Business and Labor
Economic Development
World Trade and Tourism
Small Business
Labor Relations
Workers' Compensation
Unemployment Insurance
Financial Institutions
Economic Development
SB 6* (Ducheny-D) Enterprise zones: designation period
Provides that all zones, not just those designated prior to 1990, may be granted an extension to 20 years, if they also meet the other requirements (successful audit and submission of an economic development plan).
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 58* (Murray-D) Taxes: credits: qualified motion picture production
Grants an income or corporation tax credit equal to 15 percent of the amount of qualified wages paid and qualified property purchased in the production of a qualified motion picture. The maximum amount of credit per motion picture will be $5 million. The credit will not exceed an aggregate amount (for all motion pictures in a year) of a fixed dollar amount (which remains blank in bill as currently drafted).
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 193* (Maldonado-R) Sales and use taxes: exemptions: space flight
Expands the existing sales and use tax exemption for the sale or use of space flight property to include the purposes of assembly and transport of space flight property as well as personal property used in spaceports.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 625 (Battin-R) State and local surplus property: written offers
Requires state agencies to include in their annual surplus property report to the Department of General Services land that is suitable for economic development purposes, and requires state and local agencies to send a written offer to sell or lease such property to a local governmental agency or organization engaged in economic development prior to disposing of the property.
(Failed passage in Assembly Business and Professions Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 665 (Migden-D) California Career Resource Network
Establishes the California Career Resource Network to provide career development information and training, primarily to middle and high school students, and repeals the California Occupational Information Coordinating Committee, which formerly compiled labor market data.
Chapter 208, Statutes of 2005
SB 732 (Ashburn-R) Local government finance: enterprise special districts
Limits the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund shift for any enterprise special district whose budget does not exceed $2 million and that spends at least 20 percent of its total expenditures on a non-enterprise police protection function, to the lesser of 40 percent of its property tax revenues or five percent of the district's total revenue as reported in the 2001-02 edition of the State Controller's Special Districts Annual Report. Requires the State Controller to ensure that this exemption will not result in an increased property tax revenue shift for any other special district, and requires the State Controller to notify the Department of Finance (DOF) of any reductions resulting from this requirement by January 7, 2006, and requires DOF to notify any affected county auditors by January 21, 2005.
(Failed passage in Senate Local Government Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 974 (Senate Environmental Quality Committee) CEQA: exemption: rural infrastructure economic development
Repeals the California Environmental Quality Act exemption for project funding by the Rural Economic Development Infrastructure Panel.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
SCR 14 (Runner-R) Satellite industry
Acknowledges the growth and contributions of the satellite industry to California, urges the public to recognize the growth of this sector as an important economic and job creation engine that deserves to be nurtured and encouraged to remain and expand in California, and recognizes April 12, 2005, as California Space Day, in special recognition of how the satellite industry has found a consumer market and is improving the lives of our citizens.
Resolution Chapter 17, Statutes of 2005
AB 31 (Parra-D) Economic development of Central San Joaquin Valley
Creates a task force to coordinate and improve existing state and federal efforts for the Central San Joaquin Valley (Central Valley), in concert with locally led efforts, in order to increase the living standards and the overall economic performance of the Central Valley.
(In Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee)
AB 34* (Ruskin-D) Corporation tax: water's-edge election: tax havens
Expands the list of countries reflected in the water's-edge group to include affiliates located in a tax-haven country.
(On Assembly Third Reading File)
AB 37* (Torrico-D) Income taxes: credits: Quality Job Creation Tax Credit
Creates a tax credit for taxpayers that create specified jobs throughout California.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 43 (Vargas-D) Corporation tax: water's-edge election: tax havens
Requires multinational corporations that elect to file tax returns based only on income earned inside the United States (known as the water's-edge method) to include the income of related corporations in a tax haven country.
(On Assembly Third Reading File)
AB 199 (Tran-R) Enterprise zones: limitation on designation
Increases the maximum number of enterprise zones receiving specified tax and regulatory incentives designated by the Department of Housing and Community Development at any one time from 42 to 52.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 251 (Haynes-R) California New Markets Venture Capital Program
Enacts the California New Markets Venture Capital Program Act of 2005, pursuant to which the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency is required to establish the California New Markets Venture Capital Program. Under the program, the agency is authorized to enter into participation agreements with eligible California New Markets Venture Capital companies, guarantee debentures of the companies to enable them to make developmental venture capital investments in smaller enterprises in low- or moderate-income geographic areas, and makes grants to the companies and other entities to provide operational assistance to smaller enterprises financed or expected to be financed, by those companies.
(Unassigned to a committee)
AB 350 (Matthews-D) Jobs-housing opportunity zones
Allows cities and counties to create infrastructure financing districts within "jobs-housing opportunity zones" designated by the Inter-Regional Partnership Pilot Project.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
AB 382 (Chan-D) Industrial development authorities: bonds
Eliminates the January 1, 2006, sunset date in the California Industrial Development Financing Act (CIDFA). The CIDFA authorizes local agencies throughout the state to issue industrial development bonds upon approval of the California Industrial Development Financing Advisory Commission within the State Treasurer's Office.
Chapter 387, Statutes of 2005
AB 410 (Yee-D) Disabled veteran business enterprises
Creates a 10 percent bidding preference to be issued by state agencies and local agencies expending state funds, including school districts, to certified disabled veteran business enterprises (DVBE) submitting specified bids when an agency is to award the contract to the qualified bidder. Creates a maximum 10 percent bidding preference per Department of General Services regulations to be issued by state agencies and local agencies expending state funds to certified businesses that are not DVBE's, but provide for DVBE subcontractors in the bid when submitting specified contract bids.
(Failed passage in Assembly Veterans Affairs Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 485 (Arambula-D) State and Consumer Services Agency: Master Business License
Requires the State and Consumer Services Agency to conduct a feasibility study on the creation of a Master Business License Center, as specified.
(On Senate Third Reading File)
AB 710 (Houston-R) Economic development: Labor and Workforce Development Agency
Requires the California Business Investment Services Unit, within the Labor and Workforce Development Agency, to perform various functions relating to communication and liaison with California businesses, and advising the Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development about problems and concerns of the business community and how to market California as a place for businesses to locate or expand.
(Died in Senate Governmental Modernization, Efficiency, and Accountability Committee)
AB 732 (Leslie-R) Economic development: neighborhoods
Enacts the California Neighborhood Initiative that requires the Governor to designate an agency that designates, and annually recertifies, 25 California renewal communities within the state, subject to specified criteria, to be linked with available federal funding, public or private resources, and specified state resources.
(In Assembly Jobs, Economic Development and the Economy Committee)
AB 777* (Nunez-D) Taxes: credits: qualified motion picture production
Requires the California Film Commission, in collaboration with specified state entities, to conduct a statewide analysis of the impact of runaway film production on the California film industry and report back to the Legislature no later than March 1, 2006.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 830* (Sharon Runner-R) Personal income and corporation taxes: enterprise zone
Allows taxpayers who do business in more than one enterprise zone (EZ) to utilize certain tax credits they earn based on their activities in one zone against the tax liability they incur based on their activities in another EZ.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 925 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Insurance: community investments
Defines "community development investments" to mean specified investments that have, as their primary purpose, community development benefiting California low- or moderate-income individuals or communities, and requires each California insurer, as of December 31 of each year, to have community development investments in certain amounts, except as specified.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 957 (Haynes-R) California New Markets Venture Capital Program
Authorizes creation of the California New Markets Venture Capital (CNMVC) Program and authorizes the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to enter into participation agreements with eligible companies, to guarantee the debentures of companies to support investment in small enterprises located in low- or moderate-income geographic areas, and to make grants to CNMVC companies.
(In Assembly Jobs, Economic Development and the Economy Committee)
AB 1004 (Nava-D) Commission for Economic Development
Specifies that one of the purposes of the Commission for Economic Development is to provide continuing bipartisan legislative branch, executive branch, and private sector assessment for the best overall economic development of the state.
(In Assembly Jobs, Economic Development and the Economy Committee)
AB 1139 (Dymally-D) The Economic Development Incentives Act
Requires the Department of Finance to submit an annual Unified Economic Development Budget to the Legislature that includes all expenditures for economic development during the previous fiscal year.
(Died in Assembly Jobs, Economic Development and the Economy Committee)
AB 1202 (Laird-D) Military and Aerospace Support Act
Replaces obsolete references to the Defense Conversion Council with the Office of Military and Aerospace Support and revises the definition of military bases, and requires the Director of the Office of Planning and Research to select a mediator, in consultation with the federal Office of Economic Adjustment, to reach agreement among different jurisdictions on a local reuse entity in the event that the multiple local governments cannot agree on a single reuse entity for each base.
Chapter 330, Statutes of 2005
AB 1224* (Haynes-R) Taxes: credit: qualified equity investments
Allows a credit in an amount equal to five percent of the adjusted purchase price, as defined, paid or incurred by the taxpayer for a qualified equity investment, as defined, to the issuer of the investment.
(Unassigned to a committee)
AB 1339 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Employment: movement of work outside California
Requires the Labor Market Information Division within the Employment Development Department to provide the Legislature with a quarterly report of mass layoff data on the movement of work outside of California that it currently collects.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1361 (Dymally-D) Enterprise zones: designation period
Allows enterprise zones, established prior to 1990, to seek an additional five-year extension for a total designation period of 25 years.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1398 (Plescia-R) Life sciences
Encourages the Public Employees' Retirement System to fully deploy funds earmarked for life science investments, and to ensure that its asset allocation reflects the long-term value that the corporations present to California.
(In Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
AB 1437 (Strickland-R) California Film Commission
Establishes the Film Promotion and Marketing Fund into which funds from public and private sources will be deposited and allocated to the California Film Commission (CFC). Requires the proceeds received by the CFC from the sale of location library documents, photocopying, and other film-related informational documents to be deposited into the marketing fund. Allows the CFC to accept funds from any private or public source for deposit to the fund. Permits expenditure of monies in the fund upon appropriation by the Legislature for the activities related to marketing California locations for film production as prescribed in current law.
Chapter 168, Statutes of 2005
AB 1516 (Arambula-D) Economic strategy panel: membership
Specifies that at least two appointees to the Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development's economic strategy panel be local economic development practitioners.
(On Senate Third Reading File)
AB 1563 (Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee) Enterprise zones: reports to the Legislature
Requires the Department of Housing and Community Development to include in its five-year report on enterprise zones information about the training of unemployed individuals.
Chapter 518, Statutes of 2005
AB 1766 (Dymally-D) Economic incentive areas
Enacts a series of changes to enterprise zone (EZ) designations, the Department of Housing and Community Development fee collection authority, hiring credits, net interest deduction, business expense deductions, net operating loss, and other provisions of tax law applicable to EZs, local agency military base recovery areas, targeted tax areas, and manufacturing enhancement areas.
(On Senate Third Reading File)
ACR 93 (Bogh-R) California Economic Literacy Week
Designates the week of October 24, 2005, through October 28, 2005, as California Economic Literacy Week, and urges Californians to observe these days by working for a better understanding of our economic system.
Resolution Chapter 143, Statutes of 2005
AJR 15 (Baca-D) Mag Instrument flashlight patent
Memorializes the Congress and the President of the United States to take necessary action to extend, by two years, the Mag Instrument flashlight patent by approving House Resolution 607 (Joe Baca-D) and thereby protecting this highly valued manufacturing company and prized employment for the citizens of the Inland Empire.
Resolution Chapter 86, Statutes of 2005

World Trade and Tourism
SB 348 (Figueroa-D) International trade
Prohibits a state official, including the Governor, from binding the state, or giving consent to the federal government to bind the state, to provisions of a Proposed International Trade Agreement, including, the government procurement rules, unless a statute is enacted that explicitly authorizes a state official, including the Governor, to bind the state or to give consent to bind the state to that trade agreement.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 897 (Scott-D) International trade and investment office: Yerevan
Extends the sunset date allowing for the creation and operation of an international trade and investment office, on a contractual basis, in Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, from January 1, 2006 to January 1, 2008, and extends the reporting deadline regarding the success of this office from March 1, 2005 to June 1, 2007.
Chapter 604, Statutes of 2005
AB 402 (Dymally-D) Borders: Mexico
Requires the Office of California-Mexico Affairs to establish a migrant advisory committee to focus upon issues confronted by those parties migrating from Mexico to California.
(In Senate Government Modernization, Efficiency and Accountability Committee)
AB 1395 (Nunez-D) California-Mexico relations
Requires the Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency and the Secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to develop and coordinate a strategic plan, and make recommendations regarding an appropriate governance structure for California-Mexico relations.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1562 (Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee) International trade
Authorizes the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency (BT&H) to be responsible for coordinating and conducting the state's international trade and investment programs and activities, requires the Secretary of BT&H, by April 1, 2006, to present the Governor and Legislature an international trade and investment strategy with specified components, and requires the Secretary of BT&H, to the extent sufficient resources are available, to develop a statewide collaborative partnership of public-private international trade development organizations to achieve specified international trade and investment purposes.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

Small Business
SB 115 (Florez-D) California Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Program
Makes various changes to the Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Program (DVBE), including requiring the Department of General Services to establish a DVBE participation incentive to bidders that will be mandatory for all state agencies, and requiring the Department of Veterans Affairs to establish a method of monitoring adherence to the DVBE participation goals.
Chapter 451, Statutes of 2005
AB 348 (Arambula-D) Small business certification and reciprocity program
Adds to the duties of the Office of Small Business and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Services by requiring the Office to make efforts to develop a core statewide small business certification application that may be adopted by local governments and special districts, and permits the Department of General Services (DGS) to accept a local agency's certification of a small business if it determines that the local agency has a substantially similar or more stringent certification and review process as those applied by DGS.
Chapter 185, Statutes of 2005
AB 409 (Yee-D) State contracts: small business bidding preference
Increases the preference awarded to small businesses and microbusinesses, from the current five percent to 10 percent of either the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications, and from five percent to 10 percent of the highest responsible bidder's total score when the solicitation is to be awarded to the highest scored bidder based on evaluation factors in addition to price. Increases, from a maximum of five percent to a maximum of 10 percent, the preference awarded to nonsmall businesses that provide for small business or microbusiness subcontractor participation, determined according to rules and regulations of the Department of General Services.
(Failed passage in Senate Governmental Modernization, Efficiency and Accountability Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 499 (Leno-D) Public contracts: preferences: small and local businesses
Establishes a five-year pilot project authorizing the San Francisco Community College District to grant small and local business preferences of up to five percent in awarding special contracts for construction, the procurement of goods, or the delivery of services where responsibility and quality are equal to the lowest responsible bidder.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 854 (Bass-D) Small business certification and reciprocity programs
Authorizes the Department of General Services (DGS) to accept certification of a small business made by a local agency if it determines that the local agency has applied similar certification criteria and review processes to those applied by DGS.
(In Assembly Jobs, Economic Development and the Economy Committee)
AB 995* (Canciamilla-D) Taxation: small business health insurance: credit
Allows a credit to employers for part of the cost of providing health care coverage for employees.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
ACR 76 (Yee-D) Microenterprise Development Month
Recognizes the month of October 2005 as Microenterprise Development Month.
Resolution Chapter 134, Statutes of 2005

Labor Relations
SB 101* (Battin-R) Employee compensation
Provides clean-up language to SB 1618 (Battin), Chapter 860, Statutes of 2004, which was enacted to help reduce the likelihood of identity theft by requiring that by January 1, 2008, all employers must only use the last four digits or less of an employee's social security number or otherwise use an existing employee identification number other than a social security number when providing employees with an itemized statement of earnings.
Chapter 103, Statutes of 2005
SB 174 (Dunn-D) Minimum wage
Allows employees to act on behalf of themselves and others making less than twice the state minimum wage in recovering unpaid minimum wages or overtime compensation.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 293 (Ducheny-D) Workforce Training Act
Deletes obsolete language in the state Unemployment Insurance Code relative to workforce training and job services and incorporates provisions of the 1998 federal Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and additional changes from its reauthorization, as well as provisions to guide the state's implementation of the WIA.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment)
SB 300 (Kuehl-D) Family and medical leave
Expands the scope of the California Family Rights Act (CFRA) to (1) expand the list of family members for which an employee is allowed protected leave under the CFRA to include an employees' independent adult child, grandparent, sibling, or domestic partner suffering from a serious health condition, and (2) clarify intent and strengthen various CFRA protections for workers and their families.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 314 (Romero-D) Job training
Authorizes the Employment Training Panel to award contracts to projects that train workers in seasonal industries.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 495 (Vincent-D) Traveling carnivals
Requires traveling carnivals operating amusement rides to report certain injuries of users of an amusement ride to the Department of Consumer Affairs and to provide a copy of the report to the injured person. Imposes various other requirements on traveling carnivals relative to the safe operation of amusement rides and training of personnel.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 593 (Alarcon-D) Health care costs: recovery
Requires a for-profit corporation with at least 20,000 employees to reimburse the state for costs of providing Medi-Cal and Healthy Families to the corporation's employees and dependents.
(In Senate Health Committee)
SB 727 (Lowenthal-D) Safety in employment: special purpose personnel elevators
Allows a company or person to maintain and repair personnel elevators or cranes in marine terminals if prior experience in the maintenance and repair of such elevators is demonstrated.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SB 759 (Maldonado-R) Public works: payroll records
Allows certified payroll information on public works projects to be submitted in an electronic data format. Specifies that certified payroll records may consist of printouts of payroll data that are maintained as computer records, if the printouts contain the same information and are verified in the same manner as currently required for written payroll records.
Chapter 500, Statutes of 2005
SB 848 (Dunn-D) Employment: port owner-operator drivers
Authorizes port owner-operator truck drivers to organize for purposes of collective bargaining, states findings and declarations of the Legislature and its intent to address the economic imbalance between port owner-operator truck drivers and port motor carriers, authorizes collective organization for specified purposes, and is consistent with state action immunity doctrine.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 940 (Torlakson-D) Public works
Requires the Department of Industrial Relations to regularly post the prevailing wage rates for residential projects on its Internet web site.
Vetoed by the Governor
SCR 25 (Speier-D) Employer safety practices
Urges employers to ensure that their injury prevention programs and other systems for identifying and correcting workplace hazards consider the effects of ultraviolet radiation and to ensure that skin cancer prevention policies for outdoor workers are placed into operation.
Resolution Chapter 105, Statutes of 2005
SJR 7 (Bowen-D) Equal Pay Day
Proclaims April 19, 2005, as Equal Pay Day in California, and urges Congress to protect the right of all American women to receive equal pay for equal work and to continue to provide more effective remedies to victims of discrimination in the payment of wages on the basis of sex.
Resolution Chapter 35, Statutes of 2005
SR 15 (Kehoe-D) Employment
Declares that the Senate supports janitors in their effort to obtain health care coverage and encourages specified businesses in Southern California to inform their cleaning contractors they will support family health care insurance for their contract janitors.
Adopted by the Senate
SR 16 (Alarcon-D) Pension plans
Resolves that the Senate respectfully requests the President and the Congress of the United States to support and pass legislation to place a six-month moratorium of the termination of certain pension plans by the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation.
Adopted by the Senate
AB 48 (Lieber-D) Minimum wage
Sets the minimum wage at $7.25 per hour as of July 1, 2006, and $7.75 per hour as of July 1, 2007, and automatically adjusts the minimum wage on January 1 of each year, thereafter, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 51 (Koretz-D) Apprenticeship programs
Limits eligibility for reimbursement to construction industry apprenticeship programs that meet specified criteria.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 57 (Levine-D) Public works: prevailing wages
Provides that an employer may not credit pension or other contributions against their prevailing wage obligations unless the employer makes the contribution on no less than a quarterly basis.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 139* (Assembly Budget Committee) Industrial relations unpaid wages: budget trailer bill
Implements the General Government Budget trailer bill which, among other provisions, updates the required fund reserve for the Unpaid Wage Fund from $200,000 to a reserve that equals six months of expenditures. The language maintains the requirement that funds exceeding the reserve be transferred to the General Fund.
Chapter 74, Statutes of 2005
AB 169 (Oropeza-D) Gender pay equity
Increases the amount of liquidated damages due to employees who are paid unfairly in violation of existing law relating to gender-based payment discrimination.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 186 (Bogh-R) Occupational safety and health: fines
Establishes a refund mechanism for workplace safety penalties imposed against public police departments and the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.
Chapter 141, Statutes of 2005
AB 222 (Bogh-R) Public works: labor compliance: prevailing wages
Eliminates various provisions of existing law that authorize and require the initiation and enforcement of labor compliance programs. Requires, instead, an awarding body to post a specified notice advising workers that were not paid prevailing wages on public works projects to contact the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement.
(Failed passage in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 364* (Cogdill-R) Public works: prevailing wages
Makes various changes to existing law governing the payment of prevailing wages on public works projects.
(Failed passage in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 414 (Klehs-D) Labor compliance programs: third-party providers
Specifies that a third-party that contracts with an awarding body to initiate and enforce a labor compliance program may not review the payroll records of its own employees or the employees of its subcontractors.
Chapter 606, Statutes of 2005
AB 419 (Koretz-D) Artistic employment contracts: minors
Extends, from seven days to 30 business days after the first day of employment under a contract, the time required to establish a trust for the purpose of preserving for the minor a portion the minor's gross earnings, as defined, and makes related changes.
(In Assembly Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism, and Internet Media Committee)
AB 474 (Cogdill-R) Prevailing wages
Requires the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations, in determining prevailing wage rates, to factor in studies done by rural counties and rural economic development agencies regarding actual wages paid in rural areas of the state.
(Failed passage in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 553 (La Suer-R) Public works: overtime compensation: workweek schedules
Authorizes employees on public works projects to adopt alternative workweek schedules concerning the payment of overtime.
(Failed passage in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 581 (Klehs-D) Public works: wages
Requires awarding bodies on public works projects to submit to the Contractors' State License Board (CSLB) the name and license number of all contractors and subcontractors awarded contracts, which CSLB must then post on its web site. States that a licensee's failure to pay wages as required by the Labor Code is cause for disciplinary action by the CSLB, with or without a finding of a violation by the Labor Commissioner, and provides that a joint labor-management committee may bring an action for violations of prevailing wage laws on public works within four years of a violation.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 596 (Chavez-D) Building maintenance industry: advisory committee
Requires the Labor Commissioner to establish an advisory committee on the building maintenance industry to advise the Commissioner of industry problems related to the underground economy.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 640 (Tran-R) Employment: work hours
Authorizes individual employees, with the approval of their employer, to work up to 10 hours per day within a 40-hour workweek without overtime pay, as specified.
(Failed passage in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 755 (De La Torre-D) Compensation: piece rate agricultural and garment workers
Requires piece rate employers in the agricultural and garment industries to pay piece rate workers their average piece rate wages during state-mandated rest periods.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 805 (Chu-D) Occupational safety and health: heat illness prevention
Requires the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (Board) to adopt an occupational safety and health standard for all employees at risk of heat illness by December 1, 2007, and a standard for heat illness prevention and response for workers subject to specified wage orders by December 1, 2006. Requires the second standard to include specific educational components, ongoing annual training and certain procedures for addressing heat illness hazards in the workplace.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 815 (Lieber-D) Occupational safety and health
Requires the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Administration Board (Cal-OSHA) Standards Board to adopt revised or new workplace standards prepared by the Hazard Evaluation System and Information Service.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 816 (Lieber-D) Hazard evaluation system and information service
Requires chemical manufacturers and importers to provide the Hazard Evaluation System and Information Service the names and addresses to which they sold their products.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 822 (Benoit-R) Employment
Authorizes an employer to deposit employee wages to electronic paycards, as specified.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 875 (Koretz-D) Employee wages and working hours: violators
Establishes a "trigger" mechanism for employer tax audits or investigations following wage and hour violations, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 879 (Torrico-D) Employment law violations: remedies
Disallows an employer the right to a new trial in cases where the employer intentionally failed to file an answer or appearance with the Labor Commissioner concerning workers' claims filed with the Labor Commissioner.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 904 (Houston-R) Employment: workweek
Authorizes specified employees in the manufacturing industry to adopt alternative workweek schedules authorizing work for no longer than 12 hours per day within a 40-hour workweek without receiving overtime compensation, as provided.
(Failed passage in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 985 (Torrico-D) Labor: military duty
Provides that in the case of an employee whose job is outsourced while taking time off to perform active military duty as a member of the state militia and is not reinstated by the employer upon return from active duty, requires the employer to pay the employee an amount equal to six months' salary until January 1, 2011, and provides that this payment be deemed wages for the purposes of unemployment insurance payments.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1012 (Nation-D) Overtime compensation
Makes technical and nonsubstantive changes regarding overtime requirements in the computer field, as specified, and requires the Department of Industrial Relations to prepare an annual report on the impact of the existing overtime exemption for computer software employees, as specified.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
AB 1093 (Matthews-D) Employment: wages
Makes various clarifying changes to provisions of existing law governing payment of wages and overtime compensation.
Chapter 149, Statutes of 2005
AB 1172 (Chu-D) Employment: wages
Clarifies existing law related to the payment of wages by commission.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
AB 1184 (Koretz-D) Nurses and certified nurse assistants: overtime
Prohibits mandatory overtime for state nurses and certified nursing assistants, except under certain circumstances.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1192 (Villines-R) Public works: prevailing wages: affordable housing
Exempts specified affordable housing projects from the definition of "public works."
(Failed passage in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1310 (Nunez-D) Severance offers: disclosures
Establishes disclosure and other requirements for employer severance package offers.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1311 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Labor standards: enforcement hearings
Authorizes the Labor Commissioner to serve copies of complaints and decisions on parties by substitute service, in addition to those methods already provided for under existing law.
Chapter 405, Statutes of 2005
AB 1312 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Department of Industrial Relations: duties
Requires the Department of Industrial Relations to report to the Legislature on at least a quarterly basis the total amount of wages, penalties, and assessments referred to the Franchise Tax Board for collection, the amount collected from each employer, the costs of collection, and the time from referral to collection for each referral leading to a collection in the period since the last report.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 1339 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Employment: movement of work outside California
Requires the Employment Development Department to report to the Legislature on the movement of work outside of California.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1500 (Maze-R) Conveyances: exclusions: manlifts
Permits manlifts that are installed and used in agricultural production, processing, and handling facilities to be inspected and maintained in accordance with specified standards by a competent person designated by the owner or operator of the facilities even if that person is not certified as a competent conveyance mechanic. Annual inspections required by statute will still be required to be performed by a certified competent conveyance mechanic.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 1514 (Villines-R) Occupational safety and health
Deletes the requirement that the Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) enter into an interagency agreement with the Department of Health Services for quality control and performance evaluation of the contract laboratory and analysis of nonroutine laboratory samples if DOSH contracts with a private sector laboratory for services.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 1669 (Chu-D) Employment: discrimination
Tolls the statute of limitations for filing an administrative complaint in employment discrimination cases until one year from the date that the aggrieved individual attains the age of majority.
Chapter 642, Statutes of 2005
AB 1709 (Wyland-R) Workplace postings
Requires that workplace posters and regulations be written in plain language so that employers and employees can easily understand them.
(Failed passage in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1734 (Koretz-D) Private employment: meal periods
Allows existing provisions relative to meal periods that are contained in valid collective bargaining agreements of employees in the motion picture industry or the broadcasting industry to apply in lieu of provisions related to meal periods of applicable state law.
Chapter 414, Statutes of 2005
ACR 43 (Jerome Horton-D) Labor
Declares that the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement of the Department of Industrial Relations is not authorized to promulgate a specified proposed regulation concerning meal and rest periods and that the proposal is inconsistent with existing law.
Resolution Chapter 81, Statutes of 2005
AJR 27 (Jones-D) Organized labor
Urges the United State Congress to pass the Employee Free Choice Act.
Resolution Chapter 103, Statutes of 2005
HR 15 (Jerome Horton-D) Employment
States the support of the California State Assembly of janitors efforts to obtain health care coverage for themselves and their families by encouraging businesses in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical, commercial real estate, and high technology and defense industries in Southern California to tell their cleaning contractors that they will support family health care insurance for their contract janitors.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 18 (Mullin-D) Airline industry employees' retirement benefits
Requests the President and the Congress of the United States to declare their support for, and to enact, federal legislation that aids in the protection of hard-earned retirement benefits for all non-executive and non-management employees in the airline industry.
Adopted by the Assembly

Workers' Compensation
SB 46 (Alarcon-D) Workers' compensation insurance
Revises regulation on workers' compensation insurance premium rates, revises and intensifies scrutiny of the rate regulation process, institutes provisions for prospectively linking employer's safety and health program with insurance rates, and assures pass-through of reform savings to employers.
(Failed passage in Assembly Insurance Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 177 (Poochigian-R) Workers' compensation: labor-management agreements
Authorizes the state, in its capacity as employer, to enter into alternative dispute resolution agreements governing disputes between the state and its employees relating to workers' compensation coverage.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 178 (Poochigian-R) Workers compensation: private self-insurance groups
Imposes various requirements on private self-insured groups, including requirements with respect to the net worth of the members of the groups, the reporting of financial and other information, security deposits, insurance, membership, and administration. Creates the Self-Insured Groups' Security Fund for specified purposes. Requires the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations to adopt reasonable rules and regulations as necessary to effectuate the provisions regulating private self-insured groups.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 179 (Poochigian-R) Workers' compensation: fraud prevention
Allows the Fraud Assessment Commission to hire an Executive Director and staff and allows the Insurance Commissioner to make grants to counties for three years rather than for one, under controls as specified, for purposes of funding workers' compensation insurance fraud investigations by district attorneys and makes related changes.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 292 (Speier-D) Workers' compensation
Establishes a new reimbursement formula for certain drugs dispensed in the workers' compensation system and limits access to personally identifiable information.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 331 (Cedillo-D) Workers' compensation: medical fee schedule
Increases the reimbursement rate and fees paid for pharmacy services and drugs provided to injured workers under the workers' compensation system.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 406 (Dutton-R) Medical expenses and indemnity payments report
Requires the Commission on Health and Safety and Workers Compensation to conduct a study on the feasibility of gathering public agency data on medical costs, indemnity costs, and payments made by the state and by employers that are self-insured.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 510* (Hollingsworth-R) Workers' compensation: motorcycles and specialty vehicles
Requires the rating board for workers' compensation occupational classifications to review motorcycle and specialty vehicle dealerships for inclusion in the classification for automobile dealers.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SB 538 (Kuehl-D) Medical provider networks: accountability
Increases requirements for medical provider networks in the workers' compensation system. Ensures that medical provider networks and health care organizations in the workers' compensation system have the capacity to provide quality medical care to injured workers.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 549 (Poochigian-R) Workers' compensation: experience rating
Requires a classification system developed by an insurer to be filed with the Insurance Commissioner 45 days prior to its use.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 639 (Alarcon-D) Workers' compensation: experience rating
Requires that a classification system developed by the Insurance Commissioner, a rating organization, or an insurer take account of the number of employees in specifically defined occupational categories and prohibits such a classification system from classifying an employer based solely on the industry in which the employer is involved. Requires that the primary component of an experience rating plan be the number of claims filed by an employer relative to the average number of claims filed in comparable businesses and prohibits the amount of reserves that an insurer is required to maintain for an employer from being used as a component of an experience rating plan.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 697 (Soto-D) Insurance fraud
Allows the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) investigators increased access to information maintained by the Employment Development Department or by the workers' compensation insurers with respect to an investigation of benefit eligibility or unlawful application for or receipt of PERS disability retirement benefits.
(Held at Assembly Desk)
SB 916 (Speier-D) Workers' compensation: defined benefits plans
Limits workers' compensation indemnity benefits such that, when the indemnity benefits are combined with retirement benefits from a defined benefit plan, the income of a recipient may not exceed 90 percent of the person's final compensation.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 1023 (Dunn-D) Workers' compensation: enforcement: penalties
Provides additional compensation to an injured worker who is forced to go to court to obtain an award previously ordered.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 82* (Calderon-D) Workers' compensation: private self-insurance groups
Imposes various requirements on private self-insured groups, including requirements with respect to the net worth of the members of these groups, the reporting of financial and other information, security deposits, insurance, membership, and administration. Creates the Self-Insured Groups' Security Fund for specified purposes related to the payment of workers' compensation obligations of private self-insured groups.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 191 (Vargas-D) Insurance: insolvency: longshore and harbor workers
Changes state workers' compensation statutes related to the federal Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act. Provides coverage for Longshore and Harbors Workers insurance under the California Insurance Guarantee Association.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 227 (Daucher-R) Workers' compensation: benefits: leave from state
Requires any employee receiving temporary partial or temporary total disability benefits or necessary medical treatment due to a work-related injury or illness to forfeit the right to receive these benefits and medical treatment if the employee leaves the state for a period exceeding two weeks without written authorization of the employer. Authorizes the reinstatement of the right to receive these benefits and medical treatment upon either the written approval of the employer when the employee returns to the state or a finding of the appeals board.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 229 (Tran-R) Medical provider networks: notification of injury
Requires an employer utilizing a medical provider network to authorize an initial medical evaluation of an injured employee in accordance with the statutory notification provisions.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 385 (Lieber-D) Franchise Tax Board: collection
Requires the Franchise Tax Board (FTB), no later than July 1, 2006, to develop a delinquent fee schedule to be utilized for purposes of imposing a late payment fee on an employer that is delinquent in paying specified penalties. Requires the FTB to file with the State Auditor periodic reports of the collection status of the delinquencies transferred to the FTB by the Department of Industrial Relations.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 427 (La Malfa-R) Workers' compensation: local inmates
Limits local inmate eligibility for temporary disability benefits.
(Failed passage in Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 510 (Richman-R) Payment of compensation
Requires the Labor Commissioner to establish a specified proof-of-coverage program related to workers' compensation insurance coverage.
(Failed passage in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 521 (Sharon Runner-R) Workers' compensation: fraud: grants
Specifies that grants distributed to district attorneys for fraud investigations shall be awarded on a three-year basis.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 613 (Mountjoy-R) Workers' compensation: specific and cumulative injuries
Requires an employee to demonstrate by a preponderance of the evidence that activities of employment were predominant as to all causes of the injury.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 642 (Negrete McLeod-D) Workers' compensation: bioterrorism
Establishes a bioterrorism-related illness presumption under California's workers' compensation statutes for employees who suffer illness or death arising from a vaccination, medication, or exposure related to a biochemical substance or blood-borne pathogen in the course of employment.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 681 (Vargas-D) Workers' compensation: official medical fee schedule
Delays implementation of the workers' compensation Official Medical Fee Schedule from January 1, 2006 to January 1, 2008.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 804 (La Suer-R) Calif. Highway Patrol: disability and workers' compensation
Reduces certain workers' compensation and disability retirement benefits for members of the Department of the California Highway patrol under certain circumstances.
(In Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee)
AB 871 (Keene-R) Workers' compensation: health care organizations
Eases certain requirements governing health care organizations in the workers' compensation system.
(Failed passage in Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 881 (Emmerson-R) Workers' compensation: roofers
Requires all licensed roofers to have workers' compensation insurance, authorizes the registrar of contractors to remove the roofing classification from a contractor license for failure to maintain workers' compensation insurance, and requires insurers who issue workers compensation policies to roofing contractors to perform annual audits of these policyholders and allows the insurers to recoup the cost of these audits through a policy surcharge.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 935 (Koretz-D) Workers' compensation: inpatient burn diagnoses
Exempts certain inpatient medical treatments of burns under the workers' compensation system from current law reimbursement schedules.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1000 (Sharon Runner-R) Workers' compensation: roofers
Provides, until January 1, 2011, that specified roofing contractors holding active licenses who are exempt from the workers' compensation insurance requirement shall not be exempt for a period of more than one year. Prohibits, until January 1, 2011, an insurer from issuing a workers' compensation insurance policy to a roofing contractor holding a specified license unless the contractor has a minimum annual payroll of $15,000. Requires insurers to perform annual audits of these policyholders and allows them to recoup the cost of these audits through a policy surcharge.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1226 (Yee-D) Workers' compensation: Medi-Cal recoveries
Requires the Commission on Health and Safety and Workers' Compensation, along with the Department of Industrial Relations, to report to the Legislature on the extent to which Medi-Cal is paying for medical treatment costs that are the responsibility of workers' compensation.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1331 (Umberg-D) Workers' compensation: apportionment: presumptions
Corrects a perceived inconsistency in workers' compensation law created by recent reforms. Exempts certain law enforcement officers, investigators, and firefighters from the specified apportionment determinations and presumptions regarding specified permanent disability injuries.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1345 (Richman-R) Workers' compensation: aggregate disability payments
Defines the term "leave of absence while so disabled without loss of salary."
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1549 (Koretz-D) Qualified medical evaluators & independent medical reviewers
Permits acupuncturists to be appointed as qualified medical evaluators and expands the types of the medical professions who may be appointed as independent medical reviewers.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1572 (Dymally-D) Medical treatment: qualified diagnostic radiologists
Authorizes a physician treating a patient who may be suffering from a job-related injury to refer that patient to the qualified diagnostic radiologist, as defined, whom the physician believes can best perform the diagnostic radiological services needed to allow for coverage determination or treatment decisions regarding his or her patient. Prohibits any person other than a qualified diagnostic radiologist from billing for diagnostic imaging procedures provided to workers seeking or obtaining care under the workers' compensation system.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1619 (Klehs-D) Alternative dispute resolution
Authorizes exclusive bargaining representatives, in their capacity as employers, that are currently parties to these agreements to enter into similar agreements with their employees' recognized or certified exclusive bargaining representative.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1737* (Yee-D) Workers' compensation
Authorizes a study to determine if Medi-Cal payments are covering medical treatments that should be the responsibility of the workers' compensation system.
Vetoed by the Governor

Unemployment Insurance
SB 102 (Ducheny-D) Nurse training funding
Authorizes the Employment Training Panel to allocate funds for up to five licensed nurse training pilot programs to train individuals who are currently working as nurse assistants or caregivers in a health facility.
Chapter 593, Statutes of 2005
SB 146 (McClintock-R) Unemployment compensation: addresses
Requires that the Employment Development Department take reasonable steps to verify eligible claims before payments are mailed on any new claims.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 314 (Romero-D) Job training
Authorizes the Employment Training Panel to award contracts to projects that train workers in seasonal industries.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 382 (Battin-R) Unemployment compensation: symphony musicians
Establishes in the Unemployment Insurance Code that musicians, engaged by a symphony or classical orchestra for ten or less performances per season, are independent contractors and not employees.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
AB 234 (Haynes-R) Employment Training Panel
Eliminates the Employment Training Panel.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 391 (Koretz-D) Unemployment compensation benefits: locked-out workers
Grants eligibility for unemployment insurance benefits to workers who are prevented by their employers from entering the work site during a trade dispute.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 678 (Nakanishi-R) Unemployment insurance: California Workforce Investment Act
Continuously appropriates all federal formula monies from the Consolidated Work Program Fund to the Employment Development Department, for the purpose of providing federal Workforce Investment Act funds to local workforce investment areas more expeditiously.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 793 (Benoit-R) Employment Tax Amnesty Act of 2006
Requires the Employment Development Department to develop and administer the Employment Tax Amnesty Program of 2006 wherein an employer may apply for the waiver of unpaid penalties, and interest on those penalties that are imposed on or before December 31, 2004.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1124 (Wyland-R) Taxation: employees
Amends existing law concerning the classification of individuals as employees or independent contractors by establishing specified "safe harbors" for purposes of unemployment insurance and withholding taxes on wages.
(Failed passage in Assembly Labor and Employment; reconsideration granted)
AB 1486 (Wyland-R) Employment: temporary employees
Requires a leasing or temporary services employer to identify itself as such when reporting unemployment insurance for workers employed to provide services to a customer or client.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1577 (Benoit-R) Unemployment insurance reform
Corrects errors and inaccuracies in statutes governing the Employment Development Department and the programs it administers.
Chapter 152, Statutes of 2005
AB 1584 (Evans-D) California Workforce Investment Board
Reassigns the responsibility for the development of an education and job training report card program to assess the accomplishments of California's work force preparation system.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)

Financial Institutions
SB 360 (Florez-D) Consumer loans
Prohibits a person from making a loan to a consumer for personal, family, or household purposes and structuring the transaction as if it were a sale of personal property by the consumer to the lender, accompanied by specified lease, use, or purchase options. Imposes civil and criminal penalties for a violation of its provisions.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 389 (Morrow-R) Automated teller machines
Provides that an agreement to operate or share an automated teller machine (ATM) may not prohibit, limit, or restrict the operator of the ATM from charging an access fee or surcharge not otherwise prohibited under state or federal law.
Chapter 256, Statutes of 2005
SB 408 (Margett-R) Escrow agents
Extends the sunset on existing licensing fees and assessments for escrow agents. Allows the Department of Corporations to impose fines that are less than those specified in current law when escrow licensees fail to provide required information. States that applicants for an escrow license need not reference minor traffic citations in their applications.
Chapter 257, Statutes of 2005
SB 778 (Florez-D) Banks: cashing of paychecks
Requires a bank that issues paychecks for a business client to notify that business client that it is required to pay any charge or fee assessed by the bank for the cashing of those paychecks by employees who do not have an account at the bank.
(In Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)
SB 781 (Florez-D) Financial institutions: check holds
Establishes that if funds deposited by check in an account at a depository institution are required to be made available at an earlier time by the federal Expedited Funds Availability Act (EFAA) than the time provided in state law, the EFAA time limitations shall apply.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 790 (Speier-D) Covered loans
Amends California's Covered Loan Law to increase the loan amount used to determine whether a loan qualifies as "covered," includes prepayment penalties and yield spread premiums in the point and fee calculation used to determine whether a loan qualifies as "covered," extends the Covered Loan Law to open lines of credit, requires borrowers being offered a covered loan to be provided with loan counseling, and reduces the time period during which a prepayment penalty may be imposed on a covered loan.
(In Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)
SB 1018 (Simitian-D) Adult financial abuse: mandated reporters
Enacts the Financial Elder Abuse Reporting Act of 2005. From January 1, 2007, until January 1, 2013, makes all officers and employees of banks, federal and state credit unions and their affiliates who suspect financial elder or dependent adult abuse, as specified, mandated reporters of suspected financial abuse of elders and dependent adults. Makes a failure by a mandated reporter to report suspected financial abuse of an elder or dependent adult subject to civil penalties currently imposed on other mandated reporters of elder or dependent adult abuse and makes such penalties payable by the employer financial institution.
Chapter 140, Statutes of 2005
A similar bill is AB 1605 (Wolk-D) which is on the Assembly Inactive File.
SB 1019 (Campbell-R) Financial institutions
Revises and recasts the provision regulating banks, particularly with respect to the authority and obligations of various types of foreign banks within the state, including, but not limited to, their authority to maintain offices and facilities and to conduct trust business. Requires certain independent trust companies to file a report with the Commissioner of Financial Institutions (Commissioner) by January 31, 2006, and requires the Commissioner to issue a certificate of authority to those trust companies and to certain state commercial banks conducting a trust business. Enacts various provisions regulating uninsured foreign (other state) state banks licensed to maintain a California facility, including requiring the banks to conduct all business of the office in a single building or in adjoining buildings and imposing fees with respect to their facilities. Requires the registration of certain unlicensed and uninsured foreign (other state) state banks that are authorized under the law of their domicile to transact trust business.
(In Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)
AB 207 (Dymally-D) Deferred deposit transactions
Prohibits the fee for specified deferred deposit transactions from exceeding an effective annual rate greater than 10 percent. Requires a check from a customer for these deferred deposit transactions to be made payable to the actual name of the licensee. Prohibits a check that has been held by a licensee for more than 31 days from being presented to a bank for payment.
(In Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)
AB 434 (Parra-D) Credit unions
Allows state chartered credit unions to offer tax deductible Health Savings Accounts and clarifies existing law that allows credit unions to establish Education Savings Accounts.
Chapter 94, Statutes of 2005
AB 502 (Cogdill-R) Finance lenders
Requires applicants for new licenses, under the California Finance Lenders Law, to submit a full set of fingerprints and related information to the Commissioner of Corporations (Commissioner) for a criminal history record check and requires the Commissioner to submit the fingerprint information to the Department of Justice for review.
Chapter 425, Statutes of 2005
AB 730 (Chavez-D) Finance lenders
Provides that the business of making consumer loans or commercial loans also includes taking as security for a loan any lien on assignment of, or power of attorney relative to an heir's interest in an estate.
(In Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)
AB 865 (Ruskin-D) Finance lenders
Exempts specified investments and loans made by a tax-exempt entity from the provisions of the California Finance Lenders Law.
Chapter 316, Statutes of 2005
AB 901 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Covered loans
Changes the loan limit on covered loans to the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) limit for conforming loans. Requires that counties that have established a Real Estate Fraud Protection Trust Fund must report their activities to the Legislative Analyst's Office.
Chapter 531, Statutes of 2005
AB 1304 (Calderon-D) Bank deposits and collections
Adds substitute checks or a legible copy, thereof, to the list of items paid that a bank is required to provide to a customer, in specified circumstances, which makes state law consistent with federal law Check 21.
Chapter 41, Statutes of 2005
AB 1375* (Nation-D) Corporation Tax Law: tax surcharge
Enacts the Consumer Protection and Anti-Interest Rate Manipulation Act imposing a surcharge on banks and financial corporations that issue credit cards to California residents on terms that are inequitable to the consumer.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1419 (Parra-D) Finance lenders: business locations
Streamlines the licensing requirements for an existing California Finance Lenders Law licensee that is seeking to open a new location.
Chapter 196, Statutes of 2005
AB 1527 (Liu-D) Financial institutions: accounts
Prohibits a bank from using a previously held bank account number until three years have passed unless the account number is reissued as the result of a sale of accounts among financial institutions or a merger or acquisition occurring between financial institutions.
Chapter 340, Statutes of 2005
AB 1560 (Calderon-D) Commercial law: banks
Modifies provisions of current law to prohibit a bank, after the close of the business day, from posting debits to a customer's account in a manner that will cause the customer to pay additional fees to the bank for lack of sufficient funds than if the bank had processed the checks in numerical order.
(In Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)
AB 1687 (Calderon-D) Industrial banks
Allows more types of entities to own, establish, and acquire control of industrial banks in California.
(In Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)
AB 1726 (Klehs-D) Credit unions
Authorizes a credit union to purchase an investment if the investment is directly related to the credit union's obligation or potential obligation under either an employee benefit plan or welfare benefit plan, if certain conditions are met. Authorizes a credit union to act as a trustee or custodian under a written trust instrument or custodial agreement created or organized in the United States that is part of an education or medical plan for its members, or groups or organizations of its members, and that qualifies or has qualified for specific tax treatment.
(In Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)
ACR 31 (Coto-D) Financial Empowerment Month
Proclaims April 2005 as Financial Empowerment Month.
Resolution Chapter 14, Statutes of 2005

SB 119 (Ackerman-R) Corporations: board meetings
Revises and extends to corporations, mutual benefit corporations, and consumer cooperative corporations a current provision applicable to nonprofit public benefit and nonprofit religious corporations that allows voting on a potential self-dealing transaction by written consent, under specified conditions, including that appropriate disclosures are made prior to voting, that these disclosures are stated conspicuously in the written consent, and that an interested director abstain from providing consent. Clarifies that for a written consent to be valid, the number of directors serving at the time of voting by written consent is sufficient to constitute a quorum.
Chapter 102, Statutes of 2005
SB 184 (Murray-D) Talent agencies
Increases from $10,000 to $50,000 the amount of the surety bond required of talent agencies before a license may be issued or renewed.
Chapter 46, Statutes of 2005
SB 194 (Maldonado-R) Proprietary private security officers
Defines a proprietary private security officer as an unarmed individual who is employed exclusively by any one employer whose primary duty is to provide security services for his or her employer, whose services are not contracted to any other entity or person and who meet specified criteria.
Chapter 655, Statutes of 2005
SB 228 (Figueroa-D) Geologists and geophysicists: professional engineers
Extends the sunset date for the Board for Geologists and Geophysicists and extends the sunset date for the Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors.
Chapter 657, Statutes of 2005
SB 229 (Figueroa-D) Professions and vocations
Extends the sunset dates for the Board of Psychology, the Board of Behavioral Sciences, the Court Reporters Board, and the Structural Pest Control Board, and implements recommendations made by the Joint Committee on Boards, Commissions and Consumer Protection.
Chapter 658, Statutes of 2005
SB 232 (Figueroa-D) Boards and commissions
Extends the sunset dates of the Contractors State License Board, the Board of Podiatric Medicine, the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board, the Physician Assistant Committee, the Respiratory Care Board of California, and the Interior Designer law, for a period of one year. Deletes the sunset dates for the California Heritage Preservation Commission, the Boating and Waterways Commission, and the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Commission.
Chapter 675, Statutes of 2005
SB 246* (Figueroa-D) Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors
Extends the sunset date for the Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors (Board) to July 1, 2012, establishes chemical, control system, fire protection, nuclear, petroleum, and traffic engineering as "practice acts" recognized in California, and provides for the discontinuation of agricultural, industrial, and metallurgical engineering as "title acts" recognized in California.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
SB 247 (Figueroa-D) The Boxing Act
Repeals provisions establishing the State Athletic Commission and transfers its authority to the Director of the Department of Consumer Affairs.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 278 (Cedillo-D) Boxing pensions
Eliminates the January 1, 2006 sunset on the $100,000 cap for the fee collected by the State Athletic Commission on the gross receipts of a boxing, kickboxing, or martial arts contest or wrestling exhibition.
Chapter 104, Statutes of 2005
SB 355 (Murray-D) Internet regulation
Prohibits phishing, the act of posing as a legitimate company in an e-mail, web page, or other Internet communication in order to trick a recipient into revealing his or her personal information.
Chapter 437, Statutes of 2005
SB 412 (Figueroa-D) Massage therapy
Provides for certification of massage practitioners and massage therapists by the Massage Therapy Organization, which will be a nonprofit organization that meets specified requirements that is authorized by this bill and sunsets the provisions of this bill on January 1, 2010.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 504 (Alquist-D) Vehicles: dealerships: identity theft
Requires automobile dealers to obtain a thumbprint from the purchaser of a vehicle so as to deter purchases made through identity theft and fraud and to allow law enforcement access to the print for purposes of investigation of auto theft and identity theft.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 550 (Speier-D) Data brokers
Establishes the California Data Brokers Access and Accuracy Act of 2005 which requires data brokers to authenticate their customers before providing them with consumer data files. The Act also allows a consumer who is the subject of a consumer data file to receive, upon request, information contained about him/her in the file.
(Failed passage in Assembly Banking and Finance Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 581 (Figueroa-D) Health studio contracts: maximum fees: cancellation rights
Provides specified conditions, circumstances and time frames under which a person may cancel a contract for health studio services when facilities or services are not offered, eliminated or substantially reduced.
Chapter 439, Statutes of 2005
SB 582 (Figueroa-D) Retailers: disclosures
Requires that retailers provide information to a vendor of a product regarding the discounts and stocking fees offered by other vendors to place similar products on the shelf. Requires retailers to share market information equally with all vendors.
(Failed passage Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 627 (Ackerman-R) Corporations: usury
Restores application of the usury law to real estate loans and carves out from the statutory exemptions to the constitutional prohibition against usury, a debt secured, in whole or in part, by real property owned or leased by the borrower, provided the primary purpose for the borrowing is to finance the acquisition, ownership, development, leasing or sale of the property. This carve out from the exemption will not apply to institutional investors, as defined.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
SB 702 (Ackerman-R) Associations
Provides default rules for unincorporated associations to use when their governing documents do not address issues such as, member voting, termination or suspension, amendments to the governing documents, and dissolution of the association. Provides that a member, director, officer or agent of a nonprofit association is liable for injury caused by an act or omission of the association or an act or omission of another member, director, officer or agent if the member, director, officer or agent expressly assumes liability or engages in tortious conduct that causes injury or is otherwise liable under another statute. Provides that the above list is a nonexclusive list and does not foreclose other common law bases for liability.
Chapter 116, Statutes of 2005
SB 752 (Cox-R) Engineers: licensure
Specifies that if an out-of-state applicant (comity applicant) for registration as a professional engineer in California has passed an examination in a branch of engineering not recognized in California, the Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors may register the applicant in a specific licensed branch of engineering in which his/her experience and education indicate the closest relationship, as long as the Board determines that the applicant meets the minimum qualifications for licensure in that branch.
(Failed passage in Assembly Business and Professions Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 914 (Kehoe-D) Animal cruelty
Makes the selling of a dog under the age of eight weeks, except as specified, an infraction or misdemeanor, punishable. Specifies that with respect to the sale of two or more dogs in violation of the bill's provisions, each dog unlawfully sold shall represent a separate offense.
Chapter 699, Statutes of 2005
SB 937 (Aanestad-R) Liability: obesity
Immunizes a manufacturer, distributor, packer, carrier, marketer, advertiser, or seller of food or nonalcoholic beverages intended for human consumption, or an association of one or more of those entities, from liability in any civil action arising out of weight gain, obesity, a related health condition, or any other generally known health condition allegedly caused by or likely to result from the long-term consumption of food or nonalcoholic beverage that results in weight gain or obesity.
(Failed passage in Senate Judiciary Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 1002 (Florez-D) Gelatin-based alcoholic beverages
Limits the sale of any prepackaged alcoholic beverage made with a "gelatin" base to businesses that prohibit the presence of persons under the age of 21 on the premises.
(In Senate awaiting concurrence)
SB 1022 (Campbell-R) Limited liability companies
Authorizes the formation of professional limited liability companies (LLCs) to provide specified professional services, requires professional LLCs to meet certain requirements, deletes the requirement that an operating agreement varying these provisions be in writing, deletes the provisions related to class and derivative actions by members, and adds provisions related to professional LLCs.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 1030 (Hollingsworth-R) Discrimination: religion
Provides that the anti-discrimination statutes not be construed to require a business establishment to provide nonessential services to a member of the public, if to do so would violate one's conscience due to a sincerely held religious belief.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 1112 (Senate Business, Professions And Economic Development Committee) Contractors and architects
Makes several noncontroversial, minor, nonsubstantive or technical changes to various miscellaneous provisions pertaining to regulatory boards of the Department of Consumer Affairs.
Chapter 280, Statutes of 2005
SB 1113* (Senate Business, Professions And Economic Development Committee) Professions and vocations
Makes several noncontroversial, minor, nonsubstantive or technical changes to various miscellaneous provisions pertaining to regulatory boards of the Department of Consumer Affairs.
Chapter 48, Statutes of 2005
SCR 14 (Runner-R) Satellite industry
Recognizes April 12, 2005, as California Space Day and acknowledges the growth and contributions the satellite industry has made to California.
Resolution Chapter 17, Statutes of 2005
SCR 21 (Ducheny-D) Nonprofit organizations
Designates the week of March 6 through 12, 2005, as California Nonprofit Organizations and Philanthropy Week.
Resolution Chapter 19, Statutes of 2005
AB 79 (Calderon-D) Automotive repair dealers
Defines the term "motor vehicle" to include vehicles used to transport passengers that are powered by electricity, hydrogen, or other alternative energy sources and revises the definition of the term "customer" to include an insurer if certain conditions are satisfied.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 139* (Assembly Budget Committee) State government
Establishes a Registry of Charitable Trusts Fund in the State Treasury and requires that monies in the fund, upon appropriation by the Legislature, can only be used to operate and maintain the Attorney General's (AG's) Registry of Charitable Trusts and to provide public access via the Internet to reports filed with the AG. Creates the Unfair Competition Law Fund and requires that the civil penalty recovered by the AG in unfair competition and unfair business practice actions be deposited into the fund and expended, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for investigation and prosecution of these types of actions.
Chapter 74, Statutes of 2005
AB 163 (Bermudez-D) Barbering and cosmetology: threading
Revises the definition of hair threading to include the possible incidental trimming of eyebrow hair. Separates the application for admission to the licensing examination from the application for licensure.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 173 (Houston-R) Liability: immunity: food and beverages
Provides that manufacturers, distributors, and others who sell any food or drink manufactured for human or animal consumption is immune from civil liability for any claim alleging that an individual's weight gain, obesity, or health condition associated with weight gain or obesity resulted from his/her long-term consumption of the food or beverage.
(Died in Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 180 (Jerome Horton-D) Limited liability partnerships: engineers and land surveyors
Authorizes, until January 1, 2009, engineers and land surveyors to operate within their scope of registration, and to conduct business as a limited liability partnership (LLP) similar to that of architects, certified public accountants and attorneys, and to be designated as a registered LLP or a foreign LLP, and specifies the level of liability insurance or security the LLP's are required to maintain.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 241 (Harman-R) Mergers: certificate of satisfaction
Allows the Secretary of State to file an agreement of merger for two or more noncorporate business entities (specifically, a domestic or foreign limited partnership, limited liability company or limited liability partnership) without receipt of a tax clearance certificate (also known as a Certificate of Satisfaction) from the Franchise Tax Board, and deems the surviving business entity to have assumed responsibility for all tax liabilities of the disappearing entity.
Chapter 286, Statutes of 2005
AB 278 (Bogh-R) Commercial mail receiving agencies
Requires a commercial mail receiving agency to obtain a customer's original right thumbprint, and the original right thumbprint of all other authorized users identified on the United States Postal Services Form 1583, upon a fingerprint card provided by the Department of Consumer Affairs.
(Failed passage in Assembly Judiciary Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 279* (Calderon-D) Limited liability companies: eligible securities
Allows the Pooled Money Investment Account to invest in asset backed commercial paper issued by limited liability companies (LLCs) and allows health care service plans to create LLCs.
Chapter 16, Statutes of 2005
AB 295 (Chavez-D) Public contracts: security services
Requires a private security service company under contract with the state to provide notice to the state of specified actions or investigations by a governmental agency.
(In Senate Governmental Modernization, Efficiency and Accountability Committee)
AB 302* (Assembly Business And Professions Committee) Professions and vocations
Revises and recasts provisions related to the reporting of malpractice settlements and judgments by insurers and licensees of the Architects Board, and makes technical, clarifying and conforming changes regarding the limited prescribing authority of naturopathic doctors.
Chapter 506, Statutes of 2005
AB 316 (Nakanishi-R) Contractors
Clarifies the obligation of a qualifier (a qualifying partner, responsible managing officer, or responsible managing employee) for a contractor's license to comply with an arbitration award even though they have notified the Contractors State License Board that they are no longer going to be the qualifier for the license, and revises and refines the elements of the home improvement contract, and the service and repair contract.
Chapter 385, Statutes of 2005
AB 339 (Harman-R) Limited partnerships: reorganization
Provides that when the partners in a limited partnership vote for a reorganization, the limited partnership must provide dissenting limited partners who have a right to require the limited partnership to purchase their interests, notice of the approval to reorganize within 11 days after the date of the approval.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 424 (Calderon-D) Identity theft
Provides that "person" as used in the Penal Code identity theft provisions includes a firm, association, organization, partnership, business trust, company, limited liability company, or public entity, and expands the definition of "personal identifying information" under the Penal Code to include "an equivalent (to those already provided) form of identification."
(On Senate Third Reading File)
AB 425 (Negrete McLeod-D) Immigration consultants
Requires immigration consultants to include additional information on all forms, documents, petitions, and correspondence.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 446 (Negrete McLeod-D) Licensees: settlement agreements
Prohibits any licensee overseen by a board, bureau, or program within the Department of Consumer Affairs, or entity or person acting as an authorized agent, from including in any agreement settling a civil action any "gag clause" provision that prohibits the other party from contacting, filing a complaint with, pursing a filed complaint, or cooperating with the regulatory body. This provision applies regardless of whether the agreement is made before or after commencement of a civil action.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 481 (Calderon-D) Repossessors
Provides that the repossessor shall not be required to determine whether a piece of property is a personal effect, permits the party in possession of the collateral to waive preparation of the inventory, and specifies when the act of repossession is complete.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 537 (Maze-R) Apprenticeship: electrical contractors
Provides that electrical contractors with fewer than six employees shall not be required to employ more than two certified electricians.
(Failed passage in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 551 (Bermudez-D) Employment agencies
Requires an employment agency, in order not to be deemed the employer of a domestic worker, to not allow the worker to wear any uniform or other article of clothing or name badge that includes the name of the employment agency, among other requirements, and also limits the authority of the agency to contact the client to determine whether the client is satisfied with the referral service by specifying that the contact may not be used to identify improvements needed in a domestic worker's performance for purposes of discipline or training. If the client contact does address such issues pertaining to the domestic worker's performance, the employment agency may be deemed to be the employer.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 585* (Negrete McLeod-D) Equipment dealers
Revises and recasts equipment dealer law to set forth the contractual rights and obligations of dealers, single-line dealers, suppliers, and single-line suppliers.
Chapter 712, Statutes of 2005
AB 602 (Spitzer-R) Health studios
Requires a health studio (i.e., health club) that has not yet opened for business to hold a future member's money in trust until the health studio opens and provides for the refund of that money within specified time frames.
(In Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee)
AB 630 (Chu-D) Immigration consultants: surety bonds
Requires a corporate surety to notify the city attorney or district attorney of the cancellation or termination of, or the reduction in the requisite limit of, the bond issued to the immigration consultant. A violation of this requirement is subject to a civil penalty collected by the Attorney General, a district attorney, or a city attorney not to exceed $10,000 for each violation, and also makes its violation subject to the other civil remedies authorized for a violation of the provisions regulating immigration consultants.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 665 (Salinas-D) Business of massage
Requires a local massage business regulation ordinance to deny a license if the applicant or the owner or operator of the massage business must register as a sex offender.
Chapter 165, Statutes of 2005
AB 714 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Motor vehicles: key information access
Requires every motor vehicle manufacturer of a motor vehicle sold or leased in this state, on or after January 1, 2007, with a model year of 2007, or later, to provide a means whereby the registered owner of that motor vehicle can access information sufficient to permit the reproduction of a key to operate the owner's vehicle 24 hours each day and seven days each week.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 718 (Calderon-D) Personal data: driver's licenses
Expands the ability of businesses to electronically collect information from a driver's license or identification card.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 721 (Nunez-D) Metal plating facilities: pollution prevention fund
Requires the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, in collaboration with other specified state entities, to establish a loan guarantee program for chrome plating facilities, and the Department of Toxic Substances Control to establish the Model Shop Program in Northern California.
Chapter 695, Statutes of 2005
AB 762 (Koretz-D) Animal groomers
Prohibits an animal groomer from engaging in the practice of veterinary medicine and sets specified standards for a person that operates an animal grooming facility. Makes a person who violates these standards guilty of a misdemeanor and authorizes a peace officer, officer of a humane society, or officer of an animal control or animal regulation department of a public agency to enforce these provisions.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 775 (Yee-D) Interpreters: prohibition on use of children
Prohibits any state or local governmental agency, or any public or private agency, organization, entity, or program that receives state funding, from using any child under 15 years, or permitting any such child, to be used as an interpreter in any hospital, clinic, or physician office in the context of diagnosis or treatment, except as specified.
(Failed passage in Senate Judiciary Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 861 (Bass-D) Professions and vocations: licensure
Exempts licenses regulated by the Bureau of Automotive Repair, Board of Barbering and Cosmetology, Cemetery and Funeral Bureau, Bureau of Electronic and Appliance Repair, Bureau of Home Furnishing and Thermal Insulation, and the Structural Pest Control Board from the provisions authorizing the denial of licensure for conviction of a crime with respect to a conviction for a nonviolent drug possession offense or a conviction for a misdemeanor or a felony that is not a serious or violent felony, if certain other conditions are met.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 886 (Assembly Business And Professions Committee) Unfair business practices
Specifies that the performance of repairs by a licensed roofing contractor as a result of his/her inspection does not constitute an unfair business practice.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 889 (Ruskin-D) Weights and measures
Extends authority for county sealers of weights and measures to levy civil penalties for violations in lieu of criminal prosecution, extends the sunset on the authority for counties to charge annual registration and device fees until January 1, 2011, updates and revises the fee schedule levels, and establishes, until January 1, 2009, the authority for counties to inspect the pricing accuracy of retail point of sale systems.
Chapter 529, Statutes of 2005
AB 923 (Chavez-D) Fireworks: sale: disposal
Authorizes the sale of certified safe and sane fireworks from 9:00 a.m. December 26 through January 1 pursuant to a license issued by the State Fire Marshal, if authorized by a city, county, or city and county ordinance or resolution that may also restrict the hours of use of those fireworks, and imposes a one percent surcharge on the gross retail purchase price of fireworks that would be paid by the retail purchaser. The surcharge will be transferred to the State Fire Marshal Dangerous Fireworks Management Fund.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 972 (Sharon Runner-R) Boxing: pregnancy tests
Mandates that a female who is a contestant in a professional or amateur boxing match, kickboxing match or martial arts match shall provide the results of a pregnancy test before the match commences to indicate whether she is currently pregnant, and requires that the pregnancy test be taken between seven and 14 days before a match. If the test results indicate that the contestant is pregnant, she may not compete in a boxing, kickboxing or martial arts match.
(Died in Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 1024 (Walters-R) Professional vocations: abolition of boards and committees
Abolishes specified boards and committees and transfers their responsibilities and duties to the Department of Consumer Affairs.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 1068 (Plescia-R) Public works of improvement: payment bonds
Provides that anytime an original contractor's contract is assigned to a third party, the third party shall be required to provide a payment bond.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 1178 (Yee-D) Dealers and pawnbrokers
Provides for the creation of an electronic data reporting system within the Department of Justice by January 1, 2008, that will receive reports of tangible personal property acquired by secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers and specifies licensing fees that are to be used to fund the creation and maintenance of the electronic data reporting system.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1179 (Yee-D) Violent video games: sales to minors
Prohibits the sale or rental of violent video games to minors, defined as persons who are 16 years of age or younger, and requires each violent video game to contain a label so stating, and defines "violent video game" as a video game in which the range of options available to a player includes killing, maiming, dismembering, or sexually assaulting an image of a human being.
Chapter 638, Statutes of 2005
A similar bill is AB 450 (Yee-D) which is on the Assembly Inactive File.
AB 1209 (Yee-D) Off-highway vehicles: rental snowmobiles
Requires (1) snowmobile rental companies to require that renters complete a safety training course, (2) that tour guides for snowmobile rental companies be certified in basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedures, (3) that snowmobile rental companies that rent snowmobiles to children under the age of 16 may only do so if the child is accompanied by a responsible adult.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 1263 (Yee-D) Barbering and cosmetology: equipment
Requires the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology to adopt regulations on or before July 1, 2006, that set forth standards and requirements for the use of pedicure equipment.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1287 (Evans-D) Health studios
Authorizes a health studio to limit access to persons of a single gender for certain areas where equipment for physical exercise is used or classes for physical exercise instruction are conducted. Prohibits a health studio from limiting access to persons of a single gender in other areas of a health studio, such as dining areas, bars, seating areas, retail sales areas, and sports courts.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 1428 (Levine-D) Cloned and genetically modified pets
Establishes the Cloned and Genetically Modified Pet and Consumer Protection Act that prohibits the retail sale or transfer of cloned or genetically modified pets within California.
(Failed passage in Assembly Business and Professions Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1489 (Calderon-D) Point-of-sale systems
Provides that a point-of-sale (POS) device is not compliant with being accessible by the visually impaired unless its includes a tethered external or internal device attached to the unit by means of a breaded wire or some other type of tether that provides a means of access to the visually impaired. Specifies that the requirements that a POS device be accessible to the visually impaired may be met through other technology such as a radio frequency device, biometrics, or some other mechanism to allow the visually impaired to process their transaction that allows for an opportunity of the same degree of privacy available for all individuals.
Chapter 49, Statutes of 2005
AB 1738 (Assembly Local Government Committee) Electronic recordings: computer security auditors
Provides that a person who has authorized access to an electronic recording delivery system shall also have a federal background check and makes technical amendments in order for those to occur.
Chapter 520, Statutes of 2005
ACR 27 (La Malfa-R) National Engineers Week
Recognizes the week of February 20 through 26, 2005, as National Engineers Week.
Resolution Chapter 27, Statutes of 2005
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 6* | Ducheny-D Enterprise zones: designation period | |
SB 46 | Alarcon-D Workers' compensation insurance | |
SB 58* | Murray-D Taxes: credits: qualified motion picture production | |
SB 101* | Battin-R Employee compensation | |
SB 102 | Ducheny-D Nurse training funding | |
SB 115 | Florez-D California Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Program | |
SB 119 | Ackerman-R Corporations: board meetings | |
SB 146 | McClintock-R Unemployment compensation: addresses | |
SB 174 | Dunn-D Minimum wage | |
SB 177 | Poochigian-R Workers' compensation: labor-management agreements | |
SB 178 | Poochigian-R Workers compensation: private self-insurance groups | |
SB 179 | Poochigian-R Workers' compensation: fraud prevention | |
SB 184 | Murray-D Talent agencies | |
SB 193* | Maldonado-R Sales and use taxes: exemptions: space flight | |
SB 194 | Maldonado-R Proprietary private security officers | |
SB 228 | Figueroa-D Geologists and geophysicists: professional engineers | |
SB 229 | Figueroa-D Professions and vocations | |
SB 232 | Figueroa-D Boards and commissions | |
SB 246* | Figueroa-D Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors | |
SB 247 | Figueroa-D The Boxing Act | |
SB 278 | Cedillo-D Boxing pensions | |
SB 292 | Speier-D Workers' compensation | |
SB 293 | Ducheny-D Workforce Training Act | |
SB 300 | Kuehl-D Family and medical leave | |
SB 314 | Romero-D Job training | |
SB 331 | Cedillo-D Workers' compensation: medical fee schedule | |
SB 348 | Figueroa-D International trade | |
SB 355 | Murray-D Internet regulation | |
SB 360 | Florez-D Consumer loans | |
SB 382 | Battin-R Unemployment compensation: symphony musicians | |
SB 389 | Morrow-R Automated teller machines | |
SB 406 | Dutton-R Medical expenses and indemnity payments report | |
SB 408 | Margett-R Escrow agents | |
SB 412 | Figueroa-D Massage therapy | |
SB 495 | Vincent-D Traveling carnivals | |
SB 504 | Alquist-D Vehicles: dealerships: identity theft | |
SB 510* | Hollingsworth-R Workers' compensation: motorcycles and specialty vehicles | |
SB 538 | Kuehl-D Medical provider networks: accountability | |
SB 549 | Poochigian-R Workers' compensation: experience rating | |
SB 550 | Speier-D Data brokers | |
SB 581 | Figueroa-D Health studio contracts: maximum fees: cancellation rights | |
SB 582 | Figueroa-D Retailers: disclosures | |
SB 593 | Alarcon-D Health care costs: recovery | |
SB 625 | Battin-R State and local surplus property: written offers | |
SB 627 | Ackerman-R Corporations: usury | |
SB 639 | Alarcon-D Workers' compensation: experience rating | |
SB 665 | Migden-D California Career Resource Network | |
SB 697 | Soto-D Insurance fraud | |
SB 702 | Ackerman-R Associations | |
SB 727 | Lowenthal-D Safety in employment: special purpose personnel elevators | |
SB 732 | Ashburn-R Local government finance: enterprise special districts | |
SB 752 | Cox-R Engineers: licensure | |
SB 759 | Maldonado-R Public works: payroll records | |
SB 778 | Florez-D Banks: cashing of paychecks | |
SB 781 | Florez-D Financial institutions: check holds | |
SB 790 | Speier-D Covered loans | |
SB 848 | Dunn-D Employment: port owner-operator drivers | |
SB 897 | Scott-D International trade and investment office: Yerevan | |
SB 914 | Kehoe-D Animal cruelty | |
SB 916 | Speier-D Workers' compensation: defined benefits plans | |
SB 937 | Aanestad-R Liability: obesity | |
SB 940 | Torlakson-D Public works | |
SB 974 | Senate Environmental Quality Committee CEQA: exemption: rural infrastructure economic development | |
SB 1002 | Florez-D Gelatin-based alcoholic beverages | |
SB 1018 | Simitian-D Adult financial abuse: mandated reporters | |
SB 1019 | Campbell-R Financial institutions | |
SB 1022 | Campbell-R Limited liability companies | |
SB 1023 | Dunn-D Workers' compensation: enforcement: penalties | |
SB 1030 | Hollingsworth-R Discrimination: religion | |
SB 1112 | Senate Business, Professions And Economic Development Committee Contractors and architects | |
SB 1113* | Senate Business, Professions And Economic Development Committee Professions and vocations | |
SCR 14 | Runner-R Satellite industry | |
SCR 21 | Ducheny-D Nonprofit organizations | |
SCR 25 | Speier-D Employer safety practices | |
SJR 7 | Bowen-D Equal Pay Day | |
SR 15 | Kehoe-D Employment | |
SR 16 | Alarcon-D Pension plans | |
AB 31 | Parra-D Economic development of Central San Joaquin Valley | |
AB 34* | Ruskin-D Corporation tax: water's-edge election: tax havens | |
AB 37* | Torrico-D Income taxes: credits: Quality Job Creation Tax Credit | |
AB 43 | Vargas-D Corporation tax: water's-edge election: tax havens | |
AB 48 | Lieber-D Minimum wage | |
AB 51 | Koretz-D Apprenticeship programs | |
AB 57 | Levine-D Public works: prevailing wages | |
AB 79 | Calderon-D Automotive repair dealers | |
AB 82* | Calderon-D Workers' compensation: private self-insurance groups | |
AB 139* | Assembly Budget Committee Industrial relations unpaid wages: budget trailer bill | |
AB 163 | Bermudez-D Barbering and cosmetology: threading | |
AB 169 | Oropeza-D Gender pay equity | |
AB 173 | Houston-R Liability: immunity: food and beverages | |
AB 180 | Jerome Horton-D Limited liability partnerships: engineers and land surveyors | |
AB 186 | Bogh-R Occupational safety and health: fines | |
AB 191 | Vargas-D Insurance: insolvency: longshore and harbor workers | |
AB 199 | Tran-R Enterprise zones: limitation on designation | |
AB 207 | Dymally-D Deferred deposit transactions | |
AB 222 | Bogh-R Public works: labor compliance: prevailing wages | |
AB 227 | Daucher-R Workers' compensation: benefits: leave from state | |
AB 229 | Tran-R Medical provider networks: notification of injury | |
AB 234 | Haynes-R Employment Training Panel | |
AB 241 | Harman-R Mergers: certificate of satisfaction | |
AB 251 | Haynes-R California New Markets Venture Capital Program | |
AB 278 | Bogh-R Commercial mail receiving agencies | |
AB 279* | Calderon-D Limited liability companies: eligible securities | |
AB 295 | Chavez-D Public contracts: security services | |
AB 302* | Assembly Business And Professions Committee Professions and vocations | |
AB 316 | Nakanishi-R Contractors | |
AB 339 | Harman-R Limited partnerships: reorganization | |
AB 348 | Arambula-D Small business certification and reciprocity program | |
AB 350 | Matthews-D Jobs-housing opportunity zones | |
AB 364* | Cogdill-R Public works: prevailing wages | |
AB 382 | Chan-D Industrial development authorities: bonds | |
AB 385 | Lieber-D Franchise Tax Board: collection | |
AB 391 | Koretz-D Unemployment compensation benefits: locked-out workers | |
AB 402 | Dymally-D Borders: Mexico | |
AB 409 | Yee-D State contracts: small business bidding preference | |
AB 410 | Yee-D Disabled veteran business enterprises | |
AB 414 | Klehs-D Labor compliance programs: third-party providers | |
AB 419 | Koretz-D Artistic employment contracts: minors | |
AB 424 | Calderon-D Identity theft | |
AB 425 | Negrete McLeod-D Immigration consultants | |
AB 427 | La Malfa-R Workers' compensation: local inmates | |
AB 434 | Parra-D Credit unions | |
AB 446 | Negrete McLeod-D Licensees: settlement agreements | |
AB 474 | Cogdill-R Prevailing wages | |
AB 481 | Calderon-D Repossessors | |
AB 485 | Arambula-D State and Consumer Services Agency: Master Business License | |
AB 499 | Leno-D Public contracts: preferences: small and local businesses | |
AB 502 | Cogdill-R Finance lenders | |
AB 510 | Richman-R Payment of compensation | |
AB 521 | Sharon Runner-R Workers' compensation: fraud: grants | |
AB 537 | Maze-R Apprenticeship: electrical contractors | |
AB 551 | Bermudez-D Employment agencies | |
AB 553 | La Suer-R Public works: overtime compensation: workweek schedules | |
AB 581 | Klehs-D Public works: wages | |
AB 585* | Negrete McLeod-D Equipment dealers | |
AB 596 | Chavez-D Building maintenance industry: advisory committee | |
AB 602 | Spitzer-R Health studios | |
AB 613 | Mountjoy-R Workers' compensation: specific and cumulative injuries | |
AB 630 | Chu-D Immigration consultants: surety bonds | |
AB 640 | Tran-R Employment: work hours | |
AB 642 | Negrete McLeod-D Workers' compensation: bioterrorism | |
AB 665 | Salinas-D Business of massage | |
AB 678 | Nakanishi-R Unemployment insurance: California Workforce Investment Act | |
AB 681 | Vargas-D Workers' compensation: official medical fee schedule | |
AB 710 | Houston-R Economic development: Labor and Workforce Development Agency | |
AB 714 | Ridley-Thomas-D Motor vehicles: key information access | |
AB 718 | Calderon-D Personal data: driver's licenses | |
AB 721 | Nunez-D Metal plating facilities: pollution prevention fund | |
AB 730 | Chavez-D Finance lenders | |
AB 732 | Leslie-R Economic development: neighborhoods | |
AB 755 | De La Torre-D Compensation: piece rate agricultural and garment workers | |
AB 762 | Koretz-D Animal groomers | |
AB 775 | Yee-D Interpreters: prohibition on use of children | |
AB 777* | Nunez-D Taxes: credits: qualified motion picture production | |
AB 793 | Benoit-R Employment Tax Amnesty Act of 2006 | |
AB 804 | La Suer-R Calif. Highway Patrol: disability and workers' compensation | |
AB 805 | Chu-D Occupational safety and health: heat illness prevention | |
AB 815 | Lieber-D Occupational safety and health | |
AB 816 | Lieber-D Hazard evaluation system and information service | |
AB 822 | Benoit-R Employment | |
AB 830* | Sharon Runner-R Personal income and corporation taxes: enterprise zone | |
AB 854 | Bass-D Small business certification and reciprocity programs | |
AB 861 | Bass-D Professions and vocations: licensure | |
AB 865 | Ruskin-D Finance lenders | |
AB 871 | Keene-R Workers' compensation: health care organizations | |
AB 875 | Koretz-D Employee wages and working hours: violators | |
AB 879 | Torrico-D Employment law violations: remedies | |
AB 881 | Emmerson-R Workers' compensation: roofers | |
AB 886 | Assembly Business And Professions Committee Unfair business practices | |
AB 889 | Ruskin-D Weights and measures | |
AB 901 | Ridley-Thomas-D Covered loans | |
AB 904 | Houston-R Employment: workweek | |
AB 923 | Chavez-D Fireworks: sale: disposal | |
AB 925 | Ridley-Thomas-D Insurance: community investments | |
AB 935 | Koretz-D Workers' compensation: inpatient burn diagnoses | |
AB 957 | Haynes-R California New Markets Venture Capital Program | |
AB 972 | Sharon Runner-R Boxing: pregnancy tests | |
AB 985 | Torrico-D Labor: military duty | |
AB 995* | Canciamilla-D Taxation: small business health insurance: credit | |
AB 1000 | Sharon Runner-R Workers' compensation: roofers | |
AB 1004 | Nava-D Commission for Economic Development | |
AB 1012 | Nation-D Overtime compensation | |
AB 1024 | Walters-R Professional vocations: abolition of boards and committees | |
AB 1068 | Plescia-R Public works of improvement: payment bonds | |
AB 1093 | Matthews-D Employment: wages | |
AB 1124 | Wyland-R Taxation: employees | |
AB 1139 | Dymally-D The Economic Development Incentives Act | |
AB 1172 | Chu-D Employment: wages | |
AB 1178 | Yee-D Dealers and pawnbrokers | |
AB 1179 | Yee-D Violent video games: sales to minors | |
AB 1184 | Koretz-D Nurses and certified nurse assistants: overtime | |
AB 1192 | Villines-R Public works: prevailing wages: affordable housing | |
AB 1202 | Laird-D Military and Aerospace Support Act | |
AB 1209 | Yee-D Off-highway vehicles: rental snowmobiles | |
AB 1224* | Haynes-R Taxes: credit: qualified equity investments | |
AB 1226 | Yee-D Workers' compensation: Medi-Cal recoveries | |
AB 1263 | Yee-D Barbering and cosmetology: equipment | |
AB 1287 | Evans-D Health studios | |
AB 1304 | Calderon-D Bank deposits and collections | |
AB 1310 | Nunez-D Severance offers: disclosures | |
AB 1311 | Assembly Labor And Employment Committee Labor standards: enforcement hearings | |
AB 1312 | Assembly Labor And Employment Committee Department of Industrial Relations: duties | |
AB 1331 | Umberg-D Workers' compensation: apportionment: presumptions | |
AB 1339 | Assembly Labor And Employment Committee Employment: movement of work outside California | |
AB 1345 | Richman-R Workers' compensation: aggregate disability payments | |
AB 1361 | Dymally-D Enterprise zones: designation period | |
AB 1375* | Nation-D Corporation Tax Law: tax surcharge | |
AB 1395 | Nunez-D California-Mexico relations | |
AB 1398 | Plescia-R Life sciences | |
AB 1419 | Parra-D Finance lenders: business locations | |
AB 1428 | Levine-D Cloned and genetically modified pets | |
AB 1437 | Strickland-R California Film Commission | |
AB 1486 | Wyland-R Employment: temporary employees | |
AB 1489 | Calderon-D Point-of-sale systems | |
AB 1500 | Maze-R Conveyances: exclusions: manlifts | |
AB 1514 | Villines-R Occupational safety and health | |
AB 1516 | Arambula-D Economic strategy panel: membership | |
AB 1527 | Liu-D Financial institutions: accounts | |
AB 1549 | Koretz-D Qualified medical evaluators & independent medical reviewers | |
AB 1560 | Calderon-D Commercial law: banks | |
AB 1562 | Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee International trade | |
AB 1563 | Assembly Jobs, Economic Development And The Economy Committee Enterprise zones: reports to the Legislature | |
AB 1572 | Dymally-D Medical treatment: qualified diagnostic radiologists | |
AB 1577 | Benoit-R Unemployment insurance reform | |
AB 1584 | Evans-D California Workforce Investment Board | |
AB 1619 | Klehs-D Alternative dispute resolution | |
AB 1669 | Chu-D Employment: discrimination | |
AB 1687 | Calderon-D Industrial banks | |
AB 1709 | Wyland-R Workplace postings | |
AB 1726 | Klehs-D Credit unions | |
AB 1734 | Koretz-D Private employment: meal periods | |
AB 1737* | Yee-D Workers' compensation | |
AB 1738 | Assembly Local Government Committee Electronic recordings: computer security auditors | |
AB 1766 | Dymally-D Economic incentive areas | |
ACR 27 | La Malfa-R National Engineers Week | |
ACR 31 | Coto-D Financial Empowerment Month | |
ACR 43 | Jerome Horton-D Labor | |
ACR 76 | Yee-D Microenterprise Development Month | |
ACR 93 | Bogh-R California Economic Literacy Week | |
AJR 15 | Baca-D Mag Instrument flashlight patent | |
AJR 27 | Jones-D Organized labor | |
HR 15 | Jerome Horton-D Employment | |
HR 18 | Mullin-D Airline industry employees' retirement benefits |