SB 202* (Peace-D) Energy resources: federal oil overcharge funds
Appropriates, to the extent permitted by federal law, $14,000,000 of funds in the Petroleum Violation Escrow Account, without regard to fiscal year, to the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission, for expenditure for energy conservation projects and programs for disbursement by the Controller subject to approval by the Director of Finance as to which court judgment or federal agency order is the proper source of the funds.
(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 280 (Bowen-D) State buildings and publicly funded schools: standards
Requires all new public buildings and state office buildings to exceed current energy efficiency standards and to be constructed and/or removed to utilize some form of cost-effective "green" building methods.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1298 (Bowen-D) Air emissions
Requires the State Air Resources Board to adopt emission standards for distributed generation technologies exhibiting growth potential in the California energy marketplace.
Chapter 741, Statutes of 2000
SB 1299 (Senate Energy, Utilities, And Communications Committee) Energy resources conservation
Extends, until January 2011, the sunset date on two energy efficiency loan programs administered by the Calfiornia Energy Commission, and revises the California Energy Commission's reporting requirements.
Chapter 536, Statutes of 2000
SB 1345 (Peace-D) Solar energy systems
Establishes a grant program to offset a portion of the costs in solar and low-pollution distributed generation systems.
Chapter 537, Statutes of 2000
SB 1388 (Peace-D) Electrical power facilities
Contains three parts: Part 1 deals with power plant licensing improvements recommended by the California Energy Commission; Part 2 deals with increasing transmission planning costs from customers; and Part 3 establishes pilot programs to test small customer responsiveness to energy price and usage information.
Chapter 1040, Statutes of 2000
SB 1622 (Alarcon-D) California Energy Commission: environmental justice
Requires the California Energy Commission to incorporate environmental justice concepts into its overall mission and power plant siting process, and adopt regulations relating to data requirements for power plant applicants.
(Failed passage in Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SB 1962 (Costa-D) Petroleum products: reports
Requires oil refiners and major marketers to report more specific data to the California Energy Commission.
Chapter 288, Statutes of 2000
SB 2037* (Alarcon-D) Taxes: credit: sustainable building costs
Allows taxpayers to claim a five percent credit for "environmental building costs" capped at $15 million annually.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SJR 28 (Knight-R) High-level radioactive waste
Urges the President and the Congress to request the State Department of Energy not to transport shipments of high-level radioactive waste from other states through California to the proposed Yucca Mountain repository.
(Held at Assembly Desk)
AB 265* (Davis-D) Electrical restructuring: electric bills
Establishes rate relief for customers of the San Diego Gas and Electric Company. Enacts a proposed State Public Utilities Commission (PUC) decision relating to rate caps, calls for PUC to establish an accounting procedure, as specified, and establishes a 0.065 cap on the wholesale cost of electricity, as specified.
Chapter 328, Statutes of 2000
AB 970* (Ducheny-D) Electrical energy: thermal powerplants: permits
Establishes expedited processes for California Energy Commission (CEC) siting of both temporary "peaking" and permanent thermal powerplants, and expands energy conservation and demand-side management programs administered by the CEC and the State Public Utilities Commission. Enacts the California Energy Security and Reliability Act of 2000.
Chapter 329, Statutes of 2000
AB 1641* (Assembly Agriculture Committee) Biomass conversion
Provides a tax credit of $30 per ton for the cost of transporting agricultural prunings to a biomass conversion facility. The credit would take effect beginning in tax year 1999 and would sunset at the end of the 2008 tax year. Excess credit amounts could be carried forward for up to 10 years.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1649 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Energy resources
Appropriates an unspecified amount of funds from the Petroleum Violation Escrow Account to an unspecified list of projects.
(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Commerce Committee)
AB 1706* (Strickland-R) California Energy Commission: report: gas prices
Requires the California Energy Commission to report to the Legislature within 15 days on mechanisms other than price controls to bring down gas prices in California to a more reasonable level.
(Motion to re-refer bill to Transportation Committee failed passage)
AB 1874* (Wesson-D) California Energy Commission: report: gas prices
Requires the California Energy Commission to report to the Legislature within 15 days of this bill's effective date regarding mechanisms to reduce gas prices.
(Failed passage on Assembly Floor)
AB 2076 (Shelley-D) California Energy Commission: fuel supply
Requires the California Energy Commission to examine the feasibility of operating a fuel reserve by July 1, 2001.
Chapter 936, Statutes of 2000
AB 2098 (Migden-D) Calfiornia Energy Commission: study
Requires the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission to study the feasibility of financing, constructing, and maintaining a new pipeline or using an existing pipeline to transport motor vehicle fuel and its components.
Chapter 963, Statutes of 2000
AB 2289 (Florez-D) Energy resources
Appropriates an unspecified amount of money from the Petroleum Violation Escrow Account to the California Energy Commission to provide a grant for the Oil and Natural Gas Technology and Information Center in Bakersfield.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2514 (Thomson-D) Rice straw burning
Creates a program to be administered by the State Department of Food and Agriculture, in consultation with the State Air Resources Board and the California Integrated Waste Management Board, for the purpose of providing grants to persons that utilize agricultural biomass as a means of avoiding landfill use, preventing air pollution, and enhancing environmental quality. Appropriates $10 million from the State General Fund to the Agricultural Biomass Utilization Fund.
Chapter 1017, Statutes of 2000
AB 2581 (Maldonado-R) Oil and gas well operations
Makes several minor enhancements to allow the Division of Oil and Gas in the State Department of Conservation to better regulate oil and gas well operations.
Chapter 737, Statutes of 2000
AB 2698* (Florez-D) Williamson Act: Kern County
Creates an exception to the period for public comment of a Williamson Act cancellation that will coincide with the public review process of the California Energy Resources and Conservation Development Commission for citing an energy plant. The cancellation exception is restricted to projects that relate to proposed electric generation plants located in Southern Kern County with a capacity of 700 to 800 megawatts, for which applications were accepted by the Energy Commission during January 2000. This exception sunsets December 31, 2001.
Chapter 1045, Statutes of 2000
AB 2825* (Battin-R) Biomass facilities: grant program
Revises the name and scope of the Central Valley Agricultural Biomass-to-Energy Incentive Program.
Chapter 739, Statutes of 2000
AB 2866* (Migden-D) State government
Makes changes in existing law relating to general government to implement provisions of the Budget Bill for the 2000-2001 fiscal year, including State Public Utilities Commission (PUC) Power Exchange. Authorizes PUC to investigate issues relating to multiple qualified exchanges.
Chapter 127, Statutes of 2000 - Item Vetoed
AJR 76 (Davis-D) Retail electricity
Memorializes the chairman and members of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to conduct a formal evidentiary hearing, prior to deciding applications for market-based rate authority, to ensure that there is sufficient evidence that granting such authority will result in just and reasonable electricity rates and to make its approval of market-based rates subject to refund.
(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)
AJR 77 (Keeley-D) Electricity rates
Relates to electricity rates. Calls upon the State Public Utilities Commission and the Electric Oversight Board to petition the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to modify rates of the California Independent System Operator to ensure they are just and reasonable.
Resolution Chapter 153, Statutes of 2000

SB 310 (Peace-D) Public Utilities Commission: corporations
Prohibits the State Public Utilities Commission from enacting or implementing any decision, order, or rule that interferes with the rights and obligations of the directors of a corporation, including a utility holding company, to efficiently and effectively discharge their fiduciary obligations to the corporation's shareholders.
(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 427 (Peace-D) Electrical corporations: tree trimming
Establishes an optional program to govern electric utilities' tree maintenance activities. Provides that utilities who participate in the program will be eligible to recover the full cost of tree trimming and removal work from ratepayers.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 438 (Rainey-R) Property taxation: electric facilities
Provides that county assessors assess all electric generation facilities other than those that are rate regulated and operating pursuant to a certificate of public convenience and necessity.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 811 (Brulte-R) Electrical restructuring
Authorizes the State Public Utilities Commission to "amortize, calculate, limit, adjust and allocate" the uneconomic costs associated with electrical deregulation that are recovered through a nonbypassable charge.
(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 913 (Baca-D) Gas utility service: rates
Requires the State Public Utilities Commission, with a specified exception, to allocate all costs associated with service provided by gas corporations between core and noncore customer classes using the cost allocation principles reflected in gas utility rates in effect on December 31, 1998.
(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 932 (Bowen-D) Telecommunications
Establishes several new consumer protection provisions for telephone customers, and prohibits the disconnection of local telephone service for non-payment of long-distance charges.
(Died in Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SB 988 (Figueroa-D) Unsolicited and unwanted telephone solicitations
Requires the State Attorney General (AG) to establish a "do not call" list (updated quarterly) consisting of the telephone numbers of telephone subscribers who do not wish to receive unsolicited telephone solicitations. Allows the AG to charge a fee of up to $10 for the first year and $5 for each subsequent year to telephone subscribers who request placement on the list. Creates the Special Telephonic Solicitors Fund.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1063 (Bowen-D) Electric restructuring
Establishes a general framework to govern the disposition and future operation of hydroelectric facilities.
(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 1066 (Bowen-D) Telecommunications: line sharing
States legislative intent that the State Public Utilities Commission open a proceeding to implement a process for the sharing of telephone lines.
(Died in Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SB 1095 (Bowen-D) Electrical restructuring
Establishes that utility-owned generation assets shall be subject to State Public Utilities Commission (PUC) regulation until their disposition has been reviewed and approved by PUC.
(Died in Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SB 1153 (Brulte-R) Gas utility programs
Requires the State Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to determine the most efficient and cost-effective way to provide natural gas public purpose programs, and to develop and implement their findings and recommendations on or before July 1, 2001. Permits PUC to conduct compliance and financial audits to ensure compliance with PUC orders or resolutions relating to the implementation of these programs.
(Died in Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SB 1183 (Leslie-R) Disposal of utility property
Grants a "right of first refusal" for the acquisition of a utility-owned hydroelectric facility to the local agency that holds a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license for the facility, or if there is no such agency, to the county in which the facility is located.
(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 1194 (Sher-D) Electrical restructuring: public benefit programs
Reaffirms policy that each investor-owned utility shall continue to operate its electrical distribution grid in its service territory and have a reasonable opportunity to recover its costs, extends the collection of a nonbypassable system benefit charge to fund specified programs, requires various reports relating to these programs, and requires further legislative action before program monies can be expended.
Chapter 1050, Statutes of 2000
SB 1209 (Costa-D) Electrical and gas corporations: rulemaking
Requires the State Public Utilities Commission to exclude from rate recovery those costs incurred by the electrical or gas corporation directly or indirectly as the result of new construction of any addition to, or extension of, electric or gas facilities by the customers of the electrical or gas corporation.
(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 1217 (Alarcon-D) Internet broadband access
Requires a wireline broadband Internet access transport provider to provide any other requesting Internet service provider access to the broadband Internet access transport services of that transport provider.
(Died in Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SB 1388 (Peace-D) Electrical power facilities
Contains three parts: Part 1 deals with power plant licensing improvements recommended by the California Energy Commission; Part 2 deals with increasing transmission planning costs from customers; and Part 3 establishes pilot programs to test small customer responsiveness to energy price and usage information.
Chapter 1040, Statutes of 2000
SB 1460 (Kelley-R) Electrical cooperatives
Provides that an electrical cooperative may become a member or stockholder of any other electrical cooperative.
(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SB 1626 (Hayden-D) Telecommunications: Internet access
Authorizes a one-time refundable tax credit in an amount equal to 80 percent of the cost, up to $500, for obtaining a personal computer, printer, and access to the Internet by taxpayers qualifying for the federal earned income tax credit.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 1699 (Hayden-D) Health: cellular telephones
Requires the State Department of Health Services to review existing research on the health effects of cellular telephones and make a finding on their safety and report to the Legislature, by July 1, 2001, on its findings and recommend any legislative action necessary to protect public health and promote consumer awareness.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1709 (Kelley-R) Public utilities: electrical corporation
Clarifies that providers for digestive gas technologies are exempt from regulation by the State Public Utilities Commission by exempting such providers from the definition of an electrical corporation.
Chapter 174, Statutes of 2000
SB 1712 (Polanco-D) Universal telephone service
Directs the State Public Utilities Commission to initiate an investigation and open a proceeding to examine the current and future definitions of universal telephone service. Such an investigation is to commence on or before February 1, 2001, and be completed and reported to the Legislature on or before January 1, 2002.
Chapter 943, Statutes of 2000
SB 1741 (Bowen-D) Telecommunications: area codes
Directs the State Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to request authority from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to order technology-specific area codes and seven digit dialing, as specified. If area code relief is needed, the PUC shall exhaust all number conservation options. If area code relief continues to be needed, the PUC shall, if authorized by the FCC, order a technology-specific area code unless the PUC finds that either (1) a different type of area code relief is less disruptive to customers or (2) the technology specific area code does not adequately extend the life of the existing area code.
Chapter 907, Statutes of 2000
SB 1939 (Alarcon-D) Public utilities: electric power
Requires local publicly-owned utilities, including irrigation districts, which have not implemented programs for low-income electricity customers, to perform a needs assessment and establish rate assistance and energy efficiency programs, and prohibits irrigation districts from providing electric transmission or distribution service to retail customers in another utility's service territory, unless the district certifies, by ordinance, that it provides public purpose programs and has universal service, consumer protection, and environmental policies comparable to those of the incumbent utility provider. Makes various changes to irrigation district voting requirements.
Chapter 1041, Statutes of 2000
SB 1973 (Perata-D) Water charges
Requires the State Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to establish regulations not later than December 31, 2001 that determine fair compensation charged by public agencies that provide wheeling services to water transferors, and allows the PUC to adjudicate wheeling rates set by public water agencies.
(Died in Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SB 2041 (Chesbro-D) Mare Island Utility District
Establishes, until January 1, 2011, the Mare Island Utility District, as defined, within the former federal facility, Mare Island Naval Shipyard, with provisions, as specified.
Chapter 772, Statutes of 2000
SB 2167 (Sher-D) Public utilities: electric deregulation
Provides that the State Public Utilities Commission may issue decisions to facilitate competition in the production, transmission, and distribution of electricity.
(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SJR 32 (Haynes-R) Telephone Tax Repeal
Urges the United States Senate to swiftly pass, and the President to sign, the Phone Tax Repeal Act.
Resolution Chapter 117, Statutes of 2000
SJR 41 (Alpert-D) Retail electricity
Memorializes the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to conduct a formal evidentiary hearing, prior to deciding applications for market-based rate authority, to ensure that there is sufficient evidence that granting such authority will result in just and reasonable electricity rates and makes its approval of market-based rates subject to refund.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
SJR 42 (Morrow-R) Federal Fairness in Electricity Supply Act
Urges enactment of the "Fairness of Electricity Supply Act of 2000," to eliminate public agency preference in the purchase of electricity from federal projects. Urges the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to reinstate a cap on wholesale electricity rates and hold a hearing in San Diego.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
AB 265* (Davis-D) Electrical restructuring: electric bills
Establishes rate relief for customers of the San Diego Gas and Electric Company. Enacts a proposed Public Utilities Commission (PUC) decision relating to rate caps, calls for PUC to establish an accounting procedure, as specified, and establishes a 0.065 cap on the wholesale cost of electricity, as specified.
Chapter 328, Statutes of 2000
AB 365 (Wright-D) Telephone services: Internet
Requires the State Public Utilities Commission to make local and long-distance telephone companies submit information on their residential phone services and prices and provide this information on the Internet after July 1, 2001.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 650 (Wright-D) Electrical restructuring: programs: funding
Requires specified electrical corporations to allow customers to make voluntary contributions to support programs established for cost-effective energy efficiency and conservation activities. Requires the State Public Utilities Commission to order certain electrical corporations to collect a specified fee to support cost-effective energy efficiency and conservation activities.
(Died in Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
AB 651 (Wright-D) Telecommunications
Prohibits, under the Public Utilities Act, a telecommunications provider, as defined, from providing payment to obtain access to a building in order to provide telecommunications service, as defined, to a tenant that has requested the services. Specifies exceptions to that prohibition.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 818* (Knox-D) New area codes
Requires the State Public Utilities Commission to develop and implement available measures to efficiently allocate telephone numbers and to address the proliferation of telephone area codes.
(Conference Committee completed - died on Inactive File in both houses)
AB 918 (Keeley-D) Public utilities: net energy metering
Provides clarification of the Public Utilities Code law providing for net energy metering for small solar and wind energy system owners.
Chapter 1043, Statutes of 2000
AB 941 (House-R) Charter-party carriers
Authorizes the police to impound a limousine operated without proper State Public Utilities Commission (PUC) permits and to impose fines for failure to hold valid PUC permits.
(Failed passage in Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 970* (Ducheny-D) Electrical energy: thermal powerplants: permits
Establishes expedited processes for California Energy Commission (CEC) siting of both temporary "peaking" and permanent thermal powerplants, and expands energy conservation and demand-site management programs administered by the CEC and the State Public Utilities Commission. Enacts the California Energy Security and Reliability Act of 2000.
Chapter 329, Statutes of 2000
AB 994 (Wright-D) Telephone rates: rural telephone corporations
Requires the State Public Utilities Commission to study the feasibility of establishing telephone cooperatives in California by January 1, 2002, and reauthorizes statutes related to telecommunications rates and telephone bills.
Chapter 931, Statutes of 2000
AB 995 (Wright-D) Electric restructuring: public benefit programs
Reaffirms policy that each investor-owned utility shall continue to operate its electric distribution grid in its service territory and have a reasonable opportunity to recover its costs, extends the collection of a nonbypassable system benefit charge to fund specified programs, requires various reports relating to these programs, and requires further legislative action before program monies can be expended.
Chapter 1051, Statutes of 2000
AB 1002 (Wright-D) Natural gas: consumption surcharge
Imposes a surcharge on all natural gas consumed in California to fund specified low income, energy efficiency, conservation and public interest research programs.
Chapter 932, Statutes of 2000
AB 1003 (Wright-D) Valuation of hydroelectric assets
Requires the State Public Utilities Commission to review and issue a decision regarding the sale, by auction, of certain hydroelectric assets on or before January 31, 2001.
(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
AB 1082 (Calderon-D) Public utilities: stocks and security transactions
Permits telephone companies that are regulated under a "price cap" regulatory structure to issue stock or debt unless the State Public Utilities Commission finds such an issuance isn't in the public interest.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1156* (Gallegos-D) Public utilities: ratepayer relief
Establishes an Electricity Ratepayer Relief Subaccount in the Special Fund for Economic Uncertainties and provides an appropriation for ratepayer relief.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1263 (Thomson-D) Telecommunications: "911" calls
Permits cellular "911" calls to be routed to a local public safety agency.
Chapter 981, Statutes of 2000
AB 1398 (Papan-D) Public water utilities: judicial review
Extends, indefinitely, specified current provisions for judicial review of State Public Utilities Commission decisions affecting water corporations, which would otherwise be replaced on January 1, 2001, with a different, less deferential review standard.
Chapter 953, Statutes of 2000
AB 1674* (Assembly Utilities And Commerce Committee) Capital facilities fees
Establishes a procedure for notification by municipal electric utilities to specified public agencies, of the imposition of new capital facilities fees or the increase of an existing capital facilities fee, and imposes a 120-day statute of limitations for initiating a judicial challenge to these fees.
Chapter 146, Statutes of 2000
AB 1825 (Strom-Martin-D) Rural telecommunications
Requires the State Public Utilities Commission to establish a grant program to provide community-based groups with resources to build telecommunications infrastructure in areas of the state not currently served by existing local exchange services.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1826 (Strom-Martin-D) Public utilities: joint powers agreements
Authorizes specified counties to enter into a joint powers agreement with cities or counties in connection with the use of electric distribution and transmission assets.
(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
AB 1842 (Knox-D) Directory assistance
Exempts all local and state law enforcement agencies from State Public Utilities Commission regulated increases in directory assistance rates.
(Died in Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
AB 1956 (Keeley-D) Utilities: hydroelectric assets
Requires that the State Public Utilities Commission give interim state ownership equal consideration to any other alternatives under consideration as a method to dispose of specific hydroelectric assets.
(Died in Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
AB 2198 (Pescetti-R) Electrical restructuring
Requires small local telephone companies to report to the State Public Utilities Commission on their progress in upgrading their systems to provide high quality voice and data service. (The reports are required annually for the next five years and are also to be sent to the local governing boards of the areas served by each company.)
(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
AB 2241 (Maldonado-R) State energy policy
Requires each state agency that regulates the operation of electrical generating and transmission facilities in the state to evaluate and consider the energy supply and reliability benefits of those facilities in connection with their requiring of those facilities, consistent with the policy of the state and the intent of the Legislature.
(Died in Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
AB 2290* (Davis-D) San Diego Gas and Electric: rates
Imposes electric rate reductions for customers in the San Diego Gas and Electric Company service territory.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2390 (Keeley-D) Cities: subventions
Holds constant gasoline tax allocations and vehicle license fee subventions to cities that lost population as a result of a military base closure.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2395 (Keeley-D) Public utilities: hydroelectric facility evaluation
Requires the State Public Utilities Commission to assign a specific interim value to the hydroelectric generation assets of an electrical corporation if the assets have not been valued before July 1, 2000.
(Died in Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
AB 2548 (Cox-R) Municipal utility districts: purchases
Authorizes a municipal utility district to procure supplies and materials on the basis of "best value at lower cost" criteria.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2638 (Cardoza-D) Public utilities: electrical power: irrigation
Prohibits an irrigation district, without the agreement of an investor-owned utility (IOU) from exercising the right of eminent domain to take property owned by the IOU if the irrigation district intends to put the property to the same use. Permits irrigation districts to build and operate electric facilities in the service territory of the IOU only upon approval of the State Public Utilities Commission, as specified, or upon a service area agreement between the entities.
Chapter 1042, Statutes of 2000
AB 2721 (Wesson-D) Automatic dialing-announcing devices
Prohibits leaving a pre-recorded message without receiving authorization from a live person, except in specified situations.
(Failed passage on Senate Floor)
AB 2757 (Assembly Utilities And Commerce Committee) Public utilities: telephonic reading system
Requires the State Public Utilities Commission to establish and implement a toll-free number to access telephonic reading systems for individuals with print disabilities.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2762 (Assembly Utilities And Commerce Committee) Common carriers
Authorizes the State Public Utilities Commission to establish a uniform fee for the passenger vehicle operators class on a basis other than revenue.
Chapter 341, Statutes of 2000
AB 2837 (Hertzberg-D) State nonemergency telephone number system
Authorizes local public agencies, as defined, to establish a "311" nonemergency telephone system designed to serve as the primary nonemergency telephone number.
Vetoed by the Governor
AJR 2 (Machado-D) Discounted cable TV service
Memorializes the President and the Congress of the United States to enact legislation to require the Federal Communications Commission to establish a discounted tier of cable television service for qualified low income citizens.
(Died in Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 202* | Peace-D Energy resources: federal oil overcharge funds | |
SB 280 | Bowen-D State buildings and publicly funded schools: standards | |
SB 310 | Peace-D Public Utilities Commission: corporations | |
SB 427 | Peace-D Electrical corporations: tree trimming | |
SB 438 | Rainey-R Property taxation: electric facilities | |
SB 811 | Brulte-R Electrical restructuring | |
SB 913 | Baca-D Gas utility service: rates | |
SB 932 | Bowen-D Telecommunications | |
SB 988 | Figueroa-D Unsolicited and unwanted telephone solicitations | |
SB 1063 | Bowen-D Electric restructuring | |
SB 1066 | Bowen-D Telecommunications: line sharing | |
SB 1095 | Bowen-D Electrical restructuring | |
SB 1153 | Brulte-R Gas utility programs | |
SB 1183 | Leslie-R Disposal of utility property | |
SB 1194 | Sher-D Electrical restructuring: public benefit programs | |
SB 1209 | Costa-D Electrical and gas corporations: rulemaking | |
SB 1217 | Alarcon-D Internet broadband access | |
SB 1298 | Bowen-D Air emissions | |
SB 1299 | Senate Energy, Utilities, And Communications Committee Energy resources conservation | |
SB 1345 | Peace-D Solar energy systems | |
SB 1388 | Peace-D Electrical power facilities | |
SB 1460 | Kelley-R Electrical cooperatives | |
SB 1622 | Alarcon-D California Energy Commission: environmental justice | |
SB 1626 | Hayden-D Telecommunications: Internet access | |
SB 1699 | Hayden-D Health: cellular telephones | |
SB 1709 | Kelley-R Public utilities: electrical corporation | |
SB 1712 | Polanco-D Universal telephone service | |
SB 1741 | Bowen-D Telecommunications: area codes | |
SB 1939 | Alarcon-D Public utilities: electric power | |
SB 1962 | Costa-D Petroleum products: reports | |
SB 1973 | Perata-D Water charges | |
SB 2037* | Alarcon-D Taxes: credit: sustainable building costs | |
SB 2041 | Chesbro-D Mare Island Utility District | |
SB 2167 | Sher-D Public utilities: electric deregulation | |
SJR 28 | Knight-R High-level radioactive waste | |
SJR 32 | Haynes-R Telephone Tax Repeal | |
SJR 41 | Alpert-D Retail electricity | |
SJR 42 | Morrow-R Federal Fairness in Electricity Supply Act | |
AB 265* | Davis-D Electrical restructuring: electric bills | |
AB 365 | Wright-D Telephone services: Internet | |
AB 650 | Wright-D Electrical restructuring: programs: funding | |
AB 651 | Wright-D Telecommunications | |
AB 818* | Knox-D New area codes | |
AB 918 | Keeley-D Public utilities: net energy metering | |
AB 941 | House-R Charter-party carriers | |
AB 970* | Ducheny-D Electrical energy: thermal powerplants: permits | |
AB 994 | Wright-D Telephone rates: rural telephone corporations | |
AB 995 | Wright-D Electric restructuring: public benefit programs | |
AB 1002 | Wright-D Natural gas: consumption surcharge | |
AB 1003 | Wright-D Valuation of hydroelectric assets | |
AB 1082 | Calderon-D Public utilities: stocks and security transactions | |
AB 1156* | Gallegos-D Public utilities: ratepayer relief | |
AB 1263 | Thomson-D Telecommunications: "911" calls | |
AB 1398 | Papan-D Public water utilities: judicial review | |
AB 1641* | Assembly Agriculture Committee Biomass conversion | |
AB 1649 | Assembly Transportation Committee Energy resources | |
AB 1674* | Assembly Utilities And Commerce Committee Capital facilities fees | |
AB 1706* | Strickland-R California Energy Commission: report: gas prices | |
AB 1825 | Strom-Martin-D Rural telecommunications | |
AB 1826 | Strom-Martin-D Public utilities: joint powers agreements | |
AB 1842 | Knox-D Directory assistance | |
AB 1874* | Wesson-D California Energy Commission: report: gas prices | |
AB 1956 | Keeley-D Utilities: hydroelectric assets | |
AB 2076 | Shelley-D California Energy Commission: fuel supply | |
AB 2098 | Migden-D Calfiornia Energy Commission: study | |
AB 2198 | Pescetti-R Electrical restructuring | |
AB 2241 | Maldonado-R State energy policy | |
AB 2289 | Florez-D Energy resources | |
AB 2290* | Davis-D San Diego Gas and Electric: rates | |
AB 2390 | Keeley-D Cities: subventions | |
AB 2395 | Keeley-D Public utilities: hydroelectric facility evaluation | |
AB 2514 | Thomson-D Rice straw burning | |
AB 2548 | Cox-R Municipal utility districts: purchases | |
AB 2581 | Maldonado-R Oil and gas well operations | |
AB 2638 | Cardoza-D Public utilities: electrical power: irrigation | |
AB 2698* | Florez-D Williamson Act: Kern County | |
AB 2721 | Wesson-D Automatic dialing-announcing devices | |
AB 2757 | Assembly Utilities And Commerce Committee Public utilities: telephonic reading system | |
AB 2762 | Assembly Utilities And Commerce Committee Common carriers | |
AB 2825* | Battin-R Biomass facilities: grant program | |
AB 2837 | Hertzberg-D State nonemergency telephone number system | |
AB 2866* | Migden-D State government | |
AJR 2 | Machado-D Discounted cable TV service | |
AJR 76 | Davis-D Retail electricity | |
AJR 77 | Keeley-D Electricity rates |