
Finance and Development

Index Finance and Development

SB 510 (Alarcon-D) Housing: bonds

Enacts the Housing Bond Acts of 2000, 2002, 2004 and 2006 which authorize $980 million ($245 million each) in general obligation bonds.

(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

SB 633 (Sher-D) Emergency housing

Appropriates $5 million to the Emergency Housing and Assistance Fund for loans for the acquisition, conversion, rehabilitation or construction of permanent homeless shelter facilities.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 781 (Speier-D) Housing subsidies: counties

Requires the State Department of Social Services to oversee a rental housing subsidy program for families participating in the CalWORKs program.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 899 (Vasconcellos-D) California Youthbuild Program

Creates the California Youthbuild Program within the State Department of Industrial Relations to help disadvantaged youth obtain education and employment skills in conjunction with the construction or rehabilitation of housing for special need populations, very low-income households, and low-income households.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 948 (Alarcon-D) Affordable housing developments

Amends existing planning and zoning law to make necessary clarifications and more specific requirements regarding housing developments affordable to very low, low- and moderate-income households. It makes changes to (a) state housing element law, (b) anti-NIMBY law, (c) density bonus law, (d) the Permit Streamlining Act, and (e) the law governing demolitions and conversions of housing. Amends the Ellis Act authorizations provided to local entities regarding the withdrawal of rent-controlled housing units from the market.

Chapter 968, Statutes of 1999

SB 1106 (Hayden-D) Affordable housing

Creates the Affordable Housing and Renters Rights Act of 1999.

(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)

SB 1121 (Alarcon-D) Rental housing

Creates the Multifamily Housing Program to combine and coordinate state housing programs to streamline the process of funding affordable housing projects.

Chapter 637, Statutes of 1999

SB 1164 (Mountjoy-R) Public Lands Protection Act: Los Angeles County

Requires a public vote of city residents, when a 100-acre parcel of private property, situated on a steep slope, adjacent to public lands, within the city limits or the sphere of influence of a city, and currently zoned for agriculture, grazing, or low-density residential use, is developed or rezoned for development. Applies only in Los Angeles County.

(In Senate Local Government Committee)

SB 1190 (Solis-D) Redevelopment: low- and moderate-income housing funds

Clarifies the use of the Low and Moderate Housing Fund when authorizing improvements related to the preservation of affordable housing units.

(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

SJR 12 (Escutia-D) Housing

Urges the President, Congress, and the State Department of Housing and Urban Development to take the necessary steps to preserve the inventory of federally assisted housing in California.

Resolution Chapter 53, Statutes of 1999

AB 97 (Torlakson-D) Taxation: low-income housing

Deletes the January 1, 2000, sunset date for California's low-income housing credit program and extends the program for as long as the federal low-income housing tax credit program remains in effect.

Chapter 893, Statutes of 1999

AB 398 (Migden-D) Housing Bond Act

Enacts the Housing Bond Act of 1000, which proposes a $750 million general obligation bond for state housing programs.

(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 643 (Wesson-D) Job training: California YouthBuild Program

Establishes a YouthBuild Program within the Employment Development Department to provide grants to organizations which employ and train disadvantaged youth in conjunction with the construction or rehabilitation of housing for low-income and other specified populations. Provides that this program is operative only when funds are specifically appropriated for this purpose.

Chapter 829, Statutes of 1999

AB 919 (Dutra-D) Land use: local agencies

Makes changes to the findings that a city or county must make before denying an affordable housing project.

Chapter 966, Statutes of 1999

AB 1080* (Villaraigosa-D) Taxes: credit: community development corporations

Establishes a 50 percent tax credit for donations of at least $25,000 to certain charities related to community development corporations.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1105* (Jackson-D) State Administration

Implements provisions of the 1999 Budget Act relating to general government, including making changes in law concerning various housing programs.

Chapter 67, Statutes of 1999

AB 1382 (Lowenthal-D) Housing: code enforcement pilot program

Establishes the Community Code Enforcement Pilot Program which requires the State Department of Housing and Community Development to award five grants in the amount of $450,000 each to cities or counties to develop a code enforcement program. Each grant will fund program costs for three years.

(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 1404 (Dutra-D) California Housing Finance Agency: bonds

Increases the California Housing Finance Agency bond revenue limit by $2.2 billion to $8.95 billion.

Chapter 264, Statutes of 1999

AB 1505 (Ducheny-D) Farmworker housing

Requires local general plans' housing elements to identify adequate sites with public services and facilities for housing for agricultural employees to meet the city or county's regional share of farmworker housing.

Chapter 967, Statutes of 1999

AB 1580 (Florez-D) Housing: farm labor strategy

Requires the State Department of Housing and Community Development to establish a task force to assist the department in the development of a strategy for building farmworker housing and issue a report by July 2000.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1626 (Migden-D) Building standards

Designates the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, Uniform Mechanical Code, and the Western Fire Chiefs' Association Uniform Fire Code as the model codes to be used as the basis for the state building code.

(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)

HR 40 (Torlakson-D) Housing

Resolves that the State Department of Housing and Community Development commission a study identifying the areas where high job and household growth are expected to occur over the next 20 years; the housing needs created by that growth during the same period; the amount of land in those areas available to meet the demand for housing; and a description of the constraints to producing enough housing to meet the anticipated population, job, and household growth in those areas over the next 20 years.


TopIndex Mobilehomes

SB 42* (Johnson-R) Property taxes: mobilehome parks

Changes from 36 months to 42 months the amount of time an intermediate owner may hold the mobilehome park before it is transferred to the owners' association or to the individual tenants without triggering reassessments of the park.

Chapter 603, Statutes of 1999

SB 351 (Figueroa-D) Mobilehome parks: fees

Declares that any amendments to the rules and regulations of a mobilehome park which have the effect of creating a new fee upon homeowners are void and unenforceable unless expressly agreed to by the homeowners.

Chapter 323, Statutes of 1999

SB 476 (Chesbro-D) Mobilehomes: liquefied petroleum gas sales

Caps the price a mobilehome park manager may charge mobilehome park residents for liquefied petroleum gas to 110 percent of the actual price paid, when the residents can only purchase their gas from the park management.

Chapter 326, Statutes of 1999

SB 534 (Dunn-D) Mobilehome resale disclosure

Creates two separate statutory disclosure forms to be used in the resale of manufactured housing and mobilehomes. The first form would be filled out by the park owner, who would disclose conditions of the park which may affect the value and desirability of the mobilehome park rental agreement.

Chapter 517, Statutes of 1999

SB 574 (Dunn-D) Mobilehome Park Purchase Fund

Expands the Mobilehome Park Resident Ownership Program to allow qualified nonprofit housing sponsors and local public entities to use the program to fund mobilehome park conversions.

Chapter 473, Statutes of 1999

SB 619 (Dunn-D) Manufactured homes: ombudsman

Makes various changes relating to the Manufactured Home Ombudsman program within the State Department of Housing and Community Development, including: (a) requires the Ombudsman to designate at least two people to take complaints and calls, review correspondence, and follow through on the resolution of those complaints; (2) appropriates $150,000 annually, until January 1, 2003, to fund duties of the Ombudsman, and (c) requires the Ombudsman to report to the Legislature on the total number of complaints received and the number resolved and remaining unresolved, by category.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 700* (O'Connell-D) Mobilehome parks: inspections

Extends the Mobilehome Park Inspection Program to January 1, 2007, and makes various reforms.

Chapter 520, Statutes of 1999

SB 758 (Morrow-R) Mobilehome Residency Law: attorney's fees

Requires courts to award reasonable attorney's fees to the prevailing party in an action brought pursuant to the Mobilehome Residency Law.

(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

AB 479 (Wiggins-D) Mobilehome parks: physical improvements

Requires that mobilehome park management must provide and maintain physical improvements in the common areas using funds acquired through payment of rent and not other fees.

(On Assembly Inactive File)

AB 546 (Wayne-D) Mobilehome parks: landscaping

Requires the management of a mobilehome park to be responsible for the trimming of all trees within the mobilehome park and for the disposal or removal of those trimmings, except as specified.

(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 690 (Washington-D) Mobilehome parks: study

Requires the State Department of Housing and Community Development to conduct a study and prepare a report by July 2000 regarding mobilehome parks with a particular focus on park closures.

(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 860 (Thomson-D) Civil law: pets: mobilehomes

Requires that mobilehome parks and common interest developments allow owners to keep at least one pet, subject to reasonable rules and regulations. The requirements of the bill would go into effect for any new agreements entered, amended or otherwise modified after January 1, 2000.

(Failed passage in Senate Judiciary Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 862 (Correa-D) Mobilehome parks: landscaping

Requires park management to assume physical and fiscal responsibility for all driveways and trees located within a park. Allows a resident to voluntarily assume the responsibility for the maintenance of trees located within a mobilehome space.

(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

AB 984 (Correa-D) Mobilehomes

Replaces the term "mobilehome" with "manufactured home" throughout the Mobilehome Residency Law.

(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 1644 (Floyd-D) Mobilehome parks

Makes provisions regarding compliance of park rules or regulations applicable to park owners and homeowners, including providing that park management should not change the use of a mobilehome park where the sole purpose is for management to rent mobilehomes and spaces to tenants.

(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

TopIndex Miscellaneous

SB 94* (Chesbro-D) Income and bank and corporation taxes

Enacts the Taxpayers' Bill of Rights Act of 1999. Among other provisions, provides for specified conformity to the federal act with respect to correction of rules relating to the proration of the exclusion in the case where a taxpayer does not meet the ownership and use requirements pertaining to a sale of his or her principal residence.

Chapter 931, Statutes of 1999

SB 99 (Hughes-D) Unruh Act: home improvements: at-risk buyers

Requires, in retail installment sales contracts involving home improvements that create a security interest in the real property in excess of $5,000, a seller to determine whether (1) a buyer is an "at-risk" buyer, as specified, and provide notice to all at-risk buyers of the possibility of foreclosure on the buyer's home, and (2) the loan would be an "at-risk" loan to an at-risk buyer and require such buyers to obtain independent advice and counseling before completing the sale and loan.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 109* (Knight-R) Personal income tax: deductions: mortgage insurance

Adds to the list of miscellaneous itemized deductions, subject to the two percent threshold, a first-time homebuyer's cost of mortgage insurance, either private or FHA. The deduction only applies for the first five years after purchase of a single-family principal residence in California for an amount less than 140 percent of the median sale price for such houses in the taxpayer's county of residence.

(Failed passage in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee; reconsideration granted)

SB 153 (Haynes-R) Private property rights: taking impact analysis

Enacts the Property Owner Rights Act of 1999, which would require public agencies to minimize the number of agency actions that may significantly impair the use of private property. Requires every public agency to conduct a private property taking impact analysis prior to taking any agency action, as specified.

(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 187 (Hughes-D) Home improvement contracts

Prohibits the seller of a home improvement contract from taking a security interest, other than a mechanics lien, in the principal residence of a buyer who is 65 years of age or older. Imposes civil remedies and penalties for a violation of the law prohibiting a lender in a home improvement contract from making direct payments solely to the home improvement contractor.

Chapter 512, Statutes of 1999

SB 243 (McPherson-R) Recreational property: attorney's fees

Allows public and private property owners to recover attorney fees from the State if they successfully defend lawsuits by third parties seeking to prevent or reduce public access to their property, and increases the cap on state reimbursements for these and related fees from $100,000 to $200,000.

Chapter 775, Statutes of 1999

SB 300 (Poochigian-R) Governmental liability: permits

Provides, among other things, that a state agency is liable to a private property owner for a temporary taking of the owner's real property if (1) the state agency is responsible for a delay in the issuance of a development permit affecting the use of the real property, and (2) the delay is the result of a final decision of the state agency that is later determined by a court to be legally erroneous.

(Failed passage in Senate Judiciary Committee; reconsideration granted)

SB 328 (Alpert-D) Real property: liability

Removes the January 1, 2000, sunset provision in existing law which permits a secured lender to proceed with alternative remedies to foreclosing on commercial property that is contaminated with toxic substances.

Chapter 60, Statutes of 1999

SB 382 (Haynes-R) Housing: older persons

Makes three changes to the current law relative to senior housing. Specifically, the bill:

  1. Allows adult dependent children of senior residents to be "qualified permanent residents" (QPR) of senior housing, as specified.
  2. Extends the sunset provision for one year on the exemption enjoyed by certain senior housing complexes from senior housing design requirements from January 1, 2000, to January 1, 2001, excluding Riverside County.
  3. Allows persons without an ownership interest, such as a renter, to live in senior housing if they are otherwise qualifying persons (e.g., over 55 or a QPR).
Chapter 324, Statutes of 1999

SB 458 (Monteith-R) Subdivided land: proposed offerings

Limits to a completed single-family residential structure, the criterion required in order to be exempt from the required notice of intention for a proposed offering of subdivided land.

(In Senate Local Government Committee)

SB 497 (Rainey-R) Redevelopment law: major violations: actions

Requires a redevelopment agency to inform the legislative body of any major violations, as defined, of the Community Redevelopment Law, and requires the State Controller to investigate. Authorizes the State Controller to send a list of those agencies which have not corrected major violations to the Attorney General for action.

Chapter 362, Statutes of 1999

SB 575 (Wright-R) Common interest developments

Exempts an extraordinary repair or maintenance expense that arises from a court order from the requirement that the board of directors of a common interest development hold a vote before imposing the assessment.

(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 597 (Poochigian-R) Joint powers agencies

Provides that, unless a joint exercise of powers agreement specifically provides to the contrary, a joint powers agency shall not exercise the power of eminent domain for the purpose of conservation, open space, parks, or recreation, or any real property within the corporate limits of a city or the unincorporated area of a county without first obtaining the consent with respect to property in the unincorporated area of the county that is within the city's sphere of influence.

(Failed passage in Senate Judiciary Committee; reconsideration granted)

SB 641 (Lewis-R) Title insurance

Requires out-of-state title insurers to meet the same requirements under state law that are applied to in-state title insurers. In addition, the bill requires investment of funds held in a title insurer's premium reserve accounts to meet the requirements of current law governing trust fund investments.

Chapter 187, Statutes of 1999

SB 644* (Chesbro-D) Armories: homeless shelters: adult education

Appropriates $1,050,000 from the General Fund to support shelter-based adult education programs, and to the department for administrative purposes. Extends for two years, until July 1, 2000, the reporting deadline for counties participating in the Armory Temporary Emergency Shelter Program.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 859 (Hughes-D) Economic development: City of Lynwood

Requires the State Trade and Commerce Agency to evaluate the feasibility of the economic development plan prepared by the City of Lynwood, and provides that its provisions will be implemented only if funds are appropriated for it by the Legislature in the Budget Act.

Vetoed by the Governor

SB 865 (Hughes-D) Real property

Requires revocation of the commission of a notary public who falsely acknowledges a signature on a document that affects title to real property, or who fraudulently performs any notarial act that affects title to such property. Also requires the suspension or revocation of the license of any home improvement contractor who violates regulations governing financing provisions of home improvement contracts.

(In Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee)

SB 1050 (Murray-D) Consumer credit: home loans

Requires that, when a consumer credit reporting agency provides a consumer credit report in connection with a consumer's application for a home loan, the agency shall make specified written disclosures to the consumer regarding any credit scoring system used to assess the consumer's credit worthiness.

(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 1098 (Burton-D) Residential property and rent control: tenant rights

Enacts various changes to landlord-tenant law regarding rental applications, amends state rent control law concerning vacancies created by a landlord's refusal to accept Section 8 housing payments, and protects tenant advisors.

Chapter 590, Statutes of 1999

SB 1148 (Burton-D) Housing discrimination: restrictive covenants

Provides that no declaration or other governing document of a common interest development shall contain any discriminatory restrictions. It requires homeowner associations to amend discriminatory restrictions, and allows an action for injunctive relief to be brought to enforce this provision. It also requires persons who disseminate declarations to stamp a disclosure or place a cover page on the document advising that any discriminatory restrictions are void.

Chapter 589, Statutes of 1999

SB 1205* (Escutia-D) Housing: governmental assistance

Exempts from the nine-month advance notice requirements, specified owners of subsidized housing developments who enter into purchase contracts with qualified purchasers. Provides that a qualified purchaser may raise rent as long as they remain within the limits set by tax credit rent restrictions.

Chapter 26, Statutes of 1999

SB 1216 (Hughes-D) Home inspectors: registration

Requires the registration of home inspectors by the State Department of Consumer Affairs (DOC). The director of DOC will be required, by regulation, to provide for the additional regulation and monitoring of home inspectors.

(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)

SB 1296 (Polanco-D) Property and liability insurance

Limits the grounds for nonrenewal of residential property and liability insurance, and automobile insurance, and would, with regard to coverage provided by a policy of automobile liability insurance, extend the effect of an agreement between insurer and insured to exclude a named driver or drivers, to all coverage provided by the policy, including uninsured motorist coverage.

Chapter 313, Statutes of 1999

SCA 8 (Johannessen-R) Property taxation: homeowners' exemption

Increases the homeowner exemption from $7,000 to $20,000 and removes the provisions requiring the renter credit to be increased by a comparable amount.

(Failed passage in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 178 (Torlakson-D) Development: financial assistance: relocation

Prohibits cities, counties, and redevelopment agencies from offering any financial assistance to an auto dealership or a big box retailer that relocates from one city or county to another community in the same market area, unless the receiving community offers a contract to share some of the resulting sales tax revenues with the other city or county.

Chapter 462, Statutes of 1999

AB 234 (Lowenthal-D) Criminal history information: access by public housing auth.

Authorizes law enforcement to give criminal history information from CLETS to city, county or other local public agencies that administer Section 8 housing to be used for screening prospective participants.

Chapter 31, Statutes of 1999

AB 248 (Torlakson-D) Natural Hazard Disclosure Statements

Creates a separate statutory section for the Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement, removing it from the section of the code dealing with the Transfer Disclosure Statement. It makes other technical and substantive changes to the Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement to clarify existing law.

Chapter 876, Statutes of 1999

AB 321 (Wildman-D) Eminent domain: valuation

Clarifies and modifies the type of evidence that may be considered to determine the fair market value of property taken in an eminent domain proceeding for purposes of compensation.

(Died on Assembly Inactive File.)

AB 410 (Lempert-D) Escrow agents

Limits the required membership in the Escrow Agents' Fidelity Corporation to those licensed escrow agents engaged in specified types of transactions (e.g., real property) and requires bonds as a condition of any other type of transaction (e.g., non-traditional escrows such as internet escrows).

Chapter 253, Statutes of 1999

AB 411* (Davis-D) Local planning: housing elements

Extends by six months the deadline by which San Diego area governments are to complete the housing elements of their general plans.

Chapter 107, Statutes of 1999

AB 423 (Dutra-D) Fire protection: roofing materials

Requires the use of specified fire retardant roof materials when an existing roof is repaired, altered, or replaced.

Chapter 380, Statutes of 1999

AB 431 (Dutra-D) Real estate transactions: appraisers: trust deeds

Makes numerous changes to the duties, responsibilities and liabilities of a trustee in non-judicial foreclosure proceedings.

Chapter 974, Statutes of 1999

AB 432 (Leach-R) Real estate brokers: advertisements

Repeals the requirement for real estate brokers to disclose the license information telephone number of the State Department of Real Estate.

Chapter 41, Statutes of 1999

AB 517 (Maldonado-R) Escrow companies: fidelity corporation

Makes various changes to the appeal process for members of the Escrow Agents' Fidelity Corporation.

Chapter 486, Statutes of 1999

AB 583 (Papan-D) Internet escrow agents

Amends existing law to provide for escrow transactions conducted over the Internet.

Chapter 441, Statutes of 1999

AB 594 (Cardenas-D) Real property transfer disclosures

Requires trustees transferring real property to deliver a Transfer Disclosure Statement that discloses material defects in the property if the trustee is a natural person who is the sole trustee of a revocable trust and is a former owner of the property held by the trust or an occupant in possession of the property within the preceding year.

Chapter 119, Statutes of 1999

AB 601 (Cedillo-D) Land use: adaptive reuse

Appropriates $5 million for grant programs in the City of Los Angeles to reimburse property owners for the costs of adapting commercial property for use as residences. Appropriates $1 million to the City of Compton for urban adaptive reuse.

Vetoed by the Governor

AB 612* (Jackson-D) Armories: homeless shelters

Expands the number of state armories to be used by homeless persons for emergency shelter purposes, extends the days of operation and creates a new cold weather shelter program.

Appropriates $1,365,000 from the General Fund, in augmentation of the Budget Act of 1999, to provide temporary emergency shelter to the homeless.

Chapter 793, Statutes of 1999

AB 634 (Wildman-D) Local agencies: redevelopment

Makes various changes to community redevelopment law. Makes statutory reforms recommended by the State Auditor to increase redevelopment officials' accuracy and accountability.

Chapter 442, Statutes of 1999

AB 653 (Hertzberg-D) Residential mortgage lending

Amends real estate lending laws to create a new exemption from real estate license requirements for employees of real estate brokers who assist the broker with residential mortgage transactions, and repeals the provision limiting the percentage of loans a mortgage lender can broker.

Chapter 407, Statutes of 1999

AB 760 (Maddox-R) Landlord-tenant: duty to evict

Creates an affirmative duty on the part of landlords to evict tenants who are found guilty of illegal drug activity, or a gang-related crime as defined occurring on the premises, and makes landlords civilly and criminally liable for failure to evict.

(Failed passage in Assembly Judiciary Committee)

AB 774 (Calderon-D) Redevelopment plans: base year

Allows local officials to reduce the base value of a redevelopment project area to either the existing base year or 50 percent of the existing base year if the redevelopment plan was adopted in December 1974, and if the project area suffered a drop in assessed valuation of more than $200 million since 1990. This adjustment lasts until January 1, 2003.

(In Senate Local Government Committee)

AB 860 (Thomson-D) Civil law: pets: mobilehomes, condominiums

Requires that mobilehome parks and common interest developments allow owners to keep at least one pet, subject to reasonable rules and regulations. The requirements of the bill go into effect for any new agreements entered, amended or otherwise modified after January 1, 2000.

(Failed passage in Senate Judiciary Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 935 (Brewer-R) Land sales: subdivisions

Authorizes specified disclosure statements in a permit or public report on a single-site time-share project associated with other component resorts through a reservation system.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 942 (Dutra-D) State Housing Law: enforcement

Requires specified information to be mailed or posted regarding orders and notices of repair due to building code violations.

Chapter 391, Statutes of 1999

AB 1000 (House-R) Eminent domain: regulation

Specifies that any official act, decision, or regulation of a public entity which restricts the use or impairs the value of private property constitutes an exercise of the power of eminent domain, and shall only be given effect upon the payment to the owner of the private property of just compensation.

(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)

AB 1001 (Villaraigosa-D) Fair Employment and Housing Act: sexual orientation

Moves the provisions prohibiting employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation from the Labor Code to the Fair Employment and Housing Act. Also codifies case law which prohibits housing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

Chapter 592, Statutes of 1999

AB 1048 (Firebaugh-D) Homeowner associations: reporting

Requires community associations to provide information disclosing the amount of funds received from a construction deficit lawsuit and how the funds will be spent.

Chapter 898, Statutes of 1999

AB 1128 (Ackerman-R) Private property: taking

Provides that for the purpose of any law, including any constitutional provision, that requires just compensation for the taking of any private property, that requirement shall apply upon the making of a final decision, as defined, affecting private property rights.

(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)

AB 1201 (Torlakson-D) Home equity loans: counseling

Requires the lender of a loan that is subject to specified federal disclosure requirements to require the buyer to seek and obtain, prior to signing the loan, independent advice and counseling from a counseling agency authorized by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, a nonprofit neighborhood or community housing or community counseling service, or a specified attorney, or a certified public accountant, as specified.

(Failed passage in Assembly Business and Finance, reconsideration granted)

AB 1219 (Kuehl-D) Land use: water supplies

Establishes requirements on land use decisions relative to assuring that there is an adequate water supply.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1221 (Dutra-D) Home warranty program

Establishes the California Homebuyer Protection and Quality Construction Act of 1999 and states the need for a new home warranty program to provide both a process for resolving claims and a mechanism to ensure quality design and construction.

(In Assembly Housing and Community Development)

AB 1316 (Correa-D) Commercial leaseholds

Permits a real estate licensee to file a lis pendens upon filing a civil breach of contract action to collect the realtor's unpaid commission for bringing about a lease of the owner's commercial or industrial property.

(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1327 (Cox-R) Land use project approvals

Provides that any state or local permit or land use approval in connection with a development for which a tentative subdivision map has been approved shall not expire before the expiration of the tentative map, including any extensions.

(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1336 (Washington-D) Peace officers: housing authority police departments

Provides that the housing authority police of the City of Los Angeles and the City of Oakland adopt the minimum standards relating to physical, mental and moral fitness as set forth by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training, and for the housing authority police of the City of Los Angeles and the City of Oakland to be entitled to receive funding from the Peace Officers Training Fund.

Chapter 301, Statutes of 1999

AB 1342 (Granlund-R) Real property: land surveying and property description

Makes technical changes to provisions regarding land surveying procedures and real property descriptions.

Chapter 608, Statutes of 1999

AB 1533 (Leach-R) Real property: restrictions

Provides that a failure to commence an action for specified violations of the use of real property does not waive the right to commence an action for any subsequent violation.

(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)

AB 1559* (Wiggins-D) Prop. tax welfare exemption: low- & moderate-income housing

Eliminates the lengthy annual filings for the low-income property tax exemption and amends the start of the exemption to the date of ownership rather than the start of construction, and makes revisions in the low-income housing property tax exemption requirement.

Chapter 927, Statutes of 1999

AB 1626 (Migden-D) Building standards

Designates the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, Uniform Mechanical Code, and the Western Fire Chiefs Association Uniform Fire Code as the model codes to be used as the basis for the state building code.

(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 1636 (Mazzoni-D) Tax assistance

Provides that for the purposes of the Gonsalves-Deukmejian-Petris Senior Citizens Property Tax Assistance Law, a residential dwelling includes houseboats and floating homes.

Chapter 928, Statutes of 1999

AB 1669 (Assembly Judiciary Committee) Works of improvement: relief

Provides that, in a defined construction defect action in which the plaintiff alleges that the defendant is liable for violating any applicable building standard, as defined, damages shall include an amount necessary to bring the work of improvement into compliance with the applicable building code as of the date that the work of improvement was completed.

(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)

AB 1670 (Assembly Judiciary Committee) Civil rights: employment and housing

An omnibus bill which makes several changes to the California Fair Employment and Housing Act and Civil Code relating to employment and housing discrimination. It strengthens and clarifies various civil rights protections.

Chapter 591, Statutes of 1999

ACA 5 (Honda-D) Mechanic's liens

Creates an exception to the constitutional mechanic's lien provision to protect homeowners who have paid the general contractor in full for a home improvement project.

(Failed passage in Assembly Judiciary Committee; reconsideration granted)

ACR 63 (Dutra-D) Affordable Housing Week

Proclaims the week of June 6 to June 12, 1999, as Affordable Housing Week.

(In Senate Rules Committee)

HR 21 (Reyes-D) Stand Up for Rural America Campaign

Resolves that the Assembly supports the "Stand Up for Rural America Campaign".




Top Index (in Bill Order)

BillAuthor and Bill TitleReference Links

SB 42*

Property taxes: mobilehome parks

SB 94*

Income and bank and corporation taxes

SB 99

Unruh Act: home improvements: at-risk buyers

SB 109*

Personal income tax: deductions: mortgage insurance

SB 153

Private property rights: taking impact analysis

SB 187

Home improvement contracts

SB 243

Recreational property: attorney's fees

SB 300

Governmental liability: permits

SB 328

Real property: liability

SB 351

Mobilehome parks: fees

SB 382

Housing: older persons

SB 458

Subdivided land: proposed offerings

SB 476

Mobilehomes: liquefied petroleum gas sales

SB 497

Redevelopment law: major violations: actions

SB 510

Housing: bonds

SB 534

Mobilehome resale disclosure

SB 574

Mobilehome Park Purchase Fund

SB 575

Common interest developments

SB 597

Joint powers agencies

SB 619

Manufactured homes: ombudsman

SB 633

Emergency housing

SB 641

Title insurance

SB 644*

Armories: homeless shelters: adult education

SB 700*

Mobilehome parks: inspections

SB 758

Mobilehome Residency Law: attorney's fees

SB 781

Housing subsidies: counties

SB 859

Economic development: City of Lynwood

SB 865

Real property

SB 899

California Youthbuild Program

SB 948

Affordable housing developments

SB 1050

Consumer credit: home loans

SB 1098

Residential property and rent control: tenant rights

SB 1106

Affordable housing

SB 1121

Rental housing

SB 1148

Housing discrimination: restrictive covenants

SB 1164

Public Lands Protection Act: Los Angeles County

SB 1190

Redevelopment: low- and moderate-income housing funds

SB 1205*

Housing: governmental assistance

SB 1216

Home inspectors: registration

SB 1296

Property and liability insurance


Property taxation: homeowners' exemption

SJR 12


AB 97

Taxation: low-income housing

AB 178

Development: financial assistance: relocation

AB 234

Criminal history information: access by public housing auth.

AB 248

Natural Hazard Disclosure Statements

AB 321

Eminent domain: valuation

AB 398

Housing Bond Act

AB 410

Escrow agents

AB 411*

Local planning: housing elements

AB 423

Fire protection: roofing materials

AB 431

Real estate transactions: appraisers: trust deeds

AB 432

Real estate brokers: advertisements

AB 479

Mobilehome parks: physical improvements

AB 517

Escrow companies: fidelity corporation

AB 546

Mobilehome parks: landscaping

AB 583

Internet escrow agents

AB 594

Real property transfer disclosures

AB 601

Land use: adaptive reuse

AB 612*

Armories: homeless shelters

AB 634

Local agencies: redevelopment

AB 643

Job training: California YouthBuild Program

AB 653

Residential mortgage lending

AB 690

Mobilehome parks: study

AB 760

Landlord-tenant: duty to evict

AB 774

Redevelopment plans: base year

AB 860

Civil law: pets: mobilehomes

AB 862

Mobilehome parks: landscaping

AB 919

Land use: local agencies

AB 935

Land sales: subdivisions

AB 942

State Housing Law: enforcement

AB 984


AB 1000

Eminent domain: regulation

AB 1001

Fair Employment and Housing Act: sexual orientation

AB 1048

Homeowner associations: reporting

AB 1080*

Taxes: credit: community development corporations

AB 1105*

State Administration

AB 1128

Private property: taking

AB 1201

Home equity loans: counseling

AB 1219

Land use: water supplies

AB 1221

Home warranty program

AB 1316

Commercial leaseholds

AB 1327

Land use project approvals

AB 1336

Peace officers: housing authority police departments

AB 1342

Real property: land surveying and property description

AB 1382

Housing: code enforcement pilot program

AB 1404

California Housing Finance Agency: bonds

AB 1505

Farmworker housing

AB 1533

Real property: restrictions

AB 1559*

Prop. tax welfare exemption: low- & moderate-income housing

AB 1580

Housing: farm labor strategy

AB 1626

Building standards

AB 1636

Tax assistance

AB 1644

Mobilehome parks

AB 1669

Assembly Judiciary Committee
Works of improvement: relief

AB 1670

Assembly Judiciary Committee
Civil rights: employment and housing


Mechanic's liens

ACR 63

Affordable Housing Week

HR 21

Stand Up for Rural America Campaign

HR 40
