Air Pollution
Coastal Resources
Environmental Quality
Endangered Species
Solid Waste Management
Toxics/Hazardous Waste
Air Pollution
SB 199 (Torlakson-D) Pollution control: grants and loans
Increases the grant and loan amount, which the California Pollution Control Financing Authority may award to any city or county to assist neighborhoods suffering from high poverty or unemployment levels, develop and implement growth policies and programs that reduce pollution hazards and the degradation of the environment, or promise infill development to revitalize communities, from $2.5 million to $5 million.
Chapter 1034, Statutes of 2002
SB 433 (Machado-D) Air resources: civil and administrative penalties
Repeals the January 1, 2003 sunset on provisions governing the imposition of administrative penalties by the State Air Resources Board for violations of motor vehicle fuel regulations.
Chapter 287, Statutes of 2002
SB 812 (Sher-D) Air pollution: California Climate Action Registry
Expands the responsibilities of the California Climate Action Registry, which records and registers voluntary greenhouse gas emissions reductions made since 1990 by entities participating in the registry.
Chapter 423, Statutes of 2002
SB 1015 (McClintock-R) Emission factors
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), in cooperation with the districts and the aggregate processing industry, to develop emission factors for aggregate processing facilities, taking into account the scientific data available and recent improvements in emission control technology. Requires the SWRCB and the districts to utilize those emission factors to calculate emissions from aggregate processing facilities.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1442 (Oller-R) California Environmental Quality Act: air pollution impacts
Requires a lead agency to determine that the environmental impacts of air emissions from a project are not significant, if all of the following conditions are met: (a) the project consists of a new powerplant in the state; (b) the project is located in a county which has been designated as an attainment area for state and federal air quality standards and the project will not result in the loss of the attainment designation; (c) the district does not possess sufficient emissions reduction credits or offsets to mitigate the adverse effects of the emissions from the powerplant; and (d) the project proponents have made a good faith effort to obtain emission reduction credits in the air district.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1532 (Poochigian-R) Air pollution: transported air pollution
Requires the State Air Resources Control Board, by December 31, 2003, to complete a study to determine the relative contribution of upwind emissions from the San Francisco Bay Area Basin to the San Joaquin Valley Basin.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1920 (Knight-R) Air pollution control districts
Excludes districts with a population of one million or less persons from the requirement that the public hearing for reviewing and commenting on the budget be held exclusively for those purposes, and sets public hearing requirements.
Chapter 132, Statutes of 2002
SB 2053 (Sher-D) Air toxics
Expressly requires that hazardous air pollutants listed under the federal Clean Air Act be included on the list prepared and maintained by the State Air Resources Board and makes other technical changes to the statutes.
Chapter 572, Statutes of 2002
AB 845 (Nakano-D) Qualified alternative technology: perchloroethylene
Requires the State Air Resources Board (ARB) to designate qualified alternative technologies that are more protective of air and water quality than technologies that use perchloreothylene, and requires the ARB to grant a preference to energy efficient technologies.
Also provides a credit against taxes for taxable years, beginning on or after January 1, 2002, and before January 1, 2007, in an amount equal to 50 percent of the costs paid or incurred by the owner for implementing qualified alternative technology.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 986 (Firebaugh-D) Air quality
Exempts any exposure from onroad heavy-duty truck or bus engines from the warning requirements of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 if the State Air Resources Board (ARB) or the United States Environmental Protection Agency has certified emission standards for the engines, and if a statewide warning is published annually for that emission. Creates the Carl Moyer Memorial Particulate Matter Abatement and Compliance Program and authorizes the ARB to make grants to offset the incremental cost of any qualified project that reduces particulate matter in the air resulting from the use of diesel engines in the state. Requires the state board, in conjunction with districts participating in the program, to report to the Legislature on the program not later than April 1, 2003, and then annually until April 1, 2006, and requires that a final report on the program be submitted to the Legislature no later than April 1, 2007.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1173 (Keeley-D) Air pollution: indoor air pollution
Requires the State Air Resources Board, by January 1, 2004, in consultation with the State Department of Health Services, the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission, and others, to provide a report to the Legislature on the most recent empirical data on indoor air pollution and the potential adverse effects of indoor air pollution on public health in the state, among others.
Chapter 987, Statutes of 2002
AB 1493 (Pavley-D) Vehicular emissions: greenhouse gases
Requires the State Air Resources Board to develop and adopt, by January 1, 2005, regulations that achieve the maximum feasible and cost-effective reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from passenger, light-duty, and other non-commercial vehicles.
Chapter 200, Statutes of 2002
Similar legislation was AB 1058 (Pavley-D), which died on the Assembly Concurrence File.
AB 1528 (Wyman-R) Emission reduction credits
Eliminates the requirement for approval by resolution of the upwind and downwind air districts when increases in emissions of air pollutants from a source located in an air district are offset by emission reductions credited to a source located in another district.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 2221 (Keeley-D) Air pollution: permits: civil actions
Authorizes anyone to commence a civil action on his/her behalf against anyone alleged to be constructing or operating any article, machine, equipment, or other contrivance without a required permit, in violation of the permit, or to have discharged from any source quantities of air contaminants or other material that cause injury to any considerable number of persons or any emission standard or limitation. Also authorizes the commencement of a civil action against any district that is alleged to have failed to perform any act required by the state air pollution laws.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 2332 (Keeley-D) Air pollution: indoor air pollution
Requires the State Air Resources Board to establish air pollution emission standards for high risk categories of products used indoors and having a scientifically-recognized potential for damaging public health.
(Failed passage on Assembly Floor)
AB 2637 (Cardoza-D) Enhanced motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program
- Requires the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) within the State Department of Consumer Affairs to implement an enhanced vehicle inspection program (Smog Check II) in the San Francisco Bay Area Basin.
- Extends the statewide smog check exemption for newer vehicles by two years; develops regulations for the expansion of the "Gold Shield" program; and extends the sunset on the smog abatement fee from 2005 to January 1, 2010.
- Requires the State Air Resources Board to peer review specified scientific evidence.
- Appropriates $5 million from the Vehicle Inspection Repair Fund to the BAR for costs, as specified.
Chapter 1001, Statutes of 2002
AB 2650 (Lowenthal-D) Diesel emissions
Requires marine terminals that process 100,000 or more containers annually to operate in a manner that does not cause truck engines to idle or queue for more than 30 minutes while waiting to load or unload at the terminal. Subjects marine terminals that allow trucks to idle or queue for more than 30 minutes to a $250 fine per truck per violation. Subjects any terminal that tries to avoid or circumvent these requirements to a $750 fine per truck per violation.
Chapter 1129, Statutes of 2002
AB 2774 (Pavley-D) Advanced technology light-duty vehicles
Requires the development of a public education campaign to encourage the use of low-emission advanced technology vehicles.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2824 (Cogdill-R) Retrofit of oil refineries: loan guarantee program
Requires the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency to administer a program to guarantee a qualified oil refinery retrofit loan as a means to facilitate the retrofitting of refineries in the state in order to meet the federal sulfur standard for diesel fuel. Requires the oil refinery, or its parent company, to file a surety bond or completion guarantee with the agency in order to protect the state against losses resulting from the failure to complete the retrofitting of the oil refinery within the budget submitted to the agency. Establishes the Ultra Low-sulfur Diesel Fuel Refinery Loan Guarantee Finance Fund in the State Treasury, to be administered by the agency. Conditions enactment on the appropriations of funds in the annual Budget Act or another measure.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)

Coastal Resources
SB 278 (Machado-D) Public works project
Requires the body awarding a contract for a public works project financed in any part with funds made available by the Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Act of 2002 to adopt and enforce a labor compliance program.
Chapter 892, Statutes of 2002
SB 1164 (Sher-D) Local coastal programs: costs
Allows litigation costs related to the operation of a certified local coastal program to be paid before a final judgment in the action is rendered.
Chapter 1104, Statutes of 2002
SB 1854 (Machado-D) Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy Program
Establishes the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy Program to be administered by the State Coastal Conservancy for the purposes of restoration, enhancement, and protection of the unique agricultural, economic, natural, cultural, recreational, public access, and urban waterfront resources and opportunities of the delta.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1916 (Figueroa-D) Local coastal programs: pollution
Integrates into the local coastal program an element for development of nonpoint source pollution prevention measures.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
SB 1962 (Polanco-D) State coastal conservation: coastal access
Requires the State Coastal Conservancy to accept all offers to dedicated public accessways (OTDs) that have not been accepted by another entity by at least 90 days before the OTD is set to expire, provided sufficient development funds are available.
Chapter 518, Statutes of 2002
SB 1966 (Murray-D) Development projects
Requires a public agency or nonprofit organization, if the agency or organization accepts a donation or is granted any right or interest in an easement to be used for a coastal accessway, to prepare a study analyzing the public safety impacts, including, but not limited to, the need for maintenance, police and fire access, life guards, and parking resulting from the use of coastal accessway.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
SJR 15 (O'Connell-D) Offshore oil drilling
Memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to negotiate a permanent settlement with the leaseholders of the 36 federal oil leases remaining off the coast of California, which prohibits the development of the leases on the basis that the impacts of developing those leases are not acceptable, and to continue the moratorium on new oil leasing.
(Died at Assembly Desk)
AB 640 (Jackson-D) Local coastal programs
Requires the California Coastal Commission, not later than January 1, 2004, after a public hearing, to adopt guidelines for the implementation of local coastal programs and to periodically update those guidelines as it deems necessary.
(Died on Assembly Third Reading File)
AB 1913 (Lowenthal-D) Coastal development
Authorizes the Executive Director of the California Coastal Commission to file a notice of violation of the California Coastal Act, if the director determines that real property has been developed in violation of the Act.
Chapter 235, Statutes 2002
AB 2158 (Lowenthal-D) Coastal development permits
Requires the California Coastal Commission to ensure that coastal development permit conditions relating to affordable housing not expire during the term of the permit.
Chapter 297, Statutes of 2002
AB 2387 (Bates-R) State Coastal Conservancy: education programs: grants
Clarifies that the State Coastal Conservancy's educational programs may not include grants from the general fund to local public educational agencies.
Chapter 164, Statutes of 2002
AB 2534 (Pavley-D) Watershed, Clean Beaches, and Water Quality Act
Enacts the Watershed, Clean Beaches and Water Quality Act for purposes of appropriating various proceeds of bonds derived from the California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks, and Coastal Protection Act of 2002 (Proposition 40).
Chapter 727, Statutes of 2002
AB 2727 (Keeley-D) State Coastal Conservancy: coastal zone land
Enhances the State Coastal Conservancy's authority to provide grants and fund land acquisitions for purposes of protecting and providing public access to the state's coastal resources.
Chapter 958, Statutes of 2002
AB 2943 (Wiggins-D) California Coastal Commission: local government
Gives the California Coastal Commission discretion as to whether or not to grant a coastal development permit for a seawall that is necessary to serve a coastal dependent use or to protect an existing structure.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 2997* (Assembly Budget Committee) Parks and recreation and coastal protection
Eliminates the local match requirement for Roberti-Z'berg grant funds and suspends the allocation of federal Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act funds until January 1, 2004.
Chapter 1031, Statutes of 2002

Environmental Quality
SB 439 (Monteith-R) Homeownership, employment, and education
Revises policies of the California Environmental Quality Agency to require consideration of the effects of a proposed project on homeownership, employment, and educational opportunities and to require governmental agencies to consider the rapidly increasing population of California, and benefits and alternatives to proposed actions affecting homeownership, employment, and educational opportunities for future generations.
Declares the policy of the state to require input from local communities that may be affected by proposed projects and for public agencies to give priority and expedited processing to proposed projects for universities and other educational institutions.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
Similar legislation was SB 681 (Monteith-R), which died in the Senate Environmental Quality Committee.
SB 469* (Alpert-D) Water quality: total maximum daily loads
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to (1) complete, by January 1, 2004, guidelines to be used by SWRCB and regional boards to develop lists of impaired bodies of water and to develop and implement actions related to total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) of water pollutants; and (2) reduce, from 90 days to 60 days, the maximum review time spent on a water quality control plan resubmitted by a regional board to the water board due solely to the addition of a TMDL component in the plan.
Chapter 20, Statutes of 2002
SB 482 (Kuehl-D) Salton Sea
Requires the State Resources Agency and the State Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency to review and report to the Governor and the Legislature, on or before June 30, 2003, on certain matters pertaining to the implementation of a Quantification Settlement Agreement. Authorizes the State Department of Fish and Game, contingent upon the execution of the Quantification Settlement Agreement, among other things, to authorize the take of species resulting from specified environmental impacts attributable to the implementation of the agreement. Sets forth other provisions relating to the Imperial Irrigation District and Colorado River water. Also requires the Secretary of the State Resources Agency to establish an advisory committee representing the parties interested in the future of the Salton Sea.
Chapter 617, Statutes of 2002
SB 496* (Sher-D) Environmental quality
Requires state and local agencies, in determining whether proposed projects within their jurisdictions are to be submitted to appropriate state agencies for review and comment prior to completion of an environmental impact report or negative declaration under the California Environmental Quality Act, to use criteria already developed by the Office of Planning and Research for making this determination.
(Died on Assembly Third Reading File)
SB 649* (Senate Environmental Quality Committee) Solid waste management
Makes several noncontroversial and technical changes to statutes governing environmental quality, including provisions on State Department of Boating and Waterways loans to local agencies, environmental impact reports, local integrated waste management plans, used and waste tires, and incontinence medical supplies.
Chapter 625, Statutes of 2002
SB 865 (Polanco-D) CA and Mexico Border Infrastructure Financing Authority
Establishes a nine-member California and Mexico Border Infrastructure Financing Authority within the State Treasurer's Office to identify needs and priorities related to border economic development and environmental quality and to evaluate strategies to address the identified needs.
Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee
SB 1141 (Poochigian-R) Attorney General
Declares the Attorney General's exemption under the following provisions in current law: (1) no action or proceeding may be brought for noncompliance with the California Environmental Quality Act unless the alleged grounds for noncompliance were presented to the public agency orally or in writing by any person during the public comment period or prior to the close of the public hearing on the project before the issuance of the notice of determination, and (2) prohibits any person from maintaining an action or proceeding unless that person objected to the approval of the project orally or in writing during the public comment period provided or prior to the close of the public hearing on the project before the issuance of the notice of determination.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1393 (Kuehl-D) California Environmental Quality Act
Requires the Secretary of the Resources Agency, by July 1, 2003, to develop a protocol for reviewing the prospective application of a certified regulatory program to evaluate its consistency with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act.
Chapter 1121, Statutes of 2002
SB 1653 (Costa-D) California Bay-Delta Act
Creates, until January 1, 2006, the 20-member California Bay-Delta Authority, in the State Resources Agency, as the governance organization overseeing implementation of the California Bay-Delta Program, as specified.
Chapter 812, Statutes of 2002
SB 1681 (Monteith-R) Homeownership, employment, and education
Revises state policy under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to include the development and maintenance of a high-quality environment through homeownership, employment, transportation, security, and educational opportunities. Revises other policies of CEQA to require consideration of the effects of a proposed project on homeownership, employment, transportation, security, and educational opportunities, in determining whether a proposed project may have a significant effect on the environment, and to require governmental agencies to consider the rapidly increasing population of California, and benefits and alternatives to proposed actions affecting homeownership, employment, transportation, security, and educational opportunities for future generations.
Declares the policy of the state to require persons and public agencies involved in the environmental review process to seek input from local communities that may be affected by proposed projects, and for public agencies to give priority and expedited processing to proposed projects for universities and other educational institutions.
Expands the definition of "emergency" provided in CEQA to include circumstances involving unusually high unemployment rates, unusually high drop-out rates at high schools in the relevant jurisdiction, or extreme poverty levels among local residents in the relevant jurisdiction.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1828 (Burton-D) Mining: historical resources
Contains two separate parts that amend the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975 and the California Environmental Quality Act to subject projects that could affect a Native American tribe's sacred site to additional conditions and approvals.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1925 (Sher-D) California Environmental Quality Act: exemptions
Consolidates provisions relating to housing and infill development projects, revises the affordable housing exceptions, and makes certain definitions, terms and conditions consistent.
Chapter 1039, Statutes of 2002
SB 2096 (Senate Environmental Quality Committee) Laboratory services
Makes numerous changes to the state environmental laboratory certification and accreditation law. Most of these changes are clarifying, technical or nonsubstantive amendments that correct drafting errors or make clearer distinctions between state certification and National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program accreditation.
Chapter 215, Statutes of 2002
AB 1086 (Calderon-D) Residential infill development project
Requires a lead agency to prepare a negative declaration or a mitigated negative declaration for any project under certain conditions. Notwithstanding the requirement to prepare a negative declaration or mitigated declaration, requires the lead agency to prepare an "infill project-specific focused environmental impact report" as specified.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1108 (Pavley-D) Scoping meetings: military areas
Provides that a scoping meeting that is conducted in the city or county in which a project is located pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act will satisfy the state scoping meeting requirement for specified projects if the lead agency provides notice to interested parties in conformance with the existing state requirements, and imposes additional requirements on a lead agency if the United States Department of Defense or a military service notifies the lead agency with specified information.
Chapter 638, Statutes of 2002
AB 1365 (Ashburn-R) Sewage sludge
Designates any public agency engaged in the treatment or generation of sewage sludge as the lead agency for purposes of California Environmental Quality Act for the transportation, disposal, use, land application, or storage of that sewage sludge within or outside its boundaries. Requires a lead agency to prepare, or cause to be prepared, an environmental impact report for the transportation, disposal, use, land application, or storage of that sewage sludge within or outside its boundaries.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1438 (Florez-D) Reservoirs: recreation use
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS), by March 1, 2003, to convene a public advisory group, with specified membership, to advise the department on the development of minimum standards for sanitation of high-use or priority freshwater bathing areas, as defined. Requires DHS, on or before December 31, 2005, to establish minimum sanitation standards for the recreational use of the public freshwater bathing areas.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1882 (Canciamilla-D) In-fill development: Contra Costa County
Exempts a specific type of construction project located within Contra Costa County from the California Environmental Quality Act requirements to prepare environmental impact reports or other related documents for five years.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
Similar legislation was AB 271 (Canciamilla-D), which died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee.
AB 2290 (Kehoe-D) California Environmental Quality Act
Specifies that, for the purposes of the California Environmental Quality act, a project that may have a substantial impact on a wetland or special aquatic site, is a project that may have a significant effect on the environment.
(Failed passage on Assembly Third Reading File)
AB 2312 (Chu-D) Environmental justice: grant program
Establishes the Environmental Justice Small Grant Program under the jurisdiction of the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA). Requires CalEPA (1) to award grants on a competitive basis; (2) to adopt regulations; and (3) to limit the amount of a grant to no more than $20,000.
Chapter 994, Statutes of 2002
AB 2486 (Keeley-D) Environmental prosecution
Enacts the Environmental Enforcement and Training Act of 2002. Expands the focus of the Local Toxics Enforcement and Training Program, renames the program, codifies the Environmental Circuit Prosecutor Project and establishes a formula for allocating available funds to train local law enforcement, prosecutorial and environmental personnel in the investigation and prosecution of violations of environmental laws and to support the Environmental Circuit Prosecutor Project.
Chapter 1000, Statutes of 2002
AB 2683 (Canciamilla-D) California Bay-Delta Authority Act
Makes technical amendments to the California Bay-Delta Authority Act (SB 1653 - Costa-D).
Chapter 955, Statutes of 2002
AB 2707 (La Suer-R) Creation of bicycle lanes
Exempts from the California Environmental Quality Act a project that creates a bicycle lane by reducing the number of vehicles on an existing roadway.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 2761 (Pavley-D) Natural resources
Prohibits a lead agency from authorizing or allowing any grading or development on a project subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) unless every responsible agency and public agency with jurisdiction over natural resources affected by the project has fully complied with CEQA, and has approved the project.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 3041 (Assembly Natural Resources Committee) Use of State Clearinghouse
Codifies the requirement that each lead agency use the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR), commonly referred to as the State Clearinghouse, in order to circulate a draft environmental impact report and negative declaration, and requires each lead agency to provide a sufficient number of copies of each document to OPR for circulation to the appropriate state agencies.
Chapter 1052, Statutes of 2002
ACR 180 (Strom-Martin-D) California Earth Day 2002
Declares April 22, 2002, as "California Earth Day," reaffirms the Legislature's commitment to the fundamental principles of environmental laws, and encourages the state's residents to promote the goals of Earth Day 2002.
Resolution Chapter 59, Statutes of 2002
A similar resolution was ACR 182 (Harman-R), which died at the Assembly Desk.
ACR 249 (Pavley-D) Year of Clean Water: Clean Water Month
Declares the year 2002 as the "Year of Clean Water" and October 2002 as "Clean Water Month," and encourages all Californians to recognize the importance of making a personal commitment to do their part to protect water quality and to commit to achieving the goals of the federal Water Pollution Control Act.
Resolution Chapter 190, Statutes of 2002

SB 234 (Kuehl-D) State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection
Alters the required interests and backgrounds of the members of the State Board of Forestry and applies conflict-of-interest and ex parte communications standards to the board.
(Failed passage on Assembly Floor)
SB 540 (Sher-D) Forest practices: penalties
Extends to the State Attorney General or district attorney the authority to seek a civil penalty for violations of the Z'berg-Nejedly Forest Practice Act upon the request of the director of the State Department of Forest and Fire Protection. Also allows a prosecutor to seek such a civil penalty whether or not he or she is bringing misdemeanor charges for the same conduct.
Chapter 762, Statutes of 2002
SB 907* (Chesbro-D) Forest resources
Allows the $13 million of the monies appropriated from the Headwaters Forest Preserve purchase that was not used for the Owl Creek tract be appropriated for the purchase of other old growth tracts on the North Coast.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 2049 (Sher-D) Forest Resources Improvement Fund: expenditures
Amends the authorized uses of the Forest Resources Improvement Fund (FRI) as follows: Deletes (1) wood energy programs, and (2) costs associated with administering the Z'berg-Nejedly Forest Practice Act of 1973 from the list of authorized uses of FRI and adds costs associated with research on, and the detection, removal, and treatment of trees infected with, phytophthora ramorum, commonly referred to as "sudden oak death".
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SCA 17 (Perata-D) Heritage trees
Generally prohibits (1) cutting or causing a substantial probability of significant harm to any heritage tree, as defined, in this State, (2) using a heritage tree or heritage tree buffer zone, as defined, in a manner that significantly harms a heritage tree, and (3) cutting a heritage tree pursuant to certain statutory and regulatory exemptions.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
AB 103 (Vargas-D) State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Establishes the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection within the Office of the Governor, rather than the State Resources Agency. Also makes conforming and other technical changes.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1172 (Keeley-D) Forest Practices Act: fees
Imposes a timber yield fee on those who harvest timber. Imposes a four percent timber harvest fee for the 2002-03 and 2003-04 fiscal years. Provides that for fiscal years 2004 and after, the fee will be set by the State Board of Forestry in an amount sufficient to fund the State's administrative costs in administering the timber harvest regulatory program.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1226 (Strom-Martin-D) State forests
Among other provisions, defines forest land, permits rather than requires the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to sell state-owned lands classified by the department and approved by the State Board of Forestry as not suited for the growing of timber, or necessary to the management of the forest, to be sold according to state laws and requires regulations adopted by the state department to permit the use of state forest land for mining purposes initiated prior to January 1, 2002, pursuant to regulations adopted by the board.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1231 (Nation-D) Forest watershed analysis: salmonid population assessment
Requires the State Resources Agency, in consultation with the California Environmental Protection Agency, as part of the North Coast Watershed Assessment Program to establish a watershed analysis methodology that examines linkages between various environmental factors and the health of salmonid population.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1748 (Dickerson-R) State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection: pilots
Requires the payment of a one-time sum death benefit to eligible survivors of State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection contract pilots who are killed in the line of duty.
Chapter 476, Statutes of 2002
AB 1983 (Dickerson-R) Wildland fuel reduction
Establishes a Fuel Hazard Reduction Program at the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to award competitive grants to encourage the development and use of wildland fuel reduction practices to reduce the level of wildland fire damage on private properties in the State.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2234 (Vargas-D) Cal Fire Agency
Replaces the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection with a new Cal Fire Agency with all the same powers and duties.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2381 (Cogdill-R) State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Provides that the law relating to nonagricultural burning does not limit authority granted by other provisions of law for a public officer to set or permit a fire for fire hazard prevention when the fire is immediately necessary and there is no reasonable alternative to burning, where best management practices are used.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 2505 (Negrete McLeod-D) State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Authorizes the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to enter into contracts for fire suppression and other emergency services on lands owned by federally recognized Indian tribes.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2885 (Strom-Martin-D) Forest practices: timber operator license
Prohibits a real party in interest from having any involvement in the conduct of timber operations of any licensed timber operator when the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection has denied a license to that real party in interest.
Chapter 171, Statutes of 2002
AB 2993 (Firebaugh-D) Urban wildland interface communities
Requires the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to establish a working group to develop potential incentives for landowners to implement prefire activities in state responsibility areas and urban wildland interface communities, and to identify all federal, state, or local programs, private programs, or any other programs requiring a cost share that involves prefire activities.
Chapter 596, Statutes of 2002
AJR 25 (Firebaugh-D) Forest resources
Memorializes the Congress to declare its encouragement of public and private investment in economically and environmentally sound forest management practices that ensure sustainable forests for the benefit of present and future generations.
Resolution Chapter 122, Statutes of 2002

Endangered Species
SB 550 (Costa-D) Endangered species
Extends the current sunset of Section 2087 of the Fish and Game Code, which allows for the destruction of endangered specifies if the taking is the result of "otherwise lawful routine and ongoing agricultural activities" from December 31, 2002, to January 1, 2009. Also deletes the requirement that the acts be inadvertent or ordinary negligent acts in order for the exception to apply.
Chapter 32, Statutes of 2002
SB 2052 (Sher-D) Natural community conservation plans: endangered species
Amends the Natural Community Conservation Planning Act as amended this year by SB 107 (Sher), Chapter 4, Statutes of 2002, to conform the definition of "candidate species" to the California Endangered Species Act, revises the definition of "plan participant", and repeals an erroneous reference.
Chapter 133, Statutes of 2002
AB 985 (Florez-D) Fully protected species
Repeals provisions in current law regarding the identification of four additional species that are listed as candidate, threatened or endangered, for which recovery strategies would be developed and implemented. Requires the State Fish and Game Commission to establish a list of fully protected species consisting of the species identified in specified provisions of existing law that the bill repeals. Requires the list to be revised according to a specified procedure. Requires the development of a comprehensive program to prepare and adopt recovery strategies for all species that are listed as threatened or endangered species.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1306 (Hollingsworth-R) Endangered species
Establishes the Western Riverside Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan Pilot Program.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1598 (Hollingsworth-R) Fully protected species
Declares the Legislature's intent to enact legislation to address the issues involving the current statutory provisions governing fully protected species and to explore a conservation program for these species that is linked to the listing, recovery and incidental take provisions of the California Endangered Species Act.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2605 (Aanestad-R) Endangered species: designation: economic/social impact
Requires potential social and economic impacts to be identified and considered before additions or deletions can be made to the State Department of Fish and Game's lists of endangered or threatened species.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

Solid Waste Management
SB 403 (Machado-D) Recycled cement
Authorizes the sale of recycled concrete, as defined, if the end-user has been fully informed that the concrete is recycled.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 441 (Sher-D) Beverage containers: recycling
Revises various payment and recycling formulae within the bottle bill law, and adds new recycling programs.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 648 (Senate Environmental Quality Committee) Public contracts: recycled products
Requires the State Department of General Services to revise, as needed, its list of feasibly available recycled products, for purchase and use by state and local agencies, and to include the revised list in its annual report to the Legislature. Requires state agencies to continuously review their procedures and specifications for the purchase of lubricating and industrial oils to eliminate any exclusion of recycled oils.
Chapter 408, Statutes of 2002
SB 649* (Senate Environmental Quality Committee) Solid waste management: mercury: used tires
Makes several noncontroversial and technical changes to statutes governing environmental quality, including provisions on State Department of Boating and Waterways loans to local agencies, environmental impact reports, local integrated waste management plans, used and waste tires, and incontinence medical supplies.
Chapter 625, Statutes of 2002
SB 1069 (Chesbro-D) Plastic pollution prevention fee
Requires any manufacturer of a product sold or offered for sale in a rigid plastic packaging container on or after January 1, 2006, to pay a plastic pollution prevention fee to the California Integrated Waste Management Board for every plastic container of a resin type that fails to equal or exceed a recycling rate of 50 percent or more on or before January 1, 2005.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1328 (Chesbro-D) Illegal disposal: abatement grants
Expands the farm and ranch solid waste and abatement grant program to include Native American tribes and all public entities and increases the grant amounts.
Chapter 628, Statutes of 2002
SB 1346 (Kuehl-D) Tire recycling program: rubberized asphalt concrete
Authorizes the tire recycling program to include grants to local agencies for funding of public works projects that use rubberized asphalt concrete.
Chapter 671, Statutes of 2002
SB 1374 (Kuehl-D) Construction and demolition waste materials
Requires the California Integrated Waste Management Board to adopt a model ordinance for diverting 50 to 75 percent of construction and demolition waste materials from landfills.
Chapter 501, Statutes of 2002
SB 1514 (Torlakson-D) California beverage container recycling: reporting
Requires the State Department of Conservation to submit a report, by January 1, 2004, regarding beverage container recycling efforts in California's public elementary, middle and high schools.
Chapter 504, Statutes of 2002
SB 1523 (Sher-D) Cathode ray tube and CRT devices
Requires every retailer or manufacturer that sells Cathode Ray Tube devices (CRT devices) to collect a Cathode Ray Tube Recycling Fee on each CRT device. Also establishes the Cathode Ray Tube Recycling Account for deposit of the fees, grants programs to expend the funds from the account and establishes the CRT Recycling Advisory Committee.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1542 (Escutia-D) Environmental justice
Requires the California Integrated Waste Management Board to provide local jurisdictions and businesses with information to assist with consideration of environmental justice concerns regarding siting elements for solid waste disposal facilities.
Chapter 1003, Statutes of 2002
SB 1587 (Romero-D) Landfill facilities: disposal sites
Pertains to solid waste, landfill facilities and disposal sites and, among other things, makes a number of changes and additions to the Integrated Waste Management Act.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1619 (Romero-D) Cathode ray tubes and devices
Provides a grant program and recycling and diversion goals for cathode ray tubes and CRT device diversion, recycling, and refurbishment.
Vetoed by Governor
SB 1882 (Alpert-D) Diaper recycling pilot project: recycling
Requires the California Integrated Waste Management Board to review and compile information on disposable diaper products.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 467 (Strom-Martin-D) Integrated waste management: landfill closure program
Establishes the Landfill Closure Loan Program for purposes of providing loans to operators of unlined older-technology landfills who are interested in early closure of their landfills.
Chapter 587, Statutes of 2002
AB 709 (Wayne-D) Codisposal sites: cleanup
Establishes a third category of site -- the "burn dump site" -- in the California Integrated Waste Management Board's solid waste cleanup program and prescribes a method for determining if the board will oversee the cleanup or whether the State Department of Toxic Substances Control or the regional water quality control board will have oversight responsibility.
Chapter 589, Statutes of 2002
AB 1400 (Cogdill-R) Mixed solid waste composting facility
Requires the County of Mariposa, by July 1, 2003, to submit a report to the California Integrated Waste Management Board concerning the county's progress in funding, constructing, and operating a mixed solid waste composting facility in cooperation with Yosemite National Park.
Chapter 381, Statutes of 2002
AB 1482 (Richman-R) Regional solid waste agencies
With regard to current law, regional solid waste agencies may apportion, to the cities and counties within the regional agency, penalties imposed by the California Integrated Waste Management Board for not meeting diversion requirements. Allows the regional agencies to apportion the penalties based upon the city or county's responsibility for the regional agency not meeting the requirements.
Chapter 359, Statutes of 2002
AB 1952 (Bogh-R) Solid waste: biomass conversion: transformation
Revises the definition of biomass conversion under the California Integrated Waste Management Act to include the controlled combustion, thermal conversion, chemical conversion, or biological conversion, other than composting, of biomass waste used for producing electricity, heat, or a reconstituted product that meets the quality standards for use in the market place. Defines the term "biomass waste" as meaning organic material that is source separated from the municipal solid waste stream or that is separated at a centralized facility, and revises the definition of transformation to exclude pyrolysis, distillation, gasification, or biological conversion other than composting. Also revises provisions relating to the development of a source reduction and recycling element of an integrated waste management plan by each city, county, city and county, and regional agency.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 2308 (Chavez-D) Inert waste
Requires jurisdictions to deduct inert waste from reported disposal tonnage, commencing with the 2001 reporting year, if that inert waste is placed on property where surface mining operations are conducted. Becomes inoperative when a related regulation is adopted by the California Integrated Waste Management Board.
Chapter 993, Statutes of 2002
AB 2356 (Keeley-D) Compost contamination
Prohibits the sale of a pesticide containing clopyralid except by a licensed pest control dealer. Authorizes pesticides containing clopyralid that are labeled for use on lawns and turf, including golf courses, to be sold to licensed or certified applicators.
Chapter 591, Statutes of 2002
AB 2770 (Matthews-D) Conversion technologies
(1) Establishes a definition for "gasification" of solid waste under the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989, which meets specified criteria; (2) includes gasification facilities in the definition of solid waste facility, thereby subjecting such facilities to the regulatory jurisdiction of the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB); (3) expressly excludes gasification from the definition of transformation; and (4) requires the CIWMB to study and report on new and emerging conversion technologies, as specified, and appropriates $1.5 million for that purpose.
Chapter 740, Statutes of 2002
ACR 101 (Leslie-R) Solid waste disposal costs: composting
Recommends to the Regents of the University of California that the University of California consider completing an in-depth study to establish the true costs of the landfill disposal of solid waste in California.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

Toxics/Hazardous Waste
SB 243 (Kuehl-D) Radiation Safety Act of 2001
Establishes specified prohibitions against the disposal of low level radioactive materials and the sale of properties contaminated by the radioactivity.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 260 (Senate Environmental Quality Committee) Department of Toxic Substances Control
Codifies the Governor's Reorganization Plan (GRP) No. 1 of 1991 and makes the codified statutes consistent with what was legally established by the GRP.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
SB 453 (Alarcon-D) Elementary neutralization activities
Exempts tanks, piping and ancillary equipment that is used to neutralize water demineralization wastes at investor-owned power plants located on federal land from the secondary containment requirements that apply to generators of hazardous wastes, if certain conditions exist.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 489 (Romero-D) Hazardous waste of concern: handling: transportation
Creates the Hazardous Waste of Concern and Public Safety Act to tighten tracking of hazardous wastes that might be misused as a weapon of mass destruction.
Chapter 607, Statutes of 2002
SB 526* (Sher-D) Underground storage tanks
Clarifies underground storage tank closure certification requirements for tanks that may have contained methyl t-butyl ether, and permits the Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency to solicit bids for state subsidized brownfields insurance without specifying in advance whether one or multiple providers will be selected.
Chapter 37, Statutes of 2002
SB 693 (Scott-D) Commencement of actions: hazardous substances
Provides that in any civil action for injury or illness based upon exposure to a hazardous substance, the time for commencement of the action shall be no later than one year after the plaintiff is diagnosed with a medical condition causally related to that exposure. Also provides that in an action for the wrongful death of any plaintiff's decedent, based upon exposure to a hazardous substance, the time for commencement of an action shall be no later than one year from the date of death of the plaintiff's decedent, or one year from the date the plaintiff first knew, or should have known, that the death was caused or contributed to by that exposure, whichever occurs later.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 718 (Poochigian-R) Income and corporation taxes: oil recycling
Provides a credit equal to 35 percent of the taxpayer's costs during the taxable year for purchase of any equipment that is used to recycle used motor oil. Also appropriates $400,000 from the California Used Oil Recycling Fund to the California Integrated Waste Management Board for the purpose of advertising the advantages of using recycled oil.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 849 (Torlakson-D) Oil spills: fees
Increases, from $0.04 to $0.05 for each barrel of crude oil or petroleum byproducts, an oil spill prevention and administration fee that is imposed by the administrator for oil spill response on every person owning crude oil at the time that the oil is received at a marine terminal. Authorizes the imposition of an administrative fee for each application to obtain a certificate of financial responsibility for nontank vessels. Adds to the Oil Spill Technical Advisory Committee a member who has demonstrable knowledge of the dry cargo vessel industry and requires the committee to prepare a report on the effectiveness of the oil spill response and preparedness program.
Chapter 514, Statutes of 2002
SB 1011 (Sher-D) Household hazardous waste
Revises requirements related to the operation of local curbside household hazardous waste collection programs and transfers, from the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment to the State Department of Toxic Substances Control, the registered environmental assessor program.
Chapter 626, Statutes of 2002
SB 1257 (Murray-D) Vehicles: hazardous materials transportation
Tightens restrictions regarding the transportation of hazardous waste, including requiring a representative of the entity responsible for loading hazardous waste into a vehicle to ensure that the driver is in possession of the license and endorsement appropriate to that load, subjecting motor carriers carrying hazardous waste for which they are required to display placards to specified licensing provisions relating to inspections, vehicle equipment, and compliance with specified laws and regulations and requiring drivers transporting hazardous materials to verify, and document, that locked cargo bodies have their locks in place if the vehicle has been left unattended.
Chapter 610, Statutes of 2002
SB 1526 (Romero-D) Waste: out-of-state hazardous waste disposal
(1) Requires the California Environmental Protection Agency to convene an Interagency Conversion Technologies and Biomass Task Force; (2) requires a fee on hazardous materials produced in California but disposed of out-of-state; (3) requires the State Department of Toxic Substances Control to establish an Electronic Waste Management Grant, Loan, and Loan Guarantee Program; (4) adds additional reporting requirements for the California Integrated Waste Management Board; and (5) creates the Diversion Reward Grant, Loan, and Loan Guarantee Program.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
SB 1684 (Polanco-D) Redevelopment: hazardous substance releases
Repeals the January 1, 2004 sunset date on the provisions of the redevelopment agency cleanup law that grants redevelopment agencies cleanup authority, provides immunity from liability, if a cleanup is carried out properly and allows recovery of costs from responsible parties.
Chapter 1004, Statutes of 2002
SB 1696 (Knight-R) Hazardous materials: generator fees
Doubles the number of hours, from 500 to 1000, a person must work before they are counted as an employee for purposes of assigning a corporation to an environmental fee tier.
(Failed passage in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1922 (Romero-D) Hazardous waste transportation: remote sites
Increases the amount of waste mineral oil (dielectric fluid) taken from electrical equipment that utilities may transport from remote sites to a consolidation site without meeting the hazardous waste manifest/registered hauler requirements from 500 gallons to 5000 gallons. Does not, however, apply to mineral oil that contains levels of polychlorinated biphenyls that would cause the mineral oil to be otherwise classified as a hazardous waste.
Chapter 327, Statutes of 2002
SB 1963 (Polanco-D) Hazardous materials: brownfields: liability
Grants the owner or tenant of a "brownfield," as that term is defined, immunity from liability for third-party property damage caused by a hazardous materials release on or from the "brownfield," if the owner or tenant can demonstrate that he or she is a "prospective purchaser" of the "brownfield." This immunity is in addition to any immunity the prospective purchaser may enjoy under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act and the state Superfund law against lawsuits for contribution brought by persons who have incurred property damage as a result of the release.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1970 (Romero-D) Radiation Safety Act of 2002
Prohibits the disposal of radioactive waste at a hazardous waste disposal facility, except as specified, and enacts the Radiation Safety Act of 2002, as specified. Also requires the California Integrated Waste Management Board and the State Department of Health Services to adopt regulations and oversee enforcement and certain reporting requirements.
Vetoed by the Governor
Similar legislation was SB 1623 (Romero-D), which died in Senate Appropriations Committee.
SB 2065 (Kuehl-D) Radioactive waste
Imposes certain informational duties on the State Department of Health Services (DHS) and on generators of low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) by requiring (1) DHS to establish reporting procedures through a public hearing process for LLRW, (2) generators of LLRW to report specified information to DHS, and (3) DHS to maintain specified files and prepare a report, including an annual set of tables summarizing the data collected from generators of LLRW.
Chapter 891, Statutes of 2002
AB 702* (Jackson-D) Hazardous substance remediation: pilot project
Establishes a pilot program at the California Environmental Protection Agency to provide grants to ten cities, counties or redevelopment agencies for development of a multiparcel risk assessment approach for determining appropriate response actions at brownfields and other local hazardous substance release sites in need of cleanup or other form of mitigation.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 712 (Migden-D) Fluorescent lamps: recycling
Requires, after January 1, 2004, every retail purchaser who purchases a fluorescent lamp from a retail seller to pay a fluorescent lamp recycling fee of three cents for each fluorescent lamp purchased in this state.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 751 (Jackson-D) Mercury-containing lamp waste
Requires any person managing mercury-containing lamp waste to manage the waste as a hazardous waste pursuant to the hazardous waste control laws. Also requires any person recycling mercury-containing lamp waste to do so in the same manner as universal waste or in a facility issued a hazardous waste facilities permit.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1114 (Pescetti-R) Brownfields redevelopment
Makes various changes under the liability provisions of the Carpenter-Presley-Tanner Hazardous Account Act, including immunizing certain parties from liability.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1313 (Pavley-D) Hazardous waste: fertilizing materials
Establishes a mechanism in the State Department of Toxic Substances Control to regulate hazardous wastes added to fertilizer products.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1340 (Kelley-R) Underground storage tanks: claims
Revises provisions under current law relating to the priority of payment of claims made from the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1507 (Canciamilla-D) Accidental release prevention
Provides that the program for the prevention of accidental releases of regulated substances adopted by the California Environmental Protection Agency, pursuant to the Clean Air Act, is to be known as the "California Accidental Release Prevention Program" or "CalARP".
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1510 (Ashburn-R) Dry cell batteries
Requires the Environmental Policy Council to perform a study and submit a report to the Legislature, by July 31, 2003, regarding available recycling opportunities and reclamation practices and the environmental effect of randomly disposing of spent dry cell batteries containing zinc electrodes in solid waste landfills. Appropriates $125,000 from the General Fund to the council to prepare this report.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 1708 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Disabled vehicle waste: tow trucks
Among others, permits, on and after July 1, 2004, a tow truck driver to remove, transport and dispose of vehicle fluids deposited at the scene of a vehicle accident or disabled vehicle, when directed as specified, only if the tow truck driver successfully completes the initial training course and any refresher course and requires that a tow truck driver who removes, transports, and disposes of vehicle fluids, to do so in accordance with specified requirements regarding the amount of, and manner in which, the waste is transported.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 2141 (Firebaugh-D) Hazardous materials: hazardous waste enforcement actions
Extends the public participation process followed under the Superfund program to other cleanup actions by the State Department of Toxic Substances Control.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 2166 (Lowenthal-D) Used oil recycling: household hazardous waste
Requires hazardous waste transporters who transport used oil to provide written notice to used oil generators from whom they receive used oil regarding the shipment of the used oil to facilities that do not meet California environmental standards.
Chapter 992, Statutes of 2002
AB 2214 (Keeley-D) Low-level radioactive waste disposal facility
Prohibits the State Department of Health Services (DHS) from issuing or renewing a license for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) unless (1) DHS determines that the siting design, and operation of the facility complies with specified federal regulations; and (2) the design and construction of the facility meets specified requirements. Requires DHS to establish a fee for the issuance or renewal of a license to dispose of LLRW. Prohibits a facility from disposing of LLRW using shallow land burial and prohibits the proposed Ward Valley radioactive waste disposal site from serving as the state's facility for purposes of the Southwestern LLRW Disposal Compact. Repeals the current authority for DHS to lease specified property to construct, operate, and close a LLRW disposal facility.
Chapter 513, Statutes of 2002
AB 2215 (Strom-Martin-D) Offshore contaminants
Establishes the Joint Agency Review of Offshore Contaminants Task Force to take several actions related to toxins present at and around oil platforms located in both state and federal waters offshore of California.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2237 (Chu-D) Packaging materials: regulated metals
Prohibits manufacturers or distributors, starting January 1, 2004, from selling any packaging containing, or a product in a package that contains, more than trace amounts of lead, cadmium, mercury or chromium VI that have been intentionally introduced into the packaging material.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2253 (Cohn-D) Mercury-containing light switches
Revises the State Department of Toxic Substances Control requirements under the California Mercury Reduction Act of 2001 to include providing assistance to businesses engaged in disposing of motor vehicles and those engaged in disposing, dismantling or crushing vehicle parts.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 2327 (Jackson-D) Oil and gas development: pipelines
Requires oil produced offshore to be transported to onshore processing facilities by pipeline only and that pipelines used to transport this oil onshore use the best available technology.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 2335 (Pavley-D) Firefighting: hazardous materials equipment
Establishes the Firefighting Hazardous Materials Response Team Equipment Program for the purchase of hazardous materials response apparatus and equipment.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2479 (Jackson-D) Chemical security
Enhances the state's regulatory structure for tracking the handling and movement of hazardous substances and "substances of concern" across California.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2485 (Bill Campbell-R) Hazardous substances: brownfields
Establishes, at the California Policy Research Center (PRC) at UC Berkeley, the Brownfields Best Practices Awards Program to award funds to innovative and effective local brownfields recycling programs that can be replicated for use in other communities. Requires the PRC to develop a best practices manual for local agencies that identifies remediation and redevelopment projects, lists case studies that represent existing brownfield cleanup practices, and identifies training needs related to brownfields cleanup.
(Died in Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 2682 (Chu-D) Petroleum pollution cleanup
Imposes a 30 cent assessment on each barrel of crude oil received at a refinery in California and allocates the generated revenue to support the following programs: (1) A CalEPA-administered program for funding projects addressing petroleum-related contamination of groundwater, marine and terrestrial surface waters, soil, and drinking water supplies; and (2) diesel emissions exposure reduction incentive projects and programs administered by local air districts and the current Lower-Emission School Bus Program administered by the State Air Resources Board.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2687 (Maldonado-R) Transportation of hazardous materials: restrictions
Expands the State Department of the California Highway Patrol's authority to close, to the transport of hazardous materials or hazardous waste, a highway located within the watershed of a drinking water reservoir owned or operated by any public water system, rather than just those owned or operated by a municipal water district.
Chapter 104, Statutes of 2002
AB 2716 (Ashburn-R) Disabled vehicle waste
Requires the California Environmental Protection Agency to develop and examine scientific information regarding disabled vehicle waste, and to provide a report to the Legislature.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 2947 (Florez-D) Medical waste
Specifies that biohazardous waste includes waste that is both hazardous only because it is comprised of pharmaceuticals and would be considered hazardous waste if characterized according to specified criteria contained in regulations adopted by the State Department of Health Services. Also excludes over-the-counter drugs from the definition of pharmaceutical for purposes of the above provisions.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 3053* (Assembly Environmental Safety And Toxic Materials Committee) Multiparcel remediation: pilot project
Enacts the California Subregional Coordination and Cleanup Act of 2002 and establishes four pilot projects in redevelopment zones to determine the types of potential efficiencies if the investigation and cleanup of properties contaminated or suspected of being so are done on a multi-parcel basis.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 31* (Chesbro-D) Sudden oak death: appropriation
Appropriates $10.2 million from the General Fund to the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to help prevent sudden oak death syndrome, as specified.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 107 (Sher-D) Natural community conservation planning
Revamps the State Department of Fish and Game's process for providing comprehensive management and conservation of multiple wildlife species by adding more detail and specifications for preparation and implementation of a Natural Community Conservation Plan.
Chapter 4, Statutes of 2002
SB 196 (Burton-D) Parks coastal protection: land conservation: air pollution
Places on the March 5, 2002, statewide ballot the $2.998 billion California Resources Legacy Bond Act of 2002.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 232* (Sher-D) Environmental protection: financial assurance and insurance
Establishes a companion program to the Cleanup Loans and Environmental Assistance to Neighborhoods Program that will assist persons who clean up brownfields and underutilized properties to purchase environmental insurance.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 259 (Murray-D) Baldwin Hills Conservancy
Redefines the boundaries of the Baldwin Hills Conservancy (BHC) and changes the structure and operation of BHC.
(Chapter 3, Statutes of 2002)
SB 483 (Sher-D) Surface mining and reclamation
Provides funding and time extensions for the remediation of abandoned mines in California and for an annual report on abandoned mine remediation projects that are proposed for the next fiscal year. Amends the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975 with the intent to protect Native American sacred sites from the potential environmental impacts associated with cyanide heap leach mining.
Chapter 1154, Statutes of 2002
SB 684 (Oller-R) Game bird hunting clubs
Requires that each licensed domesticated game bird hunting club be subject to the same rules and regulations. Requires the shooting season for each licensed domesticated game bird hunting club to commence on September 1 and close on May 31 of the following year. Prohibits the number of pheasants taken on a licensed game bird club from exceeding the total number of pheasants previously released on the licensed area during the license year and up to 12 days prior to the season.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
SB 727 (Costa-D) Environmental Water Account Act of 2001
Enacts the Environmental Water Account Program Act of 2001 and authorizes the State Department of Water Resources to develop and implement the Environmental Water Account Program to provide water for the protection and recovery of fish in a manner that exceeds the protections provided by the regulatory baseline. Requires that water acquired by the department for the program to be used to provide water directly for fish protection or recovery or for compensating water users for reduced water deliveries due to changes in project operations for fish protection or recovery that exceed the regulatory baseline.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Committee)
SB 788 (Alarcon-D) Parks and recreation: grants: urban river park projects
- Creates the California River Parkways Program and authorizes the Secretary of Resources to grant funds to public agencies and nonprofits to acquire real property, improve sites, restore and enhance riparian and other habitat, improve public access, and develop visitor services and recreational and interpretive facilities.
- Requires the secretary, when awarding grants, to give priority to river parkway projects that reduce urban blight, provide park and recreational facilities for underserved communities, improve habitat for threatened or endangered species, and provide flood control benefits.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 830 (Knight-R) Beverage containers
Makes changes to the provisions of current law relating to the payment of handling fees to supermarket sites, nonprofit container zone recyclers and rural region recyclers.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
SB 889 (Polanco-D) Restricted wild animals
Adds certain listed birds, fish, or reptiles to the provisions of current law making it a crime to take, possess, transport, import, export, propagate, purchase, sell, or transfer certain live mammals for the purpose of maiming, injuring, or killing the mammal for gain, amusement, or sport or for the buyer to resell it to someone who intends to use the animals for those purposes.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources Committee)
SB 984 (Costa-D) Rangeland, Grazing Land, and Grassland Protection Act
Establishes a program to protect the state's rangeland, grazing land, and grasslands through the use of conservation easements and grants for acquiring these easements.
Chapter 984, Statutes of 2002
SB 994 (Morrow-R) Liability: public skateboard parks
- Extends, to January 1, 2008, the sunset date for existing law that protects public entities and employees from liability for skateboarding injuries sustained by persons 14 years or older at public skateboard parks.
- Requires the Judicial Council to report to the Legislature by March 31, 2007 on the incidences of injuries incurred, claims asserted, and the results of any lawsuit filed by persons injured while skateboarding in public skateboard parks or facilities.
Chapter 409, Statutes of 2002
SB 1086 (Alpert-D) Marine Life Protection Program: master plan
Pursuant to the Marine Life Protection Act, extends from January 1, 2003, to January 1, 2005, the requirement for the State Department of Fish and Game (DFG) to submit to the Fish and Game Commission a draft master plan that guides the adoption and implementation of a Marine Life Protection Program. The program is designed to protect marine life biodiveristy, habitat, and ecosystems. Also extends, from April 1, 2003, to April 1, 2005, the deadline for DFG to submit to the commission a final master plan for the Marine Life Protection Program and extends from December 1, 2003, to December 1, 2005, the deadline for the commission to adopt the final plan.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 1087 (Polanco-D) Development of state and local parks
Requires the Director of the State Department of Parks and Recreation to determine and designate an appropriate administrative office to coordinate programs that are designed to provide technical assistance with the funding, development, and maintenance of local parks in the state. Also requires that office, if funding is provided by the Legislature, to inventory the need for local parks throughout the state, to identify any barriers to park development, and to recommend methodologies to address or remove those barriers, and to provide technical assistance to local entities in order to develop local parks based on best available practices.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
SB 1093 (Costa-D) Recreational water use: Sly Park Recreational Area
Exempts Sly Park Reservoir from the prohibition on bodily contact for a reservoir in which water is stored for domestic use contingent on the reservoir meeting complete water treatment by June 30, 2005.
Chapter 968, Statutes of 2002
SB 1106 (Perata-D) Oakland Harbor Navigation Improvement Project
Establishes a funding formula for the nonfederal costs of deepening Oakland Harbor so that it can accommodate modern container ships.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1268 (Battin-R) Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District
Conforms the Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District's 1961 statute to recent state law that governs all other recreation and park districts, and makes statutory changes that permits this district to issue general obligation bonds under the same statutory provisions that apply to other recreation and park districts.
Chapter 75, Statutes of 2002
SB 1381 (Kuehl-D) Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission
Establishes a Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission and describes its duties and scope of authority.
Chapter 598, Statutes of 2002
SB 1500 (Johnson-R) Seismic hazards: disclosure statement
Adds a disclaimer to the requirement to disclose a seismic safety hazard in a real estate transfer disclosure statement.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1508 (Scott-D) Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy: ex officio members
Increases to three the number of ex officio members on the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy Board by adding the Supervisor of the Angeles National Forest.
Chapter 259, Statutes of 2002
SB 1513 (Karnette-D) Public resources: oil spill contingency planning
Extends for three more years, to January 1, 2006, the statute allowing standards for financial responsibility for non-tank vessels to be lower than for oil tankers.
Chapter 207, Statutes of 2002
SB 1525 (Sher-D) Transgenic species
(1) Defines transgenic fish; (2) adds transgenic species to the current statute on aquatic nuisance species; (3) prohibits aquaculturists from importing transgenic fish, or their roe, including transgenic salmon, into California; and (4) authorizes the Fish and Game Commission to develop regulations to authorize possession of transgenic fish for purposes of university and scientific research.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 1540 (Alpert-D) Sea urchins
Provides for the creation of the California Sea Urchin Commission in state government, with a prescribed membership, and specifies the powers, duties and responsibilities of the commission which, among other things, will be authorized to carry out programs of education, promotion, marketing, and research relating to sea urchins. Authorizes the commission to levy an assessment, as specified, on sea urchin divers and handlers and authorizes the expenditure of those funds for the purposes of carrying out the provisions set forth in this bill.
Chapter 973, Statutes of 2002
SB 1552 (Battin-R) Off-highway motor vehicles
Requires the State Department of Parks and Recreation to prepare a report estimating off-highway vehicle use and impacts by jurisdiction, as specified. Requires the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Commission to allocate grants to local agencies seeking to participate in the matching funds grant program provided for in current law in proportion to the estimated impact of off-highway motor vehicle use and related activity in the applicant agency's jurisdiction.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
SB 1568 (Morrow-R) State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Requires the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to station two air tankers in southern California for the purpose of providing year-round fire protection to eight southern California counties. Provides that these provisions are contingent on budget or other measure appropriation.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
Similar legislation was SB 2020 (Morrow-R), which died in Senate Appropriations Committee.
SB 1572 (Sher-D) Proposition 65: enforcement
Makes clarifying changes necessary to ensure that the provisions of last year's SB 471 (Sher-D), Chapter 578, Statutes of 2001, are properly interpreted and enforced.
Chapter 323, Statutes of 2002
SB 1573 (Karnette-D) Interagency Aquatic Invasive Species Council
Establishes an interagency invasive species council to develop a comprehensive approach to aquatic invasive species.
Chapter 599, Statutes of 2002
SB 1622 (Murray-D) California youth soccer: urban parks
Makes various changes to the California Youth Soccer and Recreation Development Program, the State Urban Parks and Communities Act, and the Baldwin Hills Conservancy.
Chapter 975, Statutes of 2002
Similar legislation was SB 586 (Murray-D), which died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee.
SB 1628* (Sher-D) Resources: litigation
- Allows the Attorney General (AG) to represent both the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) in litigation and another state agency party to the same action, with the consent of the board and the agency.
- Allows the AG to represent regional water quality control boards, alone or along with the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), unless the AG chooses to represent another state agency that is a party in the action.
- Allows the CIWMB or the SWRCB, as an alternative to obtaining the AG's representation as above, to contract for outside counsel or to use their own legal counsel.
Chapter 396, Statutes of 2002
SB 1645 (Sher-D) Trapping animals
Requires persons trapping mammals on a for-profit basis to be licensed.
Chapter 571, Statutes of 2002
SB 1664 (Romero-D) San Gabriel and lower Los Angeles rivers conservancy
Adds four nonvoting members, two appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly and two by the Senate Committee on Rules, to the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
SB 1733 (Sher-D) Beverage containers
Revises processing fees to provide manufacturers an incentive to use easily-recyclable material containers, adds mixed colored glass to the quality glass recycling incentive program, and authorizes the State Department of Conservation to create an incentive payment program for plastic recyclers.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
SB 1777 (Sher-D) Salmon and steelhead trout conservation and restoration
Requires that the expenditure of funds from Proposition 40 for the conservation and restoration of salmon and steelhead trout be governed by existing law with the addition of conflict of interest provisions and the addition of two categories that may be funded.
Chapter 600, Statutes of 2002
SB 1797 (Brulte-R) Clean water, clean air, safe parks, and coastal protection
Provides that no funds appropriated under Proposition 40 for specified local assistance programs, for the development, rehabilitation, preservation, restoration, and interpretation of resources at a certain city park in northern California of historical and cultural significance, or for the El Pueblo Cultural and Performing Arts Center in the County of Los Angeles, shall be expended for administrative costs.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
SB 1808 (McPherson-R) State Environmental Goals and Policy Report
Requires the Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to report to the Governor and the Legislature annually on or before January 1 regarding implementation of the State Environmental Goals and Policy Report; and requires OPR to make this report a priority to be funded from existing resources.
Chapter 424, Statutes of 2002
SB 1816 (Chesbro-D) Historical resources: Native American sacred sites
Establishes the Native American Historic Resource Protection Act for the purpose of protecting specified Native American historic, cultural, and sacred sites; and makes it a misdemeanor to destroy, injure, or deface these sites.
Chapter 1155, Statutes of 2002
SB 1988 (Polanco-D) Environmental education fund
Creates an Environmental Education Fund for the purpose of providing (1) grants for environmental education to public schools and (2) funding to a non-profit organization for training district attorneys and others on the fair and uniform enforcement of environmental laws and the advancement of environmental justice. Provides that funding from public or private organizations and judgements of a state or federal court may be deposited into the fund.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 2078 (Torlakson-D) Wild and scenic rivers: South Fork American River
Prohibits the construction of any dam on the South Fork American River between Chili Bar Dam and Salmon Falls Bridge. Prohibits the construction of any diversion below Chili Bar Dam and the construction of water impoundment facilities on the American River, its South Fork below Chili Bar Dam, or within the Folsom Reservoir unless certain conditions are met. Also requires state agencies and departments to assist and cooperate with agencies of the federal government to ensure that hydropower projects upstream of and including Chili Bar Dam are licensed and operated in a manner that maintains the specified beneficial uses of the South Fork American River below Chili Bar Dam.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
SB 2084 (McPherson-R) Historical resources: California missions
Creates the California Missions Preservation Fund in the State Treasury, and requires monies in the fund, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to be used by the State Department of Parks and Recreation, in consultation with the California Missions Foundation, for specified purposes relating to the preservation, restoration, and protection of California's historical missions.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
SB 2088 (Senate Natural Resources And Wildlife Committee) Resource conservation
Repeals provisions of the Public Resources Code requiring a study in 1994 on chapparal brushlands, authorizes the City of Goleta to convert to a different use up to 36 acres of the Santa Barbara Shores Park in exchange for approximately 135 acres known as the Ellwood Mesa, extends from September 1, 2002 to January 31, 2003, the date by which the State Lands Commission is required to submit to the Legislature a report that includes a summary of the information provided in the ballast water discharge report forms, and extends a sunset for the Los Angeles Regional Contaminated Sediments Task Force.
Chapter 291, Statutes of 2002
SB 2089 (Senate Natural Resources And Wildlife Committee) Harbors: reports
Requires the biennial State Department of Boating and Waterways report to include a description of the department's activities relating to non-native invasive species.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 2090 (Senate Natural Resources And Wildlife Committee) Public resources
An omnibus code cleanup bill that makes mostly minor technical amendments to the State Fish and Game Commission. Two substantive provisions give the commission authority to regulate the surfperch and rock crab fisheries.
Chapter 573, Statutes of 2002
SB 2091 (Senate Natural Resources And Wildlife Committee) State parks: Crystal Cove Historic District
Repeals a section of the Public Resources Code granting a private concession contract in the Crystal Cove Historic District for a period of 60 years.
Chapter 329, Statutes of 2002
SJR 52 (Kuehl-D) California Wild Heritage Act of 2002
Memorializes the President of the United States and Congress to enact S. 2535, the California Wild Heritage Act of 2002.
Resolution Chapter 165, Statutes of 2002
AB 53* (Wiggins-D) Budget Act of 2000: sudden oak death syndrome
Appropriates $10 million from the General Fund to the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection for research and prevention of sudden oak death syndrome, to be allocated pursuant to a specified schedule and to be available for expenditure during the 2000-01, 2001-02, and 2002-03 fiscal years.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 159 (Harman-R) Sport fishing licenses
Prohibits the State Fish and Game Commission from requiring a person to display, on his/her outer clothing, a sport fishing license.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 307 (Strom-Martin-D) Transgenic fish
Prohibits the import, transport, possession, or release of any live transgenic fish or their roe without a permit.
(Failed passage in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 450 (Corbett-D) California State Museum
Designates the collection of the State Museum Resource Center, located in West Sacramento, California, as the nucleus of the California State Museum. Creates the State Museum Commission for the purpose of overseeing the development, maintenance, and operation of the museum, and prescribes the membership and functions and duties of the commission.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 498 (Chan-D) Environmentally preferable purchasing
Requires the State Department of General Services, in consultation with the California Environmental Protection Agency, to provide state agencies with information and assistance to promote the procurement of environmentally preferable products and services.
Chapter 575, Statutes of 2002
AB 713 (Thomson-D) Agricultural and open-space lands
Establishes the Sacramento Valley Agriculture and Open Space Conservation Authority as an entity of regional government in the Sacramento metropolitan region, as defined. Specifies the powers and duties of the authority, including, among other things, a requirement that the authority review and assess the needs for acquisition, preservation, or maintenance of open-space and agricultural lands and prepare a plan for the expenditure of any revenues the authority expects to derive from any funding provided for implementation of these provisions, together with any other federal, state, local, and private funding.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
AB 716 (Firebaugh-D) California Cultural and Historical Endowment
Creates a new California Cultural and Historical Endowment in the State Library. Provides that the Endowment make grants and loans, using Proposition 40 funds, for historic and cultural projects and fund traditional pioneer projects, but give priority to more recent historical and cultural developments. Appropriates $219,765,000 from the California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks, and Coastal Protection Fund with specified allocations.
Chapter 1126, Statutes of 2002
AB 858 (Wiggins-D) Salmon and steelhead: effect of reduced waterflow
Subject to availability of funds, requires the State Department of Fish and Game to undertake a study of the effects of reduced water flow on salmon and steelhead population restoration or reintroduction programs.
Chapter 985, Statutes of 2002
AB 892 (Keeley-D) Fisheries
Enacts technical and cleanup changes to the Marine Life Management Act and extends, by two years, the requirement that the State Department of Fish and Game submit to the State Fish and Game Commission a master plan prepared pursuant to the Marine Life Protection Act.
Chapter 559, Statutes of 2002
AB 949 (Kehoe-D) Natural Community Conservation Planning Act
Authorizes natural community conservation plans to provide for the conservation of wetlands that are not subject to federal jurisdiction.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 953* (Simitian-D) Park and open-space districts
Permits the general manager of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District and the general manager of the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District, upon approval of the district's board, to bind the district without advertising and without written contract for the payment of supplies, materials, labor or other consideration for any purpose, in amounts not exceeding $25,000, and requires that the expenditures must be reported at the board's next regular meeting.
Chapter 23, Statutes of 2002
AB 966* (Wesson-D) Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area
Reappropriates Proposition 12 monies from last year's budget for the acquisition, planning and development of property located within Kenneth Hahn Recreation Area thereby enabling the State Department of Parks and Recreation to use the Proposition 12 funds for acquisition, planning and development of property in Baldwin Hills (within the Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area).
Chapter 636, Statutes of 2002
AB 1059 (Keeley-D) Vessels
Grants the State Department of Boating and Waterways limited authority to restrict boating in certain areas where the invasive and toxic algae, Caulerpa taxifolia, are growing.
Chapter 940, Statutes of 2002
AB 1130 (Dickerson-R) Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Establishes the Sierra Nevada Conservancy to acquire and direct the management of public lands within the Sierra Nevada Region and prescribes the membership, powers, and duties of the conservancy.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
Similar legislation was AB 1663 (Leslie-R), which died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee.
AB 1145 (Jackson-D) Regional open-space district: County of Ventura
Permits the formation of a regional open-space district in Ventura County to be initiated by resolution of the county board of supervisors after a noticed hearing, and specifies contents of the resolution, including a requirement to call an election. Specifies that appointed directors serve fixed, staggered four-year terms, and of the initial appointees, three serve for four years and two directors serve for two years.
Chapter 24, Statutes of 2002
AB 1197 (Maldonado-R) Commercial fishing: license suspension
Reduces the period of suspension from 90 days to 30 days that the State Fish and Game Commission may suspend the license of a person found guilty of a specified offense relating to commercial fishing.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1204 (Aroner-D) Filing fees: State Department of Fish and Game
Increases the current environmental filing fee collected by the State Department of Fish and Game from $25 to an amount not to exceed the environmental documentation filing costs, and clarifies how revenues from the filing fees may be spent.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1206 (Cedillo-D) El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historic District
States that it is the intent of the Legislature to appropriate $5 million in the Budget Act of 2001 to the State Department of Parks and Recreation for a grant to El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historic District for the development of a cultural and performing arts center.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 1290 (Lowenthal-D) Tidelands: City of Los Angeles: Knoll Hill
Requires, upon adoption of a resolution by the Los Angeles City Council, that certain real property known as "Knoll Hill," acquired with revenues generated from granted tide and submerged lands, be developed and maintained for public park purposes of a statewide or regional benefit.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 1414 (Dickerson-R) Public lands
Requires, subject to funding in the annual budget act, the State Department of Fish and Game to complete draft land management plans for property acquired on and after January 1, 2002, and requires the State Resources Agency to coordinate various land acquisition and management activities, as specified.
Chapter 8, Statutes of 2002
AB 1519 (Lowenthal-D) Tidal and submerged lands: Long Beach Tidelands
Allows the City of Long Beach to retain a portion of oil revenue, which would otherwise be forwarded to the state, and deposit it in a local oil and gas abandonment fund to pay the city's share of plugging and abandoning wells and removing city-controlled oil and gas production facilities from the Long Beach tidelands.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1619 (Washington-D) Parks and recreation: City of Compton: regional park
Declares legislative intent to seek $5.5 million for the State Department of Parks and Recreation to allocate to the City of Compton to develop a regional park to be located on the 2700 block of Alondra Boulevard.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1629 (Pescetti-R) Environmental protection
Expresses the Legislature's intent that a single unified code of environmental protection statutes be established that would be administered by a single environmental protection agency.
(Died in Assembly awaiting committee assignment)
AB 1714 (Canciamilla-D) Public resources: prohibited uses
Extends the prohibitions against state officers using state resources for campaign activities to cover local officers using local resources and, in doing so, also extends the exemptions from civil or criminal liability for incidental or minimal use.
Chapter 154, Statutes of 2002
AB 1768* (Oropeza-D) State and local government
Makes technical changes necessary to implement the budget bill, including: cleaning up legislation relating to the expenditure of funds from California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks, and Coastal Protection Act of 2002 for the purposes of preserving state historical and cultural resources and permits the use of Proposition 40 funds for both opportunity grants and capital outlay projects.
Chapter 1127, Statutes of 2002
AB 1849 (Kelley-R) Streambed alteration agreements
Allows the State Department of Fish and Game, in conjunction with an approved Natural Community Conservation Plan, to enter into a master agreement on projects affecting rivers, streams and lakes with other state or local agencies or public utilities in lieu of requiring a separate streambed alteration agreement from these other public entities.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1857 (Wayne-D) Administrative procedures
Clarifies and refines the administrative rulemaking procedures based on recommendations of the State Law Revision Commission, including, adjusting the scope of the exemption that the State Fish and Game Commission has from certain time periods specified in the rulemaking procedure by including a recently added time period that should have been covered in previous legislation but was not.
Chapter 389, Statutes of 2002
AB 1878 (Leslie-R) Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975
Doubles, from 45 days to 90 days, the notification period the State Mining and Geology Board (MGB) must provide to a local lead agency before the MGB takes steps to take over that agency's power to oversee surface mining operations due to a board finding that the lead agency's actions violate the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1931 (Hollingsworth-R) Natural community conservation plans: pilot program
Authorizes the State Department of Fish and Game to implement a pilot program known as the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Natural Community Conservation Plan.
(Failed passage in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1972 (Frommer-D) Drinking water: reports regarding contaminants
Requires public water systems to include in their consumer confidence reports the instances where the water supply contains contaminants above their public health goals, the amounts of those exceedances, and statements prepared by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment that describe the adverse health effects associated with those contaminants.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2005 (Nakano-D) Vessels: operation: violations
Adds certain moving violations to existing law which requires vessel operators to pass a boating safety course if convicted of specified moving violations. Makes the nighttime-prohibition hours for personal watercraft operation the same as for water skiing (sunset to sunrise), instead of one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise. Excludes diveboard users from existing life jacket requirements.
Chapter 383, Statutes of 2002
AB 2013 (Harman-R) Native California trout
Identifies which trout are considered "native California trout" and authorizes the State Fish and Game Commission to designate certain waters as "Heritage Trout Waters."
Chapter 645, Statutes of 2002
AB 2083 (Jackson-D) Public resources: oil spill prevention and response
Requires the State Lands Commission to develop a form for oil shippers to file, tracking the amount and type of oil transported and other reported information.
Chapter 512, Statutes of 2002
AB 2092 (Kelley-R) State Lands Commission: land exchange agreements
Grants the State Lands Commission the authority to resolve land titles on the Colorado River and allows for the exchange of sovereign lands with the State of Arizona.
Chapter 432, Statutes of 2002
AB 2094 (Aroner-D) Parks and Recreation: California SNO-PARKS: permits
Requires the State Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) to either sell tickets to SNO-PARKS directly, or contract with vendors to sell the permits. If vendors are used, DPR shall provide the tickets on consignment.
Chapter 292, Statutes of 2002
AB 2220 (Strom-Martin-D) Synthetic musk compounds
Appropriates $149,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Fish and Game for allocation to a Sea Grant project designed to describe the risks to the marine environment posed by synthetic musk compounds and to determine their bio-availability in the marine environment.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2251* (Nation-D) Sudden oak death
Enacts the Sudden Oak Death Management Act of 2002 and provides that the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and the State Department of Food and Agriculture may expend funds for Sudden Oak Death regulatory activities, subject to the Budget Act of 2002.
Chapter 854, Statutes of 2002
AB 2274 (Keeley-D) Off-highway vehicle recreation
Changes the Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Recreational Program by expanding the OHV Commission's responsibilities and frequency of meetings, requiring the OHV Division to submit a report as to why people recreate off-road and presenting a strategic plan for future OHV needs, reducing the maximum legal noise limit, and requiring a program report biennially on the results of the OHV strategic plan and resource monitoring.
Chapter 563, Statutes of 2002
AB 2301 (Cardenas-D) Parks and recreation: horse trails: plan
Requires the State Department of Parks and Recreation to develop a plan to map horse trails, and increase access to existing horse trails and the number of horse trails in the state.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 2341 (Thomson-D) Conservation
Appropriates $55.7 million from the General Fund to the State Controller to be transferred, as follows:
- $50.7 million to the California Farmland Conservancy Program Fund in the State Department of Conservation for farmland conservancy purposes, including farmland mapping, grants for agricultural preservation, educational outreach, and grants to local agencies and nonprofit organizations to develop local programs for agricultural land preservation.
- $5 million to the Oak Woodlands Conservation Fund, to be spent by the Wildlife Conservation Board for the conservation and protection of oak woodlands.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2401 (Thomson-D) Public resources: state park land acquisition
Increases the amount that triggers a public hearing for a state park land acquisition from $500,000 to $5,000,000.
Chapter 565, Statutes of 2002
AB 2436 (Frommer-D) Land use restrictions: cleanup and abatement
Among others, requires the California Environmental Protection Agency, the California Integrated Waste Management Board, the State Water Resources Control Board, each regional water quality control board, and the State Department of Toxic Substances Control to maintain a list of environmentally restricted properties and to display the list on the agency's Web site.
Chapter 592, Statutes of 2002
AB 2631 (Matthews-D) Resources
Provides code maintenance for sections of the Contract Code and the Public Resources Code related to the State Department of Parks and Recreation, the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, and the California Conservation Corps.
Chapter 953, Statutes of 2002
AB 2734 (Pavley-D) Conservation
Imposes a variety of new requirements relating to water efficient landscaping and water efficient plumbing.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2769 (Lowenthal-D) Tidelands: City of Los Angeles
Authorizes the Port of Los Angeles to use its property and money for commerce by removing a statutory restriction that currently authorizes the port to use the property and money only for harbor development purposes.
Chapter 1130, Statutes of 2002
AB 2775 (Migden-D) Parks: County of Sonoma
Allows a city in Sonoma County to use its eminent domain power to condemn property between the nearest street and the exterior limit of a city-owned public park or playground situated wholly or partly outside of the limits of the city; and defines "conveniently adjacent".
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 2783 (Strom-Martin-D) Fish and game: endangered species: income tax contribution
Extends sunsets to continue to authorize use of revenue from the steelhead trout catch report-restoration card fees for enhancement of steelhead resources and to allow continued contributions of excess tax liability to the Endangered and Rare Fish, Wildlife, and Plant Species Conservation Fund.
Chapter 594, Statutes of 2002
AB 2806 (Wayne-D) Watershed management: strategic plan
Requires the State Resources Agency and the California Environmental Protection Agency to develop, by January 1, 2004, a statewide strategic plan to guide state agency watershed management partnerships.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2829 (Aanestad-R) Wildlife
Requires the State Wildlife Conservation Board to take certain specified actions prior to acquisition of real property, rights in real property, water, or water rights.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2860 (Aanestad-R) Wildlife
Requires the State Wildlife Conservation Board to establish an administrative process that allows property owners and local jurisdictions to seek redress for specified injuries.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 2888* (Strom-Martin-D) Fishing
Creates a salmon fishing art program to augment funds for the Commercial Salmon Trollers Enhancement and Restoration Program, and creates a moratorium on the minimum landing requirement for shark and swordfish.
Chapter 962, Statutes of 2002
AB 2891 (Koretz-D) Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy
Gives discretion to the Executive Director of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy to determine whether a sufficient emergency or potential emergency exists to close a property within the conservancy. Revises and makes more specific those things that constitute prohibited activities on conservancy property and increases fines for violations of posted conditions of use.
Chapter 595, Statutes of 2002
AB 2997* (Assembly Budget Committee) Parks and recreation and coastal protection: grants
Eliminates the local match requirement for Roberti-Z'berg grant funds and suspends the allocation of federal Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act funds until January 1, 2004.
Chapter 1031, Statutes of 2002
AB 3009* (Assembly Budget Committee) Natural heritage preservation tax credit
Suspends for two years the natural heritage preservation tax credit.
Chapter 1033, Statutes of 2002
AB 3025* (Assembly Transportation Committee) Public works: environmental enhancement projects
Requires the State Department of Transportation to extend the completion date for specified Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program projects and creates a stepped-up incremental payments formula for mobilization costs involving toll bridge replacement and retrofit projects.
Chapter 965, Statutes of 2002
AB 3042 (Assembly Natural Resources Committee) Natural resources
Authorizes the Tahoe Conservancy to award grants to federally recognized Indian tribes and the Tahoe transportation district, and establishes a revolving loan fund for the State Department of Parks and Recreation.
Chapter 966, Statutes of 2002
AB 3055 (Assembly Water, Parks And Wildlife Committee) Fish and game
Makes several changes to the Fish and Game Code regarding hunting, and also authorizes veterinarians to care for certain restricted wild animals.
Chapter 453, Statutes of 2002
ACA 8 (Keeley-D) California Water and Land Protection Trust Fund
Creates Article XC in the State Constitution titled the California Water and Land Protection Trust Fund, and enacts limitations on the use of the income generated by the trust fund.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
ACR 3 (Wyman-R) Tomo-Kahni State Park
Urges the State Department of Parks and Recreation to undertake a study regarding the most suitable location for the acquisition of lands for the protection of natural and cultural resources and the establishment of a Visitor/Interpretive Center at Tomo-Kahni State Park.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
ACR 218 (Cogdill-R) Harmful, nonnative weeds
Designates and recognizes the second week of July as Harmful, Nonnative Weeds Awareness Week, and encourages Californians to participate in activities during that week to raise awareness of issues concerning harmful, nonnative weeds.
Resolution Chapter 95, Statutes of 2002
ACR 225 (La Suer-R) Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Program
Commends the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Program and the off-highway recreationists' community on the 30th year anniversary of their program.
Resolution Chapter 145, Statutes of 2002
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 31* | Chesbro-D Sudden oak death: appropriation | |
SB 107 | Sher-D Natural community conservation planning | |
SB 196 | Burton-D Parks coastal protection: land conservation: air pollution | |
SB 199 | Torlakson-D Pollution control: grants and loans | |
SB 232* | Sher-D Environmental protection: financial assurance and insurance | |
SB 234 | Kuehl-D State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection | |
SB 243 | Kuehl-D Radiation Safety Act of 2001 | |
SB 259 | Murray-D Baldwin Hills Conservancy | |
SB 260 | Senate Environmental Quality Committee Department of Toxic Substances Control | |
SB 278 | Machado-D Public works project | |
SB 403 | Machado-D Recycled cement | |
SB 433 | Machado-D Air resources: civil and administrative penalties | |
SB 439 | Monteith-R Homeownership, employment, and education | |
SB 441 | Sher-D Beverage containers: recycling | |
SB 453 | Alarcon-D Elementary neutralization activities | |
SB 469* | Alpert-D Water quality: total maximum daily loads | |
SB 482 | Kuehl-D Salton Sea | |
SB 483 | Sher-D Surface mining and reclamation | |
SB 489 | Romero-D Hazardous waste of concern: handling: transportation | |
SB 496* | Sher-D Environmental quality | |
SB 526* | Sher-D Underground storage tanks | |
SB 540 | Sher-D Forest practices: penalties | |
SB 550 | Costa-D Endangered species | |
SB 648 | Senate Environmental Quality Committee Public contracts: recycled products | |
SB 649* | Senate Environmental Quality Committee Solid waste management | |
SB 684 | Oller-R Game bird hunting clubs | |
SB 693 | Scott-D Commencement of actions: hazardous substances | |
SB 718 | Poochigian-R Income and corporation taxes: oil recycling | |
SB 727 | Costa-D Environmental Water Account Act of 2001 | |
SB 788 | Alarcon-D Parks and recreation: grants: urban river park projects | |
SB 812 | Sher-D Air pollution: California Climate Action Registry | |
SB 830 | Knight-R Beverage containers | |
SB 849 | Torlakson-D Oil spills: fees | |
SB 865 | Polanco-D CA and Mexico Border Infrastructure Financing Authority | |
SB 889 | Polanco-D Restricted wild animals | |
SB 907* | Chesbro-D Forest resources | |
SB 984 | Costa-D Rangeland, Grazing Land, and Grassland Protection Act | |
SB 994 | Morrow-R Liability: public skateboard parks | |
SB 1011 | Sher-D Household hazardous waste | |
SB 1015 | McClintock-R Emission factors | |
SB 1069 | Chesbro-D Plastic pollution prevention fee | |
SB 1086 | Alpert-D Marine Life Protection Program: master plan | |
SB 1087 | Polanco-D Development of state and local parks | |
SB 1093 | Costa-D Recreational water use: Sly Park Recreational Area | |
SB 1106 | Perata-D Oakland Harbor Navigation Improvement Project | |
SB 1141 | Poochigian-R Attorney General | |
SB 1164 | Sher-D Local coastal programs: costs | |
SB 1257 | Murray-D Vehicles: hazardous materials transportation | |
SB 1268 | Battin-R Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District | |
SB 1328 | Chesbro-D Illegal disposal: abatement grants | |
SB 1346 | Kuehl-D Tire recycling program: rubberized asphalt concrete | |
SB 1374 | Kuehl-D Construction and demolition waste materials | |
SB 1381 | Kuehl-D Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission | |
SB 1393 | Kuehl-D California Environmental Quality Act | |
SB 1442 | Oller-R California Environmental Quality Act: air pollution impacts | |
SB 1500 | Johnson-R Seismic hazards: disclosure statement | |
SB 1508 | Scott-D Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy: ex officio members | |
SB 1513 | Karnette-D Public resources: oil spill contingency planning | |
SB 1514 | Torlakson-D California beverage container recycling: reporting | |
SB 1523 | Sher-D Cathode ray tube and CRT devices | |
SB 1525 | Sher-D Transgenic species | |
SB 1526 | Romero-D Waste: out-of-state hazardous waste disposal | |
SB 1532 | Poochigian-R Air pollution: transported air pollution | |
SB 1540 | Alpert-D Sea urchins | |
SB 1542 | Escutia-D Environmental justice | |
SB 1552 | Battin-R Off-highway motor vehicles | |
SB 1568 | Morrow-R State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection | |
SB 1572 | Sher-D Proposition 65: enforcement | |
SB 1573 | Karnette-D Interagency Aquatic Invasive Species Council | |
SB 1587 | Romero-D Landfill facilities: disposal sites | |
SB 1619 | Romero-D Cathode ray tubes and devices | |
SB 1622 | Murray-D California youth soccer: urban parks | |
SB 1628* | Sher-D Resources: litigation | |
SB 1645 | Sher-D Trapping animals | |
SB 1653 | Costa-D California Bay-Delta Act | |
SB 1664 | Romero-D San Gabriel and lower Los Angeles rivers conservancy | |
SB 1681 | Monteith-R Homeownership, employment, and education | |
SB 1684 | Polanco-D Redevelopment: hazardous substance releases | |
SB 1696 | Knight-R Hazardous materials: generator fees | |
SB 1733 | Sher-D Beverage containers | |
SB 1777 | Sher-D Salmon and steelhead trout conservation and restoration | |
SB 1797 | Brulte-R Clean water, clean air, safe parks, and coastal protection | |
SB 1808 | McPherson-R State Environmental Goals and Policy Report | |
SB 1816 | Chesbro-D Historical resources: Native American sacred sites | |
SB 1828 | Burton-D Mining: historical resources | |
SB 1854 | Machado-D Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy Program | |
SB 1882 | Alpert-D Diaper recycling pilot project: recycling | |
SB 1916 | Figueroa-D Local coastal programs: pollution | |
SB 1920 | Knight-R Air pollution control districts | |
SB 1922 | Romero-D Hazardous waste transportation: remote sites | |
SB 1925 | Sher-D California Environmental Quality Act: exemptions | |
SB 1962 | Polanco-D State coastal conservation: coastal access | |
SB 1963 | Polanco-D Hazardous materials: brownfields: liability | |
SB 1966 | Murray-D Development projects | |
SB 1970 | Romero-D Radiation Safety Act of 2002 | |
SB 1988 | Polanco-D Environmental education fund | |
SB 2049 | Sher-D Forest Resources Improvement Fund: expenditures | |
SB 2052 | Sher-D Natural community conservation plans: endangered species | |
SB 2053 | Sher-D Air toxics | |
SB 2065 | Kuehl-D Radioactive waste | |
SB 2078 | Torlakson-D Wild and scenic rivers: South Fork American River | |
SB 2084 | McPherson-R Historical resources: California missions | |
SB 2088 | Senate Natural Resources And Wildlife Committee Resource conservation | |
SB 2089 | Senate Natural Resources And Wildlife Committee Harbors: reports | |
SB 2090 | Senate Natural Resources And Wildlife Committee Public resources | |
SB 2091 | Senate Natural Resources And Wildlife Committee State parks: Crystal Cove Historic District | |
SB 2096 | Senate Environmental Quality Committee Laboratory services | |
SCA 17 | Perata-D Heritage trees | |
SJR 15 | O'Connell-D Offshore oil drilling | |
SJR 52 | Kuehl-D California Wild Heritage Act of 2002 | |
AB 53* | Wiggins-D Budget Act of 2000: sudden oak death syndrome | |
AB 103 | Vargas-D State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection | |
AB 159 | Harman-R Sport fishing licenses | |
AB 307 | Strom-Martin-D Transgenic fish | |
AB 450 | Corbett-D California State Museum | |
AB 467 | Strom-Martin-D Integrated waste management: landfill closure program | |
AB 498 | Chan-D Environmentally preferable purchasing | |
AB 640 | Jackson-D Local coastal programs | |
AB 702* | Jackson-D Hazardous substance remediation: pilot project | |
AB 709 | Wayne-D Codisposal sites: cleanup | |
AB 712 | Migden-D Fluorescent lamps: recycling | |
AB 713 | Thomson-D Agricultural and open-space lands | |
AB 716 | Firebaugh-D California Cultural and Historical Endowment | |
AB 751 | Jackson-D Mercury-containing lamp waste | |
AB 845 | Nakano-D Qualified alternative technology: perchloroethylene | |
AB 858 | Wiggins-D Salmon and steelhead: effect of reduced waterflow | |
AB 892 | Keeley-D Fisheries | |
AB 949 | Kehoe-D Natural Community Conservation Planning Act | |
AB 953* | Simitian-D Park and open-space districts | |
AB 966* | Wesson-D Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area | |
AB 985 | Florez-D Fully protected species | |
AB 986 | Firebaugh-D Air quality | |
AB 1059 | Keeley-D Vessels | |
AB 1086 | Calderon-D Residential infill development project | |
AB 1108 | Pavley-D Scoping meetings: military areas | |
AB 1114 | Pescetti-R Brownfields redevelopment | |
AB 1130 | Dickerson-R Sierra Nevada Conservancy | |
AB 1145 | Jackson-D Regional open-space district: County of Ventura | |
AB 1172 | Keeley-D Forest Practices Act: fees | |
AB 1173 | Keeley-D Air pollution: indoor air pollution | |
AB 1197 | Maldonado-R Commercial fishing: license suspension | |
AB 1204 | Aroner-D Filing fees: State Department of Fish and Game | |
AB 1206 | Cedillo-D El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historic District | |
AB 1226 | Strom-Martin-D State forests | |
AB 1231 | Nation-D Forest watershed analysis: salmonid population assessment | |
AB 1290 | Lowenthal-D Tidelands: City of Los Angeles: Knoll Hill | |
AB 1306 | Hollingsworth-R Endangered species | |
AB 1313 | Pavley-D Hazardous waste: fertilizing materials | |
AB 1340 | Kelley-R Underground storage tanks: claims | |
AB 1365 | Ashburn-R Sewage sludge | |
AB 1400 | Cogdill-R Mixed solid waste composting facility | |
AB 1414 | Dickerson-R Public lands | |
AB 1438 | Florez-D Reservoirs: recreation use | |
AB 1482 | Richman-R Regional solid waste agencies | |
AB 1493 | Pavley-D Vehicular emissions: greenhouse gases | |
AB 1507 | Canciamilla-D Accidental release prevention | |
AB 1510 | Ashburn-R Dry cell batteries | |
AB 1519 | Lowenthal-D Tidal and submerged lands: Long Beach Tidelands | |
AB 1528 | Wyman-R Emission reduction credits | |
AB 1598 | Hollingsworth-R Fully protected species | |
AB 1619 | Washington-D Parks and recreation: City of Compton: regional park | |
AB 1629 | Pescetti-R Environmental protection | |
AB 1708 | Assembly Transportation Committee Disabled vehicle waste: tow trucks | |
AB 1714 | Canciamilla-D Public resources: prohibited uses | |
AB 1748 | Dickerson-R State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection: pilots | |
AB 1768* | Oropeza-D State and local government | |
AB 1849 | Kelley-R Streambed alteration agreements | |
AB 1857 | Wayne-D Administrative procedures | |
AB 1878 | Leslie-R Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975 | |
AB 1882 | Canciamilla-D In-fill development: Contra Costa County | |
AB 1913 | Lowenthal-D Coastal development | |
AB 1931 | Hollingsworth-R Natural community conservation plans: pilot program | |
AB 1952 | Bogh-R Solid waste: biomass conversion: transformation | |
AB 1972 | Frommer-D Drinking water: reports regarding contaminants | |
AB 1983 | Dickerson-R Wildland fuel reduction | |
AB 2005 | Nakano-D Vessels: operation: violations | |
AB 2013 | Harman-R Native California trout | |
AB 2083 | Jackson-D Public resources: oil spill prevention and response | |
AB 2092 | Kelley-R State Lands Commission: land exchange agreements | |
AB 2094 | Aroner-D Parks and Recreation: California SNO-PARKS: permits | |
AB 2141 | Firebaugh-D Hazardous materials: hazardous waste enforcement actions | |
AB 2158 | Lowenthal-D Coastal development permits | |
AB 2166 | Lowenthal-D Used oil recycling: household hazardous waste | |
AB 2214 | Keeley-D Low-level radioactive waste disposal facility | |
AB 2215 | Strom-Martin-D Offshore contaminants | |
AB 2220 | Strom-Martin-D Synthetic musk compounds | |
AB 2221 | Keeley-D Air pollution: permits: civil actions | |
AB 2234 | Vargas-D Cal Fire Agency | |
AB 2237 | Chu-D Packaging materials: regulated metals | |
AB 2251* | Nation-D Sudden oak death | |
AB 2253 | Cohn-D Mercury-containing light switches | |
AB 2274 | Keeley-D Off-highway vehicle recreation | |
AB 2290 | Kehoe-D California Environmental Quality Act | |
AB 2301 | Cardenas-D Parks and recreation: horse trails: plan | |
AB 2308 | Chavez-D Inert waste | |
AB 2312 | Chu-D Environmental justice: grant program | |
AB 2327 | Jackson-D Oil and gas development: pipelines | |
AB 2332 | Keeley-D Air pollution: indoor air pollution | |
AB 2335 | Pavley-D Firefighting: hazardous materials equipment | |
AB 2341 | Thomson-D Conservation | |
AB 2356 | Keeley-D Compost contamination | |
AB 2381 | Cogdill-R State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection | |
AB 2387 | Bates-R State Coastal Conservancy: education programs: grants | |
AB 2401 | Thomson-D Public resources: state park land acquisition | |
AB 2436 | Frommer-D Land use restrictions: cleanup and abatement | |
AB 2479 | Jackson-D Chemical security | |
AB 2485 | Bill Campbell-R Hazardous substances: brownfields | |
AB 2486 | Keeley-D Environmental prosecution | |
AB 2505 | Negrete McLeod-D State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection | |
AB 2534 | Pavley-D Watershed, Clean Beaches, and Water Quality Act | |
AB 2605 | Aanestad-R Endangered species: designation: economic/social impact | |
AB 2631 | Matthews-D Resources | |
AB 2637 | Cardoza-D Enhanced motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program | |
AB 2650 | Lowenthal-D Diesel emissions | |
AB 2682 | Chu-D Petroleum pollution cleanup | |
AB 2683 | Canciamilla-D California Bay-Delta Authority Act | |
AB 2687 | Maldonado-R Transportation of hazardous materials: restrictions | |
AB 2707 | La Suer-R Creation of bicycle lanes | |
AB 2716 | Ashburn-R Disabled vehicle waste | |
AB 2727 | Keeley-D State Coastal Conservancy: coastal zone land | |
AB 2734 | Pavley-D Conservation | |
AB 2761 | Pavley-D Natural resources | |
AB 2769 | Lowenthal-D Tidelands: City of Los Angeles | |
AB 2770 | Matthews-D Conversion technologies | |
AB 2774 | Pavley-D Advanced technology light-duty vehicles | |
AB 2775 | Migden-D Parks: County of Sonoma | |
AB 2783 | Strom-Martin-D Fish and game: endangered species: income tax contribution | |
AB 2806 | Wayne-D Watershed management: strategic plan | |
AB 2824 | Cogdill-R Retrofit of oil refineries: loan guarantee program | |
AB 2829 | Aanestad-R Wildlife | |
AB 2860 | Aanestad-R Wildlife | |
AB 2885 | Strom-Martin-D Forest practices: timber operator license | |
AB 2888* | Strom-Martin-D Fishing | |
AB 2891 | Koretz-D Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy | |
AB 2943 | Wiggins-D California Coastal Commission: local government | |
AB 2947 | Florez-D Medical waste | |
AB 2993 | Firebaugh-D Urban wildland interface communities | |
AB 2997* | Assembly Budget Committee Parks and recreation and coastal protection | |
AB 3009* | Assembly Budget Committee Natural heritage preservation tax credit | |
AB 3025* | Assembly Transportation Committee Public works: environmental enhancement projects | |
AB 3041 | Assembly Natural Resources Committee Use of State Clearinghouse | |
AB 3042 | Assembly Natural Resources Committee Natural resources | |
AB 3053* | Assembly Environmental Safety And Toxic Materials Committee Multiparcel remediation: pilot project | |
AB 3055 | Assembly Water, Parks And Wildlife Committee Fish and game | |
ACA 8 | Keeley-D California Water and Land Protection Trust Fund | |
ACR 3 | Wyman-R Tomo-Kahni State Park | |
ACR 101 | Leslie-R Solid waste disposal costs: composting | |
ACR 180 | Strom-Martin-D California Earth Day 2002 | |
ACR 218 | Cogdill-R Harmful, nonnative weeds | |
ACR 225 | La Suer-R Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Program | |
ACR 249 | Pavley-D Year of Clean Water: Clean Water Month | |
AJR 25 | Firebaugh-D Forest resources |