Farm Labor
Pests and Pesticides
General Agriculture
Water Resources
Farm Labor
SB 672 (Escutia-D) Health: migrant and seasonal worker families
Requires the State Department of Health Services, in cooperation with the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board, to establish a grant program to provide outreach and health services to children of migrant and seasonal workers and their families, as specified.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 984 (Polanco-D) State holidays: Cesar Chavez Day
Provides that March 31, known as "Cesar Chavez Day," be observed as a paid holiday for state agencies and permits schools to observe a minimum day, and one hour of instruction in the life and work of Cesar Chavez to all students, as specified.
Chapter 213, Statutes of 2000
SB 1246 (Polanco-D) Seasonal farmworkers
Enacts the Agricultural Labor Employment Stabilization Act of 2000 requiring the Employment Development Department to develop a farmworker pilot program to provide off-season, community-based, employment opportunities for farmworkers or to contract with one or more private, nonprofit entitity to develop the pilot project.
(Died on Senate Floor)
SB 1545 (Costa-D) Housing: employee housing
Imposes specific planning and zoning requirements on local jurisdictions regarding rehabilitation of employee housing for agricultural employees.
Chapter 702, Statutes of 2000
SB 1926 (Speier-D) Agricultural workers: transportation
Appropriates $2.4 million for grants to transportation agencies to establish transportation services for agricultural workers.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SJR 7 (Baca-D) Cesar E. Chavez: commemorative stamp
Urges the United States Postal Service Citizen Stamp Advisory Committee to recommend to the United States Postal Service the issuance of a United States postal commemorative stamp honoring Cesar E. Chavez.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
AB 602 (Florez-D) Farm labor vehicles
Further restricts the transportation of persons in or on the back of a flatbed or pickup truck, prohibits the transportation of persons in a farm labor vehicle that is not in compliance with federal seating requirements, establishes requirements for securing tools transported in farm labor vehicles, exempts farm labor buses from vehicle seatbelt requirements until 2007, and applies farm labor vehicle safety requirements to any public transit vehicle used to transport farmworkers.
Chapter 308, Statutes of 2000
AB 1172* (Frusetta-R) Preventive health care tax credit: agricultural workers
Authorizes a tax credit equal to 25 percent of certain preventive health care costs provided to the taxpayer's employees who are farmworkers and who meet specified criteria.
(Died Assembly Health Committee)
Similar legislation was AB 2208 (Frusetta-R), which died in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
AB 1338 (Reyes-D) Farm labor contractors: licenses
Increases farm labor contractor wage surety bonds and license fees, provides remedial education for contractors, and further enhances examination and enforcement procedures.
Chapter 917, Statutes of 2000
AB 1532 (Florez-D) Farm labor contractors: 800 number: directory
Directs the State Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) to establish an 800 number so that alleged illegal actions by the farm labor contractors can be anonymously reported. Directs DIR to create a directory, available to prospective employers, dispensing information regarding the status of any farm labor contractor's license and any violations or investigations of violations, as specified.
(Died in Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
AB 1580 (Florez-D) Housing: farm labor strategy
Requires the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to develop a strategy for the development of farm labor housing and establishes a task force to assist in the development of the strategy. Requires HCD to report to the Legislature by July 1, 2000 on the strategy.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1811* (Reyes-D) Taxation: credit: qualified farmworker housing
Allows the Tax Credit Allocation Committee to commit future years' tax credits for the farmworker housing program for specified projects, allows the credit to be awarded before costs are incurred, and allows the credit to be used by the taxpayer once the farmworker housing is placed in service.
Chapter 311, Statutes of 2000
AB 2086 (Reyes-D) Farm labor vehicles: unsafe operation
(1) Prohibits a person from operating a farm labor vehicle, except under specified conditions, and makes it a misdemeanor in violation of this provision, (2) sets specific violations fines, (3) authorizes the State Department of the California Highway Patrol to impound a farm labor vehicle in violation of these provision, and (4) provides for forfeiture of a farm labor vehicle as a nuisance, as specified.
Chapter 873, Statutes of 2000
AB 2103 (Strom-Martin-D) Primary health care services
Establishes minimum eligibility criteria for clinics funded under the State Department of Health Services and grant programs for services to rural and migrant farm workers.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2306* (Florez-D) Farmworker programs
Requires the State Department of Health Services to review the use of public health programs by agricultural workers and develop an implementation plan to streamline service delivery. Creates the Joe Serna Farmworker Family Wellness Act to integrate housing, health and other family services for agricultural workers. Renames the "Farmworker Housing Grant Program" as the "Joe Serna, Jr., Farmworker Housing Grant Program."
Chapter 312, Statutes of 2000
AB 2468 (Romero-D) Farm operators: liability
Provides that every farm operator is jointly and severally liable for any claim arising from any violation of any employment standards law, as defined, with respect to agricultural workers employed or utilized, directly, or indirectly, through other persons or entities in his/her farming operation. Authorizes any agricultural worker of a farming operation who is aggrieved by a violation of any employment standards law to bring a civil action against the farm operator or operators to enforce the bill. Specifies that, under this bill, a prevailing worker is entitled to recover attorney's fees and costs.
(Died on Assembly File)
AB 2707 (Florez-D) Farm labor contractors
Ensures that the Labor Commissioner's Fresno office has suitable facilities and personnel for the licensing of farm contractors and for the processing of complaints against them.
Chapter 877, Statutes of 2000
AB 2829 (Battin-R) Agricultural employers: reserve account reports
Requires the Director of the State Department of Employment Development, for each reserve account established with respect to an agricultural employer, as defined, for each month, to issue to the subject employer a separate, written report that lists all of the individuals that received benefits with respect to that account for that month.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 2862 (Romero-D) Farm labor contractors
Establishes a farm labor contractors license verification unit, provides for penalties for failure to pay wages, as specified, and establishes an Agricultural Enforcement Unit.
Vetoed by the Governor
ACR 151 (Villaraigosa-D) Cesar E. Chavez.
Recognizes March 31, 2000, as the anniversary of Cesar E. Chavez's birth.
Resolution Chapter 54, Statutes of 2000

Pests and Pesticides
SB 671* (Chesbro-D) Pierce's disease
Appropriates $6.9 million from the General Fund for the purposes of research and combating Pierce's Disease and its vectors, and provides legislative intent that a total of $13.8 million be made available for this purpose.
Chapter 21, Statutes of 2000
SB 1010* (Kelley-R) Pesticides: electronic marketing
Requires the State Department of Pesticide Regulation, not later than December 31, 1999, to conduct a study and submit to the Legislature a report as to whether the electronic marketing of pesticides through the Internet interferes with the performance of its duties prescribed by state law, and to include in that report recommendations with regard to any changes in statutes or regulations that may be necessary to ensure the integrity of the pesticide laws of the state.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
SB 1430* (Haynes-R) Fallbrook Mexican Fruit Fly Quarantine Relief Fund
Enacts the Fallbrook Mexican Fruit Fly Quarantine Relief Fund Act of 2000, and appropriates $3.5 million into the newly created Fallbrook Mexican Fruit Fly Quarantine Relief Fund from the General Fund, for allocation by the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture to provide relief to specified producers of host material within the quarantine zone, as specified. Becomes inoperative on October 30, 2001, unless the Fallbrook Mexican Fruit Fly Quarantine is still in effect.
Vetoed by the Governor
Similar legislation was AB 736 (Thomson-D), which died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee, and AB 2460 (Thomson-D), which died in Assembly Agriculture Committee.
SB 1639 (Murray-D) Structural pest control
Prohibits the Structural Pest Control Board from charging a fee for approving a continuing education course if it is provided at no charge to the person taking the course.
(Died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
SB 1740 (Leslie-R) Noxious weed management
Amends provisions pertinent to the Noxious Weed Management article, under the Food and Agriculture Code, and makes an appropriation of $5 million to the Noxious Weed Management Account for the purpose of noxious weed abatement, as specified.
Chapter 315, Statutes of 2000
Similar legislation was AB 737 (Oller-R), which died in Assembly Agriculture Committee.
SB 1970 (Costa-D) Economic poisons: regulation
Authorizes (1) the State Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) to convene a trial board to review alleged misconduct by a county agricultural commissioner for activities specifically related to the enforcement of pesticide laws, (2) county agricultural commissioners to deny permits to violators who fail to pay a civil penalty, and (3) the DPR to assess administrative penalties for various pesticide violations in which the penalty amount does not exceed $5,000.
Chapter 806, Statutes of 2000
SB 2033 (Figueroa-D) Structural Pest Control Board
Extends the sunset date for the Structural Pest Control Board for four years, to July 1, 2005, and January 1, 2006, respectively, and revises the procedure for issuance of research contracts funded by the board's Research Fund.
Chapter 539, Statutes of 2000
SB 2143 (Bowen-D) Landlords: notice of pest control
Requires the landlord of a residential dwelling unit to provide each new tenant that occupies the unit with a copy of the notice provided by a registered structural pest control company if a contract for periodic pest control service has been executed.
Chapter 234, Statutes of 2000
AB 299 (Thomson-D) Suisun Mosquito Abatement Demonstration Program
Appropriates $140,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Fish and Game for allocation to the Suisun Resource Conservation District to create the Suisun Marsh Wetland Management Demonstration Program.
Chapter 223, Statutes of 2000
AB 786 (Machado-D) Pesticides: school employees
Requires that certain school employees whose duties require them to handle pesticides receive training in the safe handling and application of pesticides.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1640 (Assembly Agriculture Committee) Pest control: reporting pesticide use
Permits the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) to create an on-line pilot computer program for pesticide use reporting that simultaneously notifies the responsible county and DPR, and discovers and corrects reporting errors in a timely manner. The program may have up to 50 voluntary reporting participants from counties that agree to participate, reflecting the cropping and geographic diversity of the state. Sunsets January 1, 2004.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
AB 1680* (Ducheny-D) Environment and health indicators
Among other things, appropriates $32,140,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, the State Department of Fish and Game, and the State Water Resources Control Board for expenditure in the 2000-01 fiscal year for specified fire suppression and detection costs, overtime compensation, and noxious aquatic weed eradication.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1771* (Assembly Agriculture Committee) Agricultural pest control
Indefinitely extends the allocation of funds for high-risk pest exclusion activities, makes the allocation authority of the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture and the Director of the State Department of Pesticide Regulation subject to appropriation in the annual Budget Act, and makes conforming changes.
Chapter 573, Statutes of 2000
AB 1790 (Wiggins-D) Tax relief: vineyards: Pierce's Disease
Allows grapevines removed specifically due to phylloxera infestation or Pierce's disease to be replaced with new grapevines not necessarily equivalent to the grapevines being replaced and still qualify for the specified property tax relief. The assignment of base year replacement value shall be limited to that portion of the replacement grapevines that are substantially equivalent to the grapevines that were replaced, if the replacement grapevines are planted at a greater density.
Chapter 272, Statutes of 2000
AB 2071 (Briggs-R) Pest control: vertebrate pests
Extends, by five years to January 1, 2006, the State Department of Food and Agriculture's vertebrate pest control research program and its related pesticide assessment.
Chapter 338, Statutes of 2000
AB 2111* (Campbell-R) Red imported fire ants
Appropriates $5 million, one-time, from the General Fund to the State Department of Food and Agriculture (DFA) for control and eradication of infestations of Red Imported Fire Ants. Further, it requires the DFA to report to the Legislature by June 30, 2001, its progress in controlling and eradicating these infestations and outlining its expenditure program.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2318 (Lowenthal-D) Lindane: prohibition
Prohibits the sale or use of any product containing Lindane, an organo-chlorine pesticide, after January 1, 2002, for those products used in the treatment of lice or scabies in human beings.
Chapter 326, Statutes of 2000
AB 2435* (Thompson-R) Taxes: deduction: crop losses
Authorizes tax deduction for crop losses certified to be due to Glassy Winged Sharpshooter or Pierce's Disease for taxable years 2001 to 2005; allows tax losses to be carried forward up to eight years; provides definitions, and; sunsets provisions December 1, 2006.
(Died in Assembly Agriculture Committee)
AB 2444 (Thompson-R) Degrees of emergency: pest infestation & federal quarantine
Expands the conditions constituting a state of emergency or local emergency to include "a pest infestation and a federal quarantine."
(Died in Assembly Agriculture Committee)
AB 2455* (Thompson-R) Taxes: credit: crop losses
Provides an income tax credit to offset agricultural losses resulting from the Fallbrook Mexican Fruit Fly Quarantine.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2600 (Battin-R) Pest control
Appropriates $20 million from the General Fund to the State Department of Food and Agriculture for research related to any exotic pest, plant, or disease, and for related detection, prevention, or eradication.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
Similar legislation was AB 2703 (Assembly Agriculture Committee), which died in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
AB 2796 (Reyes-D) Integrated pest management
Defines integrated pest management as a sustainable approach to managing pests by combining biological, cultural, physical, and chemical tools in a way that minimizes economic, health, and environmental risks.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
HR 58 (Florez-D) Glassy Winged Sharpshooter Infestation
Declares that the California State Assembly requests the Secretary of the United States Department of Food and Agriculture, in accordance with Section 147b of Title 7 of the United States Code to immediately declare that there is an emergency and make federal funds available to ensure that sufficient resources are available to arrest and eradicate the Glassy Winged Sharpshooter.
Adopted by the Assembly

General Agriculture
SB 229* (McPherson-R) Income and bank and corporation taxes: irrigation
Allows a 15 percent credit for the cost of purchasing and installing a water conserving irrigation system on agricultural land in California, and is only operative for tax years beginning 1999 through 2003. The irrigation system must be certified to provide water conservation or savings of at least 10 percent in comparison with the amount used on the land in the prior year. The maximum credit a taxpayer may claim with respect to a parcel will be the lesser of $1,000 per acre or $1,000,000. Any amount of credit which exceeds the tax for a year may be carried forward and credited against future years' tax; but the carryover credit will be disallowed if the taxpayer disposes of the land.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 386 (Leslie-R) Foreign marketing
Continuously appropriates $200,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Food and Agriculture (DFA) to conduct foreign market research, personnel training and other DFA duties related to the state's Agricultural Export Program.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 403* (Kelley-R) Taxes: credits: water pollution control systems
Extends the tax credit for water pollution control mechanisms purchased in enterprise zones to include agricultural drain water treatment facilities.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 956 (Hayden-D) Packaging and labeling
Compels the California Uniform Food Facility Law Committee (a volunteer group of policy experts that advises the Department of Health Services on food safety matters) to undertake a study on meat and fish labeling practices such as the use of "sell by" and expiration dates. The report will be due no later than January 1, 2002. Creates a new crime known in trade circles as "marinade with intent," declaring that a livestock, poultry, or fish product is adulterated if its appearance is altered or modified through coloring, marinade, or any other substance so as to conceal age or fitness for human consumption. Such violations generally fall under misdemeanor provisions of the Food and Agricultural Code.
(Failed passage in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 1284 (Bowen-D) Milk fat and milk solids
Allows milk products to be sold in this state that meet national nutritional standards but not those of California, if the products include a statement to this effect and are labeled in 20 point type "not fortified with milk solids." The milk product packaging will also be required to have a chart comparing the product's nutrients and their values to the applicable California counterpart.
(Failed passage in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 1285 (Bowen-D) Misbranding: agricultural produce: country of origin
Requires grocery store retail displays of agricultural produce (fruits, vegetables, and nuts) to be labeled with the country of origin in proximity of the item's price. Agricultural Commissioners will be asked to enforce this requirement, using a graduated civil penalty to be developed by the State Department of Food and Agriculture, capped at $500. Violations will not be a crime.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1374 (Rainey-R) Equine activities: limitation of liability
Provides that an equine activity sponsor operating in a tax-exempt capacity, an equine professional, or any other person, operating in a tax-exempt capacity, as defined, will not be liable for an injury to, or the death of, a participant or equine resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 1381 (Costa-D) Unfair practices: sale of dairy products below cost
Streamlines current dairy marketing laws by abolishing many of the existing controls surrounding the promotion and marketing of fluid milk. Allows for previously prohibited activities, such as couponing, sweepstakes, and cross promotions, by milk retailers. Marketing milk below "cost," as defined, continues to be prohibited. Defines "cost" for manufacturers and wholesalers as total consideration paid plus expenses, including manufacturing, processing, handling, sale and delivery. "Cost," as applied to wholesale customers and retailers, means invoice price or replacement cost, whichever is lower, plus cost of doing business.
Chapter 164, Statutes of 2000
SB 1445 (Kelley-R) Manufacturing enhancement areas
Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to approve an application by Imperial County to expand a manufacturing enhancement area by up to 200 acres, if adequate infrastructure is available to the area and other specified conditions are met. Includes agricultural protection and crop preparation services for market among those trades or businesses that may, if eligible, claim tax credits applicable to a manufacturing enhancement area.
Chapter 865, Statutes of 2000
SB 1513 (Hayden-D) Genetically engineered food products
Requires the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture to establish a working group for review and evaluation of federal notifications of genetically engineered projects affecting California agriculture. Makes legislative findings and declarations relative to existing regulations governing genetically engineered food products.
(Failed passage in Assembly Agriculture Committee)
SB 1535 (Costa-D) Farm products processors: licensing
Allows corporations renewing or applying for a processor's license from the State Department of Food and Agriculture to authorize a designated representative to sign the necessary forms.
Chapter 768, Statutes of 2000
SB 1553* (Monteith-R) Property tax: exemption: agricultural equipment
Exempts from taxation the amount that is attributable to any sales or use tax paid on the purchase of agricultural equipment, as defined. Requires the State Board of Equalization to report to the Legislature on the revenue impact resulting from this exemption.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 1773 (Kelley-R) Milk products: forward price contracts
Requires the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture to administer a pilot program, commencing on January 1, 2001, and terminating on December 31, 2005, under which milk producers and cooperatives are authorized to voluntarily enter into forward price contracts, with milk handlers with respect to the marketing of milk that is not classified as Class 1 milk or otherwise intended for fluid use. Provides that payments made by milk handlers to milk producers and cooperatives, and prices received by milk producers and cooperatives, under forward contracts will be deemed to satisfy all regulated minimum milk price requirements and total payment requirements by each handler, except as specified. Requires the secretary to make specified monthly reports regarding milk under contract.
(Failed passage in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 1826 (Kelley-R) Agricultural commissions
Allows the California Egg Commission the opportunity to raise the maximum assessment charged for shell eggs, or the equivalent thereof for egg products, if approved by a vote of the handlers. Also makes technical and substantive changes to various agricultural commission laws to address current requests made by the respective commissions.
Chapter 587, Statutes of 2000
SB 1878 (Johnston-D) Agricultural lands
Makes substantive changes to various land conservation and land use programs, including the Williamson Act, the California Farmland Conservancy Program, and the Subdivision Map Act, and is intended to provide clarification to the State Department of Conservation on various issues as follow-up to SB 1240 (Costa), Chapter 495, Statutes of 1997, and SB 985 (Johnston), Chapter 1018, Statutes of 1999.
(Failed passage on Assembly Floor)
SB 1893 (Perata-D) Public contracts: purchasing preferences
Requires state agencies and school districts to purchase agriculture products produced in California if the cost and quality are equal or superior to those produced outside California. If California products are not found to be equal, preference is to be given to products produced in other states over foreign products, if the cost and quality are equal.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1909 (Costa-D) Milk products: equalization pools
Repeals specified obsolete provisions in the Food and Agriculture Code relating to milk pricing and pooling.
(Died in Assembly Agriculture Committee)
SB 1935 (Costa-D) Commercial feed: licenses
Authorizes the timing of payment for county registration for pest control operations and structural pest control operators, increases the license, renewal and late fees for commercial fees business, and eliminates requirement for a permanent place of business.
Chapter 1000, Statutes of 2000
SB 1974* (Poochigian-R) Taxation: irrigation system improvements
Creates a new tax credit equal to 30 percent of the cost paid by the taxpayer to purchase and install agricultural "irrigation system improvements" for use in California.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 2065 (Costa-D) Agriculture
Creates a biotechnology task force to evaluate opportunities and risks associated with biotechnology products and to report to the Governor and Legislature. Adds arbitration to the labeling and procedures for disputes between labelers and any person purchasing seed.
Chapter 589, Statutes of 2000
SB 2104* (Morrow-R) Agricultural disasters
Requires the Office of Emergency Services to develop and adopt, by January 2002, a guidance document to the State Emergency Plan that specifies the response to the state and its political subdivisions to agriculture-related disasters.
Chapter 698, Statutes of 2000
SB 2152 (O'Connell-D) Dairy buildings: mobile milking and bottling parlors
Defines mobile milking and bottling parlors and authorizes the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture to evaluate a single mobile milking and bottling parlor in the City of Paso Robles for one year. After review of the evaluation, and if the review is positive, the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture shall establish regulations for such facilities.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 2162 (Bowen-D) Market milk
Repeals existing law requiring all handlers who receive market milk within the state to pay minimum producer prices, as specified, regardless of the area of origin of the milk, whether inside or outside the jurisdiction of the State of California.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 2163 (Bowen-D) Milk: standards
Establishes minimum calcium and protein requirements for milk sold in California. Allows milk to be "fortified" with inorganic additives other than "solids" and "solids not fat" to meet these minimum requirements and be labeled as "calcium fortified milk."
(Failed passage in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 2164 (Bowen-D) Health: nutritional standards: milk
Establishes minimum nutritional standards for Calcium, Vitamin D, and Vitamin A in milk sold in California. Allows milk meeting federal "solids not fat" standards to be sold in California.
(Failed passage in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 2204 (Soto-D) Agricultural land
Permits Williamson Act contract recissions, located within the Counties of San Bernardino and Riverside, to be exchanged for agricultural conservation easements in the Chino Basin.
Chapter 431, Statutes of 2000
SJR 38 (Costa-D) Importation of Argentine citrus
Memorializes the bipartisan support for an amendment to the Agricultural Appropriations bill that requires the United States Department of Agriculture to complete an independent peer review of the rule and risk assessment underlying the rule regarding importation of citrus from specified regions of Argentina.
Resolution Chapter 165, Statutes of 2000
SR 25 (McPherson-R) Field research and extension center in central coast region
Points to the need for a University of California Research and Extension Center to be built in the central coastal region of California.
Adopted by the Senate
SR 32 (Solis-D) Labor strike at Basic Vegetable Products
Urges the State of California to cease supporting Basic Vegetable Products through state purchases of basic products during a current labor dispute with the Teamsters Union Local 890 and calls upon Basic Vegetable Products to negotiate in good faith and rescind the permanent placement of strikers.
Adopted by the Senate
Similar legislation was HR 61 (Keeley-D), which was adopted by the Assembly.
AB 113* (Florez-D) Agricultural Economic Disaster Act of 2000
Enacts the Agricultural Economic Disaster Act of 2000, requiring the State Emergency Plan be revised to respond to agriculture-related disasters and also requires the Director of the Office of the State Department of Planning and Research, in consultation with specified state agencies, to prepare a model agricultural economic disaster preparedness and response local ordinance. Authorizes the Governor to expend funds in connection with relief provided for those persons affected by a natural disaster or a state of emergency, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 260 (Wright-D) Exposition Park Authority and California Science Center
Reorganizes the Sixth District Agricultural Association, which will be known as the Exposition Park Authority, with a board consisting of seven voting members, appointed as specified, and an unspecified number of additional members, including two persons respectively who may be designated by the City and County of Los Angeles. Specifies the duties and responsibilities of the board.
(Died on Assembly Unfinished Business File)
AB 287* (Strickland-R) Tax credit: donation of agricultural products
Authorizes a tax credit against the net tax of a taxpayer in an amount equal to 10 percent of the fair market value at wholesale of agricultural products donated during the taxable year to a nonprofit charitable organization or food bank. Prohibits a taxpayer from claiming this credit and a charitable deduction for the same contribution. Allows unused credits to be carried forward until exhausted. Requires the State Franchise Tax Board to report to the Legislature by November 30, 2004 on the number of credits claimed annually. Sunsets on December 31, 2005.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 654 (Cardoza-D) Rendering plant: odor
Directs the State Department of Food and Agriculture, in consultation with the State Air Resources Board, industry, and others, to conduct a study to determine particulate and gaseous levels of rendering plants that are within one-half mile of K-12 schools, and to report back to the Legislature by June 1, 2000.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
AB 1171 (Frusetta-R) Agricultural commodities: labeling
Establishes a process for informing consumers of the country of origin of foreign-grown perishable agricultural commodities at grocery establishments, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1173 (Frusetta-R) Fallow deer meat
Authorizes the sale, purchase and transportation of domestically raised fallow deer that are slaughtered in accordance with provisions of the Food and Agriculture Code.
Chapter 373, Statutes of 2000
AB 1470* (Cardoza-D) Food banks
Appropriates $575,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Social Services for allocation to the Emergency Food and Assistance Program, in augmentation to specified funds appropriated in the Budget Act of 2000, to help mitigate the impact of the Tri-Valley Growers Association bankruptcy and for the Emergency Food and Assistance Program to continue to accept, transport, and distribute United States Department of Agriculture commodities and other donated food.
Chapter 309, Statutes of 2000
AB 1641* (Assembly Agriculture Committee) Tax credit: agricultural prunings: biomass conversion
Provides a tax credit of $30 per ton for the cost of transporting agricultural prunings to a biomass conversion facility.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1782 (Florez-D) Cattle disease control
Provides that the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture may adopt regulations and impose fees to control or eradicate cattle diseases, including bovine trichomoniasis. Also requires the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture to appoint an advisory task force made up of livestock industry representatives and university researchers to advise on the control and management of cattle health diseases and evaluating the effectiveness of programs established under this bill.
Chapter 425, Statutes of 2000
AB 1841 (Dickerson-R) Vehicles: implements of husbandry
Eliminates the requirement that a person operating an implement of husbandry over a highway be regularly employed by a farmer or farm corporation.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1944 (Wayne-D) Williamson Act
Provides that a compatible use is expressly specified within the contract only if it is specifically enumerated within the four corners of the Williamson Act contract without reference to other documents.
Chapter 889, Statutes of 2000
AB 1952* (Florez-D) Agricultural disasters
Includes a pest infestation or a federal quarantine among the conditions constituting a "state of emergency" or a "local emergency." Authorizes the Secretary of Food and Agriculture to call an agricultural emergency if local resources are deemed insufficient to respond to a declared local emergency. Authorizes the secretary to approve the expenditure of state funds for this response. (Spending would come from a newly-created, continuously-appropriated Agricultural Emergency Assistance Subaccount, within the Disaster Response-Emergency Operations Account within the Reserve for Economic Uncertainties.)
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1977 (Reyes-D) Value added agriculture land use economic zones
Establishes a new geographically-based economic development incentive program for agricultural areas called value added agricultural land use economic zones.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2006 (Dutra-D) Citrus fruit trees: special assessments
Extends the sunset to January 1, 2006, of an annual assessment of up to one percent by the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture, paid on citrus fruit trees produced and sold within the state or shipped from the state. This assessment is for the purpose of registration, certification, clonal activities, and other activities related to citrus fruit trees. Expands the advisory board by one grower member and requires the assessment rate be determined prior to January 10 of each year.
Chapter 154, Statutes of 2000
AB 2090* (Reyes-D) Targeted tax areas: expansion and credits
Adds agricultural businesses to the types of businesses that can take advantage of tax incentives available within the Targeted Tax Assistance Program.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2122 (Briggs-R) District agricultural associations: contracts
Transfers, from the State Department of Finance (DOF) and the State Department of General Services (DGS) to the State Department of Food and Agriculture, the authority to oversee the procurement of telecommunications goods and services by district agricultural associations (DAAs), essentially allowing DAAs to buy these items without going through the DGS/DOF approval process. Grants to DGS the opportunity to put its own bid in whenever a DAA solicits bids for telecommunications goods and services.
(Died in Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 2141 (Lempert-D) Poultry: egg-laying
Makes legislative findings and declarations pertaining to poultry and human illness. Makes it an offense, punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, to induce or force the molting of egg-laying birds that results in harm or death. Defines "harm" and "induced or forced molt."
(Failed passage in Assembly Agriculture Committee)
AB 2170* (Rod Pacheco-R) Taxes: net operating losses
Provides that the entire amount of any net operating loss for any taxable or income year beginning on or after the date that the area in which the taxpayer conducts a farming business is affected by pest infestation shall be a net operating loss carryover to each of the taxable or income years following the taxable or income year of loss, until used.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2510 (Thomson-D) Field crop products: civil liability
Makes any person liable who willfully and knowingly destroys any field crop that is subject to testing or product development conducted under contract with a state institution of higher education or other federal, state, or local government agency. The maximum liable amount shall be twice the actual value of the damages involving research, testing, and crop development costs directly related to the crop that has been damaged or destroyed.
Chapter 359, Statutes of 2000
AB 2514 (Thomson-D) Agricultural biomass and rice straw
Creates a program to be administered by the State Department of Food and Agriculture, in consultation with the State Air Resources Board and the California Integrated Waste Management Board, for the purpose of providing grants to persons that utilize agricultural biomass as a means of avoiding landfill use, preventing air pollution, and enhancing environmental quality. Appropriates $10 million from the General Fund to the Agricultural Biomass Utilization Fund.
Chapter 1017, Statutes of 2000
AB 2622 (Dickerson-R) Farm products: rice seed certification
Enacts the California Rice Certification Act of 2000 and establishes a committee of the California Rice Commission to determine whether rice varieties are identified as having "characteristics of commercial impact," as defined. The committee will recommend terms, conditions and proposed regulations to the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture for planting, transporting, harvesting, and identity preservation for rice identified as having "characteristics of commercial impact." Provides the California Rice Commission the authority to develop a program allowing the certification of any verifiable attribute of rice.
Chapter 579, Statutes of 2000
AB 2630 (Ashburn-R) Farm products: processors and produce dealers
Increases the maximum fine for a misdemeanor to $5,000 and revises the civil penalty to a minimum of $500 and a maximum of $1,000 for licensed producer dealers and processors of farm products. Double-joined with SB 1535 (Costa).
Chapter 412, Statutes of 2000
AB 2663 (Thomson-D) Sustainable agriculture
States that it is the intent of the Legislature that programs of the University of California relating to sustainable agriculture be adequately funded and incorporated into all appropriate programs of the state and university. Also maximizes the access of California farmers and ranchers to this information.
Chapter 670, Statutes of 2000
AB 2688 (Assembly Agriculture Committee) Fairs: expenditure reporting
Authorizes the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture, in consultation with the State Department of General Services, to create an alternative expenditure reporting procedure from the State Administrative Manual that shall, at a minimum, maintain an audit trail, and maintain fiduciary responsibility by district agricultural associations, county, and citrus fruit fairs. This process will be for fairs that have annual reportable expenditures of not more than $1 million.
Chapter 938, Statutes of 2000
AB 2690 (Florez-D) Agricultural land: compensable damages
Makes findings and declarations relating to the damages caused to agricultural land by reason of oil and gas exploration and production on that land. Specifies that the damages for the entry onto and the use and occupancy of lands in agricultural production for oil and gas exploration and production includes the reasonably foreseeable value of all crops that would have been produced by the land but for the change in land use to oil and gas exploration and production, for as long as the change in land use continues, and for reimbursement for taxes, assessments, and all other charges fixed to or imposed on the land that are payable by the surface owner or occupant.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
AB 2693 (Assembly Agriculture Committee) The Dairy Council
Updates the governing statute for the California Dairy Council by altering the assessment formula from a value based to a volume based assessment. Also updates per diem allowances and memberships, and reviews requirements for the California Dairy Council.
Chapter 298, Statutes of 2000
AB 2695 (Assembly Agriculture Committee) Milk and milk products: bulk transportation
Requires inspections on milk hauling tankers be made in a uniform and efficient manner, and a fee be assessed based upon actual cost of inspection. The fee is subject to verification upon the request of parties applying for the permit.
Chapter 115, Statutes of 2000
AB 2698* (Florez-D) Williamson Act: Kern County
Reduces, from 180 days to 30 days, the deadline for suing over a Williamson Act contract cancellation related to an electric generation project in Southern Kern County. This shorter deadline lasts until December 31, 2001.
Chapter 1045, Statutes of 2000
AB 2705 (Assembly Agriculture Committee) Agricultural industry energy program
Requires that loan repayments and interest from the Agricultural Energy Assistance Program be deposited in the Energy Technologies Research, Development, and Demonstration Account and be available for loans and technical assistance for specified purposes upon appropriation in the annual Budget Act. Places limitations on the loan repayment period and the loan interest rate, and also repeals an existing State Department of Food and Agriculture "solar technology in agriculture" program.
Chapter 1046, Statutes of 2000
AB 2710 (House-R) Dairy products: unlawful processing
Prohibits any milk producer to sell or give away any milk that could be used to produce manufactured dairy products intended for resale by unlicensed processors and directs both the State Department of Food and Agriculture and the State Department of Health Services to promptly and effectively enforce actions against violators. Makes it a crime to use unauthorized business labels for any dairy product.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2736 (Aanestad-R) Agricultural Land Protection Act
Enacts the Agricultural Land Protection Act in order to ensure a level of reasonable protection for landowners of agricultural property which is adjacent to habitat and conservation lands.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 2825* (Battin-R) Biomass facilities: grant program
Revises the name of the Central Valley Agricultural Biomass to Energy Incentive Grant Program to the "Agricultural Biomass to Energy Incentive Grant Program." Also revises the definition of the term "facility" to delete the requirement that the facility convert qualified agricultural biomass from the Central Valley, and includes only those facilities that do not produce electricity for sale to a public utility, as specified, and revises the definition of the term "qualified agricultural biomass" to include only that qualified agricultural biomass that the State Air Resources Board determines has been historically open-field burned in the geographic jurisdiction of the air district from which the agricultural residues are derived for purposes of that program.
Chapter 739, Statutes of 2000
AB 2872* (Shelley-D) Biomass facility grant program
Among other things, creates the program for the Biomass-to-Energy Incentive Grant Program. This language restricts facilities eligibility to only this program, not additional incentives or subsidies.
Chapter 144, Statutes of 2000
HR 46 (Cardoza-D) National Agriculture Week
Honors the men and women of California agriculture for their dedication and productivity by observing the week of March 19 to March 25, 2000, as National Agriculture Week; and Monday, March 20, 2000, as National Agriculture Day.
Adopted by the Assembly

Water Resources
SB 57 (Hayden-D) Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project
Creates, within the California Environmental Protection Agency, the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project, with specified objectives. Requires the Secretary of the State Resources Agency, in coordination with the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project, to make recommendations to the Legislature by December 1, 2001, as to the most efficient and environmentally sound measures to coordinate state policies to restore and enhance Santa Monica Bay.
Chapter 983, Statutes of 2000
SB 192 (Ortiz-D) Sacramento River: development
Allows for commercial development of structures on the waterside of project levees on the Sacramento River adjacent to 4350 Riverside Boulevard in the City of Sacramento, if it conforms to specified standards.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 203 (Solis-D) San Gabriel & Lower L.A. Rivers & Mountains Conservancy
Clarifies that territory served by the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (Conservancy), corrects the names of the organizations that serve on the board, lists the cities whose political boundaries shall be considered within the Conservancy, and makes other technical changes, including authorizing the Conservancy to be known as the "Joint Rivers and Mountains Conservancy."
Chapter 711, Statutes of 2000
SB 257 (Ortiz-D) Flood protection
Authorizes and adopts for state participation flood management projects on the Tule River, Santa Ana river, San Lorenzo River, Feather River and Yuba River, as well as in the American River Watershed and Colusa Basin. Becomes operative if AB 1147 (Honda) is also enacted.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 289 (Kelley-R) Flood control
Authorizes and adopted, for state participation, the flood management project on the Santa Ana River known as the Riverside County Norco Bluffs. Requires the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District to carry out the project and to give prescribed assurances to the Secretary of the Army in connection with the project. Requires the state to pay no more than 50 percent of the nonfederal costs associated with federal flood control projects that are allowed by the state on or after January 1, 2000.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 293 (Johannessen-R) Rock Creek/Keefer Slough Flood Control Project Study
Appropriates $400,000 from the State General Fund to the State Controller to be allocated, as specified, to the State Reclamation Board and the State Department of Transportation for their respective costs in connection with the Rock Creek/Keefer Slough Flood Control Project Study. Makes findings and declarations regarding flood control problems and the study.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 464* (Senate Appropriations Committee) Claims against the state: 1986 flood litigation
Appropriates $18.5 million, plus interest, from the General Fund to the State Attorney General to settle Akins, et al. v. State of California and Antonelli, et al. v. State of California to cases relating to litigation arising out of the 1986 floods.
Chapter 28, Statutes of 2000
Similar legislation was SB 1187 (Ortiz-D), which died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee.
SB 478 (Escutia-D) Water projects
Authorizes the State Department of Water Resources (DWR) to make loans to local agencies to develop cost-effective water conservation projects and make grants for feasibility studies of these projects. Authorizes the DWR to make loans in economically disadvantaged areas and grants in severely economically disadvantaged areas for infrastructure restoration and repair projects.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 506 (Peace-D) State Water Project
Prohibits the State Department of Water Resources (DWR), in connection with its operation of the State Water Project, from increasing the amount of water delivered to the entities with which it contracts, that are located south of the Tehachapi Mountains, beyond the maximum amount which has been delivered by DWR in any calendar year prior to 2000. Requires the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) to demonstrate self-sufficiency with regard to its water supplies by January 1, 2010. Prohibits MWD from continuing to receive State Water Project water if MWD fails to meet this requirement and provides that, in that event, MWD will continue to be responsible for payments to the state under the State Water Project water supply contract, as if MWD continued to receive water from the State Water Project.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 530 (Costa-D) Water
Enacts the Safe Drinking Water, Clean Water, Watershed Protection, and Flood Protection Act which, if adopted, will authorize, for purposes of financing a safe drinking water, water quality, flood protection, and water reliability program, the issuance, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law, of bonds in the amount of $1.9 billion. Also provides for the use of prescribed bond funds and funds repaid to the state pursuant to certain loan contracts specified programs established by this act.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 552 (Kelley-R) County water authorities
Provides that the San Diego County Water Authority may own and operate works for supplying its member agencies with gas and electricity. Also provides that the San Diego County Water Authority may, by contract, purchase gas and electricity from the United States, the State of California, and any other public agency or private entity and sell the gas and electricity to any public agency or private entity engaged in retail sales of electricity and gas.
Chapter 1044, Statutes of 2000
SB 553* (Kelley-R) Urban water management plans
Revises the list of water demand management items that must be included in mandatory Urban Water Management Plans.
Chapter 712, Statutes of 2000
SB 554 (Kelley-R) Flood control
Adopts and authorizes the project for flood protection measures on the Whitewater River in Riverside County in accordance with prescribed plans.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 598* (Costa-D) Water Bond Act of 2000
Enacts the Safe Drinking Water, Clean Water, Watershed Protection, and Flood Protection Act of 2000 which, if adopted, will authorize, for purposes of financing a safe drinking water, water quality, flood protection, and water reliability program, the issuance, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law, of bonds in the amount of $1,765,500,000. Also provides for the use of prescribed bond funds, and funds repaid to the state pursuant to certain loan contracts, for specified programs established by this act. Requires the Secretary of State to submit the bond act to the voters at the March 7, 2000, statewide direct primary election.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
SB 604 (Costa-D) Flood control
Adopts and authorizes a specified flood protection project for the Arroyo Pasajero River in the County of Fresno at an estimated cost to the state of the sum that may be appropriated by the Legislature for state cooperation, upon the recommendation and advice of the State Department of Water Resources, as prescribed.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 849 (McPherson-R) Flood control
Authorizes a flood protection project on the San Lorenzo River at an estimated cost to the state that may be appropriated for state participation, upon the recommendations and advice of the State Department of Water Resources. Requires the City of Santa Cruz to carry out the project and give assurances to the Secretary of the Army in connection with the project. Makes state funding contingent on the provisions of funds for the project in either the annual Budget Act or general obligation bond act.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 854 (Costa-D) Flood control
Requires a flood management project that receives financial assistance under the State Water Resources Law of 1975 or the Flood Control Law of 1946 to meet prescribed requirements prior to state authorization. Revises requirements relating to the payment of prescribed nonfederal costs for projects authorized by the Legislature after June 30, 2001, and for specified small flood management projects for which prescribed findings are made after June 30, 2001. Makes related legislative findings and declarations and a statement of legislative intent.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 885 (Costa-D) Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund: moneys
Authorizes the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank to issue taxable or tax-exempt revenue bonds and deposit the proceeds into the fund or use the proceeds to refund bonds issued. Requires the revenue bonds to be payable from, and secured by, revenues and assets of the fund, and prohibits the bonds from being deemed to constitute a debt or liability of the state, as specified.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 960 (Alarcon-D) Parks and recreation: grants: urban river park projects
Enacts the "California River Parkways Act of 2000," which establishes a funding mechanism for river parkway projects and appropriates $10.5 million of Water Bond (Proposition 13 on the March 2000 ballot) proceeds for those projects, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1008 (Leslie-R) Water quality
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board, in consultation with the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (LRWQCB), on or before July 1, 2000, to either (1) rescind certain water quality standards and control measures set forth in the LRWQCB's plan for the Lake Tahoe Basin, or (2) modify those standards and measures for the purpose of making them identical to the requirements set forth in the area waste treatment management plan that is implemented by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency pursuant to specified provisions of the Clean Water Act. Prohibits the LRWQCB from prescribing waste discharge requirements for discharges associated with construction activities that are subject to regulation by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1070 (Escutia-D) Resources: Los Angeles River and San Gabriel River
Adopts and authorizes the project for flood control in the Los Angeles County Drainage Area, as specified, at an estimated cost to the state of the sum that may be appropriated by the Legislature for state cooperation, upon the recommendation and advice of the State Department of Water Resources. Requires the Los Angeles County Flood Control District to carry out the project and to give prescribed assurances to the Secretary of the Army in connection with that project. Requires the Secretary of the State Resources Agency to consult with appropriate federal agencies to assess the desirability, feasibility, and costs of modifying the flood control project to include prescribed multipurpose features and requires the Secretary to prepare and submit a report to the Legislature, no later than March 1, 2000, concerning the results of the consultation.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1127 (Brulte-R) Property tax revenue shifts: water districts
Temporarily exempts the San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency from the 1992 Educational Refund Augmentation Fund property tax shift and requires payback of the exemption, with interest.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1130 (Costa-D) Water supply planning
Requires additional specified information to be included as part of an urban water management plan for urban water suppliers whose water supply includes groundwater. Requires a city or county that determines a project is subject to the California Environmental Quality Act to identify any public water system that may supply water for the project and to request those public water systems to assess whether its total projected water supplies will meet the projected water demand associated with the proposed project. Requires the Office of Planning and Research to make a determination as to whether San Diego County's 1988 Measure C is functionally equivalent to the water supply assessment process required under statute.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 1157 (Sher-D) Regional water quality control boards
Adds a section to the Water Code explicitly requiring that five members of a regional board shall constitute a quorum.
(Died at Assembly Desk)
SB 1281 (Costa-D) Parks and Recreation: grants: urban river park projects
Establishes the California River Parkways Act of 2000, and appropriates $5.7 million from the water bond (Proposition 13) to provide grants to local river parkway projects through the State Resources Agency.
(Died on Senate Unfinished Business File)
SB 1316* (Mountjoy-R) Water replenishment districts
Requires the Water Replenishment District of Southern California to retain an independent auditor to prepare an annual financial statement for each of ten fiscal years, commencing with the 1999-2000 fiscal year. Requires the auditor to include in the financial statement an assessment of the district's efforts to comply with a prescribed report prepared by the state auditor. Requires the district to submit each annual financial statement to the Legislature.
(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)
SB 1341 (Burton-D) Water resources
Requires the State Department of Water Resources (DWR), as part of updating the California Water Plan, to perform a study to determine the amount of water needed to meet the state's water needs. Requires DWR, by January 1, 2002, and one year prior to issuing each successive update to the California Water Plan, to release a preliminary draft of the assumptions and estimates upon which the study will be based. Requires DWR to establish an advisory committee, comprised of specified representatives, to assist in conducting the study.
Chapter 720, Statutes of 2000
SB 1512 (Hayden-D) Los Angeles parks, open space, and river resources
States, among other things, legislative intent that advisory committees should be established to help assess the needs and priorities for removing the watersheds of the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1521* (Monteith-R) Taxes: agricultural water filter systems and equipment
Permits an agricultural business to expense, in the year of acquisition, systems and equipment used to prevent contaminated agricultural waters from entering public waterways or underground aquifers.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 1522* (Leslie-R) Recycled water: Lake Tahoe Basin
Authorizes the South Tahoe Public Utility District to provide recycled water only to prevent the destruction of its Luther Pass recycled water pump station from a catastrophic fire, if certain requirements are met.
Chapter 391, Statutes of 2000
SB 1540 (Sher-D) California River Restoration Act of 2000
Requires the Secretary of the State Resources Agency, by January 1, 2002, to report to the Governor and the Legislature evaluating the suitability for demolition or modification of dams and other water impoundment facilities in order to restore spawning habitat for salmon and steelhead fisheries on California streams and rivers.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1557 (Burton-D) Castaic Lake Water Agency: water charges
Requires the facility capacity fee currently charged by the Castaic Lake Water Agency (Agency) to be based on the amount of water actually supplied by the Agency to the water user paying the fee. Allows the Agency to impose the fee only upon the completion of the retail water connection. Prohibits the Agency from considering the costs of supplying water to the water user from sources other than the retail water distributor. Provides for a specified credit if the water user upon whom a facility capacity fee is imposed has been required by the retail water distributor, for the purposes of receiving a new retail connection, to fund or construct any water storage or pumping facility. Revises certain provisions of agency law relating to the collection of delinquent and unpaid facility capacity fees to apply those provisions to those facility capacity fees that are either uncontested or the subject of a final judgment as to their validity.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
SB 1571 (Costa-D) Water
Makes technical, nonsubstantive grammatical changes to Proposition 13 (the Costa-Machado Water Act of 2000). Also modifies voter requirements for the James and Corcoran Irrigation Districts and adds water quality to the list of projects for which the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District may incur indebtedness.
Chapter 1078, Statutes of 2000
SB 1583 (Costa-D) San Joaquin River Parkway
Changes the membership of the governing board of the San Joaquin River Conservancy from nine voting members to 15 and eliminates the four nonvoting members.
Chapter 507, Statutes of 2000
SB 1586 (Costa-D) Water: CALFED funds
Provides that the Legislature certifies that the programs and projects described in the CALFED Record of Decision are consistent with the final July 2000 CALFED programmatic environmental impact statement/environmental impact report and the fund appropriated by CALFED-related items in the 2000 Budget Act are available for expenditure.
(Died on Senate Unfinished Business File)
SB 1590 (Johannessen-R) Flood control
Adopts and authorizes the projects for flood protection and integrated resources management in the Colusa Basin in accordance with the "Colusa Basin Water Management Program" at an estimated cost to the state of the sum that may be appropriated by the Legislature for state participation. Limits the state's contribution to 50 percent of the nonfederal capital costs of the project.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
Similar legislation was AB 1076 (Dickerson-R), which died in Assembly Appropriations Committee and AB 2577 (Dickerson-R), which died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee.
SB 1594 (Kelley-R) Metropolitan water districts
Replaces the appointed board of directors of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California with a 13-member board of directors, directly elected by divisions. Makes conforming statutory changes to accommodate the new governance structure, repealing superceded language on December 31, 2002, relating to board membership, voting, terms of office, recall, and ordinance.
(Died in Senate Local Government Committee)
SB 1595 (Kelley-R) Metropolitan water districts
Requires the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California to enter into individual contracts with its member agencies for the provision of water and other services.
(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)
SB 1647* (O'Connell-D) Conservation
Enacts the Natural Heritage Preservation Tax Credit Act of 2000, pursuant to which the Wildlife Conservation Board will implement a program under which property may be contributed to the state, any local government, as defined, or to any nonprofit organization designated by a local government, based on specified criteria, in order to provide for the protection of wildlife habitat, open space, and agricultural lands. Authorizes a credit against those taxes under the Personal Income Tax Law and the Bank and Corporation Tax Law in an amount equal to 55 percent of the fair market value of any qualified contribution contributed during the taxable or income year pursuant to the Natural Preservation Tax Credit Act of 2000, as specified.
Chapter 113, Statutes of 2000
Similar legislation was SB 680 (O'Connell-D), which died in Assembly Appropriations Committee, and AB 841 (Briggs-R), which also died in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
SB 1679* (Sher-D) Resources omnibus trailer bill
Extends, among other things, the deadline of the report by the State Resources Agency task force on the Cache Creek Resource Management to July 1, 2001.
Chapter 87, Statutes of 2000
SB 1681* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Budget Act of 2000
Provides, among other things, that of certain funds appropriated to the State Coastal Conservancy, $3,175,000 shall be expended for public access and $3 million shall be expended for the Southern California Wetlands Recovery Program. Revises specified appropriations made to the State Department of Park and Recreation, payable from the Safe Neighborhood Parks, Clean Water, Clean Air, and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2000. Reappropriates funds appropriated to the State Department of Water Resources for Yolo County for the Community of Esparto flood control improvements to the department for Yolo County for the Community of Esparto and the Community of Madison flood control improvements. Provides for specified appropriations made to the State Water Resources Control Board to be available for expenditure during the 2000-01, 2001-02 and 2002-03 fiscal year.
Chapter 672, Statutes of 2000 - Item Vetoed
SB 1704 (Costa-D) Kings River fishery
Authorizes the state to participate in the Kings River Fisheries Management Program Framework Agreement as approved by the State Department of Fish and Game.
Chapter 418, Statutes of 2000
SB 1758 (Peace-D) California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank
Modifies the definition of public development facilities for purposes of the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank Act to include property that is related to providing "water supply" services.
Chapter 1079, Statutes of 2000
SB 1775 (Johannessen-R) Stockponds
Includes small stockponds in the existing expedited water rights registration process for small domestic water ponds, as specified.
Chapter 306, Statutes of 2000
SB 1834 (Alpert-D) Water quality
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to develop, by January 1, 2003, guidelines to be used by the SWRCB and the nine regional water quality control boards for the purpose of describing the process by which best management practices for nonpoint source pollution control are implemented.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1895 (Poochigian-R) Water supply infrastructure
Enacts the Local Public Agency Water Supply Infrastructure Act, which requires the State Department of Water Resources (DWR) to establish a grant and loan program to enable local public agencies to carry out programs and projects to increase local water supplies, as prescribed. Requires DWR, for funding purposes, to give preference to projects and programs that meet specified criteria. Makes an appropriation in an unspecified amount from an unspecified source to carry out the grant and loan program.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 1918 (Johnston-D) Water development projects: small flood control projects
Revises the manner in which flood control projects will be considered for implementation and funding. Charges the State Department of Water Resources with prioritizing all projects, requires environmental mitigation plans, and incorporates the State Department of Fish and Game comments into those plans. Revises the percentage paid by the state, based on the amount of benefits to be received by the local communities, and sets funding enhancements for lowering future risks.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 1923 (Costa-D) Water resources
Makes three amendments to water transfer law that allows coordination with federal agencies, clarifies the definition of transferable water, and requires the State Water Resources Control Board to consult with the State Department of Water Resources before approving a petition for a long-term water transfer.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 1956 (Polanco-D) Water: biosolids
Prohibits a local government from enacting, maintaining, or enforcing an ordinance, regulation, or resolution that prescribes standards in addition to, or more restrictive than, specified federal regulations or the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) adopted general waste discharge requirements for biosolids land application (this does not affect application of biosolids with the jurisdiction of the Delta Protection Commission). Allows a local government to enact an ordinance, regulation, or resolution after a notice public hearing, prescribing additional or more restrictive standards than the federal regulations or SWRCB adopted requirements, if certain conditions are met.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1961 (Leslie-R) Flood control
Adopts and authorizes the project for flood protection along the Feather and Yuba Rivers, in accordance with a prescribed report prepared by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, upon the recommendation, advice, and approval of the State Reclamations Board. Requires the state to pay 50 percent of the nonfederal capital cost appropriated for the project in the annual Budget Act.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 1973 (Perata-D) Water charges
Authorizes any bona fide transferor to file a petition with the State Public Utilities Commission (PUC) for an adjudication of whether the determination of the amount of fair compensation made by a state, regional, or local agency for the proposed use of unused capacity in a water conveyance facility is consistent with specified definitions and guidelines. Requires that any determination by the PUC regarding certain facilities involving the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and the San Francisco Bay include a certification. Provides that a water conveyance facilities owner and a bona fide transferor are subject to the jurisdiction of the PUC, and makes violations of these provisions a crime.
(Died in Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SB 1979 (Escutia-D) Water replenishment districts
(1) Revises provisions regarding the constructing, leasing, purchasing, or contracting for a capital improvement project, (2) imposes requirements regarding district contracts, a reserve for the purchase of water, audited financial statements, and estimated reserve funds, (3) requires the district to apply the estimated year end balance in excess of a prescribed amount to a replenishment assessment rate reduction or to the purchase of water in the succeeding fiscal year, and (4) is double-joined with AB 1834 (Havice).
Chapter 894, Statutes of 2000
SB 2042 (Johnston-D) Bay-Delta Program and ecosystem restoration program
Establishes a new governance structure called the California Bay-Delta Commission to oversee the implementation of the CALFED Program, as specified in the Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report and implementing documents.
(Failed passage on Assembly Floor)
Similar legislation was AB 1839 (Machado-D), which died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee.
SB 2048 (Leslie-R) Infrastructure improvement
States the intent of the Legislature to appropriate $250 million in the Budget Act of 2000-01 from the General Fund to the State Controller for local grant allocation for the purpose of improving, constructing, or acquiring infrastructure, including, but not limited to, water systems, sewage systems, roads, and parks.
(Died at Assembly Desk)
SB 2095 (Johnston-D) Water Recycling in Landscaping Act
Requires recycled water producers to notify local agencies if recycled water will be available within the boundaries of the local agency. Also requires the local agency to adopt and enforce a recycled water ordinance after such notification.
Chapter 510, Statutes of 2000
SB 2127 (Schiff-D) Drinking water: hexavalent chromium: study
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to determine the levels of hexavalent chromium (chromium-6) in the drinking water systems in the San Fernando Basin aquifer and, in consultation with the Office of Environmental Health Hazard assessment, assess the exposures and risks to the public due to the levels of hexavalent chromium determined. Requires DHS to report its findings to the Governor and the Legislature, no later than January 1, 2002.
Chapter 868, Statutes of 2000
SB 2134 (Polanco-D) Water replenishment districts
Limits the amount of funds the Water Replenishment District of Southern California (WRDSC) may keep in a reserve fund and reforms the business and professional practices of the WRDSC's board.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 2139 (Johnson-R) State Water Project conveyance facilities
Requires the State Department of Water Resources to allow local public agencies and retail entities in the Metropolitan Water District's (MWD's) service area to use State Water Project facilities at the lowest rate available to MWD. Contingent upon the enactment of SB 1973 (Perata). Sunsets January 1, 2002.
(Died in Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SB 2141 (Poochigian-R) California Watershed Planning Act
Enacts the California Watershed Planning Act, which requires a state or local agency that uses a local or community-based watershed management plan for a regulatory purpose to undertake prescribed actions. Makes related statements of legislative intent.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
Similar legislation was SB 1088 (Poochigian-R), which died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee.
SB 2165 (Sher-D) Waste discharge requirements
Revises and recasts penalty provisions under the Porter-Cologne Water Control Act that allows violators to pay the cost of a supplemental environmental project in lieu of mandatory assessed penalties for violations of the act and the federal Clean Water Act in specific circumstances.
Chapter 807, Statutes of 2000
SJR 26 (Kelley-R) Mission Creek and Desert Hot Springs Aquifers
Urges the President and the Congress of the United States to provide funding for the protection of the Mission Creek and the Desert Hot Springs Aquifers.
Resolution Chapter 69, Statutes of 2000
AB 237 (Machado-D) Recycled water
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board to administer a grant program related to recycled water and conduct an assessment of the impacts to water quality from salinity discharges.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 303 (Thomson-D) Groundwater
Enacts the Local Groundwater Management Assistance Act, which authorizes the State Department of Water Resources (DWR) to use money in the Local Groundwater Assistance Fund, also created by the bill, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to assist local public agencies by awarding grants in order to implement groundwater monitoring and management activities. Requires DWR to award the grants based on the recommendation of a Technical Advisory Panel, the members of which will be appointed by the Secretary of the State Resources Agency. Requires DWR to use $5 million appropriated in the Budget Act of 2000 for this purpose with not more than $220,000 to be used to defray administrative costs.
Chapter 708, Statutes of 2000
AB 372 (Havice-D) Flood control: Los Angeles County Drainage Area
Adopts and authorizes the flood control project in the Los Angeles County Drainage Area as authorized in the Water Resources Development Act of 1990. Requires the state share of the nonfederal costs of the project shall not exceed 60%. Requires the Los Angeles County Flood Control District to give assurances to the federal government that the local cooperation required by federal law will be furnished in connection with the flood control project.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
AB 398 (Migden-D) Cargill Salt Flats
Requires the State Wildlife Conservation Board to authorize the acquisition of property in San Francisco Bay currently owned by the Cargill Salt Division and transfers $30 million from the General Fund to implement the recommendations of the Baylands Ecosystem Habitat Goals Report.
Chapter 395, Statutes of 2000
AB 441 (Mazzoni-D) Tomales Village Community Services District
Provides that the amounts owed by the Tomales Village Community Services District to the State Water Resources Control Board for payment of principal and interest in connection with a prescribed loan from the State Water Quality Control Fund to prevent water pollution shall be considered a grant for the construction of necessary wastewater treatment facilities.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 446 (Oller-R) Recycled water: Lake Tahoe Basin
Authorizes the South Lake Tahoe Basin Public Utilities District, in consultation with the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board to provide recycled water for fire suppression, as specified. Permits the fire incident commander to authorize the use of recycled water within areas specified by that district and that regional board if a prescribed determination is made. Makes related legislative findings and declarations.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 534 (Machado-D) Groundwater study
Requires the State Department of Water Resources (DWR) to conduct a study on groundwater resources, as prescribed, and report the results of the study to the Legislature on or before January 31, 2003. Requires DWR to provide recommendations based on the study to local agencies.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 564 (Machado-D) Water
Places before the voters on the March 7, 2000 ballot a $1.8 billion State General Obligation Bond measure to finance a variety of projects and programs for safe drinking water, clean water, water conservation, and flood protection. Declares that the provisions of this bill are for display purposes only.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
AB 641 (Lempert-D) Water quality: enclosed bays and estuaries
Requires each Regional Water Quality Control Board to develop and submit a plan to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) for cleaning and a schedule of proposed remediation activities to restore "toxic hot spots" no later than January 1, 2001; and requires SWRCB to submit a statewide plan to the Legislature no later than June 30, 2001. Requires both boards to recover costs for investigations of toxic hot spots, and authorizes both boards to assess fees and establish new penalties for violations of these provisions, as specified.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 680 (Lempert-D) Oil spill prevention: nonmarine waters
Provides that the fines and penalties provisions of the Lempert-Keene-Seastrand Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act be extended, in modified form, to cover all "waters of the state," instead of just "marine waters."
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 710 (Calderon-D) Drinking water: perchlorate removal
Requires the State Department of Health Services to establish a demonstration project regarding the removal of perchlorate from drinking water, and appropriates $500,000 from the General Fund to the department for that purpose.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 730 (Dickerson-R) Watershed protection
Requires the Secretary of the State Resources Agency to carry out a watershed management and rehabilitation program to provide for the restoration of watersheds in the state, as prescribed. Declares the intent of the Legislature to annually appropriate an unspecified amount of money to the Resources Agency to carry out the program. Makes legislative findings regarding the environmental and economic benefits associated with the maintenance of healthy watersheds.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 732 (Machado-D) Water transfers and management
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board, on or before January 1, 2002, in consultation with the State Department of Water Resources and the United States Bureau of Reclamation, to develop criteria for use in evaluating impacts arising from proposed water transfers. Provides that a county may establish a county water transfer management council, and authorizes a county to develop and implement a water transfer management plan, as specified.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
AB 793 (Maddox-R) Flood control
Transfers an unspecified amount from the General Fund to the Flood Control and Prevention Fund created by the bill for the purpose of reimbursing eligible local entities to pay for the state's share of nonfederal cost for authorized flood control projects, as specified. Appropriates $132 million from the General Fund to the State Department of Water Resources, without regard to fiscal years, for allocation to eligible local entities to pay for the state's share of the nonfederal costs of flood control and flood protection projects that have been adopted and authorized by the state, as specified. States that the appropriation shall be allocated on a pro rata basis to projects in the Counties of Contra Costa, Fresno, Kern, Los Angeles, Marin, Napa, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, Santa Clara, Sonoma, and Ventura.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 849 (Brewer-R) Newport Bay: water quality
Requires the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board to undertake bioassay and bioaccumulation studies in the Newport Bay and to prepare a related report. Appropriates $150,000 from the General Fund to the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board for purposes of the studies.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 885 (Jackson-D) Onsite sewage treatment systems
Enacts the Onsite Sewage Treatment Systems Law under the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act in order to establish statewide performance standards for septic systems.
Chapter 781, Statutes of 2000
AB 909 (Machado-D) California Bay-Delta Commission
Creates the California Bay-Delta Commission for the purpose of carrying out the environmental restoration of the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Makes related legislative findings and declarations and a statement of legislative intent relating to that program.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 980 (Ducheny-D) Conjunctive use
Makes a legislative finding and declaration and a statement of legislative intent relating to the conjunctive management of surface water and groundwater.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
AB 1147 (Honda-D) Flood control
Amends the state cost-sharing formula for flood control projects, expands the State Department of Water Resources oversight of flood management and authorizes various flood control projects.
Chapter 1071, Statutes of 2000
AB 1179 (Frusetta-R) Wetlands protection: legislative findings and declarations
Makes legislative findings and declarations relating to the importance of protecting and restoring wetlands in the state.
(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)
AB 1189 (Oller-R) California regional water quality control boards
States that the Governor may remove any member of a regional board for good cause. Requires each regional board to conduct an annual performance evaluation of its executive officer and assistant executive officer and requires the state board to adopt standards for that performance evaluation. Requires each regional board to prepare an annual report regarding water quality in its region, as prescribed, to consider at a public hearing the recommendations of concerned federal, state, and local agencies relating to water quality problems in its region, and to make specified findings. Requires the executive officer and assistant executive officer of a regional board to take appropriate action regarding water quality problems within the region identified pursuant to those provisions.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1219 (Kuehl-D) Land use: water supplies
Requires a city or county, prior to approval of a final subdivision map for a residential development of over 200 lots, to require that adequate water utility service be provided.
(Died on Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
AB 1277 (Thomson-D) Water transfers
Provides that water transfers between users within counties, watersheds, or other areas of origin, as specified, shall be deemed not to operate to the injury of any legal user or use of water that is not located within the same hydrologic area, as described, as the transferor of the water.
(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 1278 (Knox-D) Water quality: total maximum daily loads
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board, in coordination with the regional water quality control boards, to develop a statewide list of bodies of water that do not meet applicable water quality standards and to prepare total maximum daily loads that ensure that water quality standards are met.
(Died on the Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1389 (Thompson-R) Habitat restoration
Authorizes a project for habitat restoration at Gunnerson Pond in Riverside County at a cost to the state of the sum that may be appropriated by the Legislature in an amount that the bill prohibits from exceeding 60 percent of the nonfederal costs of the project. Requires the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District to carry out the project and give prescribed assurances to the Secretary of the Army in connection with the project.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1420 (Margett-R) Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin
Appropriates $10 million from the General Fund to the State Water Resources Control Board for allocation to the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority to provide grants and loans to local agencies for groundwater remediation demonstration projects in the San Gabriel Groundwater Basin.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1521 (Machado-D) Delta flood control, levee maintenance & recreation program
Appropriates $52 million from the General Fund to be allocated (1) for special flood control projects in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta ($25 million to the State Department of Water Resources (DWR), (2) for local assistance for maintenance and improvement of levees in that delta ($25 million to DWR), and (3) for a delta recreational program ($2 million to the State Department of Parks and Recreation.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1544* (Calderon-D) Local government: redevelopment
(1) Authorizes county service areas, the Inland Valley Development Agency, and municipal water districts to establish sewer and water supply facilities on specified lands related to development of certain territory within the Norton Air Force Redevelopment Project Area without approval by other agencies, except as specified, in that redevelopment project area from a requirement for the payment of just compensation for private utility property taken for public purposes, (2) authorizes landowners of unincorporated territory located in that redevelopment project area to petition a local agency formation commission for the removal of the territory from a city's sphere of influence, and (3) provides that a determination of a city's sphere of influence shall not preclude the provision of specified services to that redevelopment project area.
Chapter 129, Statutes of 2000
AB 1581 (Lowenthal-D) Federal navigation projects
Creates the Federal Navigation Project Fund, a continuously appropriated fund, and requires that all state funds appropriated for the purposes of federal navigation projects authorized pursuant to the federal Water Resources Development Act be deposited in that fund. Authorizes the State Lands Commission (SLC) to allocate monies in the fund, if the SLC finds that the allocation is in the best interests of the state, to local governmental entities to provide matching funds for those federal navigation projects in an amount not to exceed 50 percent of the amount contributed by those entities for those projects.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1698* (Campbell-R) Santa Margarita Water District
Authorizes the Santa Margarita Water District to establish equity with regard to the manner in which the district's water and sewer bonds are repaid.
Chapter 25, Statutes of 2000
AB 1729 (Bock-I) Drinking water: fluoridation
Requires a public water system to comply with various requirements in conducting any program of fluoridation of any public water supply, including that the program be limited to the use of a specified fluorine-bearing chemical and that no fluorine-containing substance that could be classified as a pesticide or hazardous or toxic waste by state or federal agencies be added to the public water supply. Provides that a product, substance, device, element, medicine, or preventive agent shall not be added to any public water supply for certain purposes, unless it has been tested and approved as safe, and effective for the purpose for which it is to be added, by the United States Food and Drug Administration.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1741 (Thomson-D) Water transfers
Requires water transfers between users within counties, watersheds, or other areas of origin as specified, to be deemed not to operate to the injury of any use of water with a point of diversion that is not located within the same hydrologic area of the transferor. Does not apply to laws with regard to impacts to fish and wildlife or instream beneficial uses.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1772 (Robert Pacheco-R) County waterworks districts
Allows county waterworks districts to contract with state departments to finance improvements, provided that the contracts don't exceed 30 years, and requires county waterworks districts to repay their state loans with standby charges.
Chapter 722, Statutes of 2000
AB 1794 (Calderon-D) Water replenishment districts: groundwater remediation
Reforms and limits the powers of the Water Replenishment District of Southern California (WRD) to strictly groundwater replenishment activities and creates a new agency to manage groundwater within the same boundaries of the WRD.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1812 (Oller-R) Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether: study
Requires the State Department of Health Services and the State Water Resources Control Board to submit, by January 1, 2002, a joint study on the effect on human health of the leakage of methyl tertiary-butyl ether into groundwater and its migration from groundwater into surface water.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1832 (Machado-D) Office of Drought Preparedness
Requires the State Department of Water Resources to (1) conduct an annual survey, by October 1, of every local public water supplier that serves more than 1,000 residential connections to determine if the suppliers will be able to provide adequate and reliable water service during the next long-term drought in California, (2) report to the Legislature, annually by the following February 15, on the results of the survey and make recommendations on how to help these water suppliers meet their customers' supply needs.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1834 (Havice-D) Water Replenishment District of Southern California
Requires the State Auditor to perform an audit with regard to operations and management of the Water Replenishment District of Southern California, as specified. Prohibits the district from incurring indebtedness on or after January 1, 2001. Authorizes the district to increase a specified water replenishment assessment only to reflect increases in the consumer Price Index, as prescribed. Requires the district to pay for any capital project undertaken by the district with existing reserves or with funds generated from the imposition of the water replenishment assessment. Requires the formation of a technical advisory commission for the purposes of evaluating projects proposed by the district, as specified. Imposes additional requirements on the district in connection with competitive bidding.
Finds and declares that reforms to the Water Replenishment District of Southern California (WRD) must be enacted that implement the recommendations set forth in the State Auditor's December 1999 report on WRD; states the Legislature's intent to review and reform WRD's governance structure. Sunsets on January 1, 2003.
Chapter 888, Statutes of 2000
AB 1835 (Baugh-R) Storm water discharges
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board to provide grants to public local agencies to pay for costs associated with diverting or reducing or eliminating dry weather flows from storm water discharges, or both, that will otherwise be discharged to a public beach to sewage treatment facilities. Appropriates $6,990,000 to carry out the grant program and to provide local assistance for specified projects.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1865 (Strickland-R) Water quality: septic tank systems
Creates a program by which the State Water Resources Control Board provides grants to homeowners in the community of El Rio, located near Oxnard in Ventura County, to help defray costs resulting from the shutdown of individual septic tank systems located over a critical groundwater recharge area, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1909 (Jackson-D) Storm water street runoff
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board to establish a two-year street runoff reduction pilot program.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1948 (Dickerson-R) Watersheds
Requires the State Resources Agency (SRA) to compile a report chronicling major funding sources for watershed projects in California since 1995 by November 1, 3003. Directs the SRA to compile and publish a list of funding available for watershed management projects.
Chapter 736, Statutes of 2000
AB 2002 (Steinberg-D) Flood control
Adopts and authorizes prescribed projects for flood control in the City of Sacramento and the Counties of Sacramento and Sutter at an estimated cost to the state of the sum that may be appropriated by the Legislature for state participation upon the recommendation and the advice of the State Department of Water Resources or the State Reclamation Board.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
AB 2016 (Strom-Martin-D) Humboldt Bay Harbor District
Requires the State Lands Commission to allocate funds appropriated for navigation projects. Appropriates $1,580,000 from the General Fund to the State Lands Commission for allocation in the 2000-01 fiscal year to the Humboldt Bay Harbor District for the purpose of meeting local matching share requirements for federal navigation projects.
Chapter 719, Statutes of 2000
AB 2117 (Wayne-D) Watershed protection
Requires the Secretary of the State Resources Agency and the State Water Resources Control Board to select three watershed protection projects in order to evaluate the existing collaborative and cooperative mechanism between the State Resources Agency, the Environmental Protection Agency, federal agencies, local agencies, landowners, and environmental groups to determine whether the process can be streamlined for the preparation and implementation of comprehensive watershed management plans that protect and improve water quality.
Chapter 735, Statutes of 2000
AB 2121 (Briggs-R) The Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District
Requires the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District, when constructing storm drains, flood control, or water conservation works, to build only on public property and existing public rights-of-way, unless there is no feasible alternative. Defines "feasible" as capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time.
(Died in Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
AB 2148 (Kuehl-D) Storm water
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board to develop, before January 1, 2002, a uniform storm water monitoring program for regulated municipalities and industries, as specified, and requires the requirements established under that program to be included in all storm water permits. Requires every regulated municipality and industry, before January 1, 2002, to implement a storm water monitoring program.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 2287 (Wildman-D) Underground storage tanks: water
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board, regional water quality control boards, and other state agencies to conduct a variety of tasks designed to provide greater protections to California's groundwater based on recommendations by the Joint Legislative Audit Committee.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 2324 (Lowenthal-D) Solid waste: pilot project
Requires, until January 1, 2005, the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (LARWQCB) to establish a pilot project to collect and examine trash from storm drain outfalls that flow to the Los Angeles River. Requires the LARWQCB to annually submit to the Legislature a report regarding the accomplishments of the pilot project. Makes legislative findings and declarations, and a related statement of legislative intent.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2356 (Keeley-D) Streambed alteration
Revises and modifies streambed alteration permit procedures administered by the State Department of Fish and Game in order to allow the procedures to be included into the certified regulatory program of the California Environmental Quality Act. Provides the fees for master and complex streambed alteration permits may exceed the maximum statutorily imposed cap of $2,400 per permit.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 2380* (Lempert-D) Ballast water management fee
Provides for the administrative authority to the State Board of Equalization to establish procedures for collecting the ballast water management fees and sunsets the fee law January 1, 2004.
Chapter 110, Statutes of 2000
AB 2381 (Longville-D) Pathogenic bacteria: water
Requires the State Department of Health Services to study and make recommendations to the Legislature regarding pathogenic bacteria in fluid dispensing devices.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2387 (Keeley-D) California Ocean Resources Stewardship Act of 2000
Creates a nongovernmental trust to fund and facilitate the sharing of information and the coordination of research related to ocean resource management between public and private governmental and nongovernmental agencies, institutions and organizations that conduct ocean resource science in California.
Chapter 516, Statutes of 2000
AB 2419 (Machado-D) Water districts
Allows the South Delta Water Agency and the Central Delta Water Agency to represent water user interests in State Water Resources Control Board hearings and in state and federal court proceedings.
Chapter 134, Statutes of 2000
AB 2483 (Kuehl-D) Pollution control: drinking water contamination
Provides (1) for strict, joint and several liability and specifies certain damages for those who are contaminating a source of drinking water with gasoline or oxygenates (other than ethanol), (2) for the Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency to prohibit the sale of oxygenated fuels in areas where drinking water sources are threatened, and (3) for the electronic filing of certain reports required by agencies.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 2492 (Kuehl-D) Storm water
Modifies the process by which storm water permits are issued to municipalities and industries by requiring a standardized water monitoring program, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2507 (Steinberg-D) State Department of Water Resources: easements
Requires the State Department of Water Resources (DWR) to grant to the City of Sacramento a temporary construction easement and a permanent easement across state-owned property for the location of raw water transmission lines from a replacement water intake structure. Requires the City of Sacramento to pay DWR an amount equal to fair market value for the easements granted, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 2544 (Calderon-D) San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority Act
Increases the membership of the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority Board from five to seven and extends the repeal date from July 1, 2002 to July 1, 2005.
Chapter 905, Statutes of 2000
AB 2552 (Bates-R) Urban water supply planning
Requires water agencies that prepare Urban Water Management Plans to submit those plans to any city or county to which the water agency supplies water.
Chapter 297, Statutes of 2000
AB 2560 (Cardoza-D) Merced River: study
Requires the State Department of Water Resources to enter into an agreement with the Regents of the University of California for the preparation and submission of a study of prescribed factors relating to the Merced River. Specifies that the implementation of the bill will be contingent upon the approval by the Regents of the agreement to perform the study.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 2637 (Calderon-D) Metropolitan water districts
Requires the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California to report, by February 1, 2002, to the Legislature regarding salinity in Southern California's water resources and the region's progress in managing that salinity.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 2638 (Cardoza-D) Public utilities: electrical power: irrigation districts
Prohibits an irrigation district, without the agreement of an investor-owned utility (IOU) from exercising the right of eminent domain to take property owned by the IOU if the irrigation district intends to put the property to the same use. Permits irrigation districts to build and operate electric facilities in the service territory of the IOU only upon approval of the State Public Utilities Commission, as specified, or upon a service area agreement between the entities.
Chapter 1042, Statutes of 2000
AB 2646 (Calderon-D) Water quality: cleanup
Authorizes the owner of a public water system to perform cleanup of contaminated groundwater; provides for the recovery of costs of cleanup from the responsible party.
(Died on Assembly Unfinished Business File)
AB 2654 (Aanestad-R) Resources: appropriations
Appropriates $5,080,000 from the Safe Drinking Water, Clean Water, Watershed Protection, and Flood Protection Bond Fund to the State Department of Water Resources for allocation to various entities for specified purposes.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 2692 (Aanestad-R) Groundwater monitoring: lead agency
Allows a responsible party for a hazardous materials release to petition for a lead agency to supervise groundwater monitoring.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 2723 (Wesson-D) Bottled water
Requires, after January 1, 2002, that the labels of bottled water sold in one-way packages include specified contact information, and bottlers, water haulers, operators of water vending machines and water retailers provide information about compliance with relevant laws and specified contact information to consumers through labels or information included in billing statements.
Chapter 533, Statutes of 2000
AB 2746 (Nakano-D) Large passenger vessels: water quality
Creates the Cruise Ship Environmental Task Force to evaluate environmental practices and waste streams of large passenger vessels. Sunsets July 1, 2003.
Chapter 504, Statutes of 2000
AB 2886 (Kuehl-D) Water quality
This omnibus water quality bill, sponsored by the State Water Resources Control Board, addresses the clean up of leaking underground storage tank sites, the clean up of abandoned mines, the investigation of storm drain effluents, and the analysis of water samples by approved laboratories.
Chapter 727, Statutes of 2000
AB 2930 (Torlakson-D) Delta Protection Commission
Deletes the two-term limit for members of the Delta Protection Commission, allowing its members to serve one or more consecutive terms and removes the sunset date for the commission.
Chapter 505, Statutes of 2000
Similar legislation was SB 1355 (Johnston-D), which died on Senate Unfinished Business File.
AB 2932 (Assembly Environmental Safety And Toxic Materials Committee) Discharge offset program
Requires, if a new or increased discharge is proposed to a water body that does not attain water quality objectives, any increase in mass loading of the waste causing the nonattainment to be offset by waste load reductions from other sources of waste causing the nonattainment, as specified. Requires the regional water quality control boards to maintain a list of potential projects that would result in waste load reductions of waste causing nonattainment of water quality objectives.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
ACR 164 (Aroner-D) Lake and Reservoir Appreciation Week
Commencing July 2000, and each year thereafter, declares the first week of July that includes both a weekend and July 4th as Lake and Reservoir Appreciation Week.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
AJR 5 (Margett-R) Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin
Memorializes the President and the United States Congress to enact legislation to make available necessary funds to implement groundwater remediation in the Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 57 | Hayden-D Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project | |
SB 192 | Ortiz-D Sacramento River: development | |
SB 203 | Solis-D San Gabriel & Lower L.A. Rivers & Mountains Conservancy | |
SB 229* | McPherson-R Income and bank and corporation taxes: irrigation | |
SB 257 | Ortiz-D Flood protection | |
SB 289 | Kelley-R Flood control | |
SB 293 | Johannessen-R Rock Creek/Keefer Slough Flood Control Project Study | |
SB 386 | Leslie-R Foreign marketing | |
SB 403* | Kelley-R Taxes: credits: water pollution control systems | |
SB 464* | Senate Appropriations Committee Claims against the state: 1986 flood litigation | |
SB 478 | Escutia-D Water projects | |
SB 506 | Peace-D State Water Project | |
SB 530 | Costa-D Water | |
SB 552 | Kelley-R County water authorities | |
SB 553* | Kelley-R Urban water management plans | |
SB 554 | Kelley-R Flood control | |
SB 598* | Costa-D Water Bond Act of 2000 | |
SB 604 | Costa-D Flood control | |
SB 671* | Chesbro-D Pierce's disease | |
SB 672 | Escutia-D Health: migrant and seasonal worker families | |
SB 849 | McPherson-R Flood control | |
SB 854 | Costa-D Flood control | |
SB 885 | Costa-D Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund: moneys | |
SB 956 | Hayden-D Packaging and labeling | |
SB 960 | Alarcon-D Parks and recreation: grants: urban river park projects | |
SB 984 | Polanco-D State holidays: Cesar Chavez Day | |
SB 1008 | Leslie-R Water quality | |
SB 1010* | Kelley-R Pesticides: electronic marketing | |
SB 1070 | Escutia-D Resources: Los Angeles River and San Gabriel River | |
SB 1127 | Brulte-R Property tax revenue shifts: water districts | |
SB 1130 | Costa-D Water supply planning | |
SB 1157 | Sher-D Regional water quality control boards | |
SB 1246 | Polanco-D Seasonal farmworkers | |
SB 1281 | Costa-D Parks and Recreation: grants: urban river park projects | |
SB 1284 | Bowen-D Milk fat and milk solids | |
SB 1285 | Bowen-D Misbranding: agricultural produce: country of origin | |
SB 1316* | Mountjoy-R Water replenishment districts | |
SB 1341 | Burton-D Water resources | |
SB 1374 | Rainey-R Equine activities: limitation of liability | |
SB 1381 | Costa-D Unfair practices: sale of dairy products below cost | |
SB 1430* | Haynes-R Fallbrook Mexican Fruit Fly Quarantine Relief Fund | |
SB 1445 | Kelley-R Manufacturing enhancement areas | |
SB 1512 | Hayden-D Los Angeles parks, open space, and river resources | |
SB 1513 | Hayden-D Genetically engineered food products | |
SB 1521* | Monteith-R Taxes: agricultural water filter systems and equipment | |
SB 1522* | Leslie-R Recycled water: Lake Tahoe Basin | |
SB 1535 | Costa-D Farm products processors: licensing | |
SB 1540 | Sher-D California River Restoration Act of 2000 | |
SB 1545 | Costa-D Housing: employee housing | |
SB 1553* | Monteith-R Property tax: exemption: agricultural equipment | |
SB 1557 | Burton-D Castaic Lake Water Agency: water charges | |
SB 1571 | Costa-D Water | |
SB 1583 | Costa-D San Joaquin River Parkway | |
SB 1586 | Costa-D Water: CALFED funds | |
SB 1590 | Johannessen-R Flood control | |
SB 1594 | Kelley-R Metropolitan water districts | |
SB 1595 | Kelley-R Metropolitan water districts | |
SB 1639 | Murray-D Structural pest control | |
SB 1647* | O'Connell-D Conservation | |
SB 1679* | Sher-D Resources omnibus trailer bill | |
SB 1681* | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee Budget Act of 2000 | |
SB 1704 | Costa-D Kings River fishery | |
SB 1740 | Leslie-R Noxious weed management | |
SB 1758 | Peace-D California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank | |
SB 1773 | Kelley-R Milk products: forward price contracts | |
SB 1775 | Johannessen-R Stockponds | |
SB 1826 | Kelley-R Agricultural commissions | |
SB 1834 | Alpert-D Water quality | |
SB 1878 | Johnston-D Agricultural lands | |
SB 1893 | Perata-D Public contracts: purchasing preferences | |
SB 1895 | Poochigian-R Water supply infrastructure | |
SB 1909 | Costa-D Milk products: equalization pools | |
SB 1918 | Johnston-D Water development projects: small flood control projects | |
SB 1923 | Costa-D Water resources | |
SB 1926 | Speier-D Agricultural workers: transportation | |
SB 1935 | Costa-D Commercial feed: licenses | |
SB 1956 | Polanco-D Water: biosolids | |
SB 1961 | Leslie-R Flood control | |
SB 1970 | Costa-D Economic poisons: regulation | |
SB 1973 | Perata-D Water charges | |
SB 1974* | Poochigian-R Taxation: irrigation system improvements | |
SB 1979 | Escutia-D Water replenishment districts | |
SB 2033 | Figueroa-D Structural Pest Control Board | |
SB 2042 | Johnston-D Bay-Delta Program and ecosystem restoration program | |
SB 2048 | Leslie-R Infrastructure improvement | |
SB 2065 | Costa-D Agriculture | |
SB 2095 | Johnston-D Water Recycling in Landscaping Act | |
SB 2104* | Morrow-R Agricultural disasters | |
SB 2127 | Schiff-D Drinking water: hexavalent chromium: study | |
SB 2134 | Polanco-D Water replenishment districts | |
SB 2139 | Johnson-R State Water Project conveyance facilities | |
SB 2141 | Poochigian-R California Watershed Planning Act | |
SB 2143 | Bowen-D Landlords: notice of pest control | |
SB 2152 | O'Connell-D Dairy buildings: mobile milking and bottling parlors | |
SB 2162 | Bowen-D Market milk | |
SB 2163 | Bowen-D Milk: standards | |
SB 2164 | Bowen-D Health: nutritional standards: milk | |
SB 2165 | Sher-D Waste discharge requirements | |
SB 2204 | Soto-D Agricultural land | |
SJR 7 | Baca-D Cesar E. Chavez: commemorative stamp | |
SJR 26 | Kelley-R Mission Creek and Desert Hot Springs Aquifers | |
SJR 38 | Costa-D Importation of Argentine citrus | |
SR 25 | McPherson-R Field research and extension center in central coast region | |
SR 32 | Solis-D Labor strike at Basic Vegetable Products | |
AB 113* | Florez-D Agricultural Economic Disaster Act of 2000 | |
AB 237 | Machado-D Recycled water | |
AB 260 | Wright-D Exposition Park Authority and California Science Center | |
AB 287* | Strickland-R Tax credit: donation of agricultural products | |
AB 299 | Thomson-D Suisun Mosquito Abatement Demonstration Program | |
AB 303 | Thomson-D Groundwater | |
AB 372 | Havice-D Flood control: Los Angeles County Drainage Area | |
AB 398 | Migden-D Cargill Salt Flats | |
AB 441 | Mazzoni-D Tomales Village Community Services District | |
AB 446 | Oller-R Recycled water: Lake Tahoe Basin | |
AB 534 | Machado-D Groundwater study | |
AB 564 | Machado-D Water | |
AB 602 | Florez-D Farm labor vehicles | |
AB 641 | Lempert-D Water quality: enclosed bays and estuaries | |
AB 654 | Cardoza-D Rendering plant: odor | |
AB 680 | Lempert-D Oil spill prevention: nonmarine waters | |
AB 710 | Calderon-D Drinking water: perchlorate removal | |
AB 730 | Dickerson-R Watershed protection | |
AB 732 | Machado-D Water transfers and management | |
AB 786 | Machado-D Pesticides: school employees | |
AB 793 | Maddox-R Flood control | |
AB 849 | Brewer-R Newport Bay: water quality | |
AB 885 | Jackson-D Onsite sewage treatment systems | |
AB 909 | Machado-D California Bay-Delta Commission | |
AB 980 | Ducheny-D Conjunctive use | |
AB 1147 | Honda-D Flood control | |
AB 1171 | Frusetta-R Agricultural commodities: labeling | |
AB 1172* | Frusetta-R Preventive health care tax credit: agricultural workers | |
AB 1173 | Frusetta-R Fallow deer meat | |
AB 1179 | Frusetta-R Wetlands protection: legislative findings and declarations | |
AB 1189 | Oller-R California regional water quality control boards | |
AB 1219 | Kuehl-D Land use: water supplies | |
AB 1277 | Thomson-D Water transfers | |
AB 1278 | Knox-D Water quality: total maximum daily loads | |
AB 1338 | Reyes-D Farm labor contractors: licenses | |
AB 1389 | Thompson-R Habitat restoration | |
AB 1420 | Margett-R Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin | |
AB 1470* | Cardoza-D Food banks | |
AB 1521 | Machado-D Delta flood control, levee maintenance & recreation program | |
AB 1532 | Florez-D Farm labor contractors: 800 number: directory | |
AB 1544* | Calderon-D Local government: redevelopment | |
AB 1580 | Florez-D Housing: farm labor strategy | |
AB 1581 | Lowenthal-D Federal navigation projects | |
AB 1640 | Assembly Agriculture Committee Pest control: reporting pesticide use | |
AB 1641* | Assembly Agriculture Committee Tax credit: agricultural prunings: biomass conversion | |
AB 1680* | Ducheny-D Environment and health indicators | |
AB 1698* | Campbell-R Santa Margarita Water District | |
AB 1729 | Bock-I Drinking water: fluoridation | |
AB 1741 | Thomson-D Water transfers | |
AB 1771* | Assembly Agriculture Committee Agricultural pest control | |
AB 1772 | Robert Pacheco-R County waterworks districts | |
AB 1782 | Florez-D Cattle disease control | |
AB 1790 | Wiggins-D Tax relief: vineyards: Pierce's Disease | |
AB 1794 | Calderon-D Water replenishment districts: groundwater remediation | |
AB 1811* | Reyes-D Taxation: credit: qualified farmworker housing | |
AB 1812 | Oller-R Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether: study | |
AB 1832 | Machado-D Office of Drought Preparedness | |
AB 1834 | Havice-D Water Replenishment District of Southern California | |
AB 1835 | Baugh-R Storm water discharges | |
AB 1841 | Dickerson-R Vehicles: implements of husbandry | |
AB 1865 | Strickland-R Water quality: septic tank systems | |
AB 1909 | Jackson-D Storm water street runoff | |
AB 1944 | Wayne-D Williamson Act | |
AB 1948 | Dickerson-R Watersheds | |
AB 1952* | Florez-D Agricultural disasters | |
AB 1977 | Reyes-D Value added agriculture land use economic zones | |
AB 2002 | Steinberg-D Flood control | |
AB 2006 | Dutra-D Citrus fruit trees: special assessments | |
AB 2016 | Strom-Martin-D Humboldt Bay Harbor District | |
AB 2071 | Briggs-R Pest control: vertebrate pests | |
AB 2086 | Reyes-D Farm labor vehicles: unsafe operation | |
AB 2090* | Reyes-D Targeted tax areas: expansion and credits | |
AB 2103 | Strom-Martin-D Primary health care services | |
AB 2111* | Campbell-R Red imported fire ants | |
AB 2117 | Wayne-D Watershed protection | |
AB 2121 | Briggs-R The Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District | |
AB 2122 | Briggs-R District agricultural associations: contracts | |
AB 2141 | Lempert-D Poultry: egg-laying | |
AB 2148 | Kuehl-D Storm water | |
AB 2170* | Rod Pacheco-R Taxes: net operating losses | |
AB 2287 | Wildman-D Underground storage tanks: water | |
AB 2306* | Florez-D Farmworker programs | |
AB 2318 | Lowenthal-D Lindane: prohibition | |
AB 2324 | Lowenthal-D Solid waste: pilot project | |
AB 2356 | Keeley-D Streambed alteration | |
AB 2380* | Lempert-D Ballast water management fee | |
AB 2381 | Longville-D Pathogenic bacteria: water | |
AB 2387 | Keeley-D California Ocean Resources Stewardship Act of 2000 | |
AB 2419 | Machado-D Water districts | |
AB 2435* | Thompson-R Taxes: deduction: crop losses | |
AB 2444 | Thompson-R Degrees of emergency: pest infestation & federal quarantine | |
AB 2455* | Thompson-R Taxes: credit: crop losses | |
AB 2468 | Romero-D Farm operators: liability | |
AB 2483 | Kuehl-D Pollution control: drinking water contamination | |
AB 2492 | Kuehl-D Storm water | |
AB 2507 | Steinberg-D State Department of Water Resources: easements | |
AB 2510 | Thomson-D Field crop products: civil liability | |
AB 2514 | Thomson-D Agricultural biomass and rice straw | |
AB 2544 | Calderon-D San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority Act | |
AB 2552 | Bates-R Urban water supply planning | |
AB 2560 | Cardoza-D Merced River: study | |
AB 2600 | Battin-R Pest control | |
AB 2622 | Dickerson-R Farm products: rice seed certification | |
AB 2630 | Ashburn-R Farm products: processors and produce dealers | |
AB 2637 | Calderon-D Metropolitan water districts | |
AB 2638 | Cardoza-D Public utilities: electrical power: irrigation districts | |
AB 2646 | Calderon-D Water quality: cleanup | |
AB 2654 | Aanestad-R Resources: appropriations | |
AB 2663 | Thomson-D Sustainable agriculture | |
AB 2688 | Assembly Agriculture Committee Fairs: expenditure reporting | |
AB 2690 | Florez-D Agricultural land: compensable damages | |
AB 2692 | Aanestad-R Groundwater monitoring: lead agency | |
AB 2693 | Assembly Agriculture Committee The Dairy Council | |
AB 2695 | Assembly Agriculture Committee Milk and milk products: bulk transportation | |
AB 2698* | Florez-D Williamson Act: Kern County | |
AB 2705 | Assembly Agriculture Committee Agricultural industry energy program | |
AB 2707 | Florez-D Farm labor contractors | |
AB 2710 | House-R Dairy products: unlawful processing | |
AB 2723 | Wesson-D Bottled water | |
AB 2736 | Aanestad-R Agricultural Land Protection Act | |
AB 2746 | Nakano-D Large passenger vessels: water quality | |
AB 2796 | Reyes-D Integrated pest management | |
AB 2825* | Battin-R Biomass facilities: grant program | |
AB 2829 | Battin-R Agricultural employers: reserve account reports | |
AB 2862 | Romero-D Farm labor contractors | |
AB 2872* | Shelley-D Biomass facility grant program | |
AB 2886 | Kuehl-D Water quality | |
AB 2930 | Torlakson-D Delta Protection Commission | |
AB 2932 | Assembly Environmental Safety And Toxic Materials Committee Discharge offset program | |
ACR 151 | Villaraigosa-D Cesar E. Chavez. | |
ACR 164 | Aroner-D Lake and Reservoir Appreciation Week | |
AJR 5 | Margett-R Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin | |
HR 46 | Cardoza-D National Agriculture Week | |
HR 58 | Florez-D Glassy Winged Sharpshooter Infestation |