Governor's Education Program Legislation
School Finance
School Facilities
Bilingual Education
Charter Schools
Class Size Reduction
School Safety
Child and Day Care
Special Education
School Accountability and Testing
Higher Education
School Employees
Governor's Education Program Legislation
SB 1X (Alpert-D) Education accountability
Establishes the Public School Performance Accountability Program that applies to all schools, including charter schools, consisting of a state Academic Performance Index, an Immediate Intervention/Underperforming Schools Program, and a Governor's High Achieving/Improving Schools Program.
Chapter 3, Statutes of 1999-2000, First Extraordinary Session
SB 2X (O'Connell-D) Education accountability: high school exit examination
Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, with approval of the State Board of Education, to develop a high school exit examination in language arts and mathematics. Requires high school pupils, beginning in 2004, to pass the exam in order to graduate.
Chapter 1, Statutes of 1999-2000, First Extraordinary Session
AB 1X (Villaraigosa-D) California Peer Assistance and Review Program for Teachers
Establishes the California Peer Assistance and Review Program for Teachers for the purpose of assisting veteran teachers in need of development in subject matter knowledge or teaching strategies.
Chapter 4, Statutes of 1999-2000, First Extraordinary Session
AB 2X* (Mazzoni-D) Education
Establishes and provides funding for six Governor's initiatives in the areas of K-12 reading instruction and preparation of teachers and school principals. Appropriates a total of $94 million from the General Fund in support of these programs.
Chapter 2, Statutes of 1999-2000, First Extraordinary Session

School Finance
SB 20 (Figueroa-D) Education technology grant program
Establishes the Digital Schools Education Technology Grant Act to provide technology installation, support and staff training grants to all schools serving grades four through eight, and grade nine, if grade nine is part of a middle or junior high school.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 51 (Alpert-D) School finance
Declares legislative intent to simplify school funding formulas and requirements, including categorical funding formulas, in order to provide local schools with the flexibility to meet local needs.
(Held at Assembly Desk)
SB 55 (O'Connell-D) State Department of Education
Appropriates $3,240,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Education (SDE) to supplement funding during the 1998-99 fiscal year. Provides for an emergency loan for the SDE.
Chapter 37, Statutes of 1999
SB 83* (Rainey-R) Home-to-school transportation
Allows two school districts to receive funding for home-to-school transportation (Orinda and Lafayette Elementary).
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 119 (Ortiz-D) After school programs
States legislative intent that the After School Learning and Safe Neighborhoods Partnership Program be funded at $85 million through the annual Budget Act. Allows the Sacramento City Unified School District to use a portion of the funds for prekindergarten pilot programs.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 196* (Brulte-R) School finance
Makes various corrections and clarifications related to the state's 1998-99 Budget.
Chapter 152, Statutes of 1999
SB 264* (Schiff-D) Instructional materials
Resolves technical conflicts between statute and the 1998 Budget Act so that $250 million appropriated for the purchase of instructional materials that are aligned with state standards can be allocated to school districts before the appropriation expires.
Chapter 15, Statutes of 1999
SB 344 (Schiff-D) School finance: staff development
Increases from three to five for teachers, and from one to five for classroom aides, the number of staff development days that may be funded each year under the Instructional Time and Staff Development Reform Program. Provides for an annual inflation adjustment for the program.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 410 (Escutia-D) School finance: summer school
Modifies the summer school and after school programs to ensure that remedial programs are available for every child needing the additional instruction.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 426 (Lewis-R) State Department of Education: federal moneys
Prohibits, to the extent consistent with federal law, the State Department of Education from expending for administrative purposes an amount in excess of five percent from the amount that the department receives from federal education grant moneys. Provides that the limitation applies to each specific federal education grant.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 537 (Monteith-R) School transportation
Allows a recently unified school district to receive financial assistance for home-to-school transportation. Reappropriates $120,000 from unencumbered funds of appropriations that were made for specified programs in 1998, for allocation to the Golden Valley Unified School District for home-to-school transportation.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 586 (Costa-D) School finance: equalization adjustments
Revises statutory funding formulas to equalize basic revenues of county offices of education that currently receive different per pupil program allocations.
Chapter 680, Statutes of 1999
SB 589 (Morrow-R) Regional occupational centers and programs
Authorizes regional occupational centers and programs to claim average daily attendance for vocational instruction to a student who is in a juvenile court school or a county community school.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 646* (Costa-D) School finance: home-to-school transportation
Deletes the repeal date, and specifies that existing provisions are inoperative until January 1, 2002, on a home-to-school transportation "equalization" formula and makes technical changes to that formula.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 660 (Alarcon-D) Educational technology infrastructure: bonds
Enacts the Educational Technology Infrastructure Bond Act of 2000, which authorizes, subject to voter approval at the March 2000 Primary Election, the issuance of $1 billion in General Obligation bonds for the purposes of financing K-12 wiring and cabling, technological modernization of buildings, telecommunications or computer equipment, adding power sources, hardware, software, and other related equipment.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 767 (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Budget Act of 1999: augmentation
Amends the State Budget Act to include specified projects, among them to reappropriate $17,000 from the Proposition 98 Reversion Account for the North Cow Creek School District to provide funding that was reduced by an audit exception in the kindergarten-to-grade-three class size reduction program.
Chapter 1003, Statutes of 1999
SB 881 (Haynes-R) Categorical education: testing program
Allows any school with scores in the lowest fifth percentile of the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) test to spend state and federal categorical education funds for programs intended to improve pupil performance on the STAR test.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 895 (Leslie-R) School finance: revenue limits
Allows a school district to exclude the average daily attendance of non-resident pupils attending a charter school from the district's attendance counts in order to claim a funding adjustment as a district experiencing an enrollment decline.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 950 (Brulte-R) School finance
Revises statutory funding formulas to equalize school district revenue limits and equalizes the allocation of "core" revenues of county offices of education.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 961 (Poochigian-R) Categorical education
Requires the State Board of Education to adopt a ranking system for placing all schools in one of four categories based on a composite score derived from the results of the achievement test administered to pupils as part of the statewide testing and reporting program and, when available, the results of the applied academic skills assessment. Those four categories are low performing, underachieving, proficient, and advanced. Authorizes additional expenditures for "advanced schools" and "schools making significant progress."
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 1079 (Leslie-R) School transportation
Increases the maximum enrollment and decreases the annual mileage threshold permitted for a county unified school district to qualify for additional home-to-school transportation funding.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SJR 19 (Solis-D) Education: federal funding
Urges the President and Congress to enact legislation that would eliminate the existing hold-harmless provision under the federal Title I of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and changes the funding formula used by those provisions.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1* (Aanestad-R) School finance: necessary small schools
Extends the repeal date on a statute that allows Plumas County to receive necessary small school and necessary small high school funding.
Chapter 191, Statutes of 1999
AB 121 (Leach-R) Educational resources
States the intent of the Legislature to implement the recommendations made by the Legislative Analyst's Office, when those recommendations are presented. Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to compute an inflation adjustment in the 1998-99 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter for the allocation of funding to school districts.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 123 (Oller-R) School finance: supplemental apportionment: snow removal
Authorizes supplemental home-to-school transportation funding to partially reimburse school districts for the cost of removing snow from roads.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 454 (Havice-D) Continuation school financing
Develops a formula for equalizing funding for continuation schools in 2000-01, contingent upon funding in the State Budget.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 615 (Runner-R) Categorical education funding
Establishes the Pilot Project for Categorical Education Program Flexibility to allow up to 100 school districts to consolidate funding received for various state categorical education programs into three local block grants: (1) the school improvement and staff development cluster, (2) the alternative and compensatory education cluster, and (3) the school district improvement cluster.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 728 (Aroner-D) West Contra Costa Unified School District: loan repayment
Allows the West Contra Costa Unified School District (WCCUSD) to repay an existing state loan without repaying any interest payment. Requires WCCUSD to repay its loan obligation without interest in the amount of $1,863,550 annually, beginning on January 1, 2000.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 801 (Cardenas-D) School finance: overcrowded schools
Allows "crowded" school districts to claim a 1% increase in average daily attendance. A crowded school district is defined as a district that has at least 115% of school capacity under the guidelines of the State Allocation Board.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 810 (Thomson-D) School finance: school attendance alternatives
Permits school districts to establish a policy that allows children of school employees to attend the school where their parent works.
(Chapter 389, Statutes of 1999)
AB 853 (Havice-D) School finance: Bellflower USD and Alameda USD
Establishes the Extended School Day and School Year Pilot Program for the Bellflower Unified School District's Intensive Learning Center and appropriates $135,000 for that purpose. Also appropriates $135,000 to the Alameda Unified School District for the extended length of its school year.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 856 (Havice-D) School finance: average daily attendance
Authorizes school districts to count pupil suspension days as part of the district's Average Daily Attendance for school apportionment.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 907* (Alquist-D) School finance: equalization adjustments
Provides for equalization of funding rates among county offices of education.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1005 (Ducheny-D) Education finance: adult education
Makes the following changes relating to adult education:
- Establishes a Collaboration on Adult Education and Noncredit Programs to address standards, accountability and coordination of program services.
- Establishes a Blue Ribbon Committee to study the adequacy of funding.
- Modifies attendance accounting to authorize "rounding up" attendance in lab classes and to provide a five minute break every two hours.
- Allows state funding to be used for up to three staff development days per year.
- Authorizes state funding for foreign language classes.
- Authorizes pupils in grades nine through 12 to take state funded adult education courses during the summer.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1011 (Dickerson-R) Junction School District
Authorizes Junction School District to be reimbursed its share of a one-time grant for schools in spite of the fact that the district failed to obtain the approval of its school site councils.
Chapter 237, Statutes of 1999
AB 1073 (Campbell-R) School finance: district budget reserve
Authorizes school districts to use a portion of the funding for its categorical programs in the "Mega Item" to meet its required annual budget reserve.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1115* (Strom-Martin-D) Education
Contains many education provisions necessary to enact the education portion of the Budget. Appropriates approximately $170 million to school districts and community colleges.
Chapter 78, Statutes of 1999 - Item Veto
Similar bills which contained AB 1115 provisions were SB 306 (Hayden-D), SB 542 (Burton-D and Schiff-D), AB 760 (Maddox-R), and AB 1402 (Mazzoni-D).
AB 1324 (Zettel-R) School finance
Entitles certain school districts to adjust their average daily attendance in the event of a decline in enrollment in the school district resulting from the establishment of a charter school within the school district which was not approved by that school district governing board.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1325 (Lempert-D) School finance
Revises the school finance formula that provides equalizing adjustments for county community schools and juvenile court schools.
Vetoed by the Governor
ACA 20 (Baldwin-R) Schools: private school scholarships
Requires the state to annually provide a scholarship, upon request by the parent, for purposes of enrolling the child in a scholarship-redeeming private school. Prohibits the Legislature from enacting any law pertaining to private schools except by a 3/4 vote. Repeals the minimum funding guarantee for education and replaces it with a specified calculation.
(From printer)
AJR 28 (Reyes-D) Education: Title I funding
Urges the President and Congress of the United States and the United States Secretary of Education to provide for allocation of funds under Title I of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 according to the number of poor, eligible children in each state and also not to extend the hold-harmless provisions of that act.
(In Assembly Education Committee)

School Facilities
SB 62 (Perata-D) School facilities
Allows a school district to apply 50% of the current market value of a school site in meeting its matching share requirement under the state School Facilities Program.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 121 (Haynes-R) School facilities
Annually transfers specified General Fund surplus moneys to the newly-created Public School Construction Fund.
(Failed passage in Senate Education; reconsideration granted)
SB 142 (Baca-D) Schools: facilities
Extends, by one year, waivers of seismic safety requirements for a specified type of school building.
Chapter 304, Statutes of 1999
SB 162 (Escutia-D) School facilities: contamination
Prohibits the governing board of a school district from approving the acquisition or construction of school sites unless specified environmental assessments are conducted.
Chapter 1002, Statutes of 1999
SB 174 (Brulte-R) School facilities: high school districts
Exempts high school districts on a multi-track year-round education schedule from the required reduction in school facility funding eligibility.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 197 (Kelley-R) State School Building Aid Fund
Authorizes the State Allocation Board to allocate funds from the State School Building Aid Fund to joint-use projects that benefit school districts.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 280 (Bowen-D) State buildings and publicly-funded schools
Requires all new public buildings and state office buildings to exceed current energy efficiency standards and to be constructed and/or renovated to utilize some form of cost-effective "green" building methods, as specified.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SB 302* (Hughes-D) Education facilities
Provides that the Los Angeles Unified School District shall not be liable to the State Allocation Board for the local match represented by local developer fees that were set aside for a prescribed space-saver school project that is no longer viable, and authorizes the Los Angeles Unified School District to expend an amount not to exceed $23 million in developer fees obtained for that project prior to June 4, 1994, for specified purposes.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 774* (Haynes-R) School facilities: Val Verde Unified School District
Provides that, under specified conditions, the State Allocation Board may defer payment by school districts for the lease of portable classrooms. Also statutorily declares that portable classroom lease payments owed by the Val Verde Unified School District shall be deferred until the 2002-2003 fiscal year and then paid over five years.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 853 (Perata-D) School facilities: hardship considerations
Expresses legislative intent to explore hardship considerations for school districts in order to ensure fair and equitable facilities funding for all school districts.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SB 993 (Hayden-D) School facilities: contamination
(a) Requires development of standards for the assessment and mitigation of school sites with toxic exposure and requires the State Department of Education to incorporate the standards into a school site selection process, (b) requires school districts to follow certain requirements as a condition of receiving state facility funds, (c) requires the State Department of Toxic Substances to prescribe remedial action and be monitored by an advisory committee, to the extent the community wishes to form one, and (d) requires the State Architect to revise current standards for the design of school buildings to best protect children.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1018 (Assembly Education Committee) School facility construction: joint use
Provides that a school district may enter into an agreement with another governmental entity that includes some or all of the territory of the school district for the purposes of a joint use project.
Also provides for joint use projects between community colleges and school districts and requires that funds allocated pursuant to the Leroy F. Greene School Facilities Act of 1998 for joint use facilities between a community college district and a school district be jointly administered by the State Allocation Board and the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 1039* (Johnson-R) School facilities: funding
Allows any Orange County school district that transferred site sale proceeds to the district's general fund, as authorized in specified legislation, to file a placeholder application for state school facility funds. Appropriates $250,000 to provide a grant to alumnae resources.
Chapter 1001, Statutes of 1999 - Item Veto
SB 1203 (Poochigian-R) School and community college facilities
Modifies the K-12 and community college facility funding program by establishing the criteria by which joint-use facilities are to be evaluated by the State Allocation Board and the California Community Colleges Board of Governors.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SCA 1 (O'Connell-D) School facilities: bonds
Allows for the approval of local general obligation bonds for school facilities by majority vote rather than the currently-required 2/3 threshold. Lifts the 1% cap on property taxes established by Proposition 13 for the purpose of repaying bonds to finance new schools for making improvements to existing schools.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 20 (Lempert-D) School facilities: automated fire detection
Enacts the Green Oaks Family Academy School Fire Safety Protection Act, which, among other things, prohibits the State Department of General Services from approving school construction or modernization projects unless the projects contain an automatic fire detection and alarm system approved by the State Fire Marshal.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 148 (Thomson-D) School facilities
Changes the name of the State School Deferred Maintenance Fund to the School Major Maintenance Match Fund (SMMMF) and states the intent of the Legislature to fund annually the SMMMF to the full existing statutory cap.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 275 (Corbett-D) School facilities
Authorizes the use of revenues from the lease of portable classrooms program for deferred maintenance and the purchase of additional portable classrooms.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 300 (Corbett-D) Seismic safety: schools
Requires a seismic safety survey of all schools. Requires the State Department of General Services to conduct an inventory of the state's school buildings constructed using concrete tilt-up methods or constructed before 1976 with nonwood frames.
Chapter 622, Statutes of 1999
AB 354 (Reyes-D) School facilities
Requires the State Allocation Board to provide assistance to small districts that seek construction management assistance on state-funded construction projects from a county office of education.
(Held at Senate Desk)
AB 387 (Wildman-D) School facilities: site contamination
Clarifies procedures and specifies responsibilities for approval of acquisition of sites and construction of school facilities that may present a significant risk of exposure to hazardous materials, and delineates conditions under which state funds may be used for remediation efforts.
Chapter 992, Statutes of 1999
AB 470 (Wildman-D) Public works: design-build contracts
Authorizes school districts to enter into design-build contracts for projects funded under the state school facility funding program.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 562 (Cardenas-D) School facilities: funding priorities
Establishes the conditions under which the State Allocation Board is required to utilize a priority ranking mechanism to fund new school construction projects, rather than a first-come-first-serve process.
Chapter 178, Statutes of 1999
AB 636* (Migden-D) School facilities
Speeds up allocation of bond funds to school districts for modernization projects.
Chapter 718, Statutes of 1999
AB 695 (Mazzoni-D) School facilities: construction and modernization
Makes various technical and program changes to the Leroy F. Greene School Facilities Act of 1998.
Chapter 858, Statutes of 1999
AB 939 (Brewer-R) School facilities deferred maintenance
Requires a school district which does not set aside 1/2% of its revenue limit average daily attendance for deferred maintenance in any year to submit a specified report to the Legislature by March 1 in that year.
Chapter 390, Statutes of 1999
AB 1088 (Honda-D) School facilities: building capacity
Authorizes year-round school districts that have more than 50% of students on multi-track year-round education and have bonded to 90% of statutory bonding capacity to count 10% of the students toward the calculation for state assistance for school construction funds.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1089 (Correa-D) School facilities
Authorizes the State Allocation Board to adopt regulations to establish procedures whereby an applicant may request funds in addition to the per-pupil amount or waiver of the local match requirement if extraordinary circumstances justify such treatment and the hardship provisions do not provide an adequate solution.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1136 (Strom-Martin-D) School facilities: pupil safety: telephones
Requires that plans for any new or modernized school funded by the State after January 1, 2000, include a telephone connection in each classroom or equivalent wireless technology.
Chapter 709, Statutes of 1999
AB 1307 (Granlund-R) School facilities: relocatable structures
Requires that the State Allocation Board make a provision in the funding of new school construction that at least 30% of allowable new building construction for classrooms under a project be utilized for relocatable structures (commonly referred to as "portables").
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1378 (Dutra-D) Construction: pilot project: cost reduction
Requires the State Allocation Board to establish pilot projects to demonstrate new approaches to cost containment in the construction of school facilities.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 1516 (Florez-D) School facilities improvement districts
Makes a number of changes related to school facility improvement districts, including authorizing such districts to issue bonds based on the amount of proposed assessed value, rather than actual value.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1551 (Pescetti-R) School facility construction: energy efficiency
Authorizes school districts, in applications for state school construction funds, to certify that an energy analysis and report has been prepared that shows the utility savings that would be achieved if energy efficient technologies were used in the project.
Chapter 981, Statutes of 1999
AB 1596 (Florez-D) School facilities: task force
Establishes the Task Force on Financing Essential School Facilities and requires it to report to the Legislature on November 1, 2000.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1627 (Machado-D) School facilities: Tracy Joint Unified School District
Makes an exception to current law for the purpose of determining the amount of state school construction funding that Tracy Unified School District may receive.
Chapter 857, Statutes of 1999
AB 1633 (Assembly Veterans Affairs Committee) School facilities: disabled veteran business enterprises
Applies the disabled veteran business preference to the Leroy F. Greene School Facilities Act of 1998 (Proposition 1A) for school facility construction projects.
Chapter 133, Statutes of 1999
AB 1691 (Kaloogian-R) School facilities: charter schools
Authorizes charter schools to apply for apportionments for per-pupil school facility funding pursuant to the Greene Act.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
ACA 3 (Mazzoni-D) School facilities: bonds
Requires the approval of only a majority of voters on school facilities general obligation bonds.
(In Assembly Education Committee)

Bilingual Education
SB 571* (Alarcon-D) Families for Literacy Program
Appropriates $375,000 to the Families for Literacy Program and allows the program to include the provision of training for parents who have no or minimal reading skills, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 638 (Alpert-D) English learners
Requires each school district to assess the English language development of each pupil to determine his or her level of proficiency. Requires the development of specified procedures in determining whether to reclassify a pupil as proficient in English.
Chapter 678, Statutes of 1999
SB 918 (Escutia-D) English language learners
Establishes the Direct Supplemental Instruction for English Language Learners Program for the purposes of providing additional funding and other resources to applicant school districts in order to facilitate provision of additional direct instruction and other assistance for pupils who are not proficient in English, as needed to correct academic deficits that may result from the inability to progress fully in the academic program when a pupil is placed in a sheltered or structured
English immersion program without understanding English, and when a pupil is placed in a English language mainstream classroom before attaining full fluency.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 922 (Escutia-D) English learners: professional development
Requires that adequate professional development time and funding are provided for all school district credentialed teachers for the purpose of implementing standards to assess English learners.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 1037 (Hughes-D) Language Equity Advisory Committees
Expands and recasts the provisions of existing law relative to district and school advisory committees established for the parents and guardians of pupils with limited English proficiency, or English Language Learners.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 1227 (Knight-R) English language education
Creates a mechanism for informing parents of their rights relating to English language education and penalizes districts that fail to comply.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 25 (Mazzoni-D) Pupils: age of admission
Requires parents of English-learners to be notified of the student's placement and of their right to request a waiver under specified conditions. Requires the school development plan to include activities related to ensuring adequate numbers of fully trained staff are available to meet the needs of English learners.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 56* (Mazzoni-D) English language education
Requires the State Department of Education, in agreement with the State Board of Education, to contract for an independent evaluation of programs enacted to serve English-learners subsequent to passage of Proposition 227. The evaluation will include representative programs in grades K - 12 and the Governor initiated supplemental instruction programs in grades 4 - 8 established pursuant to the English Language Acquisition Program.
Chapter 1009, Statutes of 1999
AB 1026 (Mazzoni-D) English language instruction
Specifies parental rights related to English learner (EL) student placement, requires school development plans to address issues related to staff adequacy to teach EL's, requires schools to assess the instructional needs of EL's when they transition to the regular English classroom and provide the academic or language support needed for up to two years.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1027 (Cardenas-D) English language education
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to allocate funds for the community based English tutoring for adults program in accordance with regulations adopted by the State Board of Education pursuant to specific criteria. Requires a financial review of each district's expenditures beginning three years after the funds first are allocated.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1116 (Ducheny-D) English Language Acquisition Program
Establishes the English Language Acquisition Program for students in grades four through eight. This program is intended to help English language learners improve their English skills so that they are better prepared to meet the state's English language development, academic content, and performance standards.
Chapter 71, Statutes of 1999

Charter Schools
SB 267* (Lewis-R) Charter schools: funding
Increases the size of loans that may be made under the Charter School Revolving Loan Fund, and authorizes the making of loans directly to charter schools, rather than to school districts.
Chapter 736, Statutes of 1999
SB 434 (Johnston-D) Charter schools
Adds various requirements to the statutes governing charter schools. (The bill is part of the Budget agreement on the 1999 Budget.)
Chapter 162, Statutes of 1999
SB 861 (Hughes-D) Charter schools
Authorizes the State Board of Education to delegate its supervisorial and oversight responsibilities for charter schools to the Trustees of the California State University.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
SB 998 (O'Connell-D) Charter schools
Provides that each school district shall make available to each charter school operating in the school district facilities sufficient or the charter school to accommodate all of the charter school's in-district students in conditions reasonably equivalent to those in which the students would be accommodated if they were attending other public schools of the district.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 312* (Honda-D) Community day schools
Extends the sunset, from June 30, 1999 to June 30, 2005, on a statutorily authorized charter school operated by the Los Angeles County Board of Education (Soledad Enrichment Action), and further authorizes the school to operate as a community day school with enrollment of up to 2000.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 631 (Migden-D) Charter schools: collective bargaining
Declares that the provisions of existing law related to collective bargaining apply to charter schools and requires that a charter school declare in its charter whether the school will be its own employer, for purposes of bargaining, or whether the public school district that issued its charter will be the "employer" for bargaining purposes.
Chapter 828, Statutes of 1999
AB 696 (Washington-D) Charter schools: interdistrict program
Requires that the charter of a charter school may only be approved, or renewed, if the governing boards of all school districts where the charter intends to operate have given their approval for the charter to operate in their jurisdiction.
Requires that the charter of a charter school identify all school districts, in addition to the chartering agency, which have approved operation of the charter school in their jurisdiction, unless that operation is to be undertaken by independent study or to provide services in a residential treatment center.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 842 (Migden-D) Charter schools: laws governing
Requires that all certificated and classified employees at a charter school be members of the collective bargaining unit of the school district where the charter is located.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1054 (Oller-R) Special education funding: charter school transfers
Requires that when a special education pupil transfers from a school district school to a charter school the school district shall continue to receive an amount, adjusted for inflation, equal to any funding that the school district would otherwise be entitled to on the basis of that pupil's enrollment in the school district during the prior school year without reducing the funding provided to the charter school for the transferred pupil.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1115* (Strom-Martin-D) Education
Contains education provisions necessary to enact the education portion of the Budget, including various appropriations for charter schools. Makes various changes to the operation and funding of charter schools.
Chapter 78, Statutes of 1999 - Item Veto
AB 1691 (Kaloogian-R) School facilities: charter schools
Authorizes charter schools to apply for apportionments for per-pupil school facilities funding pursuant to the Greene Act.
(In Assembly Education Committee)

Class Size Reduction
SB 54 (O'Connell-D) Class size reduction: community colleges
Increases funding for high school class size reduction, makes technical changes to the program, and appropriates additional funding for the California Community Colleges.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 900 (Escutia-D) Class Size Reduction Program: Montebello Unified
Establishes a new facilities funding program to assist with implementation of the Class Size Reduction Program in the Montebello Unified School District that is overcrowded.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 29 (Robert Pacheco-R) Class size reduction
Provides for a new class size reduction program in grade ten.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 133 (Strom-Martin-D) School districts: class size reduction
Provides class size reduction program flexibility to very small school districts.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 335* (Mazzoni-D) Teachers' retirement: class size reduction
Extends the existing earnings limitation exemption for retired teachers who returned to the classroom as a result of the K-3 Class Size Reduction Program to include any current or future expansions of the class size reduction programs.
Chapter 40, Statutes of 1999
AB 628 (Baugh-R) Class size reduction
Allows specific school districts to reapply for state funding for facilities to implement the Class Size Reduction (CSR) program, if they did not receive such funding in 1996-97 and 1997-98. Extends the sunset date on CSR facility funding from June 30, 1999 to June 30, 2002.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 783 (Battin-R) Class size reduction: grade seven
Reduces class size in grade seven English or math classes. Provides $165 per pupil to school districts that reduce class sizes to 20 pupils in the seventh grade in English and math classes.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 922 (Davis-D) Class size reduction
Enacts the eighth grade Class Size Reduction for Language Arts and Mathematics Program.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 1029 (Campbell-R) Class size reduction
Increases funding for the ninth grade Class Size Reduction Program (CSR), provides more flexibility in the number of students per classroom in CSR, and extends the program to grades four through six.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 8X (Battin-R) Class size reduction: grades seven and eight
Establishes grades seven and eight Class Size Reduction Act of 1999 and enables any school district that maintains grades seven or eight, or both, to apply for an apportionment to implement a Class Size Reduction Program.
(Died at Assembly Desk)

School Safety
SB 195 (Baca-D) Comprehensive school safety plan
Requires new schools to develop and implement comprehensive school safety plans.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 334 (Alpert-D) Youthful offenders: education
Enacts the "No More Victims' Violence Prevention and School Safety 2000 Strategy" which revises and repackages the Arnold-Kennick Juvenile Court Law. Extends the sunset date indefinitely on existing law allowing the governing board of a school district to apply for grants from the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to implement school safety plans.
Establishes the School Safety and Violence Prevention Strategy Program for the purpose of promoting school safety and violence prevention among students in the public schools. Appropriates $5 million to carry out the program.
Appropriates $1.5 million to the State Board of Corrections for the At-risk Youth Early Intervention Program. Appropriates $3 million to San Diego County to purchase San Pasqual Academy and $1.8 million to the City and County of San Francisco to purchase and install surveillance cameras on public transit vehicles and $1.5 million to the City of Riverside to expand the operation of the Project Bridge Gang Crime Prevention Program.
Chapter 996, Statutes of 1999 - Item Veto
SB 425 (Brulte-R) School district police services
Establishes the California Onsite Police Services Program and the continuously appropriated California Onsite Police Services (COPS) for Schools Fund. Transfers $190,000 from the General Fund to the COPS for Schools Fund.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 432 (McPherson-R) School emergency telephones
Appropriates $60 million from the General Fund for allocation to school districts and county offices of education to fund the costs of providing an emergency wireless telephone in every public school classroom.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 504 (Knight-R) School safety: crime reporting
Modifies existing reporting requirements of student criminal activities by school principals to local law enforcement and classroom teachers.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 570 (Alarcon-D) School personnel: disruptions or threats
Restructures and, in some circumstances, increases the criminal penalties and imposes mandatory minimum jail terms for the willful disruption on school grounds by non-pupils and disruption of school activities. Enacts legislative intent language to require specified school-related workers to report missing children to law enforcement, as specified.
Chapter 1013, Statutes of 1999
SB 650 (Karnette-D) Students: violations on school grounds
Authorizes certain school personnel and their designees to arrest or cite into court minors believed to have committed a misdemeanor or infraction on school grounds, as specified.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)
SB 711 (Burton-D) Governmental functions
Among other things, designates the Safety and Violence Prevention Act as the Carl Washington School Safety and Violence Prevention Act. Designates the School Violence Prevention and Response Act of 1999 as the Machado School Violence Prevention and Response Act of 1999. These programs were contained in AB 1113 (Florez), a Budget trailer bill.
Chapter 86, Statutes of 1999
SB 840 (Rainey-R) School safety
Imposes a mandatory minimum incarceration of six months for any misdemeanor battery of a school employee, regardless of injury, and allows a fine of up to $2,000, while the standard maximum misdemeanor fine is $1,000, and imposes a five-year prison enhancement upon a defendant where the victim of a serious felony is a school employee or student, in addition to any other enhancements related to the serious felony.
(Failed passage in Senate Public Safety Committee; reconsideration granted)
SCR 11 (Hughes-D) School safety
Designates the month of October 1999 as School Safety Month and the week of January 10 to 14, 2000 as Yellow Ribbon Week to demonstrate a commitment to school safety.
Resolution Chapter 51, Statutes of 1999
AB 166* (Washington-D) School safety
Modifies the School Safety and Violence Prevention Act (AB 1113, Florez, Chapter 51, Statutes of 1999), for which $1 million is provided in the 1999 Budget Act by making county offices of education eligible to apply for block-grant funds and by renaming the act as the Carl Washington School Safety and Violence Prevention Act.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 174 (Firebaugh-D) School safety
Expands the role of the Fiscal Crisis Management Assistance Team (FCMAT) to include reviewing and advising school districts on their physical plant safety problems. Modifies the make-up of FCMAT to include experts on school facilities.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 280 (Zettel-R) Vehicles: crimes: school grounds
Allows the State Department of the California Highway Patrol to establish six "double-fine zones" on highways next to schools.
(Failed passage in Senate Public Safety Committee, reconsideration granted)
AB 291 (Dickerson-R) School safety
Makes a battery against a school employee punishable by a minimum of six months in the county jail and a fine not exceeding $2,000, and the commission of a serious or violent felony against a school pupil or employee punishable, in addition to any other term of imprisonment, by a consecutive five-year term in the state prison.
(Failed passage in Assembly Public Safety Committee)
AB 537 (Kuehl-D) Discrimination
Establishes the California Student Safety and Violence Prevention Act of 2000, which adds as a prohibited basis for discrimination in instructional services and programs, any basis that is contained in the prohibition of hate crimes in the Penal Code.
Chapter 587, Statutes of 1999
AB 646 (Bates-R) School safety: missing children
Requires the law enforcement agency responsible for the investigation of a missing child to inform the school district in which the child is enrolled that the child is missing, and requires the school district to specifically note that information in the pupil's record.
Chapter 832, Statutes of 1999
AB 658* (Washington-D) School safety
Renames the recently established School Safety and Violence Prevention Act as the Carl Washington School Safety and Violence Prevention Act, authorizes county offices of education to participate in the program established pursuant to that act, and appropriates $1 million.
Chapter 645, Statutes of 1999
AB 800 (Washington-D) Pupil safety: firearms
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction, in cooperation with the Attorney General, to adopt a system that shields the identity and provide protection to pupils who report the presence of firearms on school campuses that offer instruction in kindergarten and any of grades one through twelve, inclusive.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1038 (Robert Pacheco-R) School security departments
Expands a school security guard's authority to act as a peace officer off of school grounds.
(Failed passage in Assembly Public Safety; reconsideration granted
AB 1113* (Florez-D) School safety
Establishes the School Safety and Violence Prevention Act for which $100 million has been appropriated in the 1999 Budget Act.
Chapter 51, Statutes of 1999
AB 1136 (Strom-Martin-D) School facilities: pupil safety: telephones
Requires that plans for any new or modernized school funded by the State after January 1, 2000 include a telephone connection in each classroom or equivalent wireless technology.
Chapter 709, Statutes of 1999
AB 1154* (Torlakson-D) School safety
Requires the School/Law Enforcement Partnership to acquire information on the availability of no-cost or reduced-cost cellular phones to be provided to each teacher, as specified, and revises program requirements for the After School Learning and Safe Neighborhoods Partnerships Program.
Chapter 872, Statutes of 1999
AB 1366* (Machado-D) School violence: task force
Establishes a School Violence Prevention and Response Task Force to evaluate school-based crisis prevention and response programs.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 1390 (Havice-D) Pupils: expulsion: physical injury
Requires the principal or superintendent of schools to immediately suspend and to recommend the expulsion of a pupil that he/she determines has committed a third confirmed act wherein the pupil caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person, or willfully used force or violence upon the person of another, except in self-defense, regardless of whether the first two such acts resulted in suspension or expulsion.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
ACR 50 (Baugh-R) Columbine High School tragedy
Asks for blessings and comfort for all those who have been touched directly or indirectly by the tragic events in Littleton, Colorado.
Resolution Chapter 29, Statutes of 1999

Child and Day Care
SB 156 (Figueroa-D) Child development: California Early Start Program
Modifies the California Early Intervention Services Act under which the Early Start Program provides services through a coordinated interagency system to children from birth to age three who are at risk of developmental delay.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 277 (Ortiz-D) Preschool programs
Establishes the Commission on the Expansion of Preschool to develop recommendations and findings for determining the feasibility of universal preschool.
(Refused passage on Assembly Floor)
SB 549* (Ortiz-D) Taxes: credits: child care
Provides a tax credit equal to 50 percent of costs incurred or contributions made for constructing child care facilities to low-income children and a credit for below-market rate loans to build child care facilities.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 568* (Alarcon-D) Foundations for Learning
Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop a strategic plan to provide for the study and establishment of foundations for learning and school success for infants and children up to six years of age.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 618 (Chesbro-D) Child care facilities: fingerprinting
Prohibits fees for criminal background checks for volunteers in licensed child care facilities, and establishes a work group to study state fingerprinting requirements.
Chapter 934, Statutes of 1999
SB 845 (Escutia-D) Child care master plan
Requires the State Department of Education to develop a child care and development master plan by January 1, 2002, to guide state policy in the area. Requires the plan to be updated every five years.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 879 (Speier-D) Child care funding
Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to consider the percentage of infants and toddlers with working parents when allocating funds for the expansion of infant and toddler child care programs.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 925 (Vasconcellos-D) Child Care and Development Services
Requires the Child Development Policy Advisory Committee to develop a master plan for child care and development services by January 1, 2002.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 938 (Solis-D) Alternative payment programs
- Authorizes alternative payment programs to provide payment to child care facilities with at least 75 percent subsidized children if:
- There is a lack of licensed child care facilities in the area;
- The facility can meet a child's special needs; or
- Other reasons exist as delineated in the State Department of Education regulations.
- States legislative intent that the Superintendent of Public Instruction adopt regulations through which a child care facility may apply for funding if it meets the above conditions.
Chapter 882, Statutes of 1999
SB 967 (Perata-D) Child Care Partnership Fund
Establishes a Child Care Partnership Fund to be administered by the State Department of Education for the purpose of providing state funds to match private business which invests in child care. Appropriates $30 million from the General Fund for this purpose.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 105 (Alquist-D) Child Care and Development Services
Requires the Child Development Programs Advisory Committee and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, in consultation with the State Department of Social Services, the Secretary of Education, and the chair of the California Children and Families First Commission, to develop a child care master plan by January 1, 2002, and submit it to the Legislature by February 1, 2002.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 153 (Cunneen-R) Child care and development: reimbursement
Allows a case-by-case increase in the reimbursement rate for subsidized child care programs in certain geographic areas.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 181* (Zettel-R) Child day care: public recreation program
Establishes the "6 to 6" before and after school pilot program in San Diego as a license exempt child care provider.
Chapter 851, Statutes of 1999
AB 212 (Aroner-D) Child care and development
Establishes California CARES to provide stipends to child care professionals and promote employee retention in child care programs.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 401* (Strickland-R) Taxes: credits: child care
Eliminates the sunset date on the Employer Child Care Contribution Credits and allows a child care tax credit for any child under the age of 13.
(Failed passage in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 443 (Mazzoni-D) Child care: family support
Establishes a grant program in which providers of state-subsidized child care would provide a variety of parent education and support services.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 458 (Zettel-R) Child care providers: licensing information
Requires child care resource and referral agencies and alternative payment programs to inform persons requesting a child care referral of their right to view the licensing information of the child care provider.
Chapter 823, Statutes of 1999
AB 554 (Papan-D) Child care and development services
Increases the income eligibility threshold for subsidized child care from 75 to 85 percent of the State's median income in certain counties with high housing costs. (These counties are the ones where CalWORKs grants are higher because of higher housing costs.)
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 561 (Romero-D) California Child Care Health Linkages Program
Establishes a grant program in eight named counties for child care centers to employ family health coordinators to assist families with children in care to understand health and nutrition programs available to them, to gain access to health services, assist in monitoring the center's compliance with health and safety requirements, and to establish linkages with needed social and educational support services.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 855 (Cardenas-D) Child care and development programs
Broadens eligibility for the Child Care and Development Facilities Loan Guaranty and Direct Loan programs, clarifies that lower-income families, as specified, receive priority for funding, and exempts family day care home providers from a provision restricting the amount of the loans.
Chapter 492, Statutes of 1999
AB 916 (Davis-D) Child development: parent education programs
Authorizes nonprofit entities that provide family support and education services to families with children from birth to five years of age to apply to the State Department of Education for grants to implement and maintain parent education programs for the provision of information, advice, assistance, resource materials, and guidance. Requires the State Department of Education to, among other things, award grants from funds appropriated for the establishment of parent education programs.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1052 (Jackson-D) Child Care Initiative Project
Eliminates the January 1, 2001, sunset date for the California Child Care Initiative, thereby making the program permanent.
Chapter 548, Statutes of 1999
AB 1056 (Steinberg-D) Prekindergarten programs
Authorizes the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to allocate funds, subject to an appropriation in the annual budget, to school districts to enhance school-based readiness programs for prekindergarten children.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1115* (Strom-Martin-D) Education
Is the omnibus education trailer bill to the Budget Act of 1999. Contains the education provisions necessary to enact the education portion of the budget, including some changes a) to the development and application of the prekindergarten learning development guidelines, and b) to the alternative payment child care systems.
Chapter 78, Statutes of 1999 - Item Vetoed
AB 1174* (Frusetta-R) Taxes: credit: child care
Allows a credit in an amount equal to 25 percent of the amount paid or incurred during the taxable or income year for child care for any child of the taxpayer.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

Special Education
SB 536 (Poochigian-R) Special education: transportation
Revises the formula for reimbursement of special education transportation costs so that districts and county offices receive 80% of their actual costs or their traditional entitlement, whichever is greater.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 867 (Poochigian-R) Special education
Requires that plans submitted by Special Education Local Plan Area administrators to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall include a method for the implementation of a comprehensive, balanced language arts program.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1035 (Hughes-D) Special education: deaf pupils
Provides for the establishment of a regionalized system for the delivery of services for deaf and hard of hearing pupils.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 355 (Davis-D) Special education
Limits the amount apportioned to districts for providing services to exceptional needs individuals placed in specified institutions. Requires the development and adoption of goals and standards for the performance of individuals with exceptional needs, as specified. Requires the operation of a complaint management and resolution process regarding school districts' failure to provide services.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 395 (Dutra-D) Special education
Eliminates the sunset date for special education and makes numerous, mostly technical, changes to law concerning special education. Many of the amendments conform state special education statutes to the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, while other amendments are continuing refinements to the funding model established in 1997 by AB 602 (Chapter 854 of 1997).
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 570 (Dickerson-R) Special education: Caseload Reduction Program
Establishes the Caseload Reduction Program to provide school districts with funding for reducing special education caseloads.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 609 (Wildman-D) Special education: vision impairments
Requires districts to provide Braille instruction to legally blind students, unless the Individualized Education Plan team determines that Braille instruction is not appropriate for the student.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 645 (Honda-D) Minors: special education
Requires the courts and counties to address the need for special education and related services of minors under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 953 (Dickerson-R) Special education finance
Modifies the funding formula for necessary small Special Education Local Planning Areas to address increasing or declining enrollment in sparsely populated areas.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1020 (Corbett-D) Special education: foster parents
Allows a foster parent, guardian, pupil advocate, or designated adult representative to request that a foster child be assessed for special education services. Allows the foster parent or guardian to participate in the child's individual education plan process. Also requires the court to limit the right of a parent or guardian to make educational decisions for a child under certain circumstances.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1054 (Oller-R) Special education funding: charter schools
Requires that when a special education pupil transfers from a school district school to a charter school the school district shall continue to receive an amount, adjusted for inflation, equal to any funding that the school district would otherwise be entitled to on the basis of that pupil's enrollment in the school district during the prior school year without reducing the funding provided to the charter school for the transferred pupil.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1062 (Margett-R) Special education
Allows a school district to award a certificate of education achievement to a special education pupil who has satisfactorily completed an alternative course of study, and requires the district to allow the pupil to participate in graduation ceremonies.
Chapter 392, Statutes of 1999
AB 1187 (Rod Pacheco-R) State special schools
Specifies that state special schools be a separate category of "shortage areas" as it relates to student loan assumption and requires the State Department of Personnel Administration to conduct a survey of salaries paid to public school teachers who teach pupils with learning disabilities, as specified.
Chapter 904, Statutes of 1999
AJR 12 (Lempert-D) Special education: federal funding
Memorializes the President and Congress to provide the full federal share of funding for special education programs.
Resolution Chapter 76, Statutes of 1999

School Accountability and Testing
SB 366* (Alpert-D) Pupil testing
Makes various changes in the Standardized Testing and Reporting school testing program.
Chapter 735, Statutes of 1999
SB 435 (Poochigian-R) High schools: Golden State Examination
Requires that the State Board of Education adopt the Golden State Examinations, and that the Golden State Examinations be aligned to statewide academic content and performance standards.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 578* (Poochigian-R) Standardized Testing and Reporting: reading list
Requires the publisher of the statewide Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) system to make available a report that provides the numerical distribution of the reading scores of all pupils that took the STAR test, and a customized reading list for each individual pupil who has taken the English Language Arts portion of the STAR test. Also reimburses the publishers $0.50 per customized report.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 842 (Rainey-R) Pupil testing: Standardized Testing and Reporting
Requires the State Board of Education to adopt, and school districts to administer, a diagnostic reading test to all pupils in grade 1.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 922 (Escutia-D) English learners: pupil assessment
Requires that, in order to fully assess English learners, the program for professional development be targeted to increase the capacity of school leaders, teachers, and other personnel, and to require the professional development to be research-based and to follow current, effective models to ensure that instructional personnel increase their skills.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 1X (Alpert-D) Education accountability
Establishes the Public School Performance Accountability Program that would apply to all schools, including charter schools, consisting of a state Academic Performance Index, an Immediate Intervention/Underperforming Schools Program, and a High Achieving/Improving Schools Program.
Chapter 3, Statutes of 1999-2000, First Extraordinary Session
SB 2X (O'Connell-D) Education accountability: high school
Requires high school pupils beginning in 2004 to pass a high school exit exam in order to graduate.
Chapter 1, Statutes of 1999-2000, First Extraordinary Session
AB 144 (Migden-D) Academic assessment
Excludes the test scores of a limited English proficient pupil from aggregate results of the state tests until the pupil has been enrolled for 12 months in the school district.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 294 (Leonard-R) Transfer Empowerment Alternatives for Children Act
Enacts the Transfer Empowerment Alternatives for Children Act. Requires the State Board of Education to identify those schools that perform in the lowest 25th percentile, based on the Standardized Testing and Reporting program achievement test, and authorizes a pupil attending such a school to receive a transfer award that would allow the pupil to transfer to an alternative public school, or to an eligible participating private school, where the pupil could redeem that transfer award.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 360 (Davis-D) Pupil testing
Requires the California State University (CSU) to offer its proficiency exams in English and math to all high school pupils who have completed the 10th grade, beginning on January 1, 2000. Further requires CSU to offer these tests twice a year, and to administer and keep records of the test results for high school students.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 697 (Vincent-D) School accountability
Provides for the State Department of Education to review and evaluate the implementation of education reforms and school accountability systems in other states, and report to the Legislature.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 1115* (Strom-Martin-D) Education
Is the omnibus education trailer bill to the Budget Act of 1999 which, among other, revises Standardized Testing and Reporting provisions of law.
Chapter 78, Statutes of 1999 - Item Veto
AB 27X (Leach-R) State basic skills proficiency test
Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to review, evaluate and report on, as specified, the state basic skills proficiency test used for teacher credential candidates.
Chapter 5, Statutes of 1999-2000, First Extraordinary Session

Higher Education
SB 22 (Brulte-R) Public postsecondary education: student fees
Reduces resident student fees for 1999-2000: (a) for University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) undergraduate students by 10%; (b) for UC and CSU graduate students by 15%, and (c) California Community College (CCC) students from $12 per unit to $11 per unit. Provides a blank appropriation from the General Fund to UC, CSU and CCC to offset the revenue lot as a result of the fee reduction. These provisions apply to UC only to the extent that the Regents adopt a resolution to so do.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 58 (Hayden-D) Postsecondary education
Establishes the Statewide Service Learning Center Program to encourage campuses of higher education to incorporate service learning in their curriculums. Expands the Student Academic Partnership Program to include assistance to pupils in grades 7-12.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 67 (Murray-D) Institute for Preservation of Jazz
States the intent of the Legislature that the Institute for Preservation of Jazz at California State University, Long Beach, be funded by a variety of sources, including grants and contributions from private sources, public entities dedicated to the arts, and the General Fund.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 76 (Murray-D) Postsecondary education: student transfer
Guarantees every California Community College student who earns an associate of arts or associate of science degree in liberal arts and who meets transfer course and grade point average requirements, an appropriate place somewhere either in the University of California system or the California State University system. These provisions would not apply to the University of California unless the Regents adopt a resolution to so do.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 132* (Brulte-R) Community college districts
Makes various changes in current law relative to the creation of the Copper Mountain Community College District from that portion of the Desert Community College District that contains the Copper Mountain campus of the College of the Desert.
Chapter 82, Statutes of 1999
SB 145 (Hughes-D) Admissions criteria: standardized testing
Establishes a pilot study that would create pools of talented students to which alternative admissions criteria to these institutions may be applied, admit students from these pools, and monitor the academic progress and success of all students granted alternative admission through the pilot study and compare them with a control group of regularly admitted students.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 213 (Polanco-D) California community colleges: budget augmentation
Makes $5.05 million in appropriations to the California Community Colleges (CCC) for various programs, in augmentation of the Budget Act of 1999.
- Appropriates $1.05 million in item 6870-101-001 for community colleges to establish 17 Mexican International Trade Centers on CCC campuses throughout California.
- Appropriates $2 million to item 6870-101-001 for community colleges for local assistance for the expansion of the Educational Opportunity Programs and Services.
- Appropriates $2 million in item 6870-101-001 for community colleges for local assistance for the expansion of the Puente Student Outreach program.
Chapter 959, Statutes of 1999 - Item Veto
SB 251 (Knight-R) Postsecondary education: children of veterans
Expands the income eligibility criteria whereby the University of California, California State University, and California Community Colleges are prohibited from charging children of disabled or deceased U.S. military veterans.
Chapter 689, Statutes of 1999
SB 338 (Wright-R) Intercollegiate athletics
Requires the University of California, the California State University and California's Community College campuses to provide, with limited exceptions, a one-year notice when discontinuing an intercollegiate athletic program at one of their respective campuses.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
SB 355 (Hughes-D) Community colleges and K-12 school police
Adds community college and K-12 school district police to existing statutes that involve additional peace officer authority or status, in specified domestic violence situations.
Chapter 659, Statutes of 1999
SB 358 (Ortiz-D) Community college districts: short-term employees
Substantially alters the definition of "short-term employee" as it applies to community college classified employees. Specifically, changes current law by prohibiting a "short term" community college employee from working more than 260 days during any three consecutive academic years.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
SB 361 (Dunn-D) Postsecondary education: cross-enrollment
Extends the sunset date from January 1, 2000, to January 1, 2004, for the authorization for students to cross-enroll among the different public segments of higher education.
Chapter 688, Statutes of 1999
SB 391* (Chesbro-D) Public postsecondary education: tuition, fees.
Revises and expands existing provisions of law which prohibit the University of California and the California State University from collecting any fees or tuition from any surviving child of a deceased active law enforcement or fire suppression employee. Specifically, expands this "fee waiver" provision to include the surviving children of contractors or employees of contractors providing active law enforcement or fire suppression service.
Chapter 953, Statutes of 1999
SB 572 (Alarcon-D) Assumption of Loans for Personal Computers Program
Enacts the Assumption of Loans for Personal Computers Program, to be administered by the Student Aid Commission, for the purpose of providing low-income students an opportunity to purchase their own personal or laptop computers.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 576 (McPherson-R) California State University: Monterey Bay campus
Appropriates $140,000 from the General Fund for the California State University, Monterey Bay, to prepare a long-term, multi-use strategic regional plan, as specified.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 610 (Costa-D) Private postsecondary education
Allows a Western Association of Schools and Colleges accredited private postsecondary educational institution to offer short-term, non-degree programs.
(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 645 (Burton-D) Higher education labor relations
Amends the Higher Education Employee Relations Act to require the implementation of mandatory "fair share" fees for all employees of the California State University and University of California system who are members of a collective bargaining unit.
Chapter 952, Statutes of 1999
Similar legislation is SB 1241 (O'Connell-D) which is in Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee.
SB 679 (Johnston-D) California State University
Appropriates a total of $1.6 million for support of the California State University, Stanislaus Stockton Center (formerly the Stockton Developmental Center).
Chapter 1020, Statutes of 1999
SB 733* (Poochigian-R) California State University: Kenneth L. Maddy Institute
Establishes the Kenneth L. Maddy Institute at the California State University at Fresno to provide training for leadership in government, and prepare student and elected officials for public service.
Chapter 593, Statutes of 1999
SB 796 (Dunn-D) Postsecondary education: credit card marketing
Requires the governing boards of public and private institutions of higher education to adopt policies, with specified requirements, to regulate the marketing practices used on campuses by credit card companies.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
SB 825 (Escutia-D) Health sciences education
Amends the intent of the Legislature relative to the annual review of the health sciences program of the University of California. Establishes the Medical Education Innovations Fund to provide financial support for academic and community-based programs that prepare, train, and locate primary health care professionals in areas of unmet need for primary care, as specified.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
SB 860 (Hughes-D) Higher education labor relations
Makes various changes in the Higher Education Employee Relations Act, which applies to the University of California and the California State University, relative to penalties for repeated unfair practices, the supersession of certain statutes in a memorandum of understanding, and authorized actions that may be taken following the release of a fact-finding report.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 872 (Polanco-D) Education: citizenship centers
Establishes a Citizenship Center Program to provide citizenship instruction, testing, and the dissemination of information about naturalization to prospective U.S. citizens and naturalized citizens through the California Community Colleges, school district adult education programs, or community-based organizations. Is operative only if funds are appropriated in the Budget Act of 1999 or in another statute enacted in 1999.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 919 (Vasconcellos-D) Master Plan for Service Learning
Requires the California Postsecondary Education Commission to develop a Master Plan for Service Learning. Requires a report to the Legislature by January 1, 2001.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 921 (Vasconcellos-D) Faculty, Counselor, and Librarian Employment Fund
Creates the Faculty, Counselor, and Librarian Employment Fund in the State Treasury, and transfers $40 million to the fund from the General Fund and appropriates this amount for allocation during the 1999-2000 fiscal year for commencement of funding to provide for a net increase of 2,000 full-time faculty positions in the California Community Colleges over a five-year period.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 927 (McPherson-R) California Newspaper Project: State Librarian
States legislative intent to appropriate $300,000 to the California State Library, as a match for federal funds, for the purposes of sustaining the California Newspaper Project, an effort to identify and preserve the State's history as reflected in its newspapers.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 990 (McPherson-R) California Community Colleges
Provides for the annual transfer of funds from the General Fund to the State School Fund for allocation to community colleges to compensate for estimated, but unreceived property tax and student fee revenues.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1031 (Hughes-D) Student financial aid
Makes several changes to current law as it relates to California's participation in the Federal Family Education Loan Program, higher education student financial aid program. These changes include: (1) clarifying that the Student Aid Commission may provide loan guarantee services to out-of-state students, (2) extending to five years the terms of a specified operating agreement, and (3) other changes necessary to conform to federal law.
Chapter 636, Statutes of 1999
SB 1118 (Alarcon-D) Schools and community colleges: governing boards
Modifies the procedures for school bond elections and local bond issuance.
Chapter 667, Statutes of 1999
SB 1129 (Knight-R) Community colleges: nonresident tuition
Allows Cerro Coso Community College, in the Kern Community College District, to waive nonresident tuition for Nevada students wishing to attend either the campus' main campus in Ridgecrest or one of Cerro Coso's off-campus centers.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1141 (Morrow-R) Postsecondary education: student government fees
Prohibits students from being compelled to pay mandatory student government fees for the purpose of funding or subsidizing political or ideological activities or organizations.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 1211 (Monteith-R) Postsecondary education: articulation agreements
Requires that articulation and transfer program agreements be made between California State University campuses and community college districts that have a minimum of 20 applicants.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1262 (O'Connell-D) Student financial aid
Transfers the administration of the Golden State Scholarshare College Savings Program from the California Student Aid Commission to the Scholarshare Investment Board and makes technical changes to comply with federal law and to make the Scholarshare Program easier to administer and market.
Chapter 664, Statutes of 1999
SB 1279 (Polanco-D) Higher education labor relations
Expands the Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act (HEERA) to cover University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) out-of-state employees who are working at institutions with more than 100 employees. Makes related changes to HEERA in order to ensure that current law governing "Employee Organizations" is adjusted to accommodate UC and CSU employees working out-of-state. Makes a variety of technical and nonsubstantive changes.
Chapter 971, Statutes of 1999
SB 1283 (Polanco-D) Community college facilities: modernization
Authorizes a facility modernization program for the community colleges, administered by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1311 (Baca-D) Reading instruction
Authorizes the University of California to enter into partnerships with school districts to establish reading improvement programs for students in kindergarten and grade 1.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
SCA 2 (Hughes-D) University of California: student eligibility
Provides, commencing January 1, 2002, that only the students who rank in the upper 12.5% of their graduating high school class at their particular high school, based on educationally sound measures of high school performance, including grade point average, are eligible for admission to the University of California.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SCR 3 (Solis-D) College Awareness Month
Declares February 1999 to be "College Awareness Month."
Resolution Chapter 5, Statutes of 1999
SCR 13 (Hayden-D) University of California: teacher training
Strongly encourages the Regents of the University of California to set an institutional goal of doubling the number of its graduates who become California public school teachers, to arrange programs and priorities of the university to achieve that goal in five years; and to report annually to the Legislature on its progress and needs in meeting that goal.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 8* (Cardenas-D) Los Angeles Community College District
States the intent of the Legislature to appropriate $4.7 million to the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) for site acquisition at Los Angeles Mission College in the 1999 Budget Act. These funds were originally appropriated to LACCD in 1992 for site acquisition at Mission College and the funds were never expended.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 14 (Ducheny-D) Higher Education Partnership Act of 2000
Expresses the intent of the Legislature to establish a policy framework for funding the University of California and the California State University.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 80 (Baldwin-R) Community college facilities
Exempts the construction of new California Community College (CCC) facilities from the Field Act and instead requires CCC facilities to be constructed pursuant to provisions of the California Building Standards Act.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 94 (Cedillo-D) California Community Colleges: Board of Governors
Revises the composition of the 16-member Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges by replacing one public representative with a classified employee representative.
(Held at Assembly Desk)
AB 108 (Mazzoni-D) Instructional strategies
Makes changes to the content and administrative structure of the California Subject Matter Projects which are established and maintained by the University of California to develop and enhance public school teachers' instructional strategies and subject matter knowledge.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 126 (Runner-R) Postsecondary education: year-round academic programs
Adds to the Donahoe Higher Education Act provisions that require, in accordance with a specified schedule, the University of California and the California State University to operate year-round and provide the same level of course offerings and quality of instruction in all terms of the academic year.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 164 (Romero-D) Voter registration: university and college campuses
Requests the University of California Regents, and requires the California State University trustees and the Board of Governors of each community college district, to direct campus officials to distribute a voter registration form to each newly-admitted student, and requires campus officials to make voter registration materials available at central campus locations.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 206 (Runner-R) Community colleges: apportionments
Requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to prepare a report, by February 1, 2000, on the distribution of general purpose funding for community college districts. Also included in the scope of the study is the method of equalizing funding in college districts and a request to improve or replace the current equalization process.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 211 (Romero-D) Public employees: health: plans
Expands the eligibility for health benefits coverage under the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act to certain part-time employees of the California State University.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 213 (Romero-D) California State University: trustees
Increases the size of the 24-member Board of Trustees of the California State University by adding one additional student representative, for a total of two student representatives.
Chapter 251, Statutes of 1999
AB 252 (Scott-D) Cal Grant awards: year-round college attendance
Offers, effective January 1, 2000, through June 30, 2008, an incentive for public college Cal Grant recipients to enroll in summer session by excluding summer school from the program's maximum four-year eligibility calculation. Only applies to students attending those public institutions where the cost of attending summer session is the same as the cost of attendance during the other academic terms.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 344 (Knox-D) Education: academic personnel files
Permits institutions of higher education to provide academic employees with access to academic peer review records in a form that does not reveal the identity of any of the reviewers. Is a trailer bill to SB 172.
Chapter 878, Statutes of 1999
AB 383 (Cardoza-D) Community colleges: salaries for academic employees
Requires the schedule of salaries to be paid based on a uniform allowance for years of training and years of experience.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 389 (Jackson-D) Community colleges: work force training
Expands an existing program providing economic development matching funds to community colleges to add "high demand sectors, including but not limited to," training in specific nursing specialty areas which have experienced staffing shortages. Requires the board of governors to identify funding needs for consideration in the annual Budget Act.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 420 (Wildman-D) Community colleges: faculty
Makes a variety of enhancements to the compensation and benefits for part-time California Community College faculty.
Chapter 738, Statutes of 1999
AB 434 (Aroner-D) Student aid: emancipated foster youth
Establishes the Cal Grant F program administered by the Student Aid Commission, to be known as the Tom Woods Higher Education Outreach and Assistance Act for Emancipated Foster Youth, to provide higher education financial assistance for four years to foster youth after they emancipate from the foster care system.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 475 (Ducheny-D) Instructional strategies
Establishes pre-intern pilot projects for teacher credentialing to be conducted under the California Subject Matter Project through intensive summer institutes to be known as the "Denise Moreno Ducheny Teaching Academies."
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 632 (Romero-D) California State University: graduate education
Alters current budget practice by codifying and changing the definition of "full-time equivalent student" in the California State University system.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 644* (Assembly Budget Committee) 1999-2000 Budget clean-up bill
Makes clarifications and corrects various errors in the State Budget, and includes an appropriation of $2.5 million to support University of California Internet Z, which will link northern and southern hubs of the university and provide additional access connections to support University of California research with private industries and public/private universities in California and Mexico.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 655* (Scott-D) Public postsecondary education: nursing report
Requires the University of California, California State University, California Community Colleges and Association of Independent Colleges and Universities to jointly develop a plan and budget to significantly increase the number of students graduating from nursing programs, and provide specialty training, and report their findings to the Governor and the Legislature by January 1, 2001. Does not apply to the University of California unless the Regents adopt a resolution to do so.
Chapter 954, Statutes of 1999
AB 666 (Romero-D) Student financial assistance
Establishes the California Youth Service Scholarship Program, a five-year pilot administered by the California Commission on Improving Life Through Service for high school students to accumulate up to $2,000 worth of community service hours that could be redeemed as a scholarship in college.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 667 (Romero-D) California Community Colleges: transfer policy
Requires the California State University and the California Community Colleges (and requests the University of California, and independent colleges and universities) to collaboratively undertake several efforts as regards to community college students transferring to four-year colleges and universities, including the requirement to develop a plan to increase the number of community college students that transfer to four-year schools.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 712 (Firebaugh-D) CSU: disciplinary actions against employees
Makes technical and conforming changes to the Education Code sections relating to California State University employees. Extends the period allowed for an answer or appeal to a "notice of dismissal, demotion, or suspension for cause" from 20 to 30 days.
Chapter 283, Statutes of 1999
AB 734 (Romero-D) Community colleges: finance
Requires the board of governors of the California Community Colleges to report to the Legislature and Governor on prescribed issues relating to community college funding. In particular, the board is required to report on such funding issues as: (a) the calculation of funding for enrollment growth; (b) the equalization funding formula, program-based funding criteria; and (c) the calculation of the cost-of-living adjustment, and funding for noncredit instruction.
Chapter 402, Statutes of 1999
AB 829 (Baldwin-R) Postsecondary education: student government fees
Prohibits any student from being compelled to pay mandatory student government fees for the purposes of funding or subsidizing political or ideological activities or organizations.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 861 (Campbell-R) Seismic safety standards
Authorizes community college districts to acquire and use facilities on closed military bases that meet specified structural safety requirements in lieu of the Field Act.
Chapter 179, Statutes of 1999
AB 902 (Torlakson-D) California State University: capital outlay projects
Provides the California State University with additional flexibility related to its capital outlay decisions.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 914 (Keeley-D) Postsecondary education
Establishes a statewide policy on student fees at the University of California, the California State University, and the California Community Colleges.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 968 (Ducheny-D) CSU: Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology
Expresses legislative intent to provide financial support to the California State University Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology at a level that will maintain and enhance its role in the preparation of the workforce in this industry.
Chapter 285, Statutes of 1999
AB 1044 (Wright-D) Student Aid Commission: delinquencies
Expands the notice and due process requirements for student loan debtors by modifying the procedures related to delinquent student loans that are referred by the Student Aid Commission to the State Franchise Tax Board for collection.
(Passage refused on Senate Third Reading)
AB 1090 (Correa-D) California Community Colleges: contract education
Specifies that contract education programs may relate to literacy, English as a second language, or basic skills training and clarifies qualification for apportionment.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 1118* (Reyes-D) Systemwide fees: Graduate Assumption Program for Loans
Includes provisions relating to the student fee reduction and the expansion of the Assumption Program for Loans in Education through the California Student Aid Commission.
Chapter 72, Statutes of 1999
AB 1123 (Cardoza-D) Distance learning
Requires the California Postsecondary Education Commission to review and evaluate the state's distance learning policy, and make recommendations to the Legislature and Governor every three years, beginning in the year 2001, in consultation with an advisory committee composed of representatives from public elementary and secondary education, the California State University, the California Community Colleges, the University of California, the independent accredited universities and colleges, and private sector providers of distance learning services.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 1197 (Firebaugh-D) Teacher training
Requires that a person, including an alien precluded from establishing California residency because of federal law, who meets certain eligibility requirements, be exempted from paying nonresident tuition at the California Community Colleges or the California State University. Requests the Regents of the University of California to also exempt these persons from paying nonresident tuition.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1279* (Scott-D) Postsecondary education: study of doctoral education
Requires the California Postsecondary Education Commission to conduct a study to determine the current capacity for applied joint doctorates in the state.
Chapter 337, Statutes of 1999
AB 1328 (Cardenas-D) California Community College trustee areas
Requires the election of the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District to change from at-large elections to elections by single-member trustee areas.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1337 (Havice-D) Postsecondary education: tuition exemptions: veterans
Modifies existing provisions that reduce college fees for children of veterans by expending the waiver to include dependents of Purple Heart Medal recipients and changes the limit on income of a qualifying student from $7,000 to below the national poverty level, which was $8,015 for an individual in 1998.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1346 (Runner-R) California Community Colleges: instructors
Authorizes the governing board of a community college district to employ faculty, with the agreement of the academic senate, on a contract basis for an indeterminate duration.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 1351 (Lempert-D) Community colleges: temporary employees
Provides that any person employed as a temporary employee who has served each regular quarter or semester in the current and preceding three consecutive academic years shall have a preferred right to reappointment in the order of employment date, as specified.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 1372 (Reyes-D) California State University: nonacademic employees
Requires the California State University to grant permanent status to a part-time employee who has served for three consecutive years.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1529 (Baldwin-R) Teacher credentialing
Requires, for the purpose of making recommendations to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), that any credentialing body, as specified, would have equal status before the CTC and provides that any individual graduating from any institution recommended by such an authority would, if it meets certain other requirements, be deemed to meet the requirements for the commission to grant a California teaching credential.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 1566 (Lowenthal-D) Postsecondary education: pilot project mentoring
Establishes a Pilot Mentoring Program, under which the State Superintendent of Public Instruction would award five grants to public institutions of higher learning that would collaborate with school districts to develop these programs.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1570 (Villaraigosa-D) California Postsecondary Education Commission
Expands an existing statutory requirement for the California Postsecondary Education Commission relative to developing and maintaining a comprehensive database, as specified.
Chapter 916, Statutes of 1999
AB 1602* (Machado-D) Community college fees
Reduces the per unit enrollment fee at the community colleges by $1 beginning in the 1999-2000 academic year and specifies that the funds appropriated to backfill the fee reduction shall come from outside the Proposition 98 guarantee. Furthermore, expresses the intent of the Legislature that reducing community college fees should be a high priority in the future and that the community college enrollment fee should be eliminated.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 1624 (Battin-R) Postsecondary education: remedial instruction
Allows the University of California and the California State University to hold school districts financially liable for the costs of remedial instruction in English and/or mathematics if specified criteria are met.
(Failed passage in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
ACR 35 (Steinberg-D) University of California: remains of Ishi
Urges the Regents of the University of California to immediately take all actions necessary to ensure that the remains of Ishi be returned to the appropriate tribal representatives. Also urges the Governor to direct all state agencies to cooperate in the return of Ishi, so a proper Indian burial ceremony may take place.
Resolution Chapter 82, Statutes of 1999
ACR 61 (Alquist-D) Extended Opportunity Programs and Services
Commends the staff, students, and community supporters of the Extended Opportunity Programs and Services program of the California Community Colleges on its 30th anniversary and the Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education program on its 17th year of operation.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 2X* (Mazzoni-D) Education
Establishes and provides funding for six Governor's initiatives in the areas of K-12 reading instruction and preparation of teachers and school principals. Appropriates a total of $94 million form the General Fund in support of these programs.
Resolution Chapter 2, Statutes of 1999-2000, First Extraordinary Session

School Employees
SB 39 (Baca-D) State Teachers' Retirement System
Enacts the Career Teacher Incentive Act of 1999 which provides an additional retirement allowance for members of the State Teachers' Retirement System. Provides members who have 29 or 30 years of service credit with an additional .1%. Members with 31 or more years of service credit will receive an additional .2%.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 131 (Baca-D) Teacher training: Assumption Program of Loans for Education
Forgives the student loans of persons who become teachers in schools with a shortage of credentialed teachers. Loans are to be forgiven through the existing Assumption Program of Loans for Education.
Chapter 651, Statutes of 1999
SB 151 (Haynes-R) Teaching credentials
Provides an alternative process for an individual who has already passed the California Basic Education Skills Test to qualify for a single subject teaching credential.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 159* (Johnston-D) State Teachers' Retirement System: health benefits
Requires the State Teachers' Retirement System to develop a program to provide health care benefits for members, beneficiaries, children, and dependent parents, and provides expenditure authority from the State Teachers' Retirement Fund to develop the program.
Chapter 740, Statutes of 1999
SB 179 (Alpert-D) Model alternative teacher preparation
Establishes the Comprehensive Teacher Preparation and Education Pilot Program, an additional alternative teacher preparation program to fund up to five collaborative partnerships between school districts and institutions of higher learning.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 203 (Solis-D) Science, Mathematics, and Technology Teacher Pipeline
Makes various changes to the components of the Science, Mathematics, and Technology Pipeline Program.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 237 (Karnette-D) Administrative services credentials
Provides that the minimum requirements for a preliminary services credential with a specialization in administrative services include completion of a minimum of ten years rather than three years of successful, full-time classroom teaching experience in the public schools, as specified. Provides that on July 1, 2001, the governing board of a school district may not employ an individual in any administrative or supervisory position unless he or she holds a valid preliminary services credential with a specialization in administrative services or a valid professional services credential with a specialization in administrative services, as specified.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 356 (Hughes-D) Employment: leave for parents or guardians
Requires school districts, and specific state agencies, to provide notice to the public concerning existing provisions of law that allow a parent to take time off from work to participate in school or licensed child day care facility activities related to their child.
(Held at Senate Desk)
SB 360 (Solis-D) Classified employees
Reduces from 195 to 130 the number of days an employee must be employed and paid for to become a classified employee of a school or community college district.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 395 (Hughes-D) Teacher credentialing
Modifies and generally broadens the provisions of existing law which provide optional "alternative" processes by which specified credentialed teachers may earn a certificate to authorize them to teach limited English proficient students.
Chapter 685, Statutes of 1999
SB 409 (Escutia-D) Teachers: advanced placement courses
Establishes a five-year pilot program to provide matching grants to school districts to train teachers to offer instruction in advanced placement courses. The program is administered by the State Department of Education and sunsets on January 1, 2005.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 424 (O'Connell-D) Certificated employees
Requires the governing board of each school district and each superintendent of schools to develop policies, procedures, and regulations describing certain practices regarding evaluation of certificated employees holding positions requiring an administrative or supervisory credential.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 437 (Rainey-R) State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits
Restores, on a prospective basis, the benefits paid to the surviving spouse of a deceased member of the State Teachers' Retirement System if the surviving spouse previously lost entitlement to survive benefits due to remarriage prior to October 16, 1992.
Chapter 432, Statutes of 1999
SB 444 (Alarcon-D) Pupils: suspension: expulsion
Requires a school employee to report to the governing board of the school district or to the school district superintendent the number of on-campus pupil suspensions, generally and by gender, age, and race, and whether these pupils were assigned to a supervised suspension classroom, the number of pupils so identified that were subsequently suspended, generally and by gender, age, and race, and the total number of off-campus suspensions, generally and by gender, age, and race. Also requires the school district or district superintendent to report this data annually to the State Department of Education. Provides that whenever a school district or a district superintendent fails to report this data, the Superintendent of Public Instruction is required to withhold 30% of the apportionment funds claimed by the school district for pupils assigned to supervised suspension and will require these funds to be withheld until the school district reports the data, as specified. Makes other changes.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 462 (Monteith-R) Education technology
Includes teacher training within the technology-based staff development needs that the California Technology Assistance Project is required to work with the school districts and county offices of education to meet.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 473 (Ortiz-D) State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits
Authorizes a school district, community college district, or county office of education to pay all or part of a member's costs for nonqualified services (airtime), as specified.
(Failed passage in Senate Appropriations Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 570 (Alarcon-D) School personnel
Restructures and, in some circumstances, increases the criminal penalties and imposes mandatory minimum jail terms of the willful disruption on school grounds by non-pupils and disruption of school activities. Enacts legislative intent language to require specified school-related workers to report missing children to law enforcement, as specified.
Chapter 1013, Statutes of 1999
SB 573 (Alarcon-D) Teachers: hard to staff schools
Establishes a one-year telecommunications-based pilot project in Los Angeles County for the purpose of offering an incentive professional growth program for teachers in hard to staff schools. Appropriates $1.6 million for the purpose of implementing the pilot.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 713 (Burton-D) State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits
Establishes a career minimum allowance for beneficiaries of the State Teachers' Retirement System. Specifically, establishes a career minimum retirement allowance of $15,000 to $20,000 annually for beneficiaries with 20 to 30 years of credited service, according to a sliding schedule.
Chapter 632, Statutes of 1999
SB 830 (Karnette-D) Employees of reorganized school districts
Specifies the rights of classified employees when school districts reorganize or unify.
Chapter 205, Statutes of 1999
SB 833 (Ortiz-D) State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits
Provides members of the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) who retired in 1998, or received their first check in 1998, the benefit enhancements currently available to members who retired after January 1, 1999. Also provides that a STRS member who retired before January 1, 1998, but reinstates to active service for at least one year, and subsequently retires with more than thirty years of service shall receive a retirement allowance that reflects the "career bonus" enhancement of .2%.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 883 (Haynes-R) Uunderperforming educator preparation institutions
Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to monitor the performance of graduates of various institutions and authorizes administrative action, as specified, to effect an improvement.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 918 (Escutia-D) English language learners: direct supplemental instruction
Establishes the Direct Supplemental Instruction for English Language Learners Program for the purposes of providing additional funding and other resources to applicant school districts in order to facilitate provision of additional direct instruction and other assistance for pupils who are not proficient in English, as needed to correct academic deficits that may result in the inability to progress fully in the academic program when a pupil is placed in a sheltered or structured English immersion program without understanding English, and when a pupil is placed in an English language mainstream classroom before attaining full fluency.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 958 (Karnette-D) School principals: evaluations
Requires the governing board of each school district to request anonymous evaluations of principals by teachers at the school where the principal is assigned.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 965 (Leslie-R) School volunteers
Permits a school district to request that the State Department of Justice provide information to the district regarding any arrest of a volunteer that occurs after the initial background check.
Chapter 476, Statutes of 1999
SB 1061 (Schiff-D) School employees: teacher credentialing fee
Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to waive the fee for first time teaching credential applicants subject to funds being appropriated expressly for this purpose in the annual Budget Act.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1074 (Senate Public Employment And Retirement Committee) State Teachers' Retirement System
- Codifies and adjusts existing reporting requirements for school and community college districts.
- Adjusts the costing methodology for the purchase of out-of-state service credit.
- Makes a variety of technical and conforming changes to current California State Teachers' Retirement System law.
Chapter 939, Statutes of 1999
SB 1078 (Baca-D) Certificated school employees
Requires that the governing board of a school district review the basis by which a certificated employee on probationary status is not reelected for employment, provide that basis to the employee in writing, and provides that the employer may appeal the decision.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 1295 (Perata-D) Teaching paraprofessionals
Requires the State Department of Education to develop program standards for a training program for teaching paraprofessionals, as defined, for purposes of the California School Paraprofessional Teacher Training Program, and make those standards available by January 1, 2001.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 1309* (Baca-D) Teacher credentialing: emergency permits
Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to regularly notify local education agencies of the various provisions in current law that allow the assignment of personnel when a fully qualified teacher is not available and a substitute has served for the maximum days permitted by law.
Chapter 400, Statutes of 1999
AB 6 (Calderon-D) California Teacher Academy Program
Establishes the California Teacher Academy Program to encourage more high school students to enter the teaching profession.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 31 (Reyes-D) Teacher training: rural area schools
Expands the Assumption Program of Loans for Education, beginning in 2000-2001, to include the assumption of student loans for those students who agree to teach in rural area schools. Implementation of this bill is contingent upon funding being appropriated for this purpose in the annual Budget Act.
Chapter 650, Statutes of 1999
AB 38 (Washington-D) Educational counseling
Provides the criteria by which a school district governing board may develop a plan for the establishment of a comprehensive educational counseling and guidance program for grades K-12, inclusive.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 81 (Cunneen-R) Schools: employees: taxes: credits
Offers three types of incentives to increase the number of qualified math and science teachers and the quality of math and science instruction in public high schools, community colleges, and vocational institutions in California.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 91 (Hertzberg-D) Public school employers: joint powers agencies
Expands the definition of "public school employer" or "employer" to include certain joint powers agencies for the purpose of collective bargaining.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 167 (Honda-D) Public Employees' Retirement System
Increases from 2% to 3% the annual cost-of-living adjustment applied to allowances of school employee members of the California Public Employees' Retirement System.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 192 (Scott-D) California Teacher Cadet Program
Establishes the California Teacher Cadet Program for the purposes of introducing high school students to the teaching profession.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 286 (McClintock-R) Teacher selection and compensation
Notwithstanding any provisions of law, authorizes the parent or guardian of any pupil enrolled or eligible for enrollment in kindergarten or any of grades one through six, inclusive, in a school within the public school system to request that the pupil receive instruction from one or more teachers, as appropriate for the grade level of the pupil, in any school in any school district in the state. Requires every person employed by a school district or county office of education, except a person in a position requiring administrative or supervisory credentials, to determine the maximum number of pupils in his/her classroom or class, and provides that this provision only applies to certificated employees who teach pupils in kindergarten or any of grades one through six, inclusive. Provides that the salary of every person employed by a school district or county office of education in a position requiring certification, except a person in a position requiring administrative or supervisory credentials, will be based on the number of pupils he/she teaches and will provide that his/her annual salary be in the amount of $2,370 for every pupil taught for a full day or a proportionate percentage of $2,370 for every pupil taught for less than a full day. Also provides that this provision applies only to certificated employees who teach kindergarten or any of grades one through six, inclusive.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 292 (Davis-D) Teachers
Allows school districts to adopt teacher evaluation standards that are consistent with specified national or state teaching standards.
Chapter 279, Statutes of 1999
AB 309 (Mazzoni-D) Teacher credentialing: alternative certification
Increases the current cap on state funding for alternative certification programs from $1,500 to $2,500.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 311 (Honda-D) State Teachers' Retirement System: board
Increases the number of members of the Teachers' Retirement Board from 12 to 15 and requires that three of those members be elected.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 318 (Lempert-D) California Paraprofessional Incentive Program
Establishes a grant program for the employment and training of paraprofessionals in kindergarten through grade six.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 335* (Mazzoni-D) State Teachers' Retirement System: class size
Extends the existing earnings limitation exemption for retired teachers who returned to the classroom as a result of the K-3 Class Size Reduction Program to include any current or future expansions of the class size reduction programs.
Chapter 40, Statutes of 1999
AB 361 (Nakano-D) School administrators
Establishes a training program for administrators who evaluate certificated employees.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 363 (Migden-D) Public Employees' Retirement Law
Requires, on or after January 1, 2000, an increase in the lump-sum death benefit for school employee members of the State Public Employees' Retirement System from $600 to $5,000.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 378 (Steinberg-D) Classified employees: rules and regulations
Provides employers with an option to utilize binding arbitration on disciplinary and termination matters.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 415 (Havice-D) School volunteers
Requires school districts to submit the fingerprints of all adult volunteers for criminal background checks, and receive clearance, before the volunteer can be in direct contact with students in an unsupervised setting.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 429 (Correa-D) State Teachers' Retirement System: gain-sharing revenue
Establishes a "gain-sharing" program within the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) to establish priorities for the allocation of excess investment earnings generated by the STRS defined benefit program.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 457 (Scott-D) School employees: sex offense
Makes changes to the offenses specified in law that require the automatic suspension and/or revocation of a teaching credential.
Chapter 281, Statutes of 1999
AB 466* (Mazzoni-D) Teachers
Makes a variety of technical changes to current law as relates to teacher credentialing. Appropriates $700,000 from the Test Development and Administration Account to the Teacher Credential Fund to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to provide funds for two mandated test validity studies (for the MSAT and CBEST).
Chapter 623, Statutes of 1999
AB 471 (Scott-D) Teacher credentialing
Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to (1) report annually to the Legislature and Governor on the number of classroom teachers who receive credentials, internships and emergency permits, and (2) make this report available to school districts to assist them in recruiting teachers. Also modifies the circumstances under which the CTC may approve a school district's request to employ an individual who is not a fully prepared teacher, as specified.
Chapter 381, Statutes of 1999
AB 578 (Honda-D) Education: teacher training
Establishes a permissive program for teacher training and distribution of information to school districts and county offices of education relative to domestic violence and sexual assault.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 596 (Honda-D) Retirement: service credits
Authorizes members of the Public Employees' Retirement System to purchase up to three additional years of service credit for time served as a volunteer in the Peace Corps or Vista.
Chapter 834, Statutes of 1999
AB 657 (Strickland-R) Teachers
Establishes a pilot program to provide merit-based award to certificated school employees.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 684 (Honda-D) State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits
Changes the annual cost of living adjustment for benefit recipients of the State Teachers' Retirement system from a two percent simple increase to a two percent compounded increase, effective September 1, 2001.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 707 (House-R) School psychologist: qualifications
Increases the requirements for persons to qualify to be employed as a school psychologist, as specified.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 723 (Campbell-R) Teacher probationary period
Permits, for specified employees, the governing board of the school district the option of granting tenure rights to an employee of a school district who, after having been employed by the school district in a position requiring certification qualifications for three complete consecutive school years, rather than two complete consecutive school years, is reelected for a succeeding school year.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 727 (Mazzoni-D) Staff Development Act of 1999
Establishes the Staff Development Act of 1999 to provide grants to local education agencies to pay up to $2,500 per teacher as reimbursement for fees and materials for credentialed teachers to take college and university courses to increase knowledge of subjects for which the state board has approved content standards.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 752 (Davis-D) Credentialing and curriculum: dance and theatre
Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to issue a single subject teaching credential in dance and a separate single subject credential in theatre. Defines the graduation course requirement "drama" to mean dance or theatre.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 770 (Honda-D) Middle School Core Subject Teacher Support Program
Establishes the Middle School Core Subject Teacher Support Program, a 45-hour teacher training program.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 819 (Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee) State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits
Establishes a replacement benefit program for members of the State Teachers' Retirement System whose benefits exceed the limitation imposed by Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Chapter 465, Statutes of 1999
AB 820 (Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee) Teachers' retirement
Makes several changes to the law governing retirement benefits for teachers.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 821 (Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee) Retirement
Changes the definition of "final compensation" for members of the State Teachers' Retirement system and school employees of the Public Employees' Retirement System from the highest average annual compensation earnable by a member during any period of three consecutive school years to any period of twelve consecutive months.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 857 (Rod Pacheco-R) County superintendents of schools
Restricts a county superintendent of schools in the areas of salary increases, financial compensation, benefits, budget revisions, and the hiring of consultants.
Chapter 838, Statutes of 1999
AB 899 (Alquist-D) Teacher credentialing
Prohibits a teacher in a middle school from teaching math or science unless he or she possesses a single subject credential in science or math, or an equivalent authorization, beginning on July 1, 2003.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 908 (Alquist-D) Teacher credentialing
Establishes a gender equity training program for teachers, and requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to survey teacher training programs and adopt or revise standards relating to the inclusion of gender equity training for teacher credentials and district internships.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 913 (Pescetti-R) Criminal records
Requires an employer to request from the State Department of Justice records of all convictions or any arrest pending adjudication of any person who applies for employment in which he or she would provide in-home educational or counseling services to any minor.
(In Assembly Public Safety Committee)
AB 945 (Maldonado-R) Pupil health: exceptional needs
Prohibits, effective July 1, 2000, certificated teachers from being required to provide specialized health care services to pupils with exceptional needs.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 961 (Steinberg-D) Teacher program
Establishes the Challenged-School Teacher Attraction and Retention Program. Provides funding to schools with the highest percent of students from low-income families and other predictors of low student performance, such as the lack of fully qualified teachers or high rates of pupil mobility. Allows selected schools maximum flexibility in expenditure of categorical funds, if the selected schools submit an application which describes how the funding will be used to attract and retain high quality teachers and, therefore, improve student achievement.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 967 (Ducheny-D) Instructional strategies
Expands the statewide subject matter projects (SMP) to allow pre-intern teachers to attend the SMP, and initiates pilot projects to assist pre-internship permit teachers to meet subject matter requirements.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1006 (Ducheny-D) School counselors
Establishes the Beginning Counselor Preparation, Assessment, and Induction Pilot program for the purposes of developing, implementing, and evaluating new models and structures for preparing and certifying school counselors.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 1046 (Firebaugh-D) School health services
Establishes the School Health Services Enhancement Grant Program and directs the State Department of Education to award $500,000 grants to school districts to supplement current school health services. Earmarks specified amounts from tobacco settlement funds to support the program.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1059 (Ducheny-D) Teachers
Makes several changes to the requirements of law relative to the qualifications of teachers who provide instruction to English language learners, also known as limited English proficient pupils.
Chapter 711, Statutes of 1999
AB 1067 (Margett-R) Teacher credentialing
Makes changes to the offenses specified in law that require the automatic suspension and/or revocation of a teaching credential.
Chapter 710, Statutes of 1999
AB 1087 (Calderon-D) Teachers: salaries
Provides additional funding to local education agencies for teacher salaries. Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to apportion and disburse a teacher salary development allowance pursuant to a prescribed formula to each applicant school district and county office of education that certifies that its annual teacher salaries equal or exceed a prescribed minimum for the fiscal year beginning with the $37,000 for the 1999-2000 fiscal year, and ending with $40,000 for the 2002-03 fiscal year.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 1114* (Steinberg-D) Certificated Staff Performance Incentive Act
Establishes a program to provide salary bonuses to certificated staff in low performing schools where pupil performance exceeds growth targets.
Chapter 52, Statutes of 1999
AB 1115* (Strom-Martin-D) Education
The omnibus education trailer bill to the Budget Act of 1999.
Chapter 78, Statutes of 1999 - Item Veto
AB 1117* (Calderon-D) Teacher salaries
Provides incentive funding for school districts to raise minimum teacher salaries statewide to at least $32,000.
Chapter 53, Statutes of 1999
AB 1135 (Ashburn-R) School employees: resignations
Allows school districts and employees to agree upon a resignation date for the employee that will occur within two years.
Chapter 80, Statutes of 1999
AB 1137 (Strom-Martin-D) Week of the School Administrator
Declares the first full week of March of each year to be "Week of the School Administrator."
Chapter 286, Statutes of 1999
AB 1212 (Thomson-D) County boards of education
Makes a school district employee eligible to be a member of the county board of education and makes the superintendent of a school district ineligible in the same county. Requires a county board of education member who is an employee of a school district within the same county to annually disclose his or her statement of economic interest.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1242 (Lempert-D) Teacher credentialing
Expands, for a limited period of time, the ways by which an individual can qualify for a single subject teaching credential, as specified. The State Commission on Teacher Credentialing will be required to report on the efficacy of this new method of earning a single subject credential.
Chapter 737, Statutes of 1999
AB 1282 (Jackson-D) Teacher credentialing
Requires the State Commission on Teacher Credentialing to increase access to the state basic skills proficiency test for teaching credential candidates, and to improve candidate services related to this test. Also authorizes fees to cover costs.
Chapter 704, Statutes of 1999
AB 1294 (Firebaugh-D) Teachers: training and retention
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the State Commission on Teacher Credentialing, and directors of teacher education in universities and community colleges to jointly produce an annual report to improve the planning and coordination of teacher recruitment, education, and retention programs on each level of teacher training. States the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation to provide that emergency teaching permits are nonrenewable and to limit the validity of the permits to a maximum of five years.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1296 (Firebaugh-D) Teachers: hard to staff schools
Makes a teacher holding an emergency permit and a pre-intern participating in the California Pre-Internship Teaching Program also eligible to participate in the California Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment System. Establishes the hard to staff school program and defines a hard to staff school as one in which 25% of the staff are any combination of first and second year teachers, teachers who are serving with an emergency permit or pre-intern certificate, participants in an alternative certification program, or teachers who are teaching outside of the authorization designated on their credential.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1451 (Thomson-D) Certificated employees: teachers' salaries
Revises the recently enacted program to increase beginning teacher salaries to allow school districts to phase in a minimum teach salary of $32,000 over two years, provided that minimum teacher salaries are advanced at least half way to the goal during the current (1999-2000) year.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1490 (Washington-D) Classified school employees
Allows part-time playground positions to be part of the classified service when the employee in the position also works in the same school district in another classified position.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1514 (Leach-R) State basic skills proficiency test
Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to review the state basic skills proficiency test to evaluate the test's content validity and reliability, and the scores needed to pass the component part of the test.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1538 (Robert Pacheco-R) California Master Teacher Act
Establishes a program to provide increased compensation to teachers who agree to additional roles or responsibilities for two years.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1668 (Knox-D) Certificated school employees: salary payment
Allows interest to be charged for late salary payments to school districts certificated staff and requires salary increases to be paid within a specified period of time.
Chapter 287, Statutes of 1999
AB 1693* (Cardoza-D) Migrant children: service regions
Establishes procedures regarding the employment status of classified employees who are employed in migrant education programs.
Chapter 691, Statutes of 1999
ACR 54 (Strom-Martin-D) Day of the Teacher
Proclaims May 12,1999 to be Day of the Teacher and urges Californians to observe that day.
Resolution Chapter 31, Statutes of 1999
HR 15 (Hertzberg-D) Retired Teachers Week
Resolves that in recognition of the vital role teachers play in communities throughout California, and to honor the ongoing commitment of the Assembly of the State of California to all teachers, the week of April 18 through April 25, 1999, is declared to be "Retired Teachers Week".
Adopted by the Assembly
AB 1X (Villaraigosa-D) California Peer Assistance and Review Program for Teachers
Establishes the California Peer Assistance and Review Program for Teachers for the purpose of assisting veteran teachers in need of development in subject matter knowledge or teaching strategies.
Chapter 4, Statutes of 1999-2000, First Extraordinary Session
AB 27X (Leach-R) State basic skills proficiency test
Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to review, evaluate and report on, as specified, the state basic skills proficiency test used for teacher credential candidates.
Chapter 5, Statutes of 1999-2000, First Extraordinary Session

SB 3* (Rainey-R) Library Construction: Bond Act
Enacts the California Reading and Literacy Improvement and Public Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act of 2000 to provide $350 million in general obligation bonds for public library construction and renovation, to be submitted to the voters at the March 7, 2000 General Election.
Chapter 726, Statutes of 1999
SB 81 (Hayden-D) Equal opportunity in education
Provides for the development of guidelines leading toward the equal opportunity for educational success.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 176 (Knight-R) School attendance
Extends the sunset on the Schools of Choice statute from July 1, 2000, to July 1, 2003.
Chapter 397, Statutes of 1999
SB 206 (Baca-D) Interscholastic athletics
Requires the California Interscholastic Federation to permit any individual who is qualified to participate in specified golf tournaments to play a practice round within a week of the tournament, on the golf course on which the tournament will be played, provided there is an available tee time.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 222 (Polanco-D) Mandatory summer school
Extends the authorization for school districts to offer intensive supplemental summer, after school and Saturday school programs from the present authorization for grades two through six to kindergarten through grade six.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 238 (Baca-D) Public libraries: Internet
Requires public libraries, with Internet access available to persons under 18 years of age, to purchase and use filtering software which will deny access to obscene material and to limit the access of children to the Internet if such software is not used by the library.
(Failed passage in Senate Public Safety Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 247 (Wright-R) Adult education
Adds foreign language instruction to the list of adult education courses that may be funded by the state.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 303 (Hughes-D) School desegregation
Allows specified school districts to operate voluntary desegregation programs and receive funds, based on estimated costs for the first and second years.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 305 (Vasconcellos-D) Parenting education
Requires school districts to ensure that all pupils in grades nine to 12 receive parenting education, as specified; and that the State Department of the Youth Authority offer parenting education to wards in their jurisdiction, as specified. Calls for the convening of a summit for the purpose of developing a master plan for parenting education in nonpublic school meetings.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 306 (Hayden-D) Parent Involvement Grant Program
Establishes the Parent Involvement Grant Program administered by the State Department of Education to provide competitive grants to nonprofit community-based organizations to offer training for parents and guardians of school age children to enhance their involvement in the education of their children in public schools.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 327 (Schiff-D) Reading skills: instruments
Establishes the voluntary Early Readers Diagnosis and Assistance Program to provide diagnostic reading assessments to K-2 students.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 343 (Hughes-D) Family school partnerships
Establishes the Governor's Distinguished Family-School Partnership Award and Grant Program.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 411 (Escutia-D) Homework
Establishes the Homework Hotline Communication Technology Grant Pilot Program for low-performing elementary, middle and secondary schools and for special education, alternative and community schools.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 452* (Schiff-D) School libraries
Enacts the Classroom Library Purchase act and appropriates $25 million for allocation on the per pupil enrollment in kindergarten and grades one to four for the purpose of providing quality fiction and nonfiction books to be used at the discretion of classroom teachers and for home use by pupils.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 472 (Poochigian-R) Schools: mathematics
Establishes a three-year pilot demonstration program to provide grants to districts for using mathematics specialists (or credentialed teachers with a supplementary authorization in math) in place of a traditional multiple subject teacher to teach math aligned to the statewide content standards in grades four, five and six.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 484 (Rainey-R) Truancy: attendance accounting
Creates a Truancy Prevention Model Pilot Program in Alameda and Contra Costa counties to be administered jointly by the county offices of education of the two counties.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 503 (Knight-R) Vehicles: driver's licenses: minors
Requires an application by a pupil under the age of 18 years for a driver's license to contain certification by the pupil's school of enrollment that the pupil is attending school and does not have more than ten consecutive days, or fifteen total days, of unexcused absences in a single semester, and has not been expelled from school, as specified.
Requires the county board of education, or a private school administrator, as specified, to authorize the issuance of a waiver to a person who does not meet these requirements upon a determination that a personal or family hardship exists that requires that the person obtain a driver's license for his or her, or a family member's, employment, or for medically related purposes.
(In Senate Transportation Committee)
SB 524 (Polanco-D) Law Enforcement Mentoring Program for At-Risk Youth
Establishes a task force to recommend to the Legislature the substantive components of the yet-to-be created Law Enforcement Mentoring Program for At-Risk Youth.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 541 (Johnston-D) Education: pregnant and parenting teens
Makes several changes to the California School Age Families Education Program for pregnant and parenting students and their children.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 544* (Karnette-D) School district reorganization
Clarifies that parents and legal guardians of children residing in the Eastview area of Los Angeles County, may elect twice during the time their child attends school whether the child shall attend schools in the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District or the Los Angeles Unified School District. The elections would occur once in grades K-8 and once during grades 9-12.
Chapter 153, Statutes of 1999
SB 564* (Perata-D) Oakland Unified School District
Requires an external assessment of the Oakland Unified School District, as specified, with findings and recommendations to be submitted to a community board convened, appointed, and chaired by the Mayor of the City of Oakland.
The community board would make recommendations to the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Governing Board of the Oakland Unified School District relative to either transferring the powers of the governing board to an appointee of the Mayor or granting the district 12 months to show improvement, with further action to be taken if the district has failed to show progress.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 566 (Escutia-D) School health programs
Requires Healthy Families and Medi-Cal participating health plans to contract with school-based health care programs and reimburse them for services. Requires the State Department of Health Services and the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board to allocate 20% of its budget for community outreach to school-based outreach programs conducted by schools.
(In Senate Insurance Committee)
SB 571* (Alarcon-D) Families for Literacy Program
Appropriates $375,000 to the Families for Literacy Program and allows the program to include the provision of training for parents who have no or minimal reading skills, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 582 (Alpert-D) California Center for Training and Technical Assistance
Creates the California Center for Training and Technical Assistance, a partnership for assistance to school-linked service programs, including after-school programs.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
SB 637 (Baca-D) Veterans
Removes a January 1, 2000, sunset date so that spouses of service-connected, totally disabled veterans can receive specified education benefits beyond age 27.
Chapter 404, Statutes of 1999
SB 644* (Chesbro-D) Armories: homeless shelters
Appropriates $1,050,000 from the General Fund to support shelter-based adult education programs in nine counties, and extends for two years, until July 1, 2000, the reporting deadline for counties participating in the Armory Temporary Emergency Shelter Program.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 773 (Alarcon-D) After school programs
Establishes the After School Community Partnership Program, to be administered by the State Department of Education, whereby the department would select up to eight school districts from among districts that apply for grants to establish after school pilot programs for secondary school pupils in the 2000-01 to 2003-04 school year, inclusive.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 779* (Schiff-D) Summer school
Extends the authorization for school districts to offer summer, after school, and Saturday school programs from the present authorization for grades two through six to grades two through nine.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
SB 799 (Ortiz-D) Grant Joint Union High School District
Requires that any school district that succeeds the Grant Joint Union High School District in Sacramento County must provide for a specified open enrollment plan for pupils in grades seven to 12, inclusive, and must provide free transportation to the pupils who participate in that plan.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
SB 818* (Poochigian-R) Personal income taxation: credits: school uniforms
Extends the manufacturers' investment credit to businesses engaged in packaging, cold storage or preparing California-produced agricultural commodities. Qualified property would only include equipment used in processing, cold storage or packaging of these commodities, and only includes equipment used on commodities after they are grown and harvested.
Provides an eleven year (rather than an eight year) credit carryover period. Sunsets in 2005 regardless of whether manufacturing employment increases.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 839 (Alpert-D) Education
Specifies that the State Department of Education shall be administered by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction in whom all executive and administrative functions of the department are vested.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
SB 869 (Schiff-D) CalWORKs: employment training programs
Expands the range of vocational training and employability options for at-risk youth.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 882 (Haynes-R) Opportunity scholarships
Allows the parents of pupils who attend low-performing schools to obtain an "opportunity scholarship" in order to allow the pupil to attend another school in a public school district, or a private school that agrees to participate in this program.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 889 (Schiff-D) Reading
Establishes the Middle Grades Reading Competency Act of 1999 to provide financial assistance for the purchase of materials and services that will assist middle schools in teaching reading to pupils whose reading performance is two or more years behind grade level.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 891 (Costa-D) Vocational education: truck driver
Authorizes any person owning or operating a school, or giving instruction for the driving of motor trucks, as specified, to apply to the council for a grant, to pay a portion of the costs charged to a student for a six-week truck driver training course that uses a curriculum, as specified.
(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 946 (Vasconcellos-D) Classroom environment: pilot project
Establishes a pilot study at the State Department of Motor Vehicles to evaluate the effectiveness of classroom-based versus nonclassroom programs of driver education for persons under 18 years of age.
Chapter 206, Statutes of 1999
SB 975 (Perata-D) Extended School Year Pilot Program
Establishes the two-year Extended School Year Pilot Program to authorize additional financial assistance for up to six school districts to extend the school year to 200 days in schools with below average achievement test scores.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 977 (Solis-D) School district reorganization
Prohibits an action to reorganize the boundaries of a school district without the consent of a majority of the members of the school district if the district has obtained an emergency loan from the state and the district has a pupil population from a low-income household.
(Refused passage on Assembly Floor; reconsideration granted)
SB 992 (Knight-R) Education technology: computers
Requires that every computer at a public elementary or secondary school, as specified, that has access to the Internet or an on-line service shall have a blocking software program that is capable of blocking sites that make reference to or contain harmful matter.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 1033 (Hughes-D) Child health and disability prevention
Requires school districts to exclude from school attendance any child new to California who has not provided a certificate documenting a health screening and evaluation within the prior 18 months.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1034 (Hughes-D) Compton Unified School District
Requires, subject to Budget Act appropriation, funds be allocated to the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team to implement specified recover plans for the Compton Unified School District.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1041 (Vasconcellos-D) School nutrition
Requires schools, where specified numbers of students are eligible for free or reduced-cost meals through the federal school lunch program, to offer breakfast to all of those students through the federal school breakfast programs.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1044 (Murray-D) Earthquake emergency procedures
Requires the governing board of each school district and the county superintendent of schools of each county to adopt a policy for the acquisition of equipment and supplies that would be needed for school sites used as community shelters or disaster centers after a 7.0 magnitude or greater earthquake.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1068 (Escutia-D) Year-round schools: grant program
Requires that the State Department of Education shall, in consultation with school districts, the State Department of Finance, the State Legislative Analyst's Office, and any other affected parties, conduct a study of the multitrack year-round educational grant program to develop an equitable method of phasing out the program over a multiyear period.
Chapter 154, Statutes of 1999
SB 1085 (Knight-R) Donated food distribution
Requires the State Department of Education, acting in its capacity as the California State Agency for Donated Food Distribution, to contract for an independent evaluation of the efficacy and desirability of entering into contracts with a private entity to provide food distribution services for surplus food commodities donated by the federal government.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
SB 1118 (Alarcon-D) Schools and community colleges: governing boards
Modifies the procedures for school bond elections and local bond issuance.
Chapter 667, Statutes of 1999
SB 1122 (Alarcon-D) Seismic safety: schools
Appropriates $75,000 from the General Fund to the State Office of Emergency Services to develop an educational pamphlet for use by school personnel to identify and mitigate the risks posed by nonstructural earthquake hazards.
Chapter 294, Statutes of 1999
SB 1138 (Vasconcellos-D) Pilot Technology Training and Dissemination Center
Establishes the East San Jose Pilot Technology Training and Dissemination Center and appropriates $2,109,720 to the East Side Union High School District for expenditure over a three-year period to establish and support the center.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1260* (Hayden-D) Los Angeles Unified School District
Extends to the director of the internal audits and special investigations unit within the Los Angeles Unified School District, until January 1, 2001, special investigative authority.
Chapter 295, Statutes of 1999
SB 1266 (Knight-R) Selective Service Act: registration
Encourages governing boards of school districts to make every reasonable effort to inform eligible pupils of their Selective Service obligations.
Chapter 189, Statutes of 1999
SB 1268 (Senate Health And Human Services Committee) California Children and Families First Commission membership
Adds the State Superintendent of Public Instruction as an ex-officio member of the California Children and Families First Commission and renames the commission the California Children and Families Commission.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1311 (Baca-D) Reading instruction
Authorizes the University of California to enter into partnerships with school districts to establish reading improvement programs for students in kindergarten and grade one.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
SCR 9 (Baca-D) Red Ribbon Week
Supports the Red Ribbon Week celebration by proclaiming the week of October 23 through October 31, 1999, as Red Ribbon Week, and encourages Californians to help build drug-free communities and participate in drug prevention activities.
Resolution Chapter 84, Statutes of 1999
SCR 20 (Chesbro-D) Adult education
Honors the many outstanding services and contributions provided by California adult schools by designating the week of March 14 through March 20, 1999, as California Adult Education Week.
Resolution Chapter 8, Statutes of 1999
SCR 22 (Solis-D) Educational Bill of Rights
Requests the Governor, State Board of Education, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, school district governing boards, postsecondary education sectors, and the California Education Round Table to take action with regard to the education system and the Educational Bill of Rights.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SCR 29 (Alpert-D) Joint Committee on Master Plan for Education
Establishes the Joint Committee on "Master Plan for Education - Kindergarten through University" to provide a blueprint for education in California in the 21st Century, to support lifelong learning for all Californians, and to serve as an example to other states by raising the standard for educational excellence. The committee terminates on November 30, 2000.
Resolution Chapter 43, Statutes of 1999
SCR 30 (Rainey-R) California Library Week
Declares the week of April 11 through April 17, 1999, as California Library Week. Urges all Californians to join in the celebration of California Library Week by encouraging all adults to take a child to a library this week and help them to connect to a wonderful world of learning, adventure, and imagination.
Resolution Chapter 16, Statutes of 1999
AB 2* (Alquist-D) Tax: exclusions: educational assistance
Excludes from an employee's income up to $2,625 in educational assistance paid by the employer for graduate school education.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 15 (Gallegos-D) Schoolbuses
Requires, unless specifically prohibited by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, passenger restraint systems in all newly-manufactured school buses that are purchased or leased for use in California on or after January 1, 2002.
Chapter 648, Statutes of 1999
AB 21 (Leonard-R) Schools: inspection
Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to inspect each public school at least once every two years and submit a report of his/her findings to the Governor, the Legislature, and the State Board of Education. The report would be required to rank the schools in categories of comparable grade levels in order of the quality of education offered by the schools, identify the strengths and weaknesses of each school, and include achievement scores and rates for dropouts, attendance, college entrance, and vocation program entrance.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 33 (Soto-D) Parent/Teacher Involvement Program
Repeals the Parental Involvement Grant Program, which was established by a 1999 Budget trailer bill signed into law on July 7, 1999. Enacts, in its place, three grant programs: the Nell Soto Parent/Teacher Involvement Grant Program, the Theresa P. Hughes Family-School Partnership Award and Grant Program, and the Tom Hayden Community Based Parent Involvement Grant Program.
Chapter 734, Statutes of 1999
AB 36 (Shelley-D) School desegregation costs
Appropriates $66,594,150 from the General Fund to the State Department of Education for allocation to specified school districts of rthe reimbursement of approved costs of operating court-ordered and voluntary desegregation programs in the 1994-95 and 1995-96 fiscal years.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 49* (House-R) Taxes: credit: private schools
Allows a credit in an amount equal to $500 for each child of the taxpayer that attends a private school in this state.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 79 (Baldwin-R) Pupil expulsions
Makes existing mandatory expulsion policies permissive in the cases of students in grades K-6 who were under the age of 14 and did not know of the wrongfulness of their action when they committed specified offenses.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 90 (Runner-R) Pupils: age of admission
Changes the age of admission to kindergarten and first grade, as specified. Authorizes establishment of a district tribunal for the purposes of determining, on a case-by-case basis, extraordinary circumstances supporting early admission. Provides for compensation to school districts for the loss in ADA resulting from the bill.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 95 (Cunneen-R) Adult education
Modifies the method of recording attendance for adult education classes.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 101 (Steinberg-D) Sacramento City Unified School District
Appropriates $2 million, on a one-time basis, to the Sacramento City Unified School District for the start-up costs associated with implementing school-based accountability programs.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 108 (Mazzoni-D) Instructional strategies
Makes changes to the content and administrative structure of the California Subject Matter Projects which are established and maintained by the University of California to develop and enhance public school teachers' instructional strategies and subject matter knowledge.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 116 (Mazzoni-D) Basic instructional materials: commercial brands
Prohibits the State Board of Education and local school district governing boards from adopting instructional materials that contain unnecessary exposure to a commercial brand name, product, or logo.
Chapter 276, Statutes of 1999
AB 117 (Mazzoni-D) School district governing boards
Prohibits school district governing boards from entering into contracts for the sale of carbonated beverages or the use of certain electronic products that include the dissemination of advertising unless specified procedures and requirements are followed.
Chapter 374, Statutes of 1999
AB 122* (Kaloogian-R) Taxes: credits: schools
Authorizes a maximum $500 annual credit for taxpayers who pay fees to support extracurricular activities at nonprofit public or private K-12 schools in California.
(Failed passage in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 128* (Granlund-R) Vehicles
Allows any public law enforcement agency, school district, or county office of education to fingerprint applicants for an original certificate to operate a schoolbus, school pupil activity bus, youth bus, or general public paratransit vehicle.
Chapter 229, Statutes of 1999
AB 137 (Firebaugh-D) Schoolsites: hazardous materials
Establishes a pilot program to evaluate whether or not schoolsites are free of hazardous materials.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 172 (Firebaugh-D) School district elections
Requires the election of the members of certain school district governing boards from single-member trustee areas.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 210 (Wildman-D) Pupil health services
Establishes the Healthy Student Partnership Fund to make funding available to schools for capital outlay projects to improve physical space for student health services.
(In Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 222 (Kuehl-D) Education: nondiscrimination
Establishes the Dignity for All Students Act, which adds sexual orientation as a prohibited basis for discrimination in instructional services and programs.
(Passage refused on Assembly Floor; reconsideration granted)
AB 246 (Cunneen-R) Instruction: sex education
Requires that factual information presented in course materials and instructions in classes in sex education be medically accurate and free of racial, ethnic, and gender biases.
Chapter 234, Statutes of 1999
AB 272 (Kuehl-D) Courses of study: graduation
Increases course requirements for the receipt of a high school diploma to require one year-long course in visual or performing arts and one year-long course in a foreign language, commencing with the graduating class of the 2004-2005 school year.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 277 (Washington-D) Compton Unified School District
Restores all legal rights, duties, and powers to the Personnel Commission of the Compton Unified School District.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 314 (Mazzoni-D) Reading comprehension: diagnosis
Requires each school district to administer a reading test to each pupil in grades K-2 to diagnose English reading skills.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 422 (Steinberg-D) Instructional materials: disabled students
Requires any publisher or producer of printed or nonprinted instructional material for students attending the University of California, California State University or a California Community College to provide the material at no cost in an electronic format for use by disabled students, as specified. The material will be provided to the college upon written request of the college, as specified.
Chapter 379, Statutes of 1999
AB 424 (Wildman-D) Libraries: joint use
Enacts the School and Library Partnership Act of 1999. Requires the State Department of Education to administer a grant program to review and approve grants to school districts for the planning and operation of joint-use libraries.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 438 (Maddox-R) Pupils: suspension: expulsion
Requires school districts to suspend and recommend expulsion for students who possess any Schedule I or Schedule II controlled substance.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 449 (Maddox-R) Pupils: expulsions
Prohibits county community schools from offering independent study instruction to students who are probation-referred, on probation or parole, or have been expelled for specified offenses.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 513 (Mazzoni-D) Pupils: age of admission
Increases the age for attendance in kindergarten from five to six.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 566 (Havice-D) After School Learning and Safe Neighborhoods
Allows After School Learning and Safe Neighborhoods Partnerships Programs to operate off a school site; specifically, at a community park or recreation area, if the area is adjacent to the school site.
Chapter 108, Statutes of 1999
AB 568 (Reyes-D) After school program: high schools
Creates the After School Pilot Program for High School Pupils to be implemented in three school districts that have an average daily attendance of at least 20,000 units and are located in an area with an unemployment rate of at least 14%.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 578 (Honda-D) Education: domestic violence: teacher training
Establishes a permissive program for teacher training and distribution of information to school districts and county offices of education relative to domestic violence and sexual assault.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 588 (Cardenas-D) Pupil expulsion
Provides, relative to expulsion hearings, that pupils or their parents or guardians may be represented by an attorney or a nonattorney advisor, as defined.
Chapter 332, Statutes of 1999
AB 598 (Soto-D) Education technology
Establishes the Commission on Technology in Learning to advise the State Board of Education on matters of education technology, and requires school districts to have a technology plan as a condition of receiving state education technology funding.
Chapter 830, Statutes of 1999
AB 614 (Runner-R) School districts: video surveillance
Prohibits the installation and operation of a video or surveillance camera on a schoolsite unless a policy is first adopted by the school district governing board.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 630 (Cardenas-D) Instruction: honors courses
Provides that a school district must submit for approval to the Office of the President of the University of California, those courses that a district desires to designate or characterize as "honors". Additionally, authorizes school districts where 75% or more of the pupils receive free or reduced cost meals, to apply for grants for the high schools within those districts desiring to start-up or expand existing honors course programs.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 661 (Vincent-D) Pupils: reporting
Requires all school districts to adopt and implement a policy (1) for assuring regular contact between the district and local law enforcement agencies, and (2) under which the school district would be notified when a pupil is charged with, or convicted of, a violent felony committed off campus, as specified.
(Failed passage in Senate Public Safety Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 701 (Rod Pacheco-R) Instructional materials
Establishes the California Instructional Technology Clearinghouse to serve as a repository of information on technology-based supplemental instructional materials.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 718 (House-R) School districts: competitive bidding
Provides that a bid solicitation by the governing board of a school may not specify a brand or trade name of a product. Specifies any contract awarded to a bidder that is not the lowest bid can only be done if extraordinary circumstances exist. Makes other changes to the school contracting process.
(Failed passage in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency, and Economic Development Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 747 (Dutra-D) Schoolsites: airports
Modifies the review process for acquiring land for schoolsites that are within two miles of an airport.
Chapter 837, Statutes of 1999
AB 768 (Torlakson-D) Academic achievement
Provides school districts more flexibility to operate a longer summer school or after school program.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 782 (Battin-R) Pupil attendance: course credit
Allows school districts to establish policies under which students may be denied course credit for exceeding specified numbers of excused absences.
(Failed passage in Senate Education, reconsideration granted)
AB 795 (Maldonado-R) School attendance: convictions
Prohibits a student who has been convicted of a violent felony or a sex offense from attending an elementary, middle, junior high, comprehensive senior high, opportunity, or continuation school.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 796 (Honda-D) Pupils: educational exchange
Transfers the duties and responsibilities of overseeing and administering a student exchange program between California and the Prefecture of Osaka from the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to the Lieutenant Governor. Appropriates $140,000 from the General Fund to the Lieutenant Governor to support the program.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 798 (Wildman-D) Education of prisoners
Revises, effective July 1, 2000, the funding formula for educational programs for adults in correctional facilities.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 847 (Campbell-R) School impact fees
Provides for an exemption from the school impact fees for the remodeling of a residence that is undertaken to meet the needs of a disabled resident.
Chapter 300, Statutes of 1999
AB 851 (Keeley-D) School health instruction
Adds instruction in the prevention of sexually transmitted infections to the existing instruction on HIV/AIDS, and requires that the instructional materials be medically accurate and free of ethnic, gender and racial biases.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 886* (Zettel-R) Reading instruction
Establishes the Secondary School Reading Improvement Program for pupils in grades eight through 12. Sunsets the program in 2009.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 897 (Alquist-D) Pupil Assistance for School Success Program
The Pupil Assistance for School Success Program, which requires participating districts to provide assistance to students at risk of failing the high school exit exam, or pupils identified by teachers or parents as failing to meet the state model standards.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 898 (Alquist-D) Education technology
Establishes the Grant Program for Technology Training and Dissemination Centers for the purpose of providing services predominately to disadvantaged pupils as measured by family income and English language proficiency.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 910 (Washington-D) School library materials
Appropriates $1 million to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to fund the acquisition of school library materials.
Chapter 962, Statutes of 1999
AB 911 (Mazzoni-D) Education Technology Leadership Program
Establishes the Education Technology Leadership Program to be administered by the State Department of Education for the purpose of finding and supporting innovative and effective ways to deploy and support education technology resources to school districts.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 940 (Campbell-R) School districts: parent volunteers
Allows any school district to use unpaid parent volunteers to perform specified jobs around the school if the school board first adopts a resolution setting out certain conditions.
(In Senate Industrial Relations Committee)
AB 985 (Battin-R) School food sales
Authorizes a schoolwide parent-teacher association or similar organization to sell food on schoolsites if all income from the sale benefits the school or student organizations.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1008 (Honda-D) Instructional programs
Establishes the Dropout Prevention and Recovery Reform Act of 2000 to provide supportive services to K-12 pupils who are at risk of dropping out of school.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 1014 (Cardoza-D) School instructional gardens
Establishes the Instructional School Gardens Program to provide grants and technical assistance to K-12 schools and county offices of education.
Chapter 713, Statutes of 1999
AB 1031 (Shelley-D) Youth-to-youth peer programs
Establishes the Youth-to-Youth Peer Grant Program administered by the State Department of Education. Requires an evaluation by January 1, 2004, and sunsets the program on January 1, 2000.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1115* (Strom-Martin-D) Education
Contains education provisions necessary to enact the education portion of the Budget.
Chapter 78, Statutes of 1999 - Item Veto
AB 1207 (Shelley-D) Healthy Schools Act of 1999
Enacts the Healthy Schools Act of 1999 to require the notification of parents and staff when pesticides are applied at schools; to establish a least-toxic pest management program for schools; and to convene a task force to evaluate public health and environmental exposures at schools (e.g., radon, indoor air quality), among other provisions.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1212 (Thomson-D) County boards of education
Makes a school district employee eligible to be a member of the county board of education and makes the superintendent of a school district ineligible in the same county. Requires a county board of education member who is an employee of a school district within the same county to annually disclose his/her statement of economic interest.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1305 (Maddox-R) Health education
Provides that the Legislature finds and declares that the nonprofit organization, D.A.R.E. California, offers programs that meet the criteria for priority, and that, therefore, local D.A.R.E. programs shall be given priority for grants by the State Department of Education.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1319 (Correa-D) Early Intervention for School Success Program
Extends the authority for operation of the Early Intervention for School Success Program at 300 school sites until July 1, 2004, and makes various updating changes to the descriptive language of the authorizing statute.
Chapter 955, Statutes of 1999
AB 1363 (Davis-D) School health centers
Establishes a variety of guidelines and requirements for school health centers and allows those which meet required conditions to be included as traditional and safety net providers that can contract with health plans participating in the Healthy Families Program.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1437* (Briggs-R) School attendance: state of emergency
Allows, in the event that the Governor has declared a state of emergency, as defined, within a school district, a pupil to be excused from school, and requires that this absence not be deemed an absence in computing average daily attendance.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1452 (Alquist-D) Law schools: unaccredited
Requires all degree-granting law schools that are subject to regulation by the bureau to provide reasonable access to specified library resources. This requirement does not apply to correspondence law schools. Requires revision of the California Rules of Court to conform with this requirement.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 1475 (Soto-D) Safe routes to school construction
Designates a portion of federal transportation safety funding apportioned to the state under the federal Hazard Elimination/Safety (HES) program to be used by local governments to improve school area safety by installing new crosswalks, building bicycle paths and lanes, constructing sidewalks where none exist, and implementing traffic calming programs in neighborhoods around schools.
Chapter 663, Statutes of 1999
AB 1485 (Granlund-R) Schoolbus certificates
Consolidates and expands provisions of the Vehicle Code that relate to denial, revocation, or suspension of a certificate to drive a schoolbus, pupil activity bus, a public paratransit vehicle, or a vehicle transporting developmentally disabled persons.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1498 (Ducheny-D) Outdoor science programs
Provides funding of $10 per day for disadvantaged public school fifth and sixth grade students to attend residential outdoor science programs (science camp) if specified conditions are met.
Chapter 958, Statutes of 1999
AB 1573* (Strom-Martin-D) Vehicles: schoolbuses
Creates specified exemptions to the requirement that a schoolbus display a flashing red signal light when stopped to load and unload students. Requires the California Highway Patrol to study the safety signals and systems on school buses and report this finding to the Legislature.
Chapter 647, Statutes of 1999
AB 1599 (Torlakson-D) Labor: pupils: work permits
Provides for the creation of a statewide young worker health and safety resource network, developed by the State Department of Industrial Relations and coordinated by the University of California, for the purpose of increasing the ability of young workers and their communities to identify and address workplace hazards in order to prevent young workers from being injured on the job.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1600 (Assembly Education Committee) Education
Is the annual technical clean-up of the Education Code sponsored by the State Department of Education. Corrects errors, resolves conflicts in code sections, deletes obsolete references, and makes other non-controversial changes to the Education Code.
Chapter 646, Statutes of 1999
AB 1623 (Campbell-R) Vocational education
Requires the State Department of Education to return, on or before January 1, 2001, $2,450,000 to the state fund through which federal vocational education funding is allocated.
Requires the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges to return, on or before January 1, 2001, $500,000 to the state fund through which federal vocational education funding is allocated.
Requires the State Department of Education to establish a vocational education division including specified staff members.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 1645 (Assembly Agriculture Committee) Agricultural education
Requires the State Department of Education to establish a non-mandatory agricultural education program for kindergarten and grades one through 12.
Chapter 965, Statutes of 1999
AB 1690 (Kaloogian-R) Basic instructional materials
Adds to the criteria that the State Board of Education is required to consider whether the submitted basic materials have been field tested for a minimum of five years to show the effectiveness of the submitted program.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1693* (Cardoza-D) Migrant children: service regions
Establishes procedures regarding the employment status of classified employees who are employed in migrant education programs.
Chapter 691, Statutes of 1999
ACA 23 (Torlakson-D) Public library facilities: bonds
Provides for an exception from the property tax limitation, provides that property taxes imposed on bonds for library facilities are not special taxes, and requires approval of only a majority of voters for bonds for public library facilities.
(From printer)
ACR 62 (Havice-D) Sober Graduation Month
Designates May 23, 1999, to June 20, 1999, inclusive, as Sober Graduation Month and requests Californians to join the State Department of the Highway Patrol in supporting the Sober Graduation Program.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 2X* (Mazzoni-D) Education
Establishes pupil reading and related school staff development programs.
Resolution Chapter 2, Statutes of 1999
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 3* | Rainey-R Library Construction: Bond Act | |
SB 20 | Figueroa-D Education technology grant program | |
SB 22 | Brulte-R Public postsecondary education: student fees | |
SB 39 | Baca-D State Teachers' Retirement System | |
SB 51 | Alpert-D School finance | |
SB 54 | O'Connell-D Class size reduction: community colleges | |
SB 55 | O'Connell-D State Department of Education | |
SB 58 | Hayden-D Postsecondary education | |
SB 62 | Perata-D School facilities | |
SB 67 | Murray-D Institute for Preservation of Jazz | |
SB 76 | Murray-D Postsecondary education: student transfer | |
SB 81 | Hayden-D Equal opportunity in education | |
SB 83* | Rainey-R Home-to-school transportation | |
SB 119 | Ortiz-D After school programs | |
SB 121 | Haynes-R School facilities | |
SB 131 | Baca-D Teacher training: Assumption Program of Loans for Education | |
SB 132* | Brulte-R Community college districts | |
SB 142 | Baca-D Schools: facilities | |
SB 145 | Hughes-D Admissions criteria: standardized testing | |
SB 151 | Haynes-R Teaching credentials | |
SB 156 | Figueroa-D Child development: California Early Start Program | |
SB 159* | Johnston-D State Teachers' Retirement System: health benefits | |
SB 162 | Escutia-D School facilities: contamination | |
SB 174 | Brulte-R School facilities: high school districts | |
SB 176 | Knight-R School attendance | |
SB 179 | Alpert-D Model alternative teacher preparation | |
SB 195 | Baca-D Comprehensive school safety plan | |
SB 196* | Brulte-R School finance | |
SB 197 | Kelley-R State School Building Aid Fund | |
SB 203 | Solis-D Science, Mathematics, and Technology Teacher Pipeline | |
SB 206 | Baca-D Interscholastic athletics | |
SB 213 | Polanco-D California community colleges: budget augmentation | |
SB 222 | Polanco-D Mandatory summer school | |
SB 237 | Karnette-D Administrative services credentials | |
SB 238 | Baca-D Public libraries: Internet | |
SB 247 | Wright-R Adult education | |
SB 251 | Knight-R Postsecondary education: children of veterans | |
SB 264* | Schiff-D Instructional materials | |
SB 267* | Lewis-R Charter schools: funding | |
SB 277 | Ortiz-D Preschool programs | |
SB 280 | Bowen-D State buildings and publicly-funded schools | |
SB 302* | Hughes-D Education facilities | |
SB 303 | Hughes-D School desegregation | |
SB 305 | Vasconcellos-D Parenting education | |
SB 306 | Hayden-D Parent Involvement Grant Program | |
SB 327 | Schiff-D Reading skills: instruments | |
SB 334 | Alpert-D Youthful offenders: education | |
SB 338 | Wright-R Intercollegiate athletics | |
SB 343 | Hughes-D Family school partnerships | |
SB 344 | Schiff-D School finance: staff development | |
SB 355 | Hughes-D Community colleges and K-12 school police | |
SB 356 | Hughes-D Employment: leave for parents or guardians | |
SB 358 | Ortiz-D Community college districts: short-term employees | |
SB 360 | Solis-D Classified employees | |
SB 361 | Dunn-D Postsecondary education: cross-enrollment | |
SB 366* | Alpert-D Pupil testing | |
SB 391* | Chesbro-D Public postsecondary education: tuition, fees. | |
SB 395 | Hughes-D Teacher credentialing | |
SB 409 | Escutia-D Teachers: advanced placement courses | |
SB 410 | Escutia-D School finance: summer school | |
SB 411 | Escutia-D Homework | |
SB 424 | O'Connell-D Certificated employees | |
SB 425 | Brulte-R School district police services | |
SB 426 | Lewis-R State Department of Education: federal moneys | |
SB 432 | McPherson-R School emergency telephones | |
SB 434 | Johnston-D Charter schools | |
SB 435 | Poochigian-R High schools: Golden State Examination | |
SB 437 | Rainey-R State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits | |
SB 444 | Alarcon-D Pupils: suspension: expulsion | |
SB 452* | Schiff-D School libraries | |
SB 462 | Monteith-R Education technology | |
SB 472 | Poochigian-R Schools: mathematics | |
SB 473 | Ortiz-D State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits | |
SB 484 | Rainey-R Truancy: attendance accounting | |
SB 503 | Knight-R Vehicles: driver's licenses: minors | |
SB 504 | Knight-R School safety: crime reporting | |
SB 524 | Polanco-D Law Enforcement Mentoring Program for At-Risk Youth | |
SB 536 | Poochigian-R Special education: transportation | |
SB 537 | Monteith-R School transportation | |
SB 541 | Johnston-D Education: pregnant and parenting teens | |
SB 544* | Karnette-D School district reorganization | |
SB 549* | Ortiz-D Taxes: credits: child care | |
SB 564* | Perata-D Oakland Unified School District | |
SB 566 | Escutia-D School health programs | |
SB 568* | Alarcon-D Foundations for Learning | |
SB 570 | Alarcon-D School personnel: disruptions or threats | |
SB 571* | Alarcon-D Families for Literacy Program | |
SB 572 | Alarcon-D Assumption of Loans for Personal Computers Program | |
SB 573 | Alarcon-D Teachers: hard to staff schools | |
SB 576 | McPherson-R California State University: Monterey Bay campus | |
SB 578* | Poochigian-R Standardized Testing and Reporting: reading list | |
SB 582 | Alpert-D California Center for Training and Technical Assistance | |
SB 586 | Costa-D School finance: equalization adjustments | |
SB 589 | Morrow-R Regional occupational centers and programs | |
SB 610 | Costa-D Private postsecondary education | |
SB 618 | Chesbro-D Child care facilities: fingerprinting | |
SB 637 | Baca-D Veterans | |
SB 638 | Alpert-D English learners | |
SB 644* | Chesbro-D Armories: homeless shelters | |
SB 645 | Burton-D Higher education labor relations | |
SB 646* | Costa-D School finance: home-to-school transportation | |
SB 650 | Karnette-D Students: violations on school grounds | |
SB 660 | Alarcon-D Educational technology infrastructure: bonds | |
SB 679 | Johnston-D California State University | |
SB 711 | Burton-D Governmental functions | |
SB 713 | Burton-D State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits | |
SB 733* | Poochigian-R California State University: Kenneth L. Maddy Institute | |
SB 767 | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee Budget Act of 1999: augmentation | |
SB 773 | Alarcon-D After school programs | |
SB 774* | Haynes-R School facilities: Val Verde Unified School District | |
SB 779* | Schiff-D Summer school | |
SB 796 | Dunn-D Postsecondary education: credit card marketing | |
SB 799 | Ortiz-D Grant Joint Union High School District | |
SB 818* | Poochigian-R Personal income taxation: credits: school uniforms | |
SB 825 | Escutia-D Health sciences education | |
SB 830 | Karnette-D Employees of reorganized school districts | |
SB 833 | Ortiz-D State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits | |
SB 839 | Alpert-D Education | |
SB 840 | Rainey-R School safety | |
SB 842 | Rainey-R Pupil testing: Standardized Testing and Reporting | |
SB 845 | Escutia-D Child care master plan | |
SB 853 | Perata-D School facilities: hardship considerations | |
SB 860 | Hughes-D Higher education labor relations | |
SB 861 | Hughes-D Charter schools | |
SB 867 | Poochigian-R Special education | |
SB 869 | Schiff-D CalWORKs: employment training programs | |
SB 872 | Polanco-D Education: citizenship centers | |
SB 879 | Speier-D Child care funding | |
SB 881 | Haynes-R Categorical education: testing program | |
SB 882 | Haynes-R Opportunity scholarships | |
SB 883 | Haynes-R Uunderperforming educator preparation institutions | |
SB 889 | Schiff-D Reading | |
SB 891 | Costa-D Vocational education: truck driver | |
SB 895 | Leslie-R School finance: revenue limits | |
SB 900 | Escutia-D Class Size Reduction Program: Montebello Unified | |
SB 918 | Escutia-D English language learners | |
SB 919 | Vasconcellos-D Master Plan for Service Learning | |
SB 921 | Vasconcellos-D Faculty, Counselor, and Librarian Employment Fund | |
SB 922 | Escutia-D English learners: professional development | |
SB 925 | Vasconcellos-D Child Care and Development Services | |
SB 927 | McPherson-R California Newspaper Project: State Librarian | |
SB 938 | Solis-D Alternative payment programs | |
SB 946 | Vasconcellos-D Classroom environment: pilot project | |
SB 950 | Brulte-R School finance | |
SB 958 | Karnette-D School principals: evaluations | |
SB 961 | Poochigian-R Categorical education | |
SB 965 | Leslie-R School volunteers | |
SB 967 | Perata-D Child Care Partnership Fund | |
SB 975 | Perata-D Extended School Year Pilot Program | |
SB 977 | Solis-D School district reorganization | |
SB 990 | McPherson-R California Community Colleges | |
SB 992 | Knight-R Education technology: computers | |
SB 993 | Hayden-D School facilities: contamination | |
SB 998 | O'Connell-D Charter schools | |
SB 1018 | Assembly Education Committee School facility construction: joint use | |
SB 1031 | Hughes-D Student financial aid | |
SB 1033 | Hughes-D Child health and disability prevention | |
SB 1034 | Hughes-D Compton Unified School District | |
SB 1035 | Hughes-D Special education: deaf pupils | |
SB 1037 | Hughes-D Language Equity Advisory Committees | |
SB 1039* | Johnson-R School facilities: funding | |
SB 1041 | Vasconcellos-D School nutrition | |
SB 1044 | Murray-D Earthquake emergency procedures | |
SB 1061 | Schiff-D School employees: teacher credentialing fee | |
SB 1068 | Escutia-D Year-round schools: grant program | |
SB 1074 | Senate Public Employment And Retirement Committee State Teachers' Retirement System | |
SB 1078 | Baca-D Certificated school employees | |
SB 1079 | Leslie-R School transportation | |
SB 1085 | Knight-R Donated food distribution | |
SB 1118 | Alarcon-D Schools and community colleges: governing boards | |
SB 1122 | Alarcon-D Seismic safety: schools | |
SB 1129 | Knight-R Community colleges: nonresident tuition | |
SB 1138 | Vasconcellos-D Pilot Technology Training and Dissemination Center | |
SB 1141 | Morrow-R Postsecondary education: student government fees | |
SB 1203 | Poochigian-R School and community college facilities | |
SB 1211 | Monteith-R Postsecondary education: articulation agreements | |
SB 1227 | Knight-R English language education | |
SB 1260* | Hayden-D Los Angeles Unified School District | |
SB 1262 | O'Connell-D Student financial aid | |
SB 1266 | Knight-R Selective Service Act: registration | |
SB 1268 | Senate Health And Human Services Committee California Children and Families First Commission membership | |
SB 1279 | Polanco-D Higher education labor relations | |
SB 1283 | Polanco-D Community college facilities: modernization | |
SB 1295 | Perata-D Teaching paraprofessionals | |
SB 1309* | Baca-D Teacher credentialing: emergency permits | |
SB 1311 | Baca-D Reading instruction | |
SCA 1 | O'Connell-D School facilities: bonds | |
SCA 2 | Hughes-D University of California: student eligibility | |
SCR 3 | Solis-D College Awareness Month | |
SCR 9 | Baca-D Red Ribbon Week | |
SCR 11 | Hughes-D School safety | |
SCR 13 | Hayden-D University of California: teacher training | |
SCR 20 | Chesbro-D Adult education | |
SCR 22 | Solis-D Educational Bill of Rights | |
SCR 29 | Alpert-D Joint Committee on Master Plan for Education | |
SCR 30 | Rainey-R California Library Week | |
SJR 19 | Solis-D Education: federal funding | |
SB 1X | Alpert-D Education accountability | |
SB 2X | O'Connell-D Education accountability: high school exit examination | |
AB 1* | Aanestad-R School finance: necessary small schools | |
AB 2* | Alquist-D Tax: exclusions: educational assistance | |
AB 6 | Calderon-D California Teacher Academy Program | |
AB 8* | Cardenas-D Los Angeles Community College District | |
AB 14 | Ducheny-D Higher Education Partnership Act of 2000 | |
AB 15 | Gallegos-D Schoolbuses | |
AB 20 | Lempert-D School facilities: automated fire detection | |
AB 21 | Leonard-R Schools: inspection | |
AB 25 | Mazzoni-D Pupils: age of admission | |
AB 29 | Robert Pacheco-R Class size reduction | |
AB 31 | Reyes-D Teacher training: rural area schools | |
AB 33 | Soto-D Parent/Teacher Involvement Program | |
AB 36 | Shelley-D School desegregation costs | |
AB 38 | Washington-D Educational counseling | |
AB 49* | House-R Taxes: credit: private schools | |
AB 56* | Mazzoni-D English language education | |
AB 79 | Baldwin-R Pupil expulsions | |
AB 80 | Baldwin-R Community college facilities | |
AB 81 | Cunneen-R Schools: employees: taxes: credits | |
AB 90 | Runner-R Pupils: age of admission | |
AB 91 | Hertzberg-D Public school employers: joint powers agencies | |
AB 94 | Cedillo-D California Community Colleges: Board of Governors | |
AB 95 | Cunneen-R Adult education | |
AB 101 | Steinberg-D Sacramento City Unified School District | |
AB 105 | Alquist-D Child Care and Development Services | |
AB 108 | Mazzoni-D Instructional strategies | |
AB 116 | Mazzoni-D Basic instructional materials: commercial brands | |
AB 117 | Mazzoni-D School district governing boards | |
AB 121 | Leach-R Educational resources | |
AB 122* | Kaloogian-R Taxes: credits: schools | |
AB 123 | Oller-R School finance: supplemental apportionment: snow removal | |
AB 126 | Runner-R Postsecondary education: year-round academic programs | |
AB 128* | Granlund-R Vehicles | |
AB 133 | Strom-Martin-D School districts: class size reduction | |
AB 137 | Firebaugh-D Schoolsites: hazardous materials | |
AB 144 | Migden-D Academic assessment | |
AB 148 | Thomson-D School facilities | |
AB 153 | Cunneen-R Child care and development: reimbursement | |
AB 164 | Romero-D Voter registration: university and college campuses | |
AB 166* | Washington-D School safety | |
AB 167 | Honda-D Public Employees' Retirement System | |
AB 172 | Firebaugh-D School district elections | |
AB 174 | Firebaugh-D School safety | |
AB 181* | Zettel-R Child day care: public recreation program | |
AB 192 | Scott-D California Teacher Cadet Program | |
AB 206 | Runner-R Community colleges: apportionments | |
AB 210 | Wildman-D Pupil health services | |
AB 211 | Romero-D Public employees: health: plans | |
AB 212 | Aroner-D Child care and development | |
AB 213 | Romero-D California State University: trustees | |
AB 222 | Kuehl-D Education: nondiscrimination | |
AB 246 | Cunneen-R Instruction: sex education | |
AB 252 | Scott-D Cal Grant awards: year-round college attendance | |
AB 272 | Kuehl-D Courses of study: graduation | |
AB 275 | Corbett-D School facilities | |
AB 277 | Washington-D Compton Unified School District | |
AB 280 | Zettel-R Vehicles: crimes: school grounds | |
AB 286 | McClintock-R Teacher selection and compensation | |
AB 291 | Dickerson-R School safety | |
AB 292 | Davis-D Teachers | |
AB 294 | Leonard-R Transfer Empowerment Alternatives for Children Act | |
AB 300 | Corbett-D Seismic safety: schools | |
AB 309 | Mazzoni-D Teacher credentialing: alternative certification | |
AB 311 | Honda-D State Teachers' Retirement System: board | |
AB 312* | Honda-D Community day schools | |
AB 314 | Mazzoni-D Reading comprehension: diagnosis | |
AB 318 | Lempert-D California Paraprofessional Incentive Program | |
AB 335* | Mazzoni-D Teachers' retirement: class size reduction | |
AB 344 | Knox-D Education: academic personnel files | |
AB 354 | Reyes-D School facilities | |
AB 355 | Davis-D Special education | |
AB 360 | Davis-D Pupil testing | |
AB 361 | Nakano-D School administrators | |
AB 363 | Migden-D Public Employees' Retirement Law | |
AB 378 | Steinberg-D Classified employees: rules and regulations | |
AB 383 | Cardoza-D Community colleges: salaries for academic employees | |
AB 387 | Wildman-D School facilities: site contamination | |
AB 389 | Jackson-D Community colleges: work force training | |
AB 395 | Dutra-D Special education | |
AB 401* | Strickland-R Taxes: credits: child care | |
AB 415 | Havice-D School volunteers | |
AB 420 | Wildman-D Community colleges: faculty | |
AB 422 | Steinberg-D Instructional materials: disabled students | |
AB 424 | Wildman-D Libraries: joint use | |
AB 429 | Correa-D State Teachers' Retirement System: gain-sharing revenue | |
AB 434 | Aroner-D Student aid: emancipated foster youth | |
AB 438 | Maddox-R Pupils: suspension: expulsion | |
AB 443 | Mazzoni-D Child care: family support | |
AB 449 | Maddox-R Pupils: expulsions | |
AB 454 | Havice-D Continuation school financing | |
AB 457 | Scott-D School employees: sex offense | |
AB 458 | Zettel-R Child care providers: licensing information | |
AB 466* | Mazzoni-D Teachers | |
AB 470 | Wildman-D Public works: design-build contracts | |
AB 471 | Scott-D Teacher credentialing | |
AB 475 | Ducheny-D Instructional strategies | |
AB 513 | Mazzoni-D Pupils: age of admission | |
AB 537 | Kuehl-D Discrimination | |
AB 554 | Papan-D Child care and development services | |
AB 561 | Romero-D California Child Care Health Linkages Program | |
AB 562 | Cardenas-D School facilities: funding priorities | |
AB 566 | Havice-D After School Learning and Safe Neighborhoods | |
AB 568 | Reyes-D After school program: high schools | |
AB 570 | Dickerson-R Special education: Caseload Reduction Program | |
AB 578 | Honda-D Education: teacher training | |
AB 588 | Cardenas-D Pupil expulsion | |
AB 596 | Honda-D Retirement: service credits | |
AB 598 | Soto-D Education technology | |
AB 609 | Wildman-D Special education: vision impairments | |
AB 614 | Runner-R School districts: video surveillance | |
AB 615 | Runner-R Categorical education funding | |
AB 628 | Baugh-R Class size reduction | |
AB 630 | Cardenas-D Instruction: honors courses | |
AB 631 | Migden-D Charter schools: collective bargaining | |
AB 632 | Romero-D California State University: graduate education | |
AB 636* | Migden-D School facilities | |
AB 644* | Assembly Budget Committee 1999-2000 Budget clean-up bill | |
AB 645 | Honda-D Minors: special education | |
AB 646 | Bates-R School safety: missing children | |
AB 655* | Scott-D Public postsecondary education: nursing report | |
AB 657 | Strickland-R Teachers | |
AB 658* | Washington-D School safety | |
AB 661 | Vincent-D Pupils: reporting | |
AB 666 | Romero-D Student financial assistance | |
AB 667 | Romero-D California Community Colleges: transfer policy | |
AB 684 | Honda-D State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits | |
AB 695 | Mazzoni-D School facilities: construction and modernization | |
AB 696 | Washington-D Charter schools: interdistrict program | |
AB 697 | Vincent-D School accountability | |
AB 701 | Rod Pacheco-R Instructional materials | |
AB 707 | House-R School psychologist: qualifications | |
AB 712 | Firebaugh-D CSU: disciplinary actions against employees | |
AB 718 | House-R School districts: competitive bidding | |
AB 723 | Campbell-R Teacher probationary period | |
AB 727 | Mazzoni-D Staff Development Act of 1999 | |
AB 728 | Aroner-D West Contra Costa Unified School District: loan repayment | |
AB 734 | Romero-D Community colleges: finance | |
AB 747 | Dutra-D Schoolsites: airports | |
AB 752 | Davis-D Credentialing and curriculum: dance and theatre | |
AB 768 | Torlakson-D Academic achievement | |
AB 770 | Honda-D Middle School Core Subject Teacher Support Program | |
AB 782 | Battin-R Pupil attendance: course credit | |
AB 783 | Battin-R Class size reduction: grade seven | |
AB 795 | Maldonado-R School attendance: convictions | |
AB 796 | Honda-D Pupils: educational exchange | |
AB 798 | Wildman-D Education of prisoners | |
AB 800 | Washington-D Pupil safety: firearms | |
AB 801 | Cardenas-D School finance: overcrowded schools | |
AB 810 | Thomson-D School finance: school attendance alternatives | |
AB 819 | Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits | |
AB 820 | Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee Teachers' retirement | |
AB 821 | Assembly Public Employees, Retirement And Social Security Committee Retirement | |
AB 829 | Baldwin-R Postsecondary education: student government fees | |
AB 842 | Migden-D Charter schools: laws governing | |
AB 847 | Campbell-R School impact fees | |
AB 851 | Keeley-D School health instruction | |
AB 853 | Havice-D School finance: Bellflower USD and Alameda USD | |
AB 855 | Cardenas-D Child care and development programs | |
AB 856 | Havice-D School finance: average daily attendance | |
AB 857 | Rod Pacheco-R County superintendents of schools | |
AB 861 | Campbell-R Seismic safety standards | |
AB 886* | Zettel-R Reading instruction | |
AB 897 | Alquist-D Pupil Assistance for School Success Program | |
AB 898 | Alquist-D Education technology | |
AB 899 | Alquist-D Teacher credentialing | |
AB 902 | Torlakson-D California State University: capital outlay projects | |
AB 907* | Alquist-D School finance: equalization adjustments | |
AB 908 | Alquist-D Teacher credentialing | |
AB 910 | Washington-D School library materials | |
AB 911 | Mazzoni-D Education Technology Leadership Program | |
AB 913 | Pescetti-R Criminal records | |
AB 914 | Keeley-D Postsecondary education | |
AB 916 | Davis-D Child development: parent education programs | |
AB 922 | Davis-D Class size reduction | |
AB 939 | Brewer-R School facilities deferred maintenance | |
AB 940 | Campbell-R School districts: parent volunteers | |
AB 945 | Maldonado-R Pupil health: exceptional needs | |
AB 953 | Dickerson-R Special education finance | |
AB 961 | Steinberg-D Teacher program | |
AB 967 | Ducheny-D Instructional strategies | |
AB 968 | Ducheny-D CSU: Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology | |
AB 985 | Battin-R School food sales | |
AB 1005 | Ducheny-D Education finance: adult education | |
AB 1006 | Ducheny-D School counselors | |
AB 1008 | Honda-D Instructional programs | |
AB 1011 | Dickerson-R Junction School District | |
AB 1014 | Cardoza-D School instructional gardens | |
AB 1020 | Corbett-D Special education: foster parents | |
AB 1026 | Mazzoni-D English language instruction | |
AB 1027 | Cardenas-D English language education | |
AB 1029 | Campbell-R Class size reduction | |
AB 1031 | Shelley-D Youth-to-youth peer programs | |
AB 1038 | Robert Pacheco-R School security departments | |
AB 1044 | Wright-D Student Aid Commission: delinquencies | |
AB 1046 | Firebaugh-D School health services | |
AB 1052 | Jackson-D Child Care Initiative Project | |
AB 1054 | Oller-R Special education funding: charter school transfers | |
AB 1056 | Steinberg-D Prekindergarten programs | |
AB 1059 | Ducheny-D Teachers | |
AB 1062 | Margett-R Special education | |
AB 1067 | Margett-R Teacher credentialing | |
AB 1073 | Campbell-R School finance: district budget reserve | |
AB 1087 | Calderon-D Teachers: salaries | |
AB 1088 | Honda-D School facilities: building capacity | |
AB 1089 | Correa-D School facilities | |
AB 1090 | Correa-D California Community Colleges: contract education | |
AB 1113* | Florez-D School safety | |
AB 1114* | Steinberg-D Certificated Staff Performance Incentive Act | |
AB 1115* | Strom-Martin-D Education | |
AB 1116 | Ducheny-D English Language Acquisition Program | |
AB 1117* | Calderon-D Teacher salaries | |
AB 1118* | Reyes-D Systemwide fees: Graduate Assumption Program for Loans | |
AB 1123 | Cardoza-D Distance learning | |
AB 1135 | Ashburn-R School employees: resignations | |
AB 1136 | Strom-Martin-D School facilities: pupil safety: telephones | |
AB 1137 | Strom-Martin-D Week of the School Administrator | |
AB 1154* | Torlakson-D School safety | |
AB 1174* | Frusetta-R Taxes: credit: child care | |
AB 1187 | Rod Pacheco-R State special schools | |
AB 1197 | Firebaugh-D Teacher training | |
AB 1207 | Shelley-D Healthy Schools Act of 1999 | |
AB 1212 | Thomson-D County boards of education | |
AB 1242 | Lempert-D Teacher credentialing | |
AB 1279* | Scott-D Postsecondary education: study of doctoral education | |
AB 1282 | Jackson-D Teacher credentialing | |
AB 1294 | Firebaugh-D Teachers: training and retention | |
AB 1296 | Firebaugh-D Teachers: hard to staff schools | |
AB 1305 | Maddox-R Health education | |
AB 1307 | Granlund-R School facilities: relocatable structures | |
AB 1319 | Correa-D Early Intervention for School Success Program | |
AB 1324 | Zettel-R School finance | |
AB 1325 | Lempert-D School finance | |
AB 1328 | Cardenas-D California Community College trustee areas | |
AB 1337 | Havice-D Postsecondary education: tuition exemptions: veterans | |
AB 1346 | Runner-R California Community Colleges: instructors | |
AB 1351 | Lempert-D Community colleges: temporary employees | |
AB 1363 | Davis-D School health centers | |
AB 1366* | Machado-D School violence: task force | |
AB 1372 | Reyes-D California State University: nonacademic employees | |
AB 1378 | Dutra-D Construction: pilot project: cost reduction | |
AB 1390 | Havice-D Pupils: expulsion: physical injury | |
AB 1437* | Briggs-R School attendance: state of emergency | |
AB 1451 | Thomson-D Certificated employees: teachers' salaries | |
AB 1452 | Alquist-D Law schools: unaccredited | |
AB 1475 | Soto-D Safe routes to school construction | |
AB 1485 | Granlund-R Schoolbus certificates | |
AB 1490 | Washington-D Classified school employees | |
AB 1498 | Ducheny-D Outdoor science programs | |
AB 1514 | Leach-R State basic skills proficiency test | |
AB 1516 | Florez-D School facilities improvement districts | |
AB 1529 | Baldwin-R Teacher credentialing | |
AB 1538 | Robert Pacheco-R California Master Teacher Act | |
AB 1551 | Pescetti-R School facility construction: energy efficiency | |
AB 1566 | Lowenthal-D Postsecondary education: pilot project mentoring | |
AB 1570 | Villaraigosa-D California Postsecondary Education Commission | |
AB 1573* | Strom-Martin-D Vehicles: schoolbuses | |
AB 1596 | Florez-D School facilities: task force | |
AB 1599 | Torlakson-D Labor: pupils: work permits | |
AB 1600 | Assembly Education Committee Education | |
AB 1602* | Machado-D Community college fees | |
AB 1623 | Campbell-R Vocational education | |
AB 1624 | Battin-R Postsecondary education: remedial instruction | |
AB 1627 | Machado-D School facilities: Tracy Joint Unified School District | |
AB 1633 | Assembly Veterans Affairs Committee School facilities: disabled veteran business enterprises | |
AB 1645 | Assembly Agriculture Committee Agricultural education | |
AB 1668 | Knox-D Certificated school employees: salary payment | |
AB 1690 | Kaloogian-R Basic instructional materials | |
AB 1691 | Kaloogian-R School facilities: charter schools | |
AB 1693* | Cardoza-D Migrant children: service regions | |
ACA 3 | Mazzoni-D School facilities: bonds | |
ACA 20 | Baldwin-R Schools: private school scholarships | |
ACA 23 | Torlakson-D Public library facilities: bonds | |
ACR 35 | Steinberg-D University of California: remains of Ishi | |
ACR 50 | Baugh-R Columbine High School tragedy | |
ACR 54 | Strom-Martin-D Day of the Teacher | |
ACR 61 | Alquist-D Extended Opportunity Programs and Services | |
ACR 62 | Havice-D Sober Graduation Month | |
AJR 12 | Lempert-D Special education: federal funding | |
AJR 28 | Reyes-D Education: Title I funding | |
HR 15 | Hertzberg-D Retired Teachers Week | |
AB 1X | Villaraigosa-D California Peer Assistance and Review Program for Teachers | |
AB 2X* | Mazzoni-D Education | |
AB 8X | Battin-R Class size reduction: grades seven and eight | |
AB 27X | Leach-R State basic skills proficiency test |