
Note: * Denotes Urgency or Tax Levy Legislation.

Disaster Relief Legislation

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SB 1158 (Price-D) Disaster relief: income taxes

Conforms state law to federal law, allowing the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) to postpone certain tax related deadlines for a period up to one year for Governor-declared disasters, and abate interest to the extent that the interest is attributable to FTB's delay in mailing a notice of correspondence that requires a response from the taxpayer affected by a presidentially declared disaster or state emergency.
Chapter 382, Statutes of 2012

SB 1262 (Vargas-D) Earthquake insurance

Specifies that the earthquake insurance providing alternative coverage that may be offered may include coverage options not meeting the minimum coverage described in existing law.
(Died in Senate Insurance Committee)

SB 1271 (Corbett-D) Seismic safety: school facilities

Requires the Department of General Services to convene a workgroup, or continue to use an existing workgroup, as specified, to develop and adopt recommendations for improving the oversight of school construction projects. Requires the workgroup to review changes made within the Division of the State Architect to improve its oversight of school construction projects and to review the Field Act to consider changes to the act concerning occupancy of school facilities when and if significant safety concerns are identified. Requires the Division of the State Architect by 7/1/13, to report the recommendations of the workgroup to the Senate Select Committee on Earthquake and Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery at a public hearing with an opportunity for public comment, as specified, and to the appropriate Senate and Assembly policy committees.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 1365 (Negrete McLeod-D) Emergency medical services

Extends the civil liability immunity law to registered nurses trained in emergency services. Provides immunity to all listed professionals rendering medical services during emergency ground or air transport.
Chapter 69, Statutes of 2012

SB 1544* (Hernandez-D) Disaster loss treatment: income taxes

Affords disaster loss treatment to taxpayers in the Counties of Los Angeles and San Bernardino affected by severe winds in 2011.
Chapter 284, Statutes of 2012

SCR 57 (Vargas-D) Earthquakes: building standards

Urges the Division of the State Architect, in cooperation with the California Building Standards Commission and the Department of Housing and Community Development to hold hearings to determine if the building codes subject to a scheduled review should be amended to require the installation of devices that shutoff natural gas and electrical power in the event of an earthquake at the time of initial construction and major renovations.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SCR 77 (Corbett-D) California Earthquake Preparedness Month

Declares the month of April 2012 as California Earthquake Preparedness Month, and urges all Californians to engage in activities related to earthquake preparedness during the month.
Resolution Chapter 19, Statutes of 2012

AB 578 (Hill-D) Disaster assistance: emergencies

Requires the Public Utilities Commission to formally respond to certain safety recommendations concerning gas pipeline safety made by the federal National Transportation Safety Board and federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.
Chapter 462, Statutes of 2012

AB 927 (Huffman-D) Seismic safety: health facilities

Permits a health care district that is eligible to receive an additional extension of up to two-years from seismic safety standards, to request an additional two-year extension if it submits a plan to submit a ballot measure to issue bonds to the voters.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)

AB 1650 (Portantino-D) Emergency and disaster preparedness: public utilities

Requires the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to establish standards for disaster and emergency preparedness plans within an existing proceeding, as specified. Requires an electrical corporation to develop, adopt, and update an emergency and disaster preparedness plan, as specified. Authorizes every city, county, or city and county within the electrical corporation's service area to designate a point of contact for the electrical corporation to consult with on emergency and disaster preparedness plans. Requires a water company regulated by the PUC to develop, adopt, and update an emergency and disaster preparedness plan, as specified. Finds and declares that county and city participation in the preparation of electrical corporations' emergency and disaster preparedness plans is critical to a statewide emergency response and, thus, is an issue of statewide concern.
Chapter 472, Statutes of 2012

AB 2332* (Monning-D) Disaster relief: County of Santa Cruz

Provides that any losses sustained in the County of Santa Cruz as a result of the severe storms that occurred in March 2011 (2011 Storms) may, at the taxpayer's election, be taken into account for the taxable year immediately preceding the taxable year in which the disaster occurred.
Chapter 203, Statutes of 2012

ACR 114 (Monning-D) California Tsunami Awareness Week

Designates March 25-31, 2012 as California Tsunami Awareness Week.
Resolution Chapter 8, Statutes of 2012

ACR 124 (Logue-R) American Red Cross Month

Declares March 2012 as American Red Cross Month, and calls upon all residents of California to become partners with the American Red Cross.
(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)

ACR 150 (Block-D) Fire Safety and Disaster Preparedness Week

Declares the week of 6/4/12 to 6/10/12, inclusive, as Fire Safety and Disaster Preparedness Week, and encourages all California firefighters and citizens to participate in local educational activities throughout that week to better prepare our state for an emergency.
Resolution Chapter 83, Statutes of 2012

Index (in Measure Order)

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Note: * Denotes Urgency or Tax Levy Legislation.

Measure and ReferenceAuthorMeasure Title
SB 1158 - Disaster Relief LegislationPrice-DDisaster relief: income taxes
SB 1262 - Disaster Relief LegislationVargas-DEarthquake insurance
SB 1271 - Disaster Relief LegislationCorbett-DSeismic safety: school facilities
SB 1365 - Disaster Relief LegislationNegrete McLeod-DEmergency medical services
SB 1544* - Disaster Relief LegislationHernandez-DDisaster loss treatment: income taxes
SCR 57 - Disaster Relief LegislationVargas-DEarthquakes: building standards
SCR 77 - Disaster Relief LegislationCorbett-DCalifornia Earthquake Preparedness Month
AB 578 - Disaster Relief LegislationHill-DDisaster assistance: emergencies
AB 927 - Disaster Relief LegislationHuffman-DSeismic safety: health facilities
AB 1650 - Disaster Relief LegislationPortantino-DEmergency and disaster preparedness: public utilities
AB 2332* - Disaster Relief LegislationMonning-DDisaster relief: County of Santa Cruz
ACR 114 - Disaster Relief LegislationMonning-DCalifornia Tsunami Awareness Week
ACR 124 - Disaster Relief LegislationLogue-RAmerican Red Cross Month
ACR 150 - Disaster Relief LegislationBlock-DFire Safety and Disaster Preparedness Week