Finance and Development
Finance and Development
SB 213 (Perata-D) Local planning
Requires the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) to evaluate if local governments in the San Francisco Bay Area are implementing their fair share of housing starts and are participating in regional congestion reduction plans. MTC and ABAG will report to the Legislature by January 1, 2003.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 332* (Sher-D) Building standards: straw-bale structures
Revises the building standards guidelines that apply to the construction of structures that use baled straw as a load bearing or nonload bearing material.
Chapter 31, Statutes of 2002
SB 369* (Dunn-D) Multifamily rental and affordable housing: financing
Reenacts provisions of law that sunset on January 1, 2002, authorizing cities and counties to issue revenue bonds to provide financing for multifamily rental housing and related capital improvements.
Chapter 12, Statutes of 2002
SB 372 (Dunn-D) Preservation Interim Loan Programs
Establishes the Preservation Opportunity Program and the Interim Repositioning Program and requires the State Department of Housing and Community Development to contract with the State Housing Finance Agency to make loans to preserve assisted housing developments.
Chapter 721, Statutes of 2002
SB 444 (Perata-D) Disaster relief: owner-occupied dwellings
Amends the Natural Disaster Assistance Program in the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) by authorizing HCD to allow the loans to be assumed by a member of the household under specified conditions.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 717 (Speier-D) Seismic Safety Bond Act of 2002
Proposes a $600 million general obligation bond for voter approval in 2002 to fund (1) residential seismic retrofits, (2) grants to local government for retrofitting essential facilities, and (3) seismic retrofit research.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 972 (Costa-D) Public works: prevailing wages
Provides for exemptions from prevailing wage requirements for the construction or rehabilitation of privately-owned residential projects, as specified.
Chapter 1048, Statutes of 2002
SB 1227* (Burton-D) Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2002
Enacts the Housing Bond and Energy Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2002 which, if adopted by the voters at the November 5, 2002, General Election, allows the issuance of a $2.1 billion general obligation bond for state housing programs, as specified.
Chapter 26, Statutes of 2002
SB 1234* (Johannessen-R) Veterans' homes
Authorizes the State Public Works Board to issue lease-revenue bonds up to $62 million to finance the acquisition, design, construction, renovation, or expansion of veterans' homes at Yountville, Barstow, Chula Vista, Lancaster, Saticoy, and West Los Angeles, and in Fresno and Shasta counties.
Chapter 217, Statutes of 2002
SB 1309* (Johannessen-R) Veterans: farm and home purchases
Increases the reserves requirement that must be maintained by insurance companies that provide life or disability insurance for Cal-Vet Farm and Home Loan participants from 20 percent to 25 percent.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1495 (Torlakson-D) Balancing jobs and growth
Amends the Jobs-Housing Balance Incentive Grant Program, administered by the State Department of Housing and Community Development, to require specific local actions be taken into consideration when calculating increases in residential building permits.
Chapter 503, Statutes of 2002
SB 1509 (Dunn-D) Property tax revenue shifts: exemption: affordable housing
Reduces a city or county's Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund contribution by an amount equal to the city or county's share of the property tax lost due to new tax-exempt low-income housing.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1634 (Figueroa-D) Housing: jobs
Requires the distribution of regional housing needs to incorporate measures to improve the balance of employment and housing within each region's employment center, taking into account existing and projected employment instead of employment opportunities.
(Died in Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
SB 1654 (Burton-D) Governor's office: homelessness
Establishes the Office of Homelessness in the Governor's Office to coordinate the efficient use of existing state resources to improve the management and oversight of all state homeless programs.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1721 (Soto-D) Land use: farmworker housing
Clarifies that state law prohibiting local agencies from denying housing developments also applies to farmworker housing. Prohibits the use of design review to block farmworker housing and any other housing development project.
Chapter 147, Statutes of 2002
SB 1773* (Chesbro-D) Veterans' homes: renovation
Appropriates $15 million from the Veterans Home Fund to the State Department of Veterans Affairs for the renovation of the Veterans Home of California, Yountville.
Chapter 219, Statutes of 2002
SB 1821 (Dunn-D) Assisted housing
Clarifies that tax-credit financed units are subject to notice and sale requirements. Makes technical amendments to other unrelated statutes.
Chapter 1038, Statutes of 2002
SB 1893 (Johannessen-R) Veterans farm and home purchase program
Increases the loan limit for a single-family home and also reduces mortgage rates for qualifying veterans under the California Veterans Farm and Home Purchase Act (Cal-Vet).
Chapter 473, Statutes of 2002
SB 2010* (Alpert-D) Community renewal
Authorizes the State Tax Credit Allocation Committee to become the State's Commercial Revitalization Agency to administer the Federal Community Renewal Tax Relief Act of 2000.
Chapter 1086, Statutes of 2002
AB 244 (Strom-Martin-D) Comprehensive technical assistance: Native Americans
Requires the State Department of Housing and Community Development to provide comprehensive technical assistance to California Indian tribes and Native American groups, tribal housing authorities, housing sponsors and government agencies on reservations, rancherias, and on public domain, to facilitate the planning and orderly development of suitable housing for American Indians.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 602 (Cedillo-D) New Economics for Women
States that it is the intent of the Legislature to provide funding to a specific program serving the Belmont area of Los Angeles.
(Died in Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 628 (Oropeza-D) Senior housing
Appropriates $360,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Housing and Community Services for the purpose of creating a demonstration project in three counties to provide counseling and referral assistance to Section 8 qualified seniors to assist them in locating safe, affordable housing.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 747 (Chavez-D) Governor's Commission on Homeless Veterans
Establishes a Governor's Commission on Homeless Veterans consisting of 12 appointed and ex officio members to advise the Governor and the Legislature, on the welfare of homeless veterans in California.
(Died in Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 748 (Chavez-D) Cal-Vet program: financial audit
Requires the Bureau of State Audits to conduct an analysis of the effectiveness and fiscal status of the Cal-Vet program, including projections for future needs, revenues, and reserves to meet the financial obligations of the program.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1008 (Lowenthal-D) Housing assistance: property tax notices
Makes a number of statutory changes to realign existing code enforcement statutes with the requirements of the Housing Bond and authorizes the University of California to request specified property tax information from the State Controller for purposes of study.
Chapter 723, Statutes of 2002
AB 1170 (Firebaugh-D) Housing: downpayment assistance
Establishes the Building Equity and Growth in Neighborhoods program, which is a homebuyer downpayment assistance program, to be made available to communities that have removed barriers to affordable housing. Its provisions are predicated on the enactment of the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Act Fund of 2002 by the voters and contains the authority to use bond proceeds to implement the provisions of the bill.
Chapter 724, Statutes of 2002
AB 1284 (Lowenthal-D) Housing opportunity districts
Authorizes the establishment of six housing opportunity districts, subject to approval of the State Department of Housing and Community Development, and reallocates property tax revenues to fund projects in those districts.
(Died in Senate Appropriation Committee)
AB 1526 (Florez-D) Bond: farmworker housing and family wellness act
Enacts the Farmworker Housing and Family Wellness Bond Act of 2002, which authorizes the issuance of bonds in the amount of $250,000,000 and provides for the proceeds of the bonds to be allocated, as specified, for the purposes of the Joe Serna, Jr., Farmworker Housing Grant Program. Provides housing in coordination with the provision of health and other family services pursuant to the Farmworker Family Wellness Program (for the March 5, 2002, primary election).
(Died in Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 1829 (Robert Pacheco-R) Local planning: housing elements
Requires the State Department of Housing and Community Development to include congregate housing for seniors in its determination of whether a city or county meets its share of the regional housing need.
(Died in Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 1866 (Wright-D) Housing: density bonuses
Requires local governments to use a ministerial process for approving second housing units and prohibits them from applying any development standard that would have the effect of precluding an affordable housing development from receiving a density bonus and concessions.
Chapter 1062, Statutes of 2002
AB 1891 (Diaz-D) Housing trust funds
Establishes the mechanism for funding and implementing local housing trust funds from proceeds of the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2002.
Chapter 725, Statutes of 2002
AB 2043 (Salinas-D) Farmworker housing
Clarifies that the Joe Serna, Jr., Farmworker Housing Grant Program may make grants or loans to directly rent or lease short-term housing for migrant farmworkers if the State Department of Housing and Community Development finds the existence of extraordinary or emergency circumstances.
Chapter 494, Statutes of 2002
AB 2090* (Aanestad-R) Veterans' homes
Enacts the Veterans Homes Bond Act of 2002 that authorizes, for purposes of financing a plan for the design and construction of veterans' homes in Los Angeles, Fresno and Shasta counties in the State, the issuance of bonds in the amount of $50,000,000 (for the November 5, 2002, statewide general election).
(Died in Assembly Veterans Affairs Committee)
AB 2158 (Lowenthal-D) Coastal development permits: affordable housing requirement
Requires the California Coastal Commission to ensure that coastal development permit conditions relating to affordable housing not expire during the term of the permit.
Chapter 297, Statutes of 2002
AB 2476 (Rod Pacheco-R) Balancing jobs with housing
Authorizes the State Department of Housing and Community Development to distribute funds for local, regional, or interregional studies that address interregional impacts relating to transportation systems, traffic congestion, and long commutes that result, in part, from the imbalance of jobs and housing.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2559* (Wesson-D) Veterans Home of California
Appropriates, continuously, monies ($31 million) from the Veterans Home Fund for the State's matching fund requirement for the construction of three new veterans' homes in the cities of Lancaster, Saticoy, and West Los Angeles. Links this bill through contingency language to SB 1234 (Johannessen-R), SB 1773 (Chesbro-D), and AB 2953 (Wiggins-D).
Chapter 216, Statutes of 2002
AB 2953* (Wiggins-D) Veterans' homes: renovation
Appropriates continuously to the State Department of Veterans Affairs $15 million from the Veterans Home Fund for renovating the California Veterans Home, Yountville. Links this bill through contingency language to AB 2559 (Wesson-D), SB 1773 (Chesbro-D), and SB 1234 (Johannessen-R).
Chapter 218, Statutes of 2002
ACR 159 (Aroner-D) Public higher education: student housing
Expresses the Legislature's recognition of the University of California and the California State University obligation to provide adequate student housing, and urges those institutions to accept this obligation.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
ACR 209 (Aroner-D) Affordable Housing Week
States that the Legislature proclaims the week of June 1, 2002, to June 9, 2002, as Affordable Housing Week and calls upon Californians to learn about and honor the contributions of affordable housing.
Resolution Chapter 102, Statutes of 2002

SB 24 (Polanco-D) Property taxes: mobilehome parks
Corrects an erroneous cross reference in the code section relating to property tax status of transfers of mobilehomes.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 595 (Chesbro-D) Property taxation: manufactured homes
Provides a uniform reference to manufactured homes in the Revenue and Taxation Code.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 691 (McPherson-R) Governmental liability: attorney's fees
Requires an award of attorney's fees to a prevailing local governmental entity in certain actions. Is intended to protect cities and counties with mobilehome rent control ordinances from the costs of defending against baseless litigation challenging the ordinances.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
SB 1410 (Chesbro-D) Mobilehome parks: homeowners: renting
Allows a mobilehome owner under special circumstances to rent their mobilehome and sublet their mobilehome space.
Chapter 672, Statutes of 2002
SB 1556 (Dunn-D) Vehicles: ordinances: mobilehome parks
Allows specified provisions of the Vehicle Code to be applied to mobilehome parks and manufactured housing communities when requested by the owners and when authorized by an ordinance or resolution of a city or county, or city and county.
Chapter 284, Statutes of 2002
SB 1663 (Soto-D) Mobilehome parks: building standards
Authorizes the City of Pomona to assume code enforcement jurisdiction over specified mobilehome parks that have been cited for serious health and safety violations.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1778 (Dunn-D) Mobilehomes and manufactured homes
Expands the list of violations for which the State Department of Housing and Community Development may issue a citation to a manufactured home dealer or licensee. Clarifies the escrow procedures for the sale of mobilehomes and manufactured homes that will be installed on permanent foundations.
Chapter 713, Statutes of 2002
SB 1935 (Costa-D) Commercial coaches: commercial modulars
Provides that the definition of a commercial coach and special purpose commercial coach means the same as commercial modular and special purpose commercial modular.
Chapter 98, Statutes of 2002
AB 718 (Wiggins-D) Mobilehomes: rental agreements
Requires mobilehome park management to provide and maintain physical improvements of the common facilities through the collection of rents and not other fees.
(Failed passage in Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 930 (Keeley-D) Mobilehome parks: conversion to resident ownership
Requires that a proposal to subdivide a mobilehome park into resident ownership include survey results of the residents indicating their support for the conversion.
Chapter 1143, Statutes of 2002
AB 1036 (Pescetti-R) Seniors' tax assistance: mobilehomes
Allows owners of mobilehomes that are subject to property tax to file a homeowners and renters assistance claim as either a homeowner or renter.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 2079 (Jackson-D) Mobilehomes: new tenancies: rent increases
Requires that a prospective homeowner shall be offered a rental agreement for a term of 12 months or a lesser period.
(Refused passage on Assembly Floor)
AB 2382 (Corbett-D) Mobilehome parks
Expands the list of prosecutorial agencies authorized to bring civil actions to abate nuisances in mobilehome parks to include not only district attorneys, but also county counsels, city prosecutors, and the State Attorney General.
Chapter 141, Statutes of 2002
AB 2495 (Correa-D) Mobilehomes
Allows a mobilehome or manufactured home located in a mobilehome park to exceed four dwelling units.
Chapter 1065, Statutes of 2002
AB 2500 (Corbett-D) Mobilehome parks: actions
Provides that the statutory penalty provided for in existing law for willful violations of the Mobilehome Residency Law (MRL) does not preclude the recovery of punitive damages when that conduct is malicious, fraudulent, or oppressive. Provides that actions arising under the MRL are not subject to changes of venue, except to transfer a case to the county in which the park is located.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2812 (Pescetti-R) Mobilehomes: foreclosure
Provides that park management shall provide at least 60 days notice of the responsibilities and liabilities that have not been met on a mobilehome where the tenant is deceased.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 2866 (Keeley-D) Mobilehome parks: sales of parks
Provides the homeowners of a mobilehome park up to 45 days to exercise a right of first refusal for the purchase of a park that the owner either desires to sell or has received an offer for the purchase of that park.
(Refused passage on Assembly Floor)

SB 64 (Chesbro-D) Homeless youth emergency services projects
Requires the Office of Criminal Justice Planning to conduct a coordinated evaluation of programs serving runaway and homeless youth.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 160 (Torlakson-D) Common interest developments
Revises the timeline for the pre-litigation process in construction defect suits (the "Calderon process"), by limiting any stipulated extension of the initial 90-day pre-litigation process period to an additional 90 days.
(Died in Assembly Judiciary Committee)
SB 167 (Alpert-D) Housing elements: self-certification
Provides that any city or county that self-certified its housing element or has been deemed in compliance with the housing element requirements by a court shall be considered to be fully eligible to participate in any state program and receive any state funding, including state bond funding, in an identical manner as those jurisdictions deemed in substantial compliance by the State Department of Housing and Community Development.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
SB 262 (Alarcon-D) General plans: housing elements
Clarifies that certain activities are eligible for funding under the CalHome Program.
(Died in Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
SB 460 (Ortiz-D) Lead abatement
Declares any building as unsafe and in violation of the State Housing Law if that building contains a lead hazard that is likely to endanger the health of the public or building occupants.
Chapter 931, Statutes of 2002
Similar legislation was SB 622 (Ortiz-D), which died in Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee.
SB 498 (Dunn-D) General plans: housing elements
Reforms state housing element law and imposes fines on jurisdictions that fail to comply by having a housing element certified by the State Department of Housing and Community Development.
(Failed passage in Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
SB 617* (Ortiz-D) Tenancy: terminations
Seeks to provide tenants who have been subjected to notices of mass eviction with additional time to relocate and find suitable replacement housing.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
SB 800 (Burton-D) Liability: construction defects
Specifies the rights and requirements of a homeowner to bring an action for construction defects, including applicable standards for home construction, the statute of limitations, the burden of proof, the damages recoverable, a detailed pre-litigation procedure, and the obligations of the homeowner.
Chapter 722, Statutes of 2002
Similar legislation was SB 355 (Escutia-D), which died in Assembly Judiciary Committee; AB 267 (Steinberg-D), which died at the Senate Desk; and AB 2418 (Dutra-D), which died in Senate Rules Committee.
SB 910 (Dunn-D) General plans: housing elements
Modifies state housing element law based on negotiations that have occurred through a working group established by the Assembly Local Government Committee, Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee and Senate Housing and Community Development Committee.
(Died in Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
SB 1403 (Kuehl-D) Landlord-tenant
Makes changes to the landlord-tenant law. Is intended to provide tenants with more time to find and move into replacement housing; to protect tenants from landlords or their agents who abuse the landlord's right of entry; and to curb reported abuses of the Ellis Act by landlords who misuse the law for the purpose of evading local rent controls.
Chapter 301, Statutes of 2002
SB 1432 (Alpert-D) Housing elements: self-certification
Establishes that any jurisdiction authorized to self-certify the housing element of its general plan is entitled to the same participation in state funding programs as those jurisdictions with approved housing elements.
Chapter 711, Statutes of 2002
SB 1500 (Johnson-R) Seismic hazards: disclosure statement
Adds a disclaimer to the requirement to disclose a seismic safety hazard in a real estate transfer disclosure statement.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1504 (Ackerman-R) Instruments
Among other provisions, allows recession of a sale of property under a federal tax lien when notice of the sale has not been properly made.
Chapter 809, Statutes of 2002
SB 1564 (Polanco-D) Common interest developments: transfer fees
Allows the community of Leisure World, located in Orange County, to charge a transfer fee on the seller of a home.
(Failed passage in Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
SB 1576 (Bowen-D) Landlords: disclosure of demolitions
Requires the owner of a residential dwelling unit or the owners agent who has applied to a public agency for a permit to demolish that dwelling unit to give written notice of that fact to a current tenant, and to any prospective tenant prior to the entering into or initiating a rental agreement. Violation of this provision makes the violator liable for actual damages and a civil penalty not to exceed $2,500.
Chapter 285, Statutes of 2002
SB 1679 (Polanco-D) Insurance
Requires the State Insurance Commissioner to require every insurer that is required to file an annual report to include information concerning community development investments. Allows insurers to advertise that they have made the community development investments, as specified.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1684 (Polanco-D) Redevelopment: hazardous substance releases
Repeals the January 1, 2004 sunset date on the provisions of the redevelopment agency cleanup law that grant redevelopment agencies cleanup authority, provide immunity from liability if a cleanup is carried out properly and allow recovery of costs from responsible parties.
Chapter 1004, Statutes of 2002
SB 1723 (Torlakson-D) Housing programs: monitoring and management standards
Authorizes the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to adopt regulations to institute monitoring and management standards, as the HCD deems necessary to enhance program consistency, achieve administrative efficiencies, and provide improved customer service. Requires HCD, to the extent permitted by federal law, to amend existing regulatory agreements and standard agreements, and modify other loan or grant documents, to reflect these monitoring and management standards if specified conditions are met.
(Died in Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
SB 1726 (Vasconcellos-D) Pool and spa safety
Requires safety features currently required for public wading pools to apply to all new swimming pool or spa construction.
Chapter 679, Statutes of 2002
SB 1751 (Burton-D) Homeless individuals: reporting of deaths
Requires each county, beginning March 1, 2004, and each year following, to submit a report to the State Department of Health Services (DHS) on the number of homeless individuals who died during the previous calendar year; requires DHS to submit an annual report to the Legislature, the Governor, and Legislative Analyst on information received from the counties; and defines a homeless person.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1763 (Ortiz-D) Insurance: mold damage
Requires any specified property or liability insurance policy that is issued, amended or renewed after January 1, 2003, to cover mold as an ensuing peril, but allows an insurer to exclude mold as a covered peril if the insurer states the exclusion clearly, explicitly and in readily understandable terms.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)
SB 1879* (Poochigian-R) Real estate: disclosures
Provides that an owner of real property subject to special tax assessments may fulfill a requirement to disclose those assessments by delivering to a prospective purchaser a notice "substantially equivalent" to the notice currently required by law, until December 31, 2004.
Chapter 770, Statutes of 2002
SB 1893 (Johannessen-R) Veterans' farm and home purchase program
Increases the loan limit for a single-family home and also reduces mortgage rates for qualifying veterans under the California Veterans' Farm and Home Purchase Act.
Chapter 473, Statutes of 2002
SB 1945 (Kuehl-D) Discrimination
Redefines the time for filing a complaint with the State Department of Fair Employment and Housing for an alleged violation of California's hate crimes prohibition (the Ralph Civil Rights Act), for a period of one more year from the date the aggrieved person became aware of the identity of a person liable for an alleged violation and in no case more than three years.
Chapter 490, Statutes of 2002
SB 1992 (Perata-D) Public safety: gas appliances
Requires the State Department of Housing and Community Development to determine the need to require installation of gas shutoff valves.
Chapter 1051, Statutes of 2002
AB 337 (Correa-D) Real estate: disclosures
Specifies the information required to be included by private research companies that produce compliance documents for special property tax assessments.
Chapter 771, Statutes of 2002
AB 555 (Dutra-D) Common interest development managers
Requires that, in order to be called a "certified common interest development manager," an individual must meet specified educational requirement and other qualifications.
Chapter 1116, Statutes of 2002
AB 643 (Lowenthal-D) Common interest developments
Requires all common interest development associations to submit to the Secretary of State specified information regarding the common interest development.
Chapter 1117, Statutes of 2002
AB 748 (Chavez-D) Housing: homeless veterans
Requires the Bureau of State Audits to conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of the Cal-Vet program. Also requires the Bureau of State Audits to report to the Governor and the Legislature on the fiscal status of that program on or before January 1, 2004.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1106 (Pescetti-R) Notaries public: escrow instruments
Requires that any escrow instrument purporting to obligate a third party in an amount over $10,000 on behalf of a party to a real estate transaction, be notarized. Requires any notary public, who reasonably suspects that undue influence is being exercised over an obligor with respect to a third-party obligation escrow instrument, to promptly notify the district attorney for the county of residence of the obligor.
(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 1244 (Wiggins-D) Affordable housing: condominiums
States legislative intent to examine methods to increase the supply of housing affordable to all income groups, promotes fairness in the distribution of housing and plans adequately for housing sites that integrate the need for housing with the needs of other land uses.
(Died in Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 1354* (Rod Pacheco-R) Emergency housing
Clarifies that a provider of emergency shelter or transitional housing may restrict occupancy to individuals 24 years old and younger.
Chapter 46, Statutes of 2002
AB 1362 (Wiggins-D) Buildings: rehabilitation
Establishes the California Building Rehabilitation Code Advisory Council to advise the State Building Standards Commission whether or not the development of state building rehabilitation guidelines will improve the reuse and safety of existing buildings.
(Died in Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 1486 (Dutra-D) Mortgage guaranty insurance
Allows private mortgage insurers to insure home loans up to 103 percent of the fair market value of the real estate. Applies to first and second mortgages.
Chapter 429, Statutes of 2002
AB 1701 (Steinberg-D) Common interest developments
Corrects typographical errors in AB 1700 (Steinberg-D), Chapter 824, Statutes of 2001. Fixes inconsistencies in word usage and punctuation mistakes that unnecessarily detract from the statute's clarity.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 1926 (Horton-D) Discrimination: housing
Allows any person holding a recorded property interest in property containing an unlawfully discriminatory restrictive covenant to strike the covenant upon application to the county recorders office.
Chapter 803, Statutes of 2002
AB 1951 (Vargas-D) Home solicitation contracts: timeshare projects
Extends a timeshare purchaser's contract cancellation period, provides a purchaser reimbursement provision, and requires additional disclosure requirements regarding timeshare transactions.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 2167 (Koretz-D) Real estate licenses
Revises the mandatory education requirements to obtain and renew a real estate salesperson license.
Chapter 86, Statutes of 2002
AB 2247 (Salinas-D) Real estate signs
Permits portable signs advertising the sale or lease of real property to be placed in the public right-of-way, subject to local restrictions regarding traffic safety, sign dimension and design, and reasonable hours and days for placement.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 2285 (Horton-D) Fences and walls
Allows a court to award an easement to a property owner where a fence or wall has encroached not more than six inches upon an adjacent residential property owner.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 2289 (Kehoe-D) Common interest developments
Clarifies and adds additional notification requirement that a homeowner association must give to a homeowner prior to filing a lien on the separate interest.
Chapter 1111, Statutes of 2002
AB 2292 (Dutra-D) General plans: residential density
Prohibits a city or county from reducing, requiring, or permitting the reduction of residential density on any parcel below the density that was used to determine compliance with the housing element of its general plan, with specified exceptions.
Chapter 706, Statutes of 2002
AB 2298* (Bogh-R) Senior housing
Revises and recasts provisions of the Civil Code relating to senior housing. Declares that this bill makes the necessary changes to retroactively conform state law to federal law, the Fair Housing Act, relative to the treatment of older persons and fair housing.
(Died in Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 2330 (Migden-D) Landlord and tenant
Seeks to provide tenants additional rights and protections. Makes changes in the security deposit law that will assist tenants to recover their security deposits from landlords.
Chapter 1061, Statutes of 2002
AB 2417 (La Suer-R) Common interest developments: meetings
Requires the board of directors of a homeowner association that meets in executive session to note in the minutes of the next meeting open to the membership that a contract has been executed.
Chapter 195, Statutes of 2002
AB 2455 (Negrete McLeod-D) Swimming pool safety
Requires (1) two specified anit-drowning safety features on new and remodeled pools and spas, as specified; and (2) the State Department of Health Services to conduct toddler pool safety studies and a statewide swimming pool safety educational campaign.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2545 (Nation-D) Housing
Requires a city or county, at least 10 days prior to a proactive housing code inspection of a residential rental property, to provide written notice of the inspection to the occupants and the owner, either by mail or by posting it conspicuously on the property.
(Died in Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 2546 (Nation-D) Common interest developments: marketing and sales
Prohibits homeowners' associations from adopting any rule or regulation that arbitrarily or unreasonably restricts an owner's ability to market his/her interest in a common interest development. Specifically prohibits (1) the imposition of a marketing assessment or fee exceeding the association's actual cost; and (2) any exclusive relationship with a realtor through which the sale or marketing of interests in the development is required to occur.
Chapter 817, Statutes of 2002
AB 2548 (Nation-D) Real estate
Deletes an obsolete reference to the Federal Home Loan Bank Board in the Real Estate Law and, instead, refers to the Office of Thrift Supervision of the United States Department of the Treasury.
Chapter 167, Statutes of 2002
AB 2776 (Simitian-D) Aviation: noise
Requires potential homebuyers to be notified if the house they intend to buy is located within an airport influence area, as defined.
Chapter 496, Statutes of 2002
AB 2787 (Aroner-D) Building standards: universal design
Requires the State Department of Housing and Community Development to promulgate guidelines and a model ordinance that advances the use of universal design in housing.
Chapter 726, Statutes of 2002
AB 2796* (Shelley-D) Health: budget implementation
Adds lead hazards as a condition that a building may be cited as substandard and provides for the enforcement by the State Department of Health Services of those provisions.
(Died in Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 2870 (Harman-R) Building inspections: liability
Provides that there is no personal monetary liability on the part of any person who is under contract with an applicant for a residential building permit to check the plans and specifications provided with the application in order to determine compliance with all applicable requirements imposed pursuant to the State Housing Law or any rules or regulations adopted pursuant to that law, or to inspect a work of improvement to determine compliance with these plans and specifications, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 2946 (Horton-D) Mortgage guaranty insurers: policyholders surplus
Revises the annual contribution formula to the contingency reserve that a mortgage guaranty insurer is required to establish, as specified. Makes changes to the provisions used to calculate policyholders position (policyholders surplus).
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 2972 (Aroner-D) Discrimination: homeless youth
Creates an exception to the prohibition against age discrimination by allowing age restrictions for youth under 24 years old, for emergency housing.
Chapter 1074, Statutes of 2002
ACR 236 (Salinas-D) Agricultural Worker Health and Housing Commission
Resolves that an Agricultural Worker Health and Housing Commission, consisting of 10 members and funded solely through private sources, be established. Requires the commission to report to the Legislature regarding the agricultural industry's ability to compete in the global marketplace and the commission's recommendations of how to improve the housing and health conditions of agricultural workers.
Resolution Chapter 178, Statutes of 2002
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 24 | Polanco-D Property taxes: mobilehome parks | |
SB 64 | Chesbro-D Homeless youth emergency services projects | |
SB 160 | Torlakson-D Common interest developments | |
SB 167 | Alpert-D Housing elements: self-certification | |
SB 213 | Perata-D Local planning | |
SB 262 | Alarcon-D General plans: housing elements | |
SB 332* | Sher-D Building standards: straw-bale structures | |
SB 369* | Dunn-D Multifamily rental and affordable housing: financing | |
SB 372 | Dunn-D Preservation Interim Loan Programs | |
SB 444 | Perata-D Disaster relief: owner-occupied dwellings | |
SB 460 | Ortiz-D Lead abatement | |
SB 498 | Dunn-D General plans: housing elements | |
SB 595 | Chesbro-D Property taxation: manufactured homes | |
SB 617* | Ortiz-D Tenancy: terminations | |
SB 691 | McPherson-R Governmental liability: attorney's fees | |
SB 717 | Speier-D Seismic Safety Bond Act of 2002 | |
SB 800 | Burton-D Liability: construction defects | |
SB 910 | Dunn-D General plans: housing elements | |
SB 972 | Costa-D Public works: prevailing wages | |
SB 1227* | Burton-D Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2002 | |
SB 1234* | Johannessen-R Veterans' homes | |
SB 1309* | Johannessen-R Veterans: farm and home purchases | |
SB 1403 | Kuehl-D Landlord-tenant | |
SB 1410 | Chesbro-D Mobilehome parks: homeowners: renting | |
SB 1432 | Alpert-D Housing elements: self-certification | |
SB 1495 | Torlakson-D Balancing jobs and growth | |
SB 1500 | Johnson-R Seismic hazards: disclosure statement | |
SB 1504 | Ackerman-R Instruments | |
SB 1509 | Dunn-D Property tax revenue shifts: exemption: affordable housing | |
SB 1556 | Dunn-D Vehicles: ordinances: mobilehome parks | |
SB 1564 | Polanco-D Common interest developments: transfer fees | |
SB 1576 | Bowen-D Landlords: disclosure of demolitions | |
SB 1634 | Figueroa-D Housing: jobs | |
SB 1654 | Burton-D Governor's office: homelessness | |
SB 1663 | Soto-D Mobilehome parks: building standards | |
SB 1679 | Polanco-D Insurance | |
SB 1684 | Polanco-D Redevelopment: hazardous substance releases | |
SB 1721 | Soto-D Land use: farmworker housing | |
SB 1723 | Torlakson-D Housing programs: monitoring and management standards | |
SB 1726 | Vasconcellos-D Pool and spa safety | |
SB 1751 | Burton-D Homeless individuals: reporting of deaths | |
SB 1763 | Ortiz-D Insurance: mold damage | |
SB 1773* | Chesbro-D Veterans' homes: renovation | |
SB 1778 | Dunn-D Mobilehomes and manufactured homes | |
SB 1821 | Dunn-D Assisted housing | |
SB 1879* | Poochigian-R Real estate: disclosures | |
SB 1893 | Johannessen-R Veterans farm and home purchase program | |
SB 1935 | Costa-D Commercial coaches: commercial modulars | |
SB 1945 | Kuehl-D Discrimination | |
SB 1992 | Perata-D Public safety: gas appliances | |
SB 2010* | Alpert-D Community renewal | |
AB 244 | Strom-Martin-D Comprehensive technical assistance: Native Americans | |
AB 337 | Correa-D Real estate: disclosures | |
AB 555 | Dutra-D Common interest development managers | |
AB 602 | Cedillo-D New Economics for Women | |
AB 628 | Oropeza-D Senior housing | |
AB 643 | Lowenthal-D Common interest developments | |
AB 718 | Wiggins-D Mobilehomes: rental agreements | |
AB 747 | Chavez-D Governor's Commission on Homeless Veterans | |
AB 748 | Chavez-D Cal-Vet program: financial audit | |
AB 930 | Keeley-D Mobilehome parks: conversion to resident ownership | |
AB 1008 | Lowenthal-D Housing assistance: property tax notices | |
AB 1036 | Pescetti-R Seniors' tax assistance: mobilehomes | |
AB 1106 | Pescetti-R Notaries public: escrow instruments | |
AB 1170 | Firebaugh-D Housing: downpayment assistance | |
AB 1244 | Wiggins-D Affordable housing: condominiums | |
AB 1284 | Lowenthal-D Housing opportunity districts | |
AB 1354* | Rod Pacheco-R Emergency housing | |
AB 1362 | Wiggins-D Buildings: rehabilitation | |
AB 1486 | Dutra-D Mortgage guaranty insurance | |
AB 1526 | Florez-D Bond: farmworker housing and family wellness act | |
AB 1701 | Steinberg-D Common interest developments | |
AB 1829 | Robert Pacheco-R Local planning: housing elements | |
AB 1866 | Wright-D Housing: density bonuses | |
AB 1891 | Diaz-D Housing trust funds | |
AB 1926 | Horton-D Discrimination: housing | |
AB 1951 | Vargas-D Home solicitation contracts: timeshare projects | |
AB 2043 | Salinas-D Farmworker housing | |
AB 2079 | Jackson-D Mobilehomes: new tenancies: rent increases | |
AB 2090* | Aanestad-R Veterans' homes | |
AB 2158 | Lowenthal-D Coastal development permits: affordable housing requirement | |
AB 2167 | Koretz-D Real estate licenses | |
AB 2247 | Salinas-D Real estate signs | |
AB 2285 | Horton-D Fences and walls | |
AB 2289 | Kehoe-D Common interest developments | |
AB 2292 | Dutra-D General plans: residential density | |
AB 2298* | Bogh-R Senior housing | |
AB 2330 | Migden-D Landlord and tenant | |
AB 2382 | Corbett-D Mobilehome parks | |
AB 2417 | La Suer-R Common interest developments: meetings | |
AB 2455 | Negrete McLeod-D Swimming pool safety | |
AB 2476 | Rod Pacheco-R Balancing jobs with housing | |
AB 2495 | Correa-D Mobilehomes | |
AB 2500 | Corbett-D Mobilehome parks: actions | |
AB 2545 | Nation-D Housing | |
AB 2546 | Nation-D Common interest developments: marketing and sales | |
AB 2548 | Nation-D Real estate | |
AB 2559* | Wesson-D Veterans Home of California | |
AB 2776 | Simitian-D Aviation: noise | |
AB 2787 | Aroner-D Building standards: universal design | |
AB 2796* | Shelley-D Health: budget implementation | |
AB 2812 | Pescetti-R Mobilehomes: foreclosure | |
AB 2866 | Keeley-D Mobilehome parks: sales of parks | |
AB 2870 | Harman-R Building inspections: liability | |
AB 2946 | Horton-D Mortgage guaranty insurers: policyholders surplus | |
AB 2953* | Wiggins-D Veterans' homes: renovation | |
AB 2972 | Aroner-D Discrimination: homeless youth | |
ACR 159 | Aroner-D Public higher education: student housing | |
ACR 209 | Aroner-D Affordable Housing Week | |
ACR 236 | Salinas-D Agricultural Worker Health and Housing Commission |