Development and Financing
Motor Vehicle Emissions
Drivers' Licenses
Vehicle License Plates
Vehicle License Fees
Development and Financing
SB 10 (Rainey-R) Storm repair: local streets and highways
Repeals existing requirements imposed on cities receiving allocations to repair storm damaged streets and, instead, appropriates $3 million from the State Highway Account in the State Transportation Fund to the State Controller for allocation to counties (50 percent) and cities (50 percent) for street and highway reconstruction, and repair of storm damage to local streets and highways, as specified, and, in a city and county, for other purposes related to transportation, as specified.
Requires, until July 1, 2002, a city or county, in order to receive this funding, to annually expend from its general fund for street and highway purposes a certain amount not less than the annual average of its expenditures from the general fund during specified fiscal years, as reported to the State Controller.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 65* (Murray-D) Public transit: CalWORKs recipients
Appropriates $20 million from the General Fund for demonstration grants to improve transportation services for those receiving aid under the CalWORKs program.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 117 (Murray-D) Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Fund
Deletes the 10-year limitation on the Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program Fund and, instead, states the Legislature's intent that the program continue indefinitely with an annual appropriation of $10 million. Requires the State Department of Transportation to submit a list of funded projects to the Legislature.
Chapter 739, Statutes of 1999
SB 194 (Rainey-R) Local transportation funds
Revises provisions requiring the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) to set aside for local transit operators the interest earned on any unallocated apportionment or reserve for that operator and include the interest in the amount apportioned to the operator. Prohibits MTC from imposing specified requirements as a condition of setting aside interest and such apportionments.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 315 (Burton-D) Transportation infrastructure bonds
Enacts the Transportation Infrastructure Bond Acts of 2000, if adopted by the voters, and authorizes the sale of an unspecified amount of bonds.
(In Conference Committee)
SB 364* (Perata-D) State-Local Transportation Partnership Program
Extends the authority of the State-Local Transportation Partnership Program to let construction contracts for certain projects under the program until June 30, 2000, and requires that the funds appropriated for those projects be expended not later than June 30, 2003.
Chapter 47, Statutes of 1999
SB 455 (Alarcon-D) High-speed rail service
Requires the High-Speed Rail Authority, in directing the development and implementation of intercity high-speed rail service, to work with local governments to assist in the community development projects most in need of intercity high-speed rail services, as determined by the authority.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 532 (Senate Transportation Committee) Miscellaneous transportation matters
Makes various technical, nonsubstantive changes to the Public Code, the Public Utilities Code, and the Vehicle Code as a means of avoiding numerous single-provision bills.
Chapter 1007, Statutes of 1999
SB 533 (Senate Transportation Committee) Omnibus transportation clean-up
Makes various technical, nonsubstantive changes to the Vehicle Code as a means of avoiding numerous single-provision bills.
Chapter 1008, Statutes of 1999
SB 632 (Perata-D) San Francisco Bay Area Water Transit
Requires the San Francisco Bay Area Water Transit Authority to prepare and adopt a San Francisco Bay Area Water Transit Implementation Operations Plan with prescribed content, including operational and performance standards, ridership projections, a system-wide environmental impact report, an overall funding and financing plan, a projection of operating costs, a plan for monitoring air and water impacts, vessel and terminal design specifications, an analysis of the environmental impact of transit terminal sites, and other specified components. Requires that the system-wide environmental impact report include an independent evaluation of air and water quality impacts.
(On Assembly Floor)
SB 664 (Alpert-D) San Diego ferry service: San Diego-Coronado Bridge
Authorizes cities within San Diego County to file claims for funds to support commuter ferry services for pedestrians and bicycles.
Revises statutory provisions governing the use of San Diego-Coronado Bridge toll revenues to include the potential installation and operation of automated toll collection facilities in the requirement that toll revenues first be used for toll collection expenses.
Chapter 729, Statutes of 1999
SB 677* (Polanco-D) Tax levy: Metropolitan Transit Authority
Exempts from the state portion of the sales and use tax the sale of transit vehicles to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 790 (Monteith-R) Off-highway Motor Vehicle Trust Fund
Deletes the requirement that a local applicant for a grant for an off-highway vehicle (OHV) facility provide a matching grant of 25 percent. Applies to those facilities that are not considered regional OHV facilities.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 804 (Perata-D) Rail feeder bus service
Limits eligible bidders for rail feeder bus services to non-subsidized operators and limits feeder service only to rail passengers.
Authorizes the State Department of Transportation to provide funding to Amtrak for the purpose of entering into a contract with a motor carrier of passengers to transport Amtrak passengers on buses operated on a route, if the buses are operated by the motor carrier as part of a regularly scheduled, daily bus service that has been operating consecutively without an Amtrak contract for twelve months immediately prior to contracting with Amtrak.
Chapter 458, Statutes of 1999
SB 851 (Hayden-D) Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Creates seven subregional transportation planning boards within the area of jurisdiction of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority which would have exclusive authority for setting transportation priorities and selecting capital projects within their respective subregions. Specifies the membership of the boards and their responsibilities and provides for their staffing and funding.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 928 (Burton-D) Transportation financing: grant anticipation revenue notes
Authorizes the State Treasurer, in cooperation with the California Transportation Commission, the State Department of Transportation and regional transportation agencies, to issue federal highway grant anticipation notes (GARVEE bonds) to accelerate funding for eligible and designated transportation projects. Establishes guidelines for project eligibility and the implementation of GARVEE bond funding allocations and enacts related technical provisions.
Chapter 862, Statutes of 1999
SB 1043 (Murray-D) Transportation: High-Speed Rail Authority
Requires the High-Speed Rail Authority to submit its proposed high-speed rail financial plan to the Legislature, rather than the Secretary of State, for possible placement on the November 2000 General Election ballot. Requires the California Transportation Commission to conduct studies on alternatives to a high-speed rail system and strategies for improving the productivity of existing rail systems.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1080 (Karnette-D) California Competes Task Force
Establishes in the state government a California Competes Task Force for the purpose of enhancing the State's ability to compete successfully for federal discretionary transportation program funds apportioned to the State under a specified provision of federal law. Prescribes the duties and membership of the task force and requires the State Department of Transportation to provide technical and staff support to the task force.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1166 (Bowen-D) Highways: rights-of-way
Authorizes the State Department of Transportation (DOT) to enter into agreements allowing the installation of telecommunications infrastructure on DOT facilities and in highway rights-of-way under specified conditions.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1243 (Murray-D) Exposition Boulevard Fixed Guideway Construction Authority
Creates the Exposition Boulevard Fixed Guideway Construction Authority for the purpose of awarding and administering all design and construction contracts for completing an unspecified fixed guideway project in Los Angeles in the vicinity of Exposition Boulevard. Specifies the membership, rights, duties and other responsibilities of the authority.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SCA 3 (Burton-D) Transportation funding: sales and use tax
Authorizes, subject to approval by the electorate, and other specified requirements, a county to impose a half-cent sales and use tax for the purpose of funding local transportation projects with a majority vote of the voters, rather than a two-thirds voter approval requirement.
(Refused passage on Assembly Floor)
SR 8 (Burton-D) Transportation system of California
Requests the California Transportation Commission, working with the State Department of Transportation, and the State's regional transportation planning agencies to produce and submit to the Senate Transportation Committee and the President pro Tempore of the Senate, by May 10, 1999, a 10-year needs assessment of the State's transportation system. Note: The Commission delivered its assessment by May 10, 1999.
Adopted by the Senate
AB 74 (Strom-Martin-D) State Rail Plan
Requires the State Department of Transportation to submit a State Rail Plan, as specified, for both passenger rail and freight rail purposes.
Chapter 373, Statutes of 1999
AB 168 (Ackerman-R) Transportation funding: Orange County
Authorizes the Orange County Transportation Authority to participate in a funding exchange program with the State Department of Transportation, trading county gas and diesel fuel tax revenues for state transit funds, subject to specified conditions and legislative approval.
Chapter 278, Statutes of 1999
AB 308 (Longville-D) Transit capital rehabilitation and improvement needs
Authorizes regional transportation plans to include an assessment of the rehabilitation and safety needs of local streets, roads, and public transit systems. Authorizes the financial element of the plan to include an estimate of funds required and to meet those needs.
Requires that the annual report from the California Transportation Commission to the Legislature to include a summary of needs of local entities relative to roads and public transit systems. Double-joined with SB 532 (Senate Transportation Committee), Chapter 1007, Statutes of 1999.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 779 (Torlakson-D) Infrastructure development
Includes facilities that are part of a transit village development district as public development facilities for the purpose of being eligible for bank funding. under the Bergeson-Peace Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank Act.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 872 (Alquist-D) Local transportation funds: allocation and transfer
Authorizes a regional or local agency to expend its own funds to advance a transportation project included in the State Transportation Improvement Program and subsequently be reimbursed by the state for the expenditure advance. Prescribes procedures for streamlining the transfer of state funds authorized for a local or regional project.
Chapter 572, Statutes of 1999
AB 937 (Reyes-D) Transportation: projects: task force
Creates the California Competes Transportation Task Force for the purpose of enhancing the State's ability to compete for that federal funding. Prescribes the composition of the task force and its functions. Requires the State Department of Transportation to provide technical and staff support to the task force.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1012* (Torlakson-D) Transportation funds: acceleration of project delivery
Enacts a series of provisions designed to accelerate the development and delivery of state and local transportation projects and make more efficient use of funds in the State Highway Account. Includes provisions for (1) a pilot program for project delivery advisory teams in four districts of the State Department of Transportation (DOT), (2) an effort to develop a more sophisticated project management information system within DOT, (3) adding a two-year advance project development element to the State Transportation Improvement Program process, (4) creating a revolving account for reimbursable work performed by DOT for local agencies, (5) establishing a State Highway Account loan program for local transportation agencies, and (6) establishing authority for the State to reallocate federal transportation funds which remain unobligated by local agencies and are in danger of lapsing and being lost to other states.
Chapter 783, Statutes of 1999
AB 1155 (Torlakson-D) Transportation tax: expenditure plan
Serves as an implementing statute for Senate Constitutional Amendment 3 (Burton), which imposes, if approved by the voters, a state sales and use tax at a rate of 1/2 of one percent for local transportation purposes that would apply only within those counties that have, among other things, adopted, on or before the effective date of this bill, a transportation expenditure plan that specifies a countywide agency responsible for administering the implementation of that plan.
Vetoed by the Governor
Related legislation is SCA 3 (Burton), which was refused adoption on the Assembly Floor.
AB 1318 (Bates-R) Federal-aid highway funds: nonfederal share
Requires that toll funds or private expenditures derived in one county may not be used as a credit for the nonfederal funding share of a project outside the county, unless a specified determination is made that there is no eligible project in the originating county.
Chapter 628, Statutes of 1999
AB 1425 (Runner-R) Transportation funding
Redirects federal funds from the State Transportation Improvement Plan funding formula and allocates those revenues to the Regional Surface Transportation Program. Provides that 20 percent of those redirected funds allocated to certain counties must be set aside for environmental enhancement.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1612 (Florez-D) Local streets: storm damage repair
Appropriates $160 million from the State Highway Account to cities and counties for street and highway reconstruction and storm damage repairs. Authorizes San Francisco, however, to use its share of such funds for mass transit guideway purposes.
Specifies a formula for allocating the appropriated funds and requires local agencies to maintain their current level of expenditures as a condition of receiving funds under the bill.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 1660 (Shelley-D) Budget Act Trailer Bill
Reenacts transfers of revenue that were made in the Budget Acts of 1993, 1994, and 1995 from the State Highway account to the General Fund (i.e., $30.7 million), the Motor Vehicle Account to the General Fund (i.e., $132.2 million). A recent court ruling reversed these previous transfers in the Budget Acts, indicating that such transfers are required to be made in statute.
Chapter 85, Statutes of 1999
ACA 24 (Baugh-R) Transportation funding
Creates the California Twenty-First Century Infrastructure Investment Fund in the State Treasury. Transfers a specified percentage of revenues from the General Fund to the Infrastructure Fund from the 2000-01 fiscal year to the 2019-20 fiscal year, inclusive, for appropriation by the Legislature. Provides that primary responsibility for preparing an annual plan to expend these funds shall be in the State Department of Finance unless the Governor directs another state agency to carry out this responsibility. Provides that the Infrastructure Fund and its related provisions shall not become operative until the Legislature enacts a statute to allocate the revenues in the fund.
(From Printer)
AJR 6 (Briggs-R) Transportation: federal funds
Urges the President and the Congress to use the framework established under the federal Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century when allocating federal transportation funds to California.
Resolution Chapter 58, Statutes of 1999

Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 98* (Alarcon-D) Vehicles: fees: air pollution
Extends, from October 1, 1999 to January 1, 2005, the South Coast Air Quality Management District's (SCAQMD's) authority to impose a $1 fee on the annual registration renewal of motor vehicles registered in the district to fund its clean-burning fuels program.
Requires the SCAQMD to establish an advisory group to recommend potential funding for clean-burning fuels projects, to provide greater public notice regarding grant awards, and to annually report to the Legislative Analyst and the appropriate policy committees of the Legislature regarding the program.
Chapter 36, Statutes of 1999
SB 192 (Perata-D) Gasoline
Prohibits the sale of gasoline that contains methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), and requires the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission to submit a quarterly report to the Legislature.
(Refused passage on Assembly Floor; reconsideration vote continued)
Similar bill, SB 1001 (Burton-D), contains reporting requirements only.
SB 201* (Mountjoy-R) Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
State legislative intent to encourage companies on or before October 1, 2000 to produce gasoline which does not contain methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE).
Requires the State Department of Health Services to expend an unspecified amount of funds from the Unallocated Account in the Cigarette and Tobacco Products Surtax Fund to fund public service announcements in cities, counties, or regions where MTBE has been eliminated from gasoline prior to October 31, 1999.
(Held in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 212 (Costa-D) Motor vehicle inspection and maintenance
Requires the Bureau of Automotive Repair within the State Department of Consumer Affairs to implement an enhanced vehicle inspection program (Smog Check) in an area classified as a nonattainment area for ozone and which has been designated as an overwhelming or significant contributor to downwind ozone air pollution in another nonattainment district.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 230 (Johannessen-R) Smog impact fees: repeal
Repeals the $300 smog impact fee assessed on out-of-state vehicles when first registered in California beginning July 1, 2000.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
The State Department of Motor Vehicles has suspended the collection of the fee at the time of this writing.
SB 272* (Leslie-R) Pollution: methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE)
Makes it a misdemeanor for any person to sell gasoline containing MTBE.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 285 (Mountjoy-R) Gross polluters
Exempts from roadside emissions testing and remote sensing procedures all motor vehicles manufactured prior to the 1974 model and, beginning in 2003, motor vehicles that are 30 or more model years old.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 296 (Mountjoy-R) Smog Check Program
Exempts from the biennial vehicle inspection and maintenance ("smog check") requirement any motor vehicle registered to a person if the vehicle is operated for 5,000 miles or less annually.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 529 (Bowen-D) Motor vehicle fuel
Provides that the State Air Resources Board (ARB) may not adopt any regulation for motor vehicle fuel unless the regulation is subject to a multimedia evaluation and review by the California Environmental Policy Council in order to identify and evaluate all significant beneficial and adverse impacts on the environment that may result from any fuel specifications proposed or established by the ARB after January 1, 2000. Defines multimedia evaluation, provides administrative direction, and sets forth actions to be taken when an adverse impact is determined.
Chapter 813, Statutes of 1999
SB 906 (Murray-D) Heavy-duty diesel motor vehicles: air pollution
Makes changes in the statewide roadside inspection programs for heavy-duty diesel motor vehicles.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 989 (Sher-D) Methyl tertiary butyl ether
Requires development of a timetable for eliminating the use of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) in motor vehicle fuel at the earliest possible date, and seeks to protect groundwater supplies by specifying increased monitoring and containment requirements for certain tanks. Boosts financial assistance for upgrading underground tanks, and requires multimedia evaluation of new specifications for motor vehicle fuel.
Chapter 812, Statutes of 1999
SB 1001 (Burton-D) Methyl tertiary butyl ether
Requires the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission, beginning April 1, 2000, to submit quarterly reports to the Legislature summarizing the amount of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) used in gasoline in this State by each refinery during the preceding quarter and comparing that amount to the amount of MTBE used in gasoline by each refinery during the previous quarter.
Chapter 814, Statutes of 1999
SB 1056 (Johannessen-R) Emission reduction devices
Establishes a process by which the State Air Resources Board (ARB) evaluate light-duty motor vehicle emissions reduction devices.
Requires the ARB to review and access the cost-effectiveness of those devices and to make the results of this assessment available to the State Department of Consumer Affairs and the local air districts.
Requires the ARB to consider this assessment when determining the cost-effectiveness of the various options for achieving emissions reductions.
Chapter 209, Statutes of 1999
SB 1058 (Johannessen-R) Vehicle inspection and maintenance
Limits the testing procedures required to be used on vehicles subject to smog check requirements. Revises test procedures to eliminate a requirement for a functional check of emission control devices, with exceptions in basic program areas, modifies provisions relating to visual inspection or check by specifying the components to be checked, and prohibits referrals for additional tests or inspections for vehicles equipped with specified aftermarket parts and which pass the tests prescribed by the bill.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 1102 (Murray-D) Motor vehicle exhaust
Requires the State Air Resources Board, in considering solutions for the reduction of particulate matter from vehicular exhaust, to give as much consideration to new technological advances as to reconstituted fuel or fuel alternatives, if there is no increase in nitrogen oxides under that alternative.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1146 (Burton-D) Motor vehicles: pollution control devices
Requires the State Air Resources Board to adopt regulations to require motor vehicle manufacturers (manufacturers) to disclose specified information for the repair or manufacture of emissions-related motor vehicle parts to any person engaged in the manufacture or remanufacture of emissions-related motor vehicle parts.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SB 1175 (Polanco-D) Motor vehicle maintenance and inspection
Authorizes a consumer, whose vehicle fails a smog check at a test-only facility, the option of having the vehicle repaired and retested/certified at a specified "Gold Shield" smog check station. (Codifies an existing pilot project authorized under existing law.)
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SB 1288 (Murray-D) Motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program
Makes several changes regarding the issuance of the certificate of compliance or non-compliance issued to a licensed vehicle dealer as required by the motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program.
Provides for a January 1, 2002 sunset date and adds identical language to the Health and Safety Code with an operative date of January 1, 2002. Adds clarifying language relative to a certificate being valid until a car is re-registered by a retail buyer.
Chapter 355, Statutes of 1999
SB 1301 (Kelley-R) Smog check: remote sensing equipment
Requires, on or before June 30, 2000, the State Department of Consumer Affairs, among other things, to evaluate standards for the operation of remote sensing equipment.
Chapter 273, Statutes of 1999
SR 20 (Mountjoy-R) Methyl tertiary butyl ether
Urges the California Attorney General to seek revenue sufficient to remediate methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) contamination caused by continued use of MTBE, if the complaint filed by Methanex under NAFTA causes MTBE to remain in use in California beyond December 21, 2002. Urges Congress to take appropriate actions to protect California's natural resources by prohibiting foreign intervention in domestic environmental decisions under NAFTA or under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
Adopted by the Senate
AB 57 (Cardoza-D) Transported pollutants
Subjects motor vehicle owners, in "upwind" air districts that contribute overwhelming or significant levels of transported air pollutants to a "downwind" nonattainment air district, to the enhanced motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program (Smog Check II).
(The only air district affected is the San Francisco Bay Area Air Quality Management District.)
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 129* (Oller-R) Gasoline: methyl tertiary butyl ether
Makes it a misdemeanor to add methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) to gasoline during the manufacturing or refining process or to sell or offer for sale gasoline that contains MTBE.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 158 (Oller-R) Motor vehicles: smog check program
Repeals provisions in existing law that provide for an enhanced motor vehicle inspection program (smog check).
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 159 (Floyd-D) Vehicles: dealers: licenses
Clarifies that motorcycle and trailer dealers are exempt from certain required educational requirements, and provides that a vehicle dealer can recoup up to $50 for the cost of emission testing for an advertised vehicle.
Chapter 230, Statutes of 1999
AB 567 (Baugh-R) Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program
Provides that a certificate of compliance or noncompliance is not required for a motor vehicle that was driven 12,000 miles or less during the preceding two-year period.
Provides for the issuance of a waiver by a referee at a test-only station upon the request of the vehicle owner for a vehicle that qualifies for the waiver and imposes a civil penalty, as specified, on any person who obtains or attempts to obtain a waiver by means of fraud.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 624 (Olberg-R) Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Inspection Program
Provides that if the seller is an automobile dealer, the seller may obtain the certificate of compliance or certificate of noncompliance from an appropriate smog check station located within the dealership's inspection area.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1105* (Jackson-D) State administration: Budget Trailer Bill
Provides, among other things, that the State Department of Motor Vehicles is authorized to expand the exemption in current law relative to smog check to include any motor vehicle that is up to six or less model years old and makes other changes in the smog check program.
Chapter 67, Statutes of 1999
AB 1175 (Frusetta-R) Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program
Repeals existing provisions of law providing for an enhanced motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program in each urbanized area of the state, any part of which is classified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as a serious, severe, or extreme nonattainment area for carbon monoxide with a design value greater than 1.27 ppm, and in other areas of the state, as specified.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1571* (Villaraigosa-D) Carl Moyer Memorial Air Standards Attainment Program
Creates the Carl Moyer Air Quality Standards Attainment Program for the purpose of providing (1) grants to offset the incremental costs of projects to replace high-emission, heavy-duty diesel engines with cleaner models in order to reduce NOx and other emissions, (2) funding for a fueling infrastructure demonstration program, and (3) technology development efforts to promote commercially available technologies for the program.
Utilizes funds appropriated to the State Air Resources Board and California Energy Commission in the 1998-99 and 1999-2000 Budget Acts.
Chapter 923, Statutes of 1999
ACR 48 (Battin-R) Reformulated gasoline prices
Urges the State Air Resources Board, in conjunction with the California Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission, to report to the Legislature, by January 1, 2000, the costs and benefits of continuing to require Californians to use California-only fuel. Requests the report to include the consequences of that policy for long-term supply, price, and air quality, and the effect of allowing the use of non-California reformulated gasoline for various periods and in specified percentages, and the effects when other types of reformulated gasoline are used.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AJR 34 (Wesson-D) Diesel fuel standards
Memorializes the administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency to adopt the most stringent national diesel fuel sulfur standards technologically and economically feasible, as specified, and adopts a national cap on sulfur in diesel fuel of no more than 30 ppm as expeditiously as possible and to implement that standard on or before January 1, 2004.
(From printer)

SB 63 (Solis-D) Preferential vehicle lanes: occupancy level: Route 10
Reduces until January 1, 2002, the minimum occupancy requirement for vehicles using the high-occupancy requirement for vehicles using the high-occupancy vehicle lane on the San Bernardino Freeway from three to two persons.
Requires the State Department of Transportation to analyze and submit a report to the Legislature by January 1, 2001, any discernable changes in a motorist's behavior as a result of this change.
Chapter 168, Statutes of 1999
SB 135 (Kelley-R) Highways: signs: state park unit
Requires the State Department of Transportation to erect and maintain signs that provide direction to a unit of the state park system if signs are requested for that unit by the State Department of Parks and Recreation.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 155* (Knight-R) Safety enhancement: double fine zones
Adds specified portions of State Highway Route 138, 101 and 152 to the list of highway segments that have been designated as "Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones". Extends by four years, until January 1, 2004, the termination date for the existing six special traffic fine zones. Extends the reporting date for the State Department of Transportation study of the double-fine zone pilot project until January 1, 2003, and requires that the report contain specified criteria.
Chapter 169, Statutes of 1999
SB 170 (Rainey-R) Trespassing on toll bridges
Imposes misdemeanor penalties, including community service requirements, of any person who trespasses on vehicular crossings that are toll bridges under the jurisdiction of the State Department of Transportation.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 252 (Kelley-R) Highway tolls: transit services: demonstration program
Extends the sunset date for the demonstration program on Interstate Route 15 which authorizes the use of high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes by single-occupant vehicles upon payment of a toll from January 1, 2000, until January 1, 2002. Authorizes a reduction in the minimum service level of the HOV lanes from a Level B to Level C or D, as specified.
Requires the San Diego Association of Governments to submit a report of specified findings to the Legislature concerning the program.
Chapter 481, Statutes of 1999
SB 557* (Peace-D) Highways: relinquishment: State Highway Routes 54 and 144
Authorizes the California Transportation Commission to relinquish a segment of Highway 54 to the city of El Cajon and a segment of Highway 144 to the City of Santa Barbara.
Chapter 99, Statutes of 1999
SB 614 (Morrow-R) Financing of local roads
Allows the formation of permanent road divisions where there is not a specific road project and allows the subsequent creation of zones within that division for the levy of special taxes and charges, subject to the requirements of Proposition 218.
Chapter 269, Statutes of 1999
SB 684 (Brulte-R) Highways exit numbering systems
Requires the preparation of a plan by the State Department of Transportation for the implementation of a highway milepost marking system and freeway exit numbering system.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 798 (Burton-D) State Highway 101: relinquishment
Relinquishes a portion of Route 101 to the City and County of San Francisco, requires San Francisco to use excess right-of-way proceeds for local street improvements, imposes specific duties on the State Department of Transportation with regard to the replacement of the Central Freeway in San Francisco, and makes other related changes.
Chapter 559, Statutes of 1999
SB 803 (Karnette-D) State Highway Routes 19 and 160: relinquishment
Authorizes the relinquishment of a portion of State Route 19 to the City of Downey by the California Transportation Commission according to specified terms and conditions. Authorizes the relinquishment of portions of State Highway Route 160 in Sacramento County to any city in that area that has agreed to accept the relinquishment.
Chapter 172, Statutes of 1999
SB 864 (Alpert-D) Reduced speed limits
Authorizes the State Department of Transportaiton, in conjunction with the State Department of the California Highway Patrol and any affected local authority that elects to participate, to conduct, until January 1, 2005, a demonstration program that establishes a decreased prima facie speed limit of 55 miles per hour on any highway that meets certain listed criteria. Provides that the reduced prima facie speed limit would be effective when appropriate signs giving notice therof are erected upon the highway.
Requires the State Department of Transportation, in conjunction with the State Department of the California Highway Patrol and any affected local authority that elects to participate, to prepare a written report regarding the effects of the reduced speed limit on traffic and pedestrian safety, vehicle speeds, traffic accidents, and any other effects that the departments and the local authorities find relevant.
Requires the State Department of Transportation to submit the report to the Legislature not later than 90 days from the date of conclusion of the program.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1166 (Bowen-D) Highway rights-of-way: telecommunication
Authorizes the State Department of Transportation to enter into agreements allowing the installation of telecommunications infrastructure on department facilities and in highway rights-of-way under specified conditions.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee)
SCR 16 (Perata-D) Stephen Lindheim Overcrossing
Designates a specified pedestrian overcrossing on Route 880 in Oakland as the Stephen Lindheim Overcrossing.
Resolution Chapter 52, Statutes of 1999
SCR 17 (Schiff-D) The Gene Autry Memorial Interchange
Designates the freeway interchange at the juncture of Interstate Highway Route 5 and State Highway Route 134, commonly referred to as the Ventura Freeway, as the Gene Autry Memorial Interchange.
Resolution Chapter 61, Statutes of 1999
SCR 25 (Morrow-R) Gunnery Sergeant John Basilone Memorial Freeway
Designates the 17-mile portion of Interstate 5 between the Basilone Road exit at the north and the main gate of Camp Pendleton at the south, the "Gunnery Sergeant John Basilone Memorial Freeway."
Resolution Chapter 72, Statutes of 1999
SCR 34 (Peace-D) Donna De Neal Bridge
Names the Interstate 805 Orange Avenue overcrossing in San Diego County as the Donna De Neal Bridge.
Resolution Chapter 94, Statutes of 1999
SCR 36 (Speier-D) CHP Officer Hugo Olazar Memorial Highway
Designates that portion of northbound Interstate 280 from the San Jose Avenue/Sickles Avenue onramp to the San Jose Avenue overcrossing to the memory of California Highway Patrol Officer Hugo Olazar who was killed by a drunk driver when he was on duty.
Resolution Chapter 127, Statutes of 1999
SCR 38 (Johnston-D) Rick Charles Cromwell Memorial Freeway
Names a portion of State Highway Route 12 near the Lodi City limits at State Highway Route 99 the Officer Rick Charles Cromwell Memorial Freeway.
Resolution Chapter 128, Statutes of 1999
AB 23 (Lowenthal-D) State Route 710: transfer to the State
Requires the City of Long Beach to transfer a specified segment of Route 710 and specified bridges near the Port of Long Beach to state ownership upon the completion of certain construction projects and repairs by the local entities currently responsible for the facilities and segments.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 44 (McClintock-R) Highways: preferential-use lanes.
Requires that specified highway engineering estimates include a traffic model study comparing the alternatives of establishing an high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane, establishing a high-occupancy toll lane, as defined, establishing a mixed-flow lane, or not establishing additional lanes.
Requires that the analysis results of the study and a description of the methodology used for the study be completed and documented, as specified. Requires certification of competency of the analysis results and methodology for an HOV lane project for inclusion of the project in the state transportation improvement plan.
Requires that a copy of the analysis results and methodology description be submitted to the Governor and the Legislature within six months of completion.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 46 (Florez-D) State Highway Route 46
Authorizes a public agency to approve any activity necessary for, or incidental to, the planning, design, site acquisition, construction, operation, or maintenance of road safety improvement on specified portions of State Highway Route 46 pursuant to a negative declaration or a mitigated negative declaration, as provided. Prescribes timelines and procedures for the adoption of a negative declaration or a mitigated negative declaration pursuant to this authorization. Sunsets on July 1, 2004.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 71 (Cunneen-R) High-occupancy vehicle lanes: low-emission vehicles
Allows inherently low-emission vehicles to use preferential-use to high-occupancy vehicle lanes, and requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to issue special labels, decals or other identification to be placed on the vehicle.
Chapter 330, Statutes of 1999
AB 72 (Florez-D) State Highway Route 46: emergency improvements
Requires the California Department of Transportation to submit a report to the Legislature by January 15, 2000, identifying emergency improvements to State Highway Route 46.
Chapter 562, Statutes of 1999
AB 73 (Hertzberg-D) Roadside rest areas
Allows the State Department of Transportation to construct and operate as a joint economic development up to six new or existing safety roadside rest area sites.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 102 (Wildman-D) Retrofit soundwall projects: priority funding
Requires expenditures for retrofit soundwalls along freeways on a 1989 project priority list to be funded prior to making state funds available for interregional and regional capital improvement projects in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). Also requires the expenditure of funds for the development of a waterborne transit system in the San Francisco Bay Area prior to funding state and local STIP projects.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 170 (Firebaugh-D) Outdoor advertising
Broadens an existing exemption for advertising displays which identify businesses and activities within a redevelopment agency project area along freeways. Authorizes the advertising of businesses and activities in any of several redevelopment areas in five specific cities, whether or not the redevelopment areas are adjacent to a freeway.
Chapter 818, Statutes of 1999
AB 283* (Longville-D) Acquisition of property by eminent domain for highways
Eliminates the requirement that the California Transportation Commission adopt a resolution of necessity prior to the State Department of Transportation (Caltrans) acquiring property by eminent domain and, instead, allows Caltrans to proceed to condemn property for state highway purposes after a county board of supervisors has approved a resolution of necessity as to that county's proposed condemnation of the property.
Chapter 546, Statutes of 1999
AB 357 (Calderon-D) Grade separation projects
Requires the California Public Utilities Commission to develop a report which would assess the sufficiency of the current level of funding for priority grade separation projects.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 386* (Scott-D) Double-fine zone: State Route 2
Creates a "double-fine zone" on portions of State Highway Route 2 and extends the sunset date for the double-fine zone program until 2004.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 396 (Havice-D) Outdoor advertising displays: exemptions
Exempts, from the prohibition against placing advertising displays adjacent to landscaped freeways, a nonconforming billboard or advertising sign erected within specified smaller urbanized municipalities of limited population described as a city within a geographical area of 1.7 miles.
Chapter 280, Statutes of 1999
AB 405* (Knox-D) Transportation projects: design-sequencing program
Authorizes the State Department of Transportation to conduct a pilot program for the completion of up to six transportation projects using a specified design-sequencing process, and to evaluate and report on the results of the program when completed. Provides guidelines to be followed by the director of the State Department of Transportation to ensure geographical balance.
Chapter 378, Statutes of 1999
AB 521 (McClintock-R) Highways: fuel revenue allocations
Diverts revenue from sales and use taxes that are currently imposed on gasoline, from the General Fund and dedicates that revenue for the maintenance and construction of highways.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 597 (Longville-D) Highways: design
Requires the State Department of Transportation to develop flexible highway design standards for highways not on the designated National Highway System and requires the department, in conjunction with a specified working group, to investigate certain highway design issues and then develop revised highway design standards for a variety of geographical areas and transportation corridors.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1012* (Torlakson-D) Transportation funds: acceleration of project delivery
Enacts a series of provisions designed to accelerate the development and delivery of state and local transportation projects and make more efficient use of funds in the State Highway Account. Includes provisions for (1) a pilot program for project delivery advisory teams in four districts of the State Department of Transportation, (2) an effort to develop a more sophisticated project management information system within the department, (3) adding a two-year advance project development element to the State Transportation Improvement Program process, (4) creating a revolving account for reimbursable work performed by the department for local agencies, (5) establishing a State Highway Account loan program for local transportation agencies, and (6) establishing authority for the State to reallocate federal transportation funds which remain unobligated by local agencies and are in danger of lapsing and being lost to other states.
Chapter 783, Statutes of 1999
AB 1018 (Cox-R) Call boxes on freeways
Authorizes the Sacramento Area Council of Governments to install and operate call boxes on Class 1 bikeways and to act as the freeway service authority for counties outside its jurisdiction.
Chapter 262, Statutes of 1999
AB 1093 (Strom-Martin-D) Combination of vehicles: highway access limits: exception
Expands the portion of Highway 101 in the north coast area upon which livestock carriers may operate longer truck tractor-semitrailer combinations, and allows them to operate without a Caltrans permit.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1166 (Frusetta-R) Highways: safety enhancement-double-fine zones
Requires the State Department of Transportation to authorize the placement of information signs, at the expense of the San Juan Oaks Golf Club, on State Highway Route 156, directing motorists to that club.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 1237 (Baugh-R) Joint powers authority: toll roads
Authorizes the County of Orange, the Orange County Transportation Authority, the Transportation Corridor Agency, and any city whose jurisdiction includes territory that is included in the described corridor to enter into a joint powers agreement to acquire, construct, and operate a toll road along a specified corridor.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1344 (Keeley-D) Highways: Route 1: Hatton Canyon Project
Provides for the transfer of specified Hatton Canyon right-of-way property to this Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1383* (Thompson-R) Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Project
Requires the State Department of Transportation to extend, until June 30, 2002, the completion date for specified projects under the Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation demonstration program.
Chapter 607, Statutes of 1999
AB 1413 (Shelley-D) Outdoor advertising: street furniture
Exempts from outdoor advertising prohibitions those advertising displays on "street furniture" along state or federal highways in the City and County of San Francisco, provided certain conditions are met.
Provides for an inoperative time-frame and sunset date predicated on receipt of notice from the United States Secretary of Transportation.
Chapter 320, Statutes of 1999
AB 1475 (Soto-D) Highways: Safe Routes to School Construction Program
Designates, until January 1, 2002, a portion of federal transportation safety funding to be used by local agencies' transportation safety projects near school areas.
Chapter 663, Statutes of 1999
AB 1523 (Brewer-R) Highways: San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge: modifications
Requires the local share of project costs be increased for safety retrofit of toll bridges with the increase coming from collected tolls.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1647 (Torlakson-D) High occupancy vehicle lanes
Establishes a process at Caltrans for reviewing both existing and proposed placement of high occupancy vehicle lanes on state highways and freeways.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
ACR 5 (Mazzoni-D) Marin County Veterans Memorial Freeway
Names a specified portion of State Highway Route 101 in San Rafael the Marin County Veterans Memorial Freeway.
Resolution Chapter 49, Statutes of 1999
ACR 53 (Zettel-R) CHP Officer Christopher D. Lydon Memorial Freeway
Names a specified portion of freeway between State Highway Route 67 and Interstate Highway Route 8 in Lakeside as the "CHP Officer Christopher D. Lydon Memorial Freeway".
Resolution Chapter 88, Statutes of 1999
ACR 67 (Wildman-D) Charles A. Lazzaretto Memorial Freeway
Names portions of State Highway Route 134 in Glendale as the "Glendale Police Officer Charles A. Lazzaretto Memorial Freeway".
Resolution Chapter 97, Statutes of 1999
ACR 68 (Oller-R) Officer Bill C. Bean, Jr., Memorial Highway
Names a portion of State Highway Route 174 as the Officer Bill C. Bean, Jr., Memorial Highway.
Resolution Chapter 110, Statutes of 1999
ACR 82 (Aroner-D) Officer James Williams Memorial Overpass
Designates the overpass on Interstate 580 at 38th Avenue in Oakland be dedicated to the memory of Officer James Williams.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 83 (Lempert-D) Civilian Women Volunteers All Wars Memorial Freeway
Designates that portion of State Highway Route 101 between the Ralston Avenue exit in Belmont, California, to State Highway Route 92 the Civilian Women Volunteers All Wars Memorial Freeway.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
ACR 84 (Reyes-D) Officer James Rapozo Memorial Freeway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 198 as the Officer James Rapozo Memorial Freeway.
Resolution Chapter 118, Statutes of 1999
ACR 90 (Ducheny-D) Archie Moore Memorial Freeway
Designates the portion of Interstate Highway Route 15 between the Home Avenue exit and the Ocean View Boulevard exit in the City of San Diego as the Archie Moore Memorial Freeway.
Resolution Chapter 141, Statutes of 1999

Drivers' Licenses
SB 278 (Karnette-D) Driving privilege: minors
Requires persons under the age of 18 to document satisfactory school attendance in order to apply for a provisional driver's license. Requires the juvenile court to suspend the driving privileges of habitual truants.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 335 (Hayden-D) Driver's license: age: fees
Enacts the Brandi Mitock Safe Drivers Act to, among other things, impose additional behind-the-wheel driving tests on "at-risk" drivers who wish to renew their drivers' licenses.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 371 (Solis-D) Issuance of driver's licenses and identification cards
Maintains the requirement in existing law that every applicant for an original driver's license or identification card submit proof of United States legal presence to the State Department of Motor Vehicles. Once proof of legal presence is submitted, further verification is required only if supporting documents appear fraudulent.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 503 (Knight-R) Vehicles: drivers' licenses: minors
Requires an application by a pupil under the age of 18 years for a driver's license to contain certification by the pupil's school of enrollment that the pupil is attending school and does not have more than ten consecutive days, or 15 total days, of unexcused absences in a single semester, and has not been expelled from school, as specified.
Requires the county board of education, or a private school administrator, as specified, to authorize the issuance of a waiver to a person who does not meet these requirements upon a determination that a personal or family hardship exists that requires that the person obtain a driver's license for his or her, or a family member's, employment, or for medically related purposes. Requires the county board of education to develop, approve, and make available a standard form for submission of a request pursuant to these provisions.
Prohibits the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) from issuing a license to a person under the age of 18 years unless the person has a high school diploma, a high school equivalency certificate, or a certificate of proficiency, as specified, or unless the person is enrolled in any of grades nine through twelve, and specified attendance conditions are met. Requires DMV to prepare and use one document for certification of the occurrence of the conditions specified in the bill, and to make available, upon request, copies of that document to affected public and private schools.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 533 (Senate Transportation Committee) Vehicles: omnibus bill
Makes various technical, nonsubstantive changes to the Vehicle Code as a means of avoiding numerous single-provisions measures, including specifying that the true name of a person be on a driver's license and identification card.
Chapter 1008, Statutes of 1999
SB 1112 (Knight-R) Driver's license test: driving schools
Authorizes the State Department of Motor Vehicles to permit a private driving school to administer the behind-the-wheel driving test.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 402 (Romero-D) Vehicles: driver's license violations: pilot program
Adds the County of Santa Cruz to those counties that may establish a pilot program relative to convictions for driving without a driver's license.
(This is a clean-up/follow-up bill to AB 1311 (Romero and Ashburn). Background material provided indicates that Santa Cruz County was intended to be included with those counties in AB 1311 and was inadvertently not included. This bill corrects that omission.)
Chapter 877, Statutes of 1999
See AB 1311 (Romero and Ashburn), Chapter 122, Statutes of 1999.
AB 585 (Floyd-D) Driver's license: renewal: mail
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to issue a receipt acknowledging receipt of an application and fees for renewal of a driver's license by mail within 21 days of receiving such an application, unless DMV issues a renewed driver's license during that time.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 771 (Briggs-R) Sale of driver's license photography
Prohibits the State Department of Motor Vehicles from selling or distributing the photograph of a licensee to certain entities unless requested to do so by the licensee, as specified.
Chapter 489, Statutes of 1999
AB 787 (Dickerson-R) Commercial vehicles: driver's license endorsements
Exempts certain firefighters from specified driver's license requirements when transporting compressed air.
Chapter 224, Statutes of 1999
AB 803 (Torlakson-D) Driving under the influence
Requires a person under 21 years of age who drives with detectable traces of alcohol to enroll in a course regarding the dangers of alcohol.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 962 (Brewer-R) Drivers' licenses: minors: instruction
Provides that driver's license requirements for driver education and driver training courses may not be satisfied by correspondence course or any course that is not given under the direct, personal supervision of a properly certified instructor.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1311 (Romero-D) Driver's license violations program
Authorizes the boards of supervisors in specified counties to create pilot programs for diversion in specified driving on suspended license cases. Sunsets on January 1, 2004.
Chapter 122, Statutes of 1999
AB 1463 (Cedillo-D) Social security number: drivers' licenses
Amends and repeals several existing requirements regarding the issuance of drivers' licenses and identification cards by the State Department of Motor Vehicles.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)

Vehicle License Plates
SB 193 (Baca-D) Breast cancer treatment license plates
Establishes, until January 1, 2003, the process for the State Department of Motor Vehicles issuance of a new special license plate for breast cancer treatment for low-income patients.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 246 (Solis-D) California Firefighters' Memorial Fund: extension
Delays the requirement that the fees for the sale of special license plates for firefighters be deposited in the California Fire and Arson Training Fund, from January 1, 2001 until January 1, 2006.
Chapter 988, Statutes of 1999
SB 698 (Peace-D) Reflectorized license plates
Requires, with exceptions, the replacement, by the State Department of Motor Vehicles, of all current motor vehicle license plates with newly designed and fully reflectorized license plates.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 862 (Mountjoy-R) Special interest license plates: Boy Scouts of America
Authorizes the State Department of Motor Vehicles to issue special interest license plates that bear a full-plate graphic design depicting the official Boy Scouts of America logo, the fluer-de-lis, in the center of the plate and the words "Scouting Teaches Values" at the bottom of the plate.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 327 (Gallegos-D) License plates: lien sales
Requires a lienholder to remove and destroy the license plates of a vehicle following the sale of the vehicle at a lien sale.
Chapter 376, Statutes of 1999
AB 640 (Bates-R) Special license plates: Purple Heart: Pearl Harbor
Authorizes the State Department of Motor Vehicles to require satisfactory proof of status as a Pearl Harbor survivor, recipient of the Purple Heart, or any recipient of one of the nation's highest decorations of valor.
Chapter 612, Statutes of 1999
AB 692 (Thompson-R) California Sesquicentennial Foundation
Establishes the process for the State Department of Motor Vehicles issuance of a new "Grizzly Bear" special license plate for the California Sesquicentennial Foundation.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 700 (Thomson-D) Special plates: Girl Scouts of America
Establishes the process for the State Department of Motor Vehicle issuance of a new special license plate for the "Girl Scouts of the United States of America".
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 809 (Strom-Martin-D) Fund: Coastal Access Account
Redirects half of the revenues generated by the special coastal license plate from the Environmental License Plate Fund to a new license Plate Coastal Access Account.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1041 (Strickland-R) Special plates: Ronald Reagan
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicle to issue a special interest license plate for the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation.
Chapter 594, Statutes of 1999
AB 1129 (Ackerman-R) Special plates: Rotary
Establishes the process for the State Department of Motor Vehicle issuance of a new special license plate for "Rotary International".
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 1515 (Margett-R) Motorcycle plates: veterans
Allows the State Department of Motor Vehicles to issue the already available special "Veterans" license plates to motorcyclists.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 1583 (Baldwin-R) Special plates: veterans: fund
Requires that, after deduction of costs incurred by the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for veteran license plates, $1 for each license plate issued be transmitted by the DMV to the veterans' organization whose distinctive design or decal appears on the plate. Specifies that of the remaining revenue, one-half shall be deposited in the Veterans Service Office Fund and one-half shall be deposited in the California Environmental License Plate Fund.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)

Vehicle License Fees
SB 30* (Peace-D) Vehicle license fees
Provides a 35% decrease in the Vehicle License Fee due on internationally registered vehicles for the 2000 registration year. Applies to commercial trucks operating on an interstate basis that are registered through the International Registration Plan, a cooperative registration and revenue sharing agreement among the 48 contiguous states, the District of Columbia, and three Canadian Provinces.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 594 (Morrow-R) Vehicle registration: military spouse exemption
Exempts the spouse of a member of the armed forces from vehicle registration under specified requirements.
Chapter 100, Statutes of 1999
SB 688* (Burton-D) Vehicle license fees: internationally owned vehicles
Extends the decrease in the Vehicle License Fee that took effect January 1, 1999, to internationally registered vehicles on which vehicle registration was due on or before December 31, 1998, by providing an offset to the registration dues on these vehicles in 1999. A Budget Trailer Bill.
Chapter 76, Statutes of 1999
AB 183 (Washington-D) Registration fees
Extends the authority, until January 1, 2005, for a county to impose a $1 surcharge on vehicle registration which fund local vehicle theft abatement programs.
Chapter 232, Statutes of 1999
AB 1121* (Nakano-D) Vehicle license fee: offset
Reduces the Vehicle license fee a further 10% for the year 2000 study.
Chapter 74, Statutes of 1999
Similar legislation is AB 852 (Oller-R) which reduces the license fee a further 10% for the year 200 only, and AB 1214 (Granlund-R), which offsets the amount of vehicle license fees paid in 1998 by 25% of that amount that is applicable to the 1998 calendar year. AB 852 is in Assembly Transportation Committee and AB 1214 is in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee.
AB 1457 (Campbell-R) License Fee exemption: Pearl Harbor Veterans
Exempts vehicles under 8,001 pounds owned by Pearl Harbor survivors from current vehicle license fee requirements.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1474 (Cardoza-D) License fees and taxes: highway access limits: exemption
Permits the use of livestock carriers, as specified, on Highway 101 until January 1, 2001, and exempts tribally owned vehicles from license fees except for registration fees.
Chapter 911, Statutes of 1999
AB 1527* (Briggs-R) Vehicle license fees: veterans exemptions
Exempts from taxation a vehicle owned by a veteran who has served in any war or conflict described in a specified statute, provided that the vehicle is not exempt by reason of the existing exemption for a vehicle owned by a disabled veteran or Congressional medal of Honor recipient.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
ACA 1 (McClintock-R) Vehicle license fees
Limits the application of the vehicle license fee, on and after the operative date of this constitutional amendment, to that portion of the cost price of a vehicle subject to registration in the state that exceeds $10,000.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 24* (Senate Public Safety Committee) Senate Public Safety Committee
Resolves chaptering and technical problems that occurred as a result of SB 1186, Chapter 118, Statutes of 1998, which reorganized the Vehicle Code sections dealing with driving under the influence.
Chapter 22, Statutes of 1999
SB 138* (O'Connell-D) State Highway Patrol: memorandum of understanding
Ratifies the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the state and Bargaining Unit 5 representing the California Association of Highway Patrolmen. Provides that the proposed MOU expires on June 30, 1999.
Chapter 3, Statutes of 1999
SB 186 (Costa-D) Operation of low-speed vehicles
Defines a "low-speed vehicle," and generally requires, where applicable, that these vehicles meet the provisions in the Vehicle Code for motor vehicles.
Chapter 140, Statutes of 1999
SB 372 (Murray-D) Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Requires a transportation zone or similar organizational sub-unit of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), established on or after January 1, 1999, to assume the duties, obligations, and liabilities arising from any existing collective bargaining agreements or labor obligations of the MTA. Prohibits the MTA from considering certain criteria when evaluating the cost-effectiveness or potential efficiencies arising from the establishment of a new transportation zone.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 378 (Kelley-R) Collateral recovery: repossessions: vehicles
Provides that the tow vehicles used by repossessors are not tow trucks; therefore, exempting them from specified equipment requirements. Prohibits local and state agencies from collecting impound administration fees from anyone else (such as banks, other lien holders, or repossession agencies) other than the registered owner of a vehicle or the agent of the registered owner. Provides that repossessors' vehicles are required to display their agency license numbers.
Chapter 456, Statutes of 1999
SB 428 (Perata-D) San Francisco Bay Area Water Transit Authority
Repeals the authority of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to adopt a long-range plan for implementing high-speed water transit on the San Francisco Bay. Creates the 11-member San Francisco Bay Area Water Transit Authority and specifies its membership, duties and powers and provides that the authority is to be funded through appropriations made in the annual Budget Act. Requires the preparation of a comprehensive regional water transit plan which becomes operative upon statutory approval by the Legislature.
Chapter 1011, Statutes of 1999
SB 441 (Chesbro-D) Motorized scooters
Defines a "motorized scooter," and requires these devices to meet certain operational requirements.
Chapter 722, Statutes of 1999
SB 448* (Ortiz-D) Diesel fuel
Exempts experimental fuels from any fuel tax for a 24-month period. Provides that following this period, the fuel tax rate shall be 6 cents per gallon.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 486 (Rainey-R) Abandoned vehicles: removal
Requires local ordinances, with regard to vehicles abandoned on private property, to provide not less than a 10 day notice, and to a vehicle abandoned on public property, an ordinance of not less than 72 hours, of intention to abate and remove the vehicle.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 532 (Senate Transportation Committee) Transportation
Makes various technical, nonsubstantive changes to the Public Contract Code, the Public Utilities Code, and the Vehicle Code as a means of avoiding numerous single-provision bills.
Chapter 1007, Statutes of 1999
SB 533 (Senate Transportation Committee) Vehicles
Makes various technical, nonsubstantive changes to the Vehicle Code as a means of avoiding numerous single-provision measures.
Chapter 1008, Statutes of 1999
SB 565 (Costa-D) State Department of Transportation: study
Requires the Director of the State Department of General Services to study the purchase, exchange, or acquisition of real property and the construction of facilities in the County of Fresno for use by the State Department of Transportation and other state agencies. Requires the State Department of General Services to study the options of a lease purchase, or a lease with an option to purchase the facilities. Requires the department to consider the placement of the facility on a site that permits future expansion of the facility, as specified. Requires the director to submit the study to the Legislature by July 1, 2000. Sunsets January 1, 2001.
Chapter 951, Statutes of 1999
SB 567 (Speier-D) Child passenger restraint systems
Increases fines for violations of child passenger vehicle restraint systems relating to children under the age of seven, authorizes a court to direct a violator to attend a community education program, prohibits the sale of used child restraint systems, revises the formula for distribution of fine revenue from such violations, authorizes a police officer to stop a vehicle transporting children four to 15 years of age if not properly restrained, and makes other related changes. Sunsets on January 1, 2001.
(On Assembly Floor)
SB 581 (Knight-R) Department of Motor Vehicles: Tehachapi Office
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to establish a full-time office in the City of Tehachapi.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 601 (Karnette-D) Transportation agencies: purchase contracts: competitive
Expands the authority of transit agencies, as defined, to use competitive negotiation for specified equipment, including ferries, to be used in transit operations.
Chapter 101, Statutes of 1999
SB 625 (Perata-D) Airports
Expands the authorization in existing law that allows a city or county that operates an airport to require a rental car company to collect a fee on behalf of the airport for specified purposes to include cities, counties, joint powers authorities, and special districts that operate airports. Specifies that the fee is a user fee and includes within the authorization a fee collected for the use of a consolidated on-airport rental car facility.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
SB 681 (Speier-D) Vehicles: property damage only accidents: clearing highway
Amends the traffic laws by providing that a person involved in a property damage only motor vehicle accident may drive off the main lanes of the highway to a safe location within the immediate vicinity of the accident unless that action would create a traffic hazard or cause injury to, or aggravate the injury of, any person. Provides that moving the vehicle in accordance with this provision would not affect the question of fault.
Provides that a government agency, the State Department of the California Highway Patrol, or the employees or officers of those agencies, may not be held liable for any damage to material, cargo, or personal property caused by a negligent act or omission of the employee or officer when the employee or officer acts to remove material, cargo, or personal property which have fallen onto the highway.
Chapter 421, Statutes of 1999
SB 771 (Speier-D) Organ and tissue donor registry
Enacts the Organ and Tissue Donor Registry Act of 2000 to register potential organ and tissue donors and requires a standardized form, as specified, for enrolling potential donors.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 806 (Monteith-R) Diesel fuel: warning
Exempts from the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act's warning requirements, an exposure for which a federal law preempts the state's authority to require a warning in the manner otherwise required by the act.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 827 (Sher-D) Recycled materials
Clarifies that the State Procurement Officer shall make contracts available for items that utilize recycled materials in pavement material unless the Director of the State Department of Transportation determines that uses of the recycled materials is not cost effective. Stipulates that "durability" and "maintenance cost" shall be factors in determining the cost effectiveness of using recycled materials in road pavement.
Chapter 816, Statutes of 1999
SB 852 (Polanco-D) Removal of unlawfully parked vehicles: New Motor Vehicles
Prohibits a private property owner from removing a vehicle parked on the property without first placing a notice on the vehicle notifying the vehicle owner that the vehicle will be removed according to a specified timeframe.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 863 (Peace-D) Rental vehicles
Prohibits a rental company from renting a passenger vehicle to any person unless that person provides evidence of financial responsibility applicable to the vehicle to be rented, or that person purchases a financial responsibility policy from the rental company or any authorized agent at the time of rental, as specified.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 886 (McPherson-R) Passenger rail service: Monterey County
Authorizes a specified contract regarding the San Francisco-San Jose-Monterey passenger rail corridor.
Chapter 103, Statutes of 1999
SB 891 (Costa-D) Truck driver training grants
Authorizes any person owning or operating a school, or giving instruction for the driving of motortrucks, as specified, to apply to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education in the State Department of Consumer Affairs (council) for a grant, if he or she demonstrates to the satisfaction of the council that the purpose for which the grant is sought is to pay a portion of the costs charged to a student for a six-week truck driver training course that uses a curriculum that meets the standards set forth in the Skill Standards for Entry-Level Truck Drivers, published by the Professional Truck Driver Institute of America, Inc., dated October 1997. Provides that the person owning or operating the school or giving instruction may apply for not more than 50% of the costs of providing the course to the student.
(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 946 (Vasconcellos-D) Driver education programs: pilot project
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to conduct a pilot project to study the effectiveness of certain driver education programs.
Chapter 206, Statutes of 1999
SB 969 (Polanco-D) Vehicle fees
Specifies that if the State Department of Motor Vehicles determines that the apportionment of taxes on the basis of vehicles' miles for a particular fleet of vehicles is unreasonable, rather than impractical, the department may require the taxes on the fleet to be apportioned on an equivalent basis other than miles, as determined by the department.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 974 (Speier-D) Vehicle auctions
Applies certain requirements and prohibitions to a licensed vehicle dealer when conducting an auction of vehicles to the public.
Chapter 672, Statutes of 1999
SB 1036 (Hughes-D) Traffic violator schools: curriculum
Requires the adoption of a standardized curriculum for traffic violator schools.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1060 (Bowen-D) Airports
States the intent of the Legislature to consider the feasibility of creating a mechanism to examine airport expansion and siting on a regional basis, including the consideration of market, economic, noise, transportation and environmental factors.
(Held at Assembly Desk)
SB 1084 (Mountjoy-R) Airport land use commissions
Revises the process and requirements for adopting local airport expansion plans.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SB 1092 (O'Connell-D) Conditional sales contracts: motor vehicles
Clarifies the "total cash price" and "downpayment" disclosure requirements in a conditional sale contract for a motor vehicle when trade-ins are involved in the sale. Repeals obsolete provisions of law relating to smog check exemption and donation provisions that have been repealed.
Chapter 212, Statutes of 1999
SB 1101 (Murray-D) Transportation zones: labor agreements
Requires a transportation zone or similar organizational sub-unit of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), established on or after January 1, 1999, to assume the duties, obligations, and liabilities arising from any existing collective bargaining agreements or labor obligations of the MTA. Prohibits the MTA from considering certain criteria when evaluating the cost-effectiveness or potential efficiencies arising from the establishment of a new transportation zone.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1131* (Burton-D) Motor vehicle fuel industry practices: prices: mergers
Appropriates $1 million from the General Fund to the State Department of Justice for the purpose of investigating motor vehicle fuel industry practices relevant to: (1) the production, distribution, and pricing of gasoline and diesel fuel; and (2) reviewing pending mergers between major oil companies.
Chapter 956, Statutes of 1999 - Item Veto deleting the $1 million appropriation
SB 1197 (Morrow-R) Motorcycles: helmets
Repeals the requirement that motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, or motorized cycle drivers and passengers wear a safety helmet when riding these vehicles.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 1206 (Perata-D) Bicycle registration
Enacts the California Bicycle Recovery Act to establish a statewide system of bicycle registration and bicycle data collection.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1228 (Vasconcellos-D) Additional fees: car rentals: San Jose Airport
Requires car rental companies at the San Jose International Airport to act as agents for the city in collecting a city imposed Capital Facilities Fee from their rental car customers, up to $10.15 per transaction as determined by the City of San Jose, separate from their base rate for the purpose of financing, designing, and constructing: (1) a new consolidated rental car facility, and (2) an airport mandated common use transportation system for moving passengers between the terminals and the rental car garage at the airport.
Permits car rental companies to collect a distinct and additional surcharge fee of up to $5 from their airport customers for an airport-mandated common use busing system that would be used until such time as the common use transportation system is operating. The fees are not concurrent with each other.
Chapter 760, Statutes of 1999
SB 1276* (Hayden-D) Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Prohibits the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) from expending funds from a specified source for any purpose other than implementing the consent decree related to bus purchases and service until the authority has identified a guaranteed and sufficient funding source to meet the mandates of the consent decree, with specified exceptions. Requires the MTA to seek an independent fiscal analysis of options to purchase buses and hire drivers and requires the State Auditor to conduct a fiscal analysis to develop such options.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 1286 (Mountjoy-R) Airports: funding: repayment
Requires Caltrans, when determining if a local agency must repay state assistance funds for a local airport that has been closed for more than a year, to consider the following factors:
- Whether the airport is approved for night operations, is used for law enforcement purposes, has an approved instrument approach procedure, is used for emergency medical transportation, has been designated a significant role by any aviation or transportation planning agency, a suitable, public-use airport is located nearby, and whether a negative effect on other airports will result from closure of the airport.
- How many aircraft are based at the airport, what services the airport provides to the community, and the size of that community.
Chapter 105, Statutes of 1999
AB 15 (Gallegos-D) Schoolbuses: passenger restraint systems
Requires, unless specifically prohibited by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, passenger restraint systems in all newly manufactured school buses that are purchased or leased for use in California on or after January 1, 2002.
Chapter 648, Statutes of 1999
AB 28 (Olberg-R) Pickup trucks: commercial registration fees: exemption
Exempts a pickup truck weighing 5,000 pounds or less from payment of commercial vehicle weight fees if the truck is used primarily for noncommercial purposes.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 128* (Granlund-R) Schoolbus, youth bus, paratransit driver certificates
Allows any public law enforcement agency, school district, or county office of education to fingerprint applicants for an original certificate to operate a schoolbus, school pupil activity bus, youth bus, or general public paratransit vehicle.
Chapter 229, Statutes of 1999
AB 134 (Thomson-D) Transportation: bicycles
Authorizes the use of special traffic control signals for bicycles, and allows an increase in bicycle license fees.
Chapter 277, Statutes of 1999
AB 159 (Floyd-D) Vehicles: dealers: licenses
Clarifies that motorcycle and trailer dealers are exempt from certain required educational requirements, and provides that a vehicle dealer can recoup up to $50 for the cost of emission testing for an advertised vehicle.
Chapter 230, Statutes of 1999
AB 194 (Longville-D) Vehicles: offenses: court clerk: forwarding records
Requires that the State Department of Motor Vehicles be notified about violations issued to a driver for having an open container of alcohol in the car.
Chapter 723, Statutes of 1999
AB 225 (Oller-R) State Department of Motor Vehicles: services
Requires every State Department of Motor Vehicles office that provides vessel or vehicle related services to assign an employee to assist each person standing in a line by determining whether the services sought by that person can be accomplished in that line and whether the person has in his or her possession the necessary documents to complete the transaction.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 289 (Leonard-R) Vehicle registration
Permits a vehicle owner to remove the vehicle registration card when the vehicle is left unattended.
Chapter 106, Statutes of 1999
AB 298 (Battin-R) State Department of Motor Vehicle records
Provides that district attorneys' staff, and the spouse and children of those persons be included among those persons whose State Department of Motor Vehicle records are subject to existing confidentiality laws.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 342 (Cox-R) Automobile dismantlers: definition
Recasts the exemption from dismantler licensing requirements for persons engaged in agricultural, farming, mining, ranching, or motor vehicle repair businesses.
Chapter 316, Statutes of 1999
AB 388* (Steinberg-D) California Transportation Career Program
Establishes the California Transportation Career Program to train unemployed individuals in transportation careers.
(On Assembly Appropriations Suspense File)
AB 467 (Torlakson-D) Traffic violator school operator: requirements
Permits a commercial vehicle training and education facility to serve as a traffic violator school.
Chapter 282, Statutes of 1999
AB 477* (Longville-D) Motor vehicle fuel taxes
Changes the excise tax on gasoline from the current 18 cents per gallon to an unspecified percentage based on the wholesale price per gallon.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 512 (Maddox-R) State Department of Motor Vehicles: access to records
Allows and establishes procedures for licensed investigators, licensed process servers, and persons exempt from registering as a process server to have access to confidential State Department of Motor Vehicles residence address records, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 555* (Reyes-D) Farm labor vehicles: reporting and penalties
Requires the Labor Commissioner to provide the California Highway Patrol with a list of all registered farm labor vehicles on a quarterly basis, extends the inspection liability for farm labor vehicles to vehicle owners and farm labor contractors and increases fines for violations of inspection requirements for farm labor vehicles.
Requires the California Highway Patrol in cooperation with local farm bureaus to educate farmers and farm labor contractors regarding certification requirements.
Provides that the willful violation of the provisions relative to the operation of a vehicle that is operated as a farm labor vehicle shall be a misdemeanor.
Chapter 556, Statutes of 1999
AB 576 (Honda-D) Vehicles: trucks: length
Enhances the authority of Caltrans to prohibit, from segments of state highways, longer vehicles the department believes would pose a hazard to public safety.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 581 (Firebaugh-D) Transportation congestion study: Long Beach Corridor
Authorizes the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority to conduct a major capital improvement study to evaluate traffic congestion on the Route 710 corridor and consider solutions for mitigating the congestion.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 670 (Papan-D) Transit district property
Authorizes the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District, the Santa Clara County Transit District and the San Mateo County Transit District to acquire and receive property both within and outside the district, necessary to the full or convenient exercise of the district's power, as specified.
Extends the authority granted under this bill to any joint powers agency for which the San Mateo County Transit District serves as the managing agency.
Chapter 624, Statutes of 1999
AB 681 (Calderon-D) Traffic violator schools
Makes changes regarding the licensure, oversight, training of instructors, and the operation of traffic violator schools.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 705 (Aroner-D) Transport escort services: registration
Imposes certain requirements on a "transport escort service" engaged in the business of transporting youth privately to a residential facility or institution located outside this state, including registration in the State Department of Social Services' Trustline Registry for child care providers. Creates a civil action for injunctive relief and/or damages against the transport service agency by an aggrieved minor, parent or legal guardian, and makes violation of the registration requirement a misdemeanor.
Chapter 772, Statutes of 1999
AB 713 (Firebaugh-D) Motor vehicle lease contracts: Spanish translation
Requires, as of January 1, 2001, any prospective assignee (i.e., a bank or other lending institution) that provides a lessor under a lease contract with any preprinted form for use as a lease contract to, upon the request of a lessor, provide the lessor with a Spanish language translation of the preprinted form.
Chapter 235, Statutes of 1999
AB 769 (Margett-R) Vehicles: transporting
Requires any vehicle towed by a tow truck to be coupled to the tow truck by means of not less than two safety chains that are in addition to the primary restraining system. Requires the safety chains to be securely affixed to the truck frame, bed, or towing equipment, independently of the primary restraining system.
Requires any vehicle transported on a slide back carrier or conventional trailer to be secured by not less than four tie-down chains, straps, or other equivalent devices, independently of the winch or loading cable.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 865 (Honda-D) CA Highway Patrol: Dept. of Personnel Administration
Authorizes the State Department of Personnel Administration to consider the compensation of communications operators in comparable positions within the police departments in the Cities of Los Angeles, Oakland, San Diego, San Jose and the City and County of San Francisco when determining the compensation for communications operators within the California Highway Patrol.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 904 (Alquist-D) Santa Clara County Transit District: contracting
Authorizes the Santa Clara County Transit District to award a design-and-build contract for a project for a district transit station, bus or rail maintenance facility, park-and-ride lot or administrative building according to specified terms and conditions.
Chapter 109, Statutes of 1999
AB 923 (Hertzberg-D) Railroad crossings: penalty
Fixes, in counties with a population greater than 500,000, the base fine for Vehicle Code violations related to railroad crossings at $100, and up to $200 for a second violation within a year.
Chapter 841, Statutes of 1999
AB 957 (Scott-D) Vehicles: motor carriers of property
Authorizes the suspension of a motor carrier for the failure to pay required fees under the Biennial Inspection of Terminals Program.
Chapter 1006, Statutes of 1999
AB 963 (Gallegos-D) Automotive products: coolants and antifreeze
Adds a condition that must be met before the State Department of Food and Agriculture may grant a variance from normal chloride specifications for recycled motor vehicle engine coolants, antifreeze, prediluted engine coolants and prediluted antifreeze. Extends the sunset date for standards used by the State Department of Food and Agriculture for recycled engine coolants and antifreeze from January 1, 2000 to January 1, 2003.
Chapter 494, Statutes of 1999
AB 975 (Ducheny-D) Vehicles: motorcycle safety
Provides additional funding for the California Motorcyclist Safety Program and extends the authority for the program indefinitely. Requires the California Highway Patrol to submit a report to the Senate and Assembly Transportation Committees as well as the Joint Legislative Budget Committee relative to the Motorcycle Safety Program, as specified.
Chapter 610, Statutes of 1999
AB 1058* (Olberg-R) Motor vehicle fuel requirements: airport ground vehicles
Requires a court and the Air Resources Board, if imposing authorized penalties on airport ground vehicle operators or fuel suppliers for using prohibited fuels, to consider certain mitigating factors, and grants authority to reduce the penalties on such operators.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1069 (Papan-D) Retail fleet auctioneers
Defines a retail vehicle fleet auctioneer, makes an auctioneer subject to specified vehicle dealer licensing requirements, and establishes a regulatory structure for such auctioneers governing the consignment and auction sale of motor vehicles to the public.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1078 (Papan-D) State Department of Motor Vehicles: access to records
Allows the agent of a lienholder to have access to confidential resident address information held by the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) if they swear under penalty of perjury that the information will only be used for the purpose of conducting a lien sale, and the lienholder or its agents maintain proof, as required by the DMV, that demonstrate compliance with these provisions.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1133 (Thompson-R) Vehicle forfeiture
Expands the definition of "ownership of a vehicle" in forfeiture proceedings for a person arrested for driving without a valid license. Enables a peace officer to immediately impound a vehicle and initiate forfeiture proceedings against the person arrested for driving under the influence.
(Failed passage in Assembly Public Safety Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1151 (Leach-R) Vessels
Provides for a minimum fine for leaving the scene of a boating accident without leaving identifying information.
Chapter 500, Statutes of 1999
AB 1156 (Gallegos-D) The Adrian Millan Motorcycle Safety Act
Enacts the Adrian Millan Motorcycle Safety Act. Requires the purchaser or lessee to sign a form releasing the dealer from liability, as specified
(Failed passage on Senate Floor; reconsideration granted. On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1165* (Florez-D) Farm labor vehicles
Requires all farm labor vehicles to have certified safety restraints for the driver and all passengers and to be inspected and certified by the California Highway Patrol.
Chapter 557, Statutes of 1999
Similar legislation is AB 602 (Florez) which is in Senate Transportation Committee.
AB 1191 (Shelley-D) Stop signs: increased fines
Authorizes a local authority to enact an ordinance increasing to $100 the base fine for failing to stop at a stop sign.
(Failed passage in Senate Public Safety Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1206 (Wesson-D) Roadway construction contractors: licensure
Requires persons who prepare and remove roadway construction zones, lane closures, and traffic diversions to hold an appropriate specialty license.
Chapter 708, Statutes of 1999
AB 1218 (Keeley-D) Vehicles yielding right-of-way for transit buses
Requires a motorist to yield the right-of-way to a transit bus if it is merging with traffic and certain conditions are present. Provides that the bill is to be applicable to the Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District, Orange County Transportation Authority, Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District, and the Santa Clara County Transit District.
Chapter 482, Statutes of 1999
AB 1276 (Wildman-D) Vehicles: parking: disabled persons
Increases the fines that may be imposed upon persons who are convicted of violations relating to the fraudulent use of a disabled person placard.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 1287 (Davis-D) Boating safety
Mandates flotation devices for all children under age 11 and all personal watercraft users. Requires the development of a model boating education course, and mandatory testing and certification of pilots on a graduated basis. Requires anyone convicted of a boating offense to complete the education course.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1352 (Longville-D) California Trucking Commission
Creates the California Trucking Commission with prescribed membership and prescribes the powers, duties, and responsibilities of the commission in carrying out the provisions of the bill.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1485 (Granlund-R) Schoolbus certificates
Clarifies the provisions regarding the denial and revocation of schoolbus driver certificates or paratransit driver certificates and makes the reasons for denying and revoking the same. Provides for one background check of schoolbus drivers by providing that the State Department of Motor Vehicles requirements include a prohibition on a conviction of a serious or violent felony as required by the Education Code. Provides that these provisions do not apply to an applicant who, on December 31, 1999, holds a certificate to drive a schoolbus.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1489 (Maldonado-R) Length of vehicles: extensions
Authorizes an 18-inch extension on the front of the first trailer as part of a combination of trailers, which is used to transport various loads.
Chapter 181, Statutes of 1999
AB 1567 (Granlund-R) Law enforcement: transit corporations
Authorizes warrantless arrest powers to contract security officers of a transit corporation.
(Failed passage in Assembly Public Safety Committee)
AB 1573* (Strom-Martin-D) Schoolbuses
Creates specified exemptions to the requirement that a schoolbus display a flashing red signal light when stopped to load and unload students. Requires the California Highway Patrol to study the safety signals and systems on school buses and report this finding to the Legislature. Double-joined with AB 15 (Gallegos). (See this section.)
Chapter 647, Statutes of 1999
AB 1650 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Transportation omnibus bill
Enacts the Assembly Transportation Committee's annual omnibus bill of noncontroversial and technical provisions.
Chapter 724, Statutes of 1999
ACR 30 (Gallegos-D) Child Passenger Safety Week
Declares the week of April 26 to May 2, 1999, Child Passenger Safety Week.
Resolution Chapter 20, Statutes of 1999
ACR 77 (Granlund-R) Truck Driver Appreciation Week
Declares the week of August 21 to August 28, 1999, Truck Driver Appreciation Week.
Resolution Chapter 89, Statutes of 1999
AJR 3 (Wesson-D) Airline overbooking
Memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to enact legislation to prohibit airlines from overbooking flights.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
HR 16 (Hertzberg-D) Airbags
Recognizes the threat caused by vehicle airbag theft and encourages the regulation of serial numbers on vehicle airbags. Urges the Congress of the United States to take any and all action necessary to list airbags as a "major auto part," thereby allowing the vehicle identification number to be placed on the airbag, and also allowing airbags to be entered into a national database such as the National Incident Based Reporting System whenever an airbag is stolen, making the job of tracking by law enforcement officials easier.
Adopted by the Assembly
Note: See Automobile Insurance subsection in Insurance Section and Drunk Driving/Vehicle Code in Criminal Justice and Judiciary Section.
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 10 | Rainey-R Storm repair: local streets and highways | |
SB 24* | Senate Public Safety Committee Senate Public Safety Committee | |
SB 30* | Peace-D Vehicle license fees | |
SB 63 | Solis-D Preferential vehicle lanes: occupancy level: Route 10 | |
SB 65* | Murray-D Public transit: CalWORKs recipients | |
SB 98* | Alarcon-D Vehicles: fees: air pollution | |
SB 117 | Murray-D Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Fund | |
SB 135 | Kelley-R Highways: signs: state park unit | |
SB 138* | O'Connell-D State Highway Patrol: memorandum of understanding | |
SB 155* | Knight-R Safety enhancement: double fine zones | |
SB 170 | Rainey-R Trespassing on toll bridges | |
SB 186 | Costa-D Operation of low-speed vehicles | |
SB 192 | Perata-D Gasoline | |
SB 193 | Baca-D Breast cancer treatment license plates | |
SB 194 | Rainey-R Local transportation funds | |
SB 201* | Mountjoy-R Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether | |
SB 212 | Costa-D Motor vehicle inspection and maintenance | |
SB 230 | Johannessen-R Smog impact fees: repeal | |
SB 246 | Solis-D California Firefighters' Memorial Fund: extension | |
SB 252 | Kelley-R Highway tolls: transit services: demonstration program | |
SB 272* | Leslie-R Pollution: methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) | |
SB 278 | Karnette-D Driving privilege: minors | |
SB 285 | Mountjoy-R Gross polluters | |
SB 296 | Mountjoy-R Smog Check Program | |
SB 315 | Burton-D Transportation infrastructure bonds | |
SB 335 | Hayden-D Driver's license: age: fees | |
SB 364* | Perata-D State-Local Transportation Partnership Program | |
SB 371 | Solis-D Issuance of driver's licenses and identification cards | |
SB 372 | Murray-D Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority | |
SB 378 | Kelley-R Collateral recovery: repossessions: vehicles | |
SB 428 | Perata-D San Francisco Bay Area Water Transit Authority | |
SB 441 | Chesbro-D Motorized scooters | |
SB 448* | Ortiz-D Diesel fuel | |
SB 455 | Alarcon-D High-speed rail service | |
SB 486 | Rainey-R Abandoned vehicles: removal | |
SB 503 | Knight-R Vehicles: drivers' licenses: minors | |
SB 529 | Bowen-D Motor vehicle fuel | |
SB 532 | Senate Transportation Committee Miscellaneous transportation matters | |
SB 533 | Senate Transportation Committee Omnibus transportation clean-up | |
SB 557* | Peace-D Highways: relinquishment: State Highway Routes 54 and 144 | |
SB 565 | Costa-D State Department of Transportation: study | |
SB 567 | Speier-D Child passenger restraint systems | |
SB 581 | Knight-R Department of Motor Vehicles: Tehachapi Office | |
SB 594 | Morrow-R Vehicle registration: military spouse exemption | |
SB 601 | Karnette-D Transportation agencies: purchase contracts: competitive | |
SB 614 | Morrow-R Financing of local roads | |
SB 625 | Perata-D Airports | |
SB 632 | Perata-D San Francisco Bay Area Water Transit | |
SB 664 | Alpert-D San Diego ferry service: San Diego-Coronado Bridge | |
SB 677* | Polanco-D Tax levy: Metropolitan Transit Authority | |
SB 681 | Speier-D Vehicles: property damage only accidents: clearing highway | |
SB 684 | Brulte-R Highways exit numbering systems | |
SB 688* | Burton-D Vehicle license fees: internationally owned vehicles | |
SB 698 | Peace-D Reflectorized license plates | |
SB 771 | Speier-D Organ and tissue donor registry | |
SB 790 | Monteith-R Off-highway Motor Vehicle Trust Fund | |
SB 798 | Burton-D State Highway 101: relinquishment | |
SB 803 | Karnette-D State Highway Routes 19 and 160: relinquishment | |
SB 804 | Perata-D Rail feeder bus service | |
SB 806 | Monteith-R Diesel fuel: warning | |
SB 827 | Sher-D Recycled materials | |
SB 851 | Hayden-D Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority | |
SB 852 | Polanco-D Removal of unlawfully parked vehicles: New Motor Vehicles | |
SB 862 | Mountjoy-R Special interest license plates: Boy Scouts of America | |
SB 863 | Peace-D Rental vehicles | |
SB 864 | Alpert-D Reduced speed limits | |
SB 886 | McPherson-R Passenger rail service: Monterey County | |
SB 891 | Costa-D Truck driver training grants | |
SB 906 | Murray-D Heavy-duty diesel motor vehicles: air pollution | |
SB 928 | Burton-D Transportation financing: grant anticipation revenue notes | |
SB 946 | Vasconcellos-D Driver education programs: pilot project | |
SB 969 | Polanco-D Vehicle fees | |
SB 974 | Speier-D Vehicle auctions | |
SB 989 | Sher-D Methyl tertiary butyl ether | |
SB 1001 | Burton-D Methyl tertiary butyl ether | |
SB 1036 | Hughes-D Traffic violator schools: curriculum | |
SB 1043 | Murray-D Transportation: High-Speed Rail Authority | |
SB 1056 | Johannessen-R Emission reduction devices | |
SB 1058 | Johannessen-R Vehicle inspection and maintenance | |
SB 1060 | Bowen-D Airports | |
SB 1080 | Karnette-D California Competes Task Force | |
SB 1084 | Mountjoy-R Airport land use commissions | |
SB 1092 | O'Connell-D Conditional sales contracts: motor vehicles | |
SB 1101 | Murray-D Transportation zones: labor agreements | |
SB 1102 | Murray-D Motor vehicle exhaust | |
SB 1112 | Knight-R Driver's license test: driving schools | |
SB 1131* | Burton-D Motor vehicle fuel industry practices: prices: mergers | |
SB 1146 | Burton-D Motor vehicles: pollution control devices | |
SB 1166 | Bowen-D Highways: rights-of-way | |
SB 1175 | Polanco-D Motor vehicle maintenance and inspection | |
SB 1197 | Morrow-R Motorcycles: helmets | |
SB 1206 | Perata-D Bicycle registration | |
SB 1228 | Vasconcellos-D Additional fees: car rentals: San Jose Airport | |
SB 1243 | Murray-D Exposition Boulevard Fixed Guideway Construction Authority | |
SB 1276* | Hayden-D Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority | |
SB 1286 | Mountjoy-R Airports: funding: repayment | |
SB 1288 | Murray-D Motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program | |
SB 1301 | Kelley-R Smog check: remote sensing equipment | |
SCA 3 | Burton-D Transportation funding: sales and use tax | |
SCR 16 | Perata-D Stephen Lindheim Overcrossing | |
SCR 17 | Schiff-D The Gene Autry Memorial Interchange | |
SCR 25 | Morrow-R Gunnery Sergeant John Basilone Memorial Freeway | |
SCR 34 | Peace-D Donna De Neal Bridge | |
SCR 36 | Speier-D CHP Officer Hugo Olazar Memorial Highway | |
SCR 38 | Johnston-D Rick Charles Cromwell Memorial Freeway | |
SR 8 | Burton-D Transportation system of California | |
SR 20 | Mountjoy-R Methyl tertiary butyl ether | |
AB 15 | Gallegos-D Schoolbuses: passenger restraint systems | |
AB 23 | Lowenthal-D State Route 710: transfer to the State | |
AB 28 | Olberg-R Pickup trucks: commercial registration fees: exemption | |
AB 44 | McClintock-R Highways: preferential-use lanes. | |
AB 46 | Florez-D State Highway Route 46 | |
AB 57 | Cardoza-D Transported pollutants | |
AB 71 | Cunneen-R High-occupancy vehicle lanes: low-emission vehicles | |
AB 72 | Florez-D State Highway Route 46: emergency improvements | |
AB 73 | Hertzberg-D Roadside rest areas | |
AB 74 | Strom-Martin-D State Rail Plan | |
AB 102 | Wildman-D Retrofit soundwall projects: priority funding | |
AB 128* | Granlund-R Schoolbus, youth bus, paratransit driver certificates | |
AB 129* | Oller-R Gasoline: methyl tertiary butyl ether | |
AB 134 | Thomson-D Transportation: bicycles | |
AB 158 | Oller-R Motor vehicles: smog check program | |
AB 159 | Floyd-D Vehicles: dealers: licenses | |
AB 168 | Ackerman-R Transportation funding: Orange County | |
AB 170 | Firebaugh-D Outdoor advertising | |
AB 183 | Washington-D Registration fees | |
AB 194 | Longville-D Vehicles: offenses: court clerk: forwarding records | |
AB 225 | Oller-R State Department of Motor Vehicles: services | |
AB 283* | Longville-D Acquisition of property by eminent domain for highways | |
AB 289 | Leonard-R Vehicle registration | |
AB 298 | Battin-R State Department of Motor Vehicle records | |
AB 308 | Longville-D Transit capital rehabilitation and improvement needs | |
AB 327 | Gallegos-D License plates: lien sales | |
AB 342 | Cox-R Automobile dismantlers: definition | |
AB 357 | Calderon-D Grade separation projects | |
AB 386* | Scott-D Double-fine zone: State Route 2 | |
AB 388* | Steinberg-D California Transportation Career Program | |
AB 396 | Havice-D Outdoor advertising displays: exemptions | |
AB 402 | Romero-D Vehicles: driver's license violations: pilot program | |
AB 405* | Knox-D Transportation projects: design-sequencing program | |
AB 467 | Torlakson-D Traffic violator school operator: requirements | |
AB 477* | Longville-D Motor vehicle fuel taxes | |
AB 512 | Maddox-R State Department of Motor Vehicles: access to records | |
AB 521 | McClintock-R Highways: fuel revenue allocations | |
AB 555* | Reyes-D Farm labor vehicles: reporting and penalties | |
AB 567 | Baugh-R Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program | |
AB 576 | Honda-D Vehicles: trucks: length | |
AB 581 | Firebaugh-D Transportation congestion study: Long Beach Corridor | |
AB 585 | Floyd-D Driver's license: renewal: mail | |
AB 597 | Longville-D Highways: design | |
AB 624 | Olberg-R Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Inspection Program | |
AB 640 | Bates-R Special license plates: Purple Heart: Pearl Harbor | |
AB 670 | Papan-D Transit district property | |
AB 681 | Calderon-D Traffic violator schools | |
AB 692 | Thompson-R California Sesquicentennial Foundation | |
AB 700 | Thomson-D Special plates: Girl Scouts of America | |
AB 705 | Aroner-D Transport escort services: registration | |
AB 713 | Firebaugh-D Motor vehicle lease contracts: Spanish translation | |
AB 769 | Margett-R Vehicles: transporting | |
AB 771 | Briggs-R Sale of driver's license photography | |
AB 779 | Torlakson-D Infrastructure development | |
AB 787 | Dickerson-R Commercial vehicles: driver's license endorsements | |
AB 803 | Torlakson-D Driving under the influence | |
AB 809 | Strom-Martin-D Fund: Coastal Access Account | |
AB 865 | Honda-D CA Highway Patrol: Dept. of Personnel Administration | |
AB 872 | Alquist-D Local transportation funds: allocation and transfer | |
AB 904 | Alquist-D Santa Clara County Transit District: contracting | |
AB 923 | Hertzberg-D Railroad crossings: penalty | |
AB 937 | Reyes-D Transportation: projects: task force | |
AB 957 | Scott-D Vehicles: motor carriers of property | |
AB 962 | Brewer-R Drivers' licenses: minors: instruction | |
AB 963 | Gallegos-D Automotive products: coolants and antifreeze | |
AB 975 | Ducheny-D Vehicles: motorcycle safety | |
AB 1012* | Torlakson-D Transportation funds: acceleration of project delivery | |
AB 1018 | Cox-R Call boxes on freeways | |
AB 1041 | Strickland-R Special plates: Ronald Reagan | |
AB 1058* | Olberg-R Motor vehicle fuel requirements: airport ground vehicles | |
AB 1069 | Papan-D Retail fleet auctioneers | |
AB 1078 | Papan-D State Department of Motor Vehicles: access to records | |
AB 1093 | Strom-Martin-D Combination of vehicles: highway access limits: exception | |
AB 1105* | Jackson-D State administration: Budget Trailer Bill | |
AB 1121* | Nakano-D Vehicle license fee: offset | |
AB 1129 | Ackerman-R Special plates: Rotary | |
AB 1133 | Thompson-R Vehicle forfeiture | |
AB 1151 | Leach-R Vessels | |
AB 1155 | Torlakson-D Transportation tax: expenditure plan | |
AB 1156 | Gallegos-D The Adrian Millan Motorcycle Safety Act | |
AB 1165* | Florez-D Farm labor vehicles | |
AB 1166 | Frusetta-R Highways: safety enhancement-double-fine zones | |
AB 1175 | Frusetta-R Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program | |
AB 1191 | Shelley-D Stop signs: increased fines | |
AB 1206 | Wesson-D Roadway construction contractors: licensure | |
AB 1218 | Keeley-D Vehicles yielding right-of-way for transit buses | |
AB 1237 | Baugh-R Joint powers authority: toll roads | |
AB 1276 | Wildman-D Vehicles: parking: disabled persons | |
AB 1287 | Davis-D Boating safety | |
AB 1311 | Romero-D Driver's license violations program | |
AB 1318 | Bates-R Federal-aid highway funds: nonfederal share | |
AB 1344 | Keeley-D Highways: Route 1: Hatton Canyon Project | |
AB 1352 | Longville-D California Trucking Commission | |
AB 1383* | Thompson-R Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Project | |
AB 1413 | Shelley-D Outdoor advertising: street furniture | |
AB 1425 | Runner-R Transportation funding | |
AB 1457 | Campbell-R License Fee exemption: Pearl Harbor Veterans | |
AB 1463 | Cedillo-D Social security number: drivers' licenses | |
AB 1474 | Cardoza-D License fees and taxes: highway access limits: exemption | |
AB 1475 | Soto-D Highways: Safe Routes to School Construction Program | |
AB 1485 | Granlund-R Schoolbus certificates | |
AB 1489 | Maldonado-R Length of vehicles: extensions | |
AB 1515 | Margett-R Motorcycle plates: veterans | |
AB 1523 | Brewer-R Highways: San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge: modifications | |
AB 1527* | Briggs-R Vehicle license fees: veterans exemptions | |
AB 1567 | Granlund-R Law enforcement: transit corporations | |
AB 1571* | Villaraigosa-D Carl Moyer Memorial Air Standards Attainment Program | |
AB 1573* | Strom-Martin-D Schoolbuses | |
AB 1583 | Baldwin-R Special plates: veterans: fund | |
AB 1612 | Florez-D Local streets: storm damage repair | |
AB 1647 | Torlakson-D High occupancy vehicle lanes | |
AB 1650 | Assembly Transportation Committee Transportation omnibus bill | |
AB 1660 | Shelley-D Budget Act Trailer Bill | |
ACA 1 | McClintock-R Vehicle license fees | |
ACA 24 | Baugh-R Transportation funding | |
ACR 5 | Mazzoni-D Marin County Veterans Memorial Freeway | |
ACR 30 | Gallegos-D Child Passenger Safety Week | |
ACR 48 | Battin-R Reformulated gasoline prices | |
ACR 53 | Zettel-R CHP Officer Christopher D. Lydon Memorial Freeway | |
ACR 67 | Wildman-D Charles A. Lazzaretto Memorial Freeway | |
ACR 68 | Oller-R Officer Bill C. Bean, Jr., Memorial Highway | |
ACR 77 | Granlund-R Truck Driver Appreciation Week | |
ACR 82 | Aroner-D Officer James Williams Memorial Overpass | |
ACR 83 | Lempert-D Civilian Women Volunteers All Wars Memorial Freeway | |
ACR 84 | Reyes-D Officer James Rapozo Memorial Freeway | |
ACR 90 | Ducheny-D Archie Moore Memorial Freeway | |
AJR 3 | Wesson-D Airline overbooking | |
AJR 6 | Briggs-R Transportation: federal funds | |
AJR 34 | Wesson-D Diesel fuel standards | |
HR 16 | Hertzberg-D Airbags |