
Note: * Denotes Urgency or Tax Levy Legislation.


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SB 148 (Anderson-R) Primary elections: voter-nominated offices

Provides that a candidate for State Senator or Member of the Assembly who receives at least a majority of the votes cast for that office in the primary election shall be declared elected to that office, and that no general election will be held for that office.
(In Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee)

SB 279 (Hancock-D) San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority

Specifies procedures for conducting a multi-county election to approve a special tax measure proposed by the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority.
Chapter 514, Statutes 2013

SB 311 (Padilla-D) Local elections: charters and charter proposals

Requires cities to submit city charter proposals to voters at an established statewide general election, and repeals cities' authority to submit charter proposals to voters at a statewide primary election or a regularly scheduled municipal election, except for charter proposals to amend a charter or call for the election of a charter commission that are proposed by voter petitions, as specified.
Chapter 184, Statutes of 2013

SB 519* (Emmerson-R) Special elections

Requires the state to reimburse counties for the costs of special elections proclaimed by the Governor to fill a vacancy in the office of Senator or Member of the Assembly, U.S. Senator, or Member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Requires reimbursement for those elections held between 1/1/12 and 12/31/13.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 594 (Hill-D) Use of public resources

Prohibits nonprofit organizations and their employees from using funds received from local agencies in connection with conduit bond financing for campaign purposes.
Chapter 773, Statutes of 2013

SB 638 (Lara-D) Election crimes: misrepresentation by candidates

Makes it a misdemeanor for an individual who becomes, or induces another individual to become, a candidate for a local or state elective office under a name that is identical to, or very similar to, another candidate for that same office, with the sole intent of deliberately misleading voters who desire to vote for that other candidate, and otherwise would vote for that other candidate.
(In Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee)

SB 712 (Lara-D) Write-in candidates

Requires that a write-in candidate for a voter-nominated office, in addition to being one of the top two vote-getters, receive votes at the direct primary election equal in number to at least 1% of all votes cast for the office at the last preceding general election at which the office was filled in order for his/her name to be placed on the general election ballot as a candidate for that office.
(In Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee)

SCA 6 (DeSaulnier-D) Initiative measures: funding source

Prohibits, if approved by the voters, future initiatives from being placed on the ballot if the measure results in a net increase in state or local government costs as determined by the Legislative Analyst's Office and the Director of the Department of Finance.
(On Senate Third Reading File)

SCA 12 (Lara-D) Voter-nominated primary elections

Provides that, for a person whose name was written in upon the ballot for the voter-nominated primary election for a congressional or state elective office, and is one of the top two vote-getters, to appear as a candidate for that office in the ensuing general election, the write-in candidate must have received votes at the primary election equal in number to at least 1% of all votes cast for the office at the last preceding general election at which the office was filled.
(In Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee)

SCA 14 (Anderson-R) Voter-nominated primary elections

Provides that, if a candidate for State Senator or Member of the Assembly receives at least a majority of the votes cast for the office in a voter-nominated primary election, the candidate will be declared elected, and no general election will be held for that office.
(In Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee)

SJR 6 (Yee-D) The Lines Interfere with National Elections Act of 2013

Proclaims the Legislature's support for the federal Lines Interfere with National Elections Act of 2013, and memorializes the Congress of the U.S. to promptly pass the Act and President Barack Obama to sign the Act.
Resolution Chapter 94, Statutes of 2013

AB 54 (Gorell-R) Ballot measure

Moves ACA 4 (Gatto-D, Chapter 174, Statutes of 2010) from the November 2014 statewide general election ballot to the June 2014 statewide primary election ballot.
(Failed passage in Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 269 (Grove-R) Vote by mail ballots: military or overseas voters

Allows the vote by mail ballot of a military or overseas voter to arrive up to three days after the election and still be counted, provided that the ballot is postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service or the Military Postal Service Agency on or before Election Day.
(In Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee)

AB 331 (Garcia-D) Consolidation of elections

Requires voter challenges, election contests, and recounts to be conducted in accordance with state law for any election that is consolidated with a statewide election, a special election, or a regularly scheduled election held for the purposes of electing governing board members for school districts, community college districts, county boards of education, or special districts.
Chapter 98, Statutes of 2013

AB 354 (Dahle-R) Local ballot measures: impartial analysis

Requires the analysis of a local ballot measure that appears in the ballot pamphlet to include a statement indicating whether the measure was placed on the ballot by a petition signed by the requisite number of voters or by the local governing body, as specified.
Chapter 265, Statutes of 2013

AB 400 (Fong-D) Petitions: initiative, referendum, or recall

Requires an initiative, referendum, or recall petition that is circulated by a paid circulator to include a statement identifying the five largest contributors of $10,000 or more in support of the measure.
(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 408 (Bonta-D) Municipal utility districts

Establishes appointment procedures for municipal utility districts with a seven-member board of directors if no candidate or only one candidate files for candidacy by 5 PM on or before the 83rd day prior to the election.
Chapter 108, Statutes of 2013

AB 450 (Jones-Sawyer-D) Community college trustee areas

Requires the Los Angeles Community College District, beginning in 2015, to have district governing board members elected by trustee areas, instead of at large. States that the District board is to provide for the establishment of seven trustee areas by 7/1/14 and hold a public hearing prior to adopting the boundaries of each trustee area.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 813 (Melendez-R) Election results

Requires the Secretary of State and county elections officials to post on their respective Internet Web sites and to maintain on these Web sites for at least 10 years, their certified statement of election results in a downloadable spreadsheet format, as specified, that is compatible with software widely in use at the time of posting.
Chapter 112, Statutes of 2013

AB 817 (Bonta-D) Elections officials

Authorizes county elections officials to appoint a person who is lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States and who is otherwise eligible to register to vote, except for his/her lack of U.S. citizenship, to serve as a precinct board member.
Chapter 162, Statutes of 2013

AB 829 (Fong-D) Election management systems

Requires vendors of "elections management systems," which track voter registration, to annually deposit a copy of the source code, as specified, for each system component into an approved escrow facility, and stipulates that the Secretary of State must have access to these materials under specified circumstances, and requires the Secretary to adopt regulations implementing these requirements.
Chapter 268, Statutes of 2013

AB 882 (Gordon-D) Recall: state officers: signature verification

Corrects an inconsistency in current election law regarding the process governing the verification of signatures on a recall petition.
(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 1075 (Olsen-R) Primary: voter-nominated offices

Allows a candidate for an elective state office (other than Superintendent of Public Instruction) to win outright in the primary election if the candidate receives at least 60% of the votes cast for that office, provided that ACA 10 (Olsen-R) is submitted to and approved by the voters.
(Failed passage in Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 1157 (Jones-R) Voting procedures

Requires a vote by mail identification envelope to include the last four digits of the voter's California driver's license number or California identification card number or, if the voter has neither, the last four digits of the voter's social security number. Requires the signature and numeric identifying information to be verified as consistent with the voter's state or federal records before counting the ballot.
(Failed passage in Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee; reconsideration granted)

AB 1311 (Bradford-D) Recall elections

Establishes a process for filling a vacancy in an office that occurs after a recall petition has been filed against the vacating officer.
(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 1316 (Harkey-R) Election ballots: identical candidate names

Requires the elections official, if two or more candidates with similar names file nomination papers for the same office, to assign each such candidate a number based on the order in which the candidates filed their nomination papers, and further requires that the first candidate be assigned the number "1", with each subsequent candidate with a similar name being assigned the next number in numerical sequence.
Chapter 106, Statutes of 2013

AB 1417 (Assembly Elections And Redistricting Committee) Military and overseas voters

Conforms state law to federal law by requiring elections officials to send ballots and ballot materials to all military and overseas voters by the 45th day before the election if they have made a request for a ballot by that day, regardless of whether the 45th day before the election is a weekend or holiday.
Chapter 560, Statutes of 2013

AB 1419 (Assembly Elections And Redistricting Committee) Presidential general elections: party qualifications

Establishes a process for a political body to qualify as a political party for the purposes of having that party's Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates appear on the presidential general election ballot.
Chapter 511, Statutes of 2013

ACA 9 (Gorell-R) Voter-nominated primary elections

Requires a write-in candidate for a voter-nominated office, as defined, to receive a specified number of votes at the primary election in order for his/her name to appear on the ballot at the general election.
(Failed passage on Assembly Floor)

ACA 10 (Olsen-R) Voter-nominated primary elections

Allows a candidate for an elective state office (other than Superintendent of Public Instruction) to win outright in the primary election, and provides that the contest shall not appear on the general election ballot, if the candidate receives at least 60% of the votes cast for that office.
(Failed passage in Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee; reconsideration granted)

Political Reform

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SB 2 (Lieu-D) Political Reform Act of 1974

Makes numerous significant changes to the Political Reform Act of 1974.
(On Assembly Inactive File)

SB 3 (Yee-D) Committee treasurer: online training course

Requires a person who serves as a treasurer for one or more committees to complete an online training course designed and administered by the Fair Political Practices Commission not later than 20 business days after being designated as a treasurer. Provides for fines of up to $500 for a treasurer who fails to complete the training course. Provides that the Commission has no liability with respect to a violation of the Political Reform Act of 1974 by a treasurer that completed the training or by a committee that has designated that person as its treasurer

SB 26 (Correa-D) Political Reform Act of 1974: slate mailers

Modifies the font and type specifications with respect to the slate mailer organization or committee identification requirement and revises the placement and font size and color specifications with respect to the prescribed notice to voters.
(Failed passage in Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee; reconsideration granted)

SB 27 (Correa-D) Multipurpose organization

Establishes conditions under which a multipurpose organization that makes campaign contributions or expenditures is required to disclose names of its donors. Requires the Fair Political Practices Commission's Internet Web site to include a list of the largest contributors to committees that support or oppose state ballot measures or candidates, as specified.
(On Senate Inactive File)

SB 52 (Leno-D) Campaign disclosures

Repeals existing advertisement disclosure requirements and imposes new disclosure requirements for radio, prerecorded telephonic messages, television or video, mass mailing or printed political advertisements.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)

SB 121 (Evans-D) Corporations: political activities: shareholder disclosure

Requires corporations to notify their shareholders at least 24-hours before making political contributions or expenditures, as defined, and to annually summarize and report to their shareholders on the political contributions and expenditures they made during the prior year, as specified.
(Failed passage in Senate Banking and Financial Institutions Committee; reconsideration granted)

SB 268 (Gaines-R) Campaign finance reports

Repeals the requirements to file specified campaign finance reports and, instead, requires that a candidate or committee who makes or receives a contribution of $100 or more to report that contribution to specified filing officers within 24-hours of receiving the contribution.
(In Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee)

AB 45 (Dickinson-D) Multipurpose organization

Provides that a payment made to a multipurpose organization, as defined, is a contribution to that organization if the donor knows or has reason to know, under specified circumstances, that the payment, or part of the payment, will be used to make a contribution or an independent expenditure. Requires a donor under these circumstances to be identified and reported by the multipurpose organization according to regulations of the Fair Political Practices Commission.
(In Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee)

AB 409* (Quirk-Silva-D) Statements of economic interests

Permits the Fair Political Practices Commission to develop and operate its own online system for filing Statements of Economic Interests which must enable a filer to comply with all relevant requirements, as specified.
Chapter 643, Statutes of 2013

AB 510 (Ammiano-D) Advertisement disclosures

Requires a committee to comply with existing requirements with regard to an expenditure of any amount to an individual for his/her appearance in an advertisement to support or oppose the qualification, passage, or defeat of a ballot measure if the advertisement states or otherwise communicates that the individual is a practitioner or member of a profession having expertise or specialized knowledge relating to the subject of the measure.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)

AB 552 (Fong-D) Collection of fines

Permits the Fair Political Practices Commission to apply to the clerk of the court for a judgment to collect penalties imposed by a Commission enforcement order.
Chapter 645, Statutes of 2013

AB 800 (Gordon-D) Audits and investigations

Makes several changes relating to audits and investigations conducted under the Political Reform Act of 1974, and provides a 90 day timeframe before campaign funds become designated as "surplus" funds.
(Failed passage on Assembly Floor)

AB 914 (Gordon-D) Campaign disclosures

Imposes new disclosure requirements under the Political Reform Act of 1974 for nonprofit corporations, provided they make in California contributions, expenditures, or independent expenditures, as defined, in support of or opposition to a candidate, political party, or ballot measure, or any combination thereof in the aggregate totaling $50,000 or more during a calendar year of the nonprofit corporation.
(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 1059 (Wieckowski-D) Public officers and employees: financial interests

Extends the application of those prohibitions to independent contractors who perform a public function, and specifically provides when an independent contractor, or an owner, officer, employee, or agent of the independent contractor, has a financial interest in a contract.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)

AB 1090 (Fong-D) Public officers: conflicts of interest: contracts

Authorizes the Fair Political Practices Commission to bring civil and administrative enforcement actions for violations of Government Code Section 1090, dealing with conflicts of interest in contracts, and requires the Commission to provide opinions and advice with respect to Section 1090.
Chapter 650, Statutes of 2013

AB 1418 (Assembly Elections And Redistricting Committee) Public inspection and reproduction

Repeals a campaign statement requirement regarding public inspection and reproduction, and corrects an erroneous cross-reference in a provision of the Political Reform Act of 1974 that governs the civil service classification of staff positions at the Fair Political Practices Commission.
Chapter 654, Statutes of 2013

Voter Registration

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SB 44 (Yee-D) State Internet Web sites: online voter registration

Requires each Internet Web site maintained by the state to include a hyperlink on the site's homepage to the online voter registration page of the Internet Web site of the Secretary of State.
Chapter 277, Statutes of 2013

SB 113 (Jackson-D) Statewide voter registration database

Authorizes 15, 16 and 17 year olds to pre-register to vote and eliminates an existing requirement that authorizes 17 year olds to pre-register to vote only after implementation of a statewide voter registration database. Requires the local registrar of births and deaths to notify the county elections official of all deceased persons 15 years of age and over.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 361 (Padilla-D) Elections: voter registration

Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles, the California Community Colleges, the California State University, and voter registration agencies as designated by the National Voter Registration Act of 1993-one year after the Secretary of State certifies that the state has a statewide voter registration database in compliance with the federal Help America Vote Act of 2002-to allow customers, students, and clients, respectively, to submit voter registration forms electronically to the Secretary of State.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 756 (Galgiani-D) Statewide voter database

Provides that the provisions of AB 1436 (Feuer-D, Chapter 497, Statutes of 2012), including conditional voter registration and related provisional voting during the 14 days prior to, and on Election Day, will go into effect on 1/1/14, instead of waiting until the Secretary of State certifies a Federal Help America Vote Act of 2002 compliant statewide voter database.
(In Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee)

SCR 66 (Yee-D) Online Voter Registration Day

Declares 9/19/13, to be Online Voter Registration Day.
Resolution Chapter 120, Statutes of 2013

AB 131 (Williams-D) Voter registration: affidavits: rebuttable presumptions

Provides that a person's failure to identify his/her place of birth on an affidavit of registration must not preclude his/her affidavit from being deemed complete.
Chapter 93, Statutes of 2013

AB 530 (Quirk-Silva-D) Vote by mail ballots: telephone applications

Permits a local elections official to allow a voter to apply for a vote by mail ballot by telephone. Allows local election officials to offer voters the ability to apply for a vote by mail ballot by telephone subject to specified provisions.
Chapter 501, Statutes of 2013

AB 843 (Logue-R) Voter registration: identification requirements

Requires that a registrant provide proof of residency in order for a conditional voter registration to be deemed effective. Requires the elections official, if a conditional voter registration is not deemed effective, to process the affidavit of registration pursuant to existing law, and provided that all other eligibility requirements are met, deems the registration effective in forthcoming elections.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)

AB 1122 (Levine-D) Voter registration: Department of Motor Vehicles

Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to coordinate with the Secretary of State, to the extent the state's implementation plan for the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 is inconsistent with federal law, to take additional steps to fully implement and further comply with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1170 (Donnelly-R) Voters: registration cancellation

Requires a county elections official to cancel the voter registration of a voter who fails to respond to an alternative residency confirmation address verification mailing in response to change of address data received, and who does not offer to vote or vote in any election between the date of the mailing and two federal general elections after the date of that mailing.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)


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SB 29 (Correa-D) Vote by mail ballots and election result statements

Allows vote by mail ballots to be counted if they are cast by Election Day and received by the elections official no later than three days after the election.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 111 (Beall-D) Voter signature

Authorizes certain registered voters to use a signature stamp if the voter submits an affidavit of registration electronically utilizing a signature stamp that has been approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles and transmitted to the Secretary of State.
Chapter 151, Statutes of 2013

SB 112 (Monning-D) Voter information: public examination

Requires that any voter registration card information that is in existence 100 years after the creation of the record be available to the public. Provides that if the records are contained in the great registers of voters and the bound register contains information covering more than one year, the records shall not be available to the public until the entire contents of the register have been recorded for at least 100 years.
Chapter 118, Statutes of 2013

SB 213 (Galgiani-D) Election petitions: circulators

Repeals various requirements that an individual must be qualified to register to vote in order to circulate election petitions and nomination papers.
Chapter 278, Statutes of 2013

SB 240 (Yee-D) Polling places: higher education campuses

Requires county elections officials to establish at least one polling place on every campus of the California State University and the University of California, and consider establishing at least one polling place on each community college campus.
(In Senate Education Committee)

SB 360 (Padilla-D) Certification of voting systems

Makes significant changes to procedures and criteria for the certification and approval of a voting system and expands the use of Voting Modernization Fund monies.
Chapter 602, Statutes of 2013

SB 362 (Padilla-D) Voting procedures: natural disasters

Authorizes an out-of-state emergency worker, as defined, to cast a ballot outside of his/her precinct upon the declaration of an out-of-state emergency by the Governor and the issuance of an executive order, as specified.
Chapter 566, Statutes of 2013

SB 589 (Hill-D) Vote by mail ballots: sample ballots

Makes changes to vote by mail procedures and sample ballot mailings.
Chapter 280, Statutes of 2013

SB 594 (Hill-D) Use of public resources

Prohibits nonprofit organizations and their employees from using funds received from local agencies in connection with conduit bond financing for campaign purposes, as specified. Requires a nonprofit organization that receives significant amounts of money from local agencies in connection with conduit bond financing to maintain a separate bank account for campaign activities and to disclose the sources of the funds it receives for campaign activities, as specified.
Chapter 773, Statutes of 2013

SB 637* (Yee-D) Early voting

Requires on at least one Saturday on or after the date an elections official first delivers ballots to vote by mail voters for a statewide election, or for any other election as determined by the elections official based on voter demand, the elections official may allow voters to vote in the election by means of early voting at an early voting location designated for this purpose, provided that the location is accessible and complies with disability access requirements under federal and state law.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 654 (Leno-D) Ballot measure petitions: recall petitions: translations

Requires the Attorney General, if proponents intend to circulate a proposed state measure initiative, to translate the title and summary of the proposed initiative into each language in which the state or a county is required to provide voting materials. Requires the Secretary of State, if proponents intend to circulate a proposed recall petition, to translate the title and summary of the proposed recall petition into each language in which the state or a county is required to provide voting materials.

SCA 7 (Wolk-D) Local government financing: public libraries

Allows cities, counties, and special districts to issue bonded indebtedness to construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate, or replace public libraries, including furnishings, equipment, or leasing real property.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SCA 9 (Corbett-D) Economic development: special taxes

Lowers the vote threshold for local agencies imposing, extending, or increasing a special tax to fund local community and economic development projects within their jurisdiction to 55% if specified requirements are met.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SCA 11 (Hancock-D) Local government: special taxes

Lowers the vote threshold for local agencies imposing, extending, or increasing any special tax from 2/3 to 55% provided specified requirements are met.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SJR 14 (Yee-D) Voting Rights Act of 1965

Urges the Congress and the President of the U.S. to enact amendments to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that restores Section 4 of the Act with a new coverage formula and updates the entire Act in order to address ongoing violations of voting rights in the states.
Resolution Chapter 133, Statutes of 2013

AB 19 (Ting-D) Internet Voting Pilot Program

Authorizes an Internet Voting Pilot Program, subject to specified requirements.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 149 (Weber-D) Voting rights: county probation departments

Requires county probation departments to either establish a hyperlink on its Internet Web site to the Secretary of State's voting rights guide for incarcerated persons, or to post a notice that contains the Secretary of State's Internet Web site address where the voting rights guide can be found.
Chapter 580, Statutes of 2013

AB 193 (Logue-R) Local ballot measures: arguments

Extends, by one day, the time allowed to submit an argument for or against a local ballot measure if none has been submitted to the elections official before the established deadline.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 214 (Skinner-D) Voting: state of emergency

Requires the Secretary of State, in consultation with county elections officials, to establish procedures and guidelines for voting in the event of a natural disaster or other state of emergency by 12/31/14.
Chapter 498, Statutes of 2013

AB 280 (Alejo-D) Voting rights

Establishes a state preclearance system applicable only to the counties of Kings, Monterey, and Yuba. States that under this system, if a county enacts or seeks to administer a voting qualification or prerequisite to voting, or a standard, practice, or procedure with respect to voting, that is different from that in force or effect on 6/25/13, the county elections official will be required to submit the qualification, prerequisite, standard, practice, or procedure to the Attorney General for approval.
(In Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee)

AB 472 (Patterson-R) Vote by mail ballots: military or overseas voters

Makes an exception regarding when a vote by mail ballot must be received, for military or overseas voters, as defined, and requires that their vote by mail ballots be postmarked on or before Election Day and received by their elections officials not later than 10 days after Election Day.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)

AB 621 (Wagner-R) Local government: bonds

Prohibits a local agency from entering into a financial advisory, legal advisory, underwriting, or other similar relationship with an individual or firm, with respect to a new bond issue that requires voter approval on or after 1/1/14, if that individual or firm provided, or will provide, bond campaign services to the bond campaign.
(In Senate Governance and Finance Committee)

AB 644 (Wieckowski-D) Campaign finance: advisory election

Requires a statewide advisory vote on the November 2014, general election ballot on amending the United States Constitution to address campaign financing issues.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)

AB 822 (Hall-D) Local government retirement plans

Requires an actuarial summary statement to be included in the sample ballot for any local ordinance or measure that alters the retirement benefit plan of employees of a local government entity.

AB 857 (Fong-D) Initiatives: petition circulators

Makes several changes to initiative signature gathering procedures relating to qualification requirements for the state ballot.

AB 877 (Bocanegra-D) Direct recording electronic voting systems

Revises the definition of "voter verified paper audit trail" to instead mean a component of a direct recording electronic voting system that prints a synchronous paper record facsimile of each electronic ballot and allows each voter to confirm his/her selections before the voter casts his/her ballot.
(In Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)

AB 938 (Weber-D) Voting: felons

Requires the clerk of the superior court in each county, when furnishing the elections official with a list of persons who have been convicted of felonies - not including any person who was placed on probation pursuant to existing law - to also include the last four digits of the social security number of each person, if available, along with their name, address, and date of birth.
(In Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee)

AB 1033 (Donnelly-R) Corruption of voters

Conforms state law to federal law by making it a felony, punishable by imprisonment for 16 months, two years, or three years, to provide a reward to a person for voting or to offer to provide a reward to induce a person to vote in a non-federal election. States that this provision does not include offering someone transportation to a polling place.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1117 (Donnelly-R) Initiative petitions: electronic access

Allows proponents of an initiative or referendum to email the petition to the Secretary of State (SOS), and requires SOS to make the initiative available to the public for downloading and printing from SOS's Internet Web site.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1135 (Mullin-D) Vote by mail ballots: signature verification

Revises and recasts current procedures for processing vote by mail ballots and provides that a county elections official is also permitted to compare the signature on the identification envelope with the signature appearing on a form issued by an elections official that contains the voter's signature, that is part of the voter's registration record, and that the elections official has determined meets specified criteria.
Chapter 271, Statutes of 2013

ACA 6 (Gatto-D) Initiatives: constitutional amendments

Requires an initiative measure that amends the State Constitution to receive 55% of votes cast in order to be approved, unless the measure repeals a previously adopted constitutional amendment.
(On Assembly Inactive File)

ACA 7 (Mullin-D) Elections: voting age

Proposes to amend the State Constitution to allow a citizen who is 17-years-old and will be 18 at the time of the next general election to register and vote in that election and any intervening primary or special election.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AJR 15 (Alejo-D) Voting Rights Act of 1965

Urges the Supreme Court of the U.S. to affirm, as it has done on several occasions since 1965, the clear constitutionality of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, which provides fundamental protections to the right of each citizen to vote and to have his/her vote counted.
Resolution Chapter 60, Statutes of 2013

Index (in Measure Order)

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Note: * Denotes Urgency or Tax Levy Legislation.

Measure and ReferenceAuthorMeasure Title
SB 2 - Political ReformLieu-DPolitical Reform Act of 1974
SB 3 - Political ReformYee-DCommittee treasurer: online training course
SB 26 - Political ReformCorrea-DPolitical Reform Act of 1974: slate mailers
SB 27 - Political ReformCorrea-DMultipurpose organization
SB 29 - MiscellaneousCorrea-DVote by mail ballots and election result statements
SB 44 - Voter RegistrationYee-DState Internet Web sites: online voter registration
SB 52 - Political ReformLeno-DCampaign disclosures
SB 111 - MiscellaneousBeall-DVoter signature
SB 112 - MiscellaneousMonning-DVoter information: public examination
SB 113 - Voter RegistrationJackson-DStatewide voter registration database
SB 121 - Political ReformEvans-DCorporations: political activities: shareholder disclosure
SB 148 - ElectionsAnderson-RPrimary elections: voter-nominated offices
SB 213 - MiscellaneousGalgiani-DElection petitions: circulators
SB 240 - MiscellaneousYee-DPolling places: higher education campuses
SB 268 - Political ReformGaines-RCampaign finance reports
SB 279 - ElectionsHancock-DSan Francisco Bay Restoration Authority
SB 311 - ElectionsPadilla-DLocal elections: charters and charter proposals
SB 360 - MiscellaneousPadilla-DCertification of voting systems
SB 361 - Voter RegistrationPadilla-DElections: voter registration
SB 362 - MiscellaneousPadilla-DVoting procedures: natural disasters
SB 519* - ElectionsEmmerson-RSpecial elections
SB 589 - MiscellaneousHill-DVote by mail ballots: sample ballots
SB 594 - ElectionsHill-DUse of public resources
SB 594 - MiscellaneousHill-DUse of public resources
SB 637* - MiscellaneousYee-DEarly voting
SB 638 - ElectionsLara-DElection crimes: misrepresentation by candidates
SB 654 - MiscellaneousLeno-DBallot measure petitions: recall petitions: translations
SB 712 - ElectionsLara-DWrite-in candidates
SB 756 - Voter RegistrationGalgiani-DStatewide voter database
SCA 6 - ElectionsDeSaulnier-DInitiative measures: funding source
SCA 7 - MiscellaneousWolk-DLocal government financing: public libraries
SCA 9 - MiscellaneousCorbett-DEconomic development: special taxes
SCA 11 - MiscellaneousHancock-DLocal government: special taxes
SCA 12 - ElectionsLara-DVoter-nominated primary elections
SCA 14 - ElectionsAnderson-RVoter-nominated primary elections
SCR 66 - Voter RegistrationYee-DOnline Voter Registration Day
SJR 6 - ElectionsYee-DThe Lines Interfere with National Elections Act of 2013
SJR 14 - MiscellaneousYee-DVoting Rights Act of 1965
AB 19 - MiscellaneousTing-DInternet Voting Pilot Program
AB 45 - Political ReformDickinson-DMultipurpose organization
AB 54 - ElectionsGorell-RBallot measure
AB 131 - Voter RegistrationWilliams-DVoter registration: affidavits: rebuttable presumptions
AB 149 - MiscellaneousWeber-DVoting rights: county probation departments
AB 193 - MiscellaneousLogue-RLocal ballot measures: arguments
AB 214 - MiscellaneousSkinner-DVoting: state of emergency
AB 269 - ElectionsGrove-RVote by mail ballots: military or overseas voters
AB 280 - MiscellaneousAlejo-DVoting rights
AB 331 - ElectionsGarcia-DConsolidation of elections
AB 354 - ElectionsDahle-RLocal ballot measures: impartial analysis
AB 400 - ElectionsFong-DPetitions: initiative, referendum, or recall
AB 408 - ElectionsBonta-DMunicipal utility districts
AB 409* - Political ReformQuirk-Silva-DStatements of economic interests
AB 450 - ElectionsJones-Sawyer-DCommunity college trustee areas
AB 472 - MiscellaneousPatterson-RVote by mail ballots: military or overseas voters
AB 510 - Political ReformAmmiano-DAdvertisement disclosures
AB 530 - Voter RegistrationQuirk-Silva-DVote by mail ballots: telephone applications
AB 552 - Political ReformFong-DCollection of fines
AB 621 - MiscellaneousWagner-RLocal government: bonds
AB 644 - MiscellaneousWieckowski-DCampaign finance: advisory election
AB 800 - Political ReformGordon-DAudits and investigations
AB 813 - ElectionsMelendez-RElection results
AB 817 - ElectionsBonta-DElections officials
AB 822 - MiscellaneousHall-DLocal government retirement plans
AB 829 - ElectionsFong-DElection management systems
AB 843 - Voter RegistrationLogue-RVoter registration: identification requirements
AB 857 - MiscellaneousFong-DInitiatives: petition circulators
AB 877 - MiscellaneousBocanegra-DDirect recording electronic voting systems
AB 882 - ElectionsGordon-DRecall: state officers: signature verification
AB 914 - Political ReformGordon-DCampaign disclosures
AB 938 - MiscellaneousWeber-DVoting: felons
AB 1033 - MiscellaneousDonnelly-RCorruption of voters
AB 1059 - Political ReformWieckowski-DPublic officers and employees: financial interests
AB 1075 - ElectionsOlsen-RPrimary: voter-nominated offices
AB 1090 - Political ReformFong-DPublic officers: conflicts of interest: contracts
AB 1117 - MiscellaneousDonnelly-RInitiative petitions: electronic access
AB 1122 - Voter RegistrationLevine-DVoter registration: Department of Motor Vehicles
AB 1135 - MiscellaneousMullin-DVote by mail ballots: signature verification
AB 1157 - ElectionsJones-RVoting procedures
AB 1170 - Voter RegistrationDonnelly-RVoters: registration cancellation
AB 1311 - ElectionsBradford-DRecall elections
AB 1316 - ElectionsHarkey-RElection ballots: identical candidate names
AB 1417 - ElectionsAssembly Elections And Redistricting CommitteeMilitary and overseas voters
AB 1418 - Political ReformAssembly Elections And Redistricting CommitteePublic inspection and reproduction
AB 1419 - ElectionsAssembly Elections And Redistricting CommitteePresidential general elections: party qualifications
ACA 6 - MiscellaneousGatto-DInitiatives: constitutional amendments
ACA 7 - MiscellaneousMullin-DElections: voting age
ACA 9 - ElectionsGorell-RVoter-nominated primary elections
ACA 10 - ElectionsOlsen-RVoter-nominated primary elections
AJR 15 - MiscellaneousAlejo-DVoting Rights Act of 1965