Development and Financing
Motor Vehicle Emissions
Development and Financing
SB 106 (Sher-D) Abandoned Vehicle Service Authority
Authorizes the extension of a local $1 vehicle registration surcharge for abandoned vehicle abatement upon the adoption of a specified local resolution, requires local abatement authorities to report annually on the use of vehicle abatement funds, and requires the State Controller to review the reports and the use of such funds to ensure compliance with the law.
Chapter 175, Statutes of 2001
SB 210 (Senate Local Government Committee) Snow removal funding
Changes the formula for allocating state funds for snow removal to counties to conform to available funding.
Chapter 176, Statutes of 2001
SB 346 (Perata-D) San Francisco Bay Area Water Transit Authority
Establishes a specified date for the submission of a currently-required water transit plan by the San Francisco Bay Area Water Transit Authority and requires the Legislature to review and approve the final plan by statute.
Chapter 404, Statutes of 2001
SB 465 (McPherson-R) Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission
Expands the powers and duties of the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission to include the power of eminent domain and the power to develop multimodal transportation projects on rail rights-of-way in Santa Cruz County. Revises the make-up of the governing body of the commission.
Chapter 472, Statutes of 2001
SB 473 (Perata-D) Metropolitan Transportation Commission: congestion reduction
Requires the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) to undertake a number of tasks, including the development of performance criteria for new transportation projects, and adoption of a master plan for the development of commuter rail in the Bay Area. Requires MTC and Caltrans to submit a plan for a transportation management center to the Legislature.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 521 (Alpert-D) Local transportation funds allocation: San Diego
Makes the San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board the sole applicant for specified local transportation funds within the board's jurisdiction and makes the board responsible for the consolidation and allocation of all state, local and federal transit funds in that jurisdiction.
Authorizes the San Diego County Regional Transportation Commission to extend or expand the retail transactions and use tax upon approval of the voters in San Diego County.
Chapter 297, Statutes of 2001
SB 600 (Torlakson-D) Transit villages
Exempts transit villages from meeting the physical and economic criteria of blight in order to qualify as redevelopment areas. Expands the definition of transit village to include areas within a mile radius of a transit station.
(Failed passage in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 619* (Perata-D) San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District
Specifies that the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District's seismic retrofit work on any existing structures or facilities necessary for rapid transit service is considered to be an action necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency for purposes of the California Environmental Quality Act emergency exemption if the district conducts three workshops and other outreach efforts to ensure public awareness of the proposed seismic retrofit work.
Becomes inoperative on June 30, 2005, and sunsets on January 1, 2006.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 685 (Costa-D) Fresno County: transportation retail sales tax renewal
Revises the Fresno County Transportation Improvement Act and, upon the approval of a ballot proposition by Fresno voters, authorizes the extension of the one-half percent sales tax in Fresno County for a period of up to 30 years for transportation purposes.
Chapter 474, Statutes of 2001
SB 690 (Costa-D) California High-Speed Rail Authority
Limits the activities of the California High Speed Rail Authority to proven technologies and systems with verifiable construction, maintenance and operational costs.
Clarifies high speed rail activities and authority between state and local agencies.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 759* (Murray-D) Transportation: traffic congestion relief program
Requires, on or after the date that Assemly Constitutional Amendment 4, Resolution Chapter 87, Statutes of 2001, is approved by the voters, the State Department of Finance to prepare an annual audit report examining any expendiues made pursuant to the allocations authorized under proposed Article XIX B of the California Constituion. Requires the report to be made available to the public and to be submitted to both houses of the Legislature.
Chapter 911, Statutes of 2001
SB 790 (Karnette-D) State Transportation Improvement Program
Deletes, until January 1, 2006, the provision in law restricting State Transportation Improvement Program county share reservations or advances to regions with a population under 1,000,000, and also allows these funds to be used to fund several smaller projects. Requires the commission to report on the effects of these changes in its annual report to the Legislature.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 796 (Costa-D) High-Speed Rail Authority: membership
Adds to the California High-Speed Rail Authority the Secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency (HSRA) and the director of the State Department of Transportation, and reduces form five to three the number of gubernatorial appointees, maintaining the membership of the HSRA at nine.
(At Assembly Desk)
SB 829 (Karnette-D) Transportation funding
Deletes the 6/30/06 sunset date on the Transportation Investment Fund (TIF), thereby making permanent the transfer of revenue from the sales tax on gasoline from the General Fund to the TIF.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 873 (Torlakson-D) Regional transit expansion plan: San Francisco Bay Area
Requires the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to develop a new regional transit expansion agreement for the San Francisco Bay Area by June 30, 2002, incorporating information from specified studies and in cooperation with designated agencies.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SB 956 (Ackerman-R) Local street and road maintenance and reconstruction
Appropriates $500,000,000 from the General Fund to the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund and allocates the money to cities and counties for street and road maintenance, rehabilitation, and reconstruction according to specified formulas and conditions.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1101 (Knight-R) State Highway Routes 138 and 58: project funding
Appropriates $75,000,000 from the General Fund to fund two highway projects in Los Angeles County and the City of Boron in Kern County.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee)
SCA 3 (Karnette-D) Motor vehicle fuel taxes: expanded uses
Extends and broadens, upon approval of the voters, the authorized uses of gasoline and diesel fuel tax (gallonage tax) revenues to include expenditures for the capital, maintenance and operating costs of public mass transit vehicles.
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 19 (Jackson-D) Vehicles: school zones: fines
Doubles the fines and increases the penalties for specified traffic violations that occur in a "posted school zone".
Establishes a special account within countries' treasuries for the deposit and disbursal of moneys collected from these enhanced fines to allow school districts, cities, and counties to establish and/or enhance programs that bolster student safety.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 93 (Wayne-D) San Diego County Regional Airport Authority
Creates the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority with the power to plan, site, own, and operate a new regional airport. Assigns the Airport Authority the power to own and operate San Diego International Airport at Lindbergh Field. Shifts these duties and powers from the San Diego Association of Governments and the San Diego Unified Port District to the new Airport Authority. Contains legislative findings and declarations supporting its provisions.
Chapter 946, Statutes of 2001
AB 227 (Dutra-D) Transportation: funding
Extends for two additional years, provisions in current law which dedicate revenues from motor vehicle fuel sales taxes to state and local agencies for transportation purposes. Directs that the Transportation Investment Fund shall expire on June 30, 2008, rather than June 30, 2006.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 321 (Vargas-D) Transportation: funding: streets and highways
Dedicates revenues from the sale and lease of new and used motor vehicles to transportation purposes, and establishes a detailed program for the expenditure of these revenues for specified transportation improvements.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 381 (Papan-D) Transit oriented development
Requires 15 percent of funds in Jobs-Housing Balance Improvement Account to be given to local governments as fiscal incentives to increase housing at a specified distance from transit stations. Creates tow statewide competitive grant programs to be funded and used as specified.
(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 403 (Bates-R) Transportation funding: elderly persons
Authorizes the State Controller to reallocate returned funds from the Transportation Investment Fund only to cities within the county of origin.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 405 (Salinas-D) Transportation funding: Amtrak: bus feeder service
Exempts handicapped riders from purchasing a rail ticket when using bus feeder service that is restricted to rail passengers on a specified bus route on State Highway Route 17.
Chapter 245, Statutes of 2001
AB 411 (Diaz-D) Highways: safe routes to school/operation safe passage
Makes several clarifying amendments to current law, extends operative and sunset dates and establishes a pilot program called Operation Safe Passage in three of the state's metropolitan areas to address issues of bicycle and pedestrian safety and traffic calming.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 419 (Dutra-D) Design-build contracting: local transportation agencies
Authorizes the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority and the Alameda County Transportation Authority to enter into a limited number of design-build transportation contracts of $25 million or more each until January 1, 2010, subject to numerous conditions, specifications and requirements. Authorizes the State Department of Transportation to enter into three design-build contracts of $25 million or more each under the same conditions.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 437 (Assembly Budget Committee) Rural Transit System Grant Program
Establishes a new Rural Transit System Grant Program to be administered by the State Department of Transportation under guidelines adopted by the California Transportation Commission.
Chapter 333, Statutes of 2001
AB 438* (Assembly Budget Committee) Transportation finance: budget trailer bill
Defers the shifting of sales tax revenues from the General Fund to the Transportation Congestion Relief Program for two years and extends the program for two years.
Chapter 113, Statutes of 2001
AB 476 (Harman-R) Orange County Transportation Authority: governing board
Increases, from 11 to 15 persons, the voting membership of the board of directors of the Orange County Transportation Authority and substantially reorganizes the conditions under which members are appointed and serve.
(Failed passage in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 608 (Dickerson-R) Transportation project savings and overhead costs
Provides that, if a transportation project contract award amount is more than 20 percent below the project cost estimate, the California Transportation Commission could adjust county share funding allocations to reflect the savings, thereby increasing the funds available for (re)programming in the affected county or counties.
Authorizes an increase in the percentage of a region's transportation funds, which can be used for project administrative expenses. Provides that the percentage increase will vary among agencies, depending on whether the agencies receive federal planning funds.
Chapter 815, Statutes of 2001
AB 631 (Oropeza-D) Five-year transportation needs assessment
Requires the California Transportation Commission (CTC), using information and analysis from existing plans developed by the State Department of Transportation and regional transportation planning agencies, to prepare a statewide inventory of assessments of the condition, performance and deficiencies of the state's transportation system every five years. Requires the CTC to first report to the Legislature on July 1, 2003, and on July 1 every five years thereafter.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 841 (Havice-D) Pedestrian safety
Establishes a 17-member California Pedestrian Access and Safety Commission for the purpose of reviewing and improving pedestrian sidewalks and street crossing infrastructure throughout the state and ensuring that the pedestrian infrastructure is accessible and safe for all who use the publics rights-of-way.
(In Assembly Transportation Commission)
AB 887 (Daucher-R) Transportation Entrepreneurial Government Program
Establishes, until January 2, 1004, the Transportation Entrepreneurial Government Program as a two-year pilot project, to be administered by the State Department of Transportation (DOT), to encourage cost cutting by DOT and eliminate non-value-added ritualistic activities that are not central to the mission of DOT, as determined by each division within DOT.
(In Assembly Transportation Commission)
AB 889 (Daucher-R) Department of Transportation: entrepreneur program
Requires, until January 1, 2004, the State Department of Transportation (DOT) to adopt and implement a program whereby DOT will contract out its services and equipment to other state agencies and to local governmental entities. Authorizes contracts to be awarded only in those instances where the use of DOT personnel and equipment are compensated and that usage is mutually beneficial to DOT and to the state or local governmental agencies or entities. Prohibits the use of these services and equipment, if that use interferes with the primary mission of DOT.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 974 (Calderon-D) Los Angeles County: transit operation funding
Adds clarifying language to existing law to ensure that eligible and included municipal operators of transit service in Los Angeles County to receive a proportional share of funding with respect to specified transit capital and operating funds that are administered by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1039 (Oropeza-D) Transportation agencies
Removes the $1000 limitation currently placed on the Southern California Association of Governments that must be allocated for the multi-county transportation planning agency for planning purposes.
(In Assembly Transportation Commission)
AB 1066 (Dutra-D) Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
Expands the powers and duties of the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (SCVTA) to include the construction and acquisition of transportation facilities and the provision of facilities for vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian movements, as specified. Authorizes the SCVTA to exercise any power with respect to highways granted to counties, with specified guidelines.
Chapter 217, Statutes of 2001
AB 1094 (Briggs-R) Rail consolidation grants
Establishes the Rail Consolidation Grant Program within the State Department of Transportation for the purpose of issuing competitive grants to counties.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1171 (Dutra-D) Toll bridges: seismic retrofit cost overruns
Establishes requirements and provisions to finance the seismic retrofit cost overruns on the state toll bridges. Identifies the sources and amounts of financing, state legislative findings relative to the seismic work, assigns responsibilities and authority to various agencies, extends the current one dollar toll surcharge on Bay Area toll bridges for a specified time and establishes numerous financial requirements, conditions and references related to the seismic bridge work.
Chapter 907, Statutes of 2001
AB 1196 (Maldonado-R) Public transportation: elderly and disabled persons
Enacts provisions designed to enable and promote additional state funding for transportation services for the elderly and disabled in non-urban counties.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1220 (Pavley-D) Park and ride facilities: Los Angeles area
Requires the State Department of Transportation (DOT) to revive a program for the development of specified park-and-ride facilities along transit routes in DOT's District 7 (greater Los Angeles area), as specified.
Chapter 759, Statutes of 2001
AB 1225 (Cedillo-D) Downtown transportation infrastructure
Requires the State Department of Transportation to make competitive grants available to cities and counties for projects related to improving and upgrading transportation infrastructure in downtown areas.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1335 (Cohn-D) Transportation project advancement: letter of no prejudice
Authorizes a regional or local entity that is a lead applicant for an eligible project included in an adopted regional transportation plan to apply to the California Transportation Commission (CTC) for a letter of no prejudice for the project in order to expend its own funds for any component of the transportation project, subject to the approval of the CTC. Authorizes the CTC, in consultation with regional and local entities and DOT, to develop guidelines to implement these provisions.
Chapter 908, Statutes of 2001
AB 1348 (Robert Pacheco-R) Calif. State Polytechnic University, Pomona: road repair
Appropriates $2 million from the General Fund to the Trustees of the California State University for allocation to the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, for the repair of surface roads on the campus, in order to continue public mass transit access.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1389 (Shelley-D) San Francisco waterfront: cruise ship terminal development
Authorizes the development of a mixed-use cruise ship terminal project on the San Francisco waterfront and permits the transfer of certain public trust lands to the City and County of San Francisco.
Chapter 489, Statutes of 2001
AB 1396 (Longville-D) Passenger rail rehabilitation
Annually earmarks at least $100 million from the General Fund for passenger rail rehabilitation and modernization.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1494 (Aanestad-R) Transportation funding
Requires all of the interregional funds to be programmed and expanded for the specified interregional state highways and intercity rail improvements.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)

Motor Vehicle Emissions
SB 100 (Johannessen-R) Emission control: specially constructed vehicles
Makes changes in the Smog Check II progam regarding "specially constructed vehicles".
Chapter 871, Statutes of 2001
SB 433* (Monteith-R) Carl Moyer Memorial Air Standards Attainment Program
Provides legislative intent language relative to funding the Carl Moyer air quality program which deals with reducing emissions from heavy-duty diesel engines.
(Held at Assembly Desk)
SB 800 (Johannessen-R) Collector motor vehicles
Creates a new motor vehicle classification, "collector motor vehicle", as defined.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1068 (Speier-D) The School Bus Safety and Emission Reduction Act
Appropriates $50 million a year for four years for the purchase of school buses which meet safety and emission reduction standards.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1081 (Johannessen-R) Exhaust and muffler systems
Makes numerous changes to existing law relative to motor vehicle exhaust systems regulations as well as guidelines for courts concerning violation of conflicting provisions in law or adopted regulations by the Commissioner of the California Highway Patrol.
Chapter 92, Statutes of 2001
SB 1086* (Alarcon-D) Air pollution: liquefied natural gas: production
Provides, to the extent funds are made available form the General fund to the California Energy Commission, grants or loans from those funds for projects that demonstrate the viability of equipment that converts gas from solid waste landfills into liquefied natural gas for use as transportation fuel.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 554* (John Campbell-R) Sales and use tax exemptions: vehicles
Proves varying degrees of a partial exemption from sales and use tax for the purchase of new, specifically identified low-emission vehicles.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 854 (Briggs-R) Automobile dealers: smog check certificates
Repeals the "sunset" date on a provision in existing law which makes a vehicle smog check certificate issued to a vehicle dealer valid for two years rather than 180 days. (The two-year certificate validity period, therefore, continues indefinitely.)
Chapter 335, Statutes of 2001
AB 986 (Firebaugh-D) Air quality
Exempts any exposure from onroad heavy-duty truck or bus engines from the warning requirements of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 if the State Air Resources Board or the United States Environmental Protection Agency has certified emission standards for the engines, and if a statewide warning, as defined, is published annually for that emission. Provides for the repeal of that exemption on the occurrence of specified events, or on December 31, 2005, whichever occurs earlier.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 998* (Kelley-R) Neighborhood electric vehicle credit
Authorizes a nonrefundable credit for the purchase of a zero-emission neighborhood electric vehicle.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1058 (Pavley-D) Vehicular emissions: carbon dioxide
Requires the State Air Resources Board to adopt regulations to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) by motor vehicles.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1390 (Firebaugh-D) Environ. justice and disproportionately impacted communities
Revises provisions in the 2001-02 Budget Act which require that at least 50 percent of specified air pollution reduction funds be allocated to communities disproportionately affected by air contaminants, including low-income communities and communities of color. Makes the 50 percent allocation applicable only in air districts with a population of one million or more persons. Provides that in air districts with less than one million population, the allocation would be encouraged, but optional.
Extends the allocation provisions beyond the 2002 Budget Act until January 1, 2007.
Chapter 763, Statutes of 2001
AB 1420 (Cardenas-D) Air pollution: diesel powered school buses
Requires the State Air Resource Board, upon appropriation of funds in the State Budget, to allocate up to $75 million to school districts to replace diesel-powered school buses with alternative fueled or clean diesel buses and to retrofit diesel school buses with low-emission technologies.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)

SB 10 (Soto-D) Safe Routes to School Construction Program: extension
Changes the sunset date on the Safe Routes to School Program and extends the grant program from January 1, 2002 until January 1, 2005. Delays for two years, a required evaluation of the program, and requires an annual report by the State Department of Transportation to the Legislature.
Chapter 600, Statutes of 2001
SB 171 (McClintock-R) Transportation gridlock emergencies
Defines and authorizes the Governor to declare a "transportation gridlock emergency" for the purpose of constructing new highways. Requires the State Department of Transportation to determine the average hours of vehicle delay on all state highways and issues a report annually for purpose of declaring transportation gridlock emergencies.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 180 (Speier-D) Caltrain improvements and Route 101 auxiliary lanes: funding
Appropriates $225,000 from the General Fund to the Peninsula Joint Powers Board for Caltrain safety improvements and passenger shuttle services ($150,000,000) and to the San Mateo County Transportation Authority for auxiliary lane construction on Highway Route 101 ($75,000,000).
(Failed passage in Senate Transportation Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 190* (Perata-D) Outdoor advertising displays: Oakland-Alameda Coliseum
Exempts, from the prohibition against placing advertising displays adjacent to landscaped freeways, up to five advertising structures or signs (billboards) used to support the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Complex. Requires the State Department of Transportation, upon receiving a written request to erect certain displays, to promptly request and seek the approval of the Federal Highway Administration and, upon receipt of that authorization, allows for the displays to be erected.
Chapter 54, Statutes of 2001
SB 237 (Vincent-D) Streets and highways: abandoned animals
Requires the placement of roadside signs relating to the illegal abandonment or dumping of animals. Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to include within the California Drivers Handbook language regarding the abandonment and/or dumping of animals. Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to include on a rotating basis, at least one question relative to the dumping or abandonment of animals in at least 20 percent of the drivers license test.
Chapter 300, Statutes of 2001
SB 290 (Senate Transportation Committee) Miscellaneous transportation matters
Makes various technical, nonsubstantive changes to the Public Resources Code and the Streets and Highways Code.
Chapter 825, Statutes of 2001
SB 313 (Alpert-D) I-15: single occupant vehicle demonstration program
Deletes the January 1, 2002 repeal date on authorization for a demonstration program on I-15 which allows single-occupant vehicles to use high-occupancy vehicle lanes for a fee.
Chapter 275, Statutes of 2001
SB 484 (Vincent-D) Highway property and air space, City of Lynwood
Authorizes the Department of Transportation to transfer to the City of Lynwood specified parcels of real property owned by the department, and to lease the adjoining freeway airspace for a term not to exceed 99 years.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SB 488 (Karnette-D) Highway: vehicle length: buses
Redefines "reasonable access" related to purposes of traveling off of federally designated highways by oversized buses.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 545 (McClintock-R) High-occupancy vehicle lanes
Establishes an evaluation process at the State Department of Transportation for current and future high-occupancy vehicle lanes on state highways.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 618 (Margett-R) Highways: soundwalls
Repeals provisions in existing law relating to the priority rankings of soundwall projects, and requires expenditures for retrofitting the soundwalls on a specified priority list established by the State Department of Transportation on May 3, 1989, to be funded prior to making state transportation funds available for interregional and regional capital improvement projects in the state transportation improvement program. Provides that soundwall retrofit projects on the department's priority list shall not be funded as regional soundwall projects.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 670 (Poochigian-R) Street and road maintenance
Requires the California Transportation Commission, in conjunction with the State Department of Transportation and local agencies, to determine the number of roads that have been converted from a paved surface to a gravel surface and submits a report to the Legislature by March 31, 2002.
Vetoed by the Governor
SCR 9 (Morrow-R) Vincente "Vince" Andrade Memorial Bridge
Designates a specified bridge in San Diego County as the Vincente "Vince" Andrade Memorial Bridge.
Resolution Chapter 29, Statutes of 2001
SCR 12 (Chesbro-D) Dave Ghilarducci and the Police Officer Daniel T. Fraembs
Designates a specified portion of State Highway Route 101 as the Dave Ghilarducci Memorial Highway. Honors Pomona Police officer Daniel T. Fraembs by designating a portion of State Highway Route 71 in his memory.
Resolution Chapter 92, Statutes of 2001
SCR 14 (Oller-R) Purple Heart Trail
Designates the portions of Interstate Highway Route 5 and Interstate Highway Route 80 within California as California's selections for inclusion in the National Purple Heart Trail.
Resolution Chapter 79, Statutes of 2001
SCR 17 (Costa-D) State Highway Route 99: needs assessment
Asks the State Department of Transportation to assess the transportation-related future needs on Highway 99 between Bakersfield and Sacramento and submits a report, on its findings, to the Legislature by January 1, 2002.
Resolution Chapter 49, Statutes of 2001
SCR 18 (Chesbro-D) Earle W. Wrieden Memorial Highway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 29 in Lake County as the Earle W. Wrieden Memorial Highway.
Resolution Chapter 80, Statutes of 2001
SCR 29 (Soto-D) Police Officer Daniel Fraembs Memorial Highway
Dedicates State Highway Route 71 within the city limits of the City of Pomona to the memory of City of Pomona Police Officer Daniel T. Fraembs and specifies that this portion of the State Highway Route 71 shall be known as the "Police Officer Daniel T. Fraembs Memorial Highway."
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SCR 38 (Johannessen-R) Francis B. Mathews Memorial Rest Area
Designates a specified roadside rest area on State Highway Route 299 in Trinity County, between the communities of Salyer and Hawkins Bar, as the Francis B. Mathews Memorial Rest Area.
Resolution Chapter 110, Statutes of 2001
SCR 43 (Poochigian-R) Deputy Sheriff Eric Jon Telen Memorial Highway
Dedicates a specified portion of State Highway 168 within the City of Clovis, to the memory of Deputy Eric Jon Telen of the Fresno County Sheriff's Department, and specified that this portion of State Highway Route 168 shall be known as the Deputy Sheriff Eric Jon Telen Memorial Highway.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 220 (Strom-Martin-D) Vehicles: limitations of access
Extends for two years the exemption on truck length limits for livestock trucks on portions of Highway Route 101.
Chapter 413, Statutes of 2001
AB 391 (Kehoe-D) Highways: encroachment permits: waivers
Authorizes the Department of Transportation to waive the requirement that an entity holding a highway encroachment permit must relocate or remove the encroachment at the entity's sole expense, when the encroachment consists of a track or roadway that serves as an exclusive public mass transit guideway owned, operated and maintained by a public mass transit authority.
Chapter 152, Statutes of 2001
AB 398 (Salinas-D) Highways: safety enhancement-double fine zones
Requires, until January 1, 2004, consultation with the California Highway Patrol, to establish and administer a Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zone pilot project on County Road 16 (also known as Carmel Valley Road) between the junction with Route 1 and the junction with Camp Stefani Road.
Chapter 481, Statutes of 2001
AB 434* (Keeley-D) Route 1: Hatton Canyon
Makes various legislative findings relating to the Hatton Canyon property by the State Department of Transportation (DOT) and provides authorization for the transfer of the property from DOT to the State Coastal Conservancy.
Chapter 136, Statutes of 2001
AB 635 (Bates-R) Highway Routes 1 and 126: segment relinquishments
Authorizes the California Transportation Commission to relinquish a specified portion of State Highway Route 1 in Dana Point to that city and relinquishes a portion of State Highway Route 126 to the City of Santa Clarita, according to certain terms and conditions.
Chapter 757, Statutes of 2001
AB 666 (Dutra-D) Streets and highways: acceleration of highway projects
Reinstates a State Department of Transportation state highway construction program sunsetted in 1997 that allowed eligible projects to be accelerated through an expedited permit process.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 710 (Chavez-D) State Highway Route 710
Declares the intent of the Legislature to complete a specified portion of State Route 710 between State Route 10 and State Route 210.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 942 (Cedillo-D) Highway 101: pedestrian overhead crossing
Requests the City of Los Angeles to consider the benefits of developing a pedestrian crossing, walkway or deck over Highway Route 101 in downtown Los Angeles, the features and amenities of such a development, develop potential funding sources for a structure and submits those findings to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority for consideration.
Chapter 211, Statutes of 2001
AB 965 (Mountjoy-R) Highways: victim signs
Establishes, until January 1, 2007, a program for the placement of specified memorial signs along state highways recognizing victims of drunk and drugged driving accidents, and prescribes the conditions and terms of placing such signs, their duration and the payment of the costs associated with the signs.
Chapter 864, Statutes of 2001
AB 1056 (Cogdill-R) State highway system
Names the state highway system the Governor Pat Brown and Governor Ronald Reagan State Highway System.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1057* (Cogdill-R) Income tax credit: highway maintenance and enhancement
Provides a credit equal to 50 percent of the qualified amount related to maintenance or roadside enhancement of state highways.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1070 (Pavley-D) County scenic highway: designation
Requires the State Department of Transportation to designate a specified portion of the Malibu Canyon-Las Virgenes Highway as a county scenic highway if the highway meets certain standards.
Chapter 758, Statutes of 2001
AB 1092 (Cardoza-D) Highway improvements
Requires the State Department of Transportation to develop a Strategic Corridor Improvement Program along Highway 99 in Stanislaus County.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1171 (Dutra-D) Toll bridges: seismic retrofit cost overruns
Establishes requirements and provisions to finance the seismic retrofit cost overruns on the state toll bridges. Identifies the sources and amounts of financing, state legislative findings relative to the seismic work, assigns responsibilities and authority to various agencies, extends the current one dollar toll surcharge on Bay Area toll bridges for a specified time and establishes numerous financial requirements, conditions and references related to the seismic bridge work.
Chapter 907, Statutes of 2001
AB 1346 (Daucher-R) State Highway Route 91 toll project
Allows the State Department of Transportation to accelerate delivery of the Highway 91 Capacity Improvement Project and makes payments to the California Private Transportation Company to reflect the negative economic impact the project would have on the company.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1564 (Cardenas-D) Cooperative agreements: Indian tribes
Includes any federally recognized Indian tribe within the definition of public entity for the purposes of provisions authorizing the State Department of Transportation to enter into cooperative agreements for state highway construction, improvements or maintenance.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1587 (Rod Pacheco-R) State Highway Route 91: alternatives: study
Requires Riverside County to submit, by July 1, 2003, to the Legislature a study and route alignment to develop an additional transportation corridor between Riverside County and Orange County as an alternative to Highway 91.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
ACR 4 (Pescetti-R) Stanley L. Van Vleck Memorial Highway
Honors Stanley L. Van Vleck by designating a portion of State Highway Route 16 in his name.
Resolution Chapter 61, Statutes of 2001
ACR 25 (Kelley-R) Sonny Bono Memorial Freeway
Designates the Coachella Valley portion of Interstate 10 from a point just west of the State Highway 111 cutoff in the Palm Springs area to a point at the bottom of the grade east of the City of Coachella as the Sonny Bono Memorial Freeway.
Resolution Chapter 58, Statutes of 2001
ACR 28 (Briggs-R) The Peter Hillman Memorial Interchange
Designates the Bullard Avenue Interchange on State Highway Route 168 in the City of Clovis as the Peter Hillman Memorial Interchange in honor and recognition of Deputy United States Marshall Peter Hillman.
Resolution Chapter 59, Statutes of 2001
ACR 29 (Bates-R) Orange County Korean War Veterans Memorial Highway
Designates a portion of State Highway Route 1 as the Orange County Korean War Veterans Memorial Highway.
Resolution Chapter 100, Statutes of 2001
ACR 46 (Florez-D) The Kern County Korean War Veterans Memorial Highway
Designates a specified portion of State Highway Route 99 as the Korean War Veterans Memorial Highway.
Resolution Chapter 54, Statutes of 2001
ACR 47 (Florez-D) George Alan Ingalls Memorial Highway
Designates a specified portion of State Highway Route 198 in the City of Hanford as the George Alan Ingalls Memorial Highway. On April 16, 1967, near Duc Pho, Republic of Vietnam, George Alan Ingalls, in a spontaneous act of great courage which cost him his own life, threw himself on top of a hand grenade, thereby abating the grenade's full blast and saving the lives of the members of his squad. George Alan Ingalls' gallantry and selfless devotion to his comrades earned him the Medal of Honor which was awarded posthumously on January 30, 1969.
Resolution Chapter 60, Statutes of 2001
ACR 59 (Aanestad-R) 14 Mile House Historical Monument
Requests the Department of Transportation to grant, without charge, an encroachment permit authorizing an appropriate historical monument and plaque dedicated to 14 Mile House to be placed within the right-of-way of State Highway Route 32, in Butte County, at a described site.
Resolution Chapter 101, Statutes of 2001
ACR 93 (Zettel-R) Donna P. Mauzy Memorial Freeway
Designates the portion of Interstate Highway 8 from State Highway 67 to Greenfield Drive in the City of El Cajon as the Donna P. Mauzy Memorial Freeway.
Resolution Chapter 127, Statutes of 2001
ACR 95 (Wiggins-D) Randy Bolt Memorial Highway
Redesignates a portion of State Route 37 as the Randy Bolt Memorial Highway in honor and recognition of Randy Bolt.
Resolution Chapter 128, Statutes of 2001
ACR 96 (Havice-D) Joe A. Gonsalves Memorial Interchange
Dedicates the interchange where State Highway Route 105 meets State Highway Route 605 to the memory of former Assembly Member Joe A. Gonsalves and specifies that this interchange be known as the "Joe A. Gonsalves Memorial Interchange."
Resolution Chapter 129, Statutes of 2001
ACR 98 (Runner-R) 1915 Ridge Route Highway Historical Monument
Requests the State Department of Transportation to grant, without charge, an encroachment permit authorizing an appropriate historical monument and plaque to commemorate the 1915 Ridge Route Highway, to be placed within the rights-of-way of State Highway Route 126 and Interstate Highway 5, where those highways converge.
Resolution Chapter 150, Statutes of 2001
ACR 102 (Florez-D) Kirk J. Schafer Memorial Highway
Designates, as the "Kirk J. Schafer Memorial Highway," a nine-mile stretch of Highway 180 between the Cities of Fresno and Kerman in Fresno County.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
ACR 111 (Cardoza-D) CA. Highway Patrol Officer James J. Schumacher, Jr., highway
Dedicates a specified portion of State Highway 99 to the memory of California Highway Patrol Officer James J. Schumacher, Jr., and specifies that this portion of State Highway 99 shall be known as the "CHP Officer James J. Schumacher, Jr., Memorial Highway."
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
ACR 119 (Runner-R) Aerospace Highway
Dedicates the portion of State Highway 14, from the Pearblossom Highway to the Kern County line, as the Aerospace Highway.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
ACR 120 (Runner-R) The Aerospace Valley Monument
Requests the State Department of Transportation to grant, without charge, an encroachment permit authorizing a specified historical monument and plaque dedicated to commemorate the major milestones in the aerospace industry that have taken place in the Antelope Valley, to be erected on the vista point overlooking Palmdale Lake on State Highway Route 14.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)

SB 18 (Alarcon-D) Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation
Requires that six of the members of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority be elected and otherwise substantially revises the membership of the authority. Imposes additional duties upon the City of Los Angeles and the County of Los Angeles.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 22* (Chesbro-D) Vehicle license fee offsets
Repeals the rebate provisions of the vehicle license fee reduction aspect of the law, and instead provides for a direct rate reduction.
Chapter 5, Statutes of 2001
SB 42* (Speier-D) Child passenger restraint systems and seatbelts
Makes several technical changes to the law mandating child passenger vehicle restraint systems.
Chapter 84, Statutes of 2001
SB 46* (Polanco-D) Vehicles: tow trucks and private industry
Makes several changes regarding the regulation and oversight of tow trucks and provides statutory authorization for the State Department of Motor Vehicles to conduct electronic vehicle registration and titling programs in conjunction with private entities and authorizes the use of the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System for background checks.
Chapter 127, Statutes of 2001
SB 62* (Morrow-R) Railroad crossings: automated warning devices
Clarifies the requirements and exceptions for a pilot project that relates to audible warning devices and reduces the distance the approaching train needs to be from the crossing from 1,320 feet to 20 seconds. Double joined with AB 1249 (Daucher), Chapter 393, Statutes of 2001.
Chapter 601, Statutes of 2001
SB 91 (Figueroa-D) Vehicles: dealers: prohibited activities
Prohibits any person from aiding or abetting a person in the performance of any act in violation of either vehicle dealer, remanufacturer, manufacturer, transporter, distributor, or related branch licensing laws.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 108 (Speier-D) Organ and tissue donor registry
Enacts the Organ and Tissue Donor Registry Act of 2001, which would establish under the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act an Organ and Tissue Donor Registry in the Health and Human Services Agency and, instead, requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to provide information and a standardized form containing specified information, to be completed by driver's license and identification card applicants who desire to be organ donors.
Chapter 740, Statutes of 2001
SB 124 (Johnson-R) City of Newport Beach: property transfer
Requires the State Department of Transportation to transfer a parcel of land in Newport Beach to the State Department of Parks and Recreation for use as a park, and specifies a purchase price.
Chapter 761, Statutes of 2001
SB 145* (Perata-D) Sales and use taxes: bunker fuel
Extends the partial sales tax exemption for bunker fuel which is scheduled to sunset on January 1, 2003 until January 1, 2013.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 242 (Morrow-R) Vehicles: windshields
Allows law enforcement agencies to darken or tint the windows of law enforcement vehicles.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 244 (Speier-D) California Environmental Quality Act: airport expansion
Increases the review period for draft environmental impact reports for airport expansion or enlargement projects and clarifies that the acquisition of tideland or submerged land for airport expansion or enlargement requires city or county approval.
Chapter 534, Statutes of 2001
SB 251 (Haynes-R) "Choose Life" special interest license plates
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to design and make available for issuance special interest license plates that bear a design containing the words "Choose Life."
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 281 (O'Connell-D) Vehicle conditional sale and lease contracts
Updates the law regulating motor vehicle conditional sales contracts to require the itemization of any tire fee in the contract, and to no longer require the itemization of any tire fee in the contract, and to no longer require the itemization of any smog impact fee in the contract.
Chapter 287, Statutes of 2001
SB 289 (Senate Transportation Committee) Miscellaneous transportation matters
Makes various technical, nonsubstantive changes to the Revenue and Taxation Code and the Vehicle Code.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SB 345 (Perata-D) Traffic Incident Management Act
Requires the State Department of Transportation in the Bay Area (District 4) to adopt a specified plan to respond to traffic incidents.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 363 (Oller-R) Vehicles
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to waive all previously accrued renewal fees and penalties that are due for late payment of registration renewal fees on a used vehicle that is sold through a dealer.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 481 (Speier-D) Vehicles: dealers: licenses
Establishes a number of consumer protections related to motor vehicle advertisements.
Chapter 441, Statutes of 2001
SB 547* (Figueroa-D) Income/ bank/corporation taxes: credits: transit passes
Authorizes a credit against those taxes for each taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 2001, in specified amounts, for the cost paid or incurred by employers who provide subsidized transit passes to their employees.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 568 (Morrow-R) School bus seat belts
Delays the implementation date for the requirement that all new school buses be equipped with a passenger restraint system.
Chapter 581, Statutes of 2001
Similar legislation is AB 852 (Maldonado-R), which was vetoed by the Governor.
SB 576 (Perata-D) Bicycles: registration
States findings and declarations of the Legislature with respect to bicycle theft and the difficulty in returning recovered bicycles to their rightful owners. Declares the intent of the Legislature to encourage the use of Internet technology for bicycle registration in order to improve the rate of return of recovered bicycles to their rightful owners.
Prohibits, on and after January 1, 2004, any bicycle retailer from selling any new bicycle in this state unless the serial number, preceded by the letters "SN", is legibly and permanently stamped or cast on the frame in not less than one-eighth inch size.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 624 (Soto-D) Vehicles: garbage: cover
Requires that when specified waste materials are transported on the roadways the materials shall be covered, as specified.
Chapter 279, Statutes of 2001
SB 636 (Karnette-D) Vehicles: trucks: length
Requires the State Department of Transportation to update its study on vehicle length, and limit the operation of vehicles with a kingpin to rear axle length less than 38 feet, if certain conditions apply.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)
SB 655 (Machado-D) Transportation: transit districts: property acquisition
Authorizes the Sacramento Regional Transit District to form transit-oriented joint development projects. Specifically prohibits the district's eminent domain power for acquisitions related to transit-oriented joint development projects. Sets forth public hearing requirements and written policies, procedures and requirements for public comment prior to adoption of policies and procedures. States that the bill's provisions do not expand the district's existing powers.
Chapter 280, Statutes of 2001
SB 661 (Dunn-D) Driver's licenses: identification cards
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to create a biometric identifier from an applicant's thumbprint or fingerprint and perform a process of authentication, as defined, in order to ensure that each individual is issued only one driver's license or identification card.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 667 (Peace-D) Automated enforcement system
Requires the minimum yellow light change intervals at intersections at which there is an automated enforcement system in accordance with the Traffic Manual of the State Department of Transportation. Requires confidentiality from the State Department of Motor Vehicles relative to enforcement of the provision of the bill.
Chapter 496, Statutes of 2001
SB 690 (Costa-D) Transportation: high-speed rail service
Limits the activities of the California High Speed Rail Authority to proven technologies and systems with verifiable construction, maintenance and operational costs.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 734 (Karnette-D) Vehicles: trailers: registration
Authorizes the State Department of Motor Vehicles regulation of trailer dealers, establishes a permit for the temporary operation of a truck subject to the International Registration Plan and is double-joined with AB 871 (Cox).
Chapter 539, Statutes of 2001
SB 774 (Margett-R) Vehicles
Brings recreational vehicles under the regulatory mechanism of the New Motor Vehicle Board at the State Department of Motor Vehicles.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 810 (Ackerman-R) Property tax revenue allocations: transit districts
Requires, beginning in 2003-04, county auditors to allocate property tax revenues to single-county transit districts as if the 1992-93 property tax shift had not occurred.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 869 (Karnette-D) Department of Transportation: airport assessment study
Requires the State Department of Transportation to conduct a needs assessment study on airports in the state.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 871 (Burton-D) Commercial vehicles: drug and alcohol regulations
Makes a number of changes to law relating to commercial vehicles to ensure existing provisions regarding drug and alcohol screening are followed and makes the carriers responsible when those provisions are not met and/or adhered to.
Chapter 298, Statutes of 2001
SB 876 (Poochigian-R) Special interest license plates: agriculture
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles, in consultation with the California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom and the Agriculture Education Foundation and subject to a statutory procedure, to issue special interest license plates.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 919 (Polanco-D) Outdoor advertising displays
Requires the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) to comply with the Outdoor Advertising Act, the federal Highway Beautification Act, and the rules and regulations of local governments concerning the construction of billboards on MTA land or rights-of-way.
Chapter 928, Statutes of 2001
SB 964* (Costa-D) Vehicles: cotton modules
Allows a cotton module mover or any truck tractor pulling a semitrailer that is a cotton mover to be operated on any highway located in specified counties between September 15 of each year, ending with March 15 of the following year.
Chapter 497, Statutes of 2001
SB 995 (Morrow-R) Vessels: special-use areas
Prohibits certain entities from adopting any ordinance, law, regulation, or rule that allows special-use areas to be used in a manner that interferes with boating access to channels, shipping lanes, or international waters. Requires any ordinance, law, regulation, or rule governing special-use areas to allow boating access for point-to-point transit to nonspecialized-use waters in the special-use area.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
SB 1048 (Speier-D) Drivers: commercial vehicles
Makes a number of changes to the laws regulating commercial drivers including requiring compliance with federal drug testing regulations and requiring on-board recording devices on all trucks to record a driver's hours.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
SB 1053 (Knight-R) Centennial of Flight Commemoration Program
Creates a statewide program, administered by the State Department of Education, to commemorate the Centennial of Flight in schools and authorizes other aviation-related school practices.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1057 (Morrow-R) Motorcycles: helmets
Limits the mandatory motorcycle helmet law to only operators and passengers 17 years of age or less.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1065 (Perata-D) Highways: trees and shrubs
Allows the State Department of Transportation, in bringing suit for violations of the Streets and Highways Code provision prohibiting the cutting down or trimming of trees on state property without a permit, to recover actual damages, attorney's fees, and expert fees, in addition to penalties and costs.
Chapter 284, Statutes of 2001
SB 1066 (Poochigian-R) Mitigation fees: Department of Transportation
Prohibits the State Department of Transportation from recommending proposals for mitigation fees to a local agency if the proposals may violate the Mitigation Fee Act.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
SB 1071 (Machado-D) Adult driver improvement program
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to establish standards for adult driver improvement programs taught by driving schools.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1100 (Johannessen-R) Continuing education exemptions for vehicle dealers
Exempts certain wholesale vehicle dealers from continuing education.
Chapter 93, Statutes of 2001
SB 1138 (Burton-D) Parking privileges: placard fees
Prohibits the imposition of any fee or charge upon the application for, or issuance of, parking privilege placards for eligible disabled persons or disabled veterans.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1144 (Karnette-D) Dealers: seatbelts
Provides that it is a crime to lease or offer for lease by a dealer specified passenger vehicles unless they are equipped with seatbelts for each seating position.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1171 (Scott-D) Motor carriers and commercial motor vehicles
Provides that failure to fully comply with, rather than failure to enroll all commercial drivers in, the required pull notice system would result in exercise of the suspension authority. Provides that a household goods carrier who continues to employ as a driver a person against whom a disqualification action has been taken affecting that person's driving privileges is subject to suspension of the carrier's permit.
Provides that allowing or permitting a driver to continue driving a commercial motor vehicle after being notified that the driver has tested positive for controlled substances or alcohol use, or refused to test, in violation of federal regulations to the list of actions for which the Department of the California Highway Patrol would recommend suspensions and suspension would be required.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 1173 (Johannessen-R) Vehicles: engine replacement
Deletes a provision in existing law that prohibits the State Department of Motor Vehicles from registering a specified motorcycle engine for replacement purposes.
Chapter 94, Statutes of 2001
SB 1178 (Burton-D) Automotive repair
Requires a study to be done regarding the certification of crash parts for repair of vehicles. Appropriates $125,000 from the Vehicle Inspection and Repair Fund to the State Department of Consumer Affairs for allocation to the Bureau of Automotive Repair for purposes of this study.
Chapter 303, Statutes of 2001
SB 1195 (Romero-D) Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Establishes the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Labor Relations Trust Fund as a continuously appropriated fund in the State Treasury and requires the money in the fund to be appropriated to the State Auditor for allocation to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority as required under the bill.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
Identical legislation is AB 33 (Romero-D), which is in Assembly Transportation Committee.
SCA 1 (McClintock-R) Vehicle license fees
Precludes, on and after January 1, 2003, the imposition upon a vehicle of any vehicle license fee, or any other tax in lieu of an valorem property tax. Exempts vehicles subject to registration in this state from ad valorem property taxation.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SCA 5 (Torlakson-D) Local government: special taxes: transportation
Authorizes, upon approval of the voters, a local government to impose a sales tax exclusively for transportation purposes upon the approval of a majority of the voters of that local government, rather than the current two-thirds vote requirement.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SCA 6 (Murray-D) Transportation: funding
Requires, upon approval of the state's voters, state gasoline sales tax revenues to be used exclusively for specified transportation purposes. Authorizes short and limited term loans of the revenues to be General Fund under specified economic conditions, and prescribes the terms of required loan repayments. Provides that the provisions would become operative on July 1, 2006.
(In Senate Constitutional Amendments Committee)
SCR 19 (Johannessen-R) California marine transportation system
Proclaims the month of May as California Marine Transportation System Month, and declares legislative intent to promote the funding and programs necessary to the advancement of the California marine transportation system.
Resolution Chapter 49, Statutes of 2001
SCR 25 (Soto-D) Alameda Corridor East Project
Commends the work of the San Bernardino Association Governments for facilitating the Alameda Corridor East Project.
Resolution Chapter 71, Statutes of 2001
SJR 18 (Alarcon-D) Railroad retirement benefits
Urges the United States Congress to support currently pending federal legislation that will provide enhanced retirement benefits for railroad retirees and their survivors.
Resolution Chapter 106, Statutes of 2001
SJR 19 (Ackerman-R) Railroad grade crossings: quiet zones
Memorializes the Federal Railroad Administration to adopt, as soon as possible, regulations relating to the establishment of quiet zones at railroad grade crossings in accordance with a specified federal law and the Congress to approve legislation that provides funding to the states for the implementation of supplemental safety measures for the purposes of establishing those quiet zones.
Resolution Chapter 107, Statutes of 2001
SJR 22 (Torlakson-D) Gasoline: MTBE
Memorializes the United States Environmental Protection Agency to reconsider granting an administrative waiver of the oxygenated gasoline requirement for the State of California, to the extent permitted by the federal Clean Air Act.
Memorializes the United States Congress, if an administrative waiver is not granted, to enact legislation that would permit California to waive the oxygen content requirement for reformulated gasoline only if the fuel meets other requirements of the federal Clean Air Act for reformulated gasoline.
(On Assembly Floor)
SJR 25 (Scott-D) Oxygenate requirements in gasoline
Requests the Congress of the United States to review California's request to be exempted from the gasoline oxygenate additive requirement imposed by the Clean Air Act.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
SB 84XX* (Burton-D) State Energy Resources, Conservation and Dev. Commission
Requires the State Energy Resources, Conservation and Development Commission to implement a program to provide battery backup power for high priority local traffic control signals.
Chapter 6, Statutes of 2001, Second Extraordinary Session
AB 60 (Cedillo-D) Vehicles: social security number: driver's licenses
Makes several changes regarding the eligibility requirements for an original driver's license or identification card, including: (1) allowing persons that have submitted an application or petition for lawful immigration status to apply for a driver's license or identification card; and (2) providing that every application for a driver's license contain the applicant's Social Security number, but specify that it shall not be included.
(Held at Assembly Desk)
AB 67* (Firebaugh-D) Vehicles: driver's license: length limitation
Permits the sale and operation of 45-foot motor homes on certain highways.
Chapter 658, Statutes of 2001
AB 73 (Washington-D) Vehicles: fines: records
Limits fines for specified vehicle equipment and registration violations.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 84 (Hertzberg-D) Department of Motor Vehicles: records: confidentiality
Requires the home addresses of employees of a trial court, psychiatric social workers employed by counties, and the spouses and children of these employees and workers to be withheld from public inspection. Authorizes the disclosure of the home addresses of certain public employees and officials to an attorney in a civil or criminal action that demonstrates to a court need for the information, if the disclosure is made pursuant to a subpoena.
Chapter 809, Statutes of 2001
AB 107 (Nation-D) Vessels: wrecks and wrecked property: ballast water
Streamlines the process for removing wrecked or abandoned vessels and delays the due date for a legislative report.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 133 (Alquist-D) Regional transportation plans
Authorizes local transportation planning agencies to include factors of local significance as elements of regional transportation plans, including issues of senior citizens mobility.
Chapter 99, Statutes of 2001
AB 171 (Reyes-D) Vehicles: Department of Motor Vehicles: records
Holds confidential the home address of nonsworn law enforcement spokespersons and the spouses and children of these individuals, to the statutory list of classes of persons whose home addresses contained in State Department of Motor Vehicle records must be withheld from public inspection.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 241 (Dickerson-R) Traffic offenses
Increases the penalty for felony driving under the influence under specified conditions.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 243* (Runner-R) Sales and use taxes: exemption: jet fuel
Exempts from sales and use tax any aircraft jet fuel sold to an aircraft jet fuel user at any airport located within an enterprise zone.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 360 (Wesson-D) Vehicle impoundment
Attempts to fix a problem in existing law that does not allow a person whose car was impounded for driving on a suspended license or without a license who is able to correct the problem with his/her license and have it reinstated to get the car back before the 30-day period has expired.
Chapter 480, Statutes of 2001
AB 468 (Cohn-D) Driver's license: identification card
Requires a person who is requesting a duplicate driver's license or identity card to provide photographic proof of identity when requesting the duplicate.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 491 (Frommer-D) Rental vehicles: passenger vehicles
Amends current law limiting the "Collision Damage Waiver" fee to a maximum of $9 per day. Permits a rental car company to charge and collect a "customer facility fee" to finance, design, construct, or operate either (or both) consolidated airport car rental facilities or common use transportation systems that move passengers between the airport terminals and the consolidated car rental facilities. Revises certain obligations and rights of a renter under the rental car contract.
Chapter 661, Statutes of 2001
AB 509 (Leach-R) Traffic violator schools
Permits a traffic violator school to accept any person interested in attending their school, not only court-ordered traffic violators.
Chapter 457, Statutes of 2001
AB 527 (Kehoe-D) Special interest license plates and decals
Reduces the renewal fee for replacement decals used on special interest license plates sponsored by veterans' organizations, from $35 to $10, effective July 1, 2002.
Chapter 201, Statutes of 2001
AB 563 (Maldonado-R) Vehicles: stop lights: right-of-way
Clarifies the current law provision that permits a motorist to make a right turn after stopping at a red traffic signal.
Chapter 14, Statutes of 2001
AB 581 (La Suer-R) Transit: fare evasion: arrest
Expands the persons classified as public officers or employees to include security personnel employed by a nonprofit transit corporation.
(In Assembly Public Safety Committee)
AB 677 (Steinberg-D) Persons with disabilities
Among other provisions, makes changes to the State Department of Motor Vehicles' disability parking placard program.
Chapter 708, Statutes of 2001
AB 770 (Nakano-D) Cellular telephones: vehicles: study
Requires the California Department of Highway Patrol to compile specified traffic collision information and to conduct a study and develop recommendations concerning the issue of driver distraction or inattention as they relate to traffic collisions.
Chapter 710, Statutes of 2001
AB 834 (Briggs-R) Vehicles: license plates
Authorizes the State Department of Motor Vehicles to issue year-of-manufacture license plates to automobiles 1969 or older model year or any commercial vehicle or light truck that is a 1972 or older model year.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 841 (Havice-D) Pedestrian safety
Establishes and prescribes the duties and responsibilities of a 17-member California Pedestrian Access and Safety Commission for the purpose of reviewing and improving pedestrian sidewalks and street crossing infrastructure throughout the state and ensuring that the pedestrian infrastructure is accessible and safe for all who use the public rights-of-way.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 852 (Maldonado-R) School pupil activity buses: passenger restraint systems
Requires that type 2 and type 1 school pupil activity buses be equipped with a combination pelvic and upper torso passenger restraint system, as defined.
Vetoed by the Governor
Similar legislation is SB 568 (Morrow), which is Chapter 581, Statutes of 2001.
AB 871 (Cox-R) Vehicles: dealers
Permits nonprofit organizations to sell donated vehicles on behalf of other nonprofit groups.
Chapter 460, Statutes of 2001
AB 880 (Florez-D) Drivers: commercial vehicles
Makes several modifications to the process by which prospective employers of motor carrier drivers must obtain a State Department of Motor Vehicles report indicating the driver's current driving record, and conforms drug and alcohol testing requirements to federal law.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 926 (Maddox-R) Towed and transported vehicles
Deletes and recasts provisions in existing law relating to towed vehicles by either a coupler with a safety chain, or a fifth wheel and kingpin assembly.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 976 (Vargas-D) Transportation: mass transit
Permits the State Department of Transportation to waive the provision requiring the permittee to bear the sole expense to relocate or remove the encroachment when the encroachment is a rail or other nonhighway public mass transit facility that was developed by a publicly owned mass transit authority.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 984* (Papan-D) Sales and use taxes: exemptions: public transportation
Exempts transportation-related sale-leaseback transaction from the sales tax regardless of when the original purchase occurs until January 1, 2004 and requires a report on the exemption by January 1, 2003.
Chapter 592, Statutes of 2001
AB 1079 (Oropeza-D) Public agency: buses: two-way communication devices
Requires every transit bus operated by a public agency on behalf of a public agency that provides public transportation services be equipped with a two-way communication device, as defined, that enables the driver to contact the agency in the event of an emergency. Requires the devices to be maintained in good working order. Exempts buses operated by or on behalf of a school district.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1091 (Rod Pacheco-R) Transportation: Department of Transportation: contracts
Voids non-competition provisions in specified transportation contracts with private parties.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1228 (Leslie-R) Property taxation: regulated railway companies
Allows railroads to report their property holdings by county, rather than by individual tax rate area, for purposes of property taxation. Requires county auditors to make one-time adjustments to local jurisdiction's tax bases to incorporate revenue from railroad unitary property.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1250 (Florez-D) Safety and Farm Labor Vehicle Education Program
Requires the California Department of Highway Patrol to implement a Safety and Farm Labor Vehicle Education Program in the South Sacramento Valley, the Salinas Valley, the Central Valley, and the Imperial Valley. Requires the California Department of Highway Patrol to assign not less than five members of the department in each of those regions to implement the program.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 1258* (Wiggins-D) Vehicles: rentals
Allows rental car companies to temporarily rent passenger vehicles registered in other states.
Chapter 465, Statutes of 2001
AB 1262 (Migden-D) Motor carriers: drivers
Requires a commercial motor carrier employing more than 20 full-time drivers to undergo a safety inspection by the California Department of Highway Patrol whenever more than half of its drivers are replaced within a 30-day period.
Chapter 789, Statutes of 2001
AB 1280 (Reyes-D) Commercial motor vehicles
Updates and brings state law in conformity with the federal Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999.
Chapter 504, Statutes of 2001
AB 1376 (Wyman-R) Emergency response vehicles
Requires the State Department of Transportation (DOT) to apply, in cooperation with other interested cities with Traffic Signal Systems, to the United States Secretary of Transportation for federal funding to conduct a research program in one or more cities to test the effectiveness of the installation of signal emitters and sensors in emergency response vehicles in reducing accidents and injuries. Requires DOT to submit a report on its findings to the budget and transportation committees of the Legislature within six months after the study is completed.
Chapter 462, Statutes of 2001
AB 1406 (Hollingsworth-R) Sportspersons: special interest license plates
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to design and conditionally issue special plates for sportspersons and establishes the customary schedule of additional fees imposed on issuance ($50), renewal ($40), transfer ($15), and replacement ($35). Deposits revenue from the above fees, after paying the DMV's expenses, in the Fish and Game Preservation Fund to be allocated for programs and projects that benefit fisheries and game species and that facilitate and increase hunting and fishing opportunities and public outreach.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 1410 (Hollingsworth-R) Vessels: use prohibitions
Requires the State Department of Boating and Waterways to withhold numbering fees, sales taxes, and property taxes derived from types of undocumented vessels from counties and cities that prohibit use of those types of vessels. Prohibits grants be made to those counties for public launch ramps or boating facilities.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1419 (Aroner-D) Transportation: San Francisco Transbay Terminal Facility
Requires the State Department of Transportation to offer to transfer and convey, without cost or charge, certain specified department-owned properties to designated local agencies for the purpose of assisting in the construction of the San Francisco Transbay Terminal Project.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1538 (Cox-R) Driving license: digitized signature
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to record a digitized signature from all drivers licenses, and provide to the Secretary of State the digitized signatures of those persons who register to vote at State Department of Motor Vehicles facilities.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1572 (Briggs-R) Driver's license: identification cards: selective service
Establishes a mechanism by which the State Department of Motor Vehicles forwards, to the United States Selective Service System, information obtained from males under the age of 26 who are first-time driver's license and identification card applicants.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1593 (Wyman-R) Disabled veterans
Increases the number of military veterans eligible to be exempted, as disabled veterans, from paying motor vehicle registration fees, vehicle license fees, and fees related to special identification license plates.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1618* (Matthews-D) Engine fuels
Allows the State Department of Food and Agriculture to grant a variance from specified engine fuel specifications to manufacturers of developmental engine fuels and prescribes the conditions and terms for exercising such authority.
Chapter 596, Statutes of 2001
AB 1621 (Cardenas-D) Vehicles: registration
Provides that for vehicles whose registrations are issued pursuant to the International Registration Plan or on a partial-year basis, the registrations shall be deemed to expire the following year for the purposes of applying any future reduction or increase in the vehicle license fee.
Chapter 868, Statutes of 2001
AB 1705* (Assembly Transportation Committee) Transportation
Makes minor clarifying changes and references to provisions contained in the Traffic Congestion Relief Act of 2000.
Chapter 512, Statutes of 2001
AB 1706 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Transportation: corporations: state contracting
Makes various technical, nonsubstanative changes to the Corporations Code, Government Code, Harbors and Navigation Code, Public Utilities Code, and the Streets and Highways Code.
Chapter 597, Statutes of 2001
AB 1707 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Transportation
Makes various technical, nonsubstantive changes to the Streets and Highways Code and the Vehicle Code.
Chapter 739, Statutes of 2001
AB 1708 (Assembly Transportation Committee) Hazardous waste: tow trucks
Authorizes a tow truck driver who is engaged to remove a disabled vehicle from a roadway and to clean up a release of vehicular waste to transport that waste from the scene without the completion of a hazardous waste manifest and without being a registered hazardous waste transporter, if specified conditions are satisfied.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
ACR 39 (Mountjoy-R) Work Zone Safety Awareness Week
Proclaims the week of April 9 to April 12, as Work Zone Safety Awareness Week in California.
Resolution Chapter 24, Statutes of 2001
ACR 43 (Havice-D) Merchant Marine Remembrance Week
Designates the week of June 11 to June 17, 2001, Merchant Marine Remembrance Week.
Resolution Chapter 62, Statutes of 2001
ACR 79 (Briggs-R) Highways: entertainment park exit signs
States that a county with a population of not more than 900,000 persons that contains an entertainment park that is visited by 120,000 patrons or more per year should be authorized to apply to the State Department of Transportation to have an exit sign placed on the nearest major highway access point to the park if the park is located not more than two miles from the highway and the street on which the park is located has the same name as the park.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
ACR 81 (Hollingsworth-R) Regional transportation corridor
Urges State Department of Transportation and the regional transportation planning agencies to expeditiously consider enhancing existing transportation corridors and developing alternative transportation corridors to Highway 91 (the Riverside Freeway) between the counties of Riverside and Orange.
(At Senate Desk)
ACR 100 (Cogdill-R) Truck Driver Appreciation Week
Proclaims the week of August 25 through September 1, 2001, as Truck Driver Appreciation Week and encourages businesses, schools, communities, churches, and other organizations to join in this observance by commending professional truck drivers for the vital role they play in the lives of Americans.
Resolution Chapter 132, Statutes of 2001
AJR 23 (Longville-D) Commercial vehicle drivers
Memorializes the President of the United States and the Secretary of Transportation of the United States Department of Transportation, to adopt standards for technologies to record drivers' hours of service that are performance-based, recognize individual drivers that are capable of roadside and inspection facility enforcement, and apply uniformly on a nationwide basis upon a common effective date. Memorializes that the standards adopted should protect driver privacy and due process, should promote reasonable training of drivers in the use of the technology, and that consideration should be given to financial or fax incentives to speed deployment of the technologies.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 10 | Soto-D Safe Routes to School Construction Program: extension | |
SB 18 | Alarcon-D Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation | |
SB 22* | Chesbro-D Vehicle license fee offsets | |
SB 42* | Speier-D Child passenger restraint systems and seatbelts | |
SB 46* | Polanco-D Vehicles: tow trucks and private industry | |
SB 62* | Morrow-R Railroad crossings: automated warning devices | |
SB 91 | Figueroa-D Vehicles: dealers: prohibited activities | |
SB 100 | Johannessen-R Emission control: specially constructed vehicles | |
SB 106 | Sher-D Abandoned Vehicle Service Authority | |
SB 108 | Speier-D Organ and tissue donor registry | |
SB 124 | Johnson-R City of Newport Beach: property transfer | |
SB 145* | Perata-D Sales and use taxes: bunker fuel | |
SB 171 | McClintock-R Transportation gridlock emergencies | |
SB 180 | Speier-D Caltrain improvements and Route 101 auxiliary lanes: funding | |
SB 190* | Perata-D Outdoor advertising displays: Oakland-Alameda Coliseum | |
SB 210 | Senate Local Government Committee Snow removal funding | |
SB 237 | Vincent-D Streets and highways: abandoned animals | |
SB 242 | Morrow-R Vehicles: windshields | |
SB 244 | Speier-D California Environmental Quality Act: airport expansion | |
SB 251 | Haynes-R "Choose Life" special interest license plates | |
SB 281 | O'Connell-D Vehicle conditional sale and lease contracts | |
SB 289 | Senate Transportation Committee Miscellaneous transportation matters | |
SB 290 | Senate Transportation Committee Miscellaneous transportation matters | |
SB 313 | Alpert-D I-15: single occupant vehicle demonstration program | |
SB 345 | Perata-D Traffic Incident Management Act | |
SB 346 | Perata-D San Francisco Bay Area Water Transit Authority | |
SB 363 | Oller-R Vehicles | |
SB 433* | Monteith-R Carl Moyer Memorial Air Standards Attainment Program | |
SB 465 | McPherson-R Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission | |
SB 473 | Perata-D Metropolitan Transportation Commission: congestion reduction | |
SB 481 | Speier-D Vehicles: dealers: licenses | |
SB 484 | Vincent-D Highway property and air space, City of Lynwood | |
SB 488 | Karnette-D Highway: vehicle length: buses | |
SB 521 | Alpert-D Local transportation funds allocation: San Diego | |
SB 545 | McClintock-R High-occupancy vehicle lanes | |
SB 547* | Figueroa-D Income/ bank/corporation taxes: credits: transit passes | |
SB 568 | Morrow-R School bus seat belts | |
SB 576 | Perata-D Bicycles: registration | |
SB 600 | Torlakson-D Transit villages | |
SB 618 | Margett-R Highways: soundwalls | |
SB 619* | Perata-D San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District | |
SB 624 | Soto-D Vehicles: garbage: cover | |
SB 636 | Karnette-D Vehicles: trucks: length | |
SB 655 | Machado-D Transportation: transit districts: property acquisition | |
SB 661 | Dunn-D Driver's licenses: identification cards | |
SB 667 | Peace-D Automated enforcement system | |
SB 670 | Poochigian-R Street and road maintenance | |
SB 685 | Costa-D Fresno County: transportation retail sales tax renewal | |
SB 690 | Costa-D California High-Speed Rail Authority | |
SB 734 | Karnette-D Vehicles: trailers: registration | |
SB 759* | Murray-D Transportation: traffic congestion relief program | |
SB 774 | Margett-R Vehicles | |
SB 790 | Karnette-D State Transportation Improvement Program | |
SB 796 | Costa-D High-Speed Rail Authority: membership | |
SB 800 | Johannessen-R Collector motor vehicles | |
SB 810 | Ackerman-R Property tax revenue allocations: transit districts | |
SB 829 | Karnette-D Transportation funding | |
SB 869 | Karnette-D Department of Transportation: airport assessment study | |
SB 871 | Burton-D Commercial vehicles: drug and alcohol regulations | |
SB 873 | Torlakson-D Regional transit expansion plan: San Francisco Bay Area | |
SB 876 | Poochigian-R Special interest license plates: agriculture | |
SB 919 | Polanco-D Outdoor advertising displays | |
SB 956 | Ackerman-R Local street and road maintenance and reconstruction | |
SB 964* | Costa-D Vehicles: cotton modules | |
SB 995 | Morrow-R Vessels: special-use areas | |
SB 1048 | Speier-D Drivers: commercial vehicles | |
SB 1053 | Knight-R Centennial of Flight Commemoration Program | |
SB 1057 | Morrow-R Motorcycles: helmets | |
SB 1065 | Perata-D Highways: trees and shrubs | |
SB 1066 | Poochigian-R Mitigation fees: Department of Transportation | |
SB 1068 | Speier-D The School Bus Safety and Emission Reduction Act | |
SB 1071 | Machado-D Adult driver improvement program | |
SB 1081 | Johannessen-R Exhaust and muffler systems | |
SB 1086* | Alarcon-D Air pollution: liquefied natural gas: production | |
SB 1100 | Johannessen-R Continuing education exemptions for vehicle dealers | |
SB 1101 | Knight-R State Highway Routes 138 and 58: project funding | |
SB 1138 | Burton-D Parking privileges: placard fees | |
SB 1144 | Karnette-D Dealers: seatbelts | |
SB 1171 | Scott-D Motor carriers and commercial motor vehicles | |
SB 1173 | Johannessen-R Vehicles: engine replacement | |
SB 1178 | Burton-D Automotive repair | |
SB 1195 | Romero-D Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority | |
SCA 1 | McClintock-R Vehicle license fees | |
SCA 3 | Karnette-D Motor vehicle fuel taxes: expanded uses | |
SCA 5 | Torlakson-D Local government: special taxes: transportation | |
SCA 6 | Murray-D Transportation: funding | |
SCR 9 | Morrow-R Vincente "Vince" Andrade Memorial Bridge | |
SCR 12 | Chesbro-D Dave Ghilarducci and the Police Officer Daniel T. Fraembs | |
SCR 14 | Oller-R Purple Heart Trail | |
SCR 17 | Costa-D State Highway Route 99: needs assessment | |
SCR 18 | Chesbro-D Earle W. Wrieden Memorial Highway | |
SCR 19 | Johannessen-R California marine transportation system | |
SCR 25 | Soto-D Alameda Corridor East Project | |
SCR 29 | Soto-D Police Officer Daniel Fraembs Memorial Highway | |
SCR 38 | Johannessen-R Francis B. Mathews Memorial Rest Area | |
SCR 43 | Poochigian-R Deputy Sheriff Eric Jon Telen Memorial Highway | |
SJR 18 | Alarcon-D Railroad retirement benefits | |
SJR 19 | Ackerman-R Railroad grade crossings: quiet zones | |
SJR 22 | Torlakson-D Gasoline: MTBE | |
SJR 25 | Scott-D Oxygenate requirements in gasoline | |
SB 84XX* | Burton-D State Energy Resources, Conservation and Dev. Commission | |
AB 19 | Jackson-D Vehicles: school zones: fines | |
AB 60 | Cedillo-D Vehicles: social security number: driver's licenses | |
AB 67* | Firebaugh-D Vehicles: driver's license: length limitation | |
AB 73 | Washington-D Vehicles: fines: records | |
AB 84 | Hertzberg-D Department of Motor Vehicles: records: confidentiality | |
AB 93 | Wayne-D San Diego County Regional Airport Authority | |
AB 107 | Nation-D Vessels: wrecks and wrecked property: ballast water | |
AB 133 | Alquist-D Regional transportation plans | |
AB 171 | Reyes-D Vehicles: Department of Motor Vehicles: records | |
AB 220 | Strom-Martin-D Vehicles: limitations of access | |
AB 227 | Dutra-D Transportation: funding | |
AB 241 | Dickerson-R Traffic offenses | |
AB 243* | Runner-R Sales and use taxes: exemption: jet fuel | |
AB 321 | Vargas-D Transportation: funding: streets and highways | |
AB 360 | Wesson-D Vehicle impoundment | |
AB 381 | Papan-D Transit oriented development | |
AB 391 | Kehoe-D Highways: encroachment permits: waivers | |
AB 398 | Salinas-D Highways: safety enhancement-double fine zones | |
AB 403 | Bates-R Transportation funding: elderly persons | |
AB 405 | Salinas-D Transportation funding: Amtrak: bus feeder service | |
AB 411 | Diaz-D Highways: safe routes to school/operation safe passage | |
AB 419 | Dutra-D Design-build contracting: local transportation agencies | |
AB 434* | Keeley-D Route 1: Hatton Canyon | |
AB 437 | Assembly Budget Committee Rural Transit System Grant Program | |
AB 438* | Assembly Budget Committee Transportation finance: budget trailer bill | |
AB 468 | Cohn-D Driver's license: identification card | |
AB 476 | Harman-R Orange County Transportation Authority: governing board | |
AB 491 | Frommer-D Rental vehicles: passenger vehicles | |
AB 509 | Leach-R Traffic violator schools | |
AB 527 | Kehoe-D Special interest license plates and decals | |
AB 554* | John Campbell-R Sales and use tax exemptions: vehicles | |
AB 563 | Maldonado-R Vehicles: stop lights: right-of-way | |
AB 581 | La Suer-R Transit: fare evasion: arrest | |
AB 608 | Dickerson-R Transportation project savings and overhead costs | |
AB 631 | Oropeza-D Five-year transportation needs assessment | |
AB 635 | Bates-R Highway Routes 1 and 126: segment relinquishments | |
AB 666 | Dutra-D Streets and highways: acceleration of highway projects | |
AB 677 | Steinberg-D Persons with disabilities | |
AB 710 | Chavez-D State Highway Route 710 | |
AB 770 | Nakano-D Cellular telephones: vehicles: study | |
AB 834 | Briggs-R Vehicles: license plates | |
AB 841 | Havice-D Pedestrian safety | |
AB 852 | Maldonado-R School pupil activity buses: passenger restraint systems | |
AB 854 | Briggs-R Automobile dealers: smog check certificates | |
AB 871 | Cox-R Vehicles: dealers | |
AB 880 | Florez-D Drivers: commercial vehicles | |
AB 887 | Daucher-R Transportation Entrepreneurial Government Program | |
AB 889 | Daucher-R Department of Transportation: entrepreneur program | |
AB 926 | Maddox-R Towed and transported vehicles | |
AB 942 | Cedillo-D Highway 101: pedestrian overhead crossing | |
AB 965 | Mountjoy-R Highways: victim signs | |
AB 974 | Calderon-D Los Angeles County: transit operation funding | |
AB 976 | Vargas-D Transportation: mass transit | |
AB 984* | Papan-D Sales and use taxes: exemptions: public transportation | |
AB 986 | Firebaugh-D Air quality | |
AB 998* | Kelley-R Neighborhood electric vehicle credit | |
AB 1039 | Oropeza-D Transportation agencies | |
AB 1056 | Cogdill-R State highway system | |
AB 1057* | Cogdill-R Income tax credit: highway maintenance and enhancement | |
AB 1058 | Pavley-D Vehicular emissions: carbon dioxide | |
AB 1066 | Dutra-D Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority | |
AB 1070 | Pavley-D County scenic highway: designation | |
AB 1079 | Oropeza-D Public agency: buses: two-way communication devices | |
AB 1091 | Rod Pacheco-R Transportation: Department of Transportation: contracts | |
AB 1092 | Cardoza-D Highway improvements | |
AB 1094 | Briggs-R Rail consolidation grants | |
AB 1171 | Dutra-D Toll bridges: seismic retrofit cost overruns | |
AB 1196 | Maldonado-R Public transportation: elderly and disabled persons | |
AB 1220 | Pavley-D Park and ride facilities: Los Angeles area | |
AB 1225 | Cedillo-D Downtown transportation infrastructure | |
AB 1228 | Leslie-R Property taxation: regulated railway companies | |
AB 1250 | Florez-D Safety and Farm Labor Vehicle Education Program | |
AB 1258* | Wiggins-D Vehicles: rentals | |
AB 1262 | Migden-D Motor carriers: drivers | |
AB 1280 | Reyes-D Commercial motor vehicles | |
AB 1335 | Cohn-D Transportation project advancement: letter of no prejudice | |
AB 1346 | Daucher-R State Highway Route 91 toll project | |
AB 1348 | Robert Pacheco-R Calif. State Polytechnic University, Pomona: road repair | |
AB 1376 | Wyman-R Emergency response vehicles | |
AB 1389 | Shelley-D San Francisco waterfront: cruise ship terminal development | |
AB 1390 | Firebaugh-D Environ. justice and disproportionately impacted communities | |
AB 1396 | Longville-D Passenger rail rehabilitation | |
AB 1406 | Hollingsworth-R Sportspersons: special interest license plates | |
AB 1410 | Hollingsworth-R Vessels: use prohibitions | |
AB 1419 | Aroner-D Transportation: San Francisco Transbay Terminal Facility | |
AB 1420 | Cardenas-D Air pollution: diesel powered school buses | |
AB 1494 | Aanestad-R Transportation funding | |
AB 1538 | Cox-R Driving license: digitized signature | |
AB 1564 | Cardenas-D Cooperative agreements: Indian tribes | |
AB 1572 | Briggs-R Driver's license: identification cards: selective service | |
AB 1587 | Rod Pacheco-R State Highway Route 91: alternatives: study | |
AB 1593 | Wyman-R Disabled veterans | |
AB 1618* | Matthews-D Engine fuels | |
AB 1621 | Cardenas-D Vehicles: registration | |
AB 1705* | Assembly Transportation Committee Transportation | |
AB 1706 | Assembly Transportation Committee Transportation: corporations: state contracting | |
AB 1707 | Assembly Transportation Committee Transportation | |
AB 1708 | Assembly Transportation Committee Hazardous waste: tow trucks | |
ACR 4 | Pescetti-R Stanley L. Van Vleck Memorial Highway | |
ACR 25 | Kelley-R Sonny Bono Memorial Freeway | |
ACR 28 | Briggs-R The Peter Hillman Memorial Interchange | |
ACR 29 | Bates-R Orange County Korean War Veterans Memorial Highway | |
ACR 39 | Mountjoy-R Work Zone Safety Awareness Week | |
ACR 43 | Havice-D Merchant Marine Remembrance Week | |
ACR 46 | Florez-D The Kern County Korean War Veterans Memorial Highway | |
ACR 47 | Florez-D George Alan Ingalls Memorial Highway | |
ACR 59 | Aanestad-R 14 Mile House Historical Monument | |
ACR 79 | Briggs-R Highways: entertainment park exit signs | |
ACR 81 | Hollingsworth-R Regional transportation corridor | |
ACR 93 | Zettel-R Donna P. Mauzy Memorial Freeway | |
ACR 95 | Wiggins-D Randy Bolt Memorial Highway | |
ACR 96 | Havice-D Joe A. Gonsalves Memorial Interchange | |
ACR 98 | Runner-R 1915 Ridge Route Highway Historical Monument | |
ACR 100 | Cogdill-R Truck Driver Appreciation Week | |
ACR 102 | Florez-D Kirk J. Schafer Memorial Highway | |
ACR 111 | Cardoza-D CA. Highway Patrol Officer James J. Schumacher, Jr., highway | |
ACR 119 | Runner-R Aerospace Highway | |
ACR 120 | Runner-R The Aerospace Valley Monument | |
AJR 23 | Longville-D Commercial vehicle drivers |