School Finance
School Facilities
English Learners
Charter Schools
School Safety/Pupil Safety
Child and Day Care
Special Education
School Accountability and Testing
Higher Education
School Employees (includes STRS legislation)
School Curriculum
Pupil Nutrition
Vocational Education (Career Technical Education)
Note: * Denotes Urgency or Tax Levy Legislation.
School Finance
SB 81 (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Budget Act of 2011
Restores a reduction of $248 million to the Home to School Transportation program for Fiscal Year (FY) 2011-12 and replaces this with a reduction of $248 million to school districts, county offices of education and charter school funding in the 2011-12 FY.
Chapter 2, Statutes of 2012
SB 476 (Lowenthal-D) Education finance: categorical programs
Extends, for two additional years, through the 2014-15 fiscal year, provisions of law (1) requiring the Superintendent of Public Instruction, for the 2008-09 to 2012-13 fiscal years, inclusive, to apportion from the amount provided in the annual Budget Act for specified categorical education programs an amount based on the same relative proportion that the local educational agency received in the 2008-09 fiscal year for those programs, with certain specified exceptions, and (2) authorizing school districts, for the 2008-09 to 2012-13 fiscal years, inclusive, to use the categorical education program funds, with specified exceptions, for any educational purpose.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 477 (Wright-D) Wiseburn Unified School District
Addresses issues of bonded indebtedness, debt capacity, and the establishment of a revenue limit related to the creation of the Wiseburn Unified School District in the unincorporated areas of Del Aire and Wiseburn in Los Angeles County. Provides that, when Wiseburn Unified is formed, any tax for repayment of voter-approved bonds of the Centinela Valley Union High School District (Centinela) approved on or before 1/1/12, shall be levied on (1) all taxable property located within Centinela as the district exists following the effective date of the reorganization; and (2) all taxable property located within Wiseburn Unified that was formerly part of the territory of Centinela.
Chapter 730, Statutes of 2012
SB 479 (Huff-R) School districts: reporting of expenditures
Requires the governing board of a school district to prepare and maintain a monthly record of all expenditures of the district and specify information to be included about each item of expenditure. Requires the governing board to make this public record available for public viewing by posting it on the Internet Web site of the district, and update it at least once every 30 calendar days. Requires the public record to include an explanation of any codes, acronyms, or abbreviations used to identify a payee or expenditure. Requires that the public record not include any information that could be used to identify an individual employee.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 500 (Hancock-D) Partnership academies
Makes various changes to the California Partnership Academy program, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 533* (Wright-D) Inglewood Unified School District: emergency loan
Appropriates $29 million for an emergency loan to the Inglewood Unified School District (IUSD) and authorizes an additional $26 million of lease financing through the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank. Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to assume all the rights, duties, and powers of the governing board of IUSD and, in consultation with the Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools, appoint an administrator to serve in the district, as specified.
Chapter 325, Statutes of 2012
SB 754 (Padilla-D) School funding: economic impact aid
Requires a school district, as a condition of the receipt of economic impact aid funds, to post in an easily accessible location on its Internet Web site data related to its economic impact aid funding and expenditures, as specified.
Chapter 573, Statutes of 2012
SB 887* (Emmerson-R) School finance: Streamlined Temporary Mandate Process Act
Enacts the Streamlined Temporary Mandate Process Act of 2011 to be a voluntary, temporary, streamlined alternative mandate reimbursement process for local educational agencies, as defined, to be in operation from the 2011-12 fiscal year to the 2014-15 fiscal year, inclusive. Requires, if a governing board of a local educational agency chooses not to participate in this process, the governing board to explain the reasons for its decision at a duly noticed public meeting. Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to establish and convene a task force, including specified membership, charged with developing a permanent state process for mandate reimbursement that is cost effective for local educational agencies and responsive to state policy goals.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1016 (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Education financing bill: Budget Trailer Bill
Enacts the 2011-12 and 2012-13 Education Budget Trailer Bill which, among other provisions, provides the statutory changes in K-12 education.
Chapter 38, Statutes of 2012
SB 1028 (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Education financing: Budget Trailer Bill
Amends the Budget Act of 2011 to make a technical scoring correction that is a part of a Proposition 98 funding swap for special education utilized to achieve one-time budget savings in 2011-12. Corrects the appropriations for the Quality Education Investment Act (QEIA) program in 2013-14 to reflect amounts agreed to as a part of the 2012-13 Budget Act. Makes changes to existing statute to ensure that intercept payments related to facilities working capital financing and bond issuances through the California School Finance Authority for districts, counties, charter schools and community colleges includes all funds dispersed to them, as specified, regardless of fund source. Adds five small mandates to the K-12 education mandate block grant established by the 2012-13 Budget that were inadvertently left off the mandates block grant list. Requires the State Board of Education, the Health and Human Services Agency and the Department of Social Services to repeal regulations related to county mental health services that are no longer supported by statute.
Chapter 575, Statutes of 2012
SB 1205 (Wyland-R) School bonds: discounts
Prohibits a school district or community college district from issuing bonds at a discount exceeding 5%, as specified.
(Died in Senate Governance and Finance Committee)
SB 1240 (Cannella-R) School Finance: emergency loans
Changes the interest rate from 5.44% to 1%, for the purposes of determining the cost of the original emergency loan for the South Monterey County Joint Union High School District, contingent upon the passage of a local parcel tax, as specified.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1491 (Negrete McLeod-D) School districts: reimbursements
Requires the state to reimburse school districts for a portion of their borrowing costs incurred during a deferral of payment, as specified. Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to determine whether the required supplemental apportionment is sufficient to reimburse school districts and to allocate the funds.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SCA 5 (Simitian-D) Educational entities: parcel tax
Conditions the imposition, extension, or increase of a parcel tax, as defined, by a school district, community college district, or county office of education upon the approval of 55% of its voters voting on the proposition, if the proposition meets specified requirements.
(Died in Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
AB 1 (John A. Pérez-D) Education finance: CalWORKs stage 3
Restores $60 million in funding for the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids stage 3 child care development services for fiscal year 2010-11, retroactive to 11/1/10. (Refer to the California Legislature's bill information Internet Web site for detailed information.)
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 18 (Brownley-D) Education finance: school-based financial reporting system
Restructures, commencing in fiscal year 2015-16, California's system for allocating state funding for public schools.
AB 103 (Assembly Budget Committee) Education finance: state cash resources
Provides the necessary statutory changes in the area of cash management and cash deferrals in order to ensure sufficient cash reserves during the 2012-13 fiscal year.
Chapter 13, Statutes of 2012
AB 609 (Swanson-D) Oakland Unified School District: audit fines and penalties
Releases Oakland Unified School District from paying any fines or penalties imposed as a result of audits performed by the State Controller (part of the emergency loan requirements) in any fiscal year between 6/16/03 and 6/28/09.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 644 (Blumenfield-D) Schools: average daily attendance: online instruction
Authorizes a school district or county office of education to claim attendance for pupils in grades 9-12 participating in online synchronous courses, as specified, toward average daily attendance for the purpose of calculating revenue limit funding. Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) to establish rules and regulations for implementing this bill's provisions. Authorizes the SPI to provide guidance regarding the ability of a school district or county office of education to provide synchronous, only instruction. Sunsets on 7/1/19.
Chapter 579, Statutes of 2012
AB 802 (Blumenfield-D) Online education: school attendance
Authorizes, commencing with the 2013-14 fiscal year, a school district, county office of education, or charter school to claim attendance toward average daily attendance for the purposes of calculating revenue limit funding for an online class, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 848 (Campos-D) Vocational education funding: apprenticeship programs
Requires programs receiving state apprenticeship funding through the California Department of Education or the California Community Colleges for building and trade programs to report specified outcome data annually.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1075 (Fuentes-D) Education finance: revenue limits
Reverses in the current fiscal year, and delays until the 2013-14 fiscal year, the implementation of a school district revenue limit adjustment related to the Meals for Needy Pupils (MNP) program. Re-establishes funding calculations for the MNP program to be consistent with the funding model before it was changed for the 2010-11 fiscal year, and extends this authorization until 7/1/13. Makes a technical correction in the calculation that applies a cost-of-living adjustment to the revenue limit add-on adjustments for beginning teacher's salaries and the MNP program to be implemented in the 2011-12 and the 2013-14 fiscal years, respectively.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1362 (Nestande-R) Pupil attendance: electronic attendance accounting systems
Authorizes local education agencies to use electronic attendance accounting systems approved by the California Department of Education for the purpose of satisfying minimum instructional requirements and calculating average daily attendance.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1448 (Furutani-D) Home-to-school transportation: funding
Commencing with the 2012-13 fiscal year (FY) and each FY thereafter, requires the Legislature not to reduce funding for the home-to-school transportation program below the amount established in the 2011 Budget Act.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1477 (Assembly Budget Committee) Student records: Budget Trailer Bill
Amends the 2012-13 Budget Act, adopted on 6/15/12 in AB 1464 (Blumenfield), Chapter 21, Statutes of 2012, which among other provisions, removes the Student Records mandate from the list of suspended mandates.
Chapter 630, Statutes of 2012 -- Item Veto
AB 1497 (Assembly Budget Committee) Proposition 98 funding: Budget Trailer Bill
Enacts the "Budget Junior Bill" which, among other provisions, makes adjustments to the Proposition 98 funding assumptions to reflect that the state will honor redevelopment pass-through agreements before allocating property tax associated with redevelopment to the appropriate local entities.
Chapter 29, Statutes of 2012 -- Item Veto
AB 1833 (Knight-R) School lands revenues: state lands
Requires all net revenues, monies, and remittances from the use of school lands and lieu lands, except as specified, to be deposited in the State School Fund and expended for the benefit of pupil instruction.
(Died in Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
AB 1840 (Alejo-D) Class size requirements: King City Union School District
Deems the King City Union School District to have met class size requirements for the 2009-10 and 2010-11 fiscal years.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1858 (Alejo-D) School finance: emergency loans
Reduces the interest rate for the emergency loan obtained by the South Monterey County Joint Union High School District in 2009 from 5.44% to 1%. Requires the new interest rate to apply to repayments made on or after 7/1/11.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1898 (Alejo-D) Education finance: emergency apportionments
Beginning 1/1/13, changes the financing mechanism for emergency loans made to school districts from the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank to the Pooled Money Investment Account, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1917 (Dickinson-D) Education finance: acquisition of food services
Establishes new requirements to be met if a school district governing board enters into a contract for the acquisition of food services.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2008 (Bradford-D) Education finance: revenue limits
Revises AB 851 (Brownley), Chapter 374, Statutes of 2009, which simplifies the calculation of school district revenue limit funding (general purpose) by consolidating four add-on formulas into two fixed adjustments, to ensure school districts receive more funding than currently calculated under Chapter 374.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2087 (Swanson-D) School districts: emergency apportionments: audits
Requires school districts that have received an emergency loan and have not complied with apportionment conditions via an audit to have two years from the date of a final audit report to correct deficiencies, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2279 (Swanson-D) School districts: emergency apportionments: trustees
Removes the requirement, as specified, that a trustee appointed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) who works in a school district that received an emergency loan serve until the loan is repaid. However, this bill includes a provision that the county superintendent of schools (CSS) may stay or rescind an action of the governing board that in their judgment may affect the financial condition of the school district. Requires the CSS to notify the SPI, as specified, within five business days of staying or rescinding an action of the governing board of the school district. If the SPI receives this notice from the CSS, this bill requires the SPI to report to the Legislature, on or before December 30 of every year, whether the school district is complying with the fiscal plan approved for the school district. Authorizes the SPI, within five years after an appointed trustee is removed or the emergency apportionment is repaid, whichever occurs later, to reassume, either directly or through an administrator, all of the legal rights, duties, and powers of the governing board of the school district if the school district violates any provision of specified recovery plans approved by the SPI. Contains double-jointing language with AB 2278 (Swanson), Chapter 159, Statutes of 2012.
Chapter 429, Statutes of 2012
AB 2362* (Conway-R) Necessary Small High Schools: Average Daily Attendance
Continues the ability of three school districts to count pupils in grades 7 and 8 when calculating their necessary small school high school funding, as specified.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2435 (Roger Hernández-D) Education finance: indirect cost rates
Requires, until 1/1/16, the Department of Education (CDE), or any other state agency, that administers a grant or allocation of federal or state funds to a school district, to allow an indirect cost rate that is not less than the indirect cost rate established by CDE for each district, unless federal or state law requires a lower cost rate.
Chapter 587, Statutes of 2012
AB 2621 (Hueso-D) Education finance: school cafeterias: cafeteria fund
Permits the Grossmont Union High School District and the Sweetwater Union High School District to enter into a revenue-sharing agreement between their school cafeterias and their associated student body organizations.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
ACA 21 (Feuer-D) School finance: parcel tax
Amends the California Constitution to lower the vote threshold for a school district, community college district, and county office of education to levy a parcel tax, subject to certain requirements.
(Died on Assembly Floor)
ACA 29 (Nestande-R) Education finance: payment of state apportionments
Requires that the total amount due for allocation to school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, and community college districts pursuant to the constitutional minimum funding requirement described above for a fiscal year, as estimated at the time of enactment of the annual Budget Act for that fiscal year, be apportioned pursuant to statute during that fiscal year, unless that minimum funding requirement is suspended for that fiscal year pursuant to an existing constitutional provision authorizing that suspension. Requires this estimate to be set forth in the Budget Bill passed by the Legislature. (By requiring payment of the full amount of this estimate unless the minimum funding obligation is suspended as referenced above, this measure could increase the amount of the constitutional minimum funding obligation in any year that estimate exceeds the otherwise applicable obligation.) Requires apportionments of state aid to school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, and community college districts to be made no later than the times specified by the statutory payment schedule that was in effect during the 2000-01 fiscal year, except that the Legislature may require by statute that these apportionments be made earlier in the fiscal year.
(Died in Assembly being unassigned to a committee)
School Facilities
SB 132 (Lowenthal-D) School facilities: state planning priorities
Requires the State Allocation Board, on or before 7/1/12, to review guidelines, rules, regulations, procedures, and policies for the modernization of school facilities to ensure they reflect state planning priorities, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 788 (Lowenthal-D) School facilities
Requires the State Allocation Board, in consultation with the California Department of Education and the Department of Finance, to report, on or before 3/1/12, to the Legislature and the Governor regarding the status of the school facility program, including funds remaining, future eligibility for programs, and when funds are estimated to be depleted.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
SB 891 (Lowenthal-D) School facilities: construction: ombudsman
Allows the State Allocation Board to do one or more of the following: (1) appoint an employee to report directly to the Board as ombudsman, (2) fix the salary and other compensation of the ombudsman, (3) employ additional staff members, and (4) secure office space and furnishings, as necessary to support the ombudsman in the performance of his/her duties.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1204 (Wyland-R) School facilities
Requires the school district or community college district to also submit the performance and financial audits to the State Controller and county superintendent of schools. Requires the Controller to post the audits on the Controller's Internet Web site. Requires the county superintendent of schools to include a review of the audits when reviewing other audits submitted by school districts under his/her jurisdiction.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1271 (Corbett-D) School facilities: Field Act
Requires the Department of General Services to convene or continue a workgroup to develop and adopt recommendations for improving the oversight of school construction projects. Sunsets these provisions on 1/1/15.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1404 (Hancock-D) School property: Civic Center Act
Authorizes a governing board of a school district to, until 1/1/20, charge an entity for using school facilities or grounds, an amount for maintenance, repair, restoration, and refurbishment, proportional to the use of the school facilities or grounds.
Chapter 764, Statutes of 2012
SB 1509 (Simitian-D) School facilities: design-build contract
Extends the sunsets authorizing kindergarten through grade 12 and California Community Colleges districts to utilize design-build contracts for the design and construction of education facilities, from 1/1/14, to 1/1/20. Expresses the intent of the Legislature that design-build procurement does not replace or eliminate competitive bidding and specifies that the request for proposal shall not include a design-build-operate contract for educational facilities.
Chapter 736, Statutes of 2012
AB 85 (Mendoza-D) School facilities: security locks
Requires K-12 and California Community Colleges (CCC) modernization projects, on or after 1/1/12, to include locks that allow doors to classrooms or any room with the occupancy of five or more persons to be locked from the inside. Requires new CCC construction projects to comply with these requirements.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 331 (Brownley-D) The Leroy F. Greene School Facilities Act of 1998
Places a bond before voters on the November 2012 statewide general election, which, if approved, will provide for the issuance of general obligation bonds to provide aid to construct and modernize education facilities in school districts, county boards of education, California Community Colleges, the University of California, Hastings College of Law, and the California State University.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
A similar bill was AB 822 (Block-D) which died in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
AB 405 (Solorio-D) Schools: joint-use facilities
Requires the Board of Governors (BOG) of the California Community Colleges to establish a joint-use facilities program, aligned with existing BOG facilities regulations, upon the availability of funding for this purpose.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 794 (Wieckowski-D) Local education facility bonds: anticipation notes.
Allows the interest on the notes to be paid from a property tax levied for that purpose if authorized by a resolution of the governing board of the school district or community college district if the principal amount of the notes does not exceed the remaining principal amount of authorized but unissued bonds and provides that this tax is authorized by law. Allows the premium received on the sale of the bonds to be used to pay the interest on the notes. Provides that the notes may be issued only if the tax rate levied to pay interest on the notes does not cause the school district or community college district to exceed the limitations set forth in specified existing law.
Chapter 715, Statutes of 2012
AB 822 (Block-D) Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act
Enacts the Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2012 to authorize an unspecified sum of state general obligation bonds to provide aid to the California Community Colleges, the University of California, the Hastings College of Law, and the California State University to construct and modernize education facilities.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
A similar bill was AB 331 (Brownley-D) which died in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
AB 1094 (Swanson-D) Public school campuses: recycling and composting bins
Authorizes a school district to provide recycling and composting bins on the campus of each elementary and secondary school.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1199 (Brownley-D) School facilities bonds: citizens' oversight committee
Extends the number of terms that a member of a local bond citizens' oversight committee may serve, from two to three consecutive terms and provides that members must serve for a minimum term of two years.
Chapter 73, Statutes of 2012
AB 1342 (Dickinson-D) School facilities: roof projects
Requires an architect, engineer, or roofing consultant to develop bid specifications for state and school roof projects that use proprietary materials or warranties.
(Failed passage in Assembly Business, Professions and Consumer Protection Committee)
AB 1859 (Buchanan-D) School facilities: charter schools
Requires a charter school applying for the federal qualified school construction bond volume cap, or any other federal bond borrowing authority to notify, in writing and at least 30 days before submitting the application, the district superintendent of schools and the governing board of the school district in which the charter is physically located of its intent to rehabilitate, encumber, or otherwise alter school district property.
Chapter 80, Statutes of 2012
AB 1903* (Buchanan-D) School facilities: developer fees
Temporarily suspends provisions of current law that authorize school districts to levy Level 3 developer fees if the State Allocation Board is no longer approving apportionments for new construction due to a lack of funds available for that purpose.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2621 (Hueso-D) School cafeterias: education finance
Permits the Grossmont Union High School District and the Sweetwater Union High School District to enter into a revenue-sharing agreement between their school cafeterias and their associated student body organizations.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
English Learners
SB 873 (Padilla-D) English learners: reclassification
Limits the use of multiple criteria by requiring the use of only the four specified criteria in determining whether to reclassify a pupil as proficient in English.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1108 (Padilla-D) English learners: reclassification
Requires the California Department of Education (CDE), by 1/1/14, to review and analyze the criteria, policies, and practices that school districts use to reclassify English learners and recommend to the Legislature and state board any guideline, regulatory, or statutory changes that CDE determines are necessary to identify when English learners are prepared for the successful transition to classrooms and curricula that require English proficiency. Requires CDE, by 1/1/14, to issue a report on its findings, research, analysis, recommendations, and best practices, and by 1/1/17, to issue an updated report that reflects any changes in analysis and recommendations as a result of the adoption by the state board of the common core standards and related English language development standards.
Chapter 434, Statutes of 2012
SB 1109 (Padilla-D) English Learner Master Plan
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop an English Learner Master Plan to expand support services, as specified, by 1/1/14. Requires the SPI to report on the plan and provide recommendations for statutory, regulatory, and administrative changes needed to the Legislature and the State Board of Education by 7/1/14.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1423 (Hernandez-D) English learners
Expands the responsibilities of regional consortia (established for purposes of complying with federal No Child Left Behind Act requirements that states assist schools in Program Improvement) to additionally require that they assist these schools in their efforts to provide the same course options to English learners enrolled in the school as are available to other pupils at the same school.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
AB 409 (Alejo-D) Pupil assessment: dual language immersion programs
Authorizes the administration of a primary language assessment to pupils enrolled in dual immersion programs who are not limited English proficient or who have been redesignated as fluent English-proficient. Authorizes the California Department of Education (CDE) to make a primary language assessment available to school districts and charter schools, as specified. Requires a school district or charter school that chooses to administer a primary language assessment to do so at its own expense and to enter into an agreement with the state testing contractor subject to the approval of the CDE.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1249 (Davis-D) English learners: pupils
Expands the definition of "English learner" to include pupils whose native language English and whose mastery of the standard English language or academic English is limited due to the use of nonstandard English.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1767 (Norby-R) English learners: home language survey
Requires the Department of Education to create a sample notification letter that explains to parents/guardians the purpose of the home language survey and the procedures for identification and reclassification of English learner pupils.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2193 (Lara-D) Long-term English learners
Defines "long-term English learners" and "English learners at risk of becoming long-term English learners," and requires the California Department of Education to annually ascertain and provide to school districts and schools the number of such pupils in each school district and school, including a school that is within the jurisdiction of a county office of education and a charter school.
Chapter 427, Statutes of 2012
HR 43 (Davis-D) English learners
Encourages policymakers to provide the resources for educators to develop an assessment mechanism to precisely identify standard English learners and provide specific language instruction and professional development to improve standard English proficiency and the overall academic achievement of standard English learners.
Adopted by the Assembly
Charter Schools
SB 298 (De León-D) Charter schools: Los Angeles County Board of Education
Extends, until 6/30/18, the authorization for the Los Angeles County Board of Education to charter the Soledad Enrichment Action Charter School.
Chapter 572, Statutes of 2012
SB 433 (Liu-D) Charter schools: suspension and expulsion of pupils
Requires charter schools to comply with state statutes governing the suspension and expulsion of pupils.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 452 (Berryhill-R) Charter schools: funding
Makes a basic aid school district that is the district of residence of pupils who attend either a charter school whose petition is granted by a school district or a charter school whose petition is initially denied by a school district and later approved by a county board of education, a "sponsoring local educational agency" for those pupils.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 645 (Simitian-D) Charter schools: charter renewal
Authorizes the Charter School Financing Authority to refinance working capital for charter schools and establishes new accountability measures for charter school renewal. Expands eligibility of the Charter School Facility Grant Program.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1213 (Walters-R) Charter schools: legal claims and actions
Requires the California Law Revision Commission, by 1/15/13, to submit to the Legislature its analysis of the legal and policy implications of treating a charter school as a public entity for the purposes of claims and actions brought against public entities officers and employees as specified.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 1290 (Alquist-D) Charter schools: renewal, revocation
Requires the authority that granted a charter school to consider increases in pupil academic achievement for all groups of pupils served by the charter school as the most important factor in determining whether to grant a charter renewal or whether to revoke a charter school; and, requires a charter school to achieve its Academic Performance Index growth target for schoolwide and numerically significant pupil subgroups for renewal, as specified.
Chapter 576, Statutes of 2012
AB 269 (Ma-D) Charter schools: pupil health and safety
Requires charter schools to comply with specified existing law related to the health and safety of pupils and school employees.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 360 (Brownley-D) Charter schools
Requires, commencing 7/1/12, charter schools to comply with the same conflict of interest requirements as school districts.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 925 (Lara-D) Charter schools
Requires charter schools to comply with specified statutes governing school employees.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1070 (Huber-D) Charter schools: loans
Authorizes a county board of education to loan monies to a charter school for which the county board of education or the county superintendent of schools has a supervisory responsibility or, regardless of whether the charter school is within or outside of the county, with which a county board of education or county superintendent of schools has a contractual relationship. Requires the county superintendent of schools, before making the loan, to advise the chartering authority of the charter school and the county office of education in which the charter school is located that the charter school is requesting the loan and to allow for their input regarding the advisability of making the loan, and requires the county superintendent of schools to solicit a recommendation from bond counsel about the advisability of making the loan. Provides that any loan of monies pursuant to these provisions would not constitute a debt or liability for the county superintendent of schools, the county board of education, or the State of California.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1172 (Mendoza-D) Charter Schools: petition for establishment
Makes changes to the charter school approval, renewal and appeal process.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
AB 1262 (Dickinson-D) Charter schools
Extends the date, from 7/1/03 to 7/1/16, in which a neutral evaluator is to report to the Legislature and the Governor on the effectiveness of the charter school approach.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1497 (Assembly Budget Committee) Charter schools: Budget Trailer Bill
Enacts the "Budget Junior Bill" which, among other provisions, provides $50 million in Proposition funding for charter school growth funding.
Chapter 29, Statutes of 2012 -- Item Veto
AB 1568 (Roger Hernández-D) Charter school: admissions
Prohibits preferences for admission to a charter school to be based on a parent or guardian's contribution of time to support school activities or financial contributions to the school.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
AB 1576 (Huber-D) Charter schools loans
Authorizes county boards of education (CBEs) to loan charter schools money from the proceeds of tax and revenue anticipation notes, subject to the concurrence of the county superintendent of schools. Authorizes CBEs to lend any charter school in the state money, regardless if they have a direct supervisory role or are located within their county.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1594 (Eng-D) Charter schools: pupil nutrition
Requires a charter school to provide each needy pupil with one nutritionally adequate free or reduced-price meal, that qualifies for reimbursement under the federal child nutrition program regulations, each schoolday.
AB 1811 (Bonilla-D) Charter schools: funding
Changes the method for computing the general purpose entitlement funding for a conversion charter high school in a unified school district before the school converted to charter status.
AB 1819 (Ammiano-D) Charter schools: state retirement plans
Requires charter schools to make the California State Teachers' Retirement System and the California Public Employees' Retirement System available to all qualified employees.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1919 (Brownley-D) Charter schools: pupils: achievement data
Requires the California Department of Education to provide a school district with individual pupil test score data of pupils who attend a charter school for which the school district is the chartering authority, as specified.
AB 2032 (Mendoza-D) Charter schools: suspension and expulsion of pupils
Requires a charter school petition to include in the description of the suspension and expulsion procedures specified information regarding those procedures, a list of acts which, if committed by a charter school pupil, would require or allow the school to suspend the pupil, and a list of acts which, if committed by a charter school pupil, would require or allow the school to expel the pupil.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2607 (Roger Hernández-D) Charter schools: petition renewal
Authorizes the chartering authority to submit the supporting documentation and summary in electronic form to the Superintend of Public Instruction for petition renewal.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
ACR 147 (Conway-R) California Charter Schools Week
Proclaims 5/6/12 to 5/12/12, inclusive, to be California Charter Schools Week; and joins the California Charter Schools Association in congratulating charter schools for the accomplishments and contributions they have made to public education.
Resolution Chapter 27, Statutes of 2012
School Safety/Pupil Safety
SB 13 (Correa-D) Pupils: teen dating violence prevention
Requires schools that elect to provide teen dating violence prevention education to ensure that the instruction meets certain criteria. Requires the State Board of Education to incorporate teen dating violence and sexual violence curriculum into the health curriculum framework.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 63 (Price-D) Pupil health: automatic external defibrillators
States the intent of the Legislature, codified in statute, that all public high schools acquire and maintain at least one automatic external defibrillator (AED). Authorizes high schools to seek non-state funds to purchase defibrillators, but does not require that only non-state funds be used. Specifies that if a public high school acquires an AED, or continues to use and maintain an existing AED, the school will be required to comply with specified requirements regarding maintenance of the device, and employee training.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 394 (DeSaulnier-D) Healthy Schools Act of 2012
Enacts the Healthy Schools Act of 2012. Prohibits the indoor and outdoor use of pesticides on a schoolsite, except as specified, unless a local public health officer determines that a public health emergency exists requiring emergency application of a pesticide.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
SB 453 (Correa-D) Bullying: school safety plans: suspension and expulsion
Expands the definition of bullying to include acts motivated by specified actual or perceived characteristics of the victim. Adds bullying to the list of acts for which expulsion may be recommended. Adds "persistent bullying," as defined, to the list of acts for which expulsion shall be recommended by a principal. Requires school safety plans to include policies and procedures relating to bullying.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 919 (Lieu-D) School safety: sexting
Defines sexting as the dissemination of, or the solicitation or incitement to disseminate, a photograph or other visual recording by a pupil to another pupil or to school personnel by means of an electronic act with the intent to humiliate or harass. Requires a photograph or other visual recording, specified above, to include a sexually explicit photograph or other visual recording of a minor where the minor is identifiable from the photo or recording. Amends an existing training requirement that assists local education agencies and schoolsite personnel in developing their school safety plans to include training in the prevention of sexting, as specified. Encourages school districts to provide grade-level appropriate instruction, counseling, and other conflict resolution practices for pupils on the potential risks of creating and disseminating sexually suggestive or explicit materials. Encourages school districts to provide professional development training to school personnel and to adopt district policies to prevent and discourage sexting that can be shared with parents and children advocacy organizations or posted on the district's Internet Web site.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 85 (Mendoza-D) School safety: security locks
Requires K-12 and California Community Colleges (CCC) modernization projects, on or after 1/1/12, to include locks that allow doors to classrooms or any room with the occupancy of five or more persons to be locked from the inside. Requires new CCC construction projects to comply with these requirements.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 227 (Hall-D) Education technology planning: cyberbullying
Adds the prevention of cyberbullying, content control software, and the responsible use of mobile communication technology to the components that are required to be included in existing guidelines and criteria for school district educational technology plans.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 269 (Ma-D) Pupil health and safety: charter schools
Requires charter schools to comply with the specified existing law related to the health and safety of pupils.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 401 (Ammiano-D) School safety
Deletes a provision from the Carl Washington School Safety and Violence Prevention Act that specifies sexual orientation shall not include pedophilia.
Chapter 387, Statutes of 2012
AB 496 (Alejo-D) School safety: comprehensive school safety plans
Requires a school's comprehensive school safety plan to include a protocol for ensuring that all school personnel have access to classrooms and other school facilities during a disaster or other emergency if a school restricts that access during the regular hours of operation.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 519 (Roger Hernández-D) Pupil discipline: restraint and seclusion
Allows a school safety plan to include rules and procedures regarding the use of restraint and seclusion. Defines several terms, including "chemical restraint," "physical restraint," "mechanical restraint," "seclusion," "educational provider" and "department." Prohibits an educational provider from using seclusion, chemical restraint, mechanical restraint, or physical restraint for the purpose of coercion, discipline, convenience, or retaliation by staff. Prohibits the use of specified techniques on pupils with disabilities. Requires an educational provider to avoid the use of prone restraint techniques on pupils with disabilities whenever possible. Authorizes an educational provider to use physical restraint on a pupil with disabilities in an emergency situation if specified conditions are met, unless otherwise stated in a pupil's individualized education program and approved behavioral intervention plan (BIP). Authorizes an educational provider to use physical restraint on a pupil with disabilities as a component of a pupil's BIP, if all of the specified conditions are met. Prohibits the use of mechanical restraint and chemical restraint. Prohibits the use of seclusion beginning 1/1/14, and, until then, allows an educational provider to use seclusion if all of the specified conditions are met. Authorizes the California Department of Education to use funds received for training pursuant to the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to provide professional and education support staff who work with pupils with disabilities and pupils receiving special education services professionally recognized or accepted training in evidence-based emergency interventions.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 630 (Hueso-D) Pupil safety: bullying
Expresses the intent of the Legislature to encourage school districts, at their discretion, to establish programs, to be integrated into the regular curriculum during National Bullying Prevention Month and throughout the year, to reduce bullying through training with appropriate activities and best practice methodologies involving collaboration among pupils and school staff.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1174 (Furutani-D) School safety: willful disturbance of public schools
Makes it a misdemeanor, with a maximum fine of $500 and no jail time, to create a disruption that threatens the physical safety of school children while they are coming to, leaving or attending school.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 1311 (Miller-R) School zones: vehicles: speed enforcement
Authorizes a local authority to participate in a local traffic safety program that studies the feasibility of using an automated speed enforcement system for speed enforcement only in areas designated as school zones.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1368 (Pan-D) Pupils: California Healthy Kids Survey
Codifies the California Healthy Kids Survey, which is intended to collect data on pupil perceptions of school climate, school safety, and pupil health.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1373 (Fong-D) Pupils: healthy relationships and teen dating
Authorizes a school district or county office of education to provide education programs to promote healthy relationships and prevent teen dating violence to pupils in grades 7 through 12, through curricular, extracurricular, and school climate-improvement activities.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1539 (Hayashi-D) Department of Education: specialized license plates
Establishes an antibullying license plate.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1820 (Block-D) Child safety: day care facilities: choking hazards
Prohibits the use or possession of choking hazards, including push pins, small toys, marbles and other objects that measure less than 1.75 inches in diameter in child care facilities caring for children six years of age or younger. Requires the Department of Social Services to determine compliance with this law during their regularly scheduled inspection visits.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1857 (Fong-D) Healthy relationships promotion and teen dating abuse
Establishes the Healthy Relationships Promotion and Teen Dating Abuse Prevention statute.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1880 (Lara-D) Pupil safety: teen dating abuse prevention
Beginning 7/1/13, requires middle and high school safety plans to include policies and procedures to prevent and respond to teen dating abuse in grades 6-12. Establishes statutory definitions related to teen dating abuse.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1915 (Alejo-D) Safe routes to school
Permits the Department of Transportation to use up to 10% of state Safe Routes to School program funds for infrastructure improvements creating safe routes to schoolbus stops not in the vicinity of schools.
Chapter 640, Statutes of 2012
AB 2368 (Block-D) School security: school police departments
Reorganizes the provisions authorizing a governing board to establish a school security or police department and strikes the intent of the Legislature that a school district police department is supplementary to city and county law enforcement agencies and is not vested with general police powers.
Chapter 146, Statutes of 2012
Child and Day Care
SB 1016 (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Child care development: Budget Trailer Bill
Enacts the 2011-12 and 2012-13 Education Budget Trailer Bill which, among other provisions, provides the statutory changes in child care programs.
Chapter 38, Statutes of 2012
SB 1087 (Walters-R) Child care: organized camps
Doubles the hours by which an after school program operated by a city, county or non-profit may operate. Exempts from licensure under the California Child Day Care Facility Act and the California Community Care Facilities Act any local after school program administered by a city, county or non-profit that operates for no more than 60 hours a week.
Chapter 652, Statutes of 2012
AB 1 (John A. Pérez-D) Child Day Care: CalWORKs Stage 3
Restores $60 million in funding for the CalWORKs Stage 3 child care development services for fiscal year 2010-11, retroactive to 11/1/10.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 245 (Portantino-D) Child care: contractors: electronic payment
Requires the State Controller's Office (SCO) to make direct deposit payments, on behalf of the California Department of Education (CDE), to child care contractors requesting that form of payment. Requires the CDE to establish a process for notifying child care contractors of this option, receiving requests, and coordinating with the SCO to process electronic payments.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 596 (Carter-D) Child care: CalWORKs recipients: rights
Requires the California Department of Education to collaborate with welfare rights and legal services advocates to develop and adopt regulations and other policy statements to provide CalWORKs program recipients of child care the same level of due process protections and procedural protections that are afforded to public assistance recipients pursuant to specified sections in the Welfare and Institutions Code and their corresponding regulations.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1312 (Smyth-R) Child care: public recreation programs
Authorizes any exempt public recreation program operated for kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, to operate for under 20 hours per week and for a total of 14 weeks or less during a 12-month period.
(Died in Assembly Human Services Committee)
A similar bill was AB 1991 (Smyth-R) which became Chapter 122, Statutes of 2012.
AB 1497 (Assembly Budget Committee) Child care: Budget Trailer Bill
Enacts the "Budget Junior Bill" which, among other provisions, includes an additional $30 million reduction to child care funding to the level assumed in AB 1464 (Blumenfield-D).
Chapter 29, Statutes of 2012 -- Item Veto
AB 1673 (Mitchell-D) Child care: eligibility
Requires children enrolled in certain federal and state child care and development programs to be eligible for specified programs for 12 months, unless the child no longer resides in the state or is deceased.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1820 (Block-D) Child: day care facilities: choking hazards
Prohibits the use or possession of choking hazards, including push pins, small toys, marbles and other objects that measure less than 1.75 inches in diameter in child care facilities caring for children six years of age or younger. In addition, requires the Department of Social Services to determine compliance with this law during their regularly scheduled inspection visits.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1872 (Alejo-D) Child day care facilities: nutrition
Requires, except as provided, a family day care home to provide meals and snacks that meet certain federal nutrition standards and requires family day care homes to keep daily menus of all meals and snacks served; requires the Department of Social Services (DSS) to inform prospective and current providers about the nutrition requirements by posting information on its Web site, through outreach materials, and during orientation and inspections of providers; and requires the DSS to take specified actions with respect to noncompliance, as specified.
AB 1991 (Smyth-R) Child care licensing exemptions: public recreation programs
Increases the number of weeks and hours that public recreation programs may operate from 12 weeks and 16 hours per week to 14 weeks and 20 hours per week.
Chapter 122, Statutes of 2012
A similar bill was AB 1312 (Smyth-R) which died in Assembly Human Services Committee.
AB 2286 (Bonilla-D) Child care rates
Increases the subsidized child care rates for infant and toddler care, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2303 (Assembly Insurance Committee) Child care liability reporting requirement
Eliminates the annual requirement for the Department of Insurance to report to the Legislature on issues relating to child care liability.
Chapter 786, Statutes of 2012
AB 2573 (Furutani-D) Child care: family child care providers
Authorizes family child care providers to form, join and participate in "provider organizations" for purposes of negotiating with state agencies on specified matters.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
Special Education
SB 121 (Liu-D) Special education: pupils: foster children
Specifies the process that must be followed before a foster youth may be placed in a nonpublic school, and places new requirements on those institutions, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and education rights holders.
Chapter 571, Statutes of 2012
SB 462 (Blakeslee-R) Special education advocates: certification
Requires special education local plan areas, in collaboration with the California Department of Education and in consultation with the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH), to develop a voluntary special education advocate certification program and charge fees, as specified. Requires OAH to administer a certification test and charge fees, as specified.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 39* (Beall-D) Special education: funding
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction and county mental health directors to jointly convene a technical working group to develop a transitional program to transfer the responsibilities associated with providing special education services from county mental health departments to the California Department of Education.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 443 (Bonilla-D) Children with disabilities: education planning
Requires the county, upon referral and during the individualized education planning process, to ask the parent or legal guardian of the child or youth whether the child or youth is covered by a private health insurance provider and, if the child or youth has private health insurance, authorizes the county or other provider to seek reimbursement from that insurance company for medically necessary services provided to the child or youth.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 719 (Block-D) Special education: funding
Repeals the sunset for the distribution of special education funding under the Special Disability Adjustment (SDA) and establishes a new SDA formula that gradually phases out the existing distribution formula for each year beginning with the 2011-12 fiscal year, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
School Accountability and Testing
SB 64 (Liu-D) School district test claims: state mandates
Revises the mandate test claim process for school districts, as specified, and establishes a seven-member school district test claim advisory committee to provide the Commission on State Mandates with recommendations on school district test claims and incorrect reduction claims. Shifts numerous duties of school district test claimants to the advisory committee. Requires the advisory committee to prepare proposed parameters and guidelines on behalf of school district claimants. Requires the advisory committee to review and propose revisions to existing parameters and guidelines every three years, and to act on behalf of school district claimants in the alternative process of establishing reasonable reimbursement methodologies.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 280 (Wyland-R) Pupil assessments: public hearings
Requires the governing board of a school district to conduct a public hearing to discuss, analyze, and compare the results of the Academic Performance Index, the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) program test scores, and school rankings. Requires the public hearing to include a discussion that examines STAR test results by school, grade, and subgroup, as specified. Requires the governing board of a school district to conduct an assessment of the reasons for a school's performance results, by grade, and adopt an improved performance plan, as specified, for specified low performing schools.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 511 (Price-D) Educational Innovation Pilot Program
Establishes the Educational Innovation Pilot Program for the purposes of promoting and implementing innovative research-based practices within selected schools in the state. School districts with specified low-performing schools will be eligible to apply for grants to establish an innovation program, commencing with the 2013-14 school year, within the school. Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) to administer the pilot program, and to award grants to applicants based on certain criteria relating to the proposed innovation program. Funds the program by existing state and federal resources. Authorizes the SPI to accept financial assistance from public and private sources for purposes of administering the program. Requires the California Department of Education (CDE) to maintain, on its Internet Web site, a database consisting of descriptions of effective innovation programs developed pursuant to these provisions. Requires the CDE to submit to the Legislature an interim report, and a final report, based on the evaluations of the innovation program, by 3/1/15, and 3/1/17, respectively.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 518 (Lowenthal-D) California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System
Establishes a committee to advise and make recommendations to the Governor, Superintendent of Public Instruction, State Board of Education, and the Legislature on issues related to the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
SB 740 (Hancock-D) Pupil assessment
Repeals, effective 7/1/12, the requirement for the state to assess second graders in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics as part of the Standardized Testing and Reporting Program. Requires the California Department of Education (CDE), by 11/1/12, to identify and make available to school districts information regarding existing assessments in ELA and mathematics that are appropriate for pupils in second grade for diagnostic use by classroom teachers. Requires the CDE to utilize the savings from repealing second grade testing to conduct this work.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 754 (Padilla-D) California English Language Development Test
Prohibits a pupil in any of grades 3 to 12, inclusive, to the extent permitted by federal law, from being required to retake portions of the English language development test for which he/she has previously achieved the early advanced or advanced proficiency level within each appropriate grade span determined by the California Department of Education in accordance with current law requirements that the test be age and developmentally appropriate for pupils.
Chapter 573, Statutes of 2012
SB 789 (Price-D) School accountability
Requires the Academic Performance Index (API) advisory committee to consult with experts in specified fields to develop a voluntary "Creative and Innovative Education Index", as specified. Requires the committee to make recommendations to the Superintendent of Public Instruction concerning the API by 6/1/13.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 885 (Simitian-D) Longitudinal education data system
Authorizes the California Department of Education, the University of California, the California State University, the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, the State Board of Education, the Employment Development Department and the California School Information Services to enter into a joint powers agreement to facilitate the implementation of a comprehensive longitudinal P-20 statewide data system for California, as well as the transfer of educational and workforce data.
SB 1135* (Runner-R) Graduation requirements: foster youth
Changes the requirements for qualifying for an existing exemption from local graduation requirements, which applies to certain foster youth.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1458 (Steinberg-D) School accountability: Academic Performance Index
Authorizes the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) to develop and implement a specified program of school quality review to complement the Academic Performance Index (API), if an appropriation for this purpose is made in the annual Budget. Requires the SPI to annually provide to local educational agencies and the public an explanation of the individual components of the API and their relative values, as specified, and prohibits an additional element from being incorporated into the API until at least one full school year after the state board's decision to include the element into the API. Requires the SPI to annually determine the accuracy of graduation rate data, and deletes the requirement that the SPI report annually to the Legislature on graduation and dropout rates. Authorizes the SPI to incorporate into the API the rates at which pupils successfully promote from one grade to the next in middle school and high school and matriculate from middle school to high school, as well as pupil preparedness for postsecondary education and career. Deletes the requirement that the API be used to measure the progress of specified schools and to rank all public schools for the purpose of the High Achieving/Improving Schools Program. Requires that these test results constitute no more than 60% of the value of the index for secondary schools, commencing with the baseline API calculation in 2016, and for each year thereafter. Requires the SPI, on or before 10/1/13, to report to the Legislature a method for increasing emphasis on pupil mastery of standards in science and social science through the system of public school accountability or by other means and an alternative method or methods, in place of decile rank, for determining eligibility, preferences, or priorities for any statutory program that uses decile rank as a determining factor.
Chapter 577, Statutes of 2012
SB 1469 (Runner-R) Graduation rates: pupils in foster care
Requires a school district to exempt a pupil from all coursework and other requirements adopted by the governing board of the school district that are in addition to the statewide coursework requirements unless the school district makes a finding that the pupil is reasonably able to complete the requirements in time to graduate from high school by the end of the pupil's fourth year of high school. Makes the exemption from local graduation requirements applicable only to a pupil who transfers between schools during or after the pupil's third year of high school and who is currently in foster care or, at the time of transfer, was in foster care. Allows either the number of credits the pupil has earned to date or the length of the pupil's school enrollment to be used to determine whether a pupil is in the third year of high school, whichever would qualify the pupil for the exemption. Requires the school district to notify a pupil who may qualify for the exemption and the person holding the right to make educational decisions for the pupil and inform them of whether or not the pupil qualifies for the exemption. Requires the notification to be made within 30 days of the pupil's transfer. Provides that if the adult holding the right to make educational decisions for the pupil, in consultation with the pupil, decides at any time or if the pupil decides at any time that it is not in the pupil's best interest to be exempted from local graduation requirements, the bill prohibits the school district from exempting the pupil. Prohibits a school or school district from requiring or requesting that the pupil graduate before the end of his/her fourth year of high school if a pupil is exempted and completes the statewide coursework requirements before the end of his/her fourth year in high school and the pupil is otherwise entitled to remain in attendance at the school.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
SB 1497 (Negrete McLeod-D) Pupil: annual dropout report
Prohibits a pupil who has dropped out of school, re-enrolled, and dropped out again from being counted more than once when computing dropout rates for the Annual Report on Dropouts in California and when compiling data for the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System.
AB 224 (Bonilla-D) School accountability: Academic Performance Index
Modifies the indicators that contribute to the Academic Performance Index (API). Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction, in consultation with the State Board of Education, to create a new API for grades 8 through 12, as specified.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1049 (Brownley-D) Schools: low-achieving schools
Requires the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) to convene a work group to identify a single formula that defines, to the greatest extent possible, persistently lowest achieving schools that can be used in both state and federal accountability programs. Requires the work group to include representatives from the LAO, the Department of Finance, the California Department of Education, the Public School Accountability Act Advisory Committee, the State Board of Education (SBE), legislative staff, and education stakeholder groups (i.e., teachers, administrators, etc.). Requires the work group to report its recommendations to the SBE and education policy committees of the Legislature by 7/1/12.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1166 (Solorio-D) Pupils: privacy of pupil records
Prohibits school districts from including any information about a pupil's scores on standardized tests or course grades on that pupil's school identification card or any other object that the pupil is required by school officials to carry on his/her person while present at school.
AB 1372 (Norby-R) Pupil assessment: records: disclosure
Authorizes the State Board of Education (SBE), California Department of Education (CDE), or a local educational agency (LEA) to disclose classroom-level assessment results, pursuant to the California Public Records Act (CPRA). Authorizes the SBE, CDE, or LEA to disclose, pursuant to the CPRA, classroom-level assessment results showing the percentage of pupils at the proficient and advanced performance levels. States that individual pupil test scores, pupil identities, and personal directory information of teachers shall not be disclosed.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1521 (Brownley-D) Standardized testing and reporting program
Authorizes the administration of a primary language assessment to pupils enrolled in dual immersion programs who are not limited English proficient or who have been redesignated as fluent English-proficient, and eliminates several high school level tests.
Chapter 423, Statutes of 2012
AB 1668 (Carter-D) Drop Out Recovery High Schools
Expands the definition of "dropout recovery high school" (DRHS) to include schools in which at least 50% of the pupils were not otherwise enrolled in a school for at least 180 days. Requires DRHSs to submit to the Superintendent of Public Instruction a certification that the school meets the definition of DRHS and provide a summary of (California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System) data to support the certification. Revises the definition of DRHS to include the Academic Performance Index in which 50% or more of its pupils left a school and were not otherwise enrolled in a school for a period of at least 180 days.
Chapter 424, Statutes of 2012
AB 1705 (Silva-R) High school exit examination: pupils with disabilities
Delays by two and one-half years the implementation of alternative means of demonstrating the same level of academic achievement as required for passage of the high school exit exam, thereby extending the exemption from the requirement that eligible pupils with disabilities pass the high school exit exam as a condition of receiving a high school diploma.
Chapter 192, Statutes of 2012
AB 1767 (Norby-R) English learner pupils survey
Requires the Department of Education to create a sample notification letter that explains to parents/guardians the purpose of the home language survey and the procedures for identification and reclassification of English learner pupils.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1919 (Brownley-D) Pupils: achievement data: charter schools
Requires the California Department of Education to provide a school district with individual pupil test score data of pupils who attend a charter school for which the school district is the chartering authority, as specified.
AB 2001 (Bonilla-D) Pupil Assessment System
Requires plans relative to early assessments and making standardized assessments more meaningful to pupils to be developed as part of the process for reauthorization of the state's K-12 assessment system.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2361 (Pan-D) School accountability report card: visual and performing art
Encourages a school to include in the school accountability report card the number of visual and performing arts classes offered in the school district and at the schoolsite, the amount of time devoted to visual and performing arts instruction, the number of pupils enrolled in visual and performing arts classes, and the number of full-time equivalent teaching positions in the visual and performing arts.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
AB 2617 (Blumenfield-D) Dropout recovery programs: funding report
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI), on or before 5/31/12, and in cooperation with the State Board of Education and the Legislative Analyst Office, to examine the adequacy of funding for dropout recovery programs in the state. Requires the SPI to publish a report with recommendations.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2633 (Swanson-D) High School Exit Examination
Requires that pupils be verbally notified before taking the high school exit examination that they may request additional time to complete the examination. Requires the request to be granted if the pupil making the request has an identified learning disability, including dyslexia.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
ACR 134 (Hueso-D) Dropout Recovery Week
Declares the week of 6/4/12 to 6/10/12, inclusive, to be Dropout Recovery Week, and states the Legislature's intent to encourage the support of dropout recovery high schools with creative teaching strategies, alternative assessments, and adequate resources.
Resolution Chapter 46, Statutes of 2012
Higher Education
SB 181 (Liu-D) Public postsecondary education: student fee policy
Prohibits an increase in the mandatory systemwide fees charged to a resident undergraduate student enrolled in the University of California (UC) or the California State University (CSU) adopted on or after 7/1/12, from being effective before three months have elapsed after the date on which the fee increase is adopted. Requires the Regents of the UC and the Trustees of the CSU to develop methodologies for the adjustment of fees in accordance with a prescribed procedure. Requires the Legislative Analyst's Office, commencing with the 2012-13 academic year, to annually review and report to the Legislature, its findings, conclusions, or recommendations regarding the implementation of policies implemented pursuant to this bill. Provides that the provisions of this bill do not apply to the UC, except to the extent that the Regents adopt a resolution making them applicable.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 189 (Anderson-R) Community colleges: faculty
Provides that dual enrollment shall not be used for purposes of calculating eligibility for contract or regular status, as specified, for community college faculty.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 259 (Hancock-D) Higher education: employees
Expands the definition of employees under the Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act to include student employees whose employment is contingent upon their status as students.
SB 295 (Price-D) Community colleges: site acquisition
Repeals provisions relating to the location of a community college site within two miles of an airport runway.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 347 (Rubio-D) Graduate medical education payments: Medi-Cal
Requires the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), to the extent permitted by federal law, to include in its capitation rates paid to managed health care plans, as defined, an amount sufficient for the plans to make defined graduate medical education payments to providers contracting with the managed health care plans. Requires DHCS to seek all necessary federal approvals to implement these provisions.
(Died in Senate Health Committee)
SB 483 (Calderon-D) Higher education: summer session fees
Prohibits summer session fees at all campuses of the University of California and the California State University from exceeding the fees charged per credit unit for any other academic term except for courses that are offered solely for the purpose of career enhancement or job training and are not offered for credit towards a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 498 (Liu-D) Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education: successorship
Abolishes the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education and transfers the Bureau's powers and duties to the California Postsecondary Education Commission. Requires the Commission to adopt the regulations of the Bureau and, by 1/1/13, to revise the regulations in accordance with specified procedures. Makes various conforming changes to existing law.
(Died in Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee)
SB 629 (Lowenthal-D) California Community Colleges
Expands the authority of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to appoint persons without permanent civil service status to vice chancellor and assistant vice chancellor positions through the career executive assignment process, if the individual has a minimum of five years of specified work experience, previously held permanent status in civil service, was employed by the Legislature for two or more consecutive years, or held for two or more consecutive years one or more nonelected exempt positions in the executive branch.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
SB 721 (Lowenthal-D) California postsecondary education: state goals
Establishes statewide goals for guiding budget and policy decisions in higher education, requires that the Legislative Analyst Office (LAO) convene a working group to develop and recommend specific metrics for measuring progress toward these goals, and requires the LAO, beginning in 2014 and as part of the annual budget process, to annually report on and present an assessment of progress toward the statewide goals and recommendations for legislative action.
SB 793 (Pavley-D) Los Angeles Community College District
Establishes a design-assist contract pilot program that authorizes the Los Angeles Community College District governing board to enter into a design-assist contract for a project with an estimate cost exceeding $2.5 million. Prohibits expenditure of state funds appropriated for a design-assist capital outlay project until the Department of Finance and the State Public Works Board have approved performance criteria and concept drawings. Imposes various requirements on the governing board related to the design-assist construction process and prohibits the governing board from entering into more than eight design-assist contracts under these provisions before 1/1/17. Specifies that the provisions of the bill do not apply to contracts in effect before the operative date of the bill and will be repealed on 1/1/18.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 952* (Alquist-D) Public postsecondary education: employee compensation
Restricts the ability of the Trustees of the California State University (CSU) during the specified time periods, to provide a compensation increase for a CSU employee, relative to the immediately prior contract for that same position, when the salary exceeds $200,000 from General Fund sources and student fee revenues.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 960 (Rubio-D) California State University: campus-based mandatory fees
Prohibits campus-based mandatory fees, that are not specifically authorized by statute, at the California State University, from being reallocated without an affirmative vote of either the student body or a specified campus fee advisory committee, as defined.
Chapter 574, Statutes of 2012
SB 967 (Yee-D) Public postsecondary education: executive officers
Prohibits the California State University (CSU) Trustees from increasing the monetary compensation (defined as salary, vehicle and housing allowance) of, or approving payment of a monetary bonus to, any executive officer for two years if there was a systemwide fee increase or a decrease in the general fund appropriation to the CSU in the immediately preceding fiscal year. Caps the salary of an incoming officer at 5% above the monetary compensation paid to the immediate executive office predecessor. Requests the Regents of the University of California to comply with these same conditions on executive officer compensation. Sunsets these provisions on 1/1/23.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1016 (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Higher education: Budget Trailer Bill
Enacts the 2011-12 and 2012-13 Education Budget Trailer Bill which, among other provisions, provides the statutory changes in higher education.
Chapter 38, Statutes of 2012
SB 1028 (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Higher education: Budget Trailer Bill
Enacts the following changes to higher education relating to the 2011-12 and 2012-13 Budgets: (1) reinstates the expectation that the University of California (UC) will enroll a total of 209,977 state-supported full-time equivalent students during the 2012-13 academic year; (2) appropriates $4.75 million in 2006 General Obligation (GO) bond funds for the costs of preliminary plans and working drawings for a new Classroom and Academic Office Building at UC Merced; and (3) appropriate $5 million from the golden State Scholarshare Trust Fund to the Chancellor of the California State University to fund the establishment and maintenance of the California Open Education Resources Council and the California Digital Open Sources Library, and the development or acquisition of open education resources, pursuant to legislation. Allows the Chancellor to reimburse California community colleges and the UC for any of their costs associated with these activities. Moneys appropriated would be required to be matched 100% by private funds prior to being encumbered.
Chapter 575, Statutes of 2012
SB 1052 (Steinberg-D) California Open Education Resources Council
Provides for the development of low-cost digital textbooks for 50 lower division courses, as specified, across the state's public postsecondary education segments, subject to state and/or private funding.
Chapter 621, Statutes of 2012
SB 1053 (Steinberg-D) California Open Source Digital Library
Establishes the California Open Source Digital Library for the purpose of housing open source materials.
Chapter 622, Statutes of 2012
SB 1062 (Liu-D) California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office
Expands the existing authority of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to appoint persons without permanent civil service status to vice chancellor and assistant vice chancellor positions, if the individuals meet specified criteria.
(Died at the Assembly Desk)
SB 1070 (Steinberg-D) Career Technical Education Pathways Program
Recasts and revises provisions of the Education Code that govern the Career Technical Education Pathways Initiative, and extends the program's sunset date from 1/1/13 until 6/30/18. Makes numerous legislative findings and declarations.
Chapter 433, Statutes of 2012
SB 1103 (Wright-D) Postsecondary education: Cal Grant Program
Requires the California Student Aid Commission, commencing on a specified date, to post annual reports submitted by institutions participating in the Cal Grant program which will be on a searchable database, and provide other information useful to students and parents.
Chapter 273, Statutes of 2012
SB 1138 (Liu-D) Higher education: educational data
Requires the California Department of Education, in coordination with the state board of education to succeed specified data management responsibilities which were previously the responsibility of the California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC). Requires the California State University Board of Trustees and the Regents of the University of California to provide reports on expenditures and financial aid to the Legislature, and for the Legislative Analyst's Office to annually review and report to the Legislature its findings, conclusions, or recommendations regarding the implementation of policies implemented pursuant to the bill. Codifies legislative intent that the segments refrain from implementing new programs if CPEC is unable to perform its program review responsibilities.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1153 (Calderon-D) Community College Extended Opportunity Programs and Services
Requires a student to remain eligible for extended opportunity programs or services until he/she completes eight semester terms or 12 quarter terms of enrollment.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1280 (Pavley-D) UC and community colleges: public contracts
Authorizes, until 1/1/18, a California Community College district and the University of California (UC) to let any contract for expenditures greater than $50,000 and $100,000, respectively for the purchase of supplies and materials in accordance with "best value" policies as adopted by the local governing board, and UC Regents, respectively.
Chapter 708, Statutes of 2012
SB 1289 (Corbett-D) Postsecondary education: private student loans
Requires private or independent postsecondary educational institutions, the California State University, and the University of California (UC) if the UC Regents concur, to provide specified information to students regarding federal and private student loans.
Chapter 623, Statutes of 2012
SB 1328 (De León-D) Postsecondary education: textbooks data
Requires a publisher to provide textbook data in specified formats; encourages public and private postsecondary institutions to develop faculty textbook adoption search engines with specified functions; and requires campus bookstores at private and public postsecondary institutions to provide a student textbook comparison engine on their Web sites, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
SB 1349 (Yee-D) Postsecondary education: social media privacy
Establishes a privacy policy for postsecondary education students with respect to their use of social media.
Chapter 619, Statutes of 2012
SB 1356 (De León-D) Higher Education Tax Credit Program Special Fund
Allows a credit, for taxable years beginning on or after 1/1/13, and before 1/1/16, based on the taxpayer's contribution to a newly established Higher Education Investment Tax Credit Program Special Fund, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1375 (Alquist-D) Student veterans services
Encourages the California Community Colleges (CCC), the California State University (CSU), and the University of California (UC) to offer oncampus counseling services for student veterans by utilizing the resources of existing campus military and veterans offices. Requires the CCC and the CSU, and encourages the UC, to adopt an online course, for one unit of credit, for student veterans to ease their transition to college and assist them in understanding the effects of postwar stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, and traumatic brain injuries.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1401 (Lieu-D) Education and workforce investment systems
Adds to the duties of the California Workforce Investment Board, aligning the state education and workforce investment systems to the needs of the 21st century economy and workforce.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1402 (Lieu-D) Community Colleges Economic and Workforce Development
Recasts and revises provisions of the Education Code governing the California Community Colleges Economic and Workforce Development Program and extends the program's sunset date from 1/1/13, to 1/1/18.
Chapter 361, Statutes of 2012
SB 1456 (Lowenthal-D) Seymour-Campbell Student Success Act of 2012
Establishes new requirements to be met by low-income students in order to receive a Board of Governor's fee waiver at the California Community Colleges, revises and recasts the Seymour-Campbell Matriculation Act of 1986 as the Seymour-Campbell Success Act of 2012, and establishes new requirements to be met in order for community college districts to receive matriculation funds.
Chapter 624, Statutes of 2012
SB 1461 (Negrete McLeod-D) Postsecondary education: tuition and fees
Limits the amount by which the California State University Board of Trustees may increase the mandatory system-wide fees for resident undergraduate students, in a given year, and requests the Regents of the University of California adhere to the same limit.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1515 (Yee-D) California State University: board of trustees: membership
Decreases the 16 members appointed by the Governor to the California State Board of Trustees to 14, one of which would be required to be a faculty member, and another one of which would be required to be a represented permanent nonacademic employee, at the California State University (CSU). Increases the number of CSU students appointed by the Governor to four, as specified. Prohibits faculty and nonacademic employee members appointed for eight-year terms from sitting on a collective bargaining subcommittee of the board, and requires them to be employed by the university for at least two years and at the time of employment, but not for the duration of the appointment.
(Died Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1525 (Padilla-D) Student Athlete Bill of Rights
Enacts a Student Athlete Bill of Rights and places specified requirements on collegiate athletic programs commencing with the 2013-14 academic year and ending 1/1/21.
Chapter 625, Statutes of 2012
SB 1539 (Corbett-D) Postsecondary education: textbooks
Requires the publisher of a textbook, or an agent or employee of the publisher, to provide prescribed data about the textbook to prospective purchasers.
Chapter 151, Statutes of 2012
SB 1550 (Wright-D) Postsecondary education: textbooks
Requires the California Community Colleges (CCC) Chancellor's office to establish a voluntary pilot program involving up to five CCC districts (CCDs) for the purposes of authorizing a CCD to establish and maintain an extension program offering career and workforce training credit courses, as defined, at fee levels that cover the actual cost of maintaining those courses, and requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to report to the Legislature on this pilot program by 6/30/16.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
SB 1560 (Anderson-R) Community College Funding: full-time equivalent students
Requires the California Community College Board of Governors to calculate full-time equivalent students using the average active enrollment in a course as of a specified census date and at course completion.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1561 (Anderson-R) California Community Colleges: student expulsion
Requires the governing board of a community college district to expel a student if he/she drops more than three courses in one semester, or quarter, as applicable, and requires that expulsion to be accompanied by a prompt hearing of a campus body.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SCA 21 (De León-D) Higher education
Requires that the amount appropriated from the General Fund of the state for the support of public institutions of higher education, as defined, be greater than the amount appropriated from the General Fund of the state for the support of the state prison system, as defined.
(Died in Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee)
SCA 22 (Rubio-D) University of California Admissions
Adds a new section to Article IX of the State Constitution that requires that out-of state undergraduate students make up no more than 10% of the total undergraduate enrollment, and no more than 10% of the incoming class at each campus of the University of California, beginning with the 2013-14 academic year.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SCR 71 (Cannella-R) University of California Div. of Ag. and Natural Resources
States the Legislature's support for the program and initiatives administered by the University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UCDANR) and requests the United States Department of Agriculture, the Regents of the University of California, and the board of supervisors in each county in the state to continue their support and funding of the UCDANR.
Chapter 68, Statutes of 2012
AB 2 (Portantino-D) Higher education: educational and economic
Requires the state to establish an accountability framework for achieving prescribed educational and economic goals. Requires the Governor to convene a task force by 7/1/12, to review the framework and recommend a set of overarching goals for the state's higher education institutions, as specified. Urges the task force to consider issues that include six statewide policy questions, and requires the task force to report to the Legislature and Governor on the recommended goals and progress indicators for higher education, as specified. Codifies legislative findings and declarations regarding higher education.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 24 (Block-D) Higher education: feasibility study: Chula Vista
Requires the California Postsecondary Education Commission to complete a study and make recommendations concerning the feasibility of establishing and expanding postsecondary education opportunities in Chula Vista, California.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 79 (Beall-D) University of California: technology commercialization
Authorizes the University of California (UC) to create a University of California Technology Commercialization Acceleration Fund for each campus of the university and the university system for the deposit of contributions made for specified purposes. Requires the funds in each University Venture Development fund to be used only for qualified research expenses, as defined. Authorizes a credit against those taxes for each taxable year beginning on or after 1/1/11, in an amount equal to 50% of the amount contributed during the taxable year to the UC for deposit into a University of California Technology Commercialization Acceleration Fund, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 85 (Mendoza-D) Community colleges: school facilities: security locks
Requires California Community Colleges (CCC) modernization projects, on or after 1/1/12, to include locks that allow doors to classrooms or any room with the occupancy of five or more persons to be locked from the inside. Requires new CCC construction projects to comply with these requirements.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 103 (Assembly Budget Committee) Community college districts: state cash resources
For the 2012-13 fiscal year, require the deferrals of apportionments to community college districts in the amounts of $150,000,000 to be made from July to December, $50,000,000 to be made from September to January, and $100,000,000 to be made from October to January. Requires the Controller to issue warrants that include the full apportionment of payments for the months of July, September, or October, or any combination of those months, for a community college for which the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges determines, in consultation with the Director of Finance, on or before June 1 of the preceding fiscal year that deferral of warrants will present an imminent threat to the fiscal integrity and security of the community college.
Chapter 13, Statutes of 2012
AB 160 (Portantino-D) Community college districts
Authorizes the governing board of a California community college (CCC) district to enter into a concurrent enrollment partnership with one or more school districts within its immediate service area to allow secondary school pupils to attend a CCC if they have exhausted all opportunities to enroll in an equivalent course at the high school of attendance, adult education program, continuation school, regional occupational center or program, or school district programs. Permits a school district to authorize a pupil, upon the recommendation from a CCC administrator, as specified, to take career technical education courses at a CCC.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 285 (Furutani-D) Community colleges: property tax revenues
Requires, as is currently provided for K-12 schools, automatic adjustments in General Fund apportionments for the California Community Colleges (CCC) to the extent actual property tax revenues to the CCC differ from the amount of such revenues estimated in the annual Budget Act.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 346 (Atkins-D) Higher education campuses: polling places
Requires county elections officials to establish at least one polling place for each state election on a campus of a community college, the California State University (CSU), or the University of California (UC) within their respective counties. Exempts from these requirements counties with a population under 150,000 and counties that do not have a CSU, UC, or community college campus within its jurisdiction.
(Died in Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee)
AB 372 (Roger Hernández-D) California community colleges: matriculation services
Requires the California Community Colleges, as part of the matriculation process, to assess prior college-level learning gained by veterans and military service personnel through non-college credit means, as specified. Makes legislative findings and declarations regarding veterans.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 383 (Portantino-D) Public postsecondary education: community colleges
Provides a one-time stipend, amount as yet undetermined, to a California community college district that enters into a collective bargaining agreement that prohibits a full-time instructor from teaching overload or extra assignments in excess of 50% of a full-time workload in any semester that commences on or after 1/1/12.
(Failed passage in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 405 (Solorio-D) Public postsecondary education: joint-use facilities
Requires the Board of Governors (BOG) of the California Community Colleges to establish a joint-use facilities program, aligned with existing BOG facilities regulations, upon the availability of funding for this purpose.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 515 (Brownley-D) Community colleges: extension program
Establishes the California Community Colleges Extension Pilot Program which, until 7/1/16, authorizes community colleges that meet specified requirements to establish and maintain an extension program offering credit coursework to students at fee levels that cover the actual cost of maintaining these courses.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
AB 626 (Blumenfield-D) Higher education: distance learning: definition
Establishes a definition for "distance learning" to mean a course conducted with over one-half of the instructional content delivered when faculty and students are in different physical places.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 633* (Olsen-R) California State University: motor vehicles: fleet
Authorizes the California State University (CSU) to acquire motor vehicles and surplus mobile equipment without first having the Department of General Services investigate and establish the necessity for the acquisition. Requires, commencing 7/1/12, the Trustees of CSU to report to the Legislature on their motor vehicle procurement, to include specified information, including some information required under existing law, on or before June 30 of each year, up to and including 6/30/17. Requires the Trustees, to the greatest extent feasible, to purchase vehicles using statewide commodity contracts.
Chapter 773, Statutes of 2012
AB 635 (Knight-R) Higher education: veterans' benefits: educational fees
Specifies that, for purposes of veterans' benefits, the Trustees of the California State University, and the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges shall, and the Regents of the University of California are requested to, designate mandatory education fees as tuition.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 645 (Davis-D) Postsecondary education: ethnic studies
Mandates the California State University and requests the University of California to require students entering the university during or after the 2013-14 academic year, regardless of major, to complete two courses in ethnic studies prior to graduation.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 649 (Harkey-R) Public postsecondary education: veteran's enrollment
Extends the period of time for priority class registration enrollment, from two years to five years, to members or former members of the Armed Forces and requires that any member or former member of the Armed Forces be a California resident.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
AB 661 (Block-D) Baccalaureate degree pilot program
Authorizes the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District and the San Mateo Community College District to offer baccalaureate degrees, as specified.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 773 (Block-D) Postsecondary education: Student Tuition Recovery Fund
Requires the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education to adopt, by regulation, requirements relating to assessments on students that are paid by an institution on behalf of the student. Specifies that these regulations will allow institutions to pay the assessments, as specified. Requires the paying institution to adequately inform students of their rights and responsibilities under the Student Tuition Recovery Fund. Requires institutions to not engage in inappropriate marketing or advertising with regard to their payment of the assessment to the Fund on behalf of their students.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 797 (Conway-R) Private postsecondary education: schools of cosmetology
Exempts schools of cosmetology from the California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 822 (Block-D) Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act
Enacts the Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2012 to authorize an unspecified sum of state general obligation bonds to provide aid to the California Community Colleges, the University of California, the Hastings College of Law, and the California State University to construct and modernize education facilities.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 848 (Campos-D) Community colleges: apprenticeship programs
Requires programs receiving state apprenticeship funding through the California Department of Education or the California Community Colleges for building and trade programs to report specified outcome data annually.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 851 (Nestande-R) Higher education: distance learning
Defines distance learning for purposes of data collection and reporting. Requires the California State University and the California Community Colleges, and requests the University of California, by 1/1/14, and every two years thereafter, to report on distance learning course workload and key performance data, as specified. Requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to convene a work group by 2/1/12, as specified, to evaluate whether it is necessary or advisable to establish the Western Governor's University, California. Requires the work group to report its findings to the Legislature by 2/1/13.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 852 (Fong-D) Community colleges: temporary faculty
Requires that the issue of earning and retaining annual reappointment rights for temporary or part time faculty to the community colleges to include terms of implementation and be negotiated fully.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 948 (Furutani-D) Public contracts: competitive bidding
Allows the University of California and the California Community Colleges to include "best value" as a criteria for bid evaluation and selection for contracts for goods and materials or services.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 965 (Dickinson-D) Community colleges: full-time faculty hiring
Requires community college districts that have less than 75% of their hours of credit instruction taught by full-time instructors to apply a portion of their funds allocated to apportionment growth according to specified formulas, only if prescribed conditions are met.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 970 (Fong-D) Higher education: systemwide student fees
Establishes requirements and timeframes for the University of California and the California State University regarding the approval and implementation of student fee increases, and requires the segments to report annually on their use of student fee revenues.
Chapter 620, Statutes of 2012
AB 1079* (Beall-D) Higher education: personal income taxes: credit
Allows, for each taxable year beginning on or after 1/1/11, a credit of up to $500 per eligible student for qualified costs, paid or incurred by a qualified taxpayer at a qualified educational institution, on behalf of the taxpayer, the taxpayer's spouse, or any dependent of the taxpayer. Limits the credit for all taxable years to a total of $2,000 per eligible student.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1093 (Davis-D) Higher education: Military and Veterans Benefits Offices
Requires the California Community Colleges (CCC) and the California State University (CSU), and encourages the University of California, to establish, on each of its respective campuses, a Military and Veterans Benefits Office and appoint a full-time Military and Veterans Benefits Advisor for each office to assist a qualified student in determining that student's eligibility for state or federal educational benefits or grants. Requires the CCC and the CSU to report specified information to the Department of Veterans Affairs on an annual basis.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 1237 (Nestande-R) Postsecondary education: finance: remedial instruction
Finds and declares that state General Funds that do not count toward the Proposition 98 minimum guarantee shall not be appropriated for remedial instruction at the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU). Authorizes the appropriation of Proposition 98 funds from K-12 instruction to the California Community Colleges for the purposes of remedial instruction for UC and CSU students.
(Failed passage in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 1252 (Davis-D) Los Angeles Community College District: elections
Establishes a separate procedure for the election of the trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD). Specifies that a candidate for election must reside in, and be registered to vote in, the trustee area he/she seeks to represent. Specifies that the size of the governing board, nomination of candidates, and term length are to be determined, as specified. Requires the governing board of each trustee area to set the boundaries of each trustee area before 3/1/12, to reflect the population enumerated in the federal 2010 decennial census. Specifies that if the governing board fails to set the boundaries in a timely manner, the county committee on school district organization shall do so before 4/30/12. Makes legislative findings and declarations as to the necessity of a special statute for the LACCD.
(Died in Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee)
A similar bill is AB 2572 (Furutani-D), Chapter 754, Statutes of 2012.
AB 1309* (Miller-R) University of California: UC Riverside Medical School
Appropriates $15 million to the University of California (UC) for the support of the medical school at the UC. The source of the $15 million would be settlement monies from an ongoing investigation into fraud in the state's Medi-Cal program (General Fund revenues).
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1326* (Furutani-D) California Higher Education Endowment Corporation
Enacts the Fair Share for Fair Tuition Act to fund direct classroom instruction and student support services at the California Community Colleges, the California State University, and the University of California.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1366 (Jeffries-R) Student financial aid: notice
Requires within eight, rather than five, days of the commencement of any cause of action, including an emergency action, by the Student Aid Commission against a private postsecondary educational institution in connection with the Federal Family Education Loan Program, the director of the commission shall give notice, in writing, of the commencement of the action to the Council for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 1434 (Feuer-D) Postsecondary employees: mandatory child abuse reporting
Adds employees and administrators "of a public or private postsecondary institution, as to child abuse or neglect occurring on that institution's premises or at an official activity of, or program conducted by, the institution" as mandated child abuse and neglect reporters, as specified.
Chapter 519, Statutes of 2012
AB 1441* (Beall-D) Higher education: personal income taxes: credit
For each taxable year beginning on or after 1/1/12, and before 1/1/17, allows a credit of up to $500 per eligible student for qualified costs, as defined, paid or incurred by a qualified taxpayer, as defined, at a qualified educational institution, as defined, on behalf of the taxpayer, the taxpayer's spouse, or any dependent of the taxpayer. The credit allowed would be limited for all taxable years to a total of $2,000 per eligible student.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1477 (Assembly Budget Committee) Higher education funding: Budget Trailer Bill
Amends the 2012-13 Budget Act, adopted on 6/15/12 in AB 1464, which, among other provisions, (1) include budget bill provisional language, which has been included in the past several budgets on General Obligation bond funded University of California capital outlay projects, to authorize expenditure of any savings as specified and requires payment of prevailing wage rates; (2) reinstate the expectation that the California State University (CSU) will enroll a total of 331,716 state supported full-time equivalent students during the 2012-13 academic year. This enrollment target does not include nonresident students and students enrolled in non-state supported summer programs. As a condition of receipt of state General Fund in 2012-13, requires CSU to report to the Legislature and to the Director of the Department of Finance (DOF) by 5/1/13, on whether it has met the enrollment goal; (3) provide the CSU a one-time authority, effective only for the 2012-13 fiscal year, to transfer funds from the State University Continuing Education Revenue Fund or any other revenues received from extension programs to mitigate impacts to state-supported instructional programs that would result from reductions in state General Fund appropriations or from reductions in student fee revenues for support of the university. As a condition of this one-time authority, requires CSU to report to the Legislature and to the DOF Director by 6/30/13, on the impact of any transfer on self-supporting instructional programs and related fees and the use of any transferred funds; and (4) correct a drafting error that inadvertently referenced the Department of Education instead of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges in the mandated programs block grant budget item.
Chapter 630, Statutes of 2012
AB 1497 (Assembly Budget Committee) California Community Colleges: Budget Trailer Bill
Enacts the "Budget Bill Junior" to provide $50 million in growth funding for California Community Colleges, in lieu of using these funds to pay deferrals. The funding is contingent upon the passage of Proposition 30 at the November election.
Chapter 29, Statutes of 2012 -- Item Veto
AB 1500* (John A. Pérez-D) Middle Class Scholarship Fund
Makes the single sales factor apportionment formula mandatory, revises the rules for assignment of sales, and requires that revenue derived from those changes less $90 million deduction to be used for costs associated with forest fire protection be deposited in the newly established Middle Class Scholarship Fund. Contingent upon the enactment of AB 150 (Perez-D).
(Failed passage on Senate Floor)
AB 1501* (John A. Pérez-D) Middle Class Scholarship Program
Establishes the Middle Class Scholarship Program, to be administered by the California Student Aid Commission, beginning with the 2012-13 academic year, and provides for an appropriation for purposes of funding the program, contingent upon the enactment of AB 1500 (Perez-D).
(Died on Senate Floor)
AB 1502 (Assembly Budget Committee) Higher education: Budget Trailer Bill
Augments the appropriations to the University of California and Hastings College of the Law by $37,635,000 and $365,000, respectively, for purposes of the pension contribution costs for the University of California Retirement Plan. Appropriates $125 million from the General Fund to the California State University and $125 million from the General Fund to the University of California for the 2013-14 fiscal year if those institutions maintain the 2011-12 mandatory systemwide tuition and fee level for the 2012-13 academic year and if the Schools and Local Public Safety Protection Act of 2012 (Attorney General reference number 12-0009) is approved by the voters at the 11/6/12 statewide general election and the provisions of that act that modify personal income tax rates do not become inoperative, as specified.
Chapter 31, Statutes of 2012
AB 1561 (Roger Hernández-D) California State University and UC compensation
Limits compensation increases for certain executive-level positions at the University of California and the California State University.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1637 (Wieckowski-D) Cal Grant Program: student default risk index score
Establishes the student default risk index and limits institutional participation in the Cal Grant Program based on risk index scores.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 1663 (Dickinson-D) California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science
Continues the request to the Regents of the University of California to set a tuition fee for the California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science program that corresponds to actual program costs, however this bill allows fees up to but not exceeding $2,810 per session in the year 2012, and establishes this amount as the base for future 5% annual fee increases. Also increases the application fee to an amount not exceeding $30. Sunsets 1/1/18.
Chapter 422, Statutes of 2012
AB 1684 (Eng-D) California Community Colleges: compensation
Requires the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) to conduct a study to evaluate the compensation, as defined, of the chancellors and presidents of the California Community Colleges' districts and campuses, as specified. Requires the LAO to report the study to specified committees of the Legislature by 1/1/14.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1723 (Fuentes-D) Postsecondary educational institutions: meetings: live video
Requires the governing boards of the California Community Colleges, the California State University, and the California Student Aid Commission, and requests the University of California Regents, to provide live video transmission of all board meetings open to the public and to archive and post video and audio transmissions for at least the preceding 12 months, and within 48 hours of the initial transmission, on their respective Web sites.
Chapter 580, Statutes of 2012
AB 1741 (Fong-D) The California Community Colleges Student Success Plan
Requires the California Community Colleges Board of Governors to develop a plan for supporting specified goals as part of its efforts to improve student success that are contained in SB 1456 (Lowenthal-D) of 2012.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
AB 1743 (Campos-D) Student athletes: scholarships
Clarifies that existing law regarding the provision of information about athletic scholarships to student athletes applies only to postsecondary educational institutions with a physical campus and athletic facilities in California.
Chapter 16, Statutes of 2012
AB 1748 (Fong-D) California Community Colleges: fair market value of leases
Removes the limitation that the fair market value of specified short-term leases not exceed $25,000 annually, for California Community College district buildings or space not being used for educational purposes.
Chapter 78, Statutes of 2012
AB 1826 (Roger Hernández-D) Community colleges: full-time instructors
Prohibits a full-time faculty member of a community college district from being assigned a workload with an overload or extra assignments exceeding 50% of the full-time semester or quarter workload.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1832 (Silva-R) Postsecondary education: veterans: priority registration
Extends the time period for which those institutions are required and requested to grant priority registration for enrollment from four to 15 years of leaving state or federal active duty.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 1899 (Mitchell-D) Postsecondary education benefits: crime victims
Grants students who are noncitizen victims of trafficking, domestic violence and other serious crimes, as defined under specified federal law, the same exemption from nonresident tuition and eligibility to apply for and participate in state and institutional financial aid programs at the California State University and the California Community Colleges as that extended to students granted refugee status, and requests the University of California to adopt similar policies.
Chapter 509, Statutes of 2012
AB 1955 (Block-D) Campus law enforcement and student liaison
Requires the California State University Trustees, and requests the University of California Regents, to designate an individual at each of its respective campuses to serve as a liaison between campus law enforcement agencies and students exercising constitutionally guaranteed rights.
Chapter 581, Statutes of 2012
AB 1984 (Wagner-R) University of California, Irvine: buses: advertising
Authorizes, until 1/1/18, the University of California, Irvine to operate a pilot program similar to the one operated by the City of Santa Monica. Requires the University to submit a report by 7/1/17, on the viability of advertisement sales relating to illuminated signs on public buses to the Legislature.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 2093 (Skinner-D) Foster Youth Higher Education Preparation and Support
Requires the California State University, and requests that California Community Colleges, and University of California, to establish foster youth campus support programs to provide comprehensive support and outreach to current and former foster youth.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2122 (Lara-D) Law School Admission Test: accommodations
Requires the test sponsor of the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) to provide testing accommodations to a disabled test subject, as specified. Prohibits that test sponsor from notifying a test score recipient that the score of any test subject was obtained by a subject who received an accommodation, and prohibits the test sponsor of the LSAT from withholding any information that would lead a test score recipient to deduce that a score was earned by a subject who received an accommodation.
Chapter 583, Statutes of 2012
AB 2126 (Block-D) California State University: regulations
Extends the current California State University Board of Trustees regulation adoption, amendment and repeal processes from 1/1/13 to 1/1/18.
Chapter 248, Statutes of 2012
AB 2132 (Lara-D) Public postsecondary education: tenure policy
Expresses the intent of the Legislature that the California State University (CSU) and the University of California (UC) adopt tenure policies that reward service and requires the CSU and requests the UC to recognize and reward service as appropriate for each discipline, as specified.
AB 2133 (Blumenfield-D) Combat to College Act of 2012
Enacts the Combat to College Act of 2012, which authorizes a qualifying student to use the four academic years during which these institutions are required, or requested, to grant priority registration for enrollment within 15 years of his/her leaving state or federal active duty. Requests that the University of California comply with priority enrollment as specified in this bill.
Chapter 400, Statutes of 2012
AB 2164 (Dickinson-D) Community college facilities
Authorizes the reimbursement of amounts incurred for capital outlay projects approved by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, after approval of preliminary plans by the Department of Finance and the State Public Works Board, and after an appropriation by the Legislature, in the annual Budget Act or related legislation, of funds for one or more of the following project phases: preliminary plans, working drawings, construction, and equipment.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2171 (Fong-D) Community colleges: expulsion and enrollment
Authorizes a community college district to require a student seeking admission to disclose his/her prior expulsion from another community college district and authorizes the governing board of a community college district to deny enrollment, permit enrollment, or permit conditional enrollment to a student who has been expelled, or is being considered for expulsion, from another district for specified offenses within the preceding five years.
Chapter 426, Statutes of 2012
AB 2190 (John A. Pérez-D) California Higher Education Authority
Establishes a new state oversight and coordinating body for higher education.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2223 (Williams-D) Community colleges: Santa Barbara Community College District
Notwithstanding existing law, authorizes the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges to apportion full funding per full-time equivalent students (FTES) to educational centers in the Santa Barbara Community College District irrespective of the number of FTES enrolled at those educational centers. Makes legislative findings and declarations as to the necessity of a special statute for the Santa Barbara Community College District.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 2250 (Beth Gaines-R) Postsecondary education: nonresident tuition: military
Provides that a student, or their spouse, who served in the Armed Forces for at least 36 months and received an honorable discharge, is exempt from paying non-resident tuition for their first full year of continuous enrollment at the California Community Colleges, the California State University, and the University of California if the student files an affidavit with the college stating they intend to establish residency in California.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2296 (Block-D) California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009
Expands the requirements to be met by private postsecondary educational institutions subject to state oversight under the California Private Postsecondary Education Act by expanding disclosures related to unaccredited programs; expanding disclosure requirements for all regulated institutions; establishing more stringent criteria for determining gainful employment and calculating job placement rates; and, increasing institutional documentation and reporting requirements around completion rates, job placement/license exam passage rates, and salary/wage information for graduates.
Chapter 585, Statutes of 2012
AB 2309 (Hill-D) Community colleges: Public-Private Partnership Pilot Program
Authorizes the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, once sufficient funding becomes available, to establish a competitive grant pilot program to evaluate a public-private partnership model designed to accomplish specified objectives relating to business development and job creation.
AB 2316 (Hueso-D) California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009
Reduces the exemption date for the California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009, from 1/1/16 to 1/1/15.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 2419 (Miller-R) Student financial aid: Cal Grant Program
Prohibits a maximum Cal Grant A award from exceeding $4,000, notwithstanding the requirement that maximum award amounts for Cal Grant A awards for students attending public institutions shall be identified in the annual Budget Act.
(Died in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 2427 (Butler-D) California State University: special session fees
Requires the California State University, beginning on 7/1/14 and until 1/1/19, to annually report to the Legislature on its Extended and Continuing Education Program, as specified, and requires the Trustees of the California State University to publicly notice, hear, and approve any changes to special session fees.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2442 (Williams-D) Higher education: public trust
Establishes the California Hope Public Trust to support the California State University, California Community Colleges, and University of California systems to be governed and administered by the Department of General Services with input from a nine-member advisory board of the Trust.
AB 2462 (Block-D) Academic credit for prior military experience
Requires, by 7/1/15 the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, using common course descriptors and pertinent standards of the American Council on Education, to determine for which courses credit should be awarded for prior military experience.
Chapter 404, Statutes of 2012
AB 2471 (Lara-D) Postsecondary education: e-textbooks
Requires e-textbooks used in courses at the state's postsecondary institutions to include specified consumer protections, and requires the institutions to adopt rules consistent with these requirements.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2478 (Hayashi-D) Student residency requirements: veterans
Provides that a California Community College student who was a member of the Armed Forces stationed in California for more than one year immediately prior to being discharged, is exempt from paying nonresident fees for up to one year, if he/she files an affidavit with the community college stating an intent to establish California residency, as specified.
Chapter 405, Statutes of 2012
AB 2497 (Solorio-D) California State University: Early Start Program
Beginning 1/1/14, and every two years thereafter, requires the Legislative Analyst's Office, in consultation with the California State University (CSU), to submit a report detailing the impact of the CSU Early Start Program on student mathematics and English proficiency. Sunsets on 1/1/18.
Chapter 430, Statutes of 2012
AB 2534 (Block-D) Community Colleges: Veterans Education Pilot Program
Requires the California Community College Chancellor's Office to establish a voluntary pilot program to authorize three to five campuses to establish and maintain a career technical education program that factors experiential learning for veterans for career technical education course credit, certificates and associate degrees. Also requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to submit a specified report.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2572 (Furutani-D) Los Angeles Community College District: election
Authorizes, commencing with the 2013 election, the governing board of the Los Angeles Community College District to adopt a resolution by majority vote to enact an alternative method by which members of the governing board may be elected at large and by individual seat number, as specified.
Chapter 754, Statutes of 2012
A similar bill was AB 1252 (Davis-D) which died in Assembly Higher Education Committee.
AB 2591 (Furutani-D) Community colleges: property tax revenues
Provides for automatic adjustments in community colleges' General Fund apportionments based on shortfalls or surpluses in total local revenues, i.e. property taxes plus student fee revenues. Requires the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges (CCC) to certify to the State Controller by December 31 and May 31 of each fiscal year the estimated total local revenues for the current fiscal year and the prior year. To the extent the estimated total local revenues are greater/less than the amount upon which the General Fund appropriation for the CCC is based, the General Fund appropriation would be commensurately reduced/increased at the next general apportionment to the CCC.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2625 (Solorio-D) Higher education: qualified tuition: income tax
Allows taxpayers to deposit an amount in excess of their tax liability into a qualified tuition program account until 1/1/20.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2655 (Swanson-D) Community colleges: inmate education programs: computation
Waives the open course requirement for California community college courses offered in state correctional facilities and allows attendance hours generated by credit courses to be funded at the credit rate, instead of the noncredit funding rate.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
ACR 103 (Fong-D) Campus Safety Month
Declares March 2012 to be Campus Safety Month in California; and, encourages citizens to visit the Internet Web site of the national nonprofit organization Security On Campus, Inc., to view public safety information about public and private colleges and universities.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 159 (Gorell-R) Postsecondary education: military veterans
Encourages the California Community Colleges, the California State University, and the University of California to consider and adopt the American Council on Education credit recommendations to give veterans credit for their military experience.
Resolution Chapter 129, Statutes of 2012
ACR 164 (Pan-D) California State University: chancellor selection process
Encourages the recruitment and selection process for the next Chancellor of the California State University to be done in a publicly inclusive manner.
Resolution Chapter 133, Statutes of 2012
ACR 168 (John A. Pérez-D) University of California Education Abroad Program
Expresses congratulations and appreciation to the University of California Education Abroad Program on its 50th Anniversary, for its historic and continued success in providing study opportunities abroad for Californians.
Resolution Chapter 136, Statutes of 2012
HR 35 (Halderman-R) Higher education: anti-Semitism
Calls upon officials of California public postsecondary educational institutions to increase their efforts to condemn acts of anti-Semitism on their campuses.
Adopted by the Assembly
School Employees (includes STRS legislation)
SB 27 (Simitian-D) School employees: retirement
Provides that any salary enhancement for the principal purpose of increasing a member's retirement benefit will not be included in the calculation of a member's final compensation for determining that benefit. Requires the boards of each state public retirement system to establish regulations that include an ongoing audit process. Prohibits a retiree from returning to work as a retired annuitant or contract employee for a period of 180 days after retirement.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 114 (Yee-D) Teachers retirement
Requires, beginning 7/1/13, and annually thereafter, collective bargaining or employment agreements for community college and adult education instructor, reflecting the full time equivalent for each class of affected employees, be submitted electronically, as specified, to the California State Teachers' Retirement System.
Chapter 829, Statutes of 2012
SB 257 (Liu-D) Certificated school employees: evaluation and assessment
Encourages a school district to include, in its evaluation and assessment guidelines, specific information relating to the current best teaching practices in all subject areas. Authorizes a school district to include additional criteria into the evaluation and assessment of certificated employees.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
SB 266 (Dutton-R) Education employment
Temporarily suspends, from 1/1/12 to 6/30/15, the requirement that laid-off teachers who substitute for at least 21 days be compensated at their old rate of pay. Prohibits local educational agencies from creating vacancies and filling them with a substitute employee, as defined.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 355 (Huff-R) Education employment: certificated employees
Authorizes the governing board of a school district to evaluate and assess the performance of certificated employees using a multiple-measures evaluation system. Authorizes school districts to make specified employment decisions based on teacher performance. Expands the reasons districts may deviate from the order of seniority in terminating and reappointing teachers, as specified.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 772 (Alquist-D) Education personnel: compensation
Prohibits a school district or charter school, on and after 1/1/12, from entering into, or renewing, a contract that provides a pay increase within the contract for any employee who is not eligible to be represented by an exclusive representative, in any fiscal year in which classified or certificated employees of that school district or that charter school have been terminated, provided notice of possible termination, or not provided with a cost-of-living adjustment, or that provides a pay increase in the fiscal year during which the contract is executed, relative to the immediately past contract for that same position, for any employee who is not eligible to be represented by an exclusive representative, in any fiscal year when, in that same fiscal year, or the immediately past fiscal year, classified or certificated employees of that school district or that charter school have been terminated, provided notice of possible termination, or not provided with a cost-of-living adjustment. Specifies that the above provision does not apply to an employee who is terminated for cause, or provided with notice of possible termination for cause, due to a disciplinary action. Prohibits a community college district, on and after 1/1/12, from entering into, or renewing, a contract that provides a pay increase within the contract for any employee who is not eligible to be represented by an exclusive representative, in any fiscal year in which classified or certificated employees of that district have experienced termination or reduction of salary due to state budget cutbacks, or that provides a pay increase in the fiscal year during which the contract is executed, relative to the immediately past contract for that same position, for any employee who is not eligible to be represented by an exclusive representative, in any fiscal year when, in that same fiscal year, or the immediately past fiscal year, classified or certificated employees of that district have experienced termination or reduction of salary due to state budget cutbacks.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 871 (Runner-R) School district employees: compensation
Prohibits a school district from entering into any contract or agreement that provides a compensation increase for any employee if the district has reduced instructional minutes or days, as specified.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 903 (Anderson-R) Teachers Retirement System: investments: Iran
Amends the California Public Divest from Iran Act to clarify that the criteria and process that the boards of the California Public Employees' Retirement System and the California State Teachers' Retirement System must use to invest in Iran.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1057 (Huff-R) School employees: retirement: felony forfeiture
Requires that an employee of a school district, county office of education, or charter school, who is convicted of any state or federal felony for conduct arising out of, or in the performance of, his/her official duties in pursuit of the office or appointment, or in connection with obtaining salary, disability retirement, or service retirement, or other benefits, forfeit retirement benefits earned or accrued from the earliest date of the commission of the felony to the forfeiture date, as specified. Also requires any contributions to the public retirement system made by the employee on or after the earliest date of commission of the felony to be returned, without interest, to the employee upon the occurrence of a distribution event, as defined, unless otherwise ordered by a court or determined by the pension administrator.
(Died in Senate Public Employees and Retirement Committee)
SB 1059 (Huff-R) School employees: discipline
Modifies suspension and dismissal procedures for certificated employees who have attained permanent status.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1121 (Hancock-D) School employees: state prison inmate classification
Provides that a credentialed teacher, vice principal, or principal shall provide input relating to the academic or vocational education program placement of an inmate, as specified.
Chapter 761, Statutes of 2012
SB 1291 (Evans-D) Teacher credentialing: unemployment benefits: training
Permits teachers participating in credential preparation programs in math, science, and special education to automatically qualify for the California Training Benefits Program.
Chapter 278, Statutes of 2012
SB 1292 (Liu-D) School employees: principals: evaluation
Authorizes school districts to evaluate principals and establishes provisions to guide principal evaluation.
Chapter 435, Statutes of 2012
SB 1385 (Hancock-D) California After School Teacher Pipeline program
Establishes the California After School Teacher Pipeline program, until 7/1/20, to recruit qualified after school instructors to participate on a pilot basis in the California Paraprofessional Teacher Training program.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1530 (Padilla-D) School employees: dismissal and suspension
Makes changes to the procedures used for dismissal and suspension proceedings for permanent certificated employees that are dismissed for serious or egregious unprofessional conduct, as defined.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
SCR 105 (Negrete McLeod-D) State Teachers' Retirement System
Encourages the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) to develop and submit to the Legislature, before 2/15/13, three options that would address the long-term funding needs of the Defined Benefit Program; and also states the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation to address the long-term funding needs of the Program of the STRS.
Resolution Chapter 123, Statutes of 2012
SR 30 (Lowenthal-D) Day of the Teacher
Proclaiming 5/9/12, as Day of the Teacher.
Adopted by the Senate
AB 5 (Fuentes-D) Teachers: best practices teacher evaluation
Requires school districts, beginning July 2014, to establish a best practices teacher evaluation, as specified. Authorizes the State Board of Education to develop nonregulatory guidance to develop best practice teacher evaluation models and definitions to expedite the development of quality teacher evaluation models in the state. Also requires school districts to collectively bargain the implementation of the evaluation. Requires a school district governing board to hold a public hearing to parent and community input prior to local negotiations on the Best Practices Teacher Evaluation System. Allocates $89 million in the 2013-14 fiscal year to eligible Quality Education Investment Act schools (schools ranked in the lowest two deciles of the Academic Performance Index, as specified.) Beginning July 2014, also replaces the Stull Act in the K-12 Mandate Block Grant with the Best Practices Teacher Evaluation.
(Died on Senate Floor)
A similar bill was AB 48 (John A. Perez-D) which died in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
AB 13 (Knight-R) Public school volunteers
Authorizes a school district, county office of education, or charter school to request a local law enforcement agency to conduct a criminal records check of a prospective nonteaching volunteer. Prohibits persons who have been convicted of certain violent or serious felonies, specified sex offenses, or felony controlled substances offenses from serving as a nonteaching volunteer, as specified. Requires charter schools to comply with existing fingerprint laws.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee)
AB 48 (John A. Pérez-D) Teachers: best practices teacher evaluation
Authorizes school districts to implement a best practices teacher evaluation system, as specified. Specifies the best practices teacher evaluation system has specified attributes. Requires multiple observations of instructional and other professional practices conducted by evaluators who have received appropriate training. Requires a uniform tool to be used and requires the observer to meet with the teacher before and after the observation. Requires the teacher evaluation to be locally negotiated under collective bargaining statute and requires teachers to be evaluated with the frequency of current statute. Requires the teacher to receive evaluation results in writing, with the right to initiate a written response to the evaluation, as specified. Authorizes a school district that implements a best practice teacher evaluation system to continue implementing the current categorical flexibility in perpetuity (regardless of the 2015 sunset date). Specifies a school district that implements a best practice teacher evaluation system is not subject to the Stull Act (existing teacher evaluation requirements). Prohibits a school district that implements a best practice teacher evaluation system from initiating dismissal unless the teacher is given the opportunity to participate in a program similar to the California Peer Assistance and Review Program for Teachers.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
A similar bill was AB 5 (Fuentes-D) which died on the Senate Floor.
AB 178* (Gorell-R) State teachers' retirement
Extends a post retirement earnings limitation exemption for retired members of the California State Teachers' Retirement System who return to work under a limited-term appointment, changes how the earning limit is calculated, clarifies that the limit does not apply to third-party employees, and allows retired members to re-retire within a year of reinstating, as specified.
Chapter 135, Statutes of 2012
AB 229* (Lara-D) Commission on Teacher Credentialing monitor and evaluating
Requires the State Auditor to appoint an enforcement program monitor to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), for the purpose of monitoring and evaluating the Division of Professional Practices within the CTC. The purpose of the monitoring would be to improve the quality and consistency of reviewing reported misconduct by holders of, or applicants for, teaching credentials, reducing timeframes and backlogs related to reviewing cases of misconduct, ensuring the establishment and usage of comprehensive written procedures for reviewing reported misconduct, effectively tracking cases, and fostering an overall professional workplace environment at the Division and the CTC. Requires the enforcement program monitor to submit an initial written report of his/her findings and conclusions to the State Auditor, the Legislature, and the Joint Legislative Audit Committee by 7/1/12, and every six months thereafter, and to submit a final report by 1/1/14. Repeals these provisions on 1/1/14.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
AB 286 (Bill Berryhill-R) Career technical education teachers
Deems, for holders of a designated subjects career technical education (DSCTE) teaching credential, three years of work experience in an industry sector, as specified, to be the equivalent of a baccalaureate degree and requires the holder of a DSCTE credential to be placed on and advanced along a public school employer's salary schedule in the same manner as a teacher with a baccalaureate degree.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
AB 451 (Hall-D) School district employees
Requires the personnel commission of merit system school districts and community college districts to determine the personnel director's compensation and evaluate and supervise the personnel director. Requires the district administration and the exclusive representatives of classified employees of the district to participate in the annual performance evaluation of the personnel director by completing an evaluation or comment form. Authorizes the personnel commission to impose discipline, including dismissal, but prohibits disciplinary action inconsistent with any bargaining agreement in effect as of 1/1/11, and under which the personnel director works. Establishes various rights for the personnel director, including the right to an impartial hearing in response to any disciplinary action imposed. Requires integration of these procedures into the regular personnel commission activity and within the amount otherwise budgeted for the personnel commission of the district.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 758 (Wieckowski-D) State teachers' retirement
Extends, until 6/30/14, the amount of postretirement compensation that may be earned in specified types of employment by a retired member of the Defined Benefit Program without a reduction in the retirement benefits of the member. Provides, until 6/30/14, that the compensation received by a retired member for providing specified types of services is exempt from the earnings limitation if the member retired from service with an effective date on or before 6/1/11.
(Died in Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
AB 769 (Hueso-D) State Teachers' Retirement: public employment benefit
Prohibits a person who is appointed to any state board or commission, on and after 1/1/12, from becoming a member of the California State Teachers' Retirement System and caps the salary for anyone appointed to a state board or commission at the amount received by a member of the Legislature who is not in a leadership position.
(Died in Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
AB 961 (Mansoor-R) School employees: negotiations: pension benefits
Excludes matters relating to pension benefits from the scope of representation of public employees by recognized public employee organizations under the Educational Employment Relations Act, and the Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act (HEERA), including HEERA supervisory employees.
(Died in Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
AB 1101 (Eng-D) Teachers' Retirement Board: members
Replaces the retiree representative on the Teachers' Retirement Board appointed by the Governor with a representative elected by the retirees of the State Teachers' Retirement System.
AB 1203 (Mendoza-D) School organization members: paid leaves of absence
Expands provisions in existing law governing union-paid leaves of absences for classified school employees who are representatives of employee organizations, as specified.
Chapter 804, Statutes of 2012
AB 1563 (Norby-R) Schools: volunteers: capital maintenance projects
Authorizes the governing board of a school district to permit a person, except a person required to register as a sex offender, to serve as an unpaid volunteer for a capital maintenance project in the school district.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1639 (Hill-D) Teacher: retirement: public employees
Requires all public retirement systems, including the Teachers' Retirement System, in California to adhere to the federal compensation limit under Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a)(17) when calculating retirement benefits for members who first join the retirement system on or after 1/1/13, and prohibits a public employer from making contributions to any qualified public retirement plan based on any portion of compensation that exceeds that amount.
(Died in Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
AB 1681 (Smyth-R) School employees: retirement: felony forfeiture
Requires a school employee who is convicted of a felony arising out of his/her official duties to forfeit retirement benefits, as specified.
(Died in interim study)
AB 1717 (Dickinson-D) School district employees: community care facilities
Requires increased communication between school districts, the Department of Social Services and the Commission on Teacher Credentialing about adverse actions taken against employees, licensees, and credential holders.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1735 (Wieckowski-D) State teachers' retirement: executive & managerial positions
Authorizes California State Teachers Retirement System to fix the compensation, terms, and conditions of employment for two positions: Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Financial Officer. Limits the salary for each of these positions to 150% of the prevailing salary for the Governor as established by the California Citizens Compensation Commission.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1765 (Brownley-D) Teacher leaders: advisory panel
Requires the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing to convene an advisory panel on teacher leaders and make recommendations.
AB 1853 (Bonilla-D) Teacher credentialing: transitional kindergarten
Authorizes the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to convene a workgroup to develop program standards for the issuance of a recognition of study in transitional kindergarten for holders of a multiple subject teaching credential who will be teaching pupils enrolled in a transitional kindergarten program.
AB 1861 (Olsen-R) School employees: conduct with pupils
Makes it a felony for any person who is a teacher or employee at a public or private elementary or secondary school to engage in a sexual relationship or inappropriate communications, as defined, with a pupil of any age who is enrolled in the school. Requires a teacher or employee at a public elementary or secondary school who is convicted of a felony pursuant to those provisions to forfeit all rights and benefits in any public retirement system in which he/she is a member, effective on the date of conviction, as specified. Requires any contributions made by that teacher or school employee to the public retirement system to be returned to the teacher or school employee without interest.
(Died in Assembly Public Safety Committee)
AB 1866 (Smyth-R) School employees: sex offenses: parent notification
Requires the governing board of a school district to develop and adopt a policy relating to the manner in which the parents or guardians of the pupils of the school district may be notified, if at all, if an employee of the school district is alleged to have committed a sex offense.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1908 (Alejo-D) Classified employees: notice of layoff
Increases from 45 to 60 days the layoff notice requirement for classified employees working in California Community Colleges and public schools.
Chapter 860, Statutes of 2012
AB 1949 (Cedillo-D) Teacher Retirement Savings: Deferred Compensation
Permits a school district to restrict the investment products offered in its "403(b)" plan based on a competitive review process.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)
AB 2028 (Knight-R) School employees: discipline: suspension and dismissal
Removes the prohibition which authorizes a governing board of a school district to give notice to a permanent employee of its intention to dismiss or suspend him/her for specified causes at the expiration of 30 days from the date of service of the notice, unless the employee demands a hearing. Repeals the requirement that dismissal or suspension notices may not be given between May 15 and September 15 in any year. Removes the law that prohibits testimony from being given or evidence being introduced at the hearing relating to matters that occurred more than four years prior to the date of the filing of the notice of dismissal or suspension.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2088* (Bonilla-D) STEM teachers: income tax audit
For taxable years beginning on or after 1/1/13, and before 1/1/18, allows a credit in the amount of either $1,000 for an eligible science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) teacher that teaches one or more STEM courses in any kindergarten or any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive, during an academic year ending in the taxable year, or $1,500 for those eligible STEM teachers who teach in a high-needs school, as defined.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 2125 (Hall-D) School district employees: merit system: appointments
Until 12/31/15, provides exemptions from the requirement that merit system school districts fill classified employee vacancies with applicants from the first three ranks on an eligibility list. Applies only to school districts with a pupil population over 400,000.
Chapter 56, Statutes of 2012
AB 2139 (Furutani-D) State teachers' retirement
Makes the employer contributions into the Teachers' Retirement Program Development Fund a required deposit.
(Died in Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
AB 2236 (Hueso-D) School employees: employment
Revises the definition of "shift" to also include a duty-free rest period, as specified, and provides that an employee who is not provided a meal period or rest period would be required to receive one additional hour of pay at the employee's regular rate of compensation for each workday that the meal period or rest period is not provided.
(Died in Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
AB 2275* (Achadjian-R) State teachers' retirement
Extends the sunset date of the existing California State Teachers' Retirement System post-retirement earnings limit exemptions from 6/30/12 to 6/30/14, and expands eligibility, where applicable, to members who retired on or before 1/1/11.
(Died in interim study)
AB 2278 (Swanson-D) School districts: state administrators: evaluations
Authorizes a school district with a state-appointed administrator to conduct an annual advisory evaluation of that administrator after one complete year after the district accepts an emergency loan, and requires any such evaluation to be submitted to the Governor, the Legislature, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the County Office Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team.
Chapter 159, Statutes of 2012
AB 2307 (Butler-D) School employees: reemployment
Requires that a classified school employee, who is placed on a reemployment list and is subsequently reemployed in a new position, retains the right to be returned to the reemployment list for the remainder of the 39-month period in the event he/she fails to complete the probationary period in the new position.
Chapter 586, Statutes of 2012
AB 2417 (Block-D) San Diego Unified School District: school employees
Extends the deadlines for termination notices for 2013 for the San Diego Unified School District; preliminary notices from March 15 to June 1, and final notices from May 15 to August 1, respectively.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2663 (Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee) Teachers' Retirement Law
Makes various technical, conforming, and compliance amendments necessary for continued effective administration of the California State Teachers' Retirement System.
Chapter 864, Statutes of 2012
AJR 24 (Bonilla-D) Federal Student-to-School Nurse Ratio Improvement Act
Urges the members of California's congressional delegation to sign on as cosponsors of, and requests the Congress and the President of the United States enact, the proposed federal Student-to-School Nurse Ratio Improvement Acts of 2011 and 2012.
Resolution Chapter 55, Statutes of 2012
School Curriculum
SB 282 (Wyland-R) Science education: science curriculum
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) and the State Board of Education (SBE) to consider ways to increase the number of pupils who go to college and graduate with degrees in the various scientific and engineering fields. Requires the SPI and SBE to direct the appropriate entity to revise the science teaching frameworks and standards, as specified, and to incorporate in the science curriculum applied mathematics, reading comprehension, expository writing, analytical, intellectual, creative skills, and engineering elements.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 283 (Wyland-R) Education: curriculum
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) and the State Board of Education (SBE) to consider methods for enhancing pupil knowledge of, and pride in, our history and form of government and for increasing civic participation. Sets forth methods that the SPI and the SBE should consider to accomplish these goals, which include, among other things, developing new curriculum frameworks and, if necessary, standards, expanding the time, and grades in which American history and government are studied, and requiring a basic understanding of United States history in order to graduate from high school.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 302 (Yee-D) Instructional materials: social content reviews
Reestablishes provisions of the Education Code that recently sunsetted relating to the social content review of instructional materials conducted at the request of publishers. Requires the State Board of Education (SBE) to notify the Legislature, as specified, if it determines any instructional materials submitted for consideration for adoption contain content that meets the revised standards for social studies curriculum in Texas. Requires the SBE to ensure that the next revision of the History-Social Science framework is consistent with existing requirements to ensure instructional materials include, portray accurately, encourage and impress certain content upon pupils.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 613 (Alquist-D) Instructional materials: open-source
Requires at least one-half of the basic instructional materials adopted by the State Board of Education for use in grades K-8, and by high school governing boards for use in grades 9-12, to be open-source instructional materials, except in specified instances. Defines open-source instructional materials as available in a digital format, free to view online, meeting the same requirements imposed on other printed instructional materials, and developed in a specified manner.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 696 (Lieu-D) Pupil instruction: economics: personal finance
Encourages the instruction provided in economics to include instruction related to the understanding of personal finances, including, but not limited to, budgeting, savings, credit, and identity theft.
(Died in Senate being unassigned to a committee)
SB 699 (Runner-R) Graduation requirements: pupil in foster care
Makes the exemption, in existing law, from local graduation requirements applicable only to a pupil who transfers between schools during or after the pupil's third year of high school and who is currently in foster care or, at the time of transfer, as specified. Requires the school district to notify a pupil who may qualify for the exemption and the person holding the right to make educational decisions for the pupil and inform them of whether or not the pupil qualifies for the exemption, within 30 days of the pupil's transfer. Prohibits the school district from exempting the pupil from local graduation requirements if the pupil or the adult holding the right to make educational decisions for the pupil decide it is not in the best interest of the pupil to be exempted.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 779 (Lieu-D) Pupil instruction: economics: personal finances
Authorizes a school district, in providing instruction in economics, to include instruction related to personal finance. Requires the California Department of Education to consider developing a personal finances curriculum in the next adoption cycle of the history and social science curriculum framework and its accompanying instructional materials.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 958 (Rubio-D) Well-equipped classrooms
Requires the California Department of Education to develop, and the State Board of Education to adopt guidelines for a well-equipped classroom. Requires guidelines for each grade level and subject, a specified, and for the Department to post those guidelines on its Web site.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 993 (De León-D) School curriculum: social sciences: Bracero program
Authorizes social science instruction to include instruction on the Bracero program.
Chapter 211, Statutes of 2012
SB 994 (Vargas-D) California Latino Curriculum
Requires the California Department of Education to establish the California Latino Curriculum Committee for the purpose of developing a California Latino curriculum for inclusion in the history-social science curriculum framework.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1080 (Lieu-D) Personal finances school instruction
Requires the California Department of Education to develop a personal finances curriculum in the next adoption cycle in which mathematics and history-social science curricula frameworks are adopted. Authorizes schools to include instruction related to personal finances in economics instruction.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1109 (Padilla-D) English Learners Master Plan
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) to develop an English Learner Master Plan to expand support services, as specified, by 1/1/14. Requires the SPI to report on the plan and provide recommendations for statutory, regulatory, and administrative changes needed to the Legislature and the state board of education by 7/1/14.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1200 (Hancock-D) Academic: common core standards
Authorizes the Superintendent of Public Instruction to recommend, and the State Board of Education to adopt the Common Core college and career readiness standards. Authorizes the review and modification of standards for eighth grade mathematics, as specified.
Chapter 654, Statutes of 2012
SB 1324 (Wyland-R) School curriculum: science
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Board of Education to consider ways to increase the number of scientists and engineers, and requires the science framework and standard to be reviewed and revised.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1325 (Wyland-R) School curriculum: history and government
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) and the State Board of Education (SBE) to consider methods for enhancing pupil knowledge of, and pride in, our history and form of government and for increasing civic participation. Sets forth methods that the SPI and the SBE should consider to accomplish these goals, which include, among other things, developing new curriculum frameworks and, if necessary, standards, expanding the time, and grades in which, American history and government are studied, and requiring a basic understanding of United States history in order to graduate from high school.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1540 (Hancock-D) History-Social Science Framework
Requires the State Board of Education to consider, by 6/30/14, the adoption of a history-social science framework.
Chapter 288, Statutes of 2012
AB 440 (Brownley-D) Environmental education
Requires Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) to make the curriculum available electronically and deletes the requirement with regard to the assumption of those costs. Requires CalRecycle to coordinate with specified state agencies to facilitate use of the model environmental curriculum and authorizes CalRecycle and those state agencies to collaborate with other specified entities to implement the program. Authorizes CalRecycle to expend the funds in the account and repeals the authorization for the agreement with an external fiscal agent.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
AB 580 (Davis-D) Pupil instruction: content
Requires instruction in social sciences to include a study of the role and contributions of people of all races, colors, genders, sexual orientations, national origins, religions, and marital statuses, including, but not limited to, those specified categories of persons, but with updated references, and additionally including European Americans, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans, persons with disabilities, and members of other cultural groups, to the economic, political, and social development of California and the United States.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 739 (Bonnie Lowenthal-D) Pupil instruction: suicide prevention
Requires the State Board of Education and the Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission to include suicide prevention and mental illness awareness instruction in the health education curriculum framework for grades 7 and 8.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 747 (Huber-D) Pupil instruction: online programs
Defines an online offsite classroom instructional program to mean an instructional program in which a pupil receives online instruction from a teacher who may be onsite or offsite, subject to certain requirements if the teacher is offsite.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 868 (Davis-D) Pupil instruction: leadership classes
Includes leadership classes within the fields designated as community service classes and makes several technical, nonsubstantive changes.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1033 (Feuer-D) Academic content standards: standards review commission
Establishes a content standards review commission, if the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Board of Education jointly finds a need to revise or modify the state's content standards.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1118 (John A. Pérez-D) Health education: organ and tissue donation
Requires the Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission and the State Board of Education to ensure the health framework, adopted in the course of the next submission cycle, includes the subject of organ procurement and tissue donation with the instruction provided to pupils in grades 9-10. Requires a school district, commencing with the 2012-13 school year, to provide pupils who are enrolled in health classes in grades 9 and 10 at least 15 minutes of instruction in organ procurement and tissue donation, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1246 (Brownley-D) Curriculum: instructional materials
Establishes a new process for the submission and review of instructional materials by requiring the Superintendent of Public Instruction and authorizing school districts to review and recommend materials for adoption by the State Board of Education. States legislative intent relative to ensuring the adoption of instructional materials that are aligned to the common core standards for mathematics and providing school districts flexibility in their use of instructional materials. Adds double-jointing language with AB 1719 (Fuentes-D), Chapter 636, Statutes of 2012.
Chapter 668, Statutes of 2012
AB 1348 (Mansoor-R) Sex education: parental consent
Prohibits pupils from receiving sex education or taking any surveys about gender or sexual orientation without parental consent. Prohibits districts from excusing students from school without parental consent. Prohibits any mental or psychological screening of a pupil without parental consent.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1719 (Fuentes-D) Supplemental instructional materials
Provides for the development and review of supplemental instructional materials for English learners to serve as a bridge between the revised and aligned English language development standards to the California common core language arts standards. Requires California Department of Education to complete the implementation of SB 140 (Lowenthal-D), Chapter 623, Statutes of 2011.
Chapter 636, Statutes of 2012
AB 1756 (Knight-R) Pupil instruction: social sciences: California history
Eliminates the requirement that instruction in social sciences include the early history of California and a study of the role and contributions of both men and women, Native Americans, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, European Americans, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans, persons with disabilities, and members of other ethnic and cultural groups, to the economic, political, and social development of California and the United States, with particular emphasis on portraying the role of these groups in contemporary society; and instead, makes these provisions permissive.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1967 (John A. Pérez-D) Pupil instruction: organ and tissue donation
Requires the Instructional Quality Commission and the State Board of Education to ensure that the health and science frameworks adopted in the course of the next submission cycle, include the subject of organ procurement and tissue donation, as appropriate.
Chapter 582, Statutes of 2012
AB 1987 (Davis-D) Pupil instruction: independent study: leadership course
Adds that "leadership opportunities" may be part of the educational opportunities offered through independent study.
Chapter 175, Statutes of 2012
AB 1988 (Davis-D) Pupils: instructional materials: African American vernacular
Requires the criteria for English language arts instructional materials to include directions to publishers to incorporate instructional strategies to address the language and literacy needs of pupils who use African American vernacular English, in both lessons and teacher editions, as appropriate, at every grade level and subject.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2116 (Lara-D) Academic content standards: implementation: study
Requires the Department of Education, with approval from the State Board of Education (SBE), to contract for a multi-year independent study of the implementation of the Common Core (CC) academic content standards in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics adopted by the SBE and any subsequent CC standards adopted by SBE (including English language development standards aligned to the CC standards in ELA).
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2269 (Swanson-D) Pupil instruction: Labor History Month
Substitutes the first week of April as Labor History Week with the month of May as Labor History Month and encourages school districts to commemorate that month with appropriate educational exercises that make pupils aware of the role that the labor movement has played in shaping California and the United States.
Chapter 584, Statutes of 2012
AB 2491 (Blumenfield-D) Pupil instruction: gifted and talented pupil program
Requires the State Board of Education, upon the next revision of specified criteria, to adopt a standard for pupil identification to ensure the identification procedures of an applicant school district provide economically disadvantaged pupils and pupils of varying cultural backgrounds with full participation in Gifted and Talented Education programs.
Chapter 588, Statutes of 2012
AB 2546 (Donnelly-R) Pupil instruction: social sciences: instructional materials
Requires the history-social science curriculum framework, when it is revised by current law, to include specified historical documents based on the subject matter of the course.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
ACR 49 (Jeffries-R) Science and mathematics
Proclaims the week of 4/4/11 to 4/8/11, inclusive, as Connect a Million Minds Week, and urges all citizens to log on to the Connect a Million Minds Internet Web site and to pledge to connect youth with local opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)
ACR 157 (Fletcher-I) California FIRST Day
Declares 9/15/12 to be California For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST) Day.
(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)
Pupil Nutrition
AB 839 (Brownley-D) Federal School Breakfast Program participation
Requires school districts that elect to apply for funding through the existing consolidated application process to, while in the process of approving the consolidated application, assess and discuss and consider specified issues concerning School Breakfast Program participation. Makes legislative findings and declarations regarding the importance of breakfast to the achievement of pupils.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 909 (Alejo-D) Pupil nutrition: Farm to School Program
Establishes the Farm to School program, which authorizes a school district to receive an additional $0.05 per meal served if 80% of the district's expenditure for fresh produce in the school meal program is derived from California produce.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1678 (Monning-D) School campus location: mobile food facilities
Prohibits a mobile food facility from selling or otherwise providing food or beverages within 500 feet of the property line of a public elementary or secondary school campus, except as specified. Requires the enforcing agency to notify each individual or entity that seeks approval of a mobile food facility of this requirement.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1746 (Williams-D) Schools: nutrition: beverages
Beginning 7/1/13, prohibits an electrolyte replacement beverage that contains no more than 42 grams of added sweetener per 20-ounce serving from being sold to middle and high school pupils from one-half hour before the start of the schoolday until one-half hour after the end of the schoolday.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1781 (Brownley-D) School meals: free or reduced-priced meals
Requires children, during meal times, to receive a free or reduced-price meal at any serving line that a school food service program operates, manages, or from which it receives revenue.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1829 (Bradford-D) Schools: school meals: nutritional information
Commencing with the 2013-14 school year, requires a school district participating in the School Breakfast Program or the National School Lunch Program to disseminate information regarding the nutritional content of the reimbursable breakfasts or lunches as part of these programs.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2555 (Carter-D) Summer school session: meals
Changes the period of time that a school district is required to submit a waiver for the Summer Food Service Program for Children to no later than 60 days, rather than 30 days, before the last regular meeting of the State Board of Education before the start of the summer school session for which the waiver is sought.
Chapter 391, Statutes of 2012
Vocational Education (Career Technical Education)
SB 148 (Steinberg-D) Partnership academies
Requires the State Controller to annually allocate $8 million from the Energy Resources Program Account, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) for expenditure in the form of grants to school districts to be allocated pursuant to existing provisions for creating and maintaining partnership academies. Requires a grantee to implement or maintain a partnership academy that focuses on employment in clean technology businesses and renewable energy businesses and provides skilled workforces for the products and services for energy or water conservation, or both, renewable energy, pollution reduction, or other technologies. Requires the California Energy Commission, in consultation with the California Department of Education, to develop guidelines to ensure that programs receiving grants reflect current state energy policies and priorities as well as provide skills and education linked to the needs of relevant industries. Authorizes a school district to apply for planning grants for implementing a partnership academy. Allows the SPI to expend up to 5% of the funds transferred to the SPI to pay the costs incurred in the administration of this program.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 275 (Hancock-D) Career technical education: funding
Creates a career technical education block grant program, beginning in the 2015-16 fiscal year, that contains funding dedicated for Regional Occupational Centers and Programs, partnership academies, specialized secondary programs, and agricultural career technical education incentive programs. Allows for limited flexibility for 10% between programs. Allows the Superintendent of Public Instruction to allow up to a 25% flexibility under specified conditions. Provides for a regional process for administrative collaboration, and requires the California Department of Education to develop program quality accountability measures, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 281 (Wyland-R) Career technical education: expansion
States findings and declarations of the Legislature regarding the need for career technical education programs. Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Board of Education to consider ways to expand career technical education programs in middle and high schools in the state. Requires the career technical education advisory committee of each school district participating in a career technical education program to include members of labor and trade organizations and additional representatives, from various career technical education industry sectors, recommended by local industry organizations, except as specified.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1070 (Steinberg-D) Career Technical Education Pathways Program
Recasts and revises provisions of the Education Code that govern the Career Technical Education Pathways Initiative, and extends the program's sunset date from 1/1/13 until 6/30/18. Makes numerous legislative findings and declarations.
Chapter 433, Statutes of 2012
SB 1323 (Wyland-R) Career Technical Education Advisory Committees
Expands local career technical education advisory committees to include representatives of industry sectors and labor and trade organizations and requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Board of Education to consider ways to expand career technical education programs.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1401 (Lieu-D) Education and workforce investment systems
Makes several changes to statute governing workforce investment in order to emphasize a "sector strategy."
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 286 (Bill Berryhill-R) Vocational education: teachers: compensation
Provides for a teacher who holds a five year clear designated subjects career technical education teaching credential, requires that the three years of work experience, as specified, be deemed to be the equivalent of a baccalaureate degree, and requires that the holder of a five year clear designated subjects career technical education teaching credential be placed on and advance along the salary schedule of the school district in the same manner as a teacher with a baccalaureate degree.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
AB 1584 (Eng-D) Health Science and Medical Technology Project
Extends the sunset date of the Health Science and Medical Technology Project, administered by the Department of Education, from 1/1/14 to 7/1/18.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2534 (Block-D) Career technical education: veterans
Requires the California Community College Chancellor's Office to establish a voluntary pilot program to authorize three to five campuses to establish and maintain a career technical education program that factors experiential learning for veterans for career technical education course credit, certificates and associate degrees. Requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to submit a specified report.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2647 (Swanson-D) Work-based learning: pupil instruction
Requires a school district offering work-based learning opportunities to require a high school teacher to verbally inform pupils about work experience education opportunities and other career partnerships that are available to pupils.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
SB 30 (Simitian-D) Kindergarten: age of admission and readiness
Extends, by one year, the date by which the final report to the Kindergarten Readiness Pilot Program is to be submitted.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 65 (Strickland-R) Pupil health: prescription pancreatic enzymes
Provides that any pupil who has been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis and is required to take, during the regular school day, medication prescribed for him/her by a physician or surgeon, may be assisted by the school nurse or other designated school personnel or may carry and self-administer prescription pancreatic enzymes if the school district receives the appropriate written statements, as prescribed, from the physician or surgeon and the parent, foster parent, or guardian of the pupil.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 172 (Huff-R) School districts: Open Enrollment Act
Redefines a "low-achieving school" as an "open enrollment school." Changes the application deadline from January 1 to January 5 of the school year preceding the school year for which the pupil is requesting a transfer.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)
SB 240 (Rubio-D) Truancy: collective action
Provides that a pupil's absence due to a collective action, as defined and specified, is an excused absence. Prohibits any absence due to a collective action from being counted in determining whether a pupil is truant.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 268 (Wright-D) School attendance: interdistrict attendance
Specifies the scope of review by a county board of education when an appeal of interdistrict pupil attendance occurs. Requires that a hearing be held within 30 calendar days after the appeal is filed, as specified.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 394 (DeSaulnier-D) Healthy Schools Act of 2012
Enacts the Healthy Schools Act 2012. Prohibits the indoor and outdoor use of pesticides on a schoolsite, except as specified, unless a local public health officer determines that a public health emergency exists requiring emergency application of a pesticide.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
SB 473 (Price-D) Pupils: dropouts: recovery programs
Requires the Annual Report on Dropouts in California to include information on the number of schools in the state that offer dropout prevention or dropout recovery programs, as specified. Requires the California Department of Education to post a list of schools that offer dropout recovery prevention or dropout recovery programs on its Internet Web site, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 500 (Hancock-D) Partnership academies
Makes various changes to the California Partnership Academy program, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 504 (Hernandez-D) Education: bonds
Extends the period during which a note is payable from five to 10 years and deletes the prohibition against the maturity date of a renewed note being later than five years from the date of the original issuance of the note. Authorizes the payment of interest and principal on the bond anticipation notes from property taxes levied for that purpose if provided for in the resolution adopted by the governing board of a school or community college district in connection with issuance of bond anticipation notes. Requires the notes to be issued without reference to the limitation on indebtedness for bonds if the resolution adopted by the governing board in connection with the bond anticipation notes does not authorize the levy of a tax for payment of the principal of and interest on the notes. Requires the governing board of a school district or community college district that issued bond anticipation notes payable from ad valorem taxes to transmit the authorizing resolution and debt service schedule to the county auditor and county treasurer. Authorizes a city, county, city and county, and a special district to sell their bonds at a private sale. Authorizes a school district and a community college district to sell bonds at a negotiated sale for price at, above, or below par value, if the school district or community college district adopts a resolution before the negotiated sale that includes specified information.
(Died in Senate Governance and Finance Committee)
SB 600 (Rubio-D) School districts: public contracts: bidding requirements
Requires all school districts with average daily attendance of 2,500 or more, for contracts awarded on or after 1/1/13, to prequalify prospective bidders, including subcontractors that would perform work equivalent to more than 3% of the project cost, on all state-funded construction projects. Requires a school district, when requiring contractors to prequalify for any public works project, to either use the standardized forms and procedures developed by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) pursuant to current law, or develop a prequalification questionnaire and a contractor rating system that, at a minimum, covers the issues addressed in the DIR forms. Makes all of the above inoperative on 1/1/18. Requires the Director of DIR, by 1/1/17, to report to the Legislature whether there was a decrease in Labor Code violations on school contracts during the time the bill's provisions were in effect and to recommend improvements to the prequalification process.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 634 (Runner-R) Kindergarten: transitional kindergarten
Prohibits a school district from initiating a transitional kindergarten program unless the Department of Finance has certified that sufficient funds exist to initiate transitional kindergarten programs in all school districts that can enroll eligible children. Requires a district to have a positive financial certification prior to initiating a transitional kindergarten program.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 709 (De León-D) Pupil health: comprehensive eye examinations
Creates the Voluntary Children's Vision Education Fund in the State Treasury for the purpose of funding projects that help educate parents and guardians about the need for children to receive comprehensive eye examinations prior to entering school. Requires the Fund to consist of specified money received by the state on a voluntary basis and provides that all money in the Fund is continuously appropriated for the California Department of Education without regard to fiscal years for expenditure by the Superintendent of Public Instruction for carrying out the purpose of this bill.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 803 (DeSaulnier-D) California Youth Leadership Project
Establishes the California Youth Leadership Project under the California Department of Education and creates a new scholarship program to support youth who participate in civic engagement programs that meet specified criteria. Establishes the California Youth Leadership Project Fund tax check-off program for up to five years to allow taxpayers to designate contributions to the fund on their income tax returns to support the scholarship program.
Chapter 379, Statutes of 2012
SB 874 (Hancock-D) School districts: districts: parcel taxes
Allows both school districts and community college districts to exempt persons receiving Social Security Disability Insurance from qualified special taxes. Conforms the community college district section of law to the school district part by allowing community college districts to likewise exempt from the qualified special tax persons 65 years or older or receiving Supplemental Security Income.
Chapter 791, Statutes of 2012
SB 1044 (Liu-D) Libraries
Streamlines the administration of public libraries to reflect changes in technology and functions due to budget constraint.
Chapter 219, Statutes of 2012
SB 1087 (Walters-R) After school programs: camps
Doubles the hours by which an after school program operated by a city, county or non-profit may operate.
Chapter 652, Statutes of 2012
SB 1088 (Price-D) Pupils: readmission
Specifies that a pupil shall not be denied enrollment or readmission to a public school solely on the basis that he/she had been arrested, adjudicated by a juvenile court, had been formally or informally supervised by a probation officer, or was detained for any length of time in a juvenile facility or was enrolled in a juvenile court school.
Chapter 381, Statutes of 2012
SB 1137 (Huff-R) Heritage schools: electronic registration form
Modifies the information to be contained in the electronic registration form which existing law requires every person, firm, association, partnership or corporation operating a heritage school to submit, under penalty of perjury, to the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Chapter 221, Statutes of 2012
SB 1138 (Liu-D) California Postsecondary Education Commission Data
Requires the California Department of Education, in coordination with the State Board of Education to succeed specified data management responsibilities which were previously the responsibility of the California Postsecondary Education Commission.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1154 (Walters-R) Instructional materials: digital format
Requires a publisher or manufacturer that offers equivalent digital formats of printed instructional materials to offer the digital formats at the same cost as or lower cost than, the cost of the purchased printed format.
SB 1165 (Wright-D) Education: PUC: intervener compensation
Expands the intervener compensation program at the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to include school districts, county offices of education, and community college districts.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1235 (Steinberg-D) Pupils suspension
Encourages schools to implement evidence-based and other schoolwide strategies for the purpose of reducing the suspension rate if the number of pupils suspended out of the school's enrollment or any numerically significant pupil subgroup is above a specified threshold; and requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the California Department of Education to provide training and technical assistance on the implementation of evidence-based schoolwide strategies to address school climate.
SB 1265 (Vargas-D) School districts: cafeteria fund
Authorizes the governing board of a school district with an average daily attendance of over 20,000 to allow, as an expenditure from the cafeteria fund or cafeteria revolving account, a share of money agreed upon pursuant to a contract that is generated from the joint sale of items between the cafeteria and an associated student body student store, as specified.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1295 (Huff-R) Schoolbus advertisements
Permits school districts to authorize the placement of commercial advertisements on the exterior of a schoolbus, subject to specified restrictions.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee)
SB 1316 (Hancock-D) School attendance
Provides that a day of attendance for an early college high school pupil or middle college high school pupil is 180 minutes if the pupil is a special part-time student enrolled in a community college under specified provisions, or the pupil is in grades 11 and 12 and is also enrolled part time in classes of the California State University or the University of California. Provides that a day of attendance for an early college high school pupil or middle college high school pupil who is neither a special part-time student enrolled in a community college nor enrolled part time in classes of the California State University or the University of California is 240 minutes. States findings and declarations regarding the pupils for whom an early college high school is designed and the key elements of an early college high school.
Chapter 67, Statutes of 2012
SB 1542* (Negrete McLeod-D) Local Educational Advancement Program
Allows a credit against the taxes imposed under the Personal Income Tax Law and the Corporation Tax Law for monetary contributions to a Local Educational Advancement Program (LEAP) organization that provides fee assistance for students in kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from families with demonstrated financial needs, to receive academic services before or after regular school hours, on weekends, or in the summer, as provided.
(Died in Senate Governance and Finance Committee)
SB 1568 (DeSaulnier-D) Pupils: foster care
Requires a local educational agency to allow a former foster youth to remain enrolled in their school of origin through graduation if the jurisdiction of the court is terminated while the youth is in high school, and exempts a school district from having to provide transportation to a former foster youth with an individual education program (IEP), unless the former foster youth's IEP team specifies that transportation is a necessary related service.
Chapter 578, Statutes of 2012
SB 1571 (DeSaulnier-D) School Supplies for Homeless Children Fund
Creates the School Supplies for Homeless Children Fund as a voluntary contribution fund (VCF). The VCF will be added to the personal income tax form when other VCFs are removed and remain on the form until January 1 of the fifth taxable year following its first appearance or sooner if the Franchise Tax Board estimates the fund will not meet the minimum contribution amount.
Chapter 459, Statutes of 2012
SCR 19 (Price-D) Early childhood education
Proclaims the importance of early childhood education programs each year, and proclaims that each house of the Legislature promote early childhood education programs with appropriate and meaningful activities that will educate the people of California about the value of preschool and other early childhood education programs.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
SCR 73 (Yee-D) School districts: child sexual abuse curriculum
Encourages school districts to include age-appropriate instruction related to child sexual abuse in the curriculum to help pupils understand the difference between appropriate and inappropriate conduct in situations where child sexual abuse could occur.
Resolution Chapter 87, Statutes of 2012
SCR 76 (Emmerson-R) School buses: vehicle air pollution
Urges the Air Resources Board to exempt school buses from a specified regulation until there is full funding available through the Lower-Emission School Bus Program. Urges the Board to focus all its efforts on using funds from the Lower-Emission School Bus Program in addition to obtaining new funding to replace the oldest school buses that do not have seat belts and do not have any emission controls to limit the dangerous diesel particulate matter and oxides of nitrogen.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SR 32 (Price-D) Early childhood education
Proclaims the importance of early childhood education every year.
Adopted by the Senate
AB 160 (Portantino-D) Higher education: concurrent enrollment
Authorizes the governing board of a California community college district to enter into a concurrent enrollment partnership with one or more school districts within its immediate service area to allow secondary school pupils to attend a California community college if they have exhausted all opportunities to enroll in an equivalent course at the high school of attendance, adult education program, continuation school, regional occupational center or program, or school district programs. Permits a school district to authorize a pupil, upon the recommendation from a California community college administrator, as specified, to take career technical education courses at the California community college district.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 227 (Hall-D) Education technology planning
Adds the prevention of cyberbullying, content control software, and the responsible use of mobile communication technology to the components that are required to be included in existing guidelines and criteria for school district educational technology plans.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 266 (Ammiano-D) Pupil rights: sex-segregated school programs
Requires that a pupil be permitted to participate in sex-segregated school programs, activities, and facilities, including athletic teams and competitions, consistent with his/her gender identity, irrespective of the gender listed on the pupil's records.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 414 (Carter-D) Pupils: homework assignments for suspended students
Requires a teacher, upon the request of a parent/guardian or other person able to make educational decisions for the pupil, to provide appropriate homework and missed assignments to a pupil in grades 4 through 8 who has been suspended from school for three schooldays or less.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 733 (Ma-D) Pupil records: privacy rights
Makes numerous technical changes to conform state law with the federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act regarding access to pupil records without parental consent or judicial order, as well as makes more substantive changes that are permitted by federal law.
Chapter 388, Statutes of 2012
AB 760 (Gordon-D) Healthy Start Community Schools Act
Renames the Healthy Start Support Services for Children Act the Healthy Start Community Schools Act. Makes a number of changes to the Act.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 839 (Brownley-D) Pupil nutrition: federal School Breakfast Program
Requires school districts that elect to apply for funding through the consolidated application process to, while in the process of approving the consolidated application, assess and discuss and consider specified issues concerning School Breakfast Program participation. Makes legislative findings and declarations regarding the importance of breakfast to the achievement of pupils.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 888 (Pan-D) Pupil health: School Medication Authorization Task Force
Establishes the School Medication Authorization Task Force. Requires the Task Force to provide specified advice regarding the administration of emergency medication to a pupil on a school campus and establish training and supervision standards regarding the administration of medical care in a school setting. Requires the Task Force to follow prescribed procedures relating to its operation.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 951* (Perea-D) Back-to-school products: sales tax exemption
Provides an exemption from the sales tax for the gross receipts from the sale of a qualified back-to-school product to a qualified purchaser, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Public Safety Committee)
AB 980 (Bonilla-D) School attendance review boards: communications
Specifies, for the purpose of making a proper disposition of a referral, that a member of a county or local school attendance review board, notwithstanding any other confidentiality requirement, may disclose and exchange confidential information or writing to other members of the board, consistent with the adopted rules and regulations of the board, if that member reasonably believes it is relevant to the prevention, identification, or treatment of truancy. Provides that any discussion relative to the disclosure or exchange of that information or writing during a meeting is confidential.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1007* (Cook-R) Back-to-school products: sales and use taxes: exemption
Provides an annual four-day sales tax holiday for qualified back-to-school products sold to a qualified purchaser.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1065 (Bradford-D) Pupil transfers: records
Requires a school district or a private school to transfer a pupil's permanent record to his/her new school district or private school of enrollment no later than five business days following the date of the request, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1071* (Fuentes-D) Qualified school supplies: personal income tax credits
Allows a credit for each taxable year beginning on and after 1/1/12, and before 1/1/15, an amount equal to 20% of the amount paid or incurred during a specified period in August during the taxable year for qualified school supplies, as defined, by a credentialed teacher, as defined, that are purchased for use by the credentialed teacher's pupils at a qualified educational institution, as defined.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1315 (Furutani-D) Education: Gateway Centers
Establishes Gateway Centers to be operated by local adult schools and community colleges to leverage multiple education and workforce investment funding and improve the transition of adult learners into entry-level degree or certificate training programs that are linked to employment.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1334 (Feuer-D) Schoolbus transportation: schoolbus stops
Authorizes the director, head, or principal of a private school to designate schoolbus stops for loading or unloading pupils or for school activity trips. Makes the prohibition of a schoolbus driver from activating the amber warning light system or the flashing red signal lights and stop signal arm at a location determined by a school district, with the approval of the California Highway Patrol (CHP), to present a traffic or safety hazard applicable to locations determined by private schools to present a traffic or safety hazard authorize a transit system to enter into an agreement with a private school for the same purposes. Prohibits a schoolbus stop at a location otherwise prohibited by law, and other specified locations, without the approval of, and authorization by, the CHP. Requires, where there is not a clear view of a schoolbus stop from a distance of 200 feet in each direction along a highway, or where there is not a clear view of a schoolbus stop from 500 feet in each direction along the main portion of a highway and the speed limit is more than 25 miles per hour, that the stop may only be authorized annually by the CHP upon the request of a school district superintendent or the director, head, or principal of a private school.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 1341 (Furutani-D) Director of Education: experimental work in education
Authorizes the Director of the California Department of Education to conduct experimental work in education through the Internet.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1348 (Mansoor-R) Pupils excuses: parental consent
Prohibits pupils from receiving sex education or taking any surveys about gender or sexual orientation without parental consent. Prohibits districts from excusing students from school without parental consent. Prohibits any mental or psychological screening of a pupil without parental consent.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1449 (Hayashi-D) Athletics: concussions and head injuries
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop and make available on the California Department of Education's Internet Web site a concussion and head injury information sheet that a school district may use to send to a student athlete's parent or guardian for signature.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1451 (Hayashi-D) High School Coaching Education and Training Program
Adds a component regarding the identification of concussions to the first aid training that high school athletic coaches are required to complete. Authorizes concussion training may be fulfilled through entities offering free, online, or other types of training courses.
Chapter 173, Statutes of 2012
AB 1565 (Fuentes-D) School districts: public contracts
Beginning with contracts awarded on or after 1/1/14 and until 1/1/19, requires a school district to prequalify a prime contractor who provides a bid and all electrical, mechanical and plumbing subcontractors utilized, if it meets all the specified conditions.
Chapter 808, Statutes of 2012
AB 1573 (Brownley-D) School attendance: foster youth residency requirements
Makes a conforming change to clarify that a student who is a foster child who remains in his/her school of origin, as determined and defined pursuant to existing law, has met the residency requirements for attendance purposes.
Chapter 93, Statutes of 2012
AB 1575 (Lara-D) Pupil fees
Codifies the Constitutional prohibition on the imposition of pupil fees and establishes policies to ensure compliance with the prohibition.
Chapter 776, Statutes of 2012
AB 1584 (Eng-D) Health Science and Medical Technology Project
Extends the sunset date of the Health Science and Medical Technology Project, administered by the State Department of Education, from 1/1/14 to 7/1/18.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1622 (Eng-D) School property: San Marino Unified School District
Authorizes the San Marino Unified School District to sell the site of the former Stoneman Elementary School to the City of San Marino and use the proceeds of this sale for one-time general fund purposes.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1662 (Fong-D) County boards of education: membership
Permits an employee of a school district that is not within the jurisdiction of the county board of education eligible to be a member of a county board of education.
Chapter 499, Statutes of 2012
AB 1729 (Ammiano-D) Pupil rights: suspension or expulsion
Recasts provisions relative to the suspension of a pupil upon a first offense, and authorizes the use and documentation of other means of correction.
Chapter 425, Statutes of 2012
AB 1732 (Campos-D) Pupils: suspension and expulsion
Identifies conduct, such as creating a burn page or a false profile, that constitutes a post on a social media Web site, relative to cyberbullying.
Chapter 157, Statutes of 2012
AB 1772 (Buchanan-D) Kindergarten
Beginning with the 2014-15 school year, requires a child to complete one year of kindergarten before he/she may be admitted to first grade.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1790 (Hagman-R) Instructional materials: digital format
Requires a publisher or manufacturer submitting a printed instructional material for adoption by the state board or the governing board of a school district to ensure that the printed instructional material is also available in an equivalent digital format during the entire term of the adoption.
AB 1799 (Bradford-D) Pupil records transfers
Requires that, if a pupil transfers from one school to another within the state, the pupil's permanent record or a copy of it shall be transferred from the former school within 10 schooldays following the date the request is received from the new school.
Chapter 369, Statutes of 2012
AB 1909 (Ammiano-D) Public schools: foster children
Requires schools to notify a foster youth's attorney and representative of the county child welfare agency of pending expulsion or other disciplinary proceedings.
Chapter 849, Statutes of 2012
AB 1937 (Silva-R) Pupil records: privacy rights
Authorizes schools to release information from pupil records to a contractor, consultant or other party to whom a school has outsourced institutional services or functions.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
AB 2107 (Valadao-R) School districts: public works: prevailing wages
Establishes a 50% "public funds" requirement for the triggering of prevailing wage law on school constructions projects.
(Died in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee)
AB 2145 (Alejo-D) Pupils: expulsion and suspension
Requires the California Department of Education to disaggregate and report data related to referrals to a school attendance review board and post disaggregated expulsion and suspension data on its Web site, and requires school districts to maintain data relative to extended suspensions, as specified.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2155 (Hueso-D) School districts: financial statements and settlements
Requires school districts and charter schools to comply with financial reporting requirements for employee credit cards, and places restrictions on district superintendent contract provisions related to cash settlements, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2202 (Block-D) Educational Opportunity for Military Children
Extends the sunset from 1/1/13 to 1/1/14, for provisions related to the Superintendent of Public Instruction reconvening a task force to review the impact of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children on California, its school districts and its pupils, as specified, and issue a final report to the Legislature by 12/1/13.
Chapter 402,Statutes of 2012
AB 2203 (V. Manuel Pérez-D) Compulsory education: children 5 years of age
Commencing with the 2014-15 school year, changes the age a person becomes subject to compulsory education from six to five. This change makes a child's enrollment in kindergarten mandatory.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2241 (Dickinson-D) Pupils: Transitioning Youth for Success Program
Establishes the Transitioning Youth for Success Program for the purpose of prioritizing school district and county office of education use of federal Title I, Neglected, Delinquent, and At-Risk Youth funds allocated via the No Child Left Behind Act, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2242 (Dickinson-D) Pupils: grounds for suspension and expulsion
Prohibits pupils who are found to have disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the authority of school officials from being subject to extended suspension, or recommended for expulsion.
AB 2262 (Bradford-D) School districts: governing boards: notification
Authorizes the governing board of each school district to, at the request of parents or guardians, provide the annual notice of parent or guardian rights and responsibilities in an electronic format. Requires the notice provided in an electronic format to conform to the provisions under current law requiring all notices, reports, statements, or records sent to a parent or guardian to be written in English and in a pupil's primary language if 15% or more of the pupils enrolled in the school speak that language. Requires a parent or guardian that receives the notice in an electronic format to submit to the school a signed acknowledgement of receipt of the notice.
Chapter 17, Statutes of 2012
AB 2300 (Swanson-D) Pupil records: suspensions: community service
Prohibits a school, at the request of a pupil or his/her parent/guardian, from disclosing a pupil's disciplinary records relating to a suspension to a postsecondary educational institution under specified circumstances.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2367 (Bonilla-D) School gardens: sale of produce
Authorizes a school district, charter school, or county office of education that is operating an Instructional School Garden Program to sell any surplus produce grown as part of the program, as specified.
Chapter 428, Statutes of 2012
AB 2434 (Block-D) School districts: surplus school property
Extends the sunset of provisions authorizing a school district to deposit the proceeds from the sale of surplus property into its general fund (GF) for any one-time GF purpose from 1/1/14 to 1/1/16.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2537 (V. Manuel Pérez-D) Pupil discipline: suspensions and expulsions
Grants discretion to school principals to make a determination of the appropriateness of the expulsion of a pupil who possesses an imitation firearm, as defined, and makes other changes relative to mandatory expulsion provisions.
Chapter 431, Statutes of 2012
AB 2565 (Swanson-D) Pupils: campus clubs and booster organizations
Requires a school to encourage all campus clubs and booster organizations to create and display posters warning pupils of the range of consequences for engaging in behavior that can result in detention by law enforcement.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2580 (Furutani-D) Los Angeles Unified School District: contracts
Extends the sunset date on the Los Angeles Unified School District's job order contracting pilot project from 12/1/12, to 12/31/20.
Chapter 825, Statutes of 2012
AB 2592 (Williams-D) County free public libraries: use of private contractors
Provides that a board of trustees, common council, or other legislative body of a city or the board of trustees of a library district in which a withdraw from the county free library system becomes effective on or after 1/1/12, shall comply with specified requirements before entering into a contract to operate the city's or the district's library or libraries with a private contractor that employs library staff in order to achieve cost savings.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
AB 2593 (Furutani-D) County superintendents of schools: forfeiture of salary
Changes the amount of forfeiture from $100 to $150 in salary, if a county superintendent of schools fails to make a full and correct report when directed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, showing matters relating to the public schools in his/her county.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2594 (Furutani-D) Director of Education: experimental work in education
Authorizes the Director of Education to conduct experimental work in education through the Internet.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2616 (Carter-D) School districts: truancy
Creates a new option for the first time a truancy report is issued, shifts the existing consequences for the first truancy to the second truancy, and eliminates the mandate that a pupil found truant for the fourth time in one school year be referred to the juvenile court.
Chapter 432, Statutes of 2012
AB 2662 (Assembly Education Committee) Education
Is the annual education omnibus bill to codify existing practice, correct technical errors in statute, update cross references, and delete obsolete references related to education issues.
Chapter 589, Statutes of 2012
ACR 30 (Mendoza-D) Read Across America Day
Recognizes 3/2/12 as "Read Across America Day."
Resolution Chapter 50, Statutes of 2012
ACR 157 (Fletcher-I) California FIRST Day
Declares 9/15/12 to be California FIRST Day.
(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)
ACR 162 (V. Manuel Pérez-D) Pupil rights
Declares that the Legislature recognizes the importance of engaging with young people to influence decisions that affect their quality of life and well-being, and that the Student and Youth Bill of Rights service as a framework to guide and inform the youth of the state in organizing and advocating policy issues on their own behalf.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
Index (in Measure Order)
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Note: * Denotes Urgency or Tax Levy Legislation.
Measure and Reference | Author | Measure Title |
SB 13 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Correa-D | Pupils: teen dating violence prevention |
SB 27 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Simitian-D | School employees: retirement |
SB 30 - Miscellaneous | Simitian-D | Kindergarten: age of admission and readiness |
SB 63 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Price-D | Pupil health: automatic external defibrillators |
SB 64 - School Accountability and Testing | Liu-D | School district test claims: state mandates |
SB 65 - Miscellaneous | Strickland-R | Pupil health: prescription pancreatic enzymes |
SB 81 - School Finance | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee | Budget Act of 2011 |
SB 114 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Yee-D | Teachers retirement |
SB 121 - Special Education | Liu-D | Special education: pupils: foster children |
SB 132 - School Facilities | Lowenthal-D | School facilities: state planning priorities |
SB 148 - Vocational Education (Career Technical Education) | Steinberg-D | Partnership academies |
SB 172 - Miscellaneous | Huff-R | School districts: Open Enrollment Act |
SB 181 - Higher Education | Liu-D | Public postsecondary education: student fee policy |
SB 189 - Higher Education | Anderson-R | Community colleges: faculty |
SB 240 - Miscellaneous | Rubio-D | Truancy: collective action |
SB 257 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Liu-D | Certificated school employees: evaluation and assessment |
SB 259 - Higher Education | Hancock-D | Higher education: employees |
SB 266 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Dutton-R | Education employment |
SB 268 - Miscellaneous | Wright-D | School attendance: interdistrict attendance |
SB 275 - Vocational Education (Career Technical Education) | Hancock-D | Career technical education: funding |
SB 280 - School Accountability and Testing | Wyland-R | Pupil assessments: public hearings |
SB 281 - Vocational Education (Career Technical Education) | Wyland-R | Career technical education: expansion |
SB 282 - School Curriculum | Wyland-R | Science education: science curriculum |
SB 283 - School Curriculum | Wyland-R | Education: curriculum |
SB 295 - Higher Education | Price-D | Community colleges: site acquisition |
SB 298 - Charter Schools | De León-D | Charter schools: Los Angeles County Board of Education |
SB 302 - School Curriculum | Yee-D | Instructional materials: social content reviews |
SB 347 - Higher Education | Rubio-D | Graduate medical education payments: Medi-Cal |
SB 355 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Huff-R | Education employment: certificated employees |
SB 394 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | DeSaulnier-D | Healthy Schools Act of 2012 |
SB 394 - Miscellaneous | DeSaulnier-D | Healthy Schools Act of 2012 |
SB 433 - Charter Schools | Liu-D | Charter schools: suspension and expulsion of pupils |
SB 452 - Charter Schools | Berryhill-R | Charter schools: funding |
SB 453 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Correa-D | Bullying: school safety plans: suspension and expulsion |
SB 462 - Special Education | Blakeslee-R | Special education advocates: certification |
SB 473 - Miscellaneous | Price-D | Pupils: dropouts: recovery programs |
SB 476 - School Finance | Lowenthal-D | Education finance: categorical programs |
SB 477 - School Finance | Wright-D | Wiseburn Unified School District |
SB 479 - School Finance | Huff-R | School districts: reporting of expenditures |
SB 483 - Higher Education | Calderon-D | Higher education: summer session fees |
SB 498 - Higher Education | Liu-D | Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education: successorship |
SB 500 - School Finance | Hancock-D | Partnership academies |
SB 500 - Miscellaneous | Hancock-D | Partnership academies |
SB 504 - Miscellaneous | Hernandez-D | Education: bonds |
SB 511 - School Accountability and Testing | Price-D | Educational Innovation Pilot Program |
SB 518 - School Accountability and Testing | Lowenthal-D | California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System |
SB 533* - School Finance | Wright-D | Inglewood Unified School District: emergency loan |
SB 600 - Miscellaneous | Rubio-D | School districts: public contracts: bidding requirements |
SB 613 - School Curriculum | Alquist-D | Instructional materials: open-source |
SB 629 - Higher Education | Lowenthal-D | California Community Colleges |
SB 634 - Miscellaneous | Runner-R | Kindergarten: transitional kindergarten |
SB 645 - Charter Schools | Simitian-D | Charter schools: charter renewal |
SB 696 - School Curriculum | Lieu-D | Pupil instruction: economics: personal finance |
SB 699 - School Curriculum | Runner-R | Graduation requirements: pupil in foster care |
SB 709 - Miscellaneous | De León-D | Pupil health: comprehensive eye examinations |
SB 721 - Higher Education | Lowenthal-D | California postsecondary education: state goals |
SB 740 - School Accountability and Testing | Hancock-D | Pupil assessment |
SB 754 - School Finance | Padilla-D | School funding: economic impact aid |
SB 754 - School Accountability and Testing | Padilla-D | California English Language Development Test |
SB 772 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Alquist-D | Education personnel: compensation |
SB 779 - School Curriculum | Lieu-D | Pupil instruction: economics: personal finances |
SB 788 - School Facilities | Lowenthal-D | School facilities |
SB 789 - School Accountability and Testing | Price-D | School accountability |
SB 793 - Higher Education | Pavley-D | Los Angeles Community College District |
SB 803 - Miscellaneous | DeSaulnier-D | California Youth Leadership Project |
SB 871 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Runner-R | School district employees: compensation |
SB 873 - English Learners | Padilla-D | English learners: reclassification |
SB 874 - Miscellaneous | Hancock-D | School districts: districts: parcel taxes |
SB 885 - School Accountability and Testing | Simitian-D | Longitudinal education data system |
SB 887* - School Finance | Emmerson-R | School finance: Streamlined Temporary Mandate Process Act |
SB 891 - School Facilities | Lowenthal-D | School facilities: construction: ombudsman |
SB 903 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Anderson-R | Teachers Retirement System: investments: Iran |
SB 919 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Lieu-D | School safety: sexting |
SB 952* - Higher Education | Alquist-D | Public postsecondary education: employee compensation |
SB 958 - School Curriculum | Rubio-D | Well-equipped classrooms |
SB 960 - Higher Education | Rubio-D | California State University: campus-based mandatory fees |
SB 967 - Higher Education | Yee-D | Public postsecondary education: executive officers |
SB 993 - School Curriculum | De León-D | School curriculum: social sciences: Bracero program |
SB 994 - School Curriculum | Vargas-D | California Latino Curriculum |
SB 1016 - School Finance | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee | Education financing bill: Budget Trailer Bill |
SB 1016 - Child and Day Care | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee | Child care development: Budget Trailer Bill |
SB 1016 - Higher Education | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee | Higher education: Budget Trailer Bill |
SB 1028 - School Finance | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee | Education financing: Budget Trailer Bill |
SB 1028 - Higher Education | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee | Higher education: Budget Trailer Bill |
SB 1044 - Miscellaneous | Liu-D | Libraries |
SB 1052 - Higher Education | Steinberg-D | California Open Education Resources Council |
SB 1053 - Higher Education | Steinberg-D | California Open Source Digital Library |
SB 1057 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Huff-R | School employees: retirement: felony forfeiture |
SB 1059 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Huff-R | School employees: discipline |
SB 1062 - Higher Education | Liu-D | California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office |
SB 1070 - Higher Education | Steinberg-D | Career Technical Education Pathways Program |
SB 1070 - Vocational Education (Career Technical Education) | Steinberg-D | Career Technical Education Pathways Program |
SB 1080 - School Curriculum | Lieu-D | Personal finances school instruction |
SB 1087 - Child and Day Care | Walters-R | Child care: organized camps |
SB 1087 - Miscellaneous | Walters-R | After school programs: camps |
SB 1088 - Miscellaneous | Price-D | Pupils: readmission |
SB 1103 - Higher Education | Wright-D | Postsecondary education: Cal Grant Program |
SB 1108 - English Learners | Padilla-D | English learners: reclassification |
SB 1109 - English Learners | Padilla-D | English Learner Master Plan |
SB 1109 - School Curriculum | Padilla-D | English Learners Master Plan |
SB 1121 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Hancock-D | School employees: state prison inmate classification |
SB 1135* - School Accountability and Testing | Runner-R | Graduation requirements: foster youth |
SB 1137 - Miscellaneous | Huff-R | Heritage schools: electronic registration form |
SB 1138 - Higher Education | Liu-D | Higher education: educational data |
SB 1138 - Miscellaneous | Liu-D | California Postsecondary Education Commission Data |
SB 1153 - Higher Education | Calderon-D | Community College Extended Opportunity Programs and Services |
SB 1154 - Miscellaneous | Walters-R | Instructional materials: digital format |
SB 1165 - Miscellaneous | Wright-D | Education: PUC: intervener compensation |
SB 1200 - School Curriculum | Hancock-D | Academic: common core standards |
SB 1204 - School Facilities | Wyland-R | School facilities |
SB 1205 - School Finance | Wyland-R | School bonds: discounts |
SB 1213 - Charter Schools | Walters-R | Charter schools: legal claims and actions |
SB 1235 - Miscellaneous | Steinberg-D | Pupils suspension |
SB 1240 - School Finance | Cannella-R | School Finance: emergency loans |
SB 1265 - Miscellaneous | Vargas-D | School districts: cafeteria fund |
SB 1271 - School Facilities | Corbett-D | School facilities: Field Act |
SB 1280 - Higher Education | Pavley-D | UC and community colleges: public contracts |
SB 1289 - Higher Education | Corbett-D | Postsecondary education: private student loans |
SB 1290 - Charter Schools | Alquist-D | Charter schools: renewal, revocation |
SB 1291 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Evans-D | Teacher credentialing: unemployment benefits: training |
SB 1292 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Liu-D | School employees: principals: evaluation |
SB 1295 - Miscellaneous | Huff-R | Schoolbus advertisements |
SB 1316 - Miscellaneous | Hancock-D | School attendance |
SB 1323 - Vocational Education (Career Technical Education) | Wyland-R | Career Technical Education Advisory Committees |
SB 1324 - School Curriculum | Wyland-R | School curriculum: science |
SB 1325 - School Curriculum | Wyland-R | School curriculum: history and government |
SB 1328 - Higher Education | De León-D | Postsecondary education: textbooks data |
SB 1349 - Higher Education | Yee-D | Postsecondary education: social media privacy |
SB 1356 - Higher Education | De León-D | Higher Education Tax Credit Program Special Fund |
SB 1375 - Higher Education | Alquist-D | Student veterans services |
SB 1385 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Hancock-D | California After School Teacher Pipeline program |
SB 1401 - Higher Education | Lieu-D | Education and workforce investment systems |
SB 1401 - Vocational Education (Career Technical Education) | Lieu-D | Education and workforce investment systems |
SB 1402 - Higher Education | Lieu-D | Community Colleges Economic and Workforce Development |
SB 1404 - School Facilities | Hancock-D | School property: Civic Center Act |
SB 1423 - English Learners | Hernandez-D | English learners |
SB 1456 - Higher Education | Lowenthal-D | Seymour-Campbell Student Success Act of 2012 |
SB 1458 - School Accountability and Testing | Steinberg-D | School accountability: Academic Performance Index |
SB 1461 - Higher Education | Negrete McLeod-D | Postsecondary education: tuition and fees |
SB 1469 - School Accountability and Testing | Runner-R | Graduation rates: pupils in foster care |
SB 1491 - School Finance | Negrete McLeod-D | School districts: reimbursements |
SB 1497 - School Accountability and Testing | Negrete McLeod-D | Pupil: annual dropout report |
SB 1509 - School Facilities | Simitian-D | School facilities: design-build contract |
SB 1515 - Higher Education | Yee-D | California State University: board of trustees: membership |
SB 1525 - Higher Education | Padilla-D | Student Athlete Bill of Rights |
SB 1530 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Padilla-D | School employees: dismissal and suspension |
SB 1539 - Higher Education | Corbett-D | Postsecondary education: textbooks |
SB 1540 - School Curriculum | Hancock-D | History-Social Science Framework |
SB 1542* - Miscellaneous | Negrete McLeod-D | Local Educational Advancement Program |
SB 1550 - Higher Education | Wright-D | Postsecondary education: textbooks |
SB 1560 - Higher Education | Anderson-R | Community College Funding: full-time equivalent students |
SB 1561 - Higher Education | Anderson-R | California Community Colleges: student expulsion |
SB 1568 - Miscellaneous | DeSaulnier-D | Pupils: foster care |
SB 1571 - Miscellaneous | DeSaulnier-D | School Supplies for Homeless Children Fund |
SCA 5 - School Finance | Simitian-D | Educational entities: parcel tax |
SCA 21 - Higher Education | De León-D | Higher education |
SCA 22 - Higher Education | Rubio-D | University of California Admissions |
SCR 19 - Miscellaneous | Price-D | Early childhood education |
SCR 71 - Higher Education | Cannella-R | University of California Div. of Ag. and Natural Resources |
SCR 73 - Miscellaneous | Yee-D | School districts: child sexual abuse curriculum |
SCR 76 - Miscellaneous | Emmerson-R | School buses: vehicle air pollution |
SCR 105 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Negrete McLeod-D | State Teachers' Retirement System |
SR 30 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Lowenthal-D | Day of the Teacher |
SR 32 - Miscellaneous | Price-D | Early childhood education |
AB 1 - School Finance | John A. Pérez-D | Education finance: CalWORKs stage 3 |
AB 1 - Child and Day Care | John A. Pérez-D | Child Day Care: CalWORKs Stage 3 |
AB 2 - Higher Education | Portantino-D | Higher education: educational and economic |
AB 5 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Fuentes-D | Teachers: best practices teacher evaluation |
AB 13 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Knight-R | Public school volunteers |
AB 18 - School Finance | Brownley-D | Education finance: school-based financial reporting system |
AB 24 - Higher Education | Block-D | Higher education: feasibility study: Chula Vista |
AB 39* - Special Education | Beall-D | Special education: funding |
AB 48 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | John A. Pérez-D | Teachers: best practices teacher evaluation |
AB 79 - Higher Education | Beall-D | University of California: technology commercialization |
AB 85 - School Facilities | Mendoza-D | School facilities: security locks |
AB 85 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Mendoza-D | School safety: security locks |
AB 85 - Higher Education | Mendoza-D | Community colleges: school facilities: security locks |
AB 103 - School Finance | Assembly Budget Committee | Education finance: state cash resources |
AB 103 - Higher Education | Assembly Budget Committee | Community college districts: state cash resources |
AB 160 - Higher Education | Portantino-D | Community college districts |
AB 160 - Miscellaneous | Portantino-D | Higher education: concurrent enrollment |
AB 178* - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Gorell-R | State teachers' retirement |
AB 224 - School Accountability and Testing | Bonilla-D | School accountability: Academic Performance Index |
AB 227 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Hall-D | Education technology planning: cyberbullying |
AB 227 - Miscellaneous | Hall-D | Education technology planning |
AB 229* - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Lara-D | Commission on Teacher Credentialing monitor and evaluating |
AB 245 - Child and Day Care | Portantino-D | Child care: contractors: electronic payment |
AB 266 - Miscellaneous | Ammiano-D | Pupil rights: sex-segregated school programs |
AB 269 - Charter Schools | Ma-D | Charter schools: pupil health and safety |
AB 269 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Ma-D | Pupil health and safety: charter schools |
AB 285 - Higher Education | Furutani-D | Community colleges: property tax revenues |
AB 286 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Bill Berryhill-R | Career technical education teachers |
AB 286 - Vocational Education (Career Technical Education) | Bill Berryhill-R | Vocational education: teachers: compensation |
AB 331 - School Facilities | Brownley-D | The Leroy F. Greene School Facilities Act of 1998 |
AB 346 - Higher Education | Atkins-D | Higher education campuses: polling places |
AB 360 - Charter Schools | Brownley-D | Charter schools |
AB 372 - Higher Education | Roger Hernández-D | California community colleges: matriculation services |
AB 383 - Higher Education | Portantino-D | Public postsecondary education: community colleges |
AB 401 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Ammiano-D | School safety |
AB 405 - School Facilities | Solorio-D | Schools: joint-use facilities |
AB 405 - Higher Education | Solorio-D | Public postsecondary education: joint-use facilities |
AB 409 - English Learners | Alejo-D | Pupil assessment: dual language immersion programs |
AB 414 - Miscellaneous | Carter-D | Pupils: homework assignments for suspended students |
AB 440 - School Curriculum | Brownley-D | Environmental education |
AB 443 - Special Education | Bonilla-D | Children with disabilities: education planning |
AB 451 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Hall-D | School district employees |
AB 496 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Alejo-D | School safety: comprehensive school safety plans |
AB 515 - Higher Education | Brownley-D | Community colleges: extension program |
AB 519 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Roger Hernández-D | Pupil discipline: restraint and seclusion |
AB 580 - School Curriculum | Davis-D | Pupil instruction: content |
AB 596 - Child and Day Care | Carter-D | Child care: CalWORKs recipients: rights |
AB 609 - School Finance | Swanson-D | Oakland Unified School District: audit fines and penalties |
AB 626 - Higher Education | Blumenfield-D | Higher education: distance learning: definition |
AB 630 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Hueso-D | Pupil safety: bullying |
AB 633* - Higher Education | Olsen-R | California State University: motor vehicles: fleet |
AB 635 - Higher Education | Knight-R | Higher education: veterans' benefits: educational fees |
AB 644 - School Finance | Blumenfield-D | Schools: average daily attendance: online instruction |
AB 645 - Higher Education | Davis-D | Postsecondary education: ethnic studies |
AB 649 - Higher Education | Harkey-R | Public postsecondary education: veteran's enrollment |
AB 661 - Higher Education | Block-D | Baccalaureate degree pilot program |
AB 719 - Special Education | Block-D | Special education: funding |
AB 733 - Miscellaneous | Ma-D | Pupil records: privacy rights |
AB 739 - School Curriculum | Bonnie Lowenthal-D | Pupil instruction: suicide prevention |
AB 747 - School Curriculum | Huber-D | Pupil instruction: online programs |
AB 758 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Wieckowski-D | State teachers' retirement |
AB 760 - Miscellaneous | Gordon-D | Healthy Start Community Schools Act |
AB 769 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Hueso-D | State Teachers' Retirement: public employment benefit |
AB 773 - Higher Education | Block-D | Postsecondary education: Student Tuition Recovery Fund |
AB 794 - School Facilities | Wieckowski-D | Local education facility bonds: anticipation notes. |
AB 797 - Higher Education | Conway-R | Private postsecondary education: schools of cosmetology |
AB 802 - School Finance | Blumenfield-D | Online education: school attendance |
AB 822 - School Facilities | Block-D | Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act |
AB 822 - Higher Education | Block-D | Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act |
AB 839 - Pupil Nutrition | Brownley-D | Federal School Breakfast Program participation |
AB 839 - Miscellaneous | Brownley-D | Pupil nutrition: federal School Breakfast Program |
AB 848 - School Finance | Campos-D | Vocational education funding: apprenticeship programs |
AB 848 - Higher Education | Campos-D | Community colleges: apprenticeship programs |
AB 851 - Higher Education | Nestande-R | Higher education: distance learning |
AB 852 - Higher Education | Fong-D | Community colleges: temporary faculty |
AB 868 - School Curriculum | Davis-D | Pupil instruction: leadership classes |
AB 888 - Miscellaneous | Pan-D | Pupil health: School Medication Authorization Task Force |
AB 909 - Pupil Nutrition | Alejo-D | Pupil nutrition: Farm to School Program |
AB 925 - Charter Schools | Lara-D | Charter schools |
AB 948 - Higher Education | Furutani-D | Public contracts: competitive bidding |
AB 951* - Miscellaneous | Perea-D | Back-to-school products: sales tax exemption |
AB 961 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Mansoor-R | School employees: negotiations: pension benefits |
AB 965 - Higher Education | Dickinson-D | Community colleges: full-time faculty hiring |
AB 970 - Higher Education | Fong-D | Higher education: systemwide student fees |
AB 980 - Miscellaneous | Bonilla-D | School attendance review boards: communications |
AB 1007* - Miscellaneous | Cook-R | Back-to-school products: sales and use taxes: exemption |
AB 1033 - School Curriculum | Feuer-D | Academic content standards: standards review commission |
AB 1049 - School Accountability and Testing | Brownley-D | Schools: low-achieving schools |
AB 1065 - Miscellaneous | Bradford-D | Pupil transfers: records |
AB 1070 - Charter Schools | Huber-D | Charter schools: loans |
AB 1071* - Miscellaneous | Fuentes-D | Qualified school supplies: personal income tax credits |
AB 1075 - School Finance | Fuentes-D | Education finance: revenue limits |
AB 1079* - Higher Education | Beall-D | Higher education: personal income taxes: credit |
AB 1093 - Higher Education | Davis-D | Higher education: Military and Veterans Benefits Offices |
AB 1094 - School Facilities | Swanson-D | Public school campuses: recycling and composting bins |
AB 1101 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Eng-D | Teachers' Retirement Board: members |
AB 1118 - School Curriculum | John A. Pérez-D | Health education: organ and tissue donation |
AB 1166 - School Accountability and Testing | Solorio-D | Pupils: privacy of pupil records |
AB 1172 - Charter Schools | Mendoza-D | Charter Schools: petition for establishment |
AB 1174 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Furutani-D | School safety: willful disturbance of public schools |
AB 1199 - School Facilities | Brownley-D | School facilities bonds: citizens' oversight committee |
AB 1203 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Mendoza-D | School organization members: paid leaves of absence |
AB 1237 - Higher Education | Nestande-R | Postsecondary education: finance: remedial instruction |
AB 1246 - School Curriculum | Brownley-D | Curriculum: instructional materials |
AB 1249 - English Learners | Davis-D | English learners: pupils |
AB 1252 - Higher Education | Davis-D | Los Angeles Community College District: elections |
AB 1262 - Charter Schools | Dickinson-D | Charter schools |
AB 1309* - Higher Education | Miller-R | University of California: UC Riverside Medical School |
AB 1311 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Miller-R | School zones: vehicles: speed enforcement |
AB 1312 - Child and Day Care | Smyth-R | Child care: public recreation programs |
AB 1315 - Miscellaneous | Furutani-D | Education: Gateway Centers |
AB 1326* - Higher Education | Furutani-D | California Higher Education Endowment Corporation |
AB 1334 - Miscellaneous | Feuer-D | Schoolbus transportation: schoolbus stops |
AB 1341 - Miscellaneous | Furutani-D | Director of Education: experimental work in education |
AB 1342 - School Facilities | Dickinson-D | School facilities: roof projects |
AB 1348 - School Curriculum | Mansoor-R | Sex education: parental consent |
AB 1348 - Miscellaneous | Mansoor-R | Pupils excuses: parental consent |
AB 1362 - School Finance | Nestande-R | Pupil attendance: electronic attendance accounting systems |
AB 1366 - Higher Education | Jeffries-R | Student financial aid: notice |
AB 1368 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Pan-D | Pupils: California Healthy Kids Survey |
AB 1372 - School Accountability and Testing | Norby-R | Pupil assessment: records: disclosure |
AB 1373 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Fong-D | Pupils: healthy relationships and teen dating |
AB 1434 - Higher Education | Feuer-D | Postsecondary employees: mandatory child abuse reporting |
AB 1441* - Higher Education | Beall-D | Higher education: personal income taxes: credit |
AB 1448 - School Finance | Furutani-D | Home-to-school transportation: funding |
AB 1449 - Miscellaneous | Hayashi-D | Athletics: concussions and head injuries |
AB 1451 - Miscellaneous | Hayashi-D | High School Coaching Education and Training Program |
AB 1477 - School Finance | Assembly Budget Committee | Student records: Budget Trailer Bill |
AB 1477 - Higher Education | Assembly Budget Committee | Higher education funding: Budget Trailer Bill |
AB 1497 - School Finance | Assembly Budget Committee | Proposition 98 funding: Budget Trailer Bill |
AB 1497 - Charter Schools | Assembly Budget Committee | Charter schools: Budget Trailer Bill |
AB 1497 - Child and Day Care | Assembly Budget Committee | Child care: Budget Trailer Bill |
AB 1497 - Higher Education | Assembly Budget Committee | California Community Colleges: Budget Trailer Bill |
AB 1500* - Higher Education | John A. Pérez-D | Middle Class Scholarship Fund |
AB 1501* - Higher Education | John A. Pérez-D | Middle Class Scholarship Program |
AB 1502 - Higher Education | Assembly Budget Committee | Higher education: Budget Trailer Bill |
AB 1521 - School Accountability and Testing | Brownley-D | Standardized testing and reporting program |
AB 1539 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Hayashi-D | Department of Education: specialized license plates |
AB 1561 - Higher Education | Roger Hernández-D | California State University and UC compensation |
AB 1563 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Norby-R | Schools: volunteers: capital maintenance projects |
AB 1565 - Miscellaneous | Fuentes-D | School districts: public contracts |
AB 1568 - Charter Schools | Roger Hernández-D | Charter school: admissions |
AB 1573 - Miscellaneous | Brownley-D | School attendance: foster youth residency requirements |
AB 1575 - Miscellaneous | Lara-D | Pupil fees |
AB 1576 - Charter Schools | Huber-D | Charter schools loans |
AB 1584 - Vocational Education (Career Technical Education) | Eng-D | Health Science and Medical Technology Project |
AB 1584 - Miscellaneous | Eng-D | Health Science and Medical Technology Project |
AB 1594 - Charter Schools | Eng-D | Charter schools: pupil nutrition |
AB 1622 - Miscellaneous | Eng-D | School property: San Marino Unified School District |
AB 1637 - Higher Education | Wieckowski-D | Cal Grant Program: student default risk index score |
AB 1639 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Hill-D | Teacher: retirement: public employees |
AB 1662 - Miscellaneous | Fong-D | County boards of education: membership |
AB 1663 - Higher Education | Dickinson-D | California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science |
AB 1668 - School Accountability and Testing | Carter-D | Drop Out Recovery High Schools |
AB 1673 - Child and Day Care | Mitchell-D | Child care: eligibility |
AB 1678 - Pupil Nutrition | Monning-D | School campus location: mobile food facilities |
AB 1681 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Smyth-R | School employees: retirement: felony forfeiture |
AB 1684 - Higher Education | Eng-D | California Community Colleges: compensation |
AB 1705 - School Accountability and Testing | Silva-R | High school exit examination: pupils with disabilities |
AB 1717 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Dickinson-D | School district employees: community care facilities |
AB 1719 - School Curriculum | Fuentes-D | Supplemental instructional materials |
AB 1723 - Higher Education | Fuentes-D | Postsecondary educational institutions: meetings: live video |
AB 1729 - Miscellaneous | Ammiano-D | Pupil rights: suspension or expulsion |
AB 1732 - Miscellaneous | Campos-D | Pupils: suspension and expulsion |
AB 1735 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Wieckowski-D | State teachers' retirement: executive & managerial positions |
AB 1741 - Higher Education | Fong-D | The California Community Colleges Student Success Plan |
AB 1743 - Higher Education | Campos-D | Student athletes: scholarships |
AB 1746 - Pupil Nutrition | Williams-D | Schools: nutrition: beverages |
AB 1748 - Higher Education | Fong-D | California Community Colleges: fair market value of leases |
AB 1756 - School Curriculum | Knight-R | Pupil instruction: social sciences: California history |
AB 1765 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Brownley-D | Teacher leaders: advisory panel |
AB 1767 - English Learners | Norby-R | English learners: home language survey |
AB 1767 - School Accountability and Testing | Norby-R | English learner pupils survey |
AB 1772 - Miscellaneous | Buchanan-D | Kindergarten |
AB 1781 - Pupil Nutrition | Brownley-D | School meals: free or reduced-priced meals |
AB 1790 - Miscellaneous | Hagman-R | Instructional materials: digital format |
AB 1799 - Miscellaneous | Bradford-D | Pupil records transfers |
AB 1811 - Charter Schools | Bonilla-D | Charter schools: funding |
AB 1819 - Charter Schools | Ammiano-D | Charter schools: state retirement plans |
AB 1820 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Block-D | Child safety: day care facilities: choking hazards |
AB 1820 - Child and Day Care | Block-D | Child: day care facilities: choking hazards |
AB 1826 - Higher Education | Roger Hernández-D | Community colleges: full-time instructors |
AB 1829 - Pupil Nutrition | Bradford-D | Schools: school meals: nutritional information |
AB 1832 - Higher Education | Silva-R | Postsecondary education: veterans: priority registration |
AB 1833 - School Finance | Knight-R | School lands revenues: state lands |
AB 1840 - School Finance | Alejo-D | Class size requirements: King City Union School District |
AB 1853 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Bonilla-D | Teacher credentialing: transitional kindergarten |
AB 1857 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Fong-D | Healthy relationships promotion and teen dating abuse |
AB 1858 - School Finance | Alejo-D | School finance: emergency loans |
AB 1859 - School Facilities | Buchanan-D | School facilities: charter schools |
AB 1861 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Olsen-R | School employees: conduct with pupils |
AB 1866 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Smyth-R | School employees: sex offenses: parent notification |
AB 1872 - Child and Day Care | Alejo-D | Child day care facilities: nutrition |
AB 1880 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Lara-D | Pupil safety: teen dating abuse prevention |
AB 1898 - School Finance | Alejo-D | Education finance: emergency apportionments |
AB 1899 - Higher Education | Mitchell-D | Postsecondary education benefits: crime victims |
AB 1903* - School Facilities | Buchanan-D | School facilities: developer fees |
AB 1908 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Alejo-D | Classified employees: notice of layoff |
AB 1909 - Miscellaneous | Ammiano-D | Public schools: foster children |
AB 1915 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Alejo-D | Safe routes to school |
AB 1917 - School Finance | Dickinson-D | Education finance: acquisition of food services |
AB 1919 - Charter Schools | Brownley-D | Charter schools: pupils: achievement data |
AB 1919 - School Accountability and Testing | Brownley-D | Pupils: achievement data: charter schools |
AB 1937 - Miscellaneous | Silva-R | Pupil records: privacy rights |
AB 1949 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Cedillo-D | Teacher Retirement Savings: Deferred Compensation |
AB 1955 - Higher Education | Block-D | Campus law enforcement and student liaison |
AB 1967 - School Curriculum | John A. Pérez-D | Pupil instruction: organ and tissue donation |
AB 1984 - Higher Education | Wagner-R | University of California, Irvine: buses: advertising |
AB 1987 - School Curriculum | Davis-D | Pupil instruction: independent study: leadership course |
AB 1988 - School Curriculum | Davis-D | Pupils: instructional materials: African American vernacular |
AB 1991 - Child and Day Care | Smyth-R | Child care licensing exemptions: public recreation programs |
AB 2001 - School Accountability and Testing | Bonilla-D | Pupil Assessment System |
AB 2008 - School Finance | Bradford-D | Education finance: revenue limits |
AB 2028 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Knight-R | School employees: discipline: suspension and dismissal |
AB 2032 - Charter Schools | Mendoza-D | Charter schools: suspension and expulsion of pupils |
AB 2087 - School Finance | Swanson-D | School districts: emergency apportionments: audits |
AB 2088* - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Bonilla-D | STEM teachers: income tax audit |
AB 2093 - Higher Education | Skinner-D | Foster Youth Higher Education Preparation and Support |
AB 2107 - Miscellaneous | Valadao-R | School districts: public works: prevailing wages |
AB 2116 - School Curriculum | Lara-D | Academic content standards: implementation: study |
AB 2122 - Higher Education | Lara-D | Law School Admission Test: accommodations |
AB 2125 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Hall-D | School district employees: merit system: appointments |
AB 2126 - Higher Education | Block-D | California State University: regulations |
AB 2132 - Higher Education | Lara-D | Public postsecondary education: tenure policy |
AB 2133 - Higher Education | Blumenfield-D | Combat to College Act of 2012 |
AB 2139 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Furutani-D | State teachers' retirement |
AB 2145 - Miscellaneous | Alejo-D | Pupils: expulsion and suspension |
AB 2155 - Miscellaneous | Hueso-D | School districts: financial statements and settlements |
AB 2164 - Higher Education | Dickinson-D | Community college facilities |
AB 2171 - Higher Education | Fong-D | Community colleges: expulsion and enrollment |
AB 2190 - Higher Education | John A. Pérez-D | California Higher Education Authority |
AB 2193 - English Learners | Lara-D | Long-term English learners |
AB 2202 - Miscellaneous | Block-D | Educational Opportunity for Military Children |
AB 2203 - Miscellaneous | V. Manuel Pérez-D | Compulsory education: children 5 years of age |
AB 2223 - Higher Education | Williams-D | Community colleges: Santa Barbara Community College District |
AB 2236 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Hueso-D | School employees: employment |
AB 2241 - Miscellaneous | Dickinson-D | Pupils: Transitioning Youth for Success Program |
AB 2242 - Miscellaneous | Dickinson-D | Pupils: grounds for suspension and expulsion |
AB 2250 - Higher Education | Beth Gaines-R | Postsecondary education: nonresident tuition: military |
AB 2262 - Miscellaneous | Bradford-D | School districts: governing boards: notification |
AB 2269 - School Curriculum | Swanson-D | Pupil instruction: Labor History Month |
AB 2275* - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Achadjian-R | State teachers' retirement |
AB 2278 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Swanson-D | School districts: state administrators: evaluations |
AB 2279 - School Finance | Swanson-D | School districts: emergency apportionments: trustees |
AB 2286 - Child and Day Care | Bonilla-D | Child care rates |
AB 2296 - Higher Education | Block-D | California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009 |
AB 2300 - Miscellaneous | Swanson-D | Pupil records: suspensions: community service |
AB 2303 - Child and Day Care | Assembly Insurance Committee | Child care liability reporting requirement |
AB 2307 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Butler-D | School employees: reemployment |
AB 2309 - Higher Education | Hill-D | Community colleges: Public-Private Partnership Pilot Program |
AB 2316 - Higher Education | Hueso-D | California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009 |
AB 2361 - School Accountability and Testing | Pan-D | School accountability report card: visual and performing art |
AB 2362* - School Finance | Conway-R | Necessary Small High Schools: Average Daily Attendance |
AB 2367 - Miscellaneous | Bonilla-D | School gardens: sale of produce |
AB 2368 - School Safety/Pupil Safety | Block-D | School security: school police departments |
AB 2417 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Block-D | San Diego Unified School District: school employees |
AB 2419 - Higher Education | Miller-R | Student financial aid: Cal Grant Program |
AB 2427 - Higher Education | Butler-D | California State University: special session fees |
AB 2434 - Miscellaneous | Block-D | School districts: surplus school property |
AB 2435 - School Finance | Roger Hernández-D | Education finance: indirect cost rates |
AB 2442 - Higher Education | Williams-D | Higher education: public trust |
AB 2462 - Higher Education | Block-D | Academic credit for prior military experience |
AB 2471 - Higher Education | Lara-D | Postsecondary education: e-textbooks |
AB 2478 - Higher Education | Hayashi-D | Student residency requirements: veterans |
AB 2491 - School Curriculum | Blumenfield-D | Pupil instruction: gifted and talented pupil program |
AB 2497 - Higher Education | Solorio-D | California State University: Early Start Program |
AB 2534 - Higher Education | Block-D | Community Colleges: Veterans Education Pilot Program |
AB 2534 - Vocational Education (Career Technical Education) | Block-D | Career technical education: veterans |
AB 2537 - Miscellaneous | V. Manuel Pérez-D | Pupil discipline: suspensions and expulsions |
AB 2546 - School Curriculum | Donnelly-R | Pupil instruction: social sciences: instructional materials |
AB 2555 - Pupil Nutrition | Carter-D | Summer school session: meals |
AB 2565 - Miscellaneous | Swanson-D | Pupils: campus clubs and booster organizations |
AB 2572 - Higher Education | Furutani-D | Los Angeles Community College District: election |
AB 2573 - Child and Day Care | Furutani-D | Child care: family child care providers |
AB 2580 - Miscellaneous | Furutani-D | Los Angeles Unified School District: contracts |
AB 2591 - Higher Education | Furutani-D | Community colleges: property tax revenues |
AB 2592 - Miscellaneous | Williams-D | County free public libraries: use of private contractors |
AB 2593 - Miscellaneous | Furutani-D | County superintendents of schools: forfeiture of salary |
AB 2594 - Miscellaneous | Furutani-D | Director of Education: experimental work in education |
AB 2607 - Charter Schools | Roger Hernández-D | Charter schools: petition renewal |
AB 2616 - Miscellaneous | Carter-D | School districts: truancy |
AB 2617 - School Accountability and Testing | Blumenfield-D | Dropout recovery programs: funding report |
AB 2621 - School Finance | Hueso-D | Education finance: school cafeterias: cafeteria fund |
AB 2621 - School Facilities | Hueso-D | School cafeterias: education finance |
AB 2625 - Higher Education | Solorio-D | Higher education: qualified tuition: income tax |
AB 2633 - School Accountability and Testing | Swanson-D | High School Exit Examination |
AB 2647 - Vocational Education (Career Technical Education) | Swanson-D | Work-based learning: pupil instruction |
AB 2655 - Higher Education | Swanson-D | Community colleges: inmate education programs: computation |
AB 2662 - Miscellaneous | Assembly Education Committee | Education |
AB 2663 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee | Teachers' Retirement Law |
ACA 21 - School Finance | Feuer-D | School finance: parcel tax |
ACA 29 - School Finance | Nestande-R | Education finance: payment of state apportionments |
ACR 30 - Miscellaneous | Mendoza-D | Read Across America Day |
ACR 49 - School Curriculum | Jeffries-R | Science and mathematics |
ACR 103 - Higher Education | Fong-D | Campus Safety Month |
ACR 134 - School Accountability and Testing | Hueso-D | Dropout Recovery Week |
ACR 147 - Charter Schools | Conway-R | California Charter Schools Week |
ACR 157 - School Curriculum | Fletcher-I | California FIRST Day |
ACR 157 - Miscellaneous | Fletcher-I | California FIRST Day |
ACR 159 - Higher Education | Gorell-R | Postsecondary education: military veterans |
ACR 162 - Miscellaneous | V. Manuel Pérez-D | Pupil rights |
ACR 164 - Higher Education | Pan-D | California State University: chancellor selection process |
ACR 168 - Higher Education | John A. Pérez-D | University of California Education Abroad Program |
AJR 24 - School Employees (includes STRS legislation) | Bonilla-D | Federal Student-to-School Nurse Ratio Improvement Act |
HR 35 - Higher Education | Halderman-R | Higher education: anti-Semitism |
HR 43 - English Learners | Davis-D | English learners |