Air Pollution
Coastal Resources/Tidelands
Environmental Quality
Solid Waste
Toxics/Hazardous Waste
Water Resources
Air Pollution
SB 143(Rubio-D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006
Requires the Air Resources Board (ARB), on or before 7/1/12, to adopt methodologies for determining the quantity of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduced through specified GHG emission reduction programs. Requires the ARB to adopt regulations governing the creation of GHG emission reduction offsets based on investments in those programs for purposes of banking, trading, and using the offsets to comply with the market-based compliance mechanism adopted by the ARB. Requires the state board to credit persons who invest in those programs with GHG emission offsets, based on a cost-effectiveness calculation determined by the state board, with specified exceptions.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
SB 170(Pavley-D) Air districts: air pollution: intellectual property
Authorizes the local and regional air pollution control and air quality management districts to sponsor, coordinate, and promote projects that will lead to the prevention, mitigation, or cure of the adverse effects of air pollution, including the adverse health effects of air pollution. Until 1/1/17, authorizes a district to negotiate what share, if any, of the intellectual property, or benefits resulting from intellectual property, developed from the use of district funds, including funds discharged as grants, will accrue to that district. Requires revenues generated from revenue sharing agreements to be deposited into a special account and used for specified purposes. Under certain circumstances, prohibits a district from receiving a benefit pursuant to these provisions in excess of the amount of the district's investment. If the state or a subdivision of the state purchases or licenses a process, machine, or article of manufacture for which a district accrues a benefit resulting from the intellectual property interest, requires the district, upon the request of the Department of General Services, to provide reimbursement to the General Fund for the amount of the benefit accrued. Requires a district that attempts to negotiate for benefits pursuant to these provisions to report annually to the Legislature, as provided.
Chapter 586, Statutes of 2011
SB 211(Emmerson-R) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: tires
Until 1/1/17, requires the tire pressure gauges used to meet the Under Inflated Vehicle Tires regulation be accurate within a range plus or minus two pound per square inch, and provides that automotive service providers are not required to inflate a tire that it determines is an "unsafe tire." Establishes a definition of "unsafe tire" that differs from the Under Inflated Vehicle Tire regulation in that it does not include consideration of age.
SB 237(Wolk-D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: agriculture
Creates the California Agriculture Climate Benefits Advisory Committee, with specified membership. Authorizes the use of revenues generated through the regulation of greenhouse gasses for grants relating to agriculture.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 246(De León-D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: offsets
Requires the Air Resources Board to follow specified criteria if the Board allows greenhouse gas compliance offsets to be used in a cap and trade program under AB 32 (Nunez-D), Chapter 448, Statutes of 2006.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 357(Dutton-R) Air Resources Board: regulations: obsolete equipment
Amends the Health and Safety Code to expand the criteria by which the Air Resources Board must analyze and report as part of their economic assessments of adopting, amending, or repealing of any regulations, to require estimates of lost revenue or savings to the state as a result of accelerated depreciation due to the regulation rendering equipment "obsolete" before the equipment had been fully depreciated.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
SB 358*(Cannella-R) Air quality: income tax: gross income: exclusion
Excludes from gross income any amount provided to a person by the Air Resources Board, an air pollution control district, or an air quality management district for the purpose of air pollution reduction. The basis of property for determining gain or loss on the sale or disposition, as well as for determining depreciation, would be reduced to the extent the property was acquired with any amount excluded from gross income under this bill.
(In Senate Governance and Finance Committee)
SB 519(La Malfa-R) Smog check: visual inspection
Prohibits a smog check technician from conducting an under-the-hood visual inspection as part of a smog inspection.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
SB 533(Wright-D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006
Requires the Air Resources Board (ARB) to make available to the public, at the time that ARB adopts a regulation pursuant to Administrative Procedure Act (APA), any implementation schedule that is required to comply with that regulation. If a regulation adopted by ARB specifically requires a reporting form, or a "compliance tool," as defined, the ARB is required to make this information available to the public on the ARB's Internet Web site at least 60 days prior to the date the information is required for compliance with the regulation. Requires training specifically required by a regulation to be made available at least 60 days prior to the compliance date for which the training is required. Authorizes the ARB to revise a required implementation schedule, reporting form, or compliance tool, or training after adoption of a regulation, if the ARB makes a specified modification.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 535(De León-D) California Communities Healthy Air Revitalization Trust
Sets aside a portion of the monies collected by the Air Resources Board pursuant to the Board's greenhouse gas emissions reduction program, to be used for related benefits in communities the bill describes as most subject to air pollution and most suffering from socioeconomic vulnerability.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 570(Rubio-D) San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Repeals the requirement that the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District's administer a high polluter vehicle replacement program and instead requires the District to administer a voluntary program to replace or retrofit high-emitting school buses within their jurisdiction.
Chapter 494, Statutes of 2011
SB 582(Yee-D) Air quality: commute benefit policies
Authorizes, until 1/1/17, a metropolitan planning organization and an air district to adopt jointly an ordinance that requires certain employers located within their common area of jurisdiction to offer their employees specified commute benefits with the goal of reducing single-occupant vehicle trips.
SB 669(Rubio-D) Greenhouse gas reduction: carbon sequestration
Requires the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission to coordinate the development of performance standards and other operational measures for carbon capture and storage sites that are consistent with the goals of protecting groundwater and preventing the emission of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Requires the Air Resources Board to establish an accounting protocol for sequestered carbon dioxide.
(Held in Senate Energy, Utilities, and Communications Committee)
SB 724(Dutton-R) Air Resources Board: mobile source certification
Requires the Air Resources Board, within 30 working days after receipt of an application for certification of a new, a carryover, or a partial carryover on-road or off-road vehicle, engine, or equipment family, as defined, to inform the applicant, in writing, either that the application is complete and accepted for filing, or that the application is deficient, identifying the specific information required to make the application complete.
SB 739(Lowenthal-D) Air pollution mitigation: ports: congestion relief
Requires the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Oakland, by 7/1/12, to assess their infrastructure and air quality improvement needs, including assessing the total cost for these projects and identifying potential sources of funding for them.
Chapter 427, Statutes of 2011
SB 800(Hancock-D) Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Offset Program Fund
Creates the Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Offset Program Fund, and provides that funds received by the state on a voluntary basis from the federal government, individuals, businesses, organizations, industry, or other sources for the mitigation of climate change impacts related to greenhouse gas emissions be deposited in this fund.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 901(Steinberg-D) Air pollution: vehicle retirement program
Makes the program for the voluntary retirement of motor vehicles that are high polluting vehicles available only to the highest polluting vehicles, with priority given to those highest polluting vehicles registered in air basins that are out of attainment with federal air quality standards. Makes other technical changes.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)
AB 128(Logue-R) Air Resources Board: assessing penalties
Authorizes the Air Resources Board, in lieu of assessing penalties for a violation of an air pollution control law administered by the Board, to require a person who has violated that law to spend an amount equivalent to the amount that would have been assessed for the violation toward actions to comply with the air pollution control law that was violated or toward a supplemental environmental project, as defined.
(In Assembly Natural Resources and Water Committee)
AB 135(Hagman-R) Air Resources Board: membership: small businesses
Requires that at least one of the 11 members of the Air Resources Board be an owner, within five years, of a small business. Defines "small business" by reference as an independently owned and operated business that is not dominant in its field of operation, the principal office of which is located in California, the officers of which are domiciled in California, and which, together with affiliates, has 100 or fewer employees, and average annual gross receipts of $10 million or less over the previous three years, or is a manufacturer with 100 or fewer employees. Sunsets on 1/1/17.
AB 146(Dickinson-D) Air Resources Board: membership
Provides that one of the 11 Air Resource Board members must alternate between a member from a district within the Sacramento federal nonattainment area for ozone in either the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, the Placer County Air Pollution Control District, the Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District, the Feather River Air Quality Management District, or the El Dorado County Air Pollution Control District.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 333*(Grove-R) CA Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: cap and trade
Requires the Air Resources Board (ARB) to report to the Legislature by 7/31/11 on the readiness of its proposed cap and trade program to begin 1/1/12, and authorizes the ARB to delay cap and trade implementation up to one year. Requires the ARB to report annually on the status of the cap and trade program until 2016.
(Failed passage in Assembly Natural Resources Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 347(Galgiani-D) CA Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: early actions
Amends the California Global Warming Solutions Act to specifically require the Air Resources Board to "ensure that the cement manufacturing, glass manufacturing, soda ash manufacturing, and steel production sectors receive appropriate credit for taking early action through energy efficiency or energy reduction improvements."
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 382(Nestande-R) Air inspectors: administrative and civil penalties
Requires air districts to provide a specified written explanation prior to imposing an administrative or civil penalty for a violation of air pollution law and make these explanations available to the public, and establishes a "code of conduct" for inspectors acting on behalf of the Air Resources Board or any air district.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 462(Bonnie Lowenthal-D) Air pollution districts: fees: schoolbuses
Authorizes an air pollution control district or a regional air quality management district, until 1/1/15, to use motor vehicle registration fee revenues to replace natural gas fuel tanks or fueling infrastructure.
Chapter 216, Statutes of 2011
AB 470(Halderman-R) Air pollution districts: fees: schoolbus retrofits
Authorizes an air pollution control district or a regional air quality management district, until 1/1/15, to use motor vehicle registration fee revenues (the last $2 increase of the $6 dollar surcharge, as specified) for retrofit of emissions control equipment for existing school buses.
Chapter 174, Statutes of 2011
AB 474(Jones-R) Smog-check: vehicles: transfer of ownership
Extends from 90 to 180 days the duration that a certificate of compliance or certificate of noncompliance, related to motor vehicle emission inspections, is valid.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 523(Valadao-R) Ethanol: Alternative Fuel and Vehicle Technology
Makes ethanol derived from corn ineligible for funding from the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program and repeals related requirements.
(Failed passage in Assembly Transportation Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 937(Mendoza-D) Emission reduction control: vessels
Requires the Air Resources Board to amend regulations regarding the reduction of onboard power generation for shipping vessels to ensure that a person choosing the equivalent emission reduction compliance option is not subject to more stringent requirements than a person choosing the reduced onboard power generation option.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 981(Hueso-D) California Pollution Control Financing Authority: loans
Provides additional incentives within the California Capital Access Program to encourage lenders to lend to small businesses.
Chapter 484, Statutes of 2011
AB 1064(Furutani-D) Air quality: ports
Makes a prohibition regarding funding for usable projects inapplicable for a shore side electrical power infrastructure project that is administered by a California port, and requires that the individual segments of these projects be a part of an adopted terminal plan submitted to the Air Resources Board, and authorizes the Board for a specified purpose to allow a recipient agency for shore side electrical power infrastructure to average vessel calls made across multiple berths within a terminal.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1095(Bill Berryhill-R) Air pollution: hearing board: Air Resources Board
Requires a hearing board within the Air Resources Board for resolution of disputes regarding the California Global Warming Solutions Act [AB 32 (Núñez), Chapter, 488, Statutes of 2006] based on existing statutory requirements for air district hearing boards, to the extent those provisions can be made applicable.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1099(Bonnie Lowenthal-D) Emissions standards: commercial motor vehicles
Prohibits the Department of Motor Vehicles from registering commercial vehicles of a 1996 or older model year with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 26,000 pounds. Provides an exception for commercial vehicles registered prior to 1/1/12, as long as those vehicles are continuously registered or certified nonoperational after that date, and for construction trucks that have been granted an extension for compliance with specified regulations.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1176(Williams-D) Toxic air contaminant: pesticides
Requires the Director of the Department of Pesticide Regulation to complete at least one report per year on the health impacts of a pesticide which may be determined to be a Toxic Air Contaminant (TAC), and requires at least two pesticides per year go through the TAC determination process.
(In Assembly Agriculture Committee)
AB 1180(Bradford-D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: compliance
Requires any offset protocol adopted as part of a cap-and-trade program for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to target high warming potential gases, be approved by a third-party registry, be monitored for GHG reductions in real-time, and be capable of providing at least one million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent GHG reductions each year.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1229(Feuer-D) Air quality funds
Authorizes the issuance of Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicle bonds to accelerate projects programmed by a regional transportation planning agency using its share of federal regional surface transportation program or congestion mitigation and air quality funds.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1256(Bill Berryhill-R) Air Resources Board: transported air pollutants
Requires the Air Resources Board to identify each air basin, or subregion of an air basin, in which transported air pollutants from upwind areas outside the air basin, or subregion of an air basin, cause or contribute to a violation of a state or federal ambient air quality standard in a downwind district, and to identify the district of origin of the transported air pollutants.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1285(Fuentes-D) Regional greenhouse gas emission reduction program
Requires the Air Resources Board to establish a program to maximize regional greenhouse gas emission reduction and sequestration projects, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1314(Wieckowski-D) Air resources: Alternative and Renewable Fuel
Makes changes to the process whereby the California Energy Commission updates its investment plan for the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program and facilitates the making of awards under that program.
Chapter 487, Statutes of 2011
AB 1332(Donnelly-R) Air Resources Board: abolishment
Abolishes the Air Resources Board.
(In Assembly Natural resources Committee)
AB 2X1(Logue-R) Air Resources Board: alternative actions to assessing
Authorizes the Air Resources Board, in lieu of assessing penalties for a violation of an air pollution control law administered by the Board, to require a person who has violated that law to spend an amount equivalent to the amount that would have been assessed for the violation toward actions to comply with the air pollution control law that was violated or toward a supplemental environmental project, as defined.
(Died at Assembly Desk)
Coastal Resources/Tidelands
SB 468(Kehoe-D) Coastal zone: Caltrans
Sets forth comprehensive requirements and accompanying authority for development of the North Coast Corridor Project in and near the Interstate 5 corridor in San Diego County.
Chapter 535, Statutes of 2011
SB 482(Kehoe-D) Public beach contamination: standards: testing: closing
Transfers primary jurisdiction for the beach water quality monitoring program from the Department of Public Health to the State Water Resources Control Board.
Chapter 592, Statutes of 2011
SB 501(Harman-R) Tidelands and submerged lands: City of Newport Beach
Revises a grant to the City of Newport Beach to authorize the city to lease lots for specified purposes for terms not to exceed 50 years, or until 1/1/60, whichever comes later.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee)
SB 551(DeSaulnier-D) Tidelands transfer: City of Pittsburg
Repeals the 2006 public trust grant made to the City of Pittsburg and makes a new grant that includes the lands from the 2006 grant as well as lands annexed to the City in 2009.
Chapter 422, Statutes of 2011
SB 588(Evans-D) California Coastal Act of 1976: enforcement
Provides that a person who violates the California Coastal Act may be subject to an administrative civil penalty that may be imposed by the California Coastal Commission at a public hearing. The penalties will be no less than $5,000 and no more than $50,000 per violation.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 595(Wolk-D) Tidelands and submerged lands: removal of vessels
Revises provisions regarding the authorization of the State Lands Commission to remove unattended vessels that obstruct traffic or create a hazard to other vessels or property by allowing the Commission to take immediate action, without notice, to remove vessels and expand the circumstances in which that authority may be exercised.
Chapter 595, Statutes of 2011
SB 607(Walters-R) State Ocean Plan: water quality
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board, on or before 1/1/13, to either amend the California Ocean Plan, or adopt separate standards, to address water quality objectives and effluent limitations that are specifically appropriate for brackish groundwater treatment system facilities that produce municipal water supplies for local use.
Chapter 241, Statutes of 2011
SB 860(Senate Natural Resources And Water Committee) Tidelands and submerged lands: public trust lands
Makes clean-up amendments regarding the state's mineral interest, redevelopment agencies' successors, and hazardous materials remediation to statutes authorizing public trust land exchanges and grants for redevelopment projects at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and Candlestick Point, Treasure Island, and the Naval Air Station Alameda.
Chapter 429, Statutes of 2011
SB 876(Harman-R) Tidelands and submerged lands: shore protection: leases
Specifies the terms for a lease of structures for shore protection for private property adjacent to tidelands or submerged lands by allowing the State Lands Commission to only lease these structures to a littoral owner for a term of 99 years, with the consideration for the lease adjusting no more than once for an unspecified number of years, based on any change in the California Consumer Price Index.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee)
AB 206(Harkey-R) Coastal zone: fireworks displays
Exempts a municipal fireworks display from the California Coastal Act and the California Environmental Quality Act.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 337(Monning-D) Ocean resources: Ocean Protection Council
Provides that the voluntary sustainable seafood program, each component of the program, and actions taken by the Ocean Protection Council to implement the program are not regulations for the purposes of the Administrative Procedure Act, and requires that any substantive amendments or revisions to the protocol be developed in a transparent process and adopted by the Council in a public meeting.
Chapter 273, Statutes of 2011
AB 418(Ammiano-D) Tidelands and submerged lands: San Francisco
Authorizes two exchanges of public trust lands in San Francisco and places a variety of conditions on the exchanges and the uses of the current public trust lands.
Chapter 477, Statutes of 2011
AB 565(Monning-D) State Coastal Conservancy
Authorizes the State Coastal Conservancy to make a grant to a for-profit company in order to facilitate the removal or alteration of the San Clemente Dam on the Carmel River.
Chapter 479, Statutes of 2011
AB 752(Brownley-D) Tidelands and submerged lands: sea level action plan
Requires a local trustee of granted public trust lands to prepare a sea level action plan, by 7/1/13, if the local trustee receives more than $250,000 in gross revenues from the granted trust lands.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee)
AB 1005(Dickinson-D) Coastal Commission: forest practices
Requires the Department of Fish and Game, the appropriate regional water quality control board, the California Geological Survey, and, where applicable, the California Coastal Commission to conduct a review of a timber harvesting plan to determine environmental issues and mitigation measures. If that review raises environmental issues and mitigation measures suggested by the reviewing entities are not deemed necessary by the Director, requires the Secretary for Natural Resources to review the plan for final determination.
(Failed passage in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
Environmental Quality
SB 195(Cannella-R) Environmental quality: CEQA
Provides that impacts, potential impacts, or cumulative impacts on the environment of a project that is subject to an environmental regulation are deemed to be insignificant for the purposes of California Environmental Quality Act unless a preponderance of evidence demonstrates that the specific impact, potential impact, or cumulative impact is significant after giving full effect to the environmental regulation. Requires the lead agency, as defined, to prepare a negative declaration or a mitigated negative declaration if there is a preponderance of the evidence in the record that a project or a revised project would not have a significant environmental impact. Requires the preparation of an environmental impact report if the lead agency finds, in light of the whole record, that a project, based on a preponderance of the evidence, will have a significant environmental impact that could not be avoided through a revision of the project.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
SB 225*(Simitian-D) Pollution control
Allows the California Pollution Control Financing Authority to establish loss reserve accounts for the purposes of terminal rental adjustment clause leasing, if funds are available for contribution into the loss reserve account from any source other than the Authority.
Chapter 492, Statutes of 2011
SB 226(Simitian-D) Environmental quality: scoping procedure
Revises the scoping procedures in the California Environmental Quality Act by authorizing referral of a proposed action to adopt or substantially amend a general plan to a city or county to be conducted concurrently with the scoping meeting, and authorizes the city or county to submit its comments at the scoping meeting.
Chapter 469, Statutes of 2011
SB 241(Cannella-R) Environmental quality
Enacts the California Environmental Quality Act Litigation Protection Pilot Program of 2011 that prohibits court review of a lead agency's certification of an environmental impact report or adoption of a mitigated negative declaration, as well as a lead or responsible agency's project approval, for 125 projects that are selected by the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency over a five-year period. For a project to qualify for the exemption, the lead agency must certify to the Agency that there is an expectation that an environmental impact report will be certified for the project within 12 months. The Agency's selection of projects is also exempt from judicial review.
(Failed passage in Senate Environmental Quality Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 292(Padilla-D) Environmental quality: Los Angeles stadium
Establishes expedited judicial review procedures and requires implementation of specified traffic and air quality mitigation measures under the California Environmental Quality Act for the proposed downtown Los Angeles football stadium and convention center project.
Chapter 353, Statutes of 2011
SB 620(Correa-D) Environmental quality: retail facilities
Exempts from the California Environmental Quality Act requirements a project that consists of the alteration of a vacant retail structure that existed prior to 1/1/09, is not more than 120,000 square feet in area, and meets specified requirements.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 639(Cannella-R) Environmental Protection Agency: regulations
Requires the California Environmental Protection Agency, the entities that comprise that Agency, and the Division of Occupational Safety and Health, when proposing to adopt, amend, or repeal an administrative regulation, to complete an economic impact analysis of that action prior to the adoption, amendment, or repeal. Requires the economic impact analysis to contain the projected cost of the action to the General Fund, the projected total economic impact of the action, including the cost to private sector employers and the estimated number of jobs to be lost, a description of all feasible regulatory alternatives and a cost-benefit analysis of each alternative, and a summary of written comments, as specified. Requires the Agency to subject the report to a review by an independent entity, as defined, and to make the economic impact report available on the Agency's Internet Web site.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 683(Correa-D) Environmental quality: noncompliance allegations
Clarifies provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act that prescribes when and how a person may bring action on a proceeding against a project before a public entity.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 735(Price-D) Environmental quality
Shortens the timeframe for the judicial review of noncompliance allegations relating to the California Environmental Quality Act.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 763(Steinberg-D) Environmental protection
Authorizes the Secretary of the Environmental Protection Agency to create a program to recognize businesses that have demonstrated a commitment to enhanced environmental performance. Requires the Secretary to establish criteria to judge environmental performance. Businesses could voluntarily apply to the Secretary to participate in the program and the Secretary would review applications to determine whether a business qualifies and what level of recognition is appropriate.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 49*(Gatto-D) Environmental quality: permits: projects
Reestablishes the Office of Permit Assistance, under the Governor's Office of Planning and Research, to help facilitate state and local review of commercial and industrial development projects.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 83(Jeffries-R) Environmental quality: exemption
Establishes an exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act for installation of new recycled water pipelines less than eight miles in length.
(Failed passage in Assembly Natural Resources Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 120(Assembly Budget Committee) Public resources: Budget Trailer Bill
Among other provisions, extends the moratorium on issuance of suction dredge permits for an additional five years, or until such time as new regulations that fully mitigate all identified significant environmental impacts, and a proposed fee structure that will fully cover all program costs, are in place.
Chapter 133, Statutes of 2011
AB 209(Ammiano-D) Environmental quality
Requires a lead agency preparing an environmental impact report or negative declaration under the California Environmental Quality Act to include a description of how the draft report or draft negative declaration can be provided in an electronic format.
Chapter 171, Statutes of 2011
AB 320(Hill-D) Environmental quality disputes
Clarifies the persons who must be named as a real party in interest in complaints for specified violations of the California Environmental Quality Act by removing reference to "any recipient of approval," and, instead, requires a petitioner or plaintiff to name, as a real party in interest, any person or persons identified by the public agency in its notice of determination, or notice of exemption, that is filed with the Office of Planning and Research. Requires those notices to list the person(s) whose activity fell under the definition of "project." If no notice is filed, the petitioner or plaintiff shall name the same persons that are reflected in the agency's record of proceedings for the project, as specified.
Chapter 570, Statutes of 2011
AB 343(Atkins-D) Environmental goals: redevelopment plans
Requires each redevelopment plan be consistent with the regional sustainable communities strategy or alternative planning strategy adopted by a metropolitan planning organization or council of government.
(In Senate Governance and Finance Committee)
AB 598(Grove-R) Environmental quality
Limits the standing to file and maintain an action or proceeding alleging that an environmental impact report, a negative declaration, or a mitigated negative declaration was not prepared and certified in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act to the Attorney General.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 603(V. Manuel Pérez-D) Environmental impact reports: energy
Until 1/1/14, does not require an environmental impact review to analyze, or mitigate where feasible, the environmental effect for an eligible renewable energy resource, including greenhouse gas emissions, not found to be significant under the California Environmental Quality Act.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 605(Dickinson-D) Environmental quality: transportation impacts
Requires the Office of Planning and Research, in consultation with specified entities, to prepare and adopt guidelines that, among other things, establishes the percentage reduction in the projected trip generation and vehicle miles traveled for a project as compared to the average for trip generation and vehicle miles traveled for that project type that would assist a region in meeting the greenhouse gas emission reduction targets established by the Air Resources Board for the automobile and light truck sector for that region, and develop a list of mitigation measures that a project may incorporate to reduce the project's projected trip generation and vehicle miles traveled. Provides that a project meeting or exceeding the percentage reduction in trip generation and vehicle miles traveled or a project that incorporates the listed mitigation measures sufficient to allow the project to meet the percentage reduction would not need to consider the transportation-related impact of the project in environmental documents prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 880(V. Manuel Pérez-D) Environmental quality: expedited environmental review
Amends the California Environmental Quality Act to expand the authorized use of a "focused" environmental impact report for installation of required pollution control equipment to include projects that consist of installation of a direct emission reduction required by a rule or regulation adopted by the Air Resources Board pursuant to the California Global Warming Solutions Act.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 890(Olsen-R) Environment quality: roadway improvement
Exempts from the California Environmental Quality Act a project or activity undertaken by a city or county within an existing road right-of-way for the purposes of roadway improvement.
(Failed passage in Assembly Natural Resources Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 892(Carter-D) Environmental review process
Extends the sunset date from 1/1/12 to 1/1/17 to waive the state's 11th amendment right to sovereign immunity from lawsuits filed against the Department of Transportation under the National Environmental Policy Act in order to allow the Department to continue its assumption of the Act's responsibilities.
Chapter 482, Statutes of 2011
AB 900(Buchanan-D) Environmental quality: jobs and economic development
Enacts the Jobs and Economic Improvement Through Environmental Leadership Act of 2011, and establishes specified judicial review procedures for the judicial review of the environmental impact report and approvals granted for a leadership project related to the development of a residential, retail, commercial, sports, cultural, entertainment, or recreational use project, or clean renewable energy or clean energy manufacturing project. Allows the Governor to certify a leadership project for streamlining pursuant to the Act if certain conditions are met. Sunsets on 1/1/15. Becomes operative only if SB 292 (Padilla-D) is enacted.
Chapter 354, Statutes of 2011
AB 931(Dickinson-D) Environmental quality: housing projects
Revises the residential infill exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act by increasing the amount of allowable neighborhood-serving goods, services, or retail uses from 15% to 25% of the building square footage. Allows a "transit proximity project," as defined, to be subject to certain environmental review procedures contained in SB 375 (Steinberg-D), Chapter 728, Statutes of 2008, until adoption of a sustainable communities strategy. Allows an "employment priority project," as defined, to also be subject to those environmental review procedures. Allows an "employment priority project" to also be subject to those environmental review procedures until adoption of a sustainable communities strategy.
(Failed passage in Senate Environmental Quality Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 995(Cedillo-D) Environmental quality: forest development
Requires the Office of Planning and Research, to prepare and submit to the Legislature a report containing recommendations for expedited environmental review for transit-oriented development.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1112(Huffman-D) Oil spill prevention
Requires the Office of Spill Prevention and Response to increase its monitoring and inspections of operations involving the transfer of oil between vessels (i.e., bunkering and lightering). Temporarily increases the Oil Spill Prevention and Administration Fund fee to support the state's oil spill prevention programs for the next three years. Requires the State Lands Commission, in consultation with the Department of Conservation, to provide statutory recommendations to the Legislature to ensure maximum safety and prevention of harm during offshore oil drilling.
Chapter 583, Statutes of 2011
AB 1183(Bill Berryhill-R) Environmental impact reports: jobs and housing
Enacts the Jobs and Housing Act of 2011 and limits the standing to file and maintain the above action or proceeding to the Attorney General alleging that an environmental impact report was not prepared and certified in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. Applies this limitation to those actions or proceedings that are pending as of 1/1/12, and for which a final nonappealable judgment has not been entered before that date.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1185(Torres-D) Environmental quality: retail facilities
Establishes, until 1/1/15, an exemption for the California Environmental Quality Act for alterations of existing vacant retail structures not more than 60,000 square feet and meeting specified requirements.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1380(Feuer-D) California Environmental Protection Agency
Requires that the California Environmental Protection Agency, establish through applicant fees, an environmental technologies certification.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 13X1(V. Manuel Pérez-D) Environmental impact reports
Expands existing permitting requirements for renewable energy projects to additional types of renewable energy projects. Requires the California Energy Commission to provide grants to local governments for renewable energy planning efforts.
Chapter 10, Statutes of 2011, First Extraordinary Session
A similar bill was AB 603 (V. Manuel Pérez-D) which died in the Assembly Natural Resources Committee.
SB 455(Pavley-D) Forestry: watersheds: timber harvesting plans
Authorizes a person to file a watershed timber harvest plan (WTHP), as defined, for the purpose of conducting timber operations, and requires the WTHP to be prepared by a registered professional forester and filed with the Department Of Forestry and Fire Protection in writing and requires the forester to certify and provide a report describing the inspection of the WTHP area.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee)
SB 7X1(Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) State responsibility areas: fire protection fees
Revises and recasts state responsibility area fee provisions to require the Board of Forestry to adopt emergency regulations to establish and administer fire protection fees in specified amounts, but not in an amount that would exceed the reasonable cost of providing fire protection services.
(Died in Assembly Budget and Fiscal Review Committee)
SB 17X1(Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) State responsibility areas: fire prevention fees
Expresses the intent of the Legislature to enact statutory changes relating to the Budget Act of 2010, and states that it addresses the fiscal emergency declared by the Governor by proclamation issued on 12/6/10, pursuant to the California Constitution.
(Died in Assembly Budget and Fiscal Review Committee)
AB 163(Jeffries-R) Department of Forestry and Fire Protection: employment
Subjects an applicant for employment with Department of Forestry and Fire Protection or the Board of Forestry to criminal background checks, including convictions and arrests, to determine whether the applicant is eligible for employment.
(Failed passage in Assembly Natural Resources Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 380(Chesbro-D) Forestry operations: watersheds
Requires the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to meet specified criteria when implementing pilot projects to protect riparian zones during timber harvests, and requires the Department of Fish and Game to provide comments on the pilot project.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 384(Chesbro-D) State forest land: Jackson Demonstration State Forest
Authorizes the City of Fort Bragg and the County of Mendocino to acquire up to 17 acres of the Jackson Demonstration State Forest to develop a solid waste transfer station, as part of a three-way property transfer set at fair market value.
Chapter 173, Statutes of 2011
AB 495(Logue-R) Harts Mill Forest Fire Station: state property: transfer
Authorizes the Director of the Department of General Services to transfer to Butte County a 2.29-acre state property previously declared surplus to the state's needs and authorized for sale or transfer pursuant to current law.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 992(Nielsen-R) Wildfires
Provides that damage caused by an escaping fire, other than an arson fire, shall not be deemed a trespass for purposes of damages for wrongful injuries to timber, trees, or underwood upon the land of another person.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 1005(Dickinson-D) Forest practices: timber harvesting plan
Requires the Department of Fish and Game, the appropriate regional water quality control board, the California Geological Survey, and, where applicable, the California Coastal Commission to conduct a review of a timber harvesting plan to determine environmental issues and mitigation measures. If that review raises environmental issues and mitigation measures suggested by the reviewing entities are not deemed necessary by the Director, requires the Secretary for Natural Resources to review the plan for final determination.
(Failed passage in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 1414(Assembly Natural Resources Committee) Forestry: timber harvesting
Amends the Z'berg-Nejedly Forest Practice Act of 1973 to make technical changes and to repeal outdated provisions that have no significance on current forest resource management.
Chapter 584, Statutes of 2011
AB 24X1(Blumenfield-D) State responsibility areas: fire protection fees
Provides the necessary statutory changes in the area of Resources and State Fire Protection in order to enact the 2011 Budget Act.
(Died in Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee)
AB 29X1(Blumenfield-D) State responsibility areas: fire prevention fees
Provides the necessary statutory changes in the area of Resources and State Fire Protection in order to enact the 2011 Budget Act.
Chapter 8, Statutes of 2011)
AB 42X1(Jeffries-R) Fire suppression: state prison inmate fire crews
Requires that the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), upon appropriation by the Legislature, annually allocate funds available to the CDCR to reimburse the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (DFFP) for its costs associated with the administration of the state prison inmate fire crew program, and requires that the Department of Finance work with both the CDCR and the DFFP to resolve any disputed reimbursement amounts.
(Died at Assembly Desk)
AB 45X1(Jeffries-R) State responsibility areas: fire prevention fees
Repeals specified provisions relating to fire prevention fees.
(Died at Assembly Desk)
Solid Waste
SB 419(Simitian-D) Solid waste: home-generated sharps
Requires pharmaceutical manufacturers to provide their annual reports on disposal of sharps waste to the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery electronically and make them readily available on the Web sites.
(On Assembly Third Reading File)
SB 515(Corbett-D) Recycling: household batteries
Requires producers of household batteries to institute programs to manage used household batteries. Requires battery producers to set up and finance programs to recover used batteries and recycle or properly dispose of them. Requires household battery producers to increase the recovery rate by 5% per year, until a recovery rate of 70% has been reached. Requires producers to develop stewardship plans and annual reports, to be reviewed by the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
A similar bill is AB 1189 (Miller-R) which is in Assembly Natural Resources Committee.
SB 518(Simitian-D) Beverage containers: recycling
Deletes provisions in the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act that require the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery to establish reporting periods for redemption rates and requires the Department to determine redemption rates for specified types of beverage containers.
(On Assembly Third Reading File)
SB 567(DeSaulnier-D) Plastic products: recycling
Repeals current law concerning the sale of plastic bags which have to meet various standards and instead, as of 1/1/13, prohibits the sale of a plastic product, as defined, labeled as "compostable," "home compostable," or "marine degradable" unless it meets those American Society for Testing and Materials standard specifications, the OK Compost HOME certification, as specified, or a standard adopted by the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, or unless the plastic product is labeled with a qualified claim for which the Department has adopted an existing standard, and the plastic product meets that standard. Prohibits the sale of a plastic product that is labeled as "biodegradable," "degradable," "decomposable," or as otherwise specified. Provides for the continuation of the labeling requirements imposed upon a manufacturer of a compostable plastic bag. Provides for the imposition of a civil penalty for a violation of those prohibitions.
Chapter 594, Statutes of 2011
SB 568(Lowenthal-D) Recycling: polystyrene food containers
Prohibits a food vendor from dispensing prepared food to a customer in a polystyrene foam food container after 1/1/16, (7/1/17, for school districts) unless the local government or school district adopts a recycling program that can recycle at least 60% of its polystyrene foam food containers.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 758(Fuller-R) Recycling: tires: fee
Decreases the amount of the California tire fee that is imposed from $1.75 to $1.15.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 833(Vargas-D) Solid waste landfill: San Diego County
Prohibits the operation of a solid waste landfill in San Diego County that is located within 1,000 feet of the San Luis Rey River and within 1,000 feet of a Native American sacred site. Prevents the proposed development of the Gregory Canyon landfill located within an approximately 1,770-acre parcel located in northern San Diego County north and south of State Route 76, approximately three miles east of Interstate 15 and two miles southwest of the community of Pala.
SB 841(Wolk-D) Solid waste: enterprises: contracts
Restricts the enforceability of any indemnity obligation, as specified, in a contract or request for proposal between a solid waste enterprise and a local agency, related to liability for failure to obtain voter approval of fees or charges in violation of constitutional requirements enacted by Propositions 218 and 26.
Chapter 713, Statutes of 2011
SB 915(Calderon-D) Recycling of plastic bags
Requires plastic bags to contain a mandatory level of recycled content to a specified schedule. Requires the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery to establish a working group of stakeholders to develop strategies for increasing the recycling of plastic bags and to develop suggestions for potential funding for increased consumer awareness.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 34(Williams-D) Solid waste compost facilities
Requires the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery to adopt regulations with which enforcement agencies would be required to comply when adopting site-specific objective odor performance thresholds for compost facilities. Allows a compost facility operator to apply to an enforcement agency to adopt performance thresholds in accordance with a fee schedule adopted by the enforcement agency.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 298(Brownley-D) Recycling: reusable bags
Defines "reusable bag" and prohibits the sale of a reusable bag unless it contains guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 341(Chesbro-D) Solid waste: diversion
Establishes a state policy goal that 75% of solid waste generated be diverted from landfill disposal by 2020; requires a commercial waste generator to arrange for recycling services; and requires local governments to implement commercial solid waste recycling programs designed to divert solid waste from businesses.
Chapter 476, Statutes of 2011
AB 480(Solorio-D) Solid waste facilities: insurance
Clarifies that a captive insurer meeting the statutory criteria of the Public Resources Code as a post-closure financial assurance mechanism is recognized as valid insurance under California's Insurance Code.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 508(Swanson-D) Solid waste handling
Extends an existing bid preference for public transit contractors who agree to retain employees, as specified, to also include solid waste handling and recycling services contractors.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 525(Gordon-D) Solid waste: tires and paint
Requires the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) to provide outreach to local agencies regarding a program it may establish under existing law to award grants to cities, counties, and other local government agencies for the funding of public works projects that use waste tires. Makes the public works waste tire grant program inoperative on 6/30/15, and repeals the provision authorizing this program on 1/1/16. Makes conforming changes with regard to the CalRecycle's five-year plan, goals and priorities for waste tire programs. Establishes two accounts for the Architectural Paint Recovery Program which was created by AB 1343 (Huffman-R), Chapter 420, Statutes of 2010.
Chapter 573, Statutes of 2011
A similar bill is AB 789 (Chesbro-D) which is in Assembly Natural Resources Committee.
AB 549(Carter-D) Electronic waste: recycling
Codifies electronic waste regulations and practices issued and employed by the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). Allows CalRecycle to pay a covered electronic waste recovery or recycling payment only if the covered electronic devices was used in the state. Allows CalRecycle to review required documentation submitted by a covered electronic waste collector or recycler before making payment and to refuse to pay a covered electronic waste collector or recycler if the documentation is incomplete or otherwise not in compliance with the Electronic Waste Act.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 583(Knight-R) Electronic waste
Transfers the responsibility of the Electronic Waste Recycling Act from the Department of Toxic Substances Control to the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 712(Williams-D) Recycling: beverage containers
Prohibits, on and after 7/1/12, the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery from providing the Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act funds to a city, county, or city and county that prevents the siting or operation of a certified recycling center at a supermarket site.
Chapter 576, Statutes of 2011
AB 789(Chesbro-D) Solid waste: tire recycling
Requires the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery to provide outreach to local agencies regarding a program it may establish under existing law to award grants to cities, counties, and other local government agencies for the funding of public works projects that use waste tires in the projects.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 812(Ma-D) Solid waste: recycled concrete and asphalt
Modifies the prohibition against selling recycled concrete to the Department of General Services and Caltrans by eliminating the requirement that the agencies must request its use. Requires Caltrans to increase the allowable amount of recycled asphalt pavement used in its projects to 50%, as specified, unless Caltrans determines that using the material is not practical, cost effective, or appropriate on a given application.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 818(Blumenfield-D) Solid waste: renters recycling program
Enacts the Renters' Right to Recycle Act which requires an owner of a multifamily dwelling with five or more living units to arrange for recycling services that are appropriate and available for the multifamily dwelling, as specified.
Chapter 279, Statutes of 2011
AB 837(Nestande-R) Solid waste: plastic food containers
Prohibits a manufacturer or supplier from selling a plastic food container that is advertised with a specific recycled content amount unless the manufacturer or supplier is able to provide certification of that claim in a format that is easy to understand and scientifically accurate.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 921(Allen-D) Solid waste: compost products
Enacts the Agriculture Water Efficiency with Compost Use and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act of 2011, which requires the Department of Food and Agriculture, in conjunction with the Department of Water Resources, to, through their existing programs, oversee a study or studies conducted by the University of California Extension Service, in partnership with local water districts, farmers, growers, and compost producers, to measure increases in water use efficiency through the use of compost in agricultural settings, and other potential benefits from the use of compost, with regard to climate change.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 960(Bonnie Lowenthal-D) Electronic waste: recycling
Requires exporters of electronic waste or covered electronic devices to demonstrate to the Department of Toxic Substances Control that the electronic waste will be handled in compliance with local laws where the waste is imported.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1019*(John A. Pérez-D) Solid waste: carpet stewardship
Reenacts the state law that enacted the carpet stewardship program and provides that the law continues to be operative on and after 11/3/11.
(Failed passage on Senate Floor; reconsideration granted)
AB 1094(Swanson-D) Recycling and composting bins: school campuses
Allows a school district to provide recycling and composting bins on the campus of each elementary and secondary school.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1149(Gordon-D) Recycling: beverage containers
Extends, for five years, the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery plastic market development program, which provides Bottle Bill funds to support recyclers and manufacturers using empty plastic beverage containers. Specifies that on and after 1/1/12, in addition to the $10,000,000 already authorized, the Department may expend up to 50% of processing payment savings (created by high scrap prices for specific types of plastic) for market development payments for empty plastic beverage containers.
Chapter 486, Statutes of 2011
AB 1178(Ma-D) Solid waste: place of origin
Prohibits an ordinance enacted by a city or county, including an ordinance enacted by initiative by the voters of a city or county, from otherwise restricting or limiting the importation of solid waste into a privately owned solid waste facility in that city or county based on place of origin. Provides that this prohibition does not require a privately owned or operated solid waste facility to accept certain waste, does not allow a privately owned solid waste facility to abrogate certain agreements, does not prohibit a city, county, or a regional agency from requiring a privately owned solid waste facility to guarantee permitted capacity to a host jurisdiction, and does not otherwise limit or affect the land use authority of a city or county.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1189(Miller-R) Household batteries recycling program
Requires a producer of household batteries or consumer products incorporating a household battery, acting individually or through a household battery stewardship organization, to submit a plan to the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery on 1/1/12, for a used household battery stewardship transition project, containing specified elements, and to implement the plan by 4/1/12, for an operation of not less than 12 months. A producer or battery stewardship organization would be required to submit a report to the Department regarding the final results of the project by 5/1/13.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
A similar bill is SB 515 (Corbett-D) which is in Senate Appropriations Committee.
AB 1359(Skinner-D) Solid waste: landfills
Specifies that the evidence of financial ability to provide for the cost of the closure and postclosure maintenance of a landfill shall be in an amount that is equal to the estimated cost of closure and not less than 15 years of postclosure maintenance.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
Toxics/Hazardous Waste
SB 178(Simitian-D) Hazardous materials: green chemistry
Allows the Green Ribbon Science Panel to form subgroups to consider and report to the full panel and the Department of Toxic Substances Control on specific priority topics identified by the Department. Provides meetings conducted by all subgroups formed in aggregate, shall not exceed 10 meetings during a fiscal year, and a meeting conducted by a subgroup is to be held in a cost-effective manner to minimize the costs incurred by the meeting.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
SB 456(Huff-R) Household hazardous waste: transportation
Allows household hazardous waste (HHW) gathered by a door-to-door HHW collection program to be transported using a consolidated manifest and to be taken to a HHW collection facility or a hazardous waste facility. Sunsets on 1/1/20.
Chapter 602, Statutes of 2011
SB 589(Lowenthal-D) Household mercury-containing lamps
Requires a manufacturer of household mercury-containing lamps, on or before 4/1/13, individually or through a stewardship organization, to prepare and submit to the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery for approval, a household mercury-containing lamp stewardship plan to establish a recovery program for the management of end-of-life household mercury-containing lamps.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
SB 623(Kehoe-D) Marine antifouling paint
Restricts the use of copper antifouling paint on recreational vehicles.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 646(Pavley-D) Toxics: enforcement: lead jewelry
Deletes the exemption from enforcement provisions of the Metal-Containing Jewelry Law for the signatories to the amended consent judgment, People v. Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse Corporation, et al. Makes other technical changes to statute.
Chapter 473, Statutes of 2011
SB 909(La Malfa-R) Disposal of treated wood waste
Specifies that the Web site and phone number be posted on warning signs at treated wood retailers and wholesalers and extends the sunset on the law concerning disposal of treated wood waste to 2018.
Chapter 601, Statutes of 2011
SJR 3(Pavley-D) Toxic substances: federal law
Urges the President and the Congress of the United States to enact federal legislation to modernize the federal Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 by strengthening chemical management through specified policy reforms.
Resolution Chapter 62, Statutes of 2011
AB 255(Wieckowski-D) Hazardous waste: latex paint
Allows a household hazardous waste collection facility authorized to receive hazardous waste from a conditionally exempt small quantity generator to accept recyclable latex from any source and in any amount, if certain conditions exist.
Chapter 213, Statutes of 2011
AB 291(Wieckowski-D) Underground storage tanks
Extends, for two years, a temporary fee paid per gallon on motor vehicle fuel (petroleum storage fee) that the owner of an underground storage tank must pay from 1.4 mils to 2 mils per gallon through 1/1/14, and removes the 1/1/16 sunset on the existing underground petroleum storage tank fee and funding program. Becomes operative only if AB 358 (Smyth-R), Chapter 571, Statutes of 2011, is enacted and becomes effective on or before 1/1/12.
Chapter 569, Statutes of 2011
AB 358*(Smyth-R) Hazardous waste: underground storage tanks
Requires the owner or operator of an underground storage tank (UST) to send specified information to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) regarding an unauthorized release of hazardous substances in USTs to local agencies on a written or electronic form developed by SWRCB. Requires each regional board and local agency to submit a report to SWRCB for all unauthorized releases using the board's Internet-accessible database. Allows SWRCB to adopt regulations to specify reporting requirements to implement the provisions of the bill, including electronic submission requirements for these reports and requires the regulations to be adopted as emergency regulations and exempts the adoption of these regulations from certain requirements regarding review by the Office of Administrative Law. Allows a person required to perform corrective action under certain federal laws to apply to SWRCB for payment of a claim. Becomes operative only if AB 291 (Wieckowski-D), Chapter 569, Statutes of 2011, is chaptered.
Chapter 571, Statutes of 2011
AB 408*(Wieckowski-D) Hazardous waste
Makes changes to hazardous material reporting, emergency response, and hazardous waste manifest requirements and to the requirements for the management of used paint.
Chapter 603, Statutes of 2011
AB 553(Monning-D) Hazardous materials: employment safety
Requires the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board to adopt standards specifying permissible exposure limits for workplace hazardous substances, using existing quantitative risk assessments determined by state and federal agencies, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 666*(Jeffries-R) Toxics: acid pit containment: Riverside County
Authorizes the State Public Works Board to acquire 30 acres of land in Riverside County from the Jurupa Area Recreation and Park District, and requires the Board to transfer this property to the Department of Toxic Substances Control in conjunction with the Department's management of the Stringfellow Acid Pits Containment Site.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 681(Wieckowski-D) Aboveground storage tanks
Extends the Environmental Protection Trust Fund expenditures until 1/1/13, and provides that unexpended funds be deposited in the Unified Program Account for further support for Certified Unified Program Agencies aboveground storage tank activities.
Chapter 574, Statutes of 2011
AB 762(Smyth-R) Medical waste
Allows the reuse of a common container for specified wastes and requires the consolidated waste to be treated by either incineration at a permitted medical waste treatment facility or with an alternative technology, as specified. In relation to the label requirement, authorizes the use of the word "INCINERATION" in addition to the words "HIGH HEAT ONLY" or other label approved by the Department of Public Health.
Chapter 222, Statutes of 2011
AB 868(Davis-D) Hazardous waste: transporting
Revises the condition for exempting manifest and transporter requirements of hazardous waste to a maximum weight of 10,000 pounds of hazardous waste (an increase from the currently allowable 2,500 pounds or 275 gallons). Increases the 1,600 gallon hazardous wastewater exception from manifesting for utility generators to a maximum of 5,000 gallons.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 913(Feuer-D) Hazardous waste: source reduction
Requires the Department of Toxic Substances Control, as part of implementing the hazardous waste source reduction program, to develop a California Green Business Program that provides support and assistance to local government programs that provide for the voluntary certification of small businesses that adopt environmentally preferable business practices, including, but not limited to, increased energy efficiency, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, promotion of water conservation, and reduced waste generation.
Chapter 578, Statutes of 2011
AB 1176(Williams-D) Toxic air contaminants: pesticides
Requires the Director of the Department of Pesticide Regulation, to complete at least one report per year on the health impacts of a pesticide which may be determined to be a Toxic Air Contaminant, requires at least two pesticides per year go through the Toxic Air Contaminant determination process, and makes technical and conforming changes. Includes pesticides identified by the Director as toxic air contaminants within the list of pesticides for which the Director is required to develop control measures, as specified above. Specifies that the Director shall develop the control measures for each pesticide listed as a toxic air contaminant.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1207(Furutani-D) Hazardous waste/toxics: civil actions
Prohibits bringing a civil action for damages from any person who develops real property or performs or furnishes the design, specifications, surveying, planning, supervision, testing, or observation of construction or construction of an improvement to real property more than 10 years after the substantial completion of the development or improvement, as specified. Provides that this limitation does not apply to an action in tort to recover damages for damage to real or personal property, or for personal injury or wrongful death from exposure to hazardous or toxic materials, pollution, hazardous waste, or associated environmental remediation activities.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 1235*(Roger Hernández-D) Hazardous substance removal: redevelopment agencies
Provides that if a Redevelopment Agency (RDA) has been dissolved by an act of the Legislature and its successor agency, as defined, maintains all the authority, rights, powers, duties, and obligations that were vested in the redevelopment agency prior to its dissolution, all rights, powers, duties, obligations, and protections that previously applied to the RDA shall apply to the successor agency, pursuant to the Polanco Act, for the removal of hazardous substance releases, as specified, from property that was within a redevelopment project of the RDA prior to its dissolution.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 1351(Logue-R) Underground storage tanks
Requires, if the Board of Equalization finds that the person who owns an underground storage tank failed to make a report or return because he/she was a qualified absentee owner of an underground storage tank, the notice of determination to be mailed within three years after the date the amount was required to have been paid or the report was due.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
Water Resources
SB 34(Simitian-D) California Water Resources Investment Act of 2011
Creates the California Water Resources Investment Act of 2011. The Act finds that it is necessary to establish a sustainable revenue source to fund the public benefits of water related projects and programs by imposing a charge on all retail water suppliers consistent with the following principles: (1) funding of public benefits should be guided by the beneficiaries pay and polluters pay principles; (2) decisions regarding funding of public benefits of water related projects and programs should be made by the public receiving those benefits; and (3) it is desirable for the revenue source to fund the public benefits of water related projects and programs to be equitable, comprehensive, unavoidable, affordable, understandable, easy to administer, and stable.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 52(Steinberg-D) Water quality: Sacramento Regional County
Appropriates $50,000,000 to the Department of Water Resources from specified bond acts, to provide financial assistance to the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District to offset rate increases associated with the costs of capital improvements to the district's regional sewage treatment plant as a result of the issuance of a specified National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit and waste discharge requirements.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 133(Wolk-D) Cache Creek Resource Management Plan
Extends the sunset provision for the Cache Creek Resource Management Plan until December 2017, and deletes the provision requiring the approval of the local ordinance by the State Mining and Geology Board.
Chapter 145, Statutes of 2011
SB 200(Wolk-D) Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: Bay Delta Conservation Plan
Requires any state agency that is responsible for authorizing or implementing any action in implementation of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan to ensure that the action is consistent with specified requirements prescribed by the bill. Makes related legislative findings and declarations.
(In Senate Natural Resources Committee)
SB 215(Huff-R) Invasive aquatic species: mussels
Extends the sunset of existing provisions that prohibit the possession or importation to the state of dreissenid mussels and gives the Department of Fish and Game authority to enforce the prohibition. Extends the sunset from1/1/12 to 1/1/17.
Chapter 332, Statutes of 2011
SB 224(Pavley-D) Department of Water Resources: public contracts:
Exempts specified Department of Water Resources contracts from competitive bidding requirements and Department of General Services approval.
Chapter 587, Statutes of 2011
SB 225*(Simitian-D) California Pollution Control Financing Authority
Allows the California Pollution Control Financing Authority to establish loss reserve accounts for the purposes of terminal rental adjustment clause leasing, if funds are available for contribution into the loss reserve account from any source other than the Authority.
Chapter 492, Statutes of 2011
SB 235(Negrete McLeod-D) Water conservation districts
Allows water conservation districts with seven-member boards of directors to decrease the number of directors to five members. Does not apply to districts within Ventura County.
Chapter 122, Statutes of 2011
SB 250(Rubio-D) Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: Delta Plan
Clarifies that the Office of Planning and Research's review of each request to add or delete a class of exempt projects under the California Environmental Quality Act be in accordance with Public Resources Code Section 21083 and 21084 and changes the reference from the Resources Agency to the Natural Resources Agency.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
SB 263(Pavley-D) Wells: reports: public availability
Requires the Department of Water Resources to make the reports that well drillers must submit when a well is constructed, deepened, reperforated, or destroyed available, with certain restrictions, to governmental agencies for studies, college-level or higher academics for research, geologists, geophysicists, hydrologists, civil engineers, licensed well contractors or any person who obtains written authorization from the well owner. Makes any person who knowingly violates the restrictions on the use or sharing of a well completion report guilty of a misdemeanor violation punishable by up to $25,000 per day, a year in county jail, or both.
SB 267*(Rubio-D) Water supply planning: renewable energy plants
Revises the definition of "project" to exclude a proposed photovoltaic or wind energy generation facility approved on or after the effective date of this bill that demands no more than 75-acre feet of water annually.
Chapter 588, Statutes of 2011
SB 297(Cannella-R) Hydroelectric generation: renewable energy resources
Revises the definition of an eligible renewable energy resource to include a hydroelectric generation facility of any size, and removes other restrictions regarding which hydroelectric generation facilities meet the definition of an eligible renewable energy resource. Makes conforming changes.
(In Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 317(Rubio-D) Kings River Fisheries Management Program
Allows continued Department of Fish and Game participation and cost-sharing in the Kings River Fisheries Management Program.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 482(Kehoe-D) Public beach contamination: standards: testing: closing
Transfers primary jurisdiction for the beach water quality monitoring program from the Department of Public Health to the State Water Resources Control Board.
Chapter 592, Statutes of 2011
SB 571(Wolk-D) California Water Commission: California Water Plan
Establishes the California Water Commission (CWC) as an independent agency, deletes provisions providing that the Director of the Department of Water Resources has the authority to overrule the CWC, authorizes the CWC to hire staff, authorizes the CWC to sue and be sued, and authorizes the CWC to administer the development and implementation of the California Water Investment Plan established in a new division of the Water Code.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 577(Gaines-R) Bear Lake Reservoir: recreational use
Exempts recreational activity in which there is bodily contact with water by any participant in Bear Lake Reservoir from a specified prohibition. Establishes standards to be met, including water treatment, monitoring, and reporting requirements.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 607(Walters-R) State Water Resources Control Board: water quality
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board, on or before 1/1/13, to either amend the California Ocean Plan, or adopt separate standards, to address water quality objectives and effluent limitations that are specifically appropriate for brackish groundwater treatment system facilities that produce municipal water supplies for local use.
Chapter 241, Statutes of 2011
SB 623(Kehoe-D) Marine antifouling paint
Restricts the use of copper antifouling paint on recreational vessels.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 659(Hernandez-D) San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority: board members
Allows an appointing authority of the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority, by a majority vote, to remove their member or alternate member of the Authority without cause and at any time prior to the expiration of the member's or alternate member's term of office, and appoint or elect another person as a member or alternate. A person appointed or elected in accordance to this provision, is to meet the qualifications applicable to the office, and shall serve the remaining term of the office.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
SB 665(La Malfa-R) Lake and streambed alteration agreements: endangered species
Modifies a prohibition to prohibit the installation of a new diversion or means of diversion, or the substantial alteration of an existing means of diversion, that will substantially affect a river, stream, or lake as described above, unless prescribed requirements are met.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee)
SB 682(Rubio-D) Public resources: oil and gas: underground injection of gas
Provides for the permitting of underground injection wells by the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources in the Department of Conservation.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
SB 701(Calderon-D) Central Basin Municipal Water District: directors: report
Requires the Central Basin Municipal Water District, on or before 7/1/12, to submit a report to the Legislature on the status of the Central Groundwater Basin and seawater barrier operations, and prescribes the information to be included in the report. Requires the municipal water district to provide an annual update of that report, and requires the Department of Water Resources and the Water Replenishment District of Southern California to cooperate with the municipal water district in providing information necessary for the completion of the report. Repeals this reporting requirement on 7/1/16, in accordance with a specified provision of law.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee)
SB 710(La Malfa-R) State Water Project: county services
Authorizes a county, in accordance with prescribed procedures, to prepare and adopt a county services impact report containing, among other things, a description of the costs of county services, as defined, related to the operation of specified dams and reservoirs as State Water Project facilities within the county. Requires the Department of Water Resources to compensate the county for those costs by compensating the county directly, by providing the county with specified services and facilities, or by contracting with the county or a service provider to provide the services or facilities within the county.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee)
SB 744(Wyland-R) Water submeters: testing
Exempts water submeters from testing and approval by the county sealer prior to installation if tested, as specified.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 834(Wolk-D) Integrated regional water management plans: contents
Requires that an Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) that is voluntarily drafted so as to meet certain minimum requirements in order to be eligible for state funding must, for a region that depends on water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, also include an identification of the way the IRWMP will further the statewide policy of reducing reliance on the Delta through investments in regional self-reliance.
SB 846(Berryhill-R) The California Water Plan: water data
Requires the Department of Water Resources to include in The California Water Plan an assessment of the state's water data system, and prescribes requirements relating to the contents and conduct of the assessment.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 877(Anderson-R) Public water systems: point-of-use treatment
Limits specified regulations to public water systems with less than 2,500 service connections and permits the emergency regulations to remain in effect until the earlier of 1/1/16, or the effective date of the required nonemergency regulations.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 900(Steinberg-D) California regional water quality control boards: members
Provides that a person would not be disqualified from being a member of a regional water quality control board because that person receives, or has received during the previous two years, a significant portion of his/her income directly or indirectly from a person subject to waste discharge requirements, or an applicant for waste discharge requirements, that govern discharges not within the jurisdiction of that regional board. Provides that this revised eligibility provision relating to members of a regional board shall be implemented only if certain requirements are met.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 918(Anderson-R) Mutual water companies: boards of directors
Establishes under California's General Corporations Law that mutual water companies can elect directors to staggered four-year terms if authorized.
Chapter 89, Statutes of 2011
SB 935*(Senate Environmental Quality Committee) Ballast water
Makes technical changes to the Marine Invasive Species Act for more thorough implementation by the State Lands Commission.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 19(Fong-D) Water meters: building standards: multiunit structures
Mandates that water purveyors adopt policies requiring that multiunit residential structures or mixed use residential and commercial structures that apply for water connections after 1/1/14, have, as a condition of new water service, submeters that measure the water supplied to each individual dwelling unit.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 54(Solorio-D) Drinking water
Establishes new requirements for organizing and operating corporations for the domestic sale, distribution, supply and delivery of water (mutual water companies), as specified.
Chapter 512, Statutes of 2011
AB 83(Jeffries-R) Recycled water pipeline: CEQA exemption
Establishes an exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act for installation of new recycled water pipelines less than eight miles in length.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 95(Assembly Budget Committee) Resources: 2011-2012 Budget Trailer Bill
Makes various changes necessary to implement the Budget Act of 2011 which included, among other provisions, the following: (1) authorizing the State Water Resources Control Board and the regional water quality control boards to include the regulatory and programmatic costs for the development of water quality control plans ("basin plans") as recoverable costs, and (2) requiring the Governor to submit a zero-based fiscal year budget and programmatic review for 2012-13 for all state agency programs that implement water and ecosystem restoration activities in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, including those related to the CALFED Bay-Delta Program.
Chapter 2, Statutes of 2011
AB 120(Assembly Budget Committee) Public Resources: 2011 Budget Act
Provides the necessary statutory changes in the area of Resources in order to enact the 2011 Budget Act.
Chapter 133, Statutes of 2011
AB 134(Dickinson-D) Sacramento County Regional Sanitation District
Allows the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District to apply for a permit from the State Water Resources Control Board to appropriate an amount of water up to the amount of discharged wastewater.
Chapter 212, Statutes of 2011
AB 157(Jeffries-R) Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2012
Reduces by 25% the total amount of bonds authorized to be issued pursuant to the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2012, and makes conforming reductions to amounts specified to be allocated from these bond funds for certain purposes.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 246(Wieckowski-D) Water quality: enforcement
Authorizes district attorneys to bring civil actions for specified violations of the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Act.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 262(Harkey-R) California regional water quality control boards: boundaries
Revises the description of the boundaries of the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board and the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 275(Solorio-D) Rainwater Capture Act of 2011
Authorizes licensed landscape contractors to construct a rainwater capture system, as specified.
AB 337(Monning-D) Ocean resources: Ocean Protection Council
Provides that the voluntary sustainable seafood program, each component of the program, and actions taken by the Ocean Protection Council to implement the program are not regulations for the purposes of the Administrative Procedure Act, and requires that any substantive amendments or revisions to the protocol be developed in a transparent process and adopted by the Council in a public meeting.
Chapter 273, Statutes of 2011
AB 359(Huffman-D) Groundwater management plans
Places additional requirements on local water agencies that opt to develop groundwater management plans, and requires the Department of Water Resources to make related information available on the Internet.
Chapter 572, Statutes of 2011
AB 380(Chesbro-D) Watersheds: resources
Requires the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to meet specified criteria when implementing pilot projects to protect riparian zones during timber harvests. Requires the Department of Fish and Game to provide comments on the pilot project.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 403(Campos-D) Public drinking water standards: hexavalent chromium
Specifies that the primary drinking water standard for hexavalent chromium (chromium 6) is included in the expedited Department of Finance regulatory review process. Requires the Department of Public Health to post a report on its progress on developing a drinking water standard for chromium 6 on its Internet Web site.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 467(Eng-D) Water quality
Modifies the provisions of Proposition 84 to allow an entity that receives Proposition 84 bond funds from the Department of Public Health for groundwater cleanup capital costs and that later recovers costs for groundwater cleanup from a responsible party, to keep that money to fund additional groundwater cleanup. This changes current law, which requires such a grantee to use monies obtained from a responsible party to repay any Proposition 84 awards.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 494*(Logue-R) Sacramento River: alcoholic beverages
Prohibits possession of alcoholic beverages, whether open or closed, on non-motorized vessels along a portion of the Sacramento River (from the Highway 32 Bridge to the mouth of Big Chico Creek) during "summer holiday periods."
Chapter 158, Statutes of 2011
AB 550(Huber-D) Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: peripheral canal
Prohibits the construction of a peripheral canal, as defined, that conveys water from a diversion point in the Sacramento River to a location south of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, unless expressly authorized by the Legislature. Requires the Legislative Analyst’s Office to complete an economic feasibility analysis prior to the enactment of a statute authorizing the construction of a peripheral canal. Prohibits the construction and operation of a peripheral canal from diminishing or negatively affecting the water supplies, water rights, or quality of water for water users within the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta watershed, or imposing any new burdens on infrastructure within, or financial burdens on persons residing in, the Delta or the Delta watershed.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 561(Gorell-R) Ventura County Watershed Protection District: indebtedness
Authorizes the Ventura County Watershed Protection District to participate in state or federal revolving loan programs for district purposes and to issue securitized limited obligation notes.
Chapter 175, Statutes of 2011
AB 565(Monning-D) State Coastal Conservancy: San Clemente Dam
Authorizes the State Coastal Conservancy to make a grant to a for-profit company in order to facilitate the removal or alteration of the San Clemente Dam on the Carmel River.
Chapter 479, Statutes of 2011
AB 576(Dickinson-D) Delta Stewardship Council: financing
Requires the Delta Stewardship Council to develop a long-term finance plan to pay for the costs of implementing the Delta Plan by 1/1/13. Prohibits the Council from adopting new fees for these purposes unless authorized by statute. Authorizes the Council, before adopting and collecting long-term revenue sources, to seek to obtain early funding contributions from entities that may benefit from implementation of the Delta Plan and to track those contributions to provide credit against future funding requirements.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 591(Wieckowski-D) Hydraulic fracturing: oil and gas production
Requires operators of oil and natural gas wells to provide information on hydraulic fracturing to the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources, for publication on the Division's Web site.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 627(Bill Berryhill-R) State Water Resources Development System: Delta Corridors
Requires the Department of Water Resources to produce a study on the costs and benefits of the "Delta Corridors Plan."
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 640(Logue-R) Water discharges: mandatory minimum civil penalties
Expands that definition to include a publicly-owned treatment works (POTW) serving a community of 20,000 persons or fewer. Authorizes the state board or a regional board to waive specified nonpayment penalties for a POTW that is subject to the compliance project provisions.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 685(Eng-D) State water policy: regional water management planning
Establishes, in law, a state policy that all residents of the state have a right to clean, affordable, and accessible water for human consumption. Directs relevant state agencies to implement the policy.
(In Senate Appropriations committee)
AB 741(Huffman-D) Onsite wastewater disposal
Allows local sewer service providers, at a property owner's request, to construct sewer improvements on private property and charge the property owner for the costs.
Chapter 106, Statutes of 2011
AB 763(Bill Berryhill-R) Water rights: administrative procedures
Authorizes the State Water Resources Control Board to employ administrative law judges meeting specified qualifications and to authorize an administrative law judge to conduct hearings and issue decisions and orders relating to the administration of water rights, as specified. Authorizes any hearing or investigation of the Board to be conducted by an administrative law judge, with a specified exception.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 779(Fletcher-R) Municipal water districts: oversight
Authorizes a municipal water district to establish an independent oversight committee to assist in tracking and reviewing revenues of the district to advance capital improvements, operations and maintenance of district facilities, and allocation methodologies. Authorizes an independent oversight committee to perform specified functions for those purposes.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 849(Gatto-D) Water: use efficiency: graywater building standards
Repeals the authority of a city, county, or other local agency to adopt building standards that prohibit entirely the use of graywater and instead authorize the adoption, under specified requirements, of standards that are more restrictive than the standards adopted pursuant to state requirements.
Chapter 577, Statutes of 2011
AB 903(Bill Berryhill-R) Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: dredging
Makes legislative findings relative to the importance of dredging in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, and requires the State Water Resources Control Board to provide priority review for dredging permits in the Delta.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 907(Ma-D) Harbors and ports: Bays of Monterey and San Francisco
Makes changes to various provisions of the Harbors and Navigation Code relating to bar pilotage rates for Monterey Bay and the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo and Suisun.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 921(Allen-D) Agriculture water use efficiency: compost applications
Requires the Department of Food and Agriculture, in conjunction with the Department of Water Resources, to oversee a study or studies conducted by the University of California Extension Service, in partnership with local water districts, agricultural interests and compost producers, to measure increases in water use efficiency through the use of compost in agricultural settings, and other potential benefits from the use of compost, with regard to climate change.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 938(V. Manuel Pérez-D) Public water systems
Requires the written public notice of noncompliance with drinking water standards given by a public water system to include information in English, Spanish and other languages spoken by the impacted community, as specified. Makes technical changes to the Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund affordability assessment requirements.
Chapter 514, Statutes of 2011
AB 939(V. Manuel Pérez-D) Salton Sea restoration
Makes technical corrections to the existing New River Improvement Project.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee)
AB 954(Charles Calderon-D) Water replenishment districts
Requires information in specified engineering survey and reports, and those related determinations, to pertain to the groundwater in each basin within the water replenishment district. The board of directors of a water replenishment district, upon determining to impose a water replenishment assessment on the production of groundwater from each groundwater basin, are required, except as otherwise provided, to impose the assessment in an amount that is calculated to pay for costs that include the actual cost of replenishing the groundwater basin, removing contaminants from the groundwater basin, and the administrative costs of the district.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 955(Huber-D) Water quality: onsite sewage treatment systems
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board regulations for onsite water treatment systems to establish standards based on the risk posed by the onsite water treatment systems and meet the requirements of state law.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 963(Valadao-R) Safe drinking water: contaminated groundwater
Requires the Department of Public Health to establish guidelines for Proposition 84 grants for small community drinking water system infrastructure improvements.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 964(Huffman-D) Water rights: appropriation
Provides a streamlined mechanism for small irrigation uses, as defined, to obtain a water right from the State Water Resources Control Board by expanding the existing water right registration process to include those uses.
Chapter 579, Statutes of 2011
AB 983(Perea-D) Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
Makes several changes to the laws governing the state's program for providing grants and loans for safe drinking water projects, including allowing certain disadvantaged communities to be eligible for grants up to 100% of project costs.
Chapter 515, Statutes of 2011
AB 1002(Butler-D) California Water Plan: stormwater recovery
Requires the Department of Water Resources to include in the plan for the orderly and coordinated control, protection, conservation, development, and use of the water resources a discussion of strategies relating to stormwater recovery.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1025(Skinner-D) Harbors and ports: inland pilots
Makes the following substantive changes to existing provisions of the Harbors and Navigation Code relating to bar pilotage in Monterey Bay and the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo and Suisun: (1) modifies the definition of "inland pilot" to mean a person holding an inland pilot license prior to 1/1/11 and deletes all references to inland pilots, (2) requires that the Board of Pilot Commissioner's assistant director be appointed by the Secretary of Business, Transportation and Housing, instead of the Governor, and the assistant director to serve in a career executive assignment at the pleasure of the Secretary, (3) recasts certain provisions relating to violations of safety standards to require the executive director instead of an assigned commission investigator to perform investigations, make findings and recommendations and report to the Board, and (4) authorizes the Board to charge an examination fee, in an amount established by the Board and not to exceed the Board's costs to administer the exam, to each applicant to the pilot trainee training program who participates in any written or simulation examination for the purposes of determining admission to the program.
Chapter 324, Statutes of 2011
AB 1048(Harkey-R) Water quality: recycled water and wastewater: fluoride
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), on or before 7/1/12, to adopt a statewide policy establishing standards for levels of fluoride in recycled water and wastewater, as specified. Requires the SWRCB to provide direction to the regional boards to revise their respective regional water quality control plans to ensure consistency with that statewide policy.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1058(Smyth-R) Water quality: salinity: agricultural use
Requires the State Water Resources Control Board, on or before 7/1/13, to adopt a statewide policy establishing a statewide water quality objective and plan of implementation for chloride and other measures of salinity that may affect the suitability of water used for agricultural purposes, in accordance with prescribed requirements.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1109(Chesbro-D) Drinking water: point-of-use devices
Limits regulations regarding the operation of public water systems to public water systems with less than 2,500 service connections and would permit the emergency regulations to remain in effect until the earlier of 1/1/16, or the effective date of the required nonemergency regulations.
(In Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1125(Achadjian-R) Groundwater pollution: San Luis Obispo County
Authorizes San Luis Obispo County and the Los Osos Community Services District to develop discounted rate programs for low-income households.
Chapter 177, Statutes of 2011
AB 1152(Chesbro-D) Groundwater
Allows a groundwater monitoring entity, if given approval by the Department of Water Resources, to use alternative monitoring techniques, such as aerial photographs and remote sensing data, if certain conditions exist that make use of monitoring wells irrelevant or impracticable.
Chapter 280, Statutes of 2011
AB 1187(Fong-D) California Water Plan: safe drinking water
Requires the Department of Water Resources (DWR) to include the Safe Drinking Water Plan in updates of the California Water Plan, which is to include assumptions and estimates about current and projected unmet safe drinking water needs. Requires DWR to contract with the Department of Public Health to incorporate the Drinking Water Plan in updates of the Water Plan.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1194(Block-D) Drinking water
Makes a number of changes to the Calderon-Sher Safe Drinking Water Act to conform it to federal law.
Chapter 516, Statutes of 2011
AB 1200(Ma-D) Water quality: discharges: sewer systems
Requires a local public agency operating a combined sewer and stormwater system to implement a notification plan to inform the public of a discharge from the system that occurs near a recreational beach, which includes notification at the recreational beach.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
AB 1210*(Garrick-R) Water quality: stormwater discharge: civil engineering
Provides that a licensed civil engineer shall not be required to meet any additional experience, training, or certification requirements in order to perform activities in the preparation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan.
AB 1221(Alejo-D) State Water Quality Control Fund: state water pollution
Expands eligibility for funding from the State Water Pollution Cleanup and Abatement Account (CAA). Allows a not-for-profit organization serving a disadvantaged community to receive funding from the CAA for waste clean-up. The not-for-profit organization will be required to be either controlled by a local public agency or, in the case of a private corporation, have a broadly-based ownership or membership of the people of the local community. Allows California listed tribes to receive funding from the CAA for waste clean-up.
Chapter 517, Statutes of 2011
AB 1292(Roger Hernández-D) Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund: revenue bonds
Authorizes the Department of Public Health to sell revenue bonds to assist drinking water systems in meeting their federal Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund matching fund requirements.
Chapter 518, Statutes of 2011
ACR 20(Huffman-D) Water Awareness Month
Designates May 2011 as Water Awareness Month, and urges Californians to learn effective ways to conserve water.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
SB 16*(Rubio-D) Department of Fish and Game: renewable energy
Requires the Department of Fish and Game to take steps to expedite the processing of renewable energy permits.
Chapter 311, Statutes of 2011
SB 108(Rubio-D) Surface mining: idle mines
Amends the definition of an idle mine by taking a snapshot of a five-year period, rather than the life of the mine, to determine if production has been curtailed to the point where the interim management plan (IMP) requirements should apply. Allows a mining operation that became idle and that failed to get an approved IMP and was thus considered abandoned prior to 1/1/13 to be returned to idle status if an IMP is approved by 7/1/13 and various requirements, as specified, are met.
Chapter 491, Statutes of 2011
SB 152(Pavley-D) Public lands: general leasing law: littoral landowners
Repeals a law that prohibits the State Lands Commission from charging rent for specified private recreational piers constructed for the use of an owner of land adjacent to the shoreline of a lake, river or stream. Requires the State Lands Commission to charge rent for private recreational piers constructed on state lands, as specified. Defines a "recreational pier" to include a fixed facility for the docking or mooring of boats.
Chapter 585, Statutes of 2011
SB 164(Simitian-D) Rare and endangered species: tax checkoff
Extends the repeal dates of the check-off on tax returns of the Rare and Endangered Species Preservation Program from 1/1/13 to 1/1/18.
Chapter 699, Statutes of 2011
SB 215(Huff-R) Invasive aquatic species: mussels
Extends the sunset of existing provisions that prohibit the possession or importation to the state of dreissenid mussels and give the Department of Fish and Game authority to enforce the prohibition. Extends the sunset from 1/1/12 to 1/1/17.
Chapter 332, Statutes of 2011
SB 317(Rubio-D) Kings River Fisheries Management Program
Allows continued Department of Fish and Game participation and cost-sharing in the Kings River Fisheries Management Program.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 356(Blakeslee-R) State parks: local operating agreements
Requires the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), if it proposes to fully close a state park unit with no planned public access, to notify the county or city in which the unit is located and give the county or city an opportunity to take over operation of the park, and authorizes DPR to expend funds remaining from a previous appropriation of bond funds to DPR for a grant to the California State Railroad Museum Foundation.
SB 369(Evans-D) Dungeness crab
Establishes a Dungeness crab trap limit program, reestablishes the Dungeness crab taskforce, and makes other related changes.
Chapter 335, Statutes of 2011
SB 386*(Harman-R) State parks: proposed closures: public notice
Requires the Department of Parks and Recreation to post specified information on its Web site prior to closing a state park.
SB 436(Kehoe-D) Natural resources: land use
Authorizes a state or local agency to allow a qualified and approved nonprofit organization or special district to hold property and long-term stewardship funds (i.e., accompanying funds) to mitigate adverse impacts to natural resources caused by a permitted development project.
Chapter 590, Statutes of 2011
SB 470(Evans-D) Commercial fishing: salmon stamp
Extends, for two years, the existing requirement for all persons taking salmon for commercial purposes to purchase a commercial fishing salmon stamp.
Chapter 565, Statutes of 2011
SB 505(La Malfa-R) Fish: licenses: trout hatcheries
Authorizes the Department of Fish and Game, if they are not able to meet statutory goals for production of hatchery fish through fish produced at state hatcheries, to contract with privately-owned hatcheries to procure up to 20% of the pounds of fish needed to meet the goals.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 580(Wolk-D) State parks: acquired land: limits on disposition or use
Prohibits land acquired for the state park system through public funds or gifts and bequests from being disposed of or used for other purposes incompatible with park purposes without the substitution of other land of equal value, as specified.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
SB 584(Evans-D) Oil spill prevention and administrative fee
Authorizes the use of funds in the Oil Spill Prevention and Administration Fund to be used to support all the activities of the Oiled Wildlife Care Network.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 593(Gaines-R) Tahoe Regional Planning Agency: political reform
Provides that a court shall not invalidate, and the Fair Political Practices Commission shall not seek to invalidate, an action of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) as a remedy for a violation of the requirements of this bill by a California member of the TRPA.
Chapter 152, Statutes of 2011
SB 657*(Gaines-R) Vacuum or suction dredge equipment
Deletes the legislative prohibition and all restrictions on suction dredge mining imposed by SB 670 (Wiggins-D), Chapter 62, Statutes of 2009, exempts suction dredge mining from the California Environmental Quality Act until 1/1/14. Requires the Department of Fish and Game (DFG) to refund pro-rated fees to 2009 permit holders, and requires DFG to prepare a report containing an economic analysis of the prohibition on suction dredge mining by 1/1/14.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee)
SB 685(Evans-D) Marine protected areas: Native American tribes
Authorizes Native American tribes to submit proposals for co-management of marine species within marine protected areas that are designated or proposed to be designated under the Marine Life Protection Act. Requires co-management proposals to include prescribed information, and requires submission of the proposals to the Secretary of the Natural Resources Agency. Authorizes the Secretary to request additional information before determining that a proposal is complete, and upon receipt of a proposal from the Secretary, requires the Director of the Department of Fish and Game to consult with the tribe to develop memoranda of understanding or other agreements to, among other things, provide access to the tribe for traditional hunting and gathering and cultural activities. If multiple tribal governments or groups submit proposals to the Secretary. Requires the Secretary to prioritize the proposals for negotiation, as provided.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee)
SB 711(Rubio-D) Public resources: oil and gas: underground injection of gas
Extends the time for bonds to be issued on behalf of the California Insurance Guarantee Association to pay claims of insolvent workers compensation insurers from 1/1/13, to 1/1/23, codifies the uncodified "prospective-only application" provision of last session's SB 1408 (Senate Banking, Finance, and Insurance Committee), Chapter 334, Statutes of 2010, and deletes an erroneous cross-reference.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee)
SB 752(Berryhill-R) Fish and Game: entitlements: voluntary donations
Requires the Department of Fish and Game to give every person who is issued a hunting or fishing license, or other entitlement, through the Department's Automated License Data System, the opportunity to authorize release of their personal contact information to third party nonprofit conservation organizations.
SB 769*(Fuller-R) Mountain lions: display, exhibition, or storage
Establishes an exemption for the possession of a mountain lion carcass or any part or product of a mountain lion carcass, if the carcass or carcass part or product is prepared or being prepared for display or exhibition, for a bona fide scientific or education purpose, at a nonprofit or government-owned museum generally open to the public or at an educational institution.
Chapter 388, Statutes of 2011
SB 792(Steinberg-D) Surface mining: mineral resource management policies
Amends the required contents of mineral management policies that are adopted as part of local general plans, so these plans consider ways to provide access to mineral resources for infrastructure projects.
Chapter 345, Statutes of 2011
SCR 14(Steinberg-D) "Parks Make Life Better!" Month
Declares March 2011 as "Parks Make Life Better!" Month.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
SCR 46(Wolk-D) "Parks Make Life Better!" Month
Declares the Legislature's recognition of the importance of access to local parks, trails, open space, and facilities for the health and development of all Californians. Declares July 2011 as "Parks Make Life Better!" Month in California.
Resolution Chapter 44, Statutes of 2011
AB 42(Huffman-D) State parks
Authorizes the Department of Parks and Recreation to enter into operating agreements with qualified nonprofit organizations to operate a state park unit.
Chapter 450, Statutes of 2011
AB 64(Jeffries-R) State parks: closure: operating agreements
States legislative intent that the Department of Parks and Recreation seek to negotiate operating agreements with local governments as a means of minimizing the number of state parks that may otherwise be subject to closure as a result of state budget reductions.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
AB 95(Assembly Budget Committee) State Parks Reduction Criteria
Enacts the Resources state budget trailer bill of 2011-12 which, among over provisions, provides criteria for determining which units of the State Park System will be closed in order to implement the approved State Parks reductions. Provides liability assurances for parks that are closed, partially closed and those with service reductions.
Chapter 2, Statutes of 2011
AB 107(Assembly Budget Committee) Public resources
Contains necessary statutory changes in the area of Natural Resources in order to enact the 2011 Budget Act.
Chapter 134, Statutes of 2011
AB 120(Assembly Budget Committee) Public Resources: Budget Trailer Bill
Provides the necessary statutory changes in the area of Resources in order to enact the 2011 Budget Act.
Chapter 133, Statutes of 2011
AB 376(Fong-D) Shark fins
Makes it unlawful for any person to possess, sell or trade a shark fin.
Chapter 524, Statutes of 2011
AB 442(Silva-R) Public lands: lease
Prohibits the State Lands Commission from charging rent for a cantilevered deck extending over state waterways for the use of a littoral landowner.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
AB 484(Alejo-D) Natural resources: land use: transfer of management
Clarifies that funds set aside for the long-term management of mitigation lands conveyed to a nonprofit organization may also be conveyed to the nonprofit, and authorizes the nonprofit to hold, manage, invest, and disburse the funds for management and stewardship of the land or easement for which the funds were set aside.
(In Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee)
AB 528(Chesbro-D) Fish and game: steelhead trout
Extends the sunset date and operation of the Steelhead Trout Fishing Report-Restoration Card (Steelhead Card) until 7/1/17.
Chapter 217, Statutes of 2011
AB 566(Galgiani-D) Resources: surface mining
Requires the State Mining and Geology Board to provide information on local mineral deposits to local governments and metropolitan planning organizations within 30 days of a request for the information.
Chapter 218, Statutes of 2011
AB 606(Gatto-D) Hunting and fishing
Directs the Department of Fish and Game to allow compatible hunting, fishing, and other recreational activities on lands prospectively subject to either a wildlife easement or a contract for fish and wildlife habitat preservation, restoration and enhancement; makes an exception for lands for which the easement, contact or memorandum of understanding specifically prohibits certain wildlife-dependent activities; and states that a landowner's lawful authority to restrict public access will not be affected.
(Held at Assembly Desk)
AB 612(Gordon-D) Parks and recreation: districts: repayment of indebtedness
Extends the period of time for the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District's promissory borrowing without voter approval from 20 years to 30 years.
Chapter 104, Statutes of 2011
AB 628(Conway-R) Off-highway vehicle recreation: County of Inyo
Authorizes the County of Inyo to establish a pilot project that sunsets on 1/1/17, under which it may designate segments of its county roads that are greater than three miles in length for combined use by cars and off-highway vehicles.
Chapter 532, Statutes of 2011
AB 654(Hueso-D) Local government: historical property
Changes the requirements and enforcement of historical property preservation contracts.
Chapter 278, Statutes of 2011
AB 666*(Jeffries-R) Public lands: State Public Works Board
Authorizes the State Public Works Board (PWB) to acquire 30 acres of land in Riverside County from the Jurupa Area Recreation and Park District, and requires the PWB to transfer this property to the Department of Toxics Substances Control in conjunction with the Department's management of the Stringfellow Acid Pits Containment Site.
(In Senate Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 703*(Gordon-D) Natural resources: property tax exemption
Extends the property tax exemption for specified land acquired by nonprofit organizations for natural resource preservation and open-space purposes until 2022.
Chapter 575, Statutes of 2011
AB 742*(Bonnie Lowenthal-D) Surface mining: Indian reservations
Prohibits a lead agency with jurisdiction over a proposed aggregate mining operation from approving a reclamation plan of a mining operation that is proposed to be constructed within specified distances of a Native American sacred site or an aquifer that is hydrologically connected to the Santa Margarita River without the consent of the tribe whose reservation is nearest the proposed operation.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 787(Chesbro-D) Marine protected areas: California Native American tribes
Contains findings to the effect that tribal fishing, gathering, and other traditional uses of marine resources are an intrinsic part of the ecosystem and that there is no scientific evidence that these tribal activities have had an adverse effect on marine resources for the north coast area.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 853(Fong-D) Sharks
Requires the Ocean Protection Council to submit an annual report to the Legislature that lists any shark species that have been independently certified to meet internationally accepted standards for sustainable seafood, as provided.
Chapter 525, Statutes of 2011
Becomes operative only if AB 376 (Fong-D) is enacted and takes effect on or before 1/1/12.
AB 971(Monning-D) California Sea Otter Fund
Reauthorizes the addition of the California Sea Otter Fund check-off to the personal income tax form beginning with the 2011 tax return.
Chapter 209, Statutes of 2011
AB 977(Harkey-R) Harbors and ports: loans: OC Dana Point Harbor
Requires the Department of Boating and Waterways to extend until 6/30/16, all phases of certain loan contracts between the Department and the County of Orange, OC Dana Point Harbor.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1036(Allen-D) Parks: regional park, park and open-space
Makes changes to the role of a general manager of a regional park, park and open-space, or open-space district and specifies that the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act applies to all districts.
Chapter 581, Statutes of 2011
AB 1046(Bill Berryhill-R) Hunting or taking game
Prohibits the Fish and Game Commission from imposing a statewide and permanent prohibition on hunting or taking game.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
AB 1077(Carter-D) State parks: Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park
Requires the Department of Parks and Recreation to notify the State Park and Recreation Commission of any proposed development that may substantially impact the historical, cultural, or recreational significance of the Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park, and requires the Commission, upon receipt of that notification to hold a duly noticed public hearing to receive public input regarding the potential impacts of the proposed development on the park.
Chapter 582, Statutes of 2011
AB 1162(Chesbro-D) Wildlife: poaching
Provides that the illegal take of trophy deer, elk, antelope, or bighorn sheep shall be subject to a fine from $5,000 to $40,000 and/or imprisonment for up to one year. Provides that the illegal take of trophy wild turkey shall be subject to a fine from $2,000 to $5,000 and/or imprisonment for up to one year. Provides that any person who uses a signaling device to take a bear with the intent to sell bear parts is subject to a fine of $10,000 per bear part in possession.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1299(Huffman-D) Marine fisheries: forage species
Amends the Marine Life Management Act, to require the Department of Fish and Game to use ecosystem-based management principles when adopting or amending fishery management plans for specified forage species.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1333(Achadjian-R) State parks
Revises the Department of Parks and Recreation's responsibilities regarding the preparation and revision of a general plan.
(In Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee)
ACR 10(Dickinson-D) California Arbor Week
Proclaims the week of March 7 to March 14, of each year, as California Arbor Week, and urges California residents to observe the week with appropriate tree planting activities and programs.
Resolution Chapter 6, Statutes of 2011
ACR 28(Chesbro-D) Earth Hour
Endorses efforts to raise awareness of global climate change and energy efficiency; declares the hour of 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on the last Saturday in March to be "Earth Hour" throughout the state; and encourages city, county, and state employees, and businesses to turn off nonessential lights in government buildings, public schools, public landmarks, and other buildings for that hour on 3/26/11.
Resolution Chapter 9, Statutes of 2011
ACR 55(Skinner-D) Eastshore State Park: renaming
Requests that the Department of Parks and Recreation rename the Eastshore State Park as the McLaughlin Eastshore State Park, and determine the cost of appropriate signage showing this designation, consistent with specified requirements, and, upon the receipt of donations from nonstate sources sufficient to cover the cost of that signage, to erect those signs at the park.
Resolution Chapter 80, Statutes of 2011
AJR 16(Campos-D) McDonnell Hall: historic landmark
Memorializes the National Park Service to declare McDonnell Hall a national historic landmark and urges the City of San Jose to similarly designate McDonnell Hall as a historic landmark.
Resolution Chapter 123, Statutes of 2011
AJR 20(Huffman-D) Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank Marine Sanctuary
Calls upon the Congress of the United States to quickly pass the federal Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries Boundary Modification and Protection Act and the President of the United States to expeditiously sign it into law.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill Links | Author and Bill Title | Reference |
SB 16* | Rubio-D Department of Fish and Game: renewable energy | Miscellaneous |
SB 34 | Simitian-D California Water Resources Investment Act of 2011 | Water Resources |
SB 52 | Steinberg-D Water quality: Sacramento Regional County | Water Resources |
SB 108 | Rubio-D Surface mining: idle mines | Miscellaneous |
SB 133 | Wolk-D Cache Creek Resource Management Plan | Water Resources |
SB 143 | Rubio-D California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 | Air Pollution |
SB 152 | Pavley-D Public lands: general leasing law: littoral landowners | Miscellaneous |
SB 164 | Simitian-D Rare and endangered species: tax checkoff | Miscellaneous |
SB 170 | Pavley-D Air districts: air pollution: intellectual property | Air Pollution |
SB 178 | Simitian-D Hazardous materials: green chemistry | Toxics/Hazardous Waste |
SB 195 | Cannella-R Environmental quality: CEQA | Environmental Quality |
SB 200 | Wolk-D Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: Bay Delta Conservation Plan | Water Resources |
SB 211 | Emmerson-R California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: tires | Air Pollution |
SB 215 | Huff-R Invasive aquatic species: mussels | Water Resources Miscellaneous |
SB 224 | Pavley-D Department of Water Resources: public contracts: | Water Resources |
SB 225* | Simitian-D Pollution control | Environmental Quality Water Resources |
SB 226 | Simitian-D Environmental quality: scoping procedure | Environmental Quality |
SB 235 | Negrete McLeod-D Water conservation districts | Water Resources |
SB 237 | Wolk-D California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: agriculture | Air Pollution |
SB 241 | Cannella-R Environmental quality | Environmental Quality |
SB 246 | De León-D California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: offsets | Air Pollution |
SB 250 | Rubio-D Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: Delta Plan | Water Resources |
SB 263 | Pavley-D Wells: reports: public availability | Water Resources |
SB 267* | Rubio-D Water supply planning: renewable energy plants | Water Resources |
SB 292 | Padilla-D Environmental quality: Los Angeles stadium | Environmental Quality |
SB 297 | Cannella-R Hydroelectric generation: renewable energy resources | Water Resources |
SB 317 | Rubio-D Kings River Fisheries Management Program | Water Resources Miscellaneous |
SB 356 | Blakeslee-R State parks: local operating agreements | Miscellaneous |
SB 357 | Dutton-R Air Resources Board: regulations: obsolete equipment | Air Pollution |
SB 358* | Cannella-R Air quality: income tax: gross income: exclusion | Air Pollution |
SB 369 | Evans-D Dungeness crab | Miscellaneous |
SB 386* | Harman-R State parks: proposed closures: public notice | Miscellaneous |
SB 419 | Simitian-D Solid waste: home-generated sharps | Solid Waste |
SB 436 | Kehoe-D Natural resources: land use | Miscellaneous |
SB 455 | Pavley-D Forestry: watersheds: timber harvesting plans | Forestry |
SB 456 | Huff-R Household hazardous waste: transportation | Toxics/Hazardous Waste |
SB 468 | Kehoe-D Coastal zone: Caltrans | Coastal Resources/Tidelands |
SB 470 | Evans-D Commercial fishing: salmon stamp | Miscellaneous |
SB 482 | Kehoe-D Public beach contamination: standards: testing: closing | Coastal Resources/Tidelands Water Resources |
SB 501 | Harman-R Tidelands and submerged lands: City of Newport Beach | Coastal Resources/Tidelands |
SB 505 | La Malfa-R Fish: licenses: trout hatcheries | Miscellaneous |
SB 515 | Corbett-D Recycling: household batteries | Solid Waste |
SB 518 | Simitian-D Beverage containers: recycling | Solid Waste |
SB 519 | La Malfa-R Smog check: visual inspection | Air Pollution |
SB 533 | Wright-D California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 | Air Pollution |
SB 535 | De León-D California Communities Healthy Air Revitalization Trust | Air Pollution |
SB 551 | DeSaulnier-D Tidelands transfer: City of Pittsburg | Coastal Resources/Tidelands |
SB 567 | DeSaulnier-D Plastic products: recycling | Solid Waste |
SB 568 | Lowenthal-D Recycling: polystyrene food containers | Solid Waste |
SB 570 | Rubio-D San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District | Air Pollution |
SB 571 | Wolk-D California Water Commission: California Water Plan | Water Resources |
SB 577 | Gaines-R Bear Lake Reservoir: recreational use | Water Resources |
SB 580 | Wolk-D State parks: acquired land: limits on disposition or use | Miscellaneous |
SB 582 | Yee-D Air quality: commute benefit policies | Air Pollution |
SB 584 | Evans-D Oil spill prevention and administrative fee | Miscellaneous |
SB 588 | Evans-D California Coastal Act of 1976: enforcement | Coastal Resources/Tidelands |
SB 589 | Lowenthal-D Household mercury-containing lamps | Toxics/Hazardous Waste |
SB 593 | Gaines-R Tahoe Regional Planning Agency: political reform | Miscellaneous |
SB 595 | Wolk-D Tidelands and submerged lands: removal of vessels | Coastal Resources/Tidelands |
SB 607 | Walters-R State Ocean Plan: water quality | Coastal Resources/Tidelands Water Resources |
SB 620 | Correa-D Environmental quality: retail facilities | Environmental Quality |
SB 623 | Kehoe-D Marine antifouling paint | Toxics/Hazardous Waste Water Resources |
SB 639 | Cannella-R Environmental Protection Agency: regulations | Environmental Quality |
SB 646 | Pavley-D Toxics: enforcement: lead jewelry | Toxics/Hazardous Waste |
SB 657* | Gaines-R Vacuum or suction dredge equipment | Miscellaneous |
SB 659 | Hernandez-D San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority: board members | Water Resources |
SB 665 | La Malfa-R Lake and streambed alteration agreements: endangered species | Water Resources |
SB 669 | Rubio-D Greenhouse gas reduction: carbon sequestration | Air Pollution |
SB 682 | Rubio-D Public resources: oil and gas: underground injection of gas | Water Resources |
SB 683 | Correa-D Environmental quality: noncompliance allegations | Environmental Quality |
SB 685 | Evans-D Marine protected areas: Native American tribes | Miscellaneous |
SB 701 | Calderon-D Central Basin Municipal Water District: directors: report | Water Resources |
SB 710 | La Malfa-R State Water Project: county services | Water Resources |
SB 711 | Rubio-D Public resources: oil and gas: underground injection of gas | Miscellaneous |
SB 724 | Dutton-R Air Resources Board: mobile source certification | Air Pollution |
SB 735 | Price-D Environmental quality | Environmental Quality |
SB 739 | Lowenthal-D Air pollution mitigation: ports: congestion relief | Air Pollution |
SB 744 | Wyland-R Water submeters: testing | Water Resources |
SB 752 | Berryhill-R Fish and Game: entitlements: voluntary donations | Miscellaneous |
SB 758 | Fuller-R Recycling: tires: fee | Solid Waste |
SB 763 | Steinberg-D Environmental protection | Environmental Quality |
SB 769* | Fuller-R Mountain lions: display, exhibition, or storage | Miscellaneous |
SB 792 | Steinberg-D Surface mining: mineral resource management policies | Miscellaneous |
SB 800 | Hancock-D Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Offset Program Fund | Air Pollution |
SB 833 | Vargas-D Solid waste landfill: San Diego County | Solid Waste |
SB 834 | Wolk-D Integrated regional water management plans: contents | Water Resources |
SB 841 | Wolk-D Solid waste: enterprises: contracts | Solid Waste |
SB 846 | Berryhill-R The California Water Plan: water data | Water Resources |
SB 860 | Senate Natural Resources And Water Committee Tidelands and submerged lands: public trust lands | Coastal Resources/Tidelands |
SB 876 | Harman-R Tidelands and submerged lands: shore protection: leases | Coastal Resources/Tidelands |
SB 877 | Anderson-R Public water systems: point-of-use treatment | Water Resources |
SB 900 | Steinberg-D California regional water quality control boards: members | Water Resources |
SB 901 | Steinberg-D Air pollution: vehicle retirement program | Air Pollution |
SB 909 | La Malfa-R Disposal of treated wood waste | Toxics/Hazardous Waste |
SB 915 | Calderon-D Recycling of plastic bags | Solid Waste |
SB 918 | Anderson-R Mutual water companies: boards of directors | Water Resources |
SB 935* | Senate Environmental Quality Committee Ballast water | Water Resources |
SCR 14 | Steinberg-D "Parks Make Life Better!" Month | Miscellaneous |
SCR 46 | Wolk-D "Parks Make Life Better!" Month | Miscellaneous |
SJR 3 | Pavley-D Toxic substances: federal law | Toxics/Hazardous Waste |
SB 7X1 | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee State responsibility areas: fire protection fees | Forestry |
SB 17X1 | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee State responsibility areas: fire prevention fees | Forestry |
AB 19 | Fong-D Water meters: building standards: multiunit structures | Water Resources |
AB 34 | Williams-D Solid waste compost facilities | Solid Waste |
AB 42 | Huffman-D State parks | Miscellaneous |
AB 49* | Gatto-D Environmental quality: permits: projects | Environmental Quality |
AB 54 | Solorio-D Drinking water | Water Resources |
AB 64 | Jeffries-R State parks: closure: operating agreements | Miscellaneous |
AB 83 | Jeffries-R Environmental quality: exemption | Environmental Quality Water Resources |
AB 95 | Assembly Budget Committee Resources: 2011-2012 Budget Trailer Bill | Water Resources Miscellaneous |
AB 107 | Assembly Budget Committee Public resources | Miscellaneous |
AB 120 | Assembly Budget Committee Public resources: Budget Trailer Bill | Environmental Quality Water Resources Miscellaneous |
AB 128 | Logue-R Air Resources Board: assessing penalties | Air Pollution |
AB 134 | Dickinson-D Sacramento County Regional Sanitation District | Water Resources |
AB 135 | Hagman-R Air Resources Board: membership: small businesses | Air Pollution |
AB 146 | Dickinson-D Air Resources Board: membership | Air Pollution |
AB 157 | Jeffries-R Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2012 | Water Resources |
AB 163 | Jeffries-R Department of Forestry and Fire Protection: employment | Forestry |
AB 206 | Harkey-R Coastal zone: fireworks displays | Coastal Resources/Tidelands |
AB 209 | Ammiano-D Environmental quality | Environmental Quality |
AB 246 | Wieckowski-D Water quality: enforcement | Water Resources |
AB 255 | Wieckowski-D Hazardous waste: latex paint | Toxics/Hazardous Waste |
AB 262 | Harkey-R California regional water quality control boards: boundaries | Water Resources |
AB 275 | Solorio-D Rainwater Capture Act of 2011 | Water Resources |
AB 291 | Wieckowski-D Underground storage tanks | Toxics/Hazardous Waste |
AB 298 | Brownley-D Recycling: reusable bags | Solid Waste |
AB 320 | Hill-D Environmental quality disputes | Environmental Quality |
AB 333* | Grove-R CA Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: cap and trade | Air Pollution |
AB 337 | Monning-D Ocean resources: Ocean Protection Council | Coastal Resources/Tidelands Water Resources |
AB 341 | Chesbro-D Solid waste: diversion | Solid Waste |
AB 343 | Atkins-D Environmental goals: redevelopment plans | Environmental Quality |
AB 347 | Galgiani-D CA Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: early actions | Air Pollution |
AB 358* | Smyth-R Hazardous waste: underground storage tanks | Toxics/Hazardous Waste |
AB 359 | Huffman-D Groundwater management plans | Water Resources |
AB 376 | Fong-D Shark fins | Miscellaneous |
AB 380 | Chesbro-D Forestry operations: watersheds | Forestry Water Resources |
AB 382 | Nestande-R Air inspectors: administrative and civil penalties | Air Pollution |
AB 384 | Chesbro-D State forest land: Jackson Demonstration State Forest | Forestry |
AB 403 | Campos-D Public drinking water standards: hexavalent chromium | Water Resources |
AB 408* | Wieckowski-D Hazardous waste | Toxics/Hazardous Waste |
AB 418 | Ammiano-D Tidelands and submerged lands: San Francisco | Coastal Resources/Tidelands |
AB 442 | Silva-R Public lands: lease | Miscellaneous |
AB 462 | Bonnie Lowenthal-D Air pollution districts: fees: schoolbuses | Air Pollution |
AB 467 | Eng-D Water quality | Water Resources |
AB 470 | Halderman-R Air pollution districts: fees: schoolbus retrofits | Air Pollution |
AB 474 | Jones-R Smog-check: vehicles: transfer of ownership | Air Pollution |
AB 480 | Solorio-D Solid waste facilities: insurance | Solid Waste |
AB 484 | Alejo-D Natural resources: land use: transfer of management | Miscellaneous |
AB 494* | Logue-R Sacramento River: alcoholic beverages | Water Resources |
AB 495 | Logue-R Harts Mill Forest Fire Station: state property: transfer | Forestry |
AB 508 | Swanson-D Solid waste handling | Solid Waste |
AB 523 | Valadao-R Ethanol: Alternative Fuel and Vehicle Technology | Air Pollution |
AB 525 | Gordon-D Solid waste: tires and paint | Solid Waste |
AB 528 | Chesbro-D Fish and game: steelhead trout | Miscellaneous |
AB 549 | Carter-D Electronic waste: recycling | Solid Waste |
AB 550 | Huber-D Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: peripheral canal | Water Resources |
AB 553 | Monning-D Hazardous materials: employment safety | Toxics/Hazardous Waste |
AB 561 | Gorell-R Ventura County Watershed Protection District: indebtedness | Water Resources |
AB 565 | Monning-D State Coastal Conservancy | Coastal Resources/Tidelands Water Resources |
AB 566 | Galgiani-D Resources: surface mining | Miscellaneous |
AB 576 | Dickinson-D Delta Stewardship Council: financing | Water Resources |
AB 583 | Knight-R Electronic waste | Solid Waste |
AB 591 | Wieckowski-D Hydraulic fracturing: oil and gas production | Water Resources |
AB 598 | Grove-R Environmental quality | Environmental Quality |
AB 603 | V. Manuel Pérez-D Environmental impact reports: energy | Environmental Quality |
AB 605 | Dickinson-D Environmental quality: transportation impacts | Environmental Quality |
AB 606 | Gatto-D Hunting and fishing | Miscellaneous |
AB 612 | Gordon-D Parks and recreation: districts: repayment of indebtedness | Miscellaneous |
AB 627 | Bill Berryhill-R State Water Resources Development System: Delta Corridors | Water Resources |
AB 628 | Conway-R Off-highway vehicle recreation: County of Inyo | Miscellaneous |
AB 640 | Logue-R Water discharges: mandatory minimum civil penalties | Water Resources |
AB 654 | Hueso-D Local government: historical property | Miscellaneous |
AB 666* | Jeffries-R Toxics: acid pit containment: Riverside County | Toxics/Hazardous Waste Miscellaneous |
AB 681 | Wieckowski-D Aboveground storage tanks | Toxics/Hazardous Waste |
AB 685 | Eng-D State water policy: regional water management planning | Water Resources |
AB 703* | Gordon-D Natural resources: property tax exemption | Miscellaneous |
AB 712 | Williams-D Recycling: beverage containers | Solid Waste |
AB 741 | Huffman-D Onsite wastewater disposal | Water Resources |
AB 742* | Bonnie Lowenthal-D Surface mining: Indian reservations | Miscellaneous |
AB 752 | Brownley-D Tidelands and submerged lands: sea level action plan | Coastal Resources/Tidelands |
AB 762 | Smyth-R Medical waste | Toxics/Hazardous Waste |
AB 763 | Bill Berryhill-R Water rights: administrative procedures | Water Resources |
AB 779 | Fletcher-R Municipal water districts: oversight | Water Resources |
AB 787 | Chesbro-D Marine protected areas: California Native American tribes | Miscellaneous |
AB 789 | Chesbro-D Solid waste: tire recycling | Solid Waste |
AB 812 | Ma-D Solid waste: recycled concrete and asphalt | Solid Waste |
AB 818 | Blumenfield-D Solid waste: renters recycling program | Solid Waste |
AB 837 | Nestande-R Solid waste: plastic food containers | Solid Waste |
AB 849 | Gatto-D Water: use efficiency: graywater building standards | Water Resources |
AB 853 | Fong-D Sharks | Miscellaneous |
AB 868 | Davis-D Hazardous waste: transporting | Toxics/Hazardous Waste |
AB 880 | V. Manuel Pérez-D Environmental quality: expedited environmental review | Environmental Quality |
AB 890 | Olsen-R Environment quality: roadway improvement | Environmental Quality |
AB 892 | Carter-D Environmental review process | Environmental Quality |
AB 900 | Buchanan-D Environmental quality: jobs and economic development | Environmental Quality |
AB 903 | Bill Berryhill-R Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: dredging | Water Resources |
AB 907 | Ma-D Harbors and ports: Bays of Monterey and San Francisco | Water Resources |
AB 913 | Feuer-D Hazardous waste: source reduction | Toxics/Hazardous Waste |
AB 921 | Allen-D Solid waste: compost products | Solid Waste Water Resources |
AB 931 | Dickinson-D Environmental quality: housing projects | Environmental Quality |
AB 937 | Mendoza-D Emission reduction control: vessels | Air Pollution |
AB 938 | V. Manuel Pérez-D Public water systems | Water Resources |
AB 939 | V. Manuel Pérez-D Salton Sea restoration | Water Resources |
AB 954 | Charles Calderon-D Water replenishment districts | Water Resources |
AB 955 | Huber-D Water quality: onsite sewage treatment systems | Water Resources |
AB 960 | Bonnie Lowenthal-D Electronic waste: recycling | Solid Waste |
AB 963 | Valadao-R Safe drinking water: contaminated groundwater | Water Resources |
AB 964 | Huffman-D Water rights: appropriation | Water Resources |
AB 971 | Monning-D California Sea Otter Fund | Miscellaneous |
AB 977 | Harkey-R Harbors and ports: loans: OC Dana Point Harbor | Miscellaneous |
AB 981 | Hueso-D California Pollution Control Financing Authority: loans | Air Pollution |
AB 983 | Perea-D Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund | Water Resources |
AB 992 | Nielsen-R Wildfires | Forestry |
AB 995 | Cedillo-D Environmental quality: forest development | Environmental Quality |
AB 1002 | Butler-D California Water Plan: stormwater recovery | Water Resources |
AB 1005 | Dickinson-D Coastal Commission: forest practices | Coastal Resources/Tidelands Forestry |
AB 1019* | John A. Pérez-D Solid waste: carpet stewardship | Solid Waste |
AB 1025 | Skinner-D Harbors and ports: inland pilots | Water Resources |
AB 1036 | Allen-D Parks: regional park, park and open-space | Miscellaneous |
AB 1046 | Bill Berryhill-R Hunting or taking game | Miscellaneous |
AB 1048 | Harkey-R Water quality: recycled water and wastewater: fluoride | Water Resources |
AB 1058 | Smyth-R Water quality: salinity: agricultural use | Water Resources |
AB 1064 | Furutani-D Air quality: ports | Air Pollution |
AB 1077 | Carter-D State parks: Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park | Miscellaneous |
AB 1094 | Swanson-D Recycling and composting bins: school campuses | Solid Waste |
AB 1095 | Bill Berryhill-R Air pollution: hearing board: Air Resources Board | Air Pollution |
AB 1099 | Bonnie Lowenthal-D Emissions standards: commercial motor vehicles | Air Pollution |
AB 1109 | Chesbro-D Drinking water: point-of-use devices | Water Resources |
AB 1112 | Huffman-D Oil spill prevention | Environmental Quality |
AB 1125 | Achadjian-R Groundwater pollution: San Luis Obispo County | Water Resources |
AB 1149 | Gordon-D Recycling: beverage containers | Solid Waste |
AB 1152 | Chesbro-D Groundwater | Water Resources |
AB 1162 | Chesbro-D Wildlife: poaching | Miscellaneous |
AB 1176 | Williams-D Toxic air contaminant: pesticides | Air Pollution Toxics/Hazardous Waste |
AB 1178 | Ma-D Solid waste: place of origin | Solid Waste |
AB 1180 | Bradford-D California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: compliance | Air Pollution |
AB 1183 | Bill Berryhill-R Environmental impact reports: jobs and housing | Environmental Quality |
AB 1185 | Torres-D Environmental quality: retail facilities | Environmental Quality |
AB 1187 | Fong-D California Water Plan: safe drinking water | Water Resources |
AB 1189 | Miller-R Household batteries recycling program | Solid Waste |
AB 1194 | Block-D Drinking water | Water Resources |
AB 1200 | Ma-D Water quality: discharges: sewer systems | Water Resources |
AB 1207 | Furutani-D Hazardous waste/toxics: civil actions | Toxics/Hazardous Waste |
AB 1210* | Garrick-R Water quality: stormwater discharge: civil engineering | Water Resources |
AB 1221 | Alejo-D State Water Quality Control Fund: state water pollution | Water Resources |
AB 1229 | Feuer-D Air quality funds | Air Pollution |
AB 1235* | Roger Hernández-D Hazardous substance removal: redevelopment agencies | Toxics/Hazardous Waste |
AB 1256 | Bill Berryhill-R Air Resources Board: transported air pollutants | Air Pollution |
AB 1285 | Fuentes-D Regional greenhouse gas emission reduction program | Air Pollution |
AB 1292 | Roger Hernández-D Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund: revenue bonds | Water Resources |
AB 1299 | Huffman-D Marine fisheries: forage species | Miscellaneous |
AB 1314 | Wieckowski-D Air resources: Alternative and Renewable Fuel | Air Pollution |
AB 1332 | Donnelly-R Air Resources Board: abolishment | Air Pollution |
AB 1333 | Achadjian-R State parks | Miscellaneous |
AB 1351 | Logue-R Underground storage tanks | Toxics/Hazardous Waste |
AB 1359 | Skinner-D Solid waste: landfills | Solid Waste |
AB 1380 | Feuer-D California Environmental Protection Agency | Environmental Quality |
AB 1414 | Assembly Natural Resources Committee Forestry: timber harvesting | Forestry |
ACR 10 | Dickinson-D California Arbor Week | Miscellaneous |
ACR 20 | Huffman-D Water Awareness Month | Water Resources |
ACR 28 | Chesbro-D Earth Hour | Miscellaneous |
ACR 55 | Skinner-D Eastshore State Park: renaming | Miscellaneous |
AJR 16 | Campos-D McDonnell Hall: historic landmark | Miscellaneous |
AJR 20 | Huffman-D Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank Marine Sanctuary | Miscellaneous |
AB 2X1 | Logue-R Air Resources Board: alternative actions to assessing | Air Pollution |
AB 13X1 | V. Manuel Pérez-D Environmental impact reports | Environmental Quality |
AB 24X1 | Blumenfield-D State responsibility areas: fire protection fees | Forestry |
AB 29X1 | Blumenfield-D State responsibility areas: fire prevention fees | Forestry |
AB 42X1 | Jeffries-R Fire suppression: state prison inmate fire crews | Forestry |
AB 45X1 | Jeffries-R State responsibility areas: fire prevention fees | Forestry |