School Finance
School Facilities
Bilingual Education
Charter Schools
Class Size Reduction
School Safety
Child and Day Care
Higher Education
School Employees
School Finance
SB 86 (Monteith-R) Home-to-school transportation
Continues authorization for the Mariposa County Unified School District to receive a special transportation allowance of $350,000 per year in addition to the district's "regular" home-to-school transportation funding.
Chapter 536, Statutes of 1998
SB 195 (Hayden-D) Bonds: educational exploratoria
Enacts the Educational Exploratoria Bond Act, which authorizes the sale of $200 million in general obligation bonds upon approval by the voters at the June 2, 1998 primary election. Requires the State Allocation Board to provide grants of up to $50,000 per schoolsite to school districts and county offices of education for wiring, cabling, furniture, and equipment needed for educational technology.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 268 (Knight-R) Necessary small schools: Sierra Sands
Allows a school in Sierra Sands Unified School District to receive necessary small schools funding, even though the district is too large for its schools to qualify for the funding.
Chapter 24, Statutes of 1998
SB 395 (Greene-D) Summer school
Allows school districts to claim hourly "proficiency" reimbursement for summer and Saturday school reading instruction for pupils in grades one and two who are not achieving proficiency in reading.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
SB 787 (Costa-D) Special education: funding
Declares legislative intent that $105 million proposed in the Governor's Budget for 1997-98 for special education equalization or growth should only be used to equalize special education allocations.
(Died in Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee)
SB 897 (Lee-D) Education: pregnant minors programs
Adjusts annually the allocations to the statewide average for county superintendents of schools that operate Pregnant Minor Programs that currently receive less than average allocations.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 978 (Peace-D) High School Quality Achievement Restoration Act
Establishes the High School Quality Achievement Restoration Act to allocate, for fiscal year 1998-99, an unspecified amount per pupil in grades nine through 12.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1005 (McPherson-R) Education finance
Establishes a fixed "split" of Proposition 98 funding between K-12 schools and community colleges, and dedicates a calculated amount of community college funds to additional enrollment growth.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1174* (Vasconcellos-D) Education: voluntary desegregation programs
Makes a technical change correcting an error in the statutory provisions governing voluntary desegregation programs.
Chapter 117, Statutes of 1998
SB 1193* (Peace-D) School finance: staff development
Repeals statutes that allows schools to conduct staff development in lieu of instruction (i.e., called "pupil free days") for up to eight days per year, and, instead, provides school districts incentive funding to offer three staff development days for teachers and one staff development day for classroom instructional employees.
Chapter 313, Statutes of 1998
SB 1251* (Calderon-D) Education: prior year appropriations
Makes the following technical changes in several 1997 appropriations for education programs:
- Reappropriates the unexpended balance of $500,000 appropriated for the California Museum of Latino History, Art, and Culture, which was provided in an education trailer bill to the 1997 Budget.
- Reallocates these reappropriated funds from the Los Angeles Unified School District to the Montebello Unified School District.
- Provides that some of the $1,646,000 appropriated from the General Fund in AB 1587 (Ducheny), Chapter 899, Statutes of 1997, to the San Joaquin County Office of Education for the purpose of educational and operational costs for the Professional Development Center, technology training for teachers, pupils, and support staff, and reading and mathematics projects can also be used for capital outlay and startup costs.
Chapter 400, Statutes of 1998
SB 1285 (Johnston-D) Libraries: joint use
Enacts the School and Library Partnership Act of 1997 under which the State Department of Education awards matching grants to school districts for planning ($50,000) and operation ($200,000 per year for up to three years) of joint-use libraries.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1370* (Polanco-D) Summer school funding
Sets a priority order for the use of remediation funds and appropriates funds for remediation and supplemental instruction.
Chapter 942, Statutes of 1998
SB 1467 (Hughes-D) Education: voluntary desegregation programs
Authorizes two school districts to operate voluntary desegregation programs and to receive state funding if the State Department of Finance reviews and approves an estimate of approvable claims and includes the amount in budget estimates. Specifies that program authorization is contingent upon specific appropriation in the Budget Act or other legislation.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1468* (Rosenthal-D) School revenue limits: reporting
Makes numerous technical amendments to the Education Code to facilitate the implementation of the new school district attendance accounting system established by SB 727, Chapter 855, Statutes of 1997.
Chapter 846, Statutes of 1998
SB 1538 (Alpert-D) School finance: reform
Enacts comprehensive reform of school finance and related statutes in order to simplify state school finance formulas and strengthen local control of fiscal management.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1564* (Schiff-D) Education Trailer Bill to the Budget Act of 1998
This is the 1998-99 Omnibus Education Trailer Bill. It makes necessary statutory changes to implement the Budget Act of 1998 relative to elementary and secondary education, community colleges, and the state's Proposition 98 obligation for prior fiscal years.
Chapter 330, Statutes of 1998 - Item vetoed
SB 1565* (Burton-D) Education finance
Sets forth the allocation of any excess funds in a county Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1582 (Brulte-R) Government: education issues
Enacts the Academic Improvement and Achievement Act to increase the percentage of pupils that meet the requirements for admission to the California State University and the University of California. Provides specifics on payment of a loan to the County of Merced.
Chapter 1045, Statutes of 1998
SB 1640* (Brulte-R) Home-to-school transportation
Provides the State Department of Education with a clarification on how to assess criteria for supplemental transportation funding.
Chapter 202, Statutes of 1998
SB 1671 (Brulte-R) School finance: school district reporting
Requires all school districts to report to the Superintendent of Public Instruction the amount of funds received from any source. Requires the State Department of Education (DOE) to adopt regulations to implement this requirement and requires DOE to report the information provided by the school districts to the Legislature annually by August 15.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1697 (Hayden-D) Preparatory courses for college admissions tests
Establishes a six-year pilot program, to be administered by the State Department of Education, to provide matching grants to public high schools to operate or contract for the operation of college admissions tests preparation courses. Appropriates $10 million from the General Fund to support this pilot program.
Chapter 795, Statutes of 1998
SB 1733* (Sher-D) School finance
This is a Budget restoration bill, including various education items. Includes appropriations that the Governor's Office indicated it wanted taken under consideration again, as well as making various technical amendments of previous appropriations.
(Died on Assembly Third Reading File)
SB 1770 (McPherson-R) School finance: revenue limits
Allows school districts to revise the allocation of their supplemental grant funding in order to avoid loss of funds due to rules governing the home-to-school transportation program.
Chapter 1047, Statutes of 1998
SB 1829 (Costa-D) School desegregation
Authorizes any group of school districts acting in collaboration to operate a voluntary desegregation program and receive state funding if the State Controller reviews and approves an estimate of approvable claims and includes the amount in budget estimates. Specifically deems the North Kern/South Tulare County group of school districts as "acting in collaboration." Specifies that program authorization is contingent upon specific appropriation in the Budget Act or other legislation.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1866* (Hughes-D) Compton Unified School District: extended school year
Allows the Compton Unified School District to expand the number of students who participate in its longer-school-year pilot project.
Chapter 943, Statutes of 1998
SB 1912* (Schiff-D) School districts: staff development
Makes various adjustments to the Staff Development Buy Out program. Begins to phase out the use of instructional days for staff development.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 2023 (Alpert-D) School finance: general reserves
Allows school districts with an average daily attendance of between 125,000 and 400,001, upon approval of the governing board, to reduce from 2% to 1% the amount maintained in a general reserve. (This affects only the San Diego City Unified School District.)
Chapter 784, Statutes of 1998
SB 2082* (Johnston-D) Education: school districts
Makes technical changes to a law enacted in 1997, a budget trailer bill, to clarify the use of specified funds relative to San Ysidro School District, San Joaquin County Office of Education and Montebello Unified School District.
Chapter 503, Statutes of 1998
SB 2132 (Monteith-R) School finance: newly organized school districts
Adjusts the revenue limit of the newly organized Waterford Unified School District to receive comparable per pupil revenue limit funding as did other districts involved in the reorganization.
Chapter 905, Statutes of 1998
AB 37 (Firestone-R) Education: Academic Warranty Program Act of 1997
Creates the Academic Warranty Program Act of 1997, which requires school districts to pay the costs of remedial instruction in English and mathematics for any specified former student of the district requiring remedial instruction at a California public institution of postsecondary education.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 261 (Baca-D) Bonds: educational technology infrastructure
Enacts a framework for the Educational Technology Infrastructure Bond Act of 1997. Provides language for the sale of $400 million in general obligation bonds for K-12 educational technology infrastructure and $100 million in GO bonds for higher education technology infrastructure. Provides language for a statewide bond election for these bonds on June 2, 1998.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
AB 347 (Havice-D) Suspended pupils: average daily attendance
Allows school districts and county offices of education to claim, for purposes of school apportionment funding, days that a pupil has missed due to suspension.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 644 (Lempert-D) School Improvement Pilot Program
Creates the School Improvement Pilot Program, a five-year pilot beginning in fiscal year 1998-99, to test the effect of linking state funding to pupil performance in school districts selected by the State Department of Education according to specified criteria.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 684 (Morrow-R) Education: regional occupational centers and programs
Allows funding for students participating in a ROC/P while incarcerated and enrolled in a county juvenile court school or community school.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 824 (Ducheny-D) School financing: adult education
Creates an advisory commission to study the existing finance system for adult education, and creates a staff development program for adult education.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 830 (Pringle-R) Education finance
Funds various education projects. Makes changes to education finance allocations related to the Proposition 98 Reversion Account. Deletes a $400,000 appropriation to the Santa Ana Unified School District for support of an arts and technology outreach program. Provides for a $400,000 appropriation to the Rancho Santiago Community College District for the IDEA Institute in Santa Ana.
Chapter 1059, Statutes of 1998
AB 862* (Ducheny-D) School libraries
Creates the California Public School Library Act of 1998, which is to be administered by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, for the purpose of providing funding to school districts to purchase library resources, including books, periodicals, microforms, computer software, CD ROM's, and other resources.
Chapter 332, Statutes of 1998
AB 1010 (Poochigian-R) Special education
Implements a new special education funding system, and provides a one-time equity adjustment for the 1997-98 fiscal year.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1140 (Prenter-R) Special education: funding
Increases state funding of instructional personnel service units to the statewide average for the Special Education Local Plan Area located in Fresno County.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1416 (Bustamante-D) Education: school finance
Appropriates $304.2 million for the purpose of funding revenue limit equalization and deficit reduction adjustments to the 1996-97 school district revenue limits. Revises the schedule for allocation of these funds upon enactment of the bill, instead of February 1, 1998 as required under current law.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1721 (Cunneen-R) Education: minimum level of education funding
Establishes legislative intent to include adult education programs and regional occupational centers and programs in the distribution of Proposition 98 settle up funds.
Chapter 228, Statutes of 1998
AB 1757 (Bowler-R) County community schools and juvenile court schools
Eliminates funding restrictions for county office of education programs in contracting for probation officers. Eliminates an existing restriction that county offices limit costs charged for probation officers to no more than the number of probation officers they had funded in the 1988-89 fiscal year.
Chapter 125, Statutes of 1998
AB 1761* (Sweeney-D) Education technology
Requires the State Department of Education to establish the California Technology Assistance Project to administer a regionalized network of technical assistance to schools and school districts on the implementation of education technology.
Chapter 801, Statutes of 1998
AB 1845 (Honda-D) Community day schools
Increases funding levels for community day schools, allows county offices to operate community day schools and makes various changes to the program.
Chapter 847, Statutes of 1998
AB 1885 (Papan-D) School finance: school district reorganization
Creates a statutory mechanism that prevents the Jefferson Union High School District and the Laguna Salada Union Elementary School District, in San Mateo County, from suffering rapid fiscal loss due to the potential decline in enrollment associated with a reorganization.
Chapter 907, Statutes of 1998
AB 1925 (Alquist-D) Vocational and adult education: attendance accounting
Requires the State Department of Education to establish a pilot program to examine alternative methods of attendance accounting for regional occupational centers and program and adult education classes.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1967 (Keeley-D) Transportation services for pupils: allowances
Revises a formula that provides supplemental home-to-school transportation funding to school districts, and requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to prepare a report on the issue of special education transportation services funding.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2041* (Bustamante-D) State Instructional Materials Fund
Creates and funds the Standards-Based Instructional Materials Program in order to ensure that pupils in all grades are provided with instructional materials in the core curriculum areas of language arts, mathematics, history/social science and science. Specifies that materials are to be aligned with state content standards as adopted by the State Board of Education. Appropriates $250 million.
Chapter 312, Statutes of 1998
AB 2114 (Perata-D) School finance: federal impact aid
Authorizes state aid in partial replacement of federal impact aid that has been lost to school districts due to the closure of military bases between the 1996 and 1998 federal fiscal years.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2382* (Woods-R) California Educational Efficiency act
Requires that, if the California Educational Efficiency Act is approved by the voters, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall develop and submit to the chairs of the Assembly and Senate Committees on Education, the director of the State Department of Finance, and the State Controller recommended amendments to the California School Accounting Manual to prescribe the appropriate reporting of expenditures pursuant to the California Educational Efficiency Act.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2398* (Ducheny-D) Community colleges: noncredit courses and classes
Requires that per pupil rates of funding for noncredit courses in community colleges be increased on a pro rata basis, and appropriates $11 million for the purposes of this bill. Appropriates $35 million to equalize the funding levels among community colleges.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2442 (Mazzoni-D) Mathematics instruction
Creates the Standards-based Mathematics Staff Development Act of 1998, a grant program administered by the State Department of Education to pay costs for teachers of pupils in grades four through 12 to take mathematics at an accredited institution of higher education in California.
Chapter 316, Statutes of 1998
AB 2460 (Leach-R) Educational resources: inflation adjustments
Expresses legislative intent to distribute cost-of-living funding to school districts in a manner that promotes equalization of revenue limits. To this end, the bill calls upon the Office of the Legislative Analyst to develop alternative formulas for cost-of-living adjustment distribution and report to the Legislature and others by March 1, 1999.
Chapter 156, Statutes of 1998
AB 2482 (Bustamante-D) High technology magnet schools
Enacts the six-year High Technology Magnet School Pilot Project which requires the State Department of Education to designate one secondary school in a low-income community in each of the state's ten most populous cities and to provide grants of $350,000 to each of the ten selected schools.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2518 (Poochigian-R) School finance: equalization adjustments
Consolidates county offices of education operating revenues into a category to be known as "core revenues" to be fully funded for COLA and growth, and requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to apportion specified amounts of equalization funding for the 1998-99 fiscal year to 33 county offices to bring them up to the average for counties within their class.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2589 (Baldwin-R) Expenditure plan for external contract funds
Requires the State Department of Education to annually submit to the State Board of Education an expenditure plan for external contracts, beginning in the year 1999-2000.
(Failed passage in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2794* (Assembly Budget Committee) Budget restoration bill: school finance
Makes various restorations to items vetoed by the Governor related to school programs, among other provisions.
Chapter 1050, Statutes of 1998 - Item Vetoed
School Facilities
SB 10* (Johnston-D) School facilities repayment waiver
Authorizes the State Allocation Board to waive the repayment requirement for the Amador County Unified School District, which installed heating and air conditioning units with state bond funds in 1993-94 and 1994-95 under the modernization component of the State School Facilities Funding Program.
Chapter 3, Statutes of 1998
SB 15* (Greene-D) Bonds: Class Size Reduction Facilities Bond Act of 1997
Enacts the Class Size Reduction Facilities Bond Act of 1997, which authorizes the sale of $600 million in general obligation bonds, upon approval by the voters at a November 1997 statewide general election.
(Died on Senate Third Reading File)
SB 50* (Greene-D) School Facilities Bond Act: developer fees
Authorizes a $9.2 billion K-12 school and higher education bond to be presented to the voters November 3, 1998. Revises developer fee and mitigation procedures for school facility purposes and reforms the state program that distributes state bond funds to K-12 school districts.
Chapter 407, Statutes of 1998
Similar legislation was SB 15* (Greene-D), which died on the Senate Inactive File; SB 180 (Greene-D), which died in Assembly Appropriations Committee; SB 1975 (Alpert-D), which died in Assembly Education Committee; AB 40 (Mazzoni-D), which died in Senate Appropriations Committee; AB 110 (Leonard-R), which died on the Assembly Inactive File; and AB 755 (Mazzoni-D), which died in Conference.
SB 250 (Greene-D) School facilities construction
Enacts a new Leroy F. Greene State School Facilities Program with reforms in the school construction building program. Takes effect only if SCA 12 (which changes the vote requirement on school bonds from two-thirds to a majority) and the $8 billion bond measure are enacted.
(Died in Conference Committee)
SB 426 (Hurtt-R) Public works: public schools
Excludes public school facilities projects from the requirement in existing law that any workers employed for projects over $1,000 be paid not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the project is performed, except as required by federal law.
(Died in Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 773* (Johannessen-R) Butte Valley Unified School District: facilities
States legislative intent to reimburse Butte Valley Unified School District for dislocation costs associated with the abandonment of Dorris Elementary School due to unsafe conditions. Allocates Proposition 98 funds to cover annual payments on certificates of participation issued for construction of the original school.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 973 (Greene-D) School facilities
States legislative intent to narrow and restrict, in a specified manner, the process used by cities and counties to levy development fees for school purposes.
(Died at the Assembly Desk)
SB 975* (Greene-D) School facilities: class size reduction
Provides that school districts shall receive $40,000 for the facilities-related costs of each new class created as a result of the Class Size Reduction Program, if state general obligation bond funds are made available for that purpose.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1164 (Greene-D) Community-Wide School Facilities Planning Program
Establishes the Community-Wide School Facilities Planning Program which would provide, on a competitive basis, $50,000 matching grants awarded by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to up to ten school districts for long-range school facilities planning.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1227 (O'Connell-D) School facilities
States legislative intent to enact a new program for the financing of school facilities, with specified goals, and to accomplish reform regarding developer fees.
(Died in Conference Committee)
SB 1408* (Brulte-R) School facilities: relocatable classrooms
Repeals language in the 1997 Budget Act to eliminate the transfer of revenues from state leases of classroom portables to the General Fund.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1432 (Monteith-R) Rural school construction
Expresses the intent of the Legislature to examine the school facilities funding needs of school districts that have difficulty passing local general obligation bonds, including, but not limited to, school districts in rural areas.
(Died at Assembly Desk)
SB 1466 (Polanco-D) Public construction: school districts
Authorizes school districts to use wrap-up (owner-controlled) insurance for construction and renovation projects.
Chapter 849, Statutes of 1998
SB 1618 (Haynes-R) Education: school facilities
Annually transfers specified General Fund surplus monies to the newly-created Public School Construction Fund. Provides that various funds be made available to meet K-12 deferred maintenance needs.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1751 (Calderon-D) School facilities
Establishes the School Safety Act of 1998 and accordingly encourages the State Allocation Board (SAB) to review the cost of school safety devices and equipment and to adjust construction cost funding to reflect these costs. Encourages the SAB to develop criteria for identifying school safety equipment needs.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1801 (Schiff-D) School facilities: deferred maintenance
Reduces the maximum annual lease payment on state-owned portable school buildings from $4,000 to $2,000, and provides that revenue derived from these leases be deposited in the State Deferred Maintenance Fund for apportionment by the State Allocation Board to districts suffering from "extreme impaction", as defined.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 2045 (Greene-D) School facilities construction
Alters one of the methods by which a school district may be accorded priority status for receipt of state school facilities bond funds, by allowing a district to retain developer fees for interim housing, district administration or other specified facility needs, as approved by the State Allocation Board.
Chapter 957, Statutes of 1998
SB 2097 (Monteith-R) School facilities
Limits the expenditures for architects fees in state-funded school construction projects. Requires the State Allocation Board to develop a pool of school plans. Transfers the responsibility for enforcement of earthquake safety requirements from the State Architect to local building officials.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee)
SB 2159 (Greene-D) School facility construction: joint use
Makes various changes in the joint use program that is part of the State School Building Lease Purchase Program.
Vetoed by the Governor
SCA 12 (O'Connell-D) School facilities funds: bonds
Allows the approval of local general obligation bonds for school facilities purposes by a majority of the voters (rather than the currently required two-thirds). Removes the cap on property taxes for the purposes of repaying bonds to finance new schools and improvements to existing schools.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
SCR 94 (Greene-D) Joint Committee on School Facilities
Extends the authority for the Joint Committee on School Facilities until June 30, 2000.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
AB 56* (Mazzoni-D) Public school facilities tax credit
Allows a tax credit under the Personal Income Tax Law and the Bank and Corporation Tax Law equal to 30% of the cost paid or incurred during the taxable or income year for the start-up expenses of establishing, constructing, or expanding a public school facility in California to be used by the children of the taxpayer's employees or the children of the employees of tenants leasing commercial or office space in a building owned by the taxpayer and by other resident children of the school district.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 89 (Pringle-R) California School Finance Authority
Makes several changes in law related to the School Finance Authority and the Educational Facilities Authority.
Chapter 741, Statutes of 1998
AB 191 (Napolitano-D) School facilities
Authorizes school districts which meet specified criteria (the Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District) to apply to the State Allocation Board to receive state funding for the construction of a gymnasium or multipurpose room.
Chapter 941, Statutes of 1998
AB 234 (Battin-R) School facilities: project funding
States legislative intent to address the issue of the ability of school districts in low-wealth areas of the state to participate in the state school construction program.
(Died in Conference Committee)
AB 252 (Leonard-R) Developer fees
Makes a number of changes in current law related to developer fees charged for the purpose of construction of new schools.
(Died in Conference Committee)
AB 507 (Lempert-D) School facilities: maintenance
Repeals the current state school deferred maintenance program, and replaces it with an annual ongoing maintenance program.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 998 (Thompson-R) Julian Union High School District
Authorizes the State Allocation Board to receive an application for a project that meets specified purposes, to consider the project as an emergency or critical hardship project, and to immediately set aside and apportion $2.5 million from funds, as specified, to equally match local funds of the Julian Union High School District.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1085 (Campbell-R) Class size reduction: school facilities
Repeals and adds the Class Size Reduction Facilities Funding Program in order to preserve the program from repeal January 1, 1998 due to legislation reorganizing a portion of the Education Code. Provides that a school district does not need to count the number of teaching stations at a schoolsite under lease to outside agencies to qualify for funding, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1090 (Campbell-R) School facilities: commercial buildings
Permits school districts to purchase or lease commercial or industrial buildings built on or after January 1, 1980 for use as school buildings without complying with the approval process set forth in the Field Act.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1687 (Lempert-D) School facilities
Enacts the Green Oaks Family Academy Elementary School Fire Protection Act. Requires that all future construction and modernization projects funded under the Leroy F. Greene Act of 1998 contain plans for an automatic fire detection system and allows the State Allocation Board to fund modernization projects consisting solely of installation of an automatic fire detection system. Specifies that the bill does not become operative unless a school bond measure is approved on the November 1998 ballot.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1727 (Runner-R) Public school facilities: construction
Repeals the Leroy F. Greene State School Building Lease-Purchase Law and replaces it with the Leroy F. Greene School Facilities Act of 1998, with reforms in the state school construction process.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1764 (Olberg-R) California Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund
Requires any funds received by the state as the result of a national tobacco settlement be used exclusively for the purposes of school construction, to the extent permitted by federal law.
(Failed passage in Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 1878 (Wildman-D) Environmental quality: school construction: lead agency
Changes the lead agency for school related California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) reports. Provides that, under CEQA, the "lead agency" for school facility projects which use state funds shall be the State Office of Public School Construction.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1992 (Strom-Martin-D) School facilities
Requires that any new school funded from the state school facilities program after January 1, 1999, include a telephone connection in each classroom, or equivalent wireless technology. Specifies that this requirement goes into effect only if a school bond measure is approved by the voters in November, 1998.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2226 (Morrissey-R) Facilities: Santa Ana Unified School District
Authorizes the Santa Ana Unified School District to purchase or lease certain real property, for use as a school building, if the governing board of the school district finds that all of the conditions and requirements that authorize the leasing of a commercial building that does not meet the requirements of the Field Act have been met, except that the building permit for the initial construction of the building has been issued on or after January 1, 1987.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2262 (Cunneen-R) School facility construction: cost reduction
Requires the State Allocation Board to adopt regulations, by July 1, 1999, to revise the design and construction standards and guidelines for assessing proposed alternative or innovative construction measures, materials, designs, or techniques, as defined to include the planned installation of wireless technology for networking computers, as prescribed, for achieving measurable reductions in the costs of school facilities construction.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2364 (Napolitano-D) School facilities: gymnasium or multipurpose room
Authorizes one specified school district to be eligible to apply for state assistance for the construction of a gymnasium or multipurpose room. Authorizes school districts that, within the last 24 months, built or acquired school facilities with 100% local funding, to apply for state school facility funds. Applies only to the Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2636 (Alquist-D) School facilities construction
Requires the State Allocation Board to establish pilot projects in four applicant school districts to demonstrate new approaches to cost containment in the construction of school facilities. Specifies that a second pilot program is to be established in up to two county offices of education to demonstrate approaches to reduce costs of school construction and modernization. Requires the Legislative Analyst to report on the outcome of each pilot.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2641 (Miller-R) State Lease-Payment Loan Program
Establishes the State Lease-Payment Loan Program for the purpose of allowing the state to utilize one-time funds to build school facilities without impacting the Proposition 98 Guarantee.
(Died in Assembly Budget Committee)
AB 2643 (Lempert-D) School facilities: deferred maintenance
Dedicates state-owned portable lease revenue for deferred maintenance of state-owned portable classrooms.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2696 (Cardoza-D) School facilities: portable classrooms
Extends the eligibility period for the purchase of certain portable classrooms. Authorizes school districts or county superintendents of schools to purchase any portable classroom that was leased from the State Allocation Board before December 1, 1991, rather than July 1, 1991, as specified in current law.
Chapter 848, Statutes of 1998
ACA 5 (Mazzoni-D) Taxation: school districts
Adds an exception to the tax rate limit established by Proposition 13, and lowers the vote requirement for approval of local school bonds to a simple majority vote.
(Refused adoption on Assembly Floor)
ACA 47 (Runner-R) Education: minimum funding guarantee: school facilities
Provides that when calculating the Proposition 98 funding guarantee for education, the term "the moneys to be applied by the State for the support of school districts and community college districts" does not include funds appropriated by the State to school districts and community college districts for the sole purpose of school construction or modernization.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)
AJR 69 (Lempert-D) Public school facility construction, repair, and maintenance
Memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to take every action necessary to provide federal support to school districts to assist in the construction, repair, and maintenance of school facilities.
(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)
Bilingual Education
SB 6 (Alpert-D) Bilingual education: English learners
Repeals existing law and inoperative provisions governing bilingual education, and replaces them with the Firestone-Alpert English Learners Education Reform Act of 1998. Gives school districts the flexibility to determine the type of instructional services that best accomplish the goals of English language development and academic achievement for English language learners.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 2167 (Polanco-D) Bilingual education: English Language Acquisition Act
Enacts the English Language Acquisition Act of 1998, which establishes programs designed to develop the fluency in English of English learners.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee)
AB 36 (Firestone-R) Bilingual education
Creates the Firestone-Alpert Bilingual Education Reform Act of 1997, which generally provides districts with greater flexibility in serving English learners, requires districts to self-regulate regarding the effectiveness of the instructional method provided, establishes various assessment and reporting requirements, and makes other changes to existing law regarding the education of pupils with limited English proficiency.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1075 (Campbell-R) Bilingual education
Repeals the Bilingual-Bicultural Education Act of 1976, and enacts the Equal Opportunity English Acquisition Act.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1648* (Richter-R) Education: English language
Provides, subject to specified exceptions, that all children in California public schools shall be taught English by being taught in English. Requires that all children be placed in English language classrooms and that children who are English learners be educated through sheltered English immersion, as defined, during a temporary transition period, not normally intended to exceed one year.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2620 (Davis-D) Preschool: English education
Directs the State Department of Education to survey state preschool programs that provide instruction to limited English speaking children, in order to collect information on effective methods of teaching such children.
Vetoed by the Governor
Charter Schools
SB 221 (Lewis-R) Charter schools
Provides that charter schools that are organized as general or nonprofit corporations may be granted charters for up to 15 years, and provides that school districts are not liable for any debts incurred by charter schools that are organized as general or nonprofit corporations.
(Refused passage on Senate Third Reading)
SB 222 (Lewis-R) Charter schools
Increases the number of charter schools allowed from 100 to 300, and increases the number of charter schools allowed in each district from ten to 30 (except Los Angeles Unified School District, which is allowed 42 charter schools).
(Died on Senate Third Reading File)
SB 223 (Lewis-R) Charter schools: petitions
Authorizes persons or individuals to submit to a school board charter school petitions that have been signed by specified percentages of parents, rather than teachers.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 224 (Lewis-R) Charter schools: funding
Increases the maximum loan amount that a new charter school may borrow from the Charter School Revolving Loan Fund (CSRLF) from $50,000 to $250,000, and makes other clarifying changes to continuously appropriate state and federal funds to the CSRLF.
(Died in Senate Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 843 (Hayden-D) Charter schools
Requires that at least two of the 12 additional charter schools authorized in Los Angeles Unified School District be established for the purpose of enrolling pupils who attend a school in which the average achievement test scores are in the fifth percentile or lower, or whose pupils are primarily from low-income families.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
SB 1960 (Karnette-D) Charter school teachers: credentials
Requires all teachers employed in a California charter school to have possession of a valid teacher credential issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
AB 458 (Caldera-D) Education: charter schools
Addresses the issue of program funding for charter schools by providing that a charter school shall receive funds for hours of summer school instruction provided by the charter school, and provides that a charter school shall receive funds for the Year-Round School Grant Program.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 544 (Lempert-D) Charter schools
Makes numerous changes to the Charter Schools Act of 1992, among them, raising the cap on the authorized number of charter schools and providing flexibility in the granting of charters.
Chapter 34, Statutes of 1998
AB 844 (Caldera-D) Charter schools
Repeals the limit on the number of charter schools that may operate in the state in any school year.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1254 (Baldwin-R) Charter schools
Repeals the limit, if specified conditions are met, on the number of charter schools that may operate in the state.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2417 (Mazzoni-D) Charter schools
Makes technical and clarifying changes to AB 544 (Lempert), Chapter 34, Statutes of 1998. Revises specifications concerning the statewide evaluation of charter schools.
Chapter 673, Statutes of 1998
AB 2574 (Kuykendall-R) Charter schools
Pertains to the number of charter schools that may operate in the state and sets requirements for average daily attendance reporting for charter schools. Repeals the limit on the number of charter schools that may operate in the state in any school year.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)
Class Size Reduction
SB 12* (O'Connell-D) Class size reduction
Provides for a new class size reduction program in grade nine. Provides $135 per unit of full time equivalent enrollment per school for up to two ninth grade classes in English, mathematics, science, and social studies, as specified, which are required for graduation.
Chapter 334, Statutes of 1998
SB 15* (Greene-D) Bonds: Class Size Reduction Facilities Bond Act of 1997
Enacts the Class Size Reduction Facilities Bond Act of 1997, which authorizes the sale of $600 million in general obligation bonds, upon approval by the voters at a November 1997 statewide general election.
(Died on Senate Third Reading File)
SB 50* (Greene-D) Bonds
Enacts the Class-Size Reduction Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Act, which authorizes a $9.2 billion K-12 school and higher education bond to be presented to the voters November 3, 1998. Revises developer fee and mitigation procedures for school facility purposes and reforms the state program that distributes state bond funds to K-12 school districts.
Chapter 407, Statutes of 1998
Similar legislation was SB 1975 (Alpert-D), which died in Assembly Education Committee, and AB 40 (Mazzoni-D), which died in Senate Appropriations Committee.
SB 207 (Greene-D) Class size reduction
Deletes certification that the school district has maintained class sizes of not more than 20 pupils per class from the requirement for funding to implement a class size reduction program.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 975* (Greene-D) School facilities: class size reduction
Provides that school districts shall receive $40,000 for the facilities-related costs of each new class created as a result of the Class Size Reduction Program, if state general obligation bond funds are made available for that purpose.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 976* (Greene-D) Class size reduction
Establishes, in no more than 20 school districts, an Option 3 in the Class Size Reduction Program, under which a district employs a full-time instructional aide for a classroom of no more than 30 pupils.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1065 (Polanco-D) Bonds: educational facilities
Declares legislative intent to enact a new program for financing school facilities, to enact reforms that limit the authority of cities and counties to levy development fees for school purposes, and to enact a $4 billion K-12 general obligation bond proposal on the June 2, 1998 primary election.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1564* (Schiff-D) Education Trailer Bill to the Budget Act of 1998
Enacts various changes to the Education Code and other codes necessary to implement the Budget Act of 1998, and makes various appropriations of Proposition 98 "settle up" funding in satisfaction of the 1997-98 minimum funding guarantee and funds from the Proposition 98 Reversion Account. Among other things, extends the sunset date for the Class Size Reduction Facilities Loan program established pursuant to Chapter 298, Statutes of 1997.
Chapter 330, Statutes of 1998 - Item Veto
SB 1634 (McPherson-R) Education: permanent class size reduction
Enacts the Governor's education reform proposals as the Permanent Class Size Reduction and Educational Opportunities Act of 1998.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee)
AB 272 (Kuykendall-R) Class size reduction
Changes the number of students in each Class Size Reduction (CSR) class . Provides that districts may receive full funding under the CSR program, so long as the district meets the 20 to one ratio of students to certificated teacher on average for each participating class in a grade level at each schoolsite in the program. Makes the maximum no more than 22 per CSR class.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 850 (Pacheco-R) Class size reduction
Provides that school districts can implement the Class Size Reduction Program in four full grades (kindergarten through grade three) in 1997-98.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1085 (Campbell-R) Class size reduction: school facilities
Repeals and adds the Class Size Reduction Facilities Funding Program in order to preserve the program from repeal January 1, 1998, due to legislation reorganizing a portion of the Education Code. Provides that a school district does not need to count the number of teaching stations at a schoolsite under lease to outside agencies to qualify for funding, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1746 (Escutia-D) Class size reduction
Implements a Budget agreement relating to the appropriation of unused Class Size Reduction Program grant funds. Reappropriates unexpended Class Size Reduction funding for facility needs related to the class size program.
Chapter 1033, Statutes of 1998
AB 1901 (Leonard-R) Education: permanent class size reduction
Proposes the Permanent Class Size Reduction and Educational Opportunities Act of 1998 which, among other things, creates the Class Size Reduction Fund in the State Treasury which is continuously appropriated to the State Department of Education.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2078 (Mazzoni-D) School facilities: class size reduction
Establishes expenditure priorities for future school bonds that are approved for the facilities-related costs of class size reduction.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2224 (Strom-Martin-D) School districts: class size reduction
Provides class size reduction program flexibility to very small school districts.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2579 (Escutia-D) Class size reduction
Enacts the 8th Grade Class Size Reduction for Language Arts and Mathematics Program which permits any school district to apply for a grant of $133 per pupil to implement a class size reduction program in those disciplines with an average class size of 20 students.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
ACR 173 (Figueroa-D) Class size reduction
Recognizes the vital role played by teachers in the successful implementation of the Class Size Reduction Program in the State of California.
(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)
School Safety
SB 1626 (Hughes-D) Peace officers: school security officers: training
Sets minimum required standards for applicants and existing employees who serve as school security officers.
Chapter 745, Statutes of 1998
SB 1627 (Hughes-D) Peace officers: school police
Requires school police officers to successfully complete specified training in order to be hired, or to continue employment.
Chapter 746, Statutes of 1998
SB 1729 (Thompson-D) School safety
Requires coordination between campus and local law enforcement agencies associated with crimes occurring on or near college campuses.
Chapter 284, Statutes of 1998
SB 1769* (Hughes-D) School Violence Reduction Program
Revises the application and evaluation procedures for grants made under the School Violence Reduction Program and eliminates the $10 million cap on asset seizure funding that may be dedicated to support the program and allocates funds in the school safety account for the 1998-99 fiscal year. Future funding is subject to the Budget Act.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1855* (Thompson-D) Payment of claims: deficiencies
Provides for the payment of claims for reimbursements to local governments for state-mandated local programs approved for payment by the Commission on State Mandates and a claim approved by the State Board of Control. Appropriates a total of $86.286 million.
Appropriates, among others, $5.227 million from the General Fund to reimburse school districts for the Law Enforcement Agency Notifications Program. The costs associated with this program are incurred when school districts notify local law enforcement agencies of any unlawful acts by students related to the possession or sale of narcotics on school grounds.
Chapter 780, Statutes of 1998
SCR 86 (Hughes-D) School Safety
Proclaims October 1998 as School Safety Month and January 11 to 15, 1999, as Yellow Ribbon Week to demonstrate a commitment to school safety.
Resolution Chapter 118, Statutes of 1998
AB 431 (Baldwin-R) Pupil expulsion
Modifies the requirement for the expulsion of a student enrolled in K through six, inclusive, upon a finding that the pupil committed an act specified in the "zero-tolerance" law enacted in 1995. Makes existing mandatory expulsion policies permissive for districts in the cases of children in grades K-6 and under the age of 14 who did not know of the wrongfulness of their action when they committed the expellable offense.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1003 (Thompson-R) School districts
Requires every school district governing board to adopt a policy to notify, as soon as possible, pupils and parents of a school when a felony is committed on or near the school campus and the victim of the crime is either a student attending a school or is an employee of the district.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1253 (Perata-D) Comprehensive Schoolsite Safety Plan Program
Establishes the Comprehensive Schoolsite Safety Plan Program as a two-year pilot program for the purpose of developing a model program for the development and establishment of comprehensive schoolsite safety plans in school districts. Appropriates $10 million from the General Fund for the 1997-98 fiscal year for allocation to school districts.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1756 (Havice-D) School Community Policing Partnership Act of 1998
Establishes the School Policing Partnership Act of 1998, a competitive grant program administerd by the State Department of Education to provide local educational agencies and consortia of such agencies financial assistance to bring law enforcement officers to school campuses as an active part of the school community. Grants would be awarded by the existing School/Law Enforcement Partnership (comprised of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Attorney General).
Chapter 317, Statutes of 1998
Similar legislation was AB 2476 (Prenter-R), which died in Assembly Public Safety Committee.
AB 1804 (Havice-D) Criminal history information: school volunteers
Requires a prospective school volunteer who will have direct contact with pupils in an unsupervised setting to have submitted his or her fingerprints to the State Department of Justice for a background check, and specifies that the volunteer does not have to pay the processing fee. Prohibits a school district from allowing the volunteer to have direct contact with pupils until the background check is complete. Prohibits the school district from allowing such contact if the person has been convicted of or has a pending criminal proceeding for a violent serious felony. Exempts parents or guardians of children enrolled in the school from these provisions. Allows a single district to act on behalf of other districts for submitting background checks of a volunteer who applies to several districts.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1990 (Frusetta-R) Expulsion of pupils
Mandates automatic expulsion for pupils who are found to be in unlawful possession of drugs.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2116 (Perata-D) School safety
Adds additional selection criteria to that required of schools establishing conflict resolution programs. Adds to these selection criteria the demonstrated need for a program due to increased or high incidents of reported school crime, and a high percentage of pupils in the school or school district who qualify for free or reduced price meals or whose families receive aid under the CalWORKs program.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2241* (Bowler-R) School safety: School Security Act of 1998
Creates the School Security Act of 1998. Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) to identify all schools ("target schools") ranked in the top 30% of incidents reported in annual schoolsite crime reports. Requires the SPI to provide school districts with an amount equal to $900 per pupil attending each target school, provided that the school district or county office meet specified requirements.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)
Child and Day Care
SB 158 (Rainey-R) Child care
Establishes the Child Care and Development Facilities Loan Guarantee Fund to contain appropriations and bond funds to support loan guarantees for private sector loans for expansion and improvement of child care facilities.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 167 (Solis-D) Community colleges: child care
Appropriates $10.2 million from the General Fund to the California Community Colleges for child care services for the children of community college students who are recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 278 (Watson-D) Child Care Facilities Financing Act
Authorizes, subject to voter approval, $50 million in general obligation bonds to establish a subordinated loan program and a loan guaranty program for child care facilities.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 309 (Watson-D) California Child Care Health Linkages Program
Establishes the California Child Care Health Linkages Program to link infants, toddlers, and their families with health care information and services in five demonstration projects in San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Clara, Los Angeles, and Alameda Counties.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 530* (Alpert-D) Child Care and Development Services Act
Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to take steps to increase the capacity of the child care system, as specified. Requires the State Department of Education to report to the Legislature proposals regarding direct service child care and financial incentives for the use of child care alternative payment and certificate programs.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 831 (Karnette-D) Child care: state employees
Authorizes the State Department of General Services to secure offsite state employee child care facilities, if funds are available.
Chapter 413, Statutes of 1998
SB 1126 (Solis-D) California Community Colleges: child care pilot program
Creates a three-district pilot program called the California Community College Family Child Care Career Network Program to provide child care and to support the education and training of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families recipients as Family Child Care Professionals. Appropriates $750,000 from the General Fund (non-Proposition 98) for allocation to participating community college districts.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1522* (Rainey-R) Child care and development facilities funding
Makes a variety of changes, primarily fiduciary, to the recently established Child Care and Development Facilities Loan Guaranty Fund and the Child Care and Development Facilities District Loan Fund which are administered by the State Department of Housing and Community Development. These programs were enacted last year as part of welfare reform.
Chapter 823, Statutes of 1998
SB 1523* (Rainey-R) Taxes: child care
Makes three changes to a tax credit previously provided to employers who assist their employees with child care, if the tax credit is reinstated by AB 484 (Havice). Increases the total amount of credit which could be taken in a year in which excess credits from prior years were carried forward. Provides separate limits in the credit for costs shared by multiple taxpayers. Allows taxpayers subject to the alternative minimum tax calculation to use the tax credit to reduce their regular tax.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1524* (Alpert-D) Child care centers: training
Strengthens current requirement for a child care facility to have at least one child care worker with training in preventive services available, to instead require that a child care worker with such training be present at the facility. Adds preventive health training standards to the pediatric first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation child care worker training standards that the Emergency Medical Services Authority establishes.
Chapter 666, Statutes of 1998
SB 1564* (Schiff-D) Education Trailer Bill to the Budget Act of 1998
Enacts various changes to the Education Code and other codes necessary to implement the Budget Act of 1998, and makes various appropriations of Proposition 98 "settle up" funding in satisfaction of the 1997-98 minimum funding guarantee and funds from the Proposition 98 Reversion Account. Among other things, enacts various changes to Child Care and Development sections of the Education Code to make eligibility criteria for subsidized child care uniform between Stage I and Stage II CalWORKs child care.
Chapter 330, Statutes of 1998 - Item vetoed
SB 1663* (O'Connell-D) Child day care facilities: administering inhaled medication
Allows licensees and staff of child day care centers to administer inhaled medication to children and requires pediatric first aid training to include training in administering inhaled medications to children.
Chapter 625, Statutes of 1998
SB 1756* (Lockyer-D) After school programs
Establishes, in combination with AB 2284 (Torlakson) and AB 1428 (Ortiz), the After School Learning and Safe Neighborhoods Partnerships Program for after school partnerships at elementary, middle and junior high schools.
Chapter 320, Statutes of 1998 - Item vetoed
The Governor deleted the $500,000 appropriation contained in the bill as duplicative to AB 2284.
SB 1815* (McPherson-R) Tax credits: child care
Reinstates two employer tax credits for child care facilities through 1998, and increases the credit from 30% to 70%, if 51% of the children in the facility live in households with income below 75% of the local median income.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 2088 (Watson-D) Family day care homes
Requires operators of family day care homes, effective January 1, 2000, to receive an average of 21 hours annually of satisfactorily completed training from an approved training program, with no more than ten hours in any one year. Specifies that the training may cover child development or psychology, child care operations, recognition of abused or neglected children, early childhood education, small business administration, and child care policy.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 2133 (Watson-D) Child care and development programs: child health
Establishes a program to support "child care health advocates" to work at child care agencies that contract with the State Department of Education. Specifies that the advocates are to assess families of children served by the agency to ensure access to a safe child care environment, health screening and follow-up, and health information. Requires the State Department of Health Services to establish a staff position that will provide technical assistance, as specified.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 2177 (Wright-R) Welfare reform: child care
Requires paid child care to be available for any California Works Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) participant with a dependent child 12 years of age or younger.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 215* (Baldwin-R) Taxes: credit: child care
Extends, under the Personal Income Tax and Bank and Corporation Tax Laws, the sunset date for the Employer Child Care Program and the Employer Child Care Contribution credits from January 1, 1998, to January 1, 2003. Allows the credits to be carried forward until they have been exhausted.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 439 (Honda-D) School-based before and after school child care programs
Removes existing provisions regarding school-based before and after school child care programs from within the school-age community child care services program. Provides that, commencing with the 1997-98 fiscal year, schoolsites will be eligible for funding of those programs where a minimum of 70% of the children are recipients of free or reduced-cost meals through the school lunch program and that presumptive eligibility applies to individual families of pupils attending an eligible schoolsite.
Requires the superintendent to implement a plan that establishes reasonable and cost-effective standards and assigned reimbursement rates for school-based before and after school child care programs. Prohibits assessing parent fees.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
AB 484* (Havice-D) Income taxes: credits: child care
Extends, to January 1, 2002, the sunset date for the personal income tax and bank and corporation tax credits for employers who assist their employees with child care. Requires the Legislative Analyst to evaluate the credits and report to the Legislature by March 1, 2002.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 642* (Baldwin-R) Income taxes: credits: child care
Extends, under the Personal Income Tax and Bank and Corporation Tax Law, the sunset date for the Employer Child Care Program and the Employer Child Care Contribution credits from January 1, 1998, to January 1, 2003.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 656 (Aroner-D) Education: child care
Revises the composition and duties, as specified, of countywide child care and development planning councils.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 718 (Lempert-D) Child care
Increases the income eligibility threshold for subsidized child care from 75% to 85% of the state's median income in certain counties with high housing costs. (These counties are the ones where CalWORKs grants are higher because of higher housing costs.)
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 933 (Figueroa-D) Child day care facilities: juvenile court records
Requires operators of family day care homes and license applicants to disclose to the State Department of Social Services any juvenile adjudication or criminal conviction for certain offenses. Specifies that failure to report can result in revocation of the license.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 971 (Wright-D) Child care
Creates and funds the Welfare Reform/Child Care Facilities Expansion Funds. Appropriates $25 million in Proposition 98 funds if a general obligation bond for the purpose of creating new or expanding child care facilities is not approved by the voters.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1135 (Mazzoni-D) Child care: family support
Establishes the Parent Services Project: Family Support in Child Care and Development Programs. Requires the State Department of Education to award grants to child care providers for the purpose of establishing family support programs which would provide intensive intervention services for at-risk families.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1381 (Thomson-D) Child care facilities
Expands the number of child care agencies that are eligible to lease state-owned portables purchased with state general obligation bond funding, to all districts and agencies that contract with school districts providing care to school-age children.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1418* (Ortiz-D) School-based before and after school child care programs
Makes changes to recently enacted laws governing school-based before and after school programs to provide an authorization for existing programs to be eligible for funding.
Chapter 64, Statutes of 1998
AB 1428* (Ortiz-D) After School Learning and Safe Neighborhoods Partnerships
Repeals the existing School-Based Literacy and Recreation Child Care Program, effective July 1, 1999, and replaces it with the After School Learning and Safe Neighborhoods Partnerships Program to provide incentive funding for after school enrichment programs for pupils in grades K through 9, operated by local partnerships.
Chapter 319, Statutes of 1998 - Item Veto
The Governor deleted the $500,000 appropriation, which was duplictive to AB 2284 (Torlakson-D).
The Governor deleted the $500,000 appropriation, which was duplicative to AB 2284 (Torlakson-D).
Similar to AB 2284* (Torlakson-D), Chapter 318, Statutes of 1998, and SB 1756* (Lockyer-D), Chapter 320, Statutes of 1998.
AB 1722 (Cunneen-R) Child care: reimbursement rates
Permits a child care center or after-school (latch key) program to apply for a higher rate than the current standard rate, if it can demonstrate a need to receive a rate in excess of the standard rate, but in no case can the rate exceed the regional market rate.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1749 (Leach-R) Child day care facilities: school extended day exemption
Establishes a three-year extended day care pilot project in Contra Costa County, which allows extended day care programs that contract with public schools or school districts to be exempt from licensure, provided certain conditions are met.
(Died in Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 1857 (Escutia-D) Child care and development services
Modifies the allocations of new and "rollover" child care resources to increase capacity, and gives priority to underserved areas.
Chapter 655, Statutes of 1998
AB 2001 (Kuehl-D) Employment agencies: child care providers
Requires employment agencies that refer child care providers to provide prospective employers with specified information about Trustline Registry. Extends prohibition of agency placements of child care providers who are not applicants or registered Trustline and its violation as a misdemeanor and a $100 fine.
Chapter 287, Statutes of 1998
AB 2025 (Aroner-D) Child care
Establishes a California CARES to provide stipends to child care professionals and promote employee retention within child care programs. Establishes, on a limited basis, a program to enhance the pay for child care workers to improve quality and retention of staff.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2026* (Leach-R) Taxes: credits: child care
Allows a credit equal to the greater of 30% of the federal child care credit, or $150, per child under age 13 or unable to physically or mentally able to care for him or herself.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 2061* (Granlund-R) Public recreation programs
Modifies the allocation process for CalWORKs child care funds in San Bernardino County, and establishes unlicensed public recreation programs in Riverside County.
Chapter 638, Statutes of 1998
AB 2117 (Perata-D) Child care centers: employer waivers
Expands the applicability of waiver provisions from the California Child Day Care Facilities Act related to small businesses, to include all employers. Makes various technical, nonsubstantive changes.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 2203 (Washington-D) Foster family homes: unfounded complaints
Prohibits a placement agency from considering certain information contained in a foster family home's active file when deciding whether to place a child in that home.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 2284* (Torlakson-D) After school programs
Creates the After School Learning and Safe Neighborhoods Partnership Program for the purpose of establishing after school partnerships at elementary, middle and junior high schools. Provides that the purpose of the after school programs will be to offer a safe environment where students will benefit from educational enrichment, tutoring, homework assistance, and recreational activities. Appropriates $500,000.
Chapter 318, Statutes of 1998
Similar to AB 1428 (Ortiz-D), which became Chapter 319*, Statutes of 1998 (item vetoed); and SB 1756* (Lockyer-D), which became Chapter 320, Statutes of 1998 (item vetoed).
AB 2465 (Scott-D) Child care
Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to increase the capacity of the child care system according to specific priorities. Requires the State Department of Education to present a report to the Legislature and the State Department of Finance defining strategies, results and effectiveness of recent expenditures for building capacity for child care needs.
Chapter 722, Statutes of 1998
AB 2620 (Davis-D) Preschool: English education
Directs the State Department of Education to survey state pre-school programs that provide instruction to limited English speaking children, in order to collect information on effective methods of teaching such children.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2738 (Alquist-D) Child development: school readiness
Requires school districts to provide parents of three- and four-year olds with information about available preschool programs in the district and ways to improve the transition of young children from preschool to kindergarten.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2779* (Aroner-D) Child care: Budget trailer bill
Requires that child care provider job training provided to California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program recipients that is funded by either the State Department of Education or the State Department of Social Services include information on becoming a licensed child care provider. Requires that certain license-exempt child care providers who are compensated under Stage I of the CalWORKs child care program must be registered as a trustline provider. Makes uniform the eligibility requirements for Stage I and Stage II CalWORKs child care, by excluding Social Security income benefits and state supplemental program benefits from the definition of income. Requires that former CalWORKs recipients, who cannot be transitioned out of the first stage of child care because no funded slot is available, be eligible to receive child care for up to 24 months after they leave cash aid, or until they are otherwise ineligible. Requires that former CalWORKs recipients be eligible to receive child care in the first state and the second state for up to a total of no more than 24 months after they leave cash aid, or until they are otherwise ineligible within that 24-month period.
Chapter 329, Statutes of 1998
AB 2798* (Machado-D) Child care tax credit
A Budget Trailer bill which, among other things, extends the employer child care credit through 2002.
Chapter 323, Statutes of 1998
Higher Education
SB 50* (Greene-D) School facilities construction: bonds: developer fees
Authorizes a $9.2 billion K-12 school and higher education bond to be presented to the voters November 3, 1998. Revises developer fee and mitigation procedures for school facility purposes and reforms the state program that distributes state bond funds to K-12 school districts.
Chapter 407, Statutes of 1998
SB 101 (Hayden-D) Educational Security Act of 1997
Creates a tuition and fee prepayment plan for future students at California's institutions of higher education. Enacts the Education Security Act of 1997 which establishes the California Education Trust to allow individuals to enter into contracts with the state to guarantee payment of fees for the future education of their designated beneficiary in public or private postsecondary institutions.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
SB 218* (Knight-R) Property taxation: college exemption
Extends the property tax college exemption to include an educational institution that provides a master's degree program based on a course of study of at least one year in flight test technology or flight test science that is approved by the California Council for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education or the Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education.
Chapter 562, Statutes of 1998
SB 336 (Johannessen-R) California Postsecondary Education Commission: study
Requires the California Postsecondary Education Commission to conduct a study of the need and feasibility of establishing a branch or campus of the University of California or the California State University at Shasta College in Redding.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 401 (Alpert-D) Postsecondary education: resident classification
Expands non-resident student fee exemptions for students attending the California Community Colleges (CCC) to conform to non-resident fee exemptions at the California State University. Provides that dependents of members of the armed services who were stationed in California are California residents permanently for the purpose of paying fees at CCC. Extends current law to allow active duty military personnel to receive resident classification beyond the current January 1, 2000 repeal date. Applies to the University of California to the extent the Regents approve.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 580 (Monteith-R) University of California: new campus
Requests the Regents of the University of California to allocate an unspecified sum for the purpose of planning and developing a proposed University of California campus to be located in Merced.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 799 (Hughes-D) University of California: personal service contracts
Establishes standards for the use of personal service contracts by the University of California for work traditionally performed by university employees.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 836 (McPherson-R) California Community Colleges
Provides the California Community College (CCC) with an automatic General Fund adjustment to offset local property tax shortfalls (or increases), when the actual property tax receipts differ from the estimate used in the calculation of the CCC budget in the annual Budget Act.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 877 (Vasconcellos-D) California Community Colleges: full-time faculty
Creates the California Community Colleges Full-Time Faculty, Counselor, and Librarian Employment Fund, within the State Treasury, for the purpose of funding an increase in full-time positions in specified areas in community colleges. Requires a report on the status of districts' compliance with the goal of attaining a faculty ratio of 75% full-time and 25% hourly and makes changes to those provisions.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 917 (Vasconcellos-D) Human Corps
Requires full-time students at various institutions of higher education to participate in 30 hours of community service per year through the Human Corps program.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1005 (McPherson-R) Education finance
Establishes a fixed "split" of Proposition 98 funding between K-12 schools and community colleges, and dedicates a calculated amount of community college funds to additional enrollment growth.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1008 (Burton-D) San Francisco State University: New Media Institute
Establishes the New Media Institute at San Francisco State University, and requires the institute to carry out specified activities.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1126 (Solis-D) California Community Colleges: child care pilot program
Creates a three-district pilot program called the California Community College Family Child Care Career Network Program to provide child care and to support the education and training of TANF recipients as Family Child Care Professionals. Appropriates $750,000 from the General Fund for allocation to participating community college districts.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1206 (Johnston-D) California State University
Requires the State Department of General Services to transfer land and improvements comprising the Stockton Development Center to the Trustees of the California State University to be developed as a regional multicampus center in San Joaquin County, and makes related changes.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1269 (Schiff-D) Community colleges: funding for growth in full-time faculty
Creates the Full-time Quality of Education Fund in the state treasure for the purpose of funding a net increase in full-time faculty positions in the California Community Colleges; funding is dependent upon Budget Act appropriations
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1286* (Calderon-D) Private postsecondary education
Repeals the Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education Act of 1989, and enacts in its place the Private Postsecondary Education Regulatory Reform Act of 1997. Creates the Division of Postsecondary Education Affairs within the State Department of Consumer Affairs as the replacement for the Council for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1290 (Calderon-D) Private postsecondary education: education scholarships
Creates an education scholarship program whereby persons employed in certain occupations are authorized to earn, in addition to compensation earned from their employment, education scholarhips to be used toward their own education or the education of another person in accordance with the bill. Authorizes the exchange of 40 hours of work performed for one semester unit, or the equivalent thereof where the quarter system is used, of education at the University of California, the California State University, or the California Community Colleges.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1472 (Alpert-D) Community college: transfer student
Provides that a community college student who has partially completed a specified core curriculum, upon transfer to either the University of California or the California State University shall be allowed to complete this core curriculum by completing equivalent courses in lieu of any University of California or California State University lower division general education requirements. Prohibits the University of California and the California State University from requiring any additional courses other than the ones the student would have been required to complete had the student remained at the community college.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
SB 1481 (Hughes-D) School district and community college employees
Establishes a process, similar to that for California State University employees, whereby employees of school districts and community college districts may request correction or deletion of a record in their personnel files, if the employee has reason to believe that it is inaccurate, irrelevant, untimely or incomplete.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1484 (Leslie-R) Postsecondary education: student financial aid
Limits student eligibility for financial aid if the student has been convicted of possession or sale of a specified controlled substance, or has been convicted of certain crimes related to sale or consumption or alcoholic beverages, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, or disorderly conduct.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1564* (Schiff-D) Education Trailer Bill to the Budget Act of 1998
Is the 1998-99 Omnibus Education Trailer Bill. Makes necessary statutory changes to implement the Budget Act of 1998 relative to elementary and secondary education, community colleges, and the state's Proposition 98 obligation for prior fiscal years.
Chapter 330, Statutes of 1998 - Item Vetoed
SB 1656 (Polanco-D) State and local government finance
Among other provisions, appropriates $200,000 from the General Fund to the University of California to augment a specified item of the Budget Act of 1998 to establish an eye care clinic at the Charles R. Drew Postgraduate Medical School. Appropriates $3 million from the General Fund to the California Arts Council in augmentation of specified items in the Budget Act of 1998 relating to the council.
(Died on Assembly Third Reading File)
SB 1665 (Brulte-R) Creation of new community college districts
Creates a new community college district (Copper Mountain Community College District) from the portion of another community college district (Desert Community College District) that contains the campus of the new district (Copper Mountain campus of the College of the Desert).
Chapter 904, Statutes of 1998
SB 1666 (Solis-D) Student Opportunity and Access Program
Repeals the January 1, 2000 sunset date for the California Student Opportunity and Access Program (Cal-SOAP), and makes other technical changes to the program. Authorizes the California Student Aid Commission to administer the Cal-SOAP Program.
Chapter 626, Statutes of 1998
SB 1690 (Rainey-R) California State University Police
Adds California State University Police Department Officers to the statute which provides for an increased penalty of 25 years-to-life (i.e., rather than 15 years-to-life) where the defendant commits second-degree murder against a described peace officer acting in the line of duty or life without the possibility of parole where one of four enumerated aggravating factors is present.
Chapter 760, Statutes of 1998
SB 1697 (Hayden-D) Preparatory courses for college admissions tests
Establishes a six-year pilot program, to be administered by the State Department of Education, to provide matching grants to public high schools to operate or contract for the operation of college admissions tests preparation courses. Appropriates $10 million from the General Fund to support this pilot program.
Chapter 795, Statutes of 1998
SB 1740 (Hayden-D) Statewide Service Learning Center Program
Creates the Statewide Service Learning Center and Service Learning Grant Program to encourage and increase the development of service learning programs throughout colleges and universities in California.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1752 (Hughes-D) Disclosure of grade point average adjustment methodology
Requests the University of California and requires the California State University to disclose, upon request of an applicant, information regarding the methodology used to adjust an applicants undergraduate grade point average.
Chapter 627, Statutes of 1998
SB 1786 (Knight-R) Intercollegiate athletes: illegal drug use
Requires the Regents of the University of California and the Trustees of the California State University to establish policies relative to drug testing, drug education, and the suspension or termination of student athletes' participation in intercollegiate athletics for violations of such policies.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1787 (Peace-D) High school counseling: UC and CSU
Requests the University of California, and requires the California State University, to establish an office to provide academic counseling to high school students.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1807 (Hughes-D) Admissions criteria: standardized testing
Strongly requests the Regents of the University of California and requires the Trustees of the California State University to establish pilot student success studies which utilize alternative admissions criteria.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1848 (Karnette-D) Community colleges: temporary academic employees
Expresses legislative intent that the compensation rate for part-time community college faculty be the proportional equivalent of comparable full-time faculty, commencing with 2003-04 fiscal year, and that benefits be provided to temporary employees in a nondiscriminatory manner.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1849 (Alpert-D) California State University: capital outlay
Further streamlines the capital outlay program of the California State University (CSU) by making two changes to the CSU Contracting Law. The first change expands the CSU's existing authority to utilize design-build methodologies for its construction projects. The second increases the CSU's authorization to utilize unit price contracting for specific types of construction services.
Chapter 307, Statutes of 1998
SB 1896 (Peace-D) Public postsecondary education: student fees
Reduces resident graduate student fees at the University of California and the California State University by 5% for 1999-2000, contingent upon funding being provided for that purpose.
Chapter 734, Statutes of 1998
SB 1902 (Vasconcellos-D) 1998 California University Partnership Program
Requests the University of California and requires the California State University to develop a partnership between each university campus with local public high schools in their vicinity.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1923 (O'Connell-D) California State University, Channel Islands Site Authority
Creates the California State University (CSU), Channel Islands Site Authority to facilitate the conversion of the former Camarillo State Hospital to a CSU educational facility. Using tax increment financing, provides the Authority with an ongoing revenue stream to support the development of the Camarillo site.
Chapter 861, Statutes of 1998
SB 1925 (Burton-D) Higher education: hepatitis B
Requires the governing board of each community college district, the Trustees of the California State University, and the Regents of the University of California to require that first-time enrollees at those institutions who are 18 years of age, or younger, provide proof of full immunization against the hepatitis B virus prior to enrollment, but allows a person to be admitted without that proof, under certain conditions.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
SB 1990* (Polanco-D) Bonds: higher education
Enacts the Higher Education Facilities Bond Act of November 1998, which, if adopted, would authorize, for the purpose of financing the development of higher education facilities, the issuance of $3 billion in general obligation bonds. Provides for the submission of the bond act to the voters at the November 3, 1998, general election.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 2040 (Dills-D) Community colleges: stadium: capital improvements
Permits the capital construction plan to include plans to make capital improvements to a stadium facility of the community college district that has been determined to be unsafe. Permits the plan to be accompanied with an application for a grant of state funds to be used to make needed capital improvements to that stadium facility of the community college district.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 2064* (O'Connell-D) Student financial aid: Cal Grant Program
Makes statutory changes to the existing Cal Grant program and creates a new Cal Grant T program to provide 3,000 awards for students in teacher preparation programs.
Chapter 336, Statutes of 1998
SB 2068 (Vasconcellos-D) Master Plan for Service Learning
Requires the California Postsecondary Education Commission, in conjunction with the segments of public higher education, to develop a Master Plan for Service Learning.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 2200 (Lockyer-D) Student financial assistance
Establishes a pilot project to encourage high school students to perform community service and receive a redeemable scholarship for college. Establishes the CALServe Merit Scholarship Program as a pilot project in six counties from 1999-00 to 2004-05.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 2223 (Senate Health And Human Services Committee) University of California: learning disabilities center
Requests the establishment of an interdisciplinary research center within the University of California to develop interventions for the treatment and prevention of neurodevelopmental disorders.
Chapter 337, Statutes of 1998
SCA 7 (Hughes-D) University of California: student eligibility
Provides that students who rank in the upper 12.5% of their high school graduating class, as specified, are eligible for, and subject to, meeting reasonable eligibility requirements entitled to admission to the University of California.
(Died in Senate Constitutional Amendments Committee)
SCR 61 (Solis-D) College Awareness Month
Supports the actions of the California Education Round Table by proclaiming February, 1998, as California Awareness Month, and urges all Californians to encourage elementary and secondary school students to succeed in their academic endeavors so that they may earn a college education and contribute to the economic, social, and political future of California.
Resolution Chapter 4, Statutes of 1998
SCR 71 (Hughes-D) Postsecondary education
States legislative intent that the Regents of the University of California (UC) and the Trustees of the California State University (CSU) adopt a policy to ensure admission to UC and CSU of eligible community college transfer students, and report annually, as specified.
Resolution Chapter 94, Statutes of 1998
SCR 92 (Peace-D) Proposed Chula Vista site for UC campus
Endorses an estimated 1,100-acre site in the City of Chula Vista in San Diego as a possible future University of California campus.
Resolution Chapter 104, Statutes of 1998
SCR 93 (Burton-D) California universities & colleges: labor codes of conduct
Urges all California universities and colleges and the Association of Collegiate Licensing Officers to adopt labor codes of conduct that are at least as rigorous as those adopted by North Carolina's Duke University to ensure that university and college licensed merchandise is not made by sweatshops and exploited adult or child labor.
Resolution Chapter 132, Statutes of 1998
SR 31 (Solis-D) California State University, Los Angeles
Congratulates the California State University, Los Angeles, on its 50 years of progress and excellence in providing education, and commends it for being a model for education in the 21st Century.
Read and adopted
AB 13 (Firestone-R) Golden State Scholarshare Trust Act
Establishes the Golden State Scholarshare Trust Act, to be administered by the California Student Aid Commission, which would provide tax incentives for investors, primarily students and families, to save money to cover the costs of postsecondary education.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 264 (Baca-D) Community colleges: student representation fee
Establishes an allocation formula for the existing optional $1 per semester community college student representation fee. Provides that the student representation fee, if levied, be allocated as follows: 75% to the local student body association and 25% to the statewide student body association.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
AB 416 (Firestone-R) Proficiency examination
Requires the University of California and the California State University to develop a proficiency examination to measure a student's knowledge in English, mathematics, history and science. Requires all baccalaureate degree candidates, by January 1, 2000, to take, but not necessarily pass, the examination.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 419 (Baca-D) Community colleges: job training
Provides funding to enhance community college programs and services for welfare recipients in need of job training, support services, and job placement. Appropriates $41.9 million from the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families block grant.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 424 (Woods-R) Student aid: emancipated foster youth
Establishes a new student financial aid program which entitles emancipated foster youth to a college scholarship (in the form of a living stipend), which is renewable for up to three additional years.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 425 (Baldwin-R) Community college facilities: building standards
Allows the California Community Colleges to lease or purchase any off-site building that does not meet the requirements of the Field Act, if it meets several other conditions. Exempts individual board members and employees of a community college district from personal liability associated with facilities not being constructed to Field Act standards.
Chapter 610, Statutes of 1998
AB 521* (Lempert-D) California Community Colleges: admissions
Requires the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges (CCC) to adopt regulations to permit local CCC governing boards to allow electronic submission of applications. Clarifies the effective date for the $1 per unit fee reduction which was adopted by the Legislature pursuant to AB 1318 (Ducheny), Chapter 853, Statutes of 1998.
Chapter 238, Statutes of 1998
AB 678 (Aguiar-R) Community College Job Training Program
Creates the Community College Job Training Program to authorize community colleges, with the approval of the State Employment Development Department, to enter into agreements to establish projects and provide program services to an employer.
(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)
AB 908 (Martinez-D) Community colleges: salaries for academic employees
Requires the schedule of salaries to be paid that is printed by the governing boards of community college districts to be based on a uniform allowance for years of training and years of experience.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 954 (Martinez-D) Community colleges: temporary employees
Requires California Community College districts to offer preferential hiring by order of seniority to temporary faculty, as defined, who have served in each semester/quarter of the preceding four consecutive academic years.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1149 (Lempert-D) Postsecondary education: community colleges
Authorizes community colleges to offer contract education courses on worksite locations, and provides tax credits to taxpayers that make donations of qualified property or facilities, including state-of-the-art equipment, to a community college.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1162 (Migden-D) Community colleges
Establishes a statewide plan for the California Community Colleges (CCCs) to improve quality, access, and effectiveness and to accommodate an estimated two million students by the year 2005. Imposes a variety of requirements on the CCC Board of Governors toward meeting the objectives set forth in the plan.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1205 (Wright-D) Private postsecondary education
Makes clarifying changes to the Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education Reform Act format, and outlines externship requirements for pharmaceutical technicians.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1328 (Cardenas-D) Community college trustee areas
Requires the election of the Governing Board of the Los Angeles Community College District to change from at-large elections to elections by single-member trustee areas. Expands the membership of the Board from seven to nine, and requires the election of the Board to coincide with the statewide primary and general elections in even-numbered years.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
AB 1441* (Wayne-D) Personal income taxes: credits: university tuition or fees
Allows, under the Personal Income Tax Law, a credit in an amount not to exceed $750 for each taxable year for the tuition or fees paid or incurred for attendance by a taxpayer or the taxpayer's dependent child at a California State University or a University of California. Requires the attendee to transfer to the University from a community college in this state with at least 60 eligible units towards graduation.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1482* (Aroner-D) Community college districts: reorganization
Authorizes the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to impose specified conditions when approving or disapproving a proposal to form a new community college district.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
AB 1528* (Lempert-D) Higher education facilities
Enacts the Higher Education Technology and Facilities Bond Act of November 1988 which, if adopted, authorizes the issuance of state general obligation bonds for the purpose of funding aid to the University of California, the California State University, the California Community Colleges, and Hastings College of Law, when appropriated, for the construction of buildings, including new or renovated facilities, funding of the payment of preconstruction costs, and the renovation and reconstruction of facilities and the expansion and renovation of existing campuses and the development of new campuses.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1613* (Scott-D) Income taxes: education: tuition
Enacts the Hayden Education Affordability Act to conform state law with federal tax law that governs qualified state tuition programs and deductions for interest paid on education loans.
Chapter 792, Statutes of 1998
Similar legislation was AB 2108* (Kaloogian-R), which failed passage in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee.
AB 1647 (Scott-D) Dismissal of community college employees
Replaces "incompetency" with "unsatisfactory performance" as a cause to dismiss a community college employee.
Chapter 63, Statutes of 1998
AB 1714 (Wildman-D) Community colleges
States the intent of the Legislature to appropriate funds in the 1998 Budget Act to fund 5,000 newly-created California Community College faculty positions over a seven-year period.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1785 (Murray-D) Institute for the Preservation of Jazz
Extends the sunset date on the Institute for the Prevention of Jazz at Cal State Long Beach, from January 1, 1999, to January 1, 2003.
Chapter 508, Statutes of 1998
AB 1921 (Scott-D) Community colleges: real property
Authorizes the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to grant waivers of various Education Code provisions related to the sale and lease of property, and authorizes community college districts to pre-qualify bidders.
Chapter 657, Statutes of 1998
AB 1966 (Bustamante-D) Higher Education Partnership Act of 1999
Enacts the Higher Education Partnership Act of 1999 which makes a number of findings and declarations and imposes requirements related to funding, program quality and student enrollment at the University of California (UC) and the California State University (CSU), as specified. Becomes operative on July 1, 1999, and sunsets on June 30, 2003. Would not apply to UC unless the Regents adopted a resolution to do so.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2004 (Wright-D) Student Aid Commission: delinquencies: collection
Expands the notice and due process requirements for student loan debtors by modifying the procedures related to referral of delinquent student loans by the Student Aid Commission to the Franchise Tax Board for collection.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2005 (Migden-D) Community College Reinvestment and Reform Act of 1998
Enacts the Community College Reinvestment and Reform Act of 1998 to set forth a state plan for community colleges to provide an ongoing level of educational opportunity, to improve the competitiveness and quality of California's community college programs and services, to maintain and intensify the efficiency and productivity of the community colleges, and to expand the performance of the California Community Colleges with respect to critical student outcomes.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 2108* (Kaloogian-R) Income taxes: credits: schools
Conforms California law to the federal HOPE Scholarship credit contained in the federal 1997 Taxpayer Relief Act. Allows California taxpayers a Personal Income Tax Law credit of 100% on the first $1,000 of qualified tuition and fees and 50% on the next $1,000 of qualified tuition and fees for the first two years of postsecondary education.
(Failed passage in Assembly Revenue and Taxation)
AB 2130 (Takasugi-R) Higher education: hepatitis B
Requires the governing boards of the University of California, the California State University, and the California Community Colleges to require immunization against hepatitis B for all new students, who are 18 or younger, prior to their admission.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2214 (Aguiar-R) Community colleges: vocational and occupational training
Requires local community college governing boards to make copies of their job market studies and vocational program reviews available to the public.
Chapter 365, Statutes of 1998
AB 2298 (Woods-R) Student aid: emancipated foster youth
Provides higher education scholarships to former foster youth. Entitles foster youth to a scholarship, for up to six years after they emancipate from the foster care system, to attend college or vocational school as long as they meet specified criteria.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 2329 (Firestone-R) Community colleges: contracts
Allows the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to secure procurement contracts without going through the State Department of General Services process as other state agencies are required. Authorizes the board to broker, for a nominal fee, the procurement of materials, goods, hardware, and other electronic products and services on behalf of local colleges and/or local college districts. Requires the board to report to the Legislature by 2001 on the amount of contracts entered into by the board to gauge cost savings.
Chapter 1023, Statutes of 1998
AB 2398* (Ducheny-D) Community colleges: noncredit courses and classes
Requires that the apportionment rates for community college noncredit courses be increased, on a pro rata basis, with the $11 million appropriation contained in this bill. Appropriates $35 million to equalize the funding levels among community colleges.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2425 (Cedillo-D) California Community Colleges: Board of Governors
Provides that a classified employee be appointed by the Governor as a member of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2429 (Knox-D) Community colleges: work force training.
Creates a grant program for California Community College worksite-based training. The grant program focuses on two business sectors: 1) multimedia, biotechnology and high-technology industries, and 2) nursing. Appropriates $149,000.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2431 (Firestone-R) Distance learning: state policies
Codifies the state policy on distance learning and establishes the California Virtual University Matching Grant Program to provide matching grants and technical assistance to higher education institutions in order to assist them in developing and delivering on-line and other distance learning courses, programs, and related applications of technology.
(Died in Assembly Televising the Assembly and Information Technology Committee)
AB 2528 (Ducheny-D) California State Work-Study Program: job placement
Expands the existing California State Work-Study Program by establishing within it the Teaching Intern Program.
Chapter 546, Statutes of 1998
AB 2529 (Bustamante-D) Postsecondary education.
Exempts private postsecondary schools from the regulatory functions of the Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education Reform Act if they are accredited by commissions within the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.
(Failed passage in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 2554 (Murray-D) Postsecondary education: student transfer
Grants community college students who earn an associate of arts or an associate of science degree in liberal arts, and who meet transfer curriculum and grade point average requirements, the "highest priority" for admission to the University of California or California State University system.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2752 (Alquist-D) 21st Century Scholars Act of 1998
Establishes the 21st Century Scholars Act of 1998, to be administered by the Student Aid Commission and the California Postsecondary Education Commission, for the purpose of offering full two-year tuition scholarships at any public postsecondary academic institution within the state, for any student who meets specified requirements, including, but not limited to, achieving a cumulative high school grade point average of at least 3.0 and applying for admission to a public postsecondary institution of this state as a senior.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2794* (Assembly Budget Committee) Higher education: State Budget augmentations
Appropriates $440,000 for support of the following California State University (CSU) items: (1) $240,000 for development of a wireless multimedia communication system at the Pomona campus to serve as a model for commercial and private users and (2) $200,000 to the CSU: Ruben S. Ayala Water Resources Institute, Pfau Library, CSU San Bernardino-equipment, materials, and other start-up costs. Appropriates $900,000 from the Proposition 98 Reversion Account to the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges for allocation to the Rancho Santiago Community College District for the IDEA Institute in Santa Ana.
Chapter 1050, Statutes of 1998
AB 2797* (Cardoza-D) Income taxes: student loans
Conforms state law with federal law allowing the deduction of interest payment on student loans.
Chapter 322, Statutes of 1998
AB 2811 (Assembly Higher Education Committee) Education
Makes numerous technical, clarifying, and conforming changes to various codes relating to higher education.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 2812 (Assembly Higher Education Committee) Education: 1998 Higher Education Omnibus Act
Makes a variety of changes to existing provisions of law relating to the Student Aid Commission, the California Community Colleges, the California State University and the Golden State Scholarshare Program. This is the annual omnibus higher education bill.
Chapter 954, Statutes of 1998
ACR 14 (Ducheny-D) University of California Student Association
Commends the University of California Student Association on its 25th anniversary, and extends to the association a standing invitation to share its recommendations with members of the Legislature on issues affecting postsecondary education.
Resolution Chapter 5, Statutes of 1998
ACR 20 (Cardoza-D) University of California
Requests the president of the University of California to report to the Legislature by January 1, 1999, on the next steps that will be taken to develop the UC Merced campus, as specified.
Resolution Chapter 159, Statutes of 1998
ACR 81 (Scott-D) California State University: teacher preparation
Requests the California State University Trustees to report to the Legislature on the status of its teacher preparation programs, as specified.
Resolution Chapter 113, Statutes of 1998
ACR 122 (Gallegos-D) California State University, Los Angeles
Acknowledges the forum to be held on May 7, 1998, at the California State University, Los Angeles, to commemorate the contribution of the Chicano movement in advancing the civil and economic rights and opportunities of Chicano and other Latino Californians.
Resolution Chapter 57, Statutes of 1998
School Employees
SB 205 (Haynes-R) Education: Equality in English Instruction Act
Enacts the "Equality in English Instruction Act," and, in addition to other provisions, requires the State Department of Education to terminate the Proficiency in Standard English for Speakers of Black Language program.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 600 (Karnette-D) Commission on Teacher Credentialing: waivers
Prohibits, as of June 30, 1998, the State Commission on Teacher Credentialing from waiving teacher preparation requirements related to the state basic skills proficiency test or academic degree requirement.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee)
SB 710 (Dills-D) Driver education and training
Appropriates $125,000 from the Driver Training Penalty Assessment fund to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to fund model programs that help meet the requirements for the proper credential in driver education and training.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 793 (Dills-D) Teacher credentialing: driver education and training
Appropriates $62,500 from the Driver Training Penalty Assessment Fund to pay the half-year cost of a driver training consultant position in the State Department of Education. Specifies that future funding is to be made through the Budget Act.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1019 (Alpert-D) School employees: absences
Modifies the law relative to the two types of sick leave provided to certificated school employees (full-pay sick leave and differential pay sick leave). Conforms the law as it applies to certificated employees to classified employees.
Chapter 30, Statutes of 1998
SB 1112 (Solis-D) School crossing guards
Requires school districts to provide or employ for the safety of pupils at least one school crossing guard at each elementary school. Requires the city or county to reimburse the school district for the cost.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1193* (Peace-D) School finance: staff development
Repeals statutes that allows schools to conduct staff development in lieu of instruction (i.e., called "pupil-free days") for up to eight days per year and, instead, provides school districts incentive funding to offer three staff development days for teachers and one staff development day for classroom instructional employees.
Chapter 313, Statutes of 1998
SB 1337 (Solis-D) Certificated school employees: merit system
Makes numerous changes to laws governing certificated school employees in school districts that have adopted merit systems.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1368* (Brulte-R) Education finance: staff development
Repeals statutes that allow schools to conduct staff development in lieu of instruction on up to eight days per year, and, instead, offers school districts incentive funding to offer staff development for teachers on up to eight noninstructional days per year.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1474 (Karnette-D) School principal: qualifications and standard
Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to establish and convene a Committee on the Qualifications and Standards for principals, as specified.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1481 (Hughes-D) School district and community college employees
Establishes a process whereby employees of school districts and community college districts may request correction or deletion of a record in their personnel files, if the employee believes that it is inaccurate, irrelevant, untimely, or incomplete.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1486 (Rainey-R) State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits
Authorizes a retired member of the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), whose option beneficiary is not a current or former spouse, to cancel that option and designate a spouse as his/her new option beneficiary, as specified. Prohibits the member from electing a joint and survivor option that would result in any liability to the State Teachers' Retirement Fund.
Chapter 262, Statutes of 1998
SB 1528 (Schiff-D) State Teachers' Retirement System: health insurance
Requires the State Teacher's Retirement System (STRS) Board to conduct a study on providing health insurance benefits, including vision and dental care benefits, for STRS members, beneficiaries, children, and dependent parents.
Chapter 968, Statutes of 1998
SB 1564* (Schiff-D) Education Trailer Bill to the Budget Act of 1998
Is the 1998-99 Omnibus Education Trailer Bill. Makes necessary statutory changes to implement the Budget Act of 1998 relative to elementary and secondary education, community colleges, and the state's Proposition 98 obligation for prior fiscal years.
Chapter 330 - Item Vetoed
SB 1613 (Solis-D) Public school employees
Allows classified employees of school districts and community college districts to use sick leave and long term leave consecutively, instead of concurrently, as now required.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1753 (Schiff-D) Public retirement system governing boards
Prohibits the governing board of the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) or the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) from considering matters in closed session involving a vendor without prior disclosure of the vendor's gifts and campaign contributions. Requires investment decisions made in closed session to be made by roll call vote and disclosed within 12 months. Prohibits specified communications by the governing board members with financially interested persons during the contract awarding process. Prohibits specified communications by a financially interested person with board members on matters relating to the transaction or evaluation, without disclosing the communication to the executive officer and the board. Requires candidates for seats on the PERS governing board elected by system members to file campaign statements.
Chapter 923, Statutes of 1998
SB 1867 (Hughes-D) Teacher credentialing: basic skills proficiency test
Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to develop and report to the Legislature, by December 1, 1999, recommendations for alternate ways for teaching credential candidates to satisfy the state's requirement to demonstrate basic skills proficiency. Requires the CTC to report the passing rates for the state's basic skills proficiency test, as specified.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1912* (Schiff-D) School districts: staff development
Makes various adjustments to the Staff Development Buy-Out Program. Begins to phase out the use of instructional days for staff development.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1932 (Johnston-D) Teachers: Center for Educational Excellence
Appropriates $139,250 from the General Fund to the State Controller to be allocated to the Sacramento Unified School District for the purpose of having the Center for Educational Excellence develop materials and compile information, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1945 (Karnette-D) State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits
Repeals the current State Teacher's Retirement System (STRS) home loan program and establishes a new program that includes a 100% financing member home loan program to assist STRS members in obtaining homes in California. Requires the STRS Board to adopt regulations governing the new program.
Chapter 419, Statutes of 1998
SB 2042 (Alpert-D) Teacher credentialing
Makes a variety of changes to the laws governing the qualifications and processes for obtaining a California teaching credential. Enacts the recommendations of a Commission on Teacher Credentialing advisory panel to restructure the recruitment and training of teachers.
Chapter 548, Statutes of 1998
SB 2047 (Lewis-R) State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits
Establishes a new joint and survivor option in the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), effective January 1, 2000, and permits certain STRS retirees who elected an option to return to an unmodified allowance under certain circumstances.
Chapter 349, Statutes of 1998
SB 2085 (Burton-D) State Teachers' Retirement System Cash Balance Plan
Merges the Cash Balance Plan and the Defined Benefit Plan within the State Teachers' Retirement System into a single plan for administrative purposes.
Chapter 1048, Statutes of 1998
SB 2126 (Senate Public Employment And Retirement Committee) State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits
Makes various changes regarding the purchase of service credit under the Teachers' Retirement Law and permits the State Teachers' Retirement System to issue credit enhancement to employing agencies, including school districts.
Chapter 1076, Statutes of 1998
SB 2178 (Watson-D) School employees
Provides for various substantive and nonsubstantive changes to the Education Code related to personnel actions and local personnel commissions which govern the employment of classified school employees.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 2224 (Alpert-D) State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits
Permits State Teachers' Retirement System members who retired prior to January 1, 1991, and selected a retirement option providing surviving beneficiary benefits and the beneficiary died before 1995, to receive a full retirement allowance if that allowance is greater than the one the retiree is currently receiving.
Chapter 832, Statutes of 1998
AB 88 (Baca-D) STRS: Rule of 85 service retirement plan
Permits local school districts and community college districts to adopt an additional early retirement option ("Rule of 85") for their teachers.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 285 (Honda-D) Teacher training: domestic violence and sexual assault
Establishes various requirements for teacher training and distribution of information to school districts and county offices of education relative to domestic violence and sexual assault. Appropriates $60,000.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 373 (Morrissey-R) School employees retirement
Authorizes the State Teachers' Retirement System to exempt retirees who retired under "Golden Handshake" provisions from the current earnings limitation if they return to work under specified circumstances.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 496 (Lempert-D) California Mathematics Initiative for Teaching
Establishes the California Mathematics Initiative for Teaching, a program administered by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to provide grants to local education agencies for the purpose of increasing the number of teachers who are certified to teach mathematics. Sunsets on June 30, 2004. Requires the CTC to establish standards for supplementary authorizations in mathematics. Appropriates $1,580,000.
Chapter 545, Statutes of 1998
AB 538 (House-R) Classified school employees
Requires persons employed by school districts for the purposes of providing American Sign Language/English interpreting to hold specified certificates or meet specified standards.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 621 (Lempert-D) Class size reduction
Creates the California Paraprofessional and Career Ladder Program to provide grants to school districts for the recruitment and training of paraprofessional employees.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 628 (Strom-Martin-D) Education: independent teacher licensure agency: study
Creates a blue-ribbon commission to review the concept of the privatization of functions currently performed by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 671 (Honda-D) Education: Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Authorizes the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to also disclose the last known business telephone number of an applicant for a credential or a credential holder.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 858 (Davis-D) Certification program
Provides that out-of-state teachers who are certified by the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) are eligible to teach in California. Provides specific recognition through incentives and reciprocity for those teachers who become certified by NBPTS.
Chapter 331, Statutes of 1998
AB 860 (Ducheny-D) Teacher preparation
Establishes the Comprehensive Teacher Preparation and Education Program for the purpose of continuing to encourage collaborative efforts between institutions of higher education and school districts in the preparation of teachers.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 884 (Honda-D) School employees: retirement
Provides that the 2% annual improvement factor (COLA) for the State Teachers' Retirement System Defined Benefit Plan be compounded, effective September 1, 1999. Specifies that it is not applicable to annuities payable from the accumulated annuity deposit contributions or the accumulated tax-sheltered annuity contributions.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1024 (Davis-D) Credentialing and curriculum: dance and theater
Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to adopt regulations that provide for the acquisition of significant preparation in teaching dance or theater, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1102 (Knox-D) Public employees retirement: sick leave
Provides that school employees covered by the Public Employees' Retirement System and by the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), may receive credit for unused sick leave for those who retire on or after January 1, 1999, and provides additional new benefits for STRS members that will be funded, as specified in AB 2804 (Assembly Public Employment, Retirement and Social Security Committee).
Chapter 1006, Statutes of 1998
AB 1150 (Prenter-R) State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits
Changes the retirement allowance for members of the State Teachers' Retirement System from the current benefit factor of 2% at age 60, by increasing the benefit factor incrementally up to 2.4% at age 63.
Chapter 966, Statutes of 1998
AB 1166 (House-R) Public employees: retirement
Is an omnibus technical retirement bill which includes changes to both the Public Employees' Retirement System and the State Teachers's Retirement Law.
Chapter 678, Statutes of 1998
AB 1331 (Alquist-D) Mathematics education
Establishes a grant program, administered by the State Department of Education, for school districts and county offices of education to provide staff development for teachers of mathematics in grades four through 12.
Chapter 315, Statutes of 1998
AB 1339 (Knox-D) Education Technology Staff Development Program
Establishes the Education Technology Staff Development Program which requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to allocate, on a per pupil (in grades four through eight) basis, funds to be used by districts for in-service training of all school employees who instruct pupils in those grades. Reappropriates Budget Act of 1998 funds appropriated for education technology school district grants through the Morgan-Farr-Quackenbush Educational Technology Act of 1992.
Chapter 844, Statutes of 1998
AB 1392 (Scott-D) School employees
Applies prohibitions against public schools hiring people convicted of specified crimes to private schools. Prohibits the above individuals from owning and/or operating a private school.
Chapter 594, Statutes of 1998
AB 1421 (Lempert-D) Public employee retirement
Revises the State Public Employees' Retirement Law and the State Teachers' Retirement Law to allow a nonmember spouse to have his/her retirement allowance, under a community property settlement where separate retirement accounts are established, based on the member's compensation for the last 12- or 36-month period prior to the effective date of the nonmember's retirement, rather than the 12- or 36-month period prior to the date of dissolution of marriage or legal separation. Provides that the nonmember may specify a period of final compensation earlier than the immediately preceding 12- or 36-month period to prevent losing his/her retirement allowance if the member retires before the nonmember.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1620* (Scott-D) Education: teacher credentialing
Establishes new standards and procedures, as specified, for the issuance of California teaching credentials to out-of-state credentialed teachers. Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to initiate reciprocity negotiations with those states having comparable and equivalent standards to those of California. Appropriates $90,000 from the Teacher Credentials Fund for 1998-99 for the CTC to conduct a specified review of other states' teacher credentialing standards to determine if such standards are comparable and equivalent to California.
Chapter 547, Statutes of 1998
AB 1649 (Wayne-D) Education: employees of reorganized school districts
Specifies the rights of classified employees when school districts reorganize or unify.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1713* (Cunneen-R) Taxes: credits: volunteer teachers: education classes
Authorizes a tax credit equal to 50% of qualified expenses, as defined, in connection with lending qualified employees (i.e., employees whose employment specialty includes math or science) to community colleges and vocational institutions in California for the purpose of teaching math or science, only if the teaching is certified by the institution receiving the services. Authorizes a tax credit equal to 50% of qualified expenses, as defined, in connection with allowing a public school teacher to attend an employer-sponsored education class by using an open enrollment space.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1744 (Knox-D) Public employee retirement system investments
Prohibits the State Public Employees' Retirement System and the State Teachers' Retirement System from investing trust funds in tobacco companies (i.e., business entities with more than 10% of gross revenue from tobacco products, more than 10% of its personnel involved in tobacco products, or more than 10% of business activities in tobacco products).
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1804 (Havice-D) Criminal history information: school volunteers
Requires that school volunteers submit to a fingerprint-based check for criminal background before they are allowed to work with pupils in an unsupervised setting.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1805 (Bowler-R) Education: AIDS prevention instruction
Requires that adequately trained instructors providing AIDS prevention instruction be licensed health professionals or holders of teaching credentials.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1852 (Pacheco-R) Teacher credentialing: fees
Transfers from the director of the State Department of Finance to the State Commission on Teacher Credentialing the responsibility to annually recommend to the Legislature, as specified, the level for specified out-of-state teacher credential fees.
Chapter 152, Statutes of 1998
AB 1932 (Mazzoni-D) Technology Leadership Demonstration Loan Program
Creates the Technology Leadership Demonstration Loan Program for the purpose of enhancing and improving the use of education technology in California schools by finding and supporting innovative and effective ways to promote staff development.
(Died in Assembly Televising the Assembly and Information Technology Committee)
AB 1936 (Honda-D) Middle School Core Subject Teacher Support Program
Establishes the Middle School Core Subject Teacher Support Program to provide 60 hours of in-service training for teachers in the core curriculum.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2015 (Wright-D) School districts: teacher assignment
Requires school districts to perform an analysis, prepare a report, and hold a hearing on the distribution of classroom teachers among schoolsites to determine if there is any unjustifiable distribution of credentialed and experienced teachers. Requires school districts to make all reasonable efforts to ensure justifiable distribution.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2058 (Knox-D) Education Technology Staff Development Program
Creates a grant program to local education agencies for the purpose of staff development for education technology.
(Died in Assembly Televising the Assembly and Information Technology Committee)
AB 2102* (Alby-R) School employees
Carries a number of technical and substantive revisions to the school employee fingerprint checking requirements and hiring restrictions established last year by AB 1610 and AB 1612 (Alby and Ortiz). Modifies the conditions under which criminal offenses disqualify persons from school-related employment, the persons who must undergo criminal background checks, the manner, timing and procedure for obtaining information related to background checks, and makes other changes to the Education Code.
Chapter 840, Statutes of 1998
AB 2233 (Honda-D) Teacher credentialing
Gradually narrows number and type of circumstances under which the Commission on Teacher Credentialing may grant waivers to districts from teacher credentialing requirements.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2380 (Frusetta-R) Public schools: instruction time: staff development
Deletes current statutory provisions authorizing the use of up to eight instructional days of the school year for staff development. Deletes the current Staff Development Buy-Out (SDB) Program, and replaces it with the Instructional Time and Staff Development Reform Program (SDR). The SDR program proposed by this bill substantially resembles the current SDB program, except that it also requires teachers to be present for the full day of training.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2409 (Shelley-D) Classified school employees
Allows part-time playground positions to be part of the classified service when the employee in the position also works in the same school district in another classified position.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2442 (Mazzoni-D) Standards-based Mathematics Staff Development Act of 1998
Creates a grant program administered by the State Department of Education to pay costs for teachers of pupils in grades four through 12 to take mathematics at an accredited institution of higher education in California.
Chapter 316, Statutes of 1998
AB 2447* (Campbell-R) School employees
Provides that a school district may hire a person before a background check is complete if the person will not have contact with pupils or who is hired on an emergency basis.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2489 (Mazzoni-D) Teacher salaries
Enacts the School District Salary Schedule Innovation Project. Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to provide grants (of an unspecified amount) to participating school districts that develop innovative salary schedules that result in higher student achievement and improved teachers' skills.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2616 (Prenter-R) State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits
Increases the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) benefit factor of 2% at age 60 to 2.41% at age 63, as specified. Excludes state employees who are STRS members from this benefit factor increase. Contains legislative findings and declarations relating to the need to attract and retain experienced teachers and the state's ability to fund STRS benefit increases.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2637 (Mazzoni-D) Teachers
Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, as part of their normal revision cycle, to (1) review specified requirements for teacher credential candidates as they relate to developmentally appropriate teaching methods for K-3 pupils, and (2) report its recommended revisions to the Legislature by January 1, 2001.
Chapter 807, Statutes of 1998
AB 2647 (Pacheco-R) Employees: notice of intent to remain in service
Requires certificated employees of year-round schools to notify the school district, by June 1, of their intent to remain or not to remain working in the district the following year, if the district requests, by April 30 of that year, that employees give such notice.
Chapter 533, Statutes of 1998
AB 2730 (Mazzoni-D) Teacher credentialing
Appropriates $300,000 one-time to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to conduct a three-year accreditation pilot of nontraditional teacher preparation programs, defined as programs which offer coursework at locations that are distant from the institution's home campus.
Chapter 544, Statutes of 1998
AB 2735* (Cardenas-D) Tax credit: volunteer time
Allows a $100 credit for taxpayers who volunteer a minimum of 40 hours in a public elementary school or secondary school that is attended by the taxpayer's child or children.
(Failed passage in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 2741 (Miller-R) 1998 CA High School Coaching Education & Training Program
States legislative intent to create the 1998 California High School Coaching Education and Training Program. Authorizes a training program for athletic coaches, supported by matching grants that are administered by the State Department of Education and a panel, with specified membership, convened by the California Interscholastic Federation.
Chapter 744, Statutes of 1998
AB 2748 (Mazzoni-D) Teaching credentials
Requires, beginning January 1, 2000, an applicant for a specialist teaching credential in special education to demonstrate that he or she has passed the reading instruction competence assessment.
Chapter 303, Statutes of 1998
AB 2765 (Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee) State Teachers' Retirement System
Makes technical and conforming changes related to the merger of the State Teachers' Retirement System's Defined Benefit Plan and Cash Balance Plan.
Chapter 965, Statutes of 1998
AB 2766 (Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee) State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits
Requires allowances paid to members of the State Teachers' Retirement System, who were employed by the Los Angeles Unified School District and whose salary range was reduced during a specified period, to be adjusted utilizing a higher final compensation.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2768 (Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee) State Teachers' Retirement System: board
Changes the status of four members of the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) Board from being appointed by the Governor to being elected by the members of specified STRS constituent groups: two active members of the system, one community college instructor, and one retired STRS member.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2804* (Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee) Public retirement systems: benefits
Makes various changes regarding the General Fund payments to the Teachers' Retirement Fund that will generate General Fund savings of $1.4 billion over the next seven years and allow for increases in retirement benefits for California's teachers.
Chapter 967, Statutes of 1998
ACA 7 (Honda-D) Public schools: school boards
Enacts the School Board Bill of Rights, and declares that the governing board of a school district is the cornerstone of the state's system of public education. Provides that each local school board possesses the inherent authority to determine the most effective method of teaching its pupils and that the state may not impose, on a statewide basis, a uniform method of teaching that denies a school district the right to select methodologies addressing the specific needs of its pupils. Requires that the state provide local school boards with the technical support required to test or assess new teaching methodologies.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
ACR 81 (Scott-D) California State University: teacher preparation
Requests the California State University Trustees to provide the Legislature a report, by January 30, 1999, on their efforts to increase the capacity of its teacher preparation programs.
Resolution Chapter 113, Statutes of 1998
AJR 63 (Prenter-R) Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve
Memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to approve the appropriation of specified funds from the sale of the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for the benefit of retired members of the State Teachers' Retirement System.
Resolution Chapter 82, Statutes of 1998
SB 129 (Ayala-D) School districts: pupils: unexcused absences
Revises the definition of a truant and requires school districts to provide notification of truancy to parents within five days of a pupil's classification as a truant.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 194 (Alpert-D) Education: high school graduation requirements
Establishes new course requirements for the receipt of a high school diploma, commencing with the graduating class of the 2007-08 school year. Includes a fourth year of English, specifies that the existing mathematics requirement include two courses chosen from algebra, geometry or trigonometry, and that the existing science requirement be laboratory science.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 205 (Haynes-R) Education: Equality in English Instruction Act
Enacts the "Equality in English Instruction Act" and expresses the finding and declaration of the Legislature that English-speaking pupils are deprived of equal access to education in California when their teacher does not have the necessary language skills to understand English-speaking students and to serve as a model for appropriate English.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 208 (Greene-D) County community schools
Provides that a county board of education may establish and maintain one or more community schools within its territorial boundaries.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 305 (Sher-D) Education: school nurses
Requires schools to notify parents and guardians if they do not have a minimum level of nursing services.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 345* (Polanco-D) Indian education centers
Re-enacts and recasts the provisions of law relative to Indian Education Centers, which sunsetted on January 1, 1997.
Chapter 1040, Statutes of 1998
SB 356* (Rainey-R) Literacy
Creates the State Literacy Resource Center, a multi-agency collaboration for the improvement of literacy research, staff development, resource sharing, and information dissemination. Creates a Literacy Council for oversight purposes.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 409 (Alpert-D) Libraries
Builds upon and replaces the public library network that was established by the California Library Services Act (1977) with an expanded multi-type library network to be known as The Library of California. Appropriates $5 million from the General Fund.
Chapter 948, Statutes of 1998
SB 534 (Karnette-D) Teen pregnancy prevention
Creates the Karnette Teen Abstinence Education Act to implement the abstinence education provision of the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996. Requires the State Department of Education to contract with a state agency, including any public institution of higher education, to develop two videotapes and supplemental teaching materials on the prevention of teen pregnancy.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 613 (Polanco-D) Polanco Education Technology Act of 1997
Repeals the Morgan-Farr-Quackenbush Education Technology Act of 1992, which sunsets June 30, 1998, and enacts, in its place, the Polanco Education Technology Act of 1997. Requires the Legislative Analyst to evaluate the effectiveness of the program by February 2002, and repeals the Act as of June 30, 2003.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 652 (Dills-D) Driver training
Repeals the law which limits funds expended for driver training to the amounts appropriated in the annual Budget Act and, instead, creates an annual statutory appropriation of all Driver Training Penalty Assessment Fund moneys to the State Department of Education for driver training and education in the public schools.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 838 (Solis-D) Pupil instruction
Requires school districts and county superintendents of schools to provide a course in parenting education required to be taken by all pregnant pupils and known prospective fathers.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 893 (Lee-D) Education: minimum age of compulsory school attendance
Lowers the age of compulsory education from six to five years of age and mandates the admission of children to kindergarten.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 895 (Lee-D) Grants for Improvement of Pupil Achievement
Creates a program to provide grants to school districts with low performing schools, as defined, for the improvement of pupil achievement.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 896 (Alpert-D) Physical education in public schools
States legislative intent to encourage school district governing boards to consider the physical education curriculum framework and other information in adopting and implementing district physical education programs, and requires the compilation of data on the results of district-administered pupil physical performance tests, to the extent that funding is available.
Chapter 1066, Statutes of 1998
SB 897 (Lee-D) Education: pregnant minors programs
Annually adjusts allocations to the statewide average for county superintendents of schools that operate Pregnant Minor Programs that currently receive less than average allocations.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 898 (Lee-D) School curriculum: labor history
Expresses the intent of the Legislature that pupils in K-12 education have instruction in labor history.
(Died in Assembly awaiting assignment to committee)
SB 899 (Lee-D) Truancy: attendance accounting
States the intent of the Legislature to implement a model regional truancy prevention project, the School's In Today program, that would allow flexibility in attendance accounting. Allows a pupil enrolled in the School's In Today model truancy project to be deemed to be present for the entire school day unless he or she is absent for the entire schoolcday for purposes of calculating days of attendance in order to compute any apportionment of state funding.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 900 (Lee-D) Education reform
Expresses legislative findings and declarations regarding African American male pupils in the public schools
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 938 (Polanco-D) Citizenship assistance
Appropriates funding for the Citizenship Assistance project ($70 million), including funds to the State Department of Education for adult education ($30 million).
(Died in Assembly Budget Committee)
SB 986 (Wright-R) Adult education
Authorizes school districts to contract with a private company or corporation to conduct adult education programs under specified conditions.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1064 (Johnston-D) Education: pregnant and parenting pupils
Repeals current law concerning programs for pregnant and parenting minors and replaces those provisions with a new program to be known as the California School Age Families Education Program, or Cal-SAFE program.
Chapter 1078, Statutes of 1998
SB 1110 (Leslie-R) Education
Requires written notification to be sent to the parent or guardian of a pupil at the beginning of the school year, upon enrollment, or ten to 15 days prior, for any course or instruction on family life, sexuality, sexually transmitted diseases, or AIDS. Requires an alternative education activity to be made available to the pupil if the pupil's parent or guardian declines to permit the pupil to receive such instruction.
Chapter 403, Statutes of 1998
SB 1348 (Senate Business And Professions Committee) Schools: tobacco advertising
Provides for civil penalties for advertising tobacco products within 1,000 feet of a school or playground. Reinstates the provisions of AB 752 of 1997, which were chaptered out by SB 68 of 1997.
Chapter 790, Statutes of 1998
SB 1389 (Craven-R) Public school libraries: income taxes
Extends, until January 1, 2004, the statutory authorization of the existing Public School Library Protection Fund, an income tax check-off, if the check-off receives $250,000 in annual contributions.
Chapter 665, Statutes of 1998
SB 1396 (Knight-R) Pupil instruction: motion picture
Requires school districts to notify parents, in writing, if a commercially released motion picture will be viewed by a public middle, junior or high school class. Parents would be provided the opportunity to request, in writing, that their child be excused from seeing the film; schools, then, would be required to provide an alternative educational activity for the student.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1427 (Rainey-R) Pupil expulsion
Allows school district governing boards more time (i.e., up to 20 more weekdays) to hold expulsion hearings during the summer recess, under specified circumstances.
Chapter 489, Statutes of 1998
SB 1448 (Knight-R) School: attendance
Extends the sunset of the "districts of choice" law that allows pupils to attend school in a district, other than their district of residence, under specific conditions. Repeal of the "districts of choice" law is put off from January 1, 2001 to January 1, 2006.
(Died at Senate Desk)
SB 1456* (Alpert-D) Improvement of pupil academic achievement
Expresses that it is the intent of the Legislature to enact a voluntary intervention program for school accountability commencing with the 1998-99 school year.
(Died on Assembly Inactive)
SB 1490 (Greene-D) Pupils: testing
Prohibits K-12 school districts from using any standardized or criterion referenced test as the sole determining factor in a decision to retain a pupil in his or her current grade level.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1507* (Wright-R) Oxnard Union High School District
Makes a declaration of existing law to allow the Oxnard Union High School District to require certain pupils to attend a summer school program.
(Died on Assembly Inactive)
SB 1559* (Johnston-D) Job training
Makes changes to the education and job training report card developed by the State Job Training Coordinating Council to clarify the programs and trainees to be measured.
Chapter 874, Statutes of 1998
SB 1561 (Leslie-R) Public School Accountability Act of 1998
Creates the Public Schools Accountability Act of 1998. Implements the program in two phases: (a) The Immediate Short Term Voluntary Intervention Program, and (b) the beginning of the Long Term Public Schools Accountability System. Appropriates $50 million.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1619 (Haynes-R) Environmental impact reports: public schools
Exempts from CEQA the construction, conversion, or use of a school or any building of a community college, the California State University (CSU), or the University of California (UC) in an "urbanized area" if certain requirements are met.
(Failed passage in Senate Environmental Quality)
SB 1629 (Knight-R) Year-Round School Grant Program
Modifies the Year-Round Incentive Grant program to allow a district to use the K-3 Class Size Reduction (CSR) Option 1 requirements as part of its calculations to receive the incentive grant.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1646 (Ayala-D) High school athletic injuries
Provides for a study of pupil injuries from participation in high school athletic events.
Chapter 940, Statutes of 1998
SB 1652 (Kopp-I) Santa Paula Union High School Public Library District
Specifies that persons elected to the board of trustees of the Santa Paula Union High School Public Library District in 1997 are to hold office for a term of five years, and changes the year the term expires for each member of the board of trustees.
Chapter 829, Statutes of 1998
SB 1656 (Polanco-D) State and local government finance
Among other provisions, appropriates $3 million from the General Fund to the California Arts Council in augmentation of specified items in the Budget Act of 1998 relating to the council.
(Died on Assembly Third Reading File)
SB 1666 (Solis-D) Student Opportunity and Access Program
Repeals the sunset date for the California Student Opportunity and Access Program (Cal-SOAP) and makes other technical changes to the program.
Chapter 626, Statutes of 1998
SB 1677 (Lee-D) Truancy: attendance accounting
Creates a Truancy Prevention Model Pilot Program in Alameda and Contra Costa counties, to be administered jointly by the county offices of education of the two counties. Appropriates $5 million for the 1999-2000 fiscal year for allocation by the State Department of Education to the county offices. Specifies that the county boards of education in the two counties are to administer grants to school districts and coordinate the program.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1681 (Karnette-D) Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District
Makes the area of Eastview in Los Angeles County an "optional attendance area," which allows residents to send children to the school district of their choice, as specified.
Chapter 868, Statutes of 1998
SB 1686 (Solis-D) Special education
Makes a number of technical changes to existing law concerning special education in order to conform state law to the latest federal authorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Act.
Chapter 691, Statutes of 1998
SB 1701 (Schiff-D) Juveniles: employment training program
Expands vocational educational opportunities for teens in CalWORKs, in independent study or in continuation school, or in the California Youth Authority (CYA).
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1708 (Hayden-D) Full service schools: task force
Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to appoint and convene a task force on "full service schools," as specified, with particular focus on Los Angeles.
(Died in Senate Education Committee - subject sent to interim study)
SB 1761 (Haynes-R) Education Empowerment Act
Enacts the Educational Empowerment Act prohibiting various activities, reserving certain functions to the Legislature and granting particular rights to parents and public school teachers.
(Failed passage in Senate Education)
SB 1774 (Rainey-R) Vocational education
Requires the Legislative Analyst to determine whether the State Department of Education is complying with its duties related to federal vocational education funds.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations)
SB 1821 (Watson-D) Tobacco use prevention: students
Requires the State Department of Education to develop a competitive grants program to support anti-smoking activities in middle schools and junior high schools. Authorizes the transfer of $531,000 from the local assistance account in the 1988 Budget Act to cover the state administrative cost of reviewing and awarding the grants.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1832 (Kelley-R) Home economics careers and technology vocational education
Establishes an incentive grant program for schools to establish and expand instructional programs in home economics careers and technology vocational education.
Chapter 810, Statutes of 1998
SB 1894 (Hurtt-R) Pupils: reporting crimes
Requires the principal of a school, or his or her designee, to notify the appropriate law enforcement authorities of the county or city in which the school is situated within 24 hours of any act of a pupil which involves the possession or sale of narcotics or of a controlled substance or a violation of the Gun-Free School Zone Act of 1995.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1906 (Haynes-R) English Proficiency in Public Education Act
Enacts the "English Proficiency in Public Education Act," and delineates various requirements for its implementation and enforcement.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1919 (Karnette-D) Education: ethics and civic values
Re-enacts the Ethics and Civic Values in the Schools program, which was repealed on January 1, 1998. Requires the governing board of each school district to adopt an honesty policy for students.
(Died in Senate Appropriations)
SB 1942 (Sher-D) School districts: integrated pest management practices
Requires the State Department of Education to develop and publish a handbook for use by school districts on pest management practices that minimize pesticide exposure to people and the environment.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1963 (Vasconcellos-D) School accountability and accreditation
Expresses legislative intent to improve pupil achievement and increase accountability through the establishment of an accreditation process and evaluation for all public schools, districts and county offices of education.
(Died on Senate Unfinished Business File)
SB 1972 (O'Connell-D) Learning disabilities
Requires every school district to test every pupil in grade one to determine which pupils have the potential to develop learning disability problems.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)
SB 1996* (Hurtt-R) Income taxes: deduction: education loans
Conforms state tax law to 1997 changes in federal law which permit the deduction of interest paid on student loans (even for those who take the standard deduction), up to specified amounts, for taxpayers whose income is below specified levels.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 2026* (Rainey-R) California Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act
Enacts the California Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act of 1998, which, upon the approval of the electorate, would authorize the issuance of an unspecified amount of general obligation bonds to finance library construction and renovations.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 2053 (Wright-R) Instructional materials
Provides that in addition to the materials made available by the State Department of Education relative to the internment of persons of Japanese origin during World War II and of the Armenian genocide, the department shall also make available films and videotapes that give an historically accurate depiction of the World War II internment, relocation, and restriction of persons of Italian origin.
Chapter 130, Statutes of 1998
SB 2065 (Greene-D) Secondary education master plan
Establishes the Commission for the Development of a Secondary Education Master Plan which would be required to develop, complete, and submit to the education committees of both houses of the Legislature, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the Governor, a California Master Plan for Secondary Education by January 1, 2001.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 2122 (Lee-D) Elementary and secondary school counseling
Allows any school district to develop a phased in plan for comprehensive pupil counseling and requires the State Board of Education, subject to availability of funds, to award a grant to eligible school districts to implement the plan.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 2138 (Vasconcellos-D) Parenting education
Requires all pupils in grades nine to 12 to receive parenting education and requires the development of a statewide master plan for parenting education in nonschool settings.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 2176 (Lockyer-D) Civil rights: education
Requires the Civil Rights Enforcement Unit of the State Department of Justice to investigate, and, if verified, prosecute complaints of violations of any statute, regulation, or constitutional provision that prohibits discriminating priorities with regard to activities relating to employment, education, or business practices.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 2211 (Maddy-R) School districts: reorganization
Authorizes the inclusion in plans and recommendations for the reorganization of school districts a requirement that a new unified school district continue in enrollment pupils currently attending schools within the proposed boundaries of the new unified school district but who would not reside within the boundaries of the new unified school district and permit their siblings to enroll in the new unified school district.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SCA 22 (Greene-D) Superintendent of Public Instruction
Eliminates, as of January 1, 2002, references in the California Constitution to the Office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Requires, as of January 1, 2002, the State Board of Education to appoint an executive director of the board who would also serve as the director of the State Department of Education.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SCA 23 (Greene-D) State Board of Education
Eliminates as of January 1, 2002, provisions concerning the State Board of Education and, instead, would provide for the establishment by the Legislature of the State Advisory Board on Education, to be an advisory body to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Requires, as of January 1, 2002, the Legislature to provide for the adoption of textbooks for use in grades one to eight, inclusive, to be furnished without cost as provided by statute.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SCA 24 (Greene-D) Superintendent of Public Instruction
Amends as of January 1, 2002, the California Constitution to eliminate the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Provides instead for a Secretary of Education to be appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by the Senate, to serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Secretary of Education would be the Director of the State Department of Education.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SCR 66 (Lockyer-D) School administrators
Recognizes the week of March 1 through 7, 1998, as Week of the School Administrator.
Resolution Chapter 13, Statutes of 1998
AB 17 (Cardoza-D) Pupil discipline
Allows school districts to count the number of days that a student was suspended in another district toward the statutory limit on the number of days that the student may be suspended in a school year.
Chapter 527, Statutes of 1998
AB 25 (Pringle-R) Education: opportunity scholarships
Creates a voucher system (opportunity scholarships) for students to attend public or private schools.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 31 (Aguiar-R) Educational technology
Expresses legislative intent to enact an Educational Technology Act and form a task force to identify options to make classrooms computer accessible and to obtain computer equipment.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 85 (Runner-R) Pupils: age of admission
Moves up the dates by which a child must be the appropriate age in order to enroll in specified grades, and holds districts harmless for any loss of revenues related to this change.
(Failed in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 101 (Kuehl-D) Education: sexual orientation: nondiscrimination
Expands, by the Dignity for All Students Act, the scope of all non-discrimination statutes applying to public educational institutions to include sexual orientation.
(Failed passage on Assembly Floor)
AB 142* (Brown-D) School districts
Makes technical adjustments to school district equalization formulas to help specified school districts, and temporarily extends a deadline for submitting boundary change information for specified districts.
Chapter 1, Statutes of 1998
AB 189 (Brown-D) School districts
Requires local school district governing boards to offer graduation credit for community service and to offer service learning opportunities, as defined, as an alternative means of satisfying any course requirement for graduation.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 288 (Leonard-R) California Educational Research Institute
Creates a non-partisan body, the California Educational Research Institute, which will be required to conduct research into and review existing educational methodologies, review textbook adoption processes from the context of the institute's findings, and carry out additional research as directed and funded by the Legislature.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 336* (Miller-R) Income taxes: credits: educational expenses
Authorizes, under the Personal Income Tax Law, credentialed, full-time teachers at public K-12 educational institutions to claim a 100% tax credit for unreimbursed qualifying classroom educational expenditures not to exceed $500 for each tax year beginning on or after January 1, 1997, and ending before January 1, 2002.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 385 (Goldsmith-R) Home rule districts
Permits the creation of "home rule" school districts governed by district-wide charters which apply to all of the district's schools and which are established under procedures similar to the creation of charter schools.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
AB 401 (Kuykendall-R) Palos Verdes Peninsula School District
Reorganizes a part of the Los Angeles Unified School District. Provides that, notwithstanding existing law pertaining to the reorganization of school districts, the area of Eastview in Los Angeles County, which is currently part of the Los Angeles Unified School District, shall be transferred to, and become a part of, the Palos Verdes Peninsula School District.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 499 (Kuykendall-R) Education: diversity in education: sex equity in education
Consolidates and standardizes the non-discrimination language in the Education Code into two chapters, one for K-12 and another chapter for higher education. Also requires a 90-135 days cooling off period prior to the pursuit of civil litigation other than injunctive relief.
Chapter 914, Statutes of 1998
AB 598* (Davis-D) Special education
Makes numerous technical and conforming amendments to existing provisions of law to implement the revision and equalization of special education funding formulas that was enacted last year by Chapter 854, Statutes of 1997 (AB 602).
Chapter 89, Statutes of 1998
AB 733 (Washington-D) Environmental hazards: conservation education
Adds a hazardous materials health and safety education program to those entities that may apply to the Conservation Education Service for planning and implementation grants for purposes of conservation education.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials)
AB 814 (Baldwin-R) Education: scholarships for low-performing pupils
Provides opportunity scholarships to low-performing pupils.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 828 (Aroner-D) Child care
Allows school-based extended day programs to serve children, older than four years, nine months, who are not enrolled in that particular school, provided the enrollment of the extended day program does not exceed the enrollment at the school during the regular school day.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 859 (Pringle-R) Instructional materials
Allows unpaid volunteers to perform capital maintenance projects in school districts.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 862* (Ducheny-D) School libraries
Creates the California Public School Library Act of 1998, which is to be administered by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, for the purpose of providing funding to school districts to purchase library resources, including books, periodicals, microfilms, computer software, CD ROM's and other resources.
Chapter 332, Statutes of 1998
AB 863 (Pringle-R) Reading Remediation: second grade pupils
Creates the Summer Reading Redemption Pilot Program for Second Grade Pupils, to test the potential of requiring all pupils who, at the end of the second grade are at least one year behind grade level, to take summer or Saturday school.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 876 (Miller-R) 1997 California Coaching Education Incentive Grant Program
Creates the California Coaching Education Incentive Grant Program. Specifies that the program is to be administered by school districts and requires emphasis on various components including, but not limited to, sport psychology, pedagogy, and physiology, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 900 (Cardenas-D) Community Alcohol Education Grant Program
Creates the Community Alcohol Education Grant Program within the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs for the purpose of providing grants to schools and nonprofit organizations to design and implement innovative alcohol abuse programs.
(Refused passage on Assembly Floor)
AB 962 (Richter-R) Schools: graduation requirements
Requires school districts, commencing with the 2002-03 school year, to require pupils, in order to earn a high school diploma, to complete one course in conversational Spanish and one additional course in Spanish or another foreign language, as specified.
Specifies legislative intent that the Governor petition the federal Immigration and Nationalization Service to permit teachers from those countries from which foreign language teachers are needed to enter the United States and work as foreign language teachers in California schools.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1001 (Torlakson-D) Education: parental involvement
Expands current law regarding the rights and responsibilities of parents and guardians of pupils enrolled in public school and provides opportunities for parents and guardians to participate in professional development programs.
(Died n Assembly Third Reading)
AB 1003 (Thompson-R) School districts
Requires districts or schools to notify, as soon as possible, the pupils of a school and their parents when a felony is committed on or near the school when the victim of the felony is a pupil attending the school or an employee of the school and the felony has the potential to affect other pupils or employees of the school.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1056 (Mazzoni-D) Education: school accountability
Expresses legislative intent that California establish a comprehensive education accountability system to identify, and provide assistance to, schools with high concentrations of pupils who are low-performing as determined by a number of indicators.
(Died in Conference Committee)
AB 1113 (House-R) Parental rights
Establishes that a parent shall retain the fundamental right to exercise primary control over the education of any child "in his or her charge." Permits a parent to sue a school district and its personnel if there is a claim arising under the provisions of this legislation.
(Failed passage in Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 1121 (Goldsmith-R) Vocational education: regional occupational program
Authorizes regional occupational centers and programs, with the approval of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, to use electronic communication technology as an alternative method to deliver instruction. Restricts the program to the counties of San Diego, Orange and Fresno.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1216 (Kaloogian-R) School districts: parental, pupil and teacher procedures
Enacts the Education Empowerment Act of 1998. Makes various declarations concerning school governance, policy authority and the individual rights of teachers, parents and pupils.
Chapter 1031, Statutes of 1998
AB 1292 (Migden-D) Academic achievement
Enacts the Academic Improvement Partnerships and Achievement Act. Creates a six-year academic improvement and achievement grant program to provide funding to school districts, charter schools and county offices of education for activities at specified high schools to increase college participation rates at high schools that have low college participation rates.
Chapter 803, Statutes of 1998
AB 1327 (Wayne-D) Education: independent study
Revises the calculation of the pupil to teacher ratio for independent study programs to take into account the K-3 class-size reduction program.
Chapter 60, Statutes of 1998
AB 1330 (Bordonaro-R) School districts: services contracts
Requires that all contracts, by a school district, for private architectural, landscape architectural, engineering, environmental, land survey, and construction management services contracts shall be procured through processes, as specified. Specifies that this provision only applies to school districts with a student population of 5,000 or more.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1331 (Alquist-D) Mathematics education
Establishes a grant program administered by the State Department of Education for school districts and county offices of education to provide staff development for teachers of mathematics in grades four through 12. Requires the State Board of Education to develop and approve a list of contract providers of math training and local education agencies would be required to choose from this list in order to receive grant funds.
Chapter 315, Statutes of 1998
AB 1412 (Ducheny-D) Motorcycles: helmets
Exempts the drivers and passengers of motorcycles, motor-driven cycles, and motorized bicycles, who are 18-years-of-age or older, from the requirement to wear safety helmets if they can show proof of medical insurance, which is adequate to cover the cost of treating injuries that may be incurred while riding the cycle. Leaves the helmet requirement in effect for 16- and 17-year-olds and those who could not show proof of medical coverage.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 1490 (House-R) Sex education: homosexuality
Specifies that state funds may not be used by any public or private school enrolling pupils in any of kindergarten or grades one to 12 for the purpose of (1) providing any materials or instruction that promotes or advocates homosexuality as a viable alternative lifestyle, and (2) referring any pupil to any organization that promotes or advocates a homosexual lifestyle.
(Failed passage n Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1495 (Leach-R) School districts: volunteers
Permits the governing board of any school district to permit any person, except a person required to register as a sex offender, to serve as an unpaid volunteer for any capital maintenance project in the school district.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1503 (Perata-D) State Literacy Resource Center
Creates the Literacy Resource Center for the purpose of enhancing the state's efforts to eliminate the problem of illiteracy.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1566 (Figueroa-D) Education technology grant program
Requires education technology grants to be provided to public schools maintaining kindergarten or any of grades one to eight, inclusive. The grants would be one-time installation grants and ongoing technology support and staff training grants.
(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)
AB 1626 (Wayne-D) Pupil promotion and retention
Requires all school districts to adopt specified retention and promotion policies to address the problem of social promotion.
Chapter 742, Statutes of 1998
AB 1639* (Sweeney-D) Mandatory summer school: required intensive programs
Requires school districts to offer supplemental instruction programs to pupils who have been retained and authorizes districts to offer supplemental instruction programs for certain pupils enrolled in grades two to six.
Chapter 743, Statutes of 1998
AB 1652* (Sweeney-D) Education technology
Makes a number of changes to the law governing education technology and extends the sunset date from June 30, 1998, to January 1, 2000.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1653 (Figueroa-D) Education technology grant program
Establishes the Figueroa-Sweeney Digital Schools Education Technology Grant Act of 1998 to provide a technology installation grant for all schools maintaining grades four to eight within eight years of the effective date of the Act.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1665 (Torlakson-D) Education: parental involvement
Encourages parental involvement in the educational process by including parents in staff development activities, enumerating various parental rights and opportunities, and requiring the distribution of additional information on parent rights and responsibilities.
Chapter 864, Statutes of 1998
AB 1673* (Pringle-R) Instructional materials
Authorizes the State Board of Education to evaluate instructional materials to certify that they meet specified requirements pertaining to reading and mathematics, and requires specified notice to school districts.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1674 (Pringle-R) Opportunity scholarships
Requires the State Board of Education to identify low-achieving public schools and permit pupils in those schools to be eligible for an opportunity scholarship, as defined.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1700 (Richter-R) Civil rights
Attempts to enact the requirements of Proposition 209 which prohibit preferential treatment to any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, or public contracting. Eliminates or curtails approximately 30 programs that fall into the categories of outreach or recruitment, or are attempts to provide opportunities for historically disadvantaged or excluded minority groups, but in no way imposes quotas or exclude anyone based on race, ethnicity or gender.
(Failed passage in Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 1734* (Mazzoni-D) Instructional strategies
Modifies the purpose and governance structure of the California Subject Matter Projects (CSMP) which are established and maintained by the University of California.
Chapter 333, Statutes of 1998
AB 1736 (Torlakson-D) Independent study: restrictions
Exempts pregnant or parenting pupils in continuation schools from a 10% limit on the number of continuation school pupils who may generate state funding through independent study.
Chapter 461, Statutes of 1998
AB 1753 (Escutia-D) High school graduation requirements
Requires pupils to complete a one-semester course in health education.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee)
AB 1763 (Mazzoni-D) Statewide achievement test
Requires the publisher of the statewide standardized test, that is administered to all students in grades two through 11, to report test scores separately for specified classifications of students.
Chapter 845, Statutes of 1998
AB 1785 (Murray-D) Institute for the Preservation of Jazz
Extends the sunset date on the Institute for the Preservation of Jazz at Cal State, Long Beach, from January 1, 1999, to January 1, 2003.
Chapter 508, Statutes of 1998
AB 1793 (Runner-R) Libraries: Internet policy
Requires every public library that receives certain state funding and provides public access to the Internet to adopt a policy regarding access by minors to the Internet by January 1, 2000, and make the policy available to members of the public at every library branch.
(Died in Televising the Assembly and Information Technology)
AB 1815 (Migden-D) Education: academic assessment
Allows school districts to exempt limited-English-proficient pupils (i.e., English learners) from taking the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) test if they are assessed through alternative means, and makes other provisions.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1827 (Havice-D) Pupil suspension and expulsion
Allows any school employee to reveal, and requires the appropriate school authorities to accept, information relevant as a basis for a pending pupil suspension or expulsion. The employee may also be required to reveal such information to appropriate school authorities. Such information is to be available, upon request, to the pupil or the pupil's parents.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1832 (Wildman-D) Health service billing for educational agencies
Establishes a local education agency billing option for services to Health Families Program enrolled children.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1839 (Thompson-R) Public libraries: Board of Trustees
Permits the councils of general law cities to dispense with library boards, to declare themselves library boards, and to assume all the powers and duties of library management.
(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 1886 (Thompson-R) Public libraries: videos
Requires public libraries that receive specified state funds and provide public access to motion picture videotapes to adopt, by January 1, 2000, a policy regarding access by minors to motion picture videotapes.
Chapter 462, Statutes of 1998
AB 1915 (Honda-D) World War II internment
Establishes the California Civil Liberties Public Education Act, and creates a competitive grant program for the purpose of educating the public about the interment of Japanese Americans during World War II.
Chapter 570, Statutes of 1998
AB 1920 (Wildman-D) Libraries: joint use
Creates the School and Library Partnership Act of 1998, a program to provide grants to school districts that jointly use libraries with other public entities ("joint use libraries").
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 1941 (Honda-D) Instruction: sex education
Adds to the current list of criteria for all sex education courses that discuss sexual intercourse.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1948 (Shelley-D) School Pesticide Right to Know Act of 1998
Proposes the School Pesticide Right to Know Act of 1998, which requires the following notification:
- Annual written notification to parents of any pesticide product intended for use at a school or day care facility.
- 24-hour notice prior to the application of any pesticide at the school or day care facility, if requested by the parent.
- Pesticide applications to be posted with warning signs.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1993 (Frusetta-R) English language instruction: tutoring
Requires limited-English-proficient children (English learners) to participate in after-school tutoring programs to learn English.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1995 (Leach-R) Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District: libraries
Provides that a joint-use library facility at the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District can be on a site owned by the county, city or other appropriate entity.
Chapter 1034, Statutes of 1998
AB 2002 (Kuykendall-R) Regional occupational centers
Declares that the Joint Powers Southern California Regional Occupational Center and the Joint Powers Central County Occupational Center are "school districts" for the purpose of making them eligible to receive deferred maintenance funding.
Chapter 467, Statutes of 1998
AB 2030 (Gallegos-D) Schoolbuses: seatbelts
Requires seatbelts in all newly-manufactured schoolbuses that are used in California.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 2041* (Bustamante-D) State Instructional Materials Fund
Creates and funds the Standards-Based Instructional Materials Program in order to ensure that pupils in all grades are provided with instructional materials in the core curriculum areas of language arts, mathematics, history/social science and science. Specifies that materials are to be aligned with state content standards as adopted by the State Board of Education.
Chapter 312, Statutes of 1998
AB 2109* (Kaloogian-R) Taxes: credits: schools
Authorizes, under the Personal Income Tax and Bank and Corporation Tax Laws, a 100% tax credit, limited to $500 per taxable year, for fees paid to any public primary or secondary school in the state for a school-sponsored activity.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2110* (Kaloogian-R) Taxes: credits: schools
Allows a 100% credit equal to any voluntary cash contributions made to a school tuition organization in this state, not to exceed $500 per taxable year.
(Failed passage in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 2115 (Perata-D) Special education: nonpublic, nonsectarian schools
Provides that for the purposes of certification as a nonpublic, nonsectarian school or agency to provide special education instruction or services, "valid credential" means any credential or permit issued by, or under the jurisdiction of, the State Commission on Teacher Credentialing that entitles the holder of the credential or permit to perform services for which certification qualifications are required.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2138 (McClintock-R) Parent's Bill of Rights in Education Act
Addresses the issue of parental and guardian rights in public education.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2145* (Pacheco-R) Electronic learning resources
Requires the State Board of Education to report to the Legislature, by March 1, 1999, on how to improve the current instructional materials adoption process for electronic learning resources.
Chapter 616, Statutes of 1998
AB 2161 (Pacheco-R) Education technology
Requires every public school computer with Internet or online access that may be used by a pupil to have an operational parental control device.
(Died in Committee on Televising the Assembly and Information Technology)
AB 2185 (Kaloogian-R) Environmental education
Establishes the Environmental Literacy Act of 1998, requiring any school district that provides instruction in environmental science or educational issues to ensure that this instruction is based on current scientific information and includes a discussion of economic implications.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2199 (Washington-D) Conservation Education Service
Specifies that environmental hazards must be included as one of the factors affecting environmental quality (i.e., current law requires the Conservation Education Service to encourage the development of educational curriculum in relation to factors affecting environmental quality).
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2213 (Aguiar-R) The Valedictorian Scholarship Program
Establishes a merit-based scholarship program to provide one scholarship to each of the state's public and private high school valedictorians. The scholarship covers the cost of fees at either the University of California (UC). California State University (CSU), and California Community Colleges (CCC), and is renewable for up to three additional years.
(Failed passage in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 2215 (Escutia-D) Education
Contains the annual technical clean-up of the Education Code sponsored by the State Department of Education. Corrects errors, resolves conflicts in code sections, deletes obsolete references, and makes other non-controversial changes to the Education Code.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2216 (Escutia-D) Pupils: advanced placement
Establishes a five-year school district grant program to pay part of the advanced placement exam fees for economically disadvantaged pupils, as defined. This program would be administered by the State Department of Education. Appropriates $2.5 million for purposes of the program.
Chapter 793, Statutes of 1998
AB 2274* (Leach-R) State Department of Education: reporting
Requires the State Department of Education to collect and summarize data relevant to alternative education programs (continuation high schools, independent, and alternative schools) and to report the results to the State Board of Education, the Governor, the State Department of Finance, the Legislative Analyst, and the Senate and Assembly Education committees. Appropriates $100,000 from the General Fund.
Chapter 1022, Statutes of 1998 - Item Vetoed
AB 2289 (Baldwin-R) School evaluation
Requires the State Board of Education to annually evaluate school districts based on specified criteria, and provide monetary rewards ($100 per Average Daily Attendance) for schools that increase student achievement.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2290 (Baldwin-R) Schools evaluation: ranking
Requires the State Board of Education to prepare an evaluation at the end of each year of all schools, ranking them highest to lowest based on pupil performance on the Statewide Testing and Reporting Program.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2291 (Leach-R) Remedial instruction
Establishes the Academic Warranty Program. Requires school districts that graduate certain proportions of students that later need remedial instruction in postsecondary institutions to develop remedial education reduction plans.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 2328 (Machado-D) School district reorganization
Makes four changes to the law relative to school district reorganization in areas identified by the State Department of Education as being in need of clarification or modification.
Chapter 906, Statutes of 1998
AB 2338 (Sweeney-D) Truancy: enforcement
Makes habitual truancy punishable as an infraction and authorizes police officers to issue citations to habitual truants and refer them to Informal Juvenile and Traffic Courts.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2350 (Frusetta-R) Libraries: Internet: pornography
Requires public libraries providing Internet access to purchase, install, and maintain computer software that prohibits access to obscene matter.
(Died in Assembly Televising the Assembly and Information Technology Committee)
AB 2363 (Honda-D) International Baccalaureate Diploma Programs
Provides fiscal incentives to encourage high schools to either continue offering, or to begin offering, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program curriculum. Appropriates $1,050,000 from the General Fund.
Chapter 794, Statutes of 1998
AB 2375 (Strom-Martin-D) Vehicles: schoolbuses
Seeks to modify current law regarding the transportation of children in school buses by specifying exemptions from the requirement that schoolbus drivers display flashing lights at every stop when children are boarding and disembarking from the bus.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2413 (Kaloogian-R) Education Empowerment Act of 1998
Addresses the issues of parental and teacher rights. Among other things, provides that parents and guardians possess authority and control over the instruction and education of a minor child; and complete autonomy in all decisions concerning a child with regard to participation in and exposure to public school programs.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2422 (Runner-R) Health education and services
Places a measure before the voters that, if approved, would eliminate the Public Resources Account in the Cigarette and Tobacco Products Surtax Fund (Fund) and place the revenues in the Fund's Health Education Account.
(Failed passage in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 2501 (Mazzoni-D) Pupils: questioning by peace officer
Requires, with certain specified exceptions, that parents are (1) notified before their elementary school children are made available to law enforcement for interrogation, as specified; and (2) that secondary school children are informed of their right to have a parent or other adult, as specified, present before a school makes the pupil available for law enforcement interrogation.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2517 (Bustamante-D) Grant program: information technology
Appropriates an unspecified amount of money from the General Fund to create a grant program for communications equipment and training.
(Died in Assembly Televising the Assembly and Information Technology Committee)
AB 2519* (Poochigian-R) Instructional materials: adoption: criteria
Revises, temporarily, the waiting periods required by current law between the approval of textbook criteria and the adoption of textbooks based on that criteria. Is intended to facilitate the replacement of obsolete instructional materials with new materials that meet academic content standard.
Chapter 481, Statutes of 1998
AB 2526 (Ducheny-D) Schools: length of schoolday
Creates a grant program for school districts to lengthen the school day by up to three hours to offer remedial reading instruction to pupils enrolled in grades three to eight.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2530 (Pacheco-R) Education technology
Requires every public school computer with Internet or online access that may be used by a pupil to have an operational parental control device.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
AB 2536 (Poochigian-R) California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science
Creates a state program called the California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science to train pupils in grades 9-12 that have demonstrated academic excellence in mathematics and science.
Chapter 805, Statutes of 1998
AB 2540 (Leach-R) Pupil promotion: achievement tests
Authorizes a school district to prevent pupils from being promoted from grades two, three, four, seven, or ten unless the pupil has achieved a passing score on a statewide test.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2564 (Wildman-D) Sale of surplus government land: school districts
Requires public agencies selling surplus land to a school district to sell the land at a price that does not exceed its acquisition cost, adjusted for inflation and any improvements made to the land. Provides that in no event shall the purchase price of the land be less than 25% of the fair market value of the property or less than the amount of local bonded indebtedness on the property.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2619* (Cardenas-D) California State Lottery Act: allocation of funds
Establishes the California Pupil Textbook Guarantee Fund and redirects 3% of California State Lottery revenues designated for prizes to the Textbook Fund, upon approval of the voters on the November 1998 ballot.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2623 (Ortiz-D) Preschool programs
Establishes the Commission for the Development of the Master Plan for Universal Preschool to develop a design for the full implementation of universal preschool.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2645 (Kuehl-D) Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Grant Program
Extends the repeal date of the Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Grant Program from July 1, 2000, to July 1, 2001, and makes related changes to reporting and other deadlines associated with the program.
Chapter 920, Statutes of 1998
AB 2663 (Alquist-D) Schoolbuses
Modifies a schoolbus replacement program to comply with federal safety standards and move towards removing the remaining unsafe schoolbuses.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 2664 (Mazzoni-D) School enrollment
Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to establish a pilot project to promote open enrollment in California's public schools.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2668* (Wildman-D) Education: preschool
Modifies current law regarding the establishment of pilot preschool follow-through programs and projects and requires the State Board of Education to adopt regulations to provide for the establishment of voluntary demonstration preschool programs and projects to serve children in school districts with the highest levels of recipients of federal Temporary Aid for Needy Families.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2706 (Gallegos-D) Education: child sexual abuse and parenting
Requires that all state-funded classes and programs in state and local correctional and detention facilities, public schools, community colleges, California State University, the University of California and any other local program, that relate to child sexual abuse or parenting, must include instruction on specified areas related to child sexual abuse.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2712 (Cardenas-D) Emergency first aid kits for public schools
Requires the State Department of Education to collect information related to emergency first aid kits in schools, and to report to the Legislature. Authorizes the SDE to use up $40,000 in unallocated funds for this purpose.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2743 (Pacheco-R) Pupils: high school graduation ceremony
Prohibits pupils who have not completed all required coursework from participating in their high school graduation ceremony.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2751 (Cardenas-D) School district reorganization
Requires a specified number of public hearings by the County Committee on School District Reorganization in the consideration of school district reorganizations.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2755 (Alquist-D) Schoolsite advisory bodies
Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop information on how to promote opportunity for parents on schoolsite councils and distribute the information to school districts.
Chapter 809, Statutes of 1998
AB 2797* (Cardoza-D) Schools Computer Equipment Sanctions
Conforms state law with federal law providing enhanced tax deductions for computer equipment donations made to elementary and secondary schools.
Chapter 322, Statutes of 1998
ACA 7 (Honda-D) Public schools: school boards
Enacts the School Board Bill of Rights, and declares that the governing board of a school district is the cornerstone of the state's system of public education. Provides that each local school board possesses the inherent authority to determine the most effective method of teaching its pupils and that the state may not impose, on a statewide basis, a uniform method of teaching that denies a school district the right to select methodologies addressing the specific needs of its pupils. Requires that the state provide local school boards with the technical support required to test or assess new teaching methodologies.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
ACA 28 (Honda-D) Public schools: school boards
Enacts the School Board Bill of Rights. Provides that each local school board has the inherent authority to determine the most effective method of teaching its pupils and that the state may not require on a statewide basis a uniform method of teaching that has not been fully and objectively assessed.
(Died in Assembly Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
ACR 72 (Baca-D) Parental notification
Encourages school districts to inform parents and guardians regarding the availability of information on registered sex offenders.
Resolution Chapter 122, Statutes of 1998
ACR 111 (Strom-Martin-D) Adult education
Designates the week of March 16 through March 20, 1998, as California Adult Education Week, to honor the many outstanding services and contributions provided by California adult schools.
Resolution Chapter 14, Statutes of 1998
ACR 162 (Wildman-D) Sober Graduation
Encourages parents, school teachers and administrators, law enforcement agencies, and community leaders to provide Sober Graduation activities in 1998 to the maximum number of high school graduates, their friends, and school associates.
Resolution Chapter 85, Statutes of 1998
HR 49 (Martinez-D) Social promotion
Establishes the intent of the Legislature to address the negative effects of social promotion. Makes resolutions regarding the need for the State Department of Education to work with districts in eliminating social promotion and preventing academic failure.
Read and adopted
HR 59 (Strom-Martin-D) National TV-Turnoff Week
Encourages all Californians to participate in National TV-Turnoff Week during the week of April 22 through 28, 1998. This is a voluntary program where participants turn off their televisions for seven full days.
Read and adopted
HR 89 (Takasugi-R) Old Oxnard High School site
Resolves that the Assembly recognizes the importance of the old Oxnard High School site and the benefits which could be achieved by transferring ownership of the site to the City of Oxnard. Resolves that it is the intent of the Assembly for the City of Oxnard to have the right of first refusal to obtain ownership or control of the old Oxnard High School site. Resolves that the Oxnard Union High School District and the State Allocation Board are encouraged to develop a plan with the City of Oxnard, which will facilitate the acquisition of the old Oxnard High School site by the City of Oxnard.