Military Base Reductions and Conversions

Military Base Legislation




Military Base Legislation

SB 868 (Lee-D) Military base conversion: loans

Enacts the Military Base Conversion Bond Act, which allows the issuance of an unspecified amount of general obligation bonds for the purposes of financing a loan program to local base reuse entities.

(Died in Senate Governmental Organization Committee)

SB 974 (Greene-D) McClellan Air Force Base

Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency, upon application by the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors, to designate an additional 250 acres located on McClellan Air Force Base as part of the existing Northgate Enterprise Zone, with a connecting corridor between the two geographic areas.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 1172 (Burton-D) Public utilities: base closures

Permits public utilities, at their discretion, to offer discounted electric rates to new California business customers located on military bases designated for closure.

(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)

SB 1615* (Lockyer-D) Military bases: redevelopment plans

Extends, by 12 months, the time local officials have to certify the environmental impact reports for the Alameda Naval Air Station, Hunter's Point Shipyard, and the San Diego Naval Training Center redevelopment plans.

Chapter 586, Statutes of 1998

AB 3 (Baca-D) Local Agency Military Base Recovery Areas

Authorizes the Trade and Commerce Agency to designate three additional Local Agency Military Base Recovery Areas (LAMBRAs) for a total of 8 areas, and makes various substantive changes to LAMBRA tax incentives.

Chapter 1012, Statutes of 1998

AB 419 (Baca-D) Community colleges: job training

Requires community colleges to create an educational consortium to attract businesses to relocate to close military installations.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 638 (Alby-R) McClellan Air Force Base

Requires the Trade and Commerce Agency, as a pilot project, to designate a portion of McClellan Air Force Base as a military service privatization zone upon satisfactory application by a governing body for a five-year period.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 639* (Alby-R) Defense conversion

Enacts the Defense Conversion, Reuse and Retention Omnibus Act to assist communities in closure/retention efforts, and also allows redevelopment agencies to pool up to $2 million in Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds to support a new 500 unit subdivision near Travis Air Force Base.

Chapter 952, Statutes of 1998

AB 955 (Ortiz-D) McClellan air Force Base

Appropriates $10 million from the General Fund to the Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank for a loan to Sacramento County for life-safety and code compliance projects related to the rehabilitation of McClellan Air Force Base.

(Failed passage in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee after being referred.

AB 2580 (Baca-D) Regional technology alliances

Allows the Trade and Commerce Agency to designate new regional technology alliances when the Defense Conversion Council, created under the California Defense Conversion and Military Base Reuse Act, which sunsets on January 1, 1999.

Chapter 685, Statutes of 1998

AB 2794* (Assembly Budget Committee) Base retention: State Budget augmentations

Appropriates $200,000 to the California Trade and Commerce Agency for California base retention, High Desert Military Test Range, Edwards Air Force Base, Plant 42, China Lake Naval Air Warfare Center, and Point Mugu.

Chapter 1050, Statutes of 1998 - Item Veto

Governor item vetoed this out of the bill.

AB 2809* (Assembly Revenue And Taxation Committee) Local Area Military Base Recovery Areas

Makes various technical changes to the provisions relating to the Local Area Military Base Recovery Area to clarify existing economic development area hiring credits with respect to seasonal employees.

Chapter 1039, Statutes of 1998

ACR 61 (Baca-D) Military base closures

Requests the Governor to create a Blue Ribbon Committee on Retention of Military Bases.

(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)

ACR 62 (Baca-D) Military base retention

Establishes the Blue Ribbon Commission on Military Base Retention organized by the Legislative Analyst to coordinate California's military base retention efforts, as specified.

(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

AJR 27 (Kuykendall-R) Military base closures

Requests the President and the Congress of the United States to not permit any additional base closures or realignments in California.

(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)