for Education for the purpose of improving school leadership.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 348 (Wright-D) Career technical education

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to adopt standards for a career technical education course of study by May 1, 2003. Requires the California State University, and requests the University of California, to develop procedures that will allow career technical courses to satisfy coursework admission requirements.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 361* (Kehoe-D) Taxation: deductions: contributions of computer equipment

Authorizes a deduction under that law for corporate contributions of computer technology and equipment to be used for educational purposes.

(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 367 (Migden-D) Education: physical education

Requires the State Department of Education to ensure that all school districts are in compliance with physical education requirements, as specified in law, and develop content standards for physical education.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 458 (Rod Pacheco-R) Honors courses

Prohibits school districts from assigning extra grade weighting, as specified, for courses that are required for admission to the University of California (UC) or the California State University, unless the course has been approved by UC as an "honors" course, as specified.

Chapter 386, Statutes of 2001

AB 466 (Strom-Martin-D) Mathematics and Reading Professional Development Program

Establishes the Mathematics and Reading Professional Development Program to provide school districts, county offices of education and charter schools with incentive funding to provide state standards aligned with mathematics and reading staff development to teachers, and instructional aides and paraprofessionals.

Chapter 737, Statutes of 2001

AB 508 (Pavley-D) Education: Governor's Scholars Program

Authorizes the award of merit scholarships to pupils who would otherwise qualify except that their school districts failed to offer a part of the test that must be taken even though its score is not used for qualification.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 520 (Koretz-D) Kindergarten full school day program

Authorizes a school district, county office of education, or a charter school to elect to participate in the kindergarten full school day program that operates for the full school year and for the minimum school day established by law for pupils in grade one, in elementary school, as prescribed.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 558 (Briggs-R) Pupils: attendance

Restricts school officials from allowing a pupil enrolled in kindergarten or any grades one to 12, inclusive, from leaving the school campus before the end of the school day for any reason without the written permission of the pupil's parents.

(Failed passage in Assembly Education; reconsideration granted)

AB 559 (Wiggins-D) Emergency medical services

Permits school districts or county offices of education to provide emergency epinephrine auto-injectors to trained personnel, and permits trained personnel to utilize these auto-injectors to provide emergency medical aid to persons suffering from an anaphylactic reaction. Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to establish minimum training standards for the administration of epinephrine auto-injectors.

Chapter 458, Statutes of 2001

AB 604 (Wyland-R) Career technical education

Requires that school districts offer courses in career technical education in order to receive state bond funds.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 613 (Cohn-D) Zoning: community college districts

Prohibits a school district from exercising its authority to render a city or county zoning ordinance inapplicable to a proposed use of property by the district when that use conflicts with an existing use permit condition proposed by the district and adopted by the city or county without objection by the district. Authorizes a city or county to commence an action in superior court if a district has already taken an action as described above in order that the court may determine if the action was arbitrary or capricious.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 620 (Wayne-D) Education: high-tech high schools

Establishes the High-Tech High School Grant Program to provide ten one-time grants of $2 million each to eligible school districts or charter schools to establish new high-tech high schools.

Chapter 705, Statutes of 2001

AB 634 (Wesson-D) Education: minimum age of compulsory school attendance

Lowers, as of July 1, 2003, the minimum age of compulsory school attendance from age six to age five, thereby requiring five-year-old children to enroll in kindergarten, unless the child's parent "opts out" by filing a waiver request that must be granted by the school.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 662 (Vargas-D) Pupil suspension and expulsion

Authorizes a superintendent or principal of the school in which a pupil is enrolled to suspend or recommend for expulsion a pupil who unlawfully offers, arranges to sell, negotiates to sell, or sells any prescription drug.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 699 (Canciamilla-D) Instructional materials

Reactivates the sunset on the instructional materials program, beginning January 1, 2002, and sunsetting June 20, 2006.

Chapter 591, Statutes of 2001

AB 717 (Wiggins-D) Information Technology Career Academy Grant Initiative

Requires the State of California to establish a partnership between the State and the National Academy Foundation to create up to 100 Information Technology Career Academies in public high schools and requires that grant funds be made available to qualifying school districts to establish and maintain Information Technology Career Technology Academies. Sunsets on January 1, 2003.

Chapter 709, Statutes of 2001

AB 760 (Shelley-D) School athletics: safety

Establishes the Pupil Athletic Access and Safety Program pilot project, to provide grants to private nonprofit organizations to provide direct services and promote pupil participation and safety in high school interscholastic athletics.

Chapter 553, Statutes of 2001

AB 764 (Goldberg-D) Kindergarten

Authorizes a kindergarten pupil in a school operating on a program of multi-track year-round scheduling to be kept in school on any day for 265 minutes of instruction, exclusive of recesses.

Chapter 87, Statutes of 2001

AB 769 (Goldberg-D) School-to-Career Technology Training Center Program

Establishes the School-to-Career Technology Training Center Program to improve career technical education by promoting coalitions among local industries, county welfare-to-work programs and high schools.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 804* (Assembly Education Committee) Education

Is the State Department of Education's annual omnibus cleanup bill to correct technical errors in statute, update cross-references and delete obsolete references.

Chapter 734, Statutes of 2001

AB 842 (Diaz-D) International Baccalaureate Program

Authorizes middle schools to receive state support for an International Baccalaureate Program.

Chapter 557, Statutes of 2001

AB 844* (Chan-D) School dropouts

Resets the date when the statute authorizing Alternative Education and Work Centers becomes inoperative and repeals and reinstates previously repealed authorization for the educational clinics.

Chapter 187, Statutes of 2001

AB 849 (Pavley-D) Pupil services

Requires school districts and county offices of education to provide a request form that parents may use to request information concerning the Medi-Cal and the Healthy Families Programs when making available the application for participation in the free or reduced-price meal program.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 852 (Maldonado-R) School pupil activity buses: passenger restraint systems

Requires that type two and type one school pupil activity buses be equipped with a combination pelvic and upper torso passenger restraint system as defined.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 869 (Shelley-D) The Arts Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Assistance

Establishes the Arts Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Assistance Program to provide funding to school districts for arts equipment and supplies, additional instructional minutes in arts instruction, staff development for teachers, or hiring visual and performing arts teachers.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 876 (Wyland-R) Pupil reading programs

Requires the State Department of Education to contract for a study that identifies successful reading programs in grades K-6, as specified.

Chapter 558, Statutes of 2001

AB 892 (Keeley-D) Healthy Start support services

Authorizes planning grants of up to $25,000 to Healthy Start consortia to allow those consortia to prepare to continue their services without direct state financing.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 912 (Wesson-D) Mathematics and Science Challenge Grant Program

Establishes the Mathematics and Science Challenge Grant, a Governor-sponsored program, to be administered by the State Office of the Secretary of Education. Becomes operative pursuant to an allocation in the Budget Act.

(In Senate Education Committee)

AB 916 (Keeley-D) School health instruction

Requires school districts to include instruction in the prevention of sexually transmitted infections to the existing instruction on HIV/AIDS.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 947 (Jackson-D) Pesticides: schoolsites

Provides greater protections for children and others from accidental exposures to pesticides drifting over schools.

(Failed passage in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 977 (Alquist-D) Earthquake Emergency Investigations Account

Requires the Director of Finance each July 1 to transfer up to $100,000 from the General Fund to the Earthquake Emergency Investigations Account to ensure that the account balance at the beginning of each fiscal year is $100,000.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1009 (Wyland-R) Partnership academies

Authorizes up to half of the enrollment in a Partnership Academy to be "non-at-risk" students, as defined in the bill.

Chapter 216, Statutes of 2001

AB 1018 (Liu-D) Career education

Establishes the Industry-Based Certification Incentive Grant Program for the purpose of awarding grants to selected school districts, county offices of education, and regional occupational centers and programs, to establish industry-based certification programs within their career technical programs.

Chapter 886, Statutes of 2001 - Item Veto

AB 1030 (Rod Pacheco-R) Pupil health

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, in consultation with the State Department of Health Services, to conduct a study of the correlation between school pupils carrying heavy instructional materials in backpacks and spinal damage.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1061 (Dickerson-R) Pupil health

Allows any pupil, with the assistance of designated school personnel, to take or apply, during the regular school day, nonprescription medication, if the school district receives a written statement from the parent or guardian of the pupil that indicates the desire of the parent or guardian that the pupil be allowed to take or apply medication.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1064 (Briggs-R) Fresno Unified School District: governing board

Increases the membership of the governing board of the Fresno Unified School District from seven to nine members; requires those two additional members to be selected and appointed by the Mayor of Fresno, and specifies the terms of those two additional members.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1073 (Wesson-D) Adult education: classes in correctional facilities

Allows programs of adult education in correctional facilities to be funded for as much as five percent annual growth on top of the currently allowed 2.5 percent growth, if that growth can be attributed to courses in the prevention of domestic violence or the prevention of substance abuse. Authorizes this growth in funding for fiscal years 2002-03 to 2005-06, inclusive.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1077* (Mountjoy-R) Sales and use taxes: public school exemption

Exempts from state sales and use tax the gross receipts from the sale in this State of, and the storage, use, or other consumption in this State of, any items purchased by a K-12 public school. Specifies that this exemption does not apply to local sales or transactions and use taxes.

(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1096 (Wright-D) Pupil health: eye examinations

Establishes a three-year pilot program to provide comprehensive eye examinations for poor readers.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1107 (Leach-R) State Department of Education: reports

Removes and amends obsolete reporting requirements from the Education Code and from budget control language.

Chapter 750, Statutes of 2001

AB 1146 (Chan-D) School readiness

Enacts the Governor's School Readiness Initiative to require certain agencies responsible for regulation of readiness programs to convene a working group to identify changes in the law necessary to implement an effective school readiness initiative between state and county agencies.

(In Assembly Human Services Committee)

AB 1148 (Wyland-R) Educational resources: Legislative Analyst

Requires the Legislative Analyst, in collaboration with various prescribed entities, to conduct a study to identify the conditions, practices, and variables that account for the differences in test performance among schools similarly situated in terms of financial and other resources.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1208 (La Suer-R) Education: adopted course of study

Prohibits a pupil from being required to participate in course work other than the adopted course of study prescribed by specified provisions of law, if the parent or legal guardian of the pupil has indicated to the school district, in writing, that he or she does not want the pupil to participate in that course work.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1227 (Canciamilla-D) Home economics careers and technology education

Requires that a statewide staff development program be designed to provide staff development training to current teachers of home economics and career technology; establishes a distance learning, teacher training pilot program; and establishes a Home Economics Careers and Technology Advisory Committee.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1238 (Alquist-D) Personal learning agreement for low-achieving pupils program

Authorizes schools to apply to the State Department of Education to implement a personal learning agreement system. Each participating school would receive a grant of $50 per year for each pupil who participates in the program for the entire academic year, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1239 (Alquist-D) Pediatric literacy programs

Establishes the Reach Out and Read - Vamos a Leer Program to provide $20,000 grants to nonprofit pediatric clinics for the purchase of age and culturally appropriate books that would be distributed free of charge to children from birth to age five who are clinic patients.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1288 (Reyes-D) Education: Academic Performance Index

Modifies the Academic Performance Index (API) to permit small school districts to receive an API score.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1295 (Thomson-D) School performance: Academic Performance Index

Makes various changes to the Public School Accountability Act, relative to the Academic Performance Index, the Immediate Intervention/Underperforming Schools Program, growth targets, and performance awards.

Chapter 887, Statutes of 2001

AB 1326 (Mountjoy-R) Education

Prohibits the promotion of homosexuality in public education.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1341 (Wiggins-D) School curriculum: information collection

Requires the State Department of Education to collect and make available information regarding existing academic and career-related curriculum in public high schools.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1369 (Mountjoy-R) Pupil attendance

Subjects any school district employee to termination by the school district if they deliberately and knowingly falsify pupil attendance records, average daily attendance records, or any other pupil records, or if they fail to notify a parent or guardian of a pupil's absence.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1372 (Wyman-R) Education: school chaplains

Authorizes, to the extent permissible under federal and state law, each school district to establish a volunteer chaplaincy program involving diverse faiths to provide counseling for pupils before, during, and after school hours for the purpose of meeting the spiritual, secular, and cultural needs of pupils.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1377 (Wiggins-D) Public school pupils: professional development institutes

Requests the development of the Career Academy and Pathway Professional Development Institute, to provide instruction for participants who either provide direct instruction in partnership academies or career pathways to public high school pupils, or who supervise beginning teachers in career academies or career pathways, as prescribed.

(In Assembly Education Committee)

AB 1392 (Cardenas-D) Pupil instruction: languages

Requires, commencing in the 2005-06 academic year, a school district maintaining kindergarten and any of grades one to eight to require all pupils study a foreign language. Requires the State Board of Education to adopt a foreign language curriculum framework for kindergarten and grades one to six, on or before November 30, 2004.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1407 (Lowenthal-D) Pupil instruction: Algebra Incentive Program

Establishes the Algebra Incentive Program (AIP), a Governor-sponsored bill, upon approval by the State Board of Education and implemented by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The AIP provides school districts additional funding, based on the number of pupils who have taken the Standardized Testing and Reporting Program, standards-based aligned algebra test.

(In Senate Education)

AB 1412 (Wyland-R) Career education

Authorizes a school district or a regional occupational center or program (ROC/P) to provide distance learning for pupils in grades nine to 12, inclusive, for career technical education courses, and to enter into a contract or cooperative agreement with specified entities for the purpose of providing that distance learning. Adds distance learning to the educational opportunities that may be offered through independent study, and authorizes regional occupational centers and programs to offer independent study for the purpose of distance learning.

(Held at Senate Desk)

AB 1434 (Wayne-D) School curriculum

Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to allocate funding to one or more organizations that apply to develop a civics/social policy and visual arts program that would be available to school districts.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1531 (Kehoe-D) Education

Appropriates $1 million from the General Fund to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction for allocation to school districts and county offices of education that meet the eligibility criteria for a residential outdoor science program, as specified.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 1539 (Pavley-D) Pupils: transfer of preschool information

Creates the Preschool Transfer Act and requires local education agencies, with the permission of the parent or guardian, to transfer relevant child specific information from state-funded preschool and infant and toddler programs to a public school prior to each child's transition.

Chapter 629, Statutes of 2001

AB 1617 (Washington-D) Pupil performance: high school graduation

Requires county offices of education, in addition to school districts, to establish and maintain a program that ensures that each pupil in continuation school receives a review of his or her academic progress, including the status of his or her high school exit examination, by the end of his or her tenth grade year.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1627 (Pescetti-R) Pupils

Appropriates $3 million from the General Fund to the Communities in Schools of California, a nonprofit entity, for the purposes of establishing a headquarters office in the State, as specified.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1659 (Salinas-D) Career and technical education

Establishes the Industrial and Technology Incentive Grant Program to support career technology and education programs in schools that offer instruction in grades seven to 12.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1725* (Reyes-D) School board members

Requires a school district that has lost accreditation status for one of its schools to give official notice at a regularly scheduled board meeting of the loss and to notify parents of each student, in writing, indicating the potential consequences of the schools' accreditation loss.

Chapter 598, Statutes of 2001

ACR 6 (Havice-D) Sober Graduation Month

Designates May 31, 2001, to June 30, 2001, inclusive, as Sober Graduation Month and requests Californians to join the Department of the California Highway Patrol in supporting the Sober Graduation Program.

Resolution Chapter 57, Statutes of 2001

ACR 22 (Frommer-D) Model Curriculum on Human Rights and Genocide

Commends the State Board of Eduction and the State Department of Education for developing and making available the model curriculum on human rights and genocide, and makes other related recommendations to school districts and teachers.

Resolution Chapter 72, Statutes of 2001

ACR 40 (Leach-R) Mathematics Education Awareness Month

Proclaims April as Mathematics Education Awareness Month.

Resolution Chapter 26, Statutes of 2001

ACR 53 (Leach-R) Public education: business community involvement

Requests the expansion of school-business partnership activities and encourages cooperation among members of the business community, school administrators, teachers, and instructors of the State's elementary and secondary schools and community colleges in the development of such activities.

Resolution Chapter 68, Statutes of 2001

ACR 112 (Bogh-R) Economic Literacy Week

Recognizes the week of October 22 through October 26, 2001, as Economic Literacy Week in the State of California.

Resolution Chapter 139, Statutes of 2001

AJR 21 (Runner-R) International Literacy Day

Memorializes the President, Vice President and the Congress to fully support September 8, 2001, as International Literacy Day.

Resolution Chapter 119, Statutes of 2001

HR 27 (Briggs-R) National High School Rodeo Finals

Congratulates each of these outstanding athletes for qualifying for the National High School Rodeo Finals; and resolves that the parents of these students are also congratulated for their support and dedication to high school rodeo.

(In Assembly Rules Committee)



Top Index (in Bill Order)

BillAuthor and Bill TitleReference Links

SB 5

Education finance: revenue limits

SB 6*

School finance

SB 10

Safe Routes to School construction program

SB 19

Pupil health

SB 21

Lead-safe schools

SB 29

Class size reduction

SB 33

School-parent compacts

SB 41*

California Native Americans

SB 43

Release of student information

SB 54*

Public employees' retirement: school employers' assets

SB 56

Teacher training

SB 57

Teacher credentialing

SB 84*

Pupil testing

SB 112

Vocational education

SB 113

Pupil and family privacy

SB 159

California Community Colleges

SB 166

Pupil expulsion

SB 176*

Student financial aid: Cal Grant

SB 178

Education: instructional time requirements

SB 191

Teachers' retirement and health benefits

SB 192

Adult education: funding

SB 194

Public employees' retirement: school member death benefits

SB 204

Pupil Achievement Software Incentive Program

SB 210

Senate Local Government Committee
School districts' general obligation bonds

SB 214

School districts: boards of education

SB 216

Calif. Postsecondary Education Commission: strategic plan

SB 225

Education: interscholastic athletics: discrimination

SB 230

School finance

SB 231

Medi-Cal: local education agency services

SB 233

Pupil testing

SB 235

Community colleges: classified staff

SB 240

Education: school districts

SB 245*

Pupil testing

SB 246

School finance: pupil transfers

SB 248

Child care

SB 250*

School finance: Pacific Unified School District

SB 256*

School facility priority funding

SB 257

Schools: hate crimes

SB 258

Voluntary desegregation: Fresno group of school districts

SB 273*

Instructional materials: apportionments

SB 276

Health care

SB 277

Public employee hlth care benefits: state univ employees

SB 280

English language education: teacher coaching program

SB 284

Community colleges: funding

SB 286

School safety: hazardous substances

SB 287

Apprenticeship education

SB 299

Teacher credentialing

SB 302

Digital Professional Development Program

SB 308

Child care and development

SB 310

Pupils: protective sun clothing

SB 311

Public postsecondary education: excuse of tuition

SB 318

Disabled pupils

SB 320

Pupil suspension and expulsion

SB 321

Teachers: emergency permits: training

SB 323*

California State University: real property exchange

SB 326

California Postsecondary Education Commission: report

SB 327

California State University: biotechnology

SB 334*

Teachers' retirement benefits

SB 347*

Education Budget Trailer

SB 354

Education: interscholastic athletics

SB 373

Environmental education: waste: recycling

SB 374

Education: categorical programs

SB 377

Education: instructional materials: certification

SB 380

CalWORKs: community college students

SB 388

School districts: sale or lease of surplus property

SB 390

Child care and development: state master plan

SB 391

Education: health delivery services: consulting nurse

SB 393

Community colleges: full-time Excess Costs Rebate Fund

SB 398

Violence: conflict resolution

SB 420

State Board of Education: Palmer method competition

SB 431*

School finance: utility costs

SB 434

Distance learning

SB 436

Postsecondary education: allied health care

SB 450

School Food Service Staff Development and Safe Food Handling

SB 457

Public postsecondary education: nursing programs

SB 461

Catastrophic Prescription Drug Insurance Program

SB 474

School volunteers

SB 489

Community college transfer academies

SB 494

California State University: year-round instruction

SB 498

Public Schools Accountability Act of 1999

SB 499

State Teachers' Retirement System

SB 501

Senate Public Employment And Retirement Committee
State teachers' retirement

SB 504

Employment discrimination

SB 505*

Special education

SB 508

Education: pupils

SB 511

Children with disabilities

SB 514

School districts: reorganization

SB 517

California Postsecondary Education Commission

SB 541*

Child care: family support

SB 546*

Sales and use taxes: exemptions: textbooks

SB 554

Service learning

SB 568

School bus seat belts

SB 572

Teachers: salary

SB 575

School facilities: fire detection

SB 579

Education technology grant program

SB 593*

California State University: real property exchange

SB 606

Pupil health

SB 611

Public postsecondary education: joint-use facilities

SB 614

School employees: labor relations

SB 630*

Personal income taxes: credits: low-performing schools

SB 631

Postsecondary education: reciprocal program

SB 634

Lead poisoning

SB 650

Public employees retirement: school employers

SB 664

Nursing education

SB 665

School food

SB 675

Charter schools: audits

SB 676

Charter schools: special education

SB 688

Regional occupational centers and programs

SB 692

Class size reduction

SB 698*

Income and bank and corporation taxes: credit

SB 709

School facilities

SB 713

Public postsecondary education: doctoral degree

SB 715

Public school teachers: pupil attendance

SB 735*

Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee

SB 740

Charter schools

SB 742*

Child care facilities

SB 743

Teacher credentialing: emergency permits

SB 760

Medical education

SB 770

Pupil health

SB 779

Vehicles: preferential parking: school personnel

SB 782*

Income taxes: credit: Scholarshare trust

SB 786

Purchase of instructional materials

SB 789

Academic Performance Index

SB 792

Teacher credentialing

SB 793

Child day care facilities

SB 811*

Minimum teacher salaries

SB 819

Child day care facility

SB 837*

Teacher credentialing: emergency permits

SB 838

Community colleges: administrators

SB 844

Education funding

SB 850

County Office Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team

SB 862

School safety

SB 864

Adult education

SB 885*

Los Angeles County College of Nursing and Allied Health

SB 894*

Community College Leadership Institute

SB 913

Education finance

SB 955*

Education: charter schools

SB 963

Pupil records

SB 973

School facilities

SB 982*

Special education

SB 993

Early care and education

SB 999*

Home-to-school transportation

SB 1001

Private postsecondary educational institutions

SB 1010*

School construction funding

SB 1013

Instructional materials: the visual and performing arts

SB 1016

Foreign language instruction

SB 1020


SB 1031*

Education: California Indian Education Center Program

SB 1043

School facility funding

SB 1051

Career technical education

SB 1053

Centennial of Flight Commemoration Program

SB 1058

Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Grant Program

SB 1061

University of California: collective bargaining

SB 1068

The School Bus Safety and Emission Reduction Act

SB 1070

Student Aid Commission

SB 1072

Reading mentoring grants

SB 1077

School food sales

SB 1078

Necessary small schools

SB 1091

School facilities: multitrack schools

SB 1097

Education: Certified school employees

SB 1105

Special education

SB 1113

Education: guidance counseling

SB 1118

Pupil performance: requirements

SB 1120

Teacher Credentialing

SB 1129

School bonds: school facility improvement

SB 1156

University of California: labor management committee

SB 1159

Labor standards

SB 1162


SB 1175

Higher education labor relations

SB 1199

Community colleges: employees

SB 1209

Educational facilities

SB 1212

Higher ed. labor relations: memorandum of understanding

SB 1214

California State University: auxiliary organizations

SB 1216

Community colleges: transfer program

SB 1229*

School facilities funding: military base reuse


College Awareness Month


Arts Education Month

SCR 11

Library Lovers Month

SCR 16

California Adult Education Week

SCR 37


SJR 10

Special education: federal funding

SR 16

Appointees of the Regents of the University of California

SR 17

Shadow Week

AB 6

Before and after school programs

AB 9

School safety: volunteers

AB 12

School facilities funding

AB 14

School facilities

AB 16

School Facilities Bond Act

AB 26*

Taxes: Scholarshare trust

AB 27

Negrete McLeod-D
Community colleges: surplus personal property

AB 47

Schoolsite parent centers

AB 49

Public libraries: resources for youths

AB 50

School finance

AB 51

Lead-safe schools

AB 65

Pupil assessment

AB 75

Principal Training Program

AB 76

Compton Community College

AB 79

School safety

AB 80

School safety: lead

AB 82

Community colleges: job training partnerships

AB 83

Child day care licensure

AB 85

Child care and development services

AB 87

Community colleges: work site-based training

AB 90

School finance

AB 96*

School districts

AB 99

Education technology: grants

AB 103

School finance: revenue limits

AB 110

Personal income taxes: credit: credentialed teachers

AB 118

Public Employees' Retirement System

AB 122

School finance: snow removal

AB 128

Education: public school employees

AB 135

State teachers' retirement: purchase power protection

AB 139

County superintendents of schools

AB 148

Education technology within the public schools

AB 149*

Personal income taxes: teacher tax credit

AB 163

School nurses: tobacco settlement funds

AB 164

Special education: due process hearings

AB 165

School employee classification

AB 174

Pupil performance: Compton Unified School District

AB 177

Pupils: expulsion

AB 195

Student charges

AB 200

School facilities

AB 201

Private postsecondary education

AB 204

Driver training

AB 230

Classified employees

AB 231

Class size reduction

AB 250

School finance

AB 253

Adult education

AB 259

Adult education: average daily attendance audits

AB 272

Teacher credentialing

AB 292

California Professional Development Institutes

AB 295

Public Schools Accountability Act of 1999

AB 297

Before and after school programs

AB 298

After School Learning and Safe Neighborhoods Partnerships

AB 301

School employees

AB 303

Special education: necessary small special education

AB 306

Special education

AB 307

Trustees of the California State University

AB 312


AB 315

Libraries: special districts

AB 316

Parental involvement: pilot program

AB 320*

Pupil transportation: instructional programs

AB 323

Kindergarten instruction: extended-day program

AB 332

School programs: consolidated application process

AB 336

School library pilot program

AB 338

Orange County Demonstration Project

AB 341

Teachers: professional development

AB 342

School Leadership Innovation Grant Program

AB 348

Career technical education

AB 353

Summer supplemental instruction: funding

AB 354

School safety: school security officers

AB 355

Peace officers: training

AB 361*

Taxation: deductions: contributions of computer equipment

AB 365

School employees: classified service

AB 367

Education: physical education

AB 379*

Special education

AB 396

Child care services

AB 401

School facilities

AB 420

Education: program evaluation: advisory committee

AB 432*

Assembly Budget Committee

AB 441*

School finance: revenue limits

AB 445

School Facilities Fee Assistance Fund

AB 449

Classified school employees: leaves of absence

AB 458

Rod Pacheco-R
Honors courses

AB 463

Child development: home-based education

AB 466

Mathematics and Reading Professional Development Program

AB 473

Education technology: loans

AB 484

Community college facilities: building standards

AB 493*

Public postsecondary education: cooperative partnerships

AB 497

Robert Pacheco-R
Public Education Facilities Renewable Energy Generation

AB 500

School districts: short-term employees

AB 503

Pupil instruction: dual language education grant program

AB 504

School facility plans

AB 506

Pupil safety: safe passage strategy development

AB 508

Education: Governor's Scholars Program

AB 520

Kindergarten full school day program

AB 521

Student credit cards

AB 526

Class size reduction

AB 540

Public postsecondary education: nonresident exemptions

AB 542

Pupil capacity: multitrack

AB 558

Pupils: attendance

AB 559

Emergency medical services

AB 598

California Community Colleges: full-time instructors

AB 604

Career technical education

AB 607

Negrete McLeod-D
State teachers retirement: career bonus

AB 613

Zoning: community college districts

AB 620

Education: high-tech high schools

AB 622

California State University: offsite campus centers

AB 633

Robert Pacheco-R
Community college funding

AB 634

Education: minimum age of compulsory school attendance

AB 647

Community College employees: whistleblower protection

AB 652

University of California: Health Professions

AB 653

Crime: minors: schools

AB 662

Pupil suspension and expulsion

AB 676

Pupil achievement: content standards

AB 689

California State University

AB 699

Instructional materials

AB 707

Negrete McLeod-D
Higher education labor relations

AB 717

Information Technology Career Academy Grant Initiative

AB 721

Teachers for Low-Performing Schools Renewable Grant Program

AB 722

Educational counseling

AB 724

Earthquake emergency

AB 725

School violence

AB 726*

Student financial aid

AB 741

English language instruction

AB 749

Higher education labor relations

AB 760

School athletics: safety

AB 764


AB 768

School property

AB 769

School-to-Career Technology Training Center Program

AB 792*

Public postsecondary education: fees

AB 804*

Assembly Education Committee

AB 818

State Allocation Board

AB 819

School safety

AB 820

California State University Housing Finance

AB 833

Teachers: teacher qualification index

AB 838

Postsecondary education: peace officers

AB 842

International Baccalaureate Program

AB 844*

School dropouts

AB 849

Pupil services

AB 852

School pupil activity buses: passenger restraint systems

AB 855

State special schools and other educational programs

AB 861

Community day schools

AB 866*

Taxes: child care

AB 869

The Arts Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Assistance

AB 876

Pupil reading programs

AB 877

Calif. State Univ.: appointment of chancellor & president

AB 885

Attendance: internet: Canyon High School

AB 886

School accountability: Academic Performance Index

AB 888

Negrete McLeod-D
Community college students: book grants

AB 892

Healthy Start support services

AB 902*

Income and bank and corporation taxes: school employees

AB 907

Community colleges: faculty

AB 912

Mathematics and Science Challenge Grant Program

AB 916

School health instruction

AB 927

Continuation high schools

AB 935

Loan Repayment Program for Public Interest Attorneys

AB 939

Special education local plan areas

AB 947

Pesticides: schoolsites

AB 961*

Low-performing schools

AB 972*

School facilities: environmental investigations

AB 977

Earthquake Emergency Investigations Account

AB 992

Special education: nonpublic, nonsectarian schools

AB 1009

Partnership academies

AB 1018

Career education

AB 1030

Rod Pacheco-R
Pupil health

AB 1059

Compton Community College

AB 1061

Pupil health

AB 1063

Public colleges and universities: housing facilities

AB 1064

Fresno Unified School District: governing board

AB 1072

School facilities: lease payments

AB 1073

Adult education: classes in correctional facilities

AB 1077*

Sales and use taxes: public school exemption

AB 1080

Student financial aid: Cal-Grant

AB 1081

California State University: faculty retirement

AB 1096

Pupil health: eye examinations

AB 1102

Education: fiscal accountability

AB 1105

Child care: foster

AB 1107

State Department of Education: reports

AB 1132

Charter schools

AB 1146

School readiness

AB 1148

Educational resources: Legislative Analyst

AB 1157

International trade: California State University

AB 1159*

Robert Pacheco-R
Community colleges: funding

AB 1165

Bill Campbell-R
Leroy Greene Calif. Assessment of Academic Achievement Act

AB 1174*

Income taxes: higher education

AB 1189

School finance

AB 1208

La Suer-R
Education: adopted course of study

AB 1213

Pupil transportation services: funding

AB 1218

Construction academies: grants

AB 1227

Home economics careers and technology education

AB 1232

Education: United Stated armed forces

AB 1238

Personal learning agreement for low-achieving pupils program

AB 1239

Pediatric literacy programs

AB 1240

Teacher resources

AB 1241

Robert Pacheco-R
Community colleges: teacher preparation

AB 1245

Community colleges: temporary and part-time faculty

AB 1246*

Taxes: exemption: college textbooks

AB 1255

School construction funding: smaller schools

AB 1257*

Taxes: child care facilities

AB 1285*

Supplemental Instruction: Fresno Unified School District

AB 1287*

University of California

AB 1288

Education: Academic Performance Index

AB 1295

School performance: Academic Performance Index

AB 1299

Public education facility funding

AB 1301

Belmont Learning Center

AB 1302*

Assembly Education Committee
Kindergarten readiness

AB 1307

Teacher credentialing

AB 1326


AB 1339

School security training

AB 1341

School curriculum: information collection

AB 1342

Teaching standards

AB 1348

Robert Pacheco-R
California State Polytechnic University

AB 1358

Child care facilities: complaints

AB 1367

Land use: school siting

AB 1369

Pupil attendance

AB 1372

Education: school chaplains

AB 1377

Public school pupils: professional development institutes

AB 1392

Pupil instruction: languages

AB 1397

Public records: University of California employees

AB 1402

Public works: design-build contracts

AB 1407

Pupil instruction: Algebra Incentive Program

AB 1412

Career education

AB 1430

School facilities

AB 1431

Substitute teachers: training

AB 1434

School curriculum

AB 1439

Challenger Learning Centers

AB 1447

Public school facilities

AB 1455

School volunteers

AB 1462

Teacher training

AB 1478

School construction approval

AB 1498

Rod Pacheco-R
Junior high school class size reduction

AB 1499

Negrete McLeod-D
Teachers: Teaching As A Priority Block Grant

AB 1511

Public school facilities

AB 1523

Student financial aid

AB 1525

Child care and development: alternative payment program

AB 1531


AB 1539

Pupils: transfer of preschool information

AB 1543

School facility construction

AB 1558

School facilities: maintenance

AB 1568

Child care: family support

AB 1580

School facilities: allocation of funds

AB 1603

Community colleges: common course numbering

AB 1609

High school exit examination

AB 1611

Higher education housing

AB 1615

School district revenue limits

AB 1617

Pupil performance: high school graduation

AB 1623

Regional occupational center/joint powers agencies

AB 1626

School safety

AB 1627


AB 1634

Early childhood education

AB 1659

Career and technical education

AB 1662

Rod Pacheco-R
Teacher credentialing

AB 1689

Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee
California State University: vendor payments

AB 1718

Assembly Higher Education Committee
California State University: Governor's teacher schlrs prog

AB 1719

Assembly Higher Education Committee
Public postsecondary education

AB 1720

Assembly Higher Education Committee
Private postsecondary and vocational education

AB 1721

Assembly Higher Education Committee
California Postsecondary Education Commission

AB 1722

Assembly Higher Education Committee
Community colleges

AB 1725*

School board members


Sober Graduation Month

ACR 21

University of California Regents

ACR 22

Model Curriculum on Human Rights and Genocide

ACR 40

Mathematics Education Awareness Month

ACR 45

Community College Month

ACR 53

Public education: business community involvement

ACR 64

Charter schools

ACR 69

Day of the Teacher

ACR 73

California State University

ACR 74

National Scholarship Month

ACR 80

School crossing guards

ACR 84

Public postsecondary education: Imperial County

ACR 104

California Retired Teachers Week

ACR 112

Economic Literacy Week


Retirement benefits: teachers

AJR 21

International Literacy Day

HR 27

National High School Rodeo Finals