Economic Development
World Trade and Tourism
Small Business
Labor Relations
Workers' Compensation
Unemployment Insurance
Financial Institutions
Economic Development
SB 40* (Brulte-R) Corporation tax: repeals corporate minimum tax
Provides that the revenue reduction attributable to repeal of the minimum tax would not have the effect of reducing any potential further reductions in vehicle license fee.
(Failed passage in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 43 (Johnston-D) Employment: training panel
Streamlines and clarifies statutes relating to the Employment Training Panel.
Chapter 491, Statutes of 2000
SB 178 (Polanco-D) Work force investment: State Department of Transportation
Requires the State Department of Transportation to establish a "Smart Communities" Strategic Investment Program for purposes of enabling the department to approach mobility fulfillment offered by "smart communities" in a manner consistent with the state's energy conservation and air pollution abatement objectives. Requires the Director of the State Department of General Services in collaboration with the California Institute for Smart Communities and California State University, San Diego, the State Employment Development Department, and the California Workforce Association to establish a demonstration program in which local governments, school districts, colleges, community-based nonprofit organizations or any other public agencies planning telecommunications networks can apply for funds to establish links with one-stop career centers to provide services remotely.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 192 (Ortiz-D) Sacramento River: development
Allows for commercial development of structures on the water-side of project levees on the Sacramento River adjacent to 4350 Riverside Boulevard in the City of Sacramento, if it conforms to specified standards.
(Died in Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 495* (Figueroa-D) Taxes: credit: employees: research
Provides a $1,000 tax credit for employers who hire new workers engaged in activities related to space vehicles and space satellites and equipment.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 511 (Alarcon-D) Enterprise zones
Authorizes additional criteria upon which an enterprise zone (EZ) may be based. Clarifies that joint powers agencies may administer EZs. Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to provide special consideration or bonus points, or both, to EZ applications that meet specified demographic criteria. Clarifies that allowable EZ expansions may cross any jurisdiction boundaries.
Chapter 616, Statutes of 2000
SB 892 (Chesbro-D) Microenterprises
Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to make grants, contingent on a Budget Act appropriation, to provide matching funds for eligible recipients of federal microenterprise grants received pursuant to the federal Program for Investment in Microentrepreneurs Act of 1999.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 899 (Vasconcellos-D) California Youthbuild Program
Creates the California Youthbuild Program within the State Department of Industrial Relations to help disadvantaged youth obtain education and employment skills in conjunction with the construction or rehabilitation of housing for special need populations, very low-income households, and low-income households.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 937 (Baca-D) Economic development: San Bernardino
Appropriates $145,000 to the State Trade and Commerce Agency for allocation to the City of San Bernardino's redevelopment agency.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 995 (Knight-R) Rural economic opportunity area
Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to designate a "rural economic opportunity area" to include the Cities of Ridgecrest and California City, the Mojave Public Utility District, and the corridors connecting these jurisdictions. The designation would be binding for 15 years.
(Failed passage in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 1083 (Knight-R) Commercial space programs
Makes changes to the Commercial Space Program Permit Streamlining Act of 1996.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
SB 1096 (Hayden-D) Economic development: inner cities
Requires the State Treasurer to convene an advisory task force to consider strategies for ending the structural conditions of poverty and unemployment in California's inner cities. Requires the Legislative Analyst, as part of his/her report on the 2000-01 budget bill, to report to the Legislature on the numbers and types of employment provided to inner city residents as a result of state tax subsidies, including, but not limited to, existing enterprise zones and empowerment zones.
(Died in Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
SB 1120 (Alarcon-D) Office of Strategic Technology
Repeals the provisions regarding the Manufacturing Technology Program and instead establishes the Manufacturing Technology Program within the Office of Strategic Technology to enhance California's competitiveness by assisting small businesses within the state, according to criteria formerly applied to the Manufacturing Technology Program.
(Died in Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 1201 (Karnette-D) Office of Regional Collaborative Partnerships
Creates the Office of Regional Collaborative Partnerships in the Governor's Office to assist state agencies and regional collaboratives to achieve certain economic development goals, as specified.
(Failed passage on Senate Floor)
SB 1445 (Kelley-R) Manufacturing enhancement area
Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to approve an application by Imperial County to expand a Manufacturing Enhancement Area by up to 200 acres, if adequate infrastructure is available to the area and other specified conditions are met.
Chapter 865, Statutes of 2000
SB 1529 (Knight-R) Highway to Space Program
Repeals the Highway to Space Program, the Highway to Space Competitive Grant Program, and the Western Commercial Space Center.
(Died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
SB 1538 (Knight-R) Military base reuse
Extends, by six years, existing provisions of law scheduled to sunset on January 1, 2001, pertaining to "local reuse entities" for military bases that have closed in the state. Makes a technical change to a provision of law governing the appointment of a member of the U.S. Armed Forces to the California Defense Retention and Conversion Council.
Chapter 769, Statutes of 2000
SB 1568 (Alarcon-D) Enterprise zones: application review
Expands number of enterprise zones. Provides enhanced credits for high-paid employees and employees provided health benefits.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 1642 (Figueroa-D) Housing: jobs
Adds a requirement that the State Department of Housing and Community Development and regional councils of government, when determining regional fair shares of housing, incorporate measures to improve the balance of jobs and housing within each region's employment centers.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1710 (Hayden-D) Economic development
Enacts the 2000 Public Subsidies, Public Benefits Act, which directs the Legislative Analyst's Office to annually review selected business tax expenditures and public subsidies and report to the Legislature regarding their economic and employment impacts.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1758 (Peace-D) California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank
Modifies the definition of public development facilities for purposes of the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank Act to include property that is related to providing "water supply" services.
Chapter 1079, Statutes of 2000
SB 1904* (Kelley-R) Taxes: enterprise zone credits and losses
Allows jobs and sales tax credits or operating losses generated in one enterprise zone to be used to offset income generated in any enterprise zone.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 2021* (Polanco-D) Taxes: credit: alternative work schedules
Allows qualified business taxpayers a credit equal to $500 for each employee placed on the alternative work schedule from January 2001 through 2005.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 2145* (Knight-R) Taxes: MIC
Repeals the "sunset" for the manufacturers' investment credit, thus making the credit permanent.
(Failed passage in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 2172* (O'Connell-D) Tax incentives
Expands the manufacturers investment tax credit to include generators of electric power by natural gas. Allows corporations engaged in commercial physical and biological research and development a longer period of eligibility for the manufacturer's sales tax exemption. Extends the existing sales tax exemption for the sale or use of space flight property to include ground support facilities for space flight operators. Provides that the sales tax prepayment provisions for the second quarter are identical to the other three quarters. Equalizes the interest rate applied to both over and under payment of sales tax.
(Died on Senate Unfinished Business File due to a 29.10 question)
Similar legislation included:
SB 1582* (O'Connell), relative to space flight sales tax exemption, which died on Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee.
SB 1920* (Kelley), relative to generators of electric power, which died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee.
SCR 53 (Karnette-D) Port jobs and port business
Resolves that the Legislature live up to its tidelands trust responsibility and makes certain that California port lands remain the property of the people of California and that all work performed in the ports and harbors of California be performed by Californians.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
AB 51* (Briggs-R) Enterprise zones: geographic boundaries
Allows an enterprise zone to reconfigure its geographic boundaries with the approval of the State Trade and Commerce Agency, provided the zone is in a county with an unemployment rate at least 1.75 times greater than the statewide average.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 203 (Washington-D) Taxes: at-risk youth
Grants a tax credit for employers who hire qualified "at-risk" youth and provide them with training in an employable skill or trade. Provides the credit to be one-third of wages paid during the first year of employment, not to exceed a credit of $5,000 per qualified employee.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 345 (Vincent-D) California Workforce Investment and Economic Development Act
Creates the California Workforce Investment and Economic Development Act of 1999, to enact the provisions of the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998. Establishes a new state department to act as a local agency and a new state council to implement the provisions of this act.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 356 (Washington-D) Enterprise zone: City of Compton
Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to designate one city within Los Angeles County as a new enterprise zone according to specified new selection criteria.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 358* (Wildman-D) Income and bank and corporation taxes
Provides a ten percent refundable income/corporation tax credit for wages paid for movies or TV programs produced in California.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 388* (Steinberg-D) Employment
Establishes the California Transportation Career Program to train unemployed individuals in transportation careers.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 462* (Briggs-R) Taxation: manufacturer's investment credit
Creates a credit of six percent of the cost of qualified property for taxpayers engaged in warehousing and distribution activities.
(Failed passage in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 480* (Ducheny-D) Tax credit: gainful employment
Allows a refundable tax credit for household and dependent care expenses for gainful employment.
Chapter 114, Statutes of 2000
Similar legislation was AB 2097* (Papan), which died in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
AB 482 (Davis-D) Business development
Creates the California Seed Capital and Early Stage Corporation, independent of any state agency and governed by a seven-member appointed board to mobilize investment in private seed and venture capital partnerships.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 484 (Kuehl-D) Film California Trust Program
Revises AB 2866 Budget Trailer provisions relating to the Film California First Program.
Chapter 699, Statues of 2000
AB 511* (Alquist-D) Business tax incentive
Provides a rural investment sales tax exemption, increases the research and development tax credit from 12 percent to 15 percent, and increases the net operating loss tax provisions.
Chapter 107, Statutes of 2000
Similar legislation included:
SB 672* (Brulte), which died at the Assembly Desk.
SB 1495* (Brulte), relative to research and development credit, which died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee.
SB 2200* (Dunn), relative to research and development credit, which died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee.
AB 68* (Cunneen), relative to research and development credit, which died in Senate Revenue and Taxation and Committee.
AB 1373* (Florez), relative to rural investment sales tax credit, which died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee.
AB 1774* (Lempert), relative to net operating loss tax provisions, which became Chapter 104, Statutes of 2000.
AB 1953* (Cunneen), relative to research and development credit, which died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee.
AB 2592 (Campbell), relative to research and development credit, which died in the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee.
AB 702 (Vincent-D) Workforce investment and economic development
Implements the Workforce Investment and Economic Development Act of 1999 with related actions pursuant to the Federal Workforce Investment Act of 1999.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 960 (Alquist-D) Center for California Business of the Future
Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to enter into an agreement with the NASA Ames Research Complex at Moffett Field, upon the request of the complex, to establish the Center for California Business of the Future.
(Died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 978 (Correa-D) Tourism economic development zones
Creates a tourism economic development zone pilot program administered by the State Trade and Commerce Agency and requires local government to set aside incremental sales tax pursuant to the zone.
(Failed passage in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 1192 (Florez-D) Targeted tax areas
Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to rank applications and designate three top-ranked local areas as additional targeted tax areas before December 1, 2000.
(Died in Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 1774* (Lempert-D) Taxes: deductions: net operating losses
Increases, incrementally, the general net operating loss deduction carry forward amount.
Chapter 104, Statutes of 2000
AB 1924 (Runner-R) Enterprise zones: aerospace training
Creates a three-year pilot project within one or more designated enterprise zones for the purpose of evaluating the impact related to training competitiveness improvements for aerospace contractors and suppliers doing business in California.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1959 (Romero-D) Enterprise zones: East Los Angeles
Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to extend the boundaries of the Los Angeles Eastside Enterprise Zone into unincorporated Los Angeles County at the request of the County Board of Supervisors.
(Failed passage in Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 2001 (Longville-D) Space industry
Enacts the "California Spaceport Development Zone Act of 2000" for the purpose of providing economic incentives to help promote the development of a commercial space transportation system based in this state.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 2054 (Torlakson-D) Balance of jobs and housing
Provides "clean-up" language to a Budget Trailer Bill, AB 2864 (Torlakson), which created both the Inter-Regional Partnership state pilot project and the Jobs-Housing Balance Improvement Program.
Chapter 665, Statutes of 2000
AB 2090* (Reyes-D) Targeted tax areas: expansion and credits
Expands the Targeted Tax Assistance Program administered by the State Trade and Commerce Agency.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2163 (Cunneen-R) Information technology
Proposes to make various changes to the State Department of Information and Technology's authorizing statute, requires the issuance of digital identification by the State Department of Motor Vehicles, and provides various tax credits to internet service providers.
(Died in Assembly Information Technology Committee)
AB 2328* (Ducheny-D) Taxes: credits: transfers
Provides special treatment for research and development credits and net operating issues for biotechnology or technology companies.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 2461* (Runner-R) Taxes: Manufacturers' Investment Credit (MIC)
Increases the MIC from six percent to eight percent and extends the MIC to taxpayers engaged in extracting nonmetallic minerals and the generation of electricity.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 2529 (Shelley-D) Career advancement services
Appropriates $500,000 from the General Fund to establish a career advancement pilot program for disadvantaged individuals in Los Angeles and San Francisco.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2596* (Corbett-D) Taxes: Manufacturers' Investment Credit
Expands eligibility for the Manufacturers' Investment Credit to include taxpayers involved in electric power generation using natural gas.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2827 (Cardoza-D) Jobs for California Graduates Program
Creates a regional program for at-risk youth to complete secondary education and transition into work.
Chapter 313, Statutes of 2000
AB 2864 (Torlakson-D) Balance of jobs and housing
Creates the Inter-Regional Partnership State Pilot Project to help improve the balance of jobs and housing in the Counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara, San Joaquin, and Stanislaus. Creates the Jobs-Housing Balance Improvement Program to provide state fiscal incentives to local governments in the form of grants or loans to fund capitol outlay and other projects that will help to mitigate the imbalance of jobs-and-housing in communities throughout the state. (Is a Budget Trailer Bill.)
Chapter 80, Statutes of 2000
AB 2866* (Migden-D) California Film Programs
A Budget Trailer Bill, which, among other provisions, enacts the Film California First Program to allow the State Trade and Commerce Agency to pay and reimburse specified film costs incurred by a public agency, up to $100,000 for any one film. Abolishes the Unity Fund, which relates to infrastructure, financing and economic development Follow-up legislation was AB 484 (Kuehl).
Chapter 127, Statutes of 2000 - Item Vetoed
Similar legislation was SB 1490 (Schiff), which died in Senate Appropriations Committee, and AB 2180 (Ashburn), which died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee).
AB 2876* (Aroner-D) Budget Trailer Bill: economic development
Human resources Budget Trailer Bill which, among other provisions, (1) authorizes the appropriation of up to $30 million from the Employment Training Fund for local assistance services provided under the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) during the 2000-2001 fiscal year; (2) clarifies the duties of the labor market information program administered by the State Employment Development Department, including coordinating with specified state agencies in developing economic and workforce information; (3) provides competitive grants to faith-based organizations meeting certain criteria to provide job services, to the extent funds are appropriated in the Budget Act of 2000-2001 for this purpose; (4) specifies that with respect to funds appropriated for allocation by the Employment Training Panel for training programs in regions suffering from high unemployment and low job creation, the panel may waive its wage requirements for participation in the program in certain instances, on a case-by-case basis; (5) revises the CalWORKs performance incentive structure to make the amount counties may receive contingent on funding in the Budget Act, eliminates unpaid 25 percent funds both retroactively and prospectively, and allows counties to use up to 25 percent of their incentive funds on non-assistance services to needy families up to 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines, while stating intent that any services provided using incentive funds are not intended to create an entitlement to services for any individual or family.
Chapter 108, Statutes of 2000
AJR 41 (Robert Pacheco-R) Electronic commerce: taxation
Memorializes the President and Congress to act favorably on legislation pertaining to the indefinite extension of the Internet Tax Freedom Act of 1998, provided the legislation does not prohibit the imposition of existing nondiscriminatory taxes. Memorializes the President to seek a permanent global ban on tariffs on e-commerce and an international ban on special, multiple, and discriminatory taxation of e-commerce and the Internet.
(Died on Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AJR 45 (Longville-D) Export facilitation
Memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to review the backlog in the licensing process for the export of satellites, launch vehicles, their components and related technical information and dedicate adequate resources to address any problems in order to ensure that the space industry maintains its competitive position in the informational marketplace.
Resolution Chapter 100, Statutes of 2000
AJR 46 (Longville-D) Commercial space transportation
Memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to protect the leadership role our state and nation have in the commercial launching of private sector satellites and ensures continued growth in market share by continuing federal indemnification of licensed launches and reentries until January 1, 2006.
Resolution Chapter 101, Statutes of 2000

World Trade and Tourism
SB 298 (Leslie-R) World's Fair Expo 2000 Hannover
Appropriates $500,000 from the General Fund to the State Trade and Commerce Agency to fund, contingent upon the state receiving a match of at least this amount from the private sector, California's participation in the "World's Fair Expo 2000 Hannover" in Germany.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 369 (Solis-D) Foreign trade
Requires the Governor to appoint a 20-person task force, with specified membership, to develop a five-year master plan by July 1, 2000, for increasing the export of California products and services to Asia.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 386 (Leslie-R) Agricultural Export Program
Continuously appropriates $200,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Food and Agriculture (DFA) to conduct foreign market research, personnel training and other DFA duties related to the State's Agricultural Export Program.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 897 (Polanco-D) California State World Trade Commission
Requires the State World Trade Commission to provide an evaluation of overseas trade offices, as specified. Modifies the regular reporting requirements and also establishes minimum qualifications for overseas office staff.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1467 (Leslie-R) Overseas trade offices: directors
Requires that an individual appointed as a director of an overseas trade office have specified qualifications.
(Died in Assembly International Trade and Development Committee)
SB 1468 (Leslie-R) California Foreign Trade Office
Requires the California Foreign Trade Office to assist California companies and enterprises to expand their potential markets, and to work with the State Trade and Commerce Agency, or its designees, through seminars and conferences in regards to overseas trade offices.
(Died in Senate Finance, Investment and International Trade Committee)
SB 1516 (Hayden-D) International trade: environment
Requires the Secretary for the Environmental Protection Agency and the Secretary for the State Resources Agency to review and assess existing and proposed international trade agreements that may lead to challenges to California laws and regulations concerning the environment and to make the assessments available to the Legislature and public on a regular basis.
Vetoed by the Governor
SCR 74 (Hayden-D) Jt. Comm. on Calif. Role in the World Trade Organization
Establishes, until November 30, 2002, the Joint Committee on California's Role in the World Trade Organization. Provides membership and funding specifications for the committee.
(Held at Assembly Desk)
SR 38 (Hayden-D) Select Com. on the Legislatures Role in Global Trade Policy
Establishes a subcommittee, to be known as the Senate Select Committee on the Legislature's Role in Global Trade Policy. Provides membership and funding specifications for the committee.
Adopted by the Senate
AB 175 (Robert Pacheco-R) Overseas trade offices: directors
Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to establish rules to provide reimbursement of reasonable relocation expenses incurred by an overseas trade office director, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 965 (Robert Pacheco-R) Overseas trade offices: mission statement
Requires the director of each overseas trade office to develop a mission statement that includes goals to measure the performance of each office.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1805 (Scott-D) Overseas trade offices: Republic of Armenia
Requires the establishment of an overseas trade office in the Republic of Armenia.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2197 (Briggs-R) Overseas trade offices: Republic of Armenia
Requires the establishment of an overseas trade office in Yerevan, in the Republic of Armenia. Authorizes the director to contract with individuals or private entities to administer and staff the overseas trade office.
(Died in Assembly International Trade and Development Committee)
AB 2690 (Florez-D) Agricultural land
Requires the Secretary of the State Trade and Commerce Agency and the Secretary of the State Department of Food and Agriculture to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding for the use of an Agricultural Trade Specialist located in California's Foreign Trade Offices.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Committee)
AB 2711 (Olberg-R) California Foreign Diplomatic and Enterprise Facility
Requires the State Department of General Services to locate a facility in any space owned or leased by the state in Sacramento for the California Foreign Diplomatic and Enterprise Facility.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2772 (Assembly International Trade And Development Committee) Trade and commerce
Appropriates funds to the State Trade and Commerce Agency to implement a pilot project for the establishment of a statewide public-private development alliance.
(Failed passage in Senate Finance, Investment and International Trade Committee)
AB 2889* (Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency, And Economic Development Committee) State Trade and Commerce Agency: state government
Makes technical and name changes to reflect current organizational structure primarily for the State Trade and Commerce Agency and various boards and commissions within the State Department of Consumer Affairs.
Chapter 1055, Statutes of 2000
AJR 37 (Longville-D) International trade: import of steel slabs
Memorializes the President and his trade representative to not include restrictions on the import of steel slabs, as specified.
(Died in Senate Industrial Relations Committee)

Small Business
SB 195 (Chesbro-D) Small employer health coverage
Provides certain health care service plans that do not operate statewide more flexibility in establishing rates for the small employer (two to 50 employees) market.
Chapter 389, Statutes of 2000
SB 1049 (Murray-D) State contracts: small businesses
Increases, from $50,000 to $100,000 the value of contracts that may be awarded to small businesses through an "informal" bid process.
Chapter 775, Statutes of 2000
SB 1120 (Alarcon-D) Office of Strategic Technology: Mfg. Technology Program
Repeals the provisions regarding the Manufacturing Technology Program in the State Trade and Commerce Agency and instead establishes the program in the Office of Strategic Technology to enhance California's competitiveness by assisting small businesses within the state.
(Died in Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 1336* (Monteith-R) Taxes: credit
Establishes a tax credit equal to 100 percent of the amount paid to the U.S. Small Business Administration as a guaranty fee or lender fee related to obtaining guaranteed financing. The amount of credit for lender fees would be capped at $1,000. Unused credits may be carried forward for up to five years.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 1799* (Leslie-R) Taxes: credit
Establishes a tax credit equal to 100 percent of the amount paid to the U.S. Small Business Administration as a guaranty fee related to obtaining guaranteed financing. Unused credits may be carried forward for up to five years.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 1868 (Solis-D) State contracts: small businesses
Provides that a small business may have revenue from providing services as an agent or broker for purposes of certification as a "small business" under the Small Business Procurement and Contract Act.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 77 (Cardenas-D) Small business development corporations
Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to establish four new Small Business Financial Development Corporations in San Jose, Santa Ana, the San Fernando Valley, and Ontario, as specified.
Chapter 650, Statutes of 2000
AB 505 (Wright-D) Administrative procedures
Modifies provisions relating to the Office of Administrative Law and the adoption of regulations, moves the Office of Small Business Advocate from the State Trade and Commerce Agency to the Office of Planning and Research in the Governor's Office, and creates the Governor's Small Business Reform Task Force.
Chapter 1059, Statutes of 2000
AB 1095* (Ashburn-R) Independent oil and natural gas producers
Enacts the Independent Oil and Natural Gas Producers Emergency Relief Act of 1999 to authorize small business financial development corporations to provide loans or loan guarantees to independent oil and natural gas producers who otherwise qualify as small businesses, to assist those producers in maintaining payroll, operating expenses, and capital expenditures associated with the production of crude oil and natural gas, during any calendar year for which the average crude oil price drops below a specified amount.
(Died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 1377 (Gallegos-D) Public contracts: interagency council
Requires, on or before April 1, 2001, the Secretary of State and the State Consumer Services Agency, in conjunction with other state agencies, to establish an Interagency Council on State Contracting and Business Partnerships to solicit advice from the business community to increase small business access to state contracts, to encourage partnerships between prime contractors and small business subcontractors and to take positions on regulations and legislation affecting the business community. Specifies that the Interagency Council on State Contracting and Business Partnerships will be in effect for one year from date of establishment.
(Died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 1388 (Aanestad-R) Small employer health coverage
Provides additional options for employees of small businesses to provide health insurance for their families. Requires the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board or the successor administrator of the Health Insurance Plan of California, on or before March 1, 2000, to enter into one or more contracts to provide health care coverage through medical savings accounts in connection with high deductible health plan or insurance coverage.
(Failed passage in Senate Insurance)
AB 1783* (Nakano-D) Taxes: qualified small business stock
Increases from 50 percent to 100 percent the income exclusion of gains on the sale of qualified small business stock. The 100 percent exclusion is to apply to stock issued after the effective date of the bill and held more than five years. Stock issued prior to the effective date of the bill will retain the 50 percent exclusion.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1870 (Davis-D) Small business funding
Modifies qualifications relating to the Business Incubation Program in the State Trade and Commerce Agency.
Chapter 605, Statutes of 2000
AB 1887 (Cedillo-D) Health insurance: employers
Establishes a pilot program in San Diego County for the Healthy Californians Program, which will provide health care coverage through a purchasing pool for employees of small employers, and the employees' dependents aged 19 and over.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2439 (Wright-D) Administrative procedures
Amends the Administrative Procedures Act and makes other changes intended to assist small businesses.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2545 (Gallegos-D) Public contracts
Establishes the Interagency Council on State Contracting and Business Partnerships to increase small business access to state contracting opportunities, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 2765* (Knox-D) Small employer health care coverage: tax credit
Provides a tax credit for amounts paid or incurred by an eligible employer to provide health insurance coverage for an eligible individual and that individual's dependents.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2768* (Nakano-D) Taxes: small businesses
Reduces the corporate franchise tax or corporate income tax liability of an eligible small business by ten percent.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2846 (Ducheny-D) State contracts
Adds to the Small Business Procurement and Contract Act the requirement that the owners of the business to be domiciled in California in order to be considered a "small business."
(Died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 2866* (Migden-D) State government
Makes changes in existing law relating to general government to implement provisions of the Budget Bill for the 2000-01 fiscal year, including, (1) appropriating $8 million to the Small Business Loan Guarantee Program to expand the number of lending corporations and the number of small business loans, and (2) specifying that the performance criteria for program operations shall not apply to corporations in existence for less than five years.
Chapter 127, Statutes of 2000 - Item Vetoed
HR 57 (Cardoza-D) California Small Business Day
Declares the final Wednesday in May in each year as California Small Business Day.
Adopted by the Assembly

Labor Relations
SB 88* (Escutia-D) Overtime compensation
Exempts specified professional employees in the computer software and nursing professions from the requirement of premium overtime pay, under certain circumstances.
Chapter 492, Statutes of 2000
SB 118 (Hayden-D) Employment: family care and medical leave
Allows an employee leave to care for a grandparent, sibling, domestic partner or an individual who depends on the employee for immediate care and support and who has a serious health condition.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 146 (Solis-D) Employment: overtime requirements: nurses
Prohibits compulsory overtime for a registered nurse after the conclusion of the nurse's applicable daily work schedule and after 40 hours in a workweek, except during a state of emergency.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
SB 150 (Solis-D) Labor agency
Creates the California Labor Agency that includes the State Departments of Industrial Relations, Fair Employment and Housing, Employment Development, the Agricultural Labor Relations Board, the Public Employment Relations Board, and the Fair Employment and Housing Commission.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 200 (O'Connell-D) Employment: railroad train crews
Requires that all freight trains operate with at least two persons, as specified, unless the State Public Utilities Commission grants an exemption based on specified criteria. Exempts, until January 2, 2002, any one-person operation of trains, as specified, in place before July 1, 2000, on any short-line railroad.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
SB 356 (Hughes-D) Employment: leave for parents or guardians
Requires school districts, and specified state agencies, to provide notice to the public concerning existing provisions of law that allow a parent to take time off work to participate in school or licensed child day care facility activities related to their child.
(Died at Senate Desk)
SB 945 (Vasconcellos-D) Employment
Exempts AmeriCorps participants from state labor and unemployment insurance laws.
Chapter 365, Statutes of 2000
SB 973 (Perata-D) Permanent amusement rides: safety
Provides for the permitting and inspection of permanent amusement rides.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
SB 1000 (Burton-D) Employment: workday and overtime
Enacts the Eight-Hour-Day Preservation Workplace Flexibility Act of 1999.
(Died in Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 1097 (Hayden-D) Car washing and polishing
Requires persons who employ others in car washing and polishing, as defined, to register with the Labor Commissioner. Requires an employee who has violated specified labor laws to obtain a surety bond, and meet other specified requirements.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1149 (Hayden-D) Family care and medical leave
Provides that an employee may take family care and medical leave to care for a grandparent or sibling, or domestic partner, as defined, who has a serious health condition. Defines "child" for the bill.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1218 (Leslie-R) Clinical laboratories: onsite testing
Provides that an employer may use an onsite screening test for substances of abuse for preemployment screening, and may conduct the tests at an onsite facility operated by the employer provided the employer follows certain guidelines. Requires the State Department of Health Services to register employers that are operating onsite screening tests for substances of abuse, and requires employers to pay an annual registration fee to the department not exceeding $50. Provides that any person who violates these provisions is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Died in Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 1272 (Ortiz-D) Community health care workers: violence reports
Requires an employer who employs a community health care worker to keep a record of any violence committed against a worker and to file a copy of that record with the Division of Labor Statistics and Research.
Chapter 493, Statutes of 2000
SB 1305 (Figueroa-D) Employer indemnification: interest
Provides that interest and costs, including attorney's fees, shall be awarded to an employee in an indemnification action against an employer for necessary work-related expenditures and losses.
Chapter 990, Statutes of 2000
SB 1327 (Escutia-D) Inspection of personnel records by employees
Repeals various statutes that give employees access to their personnel records and replaces them with a standard provision that applies to both public and private sector employers, as specified.
Chapter 886, Statutes of 2000
SB 1353 (Rainey-R) Employees: reserve peace officers and emergency personnel
Protects volunteer peace officers from discharge or discrimination by employers for taking time off work to perform emergency duty as a reserve peace officer or emergency rescue personnel.
Chapter 244, Statutes of 2000
SB 1358 (Solis-D) Industrial Welfare Commission
Requires that the executive officer of the State Industrial Welfare Commission be appointed by the Governor.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
SB 1566 (Hayden-D) Labor: working conditions: international trade
Requires the Director of the State Department of Industrial Relations to review federal treaties and international trade agreements and report to the Legislature on the impact to California labor standards.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1567 (Hayden-D) Employee sick leave
Mandates paid sick leave benefits for low wage workers and extends the use of an employee's sick leave for time off to attend to the needs of one's sibling, domestic partner or grandparent.
(Failed passage in Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 1691* (Speier-D) Taxes: domestic violence awareness
Provides a 75 percent credit for employer costs associated with a workplace domestic violence program.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 1804 (Haynes-R) Unlawful employment practices: pupil transfers
Provides that the transfer of a student into or out of a classroom based upon parental request is not a violation of the Fair Employment and Housing Act.
(Failed passage in Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 1822 (Bowen-D) Employee computer records
Prohibits an employer from monitoring employees electronic mail or other computer records without first advising the employee of the employer's workplace privacy and monitoring policy.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1854 (Alarcon-D) Employment: lie detector tests
Requires the videotaping of a polygraph test when caused to be administered by an employer. Narrows existing exemption with respect to state employment administration of lie detector tests to public safety employees.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1877 (Alarcon-D) Displaced janitors
Provides continued employment for janitors who are laid off when their employers' contract is terminated.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1902 (Morrow-R) Payment of wages: bonds
Requires notice to the principal and surety of a wage bond that a meritorious claim has been filed for prevailing wages on a public works project.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
SB 1931 (O'Connell-D) Approval of courses
Adds approved construction apprenticeship programs to classes that qualify for reimbursement by the state if specified requirements are met, and adds a requirement that classes may be conducted at the facility of an approved program.
(Died on Assembly Floor)
SB 1999 (Burton-D) Public work
Provides that for purposes of public works law, "construction" includes work performed during the design and pre-construction phases of construction including, but not limited to, inspection and land surveying work.
Chapter 881, Statutes of 2000
SR 26 (Solis-D) Janitors
Urges every effort to be made to build consensus and reach a mutual resolution to the current labor strike engaged in by janitor members of the Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO, Local 1877. Encourages addressing the gap between the increasingly wealthy and the working poor in Los Angeles by encouraging contractors, business owners and other business interests to accept responsibility to improve the economic conditions of hard-working janitors.
Adopted by the Senate
Similar legislation was HR 49 (Villaraigosa-D), which was adopted by the Assembly.
SR 32 (Solis-D) Labor strike at Basic Vegetable Products
Urges the State of California to cease supporting Basic Vegetable Products (Basic) through state purchases of basic products during a current labor dispute with the Teamsters Union Local 890 and calls upon Basic to negotiate in good faith and rescind the permanent placement of strikers.
Adopted by the Senate
Similar legislation was HR 61 (Keeley-D), which was adopted by the Assembly.
AB 259 (Leach-R) Minors: services as sports referees
Deems as "independent contractors" 12- to 17-year-olds who provide sports referee services for non-profit corporations under specified conditions.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 281 (Floyd-D) Industrial Welfare Commission
Expands the State Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) to seven members appointed by the Governor. Adds to the IWC one representative of organized labor and one representative of employers. Requires IWC members to receive the same salary as members of the Agricultural Labor Relations Board.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 418 (Firebaugh-D) Overtime
Requires the State Labor Commissioner to report to the Legislature by July 1, 2000, on the effect of mandatory overtime on health, safety, and quality of life of workers, particularly with regard to workers in the telecommunications industry. Requires the report to include recommendations and proposed regulations where appropriate to address any negative consequences of such mandatory overtime on health, safety, and quality of life workers.
(Died in Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
AB 433 (Washington-D) Firefighters: conditions of employment
Provides that no firefighter employment contract shall include a requirement that a firefighter reimburse the public employer for training expenses. Makes it an unlawful employment practice to take specified adverse actions against a person because of lawful conduct which took place away from the premises of a previous employer.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 823 (Floyd-D) Legal actions
Clarifies the statute of limitations for injuries or death caused by exposure to toxic substances or cumulative trauma; clarifies when an employee can bring action for damages against an employer; and makes a change in the shifting of the burden of proof in a summary judgment proceeding.
(Died in Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 934 (Steinberg-D) Civil liability
Seeks to restore worker protections and safety by holding property owners and general contractors liable for injuries suffered by employees as a result of hazards at the worksite, or special risks of harm associated with the work performed that the hirer knows or should know may occur.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 983 (Correa-D) Amusement rides
Requires the operator of a permanent amusement facility, as defined, to keep accurate records of deaths and injuries occurring at the facility, to file a related annual report with the Division of Occupational Safety and Health, and requires the division to annually file a related report annually with the Legislature.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 1599 (Torlakson-D) Labor: young workers
Provides for the creation of a statewide young worker health and safety resource network, developed by the State Department of Industrial Relations and coordinated by an independent contractor, for the purpose of increasing the ability of young workers and their communities to identify and address workplace hazards in order to prevent young workers from being injured on the job.
Chapter 598, Statutes of 2000
AB 1646 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Public works: payments
Streamlines the procedures for review of a decision to withhold funds from a contractor due to failure to pay prevailing wages on a public works project.
Chapter 954, Statutes of 2000
AB 1653 (Bock-I) California Resource Center on Safe Jobs for Youth
Establishes the California Resource Center on Safe Jobs for Youth in the State Department of Industrial Relations.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1656 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Occupational safety and health: sanitary facilities
Requires all employers to notify each of its employees of the location of the sanitary facilities and to provide those employees with reasonable opportunities to use those facilities during the workday.
(In Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 1856 (Kuehl-D) Harassment: liability of employees
Expressly provides that employees of an entity covered by the California Fair Employment and Housing Act are personally liable for their acts of harassment, regardless of whether their employer knows or should have known of the conduct and fails to take immediate and appropriate corrective action.
Chapter 1047, Statutes of 2000
AB 1889 (Cedillo-D) State funds: unionization
Prohibits public employers or state contractors from using state funds to discourage or encourage unionization.
Chapter 872, Statutes of 2000
AB 2056 (Briggs-R) Alternative workweek schedules
Revises the alternative workweek schedule provisions of existing law to permit workdays of up to 12 hours per day without premium overtime pay for hours worked in excess of eight hours in a day. Existing law, subject to specified exceptions, limits such schedules to ten hours per day.
(Failed passage in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 2062 (Kuehl-D) Fair employment and housing
Makes a technical correction to the Fair Employment and Housing Act exempting the state from the payment of attorney's fees and costs in employment discrimination claims, and brings clarity to the precise "triggering" events which permit a respondent to transfer an employment discrimination claim from the State Department of Fair Employment and Housing to a court.
Chapter 189, Statutes of 2000
AB 2088 (Reyes-D) Public works: prevailing wages
Requires the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement to commence an action to recover penalties and other amounts determined by the Labor Commissioner to be due when the contractor has not paid the prevailing wage not later than two years, instead of 180 days, after the filing of a valid notice of completion or acceptance of the public work, whichever occurs later.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2142 (Keeley-D) Employment and housing discrimination: gender
Clarifies, for purposes of the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), discrimination on the basis of "sex" includes gender discrimination. Imports the existing definition of "gender" from the Penal Code, with minor changes to reflect the civil nature of FEHA actions
(Failed passage in Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 2222 (Kuehl-D) Civil rights: disability
Enacts the Prudence Kay Poppink Act. Clarifies the definitions of "mental disability," "physical disability" and "medical condition" for the purposes of California's civil rights law. Limits an employer's ability to require medical or psychological examinations, or make certain medical or disability-related inquiries. Requires an employer to engage in a good faith, interactive process to determine reasonable accommodations for a disabled employee or applicant.
Chapter 1049, Statutes of 2000
AB 2357 (Honda-D) Victims of Domestic Violence Employment Leave Act
Provides additional options for victims of domestic violence to take unpaid leave from work to obtain specified services.
Chapter 487, Statutes of 2000
AB 2410 (Machado-D) Wages: state employees
Makes various changes in the disbursal of payroll to state employees. Requires state employees who are discharged to be paid immediately and requires overtime to be paid in a timely manner.
Chapter 885, Statutes of 2000
AB 2436 (Wildman-D) Building maintenance service contractors
Provides that it is the intent of the Legislature to create a licensing system for contractors and subcontractors of janitorial or building maintenance services and that such licensing system shall be modeled on existing licensing systems.
(Died in Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
AB 2481 (Romero-D) Apprentice employment: standards
Revises civil penalties and enforcement actions for construction contractors who violate specified apprenticeship requirements for public works contracts.
Chapter 875, Statutes of 2000
AB 2490 (Wesson-D) Income tax: earned income credit
Enacts the Earned Income Tax Credit Information Act by (1) requiring employers to notify, as specified, all employees that they may be eligible for the federal earned income tax credit (EITC) and how to receive it if eligible, and (2) stating legislative findings and declarations on facilitating the dissemination of EITC information in order to ease the tax burden on low-income Californians, and state the Legislature's intent to offer the most cost-effective assistance to eligible taxpayers through notices provided by their employers.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2509 (Steinberg-D) Remedies for employment law violations
Makes various changes to the Labor Code relative to rights, remedies, and procedures. Streamlines and alters many enforcement and administrative procedures of wage and hour laws before the Labor Commissioner and the courts, increases civil penalties and damages for violations.
Chapter 876, Statutes of 2000
AB 2513 (Shelley-D) Public works: debarment of contractors
Expands the application of the debarment to include contractors or other entities in which the debarred has any financial interest, and requires public advertisements of actions taken.
Chapter 970, Statutes of 2000
AB 2535 (Oller-R) Volunteer firefighters
Allows an employee who is a volunteer firefighter to take unpaid leaves of absence for the purpose of engaging in training.
Chapter 361, Statutes of 2000
AB 2557 (Margett-R) Payment bonds: public works
Increases the payment bond that must be posted by a general contractor on a public works project to 100 percent of the total amount payable for contracts of $5 million or more.
Chapter 760, Statutes of 2000
AB 2726 (Olberg-R) Guest worker pilot program
Requires the State Employment Development Department to conduct a study evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of the current application and approval process for California employers employing temporary, nonimmigrant aliens under the federal H-1B visa program and make recommendations to the federal government on how this process can be improved.
(Failed passage in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 2783 (Villaraigosa-D) Public works: prevailing wages
Provides that payroll records made available to joint labor-management committees, as specified, shall be marked in a manner to prevent the disclosure of an individual's social security number. Permits federally recognized labor-management committees to seek civil court action to remedy prevailing wage violations.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2850 (Honda-D) Labor: computer professionals
Exempts from receiving overtime pay, computer system analysts, computer programmers, software engineers, or other similarly skilled workers who are employed on an hourly basis, and who meet specified wage and duties requirements.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 2856 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Payment of wages
Clarifies that the provision of current law requiring an employer to keep specified payroll records for employees, applies to employees paid in cash and by check.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2857 (Steinberg-D) Wage and hour remedies
Exempts civil court appeals of a wage claim decision of the Labor Commissioner from the requirement for pre-trial judicial arbitration. Deals with subpoenas and relates to mail notices, liquidated damages as it relates to unpaid minimum wages and the posting of violation notices.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 2858 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Director of the State Department of Industrial Relations
Requires the Director of the State Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) to report to the Legislature not later than July 1, 2001, on the coordination of enforcement activities among the divisions in DIR and between DIR and other departments and agencies with respect to employers who are in violations of multiple labor laws.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 2859 (Assembly Labor And Employment Committee) Industrial Welfare Commission
Authorizes the State Industrial Welfare Commission to periodically review the distribution of income in California, including trends in income inequality in this state and in comparison with the United States.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2860* (Kuehl-D) Talent services
Narrows the definition of an advance-fee talent service.
Chapter 878, Statutes of 2000
AB 2866* (Migden-D) State government: Budget Trailer Bill
Makes changes in existing law relating to general government to implement provisions of the Budget Bill for the 2000-2001 fiscal year, including personal service contracts. Requires personal service contracts to include provisions of employee benefits equal to at least 85 percent of the cost of providing comparable benefits to state employees. The Budget Bill appropriates $6 million for this purpose and provides authority to increase this amount upon 30 days prior written notice to the Legislature.
Specifies that fees deposited in a subaccount to be kept by the Labor Commissioner are to be used to cover costs incurred by the commissioner in reviewing claims by garment manufacturing employers to recover nonpaid wages as well as implementing registration requirements.
Chapter 127, Statutes of 2000 - Item Veto
ACR 141 (Cedillo-D) Domestic Worker Appreciation Day
Declares each March 30 to be Domestic Worker Appreciation Day.
Resolution Chapter 37, Statutes of 2000
HR 49 (Villaraigosa-D) Janitors
Urges the building owners and janitorial contractors involved in the current dispute to make every effort to build consensus and reach a resolution, and encourages those business interests to accept their responsibility to address the gap between the increasingly wealthy and working poor.
Adopted by the Assembly
Similar legislation was SR 26 (Solis-D), which the Senate adopted.
HR 53 (Honda-D) Equal Pay Day
Declares May 11, 2000, to be "Equal Pay Day" and that the Assembly urges the citizens of California to recognize the full value of women's skills and significant contributions to the labor force.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 61 (Keeley-D) Labor strike at Basic Vegetable Products
Urges the State of California to stop state purchases of Basic Vegetable Products (Basic) and to call upon Basic to negotiate in good faith with striking workers and to rescind the permanent replacement of the strikers.
Adopted by the Assembly
Similar legislation was SR 32 (Solis-D), which the Senate adopted.

Workers' Compensation
SB 32 (Peace-D) Workers' compensation: law enforcement
Establishes, for the purposes of workers' compensation, a presumption that hepatitis is work related if it develops or manifests itself during the period of service of an employee of a sheriff's office, a police department, or a fire department.
Chapter 490, Statutes of 2000
SB 181 (Perata-D) Workers' compensation: credit against liability
Prohibits an employer from delaying timely payment of compensation in anticipation of any recovery by the employee either by settlement or after judgment. Declares that it is the intent of the Legislature in enacting the bill to abrogate the holding of the Third District Court of Appeal in Mares v. Workers' Compensation Appeals Board, (1996) 61 Cal. Comp. Cases 659.
(Died in Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 239 (Perata-D) Workers' compensation: jockeys
Authorizes the establishment of a nonprofit public benefit corporation which would be responsible for securing workers' compensation insurance coverage on a blanket basis on behalf of all licensed trainers for the benefit of all jockeys, apprentice jockeys, exercise riders, and pony riders licensed by the California Horse Racing Board.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)
SB 812 (Brulte-R) Commission on Health and Safety and Workers' Compensation
Expands the Commission on Health and Safety and Workers' Compensation to ten voting members, of whom five would represent organized labor and five would represent employers. Requires the Governor to appoint two new members, and requires agreement of not less than three members representing organized labor and three members representing employers for a commission action to be valid.
(Died in Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 947 (Alarcon-D) Workers' compensation
Requires administrative director of the Division of Workers' Compensation of the State Department of Industrial Relations' approval of a vocational rehabilitation plan when an employee is represented but the plan does not contain a 60-day job placement component, and requires the administrative director to review adjustments to the fee schedule on an annual basis, and set the professional hourly rate at $70 per hour. Changes the cap on additional living expenses and fees from $16,000 to an unspecified amount.
(Died in Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 996 (Johnston-D) Workers' compensation
Increases workers' compensation benefits and makes changes in the administration of the workers' compensation system.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1140 (Morrow-R) Workers' compensation: appeals board
Revises the process by which the State Department of Employment Development files liens to recover unemployment disability funds and to disallow workers' compensation benefits to an individual receiving unemployment disability benefits, as specified.
(Failed passage in Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 1264 (Mountjoy-R) Workers' compensation: representation of employer
Requires a workers' compensation insurer to file a writing with the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board, signed by the insured employer, whenever the insured employer is represented before the board by house counsel or a hearing representative.
(Died in Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 1732 (Burton-D) Health care providers
Repeals a requirement that workers' compensation insurers (insurers) identify the name of the network that has a written agreement with health care providers entitling the insurer to pay a discounted rate and, instead, requires the insurer to only identify the name of the network with which the insurer has an agreement, and makes technical changes to various provisions regulating the selling of lists of contracted providers.
Chapter 1069, Statutes of 2000
SB 1785 (Figueroa-D) Workers' compensation: data collection
Allows the administrative director of the Division of Workers' Compensation to use specified nationally recognized standards regarding the workers' compensation information system.
Chapter 318, Statutes of 2000
SB 1820 (Burton-D) Workers' compensation: cancer presumption
Extends the cancer presumption to specified peace officers.
Chapter 887, Statutes of 2000
SB 1959 (Lewis-R) Workers' compensation insurance: reinsurance
Requires every insurer or reinsurer desiring to reinsure any or all portions of workers' compensation insurance to notify the State Insurance Commissioner of its intent to reinsure and to maintain a bond prior to such undertaking.
Chapter 892, Statutes of 2000
SB 1965 (Brulte-R) Workers' compensation: information system
Requires individually identifiable data to be exchanged from the workers' compensation information system.
(Died in Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 1977 (Peace-D) Workers' compensation: assistants and practitioners
Permits physician assistants and nurse practitioners to determine and report on an injured workers' entitlement to benefits.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)
SB 2081 (Alarcon-D) Workers' compensation: disability benefits
Extends the leave-of-absence in lieu of temporary disability benefits for injured public safety employees to injured peace officers of the Los Angeles Unified School District.
Chapter 929, Statutes of 2000
AB 201 (Reyes-D) Workers' compensation: medical treatment
Provides that an employee shall be entitled to interpreter services when, at the request of those persons or entities, the employee submits to an examination by a treating physician. Also makes several technical, nonsubstantive changes.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 209 (Cedillo-D) Workers' compensation: vocational rehabilitation
Requires an employer or its insurer to assign an injured worker to vocational rehabilitation services when the period of total disability exceeds 90 days in the aggregate.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 426 (Scott-D) Workers' Compensation Appeals Board: electronic filing
Requires the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) to adopt rules requiring the filing of documents with the WCAB by electronic means, and provides that a document that is filed electronically is the equivalent of an original, written document.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 474 (Floyd-D) Workers' compensation
Requires payments to be made from the Uninsured Employers Fund notwithstanding any bankruptcy proceedings affecting the employer, and authorizes the director of the State Department of Industrial Relations to commence any proceedings necessary to seek to obtain a judgment against the employer. Provides that the fund is liable for penalties and interest in certain cases.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 586 (Brewer-R) Workers' compensation
Authorizes collective bargaining agreements between a private employer or group of employers engaged in manufacturing and a union that is the recognized or certified exclusive bargaining representative.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 776 (Calderon-D) Workers' compensation: medical evaluators
Revises qualifications for appointment and reappointment and the grounds for termination of medical evaluators.
Chapter 54, Statutes of 2000
AB 934 (Steinberg-D) Civil liability: workers' compensation
Seeks to restore worker protections and safety by holding property owners and general contractors liable for injuries suffered by employees as a result of hazards at the worksite, or special risks of harm associated with the work performed that the hirer knows or should know may occur.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1086 (Calderon-D) Workers' compensation: judges: procedure
Makes various revisions to provisions governing medical evaluators, physicians, and evaluations. Prescribes qualifications to be met by workers' compensation administrative law judges. Makes changes in the procedures for workers' compensation administrative law judges when conducting workers' compensation hearings.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1124 (Havice-D) Workers' compensation: custody assistants
Extends the leave-of-absence in lieu of temporary disability benefits for injured public safety employees to injured custody assistants employed by the County of Los Angeles.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1185 (Gallegos-D) Workers' compensation: acupuncturists
Permits an acupuncturist to determine workers' compensation disability and requires that an acupuncturist, appointed by the Senate Rules Committee, serve on the Industrial Medical Council.
(Died at Senate Desk)
AB 1267 (Baugh-R) Public contracts: workers' compensation
Prohibits a local agency that requires a contractor or bidder on a contract to demonstrate proof of workers' compensation insurance coverage for employees engaged in the provision of goods or services pursuant to the contract from disallowing the contractor's selection of a particular insurance carrier, or from considering a bidder's proposal on a contract more or less responsive or favorable solely because of the bidder's selection of a particular insurance carrier, provided that the carrier is operating under a certificate of authority issued by the State Insurance Commissioner.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1329 (Cox-R) Workers' compensation: disabilities: schedules
Requires the administrative director on or before January 1, 2001, to review and revise the schedule for the determination of the percentage of permanent disabilities, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1374 (Granlund-R) Workers' compensation: cancer
Broadens provisions of current law that presume cancer contracted by certain peace officers is work-related, thereby entitling additional peace officers to workers' compensation benefits. Eliminates the requirement that the officers be primarily engaged in law enforcement activities.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1468 (Corbett-D) Workers' compensation: medical records
Expands the medical information which may be disclosed to employers by third-party administrators, insurers, and employees and agents specified by a self-insured employer to administer the employer's workers' compensation claims.
(Died in Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
AB 1883 (Lowenthal-D) Workers' compensation
Extends the leave-of-absence in lieu of temporary disability benefits for injured public safety employees to Los Angeles City airport law enforcement officers and harbor and port police officers, wardens and special officers.
Chapter 920, Statutes of 2000
AB 2043 (Maddox-R) Workers' compensation: injuries
Adds meningitis to the conditions that are presumed compensable for peace officers and firefighters under the workers' compensation system.
Chapter 883, Statutes of 2000
AB 2178 (Knox-D) Workers' compensation
Eliminates the requirement that the Director of the State Department of Industrial Relations certify loss control consultation services. Establishes an ombudsperson to provide information about loss control consultation services. Authorizes the establishment of a worker occupational safety and health training and education program.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2297* (Calderon-D) Workers' compensation: renewal notice
Revises workers' compensation policyholder renewal notice requirements.
Chapter 884, Statutes of 2000
AB 2543 (Brewer-R) Workers' compensation: medical information
Permits the release of medical information related to an injured worker under specified conditions.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)

Unemployment Insurance
SB 546 (Solis-D) Unemployment compensation
Increases weekly unemployment insurance benefits.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 785 (Speier-D) Taxes: domestic worker employers
Permits employers of domestic workers to report wage earnings on an annual basis.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1152 (Poochigian-R) Unemployment
Specifies when an individual is deemed not to be an employee of the employer for purposes of the payment of contributions with respect to unemployment insurance coverage and the withholding of taxes on the wages of employees.
(Died in Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
SB 1317 (Solis-D) Unemployment disability: contribution rates
Makes the declaration of the Director of the State Employment Development Department (EDD) concerning the state disability insurance (SDI) rate for the following year mandatory, rather than advisory. Authorizes the Director of EDD to waive penalties or interest accruing with respect to any underpayment of SDI contributions during the 2000 calendar year under specified conditions.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1397 (Solis-D) Unemployment insurance: educational employees
Makes K-14 classified school employees who are laid-off over spring break or over the winter holiday eligible to receive unemployment insurance benefits.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 70 (Cunneen-R) Taxation: employees
Provides, for purposes of unemployment insurance and withholding tax on wages, a person is regarded as an independent contractor if an employer has not treated the individual as an employee, and has filed tax returns which are consistent with independent contractor status.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 489* (Ducheny-D) Taxes: credit
Allows employers a tax credit for the costs of unemployment insurance taxes and employment training taxes paid on tips received by employees. Specifies that the credit applies to taxable years 2000 through 2006, and any excess credit is to be carried forward for up to 13 years.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 874 (Alquist-D) Disability insurance: controlled groups
Permits a group of employers to participate in a consolidated voluntary disability insurance plan.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1162 (Washington-D) Disability benefits: pregnancy or childbirth
Entitles a pregnant woman to a 10-week period of disability benefits, which may be extended if the delivery is by Cesarean section, if there are medical complications, or if the woman is unable to perform her regular or customary duties.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1844 (Washington-D) Disability benefits: pregnancy or childbirth
Establishes disability insurance periods for pregnant women in the law. Under state disability insurance benefits, a pregnant woman is eligible for four weeks of disability insurance prior to her expected delivery date and six weeks after the expected delivery date. Specifies that any unused portion of the predelivery period may be added onto the six weeks of postpartum benefits.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1904 (Runner-R) Unemployment disability contribution rate
Requires the Director of the State Department of Employment Development to issue a biennial forecast of the Disability Fund, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2477 (Wiggins-D) Unemployment insurance: benefits
Provides an alternate base of earnings upon which unemployment insurance benefits can be calculated.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2815 (Kuehl-D) Unemployment insurance
Allows employees of the State of California, the California Legislature and the California State University to be covered by the State Disability Insurance Program.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2829 (Battin-R) Agricultural employers: reserve account
Requires, for each reserve account established with respect to an agricultural employer, as defined by a specified statutory provision, the Director of the State Department of Employment Development, for each month, to issue to the subject employer a separate, written report that lists all of the individuals that received benefits with respect to that account for that month.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 2906 (Assembly Insurance Committee) Unemployment and disability insurance
Extends the California Training Benefit Program until January 1, 2006, and authorizes the State Department of Employment Development to offset benefit overpayments against income tax refunds continuously throughout the year.
Chapter 299, Statutes of 2000

Financial Institutions
SB 270 (Karnette-D) Automated teller machine (ATM) surcharges
Prohibits financial institutions that operate automated teller machines (ATMs) from imposing "any surcharge upon a customer for the usage of that machine, whether or not the customer is using an access device issued by that institution." However, the customer's own financial institution could still charge a foreign transaction fee as long as disclosure was made to the customer. Permits nonfinancial institutions (i.e., service stations and grocery stores) that operate ATMs to continue to charge a surcharge for using their ATMs.
(Failed passage in Senate Finance, Investment and International Trade)
SB 834 (Perata-D) Deferred deposit loans
Enacts the Deferred Deposit Loan Act which prohibits any person from engaging in the business of making direct deposit loans without first obtaining a license from the State Department of Justice.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 935 (Ortiz-D) Transmission of money abroad: fees
Increases, from $250 to $400, the fee payable to the Commissioner of Financial Institutions in order to establish a branch office for any corporation licensed to transmit money abroad.
(Died in Senate Finance, Investment and International Trade Committee)
SB 1151 (Polanco-D) Financial investments
Authorizes a 100 percent credit against the insurance gross premiums tax for insurance companies that invest in certified capital companies (CAPCOs), provided the CAPCOs meet specified requirements regarding their investments.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 1337 (Speier-D) Financial institutions
Creates the Financial Information Privacy Act of 2000 and, in sum, a financial institution could "not disclose to, or share a customer's confidential customer information with, any third party, including an affiliate or agent of that financial institution, or a subsidiary, unless the financial institution has obtained a written or electronic consent acknowledgement from the customer."
(Failed passage in Senate Finance, Investment and International Trade Committee)
SB 1356 (Lewis-R) Industrial loan companies: bad check fee
Raises the amount that a premium finance agreement may impose for a dishonored check fee from an amount not to exceed $5 to $15, for actual expenses incurred in the processing of a dishonored check.
Chapter 101, Statutes of 2000
SB 1372 (Leslie-R) Financial institutions: privacy
Establishes the Financial Privacy Act.
(Failed passage in Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 1422 (Alpert-D) Banking and trust operations
Conforms state law to federal law applicable to national banks doing business in California with respect to (1) the establishment, relocation, and discontinuance of automated teller machine branch offices, (2) investments in bank holding companies, and (3) the conduct of fiduciary activities at a location other than the head office or branch office.
Chapter 204, Statutes of 2000
SB 1465 (Polanco-D) Financial investments
Enacts the California Certified Capital Company Act to establish an incentive program, using credits against gross premium taxes, for insurance companies to invest in certified capital companies in this state, which, in turn, will make investments in new or expanding businesses.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
SB 1466 (Leslie-R) Banking transactions
Extends, to January 1, 2005, the sunset date for a section of the Commercial Code relating to checking account statements and a customer's duty to examine statements.
Chapter 122, Statutes of 2000
SB 1472 (Ortiz-D) Credit unions
Enacts provisions governing the licensing of credit unions of other states and credit unions of foreign nations that intend to operate in California.
Chapter 612, Statutes of 2000
SB 1483 (Perata-D) Check cashers: deferred deposit
Repeals and reenacts provisions governing payday loans.
(Died in Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)
SB 1501 (Perata-D) Deferred deposit loans
Repeals and reenacts provisions governing payday loans.
(Failed passage in Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)
SB 2142 (Karnette-D) Automated teller machines
Requires the State Department of Financial Institutions to conduct an annual study of the effects of surcharges imposed on customers for their use of automated teller machines and to report annually its findings to the Legislature, as specified.
(Died in Senate Finance, Investment and International Trade Committee)
SB 2148* (Polanco-D) Financial institutions
Changes the name of "industrial loan companies" to "industrial banks" and incorporates these institutions into the regulatory framework governing commercial banks and trust companies.
Chapter 1015, Statutes of 2000
AB 143 (Calderon-D) Transmission of money abroad
Represents an effort to provide consumers who wire money across-the-border with the information they need to effectively comparison shop.
(Died in Senate Finance, Investment and International Trade Committee)
AB 333 (Papan-D) Internet escrow transactions
Amends the Financial Code to expand escrow transactions to include Internet escrow transactions, allow for Internet payment alternatives, provide for electronic transfers of funds, authorize Internet escrow agents to provide records to the State Department of Corporations electronically, and specifies staffing requirements for Internet escrow agencies.
Chapter 437, Statutes of 2000
AB 1198 (Firebaugh-D) Money transmitters
Imposes additional requirements on licensed money transmitters, limits the exchange rate and provides for civil remedies.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1331 (Papan-D) Governmental regulations
Removes the name of former Senator Alan Robbins from the various code sections where it appears, including the Robbins-Vuich-Calderon Financial Institutions Act of 1986.
Chapter 375, Statutes of 2000
AB 1508 (Florez-D) Financial institutions: closing of offices
Adds new requirements for notice of closure of bank branch offices.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 1707 (Kuehl-D) Privacy: financial transactions
Adds the Consumers Financial Privacy Act to the California Civil Code.
(Failed passage in Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)
AB 1816 (Wayne-D) Prohibition on use of simulated checks
Prohibits, instead of restricts, the production, advertising, offering for sale, selling, distributing, or transferring for use in this state of any simulated check, except for specified cases. Revises the definition of simulated check to cover other instances in which the artifice has been or is being used.
Chapter 185, Statutes of 2000
AB 1962 (Lempert-D) Escrow agents: fees
Revises the current escrow agent assessment procedure.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1973 (Wesson-D) Check cashers: surety bonds
Adds disclosure, transaction limitation, counseling information and reporting requirements to payday law.
(Failed passage in Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 2032 (Leach-R) Securities: exemption from registration
Extends an exemption from registering offers and sales of securities with the State Department of Corporations to a purchase or option plan or agreement meeting specified conditions.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2253 (Jackson-D) Elder and dependent financial abuse
Authorizes employees or agents of financial institutions to report suspected financial abuse against an elder or dependent adult.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 2396 (Longville-D) Credit unions
Restores a code section that was inadvertently removed in prior legislation which provides the authority for credit unions to deposit funds in specified financial institutions.
Chapter 529, Statutes of 2000
AB 2403 (Maddox-R) Residential mortgage lending
Removes obsolete portions of the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act, revises the time and method for determining annual assessments to be paid by licensees, and clarifies when lenders can begin charging interest on loans they make.
Chapter 968, Statutes of 2000
AB 2420 (Firebaugh-D) Transmission of money abroad
Requires money transmission services to disclose exchange rates and other specified information.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
AB 2503* (Steinberg-D) Financial institutions
Updates several code sections in the financial, civil and insurance codes to reflect today's financial institution standards. Allows credit unions to include other sources of capital in its "equity capital" requirement such as membership dues and fees.
Chapter 411, Statutes of 2000
AB 2738 (Aanestad-R) Banking transactions
Restricts a depository institution from making changes to a customer's account by requiring the customer to make the request in person with proper identification.
(Died in Assembly Banking and Finance)
AB 2805 (Papan-D) Financial institutions
Makes legislative findings and declarations regarding community banks, adds a definition of "small bank," provides for a State Treasurer report and study, expands the Cal Capital Access Program, and adds specified letters of credit to the list of approved securities that may be received as security for demand and time deposits of state funds.
Chapter 913, Statutes of 2000
AB 2806 (Papan-D) Public investments: financial institutions
Establishes Community Reinvestment Act ratings and disclosure conditions precedent for financial institutions, as defined, to receive preference to participate in certain public business.
(Failed passage in Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)
AB 2845 (Calderon-D) Industrial loan companies
Removes the requirement that an industrial loan company receive approval from the Commissioner of Corporations in order to make a secured line of credit loan and deletes the provisions governing the procedure for obtaining that approval.
(Died in Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)
AB 2866* (Migden-D) Budget Trailer Bill: deposit of governmental funds
Transfers the authority of the State Treasurer to deposit and invest local agency funds to the State Commission of Financial Institutions.
Chapter 127, Statutes of 2000 - Item Vetoed

SB 123 (Peace-D) Petroleum: unfair practices
Makes legislative findings related to the price of gasoline and permits a branded gasoline franchisee to purchase the franchisor's branded petroleum product from any location in the franchisor's wholesale network.
(Died in Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)
SB 191 (Knight-R) Professional engineers: registration
Authorizes any licensed professional engineer to practice civil, electrical or mechanical engineering if competent to do so, and exempts the practice of any other legally recognized occupation from the engineering practice acts.
(Died in Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 235 (Haynes-R) Cosmetology: licensing
Exempts specified cosmetology activities from the statutory definition of the regulated practice of cosmetology, as specified.
Chapter 37, Statutes of 2000
Similar legislation was SB 1418 (Haynes-R), which died in Senate Business and Professions Committee.
SB 244 (Solis-D) Surface mining and reclamation
Makes changes to the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1976 for proposed or amended reclamation plans in the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority.
Chapter 515, Statutes of 2000
SB 294* (McPherson-R) Contractor license number
Requires the Contractors' State License Board to redesignate a current license number to the original license number, for purposes of the 100th anniversary of a licensee.
(Died in Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 471 (Solis-D) Works of improvement
Requires an owner of property who contracts for a private work of improvement in an amount exceeding $5 million to provide one of three specified forms of security for the project. Exempts certain publicly-traded companies and qualified private companies, as specified.
(Died on the Senate unfinished business file)
SB 593 (Morrow-R) Private unfair business practices
Amends the definition of unfair competition by requiring that an act be both unlawful and unfair. Limits a private plaintiff's ability to bring unfair trade and competition and false advertising claims. Demands closer court scrutiny of all phases of private representative suit litigation.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 1123 (Johnston-D) Secondhand goods dealers
Authorizes the State Department of Justice to establish a computer-generated electronically transmitted system for the purpose of making the required reports by pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers, as specified.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)
SB 1134 (Karnette-D) Barbering and cosmetology
Sets forth certain independent contractor guidelines and required contractual provisions with respect to persons (booth renters) doing independent contract work in barbering, cosmetology, electrolysis, nail care, or skin care in an establishment.
(Died In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
SB 1216 (Hughes-D) Home inspectors: registration
Requires the registration of home inspectors by the State Department of Consumer Affairs. The director of the department would be required, by regulation, to provide for the additional regulation and monitoring of home inspectors.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1267 (Polanco-D) Leaf blowers
Prohibits the sale of a leaf blower unless it meets specified standards, adds provisions to clarify local government's position as it relates to prohibiting or restricting the use of leaf blowers.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1280 (Chesbro-D) Employment
Limits the use of permanent intermittent positions that may be appointed by the State Employment Development Department as employment program representatives to not more than 10 percent of these authorized positions. Any of these employees who have worked for two years at least 75 percent of full-time while in intermittent status are to be converted to full-time permanent positions.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1319 (Burton-D) Cyber piracy: unlawful business practice
Makes cyber privacy unlawful under the Unfair Practices Act.
Chapter 218, Statutes of 2000
SB 1359 (Karnette-D) Unfair business practices
Deletes the exemptions for nonprofit charitable organizations and the sale of intangibles from the Unfair Business Practices Act regulation of in-person solicitations.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1488 (Alpert-D) Foreign corporations
Clarifies the definition of a "foreign corporation" for the purpose of defining whether a corporation is subject to California law governing corporate reorganizations and mergers, liability, shareholder rights, and other issues of corporate governance.
Chapter 206, Statutes of 2000
SB 1517 (Brulte-R) Real estate investment corporation
Revises current law so that a real estate investment corporation can maintain its federal tax status and still comply with specific provisions of the California Corporations Code.
Chapter 112, Statutes of 2000
SB 1520 (Schiff-D) Secondhand dealers
Streamlines the reporting system for pawned and secondhand property to an electronic system that uses specified reporting categories for law enforcement.
Chapter 994, Statutes of 2000
SB 1563 (Leslie-R) Professional engineers and land surveyors
Requires the State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors to establish minimum education or experience requirements for admission to the licensing exam and makes changes related to recording of maps and resetting of markers.
Chapter 678, Statutes of 2000
SB 1606 (Speier-D) Sellers of travel
Requires the Attorney General to provide specified information about the Seller of Travel Law in its website and requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to adopt regulations governing the process by which it provides links from its website and a toll-free number to private entities.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1639 (Murray-D) Structural pest control
Prohibits the Structural Pest Control Board from charging a fee for approving a continuing education course if it is provided at no charge to the person taking the course.
(Died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
SB 1730 (Costa-D) Recreation vehicle agreements
Establishes an extensive recreation vehicle dealership law governing the relationship between a recreation vehicle dealer and manufacturers in the operation of the recreation vehicle dealership business for marketing of those vehicular or related services, or both.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 1743 (Johnson-R) Bail licensees
Prohibits a bail license from directly or indirectly advertising bail or bail services or soliciting bail in any building used for the detention of criminally accused or sentenced persons or for the administration of justice, or within 500 feet of that building or associated parking lot on facility, except as provided.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)
SB 1819 (Dunn-D) Motor vehicle franchises
Allows an automobile manufacturer or distributor, or a business that it controls, or that controls it, to own an auto dealership within close proximity of independently-owned dealerships. Specifies anti-trust and unfair discrimination guidelines. Double-joined with AB 1912.
Chapter 789, Statutes of 2000
SB 1863 (Senate Business And Professions Committee) Professions and vocations
Updates, clarifies, and makes technical changes in the laws that regulate accountants, landscape architects and land surveyors.
Chapter 1054, Statutes of 2000
SB 1881 (O'Connell-D) Professional fiduciaries
Requires the State Department of Consumer Affairs to conduct a study on the potential licensing and regulation of professional fiduciaries, as defined. Appropriates $100,000 from the State General Fund.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1885 (Johnston-D) Pawnbroker regulations
Specifies charges that a pawnbroker may assess for a loan, based on whether the property is pawned for 90 days or less, or for more than 90 days.
Chapter 128, Statutes of 2000
SB 1889 (Figueroa-D) Internet: licensee information
Requires specified entities in the State Department of Consumer Affairs that issue licenses to disclose information regarding the status of the licenses of their licensees on the Internet. Requires those entities to disclose the addresses of record of licensees, and requires those entities and the State Department of Real Estate to allow licensees to provide a post office box number or other alternative address instead of a home address.
Chapter 927, Statutes of 2000
SB 1962 (Costa-D) Petroleum products: reports
Requires oil refiners and major marketers to report more specific data to the California Energy Commission, as specified.
Chapter 288, Statutes of 2000
SB 1967 (Kelley-R) Yacht and Ship Brokers Act
Revises the laws governing yacht and ship brokers licensed by the State Department of Boating and Waterways to: authorize the department to require additional information for licensing a salesperson, expand the grounds for license denial or discipline, authorize administrative legal actions to obtain the current civil penalties for violations of the licensing law, and prohibits a broker from organizing as a limited liability company.
Chapter 508, Statutes of 2000
SB 2002 (Senate Judiciary Committee) Commercial law
Corrects provisions enacted in the new Commercial Code (SB 45, Chapter 991, Statutes of 1999), in light of other laws enacted in 1999 relating to fees charged by the Secretary of State for specific document filings. Other technical amendments to the Commercial Code would be made by the bill.
Chapter 1003, Statutes of 2000
SB 2028 (Figueroa-D) Professions and vocations
Extends sunset date for the State Board of Registration for Geologists and Geophysicists and the State Athletic Commission for four years, extends the sunset review for the State Bureau of Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education, and makes specified changes in the sunset review process currently being used by the Joint Legislative Sunset Review Committee.
Chapter 393, Statutes of 2000
SB 2029 (Figueroa-D) Contractors' licensing
Extends the sunset date of the Contractors' State License Board by two years, changes the board membership, establishes a contractors' state license enforcement program monitor, and requires the board to perform several studies.
Chapter 1005, Statutes of 2000
SB 2030 (Figueroa-D) Engineers and land surveyors
Extends the sunset date for the State Board for Professional Engineers and Land Lawyers by one year and makes changes to the board's functions pursuant to the Joint Legislative Sunset Review Committee recommendations.
Chapter 1006, Statutes of 2000
SB 2033 (Figueroa-D) Structural Pest Control Board
Extends the sunset date of the Structural Pest Control Board and revises procedures for issuance of research contracts funded by the board's research fund.
Chapter 539, Statutes of 2000
SB 2123 (Figueroa-D) Private patrol operators
Revises the timeframe for submission of a registration application and fee for persons scheduled to work as security guards under a temporary registration card and increases the penalty for failure to comply with this new timeframe. Sunsets authority to issue temporary cards on June 30, 2003.
Chapter 683, Statutes of 2000
SB 2184 (Soto-D) Special event facilities
Enacts the Christopher King Memorial Act to require the Director of the State Office of Emergency Services to prepare and publish a technical service bulletin for use by public officials and owners and operators of special event facilities in the adoption of multifunctional emergency service contingency plans for those facilities.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
Similar legislation was AB 1714 (Soto), which died in the Assembly Consumer Protection, Government Efficiency, and Economic Development Committee.
AB 52 (Cedillo-D) Athletic events: fees
Establishes $100,000 as the maximum fee on admission receipts required to be paid to the California Athletic Commission by promoters for any one boxing contest.
Chapter 436, Statutes of 2000
Similar legislation was AB 2937 (Cedillo-D), which died in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
AB 83 (Cardenas-D) Business license and fees
Prohibits a city or county from requiring business licenses or permits or imposing taxes on specified income earned from work performed in the home.
Chapter 1070, Statutes of 2000
AB 219 (Gallegos-D) Surface mining and reclamation
Makes changes in the State Mining and Geology Board membership and in the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975 policies and procedures.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 229 (Baldwin-R) Limited liability companies
Allows providers of professional services that require a license, certification, or registration, except for those professions listed, to operate as a Limited Liability Company.
(Died in Assembly Judiciary Committee
AB 244 (Ackerman-R) Corporations: evidences of indebtedness
Makes specified evidence of indebtedness exemptions from the usury provisions of California law.
Chapter 468, Statutes of 2000
AB 797 (Baldwin-R) Industrial hygiene
Provides that certification provided by a certified industrial hygienist in the practice of industrial hygiene constitutes an expression of professional opinion regarding those facts or findings which are the subject of the certification, and does not constitute a warranty or guarantee, either express or implied.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1095* (Ashburn-R) Independent oil and natural gas producers: loans
Enacts the Independent Oil and Natural Gas Producers Emergency Relief Act of 1999 to authorize small business financial development corporations to provide loans or loan guarantees to independent oil and natural gas producers who otherwise qualify as small businesses, to assist those producers in maintaining payroll, operating expenses, and capital expenditures associated with the production of crude oil and natural gas, during any calendar year or which the average crude oil price drops below a specified amount.
(Died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 1096 (Romero-D) Interior designers
Establishes a state regulatory program for interior designers and creates a Board of Interior Design.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1125 (Ashburn-R) Property taxation: oil producing property
Authorizes counties to defer a portion of the property tax levied on oil-producing properties if the crude oil price falls below a specified amount.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1288 (Davis-D) Contractors: liability insurance
Requires contractors to file a certificate of liability insurance ($1 million per occurrence) as a condition of licensure.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 1348 (Runner-R) Business practices: trademark infringement
Expands existing trademark protection to proscribe acts by persons who knowingly assist in an act of trademark infringement. Creates a presumption of acting "knowingly," if certain factors are found, as specified.
Chapter 673, Statutes of 2000
AB 1427 (Wiggins-D) Barbering and cosmetology: exemption
Exempts persons with specified massage therapy training who provide massage to the face and upper body from the licensing requirements in the Barbering and Cosmetology Act.
(Died in Senate Business and Professions Committee)
AB 1585 (Baugh-R) Barbering and cosmetology: nonprofit trade corporation
Requires a nonprofit trade corporation to establish standardized subjects of instruction and training requirements and standards of certification for schools that offer students the ability to obtain licensure without the requirement of examination. Requires the State Department of Consumer Affairs to issue licenses to students upon completion of an approved course.
(Died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 1603 (Bates-R) Automotive technicians
Requires the State Department of Consumer Affairs and the California Automotive Repair Advisory Committee to prepare a report and submit recommendations to the Legislature and the Governor on or before September 1, 2000, concerning enhancement of automotive technician education and performance standards, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 1609 (Cardenas-D) Leaf blowers
Prohibits local agencies from banning leaf blowers, but allows the regulation of the noise levels emitted.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1642 (Floyd-D) Contractors: licensing
Provides that the failure of a contractor to pay moneys when due for materials, as specified, and if the failure to pay results in a mechanics lien being filed, shall result in the automatic suspension of the contractor's license.
(Died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 1761 (Brewer-R) Paralegals
Establishes qualifications for a paralegal and requires continuing education for certification.
Chapter 439, Statutes of 2000
AB 1810 (Wiggins-D) Weights and measures
Extends the sunset dates granting authority for civil penalties and device registration fees relating to weights and measures.
Chapter 512, Statutes of 2000
AB 1849 (Wiggins-D) Contractors' licensing
Creates a major fraud investigation unit within the Contractors' State License Board to conduct criminal and administrative investigations into alleged violations by licensees.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1894 (Ackerman-R) Business entities: mergers and conversions
Makes clarifying changes to conform statute relating procedures and filing requirements for business merger and conversion transactions.
Chapter 201, Statutes of 2000
AB 1895 (Ackerman-R) Corporations
Makes various clarifying and technical changes to provisions of law relative to corporations and securities.
Chapter 485, Statutes of 2000
AB 1916 (Bates-R) Architects
Allows the California Architects Board to register all persons or business entities providing architectural services and requires that there be an architect in responsible control when architectural services are provided.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1970* (Leach-R) Limited liability company
Increases the limited liability company fee and repeals provisions relating to adjustment of that fee.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1985 (Leach-R) Private investigators: licensing
Allows for enhanced reciprocity for out-of-state licensees; recognizes investigation experience at a public defender's office; and requires the Bureau of Security Services in the State Department of Consumer Affairs to issue durable pocket identification cards.
Chapter 216, Statutes of 2000
AB 2119 (Leach-R) Yacht and ship brokers
Revises the requirements and procedures for obtaining a yacht or ship broker's license, including the acceptance of electronically filed documents.
Chapter 380, Statutes of 2000
AB 2186 (Robert Pacheco-R) Unfair competition lawsuits
Places a number of restrictions upon persons bringing lawsuits alleging unfair competition.
(Died in Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 2213 (Frusetta-R) Corporations
Allows an unlisted corporation which operates a golf and country club to stagger the terms of its directors.
(Died in Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 2230 (Wiggins-D) Architectural and engineering service contracts
Allows architects and engineers contracting with state agencies to earn interest on the portion of their fees reclaimed by the state.
Chapter 758, Statutes of 2000
AB 2249 (Cox-R) Engineers
Specifies that the responsibility of job site safety supervisor is not to be assumed by, or attributable to, an engineer or engineering firm unless specified conditions are met.
(Died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 2263 (Correa-D) Self-service storage facilities
Allows self-storage facilities to assess a reasonable late payment fee for delinquent rental fee payments, based on the monthly rent of the facility, or specified.
Chapter 156, Statutes of 2000
AB 2370 (Honda-D) Home improvement contractors
Requires home improvement contractors and sales persons to provide fingerprints for purposes of criminal background checks.
(Died in Senate Appropriations committee)
AB 2412 (Migden-D) Retailers: sales tax
Provides that out-of-state retailers, who sell goods on the Internet and maintain a specified relationship with a retailer operating sales locations in California, are responsible for use tax collection on their Internet sales. Double-joined with AB 330.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2470* (Wiggins-D) Sales tax: fuel products
Exempts from sales tax that portion of fuel and petroleum products sold to an air common carrier that remains on board after the carrier reaches its first out-of-state destination.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 2488 (Baldwin-R) Business plans: hazardous material
Allows a certified unified program agency to exempt hazardous material handlers from the requirement to file complete business plans under specified conditions.
Chapter 296, Statutes of 2000
AB 2505 (Ashburn-R) Safety enforcement
Provides for the recognition of individuals certified as safety professionals by a safety professional certification organization, and provides for unfair business practices.
(Died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Government Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 2627 (Cox-R) Embalmers
Allows a death certificate to contain the signature or license number of an embalmer who may not have actually performed the embalming of decedent's body.
(Died n Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 2629 (Cox-R) Professional engineers and surveyors
Grants authority to the Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors to adopt rules and regulations relating to professional conduct for professional engineers and land surveyors and requires engineers and land surveyors to use written contracts when providing services for clients.
Chapter 976, Statutes of 2000
AB 2687 (Margett-R) Notaries public: immigration consultant services and fees.
Prohibits a notary public from entering data on an immigration form at a client's request unless the notary is also licensed and bonded as an immigration consultant. Restates in the fees provisions of the notary public law that a notary public may not charge a fee to a United States veteran for notarizing an application or claim for any veteran's benefit.
Chapter 194, Statutes of 2000
AB 2725 (Wesson-D) Going out-of-business sales
Regulates the advertising for, and the conduct of "going out-of-business" sales, by limiting the duration of a sale to 90 days requiring specified disclosures.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2737 (Margett-R) Independent contractor
Codifies common law criteria for determining whether a worker is an independent contractor or an employee for whom an employer must withhold employment-related taxes.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2833 (Alquist-D) Contractors: Internet information: mediation
Requires the Contractors' State Licensing Board (CSLB) to provide specified information concerning licensed contractors on its Internet website by September 15, 2001, including information on disciplinary action that has been taken or is pending. Requires the CSLB to develop a mediation process to facilitate the resolution of disputes between contractors and consumers.
(Died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)
AB 2866* (Migden-D) Budget Trailer Bill: electricians
Establishes a separate special fund to support the Division of Apprenticeship Standards Certification for electricians.
Chapter 127, Statutes of 2000
AB 2888 (Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency, And Economic Development Committee) Professions and vocations
Makes it a crime to manufacture a professional license and to buy or receive a fraudulent, forged or counterfeited license, and allows a licensing board to take specified action following a hearing related to a license denial. Makes programmatic changes to the following banks and bureaus: Cemetery and Funeral bureau, Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board, Board of Podiatric Medicine, Board of Registered Nursing, Barbering and Cosmetology Program, Acupuncture Board, Bureau of Security Investigative Services Bureau and Respiratory Care Board. Double-joined with AB 2779.
Chapter 568, Statutes of 2000
AB 2889* (Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency, And Economic Development Committee) Economic Development Professions and Vocations
Makes technical and name changes to reflect current organizational structure primarily for the State Trade and Commerce Agency and various boards and commissions within the State Department of Consumer Affairs. Specifically, it changes references from the "Department of Commerce" to the "Trade and Commerce Agency." Changes code references from the 'State Board of Accountancy" to the "California Board of Accountancy." Double-joined to SB 1863 and AB 2388.
Chapter 1055, Statutes of 2000
AJR 50 (Baugh-R) United Colors of Benetton
Specifies that the United Colors of Benetton's glorification of criminals for profit is both inappropriate and insensitive to families of the victims.
Resolution Chapter 66, Statutes of 2000
NOTE: See Farm Labor, Consumerism, and Revenue and Taxation sections of the Book for other Business and Labor related legislation.
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 32 | Peace-D Workers' compensation: law enforcement | |
SB 40* | Brulte-R Corporation tax: repeals corporate minimum tax | |
SB 43 | Johnston-D Employment: training panel | |
SB 88* | Escutia-D Overtime compensation | |
SB 118 | Hayden-D Employment: family care and medical leave | |
SB 123 | Peace-D Petroleum: unfair practices | |
SB 146 | Solis-D Employment: overtime requirements: nurses | |
SB 150 | Solis-D Labor agency | |
SB 178 | Polanco-D Work force investment: State Department of Transportation | |
SB 181 | Perata-D Workers' compensation: credit against liability | |
SB 191 | Knight-R Professional engineers: registration | |
SB 192 | Ortiz-D Sacramento River: development | |
SB 195 | Chesbro-D Small employer health coverage | |
SB 200 | O'Connell-D Employment: railroad train crews | |
SB 235 | Haynes-R Cosmetology: licensing | |
SB 239 | Perata-D Workers' compensation: jockeys | |
SB 244 | Solis-D Surface mining and reclamation | |
SB 270 | Karnette-D Automated teller machine (ATM) surcharges | |
SB 294* | McPherson-R Contractor license number | |
SB 298 | Leslie-R World's Fair Expo 2000 Hannover | |
SB 356 | Hughes-D Employment: leave for parents or guardians | |
SB 369 | Solis-D Foreign trade | |
SB 386 | Leslie-R Agricultural Export Program | |
SB 471 | Solis-D Works of improvement | |
SB 495* | Figueroa-D Taxes: credit: employees: research | |
SB 511 | Alarcon-D Enterprise zones | |
SB 546 | Solis-D Unemployment compensation | |
SB 593 | Morrow-R Private unfair business practices | |
SB 785 | Speier-D Taxes: domestic worker employers | |
SB 812 | Brulte-R Commission on Health and Safety and Workers' Compensation | |
SB 834 | Perata-D Deferred deposit loans | |
SB 892 | Chesbro-D Microenterprises | |
SB 897 | Polanco-D California State World Trade Commission | |
SB 899 | Vasconcellos-D California Youthbuild Program | |
SB 935 | Ortiz-D Transmission of money abroad: fees | |
SB 937 | Baca-D Economic development: San Bernardino | |
SB 945 | Vasconcellos-D Employment | |
SB 947 | Alarcon-D Workers' compensation | |
SB 973 | Perata-D Permanent amusement rides: safety | |
SB 995 | Knight-R Rural economic opportunity area | |
SB 996 | Johnston-D Workers' compensation | |
SB 1000 | Burton-D Employment: workday and overtime | |
SB 1049 | Murray-D State contracts: small businesses | |
SB 1083 | Knight-R Commercial space programs | |
SB 1096 | Hayden-D Economic development: inner cities | |
SB 1097 | Hayden-D Car washing and polishing | |
SB 1120 | Alarcon-D Office of Strategic Technology | |
SB 1123 | Johnston-D Secondhand goods dealers | |
SB 1134 | Karnette-D Barbering and cosmetology | |
SB 1140 | Morrow-R Workers' compensation: appeals board | |
SB 1149 | Hayden-D Family care and medical leave | |
SB 1151 | Polanco-D Financial investments | |
SB 1152 | Poochigian-R Unemployment | |
SB 1201 | Karnette-D Office of Regional Collaborative Partnerships | |
SB 1216 | Hughes-D Home inspectors: registration | |
SB 1218 | Leslie-R Clinical laboratories: onsite testing | |
SB 1264 | Mountjoy-R Workers' compensation: representation of employer | |
SB 1267 | Polanco-D Leaf blowers | |
SB 1272 | Ortiz-D Community health care workers: violence reports | |
SB 1280 | Chesbro-D Employment | |
SB 1305 | Figueroa-D Employer indemnification: interest | |
SB 1317 | Solis-D Unemployment disability: contribution rates | |
SB 1319 | Burton-D Cyber piracy: unlawful business practice | |
SB 1327 | Escutia-D Inspection of personnel records by employees | |
SB 1336* | Monteith-R Taxes: credit | |
SB 1337 | Speier-D Financial institutions | |
SB 1353 | Rainey-R Employees: reserve peace officers and emergency personnel | |
SB 1356 | Lewis-R Industrial loan companies: bad check fee | |
SB 1358 | Solis-D Industrial Welfare Commission | |
SB 1359 | Karnette-D Unfair business practices | |
SB 1372 | Leslie-R Financial institutions: privacy | |
SB 1397 | Solis-D Unemployment insurance: educational employees | |
SB 1422 | Alpert-D Banking and trust operations | |
SB 1445 | Kelley-R Manufacturing enhancement area | |
SB 1465 | Polanco-D Financial investments | |
SB 1466 | Leslie-R Banking transactions | |
SB 1467 | Leslie-R Overseas trade offices: directors | |
SB 1468 | Leslie-R California Foreign Trade Office | |
SB 1472 | Ortiz-D Credit unions | |
SB 1483 | Perata-D Check cashers: deferred deposit | |
SB 1488 | Alpert-D Foreign corporations | |
SB 1501 | Perata-D Deferred deposit loans | |
SB 1516 | Hayden-D International trade: environment | |
SB 1517 | Brulte-R Real estate investment corporation | |
SB 1520 | Schiff-D Secondhand dealers | |
SB 1529 | Knight-R Highway to Space Program | |
SB 1538 | Knight-R Military base reuse | |
SB 1563 | Leslie-R Professional engineers and land surveyors | |
SB 1566 | Hayden-D Labor: working conditions: international trade | |
SB 1567 | Hayden-D Employee sick leave | |
SB 1568 | Alarcon-D Enterprise zones: application review | |
SB 1606 | Speier-D Sellers of travel | |
SB 1639 | Murray-D Structural pest control | |
SB 1642 | Figueroa-D Housing: jobs | |
SB 1691* | Speier-D Taxes: domestic violence awareness | |
SB 1710 | Hayden-D Economic development | |
SB 1730 | Costa-D Recreation vehicle agreements | |
SB 1732 | Burton-D Health care providers | |
SB 1743 | Johnson-R Bail licensees | |
SB 1758 | Peace-D California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank | |
SB 1785 | Figueroa-D Workers' compensation: data collection | |
SB 1799* | Leslie-R Taxes: credit | |
SB 1804 | Haynes-R Unlawful employment practices: pupil transfers | |
SB 1819 | Dunn-D Motor vehicle franchises | |
SB 1820 | Burton-D Workers' compensation: cancer presumption | |
SB 1822 | Bowen-D Employee computer records | |
SB 1854 | Alarcon-D Employment: lie detector tests | |
SB 1863 | Senate Business And Professions Committee Professions and vocations | |
SB 1868 | Solis-D State contracts: small businesses | |
SB 1877 | Alarcon-D Displaced janitors | |
SB 1881 | O'Connell-D Professional fiduciaries | |
SB 1885 | Johnston-D Pawnbroker regulations | |
SB 1889 | Figueroa-D Internet: licensee information | |
SB 1902 | Morrow-R Payment of wages: bonds | |
SB 1904* | Kelley-R Taxes: enterprise zone credits and losses | |
SB 1931 | O'Connell-D Approval of courses | |
SB 1959 | Lewis-R Workers' compensation insurance: reinsurance | |
SB 1962 | Costa-D Petroleum products: reports | |
SB 1965 | Brulte-R Workers' compensation: information system | |
SB 1967 | Kelley-R Yacht and Ship Brokers Act | |
SB 1977 | Peace-D Workers' compensation: assistants and practitioners | |
SB 1999 | Burton-D Public work | |
SB 2002 | Senate Judiciary Committee Commercial law | |
SB 2021* | Polanco-D Taxes: credit: alternative work schedules | |
SB 2028 | Figueroa-D Professions and vocations | |
SB 2029 | Figueroa-D Contractors' licensing | |
SB 2030 | Figueroa-D Engineers and land surveyors | |
SB 2033 | Figueroa-D Structural Pest Control Board | |
SB 2081 | Alarcon-D Workers' compensation: disability benefits | |
SB 2123 | Figueroa-D Private patrol operators | |
SB 2142 | Karnette-D Automated teller machines | |
SB 2145* | Knight-R Taxes: MIC | |
SB 2148* | Polanco-D Financial institutions | |
SB 2172* | O'Connell-D Tax incentives | |
SB 2184 | Soto-D Special event facilities | |
SCR 53 | Karnette-D Port jobs and port business | |
SCR 74 | Hayden-D Jt. Comm. on Calif. Role in the World Trade Organization | |
SR 26 | Solis-D Janitors | |
SR 32 | Solis-D Labor strike at Basic Vegetable Products | |
SR 38 | Hayden-D Select Com. on the Legislatures Role in Global Trade Policy | |
AB 51* | Briggs-R Enterprise zones: geographic boundaries | |
AB 52 | Cedillo-D Athletic events: fees | |
AB 70 | Cunneen-R Taxation: employees | |
AB 77 | Cardenas-D Small business development corporations | |
AB 83 | Cardenas-D Business license and fees | |
AB 143 | Calderon-D Transmission of money abroad | |
AB 175 | Robert Pacheco-R Overseas trade offices: directors | |
AB 201 | Reyes-D Workers' compensation: medical treatment | |
AB 203 | Washington-D Taxes: at-risk youth | |
AB 209 | Cedillo-D Workers' compensation: vocational rehabilitation | |
AB 219 | Gallegos-D Surface mining and reclamation | |
AB 229 | Baldwin-R Limited liability companies | |
AB 244 | Ackerman-R Corporations: evidences of indebtedness | |
AB 259 | Leach-R Minors: services as sports referees | |
AB 281 | Floyd-D Industrial Welfare Commission | |
AB 333 | Papan-D Internet escrow transactions | |
AB 345 | Vincent-D California Workforce Investment and Economic Development Act | |
AB 356 | Washington-D Enterprise zone: City of Compton | |
AB 358* | Wildman-D Income and bank and corporation taxes | |
AB 388* | Steinberg-D Employment | |
AB 418 | Firebaugh-D Overtime | |
AB 426 | Scott-D Workers' Compensation Appeals Board: electronic filing | |
AB 433 | Washington-D Firefighters: conditions of employment | |
AB 462* | Briggs-R Taxation: manufacturer's investment credit | |
AB 474 | Floyd-D Workers' compensation | |
AB 480* | Ducheny-D Tax credit: gainful employment | |
AB 482 | Davis-D Business development | |
AB 484 | Kuehl-D Film California Trust Program | |
AB 489* | Ducheny-D Taxes: credit | |
AB 505 | Wright-D Administrative procedures | |
AB 511* | Alquist-D Business tax incentive | |
AB 586 | Brewer-R Workers' compensation | |
AB 702 | Vincent-D Workforce investment and economic development | |
AB 776 | Calderon-D Workers' compensation: medical evaluators | |
AB 797 | Baldwin-R Industrial hygiene | |
AB 823 | Floyd-D Legal actions | |
AB 874 | Alquist-D Disability insurance: controlled groups | |
AB 934 | Steinberg-D Civil liability | |
AB 960 | Alquist-D Center for California Business of the Future | |
AB 965 | Robert Pacheco-R Overseas trade offices: mission statement | |
AB 978 | Correa-D Tourism economic development zones | |
AB 983 | Correa-D Amusement rides | |
AB 1086 | Calderon-D Workers' compensation: judges: procedure | |
AB 1095* | Ashburn-R Independent oil and natural gas producers | |
AB 1096 | Romero-D Interior designers | |
AB 1124 | Havice-D Workers' compensation: custody assistants | |
AB 1125 | Ashburn-R Property taxation: oil producing property | |
AB 1162 | Washington-D Disability benefits: pregnancy or childbirth | |
AB 1185 | Gallegos-D Workers' compensation: acupuncturists | |
AB 1192 | Florez-D Targeted tax areas | |
AB 1198 | Firebaugh-D Money transmitters | |
AB 1267 | Baugh-R Public contracts: workers' compensation | |
AB 1288 | Davis-D Contractors: liability insurance | |
AB 1329 | Cox-R Workers' compensation: disabilities: schedules | |
AB 1331 | Papan-D Governmental regulations | |
AB 1348 | Runner-R Business practices: trademark infringement | |
AB 1374 | Granlund-R Workers' compensation: cancer | |
AB 1377 | Gallegos-D Public contracts: interagency council | |
AB 1388 | Aanestad-R Small employer health coverage | |
AB 1427 | Wiggins-D Barbering and cosmetology: exemption | |
AB 1468 | Corbett-D Workers' compensation: medical records | |
AB 1508 | Florez-D Financial institutions: closing of offices | |
AB 1585 | Baugh-R Barbering and cosmetology: nonprofit trade corporation | |
AB 1599 | Torlakson-D Labor: young workers | |
AB 1603 | Bates-R Automotive technicians | |
AB 1609 | Cardenas-D Leaf blowers | |
AB 1642 | Floyd-D Contractors: licensing | |
AB 1646 | Assembly Labor And Employment Committee Public works: payments | |
AB 1653 | Bock-I California Resource Center on Safe Jobs for Youth | |
AB 1656 | Assembly Labor And Employment Committee Occupational safety and health: sanitary facilities | |
AB 1707 | Kuehl-D Privacy: financial transactions | |
AB 1761 | Brewer-R Paralegals | |
AB 1774* | Lempert-D Taxes: deductions: net operating losses | |
AB 1783* | Nakano-D Taxes: qualified small business stock | |
AB 1805 | Scott-D Overseas trade offices: Republic of Armenia | |
AB 1810 | Wiggins-D Weights and measures | |
AB 1816 | Wayne-D Prohibition on use of simulated checks | |
AB 1844 | Washington-D Disability benefits: pregnancy or childbirth | |
AB 1849 | Wiggins-D Contractors' licensing | |
AB 1856 | Kuehl-D Harassment: liability of employees | |
AB 1870 | Davis-D Small business funding | |
AB 1883 | Lowenthal-D Workers' compensation | |
AB 1887 | Cedillo-D Health insurance: employers | |
AB 1889 | Cedillo-D State funds: unionization | |
AB 1894 | Ackerman-R Business entities: mergers and conversions | |
AB 1895 | Ackerman-R Corporations | |
AB 1904 | Runner-R Unemployment disability contribution rate | |
AB 1916 | Bates-R Architects | |
AB 1924 | Runner-R Enterprise zones: aerospace training | |
AB 1959 | Romero-D Enterprise zones: East Los Angeles | |
AB 1962 | Lempert-D Escrow agents: fees | |
AB 1970* | Leach-R Limited liability company | |
AB 1973 | Wesson-D Check cashers: surety bonds | |
AB 1985 | Leach-R Private investigators: licensing | |
AB 2001 | Longville-D Space industry | |
AB 2032 | Leach-R Securities: exemption from registration | |
AB 2043 | Maddox-R Workers' compensation: injuries | |
AB 2054 | Torlakson-D Balance of jobs and housing | |
AB 2056 | Briggs-R Alternative workweek schedules | |
AB 2062 | Kuehl-D Fair employment and housing | |
AB 2088 | Reyes-D Public works: prevailing wages | |
AB 2090* | Reyes-D Targeted tax areas: expansion and credits | |
AB 2119 | Leach-R Yacht and ship brokers | |
AB 2142 | Keeley-D Employment and housing discrimination: gender | |
AB 2163 | Cunneen-R Information technology | |
AB 2178 | Knox-D Workers' compensation | |
AB 2186 | Robert Pacheco-R Unfair competition lawsuits | |
AB 2197 | Briggs-R Overseas trade offices: Republic of Armenia | |
AB 2213 | Frusetta-R Corporations | |
AB 2222 | Kuehl-D Civil rights: disability | |
AB 2230 | Wiggins-D Architectural and engineering service contracts | |
AB 2249 | Cox-R Engineers | |
AB 2253 | Jackson-D Elder and dependent financial abuse | |
AB 2263 | Correa-D Self-service storage facilities | |
AB 2297* | Calderon-D Workers' compensation: renewal notice | |
AB 2328* | Ducheny-D Taxes: credits: transfers | |
AB 2357 | Honda-D Victims of Domestic Violence Employment Leave Act | |
AB 2370 | Honda-D Home improvement contractors | |
AB 2396 | Longville-D Credit unions | |
AB 2403 | Maddox-R Residential mortgage lending | |
AB 2410 | Machado-D Wages: state employees | |
AB 2412 | Migden-D Retailers: sales tax | |
AB 2420 | Firebaugh-D Transmission of money abroad | |
AB 2436 | Wildman-D Building maintenance service contractors | |
AB 2439 | Wright-D Administrative procedures | |
AB 2461* | Runner-R Taxes: Manufacturers' Investment Credit (MIC) | |
AB 2470* | Wiggins-D Sales tax: fuel products | |
AB 2477 | Wiggins-D Unemployment insurance: benefits | |
AB 2481 | Romero-D Apprentice employment: standards | |
AB 2488 | Baldwin-R Business plans: hazardous material | |
AB 2490 | Wesson-D Income tax: earned income credit | |
AB 2503* | Steinberg-D Financial institutions | |
AB 2505 | Ashburn-R Safety enforcement | |
AB 2509 | Steinberg-D Remedies for employment law violations | |
AB 2513 | Shelley-D Public works: debarment of contractors | |
AB 2529 | Shelley-D Career advancement services | |
AB 2535 | Oller-R Volunteer firefighters | |
AB 2543 | Brewer-R Workers' compensation: medical information | |
AB 2545 | Gallegos-D Public contracts | |
AB 2557 | Margett-R Payment bonds: public works | |
AB 2596* | Corbett-D Taxes: Manufacturers' Investment Credit | |
AB 2627 | Cox-R Embalmers | |
AB 2629 | Cox-R Professional engineers and surveyors | |
AB 2687 | Margett-R Notaries public: immigration consultant services and fees. | |
AB 2690 | Florez-D Agricultural land | |
AB 2711 | Olberg-R California Foreign Diplomatic and Enterprise Facility | |
AB 2725 | Wesson-D Going out-of-business sales | |
AB 2726 | Olberg-R Guest worker pilot program | |
AB 2737 | Margett-R Independent contractor | |
AB 2738 | Aanestad-R Banking transactions | |
AB 2765* | Knox-D Small employer health care coverage: tax credit | |
AB 2768* | Nakano-D Taxes: small businesses | |
AB 2772 | Assembly International Trade And Development Committee Trade and commerce | |
AB 2783 | Villaraigosa-D Public works: prevailing wages | |
AB 2805 | Papan-D Financial institutions | |
AB 2806 | Papan-D Public investments: financial institutions | |
AB 2815 | Kuehl-D Unemployment insurance | |
AB 2827 | Cardoza-D Jobs for California Graduates Program | |
AB 2829 | Battin-R Agricultural employers: reserve account | |
AB 2833 | Alquist-D Contractors: Internet information: mediation | |
AB 2845 | Calderon-D Industrial loan companies | |
AB 2846 | Ducheny-D State contracts | |
AB 2850 | Honda-D Labor: computer professionals | |
AB 2856 | Assembly Labor And Employment Committee Payment of wages | |
AB 2857 | Steinberg-D Wage and hour remedies | |
AB 2858 | Assembly Labor And Employment Committee Director of the State Department of Industrial Relations | |
AB 2859 | Assembly Labor And Employment Committee Industrial Welfare Commission | |
AB 2860* | Kuehl-D Talent services | |
AB 2864 | Torlakson-D Balance of jobs and housing | |
AB 2866* | Migden-D California Film Programs | |
AB 2876* | Aroner-D Budget Trailer Bill: economic development | |
AB 2888 | Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency, And Economic Development Committee Professions and vocations | |
AB 2889* | Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency, And Economic Development Committee State Trade and Commerce Agency: state government | |
AB 2906 | Assembly Insurance Committee Unemployment and disability insurance | |
ACR 141 | Cedillo-D Domestic Worker Appreciation Day | |
AJR 37 | Longville-D International trade: import of steel slabs | |
AJR 41 | Robert Pacheco-R Electronic commerce: taxation | |
AJR 45 | Longville-D Export facilitation | |
AJR 46 | Longville-D Commercial space transportation | |
AJR 50 | Baugh-R United Colors of Benetton | |
HR 49 | Villaraigosa-D Janitors | |
HR 53 | Honda-D Equal Pay Day | |
HR 57 | Cardoza-D California Small Business Day | |
HR 61 | Keeley-D Labor strike at Basic Vegetable Products |